Programs & Examples On #Katta

Apache 2.4.3 (with XAMPP 1.8.1) not starting in windows 8

I had to manually edit the 2 text files (httpd.conf and httpd-ssl.conf) using the Config button for Apache to run and change in notepad from 80 > 81 and 443 > 444

Using the Xampp UI config manager doesn't save the changes into Apache.

How to call a PHP file from HTML or Javascript

As you have already stated in your question you have more than one option. A very basic approach would be using the tag referencing your PHP file in the method attribute. However as esoteric as it may sound AJAX is a more complete approach. Considering that an AJAX call (in combination with jQuery) can be as simple as:

$.post("yourfile.php", {data : "This can be as long as you want"});

And you get a more flexible solution, for example triggering a function after the server request is completed. Hope this helps.

Clone only one branch

You could create a new repo with

git init 

and then use

git fetch url-to-repo branchname:refs/remotes/origin/branchname

to fetch just that one branch into a local remote-tracking branch.

How to solve "sign_and_send_pubkey: signing failed: agent refused operation"?

Run ssh-add on the client machine, that will add the SSH key to the agent.

Confirm with ssh-add -l (again on the client) that it was indeed added.

How do I make a WPF TextBlock show my text on multiple lines?

Nesting a stackpanel will cause the textbox to wrap properly:

<Viewbox Margin="120,0,120,0">
    <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" Width="400">
        <TextBlock x:Name="subHeaderText" 
                   Text="Lorem ipsum dolor, lorem isum dolor,Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet " />

How to use setArguments() and getArguments() methods in Fragments?

Instantiating the Fragment the correct way!

getArguments() setArguments() methods seem very useful when it comes to instantiating a Fragment using a static method.
ie Myfragment.createInstance(String msg)

How to do it?

Fragment code

public MyFragment extends Fragment {

    private String displayMsg;
    private TextView text;

    public static MyFragment createInstance(String displayMsg)
        MyFragment fragment = new MyFragment();
        Bundle args = new Bundle();
        fragment.setArguments(args);           //set
        return fragment;

    public void onCreate(Bundle bundle)
        displayMsg = getArguments().getString("KEY"):    // get 

    public View onCreateView(LayoutInlater inflater, ViewGroup parent, Bundle bundle){
        View view = inflater.inflate(,parent,false);
        text = (TextView)view.findViewById(;
        text.setText(displayMsg)    // show msg
        returm view;


Let's say you want to pass a String while creating an Instance. This is how you will do it.

MyFragment.createInstance("This String will be shown in textView");

Read More

1) Why Myfragment.getInstance(String msg) is preferred over new MyFragment(String msg)?
2) Sample code on Fragments

Post order traversal of binary tree without recursion

// the java version with flag

public static <T> void printWithFlag(TreeNode<T> root){
    if(null == root) return;

    Stack<TreeNode<T>> stack = new Stack<TreeNode<T>>();

    while(stack.size() > 0){
            System.out.print(stack.pop().getValue() + "  ");

            TreeNode<T> tempNode = stack.peek();

            if(tempNode.getLeft() != null){



Trying to get property of non-object - CodeIgniter

In my case, I was looping through a series of objects from an XML file, but some of the instances apparently were not objects which was causing the error. Checking if the object was empty before processing it fixed the problem.

In other words, without checking if the object was empty, the script would error out on any empty object with the error as given below.

Trying to get property of non-object

For Example:

if (!empty($this->xml_data->thing1->thing2))
   foreach ($this->xml_data->thing1->thing2 as $thing)


php - add + 7 days to date format mm dd, YYYY

onClose: function(selectedDate) {

    $("#dpTodate").datepicker("option", "minDate", selectedDate);
    var maxDate = new Date(selectedDate);

     maxDate.setDate(maxDate.getDate() + 6); //6 days extra in from date

     $("#dpTodate").datepicker("option", "maxDate", maxDate);

Configure DataSource programmatically in Spring Boot

You can use DataSourceBuilder if you are using jdbc starter. Also, in order to override the default autoconfiguration bean you need to mark your bean as a @Primary

In my case I have properties starting with datasource.postgres prefix.


@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "datasource.postgres")
public DataSource dataSource() {
    return DataSourceBuilder

If it is not feasible for you, then you can use

public DataSource dataSource() {
    return DataSourceBuilder

From io.Reader to string in Go

The most efficient way would be to always use []byte instead of string.

In case you need to print data received from the io.ReadCloser, the fmt package can handle []byte, but it isn't efficient because the fmt implementation will internally convert []byte to string. In order to avoid this conversion, you can implement the fmt.Formatter interface for a type like type ByteSlice []byte.

VB.NET Connection string (Web.Config, App.Config)

Public Function connectDB() As OleDbConnection

        Dim Con As New OleDbConnection
        'Con.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=" & DBNAME & ";Data Source=" & DBSERVER & ";Pwd=" & DBPWD & ""
        Con.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=DBNAME;Data Source=DBSERVER-TOSH;User ID=Sa;Pwd= & DBPWD"
        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
        Return Con
    End Function

Which command do I use to generate the build of a Vue app?

If you want to build and send to your remote server you can use cli-service ( you can create tasks to serve, build and one to deploy with some specific plugins as vue-cli-plugin-s3-deploy

How to change screen resolution of Raspberry Pi

TV Sony Bravia KLV-32T550A Below mention config works greatly You should add the following into the /boot/config.txt to force the output to HDMI and set the

resolution 82   1920x1080   60Hz    1080p


How to show Alert Message like "successfully Inserted" after inserting to DB using MVC3

The 'best' way to do this would be to set a property on a view object once the update is successful. You can then access this property in the view and inform the user accordingly.

Having said that it would be possible to trigger an alert from the controller code by doing something like this -

public ActionResult ActionName(PostBackData postbackdata)
    //your DB code
    return new JavascriptResult { Script = "alert('Successfully registered');" };

You can find further info in this question - How to display "Message box" using MVC3 controller

pip install mysql-python fails with EnvironmentError: mysql_config not found

I was trying to install mysql-python on an Amazon EC2 Linux instance and I had to install these :

yum install mysql mysql-devel mysql-common mysql-libs gcc

But then I got this error :

_mysql.c:29:20: fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directory

So I installed :

yum install python-devel

And that did the trick.

onchange event on input type=range is not triggering in firefox while dragging

Andrew Willem's solutions are not mobile device compatible.

Here's a modification of his second solution that works in Edge, IE, Opera, FF, Chrome, iOS Safari and mobile equivalents (that I could test):

Update 1: Removed "requestAnimationFrame" portion, as I agree it's not necessary:

var listener = function() {
  // do whatever

slider1.addEventListener("input", function() {
  slider1.addEventListener("change", listener);
slider1.addEventListener("change", function() {
  slider1.removeEventListener("input", listener);

Update 2: Response to Andrew's 2nd Jun 2016 updated answer:

Thanks, Andrew - that appears to work in every browser I could find (Win desktop: IE, Chrome, Opera, FF; Android Chrome, Opera and FF, iOS Safari).

Update 3: if ("oninput in slider) solution

The following appears to work across all the above browsers. (I cannot find the original source now.) I was using this, but it subsequently failed on IE and so I went looking for a different one, hence I ended up here.

if ("oninput" in slider1) {
    slider1.addEventListener("input", function () {
        // do whatever;
    }, false);

But before I checked your solution, I noticed this was working again in IE - perhaps there was some other conflict.

How to add RSA key to authorized_keys file?

Make sure when executing Michael Krelin's solution you do the following

cat <your_public_key_file> >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Note the double > without the double > the existing contents of authorized_keys will be over-written (nuked!) and that may not be desirable

What does '?' do in C++?

Just a note, if you ever see this:

a = x ? : y;

It's a GNU extension to the standard (see

It is the same as

a = x ? x : y;

Where are logs located?

In Laravel 6, by default the logs are in:


Clearing content of text file using php

//create a file handler by opening the file
$myTextFileHandler = @fopen("filelist.txt","r+");

//truncate the file to zero
//or you could have used the write method and written nothing to it
@ftruncate($myTextFileHandler, 0);

//use location header to go back to index.html

I don't exactly know where u want to show the result.

Get query from java.sql.PreparedStatement

You could try calling toString() on the prepared statement after you've set the bind values.

PreparedStatement query = connection.prepareStatement(aSQLStatement);
System.out.println("Before : " + query.toString());
query.setString(1, "Hello");
query.setString(2, "World");
System.out.println("After : " + query.toString());

This works when you use the JDBC MySQL driver, but I'm not sure if it will in other cases. You may have to keep track of all the bindings you make and then print those out.

Sample output from above code.

Before : com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC4PreparedStatement@fa9cf: SELECT * FROM test WHERE blah1=** NOT SPECIFIED ** and blah2=** NOT SPECIFIED **
After : com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC4PreparedStatement@fa9cf: SELECT * FROM test WHERE blah1='Hello' and blah2='World'

Scanner vs. StringTokenizer vs. String.Split

StringTokenizer was always there. It is the fastest of all, but the enumeration-like idiom might not look as elegant as the others.

split came to existence on JDK 1.4. Slower than tokenizer but easier to use, since it is callable from the String class.

Scanner came to be on JDK 1.5. It is the most flexible and fills a long standing gap on the Java API to support an equivalent of the famous Cs scanf function family.

vba: get unique values from array

If the order of the deduplicated array does not matter to you, you can use my pragmatic function:

Function DeDupArray(ia() As String)
  Dim newa() As String
  ReDim newa(999)
  ni = -1
  For n = LBound(ia) To UBound(ia)
    dup = False
    If n <= UBound(ia) Then
      For k = n + 1 To UBound(ia)
        If ia(k) = ia(n) Then dup = True
      Next k

      If dup = False And Trim(ia(n)) <> "" Then
        ni = ni + 1
        newa(ni) = ia(n)
      End If
    End If
  Next n

  If ni > -1 Then
    ReDim Preserve newa(ni)
    ReDim Preserve newa(1)
  End If

  DeDupArray = newa
End Function

Sub testdedup()
Dim m(5) As String
Dim m2() As String

m(0) = "Horse"
m(1) = "Cow"
m(2) = "Dear"
m(3) = "Horse"
m(4) = "Joke"
m(5) = "Cow"

m2 = DeDupArray(m)
t = ""
For n = LBound(m2) To UBound(m2)
  t = t & n & "=" & m2(n) & " "
Next n
MsgBox t
End Sub

From the test function, it will result in the following deduplicated array:

"0=Dear 1=Horse 2=Joke 3=Cow "

Android Studio not showing modules in project structure

As for me issue was that the first line in the build.gradle file of the OpenCV library.

It was something like this: apply plugin: '' This refers to the fact that the imported OpenCV is an application and not a library. It exists for OpenCV above 4.1.0. So change it to: Something like this: apply plugin: ''.

You might get an error in ApplicationId, comment it out in the gradle file.

Python, HTTPS GET with basic authentication

Use the power of Python and lean on one of the best libraries around: requests

import requests

r = requests.get('', auth=('myusername', 'mybasicpass'))

Variable r (requests response) has a lot more parameters that you can use. Best thing is to pop into the interactive interpreter and play around with it, and/or read requests docs.

ubuntu@hostname:/home/ubuntu$ python3
Python 3.4.3 (default, Oct 14 2015, 20:28:29)
[GCC 4.8.4] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import requests
>>> r = requests.get('', auth=('myusername', 'mybasicpass'))
>>> dir(r)
['__attrs__', '__bool__', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__getstate__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__iter__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__nonzero__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__setstate__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', '_content', '_content_consumed', 'apparent_encoding', 'close', 'connection', 'content', 'cookies', 'elapsed', 'encoding', 'headers', 'history', 'iter_content', 'iter_lines', 'json', 'links', 'ok', 'raise_for_status', 'raw', 'reason', 'request', 'status_code', 'text', 'url']
>>> r.content
>>> r.text
>>> r.status_code
>>> r.headers
CaseInsensitiveDict({'x-powered-by': 'Express', 'content-length': '77', 'date': 'Fri, 20 May 2016 02:06:18 GMT', 'server': 'nginx/1.6.3', 'connection': 'keep-alive', 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'})

no module named urllib.parse (How should I install it?)

With the information you have provided, your best bet will be to use Python 3.x.

Your error suggests that the code may have been written for Python 3 given that it is trying to import urllib.parse. If you've written the software and have control over its source code, you should change the import to:

from urlparse import urlparse

urllib was split into urllib.parse, urllib.request, and urllib.error in Python 3.

I suggest that you take a quick look at software collections in CentOS if you are not able to change the imports for some reason. You can bring in Python 3.3 like this:

  1. yum install centosĀ­-releaseĀ­-SCL
  2. yum install python33
  3. scl enable python33

Check this page out for more info on SCLs

Sort matrix according to first column in R

The accepted answer works like a charm unless you're applying it to a vector. Since a vector is non-recursive, you'll get an error like this

$ operator is invalid for atomic vectors

You can use [ in that case


Eliminate extra separators below UITableView

I would like to extend wkw answer:

Simply adding only footer with height 0 will do the trick. (tested on sdk 4.2, 4.4.1)

- (void) addFooter
    UIView *v = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero];

    [self.myTableView setTableFooterView:v];

or even simpler - where you set up your tableview, add this line:

//change height value if extra space is needed at the bottom.
[_tableView setTableFooterView:[[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,0,0)]];

or even simplier - to simply remove any separators:

[_tableView setTableFooterView:[UIView new]];

Thanks to wkw again :)

Update React component every second

In the component's componentDidMount lifecycle method, you can set an interval to call a function which updates the state.

 componentDidMount() {
      setInterval(() => this.setState({ time:}), 1000)

Why does overflow:hidden not work in a <td>?

You'll have to set the table's style attributes: width and table-layout: fixed; to let the 'overflow: hidden;' attribute work properly.

Imo this works better then using divs with the width style attribute, especially when using it for dynamic resizing calculations, the table will have a simpler DOM which makes manipulation easier because corrections for padding and margin are not required

As an extra, you don't have to set the width for all cells but only for the cells in the first row.

Like this:

<table style="width:0px;table-layout:fixed">
    <td style="width:60px;">
    <td style="width:100px;">
    <td style="width:160px;overflow:hidden">
    <td style="">
    <td style="">
    <td style="overflow:hidden">

Heatmap in matplotlib with pcolor?

This is late, but here is my python implementation of the flowingdata NBA heatmap.

updated:1/4/2014: thanks everyone

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# <nbformat>3.0</nbformat>

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Filename   :
# Date       : 2013-04-19
# Updated    : 2014-01-04
# Author     : @LotzJoe >> Joe Lotz
# Description: My attempt at reproducing the FlowingData graphic in Python
# Source     :
# Other Links:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from urllib2 import urlopen
import numpy as np
%pylab inline

page = urlopen("")
nba = pd.read_csv(page, index_col=0)

# Normalize data columns
nba_norm = (nba - nba.mean()) / (nba.max() - nba.min())

# Sort data according to Points, lowest to highest
# This was just a design choice made by Yau
# inplace=False (default) ->thanks SO user d1337
nba_sort = nba_norm.sort('PTS', ascending=True)


# Plot it out
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
heatmap = ax.pcolor(nba_sort,, alpha=0.8)

# Format
fig = plt.gcf()
fig.set_size_inches(8, 11)

# turn off the frame

# put the major ticks at the middle of each cell
ax.set_yticks(np.arange(nba_sort.shape[0]) + 0.5, minor=False)
ax.set_xticks(np.arange(nba_sort.shape[1]) + 0.5, minor=False)

# want a more natural, table-like display

# Set the labels

# label source:
labels = [
    'Games', 'Minutes', 'Points', 'Field goals made', 'Field goal attempts', 'Field goal percentage', 'Free throws made', 'Free throws attempts', 'Free throws percentage',
    'Three-pointers made', 'Three-point attempt', 'Three-point percentage', 'Offensive rebounds', 'Defensive rebounds', 'Total rebounds', 'Assists', 'Steals', 'Blocks', 'Turnover', 'Personal foul']

# note I could have used nba_sort.columns but made "labels" instead
ax.set_xticklabels(labels, minor=False)
ax.set_yticklabels(nba_sort.index, minor=False)

# rotate the


# Turn off all the ticks
ax = plt.gca()

for t in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks():
    t.tick1On = False
    t.tick2On = False
for t in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks():
    t.tick1On = False
    t.tick2On = False

The output looks like this: flowingdata-like nba heatmap

There's an ipython notebook with all this code here. I've learned a lot from 'overflow so hopefully someone will find this useful.

How to check if all inputs are not empty with jQuery

var isValid = true;
$("#tabledata").find("#tablebody").find("input").each(function() {
var element = $(this);
if (element.val() == "") {
isValid = false;
isValid = true;

Combining node.js and Python

For communication between node.js and Python server, I would use Unix sockets if both processes run on the same server and TCP/IP sockets otherwise. For marshaling protocol I would take JSON or protocol buffer. If threaded Python shows up to be a bottleneck, consider using Twisted Python, which provides the same event driven concurrency as do node.js.

If you feel adventurous, learn clojure (clojurescript, clojure-py) and you'll get the same language that runs and interoperates with existing code on Java, JavaScript (node.js included), CLR and Python. And you get superb marshalling protocol by simply using clojure data structures.

How to select between brackets (or quotes or ...) in Vim?

I would add a detail to the most voted answer:

If you're using gvim and want to copy to the clipboard, use


To copy all the content between brackets (or parens or curly brackets)

For example: "+yi} will copy to the clipboard all the content between the curly brackets your cursor is.

Set variable with multiple values and use IN

Ideally you shouldn't be splitting strings in T-SQL at all.

Barring that change, on older versions before SQL Server 2016, create a split function:

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.SplitStrings
    @List      nvarchar(max), 
    @Delimiter nvarchar(2)
      SELECT CONVERT(xml, N'<root><i>' 
        + REPLACE(@List, @Delimiter, N'</i><i>') 
        + N'</i></root>')
    SELECT Item = LTRIM(RTRIM(i.i.value(N'.',N'nvarchar(max)')))
      FROM x CROSS APPLY x.nodes(N'//root/i') AS i(i)

Now you can say:

DECLARE @Values varchar(1000);

SET @Values = 'A, B, C';

  INNER JOIN dbo.SplitStrings(@Values, ',') AS s
    ON s.Item = foo.myField;

On SQL Server 2016 or above (or Azure SQL Database), it is much simpler and more efficient, however you do have to manually apply LTRIM() to take away any leading spaces:

DECLARE @Values varchar(1000) = 'A, B, C';

    ON LTRIM(s.value) = foo.myField;

python: urllib2 how to send cookie with urlopen request

This answer is not working since the urllib2 module has been split across several modules in Python 3. You need to do

from urllib import request
opener = request.build_opener()
opener.addheaders.append(('Cookie', 'cookiename=cookievalue'))
f ="")

file_get_contents() Breaks Up UTF-8 Characters

Exemple :

$string = file_get_contents(".../File.txt");
$string = mb_convert_encoding($string, 'UTF-8', "ISO-8859-1");
echo $string;

Oracle: Call stored procedure inside the package

You're nearly there, just take out the EXECUTE:

  procId NUMBER;

  PKG1.INIT(1143824, 0, procId);

How do you disable browser Autocomplete on web form field / input tag?

So here is it:

function turnOnPasswordStyle() {_x000D_
  $('#inputpassword').attr('type', "password");_x000D_
<input oninput="turnOnPasswordStyle()" id="inputpassword" type="text">

How to navigate to a section of a page

Wrap your div with

<a name="sushi">
  <div id="sushi">

and link to it by

<a href="#sushi">Sushi</a>

Why does the html input with type "number" allow the letter 'e' to be entered in the field?

<input type="number" onkeydown="return FilterInput(event)" onpaste="handlePaste(event)"  >

function FilterInput(event) {
    var keyCode = ('which' in event) ? event.which : event.keyCode;

    isNotWanted = (keyCode == 69 || keyCode == 101);
    return !isNotWanted;
function handlePaste (e) {
    var clipboardData, pastedData;

    // Get pasted data via clipboard API
    clipboardData = e.clipboardData || window.clipboardData;
    pastedData = clipboardData.getData('Text').toUpperCase();

    if(pastedData.indexOf('E')>-1) {
        //alert('found an E');

Windows Explorer "Command Prompt Here"

If that's so bothering, you could try to switch to windows explorer alternative like freecommander which has a toolbar button for that purpose.

How do I save JSON to local text file


var fs = require('fs');
fs.writeFile("test.txt", jsonData, function(err) {
    if (err) {

Browser (webapi):

function download(content, fileName, contentType) {
    var a = document.createElement("a");
    var file = new Blob([content], {type: contentType});
    a.href = URL.createObjectURL(file); = fileName;;
download(jsonData, 'json.txt', 'text/plain');

python filter list of dictionaries based on key value

You can try a list comp

>>> exampleSet = [{'type':'type1'},{'type':'type2'},{'type':'type2'}, {'type':'type3'}]
>>> keyValList = ['type2','type3']
>>> expectedResult = [d for d in exampleSet if d['type'] in keyValList]
>>> expectedResult
[{'type': 'type2'}, {'type': 'type2'}, {'type': 'type3'}]

Another way is by using filter

>>> list(filter(lambda d: d['type'] in keyValList, exampleSet))
[{'type': 'type2'}, {'type': 'type2'}, {'type': 'type3'}]

How to smooth a curve in the right way?

Fitting a moving average to your data would smooth out the noise, see this this answer for how to do that.

If you'd like to use LOWESS to fit your data (it's similar to a moving average but more sophisticated), you can do that using the statsmodels library:

import numpy as np
import pylab as plt
import statsmodels.api as sm

x = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,100)
y = np.sin(x) + np.random.random(100) * 0.2
lowess = sm.nonparametric.lowess(y, x, frac=0.1)

plt.plot(x, y, '+')
plt.plot(lowess[:, 0], lowess[:, 1])

Finally, if you know the functional form of your signal, you could fit a curve to your data, which would probably be the best thing to do.

How to submit form on change of dropdown list?

Just ask assistance of JavaScript.

<select onchange="this.form.submit()">

See also:

HTTP status code for update and delete?

Since the question delves into if DELETE "should" return 200 vs 204 it is worth considering that some people recommend returning an entity with links so the preference is for 200.

"Instead of returning 204 (No Content), the API should be helpful and suggest places to go. In this example I think one obvious link to provide is to" '' (minus 'resource') "- the container from which the client just deleted a resource. Perhaps the client wishes to delete more resources, so that would be a helpful link."

If a client encounters a 204 response, it can either give up, go to the entry point of the API, or go back to the previous resource it visited. Neither option is particularly good.

Personally I would not say 204 is wrong (neither does the author; he says "annoying") because good caching at the client side has many benefits. Best is to be consistent either way.

html text input onchange event

I used this line to listen for input events from javascript.
It is useful because it listens for text change and text pasted events.

myElement.addEventListener('input', e => { myEvent() });

Makefile ifeq logical or

Here more flexible variant: it uses external shell, but allows to check for arbitrary conditions:

ifeq ($(shell test ".$(GCC_MINOR)" = .4  -o  \
                   ".$(GCC_MINOR)" = .5  -o  \
                   ".$(TODAY)"     = .Friday  &&  printf "true"), true)
    CFLAGS += -fno-strict-overflow

Get selected value from combo box in C# WPF

I use this code, and it works for me:

DataRowView typeItem = (DataRowView)myComboBox.SelectedItem; 
string value = typeItem.Row[0].ToString();

Regular expression for not allowing spaces in the input field

This one will only match the input field or string if there are no spaces. If there are any spaces, it will not match at all.


Matches from the beginning of the line to the end. Accepts alphanumeric characters, numbers, and most special characters.

If you want just alphanumeric characters then change what is in the [] like so:


How to send/receive SOAP request and response using C#?

The urls are different.

  • http://localhost/AccountSvc/DataInquiry.asmx


  • /acctinqsvc/portfolioinquiry.asmx

Resolve this issue first, as if the web server cannot resolve the URL you are attempting to POST to, you won't even begin to process the actions described by your request.

You should only need to create the WebRequest to the ASMX root URL, ie: http://localhost/AccountSvc/DataInquiry.asmx, and specify the desired method/operation in the SOAPAction header.

The SOAPAction header values are different.

  • http://localhost/AccountSvc/DataInquiry.asmx/ + methodName



You should be able to determine the correct SOAPAction by going to the correct ASMX URL and appending ?wsdl

There should be a <soap:operation> tag underneath the <wsdl:operation> tag that matches the operation you are attempting to execute, which appears to be GetMyName.

There is no XML declaration in the request body that includes your SOAP XML.

You specify text/xml in the ContentType of your HttpRequest and no charset. Perhaps these default to us-ascii, but there's no telling if you aren't specifying them!

The SoapUI created XML includes an XML declaration that specifies an encoding of utf-8, which also matches the Content-Type provided to the HTTP request which is: text/xml; charset=utf-8

Hope that helps!

How to pass an array to a function in VBA?

This seems unnecessary, but VBA is a strange place. If you declare an array variable, then set it using Array() then pass the variable into your function, VBA will be happy.

Sub test()
    Dim fString As String
    Dim arr() As Variant
    arr = Array("foo", "bar")
    fString = processArr(arr)
End Sub

Also your function processArr() could be written as:

Function processArr(arr() As Variant) As String
    processArr = Replace(Join(arr()), " ", "")
End Function

If you are into the whole brevity thing.

Change the selected value of a drop-down list with jQuery

Just try with


and not with


Python Inverse of a Matrix

For those like me, who were looking for a pure Python solution without pandas or numpy involved, check out the following GitHub project:

It generously provides a very good explanation of how the process looks like "behind the scenes". The author has nicely described the step-by-step approach and presented some practical examples, all easy to follow.

This is just a little code snippet from there to illustrate the approach very briefly (AM is the source matrix, IM is the identity matrix of the same size):

def invert_matrix(AM, IM):
    for fd in range(len(AM)):
        fdScaler = 1.0 / AM[fd][fd]
        for j in range(len(AM)):
            AM[fd][j] *= fdScaler
            IM[fd][j] *= fdScaler
        for i in list(range(len(AM)))[0:fd] + list(range(len(AM)))[fd+1:]:
            crScaler = AM[i][fd]
            for j in range(len(AM)):
                AM[i][j] = AM[i][j] - crScaler * AM[fd][j]
                IM[i][j] = IM[i][j] - crScaler * IM[fd][j]
    return IM

But please do follow the entire thing, you'll learn a lot more than just copy-pasting this code! There's a Jupyter notebook as well, btw.

Hope that helps someone, I personally found it extremely useful for my very particular task (Absorbing Markov Chain) where I wasn't able to use any non-standard packages.

Detecting an "invalid date" Date instance in JavaScript

This flavor of isValidDate uses a regular expression that handles leap years:

function isValidDate(value)
    return /((^(10|12|0?[13578])([/])(3[01]|[12][0-9]|0?[1-9])([/])((1[8-9]\d{2})|([2-9]\d{3}))$)|(^(11|0?[469])([/])(30|[12][0-9]|0?[1-9])([/])((1[8-9]\d{2})|([2-9]\d{3}))$)|(^(0?2)([/])(2[0-8]|1[0-9]|0?[1-9])([/])((1[8-9]\d{2})|([2-9]\d{3}))$)|(^(0?2)([/])(29)([/])([2468][048]00)$)|(^(0?2)([/])(29)([/])([3579][26]00)$)|(^(0?2)([/])(29)([/])([1][89][0][48])$)|(^(0?2)([/])(29)([/])([2-9][0-9][0][48])$)|(^(0?2)([/])(29)([/])([1][89][2468][048])$)|(^(0?2)([/])(29)([/])([2-9][0-9][2468][048])$)|(^(0?2)([/])(29)([/])([1][89][13579][26])$)|(^(0?2)([/])(29)([/])([2-9][0-9][13579][26])$))/.test(value)

In Linux, how to tell how much memory processes are using?

First get the pid:

ps ax | grep [process name]

And then:

top -p PID

You can watch various processes in the same time:

top -p PID1 -p PID2 

Can one class extend two classes?

Java does not support multiple inheritance.

There are a few workarounds I can think of:

The first is aggregation: make a class that takes those two activities as fields.

The second is to use interfaces.

The third is to rethink your design: does it make sense for a Preferences class to be both a PreferenceActivity and an AbstractBillingActivity?

How to check whether a string is a valid HTTP URL?

    public static bool CheckURLValid(this string source)
        Uri uriResult;
        return Uri.TryCreate(source, UriKind.Absolute, out uriResult) && uriResult.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttp;


string url = "htts://adasd.xc.";
  //valid process

UPDATE: (single line of code) Thanks @GoClimbColorado

public static bool CheckURLValid(this string source) => Uri.TryCreate(source, UriKind.Absolute, out Uri uriResult) && uriResult.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttps;


string url = "htts://adasd.xc.";
  //valid process

Select multiple elements from a list

mylist[c(5,7,9)] should do it.

You want the sublists returned as sublists of the result list; you don't use [[]] (or rather, the function is [[) for that -- as Dason mentions in comments, [[ grabs the element.

Where are environment variables stored in the Windows Registry?

I always had problems with that, and I made a getx.bat script:

:: getx %envvar% [\m]
:: Reads envvar from user environment variable and stores it in the getxvalue variable
:: with \m read system environment

@SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
@echo OFF

@set l_regpath="HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment"
@if "\m"=="%2" set l_regpath="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"

::REG ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /v PATH /t REG_SZ /f /d "%PATH%"
::@REG QUERY %l_regpath% /v %1 /S

@FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('REG QUERY %l_regpath% /v %1 /S') DO (
@  set l_a=%%A
@    if NOT "!l_a!"=="!l_a:    =!" set l_line=!l_a!

:: Delimiter is four spaces. Change it to tab \t
@set l_line=!l_line!
@set l_line=%l_line:    =    %

@set getxvalue=

@FOR /F "tokens=3* delims=  " %%A IN ("%l_line%") DO (
@    set getxvalue=%%A
@set getxvalue=!getxvalue!
@echo %getxvalue% > getxfile.tmp.txt

:: We already used tab as a delimiter
@FOR /F "delims=    " %%A IN (getxfile.tmp.txt) DO (
    @set getxvalue=%%A
@del getxfile.tmp.txt

@echo ON

How to run a PowerShell script without displaying a window?

I was having this same issue. I found out if you go to the Task in Task Scheduler that is running the powershell.exe script, you can click "Run whether user is logged on or not" and that will never show the powershell window when the task runs.

Extract values in Pandas value_counts()

The best way to extract the values is to just do the following


This returns a dictionary which you can use like any other dict. Using values or keys.

 {"apple": 5, "sausage": 2, "banana": 2, "cheese": 1}

Adding Counter in shell script

You may do this with a for loop instead of a while:

for ((count = 0; count < max_loop; count++)); do
  if /home/hadoop/latest/bin/hadoop fs -ls /apps/hdtech/bds/quality-rt/dt=$DATE_YEST_FORMAT2 then
       echo "Files Present" | mailx -s "File Present"  -r [email protected] [email protected]
       echo "Sleeping for half an hour" | mailx -s "Time to Sleep Now"  -r [email protected] [email protected]
       sleep 1800

if [ "$count" -eq "$max_loop" ]; then
  echo "Maximum number of trials reached" >&2
  exit 1

remove inner shadow of text input

All browsers, including Safari (+ mobile):

input[type=text] {   
    /* Remove */
    -webkit-appearance: none;
    -moz-appearance: none;
    appearance: none;
    /* Optional */
    border: solid;
    box-shadow: none;

How to display line numbers in 'less' (GNU)

The command line flags -N or --LINE-NUMBERS causes a line number to be displayed at the beginning of each line in the display.

You can also toggle line numbers without quitting less by typing -N<return>. It it possible to toggle any of less's command line options in this way.

Linux Command History with date and time

HISTTIMEFORMAT="%d/%m/%y %H:%M "

For any commands typed prior to this, it will not help since they will just get a default time of when you turned history on, but it will log the time of any further commands after this.

If you want it to log history for permanent, you should put the following line in your ~/.bashrc

export HISTTIMEFORMAT="%d/%m/%y %H:%M "

Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined

You should put the references to the jquery scripts first.

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="/js/jquery-1.2.6.min.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="/js/jquery-ui-personalized-1.5.2.packed.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="/js/sprinkle.js"></script>

Comparing two arrays & get the values which are not common

Your results will not be helpful unless the arrays are first sorted. To sort an array, run it through Sort-Object.

$x = @(5,1,4,2,3)
$y = @(2,4,6,1,3,5)

Compare-Object -ReferenceObject ($x | Sort-Object) -DifferenceObject ($y | Sort-Object)

How to redirect to a route in laravel 5 by using href tag if I'm not using blade or any template?

In addition to @chanafdo answer, you can use route name

when working with laravel blade

<a href="{{route('login')}}">login here</a> with parameter in route name

when go to url like URI: profile/{id} <a href="{{route('profile', ['id' => 1])}}">login here</a>

without blade

<a href="<?php echo route('login')?>">login here</a>

with parameter in route name

when go to url like URI: profile/{id} <a href="<?php echo route('profile', ['id' => 1])?>">login here</a>

As of laravel 5.2 you can use @php @endphp to create as <?php ?> in laravel blade. Using blade your personal opinion but I suggest to use it. Learn it. It has many wonderful features as template inheritance, Components & Slots,subviews etc...

How to force table cell <td> content to wrap?

if you want to wrap the data in td then you can use the below code

    word-break: break-word;

SQL Server Linked Server Example Query

select * from [Server].[database].[schema].[tablename] 

This is the correct way to call. Be sure to verify that the servers are linked before executing the query!

To check for linked servers call:

EXEC sys.sp_linkedservers 

SQL Server - stop or break execution of a SQL script

Thx for the answer!

raiserror() works fine but you shouldn't forget the return statement otherwise the script continues without error! (hense the raiserror isn't a "throwerror" ;-)) and of course doing a rollback if necessary!

raiserror() is nice to tell the person who executes the script that something went wrong.

How do I define and use an ENUM in Objective-C?

Your typedef needs to be in the header file (or some other file that's #imported into your header), because otherwise the compiler won't know what size to make the PlayerState ivar. Other than that, it looks ok to me.

Passing variables, creating instances, self, The mechanics and usage of classes: need explanation

class Foo          (object):
    # ^class name  #^ inherits from object

    bar = "Bar" #Class attribute.

    def __init__(self):
        #        #^ The first variable is the class instance in methods.  
        #        #  This is called "self" by convention, but could be any name you want.
        #^ double underscore (dunder) methods are usually special.  This one 
        #  gets called immediately after a new instance is created.

        self.variable = "Foo" #instance attribute.
        print self.variable,  #< references class attribute = " Bar is now Baz"   #< is now an instance attribute
        print self.variable,  

    def method(self, arg1, arg2):
        #This method has arguments.  You would call it like this:  instance.method(1, 2)
        print "in method (args):", arg1, arg2
        print "in method (attributes):", self.variable,

a = Foo() # this calls __init__ (indirectly), output:
                 # Foo bar
                 # Foo  Bar is now Baz
print a.variable # Foo
a.variable = "bar"
a.method(1, 2) # output:
               # in method (args): 1 2
               # in method (attributes): bar  Bar is now Baz
Foo.method(a, 1, 2) #<--- Same as a.method(1, 2).  This makes it a little more explicit what the argument "self" actually is.

class Bar(object):
    def __init__(self, arg):
        self.arg = arg
        self.Foo = Foo()

b = Bar(a)
b.arg.variable = "something"
print a.variable # something
print b.Foo.variable # Foo

How can I see the size of files and directories in linux?

ls -l --block-size=M will give you a long format listing (needed to actually see the file size) and round file sizes up to the nearest MiB.

If you want MB (10^6 bytes) rather than MiB (2^20 bytes) units, use --block-size=MB instead.

If you don't want the M suffix attached to the file size, you can use something like --block-size=1M. Thanks StƩphane Chazelas for suggesting this.

This is described in the man page for ls; man ls and search for SIZE. It allows for units other than MB/MiB as well, and from the looks of it (I didn't try that) arbitrary block sizes as well (so you could see the file size as number of 412-byte blocks, if you want to).

Note that the --block-size parameter is a GNU extension on top of the Open Group's ls, so this may not work if you don't have a GNU userland (which most Linux installations do). The ls from GNU coreutils 8.5 does support --block-size as described above.

How can I verify if a Windows Service is running

I guess something like this would work:

Add System.ServiceProcess to your project references (It's on the .NET tab).

using System.ServiceProcess;

ServiceController sc = new ServiceController(SERVICENAME);

switch (sc.Status)
    case ServiceControllerStatus.Running:
        return "Running";
    case ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped:
        return "Stopped";
    case ServiceControllerStatus.Paused:
        return "Paused";
    case ServiceControllerStatus.StopPending:
        return "Stopping";
    case ServiceControllerStatus.StartPending:
        return "Starting";
        return "Status Changing";

Edit: There is also a method sc.WaitforStatus() that takes a desired status and a timeout, never used it but it may suit your needs.

Edit: Once you get the status, to get the status again you will need to call sc.Refresh() first.

Reference: ServiceController object in .NET.

Unable to get provider

in my case, I forget to add (or deleted accidentally) firebase core in build gradle

implementation ''

How do you make an array of structs in C?

So to put it all together by using malloc():

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    typedef struct{
        char* firstName;
        char* lastName;
        int day;
        int month;
        int year;


    int numStudents=3;
    int x;
    STUDENT* students = malloc(numStudents * sizeof *students);
    for (x = 0; x < numStudents; x++){

    for (x = 0; x < numStudents; x++)
        printf("first name: %s, surname: %s, day: %d, month: %d, year: %d\n",students[x].firstName,students[x].lastName,students[x].day,students[x].month,students[x].year);

    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);

How to delete zero components in a vector in Matlab?

If you just wish to remove the zeros, leaving the non-zeros behind in a, then the very best solution is

a(a==0) = [];

This deletes the zero elements, using a logical indexing approach in MATLAB. When the index to a vector is a boolean vector of the same length as the vector, then MATLAB can use that boolean result to index it with. So this is equivalent to

a(find(a==0)) = [];

And, when you set some array elements to [] in MATLAB, the convention is to delete them.

If you want to put the zeros into a new result b, while leaving a unchanged, the best way is probably

b = a(a ~= 0);

Again, logical indexing is used here. You could have used the equivalent version (in terms of the result) of

b = a(find(a ~= 0));

but mlint will end up flagging the line as one where the purely logical index was more efficient, and thus more appropriate.

As always, beware EXACT tests for zero or for any number, if you would have accepted elements of a that were within some epsilonic tolerance of zero. Do those tests like this

b = a(abs(a) >= tol);

This retains only those elements of a that are at least as large as your tolerance.

Iterating through map in template

Check the Variables section in the Go template docs. A range may declare two variables, separated by a comma. The following should work:

{{ range $key, $value := . }}
   <li><strong>{{ $key }}</strong>: {{ $value }}</li>
{{ end }}

How to detect a route change in Angular?

In the component, you might want to try this:

import {NavigationEnd, NavigationStart, Router} from '@angular/router';

constructor(private router: Router) {
        (event) => {
            if (event instanceof NavigationStart)
                // start loading pages
            if (event instanceof NavigationEnd) {
                // end of loading paegs

jQuery .search() to any string

search() is a String method.

You are executing the attr function on every <li> element. You need to invoke each and use the this reference within.


$('li').each(function() {
    var isFound = $(this).attr('title').search(/string/i);
    //do something based on isFound...

Hive: how to show all partitions of a table?

CLI has some limit when ouput is displayed. I suggest to export output into local file:

$hive -e 'show partitions table;' > partitions

Binding ConverterParameter

No, unfortunately this will not be possible because ConverterParameter is not a DependencyProperty so you won't be able to use bindings

But perhaps you could cheat and use a MultiBinding with IMultiValueConverter to pass in the 2 Tag properties.

What does %s mean in a python format string?

The format method was introduced in Python 2.6. It is more capable and not much more difficult to use:

>>> "Hello {}, my name is {}".format('john', 'mike')
'Hello john, my name is mike'.

>>> "{1}, {0}".format('world', 'Hello')
'Hello, world'

>>> "{greeting}, {}".format('world', greeting='Hello')
'Hello, world'

>>> '%s' % name
"{'s1': 'hello', 's2': 'sibal'}"
>>> '%s' %name['s1']

What is the difference between HTTP_HOST and SERVER_NAME in PHP?

Assuming one has a simple setup (CentOS 7, Apache 2.4.x, and PHP 5.6.20) and only one website (not assuming virtual hosting) ...

In the PHP sense, $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] is an element PHP registers in the $_SERVER superglobal based on your Apache configuration (**ServerName** directive with UseCanonicalName On ) in httpd.conf (be it from an included virtual host configuration file, whatever, etc ...). HTTP_HOST is derived from the HTTP host header. Treat this as user input. Filter and validate before using.

Here is an example of where I use $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] as the basis for a comparison. The following method is from a concrete child class I made named ServerValidator (child of Validator). ServerValidator checks six or seven elements in $_SERVER before using them.

In determining if the HTTP request is POST, I use this method.

public function isPOST()
    return (($this->requestMethod === 'POST')    &&  // Ignore
            $this->hasTokenTimeLeft()            &&  // Ignore
            $this->hasSameGETandPOSTIdentities() &&  // Ingore
            ($this->httpHost === filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SERVER_NAME')));

By the time this method is called, all filtering and validating of relevant $_SERVER elements would have occurred (and relevant properties set).

The line ...

($this->httpHost === filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SERVER_NAME')

... checks that the $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] value (ultimately derived from the requested host HTTP header) matches $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].

Now, I am using superglobal speak to explain my example, but that is just because some people are unfamiliar with INPUT_GET, INPUT_POST, and INPUT_SERVER in regards to filter_input_array().

The bottom line is, I do not handle POST requests on my server unless all four conditions are met. Hence, in terms of POST requests, failure to provide an HTTP host header (presence tested for earlier) spells doom for strict HTTP 1.0 browsers. Moreover, the requested host must match the value for ServerName in the httpd.conf, and, by extention, the value for $_SERVER('SERVER_NAME') in the $_SERVER superglobal. Again, I would be using INPUT_SERVER with the PHP filter functions, but you catch my drift.

Keep in mind that Apache frequently uses ServerName in standard redirects (such as leaving the trailing slash off a URL: Example, becoming, even if you are not using URL rewriting.

I use $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] as the standard, not $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']. There is a lot of back and forth on this issue. $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] could be empty, so this should not be the basis for creating code conventions such as my public method above. But, just because both may be set does not guarantee they will be equal. Testing is the best way to know for sure (bearing in mind Apache version and PHP version).

What is the difference between 'typedef' and 'using' in C++11?

I know the original poster has a great answer, but for anyone stumbling on this thread like I have there's an important note from the proposal that I think adds something of value to the discussion here, particularly to concerns in the comments about if the typedef keyword is going to be marked as deprecated in the future, or removed for being redundant/old:

It has been suggested to (re)use the keyword typedef ... to introduce template aliases:

template<class T>
  typedef std::vector<T, MyAllocator<T> > Vec;

That notation has the advantage of using a keyword already known to introduce a type alias. However, it also displays several disavantages [sic] among which the confusion of using a keyword known to introduce an alias for a type-name in a context where the alias does not designate a type, but a template; Vec is not an alias for a type, and should not be taken for a typedef-name. The name Vec is a name for the family std::vector<ā€¢, MyAllocator<ā€¢> > ā€“ where the bullet is a placeholder for a type-name.Consequently we do not propose the ā€œtypedefā€ syntax.On the other hand the sentence

template<class T>
  using Vec = std::vector<T, MyAllocator<T> >;

can be read/interpreted as: from now on, Iā€™ll be using Vec<T> as a synonym for std::vector<T, MyAllocator<T> >. With that reading, the new syntax for aliasing seems reasonably logical.

To me, this implies continued support for the typedef keyword in C++ because it can still make code more readable and understandable.

Updating the using keyword was specifically for templates, and (as was pointed out in the accepted answer) when you are working with non-templates using and typedef are mechanically identical, so the choice is totally up to the programmer on the grounds of readability and communication of intent.

How to read fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

PDOStatement::fetch returns a row from the result set. The parameter PDO::FETCH_ASSOC tells PDO to return the result as an associative array.

The array keys will match your column names. If your table contains columns 'email' and 'password', the array will be structured like:

    [email] => '[email protected]'
    [password] => 'yourpassword'

To read data from the 'email' column, do:


and for 'password':


How to make readonly all inputs in some div in Angular2?

If you want to do a whole group, not just one field at a time, you can use the HTML5 <fieldset> tag.

<fieldset [disabled]="killfields ? 'disabled' : null">

    <!-- fields go here -->


What's the difference between ā€œmodā€ and ā€œremainderā€?

Modulus, in modular arithmetic as you're referring, is the value left over or remaining value after arithmetic division. This is commonly known as remainder. % is formally the remainder operator in C / C++. Example:

7 % 3 = 1  // dividend % divisor = remainder

What's left for discussion is how to treat negative inputs to this % operation. Modern C and C++ produce a signed remainder value for this operation where the sign of the result always matches the dividend input without regard to the sign of the divisor input.

Getting Excel to refresh data on sheet from within VBA

The following lines will do the trick:

ActiveSheet.EnableCalculation = False  
ActiveSheet.EnableCalculation = True  

Edit: The .Calculate() method will not work for all functions. I tested it on a sheet with add-in array functions. The production sheet I'm using is complex enough that I don't want to test the .CalculateFull() method, but it may work.

Best way to find if an item is in a JavaScript array?

First, implement indexOf in JavaScript for browsers that don't already have it. For example, see Erik Arvidsson's array extras (also, the associated blog post). And then you can use indexOf without worrying about browser support. Here's a slightly optimised version of his indexOf implementation:

if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) {
    Array.prototype.indexOf = function (obj, fromIndex) {
        if (fromIndex == null) {
            fromIndex = 0;
        } else if (fromIndex < 0) {
            fromIndex = Math.max(0, this.length + fromIndex);
        for (var i = fromIndex, j = this.length; i < j; i++) {
            if (this[i] === obj)
                return i;
        return -1;

It's changed to store the length so that it doesn't need to look it up every iteration. But the difference isn't huge. A less general purpose function might be faster:

var include = Array.prototype.indexOf ?
    function(arr, obj) { return arr.indexOf(obj) !== -1; } :
    function(arr, obj) {
        for(var i = -1, j = arr.length; ++i < j;)
            if(arr[i] === obj) return true;
        return false;

I prefer using the standard function and leaving this sort of micro-optimization for when it's really needed. But if you're keen on micro-optimization I adapted the benchmarks that roosterononacid linked to in the comments, to benchmark searching in arrays. They're pretty crude though, a full investigation would test arrays with different types, different lengths and finding objects that occur in different places.

How to write multiple conditions in with "else if"

ptomato's code can also be written in a cleaner manner like:

ifeq ($(TARGET_CPU),x86)
  TARGET_CPU_IS_X86 := 1
else ifeq ($(TARGET_CPU),x86_64)
  TARGET_CPU_IS_X86 := 1
  TARGET_CPU_IS_X86 := 0

This doesn't answer OP's question but as it's the top result on google, I'm adding it here in case it's useful to anyone else.

In jQuery, how do I select an element by its name attribute?

If you'd like to know the value of the default selected radio button before a click event, try this:


Retrieve column values of the selected row of a multicolumn Access listbox

Just a little addition. If you've only selected 1 row then the code below will select the value of a column (index of 4, but 5th column) for the selected row:


This saves having to use the ItemsSelected property.


Android Studio : Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK]

I initially went into the SDK Manager and updated all that it had set to update.

I also added in the SDK version for the version of Android I had on the Droid I had...Version 2.3.4(10)

I don't think that really fixed anything, and after a Android Studio restart as recommended after the SDK installs, I changed the minSdkVersion to 8 in the build.gradle file

I was then able to download the application to my Droid.

defaultConfig {
    applicationId "com.cmcjr.chuck.droid_u"
    minSdkVersion 8
    targetSdkVersion 20
    versionCode 1
    versionName "1.0"

This is Android Studio installed on Ubuntu 12.04

Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 Offline Installer (ISO)

Its better to go through the Recommended Microsoft's Way to download Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 ISO (Community Edition).

The instructions below will help you to download any version of Visual Studio or even SQL Server etc provided by Microsoft in an easy to remember way. Though I recommend people using VS 2017 as there are not much big differences between 2015 and 2017.

Please follow the steps as mentioned below.

  1. Visit the standard URL

  2. Scroll down and click on encircled below as shown in snapshot down Snapshot showing how to download older visual studio versions

  3. After that join Visual Studio Web Dev essentials for Free as shown below. Try loggin in with your microsoft account and see that if it works otherwise click on Joinenter image description here

  4. Click on Downloads ICON on the encircled as shown below. enter image description here

  5. Now Type Visual Studio Community in the Search Box as shown below in the snapshot enter image description here.
  6. From the drowdown select the DVD type and start downloading enter image description here

Android Facebook integration with invalid key hash

I experienced the same problem. I made a short research on the possible reasons for this strange behavior and I found the following:

  • During the first execution of a new Facebook app, it will allow connection/login even if you don't specify any key hashes.

  • For me, the tutorial which Facebook provided didn't generate the correct key hash, because it was giving the wrong configuration. When executing:

    keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore %HOMEPATH%\.android\debug.keystore | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl

make sure you check all properties - the HOMEPATH, the existence of the keystore, etc. Maybe you also have to provide password.

  • What generated the proper configuration was the solution suggested by @Mahendran.

  • Also, if you see the error originally posted (, most probably the key hash you see on the screen is your real one. If nothing else works, try inputting it in Facebook.

I got all those results with: Windows 7 64-bit edition, Android Studio 1.2.2, JDK 7.

float:left; vs display:inline; vs display:inline-block; vs display:table-cell;

For the record only, to add to Spudley's answer, there is also the possibility to use position: absolute and margins if you know the column widths.

For me, the main issue when chossing a method is whether you need the columns to fill the whole height (equal heights), where table-cell is the easiest method (if you don't care much for older browsers).

How to center cards in bootstrap 4?

Add the css for .card

.card {
        margin: 0 auto; /* Added */
        float: none; /* Added */
        margin-bottom: 10px; /* Added */

here is the pen

UPDATE: You can use the class .mx-auto available in bootstrap 4 to center cards.

Task vs Thread differences

The Thread class is used for creating and manipulating a thread in Windows.

A Task represents some asynchronous operation and is part of the Task Parallel Library, a set of APIs for running tasks asynchronously and in parallel.

In the days of old (i.e. before TPL) it used to be that using the Thread class was one of the standard ways to run code in the background or in parallel (a better alternative was often to use a ThreadPool), however this was cumbersome and had several disadvantages, not least of which was the performance overhead of creating a whole new thread to perform a task in the background.

Nowadays using tasks and the TPL is a far better solution 90% of the time as it provides abstractions which allows far more efficient use of system resources. I imagine there are a few scenarios where you want explicit control over the thread on which you are running your code, however generally speaking if you want to run something asynchronously your first port of call should be the TPL.

In NetBeans how do I change the Default JDK?

If I remember correctly, you'll need to set the netbeans_jdkhome property in your netbeans config file. Should be in your etc/netbeans.conf file.

How to use (install) dblink in PostgreSQL?

Since PostgreSQL 9.1, installation of additional modules is simple. Registered extensions like dblink can be installed with CREATE EXTENSION:


Installs into your default schema, which is public by default. Make sure your search_path is set properly before you run the command. The schema must be visible to all roles who have to work with it. See:

Alternatively, you can install to any schema of your choice with:

CREATE EXTENSION dblink SCHEMA extensions;


Run once per database. Or run it in the standard system database template1 to add it to every newly created DB automatically. Details in the manual.

You need to have the files providing the module installed on the server first. For Debian and derivatives this would be the package postgresql-contrib-9.1 - for PostgreSQL 9.1, obviously. Since Postgres 10, there is just a postgresql-contrib metapackage.

Classpath resource not found when running as jar

to get list of data from src/main/resources/data folder --
first of all mention your folder location in properties file as - 

inside class declare your location. 

    private String location;

    private final ResourceLoader resourceLoader;

public void readallfilesfromresources() {
       Resource[] resources;

        try {
            resources = ResourcePatternUtils.getResourcePatternResolver(resourceLoader).getResources("classpath:" + location + "/*.json");
            for (int i = 0; i < resources.length; i++) {
                try {
                InputStream is = resources[i].getInputStream();
                byte[] encoded = IOUtils.toByteArray(is);
                String content = new String(encoded, Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new UncheckedIOException(e);

How to position three divs in html horizontally?

I know this is a very old question. Just posting this here as I solved this problem using FlexBox. Here is the solution

#container {
  height: 100%;
  width: 100%;
  display: flex;
#leftThing {
  width: 25%;
  background-color: blue;
#content {
  width: 50%;
  background-color: green;
#rightThing {
  width: 25%;
  background-color: yellow;
<div id="container">

  <div id="leftThing">
    Left Side Menu

  <div id="content">
    Random Content

  <div id="rightThing">
    Right Side Menu


Just had to add display:flex to the container! No floats required.

Simulating group_concat MySQL function in Microsoft SQL Server 2005?

About J Hardiman's answer, how about:

SELECT empName, projIDs=
      (SELECT REPLACE(projID, ' ', '-somebody-puts-microsoft-out-of-his-misery-please-') AS [data()] FROM project_members WHERE empName=a.empName FOR XML PATH('')), 
      ' ', 
      ' / '), 
    ' ') 
  FROM project_members a WHERE empName IS NOT NULL GROUP BY empName

By the way, is the use of "Surname" a typo or am i not understanding a concept here?

Anyway, thanks a lot guys cuz it saved me quite some time :)

Node.js on multi-core machines

[This post is up-to-date as of 2012-09-02 (newer than above).]

Node.js absolutely does scale on multi-core machines.

Yes, Node.js is one-thread-per-process. This is a very deliberate design decision and eliminates the need to deal with locking semantics. If you don't agree with this, you probably don't yet realize just how insanely hard it is to debug multi-threaded code. For a deeper explanation of the Node.js process model and why it works this way (and why it will NEVER support multiple threads), read my other post.

So how do I take advantage of my 16 core box?

Two ways:

  • For big heavy compute tasks like image encoding, Node.js can fire up child processes or send messages to additional worker processes. In this design, you'd have one thread managing the flow of events and N processes doing heavy compute tasks and chewing up the other 15 CPUs.
  • For scaling throughput on a webservice, you should run multiple Node.js servers on one box, one per core and split request traffic between them. This provides excellent CPU-affinity and will scale throughput nearly linearly with core count.

Scaling throughput on a webservice

Since v6.0.X Node.js has included the cluster module straight out of the box, which makes it easy to set up multiple node workers that can listen on a single port. Note that this is NOT the same as the older learnboost "cluster" module available through npm.

if (cluster.isMaster) {
  // Fork workers.
  for (var i = 0; i < numCPUs; i++) {
} else {
  http.Server(function(req, res) { ... }).listen(8000);

Workers will compete to accept new connections, and the least loaded process is most likely to win. It works pretty well and can scale up throughput quite well on a multi-core box.

If you have enough load to care about multiple cores, then you are going to want to do a few more things too:

  1. Run your Node.js service behind a web-proxy like Nginx or Apache - something that can do connection throttling (unless you want overload conditions to bring the box down completely), rewrite URLs, serve static content, and proxy other sub-services.

  2. Periodically recycle your worker processes. For a long-running process, even a small memory leak will eventually add up.

  3. Setup log collection / monitoring

PS: There's a discussion between Aaron and Christopher in the comments of another post (as of this writing, its the top post). A few comments on that:

  • A shared socket model is very convenient for allowing multiple processes to listen on a single port and compete to accept new connections. Conceptually, you could think of preforked Apache doing this with the significant caveat that each process will only accept a single connection and then die. The efficiency loss for Apache is in the overhead of forking new processes and has nothing to do with the socket operations.
  • For Node.js, having N workers compete on a single socket is an extremely reasonable solution. The alternative is to set up an on-box front-end like Nginx and have that proxy traffic to the individual workers, alternating between workers for assigning new connections. The two solutions have very similar performance characteristics. And since, as I mentioned above, you will likely want to have Nginx (or an alternative) fronting your node service anyways, the choice here is really between:

Shared Ports: nginx (port 80) --> Node_workers x N (sharing port 3000 w/ Cluster)


Individual Ports: nginx (port 80) --> {Node_worker (port 3000), Node_worker (port 3001), Node_worker (port 3002), Node_worker (port 3003) ...}

There are arguably some benefits to the individual ports setup (potential to have less coupling between processes, have more sophisticated load-balancing decisions, etc.), but it is definitely more work to set up and the built-in cluster module is a low-complexity alternative that works for most people.

Structs data type in php?

Only associative arrays are structs in PHP.

And you can't make them strict on their own.

But you can sort of fake structure strictness with classes and interfaces, but beware that unlike structures, class instances are not passed in arguments, their identifiers are!

You can define a struct through an interface (or at least close to it)

Structs enforce a certain structure on an object.

PHP (<= 7.3) does not have native structs, but you can get around it with interfaces and type hinting:

interface FooStruct 
    public function name() : string;
interface BarStruct 
    public function id() : int;
interface MyStruct 
   public function foo() : FooStruct;
   public function bar() : BarStruct;

Any class implementing MyStruct will be a MyStruct.

The way it's build up is not up to the struct, it just ensures that the data returned is correct.

What about setting data?

Setting struct data is problematic as we end up with getters and setters and it's something that is close to an anemic object or a DTO and is considered an anti-pattern by some people

Wrong example:

interface FooStruct 
    public function getName() : string;
    public function setName(string $value) : FooStruct;
interface BarStruct 
    public function getId() : int;
    public function setId(int $value) : BarStruct;
interface MyStruct 
   public function getFoo() : FooStruct;
   public function setFoo(FooStruct $value) : MyStruct;
   public function getBar() : BarStruct;
   public function setBar(BarStruct $value) : MyStruct;

Then we end up with class implementations that might be mutable, and a struct must not mutate, this is to make it a "data type", just like int, string. Yet there's no way to restrict that with interfaces in PHP, meaning people will be able to implement your struct interface in a class that is not a struct. Make sure to keep the instance immutable

Also a struct may then be instantiated without the correct data and trigger errors when trying to access the data.

An easy and reliable way to set data in a PHP struct class is through its constructor

interface FooStruct 
    public function name() : string;
interface BarStruct 
    public function id() : int;
interface MyStruct 
   public function foo() : FooStruct;
   public function bar() : BarStruct;

class Foo implements FooStruct 
   protected $name;
   public function __construct(string $name)
       $this->name = $name;
   public function name() : string
       return $this->name;

class Bar implements BarStruct 
   protected $id;
   public function __construct(string $id)
       $this->id = $id;
   public function id() : int
       return $this->id;

class My implements MyStruct 
   protected $foo, $bar;
   public function __construct(FooStruct $foo, BarStruct $bar)
       $this->foo = $foo;
       $this->bar = $bar;
   public function foo() : FooStruct
       return $this->foo;
   public function bar() : BarStruct
       return $this->bar;

Type hinting using interfaces: (if your IDE supports it)

If you don't mind not having the strict type checking, then another way would be using interfaces or classes with comments for the IDE.

 * Interface My
 * @property Foo $foo
 * @property Bar $bar
interface My 


 * Interface Foo
 * @property string|integer $id
 * @property string $name
interface Foo 


 * Interface Bar
 * @property integer $id
interface Bar


The reason to use interfaces instead of classes is for the same reason why interfaces exist in the first place, because then many classes with many implementations can have this same structure and each method/function that uses it will support every class with this interface.

This depends on your IDE, so you might need to use classes instead or just live without it.

Note: Remember that you have to validate/sanitize the data in the instance elsewhere in the code to match the comment.

Rename file with Git

As far as I can tell, GitHub does not provide shell access, so I'm curious about how you managed to log in in the first place.

$ ssh -T [email protected]
Hi username! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide
shell access.

You have to clone your repository locally, make the change there, and push the change to GitHub.

$ git clone [email protected]:username/reponame.git
$ cd reponame
$ git mv README
$ git commit -m "renamed"
$ git push origin master

Converting String To Float in C#

You can double.Parse("41.00027357629127");

Block Comments in a Shell Script

Use : ' to open and ' to close.

For example:

: '
This is a
very neat comment
in bash

This is from Vegas's example found here

Insert into C# with SQLCommand

Try confirm the data type (SqlDbType) for each parameter in the database and do it this way;

 using(SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["connSpionshopString"].ConnectionString))
            string sql =  "INSERT INTO klant(klant_id,naam,voornaam) VALUES(@param1,@param2,@param3)";
            using(SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql,connection)) 
                  cmd.Parameters.Add("@param1", SqlDbType.Int).value = klantId;  
                  cmd.Parameters.Add("@param2", SqlDbType.Varchar, 50).value = klantNaam;
                  cmd.Parameters.Add("@param3", SqlDbType.Varchar, 50).value = klantVoornaam;
                  cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

CSS: how to add white space before element's content?

/* Most Accurate Setting if you only want
   to do this with CSS Pseudo Element */
p:before { 
   content: "\00a0";
   padding-right: 5px; /* If you need more space b/w contents */


If you connect with the server, then you can get a return code from it, otherwise it will fail and you get a 0. So if you try to connect to "" you will get a return code of 400, if you go directly to, you will get 302 (and then 200 if you forward to the next page... well I do because it forwards to, so you might not get that), and if you go to "googlecom" you will get a 0 (host no found), so with the last one, there is nobody to send a code back.

Tested using the code below.


$html_brand = "";
$ch = curl_init();

$options = array(
    CURLOPT_URL            => $html_brand,
    CURLOPT_HEADER         => true,
    CURLOPT_ENCODING       => "",
    CURLOPT_TIMEOUT        => 120,
    CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS      => 10,
curl_setopt_array( $ch, $options );
$response = curl_exec($ch); 
$httpCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);

if ( $httpCode != 200 ){
    echo "Return code is {$httpCode} \n"
} else {
    echo "<pre>".htmlspecialchars($response)."</pre>";


How to get an IFrame to be responsive in iOS Safari?

I had an issue with width on the content pane creating a horizontal scroll bar for the iframe. It turned out that an image was holding the width wider than expected. I was able to solve it by setting the all of the images css max-width to a percent.

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />

img {
        max-width: 100%;

Automatically pass $event with ng-click?

I wouldn't recommend doing this, but you can override the ngClick directive to do what you are looking for. That's not saying, you should.

With the original implementation in mind:

compile: function($element, attr) {
  var fn = $parse(attr[directiveName]);
  return function(scope, element, attr) {
    element.on(lowercase(name), function(event) {
      scope.$apply(function() {
        fn(scope, {$event:event});

We can do this to override it:

// Go into your config block and inject $provide.
app.config(function ($provide) {

  // Decorate the ngClick directive.
  $provide.decorator('ngClickDirective', function ($delegate) {

    // Grab the actual directive from the returned $delegate array.
    var directive = $delegate[0];

    // Stow away the original compile function of the ngClick directive.
    var origCompile = directive.compile;

    // Overwrite the original compile function.
    directive.compile = function (el, attrs) {

      // Apply the original compile function. 
      origCompile.apply(this, arguments);

      // Return a new link function with our custom behaviour.
      return function (scope, el, attrs) {

        // Get the name of the passed in function. 
        var fn = attrs.ngClick;

        el.on('click', function (event) {
          scope.$apply(function () {

            // If no property on scope matches the passed in fn, return. 
            if (!scope[fn]) {

            // Throw an error if we misused the new ngClick directive.
            if (typeof scope[fn] !== 'function') {
              throw new Error('Property ' + fn + ' is not a function on ' + scope);

            // Call the passed in function with the event.
            scope[fn].call(null, event);


    return $delegate;

Then you'd pass in your functions like this:

<div ng-click="func"></div>

as opposed to:

<div ng-click="func()"></div>


Like I said, I would not recommend doing this but it's a proof of concept showing you that, yes - you can in fact overwrite/extend/augment the builtin angular behaviour to fit your needs. Without having to dig all that deep into the original implementation.

Do please use it with care, if you were to decide on going down this path (it's a lot of fun though).

How to enumerate an enum

Three ways:

  1. Enum.GetValues(type) // Since .NET 1.1, not in Silverlight or .NET Compact Framework
  2. type.GetEnumValues() // Only on .NET 4 and above
  3. type.GetFields().Where(x => x.IsLiteral).Select(x => x.GetValue(null)) // Works everywhere

I am not sure why GetEnumValues was introduced on type instances. It isn't very readable at all for me.

Having a helper class like Enum<T> is what is most readable and memorable for me:

public static class Enum<T> where T : struct, IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible
    public static IEnumerable<T> GetValues()
        return (T[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(T));

    public static IEnumerable<string> GetNames()
        return Enum.GetNames(typeof(T));

Now you call:


// Or
Enum.GetValues(typeof(Suit)); // Pretty consistent style

One can also use some sort of caching if performance matters, but I don't expect this to be an issue at all.

public static class Enum<T> where T : struct, IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible
    // Lazily loaded
    static T[] values;
    static string[] names;

    public static IEnumerable<T> GetValues()
        return values ?? (values = (T[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(T)));

    public static IEnumerable<string> GetNames()
        return names ?? (names = Enum.GetNames(typeof(T)));

Can I force pip to reinstall the current version?

If you want to reinstall packages specified in a requirements.txt file, without upgrading, so just reinstall the specific versions specified in the requirements.txt file:

pip install -r requirements.txt --ignore-installed

AJAX reload page with POST

Reload the current document:

 <script type="text/javascript">
 function reloadPage()

Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function while using jQuery UI

I don't think jQuery itself includes datetimepicker. You must use jQuery UI instead (src="jquery.ui").

How to create a secure random AES key in Java?

Lots of good advince in the other posts. This is what I use:

Key key;
SecureRandom rand = new SecureRandom();
KeyGenerator generator = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES");
generator.init(256, rand);
key = generator.generateKey();

If you need another randomness provider, which I sometime do for testing purposes, just replace rand with

MySecureRandom rand = new MySecureRandom();

How to get a reversed list view on a list in Java?

Use reverse(...) methods of java.util.Collections class. Pass your list as a parameter and your list will get reversed.


Switch case on type c#

The following code works more or less as one would expect a type-switch that only looks at the actual type (e.g. what is returned by GetType()).

public static void TestTypeSwitch()
    var ts = new TypeSwitch()
        .Case((int x) => Console.WriteLine("int"))
        .Case((bool x) => Console.WriteLine("bool"))
        .Case((string x) => Console.WriteLine("string"));


Here is the machinery required to make it work.

public class TypeSwitch
    Dictionary<Type, Action<object>> matches = new Dictionary<Type, Action<object>>();
    public TypeSwitch Case<T>(Action<T> action) { matches.Add(typeof(T), (x) => action((T)x)); return this; } 
    public void Switch(object x) { matches[x.GetType()](x); }

Add marker to Google Map on Click

@Chaibi Alaa, To make the user able to add only once, and move the marker; You can set the marker on first click and then just change the position on subsequent clicks.

var marker;

google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click', function(event) {

function placeMarker(location) {

    if (marker == null)
          marker = new google.maps.Marker({
             position: location,
             map: map

What are the Android SDK build-tools, platform-tools and tools? And which version should be used?

The right answer is

Decoupled the build-specific components of the Android SDK from the platform-tools component, so that the build tools can be updated independently of the integrated development environment (IDE) components.

link (expand Revision 17)

Remove blank values from array using C#

You can use Linq in case you are using .NET 3.5 or later:

 test = test.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).ToArray();

If you can't use Linq then you can do it like this:

var temp = new List<string>();
foreach (var s in test)
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
test = temp.ToArray();

Set bootstrap modal body height by percentage

The scss solution for Bootstrap 4.0

.modal { max-height: 100vh; .modal-dialog { .modal-content { .modal-body { max-height: calc(80vh - 140px); overflow-y: auto; } } } }

Make sure the .modal max-height is 100vh. Then for .modal-body use calc() function to calculate desired height. In above case we want to occupy 80vh of the viewport, reduced by the size of header + footer in pixels. This is around 140px together but you can measure it easily and apply your own custom values. For smaller/taller modal modify 80vh accordingly.

How to build and use Google TensorFlow C++ api

If you wish to avoid both building your projects with Bazel and generating a large binary, I have assembled a repository instructing the usage of the TensorFlow C++ library with CMake. You can find it here. The general ideas are as follows:

  • Clone the TensorFlow repository.
  • Add a build rule to tensorflow/BUILD (the provided ones do not include all of the C++ functionality).
  • Build the TensorFlow shared library.
  • Install specific versions of Eigen and Protobuf, or add them as external dependencies.
  • Configure your CMake project to use the TensorFlow library.

Get Windows version in a batch file

I know it's an old question but I thought these were useful enough to put here for people searching.

This first one is a simple batch way to get the right version. You can find out if it is Server or Workstation (if that's important) in another process. I just didn't take time to add it.

We use this structure inside code to ensure compliance with requirements. I'm sure there are many more graceful ways but this does always work.

:: -------------------------------------
:: Check Windows Version
:: 5.0 = W2K
:: 5.1 = XP
:: 5.2 = Server 2K3
:: 6.0 = Vista or Server 2K8
:: 6.1 = Win7 or Server 2K8R2
:: 6.2 = Win8 or Server 2K12
:: 6.3 = Win8.1 or Server 2K12R2
:: 0.0 = Unknown or Unable to determine
:: --------------------------------------
echo OS Detection:  Starting

ver | findstr /i "5\.0\."
echo  OS = Windows 2000
ver | findstr /i "5\.1\."
echo OS = Windows XP
ver | findstr /i "5\.2\."
echo OS = Server 2003
ver | findstr /i "6\.0\." > nul
echo OS = Vista / Server 2008
ver | findstr /i "6\.1\." > nul
echo OS = Windows 7 / Server 2008R2
ver | findstr /i "6\.2\." > nul
echo OS = Windows 8 / Server 2012
ver | findstr /i "6\.3\." > nul
echo OS = Windows 8.1 / Server 2012R2

This second one isn't what was asked for but it may be useful for someone looking.

Here is a VBscript function that provides version info, including if it is the Server (vs. workstation).

private function GetOSVer()

    dim strOsName:    strOsName = ""
    dim strOsVer:     strOsVer = ""
    dim strOsType:    strOsType = ""

    Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2") 
    Set colOSes = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem") 
    For Each objOS in colOSes 
        strOsName = objOS.Caption
        strOsVer = left(objOS.Version, 3)
        Select Case strOsVer
            case "5.0"    'Windows 2000
                if instr(strOsName, "Server") then
                    strOsType = "W2K Server"
                    strOsType = "W2K Workstation"
                end if
            case "5.1"    'Windows XP 32bit
                    strOsType = "XP 32bit"
            case "5.2"    'Windows 2003, 2003R2, XP 64bit
                if instr(strOsName, "XP") then
                    strOsType = "XP 64bit"
                elseif instr(strOsName, "R2") then
                    strOsType = "W2K3R2 Server"
                    strOsType = "W2K3 Server"
                end if
            case "6.0"    'Vista, Server 2008
                if instr(strOsName, "Server") then
                    strOsType = "W2K8 Server"
                    strOsType = "Vista"
                end if
            case "6.1"    'Server 2008R2, Win7
                if instr(strOsName, "Server") then
                    strOsType = "W2K8R2 Server"
                    strOsType = "Win7"
                end if
            case "6.2"    'Server 2012, Win8
                if instr(strOsName, "Server") then
                    strOsType = "W2K12 Server"
                    strOsType = "Win8"
                end if
            case "6.3"    'Server 2012R2, Win8.1
                if instr(strOsName, "Server") then
                    strOsType = "W2K12R2 Server"
                    strOsType = "Win8.1"
                end if
            case else    'Unknown OS
                strOsType = "Unknown"
        end select
    GetOSVer = strOsType
end Function     'GetOSVer

Set Focus After Last Character in Text Box

var val =$("#inputname").val();
$("#inputname").removeAttr('value').attr('value', val).focus();
// I think this is beter for all browsers...

Is there a stopwatch in Java?

The code doesn't work because elapsed variable in getElapsedTimeSecs() is not a float or double.

Java logical operator short-circuiting

The && and || operators "short-circuit", meaning they don't evaluate the right-hand side if it isn't necessary.

The & and | operators, when used as logical operators, always evaluate both sides.

There is only one case of short-circuiting for each operator, and they are:

  • false && ... - it is not necessary to know what the right-hand side is because the result can only be false regardless of the value there
  • true || ... - it is not necessary to know what the right-hand side is because the result can only be true regardless of the value there

Let's compare the behaviour in a simple example:

public boolean longerThan(String input, int length) {
    return input != null && input.length() > length;

public boolean longerThan(String input, int length) {
    return input != null & input.length() > length;

The 2nd version uses the non-short-circuiting operator & and will throw a NullPointerException if input is null, but the 1st version will return false without an exception.

Changing website favicon dynamically

jQuery Version:

$("link[rel='shortcut icon']").attr("href", "favicon.ico");

or even better:

$("link[rel*='icon']").attr("href", "favicon.ico");

Vanilla JS version:

document.querySelector("link[rel='shortcut icon']").href = "favicon.ico";

document.querySelector("link[rel*='icon']").href = "favicon.ico";

How to map calculated properties with JPA and Hibernate

You have three options:

  • either you are calculating the attribute using a @Transient method
  • you can also use @PostLoad entity listener
  • or you can use the Hibernate specific @Formula annotation

While Hibernate allows you to use @Formula, with JPA, you can use the @PostLoad callback to populate a transient property with the result of some calculation:

@Column(name = "price")
private Double price;

@Column(name = "tax_percentage")
private Double taxes;

private Double priceWithTaxes;

private void onLoad() {
    this.priceWithTaxes = price * taxes;

So, you can use the Hibernate @Formula like this:

       (interestRate::numeric / 100) *
       cents *
       date_part('month', age(now(), createdOn)
    / 12)
    / 100::numeric
private double interestDollars;

Angular: How to update queryParams without changing route


this.router.navigate([], { 
  queryParams: {
    query: value

will work for same route navigation other than single quotes.

Stash just a single file

If you do not want to specify a message with your stashed changes, pass the filename after a double-dash.

$ git stash -- filename.ext

If it's an untracked/new file, you will have to stage it first.

However, if you do want to specify a message, use push.

git stash push -m "describe changes to filename.ext" filename.ext

Both methods work in git versions 2.13+

Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, unlink 'D:\Sources\**\node_modules\fsevents\node_modules\abbrev\package.json'

Deleting my node modules folder and running a normal npm install did it for me

How to install a specific version of package using Composer?

composer require vendor/package:version

for example:

composer require refinery29/test-util:0.10.2

How to iterate for loop in reverse order in swift?

In Swift 4 and latter

    let count = 50//For example
    for i in (1...count).reversed() {

How to set and reference a variable in a Jenkinsfile

The error is due to that you're only allowed to use pipeline steps inside the steps directive. One workaround that I know is to use the script step and wrap arbitrary pipeline script inside of it and save the result in the environment variable so that it can be used later.

So in your case:

pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage("foo") {
            steps {
                script {
                    env.FILENAME = readFile 'output.txt'
                echo "${env.FILENAME}"

Write objects into file with Node.js

Just incase anyone else stumbles across this, I use the fs-extra library in node and write javascript objects to a file like this:

const fse = require('fs-extra');
fse.outputJsonSync('path/to/output/file.json', objectToWriteToFile); 

Cannot use special principal dbo: Error 15405

To fix this, open the SQL Server Management Studio and click New Query. Then type:

USE mydatabase
exec sp_changedbowner 'sa', 'true'

Get docker container id from container name

  1. Get container Ids of running containers ::

    $docker ps -qf "name=IMAGE_NAME"
        -f: Filter output based on conditions provided
        -q: Only display numeric container IDs
  2. Get container Ids of all containers ::

    $docker ps -aqf "name=IMAGE_NAME"
        -a: all containers

Efficient way to rotate a list in python

It depends on what you want to have happen when you do this:

>>> shift([1,2,3], 14)

You might want to change your:

def shift(seq, n):
    return seq[n:]+seq[:n]


def shift(seq, n):
    n = n % len(seq)
    return seq[n:] + seq[:n]

SELECT * FROM multiple tables. MySQL

In order to get rid of duplicates, you can group by But that way you'll get only one photo for each (which photo you'll get depends on database internal implementation).

Though it is not documented, in case of MySQL, you'll get the photo with lowest id (in my experience I've never seen other behavior).

SELECT name, price, photo 
FROM drinks, drinks_photos 
WHERE = drinks_id

LEFT JOIN only first row

@Matt Dodges answer put me on the right track. Thanks again for all the answers, which helped a lot of guys in the mean time. Got it working like this:

FROM feeds f
LEFT JOIN artists a ON a.artist_id = (
    SELECT artist_id
    FROM feeds_artists fa 
    WHERE fa.feed_id =
    LIMIT 1
WHERE = '13815'

Fixing Sublime Text 2 line endings?

The comment states

// Determines what character(s) are used to terminate each line in new files.
// Valid values are 'system' (whatever the OS uses), 'windows' (CRLF) and
// 'unix' (LF only).

You are setting

"default_line_ending": "LF",

You should set

"default_line_ending": "unix",

Unpivot with column name

You may also try standard sql un-pivoting method by using a sequence of logic with the following code.. The following code has 3 steps:

  1. create multiple copies for each row using cross join (also creating subject column in this case)
  2. create column "marks" and fill in relevant values using case expression ( ex: if subject is science then pick value from science column)
  3. remove any null combinations ( if exists, table expression can be fully avoided if there are strictly no null values in base table)

     select *
        select name, subject,
        case subject
        when 'Maths' then maths
        when 'Science' then science
        when 'English' then english
        end as Marks
    from studentmarks
    Cross Join (values('Maths'),('Science'),('English')) AS Subjct(Subject)
    )as D
    where marks is not null;

JavaScript hard refresh of current page

window.location.href = window.location.href

Command to list all files in a folder as well as sub-folders in windows

The below post gives the solution for your scenario.

dir /s /b /o:gn

/S Displays files in specified directory and all subdirectories.

/B Uses bare format (no heading information or summary).

/O List by files in sorted order.

'LIKE ('%this%' OR '%that%') and something=else' not working

Try something like:

WHERE (column LIKE '%this%' OR column LIKE '%that%') AND something = else

Animate element transform rotate

//this should allow you to replica an animation effect for any css property, even //properties //that transform animation jQuery plugins do not allow

            function twistMyElem(){
                var ball = $('#form');
                document.getElementById('form').style.zIndex = 1;
                ball.animate({ zIndex : 360},{
                    step: function(now,fx){
                        ball.css("transform","rotateY(" + now + "deg)");
                }, 'linear');

MySQL - Replace Character in Columns

maybe I'd go by this.

 SQL = SELECT REPLACE(myColumn, '""', '\'') FROM myTable

I used singlequotes because that's the one that registers string expressions in MySQL, or so I believe.

Hope that helps.

How to use mod operator in bash?

Try the following:

 for i in {1..600}; do echo wget$(($i % 5)); done

The $(( )) syntax does an arithmetic evaluation of the contents.

How to properly set the 100% DIV height to match document/window height?

hows this

<style type="text/css">
width: 900px;
margin: 0 auto 0 auto;
background: url('image.JPG') 250px 0px repeat-y;
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

function handleResize() {
var h = $(window).height();

        <div id="wrapper">
                ...some content

Is there any way to return HTML in a PHP function? (without building the return value as a string)

This may be a sketchy solution, and I'd appreciate anybody pointing out whether this is a bad idea, since it's not a standard use of functions. I've had some success getting HTML out of a PHP function without building the return value as a string with the following:

function noStrings() {
    echo ''?>
        <div>[Whatever HTML you want]</div>

The just 'call' the function:


And it will output:

<div>[Whatever HTML you want]</div>

Using this method, you can also define PHP variables within the function and echo them out inside the HTML.

What is the method for converting radians to degrees?

x rads in degrees - > x*180/pi
x degrees in rads -> x*pi/180

I guess if you wanted to make a function for this [in PHP]:

function convert($type, $num) {
    if ($type == "rads") {
          $result = $num*180/pi();

    if ($type == "degs") {
          $result = $num*pi()/180;

    return $result;

Yes, that could probably be written better.

Input mask for numeric and decimal

Now that I understand better what you need, here's what I propose. Add a keyup handler for your textbox that checks the textbox contents with this regex ^[0-9]{1,14}\.[0-9]{2}$ and if it doesn't match, make the background red or show a text or whatever you like. Here's the code to put in document.ready

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('selectorForTextbox').bind('keyup', function(e) {
        if (e.srcElement.value.match(/^[0-9]{1,14}\.[0-9]{2}$/) === null) {
        } else {

Here's a JSFiddle of this in action. Also, do the same regex server side and if it doesn't match, the requirements have not been met. You can also do this check the onsubmit event and not let the user submit the page if the regex didn't match.

The reason for not enforcing the mask upon text inserting is that it complicates things a lot, e.g. as I mentioned in the comment, the user cannot begin entering the valid input since the beggining of it is not valid. It is possible though, but I suggest this instead.

Repository Pattern Step by Step Explanation

As a summary, I would describe the wider impact of the repository pattern. It allows all of your code to use objects without having to know how the objects are persisted. All of the knowledge of persistence, including mapping from tables to objects, is safely contained in the repository.

Very often, you will find SQL queries scattered in the codebase and when you come to add a column to a table you have to search code files to try and find usages of a table. The impact of the change is far-reaching.

With the repository pattern, you would only need to change one object and one repository. The impact is very small.

Perhaps it would help to think about why you would use the repository pattern. Here are some reasons:

  • You have a single place to make changes to your data access

  • You have a single place responsible for a set of tables (usually)

  • It is easy to replace a repository with a fake implementation for testing - so you don't need to have a database available to your unit tests

There are other benefits too, for example, if you were using MySQL and wanted to switch to SQL Server - but I have never actually seen this in practice!

Java best way for string find and replace?

Simply include the Apache Commons Lang JAR and use the org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils class. You'll notice lots of methods for replacing Strings safely and efficiently.

You can view the StringUtils API at the previously linked website.

"Don't reinvent the wheel"

C++ alignment when printing cout <<

The ISO C++ standard way to do it is to #include <iomanip> and use io manipulators like std::setw. However, that said, those io manipulators are a real pain to use even for text, and are just about unusable for formatting numbers (I assume you want your dollar amounts to line up on the decimal, have the correct number of significant digits, etc.). Even for just plain text labels, the code will look something like this for the first part of your first line:

// using standard iomanip facilities
cout << setw(20) << "Artist"
     << setw(20) << "Title"
     << setw(8) << "Price";
// ... not going to try to write the numeric formatting...

If you are able to use the Boost libraries, run (don't walk) and use the Boost.Format library instead. It is fully compatible with the standard iostreams, and it gives you all the goodness for easy formatting with printf/Posix formatting string, but without losing any of the power and convenience of iostreams themselves. For example, the first parts of your first two lines would look something like:

// using Boost.Format
cout << format("%-20s %-20s %-8s\n")  % "Artist" % "Title" % "Price";
cout << format("%-20s %-20s %8.2f\n") % "Merle" % "Blue" % 12.99;

Convert HTML Character Back to Text Using Java Standard Library

As @jem suggested, it is possible to use jsoup.

With jSoup 1.8.3 it il possible to use the method Parser.unescapeEntities that retain the original html.

import org.jsoup.parser.Parser;
String html = Parser.unescapeEntities(original_html, false);

It seems that in some previous release this method is not present.

Putting text in top left corner of matplotlib plot

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
plt.text(0.1, 0.9, 'text', size=15, color='purple')

# or 

fig, axe = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 6))
axe.text(0.1, 0.9, 'text', size=15, color='purple')

Output of Both

enter image description here

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Build a rectangle in axes coords
left, width = .25, .5
bottom, height = .25, .5
right = left + width
top = bottom + height
ax = plt.gca()
p = plt.Rectangle((left, bottom), width, height, fill=False)

ax.text(left, bottom, 'left top',

ax.text(left, bottom, 'left bottom',

ax.text(right, top, 'right bottom',

ax.text(right, top, 'right top',

ax.text(right, bottom, 'center top',

ax.text(left, 0.5 * (bottom + top), 'right center',

ax.text(left, 0.5 * (bottom + top), 'left center',

ax.text(0.5 * (left + right), 0.5 * (bottom + top), 'middle',

ax.text(right, 0.5 * (bottom + top), 'centered',

ax.text(left, top, 'rotated\nwith newlines',


enter image description here

How to refresh datagrid in WPF

Try mydatagrid.Items.Refresh()

How to dynamically update labels captions in VBA form?

If you want to use this in VBA:

For i = 1 To X
    UserForm1.Controls("Label" & i).Caption =  MySheet.Cells(i + 1, i).Value

You need to install postgresql-server-dev-X.Y for building a server-side extension or libpq-dev for building a client-side application

Use these following commands, this will solve the error:

sudo apt-get install postgresql

then fire:

sudo apt-get install python-psycopg2

and last:

sudo apt-get install libpq-dev

JWT (JSON Web Token) automatic prolongation of expiration


If you are using node (React / Redux / Universal JS) you can install npm i -S jwt-autorefresh.

This library schedules refresh of JWT tokens at a user calculated number of seconds prior to the access token expiring (based on the exp claim encoded in the token). It has an extensive test suite and checks for quite a few conditions to ensure any strange activity is accompanied by a descriptive message regarding misconfigurations from your environment.

Full example implementation

import autorefresh from 'jwt-autorefresh'

/** Events in your app that are triggered when your user becomes authorized or deauthorized. */
import { onAuthorize, onDeauthorize } from './events'

/** Your refresh token mechanism, returning a promise that resolves to the new access tokenFunction (library does not care about your method of persisting tokens) */
const refresh = () => {
  const init =  { method: 'POST'
                , headers: { 'Content-Type': `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` }
                , body: `refresh_token=${localStorage.refresh_token}&grant_type=refresh_token`
  return fetch('/oauth/token', init)
    .then(res => res.json())
    .then(({ token_type, access_token, expires_in, refresh_token }) => {
      localStorage.access_token = access_token
      localStorage.refresh_token = refresh_token
      return access_token

/** You supply a leadSeconds number or function that generates a number of seconds that the refresh should occur prior to the access token expiring */
const leadSeconds = () => {
  /** Generate random additional seconds (up to 30 in this case) to append to the lead time to ensure multiple clients dont schedule simultaneous refresh */
  const jitter = Math.floor(Math.random() * 30)

  /** Schedule autorefresh to occur 60 to 90 seconds prior to token expiration */
  return 60 + jitter

let start = autorefresh({ refresh, leadSeconds })
let cancel = () => {}
onAuthorize(access_token => {
  cancel = start(access_token)

onDeauthorize(() => cancel())

disclaimer: I am the maintainer

"query function not defined for Select2 undefined error"

Also got the same error when using ajax.

If you're using ajax to render forms with select2, the input_html class must be different from those NOT rendered using ajax. Not quite sure why it works this way though.

Android runOnUiThread explanation

This should work for you

 public class MyActivity extends Activity {

    protected ProgressDialog mProgressDialog;
    /** Called when the activity is first created. */
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    private void populateTable() {
        mProgressDialog =, "Please wait","Long operation starts...", true);
        new Thread() {
            public void run() {

                try {

                    // code runs in a thread
                    runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
                } catch (final Exception ex) {
                    Log.i("---","Exception in thread");


    /** fake operation for testing purpose */
    protected void doLongOperation() {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {


What is the difference between visibility:hidden and display:none?

display:none removes the element from the layout flow.

visibility:hidden hides it but leaves the space.

Passing arguments to angularjs filters

Extending on pkozlowski.opensource's answer and using javascript array's builtin filter method a prettified solution could be this:

.filter('weDontLike', function(){
    return function(items, name){
        return items.filter(function(item) {
            return != name;

Here's the jsfiddle link.

More on Array filter here.

Find and extract a number from a string

use regular expression ...

Regex re = new Regex(@"\d+");
Match m = re.Match("test 66");

if (m.Success)
    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("RegEx found " + m.Value + " at position " + m.Index.ToString()));
    Console.WriteLine("You didn't enter a string containing a number!");

How to enable Bootstrap tooltip on disabled button?

You can simply override Bootstrap's "pointer-events" style for disabled buttons via CSS e.g.

.btn[disabled] {
 pointer-events: all !important;

Better still be explicit and disable specific buttons e.g.

#buttonId[disabled] {
 pointer-events: all !important;

How to bind RadioButtons to an enum?

For the EnumToBooleanConverter answer: Instead of returning DependencyProperty.UnsetValue consider returning Binding.DoNothing for the case where the radio button IsChecked value becomes false. The former indicates a problem (and might show the user a red rectangle or similar validation indicators) while the latter just indicates that nothing should be done, which is what is wanted in that case.

Python's most efficient way to choose longest string in list?

def longestWord(some_list): 
    count = 0    #You set the count to 0
    for i in some_list: # Go through the whole list
        if len(i) > count: #Checking for the longest word(string)
            count = len(i)
            word = i
    return ("the longest string is " + word)

or much easier:

max(some_list , key = len)

YouTube URL in Video Tag

The most straight forward answer to this question is: You can't.

Youtube doesn't output their video's in the right format, thus they can't be embedded in a
<video/> element.

There are a few solutions posted using javascript, but don't trust on those, they all need a fallback, and won't work cross-browser.

Check Whether a User Exists

Script to Check whether Linux user exists or not

Script To check whether the user exists or not

#! /bin/bash
cat /etc/passwd | grep ${USER_NAME} >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
    echo "User Exists"
    echo "User Not Found"

JavaScript single line 'if' statement - best syntax, this alternative?

**Old Method:**
New Method:
x && add(x);

Even assign operation also we can do with round brackets

exp.includes('regexp_replace') && (exp = exp.replace(/,/g, '@&'));

Getting binary (base64) data from HTML5 Canvas (readAsBinaryString)

Short answer:

const base64Canvas = canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg").split(';base64,')[1];

Set timeout for webClient.DownloadFile()

My answer comes from here

You can make a derived class, which will set the timeout property of the base WebRequest class:

using System;
using System.Net;

public class WebDownload : WebClient
    /// <summary>
    /// Time in milliseconds
    /// </summary>
    public int Timeout { get; set; }

    public WebDownload() : this(60000) { }

    public WebDownload(int timeout)
        this.Timeout = timeout;

    protected override WebRequest GetWebRequest(Uri address)
        var request = base.GetWebRequest(address);
        if (request != null)
            request.Timeout = this.Timeout;
        return request;

and you can use it just like the base WebClient class.

How do you get the "object reference" of an object in java when toString() and hashCode() have been overridden?

What exactly are you planning on doing with it (what you want to do makes a difference with what you will need to call).

hashCode, as defined in the JavaDocs, says:

As much as is reasonably practical, the hashCode method defined by class Object does return distinct integers for distinct objects. (This is typically implemented by converting the internal address of the object into an integer, but this implementation technique is not required by the Java™ programming language.)

So if you are using hashCode() to find out if it is a unique object in memory that isn't a good way to do it.

System.identityHashCode does the following:

Returns the same hash code for the given object as would be returned by the default method hashCode(), whether or not the given object's class overrides hashCode(). The hash code for the null reference is zero.

Which, for what you are doing, sounds like what you want... but what you want to do might not be safe depending on how the library is implemented.

How is the AND/OR operator represented as in Regular Expressions?

I'm going to assume you want to build a the regex dynamically to contain other words than part1 and part2, and that you want order not to matter. If so you can use something like this:

((^|, )(part1|part2|part3))+$

Positive matches:

part2, part1
part1, part2, part3

Negative matches:

part1,           //with and without trailing spaces.
part3, part2, 

How to get whole and decimal part of a number?

There's a fmod function too, that can be used : fmod($my_var, 1) will return the same result, but sometime with a small round error.

Eclipse : Maven search dependencies doesn't work

In your eclipse, go to Windows -> Preferences -> Maven Preferences Maven Screenshot Tick the option "Download repository index updates on startup". You may want to restart the eclipse.

Also go to Windows -> Show view -> Other -> Maven -> Maven repositories Maven Repository View Screenshot

On Maven repositories panel, Expand Global repositories then Right click on Central repositories and check "Full index enabled" option and then click on "Rebuild index".

Full Index Screenshot

Can a Windows batch file determine its own file name?

Try to run below example in order to feel how the magical variables work.

@echo off

SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion

echo Full path and filename: %~f0
echo Drive: %~d0
echo Path: %~p0
echo Drive and path: %~dp0
echo Filename without extension: %~n0
echo Filename with    extension: %~nx0
echo Extension: %~x0

echo date time : %~t0
echo file size: %~z0


The related rules are following.

%~I         - expands %I removing any surrounding quotes ("")
%~fI        - expands %I to a fully qualified path name
%~dI        - expands %I to a drive letter only
%~pI        - expands %I to a path only
%~nI        - expands %I to a file name only
%~xI        - expands %I to a file extension only
%~sI        - expanded path contains short names only
%~aI        - expands %I to file attributes of file
%~tI        - expands %I to date/time of file
%~zI        - expands %I to size of file
%~$PATH:I   - searches the directories listed in the PATH
               environment variable and expands %I to the
               fully qualified name of the first one found.
               If the environment variable name is not
               defined or the file is not found by the
               search, then this modifier expands to the
               empty string

Hour from DateTime? in 24 hours format

You can get the desired result with the code below. Two'H' in HH is for 24-hour format.

return fechaHora.Value.ToString("HH:mm");

Aborting a shell script if any command returns a non-zero value

To add to the accepted answer:

Bear in mind that set -e sometimes is not enough, specially if you have pipes.

For example, suppose you have this script

set -e 
./configure  > configure.log

... which works as expected: an error in configure aborts the execution.

Tomorrow you make a seemingly trivial change:

set -e 
./configure  | tee configure.log

... and now it does not work. This is explained here, and a workaround (Bash only) is provided:

set -e 
set -o pipefail

./configure  | tee configure.log

plot legends without border and with white background

Use option bty = "n" in legend to remove the box around the legend. For example:

legend(1, 5,
       "This legend text should not be disturbed by the dotted grey lines,\nbut the plotted dots should still be visible",
       bty = "n")

Storing Form Data as a Session Variable

Yes this is possible. kizzie is correct with the session_start(); having to go first.

another observation I made is that you need to filter your form data using:




Why does checking a variable against multiple values with `OR` only check the first value?

if name in ("Jesse", "jesse"):

would be the correct way to do it.

Although, if you want to use or, the statement would be

if name == 'Jesse' or name == 'jesse':

>>> ("Jesse" or "jesse")

evaluates to 'Jesse', so you're essentially not testing for 'jesse' when you do if name == ("Jesse" or "jesse"), since it only tests for equality to 'Jesse' and does not test for 'jesse', as you observed.

How to encrypt/decrypt data in php?


Starting with your table definition:

- UserID
- Fname
- Lname
- Email
- Password
- IV

Here are the changes:

  1. The fields Fname, Lname and Email will be encrypted using a symmetric cipher, provided by OpenSSL,
  2. The IV field will store the initialisation vector used for encryption. The storage requirements depend on the cipher and mode used; more about this later.
  3. The Password field will be hashed using a one-way password hash,


Cipher and mode

Choosing the best encryption cipher and mode is beyond the scope of this answer, but the final choice affects the size of both the encryption key and initialisation vector; for this post we will be using AES-256-CBC which has a fixed block size of 16 bytes and a key size of either 16, 24 or 32 bytes.

Encryption key

A good encryption key is a binary blob that's generated from a reliable random number generator. The following example would be recommended (>= 5.3):

$key_size = 32; // 256 bits
$encryption_key = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($key_size, $strong);
// $strong will be true if the key is crypto safe

This can be done once or multiple times (if you wish to create a chain of encryption keys). Keep these as private as possible.


The initialisation vector adds randomness to the encryption and required for CBC mode. These values should be ideally be used only once (technically once per encryption key), so an update to any part of a row should regenerate it.

A function is provided to help you generate the IV:

$iv_size = 16; // 128 bits
$iv = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($iv_size, $strong);


Let's encrypt the name field, using the earlier $encryption_key and $iv; to do this, we have to pad our data to the block size:

function pkcs7_pad($data, $size)
    $length = $size - strlen($data) % $size;
    return $data . str_repeat(chr($length), $length);

$name = 'Jack';
$enc_name = openssl_encrypt(
    pkcs7_pad($name, 16), // padded data
    'AES-256-CBC',        // cipher and mode
    $encryption_key,      // secret key
    0,                    // options (not used)
    $iv                   // initialisation vector

Storage requirements

The encrypted output, like the IV, is binary; storing these values in a database can be accomplished by using designated column types such as BINARY or VARBINARY.

The output value, like the IV, is binary; to store those values in MySQL, consider using BINARY or VARBINARY columns. If this is not an option, you can also convert the binary data into a textual representation using base64_encode() or bin2hex(), doing so requires between 33% to 100% more storage space.


Decryption of the stored values is similar:

function pkcs7_unpad($data)
    return substr($data, 0, -ord($data[strlen($data) - 1]));

$row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); // read from database result
// $enc_name = base64_decode($row['Name']);
// $enc_name = hex2bin($row['Name']);
$enc_name = $row['Name'];
// $iv = base64_decode($row['IV']);
// $iv = hex2bin($row['IV']);
$iv = $row['IV'];

$name = pkcs7_unpad(openssl_decrypt(

Authenticated encryption

You can further improve the integrity of the generated cipher text by appending a signature that's generated from a secret key (different from the encryption key) and the cipher text. Before the cipher text is decrypted, the signature is first verified (preferably with a constant-time comparison method).


// generate once, keep safe
$auth_key = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(32, $strong);

// authentication
$auth = hash_hmac('sha256', $enc_name, $auth_key, true);
$auth_enc_name = $auth . $enc_name;

// verification
$auth = substr($auth_enc_name, 0, 32);
$enc_name = substr($auth_enc_name, 32);
$actual_auth = hash_hmac('sha256', $enc_name, $auth_key, true);

if (hash_equals($auth, $actual_auth)) {
    // perform decryption

See also: hash_equals()


Storing a reversible password in your database must be avoided as much as possible; you only wish to verify the password rather than knowing its contents. If a user loses their password, it's better to allow them to reset it rather than sending them their original one (make sure that password reset can only be done for a limited time).

Applying a hash function is a one-way operation; afterwards it can be safely used for verification without revealing the original data; for passwords, a brute force method is a feasible approach to uncover it due to its relatively short length and poor password choices of many people.

Hashing algorithms such as MD5 or SHA1 were made to verify file contents against a known hash value. They're greatly optimized to make this verification as fast as possible while still being accurate. Given their relatively limited output space it was easy to build a database with known passwords and their respective hash outputs, the rainbow tables.

Adding a salt to the password before hashing it would render a rainbow table useless, but recent hardware advancements made brute force lookups a viable approach. That's why you need a hashing algorithm that's deliberately slow and simply impossible to optimize. It should also be able to increase the load for faster hardware without affecting the ability to verify existing password hashes to make it future proof.

Currently there are two popular choices available:

  1. PBKDF2 (Password Based Key Derivation Function v2)
  2. bcrypt (aka Blowfish)

This answer will use an example with bcrypt.


A password hash can be generated like this:

$password = 'my password';
$random = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(18);
$salt = sprintf('$2y$%02d$%s',
    13, // 2^n cost factor
    substr(strtr(base64_encode($random), '+', '.'), 0, 22)

$hash = crypt($password, $salt);

The salt is generated with openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() to form a random blob of data which is then run through base64_encode() and strtr() to match the required alphabet of [A-Za-z0-9/.].

The crypt() function performs the hashing based on the algorithm ($2y$ for Blowfish), the cost factor (a factor of 13 takes roughly 0.40s on a 3GHz machine) and the salt of 22 characters.


Once you have fetched the row containing the user information, you validate the password in this manner:

$given_password = $_POST['password']; // the submitted password
$db_hash = $row['Password']; // field with the password hash

$given_hash = crypt($given_password, $db_hash);

if (isEqual($given_hash, $db_hash)) {
    // user password verified

// constant time string compare
function isEqual($str1, $str2)
    $n1 = strlen($str1);
    if (strlen($str2) != $n1) {
        return false;
    for ($i = 0, $diff = 0; $i != $n1; ++$i) {
        $diff |= ord($str1[$i]) ^ ord($str2[$i]);
    return !$diff;

To verify a password, you call crypt() again but you pass the previously calculated hash as the salt value. The return value yields the same hash if the given password matches the hash. To verify the hash, it's often recommended to use a constant-time comparison function to avoid timing attacks.

Password hashing with PHP 5.5

PHP 5.5 introduced the password hashing functions that you can use to simplify the above method of hashing:

$hash = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT, ['cost' => 13]);

And verifying:

if (password_verify($given_password, $db_hash)) {
    // password valid

See also: password_hash(), password_verify()

Foreign Key to multiple tables

Yet another option is to have, in Ticket, one column specifying the owning entity type (User or Group), second column with referenced User or Group id and NOT to use Foreign Keys but instead rely on a Trigger to enforce referential integrity.

Two advantages I see here over Nathan's excellent model (above):

  • More immediate clarity and simplicity.
  • Simpler queries to write.

Android Studio doesn't recognize my device

Solution for those working with Huawei phones - You will get this error when ADB interface is not installed. Check if you have installed Huawei HiSuite. USB driver gets installed when you install HiSuite (I suppose this is true for most of the new phones that come with a Sync Software). If the ADB interface is installed on your computer you should see 'Android Composite ADB Interface' under Android Phone in your Device Manager as shown in this picture. enter image description here

Need a good hex editor for Linux

Bless is a high quality, full featured hex editor.

It is written in mono/Gtk# and its primary platform is GNU/Linux. However it should be able to run without problems on every platform that mono and Gtk# run.

Bless currently provides the following features:

  • Efficient editing of large data files and block devices.
  • Multilevel undo - redo operations.
  • Customizable data views.
  • Fast data rendering on screen.
  • Multiple tabs.
  • Fast find and replace operations.
  • A data conversion table.
  • Advanced copy/paste capabilities.
  • Highlighting of selection pattern matches in the file.
  • Plugin based architecture.
  • Export of data to text and html (others with plugins).
  • Bitwise operations on data.
  • A comprehensive user manual.

wxHexEditor is another Free Hex Editor, built because there is no good hex editor for Linux system, specially for big files.

  • It uses 64 bit file descriptors (supports files or devices up to 2^64 bytes , means some exabytes but tested only 1 PetaByte file (yet). ).
  • It does NOT copy whole file to your RAM. That make it FAST and can open files (which sizes are Multi Giga < Tera < Peta < Exabytes)
  • Could open your devices on Linux, Windows or MacOSX.
  • Memory Usage : Currently ~10 MegaBytes while opened multiple > ~8GB files.
  • Could operate thru XOR encryption.
  • Written with C++/wxWidgets GUI libs and can be used with other OSes such as Mac OS, Windows as native application.
  • You can copy/edit your Disks, HDD Sectors with it.( Usefull for rescue files/partitions by hand. )
  • You can delete/insert bytes to file, more than once, without creating temp file.

DHEX is a more than just another hex editor: It includes a diff mode, which can be used to easily and conveniently compare two binary files. Since it is based on ncurses and is themeable, it can run on any number of systems and scenarios. With its utilization of search logs, it is possible to track changes in different iterations of files easily. Wikipedia article

You can sort on Linux to find some more here:

How to bind Events on Ajax loaded Content?

If your ajax response are containing html form inputs for instance, than this would be great:

$(document).on("change", 'input[type=radio][name=fieldLoadedFromAjax]', function(event) { 
if (this.value == 'Yes') {
  // do something here
} else if (this.value == 'No') {
  // do something else here.
} else {
   console.log('The new input field from an ajax response has this value: '+ this.value);


How to respond to clicks on a checkbox in an AngularJS directive?

I prefer to use the ngModel and ngChange directives when dealing with checkboxes. ngModel allows you to bind the checked/unchecked state of the checkbox to a property on the entity:

<input type="checkbox" ng-model="entity.isChecked">

Whenever the user checks or unchecks the checkbox the entity.isChecked value will change too.

If this is all you need then you don't even need the ngClick or ngChange directives. Since you have the "Check All" checkbox, you obviously need to do more than just set the value of the property when someone checks a checkbox.

When using ngModel with a checkbox, it's best to use ngChange rather than ngClick for handling checked and unchecked events. ngChange is made for just this kind of scenario. It makes use of the ngModelController for data-binding (it adds a listener to the ngModelController's $viewChangeListeners array. The listeners in this array get called after the model value has been set, avoiding this problem).

<input type="checkbox" ng-model="entity.isChecked" ng-change="selectEntity()">

... and in the controller ...

var model = {};
$scope.model = model;

// This property is bound to the checkbox in the table header
model.allItemsSelected = false;

// Fired when an entity in the table is checked
$scope.selectEntity = function () {
    // If any entity is not checked, then uncheck the "allItemsSelected" checkbox
    for (var i = 0; i < model.entities.length; i++) {
        if (!model.entities[i].isChecked) {
            model.allItemsSelected = false;

    // ... otherwise ensure that the "allItemsSelected" checkbox is checked
    model.allItemsSelected = true;

Similarly, the "Check All" checkbox in the header:

    <input type="checkbox" ng-model="model.allItemsSelected" ng-change="selectAll()">

... and ...

// Fired when the checkbox in the table header is checked
$scope.selectAll = function () {
    // Loop through all the entities and set their isChecked property
    for (var i = 0; i < model.entities.length; i++) {
        model.entities[i].isChecked = model.allItemsSelected;


What is the best way to... add a CSS class to the <tr> containing the entity to reflect its selected state?

If you use the ngModel approach for the data-binding, all you need to do is add the ngClass directive to the <tr> element to dynamically add or remove the class whenever the entity property changes:

<tr ng-repeat="entity in model.entities" ng-class="{selected: entity.isChecked}">

See the full Plunker here.