Programs & Examples On #Jwizard

jQuery Plugin for generating a Windows Wizard-like interface for your Web Applications

Redirecting unauthorized controller in ASP.NET MVC

I had the same issue. Rather than figure out the MVC code, I opted for a cheap hack that seems to work. In my Global.asax class:

member x.Application_EndRequest() =
  if x.Response.StatusCode = 401 then 
      let redir = "?redirectUrl=" + Uri.EscapeDataString x.Request.Url.PathAndQuery
      if x.Request.Url.LocalPath.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("admin") then
          x.Response.Redirect("/Login/Admin/" + redir)
          x.Response.Redirect("/Login/Login/" + redir)

Quick way to list all files in Amazon S3 bucket?

You can list all the files, in the aws s3 bucket using the command

aws s3 ls path/to/file

and to save it in a file, use

aws s3 ls path/to/file >> save_result.txt

if you want to append your result in a file otherwise:

aws s3 ls path/to/file > save_result.txt

if you want to clear what was written before.

It will work both in windows and Linux.

C/C++ NaN constant (literal)?

This can be done using the numeric_limits in C++:

These are the methods you probably want to look at:

infinity()  T   Representation of positive infinity, if available.
quiet_NaN() T   Representation of quiet (non-signaling) "Not-a-Number", if available.
signaling_NaN() T   Representation of signaling "Not-a-Number", if available.

Git copy file preserving history

For completeness, I would add that, if you wanted to copy an entire directory full of controlled AND uncontrolled files, you could use the following:

git mv old new
git checkout HEAD old

The uncontrolled files will be copied over, so you should clean them up:

git clean -fdx new

Change bar plot colour in geom_bar with ggplot2 in r

If you want all the bars to get the same color (fill), you can easily add it inside geom_bar.

ggplot(data=df, aes(x=c1+c2/2, y=c3)) + 
geom_bar(stat="identity", width=c2, fill = "#FF6666")

enter image description here

Add fill = the_name_of_your_var inside aes to change the colors depending of the variable :

c4 = c("A", "B", "C")
df = cbind(df, c4)
ggplot(data=df, aes(x=c1+c2/2, y=c3, fill = c4)) + 
geom_bar(stat="identity", width=c2)

enter image description here

Use scale_fill_manual() if you want to manually the change of colors.

ggplot(data=df, aes(x=c1+c2/2, y=c3, fill = c4)) + 
geom_bar(stat="identity", width=c2) + 
scale_fill_manual("legend", values = c("A" = "black", "B" = "orange", "C" = "blue"))

enter image description here

setting an environment variable in virtualenv

If you're already using Heroku, consider running your server via Foreman. It supports a .env file which is simply a list of lines with KEY=VAL that will be exported to your app before it runs.

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/fasterxml/jackson/core/JsonFactory

In my case problem was when i added com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat i put the version 2.11.0.

While all other Jackson dependencies were 2.8.0 and one of them was 2.11.0 and changing all to be 2.8.0 fixed it.

FYI, 2.11 is the latest but due to my legacy code, i kept it as 2.8 as well.

Before Fix [ERROR]

com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat version is 2.11.0    
com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat jackson-dataformat-xml 2.11.0



After Fix [WORKED] com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat version is 2.8.0

com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat jackson-dataformat-xml 2.8.0



How to embed a Facebook page's feed into my website

Ahhh, that's super simple, no programming required.


You'll want to keep the show stream option turned on. You can adjust width and heigth and a few other things.

How to convert minutes to Hours and minutes (hh:mm) in java

Try this code:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class BasicElement {
    public static void main(String[] args){
        Scanner input = new Scanner(;
        int hours;
        System.out.print("Enter the hours to convert:");
        hours =input.nextInt();
        int d=hours/24;
        int m=hours%24;
        System.out.println(d+"days"+" "+m+"hours");     


How to start nginx via different port(other than 80)

If you are experiencing this problem when using Docker be sure to map the correct port numbers. If you map port 81:80 when running docker (or through docker-compose.yml), your nginx must listen on port 80 not 81, because docker does the mapping already.

I spent quite some time on this issue myself, so hope it can be to some help for future googlers.

gradlew command not found?

If you are using mac, try giving root access to gradlew by doing

chmod +x ./gradlew

Android Studio doesn't recognize my device

Try swapping the USB port the cable is plugged into.

Sounds crazy but after 20 minutes of debugging this worked for me.

Laravel 5 not finding css files

if you are on ubuntu u can try these commands:

sudo apt install npm

npm install && npm run dev

How to Set Focus on Input Field using JQuery

Try this, to set the focus to the first input field:


How to Generate Barcode using PHP and Display it as an Image on the same page

There is a library for this BarCode PHP. You just need to include a few files:


You can generate many types of barcodes, namely 1D or 2D. Add the required library:


Generate the colours:

// The arguments are R, G, and B for color.
$colorFront = new BCGColor(0, 0, 0);
$colorBack = new BCGColor(255, 255, 255);

After you have added all the codes, you will get this way:


Since several have asked for an example here is what I was able to do to get it done



header('Content-Type: image/png');

$color_white = new BCGColor(255, 255, 255);

$code = new BCGcode128();

$drawing = new BCGDrawing('', $color_white);


If you want to actually create the image file so you can save it then change

$drawing = new BCGDrawing('', $color_white);


$drawing = new BCGDrawing('image.png', $color_white);

Add a summary row with totals

You could use the ROLLUP operator

            WHEN (GROUPING([Type]) = 1) THEN 'Total'
            ELSE [Type] END AS [TYPE]
        ,SUM([Total Sales]) as Total_Sales
From    Before
        [Type] WITH ROLLUP

How can I escape square brackets in a LIKE clause?

There is a problem in that whilst:

LIKE 'WC[[]R]S123456' 


LIKE 'WC\[R]S123456' ESCAPE '\'

Both work for SQL Server but neither work for Oracle.

It seems that there is no ISO/IEC 9075 way to recognize a pattern involving a left brace.

Find length of 2D array Python

Assuming input[row][col],

    rows = len(input)
    cols = map(len, input)  #list of column lengths

Checking whether a String contains a number value in Java

Looks like people like doing spoonfeeding, so I have decided to post the worst solution to an easy task:

public static boolean isNumber(String s) throws Exception {
    boolean result = false;
    byte[] bytes = s.getBytes("ASCII");
    int tmp, i = bytes.length;
    while (i >0  && (result = ((tmp = bytes[--i] - '0') >= 0) && tmp <= 9));
    return result;

About the worst code I could imagine, but there might be other people here who can come up with even worse solutions.

Hm, containsNumber is worse:

public static boolean containsNumber(String s) throws Exception {
    boolean result = false;
    byte[] bytes = s.getBytes("ASCII");
    int tmp, i = bytes.length;
    while (i >0  && (true | (result |= ((tmp = bytes[--i] - '0') >= 0) && tmp <= 9)));
    return result;

Validate date in dd/mm/yyyy format using JQuery Validate

This validates dd/mm/yyy dates. Edit your jquery.validate.js and add these.

Reference(Regex): Regex to validate date format dd/mm/yyyy

dateBR: function( value, element ) {
    return this.optional(element) || /^(?:(?:31(\/|-|\.)(?:0?[13578]|1[02]))\1|(?:(?:29|30)(\/|-|\.)(?:0?[1,3-9]|1[0-2])\2))(?:(?:1[6-9]|[2-9]\d)?\d{2})$|^(?:29(\/|-|\.)0?2\3(?:(?:(?:1[6-9]|[2-9]\d)?(?:0[48]|[2468][048]|[13579][26])|(?:(?:16|[2468][048]|[3579][26])00))))$|^(?:0?[1-9]|1\d|2[0-8])(\/|-|\.)(?:(?:0?[1-9])|(?:1[0-2]))\4(?:(?:1[6-9]|[2-9]\d)?\d{2})$/.test(value);

messages: {
    dateBR: "Invalid date."

classRuleSettings: {
    dateBR: {dateBR: true}


$( "#myForm" ).validate({
    rules: {
        field: {
            dateBR: true

No Android SDK found - Android Studio

From the File menu, choose Project Structure (if you're running 0.4.4 there's a bug and the menu item doesn't have a title, but it still works), and choose the Android SDK item. You should see something like this where you can set up your JDK and SDK.

Project Structure dialog, Android SDK tab

After setting it, quit Android Studio and relaunch it for good measure.

Python Anaconda - How to Safely Uninstall

If you're uninstalling Anaconda to be able to use the base Python installation in the system, you could temporarily disable the path by following these steps and not uninstalling Anaconda.

Go to your home directory. Just a cd command will do.

Edit the file .bashrc.

Look for something like export PATH="/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/bin:$PATH" in the file.

Put a # at the beginning to comment it from the script.

#export PATH="/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"

Open a new terminal and you should be running the base python installation. This works on Linux systems. Should work on Mac too.

TypeError: window.initMap is not a function

turns out it has to do with ng-Route and the order of loading script wrote a directive and put the API script on top of everything works.

How to exclude 0 from MIN formula Excel

if all your value are positive, you can do -max(-n)

Android - Pulling SQlite database android device

 adb shell "run-as [] chmod -R 777 /data/data/[]/databases" 
 adb shell "mkdir -p /sdcard/tempDB" 
 adb shell "cp -r /data/data/[]/databases/ /sdcard/tempDB/." 
 adb pull sdcard/tempDB/ . 
 adb shell "rm -r /sdcard/tempDB/*"

Naming Conventions: What to name a boolean variable?

Haskell uses init to refer to all but the last element of a list (the inverse of tail, basically); would isInInit work, or is that too opaque?

Add and remove multiple classes in jQuery

easiest way to append class name using javascript. It can be useful when .siblings() are misbehaving.

document.getElementById('myId').className += ' active';

How do I see what character set a MySQL database / table / column is?

For all the databases you have on the server:

mysql> SELECT SCHEMA_NAME 'database', default_character_set_name 'charset', DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME 'collation' FROM information_schema.SCHEMATA;


| database                   | charset | collation          |
| information_schema         | utf8    | utf8_general_ci    |
| my_database                | latin1  | latin1_swedish_ci  |

For a single Database:

mysql> USE my_database;
mysql> show variables like "character_set_database";


    | Variable_name              |  Value  |
    | character_set_database     |  latin1 | 

Getting the collation for Tables:

mysql> USE my_database;
mysql> SHOW TABLE STATUS WHERE NAME LIKE 'my_tablename';

OR - will output the complete SQL for create table:

mysql> show create table my_tablename

Getting the collation of columns:

mysql> SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM my_tablename;


+---------+--------------+--------------------+ ....
| field   | type         | collation          |
+---------+--------------+--------------------+ ....
| id      | int(10)      | (NULL)             |
| key     | varchar(255) | latin1_swedish_ci  |
| value   | varchar(255) | latin1_swedish_ci  |
+---------+--------------+--------------------+ ....

yii2 redirect in controller action does not work?

I struggled with redirect not working for very long, none of what mentioned above was working for me, until I tried this:


return $this->redirect('site/secure');


return $this->redirect(['site/secure']);

In other words, needed to enclose it within [] brackets! I am using PHP 7, might be the reason why?

First Heroku deploy failed `error code=H10`

I had this issue, the only problem was my Procfile was like this

web : node index.js

and I changed to

web:node index.js

the only problem was spaces

CSS full screen div with text in the middle

text-align: center will center it horizontally as for vertically put it in a span and give it a css of margin:auto 0; (you will probably also have to give the span a display: block property)

jQuery Scroll To bottom of the page

You can try this

var scroll=$('#scroll');
scroll.animate({scrollTop: scroll.prop("scrollHeight")});

In Node.js, how do I turn a string to a json?

use the JSON function >


display:inline vs display:block

Block Elements: Elements liked div, p, headings are block level. They start from new line and occupy full width of parent element. Inline Elements: Elements liked b, i, span, img are inline level. They never start from new line and occupy width of content.

Dynamic array in C#

You can do this with dynamic objects:

var dynamicKeyValueArray = new[] { new {Key = "K1", Value = 10}, new {Key = "K2", Value = 5} };

foreach(var keyvalue in dynamicKeyValueArray)

Right way to write JSON deserializer in Spring or extend it

I was trying to @Autowire a Spring-managed service into my Deserializer. Somebody tipped me off to Jackson using the new operator when invoking the serializers/deserializers. This meant no auto-wiring of Jackson's instance of my Deserializer. Here's how I was able to @Autowire my service class into my Deserializer:


    <bean class="org.springframework.http.converter.json.MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter">
      <property name="objectMapper" ref="objectMapper" />
<bean id="objectMapper" class="org.springframework.http.converter.json.Jackson2ObjectMapperFactoryBean">
    <!-- Add deserializers that require autowiring -->
    <property name="deserializersByType">
        <map key-type="java.lang.Class">
            <entry key="com.acme.Anchor">
                <bean class="com.acme.AnchorDeserializer" />

Now that my Deserializer is a Spring-managed bean, auto-wiring works!

public class AnchorDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer<Anchor> {
    private AnchorService anchorService;
    public Anchor deserialize(JsonParser parser, DeserializationContext context)
             throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
        // Do stuff

public class AnchorService {}

Update: While my original answer worked for me back when I wrote this, @xi.lin's response is exactly what is needed. Nice find!

HTTP POST with Json on Body - Flutter/Dart

This works!

import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;

Future<http.Response> postRequest () async {
  var url ='';

  Map data = {
    'apikey': '12345678901234567890'
  //encode Map to JSON
  var body = json.encode(data);

  var response = await,
      headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json"},
      body: body
  return response;

Checkbox Check Event Listener

Short answer: Use the change event. Here's a couple of practical examples. Since I misread the question, I'll include jQuery examples along with plain JavaScript. You're not gaining much, if anything, by using jQuery though.

Single checkbox

Using querySelector.

var checkbox = document.querySelector("input[name=checkbox]");

checkbox.addEventListener('change', function() {
  if (this.checked) {
    console.log("Checkbox is checked..");
  } else {
    console.log("Checkbox is not checked..");
<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" />

Single checkbox with jQuery

$('input[name=checkbox]').change(function() {
  if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
    console.log("Checkbox is checked..")
  } else {
    console.log("Checkbox is not checked..")
<script src=""></script>

<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" />

Multiple checkboxes

Here's an example of a list of checkboxes. To select multiple elements we use querySelectorAll instead of querySelector. Then use Array.filter and to extract checked values.

// Select all checkboxes with the name 'settings' using querySelectorAll.
var checkboxes = document.querySelectorAll("input[type=checkbox][name=settings]");
let enabledSettings = []

For IE11 support, replace arrow functions with normal functions and
use a polyfill for Array.forEach:

// Use Array.forEach to add an event listener to each checkbox.
checkboxes.forEach(function(checkbox) {
  checkbox.addEventListener('change', function() {
    enabledSettings = 
      Array.from(checkboxes) // Convert checkboxes to an array to use filter and map.
      .filter(i => i.checked) // Use Array.filter to remove unchecked checkboxes.
      .map(i => i.value) // Use to extract only the checkbox values from the array of objects.
   <input type="checkbox" name="settings" value="forcefield">
   Enable forcefield
  <input type="checkbox" name="settings" value="invisibilitycloak">
  Enable invisibility cloak
  <input type="checkbox" name="settings" value="warpspeed">
  Enable warp speed

Multiple checkboxes with jQuery

let checkboxes = $("input[type=checkbox][name=settings]")
let enabledSettings = [];

// Attach a change event handler to the checkboxes.
checkboxes.change(function() {
  enabledSettings = checkboxes
    .filter(":checked") // Filter out unchecked boxes.
    .map(function() { // Extract values using jQuery map.
      return this.value;
    .get() // Get array.
<script src=""></script>
   <input type="checkbox" name="settings" value="forcefield">
   Enable forcefield
  <input type="checkbox" name="settings" value="invisibilitycloak">
  Enable invisibility cloak
  <input type="checkbox" name="settings" value="warpspeed">
  Enable warp speed

403 - Forbidden: Access is denied. You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied

 <location path="Path/To/Public/Folder">
        <allow users="?"/>

Remove the string on the beginning of an URL

Try the following

var original = '';
var stripped = original.substring(4);

How to regex in a MySQL query

In my case (Oracle), it's WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(column, 'regex.*'). See here:

SQL Function



This function searches a character column for a pattern. Use this function in the WHERE clause of a query to return rows matching the regular expression you specify.



This function searches for a pattern in a character column and replaces each occurrence of that pattern with the pattern you specify.



This function searches a string for a given occurrence of a regular expression pattern. You specify which occurrence you want to find and the start position to search from. This function returns an integer indicating the position in the string where the match is found.



This function returns the actual substring matching the regular expression pattern you specify.

(Of course, REGEXP_LIKE only matches queries containing the search string, so if you want a complete match, you'll have to use '^$' for a beginning (^) and end ($) match, e.g.: '^regex.*$'.)

How to install latest version of git on CentOS 7.x/6.x

as git says:

RHEL and derivatives typically ship older versions of git. You can download a tarball and build from source, or use a 3rd-party repository such as the IUS Community Project to obtain a more recent version of git.

there is good tutorial here. in my case (Centos7 server) after install had to logout and login again.

Count number of days between two dates

Very late, but it may help others:

end_date.mjd - start_date.mjd

Python naming conventions for modules

Just nib. Name the class Nib, with a capital N. For more on naming conventions and other style advice, see PEP 8, the Python style guide.

How can I know if Object is String type object?

Guard your cast with instanceof

String myString;
if (object instanceof String) {
  myString = (String) object;

How do I set an ASP.NET Label text from code behind on page load?

For this label:

<asp:label id="myLabel" runat="server" />

In the code behind use (C#):

myLabel.Text = "my text"; 

Update (following updated question):

You do not need to use FindControl - that whole line is superfluous:

  Label myLabel = this.FindControl("myLabel") as Label;
  myLabel.Text = "my text";

Should be just:

  myLabel.Text = "my text";

The Visual Studio designer should create a file with all the server side controls already added properly to the class (in a RankPage.aspx.designer.cs file, by default).

You are talking about a RankPage.cs file - the way Visual Studio would have named it is RankPage.aspx.cs. How are you linking these files together?

How do you setLayoutParams() for an ImageView?

Old thread but I had the same problem now. If anyone encounters this he'll probably find this answer:

LinearLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(30, 30);

This will work only if you add the ImageView as a subView to a LinearLayout. If you add it to a RelativeLayout you will need to call:

RelativeLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(30, 30);

Variables within app.config/web.config

Three Possible Solutions

I know I'm coming late to the party, I've been looking if there were any new solutions to the variable configuration settings problem. There are a few answers that touch the solutions I have used in the past but most seem a bit convoluted. I thought I'd look at my old solutions and put the implementations together so that it might help people that are struggling with the same problem.

For this example I have used the following app setting in a console application:

    <add key="EnvironmentVariableExample" value="%BaseDir%\bin"/>
    <add key="StaticClassExample" value="bin"/>
    <add key="InterpollationExample" value="{0}bin"/>

1. Use environment variables

I believe autocro autocro's answer touched on it. I'm just doing an implementation that should suffice when building or debugging without having to close visual studio. I have used this solution back in the day...

  • Create a pre-build event that will use the MSBuild variables

    Warning: Use a variable that will not be replaced easily so use your project name or something similar as a variable name.

    SETX BaseDir "$(ProjectDir)"

  • Reset variables; using something like the following:

    Refresh Environment Variables on Stack Overflow

  • Use the setting in your code:


private void Test_Environment_Variables()
    string BaseDir = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EnvironmentVariableExample"];
    string ExpandedPath = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(BaseDir).Replace("\"", ""); //The function addes a " at the end of the variable
    Console.WriteLine($"From within the C# Console Application {ExpandedPath}");


2. Use string interpolation:

  • Use the string.Format() function


private void Test_Interpollation()
    string ConfigPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["InterpollationExample"];
    string SolutionPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, @"..\..\"));
    string ExpandedPath = string.Format(ConfigPath, SolutionPath.ToString());
    Console.WriteLine($"Using old interpollation {ExpandedPath}");


3. Using a static class, This is the solution I mostly use.

  • The implementation


private void Test_Static_Class()
    Console.WriteLine($"Using a static config class {Configuration.BinPath}");


  • The static class


static class Configuration
    public static string BinPath
            string ConfigPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["StaticClassExample"];
            string SolutionPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, @"..\..\"));
            return SolutionPath + ConfigPath;


Project Code:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
        <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1" />
    <add key="EnvironmentVariableExample" value="%BaseDir%\bin"/>
    <add key="StaticClassExample" value="bin"/>
    <add key="InterpollationExample" value="{0}bin"/>


using System;
using System.Configuration;
using System.IO;

namespace ConfigInterpollation
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            new Console_Tests().Run_Tests();
            Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit");

    internal class Console_Tests
        public void Run_Tests()
        private void Test_Environment_Variables()
            string ConfigPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EnvironmentVariableExample"];
            string ExpandedPath = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(ConfigPath).Replace("\"", "");
            Console.WriteLine($"Using environment variables {ExpandedPath}");

        private void Test_Interpollation()
            string ConfigPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["InterpollationExample"];
            string SolutionPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, @"..\..\"));
            string ExpandedPath = string.Format(ConfigPath, SolutionPath.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine($"Using interpollation {ExpandedPath}");

        private void Test_Static_Class()
            Console.WriteLine($"Using a static config class {Configuration.BinPath}");

    static class Configuration
        public static string BinPath
                string ConfigPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["StaticClassExample"];
                string SolutionPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, @"..\..\"));
                return SolutionPath + ConfigPath;

Pre-build event:

Project Settings -> Build Events

How to validate a url in Python? (Malformed or not)

A True or False version, based on @DMfll answer:

    # python2
    from urlparse import urlparse
    # python3
    from urllib.parse import urlparse

a = ''
b = '/data/Python.html'
c = 532
d = u'dkakasdkjdjakdjadjfalskdjfalk'

def uri_validator(x):
        result = urlparse(x)
        return all([result.scheme, result.netloc, result.path])
        return False




PHP - remove <img> tag from string

simply use the form_validation class of codeigniter:


$this->form_validation->set_rules('nombre_campo', 'label', 'strip_image_tags');

Batch script to find and replace a string in text file within a minute for files up to 12 MB

A variant using Bat/Powershell (need .net framework):

replace.bat :

@echo off

call:DoReplace "Findstr" "replacestr" test.txt test1.txt
exit /b

echo ^(Get-Content "%3"^) ^| ForEach-Object { $_ -replace %1, %2 } ^| Set-Content %4>Rep.ps1
Powershell.exe -executionpolicy ByPass -File Rep.ps1
if exist Rep.ps1 del Rep.ps1
echo Done

How to return a value from try, catch, and finally?

The problem is what happens when you get NumberFormatexception thrown? You print it and return nothing.

Note: You don't need to catch and throw an Exception back. Usually it is done to wrap it or print stack trace and ignore for example.

catch(RangeException e) {
     throw e;

How to disable action bar permanently

There are two ways to disable ActionBar in Android.


Python constructors and __init__

Classes are simply blueprints to create objects from. The constructor is some code that are run every time you create an object. Therefor it does'nt make sense to have two constructors. What happens is that the second over write the first.

What you typically use them for is create variables for that object like this:

>>> class testing:
...     def __init__(self, init_value):
...         self.some_value = init_value

So what you could do then is to create an object from this class like this:

>>> testobject = testing(5)

The testobject will then have an object called some_value that in this sample will be 5.

>>> testobject.some_value

But you don't need to set a value for each object like i did in my sample. You can also do like this:

>>> class testing:
...     def __init__(self):
...         self.some_value = 5

then the value of some_value will be 5 and you don't have to set it when you create the object.

>>> testobject = testing()
>>> testobject.some_value

the >>> and ... in my sample is not what you write. It's how it would look in pyshell...

What's the best visual merge tool for Git?

You can change the tool used by git mergetool by passing git mergetool -t=<tool> or --tool=<tool>. To change the default (from vimdiff) use git config merge.tool <tool>.

Excel formula to get week number in month (having Monday)

Finding of week number for each date of a month (considering Monday as beginning of the week)

Keep the first date of month contant $B$13


WEEKNUM(B18,2) - returns the week number of the date mentioned in cell B18

WEEKNUM($B$13,2) - returns the week number of the 1st date of month in cell B13

Java Array, Finding Duplicates

Initialize k = j+1. You won't compare elements to themselves and you'll also not duplicate comparisons. For example, j = 0, k = 1 and k = 0, j = 1 compare the same set of elements. This would remove the k = 0, j = 1 comparison.

Get the number of rows in a HTML table

In the DOM, a tr element is (implicitly or explicitly) a child of tbody, thead, or tfoot, not a child of table (hence the 0 you got). So a general answer is:

var count = $('#gvPerformanceResult > * > tr').length;

This includes the rows of the table but excludes rows of any inner table.

Android Gradle 5.0 Update:Cause: org.jetbrains.plugins.gradle.tooling.util

The easiest way I've found is delete Android Studio from the applications folder, then download & install it again.

Cancel a vanilla ECMAScript 6 Promise chain

Using CPromise package we can use the following approach (Live demo)

import CPromise from "c-promise2";

const chain = new CPromise((resolve, reject, { onCancel }) => {
  const timer = setTimeout(resolve, 1000, 123);
  onCancel(() => clearTimeout(timer));
  .then((value) => value + 1)
    (value) => console.log(`Done: ${value}`),
    (err, scope) => {
      console.warn(err); // CanceledError: canceled
      console.log(`isCanceled: ${scope.isCanceled}`); // true

setTimeout(() => {
}, 100);

The same thing using AbortController (Live demo)

import CPromise from "c-promise2";

const controller= new CPromise.AbortController();

new CPromise((resolve, reject, { onCancel }) => {
  const timer = setTimeout(resolve, 1000, 123);
  onCancel(() => clearTimeout(timer));
  .then((value) => value + 1)
    (value) => console.log(`Done: ${value}`),
    (err, scope) => {
      console.log(`isCanceled: ${scope.isCanceled}`);

setTimeout(() => {
}, 100);

How to select rows from a DataFrame based on column values

I find the syntax of the previous answers to be redundant and difficult to remember. Pandas introduced the query() method in v0.13 and I much prefer it. For your question, you could do df.query('col == val')

Reproduced from

In [167]: n = 10

In [168]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(n, 3), columns=list('abc'))

In [169]: df
          a         b         c
0  0.687704  0.582314  0.281645
1  0.250846  0.610021  0.420121
2  0.624328  0.401816  0.932146
3  0.011763  0.022921  0.244186
4  0.590198  0.325680  0.890392
5  0.598892  0.296424  0.007312
6  0.634625  0.803069  0.123872
7  0.924168  0.325076  0.303746
8  0.116822  0.364564  0.454607
9  0.986142  0.751953  0.561512

# pure python
In [170]: df[(df.a < df.b) & (df.b < df.c)]
          a         b         c
3  0.011763  0.022921  0.244186
8  0.116822  0.364564  0.454607

# query
In [171]: df.query('(a < b) & (b < c)')
          a         b         c
3  0.011763  0.022921  0.244186
8  0.116822  0.364564  0.454607

You can also access variables in the environment by prepending an @.

exclude = ('red', 'orange')
df.query('color not in @exclude')

Angular2 @Input to a property with get/set

Updated accepted answer to angular 7.0.1 on stackblitz here:

directives are no more in Component decorator options. So I have provided sub directive to app module.

thank you @thierry-templier!

How to generate .env file for laravel?

.env files are hidden by Netbeans. To show them do this:

Tools > Options > Miscellaneous > Files

Under Files Ignored be the IDE is Ignored Files Pattern:

The default is


Add env to the excluded-not-excluded bit


Files named .env now show.

Plot yerr/xerr as shaded region rather than error bars

Ignoring the smooth interpolation between points in your example graph (that would require doing some manual interpolation, or just have a higher resolution of your data), you can use pyplot.fill_between():

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

x = np.linspace(0, 30, 30)
y = np.sin(x/6*np.pi)
error = np.random.normal(0.1, 0.02, size=y.shape)
y += np.random.normal(0, 0.1, size=y.shape)

plt.plot(x, y, 'k-')
plt.fill_between(x, y-error, y+error)

enter image description here

See also the matplotlib examples.

Find all CSV files in a directory using Python

use Python OS module to find csv file in a directory.

the simple example is here :

import os

# This is the path where you want to search
path = r'd:'

# this is the extension you want to detect
extension = '.csv'

for root, dirs_list, files_list in os.walk(path):
    for file_name in files_list:
        if os.path.splitext(file_name)[-1] == extension:
            file_name_path = os.path.join(root, file_name)
            print file_name
            print file_name_path   # This is the full path of the filter file

How to disable the ability to select in a DataGridView?

Enabled property to false


this.dataGridView1.DefaultCellStyle.SelectionBackColor = this.dataGridView1.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor;
this.dataGridView1.DefaultCellStyle.SelectionForeColor = this.dataGridView1.DefaultCellStyle.ForeColor;

Get unique values from a list in python

set - unordered collection of unique elements. List of elements can be passed to set's constructor. So, pass list with duplicate elements, we get set with unique elements and transform it back to list then get list with unique elements. I can say nothing about performance and memory overhead, but I hope, it's not so important with small lists.


Simply and short.

Javascript reduce on array of objects

TL;DR, set the initial value

Using destructuring

arr.reduce( ( sum, { x } ) => sum + x , 0)

Without destructuring

arr.reduce( ( sum , cur ) => sum + cur.x , 0)

With Typescript

arr.reduce( ( sum, { x } : { x: number } ) => sum + x , 0)

Let's try the destructuring method:

const arr = [ { x: 1 }, { x: 2 }, { x: 4 } ]
const result = arr.reduce( ( sum, { x } ) => sum + x , 0)
console.log( result ) // 7

The key to this is setting initial value. The return value becomes first parameter of the next iteration.

Technique used in top answer is not idiomatic

The accepted answer proposes NOT passing the "optional" value. This is wrong, as the idiomatic way is that the second parameter always be included. Why? Three reasons:

1. Dangerous -- Not passing in the initial value is dangerous and can create side-effects and mutations if the callback function is careless.


const badCallback = (a,i) => Object.assign(a,i) 

const foo = [ { a: 1 }, { b: 2 }, { c: 3 } ]
const bar = foo.reduce( badCallback )  // bad use of Object.assign
// Look, we've tampered with the original array
foo //  [ { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }, { b: 2 }, { c: 3 } ]

If however we had done it this way, with the initial value:

const bar = foo.reduce( badCallback, {})
// foo is still OK
foo // { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }

For the record, unless you intend to mutate the original object, set the first parameter of Object.assign to an empty object. Like this: Object.assign({}, a, b, c).

2 - Better Type Inference --When using a tool like Typescript or an editor like VS Code, you get the benefit of telling the compiler the initial and it can catch errors if you're doing it wrong. If you don't set the initial value, in many situations it might not be able to guess and you could end up with creepy runtime errors.

3 - Respect the Functors -- JavaScript shines best when its inner functional child is unleashed. In the functional world, there is a standard on how you "fold" or reduce an array. When you fold or apply a catamorphism to the array, you take the values of that array to construct a new type. You need to communicate the resulting type--you should do this even if the final type is that of the values in the array, another array, or any other type.

Let's think about it another way. In JavaScript, functions can be pass around like data, this is how callbacks work, what is the result of the following code?


Will it return an number? An object? This makes it clearer


Read more on the functional programming spec here:

Some more background

The reduce method takes two parameters,

Array.prototype.reduce( callback, initialItem )

The callback function takes the following parameters

(accumulator, itemInArray, indexInArray, entireArray) => { /* do stuff */ }

For the first iteration,

  • If initialItem is provided, the reduce function passes the initialItem as the accumulator and the first item of the array as the itemInArray.

  • If initialItem is not provided, the reduce function passes the first item in the array as the initialItem and the second item in the array as itemInArray which can be confusing behavior.

I teach and recommend always setting the initial value of reduce.

You can check out the documentation at:

Hope this helps!

Could not connect to React Native development server on Android

In my case, running on a Macbook, i had to turn off my firewall, thus allowing incoming connections from my android. RN v0.61.5

How do I convert a Python 3 byte-string variable into a regular string?

You had it nearly right in the last line. You want

str(bytes_string, 'utf-8')

because the type of bytes_string is bytes, the same as the type of b'abc'.

TypeError: worker() takes 0 positional arguments but 1 was given

This can be confusing especially when you are not passing any argument to the method. So what gives?

When you call a method on a class (such as work() in this case), Python automatically passes self as the first argument.

Lets read that one more time: When you call a method on a class (such as work() in this case), Python automatically passes self as the first argument

So here Python is saying, hey I can see that work() takes 0 positional arguments (because you have nothing inside the parenthesis) but you know that the self argument is still being passed automatically when the method is called. So you better fix this and put that self keyword back in.

Adding self should resolve the problem. work(self)

class KeyStatisticCollection(DataDownloadUtilities.DataDownloadCollection):
def GenerateAddressStrings(self):
def worker(self):
def DownloadProc(self):

ReferenceError: fetch is not defined

Might sound silly but I simply called npm i node-fetch --save in the wrong project. Make sure you are in the correct directory.

How do I convert a String object into a Hash object?

This short little snippet will do it, but I can't see it working with a nested hash. I think it's pretty cute though

STRING.gsub(/[{}:]/,'').split(', ').map{|h| h1,h2 = h.split('=>'); {h1 => h2}}.reduce(:merge)

Steps 1. I eliminate the '{','}' and the ':' 2. I split upon the string wherever it finds a ',' 3. I split each of the substrings that were created with the split, whenever it finds a '=>'. Then, I create a hash with the two sides of the hash I just split apart. 4. I am left with an array of hashes which I then merge together.

EXAMPLE INPUT: "{:user_id=>11, :blog_id=>2, :comment_id=>1}" RESULT OUTPUT: {"user_id"=>"11", "blog_id"=>"2", "comment_id"=>"1"}

Start systemd service after specific service?

In the .service file under the [Unit] section:

Description=My Website mongodb.service

The important part is the mongodb.service

The manpage describes it however due to formatting it's not as clear on first sight

systemd.unit - well formatted

systemd.unit - not so well formatted

Routing with Multiple Parameters using ASP.NET MVC

Parameters are directly supported in MVC by simply adding parameters onto your action methods. Given an action like the following:

public ActionResult GetImages(string artistName, string apiKey)

MVC will auto-populate the parameters when given a URL like:


One additional special case is parameters named "id". Any parameter named ID can be put into the path rather than the querystring, so something like:

public ActionResult GetImages(string id, string apiKey)

would be populated correctly with a URL like the following:


In addition, if you have more complicated scenarios, you can customize the routing rules that MVC uses to locate an action. Your global.asax file contains routing rules that can be customized. By default the rule looks like this:

            "Default",                                              // Route name
            "{controller}/{action}/{id}",                           // URL with parameters
            new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = "" }  // Parameter defaults

If you wanted to support a url like


you could add a route like:

            "ArtistImages",                                              // Route name
            "{controller}/{action}/{artistName}/{apikey}",                           // URL with parameters
            new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", artistName = "", apikey = "" }  // Parameter defaults

and a method like the first example above.

Combining (concatenating) date and time into a datetime

SELECT CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(CHAR(8), date, 112) + ' ' + CONVERT(CHAR(8), time, 108))
  FROM tablename

How to pip install a package with min and max version range?

An elegant method would be to use the ~= compatible release operator according to PEP 440. In your case this would amount to:


As an example, if the following versions exist, it would choose 0.5.9:

  • 0.5.0
  • 0.5.9
  • 0.6.0

For clarification, each pair is equivalent:

~= 0.5.0
>= 0.5.0, == 0.5.*

~= 0.5
>= 0.5, == 0.*

How can I store the result of a system command in a Perl variable?

Use backticks for system commands, which helps to store their results into Perl variables.

my $pid = 5892;
my $not = ``top -H -p $pid -n 1 | grep myprocess | wc -l`; 
print "not = $not\n";

How to trigger event when a variable's value is changed?

You can use a property setter to raise an event whenever the value of a field is going to change.

You can have your own EventHandler delegate or you can use the famous System.EventHandler delegate.

Usually there's a pattern for this:

  1. Define a public event with an event handler delegate (that has an argument of type EventArgs).
  2. Define a protected virtual method called OnXXXXX (OnMyPropertyValueChanged for example). In this method you should check if the event handler delegate is null and if not you can call it (it means that there are one or more methods attached to the event delegation).
  3. Call this protected method whenever you want to notify subscribers that something has changed.

Here's an example

private int _age;

public event System.EventHandler AgeChanged;

protected virtual void OnAgeChanged()
     if (AgeChanged != null) AgeChanged(this,EventArgs.Empty); 

public int Age
         return _age;


The advantage of this approach is that you let any other classes that want to inherit from your class to change the behavior if necessary.

If you want to catch an event in a different thread that it's being raised you must be careful not to change the state of objects that are defined in another thread which will cause a cross thread exception to be thrown. To avoid this you can either use an Invoke method on the object that you want to change its state to make sure that the change is happening in the same thread that the event has been raised or in case that you are dealing with a Windows Form you can use a BackgourndWorker to do things in a parallel thread nice and easy.

Node.js spawn child process and get terminal output live

PHP-like passthru

import { spawn } from 'child_process';

export default async function passthru(exe, args, options) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        const env = Object.create(process.env);
        const child = spawn(exe, args, {
            env: {
        child.stdout.on('data', data => console.log(data));
        child.stderr.on('data', data => console.log(data));
        child.on('error', error => reject(error));
        child.on('close', exitCode => {
            console.log('Exit code:', exitCode);


const exitCode = await passthru('ls', ['-al'], { cwd: '/var/www/html' })

Docker error cannot delete docker container, conflict: unable to remove repository reference

you can use -f option to force delete the containers .

sudo docker rmi -f training/webapp

You may stop the containers using sudo docker stop training/webapp before deleting

Simple post to Web Api

It's been quite sometime since I asked this question. Now I understand it more clearly, I'm going to put a more complete answer to help others.

In Web API, it's very simple to remember how parameter binding is happening.

  • if you POST simple types, Web API tries to bind it from the URL
  • if you POST complex type, Web API tries to bind it from the body of the request (this uses a media-type formatter).

  • If you want to bind a complex type from the URL, you'll use [FromUri] in your action parameter. The limitation of this is down to how long your data going to be and if it exceeds the url character limit.

    public IHttpActionResult Put([FromUri] ViewModel data) { ... }

  • If you want to bind a simple type from the request body, you'll use [FromBody] in your action parameter.

    public IHttpActionResult Put([FromBody] string name) { ... }

as a side note, say you are making a PUT request (just a string) to update something. If you decide not to append it to the URL and pass as a complex type with just one property in the model, then the data parameter in jQuery ajax will look something like below. The object you pass to data parameter has only one property with empty property name.

var myName = 'ABC';
$.ajax({url:.., data: {'': myName}});

and your web api action will look something like below.

public IHttpActionResult Put([FromBody] string name){ ... }

This page explains it all.

Youtube autoplay not working on mobile devices with embedded HTML5 player

Preview The official statement "Due to this restriction, functions and parameters such as autoplay, playVideo(), loadVideoById() won't work in all mobile environments.


Remove tracking branches no longer on remote

Windows Solution

For Microsoft Windows Powershell:

git checkout master; git remote update origin --prune; git branch -vv | Select-String -Pattern ": gone]" | % { $_.toString().Trim().Split(" ")[0]} | % {git branch -d $_}


git checkout master switches to the master branch

git remote update origin --prune prunes remote branches

git branch -vv gets a verbose output of all branches (git reference)

Select-String -Pattern ": gone]" gets only the records where they have been removed from remote.

% { $_.toString().Trim().Split(" ")[0]} get the branch name

% {git branch -d $_} deletes the branch

How to print variables without spaces between values

Don't use print ..., if you don't want spaces. Use string concatenation or formatting.


print 'Value is "' + str(value) + '"'


print 'Value is "{}"'.format(value)

The latter is far more flexible, see the str.format() method documentation and the Formatting String Syntax section.

You'll also come across the older % formatting style:

print 'Value is "%d"' % value
print 'Value is "%d", but math.pi is %.2f' % (value, math.pi)

but this isn't as flexible as the newer str.format() method.

Converting stream of int's to char's in java

If you want to simply convert int 5 to char '5': (Only for integers 0 - 9)

int i = 5;
char c = (char) ('0' + i); // c is now '5';

Deserialize JSON string to c# object

Same problem happened to me. So if the service returns the response as a JSON string you have to deserialize the string first, then you will be able to deserialize the object type from it properly:

string json= string.Empty;
using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream(), true))
            json= new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<string>(streamReader.ReadToEnd());

//To deserialize to your object type...
MyType myType;
using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
            byte[] jsonBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(@json);
            memoryStream.Write(jsonBytes, 0, jsonBytes.Length);
            memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            using (var jsonReader = JsonReaderWriterFactory.CreateJsonReader(memoryStream, Encoding.UTF8,          XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas.Max, null))
                var serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(MyType));
                myType = (MyType)serializer.ReadObject(jsonReader);


4 Sure it will work.... ;)

How to split a string into a list?

If you want all the chars of a word/sentence in a list, do this:

#  ['w', 'o', 'r', 'd']

print(list("some sentence"))
#  ['s', 'o', 'm', 'e', ' ', 's', 'e', 'n', 't', 'e', 'n', 'c', 'e']

Apache Cordova - uninstall globally

Try sudo npm uninstall cordova -g to uninstall it globally and then just npm install cordova without the -g flag after cding to the local app directory

How can I format DateTime to web UTC format?

string foo = yourDateTime.ToUniversalTime()

How to get the first word in the string

You don't need regex to split a string on whitespace:

In [1]: text = '''WYATT    - Ranked # 855 with    0.006   %
   ...: XAVIER   - Ranked # 587 with    0.013   %
   ...: YONG     - Ranked # 921 with    0.006   %
   ...: YOUNG    - Ranked # 807 with    0.007   %'''

In [2]: print '\n'.join(line.split()[0] for line in text.split('\n'))

Apply CSS rules to a nested class inside a div

If you need to target multiple classes use:

#main_text .title, #main_text .title2 {
  /* Properties */

What does .class mean in Java?

If there is no instance available then .class syntax is used to get the corresponding Class object for a class otherwise you can use getClass() method to get Class object. Since, there is no instance of primitive data type, we have to use .class syntax for primitive data types.

    package test;

    public class Test {
       public static void main(String[] args)
          //there is no instance available for class Test, so use Test.class
          System.out.println("Test.class.getName() ::: " + Test.class.getName());

          // Now create an instance of class Test use getClass()
          Test testObj = new Test();
          System.out.println("testObj.getClass().getName() ::: " + testObj.getClass().getName());

          //For primitive type
          System.out.println("boolean.class.getName() ::: " + boolean.class.getName());
          System.out.println("int.class.getName() ::: " + int.class.getName());
          System.out.println("char.class.getName() ::: " + char.class.getName());
          System.out.println("long.class.getName() ::: " + long.class.getName());

Why does corrcoef return a matrix?

The function Correlate of numpy works with 2 1D arrays that you want to correlate and returns one correlation value.

How can I do SELECT UNIQUE with LINQ?

Using query comprehension syntax you could achieve the orderby as follows:

var uniqueColors = (from dbo in database.MainTable
                    where dbo.Property
                    orderby dbo.Color.Name ascending
                    select dbo.Color.Name).Distinct();

How to set MimeBodyPart ContentType to "text/html"?

I have used below code in my SpringBoot application.

MimeMessage message = sender.createMimeMessage();
message.setContent(message, "text/html");
MimeMessageHelper helper = new MimeMessageHelper(message);

helper.setText(mailText, true);


javascript regex - look behind alternative?

Below is a positive lookbehind JavaScript alternative showing how to capture the last name of people with 'Michael' as their first name.

1) Given this text:

const exampleText = "Michael, how are you? - Cool, how is John Williamns and Michael Jordan? I don't know but Michael Johnson is fine. Michael do you still score points with LeBron James, Michael Green Miller and Michael Wood?";

get an array of last names of people named Michael. The result should be: ["Jordan","Johnson","Green","Wood"]

2) Solution:

function getMichaelLastName2(text) {
  return text
    .match(/(?:Michael )([A-Z][a-z]+)/g)
    .map(person => person.slice(person.indexOf(' ')+1));

// or even
    .map(person => person.slice(8)); // since we know the length of "Michael "

3) Check solution

console.log(JSON.stringify(    getMichaelLastName(exampleText)    ));
// ["Jordan","Johnson","Green","Wood"]

Demo here:

You can also try it out by running the snippet below.

const inputText = "Michael, how are you? - Cool, how is John Williamns and Michael Jordan? I don't know but Michael Johnson is fine. Michael do you still score points with LeBron James, Michael Green Miller and Michael Wood?";_x000D_
function getMichaelLastName(text) {_x000D_
  return text_x000D_
    .match(/(?:Michael )([A-Z][a-z]+)/g)_x000D_
    .map(person => person.slice(8));_x000D_
console.log(JSON.stringify(    getMichaelLastName(inputText)    ));

How can I make an "are you sure" prompt in a Windows batchfile?

Here a bit easier:

@echo off
set /p var=Are You Sure?[Y/N]: 
if %var%== Y goto ...
if not %var%== Y exit


@echo off
echo Are You Sure?[Y/N]
choice /c YN
if %errorlevel%==1 goto yes
if %errorlevel%==2 goto no
echo yes
goto :EOF
echo no

How to loop through a checkboxlist and to find what's checked and not checked?

I think the best way to do this is to use CheckedItems:

 foreach (DataRowView objDataRowView in CheckBoxList.CheckedItems)
     // use objDataRowView as you wish                

How to Convert the value in DataTable into a string array in c#

            string[] result = new string[table.Columns.Count];
            DataRow dr = table.Rows[0];
            for (int i = 0; i < dr.ItemArray.Length; i++)
                result[i] = dr[i].ToString();
            foreach (string str in result)

Create comma separated strings C#?

You can use the string.Join method to do something like string.Join(",", o.Number, o.Id, o.whatever, ...).

edit: As digEmAll said, string.Join is faster than StringBuilder. They use an external implementation for the string.Join.

Profiling code (of course run in release without debug symbols):

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
        string r;
        int iter = 10000;

        string[] values = { "a", "b", "c", "d", "a little bit longer please", "one more time" };

        for (int i = 0; i < iter; i++)
            r = Program.StringJoin(",", values);
        Console.WriteLine("string.Join ({0} times): {1}ms", iter, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);

        for (int i = 0; i < iter; i++)
            r = Program.StringBuilderAppend(",", values);
        Console.WriteLine("StringBuilder.Append ({0} times): {1}ms", iter, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);

    static string StringJoin(string seperator, params string[] values)
        return string.Join(seperator, values);

    static string StringBuilderAppend(string seperator, params string[] values)
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 1; i < values.Length; i++)
        return builder.ToString();

string.Join took 2ms on my machine and StringBuilder.Append 5ms. So there is noteworthy difference. Thanks to digAmAll for the hint.

JQuery confirm dialog

Try this one

  .html('<div><h6>Yes or No?</h6></div>')
      modal: true, title: 'message', zIndex: 10000, autoOpen: true,
      width: 'auto', resizable: false,
      buttons: {
          Yes: function () {
          No: function () {
      close: function (event, ui) {


Does Spring @Transactional attribute work on a private method?

The answer is no. Please see Spring Reference: Using @Transactional :

The @Transactional annotation may be placed before an interface definition, a method on an interface, a class definition, or a public method on a class

Naming conventions for Java methods that return boolean

For methods which may fail, that is you specify boolean as return type, I would use the prefix try:

if (tryCreateFreshSnapshot())
  // ...

For all other cases use prefixes like is.. has.. was.. can.. allows.. ..

Installing Apple's Network Link Conditioner Tool

  1. Remove "Network Link Conditioner", open "System Preferences", press CTRL and click the "Network Link Conditioner" icon. Select "Remove".
  2. Restart your computer
  3. Download the dmg "Hardware IO tools" for your XCode version from, you need to be logged in to do this.
  4. Open it and install "Network Link Conditioner"
  5. Restart your computer one last time.

How to multiply duration by integer?

You have to cast it to a correct format Playground.

yourTime := rand.Int31n(1000)
time.Sleep(time.Duration(yourTime) * time.Millisecond)

If you will check documentation for sleep, you see that it requires func Sleep(d Duration) duration as a parameter. Your rand.Int31n returns int32.

The line from the example works (time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)) because the compiler is smart enough to understand that here your constant 100 means a duration. But if you pass a variable, you should cast it.

How do I restart a service on a remote machine in Windows?

One way would be to enable telnet server on the machin you want to control services on (add/remove windows components)

Open dos prompt
Type telnet yourmachineip/name
Log on
type net start &serviceName* e.g. w3svc

This will start IIS or you can use net stop to stop a service.

Depending on your setup you need to look at a way of securing the telnet connection as I think its unencrypted.

Use ffmpeg to add text subtitles

This is the reason why mkv is such a good container, especially now that it's mature:

mkvmerge -o output.mkv video.mp4

Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in C:\Apache\htdocs\test.php on line 2

I had the similar issue. I solved it the following way after a number of attempts to follow the pieces of advice in the forums. I am reposting the solution because it could be helpful for others.

I am running Windows 7 (Apache 2.2 & PHP 5.2.17 & MySQL 5.0.51a), the syntax in the file "httpd.conf" (C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf\httpd.conf) was sensitive to slashes. You can check if "php.ini" is read from the right directory. Just type in your browser "localhost/index.php". The code of index.php is the following:

<?php echo phpinfo(); ?>

There is the row (not far from the top) called "Loaded Configuration File". So, if there is nothing added, then the problem could be that your "php.ini" is not read, even you uncommented (extension=php_mysql.dll and extension=php_mysqli.dll). So, in order to make it work I did the following step. I needed to change from

PHPIniDir 'c:\PHP\'


PHPIniDir 'c:\PHP'

Pay the attention that the last slash disturbed everything!

Now the row "Loaded Configuration File" gets "C:\PHP\php.ini" after refreshing "localhost/index.php" (before I restarted Apache2.2) as well as mysql block is there. MySQL and PHP are working together!

alternative to "!is.null()" in R

To handle undefined variables as well as nulls, you can use substitute with deparse:

nullSafe <- function(x) {
  if (!exists(deparse(substitute(x))) || is.null(x)) {
  } else {


Printf long long int in C with GCC?

Try to update your compiler, I'm using GCC 4.7 on Windows 7 Starter x86 with MinGW and it compiles fine with the same options both in C99 and C11.

How do I copy a string to the clipboard?

Code snippet to copy the clipboard:

Create a wrapper Python code in a module named (

import clr
from System.Windows.Forms import Clipboard
def setText(text):

def getText():
    return Clipboard.GetText()

Then import the above module into your code.

import io
import clipboard
code = clipboard.getText()
print code
code = "abcd"

I must give credit to the blog post Clipboard Access in IronPython.

Java: splitting the filename into a base and extension

Old question but I usually use this solution:


String fileName = "/abc/defg/file.txt";

String basename = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(fileName);
String extension = FilenameUtils.getExtension(fileName);
System.out.println(basename); // file
System.out.println(extension); // txt (NOT ".txt" !)

Bootstrap 3 modal responsive

You should be able to adjust the width using the .modal-dialog class selector (in conjunction with media queries or whatever strategy you're using for responsive design):

.modal-dialog {
    width: 400px;

Find and replace specific text characters across a document with JS

The best would be to do this server-side or wrap the currency symbols in an element you can select before returning it to the browser, however if neither is an option, you can select all text nodes within the body and do the replace on them. Below i'm doing this using a plugin i wrote 2 years ago that was meant for highlighting text. What i'm doing is finding all occurrences of € and wrapping it in a span with the class currency-symbol, then i'm replacing the text of those spans.



    $.fn.highlightText = function () {
        // handler first parameter
        // is the first parameter a regexp?
        var re,
            argType = $.type(arguments[0]),
            defaultTagName = $.fn.highlightText.defaultTagName;

        if ( argType === "regexp" ) {
            // first argument is a regular expression
            re = arguments[0];
        // is the first parameter an array?
        else if ( argType === "array" ) {
            // first argument is an array, generate
            // regular expression string for later use
            reStr = arguments[0].join("|");
        // is the first parameter a string?
        else if ( argType === "string" ) {
            // store string in regular expression string
            // for later use
            reStr = arguments[0];
        // else, return out and do nothing because this
        // argument is required.
        else {

        // the second parameter is optional, however,
        // it must be a string or boolean value. If it is 
        // a string, it will be used as the highlight class.
        // If it is a boolean value and equal to true, it 
        // will be used as the third parameter and the highlight
        // class will default to "highlight". If it is undefined,
        // the highlight class will default to "highlight" and 
        // the third parameter will default to false, allowing
        // the plugin to match partial matches.
        // ** The exception is if the first parameter is a regular
        // expression, the third parameter will be ignored.
        argType = $.type(arguments[1]);
        if ( argType === "string" ) {
            hClass = arguments[1];
        else if ( argType === "boolean" ) {
            hClass = "highlight";
            if ( reStr ) {
                reStr = "\\b" + reStr + "\\b";
        else {
            hClass = "highlight";

        if ( arguments[2] && reStr ) {
            reStr = reStr = "\\b" + reStr + "\\b";

        // if re is not defined ( which means either an array or
        // string was passed as the first parameter ) create the
        // regular expression.
        if (!re) {
            re = new RegExp( "(" + reStr + ")", "ig" );

        // iterate through each matched element
        return this.each( function() {
            // select all contents of this element
            $( this ).find( "*" ).andSelf().contents()

            // filter to only text nodes that aren't already highlighted
            .filter( function () {
                return this.nodeType === 3 && $( this ).closest( "." + hClass ).length === 0;

            // loop through each text node
            .each( function () {
                var output;
                output = this.nodeValue
                    .replace( re, "<" + defaultTagName + " class='" + hClass + "'>$1</" + defaultTagName +">" );
                if ( output !== this.nodeValue ) {
                    $( this ).wrap( "<p></p>" ).parent()
                        .html( output ).contents().unwrap();

    $.fn.highlightText.defaultTagName = "span";

})( jQuery );


Reference to non-static member function must be called

You may want to have a look at, especially [33.1] Is the type of "pointer-to-member-function" different from "pointer-to-function"?

Connect to sqlplus in a shell script and run SQL scripts

This should handle issue:

  3. $RC returns oracle's exit code
  4. cat from $SPOOL_FILE explains error

        SET HEAD OFF

        SPOOL  ${SPOOL_FILE} 




if [[ $RC != 0 ]] ; then

    echo " RDBMS exit code : $RC  "     | tee -a ${LOG_FILE}
    cat ${SPOOL_FILE}                   | tee -a ${LOG_FILE}

    cat ${LOG_FILE} | mail -s "Script ${INIT_EXE} failed on $SFDC_ENV" $SUPPORT_LIST

    exit 3


What are Transient and Volatile Modifiers?

volatile and transient keywords

1) transient keyword is used along with instance variables to exclude them from serialization process. If a field is transient its value will not be persisted.

On the other hand, volatile keyword is used to mark a Java variable as "being stored in main memory".

Every read of a volatile variable will be read from the computer's main memory, and not from the CPU cache, and that every write to a volatile variable will be written to main memory, and not just to the CPU cache.

2) transient keyword cannot be used along with static keyword but volatile can be used along with static.

3) transient variables are initialized with default value during de-serialization and there assignment or restoration of value has to be handled by application code.

For more information, see my blog:

Set iframe content height to auto resize dynamically

Simple solution:

<iframe onload=" + 'px';" ...></iframe>

This works when the iframe and parent window are in the same domain. It does not work when the two are in different domains.

How to use LogonUser properly to impersonate domain user from workgroup client

I have been successfull at impersonating users in another domain, but only with a trust set up between the 2 domains.

var token = IntPtr.Zero;
var result = LogonUser(userID, domain, password, LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE, LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, ref token);
if (result)
    return WindowsIdentity.Impersonate(token);

How are people unit testing with Entity Framework 6, should you bother?

I want to share an approach commented about and briefly discussed but show an actual example that I am currently using to help unit test EF-based services.

First, I would love to use the in-memory provider from EF Core, but this is about EF 6. Furthermore, for other storage systems like RavenDB, I'd also be a proponent of testing via the in-memory database provider. Again--this is specifically to help test EF-based code without a lot of ceremony.

Here are the goals I had when coming up with a pattern:

  • It must be simple for other developers on the team to understand
  • It must isolate the EF code at the barest possible level
  • It must not involve creating weird multi-responsibility interfaces (such as a "generic" or "typical" repository pattern)
  • It must be easy to configure and setup in a unit test

I agree with previous statements that EF is still an implementation detail and it's okay to feel like you need to abstract it in order to do a "pure" unit test. I also agree that ideally, I would want to ensure the EF code itself works--but this involves a sandbox database, in-memory provider, etc. My approach solves both problems--you can safely unit test EF-dependent code and create integration tests to test your EF code specifically.

The way I achieved this was through simply encapsulating EF code into dedicated Query and Command classes. The idea is simple: just wrap any EF code in a class and depend on an interface in the classes that would've originally used it. The main issue I needed to solve was to avoid adding numerous dependencies to classes and setting up a lot of code in my tests.

This is where a useful, simple library comes in: Mediatr. It allows for simple in-process messaging and it does it by decoupling "requests" from the handlers that implement the code. This has an added benefit of decoupling the "what" from the "how". For example, by encapsulating the EF code into small chunks it allows you to replace the implementations with another provider or totally different mechanism, because all you are doing is sending a request to perform an action.

Utilizing dependency injection (with or without a framework--your preference), we can easily mock the mediator and control the request/response mechanisms to enable unit testing EF code.

First, let's say we have a service that has business logic we need to test:

public class FeatureService {

  private readonly IMediator _mediator;

  public FeatureService(IMediator mediator) {
    _mediator = mediator;

  public async Task ComplexBusinessLogic() {
    // retrieve relevant objects

    var results = await _mediator.Send(new GetRelevantDbObjectsQuery());
    // normally, this would have looked like...
    // var results = _myDbContext.DbObjects.Where(x => foo).ToList();

    // perform business logic
    // ...    

Do you start to see the benefit of this approach? Not only are you explicitly encapsulating all EF-related code into descriptive classes, you are allowing extensibility by removing the implementation concern of "how" this request is handled--this class doesn't care if the relevant objects come from EF, MongoDB, or a text file.

Now for the request and handler, via MediatR:

public class GetRelevantDbObjectsQuery : IRequest<DbObject[]> {
  // no input needed for this particular request,
  // but you would simply add plain properties here if needed

public class GetRelevantDbObjectsEFQueryHandler : IRequestHandler<GetRelevantDbObjectsQuery, DbObject[]> {
  private readonly IDbContext _db;

  public GetRelevantDbObjectsEFQueryHandler(IDbContext db) {
    _db = db;

  public DbObject[] Handle(GetRelevantDbObjectsQuery message) {
    return _db.DbObjects.Where(foo => bar).ToList();

As you can see, the abstraction is simple and encapsulated. It's also absolutely testable because in an integration test, you could test this class individually--there are no business concerns mixed in here.

So what does a unit test of our feature service look like? It's way simple. In this case, I'm using Moq to do mocking (use whatever makes you happy):

public class FeatureServiceTests {

  // mock of Mediator to handle request/responses
  private Mock<IMediator> _mediator;

  // subject under test
  private FeatureService _sut;

  public void Setup() {

    // set up Mediator mock
    _mediator = new Mock<IMediator>(MockBehavior.Strict);

    // inject mock as dependency
    _sut = new FeatureService(_mediator.Object);

  public void Teardown() {

    // ensure we have called or expected all calls to Mediator

  public void ComplexBusinessLogic_Does_What_I_Expect() {
    var dbObjects = new List<DbObject>() {
      // set up any test objects
      new DbObject() { }

    // arrange

    // setup Mediator to return our fake objects when it receives a message to perform our query
    // in practice, I find it better to create an extension method that encapsulates this setup here
    _mediator.Setup(x => x.Send(It.IsAny<GetRelevantDbObjectsQuery>(), default(CancellationToken)).ReturnsAsync(dbObjects.ToArray()).Callback(
    (GetRelevantDbObjectsQuery message, CancellationToken token) => {
       // using Moq Callback functionality, you can make assertions
       // on expected request being passed in

    // act

    // assertions


You can see all we need is a single setup and we don't even need to configure anything extra--it's a very simple unit test. Let's be clear: This is totally possible to do without something like Mediatr (you would simply implement an interface and mock it for tests, e.g. IGetRelevantDbObjectsQuery), but in practice for a large codebase with many features and queries/commands, I love the encapsulation and innate DI support Mediatr offers.

If you're wondering how I organize these classes, it's pretty simple:

- MyProject
  - Features
    - MyFeature
      - Queries
      - Commands
      - Services
      - DependencyConfig.cs (Ninject feature modules)

Organizing by feature slices is beside the point, but this keeps all relevant/dependent code together and easily discoverable. Most importantly, I separate the Queries vs. Commands--following the Command/Query Separation principle.

This meets all my criteria: it's low-ceremony, it's easy to understand, and there are extra hidden benefits. For example, how do you handle saving changes? Now you can simplify your Db Context by using a role interface (IUnitOfWork.SaveChangesAsync()) and mock calls to the single role interface or you could encapsulate committing/rolling back inside your RequestHandlers--however you prefer to do it is up to you, as long as it's maintainable. For example, I was tempted to create a single generic request/handler where you'd just pass an EF object and it would save/update/remove it--but you have to ask what your intention is and remember that if you wanted to swap out the handler with another storage provider/implementation, you should probably create explicit commands/queries that represent what you intend to do. More often than not, a single service or feature will need something specific--don't create generic stuff before you have a need for it.

There are of course caveats to this pattern--you can go too far with a simple pub/sub mechanism. I've limited my implementation to only abstracting EF-related code, but adventurous developers could start using MediatR to go overboard and message-ize everything--something good code review practices and peer reviews should catch. That's a process issue, not an issue with MediatR, so just be cognizant of how you're using this pattern.

You wanted a concrete example of how people are unit testing/mocking EF and this is an approach that's working successfully for us on our project--and the team is super happy with how easy it is to adopt. I hope this helps! As with all things in programming, there are multiple approaches and it all depends on what you want to achieve. I value simplicity, ease of use, maintainability, and discoverability--and this solution meets all those demands.

What is the suggested way to install brew, node.js, io.js, nvm, npm on OS X?

For install with zsh and Homebrew:

brew install nvm

Then Add the following to ~/.zshrc or your desired shell configuration file:

export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
. "/usr/local/opt/nvm/"

Then install a node version and use it.

nvm install 7.10.1
nvm use 7.10.1

Java converting Image to BufferedImage

One way to handle this is to create a new BufferedImage, and tell it's graphics object to draw your scaled image into the new BufferedImage:

final float FACTOR  = 4f;
BufferedImage img = File("graphic.png"));
int scaleX = (int) (img.getWidth() * FACTOR);
int scaleY = (int) (img.getHeight() * FACTOR);
Image image = img.getScaledInstance(scaleX, scaleY, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH);
BufferedImage buffered = new BufferedImage(scaleX, scaleY, TYPE);
buffered.getGraphics().drawImage(image, 0, 0 , null);

That should do the trick without casting.

In Python How can I declare a Dynamic Array

In python, A dynamic array is an 'array' from the array module. E.g.

from array import array
x = array('d')          #'d' denotes an array of type double
x.pop()                 # returns 2.2

This datatype is essentially a cross between the built-in 'list' type and the numpy 'ndarray' type. Like an ndarray, elements in arrays are C types, specified at initialization. They are not pointers to python objects; this may help avoid some misuse and semantic errors, and modestly improves performance.

However, this datatype has essentially the same methods as a python list, barring a few string & file conversion methods. It lacks all the extra numerical functionality of an ndarray.

See for details.

How to deserialize a JObject to .NET object

Too late, just in case some one is looking for another way:

void Main()
    string jsonString = @"{
  'Stores': [
    'Lambton Quay',
    'Willis Street'
  'Manufacturers': [
      'Name': 'Acme Co',
      'Products': [
          'Name': 'Anvil',
          'Price': 50
      'Name': 'Contoso',
      'Products': [
          'Name': 'Elbow Grease',
          'Price': 99.95
          'Name': 'Headlight Fluid',
          'Price': 4

    Product product = new Product();
    //Serializing to Object
    Product obj = JObject.Parse(jsonString).SelectToken("$.Manufacturers[?(@.Name == 'Acme Co' && @.Name != 'Contoso')]").ToObject<Product>();


public class Product
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public decimal Price { get; set; }

Apply global variable to Vuejs

you can use Vuex to handle all your global data

Python "expected an indented block"

Python is very picky about white space and indentation, more so than many languages. The reason is, rather than using curly braces and semi colons (like javascript or php) python looks for a return character (press enter/return on your keyboard) instead of the semicolon, and a colon with a tab after it for a opening curly brace. When the next piece of code is unindented, it expects that this is the same as a closing curly brace in Javascript or PHP.

From ==>

How to exit when back button is pressed?

Immediately after you start a new activity, using startActivity, make sure you call finish() so that the current activity is not stacked behind the new one.

EDIT With regards to your comment:

What you're suggesting is not particularly how the android app flow usually works, and how the users expect it to work. What you can do if you really want to, is to make sure that every startActivity leading up to that activity, is a startActivityForResult and has an onActivityResult listener that checks for an exit code, and bubbles that back. You can read more about that here. Basically, use setResult before finishing an activity, to set an exit code of your choice, and if your parent activity receives that exit code, you set it in that activity, and finish that one, etc...

Check if a specific value exists at a specific key in any subarray of a multidimensional array

I came upon this post looking to do the same and came up with my own solution I wanted to offer for future visitors of this page (and to see if doing this way presents any problems I had not forseen).

If you want to get a simple true or false output and want to do this with one line of code without a function or a loop you could serialize the array and then use stripos to search for the value:


It seems to work for me.

Character Limit in HTML

In addition to the above, I would like to point out that client-side validation (HTML code, javascript, etc.) is never enough. Also check the length server-side, or just don't check at all (if it's not so important that people can be allowed to get around it, then it's not important enough to really warrant any steps to prevent that, either).

Also, fellows, he (or she) said HTML, not XHTML. ;)

How do I correctly clone a JavaScript object?

If you're okay with a shallow copy, the underscore.js library has a clone method.

y = _.clone(x);

or you can extend it like

copiedObject = _.extend({},originalObject);

View HTTP headers in Google Chrome?

My favorite way in Chrome is clicking on a bookmarklet:

javascript:(function(){function read(url){var r=new XMLHttpRequest();'HEAD',url,false);r.send(null);return r.getAllResponseHeaders();}alert(read(window.location))})();

Put this code in your developer console pad.


Convert UTC/GMT time to local time

Don't forget if you already have a DateTime object and are not sure if it's UTC or Local, it's easy enough to use the methods on the object directly:

DateTime convertedDate = DateTime.Parse(date);
DateTime localDate = convertedDate.ToLocalTime();

How do we adjust for the extra hour?

Unless specified .net will use the local pc settings. I'd have a read of:

By the looks the code might look something like:

DaylightTime daylight = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetDaylightChanges( year );

And as mentioned above double check what timezone setting your server is on. There are articles on the net for how to safely affect the changes in IIS.

Maven artifact and groupId naming

However, I disagree the official definition of Guide to naming conventions on groupId, artifactId, and version which proposes the groupId must start with a reversed domain name you control.

com means this project belongs to a company, and org means this project belongs to a social organization. These are alright, but for those strange domain like,,, it does not make sense to name the groupId started with "tv.","cn.", the groupId should deliver the basic information of the project rather than the domain.

Best equivalent VisualStudio IDE for Mac to program .NET/C#

Whilst more of a workaround, if you're running an Intel Mac, you could go the virtualisation route - at least then you can run the same tools.

How to undo a SQL Server UPDATE query?

If you can catch this in time and you don't have the ability to ROLLBACK or use the transaction log, you can take a backup immediately and use a tool like Redgate's SQL Data Compare to generate a script to "restore" the affected data. This worked like a charm for me. :)

Finding the position of the max element

Or, written in one line:

std::cout << std::distance(sampleArray.begin(),std::max_element(sampleArray.begin(), sampleArray.end()));

How to convert string into float in JavaScript?

Have you ever tried to do this? :p

var str = '3.8';ie
alert( +(str) + 0.2 );

+(string) will cast string into float.


So in order to solve your problem, you can do something like this:

var floatValue = +(str.replace(/,/,'.'));

Freeing up a TCP/IP port?

To a kill a specific port in Linux use below command

sudo fuser -k Port_Number/tcp

replace Port_Number with your occupied port.

ToggleClass animate jQuery?

jQuery UI extends the jQuery native toggleClass to take a second optional parameter: duration

toggleClass( class, [duration] )

Docs + DEMO

C#: easiest way to populate a ListBox from a List

This also could be easiest way to add items in ListBox.

for (int i = 0; i < MyList.Count; i++)

Further improvisation of this code can add items at runtime.

How do I find the value of $CATALINA_HOME?

Just as a addition. You can find the Catalina Paths in


In the VM Arguments the Paths are listed and changeable

determine DB2 text string length

From similar question DB2 - find and compare the lentgh of the value in a table field - add RTRIM since LENGTH will return length of column definition. This should be correct:

select * from table where length(RTRIM(fieldName))=10

UPDATE 27.5.2019: maybe on older db2 versions the LENGTH function returned the length of column definition. On db2 10.5 I have tried the function and it returns data length, not column definition length:

select fieldname
, length(fieldName) len_only
, length(RTRIM(fieldName)) len_rtrim
from (values (cast('1234567890  ' as varchar(30)) )) 
as tab(fieldName)

FIELDNAME                      LEN_ONLY    LEN_RTRIM
------------------------------ ----------- -----------
1234567890                              12          10

One can test this by using this term:

where length(fieldName)!=length(rtrim(fieldName))

Can JavaScript connect with MySQL?

No, JavaScript can not directly connect to MySQL. But you can mix JS with PHP to do so.

JavaScript is a client-side language and your MySQL database is going to be running on a server

Callback function for JSONP with jQuery AJAX

        url: '',
        dataType: "jsonp",
        jsonp: 'callback',
        jsonpCallback: 'jsonp_callback'

jsonp is the querystring parameter name that is defined to be acceptable by the server while the jsonpCallback is the javascript function name to be executed at the client.
When you use such url:

url: ''

the question mark ? at the end instructs jQuery to generate a random function while the predfined behavior of the autogenerated function will just invoke the callback -the sucess function in this case- passing the json data as a parameter.

        url: '',
        success: function (data, status) {
        error: function (xOptions, textStatus) {

The same goes here if you are using $.getJSON with ? placeholder it will generate a random function while the predfined behavior of the autogenerated function will just invoke the callback:

//process data here

System.out.println() shortcut on Intellij IDEA

In Idea 17eap:

sout: Prints


soutm: Prints current class and method names to System.out


soutp: Prints method parameter names and values to System.out


soutv: Prints a value to System.out

System.out.println("$EXPR_COPY$ = " + $EXPR$);

Placing Unicode character in CSS content value

Why don't you just save/serve the CSS file as UTF-8?

nav a:hover:after {
    content: "?";

If that's not good enough, and you want to keep it all-ASCII:

nav a:hover:after {
    content: "\2193";

The general format for a Unicode character inside a string is \000000 to \FFFFFF – a backslash followed by six hexadecimal digits. You can leave out leading 0 digits when the Unicode character is the last character in the string or when you add a space after the Unicode character. See the spec below for full details.

Relevant part of the CSS2 spec:

Third, backslash escapes allow authors to refer to characters they cannot easily put in a document. In this case, the backslash is followed by at most six hexadecimal digits (0..9A..F), which stand for the ISO 10646 ([ISO10646]) character with that number, which must not be zero. (It is undefined in CSS 2.1 what happens if a style sheet does contain a character with Unicode codepoint zero.) If a character in the range [0-9a-fA-F] follows the hexadecimal number, the end of the number needs to be made clear. There are two ways to do that:

  1. with a space (or other white space character): "\26 B" ("&B"). In this case, user agents should treat a "CR/LF" pair (U+000D/U+000A) as a single white space character.
  2. by providing exactly 6 hexadecimal digits: "\000026B" ("&B")

In fact, these two methods may be combined. Only one white space character is ignored after a hexadecimal escape. Note that this means that a "real" space after the escape sequence must be doubled.

If the number is outside the range allowed by Unicode (e.g., "\110000" is above the maximum 10FFFF allowed in current Unicode), the UA may replace the escape with the "replacement character" (U+FFFD). If the character is to be displayed, the UA should show a visible symbol, such as a "missing character" glyph (cf. 15.2, point 5).

  • Note: Backslash escapes are always considered to be part of an identifier or a string (i.e., "\7B" is not punctuation, even though "{" is, and "\32" is allowed at the start of a class name, even though "2" is not).
    The identifier "te\st" is exactly the same identifier as "test".

Comprehensive list: Unicode Character 'DOWNWARDS ARROW' (U+2193).

LINQ query to return a Dictionary<string, string>

Use the ToDictionary method directly.

var result = 
  // as Jon Skeet pointed out, OrderBy is useless here, I just leave it 
  // show how to use OrderBy in a LINQ query
  myClassCollection.OrderBy(mc => mc.SomePropToSortOn)
                   .ToDictionary(mc => mc.KeyProp.ToString(), 
                                 mc => mc.ValueProp.ToString(), 

How to remove all white spaces from a given text file

This is probably the simplest way of doing it:

sed -r 's/\s+//g' filename > output
mv ouput filename

kill -3 to get java thread dump

Steps that you should follow if you want the thread dump of your StandAlone Java Process

Step 1: Get the Process ID for the shell script calling the java program

linux$ ps -aef | grep "runABCD"

user1  **8535**  4369   0   Mar 25 ?           0:00 /bin/csh /home/user1/

user1 17796 17372   0 08:15:41 pts/49      0:00 grep runABCD

Step 2: Get the Process ID for the Child which was Invoked by the runABCD. Use the above PID to get the childs.

linux$ ps -aef | grep **8535**

user1  **8536**  8535   0   Mar 25 ?         126:38 /apps/java/jdk/sun4/SunOS5/1.6.0_16/bin/java -cp /home/user1/XYZServer

user1  8535  4369   0   Mar 25 ?           0:00 /bin/csh /home/user1/

user1 17977 17372   0 08:15:49 pts/49      0:00 grep 8535

Step 3: Get the JSTACK for the particular process. Get the Process id of your XYSServer process. i.e. 8536

linux$ jstack **8536** > threadDump.log

Representing Directory & File Structure in Markdown Syntax

You can use tree to generate something very similar to your example. Once you have the output, you can wrap it in a <pre> tag to preserve the plain text formatting.

@Autowired and static method

You have to workaround this via static application context accessor approach:

public class StaticContextAccessor {

    private static StaticContextAccessor instance;

    private ApplicationContext applicationContext;

    public void registerInstance() {
        instance = this;

    public static <T> T getBean(Class<T> clazz) {
        return instance.applicationContext.getBean(clazz);


Then you can access bean instances in a static manner.

public class Boo {

    public static void randomMethod() {


How to Install Sublime Text 3 using Homebrew

An update

Turns out now brew cask install sublime-text installs the most up to date version (e.g. 3) by default and brew cask is now part of the standard brew-installation.

Why use Select Top 100 Percent?

I would suppose that you can use a variable in the result, but aside from getting the ORDER BY piece in a view, you will not see a benefit by implicitly stating "TOP 100 PERCENT":

declare @t int
set @t=100
select top (@t) percent * from tableOf

Rails Root directory path?

In some cases you may want the Rails root without having to load Rails.

For example, you get a quicker feedback cycle when TDD'ing models that do not depend on Rails by requiring spec_helper instead of rails_helper.

# spec/spec_helper.rb

require 'pathname'

rails_root ='..').expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))

  rails_root.join('app', 'models'),
  # Add your decorators, services, etc.
].each do |path|
  $LOAD_PATH.unshift path.to_s

Which allows you to easily load Plain Old Ruby Objects from their spec files.

# spec/models/poro_spec.rb

require 'spec_helper'

require 'poro'

RSpec.describe ...

Getting only response header from HTTP POST using curl

Much easier – this is what I use to avoid Shortlink tracking – is the following:

curl -IL

…which also follows links.

"sed" command in bash

sed is the Stream EDitor. It can do a whole pile of really cool things, but the most common is text replacement.

The s,%,$,g part of the command line is the sed command to execute. The s stands for substitute, the , characters are delimiters (other characters can be used; /, : and @ are popular). The % is the pattern to match (here a literal percent sign) and the $ is the second pattern to match (here a literal dollar sign). The g at the end means to globally replace on each line (otherwise it would only update the first match).

How to test an Oracle Stored Procedure with RefCursor return type?

create or replace procedure my_proc(  v_number IN number,p_rc OUT SYS_REFCURSOR )
open p_rc
for select 1 col1
     from dual;

and then write a function lie this which calls your stored procedure

 create or replace function my_proc_test(v_number IN NUMBER) RETURN sys_refcursor
 p_rc sys_refcursor;
 return p_rc;

then you can run this SQL query in the SQLDeveloper editor.

 SELECT my_proc_test(3) FROM DUAL;

you will see the result in the console right click on it and cilck on single record view and edit the result you can see the all the records that were returned by the ref cursor.

TSQL select into Temp table from dynamic sql

Take a look at OPENROWSET, and do something like:

     , 'Server=(local)\SQL2008;Trusted_Connection=yes;',
     'SELECT * FROM ' + @tableName)

Rails 2.3.4 Persisting Model on Validation Failure

In your controller, render the new action from your create action if validation fails, with an instance variable, @car populated from the user input (i.e., the params hash). Then, in your view, add a logic check (either an if block around the form or a ternary on the helpers, your choice) that automatically sets the value of the form fields to the params values passed in to @car if car exists. That way, the form will be blank on first visit and in theory only be populated on re-render in the case of error. In any case, they will not be populated unless @car is set.

Xcode "Build and Archive" from command line

For Xcode 7, you have a much simpler solution. The only extra work is that you have to create a configuration plist file for exporting archive.

(Compared to Xcode 6, in the results of xcrun xcodebuild -help, -exportFormat and -exportProvisioningProfile options are not mentioned any more; the former is deleted, and the latter is superseded by -exportOptionsPlist.)

Step 1, change directory to the folder including .xcodeproject or .xcworkspace file.

cd MyProjectFolder

Step 2, use Xcode or /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy exportOptions.plist to create export options plist file. By the way, xcrun xcodebuild -help will tell you what keys you have to insert to the plist file.

Step 3, create .xcarchive file (folder, in fact) as follows(build/ directory will be automatically created by Xcode right now),

xcrun xcodebuild -scheme MyApp -configuration Release archive -archivePath build/MyApp.xcarchive

Step 4, export as .ipa file like this, which differs from Xcode6

xcrun xcodebuild -exportArchive -exportPath build/ -archivePath build/MyApp.xcarchive/ -exportOptionsPlist exportOptions.plist

Now, you get an ipa file in build/ directory. Just send it to apple App Store.

By the way, the ipa file created by Xcode 7 is much larger than by Xcode 6.

How to grant remote access permissions to mysql server for user?

This grants root access with the same password from any machine in *

    IDENTIFIED BY 'some_characters' 

If name resolution is not going to work, you may also grant access by IP or subnet:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'192.168.1.%'
    IDENTIFIED BY 'some_characters'  

MySQL GRANT syntax docs.

How do I read and parse an XML file in C#?

If you want to retrive a particular value from an XML file

 XmlDocument _LocalInfo_Xml = new XmlDocument();
            XmlElement _XmlElement;
            _XmlElement = _LocalInfo_Xml.GetElementsByTagName("UserId")[0] as XmlElement;
            string Value = _XmlElement.InnerText;

How can you change Network settings (IP Address, DNS, WINS, Host Name) with code in C#

A slightly more concise example that builds on top of the other answers here. I leveraged the code generation that is shipped with Visual Studio to remove most of the extra invocation code and replaced it with typed objects instead.

    using System;
    using System.Management;

    namespace Utils
        class NetworkManagement
            /// <summary>
            /// Returns a list of all the network interface class names that are currently enabled in the system
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns>list of nic names</returns>
            public static string[] GetAllNicDescriptions()
                List<string> nics = new List<string>();

                using (var networkConfigMng = new ManagementClass("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration"))
                    using (var networkConfigs = networkConfigMng.GetInstances())
                        foreach (var config in networkConfigs.Cast<ManagementObject>()
                                                                           .Where(mo => (bool)mo["IPEnabled"])
                                                                           .Select(x=> new NetworkAdapterConfiguration(x)))

                return nics.ToArray();

            /// <summary>
            /// Set's the DNS Server of the local machine
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="nicDescription">The full description of the network interface class</param>
            /// <param name="dnsServers">Comma seperated list of DNS server addresses</param>
            /// <remarks>Requires a reference to the System.Management namespace</remarks>
            public static bool SetNameservers(string nicDescription, string[] dnsServers, bool restart = false)
                using (ManagementClass networkConfigMng = new ManagementClass("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration"))
                    using (ManagementObjectCollection networkConfigs = networkConfigMng.GetInstances())
                        foreach (ManagementObject mboDNS in networkConfigs.Cast<ManagementObject>().Where(mo => (bool)mo["IPEnabled"] && (string)mo["Description"] == nicDescription))
                            // NAC class was generated by opening a developer console and entering:
                            // mgmtclassgen Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -p NetworkAdapterConfiguration.cs
                            // See:

                            using (NetworkAdapterConfiguration config = new NetworkAdapterConfiguration(mboDNS))
                                if (config.SetDNSServerSearchOrder(dnsServers) == 0)

                return false;

            /// <summary>
            /// Restarts a given Network adapter
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="nicDescription">The full description of the network interface class</param>
            public static void RestartNetworkAdapter(string nicDescription)
                using (ManagementClass networkConfigMng = new ManagementClass("Win32_NetworkAdapter"))
                    using (ManagementObjectCollection networkConfigs = networkConfigMng.GetInstances())
                        foreach (ManagementObject mboDNS in networkConfigs.Cast<ManagementObject>().Where(mo=> (string)mo["Description"] == nicDescription))
                            // NA class was generated by opening dev console and entering
                            // mgmtclassgen Win32_NetworkAdapter -p NetworkAdapter.cs
                            using (NetworkAdapter adapter = new NetworkAdapter(mboDNS))
                                Thread.Sleep(4000); // Wait a few secs until exiting, this will give the NIC enough time to re-connect

            /// <summary>
            /// Get's the DNS Server of the local machine
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="nicDescription">The full description of the network interface class</param>
            public static string[] GetNameservers(string nicDescription)
                using (var networkConfigMng = new ManagementClass("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration"))
                    using (var networkConfigs = networkConfigMng.GetInstances())
                        foreach (var config  in networkConfigs.Cast<ManagementObject>()
                                                              .Where(mo => (bool)mo["IPEnabled"] && (string)mo["Description"] == nicDescription)
                                                              .Select( x => new NetworkAdapterConfiguration(x)))
                            return config.DNSServerSearchOrder;

                return null;

            /// <summary>
            /// Set's a new IP Address and it's Submask of the local machine
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="nicDescription">The full description of the network interface class</param>
            /// <param name="ipAddresses">The IP Address</param>
            /// <param name="subnetMask">The Submask IP Address</param>
            /// <param name="gateway">The gateway.</param>
            /// <remarks>Requires a reference to the System.Management namespace</remarks>
            public static void SetIP(string nicDescription, string[] ipAddresses, string subnetMask, string gateway)
                using (var networkConfigMng = new ManagementClass("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration"))
                    using (var networkConfigs = networkConfigMng.GetInstances())
                        foreach (var config in networkConfigs.Cast<ManagementObject>()
                                                                       .Where(mo => (bool)mo["IPEnabled"] && (string)mo["Description"] == nicDescription)
                                                                       .Select( x=> new NetworkAdapterConfiguration(x)))
                            // Set the new IP and subnet masks if needed
                            config.EnableStatic(ipAddresses, Array.ConvertAll(ipAddresses, _ => subnetMask));

                            // Set mew gateway if needed
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(gateway))
                                config.SetGateways(new[] {gateway}, new ushort[] {1});


Full source:

How to count the number of words in a sentence, ignoring numbers, punctuation and whitespace?

Ok here is my version of doing this. I noticed that you want your output to be 7, which means you dont want to count special characters and numbers. So here is regex pattern:

re.findall("[a-zA-Z_]+", string)

Where [a-zA-Z_] means it will match any character beetwen a-z (lowercase) and A-Z (upper case).

About spaces. If you want to remove all extra spaces, just do:

string = string.rstrip().lstrip() # Remove all extra spaces at the start and at the end of the string
while "  " in string: # While  there are 2 spaces beetwen words in our string...
    string = string.replace("  ", " ") # ... replace them by one space!

How to enable DataGridView sorting when user clicks on the column header?

put this line in your windows form (on load or better in a public method like "binddata" ):

// bind the data and make the grid sortable 
this.datagridview1.MakeSortable( myenumerablecollection ); 

Put this code in a file called DataGridViewExtensions.cs (or similar)

// MakeSortable extension. 
// this will make any enumerable collection sortable on a datagrid view.  

// Enables sort on all cols of a DatagridView 


    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using System.Windows.Forms;

    public static class DataGridViewExtensions
    public static void MakeSortable<T>(
        this DataGridView dataGridView, 
        IEnumerable<T> dataSource,
        SortOrder defaultSort = SortOrder.Ascending, 
        SortOrder initialSort = SortOrder.None)
        var sortProviderDictionary = new Dictionary<int, Func<SortOrder, IEnumerable<T>>>();
        var previousSortOrderDictionary = new Dictionary<int, SortOrder>();
        var itemType = typeof(T);
        dataGridView.DataSource = dataSource;
        foreach (DataGridViewColumn c in dataGridView.Columns)
            object Provider(T info) => itemType.GetProperty(c.Name)?.GetValue(info);
            sortProviderDictionary[c.Index] = so => so != defaultSort ? 
                dataSource.OrderByDescending<T, object>(Provider) : 
            previousSortOrderDictionary[c.Index] = initialSort;

        async Task DoSort(int index)

            switch (previousSortOrderDictionary[index])
                case SortOrder.Ascending:
                    previousSortOrderDictionary[index] = SortOrder.Descending;
                case SortOrder.None:
                case SortOrder.Descending:
                    previousSortOrderDictionary[index] = SortOrder.Ascending;
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

            IEnumerable<T> sorted = null;
            dataGridView.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            dataGridView.Enabled = false;
            await Task.Run(() => sorted = sortProviderDictionary[index](previousSortOrderDictionary[index]).ToList());
            dataGridView.DataSource = sorted;
            dataGridView.Enabled = true;
            dataGridView.Cursor = Cursors.Default;


        dataGridView.ColumnHeaderMouseClick+= (object sender, DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e) => DoSort(index: e.ColumnIndex);

How can I get current location from user in iOS

Try this Simple Steps....

NOTE: Please check device location latitude & logitude if you are using simulator means. By defaults its none only.

Step 1: Import CoreLocation framework in .h File

#import <CoreLocation/CoreLocation.h>

Step 2: Add delegate CLLocationManagerDelegate

@interface yourViewController : UIViewController<CLLocationManagerDelegate>
    CLLocationManager *locationManager;
    CLLocation *currentLocation;

Step 3: Add this code in class file

- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];
    [self CurrentLocationIdentifier]; // call this method

Step 4: Method to detect current location

//------------ Current Location Address-----
    //---- For getting current gps location
    locationManager = [CLLocationManager new];
    locationManager.delegate = self;
    locationManager.distanceFilter = kCLDistanceFilterNone;
    locationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBest;
    [locationManager startUpdatingLocation];

Step 5: Get location using this method

- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateLocations:(NSArray *)locations
    currentLocation = [locations objectAtIndex:0];
    [locationManager stopUpdatingLocation];
    CLGeocoder *geocoder = [[CLGeocoder alloc] init] ;
    [geocoder reverseGeocodeLocation:currentLocation completionHandler:^(NSArray *placemarks, NSError *error)
         if (!(error))
             CLPlacemark *placemark = [placemarks objectAtIndex:0];
             NSLog(@"\nCurrent Location Detected\n");
             NSLog(@"placemark %@",placemark);
             NSString *locatedAt = [[placemark.addressDictionary valueForKey:@"FormattedAddressLines"] componentsJoinedByString:@", "];
             NSString *Address = [[NSString alloc]initWithString:locatedAt];
             NSString *Area = [[NSString alloc]initWithString:placemark.locality];
             NSString *Country = [[NSString alloc]];
             NSString *CountryArea = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@, %@", Area,Country];
             NSLog(@"Geocode failed with error %@", error);
             NSLog(@"\nCurrent Location Not Detected\n");
             CountryArea = NULL;
         /*---- For more results 
         placemark.locality); ;

Converting double to integer in Java

is there a possibility that casting a double created via Math.round() will still result in a truncated down number

No, round() will always round your double to the correct value, and then, it will be cast to an long which will truncate any decimal places. But after rounding, there will not be any fractional parts remaining.

Here are the docs from Math.round(double):

Returns the closest long to the argument. The result is rounded to an integer by adding 1/2, taking the floor of the result, and casting the result to type long. In other words, the result is equal to the value of the expression:

(long)Math.floor(a + 0.5d)

How do I get ruby to print a full backtrace instead of a truncated one?

You can also use backtrace Ruby gem (I'm the author):

require 'backtrace'
  # do something dangerous
rescue StandardError => e

Session 'app' error while installing APK

I was using CyanogenMod 12.1 and was building with libgdx when I met with the same error. Rebuilding didn't work for me. My phone was connected as UMS or USB mass storage to my PC when I ran the app. Just changed the USB configuration from mass storage to MTP and it fixed my problem.

How to remove duplicate objects in a List<MyObject> without equals/hashcode?

This can be logically solved using a property. Here I have a property called a key.

  1. Take out any String property in the object and put it in the list.
  2. Check in the list weather that property contains if so then remove it.
  3. Return the object list.

List<Object> objectList = new ArrayList<>();
 List<String> keyList = new ArrayList<>();
  objectList.forEach( obj -> {
return objectList;

Javascript change date into format of (dd/mm/yyyy)

This will ensure you get a two-digit day and month.

function formattedDate(d = new Date) {
  let month = String(d.getMonth() + 1);
  let day = String(d.getDate());
  const year = String(d.getFullYear());

  if (month.length < 2) month = '0' + month;
  if (day.length < 2) day = '0' + day;

  return `${day}/${month}/${year}`;

Or terser:

function formattedDate(d = new Date) {
  return [d.getDate(), d.getMonth()+1, d.getFullYear()]
      .map(n => n < 10 ? `0${n}` : `${n}`).join('/');

Access to the path is denied

My problem was something like that:

FileStream ms = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite);

but instead of using path I should use File.FullName... I don't know if it's going to help anyone else, just passing my own experience with this erro given!

Unexpected token < in first line of HTML

Well... I flipped the internet upside down three times but did not find anything that might help me because it was a Drupal project rather than other scenarios people described.

My problem was that someone in the project added a js which his address was: <script src="http://base_url/?p4sxbt"></script> and it was attached in this way:

    array('scope' => 'footer', 'weight' => 5)

Hope this will help someone in the future.

What is ":-!!" in C code?

Some people seem to be confusing these macros with assert().

These macros implement a compile-time test, while assert() is a runtime test.

How to put text over images in html?

Using absolute as position is not responsive + mobile friendly. I would suggest using a div with a background-image and then placing text in the div will place text over the image. Depending on your html, you might need to use height with vh value

Command line tool to dump Windows DLL version?

and one way with makecab:

; @echo off
;;goto :end_help
;;setlocal DsiableDelayedExpansion
;;; fileinf /l list of full file paths separated with ;
;;; fileinf /f text file with a list of files to be processed ( one on each line )
;;; fileinf /? prints the help

; REM Creating a Newline variable (the two blank lines are required!)
; set NLM=^

; set NL=^^^%NLM%%NLM%^%NLM%%NLM%
; if "%~1" equ "/?" type "%~f0" | find ";;;" | find /v "find" && exit /b 0
; if "%~2" equ "" type "%~f0" | find ";;;" | find /v "find" && exit /b 0
; setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
; if "%~1" equ "/l" (
;  set "_files=%~2"
;  echo !_files:;=%NL%!>"%TEMP%\file.paths"
;  set _process_file="%TEMP%\file.paths"
;  goto :get_info
; )

; if "%~1" equ "/f" if exist "%~2" (
;  set _process_file="%~2"
;  goto :get_info
; )

; echo incorect parameters & exit /b 1
; :get_info
; set "file_info="

; makecab /d InfFileName=%TEMP%\file.inf /d "DiskDirectory1=%TEMP%" /f "%~f0"  /f %_process_file% /v0>nul

; for /f "usebackq skip=4 delims=" %%f in ("%TEMP%\file.inf") do (
;  set "file_info=%%f"
;  echo !file_info:,=%nl%!
; )

; endlocal
; del /q /f %TEMP%\file.inf 2>nul
; del /q /f %TEMP%\file.path 2>nul
; exit /b 0

.set DoNotCopyFiles=on
.set DestinationDir=;
.set RptFileName=nul
.set InfFooter=;
.set InfHeader=;
.Set ChecksumWidth=8
.Set InfDiskLineFormat=;
.Set Cabinet=off
.Set Compress=off
.Set GenerateInf=ON
.Set InfDiskHeader=;
.Set InfFileHeader=;
.set InfCabinetHeader=;
.Set InfFileLineFormat=",file:*file*,date:*date*,size:*size*,csum:*csum*,time:*time*,vern:*ver*,vers:*vers*,lang:*lang*"

example output (it has a string version which is a small addition to wmic method :) ):

c:> fileinfo.bat /l C:\install.exe
    vers:9.0.21022.8 built by: RTM

and one more Using shell.application and hybrid batch\jscript.Here's tooptipInfo.bat :

@if (@X)==(@Y) @end /* JScript comment
    @echo off

    rem :: the first argument is the script name as it will be used for proper help message
    cscript //E:JScript //nologo "%~f0" %*

    exit /b %errorlevel%

@if (@X)==(@Y) @end JScript comment */

FSOObj = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var ARGS = WScript.Arguments;
if (ARGS.Length < 1 ) {
 WScript.Echo("No file passed");
var filename=ARGS.Item(0);
var objShell=new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application");

ExistsItem = function (path) {
    return FSOObj.FolderExists(path)||FSOObj.FileExists(path);

getFullPath = function (path) {
    return FSOObj.GetAbsolutePathName(path);

getParent = function(path){
    var splitted=path.split("\\");
    var result="";
    for (var s=0;s<splitted.length-1;s++){
        if (s==0) {
        } else {
    return result;

getName = function(path){
    var splitted=path.split("\\");
    return splitted[splitted.length-1];

function main(){
    if (!ExistsItem(filename)) {
        WScript.Echo(filename + " does not exist");
    var fullFilename=getFullPath(filename);
    var namespace=getParent(fullFilename);
    var name=getName(fullFilename);
    var objFolder=objShell.NameSpace(namespace);
    var objItem=objFolder.ParseName(name);
    WScript.Echo(fullFilename + " : ");



used against cmd.exe :

C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe :
File description: Windows Command Processor
Company: Microsoft Corporation
File version: 6.3.9600.16384
Date created: ?22-?Aug-?13 ??13:03
Size: 347 KB

Jackson - best way writes a java list to a json array

I can't find toByteArray() as @atrioom said, so I use StringWriter, please try:

public void writeListToJsonArray() throws IOException {  

    //your list
    final List<Event> list = new ArrayList<Event>(2);
    list.add(new Event("a1","a2"));
    list.add(new Event("b1","b2"));

    final StringWriter sw =new StringWriter();
    final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    mapper.writeValue(sw, list);
    System.out.println(sw.toString());//use toString() to convert to JSON


Or just use ObjectMapper#writeValueAsString:

    final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

Run jQuery function onclick

Using obtrusive JavaScript (i.e. inline code) as in your example, you can attach the click event handler to the div element with the onclick attribute like so:

 <div id="some-id" class="some-class" onclick="slideonlyone('sms_box');">

However, the best practice is unobtrusive JavaScript which you can easily achieve by using jQuery's on() method or its shorthand click(). For example:

 $(document).ready( function() {
     $('.some-class').on('click', slideonlyone('sms_box'));
     // OR //

Inside your handler function (e.g. slideonlyone() in this case) you can reference the element that triggered the event (e.g. the div in this case) with the $(this) object. For example, if you need its ID, you can access it with $(this).attr('id').


After reading your comment to @fmsf below, I see you also need to dynamically reference the target element to be toggled. As @fmsf suggests, you can add this information to the div with a data-attribute like so:

<div id="some-id" class="some-class" data-target="sms_box">

To access the element's data-attribute you can use the attr() method as in @fmsf's example, but the best practice is to use jQuery's data() method like so:

 function slideonlyone() {
     var trigger_id = $(this).attr('id'); // This would be 'some-id' in our example
     var target_id  = $(this).data('target'); // This would be 'sms_box'

Note how data-target is accessed with data('target'), without the data- prefix. Using data-attributes you can attach all sorts of information to an element and jQuery would automatically add them to the element's data object.

Why do Sublime Text 3 Themes not affect the sidebar?

Just install package Synced?Sidebar?Bg:it will change the sidebar theme based on current color scheme.But it seems that every time you change the color scheme,sidebar will be changed after you open file Preferences.sublime-settings

How to find elements with 'value=x'?

$('#attached_docs [value="123"]').find ... .remove();

it should do your need however, you cannot duplicate id! remember it

Axios get access to response header fields

Faced same problem in core Hope this helps

public static class CorsConfig
    public static void AddCorsConfig(this IServiceCollection services)
        services.AddCors(options =>
                builder => builder

How to change Tkinter Button state from disabled to normal?

You simply have to set the state of the your button self.x to normal:

self.x['state'] = 'normal'



This code would go in the callback for the event that will cause the Button to be enabled.

Also, the right code should be:

self.x = Button(self.dialog, text="Download", state=DISABLED,

The method pack in Button(...).pack() returns None, and you are assigning it to self.x. You actually want to assign the return value of Button(...) to self.x, and then, in the following line, use self.x.pack().

What is the size of an enum in C?

An enum is only guaranteed to be large enough to hold int values. The compiler is free to choose the actual type used based on the enumeration constants defined so it can choose a smaller type if it can represent the values you define. If you need enumeration constants that don't fit into an int you will need to use compiler-specific extensions to do so.

I want to delete all bin and obj folders to force all projects to rebuild everything

We have a large .SLN files with many project files. I started the policy of having a "ViewLocal" directory where all non-sourcecontrolled files are located. Inside that directory is an 'Inter' and an 'Out' directory. For the intermediate files, and the output files, respectively.

This obviously makes it easy to just go to your 'viewlocal' directory and do a simple delete, to get rid of everything.

Before you spent time figuring out a way to work around this with scripts, you might think about setting up something similar.

I won't lie though, maintaining such a setup in a large organization has proved....interesting. Especially when you use technologies such as QT that like to process files and create non-sourcecontrolled source files. But that is a whole OTHER story!

How to configure socket connect timeout

I solved the problem by using Socket.ConnectAsync Method instead of Socket.Connect Method. After invoking the Socket.ConnectAsync(SocketAsyncEventArgs), start a timer (timer_connection), if time is up, check whether socket connection is connected (if(m_clientSocket.Connected)), if not, pop up timeout error.

private void connect(string ipAdd,string port)
            SocketAsyncEventArgs e=new SocketAsyncEventArgs();

            m_clientSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);

            IPAddress ip = IPAddress.Parse(serverIp);
            int iPortNo = System.Convert.ToInt16(serverPort);
            IPEndPoint ipEnd = new IPEndPoint(ip, iPortNo);

            e.RemoteEndPoint = ipEnd;
            e.UserToken = m_clientSocket;
            e.Completed+=new EventHandler<SocketAsyncEventArgs>(e_Completed);                

            if (timer_connection != null)
                timer_connection = new Timer();
            timer_connection.Interval = 2000;
            timer_connection.Tick+=new EventHandler(timer_connection_Tick);
        catch (SocketException se)
            lb_connectStatus.Text = "Connection Failed";
private void e_Completed(object sender,SocketAsyncEventArgs e)
        lb_connectStatus.Text = "Connection Established";
    private void timer_connection_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!m_clientSocket.Connected)
            MessageBox.Show("Connection Timeout");
            //m_clientSocket = null;


How do I do a case-insensitive string comparison?

Using Python 2, calling .lower() on each string or Unicode object...

string1.lower() == string2.lower()

...will work most of the time, but indeed doesn't work in the situations @tchrist has described.

Assume we have a file called unicode.txt containing the two strings S?s?f?? and S?S?F?S. With Python 2:

>>> utf8_bytes = open("unicode.txt", 'r').read()
>>> print repr(utf8_bytes)
>>> u = utf8_bytes.decode('utf8')
>>> print u

>>> first, second = u.splitlines()
>>> print first.lower()
>>> print second.lower()
>>> first.lower() == second.lower()
>>> first.upper() == second.upper()

The S character has two lowercase forms, ? and s, and .lower() won't help compare them case-insensitively.

However, as of Python 3, all three forms will resolve to ?, and calling lower() on both strings will work correctly:

>>> s = open('unicode.txt', encoding='utf8').read()
>>> print(s)

>>> first, second = s.splitlines()
>>> print(first.lower())
>>> print(second.lower())
>>> first.lower() == second.lower()
>>> first.upper() == second.upper()

So if you care about edge-cases like the three sigmas in Greek, use Python 3.

(For reference, Python 2.7.3 and Python 3.3.0b1 are shown in the interpreter printouts above.)

Find intersection of two nested lists?

The & operator takes the intersection of two sets.

{1, 2, 3} & {2, 3, 4}
Out[1]: {2, 3}

How to declare and initialize a static const array as a class member?

You are mixing pointers and arrays. If what you want is an array, then use an array:

struct test {
   static int data[10];        // array, not pointer!
int test::data[10] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };

If on the other hand you want a pointer, the simplest solution is to write a helper function in the translation unit that defines the member:

struct test {
   static int *data;
// cpp
static int* generate_data() {            // static here is "internal linkage"
   int * p = new int[10];
   for ( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) p[i] = 10*i;
   return p;
int *test::data = generate_data();

Difference between EXISTS and IN in SQL?


  • Works on List result set
  • Doesn’t work on subqueries resulting in Virtual tables with multiple columns
  • Compares every value in the result list
  • Performance is comparatively SLOW for larger result set of subquery


  • Works on Virtual tables
  • Is used with co-related queries
  • Exits comparison when match is found
  • Performance is comparatively FAST for larger result set of subquery

Batchfile to create backup and rename with timestamp

Yes, to make it run in the background create a shortcut to the batch file and go into the properties. I'm on a Linux machine ATM but I believe the option you are wanting is in the advanced tab.

You can also run your batch script through a vbs script like this:

CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run "your_batch_file.bat", 0, True

This will execute your batch file with no cmd window shown.

Passing parameter via url to sql server reporting service

I had the same question and more, and though this thread is old, it is still a good one, so in summary for SSRS 2008R2 I found...


  1. You want to use a value from a URL to look up data
  2. You want to display a parameter from a URL in a report
  3. You want to pass a parameter from one report to another report


If applicable, be sure to replace Reports/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath= with ReportServer?. In other words: Instead of this:


Use this syntax:


Add parameter(s) to the report and set as hidden (or visible if user action allowed, though keep in mind that while the report parameter will change, the URL will not change based on an updated entry).

Attach parameters to URL with &ParameterName=Value

Parameters can be referenced or displayed in report using @ParameterName, whether they're set in the report or in the URL

To hide the toolbar where parameters are displayed, add &rc:Toolbar=false to the URL (reference)

Putting that all together, you can run a URL with embedded values, or call this as an action from one report and read by another report:

In report dataset properties query: SELECT stuff FROM view WHERE User = @UserID

In report, set expression value to [UserID] (or =Fields!UserID.Value)

Keep in mind that if a report has multiple parameters, you might need to include all parameters in the URL, even if blank, depending on how your dataset query is written.

To pass a parameter using Action = Go to URL, set expression to:


Be sure to have a space after an expression if followed by & (a line break is isn't enough). No space is required before an expression. This method can pass a parameter but does not hide it as it is visible in the URL.

If you don't include &rs:ClearSession=True then the report won't refresh until browser session cache is cleared.

To pass a parameter using Action = Go to report:

  • Specify the report
  • Add parameter(s) to run the report
  • Add parameter(s) you wish to pass (the parameters need to be defined in the destination report, so to my knowledge you can't use URL-specific commands such as rc:toolbar using this method); however, I suppose it would be possible to read or set the Prompt User checkbox, as seen in reporting sever parameters, through custom code in the report.)

For reference, / = %2f

How to resize the jQuery DatePicker control

I was trying these examples without success. Apparently other stylesheets on the page were setting default font sizes for different tags. If you adjust the ui-datepicker you are changing a div. If you change a div you need to make sure the contents of that div inherit that size. This is what finally worked for me:

<style type="text/css">
.ui-datepicker-calendar tr, .ui-datepicker-calendar td, .ui-datepicker-calendar td a, .ui-datepicker-calendar th{font-size:inherit;}
.ui-datepicker-title span{font-size:16px;}

Good luck!

How to update the value of a key in a dictionary in Python?

Well you could directly substract from the value by just referencing the key. Which in my opinion is simpler.

>>> books = {}
>>> books['book'] = 3       
>>> books['book'] -= 1   
>>> books   
{'book': 2}   

In your case:

book_shop[ch1] -= 1

How to set thousands separator in Java?

public String formatStr(float val) {
 return String.format(Locale.CANADA, "%,.2f", val);

formatStr(2524.2) // 2,254.20