Programs & Examples On #Google latitude

Google Latitude is a (now discontinued) tool to track and share your location.

Get restaurants near my location

Is this what you are looking for?,-123.137784&radius=500&sensor=false&key=*PlacesAPIKey*&types=restaurant

types is optional

How does Google calculate my location on a desktop?

  • So Google keep records of Wifi router location by using any cellphone GPS that connected to that router when you use Google maps or location on cellphone. then google knows every device that connected to that Wifi router uses the same location.
  • when GPS off or no cellphone connected to router Google uses IP geolocation

DOM element to corresponding vue.js component

Just by this (in your method in "methods"):

element = this.$el;


Create a Maven project in Eclipse complains "Could not resolve archetype"

I was getting similar error while creating web-app in eclipse and resolved the problem just by cleaning (deleting all files from) and rebuilding the maven repository

Google Maps shows "For development purposes only"

If you want a free simple location map showing a single marked location, for your website, Then

  • Go to AddMap.
  • Here you can fill details to fully customize your map like location details, sizing and formatting of map.
  • Finally to add google map api key, Generate it using this method.

Let me know If this would help..

Difference between ApiController and Controller in ASP.NET MVC

In Core 3+ Vesrion

Controller: If wants to return anything related to IActionResult & Data also, go for Controllercontroller

ApiController: Used as attribute/notation in API controller. That inherits ControllerBase Class

ControllerBase: If wants to return data only go for ControllerBase class

Automated testing for REST Api

I collaborated with one of my coworkers to start the PyRestTest framework for this reason:

Although you can work with the tests in Python, the normal test format is in YAML.

Sample test suite for a basic REST app -- verifies that APIs respond correctly, checking HTTP status codes, though you can make it examine response bodies as well:

- config:
    - testset: "Tests using test app"

- test: # create entity
    - name: "Basic get"
    - url: "/api/person/"
- test: # create entity
    - name: "Get single person"
    - url: "/api/person/1/"
- test: # create entity
    - name: "Get single person"
    - url: "/api/person/1/"
    - method: 'DELETE'
- test: # create entity by PUT
    - name: "Create/update person"
    - url: "/api/person/1/"
    - method: "PUT"
    - body: '{"first_name": "Gaius","id": 1,"last_name": "Baltar","login": "gbaltar"}'
    - headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
- test: # create entity by POST
    - name: "Create person"
    - url: "/api/person/"
    - method: "POST"
    - body: '{"first_name": "Willim","last_name": "Adama","login": "theadmiral"}'
    - headers: {Content-Type: application/json}

Python: How to increase/reduce the fontsize of x and y tick labels?

One shouldn't use set_yticklabels to change the fontsize, since this will also set the labels (i.e. it will replace any automatic formatter by a FixedFormatter), which is usually undesired. The easiest is to set the respective tick_params:

ax.tick_params(axis="x", labelsize=8)
ax.tick_params(axis="y", labelsize=20)



in case both axes shall have the same size.

Of course using the rcParams as in @tmdavison's answer is possible as well.

Spring 5.0.3 RequestRejectedException: The request was rejected because the URL was not normalized

Spring Security Documentation mentions the reason for blocking // in the request.

For example, it could contain path-traversal sequences (like /../) or multiple forward slashes (//) which could also cause pattern-matches to fail. Some containers normalize these out before performing the servlet mapping, but others don’t. To protect against issues like these, FilterChainProxy uses an HttpFirewall strategy to check and wrap the request. Un-normalized requests are automatically rejected by default, and path parameters and duplicate slashes are removed for matching purposes.

So there are two possible solutions -

  1. remove double slash (preferred approach)
  2. Allow // in Spring Security by customizing the StrictHttpFirewall using the below code.

Step 1 Create custom firewall that allows slash in URL.

public HttpFirewall allowUrlEncodedSlashHttpFirewall() {
    StrictHttpFirewall firewall = new StrictHttpFirewall();
    return firewall;

Step 2 And then configure this bean in websecurity

public void configure(WebSecurity web) throws Exception {

Step 2 is an optional step, Spring Boot just needs a bean to be declared of type HttpFirewall and it will auto-configure it in filter chain.

Spring Security 5.4 Update

In Spring security 5.4 and above (Spring Boot >= 2.4.0), we can get rid of too many logs complaining about the request rejected by creating the below bean.


RequestRejectedHandler requestRejectedHandler() {
   return new HttpStatusRequestRejectedHandler();

Can I edit an iPad's host file?

The easiest way to do this is to run an iPad simulator using XCode and then add an entry in the hosts file (/etc/hosts) on the host system to point to your test site.

POST JSON fails with 415 Unsupported media type, Spring 3 mvc

I had the same issue. adding

<mvc:annotation-driven />
<mvc:default-servlet-handler />

to the spring-xml solved it

How do I "commit" changes in a git submodule?

Before you can commit and push, you need to init a working repository tree for a submodule. I am using tortoise and do following things:

First check if there exist .git file (not a directory)

  • if there is such file it contains path to supermodule git directory
  • delete this file
  • do git init
  • do git add remote path the one used for submodule
  • follow instructions below

If there was .git file, there surly was .git directory which tracks local tree. You still need to a branch (you can create one) or switch to master (which sometimes does not work). Best to do is - git fetch - git pull. Do not omit fetch.

Now your commits and pulls will be synchronized with your origin/master

How to make android listview scrollable?

I found a tricky solution... which works only in a RelativeLayout. We only need to put a View above a ListView and set clickable 'true' on View and false for the ListView

    android:clickable="false" />

    android:layout_alignTop="@+id/listview" />

How to set MimeBodyPart ContentType to "text/html"?

There is a method setText() which takes 3 arguments :

public void setText(String text, String charset, String subtype)
    throws MessagingException


text - the text content to set
charset - the charset to use for the text
subtype - the MIME subtype to use (e.g., "html")

NOTE: the subtype takes text after / in MIME types so for ex.

  • text/html would be html
  • text/css would be css
  • and so on..

How to execute multiple commands in a single line

Googling gives me this:

Command A & Command B

Execute Command A, then execute Command B (no evaluation of anything)

Command A | Command B

Execute Command A, and redirect all its output into the input of Command B

Command A && Command B

Execute Command A, evaluate the errorlevel after running and if the exit code (errorlevel) is 0, only then execute Command B

Command A || Command B

Execute Command A, evaluate the exit code of this command and if it's anything but 0, only then execute Command B

Replacing column values in a pandas DataFrame

Slight variation:

w.female.replace(['male', 'female'], [1, 0], inplace=True)

"Too many values to unpack" Exception

try unpacking in one variable,

python will handle it as a list,

then unpack from the list

def returnATupleWithThreeValues():
    return (1,2,3)
a = returnATupleWithThreeValues() # a is a list (1,2,3)
print a[0] # list[0] = 1
print a[1] # list[1] = 2
print a[2] # list[2] = 3

iOS UIImagePickerController result image orientation after upload

Here’s a solution that doesn’t change the colorspace of the original image. If you want to normalize the orientation of a grayscale image, you are out of luck with all solutions based on UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions because it creates a context in the RGB colorspace. Instead, you have to create a context with the same properties as the original image and draw:

extension UIImage {
    static let rotatedOrentations: [UIImage.Orientation] = [.left, .leftMirrored, .right, .rightMirrored]

    func normalizedImage() -> UIImage {
        if imageOrientation == .up {
            return self

        let image = self.cgImage!
        let swapOrientation = UIImage.rotatedOrentations.contains(imageOrientation)
        let width = swapOrientation ? image.height : image.width
        let height = swapOrientation ? image.width : image.height
        let context = CGContext(data: nil, width: width, height: height, bitsPerComponent: image.bitsPerComponent, bytesPerRow: image.bytesPerRow, space: image.colorSpace!, bitmapInfo: image.bitmapInfo.rawValue)!
        let flipVertical = CGAffineTransform(a: 1, b: 0, c: 0, d: -1, tx: 0, ty: CGFloat(height));
        self.draw(at: .zero)

        return UIImage(cgImage: context.makeImage()!)

"Unable to locate tools.jar" when running ant

There are two directories that looks like JDK.

  C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_02
  C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_02\

This may be due to both 64 bit and 32 bit JDK installed? What ever may be the case, the java.exe seen by ant.bat should from the JDK. If the JRE's java.exe comes first in the path, that will be used to guess the JDK location.

Put 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_02\bin' or 'C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_02' as the first argument in the path.

Further steps:

You can take output of ant -diagnostics and look for interesting keys. (assuming Sun/Oracle JDK).


(in my case tools.jar appears in java.class.path)

update one table with data from another

Oracle 11g R2:

create table table1 (
  id number,
  name varchar2(10),
  desc_ varchar2(10)

create table table2 (
  id number,
  name varchar2(10),
  desc_ varchar2(10)

insert into table1 values(1, 'a', 'abc');
insert into table1 values(2, 'b', 'def');
insert into table1 values(3, 'c', 'ghi');

insert into table2 values(1, 'x', '123');
insert into table2 values(2, 'y', '456');

merge into table1 t1
using (select * from table2) t2
on ( =
when matched then update set =, t1.desc_ = t2.desc_;

select * from table1;

        ID NAME       DESC_
---------- ---------- ----------
         1 x          123
         2 y          456
         3 c          ghi

See also Oracle - Update statement with inner join.

Python Decimals format

Just use Python's standard string formatting methods:

>>> "{0:.2}".format(1.234232)
>>> "{0:.3}".format(1.234232)

If you are using a Python version under 2.6, use

>>> "%f" % 1.32423
>>> "%.2f" % 1.32423
>>> "%d" % 1.32423

How can I tell if I'm running in 64-bit JVM or 32-bit JVM (from within a program)?

If you are using JNA, you can check whether com.sun.jna.Native.POINTER_SIZE == 4 (32 bit) or com.sun.jna.Native.POINTER_SIZE == 8 (64 bit).

What is IllegalStateException?


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

public class IllegalStateExceptionDemo {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        List al = new ArrayList();
        Iterator itr = al.iterator();  
        while (itr.hasNext()) {           

IllegalStateException signals that method has been invoked at the wrong time. In this below example, we can see that. remove() method is called at the same time element is being used in while loop.

Please refer to below link for more details.

Check OS version in Swift?

Update for Swift 3.0+

func SYSTEM_VERSION_EQUAL_TO(version: String) -> Bool {
    return, options: .numeric) == ComparisonResult.orderedSame

func SYSTEM_VERSION_GREATER_THAN(version: String) -> Bool {
    return, options: .numeric) == ComparisonResult.orderedDescending

func SYSTEM_VERSION_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO(version: String) -> Bool {
    return, options: .numeric) != ComparisonResult.orderedAscending

func SYSTEM_VERSION_LESS_THAN(version: String) -> Bool {
    return, options: .numeric) == ComparisonResult.orderedAscending

func SYSTEM_VERSION_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO(version: String) -> Bool {
    return, options: .numeric) != ComparisonResult.orderedDescending

Pip install Matplotlib error with virtualenv

If on MacOSx try

xcode-select --install

This complies subprocess 32, the reason for the failure.

Error Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35

I had the same problem after upgrading a bunch of NuGet packages.
I have tried all kinds of deleting, cleaning, resintalling described here and beyong to no avail. The references did not have Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure despite the NuGet manager showed it was installed.

The problem was solved by replacing:

  <package id="Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure" version="" targetFramework="net45" />


  <package id="Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure" version="" targetFramework="net46" />

in packages.config. The culprit is apparently "net45".

Make the console wait for a user input to close

You can just use nextLine(); as pause

import java.util.Scanner
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;

void Read()
     System.out.print("Press any key to continue . . . ");

However any button you press except Enter means you will have to press Enter after that but I found it better than;

jQuery validation: change default error message

$(function() {


var error_username = false;
var error_password = false;
var error_retype_password = false;
var error_email = false;

$("#form_username").focusout(function() {


$("#form_password").focusout(function() {


$("#form_retype_password").focusout(function() {


$("#form_email").focusout(function() {


function check_username() {

    var username_length = $("#form_username").val().length;
    if(username_length < 5 || username_length > 20) {
        $("#username_error_message").html("Should be between 5-20 characters");
        error_username = true;
    } else {


function check_password() {

    var password_length = $("#form_password").val().length;
    if(password_length < 8) {
        $("#password_error_message").html("At least 8 characters");
        error_password = true;
    } else {


function check_retype_password() {

    var password = $("#form_password").val();
    var retype_password = $("#form_retype_password").val();
    if(password !=  retype_password) {
        $("#retype_password_error_message").html("Passwords don't match");
        error_retype_password = true;
    } else {


function check_email() {

    var pattern = new RegExp(/^[+a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$/i);

    if(pattern.test($("#form_email").val())) {
    } else {
        $("#email_error_message").html("Invalid email address");
        error_email = true;


$("#registration_form").submit(function() {
    error_username = false;
    error_password = false;
    error_retype_password = false;
    error_email = false;
    if(error_username == false && error_password == false && error_retype_password == false && error_email == false) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;   



Automatically size JPanel inside JFrame

You can set a layout manager like BorderLayout and then define more specifically, where your panel should go:

MainPanel mainPanel = new MainPanel();
JFrame mainFrame = new JFrame();
mainFrame.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
mainFrame.add(mainPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);

This puts the panel into the center area of the frame and lets it grow automatically when resizing the frame.

How do I update the element at a certain position in an ArrayList?


and if u want to update it then add this line also


NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver

I was getting the same error on my Ubuntu 16.04 (Linux 4.14 kernel) in Google Compute Engine with K80 GPU. I upgraded the kernel to 4.15 from 4.14 and boom the problem was solved. Here is how I upgraded my Linux kernel from 4.14 to 4.15:

Step 1:
Check the existing kernel of your Ubuntu Linux:

uname -a

Step 2:

Ubuntu maintains a website for all the versions of kernel that have 
been released. At the time of this writing, the latest stable release 
of Ubuntu kernel is 4.15. If you go to this 
link:, you will 
see several links for download.

Step 3:

Download the appropriate files based on the type of OS you have. For 64 
bit, I would download the following deb files:


Step 4:

Install all the downloaded deb files:

sudo dpkg -i *.deb

Step 5:
Reboot your machine and check if the kernel has been updated by:
uname -a

You should see that your kernel has been upgraded and hopefully nvidia-smi should work.

How to break out of jQuery each Loop

To break a $.each or $(selector).each loop, you have to return false in the loop callback.

Returning true skips to the next iteration, equivalent to a continue in a normal loop.

$.each(array, function(key, value) { 
    if(value === "foo") {
        return false; // breaks

// or

$(selector).each(function() {
  if (condition) {
    return false;

What is the difference between Collection and List in Java?

Java API is the best to answer this


The root interface in the collection hierarchy. A collection represents a group of objects, known as its elements. Some collections allow duplicate elements and others do not. Some are ordered and others unordered. The JDK does not provide any direct implementations of this interface: it provides implementations of more specific subinterfaces like Set and List. This interface is typically used to pass collections around and manipulate them where maximum generality is desired.

List (extends Collection)

An ordered collection (also known as a sequence). The user of this interface has precise control over where in the list each element is inserted. The user can access elements by their integer index (position in the list), and search for elements in the list.

Unlike sets, lists typically allow duplicate elements. More formally, lists typically allow pairs of elements e1 and e2 such that e1.equals(e2), and they typically allow multiple null elements if they allow null elements at all. It is not inconceivable that someone might wish to implement a list that prohibits duplicates, by throwing runtime exceptions when the user attempts to insert them, but we expect this usage to be rare.

Oracle SQL Developer: Failure - Test failed: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection?

For me, the HOST was set differently in tnsnames.ora and listener.ora. One was set to the full name of the computer and the other was set to IP address. I synchronized them to the full name of the computer and it worked. Don't forget to restart the oracle services.

I still don't understand exactly why this caused problem because I think IP address and computer name are ultimately same in my understanding.

Integrating the ZXing library directly into my Android application

Why use an external lib, when google play services (since version 7.8.0) includes a barcode decoder.

AngularJS: How do I manually set input to $valid in controller?

The answers above didn't help me solve my problem. After a long search I bumped into this partial solution.

I've finally solved my problem with this code to set the input field manually to ng-invalid (to set to ng-valid set it to 'true'):

$scope.myForm.inputName.$setValidity('required', false);

R Plotting confidence bands with ggplot


mp <-data.frame(year=1990:2010)
N <- nrow(mp)

mp <- within(mp,
             wav <- rnorm(N)*cos(2*pi*year)+rnorm(N)*sin(2*pi*year)+5
             wow <- rnorm(N)*wav+rnorm(N)*wav^3

m01 <- gls(wow~poly(wav,3), data=mp, correlation = corARMA(p=1))

Get fitted values (the same as m01$fitted)

fit <- predict(m01)

Normally we could use something like predict(..., to get the confidence intervals on the prediction, but gls doesn't provide this capability. We use a recipe similar to the one shown at :

V <- vcov(m01)
X <- model.matrix(~poly(wav,3),data=mp) <- sqrt(diag(X %*% V %*% t(X)))

Put together a "prediction frame":

predframe <- with(mp,data.frame(year,wav,

Now plot with geom_ribbon

(p1 <- ggplot(mp, aes(year, wow))+

year vs wow

It's easier to see that we got the right answer if we plot against wav rather than year:

(p2 <- ggplot(mp, aes(wav, wow))+

wav vs wow

It would be nice to do the predictions with more resolution, but it's a little tricky to do this with the results of poly() fits -- see ?makepredictcall.

Difference between an API and SDK

Application Programming Interface is a set of routines/data structures/classes which specifies a way to interact with the target platform/software like OS X, Android, project management application, virtualization software etc.

While Software Development Kit is a wrapper around API/s that makes the job easy for developers.

For example, Android SDK facilitates developers to interact with the Android platform as a whole while the platform itself is built by composite software components communicating via APIs.

Also, sometimes SDKs are built to facilitate development in a specific programming language. For example, Selenium web driver (built in Java) provides APIs to drive any browser natively, while capybara can be considered an an SDK that facilitates Ruby developers to use Selenium web driver. However, Selenium web driver is also an SDK by itself as it combines interaction with various native browser drivers into one package.

When do you use Java's @Override annotation and why?

It makes absolutely no sense to use @Override when implementing an interface method. There's no advantage to using it in that case--the compiler will already catch your mistake, so it's just unnecessary clutter.

Use a content script to access the page context variables and functions

If you wish to inject pure function, instead of text, you can use this method:

function inject(){_x000D_ = 'blue';_x000D_
// this includes the function as text and the barentheses make it run itself._x000D_
var actualCode = "("+inject+")()"; _x000D_
document.documentElement.setAttribute('onreset', actualCode);_x000D_
document.documentElement.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('reset'));_x000D_

And you can pass parameters (unfortunatelly no objects and arrays can be stringifyed) to the functions. Add it into the baretheses, like so:

function inject(color){_x000D_ = color;_x000D_
// this includes the function as text and the barentheses make it run itself._x000D_
var color = 'yellow';_x000D_
var actualCode = "("+inject+")("+color+")"; 

Updating Python on Mac

Both python 2x and 3x can stay installed in a MAC. Mac comes with python 2x version. To check the default python version in your MAC, open the terminal and type-

python --version

However to check, if you have already installed any of python 3x versions, you need to type

python3 --version

If you don't then go ahead and install it with the installer. Go the the python's official site(, download the latest version

enter image description here

and install it.

Now restart the terminal and check again with both commands-

enter image description here

Hope this helps.

How can I quickly and easily convert spreadsheet data to JSON?

Assuming you really mean easiest and are not necessarily looking for a way to do this programmatically, you can do this:

  1. Add, if not already there, a row of "column Musicians" to the spreadsheet. That is, if you have data in columns such as:

    Rory Gallagher      Guitar
    Gerry McAvoy        Bass
    Rod de'Ath          Drums
    Lou Martin          Keyboards
    Donkey Kong Sioux   Self-Appointed Semi-official Stomper

    Note: you might want to add "Musician" and "Instrument" in row 0 (you might have to insert a row there)

  2. Save the file as a CSV file.

  3. Copy the contents of the CSV file to the clipboard

  4. Go to

  5. Verify that the "First row is column names" checkbox is checked

  6. Paste the CSV data into the content area

  7. Mash the "Convert CSV to JSON" button

    With the data shown above, you will now have:

        "MUSICIAN":"Rory Gallagher",
        "MUSICIAN":"Gerry McAvoy",
        "MUSICIAN":"Rod D'Ath",
        "MUSICIAN":"Lou Martin",
        "MUSICIAN":"Donkey Kong Sioux",
        "INSTRUMENT":"Self-Appointed Semi-Official Stomper"

    With this simple/minimalistic data, it's probably not required, but with large sets of data, it can save you time and headache in the proverbial long run by checking this data for aberrations and abnormalcy.

  8. Go here:

  9. Paste the JSON into the content area

  10. Pres the "Validate" button.

If the JSON is good, you will see a "Valid JSON" remark in the Results section below; if not, it will tell you where the problem[s] lie so that you can fix it/them.

RSpec: how to test if a method was called?

In the new rspec expect syntax this would be:

expect(subject).to receive(:bar).with("an argument I want")

SQL Server: Multiple table joins with a WHERE clause

SELECT Computer.Computer_Name, Application1.Name, Max(Soft.[Version]) as Version1
FROM Application1
inner JOIN Software
    ON Application1.ID = Software.Application_Id
cross join Computer
Left JOIN Software_Computer
    ON Software_Computer.Computer_Id = Computer.ID and Software_Computer.Software_Id = Software.Id
Left JOIN Software as Soft
    ON Soft.Id = Software_Computer.Software_Id
WHERE Computer.ID = 1 
GROUP BY Computer.Computer_Name, Application1.Name 

Spring Boot - Error creating bean with name 'dataSource' defined in class path resource

It worked for me you can try your: Add this to VM options in Tomcat


How to create a template function within a class? (C++)

Yes, template member functions are perfectly legal and useful on numerous occasions.

The only caveat is that template member functions cannot be virtual.

Difference between Big-O and Little-O Notation

I find that when I can't conceptually grasp something, thinking about why one would use X is helpful to understand X. (Not to say you haven't tried that, I'm just setting the stage.)

[stuff you know]A common way to classify algorithms is by runtime, and by citing the big-Oh complexity of an algorithm, you can get a pretty good estimation of which one is "better" -- whichever has the "smallest" function in the O! Even in the real world, O(N) is "better" than O(N²), barring silly things like super-massive constants and the like.[/stuff you know]

Let's say there's some algorithm that runs in O(N). Pretty good, huh? But let's say you (you brilliant person, you) come up with an algorithm that runs in O(NloglogloglogN). YAY! Its faster! But you'd feel silly writing that over and over again when you're writing your thesis. So you write it once, and you can say "In this paper, I have proven that algorithm X, previously computable in time O(N), is in fact computable in o(n)."

Thus, everyone knows that your algorithm is faster --- by how much is unclear, but they know its faster. Theoretically. :)

applying css to specific li class

The CSS you have applies color #c1c1c1 to all <a> elements.

And it also applies color #c1c1c1 to the first <li> element.

Perhaps the code you posted is missing something because I don't see any other colors being defined.

Uncaught ReferenceError: angular is not defined - AngularJS not working

As you know angular.module( declared under angular.js file.So before accessing angular.module, you must have make it available by using <script src="lib/angular/angular.js"></script>(In your case) after then you can call angular.module. It will work.


<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>My AngularJS App</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/app.css"/>
<!-- In production use:
  <script src="//"></script>
  <script src="lib/angular/angular.js"></script>
  <script src="lib/angular/angular-route.js"></script>
  <script src="js/app.js"></script>
  <script src="js/services.js"></script>
  <script src="js/controllers.js"></script>
  <script src="js/filters.js"></script>
  <script src="js/directives.js"></script>

        var app = angular.module('myApp',[]);


            return function(scope, element,attrs) {
                element.bind('click',function() {alert('click')});

<body ng-app="myApp">
    <div >
        <button my-directive>Click Me!</button>


python NameError: name 'file' is not defined

file() is not supported in Python 3

Use open() instead; see Built-in Functions - open().

failed to open stream: HTTP wrapper does not support writeable connections

you could use fopen() function.

some example:

$url = '';
$destination_folder = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/downloads/';

    $newfname = $destination_folder .'myfile.mp4'; //set your file ext

    $file = fopen ($url, "rb");

    if ($file) {
      $newf = fopen ($newfname, "a"); // to overwrite existing file

      if ($newf)
      while(!feof($file)) {
        fwrite($newf, fread($file, 1024 * 8 ), 1024 * 8 );


    if ($file) {

    if ($newf) {

TypeError: 'float' object is not callable

The problem is with -3.7(prof[x]), which looks like a function call (note the parens). Just use a * like this -3.7*prof[x].

Error: org.testng.TestNGException: Cannot find class in classpath: EmpClass

Go to Project>Build Path>Configure Build Path>Libraries>Remove Error libraries

After Refresh project and run again program.

Python return statement error " 'return' outside function"

As per the documentation on the return statement, return may only occur syntactically nested in a function definition. The same is true for yield.

setting the id attribute of an input element dynamically in IE: alternative for setAttribute method

I wasn't aware of a problem with setAttribute in IE ? However you could directly set the expando property on the node itself: = "uniqueIdentifier";

Check if checkbox is checked with jQuery

Since it's mid 2019 and jQuery sometimes takes a backseat to things like VueJS, React etc. Here's a pure vanilla Javascript onload listener option:

  // Replace 'admincheckbox' both variable and ID with whatever suits.

  window.onload = function() {
    const admincheckbox = document.getElementById("admincheckbox");
    admincheckbox.addEventListener('click', function() {
      } else {

Select datatype of the field in postgres

Pulling data type from information_schema is possible, but not convenient (requires joining several columns with a case statement). Alternatively one can use format_type built-in function to do that, but it works on internal type identifiers that are visible in pg_attribute but not in information_schema. Example

SELECT a.attname as column_name, format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod) AS data_type
FROM pg_attribute a JOIN pg_class b ON a.attrelid = b.relfilenode
WHERE a.attnum > 0 -- hide internal columns
AND NOT a.attisdropped -- hide deleted columns
AND b.oid = 'my_table'::regclass::oid; -- example way to find pg_class entry for a table

Based on

Django - iterate number in for loop of a template

[Django HTML template doesn't support index as of now], but you can achieve the goal:

If you use Dictionary inside Dictionary in then iteration is possible using key as index. example:

{% for key, value in DictionartResult.items %} <!-- dictionartResult is a dictionary having key value pair-->
<tr align="center">
    <td  bgcolor="Blue"><a href={{value.ProjectName}}><b>{{value.ProjectName}}</b></a></td>
    <td> {{ value.atIndex0 }} </td>         <!-- atIndex0 is a key which will have its value , you can treat this key as index to resolve-->
    <td> {{ value.atIndex4 }} </td>
    <td> {{ value.atIndex2 }} </td>
{% endfor %}

Elseif you use List inside dictionary then not only first and last iteration can be controlled, but all index can be controlled. example:

{% for key, value in DictionaryResult.items %}
    <tr align="center">
    {% for project_data in value %}
        {% if  forloop.counter <= 13 %}  <!-- Here you can control the iteration-->
            {% if forloop.first %}
                <td bgcolor="Blue"><a href={{project_data}}><b> {{ project_data }} </b></a></td> <!-- it will always refer to project_data[0]-->
            {% else %}
                <td> {{ project_data }} </td> <!-- it will refer to all items in project_data[] except at index [0]-->
            {% endif %}
            {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

End If ;)

// Hope have covered the solution with Dictionary, List, HTML template, For Loop, Inner loop, If Else. Django HTML Documentaion for more methods:

How to subtract days from a plain Date?

It goes something like this:

var d = new Date(); // today!
var x = 5; // go back 5 days!
d.setDate(d.getDate() - x);

How to slice a Pandas Data Frame by position?

You can also do as a convenience:


Multiple line code example in Javadoc comment

I enclose my example code with <pre class="brush: java"></pre> tags and use SyntaxHighlighter for published javadocs. It doesn't hurt IDE and makes published code examples beautiful.

How to declare a static const char* in your header file?

To answer the why question, integral types are special in that they are not a reference to an allocated object but rather values that are duplicated and copied. It's just an implementation decision made when the language was defined, which was to handle values outside the object system and in as efficient and "inline" a fashion as possible.

This doesn't exactly explain why they are allowed as initializors in a type, but think of it as essentially a #define and then it will make sense as part of the type and not part of the object.

Control cannot fall through from one case label

You can do more than just fall through in C#, but you must utilize the "dreaded" goto statement. For example:

switch (whatever)
  case 2:
    Result.Write( "Subscribe" );
  case 1:
    Result.Write( "Un" );
    goto case 2;

How to upper case every first letter of word in a string?

public class WordChangeInCapital{

   public static void main(String[]  args)
      String s="this is string example";
      //this is input data.
      //this example for a string where each word must be started in capital letter
      StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer(s);
      int i=0;
        i=b.indexOf(" ",i)+1;
      } while(i>0 && i<sb.length());


How to serialize/deserialize to `Dictionary<int, string>` from custom XML not using XElement?

KeyedCollection works like dictionary and is serializable.

First create a class containing key and value:

/// <summary>
/// simple class
/// </summary>
/// <remarks></remarks>
public class cCulture
    /// <summary>
    /// culture
    /// </summary>
    public string culture;

    /// <summary>
    /// word list
    /// </summary>
    public List<string> list;

    /// <summary>
    /// status
    /// </summary>
    public string status;

then create a class of type KeyedCollection, and define a property of your class as key.

/// <summary>
/// keyed collection.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks></remarks>
public class cCultures : System.Collections.ObjectModel.KeyedCollection<string, cCulture>
    protected override string GetKeyForItem(cCulture item)
        return item.culture;

Usefull to serialize such type of datas.

How to pass the id of an element that triggers an `onclick` event to the event handling function

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script> 
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-2.1.0.js"></script> 
<script type="text/javascript" >
function openOnImageClick(event)
//alert("Jai Sh Raam");
// document.getElementById("images").src = "fruits.jpg";
var target = || event.srcElement; // IE

 var img = document.createElement('img');
 img.setAttribute('src', target.src);
  img.setAttribute('width', '200');
   img.setAttribute('height', '150');



<h1>Screen Shot View</h1>
<p>Click the Tiger to display the Image</p>

<div id="images" >

<img id="muID1" src="tiger.jpg" width="100" height="50" alt="unfinished bingo card" onclick="openOnImageClick(event)" />
<img id="myID2" src="sabaLogo1.jpg" width="100" height="50" alt="unfinished bingo card" onclick="openOnImageClick(event)" />


How do I rewrite URLs in a proxy response in NGINX

We should first read the documentation on proxy_pass carefully and fully.

The URI passed to upstream server is determined based on whether "proxy_pass" directive is used with URI or not. Trailing slash in proxy_pass directive means that URI is present and equal to /. Absense of trailing slash means hat URI is absent.

Proxy_pass with URI:

location /some_dir/ {
    proxy_pass http://some_server/;

With the above, there's the following proxy:

http:// your_server/some_dir/ some_subdir/some_file ->
http:// some_server/          some_subdir/some_file

Basically, /some_dir/ gets replaced by / to change the request path from /some_dir/some_subdir/some_file to /some_subdir/some_file.

Proxy_pass without URI:

location /some_dir/ {
    proxy_pass http://some_server;

With the second (no trailing slash): the proxy goes like this:

http:// your_server /some_dir/some_subdir/some_file ->
http:// some_server /some_dir/some_subdir/some_file

Basically, the full original request path gets passed on without changes.

So, in your case, it seems you should just drop the trailing slash to get what you want.


Note that automatic rewrite only works if you don't use variables in proxy_pass. If you use variables, you should do rewrite yourself:

location /some_dir/ {
  rewrite    /some_dir/(.*) /$1 break;
  proxy_pass $upstream_server;

There are other cases where rewrite wouldn't work, that's why reading documentation is a must.


Reading your question again, it seems I may have missed that you just want to edit the html output.

For that, you can use the sub_filter directive. Something like ...

location /admin/ {
    proxy_pass http://localhost:8080/;
    sub_filter "http://your_server/" "http://your_server/admin/";
    sub_filter_once off;

Basically, the string you want to replace and the replacement string

asterisk : Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk.ctl exist?)

actually it's an ownership problem

try to:

ls -l /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl

you will see that the file has ownership of 'root'

although you have changed the ownership with:

chown -R asterisk /var/run/asterisk

once you restart the asterisk server the ownership gets back to the 'root' again

they should be for 'asterisk:asterisk' user and group

Basem Hegazy

IOError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe: Python

Closes should be done in reverse order of the opens.

Autonumber value of last inserted row - MS Access / VBA

In your example, because you use CurrentDB to execute your INSERT you've made it harder for yourself. Instead, this will work:

  Dim query As String
  Dim newRow As Long  ' note change of data type
  Dim db As DAO.Database

  query = "INSERT INTO InvoiceNumbers (date) VALUES (" & NOW() & ");"
  Set db = CurrentDB
  newRow = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT @@IDENTITY")(0)
  Set db = Nothing

I used to do INSERTs by opening an AddOnly recordset and picking up the ID from there, but this here is a lot more efficient. And note that it doesn't require ADO.

Eclipse does not highlight matching variables

For others running into this without any of the above solutions working AND you have modified the default theme, you might want to check the highlight color for occurrences.

Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors > Annotations

Then select Occurrences in the Annotation Types, and change the Color Box to something other than your background color in your editor. You can also change the Highlight to a outline box by Checking "Text as" and selecting "Box" from the drop-down box (which is easier to see various syntax colors then with the highlights)

How to store printStackTrace into a string

StackTraceElement[] stack = new Exception().getStackTrace();
String theTrace = "";
for(StackTraceElement line : stack)
   theTrace += line.toString();

MySQL: Cloning a MySQL database on the same MySql instance

As the manual says in Copying Databases you can pipe the dump directly into the mysql client:

mysqldump db_name | mysql new_db_name

If you're using MyISAM you could copy the files, but I wouldn't recommend it. It's a bit dodgy.

Integrated from various good other answers

Both mysqldump and mysql commands accept options for setting connection details (and much more), like:

mysqldump -u <user name> --password=<pwd> <original db> | mysql -u <user name> -p <new db>

Also, if the new database is not existing yet, you have to create it beforehand (e.g. with echo "create database new_db_name" | mysql -u <dbuser> -p).

Node.js version on the command line? (not the REPL)


node --version or node -v


npm --version or npm -v

V8 engine version:

node -p process.versions.v8

How to create file object from URL object (image)

You can make use of ImageIO in order to load the image from an URL and then write it to a file. Something like this:

URL url = new URL("");
BufferedImage img =;
File file = new File("downloaded.jpg");
ImageIO.write(img, "jpg", file);

This also allows you to convert the image to some other format if needed.

Server cannot set status after HTTP headers have been sent IIS7.5

I'll broadly agree with Vagrant on the cause:

  1. your action was executing, writing markup to response stream
  2. the stream was unbuffered forcing the response headers to get written before the markup writing could begin.
  3. Your view encountered a runtime error
  4. Exception handler kicks in trying to set the status code to something else non-200
  5. Fails because the headers have already been sent.

Where I disagree with Vagrant is the "cause no errors in binding" remedy - you could still encounter runtime errors in View binding e.g. null reference exceptions.

A better solution for this is to ensure that Response.BufferOutput = true; before any bytes are sent to the Response stream. e.g. in your controller action or On_Begin_Request in application. This enables server transfers, cookies/headers to be set etc. right the way up to naturally ending response, or calling end/flush.

Of course also check that buffer isn't being flushed/set to false further down in the stack too.

MSDN Reference: HttpResponse.BufferOutput

How to access accelerometer/gyroscope data from Javascript?

Usefull fallback here:

function orientationhandler(evt){

  // For FF3.6+
  if (!evt.gamma && !evt.beta) {
    evt.gamma = -(evt.x * (180 / Math.PI));
    evt.beta = -(evt.y * (180 / Math.PI));

  // use evt.gamma, evt.beta, and evt.alpha 
  // according to


window.addEventListener('deviceorientation',  orientationhandler, false);
window.addEventListener('MozOrientation',     orientationhandler, false);

Visual studio equivalent of java System.out

Try: Console.WriteLine (type out for a Visual Studio snippet)


Another way is to use System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine:


Debug.WriteLine may suit better for Output window in IDE because it will be rendered for both Console and Windows applications. Whereas Console.WriteLine won't be rendered in Output window but only in the Console itself in case of Console Application type.

Another difference is that Debug.WriteLine will not print anything in Release configuration.

Parcelable encountered IOException writing serializable object getactivity()

The exception occurred due to the fact that any of the inner classes or other referenced classes didn't implement the serializable implementation. So make sure that all the referenced classes must implement the serializable implementation.

Display animated GIF in iOS

Another alternative is to use a UIWebView to display the animated GIF. If the GIF is going to be fetched from a server, then this takes care of the fetching. It also works with local GIFs.

Java: Check the date format of current string is according to required format or not

DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
try {
    Date date= formatter.parse("02/03/2010");
} catch (ParseException e) {
    //If input date is in different format or invalid.

formatter.setLenient(false) will enforce strict matching.

If you are using Joda-Time -

private boolean isValidDate(String dateOfBirth) {
        boolean valid = true;
        try {
            DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("dd/MM/yyyy");
            DateTime dob = formatter.parseDateTime(dateOfBirth);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            valid = false;
        return valid;

How to split string using delimiter char using T-SQL?

It is terrible, but you can try to use

SUBSTRING(Table1.Col1,0,PATINDEX('%|%=',Table1.Col1)) as myString

This code is probably not 100% right though. need to be adjusted

Controlling a USB power supply (on/off) with Linux

The reason why folks post questions such as this is due to the dreaded- indeed "EVIL"- USB Auto-Suspend "feature".

Auto suspend winds-down the power to an "idle" USB device and unless the device's driver supports this feature correctly, the device can become uncontactable. So powering a USB port on/off is a symptom of the problem, not the problem in itself.

I'll show you how to GLOBALLY disable auto-suspend, negating the need to manually toggle the USB ports on & off:

Short Answer:

You do NOT need to edit "autosuspend_delay_ms" individually: USB autosuspend can be disabled globally and PERSISTENTLY using the following commands:

sed -i 's/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="/&usbcore.autosuspend=-1 /' /etc/default/grub


systemctl reboot

An Ubuntu 18.04 screen-grab follows at the end of the "Long Answer" illustrating how my results were achieved.

Long Answer:

It's true that the USB Power Management Kernel Documentation states autosuspend is to be deprecated and in in its' place "autosuspend_delay_ms" used to disable USB autosuspend:

"In 2.6.38 the "autosuspend" file will be deprecated
and replaced by the "autosuspend_delay_ms" file."

HOWEVER my testing reveals that setting usbcore.autosuspend=-1 in /etc/default/grub as below can be used as a GLOBAL toggle for USB autosuspend functionality- you do NOT need to edit individual "autosuspend_delay_ms" files.

The same document linked above states a value of "0" is ENABLED and a negative value is DISABLED:


    <snip> 0 means to autosuspend
    as soon as the device becomes idle, and negative
    values mean never to autosuspend.  You can write a
    number to the file to change the autosuspend
    idle-delay time.

In the annotated Ubuntu 18.04 screen-grab below illustrating how my results were achieved (and reproducible), please remark the default is "0" (enabled) in autosuspend_delay_ms.

Then note that after ONLY setting usbcore.autosuspend=-1 in Grub, these values are now negative (disabled) after reboot. This will save me the bother of editing individual values and can now script disabling USB autosuspend.

screengrab: autosuspend values Before and after globally editing

Hope this makes disabling USB autosuspend a little easier and more scriptable-

How can I split a text into sentences?

No doubt that NLTK is the most suitable for the purpose. But getting started with NLTK is quite painful (But once you install it - you just reap the rewards)

So here is simple re based code available at

# split up a paragraph into sentences
# using regular expressions

def splitParagraphIntoSentences(paragraph):
    ''' break a paragraph into sentences
        and return a list '''
    import re
    # to split by multile characters

    #   regular expressions are easiest (and fastest)
    sentenceEnders = re.compile('[.!?]')
    sentenceList = sentenceEnders.split(paragraph)
    return sentenceList

if __name__ == '__main__':
    p = """This is a sentence.  This is an excited sentence! And do you think this is a question?"""

    sentences = splitParagraphIntoSentences(p)
    for s in sentences:
        print s.strip()

#   This is a sentence
#   This is an excited sentence

#   And do you think this is a question 

Update index after sorting data-frame

Since pandas 1.0.0 df.sort_values has a new parameter ignore_index which does exactly what you need:

In [1]: df2 = df.sort_values(by=['x','y'],ignore_index=True)

In [2]: df2
   x  y
0  0  0
1  0  1
2  0  2
3  1  0
4  1  1
5  1  2
6  2  0
7  2  1
8  2  2

ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified or timeout expired

In my case, I was quite sure it was one of my own sessions which was blocking. Therefore, it was safe to do the following:

  • I found the offending session with:

    SELECT * FROM V$SESSION WHERE OSUSER='my_local_username';

    The session was inactive, but it still held the lock somehow. Note, that you may need to use some other WHERE condition in your case (e.g. try USERNAME or MACHINE fields).

  • Killed the session using the ID and SERIAL# acquired above:

    alter system kill session '<id>, <serial#>';

Edited by @thermz: If none of the previous open-session queries work try this one. This query can help you to avoid syntax errors while killing sessions:

  • SELECT 'ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION '''||SID||','||SERIAL#||''' immediate;' FROM V$SESSION WHERE OSUSER='my_local_username_on_OS'

I don't understand -Wl,-rpath -Wl,

One other thing. You may need to specify the -L option as well - eg

-Wl,-rpath,/path/to/foo -L/path/to/foo -lbaz

or you may end up with an error like

ld: cannot find -lbaz

setBackground vs setBackgroundDrawable (Android)

Using Android studio 1.5.1 i got the following warnings:

Call requires API level 16 (current min is 9): android.view.View#setBackground

and the complaints about deprecation

'setBackgroundDrawable(' is deprecated

Using this format, i got rid of both:

    if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) {
        //noinspection deprecation
    } else {

Retrieve only the queried element in an object array in MongoDB collection




   "shapes" : [ 
           "shape" : "circle",
           "color" : "red"

Setting up PostgreSQL ODBC on Windows

Installing psqlODBC on 64bit Windows

Though you can install 32 bit ODBC drivers on Win X64 as usual, you can't configure 32-bit DSNs via ordinary control panel or ODBC datasource administrator.

How to configure 32 bit ODBC drivers on Win x64

Configure ODBC DSN from %SystemRoot%\syswow64\odbcad32.exe

  1. Start > Run
  2. Enter: %SystemRoot%\syswow64\odbcad32.exe
  3. Hit return.
  4. Open up ODBC and select under the System DSN tab.
  5. Select PostgreSQL Unicode

You may have to play with it and try different scenarios, think outside-the-box, remember this is open source.

Check whether a variable is a string in Ruby

foo.instance_of? String


foo.kind_of? String 

if you you only care if it is derrived from String somewhere up its inheritance chain

In a Bash script, how can I exit the entire script if a certain condition occurs?

If you will invoke the script with source, you can use return <x> where <x> will be the script exit status (use a non-zero value for error or false). But if you invoke an executable script (i.e., directly with its filename), the return statement will result in a complain (error message "return: can only `return' from a function or sourced script").

If exit <x> is used instead, when the script is invoked with source, it will result in exiting the shell that started the script, but an executable script will just terminate, as expected.

To handle either case in the same script, you can use

return <x> 2> /dev/null || exit <x>

This will handle whichever invocation may be suitable. That is assuming you will use this statement at the script's top level. I would advise against directly exiting the script from within a function.

Note: <x> is supposed to be just a number.

Singleton in Android

I put my version of Singleton below:

public class SingletonDemo {
    private static SingletonDemo instance = null;
    private static Context context;

     * To initialize the class. It must be called before call the method getInstance()
     * @param ctx The Context used

    public static void initialize(Context ctx) {
     context = ctx;

     * Check if the class has been initialized
     * @return true  if the class has been initialized
     *         false Otherwise
    public static boolean hasBeenInitialized() {
     return context != null;


    * The private constructor. Here you can use the context to initialize your variables.
    private SingletonDemo() {
        // Use context to initialize the variables.

    * The main method used to get the instance
    public static synchronized SingletonDemo getInstance() {
     if (context == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Impossible to get the instance. This class must be initialized before");

     if (instance == null) {
      instance = new SingletonDemo();

     return instance;

    protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
        throw new CloneNotSupportedException("Clone is not allowed.");

Note that the method initialize could be called in the main class(Splash) and the method getInstance could be called from other classes. This will fix the problem when the caller class requires the singleton but it does not have the context.

Finally the method hasBeenInitialized is uses to check if the class has been initialized. This will avoid that different instances have different contexts.

Youtube - downloading a playlist - youtube-dl

Download YouTube playlist videos in separate directory indexed by video order in a playlist

$ youtube-dl -o '%(playlist)s/%(playlist_index)s - %(title)s.%(ext)s'

Download all playlists of YouTube channel/user keeping each playlist in separate directory:

$ youtube-dl -o '%(uploader)s/%(playlist)s/%(playlist_index)s - %(title)s.%(ext)s'

Video Selection:

youtube-dl is a command-line program to download videos from and a few more sites. It requires the Python interpreter, version 2.6, 2.7, or 3.2+, and it is not platform specific. It should work on your Unix box, on Windows or on macOS. It is released to the public domain, which means you can modify it, redistribute it or use it however you like.

$ youtube-dl [OPTIONS] URL [URL...]
--playlist-start NUMBER          Playlist video to start at (default is 1)

--playlist-end NUMBER            Playlist video to end at (default is last)

--playlist-items ITEM_SPEC       Playlist video items to download. Specify
                                 indices of the videos in the playlist
                                 separated by commas like: "--playlist-items
                                 1,2,5,8" if you want to download videos
                                 indexed 1, 2, 5, 8 in the playlist. You can
                                 specify range: "--playlist-items
                                 1-3,7,10-13", it will download the videos
                                 at index 1, 2, 3, 7, 10, 11, 12 and 13.

How to calculate percentage when old value is ZERO

There is no rate of growth from 0 to any other number. That is to say, there is no percentage of increase from zero to greater than zero and there is no percentage of decrease from zero to less than zero (a negative number). What you have to decide is what to put as an output when this situation happens. Here are two possibilities I am comfortable with:

  1. Any time you have to show a rate of increase from zero, output the infinity symbol (8). That's Alt + 236 on your number pad, in case you're wondering. You could also use negative infinity (-8) for a negative growth rate from zero.
  2. Output a statement such as "[Increase/Decrease] From Zero" or something along those lines.

Unfortunately, if you need the growth rate for further calculations, the above options will not work, but, on the other hand, any number would give your following calculations incorrect data any way so the point is moot. You'd need to update your following calculations to account for this eventuality.

As an aside, the ((New-Old)/Old) function will not work when your new and old values are both zero. You should create an initial check to see if both values are zero and, if they are, output zero percent as the growth rate.

Javascript set img src

Instances of the image constructor are not meant to be used anywhere. You simply set the src, and the image preloads...and that's it, show's over. You can discard the object and move on.

document["pic1"].src = "XXXX/YYYY/search.png"; 

is what you should be doing. You can still use the image constructor, and perform the second action in the onload handler of your searchPic. This ensures the image is loaded before you set the src on the real img object.

Like so:

function LoadImages() {
    searchPic = new Image();
    searchPic.onload=function () {
        document["pic1"].src = "XXXX/YYYY/search.png";
    searchPic.src = "XXXX/YYYY/search.png"; // This is correct and the path is correct

Display JSON Data in HTML Table

check below link to convert JSON data to standard HTML table in the simplest and fastest way.

Add one year in current date PYTHON

It seems from your question that you would like to simply increment the year of your given date rather than worry about leap year implications. You can use the date class to do this by accessing its member year.

from datetime import date
startDate = date(2012, 12, 21)

# reconstruct date fully
endDate = date(startDate.year + 1, startDate.month,
# replace year only
endDate = startDate.replace(startDate.year + 1)

If you're having problems creating one given your format, let us know.

What is the best collation to use for MySQL with PHP?

For UTF-8 textual information, you should use utf8_general_ci because...

  • utf8_bin: compare strings by the binary value of each character in the string

  • utf8_general_ci: compare strings using general language rules and using case-insensitive comparisons

a.k.a. it will should making searching and indexing the data faster/more efficient/more useful.

Usages of doThrow() doAnswer() doNothing() and doReturn() in mockito

If you are testing a logic class and it is calling some internal void methods the doNothing is perfect.

Getting the text that follows after the regex match

if Matcher is initialized with str, after the match, you can get the part after the match with


Sample Code:

final String str = "Some lame sentence that is awesome";
final Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("sentence").matcher(str);


that is awesome

Exit a while loop in VBS/VBA

While Loop is an obsolete structure, I would recommend you to replace "While loop" to "Do While..loop", and you will able to use Exit clause.

check = 0 

Do while not rs.EOF 
   if rs("reg_code") = rcode then 
      check = 1 
      Response.Write ("Found") 
      Exit do
    end if 

if check = 0 then 
   Response.Write "Not Found" 
end if}

How do you specify a debugger program in Code::Blocks 12.11?

  1. Go to settings >> Debugger.
  2. Now as you can see in the image below. There's a tree. Common->GDB/CDB Debugger -> Default. enter image description here

  3. Click on executable path (on the right) to find the address to gdb32.exe .

  4. Click gdb32.exe >> OK.

THATS IT!! This worked for me.

How to make a rest post call from ReactJS code?

Straight from the React docs:

fetch('', {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'Accept': 'application/json',
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
  body: JSON.stringify({
    firstParam: 'yourValue',
    secondParam: 'yourOtherValue',

(This is posting JSON, but you could also do, for example, multipart-form.)

Can not deserialize instance of java.lang.String out of START_ARRAY token

The error is:

Can not deserialize instance of java.lang.String out of START_ARRAY token at [Source: line: 1, column: 1095] (through reference chain: JsonGen["platforms"])

In JSON, platforms look like this:

"platforms": [
        "platform": "iphone"
        "platform": "ipad"
        "platform": "android_phone"
        "platform": "android_tablet"

So try change your pojo to something like this:

private List platforms;

public List getPlatforms(){
    return this.platforms;

public void setPlatforms(List platforms){
    this.platforms = platforms;

EDIT: you will need change mobile_networks too. Will look like this:

private List mobile_networks;

public List getMobile_networks() {
    return mobile_networks;

public void setMobile_networks(List mobile_networks) {
    this.mobile_networks = mobile_networks;

Why do I always get the same sequence of random numbers with rand()?

Rand does not get you a random number. It gives you the next number in a sequence generated by a pseudorandom number generator. To get a different sequence every time you start your program, you have to seed the algorithm by calling srand.

A (very bad) way to do it is by passing it the current time:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

int main() {
    int i, j = 0;
    for(i = 0; i <= 10; i++) {
        j = rand();
        printf("j = %d\n", j);
    return 0;

Why this is a bad way? Because a pseudorandom number generator is as good as its seed, and the seed must be unpredictable. That is why you may need a better source of entropy, like reading from /dev/urandom.

How to inflate one view with a layout

Even simpler way is to use

View child = View.inflate(context, R.layout.child, null)
item.addChild(child) //attach to your item

How do I fix maven error The JAVA_HOME environment variable is not defined correctly?

My JDK is installed at C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_144\.
I had set JAVA_HOME= C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_144\, and I was getting this error:

The JAVA_HOME environment variable is not defined correctly
This environment variable is needed to run this program
NB: JAVA_HOME should point to a JDK not a JRE

When I changed the JAVA_HOME to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_144\jre, the issue got fixed.
I am not sure how.

How to configure slf4j-simple

This is a sample which you can place on the classpath (uncomment the properties you wish to use):

# SLF4J's SimpleLogger configuration file
# Simple implementation of Logger that sends all enabled log messages, for all defined loggers, to System.err.

# Default logging detail level for all instances of SimpleLogger.
# Must be one of ("trace", "debug", "info", "warn", or "error").
# If not specified, defaults to "info".

# Logging detail level for a SimpleLogger instance named "xxxxx".
# Must be one of ("trace", "debug", "info", "warn", or "error").
# If not specified, the default logging detail level is used.

# Set to true if you want the current date and time to be included in output messages.
# Default is false, and will output the number of milliseconds elapsed since startup.

# The date and time format to be used in the output messages.
# The pattern describing the date and time format is the same that is used in java.text.SimpleDateFormat.
# If the format is not specified or is invalid, the default format is used.
# The default format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:SSS Z.
#org.slf4j.simpleLogger.dateTimeFormat=yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:SSS Z

# Set to true if you want to output the current thread name.
# Defaults to true.

# Set to true if you want the Logger instance name to be included in output messages.
# Defaults to true.

# Set to true if you want the last component of the name to be included in output messages.
# Defaults to false.

Execute php file from another php

exec('wget http://<url to the php script>') worked for me.

It enable me to integrate two php files that were designed as web pages and run them as code to do work without affecting the calling page

how do I make a single legend for many subplots with matplotlib?

For the automatic positioning of a single legend in a figure with many axes, like those obtained with subplots(), the following solution works really well:

plt.legend( lines, labels, loc = 'lower center', bbox_to_anchor = (0,-0.1,1,1),
            bbox_transform = plt.gcf().transFigure )

With bbox_to_anchor and bbox_transform=plt.gcf().transFigure you are defining a new bounding box of the size of your figureto be a reference for loc. Using (0,-0.1,1,1) moves this bouding box slightly downwards to prevent the legend to be placed over other artists.

OBS: use this solution AFTER you use fig.set_size_inches() and BEFORE you use fig.tight_layout()

Cannot install Aptana Studio 3.6 on Windows

Installing Aptana Studio in passive mode bypasses the installation of Git for Windows and Node.js.

Aptana_Studio_3_Setup_3.6.1 /passive /norestart

(I am unsure whether Aptana Studio will work properly without those "prerequisites", but it appears to.)

If you want a global installation in a specific directory, the command line is

Aptana_Studio_3_Setup_3.6.1.exe /passive /norestart ALLUSERS=1 APPDIR=c:\apps\AptanaStudio

Generate Java classes from .XSD files...?

To expand on the "use JAXB" comments above,

In Windows "%java_home%\bin\xjc" -p [your namespace] [xsd_file].xsd

e.g., "%java_home%\bin\xjc" -p com.mycompany.quickbooks.obj quickbooks.xsd

Wait a bit, and if you had a well-formed XSD file, you will get some well-formed Java classes

How to calculate number of days between two dates

Also you can use this code: moment("yourDateHere", "YYYY-MM-DD").fromNow(). This will calculate the difference between today and your provided date.

Check that a input to UITextField is numeric only

I wanted a text field that only allowed integers. Here's what I ended up with (using info from here and elsewhere):

Create integer number formatter (in UIApplicationDelegate so it can be reused):

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumberFormatter *integerNumberFormatter;

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
    // Create and configure an NSNumberFormatter for integers
    integerNumberFormatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
    [integerNumberFormatter setMaximumFractionDigits:0];

    return YES;

Use filter in UITextFieldDelegate:

@interface MyTableViewController : UITableViewController <UITextFieldDelegate> {
    ictAppDelegate *appDelegate;

- (BOOL)textField:(UITextField *)textField shouldChangeCharactersInRange:(NSRange)range replacementString:(NSString *)string {
    // Make sure the proposed string is a number
    NSNumberFormatter *inf = [appDelegate integerNumberFormatter];
    NSString* proposedString = [textField.text stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:range withString:string];
    NSNumber *proposedNumber = [inf numberFromString:proposedString];
    if (proposedNumber) {
        // Make sure the proposed number is an integer
        NSString *integerString = [inf stringFromNumber:proposedNumber];
        if ([integerString isEqualToString:proposedString]) {
            // proposed string is an integer
            return YES;

    // Warn the user we're rejecting the change
    return NO;

How to use code to open a modal in Angular 2?

Best way I have found. Put #lgModal or some other variable name in your modal.

In your view:

<div bsModal #lgModal="bs-modal" class="modal fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myLargeModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
  <div class="modal-dialog modal-lg">
    <div class="modal-content">
      <div class="modal-header">
        <button type="button" class="close" (click)="lgModal.hide()" aria-label="Close">
          <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
        <h4 class="modal-title">Large modal</h4>
      <div class="modal-body">

In your component

import {Component, ViewChild, AfterViewInit} from '@angular/core';
import {CORE_DIRECTIVES} from '@angular/common';
// todo: change to ng2-bootstrap
import {MODAL_DIRECTIVES, BS_VIEW_PROVIDERS} from 'ng2-bootstrap/ng2-bootstrap';
import {ModalDirective} from 'ng2-bootstrap/ng2-bootstrap';

  selector: 'modal-demo',
  templateUrl: '/app/components/modals/modalDemo.component.html'
export class ModalDemoComponent implements AfterViewInit{

  @ViewChild('childModal') public childModal: ModalDirective;
  @ViewChild('lgModal') public lgModal: ModalDirective;

  public showChildModal():void {;

  public hideChildModal():void {

  ngAfterViewInit() {;


Write-back vs Write-Through caching?

Write-back and write-through describe policies when a write hit occurs, that is when the cache has the requested information. In these examples, we assume a single processor is writing to main memory with a cache.

Write-through: The information is written to the cache and memory, and the write finishes when both have finished. This has the advantage of being simpler to implement, and the main memory is always consistent (in sync) with the cache (for the uniprocessor case - if some other device modifies main memory, then this policy is not enough), and a read miss never results in writes to main memory. The obvious disadvantage is that every write hit has to do two writes, one of which accesses slower main memory.

Write-back: The information is written to a block in the cache. The modified cache block is only written to memory when it is replaced (in effect, a lazy write). A special bit for each cache block, the dirty bit, marks whether or not the cache block has been modified while in the cache. If the dirty bit is not set, the cache block is "clean" and a write miss does not have to write the block to memory.

The advantage is that writes can occur at the speed of the cache, and if writing within the same block only one write to main memory is needed (when the previous block is being replaced). The disadvantages are that this protocol is harder to implement, main memory can be not consistent (not in sync) with the cache, and reads that result in replacement may cause writes of dirty blocks to main memory.

The policies for a write miss are detailed in my first link.

These protocols don't take care of the cases with multiple processors and multiple caches, as is common in modern processors. For this, more complicated cache coherence mechanisms are required. Write-through caches have simpler protocols since a write to the cache is immediately reflected in memory.

Good resources:

Is mongodb running?

For quickly checking if mongodb is running, this quick nc trick will let you know.

nc -zvv localhost 27017

The above command assumes that you are running it on the default port on localhost.

For auto-starting it, you might want to look at this thread.

Check if a string has a certain piece of text

Here you go: ES5

var test = 'Hello World';
if( test.indexOf('World') >= 0){
  // Found world

With ES6 best way would be to use includes function to test if the string contains the looking work.

const test = 'Hello World';
if (test.includes('World')) { 
  // Found world

How to add image for button in android?

Simply use ImageButton View and set image for it:`

    android:src="@android:drawable/ic_menu_search" />

Python get current time in right timezone

To get the current time in the local timezone as a naive datetime object:

from datetime import datetime
naive_dt =

If it doesn't return the expected time then it means that your computer is misconfigured. You should fix it first (it is unrelated to Python).

To get the current time in UTC as a naive datetime object:

naive_utc_dt = datetime.utcnow()

To get the current time as an aware datetime object in Python 3.3+:

from datetime import datetime, timezone

utc_dt = # UTC time
dt = utc_dt.astimezone() # local time

To get the current time in the given time zone from the tz database:

import pytz

tz = pytz.timezone('Europe/Berlin')
berlin_now =

It works during DST transitions. It works if the timezone had different UTC offset in the past i.e., it works even if the timezone corresponds to multiple tzinfo objects at different times.

Convert Difference between 2 times into Milliseconds?

    public static Int64 GetDifferencesBetweenTwoDate(DateTime newDate, DateTime oldDate, string type)
        var span = newDate - oldDate;
        switch (type)
            case "tt": return (int)span.Ticks;
            case "ms": return (int)span.TotalMilliseconds;
            case "ss": return (int)span.TotalSeconds;
            case "mm": return (int)span.TotalMinutes;
            case "hh": return (int)span.TotalHours;
            case "dd": return (int)span.TotalDays;
        return 0;

Flatten an irregular list of lists

I prefer simple answers. No generators. No recursion or recursion limits. Just iteration:

def flatten(TheList):
    listIsNested = True

    while listIsNested:                 #outer loop
        keepChecking = False
        Temp = []

        for element in TheList:         #inner loop
            if isinstance(element,list):
                keepChecking = True

        listIsNested = keepChecking     #determine if outer loop exits
        TheList = Temp[:]

    return TheList

This works with two lists: an inner for loop and an outer while loop.

The inner for loop iterates through the list. If it finds a list element, it (1) uses list.extend() to flatten that part one level of nesting and (2) switches keepChecking to True. keepchecking is used to control the outer while loop. If the outer loop gets set to true, it triggers the inner loop for another pass.

Those passes keep happening until no more nested lists are found. When a pass finally occurs where none are found, keepChecking never gets tripped to true, which means listIsNested stays false and the outer while loop exits.

The flattened list is then returned.



[1, 2, 3, 4, 100, 200, 300, 1000, 2000, 3000]

There is no tracking information for the current branch

I run into this exact message often because I create a local branches via git checkout -b <feature-branch-name> without first creating the remote branch.

After all the work was finished and committed locally the fix was git push -u which created the remote branch, pushed all my work, and then the merge-request URL.

How to color the Git console?

In Ubuntu or any other platform (yes, Windows too!); starting git1.8.4, which was released 2013-08-23, you won't have to do anything:

Many tutorials teach users to set "color.ui" to "auto" as the first thing after you set "" to introduce yourselves to Git. Now the variable defaults to "auto".

So you will see colors by default.

How to include route handlers in multiple files in Express?

Full recursive routing of all .js files inside /routes folder, put this in app.js.

// Initialize ALL routes including subfolders
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');

function recursiveRoutes(folderName) {
    fs.readdirSync(folderName).forEach(function(file) {

        var fullName = path.join(folderName, file);
        var stat = fs.lstatSync(fullName);

        if (stat.isDirectory()) {
        } else if (file.toLowerCase().indexOf('.js')) {
            require('./' + fullName)(app);
            console.log("require('" + fullName + "')");
recursiveRoutes('routes'); // Initialize it

in /routes you put whatevername.js and initialize your routes like this:

module.exports = function(app) {
    app.get('/', function(req, res) {
        res.render('index', { title: 'index' });

    app.get('/contactus', function(req, res) {
        res.render('contactus', { title: 'contactus' });

Find the division remainder of a number

If you want the remainder of your division problem, just use the actual remainder rules, just like in mathematics. Granted this won't give you a decimal output.

valone = 8
valtwo = 3
x = valone / valtwo
r = valone - (valtwo * x)
print "Answer: %s with a remainder of %s" % (x, r)

If you want to make this in a calculator format, just substitute valone = 8 with valone = int(input("Value One")). Do the same with valtwo = 3, but different vairables obviously.

How to insert a character in a string at a certain position?

In most use-cases, using a StringBuilder (as already answered) is a good way to do this. However, if performance matters, this may be a good alternative.

 * Insert the 'insert' String at the index 'position' into the 'target' String.
 * ````
 * insertAt("AC", 0, "") -> "AC"
 * insertAt("AC", 1, "xxx") -> "AxxxC"
 * insertAt("AB", 2, "C") -> "ABC
 * ````
public static String insertAt(final String target, final int position, final String insert) {
    final int targetLen = target.length();
    if (position < 0 || position > targetLen) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("position=" + position);
    if (insert.isEmpty()) {
        return target;
    if (position == 0) {
        return insert.concat(target);
    } else if (position == targetLen) {
        return target.concat(insert);
    final int insertLen = insert.length();
    final char[] buffer = new char[targetLen + insertLen];
    target.getChars(0, position, buffer, 0);
    insert.getChars(0, insertLen, buffer, position);
    target.getChars(position, targetLen, buffer, position + insertLen);
    return new String(buffer);

browser sessionStorage. share between tabs?

My solution to not having sessionStorage transferable over tabs was to create a localProfile and bang off this variable. If this variable is set but my sessionStorage variables arent go ahead and reinitialize them. When user logs out window closes destroy this localStorage variable

Python: avoid new line with print command

Utilize a trailing comma to prevent a new line from being presented:

print "this should be"; print "on the same line"

Should be:

print "this should be", "on the same line"

In addition, you can just attach the variable being passed to the end of the desired string by:

print "Nope, that is not a two. That is a", x

You can also use:

print "Nope, that is not a two. That is a %d" % x #assuming x is always an int

You can access additional documentation regarding string formatting utilizing the % operator (modulo).

Why compile Python code?

There is a performance increase in running compiled python. However when you run a .py file as an imported module, python will compile and store it, and as long as the .py file does not change it will always use the compiled version.

With any interpeted language when the file is used the process looks something like this:
1. File is processed by the interpeter.
2. File is compiled
3. Compiled code is executed.

obviously by using pre-compiled code you can eliminate step 2, this applies python, PHP and others.

Heres an interesting blog post explaining the differences
And here's an entry that explains the Python compile process

How do you stretch an image to fill a <div> while keeping the image's aspect-ratio?

To make this image stretch to the maximum size possible without overflowing it's or skewing the image.


img {
  object-fit: cover;
  height: -webkit-fill-available;

styles to the image.

CSS transition between left -> right and top -> bottom positions

You can animate the position (top, bottom, left, right) and then subtract the element's width or height through a CSS transformation.


$('.animate').on('click', function(){
     .animate {
        height: 100px;
        width: 100px;
        background-color: #c00;
        transition: all 1s ease;
        position: absolute;
        cursor: pointer;
        font: 13px/100px sans-serif;
        color: white;
        text-align: center;

                               /* ? just to position things  */
      .animate.left   { left: 0;   top: 50%;  margin-top: -100px;}
      .animate.right  { right: 0;  top: 50%;  }    { top: 0;    left: 50%; }
      .animate.bottom { bottom: 0; left: 50%; margin-left: -100px;}

      .animate.left.move {
        left: 100%; 
        transform: translate(-100%, 0);

      .animate.right.move {
        right: 100%; 
        transform: translate(100%, 0);
      } {
        top: 100%; 
        transform: translate(0, -100%);

      .animate.bottom.move {
        bottom: 100%; 
        transform: translate(0, 100%);
<script src=""></script>
Click to animate
<div class="animate left">left</div>
<div class="animate top">top</div>
<div class="animate bottom">bottom</div>
<div class="animate right">right</div>

And then animate depending on the position...

How can I generate Javadoc comments in Eclipse?

You mean menu Project -> Generate Javadoc ?

Understanding repr( ) function in Python

str() is used for creating output for end user while repr() is used for debuggin development.And it's represent the official of object.


>>> import datetime
>>> today =
>>> str(today)
'2018-04-08 18:00:15.178404'
>>> repr(today)
'datetime.datetime(2018, 4, 8, 18, 3, 21, 167886)'

From output we see that repr() shows the official representation of date object.

Get Specific Columns Using “With()” Function in Laravel Eloquent

You can do it like this since Laravel 5.5:


Care for the id field and foreign keys as stated in the docs:

When using this feature, you should always include the id column and any relevant foreign key columns in the list of columns you wish to retrieve.

For example, if the user belongs to a team and has a team_id as a foreign key column, then $post->user->team is empty if you don't specifiy team_id


Identifying Exception Type in a handler Catch Block

    // Some code
catch (Web2PDFException ex)
    // It's your special exception
catch (Exception ex)
    // Any other exception here

How to check if memcache or memcached is installed for PHP?

The best approach in this case is to use extension_loaded() or function_exists() they are equally as fast.

You can see evidence here:

Bear in mind that some PHP extensions such as APC have php.ini settings that can disable them even though the extension may be loaded. Here is an example of how to check against that also:

Hope this helps.

Uploading Laravel Project onto Web Server

All of your Laravel files should be in one location. Laravel is exposing its public folder to server. That folder represents some kind of front-controller to whole application. Depending on you server configuration, you have to point your server path to that folder. As I can see there is www site on your picture. www is default root directory on Unix/Linux machines. It is best to take a look inside you server configuration and search for root directory location. As you can see, Laravel has already file called .htaccess, with some ready Apache configuration.

Set View Width Programmatically

check it in mdpi device.. If the ad displays correctly, the error should be in "px" to "dip" conversion..

True/False vs 0/1 in MySQL

If you are into performance, then it is worth using ENUM type. It will probably be faster on big tables, due to the better index performance.

The way of using it (source:

    name VARCHAR(40),
    size ENUM('x-small', 'small', 'medium', 'large', 'x-large')

But, I always say that explaining the query like this:

EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM shirts WHERE size='medium';

will tell you lots of information about your query and help on building a better table structure. For this end, it is usefull to let phpmyadmin Propose a table table structure - but this is more a long time optimisation possibility, when the table is already filled with lots of data.

What is a semaphore?

Mutex: exclusive-member access to a resource

Semaphore: n-member access to a resource

That is, a mutex can be used to syncronize access to a counter, file, database, etc.

A sempahore can do the same thing but supports a fixed number of simultaneous callers. For example, I can wrap my database calls in a semaphore(3) so that my multithreaded app will hit the database with at most 3 simultaneous connections. All attempts will block until one of the three slots opens up. They make things like doing naive throttling really, really easy.

Correct way to use StringBuilder in SQL

The aim of using StringBuilder, i.e reducing memory. Is it achieved?

No, not at all. That code is not using StringBuilder correctly. (I think you've misquoted it, though; surely there aren't quotes around id2 and table?)

Note that the aim (usually) is to reduce memory churn rather than total memory used, to make life a bit easier on the garbage collector.

Will that take memory equal to using String like below?

No, it'll cause more memory churn than just the straight concat you quoted. (Until/unless the JVM optimizer sees that the explicit StringBuilder in the code is unnecessary and optimizes it out, if it can.)

If the author of that code wants to use StringBuilder (there are arguments for, but also against; see note at the end of this answer), better to do it properly (here I'm assuming there aren't actually quotes around id2 and table):

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(some_appropriate_size);
sb.append("select id1, ");
sb.append(" from ");
return sb.toString();

Note that I've listed some_appropriate_size in the StringBuilder constructor, so that it starts out with enough capacity for the full content we're going to append. The default size used if you don't specify one is 16 characters, which is usually too small and results in the StringBuilder having to do reallocations to make itself bigger (IIRC, in the Sun/Oracle JDK, it doubles itself [or more, if it knows it needs more to satisfy a specific append] each time it runs out of room).

You may have heard that string concatenation will use a StringBuilder under the covers if compiled with the Sun/Oracle compiler. This is true, it will use one StringBuilder for the overall expression. But it will use the default constructor, which means in the majority of cases, it will have to do a reallocation. It's easier to read, though. Note that this is not true of a series of concatenations. So for instance, this uses one StringBuilder:

return "prefix " + variable1 + " middle " + variable2 + " end";

It roughly translates to:

StringBuilder tmp = new StringBuilder(); // Using default 16 character size
tmp.append("prefix ");
tmp.append(" middle ");
tmp.append(" end");
return tmp.toString();

So that's okay, although the default constructor and subsequent reallocation(s) isn't ideal, the odds are it's good enough — and the concatenation is a lot more readable.

But that's only for a single expression. Multiple StringBuilders are used for this:

String s;
s = "prefix ";
s += variable1;
s += " middle ";
s += variable2;
s += " end";
return s;

That ends up becoming something like this:

String s;
StringBuilder tmp;
s = "prefix ";
tmp = new StringBuilder();
s = tmp.toString();
tmp = new StringBuilder();
tmp.append(" middle ");
s = tmp.toString();
tmp = new StringBuilder();
s = tmp.toString();
tmp = new StringBuilder();
tmp.append(" end");
s = tmp.toString();
return s;

...which is pretty ugly.

It's important to remember, though, that in all but a very few cases it doesn't matter and going with readability (which enhances maintainability) is preferred barring a specific performance issue.

String representation of an Enum

Unfortunately reflection to get attributes on enums is quite slow:

See this question: Anyone know a quick way to get to custom attributes on an enum value?

The .ToString() is quite slow on enums too.

You can write extension methods for enums though:

public static string GetName( this MyEnum input ) {
    switch ( input ) {
            return "Windows";
        //and so on

This isn't great, but will be quick and not require the reflection for attributes or field name.

C#6 Update

If you can use C#6 then the new nameof operator works for enums, so nameof(MyEnum.WINDOWSAUTHENTICATION) will be converted to "WINDOWSAUTHENTICATION" at compile time, making it the quickest way to get enum names.

Note that this will convert the explicit enum to an inlined constant, so it doesn't work for enums that you have in a variable. So:

nameof(AuthenticationMethod.FORMS) == "FORMS"


var myMethod = AuthenticationMethod.FORMS;
nameof(myMethod) == "myMethod"

What is the difference between YAML and JSON?

Technically YAML offers a lot more than JSON (YAML v1.2 is a superset of JSON):

  • comments
  • anchors and inheritance - example of 3 identical items:

    item1: &anchor_name
      name: Test
      title: Test title
    item2: *anchor_name
      <<: *anchor_name
      # You may add extra stuff.
  • ...

Most of the time people will not use those extra features and the main difference is that YAML uses indentation whilst JSON uses brackets. This makes YAML more concise and readable (for the trained eye).

Which one to choose?

  • YAML extra features and concise notation makes it a good choice for configuration files (non-user provided files).
  • JSON limited features, wide support, and faster parsing makes it a great choice for interoperability and user provided data.

@UniqueConstraint annotation in Java

The value of the length property must be greater than or equal to name atribute length, else throwing an error.


@Column(name = "typ e", length = 4, unique = true)
private String type;

Not works, type.length: 4 != length property: 3

@Column(name = "type", length = 3, unique = true)
private String type;

JavaScript load a page on button click

The answers here work to open the page in the same browser window/tab.

However, I wanted the page to open in a new window/tab when they click a button. (tab/window decision depends on the user's browser setting)

So here is how it worked to open the page in new tab/window:

<button type="button" onclick="'', '_blank');">View Example Page</button>

It doesn't have to be a button, you can use anywhere. Notice the _blank that is used to open in new tab/window.

Java: How to check if object is null?

if (yourObject instanceof yourClassName) will evaluate to false if yourObject is null.

Get year, month or day from numpy datetime64

Using numpy version 1.10.4 and pandas version 0.17.1,

dates = np.array(['2010-10-17', '2011-05-13', '2012-01-15'], dtype=np.datetime64)

I get what you're looking for:

array([2010, 2011, 2012], dtype=int32)

Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt

I faced the same issue. My code was a .NET dll (AutoCAD extension) running inside AutoCAD 2012. I am also using Oracle.DataAccess and my code was throwing the same exception during ExecuteNonQuery(). I luckily solved this problem by changing the .net version of the ODP I was using (that is, 2.x of Oracle.DataAccess)

How to do multiline shell script in Ansible

mentions YAML line continuations.

As an example (tried with ansible

- hosts: all
    - name: multiline shell command
      shell: >
        ls --color
      register: stdout

    - name: debug output
      debug: msg={{ stdout }}

The shell command is collapsed into a single line, as in ls --color /home

What is the difference between Scope_Identity(), Identity(), @@Identity, and Ident_Current()?

Scope Identity: Identity of last record added within the stored procedure being executed.

@@Identity: Identity of last record added within the query batch, or as a result of the query e.g. a procedure that performs an insert, the then fires a trigger that then inserts a record will return the identity of the inserted record from the trigger.

IdentCurrent: The last identity allocated for the table.

How to validate inputs dynamically created using ng-repeat, ng-show (angular)

If you don't want to use ng-form you can use a custom directive that will change the form's name attribute. Place this directive as an attribute on the same element as your ng-model.

If you're using other directives in conjunction, be careful that they don't have the "terminal" property set otherwise this function won't be able to run (given that it has a priority of -1).

For example, when using this directive with ng-options, you must run this one line monkeypatch:

angular.module('app').directive('fieldNameHack', function() {
    return {
      restrict: 'A',
      priority: -1,
      require: ['ngModel'],
      // the ngModelDirective has a priority of 0.
      // priority is run in reverse order for postLink functions.
      link: function (scope, iElement, iAttrs, ctrls) {

        var name = iElement[0].name;
        name = name.replace(/\{\{\$index\}\}/g, scope.$index);

        var modelCtrl = ctrls[0];
        modelCtrl.$name = name;


I often find it useful to use ng-init to set the $index to a variable name. For example:

<fieldset class='inputs' ng-repeat="question questions" ng-init="qIndex = $index">

This changes your regular expression to:

name = name.replace(/\{\{qIndex\}\}/g, scope.qIndex);

If you have multiple nested ng-repeats, you can now use these variable names instead of $parent.$index.

Definition of "terminal" and "priority" for directives:$compile#directive-definition-object

Github Comment regarding need for ng-option monkeypatch:


You can also make this work with ng-form.

angular.module('app').directive('formNameHack', function() {
    return {
      restrict: 'A',
      priority: 0,
      require: ['form'],
      compile: function() {
        return {
          pre: function(scope, iElement, iAttrs, ctrls) {
            var parentForm = $(iElement).parent().controller('form');
            if (parentForm) {
                var formCtrl = ctrls[0];
                delete parentForm[formCtrl.$name];
                formCtrl.$name = formCtrl.$name.replace(/\{\{\$index\}\}/g, scope.$index);
                parentForm[formCtrl.$name] = formCtrl;

Difference between File.separator and slash in paths

If you are trying to create a File from some ready path (saved in database, per example) using Linux separator, what should I do?

Maybe just use the path do create the file:

new File("/shared/folder/file.jpg");

But Windows use a different separator (\). So, is the alternative convert the slash separator to platform independent? Like:

new File(convertPathToPlatformIndependent("/shared/folder"));

This method convertPathToPlatformIndependent probably will have some kind of split by "/" and join with File.separator.

Well, for me, that's not nice for a language that is platform independent (right?) and Java already support the use of / on Windows or Linux. But if you are working with paths and need to remember to this conversion every single time this will be a nightmare and you won't have any real gain for the application on the future (maybe in the universe that @Pointy described).

Classes vs. Functions

i know it is a controversial topic, and likely i get burned now. but here are my thoughts.

For myself i figured that it is best to avoid classes as long as possible. If i need a complex datatype I use simple struct (C/C++), dict (python), JSON (js), or similar, i.e. no constructor, no class methods, no operator overloading, no inheritance, etc. When using class, you can get carried away by OOP itself (What Design pattern, what should be private, bla bla), and loose focus on the essential stuff you wanted to code in the first place.

If your project grows big and messy, then OOP starts to make sense because some sort of helicopter-view system architecture is needed. "function vs class" also depends on the task ahead of you.


  • purpose: process data, manipulate data, create result sets.
  • when to use: always code a function if you want to do this: “y=f(x)”

struct/dict/json/etc (instead of class)

  • purpose: store attr./param., maintain attr./param., reuse attr./param., use attr./param. later.
  • when to use: if you deal with a set of attributes/params (preferably not mutable)
  • different languages same thing: struct (C/C++), JSON (js), dict (python), etc.
  • always prefer simple struct/dict/json/etc over complicated classes (keep it simple!)

class (if it is a new data type)

  • a simple perspective: is a struct (C), dict (python), json (js), etc. with methods attached.
  • The method should only make sense in combination with the data/param stored in the class.
  • my advice: never code complex stuff inside class methods (call an external function instead)
  • warning: do not misuse classes as fake namespace for functions! (this happens very often!)
  • other use cases: if you want to do a lot of operator overloading then use classes (e.g. your own matrix/vector multiplication class)
  • ask yourself: is it really a new “data type”? (Yes => class | No => can you avoid using a class)

array/vector/list (to store a lot of data)

  • purpose: store a lot of homogeneous data of the same data type, e.g. time series
  • advice#1: just use what your programming language already have. do not reinvent it
  • advice#2: if you really want your “class mysupercooldatacontainer”, then overload an existing array/vector/list/etc class (e.g. “class mycontainer : public std::vector…”)

enum (enum class)

  • i just mention it
  • advice#1: use enum plus switch-case instead of overcomplicated OOP design patterns
  • advice#2: use finite state machines

PHP check whether property exists in object or class

Using array_key_exists() on objects is Deprecated in php 7.4

Instead either isset() or property_exists() should be used

reference :

Accessing attributes from an AngularJS directive

Although using '@' is more appropriate than using '=' for your particular scenario, sometimes I use '=' so that I don't have to remember to use attrs.$observe():

<su-label tooltip="field.su_documentation">{{field.su_name}}</su-label>


myApp.directive('suLabel', function() {
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        replace: true,
        transclude: true,
        scope: {
            title: '=tooltip'
        template: '<label><a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="{{title}}" data-placement="right" ng-transclude></a></label>',
        link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
            if (scope.title) {


With '=' we get two-way databinding, so care must be taken to ensure scope.title is not accidentally modified in the directive. The advantage is that during the linking phase, the local scope property (scope.title) is defined.

How to move div vertically down using CSS

if div.title is a div then put this:

left: 0;
bottom: 0;

How can I check if char* variable points to empty string?

I would prefer to use the strlen function as library functions are implemented in the best way.

So, I would write if(strlen(p)==0) //Empty string

How to see if a directory exists or not in Perl?

Use -d (full list of file tests)

if (-d "cgi-bin") {
    # directory called cgi-bin exists
elsif (-e "cgi-bin") {
    # cgi-bin exists but is not a directory
else {
    # nothing called cgi-bin exists

As a note, -e doesn't distinguish between files and directories. To check if something exists and is a plain file, use -f.

Is there an easy way to strike through text in an app widget?

For multiline TextView you should use like this:

SpannableString spannable = new SpannableString(text);
spannable.setSpan(new StrikethroughSpan(), 0, text.length(), Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
remoteViews.setTextViewText(, spannable);

Get text from pressed button

Try this,

Button btn=(Button)findViewById(;
String btnText=btn.getText();

How to program a delay in Swift 3

One way is to use DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter as a lot of people have answered.

Another way is to use perform(_:with:afterDelay:). More details here

perform(#selector(delayedFunc), with: nil, afterDelay: 3)

@IBAction func delayedFunc() {
    // implement code

Determine if $.ajax error is a timeout

If your error event handler takes the three arguments (xmlhttprequest, textstatus, and message) when a timeout happens, the status arg will be 'timeout'.

Per the jQuery documentation:

Possible values for the second argument (besides null) are "timeout", "error", "notmodified" and "parsererror".

You can handle your error accordingly then.

I created this fiddle that demonstrates this.

    url: "/ajax_json_echo/",
    type: "GET",
    dataType: "json",
    timeout: 1000,
    success: function(response) { alert(response); },
    error: function(xmlhttprequest, textstatus, message) {
        if(textstatus==="timeout") {
            alert("got timeout");
        } else {

With jsFiddle, you can test ajax calls -- it will wait 2 seconds before responding. I put the timeout setting at 1 second, so it should error out and pass back a textstatus of 'timeout' to the error handler.

Hope this helps!

How to set an iframe src attribute from a variable in AngularJS

this way i follow and its work for me fine, may it will works for you,

<iframe class="img-responsive" src="{{pdfLoc| trustThisUrl }}" ng-style="{
                height: iframeHeight * 0.75 + 'px'
            }" style="width:100%"></iframe>

here trustThisUrl is just filter,

angular.module("app").filter('trustThisUrl', ["$sce", function ($sce) {
        return function (val) {
            return $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(val);

Convert special characters to HTML in Javascript

Create a function that uses string replace

function convert(str)
  str = str.replace(/&/g, "&amp;");
  str = str.replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
  str = str.replace(/</g, "&lt;");
  str = str.replace(/"/g, "&quot;");
  str = str.replace(/'/g, "&#039;");
  return str;

equals vs Arrays.equals in Java

The equals() of arrays is inherited from Object, so it does not look at the contents of the arrrays, it only considers each array equal to itself.

The Arrays.equals() methods do compare the arrays' contents. There's overloads for all primitive types, and the one for objects uses the objects' own equals() methods.

What's alternative to angular.copy in Angular

Had the same Issue, and didn't wanna use any plugins just for deep cloning:

static deepClone(object): any {
        const cloneObj = (<any>object.constructor());
        const attributes = Object.keys(object);
        for (const attribute of attributes) {
            const property = object[attribute];

            if (typeof property === 'object') {
                cloneObj[attribute] = this.deepClone(property);
            } else {
                cloneObj[attribute] = property;
        return cloneObj;

Credits: I made this function more readable, please check the exceptions to its functionality below

How do I write a Python dictionary to a csv file?

You are using DictWriter.writerows() which expects a list of dicts, not a dict. You want DictWriter.writerow() to write a single row.

You will also want to use DictWriter.writeheader() if you want a header for you csv file.

You also might want to check out the with statement for opening files. It's not only more pythonic and readable but handles closing for you, even when exceptions occur.

Example with these changes made:

import csv

my_dict = {"test": 1, "testing": 2}

with open('mycsvfile.csv', 'w') as f:  # You will need 'wb' mode in Python 2.x
    w = csv.DictWriter(f, my_dict.keys())

Which produces:


UICollectionView Self Sizing Cells with Auto Layout

In iOS10 there is new constant called UICollectionViewFlowLayout.automaticSize (formerly UICollectionViewFlowLayoutAutomaticSize), so instead:

self.flowLayout.estimatedItemSize = CGSize(width: 100, height: 100)

you can use this:

self.flowLayout.estimatedItemSize = UICollectionViewFlowLayout.automaticSize

It has better performance especially when cells in you collection view has constant wid

Accessing Flow Layout:

override func viewDidLoad() {

   if let flowLayout = collectionView?.collectionViewLayout as? UICollectionViewFlowLayout {
      flowLayout.estimatedItemSize = UICollectionViewFlowLayout.automaticSize

Swift 5 Updated:

override func viewDidLoad() {

   if let flowLayout = collectionView?.collectionViewLayout as? UICollectionViewFlowLayout {
      flowLayout.estimatedItemSize = UICollectionViewFlowLayout.automaticSize

Angular: How to download a file from HttpClient?

Blobs are returned with file type from backend. The following function will accept any file type and popup download window:

downloadFile(route: string, filename: string = null): void{

    const baseUrl = 'http://myserver/index.php/api';
    const token = 'my JWT';
    const headers = new HttpHeaders().set('authorization','Bearer '+token);
    this.http.get(baseUrl + route,{headers, responseType: 'blob' as 'json'}).subscribe(
        (response: any) =>{
            let dataType = response.type;
            let binaryData = [];
            let downloadLink = document.createElement('a');
            downloadLink.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob(binaryData, {type: dataType}));
            if (filename)
                downloadLink.setAttribute('download', filename);

Screenshot sizes for publishing android app on Google Play

It has to be any one of the given sizes and a minimum of 2 but up to 8 screenshots are accepted in Google Playstore.

HTML tag <a> want to add both href and onclick working

Use jQuery. You need to capture the click event and then go on to the website.

$("#myHref").on('click', function() {_x000D_
  alert("inside onclick");_x000D_
  window.location = "";_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<a href="#" id="myHref">Click me</a>

Get table column names in MySQL?

You may also want to check out mysql_fetch_array(), as in:

$rs = mysql_query($sql);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) {
//$row[0] = 'First Field';
//$row['first_field'] = 'First Field';

Add Favicon to Website

  1. This is not done in PHP. It's part of the <head> tags in a HTML page.
  2. That icon is called a favicon. According to Wikipedia:

    A favicon (short for favorites icon), also known as a shortcut icon, website icon, URL icon, or bookmark icon is a 16×16 or 32×32 pixel square icon associated with a particular website or webpage.

  3. Adding it is easy. Just add an .ico image file that is either 16x16 pixels or 32x32 pixels. Then, in the web pages, add <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon"> to the <head> element.
  4. You can easily generate favicons here.

Can you find all classes in a package using reflection?

I put together a simple github project that solves this problem:

It should work for BOTH file-based classpaths AND for jar files.

If you run 'make' after checking out the project it will print this out:

rm -rf build/
javac -d build/classes src/pro/ddopson/ src/test/ src/test/ src/test/subpkg/ src/test/
 Making JAR Files...
jar cf build/ClassEnumerator_test.jar -C build/classes/ . 
jar cf build/ClassEnumerator.jar -C build/classes/ pro
 Running Filesystem Classpath Test...
java -classpath build/classes test.TestClassEnumeration
ClassDiscovery: Package: 'test' becomes Resource: 'file:/Users/Dopson/work/other/java-class-enumeration/build/classes/test'
ClassDiscovery: Reading Directory '/Users/Dopson/work/other/java-class-enumeration/build/classes/test'
ClassDiscovery: FileName 'ClassIShouldFindOne.class'  =>  class 'test.ClassIShouldFindOne'
ClassDiscovery: FileName 'ClassIShouldFindTwo.class'  =>  class 'test.ClassIShouldFindTwo'
ClassDiscovery: FileName 'subpkg'  =>  class 'null'
ClassDiscovery: Reading Directory '/Users/Dopson/work/other/java-class-enumeration/build/classes/test/subpkg'
ClassDiscovery: FileName 'ClassIShouldFindThree.class'  =>  class 'test.subpkg.ClassIShouldFindThree'
ClassDiscovery: FileName 'TestClassEnumeration.class'  =>  class 'test.TestClassEnumeration'
 Running JAR Classpath Test...
java -classpath build/ClassEnumerator_test.jar  test.TestClassEnumeration
ClassDiscovery: Package: 'test' becomes Resource: 'jar:file:/Users/Dopson/work/other/java-class-enumeration/build/ClassEnumerator_test.jar!/test'
ClassDiscovery: Reading JAR file: '/Users/Dopson/work/other/java-class-enumeration/build/ClassEnumerator_test.jar'
ClassDiscovery: JarEntry 'META-INF/'  =>  class 'null'
ClassDiscovery: JarEntry 'META-INF/MANIFEST.MF'  =>  class 'null'
ClassDiscovery: JarEntry 'pro/'  =>  class 'null'
ClassDiscovery: JarEntry 'pro/ddopson/'  =>  class 'null'
ClassDiscovery: JarEntry 'pro/ddopson/ClassEnumerator.class'  =>  class 'null'
ClassDiscovery: JarEntry 'test/'  =>  class 'null'
ClassDiscovery: JarEntry 'test/ClassIShouldFindOne.class'  =>  class 'test.ClassIShouldFindOne'
ClassDiscovery: JarEntry 'test/ClassIShouldFindTwo.class'  =>  class 'test.ClassIShouldFindTwo'
ClassDiscovery: JarEntry 'test/subpkg/'  =>  class 'null'
ClassDiscovery: JarEntry 'test/subpkg/ClassIShouldFindThree.class'  =>  class 'test.subpkg.ClassIShouldFindThree'
ClassDiscovery: JarEntry 'test/TestClassEnumeration.class'  =>  class 'test.TestClassEnumeration'
 Tests Passed. 

See also my other answer

In C++ check if std::vector<string> contains a certain value

  1. If your container only contains unique values, consider using std::set instead. It allows querying of set membership with logarithmic complexity.

     std::set<std::string> s;
     if (s.find("abc") != s.end()) { ...
  2. If your vector is kept sorted, use std::binary_search, it offers logarithmic complexity as well.

  3. If all else fails, fall back to std::find, which is a simple linear search.

Sublime Text 3 how to change the font size of the file sidebar?

Default.sublime-theme file works unless you have installed a theme. If you did, go to your theme's github repo and download the your_theme.sublime-theme file and put it in your 'User' folder. In that file, find "class": "sidebar_label", add "font.size":16 to that section.

Difference between "\n" and Environment.NewLine

Environment.NewLine will return the newline character for the corresponding platform in which your code is running

you will find this very useful when you deploy your code in linux on the Mono framework

Jquery submit form

Try this :




Casting to string in JavaScript

Real world example: I've got a log function that can be called with an arbitrary number of parameters: log("foo is {} and bar is {}", param1, param2). If a DEBUG flag is set to true, the brackets get replaced by the given parameters and the string is passed to console.log(msg). Parameters can and will be Strings, Numbers and whatever may be returned by JSON / AJAX calls, maybe even null.

  • arguments[i].toString() is not an option, because of possible null values (see Connell Watkins answer)
  • JSLint will complain about arguments[i] + "". This may or may not influence a decision on what to use. Some folks strictly adhere to JSLint.
  • In some browsers, concatenating empty strings is a little faster than using string function or string constructor (see JSPerf test in Sammys S. answer). In Opera 12 and Firefox 19, concatenating empty strings is rediculously faster (95% in Firefox 19) - or at least JSPerf says so.

How to push files to an emulator instance using Android Studio

adb push [file path on your computer] [file path on your mobile]

z-index not working with position absolute

Opacity changes the context of your z-index, as does the static positioning. Either add opacity to the element that doesn't have it or remove it from the element that does. You'll also have to either make both elements static positioned or specify relative or absolute position. Here's some background on contexts:

Copy a file list as text from Windows Explorer

If you paste the listing into your word processor instead of Notepad, (since each file name is in quotation marks with the full path name), you can highlight all the stuff you don't want on the first file, then use Find and Replace to replace every occurrence of that with nothing. Same with the ending quote (").

It makes a nice clean list of file names.

How to set a value of a variable inside a template code?

This is not a good idea in general. Do all the logic in python and pass the data to template for displaying. Template should be as simple as possible to ensure those working on the design can focus on design rather than worry about the logic.

To give an example, if you need some derived information within a template, it is better to get it into a variable in the python code and then pass it along to the template.

Split / Explode a column of dictionaries into separate columns with pandas

  • The fastest method to normalize a column of flat, one-level dicts, as per the timing analysis performed by Shijith in this answer:
    • df.join(pd.DataFrame(df.pop('Pollutants').values.tolist()))
    • It will not resolve other issues with columns of list or dicts that are addressed below, such as rows with NaN, or nested dicts.
  1. pd.json_normalize(df.Pollutants) is significantly faster than df.Pollutants.apply(pd.Series)
    • See the %%timeit below. For 1M rows, .json_normalize is 47 times faster than .apply.
  2. Whether reading data from a file, or from an object returned by a database, or API, it may not be clear if the dict column has dict or str type.
    • If the dictionaries in the column are str type, they must be converted back to a dict type, using ast.literal_eval.
  3. Use pd.json_normalize to convert the dicts, with keys as headers and values for rows.
    • Has additional parameters (e.g. record_path & meta) for dealing with nested dicts.
  4. Use pandas.DataFrame.join to combine the original DataFrame, df, with the columns created using pd.json_normalize
    • If the index isn't integers (as in the example), first use df.reset_index() to get an index of integers, before doing the normalize and join.
  5. Finally, use pandas.DataFrame.drop, to remove the unneeded column of dicts
  • As a note, if the column has any NaN, they must be filled with an empty dict
import pandas as pd
from ast import literal_eval
import numpy as np

data = {'Station ID': [8809, 8810, 8811, 8812, 8813, 8814],
        'Pollutants': ['{"a": "46", "b": "3", "c": "12"}', '{"a": "36", "b": "5", "c": "8"}', '{"b": "2", "c": "7"}', '{"c": "11"}', '{"a": "82", "c": "15"}', np.nan]}

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# display(df)
   Station ID                        Pollutants
0        8809  {"a": "46", "b": "3", "c": "12"}
1        8810   {"a": "36", "b": "5", "c": "8"}
2        8811              {"b": "2", "c": "7"}
3        8812                       {"c": "11"}
4        8813            {"a": "82", "c": "15"}
5        8814                               NaN

# replace NaN with '{}' if the column is strings, otherwise replace with {}
# df.Pollutants = df.Pollutants.fillna('{}')  # if the NaN is in a column of strings
df.Pollutants = df.Pollutants.fillna({i: {} for i in df.index})  # if the column is not strings

# Convert the column of stringified dicts to dicts
# skip this line, if the column contains dicts
df.Pollutants = df.Pollutants.apply(literal_eval)

# reset the index if the index is not unique integers from 0 to n-1
# df.reset_index(inplace=True)  # uncomment if needed

# normalize the column of dictionaries and join it to df
df = df.join(pd.json_normalize(df.Pollutants))

# drop Pollutants
df.drop(columns=['Pollutants'], inplace=True)

# display(df)
   Station ID    a    b    c
0        8809   46    3   12
1        8810   36    5    8
2        8811  NaN    2    7
3        8812  NaN  NaN   11
4        8813   82  NaN   15
5        8814  NaN  NaN  NaN


# dataframe with 1M rows
dfb = pd.concat([df]*200000).reset_index(drop=True)

5.44 s ± 32.3 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

pd.concat([dfb.drop(columns=['Pollutants']), dfb.Pollutants.apply(pd.Series)], axis=1)
4min 17s ± 2.44 s per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

How can I run another application within a panel of my C# program?

If you want to run notepad inside your app you would probably be better of with a text editor component. There's obviously a basic text box that comes with WinForms, but I suspect more advanced components that offer Notepad functionality (or better) can be found on the interweb.

How to execute a query in ms-access in VBA code?

How about something like this...

Dim rs As RecordSet
Set rs = Currentdb.OpenRecordSet("SELECT PictureLocation, ID FROM MyAccessTable;")

Do While Not rs.EOF
   Debug.Print rs("PictureLocation") & " - " & rs("ID")

How to get text from each cell of an HTML table?





What's the safest way to iterate through the keys of a Perl hash?

The rule of thumb is to use the function most suited to your needs.

If you just want the keys and do not plan to ever read any of the values, use keys():

foreach my $key (keys %hash) { ... }

If you just want the values, use values():

foreach my $val (values %hash) { ... }

If you need the keys and the values, use each():

keys %hash; # reset the internal iterator so a prior each() doesn't affect the loop
while(my($k, $v) = each %hash) { ... }

If you plan to change the keys of the hash in any way except for deleting the current key during the iteration, then you must not use each(). For example, this code to create a new set of uppercase keys with doubled values works fine using keys():

%h = (a => 1, b => 2);

foreach my $k (keys %h)
  $h{uc $k} = $h{$k} * 2;

producing the expected resulting hash:

(a => 1, A => 2, b => 2, B => 4)

But using each() to do the same thing:

%h = (a => 1, b => 2);

keys %h;
while(my($k, $v) = each %h)
  $h{uc $k} = $h{$k} * 2; # BAD IDEA!

produces incorrect results in hard-to-predict ways. For example:

(a => 1, A => 2, b => 2, B => 8)

This, however, is safe:

keys %h;
while(my($k, $v) = each %h)
    delete $h{$k}; # This is safe

All of this is described in the perl documentation:

% perldoc -f keys
% perldoc -f each

How to handle login pop up window using Selenium WebDriver?

This is a solution for Python based selenium, after going through the source code (here). I found this 3 steps as useful.

obj = driver.switch_to.alert

Here \ue004 is the value for TAB which you can find in Keys class in the source code.

I guess the same approach can be used in JAVA as well but not sure.

FORCE INDEX in MySQL - where do I put it?

The syntax for index hints is documented here:

FORCE INDEX goes right after the table reference:

    SELECT owner_id,
    FROM db_products FORCE INDEX (products_start_time)
    ORDER BY start_time DESC
) as resultstable
WHERE resultstable.closed = 0
      AND = 1
      AND resultstable.approved = 1
      AND resultstable.deleted = 0
      AND resultstable.creation_in_progress = 0
GROUP BY resultstable.owner_id
ORDER BY start_time DESC


If you're using ORDER BY before GROUP BY to get the latest entry per owner_id, you're using a nonstandard and undocumented behavior of MySQL to do that.

There's no guarantee that it'll continue to work in future versions of MySQL, and the query is likely to be an error in any other RDBMS.

Search the tag for many explanations of better solutions for this type of query.

Format Float to n decimal places

You can use Decimal format if you want to format number into a string, for example:

String a = "123455";

The output of this code will be:


You can add more zeros to the decimal format, depends on the output that you want.

Setting the classpath in java using Eclipse IDE

You can create new User library,


"Configure Build Paths" page -> Add Library -> User Library (on list) -> User Libraries Button (rigth side of page)

and create your library and (add Jars buttons) include your specific Jars.

I hope this can help you.

Convert MFC CString to integer

Define in msdn:

int atoi(
   const char *str 
int _wtoi(
   const wchar_t *str 
int _atoi_l(
   const char *str,
   _locale_t locale
int _wtoi_l(
   const wchar_t *str,
   _locale_t locale

CString is wchar_t string. So, if you want convert Cstring to int, you can use:

 CString s;  
int test = _wtoi(s)

Using an IF Statement in a MySQL SELECT query

The IF/THEN/ELSE construct you are using is only valid in stored procedures and functions. Your query will need to be restructured because you can't use the IF() function to control the flow of the WHERE clause like this.

The IF() function that can be used in queries is primarily meant to be used in the SELECT portion of the query for selecting different data based on certain conditions, not so much to be used in the WHERE portion of the query:

SELECT IF(JQ.COURSE_ID=0, 'Some Result If True', 'Some Result If False'), OTHER_COLUMNS
FROM ...

How do I send an HTML Form in an Email .. not just MAILTO

<FORM Action="mailto:xyz?Subject=Test_Post" METHOD="POST">
    mailto: protocol test:
    <INPUT name="Subject" value="Test Subject">
    <TEXTAREA name="Body">
    <INPUT type="submit" value="Submit"> 

Https to http redirect using htaccess

However, if your website does not have a security certificate, it's on a shared hosting environment, and you don't want to get the "warning" when your website is being requested through https, you can't redirect it using htaccess. The reason is that the warning message gets triggered before the request even goes through to the htaccess file, so you have to fix it on the server. Go to /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf and comment out the part about the virtual server 443. But the odds are that your hosting provider won't give you that much control. So you would have to either move to a different host or buy the SSL just so the warning does not trigger before your htaccess has a chance to redirect.