Programs & Examples On #Homebrew

Homebrew is a package manager for OS X. It provides an easy interface to install many packages. It has been built to play nicely with your existing system and not interfere with it. It has been built entirely on top of git and ruby and is easily customized to suit your needs. Debugging help with Homebrew should at the very least include details of the output of `brew doctor`.

Broken references in Virtualenvs

It appears the proper way to resolve this issue is to run

 pip install --upgrade virtualenv

after you have upgraded python with Homebrew.

This should be a general procedure for any formula that installs something like python, which has it's own package management system. When you install brew install python, you install python and pip and easy_install and virtualenv and so on. So, if those tools can be self-updated, it's best to try to do so before looking to Homebrew as the source of problems.

What is the difference/usage of homebrew, macports or other package installation tools?

By default, Homebrew installs packages to your /usr/local. Macport commands require sudo to install and upgrade (similar to apt-get in Ubuntu).

For more detail:

This site suggests using Hombrew:

whereas this site lists the advantages of using Macports:

I also switched from Ubuntu recently, and I enjoy using homebrew (it's simple and easy to use!), but if you feel attached to using sudo, Macports might be the better way to go!

Stuck at ".android/repositories.cfg could not be loaded."

For Windows 7 and above go to C:\Users\USERNAME\.android folder and follow below steps:

  1. Right click > create a new txt file with name repositories.txt
  2. Open the file and go to File > Save As.. > select Save as type: All Files
  3. Rename repositories.txt to repositories.cfg

Where do I find the bashrc file on Mac?

I would think you should add it to ~/.bash_profile instead of .bashrc, (creating .bash_profile if it doesn't exist.) Then you don't have to add the extra step of checking for ~/.bashrc in your .bash_profile

Are you comfortable working and editing in a terminal? Just in case, ~/ means your home directory, so if you open a new terminal window that is where you will be "located". And the dot at the front makes the file invisible to normal ls command, unless you put -a or specify the file name.

Check this answer for more detail.

How to install latest version of openssl Mac OS X El Capitan

You can run brew link openssl to link it into /usr/local, if you don't mind the potential problem highlighted in the warning message. Otherwise, you can add the openssl bin directory to your path:

export PATH=$(brew --prefix openssl)/bin:$PATH

How can I brew link a specific version?

I asked in #machomebrew and learned that you can switch between versions using brew switch.

$ brew switch libfoo mycopy 

to get version mycopy of libfoo.

nvm keeps "forgetting" node in new terminal session

If you also have SDKMAN...

Somehow SDKMAN was conflicting with my NVM. If you're at your wits end with this and still can't figure it out, I just fixed it by ignoring the "THIS MUST BE AT THE END OF THE FILE..." from SDKMAN and putting the NVM lines after it.

export SDKMAN_DIR="/Users/myname/.sdkman"
[[ -s "/Users/myname/.sdkman/bin/" ]] && source "/Users/myname/.sdkman/bin/"

export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"  # This loads nvm
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"  # This loads nvm bash_completion

How to tell if homebrew is installed on Mac OS X

Running Catalina 10.15.4 I ran the permissions command below to get brew to install

sudo chown -R $(whoami):admin /usr/local/* && sudo chmod -R g+rwx /usr/local/*

Update OpenSSL on OS X with Homebrew

If you're using Homebrew /usr/local/bin should already be at the front of $PATH or at least come before /usr/bin. If you now run brew link --force openssl in your terminal window, open a new one and run which openssl in it. It should now show openssl under /usr/local/bin.

dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib

Had this issue when trying to use LastPass CLI via Alfred on my Catalina install.

brew update && brew upgrade fixed the issue.

This is a much better optin than downgrading openssl.

How can I start PostgreSQL server on Mac OS X?

This worked for me (macOS v10.13 (High Sierra)):

sudo -u postgres /Library/PostgreSQL/9.6/bin/pg_ctl start -D /Library/PostgreSQL/9.6/data

Or first

cd /Library/PostgreSQL/9.6/bin/

How do you update Xcode on OSX to the latest version?

I ran into this bugger too.

I was running an older version of Xcode (not compatible with ios 9.2) so I needed to update.

I spent hours on this and was constantly getting spinning wheel of death in the app store. Nothing worked. I tried CLI softwareupdate, updating OSX, everything.

I ultimately had to download AppZapper, then nuked XCode.

I went into the app store to download and it still didn't work. Then I rebooted.

And from here I could finally upgrade to a fresh version of xcode.

WARNING: AppZapper can delete all your data around Xcode as well, so be prepared to start from scratch on your profiles, keys, etc. Also per the other notes here, of course be ready for a 3-5 hour long downloading expedition...

How to Install Sublime Text 3 using Homebrew

An update

Turns out now brew cask install sublime-text installs the most up to date version (e.g. 3) by default and brew cask is now part of the standard brew-installation.

How to update Ruby with Homebrew?

open terminal

\curl -sSL | bash -s stable

restart terminal then

rvm install ruby-2.4.2

check ruby version it should be 2.4.2

For homebrew mysql installs, where's my.cnf?

For MacOS (High Sierra), MySQL that has been installed with home brew.

Increasing the global variables from mysql environment was not successful. So in that case creating of ~/.my.cnf is the safest option. Adding variables with [mysqld] will include the changes (Note: if you change with [mysql] , the change might not work).

<~/.my.cnf> [mysqld] connect_timeout = 43200 max_allowed_packet = 2048M net_buffer_length = 512M

Restart the mysql server. and check the variables. y

sql> SELECT @@max_allowed_packet; +----------------------+ | @@max_allowed_packet | +----------------------+ | 1073741824 | +----------------------+

1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Error Installing Homebrew - Brew Command Not Found

Check XCode is installed or not.

gcc --version
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew doctor
brew update "click here for exact instruction updates"

What is the best/safest way to reinstall Homebrew?

Process is to clean up and then reinstall with the following commands:

rm -rf /usr/local/Cellar /usr/local/.git && brew cleanup
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL )"


How to fix homebrew permissions?

I had this issue .. A working solution is to change ownership of /usr/local to current user instead of root by:

  sudo chown -R $(whoami):admin /usr/local

But really this is not a proper way. Mainly if your machine is a server or multiple-user.

My suggestion is to change the ownership as above and do whatever you want to implement with Brew .. ( update, install ... etc ) then reset ownership back to root as:

  sudo chown -R root:admin /usr/local

Thats would solve the issue and keep ownership set in proper set.

How can I see the current value of my $PATH variable on OS X?

Use the command:

 echo $PATH

and you will see all path:


How can I upgrade NumPy?

When you already have an older version of NumPy, use this:

pip install numpy --upgrade

If it still doesn't work, try:

pip install numpy --upgrade --ignore-installed

Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket homebrew

When running mysql_secure_installation and entering the new password I got:

Error: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)

I noticed when trying the following from this answer:

netstat -ln | grep mysql

It didn't return anything, and I took that to mean that there wasn't a .sock file.

So, I added the following to my my.cnf file (either in /etc/my.cnf or in my case, /usr/local/etc/my.cnf).





This was based on this post.

Then stop/start mysql again and retried mysql_secure_installation which finally let me enter my new root password and continue with other setup preferences.

Brew doctor says: "Warning: /usr/local/include isn't writable."

What worked for me was

$ sudo chown -R yourname:admin /usr/local/bin

env: node: No such file or directory in mac

I re-installed node through this link and it fixed it.

I think the issue was that I somehow got node to be in my /usr/bin instead of /usr/local/bin.

How can I install a previous version of Python 3 in macOS using homebrew?

I have tried everything but could not make it work. Finally I have used pyenv and it worked directly like a charm.

So having homebrew installed, juste do:

brew install pyenv
pyenv install 3.6.5

to manage virtualenvs:

brew install pyenv-virtualenv
pyenv virtualenv 3.6.5 env_name

See pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv for more info.

EDIT (2019/03/19)

I have found using the pyenv-installer easier than homebrew to install pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv direclty:

curl | bash

To manage python version, either globally:

pyenv global 3.6.5

or locally in a given directory:

pyenv local 3.6.5

How do I find a list of Homebrew's installable packages?

From the man page:

search, -S text|/text/
Perform a substring search of formula names for text. If text is surrounded with slashes,
then it is interpreted as a regular expression. If no search term is given,
all available formula are displayed.

For your purposes, brew search will suffice.

How to modify PATH for Homebrew?

To avoid unnecessary duplication, I added the following to my ~/.bash_profile

case ":$PATH:" in
  *:/usr/local/bin:*) ;;     # do nothing if $PATH already contains /usr/local/bin
  *) PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH ;;  # in every other case, add it to the front


Installing Homebrew on OS X

On an out of the box MacOS High Sierra 10.13.6

$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Gives the following error:

curl performs SSL certificate verification by default, using a "bundle" of Certificate Authority (CA) public keys (CA certs). If the default bundle file isn't adequate, you can specify an alternate file using the --cacert option.

If this HTTPS server uses a certificate signed by a CA represented in the bundle, the certificate verification probably failed due to a problem with the certificate (it might be expired, or the name might not match the domain name in the URL).

If you'd like to turn off curl's verification of the certificate, use the -k (or --insecure) option.

HTTPS-proxy has similar options --proxy-cacert and --proxy-insecure.

Solution: Just add a k to your Curl Options

$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSLk"

dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/icu4c/lib/libicui18n.62.dylib error running php after installing node with brew on Mac

i followed this article here and this seems to be the missing piece of the puzzle for me:

brew uninstall node@8

Postgres could not connect to server

If installing and uninstalling postgres with brew doesn't work for you, look at the logs of your postgresql installation or:

postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres

if you see this kind of output:

LOG:  skipping missing configuration file "/usr/local/var/postgres/"
FATAL:  database files are incompatible with server
DETAIL:  The data directory was initialized by PostgreSQL version 9.4, which is not compatible with this version 9.6.1.

Then try the following:

rm -rf /usr/local/var/postgres && initdb /usr/local/var/postgres -E utf8

Then start the server:

pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres -l logfile start


How to link home brew python version and set it as default

The problem with me is that I have so many different versions of python, so it opens up a different python3.7 even after I did brew link. I did the following additional steps to make it default after linking

First, open up the document setting up the path of python

 nano ~/.bash_profile

Then something like this shows up:

# Setting PATH for Python 3.7
# The original version is saved in .bash_profile.pysave
export PATH

# Setting PATH for Python 3.6
# The original version is saved in .bash_profile.pysave
export PATH

The thing here is that my Python for brew framework is not in the Library Folder!! So I changed the framework for python 3.7, which looks like follows in my system

# Setting PATH for Python 3.7
# The original version is saved in .bash_profile.pysave
export PATH

Change and save the file. Restart the computer, and typing in python3.7, I get the python I installed for brew.

Not sure if my case is applicable to everyone, but worth a try. Not sure if the framework path is the same for everyone, please made sure before trying out.

Can I use Homebrew on Ubuntu?

as of august 2020 (works for kali linux as well)

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

export brew=/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin

test -d ~/.linuxbrew && eval $(~/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)

test -d /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew && eval $(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)

test -r ~/.profile && echo "eval \$($(brew --prefix)/bin/brew shellenv)" >>~/.profile     // for ubuntu and debian

No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/git

Give another go at force removing the brewed version of git

brew uninstall --force git

Then cleanup any older versions and clear the brew cache

brew cleanup -s git

Remove any dead symlinks

brew cleanup --prune-prefix

Then try reinstalling git

brew install git

If that doesn't work, I'd remove that installation of Homebrew altogether and reinstall it. If you haven't placed anything else in your brew --prefix directory (/usr/local by default), you can simply rm -rf $(brew --prefix). Otherwise the Homebrew wiki recommends using a script at

PostgreSQL error 'Could not connect to server: No such file or directory'

For me, this works

rm /usr/local/var/postgres/

Error: The 'brew link' step did not complete successfully

thx @suweller.

I fixed the problem:

?  bin git:(master) ? brew link node
Linking /usr/local/Cellar/node/0.10.25... Warning: Could not link node. Unlinking...

Error: Permission denied - /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm

I had the same problem as suweller:

?  bin git:(master) ? ls -la /usr/local/lib/ | grep node
drwxr-xr-x   3 24561  wheel   102 11 Okt  2012 node
drwxr-xr-x   3 24561  wheel   102 27 Jan 11:32 node_modules

so i fixed this problem by:

?  bin git:(master) ? sudo chown $(users) /usr/local/lib/node_modules
?  bin git:(master) ? sudo chown $(users) /usr/local/lib/node

after i fixed this problem I got another one:

?  bin git:(master) ? brew link node
Linking /usr/local/Cellar/node/0.10.25... Warning: Could not link node. Unlinking...

Error: Could not symlink file: /usr/local/Cellar/node/0.10.25/lib/dtrace/node.d
Target /usr/local/lib/dtrace/node.d already exists. You may need to delete it.
To force the link and overwrite all other conflicting files, do:
  brew link --overwrite formula_name

To list all files that would be deleted:
  brew link --overwrite --dry-run formula_name

So I removed node.d by:

?  bin git:(master) ? sudo rm /usr/local/lib/dtrace/node.d

got another permission error:

?  bin git:(master) ? brew link node
Linking /usr/local/Cellar/node/0.10.25... Warning: Could not link node. Unlinking...

Error: Could not symlink file: /usr/local/Cellar/node/0.10.25/lib/dtrace/node.d
/usr/local/lib/dtrace is not writable. You should change its permissions.

and fixed it:

?  bin git:(master) ? sudo chown $(users) /usr/local/Cellar/node/0.10.25/lib/dtrace/node.d

and finally everything worked:

?  bin git:(master) ? brew link node
Linking /usr/local/Cellar/node/0.10.25... 1225 symlinks created

Homebrew: Could not symlink, /usr/local/bin is not writable

Following Alex's answer I was able to resolve this issue; seems this to be an issue non specific to the packages being installed but of the permissions of homebrew folders.

sudo chown -R `whoami`:admin /usr/local/bin

For some packages, you may also need to do this to /usr/local/share or /usr/local/opt:

sudo chown -R `whoami`:admin /usr/local/share
sudo chown -R `whoami`:admin /usr/local/opt

How to install latest version of Node using Brew

I did this on Mac OSX Sierra. I had Node 6.1 installed but Puppetter required Node 6.4. This is what I did:

brew upgrade node
brew unlink node
brew link --overwrite node@8
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/node@8/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile

And then open a new terminal window and run:

node -v

The --overwrite is necessary to override conflicting files between node6 and node8

Homebrew install specific version of formula?

Along the lines of @halfcube's suggestion, this works really well:

  1. Find the library you're looking for at
  2. Click it:
  3. Click the "history" button to look at old commits:
  4. Click the one you want: "postgresql: update version to 8.4.4",
  5. Click the "raw" link:
  6. brew install

Homebrew refusing to link OpenSSL

After trying everything I could find and nothing worked, I just tried this:

touch ~/.bash_profile; open ~/.bash_profile

Inside the file added this line.

export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/Cellar/openssl/1.0.2j/bin/openssl"

now it works :)

Jorns-iMac:~ jorn$ openssl version -a
OpenSSL 1.0.2j  26 Sep 2016
built on: reproducible build, date unspecified
//blah blah
OPENSSLDIR: "/usr/local/etc/openssl"

Jorns-iMac:~ jorn$ which openssl

How do I update a formula with Homebrew?

You can update all outdated packages like so:

brew install `brew outdated`


brew outdated | xargs brew install


brew upgrade

This is from the brew site..

for upgrading individual formula:

brew install formula-name && brew cleanup formula-name

Brew install docker does not include docker engine?

Please try running

brew install docker

This will install the Docker engine, which will require Docker-Machine (+ VirtualBox) to run on the Mac.

If you want to install the newer Docker for Mac, which does not require virtualbox, you can install that through Homebrew's Cask:

brew install --cask docker 
open /Applications/

brew install mysql on macOS

The "Base-Path" for Mysql is stored in /etc/my.cnf which is not updated when you do brew upgrade. Just open it and change the basedir value

For example, change this:


to point to the new version:


Restart mysql with:

mysql.server start

What is the suggested way to install brew, node.js, io.js, nvm, npm on OS X?

Here's what I do:

curl | bash
cd / && . ~/.nvm/ && nvm install 0.10.35
. ~/.nvm/ && nvm alias default 0.10.35

No Homebrew for this one.

nvm soon will support io.js, but not at time of posting:

Then install everything else, per-project, with a package.json and npm install.

pip3: command not found

After yum install python3-pip, check the name of the installed binary. e.g.

ll /usr/bin/pip*

On my CentOS 7, it is named as pip-3 instead of pip3.

What do URLs represent?

The domain is used to serve unprocessed versions of files stored in GitHub repositories. If you browse to a file on GitHub and then click the Raw link, that's where you'll go.

The URL in your question references the install file in the master branch of the Homebrew/install repository. The rest of that command just retrieves the file and runs ruby on its contents.

ImportError: No module named PyQt4

After brew install pyqt, you can brew test pyqt which will use the python you have got in your PATH in oder to do the test (show a Qt window).

For non-brewed Python, you'll have to set your PYTHONPATH as brew info pyqt will tell.

Sometimes it is necessary to open a new shell or tap in order to use the freshly brewed binaries.

I frequently check these issues by printing the sys.path from inside of python: python -c "import sys; print(sys.path)" The $(brew --prefix)/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages have to be in the sys.path in order to be able to import stuff. As said, for brewed python, this is default but for any other python, you will have to set the PYTHONPATH.

After MySQL install via Brew, I get the error - The server quit without updating PID file

I had the similar issue. But the following commands saved me.

cd /usr/local/Cellar
sudo chown _mysql mysql

Installing Google Protocol Buffers on mac

There are some issues with building protobuf 2.4.1 from source on a Mac. There is a patch that also has to be applied. All this is contained within the homebrew protobuf241 formula, so I would advise using it.

To install protocol buffer version 2.4.1 type the following into a terminal:

brew tap homebrew/versions
brew install protobuf241

If you already have a protocol buffer version that you tried to install from source, you can type the following into a terminal to have the source code overwritten by the homebrew version:

brew link --force --overwrite protobuf241

Check that you now have the correct version installed by typing:

protoc --version

It should display 2.4.1

How to avoid "cannot load such file -- utils/popen" from homebrew on OSX

The problem mainly occurs after updating OS X to El Capitan (OS X 10.11) or macOS Sierra (macOS 10.12).

This is because of file permission issues with El Capitan’s or later macOS's new SIP process. Try changing the permissions for the /usr/local directory:

$ sudo chown -R $(whoami):admin /usr/local  

If it still doesn't work, use these steps inside a terminal session and everything will be fine:

cd /usr/local/Library/Homebrew  
git reset --hard  
git clean -df
brew update

This may be because homebrew is not updated.

Installing cmake with home-brew

Typing brew install cmake as you did installs cmake. Now you can type cmake and use it.

If typing cmake doesn’t work make sure /usr/local/bin is your PATH. You can see it with echo $PATH. If you don’t see /usr/local/bin in it add the following to your ~/.bashrc:

export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"

Then reload your shell session and try again.

(all the above assumes Homebrew is installed in its default location, /usr/local. If not you’ll have to replace /usr/local with $(brew --prefix) in the export line)

SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to

same issue with KAV. Restart it solved the pb.

How do I use brew installed Python as the default Python?

As you are using Homebrew the following command gives a better picture:

brew doctor


==> /usr/bin occurs before /usr/local/bin This means that system-provided programs will be used instead of those provided by Homebrew. This is an issue if you eg. brew installed Python.

Consider editing your .bash_profile to put: /usr/local/bin ahead of /usr/bin in your $PATH.

Installing R with Homebrew

homebrew/science was deprecated So, you should use the following command.

brew tap brewsci/science

Python pip install module is not found. How to link python to pip location?

Make sure to check the python version you are working on if it is 2 then only pip install works If it is 3. something then make sure to use pip3 install

How do I update Homebrew?

Alternatively you could update brew by installing it again. (Think I did this as El Capitan changed something)

Note: this is a heavy handed approach that will remove all applications installed via brew!

Try to install brew a fresh and it will tell how to uninstall.

At original time of writing to uninstall:

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Edit: As of 2020 to uninstall:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Uninstall / remove a Homebrew package including all its dependencies

Based on @jfmercer answer (corrections needed more than a comment).

Remove package's dependencies (does not remove package):

brew deps [FORMULA] | xargs brew remove --ignore-dependencies

Remove package:

brew remove [FORMULA]

Reinstall missing libraries:

brew missing | cut -d: -f2 | sort | uniq | xargs brew install

Tested uninstalling meld after discovering MeldMerge releases.

How do I install imagemagick with homebrew?

Answering old thread here (and a bit off-topic) because it's what I found when I was searching how to install Image Magick on Mac OS to run on the local webserver. It's not enough to brew install Imagemagick. You have to also PECL install it so the PHP module is loaded.

From this SO answer:

brew install php
brew install imagemagick
brew install pkg-config
pecl install imagick

And you may need to sudo apachectl restart. Then check your phpinfo() within a simple php script running on your web server.

If it's still not there, you probably have an issue with running multiple versions of PHP on the same Mac (one through the command line, one through your web server). It's beyond the scope of this answer to resolve that issue, but there are some good options out there.

AngularJS: How can I pass variables between controllers?

Ah, have a bit of this new stuff as another alternative. It's localstorage, and works where angular works. You're welcome. (But really, thank the guy)

Define your defaults:

$scope.$storage = $localStorage.$default({
    prop1: 'First',
    prop2: 'Second'

Access the values:

$scope.prop1 = $localStorage.prop1;
$scope.prop2 = $localStorage.prop2;

Store the values

$localStorage.prop1 = $scope.prop1;
$localStorage.prop2 = $scope.prop2;

Remember to inject ngStorage in your app and $localStorage in your controller.

How we can bold only the name in table td tag not the value

I would use to table header tag below for a text in a table to make it standout from the rest of the table content.


    <td>98cm x 71cm</td>

react router v^4.0.0 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'location' of undefined


import { Router, Route, Link, browserHistory } from 'react-router';


import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route } from 'react-router-dom';

It will start working. It is because react-router-dom exports BrowserRouter

How can I count text lines inside an DOM element? Can I?

Try this solution:

function calculateLineCount(element) {
  var lineHeightBefore = element.css("line-height"),
      boxSizing        = element.css("box-sizing"),

  // Force the line height to a known value
  element.css("line-height", "1px");

  // Take a snapshot of the height
  height = parseFloat(element.css("height"));

  // Reset the line height
  element.css("line-height", lineHeightBefore);

  if (boxSizing == "border-box") {
    // With "border-box", padding cuts into the content, so we have to subtract
    // it out
    var paddingTop    = parseFloat(element.css("padding-top")),
        paddingBottom = parseFloat(element.css("padding-bottom"));

    height -= (paddingTop + paddingBottom);

  // The height is the line count
  lineCount = height;

  return lineCount;

You can see it in action here:

Try resizing the panels on the page (to make the right side of the page wider or shorter) and then run it again to see that it can reliably tell how many lines there are.

This problem is harder than it looks, but most of the difficulty comes from two sources:

  1. Text rendering is too low-level in browsers to be directly queried from JavaScript. Even the CSS ::first-line pseudo-selector doesn't behave quite like other selectors do (you can't invert it, for example, to apply styling to all but the first line).

  2. Context plays a big part in how you calculate the number of lines. For example, if line-height was not explicitly set in the hierarchy of the target element, you might get "normal" back as a line height. In addition, the element might be using box-sizing: border-box and therefore be subject to padding.

My approach minimizes #2 by taking control of the line-height directly and factoring in the box sizing method, leading to a more deterministic result.

When should I use cross apply over inner join?

This has already been answered very well technically, but let me give a concrete example of how it's extremely useful:

Lets say you have two tables, Customer and Order. Customers have many Orders.

I want to create a view that gives me details about customers, and the most recent order they've made. With just JOINS, this would require some self-joins and aggregation which isn't pretty. But with Cross Apply, its super easy:

FROM Customer
  FROM Order
  WHERE Order.CustomerId = Customer.CustomerId
) T

Find something in column A then show the value of B for that row in Excel 2010

Guys Its very interesting to know that many of us face the problem of replication of lookup value while using the Vlookup/Index with Match or Hlookup.... If we have duplicate value in a cell we all know, Vlookup will pick up against the first item would be matching in loopkup array....So here is solution for you all...


in Column A we have field called company....

Column A                             Column B            Column C

Company_Name                         Value        
Monster                              25000                              
Naukri                               30000  
WNS                                  80000  
American Express                     40000  
Bank of America                      50000  
Alcatel Lucent                       35000  
Google                               75000  
Microsoft                            60000  
Monster                              35000  
Bank of America                      15000 

Now if you lookup the above dataset, you would see the duplicity is in Company Name at Row No# 10 & 11. So if you put the vlookup, the data will be picking up which comes first..But if you use the below formula, you can make your lookup value Unique and can pick any data easily without having any dispute or facing any problem

Put the formula in C2.........A2&"_"&COUNTIF(A2:$A$2,A2)..........Result will be Monster_1 for first line item and for row no 10 & 11.....Monster_2, Bank of America_2 respectively....Here you go now you have the unique value so now you can pick any data easily now..

Cheers!!! Anil Dhawan

Angular 4 img src is not found

Angular can only access static files like images and config files from assets folder. Nice way to download string path of remote stored image and load it to template.

  public concateInnerHTML(path: string): string {
        let front = "<img class='d-block' src='";
        let back = "' alt='slide'>";
        let result = front + path + back;
        return result;
     return null;

In a Component imlement DoCheck interface and past in it formula for database. Data base query is only a sample.

ngDoCheck(): void {
   this.concatedPathName = this.concateInnerHTML(database.query('src'));

And in html tamplate <div [innerHtml]="concatedPathName"></div>

React eslint error missing in props validation

It seems that the problem is in eslint-plugin-react.

It can not correctly detect what props were mentioned in propTypes if you have annotated named objects via destructuring anywhere in the class.

There was similar problem in the past

App store link for "rate/review this app"

iOS 4 has ditched the "Rate on Delete" function.

For the time being the only way to rate an application is via iTunes.

Edit: Links can be generated to your applications via iTunes Link Maker. This site has a tutorial.

The R %in% operator

You can use all

> all(1:6 %in% 0:36)
[1] TRUE
> all(1:60 %in% 0:36)

On a similar note, if you want to check whether any of the elements is TRUE you can use any

> any(1:6 %in% 0:36)
[1] TRUE
> any(1:60 %in% 0:36)
[1] TRUE
> any(50:60 %in% 0:36)

Code coverage for Jest built on top of Jasmine

Jan 2019: Jest version 23.6

For anyone looking into this question recently especially if testing using npm or yarn directly

Currently, you don't have to change the configuration options

As per Jest official website, you can do the following to generate coverage reports:

1- For npm:

You must put -- before passing the --coverage argument of Jest

npm test -- --coverage

if you try invoking the --coverage directly without the -- it won't work

2- For yarn:

You can pass the --coverage argument of jest directly

yarn test --coverage

Eclipse does not highlight matching variables

Eclipse Toolbar > Windows > Preferences > General (Right side) > Editors (Right side) > Text Editors (Right side) > Annotations (Right side)

For Occurrences and Write Occurrences, make sure you DO have the 'Text as highlighted' option checked for all of them. See screenshot below:

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

Message 'src refspec master does not match any' when pushing commits in Git

I also followed GitHub's directions as follows below, but I still faced this same error as mentioned by the OP:

git init
git add .
git commit -m "message"
git remote add origin ""
git push -u origin master

For me, and I hope this helps some, I was pushing a large file (1.58 GB on disk) on my MacOS. While copy pasting the suggested line of codes above, I was not waiting for my processor to actually finish the add . process. So When I typed git commit -m "message" it basically did not reference any files and has not completed whatever it needs to do to successfully commit my code to GitHub.

The proof of this is when I typed git status usually I get green fonts for the files added. But everything was red. As if it was not added at all.

So I redid the steps. I typed git add . and waited for the files to finish being added. Then I followed through the next steps.

SQL Server Management Studio missing

I know this is an old question, but I've just had the same frustrating issue for a couple of hours and wanted to share my solution. In my case the option "Managements Tools" wasn't available in the installation menu either. It wasn't just greyed out as disabled or already installed, but instead just missing, it wasn't anywhere on the menu.

So what finally worked for me was to use the Web Platform Installer 4.0, and check this for installation: Products > Database > "Sql Server 2008 R2 Management Objects". Once this is done, you can relaunch the installation and "Management Tools" will appear like previous answers stated.

Note there could also be a "Sql Server 2012 Shared Management Objects", but I think this is for different purposes.

Hope this saves someone the couple of hours I wasted into this.

Posting form to different MVC post action depending on the clicked submit button

This sounds to me like what you have is one command with 2 outputs, I would opt for making the change in both client and server for this.

At the client, use JS to build up the URL you want to post to (use JQuery for simplicity) i.e.

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {
        // this code detects a button click and sets an `option` attribute
        // in the form to be the `name` attribute of whichever button was clicked
        $('form input[type=submit]').click(function() {
            var $form = $('form');
            form.attr('option', $(this).attr('name'));
        // this code updates the URL before the form is submitted
        $("form").submit(function(e) { 
            var option = $(this).attr("option");
            if (option) {
                var currentUrl = $(this).attr("action");
                $(this).attr('action', currentUrl + "/" + option).submit();     
<input type="submit" ... />
<input type="submit" name="excel" ... />

Now at the server side we can add a new route to handle the excel request

    name: "ExcelExport",
    url: "SearchDisplay/Submit/excel",
    defaults: new
        controller = "SearchDisplay",
        action = "SubmitExcel",

You can setup 2 distinct actions

public ActionResult SubmitExcel(SearchCostPage model)

public ActionResult Submit(SearchCostPage model)

Or you can use the ActionName attribute as an alias

public ActionResult Submit(SearchCostPage model)

public ActionResult Submit(SearchCostPage model)

Make hibernate ignore class variables that are not mapped

For folks who find this posting through the search engines, another possible cause of this problem is from importing the wrong package version of @Transient. Make sure that you import javax.persistence.transient and not some other package.

How to import functions from different js file in a Vue+webpack+vue-loader project

After a few hours of messing around I eventually got something that works, partially answered in a similar issue here: How do I include a JavaScript file in another JavaScript file?

BUT there was an import that was screwing the rest of it up:

Use require in .vue files

  var mylib = require('./mylib');
  export default {

Exports in mylib

 exports.myfunc = () => {....}

Avoid import

The actual issue in my case (which I didn't think was relevant!) was that mylib.js was itself using other dependencies. The resulting error seems to have nothing to do with this, and there was no transpiling error from webpack but anyway I had:

import models from './model/models'
import axios from 'axios'

This works so long as I'm not using mylib in a .vue component. However as soon as I use mylib there, the error described in this issue arises.

I changed to:

let models = require('./model/models');
let axios = require('axios');

And all works as expected.

Spring Boot War deployed to Tomcat

Update 2018-02-03 with Spring Boot 1.5.8.RELEASE.

In pom.xml, you need to tell Spring plugin when it is building that it is a war file by change package to war, like this:


Also, you have to excluded the embedded tomcat while building the package by adding this:

    <!-- to deploy as a war in tomcat -->

The full runable example is in here

vertical & horizontal lines in matplotlib

If you want to add a bounding box, use a rectangle:

ax = plt.gca()
r = matplotlib.patches.Rectangle((.5, .5), .25, .1, fill=False)

Rectangle doc

Check string for nil & empty

Using isEmpty

"Hello".isEmpty  // false
"".isEmpty       // true

Using allSatisfy

extension String {
  var isBlank: Bool {
    return allSatisfy({ $0.isWhitespace })

"Hello".isBlank        // false
"".isBlank             // true

Using optional String

extension Optional where Wrapped == String {
  var isBlank: Bool {
    return self?.isBlank ?? true

var title: String? = nil
title.isBlank            // true
title = ""               
title.isBlank            // true

Reference :

Matplotlib: ValueError: x and y must have same first dimension

You should make x and y numpy arrays, not lists:

x = np.array([0.46,0.59,0.68,0.99,0.39,0.31,1.09,
y = np.array([0.315,0.383,0.452,0.650,0.279,0.215,0.727,0.512,

With this change, it produces the expect plot. If they are lists, m * x will not produce the result you expect, but an empty list. Note that m is anumpy.float64 scalar, not a standard Python float.

I actually consider this a bit dubious behavior of Numpy. In normal Python, multiplying a list with an integer just repeats the list:

In [42]: 2 * [1, 2, 3]
Out[42]: [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]

while multiplying a list with a float gives an error (as I think it should):

In [43]: 1.5 * [1, 2, 3]
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-43-d710bb467cdd> in <module>()
----> 1 1.5 * [1, 2, 3]
TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float'

The weird thing is that multiplying a Python list with a Numpy scalar apparently works:

In [45]: np.float64(0.5) * [1, 2, 3]
Out[45]: []

In [46]: np.float64(1.5) * [1, 2, 3]
Out[46]: [1, 2, 3]

In [47]: np.float64(2.5) * [1, 2, 3]
Out[47]: [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]

So it seems that the float gets truncated to an int, after which you get the standard Python behavior of repeating the list, which is quite unexpected behavior. The best thing would have been to raise an error (so that you would have spotted the problem yourself instead of having to ask your question on Stackoverflow) or to just show the expected element-wise multiplication (in which your code would have just worked). Interestingly, addition between a list and a Numpy scalar does work:

In [69]: np.float64(0.123) + [1, 2, 3]
Out[69]: array([ 1.123,  2.123,  3.123])

JavaScript: client-side vs. server-side validation

As others have said, you should do both. Here's why:

Client Side

You want to validate input on the client side first because you can give better feedback to the average user. For example, if they enter an invalid email address and move to the next field, you can show an error message immediately. That way the user can correct every field before they submit the form.

If you only validate on the server, they have to submit the form, get an error message, and try to hunt down the problem.

(This pain can be eased by having the server re-render the form with the user's original input filled in, but client-side validation is still faster.)

Server Side

You want to validate on the server side because you can protect against the malicious user, who can easily bypass your JavaScript and submit dangerous input to the server.

It is very dangerous to trust your UI. Not only can they abuse your UI, but they may not be using your UI at all, or even a browser. What if the user manually edits the URL, or runs their own Javascript, or tweaks their HTTP requests with another tool? What if they send custom HTTP requests from curl or from a script, for example?

(This is not theoretical; eg, I worked on a travel search engine that re-submitted the user's search to many partner airlines, bus companies, etc, by sending POST requests as if the user had filled each company's search form, then gathered and sorted all the results. Those companies' form JS was never executed, and it was crucial for us that they provide error messages in the returned HTML. Of course, an API would have been nice, but this was what we had to do.)

Not allowing for that is not only naive from a security standpoint, but also non-standard: a client should be allowed to send HTTP by whatever means they wish, and you should respond correctly. That includes validation.

Server side validation is also important for compatibility - not all users, even if they're using a browser, will have JavaScript enabled.

Addendum - December 2016

There are some validations that can't even be properly done in server-side application code, and are utterly impossible in client-side code, because they depend on the current state of the database. For example, "nobody else has registered that username", or "the blog post you're commenting on still exists", or "no existing reservation overlaps the dates you requested", or "your account balance still has enough to cover that purchase." Only the database can reliably validate data which depends on related data. Developers regularly screw this up, but PostgreSQL provides some good solutions.

Compiling problems: cannot find crt1.o

As explained in crti.o file missing , it's better to use "gcc -print-search-dirs" to find out all the search path. Then create a link as explain above "sudo ln -s" to point to the location of crt1.o

How to call a RESTful web service from Android?

Using Spring for Android with RestTemplate

// The connection URL 
String url = "" + 

// Create a new RestTemplate instance
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();

// Add the String message converter
restTemplate.getMessageConverters().add(new StringHttpMessageConverter());

// Make the HTTP GET request, marshaling the response to a String
String result = restTemplate.getForObject(url, String.class, "Android");

Writing an mp4 video using python opencv

This is the default code given to save a video captured by camera

import numpy as np
import cv2

cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

# Define the codec and create VideoWriter object
fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID')
out = cv2.VideoWriter('output.avi',fourcc, 20.0, (640,480))

    ret, frame =
    if ret==True:
        frame = cv2.flip(frame,0)

        # write the flipped frame

        if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

# Release everything if job is finished

For about two minutes of a clip captured that FULL HD


cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0,cv2.CAP_DSHOW)
out = cv2.VideoWriter('output.avi',fourcc, 20.0, (1920,1080))

The file saved was more than 150MB

Then had to use ffmpeg to reduce the size of the file saved, between 30MB to 60MB based on the quality of the video that is required changed using crf lower the crf better the quality of the video and larger the file size generated. You can also change the format avi,mp4,mkv,etc

Then i found ffmpeg-python

Here a code to save numpy array of each frame as video using ffmpeg-python

import numpy as np
import cv2
import ffmpeg

def save_video(cap,saving_file_name,fps=33.0):

    while cap.isOpened():
        ret, frame =
        if ret:
            i_width,i_height = frame.shape[1],frame.shape[0]

    process = (
        .input('pipe:',format='rawvideo', pix_fmt='rgb24',s='{}x{}'.format(i_width,i_height))

    return process

if __name__=='__main__':

    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0,cv2.CAP_DSHOW)
    saved_video_file_name = 'output.avi'
    process = save_video(cap,saved_video_file_name)

        ret, frame =
        if ret==True:
            frame = cv2.flip(frame,0)
                cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

            if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

JavaScript: set dropdown selected item based on option text

This works in latest Chrome, FireFox and Edge, but not IE11:

document.evaluate('//option[text()="Yahoo"]', document).iterateNext().selected = 'selected';

And if you want to ignore spaces around the title:

document.evaluate('//option[normalize-space(text())="Yahoo"]', document).iterateNext().selected = 'selected'

jquery get height of iframe content when loaded

This is my ES6 friendly no-jquery take

document.querySelector('iframe').addEventListener('load', function() {
    const iframeBody = this.contentWindow.document.body;
    const height = Math.max(iframeBody.scrollHeight, iframeBody.offsetHeight); = `${height}px`;

Create JSON object dynamically via JavaScript (Without concate strings)

Perhaps this information will help you.

var sitePersonel = {};_x000D_
var employees = []_x000D_
sitePersonel.employees = employees;_x000D_
var firstName = "John";_x000D_
var lastName = "Smith";_x000D_
var employee = {_x000D_
  "firstName": firstName,_x000D_
  "lastName": lastName_x000D_
var manager = "Jane Doe";_x000D_
sitePersonel.employees[0].manager = manager;_x000D_

Unable to find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider. It may not be installed. - when following mvc3 tutorial

Add these lines to your web.config file:

               <add name="MySQL Data Provider" invariant="MySql.Data.MySqlClient" description=".Net Framework Data Provider for MySQL" type="MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlClientFactory,MySql.Data,  Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=C5687FC88969C44D"/>

Change your provider from MySQL to SQL Server or whatever database provider you are connecting to.

How to tell if a connection is dead in python

From the link Jweede posted:

exception socket.timeout:

This exception is raised when a timeout occurs on a socket
which has had timeouts enabled via a prior call to settimeout().
The accompanying value is a string whose value is currently
always “timed out”.

Here are the demo server and client programs for the socket module from the python docs

# Echo server program
import socket

HOST = ''                 # Symbolic name meaning all available interfaces
PORT = 50007              # Arbitrary non-privileged port
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.bind((HOST, PORT))
conn, addr = s.accept()
print 'Connected by', addr
while 1:
    data = conn.recv(1024)
    if not data: break

And the client:

# Echo client program
import socket

HOST = ''    # The remote host
PORT = 50007              # The same port as used by the server
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((HOST, PORT))
s.send('Hello, world')
data = s.recv(1024)
print 'Received', repr(data)

On the docs example page I pulled these from, there are more complex examples that employ this idea, but here is the simple answer:

Assuming you're writing the client program, just put all your code that uses the socket when it is at risk of being dropped, inside a try block...

    s.connect((HOST, PORT))
    s.send("Hello, World!")
except socket.timeout:
    # whatever you need to do when the connection is dropped

Stretch image to fit full container width bootstrap

container class has 15px left & right padding, so if you want to remove this padding, use following, because row class has -15px left & right margin.

<div class="container">
  <div class="row">
     <img class='img-responsive' src="#" alt="" />


Reverse the ordering of words in a string

Here is the algorithm:

  1. Explode the string with space and make an array of words.
  2. Reverse the array.
  3. Implode the array by space.

disable viewport zooming iOS 10+ safari?

We can get everything we want by injecting one style rule and by intercepting zoom events:

$(function () {
  if (!(/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent))) return
  $(window).on('gesturestart touchmove', function (evt) {
    if (evt.originalEvent.scale !== 1) {
      evt.originalEvent.preventDefault() = 'scale(1)'

? Disables pinch zoom.

? Disables double-tap zoom.

? Scroll is not affected.

? Disables tap highlight (which is triggered, on iOS, by the style rule).

NOTICE: Tweak the iOS-detection to your liking. More on that here.

Apologies to lukejackson and Piotr Kowalski, whose answers appear in modified form in the code above.

sudo: npm: command not found

You can make symbolic link & its works for me.

  1. find path of current npm

which npm

  1. make symbolic link by following command

sudo ln -s which/npm /usr/local/bin/npm

  1. Test and verify.

sudo npm -v

C# How do I click a button by hitting Enter whilst textbox has focus?

I came across this whilst looking for the same thing myself, and what I note is that none of the listed answers actually provide a solution when you don't want to click the 'AcceptButton' on a Form when hitting enter.

A simple use-case would be a text search box on a screen where pressing enter should 'click' the 'Search' button, not execute the Form's AcceptButton behaviour.

This little snippet will do the trick;

private void textBox_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
    if (e.KeyChar == 13)
        if (!textBox.AcceptsReturn)

In my case, this code is part of a custom UserControl derived from TextBox, and the control has a 'ClickThisButtonOnEnter' property. But the above is a more general solution.

Github: error cloning my private repository

If you were using Cygwin, you might install the ca-certificates package with apt-cyg:

install apt-cyg /usr/local/bin
apt-cyg install ca-certificates

How do I install a cygwin package from the command line?

LaTex left arrow over letter in math mode

Use \overleftarrow to create a long arrow to the left.


LaTeX output

How to assign colors to categorical variables in ggplot2 that have stable mapping?

For simple situations like the exact example in the OP, I agree that Thierry's answer is the best. However, I think it's useful to point out another approach that becomes easier when you're trying to maintain consistent color schemes across multiple data frames that are not all obtained by subsetting a single large data frame. Managing the factors levels in multiple data frames can become tedious if they are being pulled from separate files and not all factor levels appear in each file.

One way to address this is to create a custom manual colour scale as follows:

#Some test data
dat <- data.frame(x=runif(10),y=runif(10),
        grp = rep(LETTERS[1:5],each = 2),stringsAsFactors = TRUE)

#Create a custom color scale
myColors <- brewer.pal(5,"Set1")
names(myColors) <- levels(dat$grp)
colScale <- scale_colour_manual(name = "grp",values = myColors)

and then add the color scale onto the plot as needed:

#One plot with all the data
p <- ggplot(dat,aes(x,y,colour = grp)) + geom_point()
p1 <- p + colScale

#A second plot with only four of the levels
p2 <- p %+% droplevels(subset(dat[4:10,])) + colScale

The first plot looks like this:

enter image description here

and the second plot looks like this:

enter image description here

This way you don't need to remember or check each data frame to see that they have the appropriate levels.

How do I check in JavaScript if a value exists at a certain array index?

I would like to point out something a few seem to have missed: namely it is possible to have an "empty" array position in the middle of your array. Consider the following:

let arr = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

delete arr[3]

console.log(arr)      // [0, 1, 2, empty, 4, 5]

console.log(arr[3])   // undefined

The natural way to check would then be to see whether the array member is undefined, I am unsure if other ways exists

if (arr[index] === undefined) {
  // member does not exist

Eclipse: How do I add the javax.servlet package to a project?

  1. Download the file from

  2. Make a folder ("lib") inside the project folder and move that jar file to there.

  3. In Eclipse, right click on project > BuildPath > Configure BuildPath > Libraries > Add External Jar

Thats all

Resolving ORA-4031 "unable to allocate x bytes of shared memory"

All of the current answers are addressing the symptom (shared memory pool exhaustion), and not the problem, which is likely not using bind variables in your sql \ JDBC queries, even when it does not seem necessary to do so. Passing queries without bind variables causes Oracle to "hard parse" the query each time, determining its plan of execution, etc.

Some snippets from the above link:

"Java supports bind variables, your developers must start using prepared statements and bind inputs into it. If you want your system to ultimately scale beyond say about 3 or 4 users -- you will do this right now (fix the code). It is not something to think about, it is something you MUST do. A side effect of this - your shared pool problems will pretty much disappear. That is the root cause. "

"The way the Oracle shared pool (a very important shared memory data structure) operates is predicated on developers using bind variables."

" Bind variables are SO MASSIVELY important -- I cannot in any way shape or form OVERSTATE their importance. "

Android activity life cycle - what are all these methods for?

I like this question and the answers to it, but so far there isn't coverage of less frequently used callbacks like onPostCreate() or onPostResume(). Steve Pomeroy has attempted a diagram including these and how they relate to Android's Fragment life cycle, at I revised Steve's large diagram to include only the Activity portion and formatted it for letter size one-page printout. I've posted it as a text PDF at and below is its image:

Android Activity Lifecycle

How to delete/unset the properties of a javascript object?

To blank it:


To remove it:

delete myObject["myVar"]

as you can see in duplicate answers

Rails 4 LIKE query - ActiveRecord adds quotes

Your placeholder is replaced by a string and you're not handling it right.


"name LIKE '%?%' OR postal_code LIKE '%?%'", search, search


"name LIKE ? OR postal_code LIKE ?", "%#{search}%", "%#{search}%"

MVC4 DataType.Date EditorFor won't display date value in Chrome, fine in Internet Explorer

As an addition to Darin Dimitrov's answer:

If you only want this particular line to use a certain (different from standard) format, you can use in MVC5:

@Html.EditorFor(model => model.Property, new {htmlAttributes = new {@Value = @Model.Property.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), @class = "customclass" } })

Using group by on multiple columns

In simple English from GROUP BY with two parameters what we are doing is looking for similar value pairs and get the count to a 3rd column.

Look at the following example for reference. Here I'm using International football results from 1872 to 2020

|       _c0|             _c1|     _c2|_c3|_c4|     _c5|      _c6|                _c7|  _c8|
|1872-11-30|        Scotland| England|  0|  0|Friendly|  Glasgow|           Scotland|FALSE|
|1873-03-08|         England|Scotland|  4|  2|Friendly|   London|            England|FALSE|
|1874-03-07|        Scotland| England|  2|  1|Friendly|  Glasgow|           Scotland|FALSE|
|1875-03-06|         England|Scotland|  2|  2|Friendly|   London|            England|FALSE|
|1876-03-04|        Scotland| England|  3|  0|Friendly|  Glasgow|           Scotland|FALSE|
|1876-03-25|        Scotland|   Wales|  4|  0|Friendly|  Glasgow|           Scotland|FALSE|
|1877-03-03|         England|Scotland|  1|  3|Friendly|   London|            England|FALSE|
|1877-03-05|           Wales|Scotland|  0|  2|Friendly|  Wrexham|              Wales|FALSE|
|1878-03-02|        Scotland| England|  7|  2|Friendly|  Glasgow|           Scotland|FALSE|
|1878-03-23|        Scotland|   Wales|  9|  0|Friendly|  Glasgow|           Scotland|FALSE|
|1879-01-18|         England|   Wales|  2|  1|Friendly|   London|            England|FALSE|
|1879-04-05|         England|Scotland|  5|  4|Friendly|   London|            England|FALSE|
|1879-04-07|           Wales|Scotland|  0|  3|Friendly|  Wrexham|              Wales|FALSE|
|1880-03-13|        Scotland| England|  5|  4|Friendly|  Glasgow|           Scotland|FALSE|
|1880-03-15|           Wales| England|  2|  3|Friendly|  Wrexham|              Wales|FALSE|
|1880-03-27|        Scotland|   Wales|  5|  1|Friendly|  Glasgow|           Scotland|FALSE|
|1881-02-26|         England|   Wales|  0|  1|Friendly|Blackburn|            England|FALSE|
|1881-03-12|         England|Scotland|  1|  6|Friendly|   London|            England|FALSE|
|1881-03-14|           Wales|Scotland|  1|  5|Friendly|  Wrexham|              Wales|FALSE|
|1882-02-18|Northern Ireland| England|  0| 13|Friendly|  Belfast|Republic of Ireland|FALSE|

And now I'm going to group by similar country(column _c7) and tournament(_c5) value pairs by GROUP BY operation,

SELECT `_c5`,`_c7`,count(*)  FROM res GROUP BY `_c5`,`_c7`

|                 _c5|                _c7|count(1)|
|            Friendly|  Southern Rhodesia|      11|
|            Friendly|            Ecuador|      68|
|African Cup of Na...|           Ethiopia|      41|
|Gold Cup qualific...|Trinidad and Tobago|       9|
|AFC Asian Cup qua...|             Bhutan|       7|
|African Nations C...|              Gabon|       2|
|            Friendly|           China PR|     170|
|FIFA World Cup qu...|             Israel|      59|
|FIFA World Cup qu...|              Japan|      61|
|UEFA Euro qualifi...|            Romania|      62|
|AFC Asian Cup qua...|              Macau|       9|
|            Friendly|        South Sudan|       1|
|CONCACAF Nations ...|           Suriname|       3|
|         Copa Newton|          Argentina|      12|
|            Friendly|        Philippines|      38|
|FIFA World Cup qu...|              Chile|      68|
|African Cup of Na...|         Madagascar|      29|
|FIFA World Cup qu...|       Burkina Faso|      30|
| UEFA Nations League|            Denmark|       4|
|        Atlantic Cup|           Paraguay|       2|

Explanation: The meaning of the first row is there were 11 Friendly tournaments held on Southern Rhodesia in total.

Note: Here it's mandatory to use a counter column in this case.

jQuery - prevent default, then continue default

With jQuery and a small variation of @Joepreludian's answer above:

Important points to keep in mind:

  • .one(...) instead on .on(...) or .submit(...)
  • named function instead of anonymous function since we will be referring it within the callback.

$('form#my-form').one('submit', function myFormSubmitCallback(evt) {
    var $this = $(this);
    if (allIsWell) {
        $this.submit(); // submit the form and it will not re-enter the callback because we have worked with .one(...)
    } else {
        $'submit', myFormSubmitCallback); // lets get into the callback 'one' more time...

You can change the value of allIsWell variable in the below snippet to true or false to test the functionality:

$('form#my-form').one('submit', function myFormSubmitCallback(evt){_x000D_
  var $this = $(this);_x000D_
  var allIsWell = $('#allIsWell').get(0).checked;_x000D_
  if(allIsWell) {_x000D_
  } else {_x000D_
    $'submit', myFormSubmitCallback);_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<form action="/" id="my-form">_x000D_
  <input name="./fname" value="John" />_x000D_
  <input name="./lname" value="Smith" />_x000D_
  <input type="submit" value="Lets Do This!" />_x000D_
    <input type="checkbox" value="true" id="allIsWell" />_x000D_
    All Is Well_x000D_

Good Luck...

How to shutdown a Spring Boot Application in a correct way?

As to @Jean-Philippe Bond 's answer ,

here is a maven quick example for maven user to configure HTTP endpoint to shutdown a spring boot web app using spring-boot-starter-actuator so that you can copy and paste:

1.Maven pom.xml:


#No auth  protected 

#Enable shutdown endpoint

All endpoints are listed here:

3.Send a post method to shutdown the app:

curl -X POST localhost:port/shutdown

Security Note:

if you need the shutdown method auth protected, you may also need


configure details:

Out-File -append in Powershell does not produce a new line and breaks string into characters

Out-File defaults to unicode encoding which is why you are seeing the behavior you are. Use -Encoding Ascii to change this behavior. In your case

Out-File -Encoding Ascii -append textfile.txt. 

Add-Content uses Ascii and also appends by default.

"This is a test" | Add-Content textfile.txt.

As for the lack of newline: You did not send a newline so it will not write one to file.

Table border left and bottom

You need to use the border property as seen here: jsFiddle


<table width="770">
        <td class="border-left-bottom">picture (border only to the left and bottom ) </td>
        <td class="border-left-bottom">picture (border only to the left and bottom) </td>


    border-left: solid 1px #000;
    border-bottom: solid 1px #000;

Angularjs $http post file and form data

I recently wrote a directive that supports native multiple file uploads. The solution I've created relies on a service to fill the gap you've identified with the $http service. I've also included a directive, which provides an easy API for your angular module to use to post the files and data.

Example usage:

    choose-file-button-text='Choose files'
    upload-file-button-text='Upload files'
    on-done='done(files, data)'
    on-error='error(files, type, msg)'/>

You can find the code on github, and the documentation on my blog

It would be up to you to process the files in your web framework, but the solution I've created provides the angular interface to getting the data to your server. The angular code you need to write is to respond to the upload events

    .module('app', ['lvl.directives.fileupload'])
    .controller('ctl', ['$scope', function($scope) {
        $scope.done = function(files,data} { /*do something when the upload completes*/ };
        $scope.progress = function(percentDone) { /*do something when progress is reported*/ };
        $scope.error = function(file, type, msg) { /*do something if an error occurs*/ };
        $scope.getAdditionalData = function() { /* return additional data to be posted to the server*/ };


Can't get private key with openssl (no start line:pem_lib.c:703:Expecting: ANY PRIVATE KEY)

On my execution of openssl pkcs12 -export -out cacert.pkcs12 -in testca/cacert.pem, I received the following message:

unable to load private key 140707250050712:error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:pem_lib.c:701:Expecting: ANY PRIVATE KEY`

Got this solved by providing the key file along with the command. The switch is -inkey inkeyfile.pem

Play multiple CSS animations at the same time

you can try something like this

set the parent to rotate and the image to scale so that the rotate and scale time can be different

div {_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  top: 50%;_x000D_
  left: 50%;_x000D_
  width: 120px;_x000D_
  height: 120px;_x000D_
  margin: -60px 0 0 -60px;_x000D_
  -webkit-animation: spin 2s linear infinite;_x000D_
.image {_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  top: 50%;_x000D_
  left: 50%;_x000D_
  width: 120px;_x000D_
  height: 120px;_x000D_
  margin: -60px 0 0 -60px;_x000D_
  -webkit-animation: scale 4s linear infinite;_x000D_
@-webkit-keyframes spin {_x000D_
  100% {_x000D_
    transform: rotate(180deg);_x000D_
@-webkit-keyframes scale {_x000D_
  100% {_x000D_
    transform: scale(2);_x000D_
  <img class="image" src="" alt="" width="120" height="120" />_x000D_

How to detect when a youtube video finishes playing?

This can be done through the youtube player API:

Working example:

    <div id="player"></div>

    <script src=""></script>


        // create youtube player
        var player;
        function onYouTubePlayerAPIReady() {
            player = new YT.Player('player', {
              width: '640',
              height: '390',
              videoId: '0Bmhjf0rKe8',
              events: {
                onReady: onPlayerReady,
                onStateChange: onPlayerStateChange

        // autoplay video
        function onPlayerReady(event) {

        // when video ends
        function onPlayerStateChange(event) {        
            if( === 0) {          


exclude @Component from @ComponentScan

In case of excluding test component or test configuration, Spring Boot 1.4 introduced new testing annotations @TestComponent and @TestConfiguration.

Generate a random letter in Python

import string
import random

KEY_LEN = 20

def base_str():
    return (string.letters+string.digits)   
def key_gen():
    keylist = [random.choice(base_str()) for i in range(KEY_LEN)]
    return ("".join(keylist))

You can get random strings like this:


Jquery click not working with ipad

Use bind function instead. Make it more friendly.


var clickHandler = "click";

if('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement){
    clickHandler = "touchstart";

    alert('Visible on touch and non-touch enabled devices');

How to Detect if I'm Compiling Code with a particular Visual Studio version?

_MSC_VER should be defined to a specific version number. You can either #ifdef on it, or you can use the actual define and do a runtime test. (If for some reason you wanted to run different code based on what compiler it was compiled with? Yeah, probably you were looking for the #ifdef. :))

Are multi-line strings allowed in JSON?

While not standard, I found that some of the JSON libraries have options to support multiline Strings. I am saying this with the caveat, that this will hurt your interoperability.

However in the specific scenario I ran into, I needed to make a config file that was only ever used by one system readable and manageable by humans. And opted for this solution in the end.

Here is how this works out on Java with Jackson:

JsonMapper mapper = JsonMapper.builder()

CSS: Position loading indicator in the center of the screen

You can use this OnLoad or during fetch infos from DB

In HTML Add following code:

<div id="divLoading">
<p id="loading">
    <img src="~/images/spinner.gif">

In CSS add following Code:

#divLoading {
  margin: 0px;
  display: none;
  padding: 0px;
  position: absolute;
  right: 0px;
  top: 0px;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
  z-index: 30001;
  opacity: 0.8;}

#loading {
   position: absolute;
   color: White;
  top: 50%;
  left: 45%;}

if you want to show and hide from JS:

  document.getElementById('divLoading').style.display = 'none'; //Not Visible
  document.getElementById('divLoading').style.display = 'block';//Visible

Passing data from controller to view in Laravel

try with this code :


 $datas=array('fromdate'=>"From Date :".date('d-m-Y',strtotime($fromdate)), 'todate'=>"To 
        return view('inventoryreport/inventoryreportview', compact('datas'));

View Page : 
@foreach($datas as $student)

[Link here]

How to make a <button> in Bootstrap look like a normal link in nav-tabs?

As noted in the official documentation, simply apply the class(es) btn btn-link:

<!-- Deemphasize a button by making it look like a link while maintaining button behavior -->
<button type="button" class="btn btn-link">Link</button>

For example, with the code you have provided:

<link href="//" rel="stylesheet" />_x000D_
<form action="..." method="post">_x000D_
  <div class="row-fluid">_x000D_
    <!-- Navigation for the form -->_x000D_
    <div class="span3">_x000D_
      <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-stacked">_x000D_
          <button class="btn btn-link" role="link" type="submit" name="op" value="Link 1">Link 1</button>_x000D_
          <button class="btn btn-link" role="link" type="submit" name="op" value="Link 2">Link 2</button>_x000D_
        <!-- ... -->_x000D_
    <!-- The actual form -->_x000D_
    <div class="span9">_x000D_
      <!-- ... -->_x000D_

smtpclient " failure sending mail"

apparently this problem got solved just by increasing queue size on my 3rd party smtp server. but the answer by Nip sounds like it is fairly usefull too

Output of git branch in tree like fashion

Tested on Ubuntu:

sudo apt install git-extras

This produces an effect similar to the 2 most upvoted answers here.


Also, if you have arcanist installed (correction: Uber's fork of arcanist installed--see the bottom of this answer here for installation instructions), arc flow shows a beautiful dependency tree of upstream dependencies (ie: which were set previously via arc flow new_branch or manually via git branch --set-upstream-to=upstream_branch).

Bonus git tricks:


  1. What's the difference between `arc graft` and `arc patch`?

How to supply value to an annotation from a Constant java

You can use enum and refer that enum in annotation field

How to import a module in Python with importlib.import_module

And don't forget to create a with each folder/subfolder (even if they are empty)

VBA Macro to compare all cells of two Excel files

Do NOT loop through all cells!! There is a lot of overhead in communications between worksheets and VBA, for both reading and writing. Looping through all cells will be agonizingly slow. I'm talking hours.

Instead, load an entire sheet at once into a Variant array. In Excel 2003, this takes about 2 seconds (and 250 MB of RAM). Then you can loop through it in no time at all.

In Excel 2007 and later, sheets are about 1000 times larger (1048576 rows × 16384 columns = 17 billion cells, compared to 65536 rows × 256 columns = 17 million in Excel 2003). You will run into an "Out of memory" error if you try to load the whole sheet into a Variant; on my machine I can only load 32 million cells at once. So you have to limit yourself to the range you know has actual data in it, or load the sheet bit by bit, e.g. 30 columns at a time.

Option Explicit

Sub test()

    Dim varSheetA As Variant
    Dim varSheetB As Variant
    Dim strRangeToCheck As String
    Dim iRow As Long
    Dim iCol As Long

    strRangeToCheck = "A1:IV65536"
    ' If you know the data will only be in a smaller range, reduce the size of the ranges above.
    Debug.Print Now
    varSheetA = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range(strRangeToCheck)
    varSheetB = Worksheets("Sheet2").Range(strRangeToCheck) ' or whatever your other sheet is.
    Debug.Print Now

    For iRow = LBound(varSheetA, 1) To UBound(varSheetA, 1)
        For iCol = LBound(varSheetA, 2) To UBound(varSheetA, 2)
            If varSheetA(iRow, iCol) = varSheetB(iRow, iCol) Then
                ' Cells are identical.
                ' Do nothing.
                ' Cells are different.
                ' Code goes here for whatever it is you want to do.
            End If
        Next iCol
    Next iRow

End Sub

To compare to a sheet in a different workbook, open that workbook and get the sheet as follows:

Set wbkA = Workbooks.Open(filename:="C:\MyBook.xls")
Set varSheetA = wbkA.Worksheets("Sheet1") ' or whatever sheet you need

What is the difference between 'SAME' and 'VALID' padding in tf.nn.max_pool of tensorflow?

The TensorFlow Convolution example gives an overview about the difference between SAME and VALID :

  • For the SAME padding, the output height and width are computed as:

    out_height = ceil(float(in_height) / float(strides[1]))
    out_width  = ceil(float(in_width) / float(strides[2]))


  • For the VALID padding, the output height and width are computed as:

    out_height = ceil(float(in_height - filter_height + 1) / float(strides[1]))
    out_width  = ceil(float(in_width - filter_width + 1) / float(strides[2]))

How to deal with missing src/test/java source folder in Android/Maven project?

I realise this annoying thing too since latest m2e-android plugin upgrade (version 0.4.2), it happens in both new project creation and existing project import (if you don't use src/test/java).

It looks like m2e-android (or perhaps m2e) now always trying to add src/test/java as a source folder, regardless of whether it is actually existed in your project directory, in the .classpath file:

<classpathentry kind="src" output="bin/classes" path="src/test/java">
    <attribute name="maven.pomderived" value="true"/>

As it is already added in the project metadata file, so if you trying to add the source folder via Eclipse, Eclipse will complain that the classpathentry is already exist:

enter image description here

There are several ways to fix it, the easiest is manually create src/test/java directory in the file system, then refresh your project by press F5 and run Maven -> Update Project (Right click project, choose Maven -> Update Project...), this should fix the missing required source folder: 'src/test/java' error.

XPath to select multiple tags

One correct answer is:

/a/b/*[self::c or self::d or self::e]

Do note that this

a/b/*[local-name()='c' or local-name()='d' or local-name()='e']

is both too-long and incorrect. This XPath expression will select nodes like:




Should I use Java's String.format() if performance is important?

Here is modified version of hhafez entry. It includes a string builder option.

public class BLA
public static final String BLAH = "Blah ";
public static final String BLAH2 = " Blah";
public static final String BLAH3 = "Blah %d Blah";

public static void main(String[] args) {
    int i = 0;
    long prev_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
    long time;
    int numLoops = 1000000;

    for( i = 0; i< numLoops; i++){
        String s = BLAH + i + BLAH2;
    time = System.currentTimeMillis() - prev_time;

    System.out.println("Time after for loop " + time);

    prev_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
    for( i = 0; i<numLoops; i++){
        String s = String.format(BLAH3, i);
    time = System.currentTimeMillis() - prev_time;
    System.out.println("Time after for loop " + time);

    prev_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
    for( i = 0; i<numLoops; i++){
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        String s = sb.toString();
    time = System.currentTimeMillis() - prev_time;
    System.out.println("Time after for loop " + time);



Time after for loop 391 Time after for loop 4163 Time after for loop 227

How do I scroll a row of a table into view (element.scrollintoView) using jQuery?

var rowpos = $('#table tr:last').position();


should do the trick!

Drop rows containing empty cells from a pandas DataFrame

If you don't care about the columns where the missing files are, considering that the dataframe has the name New and one wants to assign the new dataframe to the same variable, simply run

New = New.drop_duplicates()

If you specifically want to remove the rows for the empty values in the column Tenant this will do the work

New = New[New.Tenant != '']

This may also be used for removing rows with a specific value - just change the string to the value that one wants.

Note: If instead of an empty string one has NaN, then

New = New.dropna(subset=['Tenant'])

How to getText on an input in protractor

You have to use Promise to print or store values of element.

 var ExpectedValue:string ="";
          element("xyz")).getAttribute("value").then(function (Text) {

                        expect(Text.trim()).toEqual("ExpectedValue", "Wrong page navigated");//Assertion
        console.log("Text");//Print here in Console


What is the difference between "SMS Push" and "WAP Push"?

SMS Push uses SMS as a carrier, WAP uses download via WAP.

Convert a list to a dictionary in Python

You can also try this approach save the keys and values in different list and then use dict method

data=['test1', '1', 'test2', '2', 'test3', '3', 'test4', '4']

for i,j in enumerate(data):
    if i%2==0:



{'test3': '3', 'test1': '1', 'test2': '2', 'test4': '4'}

8080 port already taken issue when trying to redeploy project from Spring Tool Suite IDE

This is a typical startup failure due to the embedded servlet container’s port being in use.

Your embedded tomcat container failed to start because Port 8080 was already in use.

Just Identify and stop the process that's listening on port 8080 or configure (in you file )this application to listen on another port.

What's the difference between "app.render" and "res.render" in express.js?

use app.render in scenarios where you need to render a view but not send it to a client via http. html emails springs to mind.

Could not find default endpoint element

In my case, I Add service in both start up project and projects that use service with the same name. It worked...

Why won't bundler install JSON gem?

To solve this problem, simply run:

bundle update

It will update the version of your bundler. Then run:

bundle install

Your problem will get solve. Solution is well explained here.

Visual Studio: ContextSwitchDeadlock

As Pedro said, you have an issue with the debugger preventing the message pump if you are stepping through code.

But if you are performing a long running operation on the UI thread, then call Application.DoEvents() which explicitly pumps the message queue and then returns control to your current method.

However if you are doing this I would recommend at looking at your design so that you can perform processing off the UI thread so that your UI remains nice and snappy.

string comparison in batch file

While @ajv-jsy's answer works most of the time, I had the same problem as @MarioVilas. If one of the strings to be compared contains a double quote ("), the variable expansion throws an error.


@echo off

set Lhs="
set Rhs="

if "%Lhs%" == "%Rhs%" echo Equal


echo was unexpected at this time.


Enable delayed expansion and use ! instead of %.

@echo off
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion

set Lhs="
set Rhs="

if !Lhs! == !Rhs! echo Equal

:: Surrounding with double quotes also works but appears (is?) unnecessary.
if "!Lhs!" == "!Rhs!" echo Equal

I have not been able to break it so far using this technique. It works with empty strings and all the symbols I threw at it.


@echo off
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion

:: Test empty string
set Lhs=
set Rhs=
echo Lhs: !Lhs! & echo Rhs: !Rhs!
if !Lhs! == !Rhs! (echo Equal) else (echo Not Equal)

:: Test symbols
set Lhs= \ / : * ? " ' < > | %% ^^ ` ~ @ # $ [ ] & ( ) + - _ =
set Rhs= \ / : * ? " ' < > | %% ^^ ` ~ @ # $ [ ] & ( ) + - _ =
echo Lhs: !Lhs! & echo Rhs: !Rhs!
if !Lhs! == !Rhs! (echo Equal) else (echo Not Equal)

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'appendChild' of null

For people who have the same issue of querySelector or getElementById that returns the following error:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'appendChild' of null

but you have a class name or id in the HTML...

If your script tag is in the head, the JavaScript is loaded before your HTML. You will need to add defer to your script like so:

<script src="script.js" defer></script>

how to redirect to home page


var re = /^https?:\/\/[^/]+/i;
window.location.href = re.exec(window.location.href)[0];

is what you're looking for?

How to distinguish mouse "click" and "drag"

As mrjrdnthms points out in his comment on the accepted answer, this no longer works on Chrome (it always fires the mousemove), I've adapted Gustavo's answer (since I'm using jQuery) to address the Chrome behavior.

var currentPos = [];

$(document).on('mousedown', function (evt) {

   currentPos = [evt.pageX, evt.pageY]

  $(document).on('mousemove', function handler(evt) {

    currentPos=[evt.pageX, evt.pageY];
    $(document).off('mousemove', handler);


  $(document).on('mouseup', function handler(evt) {

    if([evt.pageX, evt.pageY].equals(currentPos))

    $(document).off('mouseup', handler);



The Array.prototype.equals function comes from this answer

How to find a Java Memory Leak

You can find out by measuring memory usage size after calling garbage collector multiple times:

Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();

while(true) {
    if(System.currentTimeMillis() % 4000 == 0){
        float usage = (float) (runtime.totalMemory() - runtime.freeMemory()) / 1024 / 1024;
        System.out.println("Used memory: " + usage + "Mb");


If the output numbers were equal, there is no memory leak in your application, but if you saw difference between the numbers of memory usage (increasing numbers), there is memory leak in your project. For example:

Used memory: 14.603279Mb
Used memory: 14.737213Mb
Used memory: 14.772224Mb
Used memory: 14.802681Mb
Used memory: 14.840599Mb
Used memory: 14.900841Mb
Used memory: 14.942261Mb
Used memory: 14.976143Mb

Note that sometimes it takes some time to release memory by some actions like streams and sockets. You should not judge by first outputs, You should test it in a specific amount of time.

How to display default text "--Select Team --" in combo box on pageload in WPF?

Based on IceForge's answer I prepared a reusable solution:

xaml style:

<Style x:Key="ComboBoxSelectOverlay" TargetType="TextBlock">
    <Setter Property="Grid.ZIndex" Value="10"/>
    <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="{x:Static SystemColors.GrayTextBrush}"/>
    <Setter Property="Margin" Value="6,4,10,0"/>
    <Setter Property="IsHitTestVisible" Value="False"/>
    <Setter Property="Visibility" Value="Hidden"/>
        <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding}" Value="{x:Null}">
            <Setter Property="Visibility" Value="Visible"/>

example of use:

     <ComboBox x:Name="cmb"
               ItemsSource="{Binding Teams}" 
               SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedTeam}"/>
     <TextBlock DataContext="{Binding ElementName=cmb,Path=SelectedItem}"
               Text=" -- Select Team --" 
               Style="{StaticResource ComboBoxSelectOverlay}"/>

gitx How do I get my 'Detached HEAD' commits back into master

If checkout master was the last thing you did, then the reflog entry HEAD@{1} will contain your commits (otherwise use git reflog or git log -p to find them). Use git merge HEAD@{1} to fast forward them into master.


As noted in the comments, Git Ready has a great article on this.

git reflog and git reflog --all will give you the commit hashes of the mis-placed commits.

Git Ready: Reflog, Your Safety Net


Run Executable from Powershell script with parameters

Just adding an example that worked fine for me:

$sqldb = [string]($sqldir) + '\bin\MySQLInstanceConfig.exe'
$myarg = '-i ConnectionUsage=DSS Port=3311 ServiceName=MySQL RootPassword= ' + $rootpw
Start-Process $sqldb -ArgumentList $myarg

@selector() in Swift?

Swift 2.2+ and Swift 3 Update

Use the new #selector expression, which eliminates the need to use string literals making usage less error-prone. For reference:




See also: Swift Evolution Proposal

Note (Swift 4.0):

If using #selectoryou would need to mark the function as @objc


@objc func something(_ sender: UIButton)

Get current date/time in seconds*24*60*60*1000

This should give you the milliseconds from the beginning of the day.


This should give you seconds.


Same as previous except uses a bitwise operator to floor the amount of days.

Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints

Mine started working when I set AllowDBNull to True on a date field on a data table in the xsd file.

Tests not running in Test Explorer

In my case I had an async void Method and I replaced with async Task ,so the test run as i expected :

    public async  void SendTest(){}

replace with :

    public async  Task SendTest(){}

Can Keras with Tensorflow backend be forced to use CPU or GPU at will?

I just spent some time figure it out. Thoma's answer is not complete. Say your program is, you want to use gpu0 to run this program, and keep other gpus free.

You should write CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python

Notice it's DEVICES not DEVICE

How to get whole and decimal part of a number?

This is the way which I use:

$float = 4.3;    

$dec = ltrim(($float - floor($float)),"0."); // result .3

How do I print out the contents of an object in Rails for easy debugging?

inspect is great but sometimes not good enough. E.g. BigDecimal prints like this: #<BigDecimal:7ff49f5478b0,'0.1E2',9(18)>.

To have full control over what's printed you could redefine to_s or inspect methods. Or create your own one to not confuse future devs too much.

  class Something < ApplicationRecord

    def to_s{ |k, v| { k => v.to_s } }.inject(:merge)


This will apply a method (i.e. to_s) to all attributes. This example will get rid of the ugly BigDecimals.

You can also redefine a handful of attributes only:

  def to_s
    attributes.merge({ my_attribute: my_attribute.to_s })

You can also create a mix of the two or somehow add associations.

UTF-8 all the way through

Data Storage:

  • Specify the utf8mb4 character set on all tables and text columns in your database. This makes MySQL physically store and retrieve values encoded natively in UTF-8. Note that MySQL will implicitly use utf8mb4 encoding if a utf8mb4_* collation is specified (without any explicit character set).

  • In older versions of MySQL (< 5.5.3), you'll unfortunately be forced to use simply utf8, which only supports a subset of Unicode characters. I wish I were kidding.

Data Access:

  • In your application code (e.g. PHP), in whatever DB access method you use, you'll need to set the connection charset to utf8mb4. This way, MySQL does no conversion from its native UTF-8 when it hands data off to your application and vice versa.

  • Some drivers provide their own mechanism for configuring the connection character set, which both updates its own internal state and informs MySQL of the encoding to be used on the connection—this is usually the preferred approach. In PHP:

    • If you're using the PDO abstraction layer with PHP = 5.3.6, you can specify charset in the DSN:

       $dbh = new PDO('mysql:charset=utf8mb4');
    • If you're using mysqli, you can call set_charset():

        $mysqli->set_charset('utf8mb4');       // object oriented style
        mysqli_set_charset($link, 'utf8mb4');  // procedural style
    • If you're stuck with plain mysql but happen to be running PHP = 5.2.3, you can call mysql_set_charset.

  • If the driver does not provide its own mechanism for setting the connection character set, you may have to issue a query to tell MySQL how your application expects data on the connection to be encoded: SET NAMES 'utf8mb4'.

  • The same consideration regarding utf8mb4/utf8 applies as above.


  • If your application transmits text to other systems, they will also need to be informed of the character encoding. With web applications, the browser must be informed of the encoding in which data is sent (through HTTP response headers or HTML metadata).

  • In PHP, you can use the default_charset php.ini option, or manually issue the Content-Type MIME header yourself, which is just more work but has the same effect.

  • When encoding the output using json_encode(), add JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE as a second parameter.


  • Unfortunately, you should verify every received string as being valid UTF-8 before you try to store it or use it anywhere. PHP's mb_check_encoding() does the trick, but you have to use it religiously. There's really no way around this, as malicious clients can submit data in whatever encoding they want, and I haven't found a trick to get PHP to do this for you reliably.

  • From my reading of the current HTML spec, the following sub-bullets are not necessary or even valid anymore for modern HTML. My understanding is that browsers will work with and submit data in the character set specified for the document. However, if you're targeting older versions of HTML (XHTML, HTML4, etc.), these points may still be useful:

    • For HTML before HTML5 only: you want all data sent to you by browsers to be in UTF-8. Unfortunately, if you go by the only way to reliably do this is add the accept-charset attribute to all your <form> tags: <form ... accept-charset="UTF-8">.
    • For HTML before HTML5 only: note that the W3C HTML spec says that clients "should" default to sending forms back to the server in whatever charset the server served, but this is apparently only a recommendation, hence the need for being explicit on every single <form> tag.

Other Code Considerations:

  • Obviously enough, all files you'll be serving (PHP, HTML, JavaScript, etc.) should be encoded in valid UTF-8.

  • You need to make sure that every time you process a UTF-8 string, you do so safely. This is, unfortunately, the hard part. You'll probably want to make extensive use of PHP's mbstring extension.

  • PHP's built-in string operations are not by default UTF-8 safe. There are some things you can safely do with normal PHP string operations (like concatenation), but for most things you should use the equivalent mbstring function.

  • To know what you're doing (read: not mess it up), you really need to know UTF-8 and how it works on the lowest possible level. Check out any of the links from for some good resources to learn everything you need to know.

jQuery detect if textarea is empty

if (!$.trim($("element").val())) {


What is the purpose of wrapping whole Javascript files in anonymous functions like “(function(){ … })()”?

We should also use 'use strict' in the scope function to make sure that the code should be executed in "strict mode". Sample code shown below

(function() {
    'use strict';

    //Your code from here

How can I dynamically add items to a Java array?

keep a count of where you are in the primitive array

class recordStuff extends Thread
    double[] aListOfDoubles;
    int i = 0;

    void run()
        double newData;
        newData = getNewData(); // gets data from somewhere

        aListofDoubles[i] = newData; // adds it to the primitive array of doubles
        i++ // increments the counter for the next pass

        System.out.println("mode: " + doStuff());

    void doStuff()
        // Calculate the mode of the double[] array

        for (int i = 0; i < aListOfDoubles.length; i++) 
            int count = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < aListOfDoubles.length; j++)
                if (a[j] == a[i]) count++;
            if (count > maxCount) 
                maxCount = count;
                maxValue = aListOfDoubles[i];
        return maxValue;

How to programmatically set the SSLContext of a JAX-WS client?

I tried the steps here:

And, that fixed the issue. I made some minor tweaks - I set the two parameters using System.getProperty...

error: request for member '..' in '..' which is of non-class type

If you want to declare a new substance with no parameter (knowing that the object have default parameters) don't write

 type substance1();


 type substance;

How to install JRE 1.7 on Mac OS X and use it with Eclipse?

You need to tell Eclipse which JDK/JRE's you have installed and where they are located.

This is somewhat burried in the Eclipse preferences: In the Window-Menu select "Preferences". In the Preferences Tree, open the Node "Java" and select "Installed JRE's". Then click on the "Add"-Button in the Panel and select "Standard VM", "Next" and for "JRE Home" click on the "Directory"-Button and select the top level folder of the JDK you want to add.

Its easier than the description may make it look.

How to find the Center Coordinate of Rectangle?

We can calculate using mid point of line formula,

centre (x,y) =  new Point((,(

Disable SSL fallback and use only TLS for outbound connections in .NET? (Poodle mitigation)

I found the simplest solution is to add two registry entries as follows (run this in a command prompt with admin privileges):

reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v4.0.30319 /v SchUseStrongCrypto /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /reg:32

reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v4.0.30319 /v SchUseStrongCrypto /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /reg:64

These entries seem to affect how the .NET CLR chooses a protocol when making a secure connection as a client.

There is more information about this registry entry here:

Not only is this simpler, but assuming it works for your case, far more robust than a code-based solution, which requires developers to track protocol and development and update all their relevant code. Hopefully, similar environment changes can be made for TLS 1.3 and beyond, as long as .NET remains dumb enough to not automatically choose the highest available protocol.

NOTE: Even though, according to the article above, this is only supposed to disable RC4, and one would not think this would change whether the .NET client is allowed to use TLS1.2+ or not, for some reason it does have this effect.

NOTE: As noted by @Jordan Rieger in the comments, this is not a solution for POODLE, since it does not disable the older protocols a -- it merely allows the client to work with newer protocols e.g. when a patched server has disabled the older protocols. However, with a MITM attack, obviously a compromised server will offer the client an older protocol, which the client will then happily use.

TODO: Try to disable client-side use of TLS1.0 and TLS1.1 with these registry entries, however I don't know if the .NET http client libraries respect these settings or not:

WPF loading spinner

The customized spinner posted by @Menol had a small issue where the spinner would be shifted down and to the right by the size of one dot. I have updated the code so that it compensates for this offset by subtracting by half the dot.

Here is the updated code:

    private void initialSetup()
        float horizontalCenter = (float)(SpinnerWidth / 2);
        float verticalCenter = (float)(SpinnerHeight / 2);
        float distance = (float)Math.Min(SpinnerHeight, SpinnerWidth) / 2;
        float dotComp = (float)(EllipseSize / 2);

        double angleInRadians = 44.8;
        float cosine = (float)Math.Cos(angleInRadians);
        float sine = (float)Math.Sin(angleInRadians);

        EllipseN = newPos(left: horizontalCenter - dotComp, top: verticalCenter - distance - dotComp);
        EllipseNE = newPos(left: horizontalCenter + (distance * cosine) - dotComp, top: verticalCenter - (distance * sine) - dotComp);
        EllipseE = newPos(left: horizontalCenter + distance - dotComp, top: verticalCenter - dotComp);
        EllipseSE = newPos(left: horizontalCenter + (distance * cosine) - dotComp, top: verticalCenter + (distance * sine) - dotComp);
        EllipseS = newPos(left: horizontalCenter - dotComp, top: verticalCenter + distance - dotComp);
        EllipseSW = newPos(left: horizontalCenter - (distance * cosine) - dotComp, top: verticalCenter + (distance * sine) - dotComp);
        EllipseW = newPos(left: horizontalCenter - distance - dotComp, top: verticalCenter - dotComp);
        EllipseNW = newPos(left: horizontalCenter - (distance * cosine) - dotComp, top: verticalCenter - (distance * sine) - dotComp);

Does Django scale?

Check out this micro news aggregator called EveryBlock.

It's entirely written in Django. In fact they are the people who developed the Django framework itself.

Print string and variable contents on the same line in R

Easiest way to do this is to use paste()

> paste("Today is", date())
[1] "Today is Sat Feb 21 15:25:18 2015"

paste0() would result in the following:

> paste0("Today is", date())
[1] "Today isSat Feb 21 15:30:46 2015"

Notice there is no default seperator between the string and x. Using a space at the end of the string is a quick fix:

> paste0("Today is ", date())
[1] "Today is Sat Feb 21 15:32:17 2015"

Then combine either function with print()

> print(paste("This is", date()))
[1] "This is Sat Feb 21 15:34:23 2015"


> print(paste0("This is ", date()))
[1] "This is Sat Feb 21 15:34:56 2015"

As other users have stated, you could also use cat()

How to export data from Spark SQL to CSV

The error message suggests this is not a supported feature in the query language. But you can save a DataFrame in any format as usual through the RDD interface (df.rdd.saveAsTextFile). Or you can check out

Android Facebook style slide

I think that library does not mentioned:

jfeinstein10 / SlidingMenu

github url:

  • works fine with action bar ActionBarSherlock which helps in backward compatibility!
  • Support right slide and not only slide via button!

Radio button validation in javascript

1st: If you know that your code isn't right, you should fix it before do anything!

You could do something like this:

function validateForm() {
    var radios = document.getElementsByName("yesno");
    var formValid = false;

    var i = 0;
    while (!formValid && i < radios.length) {
        if (radios[i].checked) formValid = true;

    if (!formValid) alert("Must check some option!");
    return formValid;

See it in action: Address already in use: JVM_Bind <null>:80

Setting Tomcat to listen to port 80 is WRONG , for development the 8080 is a good port to use. For production use, just set up an apache that shall forward your requests to your tomcat. Here is a how to.

gpg decryption fails with no secret key error

I was trying to use aws-vault which uses pass and gnugp2 (gpg2). I'm on Ubuntu 20.04 running in WSL2.

I tried all the solutions above, and eventually, I had to do one more thing -

$ rm ~/.gnupg/S.*                    # remove cache
$ gpg-connect-agent reloadagent /bye # restart gpg agent
$ export GPG_TTY=$(tty)              # prompt for password
# ^ This last line should be added to your ~/.bashrc file

The source of this solution is from some blog-post in Japanese, luckily there's Google Translate :)

Combining paste() and expression() functions in plot labels

EDIT: added a new example for ggplot2 at the end

See ?plotmath for the different mathematical operations in R

You should be able to use expression without paste. If you use the tilda (~) symbol within the expression function it will assume there is a space between the characters, or you could use the * symbol and it won't put a space between the arguments

Sometimes you will need to change the margins in you're putting superscripts on the y-axis.

par(mar=c(5, 4.3, 4, 2) + 0.1)
plot(1:10, xlab = expression(xLab ~ x^2 ~ m^-2),
     ylab = expression(yLab ~ y^2 ~ m^-2),
     main="Plot 1")

enter image description here

plot(1:10, xlab = expression(xLab * x^2 * m^-2),
     ylab = expression(yLab * y^2 * m^-2),
     main="Plot 2")

enter image description here

plot(1:10, xlab = expression(xLab ~ x^2 * m^-2),
     ylab = expression(yLab ~ y^2 * m^-2),
     main="Plot 3")

enter image description here

Hopefully you can see the differences between plots 1, 2 and 3 with the different uses of the ~ and * symbols. An extra note, you can use other symbols such as plotting the degree symbol for temperatures for or mu, phi. If you want to add a subscript use the square brackets.

plot(1:10, xlab = expression('Your x label' ~ mu[3] * phi),
     ylab = expression("Temperature (" * degree * C *")"))

enter image description here

Here is a ggplot example using expression with a nonsense example


Or if you have the pacman library installed you can use p_load to automatically download and load and attach add-on packages

# require(pacman)
# p_load(ggplot2)

data = data.frame(x = 1:10, y = 1:10)

ggplot(data, aes(x,y)) + geom_point() + 
  xlab(expression(bar(yourUnits) ~ g ~ m^-2 ~ OR ~ integral(f(x)*dx, a,b))) + 
  ylab(expression("Biomass (g per" ~ m^3 *")")) + theme_bw()

enter image description here

How to clear File Input

I have done something like this and it's working for me


R * not meaningful for factors ERROR

new[,2] is a factor, not a numeric vector. Transform it first

new$MY_NEW_COLUMN <-as.numeric(as.character(new[,2])) * 5

How to detect escape key press with pure JS or jQuery?

Pure JS

you can attach a listener to keyUp event for the document.

Also, if you want to make sure, any other key is not pressed along with Esc key, you can use values of ctrlKey, altKey, and shifkey.

 document.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {
        if (event.key === 'Escape') {
         //if esc key was not pressed in combination with ctrl or alt or shift
            const isNotCombinedKey = !(event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || event.shiftKey);
            if (isNotCombinedKey) {
                console.log('Escape key was pressed with out any group keys')

Is it possible to preview stash contents in git?

Show all stashes

File names only:

for i in $(git stash list --format="%gd") ; do echo "======$i======"; git stash show $i; done

Full file contents in all stashes:

for i in $(git stash list --format="%gd") ; do echo "======$i======"; git stash show -p $i; done

You will get colorized diff output that you can page with space (forward) and b (backwards), and q to close the pager for the current stash. If you would rather have it in a file then append > stashes.diff to the command.

cast or convert a float to nvarchar?

Check STR. You need something like SELECT STR([Column_Name],10,0) ** This is SQL Server solution, for other servers check their docs.

How can I fix the 'Missing Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) Response Header' webfont issue?

In your particular case the issue seem to be with accessing the site from non-canonical url ( vs.

Instead of fixing CORS issue (which may require writing proxy to server fonts with proper CORS headers depending on service provider) you can normalize your Urls to always server content on canonical Url and simply redirect if one requests page without "www.".

Alternatively you can upload fonts to different server/CDN that is known to have CORS headers configured or you can easily do so.

What does 'git blame' do?

The git blame command is used to know who/which commit is responsible for the latest changes made to a file. The author/commit of each line can also been seen.

git blame filename (commits responsible for changes for all lines in code)

git blame filename -L 0,10 (commits responsible for changes from line "0" to line "10")

There are many other options for blame, but generally these could help.

Read XML Attribute using XmlDocument

XmlNodeList elemList = doc.GetElementsByTagName(...);
for (int i = 0; i < elemList.Count; i++)
    string attrVal = elemList[i].Attributes["SuperString"].Value;

Primary key or Unique index?

Foreign keys work with unique constraints as well as primary keys. From Books Online:

A FOREIGN KEY constraint does not have to be linked only to a PRIMARY KEY constraint in another table; it can also be defined to reference the columns of a UNIQUE constraint in another table

For transactional replication, you need the primary key. From Books Online:

Tables published for transactional replication must have a primary key. If a table is in a transactional replication publication, you cannot disable any indexes that are associated with primary key columns. These indexes are required by replication. To disable an index, you must first drop the table from the publication.

Both answers are for SQL Server 2005.

JavaScript: location.href to open in new window/tab?

For example:

        var t               = $(this), 
            URL             = t.attr('data-href');        
        $('<a href="'+ URL +'" target="_blank">External Link</a>')[0].click();


Working example.

How do I script a "yes" response for installing programs?

Although this may be more complicated/heavier-weight than you want, one very flexible way to do it is using something like Expect (or one of the derivatives in another programming language).

Expect is a language designed specifically to control text-based applications, which is exactly what you are looking to do. If you end up needing to do something more complicated (like with logic to actually decide what to do/answer next), Expect is the way to go.

Winforms TableLayoutPanel adding rows programmatically

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        Dim dt As New DataTable
        Dim dc As DataColumn
        dc = New DataColumn("Question", System.Type.GetType("System.String"))

        dc = New DataColumn("Ans1", System.Type.GetType("System.String"))
        dc = New DataColumn("Ans2", System.Type.GetType("System.String"))
        dc = New DataColumn("Ans3", System.Type.GetType("System.String"))
        dc = New DataColumn("Ans4", System.Type.GetType("System.String"))
        dc = New DataColumn("AnsType", System.Type.GetType("System.String"))

        Dim Dr As DataRow
        Dr = dt.NewRow
        Dr("Question") = "What is Your Name"
        Dr("Ans1") = "Ravi"
        Dr("Ans2") = "Mohan"
        Dr("Ans3") = "Sohan"
        Dr("Ans4") = "Gopal"
        Dr("AnsType") = "Multi"

        Dr = dt.NewRow
        Dr("Question") = "What is your father Name"
        Dr("Ans1") = "Ravi22"
        Dr("Ans2") = "Mohan2"
        Dr("Ans3") = "Sohan2"
        Dr("Ans4") = "Gopal2"
        Dr("AnsType") = "Multi"
        Panel1.GrowStyle = TableLayoutPanelGrowStyle.AddRows
        Panel1.CellBorderStyle = TableLayoutPanelCellBorderStyle.Single
        Panel1.BackColor = Color.Azure
        Panel1.RowStyles.Insert(0, New RowStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 50))
        Dim i As Integer = 0

        For Each dri As DataRow In dt.Rows

            Dim lab As New Label()
            lab.Text = dri("Question")
            lab.AutoSize = True

            Panel1.Controls.Add(lab, 0, i)

            Dim Ans1 As CheckBox
            Ans1 = New CheckBox()
            Ans1.Text = dri("Ans1")
            Panel1.Controls.Add(Ans1, 1, i)

            Dim Ans2 As RadioButton
            Ans2 = New RadioButton()
            Ans2.Text = dri("Ans2")
            Panel1.Controls.Add(Ans2, 2, i)
            i = i + 1


How can I dynamically add a directive in AngularJS?

The accepted answer by Josh David Miller works great if you are trying to dynamically add a directive that uses an inline template. However if your directive takes advantage of templateUrl his answer will not work. Here is what worked for me:

.directive('helperModal', [, "$compile", "$timeout", function ($compile, $timeout) {
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        replace: true,
        scope: {}, 
        templateUrl: "app/views/modal.html",
        link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
            scope.modalTitle = attrs.modaltitle;
            scope.modalContentDirective = attrs.modalcontentdirective;
        controller: function ($scope, $element, $attrs) {
            if ($attrs.modalcontentdirective != undefined && $attrs.modalcontentdirective != '') {
                var el = $compile($attrs.modalcontentdirective)($scope);
                $timeout(function () {
                }, 0);

How do I parse JSON into an int?

Non of them worked for me. I did this and it worked:

To encode as a json:

JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
obj.put("productId", 100);

To decode:

long temp = (Long) obj.get("productId");

MySQL equivalent of DECODE function in Oracle

you can use if() in place of decode() in mySql as follows This query will print all even id row.

mysql> select id, name from employee where id in
-> (select if(id%2=0,id,null) from employee);

How to find the first and second maximum number?

If you want the second highest number you can use


although that doesn't account for duplicates so you could get the same result as the Max

If you want the largest number that is smaller than the maximum number you can use this version


Regex for allowing alphanumeric,-,_ and space

Try this regex:


What is the native keyword in Java for?

The native keyword is applied to a method to indicate that the method is implemented in native code using JNI (Java Native Interface).

Find everything between two XML tags with RegEx

In our case, we receive an XML as a String and need to get rid of the values that have some "special" characters, like &<> etc. Basically someone can provide an XML to us in this form:

     <to>jenice & carl </to>
     <from>your neighbor <; </from>

So I need to find in that String the values jenice & carl and your neighbor <; and properly escape & and < (otherwise this is an invalid xml if you later pass it to an engine that shall rename unnamed).

Doing this with regex is a rather dumb idea to begin with, but it's cheap and easy. So the brave ones that would like to do the same thing I did, here you go:

    String xml = ...
    Pattern p = Pattern.compile("<(.+)>(?!\\R<)(.+)</(\\1)>");
    Matcher m = p.matcher(xml);
    String result = m.replaceAll(mr -> {
        if ("&")) {
            return "<" + + ">" + + "+ some change" + "</" + + ">";
        return "<" + + ">" + + "</" + + ">";

How to do Select All(*) in linq to sql

from row in TableA select row

Or just:


In method syntax, with other operators:

TableA.Where(row => row.IsInteresting) // no .Select(), returns the whole row.

Essentially, you already are selecting all columns, the select then transforms that to the columns you care about, so you can even do things like:

from user in Users select user.LastName+", "+user.FirstName

How to open a new HTML page using jQuery?

use"file2.html"); to open on new window,

or use window.location.href = "file2.html" to open on same window.

jQuery Validation plugin: validate check box

There is the easy way


<input type="checkbox" name="test[]" />x
<input type="checkbox" name="test[]"  />y
<input type="checkbox" name="test[]" />z
<button type="button" id="submit">Submit</button>


    if (($("input[name*='test']:checked").length)<=0) {
        alert("You must check at least 1 box");
    return true;

For this you not need any plugin. Enjoy;)

Can I escape a double quote in a verbatim string literal?

Use double quotation marks.

string foo = @"this ""word"" is escaped";

How to set a default value in react-select

I just went through this myself and chose to set the default value at the reducer INIT function.

If you bind your select with redux then best not 'de-bind' it with a select default value that doesn't represent the actual value, instead set the value when you initialize the object.

How to convert array values to lowercase in PHP?

Hi, try this solution. Simple use php array map

function myfunction($value)
 return strtolower($value);

$new_array = ["Value1","Value2","Value3" ];
print_r(array_map("myfunction",$new_array ));

Output Array ( [0] => value1 [1] => value2 [2] => value3 )

How to negate specific word in regex?

If it's truly a word, bar that you don't want to match, then:


The above will match any string that does not contain bar that is on a word boundary, that is to say, separated from non-word characters. However, the period/dot (.) used in the above pattern will not match newline characters unless the correct regex flag is used:




Instead of using any special flag, we are looking for any character that is either white space or non-white space. That should cover every character.

But what if we would like to match words that might contain bar, but just not the specific word bar?

  1. (?!\bbar\b) Assert that the next input is not bar on a word boundary.
  2. \b\[A-Za-z-]*bar[a-z-]*\b Matches any word on a word boundary that contains bar.

See Regex Demo

All shards failed

If you encounter this apparent index corruption in a running system, you can work around it by deleting all files called segments.gen. It is advisory only, and Lucene can recover correctly without it.

From ElasticSearch Blog

How to add an element to Array and shift indexes?

Here is a quasi-oneliner that does it:

String[] prependedArray = new ArrayList<String>() {
}.toArray(new String[0]);

Java: How to check if object is null?

Just to give some ideas to oracle Java source developer :-)

The solution already exists in .Net and is more very more readable !

In Visual Basic .Net

Drawable drawable 
    = If(Common.getDrawableFromUrl(this, product.getMapPath())

In C#

Drawable drawable 
    = Common.getDrawableFromUrl(this, product.getMapPath() 
        ?? getRandomDrawable();

These solutions are powerful as Optional Java solution (default string is only evaluated if original value is null) without using lambda expression, just in adding a new operator.

Just to see quickly the difference with Java solution, I have added the 2 Java solutions

Using Optional in Java

Drawable drawable = 
    Optional.ofNullable(Common.getDrawableFromUrl(this, product.getMapPath()))
        .orElseGet(() -> getRandomDrawable());

Using { } in Java

Drawable drawable = Common.getDrawableFromUrl(this, product.getMapPath());
if (drawable != null)
    drawable = getRandomDrawable();

Personally, I like VB.Net but I prefer ?? C# or if {} solution in Java ... and you ?

Chmod recursively

Adding executable permissions, recursively, to all files (not folders) within the current folder with sh extension:

find . -name '*.sh' -type f | xargs chmod +x

* Notice the pipe (|)

How to Get the Current URL Inside @if Statement (Blade) in Laravel 4?

For named routes, I use:

@if(url()->current() == route('routeName')) class="current" @endif

Double decimal formatting in Java

Works 100%.

import java.text.DecimalFormat;

public class Formatting {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        double value = 22.2323242434342;
        // or  value = Math.round(value*100) / 100.0;

        System.out.println("this is before formatting: "+value);
        DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("####0.00");

        System.out.println("Value: " + df.format(value));


How do I display a ratio in Excel in the format A:B?

Try this formula:



A   B   C
33  11  3:1
25  5   5:1
6   4   3:2


  • TEXT(A1/B1,"?/?") turns A/B into an improper fraction
  • SUBSTITUTE(...) replaces the "/" in the fraction with a colon

This doesn't require any special toolkits or macros. The only downside might be that the result is considered text--not a number--so you can easily use it for further calculations.

Note: as @Robin Day suggested, increase the number of question marks (?) as desired to reduce rounding (thanks Robin!).

Apache Server (xampp) doesn't run on Windows 10 (Port 80)

You may need to terminate SQL Server Reporting Services as well.

How to: Add/Remove Class on mouseOver/mouseOut - JQuery .hover?

You are missing the dot on the selector, and you can use toggleClass method on jquery:

  function () {

Searching for Text within Oracle Stored Procedures

I allways use UPPER(text) like UPPER('%blah%')

WebService Client Generation Error with JDK8

When using Maven with IntelliJ IDE you can add -Djavax.xml.accessExternalSchema=all to Maven setting under JVM Options for Maven Build Tools Runner configuration

Find provisioning profile in Xcode 5

I wrote a simple bash script to get around this stupid problem. Pass in the path to a named copy of your provision (downloaded from and it will identify the matching GUID-renamed file in your provision library:


if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
  echo -e "\nUsage: $0 <myprovision>\n"

if [ ! -f "$1" ] ; then
  echo -e "\nFile not found: $1\n"

provisionpath="$HOME/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles"
provisions=$( ls "$provisionpath" )

for i in $provisions ; do
  match=$( diff "$1" "$provisionpath/$i" )
  if [ "$match" = "" ] ; then
    echo -e "\nmatch: $provisionpath/$i\n"

Java: how to use UrlConnection to post request with authorization?

To do oAuth authentication to external app (INSTAGRAM) Step 3 "get the token after receiving the code" Only code below worked for me

Worth to state also that it worked for me using some localhost URL with a callback servlet configured with name "callback in web.xml and callback URL registered: e.g. localhost:8084/MyAPP/docs/insta/callback

BUT after successfully completed authentication steps, using same external site "INSTAGRAM" to do GET of Tags or MEDIA to retrieve JSON data using initial method didn't work. Inside my servlet to do GET using url like e.g. only method found HERE worked

Thanks to all contributors

        URL url = new URL(httpurl);
        HashMap<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
        params.put("client_id", id);
        params.put("client_secret", secret);
        params.put("grant_type", "authorization_code");
        params.put("redirect_uri", redirect);
        params.put("code", code);  // your INSTAGRAM code received 
        Set set = params.entrySet();
        Iterator i = set.iterator();
        StringBuilder postData = new StringBuilder();
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> param : params.entrySet()) {
            if (postData.length() != 0) {
            postData.append(URLEncoder.encode(param.getKey(), "UTF-8"));
            postData.append(URLEncoder.encode(String.valueOf(param.getValue()), "UTF-8"));
        byte[] postDataBytes = postData.toString().getBytes("UTF-8");

        HttpsURLConnection conn = (HttpsURLConnection) url.openConnection();
        conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
        conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", String.valueOf(postDataBytes.length));
        BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"));
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
        for (String line = null; (line = reader.readLine()) != null;) {
        System.out.println("INSTAGRAM token returned: "+builder.toString());

Loop through a date range with JavaScript

Let us assume you got the start date and end date from the UI and stored it in the scope variable in the controller.

Then declare an array which will get reset on every function call so that on the next call for the function the new data can be stored.

var dayLabel = [];

Remember to use new Date(your starting variable) because if you dont use the new date and directly assign it to variable the setDate function will change the origional variable value in each iteration`

for (var d = new Date($scope.startDate); d <= $scope.endDate; d.setDate(d.getDate() + 1)) {
                dayLabel.push(new Date(d));

Can HTTP POST be limitless?

Different IIS web servers can process different amounts of data in the 'header', according to this (now deleted) article;;

Note that there is no limit on the number of FORM elements you can pass via POST, but only on the aggregate size of all name/value pairs. While GET is limited to as low as 1024 characters, POST data is limited to 2 MB on IIS 4.0, and 128 KB on IIS 5.0. Each name/value is limited to 1024 characters, as imposed by the SGML spec. Of course this does not apply to files uploaded using enctype='multipart/form-data' ... I have had no problems uploading files in the 90 - 100 MB range using IIS 5.0, aside from having to increase the server.scriptTimeout value as well as my patience!

Easier way to debug a Windows service

Use the TopShelf library.

Create a console application then configure setup in your Main

class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            HostFactory.Run(x =>

                // setup service start and stop.
                x.Service<Controller>(s =>
                    s.ConstructUsing(name => new Controller());
                    s.WhenStarted(controller => controller.Start());
                    s.WhenStopped(controller => controller.Stop());

                // setup recovery here
                x.EnableServiceRecovery(rc =>
                    rc.RestartService(delayInMinutes: 0);
                    rc.SetResetPeriod(days: 0);


public class Controller
        public void Start()


        public void Stop()


To debug your service, just hit F5 in visual studio.

To install service, type in cmd "console.exe install"

You can then start and stop service in the windows service manager.

How do I get a Date without time in Java?

Well, as far as I know there is no easier way to achieve this if you only use the standard JDK.

You can, of course, put that logic in method2 into a static function in a helper class, like done here in the toBeginningOfTheDay-method

Then you can shorten the second method to:

Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
dateWithoutTime = cal.getTime();

Or, if you really need the current day in this format so often, then you can just wrap it up in another static helper method, thereby making it a one-liner.

Refreshing Web Page By WebDriver When Waiting For Specific Condition

There is also a case when you want to refresh only specific iframe on page and not the full page.

You do is as follows:

public void refreshIFrameByJavaScriptExecutor(String iFrameId){
        String script= "document.getElementById('" + iFrameId+ "').src = " + "document.getElementById('" + iFrameId+ "').src";

Finding current executable's path without /proc/self/exe

Well, of course, this doesn't apply to all projects. Still, QCoreApplication::applicationFilePath() never failed me in 6 years of C++/Qt development.

Of course, one should read documentation thoroughly before attempting to use it:

Warning: On Linux, this function will try to get the path from the /proc file system. If that fails, it assumes that argv[0] contains the absolute file name of the executable. The function also assumes that the current directory has not been changed by the application.

To be honest, I think that #ifdef and other solutions like that shouldn't be used in modern code at all.

I'm sure that smaller cross-platform libraries also exist. Let them encapsulate all that platform-specific stuff inside.

Command not found when using sudo

It seems that linux will say "command not found" even if you explicitly give the path to the file.

[veeam@jsandbox ~]$ sudo /tmp/;echo $?
sudo: /tmp/ command not found
[veeam@jsandbox ~]$ chmod +x /tmp/
[veeam@jsandbox ~]$ sudo /tmp/;echo $?

It's a somewhat misleading error, however it's probably technically correct. A file is not a command until its executable, and so cannot be found.

Make element fixed on scroll

There are some problems implementing this which the original accepted answer does not answer:

  1. The onscroll event of the window is firing very often. This implies that you either have to use a very performant listener, or you have to delay the listener somehow. jQuery Creator John Resig states here how a delayed mechanism can be implemented, and the reasons why you should do it. In my opinion, given todays browsers and environments, a performant listener will do as well. Here is an implementation of the pattern suggested by John Resig
  2. The way position:fixed works in css, if you scroll down the page and move an element from position:static to position: fixed, the page will "jump" a little because the document "looses" the height of the element. You can get rid of that by adding the height to the scrollTop and replace the lost height in the document body with another object. You can also use that object to determine if the sticky item has already been moved to position: fixed and reduce the calls to the code reverting position: fixed to the original state: Look at the fiddle here
  3. Now, the only expensive thing in terms of performance the handler is really doing is calling scrollTop on every call. Since the interval bound handler has also its drawbacks, I'll go as far as to argue here that you can reattach the event listener to the original scroll Event to make it feel snappier without many worries. You'll have to profile it though, on every browser you target / support. See it working here

Here's the code:


/* Initialize sticky outside the event listener as a cached selector.
 * Also, initialize any needed variables outside the listener for 
 * performance reasons - no variable instantiation is happening inside the listener.
var sticky = $('#sticky'),
    stickyTop = sticky.offset().top,
    scrolled = false,
    $window = $(window);

/* Bind the scroll Event */
$window.on('scroll', function (e) {
    scrollTop = $window.scrollTop();

    if (scrollTop >= stickyTop && !stickyClone) {
        /* Attach a clone to replace the "missing" body height */
        stickyClone = sticky.clone().prop('id', sticky.prop('id') + '-clone')
        stickyClone = stickyClone.insertBefore(sticky);
    } else if (scrollTop < stickyTop && stickyClone) {
        /* Since sticky is in the viewport again, we can remove the clone and the class */
        stickyClone = null;


body {
    margin: 0
.sticky {
    padding: 1em;
    background: black;
    color: white;
    width: 100%
.sticky.fixed {
    position: fixed;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
.content {
    padding: 1em


<div class="container">
  <div id="page-above" class="content">
    <h2>Some Content above sticky</h2>
    ...some long text...
  <div id="sticky" class="sticky">This is sticky</div>
  <div id="page-content" class="content">
    <h2>Some Random Page Content</h2>...some really long text...

Check if PHP session has already started

if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.4.0', '<')) {
     if(session_id() == '') {
    if (session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE) {

Javascript - remove an array item by value

You'll want to use JavaScript's Array splice method:

var tag_story = [1,3,56,6,8,90],
    id_tag = 90,
    position = tag_story.indexOf(id_tag);

if ( ~position ) tag_story.splice(position, 1);

P.S. For an explanation of that cool ~ tilde shortcut, see this post:

Using a ~ tilde with indexOf to check for the existence of an item in an array.

Note: IE < 9 does not support .indexOf() on arrays. If you want to make sure your code works in IE, you should use jQuery's $.inArray():

var tag_story = [1,3,56,6,8,90],
    id_tag = 90,
    position = $.inArray(id_tag, tag_story);

if ( ~position ) tag_story.splice(position, 1);

If you want to support IE < 9 but don't already have jQuery on the page, there's no need to use it just for $.inArray. You can use this polyfill instead.

Measure the time it takes to execute a t-sql query

One simplistic approach to measuring the "elapsed time" between events is to just grab the current date and time.

In SQL Server Management Studio

SELECT /* query one */ 1 ;
SELECT /* query two */ 2 ; 

To calculate elapsed times, you could grab those date values into variables, and use the DATEDIFF function:


SET @t1 = GETDATE();
SELECT /* query one */ 1 ;
SET @t2 = GETDATE();
SELECT DATEDIFF(millisecond,@t1,@t2) AS elapsed_ms;

SET @t1 = GETDATE();
SELECT /* query two */ 2 ;
SET @t2 = GETDATE();
SELECT DATEDIFF(millisecond,@t1,@t2) AS elapsed_ms;

That's just one approach. You can also get elapsed times for queries using SQL Profiler.

Date vs DateTime

The DateTime object has a Property which returns only the date portion of the value.

    public static void Main()
    System.DateTime _Now = DateAndTime.Now;
    Console.WriteLine("The Date and Time is " + _Now);
    //will return the date and time
    Console.WriteLine("The Date Only is " + _Now.Date);
    //will return only the date
    Console.Write("Press any key to continue . . . ");

What's the difference between "Write-Host", "Write-Output", or "[console]::WriteLine"?

From my testing Write-Output and [Console]::WriteLine() perform much better than Write-Host.

Depending on how much text you need to write out this may be important.

Below if the result of 5 tests each for Write-Host, Write-Output and [Console]::WriteLine().

In my limited experience, I've found when working with any sort of real world data I need to abandon the cmdlets and go straight for the lower level commands to get any decent performance out of my scripts.

measure-command {$count = 0; while ($count -lt 1000) { Write-Host "hello"; $count++ }}


measure-command { $count = 0; while ($count -lt 1000) { Write-Output "hello"; $count++ }}


measure-command { $count = 0; while ($count -lt 1000) { [console]::WriteLine("hello"); $count++ }}


Counting number of occurrences in column?

Just adding some extra sorting if needed

=QUERY(A2:A,"select A, count(A) where A is not null group by A order by count(A) DESC label A 'Name', count(A) 'Count'",-1)

enter image description here

How to set Java classpath in Linux?

Can you provide some more details like which linux you are using? Are you loged in as root? On linux you have to run export CLASSPATH = %path%;LOG4J_HOME/og4j-1.2.16.jar If you want it permanent then you can add above lines in ~/.bashrc file.

Creation timestamp and last update timestamp with Hibernate and MySQL

Taking the resources in this post along with information taken left and right from different sources, I came with this elegant solution, create the following abstract class

import java.util.Date;

import javax.persistence.Column;
import javax.persistence.MappedSuperclass;
import javax.persistence.PrePersist;
import javax.persistence.PreUpdate;
import javax.persistence.Temporal;
import javax.persistence.TemporalType;

public abstract class AbstractTimestampEntity {

    @Column(name = "created", nullable = false)
    private Date created;

    @Column(name = "updated", nullable = false)
    private Date updated;

    protected void onCreate() {
    updated = created = new Date();

    protected void onUpdate() {
    updated = new Date();

and have all your entities extend it, for instance:

@Table(name = "campaign")
public class Campaign extends AbstractTimestampEntity implements Serializable {

How do I do logging in C# without using 3rd party libraries?

public void Logger(string lines)
  //Write the string to a file.append mode is enabled so that the log
  //lines get appended to  test.txt than wiping content and writing the log

  using(System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter("c:\\test.txt", true))

For more information MSDN

CSS Input field text color of inputted text


input, select, textarea{
    color: #000;


input, select, textarea{
    color: #f00;

or color: #ff0000;

How can I convert a file pointer ( FILE* fp ) to a file descriptor (int fd)?

Even if fileno(FILE *) may return a file descriptor, be VERY careful not to bypass stdio's buffer. If there is buffer data (either read or unflushed write), reads/writes from the file descriptor might give you unexpected results.

To answer one of the side questions, to convert a file descriptor to a FILE pointer, use fdopen(3)

How to decrypt an encrypted Apple iTunes iPhone backup?

Sorry, but it might even be more complicated, involving pbkdf2, or even a variation of it. Listen to the WWDC 2010 session #209, which mainly talks about the security measures in iOS 4, but also mentions briefly the separate encryption of backups and how they're related.

You can be pretty sure that without knowing the password, there's no way you can decrypt it, even by brute force.

Let's just assume you want to try to enable people who KNOW the password to get to the data of their backups.

I fear there's no way around looking at the actual code in iTunes in order to figure out which algos are employed.

Back in the Newton days, I had to decrypt data from a program and was able to call its decryption function directly (knowing the password, of course) without the need to even undersand its algorithm. It's not that easy anymore, unfortunately.

I'm sure there are skilled people around who could reverse engineer that iTunes code - you just have to get them interested.

In theory, Apple's algos should be designed in a way that makes the data still safe (i.e. practically unbreakable by brute force methods) to any attacker knowing the exact encryption method. And in WWDC session 209 they went pretty deep into details about what they do to accomplish this. Maybe you can actually get answers directly from Apple's security team if you tell them your good intentions. After all, even they should know that security by obfuscation is not really efficient. Try their security mailing list. Even if they do not repond, maybe someone else silently on the list will respond with some help.

Good luck!

CertPathValidatorException : Trust anchor for certificate path not found - Retrofit Android

 Use the below code to solve the CertPathValidatorException issue.

 Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()

  public static OkHttpClient.Builder getUnsafeOkHttpClient() {

    try {
        // Create a trust manager that does not validate certificate chains
        final TrustManager[] trustAllCerts = new TrustManager[]{
                new X509TrustManager() {
                    public void checkClientTrusted([] chain, String authType) throws CertificateException {

                    public void checkServerTrusted([] chain, String authType) throws CertificateException {

                    public[] getAcceptedIssuers() {
                        return new[]{};

        // Install the all-trusting trust manager
        final SSLContext sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL");
        sslContext.init(null, trustAllCerts, new;

        // Create an ssl socket factory with our all-trusting manager
        final SSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory = sslContext.getSocketFactory();

        OkHttpClient.Builder builder = new OkHttpClient.Builder();
        builder.sslSocketFactory(sslSocketFactory, (X509TrustManager) trustAllCerts[0]);
        builder.hostnameVerifier(new HostnameVerifier() {
            public boolean verify(String hostname, SSLSession session) {
                return true;
        return builder;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

For more details visit

@ variables in Ruby on Rails

@variables are called instance variables in ruby. Which means you can access these variables in ANY METHOD inside the class. [Across all methods in the class]

Variables without the @ symbol are called local variables, which means you can access these local variables within THAT DECLARED METHOD only. Limited to the local scope.

Example of Instance Variables:

class Customer
  def initialize(id, name, addr)
    @cust_id = id
    @cust_name = name
    @cust_addr = addr

  def display_details
    puts "Customer id #{@cust_id}"
    puts "Customer name #{@cust_name}"
    puts "Customer address #{@cust_addr}"

In the above example @cust_id, @cust_name, @cust_addr are accessed in another method within the class. But the same thing would not be accessible with local variables.

Insert the same fixed value into multiple rows

The SQL you need is:

Update table set table_column = "test";

The SQL you posted creates a new row rather than updating existing rows.

How to keep indent for second line in ordered lists via CSS?

Check this fiddle:

It shows how to manually indent ul and ol using CSS.



    <ol type="1" style="list-style-position:inside;">
        <li >longer Text, longer Text, longer Text, longer Text    second line of longer Text        </li>
        <li>longer Text, longer Text, longer Text, longer Text    second line of longer Text                </li>



ol li 
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 0px;
    text-indent: -1em;
    margin-left: 1em;


ul li 
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 0px;
    text-indent: 0.5em;
    margin-left: -0.5em;

Also I edited your fiddle

Make a note of it.

Padding is invalid and cannot be removed?

For the benefit of people searching, it may be worth checking the input being decrypted. In my case, the info being sent for decryption was (wrongly) going in as an empty string. It resulted in the padding error.

This may relate to rossum's answer, but thought it worth mentioning.

jQuery: Selecting by class and input type

Your selector is looking for any descendants of a checkbox element that have a class of .myClass.

Try this instead:


Check it out in action.

I also tested this:


And it will also work properly. In my humble opinion this syntax really looks rather ugly, as most of the time I expect : style selectors to come last. As I said, though, either one will work.

PHP convert XML to JSON

        $content = str_replace(array("\n", "\r", "\t"), '', $response);
        $content = trim(str_replace('"', "'", $content));
        $xml = simplexml_load_string($content);
        $json = json_encode($xml);
        return json_decode($json,TRUE);

This worked for me

WordPress query single post by slug

How about?

   $queried_post = get_page_by_path('my_slug',OBJECT,'post');

Classes vs. Modules in VB.NET

It is acceptable to use Module. Module is not used as a replacement for Class. Module serves its own purpose. The purpose of Module is to use as a container for

  • extension methods,
  • variables that are not specific to any Class, or
  • variables that do not fit properly in any Class.

Module is not like a Class since you cannot

  • inherit from a Module,
  • implement an Interface with a Module,
  • nor create an instance of a Module.

Anything inside a Module can be directly accessed within the Module assembly without referring to the Module by its name. By default, the access level for a Module is Friend.

Subtract two dates in Java

Date d1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-M-dd").parse((String) request.
Date d2 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-M-dd").parse((String) request.

long diff = d2.getTime() - d1.getTime();

System.out.println("Difference between  " + d1 + " and "+ d2+" is "
        + (diff / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)) + " days.");

Javascript Image Resize

Instead of modifying the height and width attributes of the image, try modifying the CSS height and width.

myimg = document.getElementById('myimg'); = "50px"; = "50px";

One common "gotcha" is that the height and width styles are strings that include a unit, like "px" in the example above.

Edit - I think that setting the height and width directly instead of using style.height and style.width should work. It would also have the advantage of already having the original dimensions. Can you post a bit of your code? Are you sure you're in standards mode instead of quirks mode?

This should work:

myimg = document.getElementById('myimg');
myimg.height = myimg.height * 2;
myimg.width = myimg.width * 2;

Java - JPA - @Version annotation

Version used to ensure that only one update in a time. JPA provider will check the version, if the expected version already increase then someone else already update the entity so an exception will be thrown.

So updating entity value would be more secure, more optimist.

If the value changes frequent, then you might consider not to use version field. For an example "an entity that has counter field, that will increased everytime a web page accessed"

Telling Python to save a .txt file to a certain directory on Windows and Mac

Just use an absolute path when opening the filehandle for writing.

import os.path

save_path = 'C:/example/'

name_of_file = raw_input("What is the name of the file: ")

completeName = os.path.join(save_path, name_of_file+".txt")         

file1 = open(completeName, "w")

toFile = raw_input("Write what you want into the field")



You could optionally combine this with os.path.abspath() as described in Bryan's answer to automatically get the path of a user's Documents folder. Cheers!

Apply a theme to an activity in Android?

Before you call setContentView(), call setTheme( and just replace the ... with the theme that you want(Theme, Theme_NoTitleBar, etc.).

Or if your theme is a custom theme, then replace the entire thing, so you get setTheme(yourThemesResouceId)

Getting results between two dates in PostgreSQL

   FROM mytable
  WHERE (start_date, end_date) OVERLAPS ('2012-01-01'::DATE, '2012-04-12'::DATE);

Datetime functions is the relevant section in the docs.

How to have css3 animation to loop forever

Whilst Elad's solution will work, you can also do it inline:

   -moz-animation: fadeinphoto 7s 20s infinite;
-webkit-animation: fadeinphoto 7s 20s infinite;
     -o-animation: fadeinphoto 7s 20s infinite;
        animation: fadeinphoto 7s 20s infinite;

git push says "everything up-to-date" even though I have local changes

here, my solution is different from the above. i haven't figured out how this problem happen, but i fixed it. a little unexpectedly.

now comes way:

$ git push origin  use_local_cache_v1_x000D_
Everything up-to-date_x000D_
$ git status_x000D_
On branch test_x000D_
Your branch is ahead of 'origin/use_local_cache_v1' by 4 commits._x000D_
  (use "git push" to publish your local commits)_x000D_
$ git push_x000D_
fatal: The upstream branch of your current branch does not match_x000D_
the name of your current branch.  To push to the upstream branch_x000D_
on the remote, use_x000D_
    git push origin HEAD:use_local_cache_v1_x000D_
To push to the branch of the same name on the remote, use_x000D_
    git push origin test_x000D_
$ git push origin HEAD:use_local_cache_v1    _x000D_
Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)_x000D_

the command that works for me is

$git push origin HEAD:use_local_cache

(hope you guys get out of this trouble as soon as possible)

Force flushing of output to a file while bash script is still running

This isn't a function of bash, as all the shell does is open the file in question and then pass the file descriptor as the standard output of the script. What you need to do is make sure output is flushed from your script more frequently than you currently are.

In Perl for example, this could be accomplished by setting:

$| = 1;

See perlvar for more information on this.

Java 8 stream map on entry set

Here is a shorter solution by AbacusUtil

Stream.of(input).toMap(e -> e.getKey().substring(subLength), 
                       e -> AttributeType.GetByName(e.getValue()));

How to access property of anonymous type in C#?

Recently, I had the same problem within .NET 3.5 (no dynamic available). Here is how I solved:

// pass anonymous object as argument
var args = new { Title = "Find", Type = typeof(FindCondition) };

using (frmFind f = new frmFind(args)) 

Adapted from somewhere on stackoverflow:

// Use a custom cast extension
public static T CastTo<T>(this Object x, T targetType)
   return (T)x;

Now get back the object via cast:

public partial class frmFind: Form
    public frmFind(object arguments)


        var args = arguments.CastTo(new { Title = "", Type = typeof(Nullable) });

        this.Text = args.Title;


Laravel 5 call a model function in a blade view

I solve the problem. So simple. Syntax error.

  • App\Product
  • App\Service

enter image description here

But I also want to know how to pass a function with parameters to view....

Java Programming: call an exe from Java and passing parameters

Below works for me if your exe depend on some dll or certain dependency then you need to set directory path. As mention below exePath mean folder where exe placed along with it's references files.

Exe application creating any temporaray file so it will create in folder mention in


ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(arguments);
processBuilder.redirectOutput(Redirect.PIPE); File(exePath));
process = processBuilder.start();
int waitFlag = process.waitFor();// Wait to finish application execution.
if (waitFlag == 0) {
 int returnVal = process.exitValue();


How to delete an element from a Slice in Golang

here is the playground example with pointers in it.

package main

import (

type t struct {
    a int
    b string

func (tt *t) String() string{
    return fmt.Sprintf("[%d %s]", tt.a, tt.b)

func remove(slice []*t, i int) []*t {
  copy(slice[i:], slice[i+1:])
  return slice[:len(slice)-1]

func main() {
    a := []*t{&t{1, "a"}, &t{2, "b"}, &t{3, "c"}, &t{4, "d"}, &t{5, "e"}, &t{6, "f"}}
    k := a[3]
    a = remove(a, 3)
    fmt.Printf("%v  ||  %v", a, k)

Does JavaScript have the interface type (such as Java's 'interface')?

When you want to use a transcompiler, then you could give TypeScript a try. It supports draft ECMA features (in the proposal, interfaces are called "protocols") similar to what languages like coffeescript or babel do.

In TypeScript your interface can look like:

interface IMyInterface {
    id: number; // TypeScript types are lowercase
    name: string;
    callback: (key: string; value: any; array: string[]) => void;
    type: "test" | "notATest"; // so called "union type"

What you can't do: