Programs & Examples On #Lexer

A program converting a sequence of characters into a sequence of tokens

lexers vs parsers

When is lexing enough, when do you need EBNF?

EBNF really doesn't add much to the power of grammars. It's just a convenience / shortcut notation / "syntactic sugar" over the standard Chomsky's Normal Form (CNF) grammar rules. For example, the EBNF alternative:

S --> A | B

you can achieve in CNF by just listing each alternative production separately:

S --> A      // `S` can be `A`,
S --> B      // or it can be `B`.

The optional element from EBNF:

S --> X?

you can achieve in CNF by using a nullable production, that is, the one which can be replaced by an empty string (denoted by just empty production here; others use epsilon or lambda or crossed circle):

S --> B       // `S` can be `B`,
B --> X       // and `B` can be just `X`,
B -->         // or it can be empty.

A production in a form like the last one B above is called "erasure", because it can erase whatever it stands for in other productions (product an empty string instead of something else).

Zero-or-more repetiton from EBNF:

S --> A*

you can obtan by using recursive production, that is, one which embeds itself somewhere in it. It can be done in two ways. First one is left recursion (which usually should be avoided, because Top-Down Recursive Descent parsers cannot parse it):

S --> S A    // `S` is just itself ended with `A` (which can be done many times),
S -->        // or it can begin with empty-string, which stops the recursion.

Knowing that it generates just an empty string (ultimately) followed by zero or more As, the same string (but not the same language!) can be expressed using right-recursion:

S --> A S    // `S` can be `A` followed by itself (which can be done many times),
S -->        // or it can be just empty-string end, which stops the recursion.

And when it comes to + for one-or-more repetition from EBNF:

S --> A+

it can be done by factoring out one A and using * as before:

S --> A A*

which you can express in CNF as such (I use right recursion here; try to figure out the other one yourself as an exercise):

S --> A S   // `S` can be one `A` followed by `S` (which stands for more `A`s),
S --> A     // or it could be just one single `A`.

Knowing that, you can now probably recognize a grammar for a regular expression (that is, regular grammar) as one which can be expressed in a single EBNF production consisting only from terminal symbols. More generally, you can recognize regular grammars when you see productions similar to these:

A -->        // Empty (nullable) production (AKA erasure).
B --> x      // Single terminal symbol.
C --> y D    // Simple state change from `C` to `D` when seeing input `y`.
E --> F z    // Simple state change from `E` to `F` when seeing input `z`.
G --> G u    // Left recursion.
H --> v H    // Right recursion.

That is, using only empty strings, terminal symbols, simple non-terminals for substitutions and state changes, and using recursion only to achieve repetition (iteration, which is just linear recursion - the one which doesn't branch tree-like). Nothing more advanced above these, then you're sure it's a regular syntax and you can go with just lexer for that.

But when your syntax uses recursion in a non-trivial way, to produce tree-like, self-similar, nested structures, like the following one:

S --> a S b    // `S` can be itself "parenthesized" by `a` and `b` on both sides.
S -->          // or it could be (ultimately) empty, which ends recursion.

then you can easily see that this cannot be done with regular expression, because you cannot resolve it into one single EBNF production in any way; you'll end up with substituting for S indefinitely, which will always add another as and bs on both sides. Lexers (more specifically: Finite State Automata used by lexers) cannot count to arbitrary number (they are finite, remember?), so they don't know how many as were there to match them evenly with so many bs. Grammars like this are called context-free grammars (at the very least), and they require a parser.

Context-free grammars are well-known to parse, so they are widely used for describing programming languages' syntax. But there's more. Sometimes a more general grammar is needed -- when you have more things to count at the same time, independently. For example, when you want to describe a language where one can use round parentheses and square braces interleaved, but they have to be paired up correctly with each other (braces with braces, round with round). This kind of grammar is called context-sensitive. You can recognize it by that it has more than one symbol on the left (before the arrow). For example:

A R B --> A S B

You can think of these additional symbols on the left as a "context" for applying the rule. There could be some preconditions, postconditions etc. For example, the above rule will substitute R into S, but only when it's in between A and B, leaving those A and B themselves unchanged. This kind of syntax is really hard to parse, because it needs a full-blown Turing machine. It's a whole another story, so I'll end here.

Finding the source code for built-in Python functions?

Let's go straight to your question.

Finding the source code for built-in Python functions?

The source code is located at Python/bltinmodule.c

To find the source code in the GitHub repository go here. You can see that all in-built functions start with builtin_<name_of_function>, for instance, sorted() is implemented in builtin_sorted.

For your pleasure I'll post the implementation of sorted():

builtin_sorted(PyObject *self, PyObject *const *args, Py_ssize_t nargs, PyObject *kwnames)
    PyObject *newlist, *v, *seq, *callable;

    /* Keyword arguments are passed through list.sort() which will check
       them. */
    if (!_PyArg_UnpackStack(args, nargs, "sorted", 1, 1, &seq))
        return NULL;

    newlist = PySequence_List(seq);
    if (newlist == NULL)
        return NULL;

    callable = _PyObject_GetAttrId(newlist, &PyId_sort);
    if (callable == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    assert(nargs >= 1);
    v = _PyObject_FastCallKeywords(callable, args + 1, nargs - 1, kwnames);
    if (v == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    return newlist;

As you may have noticed, that's not Python code, but C code.

Android - Share on Facebook, Twitter, Mail, ecc

String message = "This is testing."
Intent shareText = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
shareText .setType("text/plain");
shareText .putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, message);

startActivity(Intent.createChooser(shareText , "Title of the dialog the system will open"));

Resolving tree conflict

What you can do to resolve your conflict is

svn resolve --accept working -R <path>

where <path> is where you have your conflict (can be the root of your repo).


  • resolve asks svn to resolve the conflict
  • accept working specifies to keep your working files
  • -R stands for recursive

Hope this helps.


To sum up what was said in the comments below:

  • <path> should be the directory in conflict (C:\DevBranch\ in the case of the OP)
  • it's likely that the origin of the conflict is
    • either the use of the svn switch command
    • or having checked the Switch working copy to new branch/tag option at branch creation
  • more information about conflicts can be found in the dedicated section of Tortoise's documentation.
  • to be able to run the command, you should have the CLI tools installed together with Tortoise:

Command line client tools

Add onClick event to document.createElement("th")

var newTH = document.createElement('th');
newTH.innerHTML = 'Hello, World!';
newTH.onclick = function () {

var table = document.getElementById('content');

Working example:

You can also just hide with = 'none'.

Where does gcc look for C and C++ header files?

g++ -print-search-dirs
gcc -print-search-dirs

How do I test for an empty JavaScript object?

I would go for checking if it has at least one key. That would suffice to tell me that it's not empty.

Boolean(Object.keys(obj || {})[0]) // obj || {} checks for undefined

How to dump a table to console?

--~ print a table
function printTable(list, i)

    local listString = ''
--~ begin of the list so write the {
    if not i then
        listString = listString .. '{'

    i = i or 1
    local element = list[i]

--~ it may be the end of the list
    if not element then
        return listString .. '}'
--~ if the element is a list too call it recursively
    if(type(element) == 'table') then
        listString = listString .. printTable(element)
        listString = listString .. element

    return listString .. ', ' .. printTable(list, i + 1)


local table = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, {'a', 'b'}, {'G', 'F'}}

Hi man, I wrote a siple code that do this in pure Lua, it has a bug (write a coma after the last element of the list) but how i wrote it quickly as a prototype I will let it to you adapt it to your needs.

Checking from shell script if a directory contains files

This may be a really late response but here is a solution that works. This line only recognizes th existance of files! It will not give you a false positive if directories exist.

if find /path/to/check/* -maxdepth 0 -type f | read
  then echo "Files Exist"

Do standard windows .ini files allow comments?

I have seen comments in INI files, so yes. Please refer to this Wikipedia article. I could not find an official specification, but that is the correct syntax for comments, as many game INI files had this as I remember.


The API returns the Value and the Comment (forgot to mention this in my reply), just construct and example INI file and call the API on this (with comments) and you can see how this is returned.

How do I increase modal width in Angular UI Bootstrap?

I solved the problem using Dmitry Komin solution, but with different CSS syntax to make it works directly in browser.


@media(min-width: 1400px){
    .my-modal > .modal-lg {
        width: 1308px;

JS is the same:

var modal = ${
    animation: true,
    templateUrl: 'modalTemplate.html',
    controller: 'modalController',
    size: 'lg',
    windowClass: 'my-modal'

Search text in fields in every table of a MySQL database

This solution
a) is only MySQL, no other language needed, and
b) returns SQL results, ready for processing!

#Search multiple database tables and/or columns
#Version 0.1 - JK 2014-01
#USAGE: 1. set the search term @search, 2. set the scope by adapting the WHERE clause of the `information_schema`.`columns` query
#NOTE: This is a usage example and might be advanced by setting the scope through a variable, putting it all in a function, and so on...

#define the search term here (using rules for the LIKE command, e.g % as a wildcard)
SET @search = '%needle%';

SET SESSION group_concat_max_len := @@max_allowed_packet;

#ini variable
SET @sql = NULL;

#query for prepared statement
    GROUP_CONCAT("SELECT '",`TABLE_NAME`,"' AS `table`, '",`COLUMN_NAME`,"' AS `column`, `",`COLUMN_NAME`,"` AS `value` FROM `",TABLE_NAME,"` WHERE `",COLUMN_NAME,"` LIKE '",@search,"'" SEPARATOR "\nUNION\n") AS col
INTO @sql
FROM `information_schema`.`columns`
    SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM `information_schema`.`columns`
        TABLE_SCHEMA IN ("my_database")
        && TABLE_NAME IN ("my_table1", "my_table2") || TABLE_NAME LIKE "my_prefix_%"

#prepare and execute the statement
PREPARE stmt FROM @sql;

Make a div fill the height of the remaining screen space

If you can deal with not supporting old browsers (that is, MSIE 9 or older), you can do this with Flexible Box Layout Module which is already W3C CR. That module allows other nice tricks, too, such as re-ordering content.

Unfortunately, MSIE 9 or lesser do not support this and you have to use vendor prefix for the CSS property for every browser other than Firefox. Hopefully other vendors drop the prefix soon, too.

An another choice would be CSS Grid Layout but that has even less support from stable versions of browsers. In practice, only MSIE 10 supports this.

Update year 2020: All modern browsers support both display: flex and display: grid. The only one missing is support for subgrid which in only supported by Firefox. Note that MSIE does not support either by the spec but if you're willing to add MSIE specific CSS hacks, it can be made to behave. I would suggest simply ignoring MSIE because even Microsoft says it should not be used anymore.

Limitations of SQL Server Express

You can't install Integration Services with it. Express does not support Integration Services. So if you want build say SSIS-packages you'll need at least Standard Edition.

See more here.

How do you strip a character out of a column in SQL Server?

This is done using the REPLACE function

To strip out "somestring" from "SomeColumn" in "SomeTable" in the SELECT query:

SELECT REPLACE([SomeColumn],'somestring','') AS [SomeColumn]  FROM [SomeTable]

To update the table and strip out "somestring" from "SomeColumn" in "SomeTable"

UPDATE [SomeTable] SET [SomeColumn] = REPLACE([SomeColumn], 'somestring', '')

Box shadow in IE7 and IE8

Use CSS3 PIE, which emulates some CSS3 properties in older versions of IE.

It supports box-shadow (except for the inset keyword).

Protractor : How to wait for page complete after click a button?

I just had a look at the source - Protractor is waiting for Angular only in a few cases (like when element.all is invoked, or setting / getting location).

So Protractor won't wait for Angular to stabilise after every command.

Also, it looks like sometimes in my tests I had a race between Angular digest cycle and click event, so sometimes I have to do:;

using sleep to wait for execution to enter AngularJS context (triggered by click event).

How can I get all the request headers in Django?

If you want to get client key from request header, u can try following:

from rest_framework.authentication import BaseAuthentication
from rest_framework import exceptions
from apps.authentication.models import CerebroAuth

class CerebroAuthentication(BaseAuthentication):
def authenticate(self, request):
    client_id = request.META.get('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION')
    if not client_id:
        raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed('Client key not provided')
    client_id = client_id.split()
    if len(client_id) == 1 or len(client_id) > 2:
        msg = ('Invalid secrer key header. No credentials provided.')
        raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
        client = CerebroAuth.objects.get(client_id=client_id[1])
    except CerebroAuth.DoesNotExist:
        raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed('No such client')
    return (client, None)

How do I enumerate through a JObject?

JObjects can be enumerated via JProperty objects by casting it to a JToken:

foreach (JProperty x in (JToken)obj) { // if 'obj' is a JObject
    string name = x.Name;
    JToken value = x.Value;

If you have a nested JObject inside of another JObject, you don't need to cast because the accessor will return a JToken:

foreach (JProperty x in obj["otherObject"]) { // Where 'obj' and 'obj["otherObject"]' are both JObjects
    string name = x.Name;
    JToken value = x.Value;

ld.exe: cannot open output file ... : Permission denied

I had the same behaviour, and fixed it by running Code::Blocks as administrator.

Create a List that contain each Line of a File

I am not sure about Python but most languages have push/append function for arrays.

Angular checkbox and ng-click

cardeal's answer was really helpful. Took it a little further and figured it may help others some where down the line. Here is the fiddle:

And the code:

<body ng-app="checkboxExample">
  angular.module('checkboxExample', [])
    .controller('ExampleController', ['$scope', function($scope) {

    $scope.value0 = "none";
    $scope.value1 = "none";
    $scope.value2 = "none";
    $scope.value3 = "none";

    $scope.checkboxModel = {
        critical1: {selected: true, id: 'C1', error:'critical' , score:20},
        critical2: {selected: false, id: 'C2', error:'critical' , score:30},
        critical3: {selected: false, id: 'C3', error:'critical' , score:40},

       myClick : function($event) { 
          $scope.value0 = $event.selected;
          $scope.value1 = $;
          $scope.value2 = $event.error;
          $scope.value3 = $event.score;

<form name="myForm" ng-controller="ExampleController">

    <input type="checkbox" ng-model="checkboxModel.critical1.selected" ng-change="checkboxModel.myClick(checkboxModel.critical1)">
    <input type="checkbox" ng-model="checkboxModel.critical2.selected" ng-change="checkboxModel.myClick(checkboxModel.critical2)">
    <input type="checkbox" ng-model="checkboxModel.critical3.selected" ng-change="checkboxModel.myClick(checkboxModel.critical3)">
  <tt>selected = {{value0}}</tt><br/>
  <tt>id = {{value1}}</tt><br/>
  <tt>error = {{value2}}</tt><br/>
  <tt>score = {{value3}}</tt><br/>

AngularJS performs an OPTIONS HTTP request for a cross-origin resource

I gave up trying to fix this issue.

My IIS web.config had the relevant "Access-Control-Allow-Methods" in it, I experimented adding config settings to my Angular code, but after burning a few hours trying to get Chrome to call a cross-domain JSON web service, I gave up miserably.

In the end, I added a dumb ASP.Net handler webpage, got that to call my JSON web service, and return the results. It was up and running in 2 minutes.

Here's the code I used:

public class LoadJSONData : IHttpHandler
    public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
        context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";

        string URL = "......";

        using (var client = new HttpClient())
            // New code:
            client.BaseAddress = new Uri(URL);
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Basic AUTHORIZATION_STRING");

            HttpResponseMessage response = client.GetAsync(URL).Result;
            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                var content = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                context.Response.Write("Success: " + content);
                context.Response.Write(response.StatusCode + " : Message - " + response.ReasonPhrase);

    public bool IsReusable
            return false;

And in my Angular controller...

   .success(function (data) {

I'm sure there's a simpler/more generic way of doing this, but life's too short...

This worked for me, and I can get on with doing normal work now !!

How do you connect to multiple MySQL databases on a single webpage?

If you use PHP5 (And you should, given that PHP4 has been deprecated), you should use PDO, since this is slowly becoming the new standard. One (very) important benefit of PDO, is that it supports bound parameters, which makes for much more secure code.

You would connect through PDO, like this:

try {
  $db = new PDO('mysql:dbname=databasename;host=', 'username', 'password');
} catch (PDOException $ex) {
  echo 'Connection failed: ' . $ex->getMessage();

(Of course replace databasename, username and password above)

You can then query the database like this:

$result = $db->query("select * from tablename");
foreach ($result as $row) {
  echo $row['foo'] . "\n";

Or, if you have variables:

$stmt = $db->prepare("select * from tablename where id = :id");
$stmt->execute(array(':id' => 42));
$row = $stmt->fetch();

If you need multiple connections open at once, you can simply create multiple instances of PDO:

try {
  $db1 = new PDO('mysql:dbname=databas1;host=', 'username', 'password');
  $db2 = new PDO('mysql:dbname=databas2;host=', 'username', 'password');
} catch (PDOException $ex) {
  echo 'Connection failed: ' . $ex->getMessage();

Change first commit of project with Git?

git rebase -i allows you to conveniently edit any previous commits, except for the root commit. The following commands show you how to do this manually.

# tag the old root, "git rev-list ..." will return the hash of first commit
git tag root `git rev-list HEAD | tail -1`

# switch to a new branch pointing at the first commit
git checkout -b new-root root

# make any edits and then commit them with:
git commit --amend

# check out the previous branch (i.e. master)
git checkout @{-1}

# replace old root with amended version
git rebase --onto new-root root

# you might encounter merge conflicts, fix any conflicts and continue with:
# git rebase --continue

# delete the branch "new-root"
git branch -d new-root

# delete the tag "root"
git tag -d root

Create a symbolic link of directory in Ubuntu

This is the behavior of ln if the second arg is a directory. It places a link to the first arg inside it. If you want /etc/nginx to be the symlink, you should remove that directory first and run that same command.

How to send authorization header with axios

            'Access-Control-Allow-Headers, Origin,OPTIONS,Accept,Authorization, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Access-Control-Request-Method, Access-Control-Request-Headers');

Blockquote : you have to add OPTIONS & Authorization to the setHeader()

this change has fixed my problem, just give a try!

How to measure time in milliseconds using ANSI C?

#include <time.h>
clock_t uptime = clock() / (CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 1000);

Regular expression - starting and ending with a character string

^wp.*\.php$ Should do the trick.

The .* means "any character, repeated 0 or more times". The next . is escaped because it's a special character, and you want a literal period (".php"). Don't forget that if you're typing this in as a literal string in something like C#, Java, etc., you need to escape the backslash because it's a special character in many literal strings.

Injecting content into specific sections from a partial view ASP.NET MVC 3 with Razor View Engine

If you do have a legitimate need to run some js from a partial, here's how you could do it, jQuery is required:

<script type="text/javascript">        
    function scriptToExecute()
        //The script you want to execute when page is ready.           

    function runWhenReady()
        if (window.$)
            setTimeout(runWhenReady, 100);

Accessing all items in the JToken

In addition to the accepted answer I would like to give an answer that shows how to iterate directly over the Newtonsoft collections. It uses less code and I'm guessing its more efficient as it doesn't involve converting the collections.

using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
//Parse the data
JObject my_obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JObject>(your_json);

foreach (KeyValuePair<string, JToken> sub_obj in (JObject)my_obj["ADDRESS_MAP"])

I started doing this myself because JsonConvert automatically deserializes nested objects as JToken (which are JObject, JValue, or JArray underneath I think).

I think the parsing works according to the following principles:

  • Every object is abstracted as a JToken

  • Cast to JObject where you expect a Dictionary

  • Cast to JValue if the JToken represents a terminal node and is a value

  • Cast to JArray if its an array

  • JValue.Value gives you the .NET type you need

Zoom to fit all markers in Mapbox or Leaflet

You have an array of L.Marker:

let markers = [marker1, marker2, marker3]

let latlngs = => marker.getLatLng())

let latlngBounds = L.latLngBounds(latlngs)

// OR with a smooth animation
// map.flyToBounds(latlngBounds)

How to convert Blob to File in JavaScript

For me to work I had to explicitly provide the type although it is contained in the blob by doing so:

const file = new File([blob], 'untitled', { type: blob.type })

Import JSON file in React

One nice way (without adding a fake .js extension which is for code not for data and configs) is to use json-loader module. If you have used create-react-app to scaffold your project, the module is already included, you just need to import your json:

import Profile from './components/profile';

This answer explains more.

How to scroll to an element inside a div?

browser does scrolling automatically to an element that gets focus, so what you can also do it to wrap the element that you need to be scrolled to into <a>...</a> and then when you need scroll just set the focus on that a

How can I compile a Java program in Eclipse without running it?

Go to the project explorer block ... right click on project name select "Build Path"-----------> "Configuration Build Path"

then the pop up window will get open.

in this pop up window you will find 4 tabs. 1)source 2) project 3)Library 4)order and export

Click on 1) Source

select the project (under which that file is present which you want to compile)

and then click on ok....

Go to the workspace location of the project open a bin folder and search that class file ...

you will get that java file compiled...

just to cross verify check the changed timing.

hope this will help.


Return generated pdf using spring MVC

You were on the right track with response.getOutputStream(), but you're not using its output anywhere in your code. Essentially what you need to do is to stream the PDF file's bytes directly to the output stream and flush the response. In Spring you can do it like this:

@RequestMapping(value="/getpdf", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity<byte[]> getPDF(@RequestBody String json) {
    // convert JSON to Employee 
    Employee emp = convertSomehow(json);

    // generate the file

    // retrieve contents of "C:/tmp/report.pdf" that were written in showHelp
    byte[] contents = (...);

    HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
    // Here you have to set the actual filename of your pdf
    String filename = "output.pdf";
    headers.setContentDispositionFormData(filename, filename);
    headers.setCacheControl("must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
    ResponseEntity<byte[]> response = new ResponseEntity<>(contents, headers, HttpStatus.OK);
    return response;


  • use meaningful names for your methods: naming a method that writes a PDF document showHelp is not a good idea
  • reading a file into a byte[]: example here
  • I'd suggest adding a random string to the temporary PDF file name inside showHelp() to avoid overwriting the file if two users send a request at the same time

How can I check out a GitHub pull request with git?

You can use git config command to write a new rule to .git/config to fetch pull requests from the repository:

$ git config --local --add remote.origin.fetch '+refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/pr/*'

And then just:

$ git fetch origin
Fetching origin
remote: Counting objects: 4, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
remote: Total 4 (delta 2), reused 4 (delta 2), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (4/4), done.
 * [new ref]         refs/pull/2/head -> origin/pr/2
 * [new ref]         refs/pull/3/head -> origin/pr/3

Oracle - Why does the leading zero of a number disappear when converting it TO_CHAR

Should work in all cases:

SELECT regexp_replace(0.1234, '^(-?)([.,])', '\10\2') FROM dual

Make XmlHttpRequest POST using JSON

If you use JSON properly, you can have nested object without any issue :

var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();   // new HttpRequest instance 
var theUrl = "/json-handler";"POST", theUrl);
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8");
xmlhttp.send(JSON.stringify({ "email": "[email protected]", "response": { "name": "Tester" } }));

Can I apply multiple background colors with CSS3?

Yes its possible! and you can use as many colors and images as you desire, here is the right way:

/* Its, very important to set the background repeat to: no-repeat */_x000D_
background-repeat:no-repeat; _x000D_
background-image:  _x000D_
/* 1) An image              */ url(, _x000D_
/* 2) Gradient              */ linear-gradient(to right, RGB(0, 0, 0), RGB(255, 255, 255)), _x000D_
/* 3) Color(using gradient) */ linear-gradient(to right, RGB(110, 175, 233), RGB(110, 175, 233));_x000D_
/* 1) Image position        */ 0 0, _x000D_
/* 2) Gradient position     */ 0 100px,_x000D_
/* 3) Color position        */ 0 130px;_x000D_
background-size:  _x000D_
/* 1) Image size            */ 640px 100px,_x000D_
/* 2) Gradient size         */ 100% 30px, _x000D_
/* 3) Color size            */ 100% 30px;_x000D_

Reading and writing binary file

You should pass length into fwrite instead of sizeof(buffer).

Generic Interface

Here's another suggestion:

public interface Service<T> {
   T execute();

using this simple interface you can pass arguments via constructor in the concrete service classes:

public class FooService implements Service<String> {

    private final String input1;
    private final int input2;

    public FooService(String input1, int input2) {
       this.input1 = input1;
       this.input2 = input2;

    public String execute() {
        return String.format("'%s%d'", input1, input2);

Return HTML from ASP.NET Web API

Starting with AspNetCore 2.0, it's recommended to use ContentResult instead of the Produce attribute in this case. See:

This doesn't rely on serialization nor on content negotiation.

public ContentResult Index() {
    return new ContentResult {
        ContentType = "text/html",
        StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK,
        Content = "<html><body>Hello World</body></html>"

Generate a sequence of numbers in Python

Every number from 1,2,5,6,9,10... is divisible by 4 with remainder 1 or 2.

>>> ','.join(str(i) for i in xrange(100) if i % 4 in (1,2))

What is the meaning of polyfills in HTML5?

Here are some high level thoughts and info that might help, aside from the other answers.

Pollyfills are like a compatability patch for specific browsers. Shims are changes to specific arguments. Fallbacks can be used if say a @mediaquery is not compatible with a browser.

It kind of depends on the requirements of what your app/website needs to be compatible with.

You cna check this site out for compatability of specific libraries with specific browsers.

How can I set the color of a selected row in DataGrid

Got it. Add the following within the DataGrid.Resources section:

     <Style TargetType="{x:Type dg:DataGridCell}">
            <Trigger Property="dg:DataGridCell.IsSelected" Value="True">
                <Setter Property="Background" Value="#CCDAFF" />

Java converting int to hex and back again

Using Integer.toHexString(...) is a good answer. But personally prefer to use String.format(...).

Try this sample as a test.

byte[] values = new byte[64];
Arrays.fill(values, (byte)8);  //Fills array with 8 just for test
String valuesStr = "";
for(int i = 0; i < values.length; i++)
    valuesStr += String.format("0x%02x", values[i] & 0xff) + " ";

Chaining Observables in RxJS

About promise composition vs. Rxjs, as this is a frequently asked question, you can refer to a number of previously asked questions on SO, among which :

Basically, flatMap is the equivalent of Promise.then.

For your second question, do you want to replay values already emitted, or do you want to process new values as they arrive? In the first case, check the publishReplay operator. In the second case, standard subscription is enough. However you might need to be aware of the cold. vs. hot dichotomy depending on your source (cf. Hot and Cold observables : are there 'hot' and 'cold' operators? for an illustrated explanation of the concept)

How to drop all tables from the database with CLI in Django?

Here's a south migration version of @peter-g's answer. I often fiddle with raw sql, so this comes in handy as for any befuddled apps. It will only work on DBs that support SHOW TABLES (like mysql). Substitute something like SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'public'; if you use PostgreSQL. Also, I often do this exact same thing for both the forwards and backwards migrations.

from south.db import db
from south.v2 import SchemaMigration
from django.db.utils import DatabaseError
from os import path
from logging import getLogger
logger = getLogger(__name__)

class Migration(SchemaMigration):

    def forwards(self, orm):

        app_name = path.basename(path.split(path.split(path.abspath(__file__))[0])[0])
        table_tuples = db.execute(r"SHOW TABLES;")

        for tt in table_tuples:
            table = tt[0]
            if not table.startswith(app_name + '_'):
                logger.warn('Deleting db table %s ...' % table)
            except DatabaseError:
                from traceback import format_exc
                logger.error("Error running %s: \n %s" % (repr(self.forwards), format_exc()))

Coworker/cocoders would kill me if they knew I did this, though.

Align Div at bottom on main Div

Modify your CSS like this:

.vertical_banner {_x000D_
    border: 1px solid #E9E3DD;_x000D_
    float: left;_x000D_
    height: 210px;_x000D_
    margin: 2px;_x000D_
    padding: 4px 2px 10px 10px;_x000D_
    text-align: left;_x000D_
    width: 117px;_x000D_
   position:absolute;                  /* added */_x000D_
   bottom:0;                           /* added */_x000D_
   left:0;                           /* added */_x000D_
<div class="vertical_banner">_x000D_
    <div id="bottom_link">_x000D_
         <input type="submit" value="Continue">_x000D_

How to install pywin32 module in windows 7

I disagree with the accepted answer being "the easiest", particularly if you want to use virtualenv.

You can use the Unofficial Windows Binaries instead. Download the appropriate wheel from there, and install it with pip:

pip install pywin32-219-cp27-none-win32.whl

(Make sure you pick the one for the right version and bitness of Python).

You might be able to get the URL and install it via pip without downloading it first, but they're made it a bit harder to just grab the URL. Probably better to download it and host it somewhere yourself.

Format Instant to String

Or if you still want to use formatter created from pattern you can just use LocalDateTime instead of Instant:

LocalDateTime datetime =;
DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(datetime)

How to post query parameters with Axios?

axios signature for post is[, data[, config]]). So you want to send params object within the third argument:

.post(`/mails/users/sendVerificationMail`, null, { params: {
.then(response => response.status)
.catch(err => console.warn(err));

This will POST an empty body with the two query params:

POST http://localhost:8000/api/mails/users/sendVerificationMail?

How do I give ASP.NET permission to write to a folder in Windows 7?

My immediate solution (since I couldn't find the ASP.NET worker process) was to give write (that is, Modify) permission to IIS_IUSRS. This worked. I seem to recall that in WinXP I had to specifically given the ASP.NET worker process write permission to accomplish this. Maybe my memory is faulty, but anyway...

@DraganRadivojevic wrote that he thought this was dangerous from a security viewpoint. I do not disagree, but since this was my workstation and not a network server, it seemed relatively safe. In any case, his answer is better and is what I finally settled on after chasing down a fail-path due to not specifying the correct domain for the AppPool user.

Using Git, show all commits that are in one branch, but not the other(s)

Start to Create a Pull Request via the git hosting service you're using. If the branch has been fully merged into the base branch, you'll be unable to create the new PR.

You don't need to actually make the pull request, just use the first step where you pick branches.

For example, on GitHub:

There isn't anything to compare

Can't create a PR for branches that have been merged.

This doesn't use git on the command line, but I often find it's helpful to use the other tools at your disposal with a clear mental model rather than attempt to remember another arcane git command.

Angular2 module has no exported member

I had the component name wrong(it is case sensitive) in either app.rounting.ts or app.module.ts.

Not equal <> != operator on NULL

The only test for NULL is IS NULL or IS NOT NULL. Testing for equality is nonsensical because by definition one doesn't know what the value is.

Here is a wikipedia article to read:

document.getElementById("test").style.display="hidden" not working

its a block element, and you need to use none


hidden is used for visibility

SQL server 2008 backup error - Operating system error 5(failed to retrieve text for this error. Reason: 15105)

Yes, it is security issue. Check folder permissions and service account under which SQL server 2008 starts.

How to extract this specific substring in SQL Server?

Assuming they always exist and are not part of your data, this will work:

declare @string varchar(8000) = '23;chair,red [$3]'
select substring(@string, charindex(';', @string) + 1, charindex(' [', @string) - charindex(';', @string) - 1)

Finding median of list in Python

I defined a median function for a list of numbers as

def median(numbers):
    return (sorted(numbers)[int(round((len(numbers) - 1) / 2.0))] + sorted(numbers)[int(round((len(numbers) - 1) // 2.0))]) / 2.0

Add st, nd, rd and th (ordinal) suffix to a number

function ordsfx(a){return["th","st","nd","rd"][(a=~~(a<0?-a:a)%100)>10&&a<14||(a%=10)>3?0:a]}

See annotated version at

Short, sweet, and efficient, just like utility functions should be. Works with any signed/unsigned integer/float. (Even though I can't imagine a need to ordinalize floats)

Setting session variable using javascript

A session is stored server side, you can't modify it with JavaScript. Sessions may contain sensitive data.

You can modify cookies using document.cookie.

You can easily find many examples how to modify cookies.

Connection timeout for SQL server

If you want to dynamically change it, I prefer using SqlConnectionStringBuilder .

It allows you to convert ConnectionString i.e. a string into class Object, All the connection string properties will become its Member.

In this case the real advantage would be that you don't have to worry about If the ConnectionTimeout string part is already exists in the connection string or not?

Also as it creates an Object and its always good to assign value in object rather than manipulating string.

Here is the code sample:

var sscsb = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(_dbFactory.Database.ConnectionString);

sscsb.ConnectTimeout = 30;

var conn = new SqlConnection(sscsb.ConnectionString);

Get list of passed arguments in Windows batch script (.bat)

Sometimes I need to extract several command line parameters, but not all of them and not from the first one. Let's assume the following call:

Test.bat uno dos tres cuatro cinco seis siete

Of course, the extension ".bat" is not needed at least you have test.exe in same folder. What we want is to get the output "tres cuatro cinco" (no matter if one line or three). The goal is that only I need three parameters and starting in the third one. In order to have a simple example the action for each one is just "echo", but you can think in some other more complex action over the selected parameters.

I've produced some examples, (options) in order you can see which one you consider better for you. Unfortunately, there is not a nice (or I don't know about) way based on a for loop over the range like "for %%i in (%3, 1, %5)".

@echo off 
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

echo Option 1: one by one (same line)
echo %3, %4, %5

echo Option 2: Loop For one by one
for %%a in (%3, %4, %5) do echo %%a

echo Option 3: Loop For with check of limits
set i=0
for %%a in (%*) do (
    set /A i=i+1
    If !i! GTR 2 if !i! LSS 6 echo %%a

echo Option 4: Loop For with auxiliary list
for /l %%i in (3,1,5) do  (
    set a=%%i
    set b=echo %%
    set b=!b!!a!
    call !b!

echo Option 5: Assigning to an array of elements previously
set e[0]=%0
set i=0 
for %%a in (%*) do (
    set /A i=i+1
    set e[!i!]=%%a
for  /l %%i in (3,1,5) do (
    echo !e[%%i]!

echo Option 6: using shift and goto loop. It doesn't work with for loop
set i=2
    set /A i=i+1
    echo %3
    If %i% LSS 5 goto :loop6

Probably you can find more options or combine several ones. Enjoy them.

Resource interpreted as Document but transferred with MIME type application/json warning in Chrome Developer Tools

This type of warnings are usually flagged because of the request HTTP headers. Specifically the Accept request header. The MDN documentation for HTTP headers states

The Accept request HTTP header advertises which content types, expressed as MIME types, the client is able to understand. Using content negotiation, the server then selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header. Browsers set adequate values for this header depending of the context where the request is done....

application/json is probably not on the list of MIME types in the Accept header sent by the browser hence the warning.


Custom HTTP headers can only be sent programmatically via XMLHttpRequest or any of the js library wrappers implementing it.

How to make function decorators and chain them together?

Paolo Bergantino's answer has the great advantage of only using the stdlib, and works for this simple example where there are no decorator arguments nor decorated function arguments.

However it has 3 major limitations if you want to tackle more general cases:

  • as already noted in several answers, you can not easily modify the code to add optional decorator arguments. For example creating a makestyle(style='bold') decorator is non-trivial.
  • besides, wrappers created with @functools.wraps do not preserve the signature, so if bad arguments are provided they will start executing, and might raise a different kind of error than the usual TypeError.
  • finally, it is quite difficult in wrappers created with @functools.wraps to access an argument based on its name. Indeed the argument can appear in *args, in **kwargs, or may not appear at all (if it is optional).

I wrote decopatch to solve the first issue, and wrote makefun.wraps to solve the other two. Note that makefun leverages the same trick than the famous decorator lib.

This is how you would create a decorator with arguments, returning truly signature-preserving wrappers:

from decopatch import function_decorator, DECORATED
from makefun import wraps

def makestyle(st='b', fn=DECORATED):
    open_tag = "<%s>" % st
    close_tag = "</%s>" % st

    def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
        return open_tag + fn(*args, **kwargs) + close_tag

    return wrapped

decopatch provides you with two other development styles that hide or show the various python concepts, depending on your preferences. The most compact style is the following:

from decopatch import function_decorator, WRAPPED, F_ARGS, F_KWARGS

def makestyle(st='b', fn=WRAPPED, f_args=F_ARGS, f_kwargs=F_KWARGS):
    open_tag = "<%s>" % st
    close_tag = "</%s>" % st
    return open_tag + fn(*f_args, **f_kwargs) + close_tag

In both cases you can check that the decorator works as expected:

def hello(who):
    return "hello %s" % who

assert hello('world') == '<b><i>hello world</i></b>'    

Please refer to the documentation for details.

Get gateway ip address in android

On Android 7 works it:

 ip route get

output will be: via gateway...

How to add a margin to a table row <tr>

You can create space between table rows by adding an empty row of cells like this...


CSS can then be used to target the empty cells like this…

table :empty{border:none; height:10px;}

NB: This technique is only good if none of your normal cells will be empty/vacant.

Even a non-breaking space will do to avoid a cell from being targetted by the CSS rule above.

Needless to mention that you can adjust the space's height to whatever you like with the height property included.

How often does python flush to a file?

You can also check the default buffer size by calling the read only DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE attribute from io module.

import io

How to check if a number is between two values?

It's an old question, however might be useful for someone like me.

lodash has _.inRange() function


_.inRange(3, 2, 4);
// => true

Please note that this method utilizes the Lodash utility library, and requires access to an installed version of Lodash.

Difference between app.use and app.get in express.js

app.get is called when the HTTP method is set to GET, whereas app.use is called regardless of the HTTP method, and therefore defines a layer which is on top of all the other RESTful types which the express packages gives you access to.

How to use Elasticsearch with MongoDB?

Here I found another good option to migrate your MongoDB data to Elasticsearch. A go daemon that syncs mongodb to elasticsearch in realtime. Its the Monstache. Its available at : Monstache

Below the initial setp to configure and use it.

Step 1:

C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.0\bin>mongod --smallfiles --oplogSize 50 --replSet test

Step 2 :

C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.0\bin>mongo

C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.0\bin>mongo
MongoDB shell version v4.0.2
connecting to: mongodb://
MongoDB server version: 4.0.2
Server has startup warnings:
2019-01-18T16:56:44.931+0530 I CONTROL  [initandlisten]
2019-01-18T16:56:44.931+0530 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] ** WARNING: Access control is not enabled for the database.
2019-01-18T16:56:44.931+0530 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] **          Read and write access to data and configuration is unrestricted.
2019-01-18T16:56:44.931+0530 I CONTROL  [initandlisten]
2019-01-18T16:56:44.931+0530 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] ** WARNING: This server is bound to localhost.
2019-01-18T16:56:44.931+0530 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] **          Remote systems will be unable to connect to this server.
2019-01-18T16:56:44.931+0530 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] **          Start the server with --bind_ip <address> to specify which IP
2019-01-18T16:56:44.931+0530 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] **          addresses it should serve responses from, or with --bind_ip_all to
2019-01-18T16:56:44.931+0530 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] **          bind to all interfaces. If this behavior is desired, start the
2019-01-18T16:56:44.931+0530 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] **          server with --bind_ip to disable this warning.
2019-01-18T16:56:44.931+0530 I CONTROL  [initandlisten]
MongoDB Enterprise test:PRIMARY>

Step 3 : Verify the replication.

MongoDB Enterprise test:PRIMARY> rs.status();
        "set" : "test",
        "date" : ISODate("2019-01-18T11:39:00.380Z"),
        "myState" : 1,
        "term" : NumberLong(2),
        "syncingTo" : "",
        "syncSourceHost" : "",
        "syncSourceId" : -1,
        "heartbeatIntervalMillis" : NumberLong(2000),
        "optimes" : {
                "lastCommittedOpTime" : {
                        "ts" : Timestamp(1547811537, 1),
                        "t" : NumberLong(2)
                "readConcernMajorityOpTime" : {
                        "ts" : Timestamp(1547811537, 1),
                        "t" : NumberLong(2)
                "appliedOpTime" : {
                        "ts" : Timestamp(1547811537, 1),
                        "t" : NumberLong(2)
                "durableOpTime" : {
                        "ts" : Timestamp(1547811537, 1),
                        "t" : NumberLong(2)
        "lastStableCheckpointTimestamp" : Timestamp(1547811517, 1),
        "members" : [
                        "_id" : 0,
                        "name" : "localhost:27017",
                        "health" : 1,
                        "state" : 1,
                        "stateStr" : "PRIMARY",
                        "uptime" : 736,
                        "optime" : {
                                "ts" : Timestamp(1547811537, 1),
                                "t" : NumberLong(2)
                        "optimeDate" : ISODate("2019-01-18T11:38:57Z"),
                        "syncingTo" : "",
                        "syncSourceHost" : "",
                        "syncSourceId" : -1,
                        "infoMessage" : "",
                        "electionTime" : Timestamp(1547810805, 1),
                        "electionDate" : ISODate("2019-01-18T11:26:45Z"),
                        "configVersion" : 1,
                        "self" : true,
                        "lastHeartbeatMessage" : ""
        "ok" : 1,
        "operationTime" : Timestamp(1547811537, 1),
        "$clusterTime" : {
                "clusterTime" : Timestamp(1547811537, 1),
                "signature" : {
                        "hash" : BinData(0,"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA="),
                        "keyId" : NumberLong(0)
MongoDB Enterprise test:PRIMARY>

Step 4. Download the "". Unzip the download and adjust your PATH variable to include the path to the folder for your platform. GO to cmd and type "monstache -v" # 4.13.1 Monstache uses the TOML format for its configuration. Configure the file for migration named config.toml

Step 5.

My config.toml -->

mongo-url = "mongodb://"
elasticsearch-urls = ["http://localhost:9200"]

direct-read-namespaces = [ "admin.users" ]

gzip = true
stats = true
index-stats = true

elasticsearch-max-conns = 4
elasticsearch-max-seconds = 5
elasticsearch-max-bytes = 8000000 

dropped-collections = false
dropped-databases = false

resume = true
resume-write-unsafe = true
resume-name = "default"
index-files = false
file-highlighting = false
verbose = true
exit-after-direct-reads = false


Step 6.

D:\15-1-19>monstache -f config.toml

Monstache Running...

Confirm Migrated Data at Elasticsearch

Add Record at Mongo

Monstache Captured the event and migrate the data to elasticsearch

$(document).on("click"... not working?

An old post, but I love to share as I have the same case but I finally knew the problem :

Problem is : We make a function to work with specified an HTML element, but the HTML element related to this function is not yet created (because the element was dynamically generated). To make it works, we should make the function at the same time we create the element. Element first than make function related to it.

Simply word, a function will only works to the element that created before it (him). Any elements that created dynamically means after him.

But please inspect this sample that did not heed the above case :

<div class="btn-list" id="selected-country"></div>

Dynamically appended :

<button class="btn-map" data-country="'+country+'">'+ country+' </button>

This function is working good by clicking the button :

$(document).ready(function() {    
        $('#selected-country').on('click','.btn-map', function(){ 
        var datacountry = $(this).data('country'); console.log(datacountry);

or you can use body like :

$('body').on('click','.btn-map', function(){ 
            var datacountry = $(this).data('country'); console.log(datacountry);

compare to this that not working :

$(document).ready(function() {     
$('.btn-map').on("click", function() { 
        var datacountry = $(this).data('country'); alert(datacountry);

hope it will help

OnClick Send To Ajax

<textarea name='Status'> </textarea>
<input type='button' value='Status Update'>

You have few problems with your code like using . for concatenation

Try this -

$(function () {
    $('input').on('click', function () {
        var Status = $(this).val();
            url: 'Ajax/StatusUpdate.php',
            data: {
                text: $("textarea[name=Status]").val(),
                Status: Status
            dataType : 'json'

Indexes of all occurrences of character in a string

This can be done by iterating myString and shifting fromIndex parameter in indexOf():

  int currentIndex = 0;

  while (
      currentIndex) >= 0) {



jquery disable form submit on enter

3 years later and not a single person has answered this question completely.

The asker wants to cancel the default form submission and call their own Ajax. This is a simple request with a simple solution. There is no need to intercept every character entered into each input.

Assuming the form has a submit button, whether a <button id="save-form"> or an <input id="save-form" type="submit">, do:

$("#save-form").on("click", function () {
    return false;

How do I get next month date from today's date and insert it in my database?

date("Y-m-d",strtotime("last day of +1 month",strtotime($anydate)))

How to refresh activity after changing language (Locale) inside application

Since the string resources will have already been loaded for the existing locale, the activities already opened will not automatically display using strings from the new locale. The only way to solve this is to reload all of the strings and set them again on the views. Typically, a call to setContentView(...) will be able to cover this (depending on your Activity structure), but of course it has the side-effect of losing any view state you had.

public void onResume() {
    if (localeHasChanged) {

You will probably not want to reload the views every single time in onResume(), but only when the locale has changed. Checking when to update the views (i.e. localeHasChanged) is a matter of propagating the locale change event to the previous activities. This could be done in many ways, such as using static singleton-esque state or persisting this event to storage.

You could also try to minimise the number of Activities that can be opened when you can change the locale, e.g. by having the selection be at one of the initial screens.

How to calculate distance between two locations using their longitude and latitude value

Try this code.

startPoint.distanceTo(endPoint) function returns the distance between those places in meters.

Location startPoint=new Location("locationA");

Location endPoint=new Location("locationA");

double distance=startPoint.distanceTo(endPoint);

here "distance" is our required result in Meters. I hope it will work for android.

How to get current memory usage in android?

Here is a way to calculate memory usage of currently running application:

public static long getUsedMemorySize() {

    long freeSize = 0L;
    long totalSize = 0L;
    long usedSize = -1L;
    try {
        Runtime info = Runtime.getRuntime();
        freeSize = info.freeMemory();
        totalSize = info.totalMemory();
        usedSize = totalSize - freeSize;
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return usedSize;


Correct format specifier to print pointer or address?

Use %p, for "pointer", and don't use anything else*. You aren't guaranteed by the standard that you are allowed to treat a pointer like any particular type of integer, so you'd actually get undefined behaviour with the integral formats. (For instance, %u expects an unsigned int, but what if void* has a different size or alignment requirement than unsigned int?)

*) [See Jonathan's fine answer!] Alternatively to %p, you can use pointer-specific macros from <inttypes.h>, added in C99.

All object pointers are implicitly convertible to void* in C, but in order to pass the pointer as a variadic argument, you have to cast it explicitly (since arbitrary object pointers are only convertible, but not identical to void pointers):

printf("x lives at %p.\n", (void*)&x);

add scroll bar to table body

you can wrap the content of the <tbody> in a scrollable <div> :


    <td colspan="2">
      <div class="scrollit">


.scrollit {

see my jsfiddle, forked from yours:

@Nullable annotation usage

Different tools may interpret the meaning of @Nullable differently. For example, the Checker Framework and FindBugs handle @Nullable differently.

Regex for string not ending with given suffix

Try this


The [] denotes a character class, and the ^ inverts the character class to match everything but an a.

python re.split() to split by spaces, commas, and periods, but not in cases like 1,000 or 1.50

So you want to split on spaces, and on commas and periods that aren't surrounded by numbers. This should work:

r" |(?<![0-9])[.,](?![0-9])"

Node.js Web Application examples/tutorials


Dav Glass from Yahoo has given a talk at YuiConf2010 in November which is now available in Video from.

He shows to great extend how one can use YUI3 to render out widgets on the server side an make them work with GET requests when JS is disabled, or just make them work normally when it's active.

He also shows examples of how to use server side DOM to apply style sheets before rendering and other cool stuff.

The demos can be found on his GitHub Account.

The part that's missing IMO to make this really awesome, is some kind of underlying storage of the widget state. So that one can visit the page without JavaScript and everything works as expected, then they turn JS on and now the widget have the same state as before but work without page reloading, then throw in some saving to the server + WebSockets to sync between multiple open browser.... and the next generation of unobtrusive and gracefully degrading ARIA's is born.

Original Answer

Well go ahead and built it yourself then.

Seriously, 90% of all WebApps out there work fine with a REST approach, of course you could do magical things like superior user tracking, tracking of downloads in real time, checking which parts of videos are being watched etc.

One problem is scalability, as soon as you have more then 1 Node process, many (but not all) of the benefits of having the data stored between requests go away, so you have to make sure that clients always hit the same process. And even then, bigger things will yet again need a database layer.

Node.js isn't the solution to everything, I'm sure people will build really great stuff in the future, but that needs some time, right now many are just porting stuff over to Node to get things going.

What (IMHO) makes Node.js so great, is the fact that it streamlines the Development process, you have to write less code, it works perfectly with JSON, you loose all that context switching.

I mainly did gaming experiments so far, but I can for sure say that there will be many cool multi player (or even MMO) things in the future, that use both HTML5 and Node.js.

Node.js is still gaining traction, it's not even near to the RoR Hype some years ago (just take a look at the Node.js tag here on SO, hardly 4-5 questions a day).

Rome (or RoR) wasn't built over night, and neither will Node.js be.

Node.js has all the potential it needs, but people are still trying things out, so I'd suggest you to join them :)

Must JDBC Resultsets and Statements be closed separately although the Connection is closed afterwards?

As far as I remember, in the current JDBC, Resultsets and statements implement the AutoCloseable interface. That means they are closed automatically upon being destroyed or going out of scope.

Rails how to run rake task

Have you tried rake reklamer:iqmedier ?

My custom rake tasks are in the lib directory, not in lib/tasks. Not sure if that matters.

Declare global variables in Visual Studio 2010 and VB.NET

Pretty much the same way that you always have, with "Modules" instead of classes and just use "Public" instead of the old "Global" keyword:

Public Module Module1
    Public Foo As Integer
End Module

Eclipse: All my projects disappeared from Project Explorer

I tried many solutions. I found mine in the drop down menu of the Entreprise Explorer: - Deleting org.eclipse.core.resources has no effect. - "Top Level Elements -> Projects" was already checked for me; swtiching with Documents has no effect. - Selecting all extensions in the filter option of the drop down menu has no effect at first sight, maybe it solve part of the problem.

The solution come from "Unselecting documents" (third choice in the Entreprise Explorer drop down menu). I think that choice reset the filtering of documents displayed in the Explorer.

Hope it'll helps JN Gerbaux

How to hide element label by element id in CSS?

Without a class or an id, and with your specific html:

table tr td label {display:none}

Otherwise if you have jQuery

$('label[for="foo"]').css('display', 'none');

Callback when CSS3 transition finishes

For transitions you can use the following to detect the end of a transition via jQuery:

$("#someSelector").bind("transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd", function(){ ... });

Mozilla has an excellent reference:

For animations it's very similar:

$("#someSelector").bind("animationend webkitAnimationEnd oAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd", function(){ ... });

Note that you can pass all of the browser prefixed event strings into the bind() method simultaneously to support the event firing on all browsers that support it.


Per the comment left by Duck: you use jQuery's .one() method to ensure the handler only fires once. For example:

$("#someSelector").one("transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd", function(){ ... });

$("#someSelector").one("animationend webkitAnimationEnd oAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd", function(){ ... });

Update 2:

jQuery bind() method has been deprecated, and on() method is preferred as of jQuery 1.7. bind()

You can also use off() method on the callback function to ensure it will be fired only once. Here is an example which is equivalent to using one() method:

.on("animationend webkitAnimationEnd oAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd",
    // do something here


Get the short Git version hash

A simple way to see the Git commit short version and the Git commit message is:

git log --oneline

Note that this is shorthand for

git log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit

Differences between Lodash and Underscore.js

Lodash has got _.mapValues() which is identical to Underscore.js's _.mapObject().

How do I display local image in markdown?

Solution for Unix-like operating system.

  1. Create a directory named like Images and put all the images that will be rendered by the Markdown.

  2. For example, put example.png into Images.

  3. To load example.png that was located under the Images directory before.


Note : Images directory must be located under the same directory of your markdown text file which has .md extension.

Body of Http.DELETE request in Angular2

Definition in http.js from the @angular/http:

delete(url, options)

The request doesn't accept a body so it seem your only option is to but your data in the URI.

I found another topic with references to correspond RFC, among other things: How to pass data in the ajax DELETE request other than headers

How to convert Integer to int?

Perhaps you have the compiler settings for your IDE set to Java 1.4 mode even if you are using a Java 5 JDK? Otherwise I agree with the other people who already mentioned autoboxing/unboxing.

What is MVC and what are the advantages of it?

If you follow the stackoverflow podcasts you can hear Jeff (and Geoff?) discuss its greatness. But remember that using these separate layers means things are easier in the future--and harder now. And layers can make things slower. And you may not need them. But don't let that stop you from learning what it is--when building big, robust, long-lived systems, it's invaluable.

How to create number input field in Flutter?

You can use this two attributes together with TextFormField

         keyboardType: TextInputType.number
         inputFormatters: [WhitelistingTextInputFormatter.digitsOnly],

It's allow to put only numbers, no thing else ..

How do I get the coordinate position after using jQuery drag and drop?

This worked for me:

    drop: function(event, ui)
        var currentPos = ui.helper.position();
            alert("left="+parseInt(currentPos.left)+" top="+parseInt(;

Javascript : get <img> src and set as variable?

var youtubeimgsrc = document.getElementById('youtubeimg').src;

Here's a fiddle for you

Where do I find the line number in the Xcode editor?

If you don't want line numbers shown all the time another way to find the line number of a piece of code is to just click in the left-most margin and create a breakpoint (a small blue arrow appears) then go to the breakpoint navigator (?7) where it will list the breakpoint with its line number. You can delete the breakpoint by right clicking on it.

django - get() returned more than one topic

To add to CrazyGeek's answer, get or get_or_create queries work only when there's one instance of the object in the database, filter is for two or more.

If a query can be for single or multiple instances, it's best to add an ID to the div and use an if statement e.g.

def updateUserCollection(request):
    data = json.loads(request.body)
    card_id = data['card_id']
    action = data['action']

    user = request.user
    card = Cards.objects.get(card_id=card_id)

    if data-action == 'add':
        collection = Collection.objects.get_or_create(user=user, card=card)
        collection.quantity + 1

    elif data-action == 'remove':
        collection = Cards.objects.filter(user=user, card=card)
        collection.quantity = 0

Note: .save() becomes .update() for updating multiple objects. Hope this helps someone, gave me a long day's headache.

Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined

set this jquery min js

script src=""

in wp-admin/admin-header.php

using if else with eval in aspx page

If you are trying to bind is a Model class, you can add a new readonly property to it like:

public string FormattedPercentage
        If(this.Percentage < 50)
            return "0 %";
            return string.Format("{0} %", this.Percentage)        

Otherwise you can use Andrei's or kostas ch. suggestions if you cannot modify the class itself

What is the difference between "INNER JOIN" and "OUTER JOIN"?

Joins are more easily explained with an example:

enter image description here

To simulate persons and emails stored in separate tables,

Table A and Table B are joined by = Table_B.name_id

Inner Join

enter image description here

Only matched ids' rows are shown.

Outer Joins

enter image description here

Matched ids and not matched rows for Table A are shown.

enter image description here

Matched ids and not matched rows for Table B are shown.

enter image description here Matched ids and not matched rows from both Tables are shown.

Note: Full outer join is not available on MySQL

Undefined index with $_POST

Your code assumes the existence of something:

$user = $_POST["username"];

PHP is letting you know that there is no "username" in the $_POST array. In this instance, you would be safer checking to see if the value isset() before attempting to access it:

if ( isset( $_POST["username"] ) ) {
    /* ... proceed ... */

Alternatively, you could hi-jack the || operator to assign a default:

$user = $_POST["username"] || "visitor" ;

As long as the user's name isn't a falsy value, you can consider this method pretty reliable. A much safer route to default-assignment would be to use the ternary operator:

$user = isset( $_POST["username"] ) ? $_POST["username"] : "visitor" ;

Maven Could not resolve dependencies, artifacts could not be resolved

My EAR project had 2 modules *.ear and *.war and I got this dependency error on *.war project when trying mvn eclipse:eclipse. Resolved it by fixing utf-8 encoding issue in the *.war project. mvn -X or -e options weren't of help here.

How to plot a very simple bar chart (Python, Matplotlib) using input *.txt file?

This code will do what you're looking for. It's based on examples found here and here.

The autofmt_xdate() call is particularly useful for making the x-axis labels readable.

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

fig = plt.figure()

width = .35
ind = np.arange(len(OY)), OY, width=width)
plt.xticks(ind + width / 2, OX)



enter image description here

Test method is inconclusive: Test wasn't run. Error?

I had the same error in VS2013 and Resharper9. The problem was because i forgot to annotate test method with [Test] :) Hope this helps anyone

Using git to get just the latest revision

Use git clone with the --depth option set to 1 to create a shallow clone with a history truncated to the latest commit.

For example:

git clone --depth 1

To also initialize and update any nested submodules, also pass --recurse-submodules and to clone them shallowly, also pass --shallow-submodules.

For example:

git clone --depth 1 --recurse-submodules --shallow-submodules

How to set the opacity/alpha of a UIImage?

If you're experimenting with Metal rendering & you're extracting the CGImage generated by imageByApplyingAlpha in the first reply, you may end up with a Metal rendering that's larger than you expect. While experimenting with Metal, you may want to change one line of code in imageByApplyingAlpha:

    UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions (self.size, NO, 1.0f);
//  UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions (self.size, NO, 0.0f);

If you're using a device with a scale factor of 3.0, like the iPhone 11 Pro Max, the 0.0 scale factor shown above will give you an CGImage that's three times larger than you're expecting. Changing the scale factor to 1.0 should avoid any scaling.

Hopefully, this reply will save beginners a lot of aggravation.

How to read all files in a folder from Java?

This will Read Specified file extension files in given path(looks sub folders also)

public static Map<String,List<File>> getFileNames(String 
dirName,Map<String,List<File>> filesContainer,final String fileExt){
    String dirPath = dirName;
    List<File>files = new ArrayList<>();
    Map<String,List<File>> completeFiles = filesContainer; 
    if(completeFiles == null) {
        completeFiles = new HashMap<>();
    File file = new File(dirName);

    FileFilter fileFilter = new FileFilter() {
        public boolean accept(File file) {
            boolean acceptFile = false;
            if(file.isDirectory()) {
                acceptFile = true;
            }else if (file.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(fileExt))
                acceptFile = true;
            return acceptFile;
    for(File dirfile : file.listFiles(fileFilter)) {
        if(dirfile.isFile() && 
dirfile.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(fileExt)) {
        }else if(dirfile.isDirectory()) {
            if(!files.isEmpty()) {
                completeFiles.put(dirPath, files);  

    if(!files.isEmpty()) {
        completeFiles.put(dirPath, files);  
    return completeFiles;

Laravel Eloquent groupBy() AND also return count of each group

Thanks Antonio,

I've just added the lists command at the end so it will only return one array with key and count:

Laravel 4

$user_info = DB::table('usermetas')
             ->select('browser', DB::raw('count(*) as total'))

Laravel 5.1

$user_info = DB::table('usermetas')
             ->select('browser', DB::raw('count(*) as total'))

Laravel 5.2+

$user_info = DB::table('usermetas')
             ->select('browser', DB::raw('count(*) as total'))

How to create a drop shadow only on one side of an element?

update on someone else his answer transparant sides instead of white so it works on other color backgrounds too.

body {_x000D_
  background: url(
div {_x000D_
  background: url( center center;_x000D_
  background-size: contain;_x000D_
  width: 100px;_x000D_
  height: 100px;_x000D_
  margin: 50px;_x000D_
  border: 5px solid white;_x000D_
  box-shadow: 0px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0), 0px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0), 0 7px 7px -5px black;_x000D_

MySql Inner Join with WHERE clause

You could only write one where clause.

 SELECT table1.f_id  FROM table1
 INNER JOIN table2
 ON table2.f_id = table1.f_id
 where table1.f_com_id = '430' AND      
 table1.f_status = 'Submitted' AND table2.f_type = 'InProcess'

PHP - find entry by object property from an array of objects

YurkamTim is right. It needs only a modification:

After function($) you need a pointer to the external variable by "use(&$searchedValue)" and then you can access the external variable. Also you can modify it.

$neededObject = array_filter(
    function ($e) use (&$searchedValue) {
        return $e->id == $searchedValue;

Ruby Arrays: select(), collect(), and map()

It looks like details is an array of hashes. So item inside of your block will be the whole hash. Therefore, to check the :qty key, you'd do something like the following:{ |item| item[:qty] != "" }

That will give you all items where the :qty key isn't an empty string.

official select documentation

How do I create/edit a Manifest file?

In Visual Studio 2019 WinForm Projects, it is available under

Project Properties -> Application -> View Windows Settings (button)

enter image description here

Jquery Date picker Default Date

interesting, datepicker default date is current date as I found,

but you can set date by

$("#yourinput").datepicker( "setDate" , "7/11/2011" );

don't forget to check you system date :)

React: how to update state.item[1] in state using setState?

First get the item you want, change what you want on that object and set it back on the state. The way you're using state by only passing an object in getInitialState would be way easier if you'd use a keyed object.

handleChange: function (e) {
   item = this.state.items[1]; = 'newName';
   items[1] = item;

   this.setState({items: items});

How to crop an image using PIL?

(left, upper, right, lower) means two points,

  1. (left, upper)
  2. (right, lower)

with an 800x600 pixel image, the image's left upper point is (0, 0), the right lower point is (800, 600).

So, for cutting the image half:

from PIL import Image
img ="ImageName.jpg")

img_left_area = (0, 0, 400, 600)
img_right_area = (400, 0, 800, 600)

img_left = img.crop(img_left_area)
img_right = img.crop(img_right_area)

enter image description here

Coordinate System

The Python Imaging Library uses a Cartesian pixel coordinate system, with (0,0) in the upper left corner. Note that the coordinates refer to the implied pixel corners; the centre of a pixel addressed as (0, 0) actually lies at (0.5, 0.5).

Coordinates are usually passed to the library as 2-tuples (x, y). Rectangles are represented as 4-tuples, with the upper left corner given first. For example, a rectangle covering all of an 800x600 pixel image is written as (0, 0, 800, 600).

A Simple AJAX with JSP example

I have used jQuery AJAX to make AJAX requests.

Check the following code:

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function() {
            $('#call').click(function ()
                    type: "post",
                    url: "testme", //this is my servlet
                    data: "input=" +$('#ip').val()+"&output="+$('#op').val(),
                    success: function(msg){      

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    <title>JSP Page</title>
    input:<input id="ip" type="text" name="" value="" /><br></br>
    output:<input id="op" type="text" name="" value="" /><br></br>
    <input type="button" value="Call Servlet" name="Call Servlet" id="call"/>
    <div id="output"></div>

How to set up a cron job to run an executable every hour?

Did you mean the executable fails to run , if invoked from any other directory? This is rather a bug on the executable. One potential reason could be the executable requires some shared libraires from the installed folder. You may check environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH

How do I check if a SQL Server text column is empty?

I wanted to have a predefined text("No Labs Available") to be displayed if the value was null or empty and my friend helped me with this:

StrengthInfo = CASE WHEN ((SELECT COUNT(UnitsOrdered) FROM [Data_Sub_orders].[dbo].[Snappy_Orders_Sub] WHERE IdPatient = @PatientId and IdDrugService = 226)> 0)
                            THEN cast((S.UnitsOrdered) as varchar(50))
                    ELSE 'No Labs Available'

Sticky Header after scrolling down

window bottom scroll to top scroll using jquery.


 var lastScroll = 0;

 $(document).ready(function($) {


 setTimeout(function() { 
    var scroll = $(window).scrollTop();
    if (scroll > lastScroll) {


    if (scroll == 0) {

    else if (scroll < lastScroll - 5) {


    lastScroll = scroll;

Can I set up HTML/Email Templates with ASP.NET?

Here is one more alternative that uses XSL transformations for more complex email templates: Sending HTML-based email from .NET applications.

How can I put strings in an array, split by new line?

$str = "My text1\nMy text2\nMy text3";
$arr = explode("\n", $str);

foreach ($arr as $line_num => $line) {
    echo "Line #<b>{$line_num}</b> : " . htmlspecialchars($line) . "<br />\n";

true array:

$str = "My text1\nMy text2\nMy text3";
$arr = explode("\n", $str);

$array = array(); // inisiasi variable array in format array

foreach ($arr as $line) { // loop line by line and convert into array
    $array[] = $line;

print_r($array); // display all value

echo $array[1]; // diplay index 1

Embed Online:

body, html, iframe { _x000D_
  width: 100% ;_x000D_
  height: 100% ;_x000D_
  overflow: hidden ;_x000D_
<iframe src="" ></iframe>

How to use EOF to run through a text file in C?

You should check the EOF after reading from file.

fscanf_s                   // read from file
while(condition)           // check EOF
   fscanf_s               // read from file

Read url to string in few lines of java code

Now that more time has passed, here's a way to do it in Java 8:

URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8))) {
    pageText = reader.lines().collect(Collectors.joining("\n"));

How to check the extension of a filename in a bash script?

I think you want to say "Are the last four characters of $file equal to .txt?" If so, you can use the following:

if [ ${file: -4} == ".txt" ]

Note that the space between file: and -4 is required, as the ':-' modifier means something different.

How to insert an item into a key/value pair object?

Do you need to look up objects by the key? If not, consider using List<Tuple<string, string>> or List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> if you're not using .NET 4.

How to resolve the error "Unable to access jarfile ApacheJMeter.jar errorlevel=1" while initiating Jmeter?

When we download the binary of apache-jmeter-x.x.tgz, where x could be any version of apache Jmeter. ApacheJMeter.jar must present inside apache-jmeter-x/bin folder , if it is not present somewhere your package not downloaded properly. Cause could be slow internet, or improper shutdown

Download package again and make sure ApacheJMeter.jar present in apache-jmeter-x/bin folder. Once it is present hit sh

How to get HttpRequestMessage data

From this answer:

public void Confirmation(HttpRequestMessage request)
    var content = request.Content;
    string jsonContent = content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;

Note: As seen in the comments, this code could cause a deadlock and should not be used. See this blog post for more detail.

Keeping session alive with Curl and PHP

You have correctly used "CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR" (writing) but you also need to set "CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE" (reading)


Notepad++: Multiple words search in a file (may be in different lines)?

You need a new version of notepad++. Looks like old versions don't support |.

Note: egrep "CAT|TOWN" will search for lines containing CATOWN. (CAT)|(TOWN) is the proper or extension (matching 1,3,4). Strangely you wrote and which is btw (CAT.*TOWN)|(TOWN.*CAT)

How do I select an entire row which has the largest ID in the table?

You could also do


This will sort rows by their ID in descending order and return the first row. This is the same as returning the row with the maximum ID. This of course assumes that id is unique among all rows. Otherwise there could be multiple rows with the maximum value for id and you'll only get one.

How to install mechanize for Python 2.7?

You need to follow the installation instructions and not just download the files into your Python27 directory. It has to be installed in the site-packages directory properly, which the directions tell you how to do.

How Spring Security Filter Chain works

UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter is only used for /login, and latter filters are not?

No, UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter extends AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter, and this contains a RequestMatcher, that means you can define your own processing url, this filter only handle the RequestMatcher matches the request url, the default processing url is /login.

Later filters can still handle the request, if the UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter executes chain.doFilter(request, response);.

More details about core fitlers

Does the form-login namespace element auto-configure these filters?

UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter is created by <form-login>, these are Standard Filter Aliases and Ordering

Does every request (authenticated or not) reach FilterSecurityInterceptor for non-login url?

It depends on whether the before fitlers are successful, but FilterSecurityInterceptor is the last fitler normally.

Does configuring two http elements create two springSecurityFitlerChains?

Yes, every fitlerChain has a RequestMatcher, if the RequestMatcher matches the request, the request will be handled by the fitlers in the fitler chain.

The default RequestMatcher matches all request if you don't config the pattern, or you can config the specific url (<http pattern="/rest/**").

If you want to konw more about the fitlers, I think you can check source code in spring security. doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain filterChain)

getSupportActionBar() The method getSupportActionBar() is undefined for the type TaskActivity. Why?

If you are already extending from ActionBarActivity and you are trying to get the action bar from a fragment:

ActionBar mActionBar = (ActionBarActivity)getActivity()).getSupportActionBar();

Function in JavaScript that can be called only once

Tossing my hat in the ring for fun, added advantage of memoizing

const callOnce = (fn, i=0, memo) => () => i++ ? memo : (memo = fn());
// usage
const myExpensiveFunction = () => { return console.log('joe'),5; }
const memoed = callOnce(myExpensiveFunction);
memoed(); //logs "joe", returns 5
memoed(); // returns 5
memoed(); // returns 5

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property

When you use Object.defineProperties, by default writable is set to false, so _year and edition are actually read only properties.

Explicitly set them to writable: true:

_year: {
    value: 2004,
    writable: true

edition: {
    value: 1,
    writable: true

Check out MDN for this method.

true if and only if the value associated with the property may be changed with an assignment operator.
Defaults to false.

Validate decimal numbers in JavaScript - IsNumeric()

The following may work as well.

function isNumeric(v) {
         return v.length > 0 && !isNaN(v) &&[A-Z]|[#]/ig) == -1;

MySQL dump by query

Combining much of above here is my real practical example, selecting records based on both meterid & timestamp. I have needed this command for years. Executes really quickly.

mysqldump -uuser -ppassword main_dbo trHourly --where="MeterID =5406 AND TIMESTAMP<'2014-10-13 05:00:00'" --no-create-info --skip-extended-insert | grep  '^INSERT' > 5406.sql

SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xa3' in file when function returns '£'

You're probably trying to run Python 3 file with Python 2 interpreter. Currently (as of 2019), python command defaults to Python 2 when both versions are installed, on Windows and most Linux distributions.

But in case you're indeed working on a Python 2 script, a not yet mentioned on this page solution is to resave the file in UTF-8+BOM encoding, that will add three special bytes to the start of the file, they will explicitly inform the Python interpreter (and your text editor) about the file encoding.

LINQ with groupby and count

Assuming userInfoList is a List<UserInfo>:

        var groups = userInfoList
            .GroupBy(n => n.metric)
            .Select(n => new
                MetricName = n.Key,
                MetricCount = n.Count()
            .OrderBy(n => n.MetricName);

The lambda function for GroupBy(), n => n.metric means that it will get field metric from every UserInfo object encountered. The type of n is depending on the context, in the first occurrence it's of type UserInfo, because the list contains UserInfo objects. In the second occurrence n is of type Grouping, because now it's a list of Grouping objects.

Groupings have extension methods like .Count(), .Key() and pretty much anything else you would expect. Just as you would check .Lenght on a string, you can check .Count() on a group.

Regular expression replace in C#

Try this::

sb_trim = Regex.Replace(stw, @"(\D+)\s+\$([\d,]+)\.\d+\s+(.)",
    m => string.Format(
        m.Groups[2].Value.Replace(",", string.Empty),

This is about as clean an answer as you'll get, at least with regexes.

  • (\D+): First capture group. One or more non-digit characters.
  • \s+\$: One or more spacing characters, then a literal dollar sign ($).
  • ([\d,]+): Second capture group. One or more digits and/or commas.
  • \.\d+: Decimal point, then at least one digit.
  • \s+: One or more spacing characters.
  • (.): Third capture group. Any non-line-breaking character.

The second capture group additionally needs to have its commas stripped. You could do this with another regex, but it's really unnecessary and bad for performance. This is why we need to use a lambda expression and string format to piece together the replacement. If it weren't for that, we could just use this as the replacement, in place of the lambda expression:


assign value using linq

using Linq would be:

 listOfCompany.Where(c=> == 1).FirstOrDefault().Name = "Whatever Name";


This can be simplified to be...

 listOfCompany.FirstOrDefault(c=> == 1).Name = "Whatever Name";


For multiple items (condition is met by multiple items):

 listOfCompany.Where(c=> == 1).ToList().ForEach(cc => cc.Name = "Whatever Name");

Instagram how to get my user id from username?

Enter this url in your browser with the users name you want to find and your access token[USERNAME]&access_token=[ACCESS TOKEN]

How to get the current time in milliseconds in C Programming

There is no portable way to get resolution of less than a second in standard C So best you can do is, use the POSIX function gettimeofday().

Is it possible to use pip to install a package from a private GitHub repository?

You can do it directly with the HTTPS URL like this:

pip install git+

This also works just appending that line in the requirements.txt in a Django project, for instance.

Vue.js img src concatenate variable and text

if you handel this from dataBase try :

<img :src="baseUrl + 'path/path' + obj.key +'.png'">

What are alternatives to ExtJS?

Nothing compares to in terms of community size and presence on StackOverflow. Despite previous controversy, Ext JS now has a GPLv3 open source license. Its learning curve is long, but it can be quite rewarding once learned. Ext JS lacks a Material Design theme, and the team has repeatedly refused to release the source code on GitHub. For mobile, one must use the separate Sencha Touch library.

Have in mind also that,

large JavaScript libraries, such as YUI, have been receiving less attention from the community. Many developers today look at large JavaScript libraries as walled gardens they don’t want to be locked into.

-- Announcement of YUI development being ceased

That said, below are a number of Ext JS alternatives currently available.

Leading client widget libraries

  1. Blueprint is a React-based UI toolkit developed by big data analytics company Palantir in TypeScript, and "optimized for building complex data-dense interfaces for desktop applications". Actively developed on GitHub as of May 2019, with comprehensive documentation. Components range from simple (chips, toast, icons) to complex (tree, data table, tag input with autocomplete, date range picker. No accordion or resizer.

    Blueprint targets modern browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 11, and Microsoft Edge) and is licensed under a modified Apache license.

    Sandbox / demoGitHubDocs

  2. Webix - an advanced, easy to learn, mobile-friendly, responsive and rich free&open source JavaScript UI components library. Webix spun off from DHTMLX Touch (a project with 8 years of development behind it - see below) and went on to become a standalone UI components framework. The GPL3 edition allows commercial use and lets non-GPL applications using Webix keep their license, e.g. MIT, via a license exemption for FLOSS. Webix has 55 UI widgets, including trees, grids, treegrids and charts. Funding comes from a commercial edition with some advanced widgets (Pivot, Scheduler, Kanban, org chart etc.). Webix has an extensive list of free and commercial widgets, and integrates with most popular frameworks (React, Vue, Meteor, etc) and UI components.


    Skins look modern, and include a Material Design theme. The Touch theme also looks quite Material Design-ish. See also the Skin Builder.

    Minimal GitHub presence, but includes the library code, and the documentation (which still needs major improvements). Webix suffers from a having a small team and a lack of marketing. However, they have been responsive to user feedback, both on GitHub and on their forum.

    The library was lean (128Kb gzip+minified for all 55 widgets as of ~2015), faster than ExtJS, dojo and others, and the design is pleasant-looking. The current version of Webix (v6, as of Nov 2018) got heavier (400 - 676kB minified but NOT gzipped).

    The demos on look and function great. The developer, XB Software, uses Webix in solutions they build for paying customers, so there's likely a good, funded future ahead of it.

    Webix aims for backwards compatibility down to IE8, and as a result carries some technical debt.

    WikipediaGitHubPlayground/sandboxAdmin dashboard demoDemosWidget samples

  3. react-md - MIT-licensed Material Design UI components library for React. Responsive, accessible. Implements components from simple (buttons, cards) to complex (sortable tables, autocomplete, tags input, calendars). One lead author, ~1900 GitHub stars.

  4. - jQuery-based UI toolkit with 40+ basic open-source widgets, plus commercial professional widgets (grids, trees, charts etc.). Responsive&mobile support. Works with Bootstrap and AngularJS. Modern, with Material Design themes. The documentation is available on GitHub, which has enabled numerous contributions from users (4500+ commits, 500+ PRs as of Jan 2015).

    enter image description here

    Well-supported commercially, claiming millions of developers, and part of a large family of developer tools. Telerik has received many accolades, is a multi-national company (Bulgaria, US), was acquired by Progress Software, and is a thought leader.

    A Kendo UI Professional developer license costs $700 and posting access to most forums is conditioned upon having a license or being in the trial period.

    [Wikipedia] • GitHub/TelerikDemosPlaygroundTools

  5. OpenUI5 - jQuery-based UI framework with 180 widgets, Apache 2.0-licensed and fully-open sourced and funded by German software giant SAP SE.


    The community is much larger than that of Webix, SAP is hiring developers to grow OpenUI5, and they presented OpenUI5 at OSCON 2014.

    The desktop themes are rather lackluster, but the Fiori design for web and mobile looks clean and neat.

    WikipediaGitHubMobile-first controls demosDesktop controls demosSO

  6. DHTMLX - JavaScript library for building rich Web and Mobile apps. Looks most like ExtJS - check the demos. Has been developed since 2005 but still looks modern. All components except TreeGrid are available under GPLv2 but advanced features for many components are only available in the commercial PRO edition - see for example the tree. Claims to be used by many Fortune 500 companies.


    Minimal presence on GitHub (the main library code is missing) and StackOverflow but active forum. The documentation is not available on GitHub, which makes it difficult to improve by the community.

  7. Polymer, a Web Components polyfill, plus Polymer Paper, Google's implementation of the Material design. Aimed at web and mobile apps. Doesn't have advanced widgets like trees or even grids but the controls it provides are mobile-first and responsive. Used by many big players, e.g. IBM or USA Today.

    Polymer Paper Elements

  8. Ant Design claims it is "a design language for background applications", influenced by "nature" and helping designers "create low-entropy atmosphere for developer team". That's probably a poor translation from Chinese for "UI components for enterprise web applications". It's a React UI library written in TypeScript, with many components, from simple (buttons, cards) to advanced (autocomplete, calendar, tag input, table).

    The project was born in China, is popular with Chinese companies, and parts of the documentation are available only in Chinese. Quite popular on GitHub, yet it makes the mistake of splitting the community into Chinese and English chat rooms. The design looks Material-ish, but fonts are small and the information looks lost in a see of whitespace.

  9. PrimeUI - collection of 45+ rich widgets based on jQuery UI. Apache 2.0 license. Small GitHub community. 35 premium themes available.

  10. qooxdoo - "a universal JavaScript framework with a coherent set of individual components", developed and funded by German hosting provider 1&1 (see the contributors, one of the world's largest hosting companies. GPL/EPL (a business-friendly license).

    Mobile themes look modern but desktop themes look old (gradients).


    WikipediaGitHubWeb/Mobile/Desktop demosWidgets Demo browserWidget browserSOPlaygroundCommunity

  11. jQuery UI - easy to pick up; looks a bit dated; lacks advanced widgets. Of course, you can combine it with independent widgets for particular needs, e.g. trees or other UI components, but the same can be said for any other framework.

  12. + Angular UI. While Angular is backed by Google, it's being radically revamped in the upcoming 2.0 version, and "users will need to get to grips with a new kind of architecture. It's also been confirmed that there will be no migration path from Angular 1.X to 2.0". Moreover, the consensus seems to be that Angular 2 won't really be ready for use until a year or two from now. Angular UI has relatively few widgets (no trees, for example).

  13. DojoToolkit and their powerful Dijit set of widgets. Completely open-sourced and actively developed on GitHub, but development is now (Nov 2018) focused on the new framework, which has very few basic widgets. BSD/AFL license. Development started in 2004 and the Dojo Foundation is being sponsored by IBM, Google, and others - see Wikipedia. 7500 questions here on SO.

    Dojo Dijit

    Themes look desktop-oriented and dated - see the theme tester in dijit. The official theme previewer is broken and only shows "Claro". A Bootstrap theme exists, which looks a lot like Bootstrap, but doesn't use Bootstrap classes. In Jan 2015, I started a thread on building a Material Design theme for Dojo, which got quite popular within the first hours. However, there are questions regarding building that theme for the current Dojo 1.10 vs. the next Dojo 2.0. The response to that thread shows an active and wide community, covering many time zones.

    Unfortunately, Dojo has fallen out of popularity and fewer companies appear to use it, despite having (had?) a strong foothold in the enterprise world. In 2009-2012, its learning curve was steep and the documentation needed improvements; while the documentation has substantially improved, it's unclear how easy it is to pick up Dojo nowadays.

    With a Material Design theme, Dojo (2.0?) might be the killer UI components framework.

    WikipediaGitHubThemesDemosDesktop widgetsSO

  14. Enyo - front-end library aimed at mobile and TV apps (e.g. large touch-friendly controls). Developed by LG Electronix and Apache-licensed on GitHub.

  15. The radical Cappuccino - Objective-J (a superset of JavaScript) instead of HTML+CSS+DOM

  16. Mochaui, MooTools UI Library User Interface Library. <300 GitHub stars.

  17. CrossUI - cross-browser JS framework to develop and package the exactly same code and UI into Web Apps, Native Desktop Apps (Windows, OS X, Linux) and Mobile Apps (iOS, Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry). Open sourced LGPL3. Featured RAD tool (form builder etc.). The UI looks desktop-, not web-oriented. Actively developed, small community. No presence on GitHub.

  18. ZinoUI - simple widgets. The DataTable, for instance, doesn't even support sorting.

  19. Wijmo - good-looking commercial widgets, with old (jQuery UI) widgets open-sourced on GitHub (their development stopped in 2013). Developed by ComponentOne, a division of GrapeCity. See Wijmo Complete vs. Open.

  20. CxJS - commercial JS framework based on React, Babel and webpack offering form elements, form validation, advanced grid control, navigational elements, tooltips, overlays, charts, routing, layout support, themes, culture dependent formatting and more.


Widgets - Demo Apps - Examples - GitHub

Full-stack frameworks

  1. SproutCore - developed by Apple for web applications with native performance, handling large data sets on the client. Powers Not intended for widgets.

  2. Wakanda: aimed at business/enterprise web apps - see What is Wakanda?. Architecture:

  3. Servoy - "a cross platform frontend development and deployment environment for SQL databases". Boasts a "full WYSIWIG (What You See Is What You Get) UI designer for HTML5 with built-in data-binding to back-end services", responsive design, support for HTML6 Web Components, Websockets and mobile platforms. Written in Java and generates JavaScript code using various JavaBeans.

  4. SmartClient/SmartGWT - mobile and cross-browser HTML5 UI components combined with a Java server. Aimed at building powerful business apps - see demos.

  5. Vaadin - full-stack Java/GWT + JavaScript/HTML3 web app framework

  6. Backbase - portal software

  7. Shiny - front-end library on top R, with visualization, layout and control widgets

  8. ZKOSS: Java+jQuery+Bootstrap framework for building enterprise web and mobile apps.

CSS libraries + minimal widgets

These libraries don't implement complex widgets such as tables with sorting/filtering, autocompletes, or trees.

  1. Bootstrap

  2. Foundation for Apps - responsive front-end framework on top of AngularJS; more of a grid/layout/navigation library

  3. UI Kit - similar to Bootstrap, with fewer widgets, but with official off-canvas.

Libraries using HTML Canvas

Using the canvas elements allows for complete control over the UI, and great cross-browser compatibility, but comes at the cost of missing native browser functionality, e.g. page search via Ctrl/Cmd+F.

  1. Zebra - demos

No longer developed as of Dec 2014

  1. Yahoo! User Interface - YUI, launched in 2005, but no longer maintained by the core contributors - see the announcement, which highlights reasons why large UI widget libraries are perceived as walled gardens that developers don't want to be locked into.
  2. echo3, GitHub. Supports writing either server-side Java applications that don't require developer knowledge of HTML, HTTP, or JavaScript, or client-side JavaScript-based applications do not require a server, but can communicate with one via AJAX. Last update: July 2013.
  3. ampleSDK
  4. Simpler widgets
  5. JxLib
  6. rialto
  7. Simple UI kit
  8. Prototype-ui

Other lists

Entity Framework Provider type could not be loaded?

Late to the party, but the top voted answers all seemed like hacks to me.

All I did was remove the following from my app.config in the test project. Worked.

    <defaultConnectionFactory type="System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.LocalDbConnectionFactory, EntityFramework">
        <parameter value="mssqllocaldb" />
      <provider invariantName="System.Data.SqlClient" type="System.Data.Entity.SqlServer.SqlProviderServices, EntityFramework.SqlServer" />

Clearing content of text file using C#

 using (FileStream fs = File.Create(path))


Will create or overwrite a file.

How to see full query from SHOW PROCESSLIST


If you don't use FULL, "only the first 100 characters of each statement are shown in the Info field".

When using phpMyAdmin, you should also click on the "Full texts" option ("? T ?" on top left corner of a results table) to see untruncated results.

Bootstrap 4 align navbar items to the right

For bootstrap 4.3.1, I was using nav-pills and nothing worked for me except this:

    <ul class="nav nav-pills justify-content-end ml-auto">
    <li ....</li>

Pretty Printing JSON with React

You'll need to either insert BR tag appropriately in the resulting string, or use for example a PRE tag so that the formatting of the stringify is retained:

var data = { a: 1, b: 2 };

var Hello = React.createClass({
    render: function() {
        return <div><pre>{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2) }</pre></div>;

React.render(<Hello />, document.getElementById('container'));

Working example.


class PrettyPrintJson extends React.Component {
    render() {
         // data could be a prop for example
         // const { data } = this.props;
         return (<div><pre>{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2) }</pre></div>);

ReactDOM.render(<PrettyPrintJson/>, document.getElementById('container'));


Stateless Functional component, React .14 or higher

const PrettyPrintJson = ({data}) => {
    // (destructured) data could be a prop for example
    return (<div><pre>{ JSON.stringify(data, null, 2) }</pre></div>);

Or, ...

const PrettyPrintJson = ({data}) => (<div><pre>{ 
    JSON.stringify(data, null, 2) }</pre></div>);

Working example

Memo / 16.6+

(You might even want to use a memo, 16.6+)

const PrettyPrintJson = React.memo(({data}) => (<div><pre>{
    JSON.stringify(data, null, 2) }</pre></div>));

Format numbers in thousands (K) in Excel


teylyn's answer is great. This just adds negatives beyond -1000 following the same format.

android: how to change layout on button click?

First I would suggest putting a Log in each case of your switch to be sure that your code is being called.

Then I would check that the layouts are actually different.

Repeat-until or equivalent loop in Python

UNTIL cond

Is equivalent to

while True:
    if cond:

Data-frame Object has no Attribute

I'd like to make it simple for you. the reason of " 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'Number'/'Close'/or any col name " is because you are looking at the col name and it seems to be "Number" but in reality it is " Number" or "Number " , that extra space is because in the excel sheet col name is written in that format. You can change it in excel or you can write data.columns = data.columns.str.strip() / df.columns = df.columns.str.strip() but the chances are that it will throw the same error in particular in some cases after the query. changing name in excel sheet will work definitely.

LINQ syntax where string value is not null or empty

This won't fail on Linq2Objects, but it will fail for Linq2SQL, so I am assuming that you are talking about the SQL provider or something similar.

The reason has to do with the way that the SQL provider handles your lambda expression. It doesn't take it as a function Func<P,T>, but an expression Expression<Func<P,T>>. It takes that expression tree and translates it so an actual SQL statement, which it sends off to the server.

The translator knows how to handle basic operators, but it doesn't know how to handle methods on objects. It doesn't know that IsNullOrEmpty(x) translates to return x == null || x == string.empty. That has to be done explicitly for the translation to SQL to take place.

How do I remove a file from the FileList

There might be a more elegant way to do this but here is my solution. With Jquery

fileEle.value = "";
var parEle = $(fileEle).parent();
var newEle = $(fileEle).clone()

Basically you cleat the value of the input. Clone it and put the clone in place of the old one.

In Typescript, How to check if a string is Numeric

Whether a string can be parsed as a number is a runtime concern. Typescript does not support this use case as it is focused on compile time (not runtime) safety.

Histogram using gnuplot?

Different number of bins on the same dataset can reveal different features of the data.

Unfortunately, there is no universal best method that can determine the number of bins.

One of the powerful methods is the Freedman–Diaconis rule, which automatically determines the number of bins based on statistics of a given dataset, among many other alternatives.

Accordingly, the following can be used to utilise the Freedman–Diaconis rule in a gnuplot script:

Say you have a file containing a single column of samples, samplesFile:

# samples

The following (which is based on ChrisW's answer) may be embed into an existing gnuplot script:

## preceeding gnuplot commands

stats samples nooutput
N = floor(STATS_records)
samplesMin = STATS_min
samplesMax = STATS_max
# Freedman–Diaconis formula for bin-width size estimation
    lowQuartile = STATS_lo_quartile
    upQuartile = STATS_up_quartile
    IQR = upQuartile - lowQuartile
    width = 2*IQR/(N**(1.0/3.0))
    bin(x) = width*(floor((x-samplesMin)/width)+0.5) + samplesMin

plot \
    samples u (bin(\$1)):(1.0/(N*width)) t "Output" w l lw 1 smooth freq 

Calculate date from week number

One of the biggest problems I found was to convert from weeks to dates, and then from dates to weeks.

The main problem is when trying to get the correct week year from a date that belongs to a week of the previous year. Luckily System.Globalization.ISOWeek.GetYear handles this.

Here is my solution:

public class WeekOfYear
    public static (int Year, int Week) DateToWeekOfYear(DateTime date) =>
        (ISOWeek.GetYear(date), ISOWeek.GetWeekOfYear(date));

    public static bool ValidYearAndWeek(int year, int week) =>
           year >= 1 && year <= 9999 && week >= 1 && week <= 53 // bounds of year/week
        && !(year <= 1 && week <= 1) && !(year >= 9999 && week >= 53); // bounds of DateTime

    public int Year { get; }
    public int Week { get; }
    public virtual DateTime StartOfWeek { get; protected set; }
    public virtual DateTime EndOfWeek { get; protected set; }

    public virtual IEnumerable<DateTime> DaysInWeek =>
        Enumerable.Range(1, 10).Select(i => StartOfWeek.AddDays(i));

    public WeekOfYear(int year, int week)
        if (!ValidYearAndWeek(year, week))
            throw new ArgumentException($"DateTime can't represent {week} of year {year}.");

        Year = year;
        Week = week;
        StartOfWeek = ISOWeek.ToDateTime(year, week, DayOfWeek.Monday);
        EndOfWeek = ISOWeek.ToDateTime(year, week, DayOfWeek.Sunday).AddDays(1).AddTicks(-1);

    public WeekOfYear((int Year, int Week) week) : this(week.Year, week.Week) { }
    public WeekOfYear(DateTime date) : this(DateToWeekOfYear(date)) { }

The second biggest problem was the preference for weeks starting on Sundays in the US.

The solution I cam up with subclasses WeekOfYear from above, and manages the offset of the in the constructor (which converts week to dates) and DateToWeekOfYear (which converts from date to week).

public class UsWeekOfYear : WeekOfYear
    public static new (int Year, int Week) DateToWeekOfYear(DateTime date)
        // if date is a sunday, return the next week
        if (date.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday) date = date.AddDays(1);
        return WeekOfYear.DateToWeekOfYear(date);

    public UsWeekOfYear(int year, int week) : base(year, week)
        StartOfWeek = ISOWeek.ToDateTime(year, week, DayOfWeek.Monday).AddDays(-1);
        EndOfWeek = ISOWeek.ToDateTime(year, week, DayOfWeek.Sunday).AddTicks(-1);

    public UsWeekOfYear((int Year, int Week) week) : this(week.Year, week.Week) { }
    public UsWeekOfYear(DateTime date) : this(DateToWeekOfYear(date)) { }

Here is some test code:

public static void Main(string[] args)
    Console.WriteLine("== Last Week / First Week");
    Log(new WeekOfYear(2020, 53));
    Log(new UsWeekOfYear(2020, 53));

    Log(new WeekOfYear(2021, 1));
    Log(new UsWeekOfYear(2021, 1));

    Console.WriteLine("\n== Year Crossover (iso)");
    var start = new DateTime(2020, 12, 26);
    var i = 0;
    Log(start.AddDays(i), new WeekOfYear(start.AddDays(i++))); // 2020-12-26 - Sat
    Log(start.AddDays(i), new WeekOfYear(start.AddDays(i++))); // 2020-12-27 - Sun
    Log(start.AddDays(i), new WeekOfYear(start.AddDays(i++))); // 2020-12-28 - Mon
    Log(start.AddDays(i), new WeekOfYear(start.AddDays(i++))); // 2020-12-29 - Tue
    Log(start.AddDays(i), new WeekOfYear(start.AddDays(i++))); // 2020-12-30 - Wed
    Log(start.AddDays(i), new WeekOfYear(start.AddDays(i++))); // 2020-12-30 - Thu
    Log(start.AddDays(i), new WeekOfYear(start.AddDays(i++))); // 2021-01-01 - Fri
    Log(start.AddDays(i), new WeekOfYear(start.AddDays(i++))); // 2021-01-02 - Sat
    Log(start.AddDays(i), new WeekOfYear(start.AddDays(i++))); // 2021-01-03 - Sun
    Log(start.AddDays(i), new WeekOfYear(start.AddDays(i++))); // 2021-01-04 - Mon
    Log(start.AddDays(i), new WeekOfYear(start.AddDays(i++))); // 2021-01-05 - Tue
    Log(start.AddDays(i), new WeekOfYear(start.AddDays(i++))); // 2021-01-06 - Wed

    Console.WriteLine("\n== Year Crossover (us)");
    i = 0;
    Log(start.AddDays(i), new UsWeekOfYear(start.AddDays(i++))); // 2020-12-26 - Sat
    Log(start.AddDays(i), new UsWeekOfYear(start.AddDays(i++))); // 2020-12-27 - Sun
    Log(start.AddDays(i), new UsWeekOfYear(start.AddDays(i++))); // 2020-12-28 - Mon
    Log(start.AddDays(i), new UsWeekOfYear(start.AddDays(i++))); // 2020-12-29 - Tue
    Log(start.AddDays(i), new UsWeekOfYear(start.AddDays(i++))); // 2020-12-30 - Wed
    Log(start.AddDays(i), new UsWeekOfYear(start.AddDays(i++))); // 2020-12-30 - Thu
    Log(start.AddDays(i), new UsWeekOfYear(start.AddDays(i++))); // 2021-01-01 - Fri
    Log(start.AddDays(i), new UsWeekOfYear(start.AddDays(i++))); // 2021-01-02 - Sat
    Log(start.AddDays(i), new UsWeekOfYear(start.AddDays(i++))); // 2021-01-03 - Sun
    Log(start.AddDays(i), new UsWeekOfYear(start.AddDays(i++))); // 2021-01-04 - Mon
    Log(start.AddDays(i), new UsWeekOfYear(start.AddDays(i++))); // 2021-01-05 - Tue
    Log(start.AddDays(i), new UsWeekOfYear(start.AddDays(i++))); // 2021-01-06 - Wed

    var x = new UsWeekOfYear(2020, 53) as WeekOfYear;

public static void Log(WeekOfYear week)
    Console.WriteLine($"{week} - {week.StartOfWeek:yyyy-MM-dd} ({week.StartOfWeek:ddd}) - {week.EndOfWeek:yyyy-MM-dd} ({week.EndOfWeek:ddd})");

public static void Log(DateTime date, WeekOfYear week)
    Console.WriteLine($"{date:yyyy-MM-dd (ddd)} - {week} - {week.StartOfWeek:yyyy-MM-dd (ddd)} - {week.EndOfWeek:yyyy-MM-dd (ddd)}");

Can I set text box to readonly when using Html.TextBoxFor?

<%: Html.TextBoxFor(m => Model.Events.Subscribed[i].Action, new { @autocomplete = "off", @readonly=true})%>

This is how you set multiple properties

How to convert int to string on Arduino?

You just need to wrap it around a String object like this:

String numberString = String(n);

You can also do:

String stringOne = "Hello String";                     // using a constant String
String stringOne =  String('a');                       // converting a constant char into a String
String stringTwo =  String("This is a string");        // converting a constant string into a String object
String stringOne =  String(stringTwo + " with more");  // concatenating two strings
String stringOne =  String(13);                        // using a constant integer
String stringOne =  String(analogRead(0), DEC);        // using an int and a base
String stringOne =  String(45, HEX);                   // using an int and a base (hexadecimal)
String stringOne =  String(255, BIN);                  // using an int and a base (binary)
String stringOne =  String(millis(), DEC);             // using a long and a base

How do I create a file and write to it?

best way is to use Java7: Java 7 introduces a new way of working with the filesystem, along with a new utility class – Files. Using the Files class, we can create, move, copy, delete files and directories as well; it also can be used to read and write to a file.

public void saveDataInFile(String data) throws IOException {
    Path path = Paths.get(fileName);
    byte[] strToBytes = data.getBytes();

    Files.write(path, strToBytes);

Write with FileChannel If you are dealing with large files, FileChannel can be faster than standard IO. The following code write String to a file using FileChannel:

public void saveDataInFile(String data) 
  throws IOException {
    RandomAccessFile stream = new RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw");
    FileChannel channel = stream.getChannel();
    byte[] strBytes = data.getBytes();
    ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(strBytes.length);

Write with DataOutputStream

public void saveDataInFile(String data) throws IOException {
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(fileName);
    DataOutputStream outStream = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(fos));

Write with FileOutputStream

Let’s now see how we can use FileOutputStream to write binary data to a file. The following code converts a String int bytes and writes the bytes to file using a FileOutputStream:

public void saveDataInFile(String data) throws IOException {
    FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(fileName);
    byte[] strToBytes = data.getBytes();


Write with PrintWriter we can use a PrintWriter to write formatted text to a file:

public void saveDataInFile() throws IOException {
    FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(fileName);
    PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(fileWriter);
    printWriter.print("Some String");
    printWriter.printf("Product name is %s and its price is %d $", "iPhone", 1000);

Write with BufferedWriter: use BufferedWriter to write a String to a new file:

public void saveDataInFile(String data) throws IOException {
    BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(fileName));


append a String to the existing file:

public void saveDataInFile(String data) throws IOException {
    BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(fileName, true));
    writer.append(' ');


Black transparent overlay on image hover with only CSS?

Here's a good way using :after on the image div, instead of the extra overlay div:

<div class="image">
    <img src="" alt="" />

.image {position:relative; border:1px solid black; width:200px; height:200px;}
.image img {max-width:100%; max-height:100%;}
.image:hover:after {content:""; position:absolute; top:0; left:0; bottom:0; right:0; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.3);}

WPF Datagrid Get Selected Cell Value

I was in such situation .. and found This:

int ColumnIndex = DataGrid.CurrentColumn.DisplayIndex;
TextBlock CellContent = DataGrid.SelectedCells[ColumnIndex].Column.GetCellContent(DataGrid.SelectedItem);

And make sure to treat custom columns' templates

What happens if you don't commit a transaction to a database (say, SQL Server)?

Any uncomitted transaction will leave the server locked and other queries won't execute on the server. You either need to rollback the transaction or commit it. Closing out of SSMS will also terminate the transaction which will allow other queries to execute.

How to style child components from parent component's CSS file?

i also had this problem and didnt wanted to use deprecated solution so i ended up with:

in parrent

  ContainerCustomStyle='width: 400px;'

child component

@Input() ContainerCustomStyle: string;

in child in html div

 <div class="container mat-elevation-z8"
 [style]='GetStyle(ContainerCustomStyle)' >

and in code

constructor(private sanitizer: DomSanitizer) {  }

  GetStyle(c) {
    if (isNullOrUndefined(c)) { return null; }
    return  this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustStyle(c);

works like expected and should not be deprecated ;)

ASP.NET MVC: What is the purpose of @section?

@section is for defining a content are override from a shared view. Basically, it is a way for you to adjust your shared view (similar to a Master Page in Web Forms).

You might find Scott Gu's write up on this very interesting.

Edit: Based on additional question clarification

The @RenderSection syntax goes into the Shared View, such as:

<div id="sidebar">
    @RenderSection("Sidebar", required: false)

This would then be placed in your view with @Section syntax:

@section Sidebar{
    <!-- Content Here -->

In MVC3+ you can either define the Layout file to be used for the view directly or you can have a default view for all views.

Common view settings can be set in _ViewStart.cshtml which defines the default layout view similar to this:

    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";

You can also set the Shared View to use directly in the file, such as index.cshtml directly as shown in this snippet.

    ViewBag.Title = "Corporate Homepage";
    ViewBag.BodyID = "page-home";
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout2.cshtml";

There are a variety of ways you can adjust this setting with a few more mentioned in this SO answer.

Escaping ampersand in URL

They need to be percent-encoded:

> encodeURIComponent('&')

So in your case, the URL would look like:

JSON to PHP Array using file_get_contents

Check some typo ','

$jsonD = '{
                    "adate":"2 Hours ago",
                    "adesc":"test desc",
                    "adate":"20 Hours ago",
                    "adesc":"test desc1",
                    "adate":"1 Days ago",
                    "adesc":"test123 desc",
                    "adate":"2 Days ago",
                    "adesc":"test12345 desc",

$parseJ = json_decode($jsonD,true);


Get IP address of visitors using Flask for Python

The user's IP address can be retrieved using the following snippet:

from flask import request

How do you use the "WITH" clause in MySQL?

That feature is called a common table expression

You won't be able to do the exact thing in mySQL, the easiest thing would to probably make a view that mirrors that CTE and just select from the view. You can do it with subqueries, but that will perform really poorly. If you run into any CTEs that do recursion, I don't know how you'd be able to recreate that without using stored procedures.

EDIT: As I said in my comment, that example you posted has no need for a CTE, so you must have simplified it for the question since it can be just written as

SELECT article.*, userinfo.*, category.* FROM question
     INNER JOIN userinfo ON userinfo.user_userid=article.article_ownerid
     INNER JOIN category ON article.article_categoryid=category.catid
     WHERE article.article_isdeleted = 0
 ORDER BY article_date DESC Limit 1, 3

How to get controls in WPF to fill available space?

Each control deriving from Panel implements distinct layout logic performed in Measure() and Arrange():

  • Measure() determines the size of the panel and each of its children
  • Arrange() determines the rectangle where each control renders

The last child of the DockPanel fills the remaining space. You can disable this behavior by setting the LastChild property to false.

The StackPanel asks each child for its desired size and then stacks them. The stack panel calls Measure() on each child, with an available size of Infinity and then uses the child's desired size.

A Grid occupies all available space, however, it will set each child to their desired size and then center them in the cell.

You can implement your own layout logic by deriving from Panel and then overriding MeasureOverride() and ArrangeOverride().

See this article for a simple example.

Error parsing yaml file: mapping values are not allowed here

Or, if spacing is not the problem, it might want the parent directory name rather than the file name.

Not $ dev_appserver
But $ dev_appserver hello/

For example:

Johns-Mac:hello john$
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/", line 82, in <module>
    _run_file(__file__, globals())
  File "/Applications/", line 212, in _GenerateEventParameters
    raise yaml_errors.EventListenerYAMLError(e)
google.appengine.api.yaml_errors.EventListenerYAMLError: mapping values are not allowed here
  in "", line 3, column 39


Johns-Mac:hello john$ cd ..
Johns-Mac:fbm john$ hello/
INFO     2014-09-15 11:44:27,828] Starting API server at: http://localhost:61049
INFO     2014-09-15 11:44:27,831] Starting module "default" running at: http://localhost:8080

Change connection string & reload app.config at run time

//here is how to do it in Windows App.Config

public static bool ChangeConnectionString(string Name, string value, string providerName, string AppName)
        bool retVal = false;

            string FILE_NAME = string.Concat(Application.StartupPath, "\\", AppName.Trim(), ".exe.Config"); //the application configuration file name
            XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(FILE_NAME);
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
            string nodeRoute = string.Concat("connectionStrings/add");

            XmlNode cnnStr = null;
            XmlElement root = doc.DocumentElement;
            XmlNodeList Settings = root.SelectNodes(nodeRoute);

            for (int i = 0; i < Settings.Count; i++)
                cnnStr = Settings[i];
                if (cnnStr.Attributes["name"].Value.Equals(Name))
                cnnStr = null;

            cnnStr.Attributes["connectionString"].Value = value;
            cnnStr.Attributes["providerName"].Value = providerName;
            retVal = true;
        catch (Exception ex)
            retVal = false;
            //Handle the Exception as you like
        return retVal;

How to get exception message in Python properly

from traceback import format_exc

    fault = 10/0
except ZeroDivision:

Another possibility is to use the format_exc() method from the traceback module.

How to get value of Radio Buttons?

An alterntive is to use an enum and a component class that extends the standard RadioButton.

public enum Genders

public partial class GenderRadioButton : RadioButton
    public GenderRadioButton()

    public GenderRadioButton (IContainer container)


    public Genders gender{ get; set; }

Use a common event handler for the GenderRadioButtons

private void Gender_CheckedChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (((RadioButton)sender).Checked)
        //get selected value
        Genders myGender = ((GenderRadioButton)sender).Gender;
        //get the name of the enum value
        string GenderName = Enum.GetName(typeof(Genders ), myGender);
        //do any work required when you change gender
        switch (myGender)
            case Genders.Male:
            case Genders.Female:

Getting "net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT" error on some AJAX calls

I've discovered that if the filename has 300 in it, AdBlock blocks the page and throws a ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT error.

How to create EditText with cross(x) button at end of it?

If you don't want to use custom views or special layouts, you can use 9-patch to make the (X) button .

Example: (I don't have enough points to post images on StackOverflow)

The intersection of the right and bottom black pixels represent the content area. Anything outside of that area is padding. So to detect that the user clicked on the x you can set a OnTouchListener like so:

editText.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() {
    public boolean onTouch(View view, MotionEvent motionEvent) {
        if (motionEvent.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP){
            if (motionEvent.getX()>(view.getWidth()-view.getPaddingRight())){
        return false;

According to your needs this solution can work better in some cases. I prefer to keep my xml less complicated. This also helps if you want to have an icon on the left, as you can simply include it in the 9 patch.

Primitive type 'short' - casting in Java

Java always uses at least 32 bit values for calculations. This is due to the 32-bit architecture which was common 1995 when java was introduced. The register size in the CPU was 32 bit and the arithmetic logic unit accepted 2 numbers of the length of a cpu register. So the cpus were optimized for such values.

This is the reason why all datatypes which support arithmetic opperations and have less than 32-bits are converted to int (32 bit) as soon as you use them for calculations.

So to sum up it mainly was due to performance issues and is kept nowadays for compatibility.

How to use RANK() in SQL Server

Select T.Tamil, T.English, T.Maths, T.Total, Dense_Rank()Over(Order by T.Total Desc) as Std_Rank From (select Tamil,English,Maths,(Tamil+English+Maths) as Total From Student) as T

enter image description here

is the + operator less performant than StringBuffer.append()

As far I know, every concatenation implies a memory reallocation. So the problem is not the operator used to do it, the solution is to reduce the number of concatenations. For example do the concatenations outside of the iteration structures when you can.

Convert this string to datetime

The Problem is with your code formatting,

inorder to use strtotime() You should replace '06/Oct/2011:19:00:02' with 06/10/2011 19:00:02 and date('d/M/Y:H:i:s', $date); with date('d/M/Y H:i:s', $date);. Note the spaces in between.

So the final code looks like this

$s = '06/10/2011 19:00:02';
$date = strtotime($s);
echo date('d/M/Y H:i:s', $date);

How to identify whether a grammar is LL(1), LR(0) or SLR(1)?

If you have no FIRST/FIRST conflicts and no FIRST/FOLLOW conflicts, your grammar is LL(1).

An example of a FIRST/FIRST conflict:

S -> Xb | Yc
X -> a 
Y -> a 

By seeing only the first input symbol a, you cannot know whether to apply the production S -> Xb or S -> Yc, because a is in the FIRST set of both X and Y.

An example of a FIRST/FOLLOW conflict:

S -> AB 
A -> fe | epsilon 
B -> fg 

By seeing only the first input symbol f, you cannot decide whether to apply the production A -> fe or A -> epsilon, because f is in both the FIRST set of A and the FOLLOW set of A (A can be parsed as epsilon and B as f).

Notice that if you have no epsilon-productions you cannot have a FIRST/FOLLOW conflict.

How to get a cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) post request working

Using this in combination with Laravel solved my problem. Just add this header to your jquery request Access-Control-Request-Headers: x-requested-with and make sure that your server side response has this header set Access-Control-Allow-Headers: *.

How to write PNG image to string with the PIL?

You can use the BytesIO class to get a wrapper around strings that behaves like a file. The BytesIO object provides the same interface as a file, but saves the contents just in memory:

import io

with io.BytesIO() as output:, format="GIF")
    contents = output.getvalue()

You have to explicitly specify the output format with the format parameter, otherwise PIL will raise an error when trying to automatically detect it.

If you loaded the image from a file it has a format parameter that contains the original file format, so in this case you can use format=image.format.

In old Python 2 versions before introduction of the io module you would have used the StringIO module instead.

Java: Getting a substring from a string starting after a particular character

java android

in my case

I want to change from


anything after /propic/ doesn't matter what before it


finally, I found the code in Class StringUtils

this is the code

     public static String substringAfter(final String str, final String separator) {
         if (isEmpty(str)) {
             return str;
         if (separator == null) {
             return "";
         final int pos = str.indexOf(separator);
         if (pos == 0) {
             return str;
         return str.substring(pos + separator.length());

jQuery selector first td of each row

try this selector -


Demo -->


$("tr td:first-child")

Demo -->

</td>foobar</td> should be <td>foobar</td>

Override valueof() and toString() in Java enum

I don't think your going to get valueOf("Start Here") to work. But as far as spaces...try the following...

static private enum RandomEnum {
    R("Start There"), 
    G("Start Here"); 
    String value;
    RandomEnum(String s) {
        value = s;


Start Here
Start Here