Programs & Examples On #Lex

Lex is a computer program that generates lexical analyzers ("scanners" or "lexers"). Lex is commonly used with the yacc parser generator. For questions about Amazon Lex, use the tag amazon-lex instead.

How to compile LEX/YACC files on Windows?

There are ports of flex and bison for windows here:

flex is the free implementation of lex. bison is the free implementation of yacc.

error: unknown type name ‘bool’

Somewhere in your code there is a line #include <string>. This by itself tells you that the program is written in C++. So using g++ is better than gcc.

For the missing library: you should look around in the file system if you can find a file called Use the locate command, try /usr/lib, /usr/local/lib, /opt/flex/lib, or use the brute-force find / | grep /libl.

Once you have found the file, you have to add the directory to the compiler command line, for example:

g++ -o scan lex.yy.c -L/opt/flex/lib -ll

how to install Lex and Yacc in Ubuntu?

Use the synaptic packet manager in order to install yacc / lex. If you are feeling more comfortable doing this on the console just do:

sudo apt-get install bison flex

There are some very nice articles on the net on how to get started with those tools. I found the article from CodeProject to be quite good and helpful (see here). But you should just try and search for "introduction to lex", there are plenty of good articles showing up.

Execute write on doc: It isn't possible to write into a document from an asynchronously-loaded external script unless it is explicitly opened.

An asynchronously loaded script is likely going to run AFTER the document has been fully parsed and closed. Thus, you can't use document.write() from such a script (well technically you can, but it won't do what you want).

You will need to replace any document.write() statements in that script with explicit DOM manipulations by creating the DOM elements and then inserting them into a particular parent with .appendChild() or .insertBefore() or setting .innerHTML or some mechanism for direct DOM manipulation like that.

For example, instead of this type of code in an inline script:

<div id="container">
document.write('<span style="color:red;">Hello</span>');

You would use this to replace the inline script above in a dynamically loaded script:

var container = document.getElementById("container");
var content = document.createElement("span"); = "red";
content.innerHTML = "Hello";

Or, if there was no other content in the container that you needed to just append to, you could simply do this:

var container = document.getElementById("container");
container.innerHTML = '<span style="color:red;">Hello</span>';

How to get the Google Map based on Latitude on Longitude?

Firstly add a div with id.

<div id="my_map_add" style="width:100%;height:300px;"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">
function my_map_add() {
var myMapCenter = new google.maps.LatLng(28.5383866, 77.34916609);
var myMapProp = {center:myMapCenter, zoom:12, scrollwheel:false, draggable:false, mapTypeId:google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP};
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("my_map_add"),myMapProp);
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({position:myMapCenter});

<script src=""></script>

Java synchronized block vs. Collections.synchronizedMap

Check out Google Collections' Multimap, e.g. page 28 of this presentation.

If you can't use that library for some reason, consider using ConcurrentHashMap instead of SynchronizedHashMap; it has a nifty putIfAbsent(K,V) method with which you can atomically add the element list if it's not already there. Also, consider using CopyOnWriteArrayList for the map values if your usage patterns warrant doing so.

Install gitk on Mac

First you need to check which version of git you are running, the one installed with brew should be running on /usr/local/bin/git , you can verify this from a terminal using:

which git

In case git shows up on a different directory you need to run this from a terminal to add it to your path:

echo export PATH='/usr/local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bash_profile

After that you can close and open again your terminal or just run:

source ~/.bash_profile

And voila! In case you are running on OSX Mavericks you might need to install XQuartz.

SHA-256 or MD5 for file integrity

The underlying MD5 algorithm is no longer deemed secure, thus while md5sum is well-suited for identifying known files in situations that are not security related, it should not be relied on if there is a chance that files have been purposefully and maliciously tampered. In the latter case, the use of a newer hashing tool such as sha256sum is highly recommended.

So, if you are simply looking to check for file corruption or file differences, when the source of the file is trusted, MD5 should be sufficient. If you are looking to verify the integrity of a file coming from an untrusted source, or over from a trusted source over an unencrypted connection, MD5 is not sufficient.

Another commenter noted that Ubuntu and others use MD5 checksums. Ubuntu has moved to PGP and SHA256, in addition to MD5, but the documentation of the stronger verification strategies are more difficult to find. See the HowToSHA256SUM page for more details.

XAMPP - Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly

First you need to keep copy of following somewhere in your hard disk.



After that

Copy every thing inside "C:\xampp\mysql\backup" and paste and replace it in

Now your mysql will work in phpmyadmin but your tables will show "Table not found in engine"

For this you will have to go to the copy of "backup and data folders" which have created in your hard disk and there in the data folder copy "ibdata1" file and past and replace in the "C:\xampp\mysql\data".

Now your tables data will be available.

How to simulate target="_blank" in JavaScript

I personally prefer using the following code if it is for a single link. Otherwise it's probably best if you create a function with similar code.


I started using that to bypass the W3C's XHTML strict test.

extra qualification error in C++

Are you putting this line inside the class declaration? In that case you should remove the JSONDeserializer::.

Determine Whether Integer Is Between Two Other Integers?

if number >= 10000 and number <= 30000:
    print ("you have to pay 5% taxes")

How to unstash only certain files?

For examle

git stash show --name-only



Then pop stash in specific file

git checkout stash@{0} -- ofbiz_src/applications/baselogistics/webapp/baselogistics/delivery/purchaseDeliveryDetail.ftl

other related commands

git stash list --stat
get stash show

How do I exit the Vim editor?

I got Vim by installing a Git client on Windows. :q wouldn't exit Vim for me. :exit did however...

How to get the current date and time

import org.joda.time.DateTime;

DateTime now =;

Bootstrap 3 2-column form layout

As mentioned earlier, you can use the grid system to layout your inputs and labels anyway that you want. The trick is to remember that you can use rows within your columns to break them into twelfths as well.

The example below is one possible way to accomplish your goal and will put the two text boxes near Label3 on the same line when the screen is small or larger.

<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
<html lang="en">_x000D_
    <meta charset="utf-8">_x000D_
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">_x000D_
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">_x000D_
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
    <!-- HTML5 shim and Respond.js for IE8 support of HTML5 elements and media queries -->_x000D_
    <!-- WARNING: Respond.js doesn't work if you view the page via file:// -->_x000D_
    <!--[if lt IE 9]>_x000D_
      <script src=""></script>_x000D_
      <script src=""></script>_x000D_
    <div class="row">_x000D_
        <div class="col-xs-6 form-group">_x000D_
            <input class="form-control" type="text"/>_x000D_
        <div class="col-xs-6 form-group">_x000D_
            <input class="form-control" type="text"/>_x000D_
        <div class="col-xs-6">_x000D_
            <div class="row">_x000D_
                <label class="col-xs-12">Label3</label>_x000D_
            <div class="row">_x000D_
                <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6">_x000D_
                    <input class="form-control" type="text"/>_x000D_
                <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6">_x000D_
                    <input class="form-control" type="text"/>_x000D_
        <div class="col-xs-6 form-group">_x000D_
            <input class="form-control" type="text"/>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_

What is a NullReferenceException, and how do I fix it?

What can you do about it?

There is a lot of good answers here explaining what a null reference is and how to debug it. But there is very little on how to prevent the issue or at least make it easier to catch.

Check arguments

For example, methods can check the different arguments to see if they are null and throw an ArgumentNullException, an exception obviously created for this exact purpose.

The constructor for the ArgumentNullException even takes the name of the parameter and a message as arguments so you can tell the developer exactly what the problem is.

public void DoSomething(MyObject obj) {
    if(obj == null) 
        throw new ArgumentNullException("obj", "Need a reference to obj.");

Use Tools

There are also several libraries that can help. "Resharper" for example can provide you with warnings while you are writing code, especially if you use their attribute: NotNullAttribute

There's "Microsoft Code Contracts" where you use syntax like Contract.Requires(obj != null) which gives you runtime and compile checking: Introducing Code Contracts.

There's also "PostSharp" which will allow you to just use attributes like this:

public void DoSometing([NotNull] obj)

By doing that and making PostSharp part of your build process obj will be checked for null at runtime. See: PostSharp null check

Plain Code Solution

Or you can always code your own approach using plain old code. For example here is a struct that you can use to catch null references. It's modeled after the same concept as Nullable<T>:

public struct NotNull<T> where T: class
    private T _value;

    public T Value
            if (_value == null)
                throw new Exception("null value not allowed");

            return _value;
            if (value == null)
                throw new Exception("null value not allowed.");

            _value = value;

    public static implicit operator T(NotNull<T> notNullValue)
        return notNullValue.Value;

    public static implicit operator NotNull<T>(T value)
        return new NotNull<T> { Value = value };

You would use very similar to the same way you would use Nullable<T>, except with the goal of accomplishing exactly the opposite - to not allow null. Here are some examples:

NotNull<Person> person = null; // throws exception
NotNull<Person> person = new Person(); // OK
NotNull<Person> person = GetPerson(); // throws exception if GetPerson() returns null

NotNull<T> is implicitly cast to and from T so you can use it just about anywhere you need it. For example, you can pass a Person object to a method that takes a NotNull<Person>:

Person person = new Person { Name = "John" };

public static void WriteName(NotNull<Person> person)

As you can see above as with nullable you would access the underlying value through the Value property. Alternatively, you can use an explicit or implicit cast, you can see an example with the return value below:

Person person = GetPerson();

public static NotNull<Person> GetPerson()
    return new Person { Name = "John" };

Or you can even use it when the method just returns T (in this case Person) by doing a cast. For example, the following code would just like the code above:

Person person = (NotNull<Person>)GetPerson();

public static Person GetPerson()
    return new Person { Name = "John" };

Combine with Extension

Combine NotNull<T> with an extension method and you can cover even more situations. Here is an example of what the extension method can look like:

public static class NotNullExtension
    public static T NotNull<T>(this T @this) where T: class
        if (@this == null)
            throw new Exception("null value not allowed");

        return @this;

And here is an example of how it could be used:

var person = GetPerson().NotNull();


For your reference I made the code above available on GitHub, you can find it at:

Related Language Feature

C# 6.0 introduced the "null-conditional operator" that helps with this a little. With this feature, you can reference nested objects and if any one of them is null the whole expression returns null.

This reduces the number of null checks you have to do in some cases. The syntax is to put a question mark before each dot. Take the following code for example:

var address = country?.State?.County?.City;

Imagine that country is an object of type Country that has a property called State and so on. If country, State, County, or City is null then address will benull. Therefore you only have to check whetheraddressisnull`.

It's a great feature, but it gives you less information. It doesn't make it obvious which of the 4 is null.

Built-in like Nullable?

C# has a nice shorthand for Nullable<T>, you can make something nullable by putting a question mark after the type like so int?.

It would be nice if C# had something like the NotNull<T> struct above and had a similar shorthand, maybe the exclamation point (!) so that you could write something like: public void WriteName(Person! person).

Add a auto increment primary key to existing table in oracle

Say your table is called t1 and your primary-key is called id
First, create the sequence:

create sequence t1_seq start with 1 increment by 1 nomaxvalue; 

Then create a trigger that increments upon insert:

create trigger t1_trigger
before insert on t1
for each row
     select t1_seq.nextval into from dual;

current/duration time of html5 video?

I am assuming you want to display this as part of the player.

This site breaks down how to get both the current and total time regardless of how you want to display it though using jQuery:

This will also cover how to set it to a specific div. As philip has already mentioned, .currentTime will give you where you are in the video.

Setting PATH environment variable in OSX permanently

If you are using zsh do the following.

  1. Open .zshrc file nano $HOME/.zshrc

  2. You will see the commented $PATH variable here

    # If you come from bash you might have to change your $PATH.
    # export PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/local/...

  3. Remove the comment symbol(#) and append your new path using a separator(:) like this.

export PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:/Users/ebin/Documents/Softwares/mongoDB/bin:$PATH

  1. Activate the change source $HOME/.zshrc

You're done !!!

Pandas groupby month and year

There are different ways to do that.

  • I created the data frame to showcase the different techniques to filter your data.
df = pd.DataFrame({'Date':['01-Jun-13','03-Jun-13', '15-Aug-13', '20-Jan-14', '21-Feb-14'],

'abc':[100,-20,40,25,60],'xyz':[200,50,-5,15,80] })

  • I separated months/year/day and seperated month-year as you explained.
def getMonth(s):
  return s.split("-")[1]

def getDay(s):
  return s.split("-")[0]

def getYear(s):
  return s.split("-")[2]

def getYearMonth(s):
  return s.split("-")[1]+"-"+s.split("-")[2]
  • I created new columns: year, month, day and 'yearMonth'. In your case, you need one of both. You can group using two columns 'year','month' or using one column yearMonth
df['year']= df['Date'].apply(lambda x: getYear(x))
df['month']= df['Date'].apply(lambda x: getMonth(x))
df['day']= df['Date'].apply(lambda x: getDay(x))
df['YearMonth']= df['Date'].apply(lambda x: getYearMonth(x))


        Date  abc  xyz year month day YearMonth
0  01-Jun-13  100  200   13   Jun  01    Jun-13
1  03-Jun-13  -20   50   13   Jun  03    Jun-13
2  15-Aug-13   40   -5   13   Aug  15    Aug-13
3  20-Jan-14   25   15   14   Jan  20    Jan-14
4  21-Feb-14   60   80   14   Feb  21    Feb-14
  • You can go through the different groups in groupby(..) items.

In this case, we are grouping by two columns:

for key,g in df.groupby(['year','month']):
    print key,g


('13', 'Jun')         Date  abc  xyz year month day YearMonth
0  01-Jun-13  100  200   13   Jun  01    Jun-13
1  03-Jun-13  -20   50   13   Jun  03    Jun-13
('13', 'Aug')         Date  abc  xyz year month day YearMonth
2  15-Aug-13   40   -5   13   Aug  15    Aug-13
('14', 'Jan')         Date  abc  xyz year month day YearMonth
3  20-Jan-14   25   15   14   Jan  20    Jan-14
('14', 'Feb')         Date  abc  xyz year month day YearMonth

In this case, we are grouping by one column:

for key,g in df.groupby(['YearMonth']):
    print key,g


Jun-13         Date  abc  xyz year month day YearMonth
0  01-Jun-13  100  200   13   Jun  01    Jun-13
1  03-Jun-13  -20   50   13   Jun  03    Jun-13
Aug-13         Date  abc  xyz year month day YearMonth
2  15-Aug-13   40   -5   13   Aug  15    Aug-13
Jan-14         Date  abc  xyz year month day YearMonth
3  20-Jan-14   25   15   14   Jan  20    Jan-14
Feb-14         Date  abc  xyz year month day YearMonth
4  21-Feb-14   60   80   14   Feb  21    Feb-14
  • In case you wanna access to specific item, you can use get_group

print df.groupby(['YearMonth']).get_group('Jun-13')


        Date  abc  xyz year month day YearMonth
0  01-Jun-13  100  200   13   Jun  01    Jun-13
1  03-Jun-13  -20   50   13   Jun  03    Jun-13
  • Similar to get_group. This hack would help to filter values and get the grouped values.

This also would give the same result.

print df[df['YearMonth']=='Jun-13'] 


        Date  abc  xyz year month day YearMonth
0  01-Jun-13  100  200   13   Jun  01    Jun-13
1  03-Jun-13  -20   50   13   Jun  03    Jun-13

You can select list of abc or xyz values during Jun-13

print df[df['YearMonth']=='Jun-13'].abc.values
print df[df['YearMonth']=='Jun-13'].xyz.values


[100 -20]  #abc values
[200  50]  #xyz values

You can use this to go through the dates that you have classified as "year-month" and apply cretiria on it to get related data.

for x in set(df.YearMonth): 
    print df[df['YearMonth']==x].abc.values
    print df[df['YearMonth']==x].xyz.values

I recommend also to check this answer as well.

SOAP PHP fault parsing WSDL: failed to load external entity?

I had the same problem, I succeeded by adding:

new \SoapClient(URI WSDL OR NULL if non-WSDL mode, [
    'cache_wsdl' => WSDL_CACHE_NONE, 
    'proxy_host' => 'URL PROXY',
    'proxy_port' => 'PORT PROXY'

Hope this help :)

Convert hours:minutes:seconds into total minutes in excel

The only way is to use a formula or to format cells. The method i will use will be the following: Add another column next to these values. Then use the following formula:


enter image description here

Hibernate Criteria Restrictions AND / OR combination

think works

Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(clazz); 
Criterion rest1= Restrictions.and(Restrictions.eq(A, "X"), 
 "B", Arrays.asList("X",Y)));
Criterion rest2= Restrictions.and(Restrictions.eq(A, "Y"), 
           Restrictions.eq(B, "Z"));
criteria.add(Restrictions.or(rest1, rest2));

Retrieve CPU usage and memory usage of a single process on Linux?

ps -p <pid> -o %cpu,%mem,cmd

(You can leave off "cmd" but that might be helpful in debugging).

Note that this gives average CPU usage of the process over the time it has been running.

PHP errors NOT being displayed in the browser [Ubuntu 10.10]

Use the phpinfo(); function to see the table of settings on your browser and look for the

Configuration File (php.ini) Path

and edit that file. Your computer can have multiple php.ini files, you want to edit the right one.

Also check display_errors = On, html_errors = On and error_reporting = E_ALL inside that file

Restart Apache.

urlencode vs rawurlencode?

urlencode: This differs from the » RFC 1738 encoding (see rawurlencode()) in that for historical reasons, spaces are encoded as plus (+) signs.

SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module

First we'll install @babel/cli, @babel/core and @babel/preset-env.

$ npm install --save-dev @babel/cli @babel/core @babel/preset-env

Then we'll create a .babelrc file for configuring babel.

$ touch .babelrc

This will host any options we might want to configure babel with.

  "presets": ["@babel/preset-env"]

With recent changes to babel, you will need to transpile your ES6 before node can run it.

So, we'll add our first script, build, in package.json.

"scripts": {
  "build": "babel index.js -d dist"

Then we'll add our start script in package.json.

"scripts": {
  "build": "babel index.js -d dist", // replace index.js with your filename
  "start": "npm run build && node dist/index.js"

Now let's start our server.

$ npm start

How to find topmost view controller on iOS

A complete non-recursive version, taking care of different scenarios:

  • The view controller is presenting another view
  • The view controller is a UINavigationController
  • The view controller is a UITabBarController


 UIViewController *topViewController = self.window.rootViewController;
 while (true)
     if (topViewController.presentedViewController) {
         topViewController = topViewController.presentedViewController;
     } else if ([topViewController isKindOfClass:[UINavigationController class]]) {
         UINavigationController *nav = (UINavigationController *)topViewController;
         topViewController = nav.topViewController;
     } else if ([topViewController isKindOfClass:[UITabBarController class]]) {
         UITabBarController *tab = (UITabBarController *)topViewController;
         topViewController = tab.selectedViewController;
     } else {

Swift 4+

extension UIWindow {
    func topViewController() -> UIViewController? {
        var top = self.rootViewController
        while true {
            if let presented = top?.presentedViewController {
                top = presented
            } else if let nav = top as? UINavigationController {
                top = nav.visibleViewController
            } else if let tab = top as? UITabBarController {
                top = tab.selectedViewController
            } else {
        return top

urlencoded Forward slash is breaking URL

is simple for me use base64_encode

$term = base64_encode($term) 
$url = $youurl.'?term='.$term

after you decode the term

$term = base64_decode($['GET']['term'])

this way encode the "/" and "\"

Reading file line by line (with space) in Unix Shell scripting - Issue

You want to read raw lines to avoid problems with backslashes in the input (use -r):

while read -r line; do
   printf "<%s>\n" "$line"
done < file.txt

This will keep whitespace within the line, but removes leading and trailing whitespace. To keep those as well, set the IFS empty, as in

while IFS= read -r line; do
   printf "%s\n" "$line"
done < file.txt

This now is an equivalent of cat < file.txt as long as file.txt ends with a newline.

Note that you must double quote "$line" in order to keep word splitting from splitting the line into separate words--thus losing multiple whitespace sequences.

Laravel Eloquent inner join with multiple conditions

This is not politically correct but works

   ->leftJoin("players as p","n.item_id", "=", DB::raw("p.id_player and n.type='player'"))

IP to Location using Javascript

You can use this google service free IP geolocation webservice


the link is broken, I put here other link that include @NickSweeting in the comments:

and you can get the data in json format:

How to dynamically add and remove form fields in Angular 2

This is a few months late but I thought I'd provide my solution based on this here tutorial. The gist of it is that it's a lot easier to manage once you change the way you approach forms.

First, use ReactiveFormsModule instead of or in addition to the normal FormsModule. With reactive forms you create your forms in your components/services and then plug them into your page instead of your page generating the form itself. It's a bit more code but it's a lot more testable, a lot more flexible, and as far as I can tell the best way to make a lot of non-trivial forms.

The end result will look a little like this, conceptually:

  • You have one base FormGroup with whatever FormControl instances you need for the entirety of the form. For example, as in the tutorial I linked to, lets say you want a form where a user can input their name once and then any number of addresses. All of the one-time field inputs would be in this base form group.

  • Inside that FormGroup instance there will be one or more FormArray instances. A FormArray is basically a way to group multiple controls together and iterate over them. You can also put multiple FormGroup instances in your array and use those as essentially "mini-forms" nested within your larger form.

  • By nesting multiple FormGroup and/or FormControl instances within a dynamic FormArray, you can control validity and manage the form as one, big, reactive piece made up of several dynamic parts. For example, if you want to check if every single input is valid before allowing the user to submit, the validity of one sub-form will "bubble up" to the top-level form and the entire form becomes invalid, making it easy to manage dynamic inputs.

  • As a FormArray is, essentially, a wrapper around an array interface but for form pieces, you can push, pop, insert, and remove controls at any time without recreating the form or doing complex interactions.

In case the tutorial I linked to goes down, here some sample code you can implement yourself (my examples use TypeScript) that illustrate the basic ideas:

Base Component code:

import { Component, Input, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { FormArray, FormBuilder, FormGroup, Validators } from '@angular/forms';

  selector: 'my-form-component',
  templateUrl: './my-form.component.html'
export class MyFormComponent implements OnInit {
    @Input() inputArray: ArrayType[];
    myForm: FormGroup;

    constructor(private fb: FormBuilder) {}
    ngOnInit(): void {
        let newForm ={
            appearsOnce: ['InitialValue', [Validators.required, Validators.maxLength(25)]],
            formArray: this.fb.array([])

        const arrayControl = <FormArray>newForm.controls['formArray'];
        this.inputArray.forEach(item => {
            let newGroup ={
                itemPropertyOne: ['InitialValue', [Validators.required]],
                itemPropertyTwo: ['InitialValue', [Validators.minLength(5), Validators.maxLength(20)]]

        this.myForm = newForm;
    addInput(): void {
        const arrayControl = <FormArray>this.myForm.controls['formArray'];
        let newGroup ={

            /* Fill this in identically to the one in ngOnInit */

    delInput(index: number): void {
        const arrayControl = <FormArray>this.myForm.controls['formArray'];
    onSubmit(): void {
        // Your form value is outputted as a JavaScript object.
        // Parse it as JSON or take the values necessary to use as you like

Sub-Component Code: (one for each new input field, to keep things clean)

import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core';
import { FormGroup } from '@angular/forms';

    selector: 'my-form-sub-component',
    templateUrl: './my-form-sub-component.html'
export class MyFormSubComponent {
    @Input() myForm: FormGroup; // This component is passed a FormGroup from the base component template

Base Component HTML

<form [formGroup]="myForm" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()" novalidate>
    <label>Appears Once:</label>
    <input type="text" formControlName="appearsOnce" />

    <div formArrayName="formArray">
        <div *ngFor="let control of myForm.controls['formArray'].controls; let i = index">
            <button type="button" (click)="delInput(i)">Delete</button>
            <my-form-sub-component [myForm]="myForm.controls.formArray.controls[i]"></my-form-sub-component>
    <button type="button" (click)="addInput()">Add</button>
    <button type="submit" [disabled]="!myForm.valid">Save</button>

Sub-Component HTML

<div [formGroup]="form">
    <label>Property One: </label>
    <input type="text" formControlName="propertyOne"/>

    <label >Property Two: </label>
    <input type="number" formControlName="propertyTwo"/>

In the above code I basically have a component that represents the base of the form and then each sub-component manages its own FormGroup instance within the FormArray situated inside the base FormGroup. The base template passes along the sub-group to the sub-component and then you can handle validation for the entire form dynamically.

Also, this makes it trivial to re-order component by strategically inserting and removing them from the form. It works with (seemingly) any number of inputs as they don't conflict with names (a big downside of template-driven forms as far as I'm aware) and you still retain pretty much automatic validation. The only "downside" of this approach is, besides writing a little more code, you do have to relearn how forms work. However, this will open up possibilities for much larger and more dynamic forms as you go on.

If you have any questions or want to point out some errors, go ahead. I just typed up the above code based on something I did myself this past week with the names changed and other misc. properties left out, but it should be straightforward. The only major difference between the above code and my own is that I moved all of the form-building to a separate service that's called from the component so it's a bit less messy.

Objective-C for Windows

Check out WinObjC:

It's an official, open-source project by Microsoft that integrates with Visual Studio + Windows.

How to create a custom scrollbar on a div (Facebook style)

If you're looking for a Facebook like scroll bar, then I'd highly recommend you take a look at this one:

jQuery's is triggering a 404 (Not Found)

Assuming you've checked the file is actually present on the server, this could also be caused by your web server restricting which file types are served:

Adding hours to JavaScript Date object?

You can use the momentjs Library.

var moment = require('moment');
foo = new moment(something).add(10, 'm').toDate();

How do I find the location of my Python site-packages directory?

Answer to old question. But use ipython for this.

pip install ipython
import imaplib

This will give the following output about imaplib package -

Type:        module
String form: <module 'imaplib' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/'>
File:        /usr/lib/python2.7/
IMAP4 client.

Based on RFC 2060.

Public class:           IMAP4
Public variable:        Debug
Public functions:       Internaldate2tuple

Best way to Bulk Insert from a C# DataTable

This is going to be largely dependent on the RDBMS you're using, and whether a .NET option even exists for that RDBMS.

If you're using SQL Server, use the SqlBulkCopy class.

For other database vendors, try googling for them specifically. For example a search for ".NET Bulk insert into Oracle" turned up some interesting results, including this link back to Stack Overflow: Bulk Insert to Oracle using .NET.

How do I make flex box work in safari?

I had to add the webkit prefix for safari (but flex not flexbox):


How to manage Angular2 "expression has changed after it was checked" exception when a component property depends on current datetime

Run change detection explicitly after the change:

import { ChangeDetectorRef } from '@angular/core';

constructor(private cdRef:ChangeDetectorRef) {}

  console.log( "! changement de la date du composant !" );
  this.dateNow = new Date();

In a Bash script, how can I exit the entire script if a certain condition occurs?

A SysOps guy once taught me the Three-Fingered Claw technique:

yell() { echo "$0: $*" >&2; }
die() { yell "$*"; exit 111; }
try() { "$@" || die "cannot $*"; }

These functions are *NIX OS and shell flavor-robust. Put them at the beginning of your script (bash or otherwise), try() your statement and code on.


(based on flying sheep comment).

  • yell: print the script name and all arguments to stderr:
    • $0 is the path to the script ;
    • $* are all arguments.
    • >&2 means > redirect stdout to & pipe 2. pipe 1 would be stdout itself.
  • die does the same as yell, but exits with a non-0 exit status, which means “fail”.
  • try uses the || (boolean OR), which only evaluates the right side if the left one failed.

Spring Boot - How to get the running port

You can get the server port from the

private HttpServletRequest request;

@GetMapping(value = "/port")
public Object getServerPort() {
   System.out.println("I am from " + request.getServerPort());
   return "I am from  " + request.getServerPort();

Postgresql query between date ranges

Read the documentation.

I used a query like that:

    date_trunc('day',table1.date_eval) = '2015-02-09'


WHERE(date_trunc('day',table1.date_eval) >='2015-02-09'AND date_trunc('day',table1.date_eval) <'2015-02-09')    

Juanitos Ingenier.

PHP - Fatal error: Unsupported operand types

$total_ratings is an array, which you can't use for a division.

From above:

$total_ratings = mysqli_fetch_array($result);

How to JOIN three tables in Codeigniter

public function getdata(){
        $this->db->select('c.country_name as country, s.state_name as state, ct.city_name as city, as id');
        $this->db->from('tblmaster t'); 
        $this->db->join('country c', '');
        $this->db->join('state s', 't.state=s.state_id');
        $this->db->join('city ct', '');
        $query = $this->db->get();      
        return $query->result();

Can VS Code run on Android?

The accepted answer is correct as asked, below answers the opposite question of developing Android on VS Code.


Ultimately you can automate building and running your app on a device emulator by adding the function below to your $PATH and running runDebugApp <module> <start activity> from the integrated terminal:

# run android app
# usage runDebugApp [module] [fully qualified start activity com.package/com.package.MainActivity]
function runDebugApp(){
  ./gradlew -offline :"$1":installDebug && adb shell am start "$2" && adb logcat -d > logcat.log

Is Secure.ANDROID_ID unique for each device?

With Android O the behaviour of the ANDROID_ID will change. The ANDROID_ID will be different per app per user on the phone.

Taken from:

Android ID

In O, Android ID (Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID or SSAID) has a different value for each app and each user on the device. Developers requiring a device-scoped identifier, should instead use a resettable identifier, such as Advertising ID, giving users more control. Advertising ID also provides a user-facing setting to limit ad tracking.

Additionally in Android O:

  • The ANDROID_ID value won't change on package uninstall/reinstall, as long as the package name and signing key are the same. Apps can rely on this value to maintain state across reinstalls.
  • If an app was installed on a device running an earlier version of Android, the Android ID remains the same when the device is updated to Android O, unless the app is uninstalled and reinstalled.
  • The Android ID value only changes if the device is factory reset or if the signing key rotates between uninstall and
    reinstall events.
  • This change is only required for device manufacturers shipping with Google Play services and Advertising ID. Other device manufacturers may provide an alternative resettable ID or continue to provide ANDROID ID.

What is the difference between Scope_Identity(), Identity(), @@Identity, and Ident_Current()?

If you understand the difference between scope and session then it will be very easy to understand these methods.

A very nice blog post by Adam Anderson describes this difference:

Session means the current connection that's executing the command.

Scope means the immediate context of a command. Every stored procedure call executes in its own scope, and nested calls execute in a nested scope within the calling procedure's scope. Likewise, a SQL command executed from an application or SSMS executes in its own scope, and if that command fires any triggers, each trigger executes within its own nested scope.

Thus the differences between the three identity retrieval methods are as follows:

@@identity returns the last identity value generated in this session but any scope.

scope_identity() returns the last identity value generated in this session and this scope.

ident_current() returns the last identity value generated for a particular table in any session and any scope.

How to add a footer in ListView?

In this Question, best answer not work for me. After that i found this method to show listview footer,

LayoutInflater inflater = getLayoutInflater();
ViewGroup footerView = (ViewGroup)inflater.inflate(R.layout.footer_layout,listView,false);
listView.addFooterView(footerView, null, false);

And create new layout call footer_layout

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

If not work refer this article hear

Calculating distance between two points, using latitude longitude?

package distanceAlgorithm;

public class CalDistance {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    CalDistance obj=new CalDistance();
    /*obj.distance(38.898556, -77.037852, 38.897147, -77.043934);*/
        System.out.println(obj.distance(38.898556, -77.037852, 38.897147, -77.043934, "M") + " Miles\n");
        System.out.println(obj.distance(38.898556, -77.037852, 38.897147, -77.043934, "K") + " Kilometers\n");
        System.out.println(obj.distance(32.9697, -96.80322, 29.46786, -98.53506, "N") + " Nautical Miles\n");       
    public double distance(double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2, String sr) {

          double theta = lon1 - lon2;
          double dist = Math.sin(deg2rad(lat1)) * Math.sin(deg2rad(lat2)) + Math.cos(deg2rad(lat1)) * Math.cos(deg2rad(lat2)) * Math.cos(deg2rad(theta));
          dist = Math.acos(dist);
          dist = rad2deg(dist);
          dist = dist * 60 * 1.1515;
          if (sr.equals("K")) {
            dist = dist * 1.609344;
          } else if (sr.equals("N")) {
            dist = dist * 0.8684;
          return (dist);
    public double deg2rad(double deg) {
          return (deg * Math.PI / 180.0);
    public double rad2deg(double rad) {
          return (rad * 180.0 / Math.PI);


onchange event on input type=range is not triggering in firefox while dragging

For a good cross-browser behavior, and understandable code, best is to use the onchange attribute in combination of a form:

function showVal(){
  valBox.innerHTML = inVal.value;
<form onchange="showVal()">
  <input type="range" min="5" max="10" step="1" id="inVal">

<span id="valBox"></span>

The same using oninput, the value is changed directly.

function showVal(){
  valBox.innerHTML = inVal.value;
<form oninput="showVal()">
  <input type="range" min="5" max="10" step="1" id="inVal">

<span id="valBox"></span>

What database does Google use?

Although Google uses BigTable for all their main applications, they also use MySQL for other (perhaps minor) apps.

Getting time elapsed in Objective-C

For anybody coming here looking for a getTickCount() implementation for iOS, here is mine after putting various sources together.

Previously I had a bug in this code (I divided by 1000000 first) which was causing some quantisation of the output on my iPhone 6 (perhaps this was not an issue on iPhone 4/etc or I just never noticed it). Note that by not performing that division first, there is some risk of overflow if the numerator of the timebase is quite large. If anybody is curious, there is a link with much more information here:

In light of that information, maybe it is safer to use Apple's function CACurrentMediaTime!

I also benchmarked the mach_timebase_info call and it takes approximately 19ns on my iPhone 6, so I removed the (not threadsafe) code which was caching the output of that call.

#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <mach/mach_time.h>

uint64_t getTickCount(void)
    mach_timebase_info_data_t sTimebaseInfo;
    uint64_t machTime = mach_absolute_time();

    // Convert to milliseconds
    machTime *= sTimebaseInfo.numer;
    machTime /= sTimebaseInfo.denom;
    machTime /= 1000000; // convert from nanoseconds to milliseconds

    return machTime;

Do be aware of the potential risk of overflow depending on the output of the timebase call. I suspect (but do not know) that it might be a constant for each model of iPhone. on my iPhone 6 it was 125/3.

The solution using CACurrentMediaTime() is quite trivial:

uint64_t getTickCount(void)
    double ret = CACurrentMediaTime();
    return ret * 1000;

How to click an element in Selenium WebDriver using JavaScript

Another easiest solution is to use Key.RETUEN

Click here for solution in detail

driver.findElement("q")).sendKeys("Selenium Tutorial", Key.RETURN);

Can you put two conditions in an xslt test attribute?

Not quite, the AND has to be lower-case.

<xsl:when test="4 &lt; 5 and 1 &lt; 2">
<!-- do something -->

Set HTML dropdown selected option using JSTL

Assuming that you have a collection ${roles} of the elements to put in the combo, and ${selected} the selected element, It would go like this:

<select name='role'>
    <option value="${selected}" selected>${selected}</option>
    <c:forEach items="${roles}" var="role">
        <c:if test="${role != selected}">
            <option value="${role}">${role}</option>

UPDATE (next question)

You are overwriting the attribute "productSubCategoryName". At the end of the for loop, the last productSubCategoryName.

Because of the limitations of the expression language, I think the best way to deal with this is to use a map:

Map<String,Boolean> map = new HashMap<String,Boolean>();
for(int i=0;i<userProductData.size();i++){
    String productSubCategoryName=userProductData.get(i).getProductSubCategory();
    map.put(productSubCategoryName, true);
request.setAttribute("productSubCategoryMap", map);

And then in the JSP:

<select multiple="multiple" name="prodSKUs">
    <c:forEach items="${productSubCategoryList}" var="productSubCategoryList">
        <option value="${productSubCategoryList}" ${not empty productSubCategoryMap[productSubCategoryList] ? 'selected' : ''}>${productSubCategoryList}</option>

How to refresh token with Google API client?

Google has made some changes since this question was originally posted.

Here is my currently working example.

    public function update_token($token){

    try {

        $client = new Google_Client();
        $client->setAuthConfig(APPPATH . 'vendor' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'google' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'client_secrets.json');  

        if ($client->isAccessTokenExpired()) {
            $refresh_token = $client->getRefreshToken();
                $token = $client->getAccessToken();
                $token['refresh_token'] = json_decode($refresh_token);
                $token = json_encode($token);

        return $token;

    } catch (Exception $e) { 
        $error = json_decode($e->getMessage());
            log_message('error', $error->error->message);


How can I install MacVim on OS X?

  • Step 1. Install homebrew from here:
  • Step 1.1. Run export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
  • Step 2. Run brew update
  • Step 3. Run brew install vim && brew install macvim
  • Step 4. Run brew link macvim

You now have the latest versions of vim and macvim managed by brew. Run brew update && brew upgrade every once in a while to upgrade them.

This includes the installation of the CLI mvim and the mac application (which both point to the same thing).

I use this setup and it works like a charm. Brew even takes care of installing vim with the preferable options.

Depend on a branch or tag using a git URL in a package.json?

per @dantheta's comment:

As of npm 1.1.65, Github URL can be more concise user/project. You can attach the branch like user/project#branch


"babel-eslint": "babel/babel-eslint",

Or for tag v1.12.0 on jscs:

"jscs": "jscs-dev/node-jscs#v1.12.0",

Note, if you use npm --save, you'll get the longer git


Git URLs as Dependencies

Git urls are of the form:

git+ssh://[email protected]:npm/cli.git#v1.0.27 git+ssh://[email protected]:npm/cli#semver:^5.0 git+https://[email protected]/npm/cli.git

If #<commit-ish> is provided, it will be used to clone exactly that commit. If > the commit-ish has the format #semver:<semver>, <semver> can be any valid semver range or exact version, and npm will look for any tags or refs matching that range in the remote repository, much as it would for a registry dependency. If neither #<commit-ish> or #semver:<semver> is specified, then master is used.

GitHub URLs

As of version 1.1.65, you can refer to GitHub urls as just "foo": "user/foo-project". Just as with git URLs, a commit-ish suffix can be included. For example:

 "name": "foo",
 "version": "0.0.0",
 "dependencies": {
   "express": "expressjs/express",
   "mocha": "mochajs/mocha#4727d357ea",
   "module": "user/repo#feature\/branch"

What's the fastest way to convert String to Number in JavaScript?

There are at least 5 ways to do this:

If you want to convert to integers only, another fast (and short) way is the double-bitwise not (i.e. using two tilde characters):




The 5 common ways I know so far to convert a string to a number all have their differences (there are more bitwise operators that work, but they all give the same result as ~~). This JSFiddle shows the different results you can expect in the debug console:

var values = ["123",
          "not a number",
          "1234 error",

for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++){
    var x = values[i];

    console.log(" Number(x) = " + Number(x));
    console.log(" parseInt(x, 10) = " + parseInt(x, 10));
    console.log(" parseFloat(x) = " + parseFloat(x));
    console.log(" +x = " + +x);
    console.log(" ~~x = " + ~~x);

Debug console:

  Number(x) = 123
  parseInt(x, 10) = 123
  parseFloat(x) = 123
  +x = 123
  ~~x = 123
  Number(x) = NaN
  parseInt(x, 10) = NaN
  parseFloat(x) = NaN
  +x = NaN
  ~~x = 0
  Number(x) = 0
  parseInt(x, 10) = NaN
  parseFloat(x) = NaN
  +x = 0
  ~~x = 0
"not a number"
  Number(x) = NaN
  parseInt(x, 10) = NaN
  parseFloat(x) = NaN
  +x = NaN
  ~~x = 0
  Number(x) = 123.45
  parseInt(x, 10) = 123
  parseFloat(x) = 123.45
  +x = 123.45
  ~~x = 123
1234 error
  Number(x) = NaN
  parseInt(x, 10) = 1234
  parseFloat(x) = 1234
  +x = NaN
  ~~x = 0
  Number(x) = 2147483648
  parseInt(x, 10) = 2147483648
  parseFloat(x) = 2147483648
  +x = 2147483648
  ~~x = -2147483648
  Number(x) = 4999999999
  parseInt(x, 10) = 4999999999
  parseFloat(x) = 4999999999
  +x = 4999999999
  ~~x = 705032703

The ~~x version results in a number in "more" cases, where others often result in undefined, but it fails for invalid input (e.g. it will return 0 if the string contains non-number characters after a valid number).


Please note: Integer overflow and/or bit truncation can occur with ~~, but not the other conversions. While it is unusual to be entering such large values, you need to be aware of this. Example updated to include much larger values.

Some Perf tests indicate that the standard parseInt and parseFloat functions are actually the fastest options, presumably highly optimised by browsers, but it all depends on your requirement as all options are fast enough:

This all depends on how the perf tests are configured as some show parseInt/parseFloat to be much slower.

My theory is:

  • Lies
  • Darn lines
  • Statistics
  • JSPerf results :)

fatal: bad default revision 'HEAD'

Not committed yet?

It is a orphan branch if it has no commit.

Disable Transaction Log

What's your problem with Tx logs? They grow? Then just set truncate on checkpoint option.

From Microsoft documentation:

In SQL Server 2000 or in SQL Server 2005, the "Simple" recovery model is equivalent to "truncate log on checkpoint" in earlier versions of SQL Server. If the transaction log is truncated every time a checkpoint is performed on the server, this prevents you from using the log for database recovery. You can only use full database backups to restore your data. Backups of the transaction log are disabled when the "Simple" recovery model is used.

Is there a command to refresh environment variables from the command prompt in Windows?

Thank you for posting this question which is quite interesting, even in 2019 (Indeed, it is not easy to renew the shell cmd since it is a single instance as mentioned above), because renewing environment variables in windows allows to accomplish many automation tasks without having to manually restart the command line.

For example, we use this to allow software to be deployed and configured on a large number of machines that we reinstall regularly. And I must admit that having to restart the command line during the deployment of our software would be very impractical and would require us to find workarounds that are not necessarily pleasant. Let's get to our problem. We proceed as follows.

1 - We have a batch script that in turn calls a powershell script like this

[file: task.cmd].

cmd > powershell.exe -executionpolicy unrestricted -File C:\path_here\refresh.ps1

2 - After this, the refresh.ps1 script renews the environment variables using registry keys (GetValueNames(), etc.). Then, in the same powershell script, we just have to call the new environment variables available. For example, in a typical case, if we have just installed nodeJS before with cmd using silent commands, after the function has been called, we can directly call npm to install, in the same session, particular packages like follows.

[file: refresh.ps1]

function Update-Environment {
    $locations = 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session  Manager\Environment',
    $locations | ForEach-Object {
        $k = Get-Item $_
        $k.GetValueNames() | ForEach-Object {
            $name  = $_
            $value = $k.GetValue($_)

            if ($userLocation -and $name -ieq 'PATH') {
                $env:Path += ";$value"
            } else {

                Set-Item -Path Env:\$name -Value $value
        $userLocation = $true
#Here we can use newly added environment variables like for example npm install.. 
npm install -g create-react-app serve

Once the powershell script is over, the cmd script goes on with other tasks. Now, one thing to keep in mind is that after the task is completed, cmd has still no access to the new environment variables, even if the powershell script has updated those in its own session. Thats why we do all the needed tasks in the powershell script which can call the same commands as cmd of course.

HTTPS using Jersey Client

HTTPS using Jersey client has two different version if you are using java 6 ,7 and 8 then

SSLContext sc = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL");

If using java 8 then

SSLContext sc = SSLContext.getInstance("TLSv1");
System.setProperty("https.protocols", "TLSv1");

Please find working code


<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
            <name> Repository for Maven</name>




        <!-- Jersey -->



        <!-- Spring 3 dependencies -->



        <!-- Jersey + Spring -->



package com.example.client;

import org.glassfish.jersey.client.authentication.HttpAuthenticationFeature;
import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;

public class JerseyClientGet {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String username = "username";
            String password = "p@ssword";
        String input = "{\"userId\":\"12345\",\"name \":\"Viquar\",\"surname\":\"Khan\",\"Email\":\"[email protected]\"}";
        try {
        //SSLContext sc = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL");//Java 6
        SSLContext sc = SSLContext.getInstance("TLSv1");//Java 8
        System.setProperty("https.protocols", "TLSv1");//Java 8

        TrustManager[] trustAllCerts = { new InsecureTrustManager() };
        sc.init(null, trustAllCerts, new;
        HostnameVerifier allHostsValid = new InsecureHostnameVerifier();

        Client client = ClientBuilder.newBuilder().sslContext(sc).hostnameVerifier(allHostsValid).build();

        HttpAuthenticationFeature feature = HttpAuthenticationFeature.universalBuilder()
                    .credentialsForBasic(username, password).credentials(username, password).build();

                    //PUT request, if need uncomment it 
                    //final Response response = client
                    //.request().put(Entity.entity(input, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON), Response.class);
            //GET Request
            final Response response = client

            if (response.getStatus() != HttpStatus.OK.value()) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed : HTTP error code : "
                    + response.getStatus()); }
            String output = response.readEntity(String.class);
            System.out.println("Output from Server .... \n");
        } catch (Exception e) {


package com.example.client;


public class InsecureHostnameVerifier implements HostnameVerifier {
    public boolean verify(String hostname, SSLSession session) {
        return true;

Helper class

package com.example.client;


public class InsecureTrustManager implements X509TrustManager {
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void checkClientTrusted(final X509Certificate[] chain, final String authType) throws CertificateException {
        // Everyone is trusted!

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void checkServerTrusted(final X509Certificate[] chain, final String authType) throws CertificateException {
        // Everyone is trusted!

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers() {
        return new X509Certificate[0];

Once you start running application will get Certificate error ,download certificate from browser and add into


Add into cacerts , you will get details in following links.

Few useful link to understand error

I have tested following code for get and post method with SSL and basic Authentication here you can skip SSL Certificate , you can directly copy three class and add jar into java project and run.

import org.glassfish.jersey.client.authentication.HttpAuthenticationFeature;
import org.glassfish.jersey.filter.LoggingFilter;

public class RestClientTest {
     * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
        } catch (KeyManagementException e1) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e1) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        } catch (IOException e1) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    private static WebTarget    target      = null;
    private static String       userName    = "username";
    private static String       passWord    = "password";

    public static void sslRestClientGETReport() throws KeyManagementException, IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
        SSLContext sc = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL");
        TrustManager[] trustAllCerts = { new InsecureTrustManager() };
        sc.init(null, trustAllCerts, new;
        HostnameVerifier allHostsValid = new InsecureHostnameVerifier();
        Client c = ClientBuilder.newBuilder().sslContext(sc).hostnameVerifier(allHostsValid).build();
        String baseUrl = "https://localhost:7002/VaquarKhanWeb/employee/api/v1/informations/report";
        c.register(HttpAuthenticationFeature.basic(userName, passWord));
        target =;
        target.register(new LoggingFilter());
        String responseMsg = target.request().get(String.class);


    public static void sslRestClientGET() throws KeyManagementException, IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
        //Query param Search={JSON}
        SSLContext sc = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL");
        TrustManager[] trustAllCerts = { new InsecureTrustManager() };
        sc.init(null, trustAllCerts, new;
        HostnameVerifier allHostsValid = new InsecureHostnameVerifier();
        Client c = ClientBuilder.newBuilder().sslContext(sc).hostnameVerifier(allHostsValid).build();
        String baseUrl = "https://localhost:7002/VaquarKhanWeb";

        c.register(HttpAuthenticationFeature.basic(userName, passWord));
        target =;
        target = target.path("employee/api/v1/informations/employee/data").queryParam("search","%7B\"name\":\"vaquar\",\"surname\":\"khan\",\"age\":\"30\",\"type\":\"admin\""%7D");

        target.register(new LoggingFilter());
        String responseMsg = target.request().get(String.class);

    //TOD need to fix
    public static void sslRestClientPost() throws KeyManagementException, IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
        Employee employee = new Employee("vaquar", "khan", "30", "E");
        SSLContext sc = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL");
        TrustManager[] trustAllCerts = { new InsecureTrustManager() };
        sc.init(null, trustAllCerts, new;
        HostnameVerifier allHostsValid = new InsecureHostnameVerifier();
        Client c = ClientBuilder.newBuilder().sslContext(sc).hostnameVerifier(allHostsValid).build();
        String baseUrl = "https://localhost:7002/VaquarKhanWeb/employee/api/v1/informations/employee";
        c.register(HttpAuthenticationFeature.basic(userName, passWord));
        target =;
        target.register(new LoggingFilter());
        Response response = target.request().put(Entity.json(employee));
        String output = response.readEntity(String.class);





What is the best way to check for Internet connectivity using .NET?

There is absolutely no way you can reliably check if there is an internet connection or not (I assume you mean access to the internet).

You can, however, request resources that are virtually never offline, like pinging or something similar. I think this would be efficient.

try { 
    Ping myPing = new Ping();
    String host = "";
    byte[] buffer = new byte[32];
    int timeout = 1000;
    PingOptions pingOptions = new PingOptions();
    PingReply reply = myPing.Send(host, timeout, buffer, pingOptions);
    return (reply.Status == IPStatus.Success);
catch (Exception) {
    return false;

Changing java platform on which netbeans runs

Fix this by moving my jdk folder to other disk

Python module os.chmod(file, 664) does not change the permission to rw-rw-r-- but -w--wx----

If you have desired permissions saved to string then do

s = '660'
os.chmod(file_path, int(s, base=8))

How to find the length of a string in R

See ?nchar. For example:

> nchar("foo")
[1] 3
> set.seed(10)
> strn <- paste(sample(LETTERS, 10), collapse = "")
> strn
> nchar(strn)
[1] 10

How to include another XHTML in XHTML using JSF 2.0 Facelets?


Most basic way is <ui:include>. The included content must be placed inside <ui:composition>.

Kickoff example of the master page /page.xhtml:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en"
        <title>Include demo</title>
        <h1>Master page</h1>
        <p>Master page blah blah lorem ipsum</p>
        <ui:include src="/WEB-INF/include.xhtml" />

The include page /WEB-INF/include.xhtml (yes, this is the file in its entirety, any tags outside <ui:composition> are unnecessary as they are ignored by Facelets anyway):

    <h2>Include page</h2>
    <p>Include page blah blah lorem ipsum</p>

This needs to be opened by /page.xhtml. Do note that you don't need to repeat <html>, <h:head> and <h:body> inside the include file as that would otherwise result in invalid HTML.

You can use a dynamic EL expression in <ui:include src>. See also How to ajax-refresh dynamic include content by navigation menu? (JSF SPA).


A more advanced way of including is templating. This includes basically the other way round. The master template page should use <ui:insert> to declare places to insert defined template content. The template client page which is using the master template page should use <ui:define> to define the template content which is to be inserted.

Master template page /WEB-INF/template.xhtml (as a design hint: the header, menu and footer can in turn even be <ui:include> files):

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en"
        <title><ui:insert name="title">Default title</ui:insert></title>
        <div id="header">Header</div>
        <div id="menu">Menu</div>
        <div id="content"><ui:insert name="content">Default content</ui:insert></div>
        <div id="footer">Footer</div>

Template client page /page.xhtml (note the template attribute; also here, this is the file in its entirety):

<ui:composition template="/WEB-INF/template.xhtml"

    <ui:define name="title">
        New page title here

    <ui:define name="content">
        <h1>New content here</h1>
        <p>Blah blah</p>

This needs to be opened by /page.xhtml. If there is no <ui:define>, then the default content inside <ui:insert> will be displayed instead, if any.


You can pass parameters to <ui:include> or <ui:composition template> by <ui:param>.

<ui:include ...>
    <ui:param name="foo" value="#{}" />
<ui:composition template="...">
    <ui:param name="foo" value="#{}" />
</ui:composition >

Inside the include/template file, it'll be available as #{foo}. In case you need to pass "many" parameters to <ui:include>, then you'd better consider registering the include file as a tagfile, so that you can ultimately use it like so <my:tagname foo="#{}">. See also When to use <ui:include>, tag files, composite components and/or custom components?

You can even pass whole beans, methods and parameters via <ui:param>. See also JSF 2: how to pass an action including an argument to be invoked to a Facelets sub view (using ui:include and ui:param)?

Design hints

The files which aren't supposed to be publicly accessible by just entering/guessing its URL, need to be placed in /WEB-INF folder, like as the include file and the template file in above example. See also Which XHTML files do I need to put in /WEB-INF and which not?

There doesn't need to be any markup (HTML code) outside <ui:composition> and <ui:define>. You can put any, but they will be ignored by Facelets. Putting markup in there is only useful for web designers. See also Is there a way to run a JSF page without building the whole project?

The HTML5 doctype is the recommended doctype these days, "in spite of" that it's a XHTML file. You should see XHTML as a language which allows you to produce HTML output using a XML based tool. See also Is it possible to use JSF+Facelets with HTML 4/5? and JavaServer Faces 2.2 and HTML5 support, why is XHTML still being used.

CSS/JS/image files can be included as dynamically relocatable/localized/versioned resources. See also How to reference CSS / JS / image resource in Facelets template?

You can put Facelets files in a reusable JAR file. See also Structure for multiple JSF projects with shared code.

For real world examples of advanced Facelets templating, check the src/main/webapp folder of Java EE Kickoff App source code and OmniFaces showcase site source code.

excel formula to subtract number of days from a date

Assuming the original date is in cell A1:

=DATE(YEAR(A1), MONTH(A1), DAY(A1)-180)

how to insert date and time in oracle?

You are doing everything right by using a to_date function and specifying the time. The time is there in the database. The trouble is just that when you select a column of DATE datatype from the database, the default format mask doesn't show the time. If you issue a

alter session set nls_date_format = 'dd/MON/yyyy hh24:mi:ss'

or something similar including a time component, you will see that the time successfully made it into the database.

Compare DATETIME and DATE ignoring time portion

Though I upvoted the answer marked as correct. I wanted to touch on a few things for anyone stumbling upon this.

In general, if you're filtering specifically on Date values alone. Microsoft recommends using the language neutral format of ymd or y-m-d.

Note that the form '2007-02-12' is considered language-neutral only for the data types DATE, DATETIME2, and DATETIMEOFFSET.

To do a date comparison using the aforementioned approach is simple. Consider the following, contrived example.

--112 is ISO format 'YYYYMMDD'
declare @filterDate char(8) = CONVERT(char(8), GETDATE(), 112)

    CONVERT(char(8), OrderDate, 112) = @filterDate

In a perfect world, performing any manipulation to the filtered column should be avoided because this can prevent SQL Server from using indexes efficiently. That said, if the data you're storing is only ever concerned with the date and not time, consider storing as DATETIME with midnight as the time. Because:

When SQL Server converts the literal to the filtered column’s type, it assumes midnight when a time part isn’t indicated. If you want such a filter to return all rows from the specified date, you need to ensure that you store all values with midnight as the time.

Thus, assuming you are only concerned with date, and store your data as such. The above query can be simplified to:

--112 is ISO format 'YYYYMMDD'
declare @filterDate char(8) = CONVERT(char(8), GETDATE(), 112)

    OrderDate = @filterDate

"java.lang.OutOfMemoryError : unable to create new native Thread"

This error can surface because of following two reasons:

  • There is no room in the memory to accommodate new threads.

  • The number of threads exceeds the Operating System limit.

I doubt that number of thread have exceeded the limit for the java process

So possibly chances are the issue is because of memory One point to consider is

threads are not created within the JVM heap. They are created outside the JVM heap. So if there is less room left in the RAM, after the JVM heap allocation, application will run into “java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread”.

Possible Solution is to reduce the heap memory or increase the overall ram size Button OnClick event not firing

Because your button is in control it could be that there is a validation from another control that don't allow the button to submit. The result in my case was to add CausesValidation property to the button:

<asp:Button ID="btn_QuaSave" runat="server" Text="SAVE" OnClick="btn_QuaSave_Click" CausesValidation="False"/> 

How many significant digits do floats and doubles have in java?

From java specification :

The floating-point types are float and double, which are conceptually associated with the single-precision 32-bit and double-precision 64-bit format IEEE 754 values and operations as specified in IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic, ANSI/IEEE Standard 754-1985 (IEEE, New York).

As it's hard to do anything with numbers without understanding IEEE754 basics, here's another link.

It's important to understand that the precision isn't uniform and that this isn't an exact storage of the numbers as is done for integers.

An example :

double a = 0.3 - 0.1;



If you need arbitrary precision (for example for financial purposes) you may need Big Decimal.

Case insensitive std::string.find()

Also make sense to provide Boost version: This will modify original strings.

#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>

string str1 = "hello world!!!";
string str2 = "HELLO";

if (str1.find(str2) != std::string::npos)
    // str1 contains str2

or using perfect boost xpression library

#include <boost/xpressive/xpressive.hpp>
using namespace boost::xpressive;
std::string long_string( "very LonG string" );
std::string word("long");
smatch what;
sregex re = sregex::compile(word, boost::xpressive::icase);
if( regex_match( long_string, what, re ) )
    cout << word << " found!" << endl;

In this example you should pay attention that your search word don't have any regex special characters.

Explanation of "ClassCastException" in Java

Consider an example,

class Animal {
    public void eat(String str) {
        System.out.println("Eating for grass");

class Goat extends Animal {
    public void eat(String str) {

class Another extends Goat{
  public void eat(String str) {

public class InheritanceSample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Animal a = new Animal();
        Another t5 = (Another) new Goat();

At Another t5 = (Another) new Goat(): you will get a ClassCastException because you cannot create an instance of the Another class using Goat.

Note: The conversion is valid only in cases where a class extends a parent class and the child class is casted to its parent class.

How to deal with the ClassCastException:

  1. Be careful when trying to cast an object of a class into another class. Ensure that the new type belongs to one of its parent classes.
  2. You can prevent the ClassCastException by using Generics, because Generics provide compile time checks and can be used to develop type-safe applications.

Source of the Note and the Rest

Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1

This issue happened for me when I had multiple targets in one project, and I changed the CFBundleExecutable plist property to something other than the target's name.

So, for example, I had the following targets in one project:

  • SomeApp
  • SomeApp WatchKit Extension
  • SomeApp WatchKit App
  • SomeApp Today Widget
  • SomeApp for OS X (this is the target where the codesign error happens)

SomeApp for OS X had its CFBundleExecutable property set to just SomeApp, which not only conflicted with the first target called SomeApp but was different from the target it was meant for. Changing SomeApp for OS X to SomeApp and then renaming the first target worked fine for me.

SQL QUERY replace NULL value in a row with a value from the previous known value

Here is the Oracle solution (10g or higher). It uses the analytic function last_value() with the ignore nulls option, which substitutes the last non-null value for the column.

SQL> select *
  2  from mytable
  3  order by id
  4  /

        ID    SOMECOL
---------- ----------
         1          3
         3          5
         6          2

6 rows selected.

SQL> select id
  2         , last_value(somecol ignore nulls) over (order by id) somecol
  3  from mytable
  4  /

        ID    SOMECOL
---------- ----------
         1          3
         2          3
         3          5
         4          5
         5          5
         6          2

6 rows selected.


Project with path ':mypath' could not be found in root project 'myproject'

I got similar error after deleting a subproject, removed

"*compile project(path: ':MySubProject', configuration: 'android-endpoints')*"

in build.gradle (dependencies) under Gradle Scripts

time data does not match format

I had the exact same error but with slightly different format and root-cause, and since this is the first Q&A that pops up when you search for "time data does not match format", I thought I'd leave the mistake I made for future viewers:

My initial code:

start = datetime.strptime('05-SEP-19 AM', '%d-%b-%y %I.%M.%S.%f %p')

Where I used %I to parse the hours and %p to parse 'AM/PM'.

The error:

ValueError: time data '05-SEP-19 AM' does not match format '%d-%b-%y %I.%M.%S.%f %p'

I was going through the datetime docs and finally realized in 12-hour format %I, there is no 00... once I changed 00.00.00 to 12.00.00, the problem was resolved.

So it's either 01-12 using %I with %p, or 00-23 using %H.

Convert string to decimal number with 2 decimal places in Java

Float.parseFloat() is the problem as it returns a new float.

Returns a new float initialized to the value represented by the specified String, as performed by the valueOf method of class Float.

You are formatting just for the purpose of display . It doesn't mean the float will be represented by the same format internally .

You can use java.lang.BigDecimal.

I am not sure why are you using parseFloat() twice. If you want to display the float in a certain format then just format it and display it.

Float litersOfPetrol=Float.parseFloat(stringLitersOfPetrol);
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
System.out.println("liters of petrol before putting in editor"+df.format(litersOfPetrol));

TypeError: Image data can not convert to float

The error occurred when I unknowingly tried plotting the image path instead of the image.

My code :

import cv2 as cv
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import pytesseract
from resizeimage import resizeimage

img = cv.imread("D:\TemplateMatch\\fitting.png") ------>"THIS IS THE WRONG USAGE"

Correction: img = cv.imread("fitting.png") --->THIS IS THE RIGHT USAGE"

ShowAllData method of Worksheet class failed

Add this code below. Once turns it off, releases the filter. Second time turns it back on without filters.

Not very elegant, but served my purpose.


'then call it again?

How to wait till the response comes from the $http request, in angularjs?

You should use promises for async operations where you don't know when it will be completed. A promise "represents an operation that hasn't completed yet, but is expected in the future." (

An example implementation would be like:

myApp.factory('myService', function($http) {

    var getData = function() {

        // Angular $http() and then() both return promises themselves 
        return $http({method:"GET", url:"/my/url"}).then(function(result){

            // What we return here is the data that will be accessible 
            // to us after the promise resolves

    return { getData: getData };

function myFunction($scope, myService) {
    var myDataPromise = myService.getData();
    myDataPromise.then(function(result) {  

       // this is only run after getData() resolves
       $ = result;

Edit: Regarding Sujoys comment that What do I need to do so that myFuction() call won't return till .then() function finishes execution.

function myFunction($scope, myService) { 
    var myDataPromise = myService.getData(); 
    myDataPromise.then(function(result) { 
         $ = result; 
    console.log("This will get printed before inside then. And I don't want that."); 

Well, let's suppose the call to getData() took 10 seconds to complete. If the function didn't return anything in that time, it would effectively become normal synchronous code and would hang the browser until it completed.

With the promise returning instantly though, the browser is free to continue on with other code in the meantime. Once the promise resolves/fails, the then() call is triggered. So it makes much more sense this way, even if it might make the flow of your code a bit more complex (complexity is a common problem of async/parallel programming in general after all!)

How to download/upload files from/to SharePoint 2013 using CSOM?

Though this is an old post and have many answers, but here I have my version of code to upload the file to sharepoint 2013 using CSOM(c#)

I hope if you are working with downloading and uploading files then you know how to create Clientcontext object and Web object

/* Assuming you have created ClientContext object and Web object*/
string listTitle = "List title where you want your file to upload";
string filePath = "your file physical path";
List oList = web.Lists.GetByTitle(listTitle);
clientContext.Load(oList.RootFolder);//to load the folder where you will upload the file
FileCreationInformation fileInfo = new FileCreationInformation();

fileInfo.Overwrite = true;
fileInfo.Content = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(filePath);
fileInfo.Url = fileName;

File fileToUpload = fileCollection.Add(fileInfo);

fileToUpload.CheckIn("your checkin comment", CheckinType.MajorCheckIn);
if (oList.EnableMinorVersions)
    fileToUpload.Publish("your publish comment");
if (oList.EnableModeration)
     fileToUpload.Approve("your approve comment"); 

And here is the code for download

List oList = web.Lists.GetByTitle("ListNameWhereFileExist");
FileCollection fileCollection = oList.RootFolder.Files;
File SP_file = fileCollection.GetByUrl("fileNameToDownloadWithExtension");
var Local_stream = System.IO.File.Open("c:/testing/" + SP_file.Name, System.IO.FileMode.CreateNew);
var fileInformation = File.OpenBinaryDirect(clientContext, SP_file.ServerRelativeUrl);
var Sp_Stream = fileInformation.Stream;

Still there are different ways I believe that can be used to upload and download.

How to uninstall / completely remove Oracle 11g (client)?

Do everything suggested by ziesemer.

You may also want to :

  • Stop the Oracle-related services (before deleting them from the registry).
  • In the registry, look not only for entries named "Oracle" but also e.g. for "ODP".

Exception 'open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)' on Android

I had the same error when was trying to write an image in DCIM/camera folder on Galaxy S5 (android 6.0.1) and I figured out that only this folder is restricted. I simply could write into DCIM/any folder but not in camera. This should be brand based restriction/customization.

CSS flexbox vertically/horizontally center image WITHOUT explicitely defining parent height

Without explicitly defining the height I determined I need to apply the flex value to the parent and grandparent div elements...

<div style="display: flex;">
<div style="display: flex;">
 <img alt="No, he'll be an engineer." src="theknack.png" style="margin: auto;" />

If you're using a single element (e.g. dead-centered text in a single flex element) use the following:

align-items: center;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;

Get source JARs from Maven repository

You can, if they are uploaded. Generally they are called "frameworkname-version-source(s)"

How can I print using JQuery

Hey If you want to print selected area or div ,Try This.

<style type="text/css">
@media print
body * { visibility: hidden; }
.div2 * { visibility: visible; }
.div2 { position: absolute; top: 40px; left: 30px; }

Hope it helps you

Node.js - Maximum call stack size exceeded


for me the program with the Max call stack wasn't because of my code. It ended up being a different issue which caused the congestion in the flow of the application. So because I was trying to add too many items to mongoDB without any configuration chances the call stack issue was popping and it took me a few days to figure out what was going on....that said:

Following up with what @Jeff Lowery answered: I enjoyed this answer so much and it sped up the process of what I was doing by 10x at least.

I'm new at programming but I attempted to modularize the answer it. Also, didn't like the error being thrown so I wrapped it in a do while loop instead. If anything I did is incorrect, please feel free to correct me.

module.exports = function(object) {
    const { max = 1000000000n, fn } = object;
    let counter = 0;
    let running = true;
    Error.stackTraceLimit = 100;
    const A = (fn) => {
        flipper = B;
    const B = (fn) => {
        flipper = A;
    let flipper = B;
    const then = process.hrtime.bigint();
    do {
        if (counter > max) {
            const now = process.hrtime.bigint();
            const nanos = now - then;
            console.log({ 'runtime(sec)': Number(nanos) / 1000000000.0 });
            running = false;
    } while (running);

Check out this gist to see the my files and how to call the loop.

to remove first and last element in array

This can be done with lodash _.tail and _.dropRight:

var fruits = ["Banana", "Orange", "Apple", "Mango"];_x000D_
<script src=""></script>

How to run SQL in shell script

echo "set feed off
set pages 0
select count(*) from table;
"  | sqlplus -s username/password@oracle_instance
echo "found count = $variable1"

Word-wrap in an HTML table

Workaround that uses overflow-wrap and works fine with normal table layout + table width 100%


    <td class="overflow-wrap-hack">
      <div class="content">


  word-wrap:break-word; /*old browsers*/

  width:100%; /*must be set (to any value)*/



  • Uses overflow-wrap:break-word instead of word-break:break-all. Which is better because it tries to break on spaces first, and cuts the word off only if the word is bigger than it's container.
  • No table-layout:fixed needed. Use your regular auto-sizing.
  • Not needed to define fixed width or fixed max-width in pixels. Define % of the parent if needed.

Tested in FF57, Chrome62, IE11, Safari11

Config Error: This configuration section cannot be used at this path

For Windows Server 2008 and IIS 7, the procedure is similar. please refer to this:

in add role service, u will see "Application Development Features"

Check (enable) the features. I checked all.

JAVA Unsupported major.minor version 51.0

The Java runtime you try to execute your program with is an earlier version than Java 7 which was the target you compile your program for.

For Ubuntu use

apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk

to get Java 7 as default. You may have to uninstall openjdk-6 first.

Doctrine 2: Update query with query builder

Let's say there is an administrator dashboard where users are listed with their id printed as a data attribute so it can be retrieved at some point via JavaScript.

An update could be executed this way …

class UserRepository extends \Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository
    public function updateUserStatus($userId, $newStatus)
        return $this->createQueryBuilder('u')
            ->set('u.isActive', '?1')
            ->setParameter(1, $qb->expr()->literal($newStatus))
            ->where(' = ?2')
            ->setParameter(2, $qb->expr()->literal($userId))

AJAX action handling:

# Post datas may be:
# handled with a specific custom formType — OR — retrieved from request object
$userId = (int)$request->request->get('userId');
$newStatus = (int)$request->request->get('newStatus');
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$r = $em->getRepository('NAMESPACE\User')
        ->updateUserStatus($userId, $newStatus);
if ( !empty($r) ){
    # Row updated

Working example using Doctrine 2.5 (on top of Symfony3).

What is the .idea folder?

As of year 2020, JetBrains suggests to commit the .idea folder.
The JetBrains IDEs (webstorm, intellij, android studio, pycharm, clion, etc.) automatically add that folder to your git repository (if there's one).
Inside the folder .idea, has been already created a .gitignore, updated by the IDE itself to avoid to commit user related settings that may contains privacy/password data.

It is safe (and usually useful) to commit the .idea folder.

How does Go update third-party packages?

Since the question mentioned third-party libraries and not all packages then you probably want to fall back to using wildcards.

A use case being: I just want to update all my packages that are obtained from the Github VCS, then you would just say:

go get -u // ('...' being the wildcard). 

This would go ahead and only update your github packages in the current $GOPATH

Same applies for within a VCS too, say you want to only upgrade all the packages from ogranizaiton A's repo's since as they have released a hotfix you depend on:

go get -u

Is there a JavaScript strcmp()?

How about:

String.prototype.strcmp = function(s) {
    if (this < s) return -1;
    if (this > s) return 1;
    return 0;

Then, to compare s1 with 2:


MySQL table is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed

If this happend to your XAMPP installation, just copy global_priv.MAD and global_priv.MAI files from ./xampp/mysql/backup/mysql/ to ./xampp/mysql/data/mysql/.

Is there a way to make npm install (the command) to work behind proxy?

To setup the http proxy have the -g flag set:

sudo npm config set proxy http://proxy_host:port -g

For https proxy, again make sure the -g flag is set:

sudo npm config set https-proxy http://proxy_host:port -g

gdb: "No symbol table is loaded"

I met this issue this morning because I used the same executable in DIFFERENT OSes: after compiling my program with gcc -ggdb -Wall test.c -o test in my Mac(10.15.2), I ran gdb with the executable in Ubuntu(16.04) in my VirtualBox.

Fix: recompile with the same command under Ubuntu, then you should be good.

PowerShell script to check the status of a URL

You can try this:

function Get-UrlStatusCode([string] $Url)
        (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Url -UseBasicParsing -DisableKeepAlive).StatusCode
    catch [Net.WebException]

$statusCode = Get-UrlStatusCode ''

Escape dot in a regex range

The dot operator . does not need to be escaped inside of a character class [].

How do I rename a local Git branch?

The answers so far have been correct, but here is some additional information:

One can safely rename a branch with '-m' (move), but one has to be careful with '-M', because it forces the rename, even if there is an existing branch with the same name already. Here is the excerpt from the 'git-branch' man page:

With a -m or -M option, <oldbranch> will be renamed to <newbranch>. If <oldbranch> had a corresponding reflog, it is renamed to match <newbranch>, and a reflog entry is created to remember the branch renaming. If <newbranch> exists, -M must be used to force the rename to happen.

how to make a html iframe 100% width and height?

Answering this just in case if someone else like me stumbles upon this post among many that advise use of JavaScripts for changing iframe height to 100%.

I strongly recommend that you see and try this option specified at How do you give iframe 100% height before resorting to a JavaScript based option. The referenced solution works perfectly for me in all of the testing I have done so far. Hope this helps someone.

How to enable GZIP compression in IIS 7.5

This is more an add-on to the best answer above (GZip Compression can be enabled directly through IIS) which is correct if your running IIS on Windows desktop however...

If your running IIS on Windows Server, this content compression feature is found in a different place to desktop Windows (not in programs and features in Control Panel). First open "Server Manager" then click Manage -> "Add Roles & Features" then keep clicking NEXT (make sure you select the correct server when you see the list of servers if your managing multiple servers from this instance) until you get to SERVER ROLES, scroll down to and open "Web Server (IIS)..." then "Web Server" then "Performance" then tick "Dynamic Content Compression" then click INSTALL. I tested this on Server 2016 Standard so there may be slight differences if your on an earlier version of Server.

Then follow the instructions from Testing - Check if GZIP Compression is Enabled

jQuery - adding elements into an array

Try this, at the end of the each loop, ids array will contain all the hexcodes.

var ids = [];

    $(document).ready(function($) {
    var $div = $("<div id='hexCodes'></div>").appendTo(document.body), code;
    $(".color_cell").each(function() {
        code = $(this).attr('id');
        $div.append(code + "<br />");


Argparse optional positional arguments?

parser.add_argument also has a switch required. You can use required=False. Here is a sample snippet with Python 2.7:

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='get dir')
parser.add_argument('--dir', type=str, help='dir', default=os.getcwd(), required=False)
args = parser.parse_args()

How to change the docker image installation directory?

Following advice from comments I utilize Docker systemd documentation to improve this answer. Below procedure doesn't require reboot and is much cleaner.

First create directory and file for custom configuration:

sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d
sudo $EDITOR /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/docker-storage.conf

For docker version before 17.06-ce paste:

ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker daemon -H fd:// --graph="/mnt"

For docker after 17.06-ce paste:

ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --data-root="/mnt"

Alternative method through daemon.json

I recently tried above procedure with 17.09-ce on Fedora 25 and it seem to not work. Instead of that simple modification in /etc/docker/daemon.json do the trick:

    "graph": "/mnt",
    "storage-driver": "overlay"

Despite the method you have to reload configuration and restart Docker:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart docker

To confirm that Docker was reconfigured:

docker info|grep "loop file"

In recent version (17.03) different command is required:

docker info|grep "Docker Root Dir"

Output should look like this:

 Data loop file: /mnt/devicemapper/devicemapper/data
 Metadata loop file: /mnt/devicemapper/devicemapper/metadata


 Docker Root Dir: /mnt

Then you can safely remove old Docker storage:

rm -rf /var/lib/docker

How can I use a batch file to write to a text file?

@echo off

echo Type your text here.


set /p boompanes=


echo %boompanes%> practice.txt

hope this helps. you should change the string names(IDK what its called) and the file name

Best HTML5 markup for sidebar

First of all ASIDE is to be used only to denote related content to main content, not for a generic sidebar. Second, one aside for each sidebar only

You will have only one aside for each sidebar. Elements of a sidebar are divs or sections inside a aside.

I would go with Option 1: Aside with sections

<aside id="sidebar">
    <section id="widget_1"></section>
    <section id="widget_2"></section>
    <section id="widget_3"></section>

Here is the spec

Again use section only if they have a header or footer in them, otherwise use a plain div.

Visual Studio keyboard shortcut to display IntelliSense

In Visual Studio 2015 this shortcut opens a preview of the definition which even works through typedefs and #defines.

Ctrl + , (comma)

Enter image description here

Displaying tooltip on mouse hover of a text


ToolTip tip = new ToolTip();
private void richTextBox1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    Cursor a = System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current;
    if (a == Cursors.Hand)
        Point p = richTextBox1.Location;
            p.X + e.X,
            p.Y + e.Y + 32,

Use the GetWord function from my other answer to get the hovered word. Use timer logic to disable reshow the tooltip as in prev. example.

In this example right above, the tool tip shows the hovered word by checking the mouse pointer.

If this answer is still not what you are looking fo, please specify the condition that characterizes the word you want to use tooltip on. If you want it for bolded word, please tell me.

How to secure phpMyAdmin

One of my concerns with phpMyAdmin was that by default, all MySQL users can access the db. If DB's root password is compromised, someone can wreck havoc on the db. I wanted to find a way to avoid that by restricting which MySQL user can login to phpMyAdmin.

I have found using AllowDeny configuration in PhpMyAdmin to be very useful.

AllowDeny lets you configure access to phpMyAdmin in a similar way to Apache. If you set the 'order' to explicit, it will only grant access to users defined in 'rules' section. In the rules, section you restrict MySql users who can access use the phpMyAdmin.

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowDeny']['order'] = 'explicit'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowDeny']['rules'] = array('pma-user from all')

Now you have limited access to the user named pma-user in MySQL, you can grant limited privilege to that user.

grant select on db_name.some_table to 'pma-user'@'app-server'

How do I merge changes to a single file, rather than merging commits?

I found this approach simple and useful: How to "merge" specific files from another branch

As it turns out, we’re trying too hard. Our good friend git checkout is the right tool for the job.

git checkout source_branch <paths>...

We can simply give git checkout the name of the feature branch A and the paths to the specific files that we want to add to our master branch.

Please read the whole article for more understanding

Accessing localhost (xampp) from another computer over LAN network - how to?

Replace Require Local with Require all granted in xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-xampp.conf file.

Add ripple effect to my button with button background color?

Here is another drawable xml for those who want to add all together gradient background, corner radius and ripple effect:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ripple xmlns:android=""
    <item android:id="@android:id/mask">
        <shape android:shape="rectangle">
            <solid android:color="@color/colorPrimaryDark" />
            <corners android:radius="@dimen/button_radius_large" />

    <item android:id="@android:id/background">
        <shape android:shape="rectangle">
                android:type="linear" />
            <corners android:radius="@dimen/button_radius_large" />

Add this to the background of your button.

    android:background="@drawable/button_background" />

PS: this answer works for android api 21 and above.

Angular 4 Pipe Filter

Here is a working plunkr with a filter and sortBy pipe.

As developer033 mentioned in a comment, you are passing in a single value to the filter pipe, when the filter pipe is expecting an array of values. I would tell the pipe to expect a single value instead of an array

export class FilterPipe implements PipeTransform {
    transform(items: any[], term: string): any {
        // I am unsure what id is here. did you mean title?
        return items.filter(item => !== -1);

I would agree with DeborahK that impure pipes should be avoided for performance reasons. The plunkr includes console logs where you can see how much the impure pipe is called.

How do I get the full url of the page I am on in C#

If you need the port number also, you can use



string url = Request.Url.Authority + HttpContext.Current.Request.RawUrl.ToString();

if (Request.ServerVariables["HTTPS"] == "on")
    url = "https://" + url;
    url = "http://" + url;

How to return first 5 objects of Array in Swift?

With Swift 5, according to your needs, you may choose one of the 6 following Playground codes in order to solve your problem.

#1. Using subscript(_:) subscript

let array = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L"]
let arraySlice = array[..<5]
//let arraySlice = array[0..<5] // also works
//let arraySlice = array[0...4] // also works
//let arraySlice = array[...4] // also works
let newArray = Array(arraySlice)
print(newArray) // prints: ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"]

#2. Using prefix(_:) method

Complexity: O(1) if the collection conforms to RandomAccessCollection; otherwise, O(k), where k is the number of elements to select from the beginning of the collection.

let array = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L"]
let arraySlice = array.prefix(5)
let newArray = Array(arraySlice)
print(newArray) // prints: ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"]

Apple states for prefix(_:):

If the maximum length exceeds the number of elements in the collection, the result contains all the elements in the collection.

#3. Using prefix(upTo:) method

Complexity: O(1)

let array = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L"]
let arraySlice = array.prefix(upTo: 5)
let newArray = Array(arraySlice)
print(newArray) // prints: ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"]

Apple states for prefix(upTo:):

Using the prefix(upTo:) method is equivalent to using a partial half-open range as the collection's subscript. The subscript notation is preferred over prefix(upTo:).

#4. Using prefix(through:) method

let array = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L"]
let arraySlice = array.prefix(through: 4)
let newArray = Array(arraySlice)
print(newArray) // prints: ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"]

#5. Using removeSubrange(_:) method

Complexity: O(n), where n is the length of the collection.

var array = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L"]
print(array) // prints: ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"]

#6. Using dropLast(_:) method

Complexity: O(1) if the collection conforms to RandomAccessCollection; otherwise, O(k), where k is the number of elements to drop.

let array = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L"]
let distance = array.distance(from: 5, to: array.endIndex)
let arraySlice = array.dropLast(distance)
let newArray = Array(arraySlice)
print(newArray) // prints: ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"]

What does this square bracket and parenthesis bracket notation mean [first1,last1)?

It can be a mathematical convention in the definition of an interval where square brackets mean "extremal inclusive" and round brackets "extremal exclusive".

surface plots in matplotlib

This is not a general solution but might help many of those who just typed "matplotlib surface plot" in Google and landed here.

Suppose you have data = [(x1,y1,z1),(x2,y2,z2),.....,(xn,yn,zn)], then you can get three 1-d lists using x, y, z = zip(*data). Now you can of course create 3d scatterplot using three 1-d lists.

But, why can't in general this data be used to create surface plot? To understand that consider an empty 3-d plot :

Now, suppose for each possible value of (x, y) on a "discrete" regular grid, you have a z value, then there's no issue & you can in fact get a surface plot:

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib import cm

x = np.linspace(0, 10, 6)  # [0, 2,..,10] : 6 distinct values
y = np.linspace(0, 20, 5)  # [0, 5,..,20] : 5 distinct values
z = np.linspace(0, 100, 30)  # 6 * 5 = 30 values, 1 for each possible combination of (x,y)

X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
Z = np.reshape(z, X.shape)  # Z.shape must be equal to X.shape = Y.shape

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z)

ax.set_xlabel('X Label')
ax.set_ylabel('Y Label')
ax.set_zlabel('Z Label')

What's happens when you haven't got z for all possible combinations of (x, y)? Then at the point (at intersection of two black lines on x-y plane on blank plot above), we don't know what is the value of z. It could be anything, we don't know how 'high' or 'low' our surface should be at that point (although it can be approximated using other functions, surface_plot requires that you supply it arguments where X.shape = Y.shape = Z.shape).

Native query with named parameter fails with "Not all named parameters have been set"

I use EclipseLink. This JPA allows the following way for the native queries:

Query q = em.createNativeQuery("SELECT * FROM mytable where username = ?username");
q.setParameter("username", "test");

Bootstrap visible and hidden classes not working properly

Your mobile class Isn't correct:

.mobile {
  display: none !important;
  visibility: hidden !important; //This is what's keeping the div from showing, remove this.

concatenate two strings

The best way in my eyes is to use the concat() method provided by the String class itself.

The useage would, in your case, look like this:

String myConcatedString = cursor.getString(numcol).concat('-').

How to declare strings in C

char *p = "String";   means pointer to a string type variable.

char p3[5] = "String"; means you are pre-defining the size of the array to consist of no more than 5 elements. Note that,for strings the null "\0" is also considered as an element.So,this statement would give an error since the number of elements is 7 so it should be:

char p3[7]= "String";

Convert HTML5 into standalone Android App

You can use It is the same phonegap but in very convinient wrapper

How do I read the file content from the Internal storage - Android App

To read a file from internal storage:

Call openFileInput() and pass it the name of the file to read. This returns a FileInputStream. Read bytes from the file with read(). Then close the stream with close().


StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is, "UTF-8"));
            String line = null;
            while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
        } catch(OutOfMemoryError om){
        } catch(Exception ex){
        String result = sb.toString();

How do I define a method in Razor?

Leaving alone any debates over when (if ever) it should be done, @functions is how you do it.

@functions {

    // Add code here.


Why is "npm install" really slow?

we also have had similar problems (we're behind a corporate proxy). changing to yarn at least on our jenkins builds made a huge difference.

there are some minor differences in the results between "npm install" and "yarn install" - but nothing that hurts us.

Best way to remove the last character from a string built with stringbuilder

I recommend, you change your loop algorithm:

  • Add the comma not AFTER the item, but BEFORE
  • Use a boolean variable, that starts with false, do suppress the first comma
  • Set this boolean variable to true after testing it

View contents of database file in Android Studio

This might not be the answer you're looking for, but I don't have a better way for downloading DB from phone. What I will suggest is make sure you're using this mini-DDMS. It will be super hidden though if you don't click the very small camoflage box at the very bottom left of program. (tried to hover over it otherwise you might miss it.)

Also the drop down that says no filters (top right). It literally has a ton of different ways you can monitor different process/apps by PPID, name, and a lot more. I've always used this to monitor phone, but keep in mind I'm not doing the type of dev work that needs to be 120% positive the database isn't doing something out of the ordinary.

Hope it helps

enter image description here

Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

i would do the same thing as Andy but i'ld use the 'empty' function.

like so:

{echo"<p>There's nothing in the array.....</p>";}
foreach ($yourArray as $current_array_item)
    //do something with the current array item here

not-null property references a null or transient value

Make that variable as transient.Your problem will get solved..

@Column(name="emp_name", nullable=false, length=30)
    private transient String empName;

CSS flex, how to display one item on first line and two on the next line

You can do something like this:

.flex {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  flex-direction: row;_x000D_
  flex-wrap: wrap;_x000D_
.flex>div {_x000D_
  flex: 1 0 50%;_x000D_
.flex>div:first-child {_x000D_
  flex: 0 1 100%;_x000D_
<div class="flex">_x000D_
  <div>Hello 2</div>_x000D_

Here is a demo:

This model relies on the line-wrap after one "row" is full. Since we set the first item's flex-basis to be 100% it fills the first row completely. Special attention on the flex-wrap: wrap;

How to listen state changes in react.js?

Since React 16.8 in 2019 with useState and useEffect Hooks, following are now equivalent (in simple cases):


$ = 'misko'
$scope.$watch('name', getSearchResults)

<input ng-model="name" />


const [name, setName] = useState('misko')
useEffect(getSearchResults, [name])

<input value={name} onChange={e => setName(} />

SQL JOIN and different types of JOINs

Interestingly most other answers suffer from these two problems:

I've recently written an article on the topic: A Probably Incomplete, Comprehensive Guide to the Many Different Ways to JOIN Tables in SQL, which I'll summarise here.

First and foremost: JOINs are cartesian products

This is why Venn diagrams explain them so inaccurately, because a JOIN creates a cartesian product between the two joined tables. Wikipedia illustrates it nicely:

enter image description here

The SQL syntax for cartesian products is CROSS JOIN. For example:


-- This just generates all the days in January 2017
FROM generate_series(
  '2017-01-01'::TIMESTAMP + INTERVAL '1 month -1 day',
  INTERVAL '1 day'
) AS days(day)

-- Here, we're combining all days with all departments
CROSS JOIN departments

Which combines all rows from one table with all rows from the other table:


+--------+   +------------+
| day    |   | department |
+--------+   +------------+
| Jan 01 |   | Dept 1     |
| Jan 02 |   | Dept 2     |
| ...    |   | Dept 3     |
| Jan 30 |   +------------+
| Jan 31 |


| day    | department |
| Jan 01 | Dept 1     |
| Jan 01 | Dept 2     |
| Jan 01 | Dept 3     |
| Jan 02 | Dept 1     |
| Jan 02 | Dept 2     |
| Jan 02 | Dept 3     |
| ...    | ...        |
| Jan 31 | Dept 1     |
| Jan 31 | Dept 2     |
| Jan 31 | Dept 3     |

If we just write a comma separated list of tables, we'll get the same:

-- CROSS JOINing two tables:
SELECT * FROM table1, table2


An INNER JOIN is just a filtered CROSS JOIN where the filter predicate is called Theta in relational algebra.

For instance:


-- Same as before
FROM generate_series(
  '2017-01-01'::TIMESTAMP + INTERVAL '1 month -1 day',
  INTERVAL '1 day'
) AS days(day)

-- Now, exclude all days/departments combinations for
-- days before the department was created
JOIN departments AS d ON day >= d.created_at

Note that the keyword INNER is optional (except in MS Access).

(look at the article for result examples)


A special kind of Theta-JOIN is equi JOIN, which we use most. The predicate joins the primary key of one table with the foreign key of another table. If we use the Sakila database for illustration, we can write:

FROM actor AS a
JOIN film_actor AS fa ON a.actor_id = fa.actor_id
JOIN film AS f ON f.film_id = fa.film_id

This combines all actors with their films.

Or also, on some databases:

FROM actor
JOIN film_actor USING (actor_id)
JOIN film USING (film_id)

The USING() syntax allows for specifying a column that must be present on either side of a JOIN operation's tables and creates an equality predicate on those two columns.


Other answers have listed this "JOIN type" separately, but that doesn't make sense. It's just a syntax sugar form for equi JOIN, which is a special case of Theta-JOIN or INNER JOIN. NATURAL JOIN simply collects all columns that are common to both tables being joined and joins USING() those columns. Which is hardly ever useful, because of accidental matches (like LAST_UPDATE columns in the Sakila database).

Here's the syntax:

FROM actor
NATURAL JOIN film_actor


Now, OUTER JOIN is a bit different from INNER JOIN as it creates a UNION of several cartesian products. We can write:

-- Convenient syntax:
FROM a LEFT JOIN b ON <predicate>

-- Cumbersome, equivalent syntax:
SELECT a.*, b.*
FROM a JOIN b ON <predicate>
  SELECT * FROM b WHERE <predicate>

No one wants to write the latter, so we write OUTER JOIN (which is usually better optimised by databases).

Like INNER, the keyword OUTER is optional, here.

OUTER JOIN comes in three flavours:

  • LEFT [ OUTER ] JOIN: The left table of the JOIN expression is added to the union as shown above.
  • RIGHT [ OUTER ] JOIN: The right table of the JOIN expression is added to the union as shown above.
  • FULL [ OUTER ] JOIN: Both tables of the JOIN expression are added to the union as shown above.

All of these can be combined with the keyword USING() or with NATURAL (I've actually had a real world use-case for a NATURAL FULL JOIN recently)

Alternative syntaxes

There are some historic, deprecated syntaxes in Oracle and SQL Server, which supported OUTER JOIN already before the SQL standard had a syntax for this:

-- Oracle
FROM actor a, film_actor fa, film f
WHERE a.actor_id = fa.actor_id(+)
AND fa.film_id = f.film_id(+)

-- SQL Server
FROM actor a, film_actor fa, film f
WHERE a.actor_id *= fa.actor_id
AND fa.film_id *= f.film_id

Having said so, don't use this syntax. I just list this here so you can recognise it from old blog posts / legacy code.

Partitioned OUTER JOIN

Few people know this, but the SQL standard specifies partitioned OUTER JOIN (and Oracle implements it). You can write things like this:


  -- Using CONNECT BY to generate all dates in January
  days(day) AS (
    SELECT DATE '2017-01-01' + LEVEL - 1
    FROM dual

  -- Our departments
  departments(department, created_at) AS (
    SELECT 'Dept 1', DATE '2017-01-10' FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 'Dept 2', DATE '2017-01-11' FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 'Dept 3', DATE '2017-01-12' FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 'Dept 4', DATE '2017-04-01' FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 'Dept 5', DATE '2017-04-02' FROM dual
FROM days 
LEFT JOIN departments 
  PARTITION BY (department) -- This is where the magic happens
  ON day >= created_at

Parts of the result:

| day    | department | created_at |
| Jan 01 | Dept 1     |            | -- Didn't match, but still get row
| Jan 02 | Dept 1     |            | -- Didn't match, but still get row
| ...    | Dept 1     |            | -- Didn't match, but still get row
| Jan 09 | Dept 1     |            | -- Didn't match, but still get row
| Jan 10 | Dept 1     | Jan 10     | -- Matches, so get join result
| Jan 11 | Dept 1     | Jan 10     | -- Matches, so get join result
| Jan 12 | Dept 1     | Jan 10     | -- Matches, so get join result
| ...    | Dept 1     | Jan 10     | -- Matches, so get join result
| Jan 31 | Dept 1     | Jan 10     | -- Matches, so get join result

The point here is that all rows from the partitioned side of the join will wind up in the result regardless if the JOIN matched anything on the "other side of the JOIN". Long story short: This is to fill up sparse data in reports. Very useful!


Seriously? No other answer got this? Of course not, because it doesn't have a native syntax in SQL, unfortunately (just like ANTI JOIN below). But we can use IN() and EXISTS(), e.g. to find all actors who have played in films:

FROM actor a
  SELECT * FROM film_actor fa
  WHERE a.actor_id = fa.actor_id

The WHERE a.actor_id = fa.actor_id predicate acts as the semi join predicate. If you don't believe it, check out execution plans, e.g. in Oracle. You'll see that the database executes a SEMI JOIN operation, not the EXISTS() predicate.

enter image description here


This is just the opposite of SEMI JOIN (be careful not to use NOT IN though, as it has an important caveat)

Here are all the actors without films:

FROM actor a
  SELECT * FROM film_actor fa
  WHERE a.actor_id = fa.actor_id

Some folks (especially MySQL people) also write ANTI JOIN like this:

FROM actor a
LEFT JOIN film_actor fa
USING (actor_id)

I think the historic reason is performance.


OMG, this one is too cool. I'm the only one to mention it? Here's a cool query:

SELECT a.first_name, a.last_name, f.*
FROM actor AS a
  SELECT f.title, SUM(amount) AS revenue
  FROM film AS f
  JOIN film_actor AS fa USING (film_id)
  JOIN inventory AS i USING (film_id)
  JOIN rental AS r USING (inventory_id)
  JOIN payment AS p USING (rental_id)
  WHERE fa.actor_id = a.actor_id -- JOIN predicate with the outer query!
  GROUP BY f.film_id
  ORDER BY revenue DESC
) AS f
ON true

It will find the TOP 5 revenue producing films per actor. Every time you need a TOP-N-per-something query, LATERAL JOIN will be your friend. If you're a SQL Server person, then you know this JOIN type under the name APPLY

SELECT a.first_name, a.last_name, f.*
FROM actor AS a
  SELECT f.title, SUM(amount) AS revenue
  FROM film AS f
  JOIN film_actor AS fa ON f.film_id = fa.film_id
  JOIN inventory AS i ON f.film_id = i.film_id
  JOIN rental AS r ON i.inventory_id = r.inventory_id
  JOIN payment AS p ON r.rental_id = p.rental_id
  WHERE fa.actor_id = a.actor_id -- JOIN predicate with the outer query!
  GROUP BY f.film_id
  ORDER BY revenue DESC
) AS f

OK, perhaps that's cheating, because a LATERAL JOIN or APPLY expression is really a "correlated subquery" that produces several rows. But if we allow for "correlated subqueries", we can also talk about...


This is only really implemented by Oracle and Informix (to my knowledge), but it can be emulated in PostgreSQL using arrays and/or XML and in SQL Server using XML.

MULTISET produces a correlated subquery and nests the resulting set of rows in the outer query. The below query selects all actors and for each actor collects their films in a nested collection:

  SELECT f.*
  FROM film AS f
  JOIN film_actor AS fa USING (film_id)
  WHERE a.actor_id = fa.actor_id
) AS films
FROM actor

As you have seen, there are more types of JOIN than just the "boring" INNER, OUTER, and CROSS JOIN that are usually mentioned. More details in my article. And please, stop using Venn diagrams to illustrate them.

How to see an HTML page on Github as a normal rendered HTML page to see preview in browser, without downloading?

You can use RawGit:

It works better (at the time of this writing) than, serving files with proper Content-Type headers. Additionally, it also provides CDN URL for use in production.

How to run Unix shell script from Java code?

Yes, it is possible and you have answered it! About good practises, I think it is better to launch commands from files and not directly from your code. So you have to make Java execute the list of commands (or one command) in an existing .bat, .sh , .ksh ... files. Here is an example of executing a list of commands in a file

    String[] cmd = { "sh", "", "\pathOfTheFile"};

CSS : center form in page horizontally and vertically

If you want to do a horizontal centering, just put the form inside a DIV tag and apply align="center" attribute to it. So even if the form width is changed, your centering will remain the same.

<div align="center"><form id="form_login"><!--form content here--></form></div>


@G-Cyr is right. align="center" attribute is now obsolete. You can use text-align attribute for this as following.

<div style="text-align:center"><form id="form_login"><!--form content here--></form></div>

This will center all the content inside the parent DIV. An optional way is to use margin: auto CSS attribute with predefined widths and heights. Please follow the following thread for more information.

How to horizontally center a in another ?

Vertical centering is little difficult than that. To do that, you can do the following stuff.


<div id="parent">
    <form id="form_login">
     <!--form content here-->


#parent {
   display: table;
   width: 100%;
#form_login {
   display: table-cell;
   text-align: center;
   vertical-align: middle;

How do I remove javascript validation from my eclipse project?

In addition, if you are using Tern eclipse IDE or IBM Node.js Tools for Eclipse, you may need to disable JSHint and other libraries that you don't want.

To disable this, Project Properties > Tern > Modules > JSHint or any other library that you don't want. enter image description here

MVC controller : get JSON object from HTTP body?

I've been trying to get my ASP.NET MVC controller to parse some model that i submitted to it using Postman.

I needed the following to get it to work:

  • controller action

    public JsonResult InsertOrUpdateModels(Model entities)
        // ...
        return Json(response, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
  • a Models class

    public class Model
        public string Test { get; set; }
        // ...
  • headers for Postman's request, specifically, Content-Type

    postman headers

  • json in the request body

    enter image description here

How do I split a string, breaking at a particular character?

Since the splitting on commas question is duplicated to this question, adding this here.

If you want to split on a character and also handle extra whitespace that might follow that character, which often happens with commas, you can use replace then split, like this:

var items = string.replace(/,\s+/, ",").split(',')

Select statement to find duplicates on certain fields

    sizeId Varchar(MAX)

INSERT  #tmp 
    VALUES ('44'),


SELECT @SqlStr = STUFF((SELECT ',' + sizeId
              FROM #tmp
              ORDER BY sizeId
              FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '') 

select items, count(*)AS Occurrence
  FROM dbo.Split(@SqlStr,',')
  group by items
  having count(*) > 1
  ORDER BY K.Occurrence DESC    

rmagick gem install "Can't find Magick-config"

In some OS you need to use new libraries: libmagick++4 libmagick++-dev

You can use:

sudo apt-get install libmagick++4 libmagick++-dev

Can I save input from form to .txt in HTML, using JAVASCRIPT/jQuery, and then use it?

BEST solution if you ask me is this. This will save the file with the file name of your choice and automatically in HTML or in TXT at your choice with buttons.


function download(filename, text) {
  var pom = document.createElement('a');
  pom.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' + 

  pom.setAttribute('download', filename); = 'none';


function addTextHTML()
{ = + ".html"

function addTextTXT()
{ = + ".txt"

    <form name="addtext" onsubmit="download(this['name'].value, this['text'].value)">

    <textarea rows="10" cols="70" name="text" placeholder="Type your text here:"></textarea>
    <input type="text" name="name" value="" placeholder="File Name">
    <input type="submit" onClick="addTextHTML();" value="Save As HTML">
    <input type="submit" onClick="addTexttxt();" value="Save As TXT">


Basic Apache commands for a local Windows machine

Going back to absolute basics here. The answers on this page and a little googling have brought me to the following resolution to my issue. Steps to restart the apache service with Xampp installed:-

  1. Click the start button and type CMD (if on Windows Vista or later and Apache is installed as a service make sure this is an elevated command prompt)
  2. In the command window that appears type cd C:\xampp\apache\bin (the default installation path for Xampp)
  3. Then type httpd -k restart

I hope that this is of use to others just starting out with running a local Apache server.

What is the difference between a web API and a web service?

A Web Service if you want is a Web API. Specifically Web API usually means RESTful (HTTP based) web service and Web Service usually means SOAP+WSDL (+HTTP or SMTP or JMS..).

Tipically RESTful web services are opposed to Web Services (WSDL,SOAP) but recently it has been introduced the term RESTful Web services (with uppercase 'W') that means RESTful+WSDL+SOAP..

Check out this chart for differences among the three concepts:

Hope it helps!

When should I use a table variable vs temporary table in sql server?

Microsoft says here

Table variables does not have distribution statistics, they will not trigger recompiles. Therefore, in many cases, the optimizer will build a query plan on the assumption that the table variable has no rows. For this reason, you should be cautious about using a table variable if you expect a larger number of rows (greater than 100). Temp tables may be a better solution in this case.

How to send a simple string between two programs using pipes?

What one program writes to stdout can be read by another via stdin. So simply, using c, write prog1 to print something using printf() and prog2 to read something using scanf(). Then just run

./prog1 | ./prog2

Excel VBA Run-time Error '32809' - Trying to Understand it

I have found the solution. Just download the following Office update:

Choose between 32-bit or 64-bit and install.

Worked for me, hope it works for you.


Directly export a query to CSV using SQL Developer

After Ctrl+End, you can do the Ctrl+A to select all in the buffer and then paste into Excel. Excel even put each Oracle column into its own column instead of squishing the whole row into one column. Nice..

How to split a delimited string in Ruby and convert it to an array?


each_char does basically the same as split(''): It splits a string into an array of its characters.

hmmm, I just realize now that in the original question the string contains commas, so my answer is not really helpful ;-(..

How to split a string in shell and get the last field

You can use string operators:

$ foo=1:2:3:4:5
$ echo ${foo##*:}

This trims everything from the front until a ':', greedily.

${foo  <-- from variable foo
  ##   <-- greedy front trim
  *    <-- matches anything
  :    <-- until the last ':'

How to remove non-alphanumeric characters?

I was looking for the answer too and my intention was to clean every non-alpha and there shouldn't have more than one space.
So, I modified Alex's answer to this, and this is working for me preg_replace('/[^a-z|\s+]+/i', ' ', $name)
The regex above turned sy8ed sirajul7_islam to sy ed sirajul islam
Explanation: regex will check NOT ANY from a to z in case insensitive way or more than one white spaces, and it will be converted to a single space.

How to cast Object to boolean?

If the object is actually a Boolean instance, then just cast it:

boolean di = (Boolean) someObject;

The explicit cast will do the conversion to Boolean, and then there's the auto-unboxing to the primitive value. Or you can do that explicitly:

boolean di = ((Boolean) someObject).booleanValue();

If someObject doesn't refer to a Boolean value though, what do you want the code to do?

Keep SSH session alive

For those wondering, @edward-coast

If you want to set the keep alive for the server, add this to /etc/ssh/sshd_config:

ClientAliveInterval 60
ClientAliveCountMax 2

ClientAliveInterval: Sets a timeout interval in seconds after which if no data has been received from the client, sshd(8) will send a message through the encrypted channel to request a response from the client.

ClientAliveCountMax: Sets the number of client alive messages (see below) which may be sent without sshd(8) receiving any messages back from the client. If this threshold is reached while client alive messages are being sent, sshd will disconnect the client, terminating the session.

How can I serve static html from spring boot?

As it is written before, some folders (/META-INF/resources/, /resources/, /static/, /public/) serve static content by default, conroller misconfiguration can break this behaviour.

It is a common pitfall that people define the base url of a controller in the @RestController annotation, instead of the @RequestMapping annotation on the top of the controllers.

This is wrong:

public class MyController {

    public String myPostMethod( ...) {

The above example will prevent you from opening the index.html. The Spring expects a POST method at the root, because the myPostMethod is mapped to the "/" path.

You have to use this instead:

public class MyController {

    public String myPostMethod( ...) {

How to name an object within a PowerPoint slide?

While the answer above is correct I would not recommend you to change the name in order to rely on it in the code.

Names are tricky. They can change. You should use the ShapeId and SlideId.

Especially beware to change the name of a shape programmatically since PowerPoint relies on the name and it might hinder its regular operation.

UITableView - scroll to the top

In Swift 5 , Thanks @Adrian's answer a lot

extension UITableView{

    func hasRowAtIndexPath(indexPath: IndexPath) -> Bool {
        return indexPath.section < numberOfSections && indexPath.row < numberOfRows(inSection: indexPath.section)

    func scrollToTop(_ animated: Bool = false) {
        let indexPath = IndexPath(row: 0, section: 0)
        if hasRowAtIndexPath(indexPath: indexPath) {
            scrollToRow(at: indexPath, at: .top, animated: animated)




How do I "break" out of an if statement?

The || and && operators are short circuit, so if the left side of || evaluates to true or the left side of && evaluates to false, the right side will not be evaluated. That's equivalent to a break.

Jquery check if element is visible in viewport

You can write a jQuery function like this to determine if an element is in the viewport.

Include this somewhere after jQuery is included:

$.fn.isInViewport = function() {
    var elementTop = $(this).offset().top;
    var elementBottom = elementTop + $(this).outerHeight();

    var viewportTop = $(window).scrollTop();
    var viewportBottom = viewportTop + $(window).height();

    return elementBottom > viewportTop && elementTop < viewportBottom;

Sample usage:

$(window).on('resize scroll', function() {
    if ($('#Something').isInViewport()) {
        // do something
    } else {
        // do something else

Note that this only checks the top and bottom positions of elements, it doesn't check if an element is outside of the viewport horizontally.

How to check the extension of a filename in a bash script?


if [ "$file" == "*.txt" ]

like this:

if [[ $file == *.txt ]]

That is, double brackets and no quotes.

The right side of == is a shell pattern. If you need a regular expression, use =~ then.

Loop through all the files with a specific extension

as @chepner says in his comment you are comparing $i to a fixed string.

To expand and rectify the situation you should use [[ ]] with the regex operator =~


for i in $(ls);do
    if [[ $i =~ .*\.java$ ]];then
        echo "I want to do something with the file $i"

the regex to the right of =~ is tested against the value of the left hand operator and should not be quoted, ( quoted will not error but will compare against a fixed string and so will most likely fail"

but @chepner 's answer above using glob is a much more efficient mechanism.

Read url to string in few lines of java code

Here's Jeanne's lovely answer, but wrapped in a tidy function for muppets like me:

private static String getUrl(String aUrl) throws MalformedURLException, IOException
    String urlData = "";
    URL urlObj = new URL(aUrl);
    URLConnection conn = urlObj.openConnection();
    try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8))) 
        urlData = reader.lines().collect(Collectors.joining("\n"));
    return urlData;

How do I get column datatype in Oracle with PL-SQL with low privileges?

ALL_TAB_COLUMNS should be queryable from PL/SQL. DESC is a SQL*Plus command.

SQL> desc all_tab_columns;
 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
 OWNER                                     NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)
 TABLE_NAME                                NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)
 COLUMN_NAME                               NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)
 DATA_TYPE                                          VARCHAR2(106)
 DATA_TYPE_MOD                                      VARCHAR2(3)
 DATA_TYPE_OWNER                                    VARCHAR2(30)
 DATA_LENGTH                               NOT NULL NUMBER
 DATA_PRECISION                                     NUMBER
 DATA_SCALE                                         NUMBER
 NULLABLE                                           VARCHAR2(1)
 COLUMN_ID                                          NUMBER
 DEFAULT_LENGTH                                     NUMBER
 DATA_DEFAULT                                       LONG
 NUM_DISTINCT                                       NUMBER
 LOW_VALUE                                          RAW(32)
 HIGH_VALUE                                         RAW(32)
 DENSITY                                            NUMBER
 NUM_NULLS                                          NUMBER
 NUM_BUCKETS                                        NUMBER
 LAST_ANALYZED                                      DATE
 SAMPLE_SIZE                                        NUMBER
 CHARACTER_SET_NAME                                 VARCHAR2(44)
 CHAR_COL_DECL_LENGTH                               NUMBER
 GLOBAL_STATS                                       VARCHAR2(3)
 USER_STATS                                         VARCHAR2(3)
 AVG_COL_LEN                                        NUMBER
 CHAR_LENGTH                                        NUMBER
 CHAR_USED                                          VARCHAR2(1)
 V80_FMT_IMAGE                                      VARCHAR2(3)
 DATA_UPGRADED                                      VARCHAR2(3)
 HISTOGRAM                                          VARCHAR2(15)

How can I see the current value of my $PATH variable on OS X?

for MacOS, make sure you know where the GO install

export GOPATH=/usr/local/go

How to overwrite the previous print to stdout in python?

Simple Version

One way is to use the carriage return ('\r') character to return to the start of the line without advancing to the next line.

Python 3

for x in range(10):
    print(x, end='\r')

Python 2.7 forward compatible

from __future__ import print_function
for x in range(10):
    print(x, end='\r')

Python 2.7

for x in range(10):
    print '{}\r'.format(x),

Python 2.0-2.6

for x in range(10):
    print '{0}\r'.format(x),

In the latter two (Python 2-only) cases, the comma at the end of the print statement tells it not to go to the next line. The last print statement advances to the next line so your prompt won't overwrite your final output.

Line Cleaning

If you can’t guarantee that the new line of text is not shorter than the existing line, then you just need to add a “clear to end of line” escape sequence, '\x1b[1K' ('\x1b' = ESC):

for x in range(75):
    print(‘*’ * (75 - x), x, end='\x1b[1K\r')

Getting HTTP headers with Node.js

This sample code should work:

var http = require('http');
var options = {method: 'HEAD', host: '', port: 80, path: '/'};
var req = http.request(options, function(res) {

How do I find the last column with data?

Lots of ways to do this. The most reliable is find.

Dim rLastCell As Range

Set rLastCell = ws.Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=ws.Cells(1, 1), LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:= _
xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, MatchCase:=False)

MsgBox ("The last used column is: " & rLastCell.Column)

If you want to find the last column used in a particular row you can use:

Dim lColumn As Long

lColumn = ws.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column

Using used range (less reliable):

Dim lColumn As Long

lColumn = ws.UsedRange.Columns.Count

Using used range wont work if you have no data in column A. See here for another issue with used range:

See Here regarding resetting used range.

Getting Error - ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected

You can solve the problem by checking if your date matches a REGEX pattern. If not, then NULL (or something else you prefer).

In my particular case it was necessary because I have >20 DATE columns saved as CHAR, so I don't know from which column the error is coming from.

Returning to your query:

1. Declare a REGEX pattern.
It is usually a very long string which will certainly pollute your code (you may want to reuse it as well).

define REGEX_DATE = "'your regex pattern goes here'"

Don't forget a single quote inside a double quote around your Regex :-)

A comprehensive thread about Regex date validation you'll find here.

2. Use it as the first CASE condition:

To use Regex validation in the SELECT statement, you cannot use REGEXP_LIKE (it's only valid in WHERE. It took me a long time to understand why my code was not working. So it's certainly worth a note.

Instead, use REGEXP_INSTR
For entries not found in the pattern (your case) use REGEXP_INSTR (variable, pattern) = 0 .

    DEFINE REGEX_DATE = "'your regex pattern goes here'"

    SELECT   c.contract_num,
            WHEN REGEXP_INSTR(c.event_dt, &REGEX_DATE) = 0 THEN NULL
            WHEN   (  MAX (TO_CHAR (TO_DATE (c.event_dt, 'YYYY-MM-DD'), 'MMDD'))
                    - MIN (TO_CHAR (TO_DATE (c.event_dt, 'YYYY-MM-DD'), 'MMDD')))
                 / COUNT (c.event_occurrence) < 32
            WHEN       (  MAX (
                            TO_CHAR (TO_DATE (c.event_dt, 'YYYY-MM-DD'), 'MMDD'))
                        - MIN (
                            TO_CHAR (TO_DATE (c.event_dt, 'YYYY-MM-DD'), 'MMDD')))
                     / COUNT (c.event_occurrence) >= 32
                 AND   (  MAX (
                            TO_CHAR (TO_DATE (c.event_dt, 'YYYY-MM-DD'), 'MMDD'))
                        - MIN (
                            TO_CHAR (TO_DATE (c.event_dt, 'YYYY-MM-DD'), 'MMDD')))
                     / COUNT (c.event_occurrence) < 91
FROM     ps_ca_bp_events c
GROUP BY c.contract_num;

plot different color for different categorical levels using matplotlib

Here's a succinct and generic solution to use a seaborn color palette.

First find a color palette you like and optionally visualize it:

sns.palplot(sns.color_palette("Set2", 8))

Then you can use it with matplotlib doing this:

# Unique category labels: 'D', 'F', 'G', ...
color_labels = df['color'].unique()

# List of RGB triplets
rgb_values = sns.color_palette("Set2", 8)

# Map label to RGB
color_map = dict(zip(color_labels, rgb_values))

# Finally use the mapped values
plt.scatter(df['carat'], df['price'], c=df['color'].map(color_map))

Quick-and-dirty way to ensure only one instance of a shell script is running at a time

All approaches that test the existence of "lock files" are flawed.

Why? Because there is no way to check whether a file exists and create it in a single atomic action. Because of this; there is a race condition that WILL make your attempts at mutual exclusion break.

Instead, you need to use mkdir. mkdir creates a directory if it doesn't exist yet, and if it does, it sets an exit code. More importantly, it does all this in a single atomic action making it perfect for this scenario.

if ! mkdir /tmp/myscript.lock 2>/dev/null; then
    echo "Myscript is already running." >&2
    exit 1

For all details, see the excellent BashFAQ:

If you want to take care of stale locks, fuser(1) comes in handy. The only downside here is that the operation takes about a second, so it isn't instant.

Here's a function I wrote once that solves the problem using fuser:

#       mutex file
# Open a mutual exclusion lock on the file, unless another process already owns one.
# If the file is already locked by another process, the operation fails.
# This function defines a lock on a file as having a file descriptor open to the file.
# This function uses FD 9 to open a lock on the file.  To release the lock, close FD 9:
# exec 9>&-
mutex() {
    local file=$1 pid pids 

    exec 9>>"$file"
    { pids=$(fuser -f "$file"); } 2>&- 9>&- 
    for pid in $pids; do
        [[ $pid = $$ ]] && continue

        exec 9>&- 
        return 1 # Locked by a pid.

You can use it in a script like so:

mutex /var/run/myscript.lock || { echo "Already running." >&2; exit 1; }

If you don't care about portability (these solutions should work on pretty much any UNIX box), Linux' fuser(1) offers some additional options and there is also flock(1).

Connecting to Microsoft SQL server using Python

Try using pytds, it works throughout more complexity environment than pyodbc and more easier to setup.

I made it work on Ubuntu 18.04


Example code in documentation:

import pytds
with pytds.connect('server', 'database', 'user', 'password') as conn:
    with conn.cursor() as cur:
        cur.execute("select 1")

Using COALESCE to handle NULL values in PostgreSQL

You can use COALESCE in conjunction with NULLIF for a short, efficient solution:

COALESCE( NULLIF(yourField,'') , '0' )

The NULLIF function will return null if yourField is equal to the second value ('' in the example), making the COALESCE function fully working on all cases:

                 QUERY                     |                RESULT 
SELECT COALESCE(NULLIF(null  ,''),'0')     |                 '0'
SELECT COALESCE(NULLIF(''    ,''),'0')     |                 '0'
SELECT COALESCE(NULLIF('foo' ,''),'0')     |                 'foo'

fatal: could not read Username for '': No such file or directory

Note that if you are getting this error instead:

fatal: could not read Username for '': No error

Then you need to update your Git to version 2.16 or later.

How can I get the actual video URL of a YouTube live stream?

You need to get the HLS m3u8 playlist files from the video's manifest. There are ways to do this by hand, but for simplicity I'll be using the youtube-dl tool to get this information. I'll be using this live stream as an example:

First, get the formats of the video:

?  ~ youtube-dl --list-formats\?v\=_Gtc-GtLlTk
[youtube] _Gtc-GtLlTk: Downloading webpage
[youtube] _Gtc-GtLlTk: Downloading video info webpage
[youtube] Downloading multifeed video (_Gtc-GtLlTk, aflWCT1tYL0) - add --no-playlist to just download video _Gtc-GtLlTk
[download] Downloading playlist: Southwest Florida Eagle Cam
[youtube] playlist Southwest Florida Eagle Cam: Collected 2 video ids (downloading 2 of them)
[download] Downloading video 1 of 2
[youtube] _Gtc-GtLlTk: Downloading webpage
[youtube] _Gtc-GtLlTk: Downloading video info webpage
[youtube] _Gtc-GtLlTk: Extracting video information
[youtube] _Gtc-GtLlTk: Downloading formats manifest
[youtube] _Gtc-GtLlTk: Downloading DASH manifest
[info] Available formats for _Gtc-GtLlTk:
format code  extension  resolution note
140          m4a        audio only DASH audio  144k , m4a_dash container, mp4a.40.2@128k (48000Hz)
160          mp4        256x144    DASH video  124k , avc1.42c00b, 30fps, video only
133          mp4        426x240    DASH video  258k , avc1.4d4015, 30fps, video only
134          mp4        640x360    DASH video  646k , avc1.4d401e, 30fps, video only
135          mp4        854x480    DASH video 1171k , avc1.4d401f, 30fps, video only
136          mp4        1280x720   DASH video 2326k , avc1.4d401f, 30fps, video only
137          mp4        1920x1080  DASH video 4347k , avc1.640028, 30fps, video only
151          mp4        72p        HLS , h264, aac  @ 24k
132          mp4        240p       HLS , h264, aac  @ 48k
92           mp4        240p       HLS , h264, aac  @ 48k
93           mp4        360p       HLS , h264, aac  @128k
94           mp4        480p       HLS , h264, aac  @128k
95           mp4        720p       HLS , h264, aac  @256k
96           mp4        1080p      HLS , h264, aac  @256k (best)
[download] Downloading video 2 of 2
[youtube] aflWCT1tYL0: Downloading webpage
[youtube] aflWCT1tYL0: Downloading video info webpage
[youtube] aflWCT1tYL0: Extracting video information
[youtube] aflWCT1tYL0: Downloading formats manifest
[youtube] aflWCT1tYL0: Downloading DASH manifest
[info] Available formats for aflWCT1tYL0:
format code  extension  resolution note
140          m4a        audio only DASH audio  144k , m4a_dash container, mp4a.40.2@128k (48000Hz)
160          mp4        256x144    DASH video  124k , avc1.42c00b, 30fps, video only
133          mp4        426x240    DASH video  258k , avc1.4d4015, 30fps, video only
134          mp4        640x360    DASH video  646k , avc1.4d401e, 30fps, video only
135          mp4        854x480    DASH video 1171k , avc1.4d401f, 30fps, video only
136          mp4        1280x720   DASH video 2326k , avc1.4d401f, 30fps, video only
151          mp4        72p        HLS , h264, aac  @ 24k
132          mp4        240p       HLS , h264, aac  @ 48k
92           mp4        240p       HLS , h264, aac  @ 48k
93           mp4        360p       HLS , h264, aac  @128k
94           mp4        480p       HLS , h264, aac  @128k
95           mp4        720p       HLS , h264, aac  @256k (best)
[download] Finished downloading playlist: Southwest Florida Eagle Cam

In this case, there are two videos because the live stream contains two cameras. From here, we need to get the HLS URL for a specific stream. Use -f to pass in the format you would like to watch, and -g to get that stream's URL:

?  ~ youtube-dl -f 95 -g\?v\=_Gtc-GtLlTk,9410706,9416126,9418581,9420452,9422596,9422780,9423059,9423661,9423662,9425349,9425959,9426661,9426720,9427325,9428422,9429306/upn/xmL7zNht848/mt/1456412649/ip/,ipbits,expire,id,itag,source,requiressl,ratebypass,live,cmbypass,gir,dg_shard,hls_chunk_host,playlist_type,gcr,pmbypass,mm,mn,ms,mv,pl/signature/7E48A727654105FF82E158154FCBA7569D52521B.1FA117183C664F00B7508DDB81274644F520C27F/key/dg_yt0/playlist/index.m3u8,9410706,9416126,9418581,9420452,9422596,9422780,9423059,9423661,9423662,9425349,9425959,9426661,9426720,9427325,9428422,9429306/mt/1456412649/ip/,ipbits,expire,id,itag,source,requiressl,ratebypass,live,cmbypass,gir,dg_shard,hls_chunk_host,pmbypass,playlist_type,gcr,mm,mn,ms,mv,pl/signature/4E83CD2DB23C2331CE349CE9AFE806C8293A01ED.880FD2E253FAC8FA56FAA304C78BD1D62F9D22B4/key/dg_yt0/playlist/index.m3u8

These are your HLS m3u8 playlists, one for each camera associated with the live stream.

Without youtube-dl, your flow might look like this:

Take your video id and make a GET request to the get_video_info endpoint:


In the response, the hlsvp value will be the link to the m3u8 HLS playlist:

Flexbox and Internet Explorer 11 (display:flex in <html>?)

Sometimes it's as simple as adding: '-ms-' in front of the style Like -ms-flex-flow: row wrap; to get it to work also.

Random number in range [min - max] using PHP

In a new PHP7 there is a finally a support for a cryptographically secure pseudo-random integers.

int random_int ( int $min , int $max )

random_int — Generates cryptographically secure pseudo-random integers

which basically makes previous answers obsolete.

How to make a flat list out of list of lists?

Here is a function using recursion which will work on any arbitrary nested list.

def flatten(nested_lst):
    """ Return a list after transforming the inner lists
        so that it's a 1-D list.

    >>> flatten([[[],["a"],"a"],[["ab"],[],"abc"]])
    ['a', 'a', 'ab', 'abc']
    if not isinstance(nested_lst, list):

    res = []
    for l in nested_lst:
        if not isinstance(l, list):
            res += [l]
            res += flatten(l)


>>> flatten([[[],["a"],"a"],[["ab"],[],"abc"]])
['a', 'a', 'ab', 'abc']

Storing integer values as constants in Enum manner in java

if you want to be able to convert integer back to corresponding enum with selected value see Constants.forValue(...) in below auto generated code but if not the answer of BlairHippo is best way to do it.

public enum Constants

    public static final int SIZE = java.lang.Integer.SIZE;

    private int intValue;
    private static java.util.HashMap<Integer, Constants> mappings;
    private static java.util.HashMap<Integer, Constants> getMappings()
        if (mappings == null)
            synchronized (Constants.class)
                if (mappings == null)
                    mappings = new java.util.HashMap<Integer, Constants>();
        return mappings;

    private Constants(int value)
        intValue = value;
        getMappings().put(value, this);

    public int getValue()
        return intValue;

    public static Constants forValue(int value)
        return getMappings().get(value);

How to add comments into a Xaml file in WPF?

You cannot put comments inside UWP XAML tags. Your syntax is right.


<!-- Cool comment -->


    <!-- Cool comment -->

Given the lat/long coordinates, how can we find out the city/country?

An Open Source alternative is Nominatim from Open Street Map. All you have to do is set the variables in an URL and it returns the city/country of that location. Please check the following link for official documentation: Nominatim

How do you uninstall a python package that was installed using distutils?

If this is for testing and/or development purposes, setuptools has a develop command that updates every time you make a change (so you don't have to uninstall and reinstall every time you make a change). And you can uninstall the package using this command as well.

If you do use this, anything that you declare as a script will be left behind as a lingering file.

What is the difference between DAO and Repository patterns?

Frankly, this looks like a semantic distinction, not a technical distinction. The phrase Data Access Object doesn't refer to a "database" at all. And, although you could design it to be database-centric, I think most people would consider doing so a design flaw.

The purpose of the DAO is to hide the implementation details of the data access mechanism. How is the Repository pattern different? As far as I can tell, it isn't. Saying a Repository is different to a DAO because you're dealing with/return a collection of objects can't be right; DAOs can also return collections of objects.

Everything I've read about the repository pattern seems rely on this distinction: bad DAO design vs good DAO design (aka repository design pattern).

Insert and set value with max()+1 problems

You can use the INSERT ... SELECT statement to get the MAX()+1 value and insert at the same time:

customers( customer_id, firstname, surname )
SELECT MAX( customer_id ) + 1, 'jim', 'sock' FROM customers;

Note: You need to drop the VALUES from your INSERT and make sure the SELECT selected fields match the INSERT declared fields.

find: missing argument to -exec

You need to do some escaping I think.

find /home/me/download/ -type f -name "*.rm" -exec ffmpeg -i {} \-sameq {}.mp3 \&\& rm {}\;

Failed to add a service. Service metadata may not be accessible. Make sure your service is running and exposing metadata.`

Change to older Visual Studio. Weird solution that worked for me. I was using Visual studio 2017, after changing to Visual Studio 2015 ,everything worked.

type object 'datetime.datetime' has no attribute 'datetime'

For python 3.3

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
futuredate = + timedelta(days=10)

Automatic vertical scroll bar in WPF TextBlock?

<ScrollViewer MaxHeight="50"  
     <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=}" 
                Style="{StaticResource TextStyle_Data}" 
                TextWrapping="Wrap" />

I am doing this in another way by putting MaxHeight in ScrollViewer.

Just Adjust the MaxHeight to show more or fewer lines of text. Easy.

How to determine if one array contains all elements of another array

a = [5, 1, 6, 14, 2, 8]
b = [2, 6, 15]

a - b
# => [5, 1, 14, 8]

b - a
# => [15]

(b - a).empty?
# => false

PHP: How to remove all non printable characters in a string?

You could use a regular express to remove everything apart from those characters you wish to keep:

$string=preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9 _\-\+\&]/','',$string);

Replaces everything that is not (^) the letters A-Z or a-z, the numbers 0-9, space, underscore, hypen, plus and ampersand - with nothing (i.e. remove it).

How to plot a 2D FFT in Matlab?

Here is an example from my HOW TO Matlab page:

close all; clear all;

img   = imread('lena.tif','tif');
img   = fftshift(img(:,:,2));
F     = fft2(img);


imagesc(100*log(1+abs(fftshift(F)))); colormap(gray); 
title('magnitude spectrum');

imagesc(angle(F));  colormap(gray);
title('phase spectrum');

This gives the magnitude spectrum and phase spectrum of the image. I used a color image, but you can easily adjust it to use gray image as well.

ps. I just noticed that on Matlab 2012a the above image is no longer included. So, just replace the first line above with say

img = imread('ngc6543a.jpg');

and it will work. I used an older version of Matlab to make the above example and just copied it here.

On the scaling factor

When we plot the 2D Fourier transform magnitude, we need to scale the pixel values using log transform to expand the range of the dark pixels into the bright region so we can better see the transform. We use a c value in the equation

s = c log(1+r) 

There is no known way to pre detrmine this scale that I know. Just need to try different values to get on you like. I used 100 in the above example.

enter image description here

JavaScript for handling Tab Key press

try this

   <div class="linkCollection">
             <a tabindex=1 href="">link</a>    
             <a tabindex=2 href="">link</a>    
             <a tabindex=3 href="">link</a>    
             <a tabindex=4 href="">link</a>    
             <a tabindex=5 href="">link</a>    
             <a tabindex=6 href="">link</a>    
             <a tabindex=7 href="">link</a>    
             <a tabindex=8 href="">link</a>    
             <a tabindex=9 href="">link</a>    
             <a tabindex=10 href="">link</a>   


  $(".linkCollection a").focus(function(){
    var href=$(this).attr('href');
    // href variable holds the active selected link.

don't forgot to add jQuery library

<script src=""></script>

No WebApplicationContext found: no ContextLoaderListener registered?

You'll have to have a ContextLoaderListener in your web.xml - It loads your configuration files.


You need to understand the difference between Web application context and root application context .

In the web MVC framework, each DispatcherServlet has its own WebApplicationContext, which inherits all the beans already defined in the root WebApplicationContext. These inherited beans defined can be overridden in the servlet-specific scope, and new scope-specific beans can be defined local to a given servlet instance.

The dispatcher servlet's application context is a web application context which is only applicable for the Web classes . You cannot use these for your middle tier layers . These need a global app context using ContextLoaderListener .

Read the spring reference here for spring mvc .

$lookup on ObjectId's in an array

Aggregating with $lookup and subsequent $group is pretty cumbersome, so if (and that's a medium if) you're using node & Mongoose or a supporting library with some hints in the schema, you could use a .populate() to fetch those documents:

var mongoose = require("mongoose"),
    Schema = mongoose.Schema;

var productSchema = Schema({ ... });

var orderSchema = Schema({
  _id     : Number,
  products: [ { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "Product" } ]

var Product = mongoose.model("Product", productSchema);
var Order   = mongoose.model("Order", orderSchema);



Visibility of global variables in imported modules

Since I haven't seen it in the answers above, I thought I would add my simple workaround, which is just to add a global_dict argument to the function requiring the calling module's globals, and then pass the dict into the function when calling; e.g:

# external_module
def imported_function(global_dict=None):

# calling_module
a = 12
from external_module import imported_function

>>> 12