Programs & Examples On #Hibernate validator

Hibernate Validator is the reference implementation for JSR 380 - Bean Validation 2.0

Cross field validation with Hibernate Validator (JSR 303)

Why not try Oval:

I looks like it supports OGNL so maybe you could do it by a more natural

@Assert(expr = "_value ==_this.pass").

javax.validation.ValidationException: HV000183: Unable to load 'javax.el.ExpressionFactory'

do just


C# nullable string error

For nullable, use ? with all of the C# primitives, except for string.

The following page gives a list of the C# primitives:

Div not expanding even with content inside

Add <br style="clear: both" /> after the last floated div worked for me.

jQuery: select an element's class and id at the same time?

$(", #country") 

will select both "" class and "country" id.

Passing command line arguments from Maven as properties in pom.xml

For your property example do:

mvn install "-Dmyproperty=my property from command line"

Note quotes around whole property definition. You'll need them if your property contains spaces.

Change the default base url for axios

Instead of



this.$axios({ url: 'items', baseURL: '' })

If you don't pass method: 'XXX' then by default, it will send via get method.

Request Config:

Android Studio installation on Windows 7 fails, no JDK found

Adding a system variable JDK_HOME with value c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_21\ worked for me. The latest Java release can be downloaded here.

Additionally, make sure the variable JAVA_HOME is also set with the above location.

Defining an abstract class without any abstract methods

Yes you can. Sometimes you may get asked this question that what is the purpose doing this? The answer is: sometimes we have to restrict the class from instantiating by its own. In that case, we want user to extend our Abstract class and instantiate child class

Upload file to FTP using C#

This works for me,this method will SFTP a file to a location within your network. It uses SSH.NET.2013.4.7 library.One can just download it for free.

    //Secure FTP
    public void SecureFTPUploadFile(string destinationHost,int port,string username,string password,string source,string destination)

        ConnectionInfo ConnNfo = new ConnectionInfo(destinationHost, port, username, new PasswordAuthenticationMethod(username, password));

        var temp = destination.Split('/');
        string destinationFileName = temp[temp.Count() - 1];
        string parentDirectory = destination.Remove(destination.Length - (destinationFileName.Length + 1), destinationFileName.Length + 1);

        using (var sshclient = new SshClient(ConnNfo))
            using (var cmd = sshclient.CreateCommand("mkdir -p " + parentDirectory + " && chmod +rw " + parentDirectory))

        using (var sftp = new SftpClient(ConnNfo))
            using (var uplfileStream = System.IO.File.OpenRead(source))
                sftp.UploadFile(uplfileStream, destinationFileName, true);

How can I fix "Design editor is unavailable until a successful build" error?

Go online before starting android studio. Then go file->New project Follow onscreen steps. Then wait It will download the necessary files over internet. And that should fix it.

How to allow download of .json file with ASP.NET

  1. Navigate to C:\Users\username\Documents\IISExpress\config
  2. Open applicationhost.config with Visual Studio or your favorite text-editor.
  3. Search for the word mimeMap, you should find lots of 'em.
  4. Add the following line to the top of the list: .

Trim spaces from end of a NSString

A simple solution to only trim one end instead of both ends in Objective-C:

@implementation NSString (category)

/// trims the characters at the end
- (NSString *)stringByTrimmingSuffixCharactersInSet:(NSCharacterSet *)characterSet {
    NSUInteger i = self.length;
    while (i > 0 && [characterSet characterIsMember:[self characterAtIndex:i - 1]]) {
    return [self substringToIndex:i];


And a symmetrical utility for trimming the beginning only:

@implementation NSString (category)

/// trims the characters at the beginning
- (NSString *)stringByTrimmingPrefixCharactersInSet:(NSCharacterSet *)characterSet {
    NSUInteger i = 0;
    while (i < self.length && [characterSet characterIsMember:[self characterAtIndex:i]]) {
    return [self substringFromIndex:i];


How do you decompile a swf file

Get the Sothink SWF decompiler. Not free, but worth it. Recently used it to decompile an SWF that I had lost the fla for, and I could completely round-trip swf-fla and back!
link text

JAVA_HOME should point to a JDK not a JRE

First, ensure that the Maven bin is in your Environmental Variable PATH entry.

If it is, make sure your entries aren't somehow out of order, and that JAVA_HOME is before Path in the list, or any entry that references %JAVA_HOME%. I was getting the same error when I was trying to check my maven version.

I have a few extra path variables that reference %JAVA_HOME%, or a different version of a JDK and Maven was mixed in between. I moved my Maven path entry below my %JAVA_HOME% one and now everything is working when I use Maven from cmd.

But it is Windows, so perhaps my just opening and closing the Environment Variables setting somehow made everything better.

Android: How to overlay a bitmap and draw over a bitmap?

You can do something like this:

public void putOverlay(Bitmap bitmap, Bitmap overlay) {
    Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap);
    Paint paint = new Paint(Paint.FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG);
    canvas.drawBitmap(overlay, 0, 0, paint);

The idea is very simple: Once you associate a bitmap with a canvas, you can call any of the canvas' methods to draw over the bitmap.

This will work for bitmaps that have transparency. A bitmap will have transparency, if it has an alpha channel. Look at Bitmap.Config. You'd probably want to use ARGB_8888.

Important: Look at this Android sample for the different ways you can perform drawing. It will help you a lot.

Performance wise (memory-wise, to be exact), Bitmaps are the best objects to use, since they simply wrap a native bitmap. An ImageView is a subclass of View, and a BitmapDrawable holds a Bitmap inside, but it holds many other things as well. But this is an over-simplification. You can suggest a performance-specific scenario for a precise answer.

Read .csv file in C

The following code is in plain c language and handles blank spaces. It only allocates memory once, so one free() is needed, for each processed line.

/* Tiny CSV Reader */
/* Copyright (C) 2015, Deligiannidis Konstantinos

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.  */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/* For more that 100 columns or lines (when delimiter = \n), minor modifications are needed. */
int getcols( const char * const line, const char * const delim, char ***out_storage )

const char *start_ptr, *end_ptr, *iter;
char **out;
int i;                                          //For "for" loops in the old c style.
int tokens_found = 1, delim_size, line_size;    //Calculate "line_size" indirectly, without strlen() call.
int start_idx[100], end_idx[100];   //Store the indexes of tokens. Example "Power;": loc('P')=1, loc(';')=6
//Change 100 with MAX_TOKENS or use malloc() for more than 100 tokens. Example: "b1;b2;b3;...;b200"

if ( *out_storage != NULL )                 return -4;  //This SHOULD be NULL: Not Already Allocated
if ( !line || !delim )                      return -1;  //NULL pointers Rejected Here
if ( (delim_size = strlen( delim )) == 0 )  return -2;  //Delimiter not provided

start_ptr = line;   //Start visiting input. We will distinguish tokens in a single pass, for good performance.
                    //Then we are allocating one unified memory region & doing one memory copy.
while ( ( end_ptr = strstr( start_ptr, delim ) ) ) {

    start_idx[ tokens_found -1 ] = start_ptr - line;    //Store the Index of current token
    end_idx[ tokens_found - 1 ] = end_ptr - line;       //Store Index of first character that will be replaced with
                                                        //'\0'. Example: "arg1||arg2||end" -> "arg1\0|arg2\0|end"
    tokens_found++;                                     //Accumulate the count of tokens.
    start_ptr = end_ptr + delim_size;                   //Set pointer to the next c-string within the line

for ( iter = start_ptr; (*iter!='\0') ; iter++ );

start_idx[ tokens_found -1 ] = start_ptr - line;    //Store the Index of current token: of last token here.
end_idx[ tokens_found -1 ] = iter - line;           //and the last element that will be replaced with \0

line_size = iter - line;    //Saving CPU cycles: Indirectly Count the size of *line without using strlen();

int size_ptr_region = (1 + tokens_found)*sizeof( char* );   //The size to store pointers to c-strings + 1 (*NULL).
out = (char**) malloc( size_ptr_region + ( line_size + 1 ) + 5 );   //Fit everything is all memory.
//It reserves a contiguous space for both (char**) pointers AND string region. 5 Bytes for "Out of Range" tests.
*out_storage = out;     //Update the char** pointer of the caller function.

//"Out of Range" TEST. Verify that the extra reserved characters will not be changed. Assign Some Values.
//char *extra_chars = (char*) out + size_ptr_region + ( line_size + 1 );
//extra_chars[0] = 1; extra_chars[1] = 2; extra_chars[2] = 3; extra_chars[3] = 4; extra_chars[4] = 5;

for ( i = 0; i < tokens_found; i++ )    //Assign adresses first part of the allocated memory pointers that point to
    out[ i ] = (char*) out + size_ptr_region + start_idx[ i ];  //the second part of the memory, reserved for Data.
out[ tokens_found ] = (char*) NULL; //[ ptr1, ptr2, ... , ptrN, (char*) NULL, ... ]: We just added the (char*) NULL.
                                                    //Now assign the Data: c-strings. (\0 terminated strings):
char *str_region = (char*) out + size_ptr_region;   //Region inside allocated memory which contains the String Data.
memcpy( str_region, line, line_size );   //Copy input with delimiter characters: They will be replaced with \0.

//Now we should replace: "arg1||arg2||arg3" with "arg1\0|arg2\0|arg3". Don't worry for characters after '\0'
//They are not used in standard c lbraries.
for( i = 0; i < tokens_found; i++) str_region[ end_idx[ i ] ] = '\0';

//"Out of Range" TEST. Wait until Assigned Values are Printed back.
//for ( int i=0; i < 5; i++ ) printf("c=%x ", extra_chars[i] ); printf("\n");

// *out memory should now contain (example data):
//[ ptr1, ptr2,...,ptrN, (char*) NULL, "token1\0", "token2\0",...,"tokenN\0", 5 bytes for tests ]
//   |__________________________________^           ^              ^             ^
//          |_______________________________________|              |             |
//                   |_____________________________________________|      These 5 Bytes should be intact.

return tokens_found;

int main()


char in_line[] = "Arg1;;Th;s is not Del;m;ter;;Arg3;;;;Final";
char delim[] = ";;";
char **columns;
int i;

columns = NULL; //Should be NULL to indicate that it is not assigned to allocated memory. Otherwise return -4;

int cols_found = getcols( in_line, delim, &columns);
for ( i = 0; i < cols_found; i++ ) printf("Column[ %d ] = %s\n", i, columns[ i ] );  //<- (1st way).
// (2nd way) // for ( i = 0; columns[ i ]; i++) printf("start_idx[ %d ] = %s\n", i, columns[ i ] );

free( columns );    //Release the Single Contiguous Memory Space.
columns = NULL;     //Pointer = NULL to indicate it does not reserve space and that is ready for the next malloc().

printf("\n\nExample2, Nested:\n\n");

char example_file[] = "ID;Day;Month;Year;Telephone;email;Date of registration\n"
        "1;Sunday;january;2009;123-124-456;[email protected];2015-05-13\n"
        "2;Monday;March;2011;(+30)333-22-55;[email protected];2009-05-23";

char **rows;
int j;

rows = NULL; //getcols() requires it to be NULL. (Avoid dangling pointers, leaks e.t.c).

getcols( example_file, "\n", &rows);
for ( i = 0; rows[ i ]; i++) {
        printf("Line[ %d ] = %s\n", i, rows[ i ] );
        char **columnX = NULL;
        getcols( rows[ i ], ";", &columnX);
        for ( j = 0; columnX[ j ]; j++) printf("  Col[ %d ] = %s\n", j, columnX[ j ] );
        free( columnX );

free( rows );
rows = NULL;

return 0;

Loop through JSON in EJS

in my case, datas is an objects of Array for more information please Click Here

<% for(let [index,data] of datas.entries() || []){  %>
 Index : <%=index%>
 Data : <%=data%>
<%} %>

Angular 4.3 - HttpClient set params

Another option to do it is:

this.httpClient.get('path', {
    params: Object.entries(data).reduce(
    (params, [key, value]) => params.set(key, value), new HttpParams());
}); Broken pipe

Error message suggests that the client has closed the connection while the server is still trying to write out a response.

Refer to this link for more details:

How do I make a Docker container start automatically on system boot?

You can use docker update --restart=on-failure <container ID or name>.

On top of what the name suggests, on-failure will not only restart the container on failure, but also at system boot.

Per the documentation, there are multiple restart options:

Flag            Description
no              Do not automatically restart the container. (the default)
on-failure      Restart the container if it exits due to an error, which manifests as a non-zero exit code.
always          Always restart the container if it stops. If it is manually stopped, it is restarted only when Docker daemon restarts or the container itself is manually restarted. (See the second bullet listed in restart policy details)
unless-stopped  Similar to always, except that when the container is stopped (manually or otherwise), it is not restarted even after Docker daemon restarts.

How to set height property for SPAN

Assuming you don't want to make it a block element, then you might try:

.title  {
    display: inline-block; /* which allows you to set the height/width; but this isn't cross-browser, particularly as regards IE < 7 */
    line-height: 2em; /* or */
    padding-top: 1em;
    padding-bottom: 1em;

But the easiest solution is to simply treat the .title as a block-level element, and using the appropriate heading tags <h1> through <h6>.

Passing parameters to addTarget:action:forControlEvents

If you just want to change the text for the leftBarButtonItem shown by the navigation controller together with the new view, you may change the title of the current view just before calling pushViewController to the wanted text and restore it in the viewHasDisappered callback for future showings of the current view.

This approach keeps the functionality (popViewController) and the appearance of the shown arrow intact.

It works for us at least with iOS 12, built with Xcode 10.1 ...

What are rvalues, lvalues, xvalues, glvalues, and prvalues?


ISOC++11 (officially ISO/IEC 14882:2011) is the most recent version of the standard of the C++ programming language. It contains some new features, and concepts, for example:

  • rvalue references
  • xvalue, glvalue, prvalue expression value categories
  • move semantics

If we would like to understand the concepts of the new expression value categories we have to be aware of that there are rvalue and lvalue references. It is better to know rvalues can be passed to non-const rvalue references.

int& r_i=7; // compile error
int&& rr_i=7; // OK

We can gain some intuition of the concepts of value categories if we quote the subsection titled Lvalues and rvalues from the working draft N3337 (the most similar draft to the published ISOC++11 standard).

3.10 Lvalues and rvalues [basic.lval]

1 Expressions are categorized according to the taxonomy in Figure 1.

  • An lvalue (so called, historically, because lvalues could appear on the left-hand side of an assignment expression) designates a function or an object. [ Example: If E is an expression of pointer type, then *E is an lvalue expression referring to the object or function to which E points. As another example, the result of calling a function whose return type is an lvalue reference is an lvalue. —end example ]
  • An xvalue (an “eXpiring” value) also refers to an object, usually near the end of its lifetime (so that its resources may be moved, for example). An xvalue is the result of certain kinds of expressions involving rvalue references (8.3.2). [ Example: The result of calling a function whose return type is an rvalue reference is an xvalue. —end example ]
  • A glvalue (“generalized” lvalue) is an lvalue or an xvalue.
  • An rvalue (so called, historically, because rvalues could appear on the right-hand side of an assignment expression) is an xvalue, a
    temporary object (12.2) or subobject thereof, or a value that is not
    associated with an object.
  • A prvalue (“pure” rvalue) is an rvalue that is not an xvalue. [ Example: The result of calling a function whose return type is not a
    reference is a prvalue. The value of a literal such as 12, 7.3e5, or
    true is also a prvalue. —end example ]

Every expression belongs to exactly one of the fundamental classifications in this taxonomy: lvalue, xvalue, or prvalue. This property of an expression is called its value category.

But I am not quite sure about that this subsection is enough to understand the concepts clearly, because "usually" is not really general, "near the end of its lifetime" is not really concrete, "involving rvalue references" is not really clear, and "Example: The result of calling a function whose return type is an rvalue reference is an xvalue." sounds like a snake is biting its tail.


Every expression belongs to exactly one primary value category. These value categories are lvalue, xvalue and prvalue categories.


The expression E belongs to the lvalue category if and only if E refers to an entity that ALREADY has had an identity (address, name or alias) that makes it accessible outside of E.

#include <iostream>

int i=7;

const int& f(){
    return i;

int main()
    std::cout<<&"www"<<std::endl; // The expression "www" in this row is an lvalue expression, because string literals are arrays and every array has an address.  

    i; // The expression i in this row is an lvalue expression, because it refers to the same entity ...
    i; // ... as the entity the expression i in this row refers to.

    int* p_i=new int(7);
    *p_i; // The expression *p_i in this row is an lvalue expression, because it refers to the same entity ...
    *p_i; // ... as the entity the expression *p_i in this row refers to.

    const int& r_I=7;
    r_I; // The expression r_I in this row is an lvalue expression, because it refers to the same entity ...
    r_I; // ... as the entity the expression r_I in this row refers to.

    f(); // The expression f() in this row is an lvalue expression, because it refers to the same entity ...
    i; // ... as the entity the expression f() in this row refers to.

    return 0;


The expression E belongs to the xvalue category if and only if it is

— the result of calling a function, whether implicitly or explicitly, whose return type is an rvalue reference to the type of object being returned, or

int&& f(){
    return 3;

int main()
    f(); // The expression f() belongs to the xvalue category, because f() return type is an rvalue reference to object type.

    return 0;

— a cast to an rvalue reference to object type, or

int main()
    static_cast<int&&>(7); // The expression static_cast<int&&>(7) belongs to the xvalue category, because it is a cast to an rvalue reference to object type.
    std::move(7); // std::move(7) is equivalent to static_cast<int&&>(7).

    return 0;

— a class member access expression designating a non-static data member of non-reference type in which the object expression is an xvalue, or

struct As
    int i;

As&& f(){
    return As();

int main()
    f().i; // The expression f().i belongs to the xvalue category, because As::i is a non-static data member of non-reference type, and the subexpression f() belongs to the xvlaue category.

    return 0;

— a pointer-to-member expression in which the first operand is an xvalue and the second operand is a pointer to data member.

Note that the effect of the rules above is that named rvalue references to objects are treated as lvalues and unnamed rvalue references to objects are treated as xvalues; rvalue references to functions are treated as lvalues whether named or not.

#include <functional>

struct As
    int i;

As&& f(){
    return As();

int main()
    f(); // The expression f() belongs to the xvalue category, because it refers to an unnamed rvalue reference to object.
    As&& rr_a=As();
    rr_a; // The expression rr_a belongs to the lvalue category, because it refers to a named rvalue reference to object.
    std::ref(f); // The expression std::ref(f) belongs to the lvalue category, because it refers to an rvalue reference to function.

    return 0;


The expression E belongs to the prvalue category if and only if E belongs neither to the lvalue nor to the xvalue category.

struct As
    void f(){
        this; // The expression this is a prvalue expression. Note, that the expression this is not a variable.

As f(){
    return As();

int main()
    f(); // The expression f() belongs to the prvalue category, because it belongs neither to the lvalue nor to the xvalue category.

    return 0;


There are two further important mixed value categories. These value categories are rvalue and glvalue categories.


The expression E belongs to the rvalue category if and only if E belongs to the xvalue category, or to the prvalue category.

Note that this definition means that the expression E belongs to the rvalue category if and only if E refers to an entity that has not had any identity that makes it accessible outside of E YET.


The expression E belongs to the glvalue category if and only if E belongs to the lvalue category, or to the xvalue category.


Scott Meyer has published a very useful rule of thumb to distinguish rvalues from lvalues.

  • If you can take the address of an expression, the expression is an lvalue.
  • If the type of an expression is an lvalue reference (e.g., T& or const T&, etc.), that expression is an lvalue.
  • Otherwise, the expression is an rvalue. Conceptually (and typically also in fact), rvalues correspond to temporary objects, such as those returned from functions or created through implicit type conversions. Most literal values (e.g., 10 and 5.3) are also rvalues.

Second line in li starts under the bullet after CSS-reset

Here is a good example -

ul li{
    list-style-type: disc;
    list-style-position: inside;
    padding: 10px 0 10px 20px;
    text-indent: -1em;

Working Demo:

MySQL Select Multiple VALUES

Try this -

 select * from table where id in (3,4) or [name] in ('andy','paul');

How can I retrieve Id of inserted entity using Entity framework?

You can get ID only after saving, instead you can create a new Guid and assign before saving.

max value of integer

It is actually really simple to understand, you can even compute it with the google calculator: you have 32 bits for an int and computers are binary, therefore you can have 2 values per bit (spot). if you compute 2^32 you will get the 4,294,967,296. so if you divide this number by 2, (because half of them are negative integers and the other half are positive), then you get 2,147,483,648. and this number is the biggest int that can be represented by 32 bits, although if you pay attention you will notice that 2,147,483,648 is greater than 2,147,483,647 by 1, this is because one of the numbers represents 0 which is right in the middle unfortunately 2^32 is not an odd number therefore you dont have only one number in the middle, so the possitive integers have one less cipher while the negatives get the complete half 2,147,483,648.

And thats it. It depends on the machine not on the language.

How do I launch a program from command line without opening a new cmd window?

You can use the call command...

Type: call /?

Usage: call [drive:][path]filename [batch-parameters]

For example call "Example File/Input File/My Program.bat" [This is also capable with calling files that have a .exe, .cmd, .txt, etc.


Not all computers are capable to run this command, but if it does work than it is very useful, and you won't have to open a brand new window...

"And" and "Or" troubles within an IF statement

This is not an answer, but too long for a comment.

In reply to JP's answers / comments, I have run the following test to compare the performance of the 2 methods. The Profiler object is a custom class - but in summary, it uses a kernel32 function which is fairly accurate (Private Declare Sub GetLocalTime Lib "kernel32" (lpSystemTime As SYSTEMTIME)).

Sub test()

  Dim origNum As String
  Dim creditOrDebit As String
  Dim b As Boolean
  Dim p As Profiler
  Dim i As Long

  Set p = New_Profiler

  origNum = "30062600006"
  creditOrDebit = "D"

  p.startTimer ("nested_ifs")

  For i = 1 To 1000000

    If creditOrDebit = "D" Then
      If origNum = "006260006" Then
        b = True
      ElseIf origNum = "30062600006" Then
        b = True
      End If
    End If

  Next i

  p.stopTimer ("nested_ifs")
  p.startTimer ("or_and")

  For i = 1 To 1000000

    If (origNum = "006260006" Or origNum = "30062600006") And creditOrDebit = "D" Then
      b = True
    End If

  Next i

  p.stopTimer ("or_and")


End Sub

The results of 5 runs (in ms for 1m loops):

20-Jun-2012 19:28:25
nested_ifs (x1): 156 - Last Run: 156 - Average Run: 156
or_and (x1): 125 - Last Run: 125 - Average Run: 125

20-Jun-2012 19:28:26
nested_ifs (x1): 156 - Last Run: 156 - Average Run: 156
or_and (x1): 125 - Last Run: 125 - Average Run: 125

20-Jun-2012 19:28:27
nested_ifs (x1): 140 - Last Run: 140 - Average Run: 140
or_and (x1): 125 - Last Run: 125 - Average Run: 125

20-Jun-2012 19:28:28
nested_ifs (x1): 140 - Last Run: 140 - Average Run: 140
or_and (x1): 141 - Last Run: 141 - Average Run: 141

20-Jun-2012 19:28:29
nested_ifs (x1): 156 - Last Run: 156 - Average Run: 156
or_and (x1): 125 - Last Run: 125 - Average Run: 125


If creditOrDebit is not "D", JP's code runs faster (around 60ms vs. 125ms for the or/and code).

Set auto height and width in CSS/HTML for different screen sizes

This is what do you want? DEMO. Try to shrink the browser's window and you'll see that the elements will be ordered.

What I used? Flexible Box Model or Flexbox.

Just add the follow CSS classes to your container element (in this case div#container):

flex-init-setup and flex-ppal-setup.


  1. flex-init-setup means flexbox init setup; and
  2. flex-ppal-setup means flexbox principal setup

Here are the CSS rules:

 .flex-init-setup {
     display: -webkit-box;
     display: -moz-box;
     display: -webkit-flex;
     display: -ms-flexbox;
     display: flex;
 .flex-ppal-setup {
     -webkit-flex-flow: column wrap;
     -moz-flex-flow: column wrap;
     flex-flow: column wrap;
     -webkit-justify-content: center;
     -moz-justify-content: center;
     justify-content: center;

Be good, Leonardo

How to add a footer to the UITableView?

If you don't prefer the sticky bottom effect i would put it in viewDidLoad()

Is there a way in Pandas to use previous row value in dataframe.apply when previous value is also calculated in the apply?

Given a column of numbers:

lst = []
cols = ['A']
for a in range(100, 105):
df = pd.DataFrame(lst, columns=cols, index=range(5))

0   100
1   101
2   102
3   103
4   104

You can reference the previous row with shift:

df['Change'] = df.A - df.A.shift(1)

    A   Change
0   100 NaN
1   101 1.0
2   102 1.0
3   103 1.0
4   104 1.0

jquery how to get the page's current screen top position?

Use this to get the page scroll position.

var screenTop = $(document).scrollTop();

$('#content').css('top', screenTop);

How do I turn off Oracle password expiration?

I will suggest its not a good idea to turn off the password expiration as it can lead to possible threats to confidentiality, integrity and availability of data.

However if you want so.

If you have proper access use following SQL

SELECT username, account_status FROM dba_users;

This should give you result like this.

   USERNAME                       ACCOUNT_STATUS
------------------------------ -----------------

SYSTEM                         OPEN
SYS                            OPEN
SDMADM                         OPEN
MARKETPLACE                    OPEN
SCHEMAOWNER                    OPEN
ANONYMOUS                      OPEN
SCHEMAOWNER2                   OPEN
SDMADM2                        OPEN
SCHEMAOWNER1                   OPEN
SDMADM1                        OPEN
HR                             EXPIRED(GRACE)

USERNAME                       ACCOUNT_STATUS
------------------------------ -----------------

APEX_040000                    LOCKED
FLOWS_FILES                    LOCKED
XS$NULL                        EXPIRED & LOCKED
OUTLN                          EXPIRED & LOCKED
XDB                            EXPIRED & LOCKED
CTXSYS                         EXPIRED & LOCKED
MDSYS                          EXPIRED & LOCKED

Now you can use Pedro Carriço answer

How do I check particular attributes exist or not in XML?

You can use LINQ to XML,

XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(file);

var result = (from ele in doc.Descendants("section")
              select ele).ToList();

foreach (var t in result)
    if (t.Attributes("split").Count() != 0)
        // Exist

    // Suggestion from @UrbanEsc



 XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(file);

 var result = (from ele in doc.Descendants("section").Attributes("split")
               select ele).ToList();

 foreach (var t in result)
     // Response.Write("<br/>" +  t.Value);

Copying a HashMap in Java

If you want a copy of the HashMap you need to construct a new one with.

myobjectListB = new HashMap<Integer,myObject>(myobjectListA);

This will create a (shallow) copy of the map.

NodeJS - Error installing with NPM

Fixed with downgrading Node from v12.8.1 to v11.15.0 and everything installed successfully

Adding new line of data to TextBox

Following are the ways

  1. From the code (the way you have mentioned) ->

    displayBox.Text += sent + "\r\n";


    displayBox.Text += sent + Environment.NewLine;
  2. From the UI
    a) WPF

    Set TextWrapping="Wrap" and AcceptsReturn="True"   

    Press Enter key to the textbox and new line will be created

    b) Winform text box

    Set TextBox.MultiLine and TextBox.AcceptsReturn to true

Create iOS Home Screen Shortcuts on Chrome for iOS

The is no API for adding a shortcut to the home screen in iOS, so no third-party browser is capable of providing that functionality.

Why is list initialization (using curly braces) better than the alternatives?

There are MANY reasons to use brace initialization, but you should be aware that the initializer_list<> constructor is preferred to the other constructors, the exception being the default-constructor. This leads to problems with constructors and templates where the type T constructor can be either an initializer list or a plain old ctor.

struct Foo {
    Foo() {}

    Foo(std::initializer_list<Foo>) {
        std::cout << "initializer list" << std::endl;

    Foo(const Foo&) {
        std::cout << "copy ctor" << std::endl;

int main() {
    Foo a;
    Foo b(a); // copy ctor
    Foo c{a}; // copy ctor (init. list element) + initializer list!!!

Assuming you don't encounter such classes there is little reason not to use the intializer list.

How to center a component in Material-UI and make it responsive?

You can do this with the Box component:

import Box from "@material-ui/core/Box";



how to convert a string to an array in php


$str = "Hello Friend";

$arr1 = str_split($str);
$arr2 = str_split($str, 3);



Pythonically add header to a csv file

The DictWriter() class expects dictionaries for each row. If all you wanted to do was write an initial header, use a regular csv.writer() and pass in a simple row for the header:

import csv

with open('combined_file.csv', 'w', newline='') as outcsv:
    writer = csv.writer(outcsv)
    writer.writerow(["Date", "temperature 1", "Temperature 2"])

    with open('t1.csv', 'r', newline='') as incsv:
        reader = csv.reader(incsv)
        writer.writerows(row + [0.0] for row in reader)

    with open('t2.csv', 'r', newline='') as incsv:
        reader = csv.reader(incsv)
        writer.writerows(row[:1] + [0.0] + row[1:] for row in reader)

The alternative would be to generate dictionaries when copying across your data:

import csv

with open('combined_file.csv', 'w', newline='') as outcsv:
    writer = csv.DictWriter(outcsv, fieldnames = ["Date", "temperature 1", "Temperature 2"])

    with open('t1.csv', 'r', newline='') as incsv:
        reader = csv.reader(incsv)
        writer.writerows({'Date': row[0], 'temperature 1': row[1], 'temperature 2': 0.0} for row in reader)

    with open('t2.csv', 'r', newline='') as incsv:
        reader = csv.reader(incsv)
        writer.writerows({'Date': row[0], 'temperature 1': 0.0, 'temperature 2': row[1]} for row in reader)

Make scrollbars only visible when a Div is hovered over?

I think something like


"Permission Denied" trying to run Python on Windows 10

I experienced the same issue, but in addition to Python being blocked, all programs in the Scripts folder were too. The other answers about aliases, path and winpty didn't help.

I finally found that it was my antivirus (Avast) which decided overnight for some reason to just block all compiled python scripts for some reason.

The fix is fortunately easy: simply whitelist the whole Python directory. See here for a full explanation.

Getting GET "?" variable in laravel

It is not very nice to use native php resources like $_GET as Laravel gives us easy ways to get the variables. As a matter of standard, whenever possible use the resources of the laravel itself instead of pure PHP.

There is at least two modes to get variables by GET in Laravel ( Laravel 5.x or greater):

Mode 1


Route::get('computers={id}', 'ComputersController@index');

Request (POSTMAN or client...):


Controler - You can access the {id} paramter in the Controlller by:

public function index(Request $request, $id){
   return $id;

Mode 2


Route::get('computers', 'ComputersController@index');

Request (POSTMAN or client...):


Controler - You can access the ?id paramter in the Controlller by:

public function index(Request $request){
   return $request->input('id');

Are loops really faster in reverse?

I've seen the same recommendation in Sublime Text 2.

Like it was already said, the main improvement is not evaluating the array's length at each iteration in the for loop. This a well-known optimization technique and particularly efficient in JavaScript when the array is part of the HTML document (doing a for for the all the li elements).

For example,

for (var i = 0; i < document.getElementsByTagName('li').length; i++)

is much slower than

for (var i = 0, len = document.getElementsByTagName('li').length; i < len; i++)

From where I'm standing, the main improvement in the form in your question is the fact that it doesn't declare an extra variable (len in my example)

But if you ask me, the whole point is not about the i++ vs i-- optimization, but about not having to evaluate the length of the array at each iteration (you can see a benchmark test on jsperf).

Delete all objects in a list


mylist.clear()  # Added in Python 3.3
del mylist[:]

are probably the best ways to do this. The rest of this answer tries to explain why some of your other efforts didn't work.

cpython at least works on reference counting to determine when objects will be deleted. Here you have multiple references to the same objects. a refers to the same object that c[0] references. When you loop over c (for i in c:), at some point i also refers to that same object. the del keyword removes a single reference, so:

for i in c:
   del i

creates a reference to an object in c and then deletes that reference -- but the object still has other references (one stored in c for example) so it will persist.

In the same way:

def kill(self):
    del self

only deletes a reference to the object in that method. One way to remove all the references from a list is to use slice assignment:

mylist = list(range(10000))
mylist[:] = []

Apparently you can also delete the slice to remove objects in place:

del mylist[:]  #This will implicitly call the `__delslice__` or `__delitem__` method.

This will remove all the references from mylist and also remove the references from anything that refers to mylist. Compared that to simply deleting the list -- e.g.

mylist = list(range(10000))
b = mylist
del mylist
#here we didn't get all the references to the objects we created ...
print(b) #[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...]

Finally, more recent python revisions have added a clear method which does the same thing that del mylist[:] does.

mylist = [1, 2, 3]

Openssl : error "self signed certificate in certificate chain"

If you're running Charles and trying to build a container then you'll most likely get this error.

Make sure to disable Charles (macos) proxy under proxy -> macOS proxy

Charles is an

HTTP proxy / HTTP monitor / Reverse Proxy that enables a developer to view all of the HTTP and SSL / HTTPS traffic between their machine and the Internet.

So anything similar may cause the same issue.

Remove Android App Title Bar

for Title Bar


for fullscreen


Place this after


but before


This worked for me.try this

java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date

  • Your formatting pattern fails to match the input string, as noted by other Answers.
  • Your input format is terrible.
  • You are using troublesome old date-time classes that were supplanted years ago by the java.time classes.

ISO 8601

Instead a format such as yours, use ISO 8601 standard formats for exchanging date-time values as text.

The java.time classes use the standard ISO 8601 formats by default when parsing/generating strings.

Proper time zone name

Specify a proper time zone name in the format of continent/region, such as America/Montreal, Africa/Casablanca, or Pacific/Auckland. Never use the 3-4 letter abbreviation such as EST or IST as they are not true time zones, not standardized, and not even unique(!).

Your IST could mean Iceland Standard Time, India Standard Time, Ireland Standard Time, or others. The java.time classes are left to merely guessing, as there is no logical solution to this ambiguity.


The modern approach uses the java.time classes.

Define a formatting pattern to match your input strings.

String input = "Sat Jun 01 12:53:10 IST 2013";
DateTimeFormatter f = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern( "EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss z uuuu" , Locale.US );
ZonedDateTime zdt = ZonedDateTime.parse( input , f );

zdt.toString(): 2013-06-01T12:53:10Z[Atlantic/Reykjavik]

If your input was not intended for Iceland, you should pre-parse the string to adjust to a proper time zone name. For example, if you are certain the input was intended for India, change IST to Asia/Kolkata.

String input = "Sat Jun 01 12:53:10 IST 2013".replace( "IST" , "Asia/Kolkata" );
DateTimeFormatter f = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern( "EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss z uuuu" , Locale.US );
ZonedDateTime zdt = ZonedDateTime.parse( input , f );

zdt.toString(): 2013-06-01T12:53:10+05:30[Asia/Kolkata]

About java.time

The java.time framework is built into Java 8 and later. These classes supplant the troublesome old legacy date-time classes such as java.util.Date, Calendar, & SimpleDateFormat.

The Joda-Time project, now in maintenance mode, advises migration to the java.time classes.

To learn more, see the Oracle Tutorial. And search Stack Overflow for many examples and explanations. Specification is JSR 310.

You may exchange java.time objects directly with your database. Use a JDBC driver compliant with JDBC 4.2 or later. No need for strings, no need for java.sql.* classes.

Where to obtain the java.time classes?

The ThreeTen-Extra project extends java.time with additional classes. This project is a proving ground for possible future additions to java.time. You may find some useful classes here such as Interval, YearWeek, YearQuarter, and more.

Why not use Double or Float to represent currency?

If your computation involves various steps, arbitrary precision arithmetic won't cover you 100%.

The only reliable way to use a perfect representation of results(Use a custom Fraction data type that will batch division operations to the last step) and only convert to decimal notation in the last step.

Arbitrary precision won't help because there always can be numbers that has so many decimal places, or some results such as 0.6666666... No arbitrary representation will cover the last example. So you will have small errors in each step.

These errors will add-up, may eventually become not easy to ignore anymore. This is called Error Propagation.

Wordpress keeps redirecting to install-php after migration

I experienced this issue today and started searching on internet. In my case there was no table in my DB. I forgot to import the tables on the online server. I did it and all works fine.

"Uncaught TypeError: a.indexOf is not a function" error when opening new foundation project

I faced this issue too. I was using jquery.poptrox.min.js for image popping and zooming and I received an error which said:

“Uncaught TypeError: a.indexOf is not a function” error.

This is because indexOf was not supported in 3.3.1/jquery.min.js so a simple fix to this is to change it to an old version 2.1.0/jquery.min.js.

This fixed it for me.

In Visual Studio Code How do I merge between two local branches?

You can do it without using plugins.

In the latest version of vscode that I'm using (1.17.0) you can simply open the branch that you want (from the bottom left menu) then press ctrl+shift+p and type Git: Merge branch and then choose the other branch that you want to merge from (to the current one)

C++ - Assigning null to a std::string

Many C APIs use a null pointer to indicate "use the default", e.g. mosquittopp. Here is the pattern I am using, based on David Cormack's answer:

        MqttOptions->CAFile.length() > 0 ? MqttOptions->CAFile.c_str() : NULL,
        MqttOptions->CAPath.length() > 0 ? MqttOptions->CAPath.c_str() : NULL,
        MqttOptions->CertFile.length() > 0 ? MqttOptions->CertFile.c_str() : NULL,
        MqttOptions->KeyFile.length() > 0 ? MqttOptions->KeyFile.c_str() : NULL

It is a little cumbersome, but allows one to keep everything as a std::string up until the API call itself.

How to check if a Constraint exists in Sql server?

IF EXISTS(SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM sys.default_constraints WHERE parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[ChannelPlayerSkins]') AND name = 'FK_ChannelPlayerSkins_Channels')
    DROP CONSTRAINT FK_ChannelPlayerSkins_Channels

Make page to tell browser not to cache/preserve input values

Basically, there are two ways to clear the cache:

<form autocomplete="off"></form>


$('#Textfiledid').attr('autocomplete', 'off');

Is it possible to run CUDA on AMD GPUs?

You can run NVIDIA® CUDA™ code on Mac, and indeed on OpenCL 1.2 GPUs in general, using Coriander . Disclosure: I'm the author. Example usage:


Result: enter image description here

Table with 100% width with equal size columns

If you don't know how many columns you are going to have, the declaration

table-layout: fixed

along with not setting any column widths, would imply that browsers divide the total width evenly - no matter what.

That can also be the problem with this approach, if you use this, you should also consider how overflow is to be handled.

How to change status bar color to match app in Lollipop? [Android]

Another way to set the status bar color is through the style.xml.

To do that, create a style.xml file under res/values-v21 folder with this content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <style name="AppTheme" parent="android:Theme.Material">
        <!--   darker variant for the status bar and contextual app bars -->
        <item name="android:colorPrimaryDark">@color/blue_dark</item>

Edit: as pointed out in comments, when using AppCompat the code is different. In file res/values/style.xml use instead:

<style name="Theme.MyTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light">   
    <!-- Set AppCompat’s color theming attrs -->
    <item name="colorPrimary">@color/my_awesome_red</item>
    <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/my_awesome_darker_red</item>
    <!-- Other attributes -->

How does one use the onerror attribute of an img element

This is actually tricky, especially if you plan on returning an image url for use cases where you need to concatenate strings with the onerror condition image URL, e.g. you might want to programatically set the url parameter in CSS.

The trick is that image loading is asynchronous by nature so the onerror doesn't happen sunchronously, i.e. if you call returnPhotoURL it immediately returns undefined bcs the asynchronous method of loading/handling the image load just began.

So, you really need to wrap your script in a Promise then call it like below. NOTE: my sample script does some other things but shows the general concept:

    doc.getElementById("account-section-image").style.backgroundImage = "url('" + value + "')";

function returnPhotoURL(){
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
        var img = new Image();
        //if the user does not have a photoURL let's try and get one from gravatar
        if (!firebase.auth().currentUser.photoURL) {
            //first we have to see if user han an email
                //set sign-in-button background image to gravatar url
                img.addEventListener('load', function() {
                    resolve (getGravatar(firebase.auth(), 48));
                }, false);
                img.addEventListener('error', function() {
                    resolve ('//');
                }, false);            
                img.src = getGravatar(firebase.auth(), 48);
            } else {
                resolve ('//');
        } else {
            img.addEventListener('load', function() {
                resolve (firebase.auth().currentUser.photoURL);
            }, false);
            img.addEventListener('error', function() {
                resolve ('');
            }, false);      
            img.src = firebase.auth().currentUser.photoURL;

How do I make a newline after a twitter bootstrap element?

Like KingCronus mentioned in the comments you can use the row class to make the list or heading on its own line. You could use the row class on either or both elements:

<ul class="nav nav-tabs span2 row">
  <li><a href="./index.html"><i class="icon-black icon-music"></i></a></li>
  <li><a href="./about.html"><i class="icon-black icon-eye-open"></i></a></li>
  <li><a href="./team.html"><i class="icon-black icon-user"></i></a></li>
  <li><a href="./contact.html"><i class="icon-black icon-envelope"></i></a></li>

<div class="well span6 row">
  <h3>I wish this appeared on the next line without having to gratuitously use BR!</h3>

Does MS Access support "CASE WHEN" clause if connect with ODBC?

I have had to use a multiple IIF statement to create a similar result in ACCESS SQL.

IIf([refi type] Like "FHA ST*","F",IIf([refi type]="VA IRRL","V"))

All remaining will stay Null.

Using jQuery to see if a div has a child with a certain class

There is a hasClass function

if($('#popup p').hasClass('filled-text'))

How to connect to a secure website using SSL in Java with a pkcs12 file?

I cannot comment because of the 50pts threshhold, but I don't think that the answer provided in is correct. What you are actually describing is how you insert server certificates into the systems default truststore:

$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts, password: changeit)

This works, indeed, but it means that you did not really specify a trust store local to your project, but rather accepted the certificate universially in your system.

You actually never use your own truststore that you defined here:

System.setProperty("", "myTrustStore");
System.setProperty("", "changeit");

What is the difference between "SMS Push" and "WAP Push"?

SMS Push uses SMS as a carrier, WAP uses download via WAP.

Case-insensitive search

Yeah, use .match, rather than .search. The result from the .match call will return the actual string that was matched itself, but it can still be used as a boolean value.

var string = "Stackoverflow is the BEST";
var result = string.match(/best/i);
// result == 'BEST';

if (result){

Using a regular expression like that is probably the tidiest and most obvious way to do that in JavaScript, but bear in mind it is a regular expression, and thus can contain regex metacharacters. If you want to take the string from elsewhere (eg, user input), or if you want to avoid having to escape a lot of metacharacters, then you're probably best using indexOf like this:

matchString = 'best';
// If the match string is coming from user input you could do
// matchString = userInput.toLowerCase() here.

if (string.toLowerCase().indexOf(matchString) != -1){

The source was not found, but some or all event logs could not be searched. Inaccessible logs: Security

I got this error when running Visual Studio. By running Visual Studio as Administrator the application was able to access the Security logs as it then had sufficient permissions (thus preventing the error).


In case you want to see what this all means, here is a blow-by-blow of everything:

CREATE TABLE `users_partners` (
  `uid` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `pid` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  PRIMARY KEY (`uid`,`pid`),
  KEY `partner_user` (`pid`,`uid`)

Primary key is based on both columns of this quick reference table. A Primary key requires unique values.

Let's begin:

INSERT INTO users_partners (uid,pid) VALUES (1,1);
...1 row(s) affected

INSERT INTO users_partners (uid,pid) VALUES (1,1);
...Error Code : 1062
...Duplicate entry '1-1' for key 'PRIMARY'

INSERT IGNORE INTO users_partners (uid,pid) VALUES (1,1);
...0 row(s) affected

INSERT INTO users_partners (uid,pid) VALUES (1,1) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE uid=uid
...0 row(s) affected

note, the above saved too much extra work by setting the column equal to itself, no update actually needed

REPLACE INTO users_partners (uid,pid) VALUES (1,1)
...2 row(s) affected

and now some multiple row tests:

INSERT INTO users_partners (uid,pid) VALUES (1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4)
...Error Code : 1062
...Duplicate entry '1-1' for key 'PRIMARY'

INSERT IGNORE INTO users_partners (uid,pid) VALUES (1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4)
...3 row(s) affected

no other messages were generated in console, and it now has those 4 values in the table data. I deleted everything except (1,1) so I could test from the same playing field

INSERT INTO users_partners (uid,pid) VALUES (1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE uid=uid
...3 row(s) affected

REPLACE INTO users_partners (uid,pid) VALUES (1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4)
...5 row(s) affected

So there you have it. Since this was all performed on a fresh table with nearly no data and not in production, the times for execution were microscopic and irrelevant. Anyone with real-world data would be more than welcome to contribute it.

Setting href attribute at runtime

To get or set an attribute of an HTML element, you can use the element.attr() function in jQuery.

To get the href attribute, use the following code:

var a_href = $('selector').attr('href');

To set the href attribute, use the following code:


In both cases, please use the appropriate selector. If you have set the class for the anchor element, use '.class-name' and if you have set the id for the anchor element, use '#element-id'.

When to use StringBuilder in Java

Have a look at: and

Do the same tests in your environment and check if newer JDK or your Java implementation do some type of string operation better with String or better with StringBuilder.

How to replace negative numbers in Pandas Data Frame by zero

If you are dealing with a large df (40m x 700 in my case) it works much faster and memory savvy through iteration on columns with something like.

for col in df.columns:
    df[col][df[col] < 0] = 0

How to use a variable in the replacement side of the Perl substitution operator?

I'm not certain on what it is you're trying to achieve. But maybe you can use this:

$var =~ s/^start/foo/;
$var =~ s/end$/bar/;

I.e. just leave the middle alone and replace the start and end.

What's the best way to add a full screen background image in React Native

You need to ensure your Image has resizeMode={Image.resizeMode.contain} or {Image.resizeMode.stretch} and set image style width to null

<Image source={CharacterImage} style={{width: null,}} resizeMode={Image.resizeMode.contain}/>

Exit single-user mode

First, find and KILL all the processes that have been currently running.

Then, run the following T-SQL to set the database in MULTI_USER mode.

USE master
DECLARE @kill varchar(max) = '';
SELECT @kill = @kill + 'KILL ' + CONVERT(varchar(10), spid) + '; '
FROM master..sysprocesses 
WHERE spid > 50 AND dbid = DB_ID('<Your_DB_Name>')


Read Numeric Data from a Text File in C++

Repeat >> reads in loop.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
    std::fstream myfile("D:\\data.txt", std::ios_base::in);

    float a;
    while (myfile >> a)
        printf("%f ", a);


    return 0;


45.779999 67.900002 87.000000 34.889999 346.000000 0.980000

If you know exactly, how many elements there are in a file, you can chain >> operator:

int main(int argc, char * argv[])
    std::fstream myfile("D:\\data.txt", std::ios_base::in);

    float a, b, c, d, e, f;

    myfile >> a >> b >> c >> d >> e >> f;

    printf("%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\n", a, b, c, d, e, f);


    return 0;

Edit: In response to your comments in main question.

You have two options.

  • You can run previous code in a loop (or two loops) and throw away a defined number of values - for example, if you need the value at point (97, 60), you have to skip 5996 (= 60 * 100 + 96) values and use the last one. This will work if you're interested only in specified value.
  • You can load the data into an array - as Jerry Coffin sugested. He already gave you quite nice class, which will solve the problem. Alternatively, you can use simple array to store the data.

Edit: How to skip values in file

To choose the 1234th value, use the following code:

int skipped = 1233;
for (int i = 0; i < skipped; i++)
    float tmp;
    myfile >> tmp;
myfile >> value;

Using union and order by clause in mysql

When you use an ORDER BY clause inside of a sub query used in conjunction with a UNION mysql will optimise away the ORDER BY clause.

This is because by default a UNION returns an unordered list so therefore an ORDER BY would do nothing.

The optimisation is mentioned in the docs and says:

To apply ORDER BY or LIMIT to an individual SELECT, place the clause inside the parentheses that enclose the SELECT:


However, use of ORDER BY for individual SELECT statements implies nothing about the order in which the rows appear in the final result because UNION by default produces an unordered set of rows. Therefore, the use of ORDER BY in this context is typically in conjunction with LIMIT, so that it is used to determine the subset of the selected rows to retrieve for the SELECT, even though it does not necessarily affect the order of those rows in the final UNION result. If ORDER BY appears without LIMIT in a SELECT, it is optimized away because it will have no effect anyway.

The last sentence of this is a bit misleading because it should have an effect. This optimisation causes a problem when you are in a situation where you need to order within the subquery.

To force MySQL to not do this optimisation you can add a LIMIT clause like so:

(SELECT 1 AS rank, id, add_date FROM my_table WHERE distance < 5 ORDER BY add_date LIMIT 9999999999)
(SELECT 2 AS rank, id, add_date FROM my_table WHERE distance BETWEEN 5 AND 15 ORDER BY rank LIMIT 9999999999)
(SELECT 3 AS rank, id, add_date from my_table WHERE distance BETWEEN 5 and 15 ORDER BY id LIMIT 9999999999)

A high LIMIT means that you could add an OFFSET on the overall query if you want to do something such as pagination.

This also gives you the added benefit of being able to ORDER BY different columns for each union.

TypeScript or JavaScript type casting

This is called type assertion in TypeScript, and since TypeScript 1.6, there are two ways to express this:

// Original syntax
var markerSymbolInfo = <MarkerSymbolInfo> symbolInfo;

// Newer additional syntax
var markerSymbolInfo = symbolInfo as MarkerSymbolInfo;

Both alternatives are functionally identical. The reason for introducing the as-syntax is that the original syntax conflicted with JSX, see the design discussion here.

If you are in a position to choose, just use the syntax that you feel more comfortable with. I personally prefer the as-syntax as it feels more fluent to read and write.

SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'id' in 'where clause' (SQL: select * from `songs` where `id` = 5 limit 1)

protected $primaryKey = 'SongID';

After adding to my model to tell the primary key because it was taking id(SongID) by default

How do I check if a string contains another string in Objective-C?

try this,

NSString *string = @"test Data";
if ([[string lowercaseString] rangeOfString:@"data"].location == NSNotFound) 
    NSLog(@"string does not contain Data");
    NSLog(@"string contains data!");

What should I set JAVA_HOME environment variable on macOS X 10.6?

For me maven seems to work off the .mavenrc file:

echo "export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8)" > ~/.mavenrc

I'm sure I picked it up on SO too, just can't remember where.

How to create a checkbox with a clickable label?

In Angular material label with checkbox

<mat-checkbox>Check me!</mat-checkbox>

Application Installation Failed in Android Studio

Finally I've SOLVED it!

Below a temporary solution. Issue was reported to Google.

First of all I found in Run log that Android Studion 2.3 tries to install app-debug.apk from many slices, like this:

$ adb install-multiple -r E:\Android_Projects\ActivityLifecycle\app\build\intermediates\split-apk\debug\slices\slice_1.apk E:\Android_Projects\ActivityLifecycle\app\build\intermediates\split-apk\debug\dep\dependencies.apk E:\Android_Projects\ActivityLifecycle\app\build\intermediates\split-apk\debug\slices\slice_0.apk E:\Android_Projects\ActivityLifecycle\app\build\intermediates\split-apk\debug\slices\slice_2.apk E:\Android_Projects\ActivityLifecycle\app\build\intermediates\split-apk\debug\slices\slice_9.apk E:\Android_Projects\ActivityLifecycle\app\build\intermediates\split-apk\debug\slices\slice_4.apk E:\Android_Projects\ActivityLifecycle\app\build\intermediates\split-apk\debug\slices\slice_3.apk E:\Android_Projects\ActivityLifecycle\app\build\intermediates\split-apk\debug\slices\slice_5.apk E:\Android_Projects\ActivityLifecycle\app\build\intermediates\split-apk\debug\slices\slice_8.apk E:\Android_Projects\ActivityLifecycle\app\build\intermediates\split-apk\debug\slices\slice_7.apk E:\Android_Projects\ActivityLifecycle\app\build\intermediates\split-apk\debug\slices\slice_6.apk E:\Android_Projects\ActivityLifecycle\app\build\outputs\apk\app-debug.apk

Then I tried to install only app-debug.apk from command line by:

adb install -d E:\Android_Projects\ActivityLifecycle\app\build\outputs\apk\app-debug.apk

App was installed successfully but was failed to run on my phone.

And finally:

  1. I recompiled app-debug.apk from command line as:

gradlew.bat assembleDebug

  1. Repeat installation of app-debug.apk from command line and became happy:

adb install -rd E:\Android_Projects\ActivityLifecycle\app\build\outputs\apk\app-debug.apk

This is definitely some gradle problem in AndroidStudio 2.3.

How (and why) to use display: table-cell (CSS)

After days trying to find the answer, I finally found

display: table;

There was surprisingly very little information available online about how to actually getting it to work, even here, so on to the "How":

To use this fantastic piece of code, you need to think back to when tables were the only real way to structure HTML, namely the syntax. To get a table with 2 rows and 3 columns, you'd have to do the following:


Similarly to get CSS to do it, you'd use the following:


<div id="table">
    <div class="tr">
        <div class="td"></div>
        <div class="td"></div>
        <div class="td"></div>
    <div class="tr">
        <div class="td"></div>
        <div class="td"></div>
        <div class="td"></div>


    display: table; 
    display: table-row; 
    display: table-cell; }

As you can see in the JSFiddle example below, the divs in the 3rd column have no content, yet are respecting the auto height set by the text in the first 2 columns. WIN!

It's worth noting that display: table; does not work in IE6 or 7 (thanks, FelipeAls), so depending on your needs with regards to browser compatibility, this may not be the answer that you are seeking.

Python mysqldb: Library not loaded: libmysqlclient.18.dylib

I found putting this in your .profile or .bashrc (whichever you use) is the easiest way to do it, sym links are messy compared to keeping paths in your source files.

Also compared to yoshisurfs answer, most of the time when mysql gets installed the mysql directory should be renamed to just mysql, not the whole file name, for ease of use.

export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/mysql/lib:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH

Find all matches in workbook using Excel VBA

Based on Ahmed's answer, after some cleaning up and generalization, including the other "Find" parameters, so we can use this function in any situation:

'Uses Range.Find to get a range of all find results within a worksheet
' Same as Find All from search dialog box
Function FindAll(rng As Range, What As Variant, Optional LookIn As XlFindLookIn = xlValues, Optional LookAt As XlLookAt = xlWhole, Optional SearchOrder As XlSearchOrder = xlByColumns, Optional SearchDirection As XlSearchDirection = xlNext, Optional MatchCase As Boolean = False, Optional MatchByte As Boolean = False, Optional SearchFormat As Boolean = False) As Range
    Dim SearchResult As Range
    Dim firstMatch As String
    With rng
        Set SearchResult = .Find(What, , LookIn, LookAt, SearchOrder, SearchDirection, MatchCase, MatchByte, SearchFormat)
        If Not SearchResult Is Nothing Then
            firstMatch = SearchResult.Address
                If FindAll Is Nothing Then
                    Set FindAll = SearchResult
                    Set FindAll = Union(FindAll, SearchResult)
                End If
                Set SearchResult = .FindNext(SearchResult)
            Loop While Not SearchResult Is Nothing And SearchResult.Address <> firstMatch
        End If
    End With
End Function

Git Bash doesn't see my PATH

Maybe bash doesn't see your Windows path. Type env|grep PATH in bash to confirm what path it sees.

Removing elements with in JavaScript

Array Filter method

var arr = [1, 2, 3]_x000D_
// ES5 syntax_x000D_
arr = arr.filter(function(item){ return item != 3 })_x000D_
// ES2015 syntax_x000D_
arr = arr.filter(item => item != 3)_x000D_
console.log( arr )

Generating random numbers in C

#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
    int x;
    x = rand(6);
    printf("%d", x);

Especially as a beginner, you should ask your compiler to print every warning about bad code that it can generate. Modern compilers know lots of different warnings which help you to program better. For example, when you compile this program with the GNU C Compiler:

$ gcc -W -Wall rand.c
rand.c: In function `main':
rand.c:5: error: too many arguments to function `rand'
rand.c:6: warning: implicit declaration of function `printf'

You get two warnings here. The first one says that the rand function only takes zero arguments, not one as you tried. To get a random number between 0 and n, you can use the expression rand() % n, which is not perfect but ok for small n. The resulting random numbers are normally not evenly distributed; smaller values are returned more often.

The second warning tells you that you are calling a function that the compiler doesn't know at that point. You have to tell the compiler by saying #include <stdio.h>. Which include files are needed for which functions is not always simple, but asking the Open Group specification for portable operating systems works in many cases:

These two warnings tell you much about the history of the C programming language. 40 years back, the definition of a function didn't include the number of parameters or the types of the parameters. It was also ok to call an unknown function, which in most cases worked. If you want to write code today, you should not rely on these old features but instead enable your compiler's warnings, understand the warnings and then fix them properly.

System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800A03EC)

Try this as it worked for me...

  1. Go to "Start" -> "Run" and enter "dcomcnfg"
  2. This will bring up the component services window, expand out "Console Root" -> "Computers" -> "DCOM Config"
  3. Find "Microsoft Excel Application" in the list of components.
  4. Right click on the entry and select "Properties"
  5. Go to the "Identity" tab on the properties dialog.
  6. Select "The interactive user."

courtesy of Last paragraph mentioned in here

How to send an email with Gmail as provider using Python?

def send_email(user, pwd, recipient, subject, body):
    import smtplib

    FROM = user
    TO = recipient if isinstance(recipient, list) else [recipient]
    SUBJECT = subject
    TEXT = body

    # Prepare actual message
    message = """From: %s\nTo: %s\nSubject: %s\n\n%s
    """ % (FROM, ", ".join(TO), SUBJECT, TEXT)
        server = smtplib.SMTP("", 587)
        server.login(user, pwd)
        server.sendmail(FROM, TO, message)
        print 'successfully sent the mail'
        print "failed to send mail"

if you want to use Port 465 you have to create an SMTP_SSL object:

# SMTP_SSL Example
server_ssl = smtplib.SMTP_SSL("", 465)
server_ssl.ehlo() # optional, called by login()
server_ssl.login(gmail_user, gmail_pwd)  
# ssl server doesn't support or need tls, so don't call server_ssl.starttls() 
server_ssl.sendmail(FROM, TO, message)
print 'successfully sent the mail'

Cannot use string offset as an array in php

I was fighting a similar problem, so documenting here in case useful.

In a __get() method I was using the given argument as a property, as in (simplified example):

function __get($prop) {
     return $this->$prop;

...i.e. $obj->fred would access the private/protected fred property of the class.

I found that when I needed to reference an array structure within this property it generated the Cannot use String offset as array error. Here's what I did wrong and how to correct it:

function __get($prop) {
     // this is wrong, generates the error
     return $this->$prop['some key'][0];

function __get($prop) {
     // this is correct
     $ref = & $this->$prop;
     return $ref['some key'][0];

Explanation: in the wrong example, php is interpreting ['some key'] as a key to $prop (a string), whereas we need it to dereference $prop in place. In Perl you could do this by specifying with {} but I don't think this is possible in PHP.

HTML form readonly SELECT tag/input

I resolved it with jquery:

      $("select.myselect").bind("focus", function(){

cast or convert a float to nvarchar?

Do not use floats to store fixed-point, accuracy-required data. This example shows how to convert a float to NVARCHAR(50) properly, while also showing why it is a bad idea to use floats for precision data.

create table #f ([Column_Name] float)
insert #f select 9072351234
insert #f select 907235123400000000000

    cast([Column_Name] as nvarchar(50)),
    --cast([Column_Name] as int), Arithmetic overflow
    --cast([Column_Name] as bigint), Arithmetic overflow
    CAST(LTRIM(STR([Column_Name],50)) AS NVARCHAR(50))
from #f


9.07235e+009    9072351234
9.07235e+020    907235123400000010000

You may notice that the 2nd output ends with '10000' even though the data we tried to store in the table ends with '00000'. It is because float datatype has a fixed number of significant figures supported, which doesn't extend that far.

Should I use int or Int32

You should not care in most programming languages, unless you need to write very specific mathematical functions, or code optimized for one specific architecture... Just make sure the size of the type is enough for you (use something bigger than an Int if you know you'll need more than 32-bits for example)

Java - get the current class name?

In my case, I use this Java class:

private String getCurrentProcessName() {
    String processName = "";
    int pid = android.os.Process.myPid();
    ActivityManager manager = (ActivityManager) getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
    for (ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo processInfo : manager.getRunningAppProcesses()) {
        if ( == pid) {
            processName = processInfo.processName;
    return processName;

How comment a JSP expression?

When you don't want the user to see the comment use:

<%-- comment --%>

If you don't care / want the user to be able to view source and see the comment you can use:

<!-- comment -->

When in doubt use the JSP comment.

Change marker size in Google maps V3

This answer expounds on John Black's helpful answer, so I will repeat some of his answer content in my answer.

The easiest way to resize a marker seems to be leaving argument 2, 3, and 4 null and scaling the size in argument 5.

var pinIcon = new google.maps.MarkerImage(
    null, /* size is determined at runtime */
    null, /* origin is 0,0 */
    null, /* anchor is bottom center of the scaled image */
    new google.maps.Size(42, 68)

As an aside, this answer to a similar question asserts that defining marker size in the 2nd argument is better than scaling in the 5th argument. I don't know if this is true.

Leaving arguments 2-4 null works great for the default google pin image, but you must set an anchor explicitly for the default google pin shadow image, or it will look like this:

what happens when you leave anchor null on an enlarged shadow

The bottom center of the pin image happens to be collocated with the tip of the pin when you view the graphic on the map. This is important, because the marker's position property (marker's LatLng position on the map) will automatically be collocated with the visual tip of the pin when you leave the anchor (4th argument) null. In other words, leaving the anchor null ensures the tip points where it is supposed to point.

However, the tip of the shadow is not located at the bottom center. So you need to set the 4th argument explicitly to offset the tip of the pin shadow so the shadow's tip will be colocated with the pin image's tip.

By experimenting I found the tip of the shadow should be set like this: x is 1/3 of size and y is 100% of size.

var pinShadow = new google.maps.MarkerImage(
    /* Offset x axis 33% of overall size, Offset y axis 100% of overall size */
    new google.maps.Point(40, 110), 
    new google.maps.Size(120, 110)); 

to give this:

offset the enlarged shadow anchor explicitly

TypeError : Unhashable type

You'll find that instances of list do not provide a __hash__ --rather, that attribute of each list is actually None (try print [].__hash__). Thus, list is unhashable.

The reason your code works with list and not set is because set constructs a single set of items without duplicates, whereas a list can contain arbitrary data.

Simple post to Web Api

It's been quite sometime since I asked this question. Now I understand it more clearly, I'm going to put a more complete answer to help others.

In Web API, it's very simple to remember how parameter binding is happening.

  • if you POST simple types, Web API tries to bind it from the URL
  • if you POST complex type, Web API tries to bind it from the body of the request (this uses a media-type formatter).

  • If you want to bind a complex type from the URL, you'll use [FromUri] in your action parameter. The limitation of this is down to how long your data going to be and if it exceeds the url character limit.

    public IHttpActionResult Put([FromUri] ViewModel data) { ... }

  • If you want to bind a simple type from the request body, you'll use [FromBody] in your action parameter.

    public IHttpActionResult Put([FromBody] string name) { ... }

as a side note, say you are making a PUT request (just a string) to update something. If you decide not to append it to the URL and pass as a complex type with just one property in the model, then the data parameter in jQuery ajax will look something like below. The object you pass to data parameter has only one property with empty property name.

var myName = 'ABC';
$.ajax({url:.., data: {'': myName}});

and your web api action will look something like below.

public IHttpActionResult Put([FromBody] string name){ ... }

This page explains it all.

SSIS Connection Manager Not Storing SQL Password

Check the text contents of the connection manager file itself, the password field might be configured in the Project.params file, in which case entering the password into the connection manager window will cause it to not save.

CSS3 transition on click using pure CSS

If you want a css only solution you can use active

.crossRotate:active {
   transform: rotate(45deg);
   -webkit-transform: rotate(45deg);
   -ms-transform: rotate(45deg);

But the transformation will not persist when the activity moves. For that you need javascript (jquery click and css is the cleanest IMO).

$( ".crossRotate" ).click(function() {
    if (  $( this ).css( "transform" ) == 'none' ){
    } else {
        $(this).css("transform","" );


Force page scroll position to top at page refresh in HTML

This is one of the best way to do so:

$(window).on('beforeunload', function() {

Difference between maven scope compile and provided for JAR packaging

If you're planning to generate a single JAR file with all of its dependencies (the typical xxxx-all.jar), then provided scope matters, because the classes inside this scope won't be package in the resulting JAR.

See maven-assembly-plugin for more information

angular2 manually firing click event on particular element

Günter Zöchbauer's answer is the right one. Just consider adding the following line:

showImageBrowseDlg() {
    // from
    let event = new MouseEvent('click', {bubbles: true});
        this.fileInput.nativeElement, 'dispatchEvent', [event]);

In my case I would get a "caught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded" error if not. (I have a div card firing on click and the input file inside)

Android: View.setID(int id) programmatically - how to avoid ID conflicts?

According to View documentation

The identifier does not have to be unique in this view's hierarchy. The identifier should be a positive number.

So you can use any positive integer you like, but in this case there can be some views with equivalent id's. If you want to search for some view in hierarchy calling to setTag with some key objects may be handy.

Changing one character in a string

Strings are immutable in Python, which means you cannot change the existing string. But if you want to change any character in it, you could create a new string out it as follows,

def replace(s, position, character):
    return s[:position] + character + s[position+1:]

replace('King', 1, 'o')
// result: Kong

Note: If you give the position value greater than the length of the string, it will append the character at the end.

replace('Dog', 10, 's')
// result: Dogs

IIS 7, HttpHandler and HTTP Error 500.21

I had the same problem and just solved it. I had posted my own question on stackoverflow:

Can't PUT to my IHttpHandler, GET works fine

The solution was to set runManagedModulesForWebDavRequests to true in the modules element. My guess is that once you install WebDAV then all PUT requests are associated with it. If you need the PUT to go to your handler, you need to remove the WebDAV module and set this attribute to true.

<modules runManagedModulesForWebDavRequests="true">

So if you're running into the problem when you use the PUT verb and you have installed WebDAV then hopefully this solution will fix your problem.

Converting date between DD/MM/YYYY and YYYY-MM-DD?

I am new to programming. I wanted to convert from yyyy-mm-dd to dd/mm/yyyy to print out a date in the format that people in my part of the world use and recognise.

The accepted answer above got me on the right track.

The answer I ended up with to my problem is:

import datetime

today_date =

new_today_date = today_date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")
print (new_today_date)

The first two lines after the import statement gives today's date in the USA format (2017-01-26). The last two lines convert this to the format recognised in the UK and other countries (26/01/2017).

You can shorten this code, but I left it as is because it is helpful to me as a beginner. I hope this helps other beginner programmers starting out!

Remove json element

Try this following

var myJSONObject ={"ircEvent": "PRIVMSG", "method": "newURI", "regex": "^http://.*"};
delete myJSONObject.ircEvent 
delete myJSONObject.regex 

How to get on scroll events?

Alternative to @HostListener and scroll output on the element I would suggest using fromEvent from RxJS since you can chain it with filter() and distinctUntilChanges() and can easily skip flood of potentially redundant events (and change detections).

Here is a simple example:

// {static: true} can be omitted if you don't need this element/listener in ngOnInit
@ViewChild('elementId', {static: true}) el: ElementRef;

// ...

fromEvent(this.el.nativeElement, 'scroll')
    // Is elementId scrolled for more than 50 from top?
    map((e: Event) => (e.srcElement as Element).scrollTop > 50),
    // Dispatch change only if result from map above is different from previous result

jQuery: How to get to a particular child of a parent?

Calling .parents(".box .something1") will return all parent elements that match the selector .box .something. In other words, it will return parent elements that are .something1 and are inside of .box.

You need to get the children of the closest parent, like this:


This code calls .closest to get the innermost parent matching a selector, then calls .children on that parent element to find the uncle you're looking for.

Using HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError parameter for heap dump for JBoss

Here's what Oracle's documentation has to say:

By default the heap dump is created in a file called java_pid.hprof in the working directory of the VM, as in the example above. You can specify an alternative file name or directory with the -XX:HeapDumpPath= option. For example -XX:HeapDumpPath=/disk2/dumps will cause the heap dump to be generated in the /disk2/dumps directory.

How to use Ajax.ActionLink?

@Ajax.ActionLink requires jQuery AJAX Unobtrusive library. You can download it via nuget:

Install-Package Microsoft.jQuery.Unobtrusive.Ajax

Then add this code to your View:


Understanding events and event handlers in C#

publisher: where the events happen. Publisher should specify which delegate the class is using and generate necessary arguments, pass those arguments and itself to the delegate.

subscriber: where the response happen. Subscriber should specify methods to respond to events. These methods should take the same type of arguments as the delegate. Subscriber then add this method to publisher's delegate.

Therefore, when the event happen in publisher, delegate will receive some event arguments (data, etc), but publisher has no idea what will happen with all these data. Subscribers can create methods in their own class to respond to events in publisher's class, so that subscribers can respond to publisher's events.

python NameError: global name '__file__' is not defined

I had the same problem with PyInstaller and Py2exe so I came across the resolution on the FAQ from cx-freeze.

When using your script from the console or as an application, the functions hereunder will deliver you the "execution path", not the "actual file path":



Your old line (initial question):

def read(*rnames):
return open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), *rnames)).read()

Substitute your line of code with the following snippet.

def find_data_file(filename):
    if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False):
        # The application is frozen
        datadir = os.path.dirname(sys.executable)
        # The application is not frozen
        # Change this bit to match where you store your data files:
        datadir = os.path.dirname(__file__)

    return os.path.join(datadir, filename)

With the above code you could add your application to the path of your os, you could execute it anywhere without the problem that your app is unable to find it's data/configuration files.

Tested with python:

  • 3.3.4
  • 2.7.13

rejected master -> master (non-fast-forward)

If git pull does not help, then probably you have pushed your changes (A) and after that had used git commit --amend to add some more changes (B). Therefore, git thinks that you can lose the history - it interprets B as a different commit despite it contains all changes from A.


If nobody changes the repo after A, then you can do git push --force.

However, if there are changes after A from other person:


then you must rebase that persons changes from A to B (C->D).


or fix the problem manually. I didn't think how to do that yet.

How do I display todays date on SSRS report?

  1. Inset Test box in the design area of the SSRS report.
  2. Right-click on the Textbox and scroll down and click on the Expression tab
  3. just type the given expression in the expression area: =format(Today,"dd/MM/yyyy")

Bootstrap 3 Styled Select dropdown looks ugly in Firefox on OS X

I found two potential ways of solving this specific problem:

  1. Use Chosen

  2. Target mozilla browsers using @-moz-document url-prefix() like so:

@-moz-document url-prefix() {
  select {
    padding: 5px;

Get the name of a pandas DataFrame

Sometimes doesn't work.

you might get an error message:

'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'name'

try the below function:

def get_df_name(df):
    name =[x for x in globals() if globals()[x] is df][0]
    return name

Oracle SQL update based on subquery between two tables

Try it ..

SET (name, count) = (
SELECT name, count
        FROM STAGING b
        WHERE a.ID = b.ID)
    WHERE a.ID=b.ID

Reading file line by line (with space) in Unix Shell scripting - Issue

You want to read raw lines to avoid problems with backslashes in the input (use -r):

while read -r line; do
   printf "<%s>\n" "$line"
done < file.txt

This will keep whitespace within the line, but removes leading and trailing whitespace. To keep those as well, set the IFS empty, as in

while IFS= read -r line; do
   printf "%s\n" "$line"
done < file.txt

This now is an equivalent of cat < file.txt as long as file.txt ends with a newline.

Note that you must double quote "$line" in order to keep word splitting from splitting the line into separate words--thus losing multiple whitespace sequences.

How can I confirm a database is Oracle & what version it is using SQL?

Two methods:

select * from v$version;

will give you:

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for Solaris: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

OR Identifying Your Oracle Database Software Release:

select * from product_component_version;

will give you:

NLSRTL  Production
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition  64bit Production
PL/SQL  Production
TNS for Solaris:  Production

Install / upgrade gradle on Mac OS X

And using ports:

port install gradle

Ports , tested on El Capitan

How can I select from list of values in SQL Server

Available only on SQL Server 2008 and over is row-constructor in this form:
You could use

SELECT DISTINCT * FROM (VALUES (1), (1), (1), (2), (5), (1), (6)) AS X(a)

Many wrote about, among them:

JSON.parse vs. eval()

If you parse the JSON with eval, you're allowing the string being parsed to contain absolutely anything, so instead of just being a set of data, you could find yourself executing function calls, or whatever.

Also, JSON's parse accepts an aditional parameter, reviver, that lets you specify how to deal with certain values, such as datetimes (more info and example in the inline documentation here)

linux execute command remotely

 ssh user@machine 'bash -s' <

or you can just

 ssh user@machine "remote command to run" 

.htaccess redirect all pages to new domain

Simple just like this and this will not carry the trailing query from URL to new domain.

Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule .* [R=301,L]

Android: where are downloaded files saved?

In my experience all the files which i have downloaded from internet,gmail are stored in


on ics


You can access it using


Iterator over HashMap in Java

You should really use generics and the enhanced for loop for this:

Map<Integer, String> hm = new HashMap<>();
hm.put(0, "zero");
hm.put(1, "one");

for (Integer key : hm.keySet()) {

Or the entrySet() version:

Map<Integer, String> hm = new HashMap<>();
hm.put(0, "zero");
hm.put(1, "one");

for (Map.Entry<Integer, String> e : hm.entrySet()) {

How to use If Statement in Where Clause in SQL?

Nto sure which RDBMS you are using, but if it is SQL Server you could look at rather using a CASE statement

Evaluates a list of conditions and returns one of multiple possible result expressions.

The CASE expression has two formats:

The simple CASE expression compares an expression to a set of simple expressions to determine the result.

The searched CASE expression evaluates a set of Boolean expressions to determine the result.

Both formats support an optional ELSE argument.

How do you add an in-app purchase to an iOS application?

Swift Answer

This is meant to supplement my Objective-C answer for Swift users, to keep the Objective-C answer from getting too big.


First, set up the in-app purchase on Follow the beginning part of my Objective-C answer (steps 1-13, under the App Store Connect header) for instructions on doing that.

It could take a few hours for your product ID to register in App Store Connect, so be patient.

Now that you've set up your in-app purchase information on App Store Connect, we need to add Apple's framework for in-app-purchases, StoreKit, to the app.

Go into your Xcode project, and go to the application manager (blue page-like icon at the top of the left bar where your app's files are). Click on your app under targets on the left (it should be the first option), then go to "Capabilities" at the top. On the list, you should see an option "In-App Purchase". Turn this capability ON, and Xcode will add StoreKit to your project.


Now, we're going to start coding!

First, make a new swift file that will manage all of your in-app-purchases. I'm going to call it IAPManager.swift.

In this file, we're going to create a new class, called IAPManager that is a SKProductsRequestDelegate and SKPaymentTransactionObserver. At the top, make sure you import Foundation and StoreKit

import Foundation
import StoreKit

public class IAPManager: NSObject, SKProductsRequestDelegate,
                         SKPaymentTransactionObserver {

Next, we're going to add a variable to define the identifier for our in-app purchase (you could also use an enum, which would be easier to maintain if you have multiple IAPs).

// This should the ID of the in-app-purchase you made on AppStore Connect.
// if you have multiple IAPs, you'll need to store their identifiers in
// other variables, too (or, preferably in an enum).
let removeAdsID = "com.skiplit.removeAds"

Let's add an initializer for our class next:

// This is the initializer for your IAPManager class
// A better, and more scaleable way of doing this
// is to also accept a callback in the initializer, and call
// that callback in places like the paymentQueue function, and
// in all functions in this class, in place of calls to functions
// in RemoveAdsManager (you'll see those calls in the code below).

let productID: String
init(productID: String){
    self.productID = productID

Now, we're going to add the required functions for SKProductsRequestDelegate and SKPaymentTransactionObserver to work:

We'll add the RemoveAdsManager class later

// This is called when a SKProductsRequest receives a response
public func productsRequest(_ request: SKProductsRequest, didReceive response: SKProductsResponse){
    // Let's try to get the first product from the response
    // to the request
    if let product = response.products.first{
        // We were able to get the product! Make a new payment
        // using this product
        let payment = SKPayment(product: product)

        // add the new payment to the queue
        // Something went wrong! It is likely that either
        // the user doesn't have internet connection, or
        // your product ID is wrong!
        // Tell the user in requestFailed() by sending an alert,
        // or something of the sort


// This is called when the user restores their IAP sucessfully
private func paymentQueueRestoreCompletedTransactionsFinished(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue){
    // For every transaction in the transaction queue...
    for transaction in queue.transactions{
        // If that transaction was restored
        if transaction.transactionState == .restored{
            // get the producted ID from the transaction
            let productID = transaction.payment.productIdentifier

            // In this case, we have only one IAP, so we don't need to check
            // what IAP it is. However, this is useful if you have multiple IAPs!
            // You'll need to figure out which one was restored
            if(productID.lowercased() == IAPManager.removeAdsID.lowercased()){
                // Restore the user's purchases

            // finish the payment

// This is called when the state of the IAP changes -- from purchasing to purchased, for example.
// This is where the magic happens :)
public func paymentQueue(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue, updatedTransactions transactions: [SKPaymentTransaction]){
    for transaction in transactions{
        // get the producted ID from the transaction
        let productID = transaction.payment.productIdentifier

        // In this case, we have only one IAP, so we don't need to check
        // what IAP it is.
        // However, if you have multiple IAPs, you'll need to use productID
        // to check what functions you should run here!

        switch transaction.transactionState{
        case .purchasing:
            // if the user is currently purchasing the IAP,
            // we don't need to do anything.
            // You could use this to show the user
            // an activity indicator, or something like that
        case .purchased:
            // the user successfully purchased the IAP!
        case .restored:
                // the user restored their IAP!
        case .failed:
                // The transaction failed!
                // finish the transaction
        case .deferred:
                // This happens when the IAP needs an external action
                // in order to proceeded, like Ask to Buy

Now let's add some functions that can be used to start a purchase or a restore purchases:

// Call this when you want to begin a purchase
// for the productID you gave to the initializer
public func beginPurchase(){
    // If the user can make payments
    if SKPaymentQueue.canMakePayments(){
        // Create a new request
        let request = SKProductsRequest(productIdentifiers: [productID])
        // Set the request delegate to self, so we receive a response
        request.delegate = self
        // start the request
        // Otherwise, tell the user that
        // they are not authorized to make payments,
        // due to parental controls, etc

// Call this when you want to restore all purchases
// regardless of the productID you gave to the initializer
public func beginRestorePurchases(){
    // restore purchases, and give responses to self

Next, let's add a new utilities class to manage our IAPs. All of this code could be in one class, but having it multiple makes it a little cleaner. I'm going to make a new class called RemoveAdsManager, and in it, put a few functions

public class RemoveAdsManager{

    class func removeAds()
    class func restoreRemoveAds()

    class func areAdsRemoved() -> Bool

    class func removeAdsSuccess()
    class func restoreRemoveAdsSuccess()
    class func removeAdsDeferred()
    class func removeAdsFailure()

The first three functions, removeAds, restoreRemoveAds, and areAdsRemoved, are functions that you'll call to do certain actions. The last four are one that will be called by IAPManager.

Let's add some code to the first two functions, removeAds and restoreRemoveAds:

// Call this when the user wants
// to remove ads, like when they
// press a "remove ads" button
class func removeAds(){
    // Before starting the purchase, you could tell the
    // user that their purchase is happening, maybe with
    // an activity indicator

    let iap = IAPManager(productID: IAPManager.removeAdsID)

// Call this when the user wants
// to restore their IAP purchases,
// like when they press a "restore
// purchases" button.
class func restoreRemoveAds(){
    // Before starting the purchase, you could tell the
    // user that the restore action is happening, maybe with
    // an activity indicator

    let iap = IAPManager(productID: IAPManager.removeAdsID)

And lastly, let's add some code to the last five functions.

// Call this to check whether or not
// ads are removed. You can use the
// result of this to hide or show
// ads
class func areAdsRemoved() -> Bool{
    // This is the code that is run to check
    // if the user has the IAP.

    return UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: "RemoveAdsPurchased")

// This will be called by IAPManager
// when the user sucessfully purchases
// the IAP
class func removeAdsSuccess(){
    // This is the code that is run to actually
    // give the IAP to the user!
    // I'm using UserDefaults in this example,
    // but you may want to use Keychain,
    // or some other method, as UserDefaults
    // can be modified by users using their
    // computer, if they know how to, more
    // easily than Keychain

    UserDefaults.standard.set(true, forKey: "RemoveAdsPurchased")

// This will be called by IAPManager
// when the user sucessfully restores
//  their purchases
class func restoreRemoveAdsSuccess(){
    // Give the user their IAP back! Likely all you'll need to
    // do is call the same function you call when a user
    // sucessfully completes their purchase. In this case, removeAdsSuccess()


// This will be called by IAPManager
// when the IAP failed
class func removeAdsFailure(){
    // Send the user a message explaining that the IAP
    // failed for some reason, and to try again later

// This will be called by IAPManager
// when the IAP gets deferred.
class func removeAdsDeferred(){
    // Send the user a message explaining that the IAP
    // was deferred, and pending an external action, like
    // Ask to Buy.

Putting it all together, we get something like this:

import Foundation
import StoreKit

public class RemoveAdsManager{

    // Call this when the user wants
    // to remove ads, like when they
    // press a "remove ads" button
    class func removeAds(){
        // Before starting the purchase, you could tell the
        // user that their purchase is happening, maybe with
        // an activity indicator

        let iap = IAPManager(productID: IAPManager.removeAdsID)

    // Call this when the user wants
    // to restore their IAP purchases,
    // like when they press a "restore
    // purchases" button.
    class func restoreRemoveAds(){
        // Before starting the purchase, you could tell the
        // user that the restore action is happening, maybe with
        // an activity indicator

        let iap = IAPManager(productID: IAPManager.removeAdsID)

    // Call this to check whether or not
    // ads are removed. You can use the
    // result of this to hide or show
    // ads
    class func areAdsRemoved() -> Bool{
        // This is the code that is run to check
        // if the user has the IAP.

        return UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: "RemoveAdsPurchased")

    // This will be called by IAPManager
    // when the user sucessfully purchases
    // the IAP
    class func removeAdsSuccess(){
        // This is the code that is run to actually
        // give the IAP to the user!
        // I'm using UserDefaults in this example,
        // but you may want to use Keychain,
        // or some other method, as UserDefaults
        // can be modified by users using their
        // computer, if they know how to, more
        // easily than Keychain

        UserDefaults.standard.set(true, forKey: "RemoveAdsPurchased")

    // This will be called by IAPManager
    // when the user sucessfully restores
    //  their purchases
    class func restoreRemoveAdsSuccess(){
        // Give the user their IAP back! Likely all you'll need to
        // do is call the same function you call when a user
        // sucessfully completes their purchase. In this case, removeAdsSuccess()

    // This will be called by IAPManager
    // when the IAP failed
    class func removeAdsFailure(){
        // Send the user a message explaining that the IAP
        // failed for some reason, and to try again later

    // This will be called by IAPManager
    // when the IAP gets deferred.
    class func removeAdsDeferred(){
        // Send the user a message explaining that the IAP
        // was deferred, and pending an external action, like
        // Ask to Buy.


public class IAPManager: NSObject, SKProductsRequestDelegate, SKPaymentTransactionObserver{

    // This should the ID of the in-app-purchase you made on AppStore Connect.
    // if you have multiple IAPs, you'll need to store their identifiers in
    // other variables, too (or, preferably in an enum).
    static let removeAdsID = "com.skiplit.removeAds"

    // This is the initializer for your IAPManager class
    // An alternative, and more scaleable way of doing this
    // is to also accept a callback in the initializer, and call
    // that callback in places like the paymentQueue function, and
    // in all functions in this class, in place of calls to functions
    // in RemoveAdsManager.
    let productID: String
    init(productID: String){
        self.productID = productID

    // Call this when you want to begin a purchase
    // for the productID you gave to the initializer
    public func beginPurchase(){
        // If the user can make payments
        if SKPaymentQueue.canMakePayments(){
            // Create a new request
            let request = SKProductsRequest(productIdentifiers: [productID])
            request.delegate = self
            // Otherwise, tell the user that
            // they are not authorized to make payments,
            // due to parental controls, etc

    // Call this when you want to restore all purchases
    // regardless of the productID you gave to the initializer
    public func beginRestorePurchases(){

    // This is called when a SKProductsRequest receives a response
    public func productsRequest(_ request: SKProductsRequest, didReceive response: SKProductsResponse){
        // Let's try to get the first product from the response
        // to the request
        if let product = response.products.first{
            // We were able to get the product! Make a new payment
            // using this product
            let payment = SKPayment(product: product)

            // add the new payment to the queue
            // Something went wrong! It is likely that either
            // the user doesn't have internet connection, or
            // your product ID is wrong!
            // Tell the user in requestFailed() by sending an alert,
            // or something of the sort


    // This is called when the user restores their IAP sucessfully
    private func paymentQueueRestoreCompletedTransactionsFinished(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue){
        // For every transaction in the transaction queue...
        for transaction in queue.transactions{
            // If that transaction was restored
            if transaction.transactionState == .restored{
                // get the producted ID from the transaction
                let productID = transaction.payment.productIdentifier

                // In this case, we have only one IAP, so we don't need to check
                // what IAP it is. However, this is useful if you have multiple IAPs!
                // You'll need to figure out which one was restored
                if(productID.lowercased() == IAPManager.removeAdsID.lowercased()){
                    // Restore the user's purchases

                // finish the payment

    // This is called when the state of the IAP changes -- from purchasing to purchased, for example.
    // This is where the magic happens :)
    public func paymentQueue(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue, updatedTransactions transactions: [SKPaymentTransaction]){
        for transaction in transactions{
            // get the producted ID from the transaction
            let productID = transaction.payment.productIdentifier

            // In this case, we have only one IAP, so we don't need to check
            // what IAP it is.
            // However, if you have multiple IAPs, you'll need to use productID
            // to check what functions you should run here!

            switch transaction.transactionState{
            case .purchasing:
                // if the user is currently purchasing the IAP,
                // we don't need to do anything.
                // You could use this to show the user
                // an activity indicator, or something like that
            case .purchased:
                // the user sucessfully purchased the IAP!
            case .restored:
                // the user restored their IAP!
            case .failed:
                // The transaction failed!
                // finish the transaction
            case .deferred:
                // This happens when the IAP needs an external action
                // in order to proceeded, like Ask to Buy


Lastly, you need to add some way for the user to start the purchase and call RemoveAdsManager.removeAds() and start a restore and call RemoveAdsManager.restoreRemoveAds(), like a button somewhere! Keep in mind that, per the App Store guidelines, you do need to provide a button to restore purchases somewhere.

Submitting for review

The last thing to do is submit your IAP for review on App Store Connect! For detailed instructions on doing that, you can follow the last part of my Objective-C answer, under the Submitting for review header.

How To Save Canvas As An Image With canvas.toDataURL()?

You can use canvas2image to prompt for download.

I had the same issue, here's a simple example that both adds the image to the page and forces the browser to download it:

        <script src=""></script>
            function draw(){
                var canvas = document.getElementById("thecanvas");
                var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
                ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(125, 46, 138, 0.5)";
                ctx.fillStyle = "rgba( 0, 146, 38, 0.5)";
                ctx.fillRect(58, 74, 125, 100);

            function to_image(){
                var canvas = document.getElementById("thecanvas");
                document.getElementById("theimage").src = canvas.toDataURL();
    <body onload="draw()">
        <canvas width=200 height=200 id="thecanvas"></canvas>
        <div><button onclick="to_image()">Draw to Image</button></div>
        <image id="theimage"></image>

How to link external javascript file onclick of button

You can load all your scripts in the head tag, and whatever your script is doing in function braces. But make sure you change the scope of the variables if you are using those variables outside the script.

How to run a Command Prompt command with Visual Basic code?

Yes. You can use Process.Start to launch an executable, including a console application.

If you need to read the output from the application, you may need to read from it's StandardOutput stream in order to get anything printed from the application you launch.

Font Awesome not working, icons showing as squares

As of Dec 2018, I find it easier to use the stable version 4.7.0 hosted on bootstrapcdn instead of the font-awesome 5.x.x cdn on their website -- since every time they upgrade minor versions the previous version WILL break.

<link media="all" rel="stylesheet" href="">

Icons are the same:

<i class="fa fa-facebook"></i>

How to convert float to int with Java

As to me, easier: (int) (a +.5) // a is a Float. Return rounded value.

Not dependent on Java Math.round() types

Class JavaLaunchHelper is implemented in two places

This happened to me when I installed Intellij IDEA 2017, go to menu Preferences -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Debugger and disable the option: "Force Classic VM for JDK 1.3.x and earlier". This works to me.

Shortest way to check for null and assign another value if not

You are looking for the C# coalesce operator: ??. This operator takes a left and right argument. If the left hand side of the operator is null or a nullable with no value it will return the right argument. Otherwise it will return the left.

var x = somePossiblyNullValue ?? valueIfNull;

Android ImageView's onClickListener does not work

Check if other view has the property match_parent or fill_parent ,those properties may cover your ImageView which has shown in your RelativeLayout.By the way,the accepted answer does not work in my case.

What's the best way to parse a JSON response from the requests library?

Since you're using requests, you should use the response's json method.

import requests

response = requests.get(...)
data = response.json()

It autodetects which decoder to use.

Detecting superfluous #includes in C/C++?

I've tried using Flexelint (the unix version of PC-Lint) and had somewhat mixed results. This is likely because I'm working on a very large and knotty code base. I recommend carefully examining each file that is reported as unused.

The main worry is false positives. Multiple includes of the same header are reported as an unneeded header. This is bad since Flexelint does not tell you what line the header is included on or where it was included before.

One of the ways automated tools can get this wrong:

In A.hpp:

class A { 
  // ...

In B.hpp:

#include "A.hpp

class B {
        A foo;

In C.cpp:

#include "C.hpp"  

#include "B.hpp"  // <-- Unneeded, but lint reports it as needed
#include "A.hpp"  // <-- Needed, but lint reports it as unneeded

If you blindly follow the messages from Flexelint you'll muck up your #include dependencies. There are more pathological cases, but basically you're going to need to inspect the headers yourself for best results.

I highly recommend this article on Physical Structure and C++ from the blog Games from within. They recommend a comprehensive approach to cleaning up the #include mess:


Here’s a distilled set of guidelines from Lakos’ book that minimize the number of physical dependencies between files. I’ve been using them for years and I’ve always been really happy with the results.

  1. Every cpp file includes its own header file first. [snip]
  2. A header file must include all the header files necessary to parse it. [snip]
  3. A header file should have the bare minimum number of header files necessary to parse it. [snip]

How do you loop in a Windows batch file?

Try this code:

@echo off
color 02
set num1=0
set num2=1 
set terminator=5
set /a num1= %num1% + %num2%
if %num1%==%terminator% goto close
goto open
echo %num1%
echo %num1%
goto loop

num1 is the number to be incremented and num2 is the value added to num1 and terminator is the value where the num1 will end. You can indicate different value for terminator in this statement (if %num1%==%terminator% goto close). This is the boolean expression goto close is the process if the boolean is true and goto open is the process if the boolean is false.

shift a std_logic_vector of n bit to right or left

Use the ieee.numeric_std library, and the appropriate vector type for the numbers you are working on (unsigned or signed).

Then the operators are sla/sra for arithmetic shifts (ie fill with sign bit on right shifts and lsb on left shifts) and sll/srl for logical shifts (ie fill with '0's).

You pass a parameter to the operator to define the number of bits to shift:

A <= B srl 2; -- logical shift right 2 bits


I have no idea what I was writing above (thanks to Val for pointing that out!)

Of course the correct way to shift signed and unsigned types is with the shift_left and shift_right functions defined in ieee.numeric_std.

The shift and rotate operators sll, ror etc are for vectors of boolean, bit or std_ulogic, and can have interestingly unexpected behaviour in that the arithmetic shifts duplicate the end-bit even when shifting left.

And much more history can be found here:

However, the answer to the original question is still

sig <= tmp sll number_of_bits;

Delete sql rows where IDs do not have a match from another table

WHERE fileid NOT IN 
       (SELECT id 
        FROM files 
        WHERE id is NOT NULL/*This line is unlikely to be needed 
                               but using NOT IN...*/

SQL Server Regular expressions in T-SQL

There is some basic pattern matching available through using LIKE, where % matches any number and combination of characters, _ matches any one character, and [abc] could match a, b, or c... There is more info on the MSDN site.

Need table of key codes for android and presenter

The actual standard key-layout is found in /system/usr/keylayout/qwerty.kl within the Android running on the handset. And it is a generic keylayout also.

key 115   VOLUME_UP         WAKE
key 114   VOLUME_DOWN       WAKE

From the AOSP source it can be found in sdk/emulator/keymaps/qwerty.kl.

But bear in mind this, when the source gets compiled along with a device specific keylayout, that will override the standard layout instead so the mileage will vary depending on what the manufacturer has programmed into the keycode for the volume up/down buttons in your case!

How to find the number of days between two dates

You would use DATEDIFF:

declare @start datetime
declare @end datetime

set @start = '2011-01-01'
set @end = '2012-01-01'

select DATEDIFF(d, @start, @end)

results = 365

so for your query:

SELECT dtCreated
    , bActive
    , dtLastPaymentAttempt
    , dtLastUpdated
    , dtLastVisit
    , DATEDIFF(d, dtCreated, dtLastUpdated) as Difference
FROM Customers
WHERE (bActive = 'true') 
    AND (dtLastUpdated > CONVERT(DATETIME, '2012-01-0100:00:00', 102))

Java Convert GMT/UTC to Local time doesn't work as expected

I also recommend using Joda as mentioned before.

Solving your problem using standard Java Date objects only can be done as follows:

    // **** YOUR CODE **** BEGIN ****
    long ts = System.currentTimeMillis();
    Date localTime = new Date(ts);
    String format = "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss";
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(format);

    // Convert Local Time to UTC (Works Fine)
    Date gmtTime = new Date(sdf.format(localTime));
    System.out.println("Local:" + localTime.toString() + "," + localTime.getTime() + " --> UTC time:"
            + gmtTime.toString() + "," + gmtTime.getTime());

    // **** YOUR CODE **** END ****

    // Convert UTC to Local Time
    Date fromGmt = new Date(gmtTime.getTime() + TimeZone.getDefault().getOffset(localTime.getTime()));
    System.out.println("UTC time:" + gmtTime.toString() + "," + gmtTime.getTime() + " --> Local:"
            + fromGmt.toString() + "-" + fromGmt.getTime());


Local:Tue Oct 15 12:19:40 CEST 2013,1381832380522 --> UTC time:Tue Oct 15 10:19:40 CEST 2013,1381825180000
UTC time:Tue Oct 15 10:19:40 CEST 2013,1381825180000 --> Local:Tue Oct 15 12:19:40 CEST 2013-1381832380000

MySQL SELECT statement for the "length" of the field is greater than 1

select * from [tbl] where [link] is not null and len([link]) > 1

For MySQL user:

LENGTH([link]) > 1

Escaping Double Quotes in Batch Script

For example for Unreal engine Automation tool run from batch file - this worked for me

eg: -cmdline=" -Messaging" -device=device -addcmdline="-SessionId=session -SessionOwner='owner' -SessionName='Build' -dataProviderMode=local -LogCmds='LogCommodity OFF' -execcmds='automation list; runtests tests+separated+by+T1+T2; quit' " -run

Hope this helps someone, worked for me.

What does "publicPath" in Webpack do?

in my case, i have a cdn,and i am going to place all my processed static files (js,imgs,fonts...) into my cdn,suppose the url is

so if there is a js file which is the orginal refer url in html is './js/my.js' it should became in production environment

in that case,what i need to do is just set publicpath equals and webpack will automatic add that prefix

Define a fixed-size list in Java

If you want some flexibility, create a class that watches the size of the list.

Here's a simple example. You would need to override all the methods that change the state of the list.

public class LimitedArrayList<T> extends ArrayList<T>{
    private int limit;

    public LimitedArrayList(int limit){
        this.limit = limit;

    public void add(T item){
        if (this.size() > limit)
            throw new ListTooLargeException();

    // ... similarly for other methods that may add new elements ...

MySQL string replace

You can simply use replace() function,

with where clause-

update tabelName set columnName=REPLACE(columnName,'from','to') where condition;

without where clause-

update tabelName set columnName=REPLACE(columnName,'from','to');

Note: The above query if for update records directly in table, if you want on select query and the data should not be affected in table then can use the following query-

select REPLACE(columnName,'from','to') as updateRecord;

How to Install Font Awesome in Laravel Mix

How to Install Font Awesome 5 in Laravel 5.3 - 5.6 (The Right Way)

Build your webpack.mix.js configuration.


mix.js('resources/assets/js/app.js', 'public/js')
   .sass('resources/assets/sass/app.scss', 'public/css');

Install the latest free version of Font Awesome via a package manager like npm.

npm install @fortawesome/fontawesome-free

This dependency entry should now be in your package.json.

// Font Awesome
"dependencies": {
    "@fortawesome/fontawesome-free": "^5.15.2",

In your main SCSS file /resources/assets/sass/app.scss, import one or more styles.

@import '~@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/fontawesome';
@import '~@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/regular';
@import '~@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/solid';
@import '~@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/brands';

Compile your assets and produce a minified, production-ready build.

npm run production

Finally, reference your generated CSS file in your Blade template/layout.

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="{{ mix('css/app.css') }}">

How to Install Font Awesome 5 with Laravel Mix 6 in Laravel 8 (The Right Way)

Is there any way to delete local commits in Mercurial?

In addition to Samaursa's excelent answer, you can use the evolve extension's prune as a safe and recoverable version of strip that will allow you to go back in case you do anything wrong.

I have these alias on my .hgrc:

 # Prunes all draft changesets on the current repository
 reset-tree = prune -r "outgoing() and not obsolete()"
 # *STRIPS* all draft changesets on current repository. This deletes history.
 force-reset-tree = strip 'roots(outgoing())'

Note that prune also has --keep, just like strip, to keep the working directory intact allowing you to recommit the files.

Count distinct value pairs in multiple columns in SQL

Another (probably not production-ready or recommended) method I just came up with is to concat the values to a string and count this string distinctively:

SELECT count(DISTINCT concat(id, name, address)) FROM mytable;

What is mutex and semaphore in Java ? What is the main difference?

A semaphore is a counting synchronization mechanism, a mutex isn't.

Round a floating-point number down to the nearest integer?

If you working with numpy, you can use the following solution which also works with negative numbers (it's also working on arrays)

import numpy as np
def round_down(num):
    if num < 0:
        return -np.ceil(abs(num))
        return np.int32(num)
round_down = np.vectorize(round_down)

round_down([-1.1, -1.5, -1.6, 0, 1.1, 1.5, 1.6])
> array([-2., -2., -2.,  0.,  1.,  1.,  1.])

I think it will also work if you just use the math module instead of numpy module.

Core dump file analysis

You just need a binary (with debugging symbols included) that is identical to the one that generated the core dump file. Then you can run gdb path/to/the/binary path/to/the/core/dump/file to debug it.

When it starts up, you can use bt (for backtrace) to get a stack trace from the time of the crash. In the backtrace, each function invocation is given a number. You can use frame number (replacing number with the corresponding number in the stack trace) to select a particular stack frame.

You can then use list to see code around that function, and info locals to see the local variables. You can also use print name_of_variable (replacing "name_of_variable" with a variable name) to see its value.

Typing help within GDB will give you a prompt that will let you see additional commands.

adding child nodes in treeview

Example of adding child nodes:

private void AddExampleNodes()
            TreeNode node;

            node = treeView1.Nodes.Add("Master node");
            node.Nodes.Add("Child node");
            node.Nodes.Add("Child node 2");

            node = treeView1.Nodes.Add("Master node 2");

How to set up fixed width for <td>?

Hard to judge without the context of the page html or the rest of your CSS. There might be a zillion reasons why your CSS rule is not affecting the td element.

Have you tried more specific CSS selectors such as

tr.somethingontrlevel td.something {
  width: 90px;

This to avoid your CSS being overridden by a more specific rule from the bootstrap css.

(by the way, in your inline css sample with the style attribute, you misspelled width - that could explain why that try failed!)

Canvas width and height in HTML5

The canvas DOM element has .height and .width properties that correspond to the height="…" and width="…" attributes. Set them to numeric values in JavaScript code to resize your canvas. For example:

var canvas = document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')[0];
canvas.width  = 800;
canvas.height = 600;

Note that this clears the canvas, though you should follow with ctx.clearRect( 0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height); to handle those browsers that don't fully clear the canvas. You'll need to redraw of any content you wanted displayed after the size change.

Note further that the height and width are the logical canvas dimensions used for drawing and are different from the style.height and style.width CSS attributes. If you don't set the CSS attributes, the intrinsic size of the canvas will be used as its display size; if you do set the CSS attributes, and they differ from the canvas dimensions, your content will be scaled in the browser. For example:

// Make a canvas that has a blurry pixelated zoom-in
// with each canvas pixel drawn showing as roughly 2x2 on screen
canvas.width  = 400;
canvas.height = 300;  = '800px'; = '600px';

See this live example of a canvas that is zoomed in by 4x.

var c = document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')[0];_x000D_
var ctx = c.getContext('2d');_x000D_
ctx.lineWidth   = 1;_x000D_
ctx.strokeStyle = '#f00';_x000D_
ctx.fillStyle   = '#eff';_x000D_
ctx.fillRect(  10.5, 10.5, 20, 20 );_x000D_
ctx.strokeRect( 10.5, 10.5, 20, 20 );_x000D_
ctx.fillRect(   40, 10.5, 20, 20 );_x000D_
ctx.strokeRect( 40, 10.5, 20, 20 );_x000D_
ctx.fillRect(   70, 10, 20, 20 );_x000D_
ctx.strokeRect( 70, 10, 20, 20 );_x000D_
ctx.strokeStyle = '#fff';_x000D_
ctx.strokeRect( 10.5, 10.5, 20, 20 );_x000D_
ctx.strokeRect( 40, 10.5, 20, 20 );_x000D_
ctx.strokeRect( 70, 10, 20, 20 );
body { background:#eee; margin:1em; text-align:center }_x000D_
canvas { background:#fff; border:1px solid #ccc; width:400px; height:160px }
<canvas width="100" height="40"></canvas>_x000D_
<p>Showing that re-drawing the same antialiased lines does not obliterate old antialiased lines.</p>

Postgres integer arrays as parameters?

You can always use a properly formatted string. The trick is the formatting.

command.Parameters.Add("@array_parameter", string.Format("{{{0}}}", string.Join(",", array));

Note that if your array is an array of strings, then you'll need to use array.Select(value => string.Format("\"{0}\", value)) or the equivalent. I use this style for an array of an enumerated type in PostgreSQL, because there's no automatic conversion from the array.

In my case, my enumerated type has some values like 'value1', 'value2', 'value3', and my C# enumeration has matching values. In my case, the final SQL query ends up looking something like (E'{"value1","value2"}'), and this works.

WindowsError: [Error 126] The specified module could not be found

NestedCaveats solution worked for me.

Imported my .dll files before importing torch and gpytorch, and all went smoothly.

So I just want to add that its not just importing pytorch but I can confirm that torch and gpytorch have this issue as well. I'd assume it covers any other torch-related libraries.

How can you run a Java program without main method?

Up until JDK6, you could use a static initializer block to print the message. This way, as soon as your class is loaded the message will be printed. The trick then becomes using another program to load your class.

public class Hello {
  static {
    System.out.println("Hello, World!");

Of course, you can run the program as java Hello and you will see the message; however, the command will also fail with a message stating:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: main

[Edit] as noted by others, you can avoid the NoSuchmethodError by simply calling System.exit(0) immediately after printing the message.

As of JDK6 onward, you no longer see the message from the static initializer block; details here.

Convert JSON to DataTable

json = File.ReadAllText(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "App_Data\\" +download_file[0]);
DataTable dt = (DataTable)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json, (typeof(DataTable)));

Is there a way to cache GitHub credentials for pushing commits?

I got my answer from gitcredentials(7) Manual Page. For my case, I don't have credential-cache in my Windows installation; I use credential-store.

After I use credential-store, the username/password are stored in [user folder]/.git-credentials file. To remove the username/password, just delete the content of the file.


You can try this:

  count(distinct tag) as tag_count,
  count(distinct (case when entryId > 0 then tag end)) as positive_tag_count

The first count(distinct...) is easy. The second one, looks somewhat complex, is actually the same as the first one, except that you use case...when clause. In the case...when clause, you filter only positive values. Zeros or negative values would be evaluated as null and won't be included in count.

One thing to note here is that this can be done by reading the table once. When it seems that you have to read the same table twice or more, it can actually be done by reading once, in most of the time. As a result, it will finish the task a lot faster with less I/O.

JavaScript vs for

I second opinions that you should choose the iteration method according to your need. I would suggest you actually not to ever loop through native Array with for in structure. It is way slower and, as Chase Seibert pointed at the moment ago, not compatible with Prototype framework.

There is an excellent benchmark on different looping styles that you absolutely should take a look at if you work with JavaScript. Do not do early optimizations, but you should keep that stuff somewhere in the back of your head.

I would use for in to get all properties of an object, which is especially useful when debugging your scripts. For example, I like to have this line handy when I explore unfamiliar object:

l = ''; for (m in obj) { l += m + ' => ' + obj[m] + '\n' } console.log(l);

It dumps content of the whole object (together with method bodies) to my Firebug log. Very handy.

How can I get the concatenation of two lists in Python without modifying either one?

Yes: list1 + list2. This gives a new list that is the concatenation of list1 and list2.

Using Bootstrap Tooltip with AngularJS

The best solution I've been able to come up with is to include an "onmouseenter" attribute on your element like this:

<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" 
    title="Tooltip on left"

The name 'ConfigurationManager' does not exist in the current context

  1. Right-click on Project
  2. Select Manager NuGet Package
  3. Find System.Configuration
  4. Select System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager by Microsoft
  5. Install

now you can:

using System.Configuration;

How do I check if there are duplicates in a flat list?

Another way of doing this succinctly is with Counter.

To just determine if there are any duplicates in the original list:

from collections import Counter

def has_dupes(l):
    # second element of the tuple has number of repetitions
    return Counter(l).most_common()[0][1] > 1

Or to get a list of items that have duplicates:

def get_dupes(l):
    return [k for k, v in Counter(l).items() if v > 1]

How to redirect to a 404 in Rails?

  get '*unmatched_route', to: 'main#not_found'

  def not_found
    render :file => "#{Rails.root}/public/404.html", :status => 404, :layout => false

Implement Stack using Two Queues

Version A (efficient push):

  • push:
    • enqueue in queue1
  • pop:
    • while size of queue1 is bigger than 1, pipe dequeued items from queue1 into queue2
    • dequeue and return the last item of queue1, then switch the names of queue1 and queue2

Version B (efficient pop):

  • push:
    • enqueue in queue2
    • enqueue all items of queue1 in queue2, then switch the names of queue1 and queue2
  • pop:
    • deqeue from queue1

What does this symbol mean in IntelliJ? (red circle on bottom-left corner of file name, with 'J' in it)

Maybe your project has not been as android project by android studio, please make sure that plugin 'android support' has been enabled(Android Studio Preferences -> Plugins -> Select Android Support)

scrollable div inside container

If you put overflow: scroll on a fixed height div, the div will scroll if the contents take up too much space.

Android - how to make a scrollable constraintlayout?

This is how I resolved it:
If you are using Nested ScrollView i.e. ScrollView within a ConstraintLayout then use the following configuration for the ScrollView instead of "WRAP_CONTENT" or "MATCH_PARENT":


How to try convert a string to a Guid

This will get you pretty close, and I use it in production and have never had a collision. However, if you look at the constructor for a guid in reflector, you will see all of the checks it makes.

 public static bool GuidTryParse(string s, out Guid result)
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(s) && guidRegEx.IsMatch(s))
            result = new Guid(s);
            return true;

        result = default(Guid);
        return false;

    static Regex guidRegEx = new Regex("^[A-Fa-f0-9]{32}$|" +
                          "^({|\\()?[A-Fa-f0-9]{8}-([A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-){3}[A-Fa-f0-9]{12}(}|\\))?$|" +
                          "^({)?[0xA-Fa-f0-9]{3,10}(, {0,1}[0xA-Fa-f0-9]{3,6}){2}, {0,1}({)([0xA-Fa-f0-9]{3,4}, {0,1}){7}[0xA-Fa-f0-9]{3,4}(}})$", RegexOptions.Compiled);

"Could not find Developer Disk Image"

Xcode 7.0.1 and iOS 9.1 are incompatible. You will need to update your version of Xcode via the Mac app store.

If your iOS version is lower then the Xcode version on the other hand, you can change the deployment target for a lower version of iOS by going to the General Settings and under Deployment set your Deployment Target:

enter image description here


Xcode 7.1 does not include iOS 9.2 beta SDK. Upgraded to Xcode to 7.2 beta by downloading it from the Xcode website.

How to delete projects in Intellij IDEA 14?

Deleting and Recreating a project with same name is tricky. If you try to follow above suggested steps and try to create a project with same name as the one you just deleted, you will run into error like

'C:/xxxxxx/pom.xml' already exists in VFS

Here is what I found would work.

  1. Remove module
  2. File -> Invalidate Cache (at this point the Intelli IDEA wants to restart)
  3. Close project
  4. Delete the folder form system explorer.
  5. Now you can create a project with same name as before.

How to change XML Attribute

Mike; Everytime I need to modify an XML document I work it this way:

//Here is the variable with which you assign a new value to the attribute
string newValue = string.Empty;
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();


XmlNode node = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("Root/Node/Element");
node.Attributes[0].Value = newValue;


//xmlFile is the path of your file to be modified

I hope you find it useful

How do I send a POST request as a JSON?

Here is an example of how to use urllib.request object from Python standard library.

import urllib.request
import json
from pprint import pprint

url = ""

values = {
    "first_name": "Vlad",
    "last_name": "Bezden",
    "urls": [

headers = {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Accept": "application/json",

data = json.dumps(values).encode("utf-8")

    req = urllib.request.Request(url, data, headers)
    with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as f:
        res =
except Exception as e:

how do you increase the height of an html textbox

Use CSS:

    font-size: 16pt;
    height: 50px;
<input type="text" class="Large">

Postgres: clear entire database before re-creating / re-populating from bash script

If you don't actually need a backup of the database dumped onto disk in a plain-text .sql script file format, you could connect pg_dump and pg_restore directly together over a pipe.

To drop and recreate tables, you could use the --clean command-line option for pg_dump to emit SQL commands to clean (drop) database objects prior to (the commands for) creating them. (This will not drop the whole database, just each table/sequence/index/etc. before recreating them.)

The above two would look something like this:

pg_dump -U username --clean | pg_restore -U username

Css Move element from left to right animated

It's because you aren't giving the un-hovered state a right attribute.

right isn't set so it's trying to go from nothing to 0px. Obviously because it has nothing to go to, it just 'warps' over.

If you give the unhovered state a right:90%;, it will transition how you like.

Just as a side note, if you still want it to be on the very left of the page, you can use the calc css function.


right: calc(100% - 100px)
                     ^ width of div

You don't have to use left then.

Also, you can't transition using left or right auto and will give the same 'warp' effect.

div {_x000D_
    right:calc(100% - 100px);_x000D_
div:hover {_x000D_
  <b>Note:</b> This example does not work in Internet Explorer 9 and earlier versions._x000D_
<p>Hover over the red square to see the transition effect.</p>

CanIUse says that the calc() function only works on IE10+

Close application and launch home screen on Android

It's actually quiet easy.

The way I do this is by saving a flag in a static variable available to all. Then, when I exit, I set this flag and all my activities check this flag onResume. If the flag is set then I issue the System.exit on that activity.

That way all activities will check for the flag and will close gracefully if the flag is set.

How to limit depth for recursive file list?

Make use of find's options

There is actually no exec of /bin/ls needed;

Find has an option that does just that:

find . -maxdepth 2 -type d -ls

To see only the one level of subdirectories you are interested in, add -mindepth to the same level as -maxdepth:

find . -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 -type d -ls

Use output formatting

When the details that get shown should be different, -printf can show any detail about a file in custom format; To show the symbolic permissions and the owner name of the file, use -printf with %M and %u in the format.

I noticed later you want the full ownership information, which includes the group. Use %g in the format for the symbolic name, or %G for the group id (like also %U for numeric user id)

find . -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 -type d -printf '%M %u %g %p\n'

This should give you just the details you need, for just the right files.

I will give an example that shows actually different values for user and group:

$ sudo find /tmp -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 -type d -printf '%M %u %g %p\n'
drwx------ www-data  www-data /tmp/user/33
drwx------ octopussy root     /tmp/user/126
drwx------ root      root     /tmp/user/0
drwx------ siegel    root     /tmp/user/1000
drwxrwxrwt root      root     /tmp/systemd-[...].service-HRUQmm/tmp

(Edited for readability: indented, shortened last line)

Notes on performance

Although the execution time is mostly irrelevant for this kind of command, increase in performance is large enough here to make it worth pointing it out:

Not only do we save creating a new process for each name - a huge task - the information does not even need to be read, as find already knows it.

Instant run in Android Studio 2.0 (how to turn off)

the design in android 2.3 (stable version) is slightly changed.

File ? Settings ? Build, Execution, Deployment ? Instant Run and uncheck Enable Instant Run.

enter image description here

Styling HTML5 input type number

<input type="number" name="numericInput" size="2" min="0" maxlength="2" value="0" />

Calculate the date yesterday in JavaScript

I use moment library, it is very flexible and easy to use.

In your case:

let yesterday = moment().subtract(1, 'day').toDate();

How to show text on image when hovering?

This is what I use to make the text appear on hover:

* {_x000D_
  box-sizing: border-box_x000D_
div {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  top: 0px;_x000D_
  left: 0px;_x000D_
  width: 400px;_x000D_
  height: 400px;_x000D_
  border-radius: 50%;_x000D_
  overflow: hidden;_x000D_
  text-align: center_x000D_
img {_x000D_
  width: 400px;_x000D_
  height: 400px;_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  border-radius: 50%_x000D_
img:hover {_x000D_
  opacity: 0;_x000D_
  transition:opacity 2s;_x000D_
heading {_x000D_
  line-height: 40px;_x000D_
  font-weight: bold;_x000D_
  font-family: "Trebuchet MS";_x000D_
  text-align: center;_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  display: block_x000D_
div p {_x000D_
  z-index: -1;_x000D_
  width: 420px;_x000D_
  line-height: 20px;_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
  padding: 200px 0px;_x000D_
  vertical-align: middle;_x000D_
  font-family: "Trebuchet MS";_x000D_
  height: 450px_x000D_
  <img src="">_x000D_
  <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing <br>elit. Reiciendis temporibus iure dolores aspernatur excepturi <br> corporis nihil in suscipit, repudiandae. Totam._x000D_

How can I align text directly beneath an image?

In order to be able to justify the text, you need to know the width of the image. You can just use the normal width of the image, or use a different width, but IE 6 might get cranky at you and not scale.

Here's what you need:

<style type="text/css">
#container { width: 100px; //whatever width you want }

#image {width: 100%; //fill up whole div }

#text { text-align: justify; }    

 <div id="container"> 
     <img src="" id="image" /> 
     <p id="text">oooh look! text!</p> 

remove duplicates from sql union

Union will remove duplicates. Union All does not.

Sorting table rows according to table header column using javascript or jquery

I've been working on a function to work within a library for a client, and have been having a lot of trouble keeping the UI responsive during the sorts (even with only a few hundred results).

The function has to resort the entire table each AJAX pagination, as new data may require injection further up. This is what I had so far:

  • jQuery library required.
  • table is the ID of the table being sorted.
  • The table attributes sort-attribute, sort-direction and the column attribute column are all pre-set.

Using some of the details above I managed to improve performance a bit.

function sorttable(table) {
    var context = $('#' + table), tbody = $('#' + table + ' tbody'), sortfield = $(context).data('sort-attribute'), c, dir = $(context).data('sort-direction'), index = $(context).find('thead th[data-column="' + sortfield + '"]').index();
    if (!sortfield) {
        sortfield = $(context).data('id-attribute');
    switch (dir) {
        case "asc":
            tbody.find('tr').sort(function (a, b) {
                var sortvala = parseFloat($(a).find('td:eq(' + index + ')').text());
                var sortvalb = parseFloat($(b).find('td:eq(' + index + ')').text());
                // if a < b return 1
                return sortvala < sortvalb ? 1
                       // else if a > b return -1
                       : sortvala > sortvalb ? -1
                       // else they are equal - return 0    
                       : 0;
        case "desc":
            tbody.find('tr').sort(function (a, b) {
                var sortvala = parseFloat($(a).find('td:eq(' + index + ')').text());
                var sortvalb = parseFloat($(b).find('td:eq(' + index + ')').text());
                // if a < b return 1
                return sortvala > sortvalb ? 1
                       // else if a > b return -1
                       : sortvala < sortvalb ? -1
                       // else they are equal - return 0    
                       : 0;

In principle the code works perfectly, but it's painfully slow... are there any ways to improve performance?

Styling an input type="file" button

The best way I have found is having an input type: file then setting it to display: none. Give it an id. Create a button or any other element you want to open the file input.

Then add an event listener on it (button) which when clicked simulates a click on the original file input. Like clicking a button named hello but it opens a file window.

Example code

//i am using semantic ui

<button class="ui circular icon button purple send-button" id="send-btn">
      <i class="paper plane icon"></i>
  <input type="file" id="file" class="input-file" />


var attachButton=document.querySelector('.attach-button');
    attachButton.addEventListener('click', e=>{

What is the size of a pointer?

Pointers generally have a fixed size, for ex. on a 32-bit executable they're usually 32-bit. There are some exceptions, like on old 16-bit windows when you had to distinguish between 32-bit pointers and 16-bit... It's usually pretty safe to assume they're going to be uniform within a given executable on modern desktop OS's.

Edit: Even so, I would strongly caution against making this assumption in your code. If you're going to write something that absolutely has to have a pointers of a certain size, you'd better check it!

Function pointers are a different story -- see Jens' answer for more info.