Programs & Examples On #Java web start

Java Web Start (JWS) is the Oracle technology used to launch rich client (Swing, Java-FX, SWT, AWT..) desktop applications directly from a network or internet link. It offers 'one click' installation for platforms that support Java.

Java web start - Unable to load resource

i got the same issue, i updated the hosts file with the server address and it worked

SecurityException during executing jnlp file (Missing required Permissions manifest attribute in main jar)

JAR File Manifest Attributes for Security

The JAR file manifest contains information about the contents of the JAR file, including security and configuration information.

Add the attributes to the manifest before the JAR file is signed.
See Modifying a Manifest File in the Java Tutorial for information on adding attributes to the JAR manifest file.

Permissions Attribute

The Permissions attribute is used to verify that the permissions level requested by the RIA when it runs matches the permissions level that was set when the JAR file was created.

Use this attribute to help prevent someone from re-deploying an application that is signed with your certificate and running it at a different privilege level. Set this attribute to one of the following values:

  • sandbox - runs in the security sandbox and does not require additional permissions.

  • all-permissions - requires access to the user's system resources.

Changes to Security Slider:

The following changes to Security Slider were included in this release(7u51):

  • Block Self-Signed and Unsigned applets on High Security Setting
  • Require Permissions Attribute for High Security Setting
  • Warn users of missing Permissions Attributes for Medium Security Setting

For more information, see Java Control Panel documentation.

enter image description here


Manifest-Version: 1.0
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.8.3
Created-By: 1.7.0_51-b13 (Oracle Corporation)
Trusted-Only: true
Class-Path: lib/plugin.jar
Permissions: sandbox
Application-Name: summary-applet

How to make a machine trust a self-signed Java application

I had the same problem, but i solved it from Java Control Panel-->Security-->SecurityLevel:MEDIUM. Just so, no Manage certificates, imports ,exports etc..

What is the difference between 'java', 'javaw', and 'javaws'?

java.exe is associated with the console, whereas javaw.exe doesn't have any such association. So, when java.exe is run, it automatically opens a command prompt window where output and error streams are shown.

I am not able launch JNLP applications using "Java Web Start"?

I was also facing the same problem. To fix this to the following steps.

  1. open Javaws from cmd runnig javaws -viewer command. A new window will open
  2. Select the jnlp file which you want and click the run button.
  3. Close the javaws viewer window.

How do I set default terminal to terminator?

Copy-paste the following into your current terminal:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.default-applications.terminal exec /usr/bin/terminator
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.default-applications.terminal exec-arg "-x"

This modifies the dconf to make terminator the default program. You could also use dconf-editor (a GUI-based tool) to make changes to the dconf, as another answer has suggested. If you would like to learn and understand more about this topic, this may help you.

Execution order of events when pressing PrimeFaces p:commandButton

I just love getting information like BalusC gives here - and he is kind enough to help SO many people with such GOOD information that I regard his words as gospel, but I was not able to use that order of events to solve this same kind of timing issue in my project. Since BalusC put a great general reference here that I even bookmarked, I thought I would donate my solution for some advanced timing issues in the same place since it does solve the original poster's timing issues as well. I hope this code helps someone:

        <p:pickList id="formPickList" 
                    itemValue="#{mediaFiles}" >
            <f:facet name="sourceCaption">Available Media</f:facet>
            <f:facet name="targetCaption">Chosen Media</f:facet>

        <p:commandButton id="viewStream_btn" 
                         value="Stream chosen media" 
                         icon="fa fa-download"
                         style="margin-top:5px" >
            <p:ajax process="formPickList"  />

The dialog is at the top of the XHTML outside this form and it has a form of its own embedded in the dialog along with a datatable which holds additional commands for streaming the media that all needed to be primed and ready to go when the dialog is presented. You can use this same technique to do things like download customized documents that need to be prepared before they are streamed to the user's computer via fileDownload buttons in the dialog box as well.

As I said, this is a more complicated example, but it hits all the high points of your problem and mine. When the command button is clicked, the result is to first insure the backing bean is updated with the results of the pickList, then tell the backing bean to prepare streams for the user based on their selections in the pick list, then update the controls in the dynamic dialog with an update, then show the dialog box ready for the user to start streaming their content.

The trick to it was to use BalusC's order of events for the main commandButton and then to add the <p:ajax process="formPickList" /> bit to ensure it was executed first - because nothing happens correctly unless the pickList updated the backing bean first (something that was not happening for me before I added it). So, yea, that commandButton rocks because you can affect previous, pending and current components as well as the backing beans - but the timing to interrelate all of them is not easy to get a handle on sometimes.

Happy coding!

Get-WmiObject : The RPC server is unavailable. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA)

I had same issue, and for me, I was trying to use an IP Address instead of computer name. Just adding this as one more potential solution for people finding this down the road.

jQuery select by attribute using AND and OR operators

First find the condition that occurs in all situations, then filter the special conditions:


How to set environment variables in PyCharm?

None of the above methods worked for me. If you are on Windows, try this on PyCharm terminal:


You can access it in your scripts using os.environ['YOUR_VAR'].

How do I set the version information for an existing .exe, .dll?

A little late to the party, but since I was looking for it (and I might need to find it again sometime), here's what I did to include version, company name, etc. into my C++ DLL under VS2013 Express:

  1. Created and edited a dllproj.rc file, as indicated previously.
  2. Added the line "rc.exe dllproj.rc" as a pre-build step in the DLL project.
  3. Added dllproj.res to the resource folder for the project.

Hope this helps!

Convert blob URL to normal URL

For those who came here looking for a way to download a blob url video / audio, this answer worked for me. In short, you would need to find an *.m3u8 file on the desired web page through Chrome -> Network tab and paste it into a VLC player.

Another guide shows you how to save a stream with the VLC Player.

Clicking the back button twice to exit an activity

I've tried to create a utils class for this, so any activity or fragment can implement this to be simpler.

The code was written with Kotlin & has Java-interop as well.

I'm using coroutine to delay and reset the flag variable. But you can modify it to your needs.

Additional files: SafeToast.kt

lateinit var toast: Toast

fun Context.safeToast(msg: String, length: Int = Toast.LENGTH_LONG, action: (Context) -> Toast = default) {
    toast = SafeToast.makeText(this@safeToast, msg, length).apply {
        // do anything new here

fun Context.toastSpammable(msg: String) {
    safeToast(msg, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)

fun Fragment.toastSpammable(msg: String) {
    requireContext().safeToast(msg, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)

private val default: (Context) -> Toast = { it -> SafeToast.makeText(it, "", Toast.LENGTH_LONG) }

private fun cancel() {
    if (::toast.isInitialized) toast.cancel()



import kotlinx.coroutines.GlobalScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch

private var backButtonPressedTwice = false

fun Activity.onBackPressedTwiceFinish() {
    onBackPressedTwiceFinish(getString(R.string.msg_back_pressed_to_exit), 2000)

fun Activity.onBackPressedTwiceFinish(@StringRes message: Int, time: Long) {
    onBackPressedTwiceFinish(getString(message), time)

fun Activity.onBackPressedTwiceFinish(message: String, time: Long) {
    if (backButtonPressedTwice) {
    } else {
        backButtonPressedTwice = true
        GlobalScope.launch {
            backButtonPressedTwice = false

Usage in Kotlin

// ActivityA.kt
override fun onBackPressed() {

Usage in Java

public void onBackPressed() {

This code was inspired by @webserveis here

Getting the class name of an instance?

Do you want the name of the class as a string?


How to escape special characters in building a JSON string?

To allow single quotes within doubule quoted string for the purpose of json, you double the single quote. {"X": "What's the question"} ==> {"X": "What''s the question"}

The \' sequence is invalid.

Running EXE with parameters

ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(string.Concat(cPath, "\\", "HHTCtrlp.exe"));
startInfo.Arguments =cParams;
startInfo.UseShellExecute = false; 

What is the difference between a data flow diagram and a flow chart?

Data flow diagram: A modeling notation that represents a functional decomposition of a system.

Flow chart: Step by step flow of a programe.

Return HTTP status code 201 in flask

you can also use flask_api for sending response

from flask_api import status

def empty_view(self):
    content = {'your content here'}
    return content, status.HTTP_201_CREATED

you can find reference here

How to check if an integer is in a given range?

I don't see how that's not elegant, but if you repeat the expression often, then it's a good idea to put it into a method, e.g.

class MathUtil
   public static boolean betweenExclusive(int x, int min, int max)
       return x>min && x<max;    

This is particularly true if you mix exclusive and inclusive comparisons. The method name can help avoid typos, such as using < when <= should have been used. The method can also take care of ensuring that min < max etc..

Change value of input onchange?

for jQuery we can use below:

by input name:

$('input[name="textboxname"]').val('some value');

by input class:

$('input[type=text].textboxclass').val('some value');

by input id:

$('#textboxid').val('some value');

How to get function parameter names/values dynamically?

The answer to this requires 3 steps:

  1. To get the values of the actual parameters passed to the function (let's call it argValues). This is straight forward as it will be available as arguments inside the function.
  2. To get the parameter names from the function signature (let's call it argNames). This not as easy and requires parsing the function. Instead of doing the complex regex yourself and worrying about edge cases (default parameters, comments, ...), you can use a library like babylon that will parse the function into an abstract syntax tree from which you can obtain the names of parameters.
  3. The last step is to join the 2 arrays together into 1 array that has the name and value of all the parameters.

The code will be like this

const babylon = require("babylon")
function doSomething(a, b, c) {
    // get the values of passed argumenst
    const argValues = arguments

    // get the names of the arguments by parsing the function
    const ast = babylon.parse(doSomething.toString())
    const argNames =  ast.program.body[0] =>

    // join the 2 arrays, by looping over the longest of 2 arrays
    const maxLen = Math.max(argNames.length, argValues.length)
    const args = []
    for (i = 0; i < maxLen; i++) { 
       args.push({name: argNames[i], value: argValues[i]})

    // implement the actual function here

doSomething(1, 2, 3, 4)

and the logged object will be

    "name": "a",
    "value": 1
    "name": "c",
    "value": 3
    "value": 4

And here's a working example

Pure CSS checkbox image replacement

Using javascript seems to be unnecessary if you choose CSS3.

By using :before selector, you can do this in two lines of CSS. (no script involved).

Another advantage of this approach is that it does not rely on <label> tag and works even it is missing.

Note: in browsers without CSS3 support, checkboxes will look normal. (backward compatible).

input[type=checkbox]:before { content:""; display:inline-block; width:12px; height:12px; background:red; }
input[type=checkbox]:checked:before { background:green; }?

You can see a demo here:

and this one with images:

Change image in HTML page every few seconds

below will change link and banner every 10 seconds

        var links = ["","",""];
        var images = ["","",""];
        var i = 0;
        var renew = setInterval(function(){
            if(links.length == i){
                i = 0;
            else {
            document.getElementById("bannerImage").src = images[i]; 
            document.getElementById("bannerLink").href = links[i]; 


<a id="bannerLink" href="" onclick="void; return false;">
<img id="bannerImage" src="" width="694" height="83" alt="some text">

Accessing the index in 'for' loops?

If there is no duplicate value in the list:

for i in ints:
    indx = ints.index(i)
    print(i, indx)

How can I get a List from some class properties with Java 8 Stream?

You can use map :

List<String> names =


In order to combine the Lists of friend names, you need to use flatMap :

List<String> friendNames =

Entity Framework - Include Multiple Levels of Properties

I also had to use multiple includes and at 3rd level I needed multiple properties

(from e in context.JobCategorySet
                      where e.Id == id &&
                            e.AgencyId == agencyId
                      select e)
                      .Include(x => x.JobCategorySkillDetails)
                      .Include(x => x.Shifts.Select(r => r.Rate).Select(rt => rt.DurationType))
                      .Include(x => x.Shifts.Select(r => r.Rate).Select(rt => rt.RuleType))
                      .Include(x => x.Shifts.Select(r => r.Rate).Select(rt => rt.RateType))

This may help someone :)

Replace CRLF using powershell

Below is my script for converting all files recursively. You can specify folders or files to exclude.

$excludeFolders = "node_modules|dist|.vs";
$excludeFiles = ".*\.map.*|.*\.zip|.*\.png|.*\.ps1"

Function Dos2Unix {
    Param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] $fileName)

    Write-Host -Nonewline "."

    $fileContents = Get-Content -raw $fileName
    $containsCrLf = $fileContents | %{$_ -match "\r\n"}
    If($containsCrLf -contains $true)
        Write-Host "`r`nCleaing file: $fileName"
        set-content -Nonewline -Encoding utf8 $fileName ($fileContents -replace "`r`n","`n")

Get-Childitem -File "." -Recurse |
Where-Object {$_.PSParentPath -notmatch $excludeFolders} |
Where-Object {$_.PSPath -notmatch $excludeFiles} |
foreach { $_.PSPath | Dos2Unix }

Difference between java HH:mm and hh:mm on SimpleDateFormat

kk: (01-24) will look like 01, 02..24.

HH:(00-23) will look like 00, 01..23.

hh:(01-12 in AM/PM) will look like 01, 02..12.

so the last printout (working2) is a bit weird. It should say 12:00:00 (edit: if you were setting the working2 timezone and format, which (as kdagli pointed out) you are not)

How to join multiple lines of file names into one with custom delimiter?

Adding on top of majkinetor's answer, here is the way of removing trailing delimiter(since I cannot just comment under his answer yet):

ls -1 | awk 'ORS=","' | head -c -1

Just remove as many trailing bytes as your delimiter counts for.

I like this approach because I can use multi character delimiters + other benefits of awk:

ls -1 | awk 'ORS=", "' | head -c -2


As Peter has noticed, negative byte count is not supported in native MacOS version of head. This however can be easily fixed.

First, install coreutils. "The GNU Core Utilities are the basic file, shell and text manipulation utilities of the GNU operating system."

brew install coreutils

Commands also provided by MacOS are installed with the prefix "g". For example gls.

Once you have done this you can use ghead which has negative byte count, or better, make alias:

alias head="ghead"

How to extract week number in sql

After converting your varchar2 date to a true date datatype, then convert back to varchar2 with the desired mask:


If you want the week number in a number datatype, you can wrap the statement in to_number():


However, you have several week number options to consider:

WW  Week of year (1-53) where week 1 starts on the first day of the year and continues to the seventh day of the year.
W   Week of month (1-5) where week 1 starts on the first day of the month and ends on the seventh.
IW  Week of year (1-52 or 1-53) based on the ISO standard.

How to add a second css class with a conditional value in razor MVC 4

You can add property to your model as follows:

    public string DetailsClass { get { return Details.Count > 0 ? "show" : "hide" } }

and then your view will be simpler and will contain no logic at all:

    <div class="details @Model.DetailsClass"/>

This will work even with many classes and will not render class if it is null:

    <div class="@Model.Class1 @Model.Class2"/>

with 2 not null properties will render:

    <div class="class1 class2"/>

if class1 is null

    <div class=" class2"/>

What is the difference between a token and a lexeme?

Lexeme- A lexeme is a string of character that is the lowest level syntactic unit in the programming language.

Token- The token is a syntactic category that forms a class of lexemes that means which class the lexeme belong is it a keyword or identifier or anything else. One of the major tasks of the lexical analyzer is to create a pair of lexemes and tokens, that is to collect all the characters.

Let us take an example:-

if(y<= t)


Lexeme                      Token

if                                       KEYWORD

(                                 LEFT PARENTHESIS

y                                     IDENTIFIER

< =                                 COMPARISON

t                                     IDENTIFIER

)                                RIGHT PARENTHESIS

y                                    IDENTIFIER

=                                   ASSGNMENT

y                                   IDENTIFIER

_                                   ARITHMATIC

3                                     INTEGER

;                                    SEMICOLON

Relation between Lexeme and Token

Relation between lexeme and token

how does int main() and void main() work

Neither main() or void main() are standard C. The former is allowed as it has an implicit int return value, making it the same as int main(). The purpose of main's return value is to return an exit status to the operating system.

In standard C, the only valid signatures for main are:

int main(void)


int main(int argc, char **argv)

The form you're using: int main() is an old style declaration that indicates main takes an unspecified number of arguments. Don't use it - choose one of those above.

Is it good practice to use the xor operator for boolean checks?

I think it'd be okay if you commented it, e.g. // ^ == XOR.

JavaScript file not updating no matter what I do

The solution I use is. Using firefox
1. using web developer --> Web Console
2. open the java-script file in new tab.
3. Refresh the new tab you should see your new code.
4. Refresh the original page
5. You should see your changes.

alternatives to REPLACE on a text or ntext datatype

IF your data won't overflow 4000 characters AND you're on SQL Server 2000 or compatibility level of 8 or SQL Server 2000:

UPDATE [CMS_DB_test].[dbo].[cms_HtmlText] 
SET Content = CAST(REPLACE(CAST(Content as NVarchar(4000)),'ABC','DEF') AS NText)
WHERE Content LIKE '%ABC%' 

For SQL Server 2005+:

UPDATE [CMS_DB_test].[dbo].[cms_HtmlText] 
SET Content = CAST(REPLACE(CAST(Content as NVarchar(MAX)),'ABC','DEF') AS NText)
WHERE Content LIKE '%ABC%' 

node.js + mysql connection pooling

I am using this base class connection with mysql:


var mysql   = require("mysql");

var pool = mysql.createPool({
    connectionLimit : 10,
    host: Config.appSettings(),
    user: Config.appSettings().database.username,
    password: Config.appSettings().database.password,
    database: Config.appSettings().database.database

var DB = (function () {

    function _query(query, params, callback) {
        pool.getConnection(function (err, connection) {
            if (err) {
                callback(null, err);
                throw err;

            connection.query(query, params, function (err, rows) {
                if (!err) {
                else {
                    callback(null, err);


            connection.on('error', function (err) {
                callback(null, err);
                throw err;

    return {
        query: _query

module.exports = DB;

Just use it like that:

var DB = require('../dal/base.js');

DB.query("select * from tasks", null, function (data, error) {
   callback(data, error);

Using awk to print all columns from the nth to the last

This is what I preferred from all the recommendations:

Printing from the 6th to last column.

ls -lthr | awk '{out=$6; for(i=7;i<=NF;i++){out=out" "$i}; print out}'


ls -lthr | awk '{ORS=" "; for(i=6;i<=NF;i++) print $i;print "\n"}'

Adding a right click menu to an item

Having just messed around with this, it's useful to kjnow that the e.X / e.Y points are relative to the control, so if (as I was) you are adding a context menu to a listview or something similar, you will want to adjust it with the form's origin. In the example below I've added 20 to the x/y so that the menu appears slightly to the right and under the cursor.

cmDelete.Show(this, new Point(e.X + ((Control)sender).Left+20, e.Y + ((Control)sender).Top+20));

How to use getJSON, sending data with post method?

$.getJSON() is pretty handy for sending an AJAX request and getting back JSON data as a response. Alas, the jQuery documentation lacks a sister function that should be named $.postJSON(). Why not just use $.getJSON() and be done with it? Well, perhaps you want to send a large amount of data or, in my case, IE7 just doesn’t want to work properly with a GET request.

It is true, there is currently no $.postJSON() method, but you can accomplish the same thing by specifying a fourth parameter (type) in the $.post() function:

My code looked like this:

$.post('script.php', data, function(response) {
  // Do something with the request
}, 'json');

How can I reference a commit in an issue comment on GitHub?

If you are trying to reference a commit in another repo than the issue is in, you can prefix the commit short hash with reponame@.

Suppose your commit is in the repo named dev, and the GitLab issue is in the repo named test. You can leave a comment on the issue and reference the commit by dev@e9c11f0a (where e9c11f0a is the first 8 letters of the sha hash of the commit you want to link to) if that makes sense.

Setting up PostgreSQL ODBC on Windows

Installing psqlODBC on 64bit Windows

Though you can install 32 bit ODBC drivers on Win X64 as usual, you can't configure 32-bit DSNs via ordinary control panel or ODBC datasource administrator.

How to configure 32 bit ODBC drivers on Win x64

Configure ODBC DSN from %SystemRoot%\syswow64\odbcad32.exe

  1. Start > Run
  2. Enter: %SystemRoot%\syswow64\odbcad32.exe
  3. Hit return.
  4. Open up ODBC and select under the System DSN tab.
  5. Select PostgreSQL Unicode

You may have to play with it and try different scenarios, think outside-the-box, remember this is open source.

How do I localize the jQuery UI Datepicker?

<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">

<script src="//"></script>
<script src=">/js/datepicker-fr.js"></script>
jQuery(function() {
jQuery( "#datepicker" ).datepicker({minDate: 0 , dateFormat: 'mm/dd/yy'});


<script type="text/javascript">

TypeError: got multiple values for argument

This also happens if you forget selfdeclaration inside class methods.


class Example():
    def is_overlapping(x1, x2, y1, y2):
        # Thanks to
        return max(x1, y1) <= min(x2, y2)

Fails calling it like self.is_overlapping(x1=2, x2=4, y1=3, y2=5) with:

{TypeError} is_overlapping() got multiple values for argument 'x1'


class Example():
    def is_overlapping(self, x1, x2, y1, y2):
        # Thanks to
        return max(x1, y1) <= min(x2, y2)

Socket transport "ssl" in PHP not enabled

In XAMPP Version 1.7.4 server does not have extension=php_openssl.dll line in php ini file. We have to add extension=php_openssl.dll in php.ini file

Good NumericUpDown equivalent in WPF?

The Extended WPF Toolkit has one: NumericUpDown enter image description here

How to merge lists into a list of tuples?

In Python 2:

>>> list_a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> list_b = [5, 6, 7, 8]
>>> zip(list_a, list_b)
[(1, 5), (2, 6), (3, 7), (4, 8)]

In Python 3:

>>> list_a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> list_b = [5, 6, 7, 8]
>>> list(zip(list_a, list_b))
[(1, 5), (2, 6), (3, 7), (4, 8)]

Format / Suppress Scientific Notation from Python Pandas Aggregation Results

I had multiple dataframes with different floating point, so thx to Allans idea made dynamic length.

pd.set_option('display.float_format', lambda x: f'%.{len(str(x%1))-2}f' % x)

The minus of this is that if You have last 0 in float, it will cut it. So it will be not 0.000070, but 0.00007.

How to remove blank lines from a Unix file

awk 'NF' filename

awk 'NF > 0' filename

sed -i '/^$/d' filename

awk '!/^$/' filename

awk '/./' filename

The NF also removes lines containing only blanks or tabs, the regex /^$/ does not.

Difference between HashMap and Map in Java..?

Map<K,V> is an interface, HashMap<K,V> is a class that implements Map.

you can do

Map<Key,Value> map = new HashMap<Key,Value>();

Here you have a link to the documentation of each one: Map, HashMap.

how to destroy bootstrap modal window completely?

if is bootstrap 3 you can use:

$("#mimodal").on('', function () {
    $(this).data('bs.modal', null);

FileNotFoundException..Classpath resource not found in spring?

This is due to spring-config.xml is not in classpath.

Add complete path of spring-config.xml to your classpath.

Also write command you execute to run your project. You can check classpath in command.

Php $_POST method to get textarea value

Always (always, always, I'm not kidding) use htmlspecialchars():

echo htmlspecialchars($_POST['contact_list']);

Bash command line and input limit

There is a buffer limit of something like 1024. The read will simply hang mid paste or input. To solve this use the -e option.

-e use Readline to obtain the line in an interactive shell

Change your read to read -e and annoying line input hang goes away.

How to find the php.ini file used by the command line?

In your php.ini file set your extension directory, e.g:

extension_dir = "C:/php/ext/"

You will see in you PHP folder there is an ext folder with all the dll's and extensions.

Mysql database sync between two databases

Have a look at Schema and Data Comparison tools in dbForge Studio for MySQL. These tool will help you to compare, to see the differences, generate a synchronization script and synchronize two databases.


Found an XML transform stylesheet here (wayback machine link, site itself is in german)

The stylesheet added here could be helpful:

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xsl:output method="text" encoding="iso-8859-1"/>

<xsl:strip-space elements="*" />

<xsl:template match="/*/child::*">
<xsl:for-each select="child::*">
<xsl:if test="position() != last()">"<xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(.)"/>",    </xsl:if>
<xsl:if test="position()  = last()">"<xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(.)"/>"<xsl:text>&#xD;</xsl:text>


Perhaps you want to remove the quotes inside the xsl:if tags so it doesn't put your values into quotes, depending on where you want to use the CSV file.

Checking if an object is null in C#

in C# > 7.0 use

if (obj is null) ...

This will ignore any == or != defined by the object (unless of course you want to use them ...)

For not null use if (obj is object) and from C# 9 you can also use if (obj is not null)

Using DISTINCT along with GROUP BY in SQL Server

Use DISTINCT to remove duplicate GROUPING SETS from the GROUP BY clause

In a completely silly example using GROUPING SETS() in general (or the special grouping sets ROLLUP() or CUBE() in particular), you could use DISTINCT in order to remove the duplicate values produced by the grouping sets again:

FROM (VALUES('a'), ('a'), ('b'), ('b')) t(actors)
GROUP BY CUBE(actors, actors)





But why, apart from making an academic point, would you do that?

Use DISTINCT to find unique aggregate function values

In a less far-fetched example, you might be interested in the DISTINCT aggregated values, such as, how many different duplicate numbers of actors are there?

FROM (VALUES('a'), ('a'), ('b'), ('b')) t(actors)
GROUP BY actors



Use DISTINCT to remove duplicates with more than one GROUP BY column

Another case, of course, is this one:

FROM (VALUES('a', 1), ('a', 1), ('b', 1), ('b', 2)) t(actors, id)
GROUP BY actors, id


actors  count
a       2
b       1


actors  count
a       2
b       1
b       1

For more details, I've written some blog posts, e.g. about GROUPING SETS and how they influence the GROUP BY operation, or about the logical order of SQL operations (as opposed to the lexical order of operations).

The type or namespace name 'DbContext' could not be found


Paste it in (for x86)

C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.0\

Then Right click on project -> add reference -> select EntityFramework


How to add additional libraries to Visual Studio project?

Add #pragma comment(lib, "Your library name here") to your source.

how to delete default values in text field using selenium?

For page object model -

   public WebElement textBox;

now in your function

 public void clearExistingText(String newText){

for general selenium architecture -


Get time difference between two dates in seconds

You can use new Date().getTime() for getting timestamps. Then you can calculate the difference between end and start and finally transform the timestamp which is ms into s.

const start = new Date().getTime();
const end = new Date().getTime();

const diff = end - start;
const seconds = Math.floor(diff / 1000 % 60);

Is there a code obfuscator for PHP?

You can try PHP protect which is a free PHP obfuscator to obfuscate your PHP code.
It is very nice, easy to use and also free.
EDIT: This service is not live anymore.

As for what others have written here about not using obfuscation because it can be broken etc:
I have only one thing to answer them - don't lock your house door because anyone can pick your lock.
This is exactly the case, obfuscation is not meant to prevent 100% code theft. It only needs to make it a time-consuming task so it will be cheaper to pay the original coder. Hope this helps.

VBA: Convert Text to Number

Using aLearningLady's answer above, you can make your selection range dynamic by looking for the last row with data in it instead of just selecting the entire column.

The below code worked for me.

Dim lastrow as Integer

lastrow = Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row

Range("C2:C" & lastrow).Select
With Selection
    .NumberFormat = "General"
    .Value = .Value
End With

Error - trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty

I faced this problem while running a particular suite of Android for testing on Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr). Two things worked for me as suggested by shaheen:

sudo update-ca-certificates -f

sudo /var/lib/dpkg/info/ca-certificates-java.postinst configure

Android adding simple animations while setvisibility(view.Gone)

The easiest way to animate Visibility changes is use Transition API which available in support (androidx) package. Just call TransitionManager.beginDelayedTransition method then change visibility of the view. There are several default transitions like Fade, Slide.

import androidx.transition.TransitionManager;
import androidx.transition.Transition;
import androidx.transition.Fade;

private void toggle() {
    Transition transition = new Fade();

    TransitionManager.beginDelayedTransition(parent, transition);
    image.setVisibility(show ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE);

Where parent is parent ViewGroup of animated view. Result:

enter image description here

Here is result with Slide transition:

import androidx.transition.Slide;

Transition transition = new Slide(Gravity.BOTTOM);

enter image description here

It is easy to write custom transition if you need something different. Here is example with CircularRevealTransition which I wrote in another answer. It shows and hide view with CircularReveal animation.

Transition transition = new CircularRevealTransition();

enter image description here

android:animateLayoutChanges="true" option does same thing, it just uses AutoTransition as transition.

Wait until boolean value changes it state

Ok maybe this one should solve your problem. Note that each time you make a change you call the change() method that releases the wait.

Integer any = new Integer(0);

public synchronized boolean waitTillChange() {
    return true;

public synchronized void change() {

How do I import an existing Java keystore (.jks) file into a Java installation?

You can bulk import all aliases from one keystore to another:

keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore source.jks -destkeystore dest.jks

How do we update URL or query strings using javascript/jQuery without reloading the page?

You'll need to be more specific. What do you mean by 'update the URL'? It could mean automatically navigating to a different page, which is certainly possible.

If you want to just update the contents of the address bar without reloading the page, see Modify the URL without reloading the page

How do I remove an array item in TypeScript?

let a: number[] = [];


let index: number = a.findIndex(a => a === 1);

if (index != -1) {
    a.splice(index, 1);


Easy way to test an LDAP User's Credentials

Authentication is done via a simple ldap_bind command that takes the users DN and the password. The user is authenticated when the bind is successfull. Usually you would get the users DN via an ldap_search based on the users uid or email-address.

Getting the users roles is something different as it is an ldap_search and depends on where and how the roles are stored in the ldap. But you might be able to retrieve the roles during the lap_search used to find the users DN.

Targeting .NET Framework 4.5 via Visual Studio 2010

I have been struggling with VS2010/DNFW 4.5 integration and have finally got this working. Starting in VS 2008, a cache of assemblies was introduced that is used by Visual Studio called the "Referenced Assemblies". This file cache for VS 2010 is located at \Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework.NetFramework\v4.0. Visual Studio loads framework assemblies from this location instead of from the framework installation directory. When Microsoft says that VS 2010 does not support DNFW 4.5 what they mean is that this directory does not get updated when DNFW 4.5 is installed. Once you have replace the files in this location with the updated DNFW 4.5 files, you will find that VS 2010 will happily function with DNFW 4.5.

Ignore files that have already been committed to a Git repository

Thanks to your answer, I was able to write this little one-liner to improve it. I ran it on my .gitignore and repo, and had no issues, but if anybody sees any glaring problems, please comment. This should git rm -r --cached from .gitignore:

cat $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/.gitIgnore | sed "s/\/$//" | grep -v "^#" | xargs -L 1 -I {} find $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) -name "{}" | xargs -L 1 git rm -r --cached

Note that you'll get a lot of fatal: pathspec '<pathspec>' did not match any files. That's just for the files which haven't been modified.

in_array multiple values

Intersect the targets with the haystack and make sure the intersection is precisely equal to the targets:

$haystack = array(...);

$target = array('foo', 'bar');

if(count(array_intersect($haystack, $target)) == count($target)){
    // all of $target is in $haystack

Note that you only need to verify the size of the resulting intersection is the same size as the array of target values to say that $haystack is a superset of $target.

To verify that at least one value in $target is also in $haystack, you can do this check:

 if(count(array_intersect($haystack, $target)) > 0){
     // at least one of $target is in $haystack

How to launch Safari and open URL from iOS app

The non deprecated Objective-C version would be:

[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""] options:@{} completionHandler:nil];

Create a simple Login page using eclipse and mysql

You Can simply Use One Jsp Page To accomplish the task.

<%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<%@page import="java.sql.*"%>
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    <title>JSP Page</title>
        String username=request.getParameter("user_name");
        String password=request.getParameter("password");
        String role=request.getParameter("role");
            Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/t_fleet","root","root");
            Statement st=con.createStatement();
            String query="select * from tbl_login where user_name='"+username+"' and password='"+password+"' and role='"+role+"'";
            ResultSet rs=st.executeQuery(query);
                session.setAttribute( "user_name",rs.getString(2));

        catch(Exception e)


I have use username, password and role to get into the system. One more thing to implement is you can do page permission checking through jsp and javascript function.

iTerm2 keyboard shortcut - split pane navigation

Spanish ISO:

  1. ?+?+[ goes left top
  2. ?+?+] goes bottom right

GetType used in PowerShell, difference between variables

Select-Object returns a custom PSObject with just the properties specified. Even with a single property, you don't get the ACTUAL variable; it is wrapped inside the PSObject.

Instead, do:

Get-Date | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DayOfWeek

That will get you the same result as:


The difference is that if Get-Date returns multiple objects, the pipeline way works better than the parenthetical way as (Get-ChildItem), for example, is an array of items. This has changed in PowerShell v3 and (Get-ChildItem).FullPath works as expected and returns an array of just the full paths.

Deserialize JSON array(or list) in C#

I was having the similar issue and solved by understanding the Classes in C#

I want to read following JSON string :

        "resultList": [
                "channelType": "",
                "duration": "2:29:30",
                "episodeno": 0,
                "genre": "Drama",
                "genreList": [
                "genres": [
                        "personName": "Drama"
                "id": 1204,
                "language": "Hindi",
                "name": "The Great Target",
                "productId": 1204,
                "productMasterId": 1203,
                "productMasterName": "The Great Target",
                "productName": "The Great Target",
                "productTypeId": 1,
                "productTypeName": "Movie",
                "rating": 3,
                "releaseyear": "2005",
                "showGoodName": "Movies ",
                "views": 8333
                "channelType": "",
                "duration": "2:30:30",
                "episodeno": 0,
                "genre": "Romance",
                "genreList": [
                "genres": [
                        "personName": "Romance"
                "id": 1144,
                "language": "Hindi",
                "name": "Mere Sapnon Ki Rani",
                "productId": 1144,
                "productMasterId": 1143,
                "productMasterName": "Mere Sapnon Ki Rani",
                "productName": "Mere Sapnon Ki Rani",
                "productTypeId": 1,
                "productTypeName": "Movie",
                "rating": 3,
                "releaseyear": "1997",
                "showGoodName": "Movies ",
                "views": 6482
                "channelType": "",
                "duration": "2:34:07",
                "episodeno": 0,
                "genre": "Drama",
                "genreList": [
                "genres": [
                        "personName": "Drama"
                "id": 1520,
                "language": "Telugu",
                "name": "Satyameva Jayathe",
                "productId": 1520,
                "productMasterId": 1519,
                "productMasterName": "Satyameva Jayathe",
                "productName": "Satyameva Jayathe",
                "productTypeId": 1,
                "productTypeName": "Movie",
                "rating": 3,
                "releaseyear": "2004",
                "showGoodName": "Movies ",
                "views": 9910
        "resultSize": 1171,
        "pageIndex": "1"

My c# code looks like following

First, Class3.cs page created in APP_Code folder of Web application

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Web.Script.Serialization;
using System.Collections.Generic;

/// <summary>
/// Summary description for Class3
/// </summary>
public class Class3

    public List<ListWrapper_Main> ResultList_Main { get; set; }

    public class ListWrapper_Main
        public List<ListWrapper> ResultList { get; set; }

        public string resultSize { get; set; }
        public string pageIndex { get; set; }

    public class ListWrapper
        public string channelType { get; set; }
        public string duration { get; set; }
        public int episodeno { get; set; }
        public string genre { get; set; }
        public string[] genreList { get; set; }
        public List<genres_cls> genres { get; set; }
        public int id { get; set; }
        public string imageUrl { get; set; }
        //public string imageurl { get; set; }
        public string language { get; set; }
        public string name { get; set; }
        public int productId { get; set; }
        public int productMasterId { get; set; }
        public string productMasterName { get; set; }
        public string productName { get; set; }
        public int productTypeId { get; set; }
        public string productTypeName { get; set; }
        public decimal rating { get; set; }
        public string releaseYear { get; set; }
        //public string releaseyear { get; set; }
        public string showGoodName { get; set; }
        public string views { get; set; }
    public class genres_cls
        public string personName { get; set; }


Then, Browser page that reads the string/JSON string listed above and displays/Deserialize the JSON objects and displays the data

JavaScriptSerializer ser = new JavaScriptSerializer();

        string final_sb = sb.ToString();

        List<Class3.ListWrapper_Main> movieInfos = ser.Deserialize<List<Class3.ListWrapper_Main>>(final_sb.ToString());

        foreach (var itemdetail in movieInfos)

            foreach (var itemdetail2 in itemdetail.ResultList)
                Response.Write("channelType=" + itemdetail2.channelType + "<br/>");
                Response.Write("duration=" + itemdetail2.duration + "<br/>");
                Response.Write("episodeno=" + itemdetail2.episodeno + "<br/>");
                Response.Write("genre=" + itemdetail2.genre + "<br/>");

                string[] genreList_arr = itemdetail2.genreList;
                for (int i = 0; i < genreList_arr.Length; i++)
                    Response.Write("genreList1=" + genreList_arr[i].ToString() + "<br>");

                foreach (var genres1 in itemdetail2.genres)
                    Response.Write("genres1=" + genres1.personName + "<br>");

                Response.Write("id=" + + "<br/>");
                Response.Write("imageUrl=" + itemdetail2.imageUrl + "<br/>");
                //Response.Write("imageurl=" + itemdetail2.imageurl + "<br/>");
                Response.Write("language=" + itemdetail2.language + "<br/>");
                Response.Write("name=" + + "<br/>");
                Response.Write("productId=" + itemdetail2.productId + "<br/>");
                Response.Write("productMasterId=" + itemdetail2.productMasterId + "<br/>");
                Response.Write("productMasterName=" + itemdetail2.productMasterName + "<br/>");
                Response.Write("productName=" + itemdetail2.productName + "<br/>");
                Response.Write("productTypeId=" + itemdetail2.productTypeId + "<br/>");
                Response.Write("productTypeName=" + itemdetail2.productTypeName + "<br/>");
                Response.Write("rating=" + itemdetail2.rating + "<br/>");
                Response.Write("releaseYear=" + itemdetail2.releaseYear + "<br/>");
                //Response.Write("releaseyear=" + itemdetail2.releaseyear + "<br/>");
                Response.Write("showGoodName=" + itemdetail2.showGoodName + "<br/>");
                Response.Write("views=" + itemdetail2.views + "<br/><br>");
                //Response.Write("resultSize" + itemdetail2.resultSize + "<br/>");
                //  Response.Write("pageIndex" + itemdetail2.pageIndex + "<br/>");


            Response.Write("resultSize=" + itemdetail.resultSize + "<br/><br>");
            Response.Write("pageIndex=" + itemdetail.pageIndex + "<br/><br>");


'sb' is the actual string, i.e. JSON string of data mentioned very first on top of this reply

This is basically - web application c# code....

N joy...

Asyncio.gather vs asyncio.wait

Although similar in general cases ("run and get results for many tasks"), each function has some specific functionality for other cases:


Returns a Future instance, allowing high level grouping of tasks:

import asyncio
from pprint import pprint

import random

async def coro(tag):
    print(">", tag)
    await asyncio.sleep(random.uniform(1, 3))
    print("<", tag)
    return tag

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

group1 = asyncio.gather(*[coro("group 1.{}".format(i)) for i in range(1, 6)])
group2 = asyncio.gather(*[coro("group 2.{}".format(i)) for i in range(1, 4)])
group3 = asyncio.gather(*[coro("group 3.{}".format(i)) for i in range(1, 10)])

all_groups = asyncio.gather(group1, group2, group3)

results = loop.run_until_complete(all_groups)



All tasks in a group can be cancelled by calling group2.cancel() or even all_groups.cancel(). See also .gather(..., return_exceptions=True),


Supports waiting to be stopped after the first task is done, or after a specified timeout, allowing lower level precision of operations:

import asyncio
import random

async def coro(tag):
    print(">", tag)
    await asyncio.sleep(random.uniform(0.5, 5))
    print("<", tag)
    return tag

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

tasks = [coro(i) for i in range(1, 11)]

print("Get first result:")
finished, unfinished = loop.run_until_complete(
    asyncio.wait(tasks, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED))

for task in finished:
print("unfinished:", len(unfinished))

print("Get more results in 2 seconds:")
finished2, unfinished2 = loop.run_until_complete(
    asyncio.wait(unfinished, timeout=2))

for task in finished2:
print("unfinished2:", len(unfinished2))

print("Get all other results:")
finished3, unfinished3 = loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait(unfinished2))

for task in finished3:


MVC If statement in View

You only need to prefix an if statement with @ if you're not already inside a razor code block.

Edit: You have a couple of things wrong with your code right now.

You're declaring nmb, but never actually doing anything with the value. So you need figure out what that's supposed to actually be doing. In order to fix your code, you need to make a couple of tiny changes:

@if (ViewBag.Articles != null)
    int nmb = 0;
    foreach (var item in ViewBag.Articles)
        if (nmb % 3 == 0)
            @:<div class="row"> 

        <a href="@Url.Action("Article", "Programming", new { id = })">
            <div class="tasks">
                <div class="col-md-4">
                    <div class="task important">
                        <div class="tmeta">
                            <i class="icon-calendar"></i>
                                @item.DateAdded - Pregleda:@item.Click
                            <i class="icon-pushpin"></i> Authorrr
        if (nmb % 3 == 0)

The important part here is the @:. It's a short-hand of <text></text>, which is used to force the razor engine to render text.

One other thing, the HTML standard specifies that a tags can only contain inline elements, and right now, you're putting a div, which is a block-level element, inside an a.

How to add a “readonly” attribute to an <input>?

Use the setAttribute property. Note in example that if select 1 apply the readonly attribute on textbox, otherwise remove the attribute readonly.

document.getElementById("box1").onchange = function(){
  if(document.getElementById("box1").value == 1) {
    document.getElementById("codigo").setAttribute("readonly", true);
  } else {

<input type="text" name="codigo" id="codigo"/>

<select id="box1">
<option value="0" >0</option>
<option value="1" >1</option>
<option value="2" >2</option>

Problems with installation of Google App Engine SDK for php in OS X

It's likely that the download was corrupted if you are getting an error with the disk image. Go back to the downloads page at and look at the SHA1 checksum. Then, go to your Terminal app on your mac and run the following:

openssl sha1 [put the full path to the file here without brackets] 

For example:

openssl sha1 /Users/me/Desktop/myFile.dmg 

If you get a different value than the one on the Downloads page, you know your file is not properly downloaded and you should try again.

PHP Warning: POST Content-Length of 8978294 bytes exceeds the limit of 8388608 bytes in Unknown on line 0

Go to

C:\ drive

or that drive where xampp is installed click on xampp find php and open it , there you find php.ini folder open php.ini file with notepad and find upload_max_filesize and post_max_size in both "up and down find option",change both values to 1000M

An object reference is required to access a non-static member

Make your audioSounds and minTime variables as static variables, as you are using them in a static method (playSound).

Marking a method as static prevents the usage of non-static (instance) members in that method.

To understand more , please read this SO QA:

Static keyword in c#

How can I count the number of characters in a Bash variable

jcomeau@intrepid:~$ mystring="one two three four five"
jcomeau@intrepid:~$ echo "string length: ${#mystring}"
string length: 23

link Couting characters, words, lenght of the words and total lenght in a sentence

How to use jQuery Plugin with Angular 4?

You should not use jQuery in Angular. While it is possible (see other answers for this question), it is discouraged. Why?

Angular holds an own representation of the DOM in its memory and doesn't use query-selectors (functions like document.getElementById(id)) like jQuery. Instead all the DOM-manipulation is done by Renderer2 (and Angular-directives like *ngFor and *ngIf accessing that Renderer2 in the background/framework-code). If you manipulate DOM with jQuery yourself you will sooner or later...

  1. Run into synchronization problems and have things wrongly appearing or not disappearing at the right time from your screen
  2. Have performance issues in more complex components, as Angular's internal DOM-representation is bound to zone.js and its change detection-mechanism - so updating the DOM manually will always block the thread your app is running on.
  3. Have other confusing errors you don't know the origin of.
  4. Not being able to test the application correctly (Jasmine requires you to know when elements have been rendered)
  5. Not being able to use Angular Universal or WebWorkers

If you really want to include jQuery (for duck-taping some prototype that you will 100% definitively throw away), I recommend to at least include it in your package.json with npm install --save jquery instead of getting it from google's CDN.

TLDR: For learning how to manipulate the DOM in the Angular way please go through the official tour-of heroes tutorial first: If you need to access elements higher up in the DOM hierarchy (parent or document body) or for some other reason directives like *ngIf, *ngFor, custom directives, pipes and other angular utilities like [style.background], [class.myOwnCustomClass] don't satisfy your needs, use Renderer2:

How to refresh or show immediately in datagridview after inserting?

Try below piece of code.


How do I read a large csv file with pandas?

The above answer is already satisfying the topic. Anyway, if you need all the data in memory - have a look at bcolz. Its compressing the data in memory. I have had really good experience with it. But its missing a lot of pandas features

Edit: I got compression rates at around 1/10 or orig size i think, of course depending of the kind of data. Important features missing were aggregates.

"Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation" error (mscorlib)

I'd suggest checking for an inner exception. If there isn't one, check your logs for the exception that occurred immediately prior to this one.

This isn't a web-specific exception, I've also encountered it in desktop-app development. In short, what's happening is that the thread receiving this exception is running some asynchronous code (via Invoke(), e.g.) and that code that's being run asynchronously is exploding with an exception. This target invocation exception is the aftermath of that failure.

If you haven't already, place some sort of exception logging wrapper around the asynchronous callbacks that are being invoked when you trigger this error. Event handlers, for instance. That ought to help you track down the problem.

Good luck!

Replace deprecated preg_replace /e with preg_replace_callback

You can use an anonymous function to pass the matches to your function:

$result = preg_replace_callback(
    function($m) { return CallFunction($m[1], $m[2], $m[3], $m[4], $m[5]); },

Apart from being faster, this will also properly handle double quotes in your string. Your current code using /e would convert a double quote " into \".

String Array object in Java

I think you are a little messed up with what you doing. Athlete is an object, athlete has a name, i has a city where he lives. Athlete can dive.

public class Athlete {

private String name;
private String city;

public Athlete (String name, String city){ = name; = city;
--create method dive, (i am not sure what exactly i has to do)
public void dive (){} 

public class Main{
public static void main (String [] args){

String name =; //enter name from keyboad
String city =; //enter city form keybord

--create a new object athlete and pass paramenters name and city into the object
Athlete a = new Athlete (name, city);


add class with JavaScript

There is build in forEach loop for array in ECMAScript 5th Edition.

var buttons = document.getElementsByClassName("navButton");,function(button) { 
    button.setAttribute("class", "active");
    button.setAttribute("src", "images/arrows/top_o.png"); 

PostgreSQL CASE ... END with multiple conditions

This kind of code perhaps should work for You

  WHEN (pvc IS NULL OR pvc = '') AND (datepose < 1980) THEN '01'
  WHEN (pvc IS NULL OR pvc = '') AND (datepose >= 1980) THEN '02'
  WHEN (pvc IS NULL OR pvc = '') AND (datepose IS NULL OR datepose = 0) THEN '03'
  ELSE '00'
 END AS modifiedpvc
FROM my_table;

 gid | datepose | pvc | modifiedpvc 
   1 |     1961 | 01  | 00
   2 |     1949 |     | 01
   3 |     1990 | 02  | 00
   1 |     1981 |     | 02
   1 |          | 03  | 00
   1 |          |     | 03
(6 rows)

Using Jquery Ajax to retrieve data from Mysql

This answer was for @
Neha Gandhi but I modified it for  people who use pdo and mysqli sing mysql functions are not supported. Here is the new answer 

<!--Save this as index.php-->
      <script src="//"></script>
        <script src="//"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript">
     $(document).ready(function() {
        $("#display").click(function() {                
          $.ajax({    //create an ajax request to display.php
            type: "GET",
            url: "display.php",             
            dataType: "html",   //expect html to be returned                
            success: function(response){                    
    <h3 align="center">Manage Student Details</h3>
    <table border="1" align="center">
           <td> <input type="button" id="display" value="Display All Data" /> </td>
    <div id="responsecontainer" align="center">

// save this as display.php

    // show errors 
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
    //errors ends here 
// call the page for connecting to the db
$get_member =" SELECT 
empid, lastName, firstName, email, usercode, companyid, userid, jobTitle, cell, employeetype, address ,initials   FROM employees";
$user_coder1 = $con->prepare($get_member);
$user_coder1 ->execute();

echo "<table border='1' >
<td align=center> <b>Roll No</b></td>
<td align=center><b>Name</b></td>
<td align=center><b>Address</b></td>
<td align=center><b>Stream</b></td></td>
<td align=center><b>Status</b></td>";

while($row =$user_coder1->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
$firstName = $row['firstName'];
$empid = $row['empid'];
$lastName =    $row['lastName'];
$cell =    $row['cell'];

    echo "<tr>";
    echo "<td align=center>$firstName</td>";
    echo "<td align=center>$empid</td>";
    echo "<td align=center>$lastName </td>";
    echo "<td align=center>$cell</td>";
    echo "<td align=center>$cell</td>";
    echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";

// save this as dbconnector.php
function connected_Db(){

    $dsn  = 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=mydb;charset=utf8';
    $opt  = array(
    #echo "Yes we are connected";
    return new PDO($dsn,'username','password', $opt);
$con = connected_Db();
//echo "me  is connected ";
else {
//echo "Connection faid ";

How to execute cmd commands via Java

If you want to run several commands in the cmd shell then you can construct a single command like this:

  rt.exec("cmd /c start cmd.exe /K \"cd c:/ && dir\"");

This page explains more.

Detecting iOS orientation change instantly

That delay you're talking about is actually a filter to prevent false (unwanted) orientation change notifications.

For instant recognition of device orientation change you're just gonna have to monitor the accelerometer yourself.

Accelerometer measures acceleration (gravity included) in all 3 axes so you shouldn't have any problems in figuring out the actual orientation.

Some code to start working with accelerometer can be found here:

How to make an iPhone App – Part 5: The Accelerometer

And this nice blog covers the math part:

Using the Accelerometer

Difference between angle bracket < > and double quotes " " while including header files in C++?

It's compiler dependent. That said, in general using " prioritizes headers in the current working directory over system headers. <> usually is used for system headers. From to the specification (Section 6.10.2):

A preprocessing directive of the form

  # include <h-char-sequence> new-line

searches a sequence of implementation-defined places for a header identified uniquely by the specified sequence between the < and > delimiters, and causes the replacement of that directive by the entire contents of the header. How the places are specified or the header identified is implementation-defined.

A preprocessing directive of the form

  # include "q-char-sequence" new-line

causes the replacement of that directive by the entire contents of the source file identified by the specified sequence between the " delimiters. The named source file is searched for in an implementation-defined manner. If this search is not supported, or if the search fails, the directive is reprocessed as if it read

  # include <h-char-sequence> new-line

with the identical contained sequence (including > characters, if any) from the original directive.

So on most compilers, using the "" first checks your local directory, and if it doesn't find a match then moves on to check the system paths. Using <> starts the search with system headers.

How can I format a nullable DateTime with ToString()?

Here is Blake's excellent answer as an extension method. Add this to your project and the calls in the question will work as expected.
Meaning it is used like MyNullableDateTime.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), with the same output as MyDateTime.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), except that the value will be "N/A" if the DateTime is null.

public static string ToString(this DateTime? date, string format)
    return date != null ? date.Value.ToString(format) : "N/A";

Sending SMS from PHP

PHP by itself has no SMS module or functions and doesn't allow you to send SMS.

SMS ( Short Messaging System) is a GSM technology an you need a GSM provider that will provide this service for you and may have an PHP API implementation for it.

Usually people in telecom business use Asterisk to handle calls and sms programming.

How to convert <font size="10"> to px?

This is really old, but <font size="10"> would be about <p style= "font-size:55px">

setting system property

System.setProperty("gate.home", "/some/directory");

For more information, see:

psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory (Mac OS X)

The causes of this error are many so first locate your log file and check it for clues. It might be at /usr/local/var/log/postgres.log or /usr/local/var/postgres/server.log or possibly elsewhere. If you installed with Homebrew you can find the location in ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.postgresql.plist.

Getting Lat/Lng from Google marker

// show the marker position //

console.log( );
console.log( objMarker.position.lng() );

// create a new point based into marker position //

var deltaLat = 1.002;
var deltaLng = -1.003;

var objPoint = new google.maps.LatLng( 
  parseFloat( ) + deltaLat, 
  parseFloat( objMarker.position.lng() ) + deltaLng

// now center the map using the new point //

objMap.setCenter( objPoint );

How to randomize two ArrayLists in the same fashion?

This can be done using the shuffle method:

private List<Integer> getJumbledList() {
     List<Integer> myArrayList2 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        return myArrayList2;

How can I recursively find all files in current and subfolders based on wildcard matching?

Default way to search for recursive file, and available in most cases is

find . -name "filepattern"

It starts recursive traversing for filename or pattern from within current directory where you are positioned. With find command, you can use wildcards, and various switches, to see full list of options, type

man find

or if man pages aren't available at your system

find --help

However, there are more modern and faster tools then find, which are traversing your whole filesystem and indexing your files, one such common tool is locate or slocate/mlocate, you should check manual of your OS on how to install it, and once it's installed it needs to initiate database, if install script don't do it for you, it can be done manually by typing

sudo updatedb

And, to use it to look for some particular file type

locate filename

Or, to look for filename or patter from within current directory, you can type:

 pwd | xargs -n 1 -I {} locate "filepattern"

It will look through its database of files and quickly print out path names that match pattern that you have typed. To see full list of locate's options, type: locate --help or man locate

Additionally you can configure locate to update it's database on scheduled times via cron job, so sample cron which updates db at 1AM would look like:

0 1 * * * updatedb

These cron jobs need to be configured by root, since updatedb needs root privilege to traverse whole filesystem.

Are there any log file about Windows Services Status?

Take a look at the System log in Windows EventViewer (eventvwr from the command line).
You should see entries with source as 'Service Control Manager'. e.g. on my WinXP machine,

Event Type: Information
Event Source:   Service Control Manager
Event Category: None
Event ID:   7036
Date:       7/1/2009
Time:       12:09:43 PM
User:       N/A
Computer:   MyMachine
The Background Intelligent Transfer Service service entered the running state.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

How to Position a table HTML?

As BalausC mentioned in a comment, you are probably looking for CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) not HTML attributes.

To position an element, a <table> in your case you want to use either padding or margins.

the difference between margins and paddings can be seen as the "box model":

box model image

Image from HTML Dog article on margins and padding

I highly recommend the article above if you need to learn how to use CSS.

To move the table down and right I would use margins like so:

    margin:25px 0 0 25px;

This is in shorthand so the margins are as follows:

margin: top right bottom left;

How to remove frame from matplotlib (pyplot.figure vs matplotlib.figure ) (frameon=False Problematic in matplotlib)

ax.axis('off'), will as Joe Kington pointed out, remove everything except the plotted line.

For those wanting to only remove the frame (border), and keep labels, tickers etc, one can do that by accessing the spines object on the axis. Given an axis object ax, the following should remove borders on all four sides:


And, in case of removing x and y ticks from the plot:


URL.Action() including route values

You also can use in this form:

<a href="@Url.Action("Information", "Admin", null)"> Admin</a>

Multiple dex files define Landroid/support/v4/accessibilityservice/AccessibilityServiceInfoCompat

Got it working for a compile file('...') conflict by increasing minSdkVersion to 21 and enabling multidex. Not sure if that is the best solution but the only way I could get it working in my case.

Note: for compile file('...') it appears that you cannot put in an exclude clause so that option was not available.

CSS: Truncate table cells, but fit as much as possible

Given that 'table-layout:fixed' is the essential layout requirement, that this creates evenly spaced non-adjustable columns, but that you need to make cells of different percentage widths, perhaps set the 'colspan' of your cells to a multiple?

For example, using a total width of 100 for easy percentage calculations, and saying that you need one cell of 80% and another of 20%, consider:

<TABLE width=100% style="table-layout:fixed;white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;">
          <td colspan=100>
               text across entire width of table
          <td colspan=80>
               text in lefthand bigger cell
          <td colspan=20>
               text in righthand smaller cell

Of course, for columns of 80% and 20%, you could just set the 100% width cell colspan to 5, the 80% to 4, and the 20% to 1.

How to copy directory recursively in python and overwrite all?

Have a look at the shutil package, especially rmtree and copytree. You can check if a file / path exists with os.paths.exists(<path>).

import shutil
import os

def copy_and_overwrite(from_path, to_path):
    if os.path.exists(to_path):
    shutil.copytree(from_path, to_path)

Vincent was right about copytree not working, if dirs already exist. So distutils is the nicer version. Below is a fixed version of shutil.copytree. It's basically copied 1-1, except the first os.makedirs() put behind an if-else-construct:

import os
from shutil import *
def copytree(src, dst, symlinks=False, ignore=None):
    names = os.listdir(src)
    if ignore is not None:
        ignored_names = ignore(src, names)
        ignored_names = set()

    if not os.path.isdir(dst): # This one line does the trick
    errors = []
    for name in names:
        if name in ignored_names:
        srcname = os.path.join(src, name)
        dstname = os.path.join(dst, name)
            if symlinks and os.path.islink(srcname):
                linkto = os.readlink(srcname)
                os.symlink(linkto, dstname)
            elif os.path.isdir(srcname):
                copytree(srcname, dstname, symlinks, ignore)
                # Will raise a SpecialFileError for unsupported file types
                copy2(srcname, dstname)
        # catch the Error from the recursive copytree so that we can
        # continue with other files
        except Error, err:
        except EnvironmentError, why:
            errors.append((srcname, dstname, str(why)))
        copystat(src, dst)
    except OSError, why:
        if WindowsError is not None and isinstance(why, WindowsError):
            # Copying file access times may fail on Windows
            errors.extend((src, dst, str(why)))
    if errors:
        raise Error, errors

Remove last 3 characters of string or number in javascript

you just need to divide the Date Time stamp by 1000 like:

var a = 1437203995000;
a = (a)/1000;

What is the opposite of evt.preventDefault();

you can use this after "preventDefault" method

//Here return default event (eg : defult url etc)


//Here we save default event ..

//activate default event..

Autoreload of modules in IPython

REVISED - please see Andrew_1510's answer below, as IPython has been updated.


It was a bit hard figure out how to get there from a dusty bug report, but:

It ships with IPython now!

import ipy_autoreload
%autoreload 2
%aimport your_mod

# %autoreload? for help

... then every time you call your_mod.dwim(), it'll pick up the latest version.

ComboBox: Adding Text and Value to an Item (no Binding Source)

Further to Adam Markowitz's answer, here is a general purpose way of (relatively) simply setting the ItemSource values of a combobox to be enums, while showing the 'Description' attribute to the user. (You'd think everyone would want to do this so that it would be a .NET one liner, but it just isn't, and this is the most elegant way I've found).

First, create this simple class for converting any Enum value into a ComboBox item:

public class ComboEnumItem {
    public string Text { get; set; }
    public object Value { get; set; }

    public ComboEnumItem(Enum originalEnum)
        this.Value = originalEnum;
        this.Text = this.ToString();

    public string ToString()
        FieldInfo field = Value.GetType().GetField(Value.ToString());
        DescriptionAttribute attribute = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(field, typeof(DescriptionAttribute)) as DescriptionAttribute;
        return attribute == null ? Value.ToString() : attribute.Description;

Secondly in your OnLoad event handler, you need to set the source of your combo box to be a list of ComboEnumItems based on every Enum in your Enum type. This can be achieved with Linq. Then just set the DisplayMemberPath:

    void OnLoad(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        comboBoxUserReadable.ItemsSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(EMyEnum))
                        .Select(v => new ComboEnumItem(v))

        comboBoxUserReadable.DisplayMemberPath = "Text";
        comboBoxUserReadable.SelectedValuePath= "Value";

Now the user will select from a list of your user friendly Descriptions, but what they select will be the enum value which you can use in code. To access the user's selection in code, comboBoxUserReadable.SelectedItem will be the ComboEnumItem and comboBoxUserReadable.SelectedValue will be the EMyEnum.

Best way to find the intersection of multiple sets?

Here I'm offering a generic function for multiple set intersection trying to take advantage of the best method available:

def multiple_set_intersection(*sets):
    """Return multiple set intersection."""
        return set.intersection(*sets)
    except TypeError: # this is Python < 2.6 or no arguments

    try: a_set= sets[0]
    except IndexError: # no arguments
        return set() # return empty set

    return reduce(a_set.intersection, sets[1:])

Guido might dislike reduce, but I'm kind of fond of it :)

Convert to binary and keep leading zeros in Python

>>> '{:08b}'.format(1)

See: Format Specification Mini-Language

Note for Python 2.6 or older, you cannot omit the positional argument identifier before :, so use

>>> '{0:08b}'.format(1)

How to split the name string in mysql?

You could use the common_schema and use the tokenize function. For more information about this, follow the links. Your code the would end up like:

call tokenize(name, ' ');

However, be aware that a space is not a reliable separator for first and last name. E.g. In Spain it is common to have two last names.

Python: Converting string into decimal number

You will need to use strip() because of the extra bits in the strings.

A2 = [float(x.strip('"')) for x in A1]

Inline instantiation of a constant List

You are looking for a simple code, like this:

    List<string> tagList = new List<string>(new[]

Pass arguments to Constructor in VBA

Why not this way:

  1. In a class module »myClass« use Public Sub Init(myArguments) instead of Private Sub Class_Initialize()
  2. Instancing: Dim myInstance As New myClass: myInstance.Init myArguments

How to open the Chrome Developer Tools in a new window?

You have to click and hold until the other icon shows up, then slide the mouse down to the icon.

What's the actual use of 'fail' in JUnit test case?

In concurrent and/or asynchronous settings, you may want to verify that certain methods (e.g. delegates, event listeners, response handlers, you name it) are not called. Mocking frameworks aside, you can call fail() in those methods to fail the tests. Expired timeouts are another natural failure condition in such scenarios.

For example:

final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);

service.asyncCall(someParameter, new ResponseHandler<SomeType>() {
    public void onSuccess(SomeType result) {
        // Further test assertions on the result

    public void onError(Exception e) {

if ( !latch.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS) ) {
    fail("No response after 5s");

Maximum filename length in NTFS (Windows XP and Windows Vista)?

238! I checked it under Win7 32 bit with the following bat script:

set "fname="
for /l %%i in (1, 1, 27) do @call :setname
@echo %fname%
for /l %%i in (1, 1, 100) do @call :check
goto :EOF
set "fname=%fname%_123456789"
goto :EOF
set "fname=%fname:~0,-1%"
@echo xx>%fname%
if not exist %fname% goto :eof
dir /b
goto :EOF

How to find the foreach index?

Owen has a good answer. If you want just the key, and you are working with an array this might also be useful.

foreach(array_keys($array) as $key) {
//  do stuff

Bootstrap 3 : Vertically Center Navigation Links when Logo Increasing The Height of Navbar

Use the Bootstrap Customizer to generate a version of Bootstrap that has a taller navbar. The value you want to change is @navbar-height in the Navbar section.

Inspect your current implementation to see how tall your navbar is with the 50px brand image, and use that calculated height in the Customizer.

Typescript es6 import module "File is not a module error"

Extended - to provide more details based on some comments

The error

Error TS2306: File 'test.ts' is not a module.

Comes from the fact described here

17. Modules

This chapter explains how the built-in modules work in ECMAScript 6.

17.1 Overview

In ECMAScript 6, modules are stored in files. There is exactly one module per file and one file per module. You have two ways of exporting things from a module. These two ways can be mixed, but it is usually better to use them separately.

17.1.1 Multiple named exports

There can be multiple named exports:

//------ lib.js ------
export const sqrt = Math.sqrt;
export function square(x) {
    return x * x;
export function diag(x, y) {
    return sqrt(square(x) + square(y));

17.1.2 Single default export

There can be a single default export. For example, a function:

//------ myFunc.js ------
export default function () { ··· } // no semicolon!

Based on the above we need the export, as a part of the test.js file. Let's adjust the content of it like this:

// test.js - exporting es6
export module App {
  export class SomeClass {
    getName(): string {
      return 'name';
  export class OtherClass {
    getName(): string {
      return 'name';

And now we can import it with these thre ways:

import * as app1 from "./test";
import app2 = require("./test");
import {App} from "./test";

And we can consume imported stuff like this:

var a1: app1.App.SomeClass  = new app1.App.SomeClass();
var a2: app1.App.OtherClass = new app1.App.OtherClass();

var b1: app2.App.SomeClass  = new app2.App.SomeClass();
var b2: app2.App.OtherClass = new app2.App.OtherClass();

var c1: App.SomeClass  = new App.SomeClass();
var c2: App.OtherClass = new App.OtherClass();

and call the method to see it in action:


Original part is trying to help to reduce the amount of complexity in usage of the namespace

Original part:

I would really strongly suggest to check this Q & A:

How do I use namespaces with TypeScript external modules?

Let me cite the first sentence:

Do not use "namespaces" in external modules.

Don't do this.

Seriously. Stop.


In this case, we just do not need module inside of test.ts. This could be the content of it adjusted test.ts:

export class SomeClass
    getName(): string
        return 'name';

Read more here

Export =

In the previous example, when we consumed each validator, each module only exported one value. In cases like this, it's cumbersome to work with these symbols through their qualified name when a single identifier would do just as well.

The export = syntax specifies a single object that is exported from the module. This can be a class, interface, module, function, or enum. When imported, the exported symbol is consumed directly and is not qualified by any name.

we can later consume it like this:

import App = require('./test');

var sc: App.SomeClass = new App.SomeClass();


Read more here:

Optional Module Loading and Other Advanced Loading Scenarios

In some cases, you may want to only load a module under some conditions. In TypeScript, we can use the pattern shown below to implement this and other advanced loading scenarios to directly invoke the module loaders without losing type safety.

The compiler detects whether each module is used in the emitted JavaScript. For modules that are only used as part of the type system, no require calls are emitted. This culling of unused references is a good performance optimization, and also allows for optional loading of those modules.

The core idea of the pattern is that the import id = require('...') statement gives us access to the types exposed by the external module. The module loader is invoked (through require) dynamically, as shown in the if blocks below. This leverages the reference-culling optimization so that the module is only loaded when needed. For this pattern to work, it's important that the symbol defined via import is only used in type positions (i.e. never in a position that would be emitted into the JavaScript).

How to get the last char of a string in PHP?

Remember, if you have a string which was read as a line from a text file using the fgets() function, you need to use substr($string, -3, 1) so that you get the actual character and not part of the CRLF (Carriage Return Line Feed).

I don't think the person who asked the question needed this, but for me, I was having trouble getting that last character from a string from a text file so I'm sure others will come across similar problems.

How to test a variable is null in python

Testing for name pointing to None and name existing are two semantically different operations.

To check if val is None:

if val is None:
    pass  # val exists and is None

To check if name exists:

except NameError:
    pass  # val does not exist at all

'node' is not recognized as an internal or external command

Node is missing from the SYSTEM PATH, try this in your command line

SET PATH=C:\Program Files\Nodejs;%PATH%

and then try running node

To set this system wide you need to set in the system settings - cf -

To be very clean, create a new system variable NODEJS

NODEJS="C:\Program Files\Nodejs"

Then edit the PATH in system variables and add %NODEJS%


Big O, how do you calculate/approximate it?

As to "how do you calculate" Big O, this is part of Computational complexity theory. For some (many) special cases you may be able to come with some simple heuristics (like multiplying loop counts for nested loops), esp. when all you want is any upper bound estimation, and you do not mind if it is too pessimistic - which I guess is probably what your question is about.

If you really want to answer your question for any algorithm the best you can do is to apply the theory. Besides of simplistic "worst case" analysis I have found Amortized analysis very useful in practice.

Replacing backslashes with forward slashes with str_replace() in php

No regex, so no need for //.

this should work:

$str = str_replace("\\", '/', $str);

You need to escape "\" as well.

Generate class from database table

create PROCEDURE for create custom code using template

create PROCEDURE [dbo].[createCode]
   @TableName sysname = '',
   @befor varchar(max)='public class  @TableName  
   @templet varchar(max)=' 
     public @ColumnType @ColumnName   { get; set; }  // @ColumnDesc  ',
   @after varchar(max)='


declare @result varchar(max)

set @befor =replace(@befor,'@TableName',@TableName)

set @result=@befor

select @result = @result 
+ replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(@templet,'@ColumnType',ColumnType) ,'@ColumnName',ColumnName) ,'@ColumnDesc',ColumnDesc),'@ISPK',ISPK),'@max_length',max_length)

    replace(, ' ', '_') ColumnName, as sqltype,
            when 'bigint' then 'long'
            when 'binary' then 'byte[]'
            when 'bit' then 'bool'
            when 'char' then 'String'
            when 'date' then 'DateTime'
            when 'datetime' then 'DateTime'
            when 'datetime2' then 'DateTime'
            when 'datetimeoffset' then 'DateTimeOffset'
            when 'decimal' then 'decimal'
            when 'float' then 'float'
            when 'image' then 'byte[]'
            when 'int' then 'int'
            when 'money' then 'decimal'
            when 'nchar' then 'char'
            when 'ntext' then 'string'
            when 'numeric' then 'decimal'
            when 'nvarchar' then 'String'
            when 'real' then 'double'
            when 'smalldatetime' then 'DateTime'
            when 'smallint' then 'short'
            when 'smallmoney' then 'decimal'
            when 'text' then 'String'
            when 'time' then 'TimeSpan'
            when 'timestamp' then 'DateTime'
            when 'tinyint' then 'byte'
            when 'uniqueidentifier' then 'Guid'
            when 'varbinary' then 'byte[]'
            when 'varchar' then 'string'
            else 'UNKNOWN_' +
        END + CASE WHEN col.is_nullable=1 AND NOT IN ('binary', 'varbinary', 'image', 'text', 'ntext', 'varchar', 'nvarchar', 'char', 'nchar') THEN '?' ELSE '' END ColumnType,
      isnull(colDesc.colDesc,'') AS ColumnDesc 
    from sys.columns col
        join sys.types typ on
            col.system_type_id = typ.system_type_id AND col.user_type_id = typ.user_type_id
            left join
                SELECT  AS 'ColumnName', CASE WHEN IS NULL THEN 'false' ELSE 'true' END ISPK           
                FROM        sys.columns c
                    JOIN    sys.tables  t   ON c.object_id = t.object_id    
                    LEFT JOIN (SELECT   K.COLUMN_NAME , C.CONSTRAINT_TYPE as pk  
                        ON K.TABLE_NAME = C.TABLE_NAME
                            AND K.CONSTRAINT_NAME = C.CONSTRAINT_NAME
                            AND K.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = C.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA            
                        WHERE K.TABLE_NAME = @TableName) as dd
                     ON dd.COLUMN_NAME =
                 WHERE = @TableName       
            ) pkk  on

    SELECT TOP 1 CAST(value AS NVARCHAR(max)) AS colDesc
       major_id = col.object_id
       minor_id = COLUMNPROPERTY(major_id,, 'ColumnId')
    ) colDesc      
    where object_id = object_id(@TableName)

    ) t

    set @result=@result+@after

    select @result
    --print @result


now create custom code

for example c# class

exec [createCode] @TableName='book',@templet =' 
     public @ColumnType @ColumnName   { get; set; }  // @ColumnDesc  '

output is

public class  book  
     public long ID   { get; set; }  //    
     public String Title   { get; set; }  // Book Title  

for LINQ

exec [createCode] @TableName='book'
, @befor  ='[System.Data.Linq.Mapping.Table(Name = "@TableName")]
public class @TableName

   @templet  =' 
     [System.Data.Linq.Mapping.Column(Name = "@ColumnName", IsPrimaryKey = @ISPK)]
     public @ColumnType @ColumnName   { get; set; }  // @ColumnDesc  
     ' ,

   @after  ='

output is

[System.Data.Linq.Mapping.Table(Name = "book")]
public class book
     [System.Data.Linq.Mapping.Column(Name = "ID", IsPrimaryKey = true)]
     public long ID   { get; set; }  //   

     [System.Data.Linq.Mapping.Column(Name = "Title", IsPrimaryKey = false)]
     public String Title   { get; set; }  // Book Title  


for java class

exec [createCode] @TableName='book',@templet =' 
     public @ColumnType @ColumnName ; // @ColumnDesc  
     public @ColumnType get@ColumnName()
        return this.@ColumnName;
     public void set@ColumnName(@ColumnType @ColumnName)


output is

public class  book  
     public long ID ; //   
     public long getID()
        return this.ID;
     public void setID(long ID)

     public String Title ; // Book Title  
     public String getTitle()
        return this.Title;
     public void setTitle(String Title)

for android sugarOrm model

exec [createCode] @TableName='book'
, @befor  ='@Table(name = "@TableName")
public class @TableName
   @templet  =' 
     @Column(name = "@ColumnName")
     public @ColumnType @ColumnName ;// @ColumnDesc  
     ' ,
   @after  ='

output is

@Table(name = "book")
public class book
     @Column(name = "ID")
     public long ID ;//   

     @Column(name = "Title")
     public String Title ;// Book Title  


auto create database in Entity Framework Core

If you get the context via the parameter list of Configure in Startup.cs, You can instead do this:

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env,  LoggerFactory loggerFactory,
    ApplicationDbContext context)

How to install OpenSSL for Python

SSL development libraries have to be installed


$ yum install openssl-devel libffi-devel


$ apt-get install libssl-dev libffi-dev

OS X (with Homebrew installed):

$ brew install openssl

android - setting LayoutParams programmatically

int dp1 = (int) TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 1,

tv.setLayoutParams(new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(
dp1 * 100)); // if you want to set layout height to 100dp


Angular 2 Show and Hide an element

We can do it by using the below code snippet..

Angular Code:

 export class AppComponent {  
    toggleShowHide: string = "visible";  

HTML Template:

  Enter text to hide or show item in bellow: 
  <input type="text" [(ngModel)]="toggleShowHide">
  Toggle Show/hide:
  <div [style.visibility]="toggleShowHide">   
     Final Release Angular 2!

Rails 4 - passing variable to partial

From the Rails api on PartialRender:

Rendering the default case

If you're not going to be using any of the options like collections or layouts, you can also use the short-hand defaults of render to render partials.


# Instead of <%= render partial: "account" %>
<%= render "account" %>

# Instead of <%= render partial: "account", locals: { account: @buyer } %>
<%= render "account", account: @buyer %>

# @account.to_partial_path returns 'accounts/account', so it can be used to replace:
# <%= render partial: "accounts/account", locals: { account: @account} %>
<%= render @account %>

# @posts is an array of Post instances, so every post record returns 'posts/post' on `to_partial_path`,
# that's why we can replace:
# <%= render partial: "posts/post", collection: @posts %>
<%= render @posts %>

So, you can use pass a local variable size to render as follows:

<%= render @users, size: 50 %>

and then use it in the _user.html.erb partial:

    <%= gravatar_for user, size: size %>
    <%= link_to, user %>

Note that size: size is equivalent to :size => size.

python: Appending a dictionary to a list - I see a pointer like behavior

Also with dict

a = []
b = {1:'one'}

print a
print a


[{1: 'one'}]
[{1: 'one'}]

Importing a csv into mysql via command line

try this:

mysql -uusername -ppassword --local-infile scrapping -e "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'CSVname.csv'  INTO TABLE table_name  FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n'"

HttpServletRequest - how to obtain the referring URL?

It's available in the HTTP referer header. You can get it in a servlet as follows:

String referrer = request.getHeader("referer"); // Yes, with the legendary misspelling.

You, however, need to realize that this is a client-controlled value and can thus be spoofed to something entirely different or even removed. Thus, whatever value it returns, you should not use it for any critical business processes in the backend, but only for presentation control (e.g. hiding/showing/changing certain pure layout parts) and/or statistics.

For the interested, background about the misspelling can be found in Wikipedia.

How to create JNDI context in Spring Boot with Embedded Tomcat Container

By default, JNDI is disabled in embedded Tomcat which is causing the NoInitialContextException. You need to call Tomcat.enableNaming() to enable it. The easiest way to do that is with a TomcatEmbeddedServletContainer subclass:

public TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory tomcatFactory() {
    return new TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory() {

        protected TomcatEmbeddedServletContainer getTomcatEmbeddedServletContainer(
                Tomcat tomcat) {
            return super.getTomcatEmbeddedServletContainer(tomcat);

If you take this approach, you can also register the DataSource in JNDI by overriding the postProcessContext method in your TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory subclass.

context.getNamingResources().addResource adds the resource to the java:comp/env context so the resource's name should be jdbc/mydatasource not java:comp/env/mydatasource.

Tomcat uses the thread context class loader to determine which JNDI context a lookup should be performed against. You're binding the resource into the web app's JNDI context so you need to ensure that the lookup is performed when the web app's class loader is the thread context class loader. You should be able to achieve this by setting lookupOnStartup to false on the jndiObjectFactoryBean. You'll also need to set expectedType to javax.sql.DataSource:

<bean class="org.springframework.jndi.JndiObjectFactoryBean">
    <property name="jndiName" value="java:comp/env/jdbc/mydatasource"/>
    <property name="expectedType" value="javax.sql.DataSource"/>
    <property name="lookupOnStartup" value="false"/>

This will create a proxy for the DataSource with the actual JNDI lookup being performed on first use rather than during application context startup.

The approach described above is illustrated in this Spring Boot sample.

What is the best/simplest way to read in an XML file in Java application?

The simplest by far will be Simple, you only need to annotate a single object like so

public class Entry {

   private String a
   private int b;
   private Date c;

   public String getSomething() {
      return a;

public class Configuration {

   private List<Entry> entries;

   public List<Entry> getEntries() { 
      return entries;

Then all you have to do to read the whole file is specify the location and it will parse and populate the annotated POJO's. This will do all the type conversions and validation. You can also annotate for persister callbacks if required. Reading it can be done like so.

Serializer serializer = new Persister();
Configuration configuraiton =, fileLocation);

Chart creating dynamically. in .net, c#

You need to attach the Form1_Load handler to the Load event:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace WindowsFormsApplication6
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()
            Load += Form1_Load;

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Random rnd = new Random();
            Chart mych = new Chart();
            mych.Height = 100;
            mych.Width = 100;
            mych.BackColor = SystemColors.Highlight;

            mych.Series["duck"].Enabled = true;
            mych.Visible = true;

            for (int q = 0; q < 10; q++)
                int first = rnd.Next(0, 10);
                int second = rnd.Next(0, 10);
                mych.Series["duck"].Points.AddXY(first, second);
                Debug.WriteLine(first + "  " + second);


React onClick and preventDefault() link refresh/redirect?

A nice and simple option that worked for me was:

<a href="javascript: false" onClick={this.handlerName}>Click Me</a>

You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists)

In my case I had a cherry pick that produce a number of Merge Conflicts, so I decide to not complete the cherry pick. I discarded all my changes. Doing so put me into a state where I received the following error:

You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists

To fix the issue I performed the following git command which fixed the problem.

git cherry-pick --abort

Get width/height of SVG element

FireFox have problemes for getBBox(), i need to do this in vanillaJS.

I've a better Way and is the same result as real svg.getBBox() function !

With this good post : Get the real size of a SVG/G element

var el   = document.getElementById("yourElement"); // or other selector like querySelector()
var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); // get the bounding rectangle

console.log( rect.width );
console.log( rect.height);

Regex matching beginning AND end strings


This should work you.

If else on WHERE clause

You want to use coalesce():

where coalesce(email, email2) like '%[email protected]%'

If you want to handle empty strings ('') versus NULL, a case works:

where (case when email is NULL or email = '' then email2 else email end) like '%[email protected]%'

And, if you are worried about the string really being just spaces:

where (case when email is NULL or ltrim(email) = '' then email2 else email end) like '%[email protected]%'

As an aside, the sample if statement is really saying "If email starts with a number larger than 0". This is because the comparison is to 0, a number. MySQL implicitly tries to convert the string to a number. So, '[email protected]' would fail, because the string would convert as 0. As would '[email protected]'. But, '[email protected]' and '[email protected]' would succeed.

jQuery add class .active on menu

this work for me :D

    function setActive() {
      aObj = document.getElementById('menu').getElementsByTagName('a');
      for(i=0;i<aObj.length;i++) {
        if(document.location.href.indexOf(aObj[i].href)>=0) {
          var activeurl = window.location;

    window.onload = setActive;

Advantages of using display:inline-block vs float:left in CSS

If you want to align the div with pixel accurate, then use float. inline-block seems to always requires you to chop off a few pixels (at least in IE)

Using jQuery's ajax method to retrieve images as a blob

You can't do this with jQuery ajax, but with native XMLHttpRequest.

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){
    if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200){
        //this.response is what you're looking for
        console.log(this.response, typeof this.response);
        var img = document.getElementById('img');
        var url = window.URL || window.webkitURL;
        img.src = url.createObjectURL(this.response);
}'GET', '');
xhr.responseType = 'blob';


So revisiting this topic, it seems it is indeed possible to do this with jQuery 3

        xhr:function(){// Seems like the only way to get access to the xhr object_x000D_
            var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();_x000D_
            xhr.responseType= 'blob'_x000D_
            return xhr;_x000D_
        success: function(data){_x000D_
            var img = document.getElementById('img');_x000D_
            var url = window.URL || window.webkitURL;_x000D_
            img.src = url.createObjectURL(data);_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<img id="img" width=100%>


use xhrFields to set the responseType

                responseType: 'blob'_x000D_
            success: function(data){_x000D_
                var img = document.getElementById('img');_x000D_
                var url = window.URL || window.webkitURL;_x000D_
                img.src = url.createObjectURL(data);_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
    <img id="img" width=100%>

Using jQuery how to get click coordinates on the target element

If MouseEvent.offsetX is supported by your browser (all major browsers actually support it), The jQuery Event object will contain this property.

The MouseEvent.offsetX read-only property provides the offset in the X coordinate of the mouse pointer between that event and the padding edge of the target node.

$("#seek-bar").click(function(event) {
  var x = event.offsetX

.ssh directory not being created

Is there a step missing?

Yes. You need to create the directory:

mkdir ${HOME}/.ssh

Additionally, SSH requires you to set the permissions so that only you (the owner) can access anything in ~/.ssh:

% chmod 700 ~/.ssh

Should the .ssh dir be generated when I use the ssh-keygen command?

No. This command generates an SSH key pair but will fail if it cannot write to the required directory:

% ssh-keygen
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/xxx/.ssh/id_rsa): /Users/tmp/does_not_exist
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
Enter same passphrase again: 
open /Users/tmp/does_not_exist failed: No such file or directory.
Saving the key failed: /Users/tmp/does_not_exist.

Once you've created your keys, you should also restrict who can read those key files to just yourself:

% chmod -R go-wrx ~/.ssh/*

How to call C++ function from C?

You will have to write a wrapper for C in C++ if you want to do this. C++ is backwards compatible, but C is not forwards compatible.

Enable Hibernate logging

We have a tomcat-8.5 + restlet-2.3.4 + hibernate-4.2.0 + log4j-1.2.14 java 8 app running on AlpineLinux in docker.

On adding these 2 lines to /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/, I started seeing the HQL queries in the logs:

### log just the SQL

### log JDBC bind parameters ###

However, the JDBC bind parameters are not being logged.

How to start MySQL server on windows xp

  • Run your command prompt as administrator.#

We can start MySQL service from windows command line using the below command.

  • net start mysql

Command to stop MySql service:

  • net stop mysql

Disable MySql service:

  • sc config mysql start= disabled

Command to enable MySql service(to automatically start MySQL service when the system starts up):

  • sc config mysql start= auto

Command to set the startup type to manual:

  • sc config mysql start= manual

How to restart MySql service? There is no direct command to restart a service. You can combine stop and start commands like below.

  • net stop mysql & net start mysql

Git: Remove committed file after push

  1. Get the hash code of last commit.

    • git log
  2. Revert the commit
    • git revert <hash_code_from_git_log>
  3. Push the changes
    • git push

check out in the GHR. you might get what ever you need, hope you this is useful

PHP - Extracting a property from an array of objects

Warning create_function() has been DEPRECATED as of PHP 7.2.0. Relying on this function is highly discouraged.

Builtin loops in PHP are faster then interpreted loops, so it actually makes sense to make this one a one-liner:

$result = array();
array_walk($cats, create_function('$value, $key, &$result', '$result[] = $value->id;'), $result)

How to upload files in core?

You can add a new property of type IFormFile to your view model

public class CreatePost
   public string ImageCaption { set;get; }
   public string ImageDescription { set;get; }
   public IFormFile MyImage { set; get; }

and in your GET action method, we will create an object of this view model and send to the view.

public IActionResult Create()
   return View(new CreatePost());

Now in your Create view which is strongly typed to our view model, have a form tag which has the enctype attribute set to "multipart/form-data"

@model CreatePost
<form asp-action="Create" enctype="multipart/form-data">   

    <input asp-for="ImageCaption"/>
    <input asp-for="ImageDescription"/>
    <input asp-for="MyImage"/>

    <input type="submit"/>

And your HttpPost action to handle the form posting

public IActionResult Create(CreatePost model)
   var img = model.MyImage;
   var imgCaption = model.ImageCaption;

   //Getting file meta data
   var fileName = Path.GetFileName(model.MyImage.FileName);
   var contentType = model.MyImage.ContentType;

   // do something with the above data
   // to do : return something

If you want to upload the file to some directory in your app, you should use IHostingEnvironment to get the webroot path. Here is a working sample.

public class HomeController : Controller
    private readonly IHostingEnvironment hostingEnvironment;
    public HomeController(IHostingEnvironment environment)
        hostingEnvironment = environment;
    public IActionResult Create(CreatePost model)
        // do other validations on your model as needed
        if (model.MyImage != null)
            var uniqueFileName = GetUniqueFileName(model.MyImage.FileName);
            var uploads = Path.Combine(hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath, "uploads");
            var filePath = Path.Combine(uploads,uniqueFileName);
            model.MyImage.CopyTo(new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create)); 

            //to do : Save uniqueFileName  to your db table   
        // to do  : Return something
        return RedirectToAction("Index","Home");
    private string GetUniqueFileName(string fileName)
        fileName = Path.GetFileName(fileName);
        return  Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName)
                  + "_" 
                  + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 4) 
                  + Path.GetExtension(fileName);

This will save the file to uploads folder inside wwwwroot directory of your app with a random file name generated using Guids ( to prevent overwriting of files with same name)

Here we are using a very simple GetUniqueName method which will add 4 chars from a guid to the end of the file name to make it somewhat unique. You can update the method to make it more sophisticated as needed.

Should you be storing the full url to the uploaded image in the database ?

No. Do not store the full url to the image in the database. What if tomorrow your business decides to change your company/product name from to ? Now you have to fix all the urls in the table!

What should you store ?

You should store the unique filename which you generated above(the uniqueFileName varibale we used above) to store the file name. When you want to display the image back, you can use this value (the filename) and build the url to the image.

For example, you can do this in your view.

    var imgFileName = "cats_46df.png";
<img src="~/uploads/@imgFileName"  alt="my img"/>

I just hardcoded an image name to imgFileName variable and used that. But you may read the stored file name from your database and set to your view model property and use that. Something like

<img src="~/uploads/@Model.FileName"  alt="my img"/>

Storing the image to table

If you want to save the file as bytearray/varbinary to your database, you may convert the IFormFile object to byte array like this

private byte[] GetByteArrayFromImage(IFormFile file)
    using (var target = new MemoryStream())
        return target.ToArray();

Now in your http post action method, you can call this method to generate the byte array from IFormFile and use that to save to your table. the below example is trying to save a Post entity object using entity framework.

public IActionResult Create(CreatePost model)
    //Create an object of your entity class and map property values
    var post=new Post() { ImageCaption = model.ImageCaption };

    if (model.MyImage != null)
       post.Image =  GetByteArrayFromImage(model.MyImage);
    return RedirectToAction("Index","Home");

What is the C# Using block and why should I use it?

If the type implements IDisposable, it automatically disposes that type.


public class SomeDisposableType : IDisposable
   ...implmentation details...

These are equivalent:

SomeDisposableType t = new SomeDisposableType();
try {
finally {
    if (t != null) {
using (SomeDisposableType u = new SomeDisposableType()) {

The second is easier to read and maintain.

How to delete only the content of file in python

What could be easier than something like this:

import tempfile

for i in range(400):
    with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as tf:
        for j in range(1000):
            tf.write('Line {} of file {}'.format(j,i))

That creates 400 temp files and writes 1000 lines to each temp file. It executes in less than 1/2 second on my unremarkable machine. Each temp file of the total is created and deleted as the context manager opens and closes in this case. It is fast, secure, and cross platform.

Using tempfile is a lot better than trying to reinvent it.

How to check if command line tools is installed

To check if command line tools are installed run:

xcode-select --version

// if installed you will see the below with the version found in your system
// xcode-select version 1234.

If command line tools are not installed run:

xcode-select --install

How to check for an empty struct?

You can use == to compare with a zero value composite literal because all fields are comparable:

if (Session{}) == session  {
    fmt.Println("is zero value")

playground example

Because of a parsing ambiguity, parentheses are required around the composite literal in the if condition.

The use of == above applies to structs where all fields are comparable. If the struct contains a non-comparable field (slice, map or function), then the fields must be compared one by one to their zero values.

An alternative to comparing the entire value is to compare a field that must be set to a non-zero value in a valid session. For example, if the player id must be != "" in a valid session, use

if session.playerId == "" {
    fmt.Println("is zero value")

The type or namespace name 'Objects' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Data'

If you are using Entity Framework 6, the name space has changed. You want to use


SQL to Entity Framework Count Group-By

A useful extension is to collect the results in a Dictionary for fast lookup (e.g. in a loop):

var resultDict = _dbContext.Projects
    .Where(p => p.Status == ProjectStatus.Active)
    .GroupBy(f => f.Country)
    .Select(g => new { country = g.Key, count = g.Count() })
    .ToDictionary(k =>, i => i.count);

Originally found here:

Opening the Settings app from another app

You can use the below code for it.

[[UIApplication sharedApplication]openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:UIApplicationOpenSettingsURLString]];

Steps to send a https request to a rest service in Node js

Using the request module solved the issue.

// Include the request library for Node.js   
var request = require('request');
//  Basic Authentication credentials   
var username = "vinod"; 
var password = "12345";
var authenticationHeader = "Basic " + new Buffer(username + ":" + password).toString("base64");
url : "",
headers : { "Authorization" : authenticationHeader }  
 function (error, response, body) {
 console.log(body); }  );         


Update the create action as below:

def create
  respond_to do |format|
      format.html do
        redirect_to '/'
      format.json { render json: @reservation.to_json }
      format.html { render 'new'} ## Specify the format in which you are rendering "new" page
      format.json { render json: @reservation.errors } ## You might want to specify a json format as well

You are using respond_to method but anot specifying the format in which a new page is rendered. Hence, the error ActionController::UnknownFormat .

Use table name in MySQL SELECT "AS"

SELECT field1, field2, 'Test' AS field3 FROM Test; // replace with simple quote '

Difference between getContext() , getApplicationContext() , getBaseContext() and "this"

  • View.getContext(): Returns the context the view is currently running in. Usually the currently active Activity.

  • Activity.getApplicationContext(): Returns the context for the entire application (the process all the Activities are running inside of). Use this instead of the current Activity context if you need a context tied to the lifecycle of the entire application, not just the current Activity.

  • ContextWrapper.getBaseContext(): If you need access to a Context from within another context, you use a ContextWrapper. The Context referred to from inside that ContextWrapper is accessed via getBaseContext().

PHP & MySQL: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given

The query either returned no rows or is erroneus, thus FALSE is returned. Change it to

if (!$dbc || mysqli_num_rows($dbc) == 0)


Return Values

Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. For SELECT, SHOW, DESCRIBE or EXPLAIN mysqli_query() will return a result object.

How to include external Python code to use in other files?

You will need to import the other file as a module like this:

import Math

If you don't want to prefix your Calculate function with the module name then do this:

from Math import Calculate

If you want to import all members of a module then do this:

from Math import *

Edit: Here is a good chapter from Dive Into Python that goes a bit more in depth on this topic.

How to disable/enable a button with a checkbox if checked

I recommend using jQuery as it will do all the heavy lifting for you. The code is fairly trivial.

$('input:checkbox').click(function () {
  if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
    $('#sendNewSms').click(function () {
      return false;
  } else {

The trick is to override the 'click' event and effectively disable it. You can also follow it up with some CSS magic to make it look "disabled". Here is the code in JavaScript in case you need it. It's not perfect but it gets the point across.

var clickEvent = function () {
  return false;
document.getElementById('#checkbox').onclick(function () {
  if (document.getElementById('#checkbox').checked) {
  } else {
      .removeEventListener('click', clickEvent, false);

Python JSON encoding


import simplejson
data = {'apple': 'cat', 'banana':'dog', 'pear':'fish'}
data_json = "{'apple': 'cat', 'banana':'dog', 'pear':'fish'}"

simplejson.loads(data_json) # outputs data
simplejson.dumps(data) # outputs data_joon

NB: Based on Paolo's answer.

System.Net.WebException HTTP status code

this works only if WebResponse is a HttpWebResponse.

catch (System.Net.WebException exc)
    var webResponse = exc.Response as System.Net.HttpWebResponse;
    if (webResponse != null && 
        webResponse.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)

Mocking methods of local scope objects with Mockito

You could avoid changing the code (although I recommend Boris' answer) and mock the constructor, like in this example for mocking the creation of a File object inside a method. Don't forget to put the class that will create the file in the @PrepareForTest.

package hello.easymock.constructor;


import org.easymock.EasyMock;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.powermock.api.easymock.PowerMock;
import org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PrepareForTest;
import org.powermock.modules.junit4.PowerMockRunner;
public class ConstructorExampleTest {
    public void testMockFile() throws Exception {

        // first, create a mock for File
        final File fileMock = EasyMock.createMock(File.class);

        // then return the mocked object if the constructor is invoked
        Class<?>[] parameterTypes = new Class[] { String.class };
        PowerMock.expectNew(File.class, parameterTypes , EasyMock.isA(String.class)).andReturn(fileMock);
        // try constructing a real File and check if the mock kicked in
        final String mockedFilePath = new File("/real/path/for/file").getAbsolutePath();
        Assert.assertEquals("/my/fake/file/path", mockedFilePath);

Converting between datetime and Pandas Timestamp objects

Pandas Timestamp to datetime.datetime:

pd.Timestamp('2014-01-23 00:00:00', tz=None).to_pydatetime()

datetime.datetime to Timestamp

pd.Timestamp(datetime(2014, 1, 23))

What are the rules for calling the superclass constructor?

If you simply want to pass all constructor arguments to the base-class (=parent), here is a minimal example.

This uses templates to forward every constructor call with 1, 2 or 3 arguments to the parent class std::string.



#include <iostream>
#include <string>

class ChildString: public std::string
        template<typename... Args>
        ChildString(Args... args): std::string(args...)
                << "\tConstructor call ChildString(nArgs="
                << sizeof...(Args) << "): " << *this
                << std::endl;


int main()
    std::cout << "Check out:" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "\t" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "for available string constructors" << std::endl;

    std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Initialization:" << std::endl;
    ChildString cs1 ("copy (2)");

    char char_arr[] = "from c-string (4)";
    ChildString cs2 (char_arr);

    std::string str = "substring (3)";
    ChildString cs3 (str, 0, str.length());

    std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Usage:" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "\tcs1: " << cs1 << std::endl;
    std::cout << "\tcs2: " << cs2 << std::endl;
    std::cout << "\tcs3: " << cs3 << std::endl;

    return 0;


Check out:
for available string constructors

    Constructor call ChildString(nArgs=1): copy (2)
    Constructor call ChildString(nArgs=1): from c-string (4)
    Constructor call ChildString(nArgs=3): substring (3)

    cs1: copy (2)
    cs2: from c-string (4)
    cs3: substring (3)

Update: Using Variadic Templates

To generalize to n arguments and simplify

        template <class C>
        ChildString(C arg): std::string(arg)
            std::cout << "\tConstructor call ChildString(C arg): " << *this << std::endl;
        template <class C1, class C2>
        ChildString(C1 arg1, C2 arg2): std::string(arg1, arg2)
            std::cout << "\tConstructor call ChildString(C1 arg1, C2 arg2, C3 arg3): " << *this << std::endl;
        template <class C1, class C2, class C3>
        ChildString(C1 arg1, C2 arg2, C3 arg3): std::string(arg1, arg2, arg3)
            std::cout << "\tConstructor call ChildString(C1 arg1, C2 arg2, C3 arg3): " << *this << std::endl;


template<typename... Args>
        ChildString(Args... args): std::string(args...)
                << "\tConstructor call ChildString(nArgs="
                << sizeof...(Args) << "): " << *this
                << std::endl;

Possible reasons for timeout when trying to access EC2 instance

To enable ssh access from the Internet for instances in a VPC subnet do the following:

  • Attach an Internet gateway to your VPC.
  • Ensure that your subnet's route table points to the Internet gateway.
  • Ensure that instances in your subnet have a globally unique IP address (public IPv4 address, Elastic IP address, or IPv6 address).
  • Ensure that your network access control (at VPC Level) and security group rules (at ec2 level) allow the relevant traffic to flow to and from your instance. Ensure your network Public IP address is enabled for both. By default, Network AcL allow all inbound and outbound traffic except explicitly configured otherwise

Node Multer unexpected field

I solve this issues looking for the name that I passed on my request

I was sending on body:

{thumbbail: <myimg>}

and I was expect to:


so, I fix the name that a send on request

Can an AJAX response set a cookie?

According to the w3 spec section 4.6.3 for XMLHttpRequest a user agent should honor the Set-Cookie header. So the answer is yes you should be able to.


If the user agent supports HTTP State Management it should persist, discard and send cookies (as received in the Set-Cookie response header, and sent in the Cookie header) as applicable.

Python name 'os' is not defined

Just add:

import os

in the beginning, before:

from settings import PROJECT_ROOT

This will import the python's module os, which apparently is used later in the code of your module without being imported.

How to reload page every 5 seconds?

setTimeout(function () { location.reload(1); }, 5000);

But as development tools go, you are probably better off with

How can I see the size of a GitHub repository before cloning it?

If you're trying to find out the size of your own repositories.

All you have to do is go to GitHub settings repositories and you see all the sizes right there in the browser no extra work needed.

How can I use different certificates on specific connections?

Create an SSLSocket factory yourself, and set it on the HttpsURLConnection before connecting.

HttpsURLConnection conn = (HttpsURLConnection)url.openConnection();

You'll want to create one SSLSocketFactory and keep it around. Here's a sketch of how to initialize it:

/* Load the keyStore that includes self-signed cert as a "trusted" entry. */
KeyStore keyStore = ... 
TrustManagerFactory tmf = 
SSLContext ctx = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
ctx.init(null, tmf.getTrustManagers(), null);
sslFactory = ctx.getSocketFactory();

If you need help creating the key store, please comment.

Here's an example of loading the key store:

KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());
keyStore.load(trustStore, trustStorePassword);

To create the key store with a PEM format certificate, you can write your own code using CertificateFactory, or just import it with keytool from the JDK (keytool won't work for a "key entry", but is just fine for a "trusted entry").

keytool -import -file selfsigned.pem -alias server -keystore server.jks

How to create a WPF Window without a border that can be resized via a grip only?

I was having difficulty getting the answer by @fernando-aguirre using WindowChrome to work. It was not working in my case because I was overriding OnSourceInitialized in the MainWindow and not calling the base class method.

protected override void OnSourceInitialized(EventArgs e)
    base.OnSourceInitialized(e); // <== Need to call this!

This stumped me for a very long time.

jquery datatables default sort

Best option is to disable sorting and just feed data with desired sort order (from database or other source). Try to add this to your 'datatable': "bSort": false

Can PHP cURL retrieve response headers AND body in a single request?

Return response headers with a reference parameter:

$rtn=curl_to_host('POST', '', array(), $data, $resp_headers);
echo $rtn;

function curl_to_host($method, $url, $headers, $data, &$resp_headers)
          curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
          curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, false);
          curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);

          if ($method=='POST')
             {curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
              curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($data));
          foreach ($headers as $k=>$v)
                  {$headers[$k]=str_replace(' ', '-', ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', $k)))).': '.$v;
          curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

          $rtn=explode("\r\n\r\nHTTP/", $rtn, 2);    //to deal with "HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\nHTTP/1.1 200 OK...\r\n\r\n..." header
          $rtn=(count($rtn)>1 ? 'HTTP/' : '').array_pop($rtn);
          list($str_resp_headers, $rtn)=explode("\r\n\r\n", $rtn, 2);

          $str_resp_headers=explode("\r\n", $str_resp_headers);
          array_shift($str_resp_headers);    //get rid of "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
          foreach ($str_resp_headers as $k=>$v)
                  {$v=explode(': ', $v, 2);

          return $rtn;

Importing a GitHub project into Eclipse

unanswered core problem persists:

My working directory is now c:\users\projectname.git So then I try to import the project using the eclipse "import" option. When I try to import selecting the option "Use the new projects wizard" the source code is not imported, if I import selecting the option "Import as general project" the source code is imported but the created project created by Eclipse is not a java project. When selecting the option "Use the new projects wizard" and creating a new java project using the wizard should'nt the code be automatically imported ?

Yes it should.

It's a bug. Reported here.

Here is a workaround:

  • Import as general project

  • Notice the imported data is no valid Eclipse project (no build path available)

  • Open the .project xml file in the project folder in Eclipse. If you can't see this file, see How can I get Eclipse to show .* files?.

  • Go to source tab

  • Search for <natures></natures> and change it to <natures><nature>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature</nature></natures> and save the file

    (idea comes from here)

  • Right click the src folder, go to Build Path... and click Use as Source Folder

After that, you should be able to run & debug the project, and also use team actions via right-click in the package explorer.

If you still have troubles running the project (something like "main class not found"), make sure the <buildSpec> inside the .project file is set (as described here):


Java - get index of key in HashMap?

You can't - a set is unordered, so there's no index provided. You'll have to declare an int, as you say. Just remember that the next time you call keySet() you won't necessarily get the results in the same order.

Assignment makes pointer from integer without cast

As others already noted, in one case you are attempting to return cString (which is a char * value in this context - a pointer) from a function that is declared to return a char (which is an integer). In another case you do the reverse: you are assigning a char return value to a char * pointer. This is what triggers the warnings. You certainly need to declare your return values as char *, not as char.

Note BTW that these assignments are in fact constraint violations from the language point of view (i.e. they are "errors"), since it is illegal to mix pointers and integers in C like that (aside from integral constant zero). Your compiler is simply too forgiving in this regard and reports these violations as mere "warnings".

What I also wanted to note is that in several answers you might notice the relatively strange suggestion to return void from your functions, since you are modifying the string in-place. While it will certainly work (since you indeed are modifying the string in-place), there's nothing really wrong with returning the same value from the function. In fact, it is a rather standard practice in C language where applicable (take a look at the standard functions like strcpy and others), since it enables "chaining" of function calls if you choose to use it, and costs virtually nothing if you don't use "chaining".

That said, the assignments in your implementation of compareString look complete superfluous to me (even though they won't break anything). I'd either get rid of them

int compareString(char cString1[], char cString2[]) { 
    // To lowercase 

    // Do regular strcmp 
    return strcmp(cString1, cString2); 

or use "chaining" and do

int compareString(char cString1[], char cString2[]) { 
    return strcmp(strToLower(cString1), strToLower(cString2)); 

(this is when your char * return would come handy). Just keep in mind that such "chained" function calls are sometimes difficult to debug with a step-by-step debugger.

As an additional, unrealted note, I'd say that implementing a string comparison function in such a destructive fashion (it modifies the input strings) might not be the best idea. A non-destructive function would be of a much greater value in my opinion. Instead of performing as explicit conversion of the input strings to a lower case, it is usually a better idea to implement a custom char-by-char case-insensitive string comparison function and use it instead of calling the standard strcmp.

How to output messages to the Eclipse console when developing for Android

i use below log format for print my content in logCat

Log.e("Msg","What you have to print");

List comprehension with if statement

You got the order wrong. The if should be after the for (unless it is in an if-else ternary operator)

[y for y in a if y not in b]

This would work however:

[y if y not in b else other_value for y in a]

How to export plots from matplotlib with transparent background?

Png files can handle transparency. So you could use this question Save plot to image file instead of displaying it using Matplotlib so as to save you graph as a png file.

And if you want to turn all white pixel transparent, there's this other question : Using PIL to make all white pixels transparent?

If you want to turn an entire area to transparent, then there's this question: And then use the PIL library like in this question Python PIL: how to make area transparent in PNG? so as to make your graph transparent.