Programs & Examples On #Grizzly

The Grizzly NIO and Web framework leverage Java™ NIO API capabilities. Grizzly's helps developers to build scalable and robust servers using NIO and we are also offering extended framework components: Web Framework (HTTP/S), Bayeux Protocol, Servlet, HttpService OSGi and Comet.

Can not deserialize instance of java.lang.String out of START_OBJECT token

This way I solved my problem. Hope it helps others. In my case I created a class, a field, their getter & setter and then provide the object instead of string.

Use this

public static class EncryptedData {
    private String encryptedData;

    public String getEncryptedData() {
        return encryptedData;

    public void setEncryptedData(String encryptedData) {
        this.encryptedData = encryptedData;

@PutMapping(value = MY_IP_ADDRESS)
public ResponseEntity<RestResponse> updateMyIpAddress(@RequestBody final EncryptedData encryptedData) {
    try {
        Path path = Paths.get(PUBLIC_KEY);
        byte[] bytes = Files.readAllBytes(path);
        PKCS8EncodedKeySpec ks = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(base64.decode(bytes));
        PrivateKey privateKey = KeyFactory.getInstance(CRYPTO_ALGO_RSA).generatePrivate(ks);

        Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(CRYPTO_ALGO_RSA);
        cipher.init(Cipher.PRIVATE_KEY, privateKey);
        String decryptedData = new String(cipher.doFinal(encryptedData.getEncryptedData().getBytes()));
        String[] dataArray = decryptedData.split("|");

        Method updateIp = Class.forName("com.cuanet.client.helper").getMethod("methodName", String.class,String.class);
        updateIp.invoke(null, dataArray[0], dataArray[1]);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.error("Unable to update ip address for encrypted data: "+encryptedData, e);

    return null;

Instead of this

@PutMapping(value = MY_IP_ADDRESS)
public ResponseEntity<RestResponse> updateMyIpAddress(@RequestBody final EncryptedData encryptedData) {
    try {
        Path path = Paths.get(PUBLIC_KEY);
        byte[] bytes = Files.readAllBytes(path);
        PKCS8EncodedKeySpec ks = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(base64.decode(bytes));
        PrivateKey privateKey = KeyFactory.getInstance(CRYPTO_ALGO_RSA).generatePrivate(ks);

        Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(CRYPTO_ALGO_RSA);
        cipher.init(Cipher.PRIVATE_KEY, privateKey);
        String decryptedData = new String(cipher.doFinal(encryptedData.getBytes()));
        String[] dataArray = decryptedData.split("|");

        Method updateIp = Class.forName("com.cuanet.client.helper").getMethod("methodName", String.class,String.class);
        updateIp.invoke(null, dataArray[0], dataArray[1]);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.error("Unable to update ip address for encrypted data: "+encryptedData, e);

    return null;

Data at the root level is invalid

I found that the example I was using had an xml document specification on the first line. I was using a stylesheet I got at this blog entry and the first line was


which was causing the error. When I removed that line, so that the stylesheet started with the line

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:DTS="" xmlns:xsl="">

my transform worked. By the way, that blog post was the first good, easy-to follow example I have found for trying to get information from the XML definition of an SSIS package, but I did have to modify the paths in the example for my SSIS 2008 packages, so you might too. I also created a version to extract the "flow" from the precedence constraints. My final one looks like this:

    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:DTS="" xmlns:xsl="">
    <xsl:output method="text" encoding="utf-8" />
    <xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:for-each select="//DTS:PrecedenceConstraints/DTS:PrecedenceConstraint">
      <xsl:value-of select="@DTS:From"/>
      <xsl:value-of select="@DTS:To"/>

and gave me a CSV with the tilde as my line delimiter. I replaced that with a line feed in my text editor then imported into excel to get a with look at the data flow in the package.

How can I remove the top and right axis in matplotlib?

Library Seaborn has this built in with function .despine().

Just add:

import seaborn as sns

Now create your graph. And add at the end:


If you look at some of the default parameter values of the function it removes the top and right spine and keeps the bottom and left spine:

sns.despine(top=True, right=True, left=False, bottom=False)

Check out further documentation here:

Why the switch statement cannot be applied on strings?

The reason why has to do with the type system. C/C++ doesn't really support strings as a type. It does support the idea of a constant char array but it doesn't really fully understand the notion of a string.

In order to generate the code for a switch statement the compiler must understand what it means for two values to be equal. For items like ints and enums, this is a trivial bit comparison. But how should the compiler compare 2 string values? Case sensitive, insensitive, culture aware, etc ... Without a full awareness of a string this cannot be accurately answered.

Additionally, C/C++ switch statements are typically generated as branch tables. It's not nearly as easy to generate a branch table for a string style switch.

How do I use ROW_NUMBER()?

This query:


will return all rows where the UserName is 'Joe' UNLESS you have no UserName='Joe'

They will be listed in order of UserID and the row_number field will start with 1 and increment however many rows contain UserName='Joe'

If it does not work for you then your WHERE command has an issue OR there is no UserID in the table. Check spelling for both fields UserID and UserName.

Calling a class function inside of __init__

Call the function in this way:


You also need to define your parse_file() function like this:

def parse_file(self):

The parse_file method has to be bound to an object upon calling it (because it's not a static method). This is done by calling the function on an instance of the object, in your case the instance is self.

<> And Not In VB.NET

I think your question boils down to "the difference between (Is and =) and also (IsNot and <>)".

The answer in both cases is the same :

= and <> are implicitly defined for value types and you can explicitly define them for your types.

Is and IsNot are designed for comparisons between reference types to check if the two references refer to the same object.

In your example, you are comparing a string object to Nothing (Null) and since the =/<> operators are defined for strings, the first example works. However, it does not work when a Null is encountered because Strings are reference types and can be Null. The better way (as you guessed) is the latter version using Is/IsNot.

How do I parse JSON in Android?

Android has all the tools you need to parse json built-in. Example follows, no need for GSON or anything like that.

Get your JSON:

Assume you have a json string

String result = "{\"someKey\":\"someValue\"}";

Create a JSONObject:

JSONObject jObject = new JSONObject(result);

If your json string is an array, e.g.:

String result = "[{\"someKey\":\"someValue\"}]"

then you should use JSONArray as demonstrated below and not JSONObject

To get a specific string

String aJsonString = jObject.getString("STRINGNAME");

To get a specific boolean

boolean aJsonBoolean = jObject.getBoolean("BOOLEANNAME");

To get a specific integer

int aJsonInteger = jObject.getInt("INTEGERNAME");

To get a specific long

long aJsonLong = jObject.getLong("LONGNAME");

To get a specific double

double aJsonDouble = jObject.getDouble("DOUBLENAME");

To get a specific JSONArray:

JSONArray jArray = jObject.getJSONArray("ARRAYNAME");

To get the items from the array

for (int i=0; i < jArray.length(); i++)
    try {
        JSONObject oneObject = jArray.getJSONObject(i);
        // Pulling items from the array
        String oneObjectsItem = oneObject.getString("STRINGNAMEinTHEarray");
        String oneObjectsItem2 = oneObject.getString("anotherSTRINGNAMEINtheARRAY");
    } catch (JSONException e) {
        // Oops

Prevent wrapping of span or div

Particularly when using something like Twitter's Bootstrap, white-space: nowrap; doesn't always work in CSS when applying padding or margin to a child div. Instead however, adding an equivalent border: 20px solid transparent; style in place of padding/margin works more consistently.

Scroll to the top of the page using JavaScript?


  $("a[href='#top']").click(function() {
     $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow");
     return false;

in html

<a href="#top">go top</a>

How to find out if an item is present in a std::vector?

As others have said, use the STL find or find_if functions. But if you are searching in very large vectors and this impacts performance, you may want to sort your vector and then use the binary_search, lower_bound, or upper_bound algorithms.

Difference between parameter and argument

Arguments and parameters are different in that parameters are used to different values in the program and The arguments are passed the same value in the program so they are used in c++. But no difference in c. It is the same for arguments and parameters in c.

How to read XML using XPath in Java

Here is an example of processing xpath with vtd-xml... for heavy duty XML processing it is second to none. here is the a recent paper on this subject Processing XML with Java – A Performance Benchmark

import com.ximpleware.*;

public class changeAttrVal {
    public  static  void main(String s[]) throws VTDException,,{
        VTDGen vg = new VTDGen();
        if (!vg.parseFile("input.xml", false))
        VTDNav vn = vg.getNav();
        AutoPilot ap = new AutoPilot(vn);
        XMLModifier xm = new XMLModifier(vn);
        ap.selectXPath("/*/place[@id=\"p14\" and   @initialMarking=\"2\"]/@initialMarking");
        int i=0;
            xm.updateToken(i+1, "499");// change initial marking from 2 to 499


What is the difference between i = i + 1 and i += 1 in a 'for' loop?

In the first example, you are reassigning the variable a, while in the second one you are modifying the data in-place, using the += operator.

See the section about 7.2.1. Augmented assignment statements :

An augmented assignment expression like x += 1 can be rewritten as x = x + 1 to achieve a similar, but not exactly equal effect. In the augmented version, x is only evaluated once. Also, when possible, the actual operation is performed in-place, meaning that rather than creating a new object and assigning that to the target, the old object is modified instead.

+= operator calls __iadd__. This function makes the change in-place, and only after its execution, the result is set back to the object you are "applying" the += on.

__add__ on the other hand takes the parameters and returns their sum (without modifying them).

adb connection over tcp not working now

Just a tiny update with built-in wireless debugging in Android 11:

  • Go to Developer options > Wireless debugging
  • Enable > allow
  • Pair device with pairing code, a new port and pairing code generated and shown
  • adb pair [IP_ADDRESS]:[PORT] and type pairing code.
  • done

ImportError: No module named 'django.core.urlresolvers'

You need replace all occurrences of:

from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse


from django.urls import reverse

enter image description here

NOTE: The same apply to reverse_lazy

in Pycharm Cmd+Shift+R for starting replacment in Path.

jQuery toggle animation

onmouseover="$('.play-detail').stop().animate({'height': '84px'},'300');" 

onmouseout="$('.play-detail').stop().animate({'height': '44px'},'300');"

Just put two stops -- one onmouseover and one onmouseout.

Filter data.frame rows by a logical condition

Use subset (for interactive use)

subset(expr, cell_type == "hesc")
subset(expr, cell_type %in% c("bj fibroblast", "hesc"))

or better dplyr::filter()

filter(expr, cell_type %in% c("bj fibroblast", "hesc"))

HTML5 Pre-resize images before uploading

The accepted answer works great, but the resize logic ignores the case in which the image is larger than the maximum in only one of the axes (for example, height > maxHeight but width <= maxWidth).

I think the following code takes care of all cases in a more straight-forward and functional way (ignore the typescript type annotations if using plain javascript):

private scaleDownSize(width: number, height: number, maxWidth: number, maxHeight: number): {width: number, height: number} {
    if (width <= maxWidth && height <= maxHeight)
      return { width, height };
    else if (width / maxWidth > height / maxHeight)
      return { width: maxWidth, height: height * maxWidth / width};
      return { width: width * maxHeight / height, height: maxHeight };

Annotations from javax.validation.constraints not working

You can also simply use @NonNull with the lombok library instead, at least for the @NotNull scenario. More details:

C# "internal" access modifier when doing unit testing

You can use private as well and you can call private methods with reflection. If you're using Visual Studio Team Suite it has some nice functionality that will generate a proxy to call your private methods for you. Here's a code project article that demonstrates how you can do the work yourself to unit test private and protected methods:

In terms of which access modifier you should use, my general rule of thumb is start with private and escalate as needed. That way you will expose as little of the internal details of your class as are truly needed and it helps keep the implementation details hidden, as they should be.

C# Help reading foreign characters using StreamReader

You may also try the Default encoding, which uses the current system's ANSI codepage.

StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(inputFilePath, Encoding.Default, true)

When you try using the Notepad "Save As" menu with the original file, look at the encoding combo box. It will tell you which encoding notepad guessed is used by the file.

Also, if it is an ANSI file, the detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks parameter will probably not help much.

How do I put double quotes in a string in vba?

I find the easiest way is to double up on the quotes to handle a quote.

Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Formula = "IF(Sheet1!A1=0,"""",Sheet1!A1)" 

Some people like to use CHR(34)*:

Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Formula = "IF(Sheet1!A1=0," & CHR(34) & CHR(34) & ",Sheet1!A1)" 

*Note: CHAR() is used as an Excel cell formula, e.g. writing "=CHAR(34)" in a cell, but for VBA code you use the CHR() function.

how to get data from selected row from datagridview

I was having the same issue and this works excellently.

Private Sub DataGridView17_CellFormatting(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellFormattingEventArgs) Handles DataGridView17.CellFormatting  
  'Display complete contents in tooltip even though column display cuts off part of it.   
  DataGridView17.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(e.ColumnIndex).ToolTipText = DataGridView17.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(e.ColumnIndex).Value 
End Sub

Node.js: for each … in not working

There's no for each in in the version of ECMAScript supported by Node.js, only supported by firefox currently.

The important thing to note is that JavaScript versions are only relevant to Gecko (Firefox's engine) and Rhino (which is always a few versions behind). Node uses V8 which follows ECMAScript specifications

Why do we use Base64?

Why/ How do we use Base64 encoding?

Base64 is one of the binary-to-text encoding scheme having 75% efficiency. It is used so that typical binary data (such as images) may be safely sent over legacy "not 8-bit clean" channels. In earlier email networks (till early 1990s), most email messages were plain text in the 7-bit US-ASCII character set. So many early comm protocol standards were designed to work over "7-bit" comm links "not 8-bit clean". Scheme efficiency is the ratio between number of bits in the input and the number of bits in the encoded output. Hexadecimal (Base16) is also one of the binary-to-text encoding scheme with 50% efficiency.

Base64 Encoding Steps (Simplified):

  1. Binary data is arranged in continuous chunks of 24 bits (3 bytes) each.
  2. Each 24 bits chunk is grouped in to four parts of 6 bit each.
  3. Each 6 bit group is converted into their corresponding Base64 character values, i.e. Base64 encoding converts three octets into four encoded characters. The ratio of output bytes to input bytes is 4:3 (33% overhead).
  4. Interestingly, the same characters will be encoded differently depending on their position within the three-octet group which is encoded to produce the four characters.
  5. The receiver will have to reverse this process to recover the original message.

Difference between setUp() and setUpBeforeClass()

The @BeforeClass and @AfterClass annotated methods will be run exactly once during your test run - at the very beginning and end of the test as a whole, before anything else is run. In fact, they're run before the test class is even constructed, which is why they must be declared static.

The @Before and @After methods will be run before and after every test case, so will probably be run multiple times during a test run.

So let's assume you had three tests in your class, the order of method calls would be:


  (Test class first instance constructed and the following methods called on it)

  (Test class second instance constructed and the following methods called on it)

  (Test class third instance constructed and the following methods called on it)


How read Doc or Docx file in java?

Here is the code of ReadDoc/ This will read a dox/docx file and print its content to the console. you can customize it your way.

import org.apache.poi.hwpf.HWPFDocument;
import org.apache.poi.hwpf.extractor.WordExtractor;

public class ReadDocFile
    public static void main(String[] args)
        File file = null;
        WordExtractor extractor = null;

            file = new File("c:\\New.doc");
            FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file.getAbsolutePath());
            HWPFDocument document = new HWPFDocument(fis);
            extractor = new WordExtractor(document);
            String[] fileData = extractor.getParagraphText();
            for (int i = 0; i < fileData.length; i++)
                if (fileData[i] != null)
        catch (Exception exep)

maxlength ignored for input type="number" in Chrome

<input type="number"> is just that... a number input (albeit, unconverted from a string to float via Javascript).

My guess, it doesn't restrict characters on key input by maxLength or else your user could be stuck in a "key trap" if they forgot a decimal at the beginning (Try putting a . at index 1 when an <input type"text"> "maxLength" attr has already been reached). It will however validate on form submit if you set a max attribute.

If you're trying to restrict/validate a phone number, use the type="tel" attr/value. It obeys the maxLength attr and brings up the mobile number keyboard only (in modern browsers) and you can restrict input to a pattern (i.e. pattern="[0-9]{10}").

What is the difference between connection and read timeout for sockets?

These are timeout values enforced by JVM for TCP connection establishment and waiting on reading data from socket.

If the value is set to infinity, you will not wait forever. It simply means JVM doesn't have timeout and OS will be responsible for all the timeouts. However, the timeouts on OS may be really long. On some slow network, I've seen timeouts as long as 6 minutes.

Even if you set the timeout value for socket, it may not work if the timeout happens in the native code. We can reproduce the problem on Linux by connecting to a host blocked by firewall or unplugging the cable on switch.

The only safe approach to handle TCP timeout is to run the connection code in a different thread and interrupt the thread when it takes too long.

How to change Oracle default data pump directory to import dumpfile?

You can use the following command to update the DATA PUMP DIRECTORY path,

create or replace directory DATA_PUMP_DIR as '/u01/app/oracle/admin/MYDB/dpdump/';

For me data path correction was required as I have restored the my database from production to test environment.

Same command can be used to create a new DATA PUMP DIRECTORY name and path.

Convert date to UTC using moment.js

This is found in the documentation. With a library like moment, I urge you to read the entirety of the documentation. It's really important.

Assuming the input text is entered in terms of the users's local time:

 var expires = moment(date).valueOf();

If the user is instructed actually enter a UTC date/time, then:

 var expires = moment.utc(date).valueOf();

How to set opacity to the background color of a div?

CSS 3 introduces rgba colour, and you can combine it with graphics for a backwards compatible solution.

How to check whether a int is not null or empty?

I think you can initialize the variables a value like -1, because if the int type variables is not initialized it can't be used. When you want to check if it is not the value you want you can check if it is -1.

in linux terminal, how do I show the folder's last modification date, taking its content into consideration?

Something like:

find /path/ -type f -exec stat \{} --printf="%y\n" \; | 
     sort -n -r | 
     head -n 1


  • the find command will print modification time for every file recursively ignoring directories (according to the comment by IQAndreas you can't rely on the folders timestamps)
  • sort -n (numerically) -r (reverse)
  • head -n 1: get the first entry

How to do Base64 encoding in node.js?

I have created a ultimate small js npm library for the base64 encode/decode conversion in Node.js.


npm install nodejs-base64-converter --save


var nodeBase64 = require('nodejs-base64-converter');

console.log(nodeBase64.encode("test text")); //dGVzdCB0ZXh0
console.log(nodeBase64.decode("dGVzdCB0ZXh0")); //test text

Private vs Protected - Visibility Good-Practice Concern

When would you use private and when would you use protected?

Private Inheritance can be thought of Implemented in terms of relationship rather than a IS-A relationship. Simply put, the external interface of the inheriting class has no (visible) relationship to the inherited class, It uses the private inheritance only to implement a similar functionality which the Base class provides.

Unlike, Private Inheritance, Protected inheritance is a restricted form of Inheritance,wherein the deriving class IS-A kind of the Base class and it wants to restrict the access of the derived members only to the derived class.

How to exclude 0 from MIN formula Excel

if all your value are positive, you can do -max(-n)

How to set max and min value for Y axis

You have to overrride the scale, try this: (applies to ChartJS v1.x)

window.onload = function(){
    var ctx = document.getElementById("canvas").getContext("2d");
    window.myLine = new Chart(ctx).Line(lineChartData, {
        scaleOverride : true,
        scaleSteps : 10,
        scaleStepWidth : 50,
        scaleStartValue : 0 

How to count how many values per level in a given factor?

One more approach would be to apply n() function which is counting the number of observations

data %>% 
  group_by(columnName) %>%
  summarise(Count = n())

Aggregate function in SQL WHERE-Clause

HAVING is like WHERE with aggregate functions, or you could use a subquery.

select EmployeeId, sum(amount)
from Sales
group by Employee
having sum(amount) > 20000


select EmployeeId, sum(amount)
from Sales
group by Employee
where EmployeeId in (
    select max(EmployeeId) from Employees)

Equivalent of waitForVisible/waitForElementPresent in Selenium WebDriver tests using Java?

Implicit and Explicit Waits

Implicit Wait

An implicit wait is to tell WebDriver to poll the DOM for a certain amount of time when trying to find an element or elements if they are not immediately available. The default setting is 0. Once set, the implicit wait is set for the life of the WebDriver object instance.

driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

Explicit Wait + Expected Conditions

An explicit waits is code you define to wait for a certain condition to occur before proceeding further in the code. The worst case of this is Thread.sleep(), which sets the condition to an exact time period to wait. There are some convenience methods provided that help you write code that will wait only as long as required. WebDriverWait in combination with ExpectedCondition is one way this can be accomplished.

WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);
WebElement element = wait.until(

Angular 2: How to style host element of the component?

Check out this issue. I think the bug will be resolved when new template precompilation logic will be implemented. For now I think the best you can do is to wrap your template into <div class="root"> and style this div:

@Component({ ... })
  template: `
    <div class="root">
      <h2>Hello Angular2!</h2>
      <p>here is your template</p>
  styles: [`
    .root {
      background: blue;
class SomeComponent {}

See this plunker

C++ pointer to objects

First I need to say that your code,

MyClass *myclass;

will cause an undefined behavior. Because the pointer "myclass" isn't pointing to any "MyClass" type objects.

Here I have three suggestions for you:-

option 1:- You can simply declare and use a MyClass type object on the stack as below.

MyClass myclass; //allocates memory for the object "myclass", on the stack.

option 2:- By using the new operator.

MyClass *myclass = new MyClass();

Three things will hapen here.

i) Allocates memory for the "MyClass" type object on the heap.

ii) Allocates memory for the "MyClass" type pointer "myclass" on the stack.

iii) pointer "myclass" points to the memory address of "MyClass" type object on the heap

Now you can use the pointer to access member functions of the object after dereferencing the pointer by "->"


But you should free the memory allocated to "MyClass" type object on the heap, before returning from the scope unless you want it to exists. Otherwise it will cause a memory leak!

delete myclass; // free the memory pointed by the pointer "myclass"

option 3:- you can also do as below.

MyClass myclass; // allocates memory for the "MyClass" type object on the stack.
MyClass *myclassPtr; // allocates memory for the "MyClass" type pointer on the stack.
myclassPtr = &myclass; // "myclassPtr" pointer points to the momory address of myclass object.

Now, pointer and object both are on the stack. Now you can't return this pointer to the outside of the current scope because both allocated memory of the pointer and the object will be freed while stepping outside the scope.

So as a summary, option 1 and 3 will allocate an object on the stack while only the option 2 will do it on the heap.

Java : Sort integer array without using Arrays.sort()

here is the Sorting Simple Example try it

public class SortingSimpleExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[] a={10,20,1,5,4,20,6,4,2,5,4,6,8,-5,-1};
        for(int i:a)
    public static int[] sort(int[] a){

        for(int i=0;i<a.length;i++){
            for(int j=0;j<a.length;j++){
                int temp=0;
        return a;


Find all special characters in a column in SQL Server 2008

select count(*) from dbo.tablename where address_line_1 LIKE '%[\'']%' {eSCAPE'\'}

java how to use classes in other package?

You have to provide the full path that you want to import.


So, in your main class, you'd have:



class Main {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      Second second = new Second();

EDIT: adding example in response to Shawn D's comment

There is another alternative, as Shawn D points out, where you can specify the full package name of the object that you want to use. This is very useful in two locations. First, if you're using the class exactly once:

class Main {
    void function() {
        int x = my.package.heirarchy.Foo.aStaticMethod();

        another.package.heirarchy.Baz b = new another.package.heirarchy.Bax();

Alternatively, this is useful when you want to differentiate between two classes with the same short name:

class Main {
    void function() {
        java.util.Date utilDate = ...;
        java.sql.Date sqlDate = ...;

How do I reverse a commit in git?

This article has an excellent explanation as to how to go about various scenarios (where a commit has been done as well as the push OR just a commit, before the push):

From the article, the easiest command I saw to revert a previous commit by its commit id, was:

git revert dd61ab32

Multiple conditions in if statement shell script

You are trying to compare strings inside an arithmetic command (((...))). Use [[ instead.

if [[ $username == "$username1" && $password == "$password1" ]] ||
   [[ $username == "$username2" && $password == "$password2" ]]; then

Note that I've reduced this to two separate tests joined by ||, with the && moved inside the tests. This is because the shell operators && and || have equal precedence and are simply evaluated from left to right. As a result, it's not generally true that a && b || c && d is equivalent to the intended ( a && b ) || ( c && d ).

How can I test a PDF document if it is PDF/A compliant?

Do you have Adobe PDFL or Acrobat Professional? You can use preflight operation if you do.

JUnit 4 compare Sets

Using Hamcrest:

assertThat( set1, both(everyItem(isIn(set2))).and(containsInAnyOrder(set1)));

This works also when the sets have different datatypes, and reports on the difference instead of just failing.

Aborting a stash pop in Git

I could reproduce clean git stash pop on "dirty" directory, with uncommitted changes, but not yet pop that generates a merge conflict.

If on merge conflict the stash you tried to apply didn't disappear, you can try to examine git show stash@{0} (optionally with --ours or --theirs) and compare with git statis and git diff HEAD. You should be able to see which changes came from applying a stash.

Function overloading in Javascript - Best practices

For your use case, this is how I would tackle it with ES6 (since it's already the end of 2017):

const foo = (x, y, z) => {
  if (y && z) {
    // Do your foo(x, y, z); functionality
    return output;
  // Do your foo(x); functionality
  return output;

You can obviously adapt this to work with any amount of parameters and just change your conditional statements accordingly.

How to plot all the columns of a data frame in R

I'm surprised that no one mentioned matplot. It's pretty convenient in case you don't need to plot each line in separate axes. Just one command:

matplot(y = data, type = 'l', lty = 1)

Use ?matplot to see all the options.

To add the legend, you can set color palette and then add it:

mypalette = rainbow(ncol(data))
matplot(y = data, type = 'l', lty = 1, col = mypalette)
legend(legend = colnames(data), x = "topright", y = "topright", lty = 1, lwd = 2, col = mypalette)

The network adapter could not establish the connection - Oracle 11g

First check your listener is on or off. Go to net manager then Local -> service naming -> orcl. Then change your HOST NAME and put your PC name. Now go to LISTENER and change the HOST and put your PC name.

Delete all SYSTEM V shared memory and semaphores on UNIX-like systems

Here, save and try this script ( on your shell:



IPCS_S=`ipcs -s | egrep "0x[0-9a-f]+ [0-9]+" | grep $ME | cut -f2 -d" "`
IPCS_M=`ipcs -m | egrep "0x[0-9a-f]+ [0-9]+" | grep $ME | cut -f2 -d" "`
IPCS_Q=`ipcs -q | egrep "0x[0-9a-f]+ [0-9]+" | grep $ME | cut -f2 -d" "`

for id in $IPCS_M; do
  ipcrm -m $id;

for id in $IPCS_S; do
  ipcrm -s $id;

for id in $IPCS_Q; do
  ipcrm -q $id;

We use it whenever we run IPCS programs in the university student server. Some people don't always cleanup's needed :P

Service located in another namespace

It is so simple to do it

if you want to use it as host and want to resolve it

If you are using ambassador to any other API gateway for service located in another namespace it's always suggested to use :

            Use : <service name>
            Use : <>.<namespace name>
            Not : <>.<namespace name>.svc.cluster.local

it will be like : servicename.namespacename.svc.cluster.local

this will send request to a particular service inside the namespace you have mention.


kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
  name: service
  type: ExternalName
  externalName: <servicename>.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local

Here replace the <servicename> and <namespace> with the appropriate value.

In Kubernetes, namespaces are used to create virtual environment but all are connect with each other.

Convert a PHP script into a stand-alone windows executable

My experience in this matter tells me , most of these software work good with small projects .
But what about big projects? e.g: Zend Framework 2 and some things like that.
Some of them need browser to run and this is difficult to tell customer "please type http://localhost/" in your browser address bar !!

I create a simple project to do this : PHPPy

This is not complete way for create stand alone executable file for running php projects but helps you to do this.
I couldn't compile python file with PyInstaller or Py2exe to .exe file , hope you can.
You don't need uniformserver executable files.

CSS Calc Viewport Units Workaround?

As a workaround you can use the fact percent vertical padding and margin are computed from the container width. It's quite a ugly solution and I don't know if you'll be able to use it but well, it works:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <div>It works!</div>

html, body, div {
    height: 100%;
body {
    margin: 0;
div {
    box-sizing: border-box;
    margin-top: -75%;
    padding-top: 75%;
    background: #d35400;
    color: #fff;

Convert spark DataFrame column to python list

The following code will help you'mvv') row : row[0]).collect()

Concept behind putting wait(),notify() methods in Object class

Answer to your first question is As every object in java has only one lock(monitor) andwait(),notify(),notifyAll() are used for monitor sharing thats why they are part of Object class rather than Threadclass.

How to print pthread_t

In this case, it depends on the operating system, since the POSIX standard no longer requires pthread_t to be an arithmetic type:

IEEE Std 1003.1-2001/Cor 2-2004, item XBD/TC2/D6/26 is applied, adding pthread_t to the list of types that are not required to be arithmetic types, thus allowing pthread_t to be defined as a structure.

You will need to look in your sys/types.h header and see how pthread_t is implemented; then you can print it how you see fit. Since there isn't a portable way to do this and you don't say what operating system you are using, there's not a whole lot more to say.

Edit: to answer your new question, GDB assigns its own thread ids each time a new thread starts:

For debugging purposes, gdb associates its own thread number—always a single integer—with each thread in your program.

If you are looking at printing a unique number inside of each thread, your cleanest option would probably be to tell each thread what number to use when you start it.

json_encode sparse PHP array as JSON array, not JSON object

You are observing this behaviour because your array is not sequential - it has keys 0 and 2, but doesn't have 1 as a key.

Just having numeric indexes isn't enough. json_encode will only encode your PHP array as a JSON array if your PHP array is sequential - that is, if its keys are 0, 1, 2, 3, ...

You can reindex your array sequentially using the array_values function to get the behaviour you want. For example, the code below works successfully in your use case:

echo json_encode(array_values($input)).

What is the http-header "X-XSS-Protection"?

You can see in this List of useful HTTP headers.

X-XSS-Protection: This header enables the Cross-site scripting (XSS) filter built into most recent web browsers. It's usually enabled by default anyway, so the role of this header is to re-enable the filter for this particular website if it was disabled by the user. This header is supported in IE 8+, and in Chrome (not sure which versions). The anti-XSS filter was added in Chrome 4. Its unknown if that version honored this header.

Get Return Value from Stored procedure in

Procedure never returns a value.You have to use a output parameter in store procedure.

@UserName   varchar(50),
@password   varchar(50)
@retvalue int output
    declare @return     int 
    set @return  = (Select COUNT(*) 
    FROM    CPUser  
    WHERE   UserName = @UserName AND Password = @password)

   set @retvalue=@return

Then you have to add a sqlparameter from c# whose parameter direction is out. Hope this make sense.

How to concatenate int values in java?


int result = a * 10000 + b * 1000 + c * 100 + d * 10 + e;
String s = Integer.toString(result);

will work.

Note: this will only work when a is greater than 0 and all of b, c, d and e are in [0, 9]. For example, if b is 15, Michael's method will get you the result you probably want.

Is there a simple way to increment a datetime object one month in Python?

Check out from dateutil.relativedelta import * for adding a specific amount of time to a date, you can continue to use timedelta for the simple stuff i.e.

use_date = use_date + datetime.timedelta(minutes=+10)
use_date = use_date + datetime.timedelta(hours=+1)
use_date = use_date + datetime.timedelta(days=+1)
use_date = use_date + datetime.timedelta(weeks=+1)

or you can start using relativedelta

use_date = use_date+relativedelta(months=+1)

use_date = use_date+relativedelta(years=+1)

for the last day of next month:

use_date = use_date+relativedelta(months=+1)
use_date = use_date+relativedelta(day=31)

Right now this will provide 29/02/2016

for the penultimate day of next month:

use_date = use_date+relativedelta(months=+1)
use_date = use_date+relativedelta(day=31)
use_date = use_date+relativedelta(days=-1)

last Friday of the next month:

use_date = use_date+relativedelta(months=+1, day=31, weekday=FR(-1))

2nd Tuesday of next month:

new_date = use_date+relativedelta(months=+1, day=1, weekday=TU(2))

As @mrroot5 points out dateutil's rrule functions can be applied, giving you an extra bang for your buck, if you require date occurences.
for example:
Calculating the last day of the month for 9 months from the last day of last month.
Then, calculate the 2nd Tuesday for each of those months.

from dateutil.relativedelta import *
from dateutil.rrule import *
from datetime import datetime
use_date = datetime(2020,11,21)

#Calculate the last day of last month
use_date = use_date+relativedelta(months=-1)
use_date = use_date+relativedelta(day=31)

#Generate a list of the last day for 9 months from the calculated date
x = list(rrule(freq=MONTHLY, count=9, dtstart=use_date, bymonthday=(-1,)))
print("Last day")
for ld in x:

#Generate a list of the 2nd Tuesday in each of the next 9 months from the calculated date
print("\n2nd Tuesday")
x = list(rrule(freq=MONTHLY, count=9, dtstart=use_date, byweekday=TU(2)))
for tuesday in x:

Last day
2020-10-31 00:00:00
2020-11-30 00:00:00
2020-12-31 00:00:00
2021-01-31 00:00:00
2021-02-28 00:00:00
2021-03-31 00:00:00
2021-04-30 00:00:00
2021-05-31 00:00:00
2021-06-30 00:00:00

2nd Tuesday
2020-11-10 00:00:00
2020-12-08 00:00:00
2021-01-12 00:00:00
2021-02-09 00:00:00
2021-03-09 00:00:00
2021-04-13 00:00:00
2021-05-11 00:00:00
2021-06-08 00:00:00
2021-07-13 00:00:00

This is by no means an exhaustive list of what is available. Documentation is available here:

Execution order of events when pressing PrimeFaces p:commandButton

It failed because you used ajax="false". This fires a full synchronous request which in turn causes a full page reload, causing the oncomplete to be never fired (note that all other ajax-related attributes like process, onstart, onsuccess, onerror and update are also never fired).

That it worked when you removed actionListener is also impossible. It should have failed the same way. Perhaps you also removed ajax="false" along it without actually understanding what you were doing. Removing ajax="false" should indeed achieve the desired requirement.

Also is it possible to execute actionlistener and oncomplete simultaneously?

No. The script can only be fired before or after the action listener. You can use onclick to fire the script at the moment of the click. You can use onstart to fire the script at the moment the ajax request is about to be sent. But they will never exactly simultaneously be fired. The sequence is as follows:

  • User clicks button in client
  • onclick JavaScript code is executed
  • JavaScript prepares ajax request based on process and current HTML DOM tree
  • onstart JavaScript code is executed
  • JavaScript sends ajax request from client to server
  • JSF retrieves ajax request
  • JSF processes the request lifecycle on JSF component tree based on process
  • actionListener JSF backing bean method is executed
  • action JSF backing bean method is executed
  • JSF prepares ajax response based on update and current JSF component tree
  • JSF sends ajax response from server to client
  • JavaScript retrieves ajax response
    • if HTTP response status is 200, onsuccess JavaScript code is executed
    • else if HTTP response status is 500, onerror JavaScript code is executed
  • JavaScript performs update based on ajax response and current HTML DOM tree
  • oncomplete JavaScript code is executed

Note that the update is performed after actionListener, so if you were using onclick or onstart to show the dialog, then it may still show old content instead of updated content, which is poor for user experience. You'd then better use oncomplete instead to show the dialog. Also note that you'd better use action instead of actionListener when you intend to execute a business action.

See also:

How to clear all input fields in bootstrap modal when clicking data-dismiss button?

Put the contents in your modal inside a form and give it an ID which is equal to "myForm".

When the close button is clicked, give an onclick to the function "myFunction()".

<button class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal" onclick="myFunction()">Cancel</button>

function myFunction() {

search in java ArrayList

I did something close to that, the compiler is seeing that your return statement is in an If() statement. If you wish to resolve this error, simply create a new local variable called customerId before the If statement, then assign a value inside of the if statement. After the if statement, call your return statement, and return cstomerId. Like this:

Customer findCustomerByid(int id)
    boolean exist=false;

    if(this.customers.isEmpty()) {
        return null;

    for(int i=0;i<this.customers.size();i++) {
        if(this.customers.get(i).getId() == id) {

        int customerId;

        if(exist) {
            customerId = this.customers.get(id);
        } else {
            customerId = this.customers.get(id);
    return customerId;

SQL SELECT WHERE field contains words

If you just want to find a match.

SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE INSTR('word1 word2 word3',Column1)<>0

SQL Server :

CHARINDEX(Column1, 'word1 word2 word3', 1)<>0

To get exact match. Example (';a;ab;ac;',';b;') will not get a match.

SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE INSTR(';word1;word2;word3;',';'||Column1||';')<>0

Sending email with attachments from C#, attachments arrive as Part 1.2 in Thunderbird

I've made a short code to do that and I want to share it with you.

Here the main code:

public void Send(string from, string password, string to, string Message, string subject, string host, int port, string file)

  MailMessage email = new MailMessage();
  email.From = new MailAddress(from);
  email.Subject = subject;
  email.Body = Message;
  SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient(host, port);
  smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
  NetworkCredential nc = new NetworkCredential(from, password);
  smtp.Credentials = nc;
  smtp.EnableSsl = true;
  email.IsBodyHtml = true;
  email.Priority = MailPriority.Normal;
  email.BodyEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;

  if (file.Length > 0)
    Attachment attachment;
    attachment = new Attachment(file);

  // smtp.Send(email);
  smtp.SendCompleted += new SendCompletedEventHandler(SendCompletedCallBack);
  string userstate = "sending ...";
  smtp.SendAsync(email, userstate);

private static void SendCompletedCallBack(object sender,AsyncCompletedEventArgs e) {
  string result = "";
  if (e.Cancelled)
    MessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0} send canceled.", e.UserState),"Message",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Information);
  else if (e.Error != null)
    MessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0} {1}", e.UserState, e.Error), "Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
  else {
    MessageBox.Show("your message is sended", "Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);


In your button do stuff like this
you can add your jpg or pdf files and more .. this is just an example

using (OpenFileDialog attachement = new OpenFileDialog()
  Filter = "Exel Client|*.png",
  ValidateNames = true
if (attachement.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
  Send("[email protected]", "gmail_password", 
       "[email protected]", "just smile ", "mail with attachement",
       "", 587, attachement.FileName);


Node.js - Maximum call stack size exceeded

Regarding increasing the max stack size, on 32 bit and 64 bit machines V8's memory allocation defaults are, respectively, 700 MB and 1400 MB. In newer versions of V8, memory limits on 64 bit systems are no longer set by V8, theoretically indicating no limit. However, the OS (Operating System) on which Node is running can always limit the amount of memory V8 can take, so the true limit of any given process cannot be generally stated.

Though V8 makes available the --max_old_space_size option, which allows control over the amount of memory available to a process, accepting a value in MB. Should you need to increase memory allocation, simply pass this option the desired value when spawning a Node process.

It is often an excellent strategy to reduce the available memory allocation for a given Node instance, especially when running many instances. As with stack limits, consider whether massive memory needs are better delegated to a dedicated storage layer, such as an in-memory database or similar.

Unable to launch the IIS Express Web server, Failed to register URL, Access is denied

I solved the error by changing the port for the project.

I did the following steps:

1 - Right click on the project.
2 - Go to properties.
3 - Go to Server tab.
4 - On tab section, change the project URL for other port, like 8080 or 3000.

Good luck!

Spring Security redirect to previous page after successful login

I want to extend Olcay's nice answer. His approach is good, your login page controller should be like this to put the referrer url into session:

@RequestMapping(value = "/login", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String loginPage(HttpServletRequest request, Model model) {
    String referrer = request.getHeader("Referer");
    request.getSession().setAttribute("url_prior_login", referrer);
    // some other stuff
    return "login";

And you should extend SavedRequestAwareAuthenticationSuccessHandler and override its onAuthenticationSuccess(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Authentication authentication) method. Something like this:

public class MyCustomLoginSuccessHandler extends SavedRequestAwareAuthenticationSuccessHandler {
    public MyCustomLoginSuccessHandler(String defaultTargetUrl) {

    public void onAuthenticationSuccess(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Authentication authentication) throws ServletException, IOException {
        HttpSession session = request.getSession();
        if (session != null) {
            String redirectUrl = (String) session.getAttribute("url_prior_login");
            if (redirectUrl != null) {
                // we do not forget to clean this attribute from session
                // then we redirect
                getRedirectStrategy().sendRedirect(request, response, redirectUrl);
            } else {
                super.onAuthenticationSuccess(request, response, authentication);
        } else {
            super.onAuthenticationSuccess(request, response, authentication);

Then, in your spring configuration, you should define this custom class as a bean and use it on your security configuration. If you are using annotation config, it should look like this (the class you extend from WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter):

public AuthenticationSuccessHandler successHandler() {
    return new MyCustomLoginSuccessHandler("/yourdefaultsuccessurl");

In configure method:

protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
            // bla bla
            // etc etc

Single TextView with multiple colored text

Use SpannableStringBuilder

SpannableStringBuilder builder = new SpannableStringBuilder();

SpannableString str1= new SpannableString("Text1");
str1.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(Color.RED), 0, str1.length(), 0);

SpannableString str2= new SpannableString(appMode.toString());
str2.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(Color.GREEN), 0, str2.length(), 0);

TextView tv = (TextView) view.findViewById(;
tv.setText( builder, TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE);

Redirecting to URL in Flask

From the Flask API Documentation (v. 0.10):

flask.redirect(location, code=302, Response=None)

Returns a response object (a WSGI application) that, if called, redirects the client to the target location. Supported codes are 301, 302, 303, 305, and 307. 300 is not supported because it’s not a real redirect and 304 because it’s the answer for a request with a request with defined If-Modified-Since headers.

New in version 0.6: The location can now be a unicode string that is encoded using the iri_to_uri() function.


  • location – the location the response should redirect to.
  • code – the redirect status code. defaults to 302.
  • Response (class) – a Response class to use when instantiating a response. The default is werkzeug.wrappers.Response if unspecified.

Checking for a null int value from a Java ResultSet

With java 8 you can do this:

Long nVal = Optional.ofNullable(resultSet.getBigDecimal("col_name"))

In that case you ensure that the nVal will be null (and not zero) if the SQL value is NULL

How to set custom header in Volley Request

You can make a custom Request class that extends the StringRequest and override the getHeaders() method inside it like this:

public class CustomVolleyRequest extends StringRequest {

    public CustomVolleyRequest(int method, String url,
                           Response.Listener<String> listener,
                           Response.ErrorListener errorListener) {
        super(method, url, listener, errorListener);

    public Map<String, String> getHeaders() throws AuthFailureError {
        Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<>();
        return headers;

"Sources directory is already netbeans project" error when opening a project from existing sources

In my case my project root directory consists ".project". This contain the XML reference of the project name.

By removing this, i am able to create a project.

phpMyAdmin Error: The mbstring extension is missing. Please check your PHP configuration

You can try this

sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin php-mbstring php-gettext
sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin/ /var/www/html/phpmyadmin
service apache2 restart

ORDER BY date and time BEFORE GROUP BY name in mysql

Use a subselect:

select name, date, time
from mytable main
where date + time = (select min(date + time) from mytable where name = main.mytable)
order by date + time;

How to use particular CSS styles based on screen size / device

Why not use @media-queries? These are designed for that exact purpose. You can also do this with jQuery, but that's a last resort in my book.

var s = document.createElement("script");

//Check if viewport is smaller than 768 pixels
if(window.innerWidth < 768) {
    s.type = "text/javascript";
    s.src = "";
}else { //Else we have a larger screen
    s.type = "text/javascript";
    s.src = "";

    $("head").append(s); //Inject stylesheet

Handler "ExtensionlessUrlHandler-Integrated-4.0" has a bad module "ManagedPipelineHandler" in its module list

Despite following most of the advice on this page, I was still getting problems on Windows Server 2012. Installing .NET Extensibility 4.5 solved it for me:

Add Roles and Features > Server Roles > Web Server (IIS) > Web Server > Application Development > .NET Extensibility 4.5

How can I create a war file of my project in NetBeans?

Netbeans will create the Ant script for you, it uses Ant to build anyway. But if you want to get the war file, just build your project. The .war file will be located in /yournetbeanshomedirectory/yourproject/dist/yourwar.war

You can check out the ant build script it uses by looking at the build.xml file in your project directory. Might help you feel a little more comfortable using ant to do builds.

Table Height 100% inside Div element

to set height of table to its container I must do:

1) set "position: absolute"

2) remove redundant contents of cells (!)

CSS selector (id contains part of text)

The only selector I see is a[id$="name"] (all links with id finishing by "name") but it's not as restrictive as it should.

Check if an array is empty or exists

You can use jQuery's isEmptyObject() to check whether the array contains elements or not.

var testArray=[1,2,3,4,5]; 
var testArray1=[];
console.log(jQuery.isEmptyObject(testArray)); //false
console.log(jQuery.isEmptyObject(testArray1)); //true 


How to call Base Class's __init__ method from the child class?

You can call the super class's constructor like this

class A(object):
    def __init__(self, number):
        print "parent", number

class B(A):
    def __init__(self):
        super(B, self).__init__(5)

b = B()


This will work only when the parent class inherits object

Sharing url link does not show thumbnail image on facebook

Your meta tag should look like this:

<meta property="og:image" content=""/>

And it has to be placed on the page you want to share (this is unclear in your question).

If you have shared the page before the image (or the meta tag) was present, then it is possible, that facebook has the page in its "memory" without an image. In this case simply enter the URL of your page in the debug tool After that, the image should be present when the page is shared the next time.

Strange "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError" in Eclipse

Another occasion of when java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError may happen is during the second/subsequent attempts to instantiate the class after the first attempt failed for some other exception or error. The class loader seems to cache knowledge that it was not able to instantiate the class on the first attempt but not the reason why. Thus it reports NoClassDefFoundError.

So it's a good idea to make sure there were not errors/exceptions with an earlier attempt at instantiating the class before going down a rabbit hole trying to troubleshoot the NoClassDefFoundError.

Short form for Java if statement

I'm always forgeting how to use the ?: ternary operator. This supplemental answer is a quick reminder. It is shorthand for if-then-else.

myVariable = (testCondition) ? someValue : anotherValue;


  • () holds the if
  • ? means then
  • : means else

It is the same as

if (testCondition) {
    myVariable = someValue;
} else {
    myVariable = anotherValue;

How to read xml file contents in jQuery and display in html elements?

You can use $.each()

Suppose your xml is


In your Ajax success

success: function (xml) {
    $(xml).find('Cloudtags').each(function(){// your outer tag of xml
         var id = $(this).find("id").text(); // 

For your case

success: function (xml) {
        $(xml).find('person').each(function(){// your outer tag of xml
             var name = $(this).find("name").text(); // 
             var age = $(this).find("age").text();

python capitalize first letter only

I came up with this:

import re

regex = re.compile("[A-Za-z]") # find a alpha
str = "1st str"
s = # find the first alpha
str = str.replace(s, s.upper(), 1) # replace only 1 instance
print str

window.onbeforeunload and window.onunload is not working in Firefox, Safari, Opera?

Firefox simply does not show custom onbeforeunload messages. Mozilla say they are protecing end users from malicious sites that might show misleading text.

Singular matrix issue with Numpy

By definition, by multiplying a 1D vector by its transpose, you've created a singular matrix.

Each row is a linear combination of the first row.

Notice that the second row is just 8x the first row.

Likewise, the third row is 50x the first row.

There's only one independent row in your matrix.

jQuery .ready in a dynamically inserted iframe

Basically what others have already posted but IMHO a bit cleaner:

$('<iframe/>', {
    src: '',
    load: function() {

How to process images of a video, frame by frame, in video streaming using OpenCV and Python

This is how I would start to solve this:

  1. Create a video writer:

    import as cv
    videowriter = cv.CreateVideoWriter( filename, fourcc, fps, frameSize)

    Check here for valid parameters

  2. Loop to retrieve[1] and write the frames:

    cv.WriteFrame( videowriter, frame )

    WriteFrame doc

[1] zenpoy already pointed in the correct direction. You just need to know that you can retrieve images from a webcam or a file :-)

Hopefully I understood the requirements correct.

Is Fortran easier to optimize than C for heavy calculations?

There is nothing about the languages Fortran and C which makes one faster than the other for specific purposes. There are things about specific compilers for each of these languages which make some favorable for certain tasks more than others.

For many years, Fortran compilers existed which could do black magic to your numeric routines, making many important computations insanely fast. The contemporary C compilers couldn't do it as well. As a result, a number of great libraries of code grew in Fortran. If you want to use these well tested, mature, wonderful libraries, you break out the Fortran compiler.

My informal observations show that these days people code their heavy computational stuff in any old language, and if it takes a while they find time on some cheap compute cluster. Moore's Law makes fools of us all.

document.getElementById("test").style.display="hidden" not working

It should be either

document.getElementById("test").style.display = "none";


document.getElementById("test").style.visibility = "hidden";

Second option will display some blank space where the form was initially present , where as the first option doesn't

How to check if an email address is real or valid using PHP

I have been searching for this same answer all morning and have pretty much found out that it's probably impossible to verify if every email address you ever need to check actually exists at the time you need to verify it. So as a work around, I kind of created a simple PHP script to verify that the email address is formatted correct and it also verifies that the domain name used is correct as well.

GitHub here


# What to do if the class is being called directly and not being included in a script     via PHP
# This allows the class/script to be called via other methods like JavaScript

if(basename(__FILE__) == basename($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"])){
$return_array = array();

if($_GET['address_to_verify'] == '' || !isset($_GET['address_to_verify'])){
    $return_array['error']              = 1;
    $return_array['message']            = 'No email address was submitted for verification';
    $return_array['domain_verified']    = 0;
    $return_array['format_verified']    = 0;
    $verify = new EmailVerify();

        $return_array['format_verified']    = 1;

            $return_array['error']              = 0;
            $return_array['domain_verified']    = 1;
            $return_array['message']            = 'Formatting and domain have been verified';
            $return_array['error']              = 1;
            $return_array['domain_verified']    = 0;
            $return_array['message']            = 'Formatting was verified, but verification of the domain has failed';
        $return_array['error']              = 1;
        $return_array['domain_verified']    = 0;
        $return_array['format_verified']    = 0;
        $return_array['message']            = 'Email was not formatted correctly';

echo json_encode($return_array);


class EmailVerify {
public function __construct(){


public function verify_domain($address_to_verify){
    // an optional sender  
    $record = 'MX';
    list($user, $domain) = explode('@', $address_to_verify);
    return checkdnsrr($domain, $record);

public function verify_formatting($address_to_verify){
    if(strstr($address_to_verify, "@") == FALSE){
        return false;
        list($user, $domain) = explode('@', $address_to_verify);

        if(strstr($domain, '.') == FALSE){
            return false;
            return true;

Android SeekBar setOnSeekBarChangeListener

onProgressChanged is called every time you move the cursor.

public void onProgressChanged(SeekBar seekBar, int progress, boolean fromUser) {
    textView.setText(String.valueOf(new Integer(progress)));        

so textView should show the progress and alter always if the seekbar is being moved.

jQuery: How can I create a simple overlay?

By overlay do you mean content that overlaps/covers the rest of the page? In HTML, you could do this by using a div that uses absolute or fixed positioning. If it needed to be generated dynamically, jQuery could simply generate a div with the position style set appropriately.

How do I return an int from EditText? (Android)

You can do this in 2 steps:

1: Change the input type(In your EditText field) in the layout file to android:inputType="number"

2: Use int a = Integer.parseInt(yourEditTextObject.getText().toString());

How to remove the arrow from a select element in Firefox

Further to Joao Cunha's answer, this problem is now on Mozilla's ToDo List and is targeted for ver 35.

For those desiring, here is a workaround by Todd Parker, referenced on Cunha's blog, that works today:


<label class="wrapper">This label wraps the select
    <div class="button custom-select ff-hack">
            <option>A very long option name to test wrapping</option>


/* Label styles: style as needed */
label {
  font-size: 0.9em;

/* Container used for styling the custom select, the buttom class below adds the bg gradient, corners, etc. */
.custom-select {
  position: relative;

/* These are the "theme" styles for our button applied via separate button class, style as you like */
.button {
  border: 1px solid #bbb;
  border-radius: .3em;
  box-shadow: 0 1px 0 1px rgba(0,0,0,.04);
  background: #f3f3f3; /* Old browsers */
  background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #ffffff 0%, #e5e5e5 100%); /* FF3.6+ */
  background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,#ffffff), color-stop(100%,#e5e5e5)); /* Chrome,Safari4+ */
  background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #ffffff 0%,#e5e5e5 100%); /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */
  background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #ffffff 0%,#e5e5e5 100%); /* Opera 11.10+ */
  background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #ffffff 0%,#e5e5e5 100%); /* IE10+ */
  background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%,#e5e5e5 100%); /* W3C */

/* This is the native select, we're making everything but the text invisible so we can see the button styles in the wrapper */
.custom-select select {
  border: 1px solid transparent;
  outline: none;
  /* Prefixed box-sizing rules necessary for older browsers */
  -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
  -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
  box-sizing: border-box;
  /* Remove select styling */
  appearance: none;
  -webkit-appearance: none;
  /* Font size must the 16px or larger to prevent iOS page zoom on focus */
  /* General select styles: change as needed */
  font-family: helvetica, sans-serif;
  font-weight: bold;
  color: #444;
  padding: .6em 1.9em .5em .8em;

/* Custom arrow sits on top of the select - could be an image, SVG, icon font, etc. or the arrow could just baked into the bg image on the select. Note this si a 2x image so it will look bad in browsers that don't support background-size. In production, you'd handle this resolution switch via media query but this is a demo. */

.custom-select::after {
  content: "";
  position: absolute;
  width: 9px;
  height: 8px;
  top: 50%;
  right: 1em;
  background-image: url(;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-size: 100%;
  z-index: 2;
  /* These hacks make the select behind the arrow clickable in some browsers */

/* Hover style */
.custom-select:hover {
  border:1px solid #888;

/* Focus style */
.custom-select select:focus {
  box-shadow: 0 0 1px 3px rgba(180,222,250, 1);
  color: #222;
  border:1px solid #aaa;

/* Set options to normal weight */
.custom-select option {

Mockito: Mock private field initialization

Mockito comes with a helper class to save you some reflection boiler plate code:

import org.mockito.internal.util.reflection.Whitebox;


private Person mockedPerson;
private Test underTest;

// ...

public void testMethod() {
    Whitebox.setInternalState(underTest, "person", mockedPerson);
    // ...

Update: Unfortunately the mockito team decided to remove the class in Mockito 2. So you are back to writing your own reflection boilerplate code, use another library (e.g. Apache Commons Lang), or simply pilfer the Whitebox class (it is MIT licensed).

Update 2: JUnit 5 comes with its own ReflectionSupport and AnnotationSupport classes that might be useful and save you from pulling in yet another library.

How to convert comma-delimited string to list in Python?

You can use the str.split method.

>>> my_string = 'A,B,C,D,E'
>>> my_list = my_string.split(",")
>>> print my_list
['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']

If you want to convert it to a tuple, just

>>> print tuple(my_list)
('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E')

If you are looking to append to a list, try this:

>>> my_list.append('F')
>>> print my_list
['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F']

Enable ASP.NET ASMX web service for HTTP POST / GET requests

Try to declare UseHttpGet over your method.

[ScriptMethod(UseHttpGet = true)]
public string HelloWorld()
    return "Hello World";

How to import jquery using ES6 syntax?

My project stack is: ParcelJS + WordPress

WordPress got jQuery v1.12.4 itself and I have also import jQuery v3^ as module for other depending modules as well as bootstrap/js/dist/collapse, for example... Unfortunately, I can’t leave only one jQuery version due to other WordPress modular dependencies. And ofcourse there is conflict arises between two jquery version. Also keep in mind we got two modes for this project running Wordpress(Apache) / ParcelJS (NodeJS), witch make everything little bit difficulty. So at solution for this conflict was searching, sometimes the project broke on the left, sometimes on the right side. SO... My finall solution (I hope it so...) is:

    import $ from 'jquery'
    import 'popper.js'
    import 'bootstrap/js/dist/collapse'
    import 'bootstrap/js/dist/dropdown'
    import 'signalr'

    if (typeof window.$ === 'undefined') {
        window.$ = window.jQ = $.noConflict(true);

    if (process) {
        if (typeof window.jQuery === 'undefined') {
            window.$ = window.jQuery = $.noConflict(true);


    /* Other app code continuous below.......... */

I still didn’t understand how myself, but this method works. Errors and conflicts of two jQuery version no longer arise

How do I create my own URL protocol? (e.g. so://...)

A Protocol?

I found this, it appears to be a local setting for a computer...

Set background image in CSS using jquery

Remove the semi-colon after no-repeat, in the url and try it .

    $(this).parent().css("background", "url(/images/r-srchbg_white.png) no-repeat");

Get the value of bootstrap Datetimepicker in JavaScript

I'm using the latest Bootstrap 3 DateTime Picker (

This is how you should use DateTime Picker inline:

var selectedDate = $("#datetimepicker").find(".active").data("day");

The above returned: 03/23/2017

Get child node index

Use binary search algorithm to improve the performace when the node has large quantity siblings.

function getChildrenIndex(ele){
    //IE use Element.sourceIndex
        var eles = ele.parentNode.children;
        var low = 0, high = eles.length-1, mid = 0;
        var esi = ele.sourceIndex, nsi;
        //use binary search algorithm
        while (low <= high) {
            mid = (low + high) >> 1;
            nsi = eles[mid].sourceIndex;
            if (nsi > esi) {
                high = mid - 1;
            } else if (nsi < esi) {
                low = mid + 1;
            } else {
                return mid;
    //other browsers
    var i=0;
    while(ele = ele.previousElementSibling){
    return i;

SQL Query for Selecting Multiple Records

Try the following code:

FROM users
WHERE firstname IN ('joe','jane');

How do I concatenate two strings in Java?

For exact concatenation operation of two string please use:

file_names = file_names.concat(file_names1);

In your case use + instead of .

How to run Node.js as a background process and never die?

Apart from cool solutions above I'd mention also about supervisord and monit tools which allow to start process, monitor its presence and start it if it died. With 'monit' you can also run some active checks like check if process responds for http request

Swift - Split string over multiple lines


var yourString = "first line \n second line \n third line"

In case, you don't find the + operator suitable

MSSQL Regular expression

As above the question was originally about MySQL


SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE ([url] NOT REGEXP '^[-A-Za-z0-9/.]+$')

How to install older version of node.js on Windows?


npm install -g [email protected]

- or whatever version you want after the @ symbol (This works as of 2019)

MySQL's now() +1 day

You can use:


If you are only interested in the date, not the date and time then you can use CURDATE instead of NOW:


How to refresh page on back button click?

Try this... not tested. I hope it will work for you.

Make a new php file. You can use the back and forward buttons and the number/timestamp on the page always updates.

header("Cache-Control: no-store, must-revalidate, max-age=0");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
echo time();
<a href="">aaaaaaaaaaaaa</a>


found another solution

The onload event should be fired when the user hits the back button. Elements not created via JavaScript will retain their values. I suggest keeping a backup of the data used in dynamically created element within an INPUT TYPE="hidden" set to display:none then onload using the value of the input to rebuild the dynamic elements to the way they were.

<input type="hidden" id="refreshed" value="no">
<script type="text/javascript">
var e=document.getElementById("refreshed");

How does Facebook Sharer select Images and other metadata when sharing my URL?

Old way, no longer works:

<link rel="image_src" href="http://yoururl/yourimage"/>

Reported new way, also does not work:

<meta property="og:image" content="http://yoururl/yourimage"/>

It randomly worked off and on during the first day I implemented it, hasn't worked at all since.

The Facebook linter page, a utility that inspects your page, reports that everything is correct and does display the thumbnail I selected... just that the share.php page itself doesn't seem to be functioning. Has to be a bug over at Facebook, one they apparently don't care to fix as every bug report regarding this issue I've seen in their system all say resolved or fixed.

Way to read first few lines for pandas dataframe

I think you can use the nrows parameter. From the docs:

nrows : int, default None

    Number of rows of file to read. Useful for reading pieces of large files

which seems to work. Using one of the standard large test files (988504479 bytes, 5344499 lines):

In [1]: import pandas as pd

In [2]: time z = pd.read_csv("P00000001-ALL.csv", nrows=20)
CPU times: user 0.00 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.00 s
Wall time: 0.00 s

In [3]: len(z)
Out[3]: 20

In [4]: time z = pd.read_csv("P00000001-ALL.csv")
CPU times: user 27.63 s, sys: 1.92 s, total: 29.55 s
Wall time: 30.23 s

Counting the Number of keywords in a dictionary in python

Some modifications were made on posted answer UnderWaterKremlin to make it python3 proof. A surprising result below as answer.

System specs:

  • python =3.7.4,
  • conda = 4.8.0
  • 3.6Ghz, 8 core, 16gb.
import timeit

d = {x: x**2 for x in range(1000)}
#print (d)
print (len(d))
# 1000

print (len(d.keys()))
# 1000

print (timeit.timeit('len({x: x**2 for x in range(1000)})', number=100000))        # 1

print (timeit.timeit('len({x: x**2 for x in range(1000)}.keys())', number=100000)) # 2


1) = 37.0100378

2) = 37.002148899999995

So it seems that len(d.keys()) is currently faster than just using len().

Imply bit with constant 1 or 0 in SQL Server

Unfortunately, no. You will have to cast each value individually.

How to define an empty object in PHP

In addition to zombat's answer if you keep forgetting stdClass

   function object(){

        return new stdClass();


Now you can do:


Sum one number to every element in a list (or array) in Python

if you want to operate with list of numbers it is better to use NumPy arrays:

import numpy
a = [1, 1, 1 ,1, 1]
ar = numpy.array(a)
print ar + 2


[3, 3, 3, 3, 3]

Is it possible to append to innerHTML without destroying descendants' event listeners?

Unfortunately, assignment to innerHTML causes the destruction of all child elements, even if you're trying to append. If you want to preserve child nodes (and their event handlers), you'll need to use DOM functions:

function start() {
    var myspan = document.getElementById("myspan");
    myspan.onclick = function() { alert ("hi"); };

    var mydiv = document.getElementById("mydiv");

Edit: Bob's solution, from the comments. Post your answer, Bob! Get credit for it. :-)

function start() {
    var myspan = document.getElementById("myspan");
    myspan.onclick = function() { alert ("hi"); };

    var mydiv = document.getElementById("mydiv");
    var newcontent = document.createElement('div');
    newcontent.innerHTML = "bar";

    while (newcontent.firstChild) {

Sublime text 3. How to edit multiple lines?

Use CTRL+D at each line and it will find the matching words and select them then you can use multiple cursors.

You can also use find to find all the occurrences and then it would be multiple cursors too.

ojdbc14.jar vs. ojdbc6.jar

Actually, ojdbc14.jar doesn't really say anything about the real version of the driver (see JDBC Driver Downloads), except that it predates Oracle 11g. In such situation, you should provide the exact version.

Anyway, I think you'll find some explanation in What is going on with DATE and TIMESTAMP? In short, they changed the behavior in 9.2 drivers and then again in 11.1 drivers.

This might explain the differences you're experiencing (and I suggest using the most recent version i.e. the 11.2 drivers).

NULL values inside NOT IN clause

NOT IN returns 0 records when compared against an unknown value

Since NULL is an unknown, a NOT IN query containing a NULL or NULLs in the list of possible values will always return 0 records since there is no way to be sure that the NULL value is not the value being tested.

How to convert flat raw disk image to vmdk for virtualbox or vmplayer?

First, install QEMU. On Debian-based distributions like Ubuntu, run:

$ apt-get install qemu

Then run the following command:

$ qemu-img convert -O vmdk imagefile.dd vmdkname.vmdk

I’m assuming a flat disk image is a dd-style image. The convert operation also handles numerous other formats.

For more information about the qemu-img command, see the output of

$ qemu-img -h

Does Java have a path joining method?

This is a start, I don't think it works exactly as you intend, but it at least produces a consistent result.


public class Main
    public static void main(final String[] argv)
        throws Exception
        System.out.println(pathJoin("a", "b"));
        System.out.println(pathJoin("a", "b", "c"));
        System.out.println(pathJoin("a", "b", "", "def"));

    public static String pathJoin(final String ... pathElements)
        final String path;

        if(pathElements == null || pathElements.length == 0)
            path = File.separator;
            final StringBuilder builder;

            builder = new StringBuilder();

            for(final String pathElement : pathElements)
                final String sanitizedPathElement;

                // the "\\" is for Windows... you will need to come up with the 
                // appropriate regex for this to be portable
                sanitizedPathElement = pathElement.replaceAll("\\" + File.separator, "");

                if(sanitizedPathElement.length() > 0)

            path = builder.toString();

        return (path);

Google Android USB Driver and ADB

Answer 1 worked perfectly for me. I tested it on a new MID 10' tablet. Here are the lines I added in the .inf file and it installed without a problem:

;Google MID
%SingleAdbInterface%        = USB_INSTALL, USB\Vid_18d1&Pid_0003&MI_01
%CompositeAdbInterface%     = USB_INSTALL, USB\Vid_18d1&Pid_0003&Rev_0230&MI_01 

How to convert DateTime to a number with a precision greater than days in T-SQL?

CAST to a float or decimal instead of an int/bigint.

The integer portion (before the decimal point) represents the number of whole days. After the decimal are the fractional days (i.e., time).

Unix's 'ls' sort by name

You can try:

ls -lru

-u with -lt: sort by, and show, access time;

Is it possible in Java to catch two exceptions in the same catch block?

Java <= 6.x just allows you to catch one exception for each catch block:

try {

} catch (ExceptionType name) {

} catch (ExceptionType name) {



Each catch block is an exception handler and handles the type of exception indicated by its argument. The argument type, ExceptionType, declares the type of exception that the handler can handle and must be the name of a class that inherits from the Throwable class.

For Java 7 you can have multiple Exception caught on one catch block:

catch (IOException|SQLException ex) {
    throw ex;


In Java SE 7 and later, a single catch block can handle more than one type of exception. This feature can reduce code duplication and lessen the temptation to catch an overly broad exception.


Vector of structs initialization

Create vector, push_back element, then modify it as so:

struct subject {
    string name;
    int marks;
    int credits;

int main() {
    vector<subject> sub;

    //Push back new subject created with default constructor.

    //Vector now has 1 element @ index 0, so modify it.
    sub[0].name = "english";

    //Add a new element if you want another:

    //Modify its name and marks.
    sub[1].name = "math";
    sub[1].marks = 90;

You cant access a vector with [#] until an element exists in the vector at that index. This example populates the [#] and then modifies it afterward.

AWS : The config profile (MyName) could not be found

Make sure you are in the correct VirtualEnvironment. I updated PyCharm and for some reason had to point my project at my VE again. Opening the terminal, I was not in my VE when attempting zappa update (and got this error). Restarting PyCharm, all back to normal.

How to execute cmd commands via Java

Writing to the out stream from the process is the wrong direction. 'out' in that case means from the process to you. Try getting/writing to the input stream for the process and reading from the output stream to see the results.

Convert LocalDateTime to LocalDateTime in UTC

LocalDateTime does not contain Zone information. ZonedDatetime does.

If you want to convert LocalDateTime to UTC, you need to wrap by ZonedDateTime fist.

You can convert like the below.

LocalDateTime ldt =;

ZonedDateTime ldtZoned = ldt.atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault());

ZonedDateTime utcZoned = ldtZoned.withZoneSameInstant(ZoneId.of("UTC"));


Remove first Item of the array (like popping from stack)


$scope.remove = function(item) { 
    $, 1);     

Made changes to .. now it will remove from the top

Compiling C++ on remote Linux machine - "clock skew detected" warning

Replace the watch battery in your computer. I have seen this error message when the coin looking battery on the motherboard was in need of replacement.

What is the difference between a HashMap and a TreeMap?

HashMap is implemented by Hash Table while TreeMap is implemented by Red-Black tree. The main difference between HashMap and TreeMap actually reflect the main difference between a Hash and a Binary Tree , that is, when iterating, TreeMap guarantee can the key order which is determined by either element's compareTo() method or a comparator set in the TreeMap's constructor.

Take a look at following diagram.

enter image description here

Best way to compare two complex objects

You can now use Just go on Nuget and install it.

And you can do something like this:

    public bool Equals(SamplesItem sampleToCompare)
        string myself = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this);
        string other = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(sampleToCompare);

        return myself == other;

You could perhaps make a extension method for object if you wanted to get fancier. Please note this only compares the public properties. And if you wanted to ignore a public property when you do the comparison you could use the [JsonIgnore] attribute.

Resolve build errors due to circular dependency amongst classes

Unfortunately, all the previous answers are missing some details. The correct solution is a little bit cumbersome, but this is the only way to do it properly. And it scales easily, handles more complex dependencies as well.

Here's how you can do this, exactly retaining all the details, and usability:

  • the solution is exactly the same as originally intended
  • inline functions still inline
  • users of A and B can include A.h and B.h in any order

Create two files, A_def.h, B_def.h. These will contain only A's and B's definition:

// A_def.h
#ifndef A_DEF_H
#define A_DEF_H

class B;
class A
    int _val;
    B *_b;

    A(int val);
    void SetB(B *b);
    void Print();

// B_def.h
#ifndef B_DEF_H
#define B_DEF_H

class A;
class B
    double _val;
    A* _a;

    B(double val);
    void SetA(A *a);
    void Print();

And then, A.h and B.h will contain this:

// A.h
#ifndef A_H
#define A_H

#include "A_def.h"
#include "B_def.h"

inline A::A(int val) :_val(val)

inline void A::SetB(B *b)
    _b = b;

inline void A::Print()
    cout<<"Type:A val="<<_val<<endl;


// B.h
#ifndef B_H
#define B_H

#include "A_def.h"
#include "B_def.h"

inline B::B(double val) :_val(val)

inline void B::SetA(A *a)
    _a = a;

inline void B::Print()
    cout<<"Type:B val="<<_val<<endl;


Note that A_def.h and B_def.h are "private" headers, users of A and B should not use them. The public header is A.h and B.h.

Eclipse Optimize Imports to Include Static Imports

For SpringFramework Tests, I would recommend to add the below as well


When you add above as new Type it automatically add .* to the package.

Can a class member function template be virtual?

In the other answers the proposed template function is a facade and doesn't offer any practical benefit.

  • Template functions are useful for writing code only once using different types.
  • Virtual functions are useful for having a common interface for different classes.

The language doesn't allow virtual template functions but with a workaround it is possible to have both, e.g. one template implementation for each class and a virtual common interface.

It is however necessary to define for each template type combination a dummy virtual wrapper function:

#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

// Abstract class with virtual functions
class Geometry {
    virtual void getArea(float &area) = 0;
    virtual void getArea(long double &area) = 0;

// Square
class Square : public Geometry {
    float size {1};

    // virtual wrapper functions call template function for square
    virtual void getArea(float &area) { getAreaT(area); }
    virtual void getArea(long double &area) { getAreaT(area); }

    // Template function for squares
    template <typename T>
    void getAreaT(T &area) {
        area = static_cast<T>(size * size);

// Circle
class Circle : public Geometry  {
    float radius {1};

    // virtual wrapper functions call template function for circle
    virtual void getArea(float &area) { getAreaT(area); }
    virtual void getArea(long double &area) { getAreaT(area); }

    // Template function for Circles
    template <typename T>
    void getAreaT(T &area) {
        area = static_cast<T>(radius * radius * 3.1415926535897932385L);

// Main
int main()
    // get area of square using template based function T=float
    std::unique_ptr<Geometry> geometry = std::make_unique<Square>();
    float areaSquare;

    // get area of circle using template based function T=long double
    geometry = std::make_unique<Circle>();
    long double areaCircle;

    std::cout << std::setprecision(20) << "Square area is " << areaSquare << ", Circle area is " << areaCircle << std::endl;
    return 0;


Square area is 1, Circle area is 3.1415926535897932385

Try it here

Enable/Disable a dropdownbox in jquery

try this

 <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function () {
            $("#chkdwn2").click(function () {
                if (this.checked)
                    $('#dropdown').attr('disabled', 'disabled');

How do you push a Git tag to a branch using a refspec?

It is probably failing because 1.0.0 is an annotated tag. Perhaps you saw the following error message:

error: Trying to write non-commit object to branch refs/heads/master

Annotated tags have their own distinct type of object that points to the tagged commit object. Branches can not usefully point to tag objects, only commit objects. You need to “peel” the annotated tag back to commit object and push that instead.

git push production +1.0.0^{commit}:master
git push production +1.0.0~0:master          # shorthand

There is another syntax that would also work in this case, but it means something slightly different if the tag object points to something other than a commit (or a tag object that points to (a tag object that points to a …) a commit).

git push production +1.0.0^{}:master

These tag peeling syntaxes are described in git-rev-parse(1) under Specifying Revisions.

Which characters make a URL invalid?

To add some clarification and directly address the question above, there are several classes of characters that cause problems for URLs and URIs.

There are some characters that are disallowed and should never appear in a URL/URI, reserved characters (described below), and other characters that may cause problems in some cases, but are marked as "unwise" or "unsafe". Explanations for why the characters are restricted are clearly spelled out in RFC-1738 (URLs) and RFC-2396 (URIs). Note the newer RFC-3986 (update to RFC-1738) defines the construction of what characters are allowed in a given context but the older spec offers a simpler and more general description of which characters are not allowed with the following rules.

Excluded US-ASCII Characters disallowed within the URI syntax:

   control     = <US-ASCII coded characters 00-1F and 7F hexadecimal>
   space       = <US-ASCII coded character 20 hexadecimal>
   delims      = "<" | ">" | "#" | "%" | <">

The character "#" is excluded because it is used to delimit a URI from a fragment identifier. The percent character "%" is excluded because it is used for the encoding of escaped characters. In other words, the "#" and "%" are reserved characters that must be used in a specific context.

List of unwise characters are allowed but may cause problems:

   unwise      = "{" | "}" | "|" | "\" | "^" | "[" | "]" | "`"

Characters that are reserved within a query component and/or have special meaning within a URI/URL:

  reserved    = ";" | "/" | "?" | ":" | "@" | "&" | "=" | "+" | "$" | ","

The "reserved" syntax class above refers to those characters that are allowed within a URI, but which may not be allowed within a particular component of the generic URI syntax. Characters in the "reserved" set are not reserved in all contexts. The hostname, for example, can contain an optional username so it could be something like ftp://user@hostname/ where the '@' character has special meaning.

Here is an example of a URL that has invalid and unwise characters (e.g. '$', '[', ']') and should be properly encoded:$[level]/r$[y]_c$[x].jpg

Some of the character restrictions for URIs and URLs are programming language-dependent. For example, the '|' (0x7C) character although only marked as "unwise" in the URI spec will throw a URISyntaxException in the Java constructor so a URL like|b is not allowed and must be encoded instead as if using Java with a URI object instance.

php error: Class 'Imagick' not found

On an EC2 at AWS, I did this:

 yum list | grep imagick

Then found a list of ones I could install...

 php -v

told me which version of php I had and thus which version of imagick

yum install php56-pecl-imagick.x86_64

Did the trick. Enjoy!

How to initialize a list with constructor?

ContactNumbers = new List<ContactNumber>();

If you want it to be passed in, just take

public Human(List<ContactNumber> numbers)
 ContactNumbers = numbers;

What is the OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token exactly?

A bearer token is like a currency note e.g 100$ bill . One can use the currency note without being asked any/many questions.

Bearer Token A security token with the property that any party in possession of the token (a "bearer") can use the token in any way that any other party in possession of it can. Using a bearer token does not require a bearer to prove possession of cryptographic key material (proof-of-possession).

How to check if a string starts with "_" in PHP?

Here’s a better starts with function:

function mb_startsWith($str, $prefix, $encoding=null) {
    if (is_null($encoding)) $encoding = mb_internal_encoding();
    return mb_substr($str, 0, mb_strlen($prefix, $encoding), $encoding) === $prefix;

Plugin with id '' not found

Had the same problem.

Fixed by adding the dependency

classpath ''

to the root build.gradle.

Error : Program type already present:$Behavior

If any of the answers mentioned here doesn't work then go to File > Invalidate Catches/Restart

One command to create a directory and file inside it linux command

you can install the script ;

pip3 install --user advance-touch

After installed, you can use ad command

ad airport/plane/captain.txt
+-- plane/
¦   +-- captain.txt

DateDiff to output hours and minutes

Just change the

DATEDIFF(Hour,InTime, [TimeOut]) TotalHours

part to

       (DATEDIFF(Minute,InTime,[TimeOut])%60)) TotalHours 

The /60 gives you hours, the %60 gives you the remaining minutes, and CONCAT lets you put a colon between them.

I know it's an old question, but I came across it and thought it might help if someone else comes across it.

Python and pip, list all versions of a package that's available?

This works for me on OSX:

pip install docker-compose== 2>&1 \
| grep -oE '(\(.*\))' \
| awk -F:\  '{print$NF}' \
| sed -E 's/( |\))//g' \
| tr ',' '\n'

It returns the list one per line:


Or to get the latest version available:

pip install docker-compose== 2>&1 \
| grep -oE '(\(.*\))' \
| awk -F:\  '{print$NF}' \
| sed -E 's/( |\))//g' \
| tr ',' '\n' \
| gsort -r -V \
| head -1

Keep in mind gsort has to be installed (on OSX) to parse the versions. You can install it with brew install coreutils

What is the "double tilde" (~~) operator in JavaScript?

~(5.5)   // => -6
~(-6)    // => 5
~~5.5    // => 5  (same as Math.floor(5.5))
~~(-5.5) // => -5 (NOT the same as Math.floor(-5.5), which would give -6 )

For more info, see:

HTML5 live streaming

<object classid="CLSID:22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e95" codebase=",1,52,701"
            height="285" id="mediaPlayer" standby="Loading Microsoft Windows Media Player components..."
            type="application/x-oleobject" width="360" style="margin-bottom:30px;">
            <param name="fileName" value="mms://my_IP_Address:my_port" />
            <param name="animationatStart" value="true" />
            <param name="transparentatStart" value="true" />
            <param name="autoStart" value="true" />
            <param name="showControls" value="true" />
            <param name="loop" value="true" />
            <embed autosize="-1" autostart="true" bgcolor="darkblue" designtimesp="5311" displaysize="4"
                height="285" id="mediaPlayer" loop="true" name="mediaPlayer" pluginspage=""
                showcontrols="true" showdisplay="0" showstatusbar="-1" showtracker="-1" src="mms://my_IP_Address:my_port"
                type="application/x-mplayer2" videoborder3d="-1" width="360"></embed>

Using python PIL to turn a RGB image into a pure black and white image

A PIL only solution for creating a bi-level (black and white) image with a custom threshold:

from PIL import Image
img ='mB96s.png')
thresh = 200
fn = lambda x : 255 if x > thresh else 0
r = img.convert('L').point(fn, mode='1')'foo.png')

With just

r = img.convert('1')'foo.png')

you get a dithered image.

From left to right the input image, the black and white conversion result and the dithered result:

Input Image Black and White Result Dithered Result

You can click on the images to view the unscaled versions.

sql use statement with variable

You can do this:

Declare @dbName nvarchar(max);
SET @dbName = 'TESTDB';

Declare @SQL nvarchar(max);
select @SQL = 'USE ' + @dbName +'; {can put command(s) here}';

{but not here!}

This means you can do a recursive select like the following:

Declare @dbName nvarchar(max);
SET @dbName = 'TESTDB';
Declare @SQL nvarchar(max);

SELECT @SQL = 'USE ' + @dbName + '; ' +(Select ... {query here}
For XML Path(''),Type)

Exec (@SQL)

filters on ng-model in an input

Use a directive which adds to both the $formatters and $parsers collections to ensure that the transformation is performed in both directions.

See this other answer for more details including a link to jsfiddle.

Bootstrap NavBar with left, center or right aligned items

2021 Update

Bootstrap 5 (beta)

Bootstrap 5 also has a flexbox Navbar, and introduces new RTL support. For this reason the concept of "left" and "right" has been replaced with "start" and "end". Therefore the margin utilities changed for Bootstrap 5 beta:

  • ml-auto => ms-auto
  • mr-auto => me-auto

Bootstrap 4

Now that Bootstrap 4 has flexbox, Navbar alignment is much easier. Here are updated examples for left, right and center in the Bootstrap 4 Navbar, and many other alignment scenarios demonstrated here.

The flexbox, auto-margins, and ordering utility classes can be used to align Navbar content as needed. There are many things to consider including the order and alignment of Navbar items (brand, links, toggler) on both large screens and the mobile/collapsed views. Don't use the grid classes (row,col) for the Navbar.

Here are various examples...

Left, center(brand) and right links:

enter image description here

<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-md navbar-dark bg-dark">
    <div class="navbar-collapse collapse w-100 order-1 order-md-0 dual-collapse2">
        <ul class="navbar-nav mr-auto">
            <li class="nav-item active">
                <a class="nav-link" href="#">Left</a>
            <li class="nav-item">
                <a class="nav-link" href="//">Codeply</a>
            <li class="nav-item">
                <a class="nav-link" href="#">Link</a>
            <li class="nav-item">
                <a class="nav-link" href="#">Link</a>
            <li class="nav-item">
                <a class="nav-link" href="#">Link</a>
    <div class="mx-auto order-0">
        <a class="navbar-brand mx-auto" href="#">Navbar 2</a>
        <button class="navbar-toggler" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".dual-collapse2">
            <span class="navbar-toggler-icon"></span>
    <div class="navbar-collapse collapse w-100 order-3 dual-collapse2">
        <ul class="navbar-nav ml-auto">
            <li class="nav-item">
                <a class="nav-link" href="#">Right</a>
            <li class="nav-item">
                <a class="nav-link" href="#">Link</a>

Another BS4 Navbar option with center links and overlay logo image:

center links and overlay logo image

<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-dark bg-dark">
    <div class="navbar-collapse collapse w-100 dual-collapse2 order-1 order-md-0">
        <ul class="navbar-nav ml-auto text-center">
            <li class="nav-item active">
                <a class="nav-link" href="#">Link</a>
    <div class="mx-auto my-2 order-0 order-md-1 position-relative">
        <a class="mx-auto" href="#">
            <img src="//" class="rounded-circle">
        <button class="navbar-toggler" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".dual-collapse2">
            <span class="navbar-toggler-icon"></span>
    <div class="navbar-collapse collapse w-100 dual-collapse2 order-2 order-md-2">
        <ul class="navbar-nav mr-auto text-center">
            <li class="nav-item">
                <a class="nav-link" href="#">Link</a>

Or, these other Bootstrap 4 alignment scenarios:

brand left, dead center links, (empty right)

Navbar brand left, dead center links

brand and links center, icons left and right

enter image description here

More Bootstrap 4 examples:

toggler left on mobile, brand right
center brand and links on mobile
right align links on desktop, center links on mobile
left links & toggler, center brand, search right

Also see: Bootstrap 4 align navbar items to the right
Bootstrap 4 navbar right align with button that doesn't collapse on mobile
Center an element in Bootstrap 4 Navbar

Bootstrap 3

Option 1 - Brand center, with left/right nav links:

enter image description here

<nav class="navbar navbar-default" role="navigation">
  <div class="navbar-header">
    <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-collapse">
      <span class="icon-bar"></span>
      <span class="icon-bar"></span>
      <span class="icon-bar"></span>
  <a class="navbar-brand" href="#">Brand</a>
  <div class="navbar-collapse collapse">
    <ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-left">
        <li><a href="#">Left</a></li>
        <li><a href="#about">Left</a></li>
    <ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
      <li><a href="#about">Right</a></li>
      <li><a href="#contact">Right</a></li>

    position: absolute;
    width: 100%;
    left: 0;
    text-align: center;
    margin:0 auto;
.navbar-toggle {
} (3.x)

Option 2 - Left, center and right nav links:

enter image description here

<nav class="navbar navbar-default" role="navigation">
  <div class="navbar-header">
    <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-collapse">
      <span class="icon-bar"></span>
      <span class="icon-bar"></span>
      <span class="icon-bar"></span>
  <div class="navbar-collapse collapse">
    <ul class="nav navbar-nav">
        <li><a href="#">Left</a></li>
    <ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-center">
        <li><a href="#">Center</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Center</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Center</a></li>
    <ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
        <li><a href="#">Right</a></li>

@media (min-width: 768px) {
  .navbar-nav.navbar-center {
    position: absolute;
    left: 50%;
    transform: translatex(-50%);

Option 3 - Center both brand and links

enter image description here

.navbar .navbar-header,
.navbar-collapse {
    vertical-align: top;

@media (max-width: 768px) {
    .navbar-collapse  {
        display: block;

More examples:

Left brand, center links
Left toggler, center brand

For 3.x also see nav-justified: Bootstrap center navbar

Center Navbar in Bootstrap
Bootstrap 4 align navbar items to the right

How do I get AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID for Amazon?

Amit's answer tells you how to get your AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, but the Your Security Credentials page won't reveal your AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY. As this blog points out:

Secret access keys are, as the name implies, secrets, like your password. Just as AWS doesn’t reveal your password back to you if you forgot it (you’d have to set a new password), the new security credentials page does not allowing retrieval of a secret access key after its initial creation. You should securely store your secret access keys as a security best practice, but you can always generate new access keys at any time.

So if you don't remember your AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, the blog goes on to tell how to create a new one:

  1. Create a new access key:

enter image description here

  1. "Download the .csv key file, which contains the access key ID and secret access key.":

enter image description here

As for your other questions:

  • I'm not sure about MERCHANT_ID and MARKETPLACE_ID.
  • I believe your sandbox question was addressed by Amit's point that you can play with AWS for a year without paying.

Hide/Show components in react native

I needed to switch between two images. With conditional switching between them there was 5sec delay with no image displayed.

I'm using approach from downvoted amos answer. Posting as new answer because it's hard to put code into comment with proper formatting.

Render function:

<View style={styles.logoWrapper}>
    style={[styles.logo, loading ? styles.hidden : {}]}
    source={require('./logo.png')} />
    style={[styles.logo, loading ? {} : styles.hidden]}
    source={require('./logo_spin.gif')} />


var styles = StyleSheet.create({
  logo: {
    width: 200,
    height: 200,
  hidden: {
    width: 0,
    height: 0,


How do I clear only a few specific objects from the workspace?

Use the following command

remove(list=c("data_1", "data_2", "data_3"))

What HTTP status response code should I use if the request is missing a required parameter?

I Usually go for 422 (Unprocessable entity) if something in the required parameters didn't match what the API endpoint required (like a too short password) but for a missing parameter i would go for 406 (Unacceptable).

Multipart forms from C# client

Thanks for the answers, everybody! I recently had to get this to work, and used your suggestions heavily. However, there were a couple of tricky parts that did not work as expected, mostly having to do with actually including the file (which was an important part of the question). There are a lot of answers here already, but I think this may be useful to someone in the future (I could not find many clear examples of this online). I wrote a blog post that explains it a little more.

Basically, I first tried to pass in the file data as a UTF8 encoded string, but I was having problems with encoding files (it worked fine for a plain text file, but when uploading a Word Document, for example, if I tried to save the file that was passed through to the posted form using Request.Files[0].SaveAs(), opening the file in Word did not work properly. I found that if you write the file data directly using a Stream (rather than a StringBuilder), it worked as expected. Also, I made a couple of modifications that made it easier for me to understand.

By the way, the Multipart Forms Request for Comments and the W3C Recommendation for mulitpart/form-data are a couple of useful resources in case anyone needs a reference for the specification.

I changed the WebHelpers class to be a bit smaller and have simpler interfaces, it is now called FormUpload. If you pass a FormUpload.FileParameter you can pass the byte[] contents along with a file name and content type, and if you pass a string, it will treat it as a standard name/value combination.

Here is the FormUpload class:

// Implements multipart/form-data POST in C#
public static class FormUpload
    private static readonly Encoding encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    public static HttpWebResponse MultipartFormDataPost(string postUrl, string userAgent, Dictionary<string, object> postParameters)
        string formDataBoundary = String.Format("----------{0:N}", Guid.NewGuid());
        string contentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + formDataBoundary;

        byte[] formData = GetMultipartFormData(postParameters, formDataBoundary);

        return PostForm(postUrl, userAgent, contentType, formData);
    private static HttpWebResponse PostForm(string postUrl, string userAgent, string contentType, byte[] formData)
        HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(postUrl) as HttpWebRequest;

        if (request == null)
            throw new NullReferenceException("request is not a http request");

        // Set up the request properties.
        request.Method = "POST";
        request.ContentType = contentType;
        request.UserAgent = userAgent;
        request.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
        request.ContentLength = formData.Length;

        // You could add authentication here as well if needed:
        // request.PreAuthenticate = true;
        // request.AuthenticationLevel = System.Net.Security.AuthenticationLevel.MutualAuthRequested;
        // request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes("username" + ":" + "password")));

        // Send the form data to the request.
        using (Stream requestStream = request.GetRequestStream())
            requestStream.Write(formData, 0, formData.Length);

        return request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse;

    private static byte[] GetMultipartFormData(Dictionary<string, object> postParameters, string boundary)
        Stream formDataStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
        bool needsCLRF = false;

        foreach (var param in postParameters)
            // Thanks to feedback from commenters, add a CRLF to allow multiple parameters to be added.
            // Skip it on the first parameter, add it to subsequent parameters.
            if (needsCLRF)
                formDataStream.Write(encoding.GetBytes("\r\n"), 0, encoding.GetByteCount("\r\n"));

            needsCLRF = true;

            if (param.Value is FileParameter)
                FileParameter fileToUpload = (FileParameter)param.Value;

                // Add just the first part of this param, since we will write the file data directly to the Stream
                string header = string.Format("--{0}\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"{1}\"; filename=\"{2}\";\r\nContent-Type: {3}\r\n\r\n",
                    fileToUpload.FileName ?? param.Key,
                    fileToUpload.ContentType ?? "application/octet-stream");

                formDataStream.Write(encoding.GetBytes(header), 0, encoding.GetByteCount(header));

                // Write the file data directly to the Stream, rather than serializing it to a string.
                formDataStream.Write(fileToUpload.File, 0, fileToUpload.File.Length);
                string postData = string.Format("--{0}\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"{1}\"\r\n\r\n{2}",
                formDataStream.Write(encoding.GetBytes(postData), 0, encoding.GetByteCount(postData));

        // Add the end of the request.  Start with a newline
        string footer = "\r\n--" + boundary + "--\r\n";
        formDataStream.Write(encoding.GetBytes(footer), 0, encoding.GetByteCount(footer));

        // Dump the Stream into a byte[]
        formDataStream.Position = 0;
        byte[] formData = new byte[formDataStream.Length];
        formDataStream.Read(formData, 0, formData.Length);

        return formData;

    public class FileParameter
        public byte[] File { get; set; }
        public string FileName { get; set; }
        public string ContentType { get; set; }
        public FileParameter(byte[] file) : this(file, null) { }
        public FileParameter(byte[] file, string filename) : this(file, filename, null) { }
        public FileParameter(byte[] file, string filename, string contenttype)
            File = file;
            FileName = filename;
            ContentType = contenttype;

Here is the calling code, which uploads a file and a few normal post parameters:

// Read file data
FileStream fs = new FileStream("c:\\people.doc", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
byte[] data = new byte[fs.Length];
fs.Read(data, 0, data.Length);

// Generate post objects
Dictionary<string, object> postParameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
postParameters.Add("filename", "People.doc");
postParameters.Add("fileformat", "doc");
postParameters.Add("file", new FormUpload.FileParameter(data, "People.doc", "application/msword"));

// Create request and receive response
string postURL = "http://localhost";
string userAgent = "Someone";
HttpWebResponse webResponse = FormUpload.MultipartFormDataPost(postURL, userAgent, postParameters);

// Process response
StreamReader responseReader = new StreamReader(webResponse.GetResponseStream());
string fullResponse = responseReader.ReadToEnd();

Convert json data to a html table

Thanks all for your replies. I wrote one myself. Please note that this uses jQuery.

Code snippet:

var myList = [_x000D_
  { "name": "abc", "age": 50 },_x000D_
  { "age": "25", "hobby": "swimming" },_x000D_
  { "name": "xyz", "hobby": "programming" }_x000D_
// Builds the HTML Table out of myList._x000D_
function buildHtmlTable(selector) {_x000D_
  var columns = addAllColumnHeaders(myList, selector);_x000D_
  for (var i = 0; i < myList.length; i++) {_x000D_
    var row$ = $('<tr/>');_x000D_
    for (var colIndex = 0; colIndex < columns.length; colIndex++) {_x000D_
      var cellValue = myList[i][columns[colIndex]];_x000D_
      if (cellValue == null) cellValue = "";_x000D_
// Adds a header row to the table and returns the set of columns._x000D_
// Need to do union of keys from all records as some records may not contain_x000D_
// all records._x000D_
function addAllColumnHeaders(myList, selector) {_x000D_
  var columnSet = [];_x000D_
  var headerTr$ = $('<tr/>');_x000D_
  for (var i = 0; i < myList.length; i++) {_x000D_
    var rowHash = myList[i];_x000D_
    for (var key in rowHash) {_x000D_
      if ($.inArray(key, columnSet) == -1) {_x000D_
  return columnSet;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<body onLoad="buildHtmlTable('#excelDataTable')">_x000D_
  <table id="excelDataTable" border="1">_x000D_

How to generate class diagram from project in Visual Studio 2013?

Because one moderator deleted my detailed image-supported answer on this question, just because I copied and pasted from another question, I am forced to put a less detailed answer and I will link the original answer if you want a more visual way to see the solution.

For Visual Studio 2019 and Visual Studio 2017 Users
For People who are missing this old feature in VS2019 (or maybe VS2017) from the old versions of Visual Studio

This feature still available, but it is NOT available by default, you have to install it separately.

  1. Open VS 2019 go to Tools -> Get Tools and Features
  2. Select the Individual components tab and search for Class Designer
  3. Select this Component and Install it, After finish installing this component (you may need to restart visual studio)
  4. Right-click on the project and select Add -> Add New Item
  5. Search for 'class' word and NOW you can see Class Diagram component

see this answer also to see an image associated

(whish that the moderator realized this is the same question and instead of deleting my answer, he could mark one of the questions as duplicated to the other)

Update to create a class-diagram for the whole project
I received a downvote because I did not mention how to generate a diagram for the whole project, here is how to do it (after applying the previous steps)

  1. Add class diagram to the project
  2. if the option Preview Selected Items is enabled in the solution explorer, disabled it temporarily, you can re-enable it later

enter image description here

  1. open the class diagram that you created in step 2 (by double-clicking on it)
  2. drag-and-drop the project from the solution explorer to the class diagram

you could be shocked by the results to the point that you can change your mind and remove your downvote (please do NOT upvote, it is enough to remove your downvote)

How to change the Eclipse default workspace?

If you want to change recent workspace manually in a configurationfile org.eclipse.ui.ide.prefs exists in

eclipse > configuration > .settings > org.eclipse.ui.ide.prefs

open this file in an editor find RECENT_WORKSPACES in line #2 and in this line you can see recent workspaces and can change or even remove them.

jQuery checkbox onChange

There is a typo error :

$('#activelist :checkbox')...

Should be :


Assert equals between 2 Lists in Junit

assertEquals(expected, result); works for me. Since this function gets two objects, you can pass anything to it.

public static void assertEquals(Object expected, Object actual) {
    AssertEquals.assertEquals(expected, actual);

Correct way to find max in an Array in Swift

Update: This should probably be the accepted answer since maxElement appeared in Swift.

Use the almighty reduce:

let nums = [1, 6, 3, 9, 4, 6];
let numMax = nums.reduce(Int.min, { max($0, $1) })


let numMin = nums.reduce(Int.max, { min($0, $1) })

reduce takes a first value that is the initial value for an internal accumulator variable, then applies the passed function (here, it's anonymous) to the accumulator and each element of the array successively, and stores the new value in the accumulator. The last accumulator value is then returned.

Printing an int list in a single line python3

Yes that is possible in Python 3, just use * before the variable like:


This will print the list separated by spaces.

(where * is the unpacking operator that turns a list into positional arguments, print(*[1,2,3]) is the same as print(1,2,3), see also What does the star operator mean, in a function call?)

Javascript: how to validate dates in format MM-DD-YYYY?

I would use Moment.js for this task. It makes it very easy to parse dates and it also provides support to detect a an invalid date1 in the correct format. For instance, consider this example:

var formats = ['MM-DD-YYYY', 'MM/DD/YYYY']

moment('11/28/1981', formats).isValid()  // true
moment('2-29-2003', formats).isValid()   // false (not leap year)
moment('2-29-2004', formats).isValid()   // true  (leap year)

First moment(.., formats) is used to parse the input according to the localized format supplied. Then the isValid function is called on the resulting moment object so that we can actually tell if it is a valid date.

This can be used to trivially derive the isValidDate method:

String.prototype.isValidDate = function() {
    var formats = ['MM-DD-YYYY', 'MM/DD/YYYY'];
    return moment("" + this, formats).isValid();

1 As I can find scarce little commentary on the matter, I would only use moment.js for dates covered by the Gregorian calendar. There may be plugins for other (including historical or scientific) calendars.

Typescript: React event types

you can do like this in react

handleEvent = (e: React.SyntheticEvent<EventTarget>) => {
  const simpleInput = ( as HTMLInputElement).value;
  //for simple html input values
  const formInput = ( as HTMLFormElement).files[0];
  //for html form elements

In Bash, how do I add a string after each line in a file?

If you have it, the lam (laminate) utility can do it, for example:

$ lam filename -s "string after each line"

Can RDP clients launch remote applications and not desktops

"alternate shell" doesn't seem to work anymore in recent versions of Windows, RemoteApp is the way to go.

remoteapplicationname:s:Purpose of the app shown to user...

To get this to work under e.g. Windows 10 Professional, one needs to enable some policy:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Terminal Services]

Difference between "@id/" and "@+id/" in Android

From the Developer Guide:


The at-symbol (@) at the beginning of the string indicates that the XML parser should parse and expand the rest of the ID string and identify it as an ID resource. The plus-symbol (+) means that this is a new resource name that must be created and added to our resources (in the file). There are a number of other ID resources that are offered by the Android framework. When referencing an Android resource ID, you do not need the plus-symbol, but must add the android package namespace, like so:


Read and overwrite a file in Python

Probably it would be easier and neater to close the file after text = re.sub('foobar', 'bar', text), re-open it for writing (thus clearing old contents), and write your updated text to it.

How can I stop "property does not exist on type JQuery" syntax errors when using Typescript?

You can also write it like this:

let elem: any;
elem = $("div.printArea");

Formatting floats in a numpy array

[ round(x,2) for x in [2.15295647e+01, 8.12531501e+00, 3.97113829e+00, 1.00777250e+01]]

Why can't I call a public method in another class?

For example 1 and 2 you need to create static methods:

public static string InstanceMethod() {return "Hello World";}

Then for example 3 you need an instance of your object to invoke the method:

object o = new object();
string s = o.InstanceMethod();

HTML5 - mp4 video does not play in IE9

If any of these answers above don't work, and you're on an apache server, adding the following to your .htaccess file:

//most of the common formats, add any that apply
AddType video/mp4 .mp4 
AddType audio/mp4 .m4a
AddType video/mp4 .m4v
AddType video/ogg .ogv 
AddType video/ogg .ogg
AddType video/webm .webm

I had a similar problem and adding this solved all my playback issues.

Show Hide div if, if statement is true

Probably the easiest to hide a div and show a div in PHP based on a variables and the operator.

$query3 = mysql_query($query3);
$numrows = mysql_num_rows($query3);
<?php if($numrows > null){ ?>
     no meow :-(
<?php } ?>

<?php if($numrows < null){ ?>
     lots of meow
<?php } ?>

Here is my original code before adding your requirements:

$address = 'meow';
<?php if($address == null){ ?>
     no meow :-(
<?php } ?>

<?php if($address != null){ ?>
     lots of meow
<?php } ?>

Showing all session data at once?

For print session data you do not need to use print_r() function every time .

If you use it then it will be non-readable format.Data will be looks very dirty.

But if you use my function all you have to do is to use p()-Funtion and pass data into it. //create new file into application/cms_helper.php and load helper cms into //autoload or on controller

/*Copy Code for p function from here and paste into cms_helper.php in application/helpers folder */

   //@parram $data-array,$d-if true then die by default it is false
   //@author Your name

    function p($data,$d = false){

          echo "<pre>"; 
          echo "</pre>"; 

        if($d == TRUE){

Just remember to load cms_helper into your project or controller using $this->load->helper('cms'); use bellow code into your controller or model it will works just GREAT.

 p($this->session->all_userdata()); // it will apply pre to your sesison data and other array as  well

get next sequence value from database using hibernate

Here is the way I do it:

public class ServerInstanceSeq
    @Id //mysql bigint(20)
    @SequenceGenerator(name="ServerInstanceIdSeqName", sequenceName="ServerInstanceIdSeq", allocationSize=20)
    @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator="ServerInstanceIdSeqName")
    public Long id;


ServerInstanceSeq sis = new ServerInstanceSeq();
System.out.println(" after save: ";

Change button text from Xcode?

Swift 5 Use button.setTitle()

  1. If using storyboards, make a IBOutlet reference.

@IBOutlet weak var button: UIButton!

  1. Call setTitle on the button followed by the text and the state.

button.setTitle("Button text here", forState: .normal)

Programmatically set left drawable in a TextView

Using Kotlin:

You can create an extension function or just use setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds directly.

fun TextView.leftDrawable(@DrawableRes id: Int = 0) {
   this.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(id, 0, 0, 0)

If you need to resize the drawable, you can use this extension function.

textView.leftDrawable(R.drawable.my_icon, R.dimen.icon_size)

fun TextView.leftDrawable(@DrawableRes id: Int = 0, @DimenRes sizeRes: Int) {
    val drawable = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, id)
    val size = resources.getDimensionPixelSize(sizeRes)
    drawable?.setBounds(0, 0, size, size)
    this.setCompoundDrawables(drawable, null, null, null)

To get really fancy, create a wrapper that allows size and/or color modification.

textView.leftDrawable(R.drawable.my_icon, colorRes = R.color.white)

fun TextView.leftDrawable(@DrawableRes id: Int = 0, @DimenRes sizeRes: Int = 0, @ColorInt color: Int = 0, @ColorRes colorRes: Int = 0) {
    val drawable = drawable(id)
    if (sizeRes != 0) {
        val size = resources.getDimensionPixelSize(sizeRes)
        drawable?.setBounds(0, 0, size, size)
    if (color != 0) {
        drawable?.setColorFilter(color, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP)
    } else if (colorRes != 0) {
        val colorInt = ContextCompat.getColor(context, colorRes)
        drawable?.setColorFilter(colorInt, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP)
    this.setCompoundDrawables(drawable, null, null, null)

Render HTML string as real HTML in a React component

If you have control over where the string containing html is coming from (ie. somewhere in your app), you can benefit from the new <Fragment> API, doing something like:

import React, {Fragment} from 'react'

const stringsSomeWithHtml = {
  testOne: (
      Some text <strong>wrapped with strong</strong>
  testTwo: `This is just a plain string, but it'll print fine too`,


render() {
  return <div>{stringsSomeWithHtml[prop.key]}</div>

Make a div into a link

You can make surround the element with a href tags or you can use jquery and use


Hive load CSV with commas in quoted fields

As of Hive 0.14, the CSV SerDe is a standard part of the Hive install

ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.OpenCSVSerde'
