Programs & Examples On #Jets3t

JetS3t is a Java toolkit and application suite for Amazon S3/CloudFront and Google Storage

CSS Grid Layout not working in IE11 even with prefixes

The answer has been given by Faisal Khurshid and Michael_B already.
This is just an attempt to make a possible solution more obvious.

For IE11 and below you need to enable grid's older specification in the parent div e.g. body or like here "grid" like so:


then define the amount and width of the columns and rows like e.g. so:

  -ms-grid-columns: 1fr 3fr;
  -ms-grid-rows: 4fr;

finally you need to explicitly tell the browser where your element (item) should be placed in e.g. like so:

  -ms-grid-column: 1;
  -ms-grid-row: 1;

  -ms-grid-column: 2;
  -ms-grid-row: 1;

Eclipse - Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder"

Eclipse Juno, Indigo and Kepler when using the bundled maven version(m2e), are not suppressing the message SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder". This behaviour is present from the m2e version and onwards.

Although, this is indicated as an error your logs will be saved normally. The highlighted error will still be present until there is a fix of this bug. More about this in the m2e support site.

The current available solution is to use an external maven version rather than the bundled version of Eclipse. You can find about this solution and more details regarding this bug in the question below which i believe describes the same problem you are facing.

SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder". error

How to run DOS/CMD/Command Prompt commands from VB.NET?

You Can try This To Run Command Then cmd Exits

Process.Start("cmd", "/c YourCode")

You Can try This To Run The Command And Let cmd Wait For More Commands

Process.Start("cmd", "/k YourCode")

Why is Visual Studio 2010 not able to find/open PDB files?

For VS2013 users who find themselves here as I did:

Tools -> Options -> Debugging -> Symbols

You'll see that the Cache symbols in this directory: field is empty; you can either browse/enter the path yourself or just go ahead and click the Load all symbols button. An alert window will appear saying "Since you haven't selected a symbol-cache directory the default will be used". You'll now see C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Local\Temp\SymbolCache in the previously empty path-field. Click Load all symbols a second time and you should be set. Hit ok, and just for the sake of diligence, clean and rebuild your solution.

What does this expression language ${pageContext.request.contextPath} exactly do in JSP EL?

use request.getContextPath() instead of ${pageContext.request.contextPath} in JSP expression language.

String contextPath = request.getContextPath();

output: willPrintMyProjectcontextPath

Specifying Font and Size in HTML table

The font tag has been deprecated for some time now.

That being said, the reason why both of your tables display with the same font size is that the 'size' attribute only accepts values ranging from 1 - 7. The smallest size is 1. The largest size is 7. The default size is 3. Any values larger than 7 will just display the same as if you had used 7, because 7 is the maximum value allowed.

And as @Alex H said, you should be using CSS for this.

Spring - download response as a file

It's working for me :

  • Spring controller :

    package com.mycompany.myapp.controller;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import org.slf4j.Logger;
    import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
    import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
    import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
    import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ExceptionHandler;
    import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
    import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
    import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
    import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
    import com.mycompany.myapp.exception.TechnicalException;
    public class DownloadController {
        private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DownloadController.class);
        @RequestMapping(value = "/download", method = RequestMethod.GET)
        public void download(@RequestParam ("name") String name, final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response) throws TechnicalException {
            log.trace("name : {}", name);
            File file = new File ("src/main/resources/" + name);
            log.trace("Write response...");
            try (InputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
                    OutputStream output = response.getOutputStream();) {
                response.setContentLength((int) (file.length()));
                response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + file.getName() + "\"");
                IOUtils.copyLarge(fileInputStream, output);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
  • AngularJs Service : download.service.js

    (function() {
        'use strict';
        var downloadModule = angular.module('components.donwload', []);
        downloadModule.factory('downloadService', ['$q', '$timeout', '$window',
            function($q, $timeout, $window) {
                return {
                    download: function(name) {
                        var defer = $q.defer();
                        $timeout(function() {
                                $window.location = 'download?name=' + name;
                            }, 1000)
                            .then(function() {
                            }, function() {
                        return defer.promise;
  • AngularJs config : app.js

    (function() {
        'use strict';
        var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['components.donwload']);
       /* myApp.config([function () {
        }]);[function () {
  • AngularJs controller : download.controller.js

    (function() {
        'use strict';
            .controller('DownloadSampleCtrl', ['downloadService', function(downloadService) {
       = function(fileName) {
                        .then(function(success) {
                            console.log('success : ' + success);
                        }, function(error) {
                            console.log('error : ' + error);
  • index.html

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html ng-app="myApp">
        <title>My App</title>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/normalize.css/normalize.css" />
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/styles/main.css" />
        <link rel="icon" href="favicon.ico">
        <div ng-controller="DownloadSampleCtrl as ctrl">
            <button ng-click="'fileName.txt')">Download</button>
        <script src="bower_components/angular/angular.min.js"></script>
        <!-- App config -->
        <script src="scripts/app/app.js"></script>
        <!-- Download Feature -->
        <script src="scripts/app/download/download.controller.js"></script>
        <!-- Components -->
        <script src="scripts/components/download/download.service.js"></script>

How do I extract a substring from a string until the second space is encountered?

Just use String.IndexOf twice as in:

     string str = "My Test String";
     int index = str.IndexOf(' ');
     index = str.IndexOf(' ', index + 1);
     string result = str.Substring(0, index);

How to find whether MySQL is installed in Red Hat?

rpmquery <package Name> By this command you can check which package is installed.

For Example: rpmquery mysql

Launching an application (.EXE) from C#?

Just put your file.exe in the \bin\Debug folder and use:


javaw.exe cannot find path

Make sure to download these from here:

enter image description here

Also create PATH enviroment variable on you computer like this (if it doesn't exist already):

  1. Right click on My Computer/Computer
  2. Properties
  3. Advanced system settings (or just Advanced)
  4. Enviroment variables
  5. If PATH variable doesn't exist among "User variables" click New (Variable name: PATH, Variable value : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0\bin; <-- please check out the right version, this may differ as Oracle keeps updating Java). ; in the end enables assignment of multiple values to PATH variable.
  6. Click OK! Done

enter image description here

To be sure that everything works, open CMD Prompt and type: java -version to check for Java version and javac to be sure that compiler responds.

enter image description here

I hope this helps. Good luck!

How can I invert color using CSS?

I think the only way to handle this is to use JavaScript

Try this Invert text color of a specific element

If you do this with css3 it's only compatible with the newest browser versions.

Set mouse focus and move cursor to end of input using jQuery

2 artlung's answer: It works with second line only in my code (IE7, IE8; Jquery v1.6):

var input = $('#some_elem');

Addition: if input element was added to DOM using JQuery, a focus is not set in IE. I used a little trick:


Html.fromHtml deprecated in Android N

update: as @Andy mentioned below Google has created HtmlCompat which can be used instead of the method below. Add this dependency implementation 'androidx.core:core:1.0.1 to the build.gradle file of your app. Make sure you use the latest version of androidx.core:core.

This allows you to use:

HtmlCompat.fromHtml(html, HtmlCompat.FROM_HTML_MODE_LEGACY);

You can read more about the different flags on the HtmlCompat-documentation

original answer: In Android N they introduced a new Html.fromHtml method. Html.fromHtml now requires an additional parameter, named flags. This flag gives you more control about how your HTML gets displayed.

On Android N and above you should use this new method. The older method is deprecated and may be removed in the future Android versions.

You can create your own Util-method which will use the old method on older versions and the newer method on Android N and above. If you don't add a version check your app will break on lower Android versions. You can use this method in your Util class.

public static Spanned fromHtml(String html){
    if(html == null){
        // return an empty spannable if the html is null
        return new SpannableString("");
    }else if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {
        // FROM_HTML_MODE_LEGACY is the behaviour that was used for versions below android N
        // we are using this flag to give a consistent behaviour
        return Html.fromHtml(html, Html.FROM_HTML_MODE_LEGACY);
    } else {
        return Html.fromHtml(html);

You can convert the HTML.FROM_HTML_MODE_LEGACY into an additional parameter if you want. This gives you more control about it which flag to use.

You can read more about the different flags on the Html class documentation

Getting the current date in visual Basic 2008

Dim regDate As Date =

This should fix your problem, though it's 2 years old!

How is a tag different from a branch in Git? Which should I use, here?

I like to think of branches as where you're going, tags as where you've been.

A tag feels like a bookmark of a particular important point in the past, such as a version release.

Whereas a branch is a particular path the project is going down, and thus the branch marker advances with you. When you're done you merge/delete the branch (i.e. the marker). Of course, at that point you could choose to tag that commit.

Removing duplicates from rows based on specific columns in an RDD/Spark DataFrame

Agree with David. To add on, it may not be the case that we want to groupBy all columns other than the column(s) in aggregate function i.e, if we want to remove duplicates purely based on a subset of columns and retain all columns in the original dataframe. So the better way to do this could be using dropDuplicates Dataframe api available in Spark 1.4.0

For reference, see:

android ellipsize multiline textview

I have had the same Problem. I fixed it by just deleting android:ellipsize="marquee"

Convert all strings in a list to int

Use the map function (in Python 2.x):

results = map(int, results)

In Python 3, you will need to convert the result from map to a list:

results = list(map(int, results))

How to remove all of the data in a table using Django

Django 1.11 delete all objects from a database table -

Entry.objects.all().delete()  ## Entry being Model Name. 

Refer the Official Django documentation here as quoted below -

Note that delete() is the only QuerySet method that is not exposed on a Manager itself. This is a safety mechanism to prevent you from accidentally requesting Entry.objects.delete(), and deleting all the entries. If you do want to delete all the objects, then you have to explicitly request a complete query set:

I myself tried the code snippet seen below within my

    # for deleting model objects
    from django.db import connection
    def del_model_4(self):
        with connection.schema_editor() as schema_editor:

and within my i have a view that simply renders a html page ...

  def data_del_4(request):
      obj = calc_2() ## 
      return render(request, 'dc_dash/data_del_4.html') ## 

it ended deleting all entries from - model == model_4 , but now i get to see a Error screen within Admin console when i try to asceratin that all objects of model_4 have been deleted ...

ProgrammingError at /admin/dc_dash/model_4/
relation "dc_dash_model_4" does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT COUNT(*) AS "__count" FROM "dc_dash_model_4" 

Do consider that - if we do not go to the ADMIN Console and try and see objects of the model - which have been already deleted - the Django app works just as intended.

django admin screencapture

Remove all line breaks from a long string of text

A method taking into consideration

  • additional white characters at the beginning/end of string
  • additional white characters at the beginning/end of every line
  • various end-line characters

it takes such a multi-line string which may be messy e.g.

test_str = '\nhej ho \n aaa\r\n   a\n '

and produces nice one-line string

>>> ' '.join([line.strip() for line in test_str.strip().splitlines()])
'hej ho aaa a'

UPDATE: To fix multiple new-line character producing redundant spaces:

' '.join([line.strip() for line in test_str.strip().splitlines() if line.strip()])

This works for the following too test_str = '\nhej ho \n aaa\r\n\n\n\n\n a\n '

SPA best practices for authentication and session management

I would go for the second, the token system.

Did you know about ember-auth or ember-simple-auth? They both use the token based system, like ember-simple-auth states:

A lightweight and unobtrusive library for implementing token based authentication in Ember.js applications.

They have session management, and are easy to plug into existing projects too.

There is also an Ember App Kit example version of ember-simple-auth: Working example of ember-app-kit using ember-simple-auth for OAuth2 authentication.

PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library

In my case I got this error because I downloaded a thread-safe version of the dll (infixed with -ts-), but my php installation of php was a non-thread-safe (infixed with -nts-). Downloading the right version of the dll, exactly matching my php installation version fixed the issue.

How to get the type of T from a member of a generic class or method?

I use this extension method to accomplish something similar:

public static string GetFriendlyTypeName(this Type t)
    var typeName = t.Name.StripStartingWith("`");
    var genericArgs = t.GetGenericArguments();
    if (genericArgs.Length > 0)
        typeName += "<";
        foreach (var genericArg in genericArgs)
            typeName += genericArg.GetFriendlyTypeName() + ", ";
        typeName = typeName.TrimEnd(',', ' ') + ">";
    return typeName;

public static string StripStartingWith(this string s, string stripAfter)
    if (s == null)
        return null;
    var indexOf = s.IndexOf(stripAfter, StringComparison.Ordinal);
    if (indexOf > -1)
        return s.Substring(0, indexOf);
    return s;

You use it like this:

public void GetFriendlyTypeName_ShouldHandleReallyComplexTypes()
    typeof(Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, object>>).GetFriendlyTypeName()
        .ShouldEqual("Dictionary<String, Dictionary<String, Object>>");

This isn't quite what you're looking for, but it's helpful in demonstrating the techniques involved.

SQL Query to find missing rows between two related tables






Please note that these queries do not require that ABC_ID be in table B at all. I think that does what you want.

Python conversion between coordinates

If your coordinates are stored as complex numbers you can use cmath

Copy folder structure (without files) from one location to another

Another approach is use the tree which is pretty handy and navigating directory trees based on its strong options. There are options for directory only, exclude empty directories, exclude names with pattern, include only names with pattern, etc. Check out man tree

Advantage: you can edit or review the list, or if you do a lot of scripting and create a batch of empty directories frequently

Approach: create a list of directories using tree, use that list as an arguments input to mkdir

tree -dfi --noreport > some_dir_file.txt

-dfi lists only directories, prints full path for each name, makes tree not print the indentation lines,

--noreport Omits printing of the file and directory report at the end of the tree listing, just to make the output file not contain any fluff

Then go to the destination where you want the empty directories and execute

xargs mkdir < some_dir_file.txt

Room - Schema export directory is not provided to the annotation processor so we cannot export the schema

@mikejonesguy answer is perfect, just in case you plan to test room migrations (recommended), add the schema location to the source sets.

In your build.gradle file you specify a folder to place these generated schema JSON files. As you update your schema, you’ll end up with several JSON files, one for every version. Make sure you commit every generated file to source control. The next time you increase your version number again, Room will be able to use the JSON file for testing.


android {

    // [...]

    defaultConfig {

        // [...]

        javaCompileOptions {
            annotationProcessorOptions {
                arguments = ["room.schemaLocation": "$projectDir/schemas".toString()]

    // add the schema location to the source sets
    // used by Room, to test migrations
    sourceSets {
        androidTest.assets.srcDirs += files("$projectDir/schemas".toString())

    // [...]

Does Java have something like C#'s ref and out keywords?

java has no standard way of doing it. Most swaps will be made on the list that is packaged in the class. but there is an unofficial way to do it:

package Example;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

 public class Test{

private static <T> void SetValue(T obj,T value){
    try {
        Field f = obj.getClass().getDeclaredField("value");
        } catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | 
            NoSuchFieldException | SecurityException ex) {
       null, ex);
private  static  void permutation(Integer a,Integer b){
    Integer tmp = new Integer(a);
    SetValue(a, b);
    SetValue(b, tmp);
 private  static  void permutation(String a,String b){
    char[] tmp = a.toCharArray();
    SetValue(a, b.toCharArray());
    SetValue(b, tmp);
public static void main(String[] args) {
        Integer d = 9;
        Integer e = 8;
        HoanVi(d, e);
        System.out.println(d+" "+ e);
        String d = "tai nguyen";
        String e = "Thai nguyen";
        permutation(d, e);
        System.out.println(d+" "+ e);


fatal error LNK1169: one or more multiply defined symbols found in game programming

You can't put variable definitions in header files, as these will then be a part of all source file you include the header into.

The #pragma once is just to protect against multiple inclusions in the same source file, not against multiple inclusions in multiple source files.

You could declare the variables as extern in the header file, and then define them in a single source file. Or you could declare the variables as const in the header file and then the compiler and linker will manage it.

How to do joins in LINQ on multiple fields in single join

Using the join operator you can only perform equijoins. Other types of joins can be constructed using other operators. I'm not sure whether the exact join you are trying to do would be easier using these methods or by changing the where clause. Documentation on the join clause can be found here. MSDN has an article on join operations with multiple links to examples of other joins, as well.

Submit form and stay on same page?

Use XMLHttpRequest

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", '/server', true);

//Send the proper header information along with the request
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");

xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { // Call a function when the state changes.
    if (this.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE && this.status === 200) {
        // Request finished. Do processing here.
// xhr.send(new Int8Array()); 
// xhr.send(document);

Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"?

Sorry for the "diggy up", but i just encoured this issue with an symfony3.8 project deploiement on shared hosting (php 7.3.18)...

I solved this issue by set the php memory limit in the command line options, a stuff like this:

php -dmemory_limit=-1 /path/to/the/executable

What is an instance variable in Java?

Instance variable is the variable declared inside a class, but outside a method: something like:

class IronMan {

    /** These are all instance variables **/
    public String realName;
    public String[] superPowers;
    public int age;

    /** Getters and setters here **/

Now this IronMan Class can be instantiated in another class to use these variables. Something like:

class Avengers {

    public static void main(String[] a) {
        IronMan ironman = new IronMan();
        ironman.realName = "Tony Stark";
        // or


This is how we use the instance variables. Shameless plug: This example was pulled from this free e-book here here.

System.BadImageFormatException: Could not load file or assembly

I had the same exception installing using correct framework.

My solution was running cmd as administrator .... then it worked fine.

Pandas: Appending a row to a dataframe and specify its index label

df.loc will do the job :

>>> df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(3, 2), columns=['A','B'])
>>> df
          A         B
0 -0.269036  0.534991
1  0.069915 -1.173594
2 -1.177792  0.018381
>>> df.loc[13] = df.loc[1]
>>> df
           A         B
0  -0.269036  0.534991
1   0.069915 -1.173594
2  -1.177792  0.018381
13  0.069915 -1.173594

How to generate .NET 4.0 classes from xsd?

For a quick and lazy solution, (and not using VS at all) try these online converters:

  • xsd-to-xml-converter here
  • xmltocsharp converter here

XSD => XML => C# classes

Example XSD:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="">

<xs:element name="shiporder">
      <xs:element name="orderperson" type="xs:string"/>
      <xs:element name="shipto">
            <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string"/>
            <xs:element name="address" type="xs:string"/>
            <xs:element name="city" type="xs:string"/>
            <xs:element name="country" type="xs:string"/>
      <xs:element name="item" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:element name="title" type="xs:string"/>
            <xs:element name="note" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
            <xs:element name="quantity" type="xs:positiveInteger"/>
            <xs:element name="price" type="xs:decimal"/>
    <xs:attribute name="orderid" type="xs:string" use="required"/>


Converts to XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Created with Liquid Technologies Online Tools 1.0 ( -->
<shiporder xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="schema.xsd" orderid="string" xmlns:xsi="">

Which converts to this class structure:

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
using System;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Xml2CSharp
    public class Shipto {
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Address { get; set; }
        public string City { get; set; }
        public string Country { get; set; }

    public class Item {
        public string Title { get; set; }
        public string Note { get; set; }
        public string Quantity { get; set; }
        public string Price { get; set; }

    public class Shiporder {
        public string Orderperson { get; set; }
        public Shipto Shipto { get; set; }
        public List<Item> Item { get; set; }
        [XmlAttribute(AttributeName="noNamespaceSchemaLocation", Namespace="")]
        public string NoNamespaceSchemaLocation { get; set; }
        public string Orderid { get; set; }
        [XmlAttribute(AttributeName="xsi", Namespace="")]
        public string Xsi { get; set; }


Attention! Take in account that this is just to Get-You-Started, the results obviously need refinements!

How to exit from the application and show the home screen?

I tried exiting application using following code snippet, this it worked for me. Hope this helps you. i did small demo with 2 activities

first activity

public class MainActivity extends Activity implements OnClickListener{
    private Button secondActivityBtn;
    private SharedPreferences pref;
    private SharedPreferences.Editor editer;

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        secondActivityBtn=(Button) findViewById(;

        pref = this.getSharedPreferences("MyPrefsFile", MODE_PRIVATE);
        editer = pref.edit();

        if(pref.getInt("exitApp", 0) == 1){
            editer.putInt("exitApp", 0);
    public void onClick(View v) {
        switch (v.getId()) {
            Intent intent= new Intent(MainActivity.this, YourAnyActivity.class);

your any other activity

public class YourAnyActivity extends Activity implements OnClickListener {
    private Button exitAppBtn;
    private SharedPreferences pref;
    private SharedPreferences.Editor editer;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        exitAppBtn = (Button) findViewById(;

        pref = this.getSharedPreferences("MyPrefsFile", MODE_PRIVATE);
        editer = pref.edit();

    public void onClick(View v) {
        switch (v.getId()) {
            Intent main_intent = new Intent(YourAnyActivity.this,

iPhone and WireShark

You can proceed as follow:

  1. Install Charles Web Proxy.
  2. Disable SSL proxying (uncheck the flag in Proxy->Proxy Settings...->SSL
  3. Connect your iDevice to the Charles proxy, as explained here
  4. Sniff the packets via Wireshark or Charles

Create Test Class in IntelliJ

I think you can always try the Ctrl + Shift + A to find the action/command you need.
Here you can try to press Ctrl + Shift + A and input «test» to find the command.

htaccess redirect to https://www

Michals answer worked for me, albeit with one small modification:


when you have a single site security certificate, a browser that tries to access your page without https:// www. (or whichever domain your certificate covers) will display an ugly red warning screen before it even gets to receive the redirect to the safe and correct https page.


First use the redirect to the www (or whichever domain is covered by your certificate) and only then do the https redirect. This will ensure that your users are not confronted with any error because your browser sees a certificate that doesn't cover the current url.

#First rewrite any request to the wrong domain to use the correct one (here www.)
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

#Now, rewrite to HTTPS:
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

What's the meaning of "=>" (an arrow formed from equals & greater than) in JavaScript?

As all of the other answers have already said, it's part of ES2015 arrow function syntax. More specifically, it's not an operator, it's a punctuator token that separates the parameters from the body: ArrowFunction : ArrowParameters => ConciseBody. E.g. (params) => { /* body */ }.

How to calculate UILabel height dynamically?

To get height for the NSAttributedString use this function below. Where width - the width of your UILabel or UITextView

func getHeight(for attributedString: NSAttributedString, font: UIFont, width: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
    let textStorage = NSTextStorage(attributedString: attributedString)
    let textContainter = NSTextContainer(size: CGSize(width: width, height: CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude))
    let layoutManager = NSLayoutManager()
    textStorage.addAttribute(NSAttributedString.Key.font, value: font, range: NSMakeRange(0, textStorage.length))
    textContainter.lineFragmentPadding = 0.0
    layoutManager.glyphRange(for: textContainter)
    return layoutManager.usedRect(for: textContainter).size.height

To get height for String use this function, It is almost identical like the previous method:

func getHeight(for string: String, font: UIFont, width: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
    let textStorage = NSTextStorage(string: string)
    let textContainter = NSTextContainer(size: CGSize(width: width, height: CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude))
    let layoutManager = NSLayoutManager()
    textStorage.addAttribute(NSAttributedString.Key.font, value: font, range: NSMakeRange(0, textStorage.length))
    textContainter.lineFragmentPadding = 0.0
    layoutManager.glyphRange(for: textContainter)
    return layoutManager.usedRect(for: textContainter).size.height

How to enumerate an enum with String type?

Swift 5 Solution:

enum Suit: String, CaseIterable {
    case spades = "?"
    case hearts = "?"
    case diamonds = "?"
    case clubs = "?"

// access cases like this:

for suitKey in Suit.allCases {

Fatal error: Class 'ZipArchive' not found in

Centos 6

Or any RHEL-based flavors

yum install php-pecl-zip

service httpd restart

Jackson Vs. Gson

Gson 1.6 now includes a low-level streaming API and a new parser which is actually faster than Jackson.

.NET HttpClient. How to POST string value?

There is an article about your question on's website. I hope it can help you.

How to call an api with asp net

Here is a small part from the POST section of the article

The following code sends a POST request that contains a Product instance in JSON format:

var gizmo = new Product() { Name = "Gizmo", Price = 100, Category = "Widget" };
response = await client.PostAsJsonAsync("api/products", gizmo);
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
    // Get the URI of the created resource.
    Uri gizmoUrl = response.Headers.Location;

Removing path and extension from filename in PowerShell

Inspired by an answer of @walid2mi:

(Get-Item 'c:\temp\myfile.txt').Basename

Please note: this only works if the given file really exists.

Difference between string object and string literal

As Strings are immutable, when you do:

String a = "xyz"

while creating the string, the JVM searches in the pool of strings if there already exists a string value "xyz", if so 'a' will simply be a reference of that string and no new String object is created.

But if you say:

String a = new String("xyz")

you force JVM to create a new String reference, even if "xyz" is in its pool.

For more information read this.

How to fix a Div to top of page with CSS only

Yes, there are a number of ways that you can do this. The "fastest" way would be to add CSS to the div similar to the following

#term-defs {
height: 300px;
overflow: scroll; }

This will force the div to be scrollable, but this might not get the best effect. Another route would be to absolute fix the position of the items at the top, you can play with this by doing something like this.

#top {
  position: fixed;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  z-index: 999;
  width: 100%;
  height: 23px;

This will fix it to the top, on top of other content with a height of 23px.

The final implementation will depend on what effect you really want.

How to get the fragment instance from the FragmentActivity?

To get the fragment instance in a class that extends FragmentActivity:

MyclassFragment instanceFragment=

To get the fragment instance in a class that extends Fragment:

MyclassFragment instanceFragment =  

How do I send a JSON string in a POST request in Go

In addition to standard net/http package, you can consider using my GoRequest which wraps around net/http and make your life easier without thinking too much about json or struct. But you can also mix and match both of them in one request! (you can see more details about it in gorequest github page)

So, in the end your code will become like follow:

func main() {
    url := ""
    fmt.Println("URL:>", url)
    request := gorequest.New()
    titleList := []string{"title1", "title2", "title3"}
    for _, title := range titleList {
        resp, body, errs := request.Post(url).
            Set("X-Custom-Header", "myvalue").
            Send(`{"title":"` + title + `"}`).
        if errs != nil {
        fmt.Println("response Status:", resp.Status)
        fmt.Println("response Headers:", resp.Header)
        fmt.Println("response Body:", body)

This depends on how you want to achieve. I made this library because I have the same problem with you and I want code that is shorter, easy to use with json, and more maintainable in my codebase and production system.

Binary Search Tree - Java Implementation

Here is the complete Implementation of Binary Search Tree In Java insert,search,countNodes,traversal,delete,empty,maximum & minimum node,find parent node,print all leaf node, get level,get height, get depth,print left view, mirror view

import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Scanner;

import org.junit.experimental.max.MaxCore;

class BSTNode {

    BSTNode left = null;
    BSTNode rigth = null;
    int data = 0;

    public BSTNode() {

    public BSTNode(int data) {
        this.left = null;
        this.rigth = null; = data;

    public String toString() {
        return "BSTNode [left=" + left + ", rigth=" + rigth + ", data=" + data + "]";


class BinarySearchTree {

    BSTNode root = null;

    public BinarySearchTree() {


    public void insert(int data) {
        BSTNode node = new BSTNode(data);
        if (root == null) {
            root = node;

        BSTNode currentNode = root;
        BSTNode parentNode = null;

        while (true) {
            parentNode = currentNode;
            if ( == data)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duplicates nodes note allowed in Binary Search Tree");

            if ( > data) {
                currentNode = currentNode.left;
                if (currentNode == null) {
                    parentNode.left = node;
            } else {
                currentNode = currentNode.rigth;
                if (currentNode == null) {
                    parentNode.rigth = node;

    public int countNodes() {
        return countNodes(root);

    private int countNodes(BSTNode node) {
        if (node == null) {
            return 0;
        } else {
            int count = 1;
            count += countNodes(node.left);
            count += countNodes(node.rigth);
            return count;

    public boolean searchNode(int data) {
        if (empty())
            return empty();
        return searchNode(data, root);

    public boolean searchNode(int data, BSTNode node) {
        if (node != null) {
            if ( == data)
                return true;
            else if ( > data)
                return searchNode(data, node.left);
            else if ( < data)
                return searchNode(data, node.rigth);
        return false;

    public boolean delete(int data) {
        if (empty())
            throw new NoSuchElementException("Tree is Empty");

        BSTNode currentNode = root;
        BSTNode parentNode = root;
        boolean isLeftChild = false;

        while ( != data) {
            parentNode = currentNode;
            if ( > data) {
                isLeftChild = true;
                currentNode = currentNode.left;
            } else if ( < data) {
                isLeftChild = false;
                currentNode = currentNode.rigth;
            if (currentNode == null)
                return false;

        // CASE 1: node with no child
        if (currentNode.left == null && currentNode.rigth == null) {
            if (currentNode == root)
                root = null;
            if (isLeftChild)
                parentNode.left = null;
                parentNode.rigth = null;

        // CASE 2: if node with only one child
        else if (currentNode.left != null && currentNode.rigth == null) {
            if (root == currentNode) {
                root = currentNode.left;
            if (isLeftChild)
                parentNode.left = currentNode.left;
                parentNode.rigth = currentNode.left;
        } else if (currentNode.rigth != null && currentNode.left == null) {
            if (root == currentNode)
                root = currentNode.rigth;
            if (isLeftChild)
                parentNode.left = currentNode.rigth;
                parentNode.rigth = currentNode.rigth;

        // CASE 3: node with two child
        else if (currentNode.left != null && currentNode.rigth != null) {

            // Now we have to find minimum element in rigth sub tree
            // that is called successor
            BSTNode successor = getSuccessor(currentNode);
            if (currentNode == root)
                root = successor;
            if (isLeftChild)
                parentNode.left = successor;
                parentNode.rigth = successor;
            successor.left = currentNode.left;

        return true;

    private BSTNode getSuccessor(BSTNode deleteNode) {

        BSTNode successor = null;
        BSTNode parentSuccessor = null;
        BSTNode currentNode = deleteNode.left;

        while (currentNode != null) {
            parentSuccessor = successor;
            successor = currentNode;
            currentNode = currentNode.left;

        if (successor != deleteNode.rigth) {
            parentSuccessor.left = successor.left;
            successor.rigth = deleteNode.rigth;

        return successor;

    public int nodeWithMinimumValue() {
        return nodeWithMinimumValue(root);

    private int nodeWithMinimumValue(BSTNode node) {
        if (node.left != null)
            return nodeWithMinimumValue(node.left);

    public int nodewithMaximumValue() {
        return nodewithMaximumValue(root);

    private int nodewithMaximumValue(BSTNode node) {
        if (node.rigth != null)
            return nodewithMaximumValue(node.rigth);

    public int parent(int data) {
        return parent(root, data);

    private int parent(BSTNode node, int data) {
        if (empty())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty");
        if ( == data)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No Parent node found");

        BSTNode parent = null;
        BSTNode current = node;

        while ( != data) {
            parent = current;
            if ( > data)
                current = current.left;
                current = current.rigth;
            if (current == null)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(data + " is not a node in tree");

    public int sibling(int data) {
        return sibling(root, data);

    private int sibling(BSTNode node, int data) {
        if (empty())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty");
        if ( == data)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No Parent node found");

        BSTNode cureent = node;
        BSTNode parent = null;
        boolean isLeft = false;

        while ( != data) {
            parent = cureent;
            if ( > data) {
                cureent = cureent.left;
                isLeft = true;
            } else {
                cureent = cureent.rigth;
                isLeft = false;
            if (cureent == null)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("No Parent node found");
        if (isLeft) {
            if (parent.rigth != null) {
            } else
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("No Sibling is there");
        } else {
            if (parent.left != null)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("No Sibling is there");

    public void leafNodes() {
        if (empty())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty");

    private void leafNode(BSTNode node) {
        if (node == null)
        if (node.rigth == null && node.left == null)
            System.out.print( + " ");

    public int level(int data) {
        if (empty())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty");
        return level(root, data, 1);

    private int level(BSTNode node, int data, int level) {
        if (node == null)
            return 0;
        if ( == data)
            return level;
        int result = level(node.left, data, level + 1);
        if (result != 0)
            return result;
        result = level(node.rigth, data, level + 1);
        return result;

    public int depth() {
        return depth(root);

    private int depth(BSTNode node) {
        if (node == null)
            return 0;
            return 1 + Math.max(depth(node.left), depth(node.rigth));

    public int height() {
        return height(root);

    private int height(BSTNode node) {
        if (node == null)
            return 0;
            return 1 + Math.max(height(node.left), height(node.rigth));

    public void leftView() {

    private void leftView(BSTNode node) {
        if (node == null)
        int height = height(node);

        for (int i = 1; i <= height; i++) {
            printLeftView(node, i);

    private boolean printLeftView(BSTNode node, int level) {
        if (node == null)
            return false;

        if (level == 1) {
            System.out.print( + " ");
            return true;
        } else {
            boolean left = printLeftView(node.left, level - 1);
            if (left)
                return true;
                return printLeftView(node.rigth, level - 1);

    public void mirroeView() {
        BSTNode node = mirroeView(root);

    private BSTNode mirroeView(BSTNode node) {
        if (node == null || (node.left == null && node.rigth == null))
            return node;

        BSTNode temp = node.left;
        node.left = node.rigth;
        node.rigth = temp;

        return node;

    public void preorder() {

    private void preorder(BSTNode node) {
        if (node != null) {
            System.out.print( + " ");

    public void inorder() {

    private void inorder(BSTNode node) {
        if (node != null) {
            System.out.print( + " ");

    public void postorder() {

    private void postorder(BSTNode node) {
        if (node != null) {
            System.out.print( + " ");

    public boolean empty() {
        return root == null;


public class BinarySearchTreeTest {
    public static void main(String[] l) {
        System.out.println("Weleome to Binary Search Tree");
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
        boolean yes = true;
        BinarySearchTree tree = new BinarySearchTree();
        do {
            System.out.println("\n1. Insert");
            System.out.println("2. Search Node");
            System.out.println("3. Count Node");
            System.out.println("4. Empty Status");
            System.out.println("5. Delete Node");
            System.out.println("6. Node with Minimum Value");
            System.out.println("7. Node with Maximum Value");
            System.out.println("8. Find Parent node");
            System.out.println("9. Count no of links");
            System.out.println("10. Get the sibling of any node");
            System.out.println("11. Print all the leaf node");
            System.out.println("12. Get the level of node");
            System.out.println("13. Depth of the tree");
            System.out.println("14. Height of Binary Tree");
            System.out.println("15. Left View");
            System.out.println("16. Mirror Image of Binary Tree");
            System.out.println("Enter Your Choice :: ");
            int choice = scanner.nextInt();
            switch (choice) {
            case 1:
                try {
                    System.out.println("Enter Value");
                } catch (Exception e) {

            case 2:
                System.out.println("Enter the node");

            case 3:

            case 4:

            case 5:
                try {
                    System.out.println("Enter the node");
                } catch (Exception e) {

            case 6:
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {

            case 7:
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {

            case 8:
                try {
                    System.out.println("Enter the node");
                } catch (Exception e) {

            case 9:
                try {
                    System.out.println(tree.countNodes() - 1);
                } catch (Exception e) {

            case 10:
                try {
                    System.out.println("Enter the node");
                } catch (Exception e) {

            case 11:
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {

            case 12:
                try {
                    System.out.println("Enter the node");
                    System.out.println("Level is : " + tree.level(scanner.nextInt()));
                } catch (Exception e) {

            case 13:
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {

            case 14:
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {

            case 15:
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {

            case 16:
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {

        } while (yes);

Facebook Graph API, how to get users email?

The following tools can be useful during development:

Access Token Debugger: Paste in an access token for details

Graph API Explorer: Test requests to the graph api after pasting in your access token

What is the size of a pointer?

Function Pointers can have very different sizes, from 4 to 20 Bytes on an X86 machine, depending on the compiler. So the answer is NO - sizes can vary.

Another example: take an 8051 program, it has three memory ranges and thus has three different pointer sizes, from 8 bit, 16bit, 24bit, depending on where the target is located, even though the target's size is always the same (e.g. char).

Vertical divider doesn't work in Bootstrap 3

may be this will help also:

.navbar .divider-vertical {
    margin-top: 14px;
    height: 24px;
    border-left: 1px solid #f2f2f2;
    border-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, gray, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)) 1 100%;

Android Studio - debug keystore

You can specify your own debug keystore if you wish. This solution also gives you the ability to store your keys outside of the project directory as well as enjoy automation in the signing process. Yes you can go to File -> Project Structure and assign signing keystores and passwords in the Signing tab but that will put plaintext entries into your file which means your secrets might be disclosed (especially in repository commits). With this solution you get the control of using your own keystore and the magic of automation during debug and release builds.

1) Create a (if you don't already have one).

The location for this file depends on your OS:

   /home/<username>/.gradle/ (Linux)
   /Users/<username>/.gradle/ (Mac)
   C:\Users\<username>\.gradle (Windows)

2) Add an entry pointing to file. (example for Windows)\\Users\\<username>\\signing\\

3) Create file in the location you specified in Step 2 with the following information:


4) Modify your file to point to file to use the variables.

        && new File("")).exists()) {

    Properties props = new Properties()
    props.load(new FileInputStream(file(""))))

    android {
        signingConfigs {
            release {
                keyAlias 'release'
                keyPassword props['keystore.password']
                storeFile file(props['keystore'])
                storePassword props['keystore.password']
            debug {
                keyAlias 'debug'
                keyPassword props['keystore.password']
                storeFile file(props['keystore'])
                storePassword props['keystore.password']
        compileSdkVersion 19
        buildToolsVersion "20.0.0"
        defaultConfig {
            applicationId ""
            minSdkVersion 16
            targetSdkVersion 17
        buildTypes {
            release {


dependencies {

5) Enjoy! Now all of your keys will be outside of the root of the directory and yet you still have the joys of automation for each build.

If you get an error in your file about the "props" variable it's because you are not executing the "android {}" block inside the very first if condition where the props variable gets assigned so just move the entire android{ ... } section into the condition in which the props variable is assigned then try again.

I pieced these steps together from the information found here and here.

Python list of dictionaries search

people = [
{'name': "Tom", 'age': 10},
{'name': "Mark", 'age': 5},
{'name': "Pam", 'age': 7}

def search(name):
    for p in people:
        if p['name'] == name:
            return p


Two versions of python on linux. how to make 2.7 the default

Add /usr/local/bin to your PATH environment variable, earlier in the list than /usr/bin.

Generally this is done in your shell's rc file, e.g. for bash, you'd put this in .bashrc:

export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"

This will cause your shell to look first for a python in /usr/local/bin, before it goes with the one in /usr/bin.

(Of course, this means you also need to have /usr/local/bin/python point to python2.7 - if it doesn't already, you'll need to symlink it.)

How to use getJSON, sending data with post method?

$.getJSON() is pretty handy for sending an AJAX request and getting back JSON data as a response. Alas, the jQuery documentation lacks a sister function that should be named $.postJSON(). Why not just use $.getJSON() and be done with it? Well, perhaps you want to send a large amount of data or, in my case, IE7 just doesn’t want to work properly with a GET request.

It is true, there is currently no $.postJSON() method, but you can accomplish the same thing by specifying a fourth parameter (type) in the $.post() function:

My code looked like this:

$.post('script.php', data, function(response) {
  // Do something with the request
}, 'json');

WebAPI to Return XML

If you return a serializable object, WebAPI will automatically send JSON or XML based on the Accept header that your client sends.

If you return a string, you'll get a string.

Comparing two strings, ignoring case in C#

My general answer to this kind of question on "efficiency" is almost always, which ever version of the code is most readable, is the most efficient.

That being said, I think (val.ToLowerCase() == "astringvalue") is pretty understandable at a glance by most people.

The efficience I refer to is not necesseraly in the execution of the code but rather in the maintanance and generally readability of the code in question.

How to update SQLAlchemy row entry?

There are several ways to UPDATE using sqlalchemy

1) user.no_of_logins += 1

2) session.query().\
       filter(User.username ==\
       update({"no_of_logins": (User.no_of_logins +1)})

3) conn = engine.connect()
   stmt = User.update().\
       values(no_of_logins=(User.no_of_logins + 1)).\
       where(User.username ==

4) setattr(user, 'no_of_logins', user.no_of_logins+1)

Creating a .dll file in C#.Net

Creating DLL File

  1. Open Visual Studio then select File -> New -> Project

  2. Select Visual C# -> Class library

  3. Compile Project Or Build the solution, to create Dll File

  4. Go to the class library folder (Debug Folder)

Repository access denied. access via a deployment key is read-only

I had the same issue Kabir Sarin had. The solution was to clone the repo via SSH, instead of using the https URL. so this is what helped me, and hopefully others:

    git clone [email protected]:{accountName}/{repoName}.git

What is __future__ in Python used for and how/when to use it, and how it works

One of the uses which I found to be very useful is the print_function from __future__ module.

In Python 2.7, I wanted chars from different print statements to be printed on same line without spaces.

It can be done using a comma(",") at the end, but it also appends an extra space. The above statement when used as :

from __future__ import print_function
print (v_num,end="")

This will print the value of v_num from each iteration in a single line without spaces.

set initial viewcontroller in appdelegate - swift

I used this thread to help me convert the objective C to swift, and its working perfectly.

Instantiate and Present a viewController in Swift

Swift 2 code:

func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
    self.window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds)

    let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)

    let initialViewController = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("LoginSignupVC")

    self.window?.rootViewController = initialViewController

    return true

Swift 3 code:

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
    self.window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)

    let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)

    let initialViewController = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "LoginSignupVC")

    self.window?.rootViewController = initialViewController

    return true

How do I configure the proxy settings so that Eclipse can download new plugins?

Manual + disable SOCKS didn't work for me (still tried to use SOCKS and my company proxy refused it),
Native + changed eclipse.ini worked for me


These settings require IDE restart (sometimes with -clean -refresh command line options).

Java8, Eclipse Neon3, slow proxy server:


How to configure ChromeDriver to initiate Chrome browser in Headless mode through Selenium?

UPDATED It works fine in my case:

from selenium import webdriver

options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
options.headless = True
driver = webdriver.Chrome(CHROMEDRIVER_PATH, options=options)

Just changed in 2020. Works fine for me.

Get the date (a day before current time) in Bash

Try the below code , which takes care of the DST part as well.

if [ $(date +%w) -eq $(date -u +%w) ]; then
  tz=$(( 10#$gmthour - 10#$localhour ))
  tz=$(( 24 - 10#$gmthour + 10#$localhour ))
echo $tz
myTime=`TZ=GMT+$tz date +'%Y%m%d'`

Courtsey Ansgar Wiechers

A cron job for rails: best practices?

Using something Sidekiq or Resque is a far more robust solution. They both support retrying jobs, exclusivity with a REDIS lock, monitoring, and scheduling.

Keep in mind that Resque is a dead project (not actively maintained), so Sidekiq is a way better alternative. It also is more performant: Sidekiq runs several workers on a single, multithread process while Resque runs each worker in a separate process.

Jquery onclick on div

Check out this fiddle ... you're doing it correctly. Make sure the id is content and also check to see there are no other elements with the same id. If there are multiple elements with the same id, it will bind to the first one. That might be why you arn't seeing it.

Why do we use arrays instead of other data structures?

Time to go back in time for a lesson. While we don't think about these things much in our fancy managed languages today, they are built on the same foundation, so let's look at how memory is managed in C.

Before I dive in, a quick explanation of what the term "pointer" means. A pointer is simply a variable that "points" to a location in memory. It doesn't contain the actual value at this area of memory, it contains the memory address to it. Think of a block of memory as a mailbox. The pointer would be the address to that mailbox.

In C, an array is simply a pointer with an offset, the offset specifies how far in memory to look. This provides O(1) access time.

  MyArray   [5]
     ^       ^
  Pointer  Offset

All other data structures either build upon this, or do not use adjacent memory for storage, resulting in poor random access look up time (Though there are other benefits to not using sequential memory).

For example, let's say we have an array with 6 numbers (6,4,2,3,1,5) in it, in memory it would look like this:

|  6  |  4  |  2  |  3  |  1  |  5  |

In an array, we know that each element is next to each other in memory. A C array (Called MyArray here) is simply a pointer to the first element:

|  6  |  4  |  2  |  3  |  1  |  5  |

If we wanted to look up MyArray[4], internally it would be accessed like this:

   0     1     2     3     4 
|  6  |  4  |  2  |  3  |  1  |  5  |
MyArray + 4 ---------------/
(Pointer + Offset)

Because we can directly access any element in the array by adding the offset to the pointer, we can look up any element in the same amount of time, regardless of the size of the array. This means that getting MyArray[1000] would take the same amount of time as getting MyArray[5].

An alternative data structure is a linked list. This is a linear list of pointers, each pointing to the next node

========    ========    ========    ========    ========
| Data |    | Data |    | Data |    | Data |    | Data |
|      | -> |      | -> |      | -> |      | -> |      | 
|  P1  |    |  P2  |    |  P3  |    |  P4  |    |  P5  |        
========    ========    ========    ========    ========

P(X) stands for Pointer to next node.

Note that I made each "node" into its own block. This is because they are not guaranteed to be (and most likely won't be) adjacent in memory.

If I want to access P3, I can't directly access it, because I don't know where it is in memory. All I know is where the root (P1) is, so instead I have to start at P1, and follow each pointer to the desired node.

This is a O(N) look up time (The look up cost increases as each element is added). It is much more expensive to get to P1000 compared to getting to P4.

Higher level data structures, such as hashtables, stacks and queues, all may use an array (or multiple arrays) internally, while Linked Lists and Binary Trees usually use nodes and pointers.

You might wonder why anyone would use a data structure that requires linear traversal to look up a value instead of just using an array, but they have their uses.

Take our array again. This time, I want to find the array element that holds the value '5'.

|  6  |  4  |  2  |  3  |  1  |  5  |
   ^     ^     ^     ^     ^   FOUND!

In this situation, I don't know what offset to add to the pointer to find it, so I have to start at 0, and work my way up until I find it. This means I have to perform 6 checks.

Because of this, searching for a value in an array is considered O(N). The cost of searching increases as the array gets larger.

Remember up above where I said that sometimes using a non sequential data structure can have advantages? Searching for data is one of these advantages and one of the best examples is the Binary Tree.

A Binary Tree is a data structure similar to a linked list, however instead of linking to a single node, each node can link to two children nodes.

         |  Root  |         
        /          \ 
  =========       =========
  | Child |       | Child |
  =========       =========
                  /       \
            =========    =========
            | Child |    | Child |
            =========    =========

 Assume that each connector is really a Pointer

When data is inserted into a binary tree, it uses several rules to decide where to place the new node. The basic concept is that if the new value is greater than the parents, it inserts it to the left, if it is lower, it inserts it to the right.

This means that the values in a binary tree could look like this:

         |   100  |         
        /          \ 
  =========       =========
  |  200  |       |   50  |
  =========       =========
                  /       \
            =========    =========
            |   75  |    |   25  |
            =========    =========

When searching a binary tree for the value of 75, we only need to visit 3 nodes ( O(log N) ) because of this structure:

  • Is 75 less than 100? Look at Right Node
  • Is 75 greater than 50? Look at Left Node
  • There is the 75!

Even though there are 5 nodes in our tree, we did not need to look at the remaining two, because we knew that they (and their children) could not possibly contain the value we were looking for. This gives us a search time that at worst case means we have to visit every node, but in the best case we only have to visit a small portion of the nodes.

That is where arrays get beat, they provide a linear O(N) search time, despite O(1) access time.

This is an incredibly high level overview on data structures in memory, skipping over a lot of details, but hopefully it illustrates an array's strength and weakness compared to other data structures.

convert double to int

int myInt = (int)Math.Ceiling(myDouble);

How do you send a Firebase Notification to all devices via CURL?

The most easiest way I came up with to send the push notification to all the devices is to subscribe them to a topic "all" and then send notification to this topic. Copy this in your main activity


Now send the request as

      "title":"Your title",
      "message":"Your message"

This might be inefficient or non-standard way, but as I mentioned above it's the easiest. Please do post if you have any better way to send a push notification to all the devices.

You can follow this tutorial if you're new to sending push notifications using Firebase Cloud Messaging Tutorial - Push Notifications using FCM

To send a message to a combination of topics, specify a condition, which is a boolean expression that specifies the target topics. For example, the following condition will send messages to devices that are subscribed to TopicA and either TopicB or TopicC:

      "title": "Your title",
      "message": "Your message"
      "image-url": "your_image_url"
   "condition": "'TopicA' in topics && ('TopicB' in topics || 'TopicC' in topics)"

Read more about conditions and topics here on FCM documentation

Method to find string inside of the text file. Then getting the following lines up to a certain limit

Here is a java 8 method to find a string in a text file:

for (String toFindUrl : urlsToTest) {

private void streamService(String item) {
        try (Stream<String> stream = Files.lines(Paths.get(fileName))) {
           stream.filter(lines -> lines.contains(item))

        } catch (IOException e) {

Invalid default value for 'create_date' timestamp field

You could just change this:

create_date datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',

To something like this:

create_date varchar(80) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',

Oracle 11g Express Edition for Windows 64bit?

Oracle 11G Express Edition is now available to install on 64-bit versions of Windows.

Oracle 11G Download Page

Text File Parsing with Python

There are a few ways to go about this. One option would be to use instead of inputfile.readlines() - you'd need to write separate code to strip the first four lines, but if you want the final output as a single string anyway, this might make the most sense.

A second, simpler option would be to rejoin the strings after striping the first four lines with my_text = ''.join(my_text). This is a little inefficient, but if speed isn't a major concern, the code will be simplest.

Finally, if you actually want the output as a list of strings instead of a single string, you can just modify your data parser to iterate over the list. That might looks something like this:

def data_parser(lines, dic):
    for i, j in dic.iteritems():
        for (k, line) in enumerate(lines):
            lines[k] = line.replace(i, j)
    return lines

Release generating .pdb files, why?

Without the .pdb files it is virtually imposible to step through the production code; you have to rely on other tools which can be costly and time consuming. I understand you can use tracing or windbg for instance but it really depends on what you want to achieve. In certain scenarios you just want to step through the remote code (no errors or exceptions) using the production data to observe particular behaviour, and this is where .pdb files come handy. Without them running the debugger on that code is impossible.

Is it possible to declare a public variable in vba and assign a default value?

Little-Known Fact:
A named range can refer to a value instead of specific cells.

This could be leveraged to act like a "global variable", plus you can refer to the value from VBA and in a worksheet cell, and the assigned value will even persist after closing & re-opening the workbook!

  • To "declare" the name myVariable and assign it a value of 123:

    ThisWorkbook.Names.Add "myVariable", 123
  • To retrieve the value (for example to display the value in a MsgBox):

      MsgBox [myVariable]
  • Alternatively, you could refer to the name with a string: (identical result as square brackets)

    MsgBox Evaluate("myVariable")
  • To use the value on a worksheet just use it's name in your formula as-is:

  • In fact, you could even store function expressions: (sort of like in JavaScript)
    (Admittedly, I can't actually think of a situation where this would be beneficial - but I don't use them in JS either.)

    ThisWorkbook.Names.Add "myDay", "=if(isodd(day(today())),""on day"",""off day"")"

Square brackets are just a shortcut for the Evaluate method. I've heard that using them is considered messy or "hacky", but I've had no issues and their use in Excel is supported by Microsoft.

There is probably also a way use the Range function to refer to these names, but I don't see any advantage so I didn't look very deeply into it.

More info:

Are HTTPS URLs encrypted?

Entire request and response is encrypted, including URL.

Note that when you use a HTTP Proxy, it knows the address (domain) of the target server, but doesn't know the requested path on this server (i.e. request and response are always encrypted).

css label width not taking effect

Use display: inline-block;


The label is an inline element, meaning it is only as big as it needs to be.

Set the display property to either inline-block or block in order for the width property to take effect.


#report-upload-form {_x000D_
    background-color: #316091;_x000D_
    color: #ddeff1;_x000D_
    font-weight: bold;_x000D_
    margin: 23px auto 0 auto;_x000D_
    border-radius: 10px;_x000D_
    width: 650px;_x000D_
    box-shadow: 0 0 2px 2px #d9d9d9;_x000D_
#report-upload-form label {_x000D_
    padding-left: 26px;_x000D_
    width: 125px;_x000D_
    text-transform: uppercase;_x000D_
    display: inline-block;_x000D_
#report-upload-form input[type=text], _x000D_
#report-upload-form input[type=file],_x000D_
#report-upload-form textarea {_x000D_
    width: 305px;_x000D_
<form id="report-upload-form" method="POST" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data">_x000D_
    <p><label for="id_title">Title:</label> <input id="id_title" type="text" class="input-text" name="title"></p>_x000D_
    <p><label for="id_description">Description:</label> <textarea id="id_description" rows="10" cols="40" name="description"></textarea></p>_x000D_
    <p><label for="id_report">Upload Report:</label> <input id="id_report" type="file" class="input-file" name="report"></p>_x000D_

How to read a local text file?

Modern solution:

Use fileOrBlob.text() as follows:

<input type="file" onchange="this.files[0].text().then(t => console.log(t))">

When user uploads a text file via that input, it will be logged to the console. Here's a working jsbin demo.

Here's a more verbose version:

<input type="file" onchange="loadFile(this.files[0])">
  async function loadFile(file) {
    let text = await file.text();

Currently (January 2020) this only works in Chrome and Firefox, check here for compatibility if you're reading this in the future:

On older browsers, this should work:

<input type="file" onchange="loadFile(this.files[0])">
  async function loadFile(file) {
    let text = await (new Response(file)).text();

Related: As of September 2020 the new Native File System API available in Chrome and Edge in case you want permanent read-access (and even write access) to the user-selected file.

Android Emulator Error Message: "PANIC: Missing emulator engine program for 'x86' CPUS."

Try the following work-around to start emulator-x86:

$SDK/tools/emulator-x86 <your-other-options>

Where $SDK is the path to your SDK installation. That's in a nutshell what 'emulator' tries to do. You might want to start emulator64-x86 instead of emulator-x86 if the former exists though.

is there a css hack for safari only NOT chrome?

It working 100% in safari..i tried

@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) 
::i-block-chrome, Class Name {your styles}

how to add script inside a php code?

You can just echo all the HTML as normal:

   echo '<input type="button" onclick="alert(\'Clicky!\')"/>';

Javascript setInterval not working

Try this:

function funcName() {

var run = setInterval(funcName, 10000)

How can I copy a Python string?

You don't need to copy a Python string. They are immutable, and the copy module always returns the original in such cases, as do str(), the whole string slice, and concatenating with an empty string.

Moreover, your 'hello' string is interned (certain strings are). Python deliberately tries to keep just the one copy, as that makes dictionary lookups faster.

One way you could work around this is to actually create a new string, then slice that string back to the original content:

>>> a = 'hello'
>>> b = (a + '.')[:-1]
>>> id(a), id(b)
(4435312528, 4435312432)

But all you are doing now is waste memory. It is not as if you can mutate these string objects in any way, after all.

If all you wanted to know is how much memory a Python object requires, use sys.getsizeof(); it gives you the memory footprint of any Python object.

For containers this does not include the contents; you'd have to recurse into each container to calculate a total memory size:

>>> import sys
>>> a = 'hello'
>>> sys.getsizeof(a)
>>> b = {'foo': 'bar'}
>>> sys.getsizeof(b)
>>> sys.getsizeof(b) + sum(sys.getsizeof(k) + sys.getsizeof(v) for k, v in b.items())

You can then choose to use id() tracking to take an actual memory footprint or to estimate a maximum footprint if objects were not cached and reused.

How to dismiss a Twitter Bootstrap popover by clicking outside?

This is late to the party... but I thought I'd share it. I love the popover but it has so little built-in functionality. I wrote a bootstrap extension .bubble() that is everything I'd like popover to be. Four ways to dismiss. Click outside, toggle on the link, click the X, and hit escape.

It positions automatically so it never goes off the page.

This is not a gratuitous self promo...I've grabbed other people's code so many times in my life, I wanted to offer my own efforts. Give it a whirl and see if it works for you.

Test for multiple cases in a switch, like an OR (||)

You can use fall-through:

switch (pageid)
    case "listing-page":
    case "home-page":
    case "details-page":

permission denied - php unlink

You (as in the process that runs b.php, either you through CLI or a webserver) need write access to the directory in which the files are located. You are updating the directory content, so access to the file is not enough.

Note that if you use the PHP chmod() function to set the mode of a file or folder to 777 you should use 0777 to make sure the number is correctly interpreted as an octal number.

find_spec_for_exe': can't find gem bundler (>= 0.a) (Gem::GemNotFoundException)

I had to do rake clean --force. Then did gem install rake and so forth.

How to select a single child element using jQuery?

Maybe in this way?

$('img', this)[0]

Does a valid XML file require an XML declaration?

Xml declaration is optional so your xml is well-formed without it. But it is recommended to use it so that wrong assumptions are not made by the parsers, specifically about the encoding used.

forEach loop Java 8 for Map entry set

You can use the following code for your requirement

map.forEach((k,v)->System.out.println("Item : " + k + " Count : " + v));

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded

Follow the path /etc/php5(your php version)/apache2/php.ini.

Open it and set the value of max_execution_time to a desired one.

RGB to hex and hex to RGB

You can try this simple piece of code below.

For HEX to RGB

list($r, $g, $b) = sscanf(#7bde84, "#%02x%02x%02x");
echo $r . "," . $g . "," . $b;

This will return 123,222,132

For RGB to HEX

$rgb = (123,222,132),
$rgbarr = explode(",",$rgb,3);
echo sprintf("#%02x%02x%02x", $rgbarr[0], $rgbarr[1], $rgbarr[2]);

This will return #7bde84

Parse string to DateTime in C#

The simple and straightforward answer -->

using System;

namespace DemoApp.App

public class TestClassDate
    public static DateTime GetDate(string string_date)
        DateTime dateValue;
        if (DateTime.TryParse(string_date, out dateValue))
            Console.WriteLine("Converted '{0}' to {1}.", string_date, dateValue);
            Console.WriteLine("Unable to convert '{0}' to a date.", string_date);
        return dateValue;
    public static void Main()
        string inString = "05/01/2009 06:32:00";

 * Output:
 * Converted '05/01/2009 06:32:00' to 5/1/2009 6:32:00 AM.
 * */

node.js hash string?

I use blueimp-md5 which is "Compatible with server-side environments like Node.js, module loaders like RequireJS, Browserify or webpack and all web browsers."

Use it like this:

var md5 = require("blueimp-md5");

var myHashedString = createHash('GreensterRox');

    return md5(myString);

If passing hashed values around in the open it's always a good idea to salt them so that it is harder for people to recreate them:

    var salt = 'HnasBzbxH9';
    return md5(myString+salt);

Changing the browser zoom level

I would say not possible in most browsers, at least not without some additional plugins. And in any case I would try to avoid relying on the browser's zoom as the implementations vary (some browsers only zoom the fonts, others zoom the images, too etc). Unless you don't care much about user experience.

If you need a more reliable zoom, then consider zooming the page fonts and images with JavaScript and CSS, or possibly on the server side. The image and layout scaling issues could be addressed this way. Of course, this requires a bit more work.

How to write a comment in a Razor view?

This comment syntax should work for you:

@* enter comments here *@

How to correctly implement custom iterators and const_iterators?

I don't know if Boost has anything that would help.

My preferred pattern is simple: take a template argument which is equal to value_type, either const qualified or not. If necessary, also a node type. Then, well, everything kind of falls into place.

Just remember to parameterize (template-ize) everything that needs to be, including the copy constructor and operator==. For the most part, the semantics of const will create correct behavior.

template< class ValueType, class NodeType >
struct my_iterator
 : std::iterator< std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, T > {
    ValueType &operator*() { return cur->payload; }

    template< class VT2, class NT2 >
    friend bool operator==
        ( my_iterator const &lhs, my_iterator< VT2, NT2 > const &rhs );

    // etc.

    NodeType *cur;

    friend class my_container;
    my_iterator( NodeType * ); // private constructor for begin, end

typedef my_iterator< T, my_node< T > > iterator;
typedef my_iterator< T const, my_node< T > const > const_iterator;

Java regex capturing groups indexes

Capturing and grouping

Capturing group (pattern) creates a group that has capturing property.

A related one that you might often see (and use) is (?:pattern), which creates a group without capturing property, hence named non-capturing group.

A group is usually used when you need to repeat a sequence of patterns, e.g. (\.\w+)+, or to specify where alternation should take effect, e.g. ^(0*1|1*0)$ (^, then 0*1 or 1*0, then $) versus ^0*1|1*0$ (^0*1 or 1*0$).

A capturing group, apart from grouping, will also record the text matched by the pattern inside the capturing group (pattern). Using your example, (.*):, .* matches ABC and : matches :, and since .* is inside capturing group (.*), the text ABC is recorded for the capturing group 1.

Group number

The whole pattern is defined to be group number 0.

Any capturing group in the pattern start indexing from 1. The indices are defined by the order of the opening parentheses of the capturing groups. As an example, here are all 5 capturing groups in the below pattern:

(group)(?:non-capturing-group)(g(?:ro|u)p( (nested)inside)(another)group)(?=assertion)
|     |                       |          | |      |      ||       |     |
1-----1                       |          | 4------4      |5-------5     |
                              |          3---------------3              |

The group numbers are used in back-reference \n in pattern and $n in replacement string.

In other regex flavors (PCRE, Perl), they can also be used in sub-routine calls.

You can access the text matched by certain group with group). The group numbers can be identified with the rule stated above.

In some regex flavors (PCRE, Perl), there is a branch reset feature which allows you to use the same number for capturing groups in different branches of alternation.

Group name

From Java 7, you can define a named capturing group (?<name>pattern), and you can access the content matched with name). The regex is longer, but the code is more meaningful, since it indicates what you are trying to match or extract with the regex.

The group names are used in back-reference \k<name> in pattern and ${name} in replacement string.

Named capturing groups are still numbered with the same numbering scheme, so they can also be accessed via group).

Internally, Java's implementation just maps from the name to the group number. Therefore, you cannot use the same name for 2 different capturing groups.

Converting DateTime format using razor


@item.Date.ToString("dd MMM yyyy")

or you could use the [DisplayFormat] attribute on your view model:

[DisplayFormat(DataFormatString = "{0:dd MMM yyyy}")]
public DateTime Date { get; set }

and in your view simply:

@Html.DisplayFor(x => x.Date)

how to set default method argument values?

No. Java doesn't support default parameters like C++. You need to define a different method:

public int doSomething()
   return doSomething(value1, value2);

Fix columns in horizontal scrolling

Solved using JavaScript + jQuery! I just need similar solution to my project but current solution with HTML and CSS is not ok for me because there is issue with column height + I need more then one column to be fixed. So I create simple javascript solution using jQuery

You can try it here

All you need is setup home many columsn will be fixed in data-count-fixed-columns parameter

<table class="table" data-count-fixed-columns="2" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

and run js function


How to filter by IP address in Wireshark?

You can also limit the filter to only part of the ip address.

E.G. To filter 123.*.*.* you can use ip.addr == Similar effects can be achieved with /16 and /24.

See WireShark man pages (filters) and look for Classless InterDomain Routing (CIDR) notation.

... the number after the slash represents the number of bits used to represent the network.

Run an exe from C# code


Process process = Process.Start(@"Data\myApp.exe");
int id = process.Id;
Process tempProc = Process.GetProcessById(id);
this.Visible = false;
this.Visible = true;

Difference between <? super T> and <? extends T> in Java

Using extends you can only get from the collection. You cannot put into it. Also, though super allows to both get and put, the return type during get is ? super T.

Codeigniter - multiple database connections

Use this.

$dsn1 = 'mysql://user:password@localhost/db1';
$this->db1 = $this->load->database($dsn1, true);     

$dsn2 = 'mysql://user:password@localhost/db2';
$this->db2= $this->load->database($dsn2, true);     

$dsn3 = 'mysql://user:password@localhost/db3';
$this->db3= $this->load->database($dsn3, true);   


$this->db1 ->insert('tablename', $insert_array);
$this->db2->insert('tablename', $insert_array);
$this->db3->insert('tablename', $insert_array);

How do I set vertical space between list items?

Add a margin to your li tags. That will create space between the li and you can use line-height to set the spacing to the text within the li tags.

How to combine 2 plots (ggplot) into one plot?

Creating a single combined plot with your current data set up would look something like this

p <- ggplot() +
      # blue plot
      geom_point(data=visual1, aes(x=ISSUE_DATE, y=COUNTED)) + 
      geom_smooth(data=visual1, aes(x=ISSUE_DATE, y=COUNTED), fill="blue",
        colour="darkblue", size=1) +
      # red plot
      geom_point(data=visual2, aes(x=ISSUE_DATE, y=COUNTED)) + 
      geom_smooth(data=visual2, aes(x=ISSUE_DATE, y=COUNTED), fill="red",
        colour="red", size=1)

however if you could combine the data sets before plotting then ggplot will automatically give you a legend, and in general the code looks a bit cleaner

visual1$group <- 1
visual2$group <- 2

visual12 <- rbind(visual1, visual2)

p <- ggplot(visual12, aes(x=ISSUE_DATE, y=COUNTED, group=group, col=group, fill=group)) +
      geom_point() +

Bootstrap 3 .img-responsive images are not responsive inside fieldset in FireFox

This looks like a Bootstrap issue...

Currently, here's a workaround : add .col-xs-12 to your responsive image.


Android M Permissions: onRequestPermissionsResult() not being called

UPDATE: saw someone else's answer about calling super.onRequestPermissionResult() in Activity and that fixes the request code issue I mentioned and calls the fragment's onRequestPermissionResult.

ignore this stuff:

For me it was calling the onRequestPermissionResult of the Activity despite me calling fragment.requestPermission(...), BUT it returned the result with an incorrect requestCode (111 turned into 65647 why ??? I'll never know).

Luckily this is the only permission we request on that screen so I just ignore the request code (don't have time to figure out why it's not correct right now)

C# RSA encryption/decryption with transmission

public static string Encryption(string strText)
            var publicKey = "<RSAKeyValue><Modulus>21wEnTU+mcD2w0Lfo1Gv4rtcSWsQJQTNa6gio05AOkV/Er9w3Y13Ddo5wGtjJ19402S71HUeN0vbKILLJdRSES5MHSdJPSVrOqdrll/vLXxDxWs/U0UT1c8u6k/Ogx9hTtZxYwoeYqdhDblof3E75d9n2F0Zvf6iTb4cI7j6fMs=</Modulus><Exponent>AQAB</Exponent></RSAKeyValue>";

            var testData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strText);

            using (var rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(1024))
                    // client encrypting data with public key issued by server                    

                    var encryptedData = rsa.Encrypt(testData, true);

                    var base64Encrypted = Convert.ToBase64String(encryptedData);

                    return base64Encrypted;
                    rsa.PersistKeyInCsp = false;

        public static string Decryption(string strText)
            var privateKey = "<RSAKeyValue><Modulus>21wEnTU+mcD2w0Lfo1Gv4rtcSWsQJQTNa6gio05AOkV/Er9w3Y13Ddo5wGtjJ19402S71HUeN0vbKILLJdRSES5MHSdJPSVrOqdrll/vLXxDxWs/U0UT1c8u6k/Ogx9hTtZxYwoeYqdhDblof3E75d9n2F0Zvf6iTb4cI7j6fMs=</Modulus><Exponent>AQAB</Exponent><P>/aULPE6jd5IkwtWXmReyMUhmI/nfwfkQSyl7tsg2PKdpcxk4mpPZUdEQhHQLvE84w2DhTyYkPHCtq/mMKE3MHw==</P><Q>3WV46X9Arg2l9cxb67KVlNVXyCqc/w+LWt/tbhLJvV2xCF/0rWKPsBJ9MC6cquaqNPxWWEav8RAVbmmGrJt51Q==</Q><DP>8TuZFgBMpBoQcGUoS2goB4st6aVq1FcG0hVgHhUI0GMAfYFNPmbDV3cY2IBt8Oj/uYJYhyhlaj5YTqmGTYbATQ==</DP><DQ>FIoVbZQgrAUYIHWVEYi/187zFd7eMct/Yi7kGBImJStMATrluDAspGkStCWe4zwDDmdam1XzfKnBUzz3AYxrAQ==</DQ><InverseQ>QPU3Tmt8nznSgYZ+5jUo9E0SfjiTu435ihANiHqqjasaUNvOHKumqzuBZ8NRtkUhS6dsOEb8A2ODvy7KswUxyA==</InverseQ><D>cgoRoAUpSVfHMdYXW9nA3dfX75dIamZnwPtFHq80ttagbIe4ToYYCcyUz5NElhiNQSESgS5uCgNWqWXt5PnPu4XmCXx6utco1UVH8HGLahzbAnSy6Cj3iUIQ7Gj+9gQ7PkC434HTtHazmxVgIR5l56ZjoQ8yGNCPZnsdYEmhJWk=</D></RSAKeyValue>";

            var testData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strText);

            using (var rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(1024))
                    var base64Encrypted = strText;

                    // server decrypting data with private key                    

                    var resultBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(base64Encrypted);
                    var decryptedBytes = rsa.Decrypt(resultBytes, true);
                    var decryptedData = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decryptedBytes);
                    return decryptedData.ToString();
                    rsa.PersistKeyInCsp = false;

Getting "method not valid without suitable object" error when trying to make a HTTP request in VBA?

For reading REST data, at least OData Consider Microsoft Power Query. You won't be able to write data. However, you can read data very well.

What is a Java String's default initial value?

Any object if it is initailised , its defeault value is null, until unless we explicitly provide a default value.

How to express a One-To-Many relationship in Django

In Django, a one-to-many relationship is called ForeignKey. It only works in one direction, however, so rather than having a number attribute of class Dude you will need

class Dude(models.Model):

class PhoneNumber(models.Model):
    dude = models.ForeignKey(Dude)

Many models can have a ForeignKey to one other model, so it would be valid to have a second attribute of PhoneNumber such that

class Business(models.Model):
class Dude(models.Model):
class PhoneNumber(models.Model):
    dude = models.ForeignKey(Dude)
    business = models.ForeignKey(Business)

You can access the PhoneNumbers for a Dude object d with d.phonenumber_set.objects.all(), and then do similarly for a Business object.

Is recursion ever faster than looping?

Most of the answers here are wrong. The right answer is it depends. For example, here are two C functions which walks through a tree. First the recursive one:

void mm_scan_black(mm_rc *m, ptr p) {
        if (GET_COL(p_child) != COL_BLACK) {
            mm_scan_black(m, p_child);

And here is the same function implemented using iteration:

void mm_scan_black(mm_rc *m, ptr p) {
    stack *st = m->black_stack;
    st_push(st, p);
    while (st->used != 0) {
        p = st_pop(st);
        P_FOR_EACH_CHILD(p, {
            if (GET_COL(p_child) != COL_BLACK) {
                SET_COL(p_child, COL_BLACK);
                st_push(st, p_child);

It's not important to understand the details of the code. Just that p are nodes and that P_FOR_EACH_CHILD does the walking. In the iterative version we need an explicit stack st onto which nodes are pushed and then popped and manipulated.

The recursive function runs much faster than the iterative one. The reason is because in the latter, for each item, a CALL to the function st_push is needed and then another to st_pop.

In the former, you only have the recursive CALL for each node.

Plus, accessing variables on the callstack is incredibly fast. It means you are reading from memory which is likely to always be in the innermost cache. An explicit stack, on the other hand, has to be backed by malloc:ed memory from the heap which is much slower to access.

With careful optimization, such as inlining st_push and st_pop, I can reach roughly parity with the recursive approach. But at least on my computer, the cost of accessing heap memory is bigger than the cost of the recursive call.

But this discussion is mostly moot because recursive tree walking is incorrect. If you have a large enough tree, you will run out of callstack space which is why an iterative algorithm must be used.

Python socket.error: [Errno 111] Connection refused

The problem obviously was (as you figured it out) that port 36250 wasn't open on the server side at the time you tried to connect (hence connection refused). I can see the server was supposed to open this socket after receiving SEND command on another connection, but it apparently was "not opening [it] up in sync with the client side".

Well, the main reason would be there was no synchronisation whatsoever. Calling:

cs.send("SEND " + FILE)

would just place the data into a OS buffer; close would probably flush the data and push into the network, but it would almost certainly return before the data would reach the server. Adding sleep after close might mitigate the problem, but this is not synchronisation.

The correct solution would be to make sure the server has opened the connection. This would require server sending you some message back (for example OK, or better PORT 36250 to indicate where to connect). This would make sure the server is already listening.

The other thing is you must check the return values of send to make sure how many bytes was taken from your buffer. Or use sendall.

(Sorry for disturbing with this late answer, but I found this to be a high traffic question and I really didn't like the sleep idea in the comments section.)

How to sort a list/tuple of lists/tuples by the element at a given index?

I just want to add to Stephen's answer if you want to sort the array from high to low, another way other than in the comments above is just to add this to the line:

reverse = True

and the result will be as follows:

data.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[1], reverse=True)

android: changing option menu items programmatically

    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
        MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater();
        inflater.inflate(, menu);
        if(show_list == true) {         

        if(!locale.equalsIgnoreCase("sk")) menu.findItem(;

        return true;

Matplotlib scatter plot legend

Here's an easier way of doing this (source: here):

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy.random import rand

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for color in ['red', 'green', 'blue']:
    n = 750
    x, y = rand(2, n)
    scale = 200.0 * rand(n)
    ax.scatter(x, y, c=color, s=scale, label=color,
               alpha=0.3, edgecolors='none')


And you'll get this:

enter image description here

Take a look at here for legend properties

How do I get extra data from intent on Android?

Getting Different Types of Extra from Intent

To access data from Intent you should know two things.

  • KEY
  • DataType of your data.

There are different methods in Intent class to extract different kind of data types. It looks like this

getIntent().XXXX(KEY) or intent.XXX(KEY);

So if you know the datatype of your varibale which you set in otherActivity you can use the respective method.

Example to retrieve String in your Activity from Intent

String profileName = getIntent().getStringExtra("SomeKey");

List of different variants of methods for different dataType

You can see the list of available methods in Official Documentation of Intent.

how to add button click event in android studio

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements View.OnClickListener

Whenever you use (this) on click events, your main activity has to implement ocClickListener. Android Studio does it for you, press alt+enter on the 'this' word.

JSONP call showing "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token : "

I run this

var data = '{"rut" : "' + $('#cb_rut').val() + '" , "email" : "' + $('#email').val() + '" }';
var data = JSON.parse(data);

    type: 'GET',
    url: 'linkserverApi',
    success: function(success) {
    error: function() {
        console.log('Uh Oh!');
    jsonp: 'jsonp'


And edit header in the response

'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' , 'GET, POST, PUT, DELETE'

'Access-Control-Max-Age' , '3628800'

'Access-Control-Allow-Origin', 'websiteresponseUrl'

'Content-Type', 'text/javascript; charset=utf8'

Pass value to iframe from a window

Here's another solution, usable if the frames are from different domains.

var frame = /*the iframe DOM object*/;
frame.contentWindow.postMessage({call:'sendValue', value: /*value*/}, /*frame domain url or '*'*/);

And in the frame itself:

window.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
    var origin = event.origin || event.originalEvent.origin; // For Chrome, the origin property is in the event.originalEvent object.
    if (origin !== /*the container's domain url*/)
    if (typeof == 'object' &&'sendValue') {
        // Do something with;
}, false);

Don't know which browsers support this, though.

How do I draw a circle in iOS Swift?

I find Core Graphics to be pretty simple for Swift 3:

if let cgcontext = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() {
    cgcontext.strokeEllipse(in: CGRect(x: center.x-diameter/2, y: center.y-diameter/2, width: diameter, height: diameter))

ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server (111)

Please check your listenning ports with :

netstat -nat |grep :3306

If it show

 tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN 

Thats is ok for your remote connection.

But in this case i think you have

tcp        0  *               LISTEN 

Thats is ok for your remote connection. You should also check your firewall (iptables if you centos/redhat)

services iptables stop

for testing or use :

iptables -A input -p tcp -i eth0 --dport 3306 -m state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A output -p tcp -i eth0 --sport 3306 -m state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

And another thing to check your grant permission for remote connection :

GRANT ALL ON *.* TO remoteUser@'remoteIpadress' IDENTIFIED BY 'my_password';

req.body empty on posts

If you are doing with the postman, Please confirm these stuff when you are requesting API

enter image description here

plain count up timer in javascript

@Cybernate, I was looking for the same script today thanks for your input. However I changed it just a bit for jQuery...

function clock(){
    $('body').prepend('<div id="clock"><label id="minutes">00</label>:<label id="seconds">00</label></div>');
         var totalSeconds = 0;
        setInterval(setTime, 1000);
        function setTime()
            $('#clock > #seconds').html(pad(totalSeconds%60));
            $('#clock > #minutes').html(pad(parseInt(totalSeconds/60)));
        function pad(val)
            var valString = val + "";
            if(valString.length < 2)
                return "0" + valString;
                return valString;

the css part:

#clock {
    padding: 10px;
    top: 0px;
    right: 0px;
    color: black;

How do I select between the 1st day of the current month and current day in MySQL?

select * from table
where date between 
(date_add (CURRENT_DATE, INTERVAL(1 - DAYOFMonth(CURRENT_DATE)) day)) and current_date;

Python float to int conversion

2.51 * 100 = 250.999999999997

The int() function simply truncates the number at the decimal point, giving 250. Use


to get 251 as an integer. In general, floating point numbers cannot be represented exactly. One should therefore be careful of round-off errors. As mentioned, this is not a Python-specific problem. It's a recurring problem in all computer languages.

Hide the browse button on a input type=file

Just an additional hint for avoiding too much JavaScript here: if you add a label and style it like the "browse button" you want to have, you could place it over the real browse button provided by the browser or hide the button somehow differently. By clicking the label the browser behavior is to open the dialog to browse for the file (don't forget to add the "for" attribute on the label with value of the id of the file input field to make this happen). That way you can customize the button in almost any way you want.

In some cases, it might be necessary to add a second input field or text element to display the value of the file input and hide the input completely as described in other answers. Still the label would avoid to simulate the click on the text input button by JavaScript.

BTW a similar hack can be used for customizing checkboxes or radiobuttons. by adding a label for them, clicking the label causes to select the checkbox/radiobutton. The native checkbox/radiobutton then can be hidden somewere and be replaced by a custom element.

Checking if a field contains a string


SELECT * FROM users WHERE username LIKE "%Son%"



Shuffle DataFrame rows

Following could be one of ways:

dataframe = dataframe.sample(frac=1, random_state=42).reset_index(drop=True)


frac=1 means all rows of a dataframe

random_state=42 means keeping same order in each execution

reset_index(drop=True) means reinitialize index for randomized dataframe

Explaining Python's '__enter__' and '__exit__'

In addition to the above answers to exemplify invocation order, a simple run example

class myclass:
    def __init__(self):

    def __enter__(self): 

    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):

    def __del__(self):

with myclass(): 

Produces the output:


A reminder: when using the syntax with myclass() as mc, variable mc gets the value returned by __enter__(), in the above case None! For such use, need to define return value, such as:

def __enter__(self): 
    return self

How to open a link in new tab using angular?

Just add target="_blank" to the

<a mat-raised-button target="_blank" [routerLink]="['/find-post/post', post.postID]"
    class="theme-btn bg-grey white-text mx-2 mb-2">
    Open in New Window

Angular2 disable button

May be below code can help:

<button [attr.disabled]="!isValid ? true : null">Submit</button>

How to compare each item in a list with the rest, only once?

This code will count frequency and remove duplicate elements:

from collections import Counter

str1='the cat sat on the hat hat'


unique_list = []
for el in int_list:

    if el not in unique_list:
        print "Element already in the list"

print unique_list




print c

In android app Toolbar.setTitle method has no effect – application name is shown as title

If you are using CollapsibleToolbarLayout along with Toolbar then you will need to set title in both the layouts

set your Toolbar as action bar in onCreate method

protected void setUpToolBar() {

    if (mToolbar != null) {
        ((HomeActivity) getActivity()).setSupportActionBar(mToolbar);
        mToolbar.setTitle("List Detail");
        mToolbar.setNavigationOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
        ((HomeActivity) getActivity()).getSupportActionBar()

Later simply update title of toolbar using setTitle method

 mToolbar .setTitle(productFromShoppingList.getProductName()); 

Vue - Deep watching an array of objects and calculating the change?

Your comparison function between old value and new value is having some issue. It is better not to complicate things so much, as it will increase your debugging effort later. You should keep it simple.

The best way is to create a person-component and watch every person separately inside its own component, as shown below:

<person-component :person="person" v-for="person in people"></person-component>

Please find below a working example for watching inside person component. If you want to handle it on parent side, you may use $emit to send an event upwards, containing the id of modified person.

Vue.component('person-component', {_x000D_
    props: ["person"],_x000D_
    template: `_x000D_
        <div class="person">_x000D_
            <input type='text' v-model='person.age'/>_x000D_
    watch: {_x000D_
        person: {_x000D_
            handler: function(newValue) {_x000D_
                console.log("Person with ID:" + + " modified")_x000D_
                console.log("New age: " + newValue.age)_x000D_
            deep: true_x000D_
new Vue({_x000D_
    el: '#app',_x000D_
    data: {_x000D_
        people: [_x000D_
          {id: 0, name: 'Bob', age: 27},_x000D_
          {id: 1, name: 'Frank', age: 32},_x000D_
          {id: 2, name: 'Joe', age: 38}_x000D_
<script src="[email protected]/dist/vue.js"></script>_x000D_
    <div id="app">_x000D_
        <p>List of people:</p>_x000D_
        <person-component :person="person" v-for="person in people"></person-component>_x000D_

Can't push to the heroku

Make sure you have package.json inside root of your project. Happy coding :)

How can I easily convert DataReader to List<T>?

You cant simply (directly) convert the datareader to list.

You have to loop through all the elements in datareader and insert into list

below the sample code

using (drOutput)   
            System.Collections.Generic.List<CustomerEntity > arrObjects = new System.Collections.Generic.List<CustomerEntity >();        
            int customerId = drOutput.GetOrdinal("customerId ");
            int CustomerName = drOutput.GetOrdinal("CustomerName ");

        while (drOutput.Read())        
            CustomerEntity obj=new CustomerEntity ();
            obj.customerId = (drOutput[customerId ] != Convert.DBNull) ? drOutput[customerId ].ToString() : null;
            obj.CustomerName = (drOutput[CustomerName ] != Convert.DBNull) ? drOutput[CustomerName ].ToString() : null;
            arrObjects .Add(obj);


Angular 2 - Setting selected value on dropdown list

In my case i was returning string value from my api eg: "35" and in my HTML i was using

       <mat-select placeholder="State*" formControlName="states" [(ngModel)]="selectedState" (ngModelChange)="getDistricts()">
            <mat-option *ngFor="let state of formInputs.states" [value]="state.stateId">
              {{ state.stateName }}

Like others mentioned in the comment value will only accept integer values i guess. So what I did is I converted my string value to integer in my component class like below

          var x = user.state;
          var y: number = +x;

and then assigned it like


Now the correct values is getting setting by default.

Breaking out of nested loops

for x in xrange(10):
    for y in xrange(10):
        print x*y
        if x*y > 50:
        continue  # only executed if the inner loop did NOT break
    break  # only executed if the inner loop DID break

The same works for deeper loops:

for x in xrange(10):
    for y in xrange(10):
        for z in xrange(10):
            print x,y,z
            if x*y*z == 30:

Docker: adding a file from a parent directory

Adding some code snippets to support the accepted answer.

Directory structure :

 |__<my source files>

Docker file entry:

RUN mkdir -p /home/vagrant/dockerws/chatServerInstaller/scripts/
RUN mkdir -p /home/vagrant/dockerws/chatServerInstaller/src/
WORKDIR /home/vagrant/dockerws/chatServerInstaller

#Copy all the required files from host's file system to the container file system.
COPY setup/target/scripts/ scripts/
COPY setup/target/scripts/ scripts/
COPY src/ src/

Command used to build the docker image

docker build -t test:latest -f setup/docker/Dockerfile .

Objective-C: Extract filename from path string

Taken from the NSString reference, you can use :

NSString *theFileName = [[string lastPathComponent] stringByDeletingPathExtension];

The lastPathComponent call will return thefile.ext, and the stringByDeletingPathExtension will remove the extension suffix from the end.

Represent space and tab in XML tag

If you are talking about the issue where multiple and non-space whitespace characters are stripped specifically from attribute values, then yes, encoding them as character references such as &#9; will fix it.

How do you handle multiple submit buttons in ASP.NET MVC Framework?

If your browser supports the attribute formaction for input buttons (IE 10+, not sure about other browsers) then the following should work:

@using (Html.BeginForm()){
    //put form inputs here

<input id="sendBtn" value="Send" type="submit" formaction="@Url.Action("Name Of Send Action")" />

<input id="cancelBtn" value="Cancel" type="submit" formaction="@Url.Action("Name of Cancel Action") />


How to request Administrator access inside a batch file

Use mshta to prompt for admin rights:

@echo off
net session >nul 2>&1 && goto :admintasks
MSHTA "javascript: var shell = new ActiveXObject('shell.application'); shell.ShellExecute('%~nx0', '', '', 'runas', 1);close();"
exit /b

Or, using powershell:

powershell -c Start-Process "%~nx0" -Verb runas

nodejs mongodb object id to string

I faced the same problem and .toString() worked for me. I'm using mongojs driver. Here was my question

Mongodb find is not working with the Objectid

How to create roles in ASP.NET Core and assign them to users?

In Configure method declare your role manager (Startup)

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env, RoleManager<IdentityRole> roleManager)
        if (env.IsDevelopment())




        app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>


    private async Task CreateRoles(RoleManager<IdentityRole> roleManager)
        foreach (string rol in this.Configuration.GetSection("Roles").Get<List<string>>())
            if (!await roleManager.RoleExistsAsync(rol))
                await roleManager.CreateAsync(new IdentityRole(rol));

OPTIONAL - In appsettings.JSON (it depends on you where you wanna get roles from)

"Roles": [

c# Image resizing to different size while preserving aspect ratio

This should do it.

private void resizeImage(string path, string originalFilename, 
                     /* note changed names */
                     int canvasWidth, int canvasHeight, 
                     /* new */
                     int originalWidth, int originalHeight)
    Image image = Image.FromFile(path + originalFilename);

    System.Drawing.Image thumbnail = 
        new Bitmap(canvasWidth, canvasHeight); // changed parm names
    System.Drawing.Graphics graphic = 

    graphic.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
    graphic.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
    graphic.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
    graphic.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality;

    /* ------------------ new code --------------- */

    // Figure out the ratio
    double ratioX = (double) canvasWidth / (double) originalWidth;
    double ratioY = (double) canvasHeight / (double) originalHeight;
    // use whichever multiplier is smaller
    double ratio = ratioX < ratioY ? ratioX : ratioY;

    // now we can get the new height and width
    int newHeight = Convert.ToInt32(originalHeight * ratio);
    int newWidth = Convert.ToInt32(originalWidth * ratio);

    // Now calculate the X,Y position of the upper-left corner 
    // (one of these will always be zero)
    int posX = Convert.ToInt32((canvasWidth - (originalWidth * ratio)) / 2);
    int posY = Convert.ToInt32((canvasHeight - (originalHeight * ratio)) / 2);

    graphic.Clear(Color.White); // white padding
    graphic.DrawImage(image, posX, posY, newWidth, newHeight);

    /* ------------- end new code ---------------- */

    System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageCodecInfo[] info =
    EncoderParameters encoderParameters;
    encoderParameters = new EncoderParameters(1);
    encoderParameters.Param[0] = new EncoderParameter(Encoder.Quality,
    thumbnail.Save(path + newWidth + "." + originalFilename, info[1], 

Edited to add:

Those who want to improve this code should put it in the comments, or a new answer. Don't edit this code directly.

Where does linux store my syslog?

Default log location (rhel) are

General messages:


Authentication messages:


Mail events:


Check your /etc/syslog.conf or /etc/syslog-ng.conf (it depends on which of syslog facility you have installed)


$ cat /etc/syslog.conf
# Log anything (except mail) of level info or higher.
# Don't log private authentication messages!
*.info;mail.none;authpriv.none         /var/log/messages

# The authpriv file has restricted access.
authpriv.*                             /var/log/secure

# Log all the mail messages in one place.
mail.*                                 /var/log/maillog

#For a start, use this simplified approach.
*.*                                     /var/log/messages

Is there any way to do HTTP PUT in python

Httplib seems like a cleaner choice.

import httplib
connection =  httplib.HTTPConnection('')
body_content = 'BODY CONTENT GOES HERE'
connection.request('PUT', '/url/path/to/put/to', body_content)
result = connection.getresponse()
# Now result.status and result.reason contains interesting stuff

How to assign text size in sp value using java code

When the accepted answer doesn't work (for example when dealing with Paint) you can use:

float spTextSize = 12;
float textSize = spTextSize * getResources().getDisplayMetrics().scaledDensity;

How to run a JAR file

Eclipse Runnable JAR File

Create a Java Project – RunnableJAR

  • If any jar files are used then add them to project build path.
  • Select the class having main() while creating Runnable Jar file. enter image description here

Main Class

public class RunnableMainClass {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
        System.out.println("Name : "+args[0]);
        System.out.println(" ID  : "+args[1]);

Run Jar file using java program (cmd) by supplying arguments and get the output and display in eclipse console.

public class RunJar { 
    static StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        String jarfile = "D:\\JarLocation\\myRunnable.jar";
        String name = "Yash";
        String id = "777";

        try { // jarname arguments has to be saperated by spaces
            Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd.exe start /C java -jar "+jarfile+" "+name+" "+id);
                    //.exec("cmd.exe /C start dir java -jar "+jarfile+" "+name+" "+id+" dir");
            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream ()));
            String line = null;
            while ((line = br.readLine()) != null){
            System.out.println("Console OUTPUT : \n"+sb.toString());
        }catch (Exception e){

In Eclipse to find Short cuts:

Help ? Help Contents ? Java development user guide ? References ? Menus and Actions

Fast query runs slow in SSRS

Couple of things you can do, without executing the actual report just run the sproc from within the data tab of reporting services. Does it still take time? Another option is to use SQL Profiler and determine what is coming in and out of the database system.

Another thing you can do to test it, so to recreate a simple report without any parameters. Run the report and see if it makes a difference. It could be that your RS report is corrupted or badly formed that may cause the rendering to be really slow.

Export MySQL database using PHP only

You can use this command it works or me 100%

exec('C:\\wamp\\bin\\mysql\\mysql5.6.17\\bin\\mysqldump.exe -uroot DatabaseName> c:\\database_backup.sql');

C:\\wamp\\bin\\mysql\\mysql5.6.17\\bin\\mysqldump.exe is the path for mysqldump app , check on your pc.

-uroot is -u{UserName}

If your database is protected with password then add after -uroot this sentense -p{YourPassword}

laravel 5.3 new Auth::routes()

Here's Laravel 5.7, Laravel 5.8, Laravel 6.0, Laravel 7.0, and Laravel 8.0 (note a minor bc change in 6.0 to the email verification route).

// Authentication Routes...
Route::get('login', 'Auth\LoginController@showLoginForm')->name('login');
Route::post('login', 'Auth\LoginController@login');
Route::post('logout', 'Auth\LoginController@logout')->name('logout');

// Registration Routes...
Route::get('register', 'Auth\RegisterController@showRegistrationForm')->name('register');
Route::post('register', 'Auth\RegisterController@register');

// Password Reset Routes...
Route::get('password/reset', 'Auth\ForgotPasswordController@showLinkRequestForm')->name('password.request');
Route::post('password/email', 'Auth\ForgotPasswordController@sendResetLinkEmail')->name('');
Route::get('password/reset/{token}', 'Auth\ResetPasswordController@showResetForm')->name('password.reset');
Route::post('password/reset', 'Auth\ResetPasswordController@reset')->name('password.update');

// Confirm Password (added in v6.2)
Route::get('password/confirm', 'Auth\ConfirmPasswordController@showConfirmForm')->name('password.confirm');
Route::post('password/confirm', 'Auth\ConfirmPasswordController@confirm');

// Email Verification Routes...
Route::get('email/verify', 'Auth\VerificationController@show')->name('verification.notice');
Route::get('email/verify/{id}/{hash}', 'Auth\VerificationController@verify')->name('verification.verify'); // v6.x
/* Route::get('email/verify/{id}', 'Auth\VerificationController@verify')->name('verification.verify'); // v5.x */
Route::get('email/resend', 'Auth\VerificationController@resend')->name('verification.resend');

You can verify these routes here:

PHP move_uploaded_file() error?

How can I know that what is the problem

Easy. Refer to the error log of the webserver.

how can I get the actual problem to display to the user ?

NEVER do it.
An average user will unerstand nothing of this error.
A malicious user should get no feedback, especially in a form of very informative error message.

Just show a page with excuses.

If you don't have access to the server's error log, your task become more complicated.
There are several ways to get in touch with error messages.

To display error messages on screen you can add these lines to the code


or to make custom error logfile


and there are some other ways.
but you must understand that without actual error message you can't move. It's hard to be blind in the dark

Calendar Recurring/Repeating Events - Best Storage Method

@Rogue Coder

This is great!

You could simply use the modulo operation (MOD or % in mysql) to make your code simple at the end:

Instead of:

    ( CASE ( 1299132000 - EM1.`meta_value` )
        WHEN 0
          THEN 1
        ELSE ( 1299132000 - EM1.`meta_value` )
    ) / EM2.`meta_value`
) = 1


$current_timestamp = 1299132000 ;

AND ( ('$current_timestamp' - EM1.`meta_value` ) MOD EM2.`meta_value`) = 1")

To take this further, one could include events that do not recur for ever.

Something like "repeat_interval_1_end" to denote the date of the last "repeat_interval_1" could be added. This however, makes the query more complicated and I can't really figure out how to do this ...

Maybe someone could help!

Background blur with CSS


Since the -moz-element() property doesn't seem to be widely supported by other browsers except to FF, there's an even easier technique to apply blurring without affecting the contents of the container. The use of pseudoelements is ideal in this case in combination with svg blur filter.

Check the demo using pseudo-element

(Demo was tested in FF v49, Chrome v53, Opera 40 - IE doesn't seem to support blur either with css or svg filter)

The only way (so far) of having a blur effect in the background without js plugins, is the use of -moz-element() property in combination with the svg blur filter. With -moz-element() you can define an element as a background image of another element. Then you apply the svg blur filter. OPTIONAL: You can utilize some jQuery for scrolling if your background is in fixed position.

See my demo here

I understand it is a quite complicated solution and limited to FF (element() applies only to Mozilla at the moment with -moz-element() property) but at least there's been some effort in the past to implement in webkit browsers and hopefully it will be implemented in the future.

Setting width of spreadsheet cell using PHPExcel

hi i got the same problem.. add 0.71 to excel cell width value and give that value to the


eg: A Column width = 3.71 (excel value)

give column width = 4.42

will give the output file with same cell width.


hope this help

referenced before assignment error in python

My Scenario

def example():
    cl = [0, 1]
    def inner():
        #cl = [1, 2] # access this way will throw `reference before assignment`
        cl[0] = 1 
        cl[1] = 2   # these won't


How to Refresh a Component in Angular

Use the this.ngOnInit(); to reload the same component instead reloading the entire page!!

      (data) =>{


      err => {

How To Run PHP From Windows Command Line in WAMPServer

That is because you are in 'Interactive Mode' where php evaluates everything you type. To see the end result, you do 'ctrl+z' and Enter. You should see the evaluated result now :)

p.s. run the cmd as Administrator!

Unioning two tables with different number of columns

if only 1 row, you can use join

Select t1.Col1, t1.Col2, t1.Col3, t2.Col4, t2.Col5 from Table1 t1 join Table2 t2;

Script to kill all connections to a database (More than RESTRICTED_USER ROLLBACK)

To my experience, using SINGLE_USER helps most of the times, however, one should be careful: I have experienced occasions in which between the time I start the SINGLE_USER command and the time it is finished... apparently another 'user' had gotten the SINGLE_USER access, not me. If that happens, you're in for a tough job trying to get the access to the database back (in my case, it was a specific service running for a software with SQL databases that got hold of the SINGLE_USER access before I did). What I think should be the most reliable way (can't vouch for it, but it is what I will test in the days to come), is actually:
- stop services that may interfere with your access (if there are any)
- use the 'kill' script above to close all connections
- set the database to single_user immediately after that
- then do the restore

inline conditionals in angular.js

Angular 1.1.5 added support for ternary operators:

{{myVar === "two" ? "it's true" : "it's false"}}

How can I develop for iPhone using a Windows development machine?

This is a new tool: oxygene which you can use to build apps for iOS/Mac, Windows RT/8 or Android. It uses a specific language derived from Object Pascal and Visual Studio (and uses .net or java.). It seem to be really powerful, but is not free.

Creating a 3D sphere in Opengl using Visual C++

Here's the code:

glRotatef(angle, 0, 0, 0.7);

How to fix "'System.AggregateException' occurred in mscorlib.dll"

As the message says, you have a task which threw an unhandled exception.

Turn on Break on All Exceptions (Debug, Exceptions) and rerun the program.
This will show you the original exception when it was thrown in the first place.

(comment appended): In VS2015 (or above). Select Debug > Options > Debugging > General and unselect the "Enable Just My Code" option.

Updating GUI (WPF) using a different thread

You have a couple of options here, I think.

One would be to use a BackgroundWorker. This is a common helper for multithreading in applications. It exposes a DoWork event which is handled on a background thread from the Thread Pool and a RunWorkerCompleted event which is invoked back on the main thread when the background thread completes. It also has the benefit of try/catching the code running on the background thread so that an unhandled exception doesn't kill the application.

If you don't want to go that route, you can use the WPF dispatcher object to invoke an action to update the GUI back onto the main thread. Random reference:

There are many other options around too, but these are the two most common that come to mind.

LINQ Contains Case Insensitive

StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase just do the job for me:

.Where(fi => fi.DESCRIPTION.Contains(description, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));

split string only on first instance - java

As many other answers suggest the limit approach, This can be another way

You can use the indexOf method on String which will returns the first Occurance of the given character, Using that index you can get the desired output

String target = "apple=fruit table price=5" ;
int x= target.indexOf("=");

Can Rails Routing Helpers (i.e. mymodel_path(model)) be Used in Models?

Any logic having to do with what is displayed in the view should be delegated to a helper method, as methods in the model are strictly for handling data.

Here is what you could do:

# In the helper...

def link_to_thing(text, thing)
  (thing.url?) ? link_to(text, thing_path(thing)) : link_to(text, thing.url)

# In the view...

<%= link_to_thing("text", @thing) %>

Get an element by index in jQuery

$(...)[index]      // gives you the DOM element at index
$(...).get(index)  // gives you the DOM element at index
$(...).eq(index)   // gives you the jQuery object of element at index

DOM objects don't have css function, use the last...

$('ul li').eq(index).css({'background-color':'#343434'});


.get(index) Returns: Element

.eq(index) Returns: jQuery

What does the percentage sign mean in Python

Modulus operator; gives the remainder of the left value divided by the right value. Like:

3 % 1 would equal zero (since 3 divides evenly by 1)

3 % 2 would equal 1 (since dividing 3 by 2 results in a remainder of 1).

CSS full screen div with text in the middle

The accepted answer works, but if:

  • you don't know the content's dimensions
  • the content is dynamic
  • you want to be future proof

use this:

.centered {
  position: fixed; /* or absolute */
  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;
  /* bring your own prefixes */
  transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

More information about centering content in this excellent CSS-Tricks article.

Also, if you don't need to support old browsers: a flex-box makes this a piece of cake:

    height: 100vh;
    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;

Another great guide about flexboxs from CSS Tricks;

How to list only files and not directories of a directory Bash?

"find '-maxdepth' " does not work with my old version of bash, therefore I use:

for f in $(ls) ; do if [ -f $f ] ; then echo $f ; fi ; done

How to duplicate sys.stdout to a log file?

I wrote a full replacement for sys.stderr and just duplicated the code renaming stderr to stdout to make it also available to replace sys.stdout.

To do this I create the same object type as the current stderr and stdout, and forward all methods to the original system stderr and stdout:

import os
import sys
import logging

class StdErrReplament(object):
        How to redirect stdout and stderr to logger in Python

        Set a Read-Only Attribute in Python?
    is_active = False

    def lock(cls, logger):
            Attach this singleton logger to the `sys.stderr` permanently.
        global _stderr_singleton
        global _stderr_default
        global _stderr_default_class_type

        # On Sublime Text, `sys.__stderr__` is set to None, because they already replaced `sys.stderr`
        # by some `_LogWriter()` class, then just save the current one over there.
        if not sys.__stderr__:
            sys.__stderr__ = sys.stderr


        except NameError:
            _stderr_default = sys.stderr
            _stderr_default_class_type = type( _stderr_default )

        # Recreate the sys.stderr logger when it was reset by `unlock()`
        if not cls.is_active:
            cls.is_active = True
            _stderr_write = _stderr_default.write

            logger_call = logger.debug
            clean_formatter = logger.clean_formatter

            global _sys_stderr_write
            global _sys_stderr_write_hidden

            if sys.version_info <= (3,2):
                logger.file_handler.terminator = '\n'

            # Always recreate/override the internal write function used by `_sys_stderr_write`
            def _sys_stderr_write_hidden(*args, **kwargs):
                    Suppress newline in Python logging module

                    _stderr_write( *args, **kwargs )
                    file_handler = logger.file_handler

                    formatter = file_handler.formatter
                    terminator = file_handler.terminator

                    file_handler.formatter = clean_formatter
                    file_handler.terminator = ""

                    kwargs['extra'] = {'_duplicated_from_file': True}
                    logger_call( *args, **kwargs )

                    file_handler.formatter = formatter
                    file_handler.terminator = terminator

                except Exception:
                    logger.exception( "Could not write to the file_handler: %s(%s)", file_handler, logger )

            # Only create one `_sys_stderr_write` function pointer ever

            except NameError:

                def _sys_stderr_write(*args, **kwargs):
                        Hides the actual function pointer. This allow the external function pointer to
                        be cached while the internal written can be exchanged between the standard
                        `sys.stderr.write` and our custom wrapper around it.
                    _sys_stderr_write_hidden( *args, **kwargs )

            # Only create one singleton instance ever

        except NameError:

            class StdErrReplamentHidden(_stderr_default_class_type):
                    Which special methods bypasses __getattribute__ in Python?

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__abstractmethods__" ):
                    __abstractmethods__ = _stderr_default.__abstractmethods__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__base__" ):
                    __base__ = _stderr_default.__base__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__bases__" ):
                    __bases__ = _stderr_default.__bases__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__basicsize__" ):
                    __basicsize__ = _stderr_default.__basicsize__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__call__" ):
                    __call__ = _stderr_default.__call__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__class__" ):
                    __class__ = _stderr_default.__class__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__delattr__" ):
                    __delattr__ = _stderr_default.__delattr__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__dict__" ):
                    __dict__ = _stderr_default.__dict__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__dictoffset__" ):
                    __dictoffset__ = _stderr_default.__dictoffset__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__dir__" ):
                    __dir__ = _stderr_default.__dir__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__doc__" ):
                    __doc__ = _stderr_default.__doc__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__eq__" ):
                    __eq__ = _stderr_default.__eq__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__flags__" ):
                    __flags__ = _stderr_default.__flags__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__format__" ):
                    __format__ = _stderr_default.__format__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__ge__" ):
                    __ge__ = _stderr_default.__ge__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__getattribute__" ):
                    __getattribute__ = _stderr_default.__getattribute__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__gt__" ):
                    __gt__ = _stderr_default.__gt__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__hash__" ):
                    __hash__ = _stderr_default.__hash__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__init__" ):
                    __init__ = _stderr_default.__init__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__init_subclass__" ):
                    __init_subclass__ = _stderr_default.__init_subclass__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__instancecheck__" ):
                    __instancecheck__ = _stderr_default.__instancecheck__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__itemsize__" ):
                    __itemsize__ = _stderr_default.__itemsize__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__le__" ):
                    __le__ = _stderr_default.__le__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__lt__" ):
                    __lt__ = _stderr_default.__lt__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__module__" ):
                    __module__ = _stderr_default.__module__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__mro__" ):
                    __mro__ = _stderr_default.__mro__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__name__" ):
                    __name__ = _stderr_default.__name__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__ne__" ):
                    __ne__ = _stderr_default.__ne__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__new__" ):
                    __new__ = _stderr_default.__new__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__prepare__" ):
                    __prepare__ = _stderr_default.__prepare__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__qualname__" ):
                    __qualname__ = _stderr_default.__qualname__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__reduce__" ):
                    __reduce__ = _stderr_default.__reduce__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__reduce_ex__" ):
                    __reduce_ex__ = _stderr_default.__reduce_ex__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__repr__" ):
                    __repr__ = _stderr_default.__repr__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__setattr__" ):
                    __setattr__ = _stderr_default.__setattr__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__sizeof__" ):
                    __sizeof__ = _stderr_default.__sizeof__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__str__" ):
                    __str__ = _stderr_default.__str__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__subclasscheck__" ):
                    __subclasscheck__ = _stderr_default.__subclasscheck__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__subclasses__" ):
                    __subclasses__ = _stderr_default.__subclasses__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__subclasshook__" ):
                    __subclasshook__ = _stderr_default.__subclasshook__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__text_signature__" ):
                    __text_signature__ = _stderr_default.__text_signature__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "__weakrefoffset__" ):
                    __weakrefoffset__ = _stderr_default.__weakrefoffset__

                if hasattr( _stderr_default, "mro" ):
                    mro = _stderr_default.mro

                def __init__(self):
                        Override any super class `type( _stderr_default )` constructor, so we can 
                        instantiate any kind of `sys.stderr` replacement object, in case it was already 
                        replaced by something else like on Sublime Text with `_LogWriter()`.

                        Assures all attributes were statically replaced just above. This should happen in case
                        some new attribute is added to the python language.

                        This also ignores the only two methods which are not equal, `__init__()` and `__getattribute__()`.
                    different_methods = ("__init__", "__getattribute__")
                    attributes_to_check = set( dir( object ) + dir( type ) )

                    for attribute in attributes_to_check:

                        if attribute not in different_methods \
                                and hasattr( _stderr_default, attribute ):

                            base_class_attribute = super( _stderr_default_class_type, self ).__getattribute__( attribute )
                            target_class_attribute = _stderr_default.__getattribute__( attribute )

                            if base_class_attribute != target_class_attribute:
                                sys.stderr.write( "    The base class attribute `%s` is different from the target class:\n%s\n%s\n\n" % (
                                        attribute, base_class_attribute, target_class_attribute ) )

                def __getattribute__(self, item):

                    if item == 'write':
                        return _sys_stderr_write

                        return _stderr_default.__getattribute__( item )

                    except AttributeError:
                        return super( _stderr_default_class_type, _stderr_default ).__getattribute__( item )

            _stderr_singleton = StdErrReplamentHidden()
            sys.stderr = _stderr_singleton

        return cls

    def unlock(cls):
            Detach this `stderr` writer from `sys.stderr` and allow the next call to `lock()` create
            a new writer for the stderr.

        if cls.is_active:
            global _sys_stderr_write_hidden

            cls.is_active = False
            _sys_stderr_write_hidden = _stderr_default.write

class StdOutReplament(object):
        How to redirect stdout and stderr to logger in Python

        Set a Read-Only Attribute in Python?
    is_active = False

    def lock(cls, logger):
            Attach this singleton logger to the `sys.stdout` permanently.
        global _stdout_singleton
        global _stdout_default
        global _stdout_default_class_type

        # On Sublime Text, `sys.__stdout__` is set to None, because they already replaced `sys.stdout`
        # by some `_LogWriter()` class, then just save the current one over there.
        if not sys.__stdout__:
            sys.__stdout__ = sys.stdout


        except NameError:
            _stdout_default = sys.stdout
            _stdout_default_class_type = type( _stdout_default )

        # Recreate the sys.stdout logger when it was reset by `unlock()`
        if not cls.is_active:
            cls.is_active = True
            _stdout_write = _stdout_default.write

            logger_call = logger.debug
            clean_formatter = logger.clean_formatter

            global _sys_stdout_write
            global _sys_stdout_write_hidden

            if sys.version_info <= (3,2):
                logger.file_handler.terminator = '\n'

            # Always recreate/override the internal write function used by `_sys_stdout_write`
            def _sys_stdout_write_hidden(*args, **kwargs):
                    Suppress newline in Python logging module

                    _stdout_write( *args, **kwargs )
                    file_handler = logger.file_handler

                    formatter = file_handler.formatter
                    terminator = file_handler.terminator

                    file_handler.formatter = clean_formatter
                    file_handler.terminator = ""

                    kwargs['extra'] = {'_duplicated_from_file': True}
                    logger_call( *args, **kwargs )

                    file_handler.formatter = formatter
                    file_handler.terminator = terminator

                except Exception:
                    logger.exception( "Could not write to the file_handler: %s(%s)", file_handler, logger )

            # Only create one `_sys_stdout_write` function pointer ever

            except NameError:

                def _sys_stdout_write(*args, **kwargs):
                        Hides the actual function pointer. This allow the external function pointer to
                        be cached while the internal written can be exchanged between the standard
                        `sys.stdout.write` and our custom wrapper around it.
                    _sys_stdout_write_hidden( *args, **kwargs )

            # Only create one singleton instance ever

        except NameError:

            class StdOutReplamentHidden(_stdout_default_class_type):
                    Which special methods bypasses __getattribute__ in Python?

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__abstractmethods__" ):
                    __abstractmethods__ = _stdout_default.__abstractmethods__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__base__" ):
                    __base__ = _stdout_default.__base__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__bases__" ):
                    __bases__ = _stdout_default.__bases__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__basicsize__" ):
                    __basicsize__ = _stdout_default.__basicsize__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__call__" ):
                    __call__ = _stdout_default.__call__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__class__" ):
                    __class__ = _stdout_default.__class__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__delattr__" ):
                    __delattr__ = _stdout_default.__delattr__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__dict__" ):
                    __dict__ = _stdout_default.__dict__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__dictoffset__" ):
                    __dictoffset__ = _stdout_default.__dictoffset__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__dir__" ):
                    __dir__ = _stdout_default.__dir__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__doc__" ):
                    __doc__ = _stdout_default.__doc__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__eq__" ):
                    __eq__ = _stdout_default.__eq__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__flags__" ):
                    __flags__ = _stdout_default.__flags__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__format__" ):
                    __format__ = _stdout_default.__format__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__ge__" ):
                    __ge__ = _stdout_default.__ge__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__getattribute__" ):
                    __getattribute__ = _stdout_default.__getattribute__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__gt__" ):
                    __gt__ = _stdout_default.__gt__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__hash__" ):
                    __hash__ = _stdout_default.__hash__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__init__" ):
                    __init__ = _stdout_default.__init__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__init_subclass__" ):
                    __init_subclass__ = _stdout_default.__init_subclass__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__instancecheck__" ):
                    __instancecheck__ = _stdout_default.__instancecheck__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__itemsize__" ):
                    __itemsize__ = _stdout_default.__itemsize__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__le__" ):
                    __le__ = _stdout_default.__le__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__lt__" ):
                    __lt__ = _stdout_default.__lt__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__module__" ):
                    __module__ = _stdout_default.__module__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__mro__" ):
                    __mro__ = _stdout_default.__mro__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__name__" ):
                    __name__ = _stdout_default.__name__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__ne__" ):
                    __ne__ = _stdout_default.__ne__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__new__" ):
                    __new__ = _stdout_default.__new__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__prepare__" ):
                    __prepare__ = _stdout_default.__prepare__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__qualname__" ):
                    __qualname__ = _stdout_default.__qualname__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__reduce__" ):
                    __reduce__ = _stdout_default.__reduce__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__reduce_ex__" ):
                    __reduce_ex__ = _stdout_default.__reduce_ex__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__repr__" ):
                    __repr__ = _stdout_default.__repr__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__setattr__" ):
                    __setattr__ = _stdout_default.__setattr__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__sizeof__" ):
                    __sizeof__ = _stdout_default.__sizeof__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__str__" ):
                    __str__ = _stdout_default.__str__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__subclasscheck__" ):
                    __subclasscheck__ = _stdout_default.__subclasscheck__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__subclasses__" ):
                    __subclasses__ = _stdout_default.__subclasses__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__subclasshook__" ):
                    __subclasshook__ = _stdout_default.__subclasshook__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__text_signature__" ):
                    __text_signature__ = _stdout_default.__text_signature__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "__weakrefoffset__" ):
                    __weakrefoffset__ = _stdout_default.__weakrefoffset__

                if hasattr( _stdout_default, "mro" ):
                    mro = _stdout_default.mro

                def __init__(self):
                        Override any super class `type( _stdout_default )` constructor, so we can 
                        instantiate any kind of `sys.stdout` replacement object, in case it was already 
                        replaced by something else like on Sublime Text with `_LogWriter()`.

                        Assures all attributes were statically replaced just above. This should happen in case
                        some new attribute is added to the python language.

                        This also ignores the only two methods which are not equal, `__init__()` and `__getattribute__()`.
                    different_methods = ("__init__", "__getattribute__")
                    attributes_to_check = set( dir( object ) + dir( type ) )

                    for attribute in attributes_to_check:

                        if attribute not in different_methods \
                                and hasattr( _stdout_default, attribute ):

                            base_class_attribute = super( _stdout_default_class_type, self ).__getattribute__( attribute )
                            target_class_attribute = _stdout_default.__getattribute__( attribute )

                            if base_class_attribute != target_class_attribute:
                                sys.stdout.write( "    The base class attribute `%s` is different from the target class:\n%s\n%s\n\n" % (
                                        attribute, base_class_attribute, target_class_attribute ) )

                def __getattribute__(self, item):

                    if item == 'write':
                        return _sys_stdout_write

                        return _stdout_default.__getattribute__( item )

                    except AttributeError:
                        return super( _stdout_default_class_type, _stdout_default ).__getattribute__( item )

            _stdout_singleton = StdOutReplamentHidden()
            sys.stdout = _stdout_singleton

        return cls

    def unlock(cls):
            Detach this `stdout` writer from `sys.stdout` and allow the next call to `lock()` create
            a new writer for the stdout.

        if cls.is_active:
            global _sys_stdout_write_hidden

            cls.is_active = False
            _sys_stdout_write_hidden = _stdout_default.write

To use this you can just call StdErrReplament::lock(logger) and StdOutReplament::lock(logger) passing the logger you want to use to send the output text. For example:

import os
import sys
import logging

current_folder = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath( __file__ ) )
log_file_path = os.path.join( current_folder, "my_log_file.txt" )

file_handler = logging.FileHandler( log_file_path, 'a' )
file_handler.formatter = logging.Formatter( "%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s - %(message)s", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" )

log = logging.getLogger( __name__ )
log.setLevel( "DEBUG" )
log.addHandler( file_handler )

log.file_handler = file_handler
log.clean_formatter = logging.Formatter( "", "" )

StdOutReplament.lock( log )
StdErrReplament.lock( log )

log.debug( "I am doing usual logging debug..." )
sys.stderr.write( "Tests 1...\n" )
sys.stdout.write( "Tests 2...\n" )

Running this code, you will see on the screen:

enter image description here

And on the file contents:

enter image description here

If you would like to also see the contents of the log.debug calls on the screen, you will need to add a stream handler to your logger. On this case it would be like this:

import os
import sys
import logging

class ContextFilter(logging.Filter):
    """ This filter avoids duplicated information to be displayed to the StreamHandler log. """
    def filter(self, record):
        return not "_duplicated_from_file" in record.__dict__

current_folder = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath( __file__ ) )
log_file_path = os.path.join( current_folder, "my_log_file.txt" )

stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
file_handler = logging.FileHandler( log_file_path, 'a' )

formatter = logging.Formatter( "%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s - %(message)s", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" )
file_handler.formatter = formatter
stream_handler.formatter = formatter
stream_handler.addFilter( ContextFilter() )

log = logging.getLogger( __name__ )
log.setLevel( "DEBUG" )
log.addHandler( file_handler )
log.addHandler( stream_handler )

log.file_handler = file_handler
log.stream_handler = stream_handler
log.clean_formatter = logging.Formatter( "", "" )

StdOutReplament.lock( log )
StdErrReplament.lock( log )

log.debug( "I am doing usual logging debug..." )
sys.stderr.write( "Tests 1...\n" )
sys.stdout.write( "Tests 2...\n" )

Which would output like this when running:

enter image description here

While it would still saving this to the file my_log_file.txt:

enter image description here

When disabling this with StdErrReplament:unlock(), it will only restore the standard behavior of the stderr stream, as the attached logger cannot be never detached because someone else can have a reference to its older version. This is why it is a global singleton which can never dies. Therefore, in case of reloading this module with imp or something else, it will never recapture the current sys.stderr as it was already injected on it and have it saved internally.

Generating 8-character only UUIDs

I do not think that it is possible but you have a good workaround.

  1. cut the end of your UUID using substring()
  2. use code new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()).nextInt(99999999); this will generate random ID up to 8 characters long.
  3. generate alphanumeric id:

    char[] chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABSDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890".toCharArray();
    Random r = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
    char[] id = new char[8];
    for (int i = 0;  i < 8;  i++) {
        id[i] = chars[r.nextInt(chars.length)];
    return new String(id);

Deleting row from datatable in C#

Try using Delete method:

    DataRow[] drr = dt.Select("Student=' " + id + " ' "); 
    for (int i = 0; i < drr.Length; i++)

Python: how to print range a-z?

This is your 2nd question: string.lowercase[ord('a')-97:ord('n')-97:2] because 97==ord('a') -- if you want to learn a bit you should figure out the rest yourself ;-)

Getting next element while cycling through a list

while running:
    lenli = len(li)
    for i, elem in enumerate(li):
        thiselem = elem
        nextelem = li[(i+1)%lenli]

What is Mocking?

Other answers explain what mocking is. Let me walk you through it with different examples. And believe me, it's actually far more simpler than you think.

tl;dr It's an instance of the original class. It has other data injected into so you avoid testing the injected parts and solely focus on testing the implementation details of your class/functions.

Simple example:

class Foo {
    func add (num1: Int, num2: Int) -> Int { // Line A 
        return num1 + num2 // Line B

let unit = Foo() // unit under test

As you can see, I'm not testing LineA ie I'm not validating the input parameters. I'm not validating to see if num1, num2 are an Integer. I have no asserts against that.

I'm only testing to see if LineB (my implementation) given the mocked values 1 and 5 is doing as I expect.

Obviously in the real word this can become much more complex. The parameters can be a custom object like a Person, Address, or the implementation details can be more than a single +. But the logic of testing would be the same.

Non-coding Example:

Assume you're building a machine that identifies the type and brand name of electronic devices for an airport security. The machine does this by processing what it sees with its camera.

Now your manager walks in the door and asks you to unit-test it.

Then you as a developer you can either bring 1000 real objects, like a MacBook pro, Google Nexus, a banana, an iPad etc in front of it and test and see if it all works.

But you can also use mocked objects, like an identical looking MacBook pro (with no real internal parts) or a plastic banana in front of it. You can save yourself from investing in 1000 real laptops and rotting bananas.

The point is you're not trying to test if the banana is fake or not. Nor testing if the laptop is fake or not. All you're doing is testing if your machine once it sees a banana it would say not an electronic device and for a MacBook Pro it would say: Laptop, Apple. To the machine, the outcome of its detection should be the same for fake/mocked electronics and real electronics. If your machine also factored in the internals of a laptop (x-ray scan) or banana then your mocks' internals need to look the same as well. But you could also use a gadget with a friend motherboard. Had your machine tested whether or not devices can power on then well you'd need real devices.

The logic mentioned above applies to unit-testing of actual code as well. That is a function should work the same with real values you get from real input (and interactions) or mocked values you inject during unit-testing. And just as how you save yourself from using a real banana or MacBook, with unit-tests (and mocking) you save yourself from having to do something that causes your server to return a status code of 500, 403, 200, etc (forcing your server to trigger 500 is only when server is down, while 200 is when server is up. It gets difficult to run 100 network focused tests if you have to constantly wait 10 seconds between switching over server up and down). So instead you inject/mock a response with status code 500, 200, 403, etc and test your unit/function with a injected/mocked value.

Be aware:

Sometimes you don't correctly mock the actual object. Or you don't mock every possibility. E.g. your fake laptops are dark, and your machine accurately works with them, but then it doesn't work accurately with white fake laptops. Later when you ship this machine to customers they complain that it doesn't work all the time. You get random reports that it's not working. It takes you 3 months of time to finally figure out that the color of fake laptops need to be more varied so you can test your modules appropriately.

For a true coding example, your implementation may be different for status code 200 with image data returned vs 200 with image data not returned. For this reason it's good to use an IDE that provides code coverage e.g. the image below shows that your unit-tests don't ever go through the lines marked with brown.

enter image description here

image source

Real world coding Example:

Let's say you are writing an iOS application and have network calls.Your job is to test your application. To test/identify whether or not the network calls work as expected is NOT YOUR RESPONSIBILITY . It's another party's (server team) responsibility to test it. You must remove this (network) dependency and yet continue to test all your code that works around it.

A network call can return different status codes 404, 500, 200, 303, etc with a JSON response.

Your app is suppose to work for all of them (in case of errors, your app should throw its expected error). What you do with mocking is you create 'imaginary—similar to real' network responses (like a 200 code with a JSON file) and test your code without 'making the real network call and waiting for your network response'. You manually hardcode/return the network response for ALL kinds of network responses and see if your app is working as you expect. (you never assume/test a 200 with incorrect data, because that is not your responsibility, your responsibility is to test your app with a correct 200, or in case of a 400, 500, you test if your app throws the right error)

This creating imaginary—similar to real is known as mocking.

In order to do this, you can't use your original code (your original code doesn't have the pre-inserted responses, right?). You must add something to it, inject/insert that dummy data which isn't normally needed (or a part of your class).

So you create an instance the original class and add whatever (here being the network HTTPResponse, data OR in the case of failure, you pass the correct errorString, HTTPResponse) you need to it and then test the mocked class.

Long story short, mocking is to simplify and limit what you are testing and also make you feed what a class depends on. In this example you avoid testing the network calls themselves, and instead test whether or not your app works as you expect with the injected outputs/responses —— by mocking classes

Needless to say, you test each network response separately.

Now a question that I always had in my mind was: The contracts/end points and basically the JSON response of my APIs get updated constantly. How can I write unit tests which take this into consideration?

To elaborate more on this: let’s say model requires a key/field named username. You test this and your test passes. 2 weeks later backend changes the key's name to id. Your tests still passes. right? or not?

Is it the backend developer’s responsibility to update the mocks. Should it be part of our agreement that they provide updated mocks?

The answer to the above issue is that: unit tests + your development process as a client-side developer should/would catch outdated mocked response. If you ask me how? well the answer is:

Our actual app would fail (or not fail yet not have the desired behavior) without using updated APIs...hence if that fails...we will make changes on our development code. Which again leads to our tests failing....which we’ll have to correct it. (Actually if we are to do the TDD process correctly we are to not write any code about the field unless we write the test for it...and see it fail and then go and write the actual development code for it.)

This all means that backend doesn’t have to say: “hey we updated the mocks” eventually happens through your code development/debugging. ??Because it’s all part of the development process! Though if backend provides the mocked response for you then it's easier.

My whole point on this is that (if you can’t automate getting updated mocked API response then) some human interaction is required ie manual updates of JSONs and having short meetings to make sure their values are up to date will become part of your process

This section was written thanks to a slack discussion in our CocoaHead meetup group

For iOS devs only:

A very good example of mocking is this Practical Protocol-Oriented talk by Natasha Muraschev. Just skip to minute 18:30, though the slides may become out of sync with the actual video ???

I really like this part from the transcript:

Because this is testing...we do want to make sure that the get function from the Gettable is called, because it can return and the function could theoretically assign an array of food items from anywhere. We need to make sure that it is called;

WPF chart controls

The WPF Toolkit is available. It is free from CodePlex.

It can be downloaded here. There is some commentary here.

How to specify in crontab by what user to run script?

You can also try using runuser (as root) to run a command as a different user

*/1 * * * * runuser php5 \
            --command="/var/www/web/includes/crontab/queue_process.php \
                       >> /var/www/web/includes/crontab/queue.log 2>&1"

See also: man runuser

symfony 2 No route found for "GET /"

Using symfony 2.3 with php 5.5 and using the built in server with

app/console server:run

which should output something like:

Server running on
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.

then go to

this should give you the default, which you can also find the default route by viewing src/AppBundle/Controller/DefaultController.php

How do I execute a program from Python? os.system fails due to spaces in path

Suppose we want to run your Django web server (in Linux) that there is space between your path (path='/home/<you>/<first-path-section> <second-path-section>'), so do the following:

import subprocess

args = ['{}/'.format('/home/<you>/<first-path-section> <second-path-section>'), 'runserver']
res = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
output, error_ = res.communicate()

if not error_:


  • Do not forget accessing permission: chmod 755 -R <'yor path'>
  • is exceutable: chmod +x

How to define partitioning of DataFrame?

Spark >= 2.3.0

SPARK-22614 exposes range partitioning.

val partitionedByRange = df.repartitionByRange(42, $"k")

// == Parsed Logical Plan ==
// 'RepartitionByExpression ['k ASC NULLS FIRST], 42
// +- AnalysisBarrier Project [_1#2 AS k#5, _2#3 AS v#6]
// == Analyzed Logical Plan ==
// k: string, v: int
// RepartitionByExpression [k#5 ASC NULLS FIRST], 42
// +- Project [_1#2 AS k#5, _2#3 AS v#6]
//    +- LocalRelation [_1#2, _2#3]
// == Optimized Logical Plan ==
// RepartitionByExpression [k#5 ASC NULLS FIRST], 42
// +- LocalRelation [k#5, v#6]
// == Physical Plan ==
// Exchange rangepartitioning(k#5 ASC NULLS FIRST, 42)
// +- LocalTableScan [k#5, v#6]

SPARK-22389 exposes external format partitioning in the Data Source API v2.

Spark >= 1.6.0

In Spark >= 1.6 it is possible to use partitioning by column for query and caching. See: SPARK-11410 and SPARK-4849 using repartition method:

val df = Seq(
  ("A", 1), ("B", 2), ("A", 3), ("C", 1)
).toDF("k", "v")

val partitioned = df.repartition($"k")

// scala> df.repartition($"k").explain(true)
// == Parsed Logical Plan ==
// 'RepartitionByExpression ['k], None
// +- Project [_1#5 AS k#7,_2#6 AS v#8]
//    +- LogicalRDD [_1#5,_2#6], MapPartitionsRDD[3] at rddToDataFrameHolder at <console>:27
// == Analyzed Logical Plan ==
// k: string, v: int
// RepartitionByExpression [k#7], None
// +- Project [_1#5 AS k#7,_2#6 AS v#8]
//    +- LogicalRDD [_1#5,_2#6], MapPartitionsRDD[3] at rddToDataFrameHolder at <console>:27
// == Optimized Logical Plan ==
// RepartitionByExpression [k#7], None
// +- Project [_1#5 AS k#7,_2#6 AS v#8]
//    +- LogicalRDD [_1#5,_2#6], MapPartitionsRDD[3] at rddToDataFrameHolder at <console>:27
// == Physical Plan ==
// TungstenExchange hashpartitioning(k#7,200), None
// +- Project [_1#5 AS k#7,_2#6 AS v#8]
//    +- Scan PhysicalRDD[_1#5,_2#6]

Unlike RDDs Spark Dataset (including Dataset[Row] a.k.a DataFrame) cannot use custom partitioner as for now. You can typically address that by creating an artificial partitioning column but it won't give you the same flexibility.

Spark < 1.6.0:

One thing you can do is to pre-partition input data before you create a DataFrame

import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.HashPartitioner

val schema = StructType(Seq(
  StructField("x", StringType, false),
  StructField("y", LongType, false),
  StructField("z", DoubleType, false)

val rdd = sc.parallelize(Seq(
  Row("foo", 1L, 0.5), Row("bar", 0L, 0.0), Row("??", -1L, 2.0),
  Row("foo", -1L, 0.0), Row("??", 3L, 0.6), Row("bar", -3L, 0.99)

val partitioner = new HashPartitioner(5) 

val partitioned = => (r.getString(0), r))

val df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(partitioned, schema)

Since DataFrame creation from an RDD requires only a simple map phase existing partition layout should be preserved*:

assert(df.rdd.partitions == partitioned.partitions)

The same way you can repartition existing DataFrame:

sqlContext.createDataFrame( => (r.getInt(1), r)).partitionBy(partitioner).values,

So it looks like it is not impossible. The question remains if it make sense at all. I will argue that most of the time it doesn't:

  1. Repartitioning is an expensive process. In a typical scenario most of the data has to be serialized, shuffled and deserialized. From the other hand number of operations which can benefit from a pre-partitioned data is relatively small and is further limited if internal API is not designed to leverage this property.

    • joins in some scenarios, but it would require an internal support,
    • window functions calls with matching partitioner. Same as above, limited to a single window definition. It is already partitioned internally though, so pre-partitioning may be redundant,
    • simple aggregations with GROUP BY - it is possible to reduce memory footprint of the temporary buffers**, but overall cost is much higher. More or less equivalent to groupByKey.mapValues(_.reduce) (current behavior) vs reduceByKey (pre-partitioning). Unlikely to be useful in practice.
    • data compression with SqlContext.cacheTable. Since it looks like it is using run length encoding, applying OrderedRDDFunctions.repartitionAndSortWithinPartitions could improve compression ratio.
  2. Performance is highly dependent on a distribution of the keys. If it is skewed it will result in a suboptimal resource utilization. In the worst case scenario it will be impossible to finish the job at all.

  3. A whole point of using a high level declarative API is to isolate yourself from a low level implementation details. As already mentioned by @dwysakowicz and @RomiKuntsman an optimization is a job of the Catalyst Optimizer. It is a pretty sophisticated beast and I really doubt you can easily improve on that without diving much deeper into its internals.

Related concepts

Partitioning with JDBC sources:

JDBC data sources support predicates argument. It can be used as follows:, table, Array("foo = 1", "foo = 3"), props)

It creates a single JDBC partition per predicate. Keep in mind that if sets created using individual predicates are not disjoint you'll see duplicates in the resulting table.

partitionBy method in DataFrameWriter:

Spark DataFrameWriter provides partitionBy method which can be used to "partition" data on write. It separates data on write using provided set of columns

val df = Seq(
  ("foo", 1.0), ("bar", 2.0), ("foo", 1.5), ("bar", 2.6)
).toDF("k", "v")


This enables predicate push down on read for queries based on key:

val df1 ="/tmp/foo.json")
df1.where($"k" === "bar")

but it is not equivalent to DataFrame.repartition. In particular aggregations like:

val cnts = df1.groupBy($"k").sum()

will still require TungstenExchange:


// == Physical Plan ==
// TungstenAggregate(key=[k#90], functions=[(sum(v#91),mode=Final,isDistinct=false)], output=[k#90,sum(v)#93])
// +- TungstenExchange hashpartitioning(k#90,200), None
//    +- TungstenAggregate(key=[k#90], functions=[(sum(v#91),mode=Partial,isDistinct=false)], output=[k#90,sum#99])
//       +- Scan JSONRelation[k#90,v#91] InputPaths: file:/tmp/foo.json

bucketBy method in DataFrameWriter (Spark >= 2.0):

bucketBy has similar applications as partitionBy but it is available only for tables (saveAsTable). Bucketing information can used to optimize joins:

// Temporarily disable broadcast joins
spark.conf.set("spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold", -1)

df.write.bucketBy(42, "k").saveAsTable("df1")
val df2 = Seq(("A", -1.0), ("B", 2.0)).toDF("k", "v2")
df2.write.bucketBy(42, "k").saveAsTable("df2")

// == Physical Plan ==
// *Project [k#41, v#42, v2#47]
// +- *SortMergeJoin [k#41], [k#46], Inner
//    :- *Sort [k#41 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0
//    :  +- *Project [k#41, v#42]
//    :     +- *Filter isnotnull(k#41)
//    :        +- *FileScan parquet default.df1[k#41,v#42] Batched: true, Format: Parquet, Location: InMemoryFileIndex[file:/spark-warehouse/df1], PartitionFilters: [], PushedFilters: [IsNotNull(k)], ReadSchema: struct<k:string,v:int>
//    +- *Sort [k#46 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0
//       +- *Project [k#46, v2#47]
//          +- *Filter isnotnull(k#46)
//             +- *FileScan parquet default.df2[k#46,v2#47] Batched: true, Format: Parquet, Location: InMemoryFileIndex[file:/spark-warehouse/df2], PartitionFilters: [], PushedFilters: [IsNotNull(k)], ReadSchema: struct<k:string,v2:double>

* By partition layout I mean only a data distribution. partitioned RDD has no longer a partitioner. ** Assuming no early projection. If aggregation covers only small subset of columns there is probably no gain whatsoever.

how can I display tooltip or item information on mouse over?

The simplest way to get tooltips in most browsers is to set some text in the title attribute.


<img src="myimage.jpg" alt="a cat" title="My cat sat on a table" />

produces (hover your mouse over the image):

a cat

Title attributes can be applied to most HTML elements.