Programs & Examples On #Imagemagick

ImageMagick is an open source software suite for displaying, converting and editing raster image files.

rmagick gem install "Can't find Magick-config"

Installing rmagick gem in Ubuntu

sudo aptitude Install Imagemagick and GraphicsMagick(If not aptitude go & install in s/w center) sudo aptitude Install libmagickcore-dev libmagickwand-dev gem install rmagick -v 2.13.1

Convert PDF to image with high resolution

It appears that the following works:

convert           \
   -verbose       \
   -density 150   \
   -trim          \
    test.pdf      \
   -quality 100   \
   -flatten       \
   -sharpen 0x1.0 \

It results in the left image. Compare this to the result of my original command (the image on the right):


(To really see and appreciate the differences between the two, right-click on each and select "Open Image in New Tab...".)

Also keep the following facts in mind:

  • The worse, blurry image on the right has a file size of 1.941.702 Bytes (1.85 MByte). Its resolution is 3060x3960 pixels, using 16-bit RGB color space.
  • The better, sharp image on the left has a file size of 337.879 Bytes (330 kByte). Its resolution is 758x996 pixels, using 8-bit Gray color space.

So, no need to resize; add the -density flag. The density value 150 is weird -- trying a range of values results in a worse looking image in both directions!

Convert SVG image to PNG with PHP

$command = 'convert -density 300 ';
                        if(Input::Post('height')!='' && Input::Post('width')!=''){
                            $command.='-resize '.Input::Post('width').'x'.Input::Post('height').' ';
                        $command.=$svg.' '.$source;

or using : potrace demo

How to convert a .eps file to a high quality 1024x1024 .jpg?

Maybe you should try it with -quality 100 -size "1024x1024", because resize often gives results that are ugly to view.

Set transparent background using ImageMagick and commandline prompt

Yep. Had this same problem too. Here's the command I ran and it worked perfectly: convert transparent-img1.png transparent-img2.png transparent-img3.png -channel Alpha favicon.ico

ImageMagick security policy 'PDF' blocking conversion

Works in Ubuntu 20.04

Add this line inside <policymap>

<policy domain="module" rights="read|write" pattern="{PS,PDF,XPS}" />

Comment these lines:

  <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="PS" />
  <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="PS2" />
  <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="PS3" />
  <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="EPS" />
  <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="PDF" />
  <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="XPS" />

Converting a PDF to PNG

Out of all the available alternatives I found Inkscape to produce the most accurate results when converting PDFs to PNG. Especially when the source file had transparent layers, Inkscape succeeded where Imagemagick and other tools failed.

This is the command I use:

inkscape "$pdf" -z --export-dpi=600 --export-area-drawing --export-png="$pngfile"

And here it is implemented in a script:


while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do

echo "Converting "$pdf" ..."
pngfile=`echo "$pdf" | sed 's/\.\w*$/.png/'`
inkscape "$pdf" -z --export-dpi=600 --export-area-drawing --export-png="$pngfile"
echo "Converted to "$pngfile""


echo "All jobs done. Exiting."

Recommendation for compressing JPG files with ImageMagick

I added -adaptive-resize 60% to the suggested command, but with -quality 60%.

convert -strip -interlace Plane -gaussian-blur 0.05 -quality 60% -adaptive-resize 60% img_original.jpg img_resize.jpg

These were my results

  • img_original.jpg = 13,913KB
  • img_resized.jpg = 845KB

I'm not sure if that conversion destroys my image too much, but I honestly didn't think my conversion looked like crap. It was a wide angle panorama and I didn't care for meticulous obstruction.

convert:not authorized `aaaa` @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/453

Note: the solution in this and other answers involves disabling safety measures that are there to fix arbitrary code execution vulnerabilities. See for instance this ghostscript-related and this ubuntu-related announcement. Only go forward with these solutions if the input to convert comes from a trusted source.

I use ImageMagick in php (v.7.1) to slice PDF file to images.

First I got errors like:

Exception type: ImagickException

Exception message: not authorized ..... @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/412

After some changes in /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml I start getting erroes like:

Exception type: ImagickException

Exception message: unable to create temporary file ..... Permission denied @ error/pdf.c/ReadPDFImage/465

My fix:

In file /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml (or /etc/ImageMagick/policy.xml)

  1. comment line

    <!-- <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="MVG" /> -->
  2. change line

    <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="PDF" />


    <policy domain="coder" rights="read|write" pattern="PDF" />
  3. add line

    <policy domain="coder" rights="read|write" pattern="LABEL" />

Then restart your web server (nginx, apache).

Replace transparency in PNG images with white background

This is not exactly the answer to your question, but I found your question while trying to figure out how to remove the alpha channel, so I decided to add this answer here:

If you want to remove alpha channel using imagemagick, you can use this command:

mogrify -alpha off ./*.png

Storing image in database directly or as base64 data?

I came across this really great talk by Facebook engineers about the Efficient Storage of Billions of Photos in a database

Convert PDF to PNG using ImageMagick

Reducing the image size before output results in something that looks sharper, in my case:

convert -density 300 a.pdf -resize 25% a.png

Verify ImageMagick installation

In Bash you can check if Imagick is an installed module:

$ php -m | grep imagick

If the response is blank it is not installed.

How to convert a SVG to a PNG with ImageMagick?

In order to rescale the image, the option -density should be used. As far as I know the standard density is 72 and maps the size 1:1. If you want the output png to be twice as big as the original svg, set the density to 72*2=144:

convert -density 144 source.svg target.png

Where does Jenkins store configuration files for the jobs it runs?

For the sake of completeness: macOS High Sierra, Jenkins 2.x, installation via Homebrew

Complete overview about jenkins home:

Adding space/padding to a UILabel

An elaboration on Mundi's answer.

i.e. embedding a label in a UIView and enforcing padding through Auto Layout. Example:

looks like a padded UILabel


1) Create a UIView ("panel"), and set its appearance.

2) Create a UILabel and add it to the panel.

3) Add constraints to enforce padding.

4) Add the panel to your view hierarchy, then position the panel.


1) Create the panel view.

let panel = UIView()
panel.backgroundColor = .green
panel.layer.cornerRadius = 12

2) Create the label, add it to the panel as a subview.

let label = UILabel()

3) Add constraints between the edges of the label and the panel. This forces the panel to keep a distance from the label. i.e. "padding"

Editorial: doing all this by hand is super-tedious, verbose and error-prone. I suggest you pick an Auto Layout wrapper from github or write one yourself

label.panel.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
label.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: panel.topAnchor,
    constant: vPadding).isActive = true
label.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: panel.bottomAnchor,
    constant: -vPadding).isActive = true
label.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: panel.leadingAnchor,
    constant: hPadding).isActive = true
label.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: panel.trailingAnchor,
    constant: -hPadding).isActive = true

label.textAlignment = .center

4) Add the panel to your view hierarchy and then add positioning constraints. e.g. hug the right-hand side of a tableViewCell, as in the example image.

Note: you only need to add positional constraints, not dimensional constraints: Auto Layout will solve the layout based on both the intrinsicContentSize of the label and the constraints added earlier.

panel.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
panel.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: hostView.trailingAnchor,
    constant: -16).isActive = true
panel.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: hostView.centerYAnchor).isActive = true

Writing Python lists to columns in csv

The following code writes python lists into columns in csv

import csv
from itertools import zip_longest
list1 = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
list2 = ['f', 'g', 'i', 'j']
d = [list1, list2]
export_data = zip_longest(*d, fillvalue = '')
with open('numbers.csv', 'w', encoding="ISO-8859-1", newline='') as myfile:
      wr = csv.writer(myfile)
      wr.writerow(("List1", "List2"))

The output looks like this

enter image description here

How to build a RESTful API?

As simon marc said, the process is much the same as it is for you or I browsing a website. If you are comfortable with using the Zend framework, there are some easy to follow tutorials to that make life quite easy to set things up. The hardest part of building a restful api is the design of the it, and making it truly restful, think CRUD in database terms.

It could be that you really want an xmlrpc interface or something else similar. What do you want this interface to allow you to do?


Here is where I got started with restful api and Zend Framework. Zend Framework Example

In short don't use Zend rest server, it's obsolete.

Regular expression to find URLs within a string

I think this regex pattern handle precisely what you want


and this is an snippet example to extract Urls:

// The Regular Expression filter
$reg_exUrl = "/(http|https|ftp|ftps)\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(\/\S*)?/";

// The Text you want to filter for urls
$text = "The text you want to filter goes here.";

// Check if there is a url in the text
preg_match_all($reg_exUrl, $text, $url,$matches);

"Notice: Undefined variable", "Notice: Undefined index", and "Notice: Undefined offset" using PHP

Probably you were using old PHP version until and now upgraded PHP thats the reason it was working without any error till now from years. until PHP4 there was no error if you are using variable without defining it but as of PHP5 onwards it throws errors for codes like mentioned in question.

Android Location Manager, Get GPS location ,if no GPS then get to Network Provider location

Main Class:

public class AndroidLocationActivity extends Activity {

Button btnGPSShowLocation;
Button btnNWShowLocation;

AppLocationService appLocationService;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    appLocationService = new AppLocationService(

    btnGPSShowLocation = (Button) findViewById(;
    btnGPSShowLocation.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View arg0) {

            Location gpsLocation = appLocationService

            if (gpsLocation != null) {
                double latitude = gpsLocation.getLatitude();
                double longitude = gpsLocation.getLongitude();
                        "Mobile Location (GPS): \nLatitude: " + latitude
                                + "\nLongitude: " + longitude,
            } else {


    btnNWShowLocation = (Button) findViewById(;
    btnNWShowLocation.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View arg0) {

            Location nwLocation = appLocationService

            if (nwLocation != null) {
                double latitude = nwLocation.getLatitude();
                double longitude = nwLocation.getLongitude();
                        "Mobile Location (NW): \nLatitude: " + latitude
                                + "\nLongitude: " + longitude,

            } else {



public void showSettingsAlert(String provider) {
    AlertDialog.Builder alertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(

    alertDialog.setTitle(provider + " SETTINGS");

            + " is not enabled! Want to go to settings menu?");

            new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
                    Intent intent = new Intent(

            new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
    getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);
    return true;



Next Class:

public class AppLocationService extends Service implements LocationListener {

protected LocationManager locationManager;
Location location;

private static final long MIN_DISTANCE_FOR_UPDATE = 10;
private static final long MIN_TIME_FOR_UPDATE = 1000 * 60 * 2;

public AppLocationService(Context context) {
    locationManager = (LocationManager) context

public Location getLocation(String provider) {
    if (locationManager.isProviderEnabled(provider)) {
        if (locationManager != null) {
            location = locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(provider);
            return location;
    return null;

public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {

public void onProviderDisabled(String provider) {

public void onProviderEnabled(String provider) {

public void onStatusChanged(String provider, int status, Bundle extras) {

public IBinder onBind(Intent arg0) {
    return null;


Don't forget to add in your manifest.

<!-- to get location using GPS -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />

<!-- to get location using NetworkProvider -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

Nodejs send file in response

You need use Stream to send file (archive) in a response, what is more you have to use appropriate Content-type in your response header.

There is an example function that do it:

const fs = require('fs');

// Where fileName is name of the file and response is Node.js Reponse. 
responseFile = (fileName, response) => {
  const filePath =  "/path/to/archive.rar" // or any file format

  // Check if file specified by the filePath exists 
  fs.exists(filePath, function(exists){
      if (exists) {     
        // Content-type is very interesting part that guarantee that
        // Web browser will handle response in an appropriate manner.
        response.writeHead(200, {
          "Content-Type": "application/octet-stream",
          "Content-Disposition": "attachment; filename=" + fileName
      } else {
        response.writeHead(400, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
        response.end("ERROR File does not exist");

The purpose of the Content-Type field is to describe the data contained in the body fully enough that the receiving user agent can pick an appropriate agent or mechanism to present the data to the user, or otherwise deal with the data in an appropriate manner.

"application/octet-stream" is defined as "arbitrary binary data" in RFC 2046, purpose of this content-type is to be saved to disk - it is what you really need.

"filename=[name of file]" specifies name of file which will be downloaded.

For more information please see this stackoverflow topic.


You can return json in PHP this way:

header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode(array('foo' => 'bar'));

Command not found error in Bash variable assignment

You cannot have spaces around the = sign.

When you write:

STR = "foo"

bash tries to run a command named STR with 2 arguments (the strings = and foo)

When you write:

STR =foo

bash tries to run a command named STR with 1 argument (the string =foo)

When you write:

STR= foo

bash tries to run the command foo with STR set to the empty string in its environment.

I'm not sure if this helps to clarify or if it is mere obfuscation, but note that:

  1. the first command is exactly equivalent to: STR "=" "foo",
  2. the second is the same as STR "=foo",
  3. and the last is equivalent to STR="" foo.

The relevant section of the sh language spec, section 2.9.1 states:

A "simple command" is a sequence of optional variable assignments and redirections, in any sequence, optionally followed by words and redirections, terminated by a control operator.

In that context, a word is the command that bash is going to run. Any string containing = (in any position other than at the beginning of the string) which is not a redirection and in which the portion of the string before the = is a valid variable name is a variable assignment, while any string that is not a redirection or a variable assignment is a command. In STR = "foo", STR is not a variable assignment.

Insert line at middle of file with Python?

You can just read the data into a list and insert the new record where you want.

names = []
with open('names.txt', 'r+') as fd:
    for line in fd:
        names.append(line.split(' ')[-1].strip())

    names.insert(2, "Charlie") # element 2 will be 3. in your list

    for i in xrange(len(names)):
        fd.write("%d. %s\n" %(i + 1, names[i]))

How to create empty data frame with column names specified in R?


> data.frame(aname=NA, bname=NA)[numeric(0), ]
[1] aname bname
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)

How to write an ArrayList of Strings into a text file?

You can do that with a single line of code nowadays. Create the arrayList and the Path object representing the file where you want to write into:

Path out = Paths.get("output.txt");
List<String> arrayList = new ArrayList<> ( Arrays.asList ( "a" , "b" , "c" ) );

Create the actual file, and fill it with the text in the ArrayList:


Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) (Mysql::Error)

This error happens if you did not set the password on install, in this case the mysql using unix-socket plugin.

But if delete the plugin link from settings (table mysql.user) will other problem. This does not fix the problem and creates another problem. To fix the deleted link and set password ("PWD") do:

1) Run with --skip-grant-tables as said above.

If it doesnt works then add the string skip-grant-tables in section [mysqld] of /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf. Then do sudo service mysql restart.

2) Run mysql -u root -p, then (change "PWD"):

update mysql.user 
    set authentication_string=PASSWORD("PWD"), plugin="mysql_native_password" 
    where User='root' and Host='localhost';    
flush privileges;

then sudo service mysql restart. Check: mysql -u root -p.

Before restart remove that string from file mysqld.cnf, if you set it there.

@bl79 is the author of this answer, i've just reposted it, because it does help!

Combine or merge JSON on node.js without jQuery

Lodash is a another powerful tool-belt option for these sorts of utilities. See: _.merge() (which is recursive)

var object = {
  'a': [{ 'b': 2 }, { 'd': 4 }]
var other = {
  'a': [{ 'c': 3 }, { 'e': 5 }]
_.merge(object, other);
// => { 'a': [{ 'b': 2, 'c': 3 }, { 'd': 4, 'e': 5 }] } 

youtube: link to display HD video by default

Nick Vogt at H3XED posted this syntax:

Take this link and replace the expression "VIDEOID" with the (shortened/shared) ID of the video.

Exapmple for ID: i3jNECZ3ybk looks like this: ... /v/i3jNECZ3ybk?version=3&vq=hd1080

What you get as a result is the standalone 1080p video but not in the Tube environment.

What is apache's maximum url length?

The official length according to the offical Apache docs is 8,192, but many folks have run into trouble at ~4,000.

MS Internet Explorer is usually the limiting factor anyway, as it caps the maximum URL size at 2,048.

how to sort order of LEFT JOIN in SQL query?

try this out:

   FROM `users`
   LEFT JOIN `cars`
   WHERE `id`='4'
   ORDER BY `carPrice` DESC
   LIMIT 1


Bootstrap 4 card-deck with number of columns based on viewport

There's simpler solution for that - set fixed height of card elements - header and body. This way, we can set resposive layout with standard boostrap column grid.

Here is my example:

 <div class="card-deck text-center">
    <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3">
        <div class="card mb-4">
            <img class="card-img-top img-fluid" src="//" alt="Card image cap">
            <div class="card-body" style="height: 20rem">
                <h4 class="card-title">1 Card title</h4>
                <p class="card-text">This is a longer card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This content is a little bit longer.</p>
                <p class="card-text"><small class="text-muted">Last updated 3 mins ago</small></p>

How to grep and replace

Other solutions mix regex syntaxes. To use perl/PCRE patterns for both search and replace, and only process matching files, this works quite well:

grep -rlIZPi 'match1' | xargs -0r perl -pi -e 's/match2/replace/gi;'

match1 and match2 are usually identical but match1 can be simplified to remove more advanced features that are only relevant to the substitution, e.g. capturing groups.

Translation: grep recursively and list matching filenames, each separated by nul to protect any special characters; pipe any filenames to xargs which is expecting a nul-separated list; if any filenames are received, pass them to perl to perform the actual substitutions.

For case-sensitive matching, drop the i flag from grep and the i pattern modifier from the s/// expression, but not the i flag from perl itself. Remove the I flag from grep to include binary files.

Why aren't variable-length arrays part of the C++ standard?

C99 allows VLA. And it puts some restrictions on how to declare VLA. For details, refer to of the standard. C++ disallows VLA. But g++ allows it.

Java: How to set Precision for double value?

The precision of double and float is fixed by their size and the way the IEEE floating point types are implemented.

The number of decimal digits in the output, on the other hand, is a matter of formatting. You are correct that typing the same constant over and over is a bad idea. You should declare a string constant instead, and use its symbolic representation.

private static final String DBL_FMT = "##.####";

Using a symbolic representation would let you change precision in all places the constant is used without searching through your code.

http://localhost:8080/ Access Error: 404 -- Not Found Cannot locate document: /

A tip for others: if you have NI applications installed, the NI Application Web Server also uses the port 8080.

python time + timedelta equivalent

If it's worth adding another file / dependency to your project, I've just written a tiny little class that extends datetime.time with the ability to do arithmetic. If you go past midnight, it just wraps around:

>>> from nptime import nptime
>>> from datetime import timedelta
>>> afternoon = nptime(12, 24) + timedelta(days=1, minutes=36)
>>> afternoon
nptime(13, 0)
>>> str(afternoon)

It's available from PyPi as nptime ("non-pedantic time"), or on GitHub:

The documentation is at

Could not open ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml]

Update: This will create a second context same as in applicationContext.xml

or you can add this code snippet to your web.xml


instead of


Android Studio Google JAR file causing GC overhead limit exceeded error

I forced closed all Java.exe from taskmanger, restarted Android Studio and it worked for me

enter image description here

What is the javascript filename naming convention?

I'm not aware of any particular convention for javascript files as they aren't really unique on the web versus css files or html files or any other type of file like that. There are some "safe" things you can do that make it less likely you will accidentally run into a cross platform issue:

  1. Use all lowercase filenames. There are some operating systems that are not case sensitive for filenames and using all lowercase prevents inadvertently using two files that differ only in case that might not work on some operating systems.
  2. Don't use spaces in the filename. While this technically can be made to work there are lots of reasons why spaces in filenames can lead to problems.
  3. A hyphen is OK for a word separator. If you want to use some sort of separator for multiple words instead of a space or camelcase as in various-scripts.js, a hyphen is a safe and useful and commonly used separator.
  4. Think about using version numbers in your filenames. When you want to upgrade your scripts, plan for the effects of browser or CDN caching. The simplest way to use long term caching (for speed and efficiency), but immediate and safe upgrades when you upgrade a JS file is to include a version number in the deployed filename or path (like jQuery does with jquery-1.6.2.js) and then you bump/change that version number whenever you upgrade/change the file. This will guarantee that no page that requests the newer version is ever served the older version from a cache.

Make the first character Uppercase in CSS

There's a property for that:

a.m_title {
    text-transform: capitalize;

If your links can contain multiple words and you only want the first letter of the first word to be uppercase, use :first-letter with a different transform instead (although it doesn't really matter). Note that in order for :first-letter to work your a elements need to be block containers (which can be display: block, display: inline-block, or any of a variety of other combinations of one or more properties):

a.m_title {
    display: block;

a.m_title:first-letter {
    text-transform: uppercase;

How to change a single value in a NumPy array?

Is this what you are after? Just index the element and assign a new value.


array([[ 1,  2,  3,  4],
       [ 5,  6,  7,  8],
       [ 9, 150, 11, 12],
       [13, 14, 15, 16]])

Find integer index of rows with NaN in pandas dataframe

Another simple solution is list(np.where(df['b'].isnull())[0])

How to disable margin-collapsing?

You can also use the good old micro clearfix for this.

#container::before, #container::after{
    content: ' ';
    display: table;

See updated fiddle:

"use database_name" command in PostgreSQL

You must specify the database to use on connect; if you want to use psql for your script, you can use "\c name_database"

user_name=# CREATE DATABASE testdatabase; 
user_name=# \c testdatabase 

At this point you might see the following output

You are now connected to database "testdatabase" as user "user_name".

Notice how the prompt changes. Cheers, have just been hustling looking for this too, too little information on postgreSQL compared to MySQL and the rest in my view.

Override hosts variable of Ansible playbook from the command line

For anyone who might come looking for the solution.
Play Book

- hosts: '{{ host }}'
  - debug: msg="Host is {{ ansible_fqdn }}"




Command: ansible-playbook deplyment.yml -i hosts --extra-vars "host=droplets" So you can specify the group name in the extra-vars

ASP.NET MVC: No parameterless constructor defined for this object

I had the same problem.

Just Removed HttpFileCollectionBase files from Post Action method argument and added like HttpFileCollectionBase files = Request.Files; in method body.

Allowing the "Enter" key to press the submit button, as opposed to only using MouseClick

You can use the top level containers root pane to set a default button, which will allow it to respond to the enter.


This, of course, assumes you've added the button to a valid container ;)


This is a basic example using the JRootPane#setDefaultButton and key bindings API

public class DefaultButton {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new DefaultButton();

    public DefaultButton() {
        EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                try {
                } catch (ClassNotFoundException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | UnsupportedLookAndFeelException ex) {

                JFrame frame = new JFrame("Test");
                frame.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
                frame.add(new TestPane());


    public class TestPane extends JPanel {

        private JButton button;
        private JLabel label;
        private int count;

        public TestPane() {

            label = new JLabel("Press the button");
            button = new JButton("Press me");

            setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
            GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
            gbc.gridy = 0;
            add(label, gbc);
            add(button, gbc);
            add(new JButton("No Action Here"), gbc);

            button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {


            InputMap im = button.getInputMap(WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT);
            ActionMap am = button.getActionMap();

            im.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE, 0), "spaced");
            am.put("spaced", new AbstractAction() {
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {



        public void addNotify() {

        protected void doButtonPressed(ActionEvent evt) {
            label.setText("Pressed " + count + " times");



This of course, assumes that the component with focus does not consume the key event in question (like the second button consuming the space or enter keys

NPM vs. Bower vs. Browserify vs. Gulp vs. Grunt vs. Webpack

What is webpack & webpack-dev-server? Official documentation says it's a module bundler but for me it's just a task runner. What's the difference?

webpack-dev-server is a live reloading web server that Webpack developers use to get immediate feedback what they do. It should only be used during development.

This project is heavily inspired by the nof5 unit test tool.

Webpack as the name implies will create a SINGLE package for the web. The package will be minimized, and combined into a single file (we still live in HTTP 1.1 age). Webpack does the magic of combining the resources (JavaScript, CSS, images) and injecting them like this: <script src="assets/bundle.js"></script>.

It can also be called module bundler because it must understand module dependencies, and how to grab the dependencies and to bundle them together.

Where would you use browserify? Can't we do the same with node/ES6 imports?

You could use Browserify on the exact same tasks where you would use Webpack. – Webpack is more compact, though.

Note that the ES6 module loader features in Webpack2 are using System.import, which not a single browser supports natively.

When would you use gulp/grunt over npm + plugins?

You can forget Gulp, Grunt, Brokoli, Brunch and Bower. Directly use npm command line scripts instead and you can eliminate extra packages like these here for Gulp:

var gulp        = require('gulp'),
  minifyCSS     = require('gulp-minify-css'),
  sass          = require('gulp-sass'),
  browserify    = require('gulp-browserify'),
  uglify        = require('gulp-uglify'),
  rename        = require('gulp-rename'),
  jshint        = require('gulp-jshint'),
  jshintStyle   = require('jshint-stylish'),
  replace       = require('gulp-replace'),
  notify        = require('gulp-notify'),

You can probably use Gulp and Grunt config file generators when creating config files for your project. This way you don't need to install Yeoman or similar tools.

How can I align YouTube embedded video in the center in bootstrap

An important thing to note / "Bootstrap" is just a bunch of CSS rules

a fiddle


<div class="your-centered-div">
    <img src=" Video 560x315" alt="" />


/* key stuff */
.your-centered-div {
    width: 560px; /* you have to have a size or this method doesn't work */
    height: 315px; /* think about making these max-width instead - might give you some more responsiveness */

    position: absolute; /* positions out of the flow, but according to the nearest parent */
    top: 0; right: 0; /* confuse it i guess */
    bottom: 0; left: 0;
    margin: auto; /* make em equal */

Fully working jsFiddle is here.


I mostly use this these days:

straight CSS

.centered-thing {
    position: absolute;
    margin: auto;
    top: 50%;
    left: 50%;
    transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

if your use stylus/mixins ( you should... it's the best )

    margin auto
    top 50%
    left 50%
    transform translate(-50%,-50%)

This way... you don't need to know the size of the element - and the translate is based of it's size - So, -50% of itself. Neat.

How do you make Git work with IntelliJ?

Literally, just restarted IntelliJ after it kept showing this "install git" message after I have pressed and installed git, and it disappeared, and git works

Hibernate SessionFactory vs. JPA EntityManagerFactory

By using EntityManager, code is no longer tightly coupled with hibernate. But for this, in usage we should use :


instead of


Similarly, for EntityManagerFactory, use javax interface. That way, the code is loosely coupled. If there is a better JPA 2 implementation than hibernate, switching would be easy. In extreme case, we could type cast to HibernateEntityManager.

Angular2 Routing with Hashtag to page anchor

Adding on to Kalyoyan's answer, this subscription is tied to the router and will live until the page is fully refreshed. When subscribing to router events in a component, be sure to unsubscribe in ngOnDestroy:

import { OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';
import { Router, NavigationEnd } from '@angular/router';
import { Subscription } from "rxjs/Rx";

class MyAppComponent implements OnDestroy {

  private subscription: Subscription;

  constructor(router: Router) {
    this.subscription = => {
      if (s instanceof NavigationEnd) {
        const tree = router.parseUrl(router.url);
        if (tree.fragment) {
          const element = document.querySelector("#" + tree.fragment);
          if (element) { element.scrollIntoView(element); }

  public ngOnDestroy() {

Getting error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of with no type

Your declaration is int ttTreeInsert(int value);

However, your definition/implementation is

ttTree::ttTreeInsert(int value)

Notice that the return type int is missing in the implementation. Instead it should be

int ttTree::ttTreeInsert(int value)
    return 1; // or some valid int

Unable to begin a distributed transaction

Found it, MSDTC on the remote server was a clone of the local server.

From the Windows Application Events Log:

Event Type: Error
Event Source: MSDTC
Event Category: CM
Event ID: 4101
Date: 9/19/2011
Time: 1:32:59 PM
User: N/A

The local MS DTC detected that the MS DTC on ASICMSTEST has the same unique identity as the local MS DTC. This means that the two MS DTC will not be able to communicate with each other. This problem typically occurs if one of the systems were cloned using unsupported cloning tools. MS DTC requires that the systems be cloned using supported cloning tools such as SYSPREP. Running 'msdtc -uninstall' and then 'msdtc -install' from the command prompt will fix the problem. Note: Running 'msdtc -uninstall' will result in the system losing all MS DTC configuration information.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at


msdtc -uninstall
msdtc -install

and then stopping and restarting SQL Server service fixed it.

passing JSON data to a Spring MVC controller

Add the following dependencies



Modify request as follows

    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
    data: jsonString, //Stringified Json Object
    async: false,    //Cross-domain requests and dataType: "jsonp" requests do not support synchronous operation
    cache: false,    //This will force requested pages not to be cached by the browser          
    processData:false, //To avoid making query String instead of JSON
    success: function(resposeJsonObject){
        // Success Message Handler

Controller side

@RequestMapping(value = urlPattern , method = RequestMethod.POST)
public @ResponseBody Person save(@RequestBody Person jsonString) {

   Person person=personService.savedata(jsonString);
   return person;

@RequestBody - Covert Json object to java
@ResponseBody- convert Java object to json

You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression

The simple answer for this one is that you have an undeclared (null) variable. In this case it is $md5. From the comment you put this needed to be declared elsewhere in your code

$md5 = new-object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider

The error was because you are trying to execute a method that does not exist.

PS C:\Users\Matt> $md5 | gm

   TypeName: System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider

Name                       MemberType Definition                                                                                                                            
----                       ---------- ----------                                                                                                                            
Clear                      Method     void Clear()                                                                                                                          
ComputeHash                Method     byte[] ComputeHash(System.IO.Stream inputStream), byte[] ComputeHash(byte[] buffer), byte[] ComputeHash(byte[] buffer, int offset, ...

The .ComputeHash() of $md5.ComputeHash() was the null valued expression. Typing in gibberish would create the same effect.

PS C:\Users\Matt> $bagel.MakeMeABagel()
You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
At line:1 char:1
+ $bagel.MakeMeABagel()
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull

PowerShell by default allows this to happen as defined its StrictMode

When Set-StrictMode is off, uninitialized variables (Version 1) are assumed to have a value of 0 (zero) or $Null, depending on type. References to non-existent properties return $Null, and the results of function syntax that is not valid vary with the error. Unnamed variables are not permitted.

std::wstring VS std::string

  1. when you want to use Unicode strings and not just ascii, helpful for internationalisation
  2. yes, but it doesn't play well with 0
  3. not aware of any that don't
  4. wide character is the compiler specific way of handling the fixed length representation of a unicode character, for MSVC it is a 2 byte character, for gcc I understand it is 4 bytes. and a +1 for

Extracting .jar file with command line

In Ubuntu:

unzip file.jar -d dir_name_where_extracting

Where can I find error log files?

On CentoS with cPanel installed my logs were in:


To watch: tail -f /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log

Apache default VirtualHost

The solution is:

NameVirtualHost *:80
Listen 80


<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName host1
    DocumentRoot /someDir

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName host2
    DocumentRoot /someOtherDir

<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot /defaultDir

In my case, to work, I created a VirtualHost (n.e. VirtualHost per CNAME) called since I have different files for different VirtualHosts and knowing that Apache reads them in alphabetical order.

How to set fake GPS location on IOS real device

Of course ios7 prohibits creating fake locations on real device.
For testing purpose there are two approches:
1) while device is connected to xcode, use the simulator and let it play a gpx track.

2) for real world testing, not connected to simu, one possibility is that your app, has a special modus built in, where you set it to "playback" mode. In that mode the app has to create the locations itself, using a timer of 1s, and creating a new CLLocation object.

3) A third possibility is described here:

ios Upload Image and Text using HTTP POST

Here is my similar network kit library for uploading files as multipart form:

WebRequest *request = [[WebRequest alloc] initWithPath:@"...documents/create.json"];

// optional attributes
request.delegate = delegate;
request.notificationName = @"NotificationDocumentUploaded";
request.queue = myQueue;

NSMutableData *body = [NSMutableData data];
NSString *boundary = @"TeslaSchoolProjectFormBoundary";

[body appendPartName:@"document[name]" value:@"Test" boundary:boundary];
[body appendPartName:@"document[description]" value:@"This is a description" boundary:boundary];
[body appendPartName:@"document[category]" value:@"Drama" boundary:boundary];
[body appendPartName:@"commit" value:@"Save" boundary:boundary];
NSData *fileData = [[NSData alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:someFileURL];
[body appendPartFile:fileName name:@"document[file]" data:fileData mimeType:mimeType boundary:boundary];
[body appendData:[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"--%@--\r\n", boundary] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];

[request setHTTPBody:body];

NSString *bodyLength = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%lu",(unsigned long)[body length]];
[request addValue:bodyLength forHTTPHeaderField:@"Content-Length"];
[request setValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"multipart/form-data; charset=utf-8; boundary=%@", boundary] forHTTPHeaderField:@"Content-Type"];

// optional values
[request addValue:@"gzip,deflate,sdch" forHTTPHeaderField:@"Accept-Encoding"];
[request addValue:@"max-age=0" forHTTPHeaderField:@"Cache-Control"];
[request addValue:@"text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8" forHTTPHeaderField:@"Accept"];
[request addValue:@"en-US,en;q=0.8,hr;q=0.6,it;q=0.4,sk;q=0.2,sl;q=0.2,sr;q=0.2" forHTTPHeaderField:@"Accept-Language"];

[request setHTTPMethod:@"POST"];
[WebRequestProcessor process:request];

Use the delegate for notifying about uploading progress.

Use the notificationName for notifying when request has finished.

Use the queue for adding this request into your operation queue so it will be processed in right time.

How to generate components in a specific folder with Angular CLI?

The above options were not working for me because unlike creating a directory or file in the terminal, when the CLI generates a component, it adds the path src/app by default to the path you enter.

If I generate the component from my main app folder like so (WRONG WAY)

ng g c ./src/app/child/grandchild 

the component that was generated was this:


so I only had to type

ng g c child/grandchild 

Hopefully this helps someone

Compile to a stand-alone executable (.exe) in Visual Studio

If I understand you correctly, yes you can, but not under Visual Studio (from what I know). To force the compiler to generate a real, standalone executable (which means you use C# like any other language) you use the program mkbundle (shipped with Mono). This will compile your C# app into a real, no dependency executable.

There is a lot of misconceptions about this around the internet. It does not defeat the purpose of the .net framework like some people state, because how can you lose future features of the .net framework if you havent used these features to begin with? And when you ship updates to your app, it's not exactly hard work to run it through the mkbundle processor before building your installer. There is also a speed benefit involved making your app run at native speed (because now it IS native).

In C++ or Delphi you have the same system, but without the middle MSIL layer. So if you use a namespace or sourcefile (called a unit under Delphi), then it's compiled and included in your final binary. So your final binary will be larger (Read: "Normal" size for a real app). The same goes for the parts of the framework you use in .net, these are also included in your app. However, smart linking does shave a conciderable amount.

Hope it helps!

How can I use interface as a C# generic type constraint?

I tried to do something similar and used a workaround solution: I thought about implicit and explicit operator on structure: The idea is to wrap the Type in a structure that can be converted into Type implicitly.

Here is such a structure:

public struct InterfaceType { private Type _type;

public InterfaceType(Type type)
    _type = type;

public static explicit operator Type(InterfaceType value)
    return value._type;

public static implicit operator InterfaceType(Type type)
    return new InterfaceType(type);

private static void CheckType(Type type)
    if (type == null) throw new NullReferenceException("The type cannot be null");
    if (!type.IsInterface) throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("The given type {0} is not an interface, thus is not supported", type.Name));


basic usage:

// OK
InterfaceType type1 = typeof(System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged);

// Throws an exception
InterfaceType type2 = typeof(WeakReference);

You have to imagine your own mecanism around this, but an example could be a method taken a InterfaceType in parameter instead of a type

this.MyMethod(typeof(IMyType)) // works
this.MyMethod(typeof(MyType)) // throws exception

A method to override that should returns interface types:

public virtual IEnumerable<InterfaceType> GetInterfaces()

There are maybe things to do with generics also, but I didn't tried

Hope this can help or gives ideas :-)

How do I disable TextBox using JavaScript?

Form elements can be accessed via the form's DOM element by name, not by "id" value. Give your form elements names if you want to access them like that, or else access them directly by "id" value:

document.getElementById("color").disabled = true;

edit — oh also, as pointed out by others, it's just "text", not "TextBox", for the "type" attribute.

You might want to invest a little time in reading some front-end development tutorials.

.ssh/config file for windows (git)

These instructions work fine in Linux. In Windows, they are not working for me today.

I found an answer that helps for me, maybe this will help OP. I kissed a lot of frogs trying to solve this. You need to add your new non-standard-named key file with "ssh-add"! Here's instruction for the magic bullet: Generating a new SSH key and adding it to the ssh-agent. Once you know the magic search terms are "add key with ssh-add in windows" you find plenty of other links.

If I were using Windows often, I'd find some way to make this permanent.

The ssh key agent looks for default "id_rsa" and other keys it knows about. The key you create with a non-standard name must be added to the ssh key agent.

First, I start the key agent in the Git BASH shell:

$ eval $(ssh-agent -s)
Agent pid 6276

$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/Paul_Johnson-windowsvm-20180318
Enter passphrase for /c/Users/pauljohn32/.ssh/Paul_Johnson-windowsvm-20180318:
Identity added: /c/Users/pauljohn32/.ssh/Paul_Johnson-windowsvm-20180318 (/c/Users/pauljohn32/.ssh/Paul_Johnson-windowsvm-20180318)

Then I change to the directory where I want to clone the repo

$ cd ~/Documents/GIT/

$ git clone [email protected]:test/spr2018.git
Cloning into 'spr2018'...
remote: Counting objects: 3, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (3/3), done.

I fought with this for a long long time.

Here are other things I tried along the way

At first I was certain it is because of file and folder permissions. On Linux, I have seen .ssh settings rejected if the folder is not set at 700. Windows has 711. In Windows, I cannot find any way to make permissions 700.

After fighting with that, I think it must not be the problem. Here's why. If the key is named "id_rsa" then git works! Git is able to connect to server. However, if I name the key file something else, and fix the config file in a consistent way, no matter what, then git fails to connect. That makes me think permissions are not the problem.

A thing you can do to debug this problem is to watch verbose output from ssh commands using the configured key.

In the git bash shell, run this

$ ssh -T git@name-of-your-server

Note, the user name should be "git" here. If your key is set up and the config file is found, you see this, as I just tested in my Linux system:

$ ssh -T [email protected]
Welcome to GitLab, Paul E. Johnson!

On the other hand, in Windows I have same trouble you do before applying "ssh-add". It wants git's password, which is always a fail.

$ ssh -T [email protected]
[email protected]'s password:

Again, If i manually copy my key to "id_rsa" and "", then this works fine. After running ssh-add, observe the victory in Windows Git BASH:

$ ssh -T [email protected]
Welcome to GitLab, Paul E. Johnson!

You would hear the sound of me dancing with joy if you were here.

To figure out what was going wrong, you can I run 'ssh' with "-Tvv"

In Linux, I see this when it succeeds:

debug1: Offering RSA public key: pauljohn@pols124
debug2: we sent a publickey packet, wait for reply
debug1: Server accepts key: pkalg ssh-rsa blen 279
debug2: input_userauth_pk_ok: fp SHA256:bCoIWSXE5fkOID4Kj9Axt2UOVsRZz9JW91RQDUoasVo
debug1: Authentication succeeded (publickey).

In Windows, when this fails, I see it looking for default names:

debug1: Found key in /c/Users/pauljohn32/.ssh/known_hosts:1
debug2: set_newkeys: mode 1
debug1: rekey after 4294967296 blocks
debug1: SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS sent
debug1: expecting SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS
debug1: SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS received
debug2: set_newkeys: mode 0
debug1: rekey after 4294967296 blocks
debug2: key: /c/Users/pauljohn32/.ssh/id_rsa (0x0)
debug2: key: /c/Users/pauljohn32/.ssh/id_dsa (0x0)
debug2: key: /c/Users/pauljohn32/.ssh/id_ecdsa (0x0)
debug2: key: /c/Users/pauljohn32/.ssh/id_ed25519 (0x0)
debug2: service_accept: ssh-userauth
debug1: SSH2_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT received
debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic,password
debug1: Next authentication method: publickey
debug1: Trying private key: /c/Users/pauljohn32/.ssh/id_rsa
debug1: Trying private key: /c/Users/pauljohn32/.ssh/id_dsa
debug1: Trying private key: /c/Users/pauljohn32/.ssh/id_ecdsa
debug1: Trying private key: /c/Users/pauljohn32/.ssh/id_ed25519
debug2: we did not send a packet, disable method
debug1: Next authentication method: password
[email protected]'s password:

That was the hint I needed, it says it finds my ~/.ssh/config file but never tries the key I want it to try.

I only use Windows once in a long while and it is frustrating. Maybe the people who use Windows all the time fix this and forget it.

Using the && operator in an if statement

So to make your expression work, changing && for -a will do the trick.

It is correct like this:

 if [ -f $VAR1 ] && [ -f $VAR2 ] && [ -f $VAR3 ]
 then  ....

or like

 if [[ -f $VAR1 && -f $VAR2 && -f $VAR3 ]]
 then  ....

or even

 if [ -f $VAR1 -a -f $VAR2 -a -f $VAR3 ]
 then  ....

You can find further details in this question bash : Multiple Unary operators in if statement and some references given there like What is the difference between test, [ and [[ ?.

jackson deserialization json to java-objects

You have to change the line

product userFromJSON = mapper.readValue(userDataJSON, product.class);


product[] userFromJSON = mapper.readValue(userDataJSON, product[].class);

since you are deserializing an array (btw: you should start your class names with upper case letters as mentioned earlier). Additionally you have to create setter methods for your fields or mark them as public in order to make this work.

Edit: You can also go with Steven Schlansker's suggestion and use

List<product> userFromJSON =
        mapper.readValue(userDataJSON, new TypeReference<List<product>>() {});

instead if you want to avoid arrays.

Sending mail attachment using Java

If you allow me, it works fine also for multi-attachments, the 1st above answer of NINCOMPOOP, with just a little modification like follows:

DataSource source,source2,source3,source4, ...;  
source = new FileDataSource(myfile);  
messageBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(source));  

source2 = new FileDataSource(myfile2);  
messageBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(source2));  

source3 = new FileDataSource(myfile3);  
messageBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(source3));  

source4 = new FileDataSource(myfile4);  
messageBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(source4));  



Converting a String to a List of Words?

This is from my attempt on a coding challenge that can't use regex,

outputList = "".join((c if c.isalnum() or c=="'" else ' ') for c in inputStr ).split(' ')

The role of apostrophe seems interesting.

Determining 32 vs 64 bit in C++

template<int> void DoMyOperationHelper();

template<> void DoMyOperationHelper<4>() 
  // do 32-bits operations

template<> void DoMyOperationHelper<8>() 
  // do 64-bits operations

// helper function just to hide clumsy syntax
inline void DoMyOperation() { DoMyOperationHelper<sizeof(size_t)>(); }

int main()
  // appropriate function will be selected at compile time 

  return 0;

Convert all strings in a list to int

Here is a simple solution with explanation for your query.

 a=['1','2','3','4','5'] #The integer represented as a string in this list
 b=[] #Fresh list
 for i in a: #Declaring variable (i) as an item in the list (a).
     b.append(int(i)) #Look below for explanation

Here, append() is used to add items ( i.e integer version of string (i) in this program ) to the end of the list (b).

Note: int() is a function that helps to convert an integer in the form of string, back to its integer form.

Output console:

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

So, we can convert the string items in the list to an integer only if the given string is entirely composed of numbers or else an error will be generated.

Get the Application Context In Fragment In Android?

In Kotlin we can get application context in fragment using this


How do you write multiline strings in Go?

From String literals:

  • raw string literal supports multiline (but escaped characters aren't interpreted)
  • interpreted string literal interpret escaped characters, like '\n'.

But, if your multi-line string has to include a backquote (`), then you will have to use an interpreted string literal:

`line one
  line two ` +
"`" + `line three
line four`

You cannot directly put a backquote (`) in a raw string literal (``xx\).
You have to use (as explained in "how to put a backquote in a backquoted string?"):

 + "`" + ...

Gnuplot line types

Until version 4.6

The dash type of a linestyle is given by the linetype, which does also select the line color unless you explicitely set an other one with linecolor.

However, the support for dashed lines depends on the selected terminal:

  1. Some terminals don't support dashed lines, like png (uses libgd)
  2. Other terminals, like pngcairo, support dashed lines, but it is disables by default. To enable it, use set termoption dashed, or set terminal pngcairo dashed ....
  3. The exact dash patterns differ between terminals. To see the defined linetype, use the test command:


set terminal pngcairo dashed
set output 'test.png'
set output


enter image description here

whereas, the postscript terminal shows different dash patterns:

set terminal postscript eps color colortext
set output 'test.eps'
set output

enter image description here

Version 5.0

Starting with version 5.0 the following changes related to linetypes, dash patterns and line colors are introduced:

  • A new dashtype parameter was introduced:

    To get the predefined dash patterns, use e.g.

    plot x dashtype 2

    You can also specify custom dash patterns like

    plot x dashtype (3,5,10,5),\
         2*x dashtype '.-_'
  • The terminal options dashed and solid are ignored. By default all lines are solid. To change them to dashed, use e.g.

    set for [i=1:8] linetype i dashtype i
  • The default set of line colors was changed. You can select between three different color sets with set colorsequence default|podo|classic:

enter image description here

How to edit nginx.conf to increase file size upload

You can increase client_max_body_size and upload_max_filesize + post_max_size all day long. Without adjusting HTTP timeout it will never work.

//You need to adjust this, and probably on PHP side also. client_body_timeout 2min // 1GB fileupload

How can I show line numbers in Eclipse?

The top answer is good but you can also bind it to a key ( shorcut ) to toggle it..

Window > Preferences > Keys then enter "Line Numbers" in filter and bind it to a key.

I use CTRL + S + L.

Java Returning method which returns arraylist?

List<Integer> numbers = new TheClassName().myNumbers();

What is the correct way to write HTML using Javascript?

I'm not particularly great at JavaScript or its best practices, but document.write() along with innerHtml() basically allows you to write out strings that may or may not be valid HTML; it's just characters. By using the DOM, you ensure proper, standards-compliant HTML that will keep your page from breaking via plainly bad HTML.

And, as Tom mentioned, JavaScript is done after the page is loaded; it'd probably be a better practice to have the initial setup for your page to be done via standard HTML (via .html files or whatever your server does [i.e. php]).

how to set the background color of the whole page in css

I already wrote up the answer to this but it seems to have been deleted. The issue was that YUI added background-color:white to the HTML element. I overwrote that and everything was easy to handle from there.

Delete a closed pull request from GitHub

There is no way you can delete a pull request yourself -- you and the repo owner (and all users with push access to it) can close it, but it will remain in the log. This is part of the philosophy of not denying/hiding what happened during development.

However, if there are critical reasons for deleting it (this is mainly violation of Github Terms of Service), Github support staff will delete it for you.

Whether or not they are willing to delete your PR for you is something you can easily ask them, just drop them an email at [email protected]

UPDATE: Currently Github requires support requests to be created here:

How to get JSON object from Razor Model object in javascript

In ASP.NET Core the IJsonHelper.Serialize() returns IHtmlContent so you don't need to wrap it with a call to Html.Raw().

It should be as simple as:

  var json = @Json.Serialize(Model.CollegeInformationlist);

Download image with JavaScript

As @Ian explained, the problem is that jQuery's click() is not the same as the native one.

Therefore, consider using vanilla-js instead of jQuery:

var a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = "img.png"; = "output.png";


How do I run SSH commands on remote system using Java?

I created solution based on JSch library:

import com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelExec
import com.jcraft.jsch.JSch
import com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException
import com.jcraft.jsch.Session

import static java.util.Arrays.asList

class RunCommandViaSsh {

    private static final String SSH_HOST = ""
    private static final String SSH_LOGIN = "username"
    private static final String SSH_PASSWORD = "password"

    public static void main() {
        System.out.println(runCommand("ls -la"));

    private static List<String> runCommand(String command) {
        Session session = setupSshSession();

        ChannelExec channel = (ChannelExec) session.openChannel("exec");
        try {
            InputStream output = channel.getInputStream();

            String result = CharStreams.toString(new InputStreamReader(output));
            return asList(result.split("\n"));

        } catch (JSchException | IOException e) {
            closeConnection(channel, session)
            throw new RuntimeException(e)

        } finally {
            closeConnection(channel, session)

    private static Session setupSshSession() {
        Session session = new JSch().getSession(SSH_LOGIN, SSH_HOST, 22);
        session.setConfig("PreferredAuthentications", "publickey,keyboard-interactive,password");
        session.setConfig("StrictHostKeyChecking", "no"); // disable check for RSA key
        return session;

    private static void closeConnection(ChannelExec channel, Session session) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception ignored) {

List all the files and folders in a Directory with PHP recursive function

This is a little modification of majicks answer.
I just changed the array structure returned by the function.


array() => {
    [0] => "test/test.txt"


array() => {
    'test/test.txt' => "test.txt"

 * @param string $dir
 * @param bool   $recursive
 * @param string $basedir
 * @return array
function getFileListAsArray(string $dir, bool $recursive = true, string $basedir = ''): array {
    if ($dir == '') {
        return array();
    } else {
        $results = array();
        $subresults = array();
    if (!is_dir($dir)) {
        $dir = dirname($dir);
    } // so a files path can be sent
    if ($basedir == '') {
        $basedir = realpath($dir) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;

    $files = scandir($dir);
    foreach ($files as $key => $value) {
        if (($value != '.') && ($value != '..')) {
            $path = realpath($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $value);
            if (is_dir($path)) { // do not combine with the next line or..
                if ($recursive) { // ..non-recursive list will include subdirs
                    $subdirresults = self::getFileListAsArray($path, $recursive, $basedir);
                    $results = array_merge($results, $subdirresults);
            } else { // strip basedir and add to subarray to separate file list
                $subresults[str_replace($basedir, '', $path)] = $value;
    // merge the subarray to give the list of files then subdirectory files
    if (count($subresults) > 0) {
        $results = array_merge($subresults, $results);
    return $results;

Might help for those having the exact same expected results like me.

How to remove an id attribute from a div using jQuery?

The capitalization is wrong, and you have an extra argument.

Do this instead:


For future reference, there aren't any jQuery methods that begin with a capital letter. They all take the same form as this one, starting with a lower case, and the first letter of each joined "word" is upper case.

phpMyAdmin - configuration?

Have a look at you will find examples of the configuration directives that you should copy to your (copy the missing ones). Then, have a look at examples/create_tables.sql which will help you create the missing tables.

The complete documentation for this is available at

Find text in string with C#

  string WordInBetween(string sentence, string wordOne, string wordTwo)

            int start = sentence.IndexOf(wordOne) + wordOne.Length + 1;

            int end = sentence.IndexOf(wordTwo) - start - 1;

            return sentence.Substring(start, end);


Global variables in Javascript across multiple files

The variable can be declared in the .js file and simply referenced in the HTML file. My version of helpers.js:

var myFunctionWasCalled = false;

function doFoo()
    if (!myFunctionWasCalled) {
        alert("doFoo called for the very first time!");
        myFunctionWasCalled = true;
    else {
        alert("doFoo called again");

And a page to test it:

<title>Test Page</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="helpers.js"></script>


<p>myFunctionWasCalled is
<script type="text/javascript">document.write(myFunctionWasCalled);</script>

<script type="text/javascript">doFoo();</script>

<p>Some stuff in between</p>

<script type="text/javascript">doFoo();</script>

<p>myFunctionWasCalled is
<script type="text/javascript">document.write(myFunctionWasCalled);</script>


You'll see the test alert() will display two different things, and the value written to the page will be different the second time.

MySQL "incorrect string value" error when save unicode string in Django

If it's a new project, I'd just drop the database, and create a new one with a proper charset:


How to do this in Laravel, subquery where in

Consider this code:

Products::whereIn('id', function($query){
    ->from(with(new ProductCategory)->getTable())
    ->whereIn('category_id', ['223', '15'])
    ->where('active', 1);

What's the best practice to "git clone" into an existing folder?

Lots of answers already to do it the way that the OP asked. But it worth noting that doing it the opposite way around is far simpler:

git clone repo-url tmp/
cp -R working/ tmp/

You now have the desired target state - fresh clone + local-changes.

Open CSV file via VBA (performance)

This function reads a CSV file of 15MB and copies its content into a sheet in about 3 secs. What is probably taking a lot of time in your code is the fact that you copy data cell by cell instead of putting the whole content at once.

Option Explicit

Public Sub test()

  copyDataFromCsvFileToSheet "C:\temp\test.csv", ",", "Sheet1"

End Sub

Private Sub copyDataFromCsvFileToSheet(parFileName As String, parDelimiter As String, parSheetName As String)

  Dim data As Variant

  data = getDataFromFile(parFileName, parDelimiter)
  If Not isArrayEmpty(data) Then
    With Sheets(parSheetName)
      .Cells(1, 1).Resize(UBound(data, 1), UBound(data, 2)) = data
    End With
  End If

End Sub

Public Function isArrayEmpty(parArray As Variant) As Boolean
'Returns false if not an array or dynamic array that has not been initialised (ReDim) or has been erased (Erase)

  If IsArray(parArray) = False Then isArrayEmpty = True
  On Error Resume Next
  If UBound(parArray) < LBound(parArray) Then isArrayEmpty = True: Exit Function Else: isArrayEmpty = False

End Function

Private Function getDataFromFile(parFileName As String, parDelimiter As String, Optional parExcludeCharacter As String = "") As Variant
'parFileName is supposed to be a delimited file (csv...)
'parDelimiter is the delimiter, "," for example in a comma delimited file
'Returns an empty array if file is empty or can't be opened
'number of columns based on the line with the largest number of columns, not on the first line
'parExcludeCharacter: sometimes csv files have quotes around strings: "XXX" - if parExcludeCharacter = """" then removes the quotes

  Dim locLinesList() As Variant
  Dim locData As Variant
  Dim i As Long
  Dim j As Long
  Dim locNumRows As Long
  Dim locNumCols As Long
  Dim fso As Variant
  Dim ts As Variant
  Const REDIM_STEP = 10000

  Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

  On Error GoTo error_open_file
  Set ts = fso.OpenTextFile(parFileName)
  On Error GoTo unhandled_error

  'Counts the number of lines and the largest number of columns
  ReDim locLinesList(1 To 1) As Variant
  i = 0
  Do While Not ts.AtEndOfStream
    If i Mod REDIM_STEP = 0 Then
      ReDim Preserve locLinesList(1 To UBound(locLinesList, 1) + REDIM_STEP) As Variant
    End If
    locLinesList(i + 1) = Split(ts.ReadLine, parDelimiter)
    j = UBound(locLinesList(i + 1), 1) 'number of columns
    If locNumCols < j Then locNumCols = j
    i = i + 1


  locNumRows = i

  If locNumRows = 0 Then Exit Function 'Empty file

  ReDim locData(1 To locNumRows, 1 To locNumCols + 1) As Variant

  'Copies the file into an array
  If parExcludeCharacter <> "" Then

    For i = 1 To locNumRows
      For j = 0 To UBound(locLinesList(i), 1)
        If Left(locLinesList(i)(j), 1) = parExcludeCharacter Then
          If Right(locLinesList(i)(j), 1) = parExcludeCharacter Then
            locLinesList(i)(j) = Mid(locLinesList(i)(j), 2, Len(locLinesList(i)(j)) - 2)       'If locTempArray = "", Mid returns ""
            locLinesList(i)(j) = Right(locLinesList(i)(j), Len(locLinesList(i)(j)) - 1)
          End If
        ElseIf Right(locLinesList(i)(j), 1) = parExcludeCharacter Then
          locLinesList(i)(j) = Left(locLinesList(i)(j), Len(locLinesList(i)(j)) - 1)
        End If
        locData(i, j + 1) = locLinesList(i)(j)
      Next j
    Next i


    For i = 1 To locNumRows
      For j = 0 To UBound(locLinesList(i), 1)
        locData(i, j + 1) = locLinesList(i)(j)
      Next j
    Next i

  End If

  getDataFromFile = locData

  Exit Function

error_open_file:             'returns empty variant
unhandled_error:             'returns empty variant

End Function

how to rotate a bitmap 90 degrees

Short extension for Kotlin

fun Bitmap.rotate(degrees: Float): Bitmap {
    val matrix = Matrix().apply { postRotate(degrees) }
    return Bitmap.createBitmap(this, 0, 0, width, height, matrix, true)

And usage:

val rotatedBitmap = bitmap.rotate(90f)

How to open a Bootstrap modal window using jQuery?

Check out the complete solution here:

Make sure to put libraries in required order to get result:

1- First bootstrap.min.css 2- jquery.min.js 3- bootstrap.min.js

(In other words jquery.min.js must be call before bootstrap.min.js)

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

<script src="">

 <script src=""></script>

How to initialize var?

Why wouldn't this be possible?

var theNameOfTheVar = (TheType)null;


var name = (string)null;

Simple as that.

convert string to number node.js

Using parseInt() is a bad idea mainly because it never fails. Also because some results can be unexpected, like in the case of INFINITY.
Below is the function for handling unexpected behaviour.

function cleanInt(x) {
    x = Number(x);
    return x >= 0 ? Math.floor(x) : Math.ceil(x);

See results of below test cases.

console.log("CleanInt: ", cleanInt('xyz'), " ParseInt: ", parseInt('xyz'));
console.log("CleanInt: ", cleanInt('123abc'), " ParseInt: ", parseInt('123abc'));
console.log("CleanInt: ", cleanInt('234'), " ParseInt: ", parseInt('234'));
console.log("CleanInt: ", cleanInt('-679'), " ParseInt: ", parseInt('-679'));
console.log("CleanInt: ", cleanInt('897.0998'), " ParseInt: ", parseInt('897.0998'));
console.log("CleanInt: ", cleanInt('Infinity'), " ParseInt: ", parseInt('Infinity'));


CleanInt:  NaN  ParseInt:  NaN
CleanInt:  NaN  ParseInt:  123
CleanInt:  234  ParseInt:  234
CleanInt:  -679  ParseInt:  -679
CleanInt:  897  ParseInt:  897
CleanInt:  Infinity  ParseInt:  NaN

Can you append strings to variables in PHP?

PHP syntax is little different in case of concatenation from JavaScript. Instead of (+) plus a (.) period is used for string concatenation.


$selectBox = '<select name="number">';
for ($i=1;$i<=100;$i++)
    $selectBox += '<option value="' . $i . '">' . $i . '</option>'; // <-- (Wrong) Replace + with .
    $selectBox .= '<option value="' . $i . '">' . $i . '</option>'; // <-- (Correct) Here + is replaced .
$selectBox += '</select>'; // <-- (Wrong) Replace + with .
$selectBox .= '</select>'; // <-- (Correct) Here + is replaced .
echo $selectBox;


CardView not showing Shadow in Android L

Do not forget that to draw shadow you must use hardwareAccelerated drawing

hardwareAccelerated = true

enter image description here

hardwareAccelerated = false

hardwareAccelerated CardView

See Android Hardware Acceleration for details

pod install -bash: pod: command not found

We were using an incompatible version of Ruby inside of Terminal (Mac), but once we used RVM to switch to Ruby 2.1.2, Cocoapods came back.

How to Lock/Unlock screen programmatically?

Use Activity.getWindow() to get the window of your activity; use Window.addFlags() to add whichever of the following flags in WindowManager.LayoutParams that you desire:

How to define a two-dimensional array?

Here is the code snippet for creating a matrix in python:

# get the input rows and cols
rows = int(input("rows : "))
cols = int(input("Cols : "))

# initialize the list
l=[[0]*cols for i in range(rows)]

# fill some random values in it
for i in range(0,rows):
    for j in range(0,cols):
        l[i][j] = i+j

# print the list
for i in range(0,rows):
    for j in range(0,cols):
        print(l[i][j],end=" ")

Please suggest if I have missed something.

Change width of select tag in Twitter Bootstrap

This works for me to reduce select tag's width;

<select id ="Select1" class="input-small">

You can use any one of these classes;






Permission is only granted to system app

Path In Android Studio in mac:

Android Studio -> Preferences -> Editor -> Inspections

Expand Android -> Expand Lint -> Expand Correctness

Uncheck the checkbox for Using system app permission

Click on "APPLY" -> "OK"

How to read a local text file?

Using Fetch and async function

const logFileText = async file => {
    const response = await fetch(file)
    const text = await response.text()


Angular JS - angular.forEach - How to get key of the object?

var obj = {name: 'Krishna', gender: 'male'};
angular.forEach(obj, function(value, key) {
    console.log(key + ': ' + value);

yields the attributes of obj with their respective values:

name: Krishna
gender: male

How can I get browser to prompt to save password?

add a bit more information to @Michal Roharik 's answer.

if your ajax call will return a return url, you should use jquery to change the form action attribute to that url before calling form.submit


$(form).attr('action', ReturnPath);
form.submitted = false;

Security of REST authentication schemes

If you require the hash of the body as one of the parameters in the URL and that URL is signed via a private key, then a man-in-the-middle attack would only be able to replace the body with content that would generate the same hash. Easy to do with MD5 hash values now at least and when SHA-1 is broken, well, you get the picture.

To secure the body from tampering, you would need to require a signature of the body, which a man-in-the-middle attack would be less likely to be able to break since they wouldn't know the private key that generates the signature.

Jquery change <p> text programmatically

Try the following, note that when user refreshes the page, the value is "Male" again, data should be stored on database.

<p id="pTest">Male</p>


Blocking device rotation on mobile web pages

Simple Javascript code to make mobile browser display either in portrait or landscape..

(Even though you have to enter html code twice in the two DIVs (one for each mode), arguably this will load faster than using javascript to change the stylesheet...

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Mobile Device</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Detect whether device supports orientationchange event, otherwise fall back to
// the resize event.
var supportsOrientationChange = "onorientationchange" in window,
    orientationEvent = supportsOrientationChange ? "orientationchange" : "resize";

window.addEventListener(orientationEvent, function() {
      document.getElementById('portrait').style.display = '';
      document.getElementById('landscape').style.display = 'none';
    else if(window.orientation==90)
      document.getElementById('portrait').style.display = 'none';
      document.getElementById('landscape').style.display = '';
}, false);
<meta name="HandheldFriendly" content="true" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, height=device-height, user-scalable=no" />
<div id="portrait" style="width:100%;height:100%;font-size:20px;">Portrait</div>
<div id="landscape" style="width:100%;height:100%;font-size:20px;">Landscape</div>

<script type="text/javascript">
  document.getElementById('portrait').style.display = '';
  document.getElementById('landscape').style.display = 'none';
else if(window.orientation==90)
  document.getElementById('portrait').style.display = 'none';
  document.getElementById('landscape').style.display = '';

Tested and works on Android HTC Sense and Apple iPad.

What do these three dots in React do?

It is called spreads syntax in javascript.

It use for destructuring an array or object in javascript.


const objA = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }
const objB = { ...objA, d: 1 }
/* result of objB will be { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 1 } */

const objC = { ....objA, a: 3 }
/* result of objC will be { a: 3, b: 2, c: 3, d: 1 } */

You can do it same result with Object.assign() function in javascript.

Reference:Spread syntax

How to parse XML and count instances of a particular node attribute?

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
data = '''<foo>
               <type foobar="1"/>
               <type foobar="2"/>
tree = ET.fromstring(data)
lst = tree.findall('bar/type')
for item in lst:
    print item.get('foobar')

This will print the value of the foobar attribute.

How to pip install a package with min and max version range?

An elegant method would be to use the ~= compatible release operator according to PEP 440. In your case this would amount to:


As an example, if the following versions exist, it would choose 0.5.9:

  • 0.5.0
  • 0.5.9
  • 0.6.0

For clarification, each pair is equivalent:

~= 0.5.0
>= 0.5.0, == 0.5.*

~= 0.5
>= 0.5, == 0.*

Make XAMPP / Apache serve file outside of htdocs folder

If you're trying to get XAMPP to use a network drive as your document root you have to use UNC paths in httpd.conf. XAMPP will not recognize your mapped network drives.

For example the following won't work, DocumentRoot "X:/webroot"

But this will, DocumentRoot "//" (note the forward slashes, not back slashes)

How to make an input type=button act like a hyperlink and redirect using a get request?

    <script type="text/javascript">
function newPage(num) {
var url=new Array();
// -->
<form action="#">
<div id="container">
<input class="butts" type="button" value="htmlforums" onclick="newPage(0)"/>
<input class="butts" type="button" value="codingforums" onclick="newPage(1)"/>
<input class="butts" type="button" value="w3schools" onclick="newPage(2)"/>
<input class="butts" type="button" value="webmasterworld" onclick="newPage(3)"/>

Here's the other way, it's simpler than the other one.

<input id="inp" type="button" value="Home Page" onclick="location.href='AdminPage.jsp';" />

It's simpler.

Python extract pattern matches

Maybe that's a bit shorter and easier to understand:

import re
text = '... someline abc... someother line... name my_user_name is valid.. some more lines'
>>>'name (.*) is valid', text).group(1)

Sorting Python list based on the length of the string

def lensort(list_1):
for i in list_1:
list_2.sort(key = lambda x : x[1])
for i in list_2:
return list_3

This works for me!

Returning an empty array

Both foo() and bar() may generate warnings in some IDEs. For example, IntelliJ IDEA will generate a Allocation of zero-length array warning.

An alternative approach is to use Apache Commons Lang 3 ArrayUtils.toArray() function with empty arguments:

public File[] bazz() {
    return ArrayUtils.toArray();

This approach is both performance and IDE friendly, yet requires a 3rd party dependency. However, if you already have commons-lang3 in your classpath, you could even use statically-defined empty arrays for primitive types:

public String[] bazz() {
    return ArrayUtils.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;

Chain-calling parent initialisers in python

The way you are doing it is indeed the recommended one (for Python 2.x).

The issue of whether the class is passed explicitly to super is a matter of style rather than functionality. Passing the class to super fits in with Python's philosophy of "explicit is better than implicit".

Convert JSON string to dict using Python

If you trust the data source, you can use eval to convert your string into a dictionary:



>>> x = "{'a' : 1, 'b' : True, 'c' : 'C'}"
>>> y = eval(x)

>>> print x
{'a' : 1, 'b' : True, 'c' : 'C'}
>>> print y
{'a': 1, 'c': 'C', 'b': True}

>>> print type(x), type(y)
<type 'str'> <type 'dict'>

>>> print y['a'], type(y['a'])
1 <type 'int'>

>>> print y['a'], type(y['b'])
1 <type 'bool'>

>>> print y['a'], type(y['c'])
1 <type 'str'>

center image in div with overflow hidden

You should make the container relative and give it a height as well and you're done.

.main {_x000D_
  width: 300px;_x000D_
  margin: 0 auto;_x000D_
  overflow: hidden;_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  height: 200px;_x000D_
img.absolute {_x000D_
  left: 50%;_x000D_
  margin-left: -200px;_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
<div class="main">_x000D_
  <img class="absolute" src="" alt="" />_x000D_
<br />_x000D_
<img src="" alt="" />

If you want to you can also center the image vertically by adding a negative margin and top position:

compare differences between two tables in mysql

I found another solution in this link

SELECT MIN (tbl_name) AS tbl_name, PK, column_list
  SELECT ' source_table ' as tbl_name, S.PK, S.column_list
  FROM source_table AS S
  SELECT 'destination_table' as tbl_name, D.PK, D.column_list
  FROM destination_table AS D 
)  AS alias_table
GROUP BY PK, column_list

Ansible - Use default if a variable is not defined

If you are assigning default value for boolean fact then ensure that no quotes is used inside default().

- name: create bool default
    name: "{{ my_bool | default(true) }}"

For other variables used the same method given in verified answer.

- name: Create user
    name: "{{ my_variable | default('default_value') }}"

how to check for datatype in node js- specifically for integer

I just made some tests in node.js v4.2.4 (but this is true in any javascript implementation):

> typeof NaN
> isNaN(NaN)
> isNaN("hello")

the surprise is the first one as type of NaN is "number", but that is how it is defined in javascript.

So the next test brings up unexpected result

> typeof Number("hello")

because Number("hello") is NaN

The following function makes results as expected:

function isNumeric(n){
  return (typeof n == "number" && !isNaN(n));

How to order events bound with jQuery

JQuery 1.5 introduces promises, and here's the simplest implementation I've seen to control order of execution. Full documentation at

$.when( $('#myDiv').css('background-color', 'red') )
 .then( alert('hi!') )
 .then( myClickFunction( $('#myID') ) )
 .then( myThingToRunAfterClick() );

How to include another XHTML in XHTML using JSF 2.0 Facelets?

Included page:

<!-- opening and closing tags of included page -->
<ui:composition ...>

Including page:

<!--the inclusion line in the including page with the content-->
<ui:include src="yourFile.xhtml"/>
  • You start your included xhtml file with ui:composition as shown above.
  • You include that file with ui:include in the including xhtml file as also shown above.

pandas groupby sort within groups

What you want to do is actually again a groupby (on the result of the first groupby): sort and take the first three elements per group.

Starting from the result of the first groupby:

In [60]: df_agg = df.groupby(['job','source']).agg({'count':sum})

We group by the first level of the index:

In [63]: g = df_agg['count'].groupby('job', group_keys=False)

Then we want to sort ('order') each group and take the first three elements:

In [64]: res = g.apply(lambda x: x.sort_values(ascending=False).head(3))

However, for this, there is a shortcut function to do this, nlargest:

In [65]: g.nlargest(3)
job     source
market  A         5
        D         4
        B         3
sales   E         7
        C         6
        B         4
dtype: int64

So in one go, this looks like:

df_agg['count'].groupby('job', group_keys=False).nlargest(3)

How can I fix the form size in a C# Windows Forms application and not to let user change its size?

Check this:

// Define the border style of the form to a dialog box.
form1.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog;

// Set the MaximizeBox to false to remove the maximize box.
form1.MaximizeBox = false;

// Set the MinimizeBox to false to remove the minimize box.
form1.MinimizeBox = false;

// Set the start position of the form to the center of the screen.
form1.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;

// Display the form as a modal dialog box.

Best practices for copying files with Maven

I can only assume that your ${project.server.config} property is something custom defined and is outside of the standard directory layout.

If so, then I'd use the copy task.

Combine multiple Collections into a single logical Collection?

Here is my solution for that:

EDIT - changed code a little bit

public static <E> Iterable<E> concat(final Iterable<? extends E> list1, Iterable<? extends E> list2)
    return new Iterable<E>()
        public Iterator<E> iterator()
            return new Iterator<E>()
                protected Iterator<? extends E> listIterator = list1.iterator();
                protected Boolean checkedHasNext;
                protected E nextValue;
                private boolean startTheSecond;

                public void theNext()
                    if (listIterator.hasNext())
                        checkedHasNext = true;
                        nextValue =;
                    else if (startTheSecond)
                        checkedHasNext = false;
                        startTheSecond = true;
                        listIterator = list2.iterator();

                public boolean hasNext()
                    if (checkedHasNext == null)
                    return checkedHasNext;

                public E next()
                    if (!hasNext())
                        throw new NoSuchElementException();
                    checkedHasNext = null;
                    return nextValue;


                public void remove()

Python truncate a long string

Here's a function I made as part of a new String class... It allows adding a suffix ( if the string is size after trimming and adding it is long enough - although you don't need to force the absolute size )

I was in the process of changing a few things around so there are some useless logic costs ( if _truncate ... for instance ) where it is no longer necessary and there is a return at the top...

But, it is still a good function for truncating data...

## Truncate characters of a string after _len'nth char, if necessary... If _len is less than 0, don't truncate anything... Note: If you attach a suffix, and you enable absolute max length then the suffix length is subtracted from max length... Note: If the suffix length is longer than the output then no suffix is used...
## Usage: Where _text = 'Testing', _width = 4
##      _data = String.Truncate( _text, _width )                        == Test
##      _data = String.Truncate( _text, _width, '..', True )            == Te..
## Equivalent Alternates: Where _text = 'Testing', _width = 4
##      _data = String.SubStr( _text, 0, _width )                       == Test
##      _data = _text[  : _width ]                                      == Test
##      _data = ( _text )[  : _width ]                                  == Test
def Truncate( _text, _max_len = -1, _suffix = False, _absolute_max_len = True ):
    ## Length of the string we are considering for truncation
    _len            = len( _text )

    ## Whether or not we have to truncate
    _truncate       = ( False, True )[ _len > _max_len ]

    ## Note: If we don't need to truncate, there's no point in proceeding...
    if ( not _truncate ):
        return _text

    ## The suffix in string form
    _suffix_str     = ( '',  str( _suffix ) )[ _truncate and _suffix != False ]

    ## The suffix length
    _len_suffix     = len( _suffix_str )

    ## Whether or not we add the suffix
    _add_suffix     = ( False, True )[ _truncate and _suffix != False and _max_len > _len_suffix ]

    ## Suffix Offset
    _suffix_offset = _max_len - _len_suffix
    _suffix_offset  = ( _max_len, _suffix_offset )[ _add_suffix and _absolute_max_len != False and _suffix_offset > 0 ]

    ## The truncate point.... If not necessary, then length of string.. If necessary then the max length with or without subtracting the suffix length... Note: It may be easier ( less logic cost ) to simply add the suffix to the calculated point, then truncate - if point is negative then the suffix will be destroyed anyway.
    ## If we don't need to truncate, then the length is the length of the string.. If we do need to truncate, then the length depends on whether we add the suffix and offset the length of the suffix or not...
    _len_truncate   = ( _len, _max_len )[ _truncate ]
    _len_truncate   = ( _len_truncate, _max_len )[ _len_truncate <= _max_len ]

    ## If we add the suffix, add it... Suffix won't be added if the suffix is the same length as the text being output...
    if ( _add_suffix ):
        _text = _text[ 0 : _suffix_offset ] + _suffix_str + _text[ _suffix_offset: ]

    ## Return the text after truncating...
    return _text[ : _len_truncate ]

GitHub - List commits by author

If the author has a GitHub account, just click the author's username from anywhere in the commit history, and the commits you can see will be filtered down to those by that author:

Screenshot showing where to click to filter down commits

You can also click the 'n commits' link below their name on the repo's "contributors" page:

Another screenshot

Alternatively, you can directly append ?author=<theusername> or ?author=<emailaddress> to the URL. For example, or[email protected] both give me:

Screenshot with only Dave Methvin's commits

For authors without a GitHub account, only filtering by email address will work, and you will need to manually add ?author=<emailaddress> to the URL - the author's name will not be clickable from the commits list.

You can also get the list of commits by a particular author from the command line using

git log --author=[your git name]


git log --author=Prem

Why is a div with "display: table-cell;" not affected by margin?


From the MDN documentation:

[The margin property] applies to all elements except elements with table display types other than table-caption, table and inline-table

In other words, the margin property is not applicable to display:table-cell elements.


Consider using the border-spacing property instead.

Note it should be applied to a parent element with a display:table layout and border-collapse:separate.

For example:


<div class="table">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="cell">123</div>
        <div class="cell">456</div>
        <div class="cell">879</div>


.table {display:table;border-collapse:separate;border-spacing:5px;}
.row {display:table-row;}
.cell {display:table-cell;padding:5px;border:1px solid black;}

See jsFiddle demo

Different margin horizontally and vertically

As mentioned by Diego Quirós, the border-spacing property also accepts two values to set a different margin for the horizontal and vertical axes.

For example

.table {/*...*/border-spacing:3px 5px;} /* 3px horizontally, 5px vertically */

How to check if mysql database exists

Here is a bash function for checking if a database exists:

function does_db_exist {
  local db="${1}"

  local output=$(mysql -s -N -e "SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata WHERE schema_name = '${db}'" information_schema)
  if [[ -z "${output}" ]]; then
    return 1 # does not exist
    return 0 # exists

Another alternative is to just try to use the database. Note that this checks permission as well:

if mysql "${db}" >/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null
  echo "${db} exists (and I have permission to access it)"
  echo "${db} does not exist (or I do not have permission to access it)"

T-SQL: Export to new Excel file

Use PowerShell:

$Server = "TestServer"
$Database = "TestDatabase"
$Query = "select * from TestTable"
$FilePath = "C:\OutputFile.csv"

# This will overwrite the file if it already exists.
Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $Query -Database $Database -ServerInstance $Server | Export-Csv $FilePath

In my usual cases, all I really need is a CSV file that can be read by Excel. However, if you need an actual Excel file, then tack on some code to convert the CSV file to an Excel file. This answer gives a solution for this, but I've not tested it.

What is the difference between supervised learning and unsupervised learning?

I can tell you an example.

Suppose you need to recognize which vehicle is a car and which one is a motorcycle.

In the supervised learning case, your input (training) dataset needs to be labelled, that is, for each input element in your input (training) dataset, you should specify if it represents a car or a motorcycle.

In the unsupervised learning case, you do not label the inputs. The unsupervised model clusters the input into clusters based e.g. on similar features/properties. So, in this case, there is are no labels like "car".

Android Recyclerview GridLayoutManager column spacing

I ended up doing it like that for my RecyclerView with GridLayoutManager and HeaderView.

In the code below I set a 4dp space between every item(2dp around every single item and 2dp padding around the whole recyclerview).


    android:padding="2dp" />


GridLayoutManager manager = new GridLayoutManager(getContext(), 3);
int spacingInPixels = Utils.dpToPx(2);
recyclerView.addItemDecoration(new SpacesItemDecoration(spacingInPixels));

public class SpacesItemDecoration extends RecyclerView.ItemDecoration {

    private int mSpacing;

    public SpacesItemDecoration(int spacing) {
        mSpacing = spacing;

    public void getItemOffsets(Rect outRect, View view, RecyclerView recyclerView, RecyclerView.State state) {
        outRect.left = mSpacing; = mSpacing;
        outRect.right = mSpacing;
        outRect.bottom = mSpacing;

public static int dpToPx(final float dp) {
    return Math.round(dp * (Resources.getSystem().getDisplayMetrics().xdpi / DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_DEFAULT));

Errno 10060] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time

As ping works, but telnetto port 80 does not, the HTTP port 80 is closed on your machine. I assume that your browser's HTTP connection goes through a proxy (as browsing works, how else would you read stackoverflow?). You need to add some code to your python program, that handles the proxy, like described here:

Using an HTTP PROXY - Python

laravel compact() and ->with()

The View::make function takes 3 arguments which according to the documentation are:

public View make(string $view, array $data = array(), array $mergeData = array())

In your case, the compact('selections') is a 4th argument. It doesn't pass to the view and laravel throws an exception.

On the other hand, you can use with() as many time as you like. Thus, this will work:

return View::make('gameworlds.mygame')




ggplot2: sorting a plot

I've recently been struggling with a related issue, discussed at length here: Order of legend entries in ggplot2 barplots with coord_flip() .

As it happens, the reason I had a hard time explaining my issue clearly, involved the relation between (the order of) factors and coord_flip(), as seems to be the case here.

I get the desired result by adding + xlim(rev(levels(x$variable))) to the ggplot statement:

ggplot(x, aes(x=variable,y=value)) + geom_bar() + 
scale_y_continuous("",formatter="percent") + coord_flip() 
+  xlim(rev(levels(x$variable)))

This reverses the order of factors as found in the original data frame in the x-axis, which will become the y-axis with coord_flip(). Notice that in this particular example, the variable also happen to be in alphabetical order, but specifying an arbitrary order of levels within xlim() should work in general.

How to do a Jquery Callback after form submit?

I could not get the number one upvoted solution to work reliably, but have found this works. Not sure if it's required or not, but I do not have an action or method attribute on the tag, which ensures the POST is handled by the $.ajax function and gives you the callback option.

<form id="form">
<button type="submit"></button>

$(document).ready(function() {
  $("#form_selector").submit(function() {

     type: "POST",
      url: "form_handler.php",
      data: $(this).serialize(),
      success: function() {
        // callback code here


Visual Studio 2015 doesn't have cl.exe

In Visual Studio 2019 you can find cl.exe inside

32-BIT : C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.20.27508\bin\Hostx86\x86
64-BIT : C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.20.27508\bin\Hostx64\x64

Before trying to compile either run vcvars32 for 32-Bit compilation or vcvars64 for 64-Bit.

32-BIT : "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars32.bat"
64-BIT : "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat"

If you can't find the file or the directory, try going to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC and see if you can find a folder with a version number. If you can't, then you probably haven't installed C++ through the Visual Studio Installation yet.

Correlation between two vectors?

To perform a linear regression between two vectors x and y follow these steps:

[p,err] = polyfit(x,y,1);   % First order polynomial
y_fit = polyval(p,x,err);   % Values on a line
y_dif = y - y_fit;          % y value difference (residuals)
SSdif = sum(y_dif.^2);      % Sum square of difference
SStot = (length(y)-1)*var(y);   % Sum square of y taken from variance
rsq = 1-SSdif/SStot;        % Correlation 'r' value. If 1.0 the correlelation is perfect

For x=[10;200;7;150] and y=[0.001;0.45;0.0007;0.2] I get rsq = 0.9181.

Reference URL:

With ' N ' no of nodes, how many different Binary and Binary Search Trees possible?

I recommend this article by my colleague Nick Parlante (from back when he was still at Stanford). The count of structurally different binary trees (problem 12) has a simple recursive solution (which in closed form ends up being the Catalan formula which @codeka's answer already mentioned).

I'm not sure how the number of structurally different binary search trees (BSTs for short) would differ from that of "plain" binary trees -- except that, if by "consider tree node values" you mean that each node may be e.g. any number compatible with the BST condition, then the number of different (but not all structurally different!-) BSTs is infinite. I doubt you mean that, so, please clarify what you do mean with an example!

Chrome hangs after certain amount of data transfered - waiting for available socket

The message:

Waiting for available socket...

is shown, because you've reached a limit on the ssl_socket_pool either per Host, Proxy or Group.

Here are the maximum number of HTTP connections which you can make with a Chrome browser:

  • The maximum number of connections per proxy is 32 connections. This can be changed in Policy List.
  • Maximum per Host: 6 connections.

    This is likely hardcoded in the source code of the web browser, so you can't change it.

  • Total 256 HTTP connections pooled per browser.

Source: Enterprise networking for Chrome devices

The above limits can be checked or flushed at chrome://net-internals/#sockets (or in real-time at chrome://net-internals/#events&q=type:SOCKET%20is:active).

Your issue with audio can be related to Chrome bug 162627 where HTML5 audio fails to load and it hits max simultaneous connections per server:proxy. This is still active issue at the time of writing (2016).

Much older issue related to HTML5 video request stay pending, then it's probably related to Issue #234779 which has been fixed 2014. And related to SPDY which can be found in Issue 324653: SPDY issue: waiting for available sockets, but this was already fixed in 2014, so probably it's not related.

Other related issue now marked as duplicate can be found in Issue 401845: Failure to preload audio metadata. Loaded only 6 of 10+ which was related to the problem with the media player code leaving a bunch of paused requests hanging around.

This also may be related to some Chrome adware or antivirus extensions using your sockets in the backgrounds (like Sophos or Kaspersky), so check for Network activity in DevTools.

How do I add a simple jQuery script to WordPress?

As you mentioned, the simple way inside functions.php without using enqueue is this one:

add_action('wp_footer', 'customJsScript');
function customJsScript() {
  echo '

As you see, you use the wp_footer action to inject the code.

But you may prefer to put directly the code inside header.php or footer.php if is a code that will be inserted all-over WordPress

What size should TabBar images be?

According to the Apple Human Interface Guidelines:

@1x : about 25 x 25 (max: 48 x 32)

@2x : about 50 x 50 (max: 96 x 64)

@3x : about 75 x 75 (max: 144 x 96)

Position an element relative to its container

Absolute positioning positions an element relative to its nearest positioned ancestor. So put position: relative on the container, then for child elements, top and left will be relative to the top-left of the container so long as the child elements have position: absolute. More information is available in the CSS 2.1 specification.

c++ string array initialization

Prior to C++11, you cannot initialise an array using type[]. However the latest c++11 provides(unifies) the initialisation, so you can do it in this way:

string* pStr = new string[3] { "hi", "there"};


Running windows shell commands with python

You can use the subprocess package with the code as below:

import subprocess
cmdCommand = "python"   #specify your cmd command
process = subprocess.Popen(cmdCommand.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
output, error = process.communicate()
print output

Can't find out where does a node.js app running and can't kill it

If all those kill process commands don't work for you, my suggestion is to check if you were using any other packages to run your node process.

I had the similar issue, and it was due to I was running my node process using PM2(a NPM package). The kill [processID] command disables the process but keeps the port occupied. Hence I had to go into PM2 and dump all node process to free up the port again.

Python: SyntaxError: keyword can't be an expression

sum.up is not a valid keyword argument name. Keyword arguments must be valid identifiers. You should look in the documentation of the library you are using how this argument really is called – maybe sum_up?

JavaScript alert box with timer

setTimeout( function ( ) { alert( "moo" ); }, 10000 ); //displays msg in 10 seconds

AngularJS - value attribute for select

Try it as below:

var scope = $(this).scope();

Can I style an image's ALT text with CSS?

Sure you can!

I do this as a fallback for header logo images, I think some versions of IE will not abide. Edit: Or Chrome apparently - I don't even see alt text in the demo(?). Firefox works well however.

img {_x000D_
  color: green;_x000D_
  font: 40px Impact;_x000D_
<img src="404" alt="Alt Text">

How to remove an iOS app from the App Store

You can "Deselect All" to remove the app (temporarily) from all App Stores, as Noah mentioned.

And you can "Select All" to get the App back to all App Stores.

You can find it in: iTunes Connect Link

Access props inside quotes in React JSX

Instead of adding variables and strings, you can use the ES6 template strings! Here is an example:

<img className="image" src={`images/${this.props.image}`} />

As for all other JavaScript components inside JSX, use template strings inside of curly braces. To "inject" a variable use a dollar sign followed by curly braces containing the variable you would like to inject. For example:

{`string ${variable} another string`}

Working copy XXX locked and cleanup failed in SVN

In-place unversioning of the files, and a fresh checkout into the same location, has solved this problem for me.

In TortoiseSVN, to do an in-place unversioning, right-drag the root folder of the working copy from the file list onto itself in the directory tree, and choose "SVN Export versioned items here" from the pop-up menu. TortoiseSVN notices that the destination is the same as the source, and suggests unversioning the working copy.

After unversioning, do a fresh checkout into the same folder (which now contains an unversioned copy of all the files you had). TortoiseSVN will warn you that you are checking out into an existing folder, but you can go ahead.

After this, cleanups, updates and other operations worked without a hitch. Since both of the above steps preserve local modifications, there should not be any loss of information (but backing the working copy up before this may nevertheless be a good idea).

One warning: If the working copy contains mixed versions or uncommitted property changes, that information WILL be lost. For me, this is not a common occurrence, and given the choice of a corrupt working copy or losing uncommitted property changes, I tend to opt for the latter.

Why does this code using random strings print "hello world"?

It's all about the input seed. Same seed give the same results all the time. Even you re-run your program again and again it's the same output.

public static void main(String[] args) {



private static void randomString(int i) {
    Random ran = new Random(i);




How do I search for names with apostrophe in SQL Server?

First of all my Search query value is from a user's input. I have tried all the answers on this one and all the results Google have given me, 90% of the answers says put '%''%' and the other 10% says a more complicated answers.

For some reason all of those did not work for me.

How ever I remembered that in MySQL (phpmyadmin) there is this built in search function so I tried it just to see how MySQL handles a search with an apostrophe, turns out MySQL just escaping apostrophe with a backslash LIKE '%\'%' so why just I replace apostrophe with a \' in every user's query.

This is what I come up with:

if(!empty($user_search)) {
        $r_user_search = str_ireplace("'","\'","$user_search");
        $find_it = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE column LIKE '%$r_user_search%'";
        $results = $pdo->prepare($find_it);

This solves my problem. Also please correct me if this is still has security issues.

Renew Provisioning Profile

Update March 2013

The expiry date of the provisioning profile is linked to the expiry date of the developer certificate. And I didn't want to wait for it to expire so here is what I did -

  • Go to the iOS Provisioning portal
  • Revoke the current certificate
  • In Xcode > Organizer go to the Provisioning profiles page (under Library)
  • Press refresh and it will prompt you to create a new developer certificate since the current one has been revoked
  • Follow the steps to create one
  • Go back to the iOS provisioning portal for your distribution profiles and change something about it so it will enable the submit button.
  • Submit it and the date of the new certificate will get applied to it

Adding <script> to WordPress in <head> element

In your theme's functions.php:

function my_custom_js() {
    echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="myscript.js"></script>';
// Add hook for admin <head></head>
add_action( 'admin_head', 'my_custom_js' );
// Add hook for front-end <head></head>
add_action( 'wp_head', 'my_custom_js' );

Is there a concise way to iterate over a stream with indices in Java 8?

The cleanest way is to start from a stream of indices:

String[] names = {"Sam", "Pamela", "Dave", "Pascal", "Erik"};
IntStream.range(0, names.length)
         .filter(i -> names[i].length() <= i)
         .mapToObj(i -> names[i])

The resulting list contains "Erik" only.

One alternative which looks more familiar when you are used to for loops would be to maintain an ad hoc counter using a mutable object, for example an AtomicInteger:

String[] names = {"Sam", "Pamela", "Dave", "Pascal", "Erik"};
AtomicInteger index = new AtomicInteger();
List<String> list =
                          .filter(n -> n.length() <= index.incrementAndGet())

Note that using the latter method on a parallel stream could break as the items would not necesarily be processed "in order".

Laravel 5: Retrieve JSON array from $request

 // Check for presence of a body in the request
 if (count($request->json()->all())) {
     $postbody = $request->json()->all();

This is how it's done in laravel 5.2 now.

How to open the Chrome Developer Tools in a new window?

As of Chrome 52, the UI has changed. When the Developer Tools dialog is open, you select the vertical ellipsis and can then choose the docking position:

enter image description here

Select the icon on the left to open the Chrome Developer Tools in a new window: multiple windows icon


Click and hold the button next to the close button of the Developer Tool in order to reveal the "Undock into separate window" option.

enter image description here

Note: A "press" is not enough in that state.

how to stop a for loop

To achieve this you would do something like:

for i in range(m):
    for j in range(m):
        if L[i][j]==n:
            //do some processing

Max or Default?

Since DefaultIfEmpty isn't implemented in LINQ to SQL, I did a search on the error it returned and found a fascinating article that deals with null sets in aggregate functions. To summarize what I found, you can get around this limitation by casting to a nullable within your select. My VB is a little rusty, but I think it'd go something like this:

Dim x = (From y In context.MyTable _
         Where y.MyField = value _
         Select CType(y.MyCounter, Integer?)).Max

Or in C#:

var x = (from y in context.MyTable
         where y.MyField == value
         select (int?)y.MyCounter).Max();

Ajax call Into MVC Controller- Url Issue

you have an type error in example of code. You forget curlybracket after success

 type: "POST",
 url: '@Url.Action("Search","Controller")',
 data: "{queryString:'" + searchVal + "'}",
 contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
 dataType: "html",
 success: function (data) {
     alert("here" + data.d.toString());


multiple conditions for filter in spark data frames

In java spark dataset it can be used as

Dataset userfilter = user.filter(col("gender").isin("male","female"));

SQL comment header examples

-- Author       name
-- Created      date
-- Purpose      description of the business/technical purpose
--              using multiple lines as needed
-- Copyright © yyyy, Company Name, All Rights Reserved
-- Modification History
-- 01/01/0000  developer full name  
--      A comprehensive description of the changes. The description may use as 
--      many lines as needed.

Call to undefined function curl_init().?

The CURL extension ext/curl is not installed or enabled in your PHP installation. Check the manual for information on how to install or enable CURL on your system.

ComboBox.SelectedText doesn't give me the SelectedText

Here's how I would approach the problem, assuming you want to change the text of say, a label

    private void comboBoxtest_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var combotext = comboBoxtest.Text;
        var status = "The status of my combo box is" + combotext;
        label1.Text = status;

How can I handle the warning of file_get_contents() function in PHP?

Step 1: check the return code: if($content === FALSE) { // handle error here... }

Step 2: suppress the warning by putting an error control operator (i.e. @) in front of the call to file_get_contents(): $content = @file_get_contents($site);

jQuery AJAX form using mail() PHP script sends email, but POST data from HTML form is undefined

You code should be:

   <section id="right">
      <label for="form_msg">Message</label>
      <textarea name="form_msg" id="#msg_text"></textarea>
      <input id="submit" class="button" name="submit" type="submit" value="Send">


var data = {
    name: $("#form_name").val(),
    email: $("#form_email").val(),
    message: $("#msg_text").val()
    type: "POST",
    url: "email.php",
    data: data,
    success: function(){

The PHP:

    $name = $_POST['name'];
    $email = $_POST['email'];
    $message = $_POST['text'];

//send email
    mail("[email protected]","My Subject:",$email,$message);

How to obtain Certificate Signing Request

Follow these steps to create CSR (Code Signing Identity):

  1. On your Mac, go to the folder 'Applications' ? 'Utilities' and open 'Keychain Access.'

    enter image description here

  2. Go to 'Keychain Access' ? Certificate Assistant ? Request a Certificate from a Certificate Authority. ?

    enter image description here

  3. Fill out the information in the Certificate Information window as specified below and click "Continue."
    • In the User Email Address field, enter the email address to identify with this certificate
    • In the Common Name field, enter your name
    • In the Request group, click the "Saved to disk" option ?

    enter image description here

  4. Save the file to your hard drive.

    enter image description here

Use this CSR (.certSigningRequest) file to create project/application certificates and profiles, in Apple developer account.

Simple and fast method to compare images for similarity

If for matching identical images - code for L2 distance

// Compare two images by getting the L2 error (square-root of sum of squared error).
double getSimilarity( const Mat A, const Mat B ) {
if ( A.rows > 0 && A.rows == B.rows && A.cols > 0 && A.cols == B.cols ) {
    // Calculate the L2 relative error between images.
    double errorL2 = norm( A, B, CV_L2 );
    // Convert to a reasonable scale, since L2 error is summed across all pixels of the image.
    double similarity = errorL2 / (double)( A.rows * A.cols );
    return similarity;
else {
    //Images have a different size
    return 100000000.0;  // Return a bad value

Fast. But not robust to changes in lighting/viewpoint etc. Source

How do you get the current time of day?

I'm experimenting with this also and find these pages helpful as well. First the main class...

Now some specifier formats for the ToString method...


using System;

namespace JD
    class Program
        public static DateTime get_UTCNow()
            DateTime UTCNow = DateTime.UtcNow;
            int year = UTCNow.Year;
            int month = UTCNow.Month;
            int day = UTCNow.Day;
            int hour = UTCNow.Hour;
            int min = UTCNow.Minute;
            int sec = UTCNow.Second;
            DateTime datetime = new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, min, sec);
            return datetime;

        static void Main(string[] args)
            DateTime datetime = get_UTCNow();            

            string time_UTC = datetime.TimeOfDay.ToString();



I threw that TimeOfDay method in there just to show that you get a default of 24 hour time as is stated "the time from midnight"

You may use my geter method(); :-D

Swift GET request with parameters

This extension that @Rob suggested works for Swift 3.0.1

I wasn't able to compile the version he included in his post with Xcode 8.1 (8B62)

extension Dictionary {

    /// Build string representation of HTTP parameter dictionary of keys and objects
    /// :returns: String representation in the form of key1=value1&key2=value2 where the keys and values are percent escaped

    func stringFromHttpParameters() -> String {

        var parametersString = ""
        for (key, value) in self {
            if let key = key as? String,
               let value = value as? String {
                parametersString = parametersString + key + "=" + value + "&"
        parametersString = parametersString.substring(to: parametersString.index(before: parametersString.endIndex))
        return parametersString.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlHostAllowed)!


Add a background image to shape in XML Android

Here is another most easy way to get a custom shape for your image (Image View). It may be helpful for someone. It's just a single line code.

First you need to add a dependency:

dependencies {
    compile 'com.mafstech.libs:mafs-image-shape:1.0.4'   

And then just write a line of code like this:


Original purpose of <input type="hidden">?

The values of form elements including type='hidden' are submitted to the server when the form is posted. input type="hidden" values are not visible in the page. Maintaining User IDs in hidden fields, for example, is one of the many uses.

SO uses a hidden field for the upvote click.

<input value="16293741" name="postId" type="hidden">

Using this value, the server-side script can store the upvote.

Image height and width not working?

You have a class on your CSS that is overwriting your width and height, the class reads as such:

.postItem img {
    height: auto;
    width: 450px;

Remove that and your width/height properties on the img tag should work.

android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: String resource ID #0x0





There are different versions of setText - one takes a String and one takes an int resource id. If you pass it an integer it will try to look for the corresponding string resource id - which it can't find, which is your error.

I guess app.getTotalDl() returns an int. You need to specifically tell setText to set it to the String value of this int.

setText (int resid) vs setText (CharSequence text)

Check if element is clickable in Selenium Java

elementToBeClickable is used for checking an element is visible and enabled such that you can click it.

ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable returns WebElement if expected condition is true otherwise it will throw TimeoutException, It never returns null.

So if your using ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable to find an element which will always gives you the clickable element, so no need to check for null condition, you should try as below :-

WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(Scenario1Test.driver, 10); 
WebElement element = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(By.xpath("(//div[@id='brandSlider']/div[1]/div/div/div/img)[50]")));;

As you are saying passes both on link and label that's doesn't mean element is not clickable, it means returned element clicked but may be there is no event performs on element by click action.

Note:- I'm suggesting you always try first to find elements by id, name, className and other locator. if you faced some difficulty to find then use cssSelector and always give last priority to xpath locator because it is slower than other locator to locate an element.

Hope it helps you..:)

Asp.Net MVC with Drop Down List, and SelectListItem Assistance

You have a view model to which your view is strongly typed => use strongly typed helpers:

<%= Html.DropDownListFor(
    x => x.SelectedAccountId, 
    new SelectList(Model.Accounts, "Value", "Text")
) %>

Also notice that I use a SelectList for the second argument.

And in your controller action you were returning the view model passed as argument and not the one you constructed inside the action which had the Accounts property correctly setup so this could be problematic. I've cleaned it a bit:

public ActionResult AccountTransaction()
    var accounts = Services.AccountServices.GetAccounts(false);
    var viewModel = new AccountTransactionView
        Accounts = accounts.Select(a => new SelectListItem
            Text = a.Description,
            Value = a.AccountId.ToString()
    return View(viewModel);

Java Generate Random Number Between Two Given Values

Java doesn't have a Random generator between two values in the same way that Python does. It actually only takes one value in to generate the Random. What you need to do, then, is add ONE CERTAIN NUMBER to the number generated, which will cause the number to be within a range. For instance:

package RandGen;

import java.util.Random;

public class RandGen {

    public static Random numGen =new Random();

public static int RandNum(){
    int rand = Math.abs((100)+numGen.nextInt(100));

    return rand;

public static void main(String[]Args){


This program's function lies entirely in line 6 (The one beginning with "int rand...". Note that Math.abs() simply converts the number to absolute value, and it's declared as an int, that's not really important. The first (100) is the number I am ADDING to the random one. This means that the new output number will be the random number + 100. numGen.nextInt() is the value of the random number itself, and because I put (100) in its parentheses, it is any number between 1 and 100. So when I add 100, it becomes a number between 101 and 200. You aren't actually GENERATING a number between 100 and 200, you are adding to the one between 1 and 100.

Remove carriage return from string

If you want to remove spaces at the beginning/end of a line too(common when shortening html) you can try:


Else use the simple Replace Marc suggested.

Sort Pandas Dataframe by Date

@JAB's answer is fast and concise. But it changes the DataFrame you are trying to sort, which you may or may not want.

(Note: You almost certainly will want it, because your date columns should be dates, not strings!)

In the unlikely event that you don't want to change the dates into dates, you can also do it a different way.

First, get the index from your sorted Date column:

In [25]: pd.to_datetime(df.Date).order().index
Out[25]: Int64Index([0, 2, 1], dtype='int64')

Then use it to index your original DataFrame, leaving it untouched:

In [26]: df.ix[pd.to_datetime(df.Date).order().index]
        Date Symbol
0 2015-02-20      A
2 2015-08-21      A
1 2016-01-15      A


Note: for Pandas versions 0.20.0 and later, use loc instead of ix, which is now deprecated.

What is the difference between bool and Boolean types in C#

I don't believe there is one.

bool is just an alias for System.Boolean

What's the right way to pass form element state to sibling/parent elements?

I'm surprised that there are no answers with a straightforward idiomatic React solution at the moment I'm writing. So here's the one (compare the size and complexity to others):

class P extends React.Component {
    state = { foo : "" };

        const { foo } = this.state;

        return (
                <C1 value={ foo } onChange={ x => this.setState({ foo : x })} />
                <C2 value={ foo } />

const C1 = ({ value, onChange }) => (
    <input type="text"
           value={ value }
           onChange={ e => onChange( ) } />

const C2 = ({ value }) => (
    <div>Reacting on value change: { value }</div>

I'm setting the state of a parent element from a child element. This seems to betray the design principle of React: single-direction data flow.

Any controlled input (idiomatic way of working with forms in React) updates the parent state in its onChange callback and still doesn't betray anything.

Look carefully at C1 component, for instance. Do you see any significant difference in the way how C1 and built-in input component handle the state changes? You should not, because there is none. Lifting up the state and passing down value/onChange pairs is idiomatic for raw React. Not usage of refs, as some answers suggest.

Cannot find name 'require' after upgrading to Angular4

As for me, using VSCode and Angular 5, only had to add "node" to types in Save, and restart the server.

    "compilerOptions": {_x000D_
    "types": [_x000D_

One curious thing, is that this problem "cannot find require (", does not happen when excuting with ts-node

How to use android emulator for testing bluetooth application?

Download Androidx86 from this This is an iso file, so you'd
need something like VMWare or VirtualBox to run it When creating the virtual machine, you need to set the type of guest OS as Linux instead of Other.

After creating the virtual machine set the network adapter to 'Bridged'. · Start the VM and select 'Live CD VESA' at boot.

Now you need to find out the IP of this VM. Go to terminal in VM (use Alt+F1 & Alt+F7 to toggle) and use the netcfg command to find this.

Now you need open a command prompt and go to your android install folder (on host). This is usually C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools>.

Type adb connect IP_ADDRESS. There done! Now you need to add Bluetooth. Plug in your USB Bluetooth dongle/Bluetooth device.

In VirtualBox screen, go to Devices>USB devices. Select your dongle.

Done! now your Android VM has Bluetooth. Try powering on Bluetooth and discovering/paring with other devices.

Now all that remains is to go to Eclipse and run your program. The Android AVD manager should show the VM as a device on the list.

Alternatively, Under settings of the virtual machine, Goto serialports -> Port 1 check Enable serial port select a port number then select port mode as disconnected click ok. now, start virtual machine. Under Devices -> USB Devices -> you can find your laptop bluetooth listed. You can simply check the option and start testing the android bluetooth application .


remove url parameters with javascript or jquery

Hmm... Looking for better way... here it is

var onlyUrl = window.location.href.replace(,'');

Extract hostname name from string

This is not a full answer, but the below code should help you:

function myFunction() {
    var str = "";
    matches = str.split('/');
    return matches[2];

I would like some one to create code faster than mine. It help to improve my-self also.

Extracting extension from filename in Python

a = ".bashrc"
b = "text.txt"
extension_a = a.split(".")
extension_b = b.split(".")
print(extension_a[-1])  # bashrc
print(extension_b[-1])  # txt

Smooth scroll to div id jQuery

This is the simplest.Source-

var elmnt = document.getElementById("content");

Getting a browser's name client-side

JavaScript side - you can get browser name like these ways...

if(window.navigator.appName == "") OR if(window.navigator.userAgent == "")

How to retrieve form values from HTTPPOST, dictionary or?

You could have your controller action take an object which would reflect the form input names and the default model binder will automatically create this object for you:

public ActionResult SubmitAction(SomeModel model)
    var value1 = model.SimpleProp1;
    var value2 = model.SimpleProp2;
    var value3 = model.ComplexProp1.SimpleProp1;

    ... return something ...

Another (obviously uglier) way is:

public ActionResult SubmitAction()
    var value1 = Request["SimpleProp1"];
    var value2 = Request["SimpleProp2"];
    var value3 = Request["ComplexProp1.SimpleProp1"];

    ... return something ...

How can I concatenate strings in VBA?

There is the concatenate function. For example

But the & operator always concatenates strings. + often will work, but if there is a number in one of the cells, it won't work as expected.

How to convert a string to utf-8 in Python

city = 'Ribeir\xc3\xa3o Preto'
print city.decode('cp1252').encode('utf-8')

Why do we always prefer using parameters in SQL statements?

You are right, this is related to SQL injection, which is a vulnerability that allows a malicioius user to execute arbitrary statements against your database. This old time favorite XKCD comic illustrates the concept:

Her daughter is named Help I'm trapped in a driver's license factory.

In your example, if you just use:

var query = "SELECT empSalary from employee where salary = " + txtSalary.Text;
// and proceed to execute this query

You are open to SQL injection. For example, say someone enters txtSalary:

1; UPDATE employee SET salary = 9999999 WHERE empID = 10; --
1; DROP TABLE employee; --
// etc.

When you execute this query, it will perform a SELECT and an UPDATE or DROP, or whatever they wanted. The -- at the end simply comments out the rest of your query, which would be useful in the attack if you were concatenating anything after txtSalary.Text.

The correct way is to use parameterized queries, eg (C#):

SqlCommand query =  new SqlCommand("SELECT empSalary FROM employee 
                                    WHERE salary = @sal;");
query.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sal", txtSalary.Text);

With that, you can safely execute the query.

For reference on how to avoid SQL injection in several other languages, check, a website maintained by a SO user.

CSS3 Rotate Animation

Here is a demo. The correct animation CSS:

.image {_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    top: 50%;_x000D_
    left: 50%;_x000D_
    width: 120px;_x000D_
    height: 120px;_x000D_
    margin:-60px 0 0 -60px;_x000D_
    -webkit-animation:spin 4s linear infinite;_x000D_
    -moz-animation:spin 4s linear infinite;_x000D_
    animation:spin 4s linear infinite;_x000D_
@-moz-keyframes spin { 100% { -moz-transform: rotate(360deg); } }_x000D_
@-webkit-keyframes spin { 100% { -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg); } }_x000D_
@keyframes spin { 100% { -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg); transform:rotate(360deg); } }
<img class="image" src="" alt="" width="120" height="120">

Some notes on your code:

  1. You've nested the keyframes inside the .image rule, and that's incorrect
  2. float:left won't work on absolutely positioned elements
  3. Have a look at caniuse: IE10 doesn't need the -ms- prefix

How to correctly save instance state of Fragments in back stack?

To correctly save the instance state of Fragment you should do the following:

1. In the fragment, save instance state by overriding onSaveInstanceState() and restore in onActivityCreated():

class MyFragment extends Fragment {

    public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        if (savedInstanceState != null) {
            //Restore the fragment's state here
    public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {

        //Save the fragment's state here


2. And important point, in the activity, you have to save the fragment's instance in onSaveInstanceState() and restore in onCreate().

class MyActivity extends Activity {

    private MyFragment 

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        if (savedInstanceState != null) {
            //Restore the fragment's instance
            mMyFragment = getSupportFragmentManager().getFragment(savedInstanceState, "myFragmentName");

    protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {

        //Save the fragment's instance
        getSupportFragmentManager().putFragment(outState, "myFragmentName", mMyFragment);


Hope this helps.

Regex to validate JSON

Looking at the documentation for JSON, it seems that the regex can simply be three parts if the goal is just to check for fitness:

  1. The string starts and ends with either [] or {}
    • [{\[]{1}...[}\]]{1}
  2. and
    1. The character is an allowed JSON control character (just one)
      • ...[,:{}\[\]0-9.\-+Eaeflnr-u \n\r\t]...
    2. or The set of characters contained in a ""
      • ...".*?"...

All together: [{\[]{1}([,:{}\[\]0-9.\-+Eaeflnr-u \n\r\t]|".*?")+[}\]]{1}

If the JSON string contains newline characters, then you should use the singleline switch on your regex flavor so that . matches newline. Please note that this will not fail on all bad JSON, but it will fail if the basic JSON structure is invalid, which is a straight-forward way to do a basic sanity validation before passing it to a parser.

How do I filter an array with TypeScript in Angular 2?

You need to put your code into ngOnInit and use the this keyword:

ngOnInit() {
  this.booksByStoreID = this.books.filter(
          book => book.store_id ===;

You need ngOnInit because the input store wouldn't be set into the constructor:

ngOnInit is called right after the directive's data-bound properties have been checked for the first time, and before any of its children have been checked. It is invoked only once when the directive is instantiated.


In your code, the books filtering is directly defined into the class content...

Set encoding and fileencoding to utf-8 in Vim


In the first case with set encoding=utf-8, you'll change the output encoding that is shown in the terminal.

In the second case with set fileencoding=utf-8, you'll change the output encoding of the file that is written.

As stated by @Dennis, you can set them both in your ~/.vimrc if you always want to work in utf-8.

More details

From the wiki of VIM about working with unicode

"encoding sets how vim shall represent characters internally. Utf-8 is necessary for most flavors of Unicode."

"fileencoding sets the encoding for a particular file (local to buffer); :setglobal sets the default value. An empty value can also be used: it defaults to same as 'encoding'. Or you may want to set one of the ucs encodings, It might make the same disk file bigger or smaller depending on your particular mix of characters. Also, IIUC, utf-8 is always big-endian (high bit first) while ucs can be big-endian or little-endian, so if you use it, you will probably need to set 'bomb" (see below)."

ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column-Occurs when querying

Ok, well, since you didn't show any code, I'll make a few assumptions here.

Based on the ORA-1461 error, it seems that you've specified a LONG datatype in a select statement? And you're trying to bind it to an output variable? Is that right? The error is pretty straight forward. You can only bind a LONG value for insert into LONG column.

Not sure what else to say. The error is fairly self-explanatory.

In general, it's a good idea to move away from LONG datatype to a CLOB. CLOBs are much better supported, and LONG datatypes really are only there for backward compatibility.

Here's a list of LONG datatype restrictions

Hope that helps.

How to get a jqGrid selected row cells value

yo have to declarate de vars...

var selectedRowId = $('#list').jqGrid ('getGridParam', 'selrow');
var columnName = $('#list').jqGrid('getCell', selectedRowId, 'columnName');

var nombre_img_articulo = $('#list').jqGrid('getCell', selectedRowId, 'img_articulo');