Programs & Examples On #Htmlsuite

Why does overflow:hidden not work in a <td>?

Best solution is to put a div into table cell with zero width. Tbody table cells will inherit their widths from widths defined the thead. Position:relative and negative margin should do the trick!

Here is a screenshot:

<!-- SOME CSS -->
    .cropped-table-cells tr td { 
    .cropped-table-cells tr td {
        border:1px solid lightgray;
        padding:3px 5px 3px 5px;
    .no-overflow {
        position:relative; /* must be relative */
        width:100%; /* fit to table cell width */
        margin-right:-1000px; /* technically this is a less than zero width object */

<table class="cropped-table-cells">
            <td style="width:100px;" width="100"><span>ORDER<span></td>
            <td style="width:100px;" width="100"><span>NAME<span></td>
            <td style="width:200px;" width="200"><span>EMAIL</span></td>
            <td><span class="no-overflow">123</span></td>
            <td><span class="no-overflow">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit</span></td>
            <td><span class="no-overflow">sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.</span></td>

Hidden Features of Xcode

Xcode code formatting... is one of the thing you need when you want to make your code readable and look good.

You can do the code formatting by yourself or save some time using scripts.

One good way is.. use Uncrustify. It is explained in Code Formatting in Xcode.

How to change string into QString?

std::string s = "Sambuca";
QString q = s.c_str();

Warning: This won't work if the std::string contains \0s.

String to date in Oracle with milliseconds

Oracle stores only the fractions up to second in a DATE field.

Use TIMESTAMP instead:

SELECT  TO_TIMESTAMP('2004-09-30 23:53:48,140000000', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS,FF9')
FROM    dual

, possibly casting it to a DATE then:

SELECT  CAST(TO_TIMESTAMP('2004-09-30 23:53:48,140000000', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS,FF9') AS DATE)
FROM    dual

CSS3 transitions inside jQuery .css()

Your code can get messy fast when dealing with CSS3 transitions. I would recommend using a plugin such as jQuery Transit that handles the complexity of CSS3 animations/transitions.

Moreover, the plugin uses webkit-transform rather than webkit-transition, which allows for mobile devices to use hardware acceleration in order to give your web apps that native look and feel when the animations occur.

JS Fiddle Live Demo


$("#startTransition").on("click", function()

    if( $(".boxOne").is(":visible")) 
        $(".boxOne").transition({ x: '-100%', opacity: 0.1 }, function () { $(".boxOne").hide(); });
        $(".boxTwo").css({ x: '100%' });
        $(".boxTwo").show().transition({ x: '0%', opacity: 1.0 });

    $(".boxTwo").transition({ x: '-100%', opacity: 0.1 }, function () { $(".boxTwo").hide(); });
    $(".boxOne").css({ x: '100%' });
    $(".boxOne").show().transition({ x: '0%', opacity: 1.0 });


Most of the hard work of getting cross-browser compatibility is done for you as well and it works like a charm on mobile devices.

Writing a VLOOKUP function in vba

Dim found As Integer
    found = 0

    Dim vTest As Variant

    vTest = Application.VLookup(TextBox1.Value, _
    Worksheets("Sheet3").Range("A2:A55"), 1, False)

If IsError(vTest) Then
    found = 0
    MsgBox ("Type Mismatch")
    Cancel = True
    Exit Sub

    TextBox2.Value = Application.VLookup(TextBox1.Value, _
    Worksheets("Sheet3").Range("A2:B55"), 2, False)
    found = 1
    End If

Windows recursive grep command-line

I just searched a text with following command which listed me all the file names containing my specified 'search text'.

C:\Users\ak47\Desktop\trunk>findstr /S /I /M /C:"search text" *.*

What online brokers offer APIs?

I've been using parts of the marketcetera platform. They support all kinds of marketdata sources and brokers and you should easily be able to add more brokers and/or data providers. This is not a direct broker API of course, but that helps you avoid vendor lock-in so that might be a good thing. And of course all the tools they use are open source.

Difference between Interceptor and Filter in Spring MVC

Filter: - A filter as the name suggests is a Java class executed by the servlet container for each incoming HTTP request and for each http response. This way, is possible to manage HTTP incoming requests before them reach the resource, such as a JSP page, a servlet or a simple static page; in the same way is possible to manage HTTP outbound response after resource execution.

Interceptor: - Spring Interceptors are similar to Servlet Filters but they acts in Spring Context so are many powerful to manage HTTP Request and Response but they can implement more sophisticated behavior because can access to all Spring context.

How to use hex color values

#ffffff are actually 3 color components in hexadecimal notation - red ff, green ff and blue ff. You can write hexadecimal notation in Swift using 0x prefix, e.g 0xFF

To simplify the conversion, let's create an initializer that takes integer (0 - 255) values:

extension UIColor {
   convenience init(red: Int, green: Int, blue: Int) {
       assert(red >= 0 && red <= 255, "Invalid red component")
       assert(green >= 0 && green <= 255, "Invalid green component")
       assert(blue >= 0 && blue <= 255, "Invalid blue component")

       self.init(red: CGFloat(red) / 255.0, green: CGFloat(green) / 255.0, blue: CGFloat(blue) / 255.0, alpha: 1.0)

   convenience init(rgb: Int) {
           red: (rgb >> 16) & 0xFF,
           green: (rgb >> 8) & 0xFF,
           blue: rgb & 0xFF


let color = UIColor(red: 0xFF, green: 0xFF, blue: 0xFF)
let color2 = UIColor(rgb: 0xFFFFFF)

How to get alpha?

Depending on your use case, you can simply use the native UIColor.withAlphaComponent method, e.g.

let semitransparentBlack = UIColor(rgb: 0x000000).withAlphaComponent(0.5)

Or you can add an additional (optional) parameter to the above methods:

convenience init(red: Int, green: Int, blue: Int, a: CGFloat = 1.0) {
        red: CGFloat(red) / 255.0,
        green: CGFloat(green) / 255.0,
        blue: CGFloat(blue) / 255.0,
        alpha: a

convenience init(rgb: Int, a: CGFloat = 1.0) {
        red: (rgb >> 16) & 0xFF,
        green: (rgb >> 8) & 0xFF,
        blue: rgb & 0xFF,
        a: a

(we cannot name the parameter alpha because of a name collision with the existing initializer).

Called as:

let color = UIColor(red: 0xFF, green: 0xFF, blue: 0xFF, a: 0.5)
let color2 = UIColor(rgb: 0xFFFFFF, a: 0.5)

To get the alpha as an integer 0-255, we can

convenience init(red: Int, green: Int, blue: Int, a: Int = 0xFF) {
        red: CGFloat(red) / 255.0,
        green: CGFloat(green) / 255.0,
        blue: CGFloat(blue) / 255.0,
        alpha: CGFloat(a) / 255.0

// let's suppose alpha is the first component (ARGB)
convenience init(argb: Int) {
        red: (argb >> 16) & 0xFF,
        green: (argb >> 8) & 0xFF,
        blue: argb & 0xFF,
        a: (argb >> 24) & 0xFF

Called as

let color = UIColor(red: 0xFF, green: 0xFF, blue: 0xFF, a: 0xFF)
let color2 = UIColor(argb: 0xFFFFFFFF)

Or a combination of the previous methods. There is absolutely no need to use strings.

How long is the SHA256 hash?

It will be fixed 64 chars, so use char(64)

Javascript - removing undefined fields from an object

Here's a plain javascript (no library required) solution:

function removeUndefinedProps(obj) {
    for (var prop in obj) {
        if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop) && obj[prop] === undefined) {
            delete obj[prop];

Working demo:

Access to ES6 array element index inside for-of loop

in html/js context, on modern browsers, with other iterable objects than Arrays we could also use [Iterable].entries():

for(let [index, element] of document.querySelectorAll('div').entries()) {

    element.innerHTML = '#' + index


CALL command vs. START with /WAIT option

There is a useful difference between call and start /wait when calling regsvr32.exe /s for example, also referenced by Gary in in his answer to how-do-i-get-the-application-exit-code-from-a-windows-command-line

call regsvr32.exe /s broken.dll
echo %errorlevel%

will always return 0 but

start /wait regsvr32.exe /s broken.dll
echo %errorlevel%

will return the error level from regsvr32.exe

The term 'Get-ADUser' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet

If you don't see the Active Directory, it's because you did not install AD LS Users and Computer Feature. Go to Manage - Add Roles & Features. Within Add Roles and Features Wizard, on Features tab, select Remote Server Administration Tools, select - Role Admininistration Tools - Select AD DS and DF LDS Tools.

After that, you can see the PS Active Directory package.

Find current directory and file's directory

A bit late to the party, but I think the most succinct way to find just the name of your current execution context would be

current_folder_path, current_folder_name = os.path.split(os.getcwd())

How do I parallelize a simple Python loop?

What's the easiest way to parallelize this code?

Use a PoolExecutor from concurrent.futures. Compare the original code with this, side by side. First, the most concise way to approach this is with

with ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:
    for out1, out2, out3 in, parameters):

or broken down by submitting each call individually:

with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
    futures = []
    for parameter in parameters:
        futures.append(executor.submit(calc_stuff, parameter))

    for future in futures:
        out1, out2, out3 = future.result() # this will block

Leaving the context signals the executor to free up resources

You can use threads or processes and use the exact same interface.

A working example

Here is working example code, that will demonstrate the value of :

Put this in a file -

from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor, ThreadPoolExecutor
from time import time
from http.client import HTTPSConnection

def processor_intensive(arg):
    def fib(n): # recursive, processor intensive calculation (avoid n > 36)
        return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) if n > 1 else n
    start = time()
    result = fib(arg)
    return time() - start, result

def io_bound(arg):
    start = time()
    con = HTTPSConnection(arg)
    con.request('GET', '/')
    result = con.getresponse().getcode()
    return time() - start, result

def manager(PoolExecutor, calc_stuff):
    if calc_stuff is io_bound:
        inputs = ('', '', '',
                  '', '', '')
        inputs = range(25, 32)
    timings, results = list(), list()
    start = time()
    with PoolExecutor() as executor:
        for timing, result in, inputs):
            # put results into correct output list:
            timings.append(timing), results.append(result)
    finish = time()
    print(f'{calc_stuff.__name__}, {PoolExecutor.__name__}')
    print(f'wall time to execute: {finish-start}')
    print(f'total of timings for each call: {sum(timings)}')
    print(f'time saved by parallelizing: {sum(timings) - (finish-start)}')
    print(dict(zip(inputs, results)), end = '\n\n')

def main():
    for computation in (processor_intensive, io_bound):
        for pool_executor in (ProcessPoolExecutor, ThreadPoolExecutor):
            manager(pool_executor, calc_stuff=computation)

if __name__ == '__main__':

And here's the output for one run of python -m futuretest:

processor_intensive, ProcessPoolExecutor
wall time to execute: 0.7326343059539795
total of timings for each call: 1.8033506870269775
time saved by parallelizing: 1.070716381072998
{25: 75025, 26: 121393, 27: 196418, 28: 317811, 29: 514229, 30: 832040, 31: 1346269}

processor_intensive, ThreadPoolExecutor
wall time to execute: 1.190223217010498
total of timings for each call: 3.3561410903930664
time saved by parallelizing: 2.1659178733825684
{25: 75025, 26: 121393, 27: 196418, 28: 317811, 29: 514229, 30: 832040, 31: 1346269}

io_bound, ProcessPoolExecutor
wall time to execute: 0.533886194229126
total of timings for each call: 1.2977914810180664
time saved by parallelizing: 0.7639052867889404
{'': 301, '': 200, '': 200, '': 301, '': 200, '': 200}

io_bound, ThreadPoolExecutor
wall time to execute: 0.38941240310668945
total of timings for each call: 1.6049387454986572
time saved by parallelizing: 1.2155263423919678
{'': 301, '': 200, '': 200, '': 301, '': 200, '': 200}

Processor-intensive analysis

When performing processor intensive calculations in Python, expect the ProcessPoolExecutor to be more performant than the ThreadPoolExecutor.

Due to the Global Interpreter Lock (a.k.a. the GIL), threads cannot use multiple processors, so expect the time for each calculation and the wall time (elapsed real time) to be greater.

IO-bound analysis

On the other hand, when performing IO bound operations, expect ThreadPoolExecutor to be more performant than ProcessPoolExecutor.

Python's threads are real, OS, threads. They can be put to sleep by the operating system and reawakened when their information arrives.

Final thoughts

I suspect that multiprocessing will be slower on Windows, since Windows doesn't support forking so each new process has to take time to launch.

You can nest multiple threads inside multiple processes, but it's recommended to not use multiple threads to spin off multiple processes.

If faced with a heavy processing problem in Python, you can trivially scale with additional processes - but not so much with threading.

How to install/start Postman native v4.10.3 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 64-bit?

Yes, you can install Postman using these commands:

wget -O postman.tar.gz
sudo tar -xzf postman.tar.gz -C /opt
rm postman.tar.gz
sudo ln -s /opt/Postman/Postman /usr/bin/postman

You can also get Postman to show up in the Unity Launcher:

cat > ~/.local/share/applications/postman.desktop <<EOL
[Desktop Entry]

You don't need node.js or any other dependencies with a standard Ubuntu dev install.

See more at our blog post at

EDIT: Changed icon.png location. Latest versions of Postman changed their directory structure slightly.

C# - Create SQL Server table programmatically

You haven't mentioned the Initial catalog name in the connection string. Give your database name as Initial Catalog name.

<add name ="AutoRepairSqlProvider" connectionString=
     "Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS; Initial Catalog=MyDatabase; AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\AutoRepairDatabase.mdf;
     Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"/>

How do I replace a double-quote with an escape-char double-quote in a string using JavaScript?

The other answers will work for most strings, but you can end up unescaping an already escaped double quote, which is probably not what you want.

To work correctly, you are going to need to escape all backslashes and then escape all double quotes, like this:

var test_str = '"first \\" middle \\" last "';
var result = test_str.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\').replace(/\"/g, '\\"');

depending on how you need to use the string, and the other escaped charaters involved, this may still have some issues, but I think it will probably work in most cases.

How to add calendar events in Android?

Google calendar is the "native" calendar app. As far as I know, all phones come with a version of it installed, and the default SDK provides a version.

You might check out this tutorial for working with it.

What is href="#" and why is it used?

It's a link that links to nowhere essentially (it just adds "#" onto the URL). It's used for a number of different reasons. For instance, if you're using some sort of JavaScript/jQuery and don't want the actual HTML to link anywhere.

It's also used for page anchors, which is used to redirect to a different part of the page.

Unable to copy a file from obj\Debug to bin\Debug

This happened to me at VS 2010 and Win 7.. Case :

  • I can not Rebuild with Debug Configuration manager, but I can rebuild with Release Configuration manager


What I have tried:

  • Check my account type at control panel - user account --> My Account is Administrator


  • Set the bin folder not read only

not read only

  • Add security at bin folder to Everyone


  • stop the iis server

iis stop

  • Stop antivirus, check ridiculous running program using task manager and ProcessExplorer

  • run VS as administrator

If All that way is still not working.

Then, the last way to try:

  • close solution
  • close visual studio
  • start - shutdown
  • press power button to turn on the computer
  • login to your account which has administrator previlege at user type
  • reopen solution
  • rebuild
  • that way working. All people call this way as Reset Computer

Delete files in subfolder using batch script

I had to complete the same task and I used a "for" loop and a "del" command as follows:


set dir=%cd%

FOR /d /r %dir% %%x in (archive\) do (
    if exist "%%x" del %%x\*.txt /f /q

You can set the dir variable with any start directory you want or used the current directory (%cd%) variable.

These are the options for "for" command:

  • /d For directories
  • /r For recursive

These are the options for "del" command:

  • /f Force deletes read-only files
  • /q Quiet mode; suppresses prompts for delete confirmations.

How to handle-escape both single and double quotes in an SQL-Update statement

When SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER is OFF, literal strings in expressions can be delimited by single or double quotation marks.

If a literal string is delimited by double quotation marks, the string can contain embedded single quotation marks, such as apostrophes.

Using gradle to find dependency tree

If you want to visualize your dependencies in a graph you can use gradle-dependency-graph-generator plugin.

Generally the output of this plugin can be found in build/reports/dependency-graph directory and it contains three files (.dot|.png|.svg) if you are using the 0.5.0 version of the plugin.

Example of dependences graph in a real app (Chess Clock):


open the file upload dialogue box onclick the image

<!-- File input (hidden) -->
<input type="file" id="file1" style="display:none"/>    

<!-- Trigger button -->
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onClick="openSelect('#file1')">

<script type="text/javascript">                            
function openSelect(file)

Test class with a new() call in it with Mockito

For the future I would recommend Eran Harel's answer (refactoring moving new to factory that can be mocked). But if you don't want to change the original source code, use very handy and unique feature: spies. From the documentation:

You can create spies of real objects. When you use the spy then the real methods are called (unless a method was stubbed).

Real spies should be used carefully and occasionally, for example when dealing with legacy code.

In your case you should write:

TestedClass tc = spy(new TestedClass());
LoginContext lcMock = mock(LoginContext.class);
when(tc.login(anyString(), anyString())).thenReturn(lcMock);

JavaScript Regular Expression Email Validation

Simple but powerful email validation for check email syntax :

var EmailId = document.getElementById('Email').value;
var emailfilter = /^[\w._-]+[+]?[\w._-]+@[\w.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6}$/;
if((EmailId != "") && (!(emailfilter.test(EmailId ) ) )) {
    msg+= "Enter the valid email address!<br />";

Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Widget.Button.Borderless.Colored'

The ideal answer found in the forum mentioned above is this:

sed -i 's/facebook-android-sdk:4.+/facebook-android-sdk:4.22.1/g' ./node_modules/react-native-fbsdk/android/build.gradle

This works

Vim: faster way to select blocks of text in visual mode


will select the whole block.

Play with also:

v}, vp, vs, etc.

See help:

:help text-objects

which lists the different ways to select letters, words, sentences, paragraphs, blocks, and so on.

HTML Mobile -forcing the soft keyboard to hide

Scott S's answer worked perfectly.

I was coding a web-based phone dialpad for mobile, and every time the user would press a number on the keypad (composed of td span elements in a table), the softkeyboard would pop up. I also wanted the user to not be able to tap into the input box of the number being dialed. This actually solved both problems in 1 shot. The following was used:

<input type="text" id="phone-number" onfocus="blur();" />

Android SharedPreferences in Fragment

As a note of caution this answer provided by the user above me is correct.

SharedPreferences preferences = this.getActivity().getSharedPreferences("pref",0);

However, if you attempt to get anything in the fragment before onAttach is called getActivity() will return null.

SQL Server: use CASE with LIKE

This is the syntax you need:

CASE WHEN countries LIKE '%'+@selCountry+'%' THEN 'national' ELSE 'regional' END

Although, as per your original problem, I'd solve it differently, splitting the content of @selcountry int a table form and joining to it.

How to create border in UIButton?

Here's an updated version (Swift 3.0.1) from Ben Packard's answer.

import UIKit

@IBDesignable class BorderedButton: UIButton {

    @IBInspectable var borderColor: UIColor? {
        didSet {
            if let bColor = borderColor {
                self.layer.borderColor = bColor.cgColor

    @IBInspectable var borderWidth: CGFloat = 0 {
        didSet {
            self.layer.borderWidth = borderWidth

    override var isHighlighted: Bool {
        didSet {
            guard let currentBorderColor = borderColor else {

            let fadedColor = currentBorderColor.withAlphaComponent(0.2).cgColor

            if isHighlighted {
                layer.borderColor = fadedColor
            } else {

                self.layer.borderColor = currentBorderColor.cgColor

                let animation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "borderColor")
                animation.fromValue = fadedColor
                animation.toValue = currentBorderColor.cgColor
                animation.duration = 0.4
                self.layer.add(animation, forKey: "")

The resulting button can be used inside your StoryBoard thanks to the @IBDesignable and @IBInspectable tags.

enter image description here

Also the two properties defined, allow you to set the border width and color directly on interface builder and preview the result.

enter image description here

Other properties could be added in a similar fashion, for border radius and highlight fading time.

Best practices for API versioning?

I agree that versioning the resource representation better follows the REST approach...but, one big problem with custom MIME types (or MIME types that append a version parameter) is the poor support to write to Accept and Content-Type headers in HTML and JavaScript.

For example, it is not possible IMO to POST with the following headers in HTML5 forms, in order to create a resource:

Accept: application/
Content-Type: application/ 

This is because the HTML5 enctype attribute is an enumeration, therefore anything other than the usual application/x-www-formurlencoded, multipart/form-data and text/plain are invalid.

...nor am I sure it is supported across all browsers in HTML4 (which has a more lax encytpe attribute, but would be a browser implementation issue as to whether the MIME type was forwarded)

Because of this I now feel the most appropriate way to version is via the URI, but I accept that it is not the 'correct' way.

How to get current location in Android

I'm using this tutorial and it works nicely for my application.

In my activity I put this code:

GPSTracker tracker = new GPSTracker(this);
    if (!tracker.canGetLocation()) {
    } else {
        latitude = tracker.getLatitude();
        longitude = tracker.getLongitude();

also check if your emulator runs with Google API

How do I make a text input non-editable?

if you really want to use CSS, use following property which will make field non-editable.

pointer-events: none;

How to develop Desktop Apps using HTML/CSS/JavaScript?

It seems the solutions for HTML/JS/CSS desktop apps are in no short supply.

One solution I have just come across is TideSDK:, which seems very promising, looking at the documentation.

You can develop with Python, PHP or Ruby, and package it for Mac, Windows or Linux.

How to append new data onto a new line

There is also one fact that you have to consider. You should first check if your file is empty before adding anything to it. Because if your file is empty then I don't think you would like to add a blank new line in the beginning of the file. This code

  1. first checks if the file is empty
  2. If the file is empty then it will simply add your input text to the file else it will add a new line and then it will add your text to the file. You should use a try catch for os.path.getsize() to catch any exceptions.


import os

def storescores():
hs = open("hst.txt","a")
if(os.path.getsize("hst.txt") > 0):


PHP parse/syntax errors; and how to solve them

Unexpected T_IF
Unexpected T_FOREACH
Unexpected T_FOR
Unexpected T_WHILE
Unexpected T_DO
Unexpected T_ECHO

Control constructs such as if, foreach, for, while, list, global, return, do, print, echo may only be used as statements. They usually reside on a line by themselves.

  1. Semicolon; where you at?

    Pretty universally have you missed a semicolon in the previous line if the parser complains about a control statement:

    $x = myfunc()
    if (true) {

    Solution: look into the previous line; add semicolon.

  2. Class declarations

    Another location where this occurs is in class declarations. In the class section you can only list property initializations and method sections. No code may reside there.

    class xyz {
        if (true) {}
        foreach ($var) {}

    Such syntax errors commonly materialize for incorrectly nested { and }. In particular when function code blocks got closed too early.

  3. Statements in expression context

    Most language constructs can only be used as statements. They aren't meant to be placed inside other expressions:

    $var = array(1, 2, foreach($else as $_), 5, 6);

    Likewise can't you use an if in strings, math expressions or elsewhere:

    print "Oh, " . if (true) { "you!" } . " won't work";
    // Use a ternary condition here instead, when versed enough.

    For embedding if-like conditions in an expression specifically, you often want to use a ?: ternary evaluation.

    The same applies to for, while, global, echo and a lesser extend list.

    echo 123, echo 567, "huh?";

    Whereas print() is a language built-in that may be used in expression context. (But rarely makes sense.)

  4. Reserved keywords as identifiers

    You also can't use do or if and other language constructs for user-defined functions or class names. (Perhaps in PHP 7. But even then it wouldn't be advisable.)

  5. Your have a semi-colon instead of a colon (:) or curly bracket ({) after your control block

    Control structures are typically wrapped in curly braces (but colons can be used in an alternative syntax) to represent their scope. If you accidentally use a semi-colon you prematurely close that block resulting in your closing statement throwing an error.

    foreach ($errors as $error); <-- should be : or {

How to pass model attributes from one Spring MVC controller to another controller?

If you want just pass all attributes to redirect...

public String yourMethod( ...., HttpServletRequest request, RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes) {
    if(shouldIRedirect()) {
        return "redirect:/newPage.html";

Open a facebook link by native Facebook app on iOS

Just verified this today, but if you are trying to open a Facebook page, you can use "fb://page/{Page ID}"

Page ID can be found under your page in the about section near the bottom.

Specific to my use case, in Xamarin.Forms, you can use this snippet to open in the app if available, otherwise in the browser.

Device.OpenUri(new Uri("fb://page/{id}"));

CMake output/build directory

There's little need to set all the variables you're setting. CMake sets them to reasonable defaults. You should definitely not modify CMAKE_BINARY_DIR or CMAKE_CACHEFILE_DIR. Treat these as read-only.

First remove the existing problematic cache file from the src directory:

cd src
rm CMakeCache.txt
cd ..

Then remove all the set() commands and do:

cd Compile && rm -rf *
cmake ../src

As long as you're outside of the source directory when running CMake, it will not modify the source directory unless your CMakeList explicitly tells it to do so.

Once you have this working, you can look at where CMake puts things by default, and only if you're not satisfied with the default locations (such as the default value of EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH), modify only those you need. And try to express them relative to CMAKE_BINARY_DIR, CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR, PROJECT_BINARY_DIR etc.

If you look at CMake documentation, you'll see variables partitioned into semantic sections. Except for very special circumstances, you should treat all those listed under "Variables that Provide Information" as read-only inside CMakeLists.

Getting Keyboard Input

Add line:

import java.util.Scanner;

Then create an object of Scanner class:

Scanner s = new Scanner(;

Now you can call any time:

int a = Integer.parseInt(s.nextLine());

This will store integer value from your keyboard.

How can I preview a merge in git?

git log currentbranch..otherbranch will give you the list of commits that will go into the current branch if you do a merge. The usual arguments to log which give details on the commits will give you more information.

git diff currentbranch otherbranch will give you the diff between the two commits that will become one. This will be a diff that gives you everything that will get merged.

Would these help?

How can I remove or replace SVG content?

You should use append("svg:svg"), not append("svg") so that D3 makes the element with the correct 'namespace' if you're using xhtml.

Normalize data in pandas

This is how you do it column-wise:

[df[col].update((df[col] - df[col].min()) / (df[col].max() - df[col].min())) for col in df.columns]

How to remove gaps between subplots in matplotlib?

The problem is the use of aspect='equal', which prevents the subplots from stretching to an arbitrary aspect ratio and filling up all the empty space.

Normally, this would work:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

ax = [plt.subplot(2,2,i+1) for i in range(4)]

for a in ax:

plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0)

The result is this:

However, with aspect='equal', as in the following code:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

ax = [plt.subplot(2,2,i+1) for i in range(4)]

for a in ax:

plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0)

This is what we get:

The difference in this second case is that you've forced the x- and y-axes to have the same number of units/pixel. Since the axes go from 0 to 1 by default (i.e., before you plot anything), using aspect='equal' forces each axis to be a square. Since the figure is not a square, pyplot adds in extra spacing between the axes horizontally.

To get around this problem, you can set your figure to have the correct aspect ratio. We're going to use the object-oriented pyplot interface here, which I consider to be superior in general:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8)) # Notice the equal aspect ratio
ax = [fig.add_subplot(2,2,i+1) for i in range(4)]

for a in ax:

fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0)

Here's the result:

Detecting Back Button/Hash Change in URL

Use the jQuery hashchange event plugin instead. Regarding your full ajax navigation, try to have SEO friendly ajax. Otherwise your pages shown nothing in browsers with JavaScript limitations.

How to print HTML content on click of a button, but not the page?

According to this SO link you can print a specific div with;

Is there a way to use SVG as content in a pseudo element :before or :after

Making use of CSS sprites and data uri gives extra interesting benefits like fast loading and less requests AND we get IE8 support by using image/base64:

Codepen sample using SVG


<div class="div1"></div>
<div class="div2"></div>


.div1:after, .div2:after {
  content: '';
  display: block;
  height: 80px;
  width: 80px;
  background-image: url(data:image/svg+xml,;
.div2:after {
  background-position: -80px 0;

For IE8, change to this:

  background-image: url(......);

Extract substring in Bash

Here's how i'd do it:

[[ ${FN} =~ _([[:digit:]]{5})_ ]] && NUM=${BASH_REMATCH[1]}



Regular Expressions (RE): _([[:digit:]]{5})_

  • _ are literals to demarcate/anchor matching boundaries for the string being matched
  • () create a capture group
  • [[:digit:]] is a character class, i think it speaks for itself
  • {5} means exactly five of the prior character, class (as in this example), or group must match

In english, you can think of it behaving like this: the FN string is iterated character by character until we see an _ at which point the capture group is opened and we attempt to match five digits. If that matching is successful to this point, the capture group saves the five digits traversed. If the next character is an _, the condition is successful, the capture group is made available in BASH_REMATCH, and the next NUM= statement can execute. If any part of the matching fails, saved details are disposed of and character by character processing continues after the _. e.g. if FN where _1 _12 _123 _1234 _12345_, there would be four false starts before it found a match.

Eclipse HotKey: how to switch between tabs?

For some reason my Eclipse settings were corrupted so I had to manually edit the file /.plugins/org.eclipse.e4.workbench/workbench.xmi

I must have previously set Ctrl+Tab to Browser-like tab switching, and even resetting all key bindings in Eclipse preferences wouldn't get rid of the shortcuts (they were not displayed anywhere either). I opened the above mentioned file and removed the <bindings> elements marked with <tags>type:user</tags> related to the non-functioning shortcuts.

@Resource vs @Autowired

Both @Autowired (or @Inject) and @Resource work equally well. But there is a conceptual difference or a difference in the meaning

  • @Resource means get me a known resource by name. The name is extracted from the name of the annotated setter or field, or it is taken from the name-Parameter.
  • @Inject or @Autowired try to wire in a suitable other component by type.

So, basically these are two quite distinct concepts. Unfortunately the Spring-Implementation of @Resource has a built-in fallback, which kicks in when resolution by-name fails. In this case, it falls back to the @Autowired-kind resolution by-type. While this fallback is convenient, IMHO it causes a lot of confusion, because people are unaware of the conceptual difference and tend to use @Resource for type-based autowiring.

shared global variables in C

In one header file (shared.h):

extern int this_is_global;

In every file that you want to use this global symbol, include header containing the extern declaration:

#include "shared.h"

To avoid multiple linker definitions, just one declaration of your global symbol must be present across your compilation units (e.g: shared.cpp) :

/* shared.cpp */
#include "shared.h"
int this_is_global;

How to show form input fields based on select value?

You have to use val() instead of value() and you have missed starting quote id=dbType" should be id="dbType"

Live Demo


selection = $('this').value();


selection = $(this).val();


selection = this.value;

Classes vs. Modules in VB.NET


  • classes can be instantiated as objects
  • Object data exists separately for each instantiated object.
  • classes can implement interfaces.
  • Members defined within a class are scoped within a specific instance of the class and exist only for the lifetime of the object.
  • To access class members from outside a class, you must use fully qualified names in the format of Object.Member.


  • Modules cannot be instantiated as objects,Because there is only one copy of a standard module's data, when one part of your program changes a public variable in a standard module, it will be visible to the entire program.
  • Members declared within a module are publicly accessible by default.
  • It can be accessed by any code that can access the module.
  • This means that variables in a standard module are effectively global variables because they are visible from anywhere in your project, and they exist for the life of the program.

Spring Boot: Is it possible to use external files in arbitrary directories with a fat jar?

Solution for yml file:

1.Copy yml to in same directory that jar application

2.Run command, example for xxx.yml:

java -jar app.jar --spring.config.location=xxx.yml

It's works fine, but in startup logger is INFO:

No active profile set .........

Python pandas: fill a dataframe row by row

This is a simpler version

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=('col1', 'col2', 'col3'))
for i in range(5):
   df.loc[i] = ['<some value for first>','<some value for second>','<some value for third>']`

Save and retrieve image (binary) from SQL Server using Entity Framework 6

Convert the image to a byte[] and store that in the database.

Add this column to your model:

public byte[] Content { get; set; }

Then convert your image to a byte array and store that like you would any other data:

public byte[] ImageToByteArray(System.Drawing.Image imageIn)
    using(var ms = new MemoryStream())
        imageIn.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Gif);

        return ms.ToArray();

public Image ByteArrayToImage(byte[] byteArrayIn)
     using(var ms = new MemoryStream(byteArrayIn))
         var returnImage = Image.FromStream(ms);

         return returnImage;

Source: Fastest way to convert Image to Byte array

var image = new ImageEntity()
   Content = ImageToByteArray(image)


When you want to get the image back, get the byte array from the database and use the ByteArrayToImage and do what you wish with the Image

This stops working when the byte[] gets to big. It will work for files under 100Mb

In Python, when to use a Dictionary, List or Set?

When use them, I make an exhaustive cheatsheet of their methods for your reference:

class ContainerMethods:
    def __init__(self):
        self.list_methods_11 = {
                    'Sort':{'reverse', 'sort'},
                    'Search':{'count', 'index'},
        self.tuple_methods_2 = {'Search':'count','index'}

        self.dict_methods_11 = {
                    'Views':{'keys', 'values', 'items'},
                    'Subtract':{'pop', 'popitem',},
                    'Entire':{ 'clear', 'copy','fromkeys'},
        self.set_methods_17 ={
                    'Add':{['add', 'update'],['difference_update','symmetric_difference_update','intersection_update']},
                    'Subtract':{'pop', 'remove','discard'},
                    'Relation':{'isdisjoint', 'issubset', 'issuperset'},
                    'operation':{'union' 'intersection','difference', 'symmetric_difference'}
                    'Entire':{'clear', 'copy'}}

jQuery Ajax calls and the Html.AntiForgeryToken()

I like the solution provided by 360Airwalk, but it may be improved a bit.

The first problem is that if you make $.post() with empty data, jQuery doesn't add a Content-Type header, and in this case ASP.NET MVC fails to receive and check the token. So you have to ensure the header is always there.

Another improvement is support of all HTTP verbs with content: POST, PUT, DELETE etc. Though you may use only POSTs in your application, it's better to have a generic solution and verify that all data you receive with any verb has an anti-forgery token.

$(document).ready(function () {
    var securityToken = $('[name=__RequestVerificationToken]').val();
    $(document).ajaxSend(function (event, request, opt) {
        if (opt.hasContent && securityToken) {   // handle all verbs with content
            var tokenParam = "__RequestVerificationToken=" + encodeURIComponent(securityToken);
   = ? [, tokenParam].join("&") : tokenParam;
            // ensure Content-Type header is present!
            if (opt.contentType !== false || event.contentType) {
                request.setRequestHeader( "Content-Type", opt.contentType);

Type of expression is ambiguous without more context Swift

This happens when you have a function with wrong argument names.


functionWithArguments(argumentNameWrong: , argumentName2: )

and You declared your function as:

functionWithArguments(argumentName1: , argumentName2: ){}

This usually happens when you changed the name of a Variable. Make sure you refactor when you do that.

Float a div right, without impacting on design

If you don't want the image to affect the layout at all (and float on top of other content) you can apply the following CSS to the image:


If you want it to float at the right of a particular parent section, you can add position: relative to that section.

How to get the current time in Python

Because no one has mentioned it yet, and this is something I ran into recently... a pytz timezone's fromutc() method combined with datetime's utcnow() is the best way I've found to get a useful current time (and date) in any timezone.

from datetime import datetime

import pytz

JST = pytz.timezone("Asia/Tokyo")

local_time = JST.fromutc(datetime.utcnow())

If all you want is the time, you can then get that with local_time.time().

MySQL 1062 - Duplicate entry '0' for key 'PRIMARY'

check if your field with the primary key is set to auto increment

Cannot install Aptana Studio 3.6 on Windows

Had the same error initially. so.. pre-installed git and node.js and later installed Aptana, which installed perfectly. Rajeeva.

How do I create an Excel (.XLS and .XLSX) file in C# without installing Microsoft Office?

A few options I have used:

If XLSX is a must: ExcelPackage is a good start but died off when the developer quit working on it. ExML picked up from there and added a few features. ExML isn't a bad option, I'm still using it in a couple of production websites.

For all of my new projects, though, I'm using NPOI, the .NET port of Apache POI. NPOI 2.0 (Alpha) also supports XLSX.

No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin '...' is therefore not allowed access

Solved with below entry in httpd.conf

#CORS Issue
Header set X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff"
Header always set Access-Control-Max-Age 1728000
Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Origin: "*"
Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Methods: "GET,POST,OPTIONS,DELETE,PUT,PATCH"
Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Headers: "DNT,X-CustomHeader,Keep-Alive,Content-Type,Origin,Authentication,Authorization,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control"
Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Credentials true

RewriteEngine On                  
#RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1 [R=200,L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1 [R=200,L,E=HTTP_ORIGIN:%{HTTP:ORIGIN}]]

What is Python buffer type for?

An example usage:

>>> s = 'Hello world'
>>> t = buffer(s, 6, 5)
>>> t
<read-only buffer for 0x10064a4b0, size 5, offset 6 at 0x100634ab0>
>>> print t

The buffer in this case is a sub-string, starting at position 6 with length 5, and it doesn't take extra storage space - it references a slice of the string.

This isn't very useful for short strings like this, but it can be necessary when using large amounts of data. This example uses a mutable bytearray:

>>> s = bytearray(1000000)   # a million zeroed bytes
>>> t = buffer(s, 1)         # slice cuts off the first byte
>>> s[1] = 5                 # set the second element in s
>>> t[0]                     # which is now also the first element in t!

This can be very helpful if you want to have more than one view on the data and don't want to (or can't) hold multiple copies in memory.

Note that buffer has been replaced by the better named memoryview in Python 3, though you can use either in Python 2.7.

Note also that you can't implement a buffer interface for your own objects without delving into the C API, i.e. you can't do it in pure Python.

What is the difference between `` and `Enum.toString()`?

Use toString() when you want to present information to a user (including a developer looking at a log). Never rely in your code on toString() giving a specific value. Never test it against a specific string. If your code breaks when someone correctly changes the toString() return, then it was already broken.

If you need to get the exact name used to declare the enum constant, you should use name() as toString may have been overridden.

Ajax - 500 Internal Server Error

Uncomment the following line : [System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService]

Service will start working fine.

[WebService(Namespace = "")]

 [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]

To allow this Web Service to be called from script, using ASP.NET AJAX, uncomment the following line.


public class WebService : System.Web.Services.WebService 

Pandas: Creating DataFrame from Series

Here is how to create a DataFrame where each series is a row.

For a single Series (resulting in a single-row DataFrame):

series = pd.Series([1,2], index=['a','b'])
df = pd.DataFrame([series])

For multiple series with identical indices:

cols = ['a','b']
list_of_series = [pd.Series([1,2],index=cols), pd.Series([3,4],index=cols)]
df = pd.DataFrame(list_of_series, columns=cols)

For multiple series with possibly different indices:

list_of_series = [pd.Series([1,2],index=['a','b']), pd.Series([3,4],index=['a','c'])]
df = pd.concat(list_of_series, axis=1).transpose()

To create a DataFrame where each series is a column, see the answers by others. Alternatively, one can create a DataFrame where each series is a row, as above, and then use df.transpose(). However, the latter approach is inefficient if the columns have different data types.

Is it possible to Turn page programmatically in UIPageViewController?

Yes it is possible with the method:

- (void)setViewControllers:(NSArray *)viewControllers 
                completion:(void (^)(BOOL finished))completion;`

That is the same method used for setting up the first view controller on the page. Similar, you can use it to go to other pages.

Wonder why viewControllers is an array, and not a single view controller?

That's because a page view controller could have a "spine" (like in iBooks), displaying 2 pages of content at a time. If you display 1 page of content at a time, then just pass in a 1-element array.

An example in Swift:

pageContainer.setViewControllers([displayThisViewController], direction: .Forward, animated: true, completion: nil)

start MySQL server from command line on Mac OS Lion


mysql.server start

mysql.server stop

mysql.server restart

How to count how many values per level in a given factor?

One more approach would be to apply n() function which is counting the number of observations

data %>% 
  group_by(columnName) %>%
  summarise(Count = n())

Finding the last index of an array

With C# 8:

int[] array = { 1, 3, 5 };
var lastItem = array[^1]; // 5

Build not visible in itunes connect

This was My Mistake:

I had a minor update in a Push Notification content part and I did not even touch my code.

But I thought I might have to re-upload it in order to reflect that change in the latest version.

And I did.

Tried to upload 3 Builds One by One.

But Not a single build has shown in the Test Flight Version.(Shocked)

Later I realized my mistake that just by updating APNS content part without even touching my code, I was trying to upload a new build and was expecting to reflect it in the Test Flight. (So stupid of me)

How to use youtube-dl from a python program?

For simple code, may be i think

import os
os.system('youtube-dl [OPTIONS] URL [URL...]')

Above is just running command line inside python.

Other is mentioned in the documentation Using youtube-dl on python Here is the way

from __future__ import unicode_literals
import youtube_dl

ydl_opts = {}
with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:[''])

Pandas split column of lists into multiple columns

Much simpler solution:

pd.DataFrame(df2["teams"].to_list(), columns=['team1', 'team2'])


  team1 team2
0    SF   NYG
1    SF   NYG
2    SF   NYG
3    SF   NYG
4    SF   NYG
5    SF   NYG
6    SF   NYG
7    SF   NYG

If you wanted to split a column of delimited strings rather than lists, you could similarly do:

pd.DataFrame(df["teams"].str.split('<delim>', expand=True).values,
             columns=['team1', 'team2'])

Improve INSERT-per-second performance of SQLite

Bulk imports seems to perform best if you can chunk your INSERT/UPDATE statements. A value of 10,000 or so has worked well for me on a table with only a few rows, YMMV...

How do I repair an InnoDB table?

First of all stop the server and image the disc. There's no point only having one shot at this. Then take a look here.

How to set size for local image using knitr for markdown?

Here's some options that keep the file self-contained without retastering the image:

Wrap the image in div tags

<div style="width:300px; height:200px">

Use a stylesheet


title: test
output: html_document
css: test.css

## Page with an image {#myImagePage}



#myImagePage img {
  width: 400px;
  height: 200px;

If you have more than one image you might need to use the nth-child pseudo-selector for this second option.

How can I add NSAppTransportSecurity to my info.plist file?

In mac shell command line , use the following command:

plutil -insert NSAppTransportSecurity -xml "<array><string> hidden </string></array>" [location of your xcode project]/Info.plist 

The command will add all the necessary values into your plist file.

SQL Call Stored Procedure for each Row without using a cursor

I like to do something similar to this (though it is still very similar to using a cursor)


-- Table variable to hold list of things that need looping
DECLARE @holdStuff TABLE ( 
    id INT IDENTITY(1,1) , 
    isIterated BIT DEFAULT 0 , 
    someInt INT ,
    someBool BIT ,
    otherStuff VARCHAR(200)

-- Populate your @holdStuff with... stuff
INSERT INTO @holdStuff ( 
    someInt ,
    someBool ,
    1 , -- someInt - int
    1 , -- someBool - bit
    'I like turtles'  -- otherStuff - varchar(200)
    42 , -- someInt - int
    0 , -- someBool - bit
    'something profound'  -- otherStuff - varchar(200)

-- Loop tracking variables
DECLARE @tableCount INT
SET     @tableCount = (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM [@holdStuff])

DECLARE @loopCount INT
SET     @loopCount = 1

-- While loop variables
DECLARE @otherStuff VARCHAR(200)

-- Loop through item in @holdStuff
WHILE (@loopCount <= @tableCount)

        -- Increment the loopCount variable
        SET @loopCount = @loopCount + 1

        -- Grab the top unprocessed record
        SELECT  TOP 1 
            @id = id ,
            @someInt = someInt ,
            @someBool = someBool ,
            @otherStuff = otherStuff
        FROM    @holdStuff
        WHERE   isIterated = 0

        -- Update the grabbed record to be iterated
        UPDATE  @holdAccounts
        SET     isIterated = 1
        WHERE   id = @id

        -- Execute your stored procedure
        EXEC someRandomSp @someInt, @someBool, @otherStuff



Note that you don't need the identity or the isIterated column on your temp/variable table, i just prefer to do it this way so i don't have to delete the top record from the collection as i iterate through the loop.

Visual Studio debugger error: Unable to start program Specified file cannot be found

Guessing from the information I have, you're not actually compiling the program, but trying to run it. That is, ALL_BUILD is set as your startup project. (It should be in a bold font, unlike the other projects in your solution) If you then try to run/debug, you will get the error you describe, because there is simply nothing to run.

The project is most likely generated via CMAKE and included in your Visual Studio solution. Set any of the projects that do generate a .exe as the startup project (by right-clicking on the project and selecting "set as startup project") and you will most likely will be able to start those from within Visual Studio.

Can I write a CSS selector selecting elements NOT having a certain class or attribute?

Using the :not() pseudo class:

For selecting everything but a certain element (or elements). We can use the :not() CSS pseudo class. The :not() pseudo class requires a CSS selector as its argument. The selector will apply the styles to all the elements except for the elements which are specified as an argument.


/* This query selects All div elements except for   */_x000D_
div:not(.foo) {_x000D_
  background-color: red;_x000D_
/* Selects all hovered nav elements inside section element except_x000D_
   for the nav elements which have the ID foo*/_x000D_
section nav:hover:not(#foo) {_x000D_
  background-color: red;_x000D_
/* selects all li elements inside an ul which are not odd */_x000D_
ul li:not(:nth-child(odd)) { _x000D_
  color: red;_x000D_
<div class="foo">test</div>_x000D_
  <nav id="foo">test</nav>_x000D_
  <nav>Hover me!!!</nav>_x000D_

We can already see the power of this pseudo class, it allows us to conveniently fine tune our selectors by excluding certain elements. Furthermore, this pseudo class increases the specificity of the selector. For example:

/* This selector has a higher specificity than the #foo below */_x000D_
#foo:not(#bar) {_x000D_
  color: red;_x000D_
/* This selector is lower in the cascade but is overruled by the style above */_x000D_
#foo {_x000D_
  color: green;_x000D_
<div id="foo">"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor_x000D_
  in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."</div>

Reset IntelliJ UI to Default

To switch between color schemes: Choose View -> Quick Switch Scheme on the main menu or press Ctrl+Back Quote To bring back the old theme: Settings -> Appearance -> Theme

How to get number of rows using SqlDataReader in C#

Per above, a dataset or typed dataset might be a good temorary structure which you could use to do your filtering. A SqlDataReader is meant to read the data very quickly. While you are in the while() loop you are still connected to the DB and it is waiting for you to do whatever you are doing in order to read/process the next result before it moves on. In this case you might get better performance if you pull in all of the data, close the connection to the DB and process the results "offline".

People seem to hate datasets, so the above could be done wiht a collection of strongly typed objects as well.

Rules for C++ string literals escape character

\0 will be interpreted as an octal escape sequence if it is followed by other digits, so \00 will be interpreted as a single character. (\0 is technically an octal escape sequence as well, at least in C).

The way you're doing it:

std::string ("0\0" "0", 3)  // String concatenation 

works because this version of the constructor takes a char array; if you try to just pass "0\0" "0" as a const char*, it will treat it as a C string and only copy everything up until the null character.

Here is a list of escape sequences.

Change bootstrap navbar background color and font color

Most likely these classes are already defined by Bootstrap, make sure that your CSS file that you want to override the classes with is called AFTER the Bootstrap CSS.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap.css" /> <!-- Call Bootstrap first -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap-override.css" /> <!-- Call override CSS second -->

Otherwise, you can put !important at the end of your CSS like this: color:#ffffff!important; but I would advise against using !important at all costs.

Converting Stream to String and back...what are we missing?

Try this.

string output1 = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length)

How to create EditText with rounded corners?

There is an easier way than the one written by CommonsWare. Just create a drawable resource that specifies the way the EditText will be drawn:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--  res/drawable/rounded_edittext.xml -->
<shape xmlns:android=""

    <solid android:color="#FFFFFF" />
        android:topRightRadius="15dp" />

Then, just reference this drawable in your layout:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""

        android:background="@drawable/rounded_edittext" />

You will get something like:

alt text


Based on Mark's comment, I want to add the way you can create different states for your EditText:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- res/drawable/rounded_edittext_states.xml -->
<selector xmlns:android="">
        android:drawable="@drawable/rounded_focused" />
        android:drawable="@drawable/rounded_focused" />
        android:drawable="@drawable/rounded_edittext" />

These are the states:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- res/drawable/rounded_edittext_focused.xml -->
<shape xmlns:android=""
    android:shape="rectangle" android:padding="10dp">

    <solid android:color="#FFFFFF"/>
    <stroke android:width="2dp" android:color="#FF0000" />
        android:topRightRadius="15dp" />

And... now, the EditText should look like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""

        android:padding="5dip" />

allowing only alphabets in text box using java script

You can try:

 function onlyAlphabets(e, t) {
        return (e.charCode > 64 && e.charCode < 91) || (e.charCode > 96 && e.charCode < 123) || e.charCode == 32;   

CSS change button style after click

If your button would be an <a> element, you could use the :visited selector.

You are limited however, you can only change:

  • color
  • background-color
  • border-color (and its sub-properties)
  • outline-color
  • The color parts of the fill and stroke properties

I haven't read this article about revisiting the :visited but maybe some smarter people have found more ways to hack it.

How do I combine 2 javascript variables into a string

Use the concatenation operator +, and the fact that numeric types will convert automatically into strings:

var a = 1;
var b = "bob";
var c = b + a;

Use of "this" keyword in formal parameters for static methods in C#

This is an extension method. See here for an explanation.

Extension methods allow developers to add new methods to the public contract of an existing CLR type, without having to sub-class it or recompile the original type. Extension Methods help blend the flexibility of "duck typing" support popular within dynamic languages today with the performance and compile-time validation of strongly-typed languages.

Extension Methods enable a variety of useful scenarios, and help make possible the really powerful LINQ query framework... .

it means that you can call

MyClass myClass = new MyClass();
int i = myClass.Foo();

rather than

MyClass myClass = new MyClass();
int i = Foo(myClass);

This allows the construction of fluent interfaces as stated below.

Paste Excel range in Outlook

First off, RangeToHTML. The script calls it like a method, but it isn't. It's a popular function by MVP Ron de Bruin. Coincidentally, that links points to the exact source of the script you posted, before those few lines got b?u?t?c?h?e?r?e?d? modified.

On with Range.SpecialCells. This method operates on a range and returns only those cells that match the given criteria. In your case, you seem to be only interested in the visible text cells. Importantly, it operates on a Range, not on HTML text.

For completeness sake, I'll post a working version of the script below. I'd certainly advise to disregard it and revisit the excellent original by Ron the Bruin.

Sub Mail_Selection_Range_Outlook_Body()

Dim rng As Range
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object

Set rng = Nothing
' Only send the visible cells in the selection.

Set rng = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("D4:D12").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)

If rng Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox "The selection is not a range or the sheet is protected. " & _
           vbNewLine & "Please correct and try again.", vbOKOnly
    Exit Sub
End If

With Application
    .EnableEvents = False
    .ScreenUpdating = False
End With

Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)

With OutMail
    .To = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2").Range("C1").Value
    .CC = ""
    .BCC = ""
    .Subject = "This is the Subject line"
    .HTMLBody = RangetoHTML(rng)
    ' In place of the following statement, you can use ".Display" to
    ' display the e-mail message.
End With
On Error GoTo 0

With Application
    .EnableEvents = True
    .ScreenUpdating = True
End With

Set OutMail = Nothing
Set OutApp = Nothing
End Sub

Function RangetoHTML(rng As Range)
' By Ron de Bruin.
    Dim fso As Object
    Dim ts As Object
    Dim TempFile As String
    Dim TempWB As Workbook

    TempFile = Environ$("temp") & "/" & Format(Now, "dd-mm-yy h-mm-ss") & ".htm"

    'Copy the range and create a new workbook to past the data in
    Set TempWB = Workbooks.Add(1)
    With TempWB.Sheets(1)
        .Cells(1).PasteSpecial Paste:=8
        .Cells(1).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues, , False, False
        .Cells(1).PasteSpecial xlPasteFormats, , False, False
        Application.CutCopyMode = False
        On Error Resume Next
        .DrawingObjects.Visible = True
        On Error GoTo 0
    End With

    'Publish the sheet to a htm file
    With TempWB.PublishObjects.Add( _
         SourceType:=xlSourceRange, _
         Filename:=TempFile, _
         Sheet:=TempWB.Sheets(1).Name, _
         Source:=TempWB.Sheets(1).UsedRange.Address, _
        .Publish (True)
    End With

    'Read all data from the htm file into RangetoHTML
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set ts = fso.GetFile(TempFile).OpenAsTextStream(1, -2)
    RangetoHTML = ts.ReadAll
    RangetoHTML = Replace(RangetoHTML, "align=center x:publishsource=", _
                          "align=left x:publishsource=")

    'Close TempWB
    TempWB.Close savechanges:=False

    'Delete the htm file we used in this function
    Kill TempFile

    Set ts = Nothing
    Set fso = Nothing
    Set TempWB = Nothing
End Function

Git merge master into feature branch

How do we merge the master branch into the feature branch? Easy:

git checkout feature1
git merge master

There is no point in forcing a fast forward merge here, as it cannot be done. You committed both into the feature branch and the master branch. Fast forward is impossible now.

Have a look at GitFlow. It is a branching model for git that can be followed, and you unconsciously already did. It also is an extension to Git which adds some commands for the new workflow steps that do things automatically which you would otherwise need to do manually.

So what did you do right in your workflow? You have two branches to work with, your feature1 branch is basically the "develop" branch in the GitFlow model.

You created a hotfix branch from master and merged it back. And now you are stuck.

The GitFlow model asks you to merge the hotfix also to the development branch, which is "feature1" in your case.

So the real answer would be:

git checkout feature1
git merge --no-ff hotfix1

This adds all the changes that were made inside the hotfix to the feature branch, but only those changes. They might conflict with other development changes in the branch, but they will not conflict with the master branch should you merge the feature branch back to master eventually.

Be very careful with rebasing. Only rebase if the changes you did stayed local to your repository, e.g. you did not push any branches to some other repository. Rebasing is a great tool for you to arrange your local commits into a useful order before pushing it out into the world, but rebasing afterwards will mess up things for the git beginners like you.

Warning: mysqli_select_db() expects exactly 2 parameters, 1 given in C:\

mysqli_select_db() should have 2 parameters, the connection link and the database name -

mysqli_select_db($con, 'phpcadet') or die(mysqli_error($con));

Using mysqli_error in the die statement will tell you exactly what is wrong as opposed to a generic error message.

How can I delete multiple lines in vi?

d5d "cuts" five lines

I usually just throw the number in the middle like:

d7l = delete 7 letters

How do I cast a string to integer and have 0 in case of error in the cast with PostgreSQL?

I was just wrestling with a similar problem myself, but didn't want the overhead of a function. I came up with the following query:

SELECT myfield::integer FROM mytable WHERE myfield ~ E'^\\d+$';

Postgres shortcuts its conditionals, so you shouldn't get any non-integers hitting your ::integer cast. It also handles NULL values (they won't match the regexp).

If you want zeros instead of not selecting, then a CASE statement should work:

SELECT CASE WHEN myfield~E'^\\d+$' THEN myfield::integer ELSE 0 END FROM mytable;

Remove all values within one list from another list?

I was looking for fast way to do the subject, so I made some experiments with suggested ways. And I was surprised by results, so I want to share it with you.

Experiments were done using pythonbenchmark tool and with

a = range(1,50000) # Source list
b = range(1,15000) # Items to remove


 def comprehension(a, b):
     return [x for x in a if x not in b]

5 tries, average time 12.8 sec

def filter_function(a, b):
    return filter(lambda x: x not in b, a)

5 tries, average time 12.6 sec

def modification(a,b):
    for x in b:
        except ValueError:
    return a

5 tries, average time 0.27 sec

def set_approach(a,b):
    return list(set(a)-set(b))

5 tries, average time 0.0057 sec

Also I made another measurement with bigger inputs size for the last two functions

a = range(1,500000)
b = range(1,100000)

And the results:

For modification (remove method) - average time is 252 seconds For set approach - average time is 0.75 seconds

So you can see that approach with sets is significantly faster than others. Yes, it doesn't keep similar items, but if you don't need it - it's for you. And there is almost no difference between list comprehension and using filter function. Using 'remove' is ~50 times faster, but it modifies source list. And the best choice is using sets - it's more than 1000 times faster than list comprehension!

String comparison: InvariantCultureIgnoreCase vs OrdinalIgnoreCase?

If you really want to match only the dot, then StringComparison.Ordinal would be fastest, as there is no case-difference.

"Ordinal" doesn't use culture and/or casing rules that are not applicable anyway on a symbol like a ..

What is the difference between dynamic and static polymorphism in Java?

Method Overloading is known as Static Polymorphism and also Known as Compile Time Polymorphism or Static Binding because overloaded method calls get resolved at compile time by the compiler on the basis of the argument list and the reference on which we are calling the method.

And Method Overriding is known as Dynamic Polymorphism or simple Polymorphism or Runtime Method Dispatch or Dynamic Binding because overridden method call get resolved at runtime.

In order to understand why this is so let's take an example of Mammal and Human class

class Mammal {
    public void speak() { System.out.println("ohlllalalalalalaoaoaoa"); }

class Human extends Mammal {

    public void speak() { System.out.println("Hello"); }

    public void speak(String language) {
        if (language.equals("Hindi")) System.out.println("Namaste");
        else System.out.println("Hello");


I have included output as well as bytecode of in below lines of code

Mammal anyMammal = new Mammal();
anyMammal.speak();  // Output - ohlllalalalalalaoaoaoa
// 10: invokevirtual #4 // Method org/programming/mitra/exercises/OverridingInternalExample$Mammal.speak:()V

Mammal humanMammal = new Human();
humanMammal.speak(); // Output - Hello
// 23: invokevirtual #4 // Method org/programming/mitra/exercises/OverridingInternalExample$Mammal.speak:()V

Human human = new Human();
human.speak(); // Output - Hello
// 36: invokevirtual #7 // Method org/programming/mitra/exercises/OverridingInternalExample$Human.speak:()V

human.speak("Hindi"); // Output - Namaste
// 42: invokevirtual #9 // Method org/programming/mitra/exercises/OverridingInternalExample$Human.speak:(Ljava/lang/String;)V

And by looking at above code we can see that the bytecodes of humanMammal.speak() , human.speak() and human.speak("Hindi") are totally different because the compiler is able to differentiate between them based on the argument list and class reference. And this is why Method Overloading is known as Static Polymorphism.

But bytecode for anyMammal.speak() and humanMammal.speak() is same because according to compiler both methods are called on Mammal reference but the output for both method calls is different because at runtime JVM knows what object a reference is holding and JVM calls the method on the object and this is why Method Overriding is known as Dynamic Polymorphism.

So from above code and bytecode, it is clear that during compilation phase calling method is considered from the reference type. But at execution time method will be called from the object which the reference is holding.

If you want to know more about this you can read more on How Does JVM Handle Method Overloading and Overriding Internally.

What would be the Unicode character for big bullet in the middle of the character?

Here's full list of black dotlikes from unicode

● - &#9679; - Black Circle
⏺ - &#9210; - Black Circle for Record
⚫ - &#9899; - Medium Black Circle
⬤ - &#11044; - Black Large Circle
⧭ - &#10733; - Black Circle with Down Arrow
🞄 - &#128900; - Black Slightly Small Circle
• - &#8226; - Bullet (also • - &#149; - Message Waiting)
∙ - &#8729; - Bullet Operator
⋅ - &#8901; - Dot Operator (also · - &#183; - Middle Dot)
🌑 - &#127761; - New Moon Symbol

How to add a custom button to the toolbar that calls a JavaScript function?

CKEditor 4

There are handy tutorials in the official CKEditor 4 documentation, that cover writing a plugin that inserts content into the editor, registers a button and shows a dialog window:

If you read these two, move on to Integrating Plugins with Advanced Content Filter.

CKEditor 5

So far there is one introduction article available:

CKEditor 5 Framework: Quick Start - Creating a simple plugin

Determine if variable is defined in Python

I think it's better to avoid the situation. It's cleaner and clearer to write:

a = None
if condition:
    a = 42

Simple Pivot Table to Count Unique Values

You can use for helper column also VLOOKUP. I tested and looks little bit faster than COUNTIF.

If you are using header and data are starting in cell A2, then in any cell in row use this formula and copy in all other cells in the same column:


Datetime format Issue: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime

Your date time string doesn't contains any seconds. You need to reflect that in your format (remove the :ss).
Also, you need to specify H instead of h if you are using 24 hour times:

DateTime.ParseExact("04/30/2013 23:00", "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)

See here for more information:

Custom Date and Time Format Strings

ReferenceError: variable is not defined

It's declared inside a closure, which means it can only be accessed there. If you want a variable accessible globally, you can remove the var:

    value = "10";
value; // "10"

This is equivalent to writing window.value = "10";.

How to change the Jupyter start-up folder

This question is quite old and the problem seems to have been solved, but if only to remind myself next time I am facing this problem, here is another solution (tested only on Windows 10, though).

The shortcut for the jupyter notebook (be it from the start menu, a desktop shortcut or pinned to the taskbar) calls a number of Scripts (presumably to initialize the jupyter notebook etc.), which are written in the Target text field from the shortcut's Properties window. Appending


should start the notebook in the specified directory (as @Victor O pointed out, it cannot be a drive, but has to be a folder).
If that doesn't do the trick, it can't hurt to also add the same directory to the Start in field.

Note: I used forward-slashes in the Target field and back-slashes in the Start in field. Feel free to change that up, if you are curious which combinations are working.

Also, this was not my idea, but I forgot where it came from (I checked the shortcut from my previous installation, because I was sure not to have tried anything from this page, but the proposed way from the link the OP provided.). If anyone wants to supply the link, please do so.

Sorry if I can't add any fundamental research to this, but the solution worked for me on four separate systems and is fairly simple to implement.

What is the difference between JSF, Servlet and JSP?

Servlet - it's java server side layer.

  • JSP - it's Servlet with html
  • JSF - it's components base on tag libs
  • JSP - it's converted into servlet once when server got request.

Git reset single file in feature branch to be the same as in master

you are almost there; you just need to give the reference to master; since you want to get the file from the master branch:

git checkout master -- filename

Note that the differences will be cached; so if you want to see the differences you obtained; use

git diff --cached

How to enter a series of numbers automatically in Excel

If you want to pick cell entries from a list then you have a couple of non-code based options

I would recommend The Data Validation approach where

  • creating a list of your 100 records in a single column,
  • provide a range name to this list,
  • then using Data Validation's List option

sample from Debra's site below, click on the first link above to access it.

Data Validation

Default keystore file does not exist?

go to ~/.android if there is no debug.keystore copy it from your project and paste it here then run command again.

How to access the SMS storage on Android?

You are going to need to call the SmsManager class. You are probably going to need to use the STATUS_ON_ICC_READ constant and maybe put what you get there into your apps local db so that you can keep track of what you have already read vs the new stuff for your app to parse through. BUT bear in mind that you have to declare the use of the class in your manifest, so users will see that you have access to their SMS called out in the permissions dialogue they get when they install. Seeing SMS access is unusual and could put some users off. Good luck.

Here is the link that goes into depth on the Sms Manager

Split Strings into words with multiple word boundary delimiters

I had a similar dilemma and didn't want to use 're' module.

def my_split(s, seps):
    res = [s]
    for sep in seps:
        s, res = res, []
        for seq in s:
            res += seq.split(sep)
    return res

print my_split('1111  2222 3333;4444,5555;6666', [' ', ';', ','])
['1111', '', '2222', '3333', '4444', '5555', '6666']

Determine if $.ajax error is a timeout

If your error event handler takes the three arguments (xmlhttprequest, textstatus, and message) when a timeout happens, the status arg will be 'timeout'.

Per the jQuery documentation:

Possible values for the second argument (besides null) are "timeout", "error", "notmodified" and "parsererror".

You can handle your error accordingly then.

I created this fiddle that demonstrates this.

    url: "/ajax_json_echo/",
    type: "GET",
    dataType: "json",
    timeout: 1000,
    success: function(response) { alert(response); },
    error: function(xmlhttprequest, textstatus, message) {
        if(textstatus==="timeout") {
            alert("got timeout");
        } else {

With jsFiddle, you can test ajax calls -- it will wait 2 seconds before responding. I put the timeout setting at 1 second, so it should error out and pass back a textstatus of 'timeout' to the error handler.

Hope this helps!

Unresponsive KeyListener for JFrame

You must add your keyListener to every component that you need. Only the component with the focus will send these events. For instance, if you have only one TextBox in your JFrame, that TextBox has the focus. So you must add a KeyListener to this component as well.

The process is the same:

myComponent.addKeyListener(new KeyListener ...);

Note: Some components aren't focusable like JLabel.

For setting them to focusable you need to:


Handling back button in Android Navigation Component

Here is solution that should do what you want, but i think it is a bad solution, because it is going against Android Navigation component idea(letting the android handle the navigation).

Override "onBackPressed" inside your activity

override fun onBackPressed() {
    when(NavHostFragment.findNavController(nav_host_fragment) {> {
            val dialog=AlertDialog.Builder(this).setMessage("Hello").setPositiveButton("Ok", DialogInterface.OnClickListener { dialogInterface, i ->
        else -> {

findAll() in yii

If you use findAll(), I recommend you to use this:

$data_email = EmailArchive::model()->findAll(
                      'condition' => 'email_id = :email_id',
                      'params'    => array(':email_id' => $id)

How can I set focus on an element in an HTML form using JavaScript?

Usually when we focus on a textbox, we should also scroll into view

function setFocusToTextBox(){
    var textbox = document.getElementById("yourtextbox");

Check if it helps.

Calling multiple JavaScript functions on a button click

It isn't getting called because you have a return statement above it. In the following code:

function test(){
  return 1;

doStuff() will never be called. What I would suggest is writing a wrapper function

function wrapper(){
   if (validateView()){
     return true;

and then call the wrapper function from your onclick handler.

How do you Encrypt and Decrypt a PHP String?

For Laravel framework

If you are using Laravel framework then it's more easy to encrypt and decrypt with internal functions.

$string = 'Some text to be encrypted';
$encrypted = \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Crypt::encrypt($string);
$decrypted_string = \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Crypt::decrypt($encrypted);


Note: Be sure to set a 16, 24, or 32 character random string in the key option of the config/app.php file. Otherwise, encrypted values will not be secure.

JavaScript alert box with timer

I finished my time alert with a unwanted effect.... Browsers add stuff to windows. My script is an aptated one and I will show after the following text.

I found a CSS script for popups, which doesn't have unwanted browser stuff. This was written by Prakash:- This script I will show after the following text.

This CSS script above looks professional and is alot more tidy. This button could be a clickable company logo image. By suppressing this button/image from running a function, this means you can run this function from inside javascript or call it with CSS, without it being run by clicking it.

This popup alert stays inside the window that popped it up. So if you are a multi-tasker you won't have trouble knowing what alert goes with what window.

The statements above are valid ones.... (Please allow). How these are achieved will be down to experimentation, as my knowledge of CSS is limited at the moment, but I learn fast.

CSS menus/DHTML use mouseover(valid statement).

I have a CSS menu script of my own which is adapted from 'Javascript for dummies' that pops up a menu alert. This works, but text size is limited. This hides under the top window banner. This could be set to be timed alert. This isn't great, but I will show this after the following text.

The Prakash script above I feel could be the answer if you can adapt it.

Scripts that follow:- My adapted timed window alert, Prakash's CSS popup script, my timed menu alert.


            <script language="JavaScript">
        // Variables
            strfiller0='<table border="1" cellspacing="0" width="98%"><tr><td><br>'+'Alert: '+'<br><hr width="98%"><br>'
            strfiller1='&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This alert is a timed one.'+'<br><br><br></td></tr></table>'
        // Javascript
            // This code belongs to Stephen Mayes Date: 25/07/2016 time:8:32 am

            function preview(){
                            preWindow= open("", "preWindow","status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=yes,width=350,height=180,left="+leftposition+",top=0");

    <input type="button" value=" Open " onclick="preview()">


body {
  font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
  background: url( no-repeat;
  background-size: cover;
  height: 100vh;

h1 {
  text-align: center;
  font-family: Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif;
  color: #06D85F;
  margin: 80px 0;

.box {
  width: 40%;
  margin: 0 auto;
  background: rgba(255,255,255,0.2);
  padding: 35px;
  border: 2px solid #fff;
  border-radius: 20px/50px;
  background-clip: padding-box;
  text-align: center;

.button {
  font-size: 1em;
  padding: 10px;
  color: #fff;
  border: 2px solid #06D85F;
  border-radius: 20px/50px;
  text-decoration: none;
  cursor: pointer;
  transition: all 0.3s ease-out;
.button:hover {
  background: #06D85F;

.overlay {
  position: fixed;
  top: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  left: 0;
  right: 0;
  background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
  transition: opacity 500ms;
  visibility: hidden;
  opacity: 0;
.overlay:target {
  visibility: visible;
  opacity: 1;

.popup {
  margin: 70px auto;
  padding: 20px;
  background: #fff;
  border-radius: 5px;
  width: 30%;
  position: relative;
  transition: all 5s ease-in-out;

.popup h2 {
  margin-top: 0;
  color: #333;
  font-family: Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif;
.popup .close {
  position: absolute;
  top: 20px;
  right: 30px;
  transition: all 200ms;
  font-size: 30px;
  font-weight: bold;
  text-decoration: none;
  color: #333;
.popup .close:hover {
  color: #06D85F;
.popup .content {
  max-height: 30%;
  overflow: auto;

@media screen and (max-width: 700px){
    width: 70%;
    width: 70%;
    // written by Prakash:- 
<h1>Popup/Modal Windows without JavaScript</h1>
<div class="box">
    <a class="button" href="#popup1">Let me Pop up</a>

<div id="popup1" class="overlay">
    <div class="popup">
        <h2>Here i am</h2>
        <a class="close" href="#">&times;</a>
        <div class="content">
            Thank to pop me out of that button, but now i'm done so you can close this window.


<TITLE>Using DHTML to Create Sliding Menus (From JavaScript For Dummies, 4th Edition)</TITLE>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript">
<!-- Hide from older browsers

function displayMenu(currentPosition,nextPosition) {

    // Get the menu object located at the currentPosition on the screen
    var whichMenu = document.getElementById(currentPosition).style;

    if (displayMenu.arguments.length == 1) {
        // Only one argument was sent in, so we need to
        // figure out the value for "nextPosition"

        if (parseInt( == -5) {
            // Only two values are possible: one for mouseover
            // (-5) and one for mouseout (-90). So we want
            // to toggle from the existing position to the
            // other position: i.e., if the position is -5,
            // set nextPosition to -90...
            nextPosition = -90;
        else {
            // Otherwise, set nextPosition to -5
            nextPosition = -5;

    // Redisplay the menu using the value of "nextPosition" = nextPosition + "px";

// End hiding-->

<STYLE TYPE="text/css">

.menu {position:absolute; font:10px arial, helvetica, sans-serif; background-color:#ffffcc; layer-background-color:#ffffcc; top:-90px}
#resMenu {right:10px; width:-130px}
A {text-decoration:none; color:#000000}
A:hover {background-color:pink; color:blue}




<BODY BGCOLOR="white">

<div id="resMenu" class="menu" onmouseover="displayMenu('resMenu',-5)" onmouseout="displayMenu('resMenu',-90)"><br />
<a href="#"> Alert:</a><br>
<a href="#"> </a><br>
<a href="#"> You pushed that button again... Didn't yeah? </a><br>
<a href="#"> </a><br>
<a href="#"> </a><br>
<a href="#"> </a><br>
<input type="button" value="Wake that alert up" onclick="displayMenu('resMenu',-5)">

Send multipart/form-data files with angular using $http

In angular 9, Before tried 'Content-Type': undefined, but it is not worked for me then I tried the below code and It works like charms for a file object

const request =, data, {
      headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'file'

Remove leading and trailing spaces?

Should be noted that strip() method would trim any leading and trailing whitespace characters from the string (if there is no passed-in argument). If you want to trim space character(s), while keeping the others (like newline), this answer might be helpful:

sample = '  some string\n'
sample_modified = sample.strip(' ')

print(sample_modified)  # will print 'some string\n'

strip([chars]): You can pass in optional characters to strip([chars]) method. Python will look for occurrences of these characters and trim the given string accordingly.

How to reenable event.preventDefault?

I had a similar problem recently. I had a form and PHP function that to be run once the form is submitted. However, I needed to run a javascript first.

        // This variable is used in order to determine if we already did our js fun
        var window.alreadyClicked = "NO"
        $("form:not('#press')").bind("submit", function(e){
            // Check if we already run js part
            if(window.alreadyClicked == "NO"){
                // Prevent page refresh
                // Change variable value so next time we submit the form the js wont run
                window.alreadyClicked = "YES"
                // Here is your actual js you need to run before doing the php part

                // Submit the form again but since we changed the value of our variable js wont be run and page can reload (and php can do whatever you told it to)

Calculating frames per second in a game

You need a smoothed average, the easiest way is to take the current answer (the time to draw the last frame) and combine it with the previous answer.

// eg.
float smoothing = 0.9; // larger=more smoothing
measurement = (measurement * smoothing) + (current * (1.0-smoothing))

By adjusting the 0.9 / 0.1 ratio you can change the 'time constant' - that is how quickly the number responds to changes. A larger fraction in favour of the old answer gives a slower smoother change, a large fraction in favour of the new answer gives a quicker changing value. Obviously the two factors must add to one!

NotificationCenter issue on Swift 3

For all struggling around with the #selector in Swift 3 or Swift 4, here a full code example:

    class MyReceivingClass {

    // ---------------------------------------------
    // ---------------------------------------------
    init() {

        // Register without parameter
        NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(MyReceivingClass.handleNotification), name: .UIApplicationWillResignActive, object: nil)

        // Register WITH parameter
        NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(MyReceivingClass.handle(withNotification:)), name: .UIApplicationWillResignActive, object: nil)

    // ---------------------------------------------
    // ---------------------------------------------
    deinit {

    // either "MyReceivingClass" must be a subclass of NSObject OR selector-methods MUST BE signed with '@objc'

    // ---------------------------------------------
    // ---------------------------------------------
    @objc func handleNotification() {

    // ---------------------------------------------
    // ---------------------------------------------
    @objc func handle(withNotification notification : NSNotification) {
        print("RECEIVED SPECIFIC NOTIFICATION: \(notification)")

In this example we try to get POSTs from AppDelegate (so in AppDelegate implement this):

// ---------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------
func applicationWillResignActive(_ application: UIApplication) {


    // Define identifiyer
    let notificationName = Notification.Name.UIApplicationWillResignActive

    // Post notification notificationName, object: nil)

How to define constants in Visual C# like #define in C?

Check How to: Define Constants in C# on MSDN:

In C# the #define preprocessor directive cannot be used to define constants in the way that is typically used in C and C++.

How to add a response header on nginx when using proxy_pass?

You could try this solution :

In your location block when you use proxy_pass do something like this:

location ... {

  add_header yourHeaderName yourValue;
  proxy_pass xxxx://xxx_my_proxy_addr_xxx;

  # Now use this solution:
  proxy_ignore_headers yourHeaderName // but set by proxy

  # Or if above didn't work maybe this:
  proxy_hide_header yourHeaderName // but set by proxy


I'm not sure would it be exactly what you need but try some manipulation of this method and maybe result will fit your problem.

Also you can use this combination:

proxy_hide_header headerSetByProxy;
set $sent_http_header_set_by_proxy yourValue;

PostgreSQL : cast string to date DD/MM/YYYY

A DATE column does not have a format. You cannot specify a format for it.

You can use DateStyle to control how PostgreSQL emits dates, but it's global and a bit limited.

Instead, you should use to_char to format the date when you query it, or format it in the client application. Like:

SELECT to_char("date", 'DD/MM/YYYY') FROM mytable;


regress=> SELECT to_char(DATE '2014-04-01', 'DD/MM/YYYY');
(1 row)

Best way to format if statement with multiple conditions

if (   ( single conditional expression A )
    && ( single conditional expression B )
    && ( single conditional expression C )

Formatting a multiple conditional expressions in an if-else statement this way:

  1. allows for enhanced readability:
    a. all binary logical operations {&&, ||} in the expression shown first
    b. both conditional operands of each binary operation are obvious because they align vertically
    c. nested logical expressions operations are made obvious using indentation, just like nesting statements inside clause
  2. requires explicit parenthesis (not rely on operator precedence rules)
    a. this avoids a common static analysis errors
  3. allows for easier debugging
    a. disable individual single conditional tests with just a //
    b. set a break point just before or after any individual test
    c. e.g. ...
// disable any single conditional test with just a pre-pended '//'
// set a break point before any individual test
// syntax '(1 &&' and '(0 ||' usually never creates any real code
if (   1
    && ( single conditional expression A )
    && ( single conditional expression B )
    && (   0
        || ( single conditional expression C )
        || ( single conditional expression D )
   ... ;

   ... ;

complex if statement in python

It's often easier to think in the positive sense, and wrap it in a not:

elif not (var1 == 80 or var1 == 443 or (1024 <= var1 <= 65535)):
  # fail

You could of course also go all out and be a bit more object-oriented:

class PortValidator(object):
  def port_allowed(p):
    if p == 80: return True
    if p == 443: return True
    if 1024 <= p <= 65535: return True
    return False

# ...
elif not PortValidator.port_allowed(var1):
  # fail

What are the ascii values of up down left right?

this is what i get:

Left - 19 Up - 5 Right - 4 Down - 24

Works in Visual Fox Pro

Best practice: PHP Magic Methods __set and __get

I vote for a third solution. I use this in my projects and Symfony uses something like this too:

public function __call($val, $x) {
    if(substr($val, 0, 3) == 'get') {
        $varname = strtolower(substr($val, 3));
    else {
        throw new Exception('Bad method.', 500);
    if(property_exists('Yourclass', $varname)) {
        return $this->$varname;
    } else {
        throw new Exception('Property does not exist: '.$varname, 500);

This way you have automated getters (you can write setters too), and you only have to write new methods if there is a special case for a member variable.

AngularJs event to call after content is loaded

If you're getting a $digest already in progress error, this might help:

return {
        restrict: 'A',
        link: function( $scope, elem, attrs ) {

                if(!$scope.$$phase) {
                        var func = $parse(attrs.elemReady);
                else {

                    var func = $parse(attrs.elemReady);


Display PDF file inside my android application

You can download the source from here(Display PDF file inside my android application)

Add this dependency in your gradle file:

compile 'com.github.barteksc:android-pdf-viewer:2.0.3'


<RelativeLayout android:layout_width="match_parent"
    xmlns:android="" >

        android:text="View PDF"



package pdfviewer.pdfviewer;

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import com.github.barteksc.pdfviewer.PDFView;
import com.github.barteksc.pdfviewer.listener.OnLoadCompleteListener;
import com.github.barteksc.pdfviewer.listener.OnPageChangeListener;
import com.github.barteksc.pdfviewer.scroll.DefaultScrollHandle;
import com.shockwave.pdfium.PdfDocument;

import java.util.List;

public class MainActivity extends Activity implements OnPageChangeListener,OnLoadCompleteListener{
    private static final String TAG = MainActivity.class.getSimpleName();
    public static final String SAMPLE_FILE = "android_tutorial.pdf";
    PDFView pdfView;
    Integer pageNumber = 0;
    String pdfFileName;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        pdfView= (PDFView)findViewById(;

    private void displayFromAsset(String assetFileName) {
        pdfFileName = assetFileName;


                .scrollHandle(new DefaultScrollHandle(this))

    public void onPageChanged(int page, int pageCount) {
        pageNumber = page;
        setTitle(String.format("%s %s / %s", pdfFileName, page + 1, pageCount));

    public void loadComplete(int nbPages) {
        PdfDocument.Meta meta = pdfView.getDocumentMeta();
        printBookmarksTree(pdfView.getTableOfContents(), "-");


    public void printBookmarksTree(List<PdfDocument.Bookmark> tree, String sep) {
        for (PdfDocument.Bookmark b : tree) {

            Log.e(TAG, String.format("%s %s, p %d", sep, b.getTitle(), b.getPageIdx()));

            if (b.hasChildren()) {
                printBookmarksTree(b.getChildren(), sep + "-");


Undefined Reference to

I had this issue when I forgot to add the new .h/.c file I created to the meson recipe so this is just a friendly reminder.

Open a URL without using a browser from a batch file

You can use this command:

start /min iexplore

With the use of /min, it will hit on the URL without opening in the browser.

Peak signal detection in realtime timeseries data

This is a Python implementation of the Robust peak detection algorithm algorithm.

The initialization and the computational part are split up, only the filtered_y array has been kept, that has a maximum size equals lag, so there are no memory increases. (Result are the same of above answers). In order to plot the graph, also the labels array is kept.

I made a github gist.

import numpy as np
import pylab

def init(x, lag, threshold, influence):
    Smoothed z-score algorithm
    Implementation of algorithm from

    labels = np.zeros(lag)
    filtered_y = np.array(x[0:lag])
    avg_filter = np.zeros(lag)
    std_filter = np.zeros(lag)
    var_filter = np.zeros(lag)

    avg_filter[lag - 1] = np.mean(x[0:lag])
    std_filter[lag - 1] = np.std(x[0:lag])
    var_filter[lag - 1] = np.var(x[0:lag])

    return dict(avg=avg_filter[lag - 1], var=var_filter[lag - 1],
                std=std_filter[lag - 1], filtered_y=filtered_y,

def add(result, single_value, lag, threshold, influence):
    previous_avg = result['avg']
    previous_var = result['var']
    previous_std = result['std']
    filtered_y = result['filtered_y']
    labels = result['labels']

    if abs(single_value - previous_avg) > threshold * previous_std:
        if single_value > previous_avg:
            labels = np.append(labels, 1)
            labels = np.append(labels, -1)

        # calculate the new filtered element using the influence factor
        filtered_y = np.append(filtered_y, influence * single_value
                               + (1 - influence) * filtered_y[-1])
        labels = np.append(labels, 0)
        filtered_y = np.append(filtered_y, single_value)

    # update avg as sum of the previuos avg + the lag * (the new calculated item - calculated item at position (i - lag))
    current_avg_filter = previous_avg + 1. / lag * (filtered_y[-1]
            - filtered_y[len(filtered_y) - lag - 1])

    # update variance as the previuos element variance + 1 / lag * new recalculated item - the previous avg -
    current_var_filter = previous_var + 1. / lag * ((filtered_y[-1]
            - previous_avg) ** 2 - (filtered_y[len(filtered_y) - 1
            - lag] - previous_avg) ** 2 - (filtered_y[-1]
            - filtered_y[len(filtered_y) - 1 - lag]) ** 2 / lag)  # the recalculated element at pos (lag) - avg of the previuos - new recalculated element - recalculated element at lag pos ....

    # calculate standard deviation for current element as sqrt (current variance)
    current_std_filter = np.sqrt(current_var_filter)

    return dict(avg=current_avg_filter, var=current_var_filter,
                std=current_std_filter, filtered_y=filtered_y[1:],

lag = 30
threshold = 5
influence = 0

y = np.array([1,1,1.1,1,0.9,1,1,1.1,1,0.9,1,1.1,1,1,0.9,1,1,1.1,1,1,1,1,1.1,0.9,1,1.1,1,1,0.9,

# Run algo with settings from above
result = init(y[:lag], lag=lag, threshold=threshold, influence=influence)

i = open('quartz2', 'r')
for i in y[lag:]:
    result = add(result, i, lag, threshold, influence)

# Plot result
pylab.plot(np.arange(1, len(y) + 1), y)
pylab.step(np.arange(1, len(y) + 1), result['labels'], color='red',
pylab.ylim(-1.5, 1.5)

Git Commit Messages: 50/72 Formatting

Regarding the “summary” line (the 50 in your formula), the Linux kernel documentation has this to say:

For these reasons, the "summary" must be no more than 70-75
characters, and it must describe both what the patch changes, as well
as why the patch might be necessary.  It is challenging to be both
succinct and descriptive, but that is what a well-written summary
should do.

That said, it seems like kernel maintainers do indeed try to keep things around 50. Here’s a histogram of the lengths of the summary lines in the git log for the kernel:

Lengths of Git summary lines (view full-sized)

There is a smattering of commits that have summary lines that are longer (some much longer) than this plot can hold without making the interesting part look like one single line. (There’s probably some fancy statistical technique for incorporating that data here but oh well… :-)

If you want to see the raw lengths:

cd /path/to/repo
git shortlog  | grep -e '^      ' | sed 's/[[:space:]]\+\(.*\)$/\1/' | awk '{print length($0)}'

or a text-based histogram:

cd /path/to/repo
git shortlog  | grep -e '^      ' | sed 's/[[:space:]]\+\(.*\)$/\1/' | awk '{lens[length($0)]++;} END {for (len in lens) print len, lens[len] }' | sort -n

How to display a gif fullscreen for a webpage background?

In your CSS Style tag put this:

body {
  background: url('yourgif.gif') no-repeat center center fixed;
  background-size: cover;

UIView bottom border?

Swift 5.1. Use with two extension, method return CALayer, so you would reuse it to update frames.

enum Border: Int {
    case top = 0
    case bottom
    case right
    case left

extension UIView {
    func addBorder(for side: Border, withColor color: UIColor, borderWidth: CGFloat) -> CALayer {
       let borderLayer = CALayer()
       borderLayer.backgroundColor = color.cgColor

       let xOrigin: CGFloat = (side == .right ? frame.width - borderWidth : 0)
       let yOrigin: CGFloat = (side == .bottom ? frame.height - borderWidth : 0)

       let width: CGFloat = (side == .right || side == .left) ? borderWidth : frame.width
       let height: CGFloat = (side == .top || side == .bottom) ? borderWidth : frame.height

       borderLayer.frame = CGRect(x: xOrigin, y: yOrigin, width: width, height: height)
       return borderLayer

extension CALayer {
    func updateBorderLayer(for side: Border, withViewFrame viewFrame: CGRect) {
        let xOrigin: CGFloat = (side == .right ? viewFrame.width - frame.width : 0)
        let yOrigin: CGFloat = (side == .bottom ? viewFrame.height - frame.height : 0)

        let width: CGFloat = (side == .right || side == .left) ? frame.width : viewFrame.width
        let height: CGFloat = (side == .top || side == .bottom) ? frame.height : viewFrame.height

        frame = CGRect(x: xOrigin, y: yOrigin, width: width, height: height)

How do I connect C# with Postgres?

You want the NPGSQL library. Your only other alternative is ODBC.

Using Address Instead Of Longitude And Latitude With Google Maps API

You can parse the geolocation through the addresses. Create an Array with jquery like this:

//follow this structure
var addressesArray = [
  'Address Str.No, Postal Area/city'

//loop all the addresses and call a marker for each one
for (var x = 0; x < addressesArray.length; x++) {
  $.getJSON(''+addressesArray[x]+'&sensor=false', null, function (data) {
    var p = data.results[0].geometry.location
    var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(, p.lng);
    //it will place marker based on the addresses, which they will be translated as geolocations.
    var aMarker= new google.maps.Marker({
      position: latlng,
      map: map

Also please note that Google limit your results if you don't have a business account with them, and you my get an error if you use too many addresses.

How do I change the default library path for R packages

Windows 10 on a Network

Having your packages stored on the network drive can slow down the performance of R / R Studio considerably, and you spend a lot of time waiting for the libraries to load/install, due to the bottlenecks of having to retrieve and push data over the server back to your local host. See the following for instructions on how to create an .RProfile on your local machine:

  1. Create a directory called C:\Users\xxxxxx\Documents\R\3.4 (or whatever R version you are using, and where you will store your local R packages- your directory location may be different than mine)
  2. On R Console, type Sys.getenv("HOME") to get your home directory (this is where your .RProfile will be stored and R will always check there for packages- and this is on the network if packages are stored there)
  3. Create a file called .Rprofile and place it in :\YOUR\HOME\DIRECTORY\ON_NETWORK (the directory you get after typing Sys.getenv("HOME") in R Console)
  4. File contents of .Rprofile should be like this:

#search 2 places for packages- install new packages to first directory- load built-in packages from the second (this is from your base R package- will be different for some)

.libPaths(c("C:\Users\xxxxxx\Documents\R\3.4", "C:/Program Files/Microsoft/R Client/R_SERVER/library"))

message("*** Setting libPath to local hard drive ***")

#insert a sleep command at line 12 of the unpackPkgZip function. So, just after the package is unzipped.

trace(utils:::unpackPkgZip, quote(Sys.sleep(2)), at=12L, print=TRUE)

message("*** Add 2 second delay when installing packages, to accommodate virus scanner for R 3.4 (fixed in R 3.5+)***")

# fix problem with tcltk for sqldf package:

options(gsubfn.engine = "R")

message("*** Successfully loaded .Rprofile ***")
  1. Restart R Studio and verify that you see that the messages above are displayed.

Now you can enjoy faster performance of your application on local host, vs. storing the packages on the network and slowing everything down.

Efficient iteration with index in Scala

Indeed, calling zipWithIndex on a collection will traverse it and also create a new collection for the pairs. To avoid this, you can just call zipWithIndex on the iterator for the collection. This will just return a new iterator that keeps track of the index while iterating, so without creating an extra collection or additional traversing.

This is how scala.collection.Iterator.zipWithIndex is currently implemented in 2.10.3:

  def zipWithIndex: Iterator[(A, Int)] = new AbstractIterator[(A, Int)] {
    var idx = 0
    def hasNext = self.hasNext
    def next = {
      val ret = (, idx)
      idx += 1

This should even be a bit more efficient than creating a view on the collection.

How to split a string after specific character in SQL Server and update this value to specific column

Maybe something like this:

First some test data:

DECLARE @tbl TABLE(Column1 VARCHAR(100))

SELECT '1/2'

Then like this:

    @tbl AS tbl

Enums in Javascript with ES6

This is my personal approach.

class ColorType {
    static get RED () {
        return "red";

    static get GREEN () {
        return "green";

    static get BLUE () {
        return "blue";

// Use case.
const color = Color.create(ColorType.RED);

Is it fine to have foreign key as primary key?

I would not do that. I would keep the profileID as primary key of the table Profile

A foreign key is just a referential constraint between two tables

One could argue that a primary key is necessary as the target of any foreign keys which refer to it from other tables. A foreign key is a set of one or more columns in any table (not necessarily a candidate key, let alone the primary key, of that table) which may hold the value(s) found in the primary key column(s) of some other table. So we must have a primary key to match the foreign key. Or must we? The only purpose of the primary key in the primary key/foreign key pair is to provide an unambiguous join - to maintain referential integrity with respect to the "foreign" table which holds the referenced primary key. This insures that the value to which the foreign key refers will always be valid (or null, if allowed).

How to keep keys/values in same order as declared?

From Python 3.6 onwards, the standard dict type maintains insertion order by default.


d = {'ac':33, 'gw':20, 'ap':102, 'za':321, 'bs':10}

will result in a dictionary with the keys in the order listed in the source code.

This was achieved by using a simple array with integers for the sparse hash table, where those integers index into another array that stores the key-value pairs (plus the calculated hash). That latter array just happens to store the items in insertion order, and the whole combination actually uses less memory than the implementation used in Python 3.5 and before. See the original idea post by Raymond Hettinger for details.

In 3.6 this was still considered an implementation detail; see the What's New in Python 3.6 documentation:

The order-preserving aspect of this new implementation is considered an implementation detail and should not be relied upon (this may change in the future, but it is desired to have this new dict implementation in the language for a few releases before changing the language spec to mandate order-preserving semantics for all current and future Python implementations; this also helps preserve backwards-compatibility with older versions of the language where random iteration order is still in effect, e.g. Python 3.5).

Python 3.7 elevates this implementation detail to a language specification, so it is now mandatory that dict preserves order in all Python implementations compatible with that version or newer. See the pronouncement by the BDFL. As of Python 3.8, dictionaries also support iteration in reverse.

You may still want to use the collections.OrderedDict() class in certain cases, as it offers some additional functionality on top of the standard dict type. Such as as being reversible (this extends to the view objects), and supporting reordering (via the move_to_end() method).

Variables as commands in bash scripts

There is a point to only put commands and options in variables.

#! /bin/bash

if [ $# -ne 2 ]
    echo "Usage: `basename $0` DIRECTORY BACKUP_DIRECTORY"
    exit 1

. standard_tools    

current_date=$(date +%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S)

${tar_create} "${directory}" | ${openssl} | ${split_1024} "$backup_file"

You can relocate the commands to another file you source, so you can reuse the same commands and options across many scripts. This is very handy when you have a lot of scripts and you want to control how they all use tools. So standard_tools would contain:

export tar_create="tar cv"
export openssl="openssl des3 -salt"
export split_1024="split -b 1024m -"

Downloading images with node.js

You can use Axios (a promise-based HTTP client for Node.js) to download images in the order of your choosing in an asynchronous environment:

npm i axios

Then, you can use the following basic example to begin downloading images:

const fs = require('fs');
const axios = require('axios');

/* ============================================================
  Function: Download Image
============================================================ */

const download_image = (url, image_path) =>
    responseType: 'stream',
    response =>
      new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
          .on('finish', () => resolve())
          .on('error', e => reject(e));

/* ============================================================
  Download Images in Order
============================================================ */

(async () => {
  let example_image_1 = await download_image('', 'example-1.png');

  console.log(example_image_1.status); // true
  console.log(example_image_1.error); // ''

  let example_image_2 = await download_image('', 'example-2.png');

  console.log(example_image_2.status); // false
  console.log(example_image_2.error); // 'Error: Request failed with status code 404'

  let example_image_3 = await download_image('', 'example-3.png');

  console.log(example_image_3.status); // true
  console.log(example_image_3.error); // ''

Appending a line break to an output file in a shell script

I'm betting the problem is that Cygwin is writing Unix line endings (LF) to the file, and you're opening it with a program that expects Windows line-endings (CRLF). To determine if this is the case — and for a bit of a hackish workaround — try:

echo "`date` User `whoami` started the script."$'\r' >> output.log

(where the $'\r' at the end is an extra carriage-return; it, plus the Unix line ending, will result in a Windows line ending).

Spring Data JPA findOne() change to Optional how to use this?

Optional api provides methods for getting the values. You can check isPresent() for the presence of the value and then make a call to get() or you can make a call to get() chained with orElse() and provide a default value.

The last thing you can try doing is using @Query() over a custom method.

Reading PDF documents in .Net

iTextSharp is the best bet. Used it to make a spider for lucene.Net so that it could crawl PDF.

using System;
using System.IO;
using iTextSharp.text.pdf;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace Spider.Utils
    /// <summary>
    /// Parses a PDF file and extracts the text from it.
    /// </summary>
    public class PDFParser
        /// BT = Beginning of a text object operator 
        /// ET = End of a text object operator
        /// Td move to the start of next line
        ///  5 Ts = superscript
        /// -5 Ts = subscript

        #region Fields

        #region _numberOfCharsToKeep
        /// <summary>
        /// The number of characters to keep, when extracting text.
        /// </summary>
        private static int _numberOfCharsToKeep = 15;


        #region ExtractText
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts a text from a PDF file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inFileName">the full path to the pdf file.</param>
        /// <param name="outFileName">the output file name.</param>
        /// <returns>the extracted text</returns>
        public bool ExtractText(string inFileName, string outFileName)
            StreamWriter outFile = null;
                // Create a reader for the given PDF file
                PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(inFileName);
                //outFile = File.CreateText(outFileName);
                outFile = new StreamWriter(outFileName, false, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);

                Console.Write("Processing: ");

                int totalLen = 68;
                float charUnit = ((float)totalLen) / (float)reader.NumberOfPages;
                int totalWritten = 0;
                float curUnit = 0;

                for (int page = 1; page <= reader.NumberOfPages; page++)
                    outFile.Write(ExtractTextFromPDFBytes(reader.GetPageContent(page)) + " ");

                    // Write the progress.
                    if (charUnit >= 1.0f)
                        for (int i = 0; i < (int)charUnit; i++)
                        curUnit += charUnit;
                        if (curUnit >= 1.0f)
                            for (int i = 0; i < (int)curUnit; i++)
                            curUnit = 0;


                if (totalWritten < totalLen)
                    for (int i = 0; i < (totalLen - totalWritten); i++)
                return true;
                return false;
                if (outFile != null) outFile.Close();

        #region ExtractTextFromPDFBytes
        /// <summary>
        /// This method processes an uncompressed Adobe (text) object 
        /// and extracts text.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">uncompressed</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string ExtractTextFromPDFBytes(byte[] input)
            if (input == null || input.Length == 0) return "";

                string resultString = "";

                // Flag showing if we are we currently inside a text object
                bool inTextObject = false;

                // Flag showing if the next character is literal 
                // e.g. '\\' to get a '\' character or '\(' to get '('
                bool nextLiteral = false;

                // () Bracket nesting level. Text appears inside ()
                int bracketDepth = 0;

                // Keep previous chars to get extract numbers etc.:
                char[] previousCharacters = new char[_numberOfCharsToKeep];
                for (int j = 0; j < _numberOfCharsToKeep; j++) previousCharacters[j] = ' ';

                for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
                    char c = (char)input[i];
                    if (input[i] == 213)
                        c = "'".ToCharArray()[0];

                    if (inTextObject)
                        // Position the text
                        if (bracketDepth == 0)
                            if (CheckToken(new string[] { "TD", "Td" }, previousCharacters))
                                resultString += "\n\r";
                                if (CheckToken(new string[] { "'", "T*", "\"" }, previousCharacters))
                                    resultString += "\n";
                                    if (CheckToken(new string[] { "Tj" }, previousCharacters))
                                        resultString += " ";

                        // End of a text object, also go to a new line.
                        if (bracketDepth == 0 &&
                            CheckToken(new string[] { "ET" }, previousCharacters))

                            inTextObject = false;
                            resultString += " ";
                            // Start outputting text
                            if ((c == '(') && (bracketDepth == 0) && (!nextLiteral))
                                bracketDepth = 1;
                                // Stop outputting text
                                if ((c == ')') && (bracketDepth == 1) && (!nextLiteral))
                                    bracketDepth = 0;
                                    // Just a normal text character:
                                    if (bracketDepth == 1)
                                        // Only print out next character no matter what. 
                                        // Do not interpret.
                                        if (c == '\\' && !nextLiteral)
                                            resultString += c.ToString();
                                            nextLiteral = true;
                                            if (((c >= ' ') && (c <= '~')) ||
                                                ((c >= 128) && (c < 255)))
                                                resultString += c.ToString();

                                            nextLiteral = false;

                    // Store the recent characters for 
                    // when we have to go back for a checking
                    for (int j = 0; j < _numberOfCharsToKeep - 1; j++)
                        previousCharacters[j] = previousCharacters[j + 1];
                    previousCharacters[_numberOfCharsToKeep - 1] = c;

                    // Start of a text object
                    if (!inTextObject && CheckToken(new string[] { "BT" }, previousCharacters))
                        inTextObject = true;

                return CleanupContent(resultString);
                return "";

        private string CleanupContent(string text)
            string[] patterns = { @"\\\(", @"\\\)", @"\\226", @"\\222", @"\\223", @"\\224", @"\\340", @"\\342", @"\\344", @"\\300", @"\\302", @"\\304", @"\\351", @"\\350", @"\\352", @"\\353", @"\\311", @"\\310", @"\\312", @"\\313", @"\\362", @"\\364", @"\\366", @"\\322", @"\\324", @"\\326", @"\\354", @"\\356", @"\\357", @"\\314", @"\\316", @"\\317", @"\\347", @"\\307", @"\\371", @"\\373", @"\\374", @"\\331", @"\\333", @"\\334", @"\\256", @"\\231", @"\\253", @"\\273", @"\\251", @"\\221"};
            string[] replace = {   "(",     ")",      "-",     "'",      "\"",      "\"",    "à",      "â",      "ä",      "À",      "Â",      "Ä",      "é",      "è",      "ê",      "ë",      "É",      "È",      "Ê",      "Ë",      "ò",      "ô",      "ö",      "Ò",      "Ô",      "Ö",      "ì",      "î",      "ï",      "Ì",      "Î",      "Ï",      "ç",      "Ç",      "ù",      "û",      "ü",      "Ù",      "Û",      "Ü",      "®",      "™",      "«",      "»",      "©",      "'" };

            for (int i = 0; i < patterns.Length; i++)
                string regExPattern = patterns[i];
                Regex regex = new Regex(regExPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                text = regex.Replace(text, replace[i]);

            return text;


        #region CheckToken
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if a certain 2 character token just came along (e.g. BT)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tokens">the searched token</param>
        /// <param name="recent">the recent character array</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool CheckToken(string[] tokens, char[] recent)
            foreach (string token in tokens)
                if ((recent[_numberOfCharsToKeep - 3] == token[0]) &&
                    (recent[_numberOfCharsToKeep - 2] == token[1]) &&
                    ((recent[_numberOfCharsToKeep - 1] == ' ') ||
                    (recent[_numberOfCharsToKeep - 1] == 0x0d) ||
                    (recent[_numberOfCharsToKeep - 1] == 0x0a)) &&
                    ((recent[_numberOfCharsToKeep - 4] == ' ') ||
                    (recent[_numberOfCharsToKeep - 4] == 0x0d) ||
                    (recent[_numberOfCharsToKeep - 4] == 0x0a))
                    return true;
            return false;

Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute in ArrayList

Here's an example (sorry for any typos)

var itemsToRemove = new ArrayList();  // should use generic List if you can

foreach (var item in originalArrayList) {
  if (...) {

foreach (var item in itemsToRemove) {

OR if you're using 3.5, Linq makes the first bit easier:

itemsToRemove = originalArrayList
  .Where(item => ...)

foreach (var item in itemsToRemove) {

Replace "..." with your condition that determines if item should be removed.

C# 4.0: Convert pdf to byte[] and vice versa

Easiest way:

byte[] buffer;
using (Stream stream = new IO.FileStream("file.pdf"))
   buffer = new byte[stream.Length - 1];
   stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

using (Stream stream = new IO.FileStream("newFile.pdf"))
   stream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

Or something along these lines...

Change the Bootstrap Modal effect

.modal.fade .modal-dialog {
   -webkit-transform: translate(0);
   -moz-transform: translate(0);
   transform: translate(0);
  padding:10px 20px;

    <div class="container">
    <form class="form-inline" style="position:absolute; top:40%; left:50%; transform:translateX(-50%);">
        <div class="form-group">
          <select class="form-control" id="entrance">
            <optgroup label="Attention Seekers">
              <option value="bounce">bounce</option>
              <option value="flash">flash</option>
              <option value="pulse">pulse</option>
              <option value="rubberBand">rubberBand</option>
              <option value="shake">shake</option>
              <option value="swing">swing</option>
              <option value="tada">tada</option>
              <option value="wobble">wobble</option>
              <option value="jello">jello</option>
            <optgroup label="Bouncing Entrances">
              <option value="bounceIn" selected>bounceIn</option>
              <option value="bounceInDown">bounceInDown</option>
              <option value="bounceInLeft">bounceInLeft</option>
              <option value="bounceInRight">bounceInRight</option>
              <option value="bounceInUp">bounceInUp</option>
            <optgroup label="Fading Entrances">
              <option value="fadeIn">fadeIn</option>
              <option value="fadeInDown">fadeInDown</option>
              <option value="fadeInDownBig">fadeInDownBig</option>
              <option value="fadeInLeft">fadeInLeft</option>
              <option value="fadeInLeftBig">fadeInLeftBig</option>
              <option value="fadeInRight">fadeInRight</option>
              <option value="fadeInRightBig">fadeInRightBig</option>
              <option value="fadeInUp">fadeInUp</option>
              <option value="fadeInUpBig">fadeInUpBig</option>
            <optgroup label="Flippers">
              <option value="flipInX">flipInX</option>
              <option value="flipInY">flipInY</option>
            <optgroup label="Lightspeed">
              <option value="lightSpeedIn">lightSpeedIn</option>
            <optgroup label="Rotating Entrances">
              <option value="rotateIn">rotateIn</option>
              <option value="rotateInDownLeft">rotateInDownLeft</option>
              <option value="rotateInDownRight">rotateInDownRight</option>
              <option value="rotateInUpLeft">rotateInUpLeft</option>
              <option value="rotateInUpRight">rotateInUpRight</option>
            <optgroup label="Sliding Entrances">
              <option value="slideInUp">slideInUp</option>
              <option value="slideInDown">slideInDown</option>
              <option value="slideInLeft">slideInLeft</option>
              <option value="slideInRight">slideInRight</option>
            <optgroup label="Zoom Entrances">
              <option value="zoomIn">zoomIn</option>
              <option value="zoomInDown">zoomInDown</option>
              <option value="zoomInLeft">zoomInLeft</option>
              <option value="zoomInRight">zoomInRight</option>
              <option value="zoomInUp">zoomInUp</option>

            <optgroup label="Specials">
              <option value="rollIn">rollIn</option>
        <div class="form-group">
          <select class="form-control" id="exit">
            <optgroup label="Attention Seekers">
              <option value="bounce">bounce</option>
              <option value="flash">flash</option>
              <option value="pulse">pulse</option>
              <option value="rubberBand">rubberBand</option>
              <option value="shake">shake</option>
              <option value="swing">swing</option>
              <option value="tada">tada</option>
              <option value="wobble">wobble</option>
              <option value="jello">jello</option>
            <optgroup label="Bouncing Exits">
              <option value="bounceOut">bounceOut</option>
              <option value="bounceOutDown">bounceOutDown</option>
              <option value="bounceOutLeft">bounceOutLeft</option>
              <option value="bounceOutRight">bounceOutRight</option>
              <option value="bounceOutUp">bounceOutUp</option>
            <optgroup label="Fading Exits">
              <option value="fadeOut">fadeOut</option>
              <option value="fadeOutDown">fadeOutDown</option>
              <option value="fadeOutDownBig">fadeOutDownBig</option>
              <option value="fadeOutLeft">fadeOutLeft</option>
              <option value="fadeOutLeftBig">fadeOutLeftBig</option>
              <option value="fadeOutRight">fadeOutRight</option>
              <option value="fadeOutRightBig">fadeOutRightBig</option>
              <option value="fadeOutUp">fadeOutUp</option>
              <option value="fadeOutUpBig">fadeOutUpBig</option>
            <optgroup label="Flippers">
              <option value="flipOutX" selected>flipOutX</option>
              <option value="flipOutY">flipOutY</option>
            <optgroup label="Lightspeed">
              <option value="lightSpeedOut">lightSpeedOut</option>
            <optgroup label="Rotating Exits">
              <option value="rotateOut">rotateOut</option>
              <option value="rotateOutDownLeft">rotateOutDownLeft</option>
              <option value="rotateOutDownRight">rotateOutDownRight</option>
              <option value="rotateOutUpLeft">rotateOutUpLeft</option>
              <option value="rotateOutUpRight">rotateOutUpRight</option>
            <optgroup label="Sliding Exits">
              <option value="slideOutUp">slideOutUp</option>
              <option value="slideOutDown">slideOutDown</option>
              <option value="slideOutLeft">slideOutLeft</option>
              <option value="slideOutRight">slideOutRight</option>
            <optgroup label="Zoom Exits">
              <option value="zoomOut">zoomOut</option>
              <option value="zoomOutDown">zoomOutDown</option>
              <option value="zoomOutLeft">zoomOutLeft</option>
              <option value="zoomOutRight">zoomOutRight</option>
              <option value="zoomOutUp">zoomOutUp</option>
            <optgroup label="Specials">
              <option value="rollOut">rollOut</option>

    <!-- Button trigger modal -->
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal">
      Launch demo modal

      <a class="btn btn-black " href="" target="_blank">View FullPage</a>
    <!-- Modal -->
    <div class="modal fade" id="myModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel">
      <div class="modal-dialog" role="document">
        <div class="modal-content">
          <div class="modal-header">
            <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button>
            <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">Modal title</h4>
          <div class="modal-body">
          <div class="modal-footer">
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Save changes</button>

    function testAnim(x) {
        $('.modal .modal-dialog').attr('class', 'modal-dialog  ' + x + '  animated');
    $('#myModal').on('', function (e) {
      var anim = $('#entrance').val();
    $('#myModal').on('', function (e) {
      var anim = $('#exit').val();

.modal.fade .modal-dialog {
   -webkit-transform: translate(0);
   -moz-transform: translate(0);
   transform: translate(0);
  padding:10px 20px;

How can I set response header on express.js assets

@klode's answer is right.

However, you are supposed to set another response header to make your header accessible to others.


First, you add 'page-size' in response header

response.set('page-size', 20);

Then, all you need to do is expose your header

response.set('Access-Control-Expose-Headers', 'page-size')

How can I count text lines inside an DOM element? Can I?

In certain cases, like a link spanning over multiple rows in non justified text, you can get the row count and every coordinate of each line, when you use this:

var rectCollection = object.getClientRects();

This works because each line would be different even so slightly. As long as they are, they are drawn as a different "rectangle" by the renderer.

Accessing dict keys like an attribute?

This is what I use

args = {
        'batch_size': 32,
        'workers': 4,
        'train_dir': 'train',
        'val_dir': 'val',
        'lr': 1e-3,
        'momentum': 0.9,
        'weight_decay': 1e-4
args = namedtuple('Args', ' '.join(list(args.keys())))(**args)

print (

How to set TLS version on apache HttpClient

The solution is:

SSLContext sslContext = SSLContexts.custom()

SSLConnectionSocketFactory f = new SSLConnectionSocketFactory(
    new String[]{"TLSv1", "TLSv1.1"},   

httpClient = HttpClients.custom()

This requires org.apache.httpcomponents.httpclient 4.3.x though.

How can I show an element that has display: none in a CSS rule?

Because setting the div's display style property to "" doesn't change anything in the CSS rule itself. That basically just creates an "empty," inline CSS rule, which has no effect beyond clearing the same property on that element.

You need to set it to something that has a value:

document.getElementById('mybox').style.display = "block";

What you're doing would work if you were replacing an inline style on the div, like this:

<div id="myBox" style="display: none;"></div>

document.getElementById('mybox').style.display = "";

Jdbctemplate query for string: EmptyResultDataAccessException: Incorrect result size: expected 1, actual 0

Ok, I figured it out. I just wrapped it in a try catch and send back null.

    public String test() {
            String cert=null;
            String sql = "select ID_NMB_SRZ from codb_owner.TR_LTM_SLS_RTN 
                     where id_str_rt = '999' and ID_NMB_SRZ = '60230009999999'";
            try {
                Object o = (String) jdbc.queryForObject(sql, String.class);
                cert = (String) o;
            } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) {
            return cert;

Django auto_now and auto_now_add

class Feedback(models.Model):
   feedback = models.CharField(max_length=100)
   created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
   updated = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)

Here, we have created and updated columns that will have a timestamp when created, and when someone modified feedback.

auto_now_add will set time when an instance is created whereas auto_now will set time when someone modified his feedback.

onclick="javascript:history.go(-1)" not working in Chrome

You should use window.history and return a false so that the href is not navigated by the browser ( the default behavior ).

<a href="" onclick="window.history.go(-1); return false;"> Link </a>

Does IMDB provide an API?

The IMDb has a public API that, although undocumented, is fast and reliable (used on the official website through AJAX).

Search Suggestions API

// 1) Vanilla JavaScript (JSON-P)
function addScript(src) { var s = document.createElement('script'); s.src = src; document.head.appendChild(s); }$foo = function (results) {
  /* ... */

// 2) Using jQuery (JSON-P)
    url: '',
    dataType: 'jsonp',
    cache: true,
    jsonp: false,
    jsonpCallback: 'imdb$foo'
}).then(function (results) {
    /* ... */

// 3) Pure JSON (with jQuery)
// Use a local proxy that strips the "padding" of JSON-P,
// e.g. "imdb$foo(" and ")", leaving pure JSON only.
jQuery.getJSON('/api/imdb/?q=foo', function (results) {
    /* ... */

// 4) Pure JSON (ES2017 and Fetch API)
// Using a custom proxy at "/api" that strips the JSON-P padding.
const resp = await fetch('/api/imdb/?q=foo');
const results = await resp.json();

Advanced Search

Beware that these APIs are unofficial and could change at any time!

Update (January 2019): The Advanced API no longer exists. The good news is, that the Suggestions API now supports the "advanced" features of searching by film titles and actor names as well.

How can I generate a list of consecutive numbers?

You can use itertools.count() to generate unbounded sequences. (itertools is in the Python standard library). Docs here:

Default Activity not found in Android Studio

For those like me who were struggling to find the "Sources tab":

enter image description here

Here you have to mark your "src" folder in blue (first click in Mark as: Source, then in your src folder), and you're good to go.

How can I represent a range in Java?

You will have an if-check no matter how efficient you try to optimize this not-so-intensive computation :) You can subtract the upper bound from the number and if it's positive you know you are out of range. You can perhaps perform some boolean bit-shift logic to figure it out and you can even use Fermat's theorem if you want (kidding :) But the point is "why" do you need to optimize this comparison? What's the purpose?

How to add subject alernative name to ssl certs?

When generating CSR is possible to specify -ext attribute again to have it inserted in the CSR

keytool -certreq -file test.csr -keystore test.jks -alias testAlias -ext

complete example here: How to create CSR with SANs using keytool

How to allow only numbers in textbox in mvc4 razor

i was just playing around with HTML5 input type=number. while its not supported by all browsers I expect it is the way going forward to handle type specific handling (number for ex). pretty simple to do with razor (ex is VB)

@Html.TextBoxFor(Function(model) model.Port, New With {.type = "number"})

and thanks to Lee Richardson, the c# way

@Html.TextBoxFor(i => i.Port, new { @type = "number" }) 

beyond the scope of the question but you could do this same approach for any html5 input type

Populating spinner directly in the layout xml

I'm not sure about this, but give it a shot.

In your strings.xml define:

<string-array name="array_name">
<item>Array Item One</item>
<item>Array Item Two</item>
<item>Array Item Three</item>

In your layout:


I've heard this doesn't always work on the designer, but it compiles fine.

Pandas group-by and sum

Both the other answers accomplish what you want.

You can use the pivot functionality to arrange the data in a nice table

df.groupby(['Fruit','Name'],as_index = False).sum().pivot('Fruit','Name').fillna(0)

Name    Bob     Mike    Steve   Tom    Tony
Apples  16.0    9.0     10.0    0.0     0.0
Grapes  35.0    0.0     0.0     87.0    15.0
Oranges 67.0    57.0    0.0     15.0    1.0

mysql count group by having

        FROM   movies 
        GROUP  BY id 
        HAVING COUNT(genre) = 4) t

the best way to make codeigniter website multi-language. calling from lang arrays depends on lang session?

I am using such code in config.php:

$lang = 'ru'; // this language will be used if there is no any lang information from useragent (for example, from command line, wget, etc...

if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) $lang = substr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'],0,2);
$tmp_value = $_COOKIE['language'];
if (!empty($tmp_value)) $lang = $tmp_value;
switch ($lang)
    case 'ru':
        $config['language'] = 'russian';
        case 'uk':
        $config['language'] = 'ukrainian';
        case 'foo':
        $config['language'] = 'foo';
        $config['language'] = 'english';

.... and then i'm using usualy internal mechanizm of CI

o, almost forget! in views i using buttons, which seting cookie 'language' with language, prefered by user.

So, first this code try to detect "preffered language" setted in user`s useragent (browser). Then code try to read cookie 'language'. And finaly - switch sets language for CI-application

Using Postman to access OAuth 2.0 Google APIs

The current answer is outdated. Here's the up-to-date flow:

The approach outlined here still works (10.12.2020) as confirmed by alexwhan.

We will use the YouTube Data API for our example. Make changes accordingly.

Make sure you have enabled your desired API for your project.

Create the OAuth 2.0 Client

  1. Visit
  3. Select OAuth client ID
  4. For Application Type choose Web Application
  5. Add a name
  6. Add following URI for Authorized redirect URIs
  1. Click Save
  2. Click on the OAuth client you just generated
  3. In the Topbar click on DOWNLOAD JSON and save the file somewhere on your machine.

We will use the file later to authenticate Postman.

Authorize Postman via OAuth 2.0 Client

  1. In the Auth tab under TYPE choose OAuth 2.0
  2. For Access Token enter the Access Token found inside the client_secret_[YourClientID].json file we downloaded in step 9
  3. Click on Get New Access Token
  4. Make sure your settings are as follows:

Click here to see the settings

You can find everything else you need in your .json file.

  1. Click on Request Token
  2. A new browser tab/window will open
  3. Once the browser tab opens, login via the appropriate Google account
  4. Accept the consent screen
  5. Done

Ignore the browser message "Not safe" etc. This will be shown until your app has been screened by Google officials. In this case it will always be shown since Postman is the app.

Property 'value' does not exist on type EventTarget in TypeScript

You should use prop with onChange handler if not you could see :

index.js:1437 Warning: Failed prop type: You provided a `value` prop to a form field without an `onChange` handler. This will render a read-only field. If the field should be mutable use `defaultValue`. Otherwise, set either `onChange` or `readOnly`.

Or If you want to use other handler than onChange, use event.currentTarget.value

How do I reset a sequence in Oracle?

I create a block to reset all my sequences:

    I_val number;
        execute immediate 'select ' || US.SEQUENCE_NAME || '.nextval from dual' INTO l_val;
        execute immediate 'alter sequence ' || US.SEQUENCE_NAME || ' increment by -' || l_val || ' minvalue 0';
        execute immediate 'select ' || US.SEQUENCE_NAME || '.nextval from dual' INTO l_val;
        execute immediate 'alter sequence ' || US.SEQUENCE_NAME || ' increment by 1 minvalue 0';

Deleting rows from parent and child tables

Here's a complete example of how it can be done. However you need flashback query privileges on the child table.

Here's the setup.

create table parent_tab
  (parent_id number primary key,
  val varchar2(20));

create table child_tab
    (child_id number primary key,
    parent_id number,
    child_val number,
     constraint child_par_fk foreign key (parent_id) references parent_tab);

insert into parent_tab values (1,'Red');
insert into parent_tab values (2,'Green');
insert into parent_tab values (3,'Blue');
insert into parent_tab values (4,'Black');
insert into parent_tab values (5,'White');

insert into child_tab values (10,1,100);
insert into child_tab values (20,3,100);
insert into child_tab values (30,3,100);
insert into child_tab values (40,4,100);
insert into child_tab values (50,5,200);


select * from parent_tab
where parent_id not in (select parent_id from child_tab);

Now delete a subset of the children (ones with parents 1,3 and 4 - but not 5).

delete from child_tab where child_val = 100;

Then get the parent_ids from the current COMMITTED state of the child_tab (ie as they were prior to your deletes) and remove those that your session has NOT deleted. That gives you the subset that have been deleted. You can then delete those out of the parent_tab

delete from parent_tab
where parent_id in
  (select parent_id from child_tab as of scn dbms_flashback.get_system_change_number
  select parent_id from child_tab);

'Green' is still there (as it didn't have an entry in the child table anyway) and 'Red' is still there (as it still has an entry in the child table)

select * from parent_tab
where parent_id not in (select parent_id from child_tab);

select * from parent_tab;

It is an exotic/unusual operation, so if i was doing it I'd probably be a bit cautious and lock both child and parent tables in exclusive mode at the start of the transaction. Also, if the child table was big it wouldn't be particularly performant so I'd opt for a PL/SQL solution like Rajesh's.

Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords

I would not store the password hashed in two different ways, because then the system is at least as weak as the weakest of the hash algorithms in use.

Bootstrap 3 only for mobile

I found a solution wich is to do:

<span class="visible-sm"> your code without col </span>
<span class="visible-xs"> your code with col </span>

It's not very optimized but it works. Did you find something better? It really miss a class like col-sm-0 to apply colons just to the xs size...

Solve Cross Origin Resource Sharing with Flask

Note: The placement of cross_origin should be right and dependencies are installed. On the client side, ensure to specify kind of data server is consuming. For example application/json or text/html

For me the code written below did magic

from flask import Flask,request,jsonify
from flask_cors import CORS,cross_origin
CORS(app, support_credentials=True)
@app.route('/api/test', methods=['POST', 'GET','OPTIONS'])
def index():
     return jsonify({"key":some_json})
        return jsonify({"GET":"GET"})

if __name__=="__main__":'', port=5000)

Inserting HTML elements with JavaScript

To my knowledge, which, to be fair, is fairly new and limited, the only potential issue with this technique is the fact that you are prevented from dynamically creating some table elements.

I use a form to templating by adding "template" elements to a hidden DIV and then using cloneNode(true) to create a clone and appending it as required. Bear in ind that you do need to ensure you re-assign id's as required to prevent duplication.

Auto-fit TextView for Android

After i tried Android official Autosizing TextView, i found if your Android version is prior to Android 8.0 (API level 26), you need use, and make sure your support library version is above 26.0.0. Example:

    app:autoSizeTextType="uniform" />


According to @android-developer's reply, i check the AppCompatActivity source code, and found these two lines in onCreate

final AppCompatDelegate delegate = getDelegate(); delegate.installViewFactory();

and in AppCompatDelegateImpl's createView

    if (mAppCompatViewInflater == null) {
        mAppCompatViewInflater = new AppCompatViewInflater();

it use AppCompatViewInflater inflater view, when AppCompatViewInflater createView it will use AppCompatTextView for "TextView".

public final View createView(){
    View view = null;
    switch (name) {
        case "TextView":
            view = new AppCompatTextView(context, attrs);
        case "ImageView":
            view = new AppCompatImageView(context, attrs);
        case "Button":
            view = new AppCompatButton(context, attrs);

In my project i don't use AppCompatActivity, so i need use <> in xml.

Get size of a View in React Native

Maybe you can use measure:

measureProgressBar() {

logProgressBarLayout(ox, oy, width, height, px, py) {
  console.log("ox: " + ox);
  console.log("oy: " + oy);
  console.log("width: " + width);
  console.log("height: " + height);
  console.log("px: " + px);
  console.log("py: " + py);

Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB)

In a Chrome extension, you can use


to rewrite the server response headers. You can either replace an existing header or add an additional header. This is the header you want:

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

I was stuck on CORB issues, and this fixed it for me.

Custom edit view in UITableViewCell while swipe left. Objective-C or Swift

Swift 3

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, editActionsForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> [UITableViewRowAction]? {

    let editAction = UITableViewRowAction(style: .normal, title: "Edit") { (rowAction, indexPath) in
        //TODO: edit the row at indexPath here
    editAction.backgroundColor = .blue

    let deleteAction = UITableViewRowAction(style: .normal, title: "Delete") { (rowAction, indexPath) in
        //TODO: Delete the row at indexPath here
    deleteAction.backgroundColor = .red

    return [editAction,deleteAction]

Swift 2.1

func tableView(tableView: UITableView, editActionsForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> [UITableViewRowAction]? {
    let editAction = UITableViewRowAction(style: .Normal, title: "Edit") { (rowAction:UITableViewRowAction, indexPath:NSIndexPath) -> Void in
        //TODO: edit the row at indexPath here
    editAction.backgroundColor = UIColor.blueColor()

    let deleteAction = UITableViewRowAction(style: .Normal, title: "Delete") { (rowAction:UITableViewRowAction, indexPath:NSIndexPath) -> Void in
        //TODO: Delete the row at indexPath here
    deleteAction.backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor()

    return [editAction,deleteAction]

Note: for iOS 8 onwards

Turning a Comma Separated string into individual rows

You can use the wonderful recursive functions from SQL Server:

Sample table:

    SomeID INT,
    OtherID INT,
    String VARCHAR(MAX)

INSERT Testdata SELECT 1,  9, '18,20,22'
INSERT Testdata SELECT 2,  8, '17,19'
INSERT Testdata SELECT 3,  7, '13,19,20'
INSERT Testdata SELECT 4,  6, ''
INSERT Testdata SELECT 9, 11, '1,2,3,4'

The query

;WITH tmp(SomeID, OtherID, DataItem, String) AS
        LEFT(String, CHARINDEX(',', String + ',') - 1),
        STUFF(String, 1, CHARINDEX(',', String + ','), '')
    FROM Testdata
    UNION all

        LEFT(String, CHARINDEX(',', String + ',') - 1),
        STUFF(String, 1, CHARINDEX(',', String + ','), '')
    FROM tmp
        String > ''

FROM tmp
-- OPTION (maxrecursion 0)
-- normally recursion is limited to 100. If you know you have very long
-- strings, uncomment the option


 SomeID | OtherID | DataItem 
 1      | 9       | 18       
 1      | 9       | 20       
 1      | 9       | 22       
 2      | 8       | 17       
 2      | 8       | 19       
 3      | 7       | 13       
 3      | 7       | 19       
 3      | 7       | 20       
 4      | 6       |          
 9      | 11      | 1        
 9      | 11      | 2        
 9      | 11      | 3        
 9      | 11      | 4        

Passing arguments to C# generic new() of templated type

In order to create an instance of a generic type in a function you must constrain it with the "new" flag.

public static string GetAllItems<T>(...) where T : new()

However that will only work when you want to call the constructor which has no parameters. Not the case here. Instead you'll have to provide another parameter which allows for the creation of object based on parameters. The easiest is a function.

public static string GetAllItems<T>(..., Func<ListItem,T> del) {
  List<T> tabListItems = new List<T>();
  foreach (ListItem listItem in listCollection) 

You can then call it like so

GetAllItems<Foo>(..., l => new Foo(l));

Didn't find class ""?

I have also face the same issue after trying all solution I found the below solution.

If you have applied proguard rules then add below line in ProGuard Rules

-keep class

and its solve my problem.

How to resolve ORA 00936 Missing Expression Error?

This answer is not the answer for the above mentioned question but it is related to same topic and might be useful for people searching for same error.

I faced the same error when I executed below mentioned query.

select OR.* from ORDER_REL_STAT OR

problem with above query was OR is keyword so it was expecting other values when I replaced with some other alias it worked fine.

Java sending and receiving file (byte[]) over sockets

The correct way to copy a stream in Java is as follows:

int count;
byte[] buffer = new byte[8192]; // or 4096, or more
while ((count = > 0)
  out.write(buffer, 0, count);

Wish I had a dollar for every time I've posted that in a forum.