Programs & Examples On #Gsp

Groovy Server Pages (GSP) is a presentation language for web applications, similar to JSP. GSP allows static and dynamic content to be mixed in the same document. The result is a dynamically generated HTML, XML or other type of document in response to a Web client request.

Get ConnectionString from appsettings.json instead of being hardcoded in .NET Core 2.0 App

If you need in different Layer :

Create a Static Class and expose all config properties on that layer as below :

using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;_x000D_
using System.IO;_x000D_
namespace Core.DAL_x000D_
    public static class ConfigSettings_x000D_
        public static string conStr1 { get ; }_x000D_
        static ConfigSettings()_x000D_
            var configurationBuilder = new ConfigurationBuilder();_x000D_
            string path = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "appsettings.json");_x000D_
            configurationBuilder.AddJsonFile(path, false);_x000D_
            conStr1 = configurationBuilder.Build().GetSection("ConnectionStrings:ConStr1").Value;_x000D_

How to push JSON object in to array using javascript

You need to have the 'data' array outside of the loop, otherwise it will get reset in every loop and also you can directly push the json. Find the solution below:-

var my_json;
$.getJSON(""+did+"/feeds.json?api_key="+apikey+"&results=300", function(json1) {
var data = [];
    console.log("\n The details of " + i + "th Object are :  \nCreated_at: " + feed.created_at + "\nEntry_id:" + feed.entry_id + "\nField1:" + feed.field1 + "\nField2:" + feed.field2+"\nField3:" + feed.field3);      
    my_json = feed;
    console.log(my_json); //Object {created_at: "2017-03-14T01:00:32Z", entry_id: 33358, field1: "4", field2: "4", field3: "0"}
     //["2017-03-14T01:00:32Z", 33358, "4", "4", "0"]

Are dictionaries ordered in Python 3.6+?

I wanted to add to the discussion above but don't have the reputation to comment.

Python 3.8 is not quite released yet, but it will even include the reversed() function on dictionaries (removing another difference from OrderedDict.

Dict and dictviews are now iterable in reversed insertion order using reversed(). (Contributed by Rémi Lapeyre in bpo-33462.) See what's new in python 3.8

I don't see any mention of the equality operator or other features of OrderedDict so they are still not entirely the same.

How to pass boolean parameter value in pipeline to downstream jobs?

Not sure if this answers this question. But I was looking for something else. Highly recommend see this 2 minute video. If you wanted to get into more details then see docs - Handling Parameters and this link

And then if you have something like blue ocean, the choices would look something like this:

enter image description here

You define and access your variables like this:

pipeline {
    agent any

    parameters {
    string(defaultValue: "TEST", description: 'What environment?', name: 'userFlag')
    choice(choices: ['TESTING', 'STAGING', 'PRODUCTION'], description: 'Select field for target environment', name: 'DEPLOY_ENV')

    stages {
        stage("foo") {
            steps {
                echo "flag: ${params.userFlag}"
                echo "flag: ${params.DEPLOY_ENV}"

Automated builds will pick up the default params. But if you do it manually then you get the option to choose.

And then assign values like this:

enter image description here

react-native - Fit Image in containing View, not the whole screen size

the image has a property named Style ( like most of the react-native Compponents) and for Image's Styles, there is a property named resizeMode that takes values like: contain,cover,stretch,center,repeat

most of the time if you use center it will work for you

react-router go back a page how do you configure history?

According to

For "react-router-dom": "^5.1.2",,

const { history } = this.props;
<Button onClick={history.goBack}>
YourComponent.propTypes = {
  history: PropTypes.shape({
    goBack: PropTypes.func.isRequired,

FloatingActionButton example with Support Library

If you already added all libraries and it still doesn't work use:


instead of:


And all will work fine :)

Android TabLayout Android Design

So easy way :



Java code:

private ViewPager viewPager;

private String[] PAGE_TITLES = new String[]{
private final Fragment[] PAGES = new Fragment[]{
        new fragment1(), 
        new fragment2(),
        new fragment3()


protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    /**TODO ***************tebLayout*************************/
    viewPager = findViewById(;
    viewPager.setAdapter(new MyPagerAdapter(getSupportFragmentManager()));
    TabLayout tabLayout = findViewById(;
    tabLayout.setSelectedTabIndicatorHeight((int) (4 * 

Deserialize JSON with Jackson into Polymorphic Types - A Complete Example is giving me a compile error

As promised, I'm putting an example for how to use annotations to serialize/deserialize polymorphic objects, I based this example in the Animal class from the tutorial you were reading.

First of all your Animal class with the Json Annotations for the subclasses.

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonSubTypes;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeInfo;

@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY)
    @JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Dog.class, name = "Dog"),

    @JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Cat.class, name = "Cat") }
public abstract class Animal {

    private String name;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;


Then your subclasses, Dog and Cat.

public class Dog extends Animal {

    private String breed;

    public Dog() {


    public Dog(String name, String breed) {

    public String getBreed() {
        return breed;

    public void setBreed(String breed) {
        this.breed = breed;

public class Cat extends Animal {

    public String getFavoriteToy() {
        return favoriteToy;

    public Cat() {}

    public Cat(String name, String favoriteToy) {

    public void setFavoriteToy(String favoriteToy) {
        this.favoriteToy = favoriteToy;

    private String favoriteToy;


As you can see, there is nothing special for Cat and Dog, the only one that know about them is the abstract class Animal, so when deserializing, you'll target to Animal and the ObjectMapper will return the actual instance as you can see in the following test:

public class Test {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();

        Animal myDog = new Dog("ruffus","english shepherd");

        Animal myCat = new Cat("goya", "mice");

        try {
            String dogJson = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(myDog);


            Animal deserializedDog = objectMapper.readValue(dogJson, Animal.class);

            System.out.println("Deserialized dogJson Class: " + deserializedDog.getClass().getSimpleName());

            String catJson = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(myCat);

            Animal deseriliazedCat = objectMapper.readValue(catJson, Animal.class);

            System.out.println("Deserialized catJson Class: " + deseriliazedCat.getClass().getSimpleName());

        } catch (Exception e) {


Output after running the Test class:

{"@type":"Dog","name":"ruffus","breed":"english shepherd"}

Deserialized dogJson Class: Dog


Deserialized catJson Class: Cat

Hope this helps,

Jose Luis

How to change DatePicker dialog color for Android 5.0

For Changing Year list item text color (SPECIFIC FOR ANDROID 5.0)

Just set certain text color in your date picker dialog style. For some reason setting flag yearListItemTextAppearance doesn't reflect any change on year list.

<item name="android:textColor">@android:color/black</item>

Typescript: How to extend two classes?

I would suggest using the new mixins approach described there:

This approach is better, than the "applyMixins" approach described by Fenton, because the autocompiler would help you and show all the methods / properties from the both base and 2nd inheritance classes.

This approach might be checked on the TS Playground site.

Here is the implementation:

class MainClass {
    testMainClass() {

const addSecondInheritance = (BaseClass: { new(...args) }) => {
    return class extends BaseClass {
        testSecondInheritance() {

// Prepare the new class, which "inherits" 2 classes (MainClass and the cass declared in the addSecondInheritance method)
const SecondInheritanceClass = addSecondInheritance(MainClass);
// Create object from the new prepared class
const secondInheritanceObj = new SecondInheritanceClass();

What's the difference between Apache's Mesos and Google's Kubernetes

Mesos and Kubernetes can both be used to manage a cluster of machines and abstract away the hardware.

Mesos, by design, doesn't provide you with a scheduler (to decide where and when to run processes and what to do if the process fails), you can use something like Marathon or Chronos, or write your own.

Kubernetes will do scheduling for you out of the box, and can be used as a scheduler for Mesos (please correct me if I'm wrong here!) which is where you can use them together. Mesos can have multiple schedulers sharing the same cluster, so in theory you could run kubernetes and chronos together on the same hardware.

Super simplistically: if you want control over how your containers are scheduled, go for Mesos, otherwise Kubernetes rocks.

The following classes could not be instantiated: -

Sorry if I answer myself, but, at the finally, the solution of my problem was update Android Studio to the new version 0.8.14 by Canary Channel:

After the update, the problem is gone:

After the update, the problem is gone

I leave this question here for those who have this problem in the future.

Change Toolbar color in Appcompat 21

If you want to change the color of your toolbar all throughout your app, leverage the styles.xml. In general, I avoid altering ui components in my java code unless I am trying to do something programatically. If this is a one time set, then you should be doing it in xml to make your code cleaner. Here is what your styles.xml will look like:

    <!-- Base application theme. -->
<style name="YourAppName.AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">
    <!-- Color Primary will be your toolbar color -->
    <item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorPrimary</item>
    <!-- Color Primary Dark will be your default status bar color -->
    <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/colorPrimaryDark</item>

Make sure you use the above style in your AndroidManifext.xml as such:


I wanted different toolbar colors for different activities. So I leveraged styles again like this:

    <style name="YourAppName.AppTheme.Activity1">
    <item name="colorPrimary">@color/activity1_primary</item>
    <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/activity1_primaryDark</item>

<style name="YourAppName.AppTheme.Activity2">
    <item name="colorPrimary">@color/activity2_primary</item>
    <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/activity2_primaryDark</item>

again, apply the styles to each activity in your AndroidManifest.xml as such:



Argument Exception "Item with Same Key has already been added"

This error is fairly self-explanatory. Dictionary keys are unique and you cannot have more than one of the same key. To fix this, you should modify your code like so:

Dictionary<string, string> rct3Features = new Dictionary<string, string>();
Dictionary<string, string> rct4Features = new Dictionary<string, string>();

foreach (string line in rct3Lines) 
    string[] items = line.Split(new String[] { " " }, 2, StringSplitOptions.None);

    if (!rct3Features.ContainsKey(items[0]))
        rct3Features.Add(items[0], items[1]);

    ////To print out the dictionary (to see if it works)
    //foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> item in rct3Features)
    //    Console.WriteLine(item.Key + " " + item.Value);

This simple if statement ensures that you are only attempting to add a new entry to the Dictionary when the Key (items[0]) is not already present.

Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA with multiple DataSources

here is my solution. base on spring-boot.1.2.5.RELEASE.

first.datasource.validation-query=select 1

second.datasource.validation-query=select 1

public class DataSourceConfig {
    public DataSource firstDataSource() {
        DataSource ds =  DataSourceBuilder.create().build();
        return ds;

    public DataSource secondDataSource() {
        DataSource ds =  DataSourceBuilder.create().build();
        return ds;

resize2fs: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open

To resize the existing volume mounted

sudo mount -t xfs /dev/sdf /opt/data/

mount: /opt/data: /dev/nvme1n1 already mounted on /opt/data.

sudo xfs_growfs /opt/data/

How to solve ADB device unauthorized in Android ADB host device?

Check and uncheck the USB Debugging option in the device. If that doesn't work unplug and plug in the USB a couple of times.

At some point, the device should show a message box to ask you to authorize the computer. Click yes and then the device will be authorized.

How to convert an iterator to a stream?

One way is to create a Spliterator from the Iterator and use that as a basis for your stream:

Iterator<String> sourceIterator = Arrays.asList("A", "B", "C").iterator();
Stream<String> targetStream =
          Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(sourceIterator, Spliterator.ORDERED),

An alternative which is maybe more readable is to use an Iterable - and creating an Iterable from an Iterator is very easy with lambdas because Iterable is a functional interface:

Iterator<String> sourceIterator = Arrays.asList("A", "B", "C").iterator();

Iterable<String> iterable = () -> sourceIterator;
Stream<String> targetStream =, false);

AngularJS Error: $injector:unpr Unknown Provider

app.factory('getSettings', ['$http','$q' /*here!!!*/,function($http, $q) {

you need to declare ALL your dependencies OR none and you forgot to declare $q .


controller.js : login, dont return ""

Mipmap drawables for icons

Since I was looking for an clarifying answer to this to determine the right type for notification icons, I'd like to add this clear statement to the topic. It's from

Note: Launcher icon files reside in a different location from that of other icons. They are located in the mipmap/ folder. All other icon files reside in the drawable/ folder of your project.

Split text with '\r\n'

In Winform App(C#):

static string strFilesLoc = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath), @"..\..\")) + "Resources\\";
    public static string[] GetFontFamily()
                var result = File.ReadAllText(strFilesLoc + "FontFamily.txt").Trim();
                string[] items = result.Split(new char[] { '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                return items;

In-text file(FontFamily.txt):
Microsoft Sans Serif

AngularJS $http, CORS and http authentication

For making a CORS request one must add headers to the request along with the same he needs to check of mode_header is enabled in Apache.

For enabling headers in Ubuntu:

sudo a2enmod headers

For php server to accept request from different origin use:

Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin *
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Methods "GET, POST, PUT, DELETE"
Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Headers "x-requested-with, Content-Type, origin, authorization, accept, client-security-token"

Representing null in JSON

null is not zero. It is not a value, per se: it is a value outside the domain of the variable indicating missing or unknown data.

There is only one way to represent null in JSON. Per the specs (RFC 4627 and

2.1.  Values

A JSON value MUST be an object, array, number, or string, or one of
the following three literal names:

  false null true

enter image description here

How to add Date Picker Bootstrap 3 on MVC 5 project using the Razor engine?

public DateTime BirthDate { get; set; }

decorate your model like this. can use a bootstrap date time picker I used this one.

I suppose you already have bundles for bootstrap css and js

Your date picker bundle entries

 bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/datePicker").Include(

        bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/datepicker").Include(

Render bundles on your Layout View


Your HTML in view

<div class="form-group">
        @Html.LabelFor(model => model.BirthDate, htmlAttributes: new { @class = "lead col-md-2" })
        <div class="col-md-10">
            @Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.BirthDate, new { @class = "datetimepicker form-control" })
            @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.BirthDate, "", new { @class = "text-danger" })

At the end of your view add this.

    $(document).ready(function () {
            format: 'lll'

SQL Server r2 installation error .. update Visual Studio 2008 to SP1

Finally, I solved it. Even though the solution is a bit lengthy, I think its the simplest. The solution is as follows:

  1. Install Visual Studio 2008
  2. Install the service Package 1 (SP1)
  3. Install SQL Server 2008 r2

'adb' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

I recommand you using PowerShell

Set Android Studio Terminal to PowerShell:

Settings > Tools > Terminal > Shell path = pwsh.exe (instead of cmd.exe)

Open Terminal on Android Studio

PowerShell 7.0.1
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Type 'help' to get help.

PS >

Test the path for adb.exe

# `pikachu` should be replace your username
PS > test-path "C:\Users\pikachu\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\platform-tools"

Open your powershell profile file in your text editor

PS > notepad $profile

add below line, save and exit

# `pikachu` should be replaced with your username

re-open Terminal and try adb

PS > adb
Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.41
Version 30.0.1-6435776
Installed as C:\Users\hdformat\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe

global options:
 -a         listen on all network interfaces, not just localhost
 -d         use USB device (error if multiple devices connected)
 -e         use TCP/IP device (error if multiple TCP/IP devices available)
 -s SERIAL  use device with given serial (overrides $ANDROID_SERIAL)
 -t ID      use device with given transport id
 -H         name of adb server host [default=localhost]
 -P         port of adb server [default=5037]

Create a asmx web service in C# using visual studio 2013

  1. Create Empty ASP.NET Project enter image description here
  2. Add Web Service(asmx) to your project
    enter image description here

Hadoop "Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform" warning

Firstly: You can modify the glibc version.CentOS provides safe softwares tranditionally,it also means the version is old such as glibc,protobuf ...

ldd --version
ldd /opt/hadoop/lib/native/

You can compare the version of current glibc with needed glibc.

Secondly: If the version of current glibc is old,you can update the glibc. DownLoad Glibc

If the version of current glibc id right,you can append word native to your HADOOP_OPTS

export HADOOP_OPTS="-Djava.library.path=$HADOOP_HOME/lib"

Google Play Services Library update and missing symbol @integer/google_play_services_version

In my case, I needed to copy the google-play-services_lib FOLDER in the same DRIVE of the source codes of my apps

  • F:\Products\Android\APP*.java <- My Apps are here so I copied to folder below
  • F:\Products\Android\libs\google-play-services_lib

How to read xml file contents in jQuery and display in html elements?

You can use $.each()

Suppose your xml is


In your Ajax success

success: function (xml) {
    $(xml).find('Cloudtags').each(function(){// your outer tag of xml
         var id = $(this).find("id").text(); // 

For your case

success: function (xml) {
        $(xml).find('person').each(function(){// your outer tag of xml
             var name = $(this).find("name").text(); // 
             var age = $(this).find("age").text();

How to query for Xml values and attributes from table in SQL Server?

I don't understand why some people are suggesting using cross apply or outer apply to convert the xml into a table of values. For me, that just brought back way too much data.

Here's my example of how you'd create an xml object, then turn it into a table.

(I've added spaces in my xml string, just to make it easier to read.)

DECLARE @str nvarchar(2000)

SET @str = ''
SET @str = @str + '<users>'
SET @str = @str + '  <user>'
SET @str = @str + '     <firstName>Mike</firstName>'
SET @str = @str + '     <lastName>Gledhill</lastName>'
SET @str = @str + '     <age>31</age>'
SET @str = @str + '  </user>'
SET @str = @str + '  <user>'
SET @str = @str + '     <firstName>Mark</firstName>'
SET @str = @str + '     <lastName>Stevens</lastName>'
SET @str = @str + '     <age>42</age>'
SET @str = @str + '  </user>'
SET @str = @str + '  <user>'
SET @str = @str + '     <firstName>Sarah</firstName>'
SET @str = @str + '     <lastName>Brown</lastName>'
SET @str = @str + '     <age>23</age>'
SET @str = @str + '  </user>'
SET @str = @str + '</users>'

DECLARE @xml xml

--  Iterate through each of the "users\user" records in our XML
    x.Rec.query('./firstName').value('.', 'nvarchar(2000)') AS 'FirstName',
    x.Rec.query('./lastName').value('.', 'nvarchar(2000)') AS 'LastName',
    x.Rec.query('./age').value('.', 'int') AS 'Age'
FROM @xml.nodes('/users/user') as x(Rec)

And here's the output:

enter image description here

The POM for project is missing, no dependency information available

The scope <scope>provided</scope> gives you an opportunity to tell that the jar would be available at runtime, so do not bundle it. It does not mean that you do not need it at compile time, hence maven would try to download that.

Now I think, the below maven artifact do not exist at all. I tries searching google, but not able to find. Hence you are getting this issue.

Change groupId to <groupId>net.sourceforge.ant4x</groupId> to get the latest jar.


Another solution for this problem is:

  1. Run your own maven repo.
  2. download the jar
  3. Install the jar into the repository.
  4. Add a code in your pom.xml something like:

Where http://localhost/repo is your local repo URL:

    <-- Other repository config ... -->

Recommended way to save uploaded files in a servlet application

I post my final way of doing it based on the accepted answer:

public final class DataCollectionServlet extends Controller {

    private static final String UPLOAD_LOCATION_PROPERTY_KEY="upload.location";
    private String uploadsDirName;

    public void init() throws ServletException {
        uploadsDirName = property(UPLOAD_LOCATION_PROPERTY_KEY);

    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
            throws ServletException, IOException {
        // ...

    protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
            throws ServletException, IOException {
        Collection<Part> parts = req.getParts();
        for (Part part : parts) {
            File save = new File(uploadsDirName, getFilename(part) + "_"
                + System.currentTimeMillis());
            final String absolutePath = save.getAbsolutePath();
            sc.getRequestDispatcher(DATA_COLLECTION_JSP).forward(req, resp);

    // helpers
    private static String getFilename(Part part) {
        // courtesy of BalusC :
        for (String cd : part.getHeader("content-disposition").split(";")) {
            if (cd.trim().startsWith("filename")) {
                String filename = cd.substring(cd.indexOf('=') + 1).trim()
                        .replace("\"", "");
                return filename.substring(filename.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)
                        .substring(filename.lastIndexOf('\\') + 1); // MSIE fix.
        return null;

where :

class Controller extends HttpServlet {

    static final String DATA_COLLECTION_JSP="/WEB-INF/jsp/data_collection.jsp";
    static ServletContext sc;
    Logger log;
    // private
    // "/WEB-INF/" also works...
    private static final String PROPERTIES_PATH = "WEB-INF/";
    private Properties properties;

    public void init() throws ServletException {
        // synchronize !
        if (sc == null) sc = getServletContext();
        log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Can't load properties file", e);

    private void loadProperties() throws IOException {
        try(InputStream is= sc.getResourceAsStream(PROPERTIES_PATH)) {
                if (is == null)
                    throw new RuntimeException("Can't locate properties file");
                properties = new Properties();

    String property(final String key) {
        return properties.getProperty(key);

and the /WEB-INF/ :


HTH and if you find a bug let me know

How to pass parameters to a modal?

To pass the parameter you need to use resolve and inject the items in controller

$scope.Edit = function (Id) {
   var modalInstance = ${
      templateUrl: '/app/views/admin/addeditphone.html',
      controller: 'EditCtrl',
      resolve: {
         editId: function () {
           return Id;

Now if you will use like this:

app.controller('EditCtrl', ['$scope', '$location'
       , function ($scope, $location, editId)

in this case editId will be undefined. You need to inject it, like this:

app.controller('EditCtrl', ['$scope', '$location', 'editId'
     , function ($scope, $location, editId)

Now it will work smooth, I face the same problem many time, once injected, everything start working!

Android Studio: Gradle - build fails -- Execution failed for task ':dexDebug'

Cleaning the Project using Build in Menu Bar work for many error scenarios in Android Studio and so it does in this case.

VHDL - How should I create a clock in a testbench?

Concurrent signal assignment:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity foo is
architecture behave of foo is
    signal clk: std_logic := '0';
clk <=  '1' after 0.5 ns when clk = '0' else
        '0' after 0.5 ns when clk = '1';

ghdl -a foo.vhdl
ghdl -r foo --stop-time=10ns --wave=foo.ghw
ghdl:info: simulation stopped by --stop-time
gtkwave foo.ghw

enter image description here

Simulators simulate processes and it would be transformed into the equivalent process to your process statement. Simulation time implies the use of wait for or after when driving events for sensitivity clauses or sensitivity lists.

An unhandled exception of type 'System.TypeInitializationException' occurred in EntityFramework.dll

In static class, if you are getting information from xml or reg, class tries to initialize all properties. therefore, you should control if the config variable is there otherwise properties will not initialize so the class.

Check xml referance variable is there, Check reg referance variable is is there, Make sure you handle if they are not there.

LINK : fatal error LNK1561: entry point must be defined ERROR IN VC++

change it to Console (/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE) it will work

C# with MySQL INSERT parameters

I had the same issue -- Finally tried the ? sigil instead of @, and it worked.

According to the docs:

Note. Prior versions of the provider used the '@' symbol to mark parameters in SQL. This is incompatible with MySQL user variables, so the provider now uses the '?' symbol to locate parameters in SQL. To support older code, you can set 'old syntax=yes' on your connection string. If you do this, please be aware that an exception will not be throw if you fail to define a parameter that you intended to use in your SQL.

Really? Why don't you just throw an exception if someone tries to use the so called old syntax? A few hours down the drain for a 20 line program...


Name node is in safe mode. Not able to leave

safe mode on means (HDFS is in READ only mode)
safe mode off means (HDFS is in Writeable and readable mode)

In Hadoop 2.6.0, we can check the status of name node with help of the below commands:

TO CHECK THE name node status

$ hdfs dfsadmin -safemode get


$ hdfs dfsadmin -safemode enter


~$ hdfs dfsadmin -safemode leave

Why ModelState.IsValid always return false in mvc

As Brad Wilson states in his answer here:

ModelState.IsValid tells you if any model errors have been added to ModelState.

The default model binder will add some errors for basic type conversion issues (for example, passing a non-number for something which is an "int"). You can populate ModelState more fully based on whatever validation system you're using.

Try using :-

if (!ModelState.IsValid)
    var errors = ModelState.SelectMany(x => x.Value.Errors.Select(z => z.Exception));

    // Breakpoint, Log or examine the list with Exceptions.

If it helps catching you the error. Courtesy this and this

Does Typescript support the ?. operator? (And, what's it called?)

_.get(obj, '') works great for JavaScript where you have no types. But for TypeScript we need the real Elvis operator!

Configuration Error: <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0"> ASP.NET MVC3

Each individual Web App under an IIS Web Site can use a different App Pool.

Verify the App Pool assigned to your app (not just the root site per your pictures) is .NET 4.0 compatible:

  1. Expand Default Web Site
  2. Right click on ProjectPALS, choose 'Manage Application' then 'Advanced...'
  3. Observe the 'Application Pool' your app is running as under the site
  4. Change to another App Pool if neccessary

clk'event vs rising_edge()

rising_edge is defined as:

FUNCTION rising_edge  (SIGNAL s : std_ulogic) RETURN BOOLEAN IS
    RETURN (s'EVENT AND (To_X01(s) = '1') AND
                        (To_X01(s'LAST_VALUE) = '0'));

FUNCTION To_X01  ( s : std_ulogic ) RETURN  X01 IS
    RETURN (cvt_to_x01(s));

CONSTANT cvt_to_x01 : logic_x01_table := (
                     'X',  -- 'U'
                     'X',  -- 'X'
                     '0',  -- '0'
                     '1',  -- '1'
                     'X',  -- 'Z'
                     'X',  -- 'W'
                     '0',  -- 'L'
                     '1',  -- 'H'
                     'X'   -- '-'

If your clock only goes from 0 to 1, and from 1 to 0, then rising_edge will produce identical code. Otherwise, you can interpret the difference.

Personally, my clocks only go from 0 to 1 and vice versa. I find rising_edge(clk) to be more descriptive than the (clk'event and clk = '1') variant.

How to dismiss AlertDialog in android

To dismiss or cancel AlertDialog.Builder

dialog.setNegativeButton("?????", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                    public void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) {

you call dismiss() on the dialog interface

Maven "build path specifies execution environment J2SE-1.5", even though I changed it to 1.7

  1. Right-click on your project
  2. Click Properties
  3. Click the "Java Compiler" option on the left menu
  4. Under JDK compliance section on the right, change it to "1.7"
  5. Run a Maven clean and then Maven build.

Close a MessageBox after several seconds

There is an codeproject project avaliable HERE that provides this functuanility.

Following many threads here on SO and other boards this cant be done with the normal MessageBox.


I have an idea that is a bit ehmmm yeah..

Use a timer and start in when the MessageBox appears. If your MessageBox only listens to the OK Button (only 1 possibility) then use the OnTick-Event to emulate an ESC-Press with SendKeys.Send("{ESC}"); and then stop the timer.

Is Android using NTP to sync time?

I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 with Android 4.1.1. Apparently it does NOT sync to ntp. I loaded an app that says my tablet is 20 seconds off of ntp, but it can't set it unless I root the device.

Registry key for global proxy settings for Internet Explorer 10 on Windows 8

Create a .reg file containing your proxy settings for your users. Create a batch file setting it to setting it to run the .reg file with the extension /s

On a server using a logon script, tell the logon to run the batch file. Jason

Cannot get Kerberos service ticket: KrbException: Server not found in Kerberos database (7)

Consider adding


to your /etc/krb5.conf. This can work around mismatching DNS.

Cannot find the declaration of element 'beans'

This error of Cannot find the declaration of element 'beans' but for a whole different reason

It turs out my internet connection was not very reliable, so i decided to check first for this url

Once I saw that the xsd was open succesfully I clean the Eclipse(IDE) project and the error was gone

If you try this steps and still get the error then check the Spring version so that it matches as mentioned by another answer

<beans xmlns="" 

Replace [MAYOR.MINOR] on the last line with whatever major.minor Spring version that you are using

For Spring 4.0

For Sprint 3.1 spring-beans-3.1.xsd

All the contexts are available here

How to make button fill table cell

For starters:

<p align='center'>
<table width='100%'>
<td align='center'><form><input type=submit value="click me" style="width:100%"></form></td>

Note, if the width of the input button is 100%, you wont need the attribute "align='center'" anymore.

This would be the optimal solution:

<p align='center'>
<table width='100%'>
<td><form><input type=submit value="click me" style="width:100%"></form></td>

SQLException: No suitable Driver Found for jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/orcl

The "ojdbc.jar" is not in the CLASSPATH of your application server.

Just tell us which application server it is and we will tell you where the driver should be placed.

Edit: I saw the tag so it has to be placed in folder "$JBOSS_HOME/server/default/lib/"

Android : Fill Spinner From Java Code Programmatically

Here is an example to fully programmatically:

  • init a Spinner.
  • fill it with data via a String List.
  • resize the Spinner and add it to my View.
  • format the Spinner font (font size, colour, padding).
  • clear the Spinner.
  • add new values to the Spinner.
  • redraw the Spinner.

I am using the following class vars:

Spinner varSpinner;
List<String> varSpinnerData;

float varScaleX;
float varScaleY;    

A - Init and render the Spinner (varRoot is a pointer to my main Activity):

public void renderSpinner() {

    List<String> myArraySpinner = new ArrayList<String>();


    varSpinnerData = myArraySpinner;

    Spinner mySpinner = new Spinner(varRoot);               

    varSpinner = mySpinner;

    ArrayAdapter<String> spinnerArrayAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(varRoot, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, myArraySpinner);
    spinnerArrayAdapter.setDropDownViewResource(android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item); // The drop down vieww

B - Resize and Add the Spinner to my View:

    FrameLayout.LayoutParams myParamsLayout = new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(
    myParamsLayout.gravity = Gravity.NO_GRAVITY;             

    myParamsLayout.leftMargin = (int) (100 * varScaleX);
    myParamsLayout.topMargin = (int) (350 * varScaleY);             
    myParamsLayout.width = (int) (300 * varScaleX);;
    myParamsLayout.height = (int) (60 * varScaleY);;

    varLayoutECommerce_Dialogue.addView(mySpinner, myParamsLayout);

C - Make the Click handler and use this to set the font.

    mySpinner.setOnItemSelectedListener(new OnItemSelectedListener() {

        public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView, View selectedItemView, int myPosition, long myID) {

            Log.i("renderSpinner -> ", "onItemSelected: " + myPosition + "/" + myID);

            ((TextView) parentView.getChildAt(0)).setTextColor(Color.GREEN);
            ((TextView) parentView.getChildAt(0)).setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX, (int) (varScaleY * 22.0f) );
            ((TextView) parentView.getChildAt(0)).setPadding(1,1,1,1);


        public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView) {
            // your code here



D - Update the Spinner with new data:

private void updateInitSpinners(){

     String mySelected = varSpinner.getSelectedItem().toString();
     Log.i("TPRenderECommerce_Dialogue -> ", "updateInitSpinners -> mySelected: " + mySelected);


     varSpinnerData.add("Hello World");
     varSpinnerData.add("Hello World 2");

     ((BaseAdapter) varSpinner.getAdapter()).notifyDataSetChanged();



What I have not been able to solve in the updateInitSpinners, is to do varSpinner.setSelection(0); and have the custom font settings activated automatically.


This "ugly" solution solves the varSpinner.setSelection(0); issue, but I am not very happy with it:

private void updateInitSpinners(){

    String mySelected = varSpinner.getSelectedItem().toString();
    Log.i("TPRenderECommerce_Dialogue -> ", "updateInitSpinners -> mySelected: " + mySelected);


    ArrayAdapter<String> spinnerArrayAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(varRoot, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, varSpinnerData);

    varSpinnerData.add("Hello World");
    varSpinnerData.add("Hello World 2");

    ((BaseAdapter) varSpinner.getAdapter()).notifyDataSetChanged();



Hope this helps......

GridLayout and Row/Column Span Woe

You have to set both layout_gravity and layout_columntWeight on your columns


    <TextView android:text="??? ???"

    <TextView android:text="??? ???"

    <TextView android:text="??? ???"

Export DataTable to Excel with Open Xml SDK in c#

I wrote my own export to Excel writer because nothing else quite met my needs. It is fast and allows for substantial formatting of the cells. You can review it at

I hope it helps.

Sending files using POST with HttpURLConnection

Here is what i did for uploading photo using post request.

public void uploadFile(int directoryID, String filePath) {
    Bitmap bitmapOrg = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(filePath);
    ByteArrayOutputStream bao = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

    String upload_url = BASE_URL + UPLOAD_FILE;
    bitmapOrg.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 90, bao);

    byte[] data = bao.toByteArray();

    HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
    HttpPost postRequest = new HttpPost(upload_url);
    MultipartEntity entity = new MultipartEntity(HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE);

    try {
        // Set Data and Content-type header for the image
        FileBody fb = new FileBody(new File(filePath), "image/jpeg");
        StringBody contentString = new StringBody(directoryID + "");

        entity.addPart("file", fb);
        entity.addPart("directory_id", contentString);

        HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(postRequest);
        // Read the response
        String jsonString = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity());
        Log.e("response after uploading file ", jsonString);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.e("Error in uploadFile", e.getMessage());

NOTE: This code requires libraries so Follow the instructions here in order to get the libraries.

How to unpack and pack pkg file?

Here is a bash script inspired by abarnert's answer which will unpack a package named MyPackage.pkg into a subfolder named MyPackage_pkg and then open the folder in Finder.

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    pkgutil --expand "$filename" "$dirname"
    cd "$dirname"
    tar xvf Payload
    open .

Usage: MyPackage.pkg

Warning: This will not work in all cases, and will fail with certain files, e.g. the PKGs inside the OSX system installer. If you want to peek inside the pkg file and see what's inside, you can try SuspiciousPackage (free app), and if you need more options such as selectively unpacking specific files, then have a look at Pacifist (nagware).

How to convert R Markdown to PDF?

Right now (August 2014) You could use RStudio for converting R Markdown to PDF. Basically, RStudio use pandoc to convert Rmd to PDF.

You could change metadata to:

  1. Add table of contents
  2. Change figure options
  3. Change syntax highlighting style
  4. Add LaTeX options
  5. And many more...

For more details - image description here

Oracle (ORA-02270) : no matching unique or primary key for this column-list error

We have following script for create new table:

CREATE TABLE new_table
id                     NUMBER(32) PRIMARY KEY,
referenced_table_id    NUMBER(32)    NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT fk_new_table_referenced_table_id
    FOREIGN KEY (referenced_table_id)
        REFERENCES referenced_table (id)

and we were getting this error on execute:

[42000][2270] ORA-02270: no matching unique or primary key for this column-list

The issue was due to disabled primary key of referenced table in our case. We have enabled it by


after that we created new table using first script without any issues

Python send POST with header

To make POST request instead of GET request using urllib2, you need to specify empty data, for example:

import urllib2
req = urllib2.Request("")
req.add_header('X-OpenAM-Username', 'demo')
r = urllib2.urlopen(req)

Node package ( Grunt ) installed but not available

Sometimes you have to npm install package_name -g for it to work.

Android Image View Pinch Zooming

I made my own custom imageview with pinch to zoom. There is no limits/borders on Chirag Ravals code, so user can drag the image off the screen. This will fix it.

Here is the CustomImageView class:

    public class CustomImageVIew extends ImageView implements OnTouchListener {

    private Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
    private Matrix savedMatrix = new Matrix();

    static final int NONE = 0;
    static final int DRAG = 1;
    static final int ZOOM = 2;

    private int mode = NONE;

    private PointF mStartPoint = new PointF();
    private PointF mMiddlePoint = new PointF();
    private Point mBitmapMiddlePoint = new Point();

    private float oldDist = 1f;
    private float matrixValues[] = {0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f};
    private float scale;
    private float oldEventX = 0;
    private float oldEventY = 0;
    private float oldStartPointX = 0;
    private float oldStartPointY = 0;
    private int mViewWidth = -1;
    private int mViewHeight = -1;
    private int mBitmapWidth = -1;
    private int mBitmapHeight = -1;
    private boolean mDraggable = false;

    public CustomImageVIew(Context context) {
        this(context, null, 0);

    public CustomImageVIew(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        this(context, attrs, 0);

    public CustomImageVIew(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyle);

    public void onSizeChanged (int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh){
        super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh);
        mViewWidth = w;
        mViewHeight = h;

    public void setBitmap(Bitmap bitmap){
        if(bitmap != null){

            mBitmapWidth = bitmap.getWidth();
            mBitmapHeight = bitmap.getHeight();
            mBitmapMiddlePoint.x = (mViewWidth / 2) - (mBitmapWidth /  2);
            mBitmapMiddlePoint.y = (mViewHeight / 2) - (mBitmapHeight / 2);

            matrix.postTranslate(mBitmapMiddlePoint.x, mBitmapMiddlePoint.y);

    public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event){
        switch (event.getAction() & MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK) {
        case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
            mStartPoint.set(event.getX(), event.getY());
            mode = DRAG;
        case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN:
            oldDist = spacing(event);
            if(oldDist > 10f){
                midPoint(mMiddlePoint, event);
                mode = ZOOM;
        case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
        case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP:
            mode = NONE;
        case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
            if(mode == DRAG){
            } else if(mode == ZOOM){

        return true;

   public void drag(MotionEvent event){

       float left = matrixValues[2];
       float top = matrixValues[5];
       float bottom = (top + (matrixValues[0] * mBitmapHeight)) - mViewHeight;
       float right = (left + (matrixValues[0] * mBitmapWidth)) -mViewWidth;

       float eventX = event.getX();
       float eventY = event.getY();
       float spacingX = eventX - mStartPoint.x;
       float spacingY = eventY - mStartPoint.y;
       float newPositionLeft = (left  < 0 ? spacingX : spacingX * -1) + left;
       float newPositionRight = (spacingX) + right;
       float newPositionTop = (top  < 0 ? spacingY : spacingY * -1) + top;
       float newPositionBottom = (spacingY) + bottom;
       boolean x = true;
       boolean y = true;

       if(newPositionRight < 0.0f || newPositionLeft > 0.0f){
           if(newPositionRight < 0.0f && newPositionLeft > 0.0f){
               x = false;
           } else{
               eventX = oldEventX;
               mStartPoint.x = oldStartPointX;
       if(newPositionBottom < 0.0f || newPositionTop > 0.0f){
           if(newPositionBottom < 0.0f && newPositionTop > 0.0f){
               y = false;
           } else{
               eventY = oldEventY;
               mStartPoint.y = oldStartPointY;

           matrix.postTranslate(x? eventX - mStartPoint.x : 0, y? eventY - mStartPoint.y : 0);
           if(x)oldEventX = eventX;
           if(y)oldEventY = eventY;
           if(x)oldStartPointX = mStartPoint.x;
           if(y)oldStartPointY = mStartPoint.y;


   public void zoom(MotionEvent event){

       float newDist = spacing(event);
       float bitmapWidth = matrixValues[0] * mBitmapWidth;
       float bimtapHeight = matrixValues[0] * mBitmapHeight;
       boolean in = newDist > oldDist;

       if(!in && matrixValues[0] < 1){
       if(bitmapWidth > mViewWidth || bimtapHeight > mViewHeight){
           mDraggable = true;
       } else{
           mDraggable = false;

       float midX = (mViewWidth / 2);
       float midY = (mViewHeight / 2);

       scale = newDist / oldDist;
       matrix.postScale(scale, scale, bitmapWidth > mViewWidth ? mMiddlePoint.x : midX, bimtapHeight > mViewHeight ? mMiddlePoint.y : midY); 



    /** Determine the space between the first two fingers */
    private float spacing(MotionEvent event) {
        float x = event.getX(0) - event.getX(1);
        float y = event.getY(0) - event.getY(1);

        return (float)Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);

    /** Calculate the mid point of the first two fingers */
    private void midPoint(PointF point, MotionEvent event) {
        float x = event.getX(0) + event.getX(1);
        float y = event.getY(0) + event.getY(1);
        point.set(x / 2, y / 2);


This is how you can use it in your activity:

CustomImageVIew mImageView = (CustomImageVIew)findViewById(;
mImage.setBitmap(your bitmap);

And layout:

        android:scaleType="matrix"/> // important

How do you do natural logs (e.g. "ln()") with numpy in Python?

Correct, np.log(x) is the Natural Log (base e log) of x.

For other bases, remember this law of logs: log-b(x) = log-k(x) / log-k(b) where log-b is the log in some arbitrary base b, and log-k is the log in base k, e.g.

here k = e

l = np.log(x) / np.log(100)

and l is the log-base-100 of x

"Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference" error

array_shift the only parameter is an array passed by reference. The return value of explode(".", $value) does not have any reference. Hence the error.

You should store the return value to a variable first.

    $arr = explode(".", $value);
    $extension = strtolower(array_pop($arr));   
    $fileName = array_shift($arr);


The following things can be passed by reference:

- Variables, i.e. foo($a)
- New statements, i.e. foo(new foobar())
- [References returned from functions][2]

No other expressions should be passed by reference, as the result is undefined. For example, the following examples of passing by reference are invalid:

Charts for Android

SciChart for Android is a relative newcomer, but brings extremely fast high performance real-time charting to the Android platform.

SciChart is a commercial control but available under royalty free distribution / per developer licensing. There is also free licensing available for educational use with some conditions.

Some useful links can be found below:

enter image description here

Disclosure: I am the tech lead on the SciChart project!

sudo: port: command not found

First, you might need to edit your system's PATH

sudo vi /etc/paths

Add 2 following lines:


Reboot your terminal

Resolving PKIX path building failed Error?

For MacOS X below is the exact command worked for me where I had to try with double hypen in 'importcert' option which worked :

sudo keytool -–importcert -file /PathTo/YourCertFileDownloadedFromBrowserLockIcon.crt -keystore /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_191.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/security/cacerts -alias "Cert" -storepass changeit

How to extract closed caption transcript from YouTube video?

Choose Open Transcript from the ... dropdown to the right of the vote up/down and share links.

This will open a Transcript scrolling div on the right side.

You can then use Copy. Note that you cannot use Select All but need to click the top line, then scroll to the bottom using the scroll thumb, and then shift-click on the last line.

Note that you can also search within this text using the normal web page search.

How do I remove trailing whitespace using a regular expression?

Try just removing trailing spaces and tabs:

[ \t]+$

Detect home button press in android

Override onUserLeaveHint() in the activity. There will never be any callback to the activity when a new activity comes over it or user presses back press.

How to measure height, width and distance of object using camera?

First of all i will say Nice Thaught to develop such app.

Now i am not sure about it, but if you can able to get the face-detection like thing for any object in android camera so with help of that you can achieve that things.

Well i am not sure about it but still have give some view so you can get idea of it.

All the Best. :))

How to get the current directory of the cmdlet being executed

In Powershell 3 and above you can simply use


how to change listen port from default 7001 to something different?

As my experience, you can add another domain which listens different port than 7001, and use this domain in to deploy app.

Here's an example:


how to access downloads folder in android?

If you're using a shell, the filepath to the Download (no "s") folder is


Why is exception.printStackTrace() considered bad practice?

Printing the exception's stack trace in itself doesn't constitute bad practice, but only printing the stace trace when an exception occurs is probably the issue here -- often times, just printing a stack trace is not enough.

Also, there's a tendency to suspect that proper exception handling is not being performed if all that is being performed in a catch block is a e.printStackTrace. Improper handling could mean at best an problem is being ignored, and at worst a program that continues executing in an undefined or unexpected state.


Let's consider the following example:

try {

} catch (TheSkyIsFallingEndOfTheWorldException e) {


Here, we want to do some initialization processing before we continue on to some processing that requires that the initialization had taken place.

In the above code, the exception should have been caught and properly handled to prevent the program from proceeding to the continueProcessingAssumingThatTheStateIsCorrect method which we could assume would cause problems.

In many instances, e.printStackTrace() is an indication that some exception is being swallowed and processing is allowed to proceed as if no problem every occurred.

Why has this become a problem?

Probably one of the biggest reason that poor exception handling has become more prevalent is due to how IDEs such as Eclipse will auto-generate code that will perform a e.printStackTrace for the exception handling:

try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
  // TODO Auto-generated catch block

(The above is an actual try-catch auto-generated by Eclipse to handle an InterruptedException thrown by Thread.sleep.)

For most applications, just printing the stack trace to standard error is probably not going to be sufficient. Improper exception handling could in many instances lead to an application running in a state that is unexpected and could be leading to unexpected and undefined behavior.

Android How to adjust layout in Full Screen Mode when softkeyboard is visible

Please note that android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize" does not work when WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREENis set for an activity. You've got two options.

  1. Either disable fullscreen mode for your activity. Activity is not re-sized in fullscreen mode. You can do this either in xml (by changing the theme of the activity) or in Java code. Add the following lines in your onCreate() method.



  1. Use an alternative way to achieve fullscreen mode. Add the following code in your onCreate() method.

    View decorView = getWindow().getDecorView();
    // Hide the status bar.
    int uiOptions = View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN;

Please note that method-2 only works in Android 4.1 and above.

Setting Access-Control-Allow-Origin in ASP.Net MVC - simplest possible method

This tutorial is very useful. To give a quick summary:

  1. Use the CORS package available on Nuget: Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Cors

  2. In your WebApiConfig.cs file, add config.EnableCors() to the Register() method.

  3. Add an attribute to the controllers you need to handle cors:

[EnableCors(origins: "<origin address in here>", headers: "*", methods: "*")]

iTerm 2: How to set keyboard shortcuts to jump to beginning/end of line?

Follow the tutorial you listed above for setting up your key preferences in iterm2.

  1. Create a new shorcut key
  2. Choose "Send escape sequence" as the action
  3. Then, to set cmd-left, in the text below that:
    • Enter [H for line start
    • Enter [F for line end

How to style the menu items on an Android action bar

Chris answer is working for me...

My values-v11/styles.xml file:

<style name="LightThemeSelector" parent="android:Theme.Holo.Light.DarkActionBar">
    <item name="android:actionBarStyle">@style/ActionBar</item>
    <item name="android:editTextBackground">@drawable/edit_text_holo_light</item>
    <item name="android:actionMenuTextAppearance">@style/MyActionBar.MenuTextStyle</item>

<!--sets the point size to the menu item(s) in the upper right of action bar-->
<style name="MyActionBar.MenuTextStyle" parent="android:style/TextAppearance.Holo.Widget.ActionBar.Title">
    <item name="android:textSize">25sp</item>

<!-- sets the background of the actionbar to a PNG file in my drawable folder. 
displayOptions unset allow me to NOT SHOW the application icon and application name in the upper left of the action bar-->
<style name="ActionBar" parent="@android:style/Widget.Holo.ActionBar">
    <item name="android:background">@drawable/actionbar_background</item>
    <item name="android:displayOptions"></item>

<style name="inputfield" parent="android:Theme.Holo.Light">
    <item name="android:textColor">@color/red2</item>

Force HTML5 youtube video

Whether or not YouTube videos play in HTML5 format depends on the setting at, per browser. Chrome prefers HTML5 playback automatically, but even the latest Firefox and Internet Explorer still use Flash if it is installed on the machine.

The parameter html5=1 does not do anything (anymore) now. (Note it is not even listed at

Dialog throwing "Unable to add window — token null is not for an application” with getApplication() as context




"android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW"/> in manifest

It works for me now. After even close and open the application, gave me the error at that time.

Cannot read configuration file due to insufficient permissions

Sometimes if it is a new server you need to configure or install ASP.NET feature on IIS for it to be able to read your web.config file.

In my case this was the reason.

Sending multipart/formdata with jQuery.ajax

The FormData class does work, however in iOS Safari (on the iPhone at least) I wasn't able to use Raphael Schweikert's solution as is.

Mozilla Dev has a nice page on manipulating FormData objects.

So, add an empty form somewhere in your page, specifying the enctype:

<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" name="fileinfo" id="fileinfo"></form>

Then, create FormData object as:

var data = new FormData($("#fileinfo"));

and proceed as in Raphael's code.

update listview dynamically with adapter

add and remove methods are easier to use. They update the data in the list and call notifyDataSetChanged in background.

Sample code:

adapter.add("your object");
adapter.remove("your object");

How to set timer in android?

I Abstract Timer away and made it a separate class:

import android.os.Handler;

public class Timer {

    IAction action;
    Handler timerHandler = new Handler();
    int delayMS = 1000;

    public Timer(IAction action, int delayMS) {
        this.action = action;
        this.delayMS = delayMS;

    public Timer(IAction action) {
        this(action, 1000);

    public Timer() {

    Runnable timerRunnable = new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
            if (action != null)
            timerHandler.postDelayed(this, delayMS);

    public void start() {
        timerHandler.postDelayed(timerRunnable, 0);

    public void stop() {

And Extract main action from Timer class out as

public interface IAction {
    void Task();

And I used it just like this:

public class MainActivity extends Activity implements IAction{
Timer timerClass;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        timerClass = new Timer(this,1000);
int i = 1;
public void Task() {
    runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
            timer.setText(i + "");

I Hope This Helps

Why doesn't Mockito mock static methods?

I think the reason may be that mock object libraries typically create mocks by dynamically creating classes at runtime (using cglib). This means they either implement an interface at runtime (that's what EasyMock does if I'm not mistaken), or they inherit from the class to mock (that's what Mockito does if I'm not mistaken). Both approaches do not work for static members, since you can't override them using inheritance.

The only way to mock statics is to modify a class' byte code at runtime, which I suppose is a little more involved than inheritance.

That's my guess at it, for what it's worth...

Escape sequence \f - form feed - what exactly is it?

Although recently its use is undefined, a common and useful use for the form feed is to separate sections of code vertically, like so: enter image description here (from

Magento addFieldToFilter: Two fields, match as OR, not AND

I've got another way to add an or condition in the field:

    array('title', 'content'),

Can I run multiple versions of Google Chrome on the same machine? (Mac or Windows)

I have done the following on a Citrix XenDesktop VM, however you could just do this on your local PC:

Microsoft Virtual PC

If you are running Windows 7, you can download Microsoft virtual PC and create as many copies of Virtual PC as you need for testing without any licensing issues:

This requires no additional Windows licenses; you simply set up multiple machines with different browsers on them. You can run the browsers out of the window by following the tutorial available here:

Installing Browsers

You will need to create at least 3 virtual PC's (tip: keep the memory down to 256mb for each virtual PC to avoid wasting memory on the virtual desktops).

On the first VPC I installed this:

along with Chrome 1, Safari 3.1, Opera 8.

On the second I installed Internet Explorer 7, Chrome 3, Safari 3.2.1, Opera 9.

On the third I installed Internet Explorer 8, Chrome 8. Safari 4.0.5, Opera 10.

On Windows 7 (native machine) I had Internet Explorer 9, Chrome 11, Safari 5, Opera 11 and for Firefox I install the following app natively too:

Personally I would not go back further than 5 years with compatibility (other than IE for government networks) unless you have a specific requirement (I split Chrome & Opera across years as I decided there were just to many releases). However, if you find that someone has a specific issue with a site using a specific version of the browser it becomes very easy to install additional virtual machines to run additional browser versions.

Obtaining Older Browsers

You can download older versions of Chrome from here:

and Opera here:

Virtualizing The Test Platform (Optional)

I use Xen Desktop to virtualize the testing platform so that I can use it anywhere and have included my favorite development tools on there as well:

The express edition is available for free.

A Good Commercial Alternative

Another great product I recently came accross is Stylizer which is a CSS editor that installs multiple versions of browsers for testing purposes, however this is a commercial paid for product but is very good and worth the small fee they require to run it.

Restore DB — Error RESTORE HEADERONLY is terminating abnormally.

I think you have 2 separate problems, 1. with restoring and 2. with creating

For 1. you could try checking to see if the file was transferred properly (one easy way would be to check the md5 of the file on the server and again on the local environment to see if they match).

What is Ruby's double-colon `::`?

:: Lets you access a constant, module, or class defined inside another class or module. It is used to provide namespaces so that method and class names don't conflict with other classes by different authors.

When you see ActiveRecord::Base in Rails it means that Rails has something like

module ActiveRecord
  class Base

i.e. a class called Base inside a module ActiveRecord which is then referenced as ActiveRecord::Base (you can find this in the Rails source in activerecord-n.n.n/lib/active_record/base.rb)

A common use of :: is to access constants defined in modules e.g.

module Math
  PI = 3.141 # ...

puts Math::PI

The :: operator does not allow you to bypass visibility of methods marked private or protected.

App.Config Transformation for projects which are not Web Projects in Visual Studio?

proposed solution will not work when a class library with config file is referenced from another project (in my case it was Azure worker project library). It will not copy correct transformed file from obj folder into bin\##configuration-name## folder. To make it work with minimal changes, you need to change AfterCompile target to BeforeCompile:

<Target Name="BeforeCompile" Condition="exists('app.$(Configuration).config')">

Working with INTERVAL and CURDATE in MySQL

As suggested by A Star, I always use something along the lines of:


Similarly you can do:

"2013-01-01 00:00:00" + INTERVAL 10 DAY

and so on. Much easier than typing DATE_ADD or DATE_SUB all the time :)!

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: View not attached to window manager

Migh below code works for you, It works for me perfectly fine:

private void viewDialog() {
    try {
        Intent vpnIntent = new Intent(context, UtilityVpnService.class);
        final View Dialogview = View.inflate(getBaseContext(), R.layout.alert_open_internet, null);
        final WindowManager.LayoutParams params = new WindowManager.LayoutParams(
                        | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_TOUCH_MODAL | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_DIM_BEHIND,
        params.gravity = Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL | Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL;
        windowManager.addView(Dialogview, params);

        Button btn_cancel = (Button) Dialogview.findViewById(;
        Button btn_okay = (Button) Dialogview.findViewById(;
        RelativeLayout relativeLayout = (RelativeLayout) Dialogview.findViewById(;

            btn_cancel.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(View view) {
                    Handler handler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper());
           Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
                            try {
                                if (Dialogview != null) {
//                                ( (WindowManager) getApplicationContext().getSystemService(WINDOW_SERVICE)).removeView(Dialogview);
                            } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
                                // Handle or log or ignore
                            } catch (final Exception e) {
                                // Handle or log or ignore
                            } finally {
                                try {
                                    if (windowManager != null && Dialogview != null) {
//                                    ((WindowManager) getApplicationContext().getSystemService(WINDOW_SERVICE)).removeView(Dialogview);
                                } catch (Exception e) {
                            //    ((WindowManager) getApplicationContext().getSystemService(WINDOW_SERVICE)).removeView(Dialogview);
//                        windowManager.removeView(Dialogview);

            btn_okay.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(View view) {
                    Handler handler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper());
           Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
                            //        ((WindowManager) getApplicationContext().getSystemService(WINDOW_SERVICE)).removeView(Dialogview);
                            try {
                                if (windowManager != null && Dialogview != null)
                                Intent intent = new Intent(getBaseContext(), SplashActivity.class);
//                        intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK);
//                        intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP);

                            } catch (Exception e) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            //` windowManager.removeView(Dialogview);

Do not define your view globally if u call it from background service.

How to increase Java heap space for a tomcat app

There is a mechanism to do it without modifying any files that are in the distribution. You can create a separate file %CATALINA_HOME%\bin\setenv.bat or $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ and put your environment variables there. Further, the memory settings apply to the JVM, not Tomcat, so I'd set the JAVA_OPTS variable instead:

set JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx512m

Chrome desktop notification example

I made this simple Notification wrapper. It works on Chrome, Safari and Firefox.

Probably on Opera, IE and Edge as well but I haven't tested it yet.

Just get the notify.js file from here and put it into your page.

Get it on Bower

$ bower install js-notify

This is how it works:

notify('title', {
    body: 'Notification Text',
    icon: 'path/to/image.png',
    onclick: function(e) {}, // e -> Notification object
    onclose: function(e) {},
    ondenied: function(e) {}

You have to set the title but the json object as the second argument is optional.

J2ME/Android/BlackBerry - driving directions, route between two locations

J2ME Map Route Provider has a navigation service which can provide you route information in KML format.

To get kml file we need to form url with start and destination locations:

public static String getUrl(double fromLat, double fromLon,
                            double toLat, double toLon) {// connect to map web service
    StringBuffer urlString = new StringBuffer();
    urlString.append("&saddr=");// from
    urlString.append("&daddr=");// to
    return urlString.toString();

Next you will need to parse xml (implemented with SAXParser) and fill data structures:

public class Point {
    String mName;
    String mDescription;
    String mIconUrl;
    double mLatitude;
    double mLongitude;

public class Road {
    public String mName;
    public String mDescription;
    public int mColor;
    public int mWidth;
    public double[][] mRoute = new double[][] {};
    public Point[] mPoints = new Point[] {};

Network connection is implemented in different ways on Android and Blackberry, so you will have to first form url:

 public static String getUrl(double fromLat, double fromLon,
     double toLat, double toLon)

then create connection with this url and get InputStream.
Then pass this InputStream and get parsed data structure:

 public static Road getRoute(InputStream is) 

Full source code


class MapPathScreen extends MainScreen {
    MapControl map;
    Road mRoad = new Road();
    public MapPathScreen() {
        double fromLat = 49.85, fromLon = 24.016667;
        double toLat = 50.45, toLon = 30.523333;
        String url = RoadProvider.getUrl(fromLat, fromLon, toLat, toLon);
        InputStream is = getConnection(url);
        mRoad = RoadProvider.getRoute(is);
        map = new MapControl();
        add(new LabelField(mRoad.mName));
        add(new LabelField(mRoad.mDescription));
    protected void onUiEngineAttached(boolean attached) {
        if (attached) {
    private InputStream getConnection(String url) {
        HttpConnection urlConnection = null;
        InputStream is = null;
        try {
            urlConnection = (HttpConnection);
            is = urlConnection.openInputStream();
        } catch (IOException e) {
        return is;

See full code on J2MEMapRouteBlackBerryEx on Google Code


Android G1 screenshot

public class MapRouteActivity extends MapActivity {
    LinearLayout linearLayout;
    MapView mapView;
    private Road mRoad;
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        mapView = (MapView) findViewById(;
        new Thread() {
            public void run() {
                double fromLat = 49.85, fromLon = 24.016667;
                double toLat = 50.45, toLon = 30.523333;
                String url = RoadProvider
                        .getUrl(fromLat, fromLon, toLat, toLon);
                InputStream is = getConnection(url);
                mRoad = RoadProvider.getRoute(is);

    Handler mHandler = new Handler() {
        public void handleMessage(android.os.Message msg) {
            TextView textView = (TextView) findViewById(;
            textView.setText(mRoad.mName + " " + mRoad.mDescription);
            MapOverlay mapOverlay = new MapOverlay(mRoad, mapView);
            List<Overlay> listOfOverlays = mapView.getOverlays();

    private InputStream getConnection(String url) {
        InputStream is = null;
        try {
            URLConnection conn = new URL(url).openConnection();
            is = conn.getInputStream();
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        return is;
    protected boolean isRouteDisplayed() {
        return false;

See full code on J2MEMapRouteAndroidEx on Google Code

Post multipart request with Android SDK

More easy, light (32k), and many more performance:

Android Asynchronous Http Client library:


How to send a “multipart/form-data” POST in Android with Volley

Java error: Only a type can be imported. XYZ resolves to a package

My bet is that you have a package called org.ivec.eresearch.knowledgeportal.model.category (small c) and are running on a non-case sensitive filesystem like Windows or Mac. It seems that the compiler gets confused when a class and package exist.

You can either renamed the class "Category" or the package "category" and this error will go away. Unfortunately I'm not sure if this is a Tomcat or ECJ bug.

Which browsers support <script async="async" />?

The async is currently supported by all latest versions of the major browsers. It has been supported for some years now on most browsers.

You can keep track of which browsers support async (and defer) in the MDN website here:

Using CookieContainer with WebClient class

The HttpWebRequest modifies the CookieContainer assigned to it. There is no need to process returned cookies. Simply assign your cookie container to every web request.

public class CookieAwareWebClient : WebClient
    public CookieContainer CookieContainer { get; set; } = new CookieContainer();

    protected override WebRequest GetWebRequest(Uri uri)
        WebRequest request = base.GetWebRequest(uri);
        if (request is HttpWebRequest)
            (request as HttpWebRequest).CookieContainer = CookieContainer;
        return request;

Is the Scala 2.8 collections library a case of "the longest suicide note in history"?

I do not have a PhD, nor any other kind of degree neither in CS nor math nor indeed any other field. I have no prior experience with Scala nor any other similar language. I have no experience with even remotely comparable type systems. In fact, the only language that I have more than just a superficial knowledge of which even has a type system is Pascal, not exactly known for its sophisticated type system. (Although it does have range types, which AFAIK pretty much no other language has, but that isn't really relevant here.) The other three languages I know are BASIC, Smalltalk and Ruby, none of which even have a type system.

And yet, I have no trouble at all understanding the signature of the map function you posted. It looks to me like pretty much the same signature that map has in every other language I have ever seen. The difference is that this version is more generic. It looks more like a C++ STL thing than, say, Haskell. In particular, it abstracts away from the concrete collection type by only requiring that the argument is IterableLike, and also abstracts away from the concrete return type by only requiring that an implicit conversion function exists which can build something out of that collection of result values. Yes, that is quite complex, but it really is only an expression of the general paradigm of generic programming: do not assume anything that you don't actually have to.

In this case, map does not actually need the collection to be a list, or being ordered or being sortable or anything like that. The only thing that map cares about is that it can get access to all elements of the collection, one after the other, but in no particular order. And it does not need to know what the resulting collection is, it only needs to know how to build it. So, that is what its type signature requires.

So, instead of

map :: (a ? b) ? [a] ? [b]

which is the traditional type signature for map, it is generalized to not require a concrete List but rather just an IterableLike data structure

map :: (IterableLike i, IterableLike j) ? (a ? b) ? i ? j

which is then further generalized by only requiring that a function exists that can convert the result to whatever data structure the user wants:

map :: IterableLike i ? (a ? b) ? i ? ([b] ? c) ? c

I admit that the syntax is a bit clunkier, but the semantics are the same. Basically, it starts from

def map[B](f: (A) ? B): List[B]

which is the traditional signature for map. (Note how due to the object-oriented nature of Scala, the input list parameter vanishes, because it is now the implicit receiver parameter that every method in a single-dispatch OO system has.) Then it generalized from a concrete List to a more general IterableLike

def map[B](f: (A) ? B): IterableLike[B]

Now, it replaces the IterableLike result collection with a function that produces, well, really just about anything.

def map[B, That](f: A ? B)(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, B, That]): That

Which I really believe is not that hard to understand. There's really only a couple of intellectual tools you need:

  1. You need to know (roughly) what map is. If you gave only the type signature without the name of the method, I admit, it would be a lot harder to figure out what is going on. But since you already know what map is supposed to do, and you know what its type signature is supposed to be, you can quickly scan the signature and focus on the anomalies, like "why does this map take two functions as arguments, not one?"
  2. You need to be able to actually read the type signature. But even if you have never seen Scala before, this should be quite easy, since it really is just a mixture of type syntaxes you already know from other languages: VB.NET uses square brackets for parametric polymorphism, and using an arrow to denote the return type and a colon to separate name and type, is actually the norm.
  3. You need to know roughly what generic programming is about. (Which isn't that hard to figure out, since it's basically all spelled out in the name: it's literally just programming in a generic fashion).

None of these three should give any professional or even hobbyist programmer a serious headache. map has been a standard function in pretty much every language designed in the last 50 years, the fact that different languages have different syntax should be obvious to anyone who has designed a website with HTML and CSS and you can't subscribe to an even remotely programming related mailinglist without some annoying C++ fanboy from the church of St. Stepanov explaining the virtues of generic programming.

Yes, Scala is complex. Yes, Scala has one of the most sophisticated type systems known to man, rivaling and even surpassing languages like Haskell, Miranda, Clean or Cyclone. But if complexity were an argument against success of a programming language, C++ would have died long ago and we would all be writing Scheme. There are lots of reasons why Scala will very likely not be successful, but the fact that programmers can't be bothered to turn on their brains before sitting down in front of the keyboard is probably not going to be the main one.

How does Google calculate my location on a desktop?

It is possible get your approximate locate based on your IP address (wireless or fixed).

See for example or maxmind which basically provide a mapping from IP address to geographical coordinates. The probably use many kinds of heuristics and datasources. This kind of system has probably enough accuracy to put you in right major city, in most cases.

Google probably uses somewhat similar approach in addition to WiFi tricks.

Best way to split string into lines

  • If it looks ugly, just remove the unnecessary ToCharArray call.

  • If you want to split by either \n or \r, you've got two options:

    • Use an array literal – but this will give you empty lines for Windows-style line endings \r\n:

      var result = text.Split(new [] { '\r', '\n' });
    • Use a regular expression, as indicated by Bart:

      var result = Regex.Split(text, "\r\n|\r|\n");
  • If you want to preserve empty lines, why do you explicitly tell C# to throw them away? (StringSplitOptions parameter) – use StringSplitOptions.None instead.

How to decrypt an encrypted Apple iTunes iPhone backup?

Security researchers Jean-Baptiste Bédrune and Jean Sigwald presented how to do this at Hack-in-the-box Amsterdam 2011.

Since then, Apple has released an iOS Security Whitepaper with more details about keys and algorithms, and Charlie Miller et al. have released the iOS Hacker’s Handbook, which covers some of the same ground in a how-to fashion. When iOS 10 first came out there were changes to the backup format which Apple did not publicize at first, but various people reverse-engineered the format changes.

Encrypted backups are great

The great thing about encrypted iPhone backups is that they contain things like WiFi passwords that aren’t in regular unencrypted backups. As discussed in the iOS Security Whitepaper, encrypted backups are considered more “secure,” so Apple considers it ok to include more sensitive information in them.

An important warning: obviously, decrypting your iOS device’s backup removes its encryption. To protect your privacy and security, you should only run these scripts on a machine with full-disk encryption. While it is possible for a security expert to write software that protects keys in memory, e.g. by using functions like VirtualLock() and SecureZeroMemory() among many other things, these Python scripts will store your encryption keys and passwords in strings to be garbage-collected by Python. This means your secret keys and passwords will live in RAM for a while, from whence they will leak into your swap file and onto your disk, where an adversary can recover them. This completely defeats the point of having an encrypted backup.

How to decrypt backups: in theory

The iOS Security Whitepaper explains the fundamental concepts of per-file keys, protection classes, protection class keys, and keybags better than I can. If you’re not already familiar with these, take a few minutes to read the relevant parts.

Now you know that every file in iOS is encrypted with its own random per-file encryption key, belongs to a protection class, and the per-file encryption keys are stored in the filesystem metadata, wrapped in the protection class key.

To decrypt:

  1. Decode the keybag stored in the BackupKeyBag entry of Manifest.plist. A high-level overview of this structure is given in the whitepaper. The iPhone Wiki describes the binary format: a 4-byte string type field, a 4-byte big-endian length field, and then the value itself.

    The important values are the PBKDF2 ITERations and SALT, the double protection salt DPSL and iteration count DPIC, and then for each protection CLS, the WPKY wrapped key.

  2. Using the backup password derive a 32-byte key using the correct PBKDF2 salt and number of iterations. First use a SHA256 round with DPSL and DPIC, then a SHA1 round with ITER and SALT.

    Unwrap each wrapped key according to RFC 3394.

  3. Decrypt the manifest database by pulling the 4-byte protection class and longer key from the ManifestKey in Manifest.plist, and unwrapping it. You now have a SQLite database with all file metadata.

  4. For each file of interest, get the class-encrypted per-file encryption key and protection class code by looking in the Files.file database column for a binary plist containing EncryptionKey and ProtectionClass entries. Strip the initial four-byte length tag from EncryptionKey before using.

    Then, derive the final decryption key by unwrapping it with the class key that was unwrapped with the backup password. Then decrypt the file using AES in CBC mode with a zero IV.

How to decrypt backups: in practice

First you’ll need some library dependencies. If you’re on a mac using a homebrew-installed Python 2.7 or 3.7, you can install the dependencies with:

CFLAGS="-I$(brew --prefix)/opt/openssl/include" \
LDFLAGS="-L$(brew --prefix)/opt/openssl/lib" \    
    pip install biplist fastpbkdf2 pycrypto

In runnable source code form, here is how to decrypt a single preferences file from an encrypted iPhone backup:

#!/usr/bin/env python3.7
# coding: UTF-8

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division

import argparse
import getpass
import os.path
import pprint
import random
import shutil
import sqlite3
import string
import struct
import tempfile
from binascii import hexlify

import Crypto.Cipher.AES #
import biplist
import fastpbkdf2
from biplist import InvalidPlistException

def main():
    ## Parse options
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--backup-directory', dest='backup_directory',
    parser.add_argument('--password-pipe', dest='password_pipe',
Keeps password from being visible in system process list.
Typical use: --password-pipe=<(echo -n foo)
    parser.add_argument('--no-anonymize-output', dest='anonymize',
    args = parser.parse_args()
    ANONYMIZE_OUTPUT = args.anonymize
        print('Warning: All output keys are FAKE to protect your privacy')

    manifest_file = os.path.join(args.backup_directory, 'Manifest.plist')
    with open(manifest_file, 'rb') as infile:
        manifest_plist = biplist.readPlist(infile)
    keybag = Keybag(manifest_plist['BackupKeyBag'])
    # the actual keys are unknown, but the wrapped keys are known

    if args.password_pipe:
        password = readpipe(args.password_pipe)
        if password.endswith(b'\n'):
            password = password[:-1]
        password = getpass.getpass('Backup password: ').encode('utf-8')

    ## Unlock keybag with password
    if not keybag.unlockWithPasscode(password):
        raise Exception('Could not unlock keybag; bad password?')
    # now the keys are known too

    ## Decrypt metadata DB
    manifest_key = manifest_plist['ManifestKey'][4:]
    with open(os.path.join(args.backup_directory, 'Manifest.db'), 'rb') as db:
        encrypted_db =

    manifest_class = struct.unpack('<l', manifest_plist['ManifestKey'][:4])[0]
    key = keybag.unwrapKeyForClass(manifest_class, manifest_key)
    decrypted_data = AESdecryptCBC(encrypted_db, key)

    temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        # Does anyone know how to get Python’s SQLite module to open some
        # bytes in memory as a database?
        db_filename = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'db.sqlite3')
        with open(db_filename, 'wb') as db_file:
        conn = sqlite3.connect(db_filename)
        conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
        c = conn.cursor()
        # c.execute("select * from Files limit 1");
        # r = c.fetchone()
            SELECT fileID, domain, relativePath, file
            FROM Files
            WHERE relativePath LIKE 'Media/PhotoData/MISC/DCIM_APPLE.plist'
            ORDER BY domain, relativePath""")
        results = c.fetchall()

    for item in results:
        fileID, domain, relativePath, file_bplist = item

        plist = biplist.readPlistFromString(file_bplist)
        file_data = plist['$objects'][plist['$top']['root'].integer]
        size = file_data['Size']

        protection_class = file_data['ProtectionClass']
        encryption_key = plist['$objects'][

        backup_filename = os.path.join(args.backup_directory,
                                    fileID[:2], fileID)
        with open(backup_filename, 'rb') as infile:
            data =
            key = keybag.unwrapKeyForClass(protection_class, encryption_key)
            # truncate to actual length, as encryption may introduce padding
            decrypted_data = AESdecryptCBC(data, key)[:size]

        print('== decrypted data:')

        print('== pretty-printed plist')

# this section is mostly copied from parts of iphone-dataprotection

KEYBAG_TYPES = ["System", "Backup", "Escrow", "OTA (icloud)"]
KEY_TYPES = ["AES", "Curve25519"]

    6: "kSecAttrAccessibleWhenUnlocked",
    7: "kSecAttrAccessibleAfterFirstUnlock",
    8: "kSecAttrAccessibleAlways",
    9: "kSecAttrAccessibleWhenUnlockedThisDeviceOnly",
    10: "kSecAttrAccessibleAfterFirstUnlockThisDeviceOnly",
    11: "kSecAttrAccessibleAlwaysThisDeviceOnly"

class Keybag(object):
    def __init__(self, data):
        self.type = None
        self.uuid = None
        self.wrap = None
        self.deviceKey = None
        self.attrs = {}
        self.classKeys = {}
        self.KeyBagKeys = None #DATASIGN blob

    def parseBinaryBlob(self, data):
        currentClassKey = None

        for tag, data in loopTLVBlocks(data):
            if len(data) == 4:
                data = struct.unpack(">L", data)[0]
            if tag == b"TYPE":
                self.type = data
                if self.type > 3:
                    print("FAIL: keybag type > 3 : %d" % self.type)
            elif tag == b"UUID" and self.uuid is None:
                self.uuid = data
            elif tag == b"WRAP" and self.wrap is None:
                self.wrap = data
            elif tag == b"UUID":
                if currentClassKey:
                    self.classKeys[currentClassKey[b"CLAS"]] = currentClassKey
                currentClassKey = {b"UUID": data}
            elif tag in CLASSKEY_TAGS:
                currentClassKey[tag] = data
                self.attrs[tag] = data
        if currentClassKey:
            self.classKeys[currentClassKey[b"CLAS"]] = currentClassKey

    def unlockWithPasscode(self, passcode):
        passcode1 = fastpbkdf2.pbkdf2_hmac('sha256', passcode,
                                        self.attrs[b"DPIC"], 32)
        passcode_key = fastpbkdf2.pbkdf2_hmac('sha1', passcode1,
                                            self.attrs[b"ITER"], 32)
        print('== Passcode key')
        for classkey in self.classKeys.values():
            if b"WPKY" not in classkey:
            k = classkey[b"WPKY"]
            if classkey[b"WRAP"] & WRAP_PASSCODE:
                k = AESUnwrap(passcode_key, classkey[b"WPKY"])
                if not k:
                    return False
                classkey[b"KEY"] = k
        return True

    def unwrapKeyForClass(self, protection_class, persistent_key):
        ck = self.classKeys[protection_class][b"KEY"]
        if len(persistent_key) != 0x28:
            raise Exception("Invalid key length")
        return AESUnwrap(ck, persistent_key)

    def printClassKeys(self):
        print("== Keybag")
        print("Keybag type: %s keybag (%d)" % (KEYBAG_TYPES[self.type], self.type))
        print("Keybag version: %d" % self.attrs[b"VERS"])
        print("Keybag UUID: %s" % anonymize(hexlify(self.uuid)))
                    "Public key"]))
        for k, ck in self.classKeys.items():
            if k == 6:print("")

                anonymize(hexlify(ck.get(b"KEY", b""))).ljust(65),
                anonymize(hexlify(ck.get(b"WPKY", b""))).ljust(65),

def loopTLVBlocks(blob):
    i = 0
    while i + 8 <= len(blob):
        tag = blob[i:i+4]
        length = struct.unpack(">L",blob[i+4:i+8])[0]
        data = blob[i+8:i+8+length]
        yield (tag,data)
        i += 8 + length

def unpack64bit(s):
    return struct.unpack(">Q",s)[0]
def pack64bit(s):
    return struct.pack(">Q",s)

def AESUnwrap(kek, wrapped):
    C = []
    for i in range(len(wrapped)//8):
    n = len(C) - 1
    R = [0] * (n+1)
    A = C[0]

    for i in range(1,n+1):
        R[i] = C[i]

    for j in reversed(range(0,6)):
        for i in reversed(range(1,n+1)):
            todec = pack64bit(A ^ (n*j+i))
            todec += pack64bit(R[i])
            B =
            A = unpack64bit(B[:8])
            R[i] = unpack64bit(B[8:])

    if A != 0xa6a6a6a6a6a6a6a6:
        return None
    res = b"".join(map(pack64bit, R[1:]))
    return res

ZEROIV = "\x00"*16
def AESdecryptCBC(data, key, iv=ZEROIV, padding=False):
    if len(data) % 16:
        print("AESdecryptCBC: data length not /16, truncating")
        data = data[0:(len(data)/16) * 16]
    data =, Crypto.Cipher.AES.MODE_CBC, iv).decrypt(data)
    if padding:
        return removePadding(16, data)
    return data

# here are some utility functions, one making sure I don’t leak my
# secret keys when posting the output on Stack Exchange

anon_random = random.Random(0)
memo = {}
def anonymize(s):
    if type(s) == str:
        s = s.encode('utf-8')
    global anon_random, memo
        if s in memo:
            return memo[s]
        possible_alphabets = [
            string.digits + 'abcdef',
            "".join(chr(x) for x in range(0, 256)),
        for a in possible_alphabets:
            if all((chr(c) if type(c) == int else c) in a for c in s):
                alphabet = a
        ret = "".join([anon_random.choice(alphabet) for i in range(len(s))])
        memo[s] = ret
        return ret
        return s

def wrap(s, width=78):
    "Return a width-wrapped repr(s)-like string without breaking on \’s"
    s = repr(s)
    quote = s[0]
    s = s[1:-1]
    ret = []
    while len(s):
        i = s.rfind('\\', 0, width)
        if i <= width - 4: # "\x??" is four characters
            i = width
        s = s[i:]
    return '\n'.join("%s%s%s" % (quote, line ,quote) for line in ret)

def readpipe(path):
    if stat.S_ISFIFO(os.stat(path).st_mode):
        with open(path, 'rb') as pipe:
        raise Exception("Not a pipe: {!r}".format(path))

if __name__ == '__main__':

Which then prints this output:

Warning: All output keys are FAKE to protect your privacy
== Keybag
Keybag type: Backup keybag (1)
Keybag version: 3
Keybag UUID: dc6486c479e84c94efce4bea7169ef7d
Class                                                WRAP Type       Key                                                              WPKY                                                             Public key
NSFileProtectionComplete                             2    AES                                                                         4c80b6da07d35d393fc7158e18b8d8f9979694329a71ceedee86b4cde9f97afec197ad3b13c5d12b
NSFileProtectionCompleteUnlessOpen                   2    AES                                                                         09e8a0a9965f00f213ce06143a52801f35bde2af0ad54972769845d480b5043f545fa9b66a0353a6
NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication 2    AES                                                                         e966b6a0742878ce747cec3fa1bf6a53b0d811ad4f1d6147cd28a5d400a8ffe0bbabea5839025cb5
NSFileProtectionNone                                 2    AES                                                                         902f46847302816561e7df57b64beea6fa11b0068779a65f4c651dbe7a1630f323682ff26ae7e577
NSFileProtectionRecovery?                            3    AES                                                                         a3935fed024cd9bc11d0300d522af8e89accfbe389d7c69dca02841df46c0a24d0067dba2f696072

kSecAttrAccessibleWhenUnlocked                       2    AES                                                                         09a1856c7e97a51a9c2ecedac8c3c7c7c10e7efa931decb64169ee61cb07a0efb115050fd1e33af1
kSecAttrAccessibleAfterFirstUnlock                   2    AES                                                                         0509d215f2f574efa2f192efc53c460201168b26a175f066b5347fc48bc76c637e27a730b904ca82
kSecAttrAccessibleAlways                             2    AES                                                                         b7ac3c4f1e04896144ce90c4583e26489a86a6cc45a2b692a5767b5a04b0907e081daba009fdbb3c
kSecAttrAccessibleWhenUnlockedThisDeviceOnly         3    AES                                                                         417526e67b82e7c6c633f9063120a299b84e57a8ffee97b34020a2caf6e751ec5750053833ab4d45
kSecAttrAccessibleAfterFirstUnlockThisDeviceOnly     3    AES                                                                         b0e17b0cf7111c6e716cd0272de5684834798431c1b34bab8d1a1b5aba3d38a3a42c859026f81ccc
kSecAttrAccessibleAlwaysThisDeviceOnly               3    AES                                                                         9b3bdc59ae1d85703aa7f75d49bdc600bf57ba4a458b20a003a10f6e36525fb6648ba70e6602d8b2

== Passcode key

== Keybag
Keybag type: Backup keybag (1)
Keybag version: 3
Keybag UUID: dc6486c479e84c94efce4bea7169ef7d
Class                                                WRAP Type       Key                                                              WPKY                                                             Public key
NSFileProtectionComplete                             2    AES        64e8fc94a7b670b0a9c4a385ff395fe9ba5ee5b0d9f5a5c9f0202ef7fdcb386f 4c80b6da07d35d393fc7158e18b8d8f9979694329a71ceedee86b4cde9f97afec197ad3b13c5d12b
NSFileProtectionCompleteUnlessOpen                   2    AES        22a218c9c446fbf88f3ccdc2ae95f869c308faaa7b3e4fe17b78cbf2eeaf4ec9 09e8a0a9965f00f213ce06143a52801f35bde2af0ad54972769845d480b5043f545fa9b66a0353a6
NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication 2    AES        1004c6ca6e07d2b507809503180edf5efc4a9640227ac0d08baf5918d34b44ef e966b6a0742878ce747cec3fa1bf6a53b0d811ad4f1d6147cd28a5d400a8ffe0bbabea5839025cb5
NSFileProtectionNone                                 2    AES        2e809a0cd1a73725a788d5d1657d8fd150b0e360460cb5d105eca9c60c365152 902f46847302816561e7df57b64beea6fa11b0068779a65f4c651dbe7a1630f323682ff26ae7e577
NSFileProtectionRecovery?                            3    AES        9a078d710dcd4a1d5f70ea4062822ea3e9f7ea034233e7e290e06cf0d80c19ca a3935fed024cd9bc11d0300d522af8e89accfbe389d7c69dca02841df46c0a24d0067dba2f696072

kSecAttrAccessibleWhenUnlocked                       2    AES        606e5328816af66736a69dfe5097305cf1e0b06d6eb92569f48e5acac3f294a4 09a1856c7e97a51a9c2ecedac8c3c7c7c10e7efa931decb64169ee61cb07a0efb115050fd1e33af1
kSecAttrAccessibleAfterFirstUnlock                   2    AES        6a4b5292661bac882338d5ebb51fd6de585befb4ef5f8ffda209be8ba3af1b96 0509d215f2f574efa2f192efc53c460201168b26a175f066b5347fc48bc76c637e27a730b904ca82
kSecAttrAccessibleAlways                             2    AES        c0ed717947ce8d1de2dde893b6026e9ee1958771d7a7282dd2116f84312c2dd2 b7ac3c4f1e04896144ce90c4583e26489a86a6cc45a2b692a5767b5a04b0907e081daba009fdbb3c
kSecAttrAccessibleWhenUnlockedThisDeviceOnly         3    AES        80d8c7be8d5103d437f8519356c3eb7e562c687a5e656cfd747532f71668ff99 417526e67b82e7c6c633f9063120a299b84e57a8ffee97b34020a2caf6e751ec5750053833ab4d45
kSecAttrAccessibleAfterFirstUnlockThisDeviceOnly     3    AES        a875a15e3ff901351c5306019e3b30ed123e6c66c949bdaa91fb4b9a69a3811e b0e17b0cf7111c6e716cd0272de5684834798431c1b34bab8d1a1b5aba3d38a3a42c859026f81ccc
kSecAttrAccessibleAlwaysThisDeviceOnly               3    AES        1e7756695d337e0b06c764734a9ef8148af20dcc7a636ccfea8b2eb96a9e9373 9b3bdc59ae1d85703aa7f75d49bdc600bf57ba4a458b20a003a10f6e36525fb6648ba70e6602d8b2

== decrypted data:
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD '
'PLIST 1.0//EN" "">\n<plist versi'

== pretty-printed plist
{'DCIMLastDirectoryNumber': 100, 'DCIMLastFileNumber': 3}

Extra credit

The iphone-dataprotection code posted by Bédrune and Sigwald can decrypt the keychain from a backup, including fun things like saved wifi and website passwords:

$ python iphone-dataprotection/python_scripts/ ...

|                              Passwords                                             |
|Service           |Account          |Data           |Access group  |Protection class|
|AirPort           |Ed’s Coffee Shop |<3FrenchRoast  |apple         |AfterFirstUnlock|

That code no longer works on backups from phones using the latest iOS, but there are some golang ports that have been kept up to date allowing access to the keychain.

AES Encryption for an NSString on the iPhone

Since you haven't posted any code, it's difficult to know exactly which problems you're encountering. However, the blog post you link to does seem to work pretty decently... aside from the extra comma in each call to CCCrypt() which caused compile errors.

A later comment on that post includes this adapted code, which works for me, and seems a bit more straightforward. If you include their code for the NSData category, you can write something like this: (Note: The printf() calls are only for demonstrating the state of the data at various points — in a real application, it wouldn't make sense to print such values.)

int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

    NSString *key = @"my password";
    NSString *secret = @"text to encrypt";

    NSData *plain = [secret dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
    NSData *cipher = [plain AES256EncryptWithKey:key];
    printf("%s\n", [[cipher description] UTF8String]);

    plain = [cipher AES256DecryptWithKey:key];
    printf("%s\n", [[plain description] UTF8String]);
    printf("%s\n", [[[NSString alloc] initWithData:plain encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] UTF8String]);

    [pool drain];
    return 0;

Given this code, and the fact that encrypted data will not always translate nicely into an NSString, it may be more convenient to write two methods that wrap the functionality you need, in forward and reverse...

- (NSData*) encryptString:(NSString*)plaintext withKey:(NSString*)key {
    return [[plaintext dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] AES256EncryptWithKey:key];

- (NSString*) decryptData:(NSData*)ciphertext withKey:(NSString*)key {
    return [[[NSString alloc] initWithData:[ciphertext AES256DecryptWithKey:key]
                                  encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease];

This definitely works on Snow Leopard, and @Boz reports that CommonCrypto is part of the Core OS on the iPhone. Both 10.4 and 10.5 have /usr/include/CommonCrypto, although 10.5 has a man page for CCCryptor.3cc and 10.4 doesn't, so YMMV.

EDIT: See this follow-up question on using Base64 encoding for representing encrypted data bytes as a string (if desired) using safe, lossless conversions.

string.split - by multiple character delimiter

To show both string.Split and Regex usage:

string input = "abc][rfd][5][,][.";
string[] parts1 = input.Split(new string[] { "][" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
string[] parts2 = Regex.Split(input, @"\]\[");

What is the behavior difference between return-path, reply-to and from?

I had to add a Return-Path header in emails send by a Redmine instance. I agree with greatwolf only the sender can determine a correct (non default) Return-Path. The case is the following : E-mails are send with the default email address : [email protected] But we want that the real user initiating the action receives the bounce emails, because he will be the one knowing how to fix wrong recipients emails (and not the application adminstrators that have other cats to whip :-) ). We use this and it works perfectly well with exim on the application server and zimbra as the final company mail server.

System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out

I remember I had the same problem a while back using WCF due the quantity of the data I was passing. I remember I changed timeouts everywhere but the problem persisted. What I finally did was open the connection as stream request, I needed to change the client and the server side, but it work that way. Since it was a stream connection, the server kept reading until the stream ended.

How can I make a TextBox be a "password box" and display stars when using MVVM?

As Tasnim Fabiha mentioned, it is possible to change font for TextBox in order to show only dots/asterisks. But I wasn't able to find his I give you my working example:

<TextBox Text="{Binding Password}" 
     FontFamily="pack://application:,,,/Resources/#password" />

Just copy-paste won't work. Firstly you have to download mentioned font "password.ttf" link: Then copy that to your project Resources folder (Project->Properties->Resources->Add resource->Add existing file). Then set it's Build Action to: Resource.

After this you will see just dots, but you can still copy text from that, so it is needed to disable CTRL+C shortcut like this:

<TextBox Text="{Binding Password}" 
     FontFamily="pack://application:,,,/Resources/#password" > 
        <!--Disable CTRL+C -->
        <KeyBinding Command="ApplicationCommands.NotACommand"
            Modifiers="Control" />

Like Operator in Entity Framework?

It is specifically mentioned in the documentation as part of Entity SQL. Are you getting an error message?

// If an AdventureWorksEntities.Product contained a Name 
// with the value 'Down_Tube', the following query would find that 
// value.
Select value P.Name FROM AdventureWorksEntities.Product 
    as P where P.Name LIKE 'DownA_%' ESCAPE 'A'

Select value P.Name FROM AdventureWorksEntities.Product 
    as P where P.Name like 'BB%'

Changing the action of a form with JavaScript/jQuery

I agree with Paolo that we need to see more code. I tested this overly simplified example and it worked. This means that it is able to change the form action on the fly.

<script type="text/javascript">
function submitForm(){
    var form_url = $("#openid_form").attr("action");
    alert("Before - action=" + form_url);   
    //changing the action to
    alert("After - action = "+$("#openid_form").attr("action"));
    //submit the form

<form id="openid_form" action="test.html">
    First Name:<input type="text" name="fname" /><br/>
    Last Name: <input type="text" name="lname" /><br/>
    <input type="button" onclick="submitForm()" value="Submit Form" />

EDIT: I tested the updated code you posted and found a syntax error in the declaration of providers_large. There's an extra comma. Firefox ignores the issue, but IE8 throws an error.

var providers_large = {
    google: {
        name: 'Google',
        url: ''
    facebook: {
        name: 'Facebook',
        form_url: ''
    },  //<-- Here's the problem. Remove that comma


Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.String`

Convert it Like

string s = System.DBNull.value.ToString();

How do I correct "Commit Failed. File xxx is out of date. xxx path not found."

Thanks Jamie Bullock this Work for me

As per Jamie Bullock,

I just had this problem, and the cause seemed to be that a directory had been flagged as in conflict. To fix:

  1. svn update
  2. svn resolved
  3. svn commit

Button inside of anchor link works in Firefox but not in Internet Explorer?

Why not just convert all <button> to <span> with type="button" and then style with your normal css button classes? Just confirmed that this works in IE11.

Large WCF web service request failing with (400) HTTP Bad Request

For what it is worth, an additional consideration when using .NET 4.0 is that if a valid endpoint is not found in your configuration, a default endpoint will be automatically created and used.

The default endpoint will use all default values so if you think you have a valid service configuration with a large value for maxReceivedMessageSize etc., but there is something wrong with the configuration, you would still get the 400 Bad Request since a default endpoint would be created and used.

This is done silently so it is hard to detect. You will see messages to this effect (e.g. 'No Endpoint found for Service, creating Default Endpoint' or similar) if you turn on tracing on the server but there is no other indication (to my knowledge).

LaTeX source code listing like in professional books

I am happy with the listings package:

Listing example

Here is how I configure it:


I use it like this:

\begin{lstlisting}[caption=Caption example.,
// Insert the code here

Plain Old CLR Object vs Data Transfer Object

I wrote an article for that topic: DTO vs Value Object vs POCO.

In short:

  • DTO != Value Object
  • DTO ? POCO
  • Value Object ? POCO

How to show particular image as thumbnail while implementing share on Facebook?

This blog post seems to have your answer:

Specifically, use a tag like the following:

<link rel="image_src" 
      href="" />

The name of the image must be the same as in the example.

Click "Making Sure the Preview Works"

Note: Tags can be correct but Facebook only scrapes every 24 hours, according to their documentation. Use the Facebook Lint page to get the image into Facebook.

Make code in LaTeX look *nice*

It turns out that lstlisting is able to format code nicely, but requires a lot of tweaking.

Wikibooks has a good example for the parameters you can tweak.

Resize iframe height according to content height in it

Here's my solution to the problem using MooTools which works in Firefox 3.6, Safari 4.0.4 and Internet Explorer 7:

var iframe_container = $('iframe_container_id');
var iframe_style = {
    height: 300,
    width: '100%'
if (!Browser.Engine.trident) {
    // IE has hasLayout issues if iframe display is none, so don't use the loading class
    iframe_style.display = 'none';
this.iframe = new IFrame({
    frameBorder: 0,
    src: "",
    styles: iframe_style,
    events: {
        'load': function() {
            var innerDoc = (this.contentDocument) ? this.contentDocument : this.contentWindow.document;
            var h = this.measure(function(){
                return innerDoc.body.scrollHeight;
                height: h.toInt(),
                display: 'block'
            if (!Browser.Engine.trident) {

Style the "loading" class to show an Ajax loading graphic in the middle of the iframe container. Then for browsers other than Internet Explorer, it will display the full height IFRAME once the loading of its content is complete and remove the loading graphic.

How to render an ASP.NET MVC view as a string?

To render a view to a string in the Service Layer without having to pass ControllerContext around, there is a good Rick Strahl article here that creates a generic controller. Code summary below:

// Some Static Class
public static string RenderViewToString(ControllerContext context, string viewPath, object model = null, bool partial = false)
    // first find the ViewEngine for this view
    ViewEngineResult viewEngineResult = null;
    if (partial)
        viewEngineResult = ViewEngines.Engines.FindPartialView(context, viewPath);
        viewEngineResult = ViewEngines.Engines.FindView(context, viewPath, null);

    if (viewEngineResult == null)
        throw new FileNotFoundException("View cannot be found.");

    // get the view and attach the model to view data
    var view = viewEngineResult.View;
    context.Controller.ViewData.Model = model;

    string result = null;

    using (var sw = new StringWriter())
        var ctx = new ViewContext(context, view, context.Controller.ViewData, context.Controller.TempData, sw);
        view.Render(ctx, sw);
        result = sw.ToString();

    return result;

// In the Service Class
public class GenericController : Controller
{ }

public static T CreateController<T>(RouteData routeData = null) where T : Controller, new()
    // create a disconnected controller instance
    T controller = new T();

    // get context wrapper from HttpContext if available
    HttpContextBase wrapper;
    if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current != null)
        wrapper = new HttpContextWrapper(System.Web.HttpContext.Current);
        throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot create Controller Context if no active HttpContext instance is available.");

    if (routeData == null)
        routeData = new RouteData();

    // add the controller routing if not existing
    if (!routeData.Values.ContainsKey("controller") &&
        routeData.Values.Add("controller", controller.GetType().Name.ToLower().Replace("controller", ""));

    controller.ControllerContext = new ControllerContext(wrapper, routeData, controller);
    return controller;

Then to render the View in the Service class:

var stringView = RenderViewToString(CreateController<GenericController>().ControllerContext, "~/Path/To/View/Location/_viewName.cshtml", theViewModel, true);

How do you test your Request.QueryString[] variables?

You can use the extension methods below as well and do like this

int? id = Request["id"].ToInt();


// Extension methods

public static int? ToInt(this string input) 
    int val;
    if (int.TryParse(input, out val))
        return val;
    return null;

public static DateTime? ToDate(this string input)
    DateTime val;
    if (DateTime.TryParse(input, out val))
        return val;
    return null;

public static decimal? ToDecimal(this string input)
    decimal val;
    if (decimal.TryParse(input, out val))
        return val;
    return null;

Is there a REAL performance difference between INT and VARCHAR primary keys?

Not sure about the performance implications, but it seems a possible compromise, at least during development, would be to include both the auto-incremented, integer "surrogate" key, as well as your intended, unique, "natural" key. This would give you the opportunity to evaluate performance, as well as other possible issues, including the changeability of natural keys.

What can I use for good quality code coverage for C#/.NET?

There are pre-release (beta) versions of NCover available for free. They work fine for most cases, especially when combined with NCoverExplorer.

How would you implement an LRU cache in Java?

This is the LRU cache I use, which encapsulates a LinkedHashMap and handles concurrency with a simple synchronize lock guarding the juicy spots. It "touches" elements as they are used so that they become the "freshest" element again, so that it is actually LRU. I also had the requirement of my elements having a minimum lifespan, which you can also think of as "maximum idle time" permitted, then you're up for eviction.

However, I agree with Hank's conclusion and accepted answer -- if I were starting this again today, I'd check out Guava's CacheBuilder.

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class MaxIdleLRUCache<KK, VV> {

    final static private int IDEAL_MAX_CACHE_ENTRIES = 128;

    public interface DeadElementCallback<KK, VV> {
        public void notify(KK key, VV element);

    private Object lock = new Object();
    private long minAge;
    private HashMap<KK, Item<VV>> cache;

    public MaxIdleLRUCache(long minAgeMilliseconds) {
        this(minAgeMilliseconds, IDEAL_MAX_CACHE_ENTRIES);

    public MaxIdleLRUCache(long minAgeMilliseconds, int idealMaxCacheEntries) {
        this(minAgeMilliseconds, idealMaxCacheEntries, null);

    public MaxIdleLRUCache(long minAgeMilliseconds, int idealMaxCacheEntries, final DeadElementCallback<KK, VV> callback) {
        this.minAge = minAgeMilliseconds;
        this.cache = new LinkedHashMap<KK, Item<VV>>(IDEAL_MAX_CACHE_ENTRIES + 1, .75F, true) {
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

            // This method is called just after a new entry has been added
            public boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry<KK, Item<VV>> eldest) {
                // let's see if the oldest entry is old enough to be deleted. We don't actually care about the cache size.
                long age = System.currentTimeMillis() - eldest.getValue().birth;
                if (age > MaxIdleLRUCache.this.minAge) {
                    if ( callback != null ) {
                        callback.notify(eldest.getKey(), eldest.getValue().payload);
                    return true; // remove it
                return false; // don't remove this element


    public void put(KK key, VV value) {
        synchronized ( lock ) {
//          System.out.println("put->"+key+","+value);
            cache.put(key, new Item<VV>(value));

    public VV get(KK key) {
        synchronized ( lock ) {
//          System.out.println("get->"+key);
            Item<VV> item = getItem(key);
            return item == null ? null : item.payload;

    public VV remove(String key) {
        synchronized ( lock ) {
//          System.out.println("remove->"+key);
            Item<VV> item =  cache.remove(key);
            if ( item != null ) {
                return item.payload;
            } else {
                return null;

    public int size() {
        synchronized ( lock ) {
            return cache.size();

    private Item<VV> getItem(KK key) {
        Item<VV> item = cache.get(key);
        if (item == null) {
            return null;
        item.touch(); // idle the item to reset the timeout threshold
        return item;

    private static class Item<T> {
        long birth;
        T payload;

        Item(T payload) {
            this.birth = System.currentTimeMillis();
            this.payload = payload;

        public void touch() {
            this.birth = System.currentTimeMillis();


How can I measure the actual memory usage of an application or process?

Given some of the answers, to get the actual swap and RAM for a single application I came up with the following, say we want to know what 'firefox' is using

sudo smem | awk '/firefox/{swap+=$5; pss+=$7;}END{print "swap = "swap/1024" PSS = "pss/1024}'
or for libvirt;
sudo smem | awk '/libvirt/{swap+=$5; pss+=$7;}END{print "swap = "swap/1024" PSS = "pss/1024}'

this will give you the total in MB like so;

swap = 0 PSS = 2096.92
swap = 224.75 PSS = 421.455

Is it possible to create a File object from InputStream

In one line :

FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(inputStream, file);


Difference between FetchType LAZY and EAGER in Java Persistence API?

        import javax.persistence.Column;
        import javax.persistence.Entity;
        import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
        import javax.persistence.GenerationType;
        import javax.persistence.Id;
        import javax.persistence.ManyToOne;
        import javax.persistence.Table;

        public class Books implements Serializable{

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        private int id;
        private String name;

        private String authorName;

        Subject subject;

        public Subject getSubject() {
            return subject;
        public void setSubject(Subject subject) {
            this.subject = subject;

        public int getId() {
            return id;
        public void setId(int id) {
   = id;
        public String getName() {
            return name;
        public void setName(String name) {
   = name;
        public String getAuthorName() {
            return authorName;
        public void setAuthorName(String authorName) {
            this.authorName = authorName;


    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    import javax.persistence.CascadeType;
    import javax.persistence.Column;
    import javax.persistence.Entity;
    import javax.persistence.FetchType;
    import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue; 
    import javax.persistence.GenerationType;
    import javax.persistence.Id;
    import javax.persistence.OneToMany;
    import javax.persistence.Table;

    public class Subject implements Serializable{

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    private int id;
    private String name;
    Observe carefully i have mentioned fetchType.EAGER. By default its is fetchType.LAZY for @OneToMany i have mentioned it but not required. Check the Output by changing it to fetchType.EAGER

    List<Books> listBooks=new ArrayList<Books>();

    public List<Books> getListBooks() {
        return listBooks;
    public void setListBooks(List<Books> listBooks) {
        this.listBooks = listBooks;
    public int getId() {
        return id;
    public void setId(int id) { = id;
    public String getName() {
        return name;
    public void setName(String name) { = name;


import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
import org.hibernate.boot.registry.StandardServiceRegistryBuilder;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration;
public class HibernateUtil {

 private static SessionFactory sessionFactory ;
 static {
    Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
    configuration.addAnnotatedClass (Com.OneToMany.Books.class);
    configuration.addAnnotatedClass (Com.OneToMany.Subject.class);
    configuration.setProperty("hibernate.connection.url", "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/hibernate");                                
    configuration.setProperty("hibernate.connection.username", "root");     
    configuration.setProperty("hibernate.connection.password", "root");
    configuration.setProperty("dialect", "org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect");
    configuration.setProperty("", "update");
    configuration.setProperty("hibernate.show_sql", "true");
    configuration.setProperty(" hibernate.connection.pool_size", "10");
    configuration.setProperty(" hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache", "true");
    configuration.setProperty(" hibernate.cache.use_query_cache", "true");
    configuration.setProperty(" cache.provider_class", "org.hibernate.cache.EhCacheProvider");
    configuration.setProperty("hibernate.cache.region.factory_class" ,"org.hibernate.cache.ehcache.EhCacheRegionFactory");

   // configuration
    StandardServiceRegistryBuilder builder = new StandardServiceRegistryBuilder().applySettings(configuration.getProperties());
    sessionFactory = configuration.buildSessionFactory(;
public static SessionFactory getSessionFactory() {
    return sessionFactory;

    import org.hibernate.Session;
    import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;

    public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SessionFactory factory=HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory();


     private static void retrieve(SessionFactory factory) {
        Session session=factory.openSession();
            Subject subject=(Subject)session.get(Subject.class, 1);
            System.out.println("subject associated collection is loading lazily as @OneToMany is lazy loaded");

            Books books=(Books)session.get(Books.class, 1);
            System.out.println("books associated collection is loading eagerly as by default @ManyToOne is Eagerly loaded");
            /*Books b1=(Books)session.get(Books.class, new Integer(1));

            Subject sub=session.get(Subject.class, 1);
        }catch(Exception e){


       private static void save(SessionFactory factory){
        Subject subject=new Subject();

        Books books=new Books();
        books.setName("C++ Book");

        Session session=factory.openSession();

        }catch(Exception e){


Check the retrieve() method of When we get Subject, then its collection listBooks, annotated with @OneToMany, will be loaded lazily. But, on the other hand, Books related association of collection subject, annotated with @ManyToOne, loads eargerly (by [default][1] for @ManyToOne, fetchType=EAGER). We can change the behaviour by placing fetchType.EAGER on @OneToMany or fetchType.LAZY on @ManyToOne in

Understanding the Rails Authenticity Token

Methods Where authenticity_token is required

authenticity_token is required in case of idempotent methods like post, put and delete, Because Idempotent methods are affecting to data.

Why It is Required

It is required to prevent from evil actions. authenticity_token is stored in session, whenever a form is created on web pages for creating or updating to resources then a authenticity token is stored in hidden field and it sent with form on server. Before executing action user sent authenticity_token is cross checked with authenticity_token stored in session. If authenticity_token is same then process is continue otherwise it does not perform actions.

$.widget is not a function

Place your widget.js after core.js, but before any other jquery that calls the widget.js file. (Example: draggable.js) Precedence (order) matters in what javascript/jquery can 'see'. Always position helper code before the code that uses the helper code.

Spark dataframe: collect () vs select ()

Select is used for projecting some or all fields of a dataframe. It won't give you an value as an output but a new dataframe. Its a transformation.

Regular expression: find spaces (tabs/space) but not newlines

Note: For those dealing with CJK text (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean), the double-byte space (Unicode \u3000) is not included in \s for any implementation I've tried so far (Perl, .NET, PCRE, Python). You'll need to either normalize your strings first (such as by replacing all \u3000 with \u0020), or you'll have to use a character set that includes this codepoint in addition to whatever other whitespace you're targeting, such as [ \t\u3000].

If you're using Perl or PCRE, you have the option of using the \h shorthand for horizontal whitespace, which appears to include the single-byte space, double-byte space, and tab, among others. See the Match whitespace but not newlines (Perl) thread for more detail.

However, this \h shorthand has not been implemented for .NET and C#, as best I've been able to tell.

Hosting a Maven repository on github

If you have only aar or jar file itself, or just don't want to use plugins - I've created a simple shell script. You can achieve the same with it - publishing your artifacts to Github and use it as public Maven repo.

How to discard uncommitted changes in SourceTree?

I like to use

git stash

This stores all uncommitted changes in the stash. If you want to discard these changes later just git stash drop (or git stash pop to restore them).

Though this is technically not the "proper" way to discard changes (as other answers and comments have pointed out).

SourceTree: On the top bar click on icon 'Stash', type its name and create. Then in left vertical menu you can "show" all Stash and delete in right-click menu. There is probably no other way in ST to discard all files at once.

Examples for string find in Python

I'm not sure what you're looking for, do you mean find()?

>>> x = "Hello World"
>>> x.find('World')
>>> x.find('Aloha');

How to capture and save an image using custom camera in Android?

please see below answer.

public class Custom_CameraActivity extends Activity {
    private Camera mCamera;
    private CameraPreview mCameraPreview;

    /** Called when the activity is first created. */
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        mCamera = getCameraInstance();
        mCameraPreview = new CameraPreview(this, mCamera);
        FrameLayout preview = (FrameLayout) findViewById(;

        Button captureButton = (Button) findViewById(;
        captureButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
                mCamera.takePicture(null, null, mPicture);

     * Helper method to access the camera returns null if it cannot get the
     * camera or does not exist
     * @return
    private Camera getCameraInstance() {
        Camera camera = null;
        try {
            camera =;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // cannot get camera or does not exist
        return camera;

    PictureCallback mPicture = new PictureCallback() {
        public void onPictureTaken(byte[] data, Camera camera) {
            File pictureFile = getOutputMediaFile();
            if (pictureFile == null) {
            try {
                FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(pictureFile);
            } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {

            } catch (IOException e) {

    private static File getOutputMediaFile() {
        File mediaStorageDir = new File(
        if (!mediaStorageDir.exists()) {
            if (!mediaStorageDir.mkdirs()) {
                Log.d("MyCameraApp", "failed to create directory");
                return null;
        // Create a media file name
        String timeStamp = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss")
                .format(new Date());
        File mediaFile;
        mediaFile = new File(mediaStorageDir.getPath() + File.separator
                + "IMG_" + timeStamp + ".jpg");

        return mediaFile;

public class CameraPreview extends SurfaceView implements
        SurfaceHolder.Callback {
    private SurfaceHolder mSurfaceHolder;
    private Camera mCamera;

    // Constructor that obtains context and camera
    public CameraPreview(Context context, Camera camera) {
        this.mCamera = camera;
        this.mSurfaceHolder = this.getHolder();

    public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder) {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // left blank for now

    public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder) {

    public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder, int format,
            int width, int height) {
        // start preview with new settings
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // intentionally left blank for a test


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:orientation="horizontal" >

        android:layout_weight="1" />

        android:text="Capture" />


Add Below Lines to your androidmanifest.xml file

<uses-feature android:name="" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

Copy-item Files in Folders and subfolders in the same directory structure of source server using PowerShell

This can be done just using Copy-Item. No need to use Get-Childitem. I think you are just overthinking it.

Copy-Item -Path C:\MyFolder -Destination \\Server\MyFolder -recurse -Force

I just tested it and it worked for me.

edit: included suggestion from the comments

# Add wildcard to source folder to ensure consistent behavior
Copy-Item -Path $sourceFolder\* -Destination $targetFolder -Recurse

find all subsets that sum to a particular value

This my program in ruby . It will return arrays, each holding the subsequences summing to the provided target value.

array = [1, 3, 4, 2, 7, 8, 9]

0..array.size.times.each do |i| 
  array.combination(i).to_a.each { |a| print a if a.inject(:+) == 9} 

How to find longest string in the table column data

you have to do some changes by applying group by or query with in query.


it will return longest cityname from city.

CSS word-wrapping in div

try white-space:normal; This will override inheriting white-space:nowrap;

How to convert std::string to lower case?

An alternative to Boost is POCO (

POCO provides two variants:

  1. The first variant makes a copy without altering the original string.
  2. The second variant changes the original string in place.
    "In Place" versions always have "InPlace" in the name.

Both versions are demonstrated below:

#include "Poco/String.h"
using namespace Poco;

std::string hello("Stack Overflow!");

// Copies "STACK OVERFLOW!" into 'newString' without altering 'hello.'
std::string newString(toUpper(hello));

// Changes newString in-place to read "stack overflow!"

How to use comparison and ' if not' in python?

Why think? If not confuses you, switch your if and else clauses around to avoid the negation.

i want to make sure that ( u0 <= u < u0+step ) before do sth.

Just write that.

if u0 <= u < u0+step:
    "do sth" # What language is "sth"?  No vowels.  An odd-looking word.
    u0 = u0+ step

Why overthink it?

If you need an empty if -- and can't work out the logic -- use pass.

 if some-condition-that's-too-complex-for-me-to-invert:
     do real work here

Programmatically extract contents of InstallShield setup.exe

There's no supported way to do this, but won't you have to examine the files related to each installer to figure out how to actually install them after extracting them? Assuming you can spend the time to figure out which command-line applies, here are some candidate parameters that normally allow you to extract an installation.

MSI Based (may not result in a usable image for an InstallScript MSI installation):

  • setup.exe /a /s /v"/qn TARGETDIR=\"choose-a-location\""

    or, to also extract prerequisites (for versions where it works),

  • setup.exe /a"choose-another-location" /s /v"/qn TARGETDIR=\"choose-a-location\""

InstallScript based:

  • setup.exe /s /extract_all

Suite based (may not be obvious how to install the resulting files):

  • setup.exe /silent /stage_only ISRootStagePath="choose-a-location"

Get value from hashmap based on key to JSTL

if all you're trying to do is get the value of a single entry in a map, there's no need to loop over any collection at all. simplifying gautum's response slightly, you can get the value of a named map entry as follows:

<c:out value="${map['key']}"/>

where 'map' is the collection and 'key' is the string key for which you're trying to extract the value.

Free space in a CMD shell

A possible solution:

dir|find "bytes free"

a more "advanced solution", for Windows Xp and beyond:

wmic /node:"%COMPUTERNAME%" LogicalDisk Where DriveType="3" Get DeviceID,FreeSpace|find /I "c:"

The Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line (WMIC) tool (Wmic.exe) can gather vast amounts of information about about a Windows Server 2003 as well as Windows XP or Vista. The tool accesses the underlying hardware by using Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). Not for Windows 2000.

As noted by Alexander Stohr in the comments:

  • WMIC can see policy based restrictions as well. (even if 'dir' will still do the job),
  • 'dir' is locale dependent.

How do I remove the "extended attributes" on a file in Mac OS X?

Try using:

xattr -rd directoryname

This takes care of recursively removing the pesky attribute everywhere.

Optional Parameters in Web Api Attribute Routing

For an incoming request like /v1/location/1234, as you can imagine it would be difficult for Web API to automatically figure out if the value of the segment corresponding to '1234' is related to appid and not to deviceid.

I think you should change your route template to be like [Route("v1/location/{deviceOrAppid?}", Name = "AddNewLocation")] and then parse the deiveOrAppid to figure out the type of id.

Also you need to make the segments in the route template itself optional otherwise the segments are considered as required. Note the ? character in this case. For example: [Route("v1/location/{deviceOrAppid?}", Name = "AddNewLocation")]

How do I set up Eclipse/EGit with GitHub?

Make sure your refs for pushing are correct. This tutorial is pretty great, right from the documentation:

You can clone directly from GitHub, you choose where you clone that repository. And when you import that repository to Eclipse, you choose what refspec to push into upstream.

Click on the Git Repository workspace view, and make sure your remote refs are valid. Make sure you are pointing to the right local branch and pushing to the correct remote branch.

Unable to connect to mongodb Error: couldn't connect to server at src/mongo/shell/mongo.js:L112

This is due to locking of Mongodb
sudo rm /var/lib/mongodb/mongod.lock
sudo service mongodb restart

Soft keyboard open and close listener in an activity in Android

"Jaap van Hengstum"'s answer is working for me, but there is no need to set "android:windowSoftInputMode" as he just said!

I've made it smaller(it now just detects what I want, actually an event on showing and hiding of keyboard):

private ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener keyboardLayoutListener = new ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener() {
    public void onGlobalLayout() {
        int heightDiff = rootLayout.getRootView().getHeight() - rootLayout.getHeight();
        int contentViewTop = getWindow().findViewById(Window.ID_ANDROID_CONTENT).getTop();
        if(heightDiff <= contentViewTop){
        } else {

private boolean keyboardListenersAttached = false;
private ViewGroup rootLayout;

protected void onShowKeyboard() {}
protected void onHideKeyboard() {}

protected void attachKeyboardListeners() {
    if (keyboardListenersAttached) {

    rootLayout = (ViewGroup) findViewById(;

    keyboardListenersAttached = true;

protected void onDestroy() {

    if (keyboardListenersAttached) {

and just don't forget to add this

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

ORA-01861: literal does not match format string

Just before executing the query: alter session set NLS_DATE_FORMAT = "DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS"; or whichever format you are giving the information to the date function. This should fix the ORA error

How to create a DateTime equal to 15 minutes ago? - datetime.timedelta(minutes=15)

Jquery change background color

The .css() function doesn't queue behind running animations, it's instantaneous.

To match the behaviour that you're after, you'd need to do the following:

$(document).ready(function() {
  $("button").mouseover(function() {
    var p = $("p#44.test").css("background-color", "yellow");
    p.queue(function() {
      p.css("background-color", "red");

The .queue() function waits for running animations to run out and then fires whatever's in the supplied function.

Is there any way to prevent input type="number" getting negative values?

If Number is Negative or Positive Using ES6’s Math.Sign_x000D_
const num = -8;_x000D_
// Old Way_x000D_
num === 0 ? num : (num > 0 ? 1 : -1); // -1_x000D_
// ES6 Way_x000D_
Math.sign(num); // -1

How to upload files in core?


public class FileService : IFileService
    private readonly IWebHostEnvironment env;

    public FileService(IWebHostEnvironment env)
        this.env = env;

    public string Upload(IFormFile file)
        var uploadDirecotroy = "uploads/";
        var uploadPath = Path.Combine(env.WebRootPath, uploadDirecotroy);

        if (!Directory.Exists(uploadPath))

        var fileName = Guid.NewGuid() + Path.GetExtension(file.FileName);
        var filePath = Path.Combine(uploadPath, fileName);

        using (var strem = File.Create(filePath))
        return fileName;


namespace studentapps.Services
    public interface IFileService
        string Upload(IFormFile file);


public IActionResult Create()
    var student = new StudentCreateVM();
    student.Colleges = dbContext.Colleges.ToList();
    return View(student);

public IActionResult Create([FromForm] StudentCreateVM vm)
    Student student = new Student()
        DisplayImage = vm.DisplayImage.FileName,
        Name = vm.Name,
        Roll_no = vm.Roll_no,
        CollegeId = vm.SelectedCollegeId,

    if (ModelState.IsValid)
        var fileName = fileService.Upload(vm.DisplayImage);
        student.DisplayImage = fileName;
        getpath = fileName;

        TempData["message"] = "Successfully Added";
    return RedirectToAction("Index");

How do I determine the dependencies of a .NET application?

ChkAsm will show you all the dependencies of a particular assembly at once, including the versions, and easily let you search for assemblies in the list. Works much better for this purpose than ILSpy (, which is what I used to use for this task.

pySerial write() won't take my string

You have found the root cause. Alternately do like this:


How to insert close button in popover for Bootstrap

Sticky on hover, HTML:

<a href="javascript:;" data-toggle="popover" data-content="Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus." title="Lorem Ipsum">...</a>


$('[data-toggle=popover]').hover(function(e) {
  if( !$(".popover").is(':visible') ) {
      var el = this;
      $(".popover > h3").append('<span class="close icon icon-remove"></span>')
                        .find('.close').on('click', function(e) {

Removing duplicate objects with Underscore for Javascript

Try iterator function

For example you can return first element

x = [['a',1],['b',2],['a',1]]


   return i[0]   //'a','b'


=> [['a',1],['b',2]]

sql query to return differences between two tables

For a simple smoke test where you you're trying to ensure two tables match w/out worrying about column names:

--ensure tables have matching records
Select count (*) from tbl_A
Select count (*) from tbl_B

--create temp table of all records in both tables
Select * into #demo from tbl_A 
Union All
Select * from tbl_B

--Distinct #demo records = Total #demo records/2 = Total tbl_A records = total tbl_B records
Select distinct * from #demo 

You can easily write a store procedure to compare a batch of tables.

invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'char*'

Well, data.str().c_str() yields a char const* but your function Printfunc() wants to have char*s. Based on the name, it doesn't change the arguments but merely prints them and/or uses them to name a file, in which case you should probably fix your declaration to be

void Printfunc(int a, char const* loc, char const* stream)

The alternative might be to turn the char const* into a char* but fixing the declaration is preferable:

Printfunc(num, addr, const_cast<char*>(data.str().c_str()));

How to generate a random string of a fixed length in Go?

Paul's solution provides a simple, general solution.

The question asks for the "the fastest and simplest way". Let's address the fastest part too. We'll arrive at our final, fastest code in an iterative manner. Benchmarking each iteration can be found at the end of the answer.

All the solutions and the benchmarking code can be found on the Go Playground. The code on the Playground is a test file, not an executable. You have to save it into a file named XX_test.go and run it with

go test -bench . -benchmem


The fastest solution is not a go-to solution if you just need a random string. For that, Paul's solution is perfect. This is if performance does matter. Although the first 2 steps (Bytes and Remainder) might be an acceptable compromise: they do improve performance by like 50% (see exact numbers in the II. Benchmark section), and they don't increase complexity significantly.

Having said that, even if you don't need the fastest solution, reading through this answer might be adventurous and educational.

I. Improvements

1. Genesis (Runes)

As a reminder, the original, general solution we're improving is this:

func init() {

var letterRunes = []rune("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")

func RandStringRunes(n int) string {
    b := make([]rune, n)
    for i := range b {
        b[i] = letterRunes[rand.Intn(len(letterRunes))]
    return string(b)

2. Bytes

If the characters to choose from and assemble the random string contains only the uppercase and lowercase letters of the English alphabet, we can work with bytes only because the English alphabet letters map to bytes 1-to-1 in the UTF-8 encoding (which is how Go stores strings).

So instead of:

var letters = []rune("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")

we can use:

var letters = []bytes("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")

Or even better:

const letters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"

Now this is already a big improvement: we could achieve it to be a const (there are string constants but there are no slice constants). As an extra gain, the expression len(letters) will also be a const! (The expression len(s) is constant if s is a string constant.)

And at what cost? Nothing at all. strings can be indexed which indexes its bytes, perfect, exactly what we want.

Our next destination looks like this:

const letterBytes = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"

func RandStringBytes(n int) string {
    b := make([]byte, n)
    for i := range b {
        b[i] = letterBytes[rand.Intn(len(letterBytes))]
    return string(b)

3. Remainder

Previous solutions get a random number to designate a random letter by calling rand.Intn() which delegates to Rand.Intn() which delegates to Rand.Int31n().

This is much slower compared to rand.Int63() which produces a random number with 63 random bits.

So we could simply call rand.Int63() and use the remainder after dividing by len(letterBytes):

func RandStringBytesRmndr(n int) string {
    b := make([]byte, n)
    for i := range b {
        b[i] = letterBytes[rand.Int63() % int64(len(letterBytes))]
    return string(b)

This works and is significantly faster, the disadvantage is that the probability of all the letters will not be exactly the same (assuming rand.Int63() produces all 63-bit numbers with equal probability). Although the distortion is extremely small as the number of letters 52 is much-much smaller than 1<<63 - 1, so in practice this is perfectly fine.

To make this understand easier: let's say you want a random number in the range of 0..5. Using 3 random bits, this would produce the numbers 0..1 with double probability than from the range 2..5. Using 5 random bits, numbers in range 0..1 would occur with 6/32 probability and numbers in range 2..5 with 5/32 probability which is now closer to the desired. Increasing the number of bits makes this less significant, when reaching 63 bits, it is negligible.

4. Masking

Building on the previous solution, we can maintain the equal distribution of letters by using only as many of the lowest bits of the random number as many is required to represent the number of letters. So for example if we have 52 letters, it requires 6 bits to represent it: 52 = 110100b. So we will only use the lowest 6 bits of the number returned by rand.Int63(). And to maintain equal distribution of letters, we only "accept" the number if it falls in the range 0..len(letterBytes)-1. If the lowest bits are greater, we discard it and query a new random number.

Note that the chance of the lowest bits to be greater than or equal to len(letterBytes) is less than 0.5 in general (0.25 on average), which means that even if this would be the case, repeating this "rare" case decreases the chance of not finding a good number. After n repetition, the chance that we still don't have a good index is much less than pow(0.5, n), and this is just an upper estimation. In case of 52 letters the chance that the 6 lowest bits are not good is only (64-52)/64 = 0.19; which means for example that chances to not have a good number after 10 repetition is 1e-8.

So here is the solution:

const letterBytes = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
const (
    letterIdxBits = 6                    // 6 bits to represent a letter index
    letterIdxMask = 1<<letterIdxBits - 1 // All 1-bits, as many as letterIdxBits

func RandStringBytesMask(n int) string {
    b := make([]byte, n)
    for i := 0; i < n; {
        if idx := int(rand.Int63() & letterIdxMask); idx < len(letterBytes) {
            b[i] = letterBytes[idx]
    return string(b)

5. Masking Improved

The previous solution only uses the lowest 6 bits of the 63 random bits returned by rand.Int63(). This is a waste as getting the random bits is the slowest part of our algorithm.

If we have 52 letters, that means 6 bits code a letter index. So 63 random bits can designate 63/6 = 10 different letter indices. Let's use all those 10:

const letterBytes = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
const (
    letterIdxBits = 6                    // 6 bits to represent a letter index
    letterIdxMask = 1<<letterIdxBits - 1 // All 1-bits, as many as letterIdxBits
    letterIdxMax  = 63 / letterIdxBits   // # of letter indices fitting in 63 bits

func RandStringBytesMaskImpr(n int) string {
    b := make([]byte, n)
    // A rand.Int63() generates 63 random bits, enough for letterIdxMax letters!
    for i, cache, remain := n-1, rand.Int63(), letterIdxMax; i >= 0; {
        if remain == 0 {
            cache, remain = rand.Int63(), letterIdxMax
        if idx := int(cache & letterIdxMask); idx < len(letterBytes) {
            b[i] = letterBytes[idx]
        cache >>= letterIdxBits

    return string(b)

6. Source

The Masking Improved is pretty good, not much we can improve on it. We could, but not worth the complexity.

Now let's find something else to improve. The source of random numbers.

There is a crypto/rand package which provides a Read(b []byte) function, so we could use that to get as many bytes with a single call as many we need. This wouldn't help in terms of performance as crypto/rand implements a cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator so it's much slower.

So let's stick to the math/rand package. The rand.Rand uses a rand.Source as the source of random bits. rand.Source is an interface which specifies a Int63() int64 method: exactly and the only thing we needed and used in our latest solution.

So we don't really need a rand.Rand (either explicit or the global, shared one of the rand package), a rand.Source is perfectly enough for us:

var src = rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())

func RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(n int) string {
    b := make([]byte, n)
    // A src.Int63() generates 63 random bits, enough for letterIdxMax characters!
    for i, cache, remain := n-1, src.Int63(), letterIdxMax; i >= 0; {
        if remain == 0 {
            cache, remain = src.Int63(), letterIdxMax
        if idx := int(cache & letterIdxMask); idx < len(letterBytes) {
            b[i] = letterBytes[idx]
        cache >>= letterIdxBits

    return string(b)

Also note that this last solution doesn't require you to initialize (seed) the global Rand of the math/rand package as that is not used (and our rand.Source is properly initialized / seeded).

One more thing to note here: package doc of math/rand states:

The default Source is safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines.

So the default source is slower than a Source that may be obtained by rand.NewSource(), because the default source has to provide safety under concurrent access / use, while rand.NewSource() does not offer this (and thus the Source returned by it is more likely to be faster).

7. Utilizing strings.Builder

All previous solutions return a string whose content is first built in a slice ([]rune in Genesis, and []byte in subsequent solutions), and then converted to string. This final conversion has to make a copy of the slice's content, because string values are immutable, and if the conversion would not make a copy, it could not be guaranteed that the string's content is not modified via its original slice. For details, see How to convert utf8 string to []byte? and golang: []byte(string) vs []byte(*string).

Go 1.10 introduced strings.Builder. strings.Builder is a new type we can use to build contents of a string similar to bytes.Buffer. Internally it uses a []byte to build the content, and when we're done, we can obtain the final string value using its Builder.String() method. But what's cool in it is that it does this without performing the copy we just talked about above. It dares to do so because the byte slice used to build the string's content is not exposed, so it is guaranteed that no one can modify it unintentionally or maliciously to alter the produced "immutable" string.

So our next idea is to not build the random string in a slice, but with the help of a strings.Builder, so once we're done, we can obtain and return the result without having to make a copy of it. This may help in terms of speed, and it will definitely help in terms of memory usage and allocations.

func RandStringBytesMaskImprSrcSB(n int) string {
    sb := strings.Builder{}
    // A src.Int63() generates 63 random bits, enough for letterIdxMax characters!
    for i, cache, remain := n-1, src.Int63(), letterIdxMax; i >= 0; {
        if remain == 0 {
            cache, remain = src.Int63(), letterIdxMax
        if idx := int(cache & letterIdxMask); idx < len(letterBytes) {
        cache >>= letterIdxBits

    return sb.String()

Do note that after creating a new strings.Buidler, we called its Builder.Grow() method, making sure it allocates a big-enough internal slice (to avoid reallocations as we add the random letters).

8. "Mimicing" strings.Builder with package unsafe

strings.Builder builds the string in an internal []byte, the same as we did ourselves. So basically doing it via a strings.Builder has some overhead, the only thing we switched to strings.Builder for is to avoid the final copying of the slice.

strings.Builder avoids the final copy by using package unsafe:

// String returns the accumulated string.
func (b *Builder) String() string {
    return *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&b.buf))

The thing is, we can also do this ourselves, too. So the idea here is to switch back to building the random string in a []byte, but when we're done, don't convert it to string to return, but do an unsafe conversion: obtain a string which points to our byte slice as the string data.

This is how it can be done:

func RandStringBytesMaskImprSrcUnsafe(n int) string {
    b := make([]byte, n)
    // A src.Int63() generates 63 random bits, enough for letterIdxMax characters!
    for i, cache, remain := n-1, src.Int63(), letterIdxMax; i >= 0; {
        if remain == 0 {
            cache, remain = src.Int63(), letterIdxMax
        if idx := int(cache & letterIdxMask); idx < len(letterBytes) {
            b[i] = letterBytes[idx]
        cache >>= letterIdxBits

    return *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&b))

(9. Using rand.Read())

Go 1.7 added a rand.Read() function and a Rand.Read() method. We should be tempted to use these to read as many bytes as we need in one step, in order to achieve better performance.

There is one small "problem" with this: how many bytes do we need? We could say: as many as the number of output letters. We would think this is an upper estimation, as a letter index uses less than 8 bits (1 byte). But at this point we are already doing worse (as getting the random bits is the "hard part"), and we're getting more than needed.

Also note that to maintain equal distribution of all letter indices, there might be some "garbage" random data that we won't be able to use, so we would end up skipping some data, and thus end up short when we go through all the byte slice. We would need to further get more random bytes, "recursively". And now we're even losing the "single call to rand package" advantage...

We could "somewhat" optimize the usage of the random data we acquire from math.Rand(). We may estimate how many bytes (bits) we'll need. 1 letter requires letterIdxBits bits, and we need n letters, so we need n * letterIdxBits / 8.0 bytes rounding up. We can calculate the probability of a random index not being usable (see above), so we could request more that will "more likely" be enough (if it turns out it's not, we repeat the process). We can process the byte slice as a "bit stream" for example, for which we have a nice 3rd party lib: (disclosure: I'm the author).

But Benchmark code still shows we're not winning. Why is it so?

The answer to the last question is because rand.Read() uses a loop and keeps calling Source.Int63() until it fills the passed slice. Exactly what the RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc() solution does, without the intermediate buffer, and without the added complexity. That's why RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc() remains on the throne. Yes, RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc() uses an unsynchronized rand.Source unlike rand.Read(). But the reasoning still applies; and which is proven if we use Rand.Read() instead of rand.Read() (the former is also unsynchronzed).

II. Benchmark

All right, it's time for benchmarking the different solutions.

Moment of truth:

BenchmarkRunes-4                     2000000    723 ns/op   96 B/op   2 allocs/op
BenchmarkBytes-4                     3000000    550 ns/op   32 B/op   2 allocs/op
BenchmarkBytesRmndr-4                3000000    438 ns/op   32 B/op   2 allocs/op
BenchmarkBytesMask-4                 3000000    534 ns/op   32 B/op   2 allocs/op
BenchmarkBytesMaskImpr-4            10000000    176 ns/op   32 B/op   2 allocs/op
BenchmarkBytesMaskImprSrc-4         10000000    139 ns/op   32 B/op   2 allocs/op
BenchmarkBytesMaskImprSrcSB-4       10000000    134 ns/op   16 B/op   1 allocs/op
BenchmarkBytesMaskImprSrcUnsafe-4   10000000    115 ns/op   16 B/op   1 allocs/op

Just by switching from runes to bytes, we immediately have 24% performance gain, and memory requirement drops to one third.

Getting rid of rand.Intn() and using rand.Int63() instead gives another 20% boost.

Masking (and repeating in case of big indices) slows down a little (due to repetition calls): -22%...

But when we make use of all (or most) of the 63 random bits (10 indices from one rand.Int63() call): that speeds up big time: 3 times.

If we settle with a (non-default, new) rand.Source instead of rand.Rand, we again gain 21%.

If we utilize strings.Builder, we gain a tiny 3.5% in speed, but we also achieved 50% reduction in memory usage and allocations! That's nice!

Finally if we dare to use package unsafe instead of strings.Builder, we again gain a nice 14%.

Comparing the final to the initial solution: RandStringBytesMaskImprSrcUnsafe() is 6.3 times faster than RandStringRunes(), uses one sixth memory and half as few allocations. Mission accomplished.

jQuery - Getting the text value of a table cell in the same row as a clicked element

it should work fine:

var Something = $(this).children("td:nth-child(n)").text();

Can I set subject/content of email using mailto:?

If you want to add html content to your email, url encode your html code for the message body and include it in your mailto link code, but trouble is you can't set the type of the email from this link from plaintext to html, the client using the link needs their mail client to send html emails by default. In case you want to test here is the code for a simple mailto link, with an image wrapped in a link (angular style urls added for visibility):

<a href="mailto:?body=%3Ca%20href%3D%22{{ scope.url }}%22%3E%3Cimg%20src%3D%22{{ scope.url }}%22%20width%3D%22300%22%20%2F%3E%3C%2Fa%3E">

The html tags are url encoded.

Python, how to read bytes from file and save it?

Use the open function to open the file. The open function returns a file object, which you can use the read and write to files:

file_input = open('input.txt') #opens a file in reading mode
file_output = open('output.txt') #opens a file in writing mode

data = #read 1024 bytes from the input file
file_output.write(data) #write the data to the output file

How to set the java.library.path from Eclipse

Another solution would be to open the 'run configuration' and then in the 'Environment' tab, set the couple {Path,Value}.

For instance to add a 'lib' directory located at the root of the project,

    Path  <-  ${workspace_loc:name_of_the_project}\lib

Is it possible to import modules from all files in a directory, using a wildcard?

If you are using webpack. This imports files automatically and exports as api namespace.

So no need to update on every file addition.

import camelCase from "lodash-es";
const requireModule = require.context("./", false, /\.js$/); // 
const api = {};

requireModule.keys().forEach(fileName => {
  if (fileName === "./index.js") return;
  const moduleName = camelCase(fileName.replace(/(\.\/|\.js)/g, ""));
  api[moduleName] = {

export default api;

For Typescript users;

import { camelCase } from "lodash-es"
const requireModule = require.context("./folderName", false, /\.ts$/)

interface LooseObject {
  [key: string]: any

const api: LooseObject = {}

requireModule.keys().forEach(fileName => {
  if (fileName === "./index.ts") return
  const moduleName = camelCase(fileName.replace(/(\.\/|\.ts)/g, ""))
  api[moduleName] = {

export default api

How Can I Override Style Info from a CSS Class in the Body of a Page?

  • Id's are prior to classnames.
  • Tag attribue 'style=' is prior to CSS selectors.
  • !important word is prior to first two rules.
  • More specific CSS selectors are prior to less specific. More specific will be applied.

for example:

  • .divclass .spanclass is more specific than .spanclass
  • .divclass.divclass is more specific than .divclass
  • #divId .spanclass has ID that's why it is more specific than .divClass .spanClass
  • <div id="someDiv" style="color:red;"> has attribute and beats #someDiv{color:blue}
  • style: #someDiv{color:blue!important} will be applied over attribute style="color:red"

How to handle onchange event on input type=file in jQuery?

Try to use this:


<input ID="fileUpload1" runat="server" type="file">


$("#fileUpload1").on('change',function() {


What is the (best) way to manage permissions for Docker shared volumes?

Here's an approach that still uses a data-only container but doesn't require it to be synced with the application container (in terms of having the same uid/gid).

Presumably, you want to run some app in the container as a non-root $USER without a login shell.

In the Dockerfile:

RUN useradd -s /bin/false myuser

# Set environment variables
ENV USER myuser



Then, in

su -s /bin/bash - $USER -c "cd $repo/build; $@"

Command to get latest Git commit hash from a branch

git log -n 1 [branch_name]

branch_name (may be remote or local branch) is optional. Without branch_name, it will show the latest commit on the current branch.

For example:

git log -n 1
git log -n 1 origin/master
git log -n 1 some_local_branch

git log -n 1 --pretty=format:"%H"  #To get only hash value of commit

Convert International String to \u Codes in java

You could use escapeJavaStyleString from org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils.

Can you force a React component to rerender without calling setState?

In your component, you can call this.forceUpdate() to force a rerender.


Create two blank lines in Markdown

I test on a lot of Markdown implementations. The non-breaking space ASCII character &nbsp; (followed by a blank line) would give a blank line. Repeating this pair would do the job. So far I haven't failed any.




For example:  













Cannot get OpenCV to compile because of undefined references?

For me, this type of error:

mingw-w64-x86_64/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/8.2.0/../../../../x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin/ld: mingw-w64-x86_64/x86_64-w64-mingw32/lib/libTransform360.a(VideoFrameTransform.cpp.obj):VideoFrameTransform.cpp:(.text+0xc7c):
undefined reference to `cv::Mat::Mat(cv::Mat const&, cv::Rect_<int> const&)'

meant load order, I had to do -lTransform360 -lopencv_dnn345 -lopencv... just like that, that order. And putting them right next to each other helped too, don't put -lTransform360 all the way at the beginning...or you'll get, for some freaky reason:

undefined reference to `VideoFrameTransform_new'
undefined reference to `VideoFrameTransform_generateMapForPlane'


How to filter by object property in angularJS

You can try this. its working for me 'name' is a property in arr.

repeat="item in (tagWordOptions | filter:{ name: $ } ) track by $index

Box shadow in IE7 and IE8

use this for fixing issue with shadow box

filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.dropShadow (OffX='2', OffY='2', Color='#F13434', Positive='true');

Recommended way to save uploaded files in a servlet application

Store it anywhere in an accessible location except of the IDE's project folder aka the server's deploy folder, for reasons mentioned in the answer to Uploaded image only available after refreshing the page:

  1. Changes in the IDE's project folder does not immediately get reflected in the server's work folder. There's kind of a background job in the IDE which takes care that the server's work folder get synced with last updates (this is in IDE terms called "publishing"). This is the main cause of the problem you're seeing.

  2. In real world code there are circumstances where storing uploaded files in the webapp's deploy folder will not work at all. Some servers do (either by default or by configuration) not expand the deployed WAR file into the local disk file system, but instead fully in the memory. You can't create new files in the memory without basically editing the deployed WAR file and redeploying it.

  3. Even when the server expands the deployed WAR file into the local disk file system, all newly created files will get lost on a redeploy or even a simple restart, simply because those new files are not part of the original WAR file.

It really doesn't matter to me or anyone else where exactly on the local disk file system it will be saved, as long as you do not ever use getRealPath() method. Using that method is in any case alarming.

The path to the storage location can in turn be definied in many ways. You have to do it all by yourself. Perhaps this is where your confusion is caused because you somehow expected that the server does that all automagically. Please note that @MultipartConfig(location) does not specify the final upload destination, but the temporary storage location for the case file size exceeds memory storage threshold.

So, the path to the final storage location can be definied in either of the following ways:

  • Hardcoded:

      File uploads = new File("/path/to/uploads");
  • Environment variable via SET UPLOAD_LOCATION=/path/to/uploads:

      File uploads = new File(System.getenv("UPLOAD_LOCATION"));
  • VM argument during server startup via -Dupload.location="/path/to/uploads":

      File uploads = new File(System.getProperty("upload.location"));
  • *.properties file entry as upload.location=/path/to/uploads:

      File uploads = new File(properties.getProperty("upload.location"));
  • web.xml <context-param> with name upload.location and value /path/to/uploads:

      File uploads = new File(getServletContext().getInitParameter("upload.location"));
  • If any, use the server-provided location, e.g. in JBoss AS/WildFly:

      File uploads = new File(System.getProperty(""), "uploads");

Either way, you can easily reference and save the file as follows:

File file = new File(uploads, "somefilename.ext");

try (InputStream input = part.getInputStream()) {
    Files.copy(input, file.toPath());

Or, when you want to autogenerate an unique file name to prevent users from overwriting existing files with coincidentally the same name:

File file = File.createTempFile("somefilename-", ".ext", uploads);

try (InputStream input = part.getInputStream()) {
    Files.copy(input, file.toPath(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);

How to obtain part in JSP/Servlet is answered in How to upload files to server using JSP/Servlet? and how to obtain part in JSF is answered in How to upload file using JSF 2.2 <h:inputFile>? Where is the saved File?

Note: do not use Part#write() as it interprets the path relative to the temporary storage location defined in @MultipartConfig(location).

See also:

How to check the exit status using an if statement

Note that exit codes != 0 are used to report error. So, it's better to do:

if [ $retVal -ne 0 ]; then
    echo "Error"
exit $retVal

instead of

# will fail for error codes > 1
if [ $retVal -eq 1 ]; then
    echo "Error"
exit $retVal

JDK was not found on the computer for NetBeans 6.5

You have to either provide JAVA_HOME environment variable which points to the JDK location or as it says, you can run the installer from the command line passing JDK address through its -javahome argument like this:

C:> <NetBeans_Installer_Name> -javahome <JDK-PATH>

You must also make sure that your installed JDK is the Windows 64-bit version of the program. This is the download link for JDK6U37:

SSRS custom number format

am assuming that you want to know how to format numbers in SSRS

Just right click the TextBox on which you want to apply formatting, go to its expression.

suppose its expression is something like below


then do this




difference between the two is that former one would make 4 as 4 and later one would make 4 as 04.00

this should give you an idea.

also: you might have to convert your field into a numerical one. i.e.


so: 0 in format expression means, when no number is present, place a 0 there and # means when no number is present, leave it. Both of them works same when numbers are present ie. 45.6567 would be 45.65 for both of them:


if you want to apply variable formatting on the same column based on row values i.e. you want myField to have no formatting when it has no decimal value but formatting with double precision when it has decimal then you can do it through logic. (though you should not be doing so)

Go to the appropriate textbox and go to its expression and do this:

=IIF((Fields!myField.Value - CInt(Fields!myField.Value)) > 0, 
    Format(Fields!myField.Value, "##.##"),Fields!myField.Value)

so basically you are using IIF(condition, true,false) operator of SSRS, ur condition is to check whether the number has decimal value, if it has, you apply the formatting and if no, you let it as it is.

this should give you an idea, how to handle variable formatting.

Items in JSON object are out of order using "json.dumps"?

in JSON, as in Javascript, order of object keys is meaningless, so it really doesn't matter what order they're displayed in, it is the same object.

Python: How to convert datetime format?

>>> import datetime
>>> d = datetime.datetime.strptime('2011-06-09', '%Y-%m-%d')
>>> d.strftime('%b %d,%Y')
'Jun 09,2011'

In pre-2.5 Python, you can replace datetime.strptime with time.strptime, like so (untested): datetime.datetime(*(time.strptime('2011-06-09', '%Y-%m-%d')[0:6]))

copy from one database to another using oracle sql developer - connection failed

The copy command is a SQL*Plus command (not a SQL Developer command). If you have your tnsname entries setup for SID1 and SID2 (e.g. try a tnsping), you should be able to execute your command.

Another assumption is that table1 has the same columns as the message_table (and the columns have only the following data types: CHAR, DATE, LONG, NUMBER or VARCHAR2). Also, with an insert command, you would need to be concerned about primary keys (e.g. that you are not inserting duplicate records).

I tried a variation of your command as follows in SQL*Plus (with no errors):

copy from scott/tiger@db1 to scott/tiger@db2 create new_emp using select * from emp;

After I executed the above statement, I also truncate the new_emp table and executed this command:

copy from scott/tiger@db1 to scott/tiger@db2 insert new_emp using select * from emp;

With SQL Developer, you could do the following to perform a similar approach to copying objects:

  1. On the tool bar, select Tools>Database copy.

  2. Identify source and destination connections with the copy options you would like. enter image description here

  3. For object type, select table(s). enter image description here

  4. Specify the specific table(s) (e.g. table1). enter image description here

The copy command approach is old and its features are not being updated with the release of new data types. There are a number of more current approaches to this like Oracle's data pump (even for tables).

How do I check if a Socket is currently connected in Java?

  • socket.isConnected() returns always true once the client connects (and even after the disconnect) weird !!
  • socket.getInputStream().read()
    • makes the thread wait for input as long as the client is connected and therefore makes your program not do anything - except if you get some input
    • returns -1 if the client disconnected
  • socket.getInetAddress().isReachable(int timeout): From isReachable(int timeout)

    Test whether that address is reachable. Best effort is made by the implementation to try to reach the host, but firewalls and server configuration may block requests resulting in a unreachable status while some specific ports may be accessible. A typical implementation will use ICMP ECHO REQUESTs if the privilege can be obtained, otherwise it will try to establish a TCP connection on port 7 (Echo) of the destination host.

Counting lines, words, and characters within a text file using Python

file__IO = input('\nEnter file name here to analize with path:: ')
with open(file__IO, 'r') as f:
    data =
    line = data.splitlines()
    words = data.split()
    spaces = data.split(" ")
    charc = (len(data) - len(spaces))

    print('\n Line number ::', len(line), '\n Words number ::', len(words), '\n Spaces ::', len(spaces), '\n Charecters ::', (len(data)-len(spaces)))

I tried this code & it works as expected.

javascript convert int to float

JavaScript only has a Number type that stores floating point values.

There is no int.


If you want to format the number as a string with two digits after the decimal point use:


Append to the end of a Char array in C++

If you are not allowed to use C++'s string class (which is terrible teaching C++ imho), a raw, safe array version would look something like this.

#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>

int main()
    char array1[] ="The dog jumps ";
    char array2[] = "over the log";
    char * newArray = new char[std::strlen(array1)+std::strlen(array2)+1];
    std::cout << newArray << std::endl;
    delete [] newArray;
    return 0;

This assures you have enough space in the array you're doing the concatenation to, without assuming some predefined MAX_SIZE. The only requirement is that your strings are null-terminated, which is usually the case unless you're doing some weird fixed-size string hacking.

Edit, a safe version with the "enough buffer space" assumption:

#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>

int main()
    const unsigned BUFFER_SIZE = 50;
    char array1[BUFFER_SIZE];
    std::strncpy(array1, "The dog jumps ", BUFFER_SIZE-1); //-1 for null-termination
    char array2[] = "over the log";
    std::strncat(array1,array2,BUFFER_SIZE-strlen(array1)-1); //-1 for null-termination
    std::cout << array1 << std::endl;
    return 0;

Encrypt & Decrypt using PyCrypto AES 256

For someone who would like to use urlsafe_b64encode and urlsafe_b64decode, here are the version that're working for me (after spending some time with the unicode issue)

BS = 16
key = hashlib.md5(settings.SECRET_KEY).hexdigest()[:BS]
pad = lambda s: s + (BS - len(s) % BS) * chr(BS - len(s) % BS)
unpad = lambda s : s[:-ord(s[len(s)-1:])]

class AESCipher:
    def __init__(self, key):
        self.key = key

    def encrypt(self, raw):
        raw = pad(raw)
        iv =
        cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
        return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(iv + cipher.encrypt(raw)) 

    def decrypt(self, enc):
        enc = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(enc.encode('utf-8'))
        iv = enc[:BS]
        cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
        return unpad(cipher.decrypt(enc[BS:]))

How to check if another instance of my shell script is running

I find the answer from @Austin Phillips is spot on. One small improvement I'd do is to add -o (to ignore the pid of the script itself) and match for the script with basename (ie same code can be put into any script):

if pidof -x "`basename $0`" -o $$ >/dev/null; then
    echo "Process already running"

Using sed, Insert a line above or below the pattern?

Insert a new verse after the given verse in your stanza:

sed -i '/^lorem ipsum dolor sit amet$/ s:$:\nconsectetur adipiscing elit:' FILE

Updating a dataframe column in spark

Commonly when updating a column, we want to map an old value to a new value. Here's a way to do that in pyspark without UDF's:

# update df[update_col], mapping old_value --> new_value
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
df = df.withColumn(update_col,

Best practice to return errors in ASP.NET Web API

For those errors where modelstate.isvalid is false, I generally send the error as it is thrown by the code. Its easy to understand for the developer who is consuming my service. I generally send the result using below code.

     if(!ModelState.IsValid) {
                List<string> errorlist=new List<string>();
                foreach (var value in ModelState.Values)
                    foreach(var error in value.Errors)
                    errorlist.Add( error.Exception.ToString());
                HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest,errorlist);}

This sends the error to the client in below format which is basically a list of errors:

    "Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException: **Could not convert string to integer: abc. Path 'Country',** line 6, position 16.\r\n   
at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.ReadAsInt32Internal()\r\n   
at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ReadAsInt32()\r\n   
at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.ReadForType(JsonReader reader, JsonContract contract, Boolean hasConverter, Boolean inArray)\r\n   
at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.PopulateObject(Object newObject, JsonReader reader, JsonObjectContract contract, JsonProperty member, String id)",

       "Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException: **Could not convert string to integer: ab. Path 'State'**, line 7, position 13.\r\n   
at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.ReadAsInt32Internal()\r\n   
at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ReadAsInt32()\r\n   
at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.ReadForType(JsonReader reader, JsonContract contract, Boolean hasConverter, Boolean inArray)\r\n   
at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.PopulateObject(Object newObject, JsonReader reader, JsonObjectContract contract, JsonProperty member, String id)"

C# generic list <T> how to get the type of T?

Given an object which I suspect to be some kind of IList<>, how can I determine of what it's an IList<>?

Here's the gutsy solution. It assumes you have the actual object to test (rather than a Type).

public static Type ListOfWhat(Object list)
    return ListOfWhat2((dynamic)list);

private static Type ListOfWhat2<T>(IList<T> list)
    return typeof(T);

Example usage:

object value = new ObservableCollection<DateTime>();



Count how many rows have the same value





How to add colored border on cardview?

I would like to improve the solution proposed by Amit. I'm utilizing the given resources without adding additional shapes or Views. I'm giving CardView a background color and then nested layout, white color to overprint yet with some leftMargin...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <!-- The left margin decides the width of the border -->


            android:text="Title" />

            android:text="Content here" />



RegExp matching string not starting with my


(?!expression) is a negative lookahead; it matches a position where expression doesn't match starting at that position.

HTML input file selection event not firing upon selecting the same file

In this article, under the title "Using form input for selecting"

<input type="file" id="files" name="files[]" multiple />

function handleFileSelect(evt) {

    var files =; // FileList object

    // files is a FileList of File objects. List some properties.
    var output = [];
    for (var i = 0, f; f = files[i]; i++) {
     // Code to execute for every file selected
    // Code to execute after that



It adds an event listener to 'change', but I tested it and it triggers even if you choose the same file and not if you cancel.

Can I set the cookies to be used by a WKWebView?

I have tried all of the answers above but none of them work. After so many attempts I've finally found a reliable way to set WKWebview cookie.

First you have to create an instance of WKProcessPool and set it to the WKWebViewConfiguration that is to be used to initialize the WkWebview itself:

    private lazy var mainWebView: WKWebView = {
        let webConfiguration = WKWebViewConfiguration()
        webConfiguration.processPool = WKProcessPool()
        let webView = WKWebView(frame: .zero, configuration: webConfiguration)
        webView.navigationDelegate = self
        return webView

Setting WKProcessPool is the most important step here. WKWebview makes use of process isolation - which means it runs on a different process than the process of your app. This can sometimes cause conflict and prevent your cookie from being synced properly with the WKWebview.

Now let's look at the definition of WKProcessPool

The process pool associated with a web view is specified by its web view configuration. Each web view is given its own Web Content process until an implementation-defined process limit is reached; after that, web views with the same process pool end up sharing Web Content processes.

Pay attention to the last sentence if you plan to use the same WKWebview for subsequence requests

web views with the same process pool end up sharing Web Content processes

what I means is that if you don't use the same instance of WKProcessPool each time you configure a WKWebView for the same domain (maybe you have a VC A that contains a WKWebView and you want to create different instances of VC A in different places), there can be conflict setting cookies. To solve the problem, after the first creation of the WKProcessPool for a WKWebView that loads domain B, I save it in a singleton and use that same WKProcessPool every time I have to create a WKWebView that loads the same domain B

private lazy var mainWebView: WKWebView = {
    let webConfiguration = WKWebViewConfiguration()
    if Enviroment.shared.processPool == nil {
        Enviroment.shared.processPool = WKProcessPool()
    webConfiguration.processPool = Enviroment.shared.processPool!
    webConfiguration.processPool = WKProcessPool()
    let webView = WKWebView(frame: .zero, configuration: webConfiguration)
    webView.navigationDelegate = self
    return webView

After the initialization process, you can load an URLRequest inside the completion block of httpCookieStore.setCookie. Here, you have to attach the cookie to the request header otherwise it won't work.

P/s: I stole the extension from the fantastic answer above by Dan Loewenherz

mainWebView.configuration.websiteDataStore.httpCookieStore.setCookie(your_cookie) {
        self.mainWebView.load(your_request, with: [your_cookie])

extension WKWebView {
   func load(_ request: URLRequest, with cookies: [HTTPCookie]) {
      var request = request
      let headers = HTTPCookie.requestHeaderFields(with: cookies)
      for (name, value) in headers {
         request.addValue(value, forHTTPHeaderField: name)

Responsive css background images

I think, the best way to do it is this:

body {
    font-family: Arial,Verdana,sans-serif;
    background:url("/images/image.jpg") no-repeat fixed bottom right transparent;

In this way there's no need to do nothing more and it's quite simple.

At least, it works for me.

I hope it helps.

Convert IEnumerable to DataTable

Firstly you need to add a where T:class constraint - you can't call GetValue on value types unless they're passed by ref.

Secondly GetValue is very slow and gets called a lot.

To get round this we can create a delegate and call that instead:

MethodInfo method = property.GetGetMethod(true);
Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<TClass, TProperty>), method );

The problem is that we don't know TProperty, but as usual on here Jon Skeet has the answer - we can use reflection to retrieve the getter delegate, but once we have it we don't need to reflect again:

public class ReflectionUtility
    internal static Func<object, object> GetGetter(PropertyInfo property)
        // get the get method for the property
        MethodInfo method = property.GetGetMethod(true);

        // get the generic get-method generator (ReflectionUtility.GetSetterHelper<TTarget, TValue>)
        MethodInfo genericHelper = typeof(ReflectionUtility).GetMethod(
            BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);

        // reflection call to the generic get-method generator to generate the type arguments
        MethodInfo constructedHelper = genericHelper.MakeGenericMethod(

        // now call it. The null argument is because it's a static method.
        object ret = constructedHelper.Invoke(null, new object[] { method });

        // cast the result to the action delegate and return it
        return (Func<object, object>) ret;

    static Func<object, object> GetGetterHelper<TTarget, TResult>(MethodInfo method)
        where TTarget : class // target must be a class as property sets on structs need a ref param
        // Convert the slow MethodInfo into a fast, strongly typed, open delegate
        Func<TTarget, TResult> func = (Func<TTarget, TResult>) Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<TTarget, TResult>), method);

        // Now create a more weakly typed delegate which will call the strongly typed one
        Func<object, object> ret = (object target) => (TResult) func((TTarget) target);
        return ret;

So now your method becomes:

public static DataTable ToDataTable<T>(this IEnumerable<T> items) 
    where T: class
    // ... create table the same way

    var propGetters = new List<Func<T, object>>();
foreach (var prop in props)
        Func<T, object> func = (Func<T, object>) ReflectionUtility.GetGetter(prop);

    // Add the property values per T as rows to the datatable
    foreach (var item in items) 
        var values = new object[props.Length];  
        for (var i = 0; i < props.Length; i++) 
            //values[i] = props[i].GetValue(item, null);   
            values[i] = propGetters[i](item);


    return table; 

You could further optimise it by storing the getters for each type in a static dictionary, then you will only have the reflection overhead once for each type.

PHPMyAdmin Default login password

I just installed Fedora 16 (yea, I know it's old and not supported but, I had the CD burnt :) )

Anyway, coming to the solution, this is what I was required to do:

su -
gedit /etc/phpMyAdmin/

if not found... try phpmyadmin - all small caps.

gedit /etc/phpmyadmin/



and set it to:

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword'] = TRUE;

Save it.

Firestore Getting documents id from collection gets the UID.

Combine with the rest of the data for one object like so:

Object.assign({ uid: },

Delete all objects in a list


mylist.clear()  # Added in Python 3.3
del mylist[:]

are probably the best ways to do this. The rest of this answer tries to explain why some of your other efforts didn't work.

cpython at least works on reference counting to determine when objects will be deleted. Here you have multiple references to the same objects. a refers to the same object that c[0] references. When you loop over c (for i in c:), at some point i also refers to that same object. the del keyword removes a single reference, so:

for i in c:
   del i

creates a reference to an object in c and then deletes that reference -- but the object still has other references (one stored in c for example) so it will persist.

In the same way:

def kill(self):
    del self

only deletes a reference to the object in that method. One way to remove all the references from a list is to use slice assignment:

mylist = list(range(10000))
mylist[:] = []

Apparently you can also delete the slice to remove objects in place:

del mylist[:]  #This will implicitly call the `__delslice__` or `__delitem__` method.

This will remove all the references from mylist and also remove the references from anything that refers to mylist. Compared that to simply deleting the list -- e.g.

mylist = list(range(10000))
b = mylist
del mylist
#here we didn't get all the references to the objects we created ...
print(b) #[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...]

Finally, more recent python revisions have added a clear method which does the same thing that del mylist[:] does.

mylist = [1, 2, 3]

REACT - toggle class onclick

using React you can add toggle class to any id/element, try


    display: none !important;
    /* transition: 2s all ease-in 0.9s; */
    transition: all ease-in 0.4s;
    width: 240px;
    min-width: 240px;
    /* transition: all ease-in 0.4s; */
    width: 88px;
    transition: all ease-in 0.4s;


                isActive: !this.state.isActive
        render() {
            return (
                <div className={this.state.isActive===true ? "left-panel leftbar-open" : "left-panel leftbar-close"} id="leftPanel">
                    <div className="top-logo-container"  onClick={this.ToggleMenu}>
                            <span className={this.state.isActive===true ? "left-menu-main-link hide-from-menu" : "hide-text"}>Welcome!</span>

                    <div className="welcome-member">
                        <span className={this.state.isActive===true ? "left-menu-main-link hide-from-menu" : "hide-text"}>Welcome<br/>SDO Rizwan</span>

What is difference between Implicit wait and Explicit wait in Selenium WebDriver?

Check the below links:

  • Implicit Wait - It instructs the web driver to wait for some time by poll the DOM. Once you declared implicit wait it will be available for the entire life of web driver instance. By default the value will be 0. If you set a longer default, then the behavior will poll the DOM on a periodic basis depending on the browser/driver implementation.

  • Explicit Wait + ExpectedConditions - It is the custom one. It will be used if we want the execution to wait for some time until some condition achieved.

How to get to Model or Viewbag Variables in a Script Tag

When you're doing this

var model = @Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model));

You're probably getting a JSON string, and not a JavaScript object.

You need to parse it in to an object:

var model = JSON.parse(model); //or $.parseJSON() since if jQuery is included

How do I calculate a trendline for a graph?

Thank You so much for the solution, I was scratching my head.
Here's how I applied the solution in Excel.
I successfully used the two functions given by MUHD in Excel:
a = (sum(x*y) - sum(x)sum(y)/n) / (sum(x^2) - sum(x)^2/n)
b = sum(y)/n - b(sum(x)/n)
(careful my a and b are the b and a in MUHD's solution).

- Made 4 columns, for example:
NB: my values y values are in B3:B17, so I have n=15;
my x values are 1,2,3,4...15.
1. Column B: Known x's
2. Column C: Known y's
3. Column D: The computed trend line
4. Column E: B values * C values (E3=B3*C3, E4=B4*C4, ..., E17=B17*C17)
5. Column F: x squared values
I then sum the columns B,C and E, the sums go in line 18 for me, so I have B18 as sum of Xs, C18 as sum of Ys, E18 as sum of X*Y, and F18 as sum of squares.
To compute a, enter the followin formula in any cell (F35 for me):
To compute b (in F36 for me):
Column D values, computing the trend line according to the y = ax + b:
D3=$F$35*B3+$F$36, D4=$F$35*B4+$F$36 and so on (until D17 for me).

Select the column datas (C2:D17) to make the graph.

Why does comparing strings using either '==' or 'is' sometimes produce a different result?

The == operator tests value equivalence. The is operator tests object identity, and Python tests whether the two are really the same object (i.e., live at the same address in memory).

>>> a = 'banana'
>>> b = 'banana'
>>> a is b

In this example, Python only created one string object, and both a and b refers to it. The reason is that Python internally caches and reuses some strings as an optimization. There really is just a string 'banana' in memory, shared by a and b. To trigger the normal behavior, you need to use longer strings:

>>> a = 'a longer banana'
>>> b = 'a longer banana'
>>> a == b, a is b
(True, False)

When you create two lists, you get two objects:

>>> a = [1, 2, 3]
>>> b = [1, 2, 3]
>>> a is b

In this case we would say that the two lists are equivalent, because they have the same elements, but not identical, because they are not the same object. If two objects are identical, they are also equivalent, but if they are equivalent, they are not necessarily identical.

If a refers to an object and you assign b = a, then both variables refer to the same object:

>>> a = [1, 2, 3]
>>> b = a
>>> b is a

Combining "LIKE" and "IN" for SQL Server

Effectively, the IN statement creates a series of OR statements... so

SELECT * FROM table WHERE column IN (1, 2, 3)

Is effectively

SELECT * FROM table WHERE column = 1 OR column = 2 OR column = 3

And sadly, that is the route you'll have to take with your LIKE statements

WHERE column LIKE 'Text%' OR column LIKE 'Hello%' OR column LIKE 'That%'

Running code after Spring Boot starts

You can extend a class using ApplicationRunner , override the run() method and add the code there.

import org.springframework.boot.ApplicationRunner;

public class ServerInitializer implements ApplicationRunner {

    public void run(ApplicationArguments applicationArguments) throws Exception {

        //code goes here


Fitting iframe inside a div

Would this CSS fix it?

iframe {

From this example:

How to output to the console in C++/Windows

I assume you're using some version of Visual Studio? In windows, std::cout << "something"; should write something to a console window IF your program is setup in the project settings as a console program.

JavaScript Chart.js - Custom data formatting to display on tooltip

For chart.js 2.0+, this has changed (no more tooltipTemplate/multiTooltipTemplate). For those that just want to access the current, unformatted value and start tweaking it, the default tooltip is the same as:

options: {
    tooltips: {
        callbacks: {
            label: function(tooltipItem, data) {
                return tooltipItem.yLabel;

I.e., you can return modifications to tooltipItem.yLabel, which holds the y-axis value. In my case, I wanted to add a dollar sign, rounding, and thousands commas for a financial chart, so I used:

options: {
    tooltips: {
        callbacks: {
            label: function(tooltipItem, data) {
                return "$" + Number(tooltipItem.yLabel).toFixed(0).replace(/./g, function(c, i, a) {
                    return i > 0 && c !== "." && (a.length - i) % 3 === 0 ? "," + c : c;

Closing a file after File.Create


create write close

File.WriteAllBytes--   type binary


Does a TCP socket connection have a "keep alive"?

In JAVA Socket – TCP connections are managed on the OS level, does not provide any in-built function to set timeouts for keepalive packet on a per-socket level. But we can enable keepalive option for java socket but it takes 2 hours 11 minutes (7200 sec) by default to process after a stale tcp connections. This cause connection will be availabe for very long time before purge. So we found some solution to use Java Native Interface (JNI) that call native code(c++) to configure these options.

****Windows OS****

In windows operating system keepalive_time & keepalive_intvl can be configurable but tcp_keepalive_probes cannot be change.By default, when a TCP socket is initialized sets the keep-alive timeout to 2 hours and the keep-alive interval to 1 second. The default system-wide value of the keep-alive timeout is controllable through the KeepAliveTime registry setting which takes a value in milliseconds.

On Windows Vista and later, the number of keep-alive probes (data retransmissions) is set to 10 and cannot be changed.

On Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, and Windows 2000, the default setting for number of keep-alive probes is 5. The number of keep-alive probes is controllable. For windows Winsock IOCTLs library is used to configure the tcp-keepalive parameters.

int WSAIoctl( SocketFD, // descriptor identifying a socket SIO_KEEPALIVE_VALS, // dwIoControlCode (LPVOID) lpvInBuffer, // pointer to tcp_keepalive struct (DWORD) cbInBuffer, // length of input buffer NULL, // output buffer 0, // size of output buffer (LPDWORD) lpcbBytesReturned, // number of bytes returned NULL, // OVERLAPPED structure NULL // completion routine );

Linux OS

Linux has built-in support for keepalive which is need to be enabling TCP/IP networking in order to use it. Programs must request keepalive control for their sockets using the setsockopt interface.

int setsockopt(int socket, int level, int optname, const void *optval, socklen_t optlen)

Each client socket will be created using File descriptor ID for each socket will retrieve using java reflection.

Check if a string is html or not

Here's a sloppy one-liner that I use from time to time:

var isHTML = RegExp.prototype.test.bind(/(<([^>]+)>)/i);

It will basically return true for strings containing a < followed by ANYTHING followed by >.

By ANYTHING, I mean basically anything except an empty string.

It's not great, but it's a one-liner.


isHTML('Testing');               // false
isHTML('<p>Testing</p>');        // true
isHTML('<img src="hello.jpg">'); // true
isHTML('My < weird > string');   // true (caution!!!)
isHTML('<>');                    // false

As you can see it's far from perfect, but might do the job for you in some cases.

Incorrect string value: '\xF0\x9F\x8E\xB6\xF0\x9F...' MySQL

It may be obvious, but it still was surprising to me, that SET NAMES utf8 is not compatible with utf8mb4 encoding. So for some apps changing table/column encoding was not enough. I had to change encoding in app configuration.

Redmine (ruby, ROR)

In config/database.yml:

  adapter: mysql2
  database: redmine
  host: localhost
  username: redmine
  password: passowrd
  encoding: utf8mb4

Custom Yii application (PHP)

In config/db.php:

return [
    'class' => yii\db\Connection::class,
    'dsn' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=yii',
    'username' => 'yii',
    'password' => 'password',
    'charset' => 'utf8mb4',

If you have utf8mb4 as a column/table encoding and still getting errors like this, make sure that you have configured correct charset for DB connection in your application.

How to get selected value of a html select with

If you would use asp:dropdownlist you could select it easier by testSelect.Text.

Now you'd have to do a Request.Form["testSelect"] to get the value after pressed btnTes.

Hope it helps.

EDIT: You need to specify a name of the select (not only ID) to be able to Request.Form["testSelect"]

There is an error in XML document (1, 41)

In my case I had a float value expected where xml had a null value so be sure to search for float and int data type in your xsd map

How to check for empty array in vba macro

Personally, I think one of the answers above can be modified to check if the array has contents:

if UBound(ar) > LBound(ar) Then

This handles negative number references and takes less time than some of the other options.

Which loop is faster, while or for?

Isn't a For Loop technically a Do While?


for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
   //Code Here.

would be...

int i = 0;
  //Code Here.
} while (++i < length);

I could be wrong though...

Also when it comes to for loops. If you plan to only retrieve data and never modify data you should use a foreach. If you require the actual indexes for some reason you'll need to increment so you should use the regular for loop.

for (Data d : data)

should be faster than...

for (int i = 0; i < data.length; ++i)

Format in kotlin string templates

As a workaround, There is a Kotlin stdlib function that can be used in a nice way and fully compatible with Java's String format (it's only a wrapper around Java's String.format())

See Kotlin's documentation

Your code would be:

val pi = 3.14159265358979323
val s = "pi = %.2f".format(pi)

The term 'Get-ADUser' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet

If the ActiveDirectory module is present add

import-module activedirectory

before your code.

To check if exist try:

get-module -listavailable

ActiveDirectory module is default present in windows server 2008 R2, install it in this way:

Import-Module ServerManager
Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-PowerShell

For have it to work you need at least one DC in the domain as windows 2008 R2 and have Active Directory Web Services (ADWS) installed on it.

For Windows Server 2008 read here how to install it

How to send a POST request in Go?

I know this is old but this answer came up in search results. For the next guy - the proposed and accepted answer works, however the code initially submitted in the question is lower-level than it needs to be. Nobody got time for that.

//one-line post request/response...
response, err := http.PostForm(APIURL, url.Values{
    "ln": {c.ln},
    "ip": {c.ip},
    "ua": {}})

//okay, moving on...
if err != nil {
  //handle postform error

defer response.Body.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)

if err != nil {
  //handle read response error

fmt.Printf("%s\n", string(body))

Java String encoding (UTF-8)

How is this different from the following?

This line of code here:

String newString = new String(oldString.getBytes("UTF-8"), "UTF-8"));

constructs a new String object (i.e. a copy of oldString), while this line of code:

String newString = oldString;

declares a new variable of type java.lang.String and initializes it to refer to the same String object as the variable oldString.

Is there any scenario in which the two lines will have different outputs?


String newString = oldString;
boolean isSameInstance = newString == oldString; // isSameInstance == true


String newString = new String(oldString.getBytes("UTF-8"), "UTF-8"));
 // isSameInstance == false (in most cases)    
boolean isSameInstance = newString == oldString;

a_horse_with_no_name (see comment) is right of course. The equivalent of

String newString = new String(oldString.getBytes("UTF-8"), "UTF-8"));


String newString = new String(oldString);

minus the subtle difference wrt the encoding that Peter Lawrey explains in his answer.

SQL select * from column where year = 2010

T-SQL and others;

select * from t where year(Columnx) = 2010

Clear image on picturebox

Setting the Image property to null will work just fine. It will clear whatever image is currently displayed in the picture box. Make sure that you've written the code exactly like this:

picBox.Image = null;

How to call a function from a string stored in a variable?

As already mentioned, there are a few ways to achieve this with possibly the safest method being call_user_func() or if you must you can also go down the route of $function_name(). It is possible to pass arguments using both of these methods as so

$function_name = 'foobar';

$function_name(arg1, arg2);

call_user_func_array($function_name, array(arg1, arg2));

If the function you are calling belongs to an object you can still use either of these

$object->$function_name(arg1, arg2);

call_user_func_array(array($object, $function_name), array(arg1, arg2));

However if you are going to use the $function_name() method it may be a good idea to test for the existence of the function if the name is in any way dynamic

if(method_exists($object, $function_name))
    $object->$function_name(arg1, arg2);

dropzone.js - how to do something after ALL files are uploaded

this.on("totaluploadprogress", function(totalBytes, totalBytesSent){

                    if(totalBytes == 100) {

                        //all done! call func here

Codeigniter $this->db->order_by(' ','desc') result is not complete

Put from before where, and order_by on last:


Or try BINARY:


You should add manually on codeigniter for binary sorting.

And set "course_name" character column.

If sorting is used on a character type column, normally the sort is conducted in a case-insensitive fashion.

What type of structure data in courses table?

If you frustrated you can put into array and return using PHP:

Use natcasesort for order in "natural order": (Reference:

Your array from database as example: $array_db = $result_from_db:

$final_result = natcasesort($array_db);


Serializing and submitting a form with jQuery and PHP

You can use this function

var datastring = $("#contactForm").serialize();
    type: "POST",
    url: "your url.php",
    data: datastring,
    dataType: "json",
    success: function(data) {
        //var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(data); if the dataType is not specified as json uncomment this
        // do what ever you want with the server response
    error: function() {
        alert('error handling here');

return type is json

EDIT: I use event.preventDefault to prevent the browser getting submitted in such scenarios.

Adding more data to the answer.

dataType: "jsonp" if it is a cross-domain call.

beforeSend: // this is a pre-request call back function

complete: // a function to be called after the request code that has to be executed regardless of success or error can go here

async: // by default, all requests are sent asynchronously

cache: // by default true. If set to false, it will force requested pages not to be cached by the browser.

Find the official page here

Regex - Does not contain certain Characters


The caret in the character class ([^) means match anything but, so this means, beginning of string, then one or more of anything except < and >, then the end of the string.

How to compress an image via Javascript in the browser?

In short:

  • Read the files using the HTML5 FileReader API with .readAsArrayBuffer
  • Create a Blob with the file data and get its url with window.URL.createObjectURL(blob)
  • Create new Image element and set it's src to the file blob url
  • Send the image to the canvas. The canvas size is set to desired output size
  • Get the scaled-down data back from canvas via canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg",0.7) (set your own output format and quality)
  • Attach new hidden inputs to the original form and transfer the dataURI images basically as normal text
  • On backend, read the dataURI, decode from Base64, and save it

Source: code.

Can I add background color only for padding?

You can use background-gradients for that effect. For your example just add the following lines (it is just so much code because you have to use vendor-prefixes):

    -moz-linear-gradient(top, #000 10px, transparent 10px),
    -moz-linear-gradient(bottom, #000 10px, transparent 10px),
    -moz-linear-gradient(left, #000 10px, transparent 10px),
    -moz-linear-gradient(right, #000 10px, transparent 10px);
    -o-linear-gradient(top, #000 10px, transparent 10px),
    -o-linear-gradient(bottom, #000 10px, transparent 10px),
    -o-linear-gradient(left, #000 10px, transparent 10px),
    -o-linear-gradient(right, #000 10px, transparent 10px);
    -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #000 10px, transparent 10px),
    -webkit-linear-gradient(bottom, #000 10px, transparent 10px),
    -webkit-linear-gradient(left, #000 10px, transparent 10px),
    -webkit-linear-gradient(right, #000 10px, transparent 10px);
    linear-gradient(top, #000 10px, transparent 10px),
    linear-gradient(bottom, #000 10px, transparent 10px),
    linear-gradient(left, #000 10px, transparent 10px),
    linear-gradient(right, #000 10px, transparent 10px);

No need for unecessary markup.

If you just want to have a double border you could use outline and border instead of border and padding.

While you could also use pseudo-elements to achieve the desired effect, I would advise against it. Pseudo-elements are a very mighty tool CSS provides, if you "waste" them on stuff like this, you are probably gonna miss them somewhere else.

I only use pseudo-elements if there is no other way. Not because they are bad, quite the opposite, because I don't want to waste my Joker.

Set type for function parameters?

Use typeof or instanceof:

const assert = require('assert');

function myFunction(Date myDate, String myString)
    assert( typeof(myString) === 'string',  'Error message about incorrect arg type');
    assert( myDate instanceof Date,         'Error message about incorrect arg type');

Why do we use Base64?

Your first mistake is thinking that ASCII encoding and Base64 encoding are interchangeable. They are not. They are used for different purposes.

  • When you encode text in ASCII, you start with a text string and convert it to a sequence of bytes.
  • When you encode data in Base64, you start with a sequence of bytes and convert it to a text string.

To understand why Base64 was necessary in the first place we need a little history of computing.

Computers communicate in binary - 0s and 1s - but people typically want to communicate with more rich forms data such as text or images. In order to transfer this data between computers it first has to be encoded into 0s and 1s, sent, then decoded again. To take text as an example - there are many different ways to perform this encoding. It would be much simpler if we could all agree on a single encoding, but sadly this is not the case.

Originally a lot of different encodings were created (e.g. Baudot code) which used a different number of bits per character until eventually ASCII became a standard with 7 bits per character. However most computers store binary data in bytes consisting of 8 bits each so ASCII is unsuitable for tranferring this type of data. Some systems would even wipe the most significant bit. Furthermore the difference in line ending encodings across systems mean that the ASCII character 10 and 13 were also sometimes modified.

To solve these problems Base64 encoding was introduced. This allows you to encode arbitrary bytes to bytes which are known to be safe to send without getting corrupted (ASCII alphanumeric characters and a couple of symbols). The disadvantage is that encoding the message using Base64 increases its length - every 3 bytes of data is encoded to 4 ASCII characters.

To send text reliably you can first encode to bytes using a text encoding of your choice (for example UTF-8) and then afterwards Base64 encode the resulting binary data into a text string that is safe to send encoded as ASCII. The receiver will have to reverse this process to recover the original message. This of course requires that the receiver knows which encodings were used, and this information often needs to be sent separately.

Historically it has been used to encode binary data in email messages where the email server might modify line-endings. A more modern example is the use of Base64 encoding to embed image data directly in HTML source code. Here it is necessary to encode the data to avoid characters like '<' and '>' being interpreted as tags.

Here is a working example:

I wish to send a text message with two lines:


If I send it as ASCII (or UTF-8) it will look like this:

72 101 108 108 111 10 119 111 114 108 100 33

The byte 10 is corrupted in some systems so we can base 64 encode these bytes as a Base64 string:


Which when encoded using ASCII looks like this:

83 71 86 115 98 71 56 75 100 50 57 121 98 71 81 104

All the bytes here are known safe bytes, so there is very little chance that any system will corrupt this message. I can send this instead of my original message and let the receiver reverse the process to recover the original message.

ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use

I encountered this same error: ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ', completed)' at line 1

This was the input I had entered on terminal: mysql> create table todos (description, completed);

Solution: For each column type you must specify the type of content they will contain. This could either be text, integer, variable, boolean there are many different types of data.

mysql> create table todos (description text, completed boolean);

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

It now passed successfully.

How to hide Android soft keyboard on EditText

Let's try to set the below properties in your xml for EditText

android:focusableInTouchMode="true" android:cursorVisible="false".

if you want to hide the softkeypad at launching activity please go through this link

Drop all tables command

I had the same problem with SQLite and Android. Here is my Solution:

List<String> tables = new ArrayList<String>();
Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';", null);
while (!cursor.isAfterLast()) {
    String tableName = cursor.getString(1);
    if (!tableName.equals("android_metadata") &&

for(String tableName:tables) {
    db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + tableName);

Inserting a PDF file in LaTeX

The \includegraphics function has a page option for inserting a specific page of a PDF file as graphs. The default is one, but you can change it.


You can find more here.

Sending mail attachment using Java

Using Spring Framework , you can add many attachments :

package com.mkyong.common;

import javax.mail.MessagingException;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;

import org.springframework.mail.MailParseException;
import org.springframework.mail.SimpleMailMessage;
import org.springframework.mail.javamail.JavaMailSender;
import org.springframework.mail.javamail.MimeMessageHelper;

public class MailMail
    private JavaMailSender mailSender;
    private SimpleMailMessage simpleMailMessage;

    public void setSimpleMailMessage(SimpleMailMessage simpleMailMessage) {
        this.simpleMailMessage = simpleMailMessage;

    public void setMailSender(JavaMailSender mailSender) {
        this.mailSender = mailSender;

    public void sendMail(String dear, String content) {

       MimeMessage message = mailSender.createMimeMessage();

        MimeMessageHelper helper = new MimeMessageHelper(message, true);

            simpleMailMessage.getText(), dear, content));

        FileSystemResource file = new FileSystemResource("/home/abdennour/Documents/cv.pdf");
        helper.addAttachment(file.getFilename(), file);

         }catch (MessagingException e) {
        throw new MailParseException(e);

To know how to configure your project to deal with this code , complete reading this tutorial .

Which command do I use to generate the build of a Vue app?

THIS IS FOR DEPLOYING TO A CUSTOM FOLDER (if you wanted your app not in root, e.g. URL/myApp/) - I looked for a longtime to find this answer...hope it helps someone.

Get the VUE CLI at and use the UI build to make it easy. Then in configuration you can change the public path to /whatever/ and link to it URL/whatever.

Check out this video which explains how to create a vue app using CLI if u need more help:

jQuery hide and show toggle div with plus and minus icon

this works:


.show_hide {
.plus:after {
    content:" +";
.minus:after {
    content:" -";




<a href="#" class="show_hide">Show/hide</a>

<div class="slidingDiv" style="display: block;">
Check out the updated jQuery plugin for doing this: <a href="" class="show_hide" target="_blank" style="display: inline;">jQuery Show / Hide Plugin</a>

in the CSS, instead of content:" +"; You can put an background-image (with background-position:right center; and background-repeat:no-repeat and maybe making the .show_hide displayed as block and give him a width, so that the bg-image is not overlayed by the link-text itself).

ASP.NET strange compilation error

If you are still struggling to solve this issue, even after all options, then try to find application which is running and taking huge memory.

In my case it was an application which was having more than 100 instances running due to some error and that was taking at least 20 MB per application so around 2 GB.

After I killed the few applications and memory was released my site was back online.

twitter-bootstrap: how to get rid of underlined button text when hovering over a btn-group within an <a>-tag?

If you are using Less or Sass with your project, you can define the link-hover-decoration variable (which is underline by default) and you're all set.

Rails: How do I create a default value for attributes in Rails activerecord's model?

You can set a default option for the column in the migration

add_column :status, :string, :default => "P"


You can use a callback, before_save

class Task < ActiveRecord::Base
  before_save :default_values
  def default_values
    self.status ||= 'P' # note self.status = 'P' if self.status.nil? might be safer (per @frontendbeauty)

Using member variable in lambda capture list inside a member function

Summary of the alternatives:

capture this:

auto lambda = [this](){};

use a local reference to the member:

auto& tmp = grid;
auto lambda = [ tmp](){}; // capture grid by (a single) copy
auto lambda = [&tmp](){}; // capture grid by ref


auto lambda = [ grid = grid](){}; // capture grid by copy
auto lambda = [&grid = grid](){}; // capture grid by ref


How to move the layout up when the soft keyboard is shown android

Try this in the android manifest file corresponding to the activity.

<activity android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan"> </activity>

How do I include a JavaScript script file in Angular and call a function from that script?

Add external js file in index.html.

<script src="./assets/vendors/myjs.js"></script>

Here's myjs.js file :

var myExtObject = (function() {

    return {
      func1: function() {
        alert('function 1 called');
      func2: function() {
        alert('function 2 called');


var webGlObject = (function() { 
    return { 
      init: function() { 
        alert('webGlObject initialized');

Then declare it is in component like below


declare var myExtObject: any;
declare var webGlObject: any;


callFunction1() {

callFunction2() {


    <p>click below buttons for function call</p>
    <button (click)="callFunction1()">Call Function 1</button>
    <button (click)="callFunction2()">Call Function 2</button>

It's working for me...

PostgreSQL error: Fatal: role "username" does not exist

Use the operating system user postgres to create your database - as long as you haven't set up a database role with the necessary privileges that corresponds to your operating system user of the same name (h9uest in your case):

sudo -u postgres -i

As recommended here or here.

Then try again. Type exit when done with operating as system user postgres.

Or execute the single command createuser as postgres with sudo, like demonstrated by drees in another answer.

The point is to use the operating system user matching the database role of the same name to be granted access via ident authentication. postgres is the default operating system user to have initialized the database cluster. The manual:

In order to bootstrap the database system, a freshly initialized system always contains one predefined role. This role is always a “superuser”, and by default (unless altered when running initdb) it will have the same name as the operating system user that initialized the database cluster. Customarily, this role will be named postgres. In order to create more roles you first have to connect as this initial role.

I have heard of odd setups with non-standard user names or where the operating system user does not exist. You'd need to adapt your strategy there.

Read about database roles and client authentication in the manual.

How do I improve ASP.NET MVC application performance?

In your clamour to optimize the client side, don't forget about the database layer. We had an application that went from 5 seconds to load up to 50 seconds overnight.

On inspection, we'd made a whole bunch of schema changes. Once we refreshed the statistics, it suddenly became as responsive as before.

How to make Twitter Bootstrap menu dropdown on hover rather than click

Bootstrap 4, 2019

I read a lot of these answers but I ended up doing it myself because it was just not what i needed.

I have Bootstrap 4, and want to keep the click + the hover functionality. Besides I want to enable it only on dropdowns that have an extra class ".open-on-hover".

I also want to keep the Bootstrap's Jquery that positions the dropdown when it is next to the edge of the page. So we don't just want to do "display: block". We want the full Bootstrap's way of working. So I just trigger click.

The logic is "If it is a mouseenter then open it, if it is a mouseleave then hide it if it is open"

 * Open Bootstrap 4 dropdown on hover
$(document).on('mouseenter mouseleave', '', function(e) 
    let toggler = $(this).find('[data-toggle="dropdown"]').first();

    if(e.type === 'mouseenter') {
        $(toggler).trigger('click', 'open');
    } else if ($(this).children('').length) {
        $(toggler).trigger('click', 'close');

The html

<div class="dropdown open-on-hover">
    <div class="btn" data-toggle="dropdown">
        Hover or click me
    <div class="dropdown-menu">
        <a class="dropdown-item">
            Item 1
        <a class="dropdown-item">
            Item 2

Linux command to print directory structure in the form of a tree

I'm prettifying the output of @Hassou's answer with:

ls -R | grep ":$" | sed -e 's/:$//' -e 's/[^-][^\/]*\//--/g' -e 's/-/+/' -e '$s/+/+/'

This is much like the output of tree now:


You can also make an alias of it:

alias ltree=$'ls -R | grep ":$" | sed -e \'s/:$//\' -e \'s/[^-][^\/]*\//--/g\' -e \'s/-/+/\' -e \'$s/+/+/\''

BTW, tree is not available in some environment, like MinGW. So the alternate is helpful.

How to limit depth for recursive file list?

tree -L 2 -u -g -p -d

Prints the directory tree in a pretty format up to depth 2 (-L 2). Print user (-u) and group (-g) and permissions (-p). Print only directories (-d). tree has a lot of other useful options.

.autocomplete is not a function Error

Found the problem, I was including another jquery file for my google translator, they were conflicting with each other and resulting in not loading the autocomplete function.

Oracle PL Sql Developer cannot find my tnsnames.ora file

I had the same problema, but as described in the manual.pdf, you have to:

You are using an Oracle Instant Client but have not set all required environment variables:

  • PATH: Needs to include the Instant Client directory where oci.dll is located
  • TNS_ADMIN: Needs to point to the directory where tnsnames.ora is located.
  • NLS_LANG: Defines the language, territory, and character set for the client.


Radio buttons not checked in jQuery


this will also work




Input button target="_blank" isn't causing the link to load in a new window/tab

Instead of


try using

onClick="''" onClick="'','facebook')"

Converting time stamps in excel to dates

i got result from this in LibreOffice Calc :


jQuery append and remove dynamic table row

        var add = '<tr valign="top"><th scope="row"><label for="customFieldName">Custom Field</label></th><td>';
        add+= '<input type="text" class="code" id="customFieldName" name="customFieldName[]" value="" placeholder="Input Name" />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
        add+= '<input type="text" class="code" id="customFieldValue" name="customFieldValue[]" value="" placeholder="Input Value" />&nbsp;';
        add+= '<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="remCF">Remove</a></td></tr>';

        $(".addCF").click(function(){ $("#customFields").append(add); });

            var inx = $('.remCF').index(this);

How do I read the source code of shell commands?

ls is part of coreutils. You can get it with git :

git clone git://

You'll find coreutils listed with other packages (scroll to bottom) on this page.

What's the difference between IFrame and Frame?

iframes are used a lot to include complete pages. When those pages are hosted on another domain you get problems with cross side scripting and stuff. There are ways to fix this.

Frames were used to divide your page into multiple parts (for example, a navigation menu on the left). Using them is no longer recommended.

PHP Configuration: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings

Tchalvak, who commented on the original question, hit the nail on the head for me. I've been editing (I use Debian):


...which had the correct timezone for me and was the only .ini file being loaded with date.timezone within it, but I was receiving the above error when I ran a script through Bash. I had no idea that I should have been editing:


as well. (Well, for me it was 'as well', for you it might be different of course, but I'm going to keep my Apache and CLI versions of php.ini synchronised now).

Why I got " cannot be resolved to a type" error?

You probably missed package declaration

package my.demo.service;
public class CarService {

Min / Max Validator in Angular 2 Final

As far as I know, is it implemented now, check

This is the part that implements what you are looking for:

 export class Validators {
   * Validator that requires controls to have a value greater than a number.
  static min(min: number): ValidatorFn {
    return (control: AbstractControl): ValidationErrors | null => {
      if (isEmptyInputValue(control.value) || isEmptyInputValue(min)) {
        return null;  // don't validate empty values to allow optional controls
      const value = parseFloat(control.value);
      // Controls with NaN values after parsing should be treated as not having a
      // minimum, per the HTML forms spec:
      return !isNaN(value) && value < min ? {'min': {'min': min, 'actual': control.value}} : null;

   * Validator that requires controls to have a value less than a number.
  static max(max: number): ValidatorFn {
    return (control: AbstractControl): ValidationErrors | null => {
      if (isEmptyInputValue(control.value) || isEmptyInputValue(max)) {
        return null;  // don't validate empty values to allow optional controls
      const value = parseFloat(control.value);
      // Controls with NaN values after parsing should be treated as not having a
      // maximum, per the HTML forms spec:
      return !isNaN(value) && value > max ? {'max': {'max': max, 'actual': control.value}} : null;

How can I use mySQL replace() to replace strings in multiple records?

This will help you.

UPDATE play_school_data SET title= REPLACE(title, "&#39;", "'") WHERE title = "Elmer&#39;s Parade";


title = Elmer's Parade

fork and exec in bash

How about:

(sleep 5; echo "Hello World") &

Insert text with single quotes in PostgreSQL

According to PostgreSQL documentation ( String Constants):

 To include a single-quote character within a string constant, write two 
 adjacent single quotes, e.g. 'Dianne''s horse'.

See also the standard_conforming_strings parameter, which controls whether escaping with backslashes works.

fatal: early EOF fatal: index-pack failed

Setting below's config doesn't work for me.

packedGitLimit = 512m 
packedGitWindowSize = 512m 
deltaCacheSize = 2047m 
packSizeLimit = 2047m 
windowMemory = 2047m

As previous comment, it might the memory issue from git. Thus, I try to reduce working threads(from 32 to 8). So that it won't get much data from server at the same time. Then I also add "-f " to force to sync other projects.

-f: Proceed with syncing other projects even if a project fails to sync.

Then it works fine now.

repo sync -f -j8

Entityframework Join using join method and lambdas

You can find a few examples here:

// Fill the DataSet.
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
ds.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;

DataTable contacts = ds.Tables["Contact"];
DataTable orders = ds.Tables["SalesOrderHeader"];

var query =
    order => order.Field<Int32>("ContactID"),
    contact => contact.Field<Int32>("ContactID"),
    (contact, order) => new
        ContactID = contact.Field<Int32>("ContactID"),
        SalesOrderID = order.Field<Int32>("SalesOrderID"),
        FirstName = contact.Field<string>("FirstName"),
        Lastname = contact.Field<string>("Lastname"),
        TotalDue = order.Field<decimal>("TotalDue")

foreach (var contact_order in query)
    Console.WriteLine("ContactID: {0} "
                    + "SalesOrderID: {1} "
                    + "FirstName: {2} "
                    + "Lastname: {3} "
                    + "TotalDue: {4}",

Or just google for 'linq join method syntax'.

How to POST using HTTPclient content type = application/x-www-form-urlencoded

 var params= new Dictionary<string, string>();
 var url ="Please enter URLhere"; 
 params.Add("key1", "value1");
 params.Add("key2", "value2");

 using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
        client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

HttpResponseMessage response = client.PostAsync(url, new FormUrlEncodedContent(dict)).Result;
              var tokne= response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;

//Get response as expected

How do I remove my IntelliJ license in 2019.3?

I think there are more solutions!

You can start the app, and here are 3 things you can do:

  1. If the app shows for the first time the "import settings" dialog and then the "create/open a project" dialog, you can click on Settings > Manage License... > Remove License, and that removes for all Jetbrains products*.
  2. If you open products like IntelliJ IDEA and have projects currently active (like the app open automatically the all IDE without prompt), then click on File > Close Project, and follow the first step.
  3. Inside any app of IntelliJ, click on Help > Register... > Remove license.

*In case you have a license for a pack of products. If not, you have to remove the license per product individually. Check the 3rd step.

How to make Twitter bootstrap modal full screen

You need to set your DIV tags as below.

Find the more details >

<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal">
   More Details
<div class="modal fade" id="myModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
    <div class="modal-content">
        <div class="container">;
          <div class="modal-header">
            <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button>
            <h3 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">Modal Title</h3>
              <div class="modal-body" >
                Your modal text 
          <div class="modal-footer">
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>

Android Material: Status bar color won't change


Put this code in your Activity's onCreate method. This helped me.

Indexing vectors and arrays with +:

Description and examples can be found in IEEE Std 1800-2017 § 11.5.1 "Vector bit-select and part-select addressing". First IEEE appearance is IEEE 1364-2001 (Verilog) § 4.2.1 "Vector bit-select and part-select addressing". Here is an direct example from the LRM:

logic [31: 0] a_vect;
logic [0 :31] b_vect;
logic [63: 0] dword;
integer sel;
a_vect[ 0 +: 8] // == a_vect[ 7 : 0]
a_vect[15 -: 8] // == a_vect[15 : 8]
b_vect[ 0 +: 8] // == b_vect[0 : 7]
b_vect[15 -: 8] // == b_vect[8 :15]
dword[8*sel +: 8] // variable part-select with fixed width

If sel is 0 then dword[8*(0) +: 8] == dword[7:0]
If sel is 7 then dword[8*(7) +: 8] == dword[63:56]

The value to the left always the starting index. The number to the right is the width and must be a positive constant. the + and - indicates to select the bits of a higher or lower index value then the starting index.

Assuming address is in little endian ([msb:lsb]) format, then if(address[2*pointer+:2]) is the equivalent of if({address[2*pointer+1],address[2*pointer]})

How can I pass a parameter to a setTimeout() callback?

Some answers are correct but convoluted.

I am answering this again, 4 years later, because I still run into overly complex code to solve exactly this question. There IS an elegant solution.

First of all, do not pass in a string as the first parameter when calling setTimeout because it effectively invokes a call to the slow "eval" function.

So how do we pass in a parameter to a timeout function? By using closure:

    //thanks to closure, topicid is visible here

if (xhr.readyState==4){

Some have suggested using anonymous function when calling the timeout function:

if (xhr.readyState==4){

The syntax works out. But by the time settopic is called, i.e. 4 seconds later, the XHR object may not be the same. Therefore it's important to pre-bind the variables.

How to 'grep' a continuous stream?

you may consider this answer as enhancement .. usually I am using

tail -F <fileName> | grep --line-buffered  <pattern> -A 3 -B 5

-F is better in case of file rotate (-f will not work properly if file rotated)

-A and -B is useful to get lines just before and after the pattern occurrence .. these blocks will appeared between dashed line separators

But For me I prefer doing the following

tail -F <file> | less

this is very useful if you want to search inside streamed logs. I mean go back and forward and look deeply

Debugging with command-line parameters in Visual Studio

The FAQ on debugging Mozilla on Windows is of interest here.

In short, the Visual Studio debugger can be invoked on a program from the command line, allowing one to specify the command line arguments when invoking a command line program, directly on the command line.

This looks like the following for Visual Studio 8 or 9 (Visual Studio 2005 or Visual Studio 2008, respectively)

  devenv /debugexe 'program name' 'program arguments'

It is also possible to have an explorer action to start a program in the Visual Studio debugger.

How do I embed PHP code in JavaScript?

If you put your JavaScript code in the PHP file, you can, but not otherwise. For example:

page.php (this will work)

function jst()
    var i = 0;
    i = <?php echo 35; ?>;

page.js (this won't work)

function jst()
    var i = 0;
    i = <?php echo 35; ?>

SQL Server 2000: How to exit a stored procedure?

Its because you have no BEGIN and END statements. You shouldn't be seeing the prints, or errors running this statement, only Statement Completed (or something like that). 4.0 has not been registered

I had this problem on Windows 8.1 which wouldn't support the aspnet_regiis -i approach.

Instead you need to go to Control Panel, locate the "Turn Windows features on or off" option and drill down as follows:

Internet Information Services -> World Wide Web Services -> Application Development Features and check the "ASP.NET 4.5" option. In checking this box, other options such as ".NET Extensibility 4.5" and the ISAPI options will be checked automatically.

Apply the changes by clicking OK. Restart your website in IIS and your site should now be accessible.

What does it mean when a PostgreSQL process is "idle in transaction"?

As mentioned here: Re: BUG #4243: Idle in transaction it is probably best to check your pg_locks table to see what is being locked and that might give you a better clue where the problem lies.

[Ljava.lang.Object; cannot be cast to

You need to add query.addEntity(SwitcherServiceSource.class) before calling the .list() on query.

Convert from List into IEnumerable format

Why not use a Single liner ...

IEnumerable<Book> _Book_IE= _Book_List as IEnumerable<Book>;

Java socket API: How to tell if a connection has been closed?

Thats how I handle it

 while(true) {
        if((receiveMessage = receiveRead.readLine()) != null ) {  

        System.out.println("first message same :"+receiveMessage);

        else if(receiveRead.readLine()==null)

        System.out.println("Client has disconected: "+sock.isClosed()); 
         }    } 

if the result.code == null

Debugging JavaScript in IE7

Hey I came across the same problem and found this the application IETESTER. It's pretty awesome, it's an app that has IE 5.5,6, and 7 bundled into it. It doesn't matter what IE version you currently have. This allows you to have multiple versions side by side.

If you enable javascript debugging in IE options and have Visual Studio installed you can even debug the javascript in VS with all the debug options available to you(watches, conditional breakpoints ,etc.)

If you want to start debugging before an error occurs you simply have to put the line


into your JS code and this bring you into VS to begin debugging after this statement.

This is absolutely amazing to me for testing backward compatibility for JS code.

pip3: command not found

After yum install python3-pip, check the name of the installed binary. e.g.

ll /usr/bin/pip*

On my CentOS 7, it is named as pip-3 instead of pip3.

Git fatal: protocol 'https' is not supported

Just add this git config --global http.sslVerify false , so that it doesn't check the certificate and it should work just fine

How to select the first element with a specific attribute using XPath

The easiest way to find first english book node (in the whole document), taking under consideration more complicated structered xml file, like:

  <book location="US">A1</book>
  <book location="FIN">A2</book>
  <book location="FIN">B1</book>
  <book location="US">B2</book>

is xpath expression:


How can I use MS Visual Studio for Android Development?

If you want to create an Android application using c# language you can use Xamarin.
they created this great Cross Platform development tool which enables developers to develop iOS and Android apps in C# language.

Xamarin is offered in different licenses from free to enterprise levels but for not I will be using the starter version which is the free version. It includes the Xamarin Studio which is great start for those who want to try out creating their first apps for Android, they also offer a Business license which lets you develop in Visual Studio so you can use that rich experience similar to developing Web Apps or Windows Apps, then they have this Enterprise which contains everything

how to evenly distribute elements in a div next to each other?

.container {_x000D_
  padding: 10px;_x000D_
.parent {_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  background: #7b7b7b;_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  justify-content: space-between;_x000D_
  height: 4px;_x000D_
.child {_x000D_
  color: #fff;_x000D_
  background: green;_x000D_
  padding: 10px 10px;_x000D_
  border-radius: 50%;_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  top: -8px;_x000D_
<div class="container">_x000D_
  <div class="parent">_x000D_
    <span class="child"></span>_x000D_
    <span class="child"></span>_x000D_
    <span class="child"></span>_x000D_
    <span class="child"></span>_x000D_
    <span class="child"></span>_x000D_
    <span class="child"></span>_x000D_
    <span class="child"></span>_x000D_
    <span class="child"></span>_x000D_
    <span class="child"></span>_x000D_
    <span class="child"></span>_x000D_

Cannot find libcrypto in Ubuntu

ld is trying to find libcrypto.sowhich is not present as seen in your locate output. You can make a copy of the and name it as Put this is your ld path. ( If you do not have root access then you can put it in a local path and specify the path manually )

Disable copy constructor

Make SymbolIndexer( const SymbolIndexer& ) private. If you're assigning to a reference, you're not copying.

how to remove new lines and returns from php string?

This should be like

str_replace("\n", '', $str);
str_replace("\r", '', $str);
str_replace("\r\n", '', $str);

delete word after or around cursor in VIM

I made two mappings so I could get consistency in insert and out of insert mode.

:map <'Key of your choice'> caw

:imap <'Key of your choice'> <'Esc'> caw

When does System.gc() do something?

Garbage Collection is good in Java, if we are executing Software coded in java in Desktop/laptop/server. You can call System.gc() or Runtime.getRuntime().gc() in Java.

Just note that none of those calls are guaranteed to do anything. They are just a suggestion for the jvm to run the Garbage Collector. It's up the the JVM whether it runs the GC or not. So, short answer: we don't know when it runs. Longer answer: JVM would run gc if it has time for that.

I believe, the same applies for Android. However, this might slow down your system.

How can I find out what version of git I'm running?

If you're using the command-line tools, running git --version should give you the version number.

What is limiting the # of simultaneous connections my ASP.NET application can make to a web service?

See the "Threading" section of this page:, in conjunction with the "Connections" section.

Have you tried upping the maxconnection attribute of your processModel setting?

Set and Get Methods in java?

public class Person{

private int age;

public int getAge(){
     return age;

public void setAge(int age){
     this.age = age;

i think this is you want.. and this also called pojo

DataTables: Cannot read property style of undefined

most of the time it happens when the table header count and data cel count is not matched

Angular ForEach in Angular4/Typescript?

you can try typescript's For :

selectChildren(data , $event){
   let parentChecked : boolean = data.checked;
   for(let o of this.hierarchicalData){
      for(let child of o){
         child.checked = parentChecked;

Escape text for HTML

there are some special quotes characters which are not removed by HtmlEncode and will not be displayed in Edge or IE correctly like ” and “ . you can extent replacing these characters with something like below function.

private string RemoveJunkChars(string input)
    return HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(input.Replace("”", "\"").Replace("“", "\""));

Get characters after last / in url

Two one liners - I suspect the first one is faster but second one is prettier and unlike end() and array_pop(), you can pass the result of a function directly to current() without generating any notice or warning since it doesn't move the pointer or alter the array.

$var = '';

// VERSION 1 - one liner simmilar to DisgruntledGoat's answer above
echo substr($a,(strrpos($var,'/') !== false ? strrpos($var,'/') + 1 : 0));

// VERSION 2 - explode, reverse the array, get the first index.
echo current(array_reverse(explode('/',$var)));

Return single column from a multi-dimensional array

very simple go for this

foreach ($arrays as $arr) {
$str .= $arr["tag_name"] . ",";
$str = trim($str, ',');//removes the final comma 

Python syntax for "if a or b or c but not all of them"

What about: (unique condition)

if (bool(a) + bool(b) + bool(c) == 1):

Notice, if you allow two conditions too you could do that

if (bool(a) + bool(b) + bool(c) in [1,2]):

Check if element is visible on screen

Could you use jQuery, since it's cross-browser compatible?

function isOnScreen(element)
    var curPos = element.offset();
    var curTop =;
    var screenHeight = $(window).height();
    return (curTop > screenHeight) ? false : true;

And then call the function using something like:

if(isOnScreen($('#myDivId'))) { /* Code here... */ };

Get name of currently executing test in JUnit 4

JUnit 4.7 added this feature it seems using TestName-Rule. Looks like this will get you the method name:

import org.junit.Rule;

public class NameRuleTest {
    @Rule public TestName name = new TestName();

    @Test public void testA() {
        assertEquals("testA", name.getMethodName());

    @Test public void testB() {
        assertEquals("testB", name.getMethodName());

Array slices in C#

In C# 7.2, you can use Span<T>. The benefit of the new System.Memory system is that it doesn't need copying around data.

The method you need is Slice:

Span<byte> slice = foo.Slice(0, 40);

A lot of methods now support Span and IReadOnlySpan, so it will be very straightforward to use this new type.

Note that at the time of writing the Span<T> type is not defined in the the most recent version of .NET yet (4.7.1) so to use it you need to install the System.Memory package from NuGet.

How can I wrap or break long text/word in a fixed width span?

By default a span is an inline element... so that's not the default behavior.

You can make the span behave that way by adding display: block; to your CSS.

span {
    display: block;
    width: 100px;

Better way to right align text in HTML Table

You could use the nth-child pseudo-selector. For example:

table.align-right-3rd-column td:nth-child(3)
  text-align: right;

Then in your table do:

<table class="align-right-3rd-column">


Unfortunately, this only works in Firefox 3.5. However, if your table only has 3 columns, you could use the sibling selector, which has much better browser support. Here's what the style sheet would look like:

table.align-right-3rd-column td + td + td
  text-align: right;

This will match any column preceded by two other columns.

Oracle SQL : timestamps in where clause


You need to use to_timestamp() to convert your string to a proper timestamp value:

to_timestamp('12-01-2012 21:24:00', 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')


If your column is of type DATE (which also supports seconds), you need to use to_date()

to_date('12-01-2012 21:24:00', 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')


To get this into a where condition use the following:

select * 
from TableA 
where startdate >= to_timestamp('12-01-2012 21:24:00', 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
  and startdate <= to_timestamp('12-01-2012 21:25:33', 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')


You never need to use to_timestamp() on a column that is of type timestamp.

how to get GET and POST variables with JQuery?

simple, but yet usefull to get vars/values from URL:

function getUrlVars() {
    var vars = [], hash, hashes = null;
    if (window.location.href.indexOf("?") && window.location.href.indexOf("&")) {
        hashes = window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexOf('?') + 1).split('&');
    } else if (window.location.href.indexOf("?")) {
        hashes = window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexOf('?') + 1);
    if (hashes != null) {
        for (var i = 0; i < hashes.length; i++) {
            hash = hashes[i].split('=');
            vars[hash[0]] = hash[1];
    return vars;

I found it somewhere on the internet, just fixed few bugs

Command copy exited with code 4 when building - Visual Studio restart solves it

Run VS in Administrator mode and it should work fine.

Angular - POST uploaded file

Look at my code, but be aware. I use async/await, because latest Chrome beta can read any es6 code, which gets by TypeScript with compilation. So, you must replace asyns/await by .then().

Input change handler:

 * @param fileInput
public psdTemplateSelectionHandler (fileInput: any){
    let FileList: FileList =;

    for (let i = 0, length = FileList.length; i < length; i++) {

    this.progressBarVisibility = true;

Submit handler:

public async psdTemplateUploadHandler (): Promise<any> {
    let result: any;

    if (!this.psdTemplates.length) {

    this.isSubmitted = true;

        .subscribe(progress => {
            this.uploadProgress = progress;

    try {
        result = await this.fileUploadService.upload(this.uploadRoute, this.psdTemplates);
    } catch (error) {

    if (!result['images']) {


FileUploadService. That service also stored uploading progress in progress$ property, and in other places, you can subscribe on it and get new value every 500ms.

import { Component } from 'angular2/core';
import { Injectable } from 'angular2/core';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/share';

export class FileUploadService {
 * @param Observable<number>
private progress$: Observable<number>;

 * @type {number}
private progress: number = 0;

private progressObserver: any;

constructor () {
    this.progress$ = new Observable(observer => {
        this.progressObserver = observer

 * @returns {Observable<number>}
public getObserver (): Observable<number> {
    return this.progress$;

 * Upload files through XMLHttpRequest
 * @param url
 * @param files
 * @returns {Promise<T>}
public upload (url: string, files: File[]): Promise<any> {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        let formData: FormData = new FormData(),
            xhr: XMLHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();

        for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
            formData.append("uploads[]", files[i], files[i].name);

        xhr.onreadystatechange = () => {
            if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
                if (xhr.status === 200) {
                } else {


        xhr.upload.onprogress = (event) => {
            this.progress = Math.round(event.loaded / * 100);

        };'POST', url, true);

 * Set interval for frequency with which Observable inside Promise will share data with subscribers.
 * @param interval
private static setUploadUpdateInterval (interval: number): void {
    setInterval(() => {}, interval);

Unbalanced calls to begin/end appearance transitions for <UITabBarController: 0x197870>

I found that, if you are using a storyboard, you will want to put the code that is presenting the new view controller in viewDidAppear. It will also get rid of the "Presenting view controllers on detached view controllers is discouraged" warning.

Fixing the order of facets in ggplot

There are a couple of good solutions here.

Similar to the answer from Harpal, but within the facet, so doesn't require any change to underlying data or pre-plotting manipulation:

# Change this code:
facet_grid(.~size) + 
# To this code:
facet_grid(~factor(size, levels=c('50%','100%','150%','200%')))

This is flexible, and can be implemented for any variable as you change what element is faceted, no underlying change in the data required.

Android Studio Gradle Configuration with name 'default' not found

I solved this issue by fixing some paths in settings.gradle as shown below:

include ':project-external-module'

project(':project-external-module').projectDir = file('/project/wrong/path')

I was including an external module to my project and had the wrong path for it.

How to create an ArrayList from an Array in PowerShell?

Probably the shortest version:


It is also faster because it does not call relatively expensive New-Object.

How do I call a specific Java method on a click/submit event of a specific button in JSP?

<form method="post" action="servletName">   
     <input type="submit" id="btn1" name="btn1"/>
     <input type="submit" id="btn2" name="btn2"/>

on pressing it request will go to servlet on the servlet page check which button is pressed and then accordingly call the needed method as objectName.method

How do I force git pull to overwrite everything on every pull?

If you haven't commit the local changes yet since the last pull/clone, you can use:

git checkout *
git pull

checkout will clear your local changes with the last local commit, and pull will sincronize it to the remote repository