Programs & Examples On #Ligature

How to change the integrated terminal in visual studio code or VSCode

If you want to change the external terminal to the new windows terminal, here's how.

Array from dictionary keys in swift

dict.allKeys is not a String. It is a [String], exactly as the error message tells you (assuming, of course, that the keys are all strings; this is exactly what you are asserting when you say that).

So, either start by typing componentArray as [AnyObject], because that is how it is typed in the Cocoa API, or else, if you cast dict.allKeys, cast it to [String], because that is how you have typed componentArray.

How can I delay a method call for 1 second?

Use in Swift 3

perform(<Selector>, with: <object>, afterDelay: <Time in Seconds>)

Install tkinter for Python

There is _tkinter and Tkinter - both work on Py 3.x But to be safe- Download Loopy and change your python root directory(if you're using an IDE like PyCharms) to Loopy's installation directory. You'll get this library and many more.

Failed to start component [StandardEngine[Catalina].StandardHost[localhost].StandardContext[]]

I had met a similar problem, after i add a scope property of servlet dependency in pom.xml


Then it was ok . maybe that will help you.

Why does my JavaScript code receive a "No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource" error, while Postman does not?

$.ajax({type: "POST" - calls OPTIONS
$.post( - Calls POST

Both are different. Postman calls "POST" properly, but when we call it, it will be "OPTIONS".

For C# web services - Web API

Please add the following code in your web.config file under <system.webServer> tag. This will work:

        <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="*" />

Please make sure you are not doing any mistake in the Ajax call


    url: '',
    headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
    type: "POST", /* or type:"GET" or type:"PUT" */
    dataType: "json",
    data: {
    success: function (result) {
    error: function () {

Note: If you are looking for downloading content from a third-party website then this will not help you. You can try the following code, but not JavaScript.

System.Net.WebClient wc = new System.Net.WebClient();
string str = wc.DownloadString("");

<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true" /> Meaning

Modules Preconditions:

The IIS core engine uses preconditions to determine when to enable a particular module. Performance reasons, for example, might determine that you only want to execute managed modules for requests that also go to a managed handler. The precondition in the following example (precondition="managedHandler") only enables the forms authentication module for requests that are also handled by a managed handler, such as requests to .aspx or .asmx files:

<add name="FormsAuthentication" type="System.Web.Security.FormsAuthenticationModule" preCondition="managedHandler" />

If you remove the attribute precondition="managedHandler", Forms Authentication also applies to content that is not served by managed handlers, such as .html, .jpg, .doc, but also for classic ASP (.asp) or PHP (.php) extensions. See "How to Take Advantage of IIS Integrated Pipeline" for an example of enabling ASP.NET modules to run for all content.

You can also use a shortcut to enable all managed (ASP.NET) modules to run for all requests in your application, regardless of the "managedHandler" precondition.

To enable all managed modules to run for all requests without configuring each module entry to remove the "managedHandler" precondition, use the runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests property in the <modules> section:

<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true" />    

When you use this property, the "managedHandler" precondition has no effect and all managed modules run for all requests.

Copied from IIS Modules Overview: Preconditions

Where does Console.WriteLine go in ASP.NET?

I've found this question by trying to change the Log output of the DataContext to the output window. So to anyone else trying to do the same, what I've done was create this:

class DebugTextWriter : System.IO.TextWriter {
   public override void Write(char[] buffer, int index, int count) {
       System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write(new String(buffer, index, count));

   public override void Write(string value) {

   public override Encoding Encoding {
       get { return System.Text.Encoding.Default; }

Annd after that: dc.Log = new DebugTextWriter() and I can see all the queries in the output window (dc is the DataContext).

Have a look at this for more info:

How to add a margin to a table row <tr>

You can create space between table rows by adding an empty row of cells like this...


CSS can then be used to target the empty cells like this…

table :empty{border:none; height:10px;}

NB: This technique is only good if none of your normal cells will be empty/vacant.

Even a non-breaking space will do to avoid a cell from being targetted by the CSS rule above.

Needless to mention that you can adjust the space's height to whatever you like with the height property included.

How do MySQL indexes work?

In MySQL InnoDB, there are two types of index.

  1. Primary key which is called clustered index. Index key words are stored with real record data in the B+Tree leaf node.

  2. Secondary key which is non clustered index. These index only store primary key's key words along with their own index key words in the B+Tree leaf node. So when searching from secondary index, it will first find its primary key index key words and scan the primary key B+Tree to find the real data records. This will make secondary index slower compared to primary index search. However, if the select columns are all in the secondary index, then no need to look up primary index B+Tree again. This is called covering index.

Calendar Recurring/Repeating Events - Best Storage Method

The two examples you've given are very simple; they can be represented as a simple interval (the first being four days, the second being 14 days). How you model this will depend entirely on the complexity of your recurrences. If what you have above is truly that simple, then store a start date and the number of days in the repeat interval.

If, however, you need to support things like

Event A repeats every month on the 3rd of the month starting on March 3, 2011


Event A repeats second Friday of the month starting on March 11, 2011

Then that's a much more complex pattern.

AES Encrypt and Decrypt

I found the solution, it is a good library.

Cross platform 256bit AES encryption / decryption.

This project contains the implementation of 256 bit AES encryption which works on all the platforms (C#, iOS, Android). One of the key objective is to make AES work on all the platforms with simple implementation.

Platforms Supported: iOS , Android , Windows (C#).

How to declare a variable in SQL Server and use it in the same Stored Procedure

@BrandName nvarchar(50) = null,
@CategoryID int = null

DECLARE @BrandID int = null
SELECT @BrandID = BrandID FROM tblBrand 
WHERE BrandName = @BrandName

INSERT INTO tblBrandinCategory (CategoryID, BrandID) 
       VALUES (@CategoryID, @BrandID)


EXEC AddBrand @BrandName = 'BMW', @CategoryId = 1

How to ignore a particular directory or file for tslint?

In addition to Michael's answer, consider a second way: adding linterOptions.exclude to tslint.json

For example, you may have tslint.json with following lines:

  "linterOptions": {
    "exclude": [

ASP.Net Download file to client browser

Just a slight addition to the above solution if you are having problem with downloaded file's name...

Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + file.Name + "\"");

This will return the exact file name even if it contains spaces or other characters.

Intersection and union of ArrayLists in Java

If the objects in the list are hashable (i.e. have a decent hashCode and equals function), the fastest approach between tables approx. size > 20 is to construct a HashSet for the larger of the two lists.

public static <T> ArrayList<T> intersection(Collection<T> a, Collection<T> b) {
    if (b.size() > a.size()) {
        return intersection(b, a);
    } else {
        if (b.size() > 20 && !(a instanceof HashSet)) {
            a = new HashSet(a);
        ArrayList<T> result = new ArrayList();
        for (T objb : b) {
            if (a.contains(objb)) {
        return result;

Use different Python version with virtualenv

Under Windows for me this works:

virtualenv --python=c:\Python25\python.exe envname

without the python.exe I got WindowsError: [Error 5] Access is denied I have Python2.7.1 installed with virtualenv 1.6.1, and I wanted python 2.5.2.

What does 'corrupted double-linked list' mean

I ran into this error in some code where someone was calling exit() in one thread about the same time as main() returned, so all the global/static constructors were being kicked off in two separate threads simultaneously.

This error also manifests as double free or corruption, or a segfault/sig11 inside exit() or inside malloc_consolidate, and likely others. The call stack for the malloc_consolidate crash may resemble:

#0  0xabcdabcd in malloc_consolidate () from /lib/
#1  0xabcdabcd in _int_free () from /lib/
#2  0xabcdabcd in operator delete (...)
#3  0xabcdabcd in operator delete[] (...)

I couldn't get it to exhibit this problem while running under valgrind.

How to fix Terminal not loading ~/.bashrc on OS X Lion

Terminal opens a login shell. This means, ~/.bash_profile will get executed, ~/.bashrc not.

The solution on most systems is to "require" the ~/.bashrc in the ~/.bash_profile: just put this snippet in your ~/.bash_profile:

[[ -s ~/.bashrc ]] && source ~/.bashrc

What is the use of is a read input method for class which is "Standard Input file" or 0 in conventional OS.

SQL Server query - Selecting COUNT(*) with DISTINCT

This is a good example where you want to get count of Pincode which stored in the last of address field

    RIGHT (address, 6),
    count(*) AS count
    address IS NOT NULL
    RIGHT (address, 6)

Docker: adding a file from a parent directory

The solution for those who use composer is to use a volume pointing to the parent folder:


  build: foo
    - ./:/src/:ro

But I'm pretty sure the can be done playing with volumes in Dockerfile.

The split() method in Java does not work on a dot (.)

It works fine. Did you read the documentation? The string is converted to a regular expression.

. is the special character matching all input characters.

As with any regular expression special character, you escape with a \. You need an additional \ for the Java string escape.

How display only years in input Bootstrap Datepicker?

$("#year").datepicker( {
    format: "yyyy",
    viewMode: "years", 
    minViewMode: "years"
}).on('changeDate', function(e){

Angular2 dynamic change CSS property

You don't have any example code but I assume you want to do something like this?

directives: [NgClass],
styles: [`
    .${TodoModel.COMPLETED}  {
        text-decoration: line-through;
    .${TodoModel.STARTED} {
        color: green;
template: `<div>
                <span [ng-class]="todo.status" >{{todo.title}}</span>
                <button (click)="todo.toggle()" >Toggle status</button>

You assign ng-class to a variable which is dynamic (a property of a model called TodoModel as you can guess).

todo.toggle() is changing the value of todo.status and there for the class of the input is changing.

This is an example for class name but actually you could do the same think for css properties.

I hope this is what you meant.

This example is taken for the great egghead tutorial here.

TypeError: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not _io.BufferedReader

I think it has to do with your second element in storbinary. You are trying to open file, but it is already a pointer to the file you opened in line file = open(local_path,'rb'). So, try to use ftp.storbinary("STOR " + i, file).

how to get curl to output only http response body (json) and no other headers etc


req=$(curl -s -X GET http://host:8080/some/resource -H "Accept: application/json") 2>&1
echo "${req}"

Strings and character with printf

You're confusing the dereference operator * with pointer type annotation *. Basically, in C * means different things in different places:

  • In a type, * means a pointer. int is an integer type, int* is a pointer to integer type
  • As a prefix operator, * means 'dereference'. name is a pointer, *name is the result of dereferencing it (i.e. getting the value that the pointer points to)
  • Of course, as an infix operator, * means 'multiply'.

How can I determine if a variable is 'undefined' or 'null'?

I've just had this problem i.e. checking if an object is null.
I simply use this:

if (object) {
    // Your code

For example:

if (document.getElementById("enterJob")) {
    document.getElementById("enterJob").className += ' current';

git visual diff between branches

Here is how to see the visual diff between whole commits, as opposed to single files, in Visual Studio (tested in VS 2017). Unfortunately, it works only for commits within one branch: In the "Team Explorer", choose the "Branches" view, right-click on the repo, and choose "View history" as in the following image.

enter image description here

Then the history of the current branch appears in the main area. (Where branches that ended as earlier commits on the current branch are marked by labels.) Now select a couple of commits with Ctrl-Left, then right click and select "Compare Commits..." from the pop-up menu.

For more on comparing branches in the Microsoft world, see this stackoverflow question: Differences between git branches using Visual Studio.

How to create a file name with the current date & time in Python?

I'm surprised there is not some single formatter that returns a default (and safe) 'for appending in filename' - format of the time, We could simply write FD.write('mybackup'+time.strftime('%(formatter here)') + 'ext'

"%x" instead of "%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"

Animate an element's width from 0 to 100%, with it and it's wrapper being only as wide as they need to be, without a pre-set width, in CSS3 or jQuery

I think I've got it.

.wrapper {_x000D_
    padding: 10px;_x000D_
    height: 20px;_x000D_
.label {_x000D_
    display: inline-block;_x000D_
    width: 1em;_x000D_
.contents, .contents .inner {_x000D_
.contents {_x000D_
    margin-left: -1em;_x000D_
    padding-left: 1em;_x000D_
.contents .inner {_x000D_
    -webkit-transition: width 1s ease-in-out;_x000D_
    -moz-transition: width 1s ease-in-out;_x000D_
    -o-transition: width 1s ease-in-out;_x000D_
    transition: width 1s ease-in-out;_x000D_
.wrapper:hover .contents .inner {_x000D_
<div class="wrapper">_x000D_
    <span class="label">+</span><div class="contents">_x000D_
        <div class="inner">_x000D_
            These are the contents of this div_x000D_

Animating to 100% causes it to wrap because the box is bigger than the available width (100% minus the + and the whitespace following it).

Instead, you can animate an inner element, whose 100% is the total width of .contents.

CSS media queries for screen sizes

Unless you have more style sheets than that, you've messed up your break points:

#1 (max-width: 700px)
#2 (min-width: 701px) and (max-width: 900px)
#3 (max-width: 901px)

The 3rd media query is probably meant to be min-width: 901px. Right now, it overlaps #1 and #2, and only controls the page layout by itself when the screen is exactly 901px wide.

Edit for updated question:

(max-width: 640px)
(max-width: 800px)
(max-width: 1024px)
(max-width: 1280px)

Media queries aren't like catch or if/else statements. If any of the conditions match, then it will apply all of the styles from each media query it matched. If you only specify a min-width for all of your media queries, it's possible that some or all of the media queries are matched. In your case, a device that's 640px wide matches all 4 of your media queries, so all for style sheets are loaded. What you are most likely looking for is this:

(max-width: 640px)
(min-width: 641px) and (max-width: 800px)
(min-width: 801px) and (max-width: 1024px)
(min-width: 1025px)

Now there's no overlap. The styles will only apply if the device's width falls between the widths specified.

React-Router: No Not Found Route?

DefaultRoute and NotFoundRoute were removed in react-router 1.0.0.

I'd like to emphasize that the default route with the asterisk has to be last in the current hierarchy level to work. Otherwise it will override all other routes that appear after it in the tree because it's first and matches every path.

For react-router 1, 2 and 3

If you want to display a 404 and keep the path (Same functionality as NotFoundRoute)

<Route path='*' exact={true} component={My404Component} />

If you want to display a 404 page but change the url (Same functionality as DefaultRoute)

<Route path='/404' component={My404Component} />
<Redirect from='*' to='/404' />

Example with multiple levels:

<Route path='/' component={Layout} />
    <IndexRoute component={MyComponent} />
    <Route path='/users' component={MyComponent}>
        <Route path='user/:id' component={MyComponent} />
        <Route path='*' component={UsersNotFound} />
    <Route path='/settings' component={MyComponent} />
    <Route path='*' exact={true} component={GenericNotFound} />

For react-router 4 and 5

Keep the path

    <Route exact path="/users" component={MyComponent} />
    <Route component={GenericNotFound} />

Redirect to another route (change url)

    <Route path="/users" component={MyComponent} />
    <Route path="/404" component={GenericNotFound} />
    <Redirect to="/404" />

The order matters!

How to call a method in another class of the same package?

Methods are object methods or class methods.

Object methods: it applies over an object. You have to use an instance:


Class methods: it applies over a class. It doesn't have an implicit instance. You have to use the class itself. It's more like procedural programming.



With reflection you have an API to programmatically access methods, be they object or class methods.

Instance methods: methodRef.invoke(instance, args...); Class methods: methodRef.invoke(null, args...);

What's the best way to break from nested loops in JavaScript?

XXX.Validation = function() {
    var ok = false;
    do {
        for (...) {
            while (...) {
                if (...) {
                    break loop; // Exist the outermost do-while loop
                if (...) {
                    continue; // skips current iteration in the while loop
        if (...) {
            break loop;
        if (...) {
            break loop;
        if (...) {
            break loop;
        if (...) {
            break loop;
        ok = true;
    } while(true);
    return ok;

how to return a char array from a function in C

char *substring(int i,int j,char *ch)
    int n,k=0;
    char *ch1;


    return (char *)ch1;

int main()
    int i=0,j=2;
    char s[]="String";
    char *test;

    free(test); //free the test 
    return 0;

This will compile fine without any warning

  1. #include stdlib.h
  2. pass test=substring(i,j,s);
  3. remove m as it is unused
  4. either declare char substring(int i,int j,char *ch) or define it before main

JPA - Returning an auto generated id after persist()

return abc;

What does the term "Tuple" Mean in Relational Databases?

In relational databases, tables are relations (in mathematical meaning). Relations are sets of tuples. Thus table row in relational database is tuple in relation.

Wiki on relations:

In mathematics (more specifically, in set theory and logic), a relation is a property that assigns truth values to combinations (k-tuples) of k individuals. Typically, the property describes a possible connection between the components of a k-tuple. For a given set of k-tuples, a truth value is assigned to each k-tuple according to whether the property does or does not hold.

check if "it's a number" function in Oracle

This is my query to find all those that are NOT number :

Select myVarcharField
From myTable
where not REGEXP_LIKE(myVarcharField, '^(-)?\d+(\.\d+)?$', '')
and not REGEXP_LIKE(myVarcharField, '^(-)?\d+(\,\d+)?$', '');

In my field I've . and , decimal numbers sadly so had to take that into account, else you only need one of the restriction.

How to combine class and ID in CSS selector?

There are differences between #header .callout and #header.callout in css.

Here is the "plain English" of #header .callout:
Select all elements with the class name callout that are descendants of the element with an ID of header.

And #header.callout means:
Select the element which has an ID of header and also a class name of callout.

You can read more here css tricks

How to commit changes to a new branch

If I understand right, you've made a commit to changed_branch and you want to copy that commit to other_branch? Easy:

git checkout other_branch
git cherry-pick changed_branch

Why use Gradle instead of Ant or Maven?

Gradle put the fun back into building/assembling software. I used ant to build software my entire career and I have always considered the actual "buildit" part of the dev work being a necessary evil. A few months back our company grew tired of not using a binary repo (aka checking in jars into the vcs) and I was given the task to investigate this. Started with ivy since it could be bolted on top of ant, didn't have much luck getting my built artifacts published like I wanted. I went for maven and hacked away with xml, worked splendid for some simple helper libs but I ran into serious problems trying to bundle applications ready for deploy. Hassled quite a while googling plugins and reading forums and wound up downloading trillions of support jars for various plugins which I had a hard time using. Finally I went for gradle (getting quite bitter at this point, and annoyed that "It shouldn't be THIS hard!")

But from day one my mood started to improve. I was getting somewhere. Took me like two hours to migrate my first ant module and the build file was basically nothing. Easily fitted one screen. The big "wow" was: build scripts in xml, how stupid is that? the fact that declaring one dependency takes ONE row is very appealing to me -> you can easily see all dependencies for a certain project on one page. From then on I been on a constant roll, for every problem I faced so far there is a simple and elegant solution. I think these are the reasons:

  • groovy is very intuitive for java developers
  • documentation is great to awesome
  • the flexibility is endless

Now I spend my days trying to think up new features to add to our build process. How sick is that?

Order Bars in ggplot2 bar graph

In addition to forcats::fct_infreq, mentioned by @HolgerBrandl, there is forcats::fct_rev, which reverses the factor order.

theTable <- data.frame(
        c("Zoalkeeper", "Zoalkeeper", "Defense",
          "Defense", "Defense", "Striker"),
    Name=c("James", "Frank","Jean",
           "Steve","John", "Tim"))

p1 <- ggplot(theTable, aes(x = Position)) + geom_bar()
p2 <- ggplot(theTable, aes(x = fct_infreq(Position))) + geom_bar()
p3 <- ggplot(theTable, aes(x = fct_rev(fct_infreq(Position)))) + geom_bar()

gridExtra::grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, nrow=3)             

gplot output

Volatile Vs Atomic

So what will happen if two threads attack a volatile primitive variable at same time?

Usually each one can increment the value. However sometime, both will update the value at the same time and instead of incrementing by 2 total, both thread increment by 1 and only 1 is added.

Does this mean that whosoever takes lock on it, that will be setting its value first.

There is no lock. That is what synchronized is for.

And in if meantime, some other thread comes up and read old value while first thread was changing its value, then doesn't new thread will read its old value?


What is the difference between Atomic and volatile keyword?

AtomicXxxx wraps a volatile so they are basically same, the difference is that it provides higher level operations such as CompareAndSwap which is used to implement increment.

AtomicXxxx also supports lazySet. This is like a volatile set, but doesn't stall the pipeline waiting for the write to complete. It can mean that if you read a value you just write you might see the old value, but you shouldn't be doing that anyway. The difference is that setting a volatile takes about 5 ns, bit lazySet takes about 0.5 ns.

Linux : Search for a Particular word in a List of files under a directory

You could club find with exec as follows to get the list of the files as well as the occurrence of the word/string that you are looking for

find . -exec grep "my word" '{}' \; -print

base64 encoded images in email signatures

The image should be embedded in the message as an attachment like this:

Content-Type: image/png; name="sig.png"
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="sig.png"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-ID: <0123456789>
Content-Location: sig.png

base64 data


And, the HTML part would reference the image like this:

<img src="cid:0123456789">

In some clients, src="sig.png" will work too.

You'd basically have a multipart/mixed, multipart/alternative, multipart/related message where the image attachment is in the related part.

Clients shouldn't block this image either as it isn't remote.

Or, here's a multipart/alternative, multipart/related example as an mbox file (save as windows newline format and put a blank line at the end. And, use no extension or the .mbs extension):

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: HTML Messages with Embedded Pic in Signature
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="alternative_boundary"

This is a message with multiple parts in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit


[Picture of a Christmas Tree]

Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="related_boundary"

Content-Type: text/html; charset="utf-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <p class="sig">-- <br><img src="cid:0123456789"></p>

Content-Type: image/png; name="sig.png"
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="sig.png"
Content-Location: sig.png
Content-ID: <0123456789>
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64




You can import that into Sylpheed or Thunderbird (with the Import/Export tools extension) or Opera's built-in mail client. Then, in Opera for example, you can toggle "prefer plain text" to see the difference between the HTML and text version. Anyway, you'll see the HTML version makes use of the embedded pic in the sig.

Spark: subtract two DataFrames

In pyspark DOCS it would be subtract


Same Navigation Drawer in different Activities

I've found the best implementation. It's in the Google I/O 2014 app.

They use the same approach as Kevin's. If you can abstract yourself from all unneeded stuff in I/O app, you could extract everything you need and it is assured by Google that it's a correct usage of navigation drawer pattern. Each activity optionally has a DrawerLayout as its main layout. The interesting part is how the navigation to other screens is done. It is implemented in BaseActivity like this:

private void goToNavDrawerItem(int item) {
        Intent intent;
        switch (item) {
                intent = new Intent(this, MyScheduleActivity.class);

This differs from the common way of replacing current fragment by a fragment transaction. But the user doesn't spot a visual difference.

GROUP BY + CASE statement

For TSQL I like to encapsulate case statements in an outer apply. This prevents me from having to have the case statement written twice, allows reference to the case statement by alias in future joins and avoids the need for positional references.

COUNT(*) MyCount 
FROM attempt attempt, prod_hw_id prod_hw_id, model model
WHERE time >= '2013-11-06 00:00:00'  
AND time < '2013-11-07 00:00:00'
AND attempt.hard_id = prod_hw_id.hard_id
AND prod_hw_id.model_id = model.model_id
     CASE WHEN attempt.result = 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END result
    ) oa    
group by,, 
order by, attempt.type, oa.result;

How to use css style in php

Try putting your php into an html document:

Note: your file is not saved as index.html but it is saved as index.php or your php wont work!

 //dont inline your style

 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mystyle.css"> //<--this is the proper way!

 //save a separate style sheet (i.e. cascading style sheet aka: css)

All combinations of a list of lists

Numpy can do it:

 >>> import numpy
 >>> a = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9,10]]
 >>> [list(x) for x in numpy.array(numpy.meshgrid(*a)).T.reshape(-1,len(a))]
[[ 1, 4, 7], [1, 5, 7], [1, 6, 7], ....]

Get output parameter value in ADO.NET

string ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DBCS"].ConnectionString;
using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString))
//Create the SqlCommand object
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(“spAddEmployee”, con);

//Specify that the SqlCommand is a stored procedure
cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;

//Add the input parameters to the command object
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@Name”, txtEmployeeName.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@Gender”, ddlGender.SelectedValue);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@Salary”, txtSalary.Text);

//Add the output parameter to the command object
SqlParameter outPutParameter = new SqlParameter();
outPutParameter.ParameterName = “@EmployeeId”;
outPutParameter.SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.Int;
outPutParameter.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output;

//Open the connection and execute the query

//Retrieve the value of the output parameter
string EmployeeId = outPutParameter.Value.ToString();


Is it possible to cherry-pick a commit from another git repository?

Yes. Fetch the repository and then cherry-pick from the remote branch.

Difference between using Throwable and Exception in a try catch

Throwable is super class of Exception as well as Error. In normal cases we should always catch sub-classes of Exception, so that the root cause doesn't get lost.

Only special cases where you see possibility of things going wrong which is not in control of your Java code, you should catch Error or Throwable.

I remember catching Throwable to flag that a native library is not loaded.

How to set up file permissions for Laravel?

As posted already

All you need to do is to give ownership of the folders to Apache :

but I added -R for chown command: sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /path/to/your/project/vendor sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /path/to/your/project/storage

How do I get and set Environment variables in C#?

If the purpose of reading environment variable is to override the values in the appsetting.json or any other config file, you can archive it through EnvironmentVariablesExtensions.

var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
                .AddEnvironmentVariables(prefix: "ABC_")

var config = builder.Build();

enter image description here

According to this example, Url for the environment is read from the appsettings.json. but when the AddEnvironmentVariables(prefix: "ABC_") line is added to the ConfigurationBuilder the value appsettings.json will be override by in the environement varibale value.

Is there a Google Sheets formula to put the name of the sheet into a cell?

I got this to finally work in a semi-automatic fashion without the use of scripts... but it does take up 3 cells to pull it off. Borrowing from a bit from previous answers, I start with a cell that has nothing more than =NOW() it in to show the time. For example, we'll put this into cell A1...


This function updates automatically every minute. In the next cell, put a pointer formula using the sheets own name to point to the previous cell. For example, we'll put this in A2...

='Sheet Name'!A1

Cell formatting aside, cell A1 and A2 should at this point display the same content... namely the current time.

And, the last cell is the part I'm borrowing from previous solutions using a regex expression to pull the fomula from the second cell and then strip out the name of the sheet from said formula. For example, we'll put this into cell A3...


At this point, the resultant value displayed in A3 should be the name of the sheet.

From my experience, as soon as the name of the sheet is changed, the formula in A2 is immediately updated. However that's not enough to trigger A3 to update. But, every minute when cell A1 recalculates the time, the result of the formula in cell A2 is subsequently updated and then that in turn triggers A3 to update with the new sheet name. It's not a compact solution... but it does seem to work.

How can I see all the "special" characters permissible in a varchar or char field in SQL Server?

i think that special characters are # and @ only... query will list both.

SET @str = '[azAB09ram#reddy@wer45' + CHAR(5) + 'a~b$' 
FROM   MASTER..spt_values S 
       CROSS APPLY (SELECT SUBSTRING(@str,NUMBER,1) AS poschar) t 
       AND NUMBER <= LEN(@str) 
       AND NOT (ASCII(t.poschar) BETWEEN 65 AND 90 
                 OR ASCII(t.poschar) BETWEEN 97 AND 122 
                 OR ASCII(t.poschar) BETWEEN 48 AND 57) 

SQL server 2008 backup error - Operating system error 5(failed to retrieve text for this error. Reason: 15105)

I got this error too.

The problem turned out to be simply that I had to manually create the full directory structure for the file locations of the MDF & LDF files.

Shame on SQL-Server for not properly reporting the missing directory!

Php - Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress

The source of this message was unrelated to the solution in my case.

My ip address of my server changed and i didn't change the <VirtualHost> directive in my httpd.conf of the apache server.

Once i changed it to the correct ip address the message disappeared and Wordpress is working again.

VT-x is disabled in the BIOS for both all CPU modes (VERR_VMX_MSR_ALL_VMX_DISABLED)

For latest Windows 10 (HP & Intel motherboard/processor),

Follow the below steps, starting with :

Settings ->
Update & Security ->
Recovery ->
Advanced startUp -> Restart now

F10 (System Recovery) -> System Configuration tab -> Virtualization Technology


F10 to save and exit

Live search through table rows

I took yckart's answer and:

  • spaced it out for readability
  • case insensitive search
  • there was a bug in the comparison that was fixed by adding .trim()

(If you put your scripts at the bottom of your page below the jQuery include you shouldn't need document ready)


    $(".card-table-search").keyup(function() {
        var value = this.value.toLowerCase().trim();

        $(".card-table").find("tr").each(function(index) {
            var id = $(this).find("td").first().text().toLowerCase().trim();
            $(this).toggle(id.indexOf(value) !== -1);

If you want to extend this have it iterate over each 'td' and do this comparison.

Include headers when using SELECT INTO OUTFILE?

The solution provided by Joe Steanelli works, but making a list of columns is inconvenient when dozens or hundreds of columns are involved. Here's how to get column list of table my_table in my_schema.

-- override GROUP_CONCAT limit of 1024 characters to avoid a truncated result
set session group_concat_max_len = 1000000;

WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'my_table'
AND TABLE_SCHEMA = 'my_schema'

Now you can copy & paste the resulting row as first statement in Joe's method.

Convert digits into words with JavaScript

This is also in response to naomik's excellent post! Unfortunately I don't have the rep to post in the correct place but I leave this here in case it can help anyone.

If you need British English written form you need to make some adaptions to the code. British English differs from the American in a couple of ways. Basically you need to insert the word 'and' in two specific places.

  1. After a hundred assuming there are tens and ones. E.g One hundred and ten. One thousand and seventeen. NOT One thousand one hundred and.
  2. In certain edges, after a thousand, a million, a billion etc. when there are no smaller units. E.g. One thousand and ten. One million and forty four. NOT One million and one thousand.

The first situation can be addressed by checking for 10s and 1s in the makeGroup method and appending 'and' when they exist.

makeGroup = ([ones,tens,huns]) => {
var adjective = this.num(ones) ? ' hundred and ' : this.num(tens) ? ' hundred and ' : ' hundred';
return [
  this.num(huns) === 0 ? '' : this.a[huns] + adjective,
  this.num(ones) === 0 ? this.b[tens] : this.b[tens] && this.b[tens] + '-' || '',
  this.a[tens+ones] || this.a[ones]


The second case is more complicated. It is equivalent to

  • add 'and' to 'a million, a thousand', or 'a billion' if the antepenultimate number is zero. e.g.

1,100,057 one million one hundred thousand and fifty seven. 5,000,006 five million and six

I think this could be implemented in @naomik's code through the use of a filter function but I wasn't able to work out how. In the end I settled on hackily looping through the returned array of words and using indexOf to look for instances where the word 'hundred' was missing from the final element.

How to save SELECT sql query results in an array in C#

A great alternative that hasn't been mentioned is to use the entity framework, which uses an object that is the table - to get data into an array you can do things like:

var rows = db.someTable.SqlQuery("SELECT col1,col2 FROM  someTable").ToList().ToArray();

for info on getting started with Entity Framework see

How to create a Restful web service with input parameters?

You can. Try something like this:

@Produces({"application/xml", "application/json"})
public Todo whatEverNameYouLike(@PathParam("varX") String varX,
    @PathParam("varY") String varY) {
        Todo todo = new Todo();
        return todo;

Then call your service with this URL;

Return multiple values from a function, sub or type?

You might want want to rethink the structure of you application, if you really, really want one method to return multiple values.

Either break things apart, so distinct methods return distinct values, or figure out a logical grouping and build an object to hold that data that can in turn be returned.

' this is the VB6/VBA equivalent of a struct
' data, no methods
Private Type settings
    root As String
    path As String
    name_first As String
    name_last As String
    overwrite_prompt As Boolean
End Type

Public Sub Main()

    Dim mySettings As settings
    mySettings = getSettings()

End Sub

' if you want this to be public, you're better off with a class instead of a User-Defined-Type (UDT)
Private Function getSettings() As settings

    Dim sets As settings

    With sets ' retrieve values here
        .root = "foo"
        .path = "bar"
        .name_first = "Don"
        .name_last = "Knuth"
        .overwrite_prompt = False
    End With

    ' return a single struct, vb6/vba-style
    getSettings = sets

End Function

Set port for php artisan.php serve

when we use the

php artisan serve 

it will start with the default HTTP-server port mostly it will be 8000 when we want to run the more site in the localhost we have to change the port. Just add the --port argument:

php artisan serve --port=8081

enter image description here

Using sed, how do you print the first 'N' characters of a line?

Strictly with sed:

grep ... | sed -e 's/^\(.\{N\}\).*$/\1/'

Why has it failed to load main-class manifest attribute from a JAR file?

You can run with:

java -cp .;app.jar package.MainClass

It works for me if there is no manifest in the JAR file.

How to save a data frame as CSV to a user selected location using tcltk

write.csv([enter name of dataframe here],file = file.choose(new = T))

After running above script this window will open :

enter image description here

Type the new file name with extension in the File name field and click Open, it'll ask you to create a new file to which you should select Yes and the file will be created and saved in the desired location.

Load image from resources

You can do this using the ResourceManager:

public bool info(string channel)
   object o = Properties.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(channel);
   if (o is Image)
       channelPic.Image = o as Image;
       return true;
   return false;

Pro JavaScript programmer interview questions (with answers)

intermediate programmers should have technical mastery of their tools.

if he's passed the technical phone screen-esque questions above, make him sketch out something stupid on the spot, like an ajax url shortner. then grill him on his portfolio. no amazing portfolio = intermediate developer in this domain and not the guy you want in charge of your shiny new project.

Get human readable version of file size?

Here is an option using while:

def number_format(n):
   n2, n3 = n, 0
   while n2 >= 1e3:
      n2 /= 1e3
      n3 += 1
   return '%.3f' % n2 + ('', ' k', ' M', ' G')[n3]

s = number_format(9012345678)
print(s == '9.012 G')

How to set editable true/false EditText in Android programmatically?

Fetch the KeyListener value of EditText by editText.getKeyListener() and store in the KeyListener type variable, which will contain the Editable property value:

KeyListener variable;
variable = editText.getKeyListener(); 

Set the Editable property of EditText to false as:


Now set Editable property of EditText to true as:


Note: In XML the default Editable property of EditText should be true.

Kill process by name?

you can use WMI module to do this on windows, though it's a lot clunkier than you unix folks are used to; import WMI takes a long time and there's intermediate pain to get at the process.

How do you reverse a string in place in C or C++?

Note that the beauty of std::reverse is that it works with char * strings and std::wstrings just as well as std::strings

void strrev(char *str)
    if (str == NULL)
    std::reverse(str, str + strlen(str));

$on and $broadcast in angular

First, a short description of $on(), $broadcast() and $emit():

  • .$on(name, listener) - Listens for a specific event by a given name
  • .$broadcast(name, args) - Broadcast an event down through the $scope of all children
  • .$emit(name, args) - Emit an event up the $scope hierarchy to all parents, including the $rootScope

Based on the following HTML (see full example here):

<div ng-controller="Controller1">
    <button ng-click="broadcast()">Broadcast 1</button>
    <button ng-click="emit()">Emit 1</button>

<div ng-controller="Controller2">
    <button ng-click="broadcast()">Broadcast 2</button>
    <button ng-click="emit()">Emit 2</button>
    <div ng-controller="Controller3">
        <button ng-click="broadcast()">Broadcast 3</button>
        <button ng-click="emit()">Emit 3</button>
        <button ng-click="broadcastRoot()">Broadcast Root</button>
        <button ng-click="emitRoot()">Emit Root</button>

The fired events will traverse the $scopes as follows:

  • Broadcast 1 - Will only be seen by Controller 1 $scope
  • Emit 1 - Will be seen by Controller 1 $scope then $rootScope
  • Broadcast 2 - Will be seen by Controller 2 $scope then Controller 3 $scope
  • Emit 2 - Will be seen by Controller 2 $scope then $rootScope
  • Broadcast 3 - Will only be seen by Controller 3 $scope
  • Emit 3 - Will be seen by Controller 3 $scope, Controller 2 $scope then $rootScope
  • Broadcast Root - Will be seen by $rootScope and $scope of all the Controllers (1, 2 then 3)
  • Emit Root - Will only be seen by $rootScope

JavaScript to trigger events (again, you can see a working example here):

app.controller('Controller1', ['$scope', '$rootScope', function($scope, $rootScope){
    $scope.broadcastAndEmit = function(){
        // This will be seen by Controller 1 $scope and all children $scopes 
        $scope.$broadcast('eventX', {data: '$scope.broadcast'});

        // Because this event is fired as an emit (goes up) on the $rootScope,
        // only the $rootScope will see it
        $rootScope.$emit('eventX', {data: '$rootScope.emit'});
    $scope.emit = function(){
        // Controller 1 $scope, and all parent $scopes (including $rootScope) 
        // will see this event
        $scope.$emit('eventX', {data: '$scope.emit'});

    $scope.$on('eventX', function(ev, args){
        console.log('eventX found on Controller1 $scope');
    $rootScope.$on('eventX', function(ev, args){
        console.log('eventX found on $rootScope');

How to disable sort in DataGridView?

private void dataGridView1_DataBindingComplete(object sender, DataGridViewBindingCompleteEventArgs e)
      for (int i = 0; i < dataGridView1.Columns.Count; i++)
           dataGridView1.Columns[i].SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable;

How do emulators work and how are they written?

Emulation is a multi-faceted area. Here are the basic ideas and functional components. I'm going to break it into pieces and then fill in the details via edits. Many of the things I'm going to describe will require knowledge of the inner workings of processors -- assembly knowledge is necessary. If I'm a bit too vague on certain things, please ask questions so I can continue to improve this answer.

Basic idea:

Emulation works by handling the behavior of the processor and the individual components. You build each individual piece of the system and then connect the pieces much like wires do in hardware.

Processor emulation:

There are three ways of handling processor emulation:

  • Interpretation
  • Dynamic recompilation
  • Static recompilation

With all of these paths, you have the same overall goal: execute a piece of code to modify processor state and interact with 'hardware'. Processor state is a conglomeration of the processor registers, interrupt handlers, etc for a given processor target. For the 6502, you'd have a number of 8-bit integers representing registers: A, X, Y, P, and S; you'd also have a 16-bit PC register.

With interpretation, you start at the IP (instruction pointer -- also called PC, program counter) and read the instruction from memory. Your code parses this instruction and uses this information to alter processor state as specified by your processor. The core problem with interpretation is that it's very slow; each time you handle a given instruction, you have to decode it and perform the requisite operation.

With dynamic recompilation, you iterate over the code much like interpretation, but instead of just executing opcodes, you build up a list of operations. Once you reach a branch instruction, you compile this list of operations to machine code for your host platform, then you cache this compiled code and execute it. Then when you hit a given instruction group again, you only have to execute the code from the cache. (BTW, most people don't actually make a list of instructions but compile them to machine code on the fly -- this makes it more difficult to optimize, but that's out of the scope of this answer, unless enough people are interested)

With static recompilation, you do the same as in dynamic recompilation, but you follow branches. You end up building a chunk of code that represents all of the code in the program, which can then be executed with no further interference. This would be a great mechanism if it weren't for the following problems:

  • Code that isn't in the program to begin with (e.g. compressed, encrypted, generated/modified at runtime, etc) won't be recompiled, so it won't run
  • It's been proven that finding all the code in a given binary is equivalent to the Halting problem

These combine to make static recompilation completely infeasible in 99% of cases. For more information, Michael Steil has done some great research into static recompilation -- the best I've seen.

The other side to processor emulation is the way in which you interact with hardware. This really has two sides:

  • Processor timing
  • Interrupt handling

Processor timing:

Certain platforms -- especially older consoles like the NES, SNES, etc -- require your emulator to have strict timing to be completely compatible. With the NES, you have the PPU (pixel processing unit) which requires that the CPU put pixels into its memory at precise moments. If you use interpretation, you can easily count cycles and emulate proper timing; with dynamic/static recompilation, things are a /lot/ more complex.

Interrupt handling:

Interrupts are the primary mechanism that the CPU communicates with hardware. Generally, your hardware components will tell the CPU what interrupts it cares about. This is pretty straightforward -- when your code throws a given interrupt, you look at the interrupt handler table and call the proper callback.

Hardware emulation:

There are two sides to emulating a given hardware device:

  • Emulating the functionality of the device
  • Emulating the actual device interfaces

Take the case of a hard-drive. The functionality is emulated by creating the backing storage, read/write/format routines, etc. This part is generally very straightforward.

The actual interface of the device is a bit more complex. This is generally some combination of memory mapped registers (e.g. parts of memory that the device watches for changes to do signaling) and interrupts. For a hard-drive, you may have a memory mapped area where you place read commands, writes, etc, then read this data back.

I'd go into more detail, but there are a million ways you can go with it. If you have any specific questions here, feel free to ask and I'll add the info.


I think I've given a pretty good intro here, but there are a ton of additional areas. I'm more than happy to help with any questions; I've been very vague in most of this simply due to the immense complexity.

Obligatory Wikipedia links:

General emulation resources:

  • Zophar -- This is where I got my start with emulation, first downloading emulators and eventually plundering their immense archives of documentation. This is the absolute best resource you can possibly have.
  • NGEmu -- Not many direct resources, but their forums are unbeatable.
  • -- The documents section contains resources regarding machine architecture for popular consoles

Emulator projects to reference:

  • IronBabel -- This is an emulation platform for .NET, written in Nemerle and recompiles code to C# on the fly. Disclaimer: This is my project, so pardon the shameless plug.
  • BSnes -- An awesome SNES emulator with the goal of cycle-perfect accuracy.
  • MAME -- The arcade emulator. Great reference.
  • -- This is a JavaScript 6502 emulator with a cool little forum.
  • dynarec'd 6502asm -- This is a little hack I did over a day or two. I took the existing emulator from and changed it to dynamically recompile the code to JavaScript for massive speed increases.

Processor recompilation references:

  • The research into static recompilation done by Michael Steil (referenced above) culminated in this paper and you can find source and such here.


It's been well over a year since this answer was submitted and with all the attention it's been getting, I figured it's time to update some things.

Perhaps the most exciting thing in emulation right now is libcpu, started by the aforementioned Michael Steil. It's a library intended to support a large number of CPU cores, which use LLVM for recompilation (static and dynamic!). It's got huge potential, and I think it'll do great things for emulation.

emu-docs has also been brought to my attention, which houses a great repository of system documentation, which is very useful for emulation purposes. I haven't spent much time there, but it looks like they have a lot of great resources.

I'm glad this post has been helpful, and I'm hoping I can get off my arse and finish up my book on the subject by the end of the year/early next year.

Is it possible to set ENV variables for rails development environment in my code?

I think the best way is to store them in some yml file and then load that file using this command in intializer file

APP_CONFIG = YAML.load_file("#{Rails.root}/config/CONFIG.yml")[Rails.env].to_hash

you can easily access environment related config variables.

Your Yml file key value structure:

  app_key: 'abc'
  app_secret: 'abc'

  app_key: 'xyz'
  app_secret: 'ghq'

Sum all the elements java arraylist

Using Java 8 streams:

double sum =
    .mapToDouble(a -> a)


npm install Error: rollbackFailedOptional

try this:

delete all file in folder: %APPDATA%\npm-cache\_locks

The system cannot find the file specified. in Visual Studio

This is because you have not compiled it. Click 'Project > compile'. Then, either click 'start debugging', or 'start without debugging'.

mysql server port number

If your MySQL server runs on default settings, you don't need to specify that.

Default MySQL port is 3306.

[updated to show mysql_error() usage]

$conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass)
    or die('Error connecting to mysql: '.mysql_error());

What command shows all of the topics and offsets of partitions in Kafka?

We're using Kafka 2.11 and make use of this tool - kafka-consumer-groups.

$ rpm -qf /bin/kafka-consumer-groups

For example:

$ kafka-consumer-groups --describe --group logstash | grep -E "TOPIC|filebeat"
Note: This will not show information about old Zookeeper-based consumers.
TOPIC            PARTITION  CURRENT-OFFSET  LOG-END-OFFSET  LAG             CONSUMER-ID                                     HOST             CLIENT-ID
beats_filebeat   0          20003914484     20003914888     404             logstash-0-XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX /   logstash-0
beats_filebeat   1          19992522286     19992522709     423             logstash-0-XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX /   logstash-0
beats_filebeat   2          19990597254     19990597637     383             logstash-0-XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX /   logstash-0
beats_filebeat   7          19991718707     19991719268     561             logstash-0-YYYYYYYY-YYYY-YYYY-YYYY-YYYYYYYYYYYY /   logstash-0
beats_filebeat   8          20015611981     20015612509     528             logstash-0-YYYYYYYY-YYYY-YYYY-YYYY-YYYYYYYYYYYY /   logstash-0
beats_filebeat   5          19990536340     19990541331     4991            logstash-0-ZZZZZZZZ-ZZZZ-ZZZZ-ZZZZ-ZZZZZZZZZZZZ /   logstash-0
beats_filebeat   6          19990728038     19990733086     5048            logstash-0-ZZZZZZZZ-ZZZZ-ZZZZ-ZZZZ-ZZZZZZZZZZZZ /   logstash-0
beats_filebeat   3          19994613945     19994616297     2352            logstash-0-AAAAAAAA-AAAA-AAAA-AAAA-AAAAAAAAAAAA /   logstash-0
beats_filebeat   4          19990681602     19990684038     2436            logstash-0-AAAAAAAA-AAAA-AAAA-AAAA-AAAAAAAAAAAA /   logstash-0

Random Tip

NOTE: We use an alias that overloads kafka-consumer-groups like so in our /etc/profile.d/

alias kafka-consumer-groups="KAFKA_JVM_PERFORMANCE_OPTS=\"$HOME/.kafka_client_jaas.conf\"  kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-server ${KAFKA_HOSTS} --command-config /etc/kafka/"

How to return dictionary keys as a list in Python?

list(newdict) works in both Python 2 and Python 3, providing a simple list of the keys in newdict. keys() isn't necessary. (:

Firing a Keyboard Event in Safari, using JavaScript

Did you dispatch the event correctly?

function simulateKeyEvent(character) {
  var evt = document.createEvent("KeyboardEvent");
  (evt.initKeyEvent || evt.initKeyboardEvent)("keypress", true, true, window,
                    0, 0, 0, 0,
                    0, character.charCodeAt(0)) 
  var canceled = !body.dispatchEvent(evt);
  if(canceled) {
    // A handler called preventDefault
  } else {
    // None of the handlers called preventDefault
    alert("not canceled");

If you use jQuery, you could do:

function simulateKeyPress(character) {
  jQuery.event.trigger({ type : 'keypress', which : character.charCodeAt(0) });

Spring Test & Security: How to mock authentication?

Pretty Late answer though. But This has worked for me , and could be useful.

While Using Spring Security ans mockMvc, all you need to is use @WithMockUser annotation like others are mentioned.

Spring security also provides another annotation called @WithAnonymousUser for testing unauthenticated requests. However you should be careful here. You would be expecting 401, but I got 403 Forbidden Error by default. In actual scenarios, when you are running actual service, It is redirected and you end up getting the correct 401 response code.Use this annotation for anonymous requests.

You may also think of ommitting the annotaions and simply keep it unauthorized. But this usually raises the correct exceptions(like AuthenticationException), but you will get correct status code if it is handled correctly(If you are using custom handler). I used to get 500 for this. So look for the exceptions raised in the debugger, and check if it is handled rightly and returns the correct status code.

Check if a string contains a number

You can accomplish this as follows:

if a_string.isdigit(): do_this() else: do_that()

Using .isdigit() also means not having to resort to exception handling (try/except) in cases where you need to use list comprehension (try/except is not possible inside a list comprehension).

Radio Buttons "Checked" Attribute Not Working

If you have multiple of the same name with the checked attribute it will take the last checked radio on the page.

    <label>Do you want to accept American Express?</label>_x000D_
    Yes<input id="amex" style="width: 20px;" type="radio" name="Contact0_AmericanExpress"  />  _x000D_
    maybe<input id="amex" style="width: 20px;" type="radio" name="Contact0_AmericanExpress"  checked="checked" />  _x000D_
    No<input style="width: 20px;" type="radio" name="Contact0_AmericanExpress" class="check" checked="checked" />_x000D_

How can I remove the top and right axis in matplotlib?

[edit] matplotlib in now (2013-10) on version 1.3.0 which includes this

That ability was actually just added, and you need the Subversion version for it. You can see the example code here.

I am just updating to say that there's a better example online now. Still need the Subversion version though, there hasn't been a release with this yet.

[edit] Matplotlib 0.99.0 RC1 was just released, and includes this capability.

Get child node index



Explanation :

  • element.parentNode.children ? Returns the brothers of element, including that element.

  • Array.from ? Casts the constructor of children to an Array object

  • indexOf ? You can apply indexOf because you now have an Array object.

Effective swapping of elements of an array in Java

Use Collections.swap and Arrays.asList:

Collections.swap(Arrays.asList(arr), i, j);

Equivalent to 'app.config' for a library (DLL)

I am currently creating plugins for a retail software brand, which are actually .net class libraries. As a requirement, each plugin needs to be configured using a config file. After a bit of research and testing, I compiled the following class. It does the job flawlessly. Note that I haven't implemented local exception handling in my case because, I catch exceptions at a higher level.

Some tweaking maybe needed to get the decimal point right, in case of decimals and doubles, but it works fine for my CultureInfo...

static class Settings
    static UriBuilder uri = new UriBuilder(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase);
    static Configuration myDllConfig = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(uri.Path);
    static AppSettingsSection AppSettings = (AppSettingsSection)myDllConfig.GetSection("appSettings");
    static NumberFormatInfo nfi = new NumberFormatInfo() 
        NumberGroupSeparator = "", 
        CurrencyDecimalSeparator = "." 

    public static T Setting<T>(string name)
        return (T)Convert.ChangeType(AppSettings.Settings[name].Value, typeof(T), nfi);

App.Config file sample

<add key="Enabled" value="true" />
<add key="ExportPath" value="c:\" />
<add key="Seconds" value="25" />
<add key="Ratio" value="0.14" />


  somebooleanvar = Settings.Setting<bool>("Enabled");
  somestringlvar = Settings.Setting<string>("ExportPath");
  someintvar =     Settings.Setting<int>("Seconds");
  somedoublevar =  Settings.Setting<double>("Ratio");

Credits to Shadow Wizard & MattC

Does Git Add have a verbose switch

You can use git add -i to get an interactive version of git add, although that's not exactly what you're after. The simplest thing to do is, after having git added, use git status to see what is staged or not.

Using git add . isn't really recommended unless it's your first commit. It's usually better to explicitly list the files you want staged, so that you don't start tracking unwanted files accidentally (temp files and such).

Timeout on a function call

I have a different proposal which is a pure function (with the same API as the threading suggestion) and seems to work fine (based on suggestions on this thread)

def timeout(func, args=(), kwargs={}, timeout_duration=1, default=None):
    import signal

    class TimeoutError(Exception):

    def handler(signum, frame):
        raise TimeoutError()

    # set the timeout handler
    signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, handler) 
        result = func(*args, **kwargs)
    except TimeoutError as exc:
        result = default

    return result

Unbound classpath container in Eclipse

To fix this:

  • Right click your project –> Build Path –>Configure Build Path
  • Select JRE Library and click Edit and from Edit library window choose alternate JRE whatever been configured with your eclipse then click Finish

Cannot find pkg-config error

if you have this error :

configure: error: Either a previously installed pkg-config or "glib-2.0 >= 2.16" could not be found. Please set GLIB_CFLAGS and GLIB_LIBS to the correct values or pass --with-internal-glib to configure to use the bundled copy.

Instead of do this command :

$ ./configure && make install

Do that :

./configure --with-internal-glib && make install

Easy way to pull latest of all git submodules

Here is the command-line to pull from all of your git repositories whether they're or not submodules:

ROOT=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2> /dev/null)
find "$ROOT" -name .git -type d -execdir git pull -v ';'

If you running it in your top git repository, you can replace "$ROOT" into ..

Is there a way to programmatically minimize a window

There's no point minimizing an already minimized form. So here we go:

if (form_Name.WindowState != FormWindowState.Minimized) form_Name.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized;

Spring Boot yaml configuration for a list of strings

private Set<String> stringSet;

yml file:

 elements: element1, element2, element3

There is lot more you can play with spring spEL.

Need a row count after SELECT statement: what's the optimal SQL approach?

Why don't you put your results into a vector? That way you don't have to know the size before hand.

Read all contacts' phone numbers in android

In case it helps, I've got an example that uses the ContactsContract API to first find a contact by name, then it iterates through the details looking for specific number types:

How to use ContactsContract to retrieve phone numbers and email addresses

Redirecting to previous page after login? PHP

You should try something like $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'].

How to convert string to IP address and vice versa

To convert string to in-addr:

in_addr maskAddr;
inet_aton(netMaskStr, &maskAddr);

To convert in_addr to string:

char saddr[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];
inet_ntop(AF_INET, &inaddr, saddr, INET_ADDRSTRLEN);

How to sort an array of objects by multiple fields?

function sort(data, orderBy) {
        orderBy = Array.isArray(orderBy) ? orderBy : [orderBy];
        return data.sort((a, b) => {
            for (let i = 0, size = orderBy.length; i < size; i++) {
                const key = Object.keys(orderBy[i])[0],
                    o = orderBy[i][key],
                    valueA = a[key],
                    valueB = b[key];
                if (!(valueA || valueB)) {
                    console.error("the objects from the data passed does not have the key '" + key + "' passed on sort!");
                    return [];
                if (+valueA === +valueA) {
                    return o.toLowerCase() === 'desc' ? valueB - valueA : valueA - valueB;
                } else {
                    if (valueA.localeCompare(valueB) > 0) {
                        return o.toLowerCase() === 'desc' ? -1 : 1;
                    } else if (valueA.localeCompare(valueB) < 0) {
                        return o.toLowerCase() === 'desc' ? 1 : -1;

Using :

sort(homes, [{city : 'asc'}, {price: 'desc'}])

var homes = [_x000D_
     "city":"Bevery Hills",_x000D_
     "city":"New York",_x000D_
function sort(data, orderBy) {_x000D_
            orderBy = Array.isArray(orderBy) ? orderBy : [orderBy];_x000D_
            return data.sort((a, b) => {_x000D_
                for (let i = 0, size = orderBy.length; i < size; i++) {_x000D_
                    const key = Object.keys(orderBy[i])[0],_x000D_
                        o = orderBy[i][key],_x000D_
                        valueA = a[key],_x000D_
                        valueB = b[key];_x000D_
                    if (!(valueA || valueB)) {_x000D_
                        console.error("the objects from the data passed does not have the key '" + key + "' passed on sort!");_x000D_
                        return [];_x000D_
                    if (+valueA === +valueA) {_x000D_
                        return o.toLowerCase() === 'desc' ? valueB - valueA : valueA - valueB;_x000D_
                    } else {_x000D_
                        if (valueA.localeCompare(valueB) > 0) {_x000D_
                            return o.toLowerCase() === 'desc' ? -1 : 1;_x000D_
                        } else if (valueA.localeCompare(valueB) < 0) {_x000D_
                            return o.toLowerCase() === 'desc' ? 1 : -1;_x000D_
console.log(sort(homes, [{city : 'asc'}, {price: 'desc'}]));

Set equal width of columns in table layout in Android

Change android:stretchColumns value to *.

Value 0 means stretch the first column. Value 1 means stretch the second column and so on.

Value * means stretch all the columns.

Python TypeError: cannot convert the series to <class 'int'> when trying to do math on dataframe

Seems your initial data contains strings and not numbers. It would probably be best to ensure that the data is already of the required type up front.

However, you can convert strings to numbers like this:

pd.Series(['123', '42']).astype(float)

instead of float(series)

How do I create a slug in Django?

I'm using Django 1.7

Create a SlugField in your model like this:

slug = models.SlugField()

Then in define prepopulated_fields;

class ArticleAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    prepopulated_fields = {"slug": ("title",)}

Run javascript script (.js file) in mongodb including another file inside js

To call external file you can use :

load ("path\file")

Exemple: if your file.js file is on your "Documents" file (on windows OS), you can type:

load ("C:\users\user_name\Documents\file.js")

Formatting doubles for output in C#

The answer is yes, double printing is broken in .NET, they are printing trailing garbage digits.

You can read how to implement it correctly here.

I have had to do the same for IronScheme.

> (* 10.0 0.69)
> 6.89999999999999946709
> (- 6.9 (* 10.0 0.69))
> 6.9
> (- 6.9 8.881784197001252e-16)

Note: Both C and C# has correct value, just broken printing.

Update: I am still looking for the mailing list conversation I had that lead up to this discovery.

Save results to csv file with Python

You can save it as follow if you have Pandas Dataframe


Does IE9 support console.log, and is it a real function?

I know this is a very old question but feel this adds a valuable alternative of how to deal with the console issue. Place the following code before any call to console.* (so your very first script).

// Avoid `console` errors in browsers that lack a console.
(function() {
    var method;
    var noop = function () {};
    var methods = [
        'assert', 'clear', 'count', 'debug', 'dir', 'dirxml', 'error',
        'exception', 'group', 'groupCollapsed', 'groupEnd', 'info', 'log',
        'markTimeline', 'profile', 'profileEnd', 'table', 'time', 'timeEnd',
        'timeStamp', 'trace', 'warn'
    var length = methods.length;
    var console = (window.console = window.console || {});

    while (length--) {
        method = methods[length];

        // Only stub undefined methods.
        if (!console[method]) {
            console[method] = noop;


How to run a function in jquery

function doosomething ()
  //Doo something

$(function () {




How to get temporary folder for current user

I have this same requirement - we want to put logs in a specific root directory that should exist within the environment.

public static readonly string DefaultLogFilePath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile);

If I want to combine this with a sub-directory, I should be able to use Path.Combine( ... ).

The GetFolderPath method has an overload for special folder options which allows you to control whether the specified path be created or simply verified.

How to delete columns in numpy.array

This creates another array without those columns:

  b = a.compress(logical_not(z), axis=1)

WCF - How to Increase Message Size Quota

You'll want something like this to increase the message size quotas, in the App.config or Web.config file:

        <binding name="basicHttp" allowCookies="true"
            <readerQuotas maxDepth="32" 

And use the binding name in your endpoint configuration e.g.


The justification for the values is simple, they are sufficiently large to accommodate most messages. You can tune that number to fit your needs. The low default value is basically there to prevent DOS type attacks. Making it 20000000 would allow for a distributed DOS attack to be effective, the default size of 64k would require a very large number of clients to overpower most servers these days.

Which is the preferred way to concatenate a string in Python?

Using in place string concatenation by '+' is THE WORST method of concatenation in terms of stability and cross implementation as it does not support all values. PEP8 standard discourages this and encourages the use of format(), join() and append() for long term use.

As quoted from the linked "Programming Recommendations" section:

For example, do not rely on CPython's efficient implementation of in-place string concatenation for statements in the form a += b or a = a + b. This optimization is fragile even in CPython (it only works for some types) and isn't present at all in implementations that don't use refcounting. In performance sensitive parts of the library, the ''.join() form should be used instead. This will ensure that concatenation occurs in linear time across various implementations.

Critical t values in R

The code you posted gives the critical value for a one-sided test (Hence the answer to you question is simply:

abs(qt(0.25, 40)) # 75% confidence, 1 sided (same as qt(0.75, 40))
abs(qt(0.01, 40)) # 99% confidence, 1 sided (same as qt(0.99, 40))

Note that the t-distribution is symmetric. For a 2-sided test (say with 99% confidence) you can use the critical value

abs(qt(0.01/2, 40)) # 99% confidence, 2 sided

How do I use setsockopt(SO_REUSEADDR)?

After :

sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (sockfd < 0) 
    error("ERROR opening socket");

You can add (with standard C99 compound literal support) :

if (setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &(int){1}, sizeof(int)) < 0)
    error("setsockopt(SO_REUSEADDR) failed");

Or :

int enable = 1;
if (setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &enable, sizeof(int)) < 0)
    error("setsockopt(SO_REUSEADDR) failed");

python: create list of tuples from lists

You're looking for the zip builtin function. From the docs:

>>> x = [1, 2, 3]
>>> y = [4, 5, 6]
>>> zipped = zip(x, y)
>>> zipped
[(1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6)]

Inserting an item in a Tuple

Since tuples are immutable, this will result in a new tuple. Just place it back where you got the old one.

sometuple + (someitem,)

Changing Jenkins build number

Perhaps a combination of these plugins may come in handy:

Bootstrap 3 modal vertical position center

My solution

.modal-dialog-center {
    margin-top: 25%;

    <div id="waitForm" class="modal">
        <div class="modal-dialog modal-dialog-center">
            <div class="modal-content">
                <div class="modal-header">
                    <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button>
                    <h4 id="headerBlock" class="modal-title"></h4>
                <div class="modal-body">
                    <span id="bodyBlock"></span>
                    <p style="text-align: center">
                        <img src="@Url.Content("~/Content/images/progress-loader.gif")" alt="progress"/>

Convert date field into text in Excel

If that is one table and have nothing to do with this - the simplest solution can be copy&paste to notepad then copy&paste back to excel :P

Content is not allowed in Prolog SAXParserException

to simply remove it, paste your xml file into notepad, you'll see the extra character before the first tag. Remove it & paste back into your file - bof

VBA Public Array : how to?

Declare array as global across subs in a application:

Public GlobalArray(10) as String
GlobalArray = Array('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L')

Sub DisplayArray()
    Dim i As Integer

    For i = 0 to UBound(GlobalArray, 1)
        MsgBox GlobalArray(i)

    Next i
End Sub

Method 2: Pass an array to sub. Use ParamArray.

Sub DisplayArray(Name As String, ParamArray Arr() As Variant)
    Dim i As Integer

    For i = 0 To UBound(Arr())
        MsgBox Name & ": " & Arr(i)
    Next i
End Sub

ParamArray must be the last parameter.

How to sort an array of integers correctly

I agree with aks, however instead of using

return a - b;

You should use

return a > b ? 1 : a < b ? -1 : 0;

Parsing JSON Array within JSON Object

Your code is fine, just replace the following line:

JSONArray jsonMainArr = new JSONArray(mainJSON.getJSONArray("source"));

with this line:

JSONArray jsonMainArr = mainJSON.getJSONArray("source");

C# DropDownList with a Dictionary as DataSource

Like that you can set DataTextField and DataValueField of DropDownList using "Key" and "Value" texts :

    Dictionary<string, string> list = new Dictionary<string, string>();
    list.Add("item 1", "Item 1");
    list.Add("item 2", "Item 2");
    list.Add("item 3", "Item 3");
    list.Add("item 4", "Item 4");

    ddl.DataSource = list;
    ddl.DataTextField = "Value";
    ddl.DataValueField = "Key";

How to append elements at the end of ArrayList in Java?

Here is the syntax, along with some other methods you might find useful:

    //add to the end of the list

    //add to the beginning of the list
    stringList.add(0,  random);

    //replace the element at index 4 with random
    stringList.set(4, random);

    //remove the element at index 5

    //remove all elements from the list

This view is not constrained vertically. At runtime it will jump to the left unless you add a vertical constraint


This help me a lot

Failed to execute 'btoa' on 'Window': The string to be encoded contains characters outside of the Latin1 range.

I just thought I should share how I actually solved the problem and why I think this is the right solution (provided you don't optimize for old browser).

Converting data to dataURL (data: ...)

var blob = new Blob(
              // I'm using page innerHTML as data
              // note that you can use the array
              // to concatenate many long strings EFFICIENTLY
              // Mime type is important for data url
              {type : 'text/html'}
// This FileReader works asynchronously, so it doesn't lag
// the web application
var a = new FileReader();
a.onload = function(e) {
     // Capture result here

Allowing user to save data

Apart from obvious solution - opening new window with your dataURL as URL you can do two other things.

1. Use fileSaver.js

File saver can create actual fileSave dialog with predefined filename. It can also fallback to normal dataURL approach.

2. Use (experimental) URL.createObjectURL

This is great for reusing base64 encoded data. It creates a short URL for your dataURL:

//Prints: blob:

Don't forget to use the URL including the leading blob prefix. I used document.body again:

image description

You can use this short URL as AJAX target, <script> source or <a> href location. You're responsible for destroying the URL though:


Looping each row in datagridview

Best aproach for me was:

  private void grid_receptie_CellFormatting(object sender, DataGridViewCellFormattingEventArgs e)
        int X = 1;
        foreach(DataGridViewRow row in grid_receptie.Rows)
            row.Cells["NR_CRT"].Value = X;

R object identification

If I get 'someObject', say via

someObject <- myMagicFunction(...)

then I usually proceed by


which can be followed by head(), summary(), print(), ... depending on the class you have.

where is create-react-app webpack config and files?

Webpack configuration is being handled by react-scripts. You can find all webpack config inside node_modules react-scripts/config.

And If you want to customize webpack config, you can follow this customize-webpack-config

Remove empty lines in a text file via grep

Try this: sed -i '/^[ \t]*$/d' file-name

It will delete all blank lines having any no. of white spaces (spaces or tabs) i.e. (0 or more) in the file.

Note: there is a 'space' followed by '\t' inside the square bracket.

The modifier -i will force to write the updated contents back in the file. Without this flag you can see the empty lines got deleted on the screen but the actual file will not be affected.

How do I change the database name using MySQL?

Unfortunately, MySQL does not explicitly support that (except for dumping and reloading database again).


13.1.32. RENAME DATABASE Syntax

RENAME {DATABASE | SCHEMA} db_name TO new_db_name;

This statement was added in MySQL 5.1.7 but was found to be dangerous and was removed in MySQL 5.1.23. ... Use of this statement could result in loss of database contents, which is why it was removed. Do not use RENAME DATABASE in earlier versions in which it is present.

Link to Flask static files with url_for

You have by default the static endpoint for static files. Also Flask application has the following arguments:

static_url_path: can be used to specify a different path for the static files on the web. Defaults to the name of the static_folder folder.

static_folder: the folder with static files that should be served at static_url_path. Defaults to the 'static' folder in the root path of the application.

It means that the filename argument will take a relative path to your file in static_folder and convert it to a relative path combined with static_url_default:

url_for('static', filename='path/to/file')

will convert the file path from static_folder/path/to/file to the url path static_url_default/path/to/file.

So if you want to get files from the static/bootstrap folder you use this code:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css') }}">

Which will be converted to (using default settings):

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="static/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css">

Also look at url_for documentation.

What does the variable $this mean in PHP?

$this is a special variable and it refers to the same object ie. itself.

it actually refer instance of current class

here is an example which will clear the above statement

 class Books {
  /* Member variables */
  var $price;
  var $title;

  /* Member functions */
  function setPrice($par){
     $this->price = $par;

  function getPrice(){
     echo $this->price ."<br/>";

  function setTitle($par){
     $this->title = $par;

  function getTitle(){
     echo $this->title ." <br/>";

pypi UserWarning: Unknown distribution option: 'install_requires'

sudo apt-get install python-dev  # for python2.x installs
sudo apt-get install python3-dev  # for python3.x installs

It will install any missing headers. It solved my issue

What is an .inc and why use it?

In my opinion, these were used as a way to quickly find include files when developing. Really these have been made obsolete with conventions and framework designs.

How can I return to a parent activity correctly?

What worked for me was adding:

    public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {

        switch (item.getItemId()) {
                return true;
                return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);

    public void onBackPressed() {

to and now it is working as expected

and yeah don't forget to add:

getSupportActionbar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); in onCreate() method

The CodeDom provider type "Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.CSharpCodeProvider" could not be located

Here are my findings. I also faced this problem today's morning. I just added my current user to application pool on which application was running.


  1. Open IIS

  2. Click on application pool

  3. Select your application pool on which you are getting problem

  4. Right Click -> advanced settings

  5. Click on three dot icon beside the identiy

  6. Now select custom account

  7. Give your PC user name and Password

  8. Save

Refresh your application.. and it will start working. There was some security issue for accessing dll.

Regular expression to find URLs within a string

Here a little bit more optimized regexp:


Here is test with data:

enter image description here

Detect end of ScrollView

Did it!

Aside of the fix Alexandre kindly provide me, I had to create an Interface:

public interface ScrollViewListener {
    void onScrollChanged(ScrollViewExt scrollView, 
                         int x, int y, int oldx, int oldy);

Then, i had to override the OnScrollChanged method from ScrollView in my ScrollViewExt:

public class ScrollViewExt extends ScrollView {
    private ScrollViewListener scrollViewListener = null;
    public ScrollViewExt(Context context) {

    public ScrollViewExt(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyle);

    public ScrollViewExt(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);

    public void setScrollViewListener(ScrollViewListener scrollViewListener) {
        this.scrollViewListener = scrollViewListener;

    protected void onScrollChanged(int l, int t, int oldl, int oldt) {
        super.onScrollChanged(l, t, oldl, oldt);
        if (scrollViewListener != null) {
            scrollViewListener.onScrollChanged(this, l, t, oldl, oldt);

Now, as Alexandre said, put the package name in the XML tag (my fault), make my Activity class implement the interface created before, and then, put it all together:

scroll = (ScrollViewExt) findViewById(;

And in the method OnScrollChanged, from the interface...

public void onScrollChanged(ScrollViewExt scrollView, int x, int y, int oldx, int oldy) {
    // We take the last son in the scrollview
    View view = (View) scrollView.getChildAt(scrollView.getChildCount() - 1);
    int diff = (view.getBottom() - (scrollView.getHeight() + scrollView.getScrollY()));

    // if diff is zero, then the bottom has been reached
    if (diff == 0) {
        // do stuff

And it worked!

Thank you very much for your help, Alexandre!

How do you get the process ID of a program in Unix or Linux using Python?

For Windows

A Way to get all the pids of programs on your computer without downloading any modules:

import os

pids = []
a = os.popen("tasklist").readlines()
for x in a:
for each in pids:

If you just wanted one program or all programs with the same name and you wanted to kill the process or something:

import os, sys, win32api

tasklistrl = os.popen("tasklist").readlines()
tasklistr = os.popen("tasklist").read()


def kill(process):
     process_exists_forsure = False
     gotpid = False
     for examine in tasklistrl:
            if process == examine[0:len(process)]:
                process_exists_forsure = True
     if process_exists_forsure:
         print("That process exists.")
        print("That process does not exist.")
     for getpid in tasklistrl:
         if process == getpid[0:len(process)]:
                pid = int(getpid[29:34])
                gotpid = True
                  handle = win32api.OpenProcess(1, False, pid)
                  win32api.TerminateProcess(handle, 0)
                  print("Successfully killed process %s on pid %d." % (getpid[0:len(prompt)], pid))
                except win32api.error as err:
    if not gotpid:
       print("Could not get process pid.")


prompt = raw_input("Which process would you like to kill? ")

That was just a paste of my process kill program I could make it a whole lot better but it is okay.

When to use "new" and when not to, in C++?

You should use new when you wish an object to remain in existence until you delete it. If you do not use new then the object will be destroyed when it goes out of scope. Some examples of this are:

void foo()
  Point p = Point(0,0);
} // p is now destroyed.

for (...)
  Point p = Point(0,0);
} // p is destroyed after each loop

Some people will say that the use of new decides whether your object is on the heap or the stack, but that is only true of variables declared within functions.

In the example below the location of 'p' will be where its containing object, Foo, is allocated. I prefer to call this 'in-place' allocation.

class Foo

  Point p;
}; // p will be automatically destroyed when foo is.

Allocating (and freeing) objects with the use of new is far more expensive than if they are allocated in-place so its use should be restricted to where necessary.

A second example of when to allocate via new is for arrays. You cannot* change the size of an in-place or stack array at run-time so where you need an array of undetermined size it must be allocated via new.


void foo(int size)
   Point* pointArray = new Point[size];
   delete [] pointArray;

(*pre-emptive nitpicking - yes, there are extensions that allow variable sized stack allocations).

java.sql.SQLException: Exhausted Resultset

Try this:

if (rs != null && rs.first()) {
    do {
        count = rs.getInt(1);
    } while (;

Move the most recent commit(s) to a new branch with Git

In General...

The method exposed by sykora is the best option in this case. But sometimes is not the easiest and it's not a general method. For a general method use git cherry-pick:

To achieve what OP wants, its a 2-step process:

Step 1 - Note which commits from master you want on a newbranch


git checkout master
git log

Note the hashes of (say 3) commits you want on newbranch. Here I shall use:
C commit: 9aa1233
D commit: 453ac3d
E commit: 612ecb3

Note: You can use the first seven characters or the whole commit hash

Step 2 - Put them on the newbranch

git checkout newbranch
git cherry-pick 612ecb3
git cherry-pick 453ac3d
git cherry-pick 9aa1233

OR (on Git 1.7.2+, use ranges)

git checkout newbranch
git cherry-pick 612ecb3~1..9aa1233

git cherry-pick applies those three commits to newbranch.

Manage toolbar's navigation and back button from fragment in android

I have head around lots of solutions and none of them works perfectly. I've used variation of solutions available in my project which is here as below. Please use this code inside class where you are initialising toolbar and drawer layout.

getSupportFragmentManager().addOnBackStackChangedListener(new FragmentManager.OnBackStackChangedListener() {
        public void onBackStackChanged() {
            if (getSupportFragmentManager().getBackStackEntryCount() > 0) {
                getSupportActionBar().setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true);// show back button
                toolbar.setNavigationOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
                    public void onClick(View v) {
            } else {
                //show hamburger
                toolbar.setNavigationOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
                    public void onClick(View v) {

How to use Spring Boot with MySQL database and JPA?

I created a project like you did. The structure looks like this

project structure

The Classes are just copy pasted from yours.

I changed the to this:


But I think your problem is in your pom.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">


<name>Spring Boot JPA Sample</name>
<description>Spring Boot JPA Sample</description>


Check these files for differences. Hope this helps

Update 1: I changed my username. The link to the example is now

How to return multiple objects from a Java method?

I almost always end up defining n-Tuple classes when I code in Java. For instance:

public class Tuple2<T1,T2> {
  private T1 f1;
  private T2 f2;
  public Tuple2(T1 f1, T2 f2) {
    this.f1 = f1; this.f2 = f2;
  public T1 getF1() {return f1;}
  public T2 getF2() {return f2;}

I know it's a bit ugly, but it works, and you just have to define your tuple types once. Tuples are something Java really lacks.

EDIT: David Hanak's example is more elegant, as it avoids defining getters and still keeps the object immutable.

Merging arrays with the same keys

Try this:

$array_one = ['ratio_type'];
$array_two = ['ratio_type', 'ratio_type'];
$array_three = ['ratio_type'];
$array_four = ['ratio_type'];
$array_five = ['ratio_type', 'ratio_type', 'ratio_type'];
$array_six = ['ratio_type'];
$array_seven = ['ratio_type'];
$array_eight = ['ratio_type'];

$all_array_elements = array_merge_recursive(

foreach ($all_array_elements as $key => $value) {
    echo "[$key]" . ' - ' . $value . PHP_EOL;

// OR

How do I convert a byte array to Base64 in Java?

Additionally, for our Android friends (API Level 8):

import android.util.Base64


Base64.encodeToString(bytes, Base64.DEFAULT);

How to hide underbar in EditText




Convert dictionary values into array

There is a ToArray() function on Values:

Foo[] arr = new Foo[dict.Count];    
dict.Values.CopyTo(arr, 0);

But I don't think its efficient (I haven't really tried, but I guess it copies all these values to the array). Do you really need an Array? If not, I would try to pass IEnumerable:

IEnumerable<Foo> foos = dict.Values;

How to use not contains() in xpath?

I need to select every production with a category that doesn't contain "Business"

Although I upvoted @Arran's answer as correct, I would also add this... Strictly interpreted, the OP's specification would be implemented as

//production[category[not(contains(., 'Business'))]]

rather than

//production[not(contains(category, 'Business'))]

The latter selects every production whose first category child doesn't contain "Business". The two XPath expressions will behave differently when a production has no category children, or more than one.

It doesn't make any difference in practice as long as every <production> has exactly one <category> child, as in your short example XML. Whether you can always count on that being true or not, depends on various factors, such as whether you have a schema that enforces that constraint. Personally, I would go for the more robust option, since it doesn't "cost" much... assuming your requirement as stated in the question is really correct (as opposed to e.g. 'select every production that doesn't have a category that contains "Business"').

How do I get the fragment identifier (value after hash #) from a URL?

var url ='';
var type = url.split('#');
var hash = '';
if(type.length > 1)
  hash = type[1];

Working demo on jsfiddle

BarCode Image Generator in Java

There is also this free API that you can use to make free barcodes in java.


CSS selector for a checked radio button's label


This only worked for me because our existing generated html was wacky, generating labels along with radios and giving them both checked attribute.

Never mind, and big ups for Brilliand for bringing it up!

If your label is a sibling of a checkbox (which is usually the case), you can use the ~ sibling selector, and a label[for=your_checkbox_id] to address it... or give the label an id if you have multiple labels (like in this example where I use labels for buttons)

Came here looking for the same - but ended up finding my answer in the docs.

a label element with checked attribute can be selected like so:

label[checked] {

I know it's an old question, but maybe it helps someone out there :)

Converting string to integer

The function you need is CInt.

ie CInt(PrinterLabel)

See Type Conversion Functions (Visual Basic) on MSDN

Edit: Be aware that CInt and its relatives behave differently in and VBScript. For example, in, CInt casts to a 32-bit integer, but in VBScript, CInt casts to a 16-bit integer. Be on the lookout for potential overflows!

Trusting all certificates with okHttp

Just in case anyone falls here, the (only) solution that worked for me is creating the OkHttpClient like explained here.

Here is the code:

private static OkHttpClient getUnsafeOkHttpClient() {
  try {
    // Create a trust manager that does not validate certificate chains
    final TrustManager[] trustAllCerts = new TrustManager[] {
        new X509TrustManager() {
          public void checkClientTrusted([] chain, String authType) throws CertificateException {

          public void checkServerTrusted([] chain, String authType) throws CertificateException {

          public[] getAcceptedIssuers() {
            return new[]{};

    // Install the all-trusting trust manager
    final SSLContext sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL");
    sslContext.init(null, trustAllCerts, new;
    // Create an ssl socket factory with our all-trusting manager
    final SSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory = sslContext.getSocketFactory();

    OkHttpClient.Builder builder = new OkHttpClient.Builder();
    builder.sslSocketFactory(sslSocketFactory, (X509TrustManager)trustAllCerts[0]);
    builder.hostnameVerifier(new HostnameVerifier() {
      public boolean verify(String hostname, SSLSession session) {
        return true;

    OkHttpClient okHttpClient =;
    return okHttpClient;
  } catch (Exception e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(e);

Handling back button in Android Navigation Component

Newest Update - April 25th, 2019

New release androidx.activity ver. 1.0.0-alpha07 brings some changes

More explanations in android official guide: Provide custom back navigation


public class MyFragment extends Fragment {

    public void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        // This callback will only be called when MyFragment is at least Started.
        OnBackPressedCallback callback = new OnBackPressedCallback(true /* enabled by default */) {
            public void handleOnBackPressed() {
                // Handle the back button event
        requireActivity().getOnBackPressedDispatcher().addCallback(this, callback);

        // The callback can be enabled or disabled here or in handleOnBackPressed()

Old Updates

UPD: April 3rd, 2019

Now its simplified. More info here


requireActivity().getOnBackPressedDispatcher().addCallback(getViewLifecycleOwner(), this);

public boolean handleOnBackPressed() {
    //Do your job here
    //use next line if you just need navigate up
    //Log.e(getClass().getSimpleName(), "handleOnBackPressed");
    return true;

Deprecated (since Version 1.0.0-alpha06 April 3rd, 2019) :

Since this, it can be implemented just using JetPack implementation OnBackPressedCallback in your fragment and add it to activity: getActivity().addOnBackPressedCallback(getViewLifecycleOwner(),this);

Your fragment should looks like this:

public MyFragment extends Fragment implements OnBackPressedCallback {

    public void onActivityCreated(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    public boolean handleOnBackPressed() {
        //Do your job here
        //use next line if you just need navigate up
        //Log.e(getClass().getSimpleName(), "handleOnBackPressed");
        return true;

    public void onDestroyView() {

UPD: Your activity should extends AppCompatActivityor FragmentActivity and in Gradle file:

 implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:{lastVersion}'

What is the difference between . (dot) and $ (dollar sign)?

The $ operator is for avoiding parentheses. Anything appearing after it will take precedence over anything that comes before.

For example, let's say you've got a line that reads:

putStrLn (show (1 + 1))

If you want to get rid of those parentheses, any of the following lines would also do the same thing:

putStrLn (show $ 1 + 1)
putStrLn $ show (1 + 1)
putStrLn $ show $ 1 + 1

The primary purpose of the . operator is not to avoid parentheses, but to chain functions. It lets you tie the output of whatever appears on the right to the input of whatever appears on the left. This usually also results in fewer parentheses, but works differently.

Going back to the same example:

putStrLn (show (1 + 1))
  1. (1 + 1) doesn't have an input, and therefore cannot be used with the . operator.
  2. show can take an Int and return a String.
  3. putStrLn can take a String and return an IO ().

You can chain show to putStrLn like this:

(putStrLn . show) (1 + 1)

If that's too many parentheses for your liking, get rid of them with the $ operator:

putStrLn . show $ 1 + 1

Inserting the same value multiple times when formatting a string

You can use the dictionary type of formatting:

string='%(key)s hello world %(key)s hello world %(key)s' % {'key': s,}

Using the grep and cut delimiter command (in bash shell scripting UNIX) - and kind of "reversing" it?

You don't need to change the delimiter to display the right part of the string with cut.

The -f switch of the cut command is the n-TH element separated by your delimiter : :, so you can just type :

 grep puddle2_1557936 | cut -d ":" -f2

Another solutions (adapt it a bit) if you want fun :

Using :

grep -oP 'puddle2_1557936:\K.*' <<< 'puddle2_1557936:/home/rogers.williams/folderz/puddle2'                                                                        

or still with look around

grep -oP '(?<=puddle2_1557936:).*' <<< 'puddle2_1557936:/home/rogers.williams/folderz/puddle2'                                                                    

or with :

perl -lne '/puddle2_1557936:(.*)/ and print $1' <<< 'puddle2_1557936:/home/rogers.williams/folderz/puddle2'                                                      

or using (thanks to glenn jackman)

ruby -F: -ane '/puddle2_1557936/ and puts $F[1]' <<< 'puddle2_1557936:/home/rogers.williams/folderz/puddle2'

or with :

awk -F'puddle2_1557936:' '{print $2}'  <<< 'puddle2_1557936:/home/rogers.williams/folderz/puddle2'

or with :

python -c 'import sys; print(sys.argv[1].split("puddle2_1557936:")[1])' 'puddle2_1557936:/home/rogers.williams/folderz/puddle2'

or using only :

IFS=: read _ a <<< "puddle2_1557936:/home/rogers.williams/folderz/puddle2"
echo "$a"

or using in a :

var x = 'puddle2_1557936:/home/rogers.williams/folderz/puddle2'

or using in a :

php -r 'preg_match("/puddle2_1557936:(.*)/", $argv[1], $m); echo "$m[1]\n";' 'puddle2_1557936:/home/rogers.williams/folderz/puddle2' 

How to add new activity to existing project in Android Studio?

In Android Studio, go to app --> src --> main --> res-->

File --> new --> Activity --> ActivityType [choose a acticity that you want]

Fill in the details of the New Android Activity and click Finish.

Why do you use typedef when declaring an enum in C++?

In C, it is good style because you can change the type to something besides an enum.

typedef enum e_TokenType
    blah1   = 0x00000000,
    blah2   = 0X01000000,
    blah3   = 0X02000000
} TokenType;

foo(enum e_TokenType token);  /* this can only be passed as an enum */

foo(TokenType token); /* TokenType can be defined to something else later
                         without changing this declaration */

In C++ you can define the enum so that it will compile as C++ or C.

Best practices for SQL varchar column length

I haven't checked this lately, but I know in the past with Oracle that the JDBC driver would reserve a chunk of memory during query execution to hold the result set coming back. The size of the memory chunk is dependent on the column definitions and the fetch size. So the length of the varchar2 columns affects how much memory is reserved. This caused serious performance issues for me years ago as we always used varchar2(4000) (the max at the time) and garbage collection was much less efficient than it is today.

Java maximum memory on Windows XP

Keep in mind that Windows has virtual memory management and the JVM only needs memory that is contiguous in its address space. So, other programs running on the system shouldn't necessarily impact your heap size. What will get in your way are DLL's that get loaded in to your address space. Unfortunately optimizations in Windows that minimize the relocation of DLL's during linking make it more likely you'll have a fragmented address space. Things that are likely to cut in to your address space aside from the usual stuff include security software, CBT software, spyware and other forms of malware. Likely causes of the variances are different security patches, C runtime versions, etc. Device drivers and other kernel bits have their own address space (the other 2GB of the 4GB 32-bit space).

You could try going through your DLL bindings in your JVM process and look at trying to rebase your DLL's in to a more compact address space. Not fun, but if you are desperate...

Alternatively, you can just switch to 64-bit Windows and a 64-bit JVM. Despite what others have suggested, while it will chew up more RAM, you will have much more contiguous virtual address space, and allocating 2GB contiguously would be trivial.

Should I use Java's String.format() if performance is important?

I wrote a small class to test which has the better performance of the two and + comes ahead of format. by a factor of 5 to 6. Try it your self

import java.util.Date;

public class StringTest{

    public static void main( String[] args ){
    int i = 0;
    long prev_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
    long time;

    for( i = 0; i< 100000; i++){
        String s = "Blah" + i + "Blah";
    time = System.currentTimeMillis() - prev_time;

    System.out.println("Time after for loop " + time);

    prev_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
    for( i = 0; i<100000; i++){
        String s = String.format("Blah %d Blah", i);
    time = System.currentTimeMillis() - prev_time;
    System.out.println("Time after for loop " + time);


Running the above for different N shows that both behave linearly, but String.format is 5-30 times slower.

The reason is that in the current implementation String.format first parses the input with regular expressions and then fills in the parameters. Concatenation with plus, on the other hand, gets optimized by javac (not by the JIT) and uses StringBuilder.append directly.

Runtime comparison

How do I create a URL shortener?

Why would you want to use a hash?

You can just use a simple translation of your auto-increment value to an alphanumeric value. You can do that easily by using some base conversion. Say you character space (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, etc.) has 62 characters, convert the id to a base-40 number and use the characters as the digits.

How to create a shared library with cmake?

Always specify the minimum required version of cmake

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.9)

You should declare a project. cmake says it is mandatory and it will define convenient variables PROJECT_NAME, PROJECT_VERSION and PROJECT_DESCRIPTION (this latter variable necessitate cmake 3.9):

project(mylib VERSION 1.0.1 DESCRIPTION "mylib description")

Declare a new library target. Please avoid the use of file(GLOB ...). This feature does not provide attended mastery of the compilation process. If you are lazy, copy-paste output of ls -1 sources/*.cpp :

add_library(mylib SHARED

Set VERSION property (optional but it is a good practice):

set_target_properties(mylib PROPERTIES VERSION ${PROJECT_VERSION})

You can also set SOVERSION to a major number of VERSION. So will be a symlink to

set_target_properties(mylib PROPERTIES SOVERSION 1)

Declare public API of your library. This API will be installed for the third-party application. It is a good practice to isolate it in your project tree (like placing it include/ directory). Notice that, private headers should not be installed and I strongly suggest to place them with the source files.

set_target_properties(mylib PROPERTIES PUBLIC_HEADER include/mylib.h)

If you work with subdirectories, it is not very convenient to include relative paths like "../include/mylib.h". So, pass a top directory in included directories:

target_include_directories(mylib PRIVATE .)


target_include_directories(mylib PRIVATE include)
target_include_directories(mylib PRIVATE src)

Create an install rule for your library. I suggest to use variables CMAKE_INSTALL_*DIR defined in GNUInstallDirs:


And declare files to install:

install(TARGETS mylib

You may also export a pkg-config file. This file allows a third-party application to easily import your library:

Create a template file named (see pc(5) manpage for more information):



Libs: -L${libdir} -lmylib
Cflags: -I${includedir}

In your CMakeLists.txt, add a rule to expand @ macros (@ONLY ask to cmake to not expand variables of the form ${VAR}):

configure_file( mylib.pc @ONLY)

And finally, install generated file:


You may also use cmake EXPORT feature. However, this feature is only compatible with cmake and I find it difficult to use.

Finally the entire CMakeLists.txt should looks like:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.9)
project(mylib VERSION 1.0.1 DESCRIPTION "mylib description")
add_library(mylib SHARED src/mylib.c)
set_target_properties(mylib PROPERTIES
    PUBLIC_HEADER api/mylib.h)
configure_file( mylib.pc @ONLY)
target_include_directories(mylib PRIVATE .)
install(TARGETS mylib
install(FILES ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/mylib.pc

NodeJS - What does "socket hang up" actually mean?

I think "socket hang up" is a fairly general error indicating that the connection has been terminated from the server end. In other words, the sockets being used to maintain the connection between the client and the server have been disconnected. (While I'm sure many of the points mentioned above are helpful to various people, I think this is the more general answer.)

In my case, I was sending a request with a payload in excess of 20K. This was rejected by the server. I verified this by removing text and retrying until the request succeeded. After determining the maximum acceptable length, I verified that adding a single character caused the error to manifest. I also confirmed that the client wasn't the issue by sending the same request from a Python app and from Postman. So anyway, I'm confident that, in my case, the length of the payload was my specific problem.

Once again, the source of the problem is anecdotal. The general problem is "Server Says No".

How to write and read java serialized objects into a file

I think you have to write each object to an own File or you have to split the one when reading it. You may also try to serialize your list and retrieve that when deserializing.

How to display errors for my MySQLi query?

Just simply add or die(mysqli_error($db)); at the end of your query, this will print the mysqli error.

 mysqli_query($db,"INSERT INTO stockdetails (`itemdescription`,`itemnumber`,`sellerid`,`purchasedate`,`otherinfo`,`numberofitems`,`isitdelivered`,`price`) VALUES ('$itemdescription','$itemnumber','$sellerid','$purchasedate','$otherinfo','$numberofitems','$numberofitemsused','$isitdelivered','$price')") or die(mysqli_error($db));

As a side note I'd say you are at risk of mysql injection, check here How can I prevent SQL injection in PHP?. You should really use prepared statements to avoid any risk.

How to convert a set to a list in python?

Review your first line. Your stack trace is clearly not from the code you've pasted here, so I don't know precisely what you've done.

>>> my_set=([1,2,3,4])
>>> my_set
[1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> type(my_set)
<type 'list'>
>>> list(my_set)
[1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> type(_)
<type 'list'>

What you wanted was set([1, 2, 3, 4]).

>>> my_set = set([1, 2, 3, 4])
>>> my_set
set([1, 2, 3, 4])
>>> type(my_set)
<type 'set'>
>>> list(my_set)
[1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> type(_)
<type 'list'>

The "not callable" exception means you were doing something like set()() - attempting to call a set instance.

SVN Repository on Google Drive or DropBox

Here's one application that works for me. In our case...I wanted the Sales team to use SVN for certain docs (Price sheets and such)...but a bit over there head.

I setup an Auto SVN like this: - Created a REPO in my SVN server. - Checked out repo into a DB folder call AutoSVN. - I run EasySVN on my PC, which auto commits and updates the REPO.

With he 'Auto', there are no log comments, but not critical for these particular docs.

The Sales guys use the DB folder...and simply maintain the file name of those docs that need version control such as price sheets.

Changing Locale within the app itself

In Android M the top solution won't work. I've written a helper class to fix that which you should call from your Application class and all Activities (I would suggest creating a BaseActivity and then make all the Activities inherit from it.

Note: This will also support properly RTL layout direction.

Helper class:

public class LocaleUtils {

    private static Locale sLocale;

    public static void setLocale(Locale locale) {
        sLocale = locale;
        if(sLocale != null) {

    public static void updateConfig(ContextThemeWrapper wrapper) {
        if(sLocale != null && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR1) {
            Configuration configuration = new Configuration();

    public static void updateConfig(Application app, Configuration configuration) {
        if (sLocale != null && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR1) {
            //Wrapping the configuration to avoid Activity endless loop
            Configuration config = new Configuration(configuration);
            // We must use the now-deprecated config.locale and res.updateConfiguration here,
            // because the replacements aren't available till API level 24 and 17 respectively.
            config.locale = sLocale;
            Resources res = app.getBaseContext().getResources();
            res.updateConfiguration(config, res.getDisplayMetrics());


public class App extends Application {
    public void onCreate(){

        LocaleUtils.setLocale(new Locale("iw"));
        LocaleUtils.updateConfig(this, getBaseContext().getResources().getConfiguration());

    public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) {
        LocaleUtils.updateConfig(this, newConfig);


public class BaseActivity extends Activity {
    public BaseActivity() {

CSS: how to get scrollbars for div inside container of fixed height

setting the overflow should take care of it, but you need to set the height of Content also. If the height attribute is not set, the div will grow vertically as tall as it needs to, and scrollbars wont be needed.

See Example:

Do you get charged for a 'stopped' instance on EC2?


You get charged for:

  1. Online time
  2. Storage space (assumably you store the image on S3 [EBS])
  3. Elastic IP addresses
  4. Bandwidth

So... if you stop the EC2 instance you will only have to pay for the storage of the image on S3 (assuming you store an image ofcourse) and any IP addresses you've reserved.

'No database provider has been configured for this DbContext' on SignInManager.PasswordSignInAsync

I could resolve it by overriding Configuration in MyContext through adding connection string to the DbContextOptionsBuilder:

protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
        if (!optionsBuilder.IsConfigured)
            IConfigurationRoot configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()
            var connectionString = configuration.GetConnectionString("DbCoreConnectionString");

How do you find out which version of GTK+ is installed on Ubuntu?


apt-cache policy libgtk2.0-0 libgtk-3-0 


dpkg -l libgtk2.0-0 libgtk-3-0

CREATE FILE encountered operating system error 5(failed to retrieve text for this error. Reason: 15105)

1.copy your --.MDF,--.LDF files to pate this location For 2008 server C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA 2.In sql server 2008 use ATTACH and select same location for add

What does mysql error 1025 (HY000): Error on rename of './foo' (errorno: 150) mean?

I'd guess foreign key constraint problem. Is country_id used as a foreign key in another table?

I'm not DB guru but I think I solved a problem like this (where there was a fk constraint) by removing the fk, doing my alter table stuff and then redoing the fk stuff.

I'll be interested to hear what the outcome is - sometime mysql is pretty cryptic.

How to fix committing to the wrong Git branch?

For multiple commits on the wrong branch

If, for you, it is just about 1 commit, then there are plenty of other easier resetting solutions available. For me, I had about 10 commits that I'd accidentally created on master branch instead of, let's call it target, and I did not want to lose the commit history.

What you could do, and what saved me was using this answer as a reference, using a 4 step process, which is -

  1. Create a new temporary branch temp from master
  2. Merge temp into the branch originally intended for commits, i.e. target
  3. Undo commits on master
  4. Delete the temporary branch temp.

Here are the above steps in details -

  1. Create a new branch from the master (where I had accidentally committed a lot of changes)

    git checkout -b temp

    Note: -b flag is used to create a new branch
    Just to verify if we got this right, I'd do a quick git branch to make sure we are on the temp branch and a git log to check if we got the commits right.

  2. Merge the temporary branch into the branch originally intended for the commits, i.e. target.
    First, switch to the original branch i.e. target (You might need to git fetch if you haven't)

    git checkout target

    Note: Not using -b flag
    Now, let's merge the temporary branch into the branch we have currently checkout out target

    git merge temp

    You might have to take care of some conflicts here, if there are. You can push (I would) or move on to the next steps, after successfully merging.

  3. Undo the accidental commits on master using this answer as reference, first switch to the master

    git checkout master

    then undo it all the way back to match the remote using the command below (or to particular commit, using appropriate command, if you want)

    git reset --hard origin/master

    Again, I'd do a git log before and after just to make sure that the intended changes took effect.

  4. Erasing the evidence, that is deleting the temporary branch. For this, first you need to checkout the branch that the temp was merged into, i.e. target (If you stay on master and execute the command below, you might get a error: The branch 'temp' is not fully merged), so let's

    git checkout target

    and then delete the proof of this mishap

    git branch -d temp

There you go.

How to search in array of object in mongodb

The right way is:

db.users.find({awards: {$elemMatch: {award:'National Medal', year:1975}}})

$elemMatch allows you to match more than one component within the same array element.

Without $elemMatch mongo will look for users with National Medal in some year and some award in 1975s, but not for users with National Medal in 1975.

See MongoDB $elemMatch Documentation for more info. See Read Operations Documentation for more information about querying documents with arrays.

How do I make bootstrap table rows clickable?

You can use in this way using bootstrap css. Just remove the active class if already assinged to any row and reassign to the current row.

    $(".table tr").each(function () {
        $(this).attr("class", "");
    $(this).attr("class", "active");

Including jars in classpath on commandline (javac or apt)

Use the -cp or -classpath switch.

$ java -help  
Usage: java [-options] class [args...]  
           (to execute a class)  
   or  java [-options] -jar jarfile [args...]  
           (to execute a jar file)  

where options include:  
    -cp <class search path of directories and zip/jar files>  
    -classpath <class search path of directories and zip/jar files>  
                  A ; separated list of directories, JAR archives,  
                  and ZIP archives to search for class files.  

(Note that the separator used to separate entries on the classpath differs between OSes, on my Windows machine it is ;, in *nix it is usually :.)

Run a Command Prompt command from Desktop Shortcut

  1. first goto that folder from where you to what to open command prompt where its desktop or some other location
  2. make a text file in that location just write cmd -c and save name.bat
  3. double click so your CMD path will be of that folder enter image description here

How to share data between different threads In C# using AOP?

Look at the following example code:

public class MyWorker
    public SharedData state;
    public void DoWork(SharedData someData)
        this.state = someData;
        while (true) ;


public class SharedData {
    X myX;
    public getX() { etc
    public setX(anX) { etc


public class Program
    public static void Main()
        SharedData data = new SharedDate()
        MyWorker work1 = new MyWorker(data);
        MyWorker work2 = new MyWorker(data);
        Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(work1.DoWork));
        Thread thread2 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(work2.DoWork));

In this case, the thread class MyWorker has a variable state. We initialise it with the same object. Now you can see that the two workers access the same SharedData object. Changes made by one worker are visible to the other.

You have quite a few remaining issues. How does worker 2 know when changes have been made by worker 1 and vice-versa? How do you prevent conflicting changes? Maybe read: this tutorial.

Detecting an "invalid date" Date instance in JavaScript

Generally I'd stick with whatever Date implantation is in the browser stack. Which means you will always get "Invalid Date" when calling toDateString() in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari as of this reply's date.

  Date.prototype.isValidDate = function(){
    return this.toDateString().toLowerCase().lastIndexOf('invalid') == -1;

I did not test this in IE though.

ExecuteReader requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is Connecting

Sorry for only commenting in the first place, but i'm posting almost every day a similar comment since many people think that it would be smart to encapsulate ADO.NET functionality into a DB-Class(me too 10 years ago). Mostly they decide to use static/shared objects since it seems to be faster than to create a new object for any action.

That is neither a good idea in terms of peformance nor in terms of fail-safety.

Don't poach on the Connection-Pool's territory

There's a good reason why ADO.NET internally manages the underlying Connections to the DBMS in the ADO-NET Connection-Pool:

In practice, most applications use only one or a few different configurations for connections. This means that during application execution, many identical connections will be repeatedly opened and closed. To minimize the cost of opening connections, ADO.NET uses an optimization technique called connection pooling.

Connection pooling reduces the number of times that new connections must be opened. The pooler maintains ownership of the physical connection. It manages connections by keeping alive a set of active connections for each given connection configuration. Whenever a user calls Open on a connection, the pooler looks for an available connection in the pool. If a pooled connection is available, it returns it to the caller instead of opening a new connection. When the application calls Close on the connection, the pooler returns it to the pooled set of active connections instead of closing it. Once the connection is returned to the pool, it is ready to be reused on the next Open call.

So obviously there's no reason to avoid creating,opening or closing connections since actually they aren't created,opened and closed at all. This is "only" a flag for the connection pool to know when a connection can be reused or not. But it's a very important flag, because if a connection is "in use"(the connection pool assumes), a new physical connection must be openend to the DBMS what is very expensive.

So you're gaining no performance improvement but the opposite. If the maximum pool size specified (100 is the default) is reached, you would even get exceptions(too many open connections ...). So this will not only impact the performance tremendously but also be a source for nasty errors and (without using Transactions) a data-dumping-area.

If you're even using static connections you're creating a lock for every thread trying to access this object. ASP.NET is a multithreading environment by nature. So theres a great chance for these locks which causes performance issues at best. Actually sooner or later you'll get many different exceptions(like your ExecuteReader requires an open and available Connection).


  • Don't reuse connections or any ADO.NET objects at all.
  • Don't make them static/shared(in VB.NET)
  • Always create, open(in case of Connections), use, close and dispose them where you need them(f.e. in a method)
  • use the using-statement to dispose and close(in case of Connections) implicitely

That's true not only for Connections(although most noticable). Every object implementing IDisposable should be disposed(simplest by using-statement), all the more in the System.Data.SqlClient namespace.

All the above speaks against a custom DB-Class which encapsulates and reuse all objects. That's the reason why i commented to trash it. That's only a problem source.

Edit: Here's a possible implementation of your retrievePromotion-method:

public Promotion retrievePromotion(int promotionID)
    Promotion promo = null;
    var connectionString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MainConnStr"].ConnectionString;
    using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
        var queryString = "SELECT PromotionID, PromotionTitle, PromotionURL FROM Promotion WHERE PromotionID=@PromotionID";
        using (var da = new SqlDataAdapter(queryString, connection))
            // you could also use a SqlDataReader instead
            // note that a DataTable does not need to be disposed since it does not implement IDisposable
            var tblPromotion = new DataTable();
            // avoid SQL-Injection
            da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@PromotionID", SqlDbType.Int);
            da.SelectCommand.Parameters["@PromotionID"].Value = promotionID;
                connection.Open(); // not necessarily needed in this case because DataAdapter.Fill does it otherwise 
                if (tblPromotion.Rows.Count != 0)
                    var promoRow = tblPromotion.Rows[0];
                    promo = new Promotion()
                        promotionID    = promotionID,
                        promotionTitle = promoRow.Field<String>("PromotionTitle"),
                        promotionUrl   = promoRow.Field<String>("PromotionURL")
            catch (Exception ex)
                // log this exception or throw it up the StackTrace
                // we do not need a finally-block to close the connection since it will be closed implicitely in an using-statement
    return promo;

How does one create an InputStream from a String?

Here you go:

InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream( myString.getBytes() );

Update For multi-byte support use (thanks to Aaron Waibel's comment):

InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(Charset.forName("UTF-16").encode(myString).array());

Please see ByteArrayInputStream manual.

It is safe to use a charset argument in String#getBytes(charset) method above.

After JDK 7+ you can use


instead of hardcoded encoding string:

InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(StandardCharsets.UTF_16.encode(myString).array());

Android Studio: Gradle: error: cannot find symbol variable

make sure that the imported R is not from another module. I had moved a class from a module to the main project, and the R was the one from the module.

how to assign a block of html code to a javascript variable

Greetings! I know this is an older post, but I found it through Google when searching for "javascript add large block of html as variable". I thought I'd post an alternate solution.

First, I'd recommend using single-quotes around the variable itself ... makes it easier to preserve double-quotes in the actual HTML code.

You can use a backslash to separate lines if you want to maintain a sense of formatting to the code:

var code = '<div class="my-class"> \
        <h1>The Header</h1> \
        <p>The paragraph of text</p> \
        <div class="my-quote"> \
            <p>The quote I\'d like to put in a div</p> \
        </div> \

Note: You'll obviously need to escape any single-quotes inside the code (e.g. inside the last 'p' tag)

Anyway, I hope that helps someone else that may be looking for the same answer I was ... Cheers!