Programs & Examples On #Kerning

The inter-glyph distance of two characters rendered with a font

How to part DATE and TIME from DATETIME in MySQL

You can achieve that using DATE_FORMAT() (click the link for more other formats)

       DATE_FORMAT(colName,'%H:%i:%s') TIMEONLY

SQLFiddle Demo

TOMCAT - HTTP Status 404

To get your program to run, please put jsp files under web-content and not under WEB-INF because in Eclipse the files are not accessed there by the server, so try starting the server and browsing to URL:


then your problem will be solved.

Installing the Android USB Driver in Windows 7

Just download and install "Samsung Kies" from this link. and everything would work as required.

Before installing, uninstall the drivers you have installed for your device.


Two possible solutions:

  1. Try with the Google USB driver which comes with the SDK.
  2. Download and install the Samsung USB driver from this link as suggested by Mauricio Gracia Gutierrez

Angularjs -> ng-click and ng-show to show a div

Very simple just do this:

<button ng-click="hideShow=(hideShow ? false : true)">Toggle</button>

<div ng-if="hideShow">hide and show content ...</div>

Illegal pattern character 'T' when parsing a date string to java.util.Date

Update for Java 8 and higher

You can now simply do Instant.parse("2015-04-28T14:23:38.521Z") and get the correct thing now, especially since you should be using Instant instead of the broken java.util.Date with the most recent versions of Java.

You should be using DateTimeFormatter instead of SimpleDateFormatter as well.

Original Answer:

The explanation below is still valid as as what the format represents. But it was written before Java 8 was ubiquitous so it uses the old classes that you should not be using if you are using Java 8 or higher.

This works with the input with the trailing Z as demonstrated:

In the pattern the T is escaped with ' on either side.

The pattern for the Z at the end is actually XXX as documented in the JavaDoc for SimpleDateFormat, it is just not very clear on actually how to use it since Z is the marker for the old TimeZone information as well.

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.TimeZone;

public class Q2597083
     * All Dates are normalized to UTC, it is up the client code to convert to the appropriate TimeZone.
    public static final TimeZone UTC;

     * @see <a href="">Combined Date and Time Representations</a>
    public static final String ISO_8601_24H_FULL_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX";

     * 0001-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
    public static final Date BEGINNING_OF_TIME;

     * 292278994-08-17T07:12:55.807Z
    public static final Date END_OF_TIME;

        UTC = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC");
        final Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar(UTC);
        c.set(1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0);
        c.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
        BEGINNING_OF_TIME = c.getTime();
        c.setTime(new Date(Long.MAX_VALUE));
        END_OF_TIME = c.getTime();

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception

        final SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(ISO_8601_24H_FULL_FORMAT);
        System.out.println("sdf.format(BEGINNING_OF_TIME) = " + sdf.format(BEGINNING_OF_TIME));
        System.out.println("sdf.format(END_OF_TIME) = " + sdf.format(END_OF_TIME));
        System.out.println("sdf.format(new Date()) = " + sdf.format(new Date()));
        System.out.println("sdf.parse(\"2015-04-28T14:23:38.521Z\") = " + sdf.parse("2015-04-28T14:23:38.521Z"));
        System.out.println("sdf.parse(\"0001-01-01T00:00:00.000Z\") = " + sdf.parse("0001-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"));
        System.out.println("sdf.parse(\"292278994-08-17T07:12:55.807Z\") = " + sdf.parse("292278994-08-17T07:12:55.807Z"));

Produces the following output:

sdf.format(BEGINNING_OF_TIME) = 0001-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
sdf.format(END_OF_TIME) = 292278994-08-17T07:12:55.807Z
sdf.format(new Date()) = 2015-04-28T14:38:25.956Z
sdf.parse("2015-04-28T14:23:38.521Z") = Tue Apr 28 14:23:38 UTC 2015
sdf.parse("0001-01-01T00:00:00.000Z") = Sat Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 1
sdf.parse("292278994-08-17T07:12:55.807Z") = Sun Aug 17 07:12:55 UTC 292278994

Git Cherry-pick vs Merge Workflow

Rebase and Cherry-pick is the only way you can keep clean commit history. Avoid using merge and avoid creating merge conflict. If you are using gerrit set one project to Merge if necessary and one project to cherry-pick mode and try yourself.

Closing database connections in Java

Yes, you need to close Connection. Otherwise, the database client will typically keep the socket connection and other resources open.

Accessing UI (Main) Thread safely in WPF

The best way to go about it would be to get a SynchronizationContext from the UI thread and use it. This class abstracts marshalling calls to other threads, and makes testing easier (in contrast to using WPF's Dispatcher directly). For example:

class MyViewModel
    private readonly SynchronizationContext _syncContext;

    public MyViewModel()
        // we assume this ctor is called from the UI thread!
        _syncContext = SynchronizationContext.Current;

    // ...

    private void watcher_Changed(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e)
         _syncContext.Post(o => DGAddRow(crp.Protocol, ft), null);

docker : invalid reference format

For others come to here:
If you happen to put your docker command in a file, say, check your line separator. In Linux, it should be LR, otherwise you would get the same error.

How do you check if a selector matches something in jQuery?

Yet another way:

  // do stuff

Get the selected option id with jQuery

You can get it using the :selected selector, like this:

$("#my_select").change(function() {
  var id = $(this).children(":selected").attr("id");

Where is debug.keystore in Android Studio

In Android Studio you can find all your app signing information without any console command:

  1. Open your project

  2. Click on Gradle from right side panel

  3. In Gradle projects panel open folders: Your Project -> Tasks-> Android

  4. Run signingReport task (double click) and you will see the result in Gradle console (keystore paths,SHA1,MD5 and so on).

signingReport task and its result

What is a View in Oracle?

A View in Oracle and in other database systems is simply the representation of a SQL statement that is stored in memory so that it can easily be re-used. For example, if we frequently issue the following query

SELECT customerid, customername FROM customers WHERE countryid='US';

To create a view use the CREATE VIEW command as seen in this example

CREATE VIEW view_uscustomers
SELECT customerid, customername FROM customers WHERE countryid='US';

This command creates a new view called view_uscustomers. Note that this command does not result in anything being actually stored in the database at all except for a data dictionary entry that defines this view. This means that every time you query this view, Oracle has to go out and execute the view and query the database data. We can query the view like this:

SELECT * FROM view_uscustomers WHERE customerid BETWEEN 100 AND 200;

And Oracle will transform the query into this:

FROM (select customerid, customername from customers WHERE countryid='US') 
WHERE customerid BETWEEN 100 AND 200

Benefits of using Views

  • Commonality of code being used. Since a view is based on one common set of SQL, this means that when it is called it’s less likely to require parsing.
  • Security. Views have long been used to hide the tables that actually contain the data you are querying. Also, views can be used to restrict the columns that a given user has access to.
  • Predicate pushing

You can find advanced topics in this article about "How to Create and Manage Views in Oracle."

Find text in string with C#

First find the index of text and then substring

        var ind = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory().ToString().IndexOf("TEXT To find");

        string productFolder = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory().ToString().Substring(0, ind);

Django template how to look up a dictionary value with a variable

Fetch both the key and the value from the dictionary in the loop:

{% for key, value in mydict.items %}
    {{ value }}
{% endfor %}

I find this easier to read and it avoids the need for special coding. I usually need the key and the value inside the loop anyway.

Opposite of %in%: exclude rows with values specified in a vector

purrr::compose() is another quick way to define this for later use, as in:

`%!in%` <- compose(`!`, `%in%`)

Difference between timestamps with/without time zone in PostgreSQL

Timestamptz vs Timestamp

The timestamptz field in Postgres is basically just the timestamp field where Postgres actually just stores the “normalised” UTC time, even if the timestamp given in the input string has a timezone.

If your input string is: 2018-08-28T12:30:00+05:30 , when this timestamp is stored in the database, it will be stored as 2018-08-28T07:00:00.

The advantage of this over the simple timestamp field is that your input to the database will be timezone independent, and will not be inaccurate when apps from different timezones insert timestamps, or when you move your database server location to a different timezone.

To quote from the docs:

For timestamp with time zone, the internally stored value is always in UTC (Universal Coordinated Time, traditionally known as Greenwich Mean Time, GMT). An input value that has an explicit time zone specified is converted to UTC using the appropriate offset for that time zone. If no time zone is stated in the input string, then it is assumed to be in the time zone indicated by the system’s TimeZone parameter, and is converted to UTC using the offset for the timezone zone. To give a simple analogy, a timestamptz value represents an instant in time, the same instant for anyone viewing it. But a timestamp value just represents a particular orientation of a clock, which will represent different instances of time based on your timezone.

For pretty much any use case, timestamptz is almost always a better choice. This choice is made easier with the fact that both timestamptz and timestamp take up the same 8 bytes of data.


String to decimal conversion: dot separation instead of comma

    usCulture = new CultureInfo("vi-VN");
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = usCulture;
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = usCulture;
usCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;
dbNumberFormat = usCulture.NumberFormat;
number = decimal.Parse("1.332,23", dbNumberFormat); //123.456.789,00

usCulture = new CultureInfo("en-GB");
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = usCulture;
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = usCulture;
usCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;
dbNumberFormat = usCulture.NumberFormat;
number = decimal.Parse("1,332.23", dbNumberFormat); //123.456.789,00

var usCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;
var dbNumberFormat = usCulture.NumberFormat;
decimal number;
decimal.TryParse("1,332.23", dbNumberFormat, out number); //123.456.789,00

How can I exclude multiple folders using Get-ChildItem -exclude?

VertigoRay, in his answer, explained that -Exclude works only at the leaf level of a path (for a file the filename with path stripped out; for a sub-directory the directory name with path stripped out). So it looks like -Exclude cannot be used to specify a directory (eg "bin") and exclude all the files and sub-directories within that directory.

Here's a function to exclude files and sub-directories of one or more directories (I know this is not directly answering the question but I thought it might be useful in getting around the limitations of -Exclude):

$rootFolderPath = 'C:\Temp\Test'
$excludeDirectories = ("bin", "obj");

function Exclude-Directories
        $allowThrough = $true
        foreach ($directoryToExclude in $excludeDirectories)
            $directoryText = "*\" + $directoryToExclude
            $childText = "*\" + $directoryToExclude + "\*"
            if (($_.FullName -Like $directoryText -And $_.PsIsContainer) `
                -Or $_.FullName -Like $childText)
                $allowThrough = $false
        if ($allowThrough)
            return $_


Get-ChildItem $rootFolderPath -Recurse `
    | Exclude-Directories

For a directory tree:

|  |
|  +?bin (file without extension)

The result is:

|  |
|  +?bin (file without extension)

It excludes the bin\ sub-folder and all its contents but does not exclude files Bin.txt or bin (file named "bin" without an extension).

Default SecurityProtocol in .NET 4.5

I got the problem when my customer upgraded TLS from 1.0 to 1.2. My application is using .net framework 3.5 and run on server. So i fixed it by this way:

  1. Fix the program

Before call HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() add this command:

ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls | SecurityProtocolTypeExtensions.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolTypeExtensions.Tls12;

Extensions 2 DLLs by adding 2 new classes: System.Net and System.Security.Authentication

    namespace System.Net
        using System.Security.Authentication;
        public static class SecurityProtocolTypeExtensions
            public const SecurityProtocolType Tls12 = (SecurityProtocolType)SslProtocolsExtensions.Tls12;
            public const SecurityProtocolType Tls11 = (SecurityProtocolType)SslProtocolsExtensions.Tls11;
            public const SecurityProtocolType SystemDefault = (SecurityProtocolType)0;

    namespace System.Security.Authentication
        public static class SslProtocolsExtensions
            public const SslProtocols Tls12 = (SslProtocols)0x00000C00;
            public const SslProtocols Tls11 = (SslProtocols)0x00000300;
  1. Update Microsoft batch

Download batch:

  • For windows 2008 R2: windows6.1-kb3154518-x64.msu
  • For windows 2012 R2: windows8.1-kb3154520-x64.msu

For download batch and more details you can see here:

Make XAMPP / Apache serve file outside of htdocs folder

Ok, per pix0r's, Sparks' and Dave's answers it looks like there are three ways to do this:

Virtual Hosts

  1. Open C:\xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf.
  2. Un-comment ~line 19 (NameVirtualHost *:80).
  3. Add your virtual host (~line 36):

    <VirtualHost *:80>
        DocumentRoot C:\Projects\transitCalculator\trunk
        ServerName transitcalculator.localhost
        <Directory C:\Projects\transitCalculator\trunk>
            Order allow,deny
            Allow from all
  4. Open your hosts file (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts).

  5. Add transitcalculator.localhost #transitCalculator

    to the end of the file (before the Spybot - Search & Destroy stuff if you have that installed).

  6. Save (You might have to save it to the desktop, change the permissions on the old hosts file (right click > properties), and copy the new one into the directory over the old one (or rename the old one) if you are using Vista and have trouble).
  7. Restart Apache.

Now you can access that directory by browsing to http://transitcalculator.localhost/.

Make an Alias

  1. Starting ~line 200 of your http.conf file, copy everything between <Directory "C:/xampp/htdocs"> and </Directory> (~line 232) and paste it immediately below with C:/xampp/htdocs replaced with your desired directory (in this case C:/Projects) to give your server the correct permissions for the new directory.

  2. Find the <IfModule alias_module></IfModule> section (~line 300) and add

    Alias /transitCalculator "C:/Projects/transitCalculator/trunk"

    (or whatever is relevant to your desires) below the Alias comment block, inside the module tags.

Change your document root

  1. Edit ~line 176 in C:\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf; change DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs" to #DocumentRoot "C:/Projects" (or whatever you want).

  2. Edit ~line 203 to match your new location (in this case C:/Projects).


  • You have to use forward slashes "/" instead of back slashes "\".
  • Don't include the trailing "/" at the end.
  • restart your server.

Regular expression to stop at first match

Because you are using quantified subpattern and as descried in Perl Doc,

By default, a quantified subpattern is "greedy", that is, it will match as many times as possible (given a particular starting location) while still allowing the rest of the pattern to match. If you want it to match the minimum number of times possible, follow the quantifier with a "?" . Note that the meanings don't change, just the "greediness":

*?        //Match 0 or more times, not greedily (minimum matches)
+?        //Match 1 or more times, not greedily

Thus, to allow your quantified pattern to make minimum match, follow it by ? :


Where does PHP store the error log? (php5, apache, fastcgi, cpanel)

You are on share environment and cannot find error log, always check if cPanel has option Errors on your cPanel dashboard. If you are not being able to find error log, then you can find it there .

On cPanel search bar, search Error, it will show Error Pages which are basically lists of different http error pages and other Error is where the error logs are displayed.

Other places to look on shared environment: /home/yourusername/logs /home/yourusername/public_html/error_log

Can I underline text in an Android layout?

try this code

in XML

 <string name="my_text"><![CDATA[This is an <u>underline</u>]]></string> 

in Code

TextView textView = (TextView) view.findViewById(;

Good Luck!

How to get the data-id attribute?

Accessing data attribute with its own id is bit easy for me.


function myFunction(){_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<button type="button" id="button1" data-sample-id="gotcha!" onclick="myFunction()"> Clickhere </button>

load external css file in body tag

No, it is not okay to put a link element in the body tag. See the specification (links to the HTML4.01 specs, but I believe it is true for all versions of HTML):

“This element defines a link. Unlike A, it may only appear in the HEAD section of a document, although it may appear any number of times.”

What is the ellipsis (...) for in this method signature?

Those are Java varargs. They let you pass any number of objects of a specific type (in this case they are of type JID).

In your example, the following function calls would be valid:

MessageBuilder msgBuilder; //There should probably be a call to a constructor here ;)
MessageBuilder msgBuilder2;
msgBuilder.withRecipientJids(jid1, jid2);
msgBuilder2.withRecipientJids(jid1, jid2, jid78_a, someOtherJid);

See more here:

SVN remains in conflict?

For me only revert --depth infinity option fixed Svn's directory remains in confict problem:

svn revert --depth infinity "<directory name>"
svn update "<directory name>"

How to check compiler log in sql developer?

To see your log in SQL Developer then press:

CTRL+SHIFT + L (or CTRL + CMD + L on macOS)


View -> Log

or by using mysql query

show errors;

Force IE10 to run in IE10 Compatibility View?

I had the same problem. The problem is a bug in MSIE 10, so telling people to fix their issues isn't helpful. Neither is telling visitors to your site to add your site to compatibility view, bleh. In my case, the problem was that the following code displayed no text:

document.write ('<P>'); 
document.write ('Blah, blah, blah... ');
document.write ('</P>');

After much trial and error, I determined that removing the <P> and </P> tags caused the text to appear properly on the page (thus, the problem IS with document mode rather than browser mode, at least in my case). Removing the <P> tags when userAgent is MSIE is not a "fix" I want to put into my pages.

The solution, as others have said, is:

<!DOCTYPE HTML whatever doctype you're using....> 
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE8">

Yes, the meta tag has to be the FIRST tag after HEAD.

What's the easy way to auto create non existing dir in ansible

you can create the folder using the following depending on your ansible version.

Latest version 2<

- name: Create Folder
   path: "{{project_root}}/conf"
   recurse: yes
   state: directory

Older version:

- name: Create Folder
      recurse: yes

Refer -

How to check if a user likes my Facebook Page or URL using Facebook's API

I tore my hair out over this one too. Your code only works if the user has granted an extended permission for that which is not ideal.

Here's another approach.

In a nutshell, if you turn on the OAuth 2.0 for Canvas advanced option, Facebook will send a $_REQUEST['signed_request'] along with every page requested within your tab app. If you parse that signed_request you can get some info about the user including if they've liked the page or not.

function parsePageSignedRequest() {
    if (isset($_REQUEST['signed_request'])) {
      $encoded_sig = null;
      $payload = null;
      list($encoded_sig, $payload) = explode('.', $_REQUEST['signed_request'], 2);
      $sig = base64_decode(strtr($encoded_sig, '-_', '+/'));
      $data = json_decode(base64_decode(strtr($payload, '-_', '+/'), true));
      return $data;
    return false;
  if($signed_request = parsePageSignedRequest()) {
    if($signed_request->page->liked) {
      echo "This content is for Fans only!";
    } else {
      echo "Please click on the Like button to view this tab!";

Roblox Admin Command Script

for i=1,#target do[i].Character:BreakJoints()

Is incorrect, if "target" contains "FakeNameHereSoNoStalkers" then the run code would be:

Which is completely incorrect.

c = game.Players:GetChildren()

Never use "Players:GetChildren()", it is not guaranteed to return only players.

Instead use:

c = Game.Players:GetPlayers()

if msg:lower()=="me" then
    table.insert(people, source)
    return people

Here you add the player's name in the list "people", where you in the other places adds the player object.

Fixed code:

local Admins = {"FakeNameHereSoNoStalkers"}

function Kill(Players)
    for i,Player in ipairs(Players) do
        if Player.Character then

function IsAdmin(Player)
    for i,AdminName in ipairs(Admins) do
        if Player.Name:lower() == AdminName:lower() then return true end
    return false

function GetPlayers(Player,Msg)
    local Targets = {}
    local Players = Game.Players:GetPlayers()

    if Msg:lower() == "me" then
        Targets = { Player }
    elseif Msg:lower() == "all" then
        Targets = Players
    elseif Msg:lower() == "others" then
        for i,Plr in ipairs(Players) do
            if Plr ~= Player then
        for i,Plr in ipairs(Players) do
            if Plr.Name:lower():sub(1,Msg:len()) == Msg then
    return Targets

    if IsAdmin(Player) then
            if Msg:lower():sub(1,6) == ":kill " then

Connection failed: SQLState: '01000' SQL Server Error: 10061

To create a new Data source to SQL Server, do the following steps:

  1. In host computer/server go to Sql server management studio --> open Security Section on left hand --> right click on Login, select New Login and then create a new account for your database which you want to connect to.

  2. Check the TCP/IP Protocol is Enable. go to All programs --> Microsoft SQL server 2008 --> Configuration Tools --> open Sql server configuration manager. On the left hand select client protocols (based on your operating system 32/64 bit). On the right hand, check TCP/IP Protocol be Enabled.

  3. In Remote computer/server, open Data source administrator. Control panel --> Administrative tools --> Data sources (ODBC).

  4. In User DSN or System DSN , click Add button and select Sql Server driver and then press Finish.

  5. Enter Name.

  6. Enter Server, note that: if you want to enter host computer address, you should enter that`s IP address without "\\". eg. and press Next.

  7. Select With SQL Server authentication using a login ID and password entered by the user.

  8. At the bellow enter your login ID and password which you created on first step. and then click Next.

  9. If shown Database is your database, click Next and then Finish.

The first day of the current month in php using date_modify as DateTime object

In php 5.2 you can use:

<? $d = date_create();
print date_create($d->format('Y-m-1'))->format('Y-m-d') ?>

What do Clustered and Non clustered index actually mean?

A clustered index means you are telling the database to store close values actually close to one another on the disk. This has the benefit of rapid scan / retrieval of records falling into some range of clustered index values.

For example, you have two tables, Customer and Order:



If you wish to quickly retrieve all orders of one particular customer, you may wish to create a clustered index on the "CustomerID" column of the Order table. This way the records with the same CustomerID will be physically stored close to each other on disk (clustered) which speeds up their retrieval.

P.S. The index on CustomerID will obviously be not unique, so you either need to add a second field to "uniquify" the index or let the database handle that for you but that's another story.

Regarding multiple indexes. You can have only one clustered index per table because this defines how the data is physically arranged. If you wish an analogy, imagine a big room with many tables in it. You can either put these tables to form several rows or pull them all together to form a big conference table, but not both ways at the same time. A table can have other indexes, they will then point to the entries in the clustered index which in its turn will finally say where to find the actual data.

Java file path in Linux

Looks like you are missing a leading slash. Perhaps try:

Scanner s = new Scanner(new File("/home/me/java/ex.txt"));

(as to where it looks for files by default, it is where the JVM is run from for relative paths like the one you have in your question)

how to activate a textbox if I select an other option in drop down box

Below is the core JavaScript you need to write:

<script type="text/javascript">
function CheckColors(val){
 var element=document.getElementById('color');
 if(val=='pick a color'||val=='others')'block';

  <select name="color" onchange='CheckColors(this.value);'> 
    <option>pick a color</option>  
    <option value="red">RED</option>
    <option value="blue">BLUE</option>
    <option value="others">others</option>
<input type="text" name="color" id="color" style='display:none;'/>

QtCreator: No valid kits found

Another way to solve this issue (I did it on Ubuntu 16.04 but it might also work for windows and other Ubuntu versions):

While going through the installation steps, when you reach the step where you choose which packages to install via check boxes, instead of just pressing next with the default "Tools" checkbox selected also check the box for the version of QT you would like in addition to the "Tools" box. I usually check the first box which is the latest version of QT.

After doing this you should not see the "no valid kits found" issue described in this thread.

Happy Coding.

How to delete a stash created with git stash create?

You should be using

git stash save

and not

git stash create

because this creates a stash (which is a regular commit object) and return its object name, without storing it anywhere in the ref namespace. Hence won't be accessible with stash apply.

Use git stash save "some comment" is used when you have unstaged changes you wanna replicate/move onto another branch

Use git stash apply stash@{0} (assuming your saved stash index is 0) when you want your saved(stashed) changes to reflect on your current branch

you can always use git stash list to check all you stash indexes

and use git stash drop stash@{0} (assuming your saved stash index is 0 and you wanna delete it) to delete a particular stash.

javax.persistence.NoResultException: No entity found for query

Yes. You need to use the try/catch block, but no need to catch the Exception. As per the API it will throw NoResultException if there is no result, and its up to you how you want to handle it.

DrawUnusedBalance drawUnusedBalance = null;
drawUnusedBalance = (DrawUnusedBalance)query.getSingleResult()
catch (NoResultException nre){
//Ignore this because as per your logic this is ok!

if(drawUnusedBalance == null){
 //Do your logic..

Can regular JavaScript be mixed with jQuery?

Or no JavaScript load function at all...

    <canvas id="canvas" width="150" height="150"></canvas>
<script type="text/javascript">
    var draw = function() {
        var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
        if (canvas.getContext) {
            var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");

            ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(200,0,0)";
            ctx.fillRect (10, 10, 55, 50);

            ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 200, 0.5)";
            ctx.fillRect (30, 30, 55, 50);

    //or self executing...

        var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
        if (canvas.getContext) {
            var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");

            ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(200,0,0)";
            ctx.fillRect (50, 50, 55, 50);

            ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 200, 0.5)";
            ctx.fillRect (70, 70, 55, 50);

Pass multiple arguments into std::thread

Had the same problem. I was passing a non-const reference of custom class and the constructor complained (some tuple template errors). Replaced the reference with pointer and it worked.

SyntaxError: "can't assign to function call"

You wrote the assignment backward: to assign a value (or an expression) to a variable you must have that variable at the left side of the assignment operator ( = in python )

subsequent_amount = invest(initial_amount,top_company(5,year,year+1))

Why Does OAuth v2 Have Both Access and Refresh Tokens?

The idea of refresh tokens is that if an access token is compromised, because it is short-lived, the attacker has a limited window in which to abuse it.

Refresh tokens, if compromised, are useless because the attacker requires the client id and secret in addition to the refresh token in order to gain an access token.

Having said that, because every call to both the authorization server and the resource server is done over SSL - including the original client id and secret when they request the access/refresh tokens - I am unsure as to how the access token is any more "compromisable" than the long-lived refresh token and clientid/secret combination.

This of course is different to implementations where you don't control both the authorization and resource servers.

Here is a good thread talking about uses of refresh tokens: OAuth Archives.

A quote from the above, talking about the security purposes of the refresh token:

Refresh tokens... mitigates the risk of a long-lived access_token leaking (query param in a log file on an insecure resource server, beta or poorly coded resource server app, JS SDK client on a non https site that puts the access_token in a cookie, etc)

How can I generate Javadoc comments in Eclipse?

For me the /**<NEWLINE> or Shift-Alt-J (or ?-?-J on a Mac) approach works best.

I dislike seeing Javadoc comments in source code that have been auto-generated and have not been updated with real content. As far as I am concerned, such javadocs are nothing more than a waste of screen space.

IMO, it is much much better to generate the Javadoc comment skeletons one by one as you are about to fill in the details.

How to copy data from one table to another new table in MySQL?

You should create table2 first.

insert into table2(field1,field2,...)
select field1,field2,....
from table1
where condition;

std::string length() and size() member functions

When using coding practice tools(LeetCode) it seems that size() is quicker than length() (although basically negligible)

align divs to the bottom of their container

The way I solved this was using flexbox. By using flexbox to layout the contents of your container div, you can have flexbox automatically distribute free space to an item above the one you want to have "stick to the bottom".

For example, say this is your container div with some other block elements inside it, and that the blue box (third one down) is a paragraph and the purple box (last one) is the one you want to have "stick to the bottom".

enter image description here

By setting this layout up with flexbox, you can set flex-grow: 1; on just the paragraph (blue box) and, if it is the only thing with flex-grow: 1;, it will be allocated ALL of the remaining space, pushing the element(s) after it to the bottom of the container like this:

enter image description here

(apologies for the terrible, quick-and-dirty graphics)


You can return json in PHP this way:

header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode(array('foo' => 'bar'));

Why does modulus division (%) only work with integers?

You're looking for fmod().

I guess to more specifically answer your question, in older languages the % operator was just defined as integer modular division and in newer languages they decided to expand the definition of the operator.

EDIT: If I were to wager a guess why, I would say it's because the idea of modular arithmetic originates in number theory and deals specifically with integers.

Clear back stack using fragments

To make an answer for @Warpzit's comment and make it easier for others to find.


fragmentManager.popBackStack(null, FragmentManager.POP_BACK_STACK_INCLUSIVE);

Slide up/down effect with ng-show and ng-animate

I've written an Angular directive that does slideToggle() without jQuery.

Xcode : Adding a project as a build dependency

Just close the Project you want to add , then drag and drop the file .

How can I force a long string without any blank to be wrapped?

just setting width and adding float worked for me :-)


Code-first vs Model/Database-first

Database first approach example:

Without writing any code: ASP.NET MVC / MVC3 Database First Approach / Database first

And I think it is better than other approaches because data loss is less with this approach.

How to parse XML in Bash?

This is really just an explaination of Yuzem's answer, but I didn't feel like this much editing should be done to someone else, and comments don't allow formatting, so...

rdom () { local IFS=\> ; read -d \< E C ;}

Let's call that "read_dom" instead of "rdom", space it out a bit and use longer variables:

read_dom () {
    local IFS=\>
    read -d \< ENTITY CONTENT

Okay so it defines a function called read_dom. The first line makes IFS (the input field separator) local to this function and changes it to >. That means that when you read data instead of automatically being split on space, tab or newlines it gets split on '>'. The next line says to read input from stdin, and instead of stopping at a newline, stop when you see a '<' character (the -d for deliminator flag). What is read is then split using the IFS and assigned to the variable ENTITY and CONTENT. So take the following:


The first call to read_dom get an empty string (since the '<' is the first character). That gets split by IFS into just '', since there isn't a '>' character. Read then assigns an empty string to both variables. The second call gets the string 'tag>value'. That gets split then by the IFS into the two fields 'tag' and 'value'. Read then assigns the variables like: ENTITY=tag and CONTENT=value. The third call gets the string '/tag>'. That gets split by the IFS into the two fields '/tag' and ''. Read then assigns the variables like: ENTITY=/tag and CONTENT=. The fourth call will return a non-zero status because we've reached the end of file.

Now his while loop cleaned up a bit to match the above:

while read_dom; do
    if [[ $ENTITY = "title" ]]; then
        echo $CONTENT
done < xhtmlfile.xhtml > titleOfXHTMLPage.txt

The first line just says, "while the read_dom functionreturns a zero status, do the following." The second line checks if the entity we've just seen is "title". The next line echos the content of the tag. The four line exits. If it wasn't the title entity then the loop repeats on the sixth line. We redirect "xhtmlfile.xhtml" into standard input (for the read_dom function) and redirect standard output to "titleOfXHTMLPage.txt" (the echo from earlier in the loop).

Now given the following (similar to what you get from listing a bucket on S3) for input.xml:

<ListBucketResult xmlns="">
    <Key>[email protected]</Key>

and the following loop:

while read_dom; do
    echo "$ENTITY => $CONTENT"
done < input.xml

You should get:

ListBucketResult xmlns="" => 
Name => sth-items
/Name => 
IsTruncated => false
/IsTruncated => 
Contents => 
Key => [email protected]
/Key => 
LastModified => 2011-07-25T22:23:04.000Z
/LastModified => 
ETag => &quot;0032a28286680abee71aed5d059c6a09&quot;
/ETag => 
Size => 1785
/Size => 
StorageClass => STANDARD
/StorageClass => 
/Contents => 

So if we wrote a while loop like Yuzem's:

while read_dom; do
    if [[ $ENTITY = "Key" ]] ; then
        echo $CONTENT
done < input.xml

We'd get a listing of all the files in the S3 bucket.

EDIT If for some reason local IFS=\> doesn't work for you and you set it globally, you should reset it at the end of the function like:

read_dom () {
    read -d \< ENTITY CONTENT

Otherwise, any line splitting you do later in the script will be messed up.

EDIT 2 To split out attribute name/value pairs you can augment the read_dom() like so:

read_dom () {
    local IFS=\>
    read -d \< ENTITY CONTENT
    local ret=$?
    TAG_NAME=${ENTITY%% *}
    return $ret

Then write your function to parse and get the data you want like this:

parse_dom () {
    if [[ $TAG_NAME = "foo" ]] ; then
        eval local $ATTRIBUTES
        echo "foo size is: $size"
    elif [[ $TAG_NAME = "bar" ]] ; then
        eval local $ATTRIBUTES
        echo "bar type is: $type"

Then while you read_dom call parse_dom:

while read_dom; do

Then given the following example markup:

  <bar size="bar_size" type="metal">bars content</bar>
  <foo size="1789" type="unknown">foos content</foo>

You should get this output:

$ cat example.xml | ./ 
bar type is: metal
foo size is: 1789

EDIT 3 another user said they were having problems with it in FreeBSD and suggested saving the exit status from read and returning it at the end of read_dom like:

read_dom () {
    local IFS=\>
    read -d \< ENTITY CONTENT
    local RET=$?
    TAG_NAME=${ENTITY%% *}
    return $RET

I don't see any reason why that shouldn't work

React JS Error: is not defined react/jsx-no-undef

Strangely enough, the reason for my failure was about the CamelCase that I was applying to the component name. MyComponent was giving me this error but then I renamed it to Mycomponent and voila, it worked!!!

Get class labels from Keras functional model

When one uses flow_from_directory the problem is how to interpret the probability outputs. As in, how to map the probability outputs and the class labels as how flow_from_directory creates one-hot vectors is not known in prior.

We can get a dictionary that maps the class labels to the index of the prediction vector that we get as the output when we use

generator= train_datagen.flow_from_directory("train", batch_size=batch_size)
label_map = (generator.class_indices)

The label_map variable is a dictionary like this

{'class_14': 5, 'class_10': 1, 'class_11': 2, 'class_12': 3, 'class_13': 4, 'class_2': 6, 'class_3': 7, 'class_1': 0, 'class_6': 10, 'class_7': 11, 'class_4': 8, 'class_5': 9, 'class_8': 12, 'class_9': 13}

Then from this the relation can be derived between the probability scores and class names.

Basically, you can create this dictionary by this code.

from glob import glob
class_names = glob("*") # Reads all the folders in which images are present
class_names = sorted(class_names) # Sorting them
name_id_map = dict(zip(class_names, range(len(class_names))))

The variable name_id_map in the above code also contains the same dictionary as the one obtained from class_indices function of flow_from_directory.

Hope this helps!

Highlight all occurrence of a selected word?

  1. Add those lines in your ~/.vimrc file

" highlight the searched items set hlsearch " F8 search for word under the cursor recursively , :copen , to close -> :ccl nnoremap <F8> :grep! "\<<cword>\>" . -r<CR>:copen 33<CR>

  1. Reload the settings with :so%
  2. In normal model go over the word.

  3. Press * Press F8 to search recursively bellow your whole project over the word

Why use the 'ref' keyword when passing an object?

This is like passing a pointer to a pointer in C. In .NET this will allow you to change what the original T refers to, personally though I think if you are doing that in .NET you have probably got a design issue!

Boolean operators ( &&, -a, ||, -o ) in Bash

-a and -o are the older and/or operators for the test command. && and || are and/or operators for the shell. So (assuming an old shell) in your first case,

[ "$1" = 'yes' ] && [ -r $2.txt ]

The shell is evaluating the and condition. In your second case,

[ "$1" = 'yes' -a $2 -lt 3 ]

The test command (or builtin test) is evaluating the and condition.

Of course in all modern or semi-modern shells, the test command is built in to the shell, so there really isn't any or much difference. In modern shells, the if statement can be written:

[[ $1 == yes && -r $2.txt ]]

Which is more similar to modern programming languages and thus is more readable.

What's a good way to extend Error in JavaScript?

As pointed out in Mohsen's answer, in ES6 it's possible to extend errors using classes. It's a lot easier and their behavior is more consistent with native errors...but unfortunately it's not a simple matter to use this in the browser if you need to support pre-ES6 browsers. See below for some notes on how that might be implemented, but in the meantime I suggest a relatively simple approach that incorporates some of the best suggestions from other answers:

function CustomError(message) {
    //This is for future compatibility with the ES6 version, which
    //would display a similar message if invoked without the
    //`new` operator.
    if (!(this instanceof CustomError)) {
        throw new TypeError("Constructor 'CustomError' cannot be invoked without 'new'");
    this.message = message;

    //Stack trace in V8
    if (Error.captureStackTrace) {
       Error.captureStackTrace(this, CustomError);
    else this.stack = (new Error).stack;
CustomError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); = 'CustomError';

In ES6 it's as simple as:

class CustomError extends Error {}

...and you can detect support for ES6 classes with try {eval('class X{}'), but you'll get a syntax error if you attempt to include the ES6 version in a script that's loaded by older browsers. So the only way to support all browsers would be to load a separate script dynamically (e.g. via AJAX or eval()) for browsers that support ES6. A further complication is that eval() isn't supported in all environments (due to Content Security Policies), which may or may not be a consideration for your project.

So for now, either the first approach above or simply using Error directly without trying to extend it seems to be the best that can practically be done for code that needs to support non-ES6 browsers.

There is one other approach that some people might want to consider, which is to use Object.setPrototypeOf() where available to create an error object that's an instance of your custom error type but which looks and behaves more like a native error in the console (thanks to Ben's answer for the recommendation). Here's my take on that approach: But given that one day we'll be able to just use ES6, personally I'm not sure the complexity of that approach is worth it.

What is "stdafx.h" used for in Visual Studio?

It's a "precompiled header file" -- any headers you include in stdafx.h are pre-processed to save time during subsequent compilations. You can read more about it here on MSDN.

If you're building a cross-platform application, check "Empty project" when creating your project and Visual Studio won't put any files at all in your project.

Encrypt and Decrypt in Java

KeyGenerator is used to generate keys

You may want to check KeySpec, SecretKey and SecretKeyFactory classes

Escaping HTML strings with jQuery

If you have underscore.js, use _.escape (more efficient than the jQuery method posted above):

_.escape('Curly, Larry & Moe'); // returns: Curly, Larry &amp; Moe

Making authenticated POST requests with Spring RestTemplate for Android

Slightly different approach:

MultiValueMap<String, String> headers = new LinkedMultiValueMap<String, String>();
headers.add("HeaderName", "value");
headers.add("Content-Type", "application/json");

RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
restTemplate.getMessageConverters().add(new MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter());

HttpEntity<ObjectToPass> request = new HttpEntity<ObjectToPass>(objectToPass, headers);

restTemplate.postForObject(url, request, ClassWhateverYourControllerReturns.class);

Creating object with dynamic keys

In the new ES2015 standard for JavaScript (formerly called ES6), objects can be created with computed keys: Object Initializer spec.

The syntax is:

var obj = {
  [myKey]: value,

If applied to the OP's scenario, it would turn into:

stuff = function (thing, callback) {
  var inputs  = $('div.quantity > input').map(function(){
    return {
      [this.attr('name')]: this.attr('value'),

  callback(null, inputs);

Note: A transpiler is still required for browser compatiblity.

Using Babel or Google's traceur, it is possible to use this syntax today.

In earlier JavaScript specifications (ES5 and below), the key in an object literal is always interpreted literally, as a string.

To use a "dynamic" key, you have to use bracket notation:

var obj = {};
obj[myKey] = value;

In your case:

stuff = function (thing, callback) {
  var inputs  = $('div.quantity > input').map(function(){
    var key   = this.attr('name')
     ,  value = this.attr('value')
     ,  ret   = {};

     ret[key] = value;
     return ret;

  callback(null, inputs);

expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘(’ token

You are missing the std namespace reference in the cc file. You should also call nom.c_str() because there is no implicit conversion from std::string to const char * expected by ifstream's constructor.

Polygone::Polygone(std::string nom) {
    std::ifstream fichier (nom.c_str(), std::ifstream::in);
    // ...

How does Git handle symbolic links?

"Editor's" note: This post may contain outdated information. Please see comments and this question regarding changes in Git since 1.6.1.

Symlinked directories:

It's important to note what happens when there is a directory which is a soft link. Any Git pull with an update removes the link and makes it a normal directory. This is what I learnt hard way. Some insights here and here.



 ls -l
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 admin adm   29 Sep 30 15:28 src/somedir -> /mnt/somedir

git add/commit/push

It remains the same

After git pull AND some updates found

 drwxrwsr-x 2 admin adm 4096 Oct  2 05:54 src/somedir

What are .iml files in Android Studio?

What are iml files in Android Studio project?

A Google search on iml file turns up:

IML is a module file created by IntelliJ IDEA, an IDE used to develop Java applications. It stores information about a development module, which may be a Java, Plugin, Android, or Maven component; saves the module paths, dependencies, and other settings.

(from this page)

why not to use gradle scripts to integrate with external modules that you add to your project.

You do "use gradle scripts to integrate with external modules", or your own modules.

However, Gradle is not IntelliJ IDEA's native project model — that is separate, held in .iml files and the metadata in .idea/ directories. In Android Studio, that stuff is largely generated out of the Gradle build scripts, which is why you are sometimes prompted to "sync project with Gradle files" when you change files like build.gradle. This is also why you don't bother putting .iml files or .idea/ in version control, as their contents will be regenerated.

If I have a team that work in different IDE's like Eclipse and AS how to make project IDE agnostic?

To a large extent, you can't.

You are welcome to have an Android project that uses the Eclipse-style directory structure (e.g., resources and manifest in the project root directory). You can teach Gradle, via build.gradle, how to find files in that structure. However, other metadata (compileSdkVersion, dependencies, etc.) will not be nearly as easily replicated.

Other alternatives include:

  • Move everybody over to another build system, like Maven, that is equally integrated (or not, depending upon your perspective) to both Eclipse and Android Studio

  • Hope that Andmore takes off soon, so that perhaps you can have an Eclipse IDE that can build Android projects from Gradle build scripts

  • Have everyone use one IDE


You have to override your ; delimiter with something like $$ to avoid this kind of error.

After your function definition, you can set the delimiter back to ;.

This should work:

CREATE FUNCTION F_Dist3D (x1 decimal, y1 decimal) 
RETURNS decimal
  DECLARE dist decimal;
  SET dist = SQRT(x1 - y1);
  RETURN dist;

Set Date in a single line

This is yet another reason to use Joda Time

new DateMidnight(2010, 3, 5)

DateMidnight is now deprecated but the same effect can be achieved with Joda Time DateTime

DateTime dt = new DateTime(2010, 3, 5, 0, 0);

Bogus foreign key constraint fail

On Rails, one can do the following using the rails console:

connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection
connection.execute("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;")

Eclipse executable launcher error: Unable to locate companion shared library

I've just encountered the same issue. The problem for me was Windows 7 default unzipper program. It has a problem when it encounters files that have a deep file structure. I read about this issue some time ago but can't recall the article. Fix for me is to unzip the Eclipse download using WinZip (or some other tool which does'nt have this issue).

Compile to stand alone exe for C# app in Visual Studio 2010

You can use the files from debug folder,however if you look at app debug informations with some inspection software,you can clearly see "Symbols File Name" which can reveals not wanted informations in path to the original exe file.

A free tool to check C/C++ source code against a set of coding standards?

Check Metrix++ It may require some extensions which are specific for your needs.

Error: could not find function ... in R

Another problem, in the presence of a NAMESPACE, is that you are trying to run an unexported function from package foo.

For example (contrived, I know, but):

> mod <- prcomp(USArrests, scale = TRUE)
> plot.prcomp(mod)
Error: could not find function "plot.prcomp"

Firstly, you shouldn't be calling S3 methods directly, but lets assume plot.prcomp was actually some useful internal function in package foo. To call such function if you know what you are doing requires the use of :::. You also need to know the namespace in which the function is found. Using getAnywhere() we find that the function is in package stats:

> getAnywhere(plot.prcomp)
A single object matching ‘plot.prcomp’ was found
It was found in the following places
  registered S3 method for plot from namespace stats
with value

function (x, main = deparse(substitute(x)), ...) 
screeplot.default(x, main = main, ...)
<environment: namespace:stats>

So we can now call it directly using:

> stats:::plot.prcomp(mod)

I've used plot.prcomp just as an example to illustrate the purpose. In normal use you shouldn't be calling S3 methods like this. But as I said, if the function you want to call exists (it might be a hidden utility function for example), but is in a namespace, R will report that it can't find the function unless you tell it which namespace to look in.

Compare this to the following: stats::plot.prcomp The above fails because while stats uses plot.prcomp, it is not exported from stats as the error rightly tells us:

Error: 'plot.prcomp' is not an exported object from 'namespace:stats'

This is documented as follows:

pkg::name returns the value of the exported variable name in namespace pkg, whereas pkg:::name returns the value of the internal variable name.

Understanding Fragment's setRetainInstance(boolean)

setRetainInstance(boolean) is useful when you want to have some component which is not tied to Activity lifecycle. This technique is used for example by rxloader to "handle Android's activity lifecyle for rxjava's Observable" (which I've found here).

Sqlite or MySql? How to decide?

My few cents to previous excellent replies. the site works on a sqlite database. Here is the link when the author (Richard Hipp) replies to a similar question.

how to extract only the year from the date in sql server 2008?


update table
set column = year(date_column)
whre ....

or if you need it in another table

 update t
   set column = year(t1.date_column)
     from table_source t1
     join table_target t on (join condition)
    where ....

New line in JavaScript alert box

alert('The transaction has been approved.\nThank you');

Just add a newline \n character.

alert('The transaction has been approved.\nThank you');
//                                       ^^

Execute specified function every X seconds


    /// <summary>
    /// Usage: var timer = SetIntervalThread(DoThis, 1000);
    /// UI Usage: BeginInvoke((Action)(() =>{ SetIntervalThread(DoThis, 1000); }));
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>Returns a timer object which can be disposed.</returns>
    public static System.Threading.Timer SetIntervalThread(Action Act, int Interval)
        TimerStateManager state = new TimerStateManager();
        System.Threading.Timer tmr = new System.Threading.Timer(new TimerCallback(_ => Act()), state, Interval, Interval);
        state.TimerObject = tmr;
        return tmr;


    /// <summary>
    /// Usage: var timer = SetInterval(DoThis, 1000);
    /// UI Usage: BeginInvoke((Action)(() =>{ SetInterval(DoThis, 1000); }));
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>Returns a timer object which can be stopped and disposed.</returns>
    public static System.Timers.Timer SetInterval(Action Act, int Interval)
        System.Timers.Timer tmr = new System.Timers.Timer();
        tmr.Elapsed += (sender, args) => Act();
        tmr.AutoReset = true;
        tmr.Interval = Interval;

        return tmr;

Is there a Sleep/Pause/Wait function in JavaScript?

You need to re-factor the code into pieces. This doesn't stop execution, it just puts a delay in between the parts.

function partA() {

function partB() {

Native query with named parameter fails with "Not all named parameters have been set"

You are calling setProperty instead of setParameter. Change your code to

Query q = em.createNativeQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM mytable where username = :username");
em.setParameter("username", "test");
(int) q.getSingleResult();

and it should work.

What is ToString("N0") format?

This is where the documentation is:

The numeric ("N") format specifier converts a number to a string of the form "-d,ddd,ddd.ddd…", where "-" indicates a negative number symbol if required, "d" indicates a digit (0-9) ...

And this is where they talk about the default (2):

      // Displays a negative value with the default number of decimal digits (2).
      Int64 myInt = -1234;
      Console.WriteLine( myInt.ToString( "N", nfi ) );

How to define an enumerated type (enum) in C?

It's worth pointing out that you don't need a typedef. You can just do it like the following

enum strategy { RANDOM, IMMEDIATE, SEARCH };
enum strategy my_strategy = IMMEDIATE;

It's a style question whether you prefer typedef. Without it, if you want to refer to the enumeration type, you need to use enum strategy. With it, you can just say strategy.

Both ways have their pro and cons. The one is more wordy, but keeps type identifiers into the tag-namespace where they won't conflict with ordinary identifiers (think of struct stat and the stat function: these don't conflict either), and where you immediately see that it's a type. The other is shorter, but brings type identifiers into the ordinary namespace.

How do I add an existing directory tree to a project in Visual Studio?

In Visual Studio 2013, I couldn't get "Include in Project" to work when right-clicking on a folder. What did work is expanding the folder, selecting all the files then choosing "Include in Project". It was quite tedious as you have to do each folder one by one (but at least you can do all files in each folder in one go), and it appears to store the file path (you can see this by viewing properties on the file and looking at the "Relative Path" option.)

I am hoping to use this to deploy some data files in a Visual Studio Installer project, and it seems to pick up the included files and preserve their paths.

A JRE or JDK must be available in order to run Eclipse. No JVM was found after searching the following locations

Its simple. JDK bin directory or JRE bin directory should be in path variable Example : Java Installed directory: Assume your java installed in 'C:\Program Files\java\Jdk1.8.0_144' directory Now you can find bin directory in 'C:\Program Files\java\Jdk1.8.0_144\bin'

Navigate to user's environment variable

Control Panel --> User Accounts --> User Accounts --> Change my environment variables

In popup click Path under User variables for section Click Edit... button and another popup will appear

Click New button and enter C:\Program Files\java\Jdk1.8.0_144\bin

Click OK button and again OK button in Environment variables popup.

Now you can open your eclipse without error

Handling exceptions from Java ExecutorService tasks

This is because of AbstractExecutorService :: submit is wrapping your runnable into RunnableFuture (nothing but FutureTask) like below

public Future<?> submit(Runnable task) {
    if (task == null) throw new NullPointerException();
    RunnableFuture<Void> ftask = newTaskFor(task, null); /////////HERE////////
    return ftask;

Then execute will pass it to Worker and will call the below.

final void runWorker(Worker w) {
    Thread wt = Thread.currentThread();
    Runnable task = w.firstTask;
    w.firstTask = null;
    w.unlock(); // allow interrupts
    boolean completedAbruptly = true;
    try {
        while (task != null || (task = getTask()) != null) {
            // If pool is stopping, ensure thread is interrupted;
            // if not, ensure thread is not interrupted.  This
            // requires a recheck in second case to deal with
            // shutdownNow race while clearing interrupt
            if ((runStateAtLeast(ctl.get(), STOP) ||
                 (Thread.interrupted() &&
                  runStateAtLeast(ctl.get(), STOP))) &&
            try {
                beforeExecute(wt, task);
                Throwable thrown = null;
                try {
          ;           /////////HERE////////
                } catch (RuntimeException x) {
                    thrown = x; throw x;
                } catch (Error x) {
                    thrown = x; throw x;
                } catch (Throwable x) {
                    thrown = x; throw new Error(x);
                } finally {
                    afterExecute(task, thrown);
            } finally {
                task = null;
        completedAbruptly = false;
    } finally {
        processWorkerExit(w, completedAbruptly);

Finally; in the above code call will call Here is the exception handler code, because of this you are NOT getting the expected exception.

class FutureTask<V> implements RunnableFuture<V>

public void run() {
    if (state != NEW ||
        !UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject(this, runnerOffset,
                                     null, Thread.currentThread()))
    try {
        Callable<V> c = callable;
        if (c != null && state == NEW) {
            V result;
            boolean ran;
            try {
                result =;
                ran = true;
            } catch (Throwable ex) {   /////////HERE////////
                result = null;
                ran = false;
            if (ran)
    } finally {
        // runner must be non-null until state is settled to
        // prevent concurrent calls to run()
        runner = null;
        // state must be re-read after nulling runner to prevent
        // leaked interrupts
        int s = state;
        if (s >= INTERRUPTING)

Count the number of occurrences of a string in a VARCHAR field?

This should do the trick:

    ROUND (   
            - LENGTH( REPLACE ( description, "value", "") ) 
        ) / LENGTH("value")        
    ) AS count    
FROM <table> 

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1 Incorrect syntax near ' '

For the OP's command:

select compid,2, convert(datetime, '01/01/' + CONVERT(char(4),cal_yr) ,101) ,0,  Update_dt, th1, th2, th3_pc , Update_id, Update_dt,1
from  #tmp_CTF** 

I get this error:

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 2
Incorrect syntax near '*'.

when debugging something like this split the long line up so you'll get a better row number:

select compid
, convert(datetime
, '01/01/' 
+ CONVERT(char(4)
,  Update_dt
, th1
, th2
, th3_pc 
, Update_id
, Update_dt
from  #tmp_CTF** 

this now results in:

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 16
Incorrect syntax near '*'.

which is probably just from the OP not putting the entire command in the question, or use [ ] braces to signify the table name:

from [#tmp_CTF**]

if that is the table name.

How do I generate random integers within a specific range in Java?

public static void main(String[] args) {

    Random ran = new Random();

    int min, max;
    Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
    System.out.println("Enter min range:");
    min = sc.nextInt();
    System.out.println("Enter max range:");
    max = sc.nextInt();
    int num = ran.nextInt(min);
    int num1 = ran.nextInt(max);
    System.out.println("Random Number between given range is " + num1);


Selecting/excluding sets of columns in pandas

There is a new index method called difference. It returns the original columns, with the columns passed as argument removed.

Here, the result is used to remove columns B and D from df:

df2 = df[df.columns.difference(['B', 'D'])]

Note that it's a set-based method, so duplicate column names will cause issues, and the column order may be changed.

Advantage over drop: you don't create a copy of the entire dataframe when you only need the list of columns. For instance, in order to drop duplicates on a subset of columns:

# may create a copy of the dataframe
subset = df.drop(['B', 'D'], axis=1).columns

# does not create a copy the dataframe
subset = df.columns.difference(['B', 'D'])

df = df.drop_duplicates(subset=subset)

Storing Images in DB - Yea or Nay?

At a company where I used to work we stored 155 million images in an Oracle 8i (then 9i) database. 7.5TB worth.

Best way to iterate through a Perl array

1 is substantially different from 2 and 3, since it leaves the array in tact, whereas the other two leave it empty.

I'd say #3 is pretty wacky and probably less efficient, so forget that.

Which leaves you with #1 and #2, and they do not do the same thing, so one cannot be "better" than the other. If the array is large and you don't need to keep it, generally scope will deal with it (but see NOTE), so generally, #1 is still the clearest and simplest method. Shifting each element off will not speed anything up. Even if there is a need to free the array from the reference, I'd just go:

undef @Array;

when done.

  • NOTE: The subroutine containing the scope of the array actually keeps the array and re-uses the space next time. Generally, that should be fine (see comments).

Generator expressions vs. list comprehensions

The important point is that the list comprehension creates a new list. The generator creates a an iterable object that will "filter" the source material on-the-fly as you consume the bits.

Imagine you have a 2TB log file called "hugefile.txt", and you want the content and length for all the lines that start with the word "ENTRY".

So you try starting out by writing a list comprehension:

logfile = open("hugefile.txt","r")
entry_lines = [(line,len(line)) for line in logfile if line.startswith("ENTRY")]

This slurps up the whole file, processes each line, and stores the matching lines in your array. This array could therefore contain up to 2TB of content. That's a lot of RAM, and probably not practical for your purposes.

So instead we can use a generator to apply a "filter" to our content. No data is actually read until we start iterating over the result.

logfile = open("hugefile.txt","r")
entry_lines = ((line,len(line)) for line in logfile if line.startswith("ENTRY"))

Not even a single line has been read from our file yet. In fact, say we want to filter our result even further:

long_entries = ((line,length) for (line,length) in entry_lines if length > 80)

Still nothing has been read, but we've specified now two generators that will act on our data as we wish.

Lets write out our filtered lines to another file:

outfile = open("filtered.txt","a")
for entry,length in long_entries:

Now we read the input file. As our for loop continues to request additional lines, the long_entries generator demands lines from the entry_lines generator, returning only those whose length is greater than 80 characters. And in turn, the entry_lines generator requests lines (filtered as indicated) from the logfile iterator, which in turn reads the file.

So instead of "pushing" data to your output function in the form of a fully-populated list, you're giving the output function a way to "pull" data only when its needed. This is in our case much more efficient, but not quite as flexible. Generators are one way, one pass; the data from the log file we've read gets immediately discarded, so we can't go back to a previous line. On the other hand, we don't have to worry about keeping data around once we're done with it.

Is the practice of returning a C++ reference variable evil?

No. No, no, a thousand times no.

What is evil is making a reference to a dynamically allocated object and losing the original pointer. When you new an object you assume an obligation to have a guaranteed delete.

But have a look at, eg, operator<<: that must return a reference, or

cout << "foo" << "bar" << "bletch" << endl ;

won't work.

sweet-alert display HTML code in text

Sweet alerts also has an 'html' option, set it to true.

var hh = "<b>test</b>";
    title: "" + txt + "", 
    html: true,
    text: "Testno  sporocilo za objekt " + hh + "",  
    confirmButtonText: "V redu", 
    allowOutsideClick: "true" 

Python: count repeated elements in the list

lst = ["a", "b", "a", "c", "c", "a", "c"]
for i in temp:
print result


{'a': 3, 'c': 3, 'b': 1}

Add Expires headers

You can add them in your htaccess file or vhost configuration.

See here :

But unless you own those domains .. they are our of your control.

How do I create a timeline chart which shows multiple events? Eg. Metallica Band members timeline on wiki

As mentioned in the earlier comment, stacked bar chart does the trick, though the data needs to be setup differently.(See image below)

Duration column = End - Start

  1. Once done, plot your stacked bar chart using the entire data.
  2. Mark start and end range to no fill.
  3. Right click on the X Axis and change Axis options manually. (This did cause me some issues, till I realized I couldn't manipulate them to enter dates, :) yeah I am newbie, excel masters! :))

enter image description here

Detecting a long press with Android

I have a code which detects a click, a long click and movement. It is fairly a combination of the answer given above and the changes i made from peeping into every documentation page.

//Declare this flag globally
boolean goneFlag = false;

//Put this into the class
final Handler handler = new Handler(); 
    Runnable mLongPressed = new Runnable() { 
        public void run() { 
            goneFlag = true;
            //Code for long click

//onTouch code
    public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
        switch (event.getAction()) {    
        case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
            handler.postDelayed(mLongPressed, 1000);
            //This is where my code for movement is initialized to get original location.
        case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
            if(Math.abs(event.getRawX() - initialTouchX) <= 2 && !goneFlag) {
                //Code for single click
                return false;
        case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
            //Code for movement here. This may include using a window manager to update the view
        return true;

I confirm it's working as I have used it in my own application.

Java ArrayList for integers

The [] makes no sense in the moment of making an ArrayList of Integers because I imagine you just want to add Integer values. Just use

List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();

to create the ArrayList and it will work.

jQuery select element in parent window

Use the context-parameter


But if you really use a popup, you need to access opener instead of parent


Python and pip, list all versions of a package that's available?

Here's my answer that sorts the list inside jq (for those who use systems where sort -V is not avalable) :

$ pythonPackage=certifi
$ curl -Ls$pythonPackage/json | jq -r '.releases | keys_unsorted | sort_by( split(".") | map(tonumber) )'

And to fetch the last version number of the package :

$ curl -Ls$pythonPackage/json | jq -r '.releases | keys_unsorted | sort_by( split(".") | map(tonumber) )[-1]'

or a bit faster :

$ curl -Ls$pythonPackage/json | jq -r '.releases | keys_unsorted | max_by( split(".") | map(tonumber) )'

Or even more simple :) :

$ curl -Ls$pythonPackage/json | jq -r .info.version

What is the best way to create and populate a numbers table?

Some of the suggested methods are basing on system objects (for example on the 'sys.objects'). They are assuming these system objects contain enough records to generate our numbers.

I would not base on anything which does not belong to my application and over which I do not have full control. For example: the content of these sys tables may change, the tables may not be valid anymore in new version of SQL etc.

As a solution, we can create our own table with records. We then use that one instead these system related objects (table with all numbers should be fine if we know the range in advance otherwise we could go for the one to do the cross join on).

The CTE based solution is working fine but it has limits related to the nested loops.

explicit casting from super class to subclass

Elaborating the answer given by Michael Berry.

Dog d = (Dog)Animal; //Compiles but fails at runtime

Here you are saying to the compiler "Trust me. I know d is really referring to a Dog object" although it's not. Remember compiler is forced to trust us when we do a downcast.

The compiler only knows about the declared reference type. The JVM at runtime knows what the object really is.

So when the JVM at the runtime figures out that the Dog d is actually referring to an Animal and not a Dog object it says. Hey... you lied to the compiler and throws a big fat ClassCastException.

So if you are downcasting you should use instanceof test to avoid screwing up.

if (animal instanceof Dog) { Dog dog = (Dog) animal; }

Now a question comes to our mind. Why the hell compiler is allowing the downcast when eventually it is going to throw a java.lang.ClassCastException?

The answer is that all the compiler can do is verify that the two types are in the same inheritance tree, so depending on whatever code might have come before the downcast, it's possible that animal is of type dog.

The compiler must allow things that might possible work at runtime.

Consider the following code snipet:

public static void main(String[] args) 
    Dog d = getMeAnAnimal();// ERROR: Type mismatch: cannot convert Animal to Dog
    Dog d = (Dog)getMeAnAnimal(); // Downcast works fine. No ClassCastException :);


private static Animal getMeAnAnimal()
    Animal animal = new Dog();
    return animal;

However, if the compiler is sure that the cast would not possible work, compilation will fail. I.E. If you try to cast objects in different inheritance hierarchies

String s = (String)d; // ERROR : cannot cast for Dog to String

Unlike downcasting, upcasting works implicitly because when you upcast you are implicitly restricting the number of method you can invoke, as opposite to downcasting, which implies that later on, you might want to invoke a more specific method.

Dog d = new Dog(); Animal animal1 = d; // Works fine with no explicit cast Animal animal2 = (Animal) d; // Works fine with n explicit cast

Both of the above upcast will work fine without any exception because a Dog IS-A Animal, anithing an Animal can do, a dog can do. But it's not true vica-versa.

django order_by query set, ascending and descending

If for some reason you have null values you can use the F function like this:

from django.db.models import F


So it will put last the null values. Documentation by Django:

Change div width live with jQuery

You can't just use a percentage width for the div? Setting the width to 50% will make it 50% as wide as the window (assuming there is no parent element with a width assigned to it).

Install python 2.6 in CentOS

Late to the party, but the OP should have gone with Buildout or Virtualenv, and sidestepped the problem completely.

I am currently working on a Centos server, well, toiling away would be the proper term and I can assure everyone that the only way I am able to blink back the tears whilst using the software equivalents of fire hardened spears, is buildout.

How to base64 encode image in linux bash / shell

There is a Linux command for that: base64

base64 DSC_0251.JPG >DSC_0251.b64

To assign result to variable use

test=`base64 DSC_0251.JPG`

Online SQL syntax checker conforming to multiple databases

Only know about this. Not sure how well does it against MySQL

How to write specific CSS for mozilla, chrome and IE

You could use php to echo the browser name as a body class, e.g.

<body class="mozilla">

Then, your conditional CSS would look like

.ie #container { top: 5px;}
.mozilla #container { top: 5px;}
.chrome #container { top: 5px;}

jquery onclick change css background image

You need to use background-image instead of backgroundImage. For example:

$(function() {
  $('.home').click(function() {
    $(this).css('background-image', 'url(images/tabs3.png)');

Create Elasticsearch curl query for not null and not empty("")

Elastic search Get all record where condition not empty.

const searchQuery = {
      body: {
        query: {
          query_string: {
            default_field: '*.*',
            query: 'feildName: ?*',
      index: 'IndexName'

How to copy text programmatically in my Android app?

For Kotlin use the below code inside the activity.

import android.content.ClipboardManager

 val clipBoard = getSystemService(Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE) as ClipboardManager
 val clipData = ClipData.newPlainText("label","Message to be Copied")

json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

json.loads() takes a JSON encoded string, not a filename. You want to use json.load() (no s) instead and pass in an open file object:

with open('/Users/JoshuaHawley/clean1.txt') as jsonfile:
    data = json.load(jsonfile)

The open() command produces a file object that json.load() can then read from, to produce the decoded Python object for you. The with statement ensures that the file is closed again when done.

The alternative is to read the data yourself and then pass it into json.loads().

How do I deal with special characters like \^$.?*|+()[{ in my regex?

I think the easiest way to match the characters like


are using character classes from within R. Consider the following to clean column headers from a data file, which could contain spaces, and punctuation characters:

> library(stringr)
> colnames(order_table) <- str_replace_all(colnames(order_table),"[:punct:]|[:space:]","")

This approach allows us to string character classes to match punctation characters, in addition to whitespace characters, something you would normally have to escape with \\ to detect. You can learn more about the character classes at this cheatsheet below, and you can also type in ?regexp to see more info about this.

Convert string to Date in java

SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
String dateInString = "07/06/2013";

try {

    Date date = formatter.parse(dateInString);

} catch (ParseException e) {


2014/08/06 16:06:54
2014/08/06 16:06:54

jackson deserialization json to java-objects

 JsonNode node = mapper.readValue("[{\"id\":\"value11\",\"name\": \"value12\",\"qty\":\"value13\"},"

 System.out.println("id : "+node.findValues("id").get(0).asText());

this also done the trick.

PHP check if file is an image

Using file extension and getimagesize function to detect if uploaded file has right format is just the entry level check and it can simply bypass by uploading a file with true extension and some byte of an image header but wrong content.

for being secure and safe you may make thumbnail/resize (even with original image sizes) the uploaded picture and save this version instead the uploaded one. Also its possible to get uploaded file content and search it for special character like <?php to find the file is image or not.

m2eclipse error

In this particular case, the solution was the right proxy configuration of eclipse (Window -> Preferences -> Network Connection), the company possessed a strict security system. I will leave the question, because there are answers that can help the community. Thank you very much for the answers above.

Linq on DataTable: select specific column into datatable, not whole table

LINQ is very effective and easy to use on Lists rather than DataTable. I can see the above answers have a loop(for, foreach), which I will not prefer.

So the best thing to select a perticular column from a DataTable is just use a DataView to filter the column and use it as you want.

Find it here how to do this.

DataView dtView = new DataView(dtYourDataTable);
DataTable dtTableWithOneColumn= dtView .ToTable(true, "ColumnA");

Now the DataTable dtTableWithOneColumn contains only one column(ColumnA).

convert string to date in sql server

I had a similar situation. Here's what I was able to do to get a date range in a "where" clause (a modification of marc_s's answer):

where cast(replace(foo.TestDate, '-', '') as datetime) 
      between cast('20110901' as datetime) and
              cast('20510531' as datetime)

Hope that helps...

How can I add a class to a DOM element in JavaScript?

It is also worth taking a look at:

var el = document.getElementById('hello');
if(el) {
    el.className += el.className ? ' someClass' : 'someClass';

get list of packages installed in Anaconda

For more conda list usage details:

usage: list [-h][-n ENVIRONMENT | -p PATH][--json] [-v] [-q]
[--show-channel-urls] [-c] [-f] [--explicit][--md5] [-e] [-r] [--no-pip][regex]

'negative' pattern matching in python

If the OK line is the first line and the last line is the dot you could consider slice them off like this:

TestString = '''OK SYS 10 LEN 20 12 43
1233a.fdads.txt,23 /data/a11134/a.txt
3232b.ddsss.txt,32 /data/d13f11/b.txt
3452d.dsasa.txt,1234 /data/c13af4/f.txt

However if this is a very large string you may run into memory problems.

How to globally replace a forward slash in a JavaScript string?

Use a regex literal with the g modifier, and escape the forward slash with a backslash so it doesn't clash with the delimiters.

var str = 'some // slashes', replacement = '';
var replaced = str.replace(/\//g, replacement);

What is the use of <<<EOD in PHP?

there are four types of strings available in php. They are single quotes ('), double quotes (") and Nowdoc (<<<'EOD') and heredoc(<<<EOD) strings

you can use both single quotes and double quotes inside heredoc string. Variables will be expanded just as double quotes.

nowdoc strings will not expand variables just like single quotes.


Convert HashBytes to VarChar

SELECT CONVERT(NVARCHAR(32),HashBytes('MD5', 'Hello World'),2)

Why does git say "Pull is not possible because you have unmerged files"?

You are attempting to add one more new commits into your local branch while your working directory is not clean. As a result, Git is refusing to do the pull. Consider the following diagrams to better visualize the scenario:

remote: A <- B <- C <- D
local: A <- B*
(*indicates that you have several files which have been modified but not committed.)

There are two options for dealing with this situation. You can either discard the changes in your files, or retain them.

Option one: Throw away the changes
You can either use git checkout for each unmerged file, or you can use git reset --hard HEAD to reset all files in your branch to HEAD. By the way, HEAD in your local branch is B, without an asterisk. If you choose this option, the diagram becomes:

remote: A <- B <- C <- D
local: A <- B

Now when you pull, you can fast-forward your branch with the changes from master. After pulling, you branch would look like master:

local: A <- B <- C <- D

Option two: Retain the changes
If you want to keep the changes, you will first want to resolve any merge conflicts in each of the files. You can open each file in your IDE and look for the following symbols:

<<<<<<< HEAD
// your version of the code
// the remote's version of the code

Git is presenting you with two versions of code. The code contained within the HEAD markers is the version from your current local branch. The other version is what is coming from the remote. Once you have chosen a version of the code (and removed the other code along with the markers), you can add each file to your staging area by typing git add. The final step is to commit your result by typing git commit -m with an appropriate message. At this point, our diagram looks like this:

remote: A <- B <- C <- D
local: A <- B <- C'

Here I have labelled the commit we just made as C' because it is different from the commit C on the remote. Now, if you try to pull you will get a non-fast forward error. Git cannot play the changes in remote on your branch, because both your branch and the remote have diverged from the common ancestor commit B. At this point, if you want to pull you can either do another git merge, or git rebase your branch on the remote.

Getting a mastery of Git requires being able to understand and manipulate uni-directional linked lists. I hope this explanation will get you thinking in the right direction about using Git.

How to show/hide if variable is null

To clarify, the above example does work, my code in the example did not work for unrelated reasons.

If myvar is false, null or has never been used before (i.e. $scope.myvar or $rootScope.myvar never called), the div will not show. Once any value has been assigned to it, the div will show, except if the value is specifically false.

The following will cause the div to show:

$scope.myvar = "Hello World";


$scope.myvar = true;

The following will hide the div:

$scope.myvar = null;


$scope.myvar = false;

Convert a String representation of a Dictionary to a dictionary?

no any libs are used:

dict_format_string = "{'1':'one', '2' : 'two'}"
d = {}
elems  = filter(str.isalnum,dict_format_string.split("'"))
values = elems[1::2]
keys   = elems[0::2]

NOTE: As it has hardcoded split("'") will work only for strings where data is "single quoted".

Swipe ListView item From right to left show delete button

Define a ViewPager in your layout .xml:

    android:layout_height="@dimen/abc_action_bar_default_height" />

And then, in your activity / fragment, set a custom pager adapter:

In an activity:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    PagerAdapter adapter = new PagerAdapter(getSupportFragmentManager());
    ViewPager pager = (ViewPager) findViewById(;

    // pager.setOnPageChangeListener(this); // You can set a page listener here

In a fragment:

public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_layout, container, false);

    if (view != null) {
        PagerAdapter adapter = new PagerAdapter(getSupportFragmentManager());
        ViewPager pager = (ViewPager) view.findViewById(;

        // pager.setOnPageChangeListener(this); // You can set a page listener here

    return view;

Create our custom pager class:

// setup your PagerAdapter which extends FragmentPagerAdapter
class PagerAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter {
    public static final int NUM_PAGES = 2;
    private CustomFragment[] mFragments = new CustomFragment[NUM_PAGES];
    public PagerAdapter(FragmentManager fragmentManager) {
    @ Override
    public int getCount() {
        return NUM_PAGES;
    @ Override
    public Fragment getItem(int position) {
        if (mFragments[position] == null) {
               // this calls the newInstance from when you setup the ListFragment
            mFragments[position] = new CustomFragment();
        return mFragments[position];

How do I install and use curl on Windows?

I was looking for the download process of Curl and every where they said copy curl.exe file in System32 but they haven't provided the direct link. so here it is enjoy, find curl.exe easily in bin folder just

unzip it and then go to bin folder there you get exe file

link to download curl generic

How do I dump an object's fields to the console?

If you're looking for just the instance variables in the object, this might be useful: do |var|
  puts [var, obj.instance_variable_get(var)].join(":")

or as a one-liner for copy and pasting:{|var| puts [var, obj.instance_variable_get(var)].join(":")}

Get textarea text with javascript or Jquery

As @Darin Dimitrov said, if it is not an iframe on the same domain it is not posible, if it is, check that $("#frame1").contents() returns all it should, and then check if the textbox is found:

$("#frame1").contents().find("#area1").length should be 1.


If when your textarea is "empty" an empty string is returned and when it has some text entered that text is returned, then it is working perfect!! When the textarea is empty, an empty string is returned!

Edit 2 Ok. Here there is one way, it is not very pretty but it works:

Outside the iframe you will access the textarea like this:


And inside the iframe (which I assume has jQuery) in the document ready put this code:

$("#area1").change(function() {
    window.parent.textAreaInIframe = $(this).val();

Regex to replace everything except numbers and a decimal point

Try this:

document.getElementById(target).value = newVal.replace(/^\d+(\.\d{0,2})?$/, "");

Add custom headers to WebView resource requests - android

You can use this:


 public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) {

                // Here put your code
                Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
                view.loadUrl(url, map);
                return false;


How do I calculate tables size in Oracle

there one more option that allows to get "select" size with joins, and table size as option too

-- 1
            Scheme.Table_name.table_column1 AS "column1",
            Scheme.Table_name.table_column2 AS "column2",
            Scheme.Table_name.table_column3 AS "column3",
            FROM Scheme.Table_name
       WHERE ;


Printing the last column of a line in a file

awk -F " " '($1=="A1") {print $NF}' FILE | tail -n 1

Use awk with field separator -F set to a space " ".

Use the pattern $1=="A1" and action {print $NF}, this will print the last field in every record where the first field is "A1". Pipe the result into tail and use the -n 1 option to only show the last line.

Sublime Text 3, convert spaces to tabs

To automatically convert spaces to tabs on save, add the following Python script to a newly created subfolder called "UnexpandTabsOnSave" within "$SUBLIME_HOME$\Packages\":

import sublime, sublime_plugin, os

class ConvertSpacesToTabsOnSave( sublime_plugin.EventListener ):
  # Run Sublime's 'unexpand_tabs' command when saving any file
  def on_pre_save( self, view ):
    view.window().run_command( 'unexpand_tabs' )

Thank you for the initial resource.

"Call to undefined function mysql_connect()" after upgrade to php-7

From the PHP Manual:

Warning This extension was deprecated in PHP 5.5.0, and it was removed in PHP 7.0.0. Instead, the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extension should be used. See also MySQL: choosing an API guide. Alternatives to this function include:



use MySQLi or PDO

$con = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'username', 'password', 'database');

Regex pattern for checking if a string starts with a certain substring?

The following will match on any string that starts with mailto, ftp or http:

 RegEx reg = new RegEx("^(mailto|ftp|http)");

To break it down:

  • ^ matches start of line
  • (mailto|ftp|http) matches any of the items separated by a |

I would find StartsWith to be more readable in this case.

A monad is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors, what's the problem?

The answers here do an excellent job in defining both monoids and monads, however, they still don't seem to answer the question:

And on a less important note, is this true and if so could you give an explanation (hopefully one that can be understood by someone who doesn't have much Haskell experience)?

The crux of the matter that is missing here, is the different notion of "monoid", the so-called categorification more precisely -- the one of monoid in a monoidal category. Sadly Mac Lane's book itself makes it very confusing:

All told, a monad in X is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors of X, with product × replaced by composition of endofunctors and unit set by the identity endofunctor.

Main confusion

Why is this confusing? Because it does not define what is "monoid in the category of endofunctors" of X. Instead, this sentence suggests taking a monoid inside the set of all endofunctors together with the functor composition as binary operation and the identity functor as a monoidal unit. Which works perfectly fine and turns into a monoid any subset of endofunctors that contains the identity functor and is closed under functor composition.

Yet this is not the correct interpretation, which the book fails to make clear at that stage. A Monad f is a fixed endofunctor, not a subset of endofunctors closed under composition. A common construction is to use f to generate a monoid by taking the set of all k-fold compositions f^k = f(f(...)) of f with itself, including k=0 that corresponds to the identity f^0 = id. And now the set S of all these powers for all k>=0 is indeed a monoid "with product × replaced by composition of endofunctors and unit set by the identity endofunctor".

And yet:

  • This monoid S can be defined for any functor f or even literally for any self-map of X. It is the monoid generated by f.
  • The monoidal structure of S given by the functor composition and the identity functor has nothing do with f being or not being a monad.

And to make things more confusing, the definition of "monoid in monoidal category" comes later in the book as you can see from the table of contents. And yet understanding this notion is absolutely critical to understanding the connection with monads.

(Strict) monoidal categories

Going to Chapter VII on Monoids (which comes later than Chapter VI on Monads), we find the definition of the so-called strict monoidal category as triple (B, *, e), where B is a category, *: B x B-> B a bifunctor (functor with respect to each component with other component fixed) and e is a unit object in B, satisfying the associativity and unit laws:

(a * b) * c = a * (b * c)
a * e = e * a = a

for any objects a,b,c of B, and the same identities for any morphisms a,b,c with e replaced by id_e, the identity morphism of e. It is now instructive to observe that in our case of interest, where B is the category of endofunctors of X with natural transformations as morphisms, * the functor composition and e the identity functor, all these laws are satisfied, as can be directly verified.

What comes after in the book is the definition of the "relaxed" monoidal category, where the laws only hold modulo some fixed natural transformations satisfying so-called coherence relations, which is however not important for our cases of the endofunctor categories.

Monoids in monoidal categories

Finally, in section 3 "Monoids" of Chapter VII, the actual definition is given:

A monoid c in a monoidal category (B, *, e) is an object of B with two arrows (morphisms)

mu: c * c -> c
nu: e -> c

making 3 diagrams commutative. Recall that in our case, these are morphisms in the category of endofunctors, which are natural transformations corresponding to precisely join and return for a monad. The connection becomes even clearer when we make the composition * more explicit, replacing c * c by c^2, where c is our monad.

Finally, notice that the 3 commutative diagrams (in the definition of a monoid in monoidal category) are written for general (non-strict) monoidal categories, while in our case all natural transformations arising as part of the monoidal category are actually identities. That will make the diagrams exactly the same as the ones in the definition of a monad, making the correspondence complete.


In summary, any monad is by definition an endofunctor, hence an object in the category of endofunctors, where the monadic join and return operators satisfy the definition of a monoid in that particular (strict) monoidal category. Vice versa, any monoid in the monoidal category of endofunctors is by definition a triple (c, mu, nu) consisting of an object and two arrows, e.g. natural transformations in our case, satisfying the same laws as a monad.

Finally, note the key difference between the (classical) monoids and the more general monoids in monoidal categories. The two arrows mu and nu above are not anymore a binary operation and a unit in a set. Instead, you have one fixed endofunctor c. The functor composition * and the identity functor alone do not provide the complete structure needed for the monad, despite that confusing remark in the book.

Another approach would be to compare with the standard monoid C of all self-maps of a set A, where the binary operation is the composition, that can be seen to map the standard cartesian product C x C into C. Passing to the categorified monoid, we are replacing the cartesian product x with the functor composition *, and the binary operation gets replaced with the natural transformation mu from c * c to c, that is a collection of the join operators

join: c(c(T))->c(T)

for every object T (type in programming). And the identity elements in classical monoids, which can be identified with images of maps from a fixed one-point-set, get replaced with the collection of the return operators

return: T->c(T) 

But now there are no more cartesian products, so no pairs of elements and thus no binary operations.

Taking pictures with camera on Android programmatically

There are two ways to take a photo:

1 - Using an Intent to make a photo

2 - Using the camera API

I think you should use the second way and there is a sample code here for two of them.

Sharing link on WhatsApp from mobile website (not application) for Android

Recently WhatsApp updated on its official website that we need to use this HTML tag in order to make it shareable to mobile sites:

<a href="whatsapp://send?text=Hello%20World!">Hello, world!</a>

You can replace text= to have your link or any text content

Difference between setUp() and setUpBeforeClass()

Think of "BeforeClass" as a static initializer for your test case - use it for initializing static data - things that do not change across your test cases. You definitely want to be careful about static resources that are not thread safe.

Finally, use the "AfterClass" annotated method to clean up any setup you did in the "BeforeClass" annotated method (unless their self destruction is good enough).

"Before" & "After" are for unit test specific initialization. I typically use these methods to initialize / re-initialize the mocks of my dependencies. Obviously, this initialization is not specific to a unit test, but general to all unit tests.

jQuery Scroll To bottom of the page


Works for me. Scrolls to the bottom.

What does principal end of an association means in 1:1 relationship in Entity framework

This is with reference to @Ladislav Mrnka's answer on using fluent api for configuring one-to-one relationship.

Had a situation where having FK of dependent must be it's PK was not feasible.

E.g., Foo already has one-to-many relationship with Bar.

public class Foo {
   public Guid FooId;
   public virtual ICollection<> Bars; 
public class Bar {
   public Guid BarId;
   //FK to Foo
   public Guid FooId;
   public virtual Foo Foo;

Now, we had to add another one-to-one relationship between Foo and Bar.

public class Foo {
   public Guid FooId;
   public Guid PrimaryBarId;// needs to be removed(from entity),as we specify it in fluent api
   public virtual Bar PrimaryBar;
   public virtual ICollection<> Bars;
public class Bar {
   public Guid BarId;
   public Guid FooId;
   public virtual Foo PrimaryBarOfFoo;
   public virtual Foo Foo;

Here is how to specify one-to-one relationship using fluent api:

            .HasOptional(p => p.PrimaryBarOfFoo)
            .WithOptionalPrincipal(o => o.PrimaryBar)
            .Map(x => x.MapKey("PrimaryBarId"));

Note that while adding PrimaryBarId needs to be removed, as we specifying it through fluent api.

Also note that method name [WithOptionalPrincipal()][1] is kind of ironic. In this case, Principal is Bar. WithOptionalDependent() description on msdn makes it more clear.

Creating csv file with php

Just in case if someone is wondering to save the CSV file to a specific path for email attachments. Then it can be done as follows

I know I have added a lot of comments just for newbies :)

I have added an example so that you can summarize well.

$activeUsers = /** Query to get the active users */

/** Following is the Variable to store the Users data as 
    CSV string with newline character delimiter, 

    its good idea of check the delimiter based on operating system */

$userCSVData = "Name,Email,CreatedAt\n";

/** Looping the users and appending to my earlier csv data variable */
foreach ( $activeUsers as $user ) {
    $userCSVData .= $user->name. "," . $user->email. "," . $user->created_at."\n";
/** Here you can use with H:i:s too. But I really dont care of my old file  */
$todayDate  = date('Y-m-d');
/** Create Filname and Path to Store */
$fileName   = 'Active Users '.$todayDate.'.csv';
$filePath   = public_path('uploads/'.$fileName); //I am using laravel helper, in case if your not using laravel then just add absolute or relative path as per your requirements and path to store the file

/** Just in case if I run the script multiple time 
    I want to remove the old file and add new file.

    And before deleting the file from the location I am making sure it exists */
$fp = fopen($filePath, 'w+');
fwrite($fp, $userCSVData); /** Once the data is written it will be saved in the path given */

/** Now you can send email with attachments from the $filePath */

NOTE: The following is a very bad idea to increase the memory_limit and time limit, but I have only added to make sure if anyone faces the problem of connection time out or any other. Make sure to find out some alternative before sticking to it.

You have to add the following at the start of the above script.

ini_set("memory_limit", "10056M");
ini_set('mysql.connect_timeout', '0');
ini_set('max_execution_time', '0');

How to randomly pick an element from an array

If you are going to be getting a random element multiple times, you want to make sure your random number generator is initialized only once.

import java.util.Random;

public class RandArray {
    private int[] items = new int[]{1,2,3};

    private Random rand = new Random();

    public int getRandArrayElement(){
        return items[rand.nextInt(items.length)];

If you are picking random array elements that need to be unpredictable, you should use rather than Random. That ensures that if somebody knows the last few picks, they won't have an advantage in guessing the next one.

If you are looking to pick a random number from an Object array using generics, you could define a method for doing so (Source Avinash R in Random element from string array):

import java.util.Random;

public class RandArray {
    private static Random rand = new Random();

    private static <T> T randomFrom(T... items) { 
         return items[rand.nextInt(items.length)]; 

JavaScript - Get Browser Height

You can use the window.innerHeight

Multiple values in single-value context

Here's a generic helper function with assumption checking:

func assumeNoError(value interface{}, err error) interface{} {
    if err != nil {
        panic("error encountered when none assumed:" + err.Error())
    return value

Since this returns as an interface{}, you'll generally need to cast it back to your function's return type.

For example, the OP's example called Get(1), which returns (Item, error).

item := assumeNoError(Get(1)).(Item)

The trick that makes this possible: Multi-values returned from one function call can be passed in as multi-variable arguments to another function.

As a special case, if the return values of a function or method g are equal in number and individually assignable to the parameters of another function or method f, then the call f(g(parameters_of_g)) will invoke f after binding the return values of g to the parameters of f in order.

This answer borrows heavily from existing answers, but none had provided a simple, generic solution of this form.

How to tell bash that the line continues on the next line

The character is a backslash \

From the bash manual:

The backslash character ‘\’ may be used to remove any special meaning for the next character read and for line continuation.

omp parallel vs. omp parallel for

Although both versions of the specific example are equivalent, as already mentioned in the other answers, there is still one small difference between them. The first version includes an unnecessary implicit barrier, encountered at the end of the "omp for". The other implicit barrier can be found at the end of the parallel region. Adding "nowait" to "omp for" would make the two codes equivalent, at least from an OpenMP perspective. I mention this because an OpenMP compiler could generate slightly different code for the two cases.

Determine whether an array contains a value

function setFound(){   
 var l = arr.length, textBox1 = document.getElementById("text1");
    for(var i=0; i<l;i++)
      textBox1 .value = "Found";
    textBox1 .value = "Not Found";

This program checks whether the given element is found or not. Id text1 represents id of textbox and searchele represents element to be searched (got fron user); if you want index, use i value

Why are my PowerShell scripts not running?

import-module IISAdministration;

function StartSite{
        Start-IISSite -Name $sitename;
        Write-Host "Site was started";
        Write-Error "Error while staring the IISSite";

function StopSite{
        Stop-IISSite -Name $sitename -confirm:$False; # Supress interaction inputs
        Write-Host "Site was stopped";
            Write-Error "Error while stopping the IISSite";
function ReplaceSiteFiles{
        Get-ChildItem -Path A:\APPS\CreditApp -Recurse | Foreach-Object {Remove-Item -Recurse -Path $_.FullName} # Remove file from AppPool Directory
        Expand-Archive A:\Staging\LTA\Installers\CreditApp\ -DestinationPath A:\APPS\ # Extract files from zip
        Write-Host "Site files replaced successfully!";
    catch [System.SystemException]{
        Write-Host "Error while replacing the site files";
        Write-Host $_

## Start Here
$site=Get-IISSite -Name "Default Web Site";

Write-Host $site

if($site.length -eq 1){

    $siteState = $site.state;
    Write-Host "The Site Exists with state: ${siteState}";

    switch ($siteState)
        'started' { 
                    StopSite -sitename $;
                    StartSite -sitename $;
        'stopped' { 
                    StartSite -sitename $;
        default { "Deployment failed! Site state could not be determined.";}

    Write-Error "Invalid! Site does not exists";

##  End Here

Make JQuery UI Dialog automatically grow or shrink to fit its contents

var w = $('#dialogText').text().length;

$("#dialog").dialog('option', 'width', (w * 10));

did what i needed it to do for resizing the width of the dialog.

Excel: Creating a dropdown using a list in another sheet?

That cannot be done in excel 2007. The list must be in the same sheet as your data. It might work in later versions though.

How to declare a type as nullable in TypeScript?

type MyProps = {
  workoutType: string | null;

MySQL root access from all hosts

MYSQL 8.0 - open mysql command line client

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON \*.* TO 'root'@'localhost';  

use mysql

UPDATE mysql.user SET host='%' WHERE user='root';  

Restart mysql service

Why is php not running?

Type in browser localhost:80//test5.php[where 80 is your port and test.php is your file name] instead of c://xampp/htdocs/test.php.

jquery-ui-dialog - How to hook into dialog close event

    autoOpen: false,
    resizable: false,
    width: 400,
    height: 140,
    modal: true, 
    buttons: {
        "SUBMIT": function() { 
        "CANCEL": function() { 
    close: function() {

How to print values separated by spaces instead of new lines in Python 2.7

This does almost everything you want:

f = open('data.txt', 'rb')

while True:
    char =
    if not char: break
    print "{:02x}".format(ord(char)),

With data.txt created like this:

f = open('data.txt', 'wb')

I get the following output:

61 62 0d 0a 63 64

tl;dr -- 1. You are using poor variable names. 2. You are slicing your hex strings incorrectly. 3. Your code is never going to replace any newlines. You may just want to forget about that feature. You do not quite yet understand the difference between a character, its integer code, and the hex string that represents the integer. They are all different: two are strings and one is an integer, and none of them are equal to each other. 4. For some files, you shouldn't remove newlines.


1. Your variable names are horrendous.

That's fine if you never want to ask anybody questions. But since every one needs to ask questions, you need to use descriptive variable names that anyone can understand. Your variable names are only slightly better than these:

fname = 'data.txt'
f = open(fname, 'rb')
xxxyxx =

xxyxxx = len(xxxyxx)
print "Length of file is", xxyxxx, "bytes. "
yxxxxx = 0

while yxxxxx < xxyxxx:
    xyxxxx = hex(ord(xxxyxx[yxxxxx]))
    xyxxxx = xyxxxx[-2:]
    yxxxxx = yxxxxx + 1
    xxxxxy = chr(13) + chr(10)
    xxxxyx = str(xxxxxy)
    xyxxxxx = str(xyxxxx)
    xyxxxxx.replace(xxxxyx, ' ')
    print xyxxxxx

That program runs fine, but it is impossible to understand.

2. The hex() function produces strings of different lengths.

For instance,

print hex(61)
print hex(15)


And taking the slice [-2:] for each of those strings gives you:


See how you got the 'x' in the second one? The slice:


says to go to the end of the string and back up two characters, then grab the rest of the string. Instead of doing that, take the slice starting 3 characters in from the beginning:


3. Your code will never replace any newlines.

Suppose your file has these two consecutive characters:


Now you read in the first character, "\r", and convert it to an integer, ord("\r"), giving you the integer 13. Now you convert that to a string, hex(13), which gives you the string "0xd", and you slice off the first two characters giving you:


Next, this line in your code:

bndtx.replace(entx, ' ')

tries to find every occurrence of the string "\r\n" in the string "d" and replace it. There is never going to be any replacement because the replacement string is two characters long and the string "d" is one character long.

The replacement won't work for "\r\n" and "0d" either. But at least now there is a possibility it could work because both strings have two characters. Let's reduce both strings to a common denominator: ascii codes. The ascii code for "\r" is 13, and the ascii code for "\n" is 10. Now what about the string "0d"? The ascii code for the character "0" is 48, and the ascii code for the character "d" is 100. Those strings do not have a single character in common. Even this doesn't work:

 x = '0d' + '0a'
 x.replace("\r\n", " ")
 print x


Nor will this:

x = 'd' + 'a'
x.replace("\r\n", " ")
print x


The bottom line is: converting a character to an integer then to a hex string does not end up giving you the original character--they are just different strings. So if you do this:

char = "a"
code = ord(char)
hex_str = hex(code)

print char.replace(hex_str, " ") can't expect "a" to be replaced by a space. If you examine the output here:

char = "a"
print repr(char)

code = ord(char)
print repr(code)

hex_str = hex(code)
print repr(hex_str)

print repr(
    char.replace(hex_str, " ")


You can see that 'a' is a string with one character in it, and '0x61' is a string with 4 characters in it: '0', 'x', '6', and '1', and you can never find a four character string inside a one character string.

4) Removing newlines can corrupt the data.

For some files, you do not want to replace newlines. For instance, if you were reading in a .jpg file, which is a file that contains a bunch of integers representing colors in an image, and some colors in the image happened to be represented by the number 13 followed by the number 10, your code would eliminate those colors from the output.

However, if you are writing a program to read only text files, then replacing newlines is fine. But then, different operating systems use different newlines. You are trying to replace Windows newlines(\r\n), which means your program won't work on files created by a Mac or Linux computer, which use \n for newlines. There are easy ways to solve that, but maybe you don't want to worry about that just yet.

I hope all that's not too confusing.

How to solve ADB device unauthorized in Android ADB host device?

You need to allow Allow USB debugging when the popup shows up when you first connect to the computer!

clientHeight/clientWidth returning different values on different browsers

It may be caused by IE's box model bug. To fix this, you can use the Box Model Hack.

Set session variable in laravel

You can try

 Session::put('variable_Name', "Your Data Save Successfully !");  

Finding the 'type' of an input element

Check the type property. Would that suffice?

Java enum - why use toString instead of name

name() is literally the textual name in the java code of the enum. That means it is limited to strings that can actually appear in your java code, but not all desirable strings are expressible in code. For example, you may need a string that begins with a number. name() will never be able to obtain that string for you.

How can I remove space (margin) above HTML header?


h1 {
    margin-top: 0;

You're seeing the effects of margin collapsing.

JPA: how do I persist a String into a database field, type MYSQL Text

With @Lob I always end up with a LONGTEXTin MySQL.

To get TEXT I declare it that way (JPA 2.0):

@Column(columnDefinition = "TEXT")
private String text

Find this better, because I can directly choose which Text-Type the column will have in database.

For columnDefinition it is also good to read this.

EDIT: Please pay attention to Adam Siemions comment and check the database engine you are using, before applying columnDefinition = "TEXT".

Passing parameter to controller from route in laravel

You don't need anything special for adding paramaters. Just like you had it.

Route::get('groups/(:any)', array('as' => 'group', 'uses' => 'groups@show'));

class Groups_Controller extends Base_Controller {

    public $restful = true;    

    public function get_show($groupID) {
        return 'I am group id ' . $groupID;


HTTP Error 404 when running Tomcat from Eclipse

I had this or a similar problem after installing Tomcat.

The other answers didn't quite work, but got me on the right path. I answered this at after discovering a YouTube video showing the exact problem I was having.

Add or change a value of JSON key with jquery or javascript

Once you have decoded the JSON, the result is a JavaScript object. Just manipulate it as you would any other object. For example:

data.busNum = 12345;

How to write a:hover in inline CSS?

using Javascript:

a) Adding inline style

document.head.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<style>#mydiv:hover{color:red;}</style>');

b) or a bit harder method - adding "mouseover"

document.getElementById("mydiv").onmouseover= function(e){this.className += ' my-special-class'; };
document.getElementById("mydiv").onmouseleave= function(e){this.className = this.className.replace('my-special-class',''); };

Note: multi-word styles (i.e.font-size) in Javascript are written together:"12px"

ASP.NET MVC 4 Custom Authorize Attribute with Permission Codes (without roles)

I could do this with a custom attribute as follows.

[AuthorizeUser(AccessLevel = "Create")]
public ActionResult CreateNewInvoice()
    return View();

Custom Attribute class as follows.

public class AuthorizeUserAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
    // Custom property
    public string AccessLevel { get; set; }

    protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)
        var isAuthorized = base.AuthorizeCore(httpContext);
        if (!isAuthorized)
            return false;

        string privilegeLevels = string.Join("", GetUserRights(httpContext.User.Identity.Name.ToString())); // Call another method to get rights of the user from DB

        return privilegeLevels.Contains(this.AccessLevel);           

You can redirect an unauthorised user in your custom AuthorisationAttribute by overriding the HandleUnauthorizedRequest method:

protected override void HandleUnauthorizedRequest(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
    filterContext.Result = new RedirectToRouteResult(
                new RouteValueDictionary(
                            controller = "Error", 
                            action = "Unauthorised" 

Image Greyscale with CSS & re-color on mouse-over?

I use the following code on

Smooth transition from b/w to color with magnifying effect (scale)

    img.color_flip {
      filter: url(filters.svg#grayscale); /* Firefox 3.5+ */
      filter: gray; /* IE5+ */
      -webkit-filter: grayscale(1); /* Webkit Nightlies & Chrome Canary */
      -webkit-transition: all .5s ease-in-out;

    img.color_flip:hover {
      filter: none;
      -webkit-filter: grayscale(0);
      -webkit-transform: scale(1.1);

A full list of all the new/popular databases and their uses?

I doubt I'd use it in a mission-critical system, but Derby has always been very interesting to me.

printf %f with only 2 numbers after the decimal point?

Use this:

printf ("%.2f", 3.14159);

How do I call the base class constructor?

Regarding the alternative to super; you'd in most cases use use the base class either in the initialization list of the derived class, or using the Base::someData syntax when you are doing work elsewhere and the derived class redefines data members.

struct Base
    Base(char* name) { }
    virtual ~Base();
    int d;

struct Derived : Base
    Derived() : Base("someString") { }
    int d;
    void foo() { d = Base::d; }

Pivoting rows into columns dynamically in Oracle

Happen to have a task on pivot. Below works for me as tested just now on 11g:

select * from
    'Canada', 'USA', 'Mexico'

how to access the command line for xampp on windows

Run PHP file from command Promp.

Please set Environment Variable as per below mention steps.

  1. Right Click on MY Computer Icon and Click on Properties or Go to "Control Panel\System and Security\System".
  2. Select "Advanced System Settings" and select "Advance" Tab
  3. Now Select "Environment Variable" option and select "Path" from "System Variables" and click on "Edit" button
  4. Now set path where php.exe file is available - For example if XAMPP install in to C: drive then Path is "C:\xampp\php"
  5. After set path Click Ok and Apply.

Now open Command prompt where your source file are available and run command "php test.php"

Pass props in Link react-router

If you are just looking to replace the slugs in your routes, you can use generatePath that was introduced in react-router 4.3 (2018). As of today, it isn't included in the react-router-dom (web) documentation, but is in react-router (core). Issue#7679

// myRoutes.js
export const ROUTES = {
  userDetails: "/user/:id",

// MyRouter.jsx
import ROUTES from './routes'

<Route path={ROUTES.userDetails} ... />

// MyComponent.jsx
import { generatePath } from 'react-router-dom'
import ROUTES from './routes'

<Link to={generatePath(ROUTES.userDetails, { id: 1 })}>ClickyClick</Link>

It's the same concept that django.urls.reverse has had for a while.

What is the difference between NULL, '\0' and 0?

What is the difference between NULL, ‘\0’ and 0

"null character (NUL)" is easiest to rule out. '\0' is a character literal. In C, it is implemented as int, so, it's the same as 0, which is of INT_TYPE_SIZE. In C++, character literal is implemented as char, which is 1 byte. This is normally different from NULL or 0.

Next, NULL is a pointer value that specifies that a variable does not point to any address space. Set aside the fact that it is usually implemented as zeros, it must be able to express the full address space of the architecture. Thus, on a 32-bit architecture NULL (likely) is 4-byte and on 64-bit architecture 8-byte. This is up to the implementation of C.

Finally, the literal 0 is of type int, which is of size INT_TYPE_SIZE. The default value of INT_TYPE_SIZE could be different depending on architecture.

Apple wrote:

The 64-bit data model used by Mac OS X is known as "LP64". This is the common data model used by other 64-bit UNIX systems from Sun and SGI as well as 64-bit Linux. The LP64 data model defines the primitive types as follows:

  • ints are 32-bit
  • longs are 64-bit
  • long-longs are also 64-bit
  • pointers are 64-bit

Wikipedia 64-bit:

Microsoft's VC++ compiler uses the LLP64 model.

64-bit data models
Data model short int long  long long pointers Sample operating systems
LLP64      16    32  32    64        64       Microsoft Win64 (X64/IA64)
LP64       16    32  64    64        64       Most Unix and Unix-like systems (Solaris, Linux, etc.)
ILP64      16    64  64    64        64       HAL
SILP64     64    64  64    64        64       ?

Edit: Added more on the character literal.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
    printf("%d", sizeof('\0'));
    return 0;

The above code returns 4 on gcc and 1 on g++.

Using BeautifulSoup to extract text without tags

you can try this indside findall for loop:

item_price = item.find('span', attrs={'class':'s-item__price'}).text

it extracts only text and assigs it to "item_pice"

How can I count occurrences with groupBy?

Here is example for list of Objects

Map<String, Long> requirementCountMap =, Collectors.counting()));

How to run .jar file by double click on Windows 7 64-bit?

change the default application for JAR files from java.exe to javaw.exe from your JAVA_HOME/bin folder.

This is because, java.exe is console application only, but JAR file needs a window rendered execution. Since javaw.exe is a window application, it is preferred for the execution of JAR files.

An alternative to this is that to some extent you can use command prompt to run your JAR files by simply using java keyword with -jar attrib.

How to query SOLR for empty fields?

If you have a large index, you should use a default value

   <field ... default="EMPTY" />

and then query for this default value. This is much more efficient than q=-id:["" TO *]

How can I introduce multiple conditions in LIKE operator?

Oracle 10g has functions that allow the use of POSIX-compliant regular expressions in SQL:


See the Oracle Database SQL Reference for syntax details on this functions.

Take a look at Regular expressions in Perl with examples.

Code :

    select * from tbl where regexp_like(col, '^(ABC|XYZ|PQR)');

Python Remove last char from string and return it

Strings are "immutable" for good reason: It really saves a lot of headaches, more often than you'd think. It also allows python to be very smart about optimizing their use. If you want to process your string in increments, you can pull out part of it with split() or separate it into two parts using indices:

a = "abc"
a, result = a[:-1], a[-1]

This shows that you're splitting your string in two. If you'll be examining every byte of the string, you can iterate over it (in reverse, if you wish):

for result in reversed(a):

I should add this seems a little contrived: Your string is more likely to have some separator, and then you'll use split:

ans = "foo,blah,etc."
for a in ans.split(","):

What is tail recursion?

In Java, here's a possible tail recursive implementation of the Fibonacci function:

public int tailRecursive(final int n) {
    if (n <= 2)
        return 1;
    return tailRecursiveAux(n, 1, 1);

private int tailRecursiveAux(int n, int iter, int acc) {
    if (iter == n)
        return acc;
    return tailRecursiveAux(n, ++iter, acc + iter);

Contrast this with the standard recursive implementation:

public int recursive(final int n) {
    if (n <= 2)
        return 1;
    return recursive(n - 1) + recursive(n - 2);

Android: I lost my android key store, what should I do?

No, there is no chance to do that. You just learned how important a backup can be.

You have not accepted the license agreements of the following SDK components

I had a similiar problem but ./sdkmanager --licenses didnt work. I follow this thread and "obladors" comment gave me the solution:

What eventually solved my problem was: Running ./sdkmanager "build-tools;23.0.1"

Change 23.0.1 with your version

Defined Edges With CSS3 Filter Blur

You could put it in a <div> with overflow: hidden; and set the <img> to margin: -5px -10px -10px -5px;.

Demo: jsFiddle



img {
    filter: blur(5px);
        -webkit-filter: blur(5px);
        -moz-filter: blur(5px);
        -o-filter: blur(5px);
        -ms-filter: blur(5px);
    margin: -5px -10px -10px -5px;

div {
    overflow: hidden;


<div><img src="" />?????????????????????????????????????????????</div>????????????

Android SeekBar setOnSeekBarChangeListener

All answers are correct, but you need to convert a long big fat number into a timer first:

    public String toTimer(long milliseconds){
    String finalTimerString = "";
    String secondsString;
    // Convert total duration into time
    int hours = (int)( milliseconds / (1000*60*60));
    int minutes = (int)(milliseconds % (1000*60*60)) / (1000*60);
    int seconds = (int) ((milliseconds % (1000*60*60)) % (1000*60) / 1000);
    // Add hours if there
    if(hours > 0){
        finalTimerString = hours + ":";
    // Prepending 0 to seconds if it is one digit
    if(seconds < 10){
        secondsString = "0" + seconds;
        secondsString = "" + seconds;}
    finalTimerString = finalTimerString + minutes + ":" + secondsString;
    // return timer string
    return finalTimerString;

And this is how you use it:

public void onProgressChanged(SeekBar seekBar, int progress, boolean fromUser) {
textView.setText(String.format("%s", toTimer(progress)));        

How to create a blank/empty column with SELECT query in oracle?

I guess you will get ORA-01741: illegal zero-length identifier if you use the following

SELECT "" AS Contact  FROM Customers;

And if you use the following 2 statements, you will be getting the same null value populated in the column.

SELECT '' AS Contact FROM Customers; OR SELECT null AS Contact FROM Customers;