Programs & Examples On #Linkpoint

LinkPoint is a commercial provider of payment processing software.

Application not picking up .css file (flask/python)

If any of the above method is not working and you code is perfect then try hard refreshing by pressing Ctrl + F5. It will clear all the chaces and then reload file. It worked for me.

How to sort a list/tuple of lists/tuples by the element at a given index?

itemgetter() is somewhat faster than lambda tup: tup[1], but the increase is relatively modest (around 10 to 25 percent).

(IPython session)

>>> from operator import itemgetter
>>> from numpy.random import randint
>>> values = randint(0, 9, 30000).reshape((10000,3))
>>> tpls = [tuple(values[i,:]) for i in range(len(values))]

>>> tpls[:5]    # display sample from list
[(1, 0, 0), 
 (8, 5, 5), 
 (5, 4, 0), 
 (5, 7, 7), 
 (4, 2, 1)]

>>> sorted(tpls[:5], key=itemgetter(1))    # example sort
[(1, 0, 0), 
 (4, 2, 1), 
 (5, 4, 0), 
 (8, 5, 5), 
 (5, 7, 7)]

>>> %timeit sorted(tpls, key=itemgetter(1))
100 loops, best of 3: 4.89 ms per loop

>>> %timeit sorted(tpls, key=lambda tup: tup[1])
100 loops, best of 3: 6.39 ms per loop

>>> %timeit sorted(tpls, key=(itemgetter(1,0)))
100 loops, best of 3: 16.1 ms per loop

>>> %timeit sorted(tpls, key=lambda tup: (tup[1], tup[0]))
100 loops, best of 3: 17.1 ms per loop

How to analyze information from a Java core dump?

Actually, VisualVM can process application core dump.

Just invoke "File/Add VM Coredump" and will add a new application in the application explorer. You can then take thread dump or heap dump of that JVM.

Javascript: Extend a Function

2017+ solution

The idea of function extensions comes from functional paradigm, which is natively supported since ES6:

function init(){

// extend.js

init = (f => u => { f(u)


As per @TJCrowder's concern about stack dump, the browsers handle the situation much better today. If you save this code into test.html and run it, you get

test.html:3 Uncaught ReferenceError: doSomething is not defined
    at init (test.html:3)
    at test.html:8
    at test.html:12

Line 12: the init call, Line 8: the init extension, Line 3: the undefined doSomething() call.

Note: Much respect to veteran T.J. Crowder, who kindly answered my question many years ago, when I was a newbie. After the years, I still remember the respectfull attitude and I try to follow the good example.

Java compiler level does not match the version of the installed Java project facet

In Eclipse, right click on your project, go to Maven> Update projetc. Wait and the error will disappear. This is already configured correctly the version of Java for this project.

enter image description here

Remove Safari/Chrome textinput/textarea glow

Edit (11 years later): Don't do this unless you're going to provide a fallback to indicate which element is active. Otherwise, this harms accessibility as it essentially removes the indication showing which element in a document has focus. Imagine being a keyboard user and not really knowing what element you can interact with. Let accessibility trump aesthetics here.

textarea, select, input, button { outline: none; }

Although, it's been argued that keeping the glow/outline is actually beneficial for accessibility as it can help users see which Element is currently focused.

You can also use the pseudo-element ':focus' to only target the inputs when the user has them selected.


Good NumericUpDown equivalent in WPF?

add a textbox and scrollbar

in VB

Private Sub Textbox1_ValueChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs(Of System.Double)) Handles Textbox1.ValueChanged
     If e.OldValue > e.NewValue Then
         Textbox1.Text = (Textbox1.Text + 1)
         Textbox1.Text = (Textbox1.Text - 1)
     End If
End Sub

scp (secure copy) to ec2 instance without password

copy a file from a local server to a remote server

sudo scp -i my-pem-file.pem ./source/test.txt [email protected]:~/destination/

copy a file from a remote server to a local machine

sudo scp -i my-pem-file.pem [email protected]:~/source/of/remote/test.txt ./where/to/put

So the basically syntax is:-

scp -i my-pem-file.pem username@source:/location/to/file username@destination:/where/to/put

-i is for the identity_file

How to get the current loop index when using Iterator?

You can use ListIterator to do the counting:

final List<String> list = Arrays.asList("zero", "one", "two", "three");

for (final ListIterator<String> it = list.listIterator(); it.hasNext();) {
    final String s =;
    System.out.println(it.previousIndex() + ": " + s);

How do you modify the web.config appSettings at runtime?

You need to use WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration(): For Example:

Dim myConfiguration As Configuration = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration("~")
myConfiguration.ConnectionStrings.ConnectionStrings("myDatabaseName").ConnectionString = txtConnectionString.Text
myConfiguration.AppSettings.Settings.Item("myKey").Value = txtmyKey.Text

I think you might also need to set AllowLocation in machine.config. This is a boolean value that indicates whether individual pages can be configured using the element. If the "allowLocation" is false, it cannot be configured in individual elements.

Finally, it makes a difference if you run your application in IIS and run your test sample from Visual Studio. The ASP.NET process identity is the IIS account, ASPNET or NETWORK SERVICES (depending on IIS version).

Might need to grant ASPNET or NETWORK SERVICES Modify access on the folder where web.config resides.

Detecting user leaving page with react-router

You can use this prompt.

import React, { Component } from "react";
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Link, Prompt } from "react-router-dom";

function PreventingTransitionsExample() {
  return (
            <Link to="/">Form</Link>
            <Link to="/one">One</Link>
            <Link to="/two">Two</Link>
        <Route path="/" exact component={Form} />
        <Route path="/one" render={() => <h3>One</h3>} />
        <Route path="/two" render={() => <h3>Two</h3>} />

class Form extends Component {
  state = { isBlocking: false };

  render() {
    let { isBlocking } = this.state;

    return (
        onSubmit={event => {
            isBlocking: false
          message={location =>
            `Are you sure you want to go to ${location.pathname}`

          Blocking?{" "}
          {isBlocking ? "Yes, click a link or the back button" : "Nope"}

            placeholder="type something to block transitions"
            onChange={event => {
                isBlocking: > 0

          <button>Submit to stop blocking</button>

export default PreventingTransitionsExample;

How do I pass a list as a parameter in a stored procedure?

Maybe you could use:

select last_name+', '+first_name 
from user_mstr
where ',' + @user_id_list + ',' like '%,' + convert(nvarchar, user_id) + ',%'

What is the use of style="clear:both"?

Just to add to RichieHindle's answer, check out Floatutorial, which walks you through how CSS floating and clearing works.

How to create a simple map using JavaScript/JQuery

var map = {'myKey1':myObj1, 'mykey2':myObj2};
// You don't need any get function, just use

How can I see function arguments in IPython Notebook Server 3?

In 1.0, the functionality was bound to ( and tab and shift-tab, in 2.0 tab was deprecated but still functional in some unambiguous cases completing or inspecting were competing in many cases. Recommendation was to always use shift-Tab. ( was also added as deprecated as confusing in Haskell-like syntax to also push people toward Shift-Tab as it works in more cases. in 3.0 the deprecated bindings have been remove in favor of the official, present for 18+ month now Shift-Tab.

So press Shift-Tab.

ScalaTest in sbt: is there a way to run a single test without tags?

I don't see a way to run a single untagged test within a test class but I am providing my workflow since it seems to be useful for anyone who runs into this question.

From within a sbt session:

test:testOnly *YourTestClass

(The asterisk is a wildcard, you could specify the full path com.example.specs.YourTestClass.)

All tests within that test class will be executed. Presumably you're most concerned with failing tests, so correct any failing implementations and then run:


... which will only execute tests that failed. (Repeating the most recently executed test:testOnly command will be the same as test:testQuick in this case, but if you break up your test methods into appropriate test classes you can use a wildcard to make test:testQuick a more efficient way to re-run failing tests.)

Note that the nomenclature for test in ScalaTest is a test class, not a specific test method, so all untagged methods are executed.

If you have too many test methods in a test class break them up into separate classes or tag them appropriately. (This could be a signal that the class under test is in violation of single responsibility principle and could use a refactoring.)

PHP is not recognized as an internal or external command in command prompt

enter image description here enter image description here

Here what I DO on MY PC I install all software that i usually used in G: partian not C: if my operating system is fall (win 10) , Do not need to reinstall them again and lost time , Then How windows work it update PATH automatic if you install any new programe or pice of softwore ,


I must update PATH like these HERE! all my software i usually used

%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;G:\HashiCorp\Vagrant\bin;G:\xampp\php;G:\xampp\mysql\bin;G:\Program Files (x86)\heroku\bin;G:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin;G:\Program Files (x86)\composer;G:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs;G:\Program Files (x86)\Sublime Text 3;G:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft VS Code\bin;G:\Program Files (x86)\cygwin64\bin

enter image description here

Simplest way to set image as JPanel background

Draw the image on the background of a JPanel that is added to the frame. Use a layout manager to normally add your buttons and other components to the panel. If you add other child panels, perhaps you want to set child.setOpaque(false).

import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;

public class BackgroundImageApp {
    private JFrame frame;

    private BackgroundImageApp create() {
        frame = createFrame();

        return this;

    private JFrame createFrame() {
        JFrame frame = new JFrame(getClass().getName());

        return frame;

    private void show() {

    private Component createContent() {
        final Image image = requestImage();

        JPanel panel = new JPanel() {
            protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
                g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null);

        panel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
        for (String label : new String[]{"One", "Dois", "Drei", "Quatro", "Peace"}) {
            JButton button = new JButton(label);
            panel.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(15, 15)));

        panel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500, 500));

        return panel;

    private Image requestImage() {
        Image image = null;

        try {
            image = URL(""));
        } catch (IOException e) {

        return image;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                new BackgroundImageApp().create().show();

How to change angular port from 4200 to any other

goto this file


and search port

"port": {
  "type": "number",
  "description": "Port to listen on.",
  "default": 4200

change default value whatever you want and restart the server

Does Java support structs?

Java 14 has added support for Records, which are structured data types that are very easy to build.

You can declare a Java record like this:

public record AuditInfo(
    LocalDateTime createdOn,
    String createdBy,
    LocalDateTime updatedOn,
    String updatedBy
) {}
public record PostInfo(
    Long id,
    String title,
    AuditInfo auditInfo
) {}

And, the Java compiler will generate the following Java class associated to the AuditInfo Record:

public final class PostInfo
        extends java.lang.Record {
    private final java.lang.Long id;
    private final java.lang.String title;
    private final AuditInfo auditInfo;
    public PostInfo(
            java.lang.Long id,
            java.lang.String title,
            AuditInfo auditInfo) {
        /* compiled code */
    public java.lang.String toString() { /* compiled code */ }
    public final int hashCode() { /* compiled code */ }
    public final boolean equals(java.lang.Object o) { /* compiled code */ }
    public java.lang.Long id() { /* compiled code */ }
    public java.lang.String title() { /* compiled code */ }
    public AuditInfo auditInfo() { /* compiled code */ }
public final class AuditInfo
        extends java.lang.Record {
    private final java.time.LocalDateTime createdOn;
    private final java.lang.String createdBy;
    private final java.time.LocalDateTime updatedOn;
    private final java.lang.String updatedBy;
    public AuditInfo(
            java.time.LocalDateTime createdOn,
            java.lang.String createdBy,
            java.time.LocalDateTime updatedOn,
            java.lang.String updatedBy) {
        /* compiled code */
    public java.lang.String toString() { /* compiled code */ }
    public final int hashCode() { /* compiled code */ }
    public final boolean equals(java.lang.Object o) { /* compiled code */ }
    public java.time.LocalDateTime createdOn() { /* compiled code */ }
    public java.lang.String createdBy() { /* compiled code */ }
    public java.time.LocalDateTime updatedOn() { /* compiled code */ }
    public java.lang.String updatedBy() { /* compiled code */ }

Notice that the constructor, accessor methods, as well as equals, hashCode, and toString are created for you, so it's very convenient to use Java Records.

A Java Record can be created like any other Java object:

PostInfo postInfo = new PostInfo(
    "High-Performance Java Persistence",
    new AuditInfo(
        LocalDateTime.of(2016, 11, 2, 12, 0, 0),
        "Vlad Mihalcea",,
        "Vlad Mihalcea"

Convert array into csv

Well maybe a little late after 4 years haha... but I was looking for solution to do OBJECT to CSV, however most solutions here is actually for ARRAY to CSV...

After some tinkering, here is my solution to convert object into CSV, I think is pretty neat. Hope this would help someone else.

$resp = array();
foreach ($entries as $entry) {
    $row = array();
    foreach ($entry as $key => $value) {
        array_push($row, $value);
    array_push($resp, implode(',', $row));
echo implode(PHP_EOL, $resp);

Note that for the $key => $value to work, your object's attributes must be public, the private ones will not get fetched.

The end result is that you get something like this:


printing all contents of array in C#

The easiest one e.g. if you have a string array declared like this string[] myStringArray = new string[];

Console.WriteLine("Array : ");
Console.WriteLine("[{0}]", string.Join(", ", myStringArray));

PostgreSQL: Show tables in PostgreSQL

Using psql : \dt


SELECT c.relname AS Tables_in FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
        LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
WHERE pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)
        AND c.relkind = 'r'
        AND relname NOT LIKE 'pg_%'

Get text of the selected option with jQuery

Change your selector to

val = j$("#select_2 option:selected").text();

You're selecting the <select> instead of the <option>

How do I call a specific Java method on a click/submit event of a specific button in JSP?

If you have web.xml then


<form action="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/myservlet" method="post">
    <input type="submit" name="button1" value="Button 1" />


        <display-name>Servlet Name</display-name>


public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
        System.out.println("Write your code below");

How to develop a soft keyboard for Android?

Some tips:

About your questions:

An inputMethod is basically an Android Service, so yes, you can do HTTP and all the stuff you can do in a Service.

You can open Activities and dialogs from the InputMethod. Once again, it's just a Service.

I've been developing an IME, so ask again if you run into an issue.

Moment.js - how do I get the number of years since a date, not rounded up?

I prefer this small method.

function getAgeFromBirthday(birthday) {
      var totalMonths = moment().diff(birthday, 'months');
      var years = parseInt(totalMonths / 12);
      var months = totalMonths % 12;
        if(months !== 0){
           return parseFloat(years + '.' + months);
    return years;
    return null;

How to Execute SQL Server Stored Procedure in SQL Developer?

If you simply need to excute your stored procedure proc_name 'paramValue1' , 'paramValue2'... at the same time you are executing more than one query like one select query and stored procedure you have to add select * from tableName EXEC proc_name paramValue1 , paramValue2...

Javascript Thousand Separator / string format

You can use javascript. below are the code, it will only accept numeric and one dot

here is the javascript

<script >

            function FormatCurrency(ctrl) {
                //Check if arrow keys are pressed - we want to allow navigation around textbox using arrow keys
                if (event.keyCode == 37 || event.keyCode == 38 || event.keyCode == 39 || event.keyCode == 40) {

                var val = ctrl.value;

                val = val.replace(/,/g, "")
                ctrl.value = "";
                val += '';
                x = val.split('.');
                x1 = x[0];
                x2 = x.length > 1 ? '.' + x[1] : '';

                var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;

                while (rgx.test(x1)) {
                    x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + ',' + '$2');

                ctrl.value = x1 + x2;

            function CheckNumeric() {
                return event.keyCode >= 48 && event.keyCode <= 57 || event.keyCode == 46;



<input type="text" onkeypress="return CheckNumeric()" onkeyup="FormatCurrency(this)" />


Post values from a multiple select

try this : here select is your select element

let select = document.getElementsByClassName('lstSelected')[0],
    options = select.options,
    len = options.length,
while (i<len){
    if (options[i].selected)
        data+= "&" + + '=' + options[i].value;
return data;

Data is in the form of query string

Get cart item name, quantity all details woocommerce

Since WooCommerce 2.1 (2014) you should use the WC function instead of the global. You can also call more appropriate functions:

foreach ( WC()->cart->get_cart() as $cart_item ) {
   $item_name = $cart_item['data']->get_title();
   $quantity = $cart_item['quantity'];
   $price = $cart_item['data']->get_price();

This will not only be clean code, but it will be better than accessing the post_meta directly because it will apply filters if necessary.

macOS on VMware doesn't recognize iOS device

I am running an Iphone 8+ and VMWare macOS High Sierra on a Windows 10 machine.

I went through dozens of troubleshooting posts, and the none of them, excluding setting your VMs USBs to 2.0, helped. Through trial and error, and a decent amount of liquor, I have figured it out.


Do these things, in this order:

  1. With the VM off, go to your settings for whichever machine you're using, and change the USBs to 2.0. You can find this in the same menu that you allocated your ram and cores

  2. Make sure your phone is plugged in, and turned off.

  3. Boot up the VM, macOS.

  4. Turn Phone on when mac is booted

  5. Open Xcode

Enabling error display in PHP via htaccess only

php_flag display_errors on

To turn the actual display of errors on.

To set the types of errors you are displaying, you will need to use:

php_value error_reporting <integer>

Combined with the integer values from this page:

Note if you use -1 for your integer, it will show all errors, and be future proof when they add in new types of errors.

Base64 Decoding in iOS 7+

Swift 3+

let plainString = "foo"


let plainData = .utf8)
let base64String = plainData?.base64EncodedString()
print(base64String!) // Zm9v


if let decodedData = Data(base64Encoded: base64String!),
   let decodedString = String(data: decodedData, encoding: .utf8) {
  print(decodedString) // foo

Swift < 3

let plainString = "foo"


let plainData = plainString.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)
let base64String = plainData?.base64EncodedStringWithOptions(NSDataBase64EncodingOptions(rawValue: 0))
print(base64String!) // Zm9v


let decodedData = NSData(base64EncodedString: base64String!, options: NSDataBase64DecodingOptions(rawValue: 0))
let decodedString = NSString(data: decodedData, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)
print(decodedString) // foo


NSString *plainString = @"foo";


NSData *plainData = [plainString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSString *base64String = [plainData base64EncodedStringWithOptions:0];
NSLog(@"%@", base64String); // Zm9v


NSData *decodedData = [[NSData alloc] initWithBase64EncodedString:base64String options:0];
NSString *decodedString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:decodedData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSLog(@"%@", decodedString); // foo 

How to vertically center content with variable height within a div?

This is something I have needed to do many times and a consistent solution still requires you add a little non-semantic markup and some browser specific hacks. When we get browser support for css 3 you'll get your vertical centering without sinning.

For a better explanation of the technique you can look the article I adapted it from, but basically it involves adding an extra element and applying different styles in IE and browsers that support position:table\table-cell on non-table elements.

<div class="valign-outer">
    <div class="valign-middle">
        <div class="valign-inner">
            Excuse me. What did you sleep in your clothes again last night. Really. You're gonna be in the car with her. Hey, not too early I sleep in on Saturday. Oh, McFly, your shoe's untied. Don't be so gullible, McFly. You got the place fixed up nice, McFly. I have you're car towed all the way to your house and all you've got for me is light beer. What are you looking at, butthead. Say hi to your mom for me.

    /* Non-structural styling */
    .valign-outer { height: 400px; border: 1px solid red; }
    .valign-inner { border: 1px solid blue; }

<!--[if lte IE 7]>
    /* For IE7 and earlier */
    .valign-outer { position: relative; overflow: hidden; }
    .valign-middle { position: absolute; top: 50%; }
    .valign-inner { position: relative; top: -50% }
<!--[if gt IE 7]> -->
    /* For other browsers */
    .valign-outer { position: static; display: table; overflow: hidden; }
    .valign-middle { position: static; display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; }

There are many ways (hacks) to apply styles in specific sets of browsers. I used conditional comments but look at the article linked above to see two other techniques.

Note: There are simple ways to get vertical centering if you know some heights in advance, if you are trying to center a single line of text, or in several other cases. If you have more details then throw them in because there may be a method that doesn't require browser hacks or non-semantic markup.

Update: We are beginning to get better browser support for CSS3, bringing both flex-box and transforms as alternative methods for getting vertical centering (among other effects). See this other question for more information about modern methods, but keep in mind that browser support is still sketchy for CSS3.

How to add "Maven Managed Dependencies" library in build path eclipse?

If you have m2e installed and the project already is a maven project but the maven dependencies are still missing, the easiest way that worked for me was

  • right click the project,
  • Maven,
  • Update Project...

Eclipse screenshot

How to change the floating label color of TextInputLayout

In my case I added this "app:hintTextAppearance="@color/colorPrimaryDark"in my TextInputLayout widget.

Precision String Format Specifier In Swift

extension Double {
  func formatWithDecimalPlaces(decimalPlaces: Int) -> Double {
     let formattedString = NSString(format: "%.\(decimalPlaces)f", self) as String
     return Double(formattedString)!


Filtering DataGridView without changing datasource

You could create a DataView object from your datasource. This would allow you to filter and sort your data without directly modifying the datasource.

Also, remember to call dataGridView1.DataBind(); after you set the data source.

Script not served by static file handler on IIS7.5

For other people reading this:

This can happen is if the .Net version that you have registered isn't the one selected under the 'Basic Settings' of the application pool attached to your website. For instance, your sites application pool has .Net v2.0 selected but you registered v4.0

Using margin:auto to vertically-align a div

There isn't one easy way to center div vertically which would do the trick in every situation.

However, there are lots of ways to do it depending on the situation.

Here are few of them:

  • Set top and bottom padding of the parent element for example padding:20px 0px 20px 0px
  • Use table, table cell centers its' content vertically
  • Set parent element's position relative and the div's you want to vertically center to absolute and style it as top:50px; bottom:50px; for example

You may also google for "css vertical centering"

Javascript add method to object

You can make bar a function making it a method. = function(passvariable){  };

As a property it would just be assigned a string, data type or boolean = "a place";

PHP/MySQL: How to create a comment section in your website

Normalization is your best friend in comment/rank/vote system. Learn it. A lot of sites are now moving to PDO ... learn that as well.

there are no right , right-er, or wrong (well there is) ways of doing it, you need to know the basic concepts and take them from there. IF you don't feel like learning, then perhaps invest in a framework like cakephp or zend framework, or a ready made system like wordpress or joomla.

I'd also recommend the book wicked cool php scripts as it has a comment system example in it.

Selecting text in an element (akin to highlighting with your mouse)

This thread (dead now) contains really wonderful stuff. But I'm not able to do it right on this page using FF 3.5b99 + FireBug due to "Security Error".

Yipee!! I was able to select whole right hand sidebar with this code hope it helps you:

    var r = document.createRange();
    var w=document.getElementById("sidebar");  
    var sel=window.getSelection(); 

PS:- I was not able to use objects returned by jquery selectors like

   var w=$("div.welovestackoverflow",$("div.sidebar"));
   //this throws **security exception**


How can I reset eclipse to default settings?

You can reset settings for eclipse by deleting .metadata folder from your current workspace.

This will however remove all projects from your project explorer NOT workspace. So dont worry your projects have not gone anywhere.

You can import projects from your workspace like this : just make sure that you uncheck "Copy project into workspace".

import Have a look here : import project in eclipse

Detecting IE11 using CSS Capability/Feature Detection

I ran into the same problem with a Gravity Form (WordPress) in IE11. The form's column style "display: inline-grid" broke the layout; applying the answers above resolved the discrepancy!

@media all and (-ms-high-contrast:none){
  *::-ms-backdrop, .gfmc-column { display: inline-block;} /* IE11 */

What is the max size of localStorage values?

Here's a straightforward script for finding out the limit:

if (localStorage && !localStorage.getItem('size')) {
    var i = 0;
    try {
        // Test up to 10 MB
        for (i = 250; i <= 10000; i += 250) {
            localStorage.setItem('test', new Array((i * 1024) + 1).join('a'));
    } catch (e) {
        localStorage.setItem('size', i - 250);            

Here's the gist, JSFiddle and blog post.

The script will test setting increasingly larger strings of text until the browser throws and exception. At that point it’ll clear out the test data and set a size key in localStorage storing the size in kilobytes.

How to create a video from images with FFmpeg?

To create frames from video:

ffmpeg\ffmpeg -i %video% test\thumb%04d.jpg -hide_banner

Optional: remove frames you don't want in output video
(more accurate than trimming video with -ss & -t)

Then create video from image/frames eg.:

ffmpeg\ffmpeg -framerate 30 -start_number 56 -i test\thumb%04d.jpg -vf format=yuv420p test/output.mp4

ASP.NET Web API : Correct way to return a 401/unauthorised response

You should be throwing a HttpResponseException from your API method, not HttpException:

throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized);

Or, if you want to supply a custom message:

var msg = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) { ReasonPhrase = "Oops!!!" };
throw new HttpResponseException(msg);

JPA getSingleResult() or null

From JPA 2.2, instead of .getResultList() and checking if list is empty or creating a stream you can return stream and take first element.


filters on ng-model in an input

I would suggest to watch model value and update it upon chage:

The only interesting issue is with spaces: In AngularJS 1.0.3 ng-model on input automatically trims string, so it does not detect that model was changed if you add spaces at the end or at start (so spaces are not automatically removed by my code). But in 1.1.1 there is 'ng-trim' directive that allows to disable this functionality (commit). So I've decided to use 1.1.1 to achieve exact functionality you described in your question.

Convert one date format into another in PHP

Try this:

$tempDate = explode('-','03-23-15');
$date = '20'.$tempDate[2].'-'.$tempDate[0].'-'.$tempDate[1];

How to handle ListView click in Android

The two answers before mine are correct - you can use OnItemClickListener.

It's good to note that the difference between OnItemClickListener and OnItemSelectedListener, while sounding subtle, is in fact significant, as item selection and focus are related with the touch mode of your AdapterView.

By default, in touch mode, there is no selection and focus. You can take a look here for further info on the subject.

switch() statement usage

In short, yes. But there are times when you might favor one vs. the other. Google "case switch vs. if else". There are some discussions already on SO too. Also, here is a good video that talks about it in the context of MATLAB:

Personally, when I have 3 or more cases, I usually just go with case/switch.

Is there a "do ... until" in Python?

There is no do-while loop in Python.

This is a similar construct, taken from the link above.

 while True:
     if condition():

how to automatically scroll down a html page?

You can use two different techniques to achieve this.

The first one is with javascript: set the scrollTop property of the scrollable element (e.g. document.body.scrollTop = 1000;).

The second is setting the link to point to a specific id in the page e.g.

<a href="mypage.html#sectionOne">section one</a>

Then if in your target page you'll have that ID the page will be scrolled automatically.

Comments in .gitignore?

Do git help gitignore

You will get the help page with following line:

A line starting with # serves as a comment.

Xcode stuck on Indexing

This issue happened to me when my machine was out of swap space. Closed several programs and browser tabs and the build suddenly succeeded after 30 minutes of being stuck in place. Nothing to do with derived data, locked files, etc. on my side.

Convert Unix timestamp to a date string

Slight correction to dabest1's answer above. Specify the timezone as UTC, not GMT:

$ date -d '1970-01-01 1416275583 sec GMT'
Tue Nov 18 00:53:03 GMT 2014
$ date -d '1970-01-01 1416275583 sec UTC'
Tue Nov 18 01:53:03 GMT 2014

The second one is correct. I think the reason is that in the UK, daylight saving was in force continually from 1968 to 1971.

How do you test a public/private DSA keypair?

Delete the public keys and generate new ones from the private keys. Keep them in separate directories, or use a naming convention to keep them straight.

Set a cookie to never expire

While that isn't exactly possible you could do something similar to what Google does and set your cookie to expire Jan 17, 2038 or something equally far off.

In all practicality you might be better off setting your cookie for 10 years or 60*60*24*365*10, which should outlive most of the machines your cookie will live on.

How can I add a new column and data to a datatable that already contains data?

Only you want to set default value parameter. This calling third overloading method.

dt.Columns.Add("MyRow", type(System.Int32),0);

No resource found that matches the given name '@style/ Theme.Holo.Light.DarkActionBar'

There is a major error in the tutorials destined for newbies here:

It is major because it is almost impossible to detect cause of error for a newbie.

The error is that this tutorial explicitly states that the tutorial is valid for api level 11 (Android 3.0), while in reality this is only true for the theme Theme.Holo (without further extensions and variants)

But this tutorial uses the the theme Theme.holo.Light.DarkActionBar which is only a valid theme from api level 14 (Android 4.0) and above.

This is only one of many examples on errors found in these tutorials (which are great in other regards). Somebody should correct these errors this weekend because they are really costly and annoying timethieves. If there is a way I can send this info to the Android team, then please tell me and I will do it. Hopefully, however, they read Stackoverflow. (let me suggest: The Android team should consider to put someone newbie to try out all tutorials as a qualification that they are valid).

Another error I (and countless other people) have found is that the appcombat backward compliance module really is not working if you strictly follow the tutorials. Error unknown. I had to give up.

Regarding the error in this thread, here is a quote from the tutorial text with italics on the mismatch:

" For Android 3.0 and higher only

When supporting Android 3.0 and higher only, you can define the action bar's background like this:

        <!-- the theme applied to the application or activity -->
        <style name="CustomActionBarTheme"

ERROR1: Only Theme.Holo can be used with Android 3.0. Therefore, remove the "Light.DarkActionBar etc.

ERROR2: @style/Theme.Holo"> will not work. It is necessary to write @android:style/Theme.Holo">in order to indicate that it is a built in Theme that is being referenced. (A bit strange that "built in" is not the default, but needs to be stated?)

The compiler advice for error correction is to define api level 14 as minimum sdk. This is not optimal because it creates incompliance to Andreoid 3.0 (api level 11). Therefore, I use Theme.Holo only and this seems to work fine (a fresh finding, though).

I am using Netbeans with Android support. Works nicely.

Can I convert long to int?

Just do (int)myLongValue. It'll do exactly what you want (discarding MSBs and taking LSBs) in unchecked context (which is the compiler default). It'll throw OverflowException in checked context if the value doesn't fit in an int:

int myIntValue = unchecked((int)myLongValue);

Match exact string

Use the start and end delimiters: ^abc$

How to destroy a DOM element with jQuery?

Not sure if it's just me, but using .remove() doesn't seem to work if you are selecting by an id.

Ex: $("#my-element").remove();

I had to use the element's class instead, or nothing happened.

Ex: $(".my-element").remove();

How can I set the default timezone in node.js?

According to this google group thread, you can set the TZ environment variable before calling any date functions. Just tested it and it works.

> process.env.TZ = 'Europe/Amsterdam' 
> d = new Date()
Sat, 24 Mar 2012 05:50:39 GMT
> d.toLocaleTimeString()
> ""+d
'Sat Mar 24 2012 06:50:39 GMT+0100 (CET)'

You can't change the timezone later though, since by then Node has already read the environment variable.

Is there a Google Keep API?

No there's not and developers still don't know why google doesn't pay attention to this request!

As you can see in this link it's one of the most popular issues with many stars in google code but still no response from google! You can also add stars to this issue, maybe google hears that!

How do I change the text of a span element using JavaScript?

I used this one document.querySelector('ElementClass').innerText = 'newtext';

Appears to work with span, texts within classes/buttons

Time complexity of Euclid's Algorithm

The worst case of Euclid Algorithm is when the remainders are the biggest possible at each step, ie. for two consecutive terms of the Fibonacci sequence.

When n and m are the number of digits of a and b, assuming n >= m, the algorithm uses O(m) divisions.

Note that complexities are always given in terms of the sizes of inputs, in this case the number of digits.

How to position background image in bottom right corner? (CSS)


body {
   background-color: #000; /*Default bg, similar to the background's base color*/
   background-image: url("bg.png");
   background-position: right bottom; /*Positioning*/
   background-repeat: no-repeat; /*Prevent showing multiple background images*/

The background properties can be combined together, in one background property. See also:

How to use foreach with a hash reference?

As others have stated, you have to dereference the reference. The keys function requires that its argument starts with a %:

My preference:

foreach my $key (keys %{$ad_grp_ref}) {

According to Conway:

foreach my $key (keys %{ $ad_grp_ref }) {

Guess who you should listen to...

You might want to read through the Perl Reference Documentation.

If you find yourself doing a lot of stuff with references to hashes and hashes of lists and lists of hashes, you might want to start thinking about using Object Oriented Perl. There's a lot of nice little tutorials in the Perl documentation.

Import module from subfolder

There's no need to mess with your PYTHONPATH or sys.path here.

To properly use absolute imports in a package you should include the "root" packagename as well, e.g.:

from dirFoo.dirFoo1.foo1 import Foo1
from dirFoo.dirFoo2.foo2 import Foo2

Or you can use relative imports:

from .dirfoo1.foo1 import Foo1
from .dirfoo2.foo2 import Foo2

Global keyboard capture in C# application

As requested by dube I'm posting my modified version of Siarhei Kuchuk's answer.
If you want to check my changes search for // EDT. I've commented most of it.

The Setup

class GlobalKeyboardHookEventArgs : HandledEventArgs
    public GlobalKeyboardHook.KeyboardState KeyboardState { get; private set; }
    public GlobalKeyboardHook.LowLevelKeyboardInputEvent KeyboardData { get; private set; }

    public GlobalKeyboardHookEventArgs(
        GlobalKeyboardHook.LowLevelKeyboardInputEvent keyboardData,
        GlobalKeyboardHook.KeyboardState keyboardState)
        KeyboardData = keyboardData;
        KeyboardState = keyboardState;

//Based on
class GlobalKeyboardHook : IDisposable
    public event EventHandler<GlobalKeyboardHookEventArgs> KeyboardPressed;

    // EDT: Added an optional parameter (registeredKeys) that accepts keys to restict
    // the logging mechanism.
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="registeredKeys">Keys that should trigger logging. Pass null for full logging.</param>
    public GlobalKeyboardHook(Keys[] registeredKeys = null)
        RegisteredKeys = registeredKeys;
        _windowsHookHandle = IntPtr.Zero;
        _user32LibraryHandle = IntPtr.Zero;
        _hookProc = LowLevelKeyboardProc; // we must keep alive _hookProc, because GC is not aware about SetWindowsHookEx behaviour.

        _user32LibraryHandle = LoadLibrary("User32");
        if (_user32LibraryHandle == IntPtr.Zero)
            int errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
            throw new Win32Exception(errorCode, $"Failed to load library 'User32.dll'. Error {errorCode}: {new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()).Message}.");

        _windowsHookHandle = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, _hookProc, _user32LibraryHandle, 0);
        if (_windowsHookHandle == IntPtr.Zero)
            int errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
            throw new Win32Exception(errorCode, $"Failed to adjust keyboard hooks for '{Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName}'. Error {errorCode}: {new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()).Message}.");

    protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
        if (disposing)
            // because we can unhook only in the same thread, not in garbage collector thread
            if (_windowsHookHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
                if (!UnhookWindowsHookEx(_windowsHookHandle))
                    int errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                    throw new Win32Exception(errorCode, $"Failed to remove keyboard hooks for '{Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName}'. Error {errorCode}: {new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()).Message}.");
                _windowsHookHandle = IntPtr.Zero;

                // ReSharper disable once DelegateSubtraction
                _hookProc -= LowLevelKeyboardProc;

        if (_user32LibraryHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
            if (!FreeLibrary(_user32LibraryHandle)) // reduces reference to library by 1.
                int errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                throw new Win32Exception(errorCode, $"Failed to unload library 'User32.dll'. Error {errorCode}: {new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()).Message}.");
            _user32LibraryHandle = IntPtr.Zero;


    public void Dispose()

    private IntPtr _windowsHookHandle;
    private IntPtr _user32LibraryHandle;
    private HookProc _hookProc;

    delegate IntPtr HookProc(int nCode, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);

    private static extern IntPtr LoadLibrary(string lpFileName);

    [DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
    private static extern bool FreeLibrary(IntPtr hModule);

    /// <summary>
    /// The SetWindowsHookEx function installs an application-defined hook procedure into a hook chain.
    /// You would install a hook procedure to monitor the system for certain types of events. These events are
    /// associated either with a specific thread or with all threads in the same desktop as the calling thread.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="idHook">hook type</param>
    /// <param name="lpfn">hook procedure</param>
    /// <param name="hMod">handle to application instance</param>
    /// <param name="dwThreadId">thread identifier</param>
    /// <returns>If the function succeeds, the return value is the handle to the hook procedure.</returns>
    [DllImport("USER32", SetLastError = true)]
    static extern IntPtr SetWindowsHookEx(int idHook, HookProc lpfn, IntPtr hMod, int dwThreadId);

    /// <summary>
    /// The UnhookWindowsHookEx function removes a hook procedure installed in a hook chain by the SetWindowsHookEx function.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="hhk">handle to hook procedure</param>
    /// <returns>If the function succeeds, the return value is true.</returns>
    [DllImport("USER32", SetLastError = true)]
    public static extern bool UnhookWindowsHookEx(IntPtr hHook);

    /// <summary>
    /// The CallNextHookEx function passes the hook information to the next hook procedure in the current hook chain.
    /// A hook procedure can call this function either before or after processing the hook information.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="hHook">handle to current hook</param>
    /// <param name="code">hook code passed to hook procedure</param>
    /// <param name="wParam">value passed to hook procedure</param>
    /// <param name="lParam">value passed to hook procedure</param>
    /// <returns>If the function succeeds, the return value is true.</returns>
    [DllImport("USER32", SetLastError = true)]
    static extern IntPtr CallNextHookEx(IntPtr hHook, int code, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);

    public struct LowLevelKeyboardInputEvent
        /// <summary>
        /// A virtual-key code. The code must be a value in the range 1 to 254.
        /// </summary>
        public int VirtualCode;

        // EDT: added a conversion from VirtualCode to Keys.
        /// <summary>
        /// The VirtualCode converted to typeof(Keys) for higher usability.
        /// </summary>
        public Keys Key { get { return (Keys)VirtualCode; } }

        /// <summary>
        /// A hardware scan code for the key. 
        /// </summary>
        public int HardwareScanCode;

        /// <summary>
        /// The extended-key flag, event-injected Flags, context code, and transition-state flag. This member is specified as follows. An application can use the following values to test the keystroke Flags. Testing LLKHF_INJECTED (bit 4) will tell you whether the event was injected. If it was, then testing LLKHF_LOWER_IL_INJECTED (bit 1) will tell you whether or not the event was injected from a process running at lower integrity level.
        /// </summary>
        public int Flags;

        /// <summary>
        /// The time stamp stamp for this message, equivalent to what GetMessageTime would return for this message.
        /// </summary>
        public int TimeStamp;

        /// <summary>
        /// Additional information associated with the message. 
        /// </summary>
        public IntPtr AdditionalInformation;

    public const int WH_KEYBOARD_LL = 13;
    //const int HC_ACTION = 0;

    public enum KeyboardState
        KeyDown = 0x0100,
        KeyUp = 0x0101,
        SysKeyDown = 0x0104,
        SysKeyUp = 0x0105

    // EDT: Replaced VkSnapshot(int) with RegisteredKeys(Keys[])
    public static Keys[] RegisteredKeys;
    const int KfAltdown = 0x2000;
    public const int LlkhfAltdown = (KfAltdown >> 8);

    public IntPtr LowLevelKeyboardProc(int nCode, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
        bool fEatKeyStroke = false;

        var wparamTyped = wParam.ToInt32();
        if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(KeyboardState), wparamTyped))
            object o = Marshal.PtrToStructure(lParam, typeof(LowLevelKeyboardInputEvent));
            LowLevelKeyboardInputEvent p = (LowLevelKeyboardInputEvent)o;

            var eventArguments = new GlobalKeyboardHookEventArgs(p, (KeyboardState)wparamTyped);

            // EDT: Removed the comparison-logic from the usage-area so the user does not need to mess around with it.
            // Either the incoming key has to be part of RegisteredKeys (see constructor on top) or RegisterdKeys
            // has to be null for the event to get fired.
            var key = (Keys)p.VirtualCode;
            if (RegisteredKeys == null || RegisteredKeys.Contains(key))
                EventHandler<GlobalKeyboardHookEventArgs> handler = KeyboardPressed;
                handler?.Invoke(this, eventArguments);

                fEatKeyStroke = eventArguments.Handled;

        return fEatKeyStroke ? (IntPtr)1 : CallNextHookEx(IntPtr.Zero, nCode, wParam, lParam);

The Usage differences can be seen here

public partial class Form1 : Form
    public Form1()

    private GlobalKeyboardHook _globalKeyboardHook;

    private void buttonHook_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Hooks only into specified Keys (here "A" and "B").
        _globalKeyboardHook = new GlobalKeyboardHook(new Keys[] { Keys.A, Keys.B });

        // Hooks into all keys.
        _globalKeyboardHook = new GlobalKeyboardHook();
        _globalKeyboardHook.KeyboardPressed += OnKeyPressed;

    private void OnKeyPressed(object sender, GlobalKeyboardHookEventArgs e)
        // EDT: No need to filter for VkSnapshot anymore. This now gets handled
        // through the constructor of GlobalKeyboardHook(...).
        if (e.KeyboardState == GlobalKeyboardHook.KeyboardState.KeyDown)
            // Now you can access both, the key and virtual code
            Keys loggedKey = e.KeyboardData.Key;
            int loggedVkCode = e.KeyboardData.VirtualCode;

Thanks to Siarhei Kuchuk for his post. Even tho I've simplified the usage this initial code was very useful for me.

Bash script to cd to directory with spaces in pathname

Use single quotes, like:

myPath=~/'my dir'

cd $myPath

Restore DB — Error RESTORE HEADERONLY is terminating abnormally.

I had a similar problem but I was trying to restore from lower to higher version (correct). The problem was however in insufficient rights. When I logged in with "Windows Authentication" I was able to restore the database.

How to create helper file full of functions in react native?

I am sure this can help. Create fileA anywhere in the directory and export all the functions.

export const func1=()=>{
    // do stuff
export const func2=()=>{
    // do stuff 
export const func3=()=>{
    // do stuff 
export const func4=()=>{
    // do stuff 
export const func5=()=>{
    // do stuff 

Here, in your React component class, you can simply write one import statement.

import React from 'react';
import {func1,func2,func3} from 'path_to_fileA';

class HtmlComponents extends React.Component {
        //do stuff. 
        // foo==bar
   render() {
      return (
             <h1>React Components</h1>
             <RippleButton onClick={this.rippleClickFunction}/>

export default HtmlComponents;

How can I set Image source with base64

img = new Image();

Use of exit() function

exit(int code); is declared in stdlib.h so you need an

#include <stdlib.h>

- You have no parameter for the exit(), it requires an int so provide one.
- Burn this book, it uses goto which is (for everyone but linux kernel hackers) bad, very, very, VERY bad.

Oh, and

void main()

is bad, too, it's:

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

Truncate to three decimals in Python

How about this:

In [1]: '%.3f' % round(1324343032.324325235 * 1000 / 1000,3)
Out[1]: '1324343032.324'

Possible duplicate of round() in Python doesn't seem to be rounding properly


Given the additional comments I believe you'll want to do:

In : Decimal('%.3f' % (1324343032.324325235 * 1000 / 1000))
Out: Decimal('1324343032.324')

The floating point accuracy isn't going to be what you want:

In : 3.324
Out: 3.3239999999999998

(all examples are with Python 2.6.5)

how to remove the bold from a headline?

<h1><span style="font-weight:bold;">THIS IS</span> A HEADLINE</h1>

But be sure that h1 is marked with


You can also set the style with a id or class attribute.

Convert DataFrame column type from string to datetime, dd/mm/yyyy format

If your date column is a string of the format '2017-01-01' you can use pandas astype to convert it to datetime.

df['date'] = df['date'].astype('datetime64[ns]')

or use datetime64[D] if you want Day precision and not nanoseconds



<class 'pandas._libs.tslib.Timestamp'> the same as when you use pandas.to_datetime

You can try it with other formats then '%Y-%m-%d' but at least this works.

Generate a random number in the range 1 - 10

If by numbers between 1 and 10 you mean any float that is >= 1 and < 10, then it's easy:

select random() * 9 + 1

This can be easily tested with:

# select min(i), max(i) from (
    select random() * 9 + 1 as i from generate_series(1,1000000)
) q;
       min       |       max
 1.0000083274208 | 9.99999571684748
(1 row)

If you want integers, that are >= 1 and < 10, then it's simple:

select trunc(random() * 9 + 1)

And again, simple test:

# select min(i), max(i) from (
    select trunc(random() * 9 + 1) as i from generate_series(1,1000000)
) q;
 min | max
   1 |   9
(1 row)

Significance of ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(NULL);

Using ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); is sufficient to decouple the C and C++ streams. You can find a discussion of this in Standard C++ IOStreams and Locales, by Langer and Kreft. They note that how this works is implementation-defined.

The cin.tie(NULL) call seems to be requesting a decoupling between the activities on cin and cout. I can't explain why using this with the other optimization should cause a crash. As noted, the link you supplied is bad, so no speculation here.

Find out time it took for a python script to complete execution

import time
start = time.time()


# python 2
print 'It took', time.time()-start, 'seconds.'

# python 3
print('It took', time.time()-start, 'seconds.')

equals vs Arrays.equals in Java

Arrays inherit equals() from Object and hence compare only returns true if comparing an array against itself.

On the other hand, Arrays.equals compares the elements of the arrays.

This snippet elucidates the difference:

Object o1 = new Object();
Object o2 = new Object();
Object[] a1 = { o1, o2 };
Object[] a2 = { o1, o2 };
System.out.println(a1.equals(a2)); // prints false
System.out.println(Arrays.equals(a1, a2)); // prints true

See also Arrays.equals(). Another static method there may also be of interest: Arrays.deepEquals().

Are lists thread-safe?

Lists themselves are thread-safe. In CPython the GIL protects against concurrent accesses to them, and other implementations take care to use a fine-grained lock or a synchronized datatype for their list implementations. However, while lists themselves can't go corrupt by attempts to concurrently access, the lists's data is not protected. For example:

L[0] += 1

is not guaranteed to actually increase L[0] by one if another thread does the same thing, because += is not an atomic operation. (Very, very few operations in Python are actually atomic, because most of them can cause arbitrary Python code to be called.) You should use Queues because if you just use an unprotected list, you may get or delete the wrong item because of race conditions.

Using parameters in batch files at Windows command line

Batch Files automatically pass the text after the program so long as their are variables to assign them to. They are passed in order they are sent; e.g. %1 will be the first string sent after the program is called, etc.

If you have Hello.bat and the contents are:

@echo off
echo.Hello, %1 thanks for running this batch file (%2)

and you invoke the batch in command via

hello.bat APerson241 %date%

you should receive this message back:

Hello, APerson241 thanks for running this batch file (01/11/2013)

How to set viewport meta for iPhone that handles rotation properly?

You don't want to lose the user scaling option if you can help it. I like this JS solution from here.

<script type="text/javascript">
(function(doc) {

    var addEvent = 'addEventListener',
        type = 'gesturestart',
        qsa = 'querySelectorAll',
        scales = [1, 1],
        meta = qsa in doc ? doc[qsa]('meta[name=viewport]') : [];

    function fix() {
        meta.content = 'width=device-width,minimum-scale=' + scales[0] + ',maximum-scale=' + scales[1];
        doc.removeEventListener(type, fix, true);

    if ((meta = meta[meta.length - 1]) && addEvent in doc) {
        scales = [.25, 1.6];
        doc[addEvent](type, fix, true);


How to assign name for a screen?

The easiest way use screen with name

screen -S 'name' 'application'
  • Ctrl+a, d = exit and leave application open

Return to screen:

screen -r 'name'

for example using lynx with screen

Create screen:

screen -S lynx lynx

Ctrl+a, d =exit

later you can return with:

screen -r lynx

Dynamically create an array of strings with malloc

Given that your strings are all fixed-length (presumably at compile-time?), you can do the following:

char (*orderedIds)[ID_LEN+1]
    = malloc(variableNumberOfElements * sizeof(*orderedIds));

// Clear-up

A more cumbersome, but more general, solution, is to assign an array of pointers, and psuedo-initialising them to point at elements of a raw backing array:

char *raw = malloc(variableNumberOfElements * (ID_LEN + 1));
char **orderedIds = malloc(sizeof(*orderedIds) * variableNumberOfElements);

// Set each pointer to the start of its corresponding section of the raw buffer.
for (i = 0; i < variableNumberOfElements; i++)
    orderedIds[i] = &raw[i * (ID_LEN+1)];


// Clear-up pointer array
// Clear-up raw array

How to return an array from a function?

It is not possible to return an array from a C++ function. 8.3.5[dcl.fct]/6:

Functions shall not have a return type of type array or function[...]

Most commonly chosen alternatives are to return a value of class type where that class contains an array, e.g.

struct ArrayHolder
    int array[10];

ArrayHolder test();

Or to return a pointer to the first element of a statically or dynamically allocated array, the documentation must indicate to the user whether he needs to (and if so how he should) deallocate the array that the returned pointer points to.


int* test2()
    return new int[10];

int* test3()
    static int array[10];
    return array;

While it is possible to return a reference or a pointer to an array, it's exceedingly rare as it is a more complex syntax with no practical advantage over any of the above methods.

int (&test4())[10]
        static int array[10];
        return array;

int (*test5())[10]
        static int array[10];
        return &array;

How to round float numbers in javascript?

Number((6.688689).toFixed(1)); // 6.7

var number = 6.688689;
var roundedNumber = Math.round(number * 10) / 10;

Use toFixed() function.

(6.688689).toFixed(); // equal to "7"
(6.688689).toFixed(1); // equal to "6.7"
(6.688689).toFixed(2); // equal to "6.69"

Installing OpenCV on Windows 7 for Python 2.7

One thing that needs to be mentioned. You have to use the x86 version of Python 2.7. OpenCV doesn't support Python x64. I banged my head on this for a bit until I figured that out.

That said, follow the steps in Abid Rahman K's answer. And as Antimony said, you'll need to do a 'from cv2 import cv'

Strangest language feature

In Perl, objects are just blessed refs, so changing the class of an object at run time is a piece of cake:

package Foo;
sub new { bless {}, $_[0] }
package Bar;
package main;
my $foo = Foo->new;
ref($foo); # => "Foo"
bless $foo, 'Bar';
ref($foo); # => "Bar"

I was surprised that other languages can't do this. What a useful feature!

How to remove the hash from window.location (URL) with JavaScript without page refresh?

You can do it as below:

history.replaceState({}, document.title, window.location.href.split('#')[0]);

Unable to ping vmware guest from another vmware guest

If i am understanding your question. You now have both VMs on the same network segment VMnet8,

  1. Enable file and print sharing from the firewall settings on both VMs
  2. Ensure that from the host machine (Windows 7) that the network adapter for VMnet8 is enabled. Also open the network adapter to check if you are actually connecting to VMnet8 network address. Then try to ping both addresses.
  3. If this still doesnt work, perform ipconfig/all from host machine and paste the output here so that i can see how the network address are distributed.


How to ignore conflicts in rpm installs

The --force option will reinstall already installed packages or overwrite already installed files from other packages. You don't want this normally.

If you tell rpm to install all RPMs from some directory, then it does exactly this. rpm will not ignore RPMs listed for installation. You must manually remove the unneeded RPMs from the list (or directory). It will always overwrite the files with the "latest RPM installed" whichever order you do it in.

You can remove the old RPM and rpm will resolve the dependency with the newer version of the installed RPM. But this will only work, if none of the to be installed RPMs depends exactly on the old version.

If you really need different versions of the same RPM, then the RPM must be relocatable. You can then tell rpm to install the specific RPM to a different directory. If the files are not conflicting, then you can just install different versions with rpm -i (zypper in can not install different versions of the same RPM). I am packaging for example ruby gems as relocatable RPMs at work. So I can have different versions of the same gem installed.

I don't know on which files your RPMs are conflicting, but if all of them are "just" man pages, then you probably can simply overwrite the new ones with the old ones with rpm -i --replacefiles. The only problem with this would be, that it could confuse somebody who is reading the old man page and thinks it is for the actual version. Another problem would be the rpm --verify command. It will complain for the new package if the old one has overwritten some files.

Is this possibly a duplicate of

Cannot create SSPI context

The "Cannot Generate SSPI Context" error is very generic and can happen for a multitude of reasons. Is just a cover error for any underlying Kerberos/NTLM error. Gbn's KB article link is a very good starting point and usualy solves the issues. If you still have problems I recommend following the troubleshooting steps in Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors.

jQuery animate scroll

You can give this simple jQuery plugin (AnimateScroll) a whirl. It is quite easy to use.

1. Scroll to the top of the page:


2. Scroll to an element with ID section-1:


Disclaimer: I am the author of this plugin.

CSS text-align not working

I try to avoid floating elements unless the design really needs it. Because you have floated the <li> they are out of normal flow.

If you add .navigation { text-align:center; } and change .navigation li { float: left; } to .navigation li { display: inline-block; } then entire navigation will be centred.

One caveat to this approach is that display: inline-block; is not supported in IE6 and needs a workaround to make it work in IE7.

What is the best way to calculate a checksum for a file that is on my machine?

Download fciv.exe directly from

shell> fciv.exe [yourfile]

will give you md5 by default.

You can read up the help file fciv.exe -h

macro - open all files in a folder

You can use Len(StrFile) > 0 in loop check statement !

Sub openMyfile()

    Dim Source As String
    Dim StrFile As String

    'do not forget last backslash in source directory.
    Source = "E:\Planning\03\"
    StrFile = Dir(Source)

    Do While Len(StrFile) > 0                        
        Workbooks.Open Filename:=Source & StrFile
        StrFile = Dir()
End Sub

How to convert color code into media.brush?

For simplicity you could create an extension:-

    public static SolidColorBrush ToSolidColorBrush(this string hex_code)
        return (SolidColorBrush)new BrushConverter().ConvertFromString(hex_code);

And then to use:-

 SolidColorBrush accentBlue = "#3CACDC".ToSolidColorBrush();

inherit from two classes in C#

Multitiple inheritance is not possible in C#, however it can be simulated using interfaces, see Simulated Multiple Inheritance Pattern for C#.

The basic idea is to define an interface for the members on class B that you wish to access (call it IB), and then have C inherit from A and implement IB by internally storing an instance of B, for example:

class C : A, IB
    private B _b = new B();

    // IB members
    public void SomeMethod()

There are also a couple of other alternaitve patterns explained on that page.

Iterating over JSON object in C#

dynamic dynJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);
foreach (var item in dynJson)
    Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3}\n",, item.displayName, 
        item.slug, item.imageUrl);


var list = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<MyItem>>(json);

public class MyItem
    public string id;
    public string displayName;
    public string name;
    public string slug;
    public string imageUrl;

Angular - Can't make ng-repeat orderBy work

in Eike Thies's response above, if we use underscore.js, filter could be simplified to :

var app = angular.module('myApp', []).filter('object2Array', function() {
  return function(input) {
    return _.toArray(input);

Where can I download mysql jdbc jar from?

Here's a one-liner using Maven:

mvn dependency:get -Dartifact=mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.38

Then, with default settings, it's available in:


Just replace the version number if you need a different one.

Empty or Null value display in SSRS text boxes

I agree on performing the replace on the SQL side, but using the ISNULL function would be the way I'd go.

SELECT ISNULL(table.MyField, "NA") AS MyField

I usually do as much processing of data on our SQL servers and try to do as little data manipulation in SSRS as possible. This is mainly because my SQL server is considerably more powerful than my SSRS server.

Pythonically add header to a csv file

This worked for me.

header = ['row1', 'row2', 'row3']
some_list = [1, 2, 3]
with open('test.csv', 'wt', newline ='') as file:
    writer = csv.writer(file, delimiter=',')
    writer.writerow(i for i in header)
    for j in some_list:

Clang vs GCC for my Linux Development project

For student level programs, Clang has the benefit that it is, by default, stricter wrt. the C standard. For example, the following K&R version of Hello World is accepted without warning by GCC, but rejected by Clang with some pretty descriptive error messages:

    puts("Hello, world!");

With GCC, you have to give it -Werror to get it to really make a point about this not being a valid C89 program. Also, you still need to use c99 or gcc -std=c99 to get the C99 language.

How to find out the MySQL root password

In your "hostname".err file inside the data folder MySQL works on, try to look for a string that starts with:

"A temporary password is generated for roor@localhost "

you can use

less /mysql/data/dir/hostname.err 

then slash command followed by the string you wish to look for

/"A temporary password"

Then press n, to go to the Next result.

What GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA exactly do?

For a production system, you can use this configuration :


GRANT  USAGE   ON SCHEMA public  TO user;

GRANT SELECT                         ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO read_only ;
GRANT ALL                            ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO admin ;

Angular2 @Input to a property with get/set

@Paul Cavacas, I had the same issue and I solved by setting the Input() decorator above the getter.

  get in(): any {
    return this._allowDays;

  // not working
  set in(val) {
    console.log('allowDays = '+val);
    this._allowDays = val;

See this plunker:

Save Dataframe to csv directly to s3 Python

You can use:

from io import StringIO # python3; python2: BytesIO 
import boto3

bucket = 'my_bucket_name' # already created on S3
csv_buffer = StringIO()
s3_resource = boto3.resource('s3')
s3_resource.Object(bucket, 'df.csv').put(Body=csv_buffer.getvalue())

Show all tables inside a MySQL database using PHP?



How do you determine the ideal buffer size when using FileInputStream?

Reading files using Java NIO's FileChannel and MappedByteBuffer will most likely result in a solution that will be much faster than any solution involving FileInputStream. Basically, memory-map large files, and use direct buffers for small ones.

How to update the value of a key in a dictionary in Python?

n = eval(input('Num books: '))
books = {}
for i in range(n):
    titlez = input("Enter Title: ")
    copy = eval(input("Num of copies: "))
    books[titlez] = copy

prob = input('Sell a book; enter YES or NO: ')
if prob == 'YES' or 'yes':
    choice = input('Enter book title: ')
    if choice in books:
        init_num = books[choice]
        init_num -= 1
        books[choice] = init_num

Copy Image from Remote Server Over HTTP

Since you've tagged your question 'php', I'll assume your running php on your server. Your best bet is if you control your own web server, then compile cURL into php. This will allow your web server to make requests to other web servers. This can be quite dangerous from a security point of view, so most basic web hosting providers won't have this option enabled.

Here's the php man page on using cURL. In the comments you can find an example which downloads and image file.

If you don't want to use libcurl, you could code something up using fsockopen. This is built into php (but may be disabled on your host), and can directly read and write to sockets. See Examples on the fsockopen man page.

How do I print part of a rendered HTML page in JavaScript?

I would go about it somewhat like this:

        <title>Print Test Page</title>
            printDivCSS = new String ('<link href="myprintstyle.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">')
            function printDiv(divId) {
                window.frames["print_frame"].document.body.innerHTML=printDivCSS + document.getElementById(divId).innerHTML;

        <h1><b><center>This is a test page for printing</center></b><hr color=#00cc00 width=95%></h1>
        <b>Div 1:</b> <a href="javascript:printDiv('div1')">Print</a><br>
        <div id="div1">This is the div1's print output</div>
        <b>Div 2:</b> <a href="javascript:printDiv('div2')">Print</a><br>
        <div id="div2">This is the div2's print output</div>
        <b>Div 3:</b> <a href="javascript:printDiv('div3')">Print</a><br>
        <div id="div3">This is the div3's print output</div>
        <iframe name="print_frame" width="0" height="0" frameborder="0" src="about:blank"></iframe>

HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host what it returns?

The Host property will return the domain name you used when accessing the site. So, in your development environment, since you're requesting


It's returning localhost. You can break apart your URL like so:

Protocol: http
Host: localhost
Port: 950
PathAndQuery: /m/pages/SearchResults.aspx?search=knight&filter=kitchen

Simple Android grid example using RecyclerView with GridLayoutManager (like the old GridView)

This is a simple way from XML only

spanCount for number of columns

layoutManager for making it grid or linear(Vertical or Horizontal)

        app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />

ToString() function in Go

I prefer something like the following:

type StringRef []byte

func (s StringRef) String() string {
        return string(s[:])


// rather silly example, but ...

Python: How to remove empty lists from a list?

Calling filter with None will filter out all falsey values from the list (which an empty list is)

list2 = filter(None, list1)

Rename all files in directory from $filename_h to $filename_half?

Another approach can be manually using batch rename option

Right click on the file -> File Custom Commands -> Batch Rename and you can replace h. with half.

This will work for linux based gui using WinSCP etc

Problems with jQuery getJSON using local files in Chrome

@Mike On Mac, type this in Terminal:

open -b --args --disable-web-security

UNC path to a folder on my local computer

On Windows, you can also use the Win32 File Namespace prefixed with \\?\ to refer to your local directories:


See this answer for description.

How to set an HTTP proxy in Python 2.7?

For installing pip with behind a proxy I went with the steps below. My server was even behind a jump server.

From the jump server:

ssh -R 18080:proxy-server:8080 my-python-server

On the "python-server"

export https_proxy=https://localhost:18080 ; export http_proxy=http://localhost:18080 ; export ftp_proxy=$http_proxy


Circle button css


<div class="bool-answer">
  <div class="answer">Nej</div>


.bool-answer {
    border-radius: 50%;
    width: 100px;
    height: 100px;
    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;

Git - Ignore node_modules folder everywhere

you can do it with SVN/Tortoise git as well.

just right click on node_modules -> Tortoise git -> add to ignore list.

This will generate .gitIgnore for you and you won't find node_modules folder in staging again.

:touch CSS pseudo-class or something similar?

There is no such thing as :touch in the W3C specifications,

:active should work, I would think.

Order on the :active/:hover pseudo class is important for it to function correctly.

Here is a quote from that above link

Interactive user agents sometimes change the rendering in response to user actions. CSS provides three pseudo-classes for common cases:

  • The :hover pseudo-class applies while the user designates an element (with some pointing device), but does not activate it. For example, a visual user agent could apply this pseudo-class when the cursor (mouse pointer) hovers over a box generated by the element. User agents not supporting interactive media do not have to support this pseudo-class. Some conforming user agents supporting interactive media may not be able to support this pseudo-class (e.g., a pen device).
  • The :active pseudo-class applies while an element is being activated by the user. For example, between the times the user presses the mouse button and releases it.
  • The :focus pseudo-class applies while an element has the focus (accepts keyboard events or other forms of text input).

Jersey stopped working with InjectionManagerFactory not found

Choose which DI to inject stuff into Jersey:

Spring 4:


Spring 3:




Simplest way to do grouped barplot

Not a barplot solution but using lattice and barchart:


enter image description here

create table in postgreSQL

First the bigint(20) not null auto_increment will not work, simply use bigserial primary key. Then datetime is timestamp in PostgreSQL. All in all:

CREATE TABLE article (
    article_id bigserial primary key,
    article_name varchar(20) NOT NULL,
    article_desc text NOT NULL,
    date_added timestamp default NULL

How to manually install a pypi module without pip/easy_install?

Even though Sheena's answer does the job, pip doesn't stop just there.

From Sheena's answer:

  1. Download the package
  2. unzip it if it is zipped
  3. cd into the directory containing
  4. If there are any installation instructions contained in documentation contained herein, read and follow the instructions OTHERWISE
  5. type in python install

At the end of this, you'll end up with a .egg file in site-packages. As a user, this shouldn't bother you. You can import and uninstall the package normally. However, if you want to do it the pip way, you can continue the following steps.

In the site-packages directory,

  1. unzip <.egg file>
  2. rename the EGG-INFO directory as <pkg>-<version>.dist-info
  3. Now you'll see a separate directory with the package name, <pkg-directory>
  4. find <pkg-directory> > <pkg>-<version>.dist-info/RECORD
  5. find <pkg>-<version>.dist-info >> <pkg>-<version>.dist-info/RECORD. The >> is to prevent overwrite.

Now, looking at the site-packages directory, you'll never realize you installed without pip. To uninstall, just do the usual pip uninstall <pkg>.

Nodejs cannot find installed module on Windows

To make it short, use npm link jade in your app directory.

Slick Carousel Uncaught TypeError: $(...).slick is not a function

For me, the problem resolves after I changed:

<script type='text/javascript' src='../../path-to-slick/slick.min.js'></script>


<script src='../../path-to-slick/slick.min.js'></script>

My work is based on Jquery 2.2.4, and I'm running my development on the latest Xampp and Chrome.

Reading a cell value in Excel vba and write in another Cell

The individual alphabets or symbols residing in a single cell can be inserted into different cells in different columns by the following code:

For i = 1 To Len(Cells(1, 1))
Cells(2, i) = Mid(Cells(1, 1), i, 1)

If you do not want the symbols like colon to be inserted put an if condition in the loop.

'Incomplete final line' warning when trying to read a .csv file into R

The problem is easy to resolve; it's because the last line MUST be empty.

Say, if your content is

line 1,

change it to

line 1,
(empty line here)

Today I met this kind problem, when I was trying to use R to read a JSON file, by using command below:

json_data<-fromJSON(paste(readLines("json01.json"), collapse=""))

; and I resolve it by my above method.

Compare every item to every other item in ArrayList

for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
  for (int j = i+1; j < list.size(); j++) {
    // compare list.get(i) and list.get(j)

Simple prime number generator in Python

def genPrimes():
    primes = []   # primes generated so far
    last = 1      # last number tried
    while True:
        last += 1
        for p in primes:
            if last % p == 0:
            yield last

Why is Spring's ApplicationContext.getBean considered bad?

One of Spring premises is avoid coupling. Define and use Interfaces, DI, AOP and avoid using ApplicationContext.getBean() :-)

How to set the height and the width of a textfield in Java?


add the above lines ( f is a JFrame or a Container where you have added the JTestField )

But try to learn 'LayoutManager' in java ; refer to other answers for the links of the tutorials .Or try This

In C++, what is a virtual base class?

Virtual classes are not the same as virtual inheritance. Virtual classes you cannot instantiate, virtual inheritance is something else entirely.

Wikipedia describes it better than I can.

pandas groupby sort within groups

You could also just do it in one go, by doing the sort first and using head to take the first 3 of each group.

In[34]: df.sort_values(['job','count'],ascending=False).groupby('job').head(3)

   count     job source
4      7   sales      E
2      6   sales      C
1      4   sales      B
5      5  market      A
8      4  market      D
6      3  market      B

How can I use a C++ library from node.js?

Try shelljs to call c/c++ program or shared libraries by using node program from linux/unix . node-cmd an option in windows. Both packages basically enable us to call c/c++ program similar to the way we call from terminal/command line.

Eg in ubuntu:

const shell = require('shelljs');

shell.exec("command or script name");

In windows:

const cmd = require('node-cmd');'command here');

Note: shelljs and node-cmd are for running os commands, not specific to c/c++.

How to use group by with union in t-sql

You need to alias the subquery. Thus, your statement should be:

From    (
        Select id, time
        From dbo.tablea
        Union All
        Select id, time
        From dbo.tableb
        ) As Z
Group By

How to get disk capacity and free space of remote computer

Another way is casting a string to a WMI object:

$size = ([wmi]"\\remotecomputer\root\cimv2:Win32_logicalDisk.DeviceID='c:'").Size
$free = ([wmi]"\\remotecomputer\root\cimv2:Win32_logicalDisk.DeviceID='c:'").FreeSpace

Also you can divide the results by 1GB or 1MB if you want different units:

$disk = ([wmi]"\\remotecomputer\root\cimv2:Win32_logicalDisk.DeviceID='c:'")
"Remotecomputer C: has {0:#.0} GB free of {1:#.0} GB Total" -f ($disk.FreeSpace/1GB),($disk.Size/1GB) | write-output

Output is: Remotecomputer C: has 252.7 GB free of 298.0 GB Total

Communicating between a fragment and an activity - best practices

You can create declare a public interface with a function declaration in the fragment and implement the interface in the activity. Then you can call the function from the fragment.

Error occurred during initialization of VM (java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/Object)

I just spent about 1 hour to figure out possible solution for the same error.

So what I did under MS WIndows 7 is following

  1. Uninstall all Java packages of all versions.

  2. Download last packages Java SE or JRE for your 32 or 64 Windows and install it.

  3. First install JRE and second is Java SE.

enter image description here

  1. Open text editor and paste this code.

    public class Hello {

      public static void main(String[] args) {
  2. Save it like

  3. Go to Console and compile it like


  1. Execute the code like

java Hello

enter image description here

Should be no error.

Multiple Cursors in Sublime Text 2 Windows

Mac Users, let me save you the time:

  • Cmd+a: select the lines you want a cursor
  • Cmd+Shift+l: to create the cursor

Finding all the subsets of a set

You dont have to mess with recursion and other complex algorithms. You can find all subsets using bit patterns (decimal to binary) of all numbers between 0 and 2^(N-1). Here N is cardinality or number-of-items in that set. The technique is explained here with an implementation and demo.

case in sql stored procedure on SQL Server

Try this

If @NewStatus  = 'InOffice' 
     Update tblEmployee set InOffice = -1 where EmpID = @EmpID
Else If @NewStatus  = 'OutOffice'
    Update tblEmployee set InOffice = -1 where EmpID = @EmpID
Else If @NewStatus  = 'Home'
    Update tblEmployee set Home = -1 where EmpID = @EmpID

Slack URL to open a channel from browser

The URI to open a specific channel in Slack app is:


You will probably need these resources of the Slack API to get IDs of your team and channel:

Here's the full documentation from Slack

Java: How to convert String[] to List or Set

The easiest way would be:

String[] myArray = ...;
List<String> strs = Arrays.asList(myArray);

using the handy Arrays utility class. Note, that you can even do

List<String> strs = Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c");

How to set selected value from Combobox?

cmbEmployeeStatus.Text = "text"

Read the package name of an Android APK

You can install the apk on your phone, then

connect using adb, you can launch adb shell and execute pm list packages -f, which shows the package name for each installed apk.

This taken from Find package name for Android apps to use Intent to launch Market app from web

Bypass popup blocker on when JQuery event.preventDefault() is set

Popup blockers will typically only allow if used during the processing of a user event (like a click). In your case, you're calling later, not during the event, because $.getJSON is asynchronous.

You have two options:

  1. Do something else, rather than

  2. Make the ajax call synchronous, which is something you should normally avoid like the plague as it locks up the UI of the browser. $.getJSON is equivalent to:

      url: url,
      dataType: 'json',
      data: data,
      success: callback

    ...and so you can make your $.getJSON call synchronous by mapping your params to the above and adding async: false:

        url:      "redirect/" + pageId,
        async:    false,
        dataType: "json",
        data:     {},
        success:  function(status) {
            if (status == null) {
                alert("Error in verifying the status.");
            } else if(!status) {
            } else {

    Again, I don't advocate synchronous ajax calls if you can find any other way to achieve your goal. But if you can't, there you go.

    Here's an example of code that fails the test because of the asynchronous call:

    Live example | Live source (The live links no longer work because of changes to JSBin)

    jQuery(function($) {
      // This version doesn't work, because the is
      // not during the event processing
      $("#theButton").click(function(e) {
        $.getJSON("", function() {

    And here's an example that does work, using a synchronous call:

    Live example | Live source (The live links no longer work because of changes to JSBin)

    jQuery(function($) {
      // This version does work, because the is
      // during the event processing. But it uses a synchronous
      // ajax call, locking up the browser UI while the call is
      // in progress.
      $("#theButton").click(function(e) {
          url:      "",
          async:    false,
          dataType: "json",
          success:  function() {

Simple DateTime sql query

Open up the Access File you are trying to export SQL data to. Delete any Queries that are there. Everytime you run SQL Server Import wizard, even if it fails, it creates a Query in the Access DB that has to be deleted before you can run the SQL export Wizard again.

SQL (MySQL) vs NoSQL (CouchDB)

Here's a quote from a recent blog post from Dare Obasanjo.

SQL databases are like automatic transmission and NoSQL databases are like manual transmission. Once you switch to NoSQL, you become responsible for a lot of work that the system takes care of automatically in a relational database system. Similar to what happens when you pick manual over automatic transmission. Secondly, NoSQL allows you to eke more performance out of the system by eliminating a lot of integrity checks done by relational databases from the database tier. Again, this is similar to how you can get more performance out of your car by driving a manual transmission versus an automatic transmission vehicle.

However the most notable similarity is that just like most of us can’t really take advantage of the benefits of a manual transmission vehicle because the majority of our driving is sitting in traffic on the way to and from work, there is a similar harsh reality in that most sites aren’t at Google or Facebook’s scale and thus have no need for a Bigtable or Cassandra.

To which I can add only that switching from MySQL, where you have at least some experience, to CouchDB, where you have no experience, means you will have to deal with a whole new set of problems and learn different concepts and best practices. While by itself this is wonderful (I am playing at home with MongoDB and like it a lot), it will be a cost that you need to calculate when estimating the work for that project, and brings unknown risks while promising unknown benefits. It will be very hard to judge if you can do the project on time and with the quality you want/need to be successful, if it's based on a technology you don't know.

Now, if you have on the team an expert in the NoSQL field, then by all means take a good look at it. But without any expertise on the team, don't jump on NoSQL for a new commercial project.

Update: Just to throw some gasoline in the open fire you started, here are two interesting articles from people on the SQL camp. :-)

I Can't Wait for NoSQL to Die (original article is gone, here's a copy)
Fighting The NoSQL Mindset, Though This Isn't an anti-NoSQL Piece
Update: Well here is an interesting article about NoSQL
Making Sense of NoSQL

SVN 405 Method Not Allowed

My guess is that the folder you are trying to add already exists in SVN. You can confirm by checking out the files to a different folder and see if trunk already has the required folder.

Entity Framework .Remove() vs. .DeleteObject()

It's not generally correct that you can "remove an item from a database" with both methods. To be precise it is like so:

  • ObjectContext.DeleteObject(entity) marks the entity as Deleted in the context. (It's EntityState is Deleted after that.) If you call SaveChanges afterwards EF sends a SQL DELETE statement to the database. If no referential constraints in the database are violated the entity will be deleted, otherwise an exception is thrown.

  • EntityCollection.Remove(childEntity) marks the relationship between parent and childEntity as Deleted. If the childEntity itself is deleted from the database and what exactly happens when you call SaveChanges depends on the kind of relationship between the two:

    • If the relationship is optional, i.e. the foreign key that refers from the child to the parent in the database allows NULL values, this foreign will be set to null and if you call SaveChanges this NULL value for the childEntity will be written to the database (i.e. the relationship between the two is removed). This happens with a SQL UPDATE statement. No DELETE statement occurs.

    • If the relationship is required (the FK doesn't allow NULL values) and the relationship is not identifying (which means that the foreign key is not part of the child's (composite) primary key) you have to either add the child to another parent or you have to explicitly delete the child (with DeleteObject then). If you don't do any of these a referential constraint is violated and EF will throw an exception when you call SaveChanges - the infamous "The relationship could not be changed because one or more of the foreign-key properties is non-nullable" exception or similar.

    • If the relationship is identifying (it's necessarily required then because any part of the primary key cannot be NULL) EF will mark the childEntity as Deleted as well. If you call SaveChanges a SQL DELETE statement will be sent to the database. If no other referential constraints in the database are violated the entity will be deleted, otherwise an exception is thrown.

I am actually a bit confused about the Remarks section on the MSDN page you have linked because it says: "If the relationship has a referential integrity constraint, calling the Remove method on a dependent object marks both the relationship and the dependent object for deletion.". This seems unprecise or even wrong to me because all three cases above have a "referential integrity constraint" but only in the last case the child is in fact deleted. (Unless they mean with "dependent object" an object that participates in an identifying relationship which would be an unusual terminology though.)

Show week number with Javascript?

I was coding in the dark (a challenge) and couldn't lookup or test my code.

I forgot what round up was called (Math.celi) So I wanted to be extra sure i got it right and came up with this code.

var elm = document.createElement('input')_x000D_
elm.type = 'week'_x000D_
elm.valueAsDate = new Date()_x000D_
var week = elm.value.split('W').pop()_x000D_
_x000D_ Just a proof of concept of how you can get the week in any other way

But still i recommend any other solution that isn't required by the DOM.

How to use ADB to send touch events to device using sendevent command?

Building on top of Tomas's answer, this is the best approach of finding the location tap position as an integer I found:

adb shell getevent -l | grep ABS_MT_POSITION --line-buffered | awk '{a = substr($0,54,8); sub(/^0+/, "", a); b = sprintf("0x%s",a); printf("%d\n",strtonum(b))}'

Use adb shell getevent -l to get a list of events, the using grep for ABS_MT_POSITION (gets the line with touch events in hex) and finally use awk to get the relevant hex values, strip them of zeros and convert hex to integer. This continuously prints the x and y coordinates in the terminal only when you press on the device.

You can then use this adb shell command to send the command:

adb shell input tap x y

How do I search a Perl array for a matching string?

Perl 5.10+ contains the 'smart-match' operator ~~, which returns true if a certain element is contained in an array or hash, and false if it doesn't (see perlfaq4):

The nice thing is that it also supports regexes, meaning that your case-insensitive requirement can easily be taken care of:

use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;

my @array  = qw/aaa bbb/;
my $wanted = 'aAa';

say "'$wanted' matches!" if /$wanted/i ~~ @array;   # Prints "'aAa' matches!"

Center form submit buttons HTML / CSS

Input elements are inline by default. Add display:block to get the margins to apply. This will, however, break the buttons onto two separate lines. Use a wrapping <div> with text-align: center as suggested by others to get them on the same line.

Animate an element's width from 0 to 100%, with it and it's wrapper being only as wide as they need to be, without a pre-set width, in CSS3 or jQuery

Please check following snippet

 /* DEBUG */_x000D_
.lwb-col {_x000D_
    transition: box-shadow 0.5s ease;_x000D_
    box-shadow: 0 15px 30px -4px rgba(136, 155, 166, 0.4);_x000D_
.lwb-col--link {_x000D_
    font-weight: 500;_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
    border-bottom: 2px solid;_x000D_
    bottom: -3px;_x000D_
    content: "";_x000D_
    display: block;_x000D_
    left: 0;_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    width: 100%;_x000D_
    color: #E5E9EC;_x000D_
    border-bottom: 2px solid;_x000D_
    bottom: -3px;_x000D_
    content: "";_x000D_
    display: block;_x000D_
    left: 0;_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    width: 100%;_x000D_
    color: #57B0FB;_x000D_
    transform: scaleX(0);_x000D_
.lwb-col:hover .lwb-col--link::before {_x000D_
    border-color: #57B0FB;_x000D_
    display: block;_x000D_
    z-index: 2;_x000D_
    transition: transform 0.3s;_x000D_
    transform: scaleX(1);_x000D_
    transform-origin: left center;_x000D_
<div class="lwb-col">_x000D_
  <p>Steigern Sie Ihre Bekanntheit im Web mit individuellem &amp; professionellem Webdesign. Organisierte Codestruktur, sowie perfekte SEO Optimierung und jahrelange Erfahrung sprechen für uns.</p>_x000D_
<span class="lwb-col--link">Mehr erfahren</span>_x000D_

Best way to script remote SSH commands in Batch (Windows)

As an alternative option you could install OpenSSH and then simply ssh user@host -pw password -m command_run

Edit: After a response from user2687375 when installing, select client only. Once this is done you should be able to initiate SSH from command.

Then you can create an ssh batch script such as

ECHO ........................
ECHO SSH servers
ECHO ........................
ECHO 1 - Web Server 1
ECHO 2 - Web Server 2

SET /P M=Type 1 - 2 then press ENTER:

REM ------------------------------
REM SSH Server details
REM ------------------------------

call ssh [email protected]
cmd /k

call ssh [email protected]
cmd /k

phpinfo() - is there an easy way for seeing it?

From the CLI the best way is to use grep like:

php -i | grep libxml

Python's most efficient way to choose longest string in list?

From the Python documentation itself, you can use max:

>>> mylist = ['123','123456','1234']
>>> print max(mylist, key=len)

Insert json file into mongodb

Below command worked for me

mongoimport --db test --collection docs --file example2.json

when i removed the extra newline character before Email attribute in each of the documents.


{"FirstName": "Bruce", "LastName": "Wayne", "Email": "[email protected]"}
{"FirstName": "Lucius", "LastName": "Fox", "Email": "[email protected]"}
{"FirstName": "Dick", "LastName": "Grayson", "Email": "[email protected]"}

Convert Xml to Table SQL Server

This is the answer, hope it helps someone :)

First there are two variations on how the xml can be written:




       Tbl.Col.value('IdInvernadero[1]', 'smallint'),  
       Tbl.Col.value('IdProducto[1]', 'smallint'),  
       Tbl.Col.value('IdCaracteristica1[1]', 'smallint'),
       Tbl.Col.value('IdCaracteristica2[1]', 'smallint'),
       Tbl.Col.value('Cantidad[1]', 'int'),
       Tbl.Col.value('Folio[1]', 'varchar(7)')
FROM   @xml.nodes('//row') Tbl(Col)  


<row IdInvernadero="8" IdProducto="3" IdCaracteristica1="8" IdCaracteristica2="8" Cantidad ="25" Folio="4568457" />                         
<row IdInvernadero="3" IdProducto="3" IdCaracteristica1="1" IdCaracteristica2="2" Cantidad ="72" Folio="4568457" />


       Tbl.Col.value('@IdInvernadero', 'smallint'),  
       Tbl.Col.value('@IdProducto', 'smallint'),  
       Tbl.Col.value('@IdCaracteristica1', 'smallint'),
       Tbl.Col.value('@IdCaracteristica2', 'smallint'),
       Tbl.Col.value('@Cantidad', 'int'),
       Tbl.Col.value('@Folio', 'varchar(7)')

FROM   @xml.nodes('//row') Tbl(Col)

Taken from:



How to plot an array in python?

if you give a 2D array to the plot function of matplotlib it will assume the columns to be lines:

If x and/or y is 2-dimensional, then the corresponding columns will be plotted.

In your case your shape is not accepted (100, 1, 1, 8000). As so you can using numpy squeeze to solve the problem quickly:

np.squeez doc: Remove single-dimensional entries from the shape of an array.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

data = np.random.randint(3, 7, (10, 1, 1, 80))
newdata = np.squeeze(data) # Shape is now: (10, 80)
plt.plot(newdata) # plotting by columns

But notice that 100 sets of 80 000 points is a lot of data for matplotlib. I would recommend that you look for an alternative. The result of the code example (run in Jupyter) is:

Jupyter matplotlib plot

How to start jenkins on different port rather than 8080 using command prompt in Windows?

Correct, use --httpPort parameter. If you also want to specify the $JENKINS_HOME, you can do like this:

java -DJENKINS_HOME=/Users/Heros/jenkins -jar jenkins.war  --httpPort=8484

"Could not find a valid gem in any repository" (rubygame and others)

This worked for me to bypass the proxy definitions:

1) become root

2) gem install -u gem_name gem_name

Hope you can work it out

Accessing items in an collections.OrderedDict by index

Do you have to use an OrderedDict or do you specifically want a map-like type that's ordered in some way with fast positional indexing? If the latter, then consider one of Python's many sorted dict types (which orders key-value pairs based on key sort order). Some implementations also support fast indexing. For example, the sortedcontainers project has a SortedDict type for just this purpose.

>>> from sortedcontainers import SortedDict
>>> sd = SortedDict()
>>> sd['foo'] = 'python'
>>> sd['bar'] = 'spam'
>>> print sd.iloc[0] # Note that 'bar' comes before 'foo' in sort order.
>>> # If you want the value, then simple do a key lookup:
>>> print sd[sd.iloc[1]]

Creating a simple configuration file and parser in C++

A naive approach could look like this:

#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>

std::map<std::string, std::string> options; // global?

void parse(std::istream & cfgfile)
    for (std::string line; std::getline(cfgfile, line); )
        std::istringstream iss(line);
        std::string id, eq, val;

        bool error = false;

        if (!(iss >> id))
            error = true;
        else if (id[0] == '#')
        else if (!(iss >> eq >> val >> std::ws) || eq != "=" || iss.get() != EOF)
            error = true;

        if (error)
            // do something appropriate: throw, skip, warn, etc.
            options[id] = val;

Now you can access each option value from the global options map anywhere in your program. If you want castability, you could make the mapped type a boost::variant.

Java java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column index on preparing statement

As @TechSpellBound suggested remove the quotes around the ? signs. Then add a space character at the end of each row in your concatenated string. Otherwise the entire query will be sent as (using only part of it as an example) : .... WHERE bookings.booking_end < date ?OR bookings.booking_start > date ?GROUP BY ....

The ? and the OR needs to be seperated by a space character. Do it wherever needed in the query string.

Could not open ServletContext resource

Do not use classpath. This may cause problems with different ClassLoaders (container vs. application). WEB-INF is always the better choice.



<bean id="placeholderConfig" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
     <property name="location">

Pretty print in MongoDB shell as default

Oh so i guess .pretty() is equal to:


Get text from DataGridView selected cells

Private Sub DataGridView1_CellClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
                                    ByVal e As DataGridViewCellEventArgs) _
                                    Handles DataGridView1.CellClick
End Sub

keytool error Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect

This answer will be helpful for new Mac User (Works for Linux, Window 7 64 bit too).

Empty Password worked in my mac . (paste the below line in terminal)

keytool -list -v -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore

when it prompt for

Enter keystore password:  

just press enter button (Dont type anything).It should work .

Please make sure its for default debug.keystore file , not for your project based keystore file (Password might change for this).

Works well for MacOS Sierra 10.10+ too.

I heard, it works for linux environment as well. i haven't tested that in linux yet.

Subtracting 2 lists in Python

This answer shows how to write "normal/easily understandable" pythonic code.

I suggest not using zip as not really everyone knows about it.

The solutions use list comprehensions and common built-in functions.

Alternative 1 (Recommended):

a = [2, 2, 2]
b = [1, 1, 1]
result = [a[i] - b[i] for i in range(len(a))]

Recommended as it only uses the most basic functions in Python

Alternative 2:

a = [2, 2, 2]
b = [1, 1, 1]
result = [x - b[i] for i, x in enumerate(a)]

Alternative 3 (as mentioned by BioCoder):

a = [2, 2, 2]
b = [1, 1, 1]
result = list(map(lambda x, y: x - y, a, b))

Is there a version of JavaScript's String.indexOf() that allows for regular expressions?

After having all the proposed solutions fail my tests one way or the other, (edit: some were updated to pass the tests after I wrote this) I found the mozilla implementation for Array.indexOf and Array.lastIndexOf

I used those to implement my version of String.prototype.regexIndexOf and String.prototype.regexLastIndexOf as follows:

String.prototype.regexIndexOf = function(elt /*, from*/)
    var arr = this.split('');
    var len = arr.length;

    var from = Number(arguments[1]) || 0;
    from = (from < 0) ? Math.ceil(from) : Math.floor(from);
    if (from < 0)
      from += len;

    for (; from < len; from++) {
      if (from in arr && elt.exec(arr[from]) ) 
        return from;
    return -1;

String.prototype.regexLastIndexOf = function(elt /*, from*/)
    var arr = this.split('');
    var len = arr.length;

    var from = Number(arguments[1]);
    if (isNaN(from)) {
      from = len - 1;
    } else {
      from = (from < 0) ? Math.ceil(from) : Math.floor(from);
      if (from < 0)
        from += len;
      else if (from >= len)
        from = len - 1;

    for (; from > -1; from--) {
      if (from in arr && elt.exec(arr[from]) )
        return from;
    return -1;

They seem to pass the test functions I provided in the question.

Obviously they only work if the regular expression matches one character but that is enough for my purpose since I will be using it for things like ( [abc] , \s , \W , \D )

I will keep monitoring the question in case someone provides a better/faster/cleaner/more generic implementation that works on any regular expression.

Disable building workspace process in Eclipse

Building workspace is about incremental build of any evolution detected in one of the opened projects in the currently used workspace.

You can also disable it through the menu "Project / Build automatically".

But I would recommend first to check:

  • if a Project Clean all / Build result in the same kind of long wait (after disabling this option)
  • if you have (this time with building automatically activated) some validation options you could disable to see if they have an influence on the global compilation time (Preferences / Validations, or Preferences / XML / ... if you have WTP installed)
  • if a fresh eclipse installation referencing the same workspace (see this eclipse.ini for more) results in the same issue (with building automatically activated)

Note that bug 329657 (open in 2011, in progress in 2014) is about interrupting a (too lengthy) build, instead of cancelling it:

There is an important difference between build interrupt and cancel.

  • When a build is cancelled, it typically handles this by discarding incremental build state and letting the next build be a full rebuild. This can be quite expensive in some projects.
    As a user I think I would rather wait for the 5 second incremental build to finish rather than cancel and result in a 30 second rebuild afterwards.

  • The idea with interrupt is that a builder could more efficiently handle interrupt by saving its intermediate state and resuming on the next invocation.
    In practice this is hard to implement so the most common boundary is when we check for interrupt before/after calling each builder in the chain.


PHP json_encode json_decode UTF-8

Try sending the UTF-8 Charset header:

<?php header ('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); ?>

And the HTML meta:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

How to change the default charset of a MySQL table?

The ALTER TABLE MySQL command should do the trick. The following command will change the default character set of your table and the character set of all its columns to UTF8.

ALTER TABLE etape_prospection CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;

This command will convert all text-like columns in the table to the new character set. Character sets use different amounts of data per character, so MySQL will convert the type of some columns to ensure there's enough room to fit the same number of characters as the old column type.

I recommend you read the ALTER TABLE MySQL documentation before modifying any live data.

How to format a duration in java? (e.g format H:MM:SS)

If you're using a version of Java prior to 8... you can use Joda Time and PeriodFormatter. If you've really got a duration (i.e. an elapsed amount of time, with no reference to a calendar system) then you should probably be using Duration for the most part - you can then call toPeriod (specifying whatever PeriodType you want to reflect whether 25 hours becomes 1 day and 1 hour or not, etc) to get a Period which you can format.

If you're using Java 8 or later: I'd normally suggest using java.time.Duration to represent the duration. You can then call getSeconds() or the like to obtain an integer for standard string formatting as per bobince's answer if you need to - although you should be careful of the situation where the duration is negative, as you probably want a single negative sign in the output string. So something like:

public static String formatDuration(Duration duration) {
    long seconds = duration.getSeconds();
    long absSeconds = Math.abs(seconds);
    String positive = String.format(
        absSeconds / 3600,
        (absSeconds % 3600) / 60,
        absSeconds % 60);
    return seconds < 0 ? "-" + positive : positive;

Formatting this way is reasonably simple, if annoyingly manual. For parsing it becomes a harder matter in general... You could still use Joda Time even with Java 8 if you want to, of course.

Lock down Microsoft Excel macro

Just like you can password protect workbooks and worksheets, you can password protect a macro in Excel from being viewed (and executed).

Place a command button on your worksheet and add the following code lines:

  1. First, create a simple macro that you want to protect.

    Range("A1").Value = "This is secret code"

  2. Next, click Tools, Then VBAProject Properties...

enter image description here

Click Tools, VBAProject Properties...

  1. On the Protection tab, check "Lock project for viewing" and enter a password twice.

enter image description here

Enter a Password Twice

  1. Click OK.

  2. Save, close and reopen the Excel file. Try to view the code.

enter image description here

The following dialog box will appear:

Password Protected from being Viewed

You can still execute the code by clicking on the command button but you cannot view or edit the code anymore (unless you know the password). The password for the downloadable Excel file is "easy".

  1. If you want to password protect the macro from being executed, add the following code lines:
Dim password As Variant
password = Application.InputBox("Enter Password", "Password Protected")

Select Case password
    Case Is = False
        'do nothing
    Case Is = "easy"
        Range("A1").Value = "This is secret code"
    Case Else
        MsgBox "Incorrect Password"
End Select

Result when you click the command button on the sheet:

enter image description here

Password Protected from being Executed

Explanation: The macro uses the InputBox method of the Application object. If the users clicks Cancel, this method returns False and nothing happens (InputBox disappears). Only when the user knows the password ("easy" again), the secret code will be executed. If the entered password is incorrect, a MsgBox is displayed. Note that the user cannot take a look at the password in the Visual Basic Editor because the project is protected from being viewed

How to list the files inside a JAR file?

So I guess my main problem would be, how to know the name of the jar where my main class lives.

Assuming that your project is packed in a Jar (not necessarily true!), you can use ClassLoader.getResource() or findResource() with the class name (followed by .class) to get the jar that contains a given class. You'll have to parse the jar name from the URL that gets returned (not that tough), which I will leave as an exercise for the reader :-)

Be sure to test for the case where the class is not part of a jar.

How to go back (ctrl+z) in vi/vim

Just in normal mode press:

  • u - undo,
  • Ctrl + r - redo changes which were undone (undo the undos).

Undo and Redo

Prevent div from moving while resizing the page

I'd rather use static widths and if you'd like your page to resize depending on screen size, you can have a look at media queries.

Or, you can set a min-width on elements like header, navigation, content etc.

Passing capturing lambda as function pointer

Not a direct answer, but a slight variation to use the "functor" template pattern to hide away the specifics of the lambda type and keeps the code nice and simple.

I was not sure how you wanted to use the decide class so I had to extend the class with a function that uses it. See full example here:

The basic form of your class might look like this:

template <typename Functor>
class Decide
    Decide(Functor dec) : _dec{dec} {}
    Functor _dec;

Where you pass the type of the function in as part of the class type used like:

auto decide_fc = [](int x){ return x > 3; };
Decide<decltype(decide_fc)> greaterThanThree{decide_fc};

Again, I was not sure why you are capturing x it made more sense (to me) to have a parameter that you pass in to the lambda) so you can use like:

int result = _dec(5); // or whatever value

See the link for a complete example

Finding an item in a List<> using C#

What is wrong with List.Find ??

I think we need more information on what you've done, and why it fails, before we can provide truly helpful answers.

Android YouTube app Play Video Intent

Intent videoClient = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
startActivityForResult(videoClient, 1234);

Where videoId is the video id of the youtube video that has to be played. This code works fine on Motorola Milestone.

But basically what we can do is to check for what activity is loaded when you start the Youtube app and accordingly substitute for the packageName and the className.

Why am I getting a "401 Unauthorized" error in Maven?

I got the same error when trying to deploy to a Artifactory repository, the following solved the issue for me:

Go to the repository setting in artifactory and enable the point "Force Maven Authentication" and the 401 "Unauthorized" error should be gone. (Of course you need to supply your credentials in the settings.xml file at best in plain text to prevent issues)

I guess by default, even through you supply the right credentials in the settings.xml file, they don't get used and you get the Unauthorized exception.