Programs & Examples On #Jt400

Maven Could not resolve dependencies, artifacts could not be resolved

I've got a similar message and my problem were some proxy preferences in my settings.xml. So i disabled them and everything works fine.

Why use Optional.of over Optional.ofNullable?

This depends upon scenarios.

Let's say you have some business functionality and you need to process something with that value further but having null value at time of processing would impact it.

Then, in that case, you can use Optional<?>.

String nullName = null;

String name = Optional.ofNullable(nullName)
                      .orElse("Default value in case of null");

Google Maps: how to get country, state/province/region, city given a lat/long value?

What you are looking for is called reverse geocoding. Google provides a server-side reverse geocoding service through the Google Geocoding API, which you should be able to use for your project.

This is how a response to the following request would look like:,-73.961452&sensor=false


  "status": "OK",
  "results": [ {
    "types": [ "street_address" ],
    "formatted_address": "275-291 Bedford Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11211, USA",
    "address_components": [ {
      "long_name": "275-291",
      "short_name": "275-291",
      "types": [ "street_number" ]
    }, {
      "long_name": "Bedford Ave",
      "short_name": "Bedford Ave",
      "types": [ "route" ]
    }, {
      "long_name": "New York",
      "short_name": "New York",
      "types": [ "locality", "political" ]
    }, {
      "long_name": "Brooklyn",
      "short_name": "Brooklyn",
      "types": [ "administrative_area_level_3", "political" ]
    }, {
      "long_name": "Kings",
      "short_name": "Kings",
      "types": [ "administrative_area_level_2", "political" ]
    }, {
      "long_name": "New York",
      "short_name": "NY",
      "types": [ "administrative_area_level_1", "political" ]
    }, {
      "long_name": "United States",
      "short_name": "US",
      "types": [ "country", "political" ]
    }, {
      "long_name": "11211",
      "short_name": "11211",
      "types": [ "postal_code" ]
    } ],
    "geometry": {
      "location": {
        "lat": 40.7142298,
        "lng": -73.9614669
      "location_type": "RANGE_INTERPOLATED",
      "viewport": {
        "southwest": {
          "lat": 40.7110822,
          "lng": -73.9646145
        "northeast": {
          "lat": 40.7173774,
          "lng": -73.9583193

  ... Additional results[] ...

You can also opt to receive the response in xml instead of json, by simply substituting json for xml in the request URI:,-73.961452&sensor=false

As far as I know, Google will also return the same name for address components, especially for high-level names like country names and city names. Nevertheless, keep in mind that while the results are very accurate for most applications, you could still find the occasional spelling mistake or ambiguous result.

How does MySQL process ORDER BY and LIMIT in a query?

Could be simplified to this:

SELECT article FROM table1 ORDER BY publish_date DESC FETCH FIRST 20 ROWS ONLY;

You could also add many argument in the ORDER BY that is just comma separated like: ORDER BY publish_date, tab2, tab3 DESC etc...

Using GitLab token to clone without authentication

You can do it like this:

git clone https://gitlab-ci-token:<private token>

pycharm running way slow

It is super easy by changing the heap size as it was mentioned. Just easily by going to Pycharm HELP -> Edit custom VM option ... and change it to:


Is there any method to get the URL without query string?

just cut the string using split (the easy way):

var myString = "http://localhost/dms/mduserSecurity/UIL/index.php?menu=true&submenu=true&pcode=1235"
var mySplitResult = myString.split("?");

What is the difference between precision and scale?

If value is 9999.988 and Precision 4, scale 2 then it means 9999(it represents precision).99(scale is 2 so .988 is rounded to .99)

If value is 9999.9887 and precision is 4, scale is 2 then it means 9999.99

How to copy selected lines to clipboard in vim

If you are using vim in MAC OSX, unfortunately it comes with older verion, and not complied with clipboard options. Luckily, homebrew can easily solve this problem.

install vim:

brew install vim --with-lua --with-override-system-vim

install gui verion of vim:

brew install macvim --with-lua --with-override-system-vim

restart the terminal to take effect.

append the following line to ~/.vimrc

set clipboard=unnamed

now you can copy the line in vim withyy and paste it system-wide.

Where are $_SESSION variables stored?

As Mr. Taylor pointed out this is usually set in php.ini. Usually they are stored as files in a specific directory.

OSError: [Errno 8] Exec format error

Have you tried this?

Out = subprocess.Popen('/usr/local/bin/script hostname = actual_server_name -p LONGLIST'.split(), shell=False,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE) 

Edited per the apt comment from @J.F.Sebastian

Using Node.JS, how do I read a JSON file into (server) memory?

function parseIt(){
    return new Promise(function(res){
            var fs = require('fs');
            const dirPath = 'K:\\merge-xml-junit\\xml-results\\master.json';
                if(err) throw err;

async function test(){
    jsonData = await parseIt();
    var parsedJSON = JSON.parse(jsonData);
    var testSuite = parsedJSON['testsuites']['testsuite'];


Working with INTERVAL and CURDATE in MySQL



should work.

Automatically size JPanel inside JFrame

You can set a layout manager like BorderLayout and then define more specifically, where your panel should go:

MainPanel mainPanel = new MainPanel();
JFrame mainFrame = new JFrame();
mainFrame.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
mainFrame.add(mainPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);

This puts the panel into the center area of the frame and lets it grow automatically when resizing the frame.

How to Get a Sublist in C#

Your collection class could have a method that returns a collection (a sublist) based on criteria passed in to define the filter. Build a new collection with the foreach loop and pass it out.

Or, have the method and loop modify the existing collection by setting a "filtered" or "active" flag (property). This one could work but could also cause poblems in multithreaded code. If other objects deped on the contents of the collection this is either good or bad depending of how you use the data.

how to update the multiple rows at a time using linq to sql?

Do not use the ToList() method as in the accepted answer !

Running SQL profiler, I verified and found that ToList() function gets all the records from the database. It is really bad performance !!

I would have run this query by pure sql command as follows:

string query = "Update YourTable Set ... Where ...";    
context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync(query, new SqlParameter("@ColumnY", value1), new SqlParameter("@ColumnZ", value2));

This would operate the update in one-shot without selecting even one row.

Multiple conditions in WHILE loop

You need to change || to && so that both conditions must be true to enter the loop.

while(myChar != 'n' && myChar != 'N')

Can the "IN" operator use LIKE-wildcards (%) in Oracle?

This appears to fit what you are looking for:

Basically, you will need to use regular expressions as there appears to be nothing built into oracle for this.

I pulled out the example from the thread and converted it for your purposes. I suck at regex's, though, so that might need tweaked :)

FROM myTable m
WHERE NOT regexp_like(m.status,'((Done^|Finished except^|In Progress^)')

How to create empty constructor for data class in Kotlin Android

If you give default values to all the fields - empty constructor is generated automatically by Kotlin.

data class User(var id: Long = -1,
                var uniqueIdentifier: String? = null)

and you can simply call:

val user = User()

Explicitly calling return in a function or not

My question is: Why is not calling return faster

It’s faster because return is a (primitive) function in R, which means that using it in code incurs the cost of a function call. Compare this to most other programming languages, where return is a keyword, but not a function call: it doesn’t translate to any runtime code execution.

That said, calling a primitive function in this way is pretty fast in R, and calling return incurs a minuscule overhead. This isn’t the argument for omitting return.

or better, and thus preferable?

Because there’s no reason to use it.

Because it’s redundant, and it doesn’t add useful redundancy.

To be clear: redundancy can sometimes be useful. But most redundancy isn’t of this kind. Instead, it’s of the kind that adds visual clutter without adding information: it’s the programming equivalent of a filler word or chartjunk).

Consider the following example of an explanatory comment, which is universally recognised as bad redundancy because the comment merely paraphrases what the code already expresses:

# Add one to the result
result = x + 1

Using return in R falls in the same category, because R is a functional programming language, and in R every function call has a value. This is a fundamental property of R. And once you see R code from the perspective that every expression (including every function call) has a value, the question then becomes: “why should I use return?” There needs to be a positive reason, since the default is not to use it.

One such positive reason is to signal early exit from a function, say in a guard clause:

f = function (a, b) {
    if (! precondition(a)) return() # same as `return(NULL)`!

This is a valid, non-redundant use of return. However, such guard clauses are rare in R compared to other languages, and since every expression has a value, a regular if does not require return:

sign = function (num) {
    if (num > 0) {
    } else if (num < 0) {
    } else {

We can even rewrite f like this:

f = function (a, b) {
    if (precondition(a)) calculation(b)

… where if (cond) expr is the same as if (cond) expr else NULL.

Finally, I’d like to forestall three common objections:

  1. Some people argue that using return adds clarity, because it signals “this function returns a value”. But as explained above, every function returns something in R. Thinking of return as a marker of returning a value isn’t just redundant, it’s actively misleading.

  2. Relatedly, the Zen of Python has a marvellous guideline that should always be followed:

    Explicit is better than implicit.

    How does dropping redundant return not violate this? Because the return value of a function in a functional language is always explicit: it’s its last expression. This is again the same argument about explicitness vs redundancy.

    In fact, if you want explicitness, use it to highlight the exception to the rule: mark functions that don’t return a meaningful value, which are only called for their side-effects (such as cat). Except R has a better marker than return for this case: invisible. For instance, I would write

    save_results = function (results, file) {
        # … code that writes the results to a file …
  3. But what about long functions? Won’t it be easy to lose track of what is being returned?

    Two answers: first, not really. The rule is clear: the last expression of a function is its value. There’s nothing to keep track of.

    But more importantly, the problem in long functions isn’t the lack of explicit return markers. It’s the length of the function. Long functions almost (?) always violate the single responsibility principle and even when they don’t they will benefit from being broken apart for readability.

How to test if a file is a directory in a batch script?

You can do it like so:

IF EXIST %VAR%\NUL ECHO It's a directory

However, this only works for directories without spaces in their names. When you add quotes round the variable to handle the spaces it will stop working. To handle directories with spaces, convert the filename to short 8.3 format as follows:

FOR %%i IN (%VAR%) DO IF EXIST %%~si\NUL ECHO It's a directory

The %%~si converts %%i to an 8.3 filename. To see all the other tricks you can perform with FOR variables enter HELP FOR at a command prompt.

(Note - the example given above is in the format to work in a batch file. To get it work on the command line, replace the %% with % in both places.)

Difference between EXISTS and IN in SQL?

The Exists keyword evaluates true or false, but IN keyword compare all value in the corresponding sub query column. Another one Select 1 can be use with Exists command. Example:

SELECT * FROM Temp1 where exists(select 1 from Temp2 where conditions...)

But IN is less efficient so Exists faster.

Get the last item in an array

Use Array.pop:

var lastItem = anArray.pop();

Important : This returns the last element and removes it from the array

new DateTime() vs default(DateTime)

No, they are identical.

default(), for any value type (DateTime is a value type) will always call the parameterless constructor.

Replace a string in shell script using a variable

I had a similar requirement to this but my replace var contained an ampersand. Escaping the ampersand like this solved my problem:

replace="salt & pepper"
echo "pass the salt" | sed "s/salt/${replace/&/\&}/g"

break/exit script


if(n < 500)
    # quit()
    # or 
    # stop("this is some message")
    *insert rest of program here*

Both quit() and stop(message) will quit your script. If you are sourcing your script from the R command prompt, then quit() will exit from R as well.

/lib/ bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory

As @borayeris said,

yum install glibc.i686

But if you cannot find glibc.i686 or libstdc++ package, try -

sudo yum search glibc
sudo yum search libstd

and then,

sudo yum install {package}

GET URL parameter in PHP

$Query_String  = explode("&", explode("?", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])[1] );

Array ( [ 0] => )

Does Git Add have a verbose switch

You can use git add -i to get an interactive version of git add, although that's not exactly what you're after. The simplest thing to do is, after having git added, use git status to see what is staged or not.

Using git add . isn't really recommended unless it's your first commit. It's usually better to explicitly list the files you want staged, so that you don't start tracking unwanted files accidentally (temp files and such).

How do I add a submodule to a sub-directory?

I had a similar issue, but had painted myself into a corner with GUI tools.

I had a subproject with a few files in it that I had so far just copied around instead of checking into their own git repo. I created a repo in the subfolder, was able to commit, push, etc just fine. But in the parent repo the subfolder wasn't treated as a submodule, and its files were still being tracked by the parent repo - no good.

To get out of this mess I had to tell Git to stop tracking the subfolder (without deleting the files):

proj> git rm -r --cached ./ui/jslib

Then I had to tell it there was a submodule there (which you can't do if anything there is currently being tracked by git):

proj> git submodule add ./ui/jslib


The ideal way to handle this involves a couple more steps. Ideally, the existing repo is moved out to its own directory, free of any parent git modules, committed and pushed, and then added as a submodule like:

proj> git submodule add [email protected]:user/jslib.git ui/jslib

That will clone the git repo in as a submodule - which involves the standard cloning steps, but also several other more obscure config steps that git takes on your behalf to get that submodule to work. The most important difference is that it places a simple .git file there, instead of a .git directory, which contains a path reference to where the real git dir lives - generally at parent project root .git/modules/jslib.

If you don't do things this way they'll work fine for you, but as soon as you commit and push the parent, and another dev goes to pull that parent, you just made their life a lot harder. It will be very difficult for them to replicate the structure you have on your machine so long as you have a full .git dir in a subfolder of a dir that contains its own .git dir.

So, move, push, git add submodule, is the cleanest option.

Get webpage contents with Python?

If you ask me. try this one

import urllib2
resp = urllib2.urlopen('')

and read the normal way ie

page =

Good luck though

Android EditText Hint

You can use the concept of selector. onFocus removes the hint.


So when TextView has focus, or has user input (i.e. not empty) the hint will not display.

how to calculate percentage in python

I know I am late, but if you want to know the easiest way, you could do a code like this:

number = 100
right_questions = 1
control = 100
c = control / number
cc = right_questions * c
print float(cc)

You can change up the number score, and right_questions. It will tell you the percent.

JavaScript check if value is only undefined, null or false

The best way to do it I think is:

if(val != true){
//do something

This will be true if val is false, NaN, or undefined.

Detecting user leaving page with react-router

For react-router v3.x

I had the same issue where I needed a confirmation message for any unsaved change on the page. In my case, I was using React Router v3, so I could not use <Prompt />, which was introduced from React Router v4.

I handled 'back button click' and 'accidental link click' with the combination of setRouteLeaveHook and history.pushState(), and handled 'reload button' with onbeforeunload event handler.

setRouteLeaveHook (doc) & history.pushState (doc)

  • Using only setRouteLeaveHook was not enough. For some reason, the URL was changed although the page remained the same when 'back button' was clicked.

      // setRouteLeaveHook returns the unregister method
      this.unregisterRouteHook = this.props.router.setRouteLeaveHook(
      routerWillLeave = nextLocation => {
        // Using native 'confirm' method to show confirmation message
        const result = confirm('Unsaved work will be lost');
        if (result) {
          // navigation confirmed
          return true;
        } else {
          // navigation canceled, pushing the previous path
          window.history.pushState(null, null, this.props.route.path);
          return false;

onbeforeunload (doc)

  • It is used to handle 'accidental reload' button

    window.onbeforeunload = this.handleOnBeforeUnload;
    handleOnBeforeUnload = e => {
      const message = 'Are you sure?';
      e.returnValue = message;
      return message;

Below is the full component that I have written

  • note that withRouter is used to have this.props.router.
  • note that this.props.route is passed down from the calling component
  • note that currentState is passed as prop to have initial state and to check any change

    import React from 'react';
    import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
    import _ from 'lodash';
    import { withRouter } from 'react-router';
    import Component from '../Component';
    import styles from './PreventRouteChange.css';
    class PreventRouteChange extends Component {
      constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
          // initialize the initial state to check any change
          initialState: _.cloneDeep(props.currentState),
          hookMounted: false
      componentDidUpdate() {
       // I used the library called 'lodash'
       // but you can use your own way to check any unsaved changed
        const unsaved = !_.isEqual(
        if (!unsaved && this.state.hookMounted) {
          // unregister hooks
          this.setState({ hookMounted: false });
          window.onbeforeunload = null;
        } else if (unsaved && !this.state.hookMounted) {
          // register hooks
          this.setState({ hookMounted: true });
          this.unregisterRouteHook = this.props.router.setRouteLeaveHook(
          window.onbeforeunload = this.handleOnBeforeUnload;
      componentWillUnmount() {
        // unregister onbeforeunload event handler
        window.onbeforeunload = null;
      handleOnBeforeUnload = e => {
        const message = 'Are you sure?';
        e.returnValue = message;
        return message;
      routerWillLeave = nextLocation => {
        const result = confirm('Unsaved work will be lost');
        if (result) {
          return true;
        } else {
          window.history.pushState(null, null, this.props.route.path);
          if (this.formStartEle) {
          return false;
      render() {
        return (
    PreventRouteChange.propTypes = propTypes;
    export default withRouter(PreventRouteChange);

Please let me know if there is any question :)

What is a elegant way in Ruby to tell if a variable is a Hash or an Array?

You can just do:

@some_var.class == Hash

or also something like:


It's worth noting that the "is_a?" method is true if the class is anywhere in the objects ancestry tree. for instance:

@some_var.is_a?(Object)  # => true

the above is true if @some_var is an instance of a hash or other class that stems from Object. So, if you want a strict match on the class type, using the == or instance_of? method is probably what you're looking for.

Datatables Select All Checkbox

I made a simple implementation of this functionality using fontawesome, also taking advantage of the Select Extension, this covers select all, deselect some items, deselect all.


<table id="example" class="display" style="width:100%">
                <button style="border: none; background: transparent; font-size: 14px;" id="MyTableCheckAllButton">
                <i class="far fa-square"></i>  
            <td>Tiger Nixon</td>
            <td>System Architect</td>
            <td>Garrett Winters</td>
            <td>Ashton Cox</td>
            <td>Junior Technical Author</td>
            <td>San Francisco</td>
            <td>Cedric Kelly</td>
            <td>Senior Javascript Developer</td>
            <td>Airi Satou</td>
            <td>Brielle Williamson</td>
            <td>Integration Specialist</td>
            <td>New York</td>
            <td>Herrod Chandler</td>
            <td>Sales Assistant</td>
            <td>San Francisco</td>
            <td>Rhona Davidson</td>
            <td>Integration Specialist</td>
            <td>Colleen Hurst</td>
            <td>Javascript Developer</td>
            <td>San Francisco</td>
            <td>Sonya Frost</td>
            <td>Software Engineer</td>
            <td>Jena Gaines</td>
            <td>Office Manager</td>


$(document).ready(function() {
    let myTable = $('#example').DataTable({
        columnDefs: [{
            orderable: false,
            className: 'select-checkbox',
            targets: 0,
        select: {
            style: 'os', // 'single', 'multi', 'os', 'multi+shift'
            selector: 'td:first-child',
        order: [
            [1, 'asc'],

    $('#MyTableCheckAllButton').click(function() {
        if (myTable.rows({
                selected: true
            }).count() > 0) {


    myTable.on('select deselect', function(e, dt, type, indexes) {
        if (type === 'row') {
            // We may use dt instead of myTable to have the freshest data.
            if (dt.rows().count() === dt.rows({
                    selected: true
                }).count()) {
                // Deselect all items button.
                $('#MyTableCheckAllButton i').attr('class', 'far fa-check-square');

            if (dt.rows({
                    selected: true
                }).count() === 0) {
                // Select all items button.
                $('#MyTableCheckAllButton i').attr('class', 'far fa-square');

            // Deselect some items button.
            $('#MyTableCheckAllButton i').attr('class', 'far fa-minus-square');

Why am I getting "void value not ignored as it ought to be"?

srand doesn't return anything so you can't initialize a with its return value because, well, because it doesn't return a value. Did you mean to call rand as well?

Serialize form data to JSON

The below code should help you out. :)

 //The function is based on
 <script src="//"></script>

    $.fn.serializeObject = function() {
        var o = {};
        var a = this.serializeArray();
        $.each(a, function() {
            if (o[]) {
                if (!o[].push) {
                    o[] = [o[]];
                o[].push(this.value || '');
            } else {
                o[] = this.value || '';
        return o;

    $(function() {
        $('form.login').on('submit', function(e) {

          var formData = $(this).serializeObject();

jquery get all form elements: input, textarea & select

Try this function

function fieldsValidations(element) {
    var isFilled = true;
    var fields = $("#"+element)
        .find("select, textarea, input").serializeArray();

    $.each(fields, function(i, field) {
        if (!field.value){
            isFilled = false;
            return false;
    return isFilled;

And use it as

$("#submit").click(function () {

        $("#submit").html("<i class=\"fas fa-circle-notch fa-spin\"></i>");

Enjoy :)

JavaScript naming conventions

I think that besides some syntax limitations; the naming conventions reasoning are very much language independent. I mean, the arguments in favor of c_style_functions and JavaLikeCamelCase could equally well be used the opposite way, it's just that language users tend to follow the language authors.

having said that, i think most libraries tend to roughly follow a simplification of Java's CamelCase. I find Douglas Crockford advices tasteful enough for me.

Calculating the SUM of (Quantity*Price) from 2 different tables

I had the same problem as Marko and come across a solution like this:

/*Create a Table*/
CREATE TABLE tableGrandTotal
columnGrandtotal int

/*Create a Stored Procedure*/

/*Delete the 'tableGrandTotal' table for another usage of the stored procedure*/
DROP TABLE tableGrandTotal

/*Create a new Table which will include just one column*/
CREATE TABLE tableGrandTotal
columnGrandtotal int

/*Insert the query which returns subtotal for each orderitem row into tableGrandTotal*/
INSERT INTO tableGrandTotal
    SELECT oi.Quantity * p.Price AS columnGrandTotal
        FROM OrderItem oi
        JOIN Product p ON oi.Id = p.Id

/*And return the sum of columnGrandTotal from the newly created table*/    
SELECT SUM(columnGrandTotal) as [Grand Total]
    FROM tableGrandTotal

And just simply use the GetGrandTotal Stored Procedure to retrieve the Grand Total :)

EXEC GetGrandTotal

How to extract elements from a list using indices in Python?

Perhaps use this:

[a[i] for i in (1,2,5)]
# [11, 12, 15]

How to match hyphens with Regular Expression?

It’s less confusing to always use an escaped hyphen, so that it doesn't have to be positionally dependent. That’s a \- inside the bracketed character class.

But there’s something else to consider. Some of those enumerated characters should possibly be written differently. In some circumstances, they definitely should.

This comparison of regex flavors says that C? can use some of the simpler Unicode properties. If you’re dealing with Unicode, you should probably use the general category \p{L} for all possible letters, and maybe \p{Nd} for decimal numbers. Also, if you want to accomodate all that dash punctuation, not just HYPHEN-MINUS, you should use the \p{Pd} property. You might also want to write that sequence of whitespace characters simply as \s, assuming that’s not too general for you.

All together, that works out to apattern of [\p{L}\p{Nd}\p{Pd}!$*] to match any one character from that set.

I’d likely use that anyway, even if I didn’t plan on dealing with the full Unicode set, because it’s a good habit to get into, and because these things often grow beyond their original parameters. Now when you lift it to use in other code, it will still work correctly. If you hard-code all the characters, it won’t.

In jQuery, how do I select an element by its name attribute?

This worked for me..


<input type="radio" class="radioClass" name="radioName" value="1" />Test<br/>
<input type="radio" class="radioClass" name="radioName" value="2" />Practice<br/>
<input type="radio" class="radioClass" name="radioName" value="3" />Both<br/>


    $(".radioClass").each(function() {

Hope it helps..

SQL where datetime column equals today's date?

Can you try this?

SELECT [Title], [Firstname], [Surname], [Company_name], [Interest] 
FROM [dbo].[EXTRANET_users] 

T-SQL doesn't really have the "implied" casting like C# does - you need to explicitly use CAST (or CONVERT).

Also, use GETDATE() or CURRENT_TIMESTAMP to get the "now" date and time.

Update: since you're working against SQL Server 2000 - none of those approaches so far work. Try this instead:

SELECT [Title], [Firstname], [Surname], [Company_name], [Interest] 
FROM [dbo].[EXTRANET_users] 
WHERE DATEADD(dd, 0, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, submission_date)) = DATEADD(dd, 0, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, GETDATE()))

Create a new object from type parameter in generic class

I'm adding this by request, not because I think it directly solves the question. My solution involves a table component for displaying tables from my SQL database:

export class TableComponent<T> {

    public Data: T[] = [];

    public constructor(
        protected type: new (value: Partial<T>) => T
    ) { }

    protected insertRow(value: Partial<T>): void {
        let row: T = new this.type(value);

To put this to use, assume I have a view (or table) in my database VW_MyData and I want to hit the constructor of my VW_MyData class for every entry returned from a query:

export class MyDataComponent extends TableComponent<VW_MyData> {

    public constructor(protected service: DataService) {

    protected query(): void { VW_MyData[]) => {
            for (let item of json) {

The reason this is desirable over simply assigning the returned value to Data, is say I have some code that applies a transformation to some column of VW_MyData in its constructor:

export class VW_MyData {
    public RawColumn: string;
    public TransformedColumn: string;

    public constructor(init?: Partial<VW_MyData>) {
        Object.assign(this, init);
        this.TransformedColumn = this.transform(this.RawColumn);

    protected transform(input: string): string {
        return `Transformation of ${input}!`;

This allows me to perform transformations, validations, and whatever else on all my data coming in to TypeScript. Hopefully it provides some insight for someone.

How to dynamically create a class?

You can look at using dynamic modules and classes that can do the job. The only disadvantage is that it remains loaded in the app domain. But with the version of .NET framework being used, that could change. .NET 4.0 supports collectible dynamic assemblies and hence you can recreate the classes/types dynamically.

best practice font size for mobile

The font sizes in your question are an example of what ratio each header should be in comparison to each other, rather than what size they should be themselves (in pixels).

So in response to your question "Is there a 'best practice' for these for mobile phones? - say iphone screen size?", yes there probably is - but you might find what someone says is "best practice" does not work for your layout.

However, to help get you on the right track, this article about building responsive layouts provides a good example of how to calculate the base font-size in pixels in relation to device screen sizes.

The suggested font-sizes for screen resolutions suggested from that article are as follows:

@media (min-width: 858px) {
    html {
        font-size: 12px;

@media (min-width: 780px) {
    html {
        font-size: 11px;

@media (min-width: 702px) {
    html {
        font-size: 10px;

@media (min-width: 724px) {
    html {
        font-size: 9px;

@media (max-width: 623px) {
    html {
        font-size: 8px;

Difference between array_map, array_walk and array_filter

The other answers demonstrate the difference between array_walk (in-place modification) and array_map (return modified copy) quite well. However, they don't really mention array_reduce, which is an illuminating way to understand array_map and array_filter.

The array_reduce function takes an array, a two-argument function and an 'accumulator', like this:

array_reduce(array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'),

The array's elements are combined with the accumulator one at a time, using the given function. The result of the above call is the same as doing this:


If you prefer to think in terms of loops, it's like doing the following (I've actually used this as a fallback when array_reduce wasn't available):

function array_reduce($array, $function, $accumulator) {
  foreach ($array as $element) {
    $accumulator = $function($accumulator, $element);
  return $accumulator;

This looping version makes it clear why I've called the third argument an 'accumulator': we can use it to accumulate results through each iteration.

So what does this have to do with array_map and array_filter? It turns out that they're both a particular kind of array_reduce. We can implement them like this:

array_map($function, $array)    === array_reduce($array, $MAP,    array())
array_filter($array, $function) === array_reduce($array, $FILTER, array())

Ignore the fact that array_map and array_filter take their arguments in a different order; that's just another quirk of PHP. The important point is that the right-hand-side is identical except for the functions I've called $MAP and $FILTER. So, what do they look like?

$MAP = function($accumulator, $element) {
  $accumulator[] = $function($element);
  return $accumulator;

$FILTER = function($accumulator, $element) {
  if ($function($element)) $accumulator[] = $element;
  return $accumulator;

As you can see, both functions take in the $accumulator and return it again. There are two differences in these functions:

  • $MAP will always append to $accumulator, but $FILTER will only do so if $function($element) is TRUE.
  • $FILTER appends the original element, but $MAP appends $function($element).

Note that this is far from useless trivia; we can use it to make our algorithms more efficient!

We can often see code like these two examples:

// Transform the valid inputs
array_map('transform', array_filter($inputs, 'valid'))

// Get all numeric IDs
array_filter(array_map('get_id', $inputs), 'is_numeric')

Using array_map and array_filter instead of loops makes these examples look quite nice. However, it can be very inefficient if $inputs is large, since the first call (map or filter) will traverse $inputs and build an intermediate array. This intermediate array is passed straight into the second call, which will traverse the whole thing again, then the intermediate array will need to be garbage collected.

We can get rid of this intermediate array by exploiting the fact that array_map and array_filter are both examples of array_reduce. By combining them, we only have to traverse $inputs once in each example:

// Transform valid inputs
             function($accumulator, $element) {
               if (valid($element)) $accumulator[] = transform($element);
               return $accumulator;

// Get all numeric IDs
             function($accumulator, $element) {
               $id = get_id($element);
               if (is_numeric($id)) $accumulator[] = $id;
               return $accumulator;

NOTE: My implementations of array_map and array_filter above won't behave exactly like PHP's, since my array_map can only handle one array at a time and my array_filter won't use "empty" as its default $function. Also, neither will preserve keys.

It's not difficult to make them behave like PHP's, but I felt that these complications would make the core idea harder to spot.

How to recover corrupted Eclipse workspace?

If the workspace is not that big you could backup to say dropbox as a private locked folder.

Right align text in android TextView

In general, android:gravity="right" is different from android:layout_gravity="right".

The first one affects the position of the text itself within the View, so if you want it to be right-aligned, then layout_width= should be either "fill_parent" or "match_parent".

The second one affects the View's position inside its parent, in other words - aligning the object itself (edit box or text view) inside the parent view.

selenium - chromedriver executable needs to be in PATH

Another way is download and unzip chromedriver and put 'chromedriver.exe' in C:\Python27\Scripts and then you need not to provide the path of driver, just

driver= webdriver.Chrome()

will work

JAXB: How to ignore namespace during unmarshalling XML document?

In my situation, I have many namespaces and after some debug I find another solution just changing the NamespaceFitler class. For my situation (just unmarshall) this work fine.

 import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
 import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
 import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler;
 import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
 import org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLFilterImpl;
 import com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.unmarshaller.SAXConnector;

 public class NamespaceFilter extends XMLFilterImpl {
    private SAXConnector saxConnector;

    public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts) throws SAXException {
        if(saxConnector != null) {
            Collection<QName> expected = saxConnector.getContext().getCurrentExpectedElements();
            for(QName expectedQname : expected) {
                if(localName.equals(expectedQname.getLocalPart())) {
                    super.startElement(expectedQname.getNamespaceURI(), localName, qName, atts);
        super.startElement(uri, localName, qName, atts);

    public void setContentHandler(ContentHandler handler) {
        if(handler instanceof SAXConnector) {
            saxConnector = (SAXConnector) handler;

Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {XXXX} failed due to the following error: 80040154

The solution for windows 2008 server x64 is:

  1. open cmd.exe with Administrator permission.
  2. Copy the dll to the folder C:\Windows\SysWOW64
  3. run regsvr32 from C:\Windows\SysWOW64
  4. Verify that dll is in registry of Windows.
  5. If you has a .exe x86 that use the dll, the exe must be compiled in x86 mode.
  6. The exe must be installed in folder C:\Program Files (x86)

This procedure is valid, it is ok.

Error "Metadata file '...\Release\project.dll' could not be found in Visual Studio"

When you say you deleted references to those projects and re-added them, how did you re-add them, exactly? Did you use the "Browse" tab in the "Add Reference" dialog in Visual Studio? Or, did you use the "Projects" tab (which lists neighboring projects in your solution)?

Edit: If you use the "Browse" tab, and manually add the reference to your .dll that is located in the /Release folder, then Visual Studio will always look for the .dll in that location, regardless of what mode you're currently in (Debug or Release).

If you removed the actual .dll file from the Release folder (either manually or by doing "Clean Solution"), then your reference will break because the .dll does not exist.

I'd suggest removing the reference to ProjectX.dll, and add it in again--but this time, use the "Projects" tab in the "Add Reference" dialog. When you add a reference this way, Visual Studio knows where to get the appropriate .dll. If you're in Debug mode, it will get it from the /Debug folder. If in Release mode, the /Release folder. Your build error should go away, and you also will no longer be (improperly) referencing a Release .dll while in Debug mode.

Check if a given key already exists in a dictionary

What about using EAFP (easier to ask forgiveness than permission):

   blah = dict["mykey"]
   # key exists in dict
except KeyError:
   # key doesn't exist in dict

See other SO posts:

Using try vs if in python or

Checking for member existence in Python

How to write log base(2) in c/c++

log2(int n) = 31 - __builtin_clz(n)

@Media min-width & max-width

for some iPhone you have to put your viewport like this

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, shrink-to-fit=no, user-scalable=0" />

Is List<Dog> a subclass of List<Animal>? Why are Java generics not implicitly polymorphic?

We should also take in consideration how the compiler threats the generic classes: in "instantiates" a different type whenever we fill the generic arguments.

Thus we have ListOfAnimal, ListOfDog, ListOfCat, etc, which are distinct classes that end up being "created" by the compiler when we specify the generic arguments. And this is a flat hierarchy (actually regarding to List is not a hierarchy at all).

Another argument why covariance doesn't make sense in case of generic classes is the fact that at base all classes are the same - are List instances. Specialising a List by filling the generic argument doesn't extend the class, it just makes it work for that particular generic argument.

IIS Express Windows Authentication

In IIS Manager click on your site. You need to be "in feature view" (rather than "content view")

In the IIS section of "feature view" choose the so-called feature "authentication" and doulbe click it. Here you can enable Windows Authentication. This is also possible (by i think in one of the suggestions in the thread) by a setting in the web.config ( ...)

But maybe you have a web.config you do not want to scrue too much around with. Then this thread wouldnt be too much help, which is why i added this answer.

How to know when a web page was last updated?

01. Open the page for which you want to get the information.

02. Clear the address bar [where you type the address of the sites]:

and type or copy/paste from below:


03. Press Enter or Go button.

How to Calculate Execution Time of a Code Snippet in C++

Windows provides QueryPerformanceCounter() function, and Unix has gettimeofday() Both functions can measure at least 1 micro-second difference.

Map vs Object in JavaScript

When to use Maps instead of plain JavaScript Objects ?

The plain JavaScript Object { key: 'value' } holds structured data. But plain JS object has its limitations :

  1. Only strings and symbols can be used as keys of Objects. If we use any other things say, numbers as keys of an object then during accessing those keys we will see those keys will be converted into strings implicitly causing us to lose consistency of types. const names= {1: 'one', 2: 'two'}; Object.keys(names); // ['1', '2']

  2. There are chances of accidentally overwriting inherited properties from prototypes by writing JS identifiers as key names of an object (e.g. toString, constructor etc.)

  3. Another object cannot be used as key of an object, so no extra information can be written for an object by writing that object as key of another object and value of that another object will contain the extra information

  4. Objects are not iterators

  5. The size of an object cannot be determined directly

These limitations of Objects are solved by Maps but we must consider Maps as complement for Objects instead of replacement. Basically Map is just array of arrays but we must pass that array of arrays to the Map object as argument with new keyword otherwise only for array of arrays the useful properties and methods of Map aren't available. And remember key-value pairs inside the array of arrays or the Map must be separated by commas only, no colons like in plain objects.

3 tips to decide whether to use a Map or an Object :

  1. Use maps over objects when keys are unknown until run time because keys formed by user input or unknowingly can break the code which uses the object if those keys overwrite the inherited properties of the object, so map is safer in those cases. Also use maps when all keys are the same type and all maps are the same type.

  2. Use maps if there is a need to store primitive values as keys.

  3. Use objects if we need to operate on individual elements.

Benefits of using Maps are :

1. Map accepts any key type and preserves the type of key :

We know that if the object's key is not a string or symbol then JS implicitly transforms it into a string. On the contrary, Map accepts any type of keys : string, number, boolean, symbol etc. and Map preserves the original key type. Here we will use number as key inside a Map and it will remain a number :

const numbersMap= new Map();

numbersMap.set(1, 'one');

numbersMap.set(2, 'two');

const keysOfMap= [...numbersMap.keys()];

console.log(keysOfMap);                        // [1, 2]

Inside a Map we can even use an entire object as a key. There may be times when we want to store some object related data, without attaching this data inside the object itself so that we can work with lean objects but want to store some information about the object. In those cases we need to use Map so that we can make Object as key and related data of the object as value.

const foo= {name: foo};

const bar= {name: bar};

const kindOfMap= [[foo, 'Foo related data'], [bar, 'Bar related data']];

But the downside of this approach is the complexity of accessing the value by key, as we have to loop through the entire array to get the desired value.

function getBy Key(kindOfMap, key) {
    for (const [k, v]  of kindOfMap) {
        if(key === k) {
            return v;
    return undefined;

getByKey(kindOfMap, foo);            // 'Foo related data'

We can solve this problem of not getting direct access to the value by using a proper Map.

const foo= {name: 'foo'};

const bar= {name: 'bar'};

const myMap= new Map();

myMap.set(foo, 'Foo related data');
myMap.set(bar, 'Bar related data');

console.log(myMap.get(foo));            // 'Foo related data'

We could have done this using WeakMap, just have to write, const myMap= new WeakMap( ). The differences between Map and WeakMap are that WeakMap allows for garbage collection of keys (here objects) so it prevents memory leaks, WeakMap accepts only objects as keys, and WeakMap has reduced set of methods.

2. Map has no restriction over key names :

For plain JS objects we can accidentally overwrite property inherited from the prototype and it can be dangerous. Here we will overwrite the toString( ) property of the actor object :

const actor= {
    name: 'Harrison Ford',
    toString: 'Actor: Harrison Ford'

Now let's define a fn isPlainObject( ) to determine if the supplied argument is a plain object and this fn uses toString( ) method to check it :

function isPlainObject(value) {
    return value.toString() === '[object Object]';

isPlainObject(actor);        // TypeError : value.toString is not a function

// this is because inside actor object toString property is a string instead of inherited method from prototype

The Map does not have any restrictions on the key names, we can use key names like toString, constructor etc. Here although actorMap object has a property named toString but the method toString( ) inherited from prototype of actorMap object works perfectly.

const actorMap= new Map();

actorMap.set('name', 'Harrison Ford');

actorMap.set('toString', 'Actor: Harrison Ford');

function isMap(value) {
  return value.toString() === '[object Map]';

console.log(isMap(actorMap));     // true

If we have a situation where user input creates keys then we must take those keys inside a Map instead of a plain object. This is because user may choose a custom field name like, toString, constructor etc. then such key names in a plain object can potentially break the code that later uses this object. So the right solution is to bind the user interface state to a map, there is no way to break the Map :

const userCustomFieldsMap= new Map([['color', 'blue'], ['size', 'medium'], ['toString', 'A blue box']]);

3. Map is iterable :

To iterate a plain object's properties we need Object.entries( ) or Object.keys( ). The Object.entries(plainObject) returns an array of key value pairs extracted from the object, we can then destructure those keys and values and can get normal keys and values output.

const colorHex= {
  'white': '#FFFFFF',
  'black': '#000000'

for(const [color, hex] of Object.entries(colorHex)) {
  console.log(color, hex);
'white' '#FFFFFF'   
'black' '#000000'

As Maps are iterable that's why we do not need entries( ) methods to iterate over a Map and destructuring of key, value array can be done directly on the Map as inside a Map each element lives as an array of key value pairs separated by commas.

const colorHexMap= new Map();
colorHexMap.set('white', '#FFFFFF');
colorHexMap.set('black', '#000000');

for(const [color, hex] of colorHexMap) {
  console.log(color, hex);
//'white' '#FFFFFF'   'black' '#000000'

Also map.keys( ) returns an iterator over keys and map.values( ) returns an iterator over values.

4. We can easily know the size of a Map

We cannot directly determine the number of properties in a plain object. We need a helper fn like, Object.keys( ) which returns an array with keys of the object then using length property we can get the number of keys or the size of the plain object.

const exams= {'John Rambo': '80%', 'James Bond': '60%'};

const sizeOfObj= Object.keys(exams).length;

console.log(sizeOfObj);       // 2

But in the case of Maps we can have direct access to the size of the Map using map.size property.

const examsMap= new Map([['John Rambo', '80%'], ['James Bond', '60%']]);


How to get the Android Emulator's IP address?

If you need to refer to your host computer's localhost, such as when you want the emulator client to contact a server running on the same host, use the alias to refer to the host computer's loopback interface. From the emulator's perspective, localhost ( refers to its own loopback interface.More details:

filters on ng-model in an input

If you are doing complex, async input validation it might be worth it to abstract ng-model up one level as part of a custom class with its own validation methods.



  <label for="a">input a</label>
    ng-class="{'is-valid': == true, 'is-invalid': == false}"
    placeholder="{{ === false ? : ''}}"
    id="a" />

  <label for="b">input b</label>
    ng-class="{'is-valid': == true, 'is-invalid': == false}"
    placeholder="{{ === false ? : ''}}"
    id="b" />



(function() {

  const _ = window._;

    .module('app', [])
    .directive('componentLayout', layout)
    .controller('Layout', ['Validator', Layout])
    .factory('Validator', function() { return Validator; });

  /** Layout controller */

  function Layout(Validator) { = {
      a: new Validator({title: 'input a'}),
      b: new Validator({title: 'input b'})

  /** layout directive */

  function layout() {
    return {
      restrict: 'EA',
      templateUrl: 'layout.html',
      controller: 'Layout',
      controllerAs: 'vm',
      bindToController: true

  /** Validator factory */  

  function Validator(config) {
    this.model = null;
    this.isValid = null;
    this.title = config.title;

  Validator.prototype.isEmpty = function(checkName) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      if (/^\s+$/.test(this.model) || this.model.length === 0) {
        this.isValid = false;
        this.warning = `${this.title} cannot be empty`;
        reject(_.merge(this, {test: checkName}));
      else {
        this.isValid = true;
        resolve(_.merge(this, {test: checkName}));

   * @memberof Validator
   * @param {array} checks - array of strings, must match defined Validator class methods

  Validator.prototype.validate = function(checks) {
      .all( => this[check](check)))
      .then(res => { console.log('pass', res)  })
      .catch(e => { console.log('fail', e) })


Laravel Password & Password_Confirmation Validation

It should be enough to do:

$this->validate($request, [
    'password' => 'sometimes,min:6,confirmed,required_with:password_confirmed',

Make password optional, but if present requires a password_confirmation that matches, also make password required only if password_confirmed is present

SQL Server: Importing database from .mdf?

Open SQL Management Studio Express and log in to the server to which you want to attach the database. In the 'Object Explorer' window, right-click on the 'Databases' folder and select 'Attach...' The 'Attach Databases' window will open; inside that window click 'Add...' and then navigate to your .MDF file and click 'OK'. Click 'OK' once more to finish attaching the database and you are done. The database should be available for use. best regards :)

PowerShell: Comparing dates

I wanted to show how powerful it can be aside from just checking "-lt".

Example: I used it to calculate time differences take from Windows event view Application log:

Get the difference between the two date times:

PS> $Obj = ((get-date "10/22/2020 12:51:1") - (get-date "10/22/2020 12:20:1 "))

Object created:

PS> $Obj

Days              : 0
Hours             : 0
Minutes           : 31
Seconds           : 0
Milliseconds      : 0
Ticks             : 18600000000
TotalDays         : 0.0215277777777778
TotalHours        : 0.516666666666667
TotalMinutes      : 31
TotalSeconds      : 1860
TotalMilliseconds : 1860000

Access an item directly:

PS> $Obj.Minutes

print memory address of Python variable

id is the method you want to use: to convert it to hex:


For instance:

x = 4
print hex(id(x))

Gave me:


Which is what you want, right?

(Fun fact, binding two variables to the same int may result in the same memory address being used.)

x = 4
y = 4
w = 9999
v = 9999
a = 12345678
b = 12345678
print hex(id(x))
print hex(id(y))
print hex(id(w))
print hex(id(v))
print hex(id(a))
print hex(id(b))

This gave me identical pairs, even for the large integers.

Aren't promises just callbacks?

Promises are not callbacks, both are programming idioms that facilitate async programming. Using an async/await-style of programming using coroutines or generators that return promises could be considered a 3rd such idiom. A comparison of these idioms across different programming languages (including Javascript) is here:

How does "make" app know default target to build if no target is specified?

By default, it begins by processing the first target that does not begin with a . aka the default goal; to do that, it may have to process other targets - specifically, ones the first target depends on.

The GNU Make Manual covers all this stuff, and is a surprisingly easy and informative read.

How to install gem from GitHub source?

OBSOLETE (see comments)

If the project is from github, and contained in the list on, then you can just add the github repo to the gems sources to install it :

$ gem sources -a
$ sudo gem install username-projectname

Mocking a method to throw an exception (moq), but otherwise act like the mocked object?

I think this is what you want, I already tested this code and works

The tools used are: (all these tools can be downloaded as Nuget packages)

var fixture = new Fixture().Customize(new AutoMoqCustomization());
var myInterface = fixture.Freeze<Mock<IFileConnection>>();

var sut = fixture.CreateAnonymous<Transfer>();

myInterface.Setup(x => x.Get(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>()))

sut.Invoking(x => 


Let me explain:

When you write a test, you must know exactly what you want to test, this is called: "subject under test (SUT)", if my understanding is correctly, in this case your SUT is: Transfer

So with this in mind, you should not mock your SUT, if you substitute your SUT, then you wouldn't be actually testing the real code

When your SUT has external dependencies (very common) then you need to substitute them in order to test in isolation your SUT. When I say substitute I'm referring to use a mock, dummy, mock, etc depending on your needs

In this case your external dependency is IFileConnection so you need to create mock for this dependency and configure it to throw the exception, then just call your SUT real method and assert your method handles the exception as expected

  • var fixture = new Fixture().Customize(new AutoMoqCustomization());: This linie initializes a new Fixture object (Autofixture library), this object is used to create SUT's without having to explicitly have to worry about the constructor parameters, since they are created automatically or mocked, in this case using Moq

  • var myInterface = fixture.Freeze<Mock<IFileConnection>>();: This freezes the IFileConnection dependency. Freeze means that Autofixture will use always this dependency when asked, like a singleton for simplicity. But the interesting part is that we are creating a Mock of this dependency, you can use all the Moq methods, since this is a simple Moq object

  • var sut = fixture.CreateAnonymous<Transfer>();: Here AutoFixture is creating the SUT for us

  • myInterface.Setup(x => x.Get(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>())).Throws<System.IO.IOException>(); Here you are configuring the dependency to throw an exception whenever the Get method is called, the rest of the methods from this interface are not being configured, therefore if you try to access them you will get an unexpected exception

  • sut.Invoking(x => x.TransferFiles(myInterface.Object, It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>())).ShouldThrow<System.IO.IOException>();: And finally, the time to test your SUT, this line uses the FluenAssertions library, and it just calls the TransferFiles real method from the SUT and as parameters it receives the mocked IFileConnection so whenever you call the IFileConnection.Get in the normal flow of your SUT TransferFiles method, the mocked object will be invoking throwing the configured exception and this is the time to assert that your SUT is handling correctly the exception, in this case, I am just assuring that the exception was thrown by using the ShouldThrow<System.IO.IOException>() (from the FluentAssertions library)

References recommended:

jQuery Ajax Request inside Ajax Request

This is just an example. You may like to customize it as per your requirement.

      url: 'ajax/test1.html',
      success: function(data1) {
        alert('Request 1 was performed.');
            type: 'POST',
            url: url,
            data: data1, //pass data1 to second request
            success: successHandler, // handler if second request succeeds 
            dataType: dataType

For more details : see this

What's the simplest way of detecting keyboard input in a script from the terminal?


I've thought about this problem a lot, and there are a few different behaviors one could want. I've been implementing most of them for Unix and Windows, and will post them here once they are done.

Synchronous/Blocking key capture:

  1. A simple input or raw_input, a blocking function which returns text typed by a user once they press a newline.
  2. A simple blocking function that waits for the user to press a single key, then returns that key

Asynchronous key capture:

  1. A callback that is called with the pressed key whenever the user types a key into the command prompt, even when typing things into an interpreter (a keylogger)
  2. A callback that is called with the typed text after the user presses enter (a less realtime keylogger)
  3. A callback that is called with the keys pressed when a program is running (say, in a for loop or while loop)


  1. The user simply wants to be able to do something when a key is pressed, without having to wait for that key (so this should be non-blocking). Thus they call a poll() function and that either returns a key, or returns None. This can either be lossy (if they take too long to between poll they can miss a key) or non-lossy (the poller will store the history of all keys pressed, so when the poll() function requests them they will always be returned in the order pressed).

  2. The same as 1, except that poll only returns something once the user presses a newline.


These are something that can be called to programmatically fire keyboard events. This can be used alongside key captures to echo them back out to the user


Synchronous/Blocking key capture:

A simple input or raw_input, a blocking function which returns text typed by a user once they press a newline.

typedString = raw_input()

A simple blocking function that waits for the user to press a single key, then returns that key

class _Getch:
    """Gets a single character from standard input.  Does not echo to the
screen. From"""
    def __init__(self):
            self.impl = _GetchWindows()
        except ImportError:
                self.impl = _GetchMacCarbon()
            except(AttributeError, ImportError):
                self.impl = _GetchUnix()

    def __call__(self): return self.impl()

class _GetchUnix:
    def __init__(self):
        import tty, sys, termios # import termios now or else you'll get the Unix version on the Mac

    def __call__(self):
        import sys, tty, termios
        fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
        old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
            ch =
            termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings)
        return ch

class _GetchWindows:
    def __init__(self):
        import msvcrt

    def __call__(self):
        import msvcrt
        return msvcrt.getch()

class _GetchMacCarbon:
    A function which returns the current ASCII key that is down;
    if no ASCII key is down, the null string is returned.  The
    page was
    very helpful in figuring out how to do this.
    def __init__(self):
        import Carbon
        Carbon.Evt #see if it has this (in Unix, it doesn't)

    def __call__(self):
        import Carbon
        if Carbon.Evt.EventAvail(0x0008)[0]==0: # 0x0008 is the keyDownMask
            return ''
            # The event contains the following info:
            # (what,msg,when,where,mod)=Carbon.Evt.GetNextEvent(0x0008)[1]
            # The message (msg) contains the ASCII char which is
            # extracted with the 0x000000FF charCodeMask; this
            # number is converted to an ASCII character with chr() and
            # returned
            return chr(msg & 0x000000FF)

def getKey():
    inkey = _Getch()
    import sys
    for i in xrange(sys.maxint):
        if k<>'':break

    return k

Asynchronous key capture:

A callback that is called with the pressed key whenever the user types a key into the command prompt, even when typing things into an interpreter (a keylogger)

A callback that is called with the typed text after the user presses enter (a less realtime keylogger)


This uses the windows Robot given below, naming the script

# Some if this is from[email protected]/380/win32api.GetStdHandle
# and
#[email protected]/901/win32console.GetStdHandle.PeekConsoleInput

from ctypes import *
import time
import threading



import keyPress

class CaptureLines():
    def __init__(self):
        self.stopLock = threading.Lock()

        self.isCapturingInputLines = False

        self.inputLinesHookCallback = CFUNCTYPE(c_int)(self.inputLinesHook)
        self.pyosInputHookPointer = c_void_p.in_dll(pythonapi, "PyOS_InputHook")
        self.originalPyOsInputHookPointerValue = self.pyosInputHookPointer.value

        self.readHandle = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE)

    def inputLinesHook(self):

        inputChars = self.readHandle.ReadConsole(10000000)

        if inputChars == "\r\n":
            return 0

        inputChars = inputChars[:-2]

        inputChars += "\n"

        for c in inputChars:


        return 0

    def startCapture(self, inputCallback):

            if self.isCapturingInputLines:
                raise Exception("Already capturing keystrokes")

            self.isCapturingInputLines = True
            self.inputCallback = inputCallback

            self.pyosInputHookPointer.value = cast(self.inputLinesHookCallback, c_void_p).value
        except Exception as e:


    def stopCapture(self):

            if not self.isCapturingInputLines:
                raise Exception("Keystrokes already aren't being captured")


            self.isCapturingInputLines = False
            self.pyosInputHookPointer.value = self.originalPyOsInputHookPointerValue

        except Exception as e:


A callback that is called with the keys pressed when a program is running (say, in a for loop or while loop)


import threading
from win32api import STD_INPUT_HANDLE

class KeyAsyncReader():
    def __init__(self):
        self.stopLock = threading.Lock()
        self.stopped = True
        self.capturedChars = ""

        self.readHandle = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE)

    def startReading(self, readCallback):

            if not self.stopped:
                raise Exception("Capture is already going")

            self.stopped = False
            self.readCallback = readCallback

            backgroundCaptureThread = threading.Thread(target=self.backgroundThreadReading)
            backgroundCaptureThread.daemon = True


    def backgroundThreadReading(self):
        curEventLength = 0
        curKeysLength = 0
        while True:
            eventsPeek = self.readHandle.PeekConsoleInput(10000)

            if self.stopped:

            if len(eventsPeek) == 0:

            if not len(eventsPeek) == curEventLength:
                if self.getCharsFromEvents(eventsPeek[curEventLength:]):
                    self.stopped = True

                curEventLength = len(eventsPeek)

    def getCharsFromEvents(self, eventsPeek):
        callbackReturnedTrue = False
        for curEvent in eventsPeek:
            if curEvent.EventType == KEY_EVENT:
                    if ord(curEvent.Char) == 0 or not curEvent.KeyDown:
                        curChar = str(curEvent.Char)
                        if self.readCallback(curChar) == True:
                            callbackReturnedTrue = True

        return callbackReturnedTrue

    def stopReading(self):
        self.stopped = True


The user simply wants to be able to do something when a key is pressed, without having to wait for that key (so this should be non-blocking). Thus they call a poll() function and that either returns a key, or returns None. This can either be lossy (if they take too long to between poll they can miss a key) or non-lossy (the poller will store the history of all keys pressed, so when the poll() function requests them they will always be returned in the order pressed).

Windows and OS X (and maybe Linux):

global isWindows

isWindows = False
    from win32api import STD_INPUT_HANDLE
    isWindows = True
except ImportError as e:
    import sys
    import select
    import termios

class KeyPoller():
    def __enter__(self):
        global isWindows
        if isWindows:
            self.readHandle = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE)

            self.curEventLength = 0
            self.curKeysLength = 0

            self.capturedChars = []
            # Save the terminal settings
            self.fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
            self.new_term = termios.tcgetattr(self.fd)
            self.old_term = termios.tcgetattr(self.fd)

            # New terminal setting unbuffered
            self.new_term[3] = (self.new_term[3] & ~termios.ICANON & ~termios.ECHO)
            termios.tcsetattr(self.fd, termios.TCSAFLUSH, self.new_term)

        return self

    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
        if isWindows:
            termios.tcsetattr(self.fd, termios.TCSAFLUSH, self.old_term)

    def poll(self):
        if isWindows:
            if not len(self.capturedChars) == 0:
                return self.capturedChars.pop(0)

            eventsPeek = self.readHandle.PeekConsoleInput(10000)

            if len(eventsPeek) == 0:
                return None

            if not len(eventsPeek) == self.curEventLength:
                for curEvent in eventsPeek[self.curEventLength:]:
                    if curEvent.EventType == KEY_EVENT:
                        if ord(curEvent.Char) == 0 or not curEvent.KeyDown:
                            curChar = str(curEvent.Char)
                self.curEventLength = len(eventsPeek)

            if not len(self.capturedChars) == 0:
                return self.capturedChars.pop(0)
                return None
            dr,dw,de =[sys.stdin], [], [], 0)
            if not dr == []:
            return None

Simple use case:

with KeyPoller() as keyPoller:
    while True:
        c = keyPoller.poll()
        if not c is None:
            if c == "c":
            print c

The same as above, except that poll only returns something once the user presses a newline.


These are something that can be called to programmatically fire keyboard events. This can be used alongside key captures to echo them back out to the user


# Modified from

import ctypes
from ctypes import wintypes
import time

user32 = ctypes.WinDLL('user32', use_last_error=True)


KEYEVENTF_KEYUP       = 0x0002


# C struct definitions
wintypes.ULONG_PTR = wintypes.WPARAM

SendInput = ctypes.windll.user32.SendInput

PUL = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ulong)

class KEYBDINPUT(ctypes.Structure):
    _fields_ = (("wVk",         wintypes.WORD),
                ("wScan",       wintypes.WORD),
                ("dwFlags",     wintypes.DWORD),
                ("time",        wintypes.DWORD),
                ("dwExtraInfo", wintypes.ULONG_PTR))

class MOUSEINPUT(ctypes.Structure):
    _fields_ = (("dx",          wintypes.LONG),
                ("dy",          wintypes.LONG),
                ("mouseData",   wintypes.DWORD),
                ("dwFlags",     wintypes.DWORD),
                ("time",        wintypes.DWORD),
                ("dwExtraInfo", wintypes.ULONG_PTR))

class HARDWAREINPUT(ctypes.Structure):
    _fields_ = (("uMsg",    wintypes.DWORD),
                ("wParamL", wintypes.WORD),
                ("wParamH", wintypes.WORD))

class INPUT(ctypes.Structure):
    class _INPUT(ctypes.Union):
        _fields_ = (("ki", KEYBDINPUT),
                    ("mi", MOUSEINPUT),
                    ("hi", HARDWAREINPUT))
    _anonymous_ = ("_input",)
    _fields_ = (("type",   wintypes.DWORD),
                ("_input", _INPUT))


def _check_count(result, func, args):
    if result == 0:
        raise ctypes.WinError(ctypes.get_last_error())
    return args

user32.SendInput.errcheck = _check_count
user32.SendInput.argtypes = (wintypes.UINT, # nInputs
                             LPINPUT,       # pInputs
                             ctypes.c_int)  # cbSize

def KeyDown(unicodeKey):
    key, unikey, uniflag = GetKeyCode(unicodeKey)
    x = INPUT( type=INPUT_KEYBOARD, ki= KEYBDINPUT( key, unikey, uniflag, 0))
    user32.SendInput(1, ctypes.byref(x), ctypes.sizeof(x))

def KeyUp(unicodeKey):
    key, unikey, uniflag = GetKeyCode(unicodeKey)
    extra = ctypes.c_ulong(0)
    x = INPUT( type=INPUT_KEYBOARD, ki= KEYBDINPUT( key, unikey, uniflag | KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0))
    user32.SendInput(1, ctypes.byref(x), ctypes.sizeof(x))

def KeyPress(unicodeKey):

def GetKeyCode(unicodeKey):
    k = unicodeKey
    curKeyCode = 0
    if k == "up": curKeyCode = 0x26
    elif k == "down": curKeyCode = 0x28
    elif k == "left": curKeyCode = 0x25
    elif k == "right": curKeyCode = 0x27
    elif k == "home": curKeyCode = 0x24
    elif k == "end": curKeyCode = 0x23
    elif k == "insert": curKeyCode = 0x2D
    elif k == "pgup": curKeyCode = 0x21
    elif k == "pgdn": curKeyCode = 0x22
    elif k == "delete": curKeyCode = 0x2E
    elif k == "\n": curKeyCode = 0x0D

    if curKeyCode == 0:
        return 0, int(unicodeKey.encode("hex"), 16), KEYEVENTF_UNICODE
        return curKeyCode, 0, 0


#!/usr/bin/env python

import time
from Quartz.CoreGraphics import CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent
from Quartz.CoreGraphics import CGEventPost

# Python releases things automatically, using CFRelease will result in a scary error
#from Quartz.CoreGraphics import CFRelease

from Quartz.CoreGraphics import kCGHIDEventTap

# From
# and from

def KeyDown(k):
    keyCode, shiftKey = toKeyCode(k)


    if shiftKey:
        CGEventPost(kCGHIDEventTap, CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent(None, 0x38, True))

    CGEventPost(kCGHIDEventTap, CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent(None, keyCode, True))

    if shiftKey:
        CGEventPost(kCGHIDEventTap, CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent(None, 0x38, False))

def KeyUp(k):
    keyCode, shiftKey = toKeyCode(k)


    CGEventPost(kCGHIDEventTap, CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent(None, keyCode, False))

def KeyPress(k):
    keyCode, shiftKey = toKeyCode(k)


    if shiftKey:
        CGEventPost(kCGHIDEventTap, CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent(None, 0x38, True))

    CGEventPost(kCGHIDEventTap, CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent(None, keyCode, True))

    CGEventPost(kCGHIDEventTap, CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent(None, keyCode, False))

    if shiftKey:
        CGEventPost(kCGHIDEventTap, CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent(None, 0x38, False))

# From

def toKeyCode(c):
    shiftKey = False
    # Letter
    if c.isalpha():
        if not c.islower():
            shiftKey = True
            c = c.lower()

    if c in shiftChars:
        shiftKey = True
        c = shiftChars[c]
    if c in keyCodeMap:
        keyCode = keyCodeMap[c]
        keyCode = ord(c)
    return keyCode, shiftKey

shiftChars = {
    '~': '`',
    '!': '1',
    '@': '2',
    '#': '3',
    '$': '4',
    '%': '5',
    '^': '6',
    '&': '7',
    '*': '8',
    '(': '9',
    ')': '0',
    '_': '-',
    '+': '=',
    '{': '[',
    '}': ']',
    '|': '\\',
    ':': ';',
    '"': '\'',
    '<': ',',
    '>': '.',
    '?': '/'

keyCodeMap = {
    'a'                 : 0x00,
    's'                 : 0x01,
    'd'                 : 0x02,
    'f'                 : 0x03,
    'h'                 : 0x04,
    'g'                 : 0x05,
    'z'                 : 0x06,
    'x'                 : 0x07,
    'c'                 : 0x08,
    'v'                 : 0x09,
    'b'                 : 0x0B,
    'q'                 : 0x0C,
    'w'                 : 0x0D,
    'e'                 : 0x0E,
    'r'                 : 0x0F,
    'y'                 : 0x10,
    't'                 : 0x11,
    '1'                 : 0x12,
    '2'                 : 0x13,
    '3'                 : 0x14,
    '4'                 : 0x15,
    '6'                 : 0x16,
    '5'                 : 0x17,
    '='                 : 0x18,
    '9'                 : 0x19,
    '7'                 : 0x1A,
    '-'                 : 0x1B,
    '8'                 : 0x1C,
    '0'                 : 0x1D,
    ']'                 : 0x1E,
    'o'                 : 0x1F,
    'u'                 : 0x20,
    '['                 : 0x21,
    'i'                 : 0x22,
    'p'                 : 0x23,
    'l'                 : 0x25,
    'j'                 : 0x26,
    '\''                : 0x27,
    'k'                 : 0x28,
    ';'                 : 0x29,
    '\\'                : 0x2A,
    ','                 : 0x2B,
    '/'                 : 0x2C,
    'n'                 : 0x2D,
    'm'                 : 0x2E,
    '.'                 : 0x2F,
    '`'                 : 0x32,
    'k.'                : 0x41,
    'k*'                : 0x43,
    'k+'                : 0x45,
    'kclear'            : 0x47,
    'k/'                : 0x4B,
    'k\n'               : 0x4C,
    'k-'                : 0x4E,
    'k='                : 0x51,
    'k0'                : 0x52,
    'k1'                : 0x53,
    'k2'                : 0x54,
    'k3'                : 0x55,
    'k4'                : 0x56,
    'k5'                : 0x57,
    'k6'                : 0x58,
    'k7'                : 0x59,
    'k8'                : 0x5B,
    'k9'                : 0x5C,

    # keycodes for keys that are independent of keyboard layout
    '\n'                : 0x24,
    '\t'                : 0x30,
    ' '                 : 0x31,
    'del'               : 0x33,
    'delete'            : 0x33,
    'esc'               : 0x35,
    'escape'            : 0x35,
    'cmd'               : 0x37,
    'command'           : 0x37,
    'shift'             : 0x38,
    'caps lock'         : 0x39,
    'option'            : 0x3A,
    'ctrl'              : 0x3B,
    'control'           : 0x3B,
    'right shift'       : 0x3C,
    'rshift'            : 0x3C,
    'right option'      : 0x3D,
    'roption'           : 0x3D,
    'right control'     : 0x3E,
    'rcontrol'          : 0x3E,
    'fun'               : 0x3F,
    'function'          : 0x3F,
    'f17'               : 0x40,
    'volume up'         : 0x48,
    'volume down'       : 0x49,
    'mute'              : 0x4A,
    'f18'               : 0x4F,
    'f19'               : 0x50,
    'f20'               : 0x5A,
    'f5'                : 0x60,
    'f6'                : 0x61,
    'f7'                : 0x62,
    'f3'                : 0x63,
    'f8'                : 0x64,
    'f9'                : 0x65,
    'f11'               : 0x67,
    'f13'               : 0x69,
    'f16'               : 0x6A,
    'f14'               : 0x6B,
    'f10'               : 0x6D,
    'f12'               : 0x6F,
    'f15'               : 0x71,
    'help'              : 0x72,
    'home'              : 0x73,
    'pgup'              : 0x74,
    'page up'           : 0x74,
    'forward delete'    : 0x75,
    'f4'                : 0x76,
    'end'               : 0x77,
    'f2'                : 0x78,
    'page down'         : 0x79,
    'pgdn'              : 0x79,
    'f1'                : 0x7A,
    'left'              : 0x7B,
    'right'             : 0x7C,
    'down'              : 0x7D,
    'up'                : 0x7E

ld cannot find an existing library

The problem is the linker is looking for but you only have

A quick hack is to symlink to

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object error

This is because $pjs is an one-element-array of objects, so first you should access the array element, which is an object and then access its attributes.

echo $pjs[0]->player_name;

Actually dump result that you pasted tells it very clearly.

MySQL: Grant **all** privileges on database

Hello I used this code to have the super user in mysql

        ON *.* TO mysql@'%'

and then


How to enumerate a range of numbers starting at 1

Just to put this here for posterity sake, in 2.6 the "start" parameter was added to enumerate like so:

enumerate(sequence, start=1)

git-diff to ignore ^M

I struggled with this problem for a long time. By far the easiest solution is to not worry about the ^M characters and just use a visual diff tool that can handle them.

Instead of typing:

git diff <commitHash> <filename>


git difftool <commitHash> <filename>

Batch script to find and replace a string in text file within a minute for files up to 12 MB

Give this a shot:

@echo off

call :FindReplace "findstr" "replacestr" input.txt

exit /b 

:FindReplace <findstr> <replstr> <file>
set tmp="%temp%\tmp.txt"
If not exist %temp%\_.vbs call :MakeReplace
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir "%3" /s /b /a-d /on') do (
  for /f "usebackq" %%b in (`Findstr /mic:"%~1" "%%a"`) do (
    echo(&Echo Replacing "%~1" with "%~2" in file %%~nxa
    <%%a cscript //nologo %temp%\_.vbs "%~1" "%~2">%tmp%
    if exist %tmp% move /Y %tmp% "%%~dpnxa">nul
del %temp%\_.vbs
exit /b

>%temp%\_.vbs echo with Wscript
>>%temp%\_.vbs echo set args=.arguments
>>%temp%\_.vbs echo .StdOut.Write _
>>%temp%\_.vbs echo Replace(.StdIn.ReadAll,args(0),args(1),1,-1,1)
>>%temp%\_.vbs echo end with

git push rejected

When doing a push, try specifying the refspec for the upstream master:

git push upstream upstreammaster:master

How to stop process from .BAT file?

taskkill /F /IM notepad.exe this is the best way to kill the task from task manager.

save a pandas.Series histogram plot to file

Use the Figure.savefig() method, like so:

ax = s.hist()  # s is an instance of Series
fig = ax.get_figure()

It doesn't have to end in pdf, there are many options. Check out the documentation.

Alternatively, you can use the pyplot interface and just call the savefig as a function to save the most recently created figure:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.savefig('path/to/figure.pdf')  # saves the current figure

Saving response from Requests to file

I believe all the existing answers contain the relevant information, but I would like to summarize.

The response object that is returned by requests get and post operations contains two useful attributes:

Response attributes

  • response.text - Contains str with the response text.
  • response.content - Contains bytes with the raw response content.

You should choose one or other of these attributes depending on the type of response you expect.

  • For text-based responses (html, json, yaml, etc) you would use response.text
  • For binary-based responses (jpg, png, zip, xls, etc) you would use response.content.

Writing response to file

When writing responses to file you need to use the open function with the appropriate file write mode.

  • For text responses you need to use "w" - plain write mode.
  • For binary responses you need to use "wb" - binary write mode.


Text request and save

# Request the HTML for this web page:
response = requests.get("")
with open("response.txt", "w") as f:

Binary request and save

# Request the profile picture of the OP:
response = requests.get("")
with open("response.jpg", "wb") as f:

Answering the original question

The original code should work by using wb and response.content:

import requests

files = {'f': ('1.pdf', open('1.pdf', 'rb'))}
response ="",files=files)
response.raise_for_status() # ensure we notice bad responses
file = open("out.xls", "wb")

But I would go further and use the with context manager for open.

import requests

with open('1.pdf', 'rb') as file:
    files = {'f': ('1.pdf', file)}
    response ="",files=files)

response.raise_for_status() # ensure we notice bad responses

with open("out.xls", "wb") as file:

Map isn't showing on Google Maps JavaScript API v3 when nested in a div tag

In my case I was getting the grey background and it turned out to be inclusion of a zoom value in the map options. Yup, makes no sense.

Android "Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views."

I use Handler with Looper.getMainLooper(). It worked fine for me.

    Handler handler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()) {
        public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
              // Any UI task, example
              textView.setText("your text");

How do I remove  from the beginning of a file?

Open your file in Notepad++. From the Encoding menu, select Convert to UTF-8 without BOM, save the file, replace the old file with this new file. And it will work, damn sure.

php.ini: which one?

It really depends on the situation, for me its in fpm as I'm using PHP5-FPM. A solution to your problem could be a universal php.ini and then using a symbolic link created like:

ln -s /etc/php5/php.ini php.ini

Then any modifications you make will be in one general .ini file. This is probably not really the best solution though, you might want to look into modifying some configuration so that you literally use one file, on one location. Not multiple locations hacked together.

Parsing a CSV file using NodeJS

npm install csv

Sample CSV file You're going to need a CSV file to parse, so either you have one already, or you can copy the text below and paste it into a new file and call that file "mycsv.csv"

ABC, 123, Fudge
8023, POOP, DOGS
ABC, 123, Fudge
8023, POOP, DOGS

Sample Code Reading and Parsing the CSV file

Create a new file, and insert the following code into it. Make sure to read through what is going on behind the scenes.

    var csv = require('csv'); 
    // loads the csv module referenced above.

    var obj = csv(); 
    // gets the csv module to access the required functionality

    function MyCSV(Fone, Ftwo, Fthree) {
        this.FieldOne = Fone;
        this.FieldTwo = Ftwo;
        this.FieldThree = Fthree;
    // Define the MyCSV object with parameterized constructor, this will be used for storing the data read from the csv into an array of MyCSV. You will need to define each field as shown above.

    var MyData = []; 
    // MyData array will contain the data from the CSV file and it will be sent to the clients request over HTTP. 

    obj.from.path('../THEPATHINYOURPROJECT/TOTHE/csv_FILE_YOU_WANT_TO_LOAD.csv').to.array(function (data) {
        for (var index = 0; index < data.length; index++) {
            MyData.push(new MyCSV(data[index][0], data[index][1], data[index][2]));
    //Reads the CSV file from the path you specify, and the data is stored in the array we specified using callback function.  This function iterates through an array and each line from the CSV file will be pushed as a record to another array called MyData , and logs the data into the console to ensure it worked.

var http = require('http');
//Load the http module.

var server = http.createServer(function (req, resp) {
    resp.writeHead(200, { 'content-type': 'application/json' });
// Create a webserver with a request listener callback.  This will write the response header with the content type as json, and end the response by sending the MyData array in JSON format.

// Tells the webserver to listen on port 8080(obviously this may be whatever port you want.)
var csv = require('csv'); 
// loads the csv module referenced above.
var obj = csv(); 
// gets the csv module to access the required functionality
function MyCSV(Fone, Ftwo, Fthree) {
    this.FieldOne = Fone;
    this.FieldTwo = Ftwo;
    this.FieldThree = Fthree;
// Define the MyCSV object with parameterized constructor, this will be used for storing the data read from the csv into an array of MyCSV. You will need to define each field as shown above.
var MyData = []; 
// MyData array will contain the data from the CSV file and it will be sent to the clients request over HTTP. 
obj.from.path('../THEPATHINYOURPROJECT/TOTHE/csv_FILE_YOU_WANT_TO_LOAD.csv').to.array(function (data) {
    for (var index = 0; index < data.length; index++) {
        MyData.push(new MyCSV(data[index][0], data[index][1], data[index][2]));
//Reads the CSV file from the path you specify, and the data is stored in the array we specified using callback function.  This function iterates through an array and each line from the CSV file will be pushed as a record to another array called MyData , and logs the data into the console to ensure it worked.
var http = require('http');
//Load the http module.
var server = http.createServer(function (req, resp) {
    resp.writeHead(200, { 'content-type': 'application/json' });
// Create a webserver with a request listener callback.  This will write the response header with the content type as json, and end the response by sending the MyData array in JSON format.
// Tells the webserver to listen on port 8080(obviously this may be whatever port you want.)
Things to be aware of in your app.js code
In lines 7 through 11, we define the function called 'MyCSV' and the field names.

If your CSV file has multiple columns make sure you define this correctly to match your file.

On line 17 we define the location of the CSV file of which we are loading.  Make sure you use the correct path here.

Start your App and Verify Functionality Open a console and type the following Command:

Node app 1 Node app You should see the following output in your console:

[  MYCSV { Fieldone: 'ABC', Fieldtwo: '123', Fieldthree: 'Fudge' },
   MYCSV { Fieldone: '532', Fieldtwo: 'CWE', Fieldthree: 'ICECREAM' },
   MYCSV { Fieldone: '8023', Fieldtwo: 'POOP', Fieldthree: 'DOGS' },
   MYCSV { Fieldone: '441', Fieldtwo: 'CHEESE', Fieldthree: 'CARMEL' },
   MYCSV { Fieldone: '221', Fieldtwo: 'ABC', Fieldthree: 'HOUSE' }, ]

1 [ MYCSV { Fieldone: 'ABC', Fieldtwo: '123', Fieldthree: 'Fudge' }, 2 MYCSV { Fieldone: '532', Fieldtwo: 'CWE', Fieldthree: 'ICECREAM' }, 3 MYCSV { Fieldone: '8023', Fieldtwo: 'POOP', Fieldthree: 'DOGS' }, 4 MYCSV { Fieldone: '441', Fieldtwo: 'CHEESE', Fieldthree: 'CARMEL' }, 5 MYCSV { Fieldone: '221', Fieldtwo: 'ABC', Fieldthree: 'HOUSE' }, ] Now you should open a web-browser and navigate to your server. You should see it output the data in JSON format.

Conclusion Using node.js and it's CSV module we can quickly and easily read and use data stored on the server and make it available to the client upon request

What is the difference between Python's list methods append and extend?

append adds an element to a list, and extend concatenates the first list with another list (or another iterable, not necessarily a list.)

>>> li = ['a', 'b', 'mpilgrim', 'z', 'example']
>>> li
['a', 'b', 'mpilgrim', 'z', 'example']

>>> li.append("new")
>>> li
['a', 'b', 'mpilgrim', 'z', 'example', 'new']

>>> li.append(["new", 2])
>>> li
['a', 'b', 'mpilgrim', 'z', 'example', 'new', ['new', 2]]

>>> li.insert(2, "new")
>>> li
['a', 'b', 'new', 'mpilgrim', 'z', 'example', 'new', ['new', 2]]

>>> li.extend(["two", "elements"])
>>> li
['a', 'b', 'new', 'mpilgrim', 'z', 'example', 'new', ['new', 2], 'two', 'elements']

how to set radio option checked onload with jQuery

JQuery has actually two ways to set checked status for radio and checkboxes and it depends on whether you are using value attribute in HTML markup or not:

If they have value attribute:


If they don't have value attribute:

$("#myRadio1").prop("checked", true);

More Details

In first case, we specify the entire radio group using name and tell JQuery to find radio to select using val function. The val function takes 1-element array and finds the radio with matching value, set its checked=true. Others with the same name would be deselected. If no radio with matching value found then all will be deselected. If there are multiple radios with same name and value then the last one would be selected and others would be deselected.

If you are not using value attribute for radio then you need to use unique ID to select particular radio in the group. In this case, you need to use prop function to set "checked" property. Many people don't use value attribute with checkboxes so #2 is more applicable for checkboxes then radios. Also note that as checkboxes don't form group when they have same name, you can do $("[name=myCheckBox").prop("checked", true); for checkboxes.

You can play with this code here:,output

Android eclipse DDMS - Can't access data/data/ on phone to pull files

Much simpler than messing around with permissions in the android FS (which always feels like
a hack for me - because i believe there must be a kind of integrated way) is just to:

Allow ADB root access and Restart the deamon with root permissions.

  1. First be sure that ADB can have root access on your device (or emulator):
    (Settings -> Developer Options -> Root-Access for ADB or Apps & ADB.
  2. Restart the ADB-Service with root-permissions:
    Open a command prompt and type: adb.exe root
  3. Restart ADM (Android Device Manager):
    Enjoy browsing all files
  4. To negate this process:
    Type adb.exe unroot in your command prompt.

How do I combine a background-image and CSS3 gradient on the same element?

I always use the following code to make it work. There are some notes:

  1. If you place image URL before gradient, this image will be displayed above the gradient as expected.

.background-gradient {_x000D_
  background: url('') no-repeat, -moz-linear-gradient(135deg, #6ec575 0, #3b8686 100%);_x000D_
  background: url('') no-repeat, -webkit-gradient(135deg, #6ec575 0, #3b8686 100%);_x000D_
  background: url('') no-repeat, -webkit-linear-gradient(135deg, #6ec575 0, #3b8686 100%);_x000D_
  background: url('') no-repeat, -o-linear-gradient(135deg, #6ec575 0, #3b8686 100%);_x000D_
  background: url('') no-repeat, -ms-linear-gradient(135deg, #6ec575 0, #3b8686 100%);_x000D_
  background: url('') no-repeat, linear-gradient(135deg, #6ec575 0, #3b8686 100%);_x000D_
  height: 500px;_x000D_
  width: 500px;_x000D_
<div class="background-gradient"></div>

  1. If you place gradient before image URL, this image will be displayed under the gradient.

.background-gradient {_x000D_
  background: -moz-linear-gradient(135deg, #6ec575 0, #3b8686 100%), url('') no-repeat;_x000D_
  background: -webkit-gradient(135deg, #6ec575 0, #3b8686 100%), url('') no-repeat;_x000D_
  background: -webkit-linear-gradient(135deg, #6ec575 0, #3b8686 100%), url('') no-repeat;_x000D_
  background: -o-linear-gradient(135deg, #6ec575 0, #3b8686 100%), url('') no-repeat;_x000D_
  background: -ms-linear-gradient(135deg, #6ec575 0, #3b8686 100%), url('') no-repeat;_x000D_
  background: linear-gradient(135deg, #6ec575 0, #3b8686 100%), url('') no-repeat;_x000D_
  width: 500px;_x000D_
  height: 500px;_x000D_
<div class="background-gradient"></div>

This technique is just the same as we have multiple background images as describe here

How to use ternary operator in razor (specifically on HTML attributes)?

A simpler version, for easy eyes!


Detecting TCP Client Disconnect

To expand on this a bit more:

If you are running a server you either need to use TCP_KEEPALIVE to monitor the client connections, or do something similar yourself, or have knowledge about the data/protocol that you are running over the connection.

Basically, if the connection gets killed (i.e. not properly closed) then the server won't notice until it tries to write something to the client, which is what the keepalive achieves for you. Alternatively, if you know the protocol better, you could just disconnect on an inactivity timeout anyway.

Sending websocket ping/pong frame from browser

Ping is meant to be sent only from server to client, and browser should answer as soon as possible with Pong OpCode, automatically. So you have not to worry about that on higher level.

Although that not all browsers support standard as they suppose to, they might have some differences in implementing such mechanism, and it might even means there is no Pong response functionality. But personally I am using Ping / Pong, and never saw client that does not implement this type of OpCode and automatic response on low level client side implementation.

Spring MVC: Complex object as GET @RequestParam

Since the question on how to set fields mandatory pops up under each post, I wrote a small example on how to set fields as required:

public class ExampleDTO {
    private String mandatoryParam;

    private String optionalParam;
    @DateTimeFormat(iso = ISO.DATE) //accept Dates only in YYYY-MM-DD
    private LocalDate testDate;

    public String getMandatoryParam() {
        return mandatoryParam;
    public void setMandatoryParam(String mandatoryParam) {
        this.mandatoryParam = mandatoryParam;
    public String getOptionalParam() {
        return optionalParam;
    public void setOptionalParam(String optionalParam) {
        this.optionalParam = optionalParam;
    public LocalDate getTestDate() {
        return testDate;
    public void setTestDate(LocalDate testDate) {
        this.testDate = testDate;

//Add this to your rest controller class
@RequestMapping(value = "/test", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String testComplexObject (@Valid ExampleDTO e){
    System.out.println(e.getMandatoryParam() + " " + e.getTestDate());
    return "Does this work?";

What is the default boolean value in C#?

The default value for bool is false. See this table for a great reference on default values. The only reason it would not be false when you check it is if you initialize/set it to true.

How to add multiple jar files in classpath in linux

You use the -classpath argument. You can use either a relative or absolute path. What that means is you can use a path relative to your current directory, OR you can use an absolute path that starts at the root /.


bash$ java -classpath path/to/jar/file MyMainClass

In this example the main function is located in MyMainClass and would be included somewhere in the jar file.

For compiling you need to use javac


bash$ javac -classpath path/to/jar/file

You can also specify the classpath via the environment variable, follow this example:

bash$ export CLASSPATH="path/to/jar/file:path/tojar/file2"
bash$ javac

For any normally complex java project you should look for the ant script named build.xml

How to remove duplicate values from an array in PHP

Here I've created a second empty array and used for loop with the first array which is having duplicates. It will run as many time as the count of the first array. Then compared with the position of the array with the first array and matched that it has this item already or not by using in_array. If not then it'll add that item to second array with array_push.

$a = array(1,2,3,1,3,4,5);
$count = count($a);
$b = [];
for($i=0; $i<$count; $i++){
    if(!in_array($a[$i], $b)){
        array_push($b, $a[$i]);
print_r ($b);

Use curly braces to initialize a Set in Python

From Python 3 documentation (the same holds for python 2.7):

Curly braces or the set() function can be used to create sets. Note: to create an empty set you have to use set(), not {}; the latter creates an empty dictionary, a data structure that we discuss in the next section.

in python 2.7:

>>> my_set = {'foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'baz', 'foo'}
>>> my_set
set(['bar', 'foo', 'baz'])

Be aware that {} is also used for map/dict:

>>> m = {'a':2,3:'d'}
>>> m[3]
>>> m={}
>>> type(m)
<type 'dict'> 

One can also use comprehensive syntax to initialize sets:

>>> a = {x for x in """didn't know about {} and sets """ if x not in 'set' }
>>> a
set(['a', ' ', 'b', 'd', "'", 'i', 'k', 'o', 'n', 'u', 'w', '{', '}'])

JavaScript query string

The code

This Gist by Eldon McGuinness is by far the most complete implementation of a JavaScript query string parser that I've seen so far.

Unfortunately, it's written as a jQuery plugin.

I rewrote it to vanilla JS and made a few improvements :

function parseQuery(str) {
  var qso = {};
  var qs = (str ||;
  // Check for an empty querystring
  if (qs == "") {
    return qso;
  // Normalize the querystring
  qs = qs.replace(/(^\?)/, '').replace(/;/g, '&');
  while (qs.indexOf("&&") != -1) {
    qs = qs.replace(/&&/g, '&');
  qs = qs.replace(/([\&]+$)/, '');
  // Break the querystring into parts
  qs = qs.split("&");
  // Build the querystring object
  for (var i = 0; i < qs.length; i++) {
    var qi = qs[i].split("=");
    qi = {
      return decodeURIComponent(n)
    if (typeof qi[1] === "undefined") {
      qi[1] = null;
    if (typeof qso[qi[0]] !== "undefined") {

      // If a key already exists then make this an object
      if (typeof (qso[qi[0]]) == "string") {
        var temp = qso[qi[0]];
        if (qi[1] == "") {
          qi[1] = null;
        qso[qi[0]] = [];

      } else if (typeof (qso[qi[0]]) == "object") {
        if (qi[1] == "") {
          qi[1] = null;
    } else {
      // If no key exists just set it as a string
      if (qi[1] == "") {
        qi[1] = null;
      qso[qi[0]] = qi[1];
  return qso;

How to use it

var results = parseQuery("?foo=bar&foo=boo&roo=bar;bee=bop;=ghost;=ghost2;&;checkbox%5B%5D=b1;checkbox%5B%5D=b2;dd=;");


  "foo": ["bar", "boo" ],
  "roo": "bar",
  "bee": "bop",
  "": ["ghost", "ghost2"],
  "checkbox[]": ["b1", "b2"],
  "dd": null,
  "http": [
    " test.asp?name=ståle&car=saab",
    " test.asp?name=ståle&car=saab"

See also this Fiddle.

smooth scroll to top

Here is my proposal implemented with ES6

const scrollToTop = () => {
  const c = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop;
  if (c > 0) {
    window.scrollTo(0, c - c / 8);

Tip: for slower motion of the scrolling, increase the hardcoded number 8. The bigger the number - the smoother/slower the scrolling.

Calling multiple JavaScript functions on a button click

btnSAVE.Attributes.Add("OnClick", "var b = DropDownValidate('" + drp_compcode.ClientID + "') ;if (b) b=DropDownValidate('" + drp_divcode.ClientID + "');return b");

Rails 4 Authenticity Token

All my tests were working fine. But for some reason I had set my environment variable to non-test:

export RAILS_ENV=something_non_test

I forgot to unset this variable because of which I started getting ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken exception.

After unsetting $RAILS_ENV, my tests started working again.

Delete cookie by name?

You can try this solution

var d = new Date();
var expires = "expires="+d.toUTCString();
document.cookie = 'COOKIE_NAME' + "=" + "" + ";;path=/;" + expires;

Socket send and receive byte array

There is a JDK socket tutorial here, which covers both the server and client end. That looks exactly like what you want.

(from that tutorial) This sets up to read from an echo server:

    echoSocket = new Socket("taranis", 7);
    out = new PrintWriter(echoSocket.getOutputStream(), true);
    in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(

taking a stream of bytes and converts to strings via the reader and using a default encoding (not advisable, normally).

Error handling and closing sockets/streams omitted from the above, but check the tutorial.

Reloading submodules in IPython

To avoid typing those magic function again and again, they could be put in the ipython startup script(Name it with .py suffix under .ipython/profile_default/startup. All python scripts under that folder will be loaded according to lexical order), which looks like the following:

from IPython import get_ipython
ipython = get_ipython()

ipython.magic("load_ext autoreload")
ipython.magic("autoreload 2")

Add content to a new open window

When You want to open new tab/window (depends on Your browser configuration defaults):

output = 'Hello, World!';;

When output is an Object and You want get JSON, for example (also can generate any type of document, even image encoded in Base64)

output = ({a:1,b:'2'});'data:application/json;' + (window.btoa?'base64,'+btoa(JSON.stringify(output)):JSON.stringify(output)));


Google Chrome (60.0.3112.90) block this code:

Not allowed to navigate top frame to data URL: data:application/json;base64,eyJhIjoxLCJiIjoiMiJ9

When You want to append some data to existing page

output = '<h1>Hello, World!</h1>';'output.html').document.body.innerHTML += output;

output = 'Hello, World!';'about:blank').document.body.innerText += output;

Javascript change color of text and background to input value

document.getElementById("fname").style.borderTopColor = 'red';
document.getElementById("fname").style.borderBottomColor = 'red';

Create Table from View

SELECT * FROM table1/view1

javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: unexpected element (uri:"", local:"Group")

In case you are going crazy because this happens only in your Tests and you are using PowerMock this is the solution, add it on top of your test class:

@PowerMockIgnore({ "javax.xml.*", "org.xml.*", "org.w3c.*" })

How do I use an image as a submit button?

Use CSS :

input[type=submit] {



For HTML :

<input type="submit" value="Login" style="background:url("BUTTON1.jpg");">

Generating a drop down list of timezones with PHP

I created a PHP class for this with a corresponding jQuery plugin. I've open-sourced it at - the PHP code is inspired by another stackoverflow answer, but I think much more elegant. The jQuery plugin gives a great interface for selecting a timezone.

How to read a Parquet file into Pandas DataFrame?

Update: since the time I answered this there has been a lot of work on this look at Apache Arrow for a better read and write of parquet. Also:

There is a python parquet reader that works relatively well:

It will create python objects and then you will have to move them to a Pandas DataFrame so the process will be slower than pd.read_csv for example.

You don't have permission to access / on this server

Create index.html or index.php file in root directory (in your case - /var/www/html, as @jabaldonedo mentioned)

How do I write out a text file in C# with a code page other than UTF-8?

using System.IO;
using System.Text;

using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(File.Open(myfilename, FileMode.Create), Encoding.WhateverYouWant))
    sw.WriteLine("my text...");     

An alternate way of getting your encoding:

using System.IO;
using System.Text;

using (var sw  = new StreamWriter(File.Open(@"c:\myfile.txt", FileMode.CreateNew), Encoding.GetEncoding("iso-8859-1"))) {
    sw.WriteLine("my text...");             

Check out the docs for the StreamWriter constructor.

Fastest way(s) to move the cursor on a terminal command line?

Use Meta-b / Meta-f to move backward/forward by a word respectively.

In OSX, Meta translates as ESC, which sucks.

But alternatively, you can open terminal preferences -> settings -> profile -> keyboard and check "use option as meta key"

How to open a new window on form submit

I generally use a small jQuery snippet globally to open any external links in a new tab / window. I've added the selector for a form for my own site and it works fine so far:

// URL target
    $('a[href*="//"]:not([href*="'+ location.hostname +'"]),form[action*="//"]:not([href*="'+ location.hostname +'"]').attr('target','_blank');

List names of all tables in a SQL Server 2012 schema

select * from [schema_name].sys.tables

This should work. Make sure you are on the server which consists of your "[schema_name]"

Getting values from JSON using Python

There's a Py library that has a module that facilitates access to Json-like dictionary key-values as attributes: You can use it as:

j = Json('{"lat":444, "lon":555}') + ' ' + j.lon

Convert UTC/GMT time to local time

For strings such as 2012-09-19 01:27:30.000, DateTime.Parse cannot tell what time zone the date and time are from.

DateTime has a Kind property, which can have one of three time zone options:

  • Unspecified
  • Local
  • Utc

NOTE If you are wishing to represent a date/time other than UTC or your local time zone, then you should use DateTimeOffset.

So for the code in your question:

DateTime convertedDate = DateTime.Parse(dateStr);

var kind = convertedDate.Kind; // will equal DateTimeKind.Unspecified

You say you know what kind it is, so tell it.

DateTime convertedDate = DateTime.SpecifyKind(

var kind = convertedDate.Kind; // will equal DateTimeKind.Utc

Now, once the system knows its in UTC time, you can just call ToLocalTime:

DateTime dt = convertedDate.ToLocalTime();

This will give you the result you require.

Good examples of python-memcache (memcached) being used in Python?

I would advise you to use pylibmc instead.

It can act as a drop-in replacement of python-memcache, but a lot faster(as it's written in C). And you can find handy documentation for it here.

And to the question, as pylibmc just acts as a drop-in replacement, you can still refer to documentations of pylibmc for your python-memcache programming.

java.lang.IllegalStateException: The specified child already has a parent

You are adding a View into a layout, but the View already is in another layout. A View can't be in more than one place.

How to convert image file data in a byte array to a Bitmap?

The answer of Uttam didnt work for me. I just got null when I do:

Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(bitmapdata, 0, bitmapdata.length);

In my case, bitmapdata only has the buffer of the pixels, so it is imposible for the function decodeByteArray to guess which the width, the height and the color bits use. So I tried this and it worked:

//Create bitmap with width, height, and 4 bytes color (RGBA)    
Bitmap bmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(imageWidth, imageHeight, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bitmapdata);

Check for different color options

Restore DB — Error RESTORE HEADERONLY is terminating abnormally.

In my case, the backup file was compressed, but the file extension didn't indicate this, didn't end in .zip, .tgz, etc. Once I decompressed my backup file I was able to import it.

Press Enter to move to next control

In a KeyPress event, if the user pressed Enter, call


Nicest way to implement automatically selecting the text on receiving focus is to create a subclass of TextBox in your project with the following override:

Protected Overrides Sub OnGotFocus(ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
    SelectionStart = 0
    SelectionLength = Text.Length
End Sub

Then use this custom TextBox in place of the WinForms standard TextBox on all your Forms.

Changing factor levels with dplyr mutate

I'm not quite sure I understand your question properly, but if you want to change the factor levels of cyl with mutate() you could do:

df <- mtcars %>% mutate(cyl = factor(cyl, levels = c(4, 6, 8)))

You would get:

#> str(df$cyl)
# Factor w/ 3 levels "4","6","8": 2 2 1 2 3 2 3 1 1 2 ...

textarea's rows, and cols attribute in CSS

I just wanted to post a demo using calc() for setting rows/height, since no one did.

body {_x000D_
  /* page default */_x000D_
  font-size: 15px;_x000D_
  line-height: 1.5;_x000D_
textarea {_x000D_
  /* demo related */_x000D_
  width: 300px;_x000D_
  margin-bottom: 1em;_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
  /* rows related */_x000D_
  font-size: inherit;_x000D_
  line-height: inherit;_x000D_
  padding: 3px;_x000D_
textarea.border-box {_x000D_
  box-sizing: border-box;_x000D_
textarea.rows-5 {_x000D_
  /* height: calc(font-size * line-height * rows); */_x000D_
  height: calc(1em * 1.5 * 5);_x000D_
textarea.border-box.rows-5 {_x000D_
  /* height: calc(font-size * line-height * rows + padding-top + padding-bottom + border-top-width + border-bottom-width); */_x000D_
  height: calc(1em * 1.5 * 5 + 3px + 3px + 1px + 1px);_x000D_
<p>height is 2 rows by default</p>_x000D_
<textarea>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.</textarea>_x000D_
<p>height is 5 now</p>_x000D_
<textarea class="rows-5">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.</textarea>_x000D_
<p>border-box height is 5 now</p>_x000D_
<textarea class="border-box rows-5">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.</textarea>

If you use large values for the paddings (e.g. greater than 0.5em), you'll start to see the text that overflows the content(-box) area, and that might lead you to think that the height is not exactly x rows (that you set), but it is. To understand what's going on, you might want to check out The box model and box-sizing pages.

MySQL: Cloning a MySQL database on the same MySql instance

You can do something like the following:

mysqldump -u[username] -p[password] database_name_for_clone 
 | mysql -u[username] -p[password] new_database_name

Nuget connection attempt failed "Unable to load the service index for source"

Some development environment may not be using neither a browser nor a proxy.

One solution would downloading the package from nugget such as the to a shared directory then execute the following:

dotnet add package Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles -s "shared drive:\index.json"

I hope that works for you.  

Java equivalent to C# extension methods

We can simulate the implementation of C# extension methods in Java by using the default method implementation available since Java 8. We start by defining an interface that will allow us to access the support object via a base() method, like so:

public interface Extension<T> {

    default T base() {
        return null;

We return null since interfaces cannot have state, but this has to be fixed later via a proxy.

The developer of extensions would have to extend this interface by a new interface containing extension methods. Let's say we want to add a forEach consumer on List interface:

public interface ListExtension<T> extends Extension<List<T>> {

    default void foreach(Consumer<T> consumer) {
        for (T item : base()) {


Because we extend the Extension interface, we can call base() method inside our extension method to access the support object we attach to.

The Extension interface must have a factory method which will create an extension of a given support object:

public interface Extension<T> {


    static <E extends Extension<T>, T> E create(Class<E> type, T instance) {
        if (type.isInterface()) {
            ExtensionHandler<T> handler = new ExtensionHandler<T>(instance);
            List<Class<?>> interfaces = new ArrayList<Class<?>>();
            Class<?> baseType = type.getSuperclass();
            while (baseType != null && baseType.isInterface()) {
                baseType = baseType.getSuperclass();
            Object proxy = Proxy.newProxyInstance(
                    interfaces.toArray(new Class<?>[interfaces.size()]),
            return type.cast(proxy);
        } else {
            return null;

We create a proxy that implements the extension interface and all the interface implemented by the type of the support object. The invocation handler given to the proxy would dispatch all the calls to the support object, except for the "base" method, which must return the support object, otherwise its default implementation is returning null:

public class ExtensionHandler<T> implements InvocationHandler {

    private T instance;

    private ExtensionHandler(T instance) {
        this.instance = instance;

    public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args)
            throws Throwable {
        if ("base".equals(method.getName())
                && method.getParameterCount() == 0) {
            return instance;
        } else {
            Class<?> type = method.getDeclaringClass();
            MethodHandles.Lookup lookup = MethodHandles.lookup()
            Field allowedModesField = lookup.getClass().getDeclaredField("allowedModes");
            allowedModesField.set(lookup, -1);
            return lookup
                .unreflectSpecial(method, type)

    private static void makeFieldModifiable(Field field) throws Exception {
        Field modifiersField = Field.class.getDeclaredField("modifiers");
                .setInt(field, field.getModifiers() & ~Modifier.FINAL);


Then, we can use the Extension.create() method to attach the interface containing the extension method to the support object. The result is an object which can be casted to the extension interface by which we can still access the support object calling the base() method. Having the reference casted to the extension interface, we now can safely call the extension methods that can have access to the support object, so that now we can attach new methods to the existing object, but not to its defining type:

public class Program {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<String> list = Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c");
        ListExtension<String> listExtension = Extension.create(ListExtension.class, list);


So, this is a way we can simulate the ability to extend objects in Java by adding new contracts to them, which allow us to call additional methods on the given objects.

Below you may find the code of the Extension interface:

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public interface Extension<T> {

    public class ExtensionHandler<T> implements InvocationHandler {

        private T instance;

        private ExtensionHandler(T instance) {
            this.instance = instance;

        public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args)
                throws Throwable {
            if ("base".equals(method.getName())
                    && method.getParameterCount() == 0) {
                return instance;
            } else {
                Class<?> type = method.getDeclaringClass();
                MethodHandles.Lookup lookup = MethodHandles.lookup()
                Field allowedModesField = lookup.getClass().getDeclaredField("allowedModes");
                allowedModesField.set(lookup, -1);
                return lookup
                    .unreflectSpecial(method, type)

        private static void makeFieldModifiable(Field field) throws Exception {
            Field modifiersField = Field.class.getDeclaredField("modifiers");
            modifiersField.setInt(field, field.getModifiers() & ~Modifier.FINAL);


    default T base() {
        return null;

    static <E extends Extension<T>, T> E create(Class<E> type, T instance) {
        if (type.isInterface()) {
            ExtensionHandler<T> handler = new ExtensionHandler<T>(instance);
            List<Class<?>> interfaces = new ArrayList<Class<?>>();
            Class<?> baseType = type.getSuperclass();
            while (baseType != null && baseType.isInterface()) {
                baseType = baseType.getSuperclass();
            Object proxy = Proxy.newProxyInstance(
                    interfaces.toArray(new Class<?>[interfaces.size()]),
            return type.cast(proxy);
        } else {
            return null;


In Python, is there an elegant way to print a list in a custom format without explicit looping?

Starting from this:

>>> lst = [1, 2, 3]
>>> print('\n'.join('{}: {}'.format(*k) for k in enumerate(lst)))
0: 1
1: 2
2: 3

You can get rid of the join by passing \n as a separator to print

>>> print(*('{}: {}'.format(*k) for k in enumerate(lst)), sep="\n")
0: 1
1: 2
2: 3

Now you see you could use map, but you'll need to change the format string (yuck!)

>>> print(*(map('{0[0]}: {0[1]}'.format, enumerate(lst))), sep="\n")
0: 1
1: 2
2: 3

or pass 2 sequences to map. A separate counter and no longer enumerate lst

>>> from itertools import count
>>> print(*(map('{}: {}'.format, count(), lst)), sep="\n")
0: 1
1: 2
2: 3

PostgreSQL unnest() with element number

If the order of element is not important, you can

  id, elem, row_number() over (partition by id) as nr
from (
      unnest(string_to_array(elements, ',')) AS elem
  from myTable
) a

Why can't I see the "Report Data" window when creating reports?

Open report in Report designer

Go to View menu -> Report data

How to add manifest permission to an application?

That may be also interesting in context of adding INTERNET permission to your application:

Google has also given each app Internet access, effectively removing the Internet access permission. Oh, sure, Android developers still have to declare they want Internet access when putting together the app. But users can no longer see the Internet access permission when installing an app and current apps that don’t have Internet access can now gain Internet access with an automatic update without prompting you.


Bottom line is that you still have to add INTERNET permission in manifest file but application will be updated on user's devices without asking them for new permission.

how to reference a YAML "setting" from elsewhere in the same YAML file?

YML definition:

  default: /home/data/in/
  proj1: ${dir.default}p1
  proj2: ${dir.default}p2
  proj3: ${dir.default}p3 

Somewhere in thymeleaf

<p th:utext='${@environment.getProperty("dir.default")}' />
<p th:utext='${@environment.getProperty("dir.proj1")}' /> 

Output: /home/data/in/ /home/data/in/p1

Run Button is Disabled in Android Studio

Above answer didn't work for me, just do click File -> Invalidate/cache -> Invalidate and Restart.

Getting the PublicKeyToken of .Net assemblies

An alternate method would be if you have decompiler, just look it up in there, they usually provide the public key. I have looked at .Net Reflector, Telerik Just Decompile and ILSpy just decompile they seem to have the public key token displayed.

What does "async: false" do in jQuery.ajax()?

Setting async to false means the instructions following the ajax request will have to wait for the request to complete. Below is one case where one have to set async to false, for the code to work properly.

var phpData = (function get_php_data() {
  var php_data;
    url: "http://somesite/v1/api/get_php_data",
    async: false, 
    //very important: else php_data will be returned even before we get Json from the url
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (json) {
      php_data = json;
  return php_data;

Above example clearly explains the usage of async:false

By setting it to false, we have made sure that once the data is retreived from the url ,only after that return php_data; is called

Using a custom typeface in Android

I did this in a more "brute force" way that doesn't require changes to the layout xml or Activities.

Tested on Android version 2.1 through 4.4. Run this at app startup, in your Application class:

private void setDefaultFont() {

    try {
        final Typeface bold = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), DEFAULT_BOLD_FONT_FILENAME);
        final Typeface italic = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), DEFAULT_ITALIC_FONT_FILENAME);
        final Typeface boldItalic = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), DEFAULT_BOLD_ITALIC_FONT_FILENAME);
        final Typeface regular = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(),DEFAULT_NORMAL_FONT_FILENAME);

        Field DEFAULT = Typeface.class.getDeclaredField("DEFAULT");
        DEFAULT.set(null, regular);

        Field DEFAULT_BOLD = Typeface.class.getDeclaredField("DEFAULT_BOLD");
        DEFAULT_BOLD.set(null, bold);

        Field sDefaults = Typeface.class.getDeclaredField("sDefaults");
        sDefaults.set(null, new Typeface[]{
                regular, bold, italic, boldItalic

    } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        //cannot crash app if there is a failure with overriding the default font!

For a more complete example, see

Override devise registrations controller

A better and more organized way of overriding Devise controllers and views using namespaces:

Create the following folders:


Put all controllers that you want to override into app/controllers/my_devise and add MyDevise namespace to controller class names. Registrations example:

# app/controllers/my_devise/registrations_controller.rb
class MyDevise::RegistrationsController < Devise::RegistrationsController


  def create
    # add custom create logic here



Change your routes accordingly:

devise_for :users,
           :controllers  => {
             :registrations => 'my_devise/registrations',
             # ...

Copy all required views into app/views/my_devise from Devise gem folder or use rails generate devise:views, delete the views you are not overriding and rename devise folder to my_devise.

This way you will have everything neatly organized in two folders.

How to load/reference a file as a File instance from the classpath

This also works, and doesn't require a /path/to/file URI conversion. If the file is on the classpath, this will find it.

File currFile = new File(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("the_file.txt").getFile());


No nonsense script this:

EXEC sp_MSForEachTable 'DELETE FROM ?'
EXEC sp_MSforeachtable 'DBCC CHECKIDENT ( ''?'', RESEED, 0)'

Truncate will still not work if you have foreign keys in tables. This script will reset all identity columns as well.

Jquery get input array field

Put the input name between single quotes so that the brackets [] are treated as a string

var multi_members="";
$("input[name='bayi[]']:checked:enabled").each(function() {

Take screenshots in the iOS simulator

Since Xcode 8.2, you can also save a screenshot with the following command:

xcrun simctl io booted screenshot

Further information in this blog:

Jquery in React is not defined

I just want to receive ajax request, but the problem is that jQuery is not defined in React.

Then don't use it. Use Fetch and have a look at Fetch polyfill in React not completely working in IE 11 to see example of alternative ways to get it running

Something like this

const that = this; 
  .then(function(response) { return response.json(); }) 
  .then(function(myJson) { 
     that.setState({data: myJson}); // for example

How to stop EditText from gaining focus at Activity startup in Android

EditText within a ListView does not work properly. It's better to use TableLayout with automatically generated rows when you are using EditText.

Can I change the name of `nohup.out`?

Above methods will remove your output file data whenever you run above nohup command.

To Append output in user defined file you can use >> in nohup command.

nohup your_command >> filename.out &

This command will append all output in your file without removing old data.

How to get first and last day of week in Oracle?

Another solution is


You must concat the cantweek with the year

How to do SQL Like % in Linq?

For those how tumble here like me looking for a way to a "SQL Like" method in LINQ, I've something that is working very good.

I'm in a case where I cannot alter the Database in any way to change the column collation. So I've to find a way in my LINQ to do it.

I'm using the helper method SqlFunctions.PatIndex witch act similarly to the real SQL LIKE operator.

First I need enumerate all possible diacritics (a word that I just learned) in the search value to get something like:

déjà     => d[éèêëeÉÈÊËE]j[aàâäAÀÂÄ]
montreal => montr[éèêëeÉÈÊËE][aàâäAÀÂÄ]l
montréal => montr[éèêëeÉÈÊËE][aàâäAÀÂÄ]l

and then in LINQ for exemple:

var city = "montr[éèêëeÉÈÊËE][aàâäAÀÂÄ]l";
var data = (from loc in _context.Locations
                     where SqlFunctions.PatIndex(city, loc.City) > 0
                     select loc.City).ToList();

So for my needs I've written a Helper/Extension method

   public static class SqlServerHelper

        private static readonly List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> Diacritics = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>()
            new KeyValuePair<string, string>("A", "aàâäAÀÂÄ"),
            new KeyValuePair<string, string>("E", "éèêëeÉÈÊËE"),
            new KeyValuePair<string, string>("U", "uûüùUÛÜÙ"),
            new KeyValuePair<string, string>("C", "cçCÇ"),
            new KeyValuePair<string, string>("I", "iîïIÎÏ"),
            new KeyValuePair<string, string>("O", "ôöÔÖ"),
            new KeyValuePair<string, string>("Y", "YŸÝýyÿ")

        public static string EnumarateDiacritics(this string stringToDiatritics)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(stringToDiatritics.Trim()))
                return stringToDiatritics;

            var diacriticChecked = string.Empty;

            foreach (var c in stringToDiatritics.ToCharArray())
                var diac = Diacritics.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Value.ToCharArray().Contains(c));
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(diac.Key))

                //Prevent from doing same letter/Diacritic more than one time
                if (diacriticChecked.Contains(diac.Key))

                diacriticChecked += diac.Key;

                stringToDiatritics = stringToDiatritics.Replace(c.ToString(), "[" + diac.Value + "]");

            stringToDiatritics = "%" + stringToDiatritics + "%";
            return stringToDiatritics;

If any of you have suggestion to enhance this method, I'll be please to hear you.

Reload .profile in bash shell script (in unix)?

The bash script runs in a separate subshell. In order to make this work you will need to source this other script as well.

How to overwrite styling in Twitter Bootstrap

Add your own class, ex: <div class="sidebar right"></div>, with the CSS as

.sidebar.right { 

Program to find largest and smallest among 5 numbers without using array

void main()
int a,b,c,d,e,max;
    cout<<"Maximum is"<<max;

How do you create a hidden div that doesn't create a line break or horizontal space?

Show / hide by mouse click:

<script language="javascript">

    function toggle() {

        var ele = document.getElementById("toggleText");
        var text = document.getElementById("displayText");

        if ( == "block") {

   = "none";
            text.innerHTML = "show";
        else {

   = "block";
            text.innerHTML = "hide";

<a id="displayText" href="javascript:toggle();">show</a> <== click Here

<div id="toggleText" style="display: none"><h1>peek-a-boo</h1></div>

Source: Here

Java Command line arguments

Every Java program starts with

public static void main(String[] args) {

That array of type String that main() takes as a parameter holds the command line arguments to your program. If the user runs your program as

$ java myProgram a

then args[0] will hold the String "a".

How can I shrink the drawable on a button?

It is because you did not setLevel. after you setLevel(1), it will be display as u want

How to convert color code into media.brush?

Sorry to be so late to the party! I came across a similar issue, in WinRT. I'm not sure whether you're using WPF or WinRT, but they do differ in some ways (some better than others). Hopefully this will help people across the board, whichever situation they're in.

You could always use the code from the converter class I created to re-use and do in your C# code-behind, or wherever you're using it, to be honest:

I made it with the intention that a 6-digit (RGB), or an 8-digit (ARGB) Hex value could be used either way.

So I created a converter class:

public class StringToSolidColorBrushConverter : IValueConverter
    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, string language)
        var hexString = (value as string).Replace("#", "");

        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(hexString)) throw new FormatException();
        if (hexString.Length != 6 || hexString.Length != 8) throw new FormatException();

            var a = hexString.Length == 8 ? hexString.Substring(0, 2) : "255";
            var r = hexString.Length == 8 ? hexString.Substring(2, 2) : hexString.Substring(0, 2);
            var g = hexString.Length == 8 ? hexString.Substring(4, 2) : hexString.Substring(2, 2);
            var b = hexString.Length == 8 ? hexString.Substring(6, 2) : hexString.Substring(4, 2);

            return new SolidColorBrush(ColorHelper.FromArgb(
                byte.Parse(a, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber),
                byte.Parse(r, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber),
                byte.Parse(g, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber),
                byte.Parse(b, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber)));
            throw new FormatException();

    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, string language)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

Added it into my App.xaml:

    <converters:StringToSolidColorBrushConverter x:Key="StringToSolidColorBrushConverter" />

And used it in my View's Xaml:

    <Rectangle Fill="{Binding RectangleColour,
               Converter={StaticResource StringToSolidColorBrushConverter}}"
               Height="20" Width="20" />

Works a charm!

Side note... Unfortunately, WinRT hasn't got the System.Windows.Media.BrushConverter that H.B. suggested; so I needed another way, otherwise I would have made a VM property that returned a SolidColorBrush (or similar) from the RectangleColour string property.

Broken references in Virtualenvs

It appears the proper way to resolve this issue is to run

 pip install --upgrade virtualenv

after you have upgraded python with Homebrew.

This should be a general procedure for any formula that installs something like python, which has it's own package management system. When you install brew install python, you install python and pip and easy_install and virtualenv and so on. So, if those tools can be self-updated, it's best to try to do so before looking to Homebrew as the source of problems.

How to make an array of arrays in Java


String[][] arrays = new String[5][];

CSS position:fixed inside a positioned element

If your close button is going to be text, this works very well for me:

#close {
  position: fixed;
  width: 70%; /* the width of the parent */
  text-align: right;
#close span {
  cursor: pointer;

Then your HTML can just be:

<div id="close"><span id="x">X</span></div>

Converting a String to Object

A Java String is an Object. (String extends Object.)

So you can get an Object reference via assignment/initialisation:

String a = "abc";
Object b = a;

Installing Numpy on 64bit Windows 7 with Python 2.7.3

You may also try this, anaconda

But you need to modify your environment variable PATH, so that the anaconda folder is before the original Python folder.

How to find the highest value of a column in a data frame in R?

max(ozone$Ozone, na.rm = TRUE) should do the trick. Remember to include the na.rm = TRUE or else R will return NA.

Exit from app when click button in android phonegap?

@Pradip Kharbuja

In Cordova-2.6.0.js (l. 4032) :

exitApp:function() {
  console.log("Device.exitApp() is deprecated. Use App.exitApp().");

Order of execution of tests in TestNG

Use this:

public class TestNG
        public void setUp() 
                   /*--Initialize broowsers--*/


        public void Login() 


        public void Logout() 


        public void tearDown() 
                //--Close driver--//



Usually TestNG provides number of annotations, We can use @BeforeSuite, @BeforeTest, @BeforeClass for initializing browsers/setup.

We can assign priority if you have written number of test cases in your script and want to execute as per assigned priority then use: @Test(priority=0) starting from 0,1,2,3....

Meanwhile we can group number of test cases and execute it by grouping. for that we will use @Test(Groups='Regression')

At the end like closing the browsers we can use @AfterTest, @AfterSuite, @AfterClass annotations.

How to print a two dimensional array?

more simpler approach , use java 5 style for loop

Integer[][] twoDimArray = {{8, 9},{8, 10}};
        for (Integer[] array: twoDimArray){
            System.out.print(array[0] + " ,");

How to dismiss notification after action has been clicked

In my opinion using a BroadcastReceiver is a cleaner way to cancel a Notification:

In AndroidManifest.xml:

    android:name=.NotificationCancelReceiver" >
    <intent-filter android:priority="999" >
         <action android:name="com.example.cancel" />

In java File:

Intent cancel = new Intent("com.example.cancel");
PendingIntent cancelP = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, cancel, PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT);

NotificationCompat.Action actions[] = new NotificationCompat.Action[1];


public class NotificationCancelReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
        //Cancel your ongoing Notification

How to get city name from latitude and longitude coordinates in Google Maps? jsonObject =;
            String formatted_address;
            JSONArray results = jsonObject.getJSONArray("results");
            if(results != null && results.size() > 0){
       object = results.getJSONObject(0);
                String addressComponents = object.getString("address_components");
                formatted_address = object.getString("formatted_address");
                    boolean finded = false;
                    JSONArray ac = JSONArray.parseArray(addressComponents);
                    if(ac != null && ac.size() > 0){
                        for(int i=0;i<ac.size();i++){
                   jo = ac.getJSONObject(i);
                            JSONArray types = jo.getJSONArray("types");
                            if(types != null && types.size() > 0){
                                for(int j=0;j<ac.size();j++){
                                    String string = types.getString(i);
                                        finded = true;
                            if(finded) break;
                if(hotspotPoi != null) hotspotPoi.setPoi_name(formatted_address);
                EventBus.getDefault().post(new AmayaEvent.GeoEvent(hotspotPoi));

this is a method to parse google feedback data.

What is the meaning of the prefix N in T-SQL statements and when should I use it?

It's declaring the string as nvarchar data type, rather than varchar

You may have seen Transact-SQL code that passes strings around using an N prefix. This denotes that the subsequent string is in Unicode (the N actually stands for National language character set). Which means that you are passing an NCHAR, NVARCHAR or NTEXT value, as opposed to CHAR, VARCHAR or TEXT.

To quote from Microsoft:

Prefix Unicode character string constants with the letter N. Without the N prefix, the string is converted to the default code page of the database. This default code page may not recognize certain characters.

If you want to know the difference between these two data types, see this SO post:

What is the difference between varchar and nvarchar?

How can I find the link URL by link text with XPath?

Too late for you, but for anyone else with the same question...

//a[contains(text(), 'programming')]/@href

Of course, 'programming' can be any text fragment.

Posting parameters to a url using the POST method without using a form

it can be done with CURL or AJAX. The response is equally cryptic as the answer.

Nginx location "not equal to" regex

According to nginx documentation

there is no syntax for NOT matching a regular expression. Instead, match the target regular expression and assign an empty block, then use location / to match anything else

So you could define something like

location ~ (dir1|file2\.php) { 
    # empty

location / {
    rewrite ^/(.*)$1 permanent; 

What's the difference between Visual Studio Community and other, paid versions?

Visual Studio Community is same (almost) as professional edition. What differs is that VS community do not have TFS features, and the licensing is different. As stated by @Stefan.

The different versions on VS are compared here -

enter image description here

How to handle calendar TimeZones using Java?


The modern approach uses the java.time classes that supplanted the troublesome legacy date-time classes bundled with the earliest versions of Java.

The java.sql.Timestamp class is one of those legacy classes. No longer needed. Instead use Instant or other java.time classes directly with your database using JDBC 4.2 and later.

The Instant class represents a moment on the timeline in UTC with a resolution of nanoseconds (up to nine (9) digits of a decimal fraction).

Instant instant = myResultSet.getObject( … , Instant.class ) ; 

If you must interoperate with an existing Timestamp, convert immediately into java.time via the new conversion methods added to the old classes.

Instant instant = myTimestamp.toInstant() ;

To adjust into another time zone, specify the time zone as a ZoneId object. Specify a proper time zone name in the format of continent/region, such as America/Montreal, Africa/Casablanca, or Pacific/Auckland. Never use the 3-4 letter pseudo-zones such as EST or IST as they are not true time zones, not standardized, and not even unique(!).

ZoneId z = ZoneId.of( "America/Montreal" ) ;

Apply to the Instant to produce a ZonedDateTime object.

ZonedDateTime zdt = instant.atZone( z ) ;

To generate a string for display to the user, search Stack Overflow for DateTimeFormatter to find many discussions and examples.

Your Question is really about going the other direction, from user data-entry to the date-time objects. Generally best to break your data-entry into two parts, a date and a time-of-day.

LocalDate ld = LocalDate.parse( dateInput , DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern( "M/d/uuuu" , Locale.US ) ) ;
LocalTime lt = LocalTime.parse( timeInput , DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern( "H:m a" , Locale.US ) ) ;

Your Question is not clear. Do you want to interpret the date and the time entered by the user to be in UTC? Or in another time zone?

If you meant UTC, create a OffsetDateTime with an offset using the constant for UTC, ZoneOffset.UTC.

OffsetDateTime odt = OffsetDateTime.of( ld , lt , ZoneOffset.UTC ) ;

If you meant another time zone, combine along with a time zone object, a ZoneId. But which time zone? You might detect a default time zone. Or, if critical, you must confirm with the user to be certain of their intention.

ZonedDateTime zdt = ZonedDateTime.of( ld , lt , z ) ;

To get a simpler object that is always in UTC by definition, extract an Instant.

Instant instant = odt.toInstant() ;


Instant instant = zdt.toInstant() ; 

Send to your database.

myPreparedStatement.setObject( … , instant ) ;

About java.time

The java.time framework is built into Java 8 and later. These classes supplant the troublesome old legacy date-time classes such as java.util.Date, Calendar, & SimpleDateFormat.

The Joda-Time project, now in maintenance mode, advises migration to the java.time classes.

To learn more, see the Oracle Tutorial. And search Stack Overflow for many examples and explanations. Specification is JSR 310.

Where to obtain the java.time classes?

The ThreeTen-Extra project extends java.time with additional classes. This project is a proving ground for possible future additions to java.time. You may find some useful classes here such as Interval, YearWeek, YearQuarter, and more.

CSS3 equivalent to jQuery slideUp and slideDown?

Getting height transitions to work can be a bit tricky mainly because you have to know the height to animate for. This is further complicated by padding in the element to be animated.

Here is what I came up with:

use a style like this:

    .slideup, .slidedown {
        max-height: 0;            
        overflow-y: hidden;
        -webkit-transition: max-height 0.8s ease-in-out;
        -moz-transition: max-height 0.8s ease-in-out;
        -o-transition: max-height 0.8s ease-in-out;
        transition: max-height 0.8s ease-in-out;
    .slidedown {            
        max-height: 60px ;  // fixed width                  

Wrap your content into another container so that the container you're sliding has no padding/margins/borders:

  <div id="Slider" class="slideup">
    <!-- content has to be wrapped so that the padding and
            margins don't effect the transition's height -->
    <div id="Actual">
            Hello World Text

Then use some script (or declarative markup in binding frameworks) to trigger the CSS classes.

  $("#Trigger").click(function () {
    $("#Slider").toggleClass("slidedown slideup");

Example here:

This works fine for fixed size content. For a more generic soltution you can use code to figure out the size of the element when the transition is activated. The following is a jQuery plug-in that does just that:

$.fn.slideUpTransition = function() {
    return this.each(function() {
        var $el = $(this);
        $el.css("max-height", "0");

$.fn.slideDownTransition = function() {
    return this.each(function() {
        var $el = $(this);

        // temporarily make visible to get the size
        $el.css("max-height", "none");
        var height = $el.outerHeight();

        // reset to 0 then animate with small delay
        $el.css("max-height", "0");

        setTimeout(function() {
                "max-height": height
        }, 1);

which can be triggered like this:

$("#Trigger").click(function () {

    if ($("#SlideWrapper").hasClass("height-transition-hidden"))

against markup like this:

#Actual {
    background: silver;
    color: White;
    padding: 20px;

.height-transition {
    -webkit-transition: max-height 0.5s ease-in-out;
    -moz-transition: max-height 0.5s ease-in-out;
    -o-transition: max-height 0.5s ease-in-out;
    transition: max-height 0.5s ease-in-out;
    overflow-y: hidden;            
.height-transition-hidden {            
    max-height: 0;            
<div id="SlideWrapper" class="height-transition height-transition-hidden">
    <!-- content has to be wrapped so that the padding and
        margins don't effect the transition's height -->
    <div id="Actual">
     Your actual content to slide down goes here.


I wrote this up recently in a blog post if you're interested in more detail:

HTML tag <a> want to add both href and onclick working

You already have what you need, with a minor syntax change:

<a href="" onclick="return theFunction();">Item</a>

<script type="text/javascript">
    function theFunction () {
        // return true or false, depending on whether you want to allow the `href` property to follow through or not

The default behavior of the <a> tag's onclick and href properties is to execute the onclick, then follow the href as long as the onclick doesn't return false, canceling the event (or the event hasn't been prevented)

How do I check if a cookie exists?

I have crafted an alternative non-jQuery version:


It only tests for cookie existence. A more complicated version can also return cookie value:

value_or_null = (document.cookie.match(/^(?:.*;)?\s*MyCookie\s*=\s*([^;]+)(?:.*)?$/)||[,null])[1]

Put your cookie name in in place of MyCookie.

Meaning of Choreographer messages in Logcat

Choreographer lets apps to connect themselves to the vsync, and properly time things to improve performance.

Android view animations internally uses Choreographer for the same purpose: to properly time the animations and possibly improve performance.

Since Choreographer is told about every vsync events, it can tell if one of the Runnables passed along by the* apis doesn't finish in one frame's time, causing frames to be skipped.

In my understanding Choreographer can only detect the frame skipping. It has no way of telling why this happens.

The message "The application may be doing too much work on its main thread." could be misleading.

String comparison technique used by Python

From the docs:

The comparison uses lexicographical ordering: first the first two items are compared, and if they differ this determines the outcome of the comparison; if they are equal, the next two items are compared, and so on, until either sequence is exhausted.


Lexicographical ordering for strings uses the Unicode code point number to order individual characters.

or on Python 2:

Lexicographical ordering for strings uses the ASCII ordering for individual characters.

As an example:

>>> 'abc' > 'bac'
>>> ord('a'), ord('b')
(97, 98)

The result False is returned as soon as a is found to be less than b. The further items are not compared (as you can see for the second items: b > a is True).

Be aware of lower and uppercase:

>>> [(x, ord(x)) for x in abc]
[('a', 97), ('b', 98), ('c', 99), ('d', 100), ('e', 101), ('f', 102), ('g', 103), ('h', 104), ('i', 105), ('j', 106), ('k', 107), ('l', 108), ('m', 109), ('n', 110), ('o', 111), ('p', 112), ('q', 113), ('r', 114), ('s', 115), ('t', 116), ('u', 117), ('v', 118), ('w', 119), ('x', 120), ('y', 121), ('z', 122)]
>>> [(x, ord(x)) for x in abc.upper()]
[('A', 65), ('B', 66), ('C', 67), ('D', 68), ('E', 69), ('F', 70), ('G', 71), ('H', 72), ('I', 73), ('J', 74), ('K', 75), ('L', 76), ('M', 77), ('N', 78), ('O', 79), ('P', 80), ('Q', 81), ('R', 82), ('S', 83), ('T', 84), ('U', 85), ('V', 86), ('W', 87), ('X', 88), ('Y', 89), ('Z', 90)]

Assign a variable inside a Block to a variable outside a Block

yes block are the most used functionality , so in order to avoid the retain cycle we should avoid using the strong variable,including self inside the block, inspite use the _weak or weakself.

How to scroll to the bottom of a RecyclerView? scrollToPosition doesn't work

Just set setStackFromEnd=true or setReverseLayout=true so that LLM will layout items from end.

The difference between these two is that setStackFromEnd will set the view to show the last element, the layout direction will remain the same. (So, in an left-to-right horizontal Recycler View, the last element will be shown and scrolling to the left will show the earlier elements)

Whereas setReverseLayout will change the order of the elements added by the Adapter. The layout will start from the last element, which will be the left-most in an LTR Recycler View and then, scrolling to the right will show the earlier elements.


final LinearLayoutManager linearLayoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(getActivity());

See documentation for details.

Jackson overcoming underscores in favor of camel-case

If you want this for a Single Class, you can use the PropertyNamingStrategy with the @JsonNaming, something like this:

public static class Request {

    String businessName;
    String businessLegalName;


Will serialize to:

    "business_name" : "",
    "business_legal_name" : ""

Since Jackson 2.7 the LowerCaseWithUnderscoresStrategy in deprecated in favor of SnakeCaseStrategy, so you should use:

public static class Request {

    String businessName;
    String businessLegalName;


How do I detect a click outside an element?

As a variant:

var $menu = $('#menucontainer');
$(document).on('click', function (e) {

    // If element is opened and click target is outside it, hide it
    if ($':visible') && !$ && !$menu.has( {

It has no problem with stopping event propagation and better supports multiple menus on the same page where clicking on a second menu while a first is open will leave the first open in the stopPropagation solution.

GIT fatal: ambiguous argument 'HEAD': unknown revision or path not in the working tree

I usually use git on my linux machine, but at work I have to use Windows. I had the same problem when trying to commit the first commit in a Windows environment.

For those still facing this problem, I was able to resolve it as follows:

$ git commit --allow-empty -n -m "Initial commit".

nodeJS - How to create and read session with express

Hello I am trying to add new session values in node js like

req.session.portal = false
Passport.authenticate('facebook', (req, res, next) => {
})(req, res, next)

On passport strategies I am not getting portal value in mozilla request but working fine with chrome and opera

FacebookStrategy: new PassportFacebook.Strategy({
    clientID: Configuration.SocialChannel.Facebook.AppId,
    clientSecret: Configuration.SocialChannel.Facebook.AppSecret,
    callbackURL: Configuration.SocialChannel.Facebook.CallbackURL,
    profileFields: Configuration.SocialChannel.Facebook.Fields,
    scope: Configuration.SocialChannel.Facebook.Scope,
    passReqToCallback: true
}, (req, accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) => {

How to retrieve unique count of a field using Kibana + Elastic Search

Be aware with Unique count you are using 'cardinality' metric, which does not always guarantee exact unique count. :-)

the cardinality metric is an approximate algorithm. It is based on the HyperLogLog++ (HLL) algorithm. HLL works by hashing your input and using the bits from the hash to make probabilistic estimations on the cardinality.

Depending on amount of data I can get differences of 700+ entries missing in a 300k dataset via Unique Count in Elastic which are otherwise really unique.

Read more here:

Which header file do you include to use bool type in c in linux?

bool is just a macro that expands to _Bool. You can use _Bool with no #include very much like you can use int or double; it is a C99 keyword.

The macro is defined in <stdbool.h> along with 3 other macros.

The macros defined are

  • bool: macro expands to _Bool
  • false: macro expands to 0
  • true: macro expands to 1
  • __bool_true_false_are_defined: macro expands to 1

How to solve a timeout error in Laravel 5

I had a similar problem just now. However, this had nothing to do with modifying the php.ini file. It was from a for loop. If you are having nested for loops, make sure you are using the iterator properly. In my case, I was iterating the outer iterator from my inner iterator.

Difference between Groovy Binary and Source release?

A source release will be compiled on your own machine while a binary release must match your operating system.

source releases are more common on linux systems because linux systems can dramatically vary in cpu, installed library versions, kernelversions and nearly every linux system has a compiler installed.

binary releases are common on ms-windows systems. most windows machines do not have a compiler installed.

How to make "if not true condition"?

What am I doing wrong?

$(...) holds the value, not the exit status, that is why this approach is wrong. However, in this specific case, it does indeed work because sysa will be printed which makes the test statement come true. However, if ! [ $(true) ]; then echo false; fi would always print false because the true command does not write anything to stdout (even though the exit code is 0). That is why it needs to be rephrased to if ! grep ...; then.

An alternative would be cat /etc/passwd | grep "sysa" || echo error. Edit: As Alex pointed out, cat is useless here: grep "sysa" /etc/passwd || echo error.

Found the other answers rather confusing, hope this helps someone.

Comparing arrays for equality in C++

Array is not a primitive type, and the arrays belong to different addresses in the C++ memory.

How to delete all files and folders in a folder by cmd call

I think the easiest way to do it is:

rmdir /s /q "C:\FolderToNotToDelete\"

The last "\" in the path is the important part.

How to get arguments with flags in Bash

This is the idiom I usually use:

while test $# -gt 0; do
  case "$1" in
      echo "$package - attempt to capture frames"
      echo " "
      echo "$package [options] application [arguments]"
      echo " "
      echo "options:"
      echo "-h, --help                show brief help"
      echo "-a, --action=ACTION       specify an action to use"
      echo "-o, --output-dir=DIR      specify a directory to store output in"
      exit 0
      if test $# -gt 0; then
        export PROCESS=$1
        echo "no process specified"
        exit 1
      export PROCESS=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/^[^=]*=//g'`
      if test $# -gt 0; then
        export OUTPUT=$1
        echo "no output dir specified"
        exit 1
      export OUTPUT=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/^[^=]*=//g'`

Key points are:

  • $# is the number of arguments
  • while loop looks at all the arguments supplied, matching on their values inside a case statement
  • shift takes the first one away. You can shift multiple times inside of a case statement to take multiple values.

Scala Doubles, and Precision

You may use implicit classes:

import scala.math._

object ExtNumber extends App {
  implicit class ExtendedDouble(n: Double) {
    def rounded(x: Int) = {
      val w = pow(10, x)
      (n * w).toLong.toDouble / w

  // usage
  val a = 1.23456789

How Do I Uninstall Yarn

I tried the Homebrew and tarball points from the post by sospedra. It wasn't enough.

I found yarn installed in: ~/.config/yarn/global/node_modules/yarn

I ran yarn global remove yarn. Restarted terminal and it was gone.

Originally, what brought me here was yarn reverting to an older version, but I didn't know why, and attempts to uninstall or upgrade failed.

When I would checkout an older branch of a certain project the version of yarn being used would change from 1.9.4 to 0.19.1.

Even after taking steps to remove yarn, it remained, and at 0.19.1.

File content into unix variable with newlines

Your variable is set correctly by testvar=$(cat test.txt). To display this variable which consist new line characters, simply add double quotes, e.g.

echo "$testvar" 

Here is the full example:

$ printf "test1\ntest2" > test.txt
$ testvar=$(<test.txt)
$ grep testvar <(set)
$ echo "$testvar"
$ printf "%b" "$testvar"