Programs & Examples On #Javasound

Use this tag for questions about the Java Sound APIs. These are for the capture, processing, and playback of sampled audio data and for sequencing and synthesis of MIDI data.

Best GUI designer for eclipse?

GWT Designer is very good and allows for rapid development of GWT websites. (

iterate through a map in javascript

An answer to your Question from 2019:

It depends on what version of ECMAScript you use.

Pre ES6:

Use any of the answers below, e.g.:

for (var m in myMap){
    for (var i=0;i<myMap[m].length;i++){
    ... do something with myMap[m][i] ...

For ES6 (ES 2015):

You should use a Map object, which has the entries() function:

var myMap = new Map();
myMap.set("0", "foo");
myMap.set(1, "bar");
myMap.set({}, "baz");

for (const [key, value] of myMap.entries()) {
  console.log(key, value);

For ES8 (ES 2017):

Object.entries() was introduced:

const object = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c' : 3};
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(object)) {
  console.log(key, value);

How to change href of <a> tag on button click through javascript

Without having a href, the click will reload the current page, so you need something like this:

<a href="#" onclick="f1()">jhhghj</a>

Or prevent the scroll like this:

<a href="#" onclick="f1(); return false;">jhhghj</a>

Or return false in your f1 function and:

<a href="#" onclick="return f1();">jhhghj</a>

....or, the unobtrusive way:

<a href="#" id="abc">jhg</a>
<a href="#" id="myLink">jhhghj</a>

<script type="text/javascript">
  document.getElementById("myLink").onclick = function() {
    return false;

get size of json object

You can use something like this

<script type="text/javascript">

  var myObject = {'name':'Kasun', 'address':'columbo','age': '29'}

  var count = Object.keys(myObject).length;

What's the PowerShell syntax for multiple values in a switch statement?

A slight modification to derekerdmann's post to meet the original request using regex's alternation operator "|"(pipe).

It's also slightly easier for regex newbies to understand and read.

Note that while using regex, if you don't put the start of string character "^"(caret/circumflex) and/or end of string character "$"(dollar) then you may get unexpected/unintuitive behavior (like matching "yesterday" or "why").

Putting grouping characters "()"(parentheses) around the options reduces the need to put start and end of string characters for each option. Without them, you'll get possibly unexpected behavior if you're not savvy with regex. Of course, if you're not processing user input, but rather some set of known strings, it will be more readable without grouping and start and end of string characters.

switch -regex ($someString) #many have noted ToLower() here is redundant
        #processing user input
    "^(y|yes|indubitably)$" { "You entered Yes." }

        # not processing user input
    "y|yes|indubitably" { "Yes was the selected string" } 
    default { "You entered No." } 

In Ruby, how do I skip a loop in a .each loop, similar to 'continue'

next - it's like return, but for blocks! (So you can use this in any proc/lambda too.)

That means you can also say next n to "return" n from the block. For instance:

puts [1, 2, 3].map do |e|
  next 42 if e == 2

This will yield 46.

Note that return always returns from the closest def, and never a block; if there's no surrounding def, returning is an error.

Using return from within a block intentionally can be confusing. For instance:

def my_fun
  [1, 2, 3].map do |e|
    return "Hello." if e == 2

my_fun will result in "Hello.", not [1, "Hello.", 2], because the return keyword pertains to the outer def, not the inner block.

How do I explicitly specify a Model's table-name mapping in Rails?

Rails >= 3.2 (including Rails 4+ and 5+):

class Countries < ActiveRecord::Base
  self.table_name = "cc"

Rails <= 3.1:

class Countries < ActiveRecord::Base
  self.set_table_name "cc"

What is sys.maxint in Python 3?

An alternative is

import math

... math.inf ...

How does one reorder columns in a data frame?

As mentioned in this comment, the standard suggestions for re-ordering columns in a data.frame are generally cumbersome and error-prone, especially if you have a lot of columns.

This function allows to re-arrange columns by position: specify a variable name and the desired position, and don't worry about the other columns.

##arrange df vars by position
##'vars' must be a named vector, e.g. c(""=1)
arrange.vars <- function(data, vars){
    ##stop if not a data.frame (but should work for matrices as well)

    ##sort out inputs
    data.nms <- names(data) <- length(data.nms)
    var.nms <- names(vars)
    var.pos <- vars
    ##sanity checks
    stopifnot( !any(duplicated(var.nms)), 
               !any(duplicated(var.pos)) )
    stopifnot( is.character(var.nms), 
               is.numeric(var.pos) )
    stopifnot( all(var.nms %in% data.nms) )
    stopifnot( all(var.pos > 0), 
               all(var.pos <= )

    ##prepare output
    out.vec <- character(
    out.vec[var.pos] <- var.nms
    out.vec[-var.pos] <- data.nms[ !(data.nms %in% var.nms) ]
    stopifnot( length(out.vec) )

    ##re-arrange vars by position
    data <- data[ , out.vec]

Now the OP's request becomes as simple as this:

table <- data.frame(Time=c(1,2), In=c(2,3), Out=c(3,4), Files=c(4,5))
##  Time In Out Files
##1    1  2   3     4
##2    2  3   4     5

arrange.vars(table, c("Out"=2))
##  Time Out In Files
##1    1   3  2     4
##2    2   4  3     5

To additionally swap Time and Files columns you can do this:

arrange.vars(table, c("Out"=2, "Files"=1, "Time"=4))
##  Files Out In Time
##1     4   3  2    1
##2     5   4  3    2

Vagrant error : Failed to mount folders in Linux guest

Fix Step by step:

If you not have vbguest plugin, install it:

$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest

Run Vagrant

It is show a error.

$ vagrant up

Login on VM

$ vagrant ssh


In the guest (VM logged).

$ sudo ln -s /opt/VBoxGuestAdditions-4.3.10/lib/VBoxGuestAdditions /usr/lib/VBoxGuestAdditions

Back on the host, reload Vagrant

$ vagrant reload

When should I use git pull --rebase?

I don't think there's ever a reason not to use pull --rebase -- I added code to Git specifically to allow my git pull command to always rebase against upstream commits.

When looking through history, it is just never interesting to know when the guy/gal working on the feature stopped to synchronise up. It might be useful for the guy/gal while he/she is doing it, but that's what reflog is for. It's just adding noise for everyone else.

How to prevent a browser from storing passwords

I just change the type attribute of the field password to hidden before the click event:

document.getElementById("password").setAttribute("type", "hidden");

Send mail via Gmail with PowerShell V2's Send-MailMessage

Send email with attachment using PowerShell -

      $EmailTo = "[email protected]"  // [email protected]
      $EmailFrom = "[email protected]"  // [email protected]
      $Subject = "zx"  //subject
      $Body = "Test Body"  // Body of message
      $SMTPServer = "" 
      $filenameAndPath = "G:\abc.jpg"  // Attachment
      $SMTPMessage = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage($EmailFrom, $EmailTo, $Subject, $Body)
      $attachment = New-Object System.Net.Mail.Attachment($filenameAndPath)
      $SMTPClient = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($SmtpServer, 587) 
      $SMTPClient.EnableSsl = $true 
      $SMTPClient.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential("[email protected]", "xxxxxxxx"); // xxxxxx-password

RadioGroup: How to check programmatically

You may need to declare the radio buttons in the onCreate method of your code and use them.

RadioButton rb1 = (RadioButton) findViewById(;

Importing a GitHub project into Eclipse

I think you need to create a branch before you can import into your local Eclipse, otherwise, there is an error leading to incapable of importing repository from Github or Bitbucket.

Python read next()

You don't need to read the next line, you are iterating through the lines. lines is a list (an array), and for line in lines is iterating over it. Every time you are finished with one you move onto the next line. If you want to skip to the next line just continue out of the current loop.

filne = "D:/testtube/testdkanimfilternode.txt"
f = open(filne, 'r+')

lines = f.readlines() # get all lines as a list (array)

# Iterate over each line, printing each line and then move to the next
for line in lines:
    print line


Dynamic function name in javascript?

I struggled a lot with this issue. @Albin solution worked like a charm while developing, but it did not work when I changed it to production. After some debugging I realized how to achieve what I needed. I'm using ES6 with CRA (create-react-app), which means it's bundled by Webpack.

Lets say you have a file that exports the functions you need:


export function setItem(params) {
  // ...

export function setUser(params) {
  // ...

export function setPost(params) {
  // ...

export function setReply(params) {
  // ...

And you need to dynamically call these functions elsewhere:


import * as myFunctions from 'path_to/myFunctions';
/* note that myFunctions is imported as an array,
 * which means its elements can be easily accessed
 * using an index. You can console.log(myFunctions).

function accessMyFunctions(res) {
  // lets say it receives an API response
  if (res.status === 200 && {
    const { data } = res;
    // I want to read all properties in data object and 
    // call a function based on properties names.
    for (const key in data) {
      if (data.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
        // you can skip some properties that are usually embedded in
        // a normal response
        if (key !== 'success' && key !== 'msg') {
          // I'm using a function to capitalize the key, which is
          // used to dynamically create the function's name I need.
          // Note that it does not create the function, it's just a
          // way to access the desired index on myFunctions array.
          const name = `set${capitalizeFirstLetter(key)}`;
          // surround it with try/catch, otherwise all unexpected properties in
          // data object will break your code.
          try {
            // finally, use it.
          } catch (error) {
            console.log(name, 'does not exist');

What does the colon (:) operator do?

It is used in the new short hand for/loop

final List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
for (final String s : list)

and the ternary operator

list.isEmpty() ? true : false;

Fragment pressing back button

What I do in this cases is I implement the onBackPressed() function from the Activity:

public void onBackPressed() {
   FragmentManager fm = getSupportFragmentManager();
   MyFragment myFragment = (MyFragment) fm.findFragmentById(;

      //Do what you want to do

How this works for you too.

Quantile-Quantile Plot using SciPy

How big is your sample? Here is another option to test your data against any distribution using OpenTURNS library. In the example below, I generate a sample x of 1.000.000 numbers from a Uniform distribution and test it against a Normal distribution. You can replace x by your data if you reshape it as x= [[x1], [x2], .., [xn]]

import openturns as ot

x = ot.Uniform().getSample(1000000)
g = ot.VisualTest.DrawQQplot(x, ot.Normal())

In my Jupyter Notebook, I see: enter image description here

If you are writing a script, you can do it more properly

from openturns.viewer import View`
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure

This usually occurs because either of the following are true:

  • The certificate is self-signed and not added as a trusted certificate.
  • The certificate is expired.
  • The certificate is signed by a root certificate that's not installed on your machine.
  • The certificate is signed using the fully qualified domain address of the server. Meaning: cannot use "xyzServerName" but instead must use "" because that's basically the server name as far as the SSL cert is concerned.
  • A revocation list is probed, but cannot be found/used.
  • The certificate is signed via intermediate CA certificate and server does not serve that intermediate certificate along with host certificate.

Try getting some information about the certificate of the server and see if you need to install any specific certs on your client to get it to work.

Empty brackets '[]' appearing when using .where

A good bet is to utilize Rails' Arel SQL manager, which explicitly supports case-insensitive ActiveRecord queries:

t = Guide.arel_table Guide.where(t[:title].matches('%attack')) 

Here's an interesting blog post regarding the portability of case-insensitive queries using Arel. It's worth a read to understand the implications of utilizing Arel across databases.

How to activate JMX on my JVM for access with jconsole?

Step 1: Run the application using following parameters.

Above arguments bind the application to the port 9999.

Step 2: Launch jconsole by executing the command jconsole in command prompt or terminal.

Select ‘Remote Process:’ and enter the url as {IP_Address}:9999 and click on Connect button to connect to the remote application.

You can refer this link for complete application.

return error message with actionResult

One approach would be to just use the ModelState:

ModelState.AddModelError("", "Error in cloud - GetPLUInfo" + ex.Message);

and then on the view do something like this:


where you want the errors to display. If there are no errors, it won't display, but if there are you'll get a section that lists all the errors.

Java: Sending Multiple Parameters to Method

You can use varargs

public function yourFunction(Parameter... parameters)

See also

Java multiple arguments dot notation - Varargs

jquery smooth scroll to an anchor?

Here is how I do it:

    var hashTagActive = "";
    $(".scroll").on("click touchstart" , function (event) {
        if(hashTagActive != this.hash) { //this will prevent if the user click several times the same link to freeze the scroll.
            //calculate destination place
            var dest = 0;
            if ($(this.hash).offset().top > $(document).height() - $(window).height()) {
                dest = $(document).height() - $(window).height();
            } else {
                dest = $(this.hash).offset().top;
            //go to destination
                scrollTop: dest
            }, 2000, 'swing');
            hashTagActive = this.hash;

Then you just need to create your anchor like this:

<a class="scroll" href="#destination1">Destination 1</a>

You can see it on my website.
A demo is also available here:

C# loop - break vs. continue

To break completely out of a foreach loop, break is used;

To go to the next iteration in the loop, continue is used;

Break is useful if you’re looping through a collection of Objects (like Rows in a Datatable) and you are searching for a particular match, when you find that match, there’s no need to continue through the remaining rows, so you want to break out.

Continue is useful when you have accomplished what you need to in side a loop iteration. You’ll normally have continue after an if.

Assign a class name to <img> tag instead of write it in css file?

Assigning a class name and applying a CSS style are two different things.

If you mean <img class="someclass">, and

.someclass {

, then there is no real performance difference between applying the css to the class, or to .column img

How can I add the sqlite3 module to Python?

You don't need to install sqlite3 module. It is included in the standard library (since Python 2.5).

Check if decimal value is null

I've ran across this problem recently while trying to retrieve a null decimal from a DataTable object from db and I haven't seen this answer here. I find this easier and shorter:

var value = rdrSelect.Field<decimal?>("ColumnName") ?? 0;

This was useful in my case since i didn't have a nullable decimal in the model, but needed a quick check against one. If the db value happens to be null, it'll just assign the default value.

How do you recursively unzip archives in a directory and its subdirectories from the Unix command-line?

I realise this is very old, but it was among the first hits on Google when I was looking for a solution to something similar, so I'll post what I did here. My scenario is slightly different as I basically just wanted to fully explode a jar, along with all jars contained within it, so I wrote the following bash functions:

function explode {
    local target="$1"
    echo "Exploding $target."
    if [ -f "$target" ] ; then
        explodeFile "$target"
    elif [ -d "$target" ] ; then
        while [ "$(find "$target" -type f -regextype posix-egrep -iregex ".*\.(zip|jar|ear|war|sar)")" != "" ] ; do
            find "$target" -type f -regextype posix-egrep -iregex ".*\.(zip|jar|ear|war|sar)" -exec bash -c 'source "<file-where-this-function-is-stored>" ; explode "{}"' \;
        echo "Could not find $target."

function explodeFile {
    local target="$1"
    echo "Exploding file $target."
    mv "$target" "$target.tmp"
    unzip -q "$target.tmp" -d "$target"
    rm "$target.tmp"

Note the <file-where-this-function-is-stored> which is needed if you're storing this in a file that is not read for a non-interactive shell as I happened to be. If you're storing the functions in a file loaded on non-interactive shells (e.g., .bashrc I believe) you can drop the whole source statement. Hopefully this will help someone.

A little warning - explodeFile also deletes the ziped file, you can of course change that by commenting out the last line.

Get cursor position (in characters) within a text Input field


Updated answer

Use selectionStart, it is compatible with all major browsers.

document.getElementById('foobar').addEventListener('keyup', e => {
  console.log('Caret at: ',
<input id="foobar" />

Update: This works only when no type is defined or type="text" or type="textarea" on the input.

String formatting: % vs. .format vs. string literal

As a side note, you don't have to take a performance hit to use new style formatting with logging. You can pass any object to logging.debug,, etc. that implements the __str__ magic method. When the logging module has decided that it must emit your message object (whatever it is), it calls str(message_object) before doing so. So you could do something like this:

import logging

class NewStyleLogMessage(object):
    def __init__(self, message, *args, **kwargs):
        self.message = message
        self.args = args
        self.kwargs = kwargs

    def __str__(self):
        args = (i() if callable(i) else i for i in self.args)
        kwargs = dict((k, v() if callable(v) else v) for k, v in self.kwargs.items())

        return self.message.format(*args, **kwargs)

N = NewStyleLogMessage

# Neither one of these messages are formatted (or calculated) until they're
# needed

# Emits "Lazily formatted log entry: 123 foo" in log
logging.debug(N('Lazily formatted log entry: {0} {keyword}', 123, keyword='foo'))

def expensive_func():
    # Do something that takes a long time...
    return 'foo'

# Emits "Expensive log entry: foo" in log
logging.debug(N('Expensive log entry: {keyword}', keyword=expensive_func))

This is all described in the Python 3 documentation ( However, it will work with Python 2.6 as well (

One of the advantages of using this technique, other than the fact that it's formatting-style agnostic, is that it allows for lazy values e.g. the function expensive_func above. This provides a more elegant alternative to the advice being given in the Python docs here:

How to hash some string with sha256 in Java?

Full example hash to string as another string.

public static String sha256(String base) {
        MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
        byte[] hash = digest.digest(base.getBytes("UTF-8"));
        StringBuffer hexString = new StringBuffer();

        for (int i = 0; i < hash.length; i++) {
            String hex = Integer.toHexString(0xff & hash[i]);
            if(hex.length() == 1) hexString.append('0');

        return hexString.toString();
    } catch(Exception ex){
       throw new RuntimeException(ex);

Getting a 500 Internal Server Error on Laravel 5+ Ubuntu 14.04

I have faced this problem many times. Try one of these steps it helped me a lot. Maybe it will also help you.

  1. First of all check your file permissions.
  2. To fix file permissions sudo chmod 755 -R your_project
  3. Then chmod -R o+w your_project/storage to write file to storage folder.
  4. php artisan cache:clear
    composer dump-autoload
  5. php artisan key:generate
  6. Then check server requirements as per the laravel requirement.
  7. Many times you got this error because of the php version. Try changing your php version in cpanel.
  8. Then configure your .htaccess file properly

Python, compute list difference

Use set if you don't care about items order or repetition. Use list comprehensions if you do:

>>> def diff(first, second):
        second = set(second)
        return [item for item in first if item not in second]

>>> diff(A, B)
[1, 3, 4]
>>> diff(B, A)

React - how to pass state to another component

Move all of your state and your handleClick function from Header to your MainWrapper component.

Then pass values as props to all components that need to share this functionality.

class MainWrapper extends React.Component {
    constructor() {
        this.state = {
            sidbarPushCollapsed: false,
            profileCollapsed: false
        this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);
    handleClick() {
            sidbarPushCollapsed: !this.state.sidbarPushCollapsed,
            profileCollapsed: !this.state.profileCollapsed

    render() {
        return (
               profileCollapsed={this.state.profileCollapsed} />

Then in your Header's render() method, you'd use this.props:

<button type="button" id="sidbarPush" onClick={this.props.handleClick} profile={this.props.profileCollapsed}>

Convert this string to datetime

The Problem is with your code formatting,

inorder to use strtotime() You should replace '06/Oct/2011:19:00:02' with 06/10/2011 19:00:02 and date('d/M/Y:H:i:s', $date); with date('d/M/Y H:i:s', $date);. Note the spaces in between.

So the final code looks like this

$s = '06/10/2011 19:00:02';
$date = strtotime($s);
echo date('d/M/Y H:i:s', $date);

How to use a servlet filter in Java to change an incoming servlet request url?

A simple JSF Url Prettyfier filter based in the steps of BalusC's answer. The filter forwards all the requests starting with the /ui path (supposing you've got all your xhtml files stored there) to the same path, but adding the xhtml suffix.

public class UrlPrettyfierFilter implements Filter {

    private static final String JSF_VIEW_ROOT_PATH = "/ui";

    private static final String JSF_VIEW_SUFFIX = ".xhtml";

    public void destroy() {


    public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain)
            throws IOException, ServletException {
        HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest = ((HttpServletRequest) request);
        String requestURI = httpServletRequest.getRequestURI();
        //Only process the paths starting with /ui, so as other requests get unprocessed. 
        //You can register the filter itself for /ui/* only, too
        if (requestURI.startsWith(JSF_VIEW_ROOT_PATH) 
                && !requestURI.contains(JSF_VIEW_SUFFIX)) {
        } else {
            chain.doFilter(httpServletRequest, response);

    public void init(FilterConfig arg0) throws ServletException {



Running Jupyter via command line on Windows

Please try either of these commands first;

$ py -m notebook
$ python -m notebook

for jupyterlab users

py -m jupyterlab


$ python -m pip install jupyter --user
$ jupyter notebook

If this does not work.

pip does not add jupyter directly to path for local.

The output from

$ which python

After some digging I found a executable for jupyter in the folder:


Difference between local and roaming folder

So if you want to be able to execute a program via command line, you need to add it into the %PATH variable. Here is a powershell script to do it. BE SURE TO ADD THE ";" before adding the new path.

$ [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $env:Path + ";C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python35\Scripts", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User)


if you are using python3, switch out python with python3 but I encourage you to use pyenv instead :)

Printing the value of a variable in SQL Developer

1 ) Go to view menu.
2 ) Select the DBMS_OUTPUT menu item.
3 ) Press Ctrl + N and select connection editor.
4 ) Execute the SET SERVEROUTPUT ON Command.
5 ) Then execute your PL/SQL Script.

enter image description here enter image description here

How do you add swap to an EC2 instance?

A fix for this problem is to add swap (i.e. paging) space to the instance.

Paging works by creating an area on your hard drive and using it for extra memory, this memory is much slower than normal memory however much more of it is available.

To add this extra space to your instance you type:

sudo /bin/dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swap.1 bs=1M count=1024
sudo /sbin/mkswap /var/swap.1
sudo chmod 600 /var/swap.1
sudo /sbin/swapon /var/swap.1

If you need more than 1024 then change that to something higher.

To enable it by default after reboot, add this line to /etc/fstab:

/var/swap.1   swap    swap    defaults        0   0

Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP?

This answer is written to show just how trivial it is to bypass poorly written PHP user-validation code, how (and using what) these attacks work and how to replace the old MySQL functions with a secure prepared statement - and basically, why StackOverflow users (probably with a lot of rep) are barking at new users asking questions to improve their code.

First off, please feel free to create this test mysql database (I have called mine prep):

mysql> create table users(
    -> id int(2) primary key auto_increment,
    -> userid tinytext,
    -> pass tinytext);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.05 sec)

mysql> insert into users values(null, 'Fluffeh', 'mypass');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)

mysql> create user 'prepared'@'localhost' identified by 'example';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> grant all privileges on prep.* to 'prepared'@'localhost' with grant option;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

With that done, we can move to our PHP code.

Lets assume the following script is the verification process for an admin on a website (simplified but working if you copy and use it for testing):



    $link=mysql_connect('localhost', 'prepared', 'example');
    mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database");

    $sql="select id, userid, pass from users where userid='$user' and pass='$pass'";
    //echo $sql."<br><br>";
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        echo "My id is ".$row['id']." and my username is ".$row['userid']." and lastly, my password is ".$row['pass']."<br>";
        // We have correctly matched the Username and Password
        // Lets give this person full access
        echo "The check passed. We have a verified admin!<br>";
        echo "You could not be verified. Please try again...<br>";


<form name="exploited" method='post'>
    User: <input type='text' name='user'><br>
    Pass: <input type='text' name='pass'><br>
    <input type='submit'>

Seems legit enough at first glance.

The user has to enter a login and password, right?

Brilliant, not enter in the following:

user: bob
pass: somePass

and submit it.

The output is as follows:

You could not be verified. Please try again...

Super! Working as expected, now lets try the actual username and password:

user: Fluffeh
pass: mypass

Amazing! Hi-fives all round, the code correctly verified an admin. It's perfect!

Well, not really. Lets say the user is a clever little person. Lets say the person is me.

Enter in the following:

user: bob
pass: n' or 1=1 or 'm=m

And the output is:

The check passed. We have a verified admin!

Congrats, you just allowed me to enter your super-protected admins only section with me entering a false username and a false password. Seriously, if you don't believe me, create the database with the code I provided, and run this PHP code - which at glance REALLY does seem to verify the username and password rather nicely.


So, lets have a look at what went wrong, and why I just got into your super-admin-only-bat-cave. I took a guess and assumed that you weren't being careful with your inputs and simply passed them to the database directly. I constructed the input in a way tht would CHANGE the query that you were actually running. So, what was it supposed to be, and what did it end up being?

select id, userid, pass from users where userid='$user' and pass='$pass'

That's the query, but when we replace the variables with the actual inputs that we used, we get the following:

select id, userid, pass from users where userid='bob' and pass='n' or 1=1 or 'm=m'

See how I constructed my "password" so that it would first close the single quote around the password, then introduce a completely new comparison? Then just for safety, I added another "string" so that the single quote would get closed as expected in the code we originally had.

However, this isn't about folks yelling at you now, this is about showing you how to make your code more secure.

Okay, so what went wrong, and how can we fix it?

This is a classic SQL injection attack. One of the simplest for that matter. On the scale of attack vectors, this is a toddler attacking a tank - and winning.

So, how do we protect your sacred admin section and make it nice and secure? The first thing to do will be to stop using those really old and deprecated mysql_* functions. I know, you followed a tutorial you found online and it works, but it's old, it's outdated and in the space of a few minutes, I have just broken past it without so much as breaking a sweat.

Now, you have the better options of using mysqli_ or PDO. I am personally a big fan of PDO, so I will be using PDO in the rest of this answer. There are pro's and con's, but personally I find that the pro's far outweigh the con's. It's portable across multiple database engines - whether you are using MySQL or Oracle or just about bloody anything - just by changing the connection string, it has all the fancy features we want to use and it is nice and clean. I like clean.

Now, lets have a look at that code again, this time written using a PDO object:



    $pdo=new PDO ('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=prep', 'prepared', 'example');
    $sql="select id, userid, pass from users where userid=:user and pass=:password";
    $myPDO = $pdo->prepare($sql, array(PDO::ATTR_CURSOR => PDO::CURSOR_FWDONLY));
    if($myPDO->execute(array(':user' => $user, ':password' => $pass)))
            echo "My id is ".$row['id']." and my username is ".$row['userid']." and lastly, my password is ".$row['pass']."<br>";
            // We have correctly matched the Username and Password
            // Lets give this person full access

        echo "The check passed. We have a verified admin!<br>";
        echo "You could not be verified. Please try again...<br>";


<form name="exploited" method='post'>
    User: <input type='text' name='user'><br>
    Pass: <input type='text' name='pass'><br>
    <input type='submit'>

The major differences are that there are no more mysql_* functions. It's all done via a PDO object, secondly, it is using a prepared statement. Now, what's a prepred statement you ask? It's a way to tell the database ahead of running a query, what the query is that we are going to run. In this case, we tell the database: "Hi, I am going to run a select statement wanting id, userid and pass from the table users where the userid is a variable and the pass is also a variable.".

Then, in the execute statement, we pass the database an array with all the variables that it now expects.

The results are fantastic. Lets try those username and password combinations from before again:

user: bob
pass: somePass

User wasn't verified. Awesome.

How about:

user: Fluffeh
pass: mypass

Oh, I just got a little excited, it worked: The check passed. We have a verified admin!

Now, lets try the data that a clever chap would enter to try to get past our little verification system:

user: bob
pass: n' or 1=1 or 'm=m

This time, we get the following:

You could not be verified. Please try again...

This is why you are being yelled at when posting questions - it's because people can see that your code can be bypassed wihout even trying. Please, do use this question and answer to improve your code, to make it more secure and to use functions that are current.

Lastly, this isn't to say that this is PERFECT code. There are many more things that you could do to improve it, use hashed passwords for example, ensure that when you store sensetive information in the database, you don't store it in plain text, have multiple levels of verification - but really, if you just change your old injection prone code to this, you will be WELL along the way to writing good code - and the fact that you have gotten this far and are still reading gives me a sense of hope that you will not only implement this type of code when writing your websites and applications, but that you might go out and research those other things I just mentioned - and more. Write the best code you can, not the most basic code that barely functions.

How to grant permission to users for a directory using command line in Windows?

I struggled with this for a while and only combining the answers in this thread worked for me (on Windows 10):
1. Open cmd or PowerShell and go to the folder with files
2. takeown /R /F .
3. icacls * /T /grant dan:F

Good luck!

How do I convert a Django QuerySet into list of dicts?

You can use the values() method on the dict you got from the Django model field you make the queries on and then you can easily access each field by a index value.

Call it like this -

myList = dictOfSomeData.values()
itemNumberThree = myList[2] #If there's a value in that index off course...

How to convert an int array to String with toString method in Java

What you want is the Arrays.toString(int[]) method:

import java.util.Arrays;

int[] array = new int[lnr.getLineNumber() + 1];
int i = 0;



There is a static Arrays.toString helper method for every different primitive java type; the one for int[] says this:

public static String toString(int[] a)

Returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array. The string representation consists of a list of the array's elements, enclosed in square brackets ("[]"). Adjacent elements are separated by the characters ", " (a comma followed by a space). Elements are converted to strings as by String.valueOf(int). Returns "null" if a is null.

How to add a response header on nginx when using proxy_pass?

There is a module called HttpHeadersMoreModule that gives you more control over headers. It does not come with Nginx and requires additional installation. With it, you can do something like this:

location ... {
  more_set_headers "Server: my_server";

That will "set the Server output header to the custom value for any status code and any content type". It will replace headers that are already set or add them if unset.

C++ delete vector, objects, free memory

Move semantics allows for a straightforward way to release memory, by simply applying the assignment (=) operator from an empty rvalue:

std::vector<uint32_t> vec(100, 0);
std::cout << vec.capacity(); // 100

vec = vector<uint32_t>();    // Same as "vector<uint32_t>().swap(vec)";    
std::cout << vec.capacity(); // 0

It is as much efficient as the "swap()"-based method described in other answers (indeed, both are conceptually doing the same thing). When it comes to readability, however, the assignment version makes a better job at expressing the programmer's intention while being more concise.

Best practices for Storyboard login screen, handling clearing of data upon logout

Here is what I ended up doing to accomplish everything. The only thing you need to consider in addition to this is (a) the login process and (b) where you are storing your app data (in this case, I used a singleton).

Storyboard showing login view controller and main tab controller

As you can see, the root view controller is my Main Tab Controller. I did this because after the user has logged in, I want the app to launch directly to the first tab. (This avoids any "flicker" where the login view shows temporarily.)


In this file, I check whether the user is already logged in. If not, I push the login view controller. I also handle the logout process, where I clear data and show the login view.

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions

    // Show login view if not logged in already
    if(![AppData isLoggedIn]) {
        [self showLoginScreen:NO];

    return YES;

-(void) showLoginScreen:(BOOL)animated

    // Get login screen from storyboard and present it
    UIStoryboard *storyboard = [UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:@"MainStoryboard" bundle:nil];
    LoginViewController *viewController = (LoginViewController *)[storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"loginScreen"];
    [self.window makeKeyAndVisible];
    [self.window.rootViewController presentViewController:viewController

-(void) logout
    // Remove data from singleton (where all my app data is stored)
    [AppData clearData];

   // Reset view controller (this will quickly clear all the views)
   UIStoryboard *storyboard = [UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:@"MainStoryboard" bundle:nil];
   MainTabControllerViewController *viewController = (MainTabControllerViewController *)[storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"mainView"];
   [self.window setRootViewController:viewController];

   // Show login screen
   [self showLoginScreen:NO];



Here, if the login is successful, I simply dismiss the view and send a notification.

-(void) loginWasSuccessful

     // Send notification
     [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"loginSuccessful" object:self];

     // Dismiss login screen
     [self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];


What is the function __construct used for?

Its another way to declare the constructor. You can also use the class name, for ex:

class Cat
    function Cat()
        echo 'meow';


class Cat
    function __construct()
        echo 'meow';

Are equivalent. They are called whenever a new instance of the class is created, in this case, they will be called with this line:

$cat = new Cat();

Using gradle to find dependency tree

If you find it hard to navigate console output of gradle dependencies, you can add the Project reports plugin:

apply plugin: 'project-report'

And generate a HTML report using:

$ ./gradlew htmlDependencyReport

Report can normally be found in build/reports/project/dependencies/index.html

It looks like this: enter image description here

Get LatLng from Zip Code - Google Maps API

While working on my internship project I found a website for this Create a free account and get the API key from account Section.{zipCode}&countryCode={2digitCountryCode}&apiKey={apiKey}

I found majority of data here.

Find index of last occurrence of a substring in a string

Not trying to resurrect an inactive post, but since this hasn't been posted yet...

(This is how I did it before finding this question)

s = "hello"
target = "l"
last_pos = len(s) - 1 - s[::-1].index(target)

Explanation: When you're searching for the last occurrence, really you're searching for the first occurrence in the reversed string. Knowing this, I did s[::-1] (which returns a reversed string), and then indexed the target from there. Then I did len(s) - 1 - the index found because we want the index in the unreversed (i.e. original) string.

Watch out, though! If target is more than one character, you probably won't find it in the reversed string. To fix this, use last_pos = len(s) - 1 - s[::-1].index(target[::-1]), which searches for a reversed version of target.

Uncaught TypeError: .indexOf is not a function

I ran across this error recently using a javascript library which changes the parameters of a function based on conditions.

You can test an object to see if it has the function. I would only do this in scenarios where you don't control what is getting passed to you.

if( param.indexOf != undefined ) {
   // we have a string or other object that 
   // happens to have a function named indexOf

You can test this in your browser console:

> (3).indexOf == undefined;

> "".indexOf == undefined;

Move top 1000 lines from text file to a new file using Unix shell commands

This is a one-liner but uses four atomic commands:

head -1000 file.txt > newfile.txt; tail +1000 file.txt > file.txt.tmp; cp file.txt.tmp file.txt; rm file.txt.tmp

CSS Background image not loading

I had the same problem and after reading this found the issue, it was the slash. Windows Path: images\green_cup.png

CSS that worked: images/green_cup.png

images\green_cup.png does not work.


Characters allowed in GET parameter

Alphanumeric characters and all of

~ - _ . ! * ' ( ) ,

are valid within an URL.

All other characters must be encoded.

Delaying a jquery script until everything else has loaded

It turns out that because of a peculiar mixture of javascript frameworks that I needed to initiate the script using an event listener provide by one of the other frameworks.

INSERT and UPDATE a record using cursors in oracle

This is a highly inefficient way of doing it. You can use the merge statement and then there's no need for cursors, looping or (if you can do without) PL/SQL.

MERGE INTO studLoad l
USING ( SELECT studId, studName FROM student ) s
ON (l.studId = s.studId)
  UPDATE SET l.studName = s.studName
   WHERE l.studName != s.studName
INSERT (l.studID, l.studName)
VALUES (s.studId, s.studName)

Make sure you commit, once completed, in order to be able to see this in the database.

To actually answer your question I would do it something like as follows. This has the benefit of doing most of the work in SQL and only updating based on the rowid, a unique address in the table.

It declares a type, which you place the data within in bulk, 10,000 rows at a time. Then processes these rows individually.

However, as I say this will not be as efficient as merge.


   cursor c_data is
    select b.rowid as rid, a.studId, a.studName
      from student a
      left outer join studLoad b
        on a.studId = b.studId
       and a.studName <> b.studName

   type t__data is table of c_data%rowtype index by binary_integer;
   t_data t__data;


   open c_data;
      fetch c_data bulk collect into t_data limit 10000;

      exit when t_data.count = 0;

      for idx in t_data.first .. t_data.last loop
         if t_data(idx).rid is null then
            insert into studLoad (studId, studName)
            values (t_data(idx).studId, t_data(idx).studName);
            update studLoad
               set studName = t_data(idx).studName
             where rowid = t_data(idx).rid
         end if;
      end loop;

   end loop;
   close c_data;


Xcode 4: create IPA file instead of .xcarchive

Same issue. I solved setting the "skip install" flag to YES for each external projects, leaving the other targets of the main project unchanged.

I also had to go to "Edit scheme…", choose the "Archiving" panel and set the correct build setting for my ad-hoc purpose.

Then a simple Product -> Archive -> Share made the expected job.

400 vs 422 response to POST of data

422 Unprocessable Entity Explained Updated: March 6, 2017

What Is 422 Unprocessable Entity?

A 422 status code occurs when a request is well-formed, however, due to semantic errors it is unable to be processed. This HTTP status was introduced in RFC 4918 and is more specifically geared toward HTTP extensions for Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV).

There is some controversy out there on whether or not developers should return a 400 vs 422 error to clients (more on the differences between both statuses below). However, in most cases, it is agreed upon that the 422 status should only be returned if you support WebDAV capabilities.

A word-for-word definition of the 422 status code taken from section 11.2 in RFC 4918 can be read below.

The 422 (Unprocessable Entity) status code means the server understands the content type of the request entity (hence a 415(Unsupported Media Type) status code is inappropriate), and the syntax of the request entity is correct (thus a 400 (Bad Request) status code is inappropriate) but was unable to process the contained instructions.

The definition goes on to say:

For example, this error condition may occur if an XML request body contains well-formed (i.e., syntactically correct), but semantically erroneous, XML instructions.

400 vs 422 Status Codes

Bad request errors make use of the 400 status code and should be returned to the client if the request syntax is malformed, contains invalid request message framing, or has deceptive request routing. This status code may seem pretty similar to the 422 unprocessable entity status, however, one small piece of information that distinguishes them is the fact that the syntax of a request entity for a 422 error is correct whereas the syntax of a request that generates a 400 error is incorrect.

The use of the 422 status should be reserved only for very particular use-cases. In most other cases where a client error has occurred due to malformed syntax, the 400 Bad Request status should be used.

Is there a JSON equivalent of XQuery/XPath?

Try to using JSPath

JSPath is a domain-specific language (DSL) that enables you to navigate and find data within your JSON documents. Using JSPath, you can select items of JSON in order to retrieve the data they contain.

JSPath for JSON like an XPath for XML.

It is heavily optimized both for Node.js and modern browsers.

Executing multiple SQL queries in one statement with PHP

You can just add the word JOIN or add a ; after each line(as @pictchubbate said). Better this way because of readability and also you should not meddle DELETE with INSERT; it is easy to go south.

The last question is a matter of debate, but as far as I know yes you should close after a set of queries. This applies mostly to old plain mysql/php and not PDO, mysqli. Things get more complicated(and heated in debates) in these cases.

Finally, I would suggest either using PDO or some other method.

How do I restart my C# WinForm Application?

Here's my 2 cents:

The sequence Start New Instance->Close Current Instance should work even for the applications that don't allow running multiple copies simultaneously as in this case the new instance may be passed a command-line argument which will indicate that there is a restart in progress so checking for other instances running will not be necessary. Waiting for the first instance to actually finish my be implemented too if it's absolutely imperative that no two intstances are running in parallel.

Installing jQuery?

It tells you at the very start of the tutorial linked from the jQuery homepage.

Cannot instantiate the type List<Product>

List is an interface. Interfaces cannot be instantiated. Only concrete types can be instantiated. You probably want to use an ArrayList, which is an implementation of the List interface.

List<Product> products = new ArrayList<Product>();

Tracking Google Analytics Page Views with AngularJS

Developers creating Single Page Applications can use autotrack, which includes a urlChangeTracker plugin that handles all of the important considerations listed in this guide for you. See the autotrack documentation for usage and installation instructions.

Android-Studio upgraded from 0.1.9 to 0.2.0 causing gradle build errors now

For people who have this problem today(to example to switch from 2.8.0 to 2.10.0), move to file and set distributionUrl with the value you need. distributionUrl=https\://

I changed 2.8.0 to 2.10.0 and dont forget to Sync after

How do I view executed queries within SQL Server Management Studio?

Use SQL Profiler and use a filter on it to get the most expensive queries.

How to access Session variables and set them in javascript?

i used my .php file to put required into sessions

$_SESSION['name'] = $phparray["name"]; $ajaxoutput['name'] =$phparray["name"];

in my .js file i used

sessionStorage.setItem("name", ajaxreturnedarray["name"]);

and i retrieved this using

var myName= sessionStorage.getItem("name");

in other .js files or in same .js files

if i keep it as it is , it will return same at all times even you loggedout. so while logging out i made

sessionStorage.setItem("name", "");

using this i emptied local variable. i used this process in single page website login/logout sessions. i hope this way will work for you because it worked for me. plz let me know your experiences.

Is there a "previous sibling" selector?

I had a similar problem and found out that all problem of this nature can be solved as follows:

  1. give all your items a style.
  2. give your selected item a style.
  3. give next items a style using + or ~.

and this way you'll be able to style your current, previous items(all items overridden with current and next items) and your next items.


/* all items (will be styled as previous) */
li {
  color: blue;

/* the item i want to distinguish */
li.milk {
  color: red;

/* next items */
li ~ li  {
  color: green;

  <li class="milk">Milk</li>

Hope it helps someone.

Is it fine to have foreign key as primary key?

It is generally considered bad practise to have a one to one relationship. This is because you could just have the data represented in one table and achieve the same result.

However, there are instances where you may not be able to make these changes to the table you are referencing. In this instance there is no problem using the Foreign key as the primary key. It might help to have a composite key consisting of an auto incrementing unique primary key and the foreign key.

I am currently working on a system where users can log in and generate a registration code to use with an app. For reasons I won't go into I am unable to simply add the columns required to the users table. So I am going down a one to one route with the codes table.

Properties order in Margin

<object Margin="left,top,right,bottom"/>
- or - 
<object Margin="left,top"/>
- or - 
<object Margin="thicknessReference"/>

See here:

How to update ruby on linux (ubuntu)?

The author of this article claims that it would be best to avoid installing Ruby from the local packet manager, but to use RVM instead.

You can easily switch between different Ruby versions:

rvm use 1.9.3


Link to a section of a webpage

The fragment identifier (also known as: Fragment IDs, Anchor Identifiers, Named Anchors) introduced by a hash mark # is the optional last part of a URL for a document. It is typically used to identify a portion of that document.

<a href="">Link to fragment identifier</a>

Syntax for URIs also allows an optional query part introduced by a question mark ?. In URIs with a query and a fragment the fragment follows the query.

<a href="">Link to fragment with a query</a>

When a Web browser requests a resource from a Web server, the agent sends the URI to the server, but does not send the fragment. Instead, the agent waits for the server to send the resource, and then the agent (Web browser) processes the resource according to the document type and fragment value.

Named Anchors <a name="fragment"> are deprecated in XHTML 1.0, the ID attribute is the suggested replacement. <div id="fragment"></div>

Create controller for partial view in ASP.NET MVC

You don't need a controller and when using .Net 5 (MVC 6) you can render the partial view async

@await Html.PartialAsync("_LoginPartial")


@{await Html.RenderPartialAsync("PartialName");}

or if you are using .net core 2.1 > you can just use:

<partial name="Shared/_ProductPartial.cshtml"
         for="Product" />

Python how to exit main function

If you don't feel like importing anything, you can try:

raise SystemExit, 0

Cannot connect to Database server (mysql workbench)

The error occur because the mysql server is not starting on your computer. You should start it manually. Do following steps:

  1. Download and install wamp server according to your bit version(32bit or 64bit) in your computer( this link allows you to download wamp server for 64bit.

  2. As soon as you install it you can double click and run it..(you can see a icon in the right hand of the taskbar.It may be hidden .so you can click the arrow which show you the hide apps runing).So click the icon and go to Mysql

  3. Then go to Service and there you can find Start/Resume Services click on it..

  4. And now it is done.Open mysql workbench and see.It will work..

What is the difference between ExecuteScalar, ExecuteReader and ExecuteNonQuery?


  1. will work with Action Queries only (Create,Alter,Drop,Insert,Update,Delete).
  2. Returns the count of rows effected by the Query.
  3. Return type is int
  4. Return value is optional and can be assigned to an integer variable.


  1. will work with Action and Non-Action Queries (Select)
  2. Returns the collection of rows selected by the Query.
  3. Return type is DataReader.
  4. Return value is compulsory and should be assigned to an another object DataReader.


  1. will work with Non-Action Queries that contain aggregate functions.
  2. Return the first row and first column value of the query result.
  3. Return type is object.
  4. Return value is compulsory and should be assigned to a variable of required type.

Reference URL:

Run JavaScript when an element loses focus

How about onblur event :

<input type="text" name="name" value="value" onblur="alert(1);"/>

laravel foreach loop in controller

Hi, this will throw an error:

foreach ($product->sku as $sku){ 
// Code Here

because you cannot loop a model with a specific column ($product->sku) from the table.
So you must loop on the whole model:

foreach ($product as $p) {
// code

Inside the loop you can retrieve whatever column you want just adding "->[column_name]"

foreach ($product as $p) {
echo $p->sku;

Have a great day

Split by comma and strip whitespace in Python

map(lambda s: s.strip(), mylist) would be a little better than explicitly looping.
Or for the whole thing at once:

map(lambda s:s.strip(), string.split(','))

That's basically everything you need.

How to make HTML element resizable using pure Javascript?

I have created a function that recieve an id of an html element and adds a border to it's right side the function is general and just recieves an id so you can copy it as it is and it will work

var myoffset;_x000D_
function resizeE(elem){_x000D_
    var borderDiv = document.createElement("div");_x000D_
    borderDiv.className = "border";_x000D_
    borderDiv.addEventListener("mousedown",myresize = function myrsize(e) {_x000D_
     myoffset = e.clientX - (document.getElementById(elem).offsetLeft + parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(document.getElementById(elem)).getPropertyValue("width")));_x000D_
     document.addEventListener("mousemove",mouseMove = function mousMove(e) {_x000D_
      document.getElementById(elem).style.width = `${e.clientX -  myoffset - document.getElementById(elem).offsetLeft}px`;_x000D_
function mouseUp() {_x000D_
    document.removeEventListener("mousemove", mouseMove);_x000D_
function load() _x000D_
.border {_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  cursor: e-resize;_x000D_
  width: 9px;_x000D_
  right: -5px;_x000D_
  top: 0;_x000D_
  height: 100%;_x000D_
#resizeableDiv {_x000D_
  width: 30vw;_x000D_
  height: 30vh;_x000D_
  background-color: #84f4c6;_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
#anotherresizeableDiv {_x000D_
  width: 30vw;_x000D_
  height: 30vh;_x000D_
  background-color: #9394f4;_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
#anotherresizeableDiv1 {_x000D_
  width: 30vw;_x000D_
  height: 30vh;_x000D_
  background-color: #43f4f4;_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
#anotherresizeableDiv1 .border{_x000D_
  background-color: black;_x000D_
#anotherresizeableDiv .border{_x000D_
  width: 30px;_x000D_
  right: -200px;_x000D_
  background-color: green;_x000D_
<body onload="load()">_x000D_
  <div id="resizeableDiv">change my size with the east border</div>_x000D_
  <div id="anotherresizeableDiv1">with visible border</div>_x000D_
  <div id="anotherresizeableDiv">with editted outside border</div>_x000D_

resizeE("resizeableDiv"); //this calls a function that does the magic to the id inserted

static const vs #define

  • A static const is typed (it has a type) and can be checked by the compiler for validity, redefinition etc.
  • a #define can be redifined undefined whatever.

Usually you should prefer static consts. It has no disadvantage. The prprocessor should mainly be used for conditional compilation (and sometimes for really dirty trics maybe).

conversion from string to json object android

its work

    String json = "{\"phonetype\":\"N95\",\"cat\":\"WP\"}";

    try {

        JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(json);

        Log.d("My App", obj.toString());
        Log.d("phonetype value ", obj.getString("phonetype"));

    } catch (Throwable tx) {
        Log.e("My App", "Could not parse malformed JSON: \"" + json + "\"");

vue.js 'document.getElementById' shorthand

You can use the directive v-el to save an element and then use it later.

<div v-el:my-div></div>
<!-- this.$els.myDiv --->

Edit: This is deprecated in Vue 2, see ??? answer

Execute a PHP script from another PHP script

The OP refined his question to how a php script is called from a script. The php statement 'require' is good for dependancy as the script will stop if required script is not found.

require '/relative/path/to/someotherscript.php';

/* The above script runs as though executed from within this one. */

printf ("Hello world!\n");


How do I remove newlines from a text file?

tr --delete '\n' < yourfile.txt
tr -d '\n' < yourfile.txt


If none of the commands posted here are working, then you have something other than a newline separating your fields. Possibly you have DOS/Windows line endings in the file (although I would expect the Perl solutions to work even in that case)?


tr -d "\n\r" < yourfile.txt

If that doesn't work then you're going to have to inspect your file more closely (e.g. in a hex editor) to find out what characters are actually in there that you want to remove.

byte array to pdf

Usually this happens if something is wrong with the byte array.

File.WriteAllBytes("filename.PDF", Byte[]);

This creates a new file, writes the specified byte array to the file, and then closes the file. If the target file already exists, it is overwritten.

Asynchronous implementation of this is also available.

public static System.Threading.Tasks.Task WriteAllBytesAsync 
(string path, byte[] bytes, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = null);

How to do a subquery in LINQ?

You could do something like this for your case - (syntax may be a bit off). Also look at this link

subQuery = (from crtu in CompanyRolesToUsers where crtu.RoleId==2 || crtu.RoleId==3 select crtu.UserId).ToArrayList();

finalQuery = from u in Users where u.LastName.Contains('fra')  && subQuery.Contains(u.Id) select u;

How can you find the height of text on an HTML canvas?

Approximate solution:

var c = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
ctx.font = "100px Arial";
var txt = "Hello guys!"
var wt = ctx.measureText(txt).width;
var height = wt / txt.length;

This will be accurate result in monospaced font.

How to check if a column is empty or null using SQL query select statement?

Does this do what you want?

FROM UserProfile
WHERE PropertydefinitionID in (40, 53)
  AND (    PropertyValue is NULL
        or PropertyValue = '' );

HTML entity for the middle dot

The semantically correct character is the Interpunct, also known as middle dot, as HTML entity



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You could also use the bullet point character, as HTML entity



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Get number of digits with JavaScript

Two digits: simple function in case you need two or more digits of a number with ECMAScript 6 (ES6):

const zeroDigit = num => num.toString().length === 1 ? `0${num}` : num;

Finding duplicate integers in an array and display how many times they occurred

Here is an answer that avoids using Dictionaries. Since the OP said he is not familiar with them, this might give him a little insight into what Dictionaries do.

The downside to this answer is you have to enforce a limit on the max number in the array, and you can't have negative numbers. You'd never actually use this version in real code.

int[] array = { 10, 5, 10, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 12 };
int[] count = new int[13];

foreach(int number in array) {
    // using the index of count same way you'd use a key in a dictionary

foreach(int c in count) {
    int numberCount = count[c];
    if(numberCount > 0) {
        Console.WriteLine(c + " occurs " + numberCount + " times");

What's the difference between & and && in MATLAB?

Both are logical AND operations. The && though, is a "short-circuit" operator. From the MATLAB docs:

They are short-circuit operators in that they evaluate their second operand only when the result is not fully determined by the first operand.

See more here.

How can I check if a jQuery plugin is loaded?

Generally speaking, jQuery plugins are namespaces on the jQuery scope. You could run a simple check to see if the namespace exists:

 if(jQuery().pluginName) {
     //run plugin dependent code

dateJs however is not a jQuery plugin. It modifies/extends the javascript date object, and is not added as a jQuery namespace. You could check if the method you need exists, for example:

 if( {
      //Use the dateJS today() method

But you might run into problems where the API overlaps the native Date API.

Configure WAMP server to send email

I tried Test Mail Server Tool and while it worked great, you still need to open the email on some client.

I found Papercut:

For configuration it's easy as Test Mail Server Tool (pratically zero-conf), and it also serves as an email client, with views for the Message (great for HTML emails), Headers, Body (to inspect the HTML) and Raw (full unparsed email).

It also has a Sections view, to split up the different media types found in the email.

It has a super clean and friendly UI, a good log viewer and gives you notifications when you receive an email.

I find it perfect, so I just wanted to give my 2c and maybe help someone.

Insert/Update/Delete with function in SQL Server

No, you cannot.

From SQL Server Books Online:

User-defined functions cannot be used to perform actions that modify the database state.


How to import the class within the same directory or sub directory?

I just learned (thanks to martineau's comment) that, in order to import classes from files within the same directory, you would now write in Python 3:

from .user import User
from .dir import Dir

What's a clean way to stop mongod on Mac OS X?

Simple way is to get the process id of mongodb and kill it. Please note DO NOT USE kill -9 pid for this as it may cause damage to the database.

so, 1. get the pid of mongodb

$ pgrep mongo

you will get pid of mongo, Now

$ kill

You may use kill -15 as well

ECONNREFUSED error when connecting to mongodb from node.js

Check this post.

It probably means that mongodb is not running. You will have to enable it through the command line or on windows run services.msc and enable mongodb.

How to use callback with useState hook in react

Actually, you should avoid using this when using react hooks. It causes side effects. That's why react team create react hooks.

If you remove codes that tries to bind this, you can just simply pass setName of Parent to Child and call it in handleChange. Cleaner code!

function Parent() {
  const [Name, setName] = useState("");

  return <div> {Name} :
    <Child setName={setName} ></Child>

function Child(props) {
  const [Name, setName] = useState("");

  function handleChange(ele) {

  return (<div>
    <input onChange={handleChange} value={Name}></input>

Moreover, you don't have to create two copies of Name(one in Parent and the other one in Child). Stick to "Single Source of Truth" principle, Child doesn't have to own the state Name but receive it from Parent. Cleanerer node!

function Parent() {
  const [Name, setName] = useState("");

  return <div> {Name} :
    <Child setName={setName} Name={Name}></Child>

function Child(props) {    
  function handleChange(ele) {

  return (<div>
    <input onChange={handleChange} value={props.Name}></input>

How to getText on an input in protractor

This code works. I have a date input field that has been set to read only which forces the user to select from the calendar.

for a start date:

var updateInput = "var input = document.getElementById('startDateInput');" +
    "input.value = '18-Jan-2016';" +
    "angular.element(input).scope().$apply(function(s) { s.$parent..searchForm[].$setViewValue(input.value);})";

for an end date:

var updateInput = "var input = document.getElementById('endDateInput');" +
    "input.value = '22-Jan-2016';" +
    "angular.element(input).scope().$apply(function(s) { s.$parent.searchForm[].$setViewValue(input.value);})";

Missing .map resource?

I had similar expirience like yours. I have Denwer server. When I loaded my local site without using via script src jquery.min.js file at index.php in Chrome I got error 500 in console. I resolved this problem simply - I disabled extension Wunderlist in Chrome and voila - I never see this error more. Although, No, I found this error again - when Wunderlist have been on again. So, check your extensions and try to disable all of them or some of them or one by one. Good luck!

Resolve build errors due to circular dependency amongst classes

The way to think about this is to "think like a compiler".

Imagine you are writing a compiler. And you see code like this.

// file: A.h
class A {
  B _b;

// file: B.h
class B {
  A _a;

// file
#include "A.h"
#include "B.h"
int main(...) {
  A a;

When you are compiling the .cc file (remember that the .cc and not the .h is the unit of compilation), you need to allocate space for object A. So, well, how much space then? Enough to store B! What's the size of B then? Enough to store A! Oops.

Clearly a circular reference that you must break.

You can break it by allowing the compiler to instead reserve as much space as it knows about upfront - pointers and references, for example, will always be 32 or 64 bits (depending on the architecture) and so if you replaced (either one) by a pointer or reference, things would be great. Let's say we replace in A:

// file: A.h
class A {
  // both these are fine, so are various const versions of the same.
  B& _b_ref;
  B* _b_ptr;

Now things are better. Somewhat. main() still says:

// file:
#include "A.h"  // <-- Houston, we have a problem

#include, for all extents and purposes (if you take the preprocessor out) just copies the file into the .cc. So really, the .cc looks like:

// file:
class A {
  B& _b_ref;
  B* _b_ptr;
#include "B.h"
int main (...) {
  A a;

You can see why the compiler can't deal with this - it has no idea what B is - it has never even seen the symbol before.

So let's tell the compiler about B. This is known as a forward declaration, and is discussed further in this answer.

class B;
#include "A.h"
#include "B.h"
int main (...) {
  A a;

This works. It is not great. But at this point you should have an understanding of the circular reference problem and what we did to "fix" it, albeit the fix is bad.

The reason this fix is bad is because the next person to #include "A.h" will have to declare B before they can use it and will get a terrible #include error. So let's move the declaration into A.h itself.

// file: A.h
class B;
class A {
  B* _b; // or any of the other variants.

And in B.h, at this point, you can just #include "A.h" directly.

// file: B.h
#include "A.h"
class B {
  // note that this is cool because the compiler knows by this time
  // how much space A will need.
  A _a; 


Delete specific values from column with where condition?

UPDATE myTable 
   SET myColumn = NULL 
 WHERE myCondition

android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: String resource ID #0x0

The evaluated value for settext was integer so it went to see a resource attached to it but it was not found, you wanted to set text so it should be string so convert integer into string by attaching .toStringe or String.valueOf(int) will solve your problem!

SQL, How to convert VARCHAR to bigint?

I think your code is right. If you run the following code it converts the string '60' which is treated as varchar and it returns integer 60, if there is integer containing string in second it works.

select CONVERT(bigint,'60') as seconds 

and it returns


How to pass the -D System properties while testing on Eclipse?

This will work for junit. for TestNG use following command

-ea -Dmykey="value" -Dmykey2="value2"

Dictionary text file

350,000 words

Very late, but might be useful for others.

PHP: How to use array_filter() to filter array keys?

Naive and ugly (but seems to be faster) solution?

Only tried this in php 7.3.11 but an ugly loop seems to execute in about a third of the time. Similar results on an array with a few hundred keys. Micro-optimization, probably not useful in RW, but found it surprising and interesting:

$time = microtime(true);
$i = 100000;
while($i) {
    $my_array = ['foo' => 1, 'hello' => 'world'];
    $allowed  = ['foo', 'bar'];
    $filtered = array_filter(
        function ($key) use ($allowed) {
            return in_array($key, $allowed);
echo microtime(true) - $time . ' on array_filter';

// 0.40600109100342 on array_filter
$time2 = microtime(true);
$i2 = 100000;
while($i2) {
    $my_array2 = ['foo' => 1, 'hello' => 'world'];
    $allowed2  = ['foo', 'bar'];
    $filtered2 = [];
    foreach ($my_array2 as $k => $v) {
        if (in_array($k, $allowed2)) $filtered2[$k] = $v;
echo microtime(true) - $time2 . ' on ugly loop';
// 0.15677785873413 on ugly loop

Jquery: Checking to see if div contains text, then action

Here's a vanilla Javascript solution in 2020:

const fieldItem = document.querySelector('#field .field-item')
fieldItem.innerText === 'someText' ? fieldItem.classList.add('red') : '';

Export and Import all MySQL databases at one time

I wrote this comment already more than 4 years ago and decided now to make it to an answer.

The script from jruzafa can be a bit simplified:


databases=`mysql -u $USER -p$PASSWORD -e "SHOW DATABASES;" | tr -d "| " | egrep -v $ExcludeDatabases`

for db in $databases; do
    echo "Dumping database: $db"
    mysqldump -u $USER -p$PASSWORD --databases $db > `date +%Y%m%d`.$db.sql
    # gzip $OUTPUT`date +%Y%m%d`.$db.sql


  1. The excluded databases - prevalently the system tables - are provided in the variable ExcludeDatabases
  2. Please be aware that the password is provided in the command line. This is considered as insecure. Study this question.

Using StringWriter for XML Serialization

public static T DeserializeFromXml<T>(string xml)
    T result;
    XmlSerializerFactory serializerFactory = new XmlSerializerFactory();
    XmlSerializer serializer =serializerFactory.CreateSerializer(typeof(T));

    using (StringReader sr3 = new StringReader(xml))
        XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings()
            CheckCharacters = false // default value is true;

        using (XmlReader xr3 = XmlTextReader.Create(sr3, settings))
            result = (T)serializer.Deserialize(xr3);

    return result;

Selecting data frame rows based on partial string match in a column

Another option would be to simply use grepl function:

df[grepl('er', df$name), ]
CO2[grepl('non', CO2$Treatment), ]

df <- data.frame(name = c('bob','robert','peter'),
                 id = c(1,2,3)

# name id
# 2 robert  2
# 3  peter  3

How to start http-server locally

When you're running npm install in the project's root, it installs all of the npm dependencies into the project's node_modules directory.

If you take a look at the project's node_modules directory, you should see a directory called http-server, which holds the http-server package, and a .bin folder, which holds the executable binaries from the installed dependencies. The .bin directory should have the http-server binary (or a link to it).

So in your case, you should be able to start the http-server by running the following from your project's root directory (instead of npm start):

./node_modules/.bin/http-server -a localhost -p 8000 -c-1

This should have the same effect as running npm start.

If you're running a Bash shell, you can simplify this by adding the ./node_modules/.bin folder to your $PATH environment variable:

export PATH=./node_modules/.bin:$PATH

This will put this folder on your path, and you should be able to simply run

http-server -a localhost -p 8000 -c-1

A long bigger than Long.MAX_VALUE

Firstly, the below method doesn't compile as it is missing the return type and it should be Long.MAX_VALUE in place of Long.Max_value.

public static boolean isBiggerThanMaxLong(long value) {
      return value > Long.Max_value;

The above method can never return true as you are comparing a long value with Long.MAX_VALUE , see the method signature you can pass only long there.Any long can be as big as the Long.MAX_VALUE, it can't be bigger than that.

You can try something like this with BigInteger class :

public static boolean isBiggerThanMaxLong(BigInteger l){
    return l.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE))==1?true:false;

The below code will return true :

BigInteger big3 = BigInteger.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE).
System.out.println(isBiggerThanMaxLong(big3)); // prints true

Javascript - Get Image height

Do you want to adjust the images themselves, or just the way they display? If the former, you want something on the server side. If the latter, you just need to change image.height and image.width.

Min/Max-value validators in mvc

jQuery Validation Plugin already implements min and max rules, we just need to create an adapter for our custom attribute:

public class MaxAttribute : ValidationAttribute, IClientValidatable
    private readonly int maxValue;

    public MaxAttribute(int maxValue)
        this.maxValue = maxValue;

    public IEnumerable<ModelClientValidationRule> GetClientValidationRules(ModelMetadata metadata, ControllerContext context)
        var rule = new ModelClientValidationRule();

        rule.ErrorMessage = ErrorMessageString, maxValue;

        rule.ValidationType = "max";
        rule.ValidationParameters.Add("max", maxValue);
        yield return rule;

    public override bool IsValid(object value)
        return (int)value <= maxValue;


   function (options) {
       options.rules['max'] = parseInt(options.params['max'], 10);
       options.messages['max'] = options.message;

Min attribute would be very similar.

How to use C++ in Go

I've created the following example based on Scott Wales' answer. I've tested it in macOS High Sierra 10.13.3 running go version go1.10 darwin/amd64.

(1) Code for library.hpp, the C++ API we aim to call.

#pragma once
class Foo {
  Foo(int value);
  int value() const;    
  int m_value;

(2) Code for library.cpp, the C++ implementation.

#include "library.hpp"
#include <iostream>

Foo::Foo(int value) : m_value(value) {
  std::cout << "[c++] Foo::Foo(" << m_value << ")" << std::endl;

Foo::~Foo() { std::cout << "[c++] Foo::~Foo(" << m_value << ")" << std::endl; }

int Foo::value() const {
  std::cout << "[c++] Foo::value() is " << m_value << std::endl;
  return m_value;

(3) Code for library-bridge.h the bridge needed to expose a C API implemented in C++ so that go can use it.

#pragma once
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

void* LIB_NewFoo(int value);
void LIB_DestroyFoo(void* foo);
int LIB_FooValue(void* foo);

#ifdef __cplusplus
}  // extern "C"

(4) Code for library-bridge.cpp, the implementation of the bridge.

#include <iostream>

#include "library-bridge.h"
#include "library.hpp"

void* LIB_NewFoo(int value) {
  std::cout << "[c++ bridge] LIB_NewFoo(" << value << ")" << std::endl;
  auto foo = new Foo(value);
  std::cout << "[c++ bridge] LIB_NewFoo(" << value << ") will return pointer "
            << foo << std::endl;
  return foo;

// Utility function local to the bridge's implementation
Foo* AsFoo(void* foo) { return reinterpret_cast<Foo*>(foo); }

void LIB_DestroyFoo(void* foo) {
  std::cout << "[c++ bridge] LIB_DestroyFoo(" << foo << ")" << std::endl;

int LIB_FooValue(void* foo) {
  std::cout << "[c++ bridge] LIB_FooValue(" << foo << ")" << std::endl;
  return AsFoo(foo)->value();

(5) Finally, library.go, the go program calling the C++ API.

package main

// #cgo LDFLAGS: -L. -llibrary
// #include "library-bridge.h"
import "C"
import "unsafe"
import "fmt"

type Foo struct {
    ptr unsafe.Pointer

func NewFoo(value int) Foo {
    var foo Foo
    foo.ptr = C.LIB_NewFoo(
    return foo

func (foo Foo) Free() {

func (foo Foo) value() int {
    return int(C.LIB_FooValue(foo.ptr))

func main() {
    foo := NewFoo(42)
    defer foo.Free() // The Go analog to C++'s RAII
    fmt.Println("[go]", foo.value())

Using the following Makefile library.cpp library-bridge.cpp
    clang++ -o library.cpp library-bridge.cpp \
    -std=c++17 -O3 -Wall -Wextra -fPIC -shared

I can run the example program as follows:

$ make
clang++ -o library.cpp library-bridge.cpp \
    -std=c++17 -O3 -Wall -Wextra -fPIC -shared
$ go run library.go
[c++ bridge] LIB_NewFoo(42)
[c++] Foo::Foo(42)
[c++ bridge] LIB_NewFoo(42) will return pointer 0x42002e0
[c++ bridge] LIB_FooValue(0x42002e0)
[c++] Foo::value() is 42
[go] 42
[c++ bridge] LIB_DestroyFoo(0x42002e0)
[c++] Foo::~Foo(42)


The comments above import "C" in the go program are NOT OPTIONAL. You must put them exactly as shown so that cgo knows which header and library to load, in this case:

// #cgo LDFLAGS: -L. -llibrary
// #include "library-bridge.h"
import "C"

Link to GitHub repo with the full example.

SQL, How to Concatenate results?

This one automatically excludes the trailing comma, unlike most of the other answers.


SELECT @csv = COALESCE(@csv + ',', '') + ModuleValue
FROM Table_X
WHERE ModuleID = @ModuleID

(If the ModuleValue column isn't already a string type then you might need to cast it to a VARCHAR.)

index.php not loading by default

This post might be old but i am just posting it incase it helps some other person, I would not advise to Create a .htaccess file in your web root and change the index. I feel it is better to follow the steps

  1. Go to the conf folder of your apache folder mine is


  2. Open the file named


  3. Go to the section

    <IfModule dir_module>
       DirectoryIndex index.html 
  4. Add index.php to it as shown below

     <IfModule dir_module>
      DirectoryIndex index.html index.php

This way, it still picks index.html and index.php as the default index but giving priority to index.html because index.html came before *index.php. By this I mean in you have both index.html and index.php in the same directory, the index.html will be used as the default index except you write **index.php* before index.hml

I hope it helps someone... Happy Coding

getting the ng-object selected with ng-change

<select ng-model="item.size.code">
<option ng-repeat="size in sizes" ng-attr-value="size.code">{{}}          </option>

How to dynamically set bootstrap-datepicker's date value?

var startDate = new Date();

$('#dpStartDate').data({date: startDate}).datepicker('update').children("input").val(startDate);

another way

$('#dpStartDate').data({date: '2012-08-08'});
  1. set the calendar date on property data-date
  2. update (required)
  3. set the input value (remember the input is child of datepicker).

this way you are setting the date to '2012-08-08'

sql query to return differences between two tables

I know that this may not be a popular answer but I do agree with @Randy Minder on using third party tool when more complex comparison is needed.

This specific case here is easy and for this case such tools are not needed but this can get complex easily if you introduce more columns, databases on two servers, more complex comparison criteria and such.

There are a lot of these tools such as ApexSQL Data Diff or Quest Toad and you can always use them in trial mode to get the job done.

JQuery: if div is visible

You can use .is(':visible')

Selects all elements that are visible.

For example:


Also, you can get the div which is visible by:


Live example:

#selectDiv {_x000D_
  display: none;  _x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="selectDiv"></div>_x000D_
<div id="visibleDiv"></div>

Error handling in getJSON calls

I know it's been a while since someone answerd here and the poster probably already got his answer either from here or from somewhere else. I do however think that this post will help anyone looking for a way to keep track of errors and timeouts while doing getJSON requests. Therefore below my answer to the question

The getJSON structure is as follows (found on


most people implement that using

$.getJSON(url, datatosend, function(data){
    //do something with the data

where they use the url var to provide a link to the JSON data, the datatosend as a place to add the "?callback=?" and other variables that have to be send to get the correct JSON data returned, and the success funcion as a function for processing the data.

You can however add the status and xhr variables in your success function. The status variable contains one of the following strings : "success", "notmodified", "error", "timeout", or "parsererror", and the xhr variable contains the returned XMLHttpRequest object (found on w3schools)

$.getJSON(url, datatosend, function(data, status, xhr){
    if (status == "success"){
        //do something with the data
    }else if (status == "timeout"){
        alert("Something is wrong with the connection");
    }else if (status == "error" || status == "parsererror" ){
        alert("An error occured");
        alert("datatosend did not change");

This way it is easy to keep track of timeouts and errors without having to implement a custom timeout tracker that is started once a request is done.

Hope this helps someone still looking for an answer to this question.

How to get just one file from another branch

How to check out one or more files from another branch or commit hash into your currently-checked-out branch:

# check out all files in <paths> from branch <branch_name>
git checkout <branch_name> -- <paths>


See also man git checkout.


# Check out "somefile.c" from branch `my_branch`
git checkout my_branch -- somefile.c

# Check out these 4 files from `my_branch`
git checkout my_branch -- file1.h file1.cpp mydir/file2.h mydir/file2.cpp

# Check out ALL files from my_branch which are in
# directory "path/to/dir"
git checkout my_branch -- path/to/dir

If you don't specify, the branch_name it is automatically assumed to be HEAD, which is your most-recent commit of the currently-checked-out branch. So, you can also just do this to check out "somefile.c" and have it overwrite any local, uncommitted changes:

# Check out "somefile.c" from `HEAD`, to overwrite any local, uncommitted
# changes
git checkout -- somefile.c

# Or check out a whole folder from `HEAD`:
git checkout -- some_directory

See also:

  1. I show some more of these examples of git checkout -- in my answer here: Who is "us" and who is "them" according to Git?.

What is the Sign Off feature in Git for?

Sign-off is a requirement for getting patches into the Linux kernel and a few other projects, but most projects don't actually use it.

It was introduced in the wake of the SCO lawsuit, (and other accusations of copyright infringement from SCO, most of which they never actually took to court), as a Developers Certificate of Origin. It is used to say that you certify that you have created the patch in question, or that you certify that to the best of your knowledge, it was created under an appropriate open-source license, or that it has been provided to you by someone else under those terms. This can help establish a chain of people who take responsibility for the copyright status of the code in question, to help ensure that copyrighted code not released under an appropriate free software (open source) license is not included in the kernel.

SQL Add foreign key to existing column

Maybe you got your columns backwards??

ADD FOREIGN KEY (UserID)           <-- this needs to be a column of the Employees table
REFERENCES ActiveDirectories(id)   <-- this needs to be a column of the ActiveDirectories table

Could it be that the column is called ID in the Employees table, and UserID in the ActiveDirectories table?

Then your command should be:

ADD FOREIGN KEY (ID)                   <-- column in table "Employees"
REFERENCES ActiveDirectories(UserID)   <-- column in table "ActiveDirectories" 

Static image src in Vue.js template

This is how i solve it.:

      items: [
        { title: 'Dashboard', icon: require('@/assets/icons/sidebar/dashboard.svg') },
        { title: 'Projects',  icon: require('@/assets/icons/sidebar/projects.svg') },
        { title: 'Clients', icon: require('@/assets/icons/sidebar/clients.svg') },

And on the template part:

<img :src="item.icon" />

See it in action here

What is aria-label and how should I use it?

If you wants to know how aria-label helps you practically .. then follow the steps ... you will get it by your own ..

Create a html page having below code

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <button title="Close"> X </button>
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <button aria-label="Back to the page" title="Close" > X </button>

Now, you need a virtual screen reader emulator which will run on browser to observe the difference. So, chrome browser users can install chromevox extension and mozilla users can go with fangs screen reader addin

Once done with installation, put headphones in your ears, open the html page and make focus on both button(by pressing tab) one-by-one .. and you can hear .. focusing on first x button .. will tell you only x button .. but in case of second x button .. you will hear back to the page button only..

i hope you got it well now!!

How to exit an application properly

The following code is used in Visual Basic when prompting a user to exit the application:

Dim D As String

D = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to exit?", vbYesNo+vbQuestion,"Thanking You")

If D =  vbYes Then 
Unload Me
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

Get current user id in ASP.NET Identity 2.0

I had the same issue. I am currently using Core 2.2. I solved this problem with the following piece of code.

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity;
var user = await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(User.Identity.Name);

I hope this will be useful to someone.

Select DataFrame rows between two dates

I feel the best option will be to use the direct checks rather than using loc function:

df = df[(df['date'] > '2000-6-1') & (df['date'] <= '2000-6-10')]

It works for me.

Major issue with loc function with a slice is that the limits should be present in the actual values, if not this will result in KeyError.

how to open an URL in Swift3

Above answer is correct but if you want to check you canOpenUrl or not try like this.

let url = URL(string: "")!
if UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url) {, options: [:], completionHandler: nil)
    //If you want handle the completion block than, options: [:], completionHandler: { (success) in
         print("Open url : \(success)")

Note: If you do not want to handle completion you can also write like this., options: [:])

No need to write completionHandler as it contains default value nil, check apple documentation for more detail.

@RequestBody and @ResponseBody annotations in Spring

Below is an example of a method in a Java controller.

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
public HttpStatus something(@RequestBody MyModel myModel) 
    return HttpStatus.OK;

By using @RequestBody annotation you will get your values mapped with the model you created in your system for handling any specific call. While by using @ResponseBody you can send anything back to the place from where the request was generated. Both things will be mapped easily without writing any custom parser etc.

Xcode stops working after set "xcode-select -switch"

You should be pointing it towards the Developer directory, not the Xcode application bundle. Run this:

sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/

With recent versions of Xcode, you can go to Xcode ? Preferences… ? Locations and pick one of the options for Command Line Tools to set the location.

Disable html5 video autoplay

just put the autoplay="false" on source tag.. :)

How to execute a function when page has fully loaded?

For completeness sake, you might also want to bind it to DOMContentLoaded, which is now widely supported

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event){
  // your code here

More info:

Show and hide a View with a slide up/down animation

if (filter_section.getVisibility() == View.GONE) {
            .setListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
                public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) {
} else {
            .setListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
                public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {

Unexpected 'else' in "else" error

I would suggest to read up a bit on the syntax. See here.

if (dsnt<0.05) {
} else if (dst<0.05) {
} else 

Get a Windows Forms control by name in C#

Assuming you have Windows.Form Form1 as the parent form which owns the menu you've created. One of the form's attributes is named .Menu. If the menu was created programmatically, it should be the same, and it would be recognized as a menu and placed in the Menu attribute of the Form.

In this case, I had a main menu called File. A sub menu, called a MenuItem under File contained the tag Open and was named menu_File_Open. The following worked. Assuming you

// So you don't have to fully reference the objects.
using System.Windows.Forms;

// More stuff before the real code line, but irrelevant to this discussion.

MenuItem my_menuItem = (MenuItem)Form1.Menu.MenuItems["menu_File_Open"];

// Now you can do what you like with my_menuItem;

Getting attributes of a class

I recently needed to figure out something similar to this question, so I wanted to post some background info that might be helpful to others facing the same in future.

Here's how it works in Python (from

MyClass is a class object, MyClass() is an instance of the class object. An instance's __dict__ only hold attributes and methods specific to that instance (e.g. self.somethings). If an attribute or method is part of a class, it is in the class's __dict__. When you do MyClass().__dict__, an instance of MyClass is created with no attributes or methods besides the class attributes, thus the empty __dict__

So if you say print(MyClass().b), Python first checks the new instance's dict MyClass().__dict__['b'] and fails to find b. It then checks the class MyClass.__dict__['b'] and finds b.

That's why you need the inspect module, to emulate that same search process.

How to add jQuery in JS file

The problem is you're using </script> within the script, which is ending the script tag. Try this:

document.writeln('<script src="/javascripts/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></sc'+'ript>');
document.writeln('<script type="text/javascript" src="/javascripts/jquery.tablesorter.js"></sc'+'ript>');

How to see what privileges are granted to schema of another user

Login into the database. then run the below query

select * from dba_role_privs where grantee = 'SCHEMA_NAME';

All the role granted to the schema will be listed.

Thanks Szilagyi Donat for the answer. This one is taken from same and just where clause added.

How to input automatically when running a shell over SSH?

ssh-key with passphrase, with keychain

keychain is a small utility which manages ssh-agent on your behalf and allows the ssh-agent to remain running when the login session ends. On subsequent logins, keychain will connect to the existing ssh-agent instance. In practice, this means that the passphrase must be be entered only during the first login after a reboot. On subsequent logins, the unencrypted key from the existing ssh-agent instance is used. This can also be useful for allowing passwordless RSA/DSA authentication in cron jobs without passwordless ssh-keys.

To enable keychain, install it and add something like the following to ~/.bash_profile:

eval keychain --agents ssh --eval id_rsa From a security point of view, ssh-ident and keychain are worse than ssh-agent instances limited to the lifetime of a particular session, but they offer a high level of convenience. To improve the security of keychain, some people add the --clear option to their ~/.bash_profile keychain invocation. By doing this passphrases must be re-entered on login as above, but cron jobs will still have access to the unencrypted keys after the user logs out. The keychain wiki page has more information and examples.

Got this info from;

Hope this helps

I have personally been able to automatically enter my passphrase upon terminal launch by doing this: (you can, of course, modify the script and fit it to your needs)

  1. edit the bashrc file to add this script;

    Check if the SSH agent is awake

    if [ -z "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ] ; then exec ssh-agent bash -c "ssh-add ; $0" echo "The SSH agent was awakened" exit fi

    Above line will start the expect script upon terminal launch.


here's the content of this expect script


set timeout 20

set passphrase "test"

spawn "./"

expect "Enter passphrase for /the/path/of/yourkey_id_rsa:"

send "$passphrase\r";


Here's the content of my script (you must put both scripts in your home folder, usually /home/user)


ssh-add /the/path/of/yourkey_id_rsa

exit 0

I would HIGHLY suggest encrypting the password on the .exp script as well as renaming this .exp file to something like term_boot.exp or whatever else for security purposes. Don't forget to create the files directly from the terminal using nano or vim (ex: nano ~/.bashrc | nano term_boot.exp) and also a chmod +x to make it executable. A chmod +r term_boot.exp would be also useful but you'll have to add sudo before ./ssh.exp in your bashrc file. So you'll have to enter your sudo password each time you launch your terminal. For me, it's more convenient than the passphrase cause I remember my admin (sudo) password by the hearth.

Also, here's another way to do it I think;

Will certainly change my method for this one when I'll have the time.

ie8 var w= - "Message: Invalid argument."

I also meet this issue while I used the following code:'test.html','Window title','width=1200,height=800,scrollbars=yes');

but when I delete the blank space of the "Window title" the below code is working:'test.html','Windowtitle','width=1200,height=800,scrollbars=yes');

Regex for parsing directory and filename

What about this?


Deterministic :


Strict :


AngularJS - Trigger when radio button is selected

 <form name="myForm" ng-submit="submitForm()">
   <label data-ng-repeat="i in [1,2,3]"><input type="radio" name="test" ng-model="$parent.radioValue" value="{{i}}"/>{{i}}</label>
   <div>currently selected: {{radioValue}}</div>
   <button type="submit">Submit</button>

strdup() - what does it do in C?

strdup and strndup are defined in POSIX compliant systems as:

char *strdup(const char *str);
char *strndup(const char *str, size_t len);

The strdup() function allocates sufficient memory for a copy of the string str, does the copy, and returns a pointer to it.

The pointer may subsequently be used as an argument to the function free.

If insufficient memory is available, NULL is returned and errno is set to ENOMEM.

The strndup() function copies at most len characters from the string str always null terminating the copied string.

Difference between using Makefile and CMake to compile the code

The statement about CMake being a "build generator" is a common misconception.

It's not technically wrong; it just describes HOW it works, but not WHAT it does.

In the context of the question, they do the same thing: take a bunch of C/C++ files and turn them into a binary.

So, what is the real difference?

  • CMake is much more high-level. It's tailored to compile C++, for which you write much less build code, but can be also used for general purpose build. make has some built-in C/C++ rules as well, but they are useless at best.

  • CMake does a two-step build: it generates a low-level build script in ninja or make or many other generators, and then you run it. All the shell script pieces that are normally piled into Makefile are only executed at the generation stage. Thus, CMake build can be orders of magnitude faster.

  • The grammar of CMake is much easier to support for external tools than make's.

  • Once make builds an artifact, it forgets how it was built. What sources it was built from, what compiler flags? CMake tracks it, make leaves it up to you. If one of library sources was removed since the previous version of Makefile, make won't rebuild it.

  • Modern CMake (starting with version 3.something) works in terms of dependencies between "targets". A target is still a single output file, but it can have transitive ("public"/"interface" in CMake terms) dependencies. These transitive dependencies can be exposed to or hidden from the dependent packages. CMake will manage directories for you. With make, you're stuck on a file-by-file and manage-directories-by-hand level.

You could code up something in make using intermediate files to cover the last two gaps, but you're on your own. make does contain a Turing complete language (even two, sometimes three counting Guile); the first two are horrible and the Guile is practically never used.

To be honest, this is what CMake and make have in common -- their languages are pretty horrible. Here's what comes to mind:

  • They have no user-defined types;
  • CMake has three data types: string, list, and a target with properties. make has one: string;
  • you normally pass arguments to functions by setting global variables.
    • This is partially dealt with in modern CMake - you can set a target's properties: set_property(TARGET helloworld APPEND PROPERTY INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}");
  • referring to an undefined variable is silently ignored by default;

C# Linq Where Date Between 2 Dates

var appointmentNoShow = from a in appointments
                        from p in properties
                        from c in clients
                        where a.Id == p.OID
                        where a.Start.Date >= startDate.Date
                        where a.Start.Date <= endDate.Date

Should I declare Jackson's ObjectMapper as a static field?

A trick I learned from this PR if you don't want to define it as a static final variable but want to save a bit of overhead and guarantee thread safe.

private static final ThreadLocal<ObjectMapper> om = new ThreadLocal<ObjectMapper>() {
    protected ObjectMapper initialValue() {
        ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
        objectMapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false);
        return objectMapper;

public static ObjectMapper getObjectMapper() {
    return om.get();

credit to the author.

Shortest way to print current year in a website

Here's the ultimate shortest most responsible version that even works both AD and BC.

[drum rolls...]

<script>document.write(Date().split` `[3])</script>

That's it. 6 Bytes shorter than the accepted answer.

If you need to be ES5 compatible, you can settle for:

<script>document.write(Date().split(' ')[3])</script>

How do I make a burn down chart in Excel?

Thank you for your answers! They definitely led me on the right track. But none of them completely got me everything I wanted, so here's what I actually ended up doing.

The key piece of information I was missing was that I needed to put the data together in one big block, but I could still leave empty cells in it. Something like this:

  Date         Actual remaining     Desired remaining
7/13/2009            7350                 7350
7/15/2009            7100
7/21/2009            7150
7/23/2009            6600
7/27/2009            6550
8/8/2009             6525
8/16/2009            6200
11/3/2009                                  0

Now I have something Excel is a little better at charting. So long as I set the chart options to "Show empty cells as: Connect data points with line," it ends up looking pretty nice. Using the above test data:

Book burn down chart

Then I just needed my update macro to insert new rows above the last one to fill in new data whenever I want. My macro looks something like this:

' Find the last cell on the left going down.  This will be the last cell 
' in the "Date" column
Dim left As Range
Set left = Range("A1").End(xlDown)

' Move two columns to the right and select so we have the 3 final cells, 
' including "Date", "Actual remaining", and "Desired remaining"
Dim bottom As Range
Set bottom = Range(left.Cells(1), left.Offset(0, 2))

' Insert a new blank row, and then move up to account for it
bottom.Insert (xlShiftDown)
Set bottom = bottom.Offset(-1)

' We are now sitting on some blank cells very close to the end of the data,
' and are ready to paste in new values for the date and new pages remaining

' (I do this by grabbing some other cells and doing a PasteSpecial into bottom)

Improvement suggestions on that macro are welcome. I just fiddled with it until it worked.

Now I have a pretty chart and I can nerd out all I want with my nerdy books for nerds.

How to unmerge a Git merge?

If you haven't committed the merge, then use:

git merge --abort

Way to get number of digits in an int?

Try converting the int to a string and then get the length of the string. That should get the length of the int.

public static int intLength(int num){
    String n = Integer.toString(num);
    int newNum = n.length();
    return newNum;

Questions every good PHP Developer should be able to answer

Why you should never output user input directly!

Printing things like data from GET directly can lead to Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities. Thats why you should always send input from the client through htmlspecialchars() first.

Spark - repartition() vs coalesce()

To all the great answers I would like to add that repartition is one the best option to take advantage of data parallelization. While coalesce gives a cheap option to reduce the partitions and it is very useful when writing data to HDFS or some other sink to take advantage of big writes.

I have found this useful when writing data in parquet format to get full advantage.

estimating of testing effort as a percentage of development time

When you're estimating testing you need to identify the scope of your testing - are we talking unit test, functional, UAT, interface, security, performance stress and volume?

If you're on a waterfall project you probably have some overhead tasks that are fairly constant. Allow time to prepare any planning documents, schedules and reports.

For a functional test phase (I'm a "system tester" so that's my main point of reference) don't forget to include planning! A test case often needs at least as much effort to extract from requirements / specs / user stories as it will take to execute. In addition you need to include some time for defect raising / retesting. For a larger team you'll need to factor in test management - scheduling, reporting, meetings.

Generally my estimates are based on the complexity of the features being delivered rather than a percentage of dev effort. However this does require access to at least a high-level set of instructions. Years of doing testing enables me to work out that a test of a particular complexity will take x hours of effort for preparation and execution. Some tests may require extra effort for data setup. Some tests may involve negotiating with external systems and have a duration far in excess of the effort required.

In the end, though, you need to review it in the context of the overall project. If your estimate is well above that for BA or Development then there may be something wrong with your underlying assumptions.

I know this is an old topic but it's something I'm revisiting at the moment and is of perennial interest to project managers.

SQL UPDATE SET one column to be equal to a value in a related table referenced by a different column?

update q
set q.QuestionID = a.QuestionID
from QuestionTrackings q
inner join QuestionAnswers a
on q.AnswerID = a.AnswerID
where q.QuestionID is null -- and other conditions you might want

I recommend to check what the result set to update is before running the update (same query, just with a select):

select *
from QuestionTrackings q
inner join QuestionAnswers a
on q.AnswerID = a.AnswerID
where q.QuestionID is null -- and other conditions you might want

Particularly whether each answer id has definitely only 1 associated question id.

What is the difference between user variables and system variables?

Environment variables are 'evaluated' (ie. they are attributed) in the following order:

  1. System variables
  2. Variables defined in autoexec.bat
  3. User variables

Every process has an environment block that contains a set of environment variables and their values. There are two types of environment variables: user environment variables (set for each user) and system environment variables (set for everyone). A child process inherits the environment variables of its parent process by default.

Programs started by the command processor inherit the command processor's environment variables.

Environment variables specify search paths for files, directories for temporary files, application-specific options, and other similar information. The system maintains an environment block for each user and one for the computer. The system environment block represents environment variables for all users of the particular computer. A user's environment block represents the environment variables the system maintains for that particular user, including the set of system environment variables.

Convert hex string to int

For those of you who need to convert hexadecimal representation of a signed byte from two-character String into byte (which in Java is always signed), there is an example. Parsing a hexadecimal string never gives negative number, which is faulty, because 0xFF is -1 from some point of view (two's complement coding). The principle is to parse the incoming String as int, which is larger than byte, and then wrap around negative numbers. I'm showing only bytes, so that example is short enough.

String inputTwoCharHex="FE"; //whatever your microcontroller data is

int i=Integer.parseInt(inputTwoCharHex,16);
//negative numbers is i now look like 128...255

// shortly i>=128
if (i>=Integer.parseInt("80",16)){

    //need to wrap-around negative numbers
    //we know that FF is 255 which is -1
    //and FE is 254 which is -2 and so on
    //shortly i=-256+i;
byte b=(byte)i;
//b is now surely between -128 and +127

This can be edited to process longer numbers. Just add more FF's or 00's respectively. For parsing 8 hex-character signed integers, you need to use Long.parseLong, because FFFF-FFFF, which is integer -1, wouldn't fit into Integer when represented as a positive number (gives 4294967295). So you need Long to store it. After conversion to negative number and casting back to Integer, it will fit. There is no 8 character hex string, that wouldn't fit integer in the end.

CSS div element - how to show horizontal scroll bars only?

I also had to add white-space: nowrap; to the style, otherwise elements would wrap down into the area that we're removing the ability to scroll to.

Spring RestTemplate GET with parameters

In Spring Web 4.3.6 I also see

public <T> T getForObject(String url, Class<T> responseType, Object... uriVariables)

That means you don't have to create an ugly map

So if you have this url


You can either do

restTemplate.getForObject(url, Response.class, param1, param2)


restTemplate.getForObject(url, Response.class, param [])

How to change values in a tuple?

tldr; the "workaround" is creating a new tuple object, not actually modifying the original

While this is a very old question, someone told me about this Python mutating tuples madness. Which I was very much surprised/intrigued, and doing some googling, I landed here (and other similar samples online)

I ran some test to prove my theory

Note == does value equality while is does referential equality (is obj a the same instance as obj b)

a = ("apple", "canana", "cherry")
b = tuple(["apple", "canana", "cherry"])
c = a

print("a: " + str(a))
print("b: " + str(b))
print("c: " + str(c))
print("a == b :: %s" % (a==b))
print("b == c :: %s" % (b==c))
print("a == c :: %s" % (a==c))
print("a is b :: %s" % (a is b))
print("b is c :: %s" % (b is c))
print("a is c :: %s" % (a is c))

d = list(a)
d[1] = "kiwi"
a = tuple(d)

print("a: " + str(a))
print("b: " + str(b))
print("c: " + str(c))
print("a == b :: %s" % (a==b))
print("b == c :: %s" % (b==c))
print("a == c :: %s" % (a==c))
print("a is b :: %s" % (a is b))
print("b is c :: %s" % (b is c))
print("a is c :: %s" % (a is c))


a: ('apple', 'canana', 'cherry')
b: ('apple', 'canana', 'cherry')
c: ('apple', 'canana', 'cherry')
a == b :: True
b == c :: True
a == c :: True
a is b :: False
b is c :: False
a is c :: True
a: ('apple', 'kiwi', 'cherry')
b: ('apple', 'canana', 'cherry')
c: ('apple', 'canana', 'cherry')
a == b :: False
b == c :: True
a == c :: False
a is b :: False
b is c :: False
a is c :: False

Removing elements from an array in C

You don't really want to be reallocing memory every time you remove something. If you know the rough size of your deck then choose an appropriate size for your array and keep a pointer to the current end of the list. This is a stack.

If you don't know the size of your deck, and think it could get really big as well as keeps changing size, then you will have to do something a little more complex and implement a linked-list.

In C, you have two simple ways to declare an array.

  1. On the stack, as a static array

    int myArray[16]; // Static array of 16 integers
  2. On the heap, as a dynamically allocated array

    // Dynamically allocated array of 16 integers
    int* myArray = calloc(16, sizeof(int));

Standard C does not allow arrays of either of these types to be resized. You can either create a new array of a specific size, then copy the contents of the old array to the new one, or you can follow one of the suggestions above for a different abstract data type (ie: linked list, stack, queue, etc).

Targeting only Firefox with CSS

CSS support has binding to javascript, as a side note.

if (CSS.supports("( -moz-user-select:unset )")) {_x000D_

How to view transaction logs in SQL Server 2008

You could use the undocumented

DBCC LOG(databasename, typeofoutput)

where typeofoutput:

0: Return only the minimum of information for each operation -- the operation, its context and the transaction ID. (Default)
1: As 0, but also retrieve any flags and the log record length.
2: As 1, but also retrieve the object name, index name, page ID and slot ID.
3: Full informational dump of each operation.
4: As 3 but includes a hex dump of the current transaction log row.

For example, DBCC LOG(database, 1)

You could also try fn_dblog.

For rolling back a transaction using the transaction log I would take a look at Stack Overflow post Rollback transaction using transaction log.

What does the question mark and the colon (?: ternary operator) mean in objective-c?

As everyone referred that, It is a way of representing conditional operator

if (condition){ 
else {

using ternary operator (condition)? true:false To add additional information, In swift we have new way of representing it using ??.

let imageObject: UIImage = (UIImage(named: "ImageName")) ?? (initialOfUsername.capitalizedString).imageFromString

Which is similar to

int a = 6, c= 5;
if (a > c) 
 a is greater
} else {
 c is greater

is equivalent to

if (a>c)?a:c ==> Is equal to if (a>c)?:c

instead of ?: we can use ?? is swift.

How can I call a WordPress shortcode within a template?

Try this:

Template Name: [contact us]

echo do_shortcode('[CONTACT-US-FORM]'); 

How to pass multiple parameters in a querystring

I use the AbsoluteUri and you can get it like this:

string myURI = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
 if (!WebSecurity.IsAuthenticated) {
            + Request.Url.AbsoluteUri );

Then after you login:

var returnUrl = Request.QueryString["returnUrl"];

It works well for me.

Bootstrap Modal Backdrop Remaining

Add data-backdrop="false" option as an attribute to the button which opens the modal.

See How to remove bootstrap modal overlay?

How to run SQL in shell script

Maybe it's too late for answering but, there's a working code:

sqlplus -s "/ as sysdba" << EOF
    select (select instance_name from v\$instance) as DB_NAME,
      from dba_data_files
     order by 2;

How do you find the first key in a dictionary?

The dict type is an unordered mapping, so there is no such thing as a "first" element.

What you want is probably collections.OrderedDict.

Generating a random password in php

Here's my take at random plain password generation helper.

It ensures that password has numbers, upper and lower case letters as well as a minimum of 3 special characters.

Length of the password will be between 11 and 30.

function plainPassword(): string
    $numbers = array_rand(range(0, 9), rand(3, 9));
    $uppercase = array_rand(array_flip(range('A', 'Z')), rand(2, 8));
    $lowercase = array_rand(array_flip(range('a', 'z')), rand(3, 8));
    $special = array_rand(array_flip(['@', '#', '$', '!', '%', '*', '?', '&']), rand(3, 5));

    $password = array_merge(


    return implode($password);

An internal error occurred during: "Updating Maven Project". Unsupported IClasspathEntry kind=4

After trying all these procedures it still didn't work for me. What did work was

  1. go into File Explorer and delete the .classpath file under the project's root folder
  2. run Maven update within Eclipse, and check Force update of Snapshots/Releases

Our current work required integrating a number of disparate projects so unfortunately use of SNAPSHOTs in a production environment were required (taboo in Maven circles)!

use "netsh wlan set hostednetwork ..." to create a wifi hotspot and the authentication can't work correctly

I had a similar problem and I solved it by setting a static IP on the Android device.

When you add the network on Android, first you enter the SSID and password, then underneath you can open advanced options and set a static IP.

Make a dictionary in Python from input values

n = int(input())          #n is the number of items you want to enter
d ={}                     
for i in range(n):        
    text = input().split()     #split the input text based on space & store in the list 'text'
    d[text[0]] = text[1]       #assign the 1st item to key and 2nd item to value of the dictionary



A1023 CRT

A1029 Regulator

A1030 Therm

NOTE: I have added an extra line for each input for getting each input on individual lines on this site. As placing without an extra line creates a single line.


{'A1023': 'CRT', 'A1029': 'Regulator', 'A1030': 'Therm'}

Why am I getting an Exception with the message "Invalid setup on a non-virtual (overridable in VB) member..."?

Please see Why does the property I want to mock need to be virtual?

You may have to write a wrapper interface or mark the property as virtual/abstract as Moq creates a proxy class that it uses to intercept calls and return your custom values that you put in the .Returns(x) call.

member names cannot be the same as their enclosing type C#

As Constructor should be at the starting of the Class , you are facing the above issue . So, you can either change the name or if you want to use it as a constructor just copy the method at the beginning of the class.

Center an element with "absolute" position and undefined width in CSS?

Flexbox can be used to center an absolute positioned div.

display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;

.relative {
  width: 275px;
  height: 200px;
  background: royalblue;
  color: white;
  margin: auto;
  position: relative;

.absolute-block {
  position: absolute;
  height: 36px;
  background: orange;
  padding: 0px 10px;
  bottom: -5%;
  border: 1px solid black;

.center-text {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;
  box-shadow: 1px 2px 10px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
<div class="relative center-text">
  Relative Block
  <div class="absolute-block center-text">Absolute Block</div>

How do I add records to a DataGridView in VB.Net?

If you want to add the row to the end of the grid use the Add() method of the Rows collection...

DataGridView1.Rows.Add(New String(){Value1, Value2, Value3})

If you want to insert the row at a partiular position use the Insert() method of the Rows collection (as GWLlosa also said)...

DataGridView1.Rows.Insert(rowPosition, New String(){value1, value2, value3})

I know you mentioned you weren't doing databinding, but if you defined a strongly-typed dataset with a single datatable in your project, you could use that and get some nice strongly typed methods to do this stuff rather than rely on the grid methods...

DataSet1.DataTable.AddRow(1, "John Doe", true)

The import org.junit cannot be resolved

When you add TestNG to your Maven dependencies , Change scope from test to compile.Hope this would solve your issue..

Angular 1.6.0: "Possibly unhandled rejection" error

I had this same notice appear after making some changes. It turned out to be because I had changed between a single $http request to multiple requests using angularjs $q service.

I hadn't wrapped them in an array. e.g.

$q.all(request1, request2).then(...) 

rather than

$q.all([request1, request2]).then(...)

I hope this might save somebody some time.

how can I set visible back to true in jquery

Use style="display:none" in your dropdown list tag and in jquery use the following to display and hide.

$("#yourdropdownid").css('display', 'inline');


$("#yourdropdownid").css('display', 'none');

Counting the number of True Booleans in a Python List

If you are only concerned with the constant True, a simple sum is fine. However, keep in mind that in Python other values evaluate as True as well. A more robust solution would be to use the bool builtin:

>>> l = [1, 2, True, False]
>>> sum(bool(x) for x in l)

UPDATE: Here's another similarly robust solution that has the advantage of being more transparent:

>>> sum(1 for x in l if x)

P.S. Python trivia: True could be true without being 1. Warning: do not try this at work!

>>> True = 2
>>> if True: print('true')
>>> l = [True, True, False, True]
>>> sum(l)
>>> sum(bool(x) for x in l)
>>> sum(1 for x in l if x)

Much more evil:

True = False

Concatenating date with a string in Excel

Thanks for the solution !

It works, but in a french Excel environment, you should apply something like


to get the date preserved as it is displayed in F2 cell, after concatenation. Best Regards

Force download a pdf link using javascript/ajax/jquery

Here is a Javascript solution (for folks like me who were looking for an answer to the title):

function SaveToDisk(fileURL, fileName) {
    // for non-IE
    if (!window.ActiveXObject) {
        var save = document.createElement('a');
        save.href = fileURL; = '_blank'; = fileName || 'unknown';

        var evt = new MouseEvent('click', {
            'view': window,
            'bubbles': true,
            'cancelable': false

        (window.URL || window.webkitURL).revokeObjectURL(save.href);

    // for IE < 11
    else if ( !! window.ActiveXObject && document.execCommand)     {
        var _window =, '_blank');
        _window.document.execCommand('SaveAs', true, fileName || fileURL)


Unfortunately the working for me with IE11, which is not accepting new MouseEvent. I use the following in that case:

try {
    var evt = new MouseEvent(...);
} catch (e) {, fileName);

Model Binding to a List MVC 4

This is how I do it if I need a form displayed for each item, and inputs for various properties. Really depends on what I'm trying to do though.

ViewModel looks like this:

public class MyViewModel
   public List<Person> Persons{get;set;}

View(with BeginForm of course):

@model MyViewModel

@for( int i = 0; i < Model.Persons.Count(); ++i)
    @Html.HiddenFor(m => m.Persons[i].PersonId)
    @Html.EditorFor(m => m.Persons[i].FirstName) 
    @Html.EditorFor(m => m.Persons[i].LastName)         


[HttpPost]public ViewResult(MyViewModel vm)

Note that on post back only properties which had inputs available will have values. I.e., if Person had a .SSN property, it would not be available in the post action because it wasn't a field in the form.

Note that the way MVC's model binding works, it will only look for consecutive ID's. So doing something like this where you conditionally hide an item will cause it to not bind any data after the 5th item, because once it encounters a gap in the IDs, it will stop binding. Even if there were 10 people, you would only get the first 4 on the postback:

@for( int i = 0; i < Model.Persons.Count(); ++i)
    if(i != 4)//conditionally hide 5th item, 
    { //but BUG occurs on postback, all items after 5th will not be bound to the the list
      @Html.HiddenFor(m => m.Persons[i].PersonId)
      @Html.EditorFor(m => m.Persons[i].FirstName) 
      @Html.EditorFor(m => m.Persons[i].LastName)           

Stopping a JavaScript function when a certain condition is met

use return for this

if(i==1) { 
    return; //stop the execution of function

//keep on going

Changing default shell in Linux

You can change the passwd file directly for the particular user or use the below command

chsh -s /usr/local/bin/bash username

Then log out and log in

How do I capture the output of a script if it is being ran by the task scheduler?

You can have a debug.cmd that calls yourscript.cmd

yourscript.cmd > logall.txt

you schedule debug.cmd instead of yourscript.cmd

Passing parameters to a JDBC PreparedStatement

Do something like this, which also prevents SQL injection attacks

statement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * from employee WHERE  userID = ?");
statement.setString(1, userID);
ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery();

Pretty graphs and charts in Python

You can also use pygooglechart, which uses the Google Chart API. This isn't something you'd always want to use, but if you want a small number of good, simple, charts, and are always online, and especially if you're displaying in a browser anyway, it's a good choice.

Convert DataFrame column type from string to datetime, dd/mm/yyyy format

The easiest way is to use to_datetime:

df['col'] = pd.to_datetime(df['col'])

It also offers a dayfirst argument for European times (but beware this isn't strict).

Here it is in action:

In [11]: pd.to_datetime(pd.Series(['05/23/2005']))
0   2005-05-23 00:00:00
dtype: datetime64[ns]

You can pass a specific format:

In [12]: pd.to_datetime(pd.Series(['05/23/2005']), format="%m/%d/%Y")
0   2005-05-23
dtype: datetime64[ns]

Copy tables from one database to another in SQL Server

On SQL Server? and on the same database server? Use three part naming.

INSERT INTO bar..tblFoobar( *fieldlist* )
SELECT *fieldlist* FROM foo..tblFoobar

This just moves the data. If you want to move the table definition (and other attributes such as permissions and indexes), you'll have to do something else.

How do I copy an entire directory of files into an existing directory using Python?

The previous solution has some issue that src may overwrite dst without any notification or exception.

I add a predict_error method to predict errors before copy.copytree mainly base on Cyrille Pontvieux's version.

Using predict_error to predict all errors at first is best, unless you like to see exception raised one by another when execute copytree until fix all error.

def predict_error(src, dst):  
    if os.path.exists(dst):
        src_isdir = os.path.isdir(src)
        dst_isdir = os.path.isdir(dst)
        if src_isdir and dst_isdir:
        elif src_isdir and not dst_isdir:
            yield {dst:'src is dir but dst is file.'}
        elif not src_isdir and dst_isdir:
            yield {dst:'src is file but dst is dir.'}
            yield {dst:'already exists a file with same name in dst'}

    if os.path.isdir(src):
        for item in os.listdir(src):
            s = os.path.join(src, item)
            d = os.path.join(dst, item)
            for e in predict_error(s, d):
                yield e

def copytree(src, dst, symlinks=False, ignore=None, overwrite=False):
    would overwrite if src and dst are both file
    but would not use folder overwrite file, or viceverse
    if not overwrite:
        errors = list(predict_error(src, dst))
        if errors:
            raise Exception('copy would overwrite some file, error detail:%s' % errors)

    if not os.path.exists(dst):
        shutil.copystat(src, dst)
    lst = os.listdir(src)
    if ignore:
        excl = ignore(src, lst)
        lst = [x for x in lst if x not in excl]
    for item in lst:
        s = os.path.join(src, item)
        d = os.path.join(dst, item)
        if symlinks and os.path.islink(s):
            if os.path.lexists(d):
            os.symlink(os.readlink(s), d)
                st = os.lstat(s)
                mode = stat.S_IMODE(st.st_mode)
                os.lchmod(d, mode)
                pass  # lchmod not available
        elif os.path.isdir(s):
            copytree(s, d, symlinks, ignore)
            if not overwrite:
                if os.path.exists(d):
            shutil.copy2(s, d)