Programs & Examples On #General network error

MATLAB - multiple return values from a function?

Use the following in the function you will call and it will work just fine.

     [a b c] = yourfunction(optional)
     %your code
     a = 5;
     b = 7;
     c = 10;

This is a way to call the function both from another function and from the command terminal

     [aa bb cc] = yourfunction(optional);

The variables aa, bb and cc now hold the return variables.

How to convert a Bitmap to Drawable in android?

Offical Bitmapdrawable documentation

This is sample on how to convert bitmap to drawable

Bitmap bitmap;  
//Convert bitmap to drawable
Drawable drawable = new BitmapDrawable(getResources(), bitmap);

How to watch for a route change in AngularJS?

If you don't want to place the watch inside a specific controller, you can add the watch for the whole aplication in Angular app run()

var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);$rootScope) {
    $rootScope.$on("$locationChangeStart", function(event, next, current) { 
        // handle route changes     

Kubernetes how to make Deployment to update image

I am using Azure DevOps to deploy the containerize applications, I am easily manage to overcome this problem by using the build ID

Everytime its builds and generate the new Build ID, I use this build ID as tag for docker image here is example


once your image is build (CI) successfully, in CD pipeline in deployment yml file I have give image name as


here evn:buildid is the azure devops variable which having value of build ID.

so now every time I have new changes to build(CI) and deploy(CD).

please comment if you need build definition for CI/CD.

How do I get the currently-logged username from a Windows service in .NET?

ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT UserName FROM Win32_ComputerSystem") solution worked fine for me. BUT it does not work if the service is started over a Remote Desktop Connection. To work around this, we can ask for the username of the owner of an interactive process that always is running on a PC: explorer.exe. This way, we always get the currently Windows logged-in username from our Windows service:

foreach (System.Management.ManagementObject Process in Processes.Get())
    if (Process["ExecutablePath"] != null && 
        System.IO.Path.GetFileName(Process["ExecutablePath"].ToString()).ToLower() == "explorer.exe" )
        string[] OwnerInfo = new string[2];
        Process.InvokeMethod("GetOwner", (object[])OwnerInfo);

        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Windows Logged-in Interactive UserName={0}", OwnerInfo[0]));


Java Hashmap: How to get key from value?

try this:

static String getKeyFromValue(LinkedHashMap<String, String> map,String value) {
    for (int x=0;x<map.size();x++){
        if( String.valueOf( (new ArrayList<String>(map.values())).get(x) ).equals(value))
            return String.valueOf((new ArrayList<String>(map.keySet())).get(x));
    return null;

TypeScript: Creating an empty typed container array

Please try this which it works for me.

return [] as Criminal[];

JUnit: how to avoid "no runnable methods" in test utils classes

What about adding an empty test method to these classes?

public void avoidAnnoyingErrorMessageWhenRunningTestsInAnt() {
    assertTrue(true); // do nothing;

How to output a comma delimited list in jinja python template?

you could also use the builtin "join" filter ( like this:

{{ users|join(', ') }}

How to change the default encoding to UTF-8 for Apache?

Just leave it empty: 'default_charset' in WHM :::::: default_charset =''

p.s. - In WHM go --------) Home »Service Configuration »PHP Configuration Editor ----) click 'Advanced Mode' ----) find 'default_charset' and leave it blank ---- just nothing, not utf8, not ISO


You can do it without having to create a real Hibernate mapping. Try this:

SELECT * FROM Employee e, Team t WHERE e.Id_team=t.Id_team

Correct way to work with vector of arrays

You cannot store arrays in a vector or any other container. The type of the elements to be stored in a container (called the container's value type) must be both copy constructible and assignable. Arrays are neither.

You can, however, use an array class template, like the one provided by Boost, TR1, and C++0x:

std::vector<std::array<double, 4> >

(You'll want to replace std::array with std::tr1::array to use the template included in C++ TR1, or boost::array to use the template from the Boost libraries. Alternatively, you can write your own; it's quite straightforward.)

Removing credits link

Add this to your css.

.highcharts-credits {
display: none !important;

Use SELECT inside an UPDATE query

I did want to add one more answer that utilizes a VBA function, but it does get the job done in one SQL statement. Though, it can be slow.

SET FUNCTIONS.Func_TaxRef = DLookUp("MinOfTax_Code", "SELECT
FUNCTIONS.Func_ID,Min(TAX.Tax_Code) AS MinOfTax_Code
WHERE (((FUNCTIONS.Func_Pure)<=[Tax_ToPrice]) AND ((FUNCTIONS.Func_Year)=[Tax_Year]))

Python group by

The following function will quickly (no sorting required) group tuples of any length by a key having any index:

# given a sequence of tuples like [(3,'c',6),(7,'a',2),(88,'c',4),(45,'a',0)],
# returns a dict grouping tuples by idx-th element - with idx=1 we have:
# if merge is True {'c':(3,6,88,4),     'a':(7,2,45,0)}
# if merge is False {'c':((3,6),(88,4)), 'a':((7,2),(45,0))}
def group_by(seqs,idx=0,merge=True):
    d = dict()
    for seq in seqs:
        k = seq[idx]
        v = d.get(k,tuple()) + (seq[:idx]+seq[idx+1:] if merge else (seq[:idx]+seq[idx+1:],))
    return d

In the case of your question, the index of key you want to group by is 1, therefore:



{'ETH': ('5238761','5349618','962142','7795297','7341464','5594916','1550003'),
 'KAT': ('11013331', '9843236'),
 'NOT': ('9085267', '11788544')}

which is not exactly the output you asked for, but might as well suit your needs.

Java Set retain order?

Set is just an interface. In order to retain order, you have to use a specific implementation of that interface and the sub-interface SortedSet, for example TreeSet or LinkedHashSet. You can wrap your Set this way:

Set myOrderedSet = new LinkedHashSet(mySet);

Pass mouse events through absolutely-positioned element

There is a javascript version available which manually redirects events from one div to another.

I cleaned it up and made it into a jQuery plugin.

Here's the Github repository:

Unfortunately, the purpose I was using it for - overlaying a mask over Google Maps did not capture click and drag events, and the mouse cursor does not change which degrades the user experience enough that I just decided to hide the mask under IE and Opera - the two browsers which dont support pointer events.

How to link 2 cell of excel sheet?

The simplest solution is to select the second cell, and press =. This will begin the fomula creation process. Now either type in the 1st cell reference (eg, A1) or click on the first cell and press enter. This should make the second cell reference the value of the first cell.

To read up more on different options for referencing see - This Article.

How to normalize a NumPy array to within a certain range?

If the array contains both positive and negative data, I'd go with:

import numpy as np

a = np.random.rand(3,2)

# Normalised [0,1]
b = (a - np.min(a))/np.ptp(a)

# Normalised [0,255] as integer: don't forget the parenthesis before astype(int)
c = (255*(a - np.min(a))/np.ptp(a)).astype(int)        

# Normalised [-1,1]
d = 2.*(a - np.min(a))/np.ptp(a)-1

If the array contains nan, one solution could be to just remove them as:

def nan_ptp(a):
    return np.ptp(a[np.isfinite(a)])

b = (a - np.nanmin(a))/nan_ptp(a)

However, depending on the context you might want to treat nan differently. E.g. interpolate the value, replacing in with e.g. 0, or raise an error.

Finally, worth mentioning even if it's not OP's question, standardization:

e = (a - np.mean(a)) / np.std(a)

Is there a job scheduler library for node.js?

node-crontab allows you to edit system cron jobs from node.js. Using this library will allow you to run programs even after your main process termintates. Disclaimer: I'm the developer.

How to specify multiple return types using type-hints

In case anyone landed here in search of "how to specify types of multiple return values?", use Tuple[type_value1, ..., type_valueN]

from typing import Tuple

def f() -> Tuple[dict, str]:
    a = {1: 2}
    b = "hello"
    return a, b

More info: How to annotate types of multiple return values?

Twitter bootstrap collapse: change display of toggle button

Here's another CSS only solution that works with any HTML layout.

It works with any element you need to switch. Whatever your toggle layout is you just put it inside a couple of elements with the if-collapsed and if-not-collapsed classes inside the toggle element.

The only catch is that you have to make sure you put the desired initial state of the toggle. If it's initially closed, then put a collapsed class on the toggle.

It also requires the :not selector, so it doesn't work on IE8.

HTML example:

<a class="btn btn-primary collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapseExample">
  <!--You can put any valid html inside these!-->
  <span class="if-collapsed">Open</span>
  <span class="if-not-collapsed">Close</span>
<div class="collapse" id="collapseExample">
  <div class="well">

Less version:

[data-toggle="collapse"] {
    &.collapsed .if-not-collapsed {
         display: none;
    &:not(.collapsed) .if-collapsed {
         display: none;

CSS version:

[data-toggle="collapse"].collapsed .if-not-collapsed {
  display: none;
[data-toggle="collapse"]:not(.collapsed) .if-collapsed {
  display: none;

JS Fiddle

Removing nan values from an array

This is my approach to filter ndarray "X" for NaNs and infs,

I create a map of rows without any NaN and any inf as follows:

idx = np.where((np.isnan(X)==False) & (np.isinf(X)==False))

idx is a tuple. It's second column (idx[1]) contains the indices of the array, where no NaN nor inf where found across the row.


filtered_X = X[idx[1]]

filtered_X contains X without NaN nor inf.

T-SQL Format integer to 2-digit string

Try this

--Generate number from 2 to 90

;with numcte as(
select 2 as rn
union all
select rn+1 from numcte where rn<90)

--Program that formats the number based on length

select case when LEN(rn) = 1 then '00'+CAST(rn as varchar(10)) else CAST(rn as varchar(10)) end number
from numcte

Partial Output:


How to take screenshot of a div with JavaScript?

After hours of research, I finally found a solution to take a screenshot of an element, even if the origin-clean FLAG is set (to prevent XSS), that´s why you can even capture for example Google Maps (in my case). I wrote a universal function to get a screenshot. The only thing you need in addition is the html2canvas library (


getScreenshotOfElement($("div#toBeCaptured").get(0), 0, 0, 100, 100, function(data) {
    // in the data variable there is the base64 image
    // exmaple for displaying the image in an <img>
    $("img#captured").attr("src", "data:image/png;base64,"+data);

Keep in mind console.log() and alert() won´t generate output if the size of the image is great.


function getScreenshotOfElement(element, posX, posY, width, height, callback) {
    html2canvas(element, {
        onrendered: function (canvas) {
            var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
            var imageData = context.getImageData(posX, posY, width, height).data;
            var outputCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
            var outputContext = outputCanvas.getContext('2d');
            outputCanvas.width = width;
            outputCanvas.height = height;

            var idata = outputContext.createImageData(width, height);
            outputContext.putImageData(idata, 0, 0);
            callback(outputCanvas.toDataURL().replace("data:image/png;base64,", ""));
        width: width,
        height: height,
        useCORS: true,
        taintTest: false,
        allowTaint: false

Merge, update, and pull Git branches without using checkouts

You can only do this if the merge is a fast-forward. If it's not, then git needs to have the files checked out so it can merge them!

To do it for a fast-forward only:

git fetch <branch that would be pulled for branchB>
git update-ref -m "merge <commit>: Fast forward" refs/heads/<branch> <commit>

where <commit> is the fetched commit, the one you want to fast-forward to. This is basically like using git branch -f to move the branch, except it also records it in the reflog as if you actually did the merge.

Please, please, please don't do this for something that's not a fast-forward, or you'll just be resetting your branch to the other commit. (To check, see if git merge-base <branch> <commit> gives the branch's SHA1.)

What is the max size of VARCHAR2 in PL/SQL and SQL?

If you use UTF-8 encoding then one character can takes a various number of bytes (2 - 4). For PL/SQL the varchar2 limit is 32767 bytes, not characters. See how I increase a PL/SQL varchar2 variable of the 4000 character size:

SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> l
  1  declare
  2    l_var varchar2(30000);
  3  begin
  4    l_var := rpad('A', 4000);
  5    dbms_output.put_line(length(l_var));
  6    l_var := l_var || rpad('B', 10000);
  7    dbms_output.put_line(length(l_var));
  8* end;
SQL> /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

But you can't insert into your table the value of such variable:

SQL> ed
Wrote file afiedt.buf

  1  create table ttt (
  2    col1 varchar2(2000 char)
  3* )
SQL> /

Table created.

SQL> ed
Wrote file afiedt.buf

  1  declare
  2    l_var varchar2(30000);
  3  begin
  4      l_var := rpad('A', 4000);
  5      dbms_output.put_line(length(l_var));
  6      l_var := l_var || rpad('B', 10000);
  7      dbms_output.put_line(length(l_var));
  8      insert into ttt values (l_var);
  9* end;
SQL> /
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column
ORA-06512: at line 8

As a solution, you can try to split this variable's value into several parts (SUBSTR) and store them separately.

mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in

That query is failing and returning false.

Put this after mysqli_query() to see what's going on.

if (!$check1_res) {
    printf("Error: %s\n", mysqli_error($con));

For more information:

How to set the title of UIButton as left alignment?

In Swift 3+:

button.contentHorizontalAlignment = .left

CSS Selector "(A or B) and C"?

If you have this:

<div class="a x">Foo</div>
<div class="b x">Bar</div>
<div class="c x">Baz</div>

And you only want to select the elements which have .x and (.a or .b), you could write:

.x:not(.c) { ... }

but that's convenient only when you have three "sub-classes" and you want to select two of them.

Selecting only one sub-class (for instance .a): .a.x

Selecting two sub-classes (for instance .a and .b): .x:not(.c)

Selecting all three sub-classes: .x

Detect if user is scrolling

    window.lastScrollTime = new Date().getTime()
function is_scrolling() {
    return window.lastScrollTime && new Date().getTime() < window.lastScrollTime + 500

Change the 500 to the number of milliseconds after the last scroll event at which you consider the user to be "no longer scrolling".

(addEventListener is better than onScroll because the former can coexist nicely with any other code that uses onScroll.)

How do I completely uninstall Node.js, and reinstall from beginning (Mac OS X)

If you're unable to locate node just run whereis node and whereis npm and whereis nvm and you can remove the listed directories as needed.

You'll also need to entirely close your terminal and reopen it for changes to take effect.

Converting Float to Dollars and Cents

Personally, I like this much better (which, granted, is just a different way of writing the currently selected "best answer"):

money = float(1234.5)
print('$' + format(money, ',.2f'))

Or, if you REALLY don't like "adding" multiple strings to combine them, you could do this instead:

money = float(1234.5)
print('${0}'.format(format(money, ',.2f')))

I just think both of these styles are a bit easier to read. :-)

(of course, you can still incorporate an If-Else to handle negative values as Eric suggests too)

What's the best way to break from nested loops in JavaScript?

XXX.Validation = function() {
    var ok = false;
    do {
        for (...) {
            while (...) {
                if (...) {
                    break loop; // Exist the outermost do-while loop
                if (...) {
                    continue; // skips current iteration in the while loop
        if (...) {
            break loop;
        if (...) {
            break loop;
        if (...) {
            break loop;
        if (...) {
            break loop;
        ok = true;
    } while(true);
    return ok;

How to print an exception in Python 3?

[In Python3]

Let's say you want to handle an IndexError and print the traceback, you can do the following:

from traceback import print_tb 
empty_list = [] 
    x = empty_list[100]
except IndexError as index_error: 

Note: You can use the format_tb function instead of print_tb to get the traceback as a string for logging purposes. Hope this helps.

How to style components using makeStyles and still have lifecycle methods in Material UI?

I used withStyles instead of makeStyle

EX :

import { withStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
import React, {Component} from "react";

const useStyles = theme => ({
        root: {
           flexGrow: 1,

class App extends Component {
       render() {
                const { classes } = this.props;
                    <div className={classes.root}>

export default withStyles(useStyles)(App)

Error importing Seaborn module in Python

You can try using Seaborn. It works for both 2.7 as well as 3.6. You can install it by running:

pip install seaborn

Change button text from Xcode?

If you've got a button that's hooked up to an action in your code, you can change the title without an instance variable.

For example, if the button is set to this action:


You can simply do this in the method:

-(IBAction)startSomething:(id)sender {
    [sender setTitle:@"Hello" forState:UIControlStateNormal];

Or if you're wanting to toggle the name of the button, you can create a BOOL named "buttonToggled" (for example), and toggle the name this way:

-(IBAction)toggleButton:(id)sender {
    if (!buttonToggled) {
        [sender setTitle:@"Something" forState:UIControlStateNormal];
        buttonToggled = YES;
    else {
        [sender setTitle:@"Different" forState:UIControlStateNormal];
        buttonToggled = NO;

How To Set Text In An EditText

You can set android:text="your text";


Setting Oracle 11g Session Timeout

That's generally controlled by the profile associated with the user Tomcat is connecting as.


PROFILE                        LIMIT
------------------------------ ----------------------------------------
DEFAULT                        UNLIMITED



So the user I'm connected to has unlimited idle time - no time out.

Force browser to download image files on click

var pom = document.createElement('a');
pom.setAttribute('href', 'data:application/octet-stream,' + encodeURIComponent(text));
pom.setAttribute('download', filename); = 'none';

How to comment out a block of Python code in Vim

Frankly I use a tcomment plugin for that link. It can handle almost every syntax. It defines nice movements, using it with some text block matchers specific for python makes it a powerful tool.

How to install Anaconda on RaspBerry Pi 3 Model B

I was trying to run this on a pi zero. Turns out the pi zero has an armv6l architecture so the above won't work for pi zero or pi one. Alternatively here I learned that miniconda doesn't have a recent version of miniconda. Instead I used the same instructions posted here to install berryconda3

Conda is now working. Hope this helps those of you interested in running conda on the pi zero!

In c, in bool, true == 1 and false == 0?

More accurately anything that is not 0 is true.

So 1 is true, but so is 2, 3 ... etc.

How to style an menu with CSS

I ran into the issue where the class of 'selected' wasn't being added to my menu item. Turns out that you can't have a NavigateUrl on it for whatever reason.

Once I removed the NavigateUrl it applied the 'selected' css class to the a tag and I was able to apply the background style with: ul li a.static.selected
    background-color: #bfcbd6 !important;
    color: #465c71 !important;
    text-decoration: none !important;

show more/Less text with just HTML and JavaScript

Try to toggle height.

function toggleTextArea()
  var limitedHeight = '40px';
  var targetEle = document.getElementById("textarea"); = ( === '') ? limitedHeight : '';

How do I set <table> border width with CSS?

The default border-style is none, so you must specify that as well as the width and the colour.

You can use the border shorthand property to set all three values in one go.

Also, the border attribute describes the border for the table and the cells. CSS is much more flexible so it only describes the border of the elements you are selecting. You need to select the cells too in order to get the same effect.

table, th, td {
    border: solid black 1px;

See also border properties and tables in CSS.

What is WebKit and how is it related to CSS?

Webkit is an HTML rendering engine used by Chrome and Safari.

It supports a number of custom CSS properties that are prefixed by -webkit-.

Facebook Graph API : get larger pictures in one request

You can size it as follows.


For details:

Reading and writing value from a textfile by using vbscript code

This script will read lines from large file and write to new small files. Will duplicate the header of the first line (Header) to all child files

Dim strLine
lCounter = 1
fCounter = 1
cPosition = 1
MaxLine = 1000
splitAt = MaxLine
Dim fHeader
sFile = "inputFile.txt"
dFile = LEFT(sFile, (LEN(sFile)-4))& "_0" & fCounter & ".txt"
Set objFileToRead = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(sFile,1)
Set objFileToWrite = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(dFile,2,true)
do while not objFileToRead.AtEndOfStream
        strLine = objFileToRead.ReadLine()
        If cPosition = 1 Then
            fHeader = strLine
        End If
        If cPosition = splitAt Then
            fCounter = fCounter + 1
            splitAt = splitAt + MaxLine
            Set objFileToWrite = Nothing
            If fCounter < 10 Then
                dFile=LEFT(dFile, (LEN(dFile)-5))& fCounter & ".txt"
                Set objFileToWrite = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(dFile,2,true)
            ElseIf fCounter <100 Or fCounter = 100 Then
                dFile=LEFT(dFile, (LEN(dFile)-6))& fCounter & ".txt"
                Set objFileToWrite = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(dFile,2,true)
                dFile=LEFT(dFile, (LEN(dFile)-7)) & fCounter & ".txt"
                Set objFileToWrite = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(dFile,2,true)
            End If
        End If
        lCounter=lCounter + 1
        cPosition=cPosition + 1
Set objFileToWrite = Nothing
Set objFileToRead = Nothing

CSS Classes & SubClasses

FYI, when you define a rule like you did above, with two selectors chained together:


It means:

Apply this style to any element that has both the class "area1" and "item".

Such as:

<div class="area1 item">

Sadly it doesn't work in IE6, but that's what it means.

How to change text transparency in HTML/CSS?

Just use the rgba tag as your text color. You could use opacity, but that would affect the whole element, not just the text. Say you have a border, it would make that transparent as well.

        font-family: Garamond, serif;
        font-size: 12px;
        color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);

Module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'contrib'

If you want to use tf.contrib, you need to now copy and paste the source code from github into your script/notebook. It's annoying and doesn't always work. But that's the only workaround I've found. For example, if you wanted to use tf.contrib.opt.AdamWOptimizer, you have to copy and paste from here.

Configuration Error: <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0"> ASP.NET MVC3

You could be using the 32 bit version, so you should prob try at the command line from the Framework (not Framework64) folder.

IE Did you try it from C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319 rather than the 64 version? If you ref 32 bit libs you can be forced to 32 bit version (some other reasons as well if I recall)

Is your site a child of another site in IIS?

For more details on this (since it applies to various types of apps running on .NET) see Scott's post at:

32-bit and 64-bit confusion around x86 and x64 and the .NET Framework and CLR

How do I find the difference between two values without knowing which is larger?

abs(x-y) will do exactly what you're looking for:

In [1]: abs(1-2)
Out[1]: 1

In [2]: abs(2-1)
Out[2]: 1

Using an attribute of the current class instance as a default value for method's parameter

There is much more to it than you think. Consider the defaults to be static (=constant reference pointing to one object) and stored somewhere in the definition; evaluated at method definition time; as part of the class, not the instance. As they are constant, they cannot depend on self.

Here is an example. It is counterintuitive, but actually makes perfect sense:

def add(item, s=[]):
    print len(s)

add(1)     # 1
add(1)     # 2
add(1, []) # 1
add(1, []) # 1
add(1)     # 3

This will print 1 2 1 1 3.

Because it works the same way as

def add(item, s=default_s):

Obviously, if you modify default_s, it retains these modifications.

There are various workarounds, including

def add(item, s=None):
    if not s: s = []

or you could do this:

def add(self, item, s=None):
    if not s: s = self.makeDefaultS()

Then the method makeDefaultS will have access to self.

Another variation:

import types
def add(item, s=lambda self:[]):
    if isinstance(s, types.FunctionType): s = s("example")

here the default value of s is a factory function.

You can combine all these techniques:

class Foo:
    import types
    def add(self, item, s=Foo.defaultFactory):
        if isinstance(s, types.FunctionType): s = s(self)

    def defaultFactory(self):
        """ Can be overridden in a subclass, too!"""
        return []

Remove unused imports in Android Studio

Since Android Studio 3+, this can be done by open the option "Optimize imports".

Alt+Enter the select "Optimize imports".

enter image description here

This must be enough to removed the unused imports.

enter image description here

python 3.2 UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode character '\u2013' in position 9629: character maps to <undefined>

for me , using export PYTHONIOENCODING=UTF-8 before executing python command worked .

Making a button invisible by clicking another button in HTML

To get an element by its ID, use this:


Instead of:


So the final product would be:

document.getElementsById("p2").style.visibility = "hidden";

Using SHA1 and RSA with vs. MessageDigest and Cipher

A slightly more efficient version of the bytes2String method is

private static final char[] hex = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'};
private static String byteArray2Hex(byte[] bytes) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(bytes.length * 2);
    for (final byte b : bytes) {
        sb.append(hex[(b & 0xF0) >> 4]);
        sb.append(hex[b & 0x0F]);
    return sb.toString();

How to get form input array into PHP array

However, VolkerK's solution is the best to avoid miss couple between email and username. So you have to generate HTML code with PHP like this:

<? foreach ($i = 0; $i < $total_data; $i++) : ?>
    <input type="text" name="name[<?= $i ?>]" />
    <input type="text" name="email[<?= $i ?>]" />
<? endforeach; ?>

Change $total_data to suit your needs. To show it, just like this:

$output = array_map(create_function('$name, $email', 'return "The name is $name and email is $email, thank you.";'), $_POST['name'], $_POST['email']);
echo implode('<br>', $output);

Assuming the data was sent using POST method.

The name 'ViewBag' does not exist in the current context

I had a ./Views/Web.Config file but this error happened after publishing the site. Turns out the build action property on the file was set to None instead of Content. Changing this to Content allowed publishing to work correctly.

How can I get the application's path in a .NET console application?

Probably a bit late but this is worth a mention:


Or more correctly to get just the directory path:



Quite a few people have pointed out that GetCommandLineArgs is not guaranteed to return the program name. See The first word on the command line is the program name only by convention. The article does state that "Although extremely few Windows programs use this quirk (I am not aware of any myself)". So it is possible to 'spoof' GetCommandLineArgs, but we are talking about a console application. Console apps are usually quick and dirty. So this fits in with my KISS philosophy.

Default string initialization: NULL or Empty?

An empty string is a value (a piece of text which, incidentally, happens not to contain any letters). Null signifies no-value.

I initialize variables to null when I wish to indicate that they do not point to or contain actual values - when the intent is for no-value.

Send a base64 image in HTML email

An alternative approach may be to embed images in the email using the cid method. (Basically including the image as an attachment, and then embedding it). In my experience, this approach seems to be well supported these days.

enter image description here


How to determine if binary tree is balanced?

The definition of a height-balanced binary tree is:

Binary tree in which the height of the two subtrees of every node never differ by more than 1.

So, An empty binary tree is always height-balanced.
A non-empty binary tree is height-balanced if:

  1. Its left subtree is height-balanced.
  2. Its right subtree is height-balanced.
  3. The difference between heights of left & right subtree is not greater than 1.

Consider the tree:

     / \
    C   D

As seen the left subtree of A is height-balanced (as it is empty) and so is its right subtree. But still the tree is not height-balanced as condition 3 is not met as height of left-subtree is 0 and height of right sub-tree is 2.

Also the following tree is not height balanced even though the height of left and right sub-tree are equal. Your existing code will return true for it.

     /  \ 
    B    C
   /      \
  D        G
 /          \
E            H

So the word every in the def is very important.

This will work:

int height(treeNodePtr root) {
        return (!root) ? 0: 1 + MAX(height(root->left),height(root->right));

bool isHeightBalanced(treeNodePtr root) {
        return (root == NULL) ||
                (isHeightBalanced(root->left) &&
                isHeightBalanced(root->right) &&
                abs(height(root->left) - height(root->right)) <=1);

Ideone Link

How to Use UTF-8 Collation in SQL Server database?

Two UDF to deal with UTF-8 in T-SQL:

CREATE Function UcsToUtf8(@src nvarchar(MAX)) returns varchar(MAX) as
    declare @res varchar(MAX)='', @pi char(8)='%[^'+char(0)+'-'+char(127)+']%', @i int, @j int
    select @i=patindex(@pi,@src collate Latin1_General_BIN)
    while @i>0
        select @j=unicode(substring(@src,@i,1))
        if @j<0x800     select @res=@res+left(@src,@i-1)+char((@j&1984)/64+192)+char((@j&63)+128)
        else            select @res=@res+left(@src,@i-1)+char((@j&61440)/4096+224)+char((@j&4032)/64+128)+char((@j&63)+128)
        select @src=substring(@src,@i+1,datalength(@src)-1), @i=patindex(@pi,@src collate Latin1_General_BIN)
    select @res=@res+@src
    return @res

CREATE Function Utf8ToUcs(@src varchar(MAX)) returns nvarchar(MAX) as
    declare @i int, @res nvarchar(MAX)=@src, @pi varchar(18)
    select @pi='%[à-ï][€-¿][€-¿]%',@i=patindex(@pi,@src collate Latin1_General_BIN)
    while @i>0 select @res=stuff(@res,@i,3,nchar(((ascii(substring(@src,@i,1))&31)*4096)+((ascii(substring(@src,@i+1,1))&63)*64)+(ascii(substring(@src,@i+2,1))&63))), @src=stuff(@src,@i,3,'.'), @i=patindex(@pi,@src collate Latin1_General_BIN)
    select @pi='%[Â-ß][€-¿]%',@i=patindex(@pi,@src collate Latin1_General_BIN)
    while @i>0 select @res=stuff(@res,@i,2,nchar(((ascii(substring(@src,@i,1))&31)*64)+(ascii(substring(@src,@i+1,1))&63))), @src=stuff(@src,@i,2,'.'),@i=patindex(@pi,@src collate Latin1_General_BIN)
    return @res

What is the purpose of the single underscore "_" variable in Python?

There are 5 cases for using the underscore in Python.

  1. For storing the value of last expression in interpreter.

  2. For ignoring the specific values. (so-called “I don’t care”)

  3. To give special meanings and functions to name of variables or functions.

  4. To use as ‘internationalization (i18n)’ or ‘localization (l10n)’ functions.

  5. To separate the digits of number literal value.

Here is a nice article with examples by mingrammer.

html5 localStorage error with Safari: "QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR: DOM Exception 22: An attempt was made to add something to storage that exceeded the quota."

I have created a patch for the issue. Simply I am checking if the browser does support localStorage or sessionStorage or not. If not then the storage engine will be Cookie. But the negative side is Cookie have very tiny storage memory :(

function StorageEngine(engine) {
    this.engine = engine || 'localStorage';

    if(!this.checkStorageApi(this.engine)) {
        // Default engine would be alway cooke
        // Safari private browsing issue with localStorage / sessionStorage
        this.engine = 'cookie';

StorageEngine.prototype.checkStorageApi = function(name) {
    if(!window[name]) return false;
    try {
        var tempKey = '__temp_';
        window[name].setItem(tempKey, 'hi')
        return true;
    } catch(e) {
        return false;

StorageEngine.prototype.getItem = function(key) {
    if(['sessionStorage', 'localStorage'].includes(this.engine)) {
        return window[this.engine].getItem(key);
    } else if('cookie') {
        var name = key+"=";
        var allCookie = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie).split(';');
        var cval = [];
        for(var i=0; i < allCookie.length; i++) {
            if (allCookie[i].trim().indexOf(name) == 0) {
                cval = allCookie[i].trim().split("=");
        return (cval.length > 0) ? cval[1] : null;
    return null;

StorageEngine.prototype.setItem = function(key, val, exdays) {
    if(['sessionStorage', 'localStorage'].includes(this.engine)) {
        window[this.engine].setItem(key, val);
    } else if('cookie') {
        var d = new Date();
        var exdays = exdays || 1;
        d.setTime(d.getTime() + (exdays*24*36E5));
        var expires = "expires="+ d.toUTCString();
        document.cookie = key + "=" + val + ";" + expires + ";path=/";
    return true;

// ------------------------
var StorageEngine = new StorageEngine(); // new StorageEngine('localStorage');
// If your current browser (IOS safary or any) does not support localStorage/sessionStorage, then the default engine will be "cookie"

StorageEngine.setItem('keyName', 'val')

var expireDay = 1; // for cookie only
StorageEngine.setItem('keyName', 'val', expireDay)

Visual c++ can't open include file 'iostream'

I got this error when I created an 'Empty' console application in Visual Studio 2015. I re-created the application, leaving the 'Empty' box unchecked, it added all of the necessary libraries.

How do I do a bulk insert in mySQL using node.js

Bulk inserts are possible by using nested array, see the github page

Nested arrays are turned into grouped lists (for bulk inserts), e.g. [['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']] turns into ('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd')

You just insert a nested array of elements.

An example is given in here

var mysql = require('mysql');
var conn = mysql.createConnection({

var sql = "INSERT INTO Test (name, email, n) VALUES ?";
var values = [
    ['demian', '[email protected]', 1],
    ['john', '[email protected]', 2],
    ['mark', '[email protected]', 3],
    ['pete', '[email protected]', 4]
conn.query(sql, [values], function(err) {
    if (err) throw err;

Note: values is an array of arrays wrapped in an array

[ [ [...], [...], [...] ] ]

There is also a totally different node-msql package for bulk insertion

How to access custom attributes from event object in React?

To help you get the desired outcome in perhaps a different way than you asked:

render: function() {
    <a data-tag={i} style={showStyle} onClick={this.removeTag.bind(null, i)}></a>
removeTag: function(i) {
    // do whatever

Notice the bind(). Because this is all javascript, you can do handy things like that. We no longer need to attach data to DOM nodes in order to keep track of them.

IMO this is much cleaner than relying on DOM events.

Update April 2017: These days I would write onClick={() => this.removeTag(i)} instead of .bind

How to update Git clone

If you want to fetch + merge, run

git pull

if you want simply to fetch :

git fetch

How do you obtain a Drawable object from a resource id in android package?

As of API 21, you could also use:

   ResourcesCompat.getDrawable(getResources(),, null);

Instead of ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, android.R.drawable.ic_dialog_email)

maxlength ignored for input type="number" in Chrome

For React users,

Just replace 10 with your max length requirement

 <input type="number" onInput={(e) => =, 10)}/>

Hexadecimal value 0x00 is a invalid character

In my case, it took some digging, but found it.

My Context

I'm looking at exception/error logs from the website using Elmah. Elmah returns the state of the server at the of time the exception, in the form of a large XML document. For our reporting engine I pretty-print the XML with XmlWriter.

During a website attack, I noticed that some xmls weren't parsing and was receiving this '.', hexadecimal value 0x00, is an invalid character. exception.

NON-RESOLUTION: I converted the document to a byte[] and sanitized it of 0x00, but it found none.

When I scanned the xml document, I found the following:

<item name="SomeField">
     string="C:\boot.ini&#x0;.htm" />

There was the nul byte encoded as an html entity &#x0; !!!

RESOLUTION: To fix the encoding, I replaced the &#x0; value before loading it into my XmlDocument, because loading it will create the nul byte and it will be difficult to sanitize it from the object. Here's my entire process:

XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
details.Xml = details.Xml.Replace("&#x0;", "[0x00]");  // in my case I want to see it, otherwise just replace with ""

string formattedXml = null;

// I have this in a helper function, but for this example I have put it in-line
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings {
    OmitXmlDeclaration = true,
    Indent = true,
    IndentChars = "\t",
    NewLineHandling = NewLineHandling.None,
using (XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(sb, settings)) {
    formattedXml = sb.ToString();

LESSON LEARNED: sanitize for illegal bytes using the associated html entity, if your incoming data is html encoded on entry.

Delete all data rows from an Excel table (apart from the first)

The codes above wouldn't work in Excel 2010 My code bellow allows you to go through number of sheets you would like then select tables and delete rows

Sub DeleteTableRows()
Dim table As ListObject
Dim SelectedCell As Range
Dim TableName As String
Dim ActiveTable As ListObject

'select ammount of sheets want to this to run
For i = 1 To 3
    Set SelectedCell = ActiveCell

    'Determine if ActiveCell is inside a Table
    On Error GoTo NoTableSelected
    TableName = SelectedCell.ListObject.Name
    Set ActiveTable = ActiveSheet.ListObjects(TableName)
    On Error GoTo 0

    'Clear first Row
    'Delete all the other rows `IF `they exist
    On Error Resume Next
    ActiveTable.DataBodyRange.Offset(1, 0).Resize(ActiveTable.DataBodyRange.Rows.Count - 1, _
    On Error GoTo 0
Next i
Exit Sub
'Error Handling
  MsgBox "There is no Table currently selected!", vbCritical

End Sub

Correct way of looping through C++ arrays

In C/C++ sizeof. always gives the number of bytes in the entire object, and arrays are treated as one object. Note: sizeof a pointer--to the first element of an array or to a single object--gives the size of the pointer, not the object(s) pointed to. Either way, sizeof does not give the number of elements in the array (its length). To get the length, you need to divide by the size of each element. eg.,

for( unsigned int a = 0; a < sizeof(texts)/sizeof(texts[0]); a = a + 1 )

As for doing it the C++11 way, the best way to do it is probably

for(const string &text : texts)
    cout << "value of text: " << text << endl;

This lets the compiler figure out how many iterations you need.

EDIT: as others have pointed out, std::array is preferred in C++11 over raw arrays; however, none of the other answers addressed why sizeof is failing the way it is, so I still think this is the better answer.

What is getattr() exactly and how do I use it?

I sometimes use getattr(..) to lazily initialise attributes of secondary importance just before they are used in the code.

Compare the following:

class Graph(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.n_calls_to_plot = 0

    #A lot of code here

    def plot(self):
        self.n_calls_to_plot += 1

To this:

class Graph(object):
    def plot(self):
        self.n_calls_to_plot = 1 + getattr(self, "n_calls_to_plot", 0)

The advantage of the second way is that n_calls_to_plot only appears around the place in the code where it is used. This is good for readability, because (1) you can immediately see what value it starts with when reading how it's used, (2) it doesn't introduce a distraction into the __init__(..) method, which ideally should be about the conceptual state of the class, rather than some utility counter that is only used by one of the function's methods for technical reasons, such as optimisation, and has nothing to do with the meaning of the object.

For vs. while in C programming?

For the sake of readability

how to do bitwise exclusive or of two strings in python?

the one liner for python3 is :

def bytes_xor(a, b) :
    return bytes(x ^ y for x, y in zip(a, b))

where a, b and the returned value are bytes() instead of str() of course

can't be easier, I love python3 :)


My understanding is that HEAD points the current branch, while ORIG_HEAD is used to store the previous HEAD before doing "dangerous" operations.

For example git-rebase and git-am record the original tip of branch before they apply any changes.

How to add leading zeros?

Here is another alternative for adding leading to 0s to strings such as CUSIPs which can sometimes look like a number and which many applications such as Excel will corrupt and remove the leading 0s or convert them to scientific notation.

When I tried the answer provided by @metasequoia the vector returned had leading spaces and not 0s. This was the same problem mentioned by @user1816679 -- and removing the quotes around the 0 or changing from %d to %s did not make a difference either. FYI, I am using RStudio Server running on an Ubuntu Server. This little two-step solution worked for me:

gsub(pattern = " ", replacement = "0", x = sprintf(fmt = "%09s", ids[,CUSIP]))

using the %>% pipe function from the magrittr package it could look like this:

sprintf(fmt = "%09s", ids[,CUSIP]) %>% gsub(pattern = " ", replacement = "0", x = .)

I'd prefer a one-function solution, but it works.

How do I enable --enable-soap in php on linux?

In case that you have Ubuntu in your machine, the following steps will help you:

  1. Check first in your php testing file if you have soap (client / server)or not by using phpinfo(); and check results in the browser. In case that you have it, it will seems like the following image ( If not go to step 2 ):

enter image description here

  1. Open your terminal and paste: sudo apt-get install php-soap.

  2. Restart your apache2 server in terminal : service apache2 restart.

  3. To check use your php test file again to be seems like mine in step 1.

How to center a WPF app on screen?

You don't need to reference the System.Windows.Forms assembly from your application. Instead, you can use System.Windows.SystemParameters.WorkArea. This is equivalent to the System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea!

How to convert List to Json in Java

Use GSONBuilder with setPrettyPrinting and disableHtml for nice output.

String json = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().disableHtmlEscaping().
                            create().toJson(outputList  );

Jquery and HTML FormData returns "Uncaught TypeError: Illegal invocation"

Adding processData: false to the $.ajax options will fix this issue.

Shortcut to comment out a block of code with sublime text

Just an important note. If you have HTML comment and your uncomment doesn't work
(Maybe it's a PHP file), so don't mark all the comment but just put your cursor at the end or at the beginning of the comment (before ) and try again (Ctrl+/).

Dynamic require in RequireJS, getting "Module name has not been loaded yet for context" error?

The limitation relates to the simplified CommonJS syntax vs. the normal callback syntax:

Loading a module is inherently an asynchronous process due to the unknown timing of downloading it. However, RequireJS in emulation of the server-side CommonJS spec tries to give you a simplified syntax. When you do something like this:

var foomodule = require('foo');
// do something with fooModule

What's happening behind the scenes is that RequireJS is looking at the body of your function code and parsing out that you need 'foo' and loading it prior to your function execution. However, when a variable or anything other than a simple string, such as your example...

var module = require(path); // Call RequireJS require

...then Require is unable to parse this out and automatically convert it. The solution is to convert to the callback syntax;

var moduleName = 'foo';
require([moduleName], function(fooModule){
    // do something with fooModule

Given the above, here is one possible rewrite of your 2nd example to use the standard syntax:

define(['dyn_modules'], function (dynModules) {
    require(dynModules, function(){
        // use arguments since you don't know how many modules you're getting in the callback
        for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++){
            var mymodule = arguments[i];
            // do something with mymodule...


EDIT: From your own answer, I see you're using underscore/lodash, so using _.values and _.object can simplify the looping through arguments array as above.

How to display a JSON representation and not [Object Object] on the screen

Dumping object content as JSON can be achieved without using ngFor. Example:


export class SomeComponent implements OnInit {
    public theObject: any = {
        simpleProp: 1,
        complexProp: {
            InnerProp1: "test1",
            InnerProp2: "test2"
        arrayProp: [1, 2, 3, 4]


<div [innerHTML]="theObject | json"></div>

Output (ran through a beautifier for better readability, otherwise it is output in a single row)

  "simpleProp": 1,
  "complexProp": {
    "InnerProp1": "test1",
    "InnerProp2": "test2"
  "arrayProp": [

I have also discovered a JSON formatter and viewer that displays larger JSON data more readable (similar to JSONView Chrome extension):

<ngx-json-viewer [json]="someObject" [expanded]="false"></ngx-json-viewer>

Convert Java string to Time, NOT Date

SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:MM");

How to set HTTP header to UTF-8 using PHP which is valid in W3C validator?

For a correct implementation, you need to change a series of things.

Database (immediately after the connection):

mysql_query("SET NAMES utf8");

// Meta tag HTML (probably it's already set): 
meta charset="utf-8"
header php (before any output of the HTML):
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8')
table-rows-charset (for each row):

How to write Unicode characters to the console?

It's likely that your output encoding is set to ASCII. Try using this before sending output:

Console.OutputEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;

(MSDN link to supporting documentation.)

And here's a little console test app you may find handy:


using System;
using System.Text;

public static class ConsoleOutputTest {
    public static void Main() {
        Console.OutputEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
        for (var i = 0; i <= 1000; i++) {
            if (i % 50 == 0) { // break every 50 chars


imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
imports System

public module ConsoleOutputTest 
    Sub Main()
        Console.OutputEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8
        dim i as integer
        for i = 0 to 1000
            if i mod 50 = 0 'break every 50 chars 
            end if
    End Sub
end module

It's also possible that your choice of Console font does not support that particular character. Click on the Windows Tool-bar Menu (icon like C:.) and select Properties -> Font. Try some other fonts to see if they display your character properly:

picture of console font edit

How to POST URL in data of a curl request

Perhaps you don't have to include the single quotes:

curl --request POST 'http://localhost/Service' --data "path=/xyz/pqr/test/&fileName=1.doc"

Update: Reading curl's manual, you could actually separate both fields with two --data:

curl --request POST 'http://localhost/Service' --data "path=/xyz/pqr/test/" --data "fileName=1.doc"

You could also try --data-binary:

curl --request POST 'http://localhost/Service' --data-binary "path=/xyz/pqr/test/" --data-binary "fileName=1.doc"

And --data-urlencode:

curl --request POST 'http://localhost/Service' --data-urlencode "path=/xyz/pqr/test/" --data-urlencode "fileName=1.doc"

jQuery DataTables: control table width

TokenMacGuys solution works best becasue this is the result of a bug in jQdataTable. What happens is if you use $('#sometabe').dataTable().fnDestroy() the table width gets set to 100px instead of 100%. Here is a quick fix:

        "bJQueryUI": false,
        "bAutoWidth": false,
        "bDestroy": true,
        "bPaginate": false,
        "bFilter": false,
        "bInfo": false,
    "aoColumns": [
           { "sWidth": "140px" },
           { "sWidth": "300px" },
           { "sWidth": "50px" }       
        "fnInitComplete": function() {



python pip - install from local dir

All you need to do is run

pip install /opt/mypackage

and pip will search /opt/mypackage for a, build a wheel, then install it.

The problem with using the -e flag for pip install as suggested in the comments and this answer is that this requires that the original source directory stay in place for as long as you want to use the module. It's great if you're a developer working on the source, but if you're just trying to install a package, it's the wrong choice.

Alternatively, you don't even need to download the repo from Github at all. pip supports installing directly from git repos using a variety of protocols including HTTP, HTTPS, and SSH, among others. See the docs I linked to for examples.

Docker can't connect to docker daemon

The best way to find out why Docker isn't working will be to run the daemon manually.

$ sudo service docker stop
$ ps aux | grep docker  # do this until you don't see /usr/bin/docker -d
$ /usr/bin/docker -d

The Docker daemon logs to STDOUT, so it will start spitting out whatever it's doing.

Here was what my problem was:

[8bf47e42.initserver()] Creating pidfile
2015/01/11 15:20:33 pid file found, ensure docker is not running or delete /var/run/

This was because the instance had been cloned from another virtual machine. I just had to remove the pidfile, and everything worked afterwards.

Of course, instead of blindly assuming this will work, I'd suggest running the daemon manually one more time and reviewing the log output for any other errors before starting the service back up.

IndexOf function in T-SQL

I believe you want to use CHARINDEX. You can read about it here.

Error: Cannot match any routes. URL Segment: - Angular 2

please modify your router.module.ts as:

const routes: Routes = [
    path: '',
    redirectTo: 'one',
    pathMatch: 'full'
    path: 'two',
    component: ClassTwo, children: [
            path: 'three',
            component: ClassThree,
            outlet: 'nameThree',
            path: 'four',
            component: ClassFour,
            outlet: 'nameFour'
           path: '',
           redirectTo: 'two',
           pathMatch: 'full'

and in your component1.html

<h3>In One</h3>

    <a routerLink="/two" class="dash-item">...Go to Two...</a>
    <a routerLink="/two/three" class="dash-item">... Go to THREE...</a>
    <a routerLink="/two/four" class="dash-item">...Go to FOUR...</a>

<router-outlet></router-outlet>                   // Successfully loaded component2.html
<router-outlet name="nameThree" ></router-outlet> // Error: Cannot match any routes. URL Segment: 'three'
<router-outlet name="nameFour" ></router-outlet>  // Error: Cannot match any routes. URL Segment: 'three'

Remove part of string after "."

We can pretend they are filenames and remove extensions:

# [1] "NM_020506"    "NM_020519"    "NM_001030297" "NM_010281"    "NM_011419"    "NM_053155"

Set QLineEdit to accept only numbers

The best is QSpinBox.

And for a double value use QDoubleSpinBox.

QSpinBox myInt;
myInt.setSingleStep(1);// Will increment the current value with 1 (if you use up arrow key) (if you use down arrow key => -1)
myInt.setValue(2);// Default/begining value
myInt.value();// Get the current value
//connect(&myInt, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(myValueChanged(int)));

What's the difference between tilde(~) and caret(^) in package.json?

I would like to add the official npmjs documentation as well which describes all methods for version specificity including the ones referred to in the question -

  • ~version "Approximately equivalent to version" See npm semver - Tilde Ranges & semver (7)
  • ^version "Compatible with version" See npm semver - Caret Ranges & semver (7)
  • version Must match version exactly
  • >version Must be greater than version
  • >=version etc
  • <version
  • <=version
  • 1.2.x 1.2.0, 1.2.1, etc., but not 1.3.0
  • http://sometarballurl (this may be the URL of a tarball which will be downloaded and installed locally
  • * Matches any version
  • latest Obtains latest release

The above list is not exhaustive. Other version specifiers include GitHub urls and GitHub user repo's, local paths and packages with specific npm tags

Get Absolute Position of element within the window in wpf

Hm. You have to specify window you clicked in Mouse.GetPosition(IInputElement relativeTo) Following code works well for me

protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e)
        Point p = e.GetPosition(this);

I suspect that you need to refer to the window not from it own class but from other point of the application. In this case Application.Current.MainWindow will help you.

Limitations of SQL Server Express

If you switch from Web to Express you will no longer be able to use the SQL Server Agent service so you need to set up a different scheduler for maintenance and backups.

How to mark a build unstable in Jenkins when running shell scripts

You should use Jenkinsfile to wrap your build script and simply mark the current build as UNSTABLE by using currentBuild.result = "UNSTABLE".

   stage {
      status = /* your build command goes here */
      if (status === "MARK-AS-UNSTABLE") {
        currentBuild.result = "UNSTABLE"

automatically execute an Excel macro on a cell change

Handle the Worksheet_Change event or the Workbook_SheetChange event.

The event handlers take an argument "Target As Range", so you can check if the range that's changing includes the cell you're interested in.

How to suppress warnings globally in an R Script

I have replaced the printf calls with calls to warning in the C-code now. It will be effective in the version 2.17.2 which should be available tomorrow night. Then you should be able to avoid the warnings with suppressWarnings() or any of the other above mentioned methods.

suppressWarnings({ your code })

C++ deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'

I also got the same problem. And what I simple did is just adding const char* instead of char*. And the problem solved. As others have mentioned above it is a compatible error. C treats strings as char arrays while C++ treat them as const char arrays.

Delete the first five characters on any line of a text file in Linux with sed

sed 's/^.....//'


replace ("s", substitute) beginning-of-line then 5 characters (".") with nothing.

There are more compact or flexible ways to write this using sed or cut.

Error: Could not find or load main class in intelliJ IDE

File > Project Structure > Modules > Mark "src" folder as sources. This should fix the problem. Also check latest language is selected so that you don't have to change code or do any config changes. enter image description here

How can I check what version/edition of Visual Studio is installed programmatically?

Put this code somewhere in your C++ project:

#ifdef _DEBUG
TCHAR version[50];
sprintf(&version[0], "Version = %d", _MSC_VER);
MessageBox(NULL, (LPCTSTR)szMsg, "Visual Studio", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);

Note that _MSC_VER symbol is Microsoft specific. Here you can find a list of Visual Studio versions with the value for _MSC_VER for each version.

Validating with an XML schema in Python

I am assuming you mean using XSD files. Surprisingly there aren't many python XML libraries that support this. lxml does however. Check Validation with lxml. The page also lists how to use lxml to validate with other schema types.

Why is vertical-align: middle not working on my span or div?

here is a great article of how to vetical align.. I like the float way.


<div id="main">
    <div id="floater"></div>
    <div id="inner">Content here</div>

And the corresponding style:

#main {
   height: 250px;

#floater {
   float: left;
   height: 50%;
   width: 100%;
   margin-bottom: -50px;

#inner {
   clear: both;
   height: 100px;

Why should text files end with a newline?

This originates from the very early days when simple terminals were used. The newline char was used to trigger a 'flush' of the transferred data.

Today, the newline char isn't required anymore. Sure, many apps still have problems if the newline isn't there, but I'd consider that a bug in those apps.

If however you have a text file format where you require the newline, you get simple data verification very cheap: if the file ends with a line that has no newline at the end, you know the file is broken. With only one extra byte for each line, you can detect broken files with high accuracy and almost no CPU time.

Merge some list items in a Python List

On what basis should the merging take place? Your question is rather vague. Also, I assume a, b, ..., f are supposed to be strings, that is, 'a', 'b', ..., 'f'.

>>> x = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g']
>>> x[3:6] = [''.join(x[3:6])]
>>> x
['a', 'b', 'c', 'def', 'g']

Check out the documentation on sequence types, specifically on mutable sequence types. And perhaps also on string methods.

Why cannot change checkbox color whatever I do?

Can be very simplified like that :

    outline:2px solid red;
    outline-offset: -2px;

Works without any plugin :)

Is there an equivalent to background-size: cover and contain for image elements?

Solution #1 - The object-fit property (Lacks IE support)

Just set object-fit: cover; on the img .

body {
  margin: 0;
img {
  display: block;
  width: 100vw;
  height: 100vh;
  object-fit: cover; /* or object-fit: contain; */
<img src="" />

See MDN - regarding object-fit: cover:

The replaced content is sized to maintain its aspect ratio while filling the element’s entire content box. If the object's aspect ratio does not match the aspect ratio of its box, then the object will be clipped to fit.

And for object-fit: contain:

The replaced content is scaled to maintain its aspect ratio while fitting within the element’s content box. The entire object is made to fill the box, while preserving its aspect ratio, so the object will be "letterboxed" if its aspect ratio does not match the aspect ratio of the box.

Also, see this Codepen demo which compares object-fit: cover applied to an image with background-size: cover applied to a background image

Solution #2 - Replace the img with a background image with css

body {
  margin: 0;
img {
  position: fixed;
  width: 0;
  height: 0;
  padding: 50vh 50vw;
  background: url( no-repeat;
  background-size: cover;
<img src="" />

Javascript parse float is ignoring the decimals after my comma

For anyone arriving here wondering how to deal with this problem where commas (,) and full stops (.) might be involved but the exact number format may not be known - this is how I correct a string before using parseFloat() (borrowing ideas from other answers):

function preformatFloat(float){
      return '';

   //Index of first comma
   const posC = float.indexOf(',');

   if(posC === -1){
      //No commas found, treat as float
      return float;

   //Index of first full stop
   const posFS = float.indexOf('.');

   if(posFS === -1){
      //Uses commas and not full stops - swap them (e.g. 1,23 --> 1.23)
      return float.replace(/\,/g, '.');

   //Uses both commas and full stops - ensure correct order and remove 1000s separators
   return ((posC < posFS) ? (float.replace(/\,/g,'')) : (float.replace(/\./g,'').replace(',', '.')));
// <-- parseFloat(preformatFloat('5.200,75'))
// --> 5200.75

At the very least, this would allow parsing of British/American and European decimal formats (assuming the string contains a valid number).

How to measure elapsed time in Python?

Time can also be measured by %timeit magic function as follow:

%timeit -t -n 1 print("hello")

n 1 is for running function only 1 time.

How to clear or stop timeInterval in angularjs?

You can store the promise returned by the interval and use $interval.cancel() to that promise, which cancels the interval of that promise. To delegate the starting and stopping of the interval, you can create start() and stop() functions whenever you want to stop and start them again from a specific event. I have created a snippet below showing the basics of starting and stopping an interval, by implementing it in view through the use of events (e.g. ng-click) and in the controller.

angular.module('app', [])_x000D_
  .controller('ItemController', function($scope, $interval) {_x000D_
    // store the interval promise in this variable_x000D_
    var promise;_x000D_
    // simulated items array_x000D_
    $scope.items = [];_x000D_
    // starts the interval_x000D_
    $scope.start = function() {_x000D_
      // stops any running interval to avoid two intervals running at the same time_x000D_
      $scope.stop(); _x000D_
      // store the interval promise_x000D_
      promise = $interval(setRandomizedCollection, 1000);_x000D_
    // stops the interval_x000D_
    $scope.stop = function() {_x000D_
    // starting the interval by default_x000D_
    // stops the interval when the scope is destroyed,_x000D_
    // this usually happens when a route is changed and _x000D_
    // the ItemsController $scope gets destroyed. The_x000D_
    // destruction of the ItemsController scope does not_x000D_
    // guarantee the stopping of any intervals, you must_x000D_
    // be responsible for stopping it when the scope is_x000D_
    // is destroyed._x000D_
    $scope.$on('$destroy', function() {_x000D_
    function setRandomizedCollection() {_x000D_
      // items to randomize 1 - 11_x000D_
      var randomItems = parseInt(Math.random() * 10 + 1); _x000D_
      // empties the items array_x000D_
      $scope.items.length = 0; _x000D_
      // loop through random N times_x000D_
      while(randomItems--) {_x000D_
        // push random number from 1 - 10000 to $scope.items_x000D_
        $scope.items.push(parseInt(Math.random() * 10000 + 1)); _x000D_
<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="ItemController">_x000D_
  <!-- Event trigger to start the interval -->_x000D_
  <button type="button" ng-click="start()">Start Interval</button>_x000D_
  <!-- Event trigger to stop the interval -->_x000D_
  <button type="button" ng-click="stop()">Stop Interval</button>_x000D_
  <!-- display all the random items -->_x000D_
    <li ng-repeat="item in items track by $index" ng-bind="item"></li>_x000D_
  <!-- end of display -->_x000D_
<script src=""></script>

Adding content to a linear layout dynamically?

You can achieve LinearLayout cascading like this:

LinearLayout root = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;    
LinearLayout llay1 = new LinearLayout(this);    
LinearLayout llay2 = new LinearLayout(this);    

Split string with string as delimiter

Try this:

for /F "tokens=1,3 delims=. " %%a in ("%string%") do (
   echo %%a
   echo %%b

that is, take the first and third tokens delimited by space or point...

What does -> mean in Python function definitions?

def function(arg)->123:

It's simply a return type, integer in this case doesn't matter which number you write.

like Java :

public int function(int args){...}

But for Python (how Jim Fasarakis Hilliard said) the return type it's just an hint, so it's suggest the return but allow anyway to return other type like a string..

Get selected row item in DataGrid WPF

You can also:

DataRowView row = dataGrid.SelectedItem as DataRowView;

What does 'URI has an authority component' mean?

Flip over to the GlassFish output tab, it'll give you better info. Netbeans gives you that generic error, but Glassfish gives you the details. When I get this it's usually a typo in one of my JSP or XML files...

Why do people write #!/usr/bin/env python on the first line of a Python script?

It seems to me like the files run the same without that line.

If so, then perhaps you're running the Python program on Windows? Windows doesn't use that line—instead, it uses the file-name extension to run the program associated with the file extension.

However in 2011, a "Python launcher" was developed which (to some degree) mimics this Linux behaviour for Windows. This is limited just to choosing which Python interpreter is run — e.g. to select between Python 2 and Python 3 on a system where both are installed. The launcher is optionally installed as py.exe by Python installation, and can be associated with .py files so that the launcher will check that line and in turn launch the specified Python interpreter version.

How do I calculate a trendline for a graph?

Thank You so much for the solution, I was scratching my head.
Here's how I applied the solution in Excel.
I successfully used the two functions given by MUHD in Excel:
a = (sum(x*y) - sum(x)sum(y)/n) / (sum(x^2) - sum(x)^2/n)
b = sum(y)/n - b(sum(x)/n)
(careful my a and b are the b and a in MUHD's solution).

- Made 4 columns, for example:
NB: my values y values are in B3:B17, so I have n=15;
my x values are 1,2,3,4...15.
1. Column B: Known x's
2. Column C: Known y's
3. Column D: The computed trend line
4. Column E: B values * C values (E3=B3*C3, E4=B4*C4, ..., E17=B17*C17)
5. Column F: x squared values
I then sum the columns B,C and E, the sums go in line 18 for me, so I have B18 as sum of Xs, C18 as sum of Ys, E18 as sum of X*Y, and F18 as sum of squares.
To compute a, enter the followin formula in any cell (F35 for me):
To compute b (in F36 for me):
Column D values, computing the trend line according to the y = ax + b:
D3=$F$35*B3+$F$36, D4=$F$35*B4+$F$36 and so on (until D17 for me).

Select the column datas (C2:D17) to make the graph.

Delete files older than 15 days using PowerShell

Another way is to subtract 15 days from the current date and compare CreationTime against that value:

$root  = 'C:\root\folder'
$limit = (Get-Date).AddDays(-15)

Get-ChildItem $root -Recurse | ? {
  -not $_.PSIsContainer -and $_.CreationTime -lt $limit
} | Remove-Item

What is the right way to debug in iPython notebook?

In Python 3.7 you can use breakpoint() function. Just enter


wherever you would like runtime to stop and from there you can use the same pdb commands (r, c, n, ...) or evaluate your variables.

Array to String PHP?

For store associative arrays you can use serialize:

$arr = array(
    'a' => 1,
    'b' => 2,
    'c' => 3

file_put_contents('stored-array.txt', serialize($arr));

And load using unserialize:

$arr = unserialize(file_get_contents('stored-array.txt'));


But if need creat dinamic .php files with array (for example config files), you can use var_export(..., true);, like this:

Save in file:

$arr = array(
    'a' => 1,
    'b' => 2,
    'c' => 3

$str = preg_replace('#,(\s+|)\)#', '$1)', var_export($arr, true));
$str = '<?php' . PHP_EOL . 'return ' . $str . ';';

file_put_contents('config.php', $str);

Get array values:

$arr = include 'config.php';


Why am I getting an error "Object literal may only specify known properties"?

As of TypeScript 1.6, properties in object literals that do not have a corresponding property in the type they're being assigned to are flagged as errors.

Usually this error means you have a bug (typically a typo) in your code, or in the definition file. The right fix in this case would be to fix the typo. In the question, the property callbackOnLoactionHash is incorrect and should have been callbackOnLocationHash (note the mis-spelling of "Location").

This change also required some updates in definition files, so you should get the latest version of the .d.ts for any libraries you're using.


interface TextOptions {
    alignment?: string;
    color?: string;
    padding?: number;
function drawText(opts: TextOptions) { ... }
drawText({ align: 'center' }); // Error, no property 'align' in 'TextOptions'

But I meant to do that

There are a few cases where you may have intended to have extra properties in your object. Depending on what you're doing, there are several appropriate fixes

Type-checking only some properties

Sometimes you want to make sure a few things are present and of the correct type, but intend to have extra properties for whatever reason. Type assertions (<T>v or v as T) do not check for extra properties, so you can use them in place of a type annotation:

interface Options {
    x?: string;
    y?: number;

// Error, no property 'z' in 'Options'
let q1: Options = { x: 'foo', y: 32, z: 100 };
// OK
let q2 = { x: 'foo', y: 32, z: 100 } as Options;
// Still an error (good):
let q3 = { x: 100, y: 32, z: 100 } as Options;

These properties and maybe more

Some APIs take an object and dynamically iterate over its keys, but have 'special' keys that need to be of a certain type. Adding a string indexer to the type will disable extra property checking


interface Model {
  name: string;
function createModel(x: Model) { ... }

// Error
createModel({name: 'hello', length: 100});


interface Model {
  name: string;
  [others: string]: any;
function createModel(x: Model) { ... }

// OK
createModel({name: 'hello', length: 100});

This is a dog or a cat or a horse, not sure yet

interface Animal { move; }
interface Dog extends Animal { woof; }
interface Cat extends Animal { meow; }
interface Horse extends Animal { neigh; }

let x: Animal;
if(...) {
  x = { move: 'doggy paddle', woof: 'bark' };
} else if(...) {
  x = { move: 'catwalk', meow: 'mrar' };
} else {
  x = { move: 'gallop', neigh: 'wilbur' };

Two good solutions come to mind here

Specify a closed set for x

// Removes all errors
let x: Dog|Cat|Horse;

or Type assert each thing

// For each initialization
  x = { move: 'doggy paddle', woof: 'bark' } as Dog;

This type is sometimes open and sometimes not

A clean solution to the "data model" problem using intersection types:

interface DataModelOptions {
  name?: string;
  id?: number;
interface UserProperties {
  [key: string]: any;
function createDataModel(model: DataModelOptions & UserProperties) {
 /* ... */
// findDataModel can only look up by name or id
function findDataModel(model: DataModelOptions) {
 /* ... */
// OK
createDataModel({name: 'my model', favoriteAnimal: 'cat' });
// Error, 'ID' is not correct (should be 'id')
findDataModel({ ID: 32 });

See also

What should be the sizeof(int) on a 64-bit machine?

Not really. for backward compatibility it is 32 bits.
If you want 64 bits you have long, size_t or int64_t

How to change app default theme to a different app theme?

If you are trying to reference an android style, you need to put "android:" in there


If that doesn't solve it, you may need to edit your question with the full manifest file, so we can see more details

"Insufficient Storage Available" even there is lot of free space in device memory

I had more than 2 GB internal space and yet I was not able to install / update applications either from Google Play or manually.

Whatever may be the reason, wiping the cache partition solved my purpose.

Steps: Recovery -> Wipe cache partition -> Reboot system now

How to find a parent with a known class in jQuery?

Assuming that this is .d, you can write


The closest method returns the innermost parent of your element that matches the selector.

Tensorflow: how to save/restore a model?

According to the new Tensorflow version, tf.train.Checkpoint is the preferable way of saving and restoring a model: and Checkpoint.restore write and read object-based checkpoints, in contrast to tf.train.Saver which writes and reads based checkpoints. Object-based checkpointing saves a graph of dependencies between Python objects (Layers, Optimizers, Variables, etc.) with named edges, and this graph is used to match variables when restoring a checkpoint. It can be more robust to changes in the Python program, and helps to support restore-on-create for variables when executing eagerly. Prefer tf.train.Checkpoint over tf.train.Saver for new code.

Here is an example:

import tensorflow as tf
import os


checkpoint_directory = "/tmp/training_checkpoints"
checkpoint_prefix = os.path.join(checkpoint_directory, "ckpt")

checkpoint = tf.train.Checkpoint(optimizer=optimizer, model=model)
status = checkpoint.restore(tf.train.latest_checkpoint(checkpoint_directory))
for _ in range(num_training_steps):
  optimizer.minimize( ... )  # Variables will be restored on creation.
status.assert_consumed()  # Optional sanity checks.

More information and example here.

nginx: send all requests to a single html page

This worked for me:

location / {
    alias /path/to/my/indexfile/;
    try_files $uri /index.html;

This allowed me to create a catch-all URL for a javascript single-page app. All static files like css, fonts, and javascript built by npm run build will be found if they are in the same directory as index.html.

If the static files were in another directory, for some reason, you'd also need something like:

# Static pages generated by "npm run build"
location ~ ^/css/|^/fonts/|^/semantic/|^/static/ {
    alias /path/to/my/staticfiles/;


SOAPAction is required in SOAP 1.1 but can be empty ("").


"The header field value of empty string ("") means that the intent of the SOAP message is provided by the HTTP Request-URI."

Try setting SOAPAction=""

How to set the timezone in Django?

Choose a valid timezone from the tzinfo database. They tend to take the form e.g. Africa/Gaborne and US/Eastern

Find the one which matches the city nearest you, or the one which has your timezone, then set your value of TIME_ZONE to match.

How to change UIPickerView height

If you want to create your picker in IB, you can post-resize it to a smaller size. Check to make sure it still draws correctly though, as there comes a point where it looks heinous.

Get java.nio.file.Path object from

Yes, you can get it from the File object by using File.toPath(). Keep in mind that this is only for Java 7+. Java versions 6 and below do not have it.

Easy way of running the same junit test over and over?

You could run your JUnit test from a main method and repeat it so many times you need:

package tests;

import static org.junit.Assert.*;

import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.Result;

public class RepeatedTest {

    public void test() {
        fail("Not yet implemented");

    public static void main(String args[]) {

        boolean runForever = true;

        while (runForever) {
            Result result = org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.runClasses(RepeatedTest.class);

            if (result.getFailureCount() > 0) {
                runForever = false;
               //Do something with the result object




Is CSS Turing complete?

Turing-completeness is not only about "defining functions" or "have ifs/loops/etc". For example, Haskell doesn't have "loop", lambda-calculus don't have "ifs", etc...

For example, this site: The author uses Ruby and create a "FizzBuzz" program with only closures (no strings, numbers, or anything like that)...

There are examples when people compute some arithmetical functions on Scala using only the type system

So, yes, in my opinion, CSS3+HTML is turing-complete (even if you can't exactly do any real computation with then without becoming crazy)

WordPress query single post by slug

As wordpress api has changed, you can´t use get_posts with param 'post_name'. I´ve modified Maartens function a bit:

function get_post_id_by_slug( $slug, $post_type = "post" ) {
    $query = new WP_Query(
            'name'   => $slug,
            'post_type'   => $post_type,
            'numberposts' => 1,
            'fields'      => 'ids',
        ) );
    $posts = $query->get_posts();
    return array_shift( $posts );

Python interpreter error, x takes no arguments (1 given)

Python implicitly passes the object to method calls, but you need to explicitly declare the parameter for it. This is customarily named self:

def updateVelocity(self):

Split text file into smaller multiple text file using command line

Syntax looks like:

$ split [OPTION] [INPUT [PREFIX]] 

where prefix is PREFIXaa, PREFIXab, ...

Just use proper one and youre done or just use mv for renameing. I think $ mv * *.txt should work but test it first on smaller scale.


Python vs Cpython

You should know that CPython doesn't really support multithreading (it does, but not optimal) because of the Global Interpreter Lock. It also has no Optimisation mechanisms for recursion, and has many other limitations that other implementations and libraries try to fill.

You should take a look at this page on the python wiki.

Look at the code snippets on this page, it'll give you a good idea of what an interpreter is.

data.frame Group By column

This is a common question. In base, the option you're looking for is aggregate. Assuming your data.frame is called "mydf", you can use the following.

> aggregate(B ~ A, mydf, sum)
  A  B
1 1  5
2 2  3
3 3 11

I would also recommend looking into the "data.table" package.

> library(data.table)
> DT <- data.table(mydf)
> DT[, sum(B), by = A]
   A V1
1: 1  5
2: 2  3
3: 3 11

What is an MDF file?

SQL Server databases use two files - an MDF file, known as the primary database file, which contains the schema and data, and a LDF file, which contains the logs. See wikipedia. A database may also use secondary database file, which normally uses a .ndf extension.

As John S. indicates, these file extensions are purely convention - you can use whatever you want, although I can't think of a good reason to do that.

More info on MSDN here and in Beginning SQL Server 2005 Administation (Google Books) here.

How to change the type of a field?

demo change type of field mid from string to mongo objectId using mongoose

 Post.find({}, {mid: 1,_id:1}).exec(function (err, doc) {
   , key) => {
                Post.findByIdAndUpdate({_id:item._id},{$set:{mid: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(item.mid)}}).exec((err,res)=>{
                    if(err) throw err;

Mongo ObjectId is just another example of such styles as

Number, string, boolean that hope the answer will help someone else.

Checkbox for nullable boolean

This is an old question, and the existing answers describe most of the alternatives. But there's one simple option, if you have bool? in your viewmodel, and you don't care about null in your UI:

@Html.CheckBoxFor(m => m.boolValue ?? false);

What is the purpose of shuffling and sorting phase in the reducer in Map Reduce Programming?

First of all shuffling is the process of transfering data from the mappers to the reducers, so I think it is obvious that it is necessary for the reducers, since otherwise, they wouldn't be able to have any input (or input from every mapper). Shuffling can start even before the map phase has finished, to save some time. That's why you can see a reduce status greater than 0% (but less than 33%) when the map status is not yet 100%.

Sorting saves time for the reducer, helping it easily distinguish when a new reduce task should start. It simply starts a new reduce task, when the next key in the sorted input data is different than the previous, to put it simply. Each reduce task takes a list of key-value pairs, but it has to call the reduce() method which takes a key-list(value) input, so it has to group values by key. It's easy to do so, if input data is pre-sorted (locally) in the map phase and simply merge-sorted in the reduce phase (since the reducers get data from many mappers).

Partitioning, that you mentioned in one of the answers, is a different process. It determines in which reducer a (key, value) pair, output of the map phase, will be sent. The default Partitioner uses a hashing on the keys to distribute them to the reduce tasks, but you can override it and use your own custom Partitioner.

A great source of information for these steps is this Yahoo tutorial (archived).

A nice graphical representation of this is the following (shuffle is called "copy" in this figure):

enter image description here

Note that shuffling and sorting are not performed at all if you specify zero reducers (setNumReduceTasks(0)). Then, the MapReduce job stops at the map phase, and the map phase does not include any kind of sorting (so even the map phase is faster).

UPDATE: Since you are looking for something more official, you can also read Tom White's book "Hadoop: The Definitive Guide". Here is the interesting part for your question.
Tom White has been an Apache Hadoop committer since February 2007, and is a member of the Apache Software Foundation, so I guess it is pretty credible and official...

How to use std::sort to sort an array in C++

you can use,

 std::sort(v.begin(),v.end()); failed to connect to / (port 2468): connect failed: ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused)

first,i used "localhost:port" format met this error.then I changed the address to "ip:port" format and the problem solved.

Reset input value in angular 2

You should use two way binding. There is no need to have a ViewChild since it's the same component.

So add ngModel to your input and leave the rest. Here's your edited code.

<input mdInput placeholder="Name" [(ngModel)]="filterName" name="filterName" >

Generating a Random Number between 1 and 10 Java

As the documentation says, this method call returns "a pseudorandom, uniformly distributed int value between 0 (inclusive) and the specified value (exclusive)". This means that you will get numbers from 0 to 9 in your case. So you've done everything correctly by adding one to that number.

Generally speaking, if you need to generate numbers from min to max (including both), you write

random.nextInt(max - min + 1) + min

Control the dashed border stroke length and distance between strokes

Css render is browser specific and I don't know any fine tuning on it, you should work with images as recommended by Ham. Reference:

Spring,Request method 'POST' not supported

In Jsp:


In Controller

@RequestMapping(value = "proffessional", method = RequestMethod.POST)

Spelling MisMatch !

Why is document.write considered a "bad practice"?

A few of the more serious problems:

  • document.write (henceforth DW) does not work in XHTML

  • DW does not directly modify the DOM, preventing further manipulation (trying to find evidence of this, but it's at best situational)

  • DW executed after the page has finished loading will overwrite the page, or write a new page, or not work

  • DW executes where encountered: it cannot inject at a given node point

  • DW is effectively writing serialised text which is not the way the DOM works conceptually, and is an easy way to create bugs (.innerHTML has the same problem)

Far better to use the safe and DOM friendly DOM manipulation methods

Android runOnUiThread explanation

If you already have the data "for (Parcelable currentHeadline : allHeadlines)," then why are you doing that in a separate thread?

You should poll the data in a separate thread, and when it's finished gathering it, then call your populateTables method on the UI thread:

private void populateTable() {
    runOnUiThread(new Runnable(){
        public void run() {
            //If there are stories, add them to the table
            for (Parcelable currentHeadline : allHeadlines) {
            try {
            } catch (final Exception ex) {
                Log.i("---","Exception in thread");

CSS for grabbing cursors (drag & drop)

"more custom" than CSS cursors means a plugin of some type, but you can totally specify your own cursors using CSS. I think this list has what you want:

.alias {cursor: alias;}_x000D_
.all-scroll {cursor: all-scroll;}_x000D_
.auto {cursor: auto;}_x000D_
.cell {cursor: cell;}_x000D_
.context-menu {cursor: context-menu;}_x000D_
.col-resize {cursor: col-resize;}_x000D_
.copy {cursor: copy;}_x000D_
.crosshair {cursor: crosshair;}_x000D_
.default {cursor: default;}_x000D_
.e-resize {cursor: e-resize;}_x000D_
.ew-resize {cursor: ew-resize;}_x000D_
.grab {cursor: grab;}_x000D_
.grabbing {cursor: grabbing;}_x000D_
.help {cursor: help;}_x000D_
.move {cursor: move;}_x000D_
.n-resize {cursor: n-resize;}_x000D_
.ne-resize {cursor: ne-resize;}_x000D_
.nesw-resize {cursor: nesw-resize;}_x000D_
.ns-resize {cursor: ns-resize;}_x000D_
.nw-resize {cursor: nw-resize;}_x000D_
.nwse-resize {cursor: nwse-resize;}_x000D_
.no-drop {cursor: no-drop;}_x000D_
.none {cursor: none;}_x000D_
.not-allowed {cursor: not-allowed;}_x000D_
.pointer {cursor: pointer;}_x000D_
.progress {cursor: progress;}_x000D_
.row-resize {cursor: row-resize;}_x000D_
.s-resize {cursor: s-resize;}_x000D_
.se-resize {cursor: se-resize;}_x000D_
.sw-resize {cursor: sw-resize;}_x000D_
.text {cursor: text;}_x000D_
.url {cursor: url(,auto;}_x000D_
.w-resize {cursor: w-resize;}_x000D_
.wait {cursor: wait;}_x000D_
.zoom-in {cursor: zoom-in;}_x000D_
.zoom-out {cursor: zoom-out;}
<h1>The cursor Property</h1>_x000D_
<p>Hover mouse over each to see how the cursor looks</p>_x000D_
<p class="alias">cursor: alias</p>_x000D_
<p class="all-scroll">cursor: all-scroll</p>_x000D_
<p class="auto">cursor: auto</p>_x000D_
<p class="cell">cursor: cell</p>_x000D_
<p class="context-menu">cursor: context-menu</p>_x000D_
<p class="col-resize">cursor: col-resize</p>_x000D_
<p class="copy">cursor: copy</p>_x000D_
<p class="crosshair">cursor: crosshair</p>_x000D_
<p class="default">cursor: default</p>_x000D_
<p class="e-resize">cursor: e-resize</p>_x000D_
<p class="ew-resize">cursor: ew-resize</p>_x000D_
<p class="grab">cursor: grab</p>_x000D_
<p class="grabbing">cursor: grabbing</p>_x000D_
<p class="help">cursor: help</p>_x000D_
<p class="move">cursor: move</p>_x000D_
<p class="n-resize">cursor: n-resize</p>_x000D_
<p class="ne-resize">cursor: ne-resize</p>_x000D_
<p class="nesw-resize">cursor: nesw-resize</p>_x000D_
<p class="ns-resize">cursor: ns-resize</p>_x000D_
<p class="nw-resize">cursor: nw-resize</p>_x000D_
<p class="nwse-resize">cursor: nwse-resize</p>_x000D_
<p class="no-drop">cursor: no-drop</p>_x000D_
<p class="none">cursor: none</p>_x000D_
<p class="not-allowed">cursor: not-allowed</p>_x000D_
<p class="pointer">cursor: pointer</p>_x000D_
<p class="progress">cursor: progress</p>_x000D_
<p class="row-resize">cursor: row-resize</p>_x000D_
<p class="s-resize">cursor: s-resize</p>_x000D_
<p class="se-resize">cursor: se-resize</p>_x000D_
<p class="sw-resize">cursor: sw-resize</p>_x000D_
<p class="text">cursor: text</p>_x000D_
<p class="url">cursor: url</p>_x000D_
<p class="w-resize">cursor: w-resize</p>_x000D_
<p class="wait">cursor: wait</p>_x000D_
<p class="zoom-in">cursor: zoom-in</p>_x000D_
<p class="zoom-out">cursor: zoom-out</p>

Source: CSS cursor Property @ W3Schools

How to configure "Shorten command line" method for whole project in IntelliJ

Intellij 2018.2.5

Run => Edit Configurations => Choose Node on the left hand side => expand Environment => Shorten Command line options => choose Classpath file or JAR manifest

Screen shot of Run/Debug Configuration showing the command line options

Doctrine 2: Update query with query builder

With a small change, it worked fine for me


How to check type of object in Python?

use isinstance(v, type_name) or type(v) is type_name or type(v) == type_name,

where type_name can be one of the following:

  • None
  • bool
  • int
  • float
  • complex
  • str
  • list
  • tuple
  • set
  • dict

and, of course,

  • custom types (classes)

Auto reloading python Flask app upon code changes

I got a different idea:


pip install python-dotenv

Install the python-dotenv module, which will read local preference for your project environment.


Add .flaskenv file in your project directory. Add following code:


It's done!

With this config for your Flask project, when you run flask run and you will see this output in your terminal:

enter image description here

And when you edit your file, just save the change. You will see auto-reload is there for you:

enter image description here

With more explanation:

Of course you can manually hit export FLASK_ENV=development every time you need. But using different configuration file to handle the actual working environment seems like a better solution, so I strongly recommend this method I use.

Apache POI error loading XSSFWorkbook class

Yeah, resolved the exception by adding commons-collections4-4.1 jar file to the CLASSPATH user varible of system. Downloaded from

How to create a circular ImageView in Android?

I too needed a rounded ImageView, I used the below code, you can modify it accordingly:

import android.content.Context;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.widget.ImageView;

public class RoundedImageView extends ImageView {

    public RoundedImageView(Context context) {

    public RoundedImageView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);

    public RoundedImageView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyle);

    protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

        Drawable drawable = getDrawable();

        if (drawable == null) {

        if (getWidth() == 0 || getHeight() == 0) {
        Bitmap b = ((BitmapDrawable) drawable).getBitmap();
        Bitmap bitmap = b.copy(Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, true);

        int w = getWidth();
        int h = getHeight();

        Bitmap roundBitmap = getCroppedBitmap(bitmap, w);
        canvas.drawBitmap(roundBitmap, 0, 0, null);


    public static Bitmap getCroppedBitmap(Bitmap bmp, int radius) {
        Bitmap sbmp;

        if (bmp.getWidth() != radius || bmp.getHeight() != radius) {
            float smallest = Math.min(bmp.getWidth(), bmp.getHeight());
            float factor = smallest / radius;
            sbmp = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bmp,
                    (int) (bmp.getWidth() / factor),
                    (int) (bmp.getHeight() / factor), false);
        } else {
            sbmp = bmp;

        Bitmap output = Bitmap.createBitmap(radius, radius, Config.ARGB_8888);
        Canvas canvas = new Canvas(output);

        final String color = "#BAB399";
        final Paint paint = new Paint();
        final Rect rect = new Rect(0, 0, radius, radius);

        canvas.drawARGB(0, 0, 0, 0);
        canvas.drawCircle(radius / 2 + 0.7f, radius / 2 + 0.7f,
                radius / 2 + 0.1f, paint);
        paint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(Mode.SRC_IN));
        canvas.drawBitmap(sbmp, rect, rect, paint);

        return output;


How to find the date of a day of the week from a date using PHP?


$date = '2012-10-11';
$day  = 1;
$days = array('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday','Thursday','Friday', 'Saturday');
echo date('Y-m-d', strtotime($days[$day], strtotime($date)));

iPhone 5 CSS media query

You should maybe down the "-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio" to 1.5 to catch all iPhones ?

@media only screen and (max-device-width: 480px), only screen and (min-device-width: 640px) and (max-device-width: 1136px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5) {
/* iPhone only */

Launch Image does not show up in my iOS App

After several hours frustrated on this, I decided to use this way. It works for both iPhone and iPad (on Xcode 6.1)

  1. File >> New File >> User Interface >> Launch Screen
  2. Create new key/value: "Launch screen interface file base name"/"Your Launch Screen Name" in YourApp-Info.plist

1 picture worths more than thousand words. Please look at below:

File>>New File>> User Interface >> Launch Screen

Create new key/value "Launch screen interface file base name"/"Your Launch Screen Name" in YourApp-Info.plist

CSS two div width 50% in one line with line break in file

The problem is that if you have a new line between them in the HTML, then you get a space between them when you use inline-table or inline-block

50% + 50% + that space > 100% and that's why the second one ends up below the first one







The idea is not to have any kind of space between the first closing div tag and the second opening div tag in your HTML.

PS - I would also use inline-block instead of inline-table for this

android listview item height

This is my solution(There is a nested LinearLayout):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:layout_height="fill_parent" >

        android:orientation="vertical" >

            android:textSize="16sp" />


Use :hover to modify the css of another class?

You can do it by making the following CSS. you can put here the css you need to affect child class in case of hover on the root

.root:hover    .child {_x000D_

right align an image using CSS HTML

<img style="float: right;" alt="" src="" />
<div style="clear: right">


HTML Tags in Javascript Alert() method

You can add HTML into an alert string, but it will not render as HTML. It will just be displayed as a plain string. Simple answer: no.

How do I put variable values into a text string in MATLAB?

I was looking for something along what you wanted, but wanted to put it back into a variable.

So this is what I did

variable = ['hello this is x' x ', this is now y' y ', finally this is d:' d]


variable = [str1 str2 str3 str4 str5 str6]

How do I get the object if it exists, or None if it does not exist?

Without exception:

if SomeModel.objects.filter(foo='bar').exists():
    x = SomeModel.objects.get(foo='bar')
    x = None

Using an exception:

   x = SomeModel.objects.get(foo='bar')
except SomeModel.DoesNotExist:
   x = None

There is a bit of an argument about when one should use an exception in python. On the one hand, "it is easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission". While I agree with this, I believe that an exception should remain, well, the exception, and the "ideal case" should run without hitting one.

How to check if a string contains text from an array of substrings in JavaScript?

let obj = [{name : 'amit'},{name : 'arti'},{name : 'sumit'}];
let input = 'it';

Use filter :


Difference between dates in JavaScript

This answer, based on another one (link at end), is about the difference between two dates.
You can see how it works because it's simple, also it includes splitting the difference into
units of time (a function that I made) and converting to UTC to stop time zone problems.

function date_units_diff(a, b, unit_amounts) {_x000D_
    var split_to_whole_units = function (milliseconds, unit_amounts) {_x000D_
        // unit_amounts = list/array of amounts of milliseconds in a_x000D_
        // second, seconds in a minute, etc., for example "[1000, 60]"._x000D_
        time_data = [milliseconds];_x000D_
        for (i = 0; i < unit_amounts.length; i++) {_x000D_
            time_data.push(parseInt(time_data[i] / unit_amounts[i]));_x000D_
            time_data[i] = time_data[i] % unit_amounts[i];_x000D_
        }; return time_data.reverse();_x000D_
    }; if (unit_amounts == undefined) {_x000D_
        unit_amounts = [1000, 60, 60, 24];_x000D_
    var utc_a = new Date(a.toUTCString());_x000D_
    var utc_b = new Date(b.toUTCString());_x000D_
    var diff = (utc_b - utc_a);_x000D_
    return split_to_whole_units(diff, unit_amounts);_x000D_
// Example of use:_x000D_
var d = date_units_diff(new Date(2010, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), new Date()).slice(0,-2);_x000D_
document.write("In difference: 0 days, 1 hours, 2 minutes.".replace(_x000D_
   /0|1|2/g, function (x) {return String( d[Number(x)] );} ));

How my code above works

A date/time difference, as milliseconds, can be calculated using the Date object:

var a = new Date(); // Current date now.
var b = new Date(2010, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); // Start of 2010.

var utc_a = new Date(a.toUTCString());
var utc_b = new Date(b.toUTCString());
var diff = (utc_b - utc_a); // The difference as milliseconds.

Then to work out the number of seconds in that difference, divide it by 1000 to convert
milliseconds to seconds, then change the result to an integer (whole number) to remove
the milliseconds (fraction part of that decimal): var seconds = parseInt(diff/1000).
Also, I could get longer units of time using the same process, for example:
- (whole) minutes, dividing seconds by 60 and changing the result to an integer,
- hours, dividing minutes by 60 and changing the result to an integer.

I created a function for doing that process of splitting the difference into
whole units of time, named split_to_whole_units, with this demo:

console.log(split_to_whole_units(72000, [1000, 60]));
// -> [1,12,0] # 1 (whole) minute, 12 seconds, 0 milliseconds.

This answer is based on this other one.

if var == False

I think what you are looking for is the 'not' operator?

if not var

Reference page:

How to find the index of an element in an array in Java?

I am providing the proper method to do this one

     * Method to get the index of the given item from the list
     * @param stringArray
     * @param name
     * @return index of the item if item exists else return -1
    public static int getIndexOfItemInArray(String[] stringArray, String name) {
        if (stringArray != null && stringArray.length > 0) {
            ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(stringArray));
            int index = list.indexOf(name);
            return index;
        return -1;

vuetify center items into v-flex

wrap button inside <div class="text-xs-center">

<div class="text-xs-center">
  <v-btn primary>

Dev uses it in his examples.

For centering buttons in v-card-actions we can add class="justify-center" (note in v2 class is text-center (so without xs):

<v-card-actions class="justify-center">


For more examples with regards to centering see here

Retrieving the output of

For python 3.5+ it is recommended that you use the run function from the subprocess module. This returns a CompletedProcess object, from which you can easily obtain the output as well as return code.

from subprocess import PIPE, run

command = ['echo', 'hello']
result = run(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
print(result.returncode, result.stdout, result.stderr)

phpMyAdmin on MySQL 8.0

I solved my problem basically with András answer:

1- Log in to MySQL console with root user:

root@9532f0da1a2a:/# mysql -u root -pPASSWORD

And type the root's password to auth.

2- I created a new user:

mysql> CREATE USER 'user'@'hostname' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

3- Grant all privileges to the new user:

mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* To 'user'@'hostname';

4- Change the Authentication Plugin with the password:

mysql> ALTER USER user IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'PASSWORD';

Now, phpmyadmin works fine logging the new user.

Jenkins: Can comments be added to a Jenkinsfile?

Comments work fine in any of the usual Java/Groovy forms, but you can't currently use groovydoc to process your Jenkinsfile (s).

First, groovydoc chokes on files without extensions with the wonderful error

    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
Caused by: java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1
    at java.lang.String.substring(
    at$ Source)
    at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.CallSiteArray.defaultCall(
    ... 6 more

... and second, as far as I can tell Javadoc-style commments at the start of a groovy script are ignored. So even if you copy/rename your Jenkinsfile to Jenkinsfile.groovy, you won't get much useful output.

I want to be able to use a

 * Document my Jenkinsfile's overall purpose here

comment at the start of my Jenkinsfile. No such luck (yet).

groovydoc will process classes and methods defined in your Jenkinsfile if you pass -private to the command, though.

SQLite - getting number of rows in a database

Not sure if I understand your question, but max(id) won't give you the number of lines at all. For example if you have only one line with id = 13 (let's say you deleted the previous lines), you'll have max(id) = 13 but the number of rows is 1. The correct (and fastest) solution is to use count(). BTW if you wonder why there's a star, it's because you can count lines based on a criteria.

How to add two strings as if they were numbers?

I would use the unary plus operator to convert them to numbers first.

+num1 + +num2;

How do I capture response of form.submit

I am not sure that you understand what submit() does...

When you do form1.submit(); the form information is sent to the webserver.

The WebServer will do whatever its supposed to do and return a brand new webpage to the client(usually the same page with something changed).

So, there is no way you can "catch" the return of a form.submit() action.

How to prevent Browser cache for php site

I had problem with caching my css files. Setting headers in PHP didn't help me (perhaps because the headers would need to be set in the stylesheet file instead of the page linking to it?).

I found the solution on this page:

The solution:

Append timestamp as the query part of the URI for the linked file.
(Can be used for css, js, images etc.)

For development:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css?<?php echo date('Y-m-d_H:i:s'); ?>">

For production (where caching is mostly a good thing):

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css?version=3.2">
(and rewrite manually when it is required)

Or combination of these two:

    define( "DEBUGGING", true ); // or false in production enviroment
<!-- ... -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css?version=3.2<?php echo (DEBUGGING) ? date('_Y-m-d_H:i:s') : ""; ?>">


Or prettier combination of those two:

    // Init
    define( "DEBUGGING", true ); // or false in production enviroment
    // Functions
    function get_cache_prevent_string( $always = false ) {
        return (DEBUGGING || $always) ? date('_Y-m-d_H:i:s') : "";
<!-- ... -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css?version=3.2<?php echo get_cache_prevent_string(); ?>">

How can I get an HTTP response body as a string?

Every library I can think of returns a stream. You could use IOUtils.toString() from Apache Commons IO to read an InputStream into a String in one method call. E.g.:

URL url = new URL("");
URLConnection con = url.openConnection();
InputStream in = con.getInputStream();
String encoding = con.getContentEncoding();
encoding = encoding == null ? "UTF-8" : encoding;
String body = IOUtils.toString(in, encoding);

Update: I changed the example above to use the content encoding from the response if available. Otherwise it'll default to UTF-8 as a best guess, instead of using the local system default.

How to process SIGTERM signal gracefully?

Found easiest way for me. Here an example with fork for clarity that this way is useful for flow control.

import signal
import time
import sys
import os

def handle_exit(sig, frame):

def main():

signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handle_exit)

p = os.fork()
if p == 0:

    os.waitpid(p, 0)
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
    print('exit handled')
    os.kill(p, 15)
    os.waitpid(p, 0)

OR condition in Regex

I think what you need might be simply:

\d( \w)?

Note that your regex would have worked too if it was written as \d \w|\d instead of \d|\d \w.

This is because in your case, once the regex matches the first option, \d, it ceases to search for a new match, so to speak.

Command to open file with git

Just use the vi + filename command.


vi stylesheet.css

This will open vi editor with the file content.

To start editing, press I

How can I pad a String in Java?

This took me a little while to figure out. The real key is to read that Formatter documentation.

// Get your data from wherever.
final byte[] data = getData();
// Get the digest engine.
final MessageDigest md5= MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
// Send your data through it.
// Parse the data as a positive BigInteger.
final BigInteger digest = new BigInteger(1,md5.digest());
// Pad the digest with blanks, 32 wide.
String hex = String.format(
    // See:
    // Format: %[argument_index$][flags][width]conversion
    // Conversion: 'x', 'X'  integral    The result is formatted as a hexadecimal integer
// Replace the blank padding with 0s.
hex = hex.replace(" ","0");

Do I need to close() both FileReader and BufferedReader?

According to BufferedReader source, in this case bReader.close call fReader.close so technically you do not have to call the latter.

Retrieve specific commit from a remote Git repository

This works best:

git fetch origin specific_commit
git checkout -b temp FETCH_HEAD

name "temp" whatever you want...this branch might be orphaned though

Why do I get AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'something'?

g.d.d.c. is right, but adding a very frequent example:

You might call this function in a recursive form. In that case, you might end up at null pointer or NoneType. In that case, you can get this error. So before accessing an attribute of that parameter check if it's not NoneType.

How can we dynamically allocate and grow an array

You allocate a new Array (double the capacity, for instance), and move all elements to it.

Basically you need to check if the wordCount is about to hit the wordList.size(), when it does, create a new array with twice the length of the previous one, and copy all elements to it (create an auxiliary method to do this), and assign wordList to your new array.

To copy the contents over, you could use System.arraycopy, but I'm not sure that's allowed with your restrictions, so you can simply copy the elements one by one:

public String[] createNewArray(String[] oldArray){
    String[] newArray = new String[oldArray.length * 2];
    for(int i = 0; i < oldArray.length; i++) {
        newArray[i] = oldArray[i];

    return newArray;


Looping through a DataTable

Please try the following code below:

//Here I am using a reader object to fetch data from database, along with sqlcommand onject (cmd).
//Once the data is loaded to the Datatable object (datatable) you can loop through it using the datatable.rows.count prop.

using (reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
// Load the Data table object
  if (dataTable.Rows.Count > 0)
    DataColumn col = dataTable.Columns["YourColumnName"];  
    foreach (DataRow row in dataTable.Rows)
       strJsonData = row[col].ToString();

Detect if a jQuery UI dialog box is open

Nick Craver's comment is the simplest to avoid the error that occurs if the dialog has not yet been defined:

if ($('#elem').is(':visible')) { 
  // do something

You should set visibility in your CSS first though, using simply:

#elem { display: none; }