Programs & Examples On #Ical4j

iCal4j is a Java API that provides support for the iCalendar specification as defined in RFC2445.

Replace CRLF using powershell

This is a state-of-the-union answer as of Windows PowerShell v5.1 / PowerShell Core v6.2.0:

  • Andrew Savinykh's ill-fated answer, despite being the accepted one, is, as of this writing, fundamentally flawed (I do hope it gets fixed - there's enough information in the comments - and in the edit history - to do so).

  • Ansgar Wiecher's helpful answer works well, but requires direct use of the .NET Framework (and reads the entire file into memory, though that could be changed). Direct use of the .NET Framework is not a problem per se, but is harder to master for novices and hard to remember in general.

  • A future version of PowerShell Core will have a
    Convert-TextFile cmdlet with a -LineEnding parameter to allow in-place updating of text files with a specific newline style, as being discussed on GitHub.

In PSv5+, PowerShell-native solutions are now possible, because Set-Content now supports the -NoNewline switch, which prevents undesired appending of a platform-native newline[1] :

# Convert CRLFs to LFs only.
# Note:
#  * (...) around Get-Content ensures that $file is read *in full*
#    up front, so that it is possible to write back the transformed content
#    to the same file.
#  * + "`n" ensures that the file has a *trailing LF*, which Unix platforms
#     expect.
((Get-Content $file) -join "`n") + "`n" | Set-Content -NoNewline $file

The above relies on Get-Content's ability to read a text file that uses any combination of CR-only, CRLF, and LF-only newlines line by line.


  • You need to specify the output encoding to match the input file's in order to recreate it with the same encoding. The command above does NOT specify an output encoding; to do so, use -Encoding; without -Encoding:

    • In Windows PowerShell, you'll get "ANSI" encoding, your system's single-byte, 8-bit legacy encoding, such as Windows-1252 on US-English systems.
    • In PowerShell Core, you'll get UTF-8 encoding without a BOM.
  • The input file's content as well as its transformed copy must fit into memory as a whole, which can be problematic with large input files.

  • There's a risk of file corruption, if the process of writing back to the input file gets interrupted.

[1] In fact, if there are multiple strings to write, -NoNewline also doesn't place a newline between them; in the case at hand, however, this is irrelevant, because only one string is written.

How do I measure time elapsed in Java?

If you're getting your timestamps from System.currentTimeMillis(), then your time variables should be longs.

Using PHP variables inside HTML tags?

You can do it a number of ways, depending on the type of quotes you use:

  • echo "<a href='$param'>Click here</a>";
  • echo "<a href='{$param}'>Click here</a>";
  • echo '<a href="' . $param . '">Click here</a>';
  • echo "<a href=\"$param\">Click here</a>";

Double quotes allow for variables in the middle of the string, where as single quotes are string literals and, as such, interpret everything as a string of characters -- nothing more -- not even \n will be expanded to mean the new line character, it will just be the characters \ and n in sequence.

You need to be careful about your use of whichever type of quoting you decide. You can't use double quotes inside a double quoted string (as in your example) as you'll be ending the string early, which isn't what you want. You can escape the inner double quotes, however, by adding a backslash.

On a separate note, you might need to be careful about XSS attacks when printing unsafe variables (populated by the user) out to the browser.

String is immutable. What exactly is the meaning?

Before proceeding further with the fuss of immutability, let's just take a look into the String class and its functionality a little before coming to any conclusion.

This is how String works:

String str = "knowledge";

This, as usual, creates a string containing "knowledge" and assigns it a reference str. Simple enough? Lets perform some more functions:

 String s = str;     // assigns a new reference to the same string "knowledge"

Lets see how the below statement works:

  str = str.concat(" base");

This appends a string " base" to str. But wait, how is this possible, since String objects are immutable? Well to your surprise, it is.

When the above statement is executed, the VM takes the value of String str, i.e. "knowledge" and appends " base", giving us the value "knowledge base". Now, since Strings are immutable, the VM can't assign this value to str, so it creates a new String object, gives it a value "knowledge base", and gives it a reference str.

An important point to note here is that, while the String object is immutable, its reference variable is not. So that's why, in the above example, the reference was made to refer to a newly formed String object.

At this point in the example above, we have two String objects: the first one we created with value "knowledge", pointed to by s, and the second one "knowledge base", pointed to by str. But, technically, we have three String objects, the third one being the literal "base" in the concat statement.

Important Facts about String and Memory usage

What if we didn't have another reference s to "knowledge"? We would have lost that String. However, it still would have existed, but would be considered lost due to having no references. Look at one more example below

String s1 = "java";
s1.concat(" rules");
System.out.println("s1 refers to "+s1);  // Yes, s1 still refers to "java"

What's happening:

  1. The first line is pretty straightforward: create a new String "java" and refer s1 to it.
  2. Next, the VM creates another new String "java rules", but nothing refers to it. So, the second String is instantly lost. We can't reach it.

The reference variable s1 still refers to the original String "java".

Almost every method, applied to a String object in order to modify it, creates new String object. So, where do these String objects go? Well, these exist in memory, and one of the key goals of any programming language is to make efficient use of memory.

As applications grow, it's very common for String literals to occupy large area of memory, which can even cause redundancy. So, in order to make Java more efficient, the JVM sets aside a special area of memory called the "String constant pool".

When the compiler sees a String literal, it looks for the String in the pool. If a match is found, the reference to the new literal is directed to the existing String and no new String object is created. The existing String simply has one more reference. Here comes the point of making String objects immutable:

In the String constant pool, a String object is likely to have one or many references. If several references point to same String without even knowing it, it would be bad if one of the references modified that String value. That's why String objects are immutable.

Well, now you could say, what if someone overrides the functionality of String class? That's the reason that the String class is marked final so that nobody can override the behavior of its methods.

Set background image according to screen resolution

Set body css to :

body { 
background: url(../img/background.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed #000; 
-webkit-background-size: cover;
-moz-background-size: cover;
-o-background-size: cover;
background-size: cover;


What's the best way to add a drop shadow to my UIView

Try this:

UIBezierPath *shadowPath = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRect:view.bounds];
view.layer.masksToBounds = NO;
view.layer.shadowColor = [UIColor blackColor].CGColor;
view.layer.shadowOffset = CGSizeMake(0.0f, 5.0f);
view.layer.shadowOpacity = 0.5f;
view.layer.shadowPath = shadowPath.CGPath;

First of all: The UIBezierPath used as shadowPath is crucial. If you don't use it, you might not notice a difference at first, but the keen eye will observe a certain lag occurring during events like rotating the device and/or similar. It's an important performance tweak.

Regarding your issue specifically: The important line is view.layer.masksToBounds = NO. It disables the clipping of the view's layer's sublayers that extend further than the view's bounds.

For those wondering what the difference between masksToBounds (on the layer) and the view's own clipToBounds property is: There isn't really any. Toggling one will have an effect on the other. Just a different level of abstraction.

Swift 2.2:

override func layoutSubviews()

    let shadowPath = UIBezierPath(rect: bounds)
    layer.masksToBounds = false
    layer.shadowColor = UIColor.blackColor().CGColor
    layer.shadowOffset = CGSizeMake(0.0, 5.0)
    layer.shadowOpacity = 0.5
    layer.shadowPath = shadowPath.CGPath

Swift 3:

override func layoutSubviews()

    let shadowPath = UIBezierPath(rect: bounds)
    layer.masksToBounds = false
    layer.shadowColor =
    layer.shadowOffset = CGSize(width: 0.0, height: 5.0)
    layer.shadowOpacity = 0.5
    layer.shadowPath = shadowPath.cgPath

Python extending with - using super() Python 3 vs Python 2

In short, they are equivalent. Let's have a history view:

(1) at first, the function looks like this.

    class MySubClass(MySuperClass):
        def __init__(self):

(2) to make code more abstract (and more portable). A common method to get Super-Class is invented like:

    super(<class>, <instance>)

And init function can be:

    class MySubClassBetter(MySuperClass):
        def __init__(self):
            super(MySubClassBetter, self).__init__()

However requiring an explicit passing of both the class and instance break the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) rule a bit.

(3) in V3. It is more smart,


is enough in most case. You can refer to

Capture characters from standard input without waiting for enter to be pressed

That's not possible in a portable manner in pure C++, because it depends too much on the terminal used that may be connected with stdin (they are usually line buffered). You can, however use a library for that:

  1. conio available with Windows compilers. Use the _getch() function to give you a character without waiting for the Enter key. I'm not a frequent Windows developer, but I've seen my classmates just include <conio.h> and use it. See conio.h at Wikipedia. It lists getch(), which is declared deprecated in Visual C++.

  2. curses available for Linux. Compatible curses implementations are available for Windows too. It has also a getch() function. (try man getch to view its manpage). See Curses at Wikipedia.

I would recommend you to use curses if you aim for cross platform compatibility. That said, I'm sure there are functions that you can use to switch off line buffering (I believe that's called "raw mode", as opposed to "cooked mode" - look into man stty). Curses would handle that for you in a portable manner, if I'm not mistaken.

Current Subversion revision command

Use something like the following, taking advantage of the XML output of subversion:

# parse rev from popen "svn info --xml"
dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(os.popen('svn info --xml'))
entry = dom.getElementsByTagName('entry')[0]
revision = entry.getAttribute('revision')

Note also that, depending on what you need this for, the <commit revision=...> entry may be more what you're looking for. That gives the "Last Changed Rev", which won't change until the code in the current tree actually changes, as opposed to "Revision" (what the above gives) which will change any time anything in the repository changes (even branches) and you do an "svn up", which is not the same thing, nor often as useful.

nginx upload client_max_body_size issue

From the documentation:

It is necessary to keep in mind that the browsers do not know how to correctly show this error.

I suspect this is what's happening, if you inspect the HTTP to-and-fro using tools such as Firebug or Live HTTP Headers (both Firefox extensions) you'll be able to see what's really going on.

Get filename from file pointer

You can get the path via Example:

>>> f = open('foo/bar.txt')

You might need os.path.basename if you want only the file name:

>>> import os
>>> f = open('foo/bar.txt')
>>> os.path.basename(

File object docs (for Python 2) here.

How to read from stdin line by line in Node

You can use the readline module to read from stdin line by line:

var readline = require('readline');
var rl = readline.createInterface({
  input: process.stdin,
  output: process.stdout,
  terminal: false

rl.on('line', function(line){

See line breaks and carriage returns in editor

VI shows newlines (LF character, code x0A) by showing the subsequent text on the next line.

Use the -b switch for binary mode. Eg vi -b filename or vim -b filename --.

It will then show CR characters (x0D), which are not normally used in Unix style files, as the characters ^M.

What is the benefit of using "SET XACT_ABORT ON" in a stored procedure?

Quoting MSDN:

When SET XACT_ABORT is ON, if a Transact-SQL statement raises a run-time error, the entire transaction is terminated and rolled back. When SET XACT_ABORT is OFF, in some cases only the Transact-SQL statement that raised the error is rolled back and the transaction continues processing.

In practice this means that some of the statements might fail, leaving the transaction 'partially completed', and there might be no sign of this failure for a caller.

A simple example:

SELECT 'Everything is fine'

This code would execute 'successfully' with XACT_ABORT OFF, and will terminate with an error with XACT_ABORT ON ('INSERT INTO t2' will not be executed, and a client application will raise an exception).

As a more flexible approach, you could check @@ERROR after each statement (old school), or use TRY...CATCH blocks (MSSQL2005+). Personally I prefer to set XACT_ABORT ON whenever there is no reason for some advanced error handling.

Printing image with PrintDocument. how to adjust the image to fit paper size

The solution provided by BBoy works fine. But in my case I had to use

e.Graphics.DrawImage(memoryImage, e.PageBounds);

This will print only the form. When I use MarginBounds it prints the entire screen even if the form is smaller than the monitor screen. PageBounds solved that issue. Thanks to BBoy!

How to set time zone of a java.util.Date?

You could also set the timezone at the JVM level

Date date1 = new Date();

// or pass in a command line arg: -Duser.timezone="UTC"

Date date2 = new Date();


Thu Sep 05 10:11:12 EDT 2013
Thu Sep 05 14:11:12 UTC 2013

How can I count the rows with data in an Excel sheet?

If you don't mind VBA, here is a function that will do it for you. Your call would be something like:

Function CountRows(ByVal range As range) As Long

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim row As range
Dim count As Long

For Each row In range.Rows
    If (Application.WorksheetFunction.CountBlank(row)) - 256 <> 0 Then
        count = count + 1
    End If

CountRows = count
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Function

How it works: I am exploiting the fact that there is a 256 row limit. The worksheet formula CountBlank will tell you how many cells in a row are blank. If the row has no cells with values, then it will be 256. So I just minus 256 and if it's not 0 then I know there is a cell somewhere that has some value.

How to use apply a custom drawable to RadioButton?

full solution here:

    android:layout_height="wrap_content" >

        android:text="RadioButton" />

        android:text="RadioButton" />

        android:text="RadioButton" />

selector XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <selector xmlns:android="">

<item android:drawable="@drawable/orange_btn_selected" android:state_checked="true"/>
<item android:drawable="@drawable/orange_btn_unselected"    android:state_checked="false"/>


How to install and run phpize

Of course in PHP7.2

sudo apt-get install php7.2-dev

How to access property of anonymous type in C#?

If you want a strongly typed list of anonymous types, you'll need to make the list an anonymous type too. The easiest way to do this is to project a sequence such as an array into a list, e.g.

var nodes = (new[] { new { Checked = false, /* etc */ } }).ToList();

Then you'll be able to access it like:

nodes.Any(n => n.Checked);

Because of the way the compiler works, the following then should also work once you have created the list, because the anonymous types have the same structure so they are also the same type. I don't have a compiler to hand to verify this though.

nodes.Add(new { Checked = false, /* etc */ });

Converting file size in bytes to human-readable string

Here is a prototype to convert a number to a readable string respecting the new international standards.

There are two ways to represent big numbers: You could either display them in multiples of 1000 = 10 3 (base 10) or 1024 = 2 10 (base 2). If you divide by 1000, you probably use the SI prefix names, if you divide by 1024, you probably use the IEC prefix names. The problem starts with dividing by 1024. Many applications use the SI prefix names for it and some use the IEC prefix names. The current situation is a mess. If you see SI prefix names you do not know whether the number is divided by 1000 or 1024

 return (a=a?[1e3,'k','B']:[1024,'K','iB'],b=Math,c=b.log,
 +' '+(d?(a[1]+'MGTPEZY')[--d]+a[2]:'Bytes');

This function contains no loop, and so it's probably faster than some other functions.


IEC prefix

console.log((186457865).fileSize()); // default IEC (power 1024)
//177.82 MiB

SI prefix

console.log((186457865).fileSize(1)); //1,true for SI (power 1000)
//186.46 MB 

i set the IEC as default because i always used binary mode to calculate the size of a file... using the power of 1024

If you just want one of them in a short oneliner function:


function fileSizeSI(a,b,c,d,e){
 return (b=Math,c=b.log,d=1e3,e=c(a)/c(d)|0,a/b.pow(d,e)).toFixed(2)
 +' '+(e?'kMGTPEZY'[--e]+'B':'Bytes')


function fileSizeIEC(a,b,c,d,e){
 return (b=Math,c=b.log,d=1024,e=c(a)/c(d)|0,a/b.pow(d,e)).toFixed(2)
 +' '+(e?'KMGTPEZY'[--e]+'iB':'Bytes')



if you have some questions about the functions just ask

Error: Cannot access file bin/Debug/... because it is being used by another process

It could be too late. But, I encountered similar problem and in my case the project had self reference. Hence, deleting it from the References worked like a charm!!!

How do I get the directory that a program is running from?

Just my two cents, but doesn't the following code portably work in C++17?

#include <iostream>
#include <filesystem>
namespace fs = std::filesystem;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    std::cout << "Path is " << fs::path(argv[0]).parent_path() << '\n';

Seems to work for me on Linux at least.

Based on the previous idea, I now have:

std::filesystem::path prepend_exe_path(const std::string& filename, const std::string& exe_path = "");

With implementation:

fs::path prepend_exe_path(const std::string& filename, const std::string& exe_path)
    static auto exe_parent_path = fs::path(exe_path).parent_path();
    return exe_parent_path / filename;

And initialization trick in main():

(void) prepend_exe_path("", argv[0]);

Thanks @Sam Redway for the argv[0] idea. And of course, I understand that C++17 was not around for many years when the OP asked the question.

Font scaling based on width of container

Try to use the fitText plugin, because Viewport sizes isn't the solution of this problem.

Just add the library:

<script src=""></script>

And change font-size for correct by settings the coefficient of text:


You can set maximum and minimum values of text:

$("#text_div").fitText(0.8, { minFontSize: '12px', maxFontSize: '36px' });

pip installing in global site-packages instead of virtualenv

After creating virtual environment, try to use pip located in yourVirtualEnvName\Scripts

It should install a package inside Lib\site-packages in your virtual environment

How do you get the magnitude of a vector in Numpy?

The function you're after is numpy.linalg.norm. (I reckon it should be in base numpy as a property of an array -- say x.norm() -- but oh well).

import numpy as np
x = np.array([1,2,3,4,5])

You can also feed in an optional ord for the nth order norm you want. Say you wanted the 1-norm:


And so on.

Changing one character in a string

A solution combining find and replace methods in a single line if statement could be:

my_var = "stackoverflaw"
my_new_var = my_var.replace('a', 'o', 1) if my_var.find('s') != -1 else my_var
print(f"my_var = {my_var}")           # my_var = stackoverflaw
print(f"my_new_var = {my_new_var}")   # my_new_var = stackoverflow

Are all Spring Framework Java Configuration injection examples buggy?

In your test, you are comparing the two TestParent beans, not the single TestedChild bean.

Also, Spring proxies your @Configuration class so that when you call one of the @Bean annotated methods, it caches the result and always returns the same object on future calls.

See here:

Android: Expand/collapse animation

Use ValueAnimator:

ValueAnimator expandAnimation = ValueAnimator.ofInt(mainView.getHeight(), 400);
expandAnimation.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() {
    public void onAnimationUpdate(final ValueAnimator animation) {
        int height = (Integer) animation.getAnimatedValue();
        RelativeLayout.LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) mainView.getLayoutParams();
        lp.height = height;


why windows 7 task scheduler task fails with error 2147942667

For me it was the "Start In" - I accidentally left in the '.py' at the end of the name of my program. And I forgot to capitalize the name of the folder it was in ('Apps').

Style input element to fill remaining width of its container

Easiest way to achieve this would be :


label{ float: left; }

    display: block;
    overflow: hidden;
    padding-right: 5px;
    padding-left: 10px;

span > input{ width: 100%; }


    <label>label</label><span><input type="text" /></span>
    <label>longer label</label><span><input type="text" /></span>

Looks like :

'Java' is not recognized as an internal or external command

In my case, PATH was properly SET but PATHEXT has been cleared by me by mistake with .exe extension. That why window can't find java or anything .exe application from command prompt. Hope it can help someone.

From ND to 1D arrays

For list of array with different size use following:

import numpy as np

# ND array list with different size
a = [[1],[2,3,4,5],[6,7,8]]

# stack them
b = np.hstack(a)



[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]

Is there a better way to run a command N times in bash?

for _ in {1..10}; do command; done   

Note the underscore instead of using a variable.

Countdown timer in React

Countdown of user input

Interface Screenshot screenshot

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './App.css';

class App extends Component {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {
      hours: 0,
      minutes: 0,
    this.hoursInput = React.createRef();
    this.minutesInput= React.createRef();
    this.secondsInput = React.createRef();

  inputHandler = (e) => {

  convertToSeconds = ( hours, minutes,seconds) => {
    return seconds + minutes * 60 + hours * 60 * 60;

  startTimer = () => {
    this.timer = setInterval(this.countDown, 1000);

  countDown = () => {
    const  { hours, minutes, seconds } = this.state;
    let c_seconds = this.convertToSeconds(hours, minutes, seconds);

    if(c_seconds) {

      // seconds change
      seconds ? this.setState({seconds: seconds-1}) : this.setState({seconds: 59});

      // minutes change
      if(c_seconds % 60 === 0 && minutes) {
        this.setState({minutes: minutes -1});

      // when only hours entered
      if(!minutes && hours) {
        this.setState({minutes: 59});

      // hours change
      if(c_seconds % 3600 === 0 && hours) {
        this.setState({hours: hours-1});

    } else {

  stopTimer = () => {

  resetTimer = () => {
      hours: 0,
      minutes: 0,
      seconds: 0
    this.hoursInput.current.value = 0;
    this.minutesInput.current.value = 0;
    this.secondsInput.current.value = 0;

  render() {
    const { hours, minutes, seconds } = this.state;

    return (
      <div className="App">
         <h1 className="title"> (( React Countdown )) </h1>
         <div className="inputGroup">
            <input ref={this.hoursInput} type="number" placeholder={0}  name="hours"  onChange={this.inputHandler} />
            <input  ref={this.minutesInput} type="number"  placeholder={0}   name="minutes"  onChange={this.inputHandler} />
            <input   ref={this.secondsInput} type="number"  placeholder={0}  name="seconds"  onChange={this.inputHandler} />
            <button onClick={this.startTimer} className="start">start</button>
            <button onClick={this.stopTimer}  className="stop">stop</button>
            <button onClick={this.resetTimer}  className="reset">reset</button>
         <h1> Timer {hours}: {minutes} : {seconds} </h1>


export default App;

Error 80040154 (Class not registered exception) when initializing VCProjectEngineObject (Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine.dll)

There are not many good reasons this would fail, especially the regsvr32 step. Run dumpbin /exports on that dll. If you don't see DllRegisterServer then you've got a corrupt install. It should have more side-effects, you wouldn't be able to build C/C++ projects anymore.

One standard failure mode is running this on a 64-bit operating system. This is 32-bit unmanaged code, you would indeed get the 'class not registered' exception. Project + Properties, Build tab, change Platform Target to x86.

Fastest way to add an Item to an Array

Case C) is the fastest. Having this as an extension:

Public Module MyExtensions
    <Extension()> _
    Public Sub Add(Of T)(ByRef arr As T(), item As T)
        Array.Resize(arr, arr.Length + 1)
        arr(arr.Length - 1) = item
    End Sub
End Module


Dim arr As Integer() = {1, 2, 3}
Dim newItem As Integer = 4

' --> duration for adding 100.000 items: 1 msec
' --> duration for adding 100.000.000 items: 1168 msec

Cannot add a project to a Tomcat server in Eclipse

  1. Right-click on project
  2. Go to properties => project factes
  3. Click on runtime tab
  4. Check the box of the server
  5. Then ok

Close the eclipse and start the server you will able to see and run the project.

Illegal character in path at index 16

There's an illegal character at index 16. I'd say it doesn't like the space in the path. You can percent encode special characters like spaces. Replace it with a %20 in this case.

The question I linked to above suggests using URLEncoder:

String thePath = "file://E:/Program Files/IBM/SDP/runtimes/base";
thePath = URLEncoder.encode(thePath, "UTF-8"); 

Using media breakpoints in Bootstrap 4-alpha

I answered a similar question here

As @Syden said, the mixins will work. Another option is using SASS map-get like this..

@media (min-width: map-get($grid-breakpoints, sm)){
  .something {
    padding: 10px;

@media (min-width: map-get($grid-breakpoints, md)){
  .something {
    padding: 20px;

Bootstrap 4 Breakpoints demo

How to get character array from a string?

There are (at least) three different things you might conceive of as a "character", and consequently, three different categories of approach you might want to use.

Splitting into UTF-16 code units

JavaScript strings were originally invented as sequences of UTF-16 code units, back at a point in history when there was a one-to-one relationship between UTF-16 code units and Unicode code points. The .length property of a string measures its length in UTF-16 code units, and when you do someString[i] you get the ith UTF-16 code unit of someString.

Consequently, you can get an array of UTF-16 code units from a string by using a C-style for-loop with an index variable...

const yourString = 'Hello, World!';_x000D_
const charArray = [];_x000D_
for (let i=0; i<=yourString.length; i++) {_x000D_

There are also various short ways to achieve the same thing, like using .split() with the empty string as a separator:

const charArray = 'Hello, World!'.split('');_x000D_

However, if your string contains code points that are made up of multiple UTF-16 code units, this will split them into individual code units, which may not be what you want. For instance, the string '' is made up of four unicode code points (code points 0x1D7D8 through 0x1D7DB) which, in UTF-16, are each made up of two UTF-16 code units. If we split that string using the methods above, we'll get an array of eight code units:

const yourString = '';_x000D_
console.log('First code unit:', yourString[0]);_x000D_
const charArray = yourString.split('');_x000D_
console.log('charArray:', charArray);

Splitting into Unicode Code Points

So, perhaps we want to instead split our string into Unicode Code Points! That's been possible since ECMAScript 2015 added the concept of an iterable to the language. Strings are now iterables, and when you iterate over them (e.g. with a for...of loop), you get Unicode code points, not UTF-16 code units:

const yourString = '';_x000D_
const charArray = [];_x000D_
for (const char of yourString) {_x000D_

We can shorten this using Array.from, which iterates over the iterable it's passed implicitly:

const yourString = '';_x000D_
const charArray = Array.from(yourString);_x000D_

However, unicode code points are not the largest possible thing that could possibly be considered a "character" either. Some examples of things that could reasonably be considered a single "character" but be made up of multiple code points include:

  • Accented characters, if the accent is applied with a combining code point
  • Flags
  • Some emojis

We can see below that if we try to convert a string with such characters into an array via the iteration mechanism above, the characters end up broken up in the resulting array. (In case any of the characters don't render on your system, yourString below consists of a capital A with an acute accent, followed by the flag of the United Kingdom, followed by a black woman.)

const yourString = 'A´';_x000D_
const charArray = Array.from(yourString);_x000D_

If we want to keep each of these as a single item in our final array, then we need an array of graphemes, not code points.

Splitting into graphemes

JavaScript has no built-in support for this - at least not yet. So we need a library that understands and implements the Unicode rules for what combination of code points constitute a grapheme. Fortunately, one exists: orling's grapheme-splitter. You'll want to install it with npm or, if you're not using npm, download the index.js file and serve it with a <script> tag. For this demo, I'll load it from jsDelivr.

grapheme-splitter gives us a GraphemeSplitter class with three methods: splitGraphemes, iterateGraphemes, and countGraphemes. Naturally, we want splitGraphemes:

const splitter = new GraphemeSplitter();_x000D_
const yourString = 'A´';_x000D_
const charArray = splitter.splitGraphemes(yourString);_x000D_
<script src="[email protected]/index.js"></script>

And there we are - an array of three graphemes, which is probably what you wanted.

How to make Python speak

If you are using python 3 and windows 10, the best solution that I found to be working is from Giovanni Gianni. This played for me in the male voice:

import win32com.client as wincl
speak = wincl.Dispatch("SAPI.SpVoice")
speak.Speak("This is the pc voice speaking")

I also found this video on youtube so if you really want to, you can get someone you know and make your own DIY tts voice.

What is the best method to merge two PHP objects?

foreach($objectA as $k => $v) $objectB->$k = $v;

Set Encoding of File to UTF8 With BOM in Sublime Text 3

By default, Sublime Text set 'UTF8 without BOM', but that wasn't specified.

The only specicified things is 'UTF8 with BOM'.

Hope this help :)

Set JavaScript variable = null, or leave undefined?

The only time you need to set it (or not) is if you need to explicitly check that a variable a is set exactly to null or undefined.

if(a === null) {

} not the same as:

if(a === undefined) {


That said, a == null && a == undefined will return true.


How to get last inserted row ID from WordPress database?

just like this :

global $wpdb;
$results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $table_name ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 1");

simply your selecting all the rows then order them DESC by id , and displaying only the first

How to use Bootstrap 4 in ASP.NET Core

What does the trick for me is:

1) Right click on wwwroot > Add > Client Side Library

2) Typed "bootstrap" on the search box

3) Select "Choose specific files"

4) Scroll down and select a folder. In my case I chose "twitter-bootstrap"

5) Check "css" and "js"

6) Click "Install".

A few seconds later I have all of them wwwroot folder. Do the same for all client side packages that you want to add.

Windows command for file size only

Try forfiles:

forfiles /p C:\Temp /m file1.txt /c "cmd /c echo @fsize"

The forfiles command runs command c for each file m in directory p.

The variable @fsize is replaced with the size of each file.

If the file C:\Temp\file1.txt is 27 bytes, forfiles runs this command:

cmd /c echo 27

Which prints 27 to the screen.

As a side-effect, it clears your screen as if you had run the cls command.

How to update parent's state in React?

If this same scenario is not spread everywhere you can use React's context, specially if you don't want to introduce all the overhead that state management libraries introduce. Plus, it's easier to learn. But be careful, you could overuse it and start writing bad code. Basically you define a Container component (that will hold and keep that piece of state for you) making all the components interested in writing/reading that piece of data its children (not necessarily direct children)

You could also use plain React properly instead.

<Component5 onSomethingHappenedIn5={this.props.doSomethingAbout5} />

pass doSomethingAbout5 up to Component 1

        <Component2 onSomethingHappenedIn5={somethingAbout5 => this.setState({somethingAbout5})}/>
        <Component5 propThatDependsOn5={this.state.somethingAbout5}/>

If this a common problem you should starting thinking moving the whole state of the application to someplace else. You have a few options, the most common are:

Basically, instead of managing the application state in your component you send commands when something happens to get the state updated. Components pull the state from this container as well so all the data is centralized. This doesn't mean can't use local state anymore, but that's a more advanced topic.

Aligning two divs side-by-side

The HTML code is for three div align side by side and can be used for two also by some changes

<div id="wrapper">
  <div id="first">first</div>
  <div id="second">second</div>
  <div id="third">third</div>

The CSS will be

#wrapper {
#row {
#first {
#second {
#third {

This code will workup towards responsive layout as it will resize the


according to device width. Even one can silent anyone



<!--<div id="third">third</div> --> 

and can use rest two for two


side by side.

Delete forked repo from GitHub

Answer is NO. It won't affect the original/main repository where you forked from. (Functionally, it will be incorrect if such an access is provided to a non-owner).

Just wanted to add this though.

Warning: It will delete the local commits and branches you created on your forked repo. So, before deleting make sure there is a backup of that code with you if it is important.

Best way would be getting a git backup of forked repo using:

git bundle 

or other methods that are familiar.

Mercurial: how to amend the last commit?

Another solution could be use the uncommit command to exclude specific file from current commit.

hg uncommit [file/directory]

This is very helpful when you want to keep current commit and deselect some files from commit (especially helpful for files/directories have been deleted).

indexOf and lastIndexOf in PHP?

This is the best way to do it, very simple.

$msg = "Hello this is a string";
$first_index_of_i = stripos($msg,'i');
$last_index_of_i = strripos($msg, 'i');

echo "First i : " . $first_index_of_i . PHP_EOL ."Last i : " . $last_index_of_i;

Spring: Returning empty HTTP Responses with ResponseEntity<Void> doesn't work

NOTE: This is true for the version mentioned in the question, 4.1.1.RELEASE.

Spring MVC handles a ResponseEntity return value through HttpEntityMethodProcessor.

When the ResponseEntity value doesn't have a body set, as is the case in your snippet, HttpEntityMethodProcessor tries to determine a content type for the response body from the parameterization of the ResponseEntity return type in the signature of the @RequestMapping handler method.

So for

public ResponseEntity<Void> taxonomyPackageExists( @PathVariable final String key ) {

that type will be Void. HttpEntityMethodProcessor will then loop through all its registered HttpMessageConverter instances and find one that can write a body for a Void type. Depending on your configuration, it may or may not find any.

If it does find any, it still needs to make sure that the corresponding body will be written with a Content-Type that matches the type(s) provided in the request's Accept header, application/xml in your case.

If after all these checks, no such HttpMessageConverter exists, Spring MVC will decide that it cannot produce an acceptable response and therefore return a 406 Not Acceptable HTTP response.

With ResponseEntity<String>, Spring will use String as the response body and find StringHttpMessageConverter as a handler. And since StringHttpMessageHandler can produce content for any media type (provided in the Accept header), it will be able to handle the application/xml that your client is requesting.

Spring MVC has since been changed to only return 406 if the body in the ResponseEntity is NOT null. You won't see the behavior in the original question if you're using a more recent version of Spring MVC.

In iddy85's solution, which seems to suggest ResponseEntity<?>, the type for the body will be inferred as Object. If you have the correct libraries in your classpath, ie. Jackson (version > 2.5.0) and its XML extension, Spring MVC will have access to MappingJackson2XmlHttpMessageConverter which it can use to produce application/xml for the type Object. Their solution only works under these conditions. Otherwise, it will fail for the same reason I've described above.

How to compare two columns in Excel and if match, then copy the cell next to it

try this formula in column E:

=IF( AND( ISNUMBER(D2), D2=G2), H2, "")

your error is the number test, ISNUMBER( ISMATCH(D2,G:G,0) )

you do check if ismatch is-a-number, (i.e. isNumber("true") or isNumber("false"), which is not!.

I hope you understand my explanation.

Running Tensorflow in Jupyter Notebook

  1. Install Anaconda
  2. Run Anaconda command prompt
  3. write "activate tensorflow" for windows
  4. pip install tensorflow
  5. pip install jupyter notebook
  6. jupyter notebook.

Only this solution worked for me. Tried 7 8 solutions. Using Windows platform.

How to pass html string to webview on android

To load your data in WebView. Call loadData() method of WebView

webView.loadData(yourData, "text/html; charset=utf-8", "UTF-8");

You can check this example

Specific Time Range Query in SQL Server

you can try this (I don't have sql server here today so I can't verify syntax, sorry)

select attributeName
  from tableName
 where CONVERT(varchar,attributeName,101) BETWEEN '03/01/2009' AND '03/31/2009'
   and CONVERT(varchar, attributeName,108) BETWEEN '06:00:00' AND '22:00:00'
   and DATEPART(day,attributeName) BETWEEN 2 AND 4

Git push: "fatal 'origin' does not appear to be a git repository - fatal Could not read from remote repository."

I had the same issue. When I checked my config file I noticed that 'fetch = +refs/heads/:refs/remotes/origin/' was on the same line as 'url = Z:/GIT/REPOS/SEL.git' as shown:

    repositoryformatversion = 0
    filemode = false
    bare = false
    logallrefupdates = true
    symlinks = false
    ignorecase = true
[remote "origin"]
    url = Z:/GIT/REPOS/SEL.git     fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[branch "master"]
    remote = origin
    merge = refs/heads/master
    wmstate = normal
    geometry = 1109x563+32+32 216 255

At first I did not think that this would have mattered but after seeing the post by Magere I moved the line and that fixed the problem:

    repositoryformatversion = 0
    filemode = false
    bare = false
    logallrefupdates = true
    symlinks = false
    ignorecase = true
[remote "origin"]
    url = Z:/GIT/REPOS/SEL.git
    fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[branch "master"]
    remote = origin
    merge = refs/heads/master
    wmstate = normal
    geometry = 1109x563+32+32 216 255

Android - implementing startForeground for a service?

In my case It was totally different since I was not having activity to launch the service in Oreo.

Below are the steps which I used to resolve this foreground service issue -

public class SocketService extends Service {
    private String TAG = this.getClass().getSimpleName();

    public void onCreate() {
        Log.d(TAG, "Inside onCreate() API");
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 26) {
            NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this);
            mBuilder.setContentTitle("Notification Alert, Click Me!");
            mBuilder.setContentText("Hi, This is Android Notification Detail!");
            NotificationManager mNotificationManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);

            // notificationID allows you to update the notification later on.
            startForeground(100, mBuilder.mNotification);
        Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "inside onCreate()", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

    public int onStartCommand(Intent resultIntent, int resultCode, int startId) {
        Log.d(TAG, "inside onStartCommand() API");

        return startId;

    public void onDestroy() {
        Log.d(TAG, "inside onDestroy() API");


    public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return null;

And after that to initiate this service I triggered below cmd -

adb -s " + serial_id + " shell am startforegroundservice -n com.test.socket.sample/.SocketService

So this helps me to start service without activity on Oreo devices :)

How to check if any Checkbox is checked in Angular

I've a sample for multiple data with their subnode 3 list , each list has attribute and child attribute:

var list1 = {
    name: "Role A",
    name_selected: false,
    subs: [{
        sub: "Read",
        id: 1,
        selected: false
    }, {
        sub: "Write",
        id: 2,
        selected: false
    }, {
        sub: "Update",
        id: 3,
        selected: false
var list2 = {
    name: "Role B",
    name_selected: false,
    subs: [{
        sub: "Read",
        id: 1,
        selected: false
    }, {
        sub: "Write",
        id: 2,
        selected: false
var list3 = {
    name: "Role B",
    name_selected: false,
    subs: [{
        sub: "Read",
        id: 1,
        selected: false
    }, {
        sub: "Update",
        id: 3,
        selected: false

Add these to Array :

$scope.itemDisplayed = newArr;

Show them in html:

<li ng-repeat="item in itemDisplayed" class="ng-scope has-pretty-child">
            <input type="checkbox" class="checkall" ng-model="item.name_selected" ng-click="toggleAll(item)" />
                <li ng-repeat="sub in item.subs" class="ng-scope has-pretty-child">
                    <input type="checkbox" kv-pretty-check="" ng-model="sub.selected" ng-change="optionToggled(item,item.subs)"><span>{{sub.sub}}</span>

And here is the solution to check them:

$scope.toggleAll = function(item) {
    var toogleStatus = !item.name_selected;
    angular.forEach(item, function() {
        angular.forEach(item.subs, function(sub) {
            sub.selected = toogleStatus;

$scope.optionToggled = function(item, subs) {
    item.name_selected = subs.every(function(itm) {
        return itm.selected;

jsfiddle demo

How to make several plots on a single page using matplotlib?

Since this question is from 4 years ago new things have been implemented and among them there is a new function plt.subplots which is very convenient:

fig, axes = plot.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=3, sharex=True, sharey=True)

where axes is a numpy.ndarray of AxesSubplot objects, making it very convenient to go through the different subplots just using array indices [i,j].

How to get database structure in MySQL via query

Take a look at the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES table. It contains metadata about all your tables.



The advantage of this over other methods is that you can easily use queries like the one above as subqueries in your other queries.

The controller for path was not found or does not implement IController

In my case, I was rendering another action method for my menu section in _layout.cshtml file using @Html.Action("Menu", "Menu") whereas I forgot to create Menu controller and as layout file was being used in my current controller action's view therefore I was getting this error in my current action render request. try to look in your layout and as well as view file if you did the same mistake

Basic communication between two fragments

I give my activity an interface that all the fragments can then use. If you have have many fragments on the same activity, this saves a lot of code re-writing and is a cleaner solution / more modular than making an individual interface for each fragment with similar functions. I also like how it is modular. The downside, is that some fragments will have access to functions they don't need.

    public class MyActivity extends AppCompatActivity
    implements MyActivityInterface {

        private List<String> mData; 

        public List<String> getData(){return mData;}

        public void setData(List<String> data){mData = data;}

    public interface MyActivityInterface {

        List<String> getData(); 
        void setData(List<String> data);

    public class MyFragment extends Fragment {

         private MyActivityInterface mActivity; 
         private List<String> activityData; 

         public void onButtonPress(){
              activityData = mActivity.getData()

        public void onAttach(Context context) {
            if (context instanceof MyActivityInterface) {
                mActivity = (MyActivityInterface) context;
            } else {
                throw new RuntimeException(context.toString()
                        + " must implement MyActivityInterface");

        public void onDetach() {
            mActivity = null;

How do I prevent 'git diff' from using a pager?

By default git uses uses less as pager. I normally prefer more, as it will print the first page and then allow you to scroll through the content.

Further, the content will remain in the console when done. This is usually convenient, as you often want to do something with the content after lookup (eg. email the commiter and tell him he introduced a bug in his last commit).

If you then want to pipe content, it would be inconvenient to scroll to print everything. The good thing with more is you will be able to combine it with pipeline and it will pipe through everything, eg.

# Find the commit abcdef123 in the full commit history and read author and commit message
git log |grep -C 5 'abcdef123'

Basically more is all you would ever need, unless you do not want the content to remain in the console when done. To use more instead, do as below.

git config --global core.pager 'more'

How do I get a YouTube video thumbnail from the YouTube API?

Here is a simple function I created for getting the thumbnails. It is easy to understand and use.

$link is the YouTube link copied exactly as it is in the browser, for example,

function get_youtube_thumb($link){
    $new = str_replace('', '', $link);
    $thumbnail = '' . $new . '/0.jpg';
    return $thumbnail;

Reset auto increment counter in postgres

To get sequence id use

SELECT pg_get_serial_sequence('tableName', 'ColumnName');

This will gives you sequesce id as tableName_ColumnName_seq

To Get Last seed number use

select currval(pg_get_serial_sequence('tableName', 'ColumnName'));

or if you know sequence id already use it directly.

select currval(tableName_ColumnName_seq);

It will gives you last seed number

To Reset seed number use

ALTER SEQUENCE tableName_ColumnName_seq RESTART WITH 45

Create a list with initial capacity in Python

I ran S.Lott's code and produced the same 10% performance increase by preallocating. I tried Ned Batchelder's idea using a generator and was able to see the performance of the generator better than that of the doAllocate. For my project the 10% improvement matters, so thanks to everyone as this helps a bunch.

def doAppend(size=10000):
    result = []
    for i in range(size):
        message = "some unique object %d" % ( i, )
    return result

def doAllocate(size=10000):
    result = size*[None]
    for i in range(size):
        message = "some unique object %d" % ( i, )
        result[i] = message
    return result

def doGen(size=10000):
    return list("some unique object %d" % ( i, ) for i in xrange(size))

size = 1000
def testAppend():
    for i in xrange(size):

def testAlloc():
    for i in xrange(size):

def testGen():
    for i in xrange(size):



testAppend took 14440.000ms
testAlloc took 13580.000ms
testGen took 13430.000ms

SQL Update to the SUM of its joined values

An alternate to the above solutions is using Aliases for Tables:

UPDATE T1 SET T1.extrasPrice = (SELECT SUM(T2.Price) FROM BookingPitchExtras T2 WHERE T2.pitchID = T1.ID)
FROM BookingPitches T1;

Where is the WPF Numeric UpDown control?

Simply use the IntegerUpDown control in the Extended.Wpf.Toolkit You can use it like this:

  1. Add to your XAML the following namespace:


  2. In your XAML where you want the control use:

    <xctk:IntegerUpDown Name="myUpDownControl" />

HTML page disable copy/paste

You cannot prevent people from copying text from your page. If you are trying to satisfy a "requirement" this may work for you:

<body oncopy="return false" oncut="return false" onpaste="return false">

How to disable Ctrl C/V using javascript for both internet explorer and firefox browsers

A more advanced aproach:

How to detect Ctrl+V, Ctrl+C using JavaScript?

Edit: I just want to emphasise that disabling copy/paste is annoying, won't prevent copying and is 99% likely a bad idea.

Get element of JS object with an index

I Hope that will help

$.each(myobj, function(index, value) { 



Notepad++ Regular expression find and delete a line

Step 1

  • SearchFind → (goto Tab) Mark
  • Find what: ^Session.*$
  • Enable the checkbox Bookmark line
  • Enable the checkbox Regular expression (under Search Mode)
  • Click Mark All (this will find the regex and highlights all the lines and bookmark them)

Step 2

  • SearchBookmarkRemove Bookmarked Lines

Launch iOS simulator from Xcode and getting a black screen, followed by Xcode hanging and unable to stop tasks

I had the same issue with Xcode... black screen on launching apps, no debugging and clicking would lock up Xcode.

I finally found the problem... following the lead that the simulator could not connect to Xcode I took a look at my etc/hosts file and found that months ago to solve a different issue I had edited the host file to map localhost to my fixed IP instead of the default... my value: localhost

This should work since that is my IP, but changing it back to the default IP fixed Xcode... localhost

Hope this helps.

Failed to load c++ bson extension

I had the same problem on my EC2 instance. I think the initial cause was because I had a Node instance running when I installed Mongo. I stopped the Node service and then ran

sudo npm update 

inside of the top level folder of my node project. This fixed the problem and everything was just like new

Is there any publicly accessible JSON data source to test with real world data?

Tumblr has a public API that provides JSON. You can get a dump of posts using a simple url like

Detect if an element is visible with jQuery

    //what you want to do when is visible

Git - Ignore node_modules folder everywhere

Adding below line in .gitignore will ignore node modules from the entire repository.


enter image description here

Android: Clear the back stack

In addition to FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP, you may try adding Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP as well:

intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP);

How to load a controller from another controller in codeigniter?

Create a helper using the code I created belows and name it controller_helper.php.

Autoload your helper in the autoload.php file under config.

From your method call controller('name') to load the controller.

Note that name is the filename of the controller.

This method will append '_controller' to your controller 'name'. To call a method in the controller just run $this->name_controller->method(); after you load the controller as described above.


    function controller($name)
        $filename = realpath(__dir__ . '/../controllers/'.$name.'.php');

            require_once $filename;

            $class = ucfirst($name);

                $ci =& get_instance();

                    $ci->{$name.'_controller'} = new $class();

Search all the occurrences of a string in the entire project in Android Studio

Press Shift twice and a Search Everywhere dialog will appear.

Java String encoding (UTF-8)

How is this different from the following?

This line of code here:

String newString = new String(oldString.getBytes("UTF-8"), "UTF-8"));

constructs a new String object (i.e. a copy of oldString), while this line of code:

String newString = oldString;

declares a new variable of type java.lang.String and initializes it to refer to the same String object as the variable oldString.

Is there any scenario in which the two lines will have different outputs?


String newString = oldString;
boolean isSameInstance = newString == oldString; // isSameInstance == true


String newString = new String(oldString.getBytes("UTF-8"), "UTF-8"));
 // isSameInstance == false (in most cases)    
boolean isSameInstance = newString == oldString;

a_horse_with_no_name (see comment) is right of course. The equivalent of

String newString = new String(oldString.getBytes("UTF-8"), "UTF-8"));


String newString = new String(oldString);

minus the subtle difference wrt the encoding that Peter Lawrey explains in his answer.

CSS how to make an element fade in and then fade out?

If you need a single fadeIn/Out without an explicit user action (like a mouseover/mouseout) you may use a CSS3 animation:

.elementToFadeInAndOut {

    animation: fadeinout 4s linear 1 forwards;

@keyframes fadeinout {
  0% { opacity: 0; }
  50% { opacity: 1; }
  100% { opacity: 0; }

By setting animation-fill-mode: forwards the animation will retain its last keyframe

By setting animation-iteration-count: 1 the animation will run just once (change this value if you need to repeat the effect more than once)

How do you close/hide the Android soft keyboard using Java?

final RelativeLayout llLogin = (RelativeLayout) findViewById(;
                new View.OnTouchListener() {
                    public boolean onTouch(View view, MotionEvent ev) {
                        InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager) this.getSystemService(
                        imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow(this.getCurrentFocus().getWindowToken(), 0);
                        return false;

How to check for changes on remote (origin) Git repository

I just use

git remote update
git status

The latter then reports how many commits behind my local is (if any).


git pull origin master

to bring my local up to date :)

Rails: Why "sudo" command is not recognized?

sudo is a Unix/Linux command. It's not available in Windows.

How to style components using makeStyles and still have lifecycle methods in Material UI?

Hi instead of using hook API, you should use Higher-order component API as mentioned here

I'll modify the example in the documentation to suit your need for class component

import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { withStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
import Button from '@material-ui/core/Button';

const styles = theme => ({
  root: {
    background: 'linear-gradient(45deg, #FE6B8B 30%, #FF8E53 90%)',
    border: 0,
    borderRadius: 3,
    boxShadow: '0 3px 5px 2px rgba(255, 105, 135, .3)',
    color: 'white',
    height: 48,
    padding: '0 30px',

class HigherOrderComponentUsageExample extends React.Component {
    const { classes } = this.props;
    return (
      <Button className={classes.root}>This component is passed to an HOC</Button>

HigherOrderComponentUsageExample.propTypes = {
  classes: PropTypes.object.isRequired,

export default withStyles(styles)(HigherOrderComponentUsageExample);

Good beginners tutorial to

A 'fun' way to learn is to play BrowserQuest by mozilla and look at its source code :-)

Can someone explain mappedBy in JPA and Hibernate?

mappedby speaks for itself, it tells hibernate not to map this field. it's already mapped by this field [name="field"].
field is in the other entity (name of the variable in the class not the table in the database)..

If you don't do that, hibernate will map this two relation as it's not the same relation

so we need to tell hibernate to do the mapping in one side only and co-ordinate between them.

Example of a strong and weak entity types

A company insurance policy insures an employee and any dependents, the DEPENDENT cannot exist without the EMPLOYEE; that is, a person cannot get insurance coverage as a dependent unless the person is a dependent of an employee.DEPENDENT is the weak entity in the relationship "EMPLOYEE has DEPENDENT"

How to get a password from a shell script without echoing

For anyone needing to prompt for a password, you may be interested in using This is a script I wrote for similar purposes of capturing a secret at runtime and then encrypting it for subsequent occasions. Subsequent runs do not prompt for the password as it will just use the encrypted value from disk.

It stores the encrypted passwords in a hidden folder under the user's home directory or in a custom folder that you can define through the environment variable ENCPASS_HOME_DIR. It is designed to be POSIX compliant and has an MIT License, so it can be used even in corporate enterprise environments. My company, Plyint LLC, maintains the script and occasionally releases updates. Pull requests are also welcome, if you find an issue. :)

To use it in your scripts simply source in your script and call the get_secret function. I'm including a copy of the script below for easy visibility.

# Copyright (c) 2020 Plyint, LLC <[email protected]>. All Rights Reserved.
# This file is licensed under the MIT License (MIT). 
# Please see LICENSE.txt for more information.
# This script allows a user to encrypt a password (or any other secret) at 
# runtime and then use it, decrypted, within a script.  This prevents shoulder 
# surfing passwords and avoids storing the password in plain text, which could 
# inadvertently be sent to or discovered by an individual at a later date.
# This script generates an AES 256 bit symmetric key for each script (or user-
# defined bucket) that stores secrets.  This key will then be used to encrypt 
# all secrets for that script or bucket. sets up a directory 
# (.encpass) under the user's home directory where keys and secrets will be 
# stored.
# For further details, see or run "./encpass ?" from the command line.

encpass_checks() {
    if [ -n "$ENCPASS_CHECKS" ]; then

    if [ ! -x "$(command -v openssl)" ]; then
        echo "Error: OpenSSL is not installed or not accessible in the current path." \
            "Please install it and try again." >&2
        exit 1

    if [ -z "$ENCPASS_HOME_DIR" ]; then
        ENCPASS_HOME_DIR=$(encpass_get_abs_filename ~)/.encpass

    if [ ! -d "$ENCPASS_HOME_DIR" ]; then
        mkdir -m 700 "$ENCPASS_HOME_DIR"
        mkdir -m 700 "$ENCPASS_HOME_DIR/keys"
        mkdir -m 700 "$ENCPASS_HOME_DIR/secrets"

    if [ "$(basename "$0")" != "" ]; then
        encpass_include_init "$1" "$2"


# Initializations performed when the script is included by another script
encpass_include_init() {
    if [ -n "$1" ] && [ -n "$2" ]; then
    elif [ -n "$1" ]; then
        ENCPASS_BUCKET=$(basename "$0")
        ENCPASS_BUCKET=$(basename "$0")

encpass_generate_private_key() {

    if [ ! -d "$ENCPASS_KEY_DIR" ]; then
        mkdir -m 700 "$ENCPASS_KEY_DIR"

    if [ ! -f "$ENCPASS_KEY_DIR/private.key" ]; then
        (umask 0377 && printf "%s" "$(openssl rand -hex 32)" >"$ENCPASS_KEY_DIR/private.key")

encpass_get_private_key_abs_name() {

    if [ "$1" != "nogenerate" ]; then 
        if [ ! -f "$ENCPASS_PRIVATE_KEY_ABS_NAME" ]; then

encpass_get_secret_abs_name() {

    if [ "$3" != "nocreate" ]; then 
        if [ ! -f "$ENCPASS_SECRET_ABS_NAME" ]; then
            set_secret "$1" "$2"

get_secret() {
    encpass_checks "$1" "$2"
    encpass_get_secret_abs_name "$1" "$2"

set_secret() {
    encpass_checks "$1" "$2"

    if [ "$3" != "reuse" ] || { [ -z "$ENCPASS_SECRET_INPUT" ] && [ -z "$ENCPASS_CSECRET_INPUT" ]; }; then
        echo "Enter $ENCPASS_SECRET_NAME:" >&2
        stty -echo
        read -r ENCPASS_SECRET_INPUT
        stty echo
        echo "Confirm $ENCPASS_SECRET_NAME:" >&2
        stty -echo
        stty echo


        if [ ! -d "$ENCPASS_SECRET_DIR" ]; then
            mkdir -m 700 "$ENCPASS_SECRET_DIR"

        printf "%s" "$(openssl rand -hex 16)" >"$ENCPASS_SECRET_DIR/$ENCPASS_SECRET_NAME.enc"


        echo "$ENCPASS_SECRET_INPUT" | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -e -a -iv \
            "$ENCPASS_OPENSSL_IV" -K \
            "$(cat "$ENCPASS_HOME_DIR/keys/$ENCPASS_BUCKET/private.key")" 1>> \
        echo "Error: secrets do not match.  Please try again." >&2
        exit 1

encpass_get_abs_filename() {
    # $1 : relative filename
    parentdir="$(dirname "${filename}")"

    if [ -d "${filename}" ]; then
        cd "${filename}" && pwd
    elif [ -d "${parentdir}" ]; then
        echo "$(cd "${parentdir}" && pwd)/$(basename "${filename}")"

encpass_decrypt_secret() {
    if [ -f "$ENCPASS_PRIVATE_KEY_ABS_NAME" ]; then
        ENCPASS_DECRYPT_RESULT="$(dd if="$ENCPASS_SECRET_ABS_NAME" ibs=1 skip=32 2> /dev/null | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc \
            -d -a -iv "$(head -c 32 "$ENCPASS_SECRET_ABS_NAME")" -K "$(cat "$ENCPASS_PRIVATE_KEY_ABS_NAME")" 2> /dev/null)"
        if [ ! -z "$ENCPASS_DECRYPT_RESULT" ]; then
            echo "$ENCPASS_DECRYPT_RESULT"
            # If a failed unlock command occurred and the user tries to show the secret
            # Present either locked or decrypt command
            if [ -f "$ENCPASS_HOME_DIR/keys/$ENCPASS_BUCKET/private.lock" ]; then 
            echo "**Locked**"
                # The locked file wasn't present as expected.  Let's display a failure
            echo "Error: Failed to decrypt"
    elif [ -f "$ENCPASS_HOME_DIR/keys/$ENCPASS_BUCKET/private.lock" ]; then
        echo "**Locked**"
        echo "Error: Unable to decrypt. The key file \"$ENCPASS_PRIVATE_KEY_ABS_NAME\" is not present."

# -------------------------------
# If you don't need to manage the secrets for the scripts
# with you can delete all code below this point
# in order to significantly reduce the size of
# This is useful if you want to bundle with
# your existing scripts and just need the retrieval
# functions.

encpass_show_secret() {

    encpass_get_private_key_abs_name "nogenerate"

    if [ ! -z "$2" ]; then
        encpass_get_secret_abs_name "$1" "$2" "nocreate"
        if [ -z "$ENCPASS_SECRET_ABS_NAME" ]; then
            echo "No secret named $2 found for bucket $1."
            exit 1

        ENCPASS_FILE_LIST=$(ls -1 "$ENCPASS_HOME_DIR"/secrets/"$1")
        for ENCPASS_F in $ENCPASS_FILE_LIST; do
            ENCPASS_SECRET_NAME=$(basename "$ENCPASS_F" .enc)

            encpass_get_secret_abs_name "$1" "$ENCPASS_SECRET_NAME" "nocreate"
            if [ -z "$ENCPASS_SECRET_ABS_NAME" ]; then
                echo "No secret named $ENCPASS_SECRET_NAME found for bucket $1."
                exit 1

            echo "$ENCPASS_SECRET_NAME = $(encpass_decrypt_secret)"

encpass_getche() {
        old=$(stty -g)
        stty raw min 1 time 0
        printf '%s' "$(dd bs=1 count=1 2>/dev/null)"
        stty "$old"

encpass_remove() {
    if [ ! -n "$ENCPASS_FORCE_REMOVE" ]; then
        if [ ! -z "$ENCPASS_SECRET" ]; then
            printf "Are you sure you want to remove the secret \"%s\" from bucket \"%s\"? [y/N]" "$ENCPASS_SECRET" "$ENCPASS_BUCKET"
            printf "Are you sure you want to remove the bucket \"%s?\" [y/N]" "$ENCPASS_BUCKET"

        printf "\n"
        if [ "$ENCPASS_CONFIRM" != "Y" ] && [ "$ENCPASS_CONFIRM" != "y" ]; then
            exit 0

    if [ ! -z "$ENCPASS_SECRET" ]; then
        rm -f "$1"
        printf "Secret \"%s\" removed from bucket \"%s\".\n" "$ENCPASS_SECRET" "$ENCPASS_BUCKET"
        rm -Rf "$ENCPASS_HOME_DIR/secrets/$ENCPASS_BUCKET"
        printf "Bucket \"%s\" removed.\n" "$ENCPASS_BUCKET"

encpass_save_err() {
    if read -r x; then
        { printf "%s\n" "$x"; cat; } > "$1"
    elif [ "$x" != "" ]; then
        printf "%s" "$x" > "$1"

encpass_help() {
less << EOF
NAME: - Use encrypted passwords in shell scripts

    A lightweight solution for using encrypted passwords in shell scripts 
    using OpenSSL. It allows a user to encrypt a password (or any other secret)
    at runtime and then use it, decrypted, within a script. This prevents
    shoulder surfing passwords and avoids storing the password in plain text, 
    within a script, which could inadvertently be sent to or discovered by an 
    individual at a later date.

    This script generates an AES 256 bit symmetric key for each script 
    (or user-defined bucket) that stores secrets. This key will then be used 
    to encrypt all secrets for that script or bucket.

    Subsequent calls to retrieve a secret will not prompt for a secret to be 
    entered as the file with the encrypted value already exists.

    Note: By default, sets up a directory (.encpass) under the 
    user's home directory where keys and secrets will be stored.  This directory
    can be overridden by setting the environment variable ENCPASS_HOME_DIR to a
    directory of your choice.

    ~/.encpass (or the directory specified by ENCPASS_HOME_DIR) will contain 
    the following subdirectories:
      - keys (Holds the private key for each script/bucket)
      - secrets (Holds the secrets stored for each script/bucket)

    To use the script in an existing shell script, source the script 
    and then call the get_secret function.



    When no arguments are passed to the get_secret function,
    then the bucket name is set to the name of the script and
    the secret name is set to "password".

    There are 2 other ways to call get_secret:

      Specify the secret name:
      Ex: \$(get_secret user)
        - bucket name = <script name>
        - secret name = "user"

      Specify both the secret name and bucket name:
      Ex: \$(get_secret personal user)
        - bucket name = "personal"
        - secret name = "user" also provides a command line interface to manage the secrets.
    To invoke a command, pass it as an argument to from the shell.

        $ [COMMAND]

    See the COMMANDS section below for a list of available commands.  Wildcard
    handling is implemented for secret and bucket names.  This enables
    performing operations like adding/removing a secret to/from multiple buckets
        at once.

    add [-f] <bucket> <secret>
        Add a secret to the specified bucket.  The bucket will be created
        if it does not already exist. If a secret with the same name already
        exists for the specified bucket, then the user will be prompted to
        confirm overwriting the value.  If the -f option is passed, then the
        add operation will perform a forceful overwrite of the value. (i.e. no

    list|ls [<bucket>]
        Display the names of the secrets held in the bucket.  If no bucket
        is specified, then the names of all existing buckets will be

        Locks all keys used by using a password.  The user
        will be prompted to enter a password and confirm it.  A user
        should take care to securely store the password.  If the password
        is lost then keys can not be unlocked.  When keys are locked,
        secrets can not be retrieved. (e.g. the output of the values
        in the "show" command will be encrypted/garbage)

    remove|rm [-f] <bucket> [<secret>]
        Remove a secret from the specified bucket.  If only a bucket is
        specified then the entire bucket (i.e. all secrets and keys) will
        be removed.  By default the user is asked to confirm the removal of
        the secret or the bucket.  If the -f option is passed then a 
        forceful removal will be performed.  (i.e. no prompt)

    show [<bucket>] [<secret>]
        Show the unencrypted value of the secret from the specified bucket.
        If no secret is specified then all secrets for the bucket are displayed.

    update <bucket> <secret>
        Updates a secret in the specified bucket.  This command is similar
        to using an "add -f" command, but it has a safety check to only 
        proceed if the specified secret exists.  If the secret, does not
        already exist, then an error will be reported. There is no forceable
        update implemented.  Use "add -f" for any required forceable update

        Unlocks all the keys for  The user will be prompted to 
        enter the password and confirm it.

        Prints out the current value of the ENCPASS_HOME_DIR environment variable.

        Display this help message.

# Subcommands for cli support
case "$1" in
    add )
        while getopts ":f" ENCPASS_OPTS; do
            case "$ENCPASS_OPTS" in
                f ) ENCPASS_FORCE_ADD=1;;


        if [ -n "$ENCPASS_FORCE_ADD" ]; then
            shift $((OPTIND-1))

        if [ ! -z "$1" ] && [ ! -z "$2" ]; then
            # Allow globbing
            # shellcheck disable=SC2027,SC2086
            ENCPASS_ADD_LIST="$(ls -1d "$ENCPASS_HOME_DIR/secrets/"$1"" 2>/dev/null)"
            if [ -z "$ENCPASS_ADD_LIST" ]; then

            for ENCPASS_ADD_F in $ENCPASS_ADD_LIST; do
                ENCPASS_ADD_DIR="$(basename "$ENCPASS_ADD_F")"
                if [ ! -n "$ENCPASS_FORCE_ADD" ] && [ -f "$ENCPASS_ADD_F/$2.enc" ]; then
                    echo "Warning: A secret with the name \"$2\" already exists for bucket $ENCPASS_BUCKET."
                    echo "Would you like to overwrite the value? [y/N]"

                    if [ "$ENCPASS_CONFIRM" != "Y" ] && [ "$ENCPASS_CONFIRM" != "y" ]; then

                echo "Adding secret \"$ENCPASS_SECRET_NAME\" to bucket \"$ENCPASS_BUCKET\"..."
                set_secret "$ENCPASS_BUCKET" "$ENCPASS_SECRET_NAME" "reuse"
            echo "Error: A bucket name and secret name must be provided when adding a secret."
            exit 1
    update )

        if [ ! -z "$1" ] && [ ! -z "$2" ]; then

            # Allow globbing
            # shellcheck disable=SC2027,SC2086
            ENCPASS_UPDATE_LIST="$(ls -1d "$ENCPASS_HOME_DIR/secrets/"$1"" 2>/dev/null)"

                # Allow globbing
                # shellcheck disable=SC2027,SC2086
                if [ -f "$ENCPASS_UPDATE_F/"$2".enc" ]; then
                        ENCPASS_UPDATE_DIR="$(basename "$ENCPASS_UPDATE_F")"
                        echo "Updating secret \"$ENCPASS_SECRET_NAME\" to bucket \"$ENCPASS_BUCKET\"..."
                        set_secret "$ENCPASS_BUCKET" "$ENCPASS_SECRET_NAME" "reuse"
                    echo "Error: A secret with the name \"$2\" does not exist for bucket $1."
                    exit 1
            echo "Error: A bucket name and secret name must be provided when updating a secret."
            exit 1
    rm|remove )

        while getopts ":f" ENCPASS_OPTS; do
            case "$ENCPASS_OPTS" in
                f ) ENCPASS_FORCE_REMOVE=1;;

        if [ -n "$ENCPASS_FORCE_REMOVE" ]; then
            shift $((OPTIND-1))

        if [ -z "$1" ]; then 
            echo "Error: A bucket must be specified for removal."

        # Allow globbing
        # shellcheck disable=SC2027,SC2086
        ENCPASS_REMOVE_BKT_LIST="$(ls -1d "$ENCPASS_HOME_DIR/secrets/"$1"" 2>/dev/null)"
        if [ ! -z "$ENCPASS_REMOVE_BKT_LIST" ]; then

                ENCPASS_BUCKET="$(basename "$ENCPASS_REMOVE_B")"
                if [ ! -z "$2" ]; then
                    # Removing secrets for a specified bucket
                    # Allow globbing
                    # shellcheck disable=SC2027,SC2086
                    ENCPASS_REMOVE_LIST="$(ls -1p "$ENCPASS_REMOVE_B/"$2".enc" 2>/dev/null)"

                    if [ -z "$ENCPASS_REMOVE_LIST" ]; then
                        echo "Error: No secrets found for $2 in bucket $ENCPASS_BUCKET."
                        exit 1

                    for ENCPASS_REMOVE_F in $ENCPASS_REMOVE_LIST; do
                        encpass_remove "$ENCPASS_REMOVE_F"
                    # Removing a specified bucket

            echo "Error: The bucket named $1 does not exist."
            exit 1
    show )
        if [ -z "$1" ]; then

        if [ ! -z "$2" ]; then
            # Allow globbing
            # shellcheck disable=SC2027,SC2086
            if [ -f "$(encpass_get_abs_filename "$ENCPASS_HOME_DIR/secrets/$ENCPASS_SHOW_DIR/"$2".enc")" ]; then
                encpass_show_secret "$ENCPASS_SHOW_DIR" "$2"
            # Allow globbing
            # shellcheck disable=SC2027,SC2086
            ENCPASS_SHOW_LIST="$(ls -1d "$ENCPASS_HOME_DIR/secrets/"$ENCPASS_SHOW_DIR"" 2>/dev/null)"

            if [ -z "$ENCPASS_SHOW_LIST" ]; then
                if [ "$ENCPASS_SHOW_DIR" = "*" ]; then
                    echo "Error: No buckets exist."
                    echo "Error: Bucket $1 does not exist."
                exit 1

            for ENCPASS_SHOW_F in $ENCPASS_SHOW_LIST; do
                ENCPASS_SHOW_DIR="$(basename "$ENCPASS_SHOW_F")"
                echo "$ENCPASS_SHOW_DIR:"
                encpass_show_secret "$ENCPASS_SHOW_DIR"
                echo " "
    ls|list )
        if [ ! -z "$1" ]; then
            # Allow globbing
            # shellcheck disable=SC2027,SC2086
            ENCPASS_FILE_LIST="$(ls -1p "$ENCPASS_HOME_DIR/secrets/"$1"" 2>/dev/null)"

            if [ -z "$ENCPASS_FILE_LIST" ]; then
                # Allow globbing
                # shellcheck disable=SC2027,SC2086
                ENCPASS_DIR_EXISTS="$(ls -d "$ENCPASS_HOME_DIR/secrets/"$1"" 2>/dev/null)"
                if [ ! -z "$ENCPASS_DIR_EXISTS" ]; then
                    echo "Bucket $1 is empty."
                    echo "Error: Bucket $1 does not exist."
                exit 1

            for ENCPASS_F in $ENCPASS_FILE_LIST; do
                if [ -d "${ENCPASS_F%:}" ]; then
                    printf "$ENCPASS_NL%s\n" "$(basename "$ENCPASS_F")"
                    printf "%s\n" "$(basename "$ENCPASS_F" .enc)"
            # Allow globbing
            # shellcheck disable=SC2027,SC2086
            ENCPASS_BUCKET_LIST="$(ls -1p "$ENCPASS_HOME_DIR/secrets/"$1"" 2>/dev/null)"
            for ENCPASS_C in $ENCPASS_BUCKET_LIST; do
                if [ -d "${ENCPASS_C%:}" ]; then
                    printf "\n%s" "\n$(basename "$ENCPASS_C")"
                    basename "$ENCPASS_C" .enc
    lock )

        echo "************************!!!WARNING!!!*************************" >&2
        echo "* You are about to lock your keys with a password.           *" >&2
        echo "* You will not be able to use your secrets again until you   *" >&2
        echo "* unlock the keys with the same password. It is important    *" >&2
        echo "* that you securely store the password, so you can recall it *" >&2
        echo "* in the future.  If you forget your password you will no    *" >&2
        echo "* longer be able to access your secrets.                     *" >&2
        echo "************************!!!WARNING!!!*************************" >&2

        printf "\n%s\n" "About to lock keys held in directory $ENCPASS_HOME_DIR/keys/"

        printf "\nEnter Password to lock keys:" >&2
        stty -echo
        read -r ENCPASS_KEY_PASS
        printf "\nConfirm Password:" >&2
        read -r ENCPASS_CKEY_PASS
        printf "\n"
        stty echo

        if [ -z "$ENCPASS_KEY_PASS" ]; then
            echo "Error: You must supply a password value."
            exit 1

        if [ "$ENCPASS_KEY_PASS" = "$ENCPASS_CKEY_PASS" ]; then
            ENCPASS_KEYS_LIST="$(ls -1d "$ENCPASS_HOME_DIR/keys/"*"/" 2>/dev/null)"
            for ENCPASS_KEY_F in $ENCPASS_KEYS_LIST; do

                if [ -d "${ENCPASS_KEY_F%:}" ]; then
                    ENCPASS_KEY_NAME="$(basename "$ENCPASS_KEY_F")"
                    if [ -f "$ENCPASS_KEY_F/private.key" ]; then
                        ENCPASS_KEY_VALUE="$(cat "$ENCPASS_KEY_F/private.key")"
                        if [ ! -f "$ENCPASS_KEY_F/private.lock" ]; then
                        echo "Locking key $ENCPASS_KEY_NAME..."
                          echo "Error: The key $ENCPASS_KEY_NAME appears to have been previously locked."
                            echo "       The current key file may hold a bad value. Exiting to avoid encrypting"
                            echo "       a bad value and overwriting the lock file."
                            exit 1
                        echo "Error: Private key file ${ENCPASS_KEY_F}private.key missing for bucket $ENCPASS_KEY_NAME."
                        exit 1
                    if [ ! -z "$ENCPASS_KEY_VALUE" ]; then
                        openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -iter 10000 -salt -in "$ENCPASS_KEY_F/private.key" -out "$ENCPASS_KEY_F/private.lock" -k "$ENCPASS_KEY_PASS"
                        if [ -f "$ENCPASS_KEY_F/private.key" ] && [ -f "$ENCPASS_KEY_F/private.lock" ]; then
                            # Both the key and lock file exist.  We can remove the key file now
                            rm -f "$ENCPASS_KEY_F/private.key"
                            echo "Locked key $ENCPASS_KEY_NAME."
                            ENCPASS_NUM_KEYS_LOCKED=$(( ENCPASS_NUM_KEYS_LOCKED + 1 ))
                            echo "Error: The key fle and/or lock file were not found as expected for key $ENCPASS_KEY_NAME."
                        echo "Error: No key value found for the $ENCPASS_KEY_NAME key."
                        exit 1
            echo "Locked $ENCPASS_NUM_KEYS_LOCKED keys."
            echo "Error: Passwords do not match."
    unlock )

        printf "%s\n" "About to unlock keys held in the $ENCPASS_HOME_DIR/keys/ directory."

        printf "\nEnter Password to unlock keys: " >&2
        stty -echo
        read -r ENCPASS_KEY_PASS
        printf "\n"
        stty echo

        if [ ! -z "$ENCPASS_KEY_PASS" ]; then
            ENCPASS_KEYS_LIST="$(ls -1d "$ENCPASS_HOME_DIR/keys/"*"/" 2>/dev/null)"
            for ENCPASS_KEY_F in $ENCPASS_KEYS_LIST; do

                if [ -d "${ENCPASS_KEY_F%:}" ]; then
                    ENCPASS_KEY_NAME="$(basename "$ENCPASS_KEY_F")"
                    echo "Unlocking key $ENCPASS_KEY_NAME..."
                    if [ -f "$ENCPASS_KEY_F/private.key" ] && [ ! -f "$ENCPASS_KEY_F/private.lock" ]; then
                        echo "Error: Key $ENCPASS_KEY_NAME appears to be unlocked already."
                        exit 1

                    if [ -f "$ENCPASS_KEY_F/private.lock" ]; then
                        # Remove the failed file in case previous decryption attempts were unsuccessful
                        rm -f "$ENCPASS_KEY_F/failed" 2>/dev/null

                        # Decrypt key. Log any failure to the "failed" file.
                        openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -d -pbkdf2 -iter 10000 -salt \
                            -in "$ENCPASS_KEY_F/private.lock" -out "$ENCPASS_KEY_F/private.key" \
                            -k "$ENCPASS_KEY_PASS" 2>&1 | encpass_save_err "$ENCPASS_KEY_F/failed"

                        if [ ! -f "$ENCPASS_KEY_F/failed" ]; then
                            # No failure has occurred.
                          if [ -f "$ENCPASS_KEY_F/private.key" ] && [ -f "$ENCPASS_KEY_F/private.lock" ]; then
                              # Both the key and lock file exist.  We can remove the lock file now.
                              rm -f "$ENCPASS_KEY_F/private.lock"
                              echo "Unlocked key $ENCPASS_KEY_NAME."
                              ENCPASS_NUM_KEYS_UNLOCKED=$(( ENCPASS_NUM_KEYS_UNLOCKED + 1 ))
                              echo "Error: The key file and/or lock file were not found as expected for key $ENCPASS_KEY_NAME."
                          printf "Error: Failed to unlock key %s.\n" "$ENCPASS_KEY_NAME"
                            printf "       Please view %sfailed for details.\n" "$ENCPASS_KEY_F"
                        echo "Error: No lock file found for the $ENCPASS_KEY_NAME key."
            echo "Unlocked $ENCPASS_NUM_KEYS_UNLOCKED keys."
            echo "No password entered."
    dir )
    help|--help|usage|--usage|\? )
    * )
        if [ ! -z "$1" ]; then
            echo "Command not recognized. See \" help\" for a list commands."
            exit 1

Java Webservice Client (Best way)

You can find some resources related to developing web services client using Apache axis2 here.

Below posts gives good explanations about developing web services using Apache axis2.

How to read a local text file?

    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <script src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function () {            
                $.ajax({`enter code here`
                    url: "TextFile.txt",
                    dataType: "text",
                    success: function (data) {                 
                            var text = $('#newCheckText').val();
                            var str = data;
                            var str_array = str.split('\n');
                            for (var i = 0; i < str_array.length; i++) {
                                // Trim the excess whitespace.
                                str_array[i] = str_array[i].replace(/^\s*/, "").replace(/\s*$/, "");
                                // Add additional code here, such as:
                                $('#checkboxes').append('<input type="checkbox"  class="checkBoxClass" /> ' + str_array[i] + '<br />');
                $("#ckbCheckAll").click(function () {
                    $(".checkBoxClass").prop('checked', $(this).prop('checked'));
    <div id="checkboxes">
        <input type="checkbox" id="ckbCheckAll" class="checkBoxClass"/> Select All<br />        

Contains method for a slice

The sort package provides the building blocks if your slice is sorted or you are willing to sort it.

input := []string{"bird", "apple", "ocean", "fork", "anchor"}

fmt.Println(contains(input, "apple")) // true
fmt.Println(contains(input, "grow"))  // false


func contains(s []string, searchterm string) bool {
    i := sort.SearchStrings(s, searchterm)
    return i < len(s) && s[i] == searchterm

SearchString promises to return the index to insert x if x is not present (it could be len(a)), so a check of that reveals whether the string is contained the sorted slice.

how to load url into div tag

You need to use an iframe.

<script type="text/javascript">
<iframe id="content" src="about:blank"></iframe>

Why does Git treat this text file as a binary file?

Git will even determine that it is binary if you have one super-long line in your text file. I broke up a long String, turning it into several source code lines, and suddenly the file went from being 'binary' to a text file that I could see (in SmartGit).

So don't keep typing too far to the right without hitting 'Enter' in your editor - otherwise later on Git will think you have created a binary file.

error: (-215) !empty() in function detectMultiScale

This error means that the XML file could not be found. The library needs you to pass it the full path, even though you’re probably just using a file that came with the OpenCV library.

You can use the built-in pkg_resources module to automatically determine this for you. The following code looks up the full path to a file inside wherever the cv2 module was loaded from:

import pkg_resources
haar_xml = pkg_resources.resource_filename(
    'cv2', 'data/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml')

For me this was '/Users/andrew/.local/share/virtualenvs/foo-_b9W43ee/lib/python3.7/site-packages/cv2/data/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml'; yours is guaranteed to be different. Just let python’s pkg_resources library figure it out.

classifier = cv2.CascadeClassifier(haar_xml)
faces = classifier.detectMultiScale(frame)


Get JSON object from URL

Our solution, adding some validations to response so we are sure we have a well formed json object in $json variable

$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
$result = curl_exec($ch);
if (! $result) {
    return false;

$json = json_decode(utf8_encode($result));
if (empty($json) || json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
    return false;

Decoding UTF-8 strings in Python

It's an encoding error - so if it's a unicode string, this ought to fix it:


If it's a plain string, you'll need an extra step:


Both of these will give you a unicode string.

By the way - to discover how a piece of text like this has been mangled due to encoding issues, you can use chardet:

>>> import chardet
>>> chardet.detect(u"And the Hip’s coming, too")
{'confidence': 0.5, 'encoding': 'windows-1252'}

Drop unused factor levels in a subsetted data frame

Another way of doing the same but with dplyr

subdf <- df %>% filter(numbers <= 3) %>% droplevels()


Also Works ! Thanks to agenis

subdf <- df %>% filter(numbers <= 3) %>% droplevels

.htaccess not working apache

In my experience, /var/www/ directory directive prevents subfolder virtualhost directives. So if you had tried all suggestions and still not working and you are using virtualhosts try this ;

1 - Be sure that you have AllowOverride All directive in /etc/apache2/sites-available/

2 - Check /var/www/ Directory directives in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf (possibly at line 164), which looks like ;

<Directory /var/www/>
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride None
        Require all granted

If there is an AllowOverride None directive change it to AllowOverride All or just escape line

In Javascript, how to conditionally add a member to an object?

I think @InspiredJW did it with ES5, and as @trincot pointed out, using es6 is a better approach. But we can add a bit more sugar, by using the spread operator, and logical AND short circuit evaluation:

const a = {
   ...(someCondition && {b: 5})

Regular expression to match non-ASCII characters?

You do the same way as any other character matching, but you use \uXXXX where XXXX is the unicode number of the character.

Look at:

MySQL Check if username and password matches in Database

Instead of selecting all the columns in count count(*) you can limit count for one column count(UserName).

You can limit the whole search to one row by using Limit 0,1

  FROM TableName
 WHERE UserName = 'User' AND
       Password = 'Pass'
 LIMIT 0, 1

placeholder for select tag

Yes it is possible

You can do this using only HTML You need to set default select option disabled="" and selected="" and select tag required="". Browser doesn't allow user to submit the form without selecting an option.

<form action="" method="POST">
    <select name="in-op" required="">
        <option disabled="" selected="">Select Option</option>
        <option>Option 1</option>
        <option>Option 2</option>
        <option>Option 3</option>
    <input type="submit" value="Submit">

Django, creating a custom 500/404 error page

Add these lines in

from django.conf.urls import (
handler400, handler403, handler404, handler500

handler400 = 'my_app.views.bad_request'
handler403 = 'my_app.views.permission_denied'
handler404 = 'my_app.views.page_not_found'
handler500 = 'my_app.views.server_error'

# ...

and implement our custom views in

from django.shortcuts import (
from django.template import RequestContext

# HTTP Error 400
def bad_request(request):
    response = render_to_response(

        response.status_code = 400

        return response

# ...

Command to collapse all sections of code?

Below are all what you want:

  • Collapse / Expand current Method

CTRL + M + M

  • Collapse / Expand current selection

CTRL + M + H

  • Collapse all

CTRL + M + O

CTRL + M + A

  • Expand all

CTRL + M + X

CTRL + M + L

How to resolve Nodejs: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory

92% additional asset processing scripts-webpack-plugin× ?wdm?: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open....==> if anyone faced to such error, you should do followings: 1) you should check the if the file path is correct in angular.json file.

 "scripts": [

2) you should press crtl+c and re run the project.

Bug? #1146 - Table 'xxx.xxxxx' doesn't exist

Check filenames.
You might need to create a new database in phpmyadmin that matches the database you're trying to import.

How to match letters only using java regex, matches method?

[A-Za-z ]* to match letters and spaces.

RHEL 6 - how to install 'GLIBC_2.14' or 'GLIBC_2.15'?

Naive question: Is it possible to somehow download GLIBC 2.15, put it in any folder (e.g. /tmp/myglibc) and then point to this path ONLY when executing something that needs this specific version of glibc?

Yes, it's possible.

Difference between except: and except Exception as e: in Python

In the second you can access the attributes of the exception object:

>>> def catch():
...     try:
...         asd()
...     except Exception as e:
...         print e.message, e.args
>>> catch()
global name 'asd' is not defined ("global name 'asd' is not defined",)

But it doesn't catch BaseException or the system-exiting exceptions SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt and GeneratorExit:

>>> def catch():
...     try:
...         raise BaseException()
...     except Exception as e:
...         print e.message, e.args
>>> catch()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<stdin>", line 3, in catch

Which a bare except does:

>>> def catch():
...     try:
...         raise BaseException()
...     except:
...         pass
>>> catch()

See the Built-in Exceptions section of the docs and the Errors and Exceptions section of the tutorial for more info.

Clear Application's Data Programmatically

If you want a less verbose hack:

void deleteDirectory(String path) {
  Runtime.getRuntime().exec(String.format("rm -rf %s", path));

Python urllib2 Basic Auth Problem

The problem could be that the Python libraries, per HTTP-Standard, first send an unauthenticated request, and then only if it's answered with a 401 retry, are the correct credentials sent. If the Foursquare servers don't do "totally standard authentication" then the libraries won't work.

Try using headers to do authentication:

import urllib2, base64

request = urllib2.Request("")
base64string = base64.b64encode('%s:%s' % (username, password))
request.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string)   
result = urllib2.urlopen(request)

Had the same problem as you and found the solution from this thread:

How to call a button click event from another method

For me this worked in WPF

    private void Window_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
        if (e.Key == Key.Enter)
            RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs = new RoutedEventArgs(ButtonBase.ClickEvent, Button_OK);

Align text in JLabel to the right

This can be done in two ways.

JLabel Horizontal Alignment

You can use the JLabel constructor:

JLabel(String text, int horizontalAlignment) 

To align to the right:

JLabel label = new JLabel("Telephone", SwingConstants.RIGHT);

JLabel also has setHorizontalAlignment:


This assumes the component takes up the whole width in the container.

Using Layout

A different approach is to use the layout to actually align the component to the right, whilst ensuring they do not take the whole width. Here is an example with BoxLayout:

    Box box = Box.createVerticalBox();
    JLabel label1 = new JLabel("test1, the beginning");

    JLabel label2 = new JLabel("test2, some more");

    JLabel label3 = new JLabel("test3");


How do I create a view controller file after creating a new view controller?

Correct, when you drag a view controller object onto your storyboard in order to create a new scene, it doesn't automatically make the new class for you, too.

Having added a new view controller scene to your storyboard, you then have to:

  1. Create a UIViewController subclass. For example, go to your target's folder in the project navigator panel on the left and then control-click and choose "New File...". Choose a "Cocoa Touch Class":

    Cocoa Touch Class

    And then select a unique name for the new view controller subclass:

    UIViewController subclass

  2. Specify this new subclass as the base class for the scene you just added to the storyboard.

    enter image description here

  3. Now hook up any IBOutlet and IBAction references for this new scene with the new view controller subclass.

How to set a value of a variable inside a template code?

Create a template tag:

The app should contain a templatetags directory, at the same level as,, etc. If this doesn’t already exist, create it - don’t forget the file to ensure the directory is treated as a Python package.

Create a file named inside of the templatetags directory with the following code:

from django import template
register = template.Library()

def define(val=None):
  return val

Note: Development server won’t automatically restart. After adding the templatetags module, you will need to restart your server before you can use the tags or filters in templates.

Then in your template you can assign values to the context like this:

{% load define_action %}
{% if item %}

   {% define "Edit" as action %}

{% else %}

   {% define "Create" as action %}

{% endif %}

Would you like to {{action}} this item?

Android Gradle 5.0 Update:Cause: org.jetbrains.plugins.gradle.tooling.util

This issue is due to incompatible of your plugin Verison and required Gradle version; they need to match with each other. I am sharing how my problem was solved.

plugin version Plugin version

Required Gradle version is here

Required gradle version

more compatibility you can see from here. Android Plugin for Gradle Release Notes

if you have the android studio version 4.0.1 android studio version

then your top level gradle file must be like this

buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
    classpath ''
    classpath ''

    // NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong
    // in the individual module build.gradle files

and the gradle version should be

gradle version must be like this

and your app gradle look like this

app gradle file

How to Add a Dotted Underline Beneath HTML Text

It's impossible without CSS. In fact, the <u> tag is simply adding text-decoration:underline to the text with the browser's built-in CSS.

Here's what you can do:

<!-- Other head stuff here, like title or meta -->

<style type="text/css">
u {    
    border-bottom: 1px dotted #000;
    text-decoration: none;
<!-- Body, content here -->

Masking password input from the console : Java

Console console = System.console();
String username = console.readLine("Username: ");
char[] password = console.readPassword("Password: ");

How to identify and switch to the frame in selenium webdriver when frame does not have id

you can use cssSelector,

driver.switchTo().frame(driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("iframe[title='Fill Quote']")));

Changing capitalization of filenames in Git

Sometimes you want to change the capitalization of a lot of file names on a case insensitive filesystem (e.g. on OS X or Windows). Doing git mv commands will tire quickly. To make things a bit easier this is what I do:

  1. Move all files outside of the directory to, let’s, say the desktop.
  2. Do a git add . -A to remove all files.
  3. Rename all files on the desktop to the proper capitalization.
  4. Move all the files back to the original directory.
  5. Do a git add .. Git should see that the files are renamed.

Now you can make a commit saying you have changed the file name capitalization.

SQL Server: Is it possible to insert into two tables at the same time?

You might create a View selecting the column names required by your insert statement, add an INSTEAD OF INSERT Trigger, and insert into this view.

Graphical DIFF programs for linux

Kompare is fine for diff, but I use dirdiff. Although it looks ugly, dirdiff can do 3-way merge - and you can get everything done inside the tool (both diff and merge).

How many files can I put in a directory?

Keep in mind that on Linux if you have a directory with too many files, the shell may not be able to expand wildcards. I have this issue with a photo album hosted on Linux. It stores all the resized images in a single directory. While the file system can handle many files, the shell can't. Example:

-shell-3.00$ ls A*
-shell: /bin/ls: Argument list too long


-shell-3.00$ chmod 644 *jpg
-shell: /bin/chmod: Argument list too long

HTML Code for text checkbox '?'

This is the code for the character you posted in your question: &#xf0fe;

But that's not a checkbox character...

How do I make an asynchronous GET request in PHP?

Regarding your update, about not wanting to wait for the full page to load - I think a HTTP HEAD request is what you're looking for..

get_headers should do this - I think it only requests the headers, so will not be sent the full page content.

"PHP / Curl: HEAD Request takes a long time on some sites" describes how to do a HEAD request using PHP/Curl

If you want to trigger the request, and not hold up the script at all, there are a few ways, of varying complexities..

  • Execute the HTTP request as a background process, php execute a background process - basically you would execute something like "wget -O /dev/null $carefully_escaped_url" - this will be platform specific, and you have to be really careful about escaping parameters to the command
  • Executing a PHP script in the background - basically the same as the UNIX process method, but executing a PHP script rather than a shell command
  • Have a "job queue", using a database (or something like beanstalkd which is likely overkill). You add a URL to the queue, and a background process or cron-job routinely checks for new jobs and performs requests on the URL

PPT to PNG with transparent background

Here is my preferred quickest and easiest solution. Works well if all slides have the same background color that you want to remove.

Step 1. In Powerpoint, "Save As" (shortcut F12) PNG, "All Slides".

Now you have a folder full of these PNG images of all your slides. The problem is that they still have a background. So now:

Step 2. Batch remove background color of all the PNG images, for example by following the steps in this SE answer.

LINQ's Distinct() on a particular property

You can do it (albeit not lightning-quickly) like so:

people.Where(p => !people.Any(q => (p != q && p.Id == q.Id)));

That is, "select all people where there isn't another different person in the list with the same ID."

Mind you, in your example, that would just select person 3. I'm not sure how to tell which you want, out of the previous two.

Do AJAX requests retain PHP Session info?

If the PHP file the AJAX requests has a session_start() the session info will be retained. (baring the requests are within the same domain)

Adding null values to arraylist

Yes, you can always use null instead of an object. Just be careful because some methods might throw error.

It would be 1.

also nulls would be factored in in the for loop, but you could use

 for(Item i : itemList) {
        if (i!= null) {
               //code here

Bootstrap modal: is not a function

I added a modal dialog in jsp and tried to open it with javascript in jsx and hit the same error: "...modal is not a function"

In my case, simply by adding the missing import to the jsx solved the problem.

`import "./../bower/bootstrap/js/modal.js"; // or import ".../bootstrap.min.js"` 

django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Error loading MySQLdb module: No module named MySQLdb

you have to install python-mysqldb - Python interface to MySQL

sudo apt-get install python-mysqldb

How to efficiently check if variable is Array or Object (in NodeJS & V8)?

Just found a quick and simple solution to discover type of a variable.


export const isType = (type, val) => === type.toLowerCase();


function isType(type, val) {
  return === type.toLowerCase();


isType('array', [])
isType('array', {})
isType('string', '')
isType('string', 1)
isType('number', '')
isType('number', 1)
isType('boolean', 1)
isType('boolean', true)


Improvment to prevent 'undefined' and 'null' values:


export const isType = (type, val) => !!(val.constructor && === type.toLowerCase());


function isType(type, val) {
  return !!(val.constructor && === type.toLowerCase());

Rotating x axis labels in R for barplot

Andre Silva's answer works great for me, with one caveat in the "barplot" line:

barplot(mtcars$qsec, col="grey50", 
    ylab="mtcars - qsec", ylim=c(0,5+max(mtcars$qsec)),
    xlab = "",
    xaxt = "n", 

Notice the "xaxt" argument. Without it, the labels are drawn twice, the first time without the 60 degree rotation.

Jquery: how to sleep or delay?

If you can't use the delay method as Robert Harvey suggested, you can use setTimeout.


setTimeout(function() {$("#test").animate({"top":"-=80px"})} , 1500); // delays 1.5 sec
setTimeout(function() {$("#test").animate({"opacity":"0"})} , 1500 + 1000); // delays 1 sec after the previous one

Hide vertical scrollbar in <select> element

You can use a <div> to cover the scrollbar if you really want it to disappear.
Although it won't work on IE6, modern browsers do let you put a <div> on top of it.

adding classpath in linux

Paths under linux are separated by colons (:), not semi-colons (;), as theatrus correctly used it in his example. I believe Java respects this convention.


Alternatively to what andy suggested, you may use the following form (which sets CLASSPATH for the duration of the command):

CLASSPATH=".:../somejar.jar:../mysql-connector-java-5.1.6-bin.jar" java -Xmx500m ...

whichever is more convenient to you.

Java: Add elements to arraylist with FOR loop where element name has increasing number

Using Random function to generate number and iterating them on al using for loop

ArrayList<Integer> al=new ArrayList<Integer>(5);
    for (int i=0;i<=4;i++){

       Random rand=new Random();

Create new user in MySQL and give it full access to one database

In case the host part is omitted it defaults to the wildcard symbol %, allowing all hosts.

CREATE USER 'service-api';

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON the_db.* TO 'service-api' IDENTIFIED BY 'the_password'

SELECT * FROM mysql.user;
SHOW GRANTS FOR 'service-api'

Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error

This error occurred to me when I was debugging the PHP header() function:

header('Location: /aaa/bbb/ccc'); // error

If I use a relative path it works:

header('Location: aaa/bbb/ccc'); // success, but not what I wanted

However when I use an absolute path like /aaa/bbb/ccc, it gives the exact error:

Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error. Use 'LimitInternalRecursion' to increase the limit if necessary. Use 'LogLevel debug' to get a backtrace.

It appears the header function redirects internally without going HTTP at all which is weird. After some tests and trials, I found the solution of adding exit after header():

header('Location: /aaa/bbb/ccc');

And it works properly.

Calculating frames per second in a game

In Typescript, I use this algorithm to calculate framerate and frametime averages:

let getTime = () => {
    return new Date().getTime();

let frames: any[] = [];
let previousTime = getTime();
let framerate:number = 0;
let frametime:number = 0;

let updateStats = (samples:number=60) => {
    samples = Math.max(samples, 1) >> 0;

    if (frames.length === samples) {
        let currentTime: number = getTime() - previousTime;

        frametime = currentTime / samples;
        framerate = 1000 * samples / currentTime;

        previousTime = getTime();

        frames = [];




// Print
stats.innerHTML = Math.round(framerate) + ' FPS ' + frametime.toFixed(2) + ' ms';

Tip: If samples is 1, the result is real-time framerate and frametime.

How to escape braces (curly brackets) in a format string in .NET

My objective:

I needed to assign the value "{CR}{LF}" to a string variable delimiter.

Code c#:

string delimiter= "{{CR}}{{LF}}";

Note: To escape special characters normally you have to use . For opening curly bracket {, use one extra like {{. For closing curly bracket }, use one extra }}.

Visual Studio popup: "the operation could not be completed"

Worked for me after I closed Visual Studio (2015 Community Edition), opened it and opened project again.Had Happened to me because I was using this project as a dependency in another project and it was opened in another instance but the changes were not imitated.

Count number of 1's in binary representation

That's the Hamming weight problem, a.k.a. population count. The link mentions efficient implementations. Quoting:

With unlimited memory, we could simply create a large lookup table of the Hamming weight of every 64 bit integer

SQL Server "cannot perform an aggregate function on an expression containing an aggregate or a subquery", but Sybase can

One option is to put the subquery in a LEFT JOIN:

select sum ( t.graduates ) - t1.summedGraduates 
from table as t
    left join 
        select sum ( graduates ) summedGraduates, id
        from table  
        where group_code not in ('total', 'others' )
        group by id 
    ) t1 on =
where t.group_code = 'total'
group by t1.summedGraduates 

Perhaps a better option would be to use SUM with CASE:

select sum(case when group_code = 'total' then graduates end) -
    sum(case when group_code not in ('total','others') then graduates end)
from yourtable

SQL Fiddle Demo with both

Installing a dependency with Bower from URL and specify version

Targeting a specific commit

Remote (github)

When using github, note that you can also target a specific commit (for example, of a fork you've made and updated) by appending its commit hash to the end of its clone url. For example:

"dependencies": {
  "example": ""

Locally (filesystem)

Or you can target a git commit in your local file system if you use your project's .git directory, like so (on Windows; note the forward slashes):

"dependencies": {
  "example": "file://C:/Projects/my-project/.git#9203e6166b343d7d8b3bb638775b41fe5de3524c"

This is one way of testing library code you've committed locally but not yet pushed to the repo.

How to create a vector of user defined size but with no predefined values?

With the constructor:

// create a vector with 20 integer elements
std::vector<int> arr(20);

for(int x = 0; x < 20; ++x)
   arr[x] = x;

How do I get the position selected in a RecyclerView?

1. Create class Name

import android.content.Context;
import android.view.GestureDetector;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;

public class RecyclerTouchListener implements RecyclerView.OnItemTouchListener 

private GestureDetector gestureDetector;
private ClickListener clickListener;

public RecyclerTouchListener(Context context, final RecyclerView recyclerView, final ClickListener clickListener) {
    this.clickListener = clickListener;
    gestureDetector = new GestureDetector(context, new GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener() {
        public boolean onSingleTapUp(MotionEvent e) {
            return true;

        public void onLongPress(MotionEvent e) {
            View child = recyclerView.findChildViewUnder(e.getX(), e.getY());
            if (child != null && clickListener != null) {
                clickListener.onLongClick(child, recyclerView.getChildAdapterPosition(child));

public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(RecyclerView rv, MotionEvent e) {

    View child = rv.findChildViewUnder(e.getX(), e.getY());
    if (child != null && clickListener != null && gestureDetector.onTouchEvent(e)) {
        clickListener.onClick(child, rv.getChildAdapterPosition(child));
    return false;

public void onTouchEvent(RecyclerView rv, MotionEvent e) {

public void onRequestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(boolean disallowIntercept) {


public interface ClickListener {
    void onClick(View view, int position);

    void onLongClick(View view, int position);

2. Call RecyclerTouchListener

recycleView.addOnItemTouchListener(new RecyclerTouchListener(this, recycleView, 
new RecyclerTouchListener.ClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View view, int position) {

    public void onLongClick(View view, int position) {


MySQL - UPDATE query with LIMIT

In addition to the nested approach above, you can accomplish the application of theLIMIT using JOIN on the same table:

UPDATE `table_name`
INNER JOIN (SELECT `id` from `table_name` order by `id` limit 0,100) as t2 using (`id`)
SET `name` = 'test'

In my experience the mysql query optimizer is happier with this structure.

How to convert an ASCII character into an int in C

A char value in C is implicitly convertible to an int. e.g, char c; ... printf("%d", c) prints the decimal ASCII value of c, and int i = c; puts the ASCII integer value of c in i. You can also explicitly convert it with (int)c. If you mean something else, such as how to convert an ASCII digit to an int, that would be c - '0', which implicitly converts c to an int and then subtracts the ASCII value of '0', namely 48 (in C, character constants such as '0' are of type int, not char, for historical reasons).

Passing variables to the next middleware using next() in Express.js

This is what the res.locals object is for. Setting variables directly on the request object is not supported or documented. res.locals is guaranteed to hold state over the life of a request.


An object that contains response local variables scoped to the request, and therefore available only to the view(s) rendered during that request / response cycle (if any). Otherwise, this property is identical to app.locals.

This property is useful for exposing request-level information such as the request path name, authenticated user, user settings, and so on.

app.use(function(req, res, next) {
    res.locals.user = req.user;  
    res.locals.authenticated = !req.user.anonymous;

To retrieve the variable in the next middleware:

app.use(function(req, res, next) {
    if (res.locals.authenticated) {

Angular Material: mat-select not selecting default

public options2 = [_x000D_
  {"id": 1, "name": "a"},_x000D_
  {"id": 2, "name": "b"}_x000D_
YourFormGroup = FormGroup; _x000D_
mode: 'create' | 'update' = 'create';_x000D_
constructor(@Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) private defaults: defautValuesCpnt,_x000D_
      private fb: FormBuilder,_x000D_
      private cd: ChangeDetectorRef) {_x000D_
ngOnInit() {_x000D_
  if (this.defaults) {_x000D_
    this.mode = 'update';_x000D_
  } else {_x000D_
    this.defaults = {} as Cpnt;_x000D_
    fCtrlName: this.options2.find(x => ===,_x000D_
    ... _x000D_
  this.YourFormGroup ={_x000D_
    fCtrlName: [ , Validators.required]_x000D_
    <mat-select formControlName="fCtrlName"> <mat-option_x000D_
          *ngFor="let option of options2"_x000D_
          value="{{ }}">_x000D_
        {{ }}_x000D_

Error Code: 1005. Can't create table '...' (errno: 150)

In my case, it happened when one table is InnoB and other is MyISAM. Changing engine of one table, through MySQL Workbench, solves for me.

Creating a new dictionary in Python

>>> dict.fromkeys(['a','b','c'],[1,2,3])

{'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': [1, 2, 3], 'c': [1, 2, 3]}

Can there be an apostrophe in an email address?

Yes, according to RFC 3696 apostrophes are valid as long as they come before the @ symbol.

Concatenating string and integer in python

Python is an interesting language in that while there is usually one (or two) "obvious" ways to accomplish any given task, flexibility still exists.

s = "string"
i = 0

print (s + repr(i))

The above code snippet is written in Python3 syntax but the parentheses after print were always allowed (optional) until version 3 made them mandatory.

Hope this helps.


How to add a second css class with a conditional value in razor MVC 4

You can add property to your model as follows:

    public string DetailsClass { get { return Details.Count > 0 ? "show" : "hide" } }

and then your view will be simpler and will contain no logic at all:

    <div class="details @Model.DetailsClass"/>

This will work even with many classes and will not render class if it is null:

    <div class="@Model.Class1 @Model.Class2"/>

with 2 not null properties will render:

    <div class="class1 class2"/>

if class1 is null

    <div class=" class2"/>

Run command on the Ansible host

Expanding on the answer by @gordon, here's an example of readable syntax and argument passing with shell/command module (these differ from the git module in that there are required but free-form arguments, as noted by @ander)

- name: "release tarball is generated"
    module: shell
    _raw_params: git archive --format zip --output HEAD
    chdir: "files/clones/webhooks"

ImportError: No module named apiclient.discovery

apiclient was the original name of the library.
At some point, it was switched over to be googleapiclient.

If your code is running on Google App Engine, both should work.

If you are running the application yourself, with the google-api-python-client installed, both should work as well.

Although, if we take a look at the source code of the apiclient package's module, we can see that the apiclient module was simply kept around for backwards-compatibility.

Retain apiclient as an alias for googleapiclient.

So, you really should be using googleapiclient in your code, since the apiclient alias was just maintained as to not break legacy code.

# bad
from apiclient.discovery import build

# good
from googleapiclient.discovery import build

Clone() vs Copy constructor- which is recommended in java

Clone is broken, so dont use it.

THE CLONE METHOD of the Object class is a somewhat magical method that does what no pure Java method could ever do: It produces an identical copy of its object. It has been present in the primordial Object superclass since the Beta-release days of the Java compiler*; and it, like all ancient magic, requires the appropriate incantation to prevent the spell from unexpectedly backfiring

Prefer a method that copies the object

Foo copyFoo (Foo foo){
  Foo f = new Foo();
  //for all properties in FOo
  return f;

Read more

Making a Simple Ajax call to controller in mvc

Add "JsonValueProviderFactory" in global.asax :

protected void Application_Start()
    ValueProviderFactories.Factories.Add(new JsonValueProviderFactory());

How do I clone a single branch in Git?

git clone --branch {branch-name} {repo-URI}


git clone --branch dev

Using :focus to style outer div?

Simple use JQuery.

$(document).ready(function() {_x000D_
  $("div .FormRow").focusin(function() {_x000D_
    $(this).css("background-color", "#FFFFCC");_x000D_
    $(this).css("border", "3px solid #555");_x000D_
  $("div .FormRow").focusout(function() {_x000D_
    $(this).css("background-color", "#FFFFFF");_x000D_
    $(this).css("border", "0px solid #555");_x000D_
    .FormRow {_x000D_
      padding: 10px;_x000D_
  <script src=""></script>_x000D_
  <div style="border: 0px solid black;padding:10px;">_x000D_
    <div class="FormRow">_x000D_
      First Name:_x000D_
      <input type="text">_x000D_
    <div class="FormRow">_x000D_
      Last Name:_x000D_
      <input type="text">_x000D_
    <li><strong><em>Click an input field to get focus.</em></strong>_x000D_
    <li><strong><em>Click outside an input field to lose focus.</em></strong>_x000D_

jQuery each loop in table row

Just a recommendation:

I'd recommend using the DOM table implementation, it's very straight forward and easy to use, you really don't need jQuery for this task.

var table = document.getElementById('tblOne');

var rowLength = table.rows.length;

for(var i=0; i<rowLength; i+=1){
  var row = table.rows[i];

  //your code goes here, looping over every row.
  //cells are accessed as easy

  var cellLength = row.cells.length;
  for(var y=0; y<cellLength; y+=1){
    var cell = row.cells[y];

    //do something with every cell here

How to turn on line numbers in IDLE?

There's a set of useful extensions to IDLE called IDLEX that works with MacOS and Windows

It includes line numbering and I find it quite handy & free.

Otherwise there are a bunch of other IDEs some of which are free:

Textarea Auto height

It can be achieved using JS. Here is a 'one-line' solution using elastic.js:


Updated: Seems like elastic.js is not there anymore, but if you are looking for an external library, I can recommend autosize.js by Jack Moore. This is the working example:

textarea#note {_x000D_
 padding:15px 15px 30px;_x000D_
 border:1px solid #F7E98D;_x000D_
 font:13px Tahoma, cursive;_x000D_
 transition:box-shadow 0.5s ease;_x000D_
 box-shadow:0 4px 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);_x000D_
 background:linear-gradient(#F9EFAF, #F7E98D);_x000D_
 background:-o-linear-gradient(#F9EFAF, #F7E98D);_x000D_
 background:-ms-linear-gradient(#F9EFAF, #F7E98D);_x000D_
 background:-moz-linear-gradient(#F9EFAF, #F7E98D);_x000D_
 background:-webkit-linear-gradient(#F9EFAF, #F7E98D);_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<textarea id="note">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.</textarea>

Check this similar topics too:

Autosizing textarea using Prototype

Textarea to resize based on content length

Creating a textarea with auto-resize

sqlalchemy: how to join several tables by one query?

Expanding on Abdul's answer, you can obtain a KeyedTuple instead of a discrete collection of rows by joining the columns:

q = Session.query(*User.__table__.columns + Document.__table__.columns).\
        join(Document, ==\
        filter( == 'someemail').all()

download and install visual studio 2008

Try this one: This has web developer and VS2008 express

How can I create a war file of my project in NetBeans?

It is in the dist folder inside of the project, but only if "Compress WAR File" in the project settings dialog ( build / packaging) ist checked. Before I checked this checkbox there was no dist folder.

What's the difference between StaticResource and DynamicResource in WPF?

A StaticResource will be resolved and assigned to the property during the loading of the XAML which occurs before the application is actually run. It will only be assigned once and any changes to resource dictionary ignored.

A DynamicResource assigns an Expression object to the property during loading but does not actually lookup the resource until runtime when the Expression object is asked for the value. This defers looking up the resource until it is needed at runtime. A good example would be a forward reference to a resource defined later on in the XAML. Another example is a resource that will not even exist until runtime. It will update the target if the source resource dictionary is changed.

Filter values only if not null using lambda in Java8

You can do this in single filter step:

requiredCars = -> c.getName() != null && c.getName().startsWith("M"));

If you don't want to call getName() several times (for example, it's expensive call), you can do this:

requiredCars = -> {
    String name = c.getName();
    return name != null && name.startsWith("M");

Or in more sophisticated way:

requiredCars = -> 
    Optional.ofNullable(c.getName()).filter(name -> name.startsWith("M")).isPresent());

Java switch statement multiple cases

for alternative you can use as below:

if (variable >= 5 && variable <= 100) {


or the following code also works

switch (variable)
    case 5:
    case 6:
    case 100:

How to open the Chrome Developer Tools in a new window?

Just type ctrl+shift+I in google chrome & you will land in an isolated developer window.

Count number of tables in Oracle

Select count(*) FROM all_tables where owner='schema_name'

How can you get the active users connected to a postgreSQL database via SQL?

(question) Don't you get that info in

select * from pg_user;

or using the view pg_stat_activity:

select * from pg_stat_activity;


the view says:

One row per server process, showing database OID, database name, process ID, user OID, user name, current query, query's waiting status, time at which the current query began execution, time at which the process was started, and client's address and port number. The columns that report data on the current query are available unless the parameter stats_command_string has been turned off. Furthermore, these columns are only visible if the user examining the view is a superuser or the same as the user owning the process being reported on.

can't you filter and get that information? that will be the current users on the Database, you can use began execution time to get all queries from last 5 minutes for example...

something like that.

How to add property to object in PHP >= 5.3 strict mode without generating error

I always use this way:

$foo = (object)null; //create an empty object
$foo->bar = "12345";

echo $foo->bar; //12345

What is the difference between gravity and layout_gravity in Android?

Inside - Outside

  • gravity arranges the content inside the view.
  • layout_gravity arranges the view's position outside of itself.

Sometimes it helps to see a picture, too. The green and blue are TextViews and the other two background colors are LinearLayouts.

enter image description here


  • The layout_gravity does not work for views in a RelativeLayout. Use it for views in a LinearLayout or FrameLayout. See my supplemental answer for more details.
  • The view's width (or height) has to be greater than its content. Otherwise gravity won't have any effect. Thus, wrap_content and gravity are meaningless together.
  • The view's width (or height) has to be less than the parent. Otherwise layout_gravity won't have any effect. Thus, match_parent and layout_gravity are meaningless together.
  • The layout_gravity=center looks the same as layout_gravity=center_horizontal here because they are in a vertical linear layout. You can't center vertically in this case, so layout_gravity=center only centers horizontally.
  • This answer only dealt with setting gravity and layout_gravity on the views within a layout. To see what happens when you set the gravity of the of the parent layout itself, check out the supplemental answer that I referred to above. (Summary: gravity doesn't work well on a RelativeLayout but can be useful with a LinearLayout.)

So remember, layout_gravity arranges a view in its layout. Gravity arranges the content inside the view.


Here is the xml for the above image for your reference:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:orientation="vertical" >

        android:orientation="vertical" >

            android:text="gravity=" />

            android:text="left" />

            android:text="center_horizontal" />

            android:text="right" />

            android:text="center" />


        android:orientation="vertical" >

            android:text="layout_gravity=" />

            android:text="left" />

            android:text="center_horizontal" />

            android:text="right" />

            android:text="center" />




Iterating through a range of dates in Python

import datetime
from dateutil.rrule import DAILY,rrule



for i in rrule(DAILY , dtstart=date,until=date1):



How do I return an int from EditText? (Android)

Set the digits attribute to true, which will cause it to only allow number inputs.

Then do Integer.valueOf(editText.getText()) to get an int value out.

Android Studio update -Error:Could not run build action using Gradle distribution

I had same issue when first start Android Studio in Window 10, with java jdk 1.8.0_66. The solution that worked is:

Step 1: Close Android Studio

Step 2: Delete Folder C:\Users\Anna\.gradle (Anna is my username)

Step 3: Open Android Studio as Administrator

Step 4: If you are currently in an opened project, close current project by select File > Close Project.

Step 5: Now you seeing this Quick Start GUI: Android Studio Quick Start

Select Open an existing Android Studio project, navigate to your project folder and select it.

Wait for gradle to build again (it would download all the dependency in your build.gradle for every module in your project)

If it has not worked till now, you could restart your computer. Do step 1 again.

This happens sometime when I changed Android Studio version or recently upgrade Window. Hope that helps !

How to read input with multiple lines in Java

The problem you're having running from the command line is that you don't put ".class" after your class file.

java Practice 10 12

should work - as long as you're somewhere java can find the .class file.

Classpath issues are a whole 'nother story. If java still complains that it can't find your class, go to the same directory as your .class file (and it doesn't appear you're using packages...) and try -

java -cp . Practice 10 12

Creating a simple configuration file and parser in C++

Why not trying something simple and human-readable, like JSON (or XML) ?

There are many pre-made open-source implementations of JSON (or XML) for C++ - I would use one of them.

And if you want something more "binary" - try BJSON or BSON :)

How can I find whitespace in a String?

You can basically do this

   return true;

You must write boolean method.Whitespace char is 32.

Define a global variable in a JavaScript function

If you are making a startup function, you can define global functions and variables this way:

    // Define something
        alert("It works");

Because the function is invoked globally with this argument, this is global scope here. So, the something should be a global thing.

What is the difference between Google App Engine and Google Compute Engine?

Google Compute Engine (GCE)

Virtual Machines (VMs) hosted in the cloud. Before the cloud, these were often called Virtual Private Servers (VPS). You'd use these the same way you'd use a physical server, where you install and configure the operating system, install your application, install the database, keep the OS up-to-date, etc. This is known as Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS).

VMs are most useful when you have an existing application running on a VM or server in your datacenter, and want to easily migrate it to GCP.

Google App Engine

App Engine hosts and runs your code, without requiring you to deal with the operating system, networking, and many of the other things you'd have to manage with a physical server or VM. Think of it as a runtime, which can automatically deploy, version, and scale your application. This is called Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS).

App Engine is most useful when you want automated deployment and automated scaling of your application. Unless your application requires custom OS configuration, App Engine is often advantageous over configuring and managing VMs by hand.

How to send and receive JSON data from a restful webservice using Jersey API

Your use of @PathParam is incorrect. It does not follow these requirements as documented in the javadoc here. I believe you just want to POST the JSON entity. You can fix this in your resource method to accept JSON entity.

public class Hello {

  public JSONObject sayPlainTextHello(JSONObject inputJsonObj) throws Exception {

    String input = (String) inputJsonObj.get("input");
    String output = "The input you sent is :" + input;
    JSONObject outputJsonObj = new JSONObject();
    outputJsonObj.put("output", output);

    return outputJsonObj;

And, your client code should look like this:

  ClientConfig config = new DefaultClientConfig();
  Client client = Client.create(config);
  client.addFilter(new LoggingFilter());
  WebResource service = client.resource(getBaseURI());
  JSONObject inputJsonObj = new JSONObject();
  inputJsonObj.put("input", "Value");
  System.out.println(service.path("rest").path("hello").accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).post(JSONObject.class, inputJsonObj));

How to get the size of the current screen in WPF?

Why not just use this?

var interopHelper = new WindowInteropHelper(System.Windows.Application.Current.MainWindow);
var activeScreen = Screen.FromHandle(interopHelper.Handle);

How to execute a command in a remote computer?

I use the little utility which comes with called execcmd.exe. Its syntax is as follows:

execcmd \\yourremoteserver <your command here>

Doesn't get any simpler than this :)

denied: requested access to the resource is denied : docker

I was struggling with the docker push, both using the Fabric8 Maven plugin (on Windows 10), and directly calling docker push from the command line.

Finally I solved both issues the same way.

My repo is called vgrazi/playpen. In my pom, I changed the docker image name to vgrazi/playpen, as below:


That let me do a mvn clean package docker:build docker:push from the command line, and at last, the image appeared in my repo, which was the problem I was trying to solve.

As an aside, to answer the OP and get this to work directly from the command line, without Maven, I did the following (PS is the PowerShell prompt, don't type that):

PS docker images
vgrazi/docker-test/docker-play                playpen             0722e876ebd7        40 minutes ago      536MB
rabbitmq                                      3-management        68055d63a993        10 days ago         180MB
PS docker tag 0722e876ebd7 vgrazi:playpen
PS docker push vgrazi/playpen

and again, the image appeared in my repo vgrazi/playpen

Is there a destructor for Java?

Many great answers here, but there is some additional information about why you should avoid using finalize().

If the JVM exits due to System.exit() or Runtime.getRuntime().exit(), finalizers will not be run by default. From Javadoc for Runtime.exit():

The virtual machine's shutdown sequence consists of two phases. In the first phase all registered shutdown hooks, if any, are started in some unspecified order and allowed to run concurrently until they finish. In the second phase all uninvoked finalizers are run if finalization-on-exit has been enabled. Once this is done the virtual machine halts.

You can call System.runFinalization() but it only makes "a best effort to complete all outstanding finalizations" – not a guarantee.

There is a System.runFinalizersOnExit() method, but don't use it – it's unsafe, deprecated long ago.

How to use find command to find all files with extensions from list?

find /path -type f \( -iname "*.jpg" -o -name "*.jpeg" -o -iname "*gif" \)

How to check if a string contains only numbers?

You could use a regular expression like this

If Regex.IsMatch(number, "^[0-9 ]+$") Then


End If