Programs & Examples On #I386

i386 is the mark used on the Intel 80386 processor

Undefined symbols for architecture i386

At the risk of sounding obvious, always check the spelling of your forward class files. Sometimes XCode (at least XCode 4.3.2) will turn a declaration green that's actually camel cased incorrectly. Like in this example:

"_OBJC_CLASS_$_RadioKit", referenced from:
  objc-class-ref in RadioPlayerViewController.o

If RadioKit was a class file and you make it a property of another file, in the interface declaration, you might see that

Radiokit *rk;

has "Radiokit" in green when the actual decalaration should be:

RadioKit *rk;

This error will also throw this type of error. Another example (in my case), is when you have _iPhone and _iphone extensions on your class names for universal apps. Once I changed the appropriate file from _iphone to the correct _iPhone, the errors went away.

How can I get the last character in a string?


You should be able to do something like the above - which will get the last character

How to pass an object from one activity to another on Android

Yeah, using a static object is by far the easiest way of doing this with custom non-serialisable objects.

How do I check if an HTML element is empty using jQuery?


Yes, I know, this is not jQuery, so you could use this:


Happy now?

Could not resolve '...' from state ''

Just came here to share what was happening to me.
You don't need to specify the parent, states work in an document oriented way so, instead of specifying parent: app, you could just change the state to app.index

.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider){

$stateProvider.state('app', {
  abstract: true,
  templateUrl: ""

$stateProvider.state('app.index', {
    url: '/',
    templateUrl: "tpl.index.html"

$stateProvider.state('app.register', {
    url: "/register",
    templateUrl: "tpl.register.html"

EDIT Warning, if you want to go deep in the nesting, the full path must me specified. For example, you can't have a state like


without having a


or angular will throw an exception saying it can't figure out the rout. To solve that you can define abstract states

.state('app', {
     url: "/app",
     abstract: true
.state('app.cruds', {
     url: "/app/cruds",
     abstract: true
.state('app/cruds/posts', {
     url: "/app/cruds/posts",
     abstract: true

Concat all strings inside a List<string> using LINQ

Put String.Join into an extension method. Here is the version I use, which is less verbose than Jordaos version.

  • returns empty string "" when list is empty. Aggregate would throw exception instead.
  • probably better performance than Aggregate
  • is easier to read when combined with other LINQ methods than a pure String.Join()


var myStrings = new List<string>() { "a", "b", "c" };
var joinedStrings = myStrings.Join(",");  // "a,b,c"

Extensionmethods class

public static class ExtensionMethods
    public static string Join(this IEnumerable<string> texts, string separator)
        return String.Join(separator, texts);

How to get rid of blank pages in PDF exported from SSRS

If your report includes a subreport, the width of the subreport could push the boundaries of the body if subreport and hierarchy are allowed to grow. I had a similar problem arise with a subreport that could be placed in a cell (spanning 2 columns). It looked like the span could contain it in the designer and it rendered fine in a winform or a browser and, originally, it could generate printer output (or pdf file) without spilling over onto excess pages.
Then, after changing some other column widths (and without exceeding the body width plus margins), the winform and browser renderings looked still looked fine but when the output (printer or pdf) was generated, it grew past the margins and wrote the right side of each page as a 2nd (4th, etc.) page. I could eliminate my problem by increasing colspan where the subreport was placed.
Whether or not you're using subreports, if you have page spillover and your body design fits within the margins of the page, look for something allowed to grow that pushes the width of the body out.

How to create a drop-down list?

enter image description here

Here is the code for it.


<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
android:orientation="vertical" >

    android:layout_marginTop="20dp" />

    android:layout_height="wrap_content" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="app_name"> - Dropdown</string> 
<string-array name="brew_array">
    <item>Caffè Americano</item>
    <item>Cafe Zorro</item>


Spinner staticSpinner = (Spinner) findViewById(;

    // Create an ArrayAdapter using the string array and a default spinner
    ArrayAdapter<CharSequence> staticAdapter = ArrayAdapter
            .createFromResource(this, R.array.brew_array,

    // Specify the layout to use when the list of choices appears

    // Apply the adapter to the spinner

    Spinner dynamicSpinner = (Spinner) findViewById(;

    String[] items = new String[] { "Chai Latte", "Green Tea", "Black Tea" };

    ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this,
            android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, items);


    dynamicSpinner.setOnItemSelectedListener(new OnItemSelectedListener() {
        public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parent, View view,
                int position, long id) {
            Log.v("item", (String) parent.getItemAtPosition(position));

        public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> parent) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub

This example is from

How can I do an UPDATE statement with JOIN in SQL Server?

This should work in SQL Server:

update ud 
set assid = sale.assid
from sale
where sale.udid = id

How to add two strings as if they were numbers?

@cr05s19xx suggested on a duplicate question:

JavaScript is a bit funny when it comes to numbers and addition.

Giving the following

'20' - '30' = 10; // returns 10 as a number '20' + '30' = '2030'; // Returns them as a string The values returned from document.getElementById are strings, so it's better to parse them all (even the one that works) to number, before proceeding with the addition or subtraction. Your code can be:

function myFunction() {
  var per = parseInt(document.getElementById('input1').value);
  var num = parseInt(document.getElementById('input2').value);
  var sum = (num / 100) * per;
  var output = num - sum;


  document.getElementById('demo').innerHTML = output;

function myFunction2() {
  var per = parseInt(document.getElementById('input3').value);
  var num = parseInt(document.getElementById('input4').value);
  var sum = (num / 100) * per;
  var output = sum + num;


  document.getElementById('demo1').innerHTML = output;

MVC3 EditorFor readOnly

I use the readonly attribute instead of disabled attribute - as this will still submit the value when the field is readonly.

Note: Any presence of the readonly attribute will make the field readonly even if set to false, so hence why I branch the editor for code like below.

 @if (disabled)
     @Html.EditorFor(model => contact.EmailAddress, new { htmlAttributes = new { @class = "form-control", @readonly = "" } })
     @Html.EditorFor(model => contact.EmailAddress, new { htmlAttributes = new { @class = "form-control" } })

Could not find default endpoint element

Having tested several options, I finally solved this by using


i.e. without the full namespace in the config. For some reason the full name didn't resolve properly

Send POST data via raw json with postman

meda's answer is completely legit, but when I copied the code I got an error!

Somewhere in the "php://input" there's an invalid character (maybe one of the quotes?).

When I typed the "php://input" code manually, it worked. Took me a while to figure out!

Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Linq.IQueryable' to 'System.Collections.Generic.IList'

I've got solved my problem this way in EF on list of records from db

ListOfObjectToBeOrder.OrderBy(x => x.columnName).ToList();

MySQL Data - Best way to implement paging?

This tutorial shows a great way to do pagination. Efficient Pagination Using MySQL

In short, avoid to use OFFSET or large LIMIT

how to convert milliseconds to date format in android?

i finally find normal code that works for me

Long longDate = Long.valueOf(date);

Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
int offset = cal.getTimeZone().getOffset(cal.getTimeInMillis());
Date da = new Date(); 
da = new Date(longDate-(long)offset);

String time =cal.getTime().toLocaleString(); 
//this is full string        

time = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM).format(da);
//this is only time

time = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM).format(da);
//this is only date

How can I make the Android emulator show the soft keyboard?

  1. Edit your virtual device using AVD.
  2. Press the "show advance setting" button to show more option scroll down to the bottom and check "Enable keyboard input" press "finish" button
    at the bottom corner of your window
  3. then start the emulator device that you just set up.
  4. inside the emulator, go to the "Settings" -> "Language & Input"
  5. and in the "Keyboard & Input Methods" -> "Default" then "choose input method" is shown
  6. and switch off "Hardware Physical Keyboard" toggle button

Handling JSON Post Request in Go

type test struct {
    Test string `json:"test"`

func test(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
    var t test_struct

    body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(req.Body)
    json.Unmarshal(body, &t)


How to fix "could not find a base address that matches schema http"... in WCF

Confirmed my fix:

In your web.config file you should configure it to look as such:

<system.serviceModel >
    <serviceHostingEnvironment configSource=".\Configurations\ServiceHosting.config" />

Then, build a folder structure that looks like this:


The base serviceHosting.config should look like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true">

while the one in /Deploy looks like this:

<serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true">
        <add prefix=""/>

Beyond this, you need to add a manual or automated deployment step to copy the file from /Deploy overtop the one in /Configurations. This works incredibly well for service address and connection strings, and saves effort doing other workarounds.

If you don't like this approach (which scales well to farms, but is weaker on single machine), you might consider adding a web.config file a level up from the service deployment on the host's machine and put the serviceHostingEnvironment node there. It should cascade for you.

Relative URLs in WordPress

I agree with Rup. I guess the main reason is to avoid confusion on relative paths. I think wordpress can work from scratch with relative paths but the problem might come when using multiple plugins, how the theme is configured etc.

I've once used this plugin for relative paths, when working on testing servers:

Root Relative URLs
Converts all URLs to root-relative URLs for hosting the same site on multiple IPs, easier production migration and better mobile device testing.

Writing your own square root function

The first thing comes to my mind is: this is a good place to use Binary search (inspired by this great tutorials.)

To find the square root of vaule ,we are searching the number in (1..value) where the predictor is true for the first time. The predictor we are choosing is number * number - value > 0.00001.

double square_root_of(double value)
     assert(value >= 1);
     double lo = 1.0;
     double hi = value;

     while( hi - lo > 0.00001)
          double mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2 ;
          std::cout << lo << "," << hi << "," << mid << std::endl;
          if( mid * mid - value > 0.00001)    //this is the predictors we are using 
              hi = mid;
          } else {
              lo = mid;


    return lo;

Change bootstrap navbar background color and font color

No need for the specificity .navbar-default in your CSS. Background color requires background-color:#cc333333 (or just background:#cc3333). Finally, probably best to consolidate all your customizations into a single class, as below:

.navbar-custom {
    color: #FFFFFF;
    background-color: #CC3333;


<div id="menu" class="navbar navbar-default navbar-custom">


Extension exists but uuid_generate_v4 fails

Looks like the extension is not installed in the particular database you require it.

You should connect to this particular database with

 \CONNECT my_database

Then install the extension in this database

 CREATE EXTENSION "uuid-ossp";


The path you give to LOAD DATA INFILE is for the filesystem on the machine where the server is running, not the machine you connect from. LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE is for the client's machine, but it requires that the server was started with the right settings, otherwise it's not allowed. You can read all about it here:

As for SELECT INTO OUTFILE I'm not sure why there is not a local version, besides it probably being tricky to do over the connection. You can get the same functionality through the mysqldump tool, but not through sending SQL to the server.

Input button target="_blank" isn't causing the link to load in a new window/tab

target isn't valid on an input element.

In this case, though, your redirection is done by Javascript, so you could have your script open up a new window.

Create a string with n characters

Considering we have:

String c = "c"; // character to repeat, for empty it would be " ";
int n = 4; // number of times to repeat
String EMPTY_STRING = ""; // empty string (can be put in utility class)

Java 8 (Using Stream)

String resultOne = IntStream.range(0,n)
   .mapToObj(i->c).collect(Collectors.joining(EMPTY_STRING)); // cccc

Java 8 (Using nCopies)

String resultTwo = String.join(EMPTY_STRING, Collections.nCopies(n, c)); //cccc

What is the best way to conditionally apply attributes in AngularJS?

I got this working by hard setting the attribute. And controlling the attribute applicability using the boolean value for the attribute.

Here is the code snippet:

<div contenteditable="{{ condition ? 'true' : 'false'}}"></div>

I hope this helps.

How to take character input in java

import java.util.Scanner;

class SwiCas {

    public static void main(String as[]) {   
        Scanner s= new Scanner(;

        char;//this line shows how to take character input in java

        switch(a) {    
            case 'a':
            case 'e':
            case 'i':
            case 'o':
            case 'u':
            case 'A':
            case 'E':
            case 'I':
            case 'O':
            case 'U':

React Native fixed footer

The best way is to use justifyContent property

<View style={{flexDirection:'column',justifyContent:'flex-end'}}>
        <Text>fixed footer</Text>

if you have multiple view elements on screen, then you can use

<View style={{flexDirection:'column',justifyContent:'space-between'}}>
        <Text>view 1</Text>
        <Text>view 2</Text>
        <Text>fixed footer</Text>

"Unmappable character for encoding UTF-8" error

You have encoding problem with your sourcecode file. It is maybe ISO-8859-1 encoded, but the compiler was set to use UTF-8. This will results in errors when using characters, which will not have the same bytes representation in UTF-8 and ISO-8859-1. This will happen to all characters which are not part of ASCII, for example ¬ NOT SIGN.

You can simulate this with the following program. It just uses your line of source code and generates a ISO-8859-1 byte array and decode this "wrong" with UTF-8 encoding. You can see at which position the line gets corrupted. I added 2 spaces at your source code to fit position 74 to fit this to ¬ NOT SIGN, which is the only character, which will generate different bytes in ISO-8859-1 encoding and UTF-8 encoding. I guess this will match indentation with the real source file.

 String reg = "      String reg = \"^(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[~#;:?/@&!\"'%*=¬.,-])(?=[^\\s]+$).{8,24}$\";";
 String corrupt=new String(reg.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"),"UTF-8");
 System.out.println(corrupt+": "+corrupt.charAt(74));
 System.out.println(reg+": "+reg.charAt(74));     

which results in the following output (messed up because of markup):

String reg = "^(?=.[0-9])(?=.[a-z])(?=.[A-Z])(?=.[~#;:?/@&!"'%*=?.,-])(?=[^\s]+$).{8,24}$";: ?

String reg = "^(?=.[0-9])(?=.[a-z])(?=.[A-Z])(?=.[~#;:?/@&!"'%*=¬.,-])(?=[^\s]+$).{8,24}$";: ¬

See "live" at

To fix this, save the source files with UTF-8 encoding.

Declare and Initialize String Array in VBA

In the specific case of a String array you could initialize the array using the Split Function as it returns a String array rather than a Variant array:

Dim arrWsNames() As String
arrWsNames = Split("Value1,Value2,Value3", ",")

This allows you to avoid using the Variant data type and preserve the desired type for arrWsNames.

Setting up an MS-Access DB for multi-user access

i think Access is a best choice for your case. But you have to split database, see:

•How can we make sure that the write-user can make changes to the table data while other users use the data? Do the read-users put locks on tables? Does the write-user have to put locks on the table? Does Access do this for us or do we have to explicitly code this?

there are no read locks unless you put them explicitly. Just use "No Locks"

•Are there any common problems with "MS Access transactions" that we should be aware of?

should not be problems with 1-2 write users

•Can we work on forms, queries etc. while they are being used? How can we "program" without being in the way of the users?

if you split database - then no problem to work on FE design.

•Which settings in MS Access have an influence on how things are handled?

What do you mean?

•Our background is mostly in Oracle, where is Access different in handling multiple users? Is there such thing as "isolation levels" in Access?

no isolation levels in access. BTW, you can then later move data to oracle and keep access frontend, if you have lot of users and big database.

How to set TLS version on apache HttpClient

If you are using httpclient 4.2, then you need to write a small bit of extra code. I wanted to be able to customize both the "TLS enabled protocols" (e.g. TLSv1.1 specifically, and neither TLSv1 nor TLSv1.2) as well as the cipher suites.

public class CustomizedSSLSocketFactory
    extends SSLSocketFactory
    private String[] _tlsProtocols;
    private String[] _tlsCipherSuites;

    public CustomizedSSLSocketFactory(SSLContext sslContext,
                                      X509HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier,
                                      String[] tlsProtocols,
                                      String[] cipherSuites)
        super(sslContext, hostnameVerifier);

        if(null != tlsProtocols)
            _tlsProtocols = tlsProtocols;
        if(null != cipherSuites)
            _tlsCipherSuites = cipherSuites;

    protected void prepareSocket(SSLSocket socket)
        // Enforce client-specified protocols or cipher suites
        if(null != _tlsProtocols)

        if(null != _tlsCipherSuites)


    SSLContext sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");

    sslContext.init(null, getTrustManagers(), new SecureRandom());

    // NOTE: not
    SSLSocketFactory sf = new CustomizedSSLSocketFactory(sslContext,
                                                         [TLS protocols],
                                                         [TLS cipher suites]);

    Scheme httpsScheme = new Scheme("https", 443, sf);
    SchemeRegistry schemeRegistry = new SchemeRegistry();

    ConnectionManager cm = new BasicClientConnectionManager(schemeRegistry);

    HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient(cmgr);

You may be able to do this with slightly less code, but I mostly copy/pasted from a custom component where it made sense to build-up the objects in the way shown above.

How to identify server IP address in PHP

If you are using PHP in bash shell you can use:


Because $_SERVER[] SERVER_ADDR, HTTP_HOST and SERVER_NAME are not set.

How do I set the selected item in a drop down box

You can use this method if you use a MySQL database:

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE `id`!='".$user_id."'");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
    if ($_GET['to'] == $row['id'])
        $selected = 'selected="selected"';
    $selected = '';
    echo('<option value="'.$row['id'].' '.$selected.'">'.$row['username'].' ('.$row['fname'].' '.substr($row['lname'],0,1).'.)</option>');

It will compare if the user in $_GET['to'] is the same as $row['id'] in table, if yes, the $selected will be created. This was for a private messaging system...

this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("...") and NullPointerException

I think I did encounter the same issue as yours. I created a simple mvn project and used "mvn eclipse:eclipse" to setup a eclipse project.

For example, my source file "" locates in "java/main/org/jhoh/mvc". And wants to read file "routes" which locates in "java/main/org/jhoh/mvc/resources"

I run "" in eclipse, and eclipse's console got NullPointerExeption. I set pom.xml with this setting to make all *.class java bytecode files locate in build directory.


I went to directory "build/classes/org/jhoh/mvc/resources", and there is no "routes". Eclipse DID NOT copy "routes" to "build/classes/org/jhoh/mvc/resources"

I think you can copy your "install.xml" to your *.class bytecode directory, NOT in your source code directory.

Regex: ignore case sensitivity


using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
    input: "Check This String",
    pattern: "Regex Pattern",
    options: RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)

specifically: options: RegexOptions.IgnoreCase

php.ini & SMTP= - how do you pass username & password

Use Fake sendmail for Windows to send mail.

  1. Create a folder named sendmail in C:\wamp\.
  2. Extract these 4 files in sendmail folder: sendmail.exe, libeay32.dll, ssleay32.dll and sendmail.ini.
  3. Then configure C:\wamp\sendmail\sendmail.ini:
[email protected]
  1. The above will work against a Gmail account. And then configure php.ini:

    sendmail_path = "C:\wamp\sendmail\sendmail.exe -t"

  2. Now, restart Apache, and that is basically all you need to do.

How to preventDefault on anchor tags?

What you should do, is omit the href attribute entirely.

If you look at the source code for the a element directive (which is a part of the Angular core), it states at line 29 - 31:

if (!element.attr(href)) {

Which means Angular already is solving the issue of links without a href. The only issue you still have is the css problem. You can still apply the pointer style to anchors that have ng-clicks, e.g.:

a[ng-click] {
    /* Styles for anchors without href but WITH ng-click */
    cursor: pointer;

So, you could even make your site more accessible by marking real links with a subtle, different styling then links that perform functions.

Happy coding!

Drawing Circle with OpenGL

#include <Windows.h>
#include <GL/glu.h>
#include <GL/glut.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#define window_width  1080  
#define window_height 720 
void drawFilledSun(){
    //static float angle;
    glTranslatef(0, 0, -10);
    int i, x, y;
    double radius = 0.30;
    //glColor3ub(253, 184, 19);     
    glColor3ub(255, 0, 0);
    double twicePi = 2.0 * 3.142;
    x = 0, y = 0;
    glVertex2f(x, y); // center of circle
    for (i = 0; i <= 20; i++)   {
        glVertex2f (
            (x + (radius * cos(i * twicePi / 20))), (y + (radius * sin(i * twicePi / 20)))
    glEnd(); //END
void DrawCircle(float cx, float cy, float r, int num_segments) {
    for (int ii = 0; ii < num_segments; ii++)   {
        float theta = 2.0f * 3.1415926f * float(ii) / float(num_segments);//get the current angle 
        float x = r * cosf(theta);//calculate the x component 
        float y = r * sinf(theta);//calculate the y component 
        glVertex2f(x + cx, y + cy);//output vertex 
void main_loop_function() {
    int c;
    DrawCircle(0, 0, 0.7, 100);
    c = getchar();
void GL_Setup(int width, int height) {
    glViewport(0, 0, width, height);
    gluPerspective(45, (float)width / height, .1, 100);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    glutInit(&argc, argv);
    glutInitWindowSize(window_width, window_height);
    glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DOUBLE);
    glutCreateWindow("GLUT Example!!!");
    GL_Setup(window_width, window_height);

This is what I did. I hope this helps. Two types of circle are here. Filled and unfilled.

How to send 500 Internal Server Error error from a PHP script

header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 500 Internal Server Error', true, 500);

How to parse XML using shellscript?

There's also xmlstarlet (which is available for Windows as well).

Pause in Python

There's a simple way to do this, you can use keyboard module's wait function. For example, you can do:

import keyboard
print("things before the pause")
keyboard.wait("esc") # esc is just an example, you can obviously put every key you want
print("things after the pause")

What does InitializeComponent() do, and how does it work in WPF?

The call to InitializeComponent() (which is usually called in the default constructor of at least Window and UserControl) is actually a method call to the partial class of the control (rather than a call up the object hierarchy as I first expected).

This method locates a URI to the XAML for the Window/UserControl that is loading, and passes it to the System.Windows.Application.LoadComponent() static method. LoadComponent() loads the XAML file that is located at the passed in URI, and converts it to an instance of the object that is specified by the root element of the XAML file.

In more detail, LoadComponent creates an instance of the XamlParser, and builds a tree of the XAML. Each node is parsed by the XamlParser.ProcessXamlNode(). This gets passed to the BamlRecordWriter class. Some time after this I get a bit lost in how the BAML is converted to objects, but this may be enough to help you on the path to enlightenment.

Note: Interestingly, the InitializeComponent is a method on the System.Windows.Markup.IComponentConnector interface, of which Window/UserControl implement in the partial generated class.

Hope this helps!

Python-equivalent of short-form "if" in C++

My cryptic version...

a = ['123', '456'][b == True]

Retrieving Android API version programmatically

I generally prefer to add these codes in a function to get the Android version:

int whichAndroidVersion;

whichAndroidVersion= Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;
textView.setText("" + whichAndroidVersion); //If you don't use "" then app crashes.

For example, that code above will set the text into my textView as "29" now.

How do I convert an NSString value to NSData?


NSString to NSData:

NSString* str= @"string";
NSData* data=[str dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

NSData to NSString:

NSString* newStr = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:theData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];


String to Data:

var testString = "string"
var somedata = String.Encoding.utf8)

Data to String:

var backToString = String(data: somedata!, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8) as String!

Python - difference between two strings

I like the ndiff answer, but if you want to spit it all into a list of only the changes, you could do something like:

import difflib

case_a = 'afrykbnerskojezyczny'
case_b = 'afrykanerskojezycznym'

output_list = [li for li in difflib.ndiff(case_a, case_b) if li[0] != ' ']

Fill drop down list on selection of another drop down list

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here


namespace MvcApplicationrazor.Models
    public class CountryModel
        public List<State> StateModel { get; set; }
        public SelectList FilteredCity { get; set; }
    public class State
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string StateName { get; set; }
    public class City
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public int StateId { get; set; }
        public string CityName { get; set; }


public ActionResult Index()
            CountryModel objcountrymodel = new CountryModel();
            objcountrymodel.StateModel = new List<State>();
            objcountrymodel.StateModel = GetAllState();
            return View(objcountrymodel);

        //Action result for ajax call
        public ActionResult GetCityByStateId(int stateid)
            List<City> objcity = new List<City>();
            objcity = GetAllCity().Where(m => m.StateId == stateid).ToList();
            SelectList obgcity = new SelectList(objcity, "Id", "CityName", 0);
            return Json(obgcity);
        // Collection for state
        public List<State> GetAllState()
            List<State> objstate = new List<State>();
            objstate.Add(new State { Id = 0, StateName = "Select State" });
            objstate.Add(new State { Id = 1, StateName = "State 1" });
            objstate.Add(new State { Id = 2, StateName = "State 2" });
            objstate.Add(new State { Id = 3, StateName = "State 3" });
            objstate.Add(new State { Id = 4, StateName = "State 4" });
            return objstate;
        //collection for city
        public List<City> GetAllCity()
            List<City> objcity = new List<City>();
            objcity.Add(new City { Id = 1, StateId = 1, CityName = "City1-1" });
            objcity.Add(new City { Id = 2, StateId = 2, CityName = "City2-1" });
            objcity.Add(new City { Id = 3, StateId = 4, CityName = "City4-1" });
            objcity.Add(new City { Id = 4, StateId = 1, CityName = "City1-2" });
            objcity.Add(new City { Id = 5, StateId = 1, CityName = "City1-3" });
            objcity.Add(new City { Id = 6, StateId = 4, CityName = "City4-2" });
            return objcity;


@model MvcApplicationrazor.Models.CountryModel
    ViewBag.Title = "Index";
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";

<script src=""></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
    function GetCity(_stateId) {
        var procemessage = "<option value='0'> Please wait...</option>";
        var url = "/Test/GetCityByStateId/";

            url: url,
            data: { stateid: _stateId },
            cache: false,
            type: "POST",
            success: function (data) {
                var markup = "<option value='0'>Select City</option>";
                for (var x = 0; x < data.length; x++) {
                    markup += "<option value=" + data[x].Value + ">" + data[x].Text + "</option>";
            error: function (reponse) {
                alert("error : " + reponse);

 MVC Cascading Dropdown List Using Jquery</h4>
@using (Html.BeginForm())
    @Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.StateModel, new SelectList(Model.StateModel, "Id", "StateName"), new { @id = "ddlstate", @style = "width:200px;", @onchange = "javascript:GetCity(this.value);" })
    <br />
    <br />
    <select id="ddlcity" name="ddlcity" style="width: 200px">


    <br /><br />

rebase in progress. Cannot commit. How to proceed or stop (abort)?

  • Step 1: Keep going git rebase --continue

  • Step 2: fix CONFLICTS then git add .

  • Back to step 1, now if it says no changes .. then run git rebase --skip and go back to step 1

  • If you just want to quit rebase run git rebase --abort

  • Once all changes are done run git commit -m "rebase complete" and you are done.

Note: If you don't know what's going on and just want to go back to where the repo was, then just do:

git rebase --abort

Read about rebase: git-rebase doc

Python: importing a sub-package or sub-module

The reason #2 fails is because sys.modules['module'] does not exist (the import routine has its own scope, and cannot see the module local name), and there's no module module or package on-disk. Note that you can separate multiple imported names by commas.

from package.subpackage.module import attribute1, attribute2, attribute3


from package.subpackage import module
print module.attribute1

Format specifier %02x

You are actually getting the correct value out.

The way your x86 (compatible) processor stores data like this, is in Little Endian order, meaning that, the MSB is last in your output.

So, given your output:


the last two hex values 10 are the Most Significant Byte (2 hex digits = 1 byte = 8 bits (for (possibly unnecessary) clarification).

So, by reversing the memory storage order of the bytes, your value is actually: 01010101.

Hope that clears it up!

Ruby function to remove all white spaces?

The gsub method will do just fine.
The gsub method can be called on a string and says:

a = "this is a string"
a = a.gsub(" ","")
puts a
#Output: thisisastring

The gsub method searches for every occurrence of the first argument and replaces it with the second argument. In this case, it will replace every space within the string and remove it.

Another example:

b = "the white fox has a torn tail"

Let's replace every occurrence of the letter " t " with a capital " T "

b = b.gsub("t","T")
puts b 
#Output: The whiTe fox has a Torn Tail

Git: Create a branch from unstaged/uncommitted changes on master

No need to stash.

git checkout -b new_branch_name

does not touch your local changes. It just creates the branch from the current HEAD and sets the HEAD there. So I guess that's what you want.

--- Edit to explain the result of checkout master ---

Are you confused because checkout master does not discard your changes?

Since the changes are only local, git does not want you to lose them too easily. Upon changing branch, git does not overwrite your local changes. The result of your checkout master is:

M   testing

, which means that your working files are not clean. git did change the HEAD, but did not overwrite your local files. That is why your last status still show your local changes, although you are on master.

If you really want to discard the local changes, you have to force the checkout with -f.

git checkout master -f

Since your changes were never committed, you'd lose them.

Try to get back to your branch, commit your changes, then checkout the master again.

git checkout new_branch
git commit -a -m"edited"
git checkout master
git status

You should get a M message after the first checkout, but then not anymore after the checkout master, and git status should show no modified files.

--- Edit to clear up confusion about working directory (local files)---

In answer to your first comment, local changes are just... well, local. Git does not save them automatically, you must tell it to save them for later. If you make changes and do not explicitly commit or stash them, git will not version them. If you change HEAD (checkout master), the local changes are not overwritten since unsaved.

Best way to pretty print a hash

require 'pp'
pp my_hash

Use pp if you need a built-in solution and just want reasonable line breaks.

Use awesome_print if you can install a gem. (Depending on your users, you may wish to use the index:false option to turn off displaying array indices.)

Defining a HTML template to append using JQuery

You could decide to make use of a templating engine in your project, such as:

If you don't want to include another library, John Resig offers a jQuery solution, similar to the one below.

Browsers and screen readers ignore unrecognized script types:

<script id="hidden-template" type="text/x-custom-template">

Using jQuery, adding rows based on the template would resemble:

var template = $('#hidden-template').html();

$('button.addRow').click(function() {

What is the difference between JOIN and JOIN FETCH when using JPA and Hibernate

in this link i mentioned before on the comment, read this part :

A "fetch" join allows associations or collections of values to be initialized along with their parent objects using a single select. This is particularly useful in the case of a collection. It effectively overrides the outer join and lazy declarations of the mapping file for associations and collections.

this "JOIN FETCH" will have it's effect if you have (fetch = FetchType.LAZY) property for a collection inside entity(example bellow).

And it is only effect the method of "when the query should happen". And you must also know this:

hibernate have two orthogonal notions : when is the association fetched and how is it fetched. It is important that you do not confuse them. We use fetch to tune performance. We can use lazy to define a contract for what data is always available in any detached instance of a particular class.

when is the association fetched --> your "FETCH" type

how is it fetched --> Join/select/Subselect/Batch

In your case, FETCH will only have it's effect if you have department as a set inside Employee, something like this in the entity:

@OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private Set<Department> department;

when you use

FROM Employee emp
JOIN FETCH emp.department dep

you will get emp and emp.dep. when you didnt use fetch you can still get emp.dep but hibernate will processing another select to the database to get that set of department.

so its just a matter of performance tuning, about you want to get all result(you need it or not) in a single query(eager fetching), or you want to query it latter when you need it(lazy fetching).

Use eager fetching when you need to get small data with one select(one big query). Or use lazy fetching to query what you need latter(many smaller query).

use fetch when :

  • no large unneeded collection/set inside that entity you about to get

  • communication from application server to database server too far and need long time

  • you may need that collection latter when you don't have the access to it(outside of the transactional method/class)

How to encrypt String in Java

Update on 12-DEC-2019

Unlike some other modes like CBC, GCM mode does not require the IV to be unpredictable. The only requirement is that the IV has to be unique for each invocation with a given key. If it repeats once for a given key, security can be compromised. An easy way to achieve this is to use a random IV from a strong pseudo random number generator as shown below.

Using a sequence or timestamp as IV is also possible, but it may not be as trivial as it may sound. For example, if the system does not correctly keep track of the sequences already used as IV in a persistent store, an invocation may repeat an IV after a system reboot. Likewise, there is no perfect clock. Computer clock readjusts etc.

Also, the key should be rotated after every 2^32 invocations. For further details on the IV requirement, refer to this answer and the NIST recommendations.

This is the encryption & decryption code I just wrote in Java 8 considering the following points. Hope someone would find this useful:

  1. Encryption Algorithm: Block cipher AES with 256 bits key is considered secure enough. To encrypt a complete message, a mode needs to be selected. Authenticated encryption (which provides both confidentiality and integrity) is recommended. GCM, CCM and EAX are most commonly used authenticated encryption modes. GCM is usually preferred and it performs well in Intel architectures which provide dedicated instructions for GCM. All these three modes are CTR-based (counter-based) modes and therefore they do not need padding. As a result they are not vulnerable to padding related attacks

  2. An initialization Vector (IV) is required for GCM. The IV is not a secret. The only requirement being it has to be random or unpredictable. In Java, the SecuredRandom class is meant to produce cryptographically strong pseudo random numbers. The pseudo-random number generation algorithm can be specified in the getInstance() method. However, since Java 8, the recommended way is to use getInstanceStrong() method which will use the strongest algorithm configured and provided by the Provider

  3. NIST recommends 96 bit IV for GCM to promote interoperability, efficiency, and simplicity of design

  4. To ensure additional security, in the following implementation SecureRandom is re-seeded after producing every 2^16 bytes of pseudo random byte generation

  5. The recipient needs to know the IV to be able to decrypt the cipher text. Therefore the IV needs to be transferred along with the cipher text. Some implementations send the IV as AD (Associated Data) which means that the authentication tag will be calculated on both the cipher text and the IV. However, that is not required. The IV can be simply pre-pended with the cipher text because if the IV is changed during transmission due to a deliberate attack or network/file system error, the authentication tag validation will fail anyway

  6. Strings should not be used to hold the clear text message or the key as Strings are immutable and thus we cannot clear them after use. These uncleared Strings then linger in the memory and may show up in a heap dump. For the same reason, the client calling these encryption or decryption methods should clear all the variables or arrays holding the message or the key after they are no longer needed.

  7. No provider is hard coded in the code following the general recommendations

  8. Finally for transmission over network or storage, the key or the cipher text should be encoded using Base64 encoding. The details of Base64 can be found here. The Java 8 approach should be followed

Byte arrays can be cleared using:

Arrays.fill(clearTextMessageByteArray, Byte.MIN_VALUE);

However, as of Java 8, there is no easy way to clear SecretKeyspec and SecretKey as the implementations of these two interfaces do not seem to have implemented the method destroy() of the interface Destroyable. In the following code, a separate method is written to clear the SecretKeySpec and SecretKey using reflection.

Key should be generated using one of the two approaches mentioned below.

Note that keys are secrets like passwords, but unlike passwords which are meant for human use, keys are meant to be used by cryptographic algorithms and hence should be generated using the above way only.

package com.sapbasu.javastudy;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;

import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.spec.GCMParameterSpec;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;

public class Crypto {

  private static final int AUTH_TAG_SIZE = 128; // bits

  // NIST recommendation: "For IVs, it is recommended that implementations
  // restrict support to the length of 96 bits, to
  // promote interoperability, efficiency, and simplicity of design."
  private static final int IV_LEN = 12; // bytes

  // number of random number bytes generated before re-seeding
  private static final double PRNG_RESEED_INTERVAL = Math.pow(2, 16);

  private static final String ENCRYPT_ALGO = "AES/GCM/NoPadding";

  private static final List<Integer> ALLOWED_KEY_SIZES = Arrays
      .asList(new Integer[] {128, 192, 256}); // bits

  private static SecureRandom prng;

  // Used to keep track of random number bytes generated by PRNG
  // (for the purpose of re-seeding)
  private static int bytesGenerated = 0;

  public byte[] encrypt(byte[] input, SecretKeySpec key) throws Exception {

    Objects.requireNonNull(input, "Input message cannot be null");
    Objects.requireNonNull(key, "key cannot be null");

    if (input.length == 0) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Length of message cannot be 0");

    if (!ALLOWED_KEY_SIZES.contains(key.getEncoded().length * 8)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Size of key must be 128, 192 or 256");

    Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(ENCRYPT_ALGO);

    byte[] iv = getIV(IV_LEN);

    GCMParameterSpec gcmParamSpec = new GCMParameterSpec(AUTH_TAG_SIZE, iv);

    cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key, gcmParamSpec);
    byte[] messageCipher = cipher.doFinal(input);

    // Prepend the IV with the message cipher
    byte[] cipherText = new byte[messageCipher.length + IV_LEN];
    System.arraycopy(iv, 0, cipherText, 0, IV_LEN);
    System.arraycopy(messageCipher, 0, cipherText, IV_LEN,
    return cipherText;

  public byte[] decrypt(byte[] input, SecretKeySpec key) throws Exception {
    Objects.requireNonNull(input, "Input message cannot be null");
    Objects.requireNonNull(key, "key cannot be null");

    if (input.length == 0) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input array cannot be empty");

    byte[] iv = new byte[IV_LEN];
    System.arraycopy(input, 0, iv, 0, IV_LEN);

    byte[] messageCipher = new byte[input.length - IV_LEN];
    System.arraycopy(input, IV_LEN, messageCipher, 0, input.length - IV_LEN);

    GCMParameterSpec gcmParamSpec = new GCMParameterSpec(AUTH_TAG_SIZE, iv);

    Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(ENCRYPT_ALGO);
    cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key, gcmParamSpec);

    return cipher.doFinal(messageCipher);

  public byte[] getIV(int bytesNum) {

    if (bytesNum < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        "Number of bytes must be greater than 0");

    byte[] iv = new byte[bytesNum];

    prng = Optional.ofNullable(prng).orElseGet(() -> {
      try {
        prng = SecureRandom.getInstanceStrong();
      } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Wrong algorithm name", e);
      return prng;

    if (bytesGenerated > PRNG_RESEED_INTERVAL || bytesGenerated == 0) {
      bytesGenerated = 0;

    bytesGenerated = bytesGenerated + bytesNum;

    return iv;

  private static void clearSecret(Destroyable key)
      throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException,
      NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException {
    Field keyField = key.getClass().getDeclaredField("key");
    byte[] encodedKey = (byte[]) keyField.get(key);
    Arrays.fill(encodedKey, Byte.MIN_VALUE);

The encryption key can be generated primarily in two ways:

  • Without any password

    KeyGenerator keyGen = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES");
    keyGen.init(KEY_LEN, SecureRandom.getInstanceStrong());
    SecretKey secretKey = keyGen.generateKey();
    SecretKeySpec secretKeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(secretKey.getEncoded(),
    // After encryption or decryption with key
  • With password

    SecureRandom random = SecureRandom.getInstanceStrong();
    byte[] salt = new byte[32];
    PBEKeySpec keySpec = new PBEKeySpec(password, salt, iterations, 
    SecretKeyFactory keyFactory = 
    SecretKey secretKey = keyFactory.generateSecret(keySpec);
    SecretKeySpec secretKeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(secretKey.getEncoded(),
    // After encryption or decryption with key

Update Based on Comments

As pointed out by @MaartenBodewes, my answer did not handle any String as is required by the question. Therefore, I'll make an attempt to fill that gap just in case someone stumbles upon this answer and leaves wondering about handling String.

As indicated earlier in the answer, handling sensitive information in a String is, in general, not a good idea because String is immutable and thus we cannot clear it off after use. And as we know, even when a String doesn't have a strong reference, the garbage collector does not immediately rush to remove it off heap. Thus, the String continues to be around in the memory for an unknown window of time even though it is not accessible to the program. The issue with that is, a heap dump during that time frame would reveal the sensitive information. Therefore, it is always better to handle all sensitive information in a byte array or char array and then fill the array with 0s once their purpose is served.

However, with all that knowledge, if we still end up in a situation where the sensitive information to be encrypted is in a String, we first need to convert it into a byte array and invoke the encrypt and decrypt functions introduced above. (The other input key can be generated using the code snippet provided above).

A String can be converted into bytes in the following way:

byte[] inputBytes = inputString.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

As of Java 8, String is internally stored in heap with UTF-16 encoding. However, we have used UTF-8 here as it usually takes less space than UTF-16, especially for ASCII characters.

Likewise, the encrypted byte array can also be converted into a String as below:

String encryptedString = new String(encryptedBytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

Get Max value from List<myType>

Simplest is actually just Age.Max(), you don't need any more code.

Twitter Bootstrap onclick event on buttons-radio

I needed to do the same thing for a chart where you could select the period of the data that should be displayed.

Therefore I introduced the CSS class 'btn-group-radio' and used the following unobtrusive javascript one-liner:

// application.js
$(document).ready(function() {
  $('.btn-group-radio .btn').click(function() {

And here is the HTML:

<!-- some arbitrary view -->
<div class="btn-group btn-group-radio">
  <%= link_to '1W', charts_path('1W'), class: 'btn btn-default active', remote: true %>
  <%= link_to '1M', charts_path('1M'), class: 'btn btn-default', remote: true %>
  <%= link_to '3M', charts_path('3M'), class: 'btn btn-default', remote: true %>
  <%= link_to '6M', charts_path('6M'), class: 'btn btn-default', remote: true %>
  <%= link_to '1Y', charts_path('1Y'), class: 'btn btn-default', remote: true %>
  <%= link_to 'All', charts_path('all'), class: 'btn btn-default', remote: true %>

Multiple GitHub Accounts & SSH Config

I have 2 accounts on github, and here is what I did (on linux) to make it work.


  • Create 2 pair of rsa keys, via ssh-keygen, name them properly, so that make life easier.
  • Add private keys to local agent via ssh-add path_to_private_key
  • For each github account, upload a (distinct) public key.



Host github-kc
    User git
    IdentityFile    ~/.ssh/
    # LogLevel DEBUG3

Host github-abc
    User git
    IdentityFile    ~/.ssh/
    # LogLevel DEBUG3

Set remote url for repo:

  • For repo in Host github-kc:

    git remote set-url origin git@github-kc:kuchaguangjie/pygtrans.git
  • For repo in Host github-abc:

    git remote set-url origin git@github-abc:abcdefg/yyy.git


Options in ~/.ssh/config:

  • Host github-<identify_specific_user>
    Host could be any value that could identify a host plus an account, it don't need to be a real host, e.g github-kc identify one of my account on github for my local laptop,

    When set remote url for a git repo, this is the value to put after git@, that's how a repo maps to a Host, e.g git remote set-url origin git@github-kc:kuchaguangjie/pygtrans.git

  • [Following are sub options of Host]
  • Hostname
    specify the actual hostname, just use for github,
  • User git
    the user is always git for github,
  • IdentityFile
    specify key to use, just put the path the a public key,
  • LogLevel
    specify log level to debug, if any issue, DEBUG3 gives the most detailed info.

php - How do I fix this illegal offset type error

I had a similar problem. As I got a Character from my XML child I had to convert it first to a String (or Integer, if you expect one). The following shows how I solved the problem.

foreach($xml->children() as $newInstr){
        $iInstrument = new Instrument($newInstr['id'],$newInstr->Naam,$newInstr->Key);
        $arrInstruments->offsetSet((String)$iInstrument->getID(), $iInstrument);

Excel Macro - Select all cells with data and format as table

Try this one for current selection:

Sub A_SelectAllMakeTable2()
    Dim tbl As ListObject
    Set tbl = ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, Selection, , xlYes)
    tbl.TableStyle = "TableStyleMedium15"
End Sub

or equivalent of your macro (for Ctrl+Shift+End range selection):

Sub A_SelectAllMakeTable()
    Dim tbl As ListObject
    Dim rng As Range

    Set rng = Range(Range("A1"), Range("A1").SpecialCells(xlLastCell))
    Set tbl = ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, rng, , xlYes)
    tbl.TableStyle = "TableStyleMedium15"
End Sub

Send POST data on redirect with JavaScript/jQuery?

var myRedirect = function(redirectUrl) {
var form = $('<form action="' + redirectUrl + '" method="post">' +
'<input type="hidden" name="parameter1" value="sample" />' +
'<input type="hidden" name="parameter2" value="Sample data 2" />' +

Found code at

Going to try this and other suggestions for my work.

Is there any other way to do the same ?

Java optional parameters

You can do thing using method overloading like this.

 public void load(String name){ }

 public void load(String name,int age){}

Also you can use @Nullable annotation

public void load(@Nullable String name,int age){}

simply pass null as first parameter.

If you are passing same type variable you can use this

public void load(String name...){}

What is wrong with this code that uses the mysql extension to fetch data from a database in PHP?

<table border="1px">

        <th>Student Name</th>



    <?php echo "<tr>";?>
                    <td><?php echo $rows['userName'];?> </td>
                    <td><?php echo $rows['email'];?></td>
                    <td><?php echo $rows['password'];?></td>

    <?php echo "</tr>";?>


How to convert from int to string in objective c: example code

You can use literals, it's more compact.

NSString* myString = [@(17) stringValue];

(Boxes as a NSNumber and uses its stringValue method)

How can I comment a single line in XML?

No, there is no way to comment a line in XML and have the comment end automatically on a linebreak.

XML has only one definition for a comment:

'<!--' ((Char - '-') | ('-' (Char - '-')))* '-->'

XML forbids -- in comments to maintain compatibility with SGML.

Storing sex (gender) in database

I'd call the column "gender".

Data Type   Bytes Taken          Number/Range of Values
TinyINT     1                    255 (zero to 255)
INT         4            -       2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
BIT         1 (2 if 9+ columns)  2 (0 and 1)
CHAR(1)     1                    26 if case insensitive, 52 otherwise

The BIT data type can be ruled out because it only supports two possible genders which is inadequate. While INT supports more than two options, it takes 4 bytes -- performance will be better with a smaller/more narrow data type.

CHAR(1) has the edge over TinyINT - both take the same number of bytes, but CHAR provides a more narrow number of values. Using CHAR(1) would make using "m", "f",etc natural keys, vs the use of numeric data which are referred to as surrogate/artificial keys. CHAR(1) is also supported on any database, should there be a need to port.


I would use Option 2: CHAR(1).


An index on the gender column likely would not help because there's no value in an index on a low cardinality column. Meaning, there's not enough variety in the values for the index to provide any value.

Converting a Pandas GroupBy output from Series to DataFrame

These solutions only partially worked for me because I was doing multiple aggregations. Here is a sample output of my grouped by that I wanted to convert to a dataframe:

Groupby Output

Because I wanted more than the count provided by reset_index(), I wrote a manual method for converting the image above into a dataframe. I understand this is not the most pythonic/pandas way of doing this as it is quite verbose and explicit, but it was all I needed. Basically, use the reset_index() method explained above to start a "scaffolding" dataframe, then loop through the group pairings in the grouped dataframe, retrieve the indices, perform your calculations against the ungrouped dataframe, and set the value in your new aggregated dataframe.

df_grouped = df[['Salary Basis', 'Job Title', 'Hourly Rate', 'Male Count', 'Female Count']]
df_grouped = df_grouped.groupby(['Salary Basis', 'Job Title'], as_index=False)

# Grouped gives us the indices we want for each grouping
# We cannot convert a groupedby object back to a dataframe, so we need to do it manually
# Create a new dataframe to work against
df_aggregated = df_grouped.size().to_frame('Total Count').reset_index()
df_aggregated['Male Count'] = 0
df_aggregated['Female Count'] = 0
df_aggregated['Job Rate'] = 0

def manualAggregations(indices_array):
    temp_df = df.iloc[indices_array]
    return {
        'Male Count': temp_df['Male Count'].sum(),
        'Female Count': temp_df['Female Count'].sum(),
        'Job Rate': temp_df['Hourly Rate'].max()

for name, group in df_grouped:
    ix = df_grouped.indices[name]
    calcDict = manualAggregations(ix)

    for key in calcDict:
        #Salary Basis, Job Title
        columns = list(name)
        df_aggregated.loc[(df_aggregated['Salary Basis'] == columns[0]) & 
                          (df_aggregated['Job Title'] == columns[1]), key] = calcDict[key]

If a dictionary isn't your thing, the calculations could be applied inline in the for loop:

    df_aggregated['Male Count'].loc[(df_aggregated['Salary Basis'] == columns[0]) & 
                                (df_aggregated['Job Title'] == columns[1])] = df['Male Count'].iloc[ix].sum()

Passing variables through handlebars partial

This can also be done in later versions of handlebars using the key=value notation:

 {{> mypartial foo='bar' }}

Allowing you to pass specific values to your partial context.

Reference: Context different for partial #182

What is a serialVersionUID and why should I use it?

serialVersionUID facilitates versioning of serialized data. Its value is stored with the data when serializing. When de-serializing, the same version is checked to see how the serialized data matches the current code.

If you want to version your data, you normally start with a serialVersionUID of 0, and bump it with every structural change to your class which alters the serialized data (adding or removing non-transient fields).

The built-in de-serialization mechanism (in.defaultReadObject()) will refuse to de-serialize from old versions of the data. But if you want to you can define your own readObject()-function which can read back old data. This custom code can then check the serialVersionUID in order to know which version the data is in and decide how to de-serialize it. This versioning technique is useful if you store serialized data which survives several versions of your code.

But storing serialized data for such a long time span is not very common. It is far more common to use the serialization mechanism to temporarily write data to for instance a cache or send it over the network to another program with the same version of the relevant parts of the codebase.

In this case you are not interested in maintaining backwards compatibility. You are only concerned with making sure that the code bases which are communicating indeed have the same versions of relevant classes. In order to facilitate such a check, you must maintain the serialVersionUID just like before and not forget to update it when making changes to your classes.

If you do forget to update the field, you might end up with two different versions of a class with different structure but with the same serialVersionUID. If this happens, the default mechanism (in.defaultReadObject()) will not detect any difference, and try to de-serialize incompatible data. Now you might end up with a cryptic runtime error or silent failure (null fields). These types of errors might be hard to find.

So to help this usecase, the Java platform offers you a choice of not setting the serialVersionUID manually. Instead, a hash of the class structure will be generated at compile-time and used as id. This mechanism will make sure that you never have different class structures with the same id, and so you will not get these hard-to-trace runtime serialization failures mentioned above.

But there is a backside to the auto-generated id strategy. Namely that the generated ids for the same class might differ between compilers (as mentioned by Jon Skeet above). So if you communicate serialized data between code compiled with different compilers, it is recommended to maintain the ids manually anyway.

And if you are backwards-compatible with your data like in the first use case mentioned, you also probably want to maintain the id yourself. This in order to get readable ids and have greater control over when and how they change.

How do I find out if the GPS of an Android device is enabled

Kotlin Solution :

private fun locationEnabled() : Boolean {
    val locationManager = getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE) as LocationManager
    return locationManager.isProviderEnabled(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER)

How to get size of mysql database?

Run this query and you'll probably get what you're looking for:

SELECT table_schema "DB Name",
        ROUND(SUM(data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024, 1) "DB Size in MB" 
FROM information_schema.tables 
GROUP BY table_schema; 

This query comes from the mysql forums, where there are more comprehensive instructions available.

How to fetch the row count for all tables in a SQL SERVER database

Works on Azure, doesn't require stored procs.

SELECT, s.row_count from sys.tables t
JOIN sys.dm_db_partition_stats s
ON t.object_id = s.object_id
AND t.type_desc = 'USER_TABLE'
AND not like '%dss%'
AND s.index_id IN (0,1)


Change Color of Fonts in DIV (CSS)

Your first CSS selector—social.h2—is looking for the "social" element in the "h2", class, e.g.:

<social class="h2">

Class selectors are proceeded with a dot (.). Also, use a space () to indicate that one element is inside of another. To find an <h2> descendant of an element in the social class, try something like:

.social h2 {
  color: pink;
  font-size: 14px;

To get a better understanding of CSS selectors and how they are used to reference your HTML, I suggest going through the interactive HTML and CSS tutorials from CodeAcademy. I hope that this helps point you in the right direction.

How (and why) to use display: table-cell (CSS)

How (and why) to use display: table-cell (CSS)

I just wanted to mention, since I don't think any of the other answers did directly, that the answer to "why" is: there is no good reason, and you should probably never do this.

In my over a decade of experience in web development, I can't think of a single time I would have been better served to have a bunch of <div>s with display styles than to just have table elements.

The only hypothetical I could come up with is if you have tabular data stored in some sort of non-HTML-table format (eg. a CSV file). In a very specific version of this case it might be easier to just add <div> tags around everything and then add descendent-based styles, instead of adding actual table tags.

But that's an extremely contrived example, and in all real cases I know of simply using table tags would be better.

Google Maps v2 - set both my location and zoom in

It's possible to change location, zoom, bearing and tilt all in one go. It's also possible to set the duration on the animateCamera() call.

CameraPosition cameraPosition = new CameraPosition.Builder()
    .target(MOUNTAIN_VIEW)      // Sets the center of the map to Mountain View
    .zoom(17)                   // Sets the zoom
    .bearing(90)                // Sets the orientation of the camera to east
    .tilt(30)                   // Sets the tilt of the camera to 30 degrees
    .build();                   // Creates a CameraPosition from the builder

Have a look at the docs here:

Plot multiple columns on the same graph in R

To select columns to plot, I added 2 lines to Vincent Zoonekynd's answer:

#convert to tall/long format(from wide format)
col_plot = c("A","B")
dlong <- melt(d[,c("Xax", col_plot)], id.vars="Xax")  

#"value" and "variable" are default output column names of melt()
ggplot(dlong, aes(Xax,value, col=variable)) +
  geom_point() + 

Google "tidy data" to know more about tall(or long)/wide format.

toggle show/hide div with button?

You could use the following: === 'block' = ( === 'block' ? 'none' : 'block');

MySQL connection not working: 2002 No such file or directory

The error 2002 means that MySQL can't connect to local database server through the socket file (e.g. /tmp/mysql.sock).

To find out where is your socket file, run:

mysql_config --socket

then double check that your application uses the right Unix socket file or connect through the TCP/IP port instead.

Then double check if your PHP has the right MySQL socket set-up:

php -i | grep mysql.default_socket

and make sure that file exists.

Test the socket:

mysql --socket=/var/mysql/mysql.sock

If the Unix socket is wrong or does not exist, you may symlink it, for example:

ln -vs /Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock /var/mysql/mysql.sock

or correct your configuration file (e.g. php.ini).

To test the PDO connection directly from PHP, you may run:

php -r "new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;port=3306;charset=utf8;dbname=dbname', 'root', 'root');"

Check also the configuration between Apache and CLI (command-line interface), as the configuration can be differ.

It might be that the server is running, but you are trying to connect using a TCP/IP port, named pipe, or Unix socket file different from the one on which the server is listening. To correct that you need to invoke a client program (e.g. specifying --port option) to indicate the proper port number, or the proper named pipe or Unix socket file (e.g. --socket option).

See: Troubleshooting Problems Connecting to MySQL

Other utils/commands which can help to track the problem:

  • mysql --socket=$(php -r 'echo ini_get("mysql.default_socket");')
  • netstat -ln | grep mysql
  • php -r "phpinfo();" | grep mysql
  • php -i | grep mysql
  • Use XDebug with xdebug.show_exception_trace=1 in your xdebug.ini
  • On OS X try sudo dtruss -fn mysqld, on Linux debug with strace
  • Check permissions on Unix socket: stat $(mysql_config --socket) and if you've enough free space (df -h).
  • Restart your MySQL.
  • Check net.core.somaxconn.

Another Repeated column in mapping for entity error

use this, is work for me:

@Column(name = "candidate_id", nullable=false)
private Long candidate_id;
@JoinColumn(name = "candidate_id", insertable=false, updatable=false)
private Candidate candidate;

Where does git config --global get written to?

On *nixes, it's in ~/.gitconfig. Is there a corresponding file in your home?

On Windows you can type in git bash

notepad ~/.gitconfig

Make header and footer files to be included in multiple html pages

I've been working in C#/Razor and since I don't have IIS setup on my home laptop I looked for a javascript solution to load in views while creating static markup for our project.

I stumbled upon a website explaining methods of "ditching jquery," it demonstrates a method on the site does exactly what you're after in plain Jane javascript (reference link at the bottom of post). Be sure to investigate any security vulnerabilities and compatibility issues if you intend to use this in production. I am not, so I never looked into it myself.

JS Function

var getURL = function (url, success, error) {
    if (!window.XMLHttpRequest) return;
    var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
    request.onreadystatechange = function () {
        if (request.readyState === 4) {
            if (request.status !== 200) {
                if (error && typeof error === 'function') {
                    error(request.responseText, request);
            if (success && typeof success === 'function') {
                success(request.responseText, request);
    };'GET', url);

Get the content

    function (data) {
        var el = document.createElement(el);
        el.innerHTML = data;
        var fetch = el.querySelector('#new-header');
        var embed = document.querySelector('#header');
        if (!fetch || !embed) return;
        embed.innerHTML = fetch.innerHTML;



<!-- This element will be replaced with #new-header -->
<div id="header"></div>


<!-- This element will replace #header -->
<header id="new-header"></header>

The source is not my own, I'm merely referencing it as it's a good vanilla javascript solution to the OP. Original code lives here:

How to access a DOM element in React? What is the equilvalent of document.getElementById() in React

Disclaimer: While the top answer is probably a better solution, as a beginner it's a lot to take in when all you want is something very simple. This is intended as a more direct answer to your original question "How can I select certain elements in React"

I think the confusion in your question is because you have React components which you are being passed the id "Progress1", "Progress2" etc. I believe this is not setting the html attribute 'id', but the React component property. e.g.

class ProgressBar extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
            id:    <--- ID set from <ProgressBar id="Progress1"/>

As mentioned in some of the answers above you absolutely can use document.querySelector inside of your React app, but you have to be clear that it is selecting the html output of your components' render methods. So assuming your render output looks like this:

render () {
    const id =
    return (<div id={"progress-bar-" + id}></div>)

Then you can elsewhere do a normal javascript querySelector call like this:

let element = document.querySelector('#progress-bar-Progress1')

MySql Error: 1364 Field 'display_name' doesn't have default value

I also faced that problem and there are two ways to solve this in laravel.

  1. first one is you can set the default value as null. I will show you an example:

    public function up()
        Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) {

as the above example, you can set nullable() for that feature. then when you are inserting data MySQL set the default value as null.

  1. second one is in your model set your input field in protected $fillable field. as example:

    protected $fillable = [
        'name', 'email', 'password', 'slug', 'gender','pic'

I think the second one is fine than the first one and also you can set nullable feature as well as fillable in the same time without a problem.

What is the equivalent to getLastInsertId() in Cakephp?

each time you perform an insert operation on any model, cake internally fetchesthe last insert Id and Sets to Model->id attribute.

so one can access it directly by $Model->id;, no need to query again for lastInsertId.

Passing Javascript variable to <a href >

Alternatively you could just use a document.write:

<script type="text\javascript">
var loc = "http://";
document.write('<a href="' + loc + '">Link text</a>');

How to extract code of .apk file which is not working?

Click here this is a good tutorial for both window/ubuntu.

  1. apktool1.5.1.jar download from here.

  2. apktool-install-linux-r05-ibot download from here.

  3. download from here.

  4. jd-gui-0.3.3.linux.i686.tar.gz (java de-complier) download from here.

  5. framework-res.apk ( Located at your android device /system/framework/)


  1. Rename the .apk file and change the extension to .zip ,

it will become .zip.

  1. Then extract .zip.

  2. Unzip downloaded file , copy the contents and paste it to unzip folder.

  3. Open terminal and change directory to unzip “dex2jar- “

– cd – sh classes.dex (result of this command “classes.dex.dex2jar.jar” will be in your extracted folder itself).

  1. Now, create new folder and copy “classes.dex.dex2jar.jar” into it.

  2. Unzip ““ and open up the “Java Decompiler” in full screen mode.

  3. Click on open file and select “classes.dex.dex2jar.jar” into the window.

  4. “Java Decompiler” and go to file > save and save the source in a .zip file.

  5. Create “source_code” folder.

  6. Extract the saved .zip and copy the contents to “source_code” folder.

  7. This will be where we keep your source code.

  8. Extract apktool1.5.1.tar.bz2 , you get apktool.jar

  9. Now, unzip “”

  10. Copy “framework-res.apk” , “.apk” and apktool.jar

  11. Paste it to the unzip “apktool-install-linux-r05-ibot” folder (line no 13).

  12. Then open terminal and type:

    – cd

    – chown -R : ‘apktool.jar’

    – chown -R : ‘apktool’

    – chown -R : ‘aapt’

    – sudo chmod +x ‘apktool.jar’

    – sudo chmod +x ‘apktool’

    – sudo chmod +x ‘aapt’

    – sudo mv apktool.jar /usr/local/bin

    – sudo mv apktool /usr/local/bin

    – sudo mv aapt /usr/local/bin

    – apktool if framework-res.apk – apktool d .apk

Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed

Only call time pass-by-reference is removed. So change:

call_user_func($func, &$this, &$client ...

To this:

call_user_func($func, $this, $client ...

&$this should never be needed after PHP4 anyway period.

If you absolutely need $client to be passed by reference, update the function ($func) signature instead (function func(&$client) {)

mysqld_safe Directory '/var/run/mysqld' for UNIX socket file don't exists

It seems odd that this directory was not created at install - have you manually changed the path of the socket file in the my.cfg?

Have you tried simply creating this directory yourself, and restarting the service?

mkdir -p /var/run/mysqld
chown mysql:mysql /var/run/mysqld

Clearing NSUserDefaults

I love extensions when they make the code cleaner:

extension NSUserDefaults {
    func clear() {
        guard let domainName = NSBundle.mainBundle().bundleIdentifier else {


Swift 5

extension UserDefaults {
    func clear() {
        guard let domainName = Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier else {
        removePersistentDomain(forName: domainName)

C# adding a character in a string

I had to do something similar, trying to convert a string of numbers into a timespan by adding in : and .. Basically I was taking 235959999 and needing to convert it to 23:59:59.999. For me it was easy because I knew where I needed to "insert" said characters.

ts = ts.Insert(6,".");
ts = ts.Insert(4,":");
ts = ts.Insert(2,":");

Basically reassigning ts to itself with the inserted character. I worked my way from the back to front, because I was lazy and didn't want to do additional math for the other inserted characters.

You could try something similar by doing:

alpha = alpha.Insert(5,"-");
alpha = alpha.Insert(11,"-"); //add 1 to account for 1 -
alpha = alpha.Insert(17,"-"); //add 2 to account for 2 -

Dynamic constant assignment

Because constants in Ruby aren't meant to be changed, Ruby discourages you from assigning to them in parts of code which might get executed more than once, such as inside methods.

Under normal circumstances, you should define the constant inside the class itself:

class MyClass
  MY_CONSTANT = "foo"

MyClass::MY_CONSTANT #=> "foo"

If for some reason though you really do need to define a constant inside a method (perhaps for some type of metaprogramming), you can use const_set:

class MyClass
  def my_method
    self.class.const_set(:MY_CONSTANT, "foo")

#=> NameError: uninitialized constant MyClass::MY_CONSTANT
MyClass::MY_CONSTANT #=> "foo"

Again though, const_set isn't something you should really have to resort to under normal circumstances. If you're not sure whether you really want to be assigning to constants this way, you may want to consider one of the following alternatives:

Class variables

Class variables behave like constants in many ways. They are properties on a class, and they are accessible in subclasses of the class they are defined on.

The difference is that class variables are meant to be modifiable, and can therefore be assigned to inside methods with no issue.

class MyClass
  def self.my_class_variable
  def my_method
    @@my_class_variable = "foo"
class SubClass < MyClass

#=> NameError: uninitialized class variable @@my_class_variable in MyClass
#=> NameError: uninitialized class variable @@my_class_variable in MyClass
MyClass.my_class_variable #=> "foo"
SubClass.my_class_variable #=> "foo"

Class attributes

Class attributes are a sort of "instance variable on a class". They behave a bit like class variables, except that their values are not shared with subclasses.

class MyClass
  class << self
    attr_accessor :my_class_attribute
  def my_method
    self.class.my_class_attribute = "blah"
class SubClass < MyClass

MyClass.my_class_attribute #=> nil
SubClass.my_class_attribute #=> nil
MyClass.my_class_attribute #=> "blah"
SubClass.my_class_attribute #=> nil
SubClass.my_class_attribute #=> "blah"

Instance variables

And just for completeness I should probably mention: if you need to assign a value which can only be determined after your class has been instantiated, there's a good chance you might actually be looking for a plain old instance variable.

class MyClass
  attr_accessor :instance_variable
  def my_method
    @instance_variable = "blah"

my_object =
my_object.instance_variable #=> nil
my_object.instance_variable #=> "blah" #=> nil

How can I create a dynamic button click event on a dynamic button?

Simply add the eventhandler to the button when creating it.

 button.Click += new EventHandler(this.button_Click);

void button_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
//your stuff...

Set a thin border using .css() in javascript

Current Example:

You need to define border-width:1px

Your code should read:

$(this).css({"border-color": "#C1E0FF", 

Suggested Example:

You should ideally use a class and addClass/removeClass

$(this).addClass('borderClass'); $(this).removeClass('borderClass');

and in your CSS:

  border-color: #C1E0FF;
  border-style: solid;
  border: 1px solid #C1E0FF;

jsfiddle working example:\

jsfiddle with animate: This just gives you an example of how it could work, you should get the idea.. There are better ways of doing this most likely.. like using a toggle()

T-SQL get SELECTed value of stored procedure

There is also a combination, you can use a return value with a recordset:

--Stored Procedure--



        [Name] VARCHAR(50)

    INSERT INTO @Temp VALUES ('Mark') 
    INSERT INTO @Temp VALUES ('John') 
    INSERT INTO @Temp VALUES ('Jane') 
    INSERT INTO @Temp VALUES ('Mary') 

    -- Get recordset
    SELECT * FROM @Temp

    DECLARE @ReturnValue INT
    SELECT @ReturnValue = COUNT([Name]) FROM @Temp

    -- Return count
    RETURN @ReturnValue


--Calling Code--

DECLARE @SelectedValue int
EXEC @SelectedValue = [TestProc] 

SELECT @SelectedValue


enter image description here

Why do I get a C malloc assertion failure?

I was porting one application from Visual C to gcc over Linux and I had the same problem with

malloc.c:3096: sYSMALLOc: Assertion using gcc on UBUNTU 11.

I moved the same code to a Suse distribution (on other computer ) and I don't have any problem.

I suspect that the problems are not in our programs but in the own libc.

Is "&#160;" a replacement of "&nbsp;"?

  • &nbsp; is the character entity reference (meant to be easily parseable by humans).
  • &#160; is the numeric entity reference (meant to be easily parseable by machines).

They are the same except for the fact that the latter does not need another lookup table to find its actual value. The lookup table is called a DTD, by the way.

You can read more about character entity references in the offical W3C documents.

Overriding a JavaScript function while referencing the original

The answer that @Matthew Crumley provides is making use of the immediately invoked function expressions, to close the older 'a' function into the execution context of the returned function. I think this was the best answer, but personally, I would prefer passing the function 'a' as an argument to IIFE. I think it is more understandable.

   var a = (function(original_a) {
        if (condition) {
            return function() {
        } else {
            return function() {

What's the difference between using CGFloat and float?

As @weichsel stated, CGFloat is just a typedef for either float or double. You can see for yourself by Command-double-clicking on "CGFloat" in Xcode — it will jump to the CGBase.h header where the typedef is defined. The same approach is used for NSInteger and NSUInteger as well.

These types were introduced to make it easier to write code that works on both 32-bit and 64-bit without modification. However, if all you need is float precision within your own code, you can still use float if you like — it will reduce your memory footprint somewhat. Same goes for integer values.

I suggest you invest the modest time required to make your app 64-bit clean and try running it as such, since most Macs now have 64-bit CPUs and Snow Leopard is fully 64-bit, including the kernel and user applications. Apple's 64-bit Transition Guide for Cocoa is a useful resource.

Undefined columns selected when subsetting data frame

You want rows where that condition is true so you need a comma:

data[data$Ozone > 14, ]

Allow 2 decimal places in <input type="number">

If case anyone is looking for a regex that allows only numbers with an optional 2 decimal places


For an example, I have found solution below to be fairly reliable


<input name="my_field" pattern="^\d*(\.\d{0,2})?$" />

JS / JQuery:

$(document).on('keydown', 'input[pattern]', function(e){
  var input = $(this);
  var oldVal = input.val();
  var regex = new RegExp(input.attr('pattern'), 'g');

    var newVal = input.val();
  }, 0);


setTimeout is not working correctly anymore for this, maybe browsers have changed. Some other async solution will need to be devised.

Is there way to use two PHP versions in XAMPP?

I would recommend using Docker, this allows you to split the environment into various components and mix and match the ones you want at any time.

Docker will allow you to run one container with MySQL, another with PHP. As they are separate images you can have two containers, one PHP 5 another PHP 7, you start up which ever one you wish and port 80 can be mapped to both containers. has a wide range of preconfigured images which you can install and run without much hassle.

I've also added portainer as an image, which allows you to manage the various aspects of your docker setup - from within a docker image (I did start this container on startup to save me having to use the command line). It doesn't do everything for you and sometimes it's easier to configure and launch the images for the first time from the command line, but once setup you can start and stop them through a web interface.

It's also possible to run both containers at the same time and map separate ports to each. So port 80 can be mapped to PHP 5 and 81 to PHP 81 (Or PHP 7 if your watching this in 2017).

There are various tutorials on how to install Docker( and loads of other 'how to' type things. Try for a development environment configuration.

How to efficiently build a tree from a flat structure?

The accepted answer looks way too complex to me so I am adding a Ruby and NodeJS versions of it

Suppose that flat nodes list have the following structure:

nodes = [
  { id: 7, parent_id: 1 },
] # ruby

nodes = [
  { id: 7, parentId: 1 },
] # nodeJS

The functions which will turn the flat list structure above into a tree look the following way

for Ruby:

def to_tree(nodes)

  nodes.each do |node|

    parent = nodes.find { |another| another[:id] == node[:parent_id] }
    next unless parent

    node[:parent] = parent
    parent[:children] ||= []
    parent[:children] << node

  end { |node| node[:parent].nil? }


for NodeJS:

const toTree = (nodes) => {

  nodes.forEach((node) => {

    const parent = nodes.find((another) => == node.parentId)
    if(parent == null) return;

    node.parent = parent;
    parent.children = parent.children || [];
    parent.children = parent.children.concat(node);


  return nodes.filter((node) => node.parent == null)


How to obtain values of request variables using Python and Flask

You can get posted form data from request.form and query string data from request.args.

myvar =  request.form["myvar"]
myvar = request.args["myvar"]

Facebook OAuth "The domain of this URL isn't included in the app's domain"

In my case, things i had to do is only enabling the Embedded Browser OAuth Login

enter image description here

Multiple glibc libraries on a single host

First of all, the most important dependency of each dynamically linked program is the linker. All so libraries must match the version of the linker.

Let's take simple exaple: I have the newset ubuntu system where I run some program (in my case it is D compiler - ldc2). I'd like to run it on the old CentOS, but because of the older glibc library it is impossible. I got

ldc2-1.5.0-linux-x86_64/bin/ldc2: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.15' not found (required by ldc2-1.5.0-linux-x86_64/bin/ldc2)
ldc2-1.5.0-linux-x86_64/bin/ldc2: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.14' not found (required by ldc2-1.5.0-linux-x86_64/bin/ldc2)

I have to copy all dependencies from ubuntu to centos. The proper method is following:

First, let's check all dependencies:

ldd ldc2-1.5.0-linux-x86_64/bin/ldc2 =>  (0x00007ffebad3f000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f965f597000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f965f378000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f965f15b000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f965ef57000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f965ec01000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f965e9ea000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f965e60a000)
    /lib64/ (0x00007f965f79f000) is not a real library and we don't have to care about it.

/lib64/ is the linker, which is used by the linux do link the executable with all dynamic libraries.

Rest of the files are real libraries and all of them together with the linker must be copied somewhere in the centos.

Let's assume all the libraries and linker are in "/mylibs" directory. - as I've already said - is the linker. It's not dynamic library but static executable. You can run it and see that it even have some parameters, eg --library-path (I'll return to it).

On the linux, dynamically linked program may be lunched just by its name, eg


Linux loads such program into RAM, and checks which linker is set for it. Usually, on 64-bit system, it is /lib64/ (in your filesystem it is symbolic link to the real executable). Then linux runs the linker and it loads dynamic libraries.

You can also change this a little and do such trick:

/mylibs/ /bin/ldc2

It is the method for forcing the linux to use specific linker.

And now we can return to the mentioned earlier parameter --library-path

/mylibs/ --library-path /mylibs /bin/ldc2

It will run ldc2 and load dynamic libraries from /mylibs.

This is the method to call the executable with choosen (not system default) libraries.

Easiest way to split a string on newlines in .NET?

Based on Guffa's answer, in an extension class, use:

public static string[] Lines(this string source) {
    return source.Split(new string[] { "\r\n", "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None);

Time comparison

The following assumes that your hours and minutes are stored as ints in variables named hh and mm respectively.

if ((hh > START_HOUR || (hh == START_HOUR && mm >= START_MINUTE)) &&
        (hh < END_HOUR || (hh == END_HOUR && mm <= END_MINUTE))) {

Twitter Bootstrap - add top space between rows

If you're using BootStrap 3.3.7, you can use the open source library bootstrap-spacer via NPM

npm install bootstrap-spacer

or you can visit the github page:

Here's an example of how this works to space rows using the .row-spacer class:

<div class="row row-spacer">
    <div class="col-md-4">
    <div class="col-md-4">
    <div class="col-md-4">

<div class="row row-spacer">
    <div class="col-md-4">
    <div class="col-md-4">
    <div class="col-md-4">

If you'd require spaces between columns, you can also add the .row-col-spacer class:

<div class="row row-col-spacer">
    <div class="col-md-4">
    <div class="col-md-4">
    <div class="col-md-4">

And you can also combine various the .row-spacer & .row-col-spacer classes together:

<div class="row row-spacer row-col-spacer">
    <div class="col-md-4">
    <div class="col-md-4">
    <div class="col-md-4">

How do I order my SQLITE database in descending order, for an android app?

This a terrible thing! It costs my a few hours! this is my table rows :

private String USER_ID = "user_id";
private String REMEMBER_UN = "remember_un";
private String REMEMBER_PWD = "remember_pwd";
private String HEAD_URL = "head_url";
private String USER_NAME = "user_name";
private String USER_PPU = "user_ppu";
private String CURRENT_TIME = "current_time";

Cursor c = db.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM " + TABLE +" ORDER BY " + CURRENT_TIME + " DESC",null);

Every time when I update the table , I will update the CURRENT_TIME for sort. But I found that it is not work.The result is not sorted what I want. Finally, I found that, the column "current_time" is the default row of sqlite.

The solution is, rename the column "cur_time" instead of "current_time".

How to find a number in a string using JavaScript?

var regex = /\d+/g;_x000D_
var string = "you can enter 30%-20% maximum 500 choices";_x000D_
var matches = string.match(regex);  // creates array from matches_x000D_

How to unset a JavaScript variable?

You cannot delete a variable if you declared it (with var x;) at the time of first use. However, if your variable x first appeared in the script without a declaration, then you can use the delete operator (delete x;) and your variable will be deleted, very similar to deleting an element of an array or deleting a property of an object.

Git push rejected "non-fast-forward"

In Eclipse do the following:

GIT Repositories > Remotes > Origin > Right click and say fetch

GIT Repositories > Remote Tracking > Select your branch and say merge

Go to project, right click on your file and say Fetch from upstream.

java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Long cannot be cast to java.lang.Integer in java 1.6


((Long) userService.getAttendanceList(currentUser)).intValue();


The .intValue() method is defined in class Number, which Long extends.

css - position div to bottom of containing div

Assign position:relative to .outside, and then position:absolute; bottom:0; to your .inside.

Like so:

.outside {
.inside {
    position: absolute;
    bottom: 0;

Android Canvas: drawing too large bitmap

if you use Picasso change to Glide like this.

Remove picasso


Change Glide


More efficient Glide than Picasso draw to large bitmap

Add a "sort" to a =QUERY statement in Google Spreadsheets

You can use ORDER BY clause to sort data rows by values in columns. Something like

=QUERY(responses!A1:K; "Select C, D, E where B contains '2nd Web Design' Order By C, D")

If you’d like to order by some columns descending, others ascending, you can add desc/asc, ie:

=QUERY(responses!A1:K; "Select C, D, E where B contains '2nd Web Design' Order By C desc, D")

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of null

add "MainContent_" to ID value!

Example: (Error)

document.getElementById("Password").value = text;


document.getElementById("**MainContent_**Password").value = text;

Difference Between Select and SelectMany

Just for an alternate view that may help some functional programmers out there:

  • Select is map
  • SelectMany is bind (or flatMap for your Scala/Kotlin people)

Storing integer values as constants in Enum manner in java

The most common valid reason for wanting an integer constant associated with each enum value is to interoperate with some other component which still expects those integers (e.g. a serialization protocol which you can't change, or the enums represent columns in a table, etc).

In almost all cases I suggest using an EnumMap instead. It decouples the components more completely, if that was the concern, or if the enums represent column indices or something similar, you can easily make changes later on (or even at runtime if need be).

 private final EnumMap<Page, Integer> pageIndexes = new EnumMap<Page, Integer>(Page.class);
 pageIndexes.put(Page.SIGN_CREATE, 1);
 //etc., ...

 int createIndex = pageIndexes.get(Page.SIGN_CREATE);

It's typically incredibly efficient, too.

Adding data like this to the enum instance itself can be very powerful, but is more often than not abused.

Edit: Just realized Bloch addressed this in Effective Java / 2nd edition, in Item 33: Use EnumMap instead of ordinal indexing.

How to pick element inside iframe using document.getElementById

use contentDocument to achieve this

var iframe = document.getElementById('iframeId');
var innerDoc = (iframe.contentDocument) 
               ? iframe.contentDocument 
               : iframe.contentWindow.document;

var ulObj = innerDoc.getElementById("ID_TO_SEARCH");

Table header to stay fixed at the top when user scrolls it out of view with jQuery

I have tried it using transformation:translate. While it works good in Firefox and Chrome, there is simply no function in IE11. No double scroll bars. Supports table tfoot and caption. Pure Javascript, no jQuery."translate(0,"+(dY-top-1)+"px)";

jquery's append not working with svg element?

When you pass a markup string into $, it's parsed as HTML using the browser's innerHTML property on a <div> (or other suitable container for special cases like <tr>). innerHTML can't parse SVG or other non-HTML content, and even if it could it wouldn't be able to tell that <circle> was supposed to be in the SVG namespace.

innerHTML is not available on SVGElement—it is a property of HTMLElement only. Neither is there currently an innerSVG property or other way(*) to parse content into an SVGElement. For this reason you should use DOM-style methods. jQuery doesn't give you easy access to the namespaced methods needed to create SVG elements. Really jQuery isn't designed for use with SVG at all and many operations may fail.

HTML5 promises to let you use <svg> without an xmlns inside a plain HTML (text/html) document in the future. But this is just a parser hack(**), the SVG content will still be SVGElements in the SVG namespace, and not HTMLElements, so you'll not be able to use innerHTML even though they look like part of an HTML document.

However, for today's browsers you must use XHTML (properly served as application/xhtml+xml; save with the .xhtml file extension for local testing) to get SVG to work at all. (It kind of makes sense to anyway; SVG is a properly XML-based standard.) This means you'd have to escape the < symbols inside your script block (or enclose in a CDATA section), and include the XHTML xmlns declaration. example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns=""><head>
    <svg id="s" xmlns=""/>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function makeSVG(tag, attrs) {
            var el= document.createElementNS('', tag);
            for (var k in attrs)
                el.setAttribute(k, attrs[k]);
            return el;

        var circle= makeSVG('circle', {cx: 100, cy: 50, r:40, stroke: 'black', 'stroke-width': 2, fill: 'red'});
        circle.onmousedown= function() {

*: well, there's DOM Level 3 LS's parseWithContext, but browser support is very poor. Edit to add: however, whilst you can't inject markup into an SVGElement, you could inject a new SVGElement into an HTMLElement using innerHTML, then transfer it to the desired target. It'll likely be a bit slower though:

<script type="text/javascript"><![CDATA[
    function parseSVG(s) {
        var div= document.createElementNS('', 'div');
        div.innerHTML= '<svg xmlns="">'+s+'</svg>';
        var frag= document.createDocumentFragment();
        while (div.firstChild.firstChild)
        return frag;

        '<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red" onmousedown="alert(\'hello\');"/>'

**: I hate the way the authors of HTML5 seem to be scared of XML and determined to shoehorn XML-based features into the crufty mess that is HTML. XHTML solved these problems years ago.

Can't import org.apache.http.HttpResponse in Android Studio

Main build.gradle - /build.gradle

buildscript {
    dependencies {
        classpath '' 
        // Versions:

Module specific build.gradle - /app/build.gradle

android {
    compileSdkVersion 23
    buildToolsVersion "23.0.1"
    useLibrary 'org.apache.http.legacy'

How can I set focus on an element in an HTML form using JavaScript?

As mentioned earlier, document.forms works too.

function setFocusToTextBox( _element ) {
  document.forms[ 'myFormName' ].elements[ _element ].focus();

setFocusToTextBox( 0 );
// sets focus on first element of the form

Are there any disadvantages to always using nvarchar(MAX)?

Think of it as just another safety level. You can design your table without foreign key relationships - perfectly valid - and ensure existence of associated entities entirely on the business layer. However, foreign keys are considered good design practice because they add another constraint level in case something messes up on the business layer. Same goes for field size limitation and not using varchar MAX.

Android Fragment handle back button press

Add this code in your Activity


public void onBackPressed() {
    if (getFragmentManager().getBackStackEntryCount() == 0) {
    } else {

And add this line in your Fragment before commit()

ft.addToBackStack("Any name");

Best way to generate a random float in C#

I took a slightly different approach than others

static float NextFloat(Random random)
    double val = random.NextDouble(); // range 0.0 to 1.0
    val -= 0.5; // expected range now -0.5 to +0.5
    val *= 2; // expected range now -1.0 to +1.0
    return float.MaxValue * (float)val;

The comments explain what I'm doing. Get the next double, convert that number to a value between -1 and 1 and then multiply that with float.MaxValue.

Difference between AutoPostBack=True and AutoPostBack=False?

There is one event which is default associate with any webcontrol. For example, in case of Button click event, in case of Check box CheckChangedEvent is there. So in case of AutoPostBack true these events are called by default and event handle at server side.

in linux terminal, how do I show the folder's last modification date, taking its content into consideration?

If I could, I would vote for the answer by Paulo. I tested it and understood the concept. I can confirm it works. The find command can output many parameters. For example, add the following to the --printf clause:

%a for attributes in the octal format
%n for the file name including a complete path


find Desktop/ -exec stat \{} --printf="%y %n\n" \; | sort -n -r | head -1
2011-02-14 22:57:39.000000000 +0100 Desktop/new file

Let me raise this question as well: Does the author of this question want to solve his problem using Bash or PHP? That should be specified.

Using IQueryable with Linq

Marc Gravell's answer is very complete, but I thought I'd add something about this from the user's point of view, as well...

The main difference, from a user's perspective, is that, when you use IQueryable<T> (with a provider that supports things correctly), you can save a lot of resources.

For example, if you're working against a remote database, with many ORM systems, you have the option of fetching data from a table in two ways, one which returns IEnumerable<T>, and one which returns an IQueryable<T>. Say, for example, you have a Products table, and you want to get all of the products whose cost is >$25.

If you do:

 IEnumerable<Product> products = myORM.GetProducts();
 var productsOver25 = products.Where(p => p.Cost >= 25.00);

What happens here, is the database loads all of the products, and passes them across the wire to your program. Your program then filters the data. In essence, the database does a SELECT * FROM Products, and returns EVERY product to you.

With the right IQueryable<T> provider, on the other hand, you can do:

 IQueryable<Product> products = myORM.GetQueryableProducts();
 var productsOver25 = products.Where(p => p.Cost >= 25.00);

The code looks the same, but the difference here is that the SQL executed will be SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Cost >= 25.

From your POV as a developer, this looks the same. However, from a performance standpoint, you may only return 2 records across the network instead of 20,000....

How to download and save an image in Android

Why do you really need your own code to download it? How about just passing your URI to Download manager?

public void downloadFile(String uRl) {
    File direct = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()
            + "/AnhsirkDasarp");

    if (!direct.exists()) {

    DownloadManager mgr = (DownloadManager) getActivity().getSystemService(Context.DOWNLOAD_SERVICE);

    Uri downloadUri = Uri.parse(uRl);
    DownloadManager.Request request = new DownloadManager.Request(

                    | DownloadManager.Request.NETWORK_MOBILE)
            .setDescription("Something useful. No, really.")
            .setDestinationInExternalPublicDir("/AnhsirkDasarp", "fileName.jpg");



how to return index of a sorted list?

Straight out of the documentation for collections.OrderedDict:

>>> # dictionary sorted by value
>>> OrderedDict(sorted(d.items(), key=lambda t: t[1]))
OrderedDict([('pear', 1), ('orange', 2), ('banana', 3), ('apple', 4)])

Adapted to the example in the original post:

>>> l=[2,3,1,4,5]
>>> OrderedDict(sorted(enumerate(l), key=lambda x: x[1])).keys()
[2, 0, 1, 3, 4]

See for details.

Parsing HTTP Response in Python

json works with Unicode text in Python 3 (JSON format itself is defined only in terms of Unicode text) and therefore you need to decode bytes received in HTTP response. r.headers.get_content_charset('utf-8') gets your the character encoding:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import io
import json
from urllib.request import urlopen

with urlopen('') as r, \
     io.TextIOWrapper(r, encoding=r.headers.get_content_charset('utf-8')) as file:
    result = json.load(file)

It is not necessary to use io.TextIOWrapper here:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import json
from urllib.request import urlopen

with urlopen('') as r:
    result = json.loads('utf-8')))

What is the correct syntax for 'else if'?

In python "else if" is spelled "elif".
Also, you need a colon after the elif and the else.

Simple answer to a simple question. I had the same problem, when I first started (in the last couple of weeks).

So your code should read:

def function(a):
    if a == '1':
    elif a == '2':


Why is this rsync connection unexpectedly closed on Windows?

I had this problem, but only when I tried to rsync from a Linux (RH) server to a Solaris server. My fix was to make sure rsync had the same path on both boxes, and that the ownership of rsync was the same.

On the linux box, rsync path was /usr/bin, on Solaris box it was /usr/local/bin. So, on the Solaris box I did ln -s /usr/local/bin/rsync /usr/bin/rsync.

I still had the same problem, and noticed ownership differences. On linux it was root:root, on solaris it was bin:bin. Changing solaris to root:root fixed it.

Android custom Row Item for ListView

Add this row.xml to your layout folder

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:orientation="vertical" >
<TextView android:layout_width="wrap_content"


make your main xml layout as this

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:orientation="horizontal" >

        android:layout_height="fill_parent" >


This is your adapter

class yourAdapter extends BaseAdapter {

    Context context;
    String[] data;
    private static LayoutInflater inflater = null;

    public yourAdapter(Context context, String[] data) {
        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
        this.context = context; = data;
        inflater = (LayoutInflater) context

    public int getCount() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return data.length;

    public Object getItem(int position) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return data[position];

    public long getItemId(int position) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return position;

    public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        View vi = convertView;
        if (vi == null)
            vi = inflater.inflate(R.layout.row, null);
        TextView text = (TextView) vi.findViewById(;
        return vi;

Your java activity

public class StackActivity extends Activity {

    ListView listview;

    /** Called when the activity is first created. */
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        listview = (ListView) findViewById(;
        listview.setAdapter(new yourAdapter(this, new String[] { "data1",
                "data2" }));

the results

enter image description here

How to export datagridview to excel using

The following code works fine for me :)

Protected Sub ExportToExcel(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ExportExcel.Click
            Response.Buffer = True
            Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=ExportEthias.xls")
            Response.Charset = ""
            Response.ContentType = "application/"
            Using sw As New StringWriter()
                Dim hw As New HtmlTextWriter(sw)
                'Le format de base est le texte pour éviter les problèmes d'arrondis des nombres
                Dim style As String = "<style> .textmode { } </style>"
            End Using
        Catch ex As Exception
            lblMessage.Text = "Erreur export Excel : " & ex.Message
        End Try
    End Sub
    Public Overrides Sub VerifyRenderingInServerForm(control As Control)
        ' Verifies that the control is rendered
    End Sub

Hopes this help you.

How to plot two columns of a pandas data frame using points?

You can specify the style of the plotted line when calling df.plot:

df.plot(x='col_name_1', y='col_name_2', style='o')

The style argument can also be a dict or list, e.g.:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

d = {'one' : np.random.rand(10),
     'two' : np.random.rand(10)}

df = pd.DataFrame(d)


All the accepted style formats are listed in the documentation of matplotlib.pyplot.plot.


Add vertical whitespace using Twitter Bootstrap?

There is nothing more DRY than

.btn {

typesafe select onChange event using reactjs and typescript

The easiest way is to add a type to the variable that is receiving the value, like this:

var value: string = ( as any).value;

Or you could cast the value property as well as like this:

var value = (( as any).value as string);


Lastly, you can define what EventTarget.value is in a separate .d.ts file. However, the type will have to be compatible where it's used elsewhere, and you'll just end up using any again anyway.


interface EventTarget {
    value: any;

Disable validation of HTML5 form elements

If you want to disable client side validation for a form in HTML5 add a novalidate attribute to the form element. Ex:

<form method="post" action="/foo" novalidate>...</form>


Returning value that was passed into a method

The generic Returns<T> method can handle this situation nicely.

_mock.Setup(x => x.DoSomething(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns<string>(x => x);

Or if the method requires multiple inputs, specify them like so:

_mock.Setup(x => x.DoSomething(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<int>())).Returns((string x, int y) => x);

Selecting option by text content with jQuery

If your <option> elements don't have value attributes, then you can just use .val:


However, if your <option> elements have value attributes, or might do in future, then this won't work, because whenever possible .val will select an option by its value attribute instead of by its text content. There's no built-in jQuery method that will select an option by its text content if the options have value attributes, so we'll have to add one ourselves with a simple plugin:


  Usage instructions:



  to select the <option> element from within #mySelectElement whose text content
  is 'target_text' (or do nothing if no such <option> element exists).
jQuery.fn.selectOptionWithText = function selectOptionWithText(targetText) {
    return this.each(function () {
        var $selectElement, $options, $targetOption;

        $selectElement = jQuery(this);
        $options = $selectElement.find('option');
        $targetOption = $options.filter(
            function () {return jQuery(this).text() == targetText}

        // We use `.prop` if it's available (which it should be for any jQuery
        // versions above and including 1.6), and fall back on `.attr` (which
        // was used for changing DOM properties in pre-1.6) otherwise.
        if ($targetOption.prop) {
            $targetOption.prop('selected', true);
        else {
            $targetOption.attr('selected', 'true');

Just include this plugin somewhere after you add jQuery onto the page, and then do

jQuery('#someSelectElement').selectOptionWithText('Some Target Text');

to select options.

The plugin method uses filter to pick out only the option matching the targetText, and selects it using either .attr or .prop, depending upon jQuery version (see .prop() vs .attr() for explanation).

Here's a JSFiddle you can use to play with all three answers given to this question, which demonstrates that this one is the only one to reliably work:

Create a new workspace in Eclipse

You can create multiple workspaces in Eclipse. You have to just specify the path of the workspace during Eclipse startup. You can even switch workspaces via File?Switch workspace.

You can then import project to your workspace, copy paste project to your new workspace folder, then

File?Import?Existing project in to workspace?select project.

Define an alias in fish shell

  1. if there is not in ~/.config/fish/, make it.
  2. there you can write your function .function name; command; end

CSS display:inline property with list-style-image: property on <li> tags

Try using float: left (or right) instead of display: inline. Inline display replaces list-item display, which is what adds the bullet points.

What does getActivity() mean?

getActivity() is used for fragment. For activity, wherever you can use this, you can replace the this in fragment in similar cases with getActivity().

How to get json response using in c#?

You need to explicitly ask for the content type.

Add this line:

 request.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
At the appropriate place

How to change shape color dynamically?

If you have an imageView like this:


which give it a drawable shape as src, you can use this code to change shape's color:

ImageView iv = (ImageView)findViewById(;
GradientDrawable bgShape = (GradientDrawable)iv.getDrawable();

phpMyAdmin says no privilege to create database, despite logged in as root user

This worked for me

open file in phpmyadmin root, set auth type from cookie to config

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = 'root';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = ''; // leave blank if no password

Use NSInteger as array index

According to the error message, you declared myLoc as a pointer to an NSInteger (NSInteger *myLoc) rather than an actual NSInteger (NSInteger myLoc). It needs to be the latter.

What is the iOS 5.0 user agent string?

This site seems to keep a complete list that's still maintained

iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad from iOS 2.0 - 5.1.1 (to date).

You do need to assemble the full user-agent string out of the information listed in the page's columns.

Flask-SQLalchemy update a row's information define the serializers

def default(o):
   if isinstance(o, (date, datetime)):
      return o.isoformat()

class User(db.Model):
   id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)

    def serializers(self):
       return json.loads(json.dumps(dict_val,default=default))

In RestApi, We can update the record dynamically by passing the json data into update query:

class UpdateUserDetails(Resource):
   def post(self):
      json_data = request.get_json()
      user_id =
         instance = User.query.filter(
         msg={"msg":"User details updated successfully","data":updateddata.serializers()}
      except Exception as e:
         msg = {"msg": "Failed to update the userdetails! please contact your administartor."}
      return msg

Build query string for System.Net.HttpClient get

Thanks to "Darin Dimitrov", This is the extension methods.

 public static partial class Ext
    public static Uri GetUriWithparameters(this Uri uri,Dictionary<string,string> queryParams = null,int port = -1)
        var builder = new UriBuilder(uri);
        builder.Port = port;
        if(null != queryParams && 0 < queryParams.Count)
            var query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(builder.Query);
            foreach(var item in queryParams)
                query[item.Key] = item.Value;
            builder.Query = query.ToString();
        return builder.Uri;

    public static string GetUriWithparameters(string uri,Dictionary<string,string> queryParams = null,int port = -1)
        var builder = new UriBuilder(uri);
        builder.Port = port;
        if(null != queryParams && 0 < queryParams.Count)
            var query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(builder.Query);
            foreach(var item in queryParams)
                query[item.Key] = item.Value;
            builder.Query = query.ToString();
        return builder.Uri.ToString();

difference between $query>num_rows() and $this->db->count_all_results() in CodeIgniter & which one is recommended

With num_rows() you first perform the query, and then you can check how many rows you got. count_all_results() on the other hand only gives you the number of rows your query would produce, but doesn't give you the actual resultset.

// num rows example
$query = $this->db->get('table');
$num = $query->num_rows();
// here you can do something with $query

// count all example
$num = $this->db->count_all_results('table');
// here you only have $num, no $query

Convert JSON String to Pretty Print JSON output using Jackson

The new way using Jackson 1.9+ is the following:

Object json = OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(diffResponseJson, Object.class);
String indented = OBJECT_MAPPER.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter()

The output will be correctly formatted!

UL has margin on the left

The <ul> element has browser inherent padding & margin by default. In your case, Use

#footer ul {
    margin: 0; /* To remove default bottom margin */ 
    padding: 0; /* To remove default left padding */

or a CSS browser reset ( ) to deal with this.

Select multiple columns by labels in pandas

Name- or Label-Based (using regular expression syntax)

df.filter(regex='[A-CEG-I]')   # does NOT depend on the column order

Note that any regular expression is allowed here, so this approach can be very general. E.g. if you wanted all columns starting with a capital or lowercase "A" you could use: df.filter(regex='^[Aa]')

Location-Based (depends on column order)

df[ list(df.loc[:,'A':'C']) + ['E'] + list(df.loc[:,'G':'I']) ]

Note that unlike the label-based method, this only works if your columns are alphabetically sorted. This is not necessarily a problem, however. For example, if your columns go ['A','C','B'], then you could replace 'A':'C' above with 'A':'B'.

The Long Way

And for completeness, you always have the option shown by @Magdalena of simply listing each column individually, although it could be much more verbose as the number of columns increases:

df[['A','B','C','E','G','H','I']]   # does NOT depend on the column order

Results for any of the above methods

          A         B         C         E         G         H         I
0 -0.814688 -1.060864 -0.008088  2.697203 -0.763874  1.793213 -0.019520
1  0.549824  0.269340  0.405570 -0.406695 -0.536304 -1.231051  0.058018
2  0.879230 -0.666814  1.305835  0.167621 -1.100355  0.391133  0.317467

how to wait for first command to finish?

Shell scripts, no matter how they are executed, execute one command after the other. So your code will execute after the last command of has finished.

Now there is a special command which messes this up: &

cmd &

means: "Start a new background process and execute cmd in it. After starting the background process, immediately continue with the next command in the script."

That means & doesn't wait for cmd to do it's work. My guess is that contains such a command. If that is the case, then you need to modify the script:

cmd &

This puts the process ID (PID) of the new background process in the variable BACK_PID. You can then wait for it to end:

while kill -0 $BACK_PID ; do
    echo "Process is still active..."
    sleep 1
    # You can add a timeout here if you want

or, if you don't want any special handling/output simply

wait $BACK_PID

Note that some programs automatically start a background process when you run them, even if you omit the &. Check the documentation, they often have an option to write their PID to a file or you can run them in the foreground with an option and then use the shell's & command instead to get the PID.

call javascript function onchange event of dropdown list

Your code is working just fine, you have to declare javscript method before DOM ready.

your working example

How to prevent multiple definitions in C?

The underscore is put there by the compiler and used by the linker. The basic path is:

test.h ---> [compiler] ---> main.o --+
test.c ---> [compiler] ---> test.o --+--> [linker] ---> main.exe

So, your main program should include the header file for the test module which should consist only of declarations, such as the function prototype:

void test(void);

This lets the compiler know that it exists when main.c is being compiled but the actual code is in test.c, then test.o.

It's the linking phase that joins together the two modules.

By including test.c into main.c, you're defining the test() function in main.o. Presumably, you're then linking main.o and test.o, both of which contain the function test().

How do I change button size in Python?

I've always used .place() for my tkinter widgets. place syntax

You can specify the size of it just by changing the keyword arguments!

Of course, you will have to call .place() again if you want to change it.

Works in python 3.8.2, if you're wondering.

Eloquent ->first() if ->exists()

(ps - I couldn't comment) I think your best bet is something like you've done, or similar to:

$user = User::where('mobile', Input::get('mobile'));
$user->exists() and $user = $user->first();

Oh, also: count() instead if exists but this could be something used after get.

Why is my JQuery selector returning a n.fn.init[0], and what is it?

Error is that you are using 'ID' in lower case like 'checkbox1' but when you loop json object its return in upper case. So you need to replace checkbox1 to CHECKBOX1.

In my case :-

var response = jQuery.parseJSON(response);

$.each(response, function(key, value) {
   $.each(value, function(key, value){


  <input type="text" name="abc" id="abc" value="">

I am getting the same error but when i replace the id in html code its work fine.


<input type="text" name="abc" id="ABC" value="">

Why there is this "clear" class before footer?

A class in HTML means that in order to set attributes to it in CSS, you simply need to add a period in front of it.
For example, the CSS code of that html code may be:

.clear {     height: 50px;     width: 25px; } 

Also, if you, as suggested by abiessu, are attempting to add the CSS clear: both; attribute to the div to prevent anything from floating to the left or right of this div, you can use this CSS code:

.clear {     clear: both; } 

NameError: name 'python' is not defined

When you run the Windows Command Prompt, and type in python, it starts the Python interpreter.

Typing it again tries to interpret python as a variable, which doesn't exist and thus won't work:

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Python 2.7.5 (default, May 15 2013, 22:43:36) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> python
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'python' is not defined
>>> print("interpreter has started")
interpreter has started
>>> quit() # leave the interpreter, and go back to the command line


If you're not doing this from the command line, and instead running the Python interpreter (python.exe or IDLE's shell) directly, you are not in the Windows Command Line, and python is interpreted as a variable, which you have not defined.

MongoDB: Combine data from multiple collections into

Starting Mongo 4.4, we can achieve this join within an aggregation pipeline by coupling the new $unionWith aggregation stage with $group's new $accumulator operator:

// > db.users.find()
//   [{ user: 1, name: "x" }, { user: 2, name: "y" }]
// > db.books.find()
//   [{ user: 1, book: "a" }, { user: 1, book: "b" }, { user: 2, book: "c" }]
// > db.movies.find()
//   [{ user: 1, movie: "g" }, { user: 2, movie: "h" }, { user: 2, movie: "i" }]
  { $unionWith: "books"  },
  { $unionWith: "movies" },
  { $group: {
    _id: "$user",
    user: {
      $accumulator: {
        accumulateArgs: ["$name", "$book", "$movie"],
        init: function() { return { books: [], movies: [] } },
        accumulate: function(user, name, book, movie) {
          if (name) = name;
          if (book) user.books.push(book);
          if (movie) user.movies.push(movie);
          return user;
        merge: function(userV1, userV2) {
          if ( =;
          return userV1;
        lang: "js"
// { _id: 1, user: { books: ["a", "b"], movies: ["g"], name: "x" } }
// { _id: 2, user: { books: ["c"], movies: ["h", "i"], name: "y" } }
  • $unionWith combines records from the given collection within documents already in the aggregation pipeline. After the 2 union stages, we thus have all users, books and movies records within the pipeline.

  • We then $group records by $user and accumulate items using the $accumulator operator allowing custom accumulations of documents as they get grouped:

    • the fields we're interested in accumulating are defined with accumulateArgs.
    • init defines the state that will be accumulated as we group elements.
    • the accumulate function allows performing a custom action with a record being grouped in order to build the accumulated state. For instance, if the item being grouped has the book field defined, then we update the books part of the state.
    • merge is used to merge two internal states. It's only used for aggregations running on sharded clusters or when the operation exceeds memory limits.

Calculating Covariance with Python and Numpy

Thanks to unutbu for the explanation. By default numpy.cov calculates the sample covariance. To obtain the population covariance you can specify normalisation by the total N samples like this:

Covariance = numpy.cov(a, b, bias=True)[0][1]

or like this:

Covariance = numpy.cov(a, b, ddof=0)[0][1]

How to send data with angularjs $http.delete() request?

Please Try to pass parameters in httpoptions, you can follow function below

deleteAction(url, data) {
    const authToken = sessionStorage.getItem('authtoken');
    const options = {
      headers: new HttpHeaders({
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        Authorization: 'Bearer ' + authToken,
      body: data,
    return this.client.delete(url, options);

Get the week start date and week end date from week number

Not sure how useful this is, but I ended up here from looking for a solution on Netezza SQL and couldn't find one on stack overflow.

For IBM netezza you would use something (for week start mon, week end sun) like:

select next_day (WeddingDate, 'SUN') -6 as WeekStart,

next_day (WeddingDate, 'SUN') as WeekEnd

Hour from DateTime? in 24 hours format

Try this:

//String.Format("{0:HH:mm}", dt);  // where dt is a DateTime variable

public static string FormatearHoraA24(DateTime? fechaHora)
    if (!fechaHora.HasValue)
        return "";

    return retornar = String.Format("{0:HH:mm}", (DateTime)fechaHora);

AngularJS UI Router - change url without reloading state

Ok, solved :) Angular UI Router has this new method, $urlRouterProvider.deferIntercept()

basically it comes down to this:

angular.module('myApp', [ui.router])
  .config(['$urlRouterProvider', function ($urlRouterProvider) {
  // then define the interception
  .run(['$rootScope', '$urlRouter', '$location', '$state', function ($rootScope, $urlRouter, $location, $state) {
    $rootScope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', function(e, newUrl, oldUrl) {
      // Prevent $urlRouter's default handler from firing

       * provide conditions on when to 
       * sync change in $location.path() with state reload.
       * I use $location and $state as examples, but
       * You can do any logic
       * before syncing OR stop syncing all together.

      if ($ !== 'main.exampleState' || newUrl === 'http://some.url' || oldUrl !=='https://another.url') {
        // your stuff
      } else {
        // don't sync
    // Configures $urlRouter's listener *after* your custom listener

I think this method is currently only included in the master version of angular ui router, the one with optional parameters (which are nice too, btw). It needs to be cloned and built from source with

grunt build

The docs are accessible from the source as well, through

grunt ngdocs

(they get built into the /site directory) // more info in README.MD

There seems to be another way to do this, by dynamic parameters (which I haven't used). Many credits to nateabele.

As a sidenote, here are optional parameters in Angular UI Router's $stateProvider, which I used in combination with the above:

angular.module('myApp').config(['$stateProvider', function ($stateProvider) {    

    .state('main.doorsList', {
      url: 'doors',
      controller: DoorsListCtrl,
      resolve: DoorsListCtrl.resolve,
      templateUrl: '/modules/doors/doors-list.html'
    .state('main.doorsSingle', {
      url: 'doors/:doorsSingle/:doorsDetail',
      params: {
        // as of today, it was unclear how to define a required parameter (more below)
        doorsSingle: {value: null},
        doorsDetail: {value: null}
      controller: DoorsSingleCtrl,
      resolve: DoorsSingleCtrl.resolve,
      templateUrl: '/modules/doors/doors-single.html'


what that does is it allows to resolve a state, even if one of the params is missing. SEO is one purpose, readability another.

In the example above, I wanted doorsSingle to be a required parameter. It is not clear how to define those. It works ok with multiple optional parameters though, so not really a problem. The discussion is here

Is Safari on iOS 6 caching $.ajax results?

I had the same problem with a webapp getting data from ASP.NET webservice

This worked for me:

public WebService()

adb is not recognized as internal or external command on windows

If you get your adb from Android Studio (which most will nowadays since Android is deprecated on Eclipse), your adb program will most likely be located here:


Where %USERPROFILE% represents something like C:\Users\yourName.

If you go into your computer's environmental variables and add %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\platform-tools to the PATH (just copy-paste that line, even with the % --- it will work fine, at least on Windows, you don't need to hardcode your username) then it should work now. Open a new command prompt and type adb to check.

"Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement opencv-python"

I faced the same issue but the mistake which I was making was pip install python-opencv where I should have used pip install opencv-python. Hope this helps to anyone. It took me few hours to find.

Scrollbar without fixed height/Dynamic height with scrollbar

I have Similar issue with PrimeNG p_Dialog content and i fixed by below style for the contentStyle

height: 'calc(100vh - 127px)'

How to hide/show div tags using JavaScript?

just use a jquery event listner , click event. let the class of the link is lb... i am considering body as a div as you said...

$('.lb').click(function() {

Android: how to parse URL String with spaces to URI object?

I wrote this function:

public static String encode(@NonNull String uriString) {
    if (TextUtils.isEmpty(uriString)) {"Uri string cannot be empty!");
        return uriString;
    // getQueryParameterNames is not exist then cannot iterate on queries
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 11) {
        return uriString;

    // Check if uri has valid characters
    // See
    Pattern allowedUrlCharacters = Pattern.compile("([A-Za-z0-9_.~:/?\\#\\[\\]@!$&'()*+,;" +
    Matcher matcher = allowedUrlCharacters.matcher(uriString);
    String validUri = null;
    if (matcher.find()) {
        validUri =;
    if (TextUtils.isEmpty(validUri) || uriString.length() == validUri.length()) {
        return uriString;

    // The uriString is not encoded. Then recreate the uri and encode it this time
    Uri uri = Uri.parse(uriString);
    Uri.Builder uriBuilder = new Uri.Builder()
    for (String path : uri.getPathSegments()) {
    for (String key : uri.getQueryParameterNames()) {
        uriBuilder.appendQueryParameter(key, uri.getQueryParameter(key));
    String correctUrl =;
    return correctUrl;

What is the difference between AF_INET and PF_INET in socket programming?

Checking the header file solve's the problem. One can check for there system compiler.

For my system , AF_INET == PF_INET

AF == Address Family And PF == Protocol Family

Protocol families, same as address families.

enter image description here

Where can I get a virtual machine online?

Try this:

one year free. I do use this for a while.

How to avoid the "Windows Defender SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting warning"

If you have a standard code signing certificate, some time will be needed for your application to build trust. Microsoft affirms that an Extended Validation (EV) Code Signing Certificate allows us to skip this period of trust-building. According to Microsoft, extended validation certificates allow the developer to immediately establish a reputation with SmartScreen. Otherwise, the users will see a warning like "Windows Defender SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting. Running this app might put your PC at risk.", with the two buttons: "Run anyway" and "Don't run".

Another Microsoft resource states the following (quote): "Although not required, programs signed by an EV code signing certificate can immediately establish a reputation with SmartScreen reputation services even if no prior reputation exists for that file or publisher. EV code signing certificates also have a unique identifier which makes it easier to maintain reputation across certificate renewals."

My experience is as follows. Since 2005, we have been using regular (non-EV) code signing certificates to sign .MSI, .EXE and .DLL files with time stamps, and there has never been a problem with SmartScreen until 2018, when there was just one case when it took 3 days for a beta version of our application to build trust since we have released it to beta testers, and it was in the middle of certificate validity period. I don't know what SmartScreen might not like in that specific version of our application, but there have been no SmartScreen complaints since then. Therefore, if your certificate is a non-EV, it is a signed application (such as an .MSI file) that will build trust over time, not a certificate. For example, a certificate can be issued a few months ago and used to sign many files, but for each signed file you publish, it may take a few days for SmartScreen to stop complaining about the file after publishing, as was in our case in 2018.

As a conclusion, to avoid the warning completely, i.e. prevent it from happening even suddenly, you need an Extended Validation (EV) code signing certificate.

Meaning of "[: too many arguments" error from if [] (square brackets)

Another scenario that you can get the [: too many arguments or [: a: binary operator expected errors is if you try to test for all arguments "$@"

if [ -z "$@" ]
    echo "Argument required."

It works correctly if you call or arg1. But if you pass multiple args like arg1 arg2, you will get errors. This is because it's being expanded to [ -z arg1 arg2 ], which is not a valid syntax.

The correct way to check for existence of arguments is [ "$#" -eq 0 ]. ($# is the number of arguments).

How do I search for an object by its ObjectId in the mongo console?

In MongoDB Stitch functions it can be done using BSON like below:

Use the ObjectId helper in the BSON utility package for this purpose like in the follwing example:

var id = "5bb9e9f84186b222c8901149";  

What is the preferred syntax for initializing a dict: curly brace literals {} or the dict() function?

I think the first option is better because you are going to access the values as a['a'] or a['another']. The keys in your dictionary are strings, and there is no reason to pretend they are not. To me the keyword syntax looks clever at first, but obscure at a second look. This only makes sense to me if you are working with __dict__, and the keywords are going to become attributes later, something like that.

How to evaluate http response codes from bash/shell script?

Although the accepted response is a good answer, it overlooks failure scenarios. curl will return 000 if there is an error in the request or there is a connection failure.

status=$(curl --head --location --connect-timeout 5 --write-out %{http_code} --silent --output /dev/null ${url})
[[ $status == 500 ]] || [[ $status == 000 ]] && echo restarting ${url} # do start/restart logic

Note: this goes a little beyond the requested 500 status check to also confirm that curl can even connect to the server (i.e. returns 000).

Create a function from it:

failureCode() {
    local url=${1:-http://localhost:8080}
    local code=${2:-500}
    local status=$(curl --head --location --connect-timeout 5 --write-out %{http_code} --silent --output /dev/null ${url})
    [[ $status == ${code} ]] || [[ $status == 000 ]]

Test getting a 500:

failureCode && echo need to restart

Test getting error/connection failure (i.e. 000):

failureCode http://localhost:77777 && echo need to start

Test not getting a 500:

failureCode || echo not a failure not found, what is it exactly?

As eaon21 and monkey said, source map files basically turn minified code into its unminified version for debugging.

You can find the .map files here. Just add them into the same directory as the minified js files and it'll stop complaining. The reason they get fetched is the


at the end of angular.min.js. If you don't want to add the .map files you can remove those lines and it'll stop the fetch attempt, but if you plan on debugging it's always good to keep the source maps linked.

Is there a way to detect if an image is blurry?

During some work with an auto-focus lens, I came across this very useful set of algorithms for detecting image focus. It's implemented in MATLAB, but most of the functions are quite easy to port to OpenCV with filter2D.

It's basically a survey implementation of many focus measurement algorithms. If you want to read the original papers, references to the authors of the algorithms are provided in the code. The 2012 paper by Pertuz, et al. Analysis of focus measure operators for shape from focus (SFF) gives a great review of all of these measure as well as their performance (both in terms of speed and accuracy as applied to SFF).

EDIT: Added MATLAB code just in case the link dies.

function FM = fmeasure(Image, Measure, ROI)
%This function measures the relative degree of focus of 
%an image. It may be invoked as:
%   FM = fmeasure(Image, Method, ROI)
%   Image,  is a grayscale image and FM is the computed
%           focus value.
%   Method, is the focus measure algorithm as a string.
%           see 'operators.txt' for a list of focus 
%           measure methods. 
%   ROI,    Image ROI as a rectangle [xo yo width heigth].
%           if an empty argument is passed, the whole
%           image is processed.
%  Said Pertuz
%  Abr/2010

if ~isempty(ROI)
    Image = imcrop(Image, ROI);

WSize = 15; % Size of local window (only some operators)

switch upper(Measure)
    case 'ACMO' % Absolute Central Moment (Shirvaikar2004)
        if ~isinteger(Image), Image = im2uint8(Image);
        FM = AcMomentum(Image);

    case 'BREN' % Brenner's (Santos97)
        [M N] = size(Image);
        DH = Image;
        DV = Image;
        DH(1:M-2,:) = diff(Image,2,1);
        DV(:,1:N-2) = diff(Image,2,2);
        FM = max(DH, DV);        
        FM = FM.^2;
        FM = mean2(FM);

    case 'CONT' % Image contrast (Nanda2001)
        ImContrast = inline('sum(abs(x(:)-x(5)))');
        FM = nlfilter(Image, [3 3], ImContrast);
        FM = mean2(FM);

    case 'CURV' % Image Curvature (Helmli2001)
        if ~isinteger(Image), Image = im2uint8(Image);
        M1 = [-1 0 1;-1 0 1;-1 0 1];
        M2 = [1 0 1;1 0 1;1 0 1];
        P0 = imfilter(Image, M1, 'replicate', 'conv')/6;
        P1 = imfilter(Image, M1', 'replicate', 'conv')/6;
        P2 = 3*imfilter(Image, M2, 'replicate', 'conv')/10 ...
            -imfilter(Image, M2', 'replicate', 'conv')/5;
        P3 = -imfilter(Image, M2, 'replicate', 'conv')/5 ...
            +3*imfilter(Image, M2, 'replicate', 'conv')/10;
        FM = abs(P0) + abs(P1) + abs(P2) + abs(P3);
        FM = mean2(FM);

    case 'DCTE' % DCT energy ratio (Shen2006)
        FM = nlfilter(Image, [8 8], @DctRatio);
        FM = mean2(FM);

    case 'DCTR' % DCT reduced energy ratio (Lee2009)
        FM = nlfilter(Image, [8 8], @ReRatio);
        FM = mean2(FM);

    case 'GDER' % Gaussian derivative (Geusebroek2000)        
        N = floor(WSize/2);
        sig = N/2.5;
        [x,y] = meshgrid(-N:N, -N:N);
        G = exp(-(x.^2+y.^2)/(2*sig^2))/(2*pi*sig);
        Gx = -x.*G/(sig^2);Gx = Gx/sum(Gx(:));
        Gy = -y.*G/(sig^2);Gy = Gy/sum(Gy(:));
        Rx = imfilter(double(Image), Gx, 'conv', 'replicate');
        Ry = imfilter(double(Image), Gy, 'conv', 'replicate');
        FM = Rx.^2+Ry.^2;
        FM = mean2(FM);

    case 'GLVA' % Graylevel variance (Krotkov86)
        FM = std2(Image);

    case 'GLLV' %Graylevel local variance (Pech2000)        
        LVar = stdfilt(Image, ones(WSize,WSize)).^2;
        FM = std2(LVar)^2;

    case 'GLVN' % Normalized GLV (Santos97)
        FM = std2(Image)^2/mean2(Image);

    case 'GRAE' % Energy of gradient (Subbarao92a)
        Ix = Image;
        Iy = Image;
        Iy(1:end-1,:) = diff(Image, 1, 1);
        Ix(:,1:end-1) = diff(Image, 1, 2);
        FM = Ix.^2 + Iy.^2;
        FM = mean2(FM);

    case 'GRAT' % Thresholded gradient (Snatos97)
        Th = 0; %Threshold
        Ix = Image;
        Iy = Image;
        Iy(1:end-1,:) = diff(Image, 1, 1);
        Ix(:,1:end-1) = diff(Image, 1, 2);
        FM = max(abs(Ix), abs(Iy));
        FM = sum(FM(:))/sum(sum(FM~=0));

    case 'GRAS' % Squared gradient (Eskicioglu95)
        Ix = diff(Image, 1, 2);
        FM = Ix.^2;
        FM = mean2(FM);

    case 'HELM' %Helmli's mean method (Helmli2001)        
        MEANF = fspecial('average',[WSize WSize]);
        U = imfilter(Image, MEANF, 'replicate');
        R1 = U./Image;
        index = (U>Image);
        FM = 1./R1;
        FM(index) = R1(index);
        FM = mean2(FM);

    case 'HISE' % Histogram entropy (Krotkov86)
        FM = entropy(Image);

    case 'HISR' % Histogram range (Firestone91)
        FM = max(Image(:))-min(Image(:));

    case 'LAPE' % Energy of laplacian (Subbarao92a)
        LAP = fspecial('laplacian');
        FM = imfilter(Image, LAP, 'replicate', 'conv');
        FM = mean2(FM.^2);

    case 'LAPM' % Modified Laplacian (Nayar89)
        M = [-1 2 -1];        
        Lx = imfilter(Image, M, 'replicate', 'conv');
        Ly = imfilter(Image, M', 'replicate', 'conv');
        FM = abs(Lx) + abs(Ly);
        FM = mean2(FM);

    case 'LAPV' % Variance of laplacian (Pech2000)
        LAP = fspecial('laplacian');
        ILAP = imfilter(Image, LAP, 'replicate', 'conv');
        FM = std2(ILAP)^2;

    case 'LAPD' % Diagonal laplacian (Thelen2009)
        M1 = [-1 2 -1];
        M2 = [0 0 -1;0 2 0;-1 0 0]/sqrt(2);
        M3 = [-1 0 0;0 2 0;0 0 -1]/sqrt(2);
        F1 = imfilter(Image, M1, 'replicate', 'conv');
        F2 = imfilter(Image, M2, 'replicate', 'conv');
        F3 = imfilter(Image, M3, 'replicate', 'conv');
        F4 = imfilter(Image, M1', 'replicate', 'conv');
        FM = abs(F1) + abs(F2) + abs(F3) + abs(F4);
        FM = mean2(FM);

    case 'SFIL' %Steerable filters (Minhas2009)
        % Angles = [0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315];
        N = floor(WSize/2);
        sig = N/2.5;
        [x,y] = meshgrid(-N:N, -N:N);
        G = exp(-(x.^2+y.^2)/(2*sig^2))/(2*pi*sig);
        Gx = -x.*G/(sig^2);Gx = Gx/sum(Gx(:));
        Gy = -y.*G/(sig^2);Gy = Gy/sum(Gy(:));
        R(:,:,1) = imfilter(double(Image), Gx, 'conv', 'replicate');
        R(:,:,2) = imfilter(double(Image), Gy, 'conv', 'replicate');
        R(:,:,3) = cosd(45)*R(:,:,1)+sind(45)*R(:,:,2);
        R(:,:,4) = cosd(135)*R(:,:,1)+sind(135)*R(:,:,2);
        R(:,:,5) = cosd(180)*R(:,:,1)+sind(180)*R(:,:,2);
        R(:,:,6) = cosd(225)*R(:,:,1)+sind(225)*R(:,:,2);
        R(:,:,7) = cosd(270)*R(:,:,1)+sind(270)*R(:,:,2);
        R(:,:,7) = cosd(315)*R(:,:,1)+sind(315)*R(:,:,2);
        FM = max(R,[],3);
        FM = mean2(FM);

    case 'SFRQ' % Spatial frequency (Eskicioglu95)
        Ix = Image;
        Iy = Image;
        Ix(:,1:end-1) = diff(Image, 1, 2);
        Iy(1:end-1,:) = diff(Image, 1, 1);
        FM = mean2(sqrt(double(Iy.^2+Ix.^2)));

    case 'TENG'% Tenengrad (Krotkov86)
        Sx = fspecial('sobel');
        Gx = imfilter(double(Image), Sx, 'replicate', 'conv');
        Gy = imfilter(double(Image), Sx', 'replicate', 'conv');
        FM = Gx.^2 + Gy.^2;
        FM = mean2(FM);

    case 'TENV' % Tenengrad variance (Pech2000)
        Sx = fspecial('sobel');
        Gx = imfilter(double(Image), Sx, 'replicate', 'conv');
        Gy = imfilter(double(Image), Sx', 'replicate', 'conv');
        G = Gx.^2 + Gy.^2;
        FM = std2(G)^2;

    case 'VOLA' % Vollath's correlation (Santos97)
        Image = double(Image);
        I1 = Image; I1(1:end-1,:) = Image(2:end,:);
        I2 = Image; I2(1:end-2,:) = Image(3:end,:);
        Image = Image.*(I1-I2);
        FM = mean2(Image);

    case 'WAVS' %Sum of Wavelet coeffs (Yang2003)
        [C,S] = wavedec2(Image, 1, 'db6');
        H = wrcoef2('h', C, S, 'db6', 1);   
        V = wrcoef2('v', C, S, 'db6', 1);   
        D = wrcoef2('d', C, S, 'db6', 1);   
        FM = abs(H) + abs(V) + abs(D);
        FM = mean2(FM);

    case 'WAVV' %Variance of  Wav...(Yang2003)
        [C,S] = wavedec2(Image, 1, 'db6');
        H = abs(wrcoef2('h', C, S, 'db6', 1));
        V = abs(wrcoef2('v', C, S, 'db6', 1));
        D = abs(wrcoef2('d', C, S, 'db6', 1));
        FM = std2(H)^2+std2(V)+std2(D);

    case 'WAVR'
        [C,S] = wavedec2(Image, 3, 'db6');
        H = abs(wrcoef2('h', C, S, 'db6', 1));   
        V = abs(wrcoef2('v', C, S, 'db6', 1));   
        D = abs(wrcoef2('d', C, S, 'db6', 1)); 
        A1 = abs(wrcoef2('a', C, S, 'db6', 1));
        A2 = abs(wrcoef2('a', C, S, 'db6', 2));
        A3 = abs(wrcoef2('a', C, S, 'db6', 3));
        A = A1 + A2 + A3;
        WH = H.^2 + V.^2 + D.^2;
        WH = mean2(WH);
        WL = mean2(A);
        FM = WH/WL;
        error('Unknown measure %s',upper(Measure))
function fm = AcMomentum(Image)
[M N] = size(Image);
Hist = imhist(Image)/(M*N);
Hist = abs((0:255)-255*mean2(Image))'.*Hist;
fm = sum(Hist);

function fm = DctRatio(M)
MT = dct2(M).^2;
fm = (sum(MT(:))-MT(1,1))/MT(1,1);

function fm = ReRatio(M)
M = dct2(M);
fm = (M(1,2)^2+M(1,3)^2+M(2,1)^2+M(2,2)^2+M(3,1)^2)/(M(1,1)^2);

A few examples of OpenCV versions:

// OpenCV port of 'LAPM' algorithm (Nayar89)
double modifiedLaplacian(const cv::Mat& src)
    cv::Mat M = (Mat_<double>(3, 1) << -1, 2, -1);
    cv::Mat G = cv::getGaussianKernel(3, -1, CV_64F);

    cv::Mat Lx;
    cv::sepFilter2D(src, Lx, CV_64F, M, G);

    cv::Mat Ly;
    cv::sepFilter2D(src, Ly, CV_64F, G, M);

    cv::Mat FM = cv::abs(Lx) + cv::abs(Ly);

    double focusMeasure = cv::mean(FM).val[0];
    return focusMeasure;

// OpenCV port of 'LAPV' algorithm (Pech2000)
double varianceOfLaplacian(const cv::Mat& src)
    cv::Mat lap;
    cv::Laplacian(src, lap, CV_64F);

    cv::Scalar mu, sigma;
    cv::meanStdDev(lap, mu, sigma);

    double focusMeasure = sigma.val[0]*sigma.val[0];
    return focusMeasure;

// OpenCV port of 'TENG' algorithm (Krotkov86)
double tenengrad(const cv::Mat& src, int ksize)
    cv::Mat Gx, Gy;
    cv::Sobel(src, Gx, CV_64F, 1, 0, ksize);
    cv::Sobel(src, Gy, CV_64F, 0, 1, ksize);

    cv::Mat FM = Gx.mul(Gx) + Gy.mul(Gy);

    double focusMeasure = cv::mean(FM).val[0];
    return focusMeasure;

// OpenCV port of 'GLVN' algorithm (Santos97)
double normalizedGraylevelVariance(const cv::Mat& src)
    cv::Scalar mu, sigma;
    cv::meanStdDev(src, mu, sigma);

    double focusMeasure = (sigma.val[0]*sigma.val[0]) / mu.val[0];
    return focusMeasure;

No guarantees on whether or not these measures are the best choice for your problem, but if you track down the papers associated with these measures, they may give you more insight. Hope you find the code useful! I know I did.

Reset Entity-Framework Migrations

Delete the Migrations Folder, Clean then Rebuild the project. This worked for me. Before Clean and Rebuild it was saying the Migration already exists since in its cached memory, it's not yet deleted.

Grouping switch statement cases together?

Your example is as concise as it gets with the switch construct.

How do I compare two columns for equality in SQL Server?

A solution avoiding CASE WHEN is to use COALESCE.

    t1.Col2 AS t1Col2,
    t2.Col2 AS t2Col2,
    COALESCE(NULLIF(t1.Col2, t2.Col2),NULLIF(t2.Col2, t1.Col2)) as NULL_IF_SAME
 FROM @t1 AS t1
JOIN @t2 AS t2 ON t1.ColID = t2.ColID

NULL_IF_SAME column will give NULL for all rows where t1.col2 = t2.col2 (including NULL). Though this is not more readable than CASE WHEN expression, it is ANSI SQL.

Just for the sake of fun, if one wants to have boolean bit values of 0 and 1 (though it is not very readable, hence not recommended), one can use (which works for all datatypes):

1/ISNULL(LEN(COALESCE(NULLIF(t1.Col2, t2.Col2),NULLIF(t2.Col2, t1.Col2)))+2,1) as BOOL_BIT_SAME.

Now if you have one of the numeric data types and want bits, in the above LEN function converts to string first which may be problematic,so instead this should work:

1/(CAST(ISNULL(ABS(COALESCE(NULLIF(t1.Col2, t2.Col2),NULLIF(t2.Col2, t1.Col2)))+1,0)as bit)+1) as FAST_BOOL_BIT_SAME_NUMERIC

Above will work for Integers without CAST.

NOTE: also in SQLServer 2012, we have IIF function.

Make div (height) occupy parent remaining height

Unless I am misunderstanding, you can just add height: 100%; and overflow:hidden; to #down.

#down { 


Edit: Since you do not want to use overflow:hidden;, you can use display: table; for this scenario; however, it is not supported prior to IE 8. (display: table; support)

#container { 
    width: 300px; 
    height: 300px; 
    border:1px solid red;

#up { 
    background: green;

#down { 


Note: You have said that you want the #down height to be #container height minus #up height. The display:table; solution does exactly that and this jsfiddle will portray that pretty clearly.

Easiest way to convert month name to month number in JS ? (Jan = 01)

Here is a simple one liner function

function GetMonth(anyDate) { 
   return 'Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec'.split(',')[anyDate.getMonth()];
// ECMA6
var GetMonth = (anyDate) => 'Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec'.split(',')[anyDate.getMonth()];

How do I return multiple values from a function?

+1 on S.Lott's suggestion of a named container class.

For Python 2.6 and up, a named tuple provides a useful way of easily creating these container classes, and the results are "lightweight and require no more memory than regular tuples".

Is Laravel really this slow?

I know this is a little old question, but things changed. Laravel isn't that slow. It's, as mentioned, synced folders are slow. However, on Windows 10 I wasn't able to use rsync. I tried both cygwin and minGW. It seems like rsync is incompatible with git for windows's version of ssh.

Here is what worked for me: NFS.

Vagrant docs says:

NFS folders do not work on Windows hosts. Vagrant will ignore your request for NFS synced folders on Windows.

This isn't true anymore. We can use vagrant-winnfsd plugin nowadays. It's really simple to install:

  1. Execute vagrant plugin install vagrant-winnfsd
  2. Change in your Vagrantfile: config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", type: "nfs"
  3. Add to Vagrantfile: "private_network", type: "dhcp"

That's all I needed to make NFS work. Laravel response time decreased from 500ms to 100ms for me.