Programs & Examples On #Linqpad

A lightweight code scratchpad for C#/F#/VB and database querying tool that supports both SQL and LINQ. Written by Joe Albahari.

LINQ Using Max() to select a single row

You can group by status and select a row from the largest group:

table.GroupBy(r => r.Status).OrderByDescending(g => g.Key).First().First();

The first First() gets the first group (the set of rows with the largest status); the second First() gets the first row in that group.
If the status is always unqiue, you can replace the second First() with Single().


Linq to sql has no support for Count(Distinct ...). You therefore have to map a .NET method in code onto a Sql server function (thus Count(distinct.. )) and use that.

btw, it doesn't help if you post pseudo code copied from a toolkit in a format that's neither VB.NET nor C#.

How do I position a div at the bottom center of the screen

If you aren't comfortable with using negative margins, check this out.

div {
  position: fixed;
  left: 50%;
  bottom: 20px;
  transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
  margin: 0 auto;
  Your Text

Especially useful when you don't know the width of the div.

align="center" has no effect.

Since you have position:absolute, I would recommend positioning it 50% from the left and then subtracting half of its width from its left margin.

#manipulate {

iPhone Safari Web App opens links in new window

I found JavaScript solution in iWebKit framework:

var a=document.getElementsByTagName("a");
for(var i=0;i<a.length;i++)
        return false

Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog

Use Android Query library, very cool indeed.You can change it to use ProgressDialog as you see in other examples, this one will show progress view from your layout and hide it after completion.

File target = new File(new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(), "ApplicationName"), "tmp.pdf");
new AQuery(this).progress(, target, new AjaxCallback<File>() {
    public void callback(String url, File file, AjaxStatus status) {
        if (file != null) {
            // do something with file  

App crashing when trying to use RecyclerView on android 5.0

Since LinearLayoutManager is vertical by default, an easier way to do this is:

recyclerView.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(context));

If you want to change the orientation you could use this constructor:

public LinearLayoutManager(Context context, int orientation, boolean reverseLayout);

When does System.getProperty("") return "c:\temp"

Value of %TEMP% environment variable is often user-specific and Windows sets it up with regard to currently logged in user account. Some user accounts may have no user profile, for example when your process runs as a service on SYSTEM, LOCALSYSTEM or other built-in account, or is invoked by IIS application with AppPool identity with Create user profile option disabled. So even when you do not overwrite %TEMP% variable explicitly, Windows may use c:\temp or even c:\windows\temp folders for, lets say, non-usual user accounts. And what's more important, process might have no access rights to this directory!

How to convert String to long in Java?

For those who switched to Kotlin just use
That will call Long.parseLong(string) under the hood

Concatenate a list of pandas dataframes together

concat also works nicely with a list comprehension pulled using the "loc" command against an existing dataframe

df = pd.read_csv('./data.csv') # ie; Dataframe pulled from csv file with a "userID" column

review_ids = ['1','2','3'] # ie; ID values to grab from DataFrame

# Gets rows in df where IDs match in the userID column and combines them 

dfa = pd.concat([df.loc[df['userID'] == x] for x in review_ids])

Jquery bind double click and single click separately

Below is my simple approach to the issue.

JQuery function:

jQuery.fn.trackClicks = function () {
    if ($(this).attr("data-clicks") === undefined) $(this).attr("data-clicks", 0);

    var timer;
    $(this).click(function () {
        $(this).attr("data-clicks", parseInt($(this).attr("data-clicks")) + 1);

        if (timer) clearTimeout(timer);

        var item = $(this);
        timer = setTimeout(function() {
            item.attr("data-clicks", 0);
        }, 1000);


$(function () {

    $("a").click(function () {
        if ($(this).attr("data-clicks") === "2") {
            // Double clicked

Inspect the clicked element in Firefox/Chrome to see data-clicks go up and down as you click, adjust time (1000) to suit.

How to append something to an array?

concat(), of course, can be used with 2 dimensional arrays as well. No looping required.

var a = [ [1, 2], [3, 4] ];

var b = [ ["a", "b"], ["c", "d"] ];

b = b.concat(a);

alert(b[2][1]); // result 2

How to convert Javascript datetime to C# datetime?

You can also send Js time to C# with Moment.js Library :

JavaScript : var dateString = moment(new Date()).format('LLLL')

C# : DateTime.Parse(dateString);

A cycle was detected in the build path of project xxx - Build Path Problem

Maven will fail the build if it detects a cycle, as the dependencies must be a tree.

You may find that you have additional declarations in the over those defined in the pom.xml. any extra declaration could introduce a cycle that wouldn't be apparent to Maven.

How do you change Background for a Button MouseOver in WPF?

Just want to share my button style from my ResourceDictionary that i've been using. You can freely change the onHover background at the style triggers. "ColorAnimation To = *your desired BG(i.e #FFCEF7A0)". The button BG will also automatically revert to its original BG after the mouseOver state.You can even set how fast the transition.

Resource Dictionary

<Style x:Key="Flat_Button" TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
    <Setter Property="Width" Value="100"/>
    <Setter Property="Height" Value="50"/>
    <Setter Property="Margin" Value="2"/>
    <Setter Property="FontFamily" Value="Arial Narrow"/>
    <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="12px"/>
    <Setter Property="FontWeight" Value="Bold"/>
    <Setter Property="Cursor" Value="Hand"/>
    <Setter Property="Foreground">
            <SolidColorBrush Opacity="1" Color="White"/>
    <Setter Property="Background" >
            <SolidColorBrush Opacity="1" Color="#28C2FF" />
    <Setter Property="Template">
            <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type Button}">

                <Border x:Name="border"
                         Background="{TemplateBinding Background}">
                        RecognizesAccessKey="True" />



        <Trigger Property="IsMouseOver" Value="true">
                        <ColorAnimation To="#D2F898"
                                        FillBehavior="HoldEnd" Duration="0:0:0.25" AutoReverse="False" RepeatBehavior="1x"/>

                                            FillBehavior="HoldEnd" Duration="0:0:0.25" AutoReverse="False" RepeatBehavior="1x"/>



all you have to do is call the style.

Example Implementation

<Button Style="{StaticResource Flat_Button}" Height="Auto"Width="Auto">  
     <TextBlock Text="SAVE" FontFamily="Arial" FontSize="10.667"/>

Android Studio error: "Environment variable does not point to a valid JVM installation"

The answer to this question can be found here

goto the AndroidStudio installation folder.
goto bin folder and open studio.bat in text editor
add set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java2\jdk1.8.0//your java path after the ECHO line.
goto Start -> All Programmes -> Android Studio ->
right click on Android Studio and click on properties.
You will see the Target something like <installation path>android-studio\bin\studio64.exe
change it to <installation path>android-studio\bin\studio.bat

or..... even this might work

Java_Home path set to its parent folder to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_25

Java: Simplest way to get last word in a string

If other whitespace characters are possible, then you'd want:


adding multiple event listeners to one element

Unless your do_something function actually does something with any given arguments, you can just pass it as the event handler.

var first = document.getElementById('first');
first.addEventListener('touchstart', do_something, false);
first.addEventListener('click', do_something, false);

Parsing boolean values with argparse

There seems to be some confusion as to what type=bool and type='bool' might mean. Should one (or both) mean 'run the function bool(), or 'return a boolean'? As it stands type='bool' means nothing. add_argument gives a 'bool' is not callable error, same as if you used type='foobar', or type='int'.

But argparse does have registry that lets you define keywords like this. It is mostly used for action, e.g. `action='store_true'. You can see the registered keywords with:


which displays a dictionary

{'action': {None: argparse._StoreAction,
  'append': argparse._AppendAction,
  'append_const': argparse._AppendConstAction,
 'type': {None: <function argparse.identity>}}

There are lots of actions defined, but only one type, the default one, argparse.identity.

This code defines a 'bool' keyword:

def str2bool(v):
  #susendberg's function
  return v.lower() in ("yes", "true", "t", "1")
p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
p.register('type','bool',str2bool) # add type keyword to registries
p.add_argument('-b',type='bool')  # do not use 'type=bool'
# p.add_argument('-b',type=str2bool) # works just as well
p.parse_args('-b false'.split())

parser.register() is not documented, but also not hidden. For the most part the programmer does not need to know about it because type and action take function and class values. There are lots of stackoverflow examples of defining custom values for both.

In case it isn't obvious from the previous discussion, bool() does not mean 'parse a string'. From the Python documentation:

bool(x): Convert a value to a Boolean, using the standard truth testing procedure.

Contrast this with

int(x): Convert a number or string x to an integer.

How to run only one unit test class using Gradle

To run a single test class Airborn's answer is good.

With using some command line options, which found here, you can simply do something like this.

gradle test --tests org.gradle.SomeTest.someSpecificFeature
gradle test --tests *SomeTest.someSpecificFeature
gradle test --tests *SomeSpecificTest
gradle test --tests*
gradle test --tests *IntegTest
gradle test --tests *IntegTest*ui*
gradle test --tests *IntegTest.singleMethod
gradle someTestTask --tests *UiTest someOtherTestTask --tests *WebTest*ui

From version 1.10 of gradle it supports selecting tests, using a test filter. For example,

apply plugin: 'java'

test {
  filter {
    //specific test method
      includeTestsMatching "org.gradle.SomeTest.someSpecificFeature"

     //specific test method, use wildcard for packages
     includeTestsMatching "*SomeTest.someSpecificFeature"

     //specific test class
     includeTestsMatching "org.gradle.SomeTest"

     //specific test class, wildcard for packages
     includeTestsMatching "*.SomeTest"

     //all classes in package, recursively
     includeTestsMatching "com.gradle.tooling.*"

     //all integration tests, by naming convention
      includeTestsMatching "*IntegTest"

     //only ui tests from integration tests, by some naming convention
     includeTestsMatching "*IntegTest*ui"

For multi-flavor environments (a common use-case for Android), check this answer, as the --tests argument will be unsupported and you'll get an error.

How to make HTML element resizable using pure Javascript?

I really recommend using some sort of library, but you asked for it, you get it:

var p = document.querySelector('p'); // element to make resizable

p.addEventListener('click', function init() {
    p.removeEventListener('click', init, false);
    p.className = p.className + ' resizable';
    var resizer = document.createElement('div');
    resizer.className = 'resizer';
    resizer.addEventListener('mousedown', initDrag, false);
}, false);

var startX, startY, startWidth, startHeight;

function initDrag(e) {
   startX = e.clientX;
   startY = e.clientY;
   startWidth = parseInt(document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(p).width, 10);
   startHeight = parseInt(document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(p).height, 10);
   document.documentElement.addEventListener('mousemove', doDrag, false);
   document.documentElement.addEventListener('mouseup', stopDrag, false);

function doDrag(e) { = (startWidth + e.clientX - startX) + 'px'; = (startHeight + e.clientY - startY) + 'px';

function stopDrag(e) {
    document.documentElement.removeEventListener('mousemove', doDrag, false);
    document.documentElement.removeEventListener('mouseup', stopDrag, false);


Remember that this may not run in all browsers (tested only in Firefox, definitely not working in IE <9).

What do &lt; and &gt; stand for?

They're used to explicitly define less than and greater than symbols. If one wanted to type out <html> and not have it be a tag in the HTML, one would use them. An alternate way is to wrap the <code> element around code to not run into that.

They can also be used to present mathematical operators.

<!ENTITY lt      CDATA "&#60;"   -- less-than sign, U+003C ISOnum -->
<!ENTITY gt      CDATA "&#62;"   -- greater-than sign, U+003E ISOnum -->

How do I update a GitHub forked repository?

When you have cloned your forked repository, go to the directory path where your clone resides and the few lines in your Git Bash Terminal.

$ cd project-name

$ git remote add upstream
 # Adding the upstream -> the main repo with which you wanna sync

$ git remote -v # you will see the upstream here 

$ git checkout master # see if you are already on master branch

$ git fetch upstream

And there you are good to go. All updated changes in the main repository will be pushed into your fork repository.

The "fetch" command is indispensable for staying up-to-date in a project: only when performing a "git fetch" will you be informed about the changes your colleagues pushed to the remote server.

You can still visit here for further queries

SFTP file transfer using Java JSch

Below code works for me

   public static void sftpsript(String filepath) {

 try {
  String user ="demouser"; // username for remote host
  String password ="demo123"; // password of the remote host

   String host = ""; // remote host address
  JSch jsch = new JSch();
  Session session = jsch.getSession(user, host);

  ChannelSftp sftpChannel = (ChannelSftp) session.openChannel("sftp");

  sftpChannel.put("I:/demo/myOutFile.txt", "/tmp/QA_Auto/");
 }catch(Exception ex){

OR using StrictHostKeyChecking as "NO" (security consequences)

public static void sftpsript(String filepath) {

 try {
  String user ="demouser"; // username for remote host
  String password ="demo123"; // password of the remote host

   String host = ""; // remote host address
  JSch jsch = new JSch();
   Session session = jsch.getSession(user, host, 22);
   Properties config = new Properties();
   config.put("StrictHostKeyChecking", "no");
   System.out.println("user=="+user+"\n host=="+host);

  ChannelSftp sftpChannel = (ChannelSftp) session.openChannel("sftp");

  sftpChannel.put("I:/demo/myOutFile.txt", "/tmp/QA_Auto/");
 }catch(Exception ex){

Extract substring using regexp in plain bash

Quick 'n dirty, regex-free, low-robustness chop-chop technique

string="US/Central - 10:26 PM (CST)"
etime="${string% [AP]M*}"
etime="${etime#* - }"

Add padding on view programmatically

You can set padding to your view by pro grammatically throughout below code -


And, also there are different type of padding available -






These, links will refer Android Developers site. Hope this helps you lot.

Warning: mysqli_error() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given error

At first, the problem is because you did't put any parameter for mysqli_error. I can see that it has been solved based on the post here. Most probably, the next problem is cause by wrong file path for the included file.. .

Are you sure this code

$myConnection = mysqli_connect("$db_host","$db_username","$db_pass","$db_name") or die ("could not connect to mysql");

is in the 'scripts' folder and your main code file is on the same level as the script folder?

Why does the Google Play store say my Android app is incompatible with my own device?

I have experienced this problem too while developing an application for a customer that wanted to have videos offline available from their application. I have written a blogpost about why the app I worked on for months wouldn't show up in the play store for my device (post can be found here). I found the same as @Greg Hewgill found: Cache partition limitations on some devices.

The journey didn't stop for me there. The customer wanted to have these videos in the application and didn't want the quality of the video to be decreased. After some research I figured out that using expansion files was the perfect solution to our problem.

To share my knowledge with the Android community I held a talk at droidconNL 2012 about expansion files. I created a presentation and sample code to illustrate how easy it can be to start using expansion files. For any of you out there wanting to use expansion files to solve this problem feel free to check out the post containing the presentation and the sample code

MySQL: ALTER TABLE if column not exists

Use PREPARE/EXECUTE and querying the schema. The host doesn't need to have permission to create or run procedures :

SET @dbname = DATABASE();
SET @tablename = "tableName";
SET @columnname = "colName";
SET @preparedStatement = (SELECT IF(
      (table_name = @tablename)
      AND (table_schema = @dbname)
      AND (column_name = @columnname)
  ) > 0,
  "SELECT 1",
  CONCAT("ALTER TABLE ", @tablename, " ADD ", @columnname, " INT(11);")
PREPARE alterIfNotExists FROM @preparedStatement;
EXECUTE alterIfNotExists;

Email Address Validation for ASP.NET

Any script tags posted on an ASP.NET web form will cause your site to throw and unhandled exception.

You can use a asp regex validator to confirm input, just ensure you wrap your code behind method with a if(IsValid) clause in case your javascript is bypassed. If your client javascript is bypassed and script tags are posted to your form, will throw a unhandled exception.

You can use something like:

<asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="regexEmailValid" runat="server" ValidationExpression="\w+([-+.]\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*" ControlToValidate="tbEmail" ErrorMessage="Invalid Email Format"></asp:RegularExpressionValidator>

iOS 8 removed "minimal-ui" viewport property, are there other "soft fullscreen" solutions?

I want to comment/partially answer/share my thoughts. I am using the overflow-y:scroll technique for a big upcoming project of mine. Using it has two MAJOR advantages.

a) You can use a drawer with action buttons from the bottom of the screen; if the document scrolls and the bottom bar disappears, tapping on a button located at the bottom of the screen will first make the bottom bar appear, and then be clickable. Also, the way this thing works, causes trouble with modals that have buttons at the far bottom.

b) When using an overflown element, the only things that are repainted in case of major css changes are the ones in the viewable screen. This gave me a huge performance boost when using javascript to alter css of multiple elements on the fly. For example, if you have a list of 20 elements you need repainted and only two of them are on-screen in the overflown element, only those are repainted while the rest are repainted when scrolling. Without it all 20 elements are repainted.

..of course it depends on the project and if you need any of the functionality I mentioned. Google uses overflown elements for gmail to use the functionality I described on a). Imo, it's worth the while, even considering the small height in older iphones (372px as you said).

How to check if a value exists in an array in Ruby

Ruby has eleven methods to find elements in an array.

The preferred one is include? or, for repeated access, creat a Set and then call include? or member?.

Here are all of them:

array.include?(element) # preferred method
array.index(element) > 0
array.find_index(element) > 0
array.index { |each| each == element } > 0
array.find_index { |each| each == element } > 0
array.any? { |each| each == element }
array.find { |each| each == element } != nil
array.detect { |each| each == element } != nil

They all return a trueish value if the element is present.

include? is the preferred method. It uses a C-language for loop internally that breaks when an element matches the internal rb_equal_opt/rb_equal functions. It cannot get much more efficient unless you create a Set for repeated membership checks.

rb_ary_includes(VALUE ary, VALUE item)
  long i;
  VALUE e;

  for (i=0; i<RARRAY_LEN(ary); i++) {
    e = RARRAY_AREF(ary, i);
    switch (rb_equal_opt(e, item)) {
      case Qundef:
        if (rb_equal(e, item)) return Qtrue;
      case Qtrue:
        return Qtrue;
  return Qfalse;

member? is not redefined in the Array class and uses an unoptimized implementation from the Enumerable module that literally enumerates through all elements:

static VALUE
member_i(RB_BLOCK_CALL_FUNC_ARGLIST(iter, args))
  struct MEMO *memo = MEMO_CAST(args);

  if (rb_equal(rb_enum_values_pack(argc, argv), memo->v1)) {
    MEMO_V2_SET(memo, Qtrue);
  return Qnil;

static VALUE
enum_member(VALUE obj, VALUE val)
  struct MEMO *memo = MEMO_NEW(val, Qfalse, 0);

  rb_block_call(obj, id_each, 0, 0, member_i, (VALUE)memo);
  return memo->v2;

Translated to Ruby code this does about the following:

def member?(value)
  memo = [value, false, 0]
  each_with_object(memo) do |each, memo|
    if each == memo[0]
      memo[1] = true 

Both include? and member? have O(n) time complexity since the both search the array for the first occurrence of the expected value.

We can use a Set to get O(1) access time at the cost of having to create a Hash representation of the array first. If you repeatedly check membership on the same array this initial investment can pay off quickly. Set is not implemented in C but as plain Ruby class, still the O(1) access time of the underlying @hash makes this worthwhile.

Here is the implementation of the Set class:

module Enumerable
  def to_set(klass = Set, *args, &block), *args, &block)

class Set
  def initialize(enum = nil, &block) # :yields: o
    @hash ||=
    enum.nil? and return
    if block
      do_with_enum(enum) { |o| add(block[o]) }

  def merge(enum)
    if enum.instance_of?(self.class)
      do_with_enum(enum) { |o| add(o) }

  def add(o)
    @hash[o] = true

  def include?(o)
  alias member? include?


As you can see the Set class just creates an internal @hash instance, maps all objects to true and then checks membership using Hash#include? which is implemented with O(1) access time in the Hash class.

I won't discuss the other seven methods as they are all less efficient.

There are actually even more methods with O(n) complexity beyond the 11 listed above, but I decided to not list them since they scan the entire array rather than breaking at the first match.

Don't use these:

# bad examples
array.grep(element).any? { |each| each == element }.size > 0

What's the best way to cancel event propagation between nested ng-click calls?

<div ng-click="methodName(event)"></div>

IN controller use

$scope.methodName = function(event) { 

Sorting std::map using value

Flipped structure might no longer be a map but rather a multimap, thus in the flip_map example above not all elements from B will necessarily appear in the resulting data structure.

convert string into array of integers

SO...older thread, I know, but...


@RoccoMusolino had a nice catch; here's an alternative:


 const intArray = [...("5 6 7 69 foo 0".split(' ').filter(i => /\d/g.test(i)))]

WRONG: "5 6 note this foo".split(" ").map(Number).filter(Boolean); // [5, 6]

There is a subtle flaw in the more elegant solutions listed here, specifically @amillara and @Marcus' otherwise beautiful answers.

The problem occurs when an element of the string array isn't integer-like, perhaps in a case without validation on an input. For a contrived example...

The problem:

var effedIntArray = "5 6 7 69 foo".split(' ').map(Number); // [5, 6, 7, 69, NaN]

Since you obviously want a PURE int array, that's a problem. Honestly, I didn't catch this until I copy-pasted SO code into my script... :/

The (slightly-less-baller) fix:

var intArray = "5 6 7 69 foo".split(" ").map(Number).filter(Boolean); // [5, 6, 7, 69]

So, now even when you have crap int string, your output is a pure integer array. The others are really sexy in most cases, but I did want to offer my mostly rambly w'actually. It is still a one-liner though, to my credit...

Hope it saves someone time!

How can I return camelCase JSON serialized by JSON.NET from ASP.NET MVC controller methods?

Add Json NamingStrategy property to your class definition.

[JsonObject(NamingStrategyType = typeof(CamelCaseNamingStrategy))]
public class Person
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }

How do I find which program is using port 80 in Windows?

Start menu → Accessories → right click on "Command prompt". In the menu, click "Run as Administrator" (on Windows XP you can just run it as usual), run netstat -anb, and then look through output for your program.

BTW, Skype by default tries to use ports 80 and 443 for incoming connections.

You can also run netstat -anb >%USERPROFILE%\ports.txt followed by start %USERPROFILE%\ports.txt to open the port and process list in a text editor, where you can search for the information you want.

You can also use PowerShell to parse netstat output and present it in a better way (or process it any way you want):

$proc = @{};
Get-Process | ForEach-Object { $proc.Add($_.Id, $_) };
netstat -aon | Select-String "\s*([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+):([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+):([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)?\s+([^\s]+)" | ForEach-Object {
    $g = $_.Matches[0].Groups;
    New-Object PSObject |
        Add-Member @{ Protocol =           $g[1].Value  } -PassThru |
        Add-Member @{ LocalAddress =       $g[2].Value  } -PassThru |
        Add-Member @{ LocalPort =     [int]$g[3].Value  } -PassThru |
        Add-Member @{ RemoteAddress =      $g[4].Value  } -PassThru |
        Add-Member @{ RemotePort =         $g[5].Value  } -PassThru |
        Add-Member @{ State =              $g[6].Value  } -PassThru |
        Add-Member @{ PID =           [int]$g[7].Value  } -PassThru |
        Add-Member @{ Process = $proc[[int]$g[7].Value] } -PassThru;
#} | Format-Table Protocol,LocalAddress,LocalPort,RemoteAddress,RemotePort,State -GroupBy @{Name='Process';Expression={$p=$_.Process;@{$True=$p.ProcessName; $False=$p.MainModule.FileName}[$p.MainModule -eq $Null] + ' PID: ' + $p.Id}} -AutoSize
} | Sort-Object PID | Out-GridView

Also it does not require elevation to run.

Get contentEditable caret index position

window.getSelection - vs - document.selection

This one works for me:

function getCaretCharOffset(element) {_x000D_
  var caretOffset = 0;_x000D_
  if (window.getSelection) {_x000D_
    var range = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);_x000D_
    var preCaretRange = range.cloneRange();_x000D_
    preCaretRange.setEnd(range.endContainer, range.endOffset);_x000D_
    caretOffset = preCaretRange.toString().length;_x000D_
  } _x000D_
  else if (document.selection && document.selection.type != "Control") {_x000D_
    var textRange = document.selection.createRange();_x000D_
    var preCaretTextRange = document.body.createTextRange();_x000D_
    preCaretTextRange.setEndPoint("EndToEnd", textRange);_x000D_
    caretOffset = preCaretTextRange.text.length;_x000D_
  return caretOffset;_x000D_
// Demo:_x000D_
var elm = document.querySelector('[contenteditable]');_x000D_
elm.addEventListener('click', printCaretPosition)_x000D_
elm.addEventListener('keydown', printCaretPosition)_x000D_
function printCaretPosition(){_x000D_
  console.log( getCaretCharOffset(elm), 'length:', this.textContent.trim().length )_x000D_
<div contenteditable>some text here <i>italic text here</i> some other text here <b>bold text here</b> end of text</div>

The calling line depends on event type, for key event use this:

getCaretCharOffsetInDiv( + ($(window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0).startContainer.parentNode).index());

for mouse event use this:

getCaretCharOffsetInDiv( + ($(

on these two cases I take care for break lines by adding the target index

Getting data-* attribute for onclick event for an html element

I simply use this jQuery trick:


It gets the focused a element and gets the data-id attribute from it.

Convert month name to month number in SQL Server

Its quit simple, Take the first 3 digits of the month name and use this formula.


Counting words in string

There may be a more efficient way to do this, but this is what has worked for me.

function countWords(passedString){
  passedString = passedString.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/gi, '');
  passedString = passedString.replace(/\s\s+/g, ' '); 
  passedString = passedString.replace(/,/g, ' ');  
  passedString = passedString.replace(/;/g, ' ');
  passedString = passedString.replace(/\//g, ' ');  
  passedString = passedString.replace(/\\/g, ' ');  
  passedString = passedString.replace(/{/g, ' ');
  passedString = passedString.replace(/}/g, ' ');
  passedString = passedString.replace(/\n/g, ' ');  
  passedString = passedString.replace(/\./g, ' '); 
  passedString = passedString.replace(/[\{\}]/g, ' ');
  passedString = passedString.replace(/[\(\)]/g, ' ');
  passedString = passedString.replace(/[[\]]/g, ' ');
  passedString = passedString.replace(/[ ]{2,}/gi, ' ');
  var countWordsBySpaces = passedString.split(' ').length; 
  return countWordsBySpaces;


its able to recognise all of the following as separate words:

abc,abc = 2 words,
abc/abc/abc = 3 words (works with forward and backward slashes), = 2 words,
abc[abc]abc = 3 words,
abc;abc = 2 words,

(some other suggestions I've tried count each example above as only 1 x word) it also:

  • ignores all leading and trailing white spaces

  • counts a single-letter followed by a new line, as a word - which I've found some of the suggestions given on this page don't count, for example:
    sometimes gets counted as 0 x words, and other functions only count it as 1 x word, instead of 5 x words)

if anyone has any ideas on how to improve it, or cleaner / more efficient - then please add you 2 cents! Hope This Helps Someone out.

What is best way to start and stop hadoop ecosystem, with command line?

Starting (starts the namenode and the datanode) (starts the jobtracker and the tasktracker)


What is the most efficient/quickest way to loop through rows in VBA (excel)?

If you are just looping through 10k rows in column A, then dump the row into a variant array and then loop through that.

You can then either add the elements to a new array (while adding rows when needed) and using Transpose() to put the array onto your range in one move, or you can use your iterator variable to track which row you are on and add rows that way.

Dim i As Long
Dim varray As Variant

varray = Range("A2:A" & Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row).Value

For i = 1 To UBound(varray, 1)
    ' do stuff to varray(i, 1)

Here is an example of how you could add rows after evaluating each cell. This example just inserts a row after every row that has the word "foo" in column A. Not that the "+2" is added to the variable i during the insert since we are starting on A2. It would be +1 if we were starting our array with A1.

Sub test()

Dim varray As Variant
Dim i As Long

varray = Range("A2:A10").Value

'must step back or it'll be infinite loop
For i = UBound(varray, 1) To LBound(varray, 1) Step -1
    'do your logic and evaluation here
    If varray(i, 1) = "foo" Then
       'not how to offset the i variable 
       Range("A" & i + 2).EntireRow.Insert
    End If

End Sub

How to get a tab character?

I use <span style="display: inline-block; width: 2ch;">&#9;</span> for a two characters wide tab.

Print a div content using Jquery

<div id='printarea'>
    <p>This is a sample text for printing purpose.</p> 
<input type='button' id='btn' value='Print' onlick="printDiv()">
<p>Do not print.</p>

function printDiv(){
        var printContents = document.getElementById("printarea").innerHTML;
        var originalContents = document.body.innerHTML;
        document.body.innerHTML = printContents;
        document.body.innerHTML = originalContents;

This Above function should be load on same page.

jQuery UI Alert Dialog as a replacement for alert()

Building on eidylon's answer, here's a version that will not show the title bar if TitleMsg is empty:

function jqAlert(outputMsg, titleMsg, onCloseCallback) {
    if (!outputMsg) return;

    var div=$('<div></div>');
        title: titleMsg,
        resizable: false,
        modal: true,
        buttons: {
            "OK": function () {
        close: onCloseCallback
    if (!titleMsg) div.siblings('.ui-dialog-titlebar').hide();

see jsfiddle

Row was updated or deleted by another transaction (or unsaved-value mapping was incorrect)

First check your imports, when you use session, transaction it should be org.hibernate and remove @Transactinal annotation. and most important in Entity class if you have used @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.AUTO) or any other then at the time of model object creation/entity object creation should not create id. final conclusion is if you want pass id filed i.e PK then remove @GeneratedValue from entity class.

Open S3 object as a string with Boto3

read will return bytes. At least for Python 3, if you want to return a string, you have to decode using the right encoding:

import boto3

s3 = boto3.resource('s3')

obj = s3.Object(bucket, key)

How do I use the Tensorboard callback of Keras?

You wrote log_dir='/Graph' did you mean ./Graph instead? You sent it to /home/user/Graph at the moment.

RecyclerView and java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Inconsistency detected. Invalid view holder adapter positionViewHolder in Samsung devices

I had a similar problem.

Problem in error code below:

int prevSize = messageListHistory.size();
// some insert
adapter.notifyItemRangeInserted(prevSize - 1, messageListHistory.size() -1);


int prevSize = messageListHistory.size();
// some insert
adapter.notifyItemRangeInserted(prevSize, messageListHistory.size() -prevSize);

List supported SSL/TLS versions for a specific OpenSSL build

Try the following command:

openssl ciphers

This should produce a list of all of the ciphers supported in your version of openssl.

To see just a particular set of ciphers (e.g. just sslv3 ciphers) try:

openssl ciphers -ssl3

See for more info.

Take a char input from the Scanner

you just need to write this for getting value in char type.

char c =;

"Expected an indented block" error?

You have to indent the docstring after the function definition there (line 3, 4):

def print_lol(the_list):
"""this doesn't works"""
    print 'Ain't happening'


def print_lol(the_list):
    """this works!"""
    print 'Aaaand it's happening'

Or you can use # to comment instead:

def print_lol(the_list):
#this works, too!
    print 'Hohoho'

Also, you can see PEP 257 about docstrings.

Hope this helps!

How to fix JSP compiler warning: one JAR was scanned for TLDs yet contained no TLDs?

Uncomment this line (in /conf/

org.apache.jasper.compiler.TldLocationsCache.level = FINE

Work's for me in tomcat 7.0.53!

how can I check if a file exists?

For anyone who is looking a way to watch a specific file to exist in VBS:

Function bIsFileDownloaded(strPath, timeout)
  Dim FSO, fileIsDownloaded
  set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  fileIsDownloaded = false
  limit = DateAdd("s", timeout, Now)
  Do While Now < limit
    If FSO.FileExists(strPath) Then : fileIsDownloaded = True : Exit Do : End If
    WScript.Sleep 1000      
  Set FSO = Nothing
  bIsFileDownloaded = fileIsDownloaded
End Function


FileName = "C:\test.txt"
fileIsDownloaded = bIsFileDownloaded(FileName, 5) ' keep watching for 5 seconds

If fileIsDownloaded Then
  WScript.Echo Now & " File is Downloaded: " & FileName
  WScript.Echo Now & " Timeout, file not found: " & FileName 
End If

Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)

this post helped did it for me, I'll rewrite the steps here (note: i'll be also writing the output of your commands.. just so that you know you're on track)

first stop the server if running:

[root@servert1 ~]# /etc/init.d/mysqld stop
Stopping MySQL: [ OK ]

run an sql dameon on a separate thread

[root@servert1 ~]# mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &    
[1] 13694    
[root@servert1 ~]# Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql

open a separate shell window and type

[root@servert1 ~]# mysql -u root

Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.

Your MySQL connection id is 1

Server version: 5.0.77 Source distribution

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

start using mysql

mysql> use mysql; 

Reading table information for completion of table and column names

You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed

update the user table manually with your new password (note: feel free to type mysql> show tables; just to get a perspective on where you are)

NOTE: from MySQL 5.7 passwords are in the authenication_string table, so the command is update user set authentication_string=password('testpass') where user='root';

mysql> update user set password=PASSWORD("testpass") where User='root';

Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.05 sec)

Rows matched: 3 Changed: 3 Warnings: 0

flush privileges (i'm not sure what this privileges is all about.. but it works)

mysql> flush privileges; 

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.04 sec)


mysql> quit


stop the server

NOTE: on OS X or macOS, mysql.server is located at /usr/local/mysql/support-files/.

mysql.server stop

Shutting down MySQL
.130421 09:27:02 mysqld_safe mysqld from pid file /usr/local/var/mysql/ ended
[2]-  Done                    mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables

kill the other shell window that has the dameon running (just to make sure)

now you are good to go! try it:

[root@servert1 ~]#  mysql -u root -p
Enter password: 
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 3
Server version: 5.6.10 Source distribution

Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.



How to save/restore serializable object to/from file?

1. Restore Object From File

From Here you can deserialize an object from file in two way.

Solution-1: Read file into a string and deserialize JSON to a type

string json = File.ReadAllText(@"c:\myObj.json");
MyObject myObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MyObject>(json);

Solution-2: Deserialize JSON directly from a file

using (StreamReader file = File.OpenText(@"c:\myObj.json"))
    JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer();
    MyObject myObj2 = (MyObject)serializer.Deserialize(file, typeof(MyObject));

2. Save Object To File

from here you can serialize an object to file in two way.

Solution-1: Serialize JSON to a string and then write string to a file

string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(myObj);
File.WriteAllText(@"c:\myObj.json", json);

Solution-2: Serialize JSON directly to a file

using (StreamWriter file = File.CreateText(@"c:\myObj.json"))
    JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer();
    serializer.Serialize(file, myObj);

3. Extra

You can download Newtonsoft.Json from NuGet by following command

Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json

what does it mean "(include_path='.:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php')"?

Solution to the problem

as mentioned by Uberfuzzy [ real cause of problem ]

If you look at the PHP constant [PATH_SEPARATOR][1], you will see it being ":" for you.

If you break apart your string ".:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php" using that character, you will get 3 parts

  • . (this means the current directory your code is in)
  • /usr/share/pear
  • /usr/share/ph

Any attempts to include()/require() things, will look in these directories, in this order.

It is showing you that in the error message to let you know where it could NOT find the file you were trying to require()

That was the cause of error.

Now coming to solution

  1. Step 1 : Find you php.ini file using command php --ini ( in my case : /etc/php5/cli/php.ini )
  2. Step 2 : find include_path in vi using esc then press /include_path then enter
  3. Step 3 : uncomment that line if commented and include your server directory, your path should look like this include_path = ".:/usr/share/php:/var/www/<directory>/"
  4. Step 4 : Restart apache sudo service apache2 restart

This is it. Hope it helps.

How do you get AngularJS to bind to the title attribute of an A tag?

Sometimes it is not desirable to use interpolation on title attribute or on any other attributes as for that matter, because they get parsed before the interpolation takes place. So:

<!-- dont do this -->
<!-- <a title="{{product.shortDesc}}" ...> -->

If an attribute with a binding is prefixed with the ngAttr prefix (denormalized as ng-attr-) then during the binding will be applied to the corresponding unprefixed attribute. This allows you to bind to attributes that would otherwise be eagerly processed by browsers. The attribute will be set only when the binding is done. The prefix is then removed:

<!-- do this -->
<a ng-attr-title="{{product.shortDesc}}" ...>

(Ensure that you are not using a very earlier version of Angular). Here's a demo fiddle using v1.2.2:


Quickly reading very large tables as dataframes

I am reading data very quickly using the new arrow package. It appears to be in a fairly early stage.

Specifically, I am using the parquet columnar format. This converts back to a data.frame in R, but you can get even deeper speedups if you do not. This format is convenient as it can be used from Python as well.

My main use case for this is on a fairly restrained RShiny server. For these reasons, I prefer to keep data attached to the Apps (i.e., out of SQL), and therefore require small file size as well as speed.

This linked article provides benchmarking and a good overview. I have quoted some interesting points below.

File Size

That is, the Parquet file is half as big as even the gzipped CSV. One of the reasons that the Parquet file is so small is because of dictionary-encoding (also called “dictionary compression”). Dictionary compression can yield substantially better compression than using a general purpose bytes compressor like LZ4 or ZSTD (which are used in the FST format). Parquet was designed to produce very small files that are fast to read.

Read Speed

When controlling by output type (e.g. comparing all R data.frame outputs with each other) we see the the performance of Parquet, Feather, and FST falls within a relatively small margin of each other. The same is true of the pandas.DataFrame outputs. data.table::fread is impressively competitive with the 1.5 GB file size but lags the others on the 2.5 GB CSV.

Independent Test

I performed some independent benchmarking on a simulated dataset of 1,000,000 rows. Basically I shuffled a bunch of things around to attempt to challenge the compression. Also I added a short text field of random words and two simulated factors.



n <- 1000000

some_levels1 <- sapply(1:10, function(x) paste(LETTERS[sample(1:26, size = sample(3:8, 1), replace = TRUE)], collapse = ""))
some_levels2 <- sapply(1:65, function(x) paste(LETTERS[sample(1:26, size = sample(5:16, 1), replace = TRUE)], collapse = ""))

test_data <- mtcars %>%
  rownames_to_column() %>%
  sample_n(n, replace = TRUE) %>%
  mutate_all(~ sample(., length(.))) %>%
  mutate(factor1 = sample(some_levels1, n, replace = TRUE),
         factor2 = sample(some_levels2, n, replace = TRUE),
         text = randomSentences(n, sample(3:8, n, replace = TRUE))

Read and Write

Writing the data is easy.


write_parquet(test_data , "test_data.parquet")

# you can also mess with the compression
write_parquet(test_data, "test_data2.parquet", compress = "gzip", compression_level = 9)

Reading the data is also easy.


# this option will result in lightning fast reads, but in a different format.
read_parquet("test_data2.parquet", as_data_frame = FALSE)

I tested reading this data against a few of the competing options, and did get slightly different results than with the article above, which is expected.


This file is nowhere near as large as the benchmark article, so maybe that is the difference.


  • rds: test_data.rds (20.3 MB)
  • parquet2_native: (14.9 MB with higher compression and as_data_frame = FALSE)
  • parquet2: test_data2.parquet (14.9 MB with higher compression)
  • parquet: test_data.parquet (40.7 MB)
  • fst2: test_data2.fst (27.9 MB with higher compression)
  • fst: test_data.fst (76.8 MB)
  • fread2: test_data.csv.gz (23.6MB)
  • fread: test_data.csv (98.7MB)
  • feather_arrow: test_data.feather (157.2 MB read with arrow)
  • feather: test_data.feather (157.2 MB read with feather)


For this particular file, fread is actually very fast. I like the small file size from the highly compressed parquet2 test. I may invest the time to work with the native data format rather than a data.frame if I really need the speed up.

Here fst is also a great choice. I would either use the highly compressed fst format or the highly compressed parquet depending on if I needed the speed or file size trade off.

Download files from SFTP with SSH.NET library

This solves the problem on my end.

var files = sftp.ListDirectory(remoteVendorDirectory).Where(f => !f.IsDirectory);

foreach (var file in files)
    var filename = $"{LocalDirectory}/{file.Name}";
    if (!File.Exists(filename))
        Console.WriteLine("Downloading  " + file.FullName);
        var localFile = File.OpenWrite(filename);
        sftp.DownloadFile(file.FullName, localFile);

Windows batch - concatenate multiple text files into one

Try this:

@echo off
set yyyy=%date:~6,4%
set mm=%date:~3,2%
set dd=%date:~0,2%

set /p temp= "Enter the name of text file: "
FOR /F "tokens=* delims=" %%x in (texto1.txt, texto2.txt, texto3.txt) DO echo %%x >> day_%temp%.txt

This code ask you to set the name of the file after "day_" where you can input the date. If you want to name your file like the actual date you can do this:

FOR /F "tokens=* delims=" %%x in (texto1.txt, texto2.txt, texto3.txt) DO echo %%x >> day_%yyyy%-%mm%-%dd%.txt

Change column type in pandas

When I've only needed to specify specific columns, and I want to be explicit, I've used (per DOCS LOCATION):

dataframe = dataframe.astype({'col_name_1':'int','col_name_2':'float64', etc. ...})

So, using the original question, but providing column names to it ...

a = [['a', '1.2', '4.2'], ['b', '70', '0.03'], ['x', '5', '0']]
df = pd.DataFrame(a, columns=['col_name_1', 'col_name_2', 'col_name_3'])
df = df.astype({'col_name_2':'float64', 'col_name_3':'float64'})

Create a circular button in BS3

Use font-awesome stacked icons (alternative to bootstrap badges). Here are more examples:

 .no-border {_x000D_
        border: none;_x000D_
        background-color: white;_x000D_
        outline: none;_x000D_
        cursor: pointer;_x000D_
.color-no-focus {_x000D_
        color: grey;_x000D_
  .hover:hover {_x000D_
        color: blue;_x000D_
 .white {_x000D_
        color: white;_x000D_
<button type="button" (click)="doSomething()" _x000D_
class="hover color-no-focus no-border fa-stack fa-lg">_x000D_
<i class="color-focus fa fa-circle fa-stack-2x"></i>_x000D_
<span class="white fa-stack-1x">1</span>_x000D_
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>

javascript: pause setTimeout();

I don't think you'll find anything better than clearTimeout. Anyway, you can always schedule another timeout later, instead 'resuming' it.

How to check if spark dataframe is empty?

I had the same question, and I tested 3 main solution :

  1. (df != null) && (df.count > 0)
  2. df.head(1).isEmpty() as @hulin003 suggest
  3. df.rdd.isEmpty() as @Justin Pihony suggest

and of course the 3 works, however in term of perfermance, here is what I found, when executing the these methods on the same DF in my machine, in terme of execution time :

  1. it takes ~9366ms
  2. it takes ~5607ms
  3. it takes ~1921ms

therefore I think that the best solution is df.rdd.isEmpty() as @Justin Pihony suggest

How to set Java SDK path in AndroidStudio?

This problem arises due to incompatible JDK version. Download and install latest JDK(currently its 8) from java official site in case you are using previous versions. Then in Android Studio go to File->Project Structure->SDK location -> JDK location and set it to 'C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121' (Default location of JDK). Gradle sync your project and you are all set...

Parsing JSON in Spring MVC using Jackson JSON

I'm using json lib from

import net.sf.json.JSONObject;

public void send()
    //put attributes
    Map m = New HashMap();
    m.put("send_to","[email protected]");
    m.put("email_subject","this is a test email");
    m.put("email_content","test email content");

    //generate JSON Object
    JSONObject json = JSONObject.fromObject(content);
    String message = json.toString();

public void receive(String jsonMessage)
    //parse attributes
    JSONObject json = JSONObject.fromObject(jsonMessage);
    String to = (String) json.get("send_to");
    String title = (String) json.get("email_subject");
    String content = (String) json.get("email_content");

More samples here

How to know Laravel version and where is it defined?

You can also check with composer:

composer show laravel/framework

Laravel 5.5 ajax call 419 (unknown status)

This is similar to Kannan's answer. However, this fixes an issue where the token should not be sent to cross-domain sites. This will only set the header if it is a local request.


<meta name="csrf-token" content="{{ csrf_token() }}">


    beforeSend: function(xhr, type) {
        if (!type.crossDomain) {
            xhr.setRequestHeader('X-CSRF-Token', $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content'));

Use CSS to automatically add 'required field' asterisk to form inputs

input[required], select[required] {
    background-image: url('/img/star.png');
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position-x: right;

Image has some 20px space on the right not to overlap with select dropdown arrow

enter image description here

And it looks like this: enter image description here

Model Binding to a List MVC 4

A clean solution could be create a generic class to handle the list, so you don't need to create a different class each time you need it.

public class ListModel<T>
    public List<T> Items { get; set; }

    public ListModel(List<T> list) {
        Items = list;

and when you return the View you just need to simply do:

List<customClass> ListOfCustomClass = new List<customClass>();
//Do as needed...
return View(new ListModel<customClass>(ListOfCustomClass));

then define the list in the model:

@model ListModel<customClass>

and ready to go:

@foreach(var element in Model.Items) {
  //do as needed...

Javascript can't find element by id?

Script is called before element exists.

You should try one of the following:

  1. wrap code into a function and use a body onload event to call it.
  2. put script at the end of document
  3. use defer attribute into script tag declaration

How to link C++ program with Boost using CMake

Here is my take:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15)

project(TryOuts LANGUAGES CXX)

find_package(Boost QUIET REQUIRED COMPONENTS program_options)

if(NOT Boost_FOUND)
    message(FATAL_ERROR "Boost Not found")

add_executable(helloworld main.cpp)

target_link_libraries(helloworld PUBLIC Boost::program_options)

Git On Custom SSH Port

Above answers are nice and great, but not clear for new git users like me. So after some investigation, i offer this new answer.

1 what's the problem with the ssh config file way?

When the config file does not exists, you can create one. Besides port the config file can include other ssh config option:user IdentityFile and so on, the config file looks like

    User git
    Port 12345

If you are running linux, take care the config file must have strict permission: read/write for the user, and not accessible by others

2 what about the ssh url way?

It's cool, the only thing we should know is that there two syntaxes for ssh url in git

  • standard syntax ssh://[user@]host.xz[:port]/path/to/repo.git/
  • scp like syntax [user@]host.xz:path/to/repo.git/

By default Gitlab and Github will show the scp like syntax url, and we can not give the custom ssh port. So in order to change ssh port, we need use the standard syntax

How to add data into ManyToMany field?

There's a whole page of the Django documentation devoted to this, well indexed from the contents page.

As that page states, you need to do:




Execution sequence of Group By, Having and Where clause in SQL Server?

ORDER BY Read error: ssl=0x9524b800: I/O error during system call, Connection reset by peer

Android Supports SSL implementation by default except for Android N (API level 24) and below Android 5.1 (API level 22)
I was getting the error when making the API call below API level 22 devices after implementing SSL at the server side; that was while creating OkHttpClient client object, and fixed by adding connectionSpecs() method OkHttpClient.Builder class.

the error received was

response failure: SSL handshake aborted: ssl=0xb8882c00: I/O error during system call, Connection reset by peer

so I fixed this by added the check like

            // Do something for below api level 22
            List<ConnectionSpec> specsList = getSpecsBelowLollipopMR1(okb);
            if (specsList != null) {

Also for the Android N (API level 24); I was getting the error while making the HTTP call like

HTTP FAILED: Handshake failed

and this is fixed by adding the check for Android 7 particularly, like

if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT == Build.VERSION_CODES.N){
            // Do something for naugat ; 7

So my final OkHttpClient object will be like:

         OkHttpClient client
         HttpLoggingInterceptor httpLoggingInterceptor2 = new

         OkHttpClient.Builder okb = new OkHttpClient.Builder()
               .addInterceptor(new Interceptor() {
                     public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
                         Request request = chain.request();
                         Request request2 = request.newBuilder().addHeader(AUTH_KEYWORD, AUTH_TYPE_JW + " " + password).build();
                         return chain.proceed(request2);
                 }).connectTimeout(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
                 .writeTimeout(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
                 .readTimeout(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

         if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT == Build.VERSION_CODES.N){
             // Do something for naugat ; 7

             List<ConnectionSpec> specsList = getSpecsBelowLollipopMR1(okb);
             if (specsList != null) {

         //init client
         client =;

getSpecsBelowLollipopMR1 function be like,

   private List<ConnectionSpec> getSpecsBelowLollipopMR1(OkHttpClient.Builder okb) {

        try {

            SSLContext sc = SSLContext.getInstance("TLSv1.2");
            sc.init(null, null, null);
            okb.sslSocketFactory(new Tls12SocketFactory(sc.getSocketFactory()));

            ConnectionSpec cs = new ConnectionSpec.Builder(ConnectionSpec.MODERN_TLS)

            List<ConnectionSpec> specs = new ArrayList<>();

            return specs;

        } catch (Exception exc) {
            Timber.e("OkHttpTLSCompat Error while setting TLS 1.2"+ exc);

            return null;

The Tls12SocketFactory class will be found in below link (comment by gotev):

For more support adding some links below this will help you in detail,

D/OkHttp: <-- HTTP FAILED: SSL handshake aborted: ssl=0x64e3c938: I/O error during system call, Connection reset by peer

Mocking member variables of a class using Mockito

This is not possible if you can't change your code. But I like dependency injection and Mockito supports it:

public class First {    
    Second second;

    public First() {
        second = new Second();

    public String doSecond() {
        return second.doSecond();

Your test:

public class YourTest {
   Second second;

   First first = new First();

   public void testFirst(){
      when(second.doSecond()).thenReturn("Stubbed Second");
      assertEquals("Stubbed Second", first.doSecond());

This is very nice and easy.

Vue v-on:click does not work on component

From the documentation:

Due to limitations in JavaScript, Vue cannot detect the following changes to an array:

  1. When you directly set an item with the index, e.g. vm.items[indexOfItem] = newValue
  2. When you modify the length of the array, e.g. vm.items.length = newLength

In my case i stumbled on this problem when migrating from Angular to VUE. Fix was quite easy, but really difficult to find:

setValue(index) {
    Vue.set(this.arr, index, !this.arr[index]);
    this.$forceUpdate(); // Needed to force view rerendering

Way to *ngFor loop defined number of times instead of repeating over array?

Within your component, you can define an array of number (ES6) as described below:

export class SampleComponent {
  constructor() {
    this.numbers = Array(5).fill(0).map((x,i)=>i);

See this link for the array creation: Tersest way to create an array of integers from 1..20 in JavaScript.

You can then iterate over this array with ngFor:

  template: `
      <li *ngFor="let number of numbers">{{number}}</li>
export class SampleComponent {

Or shortly:

  template: `
      <li *ngFor="let number of [0,1,2,3,4]">{{number}}</li>
export class SampleComponent {

Hope it helps you, Thierry

Edit: Fixed the fill statement and template syntax.

Microsoft Web API: How do you do a Server.MapPath?

Since Server.MapPath() does not exist within a Web Api (Soap or REST), you'll need to denote the local- relative to the web server's context- home directory. The easiest way to do so is with:

string AppContext.BaseDirectory { get;}

You can then use this to concatenate a path string to map the relative path to any file.
NOTE: string paths are \ and not / like they are in mvc.



returns true- positing that this is a sound path in your example

Extract substring from a string

You can use subSequence , it's same as substr in C

 Str.subSequence(int Start , int End)

Check if object exists in JavaScript

Think it's easiest like this

    alert('it exists');
   alert("what the hell you'll talking about");

javax.faces.application.ViewExpiredException: View could not be restored

Avoid multipart forms in Richfaces:

<h:form enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <a4j:poll id="poll" interval="10000"/>

If you are using Richfaces, i have found that ajax requests inside of multipart forms return a new View ID on each request.

How to debug:

On each ajax request a View ID is returned, that is fine as long as the View ID is always the same. If you get a new View ID on each request, then there is a problem and must be fixed.

How to recursively find and list the latest modified files in a directory with subdirectories and times

To find all files whose file status was last changed N minutes ago:

find -cmin -N

For example:

find -cmin -5

How to Automatically Close Alerts using Twitter Bootstrap

With each of the solutions above I continued to lose re-usability of the alert. My solution was as follows:

On page load


Once the alert needed to be displayed

 window.setTimeout(function () {
     $("#success-alert").slideUp(500, function () {
 }, 5000);

Note that fadeTo sets the opacity to 0, so the display was none and the opacity was 0 which is why I removed from my solution.

How to read a text file?

It depends on what you are trying to do.

file, err := os.Open("file.txt")

The reason it outputs &{0xc082016240}, is because you are printing the pointer value of a file-descriptor (*os.File), not file-content. To obtain file-content, you may READ from a file-descriptor.

To read all file content(in bytes) to memory, ioutil.ReadAll

package main

import (

func main() {
    file, err := os.Open("file.txt")
    if err != nil {
    defer func() {
        if err = f.Close(); err != nil {

  b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(file)

But sometimes, if the file size is big, it might be more memory-efficient to just read in chunks: buffer-size, hence you could use the implementation of io.Reader.Read from *os.File

func main() {
    file, err := os.Open("file.txt")
    if err != nil {
    defer func() {
        if err = f.Close(); err != nil {

    buf := make([]byte, 32*1024) // define your buffer size here.

    for {
        n, err := file.Read(buf)

        if n > 0 {
            fmt.Print(buf[:n]) // your read buffer.

        if err == io.EOF {
        if err != nil {
            log.Printf("read %d bytes: %v", n, err)


Otherwise, you could also use the standard util package: bufio, try Scanner. A Scanner reads your file in tokens: separator.

By default, scanner advances the token by newline (of course you can customise how scanner should tokenise your file, learn from here the bufio test).

package main

import (

func main() {
    file, err := os.Open("file.txt")
    if err != nil {
    defer func() {
        if err = f.Close(); err != nil {

    scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)

    for scanner.Scan() {             // internally, it advances token based on sperator
        fmt.Println(scanner.Text())  // token in unicode-char
        fmt.Println(scanner.Bytes()) // token in bytes


Lastly, I would also like to reference you to this awesome site: go-lang file cheatsheet. It encompassed pretty much everything related to working with files in go-lang, hope you'll find it useful.

Task.Run with Parameter(s)?

Just use Task.Run

var task = Task.Run(() =>
    //this will already share scope with rawData, no need to use a placeholder

Or, if you would like to use it in a method and await the task later

public Task<T> SomethingAsync<T>()
    var task = Task.Run(() =>
        //presumably do something which takes a few ms here
        //this will share scope with any passed parameters in the method
        return default(T);

    return task;

HTML5 and frameborder

style="border:none; scrolling:no; frameborder:0;  marginheight:0; marginwidth:0; "

how to set start value as "0" in chartjs?

If you need use it as a default configuration, just place min: 0 inside the node defaults.scale.ticks, as follows:

defaults: {
  global: {...},
  scale: {
    ticks: { min: 0 },


.m2 , settings.xml in Ubuntu

.m2 directory on linux box usually would be $HOME/.m2

you could get the $HOME :

echo $HOME

or simply:

cd <enter>

to go to your home directory.

other information from maven site:

Writing handler for UIAlertAction

Instead of self in your handler, put (alert: UIAlertAction!). This should make your code look like this

    alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Okay",
                          style: UIAlertActionStyle.Default,
                        handler: {(alert: UIAlertAction!) in println("Foo")}))

this is the proper way to define handlers in Swift.

As Brian pointed out below, there are also easier ways to define these handlers. Using his methods is discussed in the book, look at the section titled Closures

How to install a specific version of a package with pip?

Use ==:

pip install django_modeltranslation==0.4.0-beta2

Can not deserialize instance of java.lang.String out of START_OBJECT token

Data content is so variable, I think the best form is to define it as "ObjectNode" and next create his own class to parse:


private ObjectNode data;

PHP Warning: PHP Startup: ????????: Unable to initialize module

If you installed php with homebrew, then check if your apache2.conf file is using homebrew version of file.

Using Lato fonts in my css (@font-face)

Well, you're missing the letter 'd' in url("~/fonts/Lato-Bol.ttf"); - but assuming that's not it, I would open up your page with developer tools in Chrome and make sure there's no errors loading any of the files (you would probably see an issue in the JavaScript console, or you can check the Network tab and see if anything is red).

(I don't see anything obviously wrong with the code you have posted above)

Other things to check: 1) Are you including your CSS file in your html above the lines where you are trying to use the font-family style? 2) What do you see in the CSS panel in the developer tools for that div? Is font-family: lato crossed out?

How do I check if the user is pressing a key?

In java you don't check if a key is pressed, instead you listen to KeyEvents. The right way to achieve your goal is to register a KeyEventDispatcher, and implement it to maintain the state of the desired key:

import java.awt.KeyEventDispatcher;
import java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;

public class IsKeyPressed {
    private static volatile boolean wPressed = false;
    public static boolean isWPressed() {
        synchronized (IsKeyPressed.class) {
            return wPressed;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().addKeyEventDispatcher(new KeyEventDispatcher() {

            public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent ke) {
                synchronized (IsKeyPressed.class) {
                    switch (ke.getID()) {
                    case KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED:
                        if (ke.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_W) {
                            wPressed = true;

                    case KeyEvent.KEY_RELEASED:
                        if (ke.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_W) {
                            wPressed = false;
                    return false;

Then you can always use:

if (IsKeyPressed.isWPressed()) {
    // do your thing.

You can, of course, use same method to implement isPressing("<some key>") with a map of keys and their state wrapped inside IsKeyPressed.

How to draw in JPanel? (Swing/graphics Java)

Variation of the code by Bijaya Bidari that is accepted by Java 8 without warnings in regard with overridable method calls in constructor:

public class Graph extends JFrame {
    JPanel jp;

    public Graph() {
        super("Simple Drawing");
        super.setSize(300, 300);

        jp = new GPanel();

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Graph g1 = new Graph();

    class GPanel extends JPanel {
        public GPanel() {
            super.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 300));

        public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
            //rectangle originated at 10,10 and end at 240,240
            g.drawRect(10, 10, 240, 240);
                    //filled Rectangle with rounded corners.    
            g.fillRoundRect(50, 50, 100, 100, 80, 80);

What is the use of reads from the standard input.

The standard input can be used to get input from user in a console environment but, as such user interface has no editing facilities, the interactive use of standard input is restricted to courses that teach programming.

Most production use of standard input is in programs designed to work inside Unix command-line pipelines. In such programs the payload that the program is processing is coming from the standard input and the program's result gets written to the standard output. In that case the standard input is never written directly by the user, it is the redirected output of another program or the contents of a file.

A typical pipeline looks like this:

# list files and directories ordered by increasing size
du -s * | sort -n

sort reads its data from the standard input, which is in fact the output of the du command. The sorted data is written to the standard output of sort, which ends up on the console by default, and can be easily redirected to a file or to another command.

As such, the standard input is comparatively rarely used in Java.

How do I convert a file path to a URL in ASP.NET

For get the left part of the URL:


For get the application (web) name:


With this, you are available to add your relative path after that obtaining the complete URL.

Call a function from another file?

First of all you do not need a .py.

If you have a file and inside you have some functions:

def b():
  # Something
  return 1

def c():
  # Something
  return 2

And you want to import them in you have to write

from a import b, c

jQuery: Count number of list elements?

I think this should do it:

var ct = $('#mylist').children().size(); 

Append data frames together in a for loop

For me, it worked very simply. At first, I made an empty data.frame, then in each iteration I added one column to it. Here is my code:

df <- data.frame(modelForOneIteration)
for(i in 1:10){
  model <- # some processing
  df[,i] = model



Dim webClient As New System.Net.WebClient
Dim result As String = webClient.DownloadString("")

In C#:

System.Net.WebClient webClient = new System.Net.WebClient();
string result = webClient.DownloadString("");

How to read an external properties file in Maven

This answer to a similar question describes how to extend the properties plugin so it can use a remote descriptor for the properties file. The descriptor is basically a jar artifact containing a properties file (the properties file is included under src/main/resources).

The descriptor is added as a dependency to the extended properties plugin so it is on the plugin's classpath. The plugin will search the classpath for the properties file, read the file''s contents into a Properties instance, and apply those properties to the project's configuration so they can be used elsewhere.

Using JsonConvert.DeserializeObject to deserialize Json to a C# POCO class

Another, and more streamlined, approach to deserializing a camel-cased JSON string to a pascal-cased POCO object is to use the CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver.

It's part of the Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization namespace. This approach assumes that the only difference between the JSON object and the POCO lies in the casing of the property names. If the property names are spelled differently, then you'll need to resort to using JsonProperty attributes to map property names.

using Newtonsoft.Json; 
using Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization;

. . .

private User LoadUserFromJson(string response) 
    JsonSerializerSettings serSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings();
    serSettings.ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver();
    User outObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<User>(jsonValue, serSettings);

    return outObject; 

Register DLL file on Windows Server 2008 R2

That's the error you get when the DLL itself requires another COM server to be registered first or has a dependency on another DLL that's not available. The Regsvr32.exe tool does very little, it calls LoadLibrary() to load the DLL that's passed in the command line argument. Then GetProcAddress() to find the DllRegisterServer() entry point in the DLL. And calls it to leave it up to the COM server to register itself.

What that code does is fairly unguessable. The diagnostic you got is however pretty self-evident from the error code, for some reason this COM server needs another one to be registered first. The error message is crappy, it doesn't tell you what other server it needs. A sad side-effect of the way COM error handling works.

To troubleshoot this, use SysInternals' ProcMon tool. It shows you what registry keys Regsvr32.exe (actually: the COM server) is opening to find the server. Look for accesses to the CLSID key. That gives you a hint what {guid} it is looking for. That still doesn't quite tell you the server DLL, you should compare the trace with one you get from a machine that works. The InprocServer32 key has the DLL path.

Passing parameter using onclick or a click binding with KnockoutJS

I know this is an old question, but here is my contribution. Instead of all these tricks, you can just simply wrap a function inside another function. Like I have done here:

<div data-bind="click: function(){ f('hello parameter'); }">Click me once</div>
<div data-bind="click: function(){ f('no no parameter'); }">Click me twice</div>

var VM = function(){
   this.f = function(param){
ko.applyBindings(new VM());

And here is the fiddle

Apply Calibri (Body) font to text

There is no such font as “Calibri (Body)”. You probably saw this string in Microsoft Word font selection menu, but it’s not a font name (see e.g. the explanation Font: +body (in W07)).

So use just font-family: Calibri or, better, font-family: Calibri, sans-serif. (There is no adequate backup font for Calibri, but the odds are that when Calibri is not available, the browser’s default sans-serif font suits your design better than the browser’s default font, which is most often a serif font.)

Displaying the build date

You could use a project post-build event to write a text file to your target directory with the current datetime. You could then read the value at run-time. It's a little hacky, but it should work.

How do I get the difference between two Dates in JavaScript?

See JsFiddle DEMO

    var date1 = new Date();    
    var date2 = new Date("2025/07/30 21:59:00");
    //Customise date2 for your required future time


function showDiff(date1, date2){

    var diff = (date2 - date1)/1000;
    diff = Math.abs(Math.floor(diff));

    var days = Math.floor(diff/(24*60*60));
    var leftSec = diff - days * 24*60*60;

    var hrs = Math.floor(leftSec/(60*60));
    var leftSec = leftSec - hrs * 60*60;

    var min = Math.floor(leftSec/(60));
    var leftSec = leftSec - min * 60;

    document.getElementById("showTime").innerHTML = "You have " + days + " days " + hrs + " hours " + min + " minutes and " + leftSec + " seconds before death.";


for your HTML Code:

<div id="showTime"></div>

How can I trigger another job from a jenkins pipeline (jenkinsfile) with GitHub Org Plugin?

First of all, it is a waste of an executor slot to wrap the build step in node. Your upstream executor will just be sitting idle for no reason.

Second, from a multibranch project, you can use the environment variable BRANCH_NAME to make logic conditional on the current branch.

Third, the job parameter takes an absolute or relative job name. If you give a name without any path qualification, that would refer to another job in the same folder, which in the case of a multibranch project would mean another branch of the same repository.

Thus what you meant to write is probably

if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'master') {
    build '../other-repo/master'

Using an HTML button to call a JavaScript function

Just so you know, the semicolon(;) is not supposed to be there in the button when you call the function.

So it should just look like this: onclick="CapacityChart()"

then it all should work :)


Right-Click on your project -> Properties -> Deployment Assembly.

On the Left-hand panel Click 'Add' and add the 'Project and External Dependencies'.

'Project and External Dependencies' will have all the spring related jars deployed along with your application

Open the terminal in visual studio?

Not sure if this will help, but I usually pull the command prompt up by going into "Synchronization" tab in Team Explorer and clicking on "Actions"

When the command prompt opens it is in the directory of the project.

How to extract the year from a Python datetime object?

import datetime
a =

or even (as Lennart suggested)

a =

or even

a =

Android Webview gives net::ERR_CACHE_MISS message

I ran to a similar problem and that was just because of the extra spaces:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET "/>

which when removed works fine:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>

3-dimensional array in numpy

As much as people like to say "order doesn't matter its just convention" this breaks down when entering cross domain interfaces, IE transfer from C ordering to Fortran ordering or some other ordering scheme. There, precisely how your data is layed out and how shape is represented in numpy is very important.

By default, numpy uses C ordering, which means contiguous elements in memory are the elements stored in rows. You can also do FORTRAN ordering ("F"), this instead orders elements based on columns, indexing contiguous elements.

Numpy's shape further has its own order in which it displays the shape. In numpy, shape is largest stride first, ie, in a 3d vector, it would be the least contiguous dimension, Z, or pages, 3rd dim etc... So when executing:


you will get


which is actually (frames, rows, columns). doing np.zeros((2,2,3,4)).shape instead would mean (metaframs, frames, rows, columns). This makes more sense when you think of creating multidimensional arrays in C like langauges. For C++, creating a non contiguously defined 4D array results in an array [ of arrays [ of arrays [ of elements ]]]. This forces you to de reference the first array that holds all the other arrays (4th dimension) then the same all the way down (3rd, 2nd, 1st) resulting in syntax like:

double element = array4d[w][z][y][x];

In fortran, this indexed ordering is reversed (x is instead first array4d[x][y][z][w]), most contiguous to least contiguous and in matlab, it gets all weird.

Matlab tried to preserve both mathematical default ordering (row, column) but also use column major internally for libraries, and not follow C convention of dimensional ordering. In matlab, you order this way:

double element = array4d[y][x][z][w];

which deifies all convention and creates weird situations where you are sometimes indexing as if row ordered and sometimes column ordered (such as with matrix creation).

In reality, Matlab is the unintuitive one, not Numpy.

How to dump only specific tables from MySQL?

If you're in local machine then use this command

/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqldump -h127.0.0.1 --port = 3306 -u [username] -p [password] --databases [db_name] --tables [tablename] > /to/path/tablename.sql;

For remote machine, use below one

/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqldump -h [remoteip] --port = 3306 -u [username] -p [password] --databases [db_name] --tables [tablename] > /to/path/tablename.sql;

Class method decorator with self arguments?

Yes. Instead of passing in the instance attribute at class definition time, check it at runtime:

def check_authorization(f):
    def wrapper(*args):
        print args[0].url
        return f(*args)
    return wrapper

class Client(object):
    def __init__(self, url):
        self.url = url

    def get(self):
        print 'get'

>>> Client('').get()

The decorator intercepts the method arguments; the first argument is the instance, so it reads the attribute off of that. You can pass in the attribute name as a string to the decorator and use getattr if you don't want to hardcode the attribute name:

def check_authorization(attribute):
    def _check_authorization(f):
        def wrapper(self, *args):
            print getattr(self, attribute)
            return f(self, *args)
        return wrapper
    return _check_authorization

How do you make a div follow as you scroll?

the position:fixed; property should do the work, I used it on my Website and it worked fine.

The ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint

When you define a Foreign Key in table B referencing the Primary Key of table A it means that when a value is in B, it must be in A. This is to prevent unconsistent modifications to the tables.

In your example, your tables contain:

tblDomare with PRIMARY KEY (PersNR):

PersNR     |fNamn     |eNamn      |Erfarenhet
6811034679 |'Bengt'   |'Carlberg' |10
7606091347 |'Josefin' |'Backman'  |4
8508284163 |'Johanna' |'Backman'  |1



This statement:


says that any line in tblDomare with key PersNR must have a correspondence in table tblBana on key BanNR. Your error is because you have lines inserted in tblDomare with no correspondence in tblBana.

2 solutions to fix your issue:

  • either add lines in tblBana with BanNR in (6811034679, 7606091347, 8508284163)
  • or remove all lines in tblDomare that have no correspondence in tblBana (but your table would be empty)

General advice: you should have the Foreign Key constraint before populating the tables. Foreign keys are here to prevent the user of the table from filling the tables with inconsistencies.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected [

Are you using php 5.4 on your local? the render line is using the new way of initializing arrays. Try replacing ["title" => "Welcome "] with array("title" => "Welcome ")

Log.INFO vs. Log.DEBUG

Also remember that all info(), error(), and debug() logging calls provide internal documentation within any application.

How do I create a file at a specific path?

It will be created once you close the file (with or without writing). Use os.path.join() to create your path eg

filepath = os.path.join("c:\\","")

Redirect from a view to another view

It's because your statement does not produce output.

Besides all the warnings of Darin and lazy (they are right); the question still offerst something to learn.

If you want to execute methods that don't directly produce output, you do:

@{ Response.Redirect("~/Account/LogIn?returnUrl=Products");}

This is also true for rendering partials like:

@{ Html.RenderPartial("_MyPartial"); }


Hai sridhar, I found an answer for your prob

ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(GetType(), "sas", "<script> alert('Inserted successfully');</script>", true);

change false to true

or try this

ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(ursavebuttonID, typeof(LinkButton or button), "sas", "<script> alert('Inserted successfully');</script>", true);

How to convert PDF files to images

I used PDFiumSharp and ImageSharp in a .NET Standard 2.1 class library.

/// <summary>
/// Saves a thumbnail (jpg) to the same folder as the PDF file, using dimensions 300x423,
/// which corresponds to the aspect ratio of 'A' paper sizes like A4 (ratio h/w=sqrt(2))
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pdfPath">Source path of the pdf file.</param>
/// <param name="thumbnailPath">Target path of the thumbnail file.</param>
/// <param name="width"></param>
/// <param name="height"></param>
public static void SaveThumbnail(string pdfPath, string thumbnailPath = "", int width = 300, int height = 423)
    using var pdfDocument = new PdfDocument(pdfPath);
    var firstPage = pdfDocument.Pages[0];

    using var pageBitmap = new PDFiumBitmap(width, height, true);


    var imageJpgPath = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(thumbnailPath)
        ? Path.ChangeExtension(pdfPath, "jpg")
        : thumbnailPath;
    var image = Image.Load(pageBitmap.AsBmpStream());

    // Set the background to white, otherwise it's black.
    image.Mutate(x => x.BackgroundColor(Rgba32.White));

    image.Save(imageJpgPath, new JpegEncoder());

Virtual/pure virtual explained

  • Virtual functions must have a definition in base class and also in derived class but not necessary, for example ToString() or toString() function is a Virtual so you can provide your own implementation by overriding it in user-defined class(es).

  • Virtual functions are declared and defined in normal class.

  • Pure virtual function must be declared ending with "= 0" and it can only be declared in abstract class.

  • An abstract class having a pure virtual function(s) cannot have a definition(s) of that pure virtual functions, so it implies that implementation must be provided in class(es) that derived from that abstract class.

how to check redis instance version?

There are two commands, which you can use to check the version of redis

    redis-server -v


    redis-server --version

How to avoid reverse engineering of an APK file?

 1. How can I completely avoid reverse engineering of an Android APK? Is this possible?


 2. How can I protect all the app's resources, assets and source code so that hackers can't hack the APK file in any way?


 3. Is there a way to make hacking more tough or even impossible? What more can I do to protect the source code in my APK file?

More tough - possible, but in fact it will be more tough mostly for the average user, who is just googling for hacking guides. If somebody really wants to hack your app - it will be hacked, sooner or later.

How to check if a line is blank using regex

Full credit to bchr02 for this answer. However, I had to modify it a bit to catch the scenario for lines that have */ (end of comment) followed by an empty line. The regex was matching the non empty line with */.

New: (^(\r\n|\n|\r)$)|(^(\r\n|\n|\r))|^\s*$/gm

All I did is add ^ as second character to signify the start of line.

How to add an extra source directory for maven to compile and include in the build jar?

You can add the directories for your build process like:


The src/main/java is the default path which is not needed to be mentioned in the pom.xml

plot legends without border and with white background

Use option bty = "n" in legend to remove the box around the legend. For example:

legend(1, 5,
       "This legend text should not be disturbed by the dotted grey lines,\nbut the plotted dots should still be visible",
       bty = "n")

Android Studio is slow (how to speed up)?

I have tried to measure speed of Android Studio 3.1.4 on the same hardware: Macbook Pro 2011, RAM 4Gb, SSD 240GB Samsung, Core i5 2.4Ghz. I have installed on this machine 3 different OS: Windows 10, MacOS Hight Sierra 10.13, Ubuntu 18.04. Avarage build time (running command: gradlew clean build, gradlew clean assembleRelease) on MacOS/Ubuntu was around 30% faster than on Windows.

On my another working machine: Core i5 3.0 Ghz 7400, RAM 16Gb, SSD 250Gb. Build time takes 4.34min on Windows 10 machine. The same project on a little bit slower processor, but with the same RAM and SSD and it is running Ubuntu 16.04 build time takes two times faster!! Well I was shocked with results, but still I choose Windows as development machine, because it's much more comfortable for me to use comfortable and usable keyboard and sotfware than on Unix like systems. And even if I had to choose between MacOS and Ubuntu - mac is really much easier to setup everything, and Ubuntu is too complex to use for usual people. Choise is up to you.

Using multiple .cpp files in c++ program?

You should have header files (.h) that contain the function's declaration, then a corresponding .cpp file that contains the definition. You then include the header file everywhere you need it. Note that the .cpp file that contains the definitions also needs to include (it's corresponding) header file.

// main.cpp
#include "second.h"
int main () {

// second.h
void secondFunction();

// second.cpp
#include "second.h"
void secondFunction() {
   // do stuff

CSS set li indent

Also try:

ul {
  list-style-position: inside;

Limiting Python input strings to certain characters and lengths

We can use assert here.

def _input(inp_str:str):
        assert len(inp_str)<=15,print('More than 15 characters present')
        assert all('a'<=i<='z' for i in inp_str),print('Characters other than "a"-"z" are found')
        return inp_str
    except Exception as e:

_input('abc d')
#Characters other than "a"-"z" are found
#More than 15 characters present

How do I create a readable diff of two spreadsheets using git diff?

I've done a lot of comparing of Excel workbooks in the past. My technique works very well for workbooks with many worksheets, but it only compares cell contents, not cell formatting, macros, etc. Also, there's some coding involved but it's well worth it if you have to compare a lot of large files repeatedly. Here's how it works:

A) Write a simple dump program that steps through all worksheets and saves all data to tab-separated files. Create one file per worksheet (use the worksheet name as the filename, e.g. "MyWorksheet.tsv"), and create a new folder for these files each time you run the program. Name the folder after the excel filename and add a timestamp, e.g. "20080922-065412-MyExcelFile". I did this in Java using a library called JExcelAPI. It's really quite easy.

B) Add a Windows shell extension to run your new Java program from step A when right-clicking on an Excel file. This makes it very easy to run this program. You need to Google how to do this, but it's as easy as writing a *.reg file.

C) Get BeyondCompare. It has a very cool feature to compare delimited data by showing it in a nice table, see screenshot.

D) You're now ready to compare Excel files with ease. Right-click on Excel file 1 and run your dump program. It will create a folder with one file per worksheet. Right-click on Excel file 2 and run your dump program. It will create a second folder with one file per worksheet. Now use BeyondCompare (BC) to compare the folders. Each file represents a worksheet, so if there are differences in a worksheet BC will show this and you can drill down and do a file comparison. BC will show the comparison in a nice table layout, and you can hide rows and columns you're not interested in.

How can I exclude one word with grep?

If your grep supports Perl regular expression with -P option you can do (if bash; if tcsh you'll need to escape the !):

grep -P '(?!.*unwanted_word)keyword' file


$ cat file

Let us now list all foo except foo3

$ grep -P '(?!.*foo3)foo' file

popup form using html/javascript/css

Here is a resource you can edit and use Download Source Code or see live demo here

Add a Button or link to your page like this

<p><a href="#inline">click to open</a></p>

“#inline” here should be the “id” of the that will contain the form.

<div id="inline">
 <h2>Send us a Message</h2>
 <form id="contact" name="contact" action="#" method="post">
 <label for="email">Your E-mail</label>
 <input type="email" id="email" name="email" class="txt">
 <label for="msg">Enter a Message</label>
 <textarea id="msg" name="msg" class="txtarea"></textarea>
<button id="send">Send E-mail</button>

Include these script to listen of the event of click. If you have an action defined in your form you can use “preventDefault()” method

<script type="text/javascript">
 $(document).ready(function() {
$("#contact").submit(function() { return false; });
$("#send").on("click", function(){
var emailval = $("#email").val();
var msgval = $("#msg").val();
var msglen = msgval.length;
var mailvalid = validateEmail(emailval);
if(mailvalid == false) {
else if(mailvalid == true){

 if(msglen < 4) {
 else if(msglen >= 4){

 if(mailvalid == true && msglen >= 4) {
 // if both validate we attempt to send the e-mail
 // first we hide the submit btn so the user doesnt click twice
 //This will post it to the php page
 type: 'POST',
 url: 'sendmessage.php',
 data: $("#contact").serialize(),
 success: function(data) {
 if(data == "true") {
 $("#contact").fadeOut("fast", function(){
//Display a message on successful posting for 1 sec
 $(this).before("<p><strong>Success! Your feedback has been sent, thanks :)</strong></p>");
 setTimeout("$.fancybox.close()", 1000);

You can add anything you want to do in your PHP file.

What are invalid characters in XML

This is a C# code to remove the XML invalid characters from a string and return a new valid string.

public static string CleanInvalidXmlChars(string text) 
    // From xml spec valid chars: 
    // #x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#x10FFFF]     
    // any Unicode character, excluding the surrogate blocks, FFFE, and FFFF. 
    string re = @"[^\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFD\u10000-\u10FFFF]"; 
    return Regex.Replace(text, re, ""); 

Node.js server that accepts POST requests

Receive POST and GET request in nodejs :


    var http = require('http');
    var server = http.createServer ( function(request,response){

    if(request.method == "GET")
            response.end("received GET request.")
    else if(request.method == "POST")
            response.end("received POST request.");
            response.end("Undefined request .");

console.log("Server running on port 8000");

2). Client :

var http = require('http');

var option = {
    hostname : "localhost" ,
    port : 8000 ,
    method : "POST",
    path : "/"

    var request = http.request(option , function(resp){

How to break nested loops in JavaScript?

In my opinion, it's important to keep your construct vocabulary to a minimum. If I can do away with breaks and continues easily, I do so.

function foo ()
    var found = false;
    for(var k = 0; (k < 4 && !found); k++){
        for(var m = 0; (m < 4 && !found); m++){
           if( m === 2){
               found = true;
    return found;

Be warned, after the loop, m and k are one larger that you might think. This is because m++ and k++ are executed before their loop conditions. However, it's still better than 'dirty' breaks.

EDIT: long comment @Dennis...

I wasn't being 100% serious about being 'dirty', but I still think that 'break' contravenes my own conception of clean code. The thought of having multi-level breaks actually makes me feel like taking a shower.

I find justifying what I mean about a feeling about code because I have coded all life. The best why I can think of it is is a combination of manners and grammar. Breaks just aren't polite. Multi level breaks are just plain rude.

When looking at a for statement, a reader knows exactly where to look. Everything you need to know about the rules of engagement are in the contract, in between the parenthesis. As a reader, breaks insult me, it feels like I've been cheated upon.

Clarity is much more respectful than cheating.

Refused to display 'url' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'SAMEORIGIN'

You cannot display a lot of websites inside an iFrame. Reason being that they send an "X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN" response header. This option prevents the browser from displaying iFrames that are not hosted on the same domain as the parent page. This is a security feature to prevent click-jacking. Some details at How to show in an iframe?

This could be of some help :

How to Query an NTP Server using C#?

Since the old accepted answer got deleted (It was a link to a Google code search results that no longer exist), I figured I could answer this question for future reference :

public static DateTime GetNetworkTime()
    //default Windows time server
    const string ntpServer = "";

    // NTP message size - 16 bytes of the digest (RFC 2030)
    var ntpData = new byte[48];

    //Setting the Leap Indicator, Version Number and Mode values
    ntpData[0] = 0x1B; //LI = 0 (no warning), VN = 3 (IPv4 only), Mode = 3 (Client Mode)

    var addresses = Dns.GetHostEntry(ntpServer).AddressList;

    //The UDP port number assigned to NTP is 123
    var ipEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(addresses[0], 123);
    //NTP uses UDP

    using(var socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp))

        //Stops code hang if NTP is blocked
        socket.ReceiveTimeout = 3000;     


    //Offset to get to the "Transmit Timestamp" field (time at which the reply 
    //departed the server for the client, in 64-bit timestamp format."
    const byte serverReplyTime = 40;

    //Get the seconds part
    ulong intPart = BitConverter.ToUInt32(ntpData, serverReplyTime);

    //Get the seconds fraction
    ulong fractPart = BitConverter.ToUInt32(ntpData, serverReplyTime + 4);

    //Convert From big-endian to little-endian
    intPart = SwapEndianness(intPart);
    fractPart = SwapEndianness(fractPart);

    var milliseconds = (intPart * 1000) + ((fractPart * 1000) / 0x100000000L);

    //**UTC** time
    var networkDateTime = (new DateTime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)).AddMilliseconds((long)milliseconds);

    return networkDateTime.ToLocalTime();

static uint SwapEndianness(ulong x)
    return (uint) (((x & 0x000000ff) << 24) +
                   ((x & 0x0000ff00) << 8) +
                   ((x & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) +
                   ((x & 0xff000000) >> 24));

Note: You will have to add the following namespaces

using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;

Using jquery to delete all elements with a given id

if you want to remove all elements with matching ID parts, for example:

<span id='myID_123'>
<span id='myID_456'>
<span id='myID_789'>

try this:


don't forget the '*' - this will remove them all at once - cheers

Working Demo

How to get base url with jquery or javascript?


almost same as Jenish answer but a little shorter.

Syntax of for-loop in SQL Server

Extra Info

Just to add as no-one has posted an answer that includes how to actually iterate though a dataset inside a loop, you can use the keywords OFFSET FETCH.


SELECT @count=  Count(*) FROM {TABLE}

WHILE @i <= @count

    OFFSET @i ROWS   

    SET @i = @i + 1;


how to access the command line for xampp on windows

Xampp has the php application under: C:\xampp\php file directory ... if you input C:\xampp\php\php in CMD it should enter the php application.

Static variables in C++

Static variable in a header file:

say 'common.h' has

static int zzz;

This variable 'zzz' has internal linkage (This same variable can not be accessed in other translation units). Each translation unit which includes 'common.h' has it's own unique object of name 'zzz'.

Static variable in a class:

Static variable in a class is not a part of the subobject of the class. There is only one copy of a static data member shared by all the objects of the class.

$9.4.2/6 - "Static data members of a class in namespace scope have external linkage (3.5).A local class shall not have static data members."

So let's say 'myclass.h' has

struct myclass{
   static int zzz;        // this is only a declaration

and myclass.cpp has

#include "myclass.h"

int myclass::zzz = 0           // this is a definition, 
                               // should be done once and only once

and "hisclass.cpp" has

#include "myclass.h"

void f(){myclass::zzz = 2;}    // myclass::zzz is always the same in any 
                               // translation unit

and "ourclass.cpp" has

#include "myclass.h"
void g(){myclass::zzz = 2;}    // myclass::zzz is always the same in any 
                               // translation unit

So, class static members are not limited to only 2 translation units. They need to be defined only once in any one of the translation units.

Note: usage of 'static' to declare file scope variable is deprecated and unnamed namespace is a superior alternate

Rails 3 execute custom sql query without a model

You could also use find_by_sql

# A simple SQL query spanning multiple tables
Post.find_by_sql "SELECT p.title, FROM posts p, comments c WHERE = c.post_id"
> [#<Post:0x36bff9c @attributes={"title"=>"Ruby Meetup", "first_name"=>"Quentin"}>, ...]

How do I sort strings alphabetically while accounting for value when a string is numeric?

Value is a string

List = List.OrderBy(c => c.Value.Length).ThenBy(c => c.Value).ToList();


How to programmatically turn off WiFi on Android device?

You need the following permissions in your manifest file:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE"></uses-permission>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE"></uses-permission>

Then you can use the following in your activity class:

WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager) this.getApplicationContext().getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE); 

Use the following to check if it's enabled or not

boolean wifiEnabled = wifiManager.isWifiEnabled()

You'll find a nice tutorial on the subject on this site.

how to set ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT to be considered for publishing an core application?

Other option that we use in our projects in order to be able to set the environment per-site is to add a Parameters.xml file to the project with the following content:

      <parameter name="IIS Web Application Name" defaultValue="MyApp" tags="IisApp" />    
      <parameter name="Environment" description="Environment" tags="">
        <parameterEntry kind="XmlFile" scope="Web.config"  match="/configuration/location/system.webServer/aspNetCore/environmentVariables/environmentVariable[@name='ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT']/@value" />

The Build Action for this file is Content and the Copy Action is Copy If Newer so it will be part of the package to deploy.

Then, to deploy the package and set the environment, in the Release, under the "WinRM - IIS Web App Deployment" task (it works just as well when using the "IIS web app deploy" task), we set additional arguments for msdeploy:

-setParam:kind=ProviderPath,scope=contentPath,value="MySite" -setParam:name="Environment",value="Stage"

This way we can have multiple releases, all using the same artifact, but deployed as different environments.

Sorting an IList in C#

In VS2008, when I click on the service reference and select "Configure Service Reference", there is an option to choose how the client de-serializes lists returned from the service.

Notably, I can choose between System.Array, System.Collections.ArrayList and System.Collections.Generic.List

Why can't I enter a string in Scanner(, when calling nextLine()-method?

Scanner's buffer full when we take a input string through scan.nextLine(); so it skips the input next time . So solution is that we can create a new object of Scanner , the name of the object can be same as previous object......

Select max value of each group

select * from (select * from table order by value desc limit 999999999) v group by

No provider for Router?

Babar Bilal's answer likely worked perfectly for earlier Angular 2 alpha/beta releases. However, anyone solving this problem with Angular release v4+ may want to try the following change to his answer instead (wrapping the single route in the required array):

RouterModule.forRoot([{ path: "", component: LoginComponent}])

How to get multiple selected values of select box in php?

foreach ($_POST["select2"] as $selectedOption)
    echo $selectedOption."\n";  

How to get table cells evenly spaced?

Make a surrounding div-tag, and set for it display: grid in its style attribute.

<div style='display: grid; 
            text-align: center;
            background-color: antiquewhite'

The text-align property is set only to show, that the text in the regular table cells are affected by it, even though it is set on the surrounding div. The same with the background-color but it is hard to say which element actually holds the background-color.

Where is the Microsoft.IdentityModel dll

I had a similar problem. I got an exception "Type is not resolved for member 'Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.ClaimsPrincipal, Microsoft.IdentityModel, Version =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = 31bf3856ad364e35'.".

I tried to run the ASP.NET application from Visual Studio, which was a reference to a local copy of Microsoft.IdentityModel.dll.

I did not want to install the SDK and I had to copy the library to the directory "C: \ Program Files \ Common Files \ Microsoft Shared \ DevServer \ 10.0" and restart Visual Studio.

Generating a random hex color code with PHP

This is how i do it.

<?php echo 'rgba('.rand(0,255).', '.rand(0,255).', '.rand(0,255).', 0.73)'; ?>

height: calc(100%) not working correctly in CSS

All the parent elements in the hierarchy should have height 100%. Just give max-height:100% to the element and max-height:calc(100% - 90px) to the immediate parent element.

It worked for me on IE also.

body {
    height: 100%

parent-element {
    max-height: calc(100% - 90px);

element {

The Rendering in IE fails due to failure of Calc when the window is resized or data loaded in DOM. But this method mentioned above worked for me even in IE.

What's the best/easiest GUI Library for Ruby?

If you are interested, RubyLearning offers a course on FXRuby and Shoes. Actually, the Shoes course is being conducted currently.

Probably the easiest is Shoes. As an assistant teacher at RubyLearning, I hope that we will have better courses for learners.

Some people got stuck in installing FXRuby. But Shoes has an installer for any platforms (Windows, Mac and Linux).

Script parameters in Bash

If you're not completely attached to using "from" and "to" as your option names, it's fairly easy to implement this using getopts:

while getopts f:t: opts; do
   case ${opts} in
      f) FROM_VAL=${OPTARG} ;;
      t) TO_VAL=${OPTARG} ;;

getopts is a program that processes command line arguments and conveniently parses them for you.

f:t: specifies that you're expecting 2 parameters that contain values (indicated by the colon). Something like f:t:v says that -v will only be interpreted as a flag.

opts is where the current parameter is stored. The case statement is where you will process this.

${OPTARG} contains the value following the parameter. ${FROM_VAL} for example will get the value /home/kristoffer/test.png if you ran your script like: -f /home/kristoffer/test.png -t /home/kristoffer/test.txt

As the others are suggesting, if this is your first time writing bash scripts you should really read up on some basics. This was just a quick tutorial on how getopts works.

Get the current cell in Excel VB

Have you tried:

For one cell:


For multiple selected cells:


For example:

Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Range(Selection.Address)

Plot logarithmic axes with matplotlib in python

So if you are simply using the unsophisticated API, like I often am (I use it in ipython a lot), then this is simply


Hope this helps someone looking for a simple answer! :).

Python "expected an indented block"

Your for loop has no loop body:

elif option == 2:
    print "please enter a number"
    for x in range(x, 1, 1):
elif option == 0:

Actually, the whole if option == 1: block has indentation problems. elif option == 2: should be at the same level as the if statement.

Asynchronous shell exec in PHP

You can also run the PHP script as daemon or cronjob: #!/usr/bin/php -q

How to remove carriage returns and new lines in Postgresql?

OP asked specifically about regexes since it would appear there's concern for a number of other characters as well as newlines, but for those just wanting strip out newlines, you don't even need to go to a regex. You can simply do:

select replace(field,E'\n','');

I think this is an SQL-standard behavior, so it should extend back to all but perhaps the very earliest versions of Postgres. The above tested fine for me in 9.4 and 9.2

Read entire file in Scala?

One more:

Various ways to slurp a file without loading the contents into memory:

val bytes  : Iterator[Byte]            = file.bytes
val chars  : Iterator[Char]            = file.chars
val lines  : Iterator[String]          = file.lines
val source :   = file.content 

You can supply your own codec too for anything that does a read/write (it assumes if you don't provide one):

val content: String = file.contentAsString  // default codec
// custom codec:
file.write("hello world")(codec = "US-ASCII")

ant warning: "'includeantruntime' was not set"

Ant Runtime

Simply set includeantruntime="false":

<javac includeantruntime="false" ...>...</javac>

If you have to use the javac-task multiple times you might want to consider using PreSetDef to define your own javac-task that always sets includeantruntime="false".

Additional Details


That's caused by a misfeature introduced in Ant 1.8. Just add an attribute of that name to the javac task, set it to false, and forget it ever happened.


Whether to include the Ant run-time libraries in the classpath; defaults to yes, unless build.sysclasspath is set. It is usually best to set this to false so the script's behavior is not sensitive to the environment in which it is run.

How to display Woocommerce product price by ID number on a custom page?

If you have the product's ID you can use that to create a product object:

$_product = wc_get_product( $product_id );

Then from the object you can run any of WooCommerce's product methods.


Please review the Codex article on how to write your own shortcode.

Integrating the WooCommerce product data might look something like this:

function so_30165014_price_shortcode_callback( $atts ) {
    $atts = shortcode_atts( array(
        'id' => null,
    ), $atts, 'bartag' );

    $html = '';

    if( intval( $atts['id'] ) > 0 && function_exists( 'wc_get_product' ) ){
         $_product = wc_get_product( $atts['id'] );
         $html = "price = " . $_product->get_price();
    return $html;
add_shortcode( 'woocommerce_price', 'so_30165014_price_shortcode_callback' );

Your shortcode would then look like [woocommerce_price id="99"]

In VBA get rid of the case sensitivity when comparing words?

You can convert both the values to lower case and compare.

Here is an example:

If LCase(Range("J6").Value) = LCase("Tawi") Then
   Range("J6").Value = "Tawi-Tawi"
End If

utf-8 special characters not displaying

The problem is because your file are not with the same encoding. First run the following command in all your files:

file -i filename.* 

In order to fix the problem you have to change all your files to uft-8. You can do it with the command iconv:

iconv -f fromcode -t tocode filename > newfilename


iconv -f iso-8859-1 -t utf-8 index.html > fixed/index.html

After this you can run file -i fixedx/index.html and you will see that your file is now in uft-8

How do I set the version information for an existing .exe, .dll?

You can actually try downloading FVIE from Download Link and try editing the information for any .exe file.


You can download StampVer – Win32 Version Resource Stamping from Download Link which is really usefull for windows .exe files.


You could use a command tool called RCEDIT. Download from Github Source link and then build using Visual Studio 2015 and then you have specific commands to change the version of .exe files. See Docs link for various available commands.

How to run a cronjob every X minutes?

# .---------------- minute (0 - 59)
# |  .------------- hour (0 - 23)
# |  |  .---------- day of month (1 - 31)
# |  |  |  .------- month (1 - 12) OR jan,feb,mar,apr ...
# |  |  |  |  .---- day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday=0 or 7) OR sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
# |  |  |  |  |
# *  *  *  *  * user-name  command to be executed

To set for x minutes we need to set x minutes in the 1st argument and then the path of your script

For 15 mins

*/15 * * * *  /usr/bin/php / > /dev/null 2>&1

How to create a List with a dynamic object type

Just use dynamic as the argument:

var list = new List<dynamic>();

Changing specific text's color using NSMutableAttributedString in Swift

Chris' answer was a great help to me, so I used his approach and turned into a func that I can reuse. This let's me assign a color to a substring while giving the rest of the string another color.

static func createAttributedString(fullString: String, fullStringColor: UIColor, subString: String, subStringColor: UIColor) -> NSMutableAttributedString
    let range = (fullString as NSString).rangeOfString(subString)
    let attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string:fullString)
    attributedString.addAttribute(NSForegroundColorAttributeName, value: fullStringColor, range: NSRange(location: 0, length: fullString.characters.count))
    attributedString.addAttribute(NSForegroundColorAttributeName, value: subStringColor, range: range)
    return attributedString

How to catch SQLServer timeout exceptions

Whats the value for the SqlException.ErrorCode property? Can you work with that?

When having timeouts, it may be worth checking the code for -2146232060.

I would set this up as a static const in your data code.

Convert float to std::string in C++

If you're worried about performance, check out the Boost::lexical_cast library.

Symbol for any number of any characters in regex?

Do you mean


. any character, except newline character, with dotall mode it includes also the newline characters

* any amount of the preceding expression, including 0 times

Get DOS path instead of Windows path

A someone more direct answer is to fix the bug.

%SPARK_HOME%\bin\spark-class2.cmd; Line 54
Broken: set RUNNER="%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java"
Windows Style: set "RUNNER=%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java"

Otherwise, the RUNNER ends up with quotes, and the command "%RUNNER%" -Xmx128m ... ends up with double-quotes. The result is that the Program and File are treated as separate parameters.

How does Task<int> become an int?

No requires converting the Task to int. Simply Use The Task Result.

int taskResult = AccessTheWebAndDouble().Result;

public async Task<int> AccessTheWebAndDouble()
    int task = AccessTheWeb();
    return task;

It will return the value if available otherwise it return 0.

Int to Char in C#

Although not exactly answering the question as formulated, but if you need or can take the end result as string you can also use

string s = Char.ConvertFromUtf32(56);

which will give you surrogate UTF-16 pairs if needed, protecting you if you are out side of the BMP.

Why is "1000000000000000 in range(1000000000000001)" so fast in Python 3?

If you're wondering why this optimization was added to range.__contains__, and why it wasn't added to xrange.__contains__ in 2.7:

First, as Ashwini Chaudhary discovered, issue 1766304 was opened explicitly to optimize [x]range.__contains__. A patch for this was accepted and checked in for 3.2, but not backported to 2.7 because "xrange has behaved like this for such a long time that I don't see what it buys us to commit the patch this late." (2.7 was nearly out at that point.)


Originally, xrange was a not-quite-sequence object. As the 3.1 docs say:

Range objects have very little behavior: they only support indexing, iteration, and the len function.

This wasn't quite true; an xrange object actually supported a few other things that come automatically with indexing and len,* including __contains__ (via linear search). But nobody thought it was worth making them full sequences at the time.

Then, as part of implementing the Abstract Base Classes PEP, it was important to figure out which builtin types should be marked as implementing which ABCs, and xrange/range claimed to implement collections.Sequence, even though it still only handled the same "very little behavior". Nobody noticed that problem until issue 9213. The patch for that issue not only added index and count to 3.2's range, it also re-worked the optimized __contains__ (which shares the same math with index, and is directly used by count).** This change went in for 3.2 as well, and was not backported to 2.x, because "it's a bugfix that adds new methods". (At this point, 2.7 was already past rc status.)

So, there were two chances to get this optimization backported to 2.7, but they were both rejected.

* In fact, you even get iteration for free with indexing alone, but in 2.3 xrange objects got a custom iterator.

** The first version actually reimplemented it, and got the details wrong—e.g., it would give you MyIntSubclass(2) in range(5) == False. But Daniel Stutzbach's updated version of the patch restored most of the previous code, including the fallback to the generic, slow _PySequence_IterSearch that pre-3.2 range.__contains__ was implicitly using when the optimization doesn't apply.

Add a fragment to the URL without causing a redirect?

For straight HTML, with no JavaScript required:

<a href="#something">Add '#something' to URL</a>

Or, to take your question more literally, to just add '#' to the URL:

<a href="#">Add '#' to URL</a>

How do I deserialize a complex JSON object in C# .NET?

First install newtonsoft.json package to Visual Studio using NuGet Package Manager then add the following code:

ClassName ObjectName = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject < ClassName > (jsonObject);

How to change the order of DataFrame columns?

Hackiest method in the book

df.insert(0, "test", df["mean"])
df = df.drop(columns=["mean"]).rename(columns={"test": "mean"})

Uri not Absolute exception getting while calling Restful Webservice

Maybe the problem only in your IDE encoding settings. Try to set UTF-8 everywhere:

enter image description here

FirstOrDefault returns NullReferenceException if no match is found

i assume you are working with nullable datatypes, you can do something like this:

var t = things.Where(x => x!=null && x.Value.ID == long.Parse(options.ID)).FirstOrDefault();
var res = t == null ? "" : t.Value;

how to change a selections options based on another select option selected?

as a complementary answer to @Navid_pdp11, which will enable to select the first visible item and work on document load as well. put the following below your body tag

$('#mainCat').on('change', function() {
    let selected = $(this).val();
    $("#expertCat option").each(function(){
        let element =  $(this) ;
        if ("tag") != selected){
            element.hide() ;
    let expertCat = $('#expertCat');

Multiple rows to one comma-separated value in Sql Server

Test Data

INSERT INTO @Table1 VALUES (1,100),(1,200),(1,300),(1,400)


       ,STUFF((SELECT ', ' + CAST(Value AS VARCHAR(10)) [text()]
         FROM @Table1 
         WHERE ID = t.ID
         FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE)
        .value('.','NVARCHAR(MAX)'),1,2,' ') List_Output
FROM @Table1 t

Result Set

¦ ID ¦     List_Output     ¦
¦  1 ¦  100, 200, 300, 400 ¦

SQL Server 2017 and Later Versions

If you are working on SQL Server 2017 or later versions, you can use built-in SQL Server Function STRING_AGG to create the comma delimited list:

INSERT INTO @Table1 VALUES (1,100),(1,200),(1,300),(1,400);

SELECT ID , STRING_AGG([Value], ', ') AS List_Output
FROM @Table1

Result Set

¦ ID ¦     List_Output     ¦
¦  1 ¦  100, 200, 300, 400 ¦

Can I escape a double quote in a verbatim string literal?

Use double quotation marks.

string foo = @"this ""word"" is escaped";

How to clear text area with a button in html using javascript?

<input type="button" value="Clear" onclick="javascript: functionName();" >

you just need to set the onclick event, call your desired function on this onclick event.

function functionName()

Above function will set the value of text area to empty string.

Scroll to a specific Element Using html

<!-- HTML -->
<a href="#google"></a>
<div id="google"></div>

html { scroll-behavior: smooth; } 

Additionally, you can add html { scroll-behavior: smooth; } to your CSS to create a smooth scroll.

Python - IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied:

This happened to me when I was using 'shutil.copyfile' instead of 'shutil.copy'. The permissions were messed up.