Programs & Examples On #Interwoven

jQuery if statement, syntax

jQuery is just a library which enhances the capabilities of the DOM within a web browser; the underlying language is JavaScript, which has, as you might hope to expect from a programming language, the ability to perform conditional logic, i.e.

if( condition ) {
    // do something

Testing two conditions is straightforward, too:

if( A && B ) {
    // do something

Dear God, I hope this isn't a troll...

onKeyDown event not working on divs in React

You should use tabIndex attribute to be able to listen onKeyDown event on a div in React. Setting tabIndex="0" should fire your handler.

Assert that a method was called in a Python unit test

I'm not aware of anything built-in. It's pretty simple to implement:

class assertMethodIsCalled(object):
    def __init__(self, obj, method):
        self.obj = obj
        self.method = method

    def called(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.method_called = True
        self.orig_method(*args, **kwargs)

    def __enter__(self):
        self.orig_method = getattr(self.obj, self.method)
        setattr(self.obj, self.method, self.called)
        self.method_called = False

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
        assert getattr(self.obj, self.method) == self.called,
            "method %s was modified during assertMethodIsCalled" % self.method

        setattr(self.obj, self.method, self.orig_method)

        # If an exception was thrown within the block, we've already failed.
        if traceback is None:
            assert self.method_called,
                "method %s of %s was not called" % (self.method, self.obj)

class test(object):
    def a(self):
        print "test"
    def b(self):

obj = test()
with assertMethodIsCalled(obj, "a"):

This requires that the object itself won't modify self.b, which is almost always true.

How to see data from .RData file?


If isfar is a dataframe, this will print out the names of its columns.

Apache won't start in wamp

Invalid Command '80HostnameLookups' , perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
I got this error when I debug the issue (wamp server was not going online) by the procedure defined by @RiggsFolly. Just comment the line 80HostnameLookups Off by changing it to #80HostnameLookups Off. This solution worked for me and apache starts running.
Note:80HostnameLookups Off can be found on line 222 of httpd.conf file located in C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.9\conf

Swift: Sort array of objects alphabetically

For those using Swift 3, the equivalent method for the accepted answer is:

movieArr.sorted { $0.Name < $1.Name }

Why use pointers?

Because copying big objects all over the places wastes time and memory.

Converting HTML string into DOM elements?

You can use a DOMParser, like so:

var xmlString = "<div id='foo'><a href='#'>Link</a><span></span></div>";_x000D_
var doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(xmlString, "text/xml");_x000D_
console.log(doc.firstChild.innerHTML); // => <a href="#">Link..._x000D_
console.log(doc.firstChild.firstChild.innerHTML); // => Link

Case insensitive string as HashMap key

Based on other answers, there are basically two approaches: subclassing HashMap or wrapping String. The first one requires a little more work. In fact, if you want to do it correctly, you must override almost all methods (containsKey, entrySet, get, put, putAll and remove).

Anyway, it has a problem. If you want to avoid future problems, you must specify a Locale in String case operations. So you would create new methods (get(String, Locale), ...). Everything is easier and clearer wrapping String:

public final class CaseInsensitiveString {

    private final String s;

    public CaseInsensitiveString(String s, Locale locale) {
        this.s = s.toUpperCase(locale);

    // equals, hashCode & toString, no need for memoizing hashCode

And well, about your worries on performance: premature optimization is the root of all evil :)

css ellipsis on second line

here is good example in pure css.

  width: 200px;_x000D_
.block-with-text {_x000D_
  overflow: hidden;_x000D_
  position: relative; _x000D_
  line-height: 1.2em;_x000D_
  max-height: 3.6em;_x000D_
  text-align: justify;  _x000D_
  margin-right: -1em;_x000D_
  padding-right: 1em;_x000D_
.block-with-text:before {_x000D_
  content: '...';_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  right: 0;_x000D_
  bottom: 0;_x000D_
.block-with-text:after {_x000D_
  content: '';_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  right: 0;_x000D_
  width: 1em;_x000D_
  height: 1em;_x000D_
  margin-top: 0.2em;_x000D_
  background: white;_x000D_
<div class="container">_x000D_
<div class="block-with-text">_x000D_
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a_x000D_
<div class="block-with-text">_x000D_
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry_x000D_
<div class="block-with-text">_x000D_
Lorem Ipsum is simply_x000D_

Intellij JAVA_HOME variable

Right Click On Project -> Open Module Settings -> Click SDK's

enter image description here

Choose Java Home Directory

splitting a string into an array in C++ without using vector

#define MAXSPACE 25

string line =  "test one two three.";
string arr[MAXSPACE];
string search = " ";
int spacePos;
int currPos = 0;
int k = 0;
int prevPos = 0;


    spacePos = line.find(search,currPos);

    if(spacePos >= 0)

        currPos = spacePos;
        arr[k] = line.substr(prevPos, currPos - prevPos);
        prevPos = currPos;

}while( spacePos >= 0);

arr[k] = line.substr(prevPos,line.length());

for(int i = 0; i < k; i++)
   cout << arr[i] << endl;

How to format Joda-Time DateTime to only mm/dd/yyyy?

DateTime date =;

Get access to parent control from user control - C#


Make sure to provide access level you want at Modifiers properties other than Private for MyListControl at frmMain

Laravel Migration Error: Syntax error or access violation: 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes

I don't know why the above solution and the official solution which is adding


in AppServiceProvider didn't work for me. What worked for was editing the database.php file in config folder. Just edit

'charset' => 'utf8mb4',
'collation' => 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci',


'charset' => 'utf8',
'collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci',

and it should work, although you will be unable to store extended multibyte characters like emoji.

I did it with Laravel 5.7. Hope it helps.

Shrink to fit content in flexbox, or flex-basis: content workaround?

I want columns One and Two to shrink/grow to fit rather than being fixed.

Have you tried: flex-basis: auto

or this:

flex: 1 1 auto, which is short for:

  • flex-grow: 1 (grow proportionally)
  • flex-shrink: 1 (shrink proportionally)
  • flex-basis: auto (initial size based on content size)

or this:

main > section:first-child {
    flex: 1 1 auto;
    overflow-y: auto;

main > section:nth-child(2) {
    flex: 1 1 auto;
    overflow-y: auto;

main > section:last-child {
    flex: 20 1 auto;
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;  

revised demo


Get checkbox values using checkbox name using jquery

$("input[name='bla[]']").each( function () {

How to call a vue.js function on page load

you can also do this using mounted

    getUnits: function() {...}
mounted: function(){

How to open a new window on form submit

No need for Javascript, you just have to add a target="_blank" attribute in your form tag.

<form target="_blank" action=""
      method="post" id="mc-embedded-subscribe-form"
      name="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" class="validate"

What does it mean to write to stdout in C?

stdout stands for standard output stream and it is a stream which is available to your program by the operating system itself. It is already available to your program from the beginning together with stdin and stderr.

What they point to (or from) can be anything, actually the stream just provides your program an object that can be used as an interface to send or retrieve data. By default it is usually the terminal but it can be redirected wherever you want: a file, to a pipe goint to another process and so on.

Set equal width of columns in table layout in Android

Try this.

It boils down to adding android:stretchColumns="*" to your TableLayout root and setting android:layout_width="0dp" to all the children in your TableRows.

    android:stretchColumns="*"   // Optionally use numbered list "0,1,2,3,..."

How to perform a fade animation on Activity transition?

You could create your own .xml animation files to fade in a new Activity and fade out the current Activity:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<alpha xmlns:android=""
           android:fromAlpha="0.0" android:toAlpha="1.0"
           android:duration="500" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<alpha xmlns:android=""
           android:fromAlpha="1.0" android:toAlpha="0.0"
           android:duration="500" />

Use it in code like that: (Inside your Activity)

Intent i = new Intent(this, NewlyStartedActivity.class);
overridePendingTransition(R.anim.fade_in, R.anim.fade_out);

The above code will fade out the currently active Activity and fade in the newly started Activity resulting in a smooth transition.

UPDATE: @Dan J pointed out that using the built in Android animations improves performance, which I indeed found to be the case after doing some testing. If you prefer working with the built in animations, use:

overridePendingTransition(android.R.anim.fade_in, android.R.anim.fade_out);

Notice me referencing android.R instead of R to access the resource id.

UPDATE: It is now common practice to perform transitions using the Transition class introduced in API level 19.

MVC 4 @Scripts "does not exist"

I had a very similar error when upgrading a project from MVC3 to MVC4.

Compiler Error Message: CS0103: The name [blah] does not exist in the current context

In my case, I had outdated version numbers in several of my Web.Configs.

  1. I needed to update the System.Web.Mvc version number from "" to "" in every Web.Config in my project.
  2. I needed to update all of my System.Web.WebPages, System.Web.Helpers, and System.Web.Razor version numbers from "" to "" in every Web.Config in my project.


  <sectionGroup name="system.web.webPages.razor" type="System.Web.WebPages.Razor.Configuration.RazorWebSectionGroup, System.Web.WebPages.Razor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35">
    <section name="host" type="System.Web.WebPages.Razor.Configuration.HostSection, System.Web.WebPages.Razor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" requirePermission="false" />
    <section name="pages" type="System.Web.WebPages.Razor.Configuration.RazorPagesSection, System.Web.WebPages.Razor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" requirePermission="false" />


<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0">
    <add assembly="System.Web.Helpers, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" />
    <add assembly="System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" />
    <add assembly="System.Web.WebPages, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" />

Be sure to review the Web.Configs in each of your Views directories.

You can read more about Upgrading an ASP.NET MVC 3 Project to ASP.NET MVC 4.

Visual Studio replace tab with 4 spaces?

You can edit this behavior in:

Tools->Options->Text Editor->All Languages->Tabs

Change Tab to use "Insert Spaces" instead of "Keep Tabs".

Note you can also specify this per language if you wish to have different behavior in a specific language.

How can I select an element with multiple classes in jQuery?

For the case

<element class="a">
  <element class="b c">

You would need to put a space in between .a and .b.c

$('.a .b.c')

Difference between string and text in rails?

String translates to "Varchar" in your database, while text translates to "text". A varchar can contain far less items, a text can be of (almost) any length.

For an in-depth analysis with good references check

Edit: Some database engines can load varchar in one go, but store text (and blob) outside of the table. A SELECT name, amount FROM products could, be a lot slower when using text for name than when you use varchar. And since Rails, by default loads records with SELECT * FROM... your text-columns will be loaded. This will probably never be a real problem in your or my app, though (Premature optimization is ...). But knowing that text is not always "free" is good to know.

How can I set a website image that will show as preview on Facebook?

1. Include the Open Graph XML namespace extension to your HTML declaration

<html xmlns=""

2. Inside your <head></head> use the following meta tag to define the image you want to use

<meta property="og:image" content="fully_qualified_image_url_here" />

Read more about open graph protocol here.

After doing the above, use the Facebook "Object Debugger" if the image does not show up correctly. Also note the first time shared it still won't show up unless height and width are also specified, see Share on Facebook - Thumbnail not showing for the first time

Combine multiple Collections into a single logical Collection?

You could create a new List and addAll() of your other Lists to it. Then return an unmodifiable list with Collections.unmodifiableList().

Run parallel multiple commands at once in the same terminal

Based on comment of @alessandro-pezzato. Run multiples commands by using & between the commands.


$ sleep 3 & sleep 5 & sleep 2 &

It's will execute the commands in background.

Convert Select Columns in Pandas Dataframe to Numpy Array

the easy way is the "values" property df.iloc[:,1:].values



so, you can get type

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
<class 'numpy.ndarray'>

jQuery check if an input is type checkbox?

You can use the pseudo-selector :checkbox with a call to jQuery's is function:


Read Excel File in Python

A somewhat late answer, but with pandas, it is possible to get directly a column of an excel file:

import pandas

df = pandas.read_excel('sample.xls')
#print the column names
print df.columns
#get the values for a given column
values = df['Arm_id'].values
#get a data frame with selected columns
FORMAT = ['Arm_id', 'DSPName', 'Pincode']
df_selected = df[FORMAT]

Make sure you have installed xlrd and pandas:

pip install pandas xlrd

Excel formula to display ONLY month and year?

First thing first. set the column in which you are working in by clicking on format cells->number-> date and then format e.g Jan-16 representing Jan, 1, 2016. and then apply either of the formulas above.

Entity Framework The underlying provider failed on Open

I faced the same issue. Though in my case I was trying to connect my desktop application to a remote db. So for me, all the above didn't work. I solve this problem by just adding the port (as and it magically works! The reason why I didn't bother to add the port in the first place is because I used same approach (without the port) in another desktop app and it worked. So I hope this might help someone as well.

How to kill MySQL connections

| Id  | User | Host            | db   | Command | Time | State | Info      |
| 143 | root | localhost:61179 | cds  | Query   |    0 | init  | SHOW PROCESSLIST |
| 192 | root | localhost:53793 | cds  | Sleep   |    4 |       | NULL      |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> KILL 192;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

USER 192 :

mysql> SELECT * FROM exept;
| id |
|  1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT * FROM exept;
ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server during query

PHP - Copy image to my server direct from URL

$url = "http://www.example/images/image.gif";
$save_name = "image.gif";
$save_directory = "/var/www/example/downloads/";

if(is_writable($save_directory)) {
    file_put_contents($save_directory . $save_name, file_get_contents($url));
} else {
    exit("Failed to write to directory "{$save_directory}");
} Received fatal alert: handshake_failure

Issue resolved.!!! Below are the solutions.

For Java 6: Add below jars into {JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/ext. 1. bcprov-ext-jdk15on-154.jar 2. bcprov-jdk15on-154.jar

Add property into {JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/security/ security.provider.1=org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider

Java 7:download jar from below link and add to {JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/security

Java 8:download jar from below link and add to {JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/security

Issue is that it is failed to decrypt 256 bits of encryption.

How and where to use ::ng-deep?

Use ::ng-deep with caution. I used it throughout my app to set the material design toolbar color to different colors throughout my app only to find that when the app was in testing the toolbar colors step on each other. Come to find out it is because these styles becomes global, see this article Here is a working code solution that doesn't bleed into other components.

<mat-toolbar #subbar>

export class BypartSubBarComponent implements AfterViewInit {
  @ViewChild('subbar', { static: false }) subbar: MatToolbar;
    private renderer: Renderer2) { }
  ngAfterViewInit() {
      this.subbar._elementRef.nativeElement, 'backgroundColor', 'red');


Which version of CodeIgniter am I currently using?

Yes, the constant CI_VERSION will give you the current CodeIgniter version number. It's defined in: /system/codeigniter/CodeIgniter.php As of CodeIgniter 2, it's defined in /system/core/CodeIgniter.php

For example,

echo CI_VERSION; // echoes something like 1.7.1

Convert SVG to image (JPEG, PNG, etc.) in the browser

change svg to match your element

function svg2img(){
    var svg = document.querySelector('svg');
    var xml = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(svg);
    var svg64 = btoa(xml); //for utf8: btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(xml)))
    var b64start = 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,';
    var image64 = b64start + svg64;
    return image64;

Fastest method to replace all instances of a character in a string

Just thinking about it from a speed issue I believe the case sensitive example provided in the link above would be by far the fastest solution.

var token = "\r\n";
var newToken = " ";
var oldStr = "This is a test\r\nof the emergency broadcasting\r\nsystem.";
newStr = oldStr.split(token).join(newToken);

newStr would be "This is a test of the emergency broadcast system."

Pandas dataframe groupby plot

Simple plot,

you can use:


Or you can set the index to be Date beforehand, then it's easy to plot the column you want:

df.set_index('Date', inplace=True)

If you want a chart with one series by ticker on it

You need to groupby before:

df.set_index('Date', inplace=True)

enter image description here

If you want a chart with individual subplots:

grouped = df.groupby('ticker')

nrows = int(np.ceil(grouped.ngroups/ncols))

fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, figsize=(12,4), sharey=True)

for (key, ax) in zip(grouped.groups.keys(), axes.flatten()):


enter image description here

How to format date in angularjs

This isn't really exactly what you are asking for - but you could try creating a date input field in html something like:

<input type="date" ng-model="myDate" />

Then to print this on the page you would use:

<span ng-bind="convertToDate(myDate) | date:'medium'"></span>

Finally, in my controller I declared a method that creates a date from the input value (which in chrome is apparently parsed 1 day off):

$scope.convertToDate = function (stringDate){
  var dateOut = new Date(stringDate);
  dateOut.setDate(dateOut.getDate() + 1);
  return dateOut;

So there you have it. To see the whole thing working see the following plunker: .Best of luck!

How to return an array from a function?

int* test();

but it would be "more C++" to use vectors:

std::vector< int > test();

I'll clarify some point. Since you mentioned C++, I'll go with new[] and delete[] operators, but it's the same with malloc/free.

In the first case, you'll write something like:

int* test() {
    return new int[size_needed];

but it's not a nice idea because your function's client doesn't really know the size of the array you are returning, although the client can safely deallocate it with a call to delete[].

int* theArray = test();
for (size_t i; i < ???; ++i) { // I don't know what is the array size!
    // ...
delete[] theArray; // ok.

A better signature would be this one:

int* test(size_t& arraySize) {
    array_size = 10;
    return new int[array_size];

And your client code would now be:

size_t theSize = 0;
int* theArray = test(theSize);
for (size_t i; i < theSize; ++i) { // now I can safely iterate the array
    // ...
delete[] theArray; // still ok.

Since this is C++, std::vector<T> is a widely-used solution:

std::vector<int> test() {
    std::vector<int> vector(10);
    return vector;

Now you don't have to call delete[], since it will be handled by the object, and you can safely iterate it with:

std::vector<int> v = test();
std::vector<int>::iterator it = v.begin();
for (; it != v.end(); ++it) {
   // do your things

which is easier and safer.

What is class="mb-0" in Bootstrap 4?

m - for classes that set margin, like this :

  • mt - for classes that set margin-top
  • mb - for classes that set margin-bottom
  • ml - for classes that set margin-left
  • mr - for classes that set margin-right
  • mx - for classes that set both margin-left and margin-right
  • my - for classes that set both margin-top and margin-bottom

Where size is one of margin :

  • 0 - for classes that eliminate the margin by setting it to 0, like mt-0
  • 1 - (by default) for classes that set the margin to $spacer * .25, like mt-1
  • 2 - (by default) for classes that set the margin to $spacer * .5, like mt-2
  • 3 - (by default) for classes that set the margin to $spacer, like mt-3
  • 4 - (by default) for classes that set the margin to $spacer * 1.5, like mt-4
  • 5 - (by default) for classes that set the margin to $spacer * 3, like mt-5
  • auto - for classes that set the margin to auto, like mx-auto

Android ListView with Checkbox and all clickable

Below code will help you:

public class DeckListAdapter extends BaseAdapter{

      private LayoutInflater mInflater;
        ArrayList<String> teams=new ArrayList<String>();
        ArrayList<Integer> teamcolor=new ArrayList<Integer>();

        public DeckListAdapter(Context context) {
            // Cache the LayoutInflate to avoid asking for a new one each time.
            mInflater = LayoutInflater.from(context);

            teams.add("Device Browser");
            teams.add("FTP Browser");



        public int getCount() {
            return teams.size();

        public Object getItem(int position) {
            return position;

        public long getItemId(int position) {
            return position;

        public View getView(final int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
            final ViewHolder holder;

            if (convertView == null) {
                convertView = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.decklist, null);

                holder = new ViewHolder();
                holder.icon = (ImageView) convertView.findViewById(;
                holder.text = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(;

    you can use holder.text.setonclicklistner(new View.onclick.

                        for each textview


            } else {

                holder = (ViewHolder) convertView.getTag();




            return convertView;

        class ViewHolder {
            ImageView icon;
            TextView text;


Hope this helps.

How to find files modified in last x minutes (find -mmin does not work as expected)

I am working through the same need and I believe your timeframe is incorrect.

Try these:

  • 15min change: find . -mtime -.01
  • 1hr change: find . -mtime -.04
  • 12 hr change: find . -mtime -.5

You should be using 24 hours as your base. The number after -mtime should be relative to 24 hours. Thus -.5 is the equivalent of 12 hours, because 12 hours is half of 24 hours.

How to make a <ul> display in a horizontal row

It will work for you:

#ul_top_hypers li {
    display: inline-block;

How to receive serial data using android bluetooth

try this code :


package Android.Arduino.Bluetooth;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothSocket;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.TextView;
import android.widget.EditText;  
import android.widget.Button;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;

public class MainActivity extends Activity
TextView myLabel;
EditText myTextbox;
BluetoothAdapter mBluetoothAdapter;
BluetoothSocket mmSocket;
BluetoothDevice mmDevice;
OutputStream mmOutputStream;
InputStream mmInputStream;
Thread workerThread;
byte[] readBuffer;
int readBufferPosition;
int counter;
volatile boolean stopWorker;

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

    Button openButton = (Button)findViewById(;
    Button sendButton = (Button)findViewById(;
    Button closeButton = (Button)findViewById(;
    myLabel = (TextView)findViewById(;
    myTextbox = (EditText)findViewById(;

    //Open Button
    openButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener()
        public void onClick(View v)
            catch (IOException ex) { }

    //Send Button
    sendButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener()
        public void onClick(View v)
            catch (IOException ex) { }

    //Close button
    closeButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener()
        public void onClick(View v)
            catch (IOException ex) { }

void findBT()
    mBluetoothAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();
    if(mBluetoothAdapter == null)
        myLabel.setText("No bluetooth adapter available");

        Intent enableBluetooth = new Intent(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE);
        startActivityForResult(enableBluetooth, 0);

    Set<BluetoothDevice> pairedDevices = mBluetoothAdapter.getBondedDevices();
    if(pairedDevices.size() > 0)
        for(BluetoothDevice device : pairedDevices)
                mmDevice = device;
    myLabel.setText("Bluetooth Device Found");

void openBT() throws IOException
    UUID uuid = UUID.fromString("00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB"); //Standard SerialPortService ID
    mmSocket = mmDevice.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord(uuid);        
    mmOutputStream = mmSocket.getOutputStream();
    mmInputStream = mmSocket.getInputStream();


    myLabel.setText("Bluetooth Opened");

void beginListenForData()
    final Handler handler = new Handler(); 
    final byte delimiter = 10; //This is the ASCII code for a newline character

    stopWorker = false;
    readBufferPosition = 0;
    readBuffer = new byte[1024];
    workerThread = new Thread(new Runnable()
        public void run()
           while(!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted() && !stopWorker)
                    int bytesAvailable = mmInputStream.available();                        
                    if(bytesAvailable > 0)
                        byte[] packetBytes = new byte[bytesAvailable];
                        for(int i=0;i<bytesAvailable;i++)
                            byte b = packetBytes[i];
                            if(b == delimiter)
     byte[] encodedBytes = new byte[readBufferPosition];
     System.arraycopy(readBuffer, 0, encodedBytes, 0, encodedBytes.length);
     final String data = new String(encodedBytes, "US-ASCII");
     readBufferPosition = 0;

                                    public void run()
                                readBuffer[readBufferPosition++] = b;
                catch (IOException ex) 
                    stopWorker = true;


void sendData() throws IOException
    String msg = myTextbox.getText().toString();
    msg += "\n";
    myLabel.setText("Data Sent");

void closeBT() throws IOException
    stopWorker = true;
    myLabel.setText("Bluetooth Closed");

AND Here the layout:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
tools:ignore="TextFields,HardcodedText" >

    android:text="Type here:" />

    android:background="@android:drawable/editbox_background" />

    android:text="Open" />

    android:text="Send" />

    android:text="Close" />


Here for Manifest: add to Application

// permission must be enabled complete
<manifest ....>

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" />


Update data on a page without refreshing

Suppose you want to display some live feed content (say livefeed.txt) on you web page without any page refresh then the following simplified example is for you.

In the below html file, the live data gets updated on the div element of id "liveData"


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Live Update</title>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <script type="text/javascript" src="autoUpdate.js"></script>
<div id="liveData">
    <p>Loading Data...</p>

Below autoUpdate.js reads the live data using XMLHttpRequest object and updates the html div element on every 1 second. I have given comments on most part of the code for better understanding.


window.addEventListener('load', function()
    var xhr = null;

    getXmlHttpRequestObject = function()
            // Create a new XMLHttpRequest object 
            xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
        return xhr;

    updateLiveData = function()
        var now = new Date();
        // Date string is appended as a query with live data 
        // for not to use the cached version 
        var url = 'livefeed.txt?' + now.getTime();
        xhr = getXmlHttpRequestObject();
        xhr.onreadystatechange = evenHandler;
        // asynchronous requests"GET", url, true);
        // Send the request over the network


    function evenHandler()
        // Check response is ready or not
        if(xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200)
            dataDiv = document.getElementById('liveData');
            // Set current data text
            dataDiv.innerHTML = xhr.responseText;
            // Update the live data every 1 sec
            setTimeout(updateLiveData(), 1000);

For testing purpose: Just write some thing in the livefeed.txt - You will get updated the same in index.html without any refresh.



Note: You need to run the above code on the web server (ex: http://localhost:1234/index.html) not as a client html file (ex: file:///C:/index.html).

How to detect a remote side socket close?

The isConnected method won't help, it will return true even if the remote side has closed the socket. Try this:

public class MyServer {
    public static final int PORT = 12345;
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        ServerSocket ss = ServerSocketFactory.getDefault().createServerSocket(PORT);
        Socket s = ss.accept();

public class MyClient {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Socket s = SocketFactory.getDefault().createSocket("localhost", MyServer.PORT);
        System.out.println(" connected: " + s.isConnected());
        System.out.println(" connected: " + s.isConnected());

Start the server, start the client. You'll see that it prints "connected: true" twice, even though the socket is closed the second time.

The only way to really find out is by reading (you'll get -1 as return value) or writing (an IOException (broken pipe) will be thrown) on the associated Input/OutputStreams.

How to convert Blob to File in JavaScript


public blobToFile = (theBlob: Blob, fileName:string): File => {       
    return new File([theBlob], fileName, { lastModified: new Date().getTime(), type: theBlob.type })


function blobToFile(theBlob, fileName){       
    return new File([theBlob], fileName, { lastModified: new Date().getTime(), type: theBlob.type })



File {name: "fileName", lastModified: 1597081051454, lastModifiedDate: Mon Aug 10 2020 19:37:31 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time), webkitRelativePath: "", size: 601887, …}
lastModified: 1597081051454
lastModifiedDate: Mon Aug 10 2020 19:37:31 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time) {}
name: "fileName"
size: 601887
type: "image/png"
webkitRelativePath: ""
__proto__: File

How do you implement a good profanity filter?

I collected 2200 bad words in 12 languages: en, ar, cs, da, de, eo, es, fa, fi, fr, hi, hu, it, ja, ko, nl, no, pl, pt, ru, sv, th, tlh, tr, zh.

MySQL dump, JSON, XML or CSV options are available.

I'd suggest you to execute this SQL into your DB and check everytime when user inputs something.

Bootstrap4 adding scrollbar to div

      <div class="overflow-auto p-3 mb-3 mb-md-0 mr-md-3 bg-light" style="max-width: 260px; max-height: 100px;">
        <strong>Column 0 </strong><br>
        <strong>Column 1</strong><br>
        <strong>Column 2</strong><br>
        <strong>Column 3</strong><br>
        <strong>Column 4</strong><br>
        <strong>Column 5</strong><br>
        <strong>Column 6</strong><br>
        <strong>Column 7</strong><br>
        <strong>Column 8</strong><br>
        <strong>Column 9</strong><br>
        <strong>Column 10</strong><br>
        <strong>Column 11</strong><br>
        <strong>Column 12</strong><br>
        <strong>Column 13</strong><br>

Sequel Pro Alternative for Windows

Toad for MySQL by Quest is free for non-commercial use. I really like the interface and it's quite powerful if you have several databases to work with (for example development, test and production servers).

From the website:

Toad® for MySQL is a freeware development tool that enables you to rapidly create and execute queries, automate database object management, and develop SQL code more efficiently. It provides utilities to compare, extract, and search for objects; manage projects; import/export data; and administer the database. Toad for MySQL dramatically increases productivity and provides access to an active user community.

How to correctly use the ASP.NET FileUpload control

ASP.NET controls should rather be placed in aspx markup file. That is the preferred way of working with them. So add FileUpload control to your page. Make sure it has all required attributes including ID and runat:

<asp:FileUpload ID="FileUpload1" runat="server" />

Instance of FileUpload1 will be automatically created in auto-generated/updated *.designer.cs file which is a partial class for your page. You usually do not have to care about what's in it, just assume that any control on an aspx page is automatically instantiated.

Add a button that will do the post back:

<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" onclick="Button1_Click" />

Then go to your *.aspx.cs file where you have your code and add button click handler. In C# it looks like this:

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  if (this.FileUpload1.HasFile)
    this.FileUpload1.SaveAs("c:\\" + this.FileUpload1.FileName);

And that's it. All should work as expected.

upstream sent too big header while reading response header from upstream

upstream sent too big header while reading response header from upstream is nginx's generic way of saying "I don't like what I'm seeing"

  1. Your upstream server thread crashed
  2. The upstream server sent an invalid header back
  3. The Notice/Warnings sent back from STDERR overflowed their buffer and both it and STDOUT were closed

3: Look at the error logs above the message, is it streaming with logged lines preceding the message? PHP message: PHP Notice: Undefined index: Example snippet from a loop my log file:

2015/11/23 10:30:02 [error] 32451#0: *580927 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Notice:  Undefined index: Firstname in /srv/www/classes/data_convert.php on line 1090
PHP message: PHP Notice:  Undefined index: Lastname in /srv/www/classes/data_convert.php on line 1090
... // 20 lines of same
PHP message: PHP Notice:  Undefined index: Firstname in /srv/www/classes/data_convert.php on line 1090
PHP message: PHP Notice:  Undefined index: Lastname in /srv/www/classes/data_convert.php on line 1090
PHP message: PHP Notice:  Undef
2015/11/23 10:30:02 [error] 32451#0: *580927 FastCGI sent in stderr: "ta_convert.php on line 1090
PHP message: PHP Notice:  Undefined index: Firstname

you can see in the 3rd line from the bottom that the buffer limit was hit, broke, and the next thread wrote in over it. Nginx then closed the connection and returned 502 to the client.

2: log all the headers sent per request, review them and make sure they conform to standards (nginx does not permit anything older than 24 hours to delete/expire a cookie, sending invalid content length because error messages were buffered before the content counted...). getallheaders function call can usually help out in abstracted code situations php get all headers

examples include:

//expire cookie
setcookie ( 'bookmark', '', strtotime('2012-01-01 00:00:00') );
// nginx will refuse this header response, too far past to accept

and this:

header('Content-type: image/jpg');

<?php   //a space was injected into the output above this line
header('Content-length: ' . filesize('image.jpg') );
echo file_get_contents('image.jpg');
// error! the response is now 1-byte longer than header!!

1: verify, or make a script log, to ensure your thread is reaching the correct end point and not exiting before completion.

python: how to get information about a function?



to get built-in help messages.

difference between throw and throw new Exception()

throw or throw ex, both are used to throw or rethrow the exception, when you just simply log the error information and don't want to send any information back to the caller you simply log the error in catch and leave. But incase you want to send some meaningful information about the exception to the caller you use throw or throw ex. Now the difference between throw and throw ex is that throw preserves the stack trace and other information but throw ex creates a new exception object and hence the original stack trace is lost. So when should we use throw and throw e, There are still a few situations in which you might want to rethrow an exception like to reset the call stack information. For example, if the method is in a library and you want to hide the details of the library from the calling code, you don’t necessarily want the call stack to include information about private methods within the library. In that case, you could catch exceptions in the library’s public methods and then rethrow them so that the call stack begins at those public methods.

Check if int is between two numbers

The inconvenience of typing 10 < x && x < 20 is minimal compared to the increase in language complexity if one would allow 10 < x < 20, so the designers of the Java language decided against supporting it.

Why does Maven have such a bad rep?

It's more complicated than the language you used to write your project. Getting it configured right is harder than actual programming.

HTML5 Audio Looping

You could try a setInterval, if you know the exact length of the sound. You could have the setInterval play the sound every x seconds. X would be the length of your sound.

How can I scroll to a specific location on the page using jquery?

There is no need to use any plugin, you can do it like this:

var divPosition = $('#divId').offset();

then use this to scroll document to specific DOM:

$('html, body').animate({scrollTop:}, "slow");

Changing all files' extensions in a folder with one command on Windows

NOTE: not for Windows

Using ren-1.0 the correct form is:

"ren *.*" "#2.jpg"

From man ren

The replacement pattern is another filename with embedded wildcard indexes, each of which consists of the character # followed by a digit from 1 to 9. In the new name of a matching file, the wildcard indexes are replaced by the actual characters that matched the referenced wildcards in the original filename.


Note that the shell normally expands the wildcards * and ?, which in the case of ren is undesirable. Thus, in most cases it is necessary to enclose the search pattern in quotes.

Splitting strings using a delimiter in python

So, your input is 'dan|warrior|54' and you want "warrior". You do this like so:

>>> dan = 'dan|warrior|54'
>>> dan.split('|')[1]

How can I make my custom objects Parcelable?

Create Parcelable class without plugin in Android Studio

implements Parcelable in your class and then put cursor on "implements Parcelable" and hit Alt+Enter and select Add Parcelable implementation (see image). that's it.

enter image description here

What is the best way to calculate a checksum for a file that is on my machine?

The CertUtil is a pre-installed Windows utility, that can be used to generate hash checksums:

CertUtil -hashfile pathToFileToCheck [HashAlgorithm]

HashAlgorithm choices: MD2 MD4 MD5 SHA1 SHA256 SHA384 SHA512

So for example, the following generates an MD5 checksum for the file C:\TEMP\MyDataFile.img:

CertUtil -hashfile C:\TEMP\MyDataFile.img MD5

To get output similar to *Nix systems you can add some PS magic:

$(CertUtil -hashfile C:\TEMP\MyDataFile.img MD5)[1] -replace " ",""

How to get a context in a recycler view adapter

you can use this:


What is PostgreSQL equivalent of SYSDATE from Oracle?

You may want to use statement_timestamp(). This give the timestamp when the statement was executed. Whereas NOW() and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP give the timestamp when the transaction started.

More details in the manual

jQuery .find() on data from .ajax() call is returning "[object Object]" instead of div

do not forget to do it with parse html. like:

    url: url, 
    cache: false,
    success: function(response) {
        var parsed = $.parseHTML(response);
        result = $(parsed).find("#result");

has to work :)

How to find a number in a string using JavaScript?

Use a regular expression.

var r = /\d+/;
var s = "you can enter maximum 500 choices";
alert (s.match(r));

The expression \d+ means "one or more digits". Regular expressions by default are greedy meaning they'll grab as much as they can. Also, this:

var r = /\d+/;

is equivalent to:

var r = new RegExp("\d+");

See the details for the RegExp object.

The above will grab the first group of digits. You can loop through and find all matches too:

var r = /\d+/g;
var s = "you can enter 333 maximum 500 choices";
var m;
while ((m = r.exec(s)) != null) {

The g (global) flag is key for this loop to work.

Set the value of an input field

2021 Answer

Instead of using document.getElementById() you can now use document.querySelector() for different cases

more info from another StackOverflow answer:

querySelector lets you find elements with rules that can't be expressed with getElementById and getElementsByClassName


document.querySelector('input[name="myInput"]').value = 'Whatever you want!';


let myInput = document.querySelector('input[name="myInput"]');
myInput.value = 'Whatever you want!';


document.querySelector('input[name="myInput"]').value = 'Whatever you want!';
<input type="text" name="myInput" id="myInput" placeholder="Your text">

Word wrapping in phpstorm

In PhpStorm 2019.1.3 You should add file type you want to make soft wrapping on it

go to Settings -> Editor -> General -> Soft-wrap files then add any types you want

enter image description here

Visual Studio - How to change a project's folder name and solution name without breaking the solution

You could open the SLN file in any text editor (Notepad, etc.) and simply change the project path there.

How do I move files in node.js?

Just my 2 cents as stated in the answer above : The copy() method shouldn't be used as-is for copying files without a slight adjustment:

function copy(callback) {
    var readStream = fs.createReadStream(oldPath);
    var writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(newPath);

    readStream.on('error', callback);
    writeStream.on('error', callback);

    // Do not callback() upon "close" event on the readStream
    // readStream.on('close', function () {
    // Do instead upon "close" on the writeStream
    writeStream.on('close', function () {


The copy function wrapped in a Promise:

function copy(oldPath, newPath) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const readStream = fs.createReadStream(oldPath);
    const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(newPath);

    readStream.on('error', err => reject(err));
    writeStream.on('error', err => reject(err));

    writeStream.on('close', function() {


However, keep in mind that the filesystem might crash if the target folder doesn't exist.

The input is not a valid Base-64 string as it contains a non-base 64 character

Remove the unnecessary string through Regex

Regex regex=new Regex(@"^[\w/\:.-]+;base64,");

Replace specific text with a redacted version using Python

You can do it using named-entity recognition (NER). It's fairly simple and there are out-of-the-shelf tools out there to do it, such as spaCy.

NER is an NLP task where a neural network (or other method) is trained to detect certain entities, such as names, places, dates and organizations.


Sponge Bob went to South beach, he payed a ticket of $200!
I know, Michael is a good person, he goes to McDonalds, but donates to charity at St. Louis street.


NER with spacy

Just be aware that this is not 100%!

Here are a little snippet for you to try out:

import spacy

phrases = ['Sponge Bob went to South beach, he payed a ticket of $200!', 'I know, Michael is a good person, he goes to McDonalds, but donates to charity at St. Louis street.']
nlp = spacy.load('en')
for phrase in phrases:
   doc = nlp(phrase)
   replaced = ""
   for token in doc:
      if token in doc.ents:
         replaced+="XXXX "
         replaced+=token.text+" "

Read more here:

You could, instead of replacing with XXXX, replace based on the entity type, like:

if ent.label_ == "PERSON":
   replaced += "<PERSON> "


import re, random

personames = ["Jack", "Mike", "Bob", "Dylan"]

phrase = re.replace("<PERSON>", random.choice(personames), phrase)

Initialize a byte array to a certain value, other than the default null?

This is a faster version of the code from the post marked as the answer.

All of the benchmarks that I have performed show that a simple for loop that only contains something like an array fill is typically twice as fast if it is decrementing versus if it is incrementing.

Also, the array Length property is already passed as the parameter so it doesn't need to be retrieved from the array properties. It should also be pre-calculated and assigned to a local variable. Loop bounds calculations that involve a property accessor will re-compute the value of the bounds before each iteration of the loop.

public static byte[] CreateSpecialByteArray(int length)
    byte[] array = new byte[length];

    int len = length - 1;

    for (int i = len; i >= 0; i--)
        array[i] = 0x20;

    return array;

How do I free my port 80 on localhost Windows?

Other option to try is to stop SQL Server Reporting Services.

How to pass macro definition from "make" command line arguments (-D) to C source code?

Because of low reputation, I cannot comment the accepted answer.

I would like to mention the predefined variable CPPFLAGS. It might represent a better fit than CFLAGS or CXXFLAGS, since it is described by the GNU Make manual as:

Extra flags to give to the C preprocessor and programs that use it (the C and Fortran compilers).

Examples of built-in implicit rules that use CPPFLAGS

  • n.o is made automatically from n.c with a recipe of the form:
    • $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c
  • n.o is made automatically from, n.cpp, or n.C with a recipe of the form:
    • $(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -c

One would use the command make CPPFLAGS=-Dvar=123 to define the desired macro.

More info

linux find regex

You should have a look on the -regextype argument of find, see manpage:

      -regextype type
          Changes the regular expression syntax understood by -regex and -iregex 
          tests which occur later on the command line.  Currently-implemented  
          types  are  emacs (this is the default), posix-awk, posix-basic, 
          posix-egrep and posix-extended. 

I guess the emacs type doesn't support the [[:digit:]] construct. I tried it with posix-extended and it worked as expected:

find -regextype posix-extended -regex '.*[1234567890]'
find -regextype posix-extended -regex '.*[[:digit:]]'

Creating new table with SELECT INTO in SQL

The syntax for creating a new table is

CREATE TABLE new_table
  FROM old_table

This will create a new table named new_table with whatever columns are in old_table and copy the data over. It will not replicate the constraints on the table, it won't replicate the storage attributes, and it won't replicate any triggers defined on the table.

SELECT INTO is used in PL/SQL when you want to fetch data from a table into a local variable in your PL/SQL block.

Android: remove notification from notification bar

You can try this quick code

public static void cancelNotification(Context ctx, int notifyId) {
    String ns = Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE;
    NotificationManager nMgr = (NotificationManager) ctx.getSystemService(ns);

Android Studio and Gradle build error

I installed Android Studio on an old WinXP with only for me option. After install I did the new project wizard and when opening the new project a got some Gradle error with some failed path to my instalation dir. c:/Document"#¤!"#¤ and settins/...

The I uninstalled and did a new install with option for all users (C:/Programs/..) then I opend the previous created project with no errors.

So it might be a path problem. (Just spent 10 sec debugging, so I might be wrong but it solved my gradle error)

Extract substring from a string

If you know the Start and End index, you can use

String substr=mysourcestring.substring(startIndex,endIndex);

If you want to get substring from specific index till end you can use :

String substr=mysourcestring.substring(startIndex);

If you want to get substring from specific character till end you can use :

String substr=mysourcestring.substring(mysourcestring.indexOf("characterValue"));

If you want to get substring from after a specific character, add that number to .indexOf(char):

String substr=mysourcestring.substring(mysourcestring.indexOf("characterValue") + 1);

jQuery: find element by text

Rocket's answer doesn't work.

<div>This is a test</div>
<div>Another Div</div>

I simply modified his DEMO here and you can see the root DOM is selected.

$('div:contains("test"):last').css('background-color', 'red');

add ":last" selector in the code to fix this.

How to use ScrollView in Android?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ScrollView xmlns:android=""

    android:layout_height="fill_parent" >

        android:stretchColumns="1" >

            android:layout_height="wrap_content" >

                android:layout_height="match_parent" >

                    android:text="@string/buton1Text" />

                    android:text="@string/buton2Text" />

            android:layout_height="wrap_content" >

                android:visibility="invisible" >

                    android:layout_height="wrap_content" >

                        android:inputType="textMultiLine" />

            android:layout_height="wrap_content" >

                android:text="deneme" />

            android:layout_height="wrap_content" >

                android:text="deneme" />


How do I append text to a file?

Follow up to accepted answer.

You need something other than CTRL-D to designate the end if using this in a script. Try this instead:

cat << EOF >> filename
This is text entered via the keyboard or via a script.

This will append text to the stated file (not including "EOF").

It utilizes a here document (or heredoc).

However if you need sudo to append to the stated file, you will run into trouble utilizing a heredoc due to I/O redirection if you're typing directly on the command line.

This variation will work when you are typing directly on the command line:

sudo sh -c 'cat << EOF >> filename
This is text entered via the keyboard.

Or you can use tee instead to avoid the command line sudo issue seen when using the heredoc with cat:

tee -a filename << EOF
This is text entered via the keyboard or via a script.

What is a Question Mark "?" and Colon ":" Operator Used for?

it is a ternary operator and in simple english it states "if row%2 is equal to 1 then return < else return /r"

What's the difference between an element and a node in XML?

Now i know ,the element is one of node

All node types in here""

Element is between the start tag and end in the end tag

So text node is a node , but not a element.

Filter Extensions in HTML form upload

You can do it using javascript. Grab the value of the form field in your submit function, parse out the extension.

You can start with something like this:

<form name="someform"enctype="multipart/form-data" action="uploader.php" method="POST">
<input type=file name="file1" />
<input type=button onclick="val()" value="xxxx" />
function val() {

I agree with alexmac - do it server-side as well.

How to create a sub array from another array in Java?

I you are using java prior to version 1.6 use System.arraycopy() instead. Or upgrade your environment.

Pandas dataframe get first row of each group

maybe this is what you want

import pandas as pd
idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['state1','state2'],   ['county1','county2','county3','county4']])
df = pd.DataFrame({'pop': [12,15,65,42,78,67,55,31]}, index=idx)
state1 county1   12
       county2   15
       county3   65
       county4   42
state2 county1   78
       county2   67
       county3   55
       county4   31
df.groupby(level=0, group_keys=False).apply(lambda x: x.sort_values('pop', ascending=False)).groupby(level=0).head(3)

> Out[29]: 
state1 county3   65
       county4   42
       county2   15
state2 county1   78
       county2   67
       county3   55

How do I pipe or redirect the output of curl -v?

Just my 2 cents. The below command should do the trick, as answered earlier

curl -vs 2>&1

However if need to get the output to a file,

curl -vs > out.txt 2>&1

should work.

Alter MySQL table to add comments on columns


 ALTER TABLE `user` CHANGE `id` `id` INT( 11 ) COMMENT 'id of user'  

How to configure logging to syslog in Python?

I add a little extra comment just in case it helps anyone because I found this exchange useful but needed this little extra bit of info to get it all working.

To log to a specific facility using SysLogHandler you need to specify the facility value. Say for example that you have defined:

local3.* /var/log/mylog

in syslog, then you'll want to use:

handler = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler(address = ('localhost',514), facility=19)

and you also need to have syslog listening on UDP to use localhost instead of /dev/log.

How to import spring-config.xml of one project into spring-config.xml of another project?

<import resource="classpath*:spring-config.xml" /> 

This is the most suitable one for class path configuration. Particularly when you are searching for the .xml files in a different project which is in your class path.

datetime dtypes in pandas read_csv

Why it does not work

There is no datetime dtype to be set for read_csv as csv files can only contain strings, integers and floats.

Setting a dtype to datetime will make pandas interpret the datetime as an object, meaning you will end up with a string.

Pandas way of solving this

The pandas.read_csv() function has a keyword argument called parse_dates

Using this you can on the fly convert strings, floats or integers into datetimes using the default date_parser (dateutil.parser.parser)

headers = ['col1', 'col2', 'col3', 'col4']
dtypes = {'col1': 'str', 'col2': 'str', 'col3': 'str', 'col4': 'float'}
parse_dates = ['col1', 'col2']
pd.read_csv(file, sep='\t', header=None, names=headers, dtype=dtypes, parse_dates=parse_dates)

This will cause pandas to read col1 and col2 as strings, which they most likely are ("2016-05-05" etc.) and after having read the string, the date_parser for each column will act upon that string and give back whatever that function returns.

Defining your own date parsing function:

The pandas.read_csv() function also has a keyword argument called date_parser

Setting this to a lambda function will make that particular function be used for the parsing of the dates.


You have to give it the function, not the execution of the function, thus this is Correct

date_parser = pd.datetools.to_datetime

This is incorrect:

date_parser = pd.datetools.to_datetime()

Pandas 0.22 Update

pd.datetools.to_datetime has been relocated to date_parser = pd.to_datetime

Thanks @stackoverYC

Show or hide element in React

If you would like to see how to TOGGLE the display of a component checkout this fiddle.

var Search = React.createClass({
    getInitialState: function() {
        return { 
    onClick: function() {
                shouldHide: true 
                shouldHide: false 
render: function() {
    return (
        <button onClick={this.onClick}>click me</button>
        <p className={this.state.shouldHide ? 'hidden' : ''} >yoyoyoyoyo</p>

ReactDOM.render( <Search /> , document.getElementById('container'));

Callback function for JSONP with jQuery AJAX

        url: '',
        dataType: "jsonp",
        jsonp: 'callback',
        jsonpCallback: 'jsonp_callback'

jsonp is the querystring parameter name that is defined to be acceptable by the server while the jsonpCallback is the javascript function name to be executed at the client.
When you use such url:

url: ''

the question mark ? at the end instructs jQuery to generate a random function while the predfined behavior of the autogenerated function will just invoke the callback -the sucess function in this case- passing the json data as a parameter.

        url: '',
        success: function (data, status) {
        error: function (xOptions, textStatus) {

The same goes here if you are using $.getJSON with ? placeholder it will generate a random function while the predfined behavior of the autogenerated function will just invoke the callback:

//process data here

PHP - define constant inside a class

class Foo {
    const BAR = 'baz';

echo Foo::BAR;

This is the only way to make class constants. These constants are always globally accessible via Foo::BAR, but they're not accessible via just BAR.

To achieve a syntax like Foo::baz()->BAR, you would need to return an object from the function baz() of class Foo that has a property BAR. That's not a constant though. Any constant you define is always globally accessible from anywhere and can't be restricted to function call results.

Writing image to local server

This thread is old but I wanted to do same things with the package.

Here a working example

var fs      = require('fs');
var request = require('request');
// Or with cookies
// var request = require('request').defaults({jar: true});

request.get({url: 'https://someurl/somefile.torrent', encoding: 'binary'}, function (err, response, body) {
  fs.writeFile("/tmp/test.torrent", body, 'binary', function(err) {
      console.log("The file was saved!");

How to set a reminder in Android?

Android complete source code for adding events and reminders with start and end time format.

/** Adds Events and Reminders in Calendar. */
private void addReminderInCalendar() {
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    Uri EVENTS_URI = Uri.parse(getCalendarUriBase(true) + "events");
    ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver();
    TimeZone timeZone = TimeZone.getDefault();

    /** Inserting an event in calendar. */
    ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
    values.put(CalendarContract.Events.CALENDAR_ID, 1);
    values.put(CalendarContract.Events.TITLE, "Sanjeev Reminder 01");
    values.put(CalendarContract.Events.DESCRIPTION, "A test Reminder.");
    values.put(CalendarContract.Events.ALL_DAY, 0);
    // event starts at 11 minutes from now
    values.put(CalendarContract.Events.DTSTART, cal.getTimeInMillis() + 11 * 60 * 1000);
    // ends 60 minutes from now
    values.put(CalendarContract.Events.DTEND, cal.getTimeInMillis() + 60 * 60 * 1000);
    values.put(CalendarContract.Events.EVENT_TIMEZONE, timeZone.getID());
    values.put(CalendarContract.Events.HAS_ALARM, 1);
    Uri event = cr.insert(EVENTS_URI, values);

    // Display event id
    Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Event added :: ID :: " + event.getLastPathSegment(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    /** Adding reminder for event added. */
    Uri REMINDERS_URI = Uri.parse(getCalendarUriBase(true) + "reminders");
    values = new ContentValues();
    values.put(CalendarContract.Reminders.EVENT_ID, Long.parseLong(event.getLastPathSegment()));
    values.put(CalendarContract.Reminders.METHOD, Reminders.METHOD_ALERT);
    values.put(CalendarContract.Reminders.MINUTES, 10);
    cr.insert(REMINDERS_URI, values);

/** Returns Calendar Base URI, supports both new and old OS. */
private String getCalendarUriBase(boolean eventUri) {
    Uri calendarURI = null;
    try {
        if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= 7) {
            calendarURI = (eventUri) ? Uri.parse("content://calendar/") : Uri.parse("content://calendar/calendars");
        } else {
            calendarURI = (eventUri) ? Uri.parse("content://") : Uri
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return calendarURI.toString();

Add permission to your Manifest file.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CALENDAR" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_CALENDAR" />

Install mysql-python (Windows)

For folks using Python 3.0+ (which should be everyone now):

Unfortunately, MySQL-Python 1.2.5 does not support Python 3.0+ yet (which is kinda unreasonable IMHO, Python 3+ has been out for a while). Reference :

So, my workaround is to use Oracle's MySQL connector. In, change DATABASE's 'ENGINE' field to: 'ENGINE': 'mysql.connector.django',

More info could be found in the last paragraph of the first answer to this question: Setting Django up to use MySQL

Hope this helps!!

How to send control+c from a bash script?

ctrl+c and kill -INT <pid> are not exactly the same, to emulate ctrl+c we need to first understand the difference.

kill -INT <pid> will send the INT signal to a given process (found with its pid).

ctrl+c is mapped to the intr special character which when received by the terminal should send INT to the foreground process group of that terminal. You can emulate that by targetting the group of your given <pid>. It can be done by prepending a - before the signal in the kill command. Hence the command you want is:

kill -INT -<pid>

You can test it pretty easily with a script:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

fork {
    trap(:INT) {
        puts 'signal received in child!'
    sleep 1_000

puts "run `kill -INT -#{}` in any other terminal window."


Pandas df.to_csv("file.csv" encode="utf-8") still gives trash characters for minus sign

Your "bad" output is UTF-8 displayed as CP1252.

On Windows, many editors assume the default ANSI encoding (CP1252 on US Windows) instead of UTF-8 if there is no byte order mark (BOM) character at the start of the file. While a BOM is meaningless to the UTF-8 encoding, its UTF-8-encoded presence serves as a signature for some programs. For example, Microsoft Office's Excel requires it even on non-Windows OSes. Try:


That encoder will add the BOM.

How to get the size of the current screen in WPF?

If you use any full screen window (having its WindowState = WindowState.Maximized, WindowStyle = WindowStyle.None), you can wrap its contents in System.Windows.Controls.Canvas like this:

<Canvas Name="MyCanvas" Width="auto" Height="auto">

Then you can use MyCanvas.ActualWidth and MyCanvas.ActualHeight to get the resolution of the current screen, with DPI settings taken into account and in device independent units. It doesn't add any margins as the maximized window itself does.

(Canvas accepts UIElements as children, so you should be able to use it with any content.)

Understanding the Gemfile.lock file

What does the exclamation mark after the gem name in the 'DEPENDECIES' group mean?

The exclamation mark appears when the gem was installed using a source other than "".

Case in Select Statement

I think these could be helpful for you .

Using a SELECT statement with a simple CASE expression

Within a SELECT statement, a simple CASE expression allows for only an equality check; no other comparisons are made. The following example uses the CASE expression to change the display of product line categories to make them more understandable.

USE AdventureWorks2012;
SELECT   ProductNumber, Category =
      CASE ProductLine
         WHEN 'R' THEN 'Road'
         WHEN 'M' THEN 'Mountain'
         WHEN 'T' THEN 'Touring'
         WHEN 'S' THEN 'Other sale items'
         ELSE 'Not for sale'
FROM Production.Product
ORDER BY ProductNumber;

Using a SELECT statement with a searched CASE expression

Within a SELECT statement, the searched CASE expression allows for values to be replaced in the result set based on comparison values. The following example displays the list price as a text comment based on the price range for a product.

USE AdventureWorks2012;
SELECT   ProductNumber, Name, "Price Range" = 
         WHEN ListPrice =  0 THEN 'Mfg item - not for resale'
         WHEN ListPrice < 50 THEN 'Under $50'
         WHEN ListPrice >= 50 and ListPrice < 250 THEN 'Under $250'
         WHEN ListPrice >= 250 and ListPrice < 1000 THEN 'Under $1000'
         ELSE 'Over $1000'
FROM Production.Product
ORDER BY ProductNumber ;

Using CASE in an ORDER BY clause

The following examples uses the CASE expression in an ORDER BY clause to determine the sort order of the rows based on a given column value. In the first example, the value in the SalariedFlag column of the HumanResources.Employee table is evaluated. Employees that have the SalariedFlag set to 1 are returned in order by the BusinessEntityID in descending order. Employees that have the SalariedFlag set to 0 are returned in order by the BusinessEntityID in ascending order. In the second example, the result set is ordered by the column TerritoryName when the column CountryRegionName is equal to 'United States' and by CountryRegionName for all other rows.

SELECT BusinessEntityID, SalariedFlag
FROM HumanResources.Employee
ORDER BY CASE SalariedFlag WHEN 1 THEN BusinessEntityID END DESC
        ,CASE WHEN SalariedFlag = 0 THEN BusinessEntityID END;

SELECT BusinessEntityID, LastName, TerritoryName, CountryRegionName
FROM Sales.vSalesPerson
ORDER BY CASE CountryRegionName WHEN 'United States' THEN TerritoryName
         ELSE CountryRegionName END;

Using CASE in an UPDATE statement

The following example uses the CASE expression in an UPDATE statement to determine the value that is set for the column VacationHours for employees with SalariedFlag set to 0. When subtracting 10 hours from VacationHours results in a negative value, VacationHours is increased by 40 hours; otherwise, VacationHours is increased by 20 hours. The OUTPUT clause is used to display the before and after vacation values.

USE AdventureWorks2012;
UPDATE HumanResources.Employee
SET VacationHours = 
    ( CASE
         WHEN ((VacationHours - 10.00) < 0) THEN VacationHours + 40
         ELSE (VacationHours + 20.00)
OUTPUT Deleted.BusinessEntityID, Deleted.VacationHours AS BeforeValue, 
       Inserted.VacationHours AS AfterValue
WHERE SalariedFlag = 0; 

Using CASE in a HAVING clause

The following example uses the CASE expression in a HAVING clause to restrict the rows returned by the SELECT statement. The statement returns the the maximum hourly rate for each job title in the HumanResources.Employee table. The HAVING clause restricts the titles to those that are held by men with a maximum pay rate greater than 40 dollars or women with a maximum pay rate greater than 42 dollars.

USE AdventureWorks2012;
SELECT JobTitle, MAX(ph1.Rate)AS MaximumRate
FROM HumanResources.Employee AS e
JOIN HumanResources.EmployeePayHistory AS ph1 ON e.BusinessEntityID = ph1.BusinessEntityID
        THEN ph1.Rate 
        ELSE NULL END) > 40.00
     OR MAX(CASE WHEN Gender  = 'F' 
        THEN ph1.Rate  
        ELSE NULL END) > 42.00)
ORDER BY MaximumRate DESC;

For more details description of these example visit the source.

Also visit here and here for some examples with great details.

Converting map to struct

The simplest way would be to use

import ""

mapstructure.Decode(myData, &result)

If you want to do it yourself, you could do something like this:

func SetField(obj interface{}, name string, value interface{}) error {
    structValue := reflect.ValueOf(obj).Elem()
    structFieldValue := structValue.FieldByName(name)

    if !structFieldValue.IsValid() {
        return fmt.Errorf("No such field: %s in obj", name)

    if !structFieldValue.CanSet() {
        return fmt.Errorf("Cannot set %s field value", name)

    structFieldType := structFieldValue.Type()
    val := reflect.ValueOf(value)
    if structFieldType != val.Type() {
        return errors.New("Provided value type didn't match obj field type")

    return nil

type MyStruct struct {
    Name string
    Age  int64

func (s *MyStruct) FillStruct(m map[string]interface{}) error {
    for k, v := range m {
        err := SetField(s, k, v)
        if err != nil {
            return err
    return nil

func main() {
    myData := make(map[string]interface{})
    myData["Name"] = "Tony"
    myData["Age"] = int64(23)

    result := &MyStruct{}
    err := result.FillStruct(myData)
    if err != nil {

How do I make a Git commit in the past?

To make a commit that looks like it was done in the past you have to set both GIT_AUTHOR_DATE and GIT_COMMITTER_DATE:

GIT_AUTHOR_DATE=$(date -d'...') GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="$GIT_AUTHOR_DATE" git commit -m '...'

where date -d'...' can be exact date like 2019-01-01 12:00:00 or relative like 5 months ago 24 days ago.

To see both dates in git log use:

git log --pretty=fuller

This also works for merge commits:

GIT_AUTHOR_DATE=$(date -d'...') GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="$GIT_AUTHOR_DATE" git merge <branchname> --no-ff

How do I copy the contents of one ArrayList into another?

Came across this while facing the same issue myself.

Saying arraylist1 = arraylist2 sets them both to point at the same place so if you alter either the data alters and thus both lists always stay the same.

To copy values into an independent list I just used foreach to copy the contents:

ArrayList list1 = new ArrayList();
ArrayList list2 = new ArrayList();

fill list1 in whatever way you currently are.

foreach(<type> obj in list1)

how to set value of a input hidden field through javascript?

For me it works:

document.getElementById("checkyear").value = "1";

Maybe your JS is not executed and you need to add a function() {} around it all.

Is it possible to add dynamically named properties to JavaScript object?

The simplest and most portable way is.

var varFieldName = "good";
var ob = {};
Object.defineProperty(ob, varFieldName , { value: "Fresh Value" });

Based on #abeing answer!

The service cannot accept control messages at this time

I killed related w3wp.exe (on a friends' advise) at task manager and it worked.

Note: Use at your own risk. Be careful picking which one to kill.

How to copy a row and insert in same table with a autoincrement field in MySQL?

insert into MyTable(field1, field2, id_backup)
    select field1, field2, uniqueId from MyTable where uniqueId = @Id;

Dynamic variable names in Bash

I want to be able to create a variable name containing the first argument of the command file:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
function grep_search() {
  eval $1=$(ls | tail -1)


$ source
$ grep_search open_box
$ echo $open_box

As per help eval:

Execute arguments as a shell command.

You may also use Bash ${!var} indirect expansion, as already mentioned, however it doesn't support retrieving of array indices.

For further read or examples, check BashFAQ/006 about Indirection.

We are not aware of any trick that can duplicate that functionality in POSIX or Bourne shells without eval, which can be difficult to do securely. So, consider this a use at your own risk hack.

However, you should re-consider using indirection as per the following notes.

Normally, in bash scripting, you won't need indirect references at all. Generally, people look at this for a solution when they don't understand or know about Bash Arrays or haven't fully considered other Bash features such as functions.

Putting variable names or any other bash syntax inside parameters is frequently done incorrectly and in inappropriate situations to solve problems that have better solutions. It violates the separation between code and data, and as such puts you on a slippery slope toward bugs and security issues. Indirection can make your code less transparent and harder to follow.

Import CSV file into SQL Server

2) If the client create the csv from excel then the data that have comma are enclosed within " ... " (double quotes) [as the below example] so how do the import can handle this?

You should use FORMAT = 'CSV', FIELDQUOTE = '"' options:

FROM 'C:\CSVData\Schools.csv'
    FORMAT = 'CSV', 
    FIELDQUOTE = '"',
    FIRSTROW = 2,
    FIELDTERMINATOR = ',',  --CSV field delimiter
    ROWTERMINATOR = '\n',   --Use to shift the control to next row

How to start a background process in Python?

Both capture output and run on background with threading

As mentioned on this answer, if you capture the output with stdout= and then try to read(), then the process blocks.

However, there are cases where you need this. For example, I wanted to launch two processes that talk over a port between them, and save their stdout to a log file and stdout.

The threading module allows us to do that.

First, have a look at how to do the output redirection part alone in this question: Python Popen: Write to stdout AND log file simultaneously


#!/usr/bin/env python3

import os
import subprocess
import sys
import threading

def output_reader(proc, file):
    while True:
        byte =
        if byte:

with subprocess.Popen(['./', '0'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) as proc1, \
     subprocess.Popen(['./', '10'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) as proc2, \
     open('log1.log', 'w') as file1, \
     open('log2.log', 'w') as file2:
    t1 = threading.Thread(target=output_reader, args=(proc1, file1))
    t2 = threading.Thread(target=output_reader, args=(proc2, file2))

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys
import time

for i in range(4):
    print(i + int(sys.argv[1]))

After running:


stdout get updated every 0.5 seconds for every two lines to contain:


and each log file contains the respective log for a given process.

Inspired by:

Tested on Ubuntu 18.04, Python 3.6.7.

SELECT INTO a table variable in T-SQL

You can also use common table expressions to store temporary datasets. They are more elegant and adhoc friendly:

WITH userData (name, oldlocation)
  SELECT name, location 
  FROM   myTable    INNER JOIN 
         otherTable ON ...
  WHERE  age>30
FROM   userData -- you can also reuse the recordset in subqueries and joins

How to select a specific node with LINQ-to-XML

I'd use something like:

dim customer = (from c in xmldoc...<Customer> 
                where c.<ID>.Value=22 
                select c).SingleOrDefault 


missed the c# tag, sorry......the example is in VB.NET


In Eclipse,

Run -- > Debug Configurations --> Select "target", and select a preferred emulator target to launch.

Then Below that "additional emulator command line options," add this:

-partition-size 1024

Then CLOSE the emulator and click the debug icon, which will launch the preferred emulator you selected.

enter image description here

Hope it Helps...!

jQuery: select all elements of a given class, except for a particular Id

Or take the .not() method


error : expected unqualified-id before return in c++


  • use consistent 3-4 space indenting and you will find these problems much easier
  • use a brace style that lines up {} vertically and you will see these problems quickly
  • always indent control blocks another level
  • use a syntax highlighting editor, it helps, you'll thank me later

for example,

functionname( arguments )
    if (something)
        do stuff
        do other stuff
    switch (value)
        case 'a':
        case 'b':
            //fallthrough //always comment fallthrough as intentional
        case 'c':
        default: //always consider default, and handle it explicitly
    while ( the lights are on )
        if ( something happened )
            run around in circles
            if ( you are scared ) //yeah, much more than 3-4 levels of indent are too many!
                scream and shout
    return typevalue; //always return something, you'll thank me later

Python "expected an indented block"

Starting with elif option == 2:, you indented one time too many. In a decent text editor, you should be able to highlight these lines and press Shift+Tab to fix the issue.

Additionally, there is no statement after for x in range(x, 1, 1):. Insert an indented pass to do nothing in the for loop.

Also, in the first line, you wrote option == 1. == tests for equality, but you meant = ( a single equals sign), which assigns the right value to the left name, i.e.

option = 1

Why doesn't "System.out.println" work in Android?


On the emulator and most devices System.out.println gets redirected to LogCat and printed using Log.i(). This may not be true on very old or custom Android versions.


There is no console to send the messages to so the System.out.println messages get lost. In the same way this happens when you run a "traditional" Java application with javaw.

Instead, you can use the Android Log class:

Log.d("MyApp","I am here");

You can then view the log either in the Logcat view in Eclipse, or by running the following command:

adb logcat

It's good to get in to the habit of looking at logcat output as that is also where the Stack Traces of any uncaught Exceptions are displayed.

The first Entry to every logging call is the log tag which identifies the source of the log message. This is helpful as you can filter the output of the log to show just your messages. To make sure that you're consistent with your log tag it's probably best to define it once as a static final String somewhere.

Log.d(MyActivity.LOG_TAG,"Application started");

There are five one-letter methods in Log corresponding to the following levels:

  • e() - Error
  • w() - Warning
  • i() - Information
  • d() - Debug
  • v() - Verbose
  • wtf() - What a Terrible Failure

The documentation says the following about the levels:

Verbose should never be compiled into an application except during development. Debug logs are compiled in but stripped at runtime. Error, warning and info logs are always kept.

Moment.js: Date between dates

As Per documentation of moment js,

There is Precise Range plugin, written by Rob Dawson, can be used to display exact, human-readable representations of date/time ranges, url :

moment("2014-01-01 12:00:00").preciseDiff("2015-03-04 16:05:06");
// 1 year 2 months 3 days 4 hours 5 minutes 6 seconds

moment.preciseDiff("2014-01-01 12:00:00", "2014-04-20 12:00:00");
// 3 months 19 days

Git keeps asking me for my ssh key passphrase

If you've tried ssh-add and you're still prompted to enter your passphrase then try using ssh-add -K. This adds your passphrase to your keychain.

Update: if you're using macOS Sierra then you likely need to do another step as the above might no longer work. Add the following to your ~/.ssh/config:

Host *
  UseKeychain yes

Scatter plot with error bars

Using ggplot and a little dplyr for data manipulation:

df <- data.frame(x = rep(1:10,each=5), y = rnorm(50))


df.summary <- df %>% group_by(x) %>%
    summarize(ymin = min(y),
              ymax = max(y),
              ymean = mean(y))

ggplot(df.summary, aes(x = x, y = ymean)) +
    geom_point(size = 2) +
    geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax))

If there's an additional grouping column (OP's example plot has two errorbars per x value, saying the data is sourced from two files), then you should get all the data in one data frame at the start, add the grouping variable to the dplyr::group_by call (e.g., group_by(x, file) if file is the name of the column) and add it as a "group" aesthetic in the ggplot, e.g., aes(x = x, y = ymean, group = file).

Keep only first n characters in a string?

Use substring function
Check this out

var string = "1234567890"
var substr=string.substr(-8);

Output >> 34567890

substr(-8) will keep last 8 chars

var substr=string.substr(8);

Output >> 90

substr(8) will keep last 2 chars

var substr=string.substr(0, 8);

Output >> 12345678

substr(0, 8) will keep first 8 chars

Check this out string.substr(start,length)

Should a RESTful 'PUT' operation return something

seems ok... though I'd think a rudimentary indication of success/failure/time posted/# bytes received/etc. would be preferable.

edit: I was thinking along the lines of data integrity and/or record-keeping; metadata such as an MD5 hash or timestamp for time received may be helpful for large datafiles.

Send email from localhost running XAMMP in PHP using GMAIL mail server

Simplest way is to use PHPMailer and Gmail SMTP. The configuration would be like the below.

require 'PHPMailer/PHPMailerAutoload.php';
$mail = new PHPMailer;

$mail->Host = '';            
$mail->SMTPAuth = true;                     
$mail->Username = 'Email Address';          
$mail->Password = 'Email Account Password'; 
$mail->SMTPSecure = 'tls';               
$mail->Port = 587;                  

Example script and full source code can be found from here - How to Send Email from Localhost in PHP

how to run mysql in ubuntu through terminal

You have to give a valid username. For example, to run query with user root you have to type the following command and then enter password when prompted:

mysql -u root -p

Once you are connected, prompt will be something like:


Here you can write your query, after database selection, for example:

mysql> USE your_database;
mysql> SELECT * FROM your_table;

Tree data structure in C#

I create a Node class that could be helpfull for other people. The class has properties like:

  • Children
  • Ancestors
  • Descendants
  • Siblings
  • Level of the node
  • Parent
  • Root
  • Etc.

There is also the possibility to convert a flat list of items with an Id and a ParentId to a tree. The nodes holds a reference to both the children and the parent, so that makes iterating nodes quite fast.

Removing multiple files from a Git repo that have already been deleted from disk

Adding system alias for staging deleted files as command rm-all

UNIX alias rm-all='git rm $(git ls-files --deleted)'

WINDOWS doskey rm-all=bash -c "git rm $(git ls-files --deleted)"


Windows needs to have bash installed.

How to export dataGridView data Instantly to Excel on button click?

If your DataGridView's RightToLeft set to Yes then your data copy reversely. So you should use the below code to copy the data correctly.

private void copyAlltoClipboard()
    dgvItems.RightToLeft = RightToLeft.No;
    DataObject dataObj = dgvItems.GetClipboardContent();
    if (dataObj != null)
    dgvItems.RightToLeft = RightToLeft.Yes;

How to use select/option/NgFor on an array of objects in Angular2

I don't know what things were like in the alpha, but I'm using beta 12 right now and this works fine. If you have an array of objects, create a select like this:

<select [(ngModel)]="simpleValue"> // value is a string or number
    <option *ngFor="let obj of objArray" [value]="obj.value">{{}}</option>

If you want to match on the actual object, I'd do it like this:

<select [(ngModel)]="objValue"> // value is an object
    <option *ngFor="let obj of objArray" [ngValue]="obj">{{}}</option>

Docker - Ubuntu - bash: ping: command not found

I have used the statement below on debian 10

apt-get install iputils-ping

How can I use different certificates on specific connections?

Create an SSLSocket factory yourself, and set it on the HttpsURLConnection before connecting.

HttpsURLConnection conn = (HttpsURLConnection)url.openConnection();

You'll want to create one SSLSocketFactory and keep it around. Here's a sketch of how to initialize it:

/* Load the keyStore that includes self-signed cert as a "trusted" entry. */
KeyStore keyStore = ... 
TrustManagerFactory tmf = 
SSLContext ctx = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
ctx.init(null, tmf.getTrustManagers(), null);
sslFactory = ctx.getSocketFactory();

If you need help creating the key store, please comment.

Here's an example of loading the key store:

KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());
keyStore.load(trustStore, trustStorePassword);

To create the key store with a PEM format certificate, you can write your own code using CertificateFactory, or just import it with keytool from the JDK (keytool won't work for a "key entry", but is just fine for a "trusted entry").

keytool -import -file selfsigned.pem -alias server -keystore server.jks

jQuery 1.9 .live() is not a function

The jQuery API documentation lists live() as deprecated as of version 1.7 and removed as of version 1.9: link.

version deprecated: 1.7, removed: 1.9

Furthermore it states:

As of jQuery 1.7, the .live() method is deprecated. Use .on() to attach event handlers. Users of older versions of jQuery should use .delegate() in preference to .live()

What is the difference between visibility:hidden and display:none?

display: none; 

It will not be available on the page and does not occupy any space.

visibility: hidden; 

it hides an element, but it will still take up the same space as before. The element will be hidden, but still, affect the layout.

visibility: hidden preserve the space, whereas display: none doesn't preserve the space.

Display None Example:

Visibility Hidden Example :

How can I enable CORS on Django REST Framework

You can do by using a custom middleware, even though knowing that the best option is using the tested approach of the package django-cors-headers. With that said, here is the solution:

create the following structure and files:

-- myapp/middleware/

from corsMiddleware import corsMiddleware

-- myapp/middleware/

class corsMiddleware(object):
    def process_response(self, req, resp):
        resp["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*"
        return resp

add to the marked line:


    # Now we add here our custom middleware
     'app_name.middleware.corsMiddleware' <---- this line

LinkButton Send Value to Code Behind OnClick

Add a CommandName attribute, and optionally a CommandArgument attribute, to your LinkButton control. Then set the OnCommand attribute to the name of your Command event handler.

<asp:LinkButton ID="ENameLinkBtn" runat="server" CommandName="MyValueGoesHere" CommandArgument="OtherValueHere" 
          style="font-weight: 700; font-size: 8pt;" OnCommand="ENameLinkBtn_Command" ><%# Eval("EName") %></asp:LinkButton>

<asp:Label id="Label1" runat="server"/>

Then it will be available when in your handler:

protected void ENameLinkBtn_Command (object sender, CommandEventArgs e)
   Label1.Text = "You chose: " + e.CommandName + " Item " + e.CommandArgument;

More info on MSDN

Android: How can I get the current foreground activity (from a service)?

I could not find a solution that our team would be happy with so we rolled our own. We use ActivityLifecycleCallbacks to keep track of current activity and then expose it through a service:

public interface ContextProvider {
    Context getActivityContext();

public class MyApplication extends Application implements ContextProvider {
    private Activity currentActivity;

    public Context getActivityContext() {
         return currentActivity;

    public void onCreate() {

        registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(new ActivityLifecycleCallbacks() {
            public void onActivityCreated(Activity activity, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
                MyApplication.this.currentActivity = activity;

            public void onActivityStarted(Activity activity) {
                MyApplication.this.currentActivity = activity;

            public void onActivityResumed(Activity activity) {
                MyApplication.this.currentActivity = activity;

            public void onActivityPaused(Activity activity) {
                MyApplication.this.currentActivity = null;

            public void onActivityStopped(Activity activity) {
                // don't clear current activity because activity may get stopped after
                // the new activity is resumed

            public void onActivitySaveInstanceState(Activity activity, Bundle outState) {


            public void onActivityDestroyed(Activity activity) {
                // don't clear current activity because activity may get destroyed after
                // the new activity is resumed

Then configure your DI container to return instance of MyApplication for ContextProvider, e.g.

public class ApplicationModule extends AbstractModule {    
    ContextProvider provideMainActivity() {
        return MyApplication.getCurrent();

(Note that implementation of getCurrent() is omitted from the code above. It's just a static variable that's set from the application constructor)

How to convert an ASCII character into an int in C

As everyone else told you, you can convert it directly... UNLESS you meant something like "how can I convert an ASCII Extended character to its UTF-16 or UTF-32 value". This is a TOTALLY different question (one at least as good). And one quite difficult, if I remember correctly, if you are using only "pure" C. Then you could start here:

(for ASCII Extended I mean one of the many "extensions" to the ASCII set. The 0-127 characters of the base ASCII set are directly convertible to Unicode, while the 128-255 are not.). For example ISO_8859-1 is an 8 bit extensions to the 7 bit ASCII set, or the (quite famous) codepages 437 and 850.

Git: Permission denied (publickey) fatal - Could not read from remote repository. while cloning Git repository

Github(or Bitbucket) can't find your ssh key in their server.

Just add your key in your account setting.

How to fix symbol lookup error: undefined symbol errors in a cluster environment

yum update

helped me out. After I had

wget: symbol lookup error: wget: undefined symbol: psl_latest

"Cannot allocate an object of abstract type" error

In C++ a class with at least one pure virtual function is called abstract class. You can not create objects of that class, but may only have pointers or references to it.

If you are deriving from an abstract class, then make sure you override and define all pure virtual functions for your class.

From your snippet Your class AliceUniversity seems to be an abstract class. It needs to override and define all the pure virtual functions of the classes Graduate and UniversityGraduate.

Pure virtual functions are the ones with = 0; at the end of declaration.

Example: virtual void doSomething() = 0;

For a specific answer, you will need to post the definition of the class for which you get the error and the classes from which that class is deriving.

Stack Memory vs Heap Memory

In C++ the stack memory is where local variables get stored/constructed. The stack is also used to hold parameters passed to functions.

The stack is very much like the std::stack class: you push parameters onto it and then call a function. The function then knows that the parameters it expects can be found on the end of the stack. Likewise, the function can push locals onto the stack and pop them off it before returning from the function. (caveat - compiler optimizations and calling conventions all mean things aren't this simple)

The stack is really best understood from a low level and I'd recommend Art of Assembly - Passing Parameters on the Stack. Rarely, if ever, would you consider any sort of manual stack manipulation from C++.

Generally speaking, the stack is preferred as it is usually in the CPU cache, so operations involving objects stored on it tend to be faster. However the stack is a limited resource, and shouldn't be used for anything large. Running out of stack memory is called a Stack buffer overflow. It's a serious thing to encounter, but you really shouldn't come across one unless you have a crazy recursive function or something similar.

Heap memory is much as rskar says. In general, C++ objects allocated with new, or blocks of memory allocated with the likes of malloc end up on the heap. Heap memory almost always must be manually freed, though you should really use a smart pointer class or similar to avoid needing to remember to do so. Running out of heap memory can (will?) result in a std::bad_alloc.

Why is __dirname not defined in node REPL?

If you got node __dirname not defined with node --experimental-modules, you can do :

const __dirname = path.dirname(import.meta.url)
                      .replace(/^file:\/\/\//, '') // can be usefull

Because othe example, work only with current/pwd directory not other directory.

Mocking a class: Mock() or patch()?

I've got a YouTube video on this.

Short answer: Use mock when you're passing in the thing that you want mocked, and patch if you're not. Of the two, mock is strongly preferred because it means you're writing code with proper dependency injection.

Silly example:

# Use a mock to test this.
my_custom_tweeter(twitter_api, sentence):
    sentence.replace('cks','x')   # We're cool and hip.

# Use a patch to mock out twitter_api. You have to patch the Twitter() module/class 
# and have it return a mock. Much uglier, but sometimes necessary.
    twitter_api = Twitter(user="XXX", password="YYY")

What are database normal forms and can you give examples?

1NF is the most basic of normal forms - each cell in a table must contain only one piece of information, and there can be no duplicate rows.

2NF and 3NF are all about being dependent on the primary key. Recall that a primary key can be made up of multiple columns. As Chris said in his response:

The data depends on the key [1NF], the whole key [2NF] and nothing but the key [3NF] (so help me Codd).


Say you have a table containing courses that are taken in a certain semester, and you have the following data:

|-----Primary Key----|               uh oh |
CourseID | SemesterID | #Places  | Course Name  |
IT101    |   2009-1   | 100      | Programming  |
IT101    |   2009-2   | 100      | Programming  |
IT102    |   2009-1   | 200      | Databases    |
IT102    |   2010-1   | 150      | Databases    |
IT103    |   2009-2   | 120      | Web Design   |

This is not in 2NF, because the fourth column does not rely upon the entire key - but only a part of it. The course name is dependent on the Course's ID, but has nothing to do with which semester it's taken in. Thus, as you can see, we have duplicate information - several rows telling us that IT101 is programming, and IT102 is Databases. So we fix that by moving the course name into another table, where CourseID is the ENTIRE key.

Primary Key |

CourseID    |  Course Name |
IT101       | Programming  |
IT102       | Databases    |
IT103       | Web Design   |

No redundancy!


Okay, so let's say we also add the name of the teacher of the course, and some details about them, into the RDBMS:

|-----Primary Key----|                           uh oh |
Course  |  Semester  |  #Places   |  TeacherID  | TeacherName  |
IT101   |   2009-1   |  100       |  332        |  Mr Jones    |
IT101   |   2009-2   |  100       |  332        |  Mr Jones    |
IT102   |   2009-1   |  200       |  495        |  Mr Bentley  |
IT102   |   2010-1   |  150       |  332        |  Mr Jones    |
IT103   |   2009-2   |  120       |  242        |  Mrs Smith   |

Now hopefully it should be obvious that TeacherName is dependent on TeacherID - so this is not in 3NF. To fix this, we do much the same as we did in 2NF - take the TeacherName field out of this table, and put it in its own, which has TeacherID as the key.

 Primary Key |

 TeacherID   | TeacherName  |
 332         |  Mr Jones    |
 495         |  Mr Bentley  |
 242         |  Mrs Smith   |

No redundancy!!

One important thing to remember is that if something is not in 1NF, it is not in 2NF or 3NF either. So each additional Normal Form requires everything that the lower normal forms had, plus some extra conditions, which must all be fulfilled.

Reading data from a website using C#

If you're downloading text then I'd recommend using the WebClient and get a streamreader to the text:

        WebClient web = new WebClient();
        System.IO.Stream stream = web.OpenRead("");
        using (System.IO.StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(stream))
            String text = reader.ReadToEnd();

If this is taking a long time then it is probably a network issue or a problem on the web server. Try opening the resource in a browser and see how long that takes. If the webpage is very large, you may want to look at streaming it in chunks rather than reading all the way to the end as in that example. Look at to see how to read from a stream.

How to enable or disable an anchor using jQuery?

If you don't need it to behave as an anchor tag then I would prefer to replace it at all. For example if your anchor tag is like

<a class="MyLink" href=""><span>My</span> <strong>Link</strong></a>

then using jquery you can do this when you need to display text instead of a link.

var content = $(".MyLink").text(); // or .html()
$(".MyLink").replaceWith("<div>" + content + "</div>")

So this way, we can simply replace anchor tag with a div tag. This is much easier (just 2 lines) and semantically correct as well (because we don't need a link now therefore should not have a link)

Using If/Else on a data frame

Try this

frame$twohouses <- ifelse(frame$data>1, 2, 1)
   data twohouses
1     0         1
2     1         1
3     2         2
4     3         2
5     4         2
6     2         2
7     3         2
8     1         1
9     4         2
10    3         2
11    2         2
12    4         2
13    0         1
14    1         1
15    2         2
16    0         1
17    2         2
18    1         1
19    2         2
20    0         1
21    4         2

MySQL Great Circle Distance (Haversine formula)

If you add helper fields to the coordinates table, you can improve response time of the query.

Like this:

CREATE TABLE `Coordinates` (
`id` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'id for the object',
`sin_lat` FLOAT NOT NULL COMMENT 'sin(lat) in radians',
`cos_cos` FLOAT NOT NULL COMMENT 'cos(lat)*cos(lon) in radians',
`cos_sin` FLOAT NOT NULL COMMENT 'cos(lat)*sin(lon) in radians',
`lat` FLOAT NOT NULL COMMENT 'latitude in degrees',
`lon` FLOAT NOT NULL COMMENT 'longitude in degrees',
INDEX `lat_lon_idx` (`lat`, `lon`)

If you're using TokuDB, you'll get even better performance if you add clustering indexes on either of the predicates, for example, like this:

alter table Coordinates add clustering index c_lat(lat);
alter table Coordinates add clustering index c_lon(lon);

You'll need the basic lat and lon in degrees as well as sin(lat) in radians, cos(lat)*cos(lon) in radians and cos(lat)*sin(lon) in radians for each point. Then you create a mysql function, smth like this:

CREATE FUNCTION `geodistance`(`sin_lat1` FLOAT,
                              `cos_cos1` FLOAT, `cos_sin1` FLOAT,
                              `sin_lat2` FLOAT,
                              `cos_cos2` FLOAT, `cos_sin2` FLOAT)
    RETURNS float
   RETURN acos(sin_lat1*sin_lat2 + cos_cos1*cos_cos2 + cos_sin1*cos_sin2);

This gives you the distance.

Don't forget to add an index on lat/lon so the bounding boxing can help the search instead of slowing it down (the index is already added in the CREATE TABLE query above).

INDEX `lat_lon_idx` (`lat`, `lon`)

Given an old table with only lat/lon coordinates, you can set up a script to update it like this: (php using meekrodb)

$users = DB::query('SELECT id,lat,lon FROM Old_Coordinates');

foreach ($users as $user)
  $lat_rad = deg2rad($user['lat']);
  $lon_rad = deg2rad($user['lon']);

  DB::replace('Coordinates', array(
    'object_id' => $user['id'],
    'object_type' => 0,
    'sin_lat' => sin($lat_rad),
    'cos_cos' => cos($lat_rad)*cos($lon_rad),
    'cos_sin' => cos($lat_rad)*sin($lon_rad),
    'lat' => $user['lat'],
    'lon' => $user['lon']

Then you optimize the actual query to only do the distance calculation when really needed, for example by bounding the circle (well, oval) from inside and outside. For that, you'll need to precalculate several metrics for the query itself:

// assuming the search center coordinates are $lat and $lon in degrees
// and radius in km is given in $distance
$lat_rad = deg2rad($lat);
$lon_rad = deg2rad($lon);
$R = 6371; // earth's radius, km
$distance_rad = $distance/$R;
$distance_rad_plus = $distance_rad * 1.06; // ovality error for outer bounding box
$dist_deg_lat = rad2deg($distance_rad_plus); //outer bounding box
$dist_deg_lon = rad2deg($distance_rad_plus/cos(deg2rad($lat)));
$dist_deg_lat_small = rad2deg($distance_rad/sqrt(2)); //inner bounding box
$dist_deg_lon_small = rad2deg($distance_rad/cos(deg2rad($lat))/sqrt(2));

Given those preparations, the query goes something like this (php):

$neighbors = DB::query("SELECT id, type, lat, lon,
       geodistance(sin_lat,cos_cos,cos_sin,%d,%d,%d) as distance
       FROM Coordinates WHERE
       lat BETWEEN %d AND %d AND lon BETWEEN %d AND %d
       HAVING (lat BETWEEN %d AND %d AND lon BETWEEN %d AND %d) OR distance <= %d",
  // center radian values: sin_lat, cos_cos, cos_sin
  // min_lat, max_lat, min_lon, max_lon for the outside box
  // min_lat, max_lat, min_lon, max_lon for the inside box
  // distance in radians

EXPLAIN on the above query might say that it's not using index unless there's enough results to trigger such. The index will be used when there's enough data in the coordinates table. You can add FORCE INDEX (lat_lon_idx) to the SELECT to make it use the index with no regards to the table size, so you can verify with EXPLAIN that it is working correctly.

With the above code samples you should have a working and scalable implementation of object search by distance with minimal error.

putting datepicker() on dynamically created elements - JQuery/JQueryUI

This is what worked for me on JQuery 1.3 and is showing on the first click/focus

function vincularDatePickers() {
    $('.mostrar_calendario').live('click', function () {
        $(this).datepicker({ showButtonPanel: true, changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, showOn: 'focus' }).focus();

this needs that your input have the class 'mostrar_calendario'

Live is for JQuery 1.3+ for newer versions you need to adapt this to "on"

See more about the difference here

Fast way of finding lines in one file that are not in another?

Use combine from moreutils package, a sets utility that supports not, and, or, xor operations

combine file1 not file2

i.e give me lines that are in file1 but not in file2

OR give me lines in file1 minus lines in file2

Note: combine sorts and finds unique lines in both files before performing any operation but diff does not. So you might find differences between output of diff and combine.

So in effect you are saying

Find distinct lines in file1 and file2 and then give me lines in file1 minus lines in file2

In my experience, it's much faster than other options

File path for project files?

You would do something like this to get the path "Data\ich_will.mp3" inside your application environments folder.

string fileName = "ich_will.mp3";
string path = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, @"Data\", fileName);

In my case it would return the following:


I use Path.Combine and Environment.CurrentDirectory in my example. These are very useful and allows you to build a path based on the current location of your application. Path.Combine combines two or more strings to create a location, and Environment.CurrentDirectory provides you with the working directory of your application.

The working directory is not necessarily the same path as where your executable is located, but in most cases it should be, unless specified otherwise.

How do I sort an NSMutableArray with custom objects in it?

Swift version: 5.1

If you have a custom struct or class and want to sort them arbitrarily, you should call sort() using a trailing closure that sorts on a field you specify. Here's an example using an array of custom structs that sorts on a particular property:

    struct User {
        var firstName: String

    var users = [
        User(firstName: "Jemima"),
        User(firstName: "Peter"),
        User(firstName: "David"),
        User(firstName: "Kelly"),
        User(firstName: "Isabella")

    users.sort {
        $0.firstName < $1.firstName

If you want to return a sorted array rather than sort it in place, use sorted() like this:

    let sortedUsers = users.sorted {
        $0.firstName < $1.firstName

comparing two strings in SQL Server

There is no direct string compare function in SQL Server

  WHEN str1 = str2 THEN 0
  WHEN str1 < str2 THEN -1
  WHEN str1 > str2 THEN 1
  ELSE NULL --one of the strings is NULL so won't compare (added on edit)


  • you can wraps this via a UDF using CREATE FUNCTION etc
  • you may need NULL handling (in my code above, any NULL will report 1)
  • str1 and str2 will be column names or @variables

Selecting multiple classes with jQuery

This should work:

$('.myClass, .myOtherClass').removeClass('theclass');

You must add the multiple selectors all in the first argument to $(), otherwise you are giving jQuery a context in which to search, which is not what you want.

It's the same as you would do in CSS.

C library function to perform sort

C/C++ standard library <stdlib.h> contains qsort function.

This is not the best quick sort implementation in the world but it fast enough and VERY EASY to be used... the formal syntax of qsort is:


The only thing that you need to implement is the compare_function, which takes in two arguments of type "const void", which can be cast to appropriate data structure, and then return one of these three values:

  • negative, if a should be before b
  • 0, if a equal to b
  • positive, if a should be after b

1. Comparing a list of integers:

simply cast a and b to integers if x < y,x-y is negative, x == y, x-y = 0, x > y, x-y is positive x-y is a shortcut way to do it :) reverse *x - *y to *y - *x for sorting in decreasing/reverse order

int compare_function(const void *a,const void *b) {
int *x = (int *) a;
int *y = (int *) b;
return *x - *y;

2. Comparing a list of strings:

For comparing string, you need strcmp function inside <string.h> lib. strcmp will by default return -ve,0,ve appropriately... to sort in reverse order, just reverse the sign returned by strcmp

#include <string.h>
int compare_function(const void *a,const void *b) {
return (strcmp((char *)a,(char *)b));

3. Comparing floating point numbers:

int compare_function(const void *a,const void *b) {
double *x = (double *) a;
double *y = (double *) b;
// return *x - *y; // this is WRONG...
if (*x < *y) return -1;
else if (*x > *y) return 1; return 0;

4. Comparing records based on a key:

Sometimes you need to sort a more complex stuffs, such as record. Here is the simplest way to do it using qsort library.

typedef struct {
int key;
double value;
} the_record;

int compare_function(const void *a,const void *b) {
the_record *x = (the_record *) a;
the_record *y = (the_record *) b;
return x->key - y->key;

How to maintain a Unique List in Java?

Use new HashSet<String> An example:

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

public class MainClass {
  public static void main(String args[]) {
    String[] name1 = { "Amy", "Jose", "Jeremy", "Alice", "Patrick" };

    String[] name2 = { "Alan", "Amy", "Jeremy", "Helen", "Alexi" };

    String[] name3 = { "Adel", "Aaron", "Amy", "James", "Alice" };

    Set<String> letter = new HashSet<String>();

    for (int i = 0; i < name1.length; i++)

    for (int j = 0; j < name2.length; j++)

    for (int k = 0; k < name3.length; k++)

    System.out.println(letter.size() + " letters must be sent to: " + letter);


Remove all multiple spaces in Javascript and replace with single space

There are a lot of options for regular expressions you could use to accomplish this. One example that will perform well is:

str.replace( /\s\s+/g, ' ' )

See this question for a full discussion on this exact problem: Regex to replace multiple spaces with a single space

Javascript swap array elements

Array.prototype.swap = function(a, b) {
  var temp = this[a];
  this[a] = this[b];
  this[b] = temp;


var myArray = [0,1,2,3,4...];

Get the length of a String

tl;dr If you want the length of a String type in terms of the number of human-readable characters, use countElements(). If you want to know the length in terms of the number of extended grapheme clusters, use endIndex. Read on for details.

The String type is implemented as an ordered collection (i.e., sequence) of Unicode characters, and it conforms to the CollectionType protocol, which conforms to the _CollectionType protocol, which is the input type expected by countElements(). Therefore, countElements() can be called, passing a String type, and it will return the count of characters.

However, in conforming to CollectionType, which in turn conforms to _CollectionType, String also implements the startIndex and endIndex computed properties, which actually represent the position of the index before the first character cluster, and position of the index after the last character cluster, respectively. So, in the string "ABC", the position of the index before A is 0 and after C is 3. Therefore, endIndex = 3, which is also the length of the string.

So, endIndex can be used to get the length of any String type, then, right?

Well, not always...Unicode characters are actually extended grapheme clusters, which are sequences of one or more Unicode scalars combined to create a single human-readable character.

let circledStar: Character = "\u{2606}\u{20DD}" // ??

circledStar is a single character made up of U+2606 (a white star), and U+20DD (a combining enclosing circle). Let's create a String from circledStar and compare the results of countElements() and endIndex.

let circledStarString = "\(circledStar)"
countElements(circledStarString) // 1
circledStarString.endIndex // 2

Failed to build gem native extension (installing Compass)

I had the same problem on Linux Mint but I was able to fix it by uninstalling ruby and install it again.

Uninstall ruby:

sudo apt-get remove ruby

It reported some ruby packages like:

Package 'ruby' is not installed, so not removed
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
libruby2.2 ruby-chunky-png ruby-sass rubygems-integration
Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.

Uninstall remaining packages*

apt-get autoremove

Install ruby again

sudo apt-get install ruby2.2

Install Compass

sudo gem install compass

The last command was executed with success.

Ubuntu says "bash: ./program Permission denied"

chmod u+x program_name. Then execute it.

If that does not work, copy the program from the USB device to a native volume on the system. Then chmod u+x program_name on the local copy and execute that.

Unix and Unix-like systems generally will not execute a program unless it is marked with permission to execute. The way you copied the file from one system to another (or mounted an external volume) may have turned off execute permission (as a safety feature). The command chmod u+x name adds permission for the user that owns the file to execute it.

That command only changes the permissions associated with the file; it does not change the security controls associated with the entire volume. If it is security controls on the volume that are interfering with execution (for example, a noexec option may be specified for a volume in the Unix fstab file, which says not to allow execute permission for files on the volume), then you can remount the volume with options to allow execution. However, copying the file to a local volume may be a quicker and easier solution.

Where does the .gitignore file belong?

Put .gitignore in the working directory. It doesn't work if you put it in the .git (repository) directory.

$ ls -1d .git*

PHP $_POST not working?

A few thing you could do:

  1. Make sure that the "action" attribute on your form leads to the correct destination.
  2. Try using $_REQUEST[] instead of $_POST, see if there is any change.
  3. [Optional] Try including both a 'name' and an 'id' attribute e.g.

    <input type="text" name="firstname" id="firstname">

  4. If you are in a Linux environment, check that you have both Read/Write permissions to the file.

In addition, this link might also help.


You could also substitute


with this:

<code>if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST"){ </code>

This is always the best way of checking whether or not a form has been submitted

How to initialize a JavaScript Date to a particular time zone

Was facing the same issue, used this one

Console.log(Date.parse("Jun 13, 2018 10:50:39 GMT+1"));

It will return milliseconds to which u can check have +100 timzone intialize British time Hope it helps!!

How do I check if a cookie exists?

There are several good answers here. I however prefer [1] not using a regular expression, and [2] using logic that is simple to read, and [3] to have a short function that [4] does not return true if the name is a substring of another cookie name . Lastly [5] we can't use a for each loop since a return doesn't break it.

function cookieExists(name) {
  var cks = document.cookie.split(';');
  for(i = 0; i < cks.length; i++)
    if (cks[i].split('=')[0].trim() == name) return true;

Bootstrap 3 Horizontal and Vertical Divider

I know this is an "older" post. This question and the provided answers helped me get ideas for my own problem. I think this solution addresses the OP question (intersecting borders with 4 and 2 columns depending on display)


css based on OP information, media query at end is for med & lg view.

.vr-all {
    border-right:1px solid #CC0000;
.vr-xs {
.vr-md {
.hrspacing { padding:0px; }
.hrcolor {
    border-color: #CC0000;
    border-style: solid;
    border-bottom: 1px;
/* for medium and up */
    .vr-xs {
        border-right:1px solid #CC0000;

html adjustments to OP provided code. Red border and Img links for example.

<div class="container">
  <div class="row">
        <div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-6 col-md-3 text-center vr-all" id="one">
            <h5>Rich Media Ad Production</h5>
            <img src="" />
        <div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-6 col-md-3 text-center vr-xs" id="two">
            <h5>Web Design & Development</h5>
            <img src="" >

        <!-- hr for only x-small/small viewports -->
        <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 hidden-md hidden-lg hrspacing"><hr class="hrcolor"></div>

        <div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-6 col-md-3 text-center vr-all" id="three">
            <h5>Mobile Apps Development</h5>
            <img src="" >
        <div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-6 col-md-3 text-center vr-md" id="four">
            <h5>Creative Design</h5>
            <img src="" >

        <!-- hr for for all viewports -->
        <div class="col-xs-12 hrspacing"><hr class="hrcolor"></div>

        <div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-6 col-md-3 text-center vr-all" id="five">
            <h5>Web Analytics</h5>
            <img src="" >
        <div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-6 col-md-3 text-center vr-xs" id="six">
            <h5>Search Engine Marketing</h5>
            <img src="" >

        <!-- hr for only x-small/small viewports -->
        <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 hidden-md hidden-lg hrspacing"><hr class="hrcolor"></div>

        <div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-6 col-md-3 text-center vr-all" id="seven">
            <h5>Mobile Apps Development</h5>
            <img src="" >
        <div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-6 col-md-3 text-center vr-md" id="eight">
            <h5>Quality Assurance</h5>
            <img src="" >


Communicating between a fragment and an activity - best practices

There is the latest techniques to communicate fragment to activity without any interface follow the steps Step 1- Add the dependency in gradle

implementation 'androidx.fragment:fragment:1.3.0-rc01'

How to center images on a web page for all screen sizes


Applying the text-align:center style to an element containing elements will center those elements.

<div id="method-one" style="text-align:center">
  CSS `text-align:center`

Thomas Shields mentions this method

margin:0 auto

Applying the margin:0 auto style to a block element will center it within the element it is in.

<div id="method-two" style="background-color:green">
  <div style="margin:0 auto;width:50%;background-color:lightblue">
    CSS `margin:0 auto` to have left and right margin set to center a block element within another element.

user1468562 mentions this method

Center tag

My original answer was that you can use the <center></center> tag. To do this, just place the content you want centered between the tags. As of HTML4, this tag has been deprecated, though. <center> is still technically supported today (9 years later at the time of updating this), but I'd recommend the CSS alternatives I've included above.

<h3>Method 3</h1>
<div id="method-three">
  <center>Center tag (not recommended and deprecated in HTML4)</center>

You can see these three code samples in action in this jsfiddle.

I decided I should revise this answer as the previous one I gave was outdated. It was already deprecated when I suggested it as a solution and that's all the more reason to avoid it now 9 years later.

string to string array conversion in java

I guess there is simply no need for it, as it won't get more simple than

String[] array = {"name"};

Of course if you insist, you could write:

static String[] convert(String... array) {
   return array;

String[] array = convert("name","age","hobby"); 

[Edit] If you want single-letter Strings, you can use:

String[] s = "name".split("");

Unfortunately s[0] will be empty, but after this the letters n,a,m,e will follow. If this is a problem, you can use e.g. System.arrayCopy in order to get rid of the first array entry.

How to exit if a command failed?

Note also, each command's exit status is stored in the shell variable $?, which you can check immediately after running the command. A non-zero status indicates failure:

if [ $? -eq 0 ]
    echo "it worked"
    echo "it failed"

How to split a file into equal parts, without breaking individual lines?

split was updated in coreutils release 8.8 (announced 22 Dec 2010) with the --number option to generate a specific number of files. The option --number=l/n generates n files without splitting lines.

Run PostgreSQL queries from the command line

I have no doubt on @Grant answer. But I face few issues sometimes such as if the column name is similar to any reserved keyword of postgresql such as natural in this case similar SQL is difficult to run from the command line as "\natural\" will be needed in Query field. So my approach is to write the SQL in separate file and run the SQL file from command line. This has another advantage too. If you have to change the query for a large script you do not need to touch the script file or command. Only change the SQL file like this

psql -h localhost -d database -U postgres -p 5432 -a -q -f /path/to/the/file.sql

'No database provider has been configured for this DbContext' on SignInManager.PasswordSignInAsync

If AddDbContext is used, then also ensure that your DbContext type accepts a DbContextOptions object in its constructor and passes it to the base constructor for DbContext.

The error message says your DbContext(LogManagerContext ) needs a constructor which accepts a DbContextOptions. But i couldn't find such a constructor in your DbContext. So adding below constructor probably solves your problem.

    public LogManagerContext(DbContextOptions options) : base(options)

Edit for comment

If you don't register IHttpContextAccessor explicitly, use below code:

services.AddSingleton<IHttpContextAccessor, HttpContextAccessor>(); 

Compare two Byte Arrays? (Java)

Since I wanted to compare two arrays for a unit Test and I arrived on this answer I thought I could share.

You can also do it with:

public void testTwoArrays() {
  byte[] array = new BigInteger("1111000011110001", 2).toByteArray();
  byte[] secondArray = new BigInteger("1111000011110001", 2).toByteArray();

  Assert.assertArrayEquals(array, secondArray);

And you could check on Comparing arrays in JUnit assertions for more infos.

Salt and hash a password in Python

Based on the other answers to this question, I've implemented a new approach using bcrypt.

Why use bcrypt

If I understand correctly, the argument to use bcrypt over SHA512 is that bcrypt is designed to be slow. bcrypt also has an option to adjust how slow you want it to be when generating the hashed password for the first time:

# The '12' is the number that dictates the 'slowness'
bcrypt.hashpw(password, bcrypt.gensalt( 12 ))

Slow is desirable because if a malicious party gets their hands on the table containing hashed passwords, then it is much more difficult to brute force them.


def get_hashed_password(plain_text_password):
    # Hash a password for the first time
    #   (Using bcrypt, the salt is saved into the hash itself)
    return bcrypt.hashpw(plain_text_password, bcrypt.gensalt())

def check_password(plain_text_password, hashed_password):
    # Check hashed password. Using bcrypt, the salt is saved into the hash itself
    return bcrypt.checkpw(plain_text_password, hashed_password)


I was able to install the library pretty easily in a linux system using:

pip install py-bcrypt

However, I had more trouble installing it on my windows systems. It appears to need a patch. See this Stack Overflow question: py-bcrypt installing on win 7 64bit python

SQL How to correctly set a date variable value and use it?

If you manually write out the query with static date values (e.g. '2009-10-29 13:13:07.440') do you get any rows?

So, you are saying that the following two queries produce correct results:

FROM PubAdvTransData AS pat 
    INNER JOIN PubAdvertiser AS pa 
        ON pat.AdvTransID = pa.AdvTransID
WHERE (pat.LastAdDate > '2009-10-29 13:13:07.440') AND (pa.AdvertiserID = 12345))

SET @sp_Date = '2009-10-29 13:13:07.440'

FROM PubAdvTransData AS pat 
    INNER JOIN PubAdvertiser AS pa 
        ON pat.AdvTransID = pa.AdvTransID
WHERE (pat.LastAdDate > @sp_Date) AND (pa.AdvertiserID = 12345))

Illegal mix of collations (utf8_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '='

A bit similar to @bpile answer, my case was a my.cnf entry setting collation-server = utf8_general_ci. After I realized that (and after trying everything above), I forcefully switched my database to utf8_general_ci instead of utf8_unicode_ci and that was it:


How do I create a chart with multiple series using different X values for each series?

You need to use the Scatter chart type instead of Line. That will allow you to define separate X values for each series.

Manually highlight selected text in Notepad++

To highlight a block of code in Notepad++, please do the following steps

  1. Select the required text.
  2. Right click to display the context menu
  3. Choose Style token and select any of the five choices available ( styles from Using 1st style to using 5th style). Each is of different colors.If you want yellow color choose using 3rd style.

If you want to create your own style you can use Style Configurator under Settings menu.

Double precision floating values in Python?

Decimal datatype

  • Unlike hardware based binary floating point, the decimal module has a user alterable precision (defaulting to 28 places) which can be as large as needed for a given problem.

If you are pressed by performance issuses, have a look at GMPY

How to uninstall Python 2.7 on a Mac OS X 10.6.4?

If you installed it using the PKG installer, you can do:

pkgutil --pkgs

or better:

pkgutil --pkgs | grep org.python.Python

which will output something like:


you can now select which packages you will unlink (remove).

This is the unlink documentation:

 --unlink package-id
             Unlinks (removes) each file referenced by package-id. WARNING: This command makes no attempt to perform reference counting or dependency analy-
             sis. It can easily remove files required by your system. It may include unexpected files due to package tainting. Use the --files command first
             to double check.

In my example you will type

pkgutil --unlink org.python.Python.PythonApplications-2.7
pkgutil --unlink org.python.Python.PythonDocumentation-2.7
pkgutil --unlink org.python.Python.PythonFramework-2.7
pkgutil --unlink org.python.Python.PythonProfileChanges-2.7
pkgutil --unlink org.python.Python.PythonUnixTools-2.7

or in one single line:

pkgutil --pkgs | grep org.python.Python | xargs -L1 pkgutil -f --unlink

Important: --unlink is not available anymore starting with Lion (as of Q1`2014 that would include Lion, Mountain Lion, and Mavericks). If anyone that comes to this instructions try to use it with lion, should try instead to adapt it with what this post is saying:

What does <> mean in excel?

It means "not equal to" (as in, the values in cells E37-N37 are not equal to "", or in other words, they are not empty.)

how to declare global variable in SQL Server..?

I like the approach of using a table with a column for each global variable. This way you get autocomplete to aid in coding the retrieval of the variable. The table can be restricted to a single row as outlined here: SQL Server: how to constrain a table to contain a single row?

How do I use NSTimer?

NSTimer *timer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:60 target:self selector:@selector(timerCalled) userInfo:nil repeats:NO];

     NSLog(@"Timer Called");
     // Your Code

Sorting arraylist in alphabetical order (case insensitive)

Based on the above mentioned answers, I managed to compare my custom Class Objects like this:

ArrayList<Item> itemList = new ArrayList<>();
Collections.sort(itemList, new Comparator<Item>() {
            public int compare(Item item, Item t1) {
                String s1 = item.getTitle();
                String s2 = t1.getTitle();
                return s1.compareToIgnoreCase(s2);


How to search a string in a single column (A) in excel using VBA

Below are two methods that are superior to looping. Both handle a "no-find" case.

  1. The VBA equivalent of a normal function VLOOKUP with error-handling if the variable doesn't exist (INDEX/MATCH may be a better route than VLOOKUP, ie if your two columns A and B were in reverse order, or were far apart)
  2. VBAs FIND method (matching a whole string in column A given I use the xlWhole argument)

    Sub Method1()
    Dim strSearch As String
    Dim strOut As String
    Dim bFailed As Boolean
    strSearch = "trees"
    On Error Resume Next
    strOut = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(strSearch, Range("A:B"), 2, False)
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then bFailed = True
    On Error GoTo 0
    If Not bFailed Then
    MsgBox "corresponding value is " & vbNewLine & strOut
    MsgBox strSearch & " not found"
    End If
    End Sub
    Sub Method2()
        Dim rng1 As Range
        Dim strSearch As String
        strSearch = "trees"
        Set rng1 = Range("A:A").Find(strSearch, , xlValues, xlWhole)
        If Not rng1 Is Nothing Then
            MsgBox "Find has matched " & strSearch & vbNewLine & "corresponding cell is " & rng1.Offset(0, 1)
            MsgBox strSearch & " not found"
        End If
    End Sub

Node.js Write a line into a .txt file

Simply use fs module and something like this:

fs.appendFile('server.log', 'string to append', function (err) {
   if (err) return console.log(err);

What is the maximum size of a web browser's cookie's key?

Not completely entirely a direct answer to the original question, but relevant for the curious quickly trying to visually understand their cookie information storage planning without implementing a complex limiter algorithm, this string is 4096 ASCII character bytes:
