Programs & Examples On #Jvm languages

Languages that compile their source code to the byte code of the java virtual machine are commonly called JVM languages. A common feature of those languages is that the Java APIs can be used more or less seamlessly.

Datetime current year and month in Python

You can always use a sub-string method:

import datetime;

today = str(;
curr_year = int(today[:4]);
curr_month = int(today[5:7]);

This will get you the current month and year in integer format. If you want them to be strings you simply have to remove the " int " precedence while assigning values to the variables curr_year and curr_month.

How to initialise memory with new operator in C++?

For c++ use std::array<int/*type*/, 10/*size*/> instead of c-style array. This is available with c++11 standard, and which is a good practice. See it here for standard and examples. If you want to stick to old c-style arrays for reasons, there two possible ways:

  1. int *a = new int[5](); Here leave the parenthesis empty, otherwise it will give compile error. This will initialize all the elements in the allocated array. Here if you don't use the parenthesis, it will still initialize the integer values with zeros because new will call the constructor, which is in this case int().
  2. int *a = new int[5] {0, 0, 0}; This is allowed in c++11 standard. Here you can initialize array elements with any value you want. Here make sure your initializer list(values in {}) size should not be greater than your array size. Initializer list size less than array size is fine. Remaining values in array will be initialized with 0.

can not find module "@angular/material"

I followed each of the suggestions here (I'm using Angular 7), but nothing worked. My app refused to acknowledge that @angular/material existed, so it showed an error on this line:

import { MatCheckboxModule } from '@angular/material';

Even though I was using the --save parameter to add Angular Material to my project:

npm install --save @angular/material @angular/cdk refused to add anything to my "package.json" file.

I even tried deleting the package-lock.json file, as some articles suggest that this causes problems, but this had no effect.

To fix this issue, I had to manually add these two lines to my "package.json" file.

    "devDependencies": {
        "@angular/material": "~7.2.2",
        "@angular/cdk": "~7.2.2",

What I can't tell is whether this is an issue related to using Angular 7, or if it's been around for years....

Get content of a cell given the row and column numbers

You don't need the CELL() part of your formulas:



=OFFSET($A$1, B1-1,B2-1)

will both work. Note that both INDIRECT and OFFSET are volatile functions. Volatile functions can slow down calculation because they are calculated at every single recalculation.

Mockito : doAnswer Vs thenReturn

You should use thenReturn or doReturn when you know the return value at the time you mock a method call. This defined value is returned when you invoke the mocked method.

thenReturn(T value) Sets a return value to be returned when the method is called.

public void test_return() throws Exception {
    Dummy dummy = mock(Dummy.class);
    int returnValue = 5;

    // choose your preferred way

Answer is used when you need to do additional actions when a mocked method is invoked, e.g. when you need to compute the return value based on the parameters of this method call.

Use doAnswer() when you want to stub a void method with generic Answer.

Answer specifies an action that is executed and a return value that is returned when you interact with the mock.

public void test_answer() throws Exception {
    Dummy dummy = mock(Dummy.class);
    Answer<Integer> answer = new Answer<Integer>() {
        public Integer answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
            String string = invocation.getArgumentAt(0, String.class);
            return string.length() * 2;

    // choose your preferred way

How to set cornerRadius for only top-left and top-right corner of a UIView?

All of the answers already given are really good and valid (especially Yunus idea of using the mask property).

However I needed something a little more complex because my layer could often change sizes which mean I needed to call that masking logic every time and this was a little bit annoying.

I used swift extensions and computed properties to build a real cornerRadii property which takes care of auto updating the mask when layer is layed out.

This was achieved using Peter Steinberg great Aspects library for swizzling.

Full code is here:

extension CALayer {
  // This will hold the keys for the runtime property associations
  private struct AssociationKey {
    static var CornerRect:Int8 = 1    // for the UIRectCorner argument
    static var CornerRadius:Int8 = 2  // for the radius argument

  // new computed property on CALayer
  // You send the corners you want to round (ex. [.TopLeft, .BottomLeft])
  // and the radius at which you want the corners to be round
  var cornerRadii:(corners: UIRectCorner, radius:CGFloat) {
    get {
      let number = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &AssociationKey.CornerRect)  as? NSNumber ?? 0
      let radius = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &AssociationKey.CornerRadius)  as? NSNumber ?? 0
      return (corners: UIRectCorner(rawValue: number.unsignedLongValue), radius: CGFloat(radius.floatValue))
    set (v) {
      let radius = v.radius
      let closure:((Void)->Void) = {
        let path = UIBezierPath(roundedRect: self.bounds, byRoundingCorners: v.corners, cornerRadii: CGSize(width: radius, height: radius))
        let mask = CAShapeLayer()
        mask.path = path.CGPath
        self.mask = mask
      let block: @convention(block) Void -> Void = closure
      let objectBlock = unsafeBitCast(block, AnyObject.self)
      objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &AssociationKey.CornerRect, NSNumber(unsignedLong: v.corners.rawValue), .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN)
      objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &AssociationKey.CornerRadius, NSNumber(float: Float(v.radius)), .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN)
      do { try aspect_hookSelector("layoutSublayers", withOptions: .PositionAfter, usingBlock: objectBlock) }
      catch _ { }

I wrote a simple blog post explaining this.

Cannot truncate table because it is being referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint?

If none of these answers worked like in my case do this:

  1. Drop constraints
  2. Set all values to allow nulls
  3. Truncate table
  4. Add constraints that were dropped.

Good luck!

How to correct "TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable" in recursive function?

This simply means that either tree, tree[otu], or tree[otu][0] evaluates to None, and as such is not subscriptable. Most likely tree[otu] or tree[otu][0]. Track it down with some simple debugging like this:

def Ancestors (otu,tree):
    except TypeError:
        print otu, tre[otu]

or pdb

Bootstrap date and time picker

If you are still interested in a javascript api to select both date and time data, have a look at these projects which are forks of bootstrap datepicker:

The first fork is a big refactor on the parsing/formatting codebase and besides providing all views to select date/time using mouse/touch, it also has a mask option (by default) which lets the user to quickly type the date/time based on a pre-specified format.

Iterate over array of objects in Typescript

You can use the built-in forEach function for arrays.

Like this:

//this sets all product descriptions to a max length of 10 characters
data.products.forEach( (element) => {
    element.product_desc = element.product_desc.substring(0,10);

Your version wasn't wrong though. It should look more like this:

for(let i=0; i<data.products.length; i++){
    console.log(data.products[i].product_desc); //use i instead of 0

Tkinter module not found on Ubuntu

In python 3 Tkinter renamed tkinter

How to change root logging level programmatically for logback

Here's a controller

public class LoggerConfigController {

private final static org.slf4j.Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PetController.class);

public List<LoggerDto> getAllLoggers() throws CoreException {
    LoggerContext loggerContext = (LoggerContext) LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory();
    List<Logger> loggers = loggerContext.getLoggerList();
    List<LoggerDto> loggerDtos = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Logger logger : loggers) {
        if (Objects.isNull(logger.getLevel())) {
        LoggerDto dto = new LoggerDto(logger.getName(), logger.getLevel().levelStr);
    if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOGGER.debug("All loggers retrieved. Total of {} loggers found", loggerDtos.size());
    return loggerDtos;

public boolean updateLoggerLevel(
        @RequestParam String name, 
        @RequestParam String level
)throws CoreException {
    LoggerContext loggerContext = (LoggerContext) LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory();
    Logger logger = loggerContext.getLogger(name);
    if (Objects.nonNull(logger) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(level)) {
        switch (level) {
            case "INFO":
      "Logger [{}] updated to [{}]", name, level);
            case "DEBUG":
      "Logger [{}] updated to [{}]", name, level);
            case "ALL":
      "Logger [{}] updated to [{}]", name, level);
            case "OFF":
      "Logger [{}] updated to [{}]", name, level);
    return true;


System.currentTimeMillis vs System.nanoTime

For game graphics & smooth position updates, use System.nanoTime() rather than System.currentTimeMillis(). I switched from currentTimeMillis() to nanoTime() in a game and got a major visual improvement in smoothness of motion.

While one millisecond may seem as though it should already be precise, visually it is not. The factors nanoTime() can improve include:

  • accurate pixel positioning below wall-clock resolution
  • ability to anti-alias between pixels, if you want
  • Windows wall-clock inaccuracy
  • clock jitter (inconsistency of when wall-clock actually ticks forward)

As other answers suggest, nanoTime does have a performance cost if called repeatedly -- it would be best to call it just once per frame, and use the same value to calculate the entire frame.

How to write new line character to a file in Java

Here is a snippet that gets the default newline character for the current platform. Use System.getProperty("") and System.getProperty("os.version"). Example:

public static String getSystemNewline(){
    String eol = null;
    String os = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase();
        int v = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("os.version"));
        eol = (v <= 9 ? "\r" : "\n");
        eol = "\n";
        eol = "\r\n";

    return eol;

Where eol is the newline

Make page to tell browser not to cache/preserve input values

Another approach would be to reset the form using JavaScript right after the form in the HTML:

<form id="myForm">
  <input type="text" value="" name="myTextInput" />

<script type="text/javascript">

How to vertically align text inside a flexbox?

The most voted answer is for solving this specific problem posted by OP, where the content (text) was being wrapped inside an inline-block element. Some cases may be about centering a normal element vertically inside a container, which also applied in my case, so for that all you need is:

align-self: center;

How to remove all .svn directories from my application directories

In Windows, you can use the following registry script to add "Delete SVN Folders" to your right click context menu. Run it on any directory containing those pesky files.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="Delete SVN Folders"

@="cmd.exe /c \"TITLE Removing SVN Folders in %1 && COLOR 9A && FOR /r \"%1\" %%f IN (.svn) DO RD /s /q \"%%f\" \""

HTML/CSS: Making two floating divs the same height

This is a classic problem in CSS. There's not really a solution for this.

This article from A List Apart is a good read on this problem. It uses a technique called "faux columns", based on having one vertically tiled background image on the element containing the columns that creates the illusion of equal-length columns. Since it is on the floated elements' wrapper, it is as long as the longest element.

The A List Apart editors have this note on the article:

A note from the editors: While excellent for its time, this article may not reflect modern best practices.

The technique requires completely static width designs that doesn't work well with the liquid layouts and responsive design techniques that are popular today for cross-device sites. For static width sites, however, it's a reliable option.

What's the source of Error: getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN?

I had a same problem with AWS and Serverless. I tried with eu-central-1 region and it didn't work so I had to change it to us-east-2 for the example.

Android - Set text to TextView

first your should create an object for text view TextView show_alter

show_alert = (TextView)findViewById(;
show_alert.setText("My Awesome Text");

array filter in python?

How about


Delete sql rows where IDs do not have a match from another table

WHERE fileid NOT IN 
       (SELECT id 
        FROM files 
        WHERE id is NOT NULL/*This line is unlikely to be needed 
                               but using NOT IN...*/

Using FolderBrowserDialog in WPF application

If I'm not mistaken you're looking for the FolderBrowserDialog (hence the naming):

var dialog = new System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog();
System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult result = dialog.ShowDialog();

Also see this SO thread: Open directory dialog

Get user's current location

You may want to take a look at GeoIP Country Whois Locator found at PHPClasses.

sudo in php exec()

The best secure method is to use the crontab. ie Save all your commands in a database say, mysql table and create a cronjob to read these mysql entreis and execute via exec() or shell_exec(). Please read this link for more detailed information.

          • killProcess.php

Select the values of one property on all objects of an array in PowerShell

Caution, member enumeration only works if the collection itself has no member of the same name. So if you had an array of FileInfo objects, you couldn't get an array of file lengths by using

 $files.length # evaluates to array length

And before you say "well obviously", consider this. If you had an array of objects with a capacity property then


would work fine UNLESS $objarr were actually not an [Array] but, for example, an [ArrayList]. So before using member enumeration you might have to look inside the black box containing your collection.

(Note to moderators: this should be a comment on rageandqq's answer but I don't yet have enough reputation.)

How do you turn a Mongoose document into a plain object?

Another way to do this is to tell Mongoose that all you need is a plain JavaScript version of the returned doc by using lean() in the query chain. That way Mongoose skips the step of creating the full model instance and you directly get a doc you can modify:

MyModel.findOne().lean().exec(function(err, doc) {
    doc.addedProperty = 'foobar';

jQuery - Create hidden form element on the fly

if you want to add more attributes just do like:



    type: 'hidden',
    id: 'foo',
    name: 'foo[]',
    value: 'bar'

Convert a python 'type' object to a string

>>> class A(object): pass

>>> e = A()
>>> e
<__main__.A object at 0xb6d464ec>
>>> print type(e)
<class '__main__.A'>
>>> print type(e).__name__

what do you mean by convert into a string? you can define your own repr and str_ methods:

>>> class A(object):
    def __repr__(self):
        return 'hei, i am A or B or whatever'

>>> e = A()
>>> e
hei, i am A or B or whatever
>>> str(e)
hei, i am A or B or whatever

or i dont know..please add explainations ;)

Dynamic button click event handler

Just to round out Reed's answer, you can either get the Button objects from the Form or other container and add the handler, or you could create the Button objects programmatically.
If you get the Button objects from the Form or other container, then you can iterate over the Controls collection of the Form or other container control, such as Panel or FlowLayoutPanel and so on. You can then just add the click handler with
AddHandler ctrl.Click, AddressOf Me.Button_Click (variables as in the code below),
but I prefer to check the type of the Control and cast to a Button so as I'm not adding click handlers for any other controls in the container (such as Labels). Remember that you can add handlers for any event of the Button at this point using AddHandler.
Alternatively, you can create the Button objects programmatically, as in the second block of code below.
Then, of course, you have to write the handler method, as in the third code block below.

Here is an example using Form as the container, but you're probably better off using a Panel or some other container control.

Dim btn as Button = Nothing
For Each ctrl As Control in myForm.Controls
    If TypeOf ctrl Is Button Then
        btn = DirectCast(ctrl, Button)
        AddHandler btn.Click, AddressOf Me.Button_Click   ' From answer by Reed.
    End If

Alternatively creating the Buttons programmatically, this time adding to a Panel container.

Dim Panel1 As new Panel()
For i As Integer = 1 to 100
    btn = New Button()
    ' Set Button properties or call a method to do so.
    Panel1.Controls.Add(btn)  ' Add Button to the container.
    AddHandler btn.Click, AddressOf Me.Button_Click   ' Again from the answer by Reed.

Then your handler will look something like this

Private Sub Button_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
    ' Handle your Button clicks here
End Sub

How to disable scrolling the document body?

with css


How to select a single field for all documents in a MongoDB collection?

Not sure this answers the question but I believe it's worth mentioning here. There is one more way for selecting single field (and not multiple) using db.collection_name.distinct();


Or, 2nd way: Using db.collection_name.find().forEach(); (multiple fields can be selected here by concatenation)

e.g., db.collection_name.find().forEach(function(c1){print(c1.roll);});

Why the switch statement cannot be applied on strings?

In C++ and C switches only work on integer types. Use an if else ladder instead. C++ could obviously have implemented some sort of swich statement for strings - I guess nobody thought it worthwhile, and I agree with them.

Converting milliseconds to minutes and seconds with Javascript

Best is this!

function msToTime(duration) {
var milliseconds = parseInt((duration%1000))
    , seconds = parseInt((duration/1000)%60)
    , minutes = parseInt((duration/(1000*60))%60)
    , hours = parseInt((duration/(1000*60*60))%24);

hours = (hours < 10) ? "0" + hours : hours;
minutes = (minutes < 10) ? "0" + minutes : minutes;
seconds = (seconds < 10) ? "0" + seconds : seconds;

return hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds + "." + milliseconds;

It will return 00:04:21.223 You can format this string then as you wish.

How do you create a temporary table in an Oracle database?

Just a tip.. Temporary tables in Oracle are different to SQL Server. You create it ONCE and only ONCE, not every session. The rows you insert into it are visible only to your session, and are automatically deleted (i.e., TRUNCATE, not DROP) when you end you session ( or end of the transaction, depending on which "ON COMMIT" clause you use).

dataframe: how to groupBy/count then filter on count in Scala

When you pass a string to the filter function, the string is interpreted as SQL. Count is a SQL keyword and using count as a variable confuses the parser. This is a small bug (you can file a JIRA ticket if you want to).

You can easily avoid this by using a column expression instead of a String:

  .filter($"count" >= 2)

HTML - Change\Update page contents without refreshing\reloading the page

jQuery will do the job. You can use either jQuery.ajax function, which is general one for performing ajax calls, or its wrappers: jQuery.get, for getting/posting data. Its very easy to use, for example, check out this tutorial, which shows how to use jQuery with PHP.

How can I get list of values from dict?

There should be one - and preferably only one - obvious way to do it.

Therefore list(dictionary.values()) is the one way.

Yet, considering Python3, what is quicker?

[*L] vs. [].extend(L) vs. list(L)

small_ds = {x: str(x+42) for x in range(10)}
small_df = {x: float(x+42) for x in range(10)}

print('Small Dict(str)')
%timeit [*small_ds.values()]
%timeit [].extend(small_ds.values())
%timeit list(small_ds.values())

print('Small Dict(float)')
%timeit [*small_df.values()]
%timeit [].extend(small_df.values())
%timeit list(small_df.values())

big_ds = {x: str(x+42) for x in range(1000000)}
big_df = {x: float(x+42) for x in range(1000000)}

print('Big Dict(str)')
%timeit [*big_ds.values()]
%timeit [].extend(big_ds.values())
%timeit list(big_ds.values())

print('Big Dict(float)')
%timeit [*big_df.values()]
%timeit [].extend(big_df.values())
%timeit list(big_df.values())
Small Dict(str)
256 ns ± 3.37 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)
338 ns ± 0.807 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)
336 ns ± 1.9 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)

Small Dict(float)
268 ns ± 0.297 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)
343 ns ± 15.2 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)
336 ns ± 0.68 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)

Big Dict(str)
17.5 ms ± 142 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
16.5 ms ± 338 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
16.2 ms ± 19.7 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

Big Dict(float)
13.2 ms ± 41 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
13.1 ms ± 919 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
12.8 ms ± 578 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

Done on Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8650U CPU @ 1.90GHz.

# Name                    Version                   Build
ipython                   7.5.0            py37h24bf2e0_0

The result

  1. For small dictionaries * operator is quicker
  2. For big dictionaries where it matters list() is maybe slightly quicker

how to install tensorflow on anaconda python 3.6

For Windows 10 with Anaconda 4.4 Python 3.6:

1st step) conda create -n tensorflow python=3.6

2nd step) activate tensorflow

3rd step) pip3 install --ignore-installed --upgrade

How to disable the ability to select in a DataGridView?

I found setting all AllowUser... properties to false, ReadOnly to true, RowHeadersVisible to false, ScollBars to None, then faking the prevention of selection worked best for me. Not setting Enabled to false still allows the user to copy the data from the grid.

The following code also cleans up the look when you want a simple display grid (assuming rows are the same height):

int width = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dataGridView1.Columns.Count; i++)
    width += dataGridView1.Columns[i].Width;

dataGridView1.Width = width;
dataGridView1.Height = dataGridView1.Rows[0].Height*(dataGridView1.Rows.Count+1);

Environment Specific file in Spring Boot application

we can do like this:

in application.yml:

    active: test //modify here to switch between environments
    include:  application-${}.yml

in application-test.yml:

  port: 5000

and in application-local.yml:

  port: 8080

then spring boot will start our app as we wish to.

mysqldump & gzip commands to properly create a compressed file of a MySQL database using crontab

if you need to add a date-time to your backup file name (Centos7) use the following:

/usr/bin/mysqldump -u USER -pPASSWD DBNAME | gzip > ~/backups/db.$(date +%F.%H%M%S).sql.gz

this will create the file: db.2017-11-17.231537.sql.gz

Find the 2nd largest element in an array with minimum number of comparisons

Sort the array into ascending order then assign a variable to the (n-1)th term.

.aspx vs .ashx MAIN difference

.aspx uses a full lifecycle (Init, Load, PreRender) and can respond to button clicks etc.
An .ashx has just a single ProcessRequest method.

Convert list to dictionary using linq and not worrying about duplicates

        DataTable DT = new DataTable();
        DT.Columns.Add("first", typeof(string));
        DT.Columns.Add("second", typeof(string));

        DT.Rows.Add("ss", "test1");
        DT.Rows.Add("sss", "test2");
        DT.Rows.Add("sys", "test3");
        DT.Rows.Add("ss", "test4");
        DT.Rows.Add("ss", "test5");
        DT.Rows.Add("sts", "test6");

        var dr = DT.AsEnumerable().GroupBy(S => S.Field<string>("first")).Select(S => S.First()).
            Select(S => new KeyValuePair<string, string>(S.Field<string>("first"), S.Field<string>("second"))).
           ToDictionary(S => S.Key, T => T.Value);

        foreach (var item in dr)
            Console.WriteLine(item.Key + "-" + item.Value);

Android: Clear Activity Stack

Intent intent = new Intent(LoginActivity.this, Home.class);
intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP);  //It is use to finish current activity

ImportError: No module named 'bottle' - PyCharm

The settings are changed for PyCharm 5+.

  • Go to File > Default Settings
  • In left sidebar, click Default Project > Project Interpreter
  • At bottom of window, click + to install or - to uninstall.
  • If we click +, a new window opens where we can decrease the results by entering the package name/keyword.
  • Install the package.
  • Go to File > Invalidate caches/restart and click Invalidate and Restart to apply changes and restart PyCharm.


    Install package

How do I format a string using a dictionary in python-3.x?

The Python 2 syntax works in Python 3 as well:

>>> class MyClass:
...     def __init__(self):
...         self.title = 'Title'
>>> a = MyClass()
>>> print('The title is %(title)s' % a.__dict__)
The title is Title
>>> path = '/path/to/a/file'
>>> print('You put your file here: %(path)s' % locals())
You put your file here: /path/to/a/file

Plotting two variables as lines using ggplot2 on the same graph

Using your data:

test_data <- data.frame(
var0 = 100 + c(0, cumsum(runif(49, -20, 20))),
var1 = 150 + c(0, cumsum(runif(49, -10, 10))),
Dates = seq.Date(as.Date("2002-01-01"), by="1 month", length.out=100))

I create a stacked version which is what ggplot() would like to work with:

stacked <- with(test_data,
                data.frame(value = c(var0, var1),
                           variable = factor(rep(c("Var0","Var1"),
                                                 each = NROW(test_data))),
                           Dates = rep(Dates, 2)))

In this case producing stacked was quite easy as we only had to do a couple of manipulations, but reshape() and the reshape and reshape2 might be useful if you have a more complex real data set to manipulate.

Once the data are in this stacked form, it only requires a simple ggplot() call to produce the plot you wanted with all the extras (one reason why higher-level plotting packages like lattice and ggplot2 are so useful):

p <- ggplot(stacked, aes(Dates, value, colour = variable))
p + geom_line()

I'll leave it to you to tidy up the axis labels, legend title etc.


How to send JSON instead of a query string with $.ajax?

While I know many architectures like ASP.NET MVC have built-in functionality to handle JSON.stringify as the contentType my situation is a little different so maybe this may help someone in the future. I know it would have saved me hours!

Since my http requests are being handled by a CGI API from IBM (AS400 environment) on a different subdomain these requests are cross origin, hence the jsonp. I actually send my ajax via javascript object(s). Here is an example of my ajax POST:

 var data = {USER : localProfile,  
        PAGE : $('select[name="PAGE"]').val(), 
        TITLE : $("input[name='TITLE']").val(), 
        HTML : html,
        STARTDATE : $("input[name='STARTDATE']").val(), 
        ENDDATE : $("input[name='ENDDATE']").val(),
        ARCHIVE : $("input[name='ARCHIVE']").val(), 
        ACTIVE : $("input[name='ACTIVE']").val(), 
        URGENT : $("input[name='URGENT']").val(), 
        AUTHLST :  authStr};
            type: "POST",
           url:   "",
           data:  data,
         //handle data.WHATEVER

The project cannot be built until the build path errors are resolved.

I was getting an additional warning

The compiler compliance specified is 1.6 but a JRE 1.8 is used

Resolving this warning make the error also go away. The steps are as follows:

I right-clicked on it, then clicked on Quick Fix. From the dialog that opened I selected Open the Compiler Compliance property page, and clicked the Finish button.

(This is same as Java Compiler section.)

In this dialog I found the Compiler compliance level drop down and changed 1.6 to 1.8, and clicked on Apply and close.

I got a message box Compiler Settings Changed which asked if I wanted to Build the project now?. I clicked on Yes.

The build path error went away.

Condition within JOIN or WHERE

Most RDBMS products will optimize both queries identically. In "SQL Performance Tuning" by Peter Gulutzan and Trudy Pelzer, they tested multiple brands of RDBMS and found no performance difference.

I prefer to keep join conditions separate from query restriction conditions.

If you're using OUTER JOIN sometimes it's necessary to put conditions in the join clause.

How can I get log4j to delete old rotating log files?

Logs rotate for a reason, so that you only keep so many log files around. In log4j.xml you can add this to your node:

<param name="MaxBackupIndex" value="20"/>

The value tells log4j.xml to only keep 20 rotated log files around. You can limit this to 5 if you want or even 1. If your application isn't logging that much data, and you have 20 log files spanning the last 8 months, but you only need a weeks worth of logs, then I think you need to tweak your log4j.xml "MaxBackupIndex" and "MaxFileSize" params.

Alternatively, if you are using a properties file (instead of the xml) and wish to save 15 files (for example)

log4j.appender.[appenderName].MaxBackupIndex = 15

What is the main difference between Inheritance and Polymorphism?

Polymorphism is an effect of inheritance. It can only happen in classes that extend one another. It allows you to call methods of a class without knowing the exact type of the class. Also, polymorphism does happen at run time.

For example, Java polymorphism example:

enter image description here

Inheritance lets derived classes share interfaces and code of their base classes. It happens at compile time.

For example, All Classes in the Java Platform are Descendants of Object (image courtesy Oracle):

enter image description here

To learn more about Java inheritance and Java polymorphism

Create Django model or update if exists

You can also use update_or_create just like get_or_create and here is the pattern I follow for update_or_create assuming a model Person with id (key), name, age, is_manager as attributes -

update_values = {"is_manager": False}
new_values = {"name": "Bob", "age": 25, "is_manager":True}

obj, created = Person.objects.update_or_create(identifier='id',
if created:

How do I change the default location for Git Bash on Windows?

Just type the path of your local directory (Git project home directory) in the properties of Git Bash. I.e. set path C:\yourprojsctdirectory to Git Bash's properties field "Execute In" or (Ausführen in). That's it!

Now double click Git Bash. The Git header will be on your "yourprojsctdirectory".

Playing MP4 files in Firefox using HTML5 video

I can confirm that mp4 just will not work in the video tag. No matter how much you try to mess with the type tag and the codec and the mime types from the server.

Crazy, because for the same exact video, on the same test page, the old embed tag for an mp4 works just fine in firefox. I spent all yesterday messing with this. Firefox is like IE all of a sudden, hours and hours of time, not billable. Yay.

Speaking of IE, it fails FAR MORE gracefully on this. When it can't match up the format it falls to the content between the tags, so it is possible to just put video around object around embed and everything works great. Firefox, nope, despite failing, it puts up the poster image (greyed out so that isn't even useful as a fallback) with an error message smack in the middle. So now the options are put in browser recognition code (meaning we've gained nothing on embedding videos in the last ten years) or ditch html5.

Check if TextBox is empty and return MessageBox?

Becasue is a TextBox already initialized would be better to control if there is something in there outside the empty string (which is no null or empty string I am afraid). What I did is just check is there is something different than "", if so do the thing:

 if (TextBox.Text != "") //Something different than ""?
            //Do your stuff
            //Do NOT do your stuff

Get list of data-* attributes using javascript / jQuery

Have a look here:

If the browser also supports the HTML5 JavaScript API, you should be able to get the data with:

var attributes = element.dataset


var cat =

Oh, but I also read:

Unfortunately, the new dataset property has not yet been implemented in any browser, so in the meantime it’s best to use getAttribute and setAttribute as demonstrated earlier.

It is from May 2010.

If you use jQuery anyway, you might want to have a look at the customdata plugin. I have no experience with it though.

Short IF - ELSE statement

As others have indicated, something of the form

x ? y : z

is an expression, not a (complete) statement. It is an rvalue which needs to get used someplace - like on the right side of an assignment, or a parameter to a function etc.

Perhaps you could look at this:

What does "implements" do on a class?

In Java a class can implement an interface. See for more details. Not sure about PHP.

Hope this helps.

How can I create a simple index.html file which lists all files/directories?

Did you try to allow it for this directory via .htaccess?

Options +Indexes

I use this for some of my directories where directory listing is disabled by my provider

How to concat two ArrayLists?

for a lightweight list that does not copy the entries, you may use sth like this:

List<Object> mergedList = new ConcatList<>(list1, list2);

here the implementation:

public class ConcatList<E> extends AbstractList<E> {

    private final List<E> list1;
    private final List<E> list2;

    public ConcatList(final List<E> list1, final List<E> list2) {
        this.list1 = list1;
        this.list2 = list2;

    public E get(final int index) {
        return getList(index).get(getListIndex(index));

    public E set(final int index, final E element) {
        return getList(index).set(getListIndex(index), element);

    public void add(final int index, final E element) {
        getList(index).add(getListIndex(index), element);

    public E remove(final int index) {
        return getList(index).remove(getListIndex(index));

    public int size() {
        return list1.size() + list2.size();

    public void clear() {

    private int getListIndex(final int index) {
        final int size1 = list1.size();
        return index >= size1 ? index - size1 : index;

    private List<E> getList(final int index) {
        return index >= list1.size() ? list2 : list1;


How to install Android Studio on Ubuntu?

Here's how I installed android studio on xubuntu.

1. Install JDK:

Go through following commands to install jdk

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer
sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-set-default

If you want to install other version of jdk than replace your version number with 7 in last two commands.

2. Download the latest android studio from official site:

It is better to use latest version of android studio because I tried to install version 1.5.1 and it was not working. Then I installed version 2.1.1 and it run perfectly.

  1. Extract downloaded android studio file in whichever folder you want. Now go to extracted android studio-->bin directory and open terminal here. Now run following:


And that's it. If you are facing any problem than comment below.

What is the difference between procedural programming and functional programming?

If you have a chance, I would recommand getting a copy of Lisp/Scheme, and doing some projects in it. Most of the ideas that have lately become bandwagons were expressed in Lisp decades ago: functional programming, continuations (as closures), garbage collection, even XML.

So that would be a good way to get a head start on all these current ideas, and a few more besides, like symbolic computation.

You should know what functional programming is good for, and what it isn't good for. It isn't good for everything. Some problems are best expressed in terms of side-effects, where the same question gives differet answers depending on when it is asked.

C# equivalent of C++ map<string,double>

Although System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary matches the tag "hashmap" and will work well in your example, it is not an exact equivalent of C++'s std::map - std::map is an ordered collection.

If ordering is important you should use SortedDictionary.

Order by in Inner Join

I found this to be an issue when joining but you might find this blog useful in understanding how Joins work in the back. How Joins Work..

[Edited] @Shree Thank you for pointing that out. On the paragraph of Merge Join. It mentions on how joins work...

Like hash join, merge join consists of two steps. First, both tables of the join are sorted on the join attribute. This can be done with just two passes through each table via an external merge sort. Finally, the result tuples are generated as the next ordered element is pulled from each table and the join attributes are compared


Save file/open file dialog box, using Swing & Netbeans GUI editor

saving in any format is very much possible. Check following-

2ndly , What exactly you are expecting the save dialog to work , it works like that, Opening a doc file is very much possible-

Best way to check for IE less than 9 in JavaScript without library

Below is an improvement over James Padolsey's solution:

1) It doesn't pollute memory (James' snippet creates 7 unremoved document fragments when detecting IE11, for example).
2) It's faster since it checks for a documentMode value before generating markup.
3) It's far more legible, especially to beginning JavaScript programmers.

Gist link:

 - Behavior: For IE8+, we detect the documentMode value provided by Microsoft.
 - Behavior: For <IE8, we inject conditional comments until we detect a match.
 - Results: In IE, the version is returned. In other browsers, false is returned.
 - Tip: To check for a range of IE versions, use if (!IE || IE < MAX_VERSION)...

var IE = (function() { 
    if (document.documentMode) {
        return document.documentMode;
    } else {
        for (var i = 7; i > 0; i--) {
            var div = document.createElement("div");

            div.innerHTML = "<!--[if IE " + i + "]><span></span><![endif]-->";

            if (div.getElementsByTagName("span").length) {
                return i;

    return undefined;

How can I rename a field for all documents in MongoDB?

This nodejs code just do that , as @Felix Yan mentioned former way seems to work just fine , i had some issues with other snipets hope this helps.

This will rename column "oldColumnName" to be "newColumnName" of table "documents"

var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient
  , assert = require('assert');

// Connection URL
//var url = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/myproject';
var url = 'mongodb://myuser:[email protected]:portNumber/databasename';

// Use connect method to connect to the server
MongoClient.connect(url, function(err, db) {
  assert.equal(null, err);
  console.log("Connected successfully to server");

  renameDBColumn(db, function() {


// This function should be used for renaming a field for all documents
var renameDBColumn = function(db, callback) {
  // Get the documents collection
  console.log("renaming database column of table documents");
  //use the former way:
  remap = function (x) {
    if (x.oldColumnName){
      db.collection('documents').update({_id:x._id}, {$set:{"newColumnName":x.oldColumnName}, $unset:{"oldColumnName":1}});

  console.log("db table documents remap successfully!");

Peak detection in a 2D array

Just a couple of ideas off the top of my head:

  • take the gradient (derivative) of the scan, see if that eliminates the false calls
  • take the maximum of the local maxima

You might also want to take a look at OpenCV, it's got a fairly decent Python API and might have some functions you'd find useful.

Converting string to integer

The function you need is CInt.

ie CInt(PrinterLabel)

See Type Conversion Functions (Visual Basic) on MSDN

Edit: Be aware that CInt and its relatives behave differently in and VBScript. For example, in, CInt casts to a 32-bit integer, but in VBScript, CInt casts to a 16-bit integer. Be on the lookout for potential overflows!

Can typescript export a function?

It's hard to tell what you're going for in that example. exports = is about exporting from external modules, but the code sample you linked is an internal module.

Rule of thumb: If you write module foo { ... }, you're writing an internal module; if you write export something something at top-level in a file, you're writing an external module. It's somewhat rare that you'd actually write export module foo at top-level (since then you'd be double-nesting the name), and it's even rarer that you'd write module foo in a file that had a top-level export (since foo would not be externally visible).

The following things make sense (each scenario delineated by a horizontal rule):

// An internal module named SayHi with an exported function 'foo'
module SayHi {
    export function foo() {

    export class bar { }

// N.B. this line could be in another file that has a
// <reference> tag to the file that has 'module SayHi' in it;
var b = new;


// This *file* is an external module because it has a top-level 'export'
export function foo() {

export class bar { }


// This file is also an external module because it has an 'import' declaration
import f1 = module('file1');;
var b = new;


// This will only work in 0.9.0+. This file is an external
// module because it has a top-level 'export'
function f() { }
function g() { }
export = { alpha: f, beta: g };


// This file is also an external module because it has an 'import' declaration
import f1 = require('file1');
f1.alpha(); // invokes f
f1.beta(); // invokes g

jQuery posting JSON

In case you are sending this post request to a cross domain, you should check out this link.

Your server is not accepting the cross site post request. So the server configuration needs to be changed to allow cross site requests.

Simplest Way to Test ODBC on WIndows

a simple way is:

create a fake "*.UDL" file on desktop

(UDL files are described here:

in case you can also customized it as explained there. )

How to get a file directory path from file path?

dirname and basename are the tools you're looking for for extracting path components:

$ export VAR='/home/pax/file.c'
$ echo "$(dirname "${VAR}")" ; echo "$(basename "${VAR}")"

They're not internal Bash commands but they're part of the POSIX standard - see dirname and basename. Hence, they're probably available on, or can be obtained for, most platforms that are capable of running bash.

How to resolve 'unrecognized selector sent to instance'?

Mine was something simple/stupid. Newbie mistake, for anyone that has converted their NSManagedObject to a normal NSObject.

I had:

@dynamic order_id;

when i should have had:

@synthesize order_id;

How do I put a clear button inside my HTML text input box like the iPhone does?

You can't actually put it inside the text box unfortunately, only make it look like its inside it, which unfortunately means some css is needed :P

Theory is wrap the input in a div, take all the borders and backgrounds off the input, then style the div up to look like the box. Then, drop in your button after the input box in the code and the jobs a good'un.

Once you've got it to work anyway ;)

tsc throws `TS2307: Cannot find module` for a local file

In VS2019, the project property page, TypeScript Build tab has a setting (dropdown) for "Module System". When I changed that from "ES2015" to CommonJS, then VS2019 IDE stopped complaining that it could find neither axios nor redux-thunk (TS2307).


  "compilerOptions": {
    "allowJs": true,
    "baseUrl": "src",
    "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
    "jsx": "react",
    "lib": [
    "module": "esnext",
    "moduleResolution": "node",
    "noImplicitAny": true,
    "noImplicitReturns": true,
    "noImplicitThis": true,
    "noUnusedLocals": true,
    "outDir": "build/dist",
    "rootDir": "src",
    "sourceMap": true,
    "strictNullChecks": true,
    "suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors": true,
    "esModuleInterop": true,
    "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
    "target": "es5",
    "skipLibCheck": true,
    "strict": true,
    "resolveJsonModule": true,
    "isolatedModules": true,
    "noEmit": true
  "exclude": [
  "include": [

ASP.NET custom error page - Server.GetLastError() is null

This related to these 2 topics below, I want get both GetHtmlErrorMessage and Session on Error page.

Session is null after ResponseRewrite

Why is HttpContext.Session null when redirectMode = ResponseRewrite

I tried and see solution which no need Server.Transfer() or Response.Redirect()

First: remove ResponseRewrite in web.config


<customErrors defaultRedirect="errorHandler.aspx" mode="On" />

Then Global.asax

    void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Exception ex = Server.GetLastError();
            Application["TheException"] = ex; //store the error for later

Then errorHandler.aspx.cs

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                string htmlErrorMessage = string.Empty ;
                Exception ex = (Exception)Application["TheException"];
                string yourSessionValue = HttpContext.Current.Session["YourSessionId"].ToString();

                //continue with ex to get htmlErrorMessage 
                if(ex.GetHtmlErrorMessage() != null){              
                    htmlErrorMessage = ex.GetHtmlErrorMessage();
                // continue your code

For references

Getting selected value of a combobox

Try this:

int selectedIndex = comboBox1.SelectedIndex;
int selectedValue = (int)comboBox1.Items[selectedIndex];

seek() function?

The seek function expect's an offset in bytes.

Ascii File Example:

So if you have a text file with the following content:



You can jump 1 byte to skip over the first character as following:

fp = open('simple.txt', 'r')
print fp.readline()
>>> bc

Binary file example gathering width :

fp = open('afile.png', 'rb')
print 'width: {0}'.format(struct.unpack('>i',[0])
print 'height: ', struct.unpack('>i',[0]

Note: Once you call read you are changing the position of the read-head, which act's like seek.

ld cannot find -l<library>

you can add the Path to coinhsl lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable. May be that will help.


where /xx/yy/zz represent the path to coinhsl lib.

How to capture no file for fs.readFileSync()?

You have to catch the error and then check what type of error it is.

try {
  var data = fs.readFileSync(...)
} catch (err) {
  // If the type is not what you want, then just throw the error again.
  if (err.code !== 'ENOENT') throw err;

  // Handle a file-not-found error

How to get first and last day of week in Oracle?

Actually, I did something like this:

    select case myconfigtable.valpar
       when 'WEEK' then to_char(next_day(datetime-7,'Monday'),'DD/MM/YYYY')|| ' - '|| to_char(next_day(datetime,'Sunday'),'DD/MM/YYYY')
       when 'MONTH' then to_char(to_date(yearweek,'yyyyMM'),'DD/MM/YYYY')  || ' - '|| to_char(last_day(to_date(yearweek,'yyyyMM')),'DD/MM/YYYY')
       else 'NA'
select to_date(YEAR||'01','YYYYMM') + 7 * (WEEK - 1) datetime, yearweek
       select substr(yearweek,1,4) YEAR,
              to_number(substr(yearweek,5)) WEEK,
       from (select '201018' yearweek from dual
), myconfigtable myconfigtable
 where myconfigtable.codpar='TYPEOFPERIOD'

How to know a Pod's own IP address from inside a container in the Pod?

kubectl get pods -o wide

Give you a list of pods with name, status, ip, node...

Spring Security exclude url patterns in security annotation configurartion

specifying the "antMatcher" before "authorizeRequests()" like below will restrict the authenticaiton to only those URLs specified in "antMatcher"

http.csrf().disable() .antMatcher("/apiurlneedsauth/**").authorizeRequests().

Difference between wait and sleep

sleep() method causes the current thread to move from running state to block state for a specified time. If the current thread has the lock of any object then it keeps holding it, which means that other threads cannot execute any synchronized method in that class object.

wait() method causes the current thread to go into block state either for a specified time or until notify, but in this case the thread releases the lock of the object (which means that other threads can execute any synchronized methods of the calling object.

python: how to check if a line is an empty line

You should open text files using rU so newlines are properly transformed, see This way there's no need to check for \r\n.

How to start activity in another application?

If both application have the same signature (meaning that both APPS are yours and signed with the same key), you can call your other app activity as follows:

Intent LaunchIntent = getActivity().getPackageManager().getLaunchIntentForPackage(CALC_PACKAGE_NAME);

Hope it helps.

DB2 Timestamp select statement

@bhamby is correct. By leaving the microseconds off of your timestamp value, your query would only match on a usagetime of 2012-09-03 08:03:06.000000

If you don't have the complete timestamp value captured from a previous query, you can specify a ranged predicate that will match on any microsecond value for that time:

...WHERE id = 1 AND usagetime BETWEEN '2012-09-03 08:03:06' AND '2012-09-03 08:03:07'


...WHERE id = 1 AND usagetime >= '2012-09-03 08:03:06' 
   AND usagetime < '2012-09-03 08:03:07'

Oracle SqlPlus - saving output in a file but don't show on screen

Right from the SQL*Plus manual


SET TERMOUT OFF suppresses the display so that you can spool output from a script without seeing it on the screen.

If both spooling to file and writing to terminal are not required, use SET TERMOUT OFF in >SQL scripts to disable terminal output.

SET TERMOUT is not supported in iSQL*Plus

SQL Server NOLOCK and joins

I was pretty sure that you need to specify the NOLOCK for each JOIN in the query. But my experience was limited to SQL Server 2005.

When I looked up MSDN just to confirm, I couldn't find anything definite. The below statements do seem to make me think, that for 2008, your two statements above are equivalent though for 2005 it is not the case:

[SQL Server 2008 R2]

All lock hints are propagated to all the tables and views that are accessed by the query plan, including tables and views referenced in a view. Also, SQL Server performs the corresponding lock consistency checks.

[SQL Server 2005]

In SQL Server 2005, all lock hints are propagated to all the tables and views that are referenced in a view. Also, SQL Server performs the corresponding lock consistency checks.

Additionally, point to note - and this applies to both 2005 and 2008:

The table hints are ignored if the table is not accessed by the query plan. This may be caused by the optimizer choosing not to access the table at all, or because an indexed view is accessed instead. In the latter case, accessing an indexed view can be prevented by using the OPTION (EXPAND VIEWS) query hint.

Where does Jenkins store configuration files for the jobs it runs?

On Linux one can find the home directory of Jenkins looking for a file, that Jenkins' home contains, e.g.:

$ find / -name "config.xml" | grep "jenkins"

Nested ifelse statement

The explanation with the examples was key to helping mine, but the issue that i came was when I copied it didn't work so I had to mess with it in several ways to get it to work right. (I'm super new at R, and had some issues with the third ifelse due to lack of knowledge).

so for those who are super new to R running into issues...

   ifelse(x < -2,"pretty negative", ifelse(x < 1,"close to zero", ifelse(x < 3,"in [1, 3)","large")##all one line
     )#normal tab

(i used this in a function so it "ifelse..." was tabbed over one, but the last ")" was completely to the left)

How do I turn off Oracle password expiration?

For those who are using Oracle 12.1.0 for development purposes:
I found that the above methods would have no effect on the db user: "system", because the account_status would remain in the expired-grace period.

The easiest solution was for me to use SQL Developer:
within SQL Developer, I had to go to: View / DBA / Security and then Users / System and then on the right side: Actions / Expire pw and then: Actions / Edit and I could untick the option for expired.

This cleared the account_status, it shows OPEN again, and the SQL Developer is no longer showing the ORA-28002 message.

Android SDK folder taking a lot of disk space. Do we need to keep all of the System Images?

In addition to the other answers, the following directory contains deletable system images on a Mac for Android Studio 2.3.3. I was able to delete the android-16 and android-17 directories without any problem because I didn't have any emulators which used them. (I kept the android-24 which was in use.)

$ pwd

$ du -h
2.5G    ./android-16/default/x86
2.5G    ./android-16/default
2.5G    ./android-16/google_apis/x86
2.5G    ./android-16/google_apis
5.1G    ./android-16
2.5G    ./android-17/default/x86
2.5G    ./android-17/default
2.5G    ./android-17
3.0G    ./android-24/default/x86_64
3.0G    ./android-24/default
3.0G    ./android-24
 11G    .

Use of *args and **kwargs

The names *args and **kwargs or **kw are purely by convention. It makes it easier for us to read each other's code

One place it is handy is when using the struct module

struct.unpack() returns a tuple whereas struct.pack() uses a variable number of arguments. When manipulating data it is convenient to be able to pass a tuple to struck.pack() eg.

tuple_of_data = struct.unpack(format_str, data)
... manipulate the data
new_data = struct.pack(format_str, *tuple_of_data)

without this ability you would be forced to write

new_data = struct.pack(format_str, tuple_of_data[0], tuple_of_data[1], tuple_of_data[2],...)

which also means the if the format_str changes and the size of the tuple changes, I'll have to go back and edit that really long line

No Network Security Config specified, using platform default - Android Log

The message you're getting isn't an error; it's just letting you know that you're not using a Network Security Configuration. If you want to add one, take a look at this page on the Android Developers website:

Convert JS object to JSON string

You can use JSON.stringify() method to convert JSON object to String.

var j={"name":"binchen"};

For reverse process, you can use JSON.parse() method to convert JSON String to JSON Object.

"int cannot be dereferenced" in Java




id == list[pos].getItemNumber()

For more details, you should learn the difference between the primitive types like int, char, and double and reference types.

Good ways to manage a changelog using git?

You can use some flavor of git log to help you out:

git log --pretty=%s                 # only print the subject

If you name your branches nicely, so that a merge to master shows up as something like "Merged branch feature-foobar", you can shorten things by only showing that message, and not all the little commits that you merged, which together form the feature:

git log --pretty=%s --first-parent  # only follow first parent of merges

You might be able to augment this with a script of your own, which could do things like strip out the "Merged branch" bits, normalize formatting, etc. At some point you have to write it yourself though, of course.

Then you could create a new section for the changelog once per version:

git log [opts] vX.X.X..vX.X.Y | helper-script > changelogs/X.X.Y

and commit that in your version release commit.

If your problem is that those commit subjects aren't anything like what you'd want to put in a changelog, you pretty much have two options: keep doing everything manually (and try to keep up with it more regularly instead of playing catch-up at release time), or fix up your commit message style. One option, if the subjects aren't going to do it for you, would be to place lines like "change: added feature foobar" in the bodies of your commit messages, so that later you could do something like git log --pretty=%B | grep ^change: to grab only those super-important bits of the messages.

I'm not entirely sure how much more than that git could really help you create your changelogs. Maybe I've misinterpreted what you mean by "manage"?

Python 3 turn range to a list

In fact, this is a retro-gradation of Python3 as compared to Python2. Certainly, Python2 which uses range() and xrange() is more convenient than Python3 which uses list(range()) and range() respectively. The reason is because the original designer of Python3 is not very experienced, they only considered the use of the range function by many beginners to iterate over a large number of elements where it is both memory and CPU inefficient; but they neglected the use of the range function to produce a number list. Now, it is too late for them to change back already.

If I was to be the designer of Python3, I will:

  1. use irange to return a sequence iterator
  2. use lrange to return a sequence list
  3. use range to return either a sequence iterator (if the number of elements is large, e.g., range(9999999) or a sequence list (if the number of elements is small, e.g., range(10))

That should be optimal.

How can I use optional parameters in a T-SQL stored procedure?

Dynamically changing searches based on the given parameters is a complicated subject and doing it one way over another, even with only a very slight difference, can have massive performance implications. The key is to use an index, ignore compact code, ignore worrying about repeating code, you must make a good query execution plan (use an index).

Read this and consider all the methods. Your best method will depend on your parameters, your data, your schema, and your actual usage:

Dynamic Search Conditions in T-SQL by by Erland Sommarskog

The Curse and Blessings of Dynamic SQL by Erland Sommarskog

If you have the proper SQL Server 2008 version (SQL 2008 SP1 CU5 (10.0.2746) and later), you can use this little trick to actually use an index:

Add OPTION (RECOMPILE) onto your query, see Erland's article, and SQL Server will resolve the OR from within (@LastName IS NULL OR LastName= @LastName) before the query plan is created based on the runtime values of the local variables, and an index can be used.

This will work for any SQL Server version (return proper results), but only include the OPTION(RECOMPILE) if you are on SQL 2008 SP1 CU5 (10.0.2746) and later. The OPTION(RECOMPILE) will recompile your query, only the verison listed will recompile it based on the current run time values of the local variables, which will give you the best performance. If not on that version of SQL Server 2008, just leave that line off.

    @FirstName varchar(25) = null,
    @LastName varchar(25) = null,
    @Title varchar(25) = null
        SELECT ID, FirstName, LastName, Title
        FROM tblUsers
                (@FirstName IS NULL OR (FirstName = @FirstName))
            AND (@LastName  IS NULL OR (LastName  = @LastName ))
            AND (@Title     IS NULL OR (Title     = @Title    ))
        OPTION (RECOMPILE) ---<<<<use if on for SQL 2008 SP1 CU5 (10.0.2746) and later

Display open transactions in MySQL

How can I display these open transactions and commit or cancel them?

There is no open transaction, MySQL will rollback the transaction upon disconnect.
You cannot commit the transaction (IFAIK).

You display threads using



It will not help you, because you cannot commit a transaction from a broken connection.

What happens when a connection breaks
From the MySQL docs: Disabling mysql Auto-Reconnect

If the mysql client loses its connection to the server while sending a statement, it immediately and automatically tries to reconnect once to the server and send the statement again. However, even if mysql succeeds in reconnecting, your first connection has ended and all your previous session objects and settings are lost: temporary tables, the autocommit mode, and user-defined and session variables. Also, any current transaction rolls back.

This behavior may be dangerous for you, as in the following example where the server was shut down and restarted between the first and second statements without you knowing it:

Also see:

How to diagnose and fix this
To check for auto-reconnection:

If an automatic reconnection does occur (for example, as a result of calling mysql_ping()), there is no explicit indication of it. To check for reconnection, call mysql_thread_id() to get the original connection identifier before calling mysql_ping(), then call mysql_thread_id() again to see whether the identifier has changed.

Make sure you keep your last query (transaction) in the client so that you can resubmit it if need be.
And disable auto-reconnect mode, because that is dangerous, implement your own reconnect instead, so that you know when a drop occurs and you can resubmit that query.

Convert Current date to integer

On my Java 7, the output is different:

Integer : 1293732698
Long : 1345618496346
Long date : Wed Aug 22 10:54:56 MSK 2012
Int Date : Fri Jan 16 02:22:12 MSK 1970

which is an expected behavior.

It is impossible to display the current date in milliseconds as an integer (10 digit number), because the latest possible date is Sun Apr 26 20:46:39 MSK 1970:

Date d = new Date(9999_9999_99L);
System.out.println("Date: " + d);

Date: Sun Apr 26 20:46:39 MSK 1970

You might want to consider displaying it in seconds/minutes.

Restore LogCat window within Android Studio

In my case the window was also missing and "View -> ToolWindows -> Logcat (Alt + 6)" did not even exist. Pressing ALT+6 also had absolutely no effect whatsoever.

I fixed it this way:

  1. connect a device
  2. start ADB via Terminal ("> adb usb")
  3. stop it again (ctrl + c)
  4. close the Terminal window in the bottom left window next to the Event Log (via the red X)

After closing the terminal the Logcat window appeared in the tab list and the menu entry appeared in the "View -> ToolWindows" category.

enter image description here

What is the pythonic way to detect the last element in a 'for' loop?

Most of the times it is easier (and cheaper) to make the first iteration the special case instead of the last one:

first = True
for data in data_list:
    if first:
        first = False


This will work for any iterable, even for those that have no len():

file = open('/path/to/file')
for line in file:

    # No way of telling if this is the last line!

Apart from that, I don't think there is a generally superior solution as it depends on what you are trying to do. For example, if you are building a string from a list, it's naturally better to use str.join() than using a for loop “with special case”.

Using the same principle but more compact:

for i, line in enumerate(data_list):
    if i > 0:

Looks familiar, doesn't it? :)

For @ofko, and others who really need to find out if the current value of an iterable without len() is the last one, you will need to look ahead:

def lookahead(iterable):
    """Pass through all values from the given iterable, augmented by the
    information if there are more values to come after the current one
    (True), or if it is the last value (False).
    # Get an iterator and pull the first value.
    it = iter(iterable)
    last = next(it)
    # Run the iterator to exhaustion (starting from the second value).
    for val in it:
        # Report the *previous* value (more to come).
        yield last, True
        last = val
    # Report the last value.
    yield last, False

Then you can use it like this:

>>> for i, has_more in lookahead(range(3)):
...     print(i, has_more)
0 True
1 True
2 False

How to create a css rule for all elements except one class?

Wouldn't setting a css rule for all tables, and then a subsequent one for tables where class="dojoxGrid" work? Or am I missing something?

What is a thread exit code?

As Sayse mentioned, exit code 259 (0x103) has special meaning, in this case the process being debugged is still running.

I saw this a lot with debugging web services, because the thread continues to run after executing each web service call (as it is still listening for further calls).

Create a map with clickable provinces/states using SVG, HTML/CSS, ImageMap

You have quite a few options for this:

1 - If you can find an SVG file for the map you want, you can use something like RaphaelJS or SnapSVG to add click listeners for your states/regions, this solution is the most customizable...

2 - You can use dedicated tools such as clickablemapbuilder (free) or makeaclickablemap (i think free also).

[disclaimer] Im the author of :)

App.settings - the Angular way?

I found that using an APP_INITIALIZER for this doesn't work in situations where other service providers require the configuration to be injected. They can be instantiated before APP_INITIALIZER is run.

I've seen other solutions that use fetch to read a config.json file and provide it using an injection token in a parameter to platformBrowserDynamic() prior to bootstrapping the root module. But fetch isn't supported in all browsers and in particular WebView browsers for the mobile devices I target.

The following is a solution that works for me for both PWA and mobile devices (WebView). Note: I've only tested in Android so far; working from home means I don't have access to a Mac to build.

In main.ts:

import { enableProdMode } from '@angular/core';
import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';

import { AppModule } from './app/app.module';
import { environment } from './environments/environment';
import { APP_CONFIG } from './app/lib/angular/injection-tokens';

function configListener() {
  try {
    const configuration = JSON.parse(this.responseText);

    // pass config to bootstrap process using an injection token
      { provide: APP_CONFIG, useValue: configuration }
      .catch(err => console.error(err));

  } catch (error) {

function configFailed(evt) {
  console.error('Error: retrieving config.json');

if (environment.production) {

const request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.addEventListener('load', configListener);
request.addEventListener('error', configFailed);'GET', './assets/config/config.json');

This code:

  1. kicks off an async request for the config.json file.
  2. When the request completes, parses the JSON into a Javascript object
  3. provides the value using the APP_CONFIG injection token, prior to bootstrapping.
  4. And finally bootstraps the root module.

APP_CONFIG can then be injected into any additional providers in app-module.ts and it will be defined. For example, I can initialise the FIREBASE_OPTIONS injection token from @angular/fire with the following:

      provide: FIREBASE_OPTIONS,
      useFactory: (config: IConfig) => config.firebaseConfig,
      deps: [APP_CONFIG]

I find this whole thing a surprisingly difficult (and hacky) thing to do for a very common requirement. Hopefully in the near future there will be a better way, such as, support for async provider factories.

The rest of the code for completeness...

In app/lib/angular/injection-tokens.ts:

import { InjectionToken } from '@angular/core';
import { IConfig } from '../config/config';

export const APP_CONFIG = new InjectionToken<IConfig>('app-config');

and in app/lib/config/config.ts I define the interface for my JSON config file:

export interface IConfig {
    name: string;
    version: string;
    instance: string;
    firebaseConfig: {
        apiKey: string;
        // etc

Config is stored in assets/config/config.json:

  "name": "my-app",
  "version": "#{Build.BuildNumber}#",
  "instance": "localdev",
  "firebaseConfig": {
    "apiKey": "abcd"

Note: I use an Azure DevOps task to insert Build.BuildNumber and substitute other settings for different deployment environments as it is being deployed.

React - Component Full Screen (with height 100%)

I managed this with a css class in my app.css

.fill-window {
    height: 100%;
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    width: 100%;
    overflow: hidden;

Apply it to your root element in your render() method

render() {
   return ( <div className="fill-window">{content}</div> );

Or inline

render() {
   return (
      <div style={{ height: '100%', position: 'absolute', left: '0px', width: '100%', overflow: 'hidden'}}>

Fill an array with random numbers

This seems a little bit like homework. So I'll give you some hints. The good news is that you're almost there! You've done most of the hard work already!

  • Think about a construct that can help you iterate over the array. Is there some sort of construct (a loop perhaps?) that you can use to iterate over each location in the array?
  • Within this construct, for each iteration of the loop, you will assign the value returned by randomFill() to the current location of the array.

Note: Your array is double, but you are returning ints from randomFill. So there's something you need to fix there.

How do I create a folder in a GitHub repository?

Simple Steps:

Step 1: Click on Create new File

Click "Create new file" under the "Add file" dropdown

Step 2: Enter the folder name that you want, then press /

Enter folder name inside text field

Step 3: Enter a sample file name. You must enter some text.

Enter sample file name

Step 4: Click Commit new file to create the folder

Click "Commit new file"

Step 5: Your folder is created!

Folder appears inside repository home page

What does principal end of an association means in 1:1 relationship in Entity framework

This is with reference to @Ladislav Mrnka's answer on using fluent api for configuring one-to-one relationship.

Had a situation where having FK of dependent must be it's PK was not feasible.

E.g., Foo already has one-to-many relationship with Bar.

public class Foo {
   public Guid FooId;
   public virtual ICollection<> Bars; 
public class Bar {
   public Guid BarId;
   //FK to Foo
   public Guid FooId;
   public virtual Foo Foo;

Now, we had to add another one-to-one relationship between Foo and Bar.

public class Foo {
   public Guid FooId;
   public Guid PrimaryBarId;// needs to be removed(from entity),as we specify it in fluent api
   public virtual Bar PrimaryBar;
   public virtual ICollection<> Bars;
public class Bar {
   public Guid BarId;
   public Guid FooId;
   public virtual Foo PrimaryBarOfFoo;
   public virtual Foo Foo;

Here is how to specify one-to-one relationship using fluent api:

            .HasOptional(p => p.PrimaryBarOfFoo)
            .WithOptionalPrincipal(o => o.PrimaryBar)
            .Map(x => x.MapKey("PrimaryBarId"));

Note that while adding PrimaryBarId needs to be removed, as we specifying it through fluent api.

Also note that method name [WithOptionalPrincipal()][1] is kind of ironic. In this case, Principal is Bar. WithOptionalDependent() description on msdn makes it more clear.

How to specify the private SSH-key to use when executing shell command on Git?

If you're like me, you can:

  • Keep your ssh keys organized

  • Keep your git clone commands simple

  • Handle any number of keys for any number of repositories.

  • Reduce your ssh key maintenance.

I keep my keys in my ~/.ssh/keys directory.

I prefer convention over configuration.

I think code is law; the simpler it is, the better.

STEP 1 - Create Alias

Add this alias to your shell: alias git-clone='GIT_SSH=ssh_wrapper git clone'

STEP 2 - Create Script

Add this ssh_wrapper script to your PATH:

# Filename: ssh_wrapper

if [ -z ${SSH_KEY} ]; then
    SSH_KEY=''  # <= Default key
ssh -i "${SSH_KEY}" "$@"


Use key: git-clone

The following example also uses the key (by default):


Use key: git-clone [email protected]:dave_andersen/exchange.git


Change the default SSH_KEY in the ssh_wrapper script to what you use most of the time. That way, you don't need to use the KEY variable most of the time.

You may think, "Hey! That's a lot going on with an alias, a script and some directory of keys," but for me it's convention. Nearly all my workstations (and servers for that matter) are configured similarly.

My goal here is to simplify the commands that I execute regularly.

My conventions, e.g., Bash scripts, aliases, etc., create a consistent environment and helps me keep things simple.

KISS and names matter.

For more design tips check out Chapter 4 SOLID Design in Go from my book:

Hope that helps. - Lex

How to draw a path on a map using kml file?

Mathias Lin code working beautifully. However, you might want to consider changing this part inside drawPath method:

 if (lngLat.length >= 2 && gp1.getLatitudeE6() > 0 && gp1.getLongitudeE6() > 0
                    && gp2.getLatitudeE6() > 0 && gp2.getLongitudeE6() > 0) {

GeoPoint can be less than zero as well, I switch mine to:

     if (lngLat.length >= 2 && gp1.getLatitudeE6() != 0 && gp1.getLongitudeE6() != 0
                    && gp2.getLatitudeE6() != 0 && gp2.getLongitudeE6() != 0) {

Thank you :D

JPA OneToMany not deleting child

In addition to cletus' answer, JPA 2.0, final since december 2010, introduces an orphanRemoval attribute on @OneToMany annotations. For more details see this blog entry.

Note that since the spec is relatively new, not all JPA 1 provider have a final JPA 2 implementation. For example, the Hibernate 3.5.0-Beta-2 release does not yet support this attribute.

How to access URL segment(s) in blade in Laravel 5?

Here is how one can do it via the global request helper function.

{{ request()->segment(1) }}

Note: request() returns the object of the Request class.

Correct modification of state arrays in React.js

React may batch updates, and therefore the correct approach is to provide setState with a function that performs the update.

For the React update addon, the following will reliably work:

this.setState( state => update(state, {array: {$push: [4]}}) );

or for concat():

this.setState( state => ({
    array: state.array.concat([4])

The following shows what,output as an example of what happens if you get it wrong.

The setTimeout() invocation correctly adds three items because React will not batch updates within a setTimeout callback (see

The buggy onClick will only add "Third", but the fixed one, will add F, S and T as expected.

class List extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
      array: []

    setTimeout(this.addSome, 500);

  addSome = () => {
        update(this.state, {array: {$push: ["First"]}}));
        update(this.state, {array: {$push: ["Second"]}}));
        update(this.state, {array: {$push: ["Third"]}}));

  addSomeFixed = () => {
      this.setState( state => 
        update(state, {array: {$push: ["F"]}}));
      this.setState( state => 
        update(state, {array: {$push: ["S"]}}));
      this.setState( state => 
        update(state, {array: {$push: ["T"]}}));

  render() {

    const list =, i) => {
      return <li key={i}>{item}</li>

    return (
      <div className='list'>
        <button onClick={this.addSome}>add three</button>
        <button onClick={this.addSomeFixed}>add three (fixed)</button>

ReactDOM.render(<List />, document.getElementById('app'));

Difference between $(window).load() and $(document).ready() functions

$(document).ready happens when all the elements are present in the DOM, but not necessarily all content.

$(document).ready(function() {
    alert("document is ready");

window.onload or $(window).load() happens after all the content resources (images, etc) have been loaded.

$(window).load(function() {
    alert("window is loaded");

How to delete specific characters from a string in Ruby?

Here is an even shorter way of achieving this:

1) using Negative character class pattern matching

irb(main)> "((String1))"[/[^()]+/]
=> "String1"

^ - Matches anything NOT in the character class. Inside the charachter class, we have ( and )

Or with global substitution "AKA: gsub" like others have mentioned.

irb(main)> "((String1))".gsub(/[)(]/, '')
=> "String1"

How to configure Spring Security to allow Swagger URL to be accessed without authentication

Limiting only to Swagger related resources:

.antMatchers("/v2/api-docs", "/swagger-resources/**", "/swagger-ui.html", "/webjars/springfox-swagger-ui/**");

How can I check if a URL exists via PHP?

to check if url is online or offline ---

function get_http_response_code($theURL) {
    $headers = @get_headers($theURL);
    return substr($headers[0], 9, 3);

How do I install imagemagick with homebrew?

You could do:

brew reinstall php55-imagick

Where php55 is your PHP version.

PSEXEC, access denied errors

Hi i am placing here a summary from many sources online for various solutions to "access is denied" : most information can be found here (including requirements needed) - sysinternal help

  1. as someone mentioned add this reg key, and then restart the computer :

    reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\system /v LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

    Read this knowledge base article to learn what this does and why it is needed

  2. Disable firewall (note - this will leave you with out any firewall protection)

    netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off

  3. if target user has a blank PW and you dont want to add one, run on target:

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa] "LimitBlankPasswordUse"=dword:00000000

  4. This didnt work for me, but i have read it did for others in a few places, on target execute:

    Start -> Run -> secpol.msc -> Local Policies -> Security Options -> Network Access: Sharing > and security model for local accounts > Classic – local users authenticate as themselves

    if already in 'Classic':

    move to "Guest only - .." run from elevated command prompt gpupdate \force move back to 'Classic - .." again run from elevated command prompt gpupdate \force

  5. This one solved my issue:

    run on target from elevated command prompt "net use" look at ouput chart and for shares listed in remote column there (i only deleted the disconnected ones - you can try them all) run "net use [remote path from before list] /delete" then run 'net use \target\Admin$ /user:[user name]' enter prompt password request (if empty PW just press enter), viola should work.

good luck, hope this saves someones time.

Set variable value to array of strings

declare  @tab table(FirstName  varchar(100))
insert into @tab   values('John'),('Sarah'),('George')

FROM @tab
WHERE 'John' in (FirstName)

How to find if directory exists in Python

The following code checks the referred directory in your code exists or not, if it doesn't exist in your workplace then, it creates one:

import os

if not os.path.isdir("directory_name"):

Select Multiple Fields from List in Linq

You can select multiple fields using linq Select as shown above in various examples this will return as an Anonymous Type. If you want to avoid this anonymous type here is the simple trick.

var items = listObject.Select(f => new List<int>() { f.Item1, f.Item2 }).SelectMany(item => item).Distinct();

I think this solves your problem

Java 'file.delete()' Is not Deleting Specified File

As other answers indicate, on Windows you cannot delete a file that is open. However one other thing that can stop a file from being deleted on Windows is if it is is mmap'd to a MappedByteBuffer (or DirectByteBuffer) -- if so, the file cannot be deleted until the byte buffer is garbage collected. There is some relatively safe code for forcibly closing (cleaning) a DirectByteBuffer before it is garbage collected here: After cleaning the ByteBuffer, you can delete the file. However, make sure you never use the ByteBuffer again after cleaning it, or the JVM will crash.

Command line tool to dump Windows DLL version?

The listdlls tools from Systernals might do the job:

listdlls -v -d mylib.dll

Calculating bits required to store decimal number

let its required n bit then 2^n=(base)^digit and then take log and count no. for n

Integer value in TextView

TextView tv = new TextView(this);
tv.setText("" + 4);

PHP: Calling another class' method


class ClassA
   private $name = 'John';

   function getName()
     return $this->name;

   include ("file1.php");

   class ClassB

     function __construct()

     function callA()
       $classA = new ClassA();
       $name = $classA->getName();
       echo $name;    //Prints John

   $classb = new ClassB();

When to use references vs. pointers

Copied from wiki-

A consequence of this is that in many implementations, operating on a variable with automatic or static lifetime through a reference, although syntactically similar to accessing it directly, can involve hidden dereference operations that are costly. References are a syntactically controversial feature of C++ because they obscure an identifier's level of indirection; that is, unlike C code where pointers usually stand out syntactically, in a large block of C++ code it may not be immediately obvious if the object being accessed is defined as a local or global variable or whether it is a reference (implicit pointer) to some other location, especially if the code mixes references and pointers. This aspect can make poorly written C++ code harder to read and debug (see Aliasing).

I agree 100% with this, and this is why I believe that you should only use a reference when you a have very good reason for doing so.

Selecting data frame rows based on partial string match in a column

I notice that you mention a function %like% in your current approach. I don't know if that's a reference to the %like% from "data.table", but if it is, you can definitely use it as follows.

Note that the object does not have to be a data.table (but also remember that subsetting approaches for data.frames and data.tables are not identical):

mtcars[rownames(mtcars) %like% "Merc", ]
iris[iris$Species %like% "osa", ]

If that is what you had, then perhaps you had just mixed up row and column positions for subsetting data.

If you don't want to load a package, you can try using grep() to search for the string you're matching. Here's an example with the mtcars dataset, where we are matching all rows where the row names includes "Merc":

mtcars[grep("Merc", rownames(mtcars)), ]
             mpg cyl  disp  hp drat   wt qsec vs am gear carb
# Merc 240D   24.4   4 146.7  62 3.69 3.19 20.0  1  0    4    2
# Merc 230    22.8   4 140.8  95 3.92 3.15 22.9  1  0    4    2
# Merc 280    19.2   6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.3  1  0    4    4
# Merc 280C   17.8   6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.9  1  0    4    4
# Merc 450SE  16.4   8 275.8 180 3.07 4.07 17.4  0  0    3    3
# Merc 450SL  17.3   8 275.8 180 3.07 3.73 17.6  0  0    3    3
# Merc 450SLC 15.2   8 275.8 180 3.07 3.78 18.0  0  0    3    3

And, another example, using the iris dataset searching for the string osa:

irisSubset <- iris[grep("osa", iris$Species), ]
#   Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
# 1          5.1         3.5          1.4         0.2  setosa
# 2          4.9         3.0          1.4         0.2  setosa
# 3          4.7         3.2          1.3         0.2  setosa
# 4          4.6         3.1          1.5         0.2  setosa
# 5          5.0         3.6          1.4         0.2  setosa
# 6          5.4         3.9          1.7         0.4  setosa

For your problem try:

selectedRows <- conservedData[grep("hsa-", conservedData$miRNA), ]

Detecting arrow key presses in JavaScript

control the Key codes %=37 and &=38... and only arrow keys left=37 up=38

function IsArrows (e) {
   return ( !evt.shiftKey && (e.keyCode >= 37 && e.keyCode <= 40)); 

How do I add a submodule to a sub-directory?

You go into ~/.janus and run:

git submodule add <git@github ...> snipmate-snippets/snippets/

If you need more information about submodules (or git in general) ProGit is pretty useful.

remove item from stored array in angular 2

You can use like this:

removeDepartment(name: string): void {
    this.departments = this.departments.filter(item => item != name);

How can I make my layout scroll both horizontally and vertically?

Use this:



<Gallery android:id="@+id/gallery"
    android:scrollbarAlwaysDrawHorizontalTrack="true" />

cannot import name patterns

You don't need those imports. The only thing you need in your (to start) is:

from django.conf.urls.defaults import *

# This two if you want to enable the Django Admin: (recommended)
from django.contrib import admin

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'^admin/', include(,
    # ... your url patterns

NOTE: This solution was intended for Django <1.6. This was actually the code generated by Django itself. For newer version, see Jacob Hume's answer.

iOS 7.0 No code signing identities found

For Certificate

  1. Revoke Previous Certificate.
  2. Generate New Development Certificate.
  3. Download Certificate.
  4. Double Click to put in KeyChain.

For Provisioning profile

  1. Create New or Edit existing Provisioning profile.
  2. Download and install.

For BundleIdentifier.

  1. com.yourcompanyName.Something (Put same as in AppId)

enter image description here


  1. Select The Provisioning profile which you created.

enter image description here

'int' object has no attribute '__getitem__'

you can also covert int to str first and assign index to it then again convert it to int like this:

int(str(x)[n]) //where x is an integer value

adding and removing classes in angularJs using ng-click

There is a simple and clean way of doing this with only directives.

<div ng-class="{'class-name': clicked}" ng-click="clicked = !clicked"></div>

Using Javascript: How to create a 'Go Back' link that takes the user to a link if there's no history for the tab or window?

The following code did the trick for me.


<div class="back" onclick="goBackOrGoHome()">


home_url = [YOUR BASE URL];

pathArray = document.referrer.split( '/' );
protocol = pathArray[0];
host = pathArray[2];

url_before = protocol + '//' + host;

url_now = window.location.protocol + "//" +;

function goBackOrGoHome(){
  if ( url_before == url_now) {
    window.location = home_url;

So, you use document.referrer to set the domain of the page you come from. Then you compare that with your current url using window.location.

If they are from the same domain, it means you are coming from your own site and you send them window.history.back(). If they are not the same, you are coming from somewhere else and you should redirect home or do whatever you like.

Hadoop MapReduce: Strange Result when Storing Previous Value in Memory in a Reduce Class (Java)

It is very inefficient to store all values in memory, so the objects are reused and loaded one at a time. See this other SO question for a good explanation. Summary:

[...] when looping through the Iterable value list, each Object instance is re-used, so it only keeps one instance around at a given time.

MySQL load NULL values from CSV data

MySQL manual says:

When reading data with LOAD DATA INFILE, empty or missing columns are updated with ''. If you want a NULL value in a column, you should use \N in the data file. The literal word “NULL” may also be used under some circumstances.

So you need to replace the blanks with \N like this:


When should we use mutex and when should we use semaphore

Mutex is to protect the shared resource.
Semaphore is to dispatch the threads.

Imagine that there are some tickets to sell. We can simulate a case where many people buy the tickets at the same time: each person is a thread to buy tickets. Obviously we need to use the mutex to protect the tickets because it is the shared resource.

Imagine that we need to do a calculation as below:

c = a + b;

Also, we need a function geta() to calculate a, a function getb() to calculate b and a function getc() to do the calculation c = a + b.

Obviously, we can't do the c = a + b unless geta() and getb() have been finished.
If the three functions are three threads, we need to dispatch the three threads.

int a, b, c;
void geta()
    a = calculatea();

void getb()
    b = calculateb();

void getc()
    c = a + b;

t1 = thread_create(geta);
t2 = thread_create(getb);
t3 = thread_create(getc);

With the help of the semaphore, the code above can make sure that t3 won't do its job untill t1 and t2 have done their jobs.

In a word, semaphore is to make threads execute as a logicial order whereas mutex is to protect shared resource.
So they are NOT the same thing even if some people always say that mutex is a special semaphore with the initial value 1. You can say like this too but please notice that they are used in different cases. Don't replace one by the other even if you can do that.

How to resize Twitter Bootstrap modal dynamically based on the content

You can do that if you use jquery dialog plugin from and set the width to auto.

  uiLibrary: 'bootstrap',_x000D_
  width: 'auto'_x000D_
  <script src=""></script>_x000D_
  <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">_x000D_
  <script src=""></script>_x000D_
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />_x000D_
 <div id="dialog" title="Wikipedia">_x000D_
   <img src="" width="320"/>_x000D_

You can also allow the users to control the size if you set resizable to true. You can see a demo about this at

How to insert an item into an array at a specific index (JavaScript)?

If you want to insert multiple elements into an array at once check out this Stack Overflow answer: A better way to splice an array into an array in javascript

Also here are some functions to illustrate both examples:

function insertAt(array, index) {
    var arrayToInsert = Array.prototype.splice.apply(arguments, [2]);
    return insertArrayAt(array, index, arrayToInsert);

function insertArrayAt(array, index, arrayToInsert) {
    Array.prototype.splice.apply(array, [index, 0].concat(arrayToInsert));
    return array;

Finally here is a jsFiddle so you can see it for youself:

And this is how you use the functions:

// if you want to insert specific values whether constants or variables:
insertAt(arr, 1, "x", "y", "z");

// OR if you have an array:
var arrToInsert = ["x", "y", "z"];
insertArrayAt(arr, 1, arrToInsert);

Animate element transform rotate

To add to the answers of Ryley and atonyc, you don't actually have to use a real CSS property, like text-index or border-spacing, but instead you can specify a fake CSS property, like rotation or my-awesome-property. It might be a good idea to use something that does not risk becoming an actual CSS property in the future.

Also, somebody asked how to animate other things at the same time. This can be done as usual, but remember that the step function is called for every animated property, so you'll have to check for your property, like so:

        opacity: 0.5,
        width: "100px",
        height: "100px",
        myRotationProperty: 45
        step: function(now, tween) {
            if (tween.prop === "myRotationProperty") {
                // add Opera, MS etc. variants

(Note: I can't find the documentation for the "Tween" object in the jQuery documentation; from the animate documentation page there is a link to which is a section that doesn't appear to exist. You can find the code for the Tween prototype on Github here).

How to view log output using docker-compose run?

Unfortunately we need to run docker-compose logs separately from docker-compose run. In order to get this to work reliably we need to suppress the docker-compose run exit status then redirect the log and exit with the right status.

set -euo pipefail
docker-compose run app | tee app.log || failed=yes
docker-compose logs --no-color > docker-compose.log
[[ -z "${failed:-}" ]] || exit 1

When to use margin vs padding in CSS

Here is some HTML that demonstrates how padding and margin affect clickability, and background filling. An object receives clicks to its padding, but clicks on an objects margin'd area go to its parent.

$(".outer").click(function(e) {_x000D_
$(".inner").click(function(e) {_x000D_
.outer {_x000D_
  padding: 10px;_x000D_
  background: red;_x000D_
.inner {_x000D_
  margin: 10px;_x000D_
  padding: 10px;_x000D_
  background: blue;_x000D_
  border: solid white 1px;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div class="outer">_x000D_
  <div class="inner" style="position:relative; height:0px; width:0px">_x000D_

How do I protect Python code?

Another attempt to make your code harder to steal is to use jython and then use java obfuscator.

This should work pretty well as jythonc translate python code to java and then java is compiled to bytecode. So ounce you obfuscate the classes it will be really hard to understand what is going on after decompilation, not to mention recovering the actual code.

The only problem with jython is that you can't use python modules written in c.

Git - What is the difference between push.default "matching" and "simple"

git push can push all branches or a single one dependent on this configuration:

Push all branches

git config --global push.default matching

It will push all the branches to the remote branch and would merge them. If you don't want to push all branches, you can push the current branch if you fully specify its name, but this is much is not different from default.

Push only the current branch if its named upstream is identical

git config --global push.default simple

So, it's better, in my opinion, to use this option and push your code branch by branch. It's better to push branches manually and individually.

Change the location of the ~ directory in a Windows install of Git Bash

Here you go: Here you go: Create a System Restore Point. Log on under an admin account. Delete the folder C:\SomeUser. Move the folder c:\Users\SomeUser so that it becomes c:\SomeUser. Open the registry editor. Navigate to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList. Search for "ProfileImagePath" until you find the one that points at c:\Users\SomeUser. Modify it so that it points at c:\SomeUser. Use System Restore in case things go wrong.

How do I compare strings in Java?

All objects are guaranteed to have a .equals() method since Object contains a method, .equals(), that returns a boolean. It is the subclass' job to override this method if a further defining definition is required. Without it (i.e. using ==) only memory addresses are checked between two objects for equality. String overrides this .equals() method and instead of using the memory address it returns the comparison of strings at the character level for equality.

A key note is that strings are stored in one lump pool so once a string is created it is forever stored in a program at the same address. Strings do not change, they are immutable. This is why it is a bad idea to use regular string concatenation if you have a serious of amount of string processing to do. Instead you would use the StringBuilder classes provided. Remember the pointers to this string can change and if you were interested to see if two pointers were the same == would be a fine way to go. Strings themselves do not.

How do I tidy up an HTML file's indentation in VI?

You can integrate both tidy and html-beautify automatically by installing the plugin vim-autoformat. After that, you can execute whichever formatter is installed with a single keystroke.

Meaning of "487 Request Terminated"

It's the response code a SIP User Agent Server (UAS) will send to the client after the client sends a CANCEL request for the original unanswered INVITE request (yet to receive a final response).

Here is a nice CANCEL SIP Call Flow illustration.

format statement in a string resource file

Inside file strings.xml define a String resource like this:

<string name="string_to_format">Amount: %1$f  for %2$d days%3$s</string>

Inside your code (assume it inherits from Context) simply do the following:

 String formattedString = getString(R.string.string_to_format, floatVar, decimalVar, stringVar);

(In comparison to the answer from LocalPCGuy or Giovanny Farto M. the String.format method is not needed.)

"And" and "Or" troubles within an IF statement

I like assylias' answer, however I would refactor it as follows:

Sub test()

Dim origNum As String
Dim creditOrDebit As String

origNum = "30062600006"
creditOrDebit = "D"

If creditOrDebit = "D" Then
  If origNum = "006260006" Then
    MsgBox "OK"
  ElseIf origNum = "30062600006" Then
    MsgBox "OK"
  End If
End If

End Sub

This might save you some CPU cycles since if creditOrDebit is <> "D" there is no point in checking the value of origNum.


I used the following procedure to test my theory that my procedure is faster:

Public Declare Function timeGetTime Lib "winmm.dll" () As Long

Sub DoTests2()

  Dim startTime1 As Long
  Dim endTime1 As Long
  Dim startTime2 As Long
  Dim endTime2 As Long
  Dim i As Long
  Dim msg As String

  Const numberOfLoops As Long = 10000
  Const origNum As String = "006260006"
  Const creditOrDebit As String = "D"

  startTime1 = timeGetTime
  For i = 1 To numberOfLoops
    If creditOrDebit = "D" Then
      If origNum = "006260006" Then
        ' do something here
        Debug.Print "OK"
      ElseIf origNum = "30062600006" Then
        ' do something here
        Debug.Print "OK"
      End If
    End If
  Next i
  endTime1 = timeGetTime

  startTime2 = timeGetTime
  For i = 1 To numberOfLoops
    If (origNum = "006260006" Or origNum = "30062600006") And _
      creditOrDebit = "D" Then
      ' do something here
      Debug.Print "OK"
    End If
  Next i
  endTime2 = timeGetTime

  msg = "number of iterations: " & numberOfLoops & vbNewLine
  msg = msg & "JP proc: " & Format$((endTime1 - startTime1), "#,###") & _
       " ms" & vbNewLine
  msg = msg & "assylias proc: " & Format$((endTime2 - startTime2), "#,###") & _
       " ms"

  MsgBox msg

End Sub

I must have a slow computer because 1,000,000 iterations took nowhere near ~200 ms as with assylias' test. I had to limit the iterations to 10,000 -- hey, I have other things to do :)

After running the above procedure 10 times, my procedure is faster only 20% of the time. However, when it is slower it is only superficially slower. As assylias pointed out, however, when creditOrDebit is <>"D", my procedure is at least twice as fast. I was able to reasonably test it at 100 million iterations.

And that is why I refactored it - to short-circuit the logic so that origNum doesn't need to be evaluated when creditOrDebit <> "D".

At this point, the rest depends on the OP's spreadsheet. If creditOrDebit is likely to equal D, then use assylias' procedure, because it will usually run faster. But if creditOrDebit has a wide range of possible values, and D is not any more likely to be the target value, my procedure will leverage that to prevent needlessly evaluating the other variable.

H2 database error: Database may be already in use: "Locked by another process"

I had the same problem. in Intellj, when i want to use h2 database when my program was running i got the same error. For solve this problem i changed the connection url from




And then my problem gone away. now i can connect to "ipinbarbot" database when my program is. If you use Hibernate, also don't forget to have:

spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto = update


How to run a command in the background and get no output?

If you want to run the script in a linux kickstart you have to run as below .

sh /tmp/ > /dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null &

Open JQuery Datepicker by clicking on an image w/ no input field

Turns out that a simple hidden input field does the job:

<input type="hidden" id="dp" />

And then use the buttonImage attribute for your image, like normal:

        buttonImage: '../images/icon_star.gif',
        buttonImageOnly: true,
        changeMonth: true,
        changeYear: true,
        showOn: 'both',

Initially I tried a text input field and then set a display:none style on it, but that caused the calendar to emerge from the top of the browser, rather than from where the user clicked. But the hidden field works as desired.

Short description of the scoping rules?

The Python name resolution only knows the following kinds of scope:

  1. builtins scope which provides the Builtin Functions, such as print, int, or zip,
  2. module global scope which is always the top-level of the current module,
  3. three user-defined scopes that can be nested into each other, namely
    1. function closure scope, from any enclosing def block, lambda expression or comprehension.
    2. function local scope, inside a def block, lambda expression or comprehension,
    3. class scope, inside a class block.

Notably, other constructs such as if, for, or with statements do not have their own scope.

The scoping TLDR: The lookup of a name begins at the scope in which the name is used, then any enclosing scopes (excluding class scopes), to the module globals, and finally the builtins – the first match in this search order is used. The assignment to a scope is by default to the current scope – the special forms nonlocal and global must be used to assign to a name from an outer scope.

Finally, comprehensions and generator expressions as well as := asignment expressions have one special rule when combined.

Nested Scopes and Name Resolution

These different scopes build a hierarchy, with builtins then global always forming the base, and closures, locals and class scope being nested as lexically defined. That is, only the nesting in the source code matters, not for example the call stack.

print("builtins are available without definition")

some_global = "1"  # global variables are at module scope

def outer_function():
    some_closure = "3.1"  # locals and closure are defined the same, at function scope
    some_local = "3.2"    # a variable becomes a closure if a nested scope uses it

    class InnerClass:
         some_classvar = "3.3"   # class variables exist *only* at class scope

         def nested_function(self):
             some_local = "3.2"   # locals can replace outer names
             print(some_closure)  # closures are always readable
    return InnerClass

Even though class creates a scope and may have nested classes, functions and comprehensions, the names of the class scope are not visible to enclosed scopes. This creates the following hierarchy:

? builtins           [print, ...]
??? globals            [some_global]
  ??? outer_function     [some_local, some_closure]
    ??? InnerClass         [some_classvar]
    ??? inner_function     [some_local]

Name resolution always starts at the current scope in which a name is accessed, then goes up the hierarchy until a match is found. For example, looking up some_local inside outer_function and inner_function starts at the respective function - and immediately finds the some_local defined in outer_function and inner_function, respectively. When a name is not local, it is fetched from the nearest enclosing scope that defines it – looking up some_closure and print inside inner_function searches until outer_function and builtins, respectively.

Scope Declarations and Name Binding

By default, a name belongs to any scope in which it is bound to a value. Binding the same name again in an inner scope creates a new variable with the same name - for example, some_local exists separately in both outer_function and inner_function. As far as scoping is concerned, binding includes any statement that sets the value of a name – assignment statements, but also the iteration variable of a for loop, or the name of a with context manager. Notably, del also counts as name binding.

When a name must refer to an outer variable and be bound in an inner scope, the name must be declared as not local. Separate declarations exists for the different kinds of enclosing scopes: nonlocal always refers to the nearest closure, and global always refers to a global name. Notably, nonlocal never refers to a global name and global ignores all closures of the same name. There is no declaration to refer to the builtin scope.

some_global = "1"

def outer_function():
    some_closure = "3.2"
    some_global = "this is ignored by a nested global declaration"
    def inner_function():
        global some_global     # declare variable from global scope
        nonlocal some_closure  # declare variable from enclosing scope
        message = " bound by an inner scope"
        some_global = some_global + message
        some_closure = some_closure + message
    return inner_function

Of note is that function local and nonlocal are resolved at compile time. A nonlocal name must exist in some outer scope. In contrast, a global name can be defined dynamically and may be added or removed from the global scope at any time.

Comprehensions and Assignment Expressions

The scoping rules of list, set and dict comprehensions and generator expressions are almost the same as for functions. Likewise, the scoping rules for assignment expressions are almost the same as for regular name binding.

The scope of comprehensions and generator expressions is of the same kind as function scope. All names bound in the scope, namely the iteration variables, are locals or closures to the comprehensions/generator and nested scopes. All names, including iterables, are resolved using name resolution as applicable inside functions.

some_global = "global"

def outer_function():
    some_closure = "closure"
    return [            # new function-like scope started by comprehension
        comp_local      # names resolved using regular name resolution
        for comp_local  # iteration targets are local
        in "iterable"
        if comp_local in some_global and comp_local in some_global

An := assignment expression works on the nearest function, class or global scope. Notably, if the target of an assignment expression has been declared nonlocal or global in the nearest scope, the assignment expression honors this like a regular assignment.

print(some_global := "global")

def outer_function():
    print(some_closure := "closure")

However, an assignment expression inside a comprehension/generator works on the nearest enclosing scope of the comprehension/generator, not the scope of the comprehension/generator itself. When several comprehensions/generators are nested, the nearest function or global scope is used. Since the comprehension/generator scope can read closures and global variables, the assignment variable is readable in the comprehension as well. Assigning from a comprehension to a class scope is not valid.

print(some_global := "global")

def outer_function():
    print(some_closure := "closure")
    steps = [
        # v write to variable in containing scope
        (some_closure := some_closure + comp_local)
        #                 ^ read from variable in containing scope
        for comp_local in some_global
    return some_closure, steps

While the iteration variable is local to the comprehension in which it is bound, the target of the assignment expression does not create a local variable and is read from the outer scope:

? builtins           [print, ...]
??? globals            [some_global]
  ??? outer_function     [some_closure]
    ??? <listcomp>         [comp_local]

Injection of autowired dependencies failed;

Do you have a bean declared in your context file that has an id of "articleService"? I believe that autowiring matches the id of a bean in your context files with the variable name that you are attempting to Autowire.

How to select count with Laravel's fluent query builder?

You can use an array in the select() to define more columns and you can use the DB::raw() there with aliasing it to followers. Should look like this:

$query = DB::table('category_issue')
    ->select(array('issues.*', DB::raw('COUNT(issue_subscriptions.issue_id) as followers')))
    ->where('category_id', '=', 1)
    ->join('issues', 'category_issue.issue_id', '=', '')
    ->left_join('issue_subscriptions', '', '=', 'issue_subscriptions.issue_id')
    ->order_by('followers', 'desc')

Corrupt jar file

If the jar file has any extra bytes at the end, explorers like 7-Zip can open it, but it will be treated as corrupt. I use an online upload system that automatically adds a single extra LF character ('\n', 0x0a) to the end of every jar file. With such files, there are a variety solutions to run the file:

  • Use prayagubd's approach and specify the .jar as the classpath and name of the main class at the command prompt
  • Remove the extra byte at the end of the file (with a hex-editor or a command like head -c -1 myjar.jar), and then execute the jar by double-clicking or with java -jar myfile.jar as normal.
  • Change the extension from .jar to .zip, extract the files, and recreate the .zip file, being sure that the META-INF folder is in the top-level.
  • Changing the .jar extension to .zip, deleting an uneeded file from within the .jar, and change the extension back to .jar

All of these solutions require that the structure of the .zip and the META-INF file is essentially correct. They have only been tested with a single extra byte at the end of the zip "corrupting" it.

I got myself in a real mess by applying head -c -1 *.jar > tmp.jar twice. head inserted the ASCII text ==> myjar.jar <== at the start of the file, completely corrupting it.

Convert SVG image to PNG with PHP

That's funny you asked this, I just did this recently for my work's site and I was thinking I should write a tutorial... Here is how to do it with PHP/Imagick, which uses ImageMagick:

$usmap = '/path/to/blank/us-map.svg';
$im = new Imagick();
$svg = file_get_contents($usmap);

/*loop to color each state as needed, something like*/ 
$idColorArray = array(
     "AL" => "339966"
    ,"AK" => "0099FF"
    ,"WI" => "FF4B00"
    ,"WY" => "A3609B"

foreach($idColorArray as $state => $color){
//Where $color is a RRGGBB hex value
    $svg = preg_replace(
         '/id="'.$state.'" style="fill:#([0-9a-f]{6})/'
        , 'id="'.$state.'" style="fill:#'.$color
        , $svg


/*png settings*/
$im->resizeImage(720, 445, imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS, 1);  /*Optional, if you need to resize*/

$im->adaptiveResizeImage(720, 445); /*Optional, if you need to resize*/

$im->writeImage('/path/to/colored/us-map.png');/*(or .jpg)*/

the steps regex color replacement may vary depending on the svg path xml and how you id & color values are stored. If you don't want to store a file on the server, you can output the image as base 64 like

<?php echo '<img src="data:image/jpg;base64,' . base64_encode($im) . '"  />';?>

(before you use clear/destroy) but ie has issues with PNG as base64 so you'd probably have to output base64 as jpeg

you can see an example here I did for a former employer's sales territory map:


Finish: enter image description here


Since writing the above, I've come up with 2 improved techniques:

1) instead of a regex loop to change the fill on state , use CSS to make style rules like

<style type="text/css">
#Al, #NY, #NM{

and then you can do a single text replace to inject your css rules into the svg before proceeding with the imagick jpeg/png creation. If the colors don't change, check to make sure you don't have any inline fill styles in your path tags overriding the css.

2) If you don't have to actually create a jpeg/png image file (and don't need to support outdated browsers), you can manipulate the svg directly with jQuery. You can't access the svg paths when embedding the svg using img or object tags, so you'll have to directly include the svg xml in your webpage html like:

<?php echo file_get_contents('/path/to/blank/us-map.svg');?>

then changing the colors is as easy as:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    $('#CA').css('fill', 'blue');
    $('#NY').css('fill', '#ff0000');

Get PostGIS version

PostGIS_Lib_Version(); - returns the version number of the PostGIS library.

Display image as grayscale using matplotlib

Use no interpolation and set to gray.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.imshow(img[:,:,1], cmap='gray',interpolation='none')

Can't find keyplane that supports type 4 for keyboard iPhone-Portrait-NumberPad; using 3876877096_Portrait_iPhone-Simple-Pad_Default

I had the same problem in Xcode 8.1 and iOS 10.1. What worked for me was going into Simulator-> Hardware->Keyboard and unchecking Connect Hardware Keyboard.

C# "must declare a body because it is not marked abstract, extern, or partial"

You can just use the keywork value to accomplish this.

public int Hour {
        // Do some logic if you want
        //return some custom stuff based on logic

        // or just return the value
        return value;
    }; set { 
        // Do some logic stuff 
        if(value < MINVALUE){
            this.Hour = 0;
        } else {
            // Or just set the value
            this.Hour = value;

Best C++ IDE or Editor for Windows

SlickEdit is very cool, and does support something like intellisense. At my current company I now use Visual Studio, and I've mostly gotten used to it - but there are still some SlickEdit features I miss.


Database table model

Let’s assume we have the following two tables in our database, that form a one-to-many table relationship.


The student table is the parent, and the student_grade is the child table since it has a student_id Foreign Key column referencing the id Primary Key column in the student table.

The student table contains the following two records:

| id | first_name | last_name | admission_score |
| 1  | Alice      | Smith     | 8.95            |
| 2  | Bob        | Johnson   | 8.75            |

And, the student_grade table stores the grades the students received:

| id | class_name | grade | student_id |
| 1  | Math       | 10    | 1          |
| 2  | Math       | 9.5   | 1          |
| 3  | Math       | 9.75  | 1          |
| 4  | Science    | 9.5   | 1          |
| 5  | Science    | 9     | 1          |
| 6  | Science    | 9.25  | 1          |
| 7  | Math       | 8.5   | 2          |
| 8  | Math       | 9.5   | 2          |
| 9  | Math       | 9     | 2          |
| 10 | Science    | 10    | 2          |
| 11 | Science    | 9.4   | 2          |


Let’s say we want to get all students that have received a 10 grade in Math class.

If we are only interested in the student identifier, then we can run a query like this one:

    student_grade.grade = 10 AND
    student_grade.class_name = 'Math'

But, the application is interested in displaying the full name of a student, not just the identifier, so we need info from the student table as well.

In order to filter the student records that have a 10 grade in Math, we can use the EXISTS SQL operator, like this:

    id, first_name, last_name
    SELECT 1
        student_grade.student_id = AND
        student_grade.grade = 10 AND
        student_grade.class_name = 'Math'

When running the query above, we can see that only the Alice row is selected:

| id | first_name | last_name |
| 1  | Alice      | Smith     |

The outer query selects the student row columns we are interested in returning to the client. However, the WHERE clause is using the EXISTS operator with an associated inner subquery.

The EXISTS operator returns true if the subquery returns at least one record and false if no row is selected. The database engine does not have to run the subquery entirely. If a single record is matched, the EXISTS operator returns true, and the associated other query row is selected.

The inner subquery is correlated because the student_id column of the student_grade table is matched against the id column of the outer student table.


Let’s consider we want to select all students that have no grade lower than 9. For this, we can use NOT EXISTS, which negates the logic of the EXISTS operator.

Therefore, the NOT EXISTS operator returns true if the underlying subquery returns no record. However, if a single record is matched by the inner subquery, the NOT EXISTS operator will return false, and the subquery execution can be stopped.

To match all student records that have no associated student_grade with a value lower than 9, we can run the following SQL query:

    id, first_name, last_name
    SELECT 1
        student_grade.student_id = AND
        student_grade.grade < 9

When running the query above, we can see that only the Alice record is matched:

| id | first_name | last_name |
| 1  | Alice      | Smith     |

So, the advantage of using the SQL EXISTS and NOT EXISTS operators is that the inner subquery execution can be stopped as long as a matching record is found.

Java array reflection: isArray vs. instanceof

If obj is of type int[] say, then that will have an array Class but not be an instance of Object[]. So what do you want to do with obj. If you are going to cast it, go with instanceof. If you are going to use reflection, then use .getClass().isArray().

How to force a view refresh without having it trigger automatically from an observable?

In some circumstances it might be useful to simply remove the bindings and then re-apply:

ko.applyBindings(viewModel, document.getElementById(element_id))

The given key was not present in the dictionary. Which key?

This exception is thrown when you try to index to something that isn't there, for example:

Dictionary<String, String> test = new Dictionary<String,String>();
string error = test["Key2"];

Often times, something like an object will be the key, which undoubtedly makes it harder to get. However, you can always write the following (or even wrap it up in an extension method):

if (test.ContainsKey(myKey))
   return test[myKey];
   throw new Exception(String.Format("Key {0} was not found", myKey));

Or more efficient (thanks to @ScottChamberlain)

T retValue;
if (test.TryGetValue(myKey, out retValue))
    return retValue;
   throw new Exception(String.Format("Key {0} was not found", myKey));

Microsoft chose not to do this, probably because it would be useless when used on most objects. Its simple enough to do yourself, so just roll your own!

Calling an API from SQL Server stored procedure

The SQL Query select * from openjson ... works only with SQL version 2016 and higher. Need the SQL compatibility mode 130.

Could you explain STA and MTA?

The COM threading model is called an "apartment" model, where the execution context of initialized COM objects is associated with either a single thread (Single Thread Apartment) or many threads (Multi Thread Apartment). In this model, a COM object, once initialized in an apartment, is part of that apartment for the duration of its runtime.

The STA model is used for COM objects that are not thread safe. That means they do not handle their own synchronization. A common use of this is a UI component. So if another thread needs to interact with the object (such as pushing a button in a form) then the message is marshalled onto the STA thread. The windows forms message pumping system is an example of this.

If the COM object can handle its own synchronization then the MTA model can be used where multiple threads are allowed to interact with the object without marshalled calls.

How can I use JavaScript in Java?

Java includes a scripting language extension package starting with version 6.

See the Rhino project documentation for embedding a JavaScript interpreter in Java.


Here is a small example of how you can expose Java objects to your interpreted script:

public class JS {
  public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
    ScriptEngine js = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("javascript");
    Bindings bindings = js.getBindings(ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
    bindings.put("stdout", System.out);
    // Prints "-1.0" to the standard output stream.

Simple PHP form: Attachment to email (code golf)

A combination of this

with the php upload file example would work. In the upload file example instead of using move_uploaded_file to move it from the temporary folder you would just open it:

$attachment = chunk_split(base64_encode(file_get_contents($tmp_file))); 

where $tmp_file = $_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'];

and send it as an attachment like the rest of the example.

All in one file / self contained:

<? if(isset($_POST['submit'])){
//process and email
//display form

I think its a quick exercise to get what you need working based on the above two available examples.

P.S. It needs to get uploaded somewhere before Apache passes it along to PHP to do what it wants with it. That would be your system's temp folder by default unless it was changed in the config file.

How to get a Fragment to remove itself, i.e. its equivalent of finish()?

To Close a fragment while inside the same fragment


PHP - warning - Undefined property: stdClass - fix?

If think this will work:

$role_arr = getRole($response->records);

newly defined proprties included too.

Pass row number as variable in excel sheet

Assuming your row number is in B1, you can use INDIRECT:


This takes a cell reference as a string (in this case, the concatenation of A and the value of B1 - 5), and returns the value at that cell.

Getting "cannot find Symbol" in Java project in Intellij

For me - I tried these steps(Invalidate Cache & Restart, Maven Reimport)) but they didn't work. So I deleted the .idea, .settings, and .project folder and tried - it worked.

How can I store and retrieve images from a MySQL database using PHP?

First you create a MySQL table to store images, like for example:

create table testblob (
    image_id        tinyint(3)  not null default '0',
    image_type      varchar(25) not null default '',
    image           blob        not null,
    image_size      varchar(25) not null default '',
    image_ctgy      varchar(25) not null default '',
    image_name      varchar(50) not null default ''

Then you can write an image to the database like:

 * All of the below MySQL_ commands can be easily
 * translated to MySQLi_ with the additions as commented
$imgData = file_get_contents($filename);
$size = getimagesize($filename);
mysql_connect("localhost", "$username", "$password");
mysql_select_db ("$dbname");
// mysqli 
// $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", $username, $password,$dbname); 
$sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO testblob
    (image_type, image, image_size, image_name)
    ('%s', '%s', '%d', '%s')",
     * For all mysqli_ functions below, the syntax is:
     * mysqli_whartever($link, $functionContents); 

You can display an image from the database in a web page with:

$link = mysql_connect("localhost", "username", "password");
$sql = "SELECT image FROM testblob WHERE image_id=0";
$result = mysql_query("$sql");
header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
echo mysql_result($result, 0);

Insert current date/time using now() in a field using MySQL/PHP

The only reason I can think of is you are adding it as string 'now()', not function call now().
Or whatever else typo.


to see if it returns correct value?

LINQ syntax where string value is not null or empty

Problem Statement
It's possible to write LINQ to SQL that gets all rows that have either null or an empty string in a given field, but it's not possible to use string.IsNullOrEmpty to do it, even though many other string methods map to LINQ to SQL. Proposed Solution Allow string.IsNullOrEmpty in a LINQ to SQL where clause so that these two queries have the same result:

var fieldNullOrEmpty =
from item in db.SomeTable
where item.SomeField == null || item.SomeField.Equals(string.Empty)
select item;

var fieldNullOrEmpty2 =
from item in db.SomeTable
where string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.SomeField)
select item;

Other Reading:
1. DevArt
3. StackOverflow Post

Tokenizing Error: java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException, dangling metacharacter '*'

I had similar problem with regex = "?". It happens for all special characters that have some meaning in a regex. So you need to have "\\" as a prefix to your regex.

String [] separado = line.split("\\*");

How do I get the serial key for Visual Studio Express?

Visual C# Express 2005 ISO File does not require registration

How to delete files/subfolders in a specific directory at the command prompt in Windows


SET THEDIR=path-to-folder

Echo Deleting all files from %THEDIR%
DEL "%THEDIR%\*" /F /Q /A

Echo Deleting all folders from %THEDIR%
FOR /F "eol=| delims=" %%I in ('dir "%THEDIR%\*" /AD /B 2^>nul') do rd /Q /S "%THEDIR%\%%I"
@ECHO Folder deleted.


...deletes all files and folders underneath the given directory, but not the directory itself.

How to change theme for AlertDialog

For Custom Dialog:

just call super(context,<dialog style>) instead of super(context) in dialog constructor

public class MyDialog extends Dialog
    public MyDialog(Context context)

For AlertDialog:

Just create alertDialog with this constructor:

 new AlertDialog.Builder(
 new ContextThemeWrapper(context,

MavenError: Failed to execute goal on project: Could not resolve dependencies In Maven Multimodule project

In case anybody comes back to this, I think the problem here was failing to install the parent pom first, which all these submodules depend on, so the Maven Reactor can't collect the necessary dependencies to build the submodule.

So from the root directory (here D:\luna_workspace\empire_club\empirecl) it probably just needs a:

mvn clean install

(Aside: <relativePath>../pom.xml</relativePath> is not really necessary as it's the default value).

Pandas read_csv from url

As I commented you need to use a StringIO object and decode i.e c=pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(s.decode("utf-8"))) if using requests, you need to decode as .content returns bytes if you used .text you would just need to pass s as is s = requests.get(url).text c = pd.read_csv(StringIO(s)).

A simpler approach is to pass the correct url of the raw data directly to read_csv, you don't have to pass a file like object, you can pass a url so you don't need requests at all:

c = pd.read_csv("")



                              Country         Region
0                             Algeria         AFRICA
1                              Angola         AFRICA
2                               Benin         AFRICA
3                            Botswana         AFRICA
4                             Burkina         AFRICA
5                             Burundi         AFRICA
6                            Cameroon         AFRICA

From the docs:

filepath_or_buffer :

string or file handle / StringIO The string could be a URL. Valid URL schemes include http, ftp, s3, and file. For file URLs, a host is expected. For instance, a local file could be file ://localhost/path/to/table.csv

How to match "anything up until this sequence of characters" in a regular expression?

What you need is look around assertion like .+? (?=abc).

See: Lookahead and Lookbehind Zero-Length Assertions

Be aware that [abc] isn't the same as abc. Inside brackets it's not a string - each character is just one of the possibilities. Outside the brackets it becomes the string.