Programs & Examples On #Glib

GLib is a general-purpose and cross-platform utility library, which provides many useful data types, macros, type conversions, string utilities, file utilities, a main loop abstraction, and so on.

After Spring Boot 2.0 migration: jdbcUrl is required with driverClassName

This worked for me., used jdbc-url instead of url:


Configuration class:

        entityManagerFactoryRef = "fooEntityManagerFactory",
        basePackages = {""}
public class FooDataSourceConfig {

    @Bean(name = "fooDataSource")
    @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "")
    public HikariDataSource dataSource() {
        return DataSourceBuilder.create().type(HikariDataSource.class).build();

    @Bean(name = "fooEntityManagerFactory")
    public LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean fooEntityManagerFactory(
            EntityManagerFactoryBuilder builder,
            @Qualifier("fooDataSource") DataSource dataSource
    ) {
        return builder

Java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/fasterxml/jackson/databind/exc/InvalidDefinitionException

Use all the jackson dependencies(databind,core, annotations, scala(if you are using spark and scala)) with the same version.. and upgrade the versions to the latest releases..





Note: Use Scala dependency only if you are working with scala. Otherwise it is not needed.

org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException: 400 Bad Request

This is what worked for me. Issue is earlier I didn't set Content Type(header) when I used exchange method.

MultiValueMap<String, String> map = new LinkedMultiValueMap<String, String>();
map.add("param1", "123");
map.add("param2", "456");
map.add("param3", "789");
map.add("param4", "123");
map.add("param5", "456");

HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();

final HttpEntity<MultiValueMap<String, String>> entity = new HttpEntity<MultiValueMap<String, String>>(map ,
JSONObject jsonObject = null;

try {
    RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
    ResponseEntity<String> responseEntity =
            "https://url", HttpMethod.POST, entity,

    if (responseEntity.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.CREATED) {
        try {
            jsonObject = new JSONObject(responseEntity.getBody());
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("JSONException occurred");
  } catch (final HttpClientErrorException httpClientErrorException) {
        throw new ExternalCallBadRequestException();
  } catch (HttpServerErrorException httpServerErrorException) {
        throw new ExternalCallServerErrorException(httpServerErrorException);
  } catch (Exception exception) {
        throw new ExternalCallServerErrorException(exception);

ExternalCallBadRequestException and ExternalCallServerErrorException are the custom exceptions here.

Note: Remember HttpClientErrorException is thrown when a 4xx error is received. So if the request you send is wrong either setting header or sending wrong data, you could receive this exception.

JPA Hibernate Persistence exception [PersistenceUnit: default] Unable to build Hibernate SessionFactory

The issue is that you are not able to get a connection to MYSQL database and hence it is throwing an error saying that cannot build a session factory.

Please see the error below:

 Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user ''@'localhost' (using password: NO) 

which points to username not getting populated.

Please recheck system properties


some packages seems to be missing as well pointing to a dependency issue:

package does not exist

Please run a mvn dependency:tree command to check for dependencies

The number of method references in a .dex file cannot exceed 64k API 17

I have been facing the same problem and for multidex support, you have to keep in mind the minSdkVersion of your application. If you are using minSdkVersion 21 or above then just write multiDexEnabled true like this

defaultConfig {
    applicationId *******************
    minSdkVersion 21
    targetSdkVersion 24
    versionCode 1
    versionName "1.0"
    multiDexEnabled true

It works for me and if you are using minSdkVersion below 21 (below lolipop) then you have to do two extra simple things

1. First add this dependency

compile ''

in your build.gradle.

2. Last and second add one this below line to your application in manifest


    android:theme="@style/AppTheme" >
    <activity android:name=".MainActivity" >
            <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

Bingo then it will work in the lower version also..:) Happy coding

Install pip in docker

While T. Arboreus's answer might fix the issues with resolving '', I think the last error you're getting says that it doesn't know about the packages php5-mcrypt and python-pip. Nevertheless, the reduced Dockerfile of you with just these two packages worked for me (using Debian 8.4 and Docker 1.11.0), but I'm not quite sure if that could be the case because my host system is different than yours.

FROM ubuntu:14.04

# Install dependencies
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
    php5-mcrypt \

However, according to this answer you should think about installing the python3-pip package instead of the python-pip package when using Python 3.x.

Furthermore, to make the php5-mcrypt package installation working, you might want to add the universe repository like it's shown right here. I had trouble with the add-apt-repository command missing in the Ubuntu Docker image so I installed the package software-properties-common at first to make the command available.

Splitting up the statements and putting apt-get update and apt-get install into one RUN command is also recommended here.

Oh and by the way, you actually don't need the -y flag at apt-get update because there is nothing that has to be confirmed automatically.


FROM ubuntu:14.04

# Install dependencies
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
RUN add-apt-repository universe
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
    apache2 \
    curl \
    git \
    libapache2-mod-php5 \
    php5 \
    php5-mcrypt \
    php5-mysql \
    python3.4 \

Remark: The used versions (e.g. of Ubuntu) might be outdated in the future.

HikariCP - connection is not available

From stack trace:

HikariPool: Timeout failure pool HikariPool-0 stats (total=20, active=20, idle=0, waiting=0) Means pool reached maximum connections limit set in configuration.

The next line: HikariPool-0 - Connection is not available, request timed out after 30000ms. Means pool waited 30000ms for free connection but your application not returned any connection meanwhile.

Mostly it is connection leak (connection is not closed after borrowing from pool), set leakDetectionThreshold to the maximum value that you expect SQL query would take to execute.

otherwise, your maximum connections 'at a time' requirement is higher than 20 !

RHEL 6 - how to install 'GLIBC_2.14' or 'GLIBC_2.15'?

Naive question: Is it possible to somehow download GLIBC 2.15, put it in any folder (e.g. /tmp/myglibc) and then point to this path ONLY when executing something that needs this specific version of glibc?

Yes, it's possible.

UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'entityManagerFactory'

The MySQL dependency should be like the following syntax in the pom.xml file.


Make sure the syntax, groupId, artifactId, Version has included in the dependancy.

In a Dockerfile, How to update PATH environment variable?

[I mentioned this in response to the selected answer, but it was suggested to make it more prominent as an answer of its own]

It should be noted that

ENV PATH="/opt/gtk/bin:${PATH}" 

may not be the same as

ENV PATH="/opt/gtk/bin:$PATH" 

The former, with curly brackets, might provide you with the host's PATH. The documentation doesn't suggest this would be the case, but I have observed that it is. This is simple to check just do RUN echo $PATH and compare it to RUN echo ${PATH}

The superclass "javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet" was not found on the Java Build Path

Adding the Tomcat server in the server runtime will do the job:

Right click your project and than;

Project properties ? Target Runtimes ? Select/Check "Apache Tomcat" ? Finish.

org.hibernate.HibernateException: Access to DialectResolutionInfo cannot be null when 'hibernate.dialect' not set

In spring boot for jpa java config you need to extend JpaBaseConfiguration and implement it's abstract methods.

public class JpaConfig extends JpaBaseConfiguration {

    protected AbstractJpaVendorAdapter createJpaVendorAdapter() {
        final HibernateJpaVendorAdapter vendorAdapter = new HibernateJpaVendorAdapter();
        return vendorAdapter;

    protected Map<String, Object> getVendorProperties() {
        Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<>();
        properties.put("hibernate.dialect", "org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect");


DSO missing from command line

DSO here means Dynamic Shared Object; since the error message says it's missing from the command line, I guess you have to add it to the command line.

That is, try adding -lpthread to your command line.

version `CXXABI_1.3.8' not found (required by ...)

GCC 4.9 introduces a newer C++ ABI version than your system libstdc++ has, so you need to tell the loader to use this newer version of the library by adding that path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you straight off where the libstdc++ so for your GCC 4.9 installation is located, as this depends on how you configured GCC. So you need something in the style of:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/user/lib/gcc-4.9.0/lib:/home/user/lib/boost_1_55_0/stage/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Note the actual path may be different (there might be some subdirectory hidden under there, like `x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/4.9.0´ or similar).

Cannot find pkg-config error

for me, (OSX) the problem was solved doing this:

brew install pkg-config

unknown error: Chrome failed to start: exited abnormally (Driver info: chromedriver=2.9

I've been fighting with this issue for a long time, and just y'day I figure out how to make it gone and today I can run a 50 threads process calling selenium without seen this issue anymore and also stop crashing my machine with outofmemory issue with too many open chromedriver processes.

  1. I am using selenium 3.7.1, chromedrive 2.33, java.version: '1.8.0', redhat ver '3.10.0-693.5.2.el7.x86_64', chrome browser version: 60.0.3112.90;
  2. running an open session with screen, to be sure my session never dies,
  3. running Xvfb : nohup Xvfb -ac :15 -screen 0 1280x1024x16 &
  4. export DISPLAY:15 from .bashsh/.profile

these 4 items are the basic setting everyone would already know, now comes the code, where all made a lot of difference to achieve the success:

public class HttpWebClient {
    public static ChromeDriverService service;
    public ThreadLocal<WebDriver> threadWebDriver = new ThreadLocal<WebDriver>(){
    protected WebDriver initialValue() {
        FirefoxProfile profile = new FirefoxProfile();
        profile.setPreference("permissions.default.stylesheet", 2);
        profile.setPreference("permissions.default.image", 2);
        profile.setPreference("", "false");
        profile.setPreference(FirefoxProfile.ALLOWED_HOSTS_PREFERENCE, "localhost");
        WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(profile);
        return driver;

public HttpWebClient(){
    // fix for headless systems:
    // start service first, this will create an instance at system and every time you call the 
    // browser will be used
    // be sure you start the service only if there are no alive instances, that will prevent you to have 
    // multiples chromedrive instances causing it to crash
        if (service==null){
            service = new ChromeDriverService.Builder()
            .usingDriverExecutable(new File(conf.get(""))) // set the chromedriver path at your system
            .withEnvironment(ImmutableMap.of("DISPLAY", ":15"))
    } catch (IOException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

// my Configuration class is for good and easy setting, you can replace it by using values instead.
public WebDriver getDriverForPage(String url, Configuration conf) {
    WebDriver driver = null;
    DesiredCapabilities capabilities = null;
    long pageLoadWait = conf.getLong("page.load.delay", 60);

    try {
            System.setProperty("", conf.get(""));
            String driverType = conf.get("selenium.driver", "chrome");

        capabilities =;
        String[] options = new String[] { "--start-maximized", "--headless" };
        capabilities.setCapability("chrome.switches", options);

                    // here is where your chromedriver will call the browser
                    // I used to call the class ChromeDriver directly, which was causing too much problems 
                    // when you have multiple calls
        driver = new RemoteWebDriver(service.getUrl(), capabilities);

        driver.manage().timeouts().pageLoadTimeout(pageLoadWait, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

                    // never look back

    } catch (Exception e) {
        if (e instanceof TimeoutException) {
            LOG.debug("Crawling URL : "+url);
            LOG.debug("Selenium WebDriver: Timeout Exception: Capturing whatever loaded so far...");
            return driver;
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    return driver;

public void cleanUpDriver(WebDriver driver) {
    if (driver != null) {
        try {
                            // be sure to close every driver you opened
            //service.stop(); do not stop the service, bcz it is needed
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);


Good luck and I hope you don't see that crash issue anymore

Please comment your success

Best regards,

The server encountered an internal error that prevented it from fulfilling this request - in servlet 3.0

I found solution. It works fine when I throw away next line from form:


And now it pass all parameters at request ok:

 <form action="/registration" method="post">
   <%-- error messages --%>
   <div class="form-group">
    <c:forEach items="${registrationErrors}" var="error">
    <p class="error">${error}</p>

Linux - Install redis-cli only

Using Docker, you may run this command to get Redis CLI:

docker run -it --rm redis redis-cli -h -p 6379

where redis is the redis docker image from Docker Hub,
redis-cli is pre-installed in that image, and all after that are parameters to redis-cli:
-h is hostname to connect to,
-p is apparently the port to connect to.

Spring Boot: Unable to start EmbeddedWebApplicationContext due to missing EmbeddedServletContainerFactory bean

In my case, spring configurations were not loaded as expected. On running from cmd using below command, it worked:

start java -Xms512m -Xmx1024m <and the usual parameters as needed, like PrintGC etc> -Dspring.config.location=<propertiesfiles> -jar <jar>

How to resolve "could not execute statement; SQL [n/a]; constraint [numbering];"?

The solution at my end was to explicitly add a JoinColumn annotation like this:


The column name is usually the table name + "_id" if there is an id field. Additionally, keep in mind which field it should be based on the relationship, OneToMany or ManyToOne.

Hope this helps.

Iterating through a List Object in JSP

you can read empList directly in forEach tag.Try this

       <c:forEach items="${sessionScope.empList}" var="employee">
                <td>Employee ID: <c:out value="${employee.eid}"/></td>
                <td>Employee Pass: <c:out value="${employee.ename}"/></td>  

BeanFactory not initialized or already closed - call 'refresh' before

This problem can be caused also by jvm version used to compile the project and the jvm supported by the servlet container. Try to Fix the project build path. For example if you deploy on tomcat 9, use jvm 1.8.0 or lower. error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line

You should mention the library on the command line after the object files being compiled:

 gcc -Wstrict-prototypes -Wall -Wno-sign-compare -Wpointer-arith -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wformat-security -Wswitch-enum -Wunused-parameter -Wstrict-aliasing -Wbad-function-cast -Wcast-align -Wstrict-prototypes -Wold-style-definition -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-field-initializers -Wno-override-init \
     -g -O2 -export-dynamic -o utilities/ovs-dpctl utilities/ovs-dpctl.o \
     lib/libopenvswitch.a \
     /home/jyyoo/src/dpdk/build/lib/librte_eal.a /home/jyyoo/src/dpdk/build/lib/libethdev.a /home/jyyoo/src/dpdk/build/lib/librte_cmdline.a /home/jyyoo/src/dpdk/build/lib/librte_hash.a /home/jyyoo/src/dpdk/build/lib/librte_lpm.a /home/jyyoo/src/dpdk/build/lib/librte_mbuf.a /home/jyyoo/src/dpdk/build/lib/librte_ring.a /home/jyyoo/src/dpdk/build/lib/librte_mempool.a /home/jyyoo/src/dpdk/build/lib/librte_malloc.a \
     -lrt -lm -lpthread 

Explanation: the linking is dependent on the order of modules. Symbols are first requested, and then linked in from a library that has them. So you have to specify modules that use libraries first, and libraries after them. Like this:

gcc x.o y.o z.o -la -lb -lc

Moreover, in case there's a circular dependency, you should specify the same library on the command line several times. So in case libb needs symbol from libc and libc needs symbol from libb, the command line should be:

gcc x.o y.o z.o -la -lb -lc -lb

How to fix: /usr/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found

If someone has the same issue as I had - make sure that you don't install from the Ubuntu 14.04 repo onto a 12.04 machine - it gives this same error. Reinstalling from the proper repository fixed the issue.

UnexpectedRollbackException: Transaction rolled back because it has been marked as rollback-only

This is the normal behavior and the reason is that your sqlCommandHandlerService.persist method needs a TX when being executed (because it is marked with @Transactional annotation). But when it is called inside processNextRegistrationMessage, because there is a TX available, the container doesn't create a new one and uses existing TX. So if any exception occurs in sqlCommandHandlerService.persist method, it causes TX to be set to rollBackOnly (even if you catch the exception in the caller and ignore it).

To overcome this you can use propagation levels for transactions. Have a look at this to find out which propagation best suits your requirements.

Update; Read this!

Well after a colleague came to me with a couple of questions about a similar situation, I feel this needs a bit of clarification.
Although propagations solve such issues, you should be VERY careful about using them and do not use them unless you ABSOLUTELY understand what they mean and how they work. You may end up persisting some data and rolling back some others where you don't expect them to work that way and things can go horribly wrong.

EDIT Link to current version of the documentation

Transaction marked as rollback only: How do I find the cause

Look for exceptions being thrown and caught in the ... sections of your code. Runtime and rollbacking application exceptions cause rollback when thrown out of a business method even if caught on some other place.

You can use context to find out whether the transaction is marked for rollback.

private SessionContext context;


Unable to compile class for JSP: The type java.util.Map$Entry cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files

Faced exactly the same issue while upgrading my application from java 6 to java 8 on tomcat 7.0.19. After upgrading the tomcat to 7.0.59, this issue is resolved.

No Spring WebApplicationInitializer types detected on classpath

tomcat-maven-plugin in test

Tomcat usually does not add classes in src/test/java to the classpath. They are missing if you run tomcat in scope test. To order tomcat to respect classes in test, use -Dmaven.tomcat.useTestClasspath=true or add


To your pom.xml.

Spring,Request method 'POST' not supported

Your user.jsp:

 <form:form action="profile/proffesional" modelAttribute="PROFESSIONAL">

In your controller class:

(make it as a meaning full method name..Hear i think you are insert record in DB.)

@RequestMapping(value = "proffessional", method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public @ResponseBody
    String proffessionalDetails(
            @ModelAttribute UserProfessionalForm professionalForm,
            BindingResult result, Model model) {

        UserProfileVO userProfileVO = new UserProfileVO();

        model.addAttribute("PROFESSIONAL", professionalForm);

        return "Your Professional Details Updated";


Maven Java EE Configuration Marker with Java Server Faces 1.2

The m2e plugin generate project configuration every time when you update project (Maven->Update Project ... That action overrides facets setting configured manually in Eclipse. Therefore you have to configure it on pom level. By setting properties in pom file you can tell m2e plugin what to do.

Enable/Disable the JAX-RS/JPA/JSF Configurators at the pom.xml level The optional JAX-RS, JPA and JSF configurators can be enabled or disabled at a workspace level from Window > Preferences > Maven > Java EE Integration. Now, you can have a finer grain control on these configurators directly from your pom.xml properties :

Adding false in your pom properties section will disable the JAX-RS configurator Adding false in your pom properties section will disable the JPA configurator Adding false in your pom properties section will disable the JSF configurator The pom settings always override the workspace preferences. So if you have, for instance the JPA configurator disabled at the workspace level, using true will enable it on your project anyway. (

What does 'corrupted double-linked list' mean

Heap overflow should be blame (but not always) for corrupted double-linked list, malloc(): memory corruption, double free or corruption (!prev)-like glibc warnings.

It should be reproduced by the following code:

#include <vector>

using std::vector;

int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
    int *p = new int[3];
    vector<int> vec;
    p[6] = 1024;
    delete[] p;
    return 0;

if compiled using g++ (4.5.4):

$ ./heapoverflow
*** glibc detected *** ./heapoverflow: double free or corruption (!prev): 0x0000000001263030 ***
======= Backtrace: =========
======= Memory map: ========
00400000-00403000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 2150398851                         /data1/home/mckelvin/heapoverflow
00602000-00603000 r--p 00002000 08:02 2150398851                         /data1/home/mckelvin/heapoverflow
00603000-00604000 rw-p 00003000 08:02 2150398851                         /data1/home/mckelvin/heapoverflow
01263000-01284000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0                                  [heap]
7f853f559000-7f853f6fa000 r-xp 00000000 09:01 201329536                  /lib64/
7f853f6fa000-7f853f8fa000 ---p 001a1000 09:01 201329536                  /lib64/
7f853f8fa000-7f853f8fe000 r--p 001a1000 09:01 201329536                  /lib64/
7f853f8fe000-7f853f900000 rw-p 001a5000 09:01 201329536                  /lib64/
7f853f900000-7f853f904000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7f853f904000-7f853f919000 r-xp 00000000 09:01 74726670                   /usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.8.1/
7f853f919000-7f853fb19000 ---p 00015000 09:01 74726670                   /usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.8.1/
7f853fb19000-7f853fb1a000 r--p 00015000 09:01 74726670                   /usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.8.1/
7f853fb1a000-7f853fb1b000 rw-p 00016000 09:01 74726670                   /usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.8.1/
7f853fb1b000-7f853fc11000 r-xp 00000000 09:01 201329538                  /lib64/
7f853fc11000-7f853fe10000 ---p 000f6000 09:01 201329538                  /lib64/
7f853fe10000-7f853fe11000 r--p 000f5000 09:01 201329538                  /lib64/
7f853fe11000-7f853fe12000 rw-p 000f6000 09:01 201329538                  /lib64/
7f853fe12000-7f853fefc000 r-xp 00000000 09:01 74726678                   /usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.8.1/
7f853fefc000-7f85400fb000 ---p 000ea000 09:01 74726678                   /usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.8.1/
7f85400fb000-7f8540103000 r--p 000e9000 09:01 74726678                   /usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.8.1/
7f8540103000-7f8540105000 rw-p 000f1000 09:01 74726678                   /usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.8.1/
7f8540105000-7f854011a000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7f854011a000-7f854013c000 r-xp 00000000 09:01 201328977                  /lib64/
7f854031c000-7f8540321000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7f8540339000-7f854033b000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7f854033b000-7f854033c000 r--p 00021000 09:01 201328977                  /lib64/
7f854033c000-7f854033d000 rw-p 00022000 09:01 201328977                  /lib64/
7f854033d000-7f854033e000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7fff92922000-7fff92943000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0                          [stack]
7fff929ff000-7fff92a00000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0                          [vdso]
ffffffffff600000-ffffffffff601000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0                  [vsyscall]
[1]    18379 abort      ./heapoverflow

and if compiled using clang++(6.0 (clang-600.0.56)):

$  ./heapoverflow
[1]    96277 segmentation fault  ./heapoverflow

If you thought you might have written a bug like that, here is some hints to trace it out.

First, compile the code with debug flag(-g):

g++ -g foo.cpp

And then, run it using valgrind:

$ valgrind ./a.out
==12693== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==12693== Copyright (C) 2002-2013, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==12693== Using Valgrind-3.10.1 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==12693== Command: ./a.out
==12693== Invalid write of size 4
==12693==    at 0x400A25: main (foo.cpp:11)
==12693==  Address 0x5a1c058 is 12 bytes after a block of size 12 alloc'd
==12693==    at 0x4C2B800: operator new[](unsigned long) (in /usr/lib/valgrind/
==12693==    by 0x4009F6: main (foo.cpp:8)
==12693== HEAP SUMMARY:
==12693==     in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==12693==   total heap usage: 2 allocs, 2 frees, 412 bytes allocated
==12693== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
==12693== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==12693== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)

The bug is located in ==12693== at 0x400A25: main (foo.cpp:11)

What's the difference between including files with JSP include directive, JSP include action and using JSP Tag Files?

Possible Duplicate Question

<@include> - The directive tag instructs the JSP compiler to merge contents of the included file into the JSP before creating the generated servlet code. It is the equivalent to cutting and pasting the text from your include page right into your JSP.

  • Only one servlet is executed at run time.
  • Scriptlet variables declared in the parent page can be accessed in the included page (remember, they are the same page).
  • The included page does not need to able to be compiled as a standalone JSP. It can be a code fragment or plain text. The included page will never be compiled as a standalone. The included page can also have any extension, though .jspf has become a conventionally used extension.
  • One drawback on older containers is that changes to the include pages may not take effect until the parent page is updated. Recent versions of Tomcat will check the include pages for updates and force a recompile of the parent if they're updated.
  • A further drawback is that since the code is inlined directly into the service method of the generated servlet, the method can grow very large. If it exceeds 64 KB, your JSP compilation will likely fail.

<jsp:include> - The JSP Action tag on the other hand instructs the container to pause the execution of this page, go run the included page, and merge the output from that page into the output from this page.

  • Each included page is executed as a separate servlet at run time.
  • Pages can conditionally be included at run time. This is often useful for templating frameworks that build pages out of includes. The parent page can determine which page, if any, to include according to some run-time condition.
  • The values of scriptlet variables need to be explicitly passed to the include page.
  • The included page must be able to be run on its own.
  • You are less likely to run into compilation errors due to the maximum method size being exceeded in the generated servlet class.

Depending on your needs, you may either use <@include> or <jsp:include>

Adding external resources (CSS/JavaScript/images etc) in JSP

Using Following Code You Solve thisQuestion.... If you run a file using localhost server than this problem solve by following Jsp Page Code.This Code put Between Head Tag in jsp file

<style type="text/css">
    <%@include file="css/style.css" %>
<script type="text/javascript">
    <%@include file="js/script.js" %>

make *** no targets specified and no makefile found. stop


make clean
./configure --with-option=/path/etc
make && make install

/lib/ bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory

Missing prerequisites. IBM has the solution below:

yum install gtk2.i686
yum install libXtst.i686

If you received the the missing libstdc++ message above, 
install the libstdc++ library: 
yum install compat-libstdc++

Sun JSTL taglib declaration fails with "Can not find the tag library descriptor"

I was getting this problem with a maven project using the eclipse IDE. I changed the 'Order and Export' in the project's build path putting the Maven dependencies first and the error disappeared. I guess it's because the eclipse IDE was initially building my application source before loading the Maven libraries.

double free or corruption (!prev) error in c program

1 - Your malloc() is wrong.
2 - You are overstepping the bounds of the allocated memory
3 - You should initialize your allocated memory

Here is the program with all the changes needed. I compiled and ran... no errors or warnings.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> //malloc
#include <math.h>  //sine
#include <string.h>

#define TIME 255
#define HARM 32

int main (void) {
    double sineRads;
    double sine;
    int tcount = 0;
    int hcount = 0;
    /* allocate some heap memory for the large array of waveform data */
    double *ptr = malloc(sizeof(double) * TIME);
     //memset( ptr, 0x00, sizeof(double) * TIME);  may not always set double to 0
    for( tcount = 0; tcount < TIME; tcount++ )
         ptr[tcount] = 0; 

    tcount = 0;
    if (NULL == ptr) {
        printf("ERROR: couldn't allocate waveform memory!\n");
    } else {
        /*evaluate and add harmonic amplitudes for each time step */
        for(tcount = 0; tcount < TIME; tcount++){
            for(hcount = 0; hcount <= HARM; hcount++){
                sineRads = ((double)tcount / (double)TIME) * (2*M_PI); //angular frequency
                sineRads *= (hcount + 1); //scale frequency by harmonic number
                sine = sin(sineRads); 
                ptr[tcount] += sine; //add to other results for this time step
        ptr = NULL;     
    return 0;

How to solve the “failed to lazily initialize a collection of role” Hibernate exception

In my case following code was a problem:

topicById.getComments() // exception thrown

Because it detached from the database and Hibernate no longer retrieved list from the field when it was needed. So I initialize it before detaching:

topicById.getComments() // works like a charm

How to use <sec:authorize access="hasRole('ROLES)"> for checking multiple Roles?

There is a special security expression in spring security:

hasAnyRole(list of roles) - true if the user has been granted any of the roles specified (given as a comma-separated list of strings).

I have never used it but I think it is exactly what you are looking for.

Example usage:

<security:authorize access="hasAnyRole('ADMIN', 'DEVELOPER')">

Here is a link to the reference documentation where the standard spring security expressions are described. Also, here is a discussion where I described how to create custom expression if you need it.

How to upgrade glibc from version 2.13 to 2.15 on Debian?

I was able to install libc6 2.17 in Debian Wheezy by editing the recommendations in perror's answer:

You need to exit out of your display manager by pressing CTRL-ALT-F1. Then you can stop x (slim) with sudo /etc/init.d/slim stop

(replace slim with mdm or lightdm or whatever)

Add the following line to the file /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb experimental main

Should be changed to:

deb sid main

Then follow the rest of perror's post:

Update your package database:

apt-get update

Install the eglibc package:

apt-get -t sid install libc6-amd64 libc6-dev libc6-dbg

After done updating libc6, restart computer, and you should comment out or remove the sid source you just added (deb sid main), or else you risk upgrading your whole distro to sid.

Hope this helps. It took me a while to figure out.

How do you find what version of libstdc++ library is installed on your linux machine?

What exactly do you want to know?

The shared library soname? That's part of the filename,, or shown by readelf -d /usr/lib64/ | grep soname.

The minor revision number? You should be able to get that by simply checking what the symlink points to:

$ ls -l  /usr/lib/
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 19 Mar 23 09:43 /usr/lib/ ->

That tells you it's 6.0.16, which is the 16th revision of the version, which corresponds to the GLIBCXX_3.4.16 symbol versions.

Or do you mean the release it comes from? It's part of GCC so it's the same version as GCC, so unless you've screwed up your system by installing unmatched versions of g++ and you can get that from:

$ g++ -dumpversion

Or, on most distros, you can just ask the package manager. On my Fedora host that's

$ rpm -q libstdc++

As other answers have said, you can map releases to library versions by checking the ABI docs

Copy a file in a sane, safe and efficient way

I'm not quite sure what a "good way" of copying a file is, but assuming "good" means "fast", I could broaden the subject a little.

Current operating systems have long been optimized to deal with run of the mill file copy. No clever bit of code will beat that. It is possible that some variant of your copy techniques will prove faster in some test scenario, but they most likely would fare worse in other cases.

Typically, the sendfile function probably returns before the write has been committed, thus giving the impression of being faster than the rest. I haven't read the code, but it is most certainly because it allocates its own dedicated buffer, trading memory for time. And the reason why it won't work for files bigger than 2Gb.

As long as you're dealing with a small number of files, everything occurs inside various buffers (the C++ runtime's first if you use iostream, the OS internal ones, apparently a file-sized extra buffer in the case of sendfile). Actual storage media is only accessed once enough data has been moved around to be worth the trouble of spinning a hard disk.

I suppose you could slightly improve performances in specific cases. Off the top of my head:

  • If you're copying a huge file on the same disk, using a buffer bigger than the OS's might improve things a bit (but we're probably talking about gigabytes here).
  • If you want to copy the same file on two different physical destinations you will probably be faster opening the three files at once than calling two copy_file sequentially (though you'll hardly notice the difference as long as the file fits in the OS cache)
  • If you're dealing with lots of tiny files on an HDD you might want to read them in batches to minimize seeking time (though the OS already caches directory entries to avoid seeking like crazy and tiny files will likely reduce disk bandwidth dramatically anyway).

But all that is outside the scope of a general purpose file copy function.

So in my arguably seasoned programmer's opinion, a C++ file copy should just use the C++17 file_copy dedicated function, unless more is known about the context where the file copy occurs and some clever strategies can be devised to outsmart the OS.

Excluding Maven dependencies

You can utilize the dependency management mechanism.

If you create entries in the <dependencyManagement> section of your pom for spring-security-web and spring-web with the desired 3.1.0 version set the managed version of the artifact will override those specified in the transitive dependency tree.

I'm not sure if that really saves you any code, but it is a cleaner solution IMO.

No WebApplicationContext found: no ContextLoaderListener registered?

You'll have to have a ContextLoaderListener in your web.xml - It loads your configuration files.


You need to understand the difference between Web application context and root application context .

In the web MVC framework, each DispatcherServlet has its own WebApplicationContext, which inherits all the beans already defined in the root WebApplicationContext. These inherited beans defined can be overridden in the servlet-specific scope, and new scope-specific beans can be defined local to a given servlet instance.

The dispatcher servlet's application context is a web application context which is only applicable for the Web classes . You cannot use these for your middle tier layers . These need a global app context using ContextLoaderListener .

Read the spring reference here for spring mvc .

The absolute uri: cannot be resolved in either web.xml or the jar files deployed with this application

This might be because of the transitive dependencies.

Try to add/ remove the scope from the JSTL library.

This worked for me!

Row was updated or deleted by another transaction (or unsaved-value mapping was incorrect)

In order to prevent StaleObjectStateException, in your hbm file write below code:

<timestamp name="lstUpdTstamp" column="LST_UPD_TSTAMP" source="db"/>

Can one class extend two classes?

In Groovy, you can use trait instead of class. As they act similar to abstract classes (in the way that you can specify abstract methods, but you can still implement others), you can do something like:

trait EmployeeTrait {
    int getId() {
         return 1000 //Default value
    abstract String getName() //Required

trait CustomerTrait {
    String getCompany() {
        return "Internal" // Default value
    abstract String getAddress()

class InternalCustomer implements EmployeeTrait, CustomerTrait {
    String getName() { ... }
    String getAddress() { ... }

def internalCustomer = new InternalCustomer()
println // 1000
println //Internal

Just to point out, its not exactly the same as extending two classes, but in some cases (like the above example), it can solve the situation. I strongly suggest to analyze your design before jumping into using traits, usually they are not required and you won't be able to nicely implement inheritance (for example, you can't use protected methods in traits). Follow the accepted answer's recommendation if possible.

How to solve munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer error in C++

The hint is, the output file is created even if you get this error. The automatic deconstruction of vector starts after your code executed. Elements in the vector are deconstructed as well. This is most probably where the error occurs. The way you access the vector is through vector::operator[] with an index read from stream. Try vector::at() instead of vector::operator[]. This won't solve your problem, but will show which assignment to the vector causes error.

Maven2: Missing artifact but jars are in place

If nothing else works which was the case for me, in the problems view, right click and copy the errors and paste it in a text editor. And scroll down to see if there are other errors besides just the missing artifact.

Eclipse problems view only shows about 100 errors and the errors that are not visible might be the ones that's causing all the other missing artifact errors.

Once I saw all the errors, I was able to figure out what the issue was and fixed it.

How to resolve : Can not find the tag library descriptor for ""

I added jstl jar in a library and added it to build path and deployment assembly but it dint worked. then i simply copied my jstl jar into lib folder inside webcontent, it worked. in eclipse lib folder in included to deployment assembly by default

Spring MVC UTF-8 Encoding

Make sure you register Spring's CharacterEncodingFilter in your web.xml (must be the first filter in that file).


If you are on Tomcat you might not have set the URIEncoding in your server.xml. If you don't set it to UTF-8 it won't work. Definitely keep the CharacterEncodingFilter. Nevertheless, here's a concise checklist to follow. It will definitely guide you to make this work.

How can I get a file's size in C++?

#include <stdio.h>

#define MAXNUMBER 1024

int main()
    int i;
    char a[MAXNUMBER];

    FILE *fp = popen("du -b  /bin/bash", "r");

    while((a[i++] = getc(fp))!= 9)

    a[i] ='\0';

    printf(" a is %s\n", a);

    return 0;


/usr/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found

I had the same problem because I changed the user from myself to someone else:


For some reason, after did the normal compiling I was not able to execute it (the same error message). Directly ssh to the other user account works.

How to install JSTL? The absolute uri: cannot be resolved

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: The absolute uri: cannot be resolved in either web.xml or the jar files deployed with this application

That URI is for JSTL 1.0, but you're actually using JSTL 1.2 which uses URIs with an additional /jsp path (because JSTL, who invented EL expressions, was since version 1.1 integrated as part of JSP in order to share/reuse the EL logic in plain JSP too).

So, fix the taglib URI accordingly based on JSTL documentation:

<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>

Further you need to make absolutely sure that you do not throw multiple different versioned JSTL JAR files together into the runtime classpath. This is a pretty common mistake among Tomcat users. The problem with Tomcat is that it does not offer JSTL out the box and thus you have to manually install it. This is not necessary in normal Jakarta EE servers. See also What exactly is Java EE?

In your specific case, your pom.xml basically tells you that you have jstl-1.2.jar and standard-1.1.2.jar together. This is wrong. You're basically mixing JSTL 1.2 API+impl from Oracle with JSTL 1.1 impl from Apache. You should stick to only one JSTL implementation.

Installing JSTL on Tomcat 10+

In case you're already on Tomcat 10 or newer (the first Jakartified version, with jakarta.* package instead of javax.* package), use JSTL 2.0 via this sole dependency:


Non-Maven users can achieve the same by dropping the following two physical files in /WEB-INF/lib folder of the web application project (do absolutely not drop standard*.jar or any loose .tld files in there! remove them if necessary).

Installing JSTL on Tomcat 9-

In case you're not on Tomcat 10 yet, but still on Tomcat 9 or older, use JSTL 1.2 via this sole dependency:


Non-Maven users can achieve the same by dropping the following two physical files in /WEB-INF/lib folder of the web application project (do absolutely not drop standard*.jar or any loose .tld files in there! remove them if necessary).

Installing JSTL on normal JEE server

In case you're actually using a normal Jakarta EE server such as WildFly, Payara, etc instead of a barebones servletcontainer such as Tomcat, Jetty, etc, then you don't need to explicitly install JSTL at all. Normal Jakarta EE servers already provide JSTL out the box. In other words, you don't need to add JSTL to pom.xml nor to drop any JAR/TLD files in webapp. Solely the provided scoped Jakarta EE coordinate is sufficient:

    <version><!-- 9.0.0, 8.0.0, etc depending on your server --></version>

Make sure web.xml version is right

Further you should also make sure that your web.xml is declared conform at least Servlet 2.4 and thus not as Servlet 2.3 or older. Otherwise EL expressions inside JSTL tags would in turn fail to work. Pick the highest version matching your target container and make sure that you don't have a <!DOCTYPE> anywhere in your web.xml. Here's a Servlet 5.0 (Tomcat 10) compatible example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <!-- Config here. -->


And here's a Servlet 4.0 (Tomcat 9) compatible example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <!-- Config here. -->


See also:

Error: free(): invalid next size (fast):

I encountered such a situation where code was circumventing STL's api and writing to the array unsafely when someone resizes it. Adding the assert here caught it:

void Logo::add(const QVector3D &v, const QVector3D &n)
 GLfloat *p = + m_count;
 *p++ = v.x();
 *p++ = v.y();
 *p++ = v.z();
 *p++ = n.x();
 *p++ = n.y();
 *p++ = n.z();
 m_count += 6;
 Q_ASSERT( m_count <= m_data.size() );

Eclipse error: "The import XXX cannot be resolved"

For Eclim + Maven users :

  1. Open the .classpath file of your project : vim .classpath.
  2. Within vim, use :MvnRepo to initialize the Maven Eclim plugin. This will set M2_REPO. Note that this step *has to be performed while editing the .classpath file (hence step 1).
  3. Update the list of dependencies with :Mvn dependency:resolve.
  4. Update the .classpath with :Mvn eclipse:eclipse.
  5. Save and exit the .classpath:wq.
  6. Restarting eclim seems to help.

Note that steps 3 and 4 can be done outside vim, with mvn dependency:resolve and mvn eclipse:eclipse, respectively.

Since the plugin is mentioned as an Eclipse plugin in Eclim’s documentation, I assume this procedure may also work for Eclipse users.

Can not find the tag library descriptor of springframework

Core dependencies for tag library:

> <dependency>

Running CMake on Windows

The default generator for Windows seems to be set to NMAKE. Try to use:

cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles"

Or use the GUI, and select MinGW Makefiles when prompted for a generator. Don't forget to cleanup the directory where you tried to run CMake, or delete the cache in the GUI. Otherwise, it will try again with NMAKE.

How to track down a "double free or corruption" error

Three basic rules:

  1. Set pointer to NULL after free
  2. Check for NULL before freeing.
  3. Initialise pointer to NULL in the start.

Combination of these three works quite well.

How can I link to a specific glibc version?

Setup 1: compile your own glibc without dedicated GCC and use it

Since it seems impossible to do just with symbol versioning hacks, let's go one step further and compile glibc ourselves.

This setup might work and is quick as it does not recompile the whole GCC toolchain, just glibc.

But it is not reliable as it uses host C runtime objects such as crt1.o, crti.o, and crtn.o provided by glibc. This is mentioned at: Those objects do early setup that glibc relies on, so I wouldn't be surprised if things crashed in wonderful and awesomely subtle ways.

For a more reliable setup, see Setup 2 below.

Build glibc and install locally:

export glibc_install="$(pwd)/glibc/build/install"

git clone git://
cd glibc
git checkout glibc-2.28
mkdir build
cd build
../configure --prefix "$glibc_install"
make -j `nproc`
make install -j `nproc`

Setup 1: verify the build


#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <assert.h>
#include <gnu/libc-version.h>
#include <stdatomic.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <threads.h>

atomic_int acnt;
int cnt;

int f(void* thr_data) {
    for(int n = 0; n < 1000; ++n) {
    return 0;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    /* Basic library version check. */
    printf("gnu_get_libc_version() = %s\n", gnu_get_libc_version());

    /* Exercise thrd_create from -pthread,
     * which is not present in glibc 2.27 in Ubuntu 18.04.
     * */
    thrd_t thr[10];
    for(int n = 0; n < 10; ++n)
        thrd_create(&thr[n], f, NULL);
    for(int n = 0; n < 10; ++n)
        thrd_join(thr[n], NULL);
    printf("The atomic counter is %u\n", acnt);
    printf("The non-atomic counter is %u\n", cnt);

Compile and run with

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eux
gcc \
  -L "${glibc_install}/lib" \
  -I "${glibc_install}/include" \
  -Wl,--rpath="${glibc_install}/lib" \
  -Wl,--dynamic-linker="${glibc_install}/lib/" \
  -std=c11 \
  -o test_glibc.out \
  -v \
  test_glibc.c \
  -pthread \
ldd ./test_glibc.out

The program outputs the expected:

gnu_get_libc_version() = 2.28
The atomic counter is 10000
The non-atomic counter is 8674

Command adapted from but --sysroot made it fail with:

cannot find /home/ciro/glibc/build/install/lib/ inside /home/ciro/glibc/build/install

so I removed it.

ldd output confirms that the ldd and libraries that we've just built are actually being used as expected:

+ ldd test_glibc.out (0x00007ffe4bfd3000) => /home/ciro/glibc/build/install/lib/ (0x00007fc12ed92000) => /home/ciro/glibc/build/install/lib/ (0x00007fc12e9dc000)
        /home/ciro/glibc/build/install/lib/ => /lib64/ (0x00007fc12f1b3000)

The gcc compilation debug output shows that my host runtime objects were used, which is bad as mentioned previously, but I don't know how to work around it, e.g. it contains:


Setup 1: modify glibc

Now let's modify glibc with:

diff --git a/nptl/thrd_create.c b/nptl/thrd_create.c
index 113ba0d93e..b00f088abb 100644
--- a/nptl/thrd_create.c
+++ b/nptl/thrd_create.c
@@ -16,11 +16,14 @@
    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
    <>.  */

+#include <stdio.h>
 #include "thrd_priv.h"

 thrd_create (thrd_t *thr, thrd_start_t func, void *arg)
+  puts("hacked");
   _Static_assert (sizeof (thr) == sizeof (pthread_t),
                   "sizeof (thr) != sizeof (pthread_t)");

Then recompile and re-install glibc, and recompile and re-run our program:

cd glibc/build
make -j `nproc`
make -j `nproc` install

and we see hacked printed a few times as expected.

This further confirms that we actually used the glibc that we compiled and not the host one.

Tested on Ubuntu 18.04.

Setup 2: crosstool-NG pristine setup

This is an alternative to setup 1, and it is the most correct setup I've achieved far: everything is correct as far as I can observe, including the C runtime objects such as crt1.o, crti.o, and crtn.o.

In this setup, we will compile a full dedicated GCC toolchain that uses the glibc that we want.

The only downside to this method is that the build will take longer. But I wouldn't risk a production setup with anything less.

crosstool-NG is a set of scripts that downloads and compiles everything from source for us, including GCC, glibc and binutils.

Yes the GCC build system is so bad that we need a separate project for that.

This setup is only not perfect because crosstool-NG does not support building the executables without extra -Wl flags, which feels weird since we've built GCC itself. But everything seems to work, so this is only an inconvenience.

Get crosstool-NG and configure it:

git clone
cd crosstool-ng
git checkout a6580b8e8b55345a5a342b5bd96e42c83e640ac5
export CT_PREFIX="$(pwd)/.build/install"
export PATH="/usr/lib/ccache:${PATH}"
./configure --enable-local
make -j `nproc`
./ct-ng x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
./ct-ng menuconfig

The only mandatory option that I can see, is making it match your host kernel version to use the correct kernel headers. Find your host kernel version with:

uname -a

which shows me:


so in menuconfig I do:

  • Operating System
    • Version of linux

so I select:


which is the first equal or older version. It has to be older since the kernel is backwards compatible.

Now you can build with:

env -u LD_LIBRARY_PATH time ./ct-ng build CT_JOBS=`nproc`

and now wait for about thirty minutes to two hours for compilation.

Setup 2: optional configurations

The .config that we generated with ./ct-ng x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu has:


To change that, in menuconfig do:

  • C-library
  • Version of glibc

save the .config, and continue with the build.

Or, if you want to use your own glibc source, e.g. to use glibc from the latest git, proceed like this:

  • Paths and misc options
    • Try features marked as EXPERIMENTAL: set to true
  • C-library
    • Source of glibc
      • Custom location: say yes
      • Custom location
        • Custom source location: point to a directory containing your glibc source

where glibc was cloned as:

git clone git://
cd glibc
git checkout glibc-2.28

Setup 2: test it out

Once you have built he toolchain that you want, test it out with:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eux
PATH="${PATH}:${install_dir}/bin" \
  x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc \
  -Wl,--dynamic-linker="${install_dir}/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/sysroot/lib/" \
  -Wl,--rpath="${install_dir}/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/sysroot/lib" \
  -v \
  -o test_glibc.out \
  test_glibc.c \
  -pthread \
ldd test_glibc.out

Everything seems to work as in Setup 1, except that now the correct runtime objects were used:


Setup 2: failed efficient glibc recompilation attempt

It does not seem possible with crosstool-NG, as explained below.

If you just re-build;

env -u LD_LIBRARY_PATH time ./ct-ng build CT_JOBS=`nproc`

then your changes to the custom glibc source location are taken into account, but it builds everything from scratch, making it unusable for iterative development.

If we do:

./ct-ng list-steps

it gives a nice overview of the build steps:

Available build steps, in order:
  - companion_tools_for_build
  - companion_libs_for_build
  - binutils_for_build
  - companion_tools_for_host
  - companion_libs_for_host
  - binutils_for_host
  - cc_core_pass_1
  - kernel_headers
  - libc_start_files
  - cc_core_pass_2
  - libc
  - cc_for_build
  - cc_for_host
  - libc_post_cc
  - companion_libs_for_target
  - binutils_for_target
  - debug
  - test_suite
  - finish
Use "<step>" as action to execute only that step.
Use "+<step>" as action to execute up to that step.
Use "<step>+" as action to execute from that step onward.

therefore, we see that there are glibc steps intertwined with several GCC steps, most notably libc_start_files comes before cc_core_pass_2, which is likely the most expensive step together with cc_core_pass_1.

In order to build just one step, you must first set the "Save intermediate steps" in .config option for the intial build:

  • Paths and misc options
    • Debug crosstool-NG
      • Save intermediate steps

and then you can try:

env -u LD_LIBRARY_PATH time ./ct-ng libc+ -j`nproc`

but unfortunately, the + required as mentioned at:

Note however that restarting at an intermediate step resets the installation directory to the state it had during that step. I.e., you will have a rebuilt libc - but no final compiler built with this libc (and hence, no compiler libraries like libstdc++ either).

and basically still makes the rebuild too slow to be feasible for development, and I don't see how to overcome this without patching crosstool-NG.

Furthermore, starting from the libc step didn't seem to copy over the source again from Custom source location, further making this method unusable.

Bonus: stdlibc++

A bonus if you're also interested in the C++ standard library: How to edit and re-build the GCC libstdc++ C++ standard library source?

"No such file or directory" error when executing a binary

Old question, but hopefully this'll help someone else.

In my case I was using a toolchain on Ubuntu 12.04 that was built on Ubuntu 10.04 (requires GCC 4.1 to build). As most of the libraries have moved to multiarch dirs, it couldn't find So, make a symlink for it.

Check required path:

$ readelf -a arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc | grep interpreter:
      [Requesting program interpreter: /lib/]

Create symlink:

$ sudo ln -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /lib/

If you're on 32bit, it'll be i386-linux-gnu and not x86_64-linux-gnu.

Error : java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter.<init>(I)V

Update your pom.xml


Java: recommended solution for deep cloning/copying an instance

Use XStream toXML/fromXML in memory. Extremely fast and has been around for a long time and is going strong. Objects don't need to be Serializable and you don't have use reflection (although XStream does). XStream can discern variables that point to the same object and not accidentally make two full copies of the instance. A lot of details like that have been hammered out over the years. I've used it for a number of years and it is a go to. It's about as easy to use as you can imagine.

new XStream().toXML(myObj)


new XStream().fromXML(myXML)

To clone,

new XStream().fromXML(new XStream().toXML(myObj))

More succinctly:

XStream x = new XStream();
Object myClone = x.fromXML(x.toXML(myObj));

How to resolve compiler warning 'implicit declaration of function memset'

A good way to findout what header file you are missing:

 man <section> <function call>

To find out the section use:

apropos <function call>


 man 3 memset
 man 2 send

Edit in response to James Morris:

  • Section | Description
  • 1 General commands
  • 2 System calls
  • 3 C library functions
  • 4 Special files (usually devices, those found in /dev) and drivers
  • 5 File formats and conventions
  • 6 Games and screensavers
  • 7 Miscellanea
  • 8 System administration commands and daemons

Source: Wikipedia Man Page

Spring 3.0: Unable to locate Spring NamespaceHandler for XML schema namespace

In case someone else runs into this problem, I just did using Eclipse; running the project via the right click action. This error occurred in the J2EE view, but did NOT occur in the Java view. Not sure - assuming something with adding libraries to the correct 'lib' directory.

I am also using a Maven project, allowing m2eclipse to manage dependancies.

The infamous java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found

It might be worth noting that this can also occur when Windows blocks downloads that it considers to be unsafe. This can be addressed by right-clicking the jar file (such as ojdbc7.jar), and checking the 'Unblock' box at the bottom.

Windows JAR File Properties Dialog:
Windows JAR File Properties Dialog

When to use EntityManager.find() vs EntityManager.getReference() with JPA

Sssuming you have a parent Post entity and a child PostComment as illustrated in the following diagram:

enter image description here

If you call find when you try to set the @ManyToOne post association:

PostComment comment = new PostComment();
comment.setReview("Just awesome!");
Post post = entityManager.find(Post.class, 1L);

Hibernate will execute the following statements:

SELECT AS id1_0_0_,
       p.title AS title2_0_0_
FROM   post p
INSERT INTO post_comment (post_id, review, id)
VALUES (1, 'Just awesome!', 1)

The SELECT query is useless this time because we don’t need the Post entity to be fetched. We only want to set the underlying post_id Foreign Key column.

Now, if you use getReference instead:

PostComment comment = new PostComment();
comment.setReview("Just awesome!");
Post post = entityManager.getReference(Post.class, 1L);

This time, Hibernate will issue just the INSERT statement:

INSERT INTO post_comment (post_id, review, id)
VALUES (1, 'Just awesome!', 1)

Unlike find, the getReference only returns an entity Proxy which only has the identifier set. If you access the Proxy, the associated SQL statement will be triggered as long as the EntityManager is still open.

However, in this case, we don’t need to access the entity Proxy. We only want to propagate the Foreign Key to the underlying table record so loading a Proxy is sufficient for this use case.

When loading a Proxy, you need to be aware that a LazyInitializationException can be thrown if you try to access the Proxy reference after the EntityManager is closed.

Eclipse "cannot find the tag library descriptor" for custom tags (not JSTL!)

A lot depends on what kind of project it is. WTP's JSP support either expects the JSP files to be under the same folder that's the parent of the WEB-INF folder (src/web, which it will then treat as "/" to find TLDs), or to have project metadata set up to help it know where that root is (done for you in a Dynamic Web Project through Deployment Assembly). How are you referring to the TLD file, and where is the JSP file located?

And maybe I missed the original post to the Eclipse forums; the one I saw was posted a full day after this one.

How do I remove accents from characters in a PHP string?

This answer I've got following tips here, so it is not really mine. It works for me using LATIN1 or UTF-8. If you use other charsets, you probably should add them to mb_detect_encoding function. Correct environment set is probably needed also.

function NoAccents($s){
        return iconv(mb_detect_encoding($s,'UTF-8, ASCII, ISO-8859-1'),'ASCII//TRANSLIT//INGORE',$s);

How to select the first element of a set with JSTL?

Using begin and end seemed to work for me to select a range of elements. This gives me three separate lists. The first list with items 1-9, second list with items 10-18, and the last list with items 11-25.

                        <c:forEach items="${actionBean.top25Teams}" begin="0" end="8" var="team" varStatus="counter">

                        <c:forEach items="${actionBean.top25Teams}" begin="9" end="17" var="team" varStatus="counter">

                        <c:forEach items="${actionBean.top25Teams}" begin="18" end="25" var="team" varStatus="counter">

Multiple glibc libraries on a single host

Can you consider using Nix ?

Nix supports multi-user package management: multiple users can share a common Nix store securely, don’t need to have root privileges to install software, and can install and use different versions of a package.

What is the LD_PRELOAD trick?

it's easy to export to env:

$ export LD_PRELOAD=/path/
$ ./mybin

to disable :

$ export LD_PRELOAD=

104, 'Connection reset by peer' socket error, or When does closing a socket result in a RST rather than FIN?

Don't use wsgiref for production. Use Apache and mod_wsgi, or something else.

We continue to see these connection resets, sometimes frequently, with wsgiref (the backend used by the werkzeug test server, and possibly others like the Django test server). Our solution was to log the error, retry the call in a loop, and give up after ten failures. httplib2 tries twice, but we needed a few more. They seem to come in bunches as well - adding a 1 second sleep might clear the issue.

We've never seen a connection reset when running through Apache and mod_wsgi. I don't know what they do differently, (maybe they just mask them), but they don't appear.

When we asked the local dev community for help, someone confirmed that they see a lot of connection resets with wsgiref that go away on the production server. There's a bug there, but it is going to be hard to find it.

Simple JavaScript problem: onClick confirm not preventing default action

I've had issue with IE7 and returning false before.

Check my answer here to another problem: Javascript not running on IE

Disable Tensorflow debugging information

Yeah, I'm using tf 2.0-beta and want to enable/disable the default logging. The environment variable and methods in tf1.X don't seem to exist anymore.

I stepped around in PDB and found this to work:

# close the TF2 logger
tf2logger = tf.get_logger()
tf2logger.error('Close TF2 logger handlers')

I then add my own logger API (in this case file-based)

logtf = logging.getLogger('DST')

# file handler
fh = logging.FileHandler(logfile)
fh.setFormatter( logging.Formatter('fh %(asctime)s %(name)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)d :%(message)s') )
logtf.addHandler(fh)'writing to %s', logfile)

how to get rid of notification circle in right side of the screen?

This stuff comes from ES file explorer

Just go into this app > settings

Then there is an option that says logging floating window, you just need to disable that and you will get rid of this infernal bubble for good

How can I perform a short delay in C# without using sleep?

Sorry for awakening an old question like this. But I think what the original author wanted as an answer was:

You need to force your program to make the graphic update after you make the change to the textbox1. You can do that by invoking Update();

textBox1.Text += "\r\nThread Sleeps!";
textBox1.Text += "\r\nThread awakens!";

Normally this will be done automatically when the thread is done. Ex, you press a button, changes are made to the text, thread dies, and then .Update() is fired and you see the changes. (I'm not an expert so I cant really tell you when its fired, but its something similar to this any way.)

In this case, you make a change, pause the thread, and then change the text again, and when the thread finally dies the .Update() is fired. This resulting in you only seeing the last change made to the text.

You would experience the same issue if you had a long execution between the text changes.

Deploying Java webapp to Tomcat 8 running in Docker container

There's a oneliner for this one.

You can simply run,

docker run -v /1.0-SNAPSHOT/my-app-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/myapp.war -it -p 8080:8080 tomcat

This will copy the war file to webapps directory and get your app running in no time.

How to make a new line or tab in <string> XML (eclipse/android)?

add this line at the top of string.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

and use


from where you want to break your line.

ex. <string> Hello world. \n its awesome. <string>


Hello world.
its awesome.

Spring Boot Multiple Datasource

I think you can find it usefull

It shows how to define multiple datasources & assign one of them as primary.

Here is a rather full example, also contains distributes transactions - if you need it.

What you need is to create 2 configuration classes, separate the model/repository packages etc to make the config easy.

Also, in above example, it creates the data sources manually. You can avoid this using the method on spring doc, with @ConfigurationProperties annotation. Here is an example of this:

Hope these helps.

SQL Server 2005 How Create a Unique Constraint?

Warning: Only one null row can be in the column you've set to be unique.

You can do this with a filtered index in SQL 2008:

ON dbo.MyTable(col1)

See Field value must be unique unless it is NULL for a range of answers.

MySQL LEFT JOIN Multiple Conditions

SELECT * FROM a WHERE a.group_id IN 
(SELECT group_id FROM b WHERE b.user_id!=$_SESSION{'[user_id']} AND b.group_id = a.group_id)
WHERE a.keyword LIKE '%".$keyword."%';

converting Java bitmap to byte array

Your byte array is too small. Each pixel takes up 4 bytes, not just 1, so multiply your size * 4 so that the array is big enough.

how to pass data in an hidden field from one jsp page to another?

The code from Alex works great. Just note that when you use request.getParameter you must use a request dispatcher

//Pass results back to the client
RequestDispatcher dispatcher =   getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("TestPages/ServiceServlet.jsp");
dispatcher.forward(request, response);

How to check whether java is installed on the computer

1)Open the command prompt or terminal based on your OS.

2)Then type java --version in the terminal.

3) If java is installed successfullly it will show the respective version .

How is the default max Java heap size determined?

A number of parameters affect generation size. The following diagram illustrates the difference between committed space and virtual space in the heap. At initialization of the virtual machine, the entire space for the heap is reserved. The size of the space reserved can be specified with the -Xmx option. If the value of the -Xms parameter is smaller than the value of the -Xmx parameter, not all of the space that is reserved is immediately committed to the virtual machine. The uncommitted space is labeled "virtual" in this figure. The different parts of the heap (permanent generation, tenured generation and young generation) can grow to the limit of the virtual space as needed.

enter image description here

By default, the virtual machine grows or shrinks the heap at each collection to try to keep the proportion of free space to live objects at each collection within a specific range. This target range is set as a percentage by the parameters -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=<minimum> and -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=<maximum>, and the total size is bounded below by -Xms<min> and above by -Xmx<max>.

Parameter Default Value

MinHeapFreeRatio 40

MaxHeapFreeRatio 70

-Xms 3670k

-Xmx 64m

Default values of heap size parameters on 64-bit systems have been scaled up by approximately 30%. This increase is meant to compensate for the larger size of objects on a 64-bit system.

With these parameters, if the percent of free space in a generation falls below 40%, the generation will be expanded to maintain 40% free space, up to the maximum allowed size of the generation. Similarly, if the free space exceeds 70%, the generation will be contracted so that only 70% of the space is free, subject to the minimum size of the generation.

Large server applications often experience two problems with these defaults. One is slow startup, because the initial heap is small and must be resized over many major collections. A more pressing problem is that the default maximum heap size is unreasonably small for most server applications. The rules of thumb for server applications are:

  • Unless you have problems with pauses, try granting as much memory as possible to the virtual machine. The default size (64MB) is often too small.
  • Setting -Xms and -Xmx to the same value increases predictability by removing the most important sizing decision from the virtual machine. However, the virtual machine is then unable to compensate if you make a poor choice.
  • In general, increase the memory as you increase the number of processors, since allocation can be parallelized.

    There is the full article

"Use the new keyword if hiding was intended" warning

The parent function needs the virtual keyword, and the child function needs the override keyword in front of the function definition.

Get a specific bit from byte


public static bool GetBit(this byte b, int bitNumber) {
   return (b & (1 << bitNumber)) != 0;

should do it, I think.

How to check if internet connection is present in Java?

You can simply write like this


public class Main {

    private static final String HOST = "localhost";

    public static void main(String[] args) throws UnknownHostException {

        boolean isConnected = !HOST.equals(InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress().toString());

        if (isConnected) System.out.println("Connected");
        else System.out.println("Not connected");


How to disable HTML button using JavaScript?

It's still an attribute. Setting it to:

<input type="button" name=myButton value="disable" disabled="disabled">

... is valid.

Ruby - ignore "exit" in code

loop {   begin   rescue SystemExit     p $!  #: #<SystemExit: exit>   end } 

This will print #<SystemExit: exit> in an infinite loop, without ever exiting.

How to upgrade docker container after its image changed

Here's what it looks like using docker-compose when building a custom Dockerfile.

  1. Build your custom Dockerfile first, appending a next version number to differentiate. Ex: docker build -t imagename:version . This will store your new version locally.
  2. Run docker-compose down
  3. Edit your docker-compose.yml file to reflect the new image name you set at step 1.
  4. Run docker-compose up -d. It will look locally for the image and use your upgraded one.


My steps above are more verbose than they need to be. I've optimized my workflow by including the build: . parameter to my docker-compose file. The steps looks this now:

  1. Verify that my Dockerfile is what I want it to look like.
  2. Set the version number of my image name in my docker-compose file.
  3. If my image isn't built yet: run docker-compose build
  4. Run docker-compose up -d

I didn't realize at the time, but docker-compose is smart enough to simply update my container to the new image with the one command, instead of having to bring it down first.

Getting and removing the first character of a string

Another alternative is to use capturing sub-expressions with the regular expression functions regmatches and regexec.

# the original example
x <- 'hello stackoverflow'

# grab the substrings
myStrings <- regmatches(x, regexec('(^.)(.*)', x))

This returns the entire string, the first character, and the "popped" result in a list of length 1.

[1] "hello stackoverflow" "h"                   "ello stackoverflow" 

which is equivalent to list(c(x, substr(x, 1, 1), substr(x, 2, nchar(x)))). That is, it contains the super set of the desired elements as well as the full string.

Adding sapply will allow this method to work for a character vector of length > 1.

# a slightly more interesting example
xx <- c('hello stackoverflow', 'right back', 'at yah')

# grab the substrings
myStrings <- regmatches(x, regexec('(^.)(.*)', xx))

This returns a list with the matched full string as the first element and the matching subexpressions captured by () as the following elements. So in the regular expression '(^.)(.*)', (^.) matches the first character and (.*) matches the remaining characters.

[1] "hello stackoverflow" "h"                   "ello stackoverflow" 

[1] "right back" "r"          "ight back" 

[1] "at yah" "a"      "t yah" 

Now, we can use the trusty sapply + [ method to pull out the desired substrings.

myFirstStrings <- sapply(myStrings, "[", 2)
[1] "h" "r" "a"
mySecondStrings <- sapply(myStrings, "[", 3)
[1] "ello stackoverflow" "ight back"          "t yah"

How to get 2 digit year w/ Javascript?

var currentYear =  (new Date()).getFullYear();   
var twoLastDigits = currentYear%100;

var formatedTwoLastDigits = "";

if (twoLastDigits <10 ) {
    formatedTwoLastDigits = "0" + twoLastDigits;
} else {
    formatedTwoLastDigits = "" + twoLastDigits;

How to get a value from a cell of a dataframe?

The quickest/easiest options I have found are the following. 501 represents the row index.[501,'column_name']

How to completely remove Python from a Windows machine?

You will also have to look in your system path. Python puts itself there and does not remove itself:

Your problems probably started because your python path is pointing to the wrong one.

How to get the Full file path from URI

Snippet code when you receive file path.

 Uri fileUri = data.getData();
 FilePathHelper filePathHelper = new FilePathHelper();
 String path = "";
 if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) {
       if (filePathHelper.getPathnew(fileUri, this) != null) {
              path = filePathHelper.getPathnew(fileUri, this).toLowerCase();
       } else {
              path = filePathHelper.getFilePathFromURI(fileUri, this).toLowerCase();
 } else {
       path = filePathHelper.getPath(fileUri, this).toLowerCase();

Bellow is a class which can be accessed by creating new object. you will also need to add to a dependency in gradel implementation ''

public class FilePathHelper {

    public FilePathHelper(){


    public String getMimeType(String url) {
        String type = null;
        String extension = MimeTypeMap.getFileExtensionFromUrl(url.replace(" ", ""));
        if (extension != null) {
            type = MimeTypeMap.getSingleton().getMimeTypeFromExtension(extension);
        return type;

    public String getFilePathFromURI(Uri contentUri, Context context) {
        //copy file and send new file path
        String fileName = getFileName(contentUri);
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(fileName)) {
            File copyFile = new File(context.getExternalCacheDir() + File.separator + fileName);
            copy(context, contentUri, copyFile);
            return copyFile.getAbsolutePath();
        return null;

    public void copy(Context context, Uri srcUri, File dstFile) {
        try {
            InputStream inputStream = context.getContentResolver().openInputStream(srcUri);
            if (inputStream == null) return;
            OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(dstFile);
            IOUtils.copy(inputStream, outputStream);
        } catch (IOException e) {

    public String getPath(Uri uri, Context context) {
        String filePath = null;
        final boolean isKitKat = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT;
        if (isKitKat) {
            filePath = generateFromKitkat(uri, context);

        if (filePath != null) {
            return filePath;

        Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(uri, new String[]{MediaStore.MediaColumns.DATA}, null, null, null);

        if (cursor != null) {
            if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
                int columnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.MediaColumns.DATA);
                filePath = cursor.getString(columnIndex);
        return filePath == null ? uri.getPath() : filePath;

    private String generateFromKitkat(Uri uri, Context context) {
        String filePath = null;
        if (DocumentsContract.isDocumentUri(context, uri)) {
            String wholeID = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri);

            String id = wholeID.split(":")[1];

            String[] column = {MediaStore.Video.Media.DATA};
            String sel = MediaStore.Video.Media._ID + "=?";

            Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().
                            column, sel, new String[]{id}, null);

            int columnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(column[0]);

            if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
                filePath = cursor.getString(columnIndex);

        return filePath;

    public String getFileName(Uri uri) {
        if (uri == null) return null;
        String fileName = null;
        String path = uri.getPath();
        int cut = path.lastIndexOf('/');
        if (cut != -1) {
            fileName = path.substring(cut + 1);
        return fileName;

    @RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT)
    public String getPathnew(Uri uri, Context context) {
        final boolean isKitKat = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT;

        // DocumentProvider
        if (isKitKat && DocumentsContract.isDocumentUri(context, uri)) {
            // ExternalStorageProvider
            if (isExternalStorageDocument(uri)) {
                final String docId = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri);
                final String[] split = docId.split(":");
                final String type = split[0];

                if ("primary".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
                    return Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/" + split[1];
                // TODO handle non-primary volumes
            // DownloadsProvider
            else if (isDownloadsDocument(uri)) {
                final String id = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri);
                final Uri contentUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Uri.parse("content://downloads/public_downloads"), Long.valueOf(id));
                return getDataColumn(context, contentUri, null, null);
            // MediaProvider
            else if (isMediaDocument(uri)) {
                final String docId = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri);
                final String[] split = docId.split(":");
                final String type = split[0];
                Uri contentUri = null;
                if ("image".equals(type)) {
                    contentUri = MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;
                } else if ("video".equals(type)) {
                    contentUri = MediaStore.Video.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;
                } else if ("audio".equals(type)) {
                    contentUri = MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;
                final String selection = "_id=?";
                final String[] selectionArgs = new String[]{split[1]};
                return getDataColumn(context, contentUri, selection, selectionArgs);
        // MediaStore (and general)
        else if ("content".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme())) {
            // Return the remote address
            if (isGooglePhotosUri(uri))
                return uri.getLastPathSegment();
            return getDataColumn(context, uri, null, null);
        // File
        else if ("file".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme())) {
            return uri.getPath();
        return null;

    public String getDataColumn(Context context, Uri uri, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) {
        Cursor cursor = null;
        final String column = "_data";
        final String[] projection = {column};
        try {
            cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(uri, projection, selection, selectionArgs, null);
            if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) {
                final int index = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(column);
                return cursor.getString(index);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Something with exception - " + e.toString());
        } finally {
            if (cursor != null)
        return null;

    public boolean isExternalStorageDocument(Uri uri) {
        return "".equals(uri.getAuthority());

     * @param uri The Uri to check.
     * @return Whether the Uri authority is DownloadsProvider.
    public boolean isDownloadsDocument(Uri uri) {
        return "".equals(uri.getAuthority());

     * @param uri The Uri to check.
     * @return Whether the Uri authority is MediaProvider.
    public boolean isMediaDocument(Uri uri) {
        return "".equals(uri.getAuthority());

     * @param uri The Uri to check.
     * @return Whether the Uri authority is Google Photos.
    public boolean isGooglePhotosUri(Uri uri) {
        return "".equals(uri.getAuthority());

Making heatmap from pandas DataFrame

If you don't need a plot per say, and you're simply interested in adding color to represent the values in a table format, you can use the style.background_gradient() method of the pandas data frame. This method colorizes the HTML table that is displayed when viewing pandas data frames in e.g. the JupyterLab Notebook and the result is similar to using "conditional formatting" in spreadsheet software:

import numpy as np 
import pandas as pd

index= ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc', 'ddd', 'eee']
cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']
df = pd.DataFrame(abs(np.random.randn(5, 4)), index=index, columns=cols)'Blues')

enter image description here

For detailed usage, please see the more elaborate answer I provided on the same topic previously and the styling section of the pandas documentation.

NameError: name 'python' is not defined

When you run the Windows Command Prompt, and type in python, it starts the Python interpreter.

Typing it again tries to interpret python as a variable, which doesn't exist and thus won't work:

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Python 2.7.5 (default, May 15 2013, 22:43:36) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> python
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'python' is not defined
>>> print("interpreter has started")
interpreter has started
>>> quit() # leave the interpreter, and go back to the command line


If you're not doing this from the command line, and instead running the Python interpreter (python.exe or IDLE's shell) directly, you are not in the Windows Command Line, and python is interpreted as a variable, which you have not defined.

How to check if a key exists in Json Object and get its value


private boolean hasKey(JSONObject jsonObject, String key) {
    return jsonObject != null && jsonObject.has(key);

  try {
        JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(yourJson);
        if (hasKey(jsonObject, "labelData")) {
            JSONObject labelDataJson = jsonObject.getJSONObject("LabelData");
            if (hasKey(labelDataJson, "video")) {
                String video = labelDataJson.getString("video");
    } catch (JSONException e) {


Selecting fields from JSON output

Assume you stored that dictionary in a variable called values. To get id in to a variable, do:

idValue = values['criteria'][0]['id']

If that json is in a file, do the following to load it:

import json
jsonFile = open('your_filename.json', 'r')
values = json.load(jsonFile)

If that json is from a URL, do the following to load it:

import urllib, json
f = urllib.urlopen("http://domain/path/jsonPage")
values = json.load(f)

To print ALL of the criteria, you could:

for criteria in values['criteria']:
    for key, value in criteria.iteritems():
        print key, 'is:', value
    print ''

Manipulate a url string by adding GET parameters

 public function addGetParamToUrl($url, $params)
    foreach ($params as $param) {
         if (strpos($url, "?"))
            $url .= "&" .http_build_query($param); 
            $url .= "?" .http_build_query($param); 
    return $url;

How do I resize an image using PIL and maintain its aspect ratio?

The following script creates nice thumbnails of all JPEG images preserving aspect ratios with 128x128 max resolution.

from PIL import Image
img ="D:\\Pictures\\John.jpg")

SQL SELECT everything after a certain character

select SUBSTRING_INDEX(supplier_reference,'=',-1) from ps_product;

Please use for further reference.

Is it possible to remove the focus from a text input when a page loads?

I would add that HTMLElement has a built-in .blur method as well.

Here's a demo using both .focus and .blur which work in similar ways.

const input = document.querySelector("#myInput");
<input id="myInput" value="Some Input">_x000D_
<button type="button" onclick="input.focus()">Focus</button>_x000D_
<button type="button" onclick="input.blur()">Lose focus</button>

C linked list inserting node at the end

After you malloc a node make sure to set node->next = NULL.

int addNodeBottom(int val, node *head)
    node *current = head;
    node *newNode = (node *) malloc(sizeof(node));
    if (newNode == NULL) {
        printf("malloc failed\n");

    newNode->value = val;
    newNode->next = NULL;

    while (current->next) {
        current = current->next;
    current->next = newNode;
    return 0;

I should point out that with this version the head is still used as a dummy, not used for storing a value. This lets you represent an empty list by having just a head node.

Pressed <button> selector

You can do this if you use an <a> tag instead of a button. I know it's not exactly what you asked for, but it might give you some other options if you cannot find a solution to this:

Borrowing from a demo from another answer here I produced this:

a {_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
  font-size: 18px;_x000D_
  border: 2px solid gray;_x000D_
  border-radius: 100px;_x000D_
  width: 100px;_x000D_
  height: 100px;_x000D_
  text-align: center;_x000D_
  line-height: 100px;_x000D_
a:active {_x000D_
  font-size: 18px;_x000D_
  border: 2px solid green;_x000D_
  border-radius: 100px;_x000D_
  width: 100px;_x000D_
  height: 100px;_x000D_
a:target {_x000D_
  font-size: 18px;_x000D_
  border: 2px solid red;_x000D_
  border-radius: 100px;_x000D_
  width: 100px;_x000D_
  height: 100px;_x000D_
<a id="btn" href="#btn">Demo</a>

Notice the use of :target; this will be the style applied when the element is targeted via the hash. Which also means your HTML will need to be this: <a id="btn" href="#btn">Demo</a> a link targeting itself. and the demo

Thanks to @BenjaminGruenbaum here is a better demo:

Also, as a footnote: this should really be done with JavaScript and applying / removing CSS classes from the element. It would be much less convoluted.

Drawable image on a canvas

also you can use this way. it will change your big drawble fit to your canvas:

Resources res = getResources();
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(res, yourDrawable);
yourCanvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0, yourPaint);

Append a tuple to a list - what's the difference between two ways?

There should be no difference, but your tuple method is wrong, try:

a_list.append(tuple([3, 4]))

Combine two OR-queries with AND in Mongoose

It's probably easiest to create your query object directly as:

      $and: [
          { $or: [{a: 1}, {b: 1}] },
          { $or: [{c: 1}, {d: 1}] }
  }, function (err, results) {

But you can also use the Query#and helper that's available in recent 3.x Mongoose releases:

          { $or: [{a: 1}, {b: 1}] },
          { $or: [{c: 1}, {d: 1}] }
      .exec(function (err, results) {

HTML 5 video or audio playlist

jPlayer is a free and open source HTML5 Audio and Video library that you may find useful. It has support for playlists built in:

Installing Tomcat 7 as Service on Windows Server 2008

its done through service.bat file in apache tomcat7

visit this blog .. install tomcat7 on windows

How can I align YouTube embedded video in the center in bootstrap

For a fully responsive IFramed YouTube video, try this:

<div class="blogwidevideo">
<iframe width="854" height="480" style="margin: auto;" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

.blogwidevideo {    

.blogwidevideo iframe {   
    left:10%; //centers for the 80% width - not needed if width is 100%
    height:80%; //change to 100% if going full width

How do you install Google frameworks (Play, Accounts, etc.) on a Genymotion virtual device?

Try to do all the steps specified in the link below and before that upgrade VirtualBox to 4.2 by following the instructions in VirtualBox 4.2.0 Released With Support For Drag'n'drop From Host To Linux Guests, More. Then upgrade Genymotion to the latest version.

Go to the desktop and run Genymotion. Select a virtual device with Android version 4.2 and then drag and drop the two files first. Then Genymotion will show progress and after this it will promt a dialog. Then click OK and it will ask to reboot the device. Restart ADB. Do the same steps for the second file, and restart ADB.

I hope this will resolve the issue. Check this link - it explains it clearer.

How to connect to remote Redis server?

redis-cli -h XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX -p YYYY is the IP address and yyyy is the port

EXAMPLE from my dev environment

redis-cli -h -p 30000


Host, port, password and database By default redis-cli connects to the server at port 6379. As you can guess, you can easily change this using command line options. To specify a different host name or an IP address, use -h. In order to set a different port, use -p.

redis-cli -h -p 6390 ping

How to keep the local file or the remote file during merge using Git and the command line?

This approach seems more straightforward, avoiding the need to individually select each file:

# keep remote files
git merge --strategy-option theirs
# keep local files
git merge --strategy-option ours


# keep remote files
git pull -Xtheirs
# keep local files
git pull -Xours

Copied directly from: Resolve Git merge conflicts in favor of their changes during a pull

DateTime.MinValue and SqlDateTime overflow

From MSDN:

Date and time data from January 1, 1753, to December 31, 9999, with an accuracy of one three-hundredth second, or 3.33 milliseconds. Values are rounded to increments of .000, .003, or .007 milliseconds. Stored as two 4-byte integers. The first 4 bytes store the number of days before or after the base date, January 1, 1900. The base date is the system's reference date. Values for datetime earlier than January 1, 1753, are not permitted. The other 4 bytes store the time of day represented as the number of milliseconds after midnight. Seconds have a valid range of 0–59.

SQL uses a different system than C# for DateTime values.

You can use your MinValue as a sentinel value - and if it is MinValue - pass null into your object (and store the date as nullable in the DB).

if(date == dateTime.Minvalue)
    objinfo.BirthDate = null;

Reading Excel files from C#

The .NET component Excel Reader .NET may satisfy your requirement. It's good enought for reading XLSX and XLS files. So try it from:

Why use deflate instead of gzip for text files served by Apache?

The main reason is that deflate is faster to encode than gzip and on a busy server that might make a difference. With static pages it's a different question, since they can easily be pre-compressed once.

Nesting await in Parallel.ForEach

You can save effort with the new AsyncEnumerator NuGet Package, which didn't exist 4 years ago when the question was originally posted. It allows you to control the degree of parallelism:

using System.Collections.Async;

await ids.ParallelForEachAsync(async i =>
    ICustomerRepo repo = new CustomerRepo();
    var cust = await repo.GetCustomer(i);
maxDegreeOfParallelism: 10);

Disclaimer: I'm the author of the AsyncEnumerator library, which is open source and licensed under MIT, and I'm posting this message just to help the community.

Why is a primary-foreign key relation required when we can join without it?

A primary key is not required. A foreign key is not required either. You can construct a query joining two tables on any column you wish as long as the datatypes either match or are converted to match. No relationship needs to explicitly exist.

To do this you use an outer join:

select tablea.code,, tableb.location from tablea left outer join 
tableb on tablea.code = tableb.code

join with out relation

SQL join

Check if list<t> contains any of another list

Here is a sample to find if there are match elements in another list

List<int> nums1 = new List<int> { 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 };
List<int> nums2 = new List<int> { 1, 3, 6, 9, 12};

if (nums1.Any(x => nums2.Any(y => y == x)))
    Console.WriteLine("There are equal elements");
    Console.WriteLine("No Match Found!");

Circular gradient in android

<!-- Drop Shadow Stack -->
    <shape android:shape="oval">
            android:top="1dp" />

        <solid android:color="#00CCCCCC" />

        <corners android:radius="3dp" />
    <shape android:shape="oval">
            android:top="1dp" />

        <solid android:color="#10CCCCCC" />

        <corners android:radius="3dp" />
    <shape android:shape="oval">
            android:top="1dp" />

        <solid android:color="#20CCCCCC" />

        <corners android:radius="3dp" />
    <shape android:shape="oval">
            android:top="1dp" />

        <solid android:color="#30CCCCCC" />

        <corners android:radius="3dp" />
    <shape android:shape="oval">
            android:top="1dp" />

        <solid android:color="#50CCCCCC" />

        <corners android:radius="3dp" />

<!-- Background -->
    <shape android:shape="oval">
        <corners android:radius="3dp" />

<color name="colorAccent_1">#6f64d6</color>
<color name="colorAccent_2">#7668F8</color>
<color name="colorAccent_3">#6F63FF</color>

Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure,

Despite the number of answers I'll add another one which IMHO makes the things a bit clearer.

As Rob and wrightmail already mentioned Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure is a NuGet package (link not needed, you have it in NuGet Package Manager).

Apparently, it was referenced by your project and suddenly disappeared. A number of reason may exists but the important thing is that despite you may have enabled Automatic Package Restore in Visual Studio by:

  • Manage NuGet packages for solution (context menu in Solution Explorer),
  • Allow NuGet to download missing packages (settings),
  • Automatically check for missing packages during build in Visual Studio (settings),

certain packages may require a manual reinstall. I am not aware what confuses NuGet, maybe manually removing a reference, but here is the solution I usually apply in such cases. The following PM Console helps restoring a package while preserving the original version (not updating to possibly existing new one):

Update-Package Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure -Reinstall

Version preservation may be required if you do not want to accidentally overwrite an existing package with its newer version which possibly removes "old" functionality you may have used in your project.

And, as a proof, despite a bit lengthy one, that the version does not change, here's the output when the command is executed:

PM> Update-Package Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure -Reinstall
Attempting to gather dependencies information for multiple packages with respect to project 'Samples.NuGet\DemoApp\DemoApp', targeting '.NETFramework,Version=v4.5.2'
Attempting to resolve dependencies for multiple packages
Resolving actions install multiple packages
Package removal starts here...
Removed package 'Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization 1.1.3' from 'packages.config'
Successfully uninstalled 'Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization 1.1.3' from DemoApp
Removed package 'WebGrease 1.5.2' from 'packages.config'
Executing script file 'D:\Projects\DemoApp\packages\WebGrease.1.5.2\tools\uninstall.ps1'
Successfully uninstalled 'WebGrease 1.5.2' from DemoApp
More package removals here. Omitted for brevity...
Removed package 'Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure' from 'packages.config'
Successfully uninstalled 'Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure' from DemoApp
More package removals here. Omitted for brevity...
Removed package 'Antlr' from 'packages.config'
Successfully uninstalled 'Antlr' from MvcLenseApp
Package 'Antlr.' already exists in folder 'D:\Projects\Lense.Mvc5\packages'
--- Install packages (in reverse order) ---
Package 'Antlr.' already exists in folder 'D:\Projects\DemoApp\packages'
Added package 'Antlr.' to 'packages.config'
Successfully installed 'Antlr' to DemoApp
More package installs here. Omitted for brevity...
Package 'Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure.1.0.0' already exists in folder 'D:\Projects\Lense.Mvc5\packages'
Added package 'Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure.1.0.0' to 'packages.config'
Successfully installed 'Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure 1.0.0' to MvcLenseApp
More package installs here. Omitted for brevity...
Package 'WebGrease.1.5.2' already exists in folder 'D:\Projects\DemoApp\packages'
Added package 'WebGrease.1.5.2' to 'packages.config'
Executing script file 'D:\Projects\DemoApp\packages\WebGrease.1.5.2\tools\install.ps1'
Successfully installed 'WebGrease 1.5.2' to DemoApp
Package 'Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization.1.1.3' already exists in folder 'D:\Projects\DemoApp\packages'
Added package 'Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization.1.1.3' to 'packages.config'
End of package re-install. 
Successfully installed 'Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization 1.1.3' to DemoApp

Of course if you wish to reinstall all packages you may need to get familiar with update/install commands in NuGet here and here.

Python math module

You need to say math.sqrt when you use it. Or, do from math import sqrt.

Hmm, I just read your question more thoroughly.... How are you importing math? I just tried import math and then math.sqrt which worked perfectly. Are you doing something like import math as m? If so, then you have to prefix the function with m (or whatever name you used after as).

pow is working because there are two versions: an always available version in __builtin__, and another version in math.

Flexbox not working in Internet Explorer 11

See "Can I Use" for the full list of IE11 Flexbox bugs and more

There are numerous Flexbox bugs in IE11 and other browsers - see flexbox on Can I Use -> Known Issues, where the following are listed under IE11:

  • IE 11 requires a unit to be added to the third argument, the flex-basis property
  • In IE10 and IE11, containers with display: flex and flex-direction: column will not properly calculate their flexed childrens' sizes if the container has min-height but no explicit height property
  • IE 11 does not vertically align items correctly when min-height is used

Also see Philip Walton's Flexbugs list of issues and workarounds.

Removing trailing newline character from fgets() input

Tim Cas one liner is amazing for strings obtained by a call to fgets, because you know they contain a single newline at the end.

If you are in a different context and want to handle strings that may contain more than one newline, you might be looking for strrspn. It is not POSIX, meaning you will not find it on all Unices. I wrote one for my own needs.

/* Returns the length of the segment leading to the last 
   characters of s in accept. */
size_t strrspn (const char *s, const char *accept)
  const char *ch;
  size_t len = strlen(s);

  if (len > 0) {
    for (ch = accept ; *ch != 0 ; ch++) {
      if (s[len - 1] == *ch) {
        goto more;
  return len;

For those looking for a Perl chomp equivalent in C, I think this is it (chomp only removes the trailing newline).

line[strrspn(string, "\r\n")] = 0;

The strrcspn function:

/* Returns the length of the segment leading to the last 
   character of reject in s. */
size_t strrcspn (const char *s, const char *reject)
  const char *ch;
  size_t len = strlen(s);
  size_t origlen = len;

  while (len > 0) {
    for (ch = reject ; *ch != 0 ; ch++) {
      if (s[len - 1] == *ch) {
        return len;
  return origlen;

Using iText to convert HTML to PDF

I have ended up using ABCPdf from webSupergoo. It works really well and for about $350 it has saved me hours and hours based on your comments above. Thanks again Daniel and Bratch for your comments.

Most concise way to convert a Set<T> to a List<T>

List<String> l = new ArrayList<String>(listOfTopicAuthors);

Remove sensitive files and their commits from Git history

If you pushed to GitHub, force pushing is not enough, delete the repository or contact support

Even if you force push one second afterwards, it is not enough as explained below.

The only valid courses of action are:

  • is what leaked a changeable credential like a password?

    • yes: modify your passwords immediately, and consider using more OAuth and API keys!

    • no (naked pics):

      • do you care if all issues in the repository get nuked?

        • no: delete the repository

        • yes:

          • contact support
          • if the leak is very critical to you, to the point that you are willing to get some repository downtime to make it less likely to leak, make it private while you wait for GitHub support to reply to you

Force pushing a second later is not enough because:

If you delete the repository instead of just force pushing however, commits do disappear even from the API immediately and give 404, e.g. This works even if you recreate another repository with the same name.

To test this out, I have created a repo: and did:

git init
git remote add origin [email protected]:cirosantilli/test-dangling.git

touch a
git add .
git commit -m 0
git push

touch b
git add .
git commit -m 1
git push

touch c
git rm b
git add .
git commit --amend --no-edit
git push -f

See also: How to remove a dangling commit from GitHub?

git filter-repo is now officially recommended over git filter-branch

This is mentioned in the manpage of git filter-branch in Git 2.5 itself.

With git filter repo, you could either remove certain files with: Remove folder and its contents from git/GitHub's history

pip install git-filter-repo
git filter-repo --path path/to/remove1 --path path/to/remove2 --invert-paths

This automatically removes empty commits.

Or you can replace certain strings with: How to replace a string in a whole Git history?

git filter-repo --replace-text <(echo 'my_password==>xxxxxxxx')

How can I get the current date and time in UTC or GMT in Java?

Just to make this simpler, to create a Date in UTC you can use Calendar :


Which will construct a new instance for Calendar using the "UTC" TimeZone.

If you need a Date object from that calendar you could just use getTime().

Check if a value is an object in JavaScript

Its depends on use-case, if we do not want to allow array and functions to be an Object, we can use the underscore.js builtin functions.

    function xyz (obj) { 
       if (_.isObject(obj) && !_.isFunction(obj) && !_.isArray(obj)) {
         // now its sure that obj is an object 

Case-insensitive search in Rails model

Upper and lower case letters differ only by a single bit. The most efficient way to search them is to ignore this bit, not to convert lower or upper, etc. See keywords COLLATION for MSSQL, see NLS_SORT=BINARY_CI if using Oracle, etc.

php: catch exception and continue execution, is it possible?

Another angle on this is returning an Exception, NOT throwing one, from the processing code.

I needed to do this with a templating framework I'm writing. If the user attempts to access a property that doesn't exist on the data, I return the error from deep within the processing function, rather than throwing it.

Then, in the calling code, I can decide whether to throw this returned error, causing the try() to catch(), or just continue:

// process the template
        // this function will pass back a value, or a TemplateExecption if invalid
            $result = $this->process($value);

        // if the result is an error, choose what to do with it
            if($result instanceof TemplateExecption)
                if(DEBUGGING == TRUE)
                    throw($result); // throw the original error
                    $result = NULL; // ignore the error

// catch TemplateExceptions
    catch(TemplateException $e)
        // handle template exceptions

// catch normal PHP Exceptions
    catch(Exception $e)
        // handle normal exceptions

// if we get here, $result was valid, or ignored
    return $result;

The result of this is I still get the context of the original error, even though it was thrown at the top.

Another option might be to return a custom NullObject or a UnknownProperty object and compare against that before deciding to trip the catch(), but as you can re-throw errors anyway, and if you're fully in control of the overall structure, I think this is a neat way round the issue of not being able to continue try/catches.

Given a URL to a text file, what is the simplest way to read the contents of the text file?

Edit 09/2016: In Python 3 and up use urllib.request instead of urllib2

Actually the simplest way is:

import urllib2  # the lib that handles the url stuff

data = urllib2.urlopen(target_url) # it's a file like object and works just like a file
for line in data: # files are iterable
    print line

You don't even need "readlines", as Will suggested. You could even shorten it to: *

import urllib2

for line in urllib2.urlopen(target_url):
    print line

But remember in Python, readability matters.

However, this is the simplest way but not the safe way because most of the time with network programming, you don't know if the amount of data to expect will be respected. So you'd generally better read a fixed and reasonable amount of data, something you know to be enough for the data you expect but will prevent your script from been flooded:

import urllib2

data = urllib2.urlopen("").read(20000) # read only 20 000 chars
data = data.split("\n") # then split it into lines

for line in data:
    print line

* Second example in Python 3:

import urllib.request  # the lib that handles the url stuff

for line in urllib.request.urlopen(target_url):
    print(line.decode('utf-8')) #utf-8 or iso8859-1 or whatever the page encoding scheme is

'nuget' is not recognized but other nuget commands working

There are much nicer ways to do it.

  1. Install Nuget.Build package in you project that you want to pack. May need to close and re-open solution after install.
  2. Install nuget via chocolatey - much nicer. Install chocolatey:, then run

    cinst Nuget.CommandLine

in your command prompt. This will install nuget and setup environment paths, so nuget is always available.

How to write file in UTF-8 format?

This works for me. :)

# Now UTF-8 - Add byte order mark 
fwrite($f, pack("CCC",0xef,0xbb,0xbf)); 

Maven error: Could not find or load main class org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher

You should change the location of the M2_HOME into the following:

set M2_HOME=C:\apache-maven-3.0.4\apache-maven

Furthermore the installation of the JDK looks more a JRE instead of JDK. For Maven you need JDK and NOT JRE.

WebView and Cookies on Android

My problem is cookies are not working "within" the same session. –

Burak: I had the same problem. Enabling cookies fixed the issue.


How to pass parameters to $http in angularjs?

Build URL '/search' as string. Like


Actually I didn't use

 `$http({method:'GET', url:'/search', params:{fname: fname, lname: lname}})` 

but I'm sure "params" should be JSON.stringify like for POST

var jsonData = JSON.stringify(
        fname: fname,
        lname: lname 


  params: jsonData

WPF: simple TextBox data binding

Name2 is a field. WPF binds only to properties. Change it to:

public string Name2 { get; set; }

Be warned that with this minimal implementation, your TextBox won't respond to programmatic changes to Name2. So for your timer update scenario, you'll need to implement INotifyPropertyChanged:

partial class Window1 : Window, INotifyPropertyChanged
  public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

  protected void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
        PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

  private string _name2;

  public string Name2
    get { return _name2; }
      if (value != _name2)
         _name2 = value;

You should consider moving this to a separate data object rather than on your Window class.

PHP: Split a string in to an array foreach char

You can access characters in strings in the same way as you would access an array index, e.g.

$length = strlen($string);
$thisWordCodeVerdeeld = array();
for ($i=0; $i<$length; $i++) {
    $thisWordCodeVerdeeld[$i] = $string[$i];

You could also do:

$thisWordCodeVerdeeld = str_split($string);

However you might find it is easier to validate the string as a whole string, e.g. using regular expressions.

Getting a UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning when testing using mocha/chai

I had a similar experience with Chai-Webdriver for Selenium. I added await to the assertion and it fixed the issue:

Example using Cucumberjs:

Then(/I see heading with the text of Tasks/, async function() {
    await chai.expect('h1')'Tasks');

What is the functionality of setSoTimeout and how it works?

The JavaDoc explains it very well:

With this option set to a non-zero timeout, a read() call on the InputStream associated with this Socket will block for only this amount of time. If the timeout expires, a is raised, though the Socket is still valid. The option must be enabled prior to entering the blocking operation to have effect. The timeout must be > 0. A timeout of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout.

SO_TIMEOUT is the timeout that a read() call will block. If the timeout is reached, a will be thrown. If you want to block forever put this option to zero (the default value), then the read() call will block until at least 1 byte could be read.

Objective-C: Calling selectors with multiple arguments

In Objective-C, a selector's signature consists of:

  1. The name of the method (in this case it would be 'myTest') (required)
  2. A ':' (colon) following the method name if the method has an input.
  3. A name and ':' for every additional input.

Selectors have no knowledge of:

  1. The input types
  2. The method's return type.

Here's a class implementation where performMethodsViaSelectors method performs the other class methods by way of selectors:

@implementation ClassForSelectors
- (void) fooNoInputs {
    NSLog(@"Does nothing");
- (void) fooOneIput:(NSString*) first {
    NSLog(@"Logs %@", first);
- (void) fooFirstInput:(NSString*) first secondInput:(NSString*) second {
    NSLog(@"Logs %@ then %@", first, second);
- (void) performMethodsViaSelectors {
    [self performSelector:@selector(fooNoInputs)];
    [self performSelector:@selector(fooOneInput:) withObject:@"first"];
    [self performSelector:@selector(fooFirstInput:secondInput:) withObject:@"first" withObject:@"second"];

The method you want to create a selector for has a single input, so you would create a selector for it like so:

SEL myTestSelector = @selector(myTest:);

How to get the PYTHONPATH in shell?

Adding to @zzzzzzz answer, I ran the command:python3 -c "import sys; print(sys.path)" and it provided me with different paths comparing to the same command with python. The paths that were displayed with python3 were "python3 oriented".

See the output of the two different commands:

python -c "import sys; print(sys.path)"

['', '/usr/lib/python2.7', '/usr/lib/python2.7/plat-x86_64-linux-gnu', '/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk', '/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-old', '/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload', '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages', '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/setuptools-39.1.0-py2.7.egg', '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages']

python3 -c "import sys; print(sys.path)"

['', '/usr/lib/', '/usr/lib/python3.6', '/usr/lib/python3.6/lib-dynload', '/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages', '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages']

Both commands were executed on my Ubuntu 18.04 machine.

Connecting to SQL Server Express - What is my server name?

Similar to what StuartLC was saying, my problem was not resolved until I enabled TCP/IP protocol under SQL Network Configuration>>Protocols for MSSQLSERVER in the SQL Server Configuration Manager dialogue box. After enabling this and a restart, my SSMS connected right away with just the instance name (no ~\MSSQLSERVER).

CSS vertical alignment text inside li

Give this solution a try

Works best in most of the cases

you may have to use div instead of li for that

.DivParent {_x000D_
    height: 100px;_x000D_
    border: 1px solid lime;_x000D_
    white-space: nowrap;_x000D_
.verticallyAlignedDiv {_x000D_
    display: inline-block;_x000D_
    vertical-align: middle;_x000D_
    white-space: normal;_x000D_
.DivHelper {_x000D_
    display: inline-block;_x000D_
    vertical-align: middle;_x000D_
<div class="DivParent">_x000D_
    <div class="verticallyAlignedDiv">_x000D_
        <p>Isnt it good!</p>_x000D_
    </div><div class="DivHelper"></div>_x000D_

Error: fix the version conflict (google-services plugin)

Update google services and Firebase library to latest version

google services

 classpath ''


 implementation ''

How to view the assembly behind the code using Visual C++?

Specify the /FA switch for the cl compiler. Depending on the value of the switch either only assembly code or high-level code and assembly code is integrated. The filename gets .asm file extension. Here are the supported values:

  • /FA Assembly code; .asm
  • /FAc Machine and assembly code; .cod
  • /FAs Source and assembly code; .asm
  • /FAcs Machine, source, and assembly code; .cod

mysql: get record count between two date-time

May be with:

SELECT count(*) FROM `table` 
    created_at>='2011-03-17 06:42:10' and created_at<='2011-03-17 07:42:50';

or use between:

SELECT count(*) FROM `table` 
    created_at between '2011-03-17 06:42:10' and '2011-03-17 07:42:50';

You can change the datetime as per your need. May be use curdate() or now() to get the desired dates.

How to turn off word wrapping in HTML?

I wonder why you find as solution the "white-space" with "nowrap" or "pre", it is not doing the correct behaviour: you force your text in a single line! The text should break lines, but not break words as default. This is caused by some css attributes: word-wrap, overflow-wrap, word-break, and hyphens. So you can have either:

word-break: break-all;
word-wrap: break-word;
overflow-wrap: break-word;
-webkit-hyphens: auto;
-moz-hyphens: auto;
-ms-hyphens: auto;
hyphens: auto;

So the solution is remove them, or override them with "unset" or "normal":

word-break: unset;
word-wrap: unset;
overflow-wrap: unset;
-webkit-hyphens: unset;
-moz-hyphens: unset;
-ms-hyphens: unset;
hyphens: unset;

UPDATE: i provide also proof with JSfiddle:

Uploading a file in Rails

Okay. If you do not want to store the file in database and store in the application, like assets (custom folder), you can define non-db instance variable defined by attr_accessor: document and use form_for - f.file_field to get the file,

In controller,

 @person =

Here person_params return whitelisted params[:person] (define yourself)

Save file as,

dir = "#{Rails.root}/app/assets/custom_path"
FileUtils.mkdir(dir) unless dir
document = @person.document.document_file_name # check document uploaded params
File.copy_stream(@font.document, "#{dir}/#{document}")

Note, Add this path in .gitignore & if you want to use this file again add this path asset_pathan of application by application.rb

Whenever form read file field, it get store in tmp folder, later you can store at your place, I gave example to store at assets

note: Storing files like this will increase the size of the application, better to store in the database using paperclip.

Match everything except for specified strings

Matching Anything but Given Strings

If you want to match the entire string where you want to match everything but certain strings you can do it like this:


This says, start the match from the beginning of the string where it cannot start and end with red, green, or blue and match anything else to the end of the string.

You can try it here:

Note that this only works with regex engines that support a negative lookahead.

How can I install a CPAN module into a local directory?

For Makefile.PL-based distributions, use the INSTALL_BASE option when generating Makefiles:

perl Makefile.PL INSTALL_BASE=/mydir/perl

Groovy String to Date

The first argument to parse() is the expected format. You have to change that to Date.parse("E MMM dd H:m:s z yyyy", testDate) for it to work. (Note you don't need to create a new Date object, it's a static method)

If you don't know in advance what format, you'll have to find a special parsing library for that. In Ruby there's a library called Chronic, but I'm not aware of a Groovy equivalent. Edit: There is a Java port of the library called jChronic, you might want to check it out.

Getting all files in directory with ajax

Javascript which runs on the client machine can't access the local disk file system due to security restrictions.

If you want to access the client's disk file system then look into an embedded client application which you serve up from your webpage, like an Applet, Silverlight or something like that. If you like to access the server's disk file system, then look for the solution in the server side corner using a server side programming language like Java, PHP, etc, whatever your webserver is currently using/supporting.

How to run specific test cases in GoogleTest

You could use advanced options to run Google tests.

To run only some unit tests you could use --gtest_filter=Test_Cases1* command line option with value that accepts the * and ? wildcards for matching with multiple tests. I think it will solve your problem.


Well, the question was how to run specific test cases. Integration of gtest with your GUI is another thing, which I can't really comment, because you didn't provide details of your approach. However I believe the following approach might be a good start:

  1. Get all testcases by running tests with --gtest_list_tests
  2. Parse this data into your GUI
  3. Select test cases you want ro run
  4. Run test executable with option --gtest_filter

Outlets cannot be connected to repeating content iOS

Sometimes Xcode could not control over correctly cell outlet connection.

Somehow my current cell’s label/button has connected another cell I just remove those and error goes away.

Is it safe to clean docker/overlay2/


/# df
/dev/xvda1      51467016 39384516   9886300  80% /

Ok, let's first try system prune

#/ docker system prune --volumes
/# df
/dev/xvda1      51467016 38613596  10657220  79% /

Not so great, seems like it cleaned up a few megabytes. Let's go crazy now:

/# sudo su
/# service docker stop
/# cd /var/lib/docker
/var/lib/docker# rm -rf *
/# service docker start
/var/lib/docker# df
/dev/xvda1      51467016 8086924  41183892  17% /

Nice! Just remember that this is NOT recommended in anything but a throw-away server. At this point Docker's internal database won't be able to find any of these overlays and it may cause unintended consequences.

How to use "raise" keyword in Python

It's used for raising errors.

if something:
    raise Exception('My error!')

Some examples here

Android Webview - Webpage should fit the device screen


will work, but remember to remove something like:

<meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no"/>

if existed in the html file or change user-scalable=yes, otherwise it won't.

PHP How to find the time elapsed since a date time?

Be warned, the majority of the mathematically calculated examples have a hard limit of 2038-01-18 dates and will not work with fictional dates.

As there was a lack of DateTime and DateInterval based examples, I wanted to provide a multi-purpose function that satisfies the OP's need and others wanting compound elapsed periods, such as 1 month 2 days ago. Along with a bunch of other use cases, such as a limit to display the date instead of the elapsed time, or to filter out portions of the elapsed time result.

Additionally the majority of the examples assume elapsed is from the current time, where the below function allows for it to be overridden with the desired end date.

 * multi-purpose function to calculate the time elapsed between $start and optional $end
 * @param string|null $start the date string to start calculation
 * @param string|null $end the date string to end calculation
 * @param string $suffix the suffix string to include in the calculated string
 * @param string $format the format of the resulting date if limit is reached or no periods were found
 * @param string $separator the separator between periods to use when filter is not true
 * @param null|string $limit date string to stop calculations on and display the date if reached - ex: 1 month
 * @param bool|array $filter false to display all periods, true to display first period matching the minimum, or array of periods to display ['year', 'month']
 * @param int $minimum the minimum value needed to include a period
 * @return string
function elapsedTimeString($start, $end = null, $limit = null, $filter = true, $suffix = 'ago', $format = 'Y-m-d', $separator = ' ', $minimum = 1)
    $dates = (object) array(
        'start' => new DateTime($start ? : 'now'),
        'end' => new DateTime($end ? : 'now'),
        'intervals' => array('y' => 'year', 'm' => 'month', 'd' => 'day', 'h' => 'hour', 'i' => 'minute', 's' => 'second'),
        'periods' => array()
    $elapsed = (object) array(
        'interval' => $dates->start->diff($dates->end),
        'unknown' => 'unknown'
    if ($elapsed->interval->invert === 1) {
        return trim('0 seconds ' . $suffix);
    if (false === empty($limit)) {
        $dates->limit = new DateTime($limit);
        if (date_create()->add($elapsed->interval) > $dates->limit) {
            return $dates->start->format($format) ? : $elapsed->unknown;
    if (true === is_array($filter)) {
        $dates->intervals = array_intersect($dates->intervals, $filter);
        $filter = false;
    foreach ($dates->intervals as $period => $name) {
        $value = $elapsed->interval->$period;
        if ($value >= $minimum) {
            $dates->periods[] = vsprintf('%1$s %2$s%3$s', array($value, $name, ($value !== 1 ? 's' : '')));
            if (true === $filter) {
    if (false === empty($dates->periods)) {
        return trim(vsprintf('%1$s %2$s', array(implode($separator, $dates->periods), $suffix)));

    return $dates->start->format($format) ? : $elapsed->unknown;

One thing to note - the retrieved intervals for the supplied filter values do not carry over to the next period. The filter merely displays the resulting value of the supplied periods and does not recalculate the periods to display only the desired filter total.


For the OP's need of displaying the highest period (as of 2015-02-24).

echo elapsedTimeString('2010-04-26');
/** 4 years ago */

To display compound periods and supply a custom end date (note the lack of time supplied and fictional dates).

echo elapsedTimeString('1920-01-01', '2500-02-24', null, false);
/** 580 years 1 month 23 days ago */

To display the result of filtered periods (ordering of array doesn't matter).

echo elapsedTimeString('2010-05-26', '2012-02-24', null, ['month', 'year']);
/** 1 year 8 months ago */

To display the start date in the supplied format (default Y-m-d) if the limit is reached.

echo elapsedTimeString('2010-05-26', '2012-02-24', '1 year');
/** 2010-05-26 */

There are bunch of other use cases. It can also easily be adapted to accept unix timestamps and/or DateInterval objects for the start, end, or limit arguments.

std::thread calling method of class

Not so hard:

#include <thread>

void Test::runMultiThread()
    std::thread t1(&Test::calculate, this,  0, 10);
    std::thread t2(&Test::calculate, this, 11, 20);

If the result of the computation is still needed, use a future instead:

#include <future>

void Test::runMultiThread()
     auto f1 = std::async(&Test::calculate, this,  0, 10);
     auto f2 = std::async(&Test::calculate, this, 11, 20);

     auto res1 = f1.get();
     auto res2 = f2.get();

How do I force git pull to overwrite everything on every pull?

If you haven't commit the local changes yet since the last pull/clone, you can use:

git checkout *
git pull

checkout will clear your local changes with the last local commit, and pull will sincronize it to the remote repository

Difference between Date(dateString) and new Date(dateString)

I know this is old but by far the easier solution is to just use

var temp = new Date("2010-08-17T12:09:36");

ISO time (ISO 8601) in Python

I agree with Jarek, and I furthermore note that the ISO offset separator character is a colon, so I think the final answer should be:

isodate.datetime_isoformat( + str.format('{0:+06.2f}', -float(time.timezone) / 3600).replace('.', ':')

how to parse JSON file with GSON

You have to fetch the whole data in the list and then do the iteration as it is a file and will become inefficient otherwise.

private static final Type REVIEW_TYPE = new TypeToken<List<Review>>() {
Gson gson = new Gson();
JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(new FileReader(filename));
List<Review> data = gson.fromJson(reader, REVIEW_TYPE); // contains the whole reviews list
data.toScreen(); // prints to screen some values

td widths, not working?

You can't specify units in width/height attributes of a table; these are always in pixels, but you should not use them at all since they are deprecated.

How to get AM/PM from a datetime in PHP

$dateTime = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone('Asia/Kolkata')); 
echo $dateTime->format("d/m/y  H:i A"); 

You can use this to display the date like this

22/06/15 10:46 AM

Undo a merge by pull request?

If you give the following command you'll get the list of activities including commits, merges.

git reflog

Your last commit should probably be at 'HEAD@{0}'. You can check the same with your commit message. To go to that point, use the command

git reset --hard 'HEAD@{0}'

Your merge will be reverted. If in case you have new files left, discard those changes from the merge.

How to export plots from matplotlib with transparent background?

Use the matplotlib savefig function with the keyword argument transparent=True to save the image as a png file.

In [30]: x = np.linspace(0,6,31)

In [31]: y = np.exp(-0.5*x) * np.sin(x)

In [32]: plot(x, y, 'bo-')
Out[32]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x3f29750>]            

In [33]: savefig('demo.png', transparent=True)

Result: demo.png

Of course, that plot doesn't demonstrate the transparency. Here's a screenshot of the PNG file displayed using the ImageMagick display command. The checkerboard pattern is the background that is visible through the transparent parts of the PNG file.

display screenshot

How to dynamically create generic C# object using reflection?

It seems to me the last line of your example code should simply be:

Task<Item> itsMe = o as Task<Item>;

Or am I missing something?

When is the finalize() method called in Java?

finalize method is not guaranteed.This method is called when the object becomes eligible for GC. There are many situations where the objects may not be garbage collected.

How to break long string to multiple lines

you may simply create your string in multiple steps, a bit redundant but it keeps the code readable and maintain sanity while debugging or editing

SqlQueryString = "Insert into Employee values(" 
SqlQueryString = SqlQueryString & txtEmployeeNo.Value & " ,"
SqlQueryString = SqlQueryString & " '" & txtEmployeeNo.Value & "',"
SqlQueryString = SqlQueryString & " '" & txtContractStartDate.Value & "',"
SqlQueryString = SqlQueryString & " '" & txtSeatNo.Value & "',"
SqlQueryString = SqlQueryString & " '" & txtContractStartDate.Value & "',"
SqlQueryString = SqlQueryString & " '" & txtSeatNo.Value & "',"
SqlQueryString = SqlQueryString & " '" & txtFloor.Value & "',"
SqlQueryString = SqlQueryString & " '" & txtLeaves.Value & "' )"

How do I parse a string to a float or int?

def num(s):
    num('3')-->3, num('3.7')-->3.7
    num('3e4') --> 30000.0
        return int(s)
    except ValueError:
            return float(s)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError('argument is not a string of number')

Change the spacing of tick marks on the axis of a plot?

I have a data set with Time as the x-axis, and Intensity as y-axis. I'd need to first delete all the default axes except the axes' labels with:


Then I rebuild the plot's elements with:

box() # create a wrap around the points plotted
axis(labels=NA,side=1,tck=-0.015,at=c(seq(from=0,to=1000,by=100))) # labels = NA prevents the creation of the numbers and tick marks, tck is how long the tick mark is.
axis(lwd=0,side=1,line=-0.4,at=c(seq(from=0,to=1000,by=100))) # lwd option sets the tick mark to 0 length because tck already takes care of the mark
axis(lwd=0,line=-0.4,side=2,las=1) # las changes the direction of the number labels to horizontal instead of vertical.

So, at = c(...) specifies the collection of positions to put the tick marks. Here I'd like to put the marks at 0, 100, 200,..., 1000. seq(from =...,to =...,by =...) gives me the choice of limits and the increments.

ASP.NET MVC Bundle not rendering script files on staging server. It works on development server

For me, the fix was to upgrade the version of System.Web.Optimization to When I was at version it would never resolve a .map file in a subdirectory (i.e. correctly minify and bundle scripts in a subdirectory)

Importing a csv into mysql via command line

You can simply import by

mysqlimport --ignore-lines=1 --lines-terminated-by='\n' --fields-terminated-by=',' --fields-enclosed-by='"' --verbose --local -uroot -proot db_name csv_import.csv

Note: Csv File name and Table name should be same

How to persist data in a dockerized postgres database using volumes

I would avoid using a relative path. Remember that docker is a daemon/client relationship.

When you are executing the compose, it's essentially just breaking down into various docker client commands, which are then passed to the daemon. That ./database is then relative to the daemon, not the client.

Now, the docker dev team has some back and forth on this issue, but the bottom line is it can have some unexpected results.

In short, don't use a relative path, use an absolute path.

What's a good IDE for Python on Mac OS X?

"Which editor/IDE for ...?" is a longstanding way to start a "My dog is too prettier than yours!" slapfest. Nowadays most editors from vim upwards can be used, there are multiple good alternatives, and even IDEs that started as C or Java tools work pretty well with Python and other dynamic languages.

That said, having tried a bunch of IDEs (Eclipse, NetBeans, XCode, Komodo, PyCharm, ...), I am a fan of ActiveState's Komodo IDE. I use it on Mac OS X primarily, though I've used it for years on Windows as well. The one license follows you to any platform.

Komodo is well-integrated with popular ActiveState builds of the languages themselves (esp. for Windows), works well with the fabulous (and Pythonic) Mercurial change management system (among others), and has good-to-excellent abilities for core tasks like code editing, syntax coloring, code completion, real-time syntax checking, and visual debugging. It is a little weak when it comes to pre-integrated refactoring and code-check tools (e.g. rope, pylint), but it is extensible and has a good facility for integrating external and custom tools.

Some of the things I like about Komodo go beyond the write-run-debug loop. ActiveState has long supported the development community (e.g. with free language builds, package repositories, a recipes site, ...), since before dynamic languages were the trend. The base Komodo Edit editor is free and open source, an extension of Mozilla's Firefox technologies. And Komodo is multi-lingual. I never end up doing just Python, just Perl, or just whatever. Komodo works with the core language (Python, Perl, Ruby, PHP, JavaScript) alongside supporting languages (XML, XSLT, SQL, X/HTML, CSS), non-dynamic languages (Java, C, etc.), and helpers (Makefiles, INI and config files, shell scripts, custom little languages, etc.) Others can do that too, but Komodo puts them all in once place, ready to go. It's a Swiss Army Knife for dynamic languages. (This is contra PyCharm, e.g., which is great itself, but I'd need like a half-dozen of JetBrains' individual IDEs to cover all the things I do).

Komodo IDE is by no means perfect, and editors/IDEs are the ultimate YMMV choice. But I am regularly delighted to use it, and every year I re-up my support subscription quite happily. Indeed, I just remembered! That's coming up this month. Credit card: Out. I have no commercial connection to ActiveState--just a happy customer.

jquery.ajax Access-Control-Allow-Origin

At my work we have our restful services on a different port number and the data resides in db2 on a pair of AS400s. We typically use the $.getJSON AJAX method because it easily returns JSONP using the ?callback=? without having any issues with CORS.

data ='USER=<?echo trim($USER)?>' +
         '&QRYTYPE=' + $("input[name=QRYTYPE]:checked").val();

        //Call the REST program/method returns: JSONP 
        $.getJSON( "",data)
        .done(function( json ) {        

              //  loading...
                if ($.trim(json.ERROR) != '') {


        .fail(function( jqXHR, textStatus, error ) {
        var err = textStatus + ", " + error;
        alert('Unable to Connect to Server.\n Try again Later.\n Request Failed: ' + err);

Getting value of selected item in list box as string

Elaborating on previous answer by Pir Fahim, he's right but i'm using selectedItem.Text (only way to make it work to me)

Use the SelectedIndexChanged() event to store the data somewhere. In my case, i usually fill a custom class, something like:

class myItem {
    string name {get; set;}
    string price {get; set;}
    string desc {get; set;}

private void listBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     myItem selected_item = new myItem();  = listBox1.SelectedItem.Text;
     Retrieve (;

And then you can retrieve the rest of data from a List of "myItems"..

myItem Retrieve (string wanted_item) {
    foreach (myItem item in my_items_list) {
        if ( == wanted_item) {
               // This is the selected item
               return item; 
    return null;

how to fix groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method:

In my case it was simply that I had a variable named the same as a function.


def cleanCache = functionReturningABoolean()

if( cleanCache ){
    echo "Clean cache option is true, do not uninstall previous features / urls"
    uninstallCmd = ""
    // and we call the cleanCache method
    cleanCache(userId, serverName)

and later in my code I have the function:

def cleanCache(user, server){

 //some operations to the server


Apparently the Groovy language does not support this (but other languages like Java does). I just renamed my function to executeCleanCache and it works perfectly (or you can also rename your variable whatever option you prefer).

Pandas - How to flatten a hierarchical index in columns

To flatten a MultiIndex inside a chain of other DataFrame methods, define a function like this:

def flatten_index(df):
  df_copy = df.copy()
  df_copy.columns = ['_'.join(col).rstrip('_') for col in df_copy.columns.values]
  return df_copy.reset_index()

Then use the pipe method to apply this function in the chain of DataFrame methods, after groupby and agg but before any other methods in the chain:

my_df \
  .groupby('group') \
  .agg({'value': ['count']}) \
  .pipe(flatten_index) \

TypeError: unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray'

numpy.ndarray can contain any type of element, e.g. int, float, string etc. Check the type an do a conversion if neccessary.

How to check a radio button with jQuery?

Pure JS is Simpler


checkBtn.onclick = e=> console.log( radio_1.checked );
<!-- Question html -->
    <div id='type'>
        <input type='radio' id='radio_1' name='type' value='1' />
        <input type='radio' id='radio_2' name='type' value='2' />
        <input type='radio' id='radio_3' name='type' value='3' /> 

<!-- Test html -->
<button id="checkBtn">Check</button>

Search for a string in all tables, rows and columns of a DB

@NLwino, yery good query with a few errors for keyword usage. I had to modify it a little to wrap the keywords with [ ] and also look char and ntext columns.

    DECLARE @searchstring  NVARCHAR(255)
    SET @searchstring = '%WDB1014%'

    DECLARE @sql NVARCHAR(max)

    SELECT @sql = STUFF((
      SELECT ' UNION ALL SELECT ''' + TABLE_NAME + ''' AS tbl, ''' + COLUMN_NAME + ''' AS col, [' + COLUMN_NAME + '] AS val' + 
        ' FROM ' + TABLE_SCHEMA + '.[' + TABLE_NAME + 
        '] WHERE [' + COLUMN_NAME + '] LIKE ''' + @searchstring + ''''
        WHERE DATA_TYPE in ('nvarchar', 'varchar', 'char', 'ntext')
                  FOR XML PATH('')
             ) ,1, 11, '')

    Exec (@sql)

I ran it on 2.5 GB database and it came back in 51 seconds

sort csv by column

The reader acts like a generator. On a file with some fake data:

>>> import sys, csv
>>> data = csv.reader(open('data.csv'),delimiter=';')
>>> data
<_csv.reader object at 0x1004a11a0>
['a', ' b', ' c']
['x', ' y', ' z']
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

Using operator.itemgetter as Ignacio suggests:

>>> data = csv.reader(open('data.csv'),delimiter=';')
>>> import operator
>>> sortedlist = sorted(data, key=operator.itemgetter(2), reverse=True)
>>> sortedlist
[['x', ' y', ' z'], ['a', ' b', ' c']]

MD5 is 128 bits but why is it 32 characters?

A hex "character" (nibble) is different from a "character"

To be clear on the bits vs byte, vs characters.

  • 1 byte is 8 bits (for our purposes)
  • 8 bits provides 2**8 possible combinations: 256 combinations

When you look at a hex character,

  • 16 combinations of [0-9] + [a-f]: the full range of 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b,c,d,e,f
  • 16 is less than 256, so one one hex character does not store a byte.
  • 16 is 2**4: that means one hex character can store 4 bits in a byte (half a byte).
  • Therefore, two hex characters, can store 8 bits, 2**8 combinations.
  • A byte represented as a hex character is [0-9a-f][0-9a-f] and that represents both halfs of a byte (we call a half-byte a nibble).

When you look at a regular single-byte character, (we're totally going to skip multi-byte and wide-characters here)

  • It can store far more than 16 combinations.
  • The capabilities of the character are determined by the encoding. For instance, the ISO 8859-1 that stores an entire byte, stores all this stuff
  • All that stuff takes the entire 2**8 range.
  • If a hex-character in an md5() could store all that, you'd see all the lowercase letters, all the uppercase letters, all the punctuation and things like ¡°ÀÐàð, whitespace like (newlines, and tabs), and control characters (which you can't even see and many of which aren't in use).

So they're clearly different and I hope that provides the best break down of the differences.

Get key by value in dictionary

Try this one-liner to reverse a dictionary:

reversed_dictionary = dict(map(reversed, dictionary.items()))

convert string date to java.sql.Date

worked for me too:

SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
    Date parsed = null;
    try {
        parsed = sdf.parse("02/01/2014");
    } catch (ParseException e1) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    java.sql.Date data = new java.sql.Date(parsed.getTime());
    contato.setDataNascimento( data);

    // Contato DataNascimento era Calendar

    // grave nessa conexão!!! 
    ContatoDao dao = new ContatoDao("mysql");           

    // método elegante 
    System.out.println("Banco: ["+dao.getNome()+"] Gravado! Data: "+contato.getDataNascimento());

Can you set a border opacity in CSS?

As others have mentioned: CSS-3 says that you can use the rgba(...) syntax to specify a border color with an opacity (alpha) value.

here's a quick example if you'd like to check it.

  • It works in Safari and Chrome (probably works in all webkit browsers).

  • It works in Firefox

  • I doubt that it works at all in IE, but I suspect that there is some filter or behavior that will make it work.

There's also this stackoverflow post, which suggests some other issues--namely, that the border renders on-top-of any background color (or background image) that you've specified; thus limiting the usefulness of border alpha in many cases.

Getting URL

You can use api to create facebook short urls find the documentation here

How can I clear an HTML file input with JavaScript?

The above answers offer somewhat clumsy solutions for the following reasons:

  1. I don't like having to wrap the input first and then getting the html, it is very involved and dirty.

  2. Cross browser JS is handy and it seems that in this case there are too many unknowns to reliably use type switching (which, again, is a bit dirty) and setting value to ''

So I offer you my jQuery based solution:


It does what it says, it replaces the input with a clone of itself. The clone won't have the file selected.


  1. Simple and understandable code
  2. No clumsy wrapping or type switching
  3. Cross browser compatibility (correct me if I am wrong here)

Result: Happy programmer

Update data on a page without refreshing

You can read about jQuery Ajax from official jQuery Site:

If you don't want to use any click event then you can set timer for periodically update.

Below code may be help you just example.

function update() {
  $.get("response.php", function(data) {
    window.setTimeout(update, 10000);

Above function will call after every 10 seconds and get content from response.php and update in #some_div.

Why "no projects found to import"?

One solution to this is to use Maven. From the project root folder do mvn eclipse:clean followed by mvn eclipse:eclipse. This will generate the .project and .classpath files required by eclipse.

embedding image in html email

Using Base64 to embed images in html is awesome. Nonetheless, please notice that base64 strings can make your email size big.


1) If you have many images, uploading your images to a server and loading those images from the server can make your email size smaller. (You can get a lot of free services via Google)

2) If there are just a few images in your mail, using base64 strings is definitely an awesome option.

Besides the choices provided by existing answers, you can also use a command to generate a base64 string on linux:

base64 test.jpg

Is there a combination of "LIKE" and "IN" in SQL?

This works for comma separated values

SELECT ' AND (a.arc_checknum LIKE ''%' + REPLACE(@arc_checknum,',','%'' OR a.arc_checknum LIKE ''%') + '%'')''

Evaluates to:

 AND (a.arc_checknum LIKE '%ABC%' OR a.arc_checknum LIKE '%135%' OR a.arc_checknum LIKE '%MED%' OR a.arc_checknum LIKE '%ASFSDFSF%' OR a.arc_checknum LIKE '%AXX%')

If you want it to use indexes, you must omit the first '%' character.

Spring Boot application as a Service

Following up on Chad's excellent answer, if you get an error of "Error: Could not find or load main class" - and you spend a couple hours trying to troubleshoot it, whether your executing a shell script that starts your java app or starting it from systemd itself - and you know your classpath is 100% correct, e.g. manually running the shell script works as well as running what you have in systemd execstart. Be sure you're running things as the correct user! In my case, I had tried different users, after quite a while of troubleshooting - i finally had a hunch, put root as the user - voila, the app started correctly. After determining it was a wrong user issue, I chown -R user:user the folder and subfolders and the app ran correctly as the specified user and group so no longer needed to run it as root (bad security).

What is a "method" in Python?

It's a function which is a member of a class:

class C:
    def my_method(self):
        print("I am a C")

c = C()
c.my_method()  # Prints("I am a C")

Simple as that!

(There are also some alternative kinds of method, allowing you to control the relationship between the class and the function. But I'm guessing from your question that you're not asking about that, but rather just the basics.)

Definitive way to trigger keypress events with jQuery

It can be accomplished like this docs

$('input').trigger("keydown", {which: 50});

How can I calculate divide and modulo for integers in C#?

Read two integers from the user. Then compute/display the remainder and quotient,

// When the larger integer is divided by the smaller integer
Console.WriteLine("Enter integer 1 please :");
double a5 = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Enter integer 2 please :");
double b5 = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

double div = a5 / b5;

double mod = a5 % b5;


jQuery append text inside of an existing paragraph tag

I have just discovered a way to append text and its working fine at least.

 var text = 'Put any text here';

You can change text according to your need.

Hope this helps.

How do I replace a double-quote with an escape-char double-quote in a string using JavaScript?

The other answers will work for most strings, but you can end up unescaping an already escaped double quote, which is probably not what you want.

To work correctly, you are going to need to escape all backslashes and then escape all double quotes, like this:

var test_str = '"first \\" middle \\" last "';
var result = test_str.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\').replace(/\"/g, '\\"');

depending on how you need to use the string, and the other escaped charaters involved, this may still have some issues, but I think it will probably work in most cases.

NodeJs : TypeError: require(...) is not a function

For me, when I do Immediately invoked function, I need to put ; at the end of require().


const fs = require('fs')

(() => {


const fs = require('fs');

(() => {

SQL Server 2005 Using DateAdd to add a day to a date

DECLARE @MyDate datetime

-- ... set your datetime's initial value ...'

DATEADD(d, 1, @MyDate)

Failed to start mongod.service: Unit mongod.service not found

May be you are using a wrong version of mongodb list file. I faced this problem but it's my mistake when not selecting the right list file for Ubuntu 16.04. The default selected is for Ubuntu 14.04 and it's the reason for my error: "Failed to start mongod.service: Unit mongod.service not found." enter image description here

Efficiently sorting a numpy array in descending order?

Unfortunately when you have a complex array, only np.sort(temp)[::-1] works properly. The two other methods mentioned here are not effective.

CSS disable hover effect

Add the following to add hover effect on disabled button:

    /*your code goes here*/     

CSS styling in Django forms

One solution is to use JavaScript to add the required CSS classes after the page is ready. For example, styling django form output with bootstrap classes (jQuery used for brevity):

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {
        $('#some_django_form_id').find("input[type='text'], select, textarea").each(function(index, element) {

This avoids the ugliness of mixing styling specifics with your business logic.

C compile : collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

  1. Go to Advanced System Settings in the computer properties
  2. Click on Advanced
  3. Click for the environment variable
  4. Choose the path option
  5. Change the path option to bin folder of dev c
  6. Apply and save it
  7. Now resave the code in the bin folder in developer c

How to use JQuery with ReactJS

You should try and avoid jQuery in ReactJS. But if you really want to use it, you'd put it in componentDidMount() lifecycle function of the component.


class App extends React.Component {
  componentDidMount() {
    // Jquery here $(...)...

  // ...

Ideally, you'd want to create a reusable Accordion component. For this you could use Jquery, or just use plain javascript + CSS.

class Accordion extends React.Component {
  constructor() {
    this._handleClick = this._handleClick.bind(this);

  componentDidMount() {

  _handleClick() {
    const acc = this._acc.children;
    for (let i = 0; i < acc.length; i++) {
      let a = acc[i];
      a.onclick = () => a.classList.toggle("active");

  render() {
    return (
        ref={a => this._acc = a} 

Then you can use it in any component like so:

class App extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
          <div className="accor">
            <div className="head">Head 1</div>
            <div className="body"></div>

Codepen link here: (I changed this link to https ^)

How to: Add/Remove Class on mouseOver/mouseOut - JQuery .hover?

Your selector is missing a . and though you say you want to change the border-color - you're adding and removing a class that sets the background-color

How can I check if a URL exists via PHP?

function url_exists($url) {
    $headers = @get_headers($url);
    return (strpos($headers[0],'200')===false)? false:true;

UIImage resize (Scale proportion)

Try to make the bounds's size integer.

#include <math.h>

    if (ratio > 1) {
        bounds.size.width = resolution;
        bounds.size.height = round(bounds.size.width / ratio);
    } else {
        bounds.size.height = resolution;
        bounds.size.width = round(bounds.size.height * ratio);

How to implement a custom AlertDialog View

AlertDialog.setView(View view) does add the given view to the FrameLayout. The following is a snippet of Android source code from AlertController.setupView() which finally handles this (mView is the view given to AlertDialog.setView method).

FrameLayout custom = (FrameLayout) mWindow.findViewById(**custom**);
custom.addView(**mView**, new LayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, FILL_PARENT));

Button Width Match Parent

  width: double.infinity,
  child: RaisedButton(...),

How to remove extension from string (only real extension!)

I found many examples on the Google but there are bad because just remove part of string with "."

Actually that is absolutely the correct thing to do. Go ahead and use that.

The file extension is everything after the last dot, and there is no requirement for a file extension to be any particular number of characters. Even talking only about Windows, it already comes with file extensions that don't fit 3-4 characters, such as eg. .manifest.

Regex select all text between tags

You can use Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile( "[^<'tagname'/>]" );

Best way to store a key=>value array in JavaScript?

You can use Map.

  • A new data structure introduced in JavaScript ES6.
  • Alternative to JavaScript Object for storing key/value pairs.
  • Has useful methods for iteration over the key/value pairs.
var map = new Map();
map.set('name', 'John');
map.set('id', 11);

// Get the full content of the Map
console.log(map); // Map { 'name' => 'John', 'id' => 11 }

Get value of the Map using key

console.log(map.get('name')); // John 
console.log(map.get('id')); // 11

Get size of the Map

console.log(map.size); // 2

Check key exists in Map

console.log(map.has('name')); // true
console.log(map.has('age')); // false

Get keys

console.log(map.keys()); // MapIterator { 'name', 'id' }

Get values

console.log(map.values()); // MapIterator { 'John', 11 }

Get elements of the Map

for (let element of map) {

// Output:
// [ 'name', 'John' ]
// [ 'id', 11 ]

Print key value pairs

for (let [key, value] of map) {
  console.log(key + " - " + value);

// Output: 
// name - John
// id - 11

Print only keys of the Map

for (let key of map.keys()) {

// Output:
// name
// id

Print only values of the Map

for (let value of map.values()) {

// Output:
// John
// 11

How to display a json array in table format?

var data = [
        id : "001",
        name : "apple",
        category : "fruit",
        color : "red"
        id : "002",
        name : "melon",
        category : "fruit",
        color : "green"
        id : "003",
        name : "banana",
        category : "fruit",
        color : "yellow"

for(var i = 0, len = data.length; i < length; i++) {
    var temp = '<tr><td>' + data[i].id + '</td>';
    temp+= '<td>' + data[i].name+ '</td>';
    temp+= '<td>' + data[i].category + '</td>';
    temp+= '<td>' + data[i].color + '</td></tr>';
    $('table tbody').append(temp));

What is mapDispatchToProps?

It's basically a shorthand. So instead of having to write:


You would use mapDispatchToProps as shown in your example code, and then elsewhere write:


or more likely in this case, you'd have that as the event handler:

<MyComponent onClick={this.props.onTodoClick} />

There's a helpful video by Dan Abramov on this here:

PostgreSQL Autoincrement

If you want to add sequence to id in the table which already exist you can use:

CREATE SEQUENCE user_id_seq;
ALTER TABLE user ALTER user_id SET DEFAULT NEXTVAL('user_id_seq');

C#: List All Classes in Assembly

I'd just like to add to Jon's example. To get a reference to your own assembly, you can use:

Assembly myAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();

System.Reflection namespace.

If you want to examine an assembly that you have no reference to, you can use either of these:

Assembly assembly = Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoad(fullAssemblyName);
Assembly assembly = Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom(fileName);

If you intend to instantiate your type once you've found it:

Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load(fullAssemblyName);
Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(fileName);

See the Assembly class documentation for more information.

Once you have the reference to the Assembly object, you can use assembly.GetTypes() like Jon already demonstrated.

How to change the default docker registry from to my private registry?

It turns out this is actually possible, but not using the genuine Docker CE or EE version.

You can either use Red Hat's fork of docker with the '--add-registry' flag or you can build docker from source yourself with registry/config.go modified to use your own hard-coded default registry namespace/index.

insert vertical divider line between two nested divs, not full height

Use a div for your divider. It will always be centered vertically regardless to whether left and right divs are equal in height. You can reuse it anywhere on your site.

    border-left:1px solid white;

Check working example at

Bootstrap 3 Glyphicons are not working

Make sure you aren't over specifying the font family, for example

*{font-family: Verdana;}

will remove the halflings font from i elements.

dereferencing pointer to incomplete type

A - Solution

Speaking for C language, I've just found ampirically that following declaration code will be the solution;

typedef struct ListNode
    int data;
    ListNode * prev;
    ListNode * next;
} ListNode;

So as a general rule, I give the same name both for both type definition and name of the struct;

typedef struct X
    // code for additional types here
    X* prev; // reference to pointer
    X* next; // reference to pointer
} X;

B - Problemetic Samples

Where following declarations are considered both incomplete by the gcc compiler when executing following statement. ;

removed->next->prev = removed->prev;

And I get same error for the dereferencing code reported in the error output;

>gcc Main.c LinkedList.c -o Main.exe -w
LinkedList.c: In function 'removeFromList':
LinkedList.c:166:18: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type 'struct ListNode'
     removed->next->prev = removed->prev;

For both of the header file declarations listed below;

typedef struct
    int data;
    ListNode * prev;
    ListNode * next;
} ListNode;

Plus this one;

typedef struct ListNodeType
    int data;
    ListNode * prev;
    ListNode * next;
} ListNode;

How To Convert A Number To an ASCII Character?

To get ascii to a number, you would just cast your char value into an integer.

char ascii = 'a'
int value = (int)ascii

Variable value will now have 97 which corresponds to the value of that ascii character

(Use this link for reference)

Spring Boot application in eclipse, the Tomcat connector configured to listen on port XXXX failed to start

On the console, looking at the topmost right side of the dialog you should see a red button kinda like a buzzer. To stop the spring boot application properly you just ran, go ahead and hit this particular "red" button and your problem is solved. Hope this helps!

Check whether a cell contains a substring

It's an old question but I think it is still valid.

Since there is no CONTAINS function, why not declare it in VBA? The code below uses the VBA Instr function, which looks for a substring in a string. It returns 0 when the string is not found.

Public Function CONTAINS(TextString As String, SubString As String) As Integer
    CONTAINS = InStr(1, TextString, SubString)
End Function

how to set ul/li bullet point color?

Apply the color to the li and set the span (or other child element) color to whatever color the text should be.

    list-style-type: square;

ul > li
    color: green;

ul > li > span
    color: black;


Putting an if-elif-else statement on one line?

You can optionally actually use the get method of a dict:

x = {i<100: -1, -10<=i<=10: 0, i>100: 1}.get(True, 2)

You don't need the get method if one of the keys is guaranteed to evaluate to True:

x = {i<0: -1, i==0: 0, i>0: 1}[True]

At most one of the keys should ideally evaluate to True. If more than one key evaluates to True, the results could seem unpredictable.

Correctly Parsing JSON in Swift 3


If I create model using previous json Using this link [blog]: to generate Codable structure or Any Format


import Foundation
struct RootClass : Codable {
    let user : [Users]?
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case user = "User"

    init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        let values = try? decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
        user = try? values?.decodeIfPresent([Users].self, forKey: .user)

struct Users : Codable {
    let firstUser : FirstUser?
    let information : String?
    let secondUser : SecondUser?
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case firstUser = "FirstUser"
        case information = "Information"
        case secondUser = "SecondUser"
    init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        let values = try? decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
        firstUser = try? FirstUser(from: decoder)
        information = try? values?.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .information)
        secondUser = try? SecondUser(from: decoder)
struct SecondUser : Codable {
    let name : String?
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case name = "name"
    init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        let values = try? decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
        name = try? values?.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .name)
struct FirstUser : Codable {
    let name : String?
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case name = "name"
    init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        let values = try? decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
        name = try? values?.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .name)


    do {
        let res = try JSONDecoder().decode(RootClass.self, from: data)
        print(res?.user?.first?.firstUser?.name ?? "Yours optional value")
    } catch {

In Unix, how do you remove everything in the current directory and below it?

Will delete all files/directories below the current one.

find -mindepth 1 -delete

If you want to do the same with another directory whose name you have, you can just name that

find <name-of-directory> -mindepth 1 -delete

If you want to remove not only the sub-directories and files of it, but also the directory itself, omit -mindepth 1. Do it without the -delete to get a list of the things that will be removed.

Scheduling Python Script to run every hour accurately

the simplest option I can suggest is using the schedule library.

In your question, you said "I will need to run a function once every hour" the code to do this is very simple:

    import schedule

    def thing_you_wanna_do():


    while True:

you also asked how to do something at a certain time of the day some examples of how to do this are:

    import schedule

    def thing_you_wanna_do():

    # If you would like some randomness / variation you could also do something like this

    while True:

90% of the code used is the example code of the schedule library. Happy scheduling!

How to import data from text file to mysql database

1. if it's tab delimited txt file:



2. otherwise:


FIELDS TERMINATED BY 'x' (here x could be comma ',', tab '\t', semicolon ';', space ' ')


Recover sa password

best answer written by Dmitri Korotkevitch:

Speaking of the installation, SQL Server 2008 allows you to set authentication mode (Windows or SQL Server) during the installation process. You will be forced to choose the strong password for sa user in the case if you choose sql server authentication mode during setup.

If you install SQL Server with Windows Authentication mode and want to change it, you need to do 2 different things:

  1. Go to SQL Server Properties/Security tab and change the mode to SQL Server authentication mode

  2. Go to security/logins, open SA login properties

a. Uncheck "Enforce password policy" and "Enforce password expiration" check box there if you decide to use weak password

b. Assign password to SA user

c. Open "Status" tab and enable login.

I don't need to mention that every action from above would violate security best practices that recommend to use windows authentication mode, have sa login disabled and use strong passwords especially for sa login.

How to increase request timeout in IIS?

I know the question was about ASP but maybe somebody will find this answer helpful.

If you have a server behind the IIS 7.5 (e.g. Tomcat). In my case I have a server farm with Tomcat server configured. In such case you can change the timeout using the IIS Manager:

  • go to Server Farms -> {Server Name} -> Proxy
  • change the value in the Time-out entry box
  • click Apply (top-right corner)

or you can change it in the cofig file:

  • open %WinDir%\System32\Inetsrv\Config\applicationHost.config
  • adjust the server webFarm configuration to be similar to the following


<webFarm name="${SERVER_NAME}" enabled="true"> 
  <server address="${SERVER_ADDRESS}" enabled="true">
    <applicationRequestRouting httpPort="${SERVER_PORT}" />
    <protocol timeout="${TIME}" />

The ${TIME} is in HH:mm:ss format (so if you want to set it to 90 seconds then put there 00:01:30)

In case of Tomcat (and probably other servlet containers) you have to remember to change the timeout in the %TOMCAT_DIR%\conf\server.xml (just search for connectionTimeout attribute in Connector tag, and remember that it is specified in milliseconds)

why windows 7 task scheduler task fails with error 2147942667

For me it was the "Start In" - I copied the values from an older server, and updated the path to the new .exe location, but I forgot to update the "start in" location - if it doesn't exist, you get this error too

Quoting @hans-passant 's comment from above, because it is valuable to debugging this issue:

Convert the error code to hex to get 0x8007010B. The 7 makes it a Windows error. Which makes 010B error code 267. "The directory name is invalid". Sure, that happens.

Accessing a class' member variables in Python?

If you have an instance function (i.e. one that gets passed self) you can use self to get a reference to the class using self.__class__

For example in the code below tornado creates an instance to handle get requests, but we can get hold of the get_handler class and use it to hold a riak client so we do not need to create one for every request.

import tornado.web
import riak

class get_handler(tornado.web.requestHandler):
    riak_client = None

    def post(self):
        cls = self.__class__
        if cls.riak_client is None:
            cls.riak_client = riak.RiakClient(pb_port=8087, protocol='pbc')
        # Additional code to send response to the request ...

How can I check if a value is a json object?

If you have jQuery, use isPlainObject.

if ($.isPlainObject(my_var)) {}

Check to see if python script is running

Drop a pidfile somewhere (e.g. /tmp). Then you can check to see if the process is running by checking to see if the PID in the file exists. Don't forget to delete the file when you shut down cleanly, and check for it when you start up.

#/usr/bin/env python

import os
import sys

pid = str(os.getpid())
pidfile = "/tmp/"

if os.path.isfile(pidfile):
    print "%s already exists, exiting" % pidfile
file(pidfile, 'w').write(pid)
    # Do some actual work here

Then you can check to see if the process is running by checking to see if the contents of /tmp/ are an existing process. Monit (mentioned above) can do this for you, or you can write a simple shell script to check it for you using the return code from ps.

ps up `cat /tmp/ ` >/dev/null && echo "Running" || echo "Not running"

For extra credit, you can use the atexit module to ensure that your program cleans up its pidfile under any circumstances (when killed, exceptions raised, etc.).

How to check if text fields are empty on form submit using jQuery?

you need to add a handler to the form submit event. In the handler you need to check for each text field, select element and password fields if there values are non empty.

$('form').submit(function() {
     var res = true;
     // here I am checking for textFields, password fields, and any 
     // drop down you may have in the form
     $("input[type='text'],select,input[type='password']",this).each(function() {
         if($(this).val().trim() == "") {
             res = false; 
     return res; // returning false will prevent the form from submitting.

How does origin/HEAD get set?

It is your setting as the owner of your local repo. Change it like this:

git remote set-head origin some_branch

And origin/HEAD will point to your branch instead of master. This would then apply to your repo only and not for others. By default, it will point to master, unless something else has been configured on the remote repo.

Manual entry for remote set-head provides some good information on this.

Edit: to emphasize: without you telling it to, the only way it would "move" would be a case like renaming the master branch, which I don't think is considered "organic". So, I would say organically it does not move.

Python POST binary data

you need to add Content-Disposition header, smth like this (although I used mod-python here, but principle should be the same):

request.headers_out['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=%s' % myfname

Declaring a variable and setting its value from a SELECT query in Oracle

For storing a single row output into a variable from the select into query :

declare v_username varchare(20); SELECT username into v_username FROM users WHERE user_id = '7';

this will store the value of a single record into the variable v_username.

For storing multiple rows output into a variable from the select into query :

you have to use listagg function. listagg concatenate the resultant rows of a coloumn into a single coloumn and also to differentiate them you can use a special symbol. use the query as below SELECT listagg(username || ',' ) within group (order by username) into v_username FROM users;

Accessing a resource via codebehind in WPF

Not exactly direct answer, but strongly related:

In case the resources are in a different file - for example ResourceDictionary.xaml

You can simply add x:Class to it:

<ResourceDictionary x:Class="Namespace.NewClassName"
                    xmlns:x="" >
    <ds:MyCollection x:Key="myKey" x:Name="myName" />

And then use it in code behind:

var res = new Namespace.NewClassName();
var col = res["myKey"];

Storing WPF Image Resources

Yes, it is the right way.

You could use the image in the resource file just using the path:

<Image Source="..\Media\Image.png" />

You must set the build action of the image file to "Resource".

URL encoding the space character: + or %20?

A space may only be encoded to "+" in the "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" content-type key-value pairs query part of an URL. In my opinion, this is a MAY, not a MUST. In the rest of URLs, it is encoded as %20.

In my opinion, it's better to always encode spaces as %20, not as "+", even in the query part of an URL, because it is the HTML specification (RFC-1866) that specified that space characters should be encoded as "+" in "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" content-type key-value pairs (see paragraph 8.2.1. subparagraph 1.)

This way of encoding form data is also given in later HTML specifications. For example, look for relevant paragraphs about application/x-www-form-urlencoded in HTML 4.01 Specification, and so on.

Here is a sample string in URL where the HTML specification allows encoding spaces as pluses: "". So, only after "?", spaces can be replaced by pluses. In other cases, spaces should be encoded to %20. But since it's hard to correctly determine the context, it's the best practice to never encode spaces as "+".

I would recommend to percent-encode all character except "unreserved" defined in RFC-3986, p.2.3

unreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"

The implementation depends on the programming language that you chose.

If your URL contains national characters, first encode them to UTF-8 and then percent-encode the result.

What does "fatal: bad revision" mean?

Git revert only accepts commits

From the docs:

Given one or more existing commits, revert the changes that the related patches introduce ...

myFile is intepretted as a commit - because git revert doesn't accept file paths; only commits

Change one file to match a previous commit

To change one file to match a previous commit - use git checkout

git checkout HEAD~2 myFile

How to find the nearest parent of a Git branch?

git parent

You can just run the command

git parent

to find the parent of the branch, if you add the @Joe Chrysler's answer as a git alias. It will simplify the usage.

Open gitconfig file located at "~/.gitconfig" by using any text editor. ( For linux). And for Windows the ".gitconfig" path is generally located at c:\users\your-user\.gitconfig

vim  ~/.gitconfig

Add the following alias command in the file:

            parent = "!git show-branch | grep '*' | grep -v \"$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)\" | head -n1 | sed 's/.*\\[\\(.*\\)\\].*/\\1/' | sed 's/[\\^~].*//' #"

Save and exit the editor.

Run the command git parent

That's it!

What does "while True" mean in Python?

In this context, I suppose it could be interpreted as

while cmd  != 'e' 

Extract specific columns from delimited file using Awk

Other languages have short cuts for ranges of field numbers, but not awk, you'll have to write your code as your fear ;-)

awk -F, 'BEGIN {OFS=","} { print $1, $2, $3, $4 ..... $30, $33}' infile.csv > outfile.csv

There is no direct function in awk to use field names as column specifiers.

I hope this helps.

TypeError: 'type' object is not subscriptable when indexing in to a dictionary

Normally Python throws NameError if the variable is not defined:

>>> d[0]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'd' is not defined

However, you've managed to stumble upon a name that already exists in Python.

Because dict is the name of a built-in type in Python you are seeing what appears to be a strange error message, but in reality it is not.

The type of dict is a type. All types are objects in Python. Thus you are actually trying to index into the type object. This is why the error message says that the "'type' object is not subscriptable."

>>> type(dict)
<type 'type'>
>>> dict[0]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'type' object is not subscriptable

Note that you can blindly assign to the dict name, but you really don't want to do that. It's just going to cause you problems later.

>>> dict = {1:'a'}
>>> type(dict)
<class 'dict'>
>>> dict[1]

The true source of the problem is that you must assign variables prior to trying to use them. If you simply reorder the statements of your question, it will almost certainly work:

d = {1: "walk1.png", 2: "walk2.png", 3: "walk3.png"}
m1 = pygame.image.load(d[1])
m2 = pygame.image.load(d[2])
m3 = pygame.image.load(d[3])
playerxy = (375,130)
window.blit(m1, (playerxy))

Have a fixed position div that needs to scroll if content overflows

The solutions here didn't work for me as I'm styling react components.

What worked though for the sidebar was

position: sticky;
top: 0;

Hope this helps someone.

Confusing error in R: Error in scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines, na.strings, : line 1 did not have 42 elements)

read.table wants to return a data.frame, which must have an element in each column. Therefore R expects each row to have the same number of elements and it doesn't fill in empty spaces by default. Try read.table("/PathTo/file.csv" , fill = TRUE ) to fill in the blanks.


read.table( text= "Element1 Element2
Element5 Element6 Element7" , fill = TRUE , header = FALSE )
#        V1       V2       V3
#1 Element1 Element2         
#2 Element5 Element6 Element7

A note on whether or not to set header = FALSE... read.table tries to automatically determine if you have a header row thus:

header is set to TRUE if and only if the first row contains one fewer field than the number of columns

pandas convert some columns into rows


You can add a prefix to your year columns and then feed directly to pd.wide_to_long. I won't pretend this is efficient, but it may in certain situations be more convenient than pd.melt, e.g. when your columns already have an appropriate prefix.

df.columns = np.hstack((df.columns[:2], df.columns[2:].map(lambda x: f'Value{x}')))

res = pd.wide_to_long(df, stubnames=['Value'], i='name', j='Date').reset_index()\
        .sort_values(['location', 'name'])


   name        Date location  Value
0  test    Jan-2010        A     12
2  test    Feb-2010        A     20
4  test  March-2010        A     30
1   foo    Jan-2010        B     18
3   foo    Feb-2010        B     20
5   foo  March-2010        B     25

Sort columns of a dataframe by column name

Here's the obligatory dplyr answer in case somebody wants to do this with the pipe.

test %>% 

Compiling C++11 with g++

You can check your g++ by command:

which g++
g++ --version

this will tell you which complier is currently it is pointing.

To switch to g++ 4.7 (assuming that you have installed it in your machine),run:

sudo update-alternatives --config gcc

There are 2 choices for the alternative gcc (providing /usr/bin/gcc).

  Selection    Path              Priority   Status
  0            /usr/bin/gcc-4.6   60        auto mode
  1            /usr/bin/gcc-4.6   60        manual mode
* 2            /usr/bin/gcc-4.7   40        manual mode

Then select 2 as selection(My machine already pointing to g++ 4.7,so the *)

Once you switch the complier then again run g++ --version to check the switching has happened correctly.

Now compile your program with

g++ -std=c++11 your_file.cpp -o main

Using variables inside a bash heredoc

Don't use quotes with <<EOF:

sudo tee "/path/to/outfile" > /dev/null <<EOF
Some text that contains my $var

Variable expansion is the default behavior inside of here-docs. You disable that behavior by quoting the label (with single or double quotes).

Convert image from PIL to openCV format

This is the shortest version I could find,saving/hiding an extra conversion:

pil_image ='image.jpg')
opencvImage = cv2.cvtColor(numpy.array(pil_image), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)

If reading a file from a URL:

import cStringIO
import urllib
file = cStringIO.StringIO(urllib.urlopen(r'').read())
pil_image =
opencvImage = cv2.cvtColor(numpy.array(pil_image), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)

Node.js Error: connect ECONNREFUSED

The Unhandled 'error' event is referring not providing a function to the request to pass errors. Without this event the node process ends with the error instead of failing gracefully and providing actual feedback. You can set the event just before the request.write line to catch any issues:

request.on('error', function(err)

More examples below:

Android Layout Right Align

The layout is extremely inefficient and bloated. You don't need that many LinearLayouts. In fact you don't need any LinearLayout at all.

Use only one RelativeLayout. Like this.

<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
    <ImageButton android:background="@null"
    <ImageButton android:background="@null"
    <ImageButton android:background="@null"

How to increase Heap size of JVM

Following are few options available to change Heap Size.

-Xms<size>        set initial Java heap size
-Xmx<size>        set maximum Java heap size
-Xss<size>        set java thread stack size

java -Xmx256m

How to download and save an image in Android

As Google tells, for now, don't forget to add also readable on external storage in the manifest :

 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

Source :

gitbash command quick reference

from within the git bash shell type:

>cd /bin
>ls -l

You will then see a long listing of all the unix-like commands available. There are lots of goodies in there.

VBScript How can I Format Date?

0 = vbGeneralDate - Default. Returns date: mm/dd/yy and time if specified: hh:mm:ss PM/AM.
1 = vbLongDate - Returns date: weekday, monthname, year
2 = vbShortDate - Returns date: mm/dd/yy
3 = vbLongTime - Returns time: hh:mm:ss PM/AM
4 = vbShortTime - Return time: hh:mm

d=CDate("2010-02-16 13:45")
document.write(FormatDateTime(d) & "<br />")
document.write(FormatDateTime(d,1) & "<br />")
document.write(FormatDateTime(d,2) & "<br />")
document.write(FormatDateTime(d,3) & "<br />")
document.write(FormatDateTime(d,4) & "<br />")

If you want to use another format you will have to create your own function and parse Month, Year, Day, etc and put them together in your preferred format.

Function myDateFormat(myDate)
    d = TwoDigits(Day(myDate))
    m = TwoDigits(Month(myDate))    
    y = Year(myDate)
    myDateFormat= m & "-" & d & "-" & y
End Function

Function TwoDigits(num)
    If(Len(num)=1) Then
    End If
End Function

edit: added function to format day and month as 0n if value is less than 10.

Can we import XML file into another XML file?

The other answers cover the 2 most common approaches, Xinclude and XML external entities. Microsoft has a really great writeup on why one should prefer Xinclude, as well as several example implementations. I've quoted the comparison below:


Why XInclude?

The first question one may ask is "Why use XInclude instead of XML external entities?" The answer is that XML external entities have a number of well-known limitations and inconvenient implications, which effectively prevent them from being a general-purpose inclusion facility. Specifically:

  • An XML external entity cannot be a full-blown independent XML document—neither standalone XML declaration nor Doctype declaration is allowed. That effectively means an XML external entity itself cannot include other external entities.
  • An XML external entity must be well formed XML (not so bad at first glance, but imagine you want to include sample C# code into your XML document).
  • Failure to load an external entity is a fatal error; any recovery is strictly forbidden.
  • Only the whole external entity may be included, there is no way to include only a portion of a document. -External entities must be declared in a DTD or an internal subset. This opens a Pandora's Box full of implications, such as the fact that the document element must be named in Doctype declaration and that validating readers may require that the full content model of the document be defined in DTD among others.

The deficiencies of using XML external entities as an inclusion mechanism have been known for some time and in fact spawned the submission of the XML Inclusion Proposal to the W3C in 1999 by Microsoft and IBM. The proposal defined a processing model and syntax for a general-purpose XML inclusion facility.

Four years later, version 1.0 of the XML Inclusions, also known as Xinclude, is a Candidate Recommendation, which means that the W3C believes that it has been widely reviewed and satisfies the basic technical problems it set out to solve, but is not yet a full recommendation.

Another good site which provides a variety of example implementations is Below is a common use case example from their site:

<book xmlns:xi="">

  <title>The Wit and Wisdom of George W. Bush</title>

  <xi:include href="malapropisms.xml"/>

  <xi:include href="mispronunciations.xml"/>

  <xi:include href="madeupwords.xml"/>
