Programs & Examples On #Helpers

Functions that help simplify certain common tasks.

CakePHP select default value in SELECT input

Assuming you are using form helper to generate the form:

select(string $fieldName, array $options, mixed $selected, array $attributes, boolean $showEmpty)

Set the third parameter to set the selected option.

error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout

I encountered the same problem and solved it by

git checkout -f branch

Well, be careful with the -f switch. You will lose any uncommitted changes if you use the -f switch. While there may be some use cases where it is helpful to use -f, in most cases, you may want to stash your changes and then switch branches. The stashing procedure is explained above.

How to use enums in C++

If you are still using C++03 and want to use enums, you should be using enums inside a namespace. Eg:

namespace Daysofweek{
enum Days {Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday,Wednesday, Thursday, Friday};

You can use the enum outside the namespace like,

Daysofweek::Days day = Daysofweek::Saturday;

if (day == Daysofweek::Saturday)
    std::cout<<"Ok its Saturday";

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64 on Xcode 6.1

It turned out I forgot to write my @implementation part.

Custom ImageView with drop shadow

This is taken from Romain Guy's presentation at Devoxx, pdf found here.

Paint mShadow = new Paint(); 
// radius=10, y-offset=2, color=black 
mShadow.setShadowLayer(10.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f, 0xFF000000); 
// in onDraw(Canvas) 
canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, 0.0f, 0.0f, mShadow);

Hope this helps.


  1. Don't forget for Honeycomb and above you need to invoke setLayerType(LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE, mShadow), otherwise you will not see your shadow! (@Dmitriy_Boichenko)
  2. SetShadowLayer does not work with hardware acceleration unfortunately so it greatly reduces performances (@Matt Wear) [1] [2]

How do I remove objects from a JavaScript associative array?

All objects in JavaScript are implemented as hashtables/associative arrays. So, the following are the equivalent:


And, as already indicated, you "remove" a property from an object via the delete keyword, which you can use in two ways:

delete myObj["SomeProperty"];
delete myObj.SomeProperty;

Hope the extra info helps...

How do I add a resources folder to my Java project in Eclipse

If aim is to create a resources folder parallel to src/main/java, then do the following:

Right Click on your project > New > Source Folder
Provide Folder Name as src/main/resources

Is it a good practice to use try-except-else in Python?

This is my simple snippet on howto understand try-except-else-finally block in Python:

def div(a, b):
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        print("Zero Division Error detected")
        print("No Zero Division Error")
        print("Finally the division of %d/%d is done" % (a, b))

Let's try div 1/1:

div(1, 1)
No Zero Division Error
Finally the division of 1/1 is done

Let's try div 1/0

div(1, 0)
Zero Division Error detected
Finally the division of 1/0 is done

How to check if a char is equal to an empty space?

The code you needs depends on what you mean by "an empty space".

  • If you mean the ASCII / Latin-1 / Unicode space character (0x20) aka SP, then:

    if (ch == ' ') {
        // ...
  • If you mean any of the traditional ASCII whitespace characters (SP, HT, VT, CR, NL), then:

    if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\x0b') {
        // ...
  • If you mean any Unicode whitespace character, then:

    if (Character.isWhitespace(ch)) {
        // ...

Note that there are Unicode whitespace includes additional ASCII control codes, and some other Unicode characters in higher code planes; see the javadoc for Character.isWhitespace(char).

What you wrote was this:

    if (Equals(ch, " ")) {
        // ...

This is wrong on a number of levels. Firstly, the way that the Java compiler tries to interpret that is as a call to a method with a signature of boolean Equals(char, String).

  • This is wrong because no method exists, as the compiler reported in the error message.
  • Equals wouldn't normally be the name of a method anyway. The Java convention is that method names start with a lower case letter.
  • Your code (as written) was trying to compare a character and a String, but char and String are not comparable and cannot be cast to a common base type.

There is such a thing as a Comparator in Java, but it is an interface not a method, and it is declared like this:

    public interface Comparator<T> {
        public int compare(T v1, T v2);

In other words, the method name is compare (not Equals), it returns an integer (not a boolean), and it compares two values that can be promoted to the type given by the type parameter.

Someone (in a deleted Answer!) said they tried this:

    if (c == " ")

That fails for two reasons:

  • " " is a String literal and not a character literal, and Java does not allow direct comparison of String and char values.

  • You should NEVER compare Strings or String literals using ==. The == operator on a reference type compares object identity, not object value. In the case of String it is common to have different objects with different identity and the same value. An == test will often give the wrong answer ... from the perspective of what you are trying to do here.

How to draw an overlay on a SurfaceView used by Camera on Android?

Try calling setWillNotDraw(false) from surfaceCreated:

public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) {
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.d(TAG,"Surface not created");

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

    canvas.drawRect(area, rectanglePaint);
    Log.w(this.getClass().getName(), "On Draw Called");

and calling invalidate from onTouchEvent:

public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {

    return true;

Batch script to delete files

Consider that the files you need to delete have an extension txt and is located in the location D:\My Folder, then you could use the below code inside the bat file.

cd "D:\My Folder"
DEL *.txt 

What do parentheses surrounding an object/function/class declaration mean?

See this question. The first set of parenthesis aren't necessary if you use a function name, but a nameless function requires this construct and the parenthesis serve for coders to realize that they've viewing a self-invoking function when browsing the code (see one blogger's best-practices recommendation).

Sending Arguments To Background Worker?

You need RunWorkerAsync(object) method and DoWorkEventArgs.Argument property.


private void worker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) {
    int argument = (int)e.Argument; //5

What is a regex to match ONLY an empty string?

As @Bohemian and @mbomb007 mentioned before, this works AND has the additional advantage of being more readable:

console.log(/^(?!.)/s.test("")); //true

How do I select the parent form based on which submit button is clicked?

You can select the form like this:

    var form = $(this).parents('form:first');

However, it is generally better to attach the event to the submit event of the form itself, as it will trigger even when submitting by pressing the enter key from one of the fields:

     e.preventDefault(); //Prevent the normal submission action
     var form = this;
     // ... Handle form submission

To select fields inside the form, use the form context. For example:


Java: recommended solution for deep cloning/copying an instance

For deep cloning (clones the entire object hierarchy):

  • commons-lang SerializationUtils - using serialization - if all classes are in your control and you can force implementing Serializable.

  • Java Deep Cloning Library - using reflection - in cases when the classes or the objects you want to clone are out of your control (a 3rd party library) and you can't make them implement Serializable, or in cases you don't want to implement Serializable.

For shallow cloning (clones only the first level properties):

I deliberately omitted the "do-it-yourself" option - the API's above provide a good control over what to and what not to clone (for example using transient, or String[] ignoreProperties), so reinventing the wheel isn't preferred.

Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error: Cannot match any routes Angular 2

I was having the same error while I was doing AngularJS application. I did not see any error from my terminalcompiled successfully but when I debug with google developer tool, I have got this errorerror message.

After having this error, I reviewed my routing module first , since I was not seeing anything while requesting local host /login.

I found out that I misspelled the login as lgin and when I correct it works fine. I am just sharing this just to pay attention for any typo error we might encounter with put us in a great time loose! after correcting the typo error

How to filter Pandas dataframe using 'in' and 'not in' like in SQL

df = pd.DataFrame({'countries':['US','UK','Germany','China']})
countries = ['UK','China']

implement in:


implement not in as in of rest countries:

df[df.countries.isin([x for x in np.unique(df.countries) if x not in countries])]

How is the default submit button on an HTML form determined?

I had a form with 11 submit buttons on it, and it would always use the first submit button when the user pressed enter. I read elsewhere that it is not a good idea (bad practice) to have more than one submit button on a form, and the best way to do this is have the button you want as default, as the only submit button on the form. The other buttons should be made into "TYPE=BUTTON" and an onClick event added that calls your own submit routine in Javascript. Something like this :-

<SCRIPT Language="JavaScript">
function validform()
  // do whatever you need to validate the form, and return true or false accordingly

function mjsubmit()
  if (validform()) { document.form1.submit(); return true;}
  return false;
<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON NAME="button1" VALUE="button1" onClick="document.form1.submitvalue='button1'; return mjsubmit();">
<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON NAME="button2" VALUE="button2" onClick="document.form1.submitvalue='button2'; return mjsubmit();">
<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME="button3" VALUE="button3" onClick="document.form1.submitvalue='button3'; return validform();">
<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON NAME="button4" VALUE="button4" onClick="document.form1.submitvalue='button4'; return mjsubmit();">

Here, button3 is the default, and although you are programmatically submitting the form with the other buttons, the mjsubmit routine validates them. HTH.

How can I get a web site's favicon?

HttpWebRequest w = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create("");

w.AllowAutoRedirect = true;

HttpWebResponse r = (HttpWebResponse)w.GetResponse();

System.Drawing.Image ico;
using (Stream s = r.GetResponseStream())
    ico = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(s);


Where to place the 'assets' folder in Android Studio?

Simply, double shift then type Assets Folder

choose it to be created in the correct place

How to convert a pymongo.cursor.Cursor into a dict?

The MongoDB find method does not return a single result, but a list of results in the form of a Cursor. This latter is an iterator, so you can go through it with a for loop.

For your case, just use the findOne method instead of find. This will returns you a single document as a dictionary.

How can I declare a two dimensional string array?

When you are trying to create a multi-dimensional array all you need to do is add a comma to the declaration like so:

string[,] tablero = new string[3,3].

Do checkbox inputs only post data if they're checked?

Yes, standard behaviour is the value is only sent if the checkbox is checked. This typically means you need to have a way of remembering what checkboxes you are expecting on the server side since not all the data comes back from the form.

The default value is always "on", this should be consistent across browsers.

This is covered in the W3C HTML 4 recommendation:

Checkboxes (and radio buttons) are on/off switches that may be toggled by the user. A switch is "on" when the control element's checked attribute is set. When a form is submitted, only "on" checkbox controls can become successful.

non static method cannot be referenced from a static context

You are calling nextInt statically by using Random.nextInt.

Instead, create a variable, Random r = new Random(); and then call r.nextInt(10).

It would be definitely worth while to check out:


You really should replace this line,

Random Random = new Random(); 

with something like this,

Random r = new Random();

If you use variable names as class names you'll run into a boat load of problems. Also as a Java convention, use lowercase names for variables. That might help avoid some confusion.

Error CS2001: Source file '.cs' could not be found

They are likely still referenced by the project file. Make sure they are deleted using the Solution Explorer in Visual Studio - it should show them as being missing (with an exclamation mark).

Unable to establish SSL connection, how do I fix my SSL cert?

I meet this same question. The port 443 wasn't open in Centos.

Check the 443 port with the following command:

sudo lsof -i tcp:443

In the first line of /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf add this two lines:

LoadModule ssl_module modules/
Listen 443

Npm install cannot find module 'semver'

On MS Windows, the solution is to remove %APPDATA%\npm and reinstall node

Reverse Singly Linked List Java

I know the recursive solution is not the optimal one, but just wanted to add one here:

public class LinkedListDemo {

    static class Node {
        int val;
        Node next;

        public Node(int val, Node next) {
            this.val = val;
   = next;

        public String toString() {
            return "" + val;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Node n = new Node(1, new Node(2, new Node(3, new Node(20, null))));
        n = reverse(n);

    static Node reverse(Node n) {
        Node tail = n;
        while ( != null) {
            tail =;
        return (tail);

    static Node reverseHelper(Node n) {
        if ( != null) {
            Node reverse = reverseHelper(;
   = n;
   = null;
            return (n);
        return (n);

    static void display(Node n) {
        for (; n != null; n = {

Unable to create migrations after upgrading to ASP.NET Core 2.0

In my case setting the StartUp project in init helps. You can do this by executing

dotnet ef migrations add init -s ../StartUpProjectName

Indent List in HTML and CSS

You can also use html to override the css locally. I was having a similar issue and this worked for me:


<h4>A nested List:</h4>
<ul style="PADDING-LEFT: 12px">
    <li>Black tea</li>
    <li>Green tea</li>


Prompt for user input in PowerShell

Using parameter binding is definitely the way to go here. Not only is it very quick to write (just add [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] above your mandatory parameters), but it's also the only option that you won't hate yourself for later.

More below:

[Console]::ReadLine is explicitly forbidden by the FxCop rules for PowerShell. Why? Because it only works in PowerShell.exe, not PowerShell ISE, PowerGUI, etc.

Read-Host is, quite simply, bad form. Read-Host uncontrollably stops the script to prompt the user, which means that you can never have another script that includes the script that uses Read-Host.

You're trying to ask for parameters.

You should use the [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] attribute, and correct typing, to ask for the parameters.

If you use this on a [SecureString], it will prompt for a password field. If you use this on a Credential type, ([Management.Automation.PSCredential]), the credentials dialog will pop up, if the parameter isn't there. A string will just become a plain old text box. If you add a HelpMessage to the parameter attribute (that is, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'New User Credentials')]) then it will become help text for the prompt.

Reload an iframe with jQuery

I'm pretty sure all of the examples above only reload the iframe with its original src, not its current URL.

$('#frameId').attr('src', function () { return $(this).contents().get(0).location.href });

That should reload using the current url.

Password must have at least one non-alpha character

Use regex pattern ^(?=.{8})(?=.*[^a-zA-Z])


¦   ¦           ¦
¦   ¦           + string contains some non-letter character
¦   ¦
¦   + string contains at least 8 characters
+ begining of line/string

If you want to limit also maximum length (let's say 16), then use regex pattern:


What does the "+" (plus sign) CSS selector mean?

+ presents one of the relative selectors. Here is a list of all relative selectors:

div p - All <p> elements inside of a <div> element are selected.

div > p - All <p> elements whose direct parent is <div> are selected. It works backwards too (p < div)

div + p - All <p> elements placed immediately after a <div> element are selected.

div ~ p - All <p> elements that are preceded by a <div> element are selected.

Here is some more about selectors.

Select Row number in postgres

SELECT tab.*,
    row_number() OVER () as rnum
  FROM tab;

Here's the relevant section in the docs.

P.S. This, in fact, fully matches the answer in the referenced question.

How to delete all files from a specific folder?

You can do something like:

Directory directory = new DirectoryInfo(path);
List<FileInfo> fileInfos = directory.EnumerateFiles("*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList();
foreach (FileInfo f in fileInfos)

Can anybody tell me details about hs_err_pid.log file generated when Tomcat crashes?

A very very good document regarding this topic is Troubleshooting Guide for Java from (originally) Sun. See the chapter "Troubleshooting System Crashes" for information about hs_err_pid* Files.

See Appendix C - Fatal Error Log

Per the guide, by default the file will be created in the working directory of the process if possible, or in the system temporary directory otherwise. A specific location can be chosen by passing in the -XX:ErrorFile product flag. It says:

If the -XX:ErrorFile= file flag is not specified, the system attempts to create the file in the working directory of the process. In the event that the file cannot be created in the working directory (insufficient space, permission problem, or other issue), the file is created in the temporary directory for the operating system.

Unable to access JSON property with "-" dash

jsonObj.profile-id is a subtraction expression (i.e. jsonObj.profile - id).

To access a key that contains characters that cannot appear in an identifier, use brackets:


How to format html table with inline styles to look like a rendered Excel table?

This is quick-and-dirty (and not formally valid HTML5), but it seems to work -- and it is inline as per the question:

<table border='1' style='border-collapse:collapse'>

No further styling of <tr>/<td> tags is required (for a basic table grid).

Eliminating NAs from a ggplot

Try remove_missing instead with vars = the_variable. It is very important that you set the vars argument, otherwise remove_missing will remove all rows that contain an NA in any column!! Setting na.rm = TRUE will suppress the warning message.

ggplot(data = remove_missing(MyData, na.rm = TRUE, vars = the_variable),aes(x= the_variable, fill=the_variable, na.rm = TRUE)) + 

How do you append an int to a string in C++?

These work for general strings (in case you do not want to output to file/console, but store for later use or something).


MyStr += boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(MyInt);

String streams

std::stringstream Stream;
Stream << MyInt;
MyStr = Stream.str();

// If you're using a stream (for example, cout), rather than std::string
someStream << MyInt;

How to enable zoom controls and pinch zoom in a WebView?

To enable zoom controls in a WebView, add the following line:


With this line of code, you get the zoom enabled in your WebView, if you want to remove the zoom in and zoom out buttons provided, add the following line of code:


LaTeX beamer: way to change the bullet indentation?

Beamer just delegates responsibility for managing layout of itemize environments back to the base LaTeX packages, so there's nothing funky you need to do in Beamer itself to alter the apperaance / layout of your lists.

Since Beamer redefines itemize, item, etc., the fully proper way to manipulate things like indentation is to redefine the Beamer templates. I get the impression that you're not looking to go that far, but if that's not the case, let me know and I'll elaborate.

There are at least three ways of accomplishing your goal from within your document, without mussing about with Beamer templates.

With itemize

In the following code snippet, you can change the value of \itemindent from 0em to whatever you please, including negative values. 0em is the default item indentation.

The advantage of this method is that the list is styled normally. The disadvantage is that Beamer's redefinition of itemize and \item means that the number of paramters that can be manipulated to change the list layout is limited. It can be very hard to get the spacing right with multi-line items.

  \item This is a normally-indented item.

With list

In the following code snippet, the second parameter to \list is the bullet to use, and the third parameter is a list of layout parameters to change. The \leftmargin parameter adjusts the indentation of the entire list item and all of its rows; \itemindent alters the indentation of subsequent lines.

The advantage of this method is that you have all of the flexibility of lists in non-Beamer LaTeX. The disadvantage is that you have to setup the bullet style (and other visual elements) manually (or identify the right command for the template you're using). Note that if you leave the second argument empty, no bullet will be displayed and you'll save some horizontal space.

\begin{list}{$\square$}{\leftmargin=1em \itemindent=0em}
  \item This item uses the margin and indentation provided above.

Defining a customlist environment

The shortcomings of the list solution can be ameliorated by defining a new customlist environment that basically redefines the itemize environment from Beamer but also incorporates the \leftmargin and \itemindent (etc.) parameters. Put the following in your preamble:

  \ifnum\@itemdepth >2\relax\@toodeep\else
      \usebeamerfont{itemize/enumerate \beameritemnestingprefix body}%
      \usebeamercolor[fg]{itemize/enumerate \beameritemnestingprefix body}%
      \usebeamertemplate{itemize/enumerate \beameritemnestingprefix body begin}%
            \usebeamertemplate{itemize \beameritemnestingprefix item}
        { \leftmargin=#1 \itemindent=#2
                    \usebeamerfont*{itemize \beameritemnestingprefix item}%
                        \usebeamercolor[fg]{itemize \beameritemnestingprefix item}##1}}%
  \usebeamertemplate{itemize/enumerate \beameritemnestingprefix body end}%

Now, to use an itemized list with custom indentation, you can use the following environment. The first argument is for \leftmargin and the second is for \itemindent. The default values are 2.5em and 0em respectively.

   \item Any normal item can go here.

A custom bullet style can be incorporated into the customlist solution using the standard Beamer mechanism of \setbeamertemplate. (See the answers to this question on the TeX Stack Exchange for more information.)

Alternatively, the bullet style can just be modified directly within the environment, by replacing \usebeamertemplate{itemize \beameritemnestingprefix item} with whatever bullet style you'd like to use (e.g. $\square$).

How to convert Blob to File in JavaScript

This function converts a Blob into a File and it works great for me.

Vanilla JavaScript

function blobToFile(theBlob, fileName){
    //A Blob() is almost a File() - it's just missing the two properties below which we will add
    theBlob.lastModifiedDate = new Date(); = fileName;
    return theBlob;

TypeScript (with proper typings)

public blobToFile = (theBlob: Blob, fileName:string): File => {
    var b: any = theBlob;
    //A Blob() is almost a File() - it's just missing the two properties below which we will add
    b.lastModifiedDate = new Date(); = fileName;

    //Cast to a File() type
    return <File>theBlob;


var myBlob = new Blob();

//do stuff here to give the blob some data...

var myFile = blobToFile(myBlob, "my-image.png");

UITableView - scroll to the top

In Swift 5 , Thanks @Adrian's answer a lot

extension UITableView{

    func hasRowAtIndexPath(indexPath: IndexPath) -> Bool {
        return indexPath.section < numberOfSections && indexPath.row < numberOfRows(inSection: indexPath.section)

    func scrollToTop(_ animated: Bool = false) {
        let indexPath = IndexPath(row: 0, section: 0)
        if hasRowAtIndexPath(indexPath: indexPath) {
            scrollToRow(at: indexPath, at: .top, animated: animated)




Mysql command not found in OS X 10.7

This is the problem with your $PATH:


$PATH is where the shell searches for command files. Folders to search in need to be separated with a colon. And so you want /usr/local/mysql/bin/ in your path but instead it searches in /usr/local//usr/local/mysql/bin/private/var/mysql/private/var/mysql/bin, which probably doesn't exist.

Instead you want ${PATH}:/usr/local/mysql/bin.

So do export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/mysql/bin.

If you want this to be run every time you open terminal put it in the file .bash_profile, which is run when Terminal opens.

How to turn a string formula into a "real" formula

Just for fun, I found an interesting article here, to use a somehow hidden evaluate function that does exist in Excel. The trick is to assign it to a name, and use the name in your cells, because EVALUATE() would give you an error msg if used directly in a cell. I tried and it works! You can use it with a relative name, if you want to copy accross rows if a sheet.

Disabling Chrome cache for website development

In addition to the disable cache option (which you get to via a button in the lower right corner of the developer tools window -- Tools | Developer Tools, or Ctrl + Shift + I), on the network pane of the developer tools you can now right click and choose "Clear Cache" from the popup menu.

How can I change my default database in SQL Server without using MS SQL Server Management Studio?

Thanks to this post, I found an easier answer:

  1. Open Sql Server Management Studio

  2. Go to object Explorer -> Security -> Logins

  3. Right click on the login and select properties

  4. And in the properties window change the default database and click OK.

Warning: Each child in an array or iterator should have a unique "key" prop. Check the render method of `ListView`

Here is based on my understanding. Hopefully it's helpful. It's supposed to render a list of any components as the example behind. The root tag of each component needs to have a key. It doesn't have to be unique. It cannot be key=0, key='0', etc. It looks the key is useless.

render() {
    return [
        (<div key={0}> div 0</div>),
        (<div key={1}> div 2</div>),
        (<table key={2}><tbody><tr><td> table </td></tr></tbody></table>),
        (<form key={3}> form </form>),

how to get a list of dates between two dates in java

Enhancing one of the above solutions. As adding 1 day to end date sometimes adds an extra day beyond the end date.

    public static List getDaysBetweenDates(Date startdate, Date enddate)
        List dates = new ArrayList();
        Calendar startDay = new GregorianCalendar();
        Calendar endDay = new GregorianCalendar();
        endDay.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 1);
        endDay.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);
        endDay.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
        endDay.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
        endDay.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);

        while (calendar.getTime().before(endDay.getTime())) {
            Date result = startDay.getTime();
            startDay.add(Calendar.DATE, 1);
        return dates;

MS Access: how to compact current database in VBA

If you don't wish to use compact on close (eg, because the front-end mdb is a robot program that runs continually), and you don't want to create a separate mdb just for compacting, consider using a cmd file.

I let my robot.mdb check its own size:


If its size exceeds 1 GB, it creates a cmd file like this ...

Dim f As Integer
Dim Folder As String
Dim Access As String
    'select Access in the correct PF directory (my robot.mdb runs in 32-bit MSAccess, on 32-bit and 64-bit machines)
    If Dir("C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office\MSACCESS.EXE") > "" Then
        Access = """C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office\MSACCESS.EXE"""
        Access = """C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\MSACCESS.EXE"""
    End If
    Folder = ExtractFileDir(CurrentDb.Name)
    f = FreeFile
    Open Folder & "comrep.cmd" For Output As f
    'wait until robot.mdb closes (ldb file is gone), then compact robot.mdb
    Print #f, ":checkldb1"
    Print #f, "if exist " & Folder & "robot.ldb goto checkldb1"
    Print #f, Access & " " & Folder & "robot.mdb /compact"
    'wait until the robot mdb closes, then start it
    Print #f, ":checkldb2"
    Print #f, "if exist " & Folder & "robot.ldb goto checkldb2"
    Print #f, Access & " " & Folder & "robot.mdb"
    Close f

... launches the cmd file ...

Shell ExtractFileDir(CurrentDb.Name) & "comrep.cmd"

... and shuts down ...


Next, the cmd file compacts and restarts robot.mdb.

How to Get enum item name from its value

If you know the actual enum labels correlated to their values, you can use containers and C++17's std::string_view to quickly access values and their string representations with the [ ] operator while tracking it yourself. std::string_view will only allocate memory when created. They can also be designated with static constexpr if you want them available at run-time for more performance savings. This little console app should be fairly fast.

#include <iostream>
#include <string_view>
#include <tuple>    
int main() {
    enum class Weekdays { //default behavior starts at 0 and iterates by 1 per entry

    static constexpr std::string_view Monday    = "Monday";
    static constexpr std::string_view Tuesday   = "Tuesday";
    static constexpr std::string_view Wednesday = "Wednesday";
    static constexpr std::string_view Thursday  = "Thursday";
    static constexpr std::string_view Friday    = "Friday";
    static constexpr std::string_view Saturday  = "Saturday";
    static constexpr std::string_view Sunday    = "Sunday";
    static constexpr std::string_view opener    = "enum[";
    static constexpr std::string_view closer    = "] is ";
    static constexpr std::string_view semi      = ":";

    std::pair<Weekdays, std::string_view> Weekdays_List[] = {
        std::make_pair(Weekdays::Monday,    Monday),
        std::make_pair(Weekdays::Tuesday,   Tuesday),
        std::make_pair(Weekdays::Wednesday, Wednesday),
        std::make_pair(Weekdays::Thursday,  Thursday),
        std::make_pair(Weekdays::Friday,    Friday),
        std::make_pair(Weekdays::Saturday,  Saturday),
        std::make_pair(Weekdays::Sunday,    Sunday)

    for (int i=0;i<sizeof(Weekdays_List)/sizeof(Weekdays_List[0]);i++) {
    return 0;


enum[0] is Monday:0
enum[1] is Tuesday:1
enum[2] is Wednesday:2
enum[3] is Thursday:3
enum[4] is Friday:4
enum[5] is Saturday:5
enum[6] is Sunday:6

GoogleTest: How to skip a test?

If more than one test are needed be skipped


Accessing localhost (xampp) from another computer over LAN network - how to?

Access localhost from Remote Device

Prerequisite: Your website is currently on http://localhost:8081/ with a tool like live-server

a) Publish on Same Network

Within the same network, you can access your machine with your current ip address or hostname. You can find the ip address running ipconfig | grep IPv4 or the hostname by sending a ping -a to that ip.

Note: For best results, use port 80, connect on a private network, and check your firewall settings.

b) Publish on Any Network (easier)

  1. Opt 1 - You can use ngrok to provide port forwarding over ngrok's public facing ports

    Download ngrok and run the following command:

    $ ./ngrok http 8081

  2. Opt 2 - You can use to create a ssh tunnel with the following command:

    ssh -R 80:localhost:8081

Access Remote Device from Local Dev Tools

To connect your browser dev tools with a connected device, follow the instructions at Get Started with Remote Debugging Android Devices

  1. On your phone, enable Developer Options & USB Debugging
  2. Plug your phone into your computer via USB and set the protocol (not File / Media Transfer)
  3. Open Dev Tools > More Tools > Remote Debugging (try here if Device Not Detected)

  4. Find your site and Click Inspect which will open up a new inspector window

Further Reading:

sorting integers in order lowest to highest java

import java.util.Arrays;

public class sortNumber {

public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Our array contains 13 elements 
    int[] array = {9,  238,  248,  138,  118,  45,  180,  212,  103,  230,  104,  41,  49}; 


    System.out.printf(" The result : %s", Arrays.toString(array)); 

installing urllib in Python3.6

yu have to install the correct version for your computer 32 or 63 bits thats all

Combining two sorted lists in Python

Long story short, unless len(l1 + l2) ~ 1000000 use:

L = l1 + l2

merge vs. sort comparison

Description of the figure and source code can be found here.

The figure was generated by the following command:

$ python --nsublists 2 --maxn=0x100000 -s merge_funcs.merge_26 -s merge_funcs.sort_builtin

TortoiseSVN Error: "OPTIONS of 'https://...' could not connect to server (...)"

Thank you to all the commenters on this page. When I first installed the latest TortoiseSVN I got this error.

I was using the latest version, so decided to downgrade to 1.5.9 (as the rest of my colleagues were using) and this got it to work. Then, once built, my machine was moved onto another subnet and the problem started again.

I went to TortoiseSVN->Settings->Saved Data and cleared the Authentication data. After this it worked fine.

Base table or view not found: 1146 Table Laravel 5

Check your migration file, maybe you are using Schema::table, like this:

Schema::table('table_name', function ($table)  {
    // ...

If you want to create a new table you must use Schema::create:

Schema::create('table_name', function ($table)  {
    // ...

Get the device width in javascript

I just had this idea, so maybe it's shortsighted, but it seems to work well and might be the most consistent between your CSS and JS.

In your CSS you set the max-width value for html based on the @media screen value:

@media screen and (max-width: 480px) and (orientation: portrait){

    html { 
        max-width: 480px;

    ... more styles for max-width 480px screens go here


Then, using JS (probably via a framework like JQuery), you would just check the max-width value of the html tag:

maxwidth = $('html').css('max-width');

Now you can use this value to make conditional changes:

If (maxwidth == '480px') { do something }

If putting the max-width value on the html tag seems scary, then maybe you can put on a different tag, one that is only used for this purpose. For my purpose the html tag works fine and doesn't affect my markup.

Useful if you are using Sass, etc: To return a more abstract value, such as breakpoint name, instead of px value you can do something like:

  1. Create an element that will store the breakpoint name, e.g. <div id="breakpoint-indicator" />
  2. Using css media queries change the content property for this element, e. g. "large" or "mobile", etc (same basic media query approach as above, but setting css 'content' property instead of 'max-width').
  3. Get the css content property value using js or jquery (jquery e.g. $('#breakpoint-indicator').css('content');), which returns "large", or "mobile", etc depending on what the content property is set to by the media query.
  4. Act on the current value.

Now you can act on same breakpoint names as you do in sass, e.g. sass: @include respond-to(xs), and js if ($breakpoint = "xs) {}.

What I especially like about this is that I can define my breakpoint names all in css and in one place (likely a variables scss document) and my js can act on them independently.

How do I fetch only one branch of a remote Git repository?

git version

Just doing a git fetch remoteRepositoryName branchName (eg: git fetch origin my_local_branch) is enough. Fetch will be done and a new local branch will be created with the same name and tracking will be set to remote branch.

Then perform git checkout branchName

Convert time span value to format "hh:mm Am/Pm" using C#

You can do this by adding your timespan to the date.

TimeSpan timespan = new TimeSpan(03,00,00);
DateTime time = DateTime.Today.Add(timespan);
string displayTime = time.ToString("hh:mm tt"); // It will give "03:00 AM"

Iterate through object properties

Iterating over properties requires this additional hasOwnProperty check:

for (var prop in obj) {
    if (, prop)) {
        // do stuff

It's necessary because an object's prototype contains additional properties for the object which are technically part of the object. These additional properties are inherited from the base object class, but are still properties of obj.

hasOwnProperty simply checks to see if this is a property specific to this class, and not one inherited from the base class.

It's also possible to call hasOwnProperty through the object itself:

if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
    // do stuff

But this will fail if the object has an unrelated field with the same name:

var obj = { foo: 42, hasOwnProperty: 'lol' };
obj.hasOwnProperty('foo');  // TypeError: hasOwnProperty is not a function

That's why it's safer to call it through Object.prototype instead:

var obj = { foo: 42, hasOwnProperty: 'lol' };, 'foo');  // true

Disabled UIButton not faded or grey

You can use the both first answers and is going to be a better result.

In the attribute inspector (when you're selecting the button), change the State Config to Disabled to set the new Image that is going to appear when it is disabled (remove the marker in the Content->Enabled check to made it disabled).

And when you change the state to enabled, the image will load the one from this state.

Adding the alpha logic to this is a good detail.

Why do we need virtual functions in C++?

About efficiency, the virtual functions are slightly less efficient as the early-binding functions.

"This virtual call mechanism can be made almost as efficient as the "normal function call" mechanism (within 25%). Its space overhead is one pointer in each object of a class with virtual functions plus one vtbl for each such class" [A tour of C++ by Bjarne Stroustrup]

How to upload files to server using Putty (ssh)

You need an scp client. Putty is not one. You can use WinSCP or PSCP. Both are free software.

How do I center a Bootstrap div with a 'spanX' class?

Incidentally, if your span class is even-numbered (e.g. span8) you can add an offset class to center it – for span8 that would be offset2 (assuming the default 12-column grid), for span6 it would be offset3 and so on (basically, half the number of remaining columns if you subtract the span-number from the total number of columns in the grid).

UPDATE Bootstrap 3 renamed a lot of classes so all the span*classes should be col-md-* and the offset classes should be col-md-offset-*, assuming you're using the medium-sized responsive grid.

I created a quick demo here, hope it helps:

Why am I getting "IndentationError: expected an indented block"?

I had this same problem and discovered (via this answer to a similar question) that the problem was that I didn't properly indent the docstring properly. Unfortunately IDLE doesn't give useful feedback here, but once I fixed the docstring indentation, the problem went away.

Specifically --- bad code that generates indentation errors:

def my_function(args):
"Here is my docstring"

Good code that avoids indentation errors:

def my_function(args):
    "Here is my docstring"

Note: I'm not saying this is the problem, but that it might be, because in my case, it was!

how to access iFrame parent page using jquery?

There are multiple ways to do these.

I) Get main parent directly.

for exa. i want to replace my child page to iframe then

var link = '<%=Page.ResolveUrl("~/Home/SubscribeReport")%>';

here top.location gets parent directly.

II) get parent one by one,

var element = $('.iframe:visible', window.parent.document);

here if you have more then one iframe, then specify active or visible one.

you also can do like these for getting further parents,

var masterParent = element.parent().parent().parent()

III) get parent by Identifier.

var myWindow =$("#Identifier")

PHP: How do I display the contents of a textfile on my page?

$myfile = fopen("webdictionary.txt", "r") or die("Unable to open file!");
echo fread($myfile,filesize("webdictionary.txt"));

Try this to open a file in php

Refer this: (

Renew Provisioning Profile

I've done what you suggest, and I don't see a "Renew" button either.

The following is how I got mine renewed.

I see my three profiles (companynameProfile, "Team Provisioning Profile", and productnameProfile). THe first and third are going to expire within a couple of weeks. The second (and only the second) is flagged as "managed by Xcode". The profile names appear in a table with columns labelled: "Provisioning Profile", App ID, Status, and Actions. The status for all three is "Active". First 1 and 3, the Actions column has a "Download" button, and an "Edit" link. For 2, gthe Actions column has only the "Download" button.

There is no "Renew" (or "Refresh") button / link anywhere (and I did a view-source and searched that too :)

So, I on "Edit" on #3 ... two choices pop-up: Modify and Duplicate. I chose "Modify"

There is still no renew/refresh ... but there is a "Submit" button ... which doesn't work (turns out its sort of grayed out, but that's not at all obvious...bad UI design).

I discovered that if I change something on the screen (in my case, I selected a previously unused device), "Submit" darkens (becomes available). Click on "Submit". You're quietly (another UI problem :) taken back to the prior page, and the "Download" and "Edit" buttons are gone, and the status column should say "Pending"!

After awhile, I refreshed the window (reloaded) (don't know if it would have auto-refreshed) ... and saw that the status column had changed to "Active".

Now...I downloaded the new profile (the one that the darn page doesn't tell you is new, and doesn't LIST THE EXPIRATION DATE so you could tell yourself ... third UI flaw already :)

I downloaded the profile, deleted the old profile from the list in the Organizer window of Xcode, then dragged the new one into the Organizer window of Xcode, and ... voila, Organizer shows a new expiration date (of about 3 months from today).

Hope that helps,

Stan Cupertino, CA, USA

how to reset <input type = "file">

You can´t reset that since it is an read-only file. you can clone it to workaround the problem.

Android Fragment handle back button press

Add this code in your Activity


public void onBackPressed() {
    if (getFragmentManager().getBackStackEntryCount() == 0) {
    } else {

And add this line in your Fragment before commit()

ft.addToBackStack("Any name");

Running Node.js in apache?

While doing my own server side JS experimentation I ended up using teajs. It conforms to common.js, is based on V8 AND is the only project that I know of that provides 'mod_teajs' apache server module.

In my opinion Node.js server is not production ready and lacks too many features - Apache is battle tested and the right way to do SSJS.

git stash changes apply to new branch?

Since you've already stashed your changes, all you need is this one-liner:

  • git stash branch <branchname> [<stash>]

From the docs (

Creates and checks out a new branch named <branchname> starting from the commit at which the <stash> was originally created, applies the changes recorded in <stash> to the new working tree and index. If that succeeds, and <stash> is a reference of the form stash@{<revision>}, it then drops the <stash>. When no <stash> is given, applies the latest one.

This is useful if the branch on which you ran git stash save has changed enough that git stash apply fails due to conflicts. Since the stash is applied on top of the commit that was HEAD at the time git stash was run, it restores the originally stashed state with no conflicts.

How do I remove a substring from the end of a string in Python?

If you are sure that the string only appears at the end, then the simplest way would be to use 'replace':

url = ''

Div side by side without float

You can try with margin for right div

margin: -200px 0 0 350px;

Convert string to hex-string in C#

In .NET 5.0 and later you can use the Convert.ToHexString() method.

using System;
using System.Text;

string value = "Hello world";

byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value);

string hexString = Convert.ToHexString(bytes);

Console.WriteLine($"String value: \"{value}\"");
Console.WriteLine($"   Hex value: \"{hexString}\"");

Running the above example code, you would get the following output:

String value: "Hello world"
   Hex value: "48656C6C6F20776F726C64"

How many concurrent AJAX (XmlHttpRequest) requests are allowed in popular browsers?

I have writen a single file AJAX tester. Enjoy it!!! Just because I have had problems with my hosting provider

<?php /*

Author:   Luis Siquot
Purpose:  Check ajax performance and errors
License:  GPL
site5:    Please don't drop json requests (nor delay)!!!!


$r = (int)$_GET['r'];
$w = (int)$_GET['w'];
if($r) { 
   echo json_encode($_GET);
   die ();
}  //else
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

var _settimer;
var _timer;
var _waiting;

  $('#boton').bind('click', donow);

function donow(){
  var w;
  var estim = 0;
  _waiting = $('#total')[0].value * 1;
  for(var r=1;r<=_waiting;r++){
       w = Math.floor(Math.random()*6)+2;
       estim += w;
       dodebug({r:r, w:w});
       $.ajax({url: '<?php echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; ?>',
               data:    {r:r, w:w},
               dataType: 'json',   // 'html', 
               type: 'GET',
               success: function(CBdata, status) {

function doStat(what){
       '<table border="0" id="stat"><tr><td>Request Time Sum=<th>'+what+
       '<td> &nbsp; (seconds)</table>'

function timer(what){
  if(what)         {_timer = 0; _settimer = what;}
  if(_waiting==0)  {
    $('#showTimer')[0].innerHTML = 'completed in <b>' + _timer + ' seconds</b> (aprox)';
    return ;
     $('#showTimer')[0].innerHTML = _timer;
  $('#showTimer')[0].innerHTML = '<b>don\'t wait any more!!!</b>';

function CBdebug(what){
    $('#req'+what.r)[0].innerHTML = 'x';

function dodebug(what){
    var tt = '<tr><td>' + what.r + '<td>' + what.w + '<td id=req' + what.r + '>&nbsp;'

function clearTable(){
    $('#debug').replaceWith('<table border="1" id="debug"><tr><td>Request #<td>Wait Time<td>Done</table>');

<input type="button" value="start" id="boton">
<input type="text" value="80" id="total" size="2"> concurrent json requests
<table id="stat"><tr><td>&nbsp;</table>
Elapsed Time: <span id="showTimer"></span>
<table id="debug"></table>

r means row and w waiting time.
When you initially press start button 80 (or any other number) of concurrent ajax request are launched by javascript, but as is known they are spooled by the browser. Also they are requested to the server in parallel (limited to certain number, this is the fact of this question). Here the requests are solved server side with a random delay (established by w). At start time all the time needed to solve all ajax calls is calculated. When test is finished, you can see if it took half, took third, took a quarter, etc of the total time, deducting which was the parallelism on the calls to the server. This is not strict, nor precise, but is nice to see in real time how ajaxs calls are completed (seeing the incoming cross). And is a very simple self contained script to show ajax basics.
Of course, this assumes, that server side is not introducing any extra limit.
Preferably use in conjunction with firebug net panel (or your browser's equivalent)

How to convert <font size="10"> to px?

According to The W3C:

This attribute sets the size of the font. Possible values:

  • An integer between 1 and 7. This sets the font to some fixed size, whose rendering depends on the user agent. Not all user agents may render all seven sizes.
  • A relative increase in font size. The value "+1" means one size larger. The value "-3" means three sizes smaller. All sizes belong to the scale of 1 to 7.

Hence, the conversion you're asking for is not possible. The browser is not required to use specific sizes with specific size attributes.

Also note that use of the font element is discouraged by W3 in favor of style sheets.

How to get datas from List<Object> (Java)?

System.out.println("Element "+i+list.get(0));}

Should be

System.out.println("Element "+i+list.get(i));}

To use the JSF tags, you give the dataList value attribute a reference to your list of elements, and the var attribute is a local name for each element of that list in turn. Inside the dataList, you use properties of the object (getters) to output the information about that individual object:

<t:dataList id="myDataList" value="#{houseControlList}" var="element" rows="3" >
<t:outputText id="houseId" value="#{element.houseId}"/>

jQuery Uncaught TypeError: Property '$' of object [object Window] is not a function

This is a syntax issue, the jQuery library included with WordPress loads in "no conflict" mode. This is to prevent compatibility problems with other javascript libraries that WordPress can load. In "no-confict" mode, the $ shortcut is not available and the longer jQuery is used, i.e.

jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {

By including the $ in parenthesis after the function call you can then use this shortcut within the code block.

For full details see WordPress Codex

c++ exception : throwing std::string

Though this question is rather old and has already been answered, I just want to add a note on how to do proper exception handling in C++11:

Use std::nested_exception and std::throw_with_nested

Using these, in my opinion, leads to cleaner exception design and makes it unnecessary to create an exception class hierarchy.

Note that this enables you to get a backtrace on your exceptions inside your code without need for a debugger or cumbersome logging. It is described on StackOverflow here and here, how to write a proper exception handler which will rethrow nested exceptions.

Since you can do this with any derived exception class, you can add a lot of information to such a backtrace! You may also take a look at my MWE on GitHub, where a backtrace would look something like this:

Library API: Exception caught in function 'api_function'
~/Git/mwe-cpp-exception/src/detail/Library.cpp:17 : library_function failed
~/Git/mwe-cpp-exception/src/detail/Library.cpp:13 : could not open file "nonexistent.txt"

Adding horizontal spacing between divs in Bootstrap 3

From what I understand you want to make a navigation bar or something similar to it. What I recommend doing is making a list and editing the items from there. Just try this;

    <li class='item col-md-12 panel' id='gameplay-title'>Title</li>
    <li class='item col-md-6 col-md-offset-3 panel' id='gameplay-scoreboard'>Scoreboard</li>

And so on... To add more categories add another ul in there. Now, for the CSS you just need this;

ul {
    list-style: none;
.item {
    display: inline;
    padding-right: 20px;

Warning: mysqli_query() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, resource given

You are using improper syntax. If you read the docs mysqli_query() you will find that it needs two parameter.

mixed mysqli_query ( mysqli $link , string $query [, int $resultmode = MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT ] )

mysql $link generally means, the resource object of the established mysqli connection to query the database.

So there are two ways of solving this problem


$myConnection= mysqli_connect("$db_host","$db_username","$db_pass", "mrmagicadam") or die ("could not connect to mysql"); 
$sqlCommand="SELECT id, linklabel FROM pages ORDER BY pageorder ASC";
$query=mysqli_query($myConnection, $sqlCommand) or die(mysqli_error($myConnection));

Or, Using mysql_query() (This is now obselete)

$myConnection= mysql_connect("$db_host","$db_username","$db_pass") or die ("could not connect to mysql");
mysql_select_db("mrmagicadam") or die ("no database");        
$sqlCommand="SELECT id, linklabel FROM pages ORDER BY pageorder ASC";
$query=mysql_query($sqlCommand) or die(mysql_error());

As pointed out in the comments, be aware of using die to just get the error. It might inadvertently give the viewer some sensitive information .

AngularJS For Loop with Numbers & Ranges

Hi you can achieve this using pure html using AngularJS (NO Directive is required!)

<div ng-app="myapp" ng-controller="YourCtrl" ng-init="x=[5];">
  <div ng-if="i>0" ng-repeat="i in x">
    <!-- this content will repeat for 5 times. -->
    <table class="table table-striped">
      <tr ng-repeat="person in people">
         <td>{{ person.first + ' ' + person.last }}</td>
    <p ng-init="x.push(i-1)"></p>

How to set the size of button in HTML

Do you mean something like this?


<button class="test"></button>



If you want to use inline CSS instead of an external stylesheet, see this:

<button style="height:200px;width:200px"></button>

Hyphen, underscore, or camelCase as word delimiter in URIs?

The standard best practice for REST APIs is to have a hyphen, not camelcase or underscores.

This comes from Mark Masse's "REST API Design Rulebook" from Oreilly.

In addition, note that Stack Overflow itself uses hyphens in the URL: .../hyphen-underscore-or-camelcase-as-word-delimiter-in-uris

As does WordPress:

What are MVP and MVC and what is the difference?


MVC is a pattern for the architecture of a software application. It separate the application logic into three separate parts, promoting modularity and ease of collaboration and reuse. It also makes applications more flexible and welcoming to iterations.It separates an application into the following components:

  • Models for handling data and business logic
  • Controllers for handling the user interface and application
  • Views for handling graphical user interface objects and presentation

To make this a little more clear, let's imagine a simple shopping list app. All we want is a list of the name, quantity and price of each item we need to buy this week. Below we'll describe how we could implement some of this functionality using MVC.

enter image description here


  • The model is the data that will be displayed in the view (user interface).
  • The view is an interface that displays data (the model) and routes user commands (events) to the Presenter to act upon that data. The view usually has a reference to its Presenter.
  • The Presenter is the “middle-man” (played by the controller in MVC) and has references to both, view and model. Please note that the word “Model” is misleading. It should rather be business logic that retrieves or manipulates a Model. For instance: If you have a database storing User in a database table and your View wants to display a list of users, then the Presenter would have a reference to your database business logic (like a DAO) from where the Presenter will query a list of Users.

If you want to see a sample with simple implementation please check this GitHub post

A concrete workflow of querying and displaying a list of users from a database could work like this: enter image description here

What is the difference between MVC and MVP patterns?

MVC Pattern

  • Controller are based on behaviors and can be shared across views

  • Can be responsible for determining which view to display (Front Controller Pattern)

MVP Pattern

  • View is more loosely coupled to the model. The presenter is responsible for binding the model to the view.

  • Easier to unit test because interaction with the view is through an interface

  • Usually view to presenter map one to one. Complex views may have multi presenters.

jQuery - get all divs inside a div with class ".container"

To get all divs under 'container', use the following:

$(".container>div")  //or

You can stipulate a specific #id instead of div to get a particular one.

You say you want a div with an 'undefined' id. if I understand you right, the following would achieve this:


How can I convert an RGB image into grayscale in Python?

Use img.Convert(), supports “L”, “RGB” and “CMYK.” mode

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

img ="IMG/center_2018_02_03_00_34_32_784.jpg")

print np.array(img)


[[135 123 134 ...,  30   3  14]
 [137 130 137 ...,   9  20  13]
 [170 177 183 ...,  14  10 250]
 [112  99  91 ...,  90  88  80]
 [ 95 103 111 ..., 102  85 103]
 [112  96  86 ..., 182 148 114]]

Android Google Maps API V2 Zoom to Current Location

private void setUpMapIfNeeded(){
    if (mMap == null){
mMap = ((SupportMapFragment) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;//invoke of map fragment by id from main xml file

     if (mMap != null) {
         mMap.setMyLocationEnabled(true);//Makes the users current location visible by displaying a blue dot.

         LocationManager lm=(LocationManager)getSystemService(LOCATION_SERVICE);//use of location services by firstly defining location manager.
         String provider=lm.getBestProvider(new Criteria(), true);

         Location loc=lm.getLastKnownLocation(provider);

         if (loc!=null){

    // Initialize map options. For example:
    // mMap.setMapType(GoogleMap.MAP_TYPE_HYBRID);

public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {

   LatLng latlng=new LatLng(location.getLatitude(),location.getLongitude());// This methods gets the users current longitude and latitude.

    mMap.moveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng(latlng));//Moves the camera to users current longitude and latitude
    mMap.animateCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom(latlng,(float) 14.6));//Animates camera and zooms to preferred state on the user's current location.

    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

How to parse JSON with VBA without external libraries?

There are two issues here. The first is to access fields in the array returned by your JSON parse, the second is to rename collections/fields (like sentences) away from VBA reserved names.

Let's address the second concern first. You were on the right track. First, replace all instances of sentences with jsentences If text within your JSON also contains the word sentences, then figure out a way to make the replacement unique, such as using "sentences":[ as the search string. You can use the VBA Replace method to do this.

Once that's done, so VBA will stop renaming sentences to Sentences, it's just a matter of accessing the array like so:

'first, declare the variables you need:
Dim jsent as Variant

'Get arr all setup, then
For Each jsent in arr.jsentences

Performing SQL queries on an Excel Table within a Workbook with VBA Macro

Hi recently looked into this and had issues referencing the named table (list object) within excel

if you place a suffix '$' on the table name all is well in the world

Sub testSQL()

    Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
    Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset

    ' Declare variables
    strFile = ThisWorkbook.FullName

    ' construct connection string
    strCon = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & strFile _
    & ";Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1"";"

    ' create connection and recordset objects
    Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    ' open connection
    cn.Open strCon

    ' construct SQL query
    strSQL = "SELECT * FROM [TableName$] where [ColumnHeader] = 'wibble';"

    ' execute SQL query
    rs.Open strSQL, cn

    Debug.Print rs.GetString

    ' close connection
    Set rs = Nothing
    Set cn = Nothing
End Sub

How to fix java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Unsupported major.minor version

I had the same error message when running Ant from Eclipse, but the other solutions mentioned here didn't solve my problem. The funny thing was that running Ant from the Windows command line was running fine, so it had to be a configuration issue within Eclipse.

It turned out that under Eclipse you can specify the environment that Ant should be running with and this was set as a JRE instead of a JDK.

  • Go to: Run -> External Tools -> External Tools Configurations ...
  • Select the Ant build.xml for your project (if you have multiple projects)
  • Activate the Tab 'JRE'
  • Here was selected 'Separate JRE: jre6'. When I changed this to a JDK from the 1.6 or 1.7 series, the error was gone.

Xamarin 2.0 vs Appcelerator Titanium vs PhoneGap


As reported by Tim Anderson

Cross-platform development is a big deal, and will continue to be so until a day comes when everyone uses the same platform. Android? HTML? WebKit? iOS? Windows? Xamarin? Titanum? PhoneGap? Corona? ecc.

Sometimes I hear it said that there are essentially two approaches to cross-platform mobile apps. You can either use an embedded browser control and write a web app wrapped as a native app, as in Adobe PhoneGap/Cordova or the similar approach taken by Sencha, or you can use a cross-platform tool that creates native apps, such as Xamarin Studio, Appcelerator Titanium, or Embarcardero FireMonkey.

Within the second category though, there is diversity. In particular, they vary concerning the extent to which they abstract the user interface.

Here is the trade-off. If you design your cross-platform framework you can have your application work almost the same way on every platform. If you are sharing the UI design across all platforms, it is hard to make your design feel equally right in all cases. It might be better to take the approach adopted by most games, using a design that is distinctive to your app and make a virtue of its consistency across platforms, even though it does not have the native look and feel on any platform.

edit Xamarin v3 in 2014 started offering choice of Xamarin.Forms as well as pure native that still follows the philosophy mentioned here (took liberty of inline edit because such a great answer)

Xamarin Studio on the other hand makes no attempt to provide a shared GUI framework:

We don’t try to provide a user interface abstraction layer that works across all the platforms. We think that’s a bad approach that leads to lowest common denominator user interfaces. (Nat Friedman to Tim Anderson)

This is right; but the downside is the effort involved in maintaining two or more user interface designs for your app.

Comparison about PhoneGap and Titanium it's well reported in Kevin Whinnery blog.


The purpose of PhoneGap is to allow HTML-based web applications to be deployed and installed as native applications. PhoneGap web applications are wrapped in a native application shell, and can be installed via the native app stores for multiple platforms. Additionally, PhoneGap strives to provide a common native API set which is typically unavailable to web applications, such as basic camera access, device contacts, and sensors not already exposed in the browser.

To develop PhoneGap applications, developers will create HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files in a local directory, much like developing a static website. Approaching native-quality UI performance in the browser is a non-trivial task - Sencha employs a large team of web programming experts dedicated full-time to solving this problem. Even so, on most platforms, in most browsers today, reaching native-quality UI performance and responsiveness is simply not possible, even with a framework as advanced as Sencha Touch. Is the browser already “good enough” though? It depends on your requirements and sensibilities, but it is unquestionably less good than native UI. Sometimes much worse, depending on the browser.

PhoneGap is not as truly cross-platform as one might believe, not all features are equally supported on all platforms.

  • Javascript is not an application scale programming language, too many global scope interactions, different libraries don't often co-exist nicely. We spent many hours trying to get knockout.js and play well together, and we still have problems.

  • Fragmented landscape for frameworks and libraries. Too many choices, and too many are not mature enough.

  • Strangely enough, for the needs of our app, decent performance could be achieved (not with jQuery.Mobile, though). We tried jqMobi (not very mature, but fast).

  • Very limited capability for interaction with other apps or cdevice capabilities, and this would not be cross-platform anyway, as there aren't any standards in HTML5 except for a few, like geolocation, camera and local databases.

by Karl Waclawek

Appcelerator Titanium

The goal of Titanium Mobile is to provide a high level, cross-platform JavaScript runtime and API for mobile development (today we support iOS, Android and Windows Phone. Titanium actually has more in common with MacRuby/Hot Cocoa, PHP, or node.js than it does with PhoneGap, Adobe AIR, Corona, or Rhomobile. Titanium is built on two assertions about mobile development: - There is a core of mobile development APIs which can be normalized across platforms. These areas should be targeted for code reuse. - There are platform-specific APIs, UI conventions, and features which developers should incorporate when developing for that platform. Platform-specific code should exist for these use cases to provide the best possible experience.

So for those reasons, Titanium is not an attempt at “write once, run everywhere”. Same as Xamarin.

Titanium are going to do a further step in the direction similar to that of Xamarin. In practice, they will do two layers of different depths: the layer Titanium (in JS), which gives you a bee JS-of-Titanium. If you want to go more low-level, have created an additional layer (called Hyperloop), where (always with JS) to call you back directly to native APIs of SO

Xamarin (+ MVVMCross)

Xamarin (originally a division of Novell) in the last 18 months has brought to market its own IDE and snap-in for Visual Studio. The underlining premise of Mono is to create disparate mobile applications using C# while maintaining native UI development strategies.

In addition to creating a visual design platform to develop native applications, they have integrated testing suites, incorporated native library support and a Nuget style component store. Recently they provided iOS visual design through their IDE freeing the developer from opening XCode. In Visual Studio all three platforms are now supported and a cloud testing suite is on the horizon.

From the get go, Xamarin has provided a rich Android visual design experience. I have yet to download or open Eclipse or any other IDE besides Xamarin. What is truly amazing is that I am able to use LINQ to work with collections as well as create custom delegates and events that free me from objective-C and Java limitations. Many of the libraries I have been spoiled with, like Newtonsoft JSON.Net, work perfectly in all three environments.

In my opinion there are several HUGE advantages including

  • native performance
  • easier to read code (IMO)
  • testability
  • shared code between client and server
  • support (although Xam could do better on bugzilla)

Upgrade for me is use Xamarin and MVVMCross combined. It's still quite a new framework, but it's born from experience of several other frameworks (such as MvvmLight and monocross) and it's now been used in at several released cross platform projects.


My choice after knowing all these framwework, was to select development tool based on product needs. In general, however if you start to use a tool with which you feel comfortable (even if it requires a higher initial overhead) after you'll use it forever.

I chose Xamarin + MVVMCross and I must say to be happy with this choice. I'm not afraid of approach Native SDK for software updates or seeing limited functionality of a system or the most trivial thing a feature graphics. Write code fairly structured (DDD + SOA) is very useful to have a core project shared with native C# views implementation.

References and links

How to increase font size in the Xcode editor?

Go to Xcode -> Preferences... -> Font & Colors -> 'select all types of font in' Default tab.

On this Selection apply Font Size from bottom control.

How can I reverse the order of lines in a file?

sort -r < filename


rev < filename

Find Number of CPUs and Cores per CPU using Command Prompt

If you want to find how many processors (or CPUs) a machine has the same way %NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS% shows you the number of cores, save the following script in a batch file, for example, GetNumberOfCores.cmd:

@echo off
for /f "tokens=*" %%f in ('wmic cpu get NumberOfCores /value ^| find "="') do set %%f

And then execute like this:


echo %NumberOfCores%

The script will set a environment variable named %NumberOfCores% and it will contain the number of processors.

How to add property to a class dynamically?

You can use the following code to update class attributes using a dictionary object:

class ExampleClass():
    def __init__(self, argv):
        for key, val in argv.items():
            self.__dict__[key] = val

if __name__ == '__main__':
    argv = {'intro': 'Hello World!'}
    instance = ExampleClass(argv)
    print instance.intro

Call php function from JavaScript

This is, in essence, what AJAX is for. Your page loads, and you add an event to an element. When the user causes the event to be triggered, say by clicking something, your Javascript uses the XMLHttpRequest object to send a request to a server.

After the server responds (presumably with output), another Javascript function/event gives you a place to work with that output, including simply sticking it into the page like any other piece of HTML.

You can do it "by hand" with plain Javascript , or you can use jQuery. Depending on the size of your project and particular situation, it may be more simple to just use plain Javascript .

Plain Javascript

In this very basic example, we send a request to myAjax.php when the user clicks a link. The server will generate some content, in this case "hello world!". We will put into the HTML element with the id output.

The javascript

// handles the click event for link 1, sends the query
function getOutput() {
      'myAjax.php', // URL for the PHP file
       drawOutput,  // handle successful request
       drawError    // handle error
  return false;
// handles drawing an error message
function drawError() {
    var container = document.getElementById('output');
    container.innerHTML = 'Bummer: there was an error!';
// handles the response, adds the html
function drawOutput(responseText) {
    var container = document.getElementById('output');
    container.innerHTML = responseText;
// helper function for cross-browser request object
function getRequest(url, success, error) {
    var req = false;
        // most browsers
        req = new XMLHttpRequest();
    } catch (e){
        // IE
            req = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
        } catch(e) {
            // try an older version
                req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
            } catch(e) {
                return false;
    if (!req) return false;
    if (typeof success != 'function') success = function () {};
    if (typeof error!= 'function') error = function () {};
    req.onreadystatechange = function(){
        if(req.readyState == 4) {
            return req.status === 200 ? 
                success(req.responseText) : error(req.status);
    }"GET", url, true);
    return req;


<a href="#" onclick="return getOutput();"> test </a>
<div id="output">waiting for action</div>


// file myAjax.php
  echo 'hello world!';

Try it out:

With a javascript library (jQuery et al)

Arguably, that is a lot of Javascript code. You can shorten that up by tightening the blocks or using more terse logic operators, of course, but there's still a lot going on there. If you plan on doing a lot of this type of thing on your project, you might be better off with a javascript library.

Using the same HTML and PHP from above, this is your entire script (with jQuery included on the page). I've tightened up the code a little to be more consistent with jQuery's general style, but you get the idea:

// handles the click event, sends the query
function getOutput() {
      complete: function (response) {
      error: function () {
          $('#output').html('Bummer: there was an error!');
  return false;

Try it out:

Don't rush out for jQuery just yet: adding any library is still adding hundreds or thousands of lines of code to your project just as surely as if you had written them. Inside the jQuery library file, you'll find similar code to that in the first example, plus a whole lot more. That may be a good thing, it may not. Plan, and consider your project's current size and future possibility for expansion and the target environment or platform.

If this is all you need to do, write the plain javascript once and you're done.


What's the Use of '\r' escape sequence?

As amaud576875 said, the \r escape sequence signifies a carriage-return, similar to pressing the Enter key. However, I'm not sure how you get "o world"; you should (and I do) get "my first hello world" and then a new line. Depending on what operating system you're using (I'm using Mac) you might want to use a \n instead of a \r.

Setting a WebRequest's body data


See my other SO answer.


var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");

string stringData = ""; // place body here
var data = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(stringData); // note: choose appropriate encoding

request.Method = "PUT";
request.ContentType = ""; // place MIME type here
request.ContentLength = data.Length;

var newStream = request.GetRequestStream(); // get a ref to the request body so it can be modified
newStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);

Reset IntelliJ UI to Default

To switch between color schemes: Choose View -> Quick Switch Scheme on the main menu or press Ctrl+Back Quote To bring back the old theme: Settings -> Appearance -> Theme

How do I specify local .gem files in my Gemfile?

Adding .gem to vendor/cache seems to work. No options required in Gemfile.

Plotting images side by side using matplotlib

If the images are in an array and you want to iterate through each element and print it, you can write the code as follows:

plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) # specifying the overall grid size

for i in range(25):
    plt.subplot(5,5,i+1)    # the number of images in the grid is 5*5 (25)

Also note that I used subplot and not subplots. They're both different

Delete forked repo from GitHub

Just delete the forked repo from your GitHub account.

  • If I go to admin panel on GitHub there's a delete option. If I delete it as the option above, will it make any effect in the original one or not?

It wont make any changes in the original one; cos, its your repo now.

What's the proper way to "go get" a private repository?

You have one thing to configure. The example is based on GitHub but this shouldn't change the process:

$ git config --global [email protected]:.insteadOf
$ cat ~/.gitconfig
[url "[email protected]:"]
    insteadOf =
$ go get

For Go modules to work (with Go 1.11 or newer), you'll also need to set the GOPRIVATE variable, to avoid using the public servers to fetch the code:


Clear contents of cells in VBA using column reference

I just came up with this very simple method of clearing an entire sheet.

Sub ClearThisSheet()


End Sub

Is it possible to capture the stdout from the sh DSL command in the pipeline

Now, the sh step supports returning stdout by supplying the parameter returnStdout.

// These should all be performed at the point where you've
// checked out your sources on the slave. A 'git' executable
// must be available.
// Most typical, if you're not cloning into a sub directory
gitCommit = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'git rev-parse HEAD').trim()
// short SHA, possibly better for chat notifications, etc.
shortCommit = gitCommit.take(6)

See this example.

unique combinations of values in selected columns in pandas data frame and count

You can groupby on cols 'A' and 'B' and call size and then reset_index and rename the generated column:

In [26]:

     A    B  count
0   no   no      1
1   no  yes      2
2  yes   no      4
3  yes  yes      3


A little explanation, by grouping on the 2 columns, this groups rows where A and B values are the same, we call size which returns the number of unique groups:


A    B  
no   no     1
     yes    2
yes  no     4
     yes    3
dtype: int64

So now to restore the grouped columns, we call reset_index:


     A    B  0
0   no   no  1
1   no  yes  2
2  yes   no  4
3  yes  yes  3

This restores the indices but the size aggregation is turned into a generated column 0, so we have to rename this:


     A    B  count
0   no   no      1
1   no  yes      2
2  yes   no      4
3  yes  yes      3

groupby does accept the arg as_index which we could have set to False so it doesn't make the grouped columns the index, but this generates a series and you'd still have to restore the indices and so on....:

df1.groupby(['A','B'], as_index=False).size()

A    B  
no   no     1
     yes    2
yes  no     4
     yes    3
dtype: int64

Accessing last x characters of a string in Bash

You can use tail:

$ foo="1234567890"
$ echo -n $foo | tail -c 3

A somewhat roundabout way to get the last three characters would be to say:

echo $foo | rev | cut -c1-3 | rev

How to use workbook.saveas with automatic Overwrite

I recommend that before executing SaveAs, delete the file it exists.

If Dir("f:ull\path\with\filename.xls") <> "" Then
    Kill "f:ull\path\with\filename.xls"
End If

It's easier than setting DisplayAlerts off and on, plus if DisplayAlerts remains off due to code crash, it can cause problems if you work with Excel in the same session.

"could not find stored procedure"

make sure that your schema name is in the connection string?

Show pop-ups the most elegant way

See for a simple way of doing modal dialog with Angular and without needing bootstrap

Edit: I've since been using ng-dialog from which is flexible and doesn't have any dependencies.

Java - How to create new Entry (key, value)

You can just implement the Map.Entry<K, V> interface yourself:

import java.util.Map;

final class MyEntry<K, V> implements Map.Entry<K, V> {
    private final K key;
    private V value;

    public MyEntry(K key, V value) {
        this.key = key;
        this.value = value;

    public K getKey() {
        return key;

    public V getValue() {
        return value;

    public V setValue(V value) {
        V old = this.value;
        this.value = value;
        return old;

And then use it:

Map.Entry<String, Object> entry = new MyEntry<String, Object>("Hello", 123);

minimum double value in C/C++

In C, use

#include <float.h>

const double lowest_double = -DBL_MAX;

In C++pre-11, use

#include <limits>

const double lowest_double = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();

In C++11 and onwards, use

#include <limits>

constexpr double lowest_double = std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest();

comparing two strings in ruby

Here are some:

"Ali".eql? "Ali"
=> true

The spaceship (<=>) method can be used to compare two strings in relation to their alphabetical ranking. The <=> method returns 0 if the strings are identical, -1 if the left hand string is less than the right hand string, and 1 if it is greater:

"Apples" <=> "Apples"
=> 0

"Apples" <=> "Pears"
=> -1

"Pears" <=> "Apples"
=> 1

A case insensitive comparison may be performed using the casecmp method which returns the same values as the <=> method described above:

"Apples".casecmp "apples"
=> 0

How do I resolve a TesseractNotFoundError?


I came across this problem today and all the answers mentioned here helped me, but I personally had to dig a lot to solve it. So let me help all others by putting out the solution to it in a very simple form:

  1. Download the executable 64 bit (32-bit if your computer is of 32 bit) exe from here.

    (Name of the file would be tesseract-ocr-w64-setup-v5.0.0.20190526 (alpha))

  1. Install it. Let it install itself in the default C directory.

  2. Now go to your Environment variable (Reach there by just searching it in the start menu or Go to Control Panel > System > Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables)

a) Select PATH and then Edit it. Click on NEW and add the path where it is installed (Usually C:\Program Files\Tesseract-OCR\)

Now you will not get the error!

Bash script error [: !=: unary operator expected


if [ "$1" != -v ]; then

Otherwise, when $1 is completely empty, your test becomes:

[ != -v ]

instead of

[ "" != -v ]

...and != is not a unary operator (that is, one capable of taking only a single argument).

How do you convert a byte array to a hexadecimal string in C?

If you want to store the hex values in a char * string, you can use snprintf. You need to allocate space for all the printed characters, including the leading zeros and colon.

Expanding on Mark's answer:

char str_buf* = malloc(3*X + 1);   // X is the number of bytes to be converted

int i;
for (i = 0; i < x; i++)
    if (i > 0) snprintf(str_buf, 1, ":");
    snprintf(str_buf, 2, "%02X", num_buf[i]);  // need 2 characters for a single hex value
snprintf(str_buf, 2, "\n\0"); // dont forget the NULL byte

So now str_buf will contain the hex string.

The requested URL /about was not found on this server


Although late If anybody suffering from the similar issues here is what you can do to allow permalinks by modifying your virtual host file or whereever you are hosting your WP sites.

So basically everything works fine - you set up permalinks to post and suddenly the url dissapears. You went to a lot of disscussion forums (Like me) tried a lot of modifying and got "Permission to server 403" errors or URL not found error. All you have to do is go to the host file, for example 000-default.conf if using a default virtual host or your config file inside sites-enabled,

use in the directory section :

<Directory "path/to/dir">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Require all granted

Donot use the following inside directory

Order allow,deny
Allow from all

The Order and Allow directives are deprecated in Apache 2.4.

Likewise you can setup the directory in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf set the directory for your path and donot use the above - this will cause permission 403 error.

In addition to that you will need to enable mod_rewrite for apache

Converting a float to a string without rounding it

Some form of rounding is often unavoidable when dealing with floating point numbers. This is because numbers that you can express exactly in base 10 cannot always be expressed exactly in base 2 (which your computer uses).

For example:

>>> .1

In this case, you're seeing .1 converted to a string using repr:

>>> repr(.1)

I believe python chops off the last few digits when you use str() in order to work around this problem, but it's a partial workaround that doesn't substitute for understanding what's going on.

>>> str(.1)

I'm not sure exactly what problems "rounding" is causing you. Perhaps you would do better with string formatting as a way to more precisely control your output?


>>> '%.5f' % .1
>>> '%.5f' % .12345678

Documentation here.

What is an application binary interface (ABI)?

You actually don't need an ABI at all if--

  • Your program doesn't have functions, and--
  • Your program is a single executable that is running alone (i.e. an embedded system) where it's literally the only thing running and it doesn't need to talk to anything else.

An oversimplified summary:

API: "Here are all the functions you may call."

ABI: "This is how to call a function."

The ABI is set of rules that compilers and linkers adhere to in order to compile your program so that will work properly. ABIs cover multiple topics:

  • Arguably the biggest and most important part of an ABI is the procedure call standard sometimes known as the "calling convention". Calling conventions standardize how "functions" are translated to assembly code.
  • ABIs also dictate the how the names of exposed functions in libraries should be represented so that other code can call those libraries and know what arguments should be passed. This is called "name mangling".
  • ABIs also dictate what type of data types can be used, how they must be aligned, and other low-level details.

Taking a deeper look at calling convention, which I consider to be the core of an ABI:

The machine itself has no concept of "functions". When you write a function in a high-level language like c, the compiler generates a line of assembly code like _MyFunction1:. This is a label, which will eventually get resolved into an address by the assembler. This label marks the "start" of your "function" in the assembly code. In high-level code, when you "call" that function, what you're really doing is causing the CPU to jump to the address of that label and continue executing there.

In preparation for the jump, the compiler must do a bunch of important stuff. The calling convention is like a checklist that the compiler follows to do all this stuff:

  • First, the compiler inserts a little bit of assembly code to save the current address, so that when your "function" is done, the CPU can jump back to the right place and continue executing.
  • Next, the compiler generates assembly code to pass the arguments.
    • Some calling conventions dictate that arguments should be put on the stack (in a particular order of course).
    • Other conventions dictate that the arguments should be put in particular registers (depending on their data types of course).
    • Still other conventions dictate that a specific combination of stack and registers should be used.
  • Of course, if there was anything important in those registers before, those values are now overwritten and lost forever, so some calling conventions may dictate that the compiler should save some of those registers prior to putting the arguments in them.
  • Now the compiler inserts a jump instruction telling the CPU to go to that label it made previously (_MyFunction1:). At this point, you can consider the CPU to be "in" your "function".
  • At the end of the function, the compiler puts some assembly code that will make the CPU write the return value in the correct place. The calling convention will dictate whether the return value should be put into a particular register (depending on its type), or on the stack.
  • Now it's time for clean-up. The calling convention will dictate where the compiler places the cleanup assembly code.
    • Some conventions say that the caller must clean up the stack. This means that after the "function" is done and the CPU jumps back to where it was before, the very next code to be executed should be some very specific cleanup code.
    • Other conventions say that the some particular parts of the cleanup code should be at the end of the "function" before the jump back.

There are many different ABIs / calling conventions. Some main ones are:

  • For the x86 or x86-64 CPU (32-bit environment):
    • CDECL
  • For the x86-64 CPU (64-bit environment):
  • For the ARM CPU (32-bit)
    • AAPCS
  • For the ARM CPU (64-bit)
    • AAPCS64

Here is a great page that actually shows the differences in the assembly generated when compiling for different ABIs.

Another thing to mention is that an ABI isn't only relevant inside your program's executable module. It's also used by the linker to make sure your program calls library functions correctly. You have multiple shared libraries running on your computer, and as long as your compiler knows what ABI they each use, it can call functions from them properly without blowing up the stack.

Your compiler understanding how to call library functions is extremely important. On a hosted platform (that is, one where an OS loads programs), your program can't even blink without making a kernel call.

Which regular expression operator means 'Don't' match this character?

^ used at the beginning of a character range, or negative lookahead/lookbehind assertions.

>>> re.match('[^f]', 'foo')
>>> re.match('[^f]', 'bar')
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x7f8b102ad6b0>
>>> re.match('(?!foo)...', 'foo')
>>> re.match('(?!foo)...', 'bar')
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x7f8b0fe70780>

IF/ELSE Stored Procedure

Just a tip for this, you don't need the BEGIN and END if it only contains a single statement.


IF(@Trans_type = 'subscr_signup')    
 set @tmpType = 'premium' 
ELSE iF(@Trans_type = 'subscr_cancel')  
     set    @tmpType = 'basic'

Having a UITextField in a UITableViewCell

Here is a solution that looks good under iOS6/7/8/9.

Update 2016-06-10: this still works with iOS 9.3.3

Thanks for all your support, this is now on CocoaPods/Carthage/SPM at

Basically we take the stock UITableViewCellStyleValue1 and staple a UITextField where the detailTextLabel is supposed to be. This gives us automatic placement for all scenarios: iOS6/7/8/9, iPhone/iPad, Image/No-image, Accessory/No-accessory, Portrait/Landscape, 1x/2x/3x.

enter image description here

Note: this is using storyboard with a UITableViewCellStyleValue1 type cell named "word".

- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:@"word"];
    cell.detailTextLabel.hidden = YES;
    [[cell viewWithTag:3] removeFromSuperview];
    textField = [[UITextField alloc] init];
    textField.tag = 3;
    textField.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = NO;
    [cell.contentView addSubview:textField];
    [cell addConstraint:[NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithItem:textField attribute:NSLayoutAttributeLeading relatedBy:NSLayoutRelationEqual toItem:cell.textLabel attribute:NSLayoutAttributeTrailing multiplier:1 constant:8]];
    [cell addConstraint:[NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithItem:textField attribute:NSLayoutAttributeTop relatedBy:NSLayoutRelationEqual toItem:cell.contentView attribute:NSLayoutAttributeTop multiplier:1 constant:8]];
    [cell addConstraint:[NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithItem:textField attribute:NSLayoutAttributeBottom relatedBy:NSLayoutRelationEqual toItem:cell.contentView attribute:NSLayoutAttributeBottom multiplier:1 constant:-8]];
    [cell addConstraint:[NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithItem:textField attribute:NSLayoutAttributeTrailing relatedBy:NSLayoutRelationEqual toItem:cell.detailTextLabel attribute:NSLayoutAttributeTrailing multiplier:1 constant:0]];
    textField.textAlignment = NSTextAlignmentRight;
    textField.delegate = self;
    return cell;

uncaught syntaxerror unexpected token U JSON

This is not a difficult task. That problem also occur at my site you should have to shift your js files top ordered. Because at the place where you are using JSON Parsing, this time your JS files are not loaded. EXAMPLE #

<script type="text/javaScript">
...........SOME CODE.............
<script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery.validate.min.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>

change to

<script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery.validate.min.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javaScript">
...........SOME CODE.............

How to configure robots.txt to allow everything?

I understand that this is fairly old question and has some pretty good answers. But, here is my two cents for the sake of completeness.

As per the official documentation, there are four ways, you can allow complete access for robots to access your site.


Specify a global matcher with a disallow segment as mentioned by @unor. So your /robots.txt looks like this.

User-agent: *

The hack:

Create a /robots.txt file with no content in it. Which will default to allow all for all type of Bots.

I don't care way:

Do not create a /robots.txt altogether. Which should yield the exact same results as the above two.

The ugly:

From the robots documentation for meta tags, You can use the following meta tag on all your pages on your site to let the Bots know that these pages are not supposed to be indexed.


In order for this to be applied to your entire site, You will have to add this meta tag for all of your pages. And this tag should strictly be placed under your HEAD tag of the page. More about this meta tag here.

Exporting results of a Mysql query to excel?

The typical way to achieve this is to export to CSV and then load the CSV into Excel.
You can using any MySQL command line tool to do this by including the INTO OUTFILE clause on your SELECT statement:

SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE ... 
INTO OUTFILE 'file.csv'

See this link for detailed options.

Alternatively, you can use mysqldump to store dump into a separated value format using the --tab option, see this link.

mysqldump -u<user> -p<password> -h<host> --where=jtaskResult=2429 --tab=<file.csv> <database> TaskResult

Hint: If you don't specify an absoulte path but use something like INTO OUTFILE 'output.csv' or INTO OUTFILE './output.csv', it will store the output file to the directory specified by show variables like 'datadir';.

How to square all the values in a vector in R?

How about sapply (not really necessary for this simple case):

newData<- sapply(data, function(x) x^2)

How to hide a button programmatically?

        Button button = (Button) findViewById(;
        //set to visible
        //set to invisble      

How to set <Text> text to upper case in react native

use text transform property in your style tag


Error when deploying an artifact in Nexus

In the rare event that you need to redeploy the SAME STABLE artifact to Nexus, it will fail by default. If you then delete the artifact from Nexus (via the web interface) for the purpose of deploying it again, the deploy will still fail, since just removing the e.g. jar or pom does not clear other files still laying around in the directory. You need to log onto the box and delete the directory in its entirety.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ECHO in

Missing ; after var_dump($row)

PowerShell array initialization

The original example returns an error because the array is created empty, then you try to access the nth element to assign it a value.

The are a number of creative answers here, many I didn't know before reading this post. All are fine for a small array, but as n0rd points out, there are significant differences in performance.

Here I use Measure-Command to find out how long each initialization takes. As you might guess, any approach that uses an explicit PowerShell loop is slower than those that use .Net constructors or PowerShell operators (which would be compiled in IL or native code).


  • New-Object and @(somevalue)*n are fast (around 20k ticks for 100k elements).
  • Creating an array with the range operator n..m is 10x slower (200k ticks).
  • Using an ArrayList with the Add() method is 1000x slower than the baseline (20M ticks), as is looping through an already-sized array using for() or ForEach-Object (a.k.a. foreach,%).
  • Appending with += is the worst (2M ticks for just 1000 elements).

Overall, I'd say array*n is "best" because:

  • It's fast.
  • You can use any value, not just the default for the type.
  • You can create repeating values (to illustrate, type this at the powershell prompt: (1..10)*10 -join " " or ('one',2,3)*3)
  • Terse syntax.

The only drawback:

  • Non-obvious. If you haven't seen this construct before, it's not apparent what it does.

But keep in mind that for many cases where you would want to initialize the array elements to some value, then a strongly-typed array is exactly what you need. If you're initializing everything to $false, then is the array ever going to hold anything other than $false or $true? If not, then New-Object type[] n is the "best" approach.


Create and size a default array, then assign values:

PS> Measure-Command -Expression {$a = new-object object[] 100000} | Format-List -Property "Ticks"
Ticks : 20039

PS> Measure-Command -Expression {for($i=0; $i -lt $a.Length;$i++) {$a[$i] = $false}} | Format-List -Property "Ticks"
Ticks : 28866028

Creating an array of Boolean is bit little slower than and array of Object:

PS> Measure-Command -Expression {$a = New-Object bool[] 100000} | Format-List -Property "Ticks"
Ticks : 130968

It's not obvious what this does, the documentation for New-Object just says that the second parameter is an argument list which is passed to the .Net object constructor. In the case of arrays, the parameter evidently is the desired size.

Appending with +=

PS> $a=@()
PS> Measure-Command -Expression { for ($i=0; $i -lt 100000; $i++) {$a+=$false} } | Format-List -Property "Ticks"

I got tired of waiting for that to complete, so ctrl+c then:

PS> $a=@()
PS> Measure-Command -Expression { for ($i=0; $i -lt    100; $i++) {$a+=$false} } | Format-List -Property "Ticks"
Ticks : 147663
PS> $a=@()
PS> Measure-Command -Expression { for ($i=0; $i -lt   1000; $i++) {$a+=$false} } | Format-List -Property "Ticks"
Ticks : 2194398

Just as (6 * 3) is conceptually similar to (6 + 6 + 6), so ($somearray * 3) ought to give the same result as ($somearray + $somearray + $somearray). But with arrays, + is concatenation rather than addition.

If $array+=$element is slow, you might expect $array*$n to also be slow, but it's not:

PS> Measure-Command -Expression { $a = @($false) * 100000 } | Format-List -Property "Ticks"
Ticks : 20131

Just like Java has a StringBuilder class to avoid creating multiple objects when appending, so it seems PowerShell has an ArrayList.

PS> $al = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
PS> Measure-Command -Expression { for($i=0; $i -lt 1000; $i++) {$al.Add($false)} } | Format-List -Property "Ticks"
Ticks : 447133
PS> $al = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
PS> Measure-Command -Expression { for($i=0; $i -lt 10000; $i++) {$al.Add($false)} } | Format-List -Property "Ticks"
Ticks : 2097498
PS> $al = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
PS> Measure-Command -Expression { for($i=0; $i -lt 100000; $i++) {$al.Add($false)} } | Format-List -Property "Ticks"
Ticks : 19866894

Range operator, and Where-Object loop:

PS> Measure-Command -Expression { $a = 1..100000 } | Format-List -Property "Ticks"
Ticks : 239863
Measure-Command -Expression { $a | % {$false} } | Format-List -Property "Ticks"
Ticks : 102298091


  • I nulled the variable between each run ($a=$null).
  • Testing was on a tablet with Atom processor; you would probably see faster speeds on other machines. [edit: About twice as fast on a desktop machine.]
  • There was a fair bit of variation when I tried multiple runs. Look for the orders of magnitude rather than exact numbers.
  • Testing was with PowerShell 3.0 in Windows 8.


Thanks to @halr9000 for array*n, @Scott Saad and Lee Desmond for New-Object, and @EBGreen for ArrayList.

Thanks to @n0rd for getting me to think about performance.

Get the new record primary key ID from MySQL insert query?

If you are using PHP: On a PDO object you can simple invoke the lastInsertId method after your insert.

Otherwise with a LAST_INSERT_ID you can get the value like this: SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID();

What is the difference between the GNU Makefile variable assignments =, ?=, := and +=?

When you use VARIABLE = value, if value is actually a reference to another variable, then the value is only determined when VARIABLE is used. This is best illustrated with an example:

VAL = foo
VAL = bar

# VARIABLE and VAL will both evaluate to "bar"

When you use VARIABLE := value, you get the value of value as it is now. For example:

VAL = foo
VAL = bar

# VAL will evaluate to "bar", but VARIABLE will evaluate to "foo"

Using VARIABLE ?= val means that you only set the value of VARIABLE if VARIABLE is not set already. If it's not set already, the setting of the value is deferred until VARIABLE is used (as in example 1).

VARIABLE += value just appends value to VARIABLE. The actual value of value is determined as it was when it was initially set, using either = or :=.

How to quickly form groups (quartiles, deciles, etc) by ordering column(s) in a data frame

Sorry for being a bit late to the party. I wanted to add my one liner using cut2 as I didn't know max/min for my data and wanted the groups to be identically large. I read about cut2 in an issue which was marked as duplicate (link below).

library(Hmisc)   #For cut2
set.seed(123)    #To keep answers below identical to my random run

temp <- data.frame(name=letters[1:12], value=rnorm(12), quartile=rep(NA, 12))

temp$quartile <- as.numeric(cut2(temp$value, g=4))   #as.numeric to number the factors
temp$quartileBounds <- cut2(temp$value, g=4)



> temp
   name       value quartile  quartileBounds
1     a -0.56047565        1 [-1.265,-0.446)
2     b -0.23017749        2 [-0.446, 0.129)
3     c  1.55870831        4 [ 1.224, 1.715]
4     d  0.07050839        2 [-0.446, 0.129)
5     e  0.12928774        3 [ 0.129, 1.224)
6     f  1.71506499        4 [ 1.224, 1.715]
7     g  0.46091621        3 [ 0.129, 1.224)
8     h -1.26506123        1 [-1.265,-0.446)
9     i -0.68685285        1 [-1.265,-0.446)
10    j -0.44566197        2 [-0.446, 0.129)
11    k  1.22408180        4 [ 1.224, 1.715]
12    l  0.35981383        3 [ 0.129, 1.224)

Similar issue where I read about cut2 in detail

How to find the php.ini file used by the command line?

Just run php --ini and look for Loaded Configuration File in output for the location of php.ini used by your CLI

Entity framework code-first null foreign key

I have the same problem now , I have foreign key and i need put it as nullable, to solve this problem you should put

        .HasMany(c => c.Users)
        .WithOptional(c => c.Country)
        .HasForeignKey(c => c.CountryId)

in DBContext class I am sorry for answer you very late :)

git - Server host key not cached

Just uninstall Git Extensions and Install again by choosing OpenSSH instead of

jQuery looping .each() JSON key/value not working

With a simple JSON object, you don't need jQuery:

for (var i in json) {
   for (var j in json[i]) {

How to open every file in a folder

import pyautogui
import keyboard
import time
import os
import pyperclip

os.chdir("target directory")

# get the current directory


for i in os.walk(cwd):
    for j in i[2]:

os.startfile("C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 11.0\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe")

for i in files:

What is the path that Django uses for locating and loading templates?

I also had issues with this part of the tutorial (used tutorial for version 1.7).

My mistake was that I only edited the 'Django administration' string, and did not pay enough attention to the manual.

This is the line from django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/base_site.html:

<h1 id="site-name"><a href="{% url 'admin:index' %}">{{ site_header|default:_('Django administration') }}</a></h1>

But after some time and frustration it became clear that there was the 'site_header or default:_' statement, which should be removed. So after removing the statement (like the example in the manual everything worked like expected).

Example manual:

<h1 id="site-name"><a href="{% url 'admin:index' %}">Polls Administration</a></h1>

Displaying the Indian currency symbol on a website

There are two html entity code : &#x20b9; &#8377;

how to redirect to external url from c# controller

If you are using MVC then it would be more appropriate to use RedirectResult instead of using Response.Redirect.

public ActionResult Index() {
        return new RedirectResult("");

Reference -

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token with JSON.parse

The mistake I was doing was passing null (unknowingly) into JSON.parse().

So it threw Unexpected token n in JSON at position 0

What is an .inc and why use it?

If you are concerned about the file's content being served rather than its output. You can use a double extension like: It then serves the same purpose of helpfulness and maintainability.

I normally have 2 php files for each page on my site:

  1. One named welcome.php in the root folder, containing all of the HTML markup.
  2. And another named in the inc folder, containing all PHP functions specific to the welcome.php page.

EDIT: Another benefit of using the double extention .inc.php would be that any IDE can still recognise the file as PHP code.

How to assign colors to categorical variables in ggplot2 that have stable mapping?

I am in the same situation pointed out by malcook in his comment: unfortunately the answer by Thierry does not work with ggplot2 version

dataset <- data.frame(category = rep(LETTERS[1:5], 100),
    x = rnorm(500, mean = rep(1:5, 100)),
    y = rnorm(500, mean = rep(1:5, 100)))
dataset$fCategory <- factor(dataset$category)
subdata <- subset(dataset, category %in% c("A", "D", "E"))

ggplot(dataset, aes(x = x, y = y, colour = fCategory)) + geom_point()
ggplot(subdata, aes(x = x, y = y, colour = fCategory)) + geom_point()

Here it is the first figure:

ggplot A-E, mixed colors

and the second figure:

ggplot ADE, mixed colors

As we can see the colors do not stay fixed, for example E switches from magenta to blu.

As suggested by malcook in his comment and by hadley in his comment the code which uses limits works properly:

ggplot(subdata, aes(x = x, y = y, colour = fCategory)) +       
    geom_point() + 
        limits = levels(dataset$fCategory))

gives the following figure, which is correct:

correct ggplot

This is the output from sessionInfo():

R version 3.0.2 (2013-09-25)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
 [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
 [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            

attached base packages:
[1] methods   stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  base     

other attached packages:
[1] ggplot2_0.9.3.1

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] colorspace_1.2-4   dichromat_2.0-0    digest_0.6.4       grid_3.0.2        
 [5] gtable_0.1.2       labeling_0.2       MASS_7.3-29        munsell_0.4.2     
 [9] plyr_1.8           proto_0.3-10       RColorBrewer_1.0-5 reshape2_1.2.2    
[13] scales_0.2.3       stringr_0.6.2 

Text vertical alignment in WPF TextBlock

I think it's wise to use a textbox with no border and background as an easy and fast way to reach center aligned textblock


Excel 2007: How to display mm:ss format not as a DateTime (e.g. 73:07)?

To make life easier when entering multiple dates/times it is possible to use a custom format to remove the need to enter the colon, and the leading "hour" 0. This however requires a second field for the numerical date to be stored, as the displayed date from the custom format is in base 10.

Displaying a number as a time (no need to enter colons, but no time conversion)

For displaying the times on the sheet, and for entering them without having to type the colon set the cell format to custom and use:


Then enter your time. For example, if you wanted to enter 62:30, then you would simply type 6230 and your custom format would visually insert a colon 2 decimal points from the right.

If you only need to display the times, stop here.

Converting number to time

If you need to be able to calculate with the times, you will need to convert them from base 10 into the time format.

This can be done with the following formula (change A2 to the relevant cell reference):


  • =TIME starts the number to time conversion
  • We don't need hours, so enter 0, at the beginning of the formula, as the format is always hh,mm,ss (to display hours and minutes instead of minutes and seconds, place the 0 at the end of the formula).
  • For the minutes, TRUNC(A2/100), discards the rightmost 2 digits.
  • For the seconds, MOD(A2,100) keeps the rightmost 2 digits and discards everything to the left.

The above formula was found and adapted from this article: PC - Easy Date and Time Entry in Excel

Alternatively, you could skip the 0/:00 custom formatting, and just enter your time in a cell to be referenced of the edge of the visible workspace or on another sheet as you would for the custom formatting (ie: 6230 for 62:30)

Then change the display format of the cells with the formula to [m]:ss as @Sean Chessire suggested.

Here is a screen shot to show what I mean.

Excel screen shot showing time conversion formula and custom formatting

How to quickly and conveniently create a one element arraylist

Yet another alternative is double brace initialization, e.g.

new ArrayList<String>() {{ add(s); }};

but it is inefficient and obscure. Therefore only suitable:

  • in code that doesn't mind memory leaks, such as most unit tests and other short-lived programs;
  • and if none of the other solutions apply, which I think implies you've scrolled all the way down here looking to populate a different type of container than the ArrayList in the question.

Python argparse: default value or specified value

Actually, you only need to use the default argument to add_argument as in this script:

import argparse

if __name__ == '__main__':

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--example', default=1)
    args = parser.parse_args()
    print(args.example) --example
% 1 --example 2
% 2

Details are here.

Why do I have to run "composer dump-autoload" command to make migrations work in laravel?

You should run:

composer dump-autoload

and if does not work you should:

re-install composer

Java Calendar, getting current month value, clarification needed


is zero based, 10 is November. From the javadoc;

public static final int MONTH Field number for get and set indicating the month. This is a calendar-specific value. The first month of the year in the Gregorian and Julian calendars is JANUARY which is 0; the last depends on the number of months in a year.


is not a sensible thing to do, the value for JANUARY is 0, which is the same as ERA, you are effectively calling;


ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock'

Running sudo chown _mysql /usr/local/var/mysql/* helped me finally after trying multitude of options from all these SO answers. The issue with permissions probably arose from improper shutdown of the machine.

Losing Session State

Your session is lost becoz....

I have found a scenario where session is lost - In a page, for a amount text box field has invalid characters, and followed by a session variable retrieval for other purpose.After posting the invalid number parsing through Convert.ToInt32 or double raises a first chance exception, but error does not show at that line, Instead of that, Session being null because of unhandled exception, shows error at session retrieval, thus deceiving the debugging...

HINT: Test your system to fail it- DESTRUCTIVE.. enter enough junk in unrelated scenarios for ex: after search results shown enter junk in search criteria and goto details of search result... , you would be able to reproduce this machine on your local code base too...:)

Hope it Helps, hydtechie

how to check if a datareader is null or empty

AMG - Sorry all, was having a blond moment. The field "Additional" was added to the database after I had initially designed the database.

I updated all my code to use this new field, however I forgot to update the actual datareader code that was making the call to select the database fields, therefore it wasn't calling "Additional"

How does one convert a HashMap to a List in Java?

Basically you should not mess the question with answer, because it is confusing.

Then you could specify what convert mean and pick one of this solution

List<Integer> keyList = Collections.list(Collections.enumeration(map.keySet()));

List<String> valueList = Collections.list(Collections.enumeration(map.values()));

mkdir's "-p" option

Note that -p is an argument to the mkdir command specifically, not the whole of Unix. Every command can have whatever arguments it needs.

In this case it means "parents", meaning mkdir will create a directory and any parents that don't already exist.

IndentationError: unexpected unindent WHY?

@MaxPython The answer above is missing ":"

   #do something
  # print 'error/exception'

def printError(e): print e

Set date input field's max date to today

Javascript will be required; for example:

    $('[type="date"]').prop('max', function(){
        return new Date().toJSON().split('T')[0];

JSFiddle demo

Prevent form redirect OR refresh on submit?

If you want to see the default browser errors being displayed, for example, those triggered by HTML attributes (showing up before any client-code JS treatment):

<input name="o" required="required" aria-required="true" type="text">

You should use the submit event instead of the click event. In this case a popup will be automatically displayed requesting "Please fill out this field". Even with preventDefault:

$('form').on('submit', function(event) {
   my_form_treatment(this, event);
}); // -> this will show up a "Please fill out this field" pop-up before my_form_treatment

As someone mentioned previously, return false would stop propagation (i.e. if there are more handlers attached to the form submission, they would not be executed), but, in this case, the action triggered by the browser will always execute first. Even with a return false at the end.

So if you want to get rid of these default pop-ups, use the click event on the submit button:

$('form input[type=submit]').on('click', function(event) {
   my_form_treatment(this, event);
}); // -> this will NOT show any popups related to HTML attributes

Simplest way to detect a pinch

My answer is inspired by Jeffrey's answer. Where that answer gives a more abstract solution, I try to provide more concrete steps on how to potentially implement it. This is simply a guide, one that can be implemented more elegantly. For a more detailed example check out this tutorial by MDN web docs.


<div id="zoom_here">....</div>


var dist1=0;
function start(ev) {
           if (ev.targetTouches.length == 2) {//check if two fingers touched screen
               dist1 = Math.hypot( //get rough estimate of distance between two fingers
                ev.touches[0].pageX - ev.touches[1].pageX,
                ev.touches[0].pageY - ev.touches[1].pageY);                  
    function move(ev) {
           if (ev.targetTouches.length == 2 && ev.changedTouches.length == 2) {
                 // Check if the two target touches are the same ones that started
               var dist2 = Math.hypot(//get rough estimate of new distance between fingers
                ev.touches[0].pageX - ev.touches[1].pageX,
                ev.touches[0].pageY - ev.touches[1].pageY);
                if(dist1>dist2) {//if fingers are closer now than when they first touched screen, they are pinching
                  alert('zoom out');
                if(dist1<dist2) {//if fingers are further apart than when they first touched the screen, they are making the zoomin gesture
                   alert('zoom in');
        document.getElementById ('zoom_here').addEventListener ('touchstart', start, false);
        document.getElementById('zoom_here').addEventListener('touchmove', move, false);

Removing packages installed with go get


goclean() {
 local pkg=$1; shift || return 1
 local ost
 local cnt
 local scr

 # Clean removes object files from package source directories (ignore error)
 go clean -i $pkg &>/dev/null

 # Set local variables
 [[ "$(uname -m)" == "x86_64" ]] \
 && ost="$(uname)";ost="${ost,,}_amd64" \
 && cnt="${pkg//[^\/]}"

 # Delete the source directory and compiled package directory(ies)
 if (("${#cnt}" == "2")); then
  rm -rf "${GOPATH%%:*}/src/${pkg%/*}"
  rm -rf "${GOPATH%%:*}/pkg/${ost}/${pkg%/*}"
 elif (("${#cnt}" > "2")); then
  rm -rf "${GOPATH%%:*}/src/${pkg%/*/*}"
  rm -rf "${GOPATH%%:*}/pkg/${ost}/${pkg%/*/*}"

 # Reload the current shell
 source ~/.bashrc


# Either launch a new terminal and copy `goclean` into the current shell process, 
# or create a shell script and add it to the PATH to enable command invocation with bash.


CodeIgniter - How to return Json response from controller

For CodeIgniter 4, you can use the built-in API Response Trait

Here's sample code for reference:

<?php namespace App\Controllers;

use CodeIgniter\API\ResponseTrait;

class Home extends BaseController
    use ResponseTrait;

    public function index()
        $data = [
            'data' => 'value1',
            'data2' => 'value2',

        return $this->respond($data);

How can I catch a ctrl-c event?

Yeah, this is a platform dependent question.

If you are writing a console program on POSIX, use the signal API (#include <signal.h>).

In a WIN32 GUI application you should handle the WM_KEYDOWN message.

how to parse JSON file with GSON

In case you need to parse it from a file, I find the best solution to use a HashMap<String, String> to use it inside your java code for better manipultion.

Try out this code:

public HashMap<String, String> myMethodName() throws FileNotFoundException
    String path = "absolute path to your file";
    BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(path));

    Gson gson = new Gson();
    HashMap<String, String> json = gson.fromJson(bufferedReader, HashMap.class);
    return json;

Is it possible to make Font Awesome icons larger than 'fa-5x'?

Easy — just use Font Awesome 5's default fa-[size]x classes. You can scale icons up to 10x of the parent element's font-size Read the docs about icon sizing.


<span class="fas fa-info-circle fa-6x"></span>
<span class="fas fa-info-circle fa-7x"></span>
<span class="fas fa-info-circle fa-8x"></span>
<span class="fas fa-info-circle fa-9x"></span>
<span class="fas fa-info-circle fa-10x"></span>

minimize app to system tray

This is the method I use in my applications, it's fairly simple and self explanatory but I'm happy to give more details in answer to your comments.

    public Form1()

        // When window state changed, trigger state update.
        this.Resize += SetMinimizeState;

        // When tray icon clicked, trigger window state change.       
        systemTrayIcon.Click += ToggleMinimizeState;

    // Toggle state between Normal and Minimized.
    private void ToggleMinimizeState(object sender, EventArgs e)
        bool isMinimized = this.WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized;
        this.WindowState = (isMinimized) ? FormWindowState.Normal : FormWindowState.Minimized;

    // Show/Hide window and tray icon to match window state.
    private void SetMinimizeState(object sender, EventArgs e)
        bool isMinimized = this.WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized;

        this.ShowInTaskbar = !isMinimized;           
        systemTrayIcon.Visible = isMinimized;
        if (isMinimized) systemTrayIcon.ShowBalloonTip(500, "Application", "Application minimized to tray.", ToolTipIcon.Info);

"401 Unauthorized" on a directory

For me the Anonymous User access was fine at the server level, but varied at just one of my "virtual" folders.

Took me quite a bit of foundering about and then some help from a colleague to learn that IIS has "authentication" settings at the virtual folder level too - hopefully this helps someone else with my predicament.

Cancel a UIView animation?

None of the answered solutions worked for me. I solved my issues this way (I do not know if it is a correct way?), because I had problems when calling this too-fast (when previous animation was not yet finished). I pass my wanted animation with customAnim block.

extension UIView

    func niceCustomTranstion(
        duration: CGFloat = 0.3,
        options: UIView.AnimationOptions = .transitionCrossDissolve,
        customAnim: @escaping () -> Void
            with: self,
            duration: TimeInterval(duration),
            options: options,
            animations: {
            completion: { (finished) in
                if !finished
                    // NOTE: This fixes possible flickering ON FAST TAPPINGS
                    // NOTE: This fixes possible flickering ON FAST TAPPINGS
                    // NOTE: This fixes possible flickering ON FAST TAPPINGS



jQuery - Getting form values for ajax POST

var username = $('#username').val();
var email= $('#email').val();
var password= $('#password').val();

How to access static resources when mapping a global front controller servlet on /*

With regard to Tomcat, a lot depends on the particular version. There was a bug fix which means the servlet-mapping (other than for '/') for the default servlet behaves differently in Tomcat 6.0.29 (and earlier) compared with later versions.

How to prevent http file caching in Apache httpd (MAMP)

Without mod_expires it will be harder to set expiration headers on your files. For anything generated you can certainly set some default headers on the answer, doing the job of mod_expires like that:

<?php header('Expires: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T', time() + 3600)); ?>

(taken from: Stack Overflow answer from @brianegge, where the mod_expires solution is also explained)

Now this won't work for static files, like your javascript files. As for static files there is only apache (without any expiration module) between the browser and the source file. To prevent caching of javascript files, which is done on your browser, you can use a random token at the end of the js url, something like ?rd=45642111, so the url looks like:

<script type="texte/javascript" src="my/url/myjs.js?rd=4221159546">

If this url on the page is generated by a PHP file you can simply add the random part with PHP. This way of randomizing url by simply appending random query string parameters is the base thing upôn no-cache setting of ajax jQuery request for example. The browser will never consider 2 url having different query strings to be the same, and will never use the cached version.


Note that you should alos test mod_headers. If you have mod_headers you can maybe set the Expires headers directly with the Header keyword.

print arraylist element?

Do you want to print the entire list or you want to iterate through each element of the list? Either way to print anything meaningful your Dog class need to override the toString() method (as mentioned in other answers) from the Object class to return a valid result.

public class Print {
    public static void main(final String[] args) {
        List<Dog> list = new ArrayList<Dog>();
        Dog e = new Dog("Tommy");
        list.add(new Dog("tiger"));
        for(Dog d:list) {
            // prints [Tommy, tiger]

    private static class Dog {
        private final String name;
        public Dog(final String name) {
   = name;

        public String toString() {
            return name;

The output of this code is:

[Tommy, tiger]  

NodeJS accessing file with relative path

Simple! The folder named .. is the parent folder, so you can make the path to the file you need as such

var foobar = require('../config/dev/foobar.json');

If you needed to go up two levels, you would write ../../ etc

Some more details about this in this SO answer and it's comments

get dictionary value by key

static void XML_Array(Dictionary<string, string> Data_Array)
    String value;
    if(Data_Array.TryGetValue("XML_File", out value))
     ... Do something here with value ...

jquery - fastest way to remove all rows from a very large table

if you want to remove only fast.. you can do like below..

$( "#tableId tbody tr" ).each( function(){
  this.parentNode.removeChild( this ); 

but, there can be some event-binded elements in table,

in that case,

above code is not prevent memory leak in IE... T-T and not fast in FF...


How to Get the Query Executed in Laravel 5? DB::getQueryLog() Returning Empty Array

This code is for:

  • Laravel 5.2
  • Log the statements into the mysql database

Here is the code, which is based on @milz 's answer:

    DB::listen(function($sql) {
        $LOG_TABLE_NAME = 'log';
        foreach ($sql->bindings as $i => $binding) {
            if ($binding instanceof \DateTime) {
                $sql->bindings[$i] = $binding->format('\'Y-m-d H:i:s\'');
            } else {
                if (is_string($binding)) {
                    $sql->bindings[$i] = "'$binding'";
        // Insert bindings into query
        $query = str_replace(array('%', '?'), array('%%', '%s'), $sql->sql);
        $query = vsprintf($query, $sql->bindings);
        if(stripos($query, 'insert into `'.$LOG_TABLE_NAME.'`')===false){
            $toLog = new LogModel();
            $toLog->uId = 100;
            $toLog->sql = $query;

The core is the if(stripos... line, which prevents the recursion of inserting the insert into log sql statement into database.

Border around specific rows in a table?

Based on your requirement that you want to put a border around an arbitrary block of MxN cells there really is no easier way of doing it without using Javascript. If your cells are fixed with you can use floats but this is problematic for other reasons. what you're doing may be tedious but it's fine.

Ok, if you're interested in a Javascript solution, using jQuery (my preferred approach), you end up with this fairly scary piece of code:


<style type="text/css"> { border-top: thin solid black; }
td.bottom { border-bottom: thin solid black; }
td.left { border-left: thin solid black; }
td.right { border-right: thin solid black; }
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.3.1.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
  box(2, 1, 2, 2);

function box(row, col, height, width) {
  if (typeof height == 'undefined') {
    height = 1;
  if (typeof width == 'undefined') {
    width = 1;
  $("table").each(function() {
    $("tr:nth-child(" + row + ")", this).children().slice(col - 1, col + width - 1).addClass("top");
    $("tr:nth-child(" + (row + height - 1) + ")", this).children().slice(col - 1, col + width - 1).addClass("bottom");
    $("tr", this).slice(row - 1, row + height - 1).each(function() {
      $(":nth-child(" + col + ")", this).addClass("left");
      $(":nth-child(" + (col + width - 1) + ")", this).addClass("right");

<table cellspacing="0">
    <td>no border</td>
    <td>no border here either</td>
    <td colspan="2">once again no borders</td>

I'll happily take suggestions on easier ways to do this...

Date / Timestamp to record when a record was added to the table?

You can use a datetime field and set it's default value to GetDate().

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Test](
    [TimeStamp] [datetime] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Test_TimeStamp] DEFAULT (GetDate()),
    [Foo] [varchar](50) NOT NULL

How can I convert this foreach code to Parallel.ForEach?

These lines Worked for me.

string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(txtProxyListPath.Text);
var options = new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount * 10 };
Parallel.ForEach(lines , options, (item) =>
 //My Stuff

Apply CSS rules if browser is IE

A fast approach is to use the following according to ie that you want to focus (check the comments), inside your css files (where margin-top, set whatever css attribute you like):

margin-top: 10px\9; /*It will apply to all ie from 8 and below */
*margin-top: 10px; /*It will apply to ie 7 and below */
_margin-top: 10px; /*It will apply to ie 6 and below*/

A better approach would be to check user agent or a conditional if, in order to avoid the loading of unnecessary CSS in other browsers.

Multiple left-hand assignment with JavaScript

Assignment in javascript works from right to left. var var1 = var2 = var3 = 1;.

If the value of any of these variables is 1 after this statement, then logically it must have started from the right, otherwise the value or var1 and var2 would be undefined.

You can think of it as equivalent to var var1 = (var2 = (var3 = 1)); where the inner-most set of parenthesis is evaluated first.

Adding an onclick event to a div element

I think You are using //--style="display:none"--// for hiding the div.

Use this code:

    function klikaj(i) {
        document.getElementById(i).style.display = 'block';
<div id="thumb0" class="thumbs" onclick="klikaj('rad1')">Click Me..!</div>
<div id="rad1" class="thumbs" style="display:none">Helloooooo</div>

How to use a different version of python during NPM install?

for quick one time use this works, npm install --python="c:\python27"

Best approach to converting Boolean object to string in java

If you are sure that your value is not null you can use third option which is

String str3 = b.toString();

and its code looks like

public String toString() {
    return value ? "true" : "false";

If you want to be null-safe use String.valueOf(b) which code looks like

public static String valueOf(Object obj) {
    return (obj == null) ? "null" : obj.toString();

so as you see it will first test for null and later invoke toString() method on your object.

Calling Boolean.toString(b) will invoke

public static String toString(boolean b) {
    return b ? "true" : "false";

which is little slower than b.toString() since JVM needs to first unbox Boolean to boolean which will be passed as argument to Boolean.toString(...), while b.toString() reuses private boolean value field in Boolean object which holds its state.

Override browser form-filling and input highlighting with HTML/CSS

This seems to be working for me:

input {
  -webkit-background-clip: text !important;

How to execute UNION without sorting? (SQL)

You can do something like this.

Select distinct name from  (SELECT FROM outsider_role_mapping orm1 
    union all
SELECT FROM user_role_mapping orm2
) tmp;

Should I return EXIT_SUCCESS or 0 from main()?

Once you start writing code that can return a myriad of exit statuses, you start #define'ing all of them. In this case EXIT_SUCCESS makes sense in context of not being a "magic number". This makes your code more readable because every other exit code will be EXIT_SOMETHING. If you simply write a program that will return when it's done, return 0 is valid, and probably even cleaner because it suggests that there's no sophisticated return code structure.

Reload content in modal (twitter bootstrap)

I am having the same problem, and I guess the way of doing this will be to remove the data-toggle attribute and have a custom handler for the links.

Something in the lines of:

$("a[data-target=#myModal]").click(function(ev) {
    var target = $(this).attr("href");

    // load the url and show modal on success
    $("#myModal .modal-body").load(target, function() { 

Will try it later and post comments.

how to get file path from sd card in android

There are different Names of SD-Cards.

This Code check every possible Name (I don't guarantee that these are all names but the most are included)

It prefers the main storage.

 private String SDPath() {
    String sdcardpath = "";

    if (new File("/data/sdext4/").exists() && new File("/data/sdext4/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "/data/sdext4/";
    if (new File("/data/sdext3/").exists() && new File("/data/sdext3/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "/data/sdext3/";
    if (new File("/data/sdext2/").exists() && new File("/data/sdext2/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "/data/sdext2/";
    if (new File("/data/sdext1/").exists() && new File("/data/sdext1/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "/data/sdext1/";
    if (new File("/data/sdext/").exists() && new File("/data/sdext/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "/data/sdext/";


    if (new File("mnt/sdcard/external_sd/").exists() && new File("mnt/sdcard/external_sd/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "mnt/sdcard/external_sd/";
    if (new File("mnt/extsdcard/").exists() && new File("mnt/extsdcard/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "mnt/extsdcard/";
    if (new File("mnt/external_sd/").exists() && new File("mnt/external_sd/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "mnt/external_sd/";
    if (new File("mnt/emmc/").exists() && new File("mnt/emmc/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "mnt/emmc/";
    if (new File("mnt/sdcard0/").exists() && new File("mnt/sdcard0/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "mnt/sdcard0/";
    if (new File("mnt/sdcard1/").exists() && new File("mnt/sdcard1/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "mnt/sdcard1/";
    if (new File("mnt/sdcard/").exists() && new File("mnt/sdcard/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "mnt/sdcard/";

    if (new File("/storage/removable/sdcard1/").exists() && new File("/storage/removable/sdcard1/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "/storage/removable/sdcard1/";
    if (new File("/storage/external_SD/").exists() && new File("/storage/external_SD/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "/storage/external_SD/";
    if (new File("/storage/ext_sd/").exists() && new File("/storage/ext_sd/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "/storage/ext_sd/";
    if (new File("/storage/sdcard1/").exists() && new File("/storage/sdcard1/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "/storage/sdcard1/";
    if (new File("/storage/sdcard0/").exists() && new File("/storage/sdcard0/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "/storage/sdcard0/";
    if (new File("/storage/sdcard/").exists() && new File("/storage/sdcard/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "/storage/sdcard/";
    if (sdcardpath.contentEquals("")){
        sdcardpath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath();

    Log.v("SDFinder","Path: " + sdcardpath);
    return sdcardpath;