Programs & Examples On #Ip restrictions

The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occurred

Reinstall everything??? no way! just add the path to SDK tools and platform tools in your classpath from Environment Variables. Then restart Eclipse.

other way go to Devices -> Reset adb, or simply open the task manager and kill the adb.exe process.

How to remove a virtualenv created by "pipenv run"

I know that question is a bit old but

In root of project where Pipfile is located you could run

pipenv --venv

which returns


and then remove this env by typing

rm -rf /Users/your_user_name/.local/share/virtualenvs/model-N-S4uBGU

How to replace a hash key with another key

I went overkill and came up with the following. My motivation behind this was to append to hash keys to avoid scope conflicts when merging together/flattening hashes.


Extend Hash Class

Adds rekey method to Hash instances.

# Adds additional methods to Hash
class ::Hash
  # Changes the keys on a hash
  # Takes a block that passes the current key
  # Whatever the block returns becomes the new key
  # If a hash is returned for the key it will merge the current hash 
  # with the returned hash from the block. This allows for nested rekeying.
  def rekey
    self.each_with_object({}) do |(key, value), previous|
      new_key = yield(key, value)
      if new_key.is_a?(Hash)
        previous[new_key] = value

Prepend Example

my_feelings_about_icecreams = {
  vanilla: 'Delicious',
  chocolate: 'Too Chocolatey',
  strawberry: 'It Is Alright...'

my_feelings_about_icecreams.rekey { |key| "#{key}_icecream".to_sym }
# => {:vanilla_icecream=>"Delicious", :chocolate_icecream=>"Too Chocolatey", :strawberry_icecream=>"It Is Alright..."}

Trim Example

{ _id: 1, ___something_: 'what?!' }.rekey do |key|
  trimmed ='_', '')
# => {:id=>1, :something=>"what?!"}

Flattening and Appending a "Scope"

If you pass a hash back to rekey it will merge the hash which allows you to flatten collections. This allows us to add scope to our keys when flattening a hash to avoid overwriting a key upon merging.

people = {
  bob: {
    name: 'Bob',
    toys: [
      { what: 'car', color: 'red' },
      { what: 'ball', color: 'blue' }
  tom: {
    name: 'Tom',
    toys: [
      { what: 'house', color: 'blue; da ba dee da ba die' },
      { what: 'nerf gun', color: 'metallic' }

people.rekey do |person, person_info|
  person_info.rekey do |key|

# =>
# {
#   :bob_name=>"Bob",
#   :bob_toys=>[
#     {:what=>"car", :color=>"red"},
#     {:what=>"ball", :color=>"blue"}
#   ],
#   :tom_name=>"Tom",
#   :tom_toys=>[
#     {:what=>"house", :color=>"blue; da ba dee da ba die"},
#     {:what=>"nerf gun", :color=>"metallic"}
#   ]
# }

How can I import Swift code to Objective-C?

Instructions from the Apple website:

To import Swift code into Objective-C from the same framework

Under Build Settings, in Packaging, make sure the Defines Module setting for that framework target is set to Yes. Import the Swift code from that framework target into any Objective-C .m file within that framework target using this syntax and substituting the appropriate names:

#import "ProductName-Swift.h"


You can only import "ProductName-Swift.h" in .m files.

The Swift files in your target will be visible in Objective-C .m files containing this import statement.

To avoid cyclical references, don’t import Swift into an Objective-C header file. Instead, you can forward declare a Swift class to use it in an Objective-C header. Note that you cannot subclass a Swift class in Objective-C.

enter image description here

Turn off iPhone/Safari input element rounding

On iOS 5 and later:

input {
  border-radius: 0;

input[type="search"] {
  -webkit-appearance: none;

If you must only remove the rounded corners on iOS or otherwise for some reason cannot normalize rounded corners across platforms, use input { -webkit-border-radius: 0; } property instead, which is still supported. Of course do note that Apple can choose to drop support for the prefixed property at any time, but considering their other platform-specific CSS features chances are they'll keep it around.

On legacy versions you had to set -webkit-appearance: none instead:

input {
    -webkit-appearance: none;

What is lexical scope?

I love the fully featured, language-agnostic answers from folks like @Arak. Since this question was tagged JavaScript though, I'd like to chip in some notes very specific to this language.

In JavaScript our choices for scoping are:

  • as-is (no scope adjustment)
  • lexical var _this = this; function callback(){ console.log(_this); }
  • bound callback.bind(this)

It's worth noting, I think, that JavaScript doesn't really have dynamic scoping. .bind adjusts the this keyword, and that's close, but not technically the same.

Here is an example demonstrating both approaches. You do this every time you make a decision about how to scope callbacks so this applies to promises, event handlers, and more.


Here is what you might term Lexical Scoping of callbacks in JavaScript:

var downloadManager = {
  initialize: function() {
    var _this = this; // Set up `_this` for lexical access
    $('.downloadLink').on('click', function () {
  startDownload: function(){
    this.thinking = true;
    // Request the file from the server and bind more callbacks for when it returns success or failure


Another way to scope is to use Function.prototype.bind:

var downloadManager = {
  initialize: function() {
    $('.downloadLink').on('click', function () {
    }.bind(this)); // Create a function object bound to `this`

These methods are, as far as I know, behaviorally equivalent.

Automate scp file transfer using a shell script

you could also use rsync. It seems to work better for multiple files than scp IMHO.

rsync -avzh /path/to/dir/ user@remote:/path/to/remote/dir/


You can use rsync via ssh by adding the '-e' switch:

rsync -avzh -e ssh /path/do/dir/ user@remote:/path/to/remote/dir/

git diff between cloned and original remote repository

1) Add any remote repositories you want to compare:

git remote add foobar git://

2) Update your local copy of a remote:

git fetch foobar

Fetch won't change your working copy.

3) Compare any branch from your local repository to any remote you've added:

git diff master foobar/master

Auto logout with Angularjs based on idle user

I tried out Buu's approach and couldn't get it quite right due to the sheer number of events that trigger the digester to execute, including $interval and $timeout functions executing. This leaves the application in a state where it never be idle regardless of user input.

If you actually need to track user idle time I am not sure that there is a good angular approach. I would suggest that a better approach is represented by Witoldz here This approach will prompt the user to reauthenticate when an action is taken that requires their credentials. After the user has authenticated the previous failed request is reprocessed and the application continues on as if nothing happened.

This handles the concern that you might have of letting the user's session expire while they are active since even if their authentication expires they are still able to retain the application state and not lose any work.

If you have some kind of session on your client (cookies, tokens, etc) you could watch them as well and trigger your logout process if they expire.['$interval', function($interval) {
  $interval(function() {
    if (/* session still exists */) {
    } else {
      // log out of client
  }, 1000);

UPDATE: Here is a plunk that demonstrates the concern. What this demonstates is that the digester run time is updated only when the interval ticks. Once the interval reaches it max count then the digester will no longer run.

What is the method for converting radians to degrees?

360 degrees = 2*pi radians

That means deg2rad(x) = x*pi/180 and rad2deg(x) = 180x/pi;

$ is not a function - jQuery error

There are two possible reasons for that error:

  1. your jquery script file referencing is not valid
  2. try to put your jquery code in document.ready, like this:


    ....your code....



How to split a comma-separated value to columns

ALTER function get_occurance_index(@delimiter varchar(1),@occurence int,@String varchar(100))
returns int
AS Begin
--Declare @delimiter varchar(1)=',',@occurence int=2,@String varchar(100)='a,b,c'
Declare @result int
 ;with T as (
    select 1 Rno,0 as row, charindex(@delimiter, @String) pos,@String st
    union all
    select Rno+1,pos + 1, charindex(@delimiter, @String, pos + 1), @String
    from T
    where pos > 0
select  @result=pos 
from T 
where pos > 0   and rno = @occurence 
return isnull(@result,0)

declare @data as table (data varchar(100))
insert into @data values('1,2,3') 
insert into @data values('aaa,bbbbb,cccc') 
select top  3 Substring (data,0,dbo.get_occurance_index( ',',1,data)) ,--First Record always starts with 0
Substring (data,dbo.get_occurance_index( ',',1,data)+1,dbo.get_occurance_index( ',',2,data)-dbo.get_occurance_index( ',',1,data)-1) ,
Substring (data,dbo.get_occurance_index( ',',2,data)+1,len(data)) , -- Last record cant be more than len of actual data
From @data 

MySQL Multiple Left Joins

You're missing a GROUP BY clause:

SELECT, users.username, news.title,, news.body, COUNT(
FROM news
ON news.user_id =
LEFT JOIN comments
ON comments.news_id =

The left join is correct. If you used an INNER or RIGHT JOIN then you wouldn't get news items that didn't have comments.

Most efficient way to append arrays in C#?

If you can make an approximation of the number of items that will be there at the end, use the overload of the List constuctor that takes count as a parameter. You will save some expensive List duplications. Otherwise you have to pay for it.

When should use Readonly and Get only properties

Creating a property with only a getter makes your property read-only for any code that is outside the class.

You can however change the value using methods provided by your class :

public class FuelConsumption {
    private double fuel;
    public double Fuel
        get { return this.fuel; }
    public void FillFuelTank(double amount)
        this.fuel += amount;

public static void Main()
    FuelConsumption f = new FuelConsumption();

    double a;
    a = f.Fuel; // Will work
    f.Fuel = a; // Does not compile

    f.FillFuelTank(10); // Value is changed from the method's code

Setting the private field of your class as readonly allows you to set the field value only once (using an inline assignment or in the class constructor). You will not be able to change it later.

public class ReadOnlyFields {
    private readonly double a = 2.0;
    private readonly double b;

    public ReadOnlyFields()
        this.b = 4.0;

readonly class fields are often used for variables that are initialized during class construction, and will never be changed later on.

In short, if you need to ensure your property value will never be changed from the outside, but you need to be able to change it from inside your class code, use a "Get-only" property.

If you need to store a value which will never change once its initial value has been set, use a readonly field.

What does enumerate() mean?

The enumerate() function adds a counter to an iterable.

So for each element in cursor, a tuple is produced with (counter, element); the for loop binds that to row_number and row, respectively.


>>> elements = ('foo', 'bar', 'baz')
>>> for elem in elements:
...     print elem
>>> for count, elem in enumerate(elements):
...     print count, elem
0 foo
1 bar
2 baz

By default, enumerate() starts counting at 0 but if you give it a second integer argument, it'll start from that number instead:

>>> for count, elem in enumerate(elements, 42):
...     print count, elem
42 foo
43 bar
44 baz

If you were to re-implement enumerate() in Python, here are two ways of achieving that; one using itertools.count() to do the counting, the other manually counting in a generator function:

from itertools import count

def enumerate(it, start=0):
    # return an iterator that adds a counter to each element of it
    return zip(count(start), it)


def enumerate(it, start=0):
    count = start
    for elem in it:
        yield (count, elem)
        count += 1

The actual implementation in C is closer to the latter, with optimisations to reuse a single tuple object for the common for i, ... unpacking case and using a standard C integer value for the counter until the counter becomes too large to avoid using a Python integer object (which is unbounded).

Should I test private methods or only public ones?

I think it's best to just test the public interface of an object. From the point of view of the outside world, only the behavior of the public interface matters and this is what your unit tests should be directed towards.

Once you have some solid unit tests written for an object you do not want to have to go back and change those tests just because the implementation behind the interface changed. In this situation, you've ruined the consistency of your unit testing.

Rest-assured. Is it possible to extract value from request json?

I found the answer :)

Use JsonPath or XmlPath (in case you have XML) to get data from the response body.

In my case:

JsonPath jsonPath = new JsonPath(responseBody);
int user_id = jsonPath.getInt("user_id");

Gradle Sync failed could not find constraint-layout:1.0.0-alpha2

My problem was, that the SDK Tools updated it to the latest version, in my case it was 1.0.0-alpha9, but in my gradle dependency was set to

compile '' So, you can change your gradle build file to

compile '' Or you check "Show package details" in the SDK Tools Editor and install your needed version. See screenshow below. Image of SDK Tools

enter image description here

Serialize an object to XML

You can use the function like below to get serialized XML from any object.

public static bool Serialize<T>(T value, ref string serializeXml)
    if (value == null)
        return false;
        XmlSerializer xmlserializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T));
        StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
        XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(stringWriter);

        xmlserializer.Serialize(writer, value);

        serializeXml = stringWriter.ToString();

        return true;
    catch (Exception ex)
        return false;

You can call this from the client.

Should you commit .gitignore into the Git repos?

You typically do commit .gitignore. In fact, I personally go as far as making sure my index is always clean when I'm not working on something. (git status should show nothing.)

There are cases where you want to ignore stuff that really isn't project specific. For example, your text editor may create automatic *~ backup files, or another example would be the .DS_Store files created by OS X.

I'd say, if others are complaining about those rules cluttering up your .gitignore, leave them out and instead put them in a global excludes file.

By default this file resides in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/ignore (defaults to ~/.config/git/ignore), but this location can be changed by setting the core.excludesfile option. For example:

git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore

Simply create and edit the global excludesfile to your heart's content; it'll apply to every git repository you work on on that machine.

position: fixed doesn't work on iPad and iPhone

Fixed Footer (here with jQuery):

if (navigator.platform == 'iPad' || navigator.platform == 'iPhone' || navigator.platform == 'iPod' || navigator.platform == 'Linux armv6l') 
    window.ontouchstart = function () 
        $("#fixedDiv").css("display", "none");

    window.onscroll = function() 
        var iPadPosition = window.innerHeight + window.pageYOffset-45; // 45 is the height of the Footer
         $("#fixedDiv").css("position", "absolute");
         $("#fixedDiv").css("top", iPadPosition);
         $("#fixedDiv").css("display", "block");

// in the CSS file should stand:
#fixedDiv {position: fixed; bottom: 0; height: 45px;  whatever else}

Hope it helps.

How to use a class from one C# project with another C# project

The first step is to make P2 reference P1 by doing the following

  • Right Click on the project and select "Add Reference"
  • Go to the Projects Tab
  • Select P1 and hit OK

Next you'll need to make sure that the classes in P1 are accessible to P2. The easiest way is to make them public.

public class MyType { ... }

Now you should be able to use them in P2 via their fully qualified name. Assuming the namespace of P1 is Project1 then the following would work

Project1.MyType obj = new Project1.MyType();

The preferred way though is to add a using for Project1 so you can use the types without qualification

using Project1;

public void Example() {
  MyType obj = new MyType();

Visual Studio Code open tab in new window

On Windows and Linux, press Ctrl+K, then release the keys and press O (the letter O, not Zero).

On macOS, press command+K, then O (without holding command).

This will open the active file tab in a new window/instance.

Convert byte slice to io.Reader

r := strings(byteData)

This also works to turn []byte into io.Reader

Convert a bitmap into a byte array

I believe you may simply do:

ImageConverter converter = new ImageConverter();
var bytes = (byte[])converter.ConvertTo(img, typeof(byte[]));

Visual Studio: Relative Assembly References Paths

Probably, the easiest way to achieve this is to simply add the reference to the assembly and then (manually) patch the textual representation of the reference in the corresponding Visual Studio project file (extension .csproj) such that it becomes relative.

I've done this plenty of times in VS 2005 without any problems.

Apply pandas function to column to create multiple new columns?

This is the correct and easiest way to accomplish this for 95% of use cases:

>>> df = pd.DataFrame(zip(*[range(10)]), columns=['num'])
>>> df
0    0
1    1
2    2
3    3
4    4
5    5

>>> def example(x):
...     x['p1'] = x['num']**2
...     x['p2'] = x['num']**3
...     x['p3'] = x['num']**4
...     return x

>>> df = df.apply(example, axis=1)
>>> df
    num  p1  p2  p3
0    0   0   0    0
1    1   1   1    1
2    2   4   8   16
3    3   9  27   81
4    4  16  64  256

Using Oracle to_date function for date string with milliseconds

TO_DATE supports conversion to DATE datatype, which doesn't support milliseconds. If you want millisecond support in Oracle, you should look at TIMESTAMP datatype and TO_TIMESTAMP function.

Hope that helps.

CSS Inset Borders

You may use background-clip: border-box;


.example {
padding: 2em;
border: 10px solid rgba(51,153,0,0.65);
background-clip: border-box;
background-color: yellow;

<div class="example">Example with background-clip: border-box;</div>

How do I install a Python package with a .whl file?

In-case if you unable to install specific package directly using PIP.

You can download a specific .whl (wheel) package from -

CD (Change directory) to that downloaded package and install it manually by -
pip install PACKAGENAME.whl
pip install ad3-2.1-cp27-cp27m-win32.whl

How to break long string to multiple lines

If the long string to multiple lines confuses you. Then you may install mz-tools addin which is a freeware and has the utility which splits the line for you.

Download Mz-tools

If your string looks like below

SqlQueryString = "Insert into Employee values(" & txtEmployeeNo.Value & "','" & txtContractStartDate.Value & "','" & txtSeatNo.Value & "','" & txtFloor.Value & "','" & txtLeaves.Value & "')"

Simply select the string > right click on VBA IDE > Select MZ-tools > Split Lines

enter image description here

How to Set OnClick attribute with value containing function in ie8?

You also can use:

element.addEventListener("click", function(){
    // call execute function here...
}, false);

How can I close a dropdown on click outside?

I've made a directive to address this similar problem and I'm using Bootstrap. But in my case, instead of waiting for the click event outside the element to close the current opened dropdown menu I think it is better if we watch over the 'mouseleave' event to automatically close the menu.

Here's my solution:


import { Directive, HostListener, HostBinding } from '@angular/core';
  selector: '[appDropdown]'
export class DropdownDirective {

  @HostBinding('') isOpen = false;

  @HostListener('click') toggleOpen() {
    this.isOpen = !this.isOpen;

  @HostListener('mouseleave') closeDropdown() {
    this.isOpen = false;



<ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
    <li class="dropdown" appDropdown>
      <a class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">Test <span class="caret"></span>
      <ul class="dropdown-menu">
          <li routerLinkActive="active"><a routerLink="/test1">Test1</a></li>
          <li routerLinkActive="active"><a routerLink="/test2/">Test2</a></li>
</ul> is deprecated, what should I use instead?

The usage of org.apache.commons.httpclient.URI is not strictly an issue; what is an issue is that you target the wrong constructor, which is depreciated.

Using just

new URI( [string] );

Will indeed flag it as depreciated. What is needed is to provide at minimum one additional argument (the first, below), and ideally two:

  1. escaped: true if URI character sequence is in escaped form. false otherwise.
  2. charset: the charset string to do escape encoding, if required

This will target a non-depreciated constructor within that class. So an ideal usage would be as such:

new URI( [string], true, StandardCharsets.UTF_8.toString() );

A bit crazy-late in the game (a hair over 11 years later - egad!), but I hope this helps someone else, especially if the method at the far end is still expecting a URI, such as org.apache.commons.httpclient.setURI().

Creating an IFRAME using JavaScript

You can use:

<script type="text/javascript">
    function prepareFrame() {
        var ifrm = document.createElement("iframe");
        ifrm.setAttribute("src", ""); = "640px"; = "480px";

also check basics of the iFrame element

Get last 5 characters in a string

Checks for errors:

Dim result As String = str
If str.Length > 5 Then
    result = str.Substring(str.Length - 5)
End If

jquery onclick change css background image

Use your jquery like this


Why doesn't Git ignore my specified file?

Just in case anyone in the future has the same problem that I did:

If you use the


trick to remove binary files with no extension, make sure that ALL other gitignore lines are BELOW. Git will read from .gitignore from the top, so even though I had 'test.go' in my gitignore, it was first in the file, and became 'unignored' after


When should you NOT use a Rules Engine?

I don't really understand some points such as :
a) business people needs to understand business very well, or;
b) disagreement on business people don't need to know the rule.

For me, as a people just touching BRE, the benefit of BRE is so called to let system adapt to business change, hence it's focused on adaptive of change.
Does it matter if the rule set up at time x is different from the rule set up at time y because of:
a) business people don't understand business, or;
b) business people don't understand rules?

Checking for empty or null JToken in a JObject

Try something like this to convert JToken to JArray:

static public JArray convertToJArray(JToken obj)
    // if ((obj).Type == JTokenType.Null) --> You can check if it's null here

    if ((obj).Type == JTokenType.Array)
        return (JArray)(obj);
        return new JArray(); // this will return an empty JArray

Running two projects at once in Visual Studio

Go to Solution properties ? Common Properties ? Startup Project and select Multiple startup projects.

Solution properties dialog

Comparing arrays for equality in C++

You are comparing the addresses instead of the values.

Get refresh token google api

Found out by adding this to your url parameters



Use access_type=offline&prompt=consent instead.

approval_prompt=force no longer works

Java: Enum parameter in method

You could also reuse SwingConstants.{LEFT,RIGHT}. They are not enums, but they do already exist and are used in many places.

Remove all whitespaces from NSString

pStrTemp = [pStrTemp stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]];

How to add a border to a widget in Flutter?

You can use Container to contain your widget:

  decoration: BoxDecoration(
    border: Border.all(
    color: Color(0xff000000),
    width: 1,
  child: Text()

Bootstrap 3 - disable navbar collapse

The nabvar will collapse on small devices. The point of collapsing is defined by @grid-float-breakpoint in variables. By default this will by before 768px. For screens below the 768 pixels screen width, the navbar will look like:

enter image description here

It's possible to change the @grid-float-breakpoint in variables.less and recompile Bootstrap. When doing this you also will have to change @screen-xs-max in navbar.less. You will have to set this value to your new @grid-float-breakpoint -1. See also: This is needed to change navbar forms and dropdowns at the @grid-float-breakpoint to their mobile version too.

Easiest way is to customize bootstrap

find variable:


which is set to @screen-sm, you can change it according to your needs. Hope it helps!

For SAAS Users

add your custom variables like $grid-float-breakpoint: 0px; before the @import "bootstrap.scss";

How do you set the Content-Type header for an HttpClient request?

For those who didn't see Johns comment to carlos solution ...

req.Content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/octet-stream");

Python: download a file from an FTP server

You Can Try this

import ftplib

path = 'pub/Health_Statistics/NCHS/nhanes/2001-2002/'
filename = 'L28POC_B.xpt'

ftp = ftplib.FTP("Server IP") 
ftp.login("UserName", "Password") 
ftp.retrbinary("RETR " + filename, open(filename, 'wb').write)

Rolling back local and remote git repository by 1 commit

I just wanted to remove last commit from remote and clear commit history also. The following worked like a charm

git reset --hard HEAD^ 
git push -f 

Beginner Python Practice?

Try Project Euler:

Project Euler is a series of challenging mathematical/computer programming problems that will require more than just mathematical insights to solve. Although mathematics will help you arrive at elegant and efficient methods, the use of a computer and programming skills will be required to solve most problems.

The problem is:

Add all the natural numbers below 1000 that are multiples of 3 or 5.

This question will probably introduce you to Python for-loops and the range() builtin function in the least. It might lead you to discover list comprehensions, or generator expressions and the sum() builtin function.

What is attr_accessor in Ruby?

attr_accessor is just a method. (The link should provide more insight with how it works - look at the pairs of methods generated, and a tutorial should show you how to use it.)

The trick is that class is not a definition in Ruby (it is "just a definition" in languages like C++ and Java), but it is an expression that evaluates. It is during this evaluation when the attr_accessor method is invoked which in turn modifies the current class - remember the implicit receiver: self.attr_accessor, where self is the "open" class object at this point.

The need for attr_accessor and friends, is, well:

  1. Ruby, like Smalltalk, does not allow instance variables to be accessed outside of methods1 for that object. That is, instance variables cannot be accessed in the x.y form as is common in say, Java or even Python. In Ruby y is always taken as a message to send (or "method to call"). Thus the attr_* methods create wrappers which proxy the instance @variable access through dynamically created methods.

  2. Boilerplate sucks

Hope this clarifies some of the little details. Happy coding.

1 This isn't strictly true and there are some "techniques" around this, but there is no syntax support for "public instance variable" access.

Constructor of an abstract class in C#

Normally constructors involve initializing the members of an object being created. In concept of inheritance, typically each class constructor in the inheritance hierarchy, is responsible for instantiating its own member variables. This makes sense because instantiation has to be done where the variables are defined.

Since an abstract class is not completely abstract (unlike interfaces), it is mix of both abstract and concrete members, and the members which are not abstract are needed to be initialized, which is done in abstract class's constructors, it is necessary to have constructors in the abstract class. Off course the abstract class's constructors can only be called from the constructors of derived class.

Loop through files in a folder using VBA?

Here's my interpretation as a Function Instead:

'# LoopThroughFiles
'# Function to Loop through files in current directory and return filenames
'# Usage: LoopThroughFiles ActiveWorkbook.Path, "txt" 'inputDirectoryToScanForFile
Function LoopThroughFiles(inputDirectoryToScanForFile, filenameCriteria) As String

    Dim StrFile As String
    'Debug.Print "in LoopThroughFiles. inputDirectoryToScanForFile: ", inputDirectoryToScanForFile

    StrFile = Dir(inputDirectoryToScanForFile & "\*" & filenameCriteria)
    Do While Len(StrFile) > 0
        Debug.Print StrFile
        StrFile = Dir


End Function

How do I tell Spring Boot which main class to use for the executable jar?

If you're using spring-boot-starter-parent in your pom, you simply add the following to your pom:


Then do your mvn package.

See this Spring docs page.

A very important aspect here is to mention that the directory structure has to be src/main/java/nameofyourpackage

How to remove an HTML element using Javascript?

Try running this code in your script.


And it will hopefully remove the element/button.

How do I delete files programmatically on Android?

first call the intent

Intent intenta = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE);
startActivityForResult(intenta, 42);

then call the result

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
    switch (requestCode) {
        case 42:
            if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
                Uri sdCardUri = data.getData();
                DocumentFile pickedDir = DocumentFile.fromTreeUri(this, sdCardUri);
                for (DocumentFile file : pickedDir.listFiles()) {
                    String pp = file.getName();
                    String ppdf="";
                File pathFile = new File(String.valueOf(sdCardUri));

Face recognition Library

Here is a list of commercial vendors that provide off-the-shelf packages for facial recognition which run on Windows:

  1. Cybula - Information on their Facial Recognition SDK. This is a company founded by a University Professor and as such their website looks unprofessional. There's no pricing information or demo that you can download. You'll need to contact them for pricing information.

  2. NeuroTechnology - Information on their Facial Recognition SDK. This company has both up-front pricing information as well as an actual 30 day trial of their SDK.

  3. Pittsburgh Pattern Recognition - (Acquired by Google) Information on their Facial Tracking and Recognition SDK. The demos that they provide help you evaluate their technology but not their SDSK. You'll need to contact them for pricing information.

  4. Sensible Vision - Information on their SDK. Their site allows you to easily get a price quote and you can also order an evaluation kit that will help you evaluate their technology.

Schedule automatic daily upload with FileZilla

FileZilla does not have any command line arguments (nor any other way) that allow an automatic transfer.

Some references:

Though you can use any other client that allows automation.

You have not specified, what protocol you are using. FTP or SFTP? You will definitely be able to use WinSCP, as it supports all protocols that FileZilla does (and more).

Combine WinSCP scripting capabilities with Windows Scheduler:

A typical WinSCP script for upload (with SFTP) looks like:

open sftp://user:[email protected]/ -hostkey="ssh-rsa 2048 xxxxxxxxxxx...="
put c:\mypdfs\*.pdf /home/user/

With FTP, just replace the sftp:// with the ftp:// and remove the -hostkey="..." switch.

Similarly for download: How to schedule an automatic FTP download on Windows?

WinSCP can even generate a script from an imported FileZilla session.

For details, see the guide to FileZilla automation.

(I'm the author of WinSCP)

Another option, if you are using SFTP, is the psftp.exe client from PuTTY suite.

Programmatically trigger "select file" dialog box

There is no cross browser way of doing it, for security reasons. What people usually do is overlay the input file over something else and set it's visibility to hidden so it gets triggered on it's own. More info here.

Pass Additional ViewData to a Strongly-Typed Partial View

I know this is an old post but I came across it when faced with a similar issue using core 3.0, hope it helps someone.

Layout = null;
ViewData["SampleString"] = "some string need in the partial";

<partial name="_Partial" for="PartialViewModel" view-data="ViewData" />

fetch in git doesn't get all branches

I had this issue today on a repo.

It wasn't the +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* issue as per top solution.

Symptom was simply that git fetch origin or git fetch just didn't appear to do anything, although there were remote branches to fetch.

After trying lots of things, I removed the origin remote, and recreated it. That seems to have fixed it. Don't know why.

remove with: git remote rm origin

and recreate with: git remote add origin <git uri>

There is an error in XML document (1, 41)

In my case I had a float value expected where xml had a null value so be sure to search for float and int data type in your xsd map

How to store an array into mysql?

You can always serialize the array and store that in the database.
PHP Serialize

You can then unserialize the array when needed.

Excel to JSON javascript code?

js-xlsx library makes it easy to convert Excel/CSV files into JSON objects.

Download the xlsx.full.min.js file from here. Write below code on your HTML page Edit the referenced js file link (xlsx.full.min.js) and link of Excel file

<!doctype html>

    <title>Excel to JSON Demo</title>
    <script src="xlsx.full.min.js"></script>


        /* set up XMLHttpRequest */
        var url = "";
        var oReq = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url, true);
        oReq.responseType = "arraybuffer";

        oReq.onload = function(e) {
            var arraybuffer = oReq.response;

            /* convert data to binary string */
            var data = new Uint8Array(arraybuffer);
            var arr = new Array();
            for (var i = 0; i != data.length; ++i) arr[i] = String.fromCharCode(data[i]);
            var bstr = arr.join("");

            /* Call XLSX */
            var workbook =, {
                type: "binary"

            /* DO SOMETHING WITH workbook HERE */
            var first_sheet_name = workbook.SheetNames[0];
            /* Get worksheet */
            var worksheet = workbook.Sheets[first_sheet_name];
            console.log(XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(worksheet, {
                raw: true


Click here to see the input Excel file

Click here to see the output of above code

Copy existing project with a new name in Android Studio

When you copy your project you will also need to delete the original remnant intermediate build (someActivity$4.class) files from the C:...\AndroidStudioProjects(project_name)\app\build\intermediates\classes\release... directories. Otherwise you will almost certainly have build failures for the new project if yo attempt to compile the copied project. Refactoring won't solve this.

Calling a javascript function recursively

Using Named Function Expressions:

You can give a function expression a name that is actually private and is only visible from inside of the function ifself:

var factorial = function myself (n) {
    if (n <= 1) {
        return 1;
    return n * myself(n-1);
typeof myself === 'undefined'

Here myself is visible only inside of the function itself.

You can use this private name to call the function recursively.

See 13. Function Definition of the ECMAScript 5 spec:

The Identifier in a FunctionExpression can be referenced from inside the FunctionExpression's FunctionBody to allow the function to call itself recursively. However, unlike in a FunctionDeclaration, the Identifier in a FunctionExpression cannot be referenced from and does not affect the scope enclosing the FunctionExpression.

Please note that Internet Explorer up to version 8 doesn't behave correctly as the name is actually visible in the enclosing variable environment, and it references a duplicate of the actual function (see patrick dw's comment below).

Using arguments.callee:

Alternatively you could use arguments.callee to refer to the current function:

var factorial = function (n) {
    if (n <= 1) {
        return 1;
    return n * arguments.callee(n-1);

The 5th edition of ECMAScript forbids use of arguments.callee() in strict mode, however:

(From MDN): In normal code arguments.callee refers to the enclosing function. This use case is weak: simply name the enclosing function! Moreover, arguments.callee substantially hinders optimizations like inlining functions, because it must be made possible to provide a reference to the un-inlined function if arguments.callee is accessed. arguments.callee for strict mode functions is a non-deletable property which throws when set or retrieved.

Slick.js: Get current and total slides (ie. 3/5)

The slider object contains the slide count as property.

Slick < 1.5

    slide: 'img',
    autoplay: true,
    dots: true,
    dotsClass: 'custom_paging',
    customPaging: function (slider, i) {
        //FYI just have a look at the object to find available information
        //press f12 to access the console in most browsers
        //you could also debug or look in the source
        return  (i + 1) + '/' + slider.slideCount;


Update for Slick 1.5+ (tested until 1.8.1)

var $status = $('.pagingInfo');
var $slickElement = $('.slideshow');

$slickElement.on('init reInit afterChange', function(event, slick, currentSlide, nextSlide){
    //currentSlide is undefined on init -- set it to 0 in this case (currentSlide is 0 based)
    var i = (currentSlide ? currentSlide : 0) + 1;
    $status.text(i + '/' + slick.slideCount);

    slide: 'img',
    autoplay: true,
    dots: true


Update for Slick 1.9+

var $status = $('.pagingInfo');
var $slickElement = $('.slideshow');

$slickElement.on('init reInit afterChange', function(event, slick, currentSlide, nextSlide){
    //currentSlide is undefined on init -- set it to 0 in this case (currentSlide is 0 based)
    var i = (currentSlide ? currentSlide : 0) + 1;
    $status.text(i + '/' + slick.slideCount);

    autoplay: true,
    dots: true


Example when using slidesToShow

var $status = $('.pagingInfo');
var $slickElement = $('.slideshow');

$slickElement.on('init reInit afterChange', function (event, slick, currentSlide, nextSlide) {
  // no dots -> no slides

  //currentSlide is undefined on init -- set it to 0 in this case (currentSlide is 0 based)
  var i = (currentSlide ? currentSlide : 0) + 1;
  // use dots to get some count information
  $status.text(i + '/' + (slick.$dots[0].children.length));

  infinite: false,
  slidesToShow: 4,
  autoplay: true,
  dots: true


Get top n records for each group of grouped results

Try this:

SELECT a.person,, a.age FROM person AS a WHERE 
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM person AS b 
WHERE = AND b.age >= a.age) <= 2 


How to make div appear in front of another?

Upper div use higher z-index and lower div use lower z-index then use absolute/fixed/relative position

Mongodb service won't start

I tried deleting the lock file, but the real reason that this happened to me was because I was using ~/data/db as the data directory. Mongo needs an absolute path to the database. Once I changed it to /home//data/db, I was in business.

CSS selector for disabled input type="submit"

Does that work in IE6?

No, IE6 does not support attribute selectors at all, cf. CSS Compatibility and Internet Explorer.

You might find How to workaround: IE6 does not support CSS “attribute” selectors worth the read.

If you are to ignore IE6, you could do (CSS2.1):

button[disabled=disabled] {

CSS3 (IE9+):

button:disabled {

You can substitute [disabled=disabled] (attribute value) with [disabled] (attribute presence).

data.table vs dplyr: can one do something well the other can't or does poorly?

Reading Hadley and Arun's answers one gets the impression that those who prefer dplyr's syntax would have in some cases to switch over to data.table or compromise for long running times.

But as some have already mentioned, dplyr can use data.table as a backend. This is accomplished using the dtplyr package which recently had it's version 1.0.0 release. Learning dtplyr incurs practically zero additional effort.

When using dtplyr one uses the function lazy_dt() to declare a lazy data.table, after which standard dplyr syntax is used to specify operations on it. This would look something like the following:

new_table <- mtcars2 %>% 
  lazy_dt() %>%
  filter(wt < 5) %>% 
  mutate(l100k = 235.21 / mpg) %>% # liters / 100 km
  group_by(cyl) %>% 
  summarise(l100k = mean(l100k))


#> Source: local data table [?? x 2]
#> Call:   `_DT1`[wt < 5][, `:=`(l100k = 235.21/mpg)][, .(l100k = mean(l100k)), 
#>     keyby = .(cyl)]
#>     cyl l100k
#>   <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1     4  9.05
#> 2     6 12.0 
#> 3     8 14.9 
#> # Use to access results

The new_table object is not evaluated until calling on it at which point the underlying data.table operation is executed.

I've recreated a benchmark analysis done by data.table author Matt Dowle back at December 2018 which covers the case of operations over large numbers of groups. I've found that dtplyr indeed enables for the most part those who prefer the dplyr syntax to keep using it while enjoying the speed offered by data.table.

Searching for Text within Oracle Stored Procedures


EDIT Adding additional info:


The difference is dba_source will have the text of all stored objects. All_source will have the text of all stored objects accessible by the user performing the query. Oracle Database Reference 11g Release 2 (11.2)

Another difference is that you may not have access to dba_source.

Git: Find the most recent common ancestor of two branches

You are looking for git merge-base. Usage:

$ git merge-base branch2 branch3

Laravel: PDOException: could not find driver

I had the same issue, and I uncomment extension=pdo_sqlite and ran the migration and everything worked fine.

How to write logs in text file when using java.util.logging.Logger

Here is my logging class based on the accepted answer:

import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.logging.*;

public class ErrorLogger
    private Logger logger;

    public ErrorLogger()
        logger = Logger.getAnonymousLogger();


    private void configure()
            String logsDirectoryFolder = "logs";
            FileHandler fileHandler = new FileHandler(logsDirectoryFolder + File.separator + getCurrentTimeString() + ".log");
            SimpleFormatter formatter = new SimpleFormatter();
        } catch (IOException exception)


    private void addCloseHandlersShutdownHook()
        Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(() ->
            // Close all handlers to get rid of empty .LCK files
            for (Handler handler : logger.getHandlers())

    private String getCurrentTimeString()
        DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss");
        return dateFormat.format(new Date());

    public void log(Exception exception)
        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "", exception);

MySQL "ERROR 1005 (HY000): Can't create table 'foo.#sql-12c_4' (errno: 150)"

I also received this error (for several tables) along with constraint errors and MySQL connecting and disconnecting when attempting to import an entire database (~800 MB). My issue was the result of The MySQL server max allowed packets being too low. To resolve this (on a Mac):

  • Opened /private/etc/my.conf
  • Under # The MySQL server, changed max_allowed_packet from 1M to 4M (You may need to experiment with this value.)
  • Restarted MySQL

The database imported successfully after that.

Note I am running MySQL 5.5.12 for Mac OS X (x86 64 bit).

HTML5 record audio to file

You can use Recordmp3js from GitHub to achieve your requirements. You can record from user's microphone and then get the file as an mp3. Finally upload it to your server.

I used this in my demo. There is a already a sample available with the source code by the author in this location :

The demo is here:

But currently works only on Chrome and Firefox.

Seems to work fine and pretty simple. Hope this helps.

Switch/toggle div (jQuery)

I think you want this:




This is made possible by jQuery.

jQuery adding 2 numbers from input fields

There are two way that you can add two number in jQuery

First way:

var x = parseInt(a) + parseInt(b);

Second Way:

var x = parseInt(a+2);

Now come your question

var a = parseInt($("#a").val()); 
var b = parseInt($("#b").val());

Get child Node of another Node, given node name

//xn=list of parent nodes......                
foreach (XmlNode xn in xnList)
    foreach (XmlNode child in xn.ChildNodes) 
        if (child.Name.Equals("name")) 
            name = child.InnerText; 
        if (child.Name.Equals("age"))
            age = child.InnerText; 

HTML - Change\Update page contents without refreshing\reloading the page

jQuery will do the job. You can use either jQuery.ajax function, which is general one for performing ajax calls, or its wrappers: jQuery.get, for getting/posting data. Its very easy to use, for example, check out this tutorial, which shows how to use jQuery with PHP.

onCreateOptionsMenu inside Fragments

    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.activity_add_customer, container, false);

public void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater) {
    inflater.inflate(, menu);

SQL search multiple values in same field

Yes, you can use SQL IN operator to search multiple absolute values:

SELECT name FROM products WHERE name IN ( 'Value1', 'Value2', ... );

If you want to use LIKE you will need to use OR instead:

SELECT name FROM products WHERE name LIKE '%Value1' OR name LIKE '%Value2';

Using AND (as you tried) requires ALL conditions to be true, using OR requires at least one to be true.

Change DIV content using ajax, php and jQuery

try this

   function getmoviename(id)
     var p_url= yoururl from where you get movie name,
     type: "GET",             
     url: p_url,
     data: "id=" + id,
      success: function(data) {


and you html part is

  <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="movie" onclick="getmoviename(youridvariable)">
  Name of movie</a>

  <div id="summary">Here is summary of movie</div>

SOAP request to WebService with java

I have come across other similar question here. Both of above answers are perfect, but here trying to add additional information for someone looking for SOAP1.1, and not SOAP1.2.

Just change one line code provided by @acdcjunior, use SOAPMessageFactory1_1Impl implementation, it will change namespace to xmlns:soap="", which is SOAP1.1 implementation.

Change callSoapWebService method first line to following.

SOAPMessage soapMessage = SOAPMessageFactory1_1Impl.newInstance().createMessage();

I hope it will be helpful to others.

JavaScript get window X/Y position for scroll

The method jQuery (v1.10) uses to find this is:

var doc = document.documentElement;
var left = (window.pageXOffset || doc.scrollLeft) - (doc.clientLeft || 0);
var top = (window.pageYOffset || doc.scrollTop)  - (doc.clientTop || 0);

That is:

  • It tests for window.pageXOffset first and uses that if it exists.
  • Otherwise, it uses document.documentElement.scrollLeft.
  • It then subtracts document.documentElement.clientLeft if it exists.

The subtraction of document.documentElement.clientLeft / Top only appears to be required to correct for situations where you have applied a border (not padding or margin, but actual border) to the root element, and at that, possibly only in certain browsers.

get current date and time in groovy?

Date has the time as well, just add HH:mm:ss to the date format:

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
def date = new Date()
def sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss")
println sdf.format(date)

In case you are using JRE 8 you can use LoaclDateTime:

import java.time.*

LocalDateTime t =;
return t as String

How to get only numeric column values?

The other answers indicating using IsNumeric in the where clause are correct, as far as they go, but it's important to remember that it returns 1 if the value can be converted to any numeric type. As such, oddities such as "1d3" will make it through the filter.

If you need only values composed of digits, search for that explicitly:

SELECT column1 FROM table WHERE column1 not like '%[^0-9]%'

The above is filtering to reject any column which contains a non-digit character

Note that in any case, you're going to incur a table scan, indexes are useless for this sort of query.

java create date object using a value string

Whenever you want to convert a String to Date object then use SimpleDateFormat#parse
Try to use

String dateInString = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("EEEE, dd/MM/yyyy/hh:mm:ss")
SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE, dd/MM/yyyy/hh:mm:ss");
Date parsedDate = formatter.parse(dateInString);

.Additional thing is if you want to convert a Date to String then you should use SimpleDateFormat#format function.
Now the Point for you is new Date(String) is deprecated and not recommended now.Now whenever anyone wants to parse , then he/she should use SimpleDateFormat#parse.

refer the official doc for more Date and Time Patterns used in SimpleDateFormat options.

JavaScript: How do I print a message to the error console?

Install Firebug and then you can use console.log(...) and console.debug(...), etc. (see the documentation for more).

Will #if RELEASE work like #if DEBUG does in C#?

"Pop Catalin" got it right. Controlling the definition based on the type of build provides a great deal of flexibility. For example, you can have a "DEBUG", "DEMO", and "RELEASE" configuration all in the same solution. That prevents the need for duplicate programming with two different solutions.

So yes #if RELEASE or #if (RELEASE) works the same as #if DEBUG when the RELEASE Conditional compilation symbol is defined.

The following is taken from "Pop Catalin" post: If you want to define a RELEASE constant for the release configuration go to: * Project Properties -> Build * Select Release Mode * in the Conditional compilation symbols textbox enter: RELEASE

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user

I faced the same situation. Create your connection string as follows.


"connectionString": "Data Source=server name;Initial Catalog=DB name;User id=user id;Password=password;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True"


"connectionString": "Server=server name; Database=Treat; User Id=user id; Password=password; Trusted_Connection=False; MultipleActiveResultSets=true"

How to 'update' or 'overwrite' a python list

You may try this

alist[0] = 2014

but if you are not sure about the position of 123 then you may try like this:

for idx, item in enumerate(alist):
   if 123 in item:
       alist[idx] = 2014

How do I clone a range of array elements to a new array?

The following code does it in one line:

// Source array
string[] Source = new string[] { "A", "B", "C", "D" };
// Extracting a slice into another array
string[] Slice = new List<string>(Source).GetRange(2, 2).ToArray();

Reading a string with spaces with sscanf

Since you want the trailing string from the input, you can use %n (number of characters consumed thus far) to get the position at which the trailing string starts. This avoids memory copies and buffer sizing issues, but comes at the cost that you may need to do them explicitly if you wanted a copy.

const char *input = "19  cool kid";
int age;
int nameStart = 0;
sscanf(input, "%d %n", &age, &nameStart);
printf("%s is %d years old\n", input + nameStart, age);


cool kid is 19 years old

Java: Literal percent sign in printf statement

Escaped percent sign is double percent (%%):

System.out.printf("2 out of 10 is %d%%", 20);

best OCR (Optical character recognition) example in android

Like you I also faced many problems implementing OCR in Android, but after much Googling I found the solution, and it surely is the best example of OCR.

Let me explain using step-by-step guidance.

First, download the source code from

Import all three projects. After importing you will get an error. To solve the error you have to create a res folder in the tess-two project

enter image description here

First, just create res folder in tess-two by tess-two->RightClick->new Folder->Name it "res"

After doing this in all three project the error should be gone.

Now download the source code from, here you will get best example.

Now you just need to import it into your workspace, but first you have to download android-ndk from this site: i have windows 7 - 32 bit PC so I have download this file

Now extract it suppose I have extract it into E:\Software\android-ndk-r9 so I will set this path on Environment Variable

Right Click on MyComputer->Property->Advance-System-Settings->Advance->Environment Variable-> find PATH on second below Box and set like path like below picture

enter image description here

done it

Now open cmd and go to on D:\Android Workspace\tess-two like below

enter image description here

If you have successfully set up environment variable of NDK then just type ndk-build just like above picture than enter you will not get any kind of error and all file will be compiled successfully:

Now download other source code also from , and extract and import it and give it name OCRTest, like in my PC which is in D:\Android Workspace\OCRTest

enter image description here

Import test-two in this and run OCRTest and run it; you will get the best example of OCR.

Angular checkbox and ng-click

The order of execution of ng-click and ng-model is different with angular 1.2 vs 1.6

You must test, with 1.2 and 1.6,

for example, with angular 1.2, ng-click get execute before ng-model, with angular 1.6, ng-model maybe get excute before ng-click.

so you get 'true checked' / 'false uncheck' value maybe not you expect

What is the difference between smoke testing and sanity testing?

Smoke testing

Smoke testing came from the hardware environment where testing should be done to check whether the development of a new piece of hardware causes no fire and smoke for the first time.

In the software environment, smoke testing is done to verify whether we can consider for further testing the functionality which is newly built.

Sanity testing

A subset of regression test cases are executed after receiving a functionality or code with small or minor changes in the functionality or code, to check whether it resolved the issues or software bugs and no other software bug is introduced by the new changes.

Difference between smoke testing and sanity testing

Smoke testing

  • Smoke testing is used to test all areas of the application without going into too deep.

  • A smoke test always use an automated test or a written set of tests. It is always scripted.

  • Smoke testing is designed to include every part of the application in a not thorough or detailed way.

  • Smoke testing always ensures whether the most crucial functions of a program are working, but not bothering with finer details.

Sanity testing

  • Sanity testing is a narrow test that focuses on one or a few areas of functionality, but not thoroughly or in-depth.

  • A sanity test is usually unscripted.

  • Sanity testing is used to ensure that after a minor change a small part of the application is still working.

  • Sanity testing is a cursory testing, which is performed to prove that the application is functioning according to the specifications. This level of testing is a subset of regression testing.

Hope these points help you to understand the difference between smoke testing and sanity testing.


Get specific objects from ArrayList when objects were added anonymously?

You could simply create a method to get the object by it's name.

public Party getPartyByName(String name) {
    for(Party party : parties) {
        if(name.equalsIgnoreCase( {
            return party;
    return null;

Predicate in Java

You can view the java doc examples or the example of usage of Predicate here

Basically it is used to filter rows in the resultset based on any specific criteria that you may have and return true for those rows that are meeting your criteria:

 // the age column to be between 7 and 10
    AgeFilter filter = new AgeFilter(7, 10, 3);

    // set the filter.

Hiding the address bar of a browser (popup)

Looking for the same, the only thing I'm able to do is

Launch Google Chrome in app mode

Chrome.exe --app="<address>"

From the run prompt. Example:

Chrome.exe --app=""

Hide the address bar in Mozilla Firefox

Type about:config in the address bar, the search for:


And set it to false

So, when you open a popup window, it will launch with the address bar hidden. For example:"",'','postwindow');

Firefox without location bar

Chrome in app mode

Now, I'm looking to do something similar with Microsoft Edge, I have not found anything yet for this browser.

PHP compare time

$ThatTime ="14:08:10";
if (time() >= strtotime($ThatTime)) {
  echo "ok";

A solution using DateTime (that also regards the timezone).

$dateTime = new DateTime($ThatTime);
if ($dateTime->diff(new DateTime)->format('%R') == '+') {
  echo "OK";

How do I turn a C# object into a JSON string in .NET?


 public static void WriteToJsonFile<T>(string filePath, T objectToWrite, bool append = false) where T : new()
        var contentsToWriteToFile = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(objectToWrite, new JsonSerializerSettings
            Formatting = Formatting.Indented,
        using (var writer = new StreamWriter(filePath, append))


namespace MyConfig
    public class AppConfigurationSettings
        public AppConfigurationSettings()
            /* initialize the object if you want to output a new document
             * for use as a template or default settings possibly when 
             * an app is started.
            if (AppSettings == null) { AppSettings=new AppSettings();}

        public AppSettings AppSettings { get; set; }

    public class AppSettings
        public bool DebugMode { get; set; } = false;


var jsonObject = new AppConfigurationSettings();
WriteToJsonFile<AppConfigurationSettings>(file.FullName, jsonObject);


  "AppSettings": {
    "DebugMode": false

Get type name without full namespace

make use of (Type Properties)

 Name   Gets the name of the current member. (Inherited from MemberInfo.)
 Example : typeof(T).Name;

Python 3: EOF when reading a line (Sublime Text 2 is angry)

EOF is a special out-of-band signal which means the end of input. It's not a character (though in the old DOS days, 0x1B acted like EOF), but rather a signal from the OS that the input has ended.

On Windows, you can "input" an EOF by pressing Ctrl+Z at the command prompt. This signals the terminal to close the input stream, which presents an EOF to the running program. Note that on other OSes or terminal emulators, EOF is usually signalled using Ctrl+D.

As for your issue with Sublime Text 2, it seems that stdin is not connected to the terminal when running a program within Sublime, and so consequently programs start off connected to an empty file (probably nul or /dev/null). See also Python 3.1 and Sublime Text 2 error.

How to get div height to auto-adjust to background size?

If you can make an image on Photoshop where the main layer has an opacity of 1 or so and is basically transparent, put that img in the div and then make the real picture the background image. THEN set the opacity of the img to 1 and add the size dimensions you want.

That picture is done that way, and you can't even drag the invisible image off the page which is cool.

No route matches "/users/sign_out" devise rails 3

The ability to make the Logout link a DELETE RESTful call requires an html attribute data-method = "delete" by using the rails code = link_to('Logout', destroy_user_session_path, :method => :delete).

However, if you do not have the gem jquery-ujs installed or are not calling the resulting javascript in your application.html via = javascript_include_tag "application", the response will be sent as a GET request, and the route will fail.

You have a few options if you do not want to use jquery-ujs or cannot find a way to make it work:

  1. Change config.sign_out_via to equal :get within devise.rb (not recommended, since DELETE is the appropriate RESTful query)
  2. OR Change the link_to to = button_to('Logout', destroy_user_session_path, :method => :delete). With button_to Rails will do the heavy lifting on making the proper DELETE call. You can then style the button to look like a link if you wish.

How do you return the column names of a table?

While @Gulzar Nazim's answer is great, it is probably easier to include the database name in the query, which could be achieved by the following SQL.

WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'you-table-name' AND TABLE_CATALOG='your-database-name'

How can I check if an element exists in the visible DOM?

You could just check to see if the parentNode property is null.

That is,

    // The node is NOT in the DOM
    // The element is in the DOM

How do you tell if caps lock is on using JavaScript?

When you type, if caplock is on, it could automatically convert the current char to lowercase. That way even if caplocks is on, it will not behave like it is on the current page. To inform your users you could display a text saying that caplocks is on, but that the form entries are converted.

How do I set a cookie on HttpClient's HttpRequestMessage

Here's how you could set a custom cookie value for the request:

var baseAddress = new Uri("");
var cookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
using (var handler = new HttpClientHandler() { CookieContainer = cookieContainer })
using (var client = new HttpClient(handler) { BaseAddress = baseAddress })
    var content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new[]
        new KeyValuePair<string, string>("foo", "bar"),
        new KeyValuePair<string, string>("baz", "bazinga"),
    cookieContainer.Add(baseAddress, new Cookie("CookieName", "cookie_value"));
    var result = await client.PostAsync("/test", content);

Why is the GETDATE() an invalid identifier

getdate() for MS-SQL, sysdate for Oracle server

How do I convert from a money datatype in SQL server?

This looks like a formating issue to me.
As far as SQL Server's money type is concerned 0 == 0.00

If you're trying to display 0 in say c# rather then 0.00 you should convert it to a string, and format it as you want. (or truncate it.)

How to import a bak file into SQL Server Express

I had the same error. What worked for me is when you go for the SMSS GUI option, look at General, Files in Options settings. After I did that (replace DB, set location) all went well.

Differences Between vbLf, vbCrLf & vbCr Constants

 Constant   Value               Description
 vbCr       Chr(13)             Carriage return
 vbCrLf     Chr(13) & Chr(10)   Carriage return–linefeed combination
 vbLf       Chr(10)             Line feed
  • vbCr : - return to line beginning
    Represents a carriage-return character for print and display functions.

  • vbCrLf : - similar to pressing Enter
    Represents a carriage-return character combined with a linefeed character for print and display functions.

  • vbLf : - go to next line
    Represents a linefeed character for print and display functions.

Read More from Constants Class

Can I call methods in constructor in Java?

Why not to use Static Initialization Blocks ? Additional details here: Static Initialization Blocks

How to get a random value from dictionary?

b = { 'video':0, 'music':23,"picture":12 } 
random.choice(tuple(b.items())) ('music', 23) 
random.choice(tuple(b.items())) ('music', 23) 
random.choice(tuple(b.items())) ('picture', 12) 
random.choice(tuple(b.items())) ('video', 0) 

How can I encode a string to Base64 in Swift?

SwiftyBase64 (full disclosure: I wrote it) is a native Swift Base64 encoding (no decoding library. With it, you can encode standard Base64:

let bytesToEncode : [UInt8] = [1,2,3]
let base64EncodedString = SwiftyBase64.EncodeString(bytesToEncode)

or URL and Filename Safe Base64:

let bytesToEncode : [UInt8] = [1,2,3]
let base64EncodedString = SwiftyBase64.EncodeString(bytesToEncode, alphabet:.URLAndFilenameSafe)

Peak detection in a 2D array

I detected the peaks using a local maximum filter. Here is the result on your first dataset of 4 paws: Peaks detection result

I also ran it on the second dataset of 9 paws and it worked as well.

Here is how you do it:

import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage.filters import maximum_filter
from scipy.ndimage.morphology import generate_binary_structure, binary_erosion
import matplotlib.pyplot as pp

#for some reason I had to reshape. Numpy ignored the shape header.
paws_data = np.loadtxt("paws.txt").reshape(4,11,14)

#getting a list of images
paws = [p.squeeze() for p in np.vsplit(paws_data,4)]

def detect_peaks(image):
    Takes an image and detect the peaks usingthe local maximum filter.
    Returns a boolean mask of the peaks (i.e. 1 when
    the pixel's value is the neighborhood maximum, 0 otherwise)

    # define an 8-connected neighborhood
    neighborhood = generate_binary_structure(2,2)

    #apply the local maximum filter; all pixel of maximal value 
    #in their neighborhood are set to 1
    local_max = maximum_filter(image, footprint=neighborhood)==image
    #local_max is a mask that contains the peaks we are 
    #looking for, but also the background.
    #In order to isolate the peaks we must remove the background from the mask.

    #we create the mask of the background
    background = (image==0)

    #a little technicality: we must erode the background in order to 
    #successfully subtract it form local_max, otherwise a line will 
    #appear along the background border (artifact of the local maximum filter)
    eroded_background = binary_erosion(background, structure=neighborhood, border_value=1)

    #we obtain the final mask, containing only peaks, 
    #by removing the background from the local_max mask (xor operation)
    detected_peaks = local_max ^ eroded_background

    return detected_peaks

#applying the detection and plotting results
for i, paw in enumerate(paws):
    detected_peaks = detect_peaks(paw)
    pp.subplot(4,2,(2*i+2) )

All you need to do after is use scipy.ndimage.measurements.label on the mask to label all distinct objects. Then you'll be able to play with them individually.

Note that the method works well because the background is not noisy. If it were, you would detect a bunch of other unwanted peaks in the background. Another important factor is the size of the neighborhood. You will need to adjust it if the peak size changes (the should remain roughly proportional).

Hide Command Window of .BAT file that Executes Another .EXE File

Using Windows API we can start new process, a console application, and hide its "black" window. This can be done at process creation and avoid showing "black" window at all.

In CreateProcess function the dwCreationFlags parameter can have CREATE_NO_WINDOW flag:

The process is a console application that is being run
without a console window. Therefore, the console handle
for the application is not set. This flag is ignored if
the application is not a console application

Here is a link to hide-win32-console-window executable using this method and source code.

hide-win32-console-window is similar to Jamesdlin's silentbatch program.

There is open question: what to do with program's output when its window does not exist? What if exceptions happen? Not a good solution to throw away the output. hide-win32-console-window uses anonymous pipes to redirect program's output to file created in current directory.


batchscript_starter.exe full/path/to/application [arguments to pass on]

Example running python script

batchscript_starter.exe c:\Python27\python.exe -c "import time; print('prog start'); time.sleep(3.0); print('prog end');"

The output file is created in working directory named python.2019-05-13-13-32-39.log with output from the python command:

prog start
prog end

Example running command

batchscript_starter.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /C dir .

The output file is created in working directory named cmd.2019-05-13-13-37-28.log with output from CMD:

 Volume in drive Z is Storage
 Volume Serial Number is XXXX-YYYY

 Directory of hide_console_project\hide-win32-console-window

2019-05-13  13:37    <DIR>          .
2019-05-13  13:37    <DIR>          ..
2019-05-13  04:41            17,274 batchscript_starter.cpp
2018-04-10  01:08            46,227 batchscript_starter.ico
2019-05-12  11:27             7,042 batchscript_starter.rc
2019-05-12  11:27             1,451 batchscript_starter.sln
2019-05-12  21:51             8,943 batchscript_starter.vcxproj
2019-05-12  21:51             1,664 batchscript_starter.vcxproj.filters
2019-05-13  03:38             1,736 batchscript_starter.vcxproj.user
2019-05-13  13:37                 0 cmd.2019-05-13-13-37-28.log
2019-05-13  04:34             1,518 LICENSE
2019-05-13  13:32                22 python.2019-05-13-13-32-39.log
2019-05-13  04:55                82
2019-05-13  04:44             1,562 Resource.h
2018-04-10  01:08            46,227 small.ico
2019-05-13  04:44               630 targetver.h
2019-05-13  04:57    <DIR>          x64
              14 File(s)        134,378 bytes
               3 Dir(s)  ???,???,692,992 bytes free

Example shortcut for running .bat script

Shortcut for starting windowless .bat file

Target field:

C:\batchscript_starter.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /C C:\start_wiki.bat

Directory specified in Start in field will hold output files.

How to find the foreach index?

I normally do this when working with associative arrays:

foreach ($assoc_array as $key => $value) {
 //do something

This will work fine with non-associative arrays too. $key will be the index value. If you prefer, you can do this too:

foreach ($array as $indx => $value) {
  //do something

In PHP, how can I add an object element to an array?

Just do:

$object = new stdClass();
$object->name = "My name";
$myArray[] = $object;

You need to create the object first (the new line) and then push it onto the end of the array (the [] line).

You can also do this:

$myArray[] = (object) ['name' => 'My name'];

However I would argue that's not as readable, even if it is more succinct.

HTTP Get with 204 No Content: Is that normal

Your current combination of a POST with an HTTP 204 response is fine.

Using a POST as a universal replacement for a GET is not supported by the RFC, as each has its own specific purpose and semantics.

The purpose of a GET is to retrieve a resource. Therefore, while allowed, an HTTP 204 wouldn't be the best choice since content IS expected in the response. An HTTP 404 Not Found or an HTTP 410 Gone would be better choices if the server was unable to provide the requested resource.

The RFC also specifically calls out an HTTP 204 as an appropriate response for PUT, POST and DELETE, but omits it for GET.

See the RFC for the semantics of GET.

There are other response codes that could also be returned, indicating no content, that would be more appropriate than an HTTP 204.

For example, for a conditional GET you could receive an HTTP 304 Not Modified response which would contain no body content.

Windows 7 - 'make' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

In Windows10, I solved this issue by adding "C:\MinGW\bin" to Path then called it using MinGW32-make not make

LINQ Group By into a Dictionary Object

For @atari2600, this is what the answer would look like using ToLookup in lambda syntax:

var x = listOfCustomObjects
    .GroupBy(o => o.PropertyName)
    .ToLookup(customObject => customObject);

Basically, it takes the IGrouping and materializes it for you into a dictionary of lists, with the values of PropertyName as the key.

Can you get the number of lines of code from a GitHub repository?

If the question is "can you quickly get NUMBER OF LINES of a github repo", the answer is no as stated by the other answers.

However, if the question is "can you quickly check the SCALE of a project", I usually gauge a project by looking at its size. Of course the size will include deltas from all active commits, but it is a good metric as the order of magnitude is quite close.


How big is the "docker" project?

In your browser, enter i.e.

In the response hash, you can find the size attribute:

    size: 161432,

This should give you an idea of the relative scale of the project. The number seems to be in KB, but when I checked it on my computer it's actually smaller, even though the order of magnitude is consistent. (161432KB = 161MB, du -s -h docker = 65MB)

PHP - Check if the page run on Mobile or Desktop browser

<?php //-- Very simple variant
$useragent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; 
$iPod = stripos($useragent, "iPod"); 
$iPad = stripos($useragent, "iPad"); 
$iPhone = stripos($useragent, "iPhone");
$Android = stripos($useragent, "Android"); 
$iOS = stripos($useragent, "iOS");
//-- You can add billion devices 

$DEVICE = ($iPod||$iPad||$iPhone||$Android||$iOS||$webOS||$Blackberry||$IEMobile||$OperaMini);

if ($DEVICE !=true) {?>

<!-- What you want for all non-mobile devices. Anything with all HTML codes-->

<?php }else{ ?> 

<!-- What you want for all mobile devices. Anything with all HTML codes --> 
<?php } ?>

How do I block or restrict special characters from input fields with jquery?

Write some javascript code on onkeypress event of textbox. as per requirement allow and restrict character in your textbox

function isNumberKeyWithStar(evt) {
    var charCode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : event.keyCode
    if (charCode > 31 && (charCode < 48 || charCode > 57) && charCode != 42)
        return false;
    return true;
function isNumberKey(evt) {
    var charCode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : event.keyCode
    if (charCode > 31 && (charCode < 48 || charCode > 57))
        return false;
    return true;
function isNumberKeyForAmount(evt) {
    var charCode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : event.keyCode
    if (charCode > 31 && (charCode < 48 || charCode > 57) && charCode != 46)
        return false;
    return true;

AngularJS - Attribute directive input value change

Since this must have an input element as a parent, you could just use

<input type="text" ng-model="foo" ng-change="myOnChangeFunction()">

Alternatively, you could use the ngModelController and add a function to $formatters, which executes functions on input change. See

.directive("myDirective", function() {
  return {
    restrict: 'A',
    require: 'ngModel',
    link: function(scope, element, attr, ngModel) {
      ngModel.$formatters.push(function(value) {
        // Do stuff here, and return the formatted value.

What does operator "dot" (.) mean?

The dot itself is not an operator, .^ is.

The .^ is a pointwise¹ (i.e. element-wise) power, as .* is the pointwise product.

.^ Array power. A.^B is the matrix with elements A(i,j) to the B(i,j) power. The sizes of A and B must be the same or be compatible.


¹) Hence the dot.

Powershell get ipv4 address into a variable

$a = ipconfig
$result = $a[8] -replace "IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :",""

Also check which index of ipconfig has the IPv4 Address

Mongoose limit/offset and count query

    { '$match'    : { } },
    { '$sort'     : { '_id' : -1 } },
    { '$facet'    : {
        metadata: [ { $count: "total" } ],
        data: [ { $skip: 1 }, { $limit: 10 },{ '$project' : {"_id":0} } ] // add projection here wish you re-shape the docs
    } }
] )

Instead of using two queries to find the total count and skip the matched record.
$facet is the best and optimized way.

  1. Match the record
  2. Find total_count
  3. skip the record
  4. And also can reshape data according to our needs in the query.

How to add leading zeros?

Here's a generalizable base R function:

pad_left <- function(x, len = 1 + max(nchar(x)), char = '0'){

    unlist(lapply(x, function(x) {
            paste(rep(char, len - nchar(x)), collapse = ''),


I like sprintf but it comes with caveats like:

however the actual implementation will follow the C99 standard and fine details (especially the behaviour under user error) may depend on the platform

How to hide html source & disable right click and text copy?

You cannot effectively hide your HTML and JavaScript code, even if you encrypt or minify it.

If the code you're trying to hide is really sensitive, it should either be in a protected area of the site, i.e. an area that you can only access via a username and password, or potentially in a client application that isn't exposed via the web.

If you have to expose the application functionality via a web frontend, you could use Silverlight to write the frontend or bits of the frontend. In the old days you could also use ActiveX.

Passing an integer by reference in Python

Maybe it's not pythonic way, but you can do this

import ctypes

def incr(a):
    a += 1

x = ctypes.c_int(1) # create c-var
incr(ctypes.ctypes.byref(x)) # passing by ref

macOS on VMware doesn't recognize iOS device

I would like to add something.

For the devices to work in your Mac you have to make sure that they are connected to it. I don't know how this is handled in other versions but I am using VMware Workstation 12 Player

If you go to Player (Top left corner) > Removable Devices > Enable the device you want

Thats what i had to do.

How do I access the HTTP request header fields via JavaScript?

Almost by definition, the client-side JavaScript is not at the receiving end of a http request, so it has no headers to read. Most commonly, your JavaScript is the result of an http response. If you are trying to get the values of the http request that generated your response, you'll have to write server side code to embed those values in the JavaScript you produce.

It gets a little tricky to have server-side code generate client side code, so be sure that is what you need. For instance, if you want the User-agent information, you might find it sufficient to get the various values that JavaScript provides for browser detection. Start with navigator.appName and navigator.appVersion.

Explain why constructor inject is better than other options

Constructor injection is used when the class cannot function without the dependent class.

Property injection is used when the class can function without the dependent class.

As a concrete example, consider a ServiceRepository which depends on IService to do its work. Since ServiceRepository cannot function usefully without IService, it makes sense to have it injected via the constructor.

The same ServiceRepository class may use a Logger to do tracing. The ILogger can be injected via Property injection.

Other common examples of Property injection are ICache (another aspect in AOP terminology) or IBaseProperty (a property in the base class).

How do I change Android Studio editor's background color?

You can change it by going File => Settings (Shortcut CTRL+ ALT+ S) , from Left panel Choose Appearance , Now from Right Panel choose theme.

enter image description here

Android Studio 2.1

Preference -> Search for Appearance -> UI options , Click on DropDown Theme

enter image description here

Android 2.2

Android studio -> File -> Settings -> Appearance & Behavior -> Look for UI Options


Import External Themes

You can download custom theme from this website. Choose your theme, download it. To set theme Go to Android studio -> File -> Import Settings -> Choose the .jar file downloaded.

How to script FTP upload and download?

Create a command file with your commands

ie: commands.txt

user useridhere 
put test.txt

Then run the FTP client from the command line: ftp -s:commands.txt

Note: This will work for the Windows FTP client.

Edit: Should have had a linebreak after the user name before the password.

Call web service in excel

Yes You Can!

I worked on a project that did that (see comment). Unfortunately no code samples from that one, but googling revealed these:

How you can integrate data from several Web services using Excel and VBA

STEP BY STEP: Consuming Web Services through VBA (Excel or Word)

VBA: Consume Soap Web Services

How to enable file upload on React's Material UI simple input?

Here's an example using an IconButton to capture input (photo/video capture) using v3.9.2:

import React, { Component, Fragment } from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';

import { withStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
import IconButton from '@material-ui/core/IconButton';
import PhotoCamera from '@material-ui/icons/PhotoCamera';
import Videocam from '@material-ui/icons/Videocam';

const styles = (theme) => ({
    input: {
        display: 'none'

class MediaCapture extends Component {
    static propTypes = {
        classes: PropTypes.object.isRequired

    state: {
        images: [],
        videos: []

    handleCapture = ({ target }) => {
        const fileReader = new FileReader();
        const name = target.accept.includes('image') ? 'images' : 'videos';

        fileReader.onload = (e) => {
            this.setState((prevState) => ({
                [name]: [...prevState[name],]

    render() {
        const { classes } = this.props;

        return (
                <label htmlFor="icon-button-photo">
                    <IconButton color="primary" component="span">
                        <PhotoCamera />

                <label htmlFor="icon-button-video">
                    <IconButton color="primary" component="span">
                        <Videocam />

export default withStyles(styles, { withTheme: true })(MediaCapture);

How to coerce a list object to type 'double'

There are problems with some data. Consider:

as.double(as.character("2.e")) # This results in 2

Another solution:

get_numbers <- function(X) {
    X[toupper(X) != tolower(X)] <- NA

Instantiating a generic type

You basically have two choices:

1.Require an instance:

public Navigation(T t) {     this("", "", t); } 

2.Require a class instance:

public Navigation(Class<T> c) {     this("", "", c.newInstance()); } 

You could use a factory pattern, but ultimately you'll face this same issue, but just push it elsewhere in the code.

How to Set Variables in a Laravel Blade Template

I'm going to extend the answer given by @Pim.

Add this to the boot method of your AppServiceProvider

| Extend blade so we can define a variable
| <code>
| @set(name, value)
| </code>

Blade::directive('set', function($expression) {
    list($name, $val) = explode(',', $expression);
    return "<?php {$name} = {$val}; ?>";

This way you don't expose the ability to write any php expression.

You can use this directive like:

@set($var, 10)
@set($var2, 'some string')

Possible to make labels appear when hovering over a point in matplotlib?

If you use jupyter notebook, my solution is as simple as:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mplcursors

YOu can get something like enter image description here

Facebook Javascript SDK Problem: "FB is not defined"

Use a setTimeout, because sometimes the FB.init takes some time to get declared

function testAPI() {
     console.log('Welcome!  Fetching your information.... ');
     FB.api('/me', function(response) {
         console.log('Good to see you, ' + + '.');
function login() {
    FB.login(function(response) {
        if (response.authResponse) {
        } else {
            // cancelled
setTimeout(function() {

printf and long double

In addition to the wrong modifier, which port of gcc to Windows? mingw uses the Microsoft C library and I seem to remember that this library has no support for 80bits long double (microsoft C compiler use 64 bits long double for various reasons).

Android: why is there no maxHeight for a View?

If anyone is considering using exact value for LayoutParams e.g.

setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(Y, X );

Do remember to take into account the density of the device display otherwise you might get very odd behaviour on different devices. E.g:

Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
DisplayMetrics d = new DisplayMetrics();
setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, (int)(50*d.density) ));

What does "restore purchases" in In-App purchases mean?

Is it as optional functionality.

If you won't provide it when user will try to purchase non-consumable product AppStore will restore old transaction. But your app will think that this is new transaction.

If you will provide restore mechanism then your purchase manager will see restored transaction.

If app should distinguish this options then you should provide functionality for restoring previously purchased products.

How to return data from PHP to a jQuery ajax call

I figured it out. Need to use echo in PHP instead of return.

  $output = some_function();
  echo $output;

And the jQ:

success: function(data) {

How can I access each element of a pair in a pair list?

If you want to use names, try a namedtuple:

from collections import namedtuple

Pair = namedtuple("Pair", ["first", "second"])

pairs = [Pair("a", 1), Pair("b", 2), Pair("c", 3)]

for pair in pairs:
    print("First = {}, second = {}".format(pair.first, pair.second))

Create a new file in git bash

Yes, it is. Just create files in the windows explorer and git automatically detects these files as currently untracked. Then add it with the command you already mentioned.

git add does not create any files. See also

Github probably creates the file with touch and adds the file for tracking automatically. You can do this on the bash as well.

Convert float to double without losing precision

I find converting to the binary representation easier to grasp this problem.

float f = 0.27f;
double d2 = (double) f;
double d3 = 0.27d;


You can see the float is expanded to the double by adding 0s to the end, but that the double representation of 0.27 is 'more accurate', hence the problem.


preventDefault() on an <a> tag

After several operations, when the page should finally go to <a href"..."> link you can do the following:

    var self = jQuery(this);
    var href = self.attr('href');
    // needed operations

    window.location = href;

How to get named excel sheets while exporting from SSRS

The Rectangle method

The simplest and most reliable way I've found of achieving worksheets/page-breaks is with use of the rectangle tool.

Group your page within rectangles or a single rectangle that fills the page in a sub-report, as follows:

  • The quickest way I've found of placing the rectangle is to draw it around the objects you wish to place in the rectangle.

  • Right click and in the layout menu, send the rectangle to back.

  • Select all your objects and drag them slightly, but be sure they land in the same place they were. They will all now be in the rectangle.

In the rectangle properties you can set the page-break to occur at the start or end of the rectangle and name of the page can be based on an expression.

The worksheets will be named the same as the name of the page.

Duplicate names will have a number in brackets suffix.

Note: Ensure that the names are valid worksheet names.

How to check View Source in Mobile Browsers (Both Android && Feature Phone)

This question is a few years old, and there are some good suggestions for workarounds, but I didn't really notice any answers that address the core of the original question head-on. So:

  • Providing a "universal" method for viewing source in a feature phone browser (or even arbitrary third-party smartphone browser) is impossible because "view source" — via any method — is a feature implemented in the browser. So how it's accessed, or even if it can be accessed, is up to the developers of the browser. I'm sure there are plenty of browsers that intentionally prevent the user from viewing page source, and if so then you're out of luck, except maybe for workarounds like the ones offered here.

  • Workarounds such as "view source" apps external to the browser, while useful in some cases, are at best an imperfect partial solution to the original request. It's never certain that any such app will display the source of the page in the same form as it's loaded by the phone's browser.

    Modern web content changes itself in all manner of ways through browser detection, session management, etc. so that the source loaded by any external app can never be relied on to represent the source as loaded by a different app. If you're going to use an external app to load a page because you want to see the source, you might as well just use Chrome (or, on an iOS device, Safari) instead.

How to convert an Object {} to an Array [] of key-value pairs in JavaScript

Use Object.keys and Array#map methods.

var obj = {_x000D_
  "1": 5,_x000D_
  "2": 7,_x000D_
  "3": 0,_x000D_
  "4": 0,_x000D_
  "5": 0,_x000D_
  "6": 0,_x000D_
  "7": 0,_x000D_
  "8": 0,_x000D_
  "9": 0,_x000D_
  "10": 0,_x000D_
  "11": 0,_x000D_
  "12": 0_x000D_
// get all object property names_x000D_
var res = Object.keys(obj)_x000D_
  // iterate over them and generate the array_x000D_
  .map(function(k) {_x000D_
    // generate the array element _x000D_
    return [+k, obj[k]];_x000D_

How to set a timer in android

I believe the way to do this on the android is that you need a background service to be running. In that background application, create the timer. When the timer "ticks" (set the interval for how long you want to wait), launch your activity which you want to start. (<-- this article explains the relationship between activities, services, intents and other core fundamentals of Android development)

Convert hexadecimal string (hex) to a binary string

public static byte[] hexToBin(String str)
        int len = str.length();
        byte[] out = new byte[len / 2];
        int endIndx;

        for (int i = 0; i < len; i = i + 2)
            endIndx = i + 2;
            if (endIndx > len)
                endIndx = len - 1;
            out[i / 2] = (byte) Integer.parseInt(str.substring(i, endIndx), 16);
        return out;

java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to merge dex in Android Studio 3.0

Enable Multidex through build.gradle of your app module

multiDexEnabled true

Same as below -

android {
    compileSdkVersion 27
    defaultConfig {
        applicationId ""
        minSdkVersion 15
        targetSdkVersion 27
        versionCode 1
        versionName "1.0"
        multiDexEnabled true //Add this
        testInstrumentationRunner ""
    buildTypes {
        release {
            shrinkResources true
            minifyEnabled true
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), ''

Then follow below steps -

  1. From the Build menu -> press the Clean Project button.
  2. When task completed, press the Rebuild Project button from the Build menu.
  3. From menu File -> Invalidate cashes / Restart

compile is now deprecated so it's better to use implementation or api

Convert Month Number to Month Name Function in SQL

I think this is the best way to get the month name when you have the month number

Select DateName( month , DateAdd( month , @MonthNumber , 0 ) - 1 )


Select DateName( month , DateAdd( month , @MonthNumber , -1 ) )

Using %s in C correctly - very basic level

void myfunc(void)
    char* text = "Hello World";
    char  aLetter = 'C';

    printf("%s\n", text);
    printf("%c\n", aLetter);

When to use window.opener / window.parent /

top, parent, opener (as well as window, self, and iframe) are all window objects.

  1. window.opener -> returns the window that opens or launches the current popup window.
  2. -> returns the topmost window, if you're using frames, this is the frameset window, if not using frames, this is the same as window or self.
  3. window.parent -> returns the parent frame of the current frame or iframe. The parent frame may be the frameset window or another frame if you have nested frames. If not using frames, parent is the same as the current window or self

jQuery checkbox change and click event

if you are using the iCheck Jquery use the below code

 $("#CheckBoxId").on('ifChanged', function () {

How to get multiline input from user

raw_input can correctly handle the EOF, so we can write a loop, read till we have received an EOF (Ctrl-D) from user:

Python 3

print("Enter/Paste your content. Ctrl-D or Ctrl-Z ( windows ) to save it.")
contents = []
while True:
        line = input()
    except EOFError:

Python 2

print "Enter/Paste your content. Ctrl-D or Ctrl-Z ( windows ) to save it."
contents = []
while True:
        line = raw_input("")
    except EOFError:

Remove redundant paths from $PATH variable

Here is a one line code that cleans up the PATH

  • It does not disturb the order of the PATH, just removes duplicates
  • Treats : and empth PATH gracefully
  • No special characters used, so does not require escape
  • Uses /bin/awk so it works even when PATH is broken

    export PATH="$(echo "$PATH" |/bin/awk 'BEGIN{RS=":";}

Group by & count function in sqlalchemy

You can also count on multiple groups and their intersection:

self.session.query(func.count(Table.column1),Table.column1, Table.column2).group_by(Table.column1, Table.column2).all()

The query above will return counts for all possible combinations of values from both columns.

If Else If In a Sql Server Function

You'll need to create local variables for those columns, assign them during the select and use them for your conditional tests.

declare @yes_ans int,
        @no_ans int,
        @na_ans int

SELECT @yes_ans = yes_ans, @no_ans = no_ans, @na_ans = na_ans 
    from dbo.qrc_maintally 
    where school_id = @SchoolId

If @yes_ans > @no_ans and @yes_ans > @na_ans 
Set @Final = 'Yes'
-- etc.

Which is the correct C# infinite loop, for (;;) or while (true)?

The only reason I'd say for(;;) is due the CodeDom limitations (while loops can't be declared using CodeDom and for loops are seen as the more general form as an iteration loop).

This is a pretty loose reason to choose this other than the fact that the for loop implementation can be used both for normal code and CodeDom generated code. That is, it can be more standard.

As a note, you can use code snippets to create a while loop, but the whole loop would need to be a snippet...

Git merge develop into feature branch outputs "Already up-to-date" while it's not

You should first pull the changes from the develop branch and only then merge them to your branch:

git checkout develop 
git pull 
git checkout branch-x
git rebase develop

Or, when on branch-x:

git fetch && git rebase origin/develop

I have an alias that saves me a lot of time. Add to your ~/.gitconfig:

    fr = "!f() { git fetch && git rebase origin/"$1"; }; f"

Now, all that you have to do is:

git fr develop

Is there shorthand for returning a default value if None in Python?

You can use a conditional expression:

x if x is not None else some_value


In [22]: x = None

In [23]: print x if x is not None else "foo"

In [24]: x = "bar"

In [25]: print x if x is not None else "foo"

How to keep indent for second line in ordered lists via CSS?

Check this fiddle:

It shows how to manually indent ul and ol using CSS.



    <ol type="1" style="list-style-position:inside;">
        <li >longer Text, longer Text, longer Text, longer Text    second line of longer Text        </li>
        <li>longer Text, longer Text, longer Text, longer Text    second line of longer Text                </li>



ol li 
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 0px;
    text-indent: -1em;
    margin-left: 1em;


ul li 
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 0px;
    text-indent: 0.5em;
    margin-left: -0.5em;

Also I edited your fiddle

Make a note of it.

How to make Scrollable Table with fixed headers using CSS

I can think of a cheeky way to do it, I don't think this will be the best option but it will work.

Create the header as a separate table then place the other in a div and set a max size, then allow the scroll to come in by using overflow.

table {_x000D_
  width: 500px;_x000D_
.scroll {_x000D_
  max-height: 60px;_x000D_
  overflow: auto;_x000D_
<table border="1">_x000D_
<div class="scroll">_x000D_
    <tr><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td></tr>_x000D_
    <tr><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td></tr>_x000D_
    <tr><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td></tr>_x000D_
    <tr><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td></tr>_x000D_
    <tr><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td></tr>_x000D_
    <tr><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td></tr>_x000D_
    <tr><td>More Text</td><td>More Text</td><td>More Text</td><td>More Text</td></tr>_x000D_
    <tr><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td></tr>_x000D_
    <tr><td>Even More Text Text</td><td>Even More Text Text</td><td>Even More Text Text</td><td>Even More Text Text</td></tr>_x000D_

How do I stretch a background image to cover the entire HTML element?

Not sure that stretching a background image is possible. If you find that it's not possible, or not reliable in all of your target browsers, you could try using a stretched img tag with z-index set lower, and position set to absolute so that other content appears on top of it.

Let us know what you end up doing.

Edit: What I suggested is basically what's in gabriel's link. So try that :)

How to bind bootstrap popover on dynamic elements

I did this and it works for me. "content" is placesContent object. not the html content!

var placesContent = $('#placescontent');
        trigger: "click",
        placement: "bottom",
        container: 'body',
        html : true,
        content : placesContent,

$('#places').on('', function(){
  $('#addPlaceBtn').on('click', addPlace);

<div id="placescontent"><div id="addPlaceBtn">Add</div></div>

How to store date/time and timestamps in UTC time zone with JPA and Hibernate

Hibernate does not allow for specifying time zones by annotation or any other means. If you use Calendar instead of date, you can implement a workaround using HIbernate property AccessType and implementing the mapping yourself. The more advanced solution is to implement a custom UserType to map your Date or Calendar. Both solutions are explained in my blog post here:

How to get UTC value for SYSDATE on Oracle

I'm using:


It's working fine for me.

Google Maps v3 - limit viewable area and zoom level

Good news. Starting from the version 3.35 of Maps JavaScript API, that was launched on February 14, 2019, you can use new restriction option in order to limit the viewport of the map.

According to the documentation

MapRestriction interface

A restriction that can be applied to the Map. The map's viewport will not exceed these restrictions.


So, now you just add restriction option during a map initialization and that it. Have a look at the following example that limits viewport to Switzerland

var map;
function initMap() {
  map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
    center: {lat: 46.818188, lng: 8.227512},
    minZoom: 7,
    maxZoom: 14,
    zoom: 7,
    restriction: {
      latLngBounds: {
        east: 10.49234,
        north: 47.808455,
        south: 45.81792,
        west: 5.95608
      strictBounds: true
#map {
  height: 100%;
html, body {
  height: 100%;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
<div id="map"></div>
<script src="" async defer></script>

I hope this helps!

PHP decoding and encoding json with unicode characters

Judging from everything you've said, it seems like the original Odómetro string you're dealing with is encoded with ISO 8859-1, not UTF-8.

Here's why I think so:

  • json_encode produced parseable output after you ran the input string through utf8_encode, which converts from ISO 8859-1 to UTF-8.
  • You did say that you got "mangled" output when using print_r after doing utf8_encode, but the mangled output you got is actually exactly what would happen by trying to parse UTF-8 text as ISO 8859-1 (ó is \x63\xb3 in UTF-8, but that sequence is ó in ISO 8859-1.
  • Your htmlentities hackaround solution worked. htmlentities needs to know what the encoding of the input string to work correctly. If you don't specify one, it assumes ISO 8859-1. (html_entity_decode, confusingly, defaults to UTF-8, so your method had the effect of converting from ISO 8859-1 to UTF-8.)
  • You said you had the same problem in Python, which would seem to exclude PHP from being the issue.

PHP will use the \uXXXX escaping, but as you noted, this is valid JSON.

So, it seems like you need to configure your connection to Postgres so that it will give you UTF-8 strings. The PHP manual indicates you'd do this by appending options='--client_encoding=UTF8' to the connection string. There's also the possibility that the data currently stored in the database is in the wrong encoding. (You could simply use utf8_encode, but this will only support characters that are part of ISO 8859-1).

Finally, as another answer noted, you do need to make sure that you're declaring the proper charset, with an HTTP header or otherwise (of course, this particular issue might have just been an artifact of the environment where you did your print_r testing).

Currency formatting in Python

Inspired by the code above :D

def money_format(value):
    value = str(value).split('.')
    money = ''
    count = 1

    for digit in value[0][::-1]:
        if count != 3:
            money += digit
            count += 1
            money += f'{digit},'
            count = 1

    if len(value) == 1:
        money = ('$' + money[::-1]).replace('$-','-$')
        money = ('$' + money[::-1] + '.' + value[1]).replace('$-','-$')

    return money

How can I find the link URL by link text with XPath?

if you are using html agility pack use getattributeValue:


Setting a div's height in HTML with CSS

The short answer to your question is that you must set the height of 100% to the body and html tag, then set the height to 100% on each div element you want to make 100% the height of the page.

Toolbar Navigation Hamburger Icon missing

 ActionBarDrawerToggle toggle = new ActionBarDrawerToggle(this, drawer, toolbar,
            R.string.navigation_drawer_open, R.string.navigation_drawer_close);

it's work with me

How to change row color in datagridview?

If you are the second dumbest developer on the planet (me being the dumbest), all of the above solutions seem to work: CellFormatting, DataSourceChanged, and RowPrePaint. I prefer RowPrePaint.

I struggled with this (for way too long) because I needed to override my SelectionBackColor and SelectionForeColor instead of BackColor and ForeColor as I was changing the selected row.

Safe width in pixels for printing web pages?

A solution to ensure that images don't get cut when printed in a Web page is to have the following CSS rule:

@media print { 
  img { 
    max-width:100% !important;

How do I create delegates in Objective-C?

In my point of view create separate class for that delegate method and you can use where you want.

in my Custom DropDownClass.h

typedef enum

@protocol DropDownListDelegate <NSObject>
- (void)dropDownDidSelectItemWithString:(NSString*)itemString     DropDownType:(DropDownType)dropDownType;
@interface DropDownViewController : UIViewController
 BOOL isFiltered;
@property (nonatomic, assign) DropDownType dropDownType;
@property (weak) id <DropDownListDelegate> delegate;
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSMutableArray *array1DropDown;
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSMutableArray *array2DropDown;

after that in.m file create array with objects,

 - (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{
CGFloat rowHeight = 44.0f;
return rowHeight;

-(NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)tableView {
return 1;
- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section{
return isFiltered?[self.array1DropDown count]:[self.array2DropDown count];
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
static NSString *simpleTableIdentifier = @"TableCell";
UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:simpleTableIdentifier];
if (cell == nil) {
    cell = [[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:simpleTableIdentifier];

if (self.delegate) {
    if (self.dropDownType == DDCITY) {
        cell.textLabel.text = [self.array1DropDown objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
    else if (self.dropDownType == DDSTATE) {
        cell.textLabel.text = [self.array2DropDown objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
return cell;

- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
 [self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:^{
        if(self.dropDownType == DDCITY){
            [self.delegate dropDownDidSelectItemWithString:[self.array1DropDown objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] DropDownType:self.dropDownType];
        else if (self.dropDownType == DDSTATE) {
            [self.delegate dropDownDidSelectItemWithString:[self.array2DropDown objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] DropDownType:self.dropDownType];

Here all are set for Custom delegate class.after that you can use this delegate method where you want.for example...

in my another viewcontroller import after that

create action for calling delegate method like this

- (IBAction)dropDownBtn1Action:(id)sender {
DropDownViewController *vehicleModelDropView = [[DropDownViewController alloc]init];
vehicleModelDropView.dropDownType = DDCITY;
vehicleModelDropView.delegate = self;
[self presentViewController:vehicleModelDropView animated:YES completion:nil];

after that call delegate method like this

- (void)dropDownDidSelectItemWithString:(NSString *)itemString DropDownType:(DropDownType)dropDownType {
switch (dropDownType) {
    case DDCITY:{
        if(itemString.length > 0){
            //Here i am printing the selected row
            [self.dropDownBtn1 setTitle:itemString forState:UIControlStateNormal];
    case DDSTATE: {
        //Here i am printing the selected row
        [self.dropDownBtn2 setTitle:itemString forState:UIControlStateNormal];


Adding a new entry to the PATH variable in ZSH

Actually, using ZSH allows you to use special mapping of environment variables. So you can simply do:

# append
# or prepend
path=('/home/david/pear/bin' $path)
# export to sub-processes (make it inherited by child processes)
export PATH

For me that's a very neat feature which can be propagated to other variables. Example:

typeset -T LD_LIBRARY_PATH ld_library_path :

How to set environment variable or system property in spring tests?

You can set the System properties as VM arguments.

If your project is a maven project then you can execute following command while running the test class:

mvn test -Dapp.url=""

Test class:

public class AppTest  {
public void testUrl() {

If you want to run individual test class or method in eclipse then :

1) Go to Run -> Run Configuration

2) On left side select your Test class under the Junit section.

3) do the following :

enter image description here

Could not load type 'XXX.Global'

In my case, a AfterBuild target in the project to compile the web application was the reason for this error.

See here for more info

Sum values from an array of key-value pairs in JavaScript

If you want to discard the array at the same time as summing, you could do (say, stack is the array):

var stack = [1,2,3],
    sum = 0;
while(stack.length > 0) { sum += stack.pop() }; invalid stream header: 7371007E

This exception may also occur if you are using Sockets on one side and SSLSockets on the other. Consistency is important.