Programs & Examples On #Gd

GD is an open source code library for the dynamic creation of images by programmers. GD is written in C, and "wrappers" are available for Perl, PHP and other languages. GD creates PNG, JPEG and GIF images, among other formats. GD is commonly used to generate charts, graphics, thumbnails, and most anything else, on the fly. While not restricted to use on the web, the most common applications of GD involve website development.

Enabling/installing GD extension? --without-gd

I've PHP 7.3 and Nginx 1.14 on Ubuntu 18.

# it installs php7.3-gd for the moment
# and restarts PHP 7.3 FastCGI Process Manager: php-fpm7.3.
sudo apt-get install php-gd

# after I've restarted Nginx
sudo /etc/init.d/nginx restart


imagecreatefromjpeg and similar functions are not working in PHP

After installing php5-gd apache restart is needed.

Crop image in PHP

imagecopyresampled() will take a rectangular area from $src_image of width $src_w and height $src_h at position ($src_x, $src_y) and place it in a rectangular area of $dst_image of width $dst_w and height $dst_h at position ($dst_x, $dst_y).

If the source and destination coordinates and width and heights differ, appropriate stretching or shrinking of the image fragment will be performed. The coordinates refer to the upper left corner.

This function can be used to copy regions within the same image. But if the regions overlap, the results will be unpredictable.

- Edit -

If $src_w and $src_h are smaller than $dst_w and $dst_h respectively, thumb image will be zoomed in. Otherwise it will be zoomed out.

$dst_x = 0;   // X-coordinate of destination point
$dst_y = 0;   // Y-coordinate of destination point
$src_x = 100; // Crop Start X position in original image
$src_y = 100; // Crop Srart Y position in original image
$dst_w = 160; // Thumb width
$dst_h = 120; // Thumb height
$src_w = 260; // Crop end X position in original image
$src_h = 220; // Crop end Y position in original image

// Creating an image with true colors having thumb dimensions (to merge with the original image)
$dst_image = imagecreatetruecolor($dst_w, $dst_h);
// Get original image
$src_image = imagecreatefromjpeg('images/source.jpg');
// Cropping
imagecopyresampled($dst_image, $src_image, $dst_x, $dst_y, $src_x, $src_y, $dst_w, $dst_h, $src_w, $src_h);
// Saving
imagejpeg($dst_image, 'images/crop.jpg');

Install GD library and freetype on Linux

Installing GD :

For CentOS / RedHat / Fedora :

sudo yum install php-gd

For Debian/ubuntu :

sudo apt-get install php5-gd

Installing freetype :

For CentOS / RedHat / Fedora :

sudo yum install freetype*

For Debian/ubuntu :

sudo apt-get install freetype*

Don't forget to restart apache after that (if you are using apache):

CentOS / RedHat / Fedora :

sudo /etc/init.d/httpd restart


sudo service httpd restart

Debian/ubuntu :

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart


sudo service apache2 restart

Creating a thumbnail from an uploaded image

Hope this code helps for creating Thumbnail for JPG, PNG & GIF formats.


    $file = "D:/server/sites/Sourcefol/high/bucket/kath23.png";   /*Your Original Source Image */
    $pathToSave = "D:/server/sites/Sourcefol/high/bucket/New/"; /*Your Destination Folder */
    $sourceWidth =60;
    $sourceHeight = 60;
    $what = getimagesize($file);
    $file_name = basename($file);/* Name of the Image File*/
    $ext   = pathinfo($file_name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);

    /* Adding image name _thumb for thumbnail image */
    $file_name = basename($file_name, ".$ext") . '_thumb.' . $ext;

        case 'image/png':
            $img = imagecreatefrompng($file);
            $new = imagecreatetruecolor($what[0],$what[1]);
            header('Content-Type: image/png');           
        case 'image/jpeg':
            $img = imagecreatefromjpeg($file);
            $new = imagecreatetruecolor($what[0],$what[1]);
            header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');
        case 'image/gif':
            $img = imagecreatefromgif($file);
            $new = imagecreatetruecolor($what[0],$what[1]);
            header('Content-Type: image/gif');
        default: die();



CentOS: Enabling GD Support in PHP Installation

With CentOS 6.5+ and PHP 5.5:

yum install php55u-gd
service httpd restart

If you get an error like: cannot map zero-fill pages: Cannot allocate memory in Unknown on line 0, it could be because you don't have a swap file. I suggest you take a look at the tutorial mentioned in this answer:


Extension gd is missing from your system - laravel composer Update

The solution is quite simple.

In your php.ini, just uncomment the line extension=php_gd2.dll (or .so extension for unix systems.)

Hope it helps.

How to get file size in Java

Try this:

long length = f.length();

How to declare and display a variable in Oracle

Did you recently switch from MySQL and are now longing for the logical equivalents of its more simple commands in Oracle? Because that is the case for me and I had the very same question. This code will give you a quick and dirty print which I think is what you're looking for:

Variable n number
    :n := 1;
print n

The middle section is a PL/SQL bit that binds the variable. The output from print n is in column form, and will not just give the value of n, I'm afraid. When I ran it in Toad 11 it returned like this


I hope that helps

Are the days of passing const std::string & as a parameter over?

Unless you actually need a copy it's still reasonable to take const &. For example:

bool isprint(std::string const &s) {
    return all_of(begin(s),end(s),(bool(*)(char))isprint);

If you change this to take the string by value then you'll end up moving or copying the parameter, and there's no need for that. Not only is copy/move likely more expensive, but it also introduces a new potential failure; the copy/move could throw an exception (e.g., allocation during copy could fail) whereas taking a reference to an existing value can't.

If you do need a copy then passing and returning by value is usually (always?) the best option. In fact I generally wouldn't worry about it in C++03 unless you find that extra copies actually causes a performance problem. Copy elision seems pretty reliable on modern compilers. I think people's skepticism and insistence that you have to check your table of compiler support for RVO is mostly obsolete nowadays.

In short, C++11 doesn't really change anything in this regard except for people that didn't trust copy elision.

how to set the background color of the whole page in css

Looks to me like you need to set the yellow on #doc3 and then get rid of the white that is called out on the #yui-main (which is covering up the color of the #doc3). This gets you yellow between header and footer.

Making Enter key on an HTML form submit instead of activating button

Given there is only one (or with this solution potentially not even one) submit button, here is jQuery based solution that will work for multiple forms on the same page...

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {

        var makeAllFormSubmitOnEnter = function () {
            $('form input, form select').live('keypress', function (e) {
                if (e.which && e.which == 13) {
                    return false;
                } else {
                    return true;


SQL Server ORDER BY date and nulls last

If your SQL doesn't support NULLS FIRST or NULLS LAST, the simplest way to do this is to use the value IS NULL expression:

ORDER BY Next_Contact_Date IS NULL, Next_Contact_Date

to put the nulls at the end (NULLS LAST) or

ORDER BY Next_Contact_Date IS NOT NULL, Next_Contact_Date

to put the nulls at the front. This doesn't require knowing the type of the column and is easier to read than the CASE expression.

EDIT: Alas, while this works in other SQL implementations like PostgreSQL and MySQL, it doesn't work in MS SQL Server. I didn't have a SQL Server to test against and relied on Microsoft's documentation and testing with other SQL implementations. According to Microsoft, value IS NULL is an expression that should be usable just like any other expression. And ORDER BY is supposed to take expressions just like any other statement that takes an expression. But it doesn't actually work.

The best solution for SQL Server therefore appears to be the CASE expression.

Fastest method of screen capturing on Windows

EDIT: I can see that this is listed under your first edit link as "the GDI way". This is still a decent way to go even with the performance advisory on that site, you can get to 30fps easily I would think.

From this comment (I have no experience doing this, I'm just referencing someone who does):

HDC hdc = GetDC(NULL); // get the desktop device context
HDC hDest = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc); // create a device context to use yourself

// get the height and width of the screen
int height = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN);
int width = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN);

// create a bitmap
HBITMAP hbDesktop = CreateCompatibleBitmap( hdc, width, height);

// use the previously created device context with the bitmap
SelectObject(hDest, hbDesktop);

// copy from the desktop device context to the bitmap device context
// call this once per 'frame'
BitBlt(hDest, 0,0, width, height, hdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);

// after the recording is done, release the desktop context you got..
ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc);

// ..delete the bitmap you were using to capture frames..

// ..and delete the context you created

I'm not saying this is the fastest, but the BitBlt operation is generally very fast if you're copying between compatible device contexts.

For reference, Open Broadcaster Software implements something like this as part of their "dc_capture" method, although rather than creating the destination context hDest using CreateCompatibleDC they use an IDXGISurface1, which works with DirectX 10+. If there is no support for this they fall back to CreateCompatibleDC.

To change it to use a specific application, you need to change the first line to GetDC(game) where game is the handle of the game's window, and then set the right height and width of the game's window too.

Once you have the pixels in hDest/hbDesktop, you still need to save it to a file, but if you're doing screen capture then I would think you would want to buffer a certain number of them in memory and save to the video file in chunks, so I will not point to code for saving a static image to disk.

Javascript, viewing [object HTMLInputElement]

Say your variable is myNode, you can do myNode.value to retrieve the value of input elements.

Firebug has a "DOM" tab which shows useful DOM attributes.

Also see the mozilla page for a reference:

adding child nodes in treeview

Guys use this code for adding nodes and childnodes for TreeView from C# code. *

KISS (Keep It Simple & Stupid :)*

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


        TreeNode a1 = new TreeNode("Apple");

        TreeNode b1 = new TreeNode("Banana");
        TreeNode a2 = new TreeNode("gree apple");


Jquery set radio button checked, using id and class selectors

" a class and a div."

I assume when you say "div" you mean "id"? Try this:

$('#test2.test1').prop('checked', true);

No need to muck about with your [attributename=value] style selectors because id has its own format as does class, and they're easily combined although given that id is supposed to be unique it should be enough on its own unless your meaning is "select that element only if it currently has the specified class".

Or more generally to select an input where you want to specify a multiple attribute selector:

$('input:radio[class=test1][id=test2]').prop('checked', true);

That is, list each attribute with its own square brackets.

Note that unless you have a pretty old version of jQuery you should use .prop() rather than .attr() for this purpose.

Applying a single font to an entire website with CSS

Please place this in the head of your Page(s) if the "body" needs the use of 1 and the same font:

<style type="text/css">
body {font-family:FONT-NAME ;

Everything between the tags <body> and </body>will have the same font

Excel VBA calling sub from another sub with multiple inputs, outputs of different sizes

These are really two questions.

The first one is answered here: Calling a Sub in VBA

To the second one, protip: there is no main subroutine in VBA. Forget procedural, general-purpose languages. VBA subs are "macros" - you can run them by hitting Alt+F8 or by adding a button to your worksheet and calling up the sub you want from the automatically generated "ButtonX_Click" sub.

How to activate the Bootstrap modal-backdrop?

Pretty strange, it should work out of the box as the ".modal-backdrop" class is defined top-level in the css.

<div class="modal-backdrop"></div>

Made a small demo:

Get Date in YYYYMMDD format in windows batch file

You can try this ! This should work on windows machines.

for /F "usebackq tokens=1,2,3 delims=-" %%I IN (`echo %date%`) do echo "%%I" "%%J" "%%K"

What is the best way to compare 2 folder trees on windows?

Like the OP, I was looking for a Windows folder diff tool, in particular one that could handle very large trees (100s of Gigabytes of data). Thanks Lieven Keersmaekers for the pointer to BeyondCompare, which I found to be VERY fast (roughly 10-100 times faster) than my previous old school tool windiff.

BTW, BeyondCompare does have a command line mode in addition to the GUI.

How to align an input tag to the center without specifying the width?

To have text-align:center work you need to add that style to the #siteInfo div or wrap the input in a paragraph and add text-align:center to the paragraph.

AngularJS : ng-click not working

It just happend to me. I solved the problem by tracing backward from the point ng-click is coded. Found out that an extra


was placed in the html to prematurely close the div block that contains the ng-click.

Removed the extra


then everything is working fine.

No WebApplicationContext found: no ContextLoaderListener registered?

You'll have to have a ContextLoaderListener in your web.xml - It loads your configuration files.


You need to understand the difference between Web application context and root application context .

In the web MVC framework, each DispatcherServlet has its own WebApplicationContext, which inherits all the beans already defined in the root WebApplicationContext. These inherited beans defined can be overridden in the servlet-specific scope, and new scope-specific beans can be defined local to a given servlet instance.

The dispatcher servlet's application context is a web application context which is only applicable for the Web classes . You cannot use these for your middle tier layers . These need a global app context using ContextLoaderListener .

Read the spring reference here for spring mvc .

Android Studio: /dev/kvm device permission denied

Type in terminal:

sudo apt install qemu-kvm -y
sudo chown $USER /dev/kvm

When should I use uuid.uuid1() vs. uuid.uuid4() in python?

One instance when you may consider uuid1() rather than uuid4() is when UUIDs are produced on separate machines, for example when multiple online transactions are process on several machines for scaling purposes.

In such a situation, the risks of having collisions due to poor choices in the way the pseudo-random number generators are initialized, for example, and also the potentially higher numbers of UUIDs produced render more likely the possibility of creating duplicate IDs.

Another interest of uuid1(), in that case is that the machine where each GUID was initially produced is implicitly recorded (in the "node" part of UUID). This and the time info, may help if only with debugging.

ImageButton in Android


works automatically.


was what I used with all the problems of resizing the image the the width and height of the button...

How to Add Date Picker To VBA UserForm


(For Windows 7 (x64) | MS Office 32-Bit)

Option 1 | Check if ability already exists | 2 minutes

  1. Open VB Editor
  2. Tools -> Additional Controls
  3. Select "Microsoft Monthview Control 6.0 (SP6)" (if applicable)
  4. Use 'DatePicker' control for VBA Userform

Option 2 | The "Monthview" Control doesn't currently exist | 5 minutes

  1. Close Excel
  2. Download (it's a cabinet file which extracts into two useful files)
  3. Extract Both Files | the .inf file and the .ocx file
  4. Install | right-click the .inf file | hit "Install"
  5. Move .ocx file | Move from "C:\Windows\system32" to "C:\Windows\sysWOW64"
  6. Run CMD | Start Menu -> Search -> "CMD.exe" | right-click the icon | Select "Run as administrator"
  7. Register Active-X File | Type "regsvr32 c:\windows\sysWOW64\MSCOMCT2.ocx"
  8. Open Excel | Open VB Editor
  9. Activate Control | Tools->References | Select "Microsoft Windows Common Controls 2-6.0 (SP6)"
  10. Userform Controls | Select any userform in VB project | Tools->Additional Controls
  11. Select "Microsoft Monthview Control 6.0 (SP6)"
  12. Use 'DatePicker' control for VBA UserForm

Okay, either of these two steps should work for you if you have Office 2013 (32-Bit) on Windows 7 (x64). Some of the steps may be different if you have a different combo of Windows 7 & Office 2013.

The "Monthview" control will be your fully fleshed out 'DatePicker'. It comes equipped with its own properties and image. It works very well. Good luck.

Site: "bonCodigo" from above (this is an updated extension of his work)
Site: "AMM" from above (this is just an exension of his addition)
Site: Various Microsoft Support webpages

Remove everything after a certain character

You can also use the split() function. This seems to be the easiest one that comes to my mind :).


jsFiddle Demo

One advantage is this method will work even if there is no ? in the string - it will return the whole string.

How to write and save html file in python?

You can try:

colour = ["red", "red", "green", "yellow"]

with open('mypage.html', 'w') as myFile:

    s = '1234567890'
    for i in range(0, len(s), 60):
        myFile.write('<tr><td>%04d</td>' % (i+1));
    for j, k in enumerate(s[i:i+60]):
        myFile.write('<td><font style="background-color:%s;">%s<font></td>' % (colour[j %len(colour)], k));


App crashing when trying to use RecyclerView on android 5.0

I had this problem when using Butterknife , I was using fragment

For Fragment, it should be ButterKnife.bind(this,view);

For Activity ButterKnife.bind(this);

How to convert DataTable to class Object?

Is it very expensive to do this by json convert? But at least you have a 2 line solution and its generic. It does not matter eather if your datatable contains more or less fields than the object class:

Dim sSql = $"SELECT '{jobID}' AS ConfigNo, 'MainSettings' AS ParamName, VarNm AS ParamFieldName, 1 AS ParamSetId, Val1 AS ParamValue FROM StrSVar WHERE NmSp = '{sAppName} Params {jobID}'"
            Dim dtParameters As DataTable = DBLib.GetDatabaseData(sSql)

            Dim paramListObject As New List(Of ParameterListModel)()

            If (Not dtParameters Is Nothing And dtParameters.Rows.Count > 0) Then
                Dim json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtParameters).ToString()

                paramListObject = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of List(Of ParameterListModel))(json)
            End If

Facebook API error 191

in the facebook App Page, goto the basic tab. find "Website with Facebook Login" Option.

you will find Site URL: input there put the full URL ( for example ). this is the URL you can use with the call like If the APP ID is 123456789

Find Active Tab using jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap

Here is the answer for those of you who need a Boostrap 3 solution.

In bootstrap 3 use '' instead of 'shown' in the next line

// tab
$('#rowTab a:first').tab('show');

$('a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('', function (e) {
//show selected tab / active
 console.log ( $('id') );

Javascript Confirm popup Yes, No button instead of OK and Cancel

1) You can download and upload below files on your site

<link href="/Style%20Library/css/smoothness/jquery.alerts.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/> 

2) after that you can directly use below code

$.alerts.okButton = "yes"; $.alerts.cancelButton = "no";

in document.ready function.

Please try it will work.


Database design for a survey

Looks pretty complete for a smiple survey. Don't forget to add a table for 'open values', where a customer can provide his opinion via a textbox. Link that table with a foreign key to your answer and place indexes on all your relational columns for performance.

Progress Bar with HTML and CSS

#progressbar {_x000D_
  background-color: black;_x000D_
  border-radius: 13px;_x000D_
  /* (height of inner div) / 2 + padding */_x000D_
  padding: 3px;_x000D_
#progressbar>div {_x000D_
  background-color: orange;_x000D_
  width: 40%;_x000D_
  /* Adjust with JavaScript */_x000D_
  height: 20px;_x000D_
  border-radius: 10px;_x000D_
<div id="progressbar">_x000D_


(EDIT: Changed Syntax highlight; changed descendant to child selector)

Reverse engineering from an APK file to a project

If you are looking for a professional alternative, have a look at JEB Decompiler from PNF Software.

There is a demo version that will let you decompile most code.

Simple JavaScript problem: onClick confirm not preventing default action

I had issue alike (click on button, but after cancel clicked it still removes my object), so made this in such way, hope it helps someone in the future:

 $('.deleteObject').click(function () {
    var url = this.href;
    var confirmText = "Are you sure you want to delete this object?";
    if(confirm(confirmText)) {
            success:function () {
            // Here goes something...
    return false;

How do I set a background-color for the width of text, not the width of the entire element, using CSS?

You can use the HTML5 <mark> tag.


<h1><mark>The Last Will and Testament of Eric Jones</mark></h1>


    background-color: green;

Check if a Windows service exists and delete in PowerShell

PowerShell Core (v6+) now has a Remove-Service cmdlet.

I don't know about plans to back-port it to Windows PowerShell, where it is not available as of v5.1.


# PowerShell *Core* only (v6+)
Remove-Service someservice

Note that invocation fails if the service doesn't exist, so to only remove it if it currently exists, you could do:

# PowerShell *Core* only (v6+)
$name = 'someservice'
if (Get-Service $name -ErrorAction Ignore) {
  Remove-Service $name

How to make VS Code to treat other file extensions as certain language?

Following the steps on worked well for me:

To extend an existing colorizer, you would create a simple package.json in a new folder under .vscode/extensions and provide the extensionDependencies attribute specifying the customization you want to add to. In the example below, an extension .mmd is added to the markdown colorizer. Note that not only must the extensionDependency name match the customization but also the language id must match the language id of the colorizer you are extending.

    "name": "MyMarkdown",
    "version": "0.0.1",
    "engines": {
        "vscode": "0.10.x"
    "publisher": "none",
    "extensionDependencies": [
    "contributes": {
        "languages": [{
            "id": "markdown",
            "aliases": ["mmd"],
            "extensions": [".mmd"]

How do I force Kubernetes to re-pull an image?

The Image pull policy will always actually help to pull the image every single time a new pod is created (this can be in any case like scaling the replicas, or pod dies and new pod is created)

But if you want to update the image of the current running pod, deployment is the best way. It leaves you flawless update without any problem (mainly when you have a persistent volume attached to the pod) :)

C++ template typedef

C++11 added alias declarations, which are generalization of typedef, allowing templates:

template <size_t N>
using Vector = Matrix<N, 1>;

The type Vector<3> is equivalent to Matrix<3, 1>.

In C++03, the closest approximation was:

template <size_t N>
struct Vector
    typedef Matrix<N, 1> type;

Here, the type Vector<3>::type is equivalent to Matrix<3, 1>.

How does the FetchMode work in Spring Data JPA

I elaborated on dream83619 answer to make it handle nested Hibernate @Fetch annotations. I used recursive method to find annotations in nested associated classes.

So you have to implement custom repository and override getQuery(spec, domainClass, sort) method. Unfortunately you also have to copy all referenced private methods :(.

Here is the code, copied private methods are omitted.
EDIT: Added remaining private methods.

public class EntityGraphRepositoryImpl<T, ID extends Serializable> extends SimpleJpaRepository<T, ID> {

    private final EntityManager em;
    protected JpaEntityInformation<T, ?> entityInformation;

    public EntityGraphRepositoryImpl(JpaEntityInformation<T, ?> entityInformation, EntityManager entityManager) {
        super(entityInformation, entityManager);
        this.em = entityManager;
        this.entityInformation = entityInformation;

    protected <S extends T> TypedQuery<S> getQuery(Specification<S> spec, Class<S> domainClass, Sort sort) {
        CriteriaBuilder builder = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
        CriteriaQuery<S> query = builder.createQuery(domainClass);

        Root<S> root = applySpecificationToCriteria(spec, domainClass, query);;

        if (sort != null) {
            query.orderBy(toOrders(sort, root, builder));

        return applyRepositoryMethodMetadata(em.createQuery(query));

    private Map<String, Join<?, ?>> joinCache;

    private void applyFetchMode(Root<? extends T> root) {
        joinCache = new HashMap<>();
        applyFetchMode(root, getDomainClass(), "");

    private void applyFetchMode(FetchParent<?, ?> root, Class<?> clazz, String path) {
        for (Field field : clazz.getDeclaredFields()) {
            Fetch fetch = field.getAnnotation(Fetch.class);

            if (fetch != null && fetch.value() == FetchMode.JOIN) {
                FetchParent<?, ?> descent = root.fetch(field.getName(), JoinType.LEFT);
                String fieldPath = path + "." + field.getName();
                joinCache.put(path, (Join) descent);

                applyFetchMode(descent, field.getType(), fieldPath);

     * Applies the given {@link Specification} to the given {@link CriteriaQuery}.
     * @param spec can be {@literal null}.
     * @param domainClass must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param query must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return
    private <S, U extends T> Root<U> applySpecificationToCriteria(Specification<U> spec, Class<U> domainClass,
        CriteriaQuery<S> query) {

        Root<U> root = query.from(domainClass);

        if (spec == null) {
            return root;

        CriteriaBuilder builder = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
        Predicate predicate = spec.toPredicate(root, query, builder);

        if (predicate != null) {

        return root;

    private <S> TypedQuery<S> applyRepositoryMethodMetadata(TypedQuery<S> query) {
        if (getRepositoryMethodMetadata() == null) {
            return query;

        LockModeType type = getRepositoryMethodMetadata().getLockModeType();
        TypedQuery<S> toReturn = type == null ? query : query.setLockMode(type);


        return toReturn;

    private void applyQueryHints(Query query) {
        for (Map.Entry<String, Object> hint : getQueryHints().entrySet()) {
            query.setHint(hint.getKey(), hint.getValue());

    public Class<T> getEntityType() {
        return entityInformation.getJavaType();

    public EntityManager getEm() {
        return em;

how to do bitwise exclusive or of two strings in python?

If you want to operate on bytes or words then you'll be better to use Python's array type instead of a string. If you are working with fixed length blocks then you may be able to use H or L format to operate on words rather than bytes, but I just used 'B' for this example:

>>> import array
>>> a1 = array.array('B', 'Hello, World!')
>>> a1
array('B', [72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 44, 32, 87, 111, 114, 108, 100, 33])
>>> a2 = array.array('B', ('secret'*3))
>>> for i in range(len(a1)):
    a1[i] ^= a2[i]

>>> a1.tostring()

A CSS selector to get last visible div

This worked for me.

    margin: 30px;

Get domain name from given url

I made a small treatment after the URI object creation

 if (url.startsWith("http:/")) {
        if (!url.contains("http://")) {
            url = url.replaceAll("http:/", "http://");
    } else {
        url = "http://" + url;
    URI uri = new URI(url);
    String domain = uri.getHost();
    return domain.startsWith("www.") ? domain.substring(4) : domain;

Adjust list style image position?

I find the accepted answer a bit of a fudge, far too must jostling with extra padding and css commands.

I never add padding to list items personally, normally controlling their line height and the occasional margin is enough.

When I have an alignment issue with custom list style images I just add a pixel or two of extra space around whatever side is required to adjust its position relative to each list line.

Scala: what is the best way to append an element to an Array?

You can use :+ to append element to array and +: to prepend it:

0 +: array :+ 4

should produce:

res3: Array[Int] = Array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)

It's the same as with any other implementation of Seq.

Problem with SMTP authentication in PHP using PHPMailer, with Pear Mail works

This happened to me as well. For me, Postfix was located at the same server as the PHP script, and the error was happening when I would be using SMTP authentication and instead of localhost.

So when I commented out these lines:

$mail->SMTPAuth = true;
$mail->SMTPSecure = "tls";

and set the host to

$mail->Host = "localhost";


$mail->Host = ''

and it worked :)

Change default global installation directory for node.js modules in Windows?

You should use this command to set the global installation flocation of npm packages

(git bash) npm config --global set prefix </path/you/want/to/use>/npm

(cmd/git-cmd) npm config --global set prefix <drive:\path\you\want\to\use>\npm

You may also consider the npm-cache location right next to it. (as would be in a normal nodejs installation on windows)

(git bash) npm config --global set cache </path/you/want/to/use>/npm-cache

(cmd/git-cmd) npm config --global set cache <drive:\path\you\want\to\use>\npm-cache

jQuery: Wait/Delay 1 second without executing code

Javascript is an asynchronous programming language so you can't stop the execution for a of time; the only way you can [pseudo]stop an execution is using setTimeout() that is not a delay but a "delayed function callback".

How to detect orientation change in layout in Android?

Use the onConfigurationChanged method of Activity. See the following code:

public void onConfigurationChanged(@NotNull Configuration newConfig) {

    // Checks the orientation of the screen
    if (newConfig.orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) {
        Toast.makeText(this, "landscape", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
    } else if (newConfig.orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT){
        Toast.makeText(this, "portrait", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

You also have to edit the appropriate element in your manifest file to include the android:configChanges Just see the code below:

<activity android:name=".MyActivity"

NOTE: with Android 3.2 (API level 13) or higher, the "screen size" also changes when the device switches between portrait and landscape orientation. Thus, if you want to prevent runtime restarts due to orientation change when developing for API level 13 or higher, you must declare android:configChanges="orientation|screenSize" for API level 13 or higher.

Hope this will help you... :)

Expression ___ has changed after it was checked

I couldnt comment on @Biranchi s post since I dont have enough reputation, but it fixed the problem for me.

One thing to note! If adding changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush on the component didn't work, and its a child component (dumb component) try adding it to the parent also.

This fixed the bug, but I wonder what are the side effects of this.

HTML5 Dynamically create Canvas

It happens because you call it before DOM has loaded. Firstly, create the element and add atrributes to it, then after DOM has loaded call it. In your case it should look like that:

var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');     = "CursorLayer";
canvas.width  = 1224;
canvas.height = 768;   = 8; = "absolute";   = "1px solid";
window.onload = function() {

Running Google Maps v2 on the Android emulator

I have already replied to this question in an answer to Stack Overflow question Trouble using Google sign-in button in emulator. It only works for Android 4.2.2, but lets you use the "Intel Atom (x86)" in AVD.

I think that it is easy to make it work for other versions of Android. Just find the correct files.

Perform .join on value in array of objects

On node or ES6+: =>', ')

What is the best way to initialize a JavaScript Date to midnight?

Just going to add this here because I landed on this page looking for how to do this in moment.js and others may do too.

[Rationale: the word "moment" already appears elsewhere on this page so search engines direct here, and moment.js is widespread enough to warrant to being covered going on how often it is mentioned in other date-related SO questions]

So, in version 2.0.0 and above:


For earlier versions:



Are PDO prepared statements sufficient to prevent SQL injection?

Prepared statements / parameterized queries are generally sufficient to prevent 1st order injection on that statement*. If you use un-checked dynamic sql anywhere else in your application you are still vulnerable to 2nd order injection.

2nd order injection means data has been cycled through the database once before being included in a query, and is much harder to pull off. AFAIK, you almost never see real engineered 2nd order attacks, as it is usually easier for attackers to social-engineer their way in, but you sometimes have 2nd order bugs crop up because of extra benign ' characters or similar.

You can accomplish a 2nd order injection attack when you can cause a value to be stored in a database that is later used as a literal in a query. As an example, let's say you enter the following information as your new username when creating an account on a web site (assuming MySQL DB for this question):

' + (SELECT UserName + '_' + Password FROM Users LIMIT 1) + '

If there are no other restrictions on the username, a prepared statement would still make sure that the above embedded query doesn't execute at the time of insert, and store the value correctly in the database. However, imagine that later the application retrieves your username from the database, and uses string concatenation to include that value a new query. You might get to see someone else's password. Since the first few names in users table tend to be admins, you may have also just given away the farm. (Also note: this is one more reason not to store passwords in plain text!)

We see, then, that prepared statements are enough for a single query, but by themselves they are not sufficient to protect against sql injection attacks throughout an entire application, because they lack a mechanism to enforce all access to a database within an application uses safe code. However, used as part of good application design — which may include practices such as code review or static analysis, or use of an ORM, data layer, or service layer that limits dynamic sql — prepared statements are the primary tool for solving the Sql Injection problem. If you follow good application design principles, such that your data access is separated from the rest of your program, it becomes easy to enforce or audit that every query correctly uses parameterization. In this case, sql injection (both first and second order) is completely prevented.

*It turns out that MySql/PHP are (okay, were) just dumb about handling parameters when wide characters are involved, and there is still a rare case outlined in the other highly-voted answer here that can allow injection to slip through a parameterized query.

"Could not find a valid gem in any repository" (rubygame and others)

You can also add the source you want on the command whenever you have troubles using https, like this:

gem install GEMNAME --source

It's better to fix the SSL problem though.

Force an SVN checkout command to overwrite current files

Pull from the repository to a new directory, then rename the old one to old_crufty, and the new one to my_real_webserver_directory, and you're good to go.

If your intention is that every single file is in SVN, then this is a good way to test your theory. If your intention is that some files are not in SVN, then use Brian's copy/paste technique.

How to work with complex numbers in C?

For convenience, one may include tgmath.h library for the type generate macros. It creates the same function name as the double version for all type of variable. For example, For example, it defines a sqrt() macro that expands to the sqrtf() , sqrt() , or sqrtl() function, depending on the type of argument provided.

So one don't need to remember the corresponding function name for different type of variables!

#include <stdio.h>
#include <tgmath.h>//for the type generate macros. 
#include <complex.h>//for easier declare complex variables and complex unit I

int main(void)
    double complex z1=1./4.*M_PI+1./4.*M_PI*I;//M_PI is just pi=3.1415...
    double complex z2, z3, z4, z5; 


    printf("exp(z1)=%lf + %lf I\n", creal(z2),cimag(z2));
    printf("sin(z1)=%lf + %lf I\n", creal(z3),cimag(z3));
    printf("sqrt(z1)=%lf + %lf I\n", creal(z4),cimag(z4));
    printf("log(z1)=%lf + %lf I\n", creal(z5),cimag(z5));

    return 0;

Check if two unordered lists are equal

sorted(x) == sorted(y)

Copying from here: Check if two unordered lists are equal

I think this is the best answer for this question because

  1. It is better than using counter as pointed in this answer
  2. x.sort() sorts x, which is a side effect. sorted(x) returns a new list.

Get an OutputStream into a String

I like the Apache Commons IO library. Take a look at its version of ByteArrayOutputStream, which has a toString(String enc) method as well as toByteArray(). Using existing and trusted components like the Commons project lets your code be smaller and easier to extend and repurpose.

Creating a ZIP archive in memory using System.IO.Compression

This is the way to convert a entity to XML File and then compress it:

private  void downloadFile(EntityXML xml) {

string nameDownloadXml = "File_1.xml";
string nameDownloadZip = "";

var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(EntityXML));

Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=" + nameDownloadZip);

using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
    using (var archive = new ZipArchive(memoryStream, ZipArchiveMode.Create, true))
        var demoFile = archive.CreateEntry(nameDownloadXml);
        using (var entryStream = demoFile.Open())
        using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(entryStream, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8))
            serializer.Serialize(writer, xml);

    using (var fileStream = Response.OutputStream)
        memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);



How to change Toolbar Navigation and Overflow Menu icons (appcompat v7)?

All the above solutions worked for me in API 21 or greater, but did not in API 19 (KitKat). Making a small change did the trick for me in the earlier versions. Notice Widget.Holo instead of Widget.AppCompat

<style name="OverFlowStyle"    parent="@android:style/Widget.Holo.ActionButton.Overflow">
    <item name="android:src">@drawable/ic_overflow</item>

Python - Extracting and Saving Video Frames

I am using Python via Anaconda's Spyder software. Using the original code listed in the question of this thread by @Gshocked, the code does not work (the python won't read the mp4 file). So I downloaded OpenCV 3.2 and copied "opencv_ffmpeg320.dll" and "opencv_ffmpeg320_64.dll" from the "bin" folder. I pasted both of these dll files to Anaconda's "Dlls" folder.

Anaconda also has a "pckgs" folder...I copied and pasted the entire "OpenCV 3.2" folder that I downloaded to the Anaconda "pckgs" folder.

Finally, Anaconda has a "Library" folder which has a "bin" subfolder. I pasted the "opencv_ffmpeg320.dll" and "opencv_ffmpeg320_64.dll" files to that folder.

After closing and restarting Spyder, the code worked. I'm not sure which of the three methods worked, and I'm too lazy to go back and figure it out. But it works so, cheers!

shell script. how to extract string using regular expressions

One way would be with sed. For example:

echo $name | sed -e 's?http://www\.??'

Normally the sed regular expressions are delimited by `/', but you can use '?' since you're searching for '/'. Here's another bash trick. @DigitalTrauma's answer reminded me that I ought to suggest it. It's similar:

echo ${name#http://www.}

(DigitalTrauma also gets credit for reminding me that the "http://" needs to be handled.)

Exit codes in Python

From the documentation for sys.exit:

The optional argument arg can be an integer giving the exit status (defaulting to zero), or another type of object. If it is an integer, zero is considered “successful termination” and any nonzero value is considered “abnormal termination” by shells and the like. Most systems require it to be in the range 0-127, and produce undefined results otherwise. Some systems have a convention for assigning specific meanings to specific exit codes, but these are generally underdeveloped; Unix programs generally use 2 for command line syntax errors and 1 for all other kind of errors.

One example where exit codes are used are in shell scripts. In Bash you can check the special variable $? for the last exit status:

me@mini:~$ python -c ""; echo $?
me@mini:~$ python -c "import sys; sys.exit(0)"; echo $?
me@mini:~$ python -c "import sys; sys.exit(43)"; echo $?

Personally I try to use the exit codes I find in /usr/include/asm-generic/errno.h (on a Linux system), but I don't know if this is the right thing to do.

How do you open an SDF file (SQL Server Compact Edition)?

Download and install LINQPad, it works for SQL Server, MySQL, SQLite and also SDF (SQL CE 4.0).

Steps for open SDF Files:

  1. Click Add Connection

  2. Select Build data context automatically and Default (LINQ to SQL), then Next.

  3. Under Provider choose SQL CE 4.0.

  4. Under Database with Attach database file selected, choose Browse to select your .sdf file.

  5. Click OK.

Create view with primary key?

This worked for me..

select ROW_NUMBER() over (order by column_name_of your choice ) as pri_key, the other columns of the view

How do I get the current mouse screen coordinates in WPF?

You may use combination of TimerDispatcher (WPF Timer analog) and Windows "Hooks" to catch cursor position from operational system.

    [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
    public static extern bool GetCursorPos(out POINT pPoint);

Point is a light struct. It contains only X, Y fields.

    public MainWindow()

        DispatcherTimer dt = new System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer();
        dt.Tick += new EventHandler(timer_tick);
        dt.Interval = new TimeSpan(0,0,0,0, 50);

    private void timer_tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        POINT pnt;
        GetCursorPos(out pnt);
        current_x_box.Text = (pnt.X).ToString();
        current_y_box.Text = (pnt.Y).ToString();

    public struct POINT
        public int X;
        public int Y;

        public POINT(int x, int y)
            this.X = x;
            this.Y = y;

This solution is also resolving the problem with too often or too infrequent parameter reading so you can adjust it by yourself. But remember about WPF method overload with one arg which is representing ticks not milliseconds.

TimeSpan(50); //ticks

How to make a progress bar

If you need to show and hide progress bar inside your php and java script, then follow this step.Its a complete solution, no need of any library etc.

           //Design Progress Bar

position: absolute;
left: 50%;
top: 50%;
background-color: white;
z-index: 100;

height: 200px;

width: 300px;
margin-left: -300px;

    /*Change your loading image here*/
   background: url(images/loading12.gif) 50% 50% no-repeat ;


               //Progress Bar inside your Page

<div id="spinner" style=" display:none; ">

    // Button to show and Hide Progress Bar
<input class="submit" onClick="Show()" type="button" value="Show" /> 
<input class="submit" onClick="Hide()" type="button" value="Hide" /> 

            //Java Script Function to Handle Button Event     
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
 function Show()
  document.getElementById("spinner").style.display = 'inline';
function Hide()
  document.getElementById("spinner").style.display = 'none';


Image link: Download image from here

How do I fix a NoSuchMethodError?

Just adding to existing answers. I was facing this issue with tomcat in eclipse. I had changed one class and did following steps,

  1. Cleaned and built the project in eclpise

  2. mvn clean install

  3. Restarted tomcat

Still I was facing same error. Then I cleaned tomcat, cleaned tomcat working directory and restarted server and my issue is gone. Hope this helps someone

react-router scroll to top on every transition

This answer is for legacy code, for router v4+ check other answers

<Router onUpdate={() => window.scrollTo(0, 0)} history={createBrowserHistory()}>

If it's not working, you should find the reason. Also inside componentDidMount

document.body.scrollTop = 0;
// or

you could use:

componentDidUpdate() {

you could add some flag like "scrolled = false" and then in update:

componentDidUpdate() {
  if(this.scrolled === false){
    scrolled = true;

C#: how to get first char of a string?

Just another approach:

string mystr = "hello";, 1));

Insert Picture into SQL Server 2005 Image Field using only SQL

For updating a record:

 UPDATE Employees SET [Photo] = (SELECT
 MyImage.* from Openrowset(Bulk
 'C:\photo.bmp', Single_Blob) MyImage)
 where Id = 10


  • Make sure to add the 'BULKADMIN' Role Permissions for the login you are using.
  • Paths are not pointing to your computer when using SQL Server Management Studio. If you start SSMS on your local machine and connect to a SQL Server instance on server X, the file C:\photo.bmp will point to hard drive C: on server X, not your machine!

VBA for clear value in specific range of cell and protected cell from being wash away formula

Not sure its faster with VBA - the fastest way to do it in the normal Excel programm would be:

  1. Ctrl-G
  2. A1:X50 Enter
  3. Delete

Unless you have to do this very often, entering and then triggering the VBAcode is more effort.

And in case you only want to delete formulas or values, you can insert Ctrl-G, Alt-S to select Goto Special and here select Formulas or Values.

How to lock orientation of one view controller to portrait mode only in Swift

This is a generic solution for your problem and others related.

1. Create auxiliar class UIHelper and put on the following methods:

    /**This method returns top view controller in application  */
    class func topViewController() -> UIViewController?
        let helper = UIHelper()
        return helper.topViewControllerWithRootViewController(rootViewController: UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.rootViewController)

    /**This is a recursive method to select the top View Controller in a app, either with TabBarController or not */
    private func topViewControllerWithRootViewController(rootViewController:UIViewController?) -> UIViewController?
        if(rootViewController != nil)
            // UITabBarController
            if let tabBarController = rootViewController as? UITabBarController,
                let selectedViewController = tabBarController.selectedViewController {
                return self.topViewControllerWithRootViewController(rootViewController: selectedViewController)

            // UINavigationController
            if let navigationController = rootViewController as? UINavigationController ,let visibleViewController = navigationController.visibleViewController {
                return self.topViewControllerWithRootViewController(rootViewController: visibleViewController)

            if ((rootViewController!.presentedViewController) != nil) {
                let presentedViewController = rootViewController!.presentedViewController;
                return self.topViewControllerWithRootViewController(rootViewController: presentedViewController!);
                return rootViewController

        return nil

2. Create a Protocol with your desire behavior, for your specific case will be portrait.

protocol orientationIsOnlyPortrait {}

Nota: If you want, add it in the top of UIHelper Class.

3. Extend your View Controller

In your case:

class Any_ViewController: UIViewController,orientationIsOnlyPortrait {



4. In app delegate class add this method:

 func application(_ application: UIApplication, supportedInterfaceOrientationsFor window: UIWindow?) -> UIInterfaceOrientationMask {
        let presentedViewController = UIHelper.topViewController()
        if presentedViewController is orientationIsOnlyPortrait {
            return .portrait
        return .all

Final Notes:

  • If you that more class are in portrait mode, just extend that protocol.
  • If you want others behaviors from view controllers, create other protocols and follow the same structure.
  • This example solves the problem with orientations changes after push view controllers

Ways to save enums in database

As you say, ordinal is a bit risky. Consider for example:

public enum Boolean {

public class BooleanTest {
    public void testEnum() {
        assertEquals(0, Boolean.TRUE.ordinal());
        assertEquals(1, Boolean.FALSE.ordinal());

If you stored this as ordinals, you might have rows like:


"Alice is a boy"      1
"Graham is a boy"     0

But what happens if you updated Boolean?

public enum Boolean {

This means all your lies will become misinterpreted as 'file-not-found'

Better to just use a string representation

Ruby on Rails form_for select field with class

You can also add prompt option like this.

<%=, ['Item 1', 'Item 2'], {include_blank: "Select something"}, { :class => 'my_style_class' }) %>


The only time the second insert into @clases should fail to fire is if an error occurred in the first insert statement.

If that's the case, then you need to decide if the second statement should run prior to the first OR if you need a transaction in order to perform a rollback.

How to fix the Eclipse executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library for windows 7?

This happened to me when deleting some Equinox package from my plugins directory, make sure this is not the case.

open read and close a file in 1 line of code

If you want that warm and fuzzy feeling just go with with.

For python 3.6 I ran these two programs under a fresh start of IDLE, giving runtimes of:

0.002000093460083008  Test A
0.0020003318786621094 Test B: with guaranteed close

So not much of a difference.

# Desc: Test A for reading a text file line-by-line into a list

import sys
import time

#                                  # MAINLINE
if __name__ == '__main__':
    print("OK, starting program...")

    inTextFile = '/Users/Mike/Desktop/garbage.txt'

#                                  # Test: A: no 'with;
    start_time = time.time()
    c = open(inTextFile).read().splitlines()
    print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))

    print("OK, program execution has ended.")
    sys.exit()                     # END MAINLINE


OK, starting program...
--- 0.002000093460083008 seconds ---
OK, program execution has ended.

# Desc: Test B for reading a text file line-by-line into a list

import sys
import time

#                                  # MAINLINE
if __name__ == '__main__':
    print("OK, starting program...")

    inTextFile = '/Users/Mike/Desktop/garbage.txt'

#                                  # Test: B: using 'with'
    start_time = time.time()
    with open(inTextFile) as D: c =
    print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))

    print("OK, program execution has ended.")
    sys.exit()                     # END MAINLINE


OK, starting program...
--- 0.0020003318786621094 seconds ---
OK, program execution has ended.

insert data into database using servlet and jsp in eclipse

Same problem fetch main problem in PreparedStatement use simple statement then you successfully insert record same use below.

String  st2="insert into 

int i=stm.executeUpdate(st2);

Restarting cron after changing crontab file?

I had a similar issue on 16.04 VPS Digital Ocean. If you are changing crontabs, make sure to run

sudo service cron restart 

Editing an item in a list<T>

class1 item = lst[index]; = bar;

Sharepoint: How do I filter a document library view to show the contents of a subfolder?

Have a look at the content by type web part - - probably the most flexible viewing web part.

Select a Dictionary<T1, T2> with LINQ

The extensions methods also provide a ToDictionary extension. It is fairly simple to use, the general usage is passing a lambda selector for the key and getting the object as the value, but you can pass a lambda selector for both key and value.

class SomeObject
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

SomeObject[] objects = new SomeObject[]
    new SomeObject { ID = 1, Name = "Hello" },
    new SomeObject { ID = 2, Name = "World" }

Dictionary<int, string> objectDictionary = objects.ToDictionary(o => o.ID, o => o.Name);

Then objectDictionary[1] Would contain the value "Hello"

Javascript : get <img> src and set as variable?

As long as the script is after the img, then:

var youtubeimgsrc = document.getElementById("youtubeimg").src;

See getElementById in the DOM specification.

If the script is before the img, then of course the img doesn't exist yet, and that doesn't work. This is one reason why many people recommend putting scripts at the end of the body element.

Side note: It doesn't matter in your case because you've used an absolute URL, but if you used a relative URL in the attribute, like this:

<img id="foo" src="/images/example.png">

...the src reflected property will be the resolved URL — that is, the absolute URL that that turns into. So if that were on the page, document.getElementById("foo").src would give you "".

If you wanted the src attribute's content as is, without being resolved, you'd use getAttribute instead: document.getElementById("foo").getAttribute("src"). That would give you "/images/example.png" with my example above.

If you have an absolute URL, like the one in your question, it doesn't matter.

How do I get logs/details of ansible-playbook module executions?

There is also other way to generate log file.

Before running ansible-playbook run the following commands to enable logging:

  • Specify the location for the log file.

    export ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH=~/ansible.log

  • Enable Debug

    export ANSIBLE_DEBUG=True

  • To check that generated log file.


CSS Grid Layout not working in IE11 even with prefixes

Michael has given a very comprehensive answer, but I'd like to point out a few things which you can still do to be able to use grids in IE in a nearly painless way.

The repeat functionality is supported

You can still use the repeat functionality, it's just hiding behind a different syntax. Instead of writing repeat(4, 1fr), you have to write (1fr)[4]. That's it. See this series of articles for the current state of affairs:

Supporting grid-gap

Grid gaps are supported in all browsers except IE. So you can use the @supports at-rule to set the grid-gaps conditionally for all new browsers:


.grid {
  display: grid;
.item {
  margin-right: 1rem;
  margin-bottom: 1rem;
@supports (grid-gap: 1rem) {
  .grid {
    grid-gap: 1rem;
  .item {
    margin-right: 0;
    margin-bottom: 0;

It's a little verbose, but on the plus side, you don't have to give up grids altogether just to support IE.

Use Autoprefixer

I can't stress this enough - half the pain of grids is solved just be using autoprefixer in your build step. Write your CSS in a standards-complaint way, and just let autoprefixer do it's job transforming all older spec properties automatically. When you decide you don't want to support IE, just change one line in the browserlist config and you'll have removed all IE-specific code from your built files.

javascript filter array of objects

For those who want to filter from an array of objects using any key:

function filterItems(items, searchVal) {_x000D_
  return items.filter((item) => Object.values(item).includes(searchVal));_x000D_
let data = [_x000D_
  { "name": "apple", "type": "fruit", "id": 123234 },_x000D_
  { "name": "cat", "type": "animal", "id": 98989 },_x000D_
  { "name": "something", "type": "other", "id": 656565 }]_x000D_
console.log("Filtered by name: ", filterItems(data, "apple"));_x000D_
console.log("Filtered by type: ", filterItems(data, "animal"));_x000D_
console.log("Filtered by id: ", filterItems(data, 656565));

filter from an array of the JSON objects:**

Object Required Error in excel VBA

In order to set the value of integer variable we simply assign the value to it. eg g1val = 0 where as set keyword is used to assign value to object.

Sub test()

Dim g1val, g2val As Integer

  g1val = 0
  g2val = 0

    For i = 3 To 18

     If g1val > Cells(33, i).Value Then
        g1val = g1val
       g1val = Cells(33, i).Value
     End If

    Next i

    For j = 32 To 57
        If g2val > Cells(31, j).Value Then
           g2val = g2val
          g2val = Cells(31, j).Value
        End If
    Next j

End Sub

Heap space out of memory

No. The heap is cleared by the garbage collector whenever it feels like it. You can ask it to run (with System.gc()) but it is not guaranteed to run.

First try increasing the memory by setting -Xmx256m

How to add line break for UILabel?

In my case also \n was not working, I fixed issue by keeping number of lines to 0 and copied and pasted the text with new line itself for example instead of Hello \n World i pasted



in the interface builder.

Calculate age based on date of birth

Got this script from net (thanks to coffeecupweb)

 * Simple PHP age Calculator
 * Calculate and returns age based on the date provided by the user.
 * @param   date of birth('Format:yyyy-mm-dd').
 * @return  age based on date of birth
function ageCalculator($dob){
        $birthdate = new DateTime($dob);
        $today   = new DateTime('today');
        $age = $birthdate->diff($today)->y;
        return $age;
        return 0;
$dob = '1992-03-18';
echo ageCalculator($dob);

ImageView rounded corners


Create an xml file rounded_fg.xml under res/drawable/ folder of your app. The content of rounded_fg.xml is as follows,

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android=""

You can match endColor with ImageView container layout background & gradientRadius may be any value as per your requirements (<=36dp).

Now use this drawable as foreground for your imageview as follows,

     android:foreground="@drawable/rounded_fg" />

Works perfect with square images and/or imageview.

Square Image/ImageView:

Square Image/ImageView

Rectangular Image/ImageView:

Rectangular Image/ImageView

Foreground applied over a button:

Foreground applied over a button

Dynamically adding HTML form field using jQuery

What seems to be confusing this thread is the difference between:

$('.selector').append("<input type='text'/>"); 

Which appends the target element as a child of the .selector.


$("<input type='text' />").appendTo('.selector');

Which appends the target element as a child of the .selector.

Note how the position of the target element & the .selector change when using the different methods.

What you want to do is this:

$(function() {

  // append input control at start of form
  $("<input type='text' value='' />")
     .attr("id", "myfieldid")
     .attr("name", "myfieldid")

  // OR

  // append input control at end of form
  $("<input type='text' value='' />")
     .attr("id", "myfieldid")
     .attr("name", "myfieldid")

  // OR

  // see .after() or .before() in the library


Location of the android sdk has not been setup in the preferences in mac os?

If you already setup location in preferences, but see that error, try to create folder "add-ons" in your sdk folder

How to retrieve field names from temporary table (SQL Server 2008)

select * 

How to use find command to find all files with extensions from list?

in case files have no extension we can look for file mime type

find . -type f -exec file -i {} + | awk -F': +' '{ if ($2 ~ /audio|video|matroska|mpeg/) print $1 }'

where (audio|video|matroska|mpeg) are mime types regex

&if you want to delete them:

find . -type f -exec file -i {} + | awk -F': +' '{ if ($2 ~ /audio|video|matroska|mpeg/) print $1 }' | while read f ; do
  rm "$f"

or delete everything else but those extensions:

find . -type f -exec file -i {} + | awk -F': +' '{ if ($2 !~ /audio|video|matroska|mpeg/) print $1 }' | while read f ; do
  rm "$f"

notice the !~ instead of ~

C# DropDownList with a Dictionary as DataSource

If the DropDownList is declared in your aspx page and not in the codebehind, you can do it like this.


<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlStatus" runat="server" DataSource="<%# Statuses %>"
     DataValueField="Key" DataTextField="Value"></asp:DropDownList>


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // or use Page.DataBind() to bind everything

public Dictionary<int, string> Statuses
        // do database/webservice lookup here to populate Dictionary

I want to calculate the distance between two points in Java

You could also you Point2D Java API class:

public static double distance(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)


double distance = Point2D.distance(3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0);
System.out.println("The distance between the points is " + distance);

Cannot deserialize instance of object out of START_ARRAY token in Spring Webservice

I've had a very similar issue using spring-boot-starter-data-redis. To my implementation there was offered a @Bean for RedisTemplate as follows:

public RedisTemplate<String, List<RoutePlantCache>> redisTemplate(RedisConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
    final RedisTemplate<String, List<RoutePlantCache>> template = new RedisTemplate<>();
    template.setKeySerializer(new StringRedisSerializer());
    template.setValueSerializer(new Jackson2JsonRedisSerializer<>(RoutePlantCache.class));

    // Add some specific configuration here. Key serializers, etc.
    return template;

The fix was to specify an array of RoutePlantCache as following:

template.setValueSerializer(new Jackson2JsonRedisSerializer<>(RoutePlantCache[].class));

Below the exception I had:

com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.MismatchedInputException: Cannot deserialize instance of `[...].RoutePlantCache` out of START_ARRAY token
 at [Source: (byte[])"[{ ... },{ ... [truncated 1478 bytes]; line: 1, column: 1]
    at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.MismatchedInputException.from( ~[jackson-databind-2.11.4.jar:2.11.4]
    at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationContext.reportInputMismatch( ~[jackson-databind-2.11.4.jar:2.11.4]
    at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationContext.handleUnexpectedToken( ~[jackson-databind-2.11.4.jar:2.11.4]
    at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationContext.handleUnexpectedToken( ~[jackson-databind-2.11.4.jar:2.11.4]
    at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.BeanDeserializer._deserializeFromArray( ~[jackson-databind-2.11.4.jar:2.11.4]
    at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.BeanDeserializer._deserializeOther( ~[jackson-databind-2.11.4.jar:2.11.4]
    at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.BeanDeserializer.deserialize( ~[jackson-databind-2.11.4.jar:2.11.4]
    at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper._readMapAndClose( ~[jackson-databind-2.11.4.jar:2.11.4]
    at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper.readValue( ~[jackson-databind-2.11.4.jar:2.11.4]

Where to put the file

Gradle looks for files in these places:

  • in project build dir (that is where your build script is)
  • in sub-project dir
  • in gradle user home (defined by the GRADLE_USER_HOME environment variable, which if not set defaults to USER_HOME/.gradle)

Properties from one file will override the properties from the previous ones (so file in gradle user home has precedence over the others, and file in sub-project has precedence over the one in project root).


Python: avoiding pylint warnings about too many arguments

I do not like referring to the number, the sybolic name is much more expressive and avoid having to add a comment that could become obsolete over time.

So I'd rather do:

#pylint: disable-msg=too-many-arguments

And I would also recommend to not leave it dangling there: it will stay active until the file ends or it is disabled, whichever comes first.

So better doing:

#pylint: disable-msg=too-many-arguments
#pylint: enable-msg=too-many-arguments    

I would also recommend enabling/disabling one single warning/error per line.

Difference between IISRESET and IIS Stop-Start command

Take IISReset as a suite of commands that helps you manage IIS start / stop etc.

Which means you need to specify option (/switch) what you want to do to carry any operation.

Default behavior OR default switch is /restart with iisreset so you do not need to run command twice with /start and /stop.

Hope this clarifies your question. For reference the output of iisreset /? is:

IISRESET.EXE (c) Microsoft Corp. 1998-2005

iisreset [computername]

    /RESTART            Stop and then restart all Internet services.
    /START              Start all Internet services.
    /STOP               Stop all Internet services.
    /REBOOT             Reboot the computer.
    /REBOOTONERROR      Reboot the computer if an error occurs when starting,
                        stopping, or restarting Internet services.
    /NOFORCE            Do not forcefully terminate Internet services if
                        attempting to stop them gracefully fails.
    /TIMEOUT:val        Specify the timeout value ( in seconds ) to wait for
                        a successful stop of Internet services. On expiration
                        of this timeout the computer can be rebooted if
                        the /REBOOTONERROR parameter is specified.
                        The default value is 20s for restart, 60s for stop,
                        and 0s for reboot.
    /STATUS             Display the status of all Internet services.
    /ENABLE             Enable restarting of Internet Services
                        on the local system.
    /DISABLE            Disable restarting of Internet Services
                        on the local system.

Callback when DOM is loaded in react.js

In modern browsers, it should be like

try() {
     if (!$("#element").size()) {
     } else {
       // do your stuff


How do I reverse an int array in Java?

Your program will work for only length = 0, 1. You can try :

int i = 0, j = validData.length-1 ; 
while(i < j)
     swap(validData, i++, j--);  // code for swap not shown, but easy enough

Synchronously waiting for an async operation, and why does Wait() freeze the program here

Here is what I did

private void myEvent_Handler(object sender, SomeEvent e)
  // I dont know how many times this event will fire
  Task t = new Task(() =>
    if (something == true) 

working great and not blocking UI thread

python - if not in list

Your code should work, but you can also try:

    if not item in mylist :

What is HTTP "Host" header?

I would always recommend going to the authoritative source when trying to understand the meaning and purpose of HTTP headers.

The "Host" header field in a request provides the host and port
information from the target URI, enabling the origin server to
distinguish among resources while servicing requests for multiple
host names on a single IP address.

CSS submit button weird rendering on iPad/iPhone

Add this code into the css file:

input {
-webkit-appearance: none;
-moz-appearance: none;
appearance: none;

This will help.

Insert default value when parameter is null

With enough defaults on a table, you can simply say:


Note that this is quite an unlikely case, however.

I've only had to use it once in a production environment. We had two closely related tables, and needed to guarantee that neither table had the same UniqueID, so we had a separate table which just had an identity column, and the best way to insert into it was with the syntax above.

jQuery animate backgroundColor

Bitstorm has the best jquery color animation plugin I've seen. It's an improvement to the jquery color project. It also supports rgba.

How do I select an entire row which has the largest ID in the table?

You can not give order by because order by does a "full scan" on a table.

The following query is better:

SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = (SELECT MAX(id) FROM table);

Launching an application (.EXE) from C#?

Use System.Diagnostics.Process.Start() method.

Check out this article on how to use it.

Process.Start("notepad", "readme.txt");

string winpath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("windir");
string path = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(

Process.Start(winpath + @"\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.0.3705\Installutil.exe",
path + "\\MyService.exe");

How to schedule a function to run every hour on Flask?

You can use BackgroundScheduler() from APScheduler package (v3.5.3):

import time
import atexit

from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler

def print_date_time():
    print(time.strftime("%A, %d. %B %Y %I:%M:%S %p"))

scheduler = BackgroundScheduler()
scheduler.add_job(func=print_date_time, trigger="interval", seconds=3)

# Shut down the scheduler when exiting the app
atexit.register(lambda: scheduler.shutdown())

Note that two of these schedulers will be launched when Flask is in debug mode. For more information, check out this question.

Pretty-print a Map in Java

I guess something like this would be cleaner, and provide you with more flexibility with the output format (simply change template):

    String template = "%s=\"%s\",";
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (Entry e : map.entrySet()) {
        sb.append(String.format(template, e.getKey(), e.getValue()));
    if (sb.length() > 0) {
        sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1); // Ugly way to remove the last comma
    return sb.toString();

I know having to remove the last comma is ugly, but I think it's cleaner than alternatives like the one in this solution or manually using an iterator.

When running WebDriver with Chrome browser, getting message, "Only local connections are allowed" even though browser launches properly

I solved this error by installing the browser driver:

  1. Navigate your browser to website
  2. Select the Downloads tab
  3. Scroll down the page to the Browser section and download the driver you want by clicking the link, for example, Google Chrome Driver
  4. Double-click the downloaded file, for example, chromedriver_mac64(1).zip
  5. Double-click the extracted file, for example, chromedriver

Reference: search for the error

Platform: macOS High Sierra 10.13.3

Jetty: HTTP ERROR: 503/ Service Unavailable

Remove/Delete the project from workspace. and Reimport the project to the workspace. This method worked for me.

How to calculate a mod b in Python?

There's the % sign. It's not just for the remainder, it is the modulo operation.

Disable cache for some images

I was just looking for a solution to this, and the answers above didn't work in my case (and I have insufficient reputation to comment on them). It turns out that, at least for my use-case and the browser I was using (Chrome on OSX), the only thing that seemed to prevent caching was:

Cache-Control = 'no-store'

For completeness i'm now using all 3 of 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate'

So in my case (serving dynamically generated images out of Flask in Python), I had to do the following to hopefully work in as many browsers as possible...

def make_uncached_response(inFile):
    response = make_response(inFile)
    response.headers['Pragma-Directive'] = 'no-cache'
    response.headers['Cache-Directive'] = 'no-cache'
    response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate'
    response.headers['Pragma'] = 'no-cache'
    response.headers['Expires'] = '0'
    return response

How to center Font Awesome icons horizontally?

Give a class to your cell containing the icon

<td class="icon"><i class="icon-ok"></i></td>

and then

    text-align: center;

Facebook Architecture

"Knowing about sites which handles such massive traffic gives lots of pointers for architects etc. to keep in mind certain stuff while designing new sites"

I think you can probably learn a lot from the design of Facebook, just as you can from the design of any successful large software system. However, it seems to me that you should not keep the current design of Facebook in mind when designing new systems.

Why do you want to be able to handle the traffic that Facebook has to handle? Odds are that you will never have to, no matter how talented a programmer you may be. Facebook itself was not designed from the start for such massive scalability, which is perhaps the most important lesson to learn from it.

If you want to learn about a non-trivial software system I can recommend the book "Dissecting a C# Application" about the development of the SharpDevelop IDE. It is out of print, but it is available for free online. The book gives you a glimpse into a real application and provides insights about IDEs which are useful for a programmer.

Mongoose: findOneAndUpdate doesn't return updated document

For whoever stumbled across this using ES6 / ES7 style with native promises, here is a pattern you can adopt...

const user = { id: 1, name: "Fart Face 3rd"};
const userUpdate = { name: "Pizza Face" };

try {
    user = await new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => {
        User.update( { _id: }, userUpdate, { upsert: true, new: true }, ( error, obj ) => {
            if( error ) {
                console.error( JSON.stringify( error ) );
                return reject( error );

            resolve( obj );
} catch( error ) { /* set the world on fire */ }

Fitting empirical distribution to theoretical ones with Scipy (Python)?

The following code is the version of the general answer but with corrections and clarity.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.stats as st
import statsmodels.api as sm
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
import random"ggplot")

def danoes_formula(data):
    DANOE'S FORMULA's_formula
    N = len(data)
    skewness = st.skew(data)
    sigma_g1 = math.sqrt((6*(N-2))/((N+1)*(N+3)))
    num_bins = 1 + math.log(N,2) + math.log(1+abs(skewness)/sigma_g1,2)
    num_bins = round(num_bins)
    return num_bins

def plot_histogram(data, results, n):
    ## n first distribution of the ranking
    N_DISTRIBUTIONS = {k: results[k] for k in list(results)[:n]}

    ## Histogram of data
    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
    plt.hist(data, density=True, ec='white', color=(63/235, 149/235, 170/235))

    ## Plot n distributions
    for distribution, result in N_DISTRIBUTIONS.items():
        # print(i, distribution)
        sse = result[0]
        arg = result[1]
        loc = result[2]
        scale = result[3]
        x_plot = np.linspace(min(data), max(data), 1000)
        y_plot = distribution.pdf(x_plot, loc=loc, scale=scale, *arg)
        plt.plot(x_plot, y_plot, label=str(distribution)[32:-34] + ": " + str(sse)[0:6], color=(random.uniform(0, 1), random.uniform(0, 1), random.uniform(0, 1)))
    plt.legend(title='DISTRIBUTIONS', bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc='upper left')

def fit_data(data):
    ## st.frechet_r,st.frechet_l: are disbled in current SciPy version
    ## st.levy_stable: a lot of time of estimation parameters
    ALL_DISTRIBUTIONS = [        
        st.foldcauchy,st.foldnorm, st.genlogistic,st.genpareto,st.gennorm,st.genexpon,
    MY_DISTRIBUTIONS = [st.beta, st.expon, st.norm, st.uniform, st.johnsonsb, st.gennorm, st.gausshyper]

    ## Calculae Histogram
    num_bins = danoes_formula(data)
    frequencies, bin_edges = np.histogram(data, num_bins, density=True)
    central_values = [(bin_edges[i] + bin_edges[i+1])/2 for i in range(len(bin_edges)-1)]

    results = {}
    for distribution in MY_DISTRIBUTIONS:
        ## Get parameters of distribution
        params =
        ## Separate parts of parameters
        arg = params[:-2]
        loc = params[-2]
        scale = params[-1]
        ## Calculate fitted PDF and error with fit in distribution
        pdf_values = [distribution.pdf(c, loc=loc, scale=scale, *arg) for c in central_values]
        ## Calculate SSE (sum of squared estimate of errors)
        sse = np.sum(np.power(frequencies - pdf_values, 2.0))
        ## Build results and sort by sse
        results[distribution] = [sse, arg, loc, scale]
    results = {k: results[k] for k in sorted(results, key=results.get)}
    return results
def main():
    ## Import data
    data = pd.Series(sm.datasets.elnino.load_pandas().data.set_index('YEAR').values.ravel())
    results = fit_data(data)
    plot_histogram(data, results, 5)

if __name__ == "__main__":

enter image description here

How can I count all the lines of code in a directory recursively?

lines=0 ; for file in *.cpp *.h ; do lines=$(( $lines + $( wc -l $file | cut -d ' ' -f 1 ) )) ; done ; echo $lines

How to import large sql file in phpmyadmin

I dont understand why nobody mention the easiest way....just split the large file with and after just execute vie mySQL admin the seperated generated files starting from the one with Structure

Angular2 module has no exported member

I had the component name wrong(it is case sensitive) in either app.rounting.ts or app.module.ts.

JQuery Validate Dropdown list

The documentation for required() states:

To force a user to select an option from a select box, provide an empty options like <option value="">Choose...</option>

By having value="none" in your <option> tag, you are preventing the validation call from ever being made. You can also remove your custom validation rule, simplifying your code. Here's a jsFiddle showing it in action:

If you can't change the value attribute to the empty string, I don't know what to tell you...I couldn't find any way to get it to validate otherwise.

How to define constants in Visual C# like #define in C?

Check How to: Define Constants in C# on MSDN:

In C# the #define preprocessor directive cannot be used to define constants in the way that is typically used in C and C++.

iOS 7 UIBarButton back button arrow color

I had to use both:

[[UIBarButtonItem appearanceWhenContainedIn:[UINavigationBar class], nil] 
               dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:[UIColor whiteColor], UITextAttributeTextColor,nil] 

[[self.navigationController.navigationBar.subviews lastObject] setTintColor:[UIColor whiteColor]];

And works for me, thank you for everyone!

How can I download a specific Maven artifact in one command line?

Regarding how to get the artifact binary, Pascal Thivent's answer is it, but to also get the artifact sources jar, we can use:

mvn dependency:get -Dartifact=groupId:artifactId:version:jar:sources


mvn dependency:get -Dartifact=junit:junit:4.12:jar:sources

This works because the artifact parameter actually consists of groupId:artifactId:version[:packaging][:classifier]. Just the packaging and classifier are optional.

With jar as packaging and sources as classifier, the maven dependency plugin understands we're asking for the sources jar, not the artifact jar.

Unfortunately for now sources jar files cannot be downloaded transitively, which does make sense, but ideally I do believe it can also respect the option downloadSources just like the maven eclipse plugin does.

Where does the @Transactional annotation belong?

Or does it make sense to annotate both "layers"? - doesn't it make sense to annotate both the service layer and the dao layer - if one wants to make sure that DAO method is always called (propagated) from a service layer with propagation "mandatory" in DAO. This would provide some restriction for DAO methods from being called from UI layer (or controllers). Also - when unit testing DAO layer in particular - having DAO annotated will also ensure it is tested for transactional functionality.

Fetch: reject promise and catch the error if status is not OK?

Thanks for the help everyone, rejecting the promise in .catch() solved my issue:

export function fetchVehicle(id) {
    return dispatch => {
        return dispatch({
            type: 'FETCH_VEHICLE',
            payload: fetch(`${id}/`)
                .then(res => res.json())    
                .catch(error => {
                    return Promise.reject()

function status(res) {
    if (!res.ok) {
        throw new Error(res.statusText);
    return res;

Explanation of the UML arrows

Aggregations and compositions are a little bit confusing. However, think like compositions are a stronger version of aggregation. What does that mean? Let's take an example: (Aggregation) 1. Take a classroom and students: In this case, we try to analyze the relationship between them. A classroom has a relationship with students. That means classroom comprises of one or many students. Even if we remove the Classroom class, the Students class does not need to destroy, which means we can use Student class independently.

(Composition) 2. Take a look at pages and Book Class. In this case, pages is a book, which means collections of pages makes the book. If we remove the book class, the whole Page class will be destroyed. That means we cannot use the class of the page independently.

If you are still unclear about this topic, watch out this short wonderful video, which has explained the aggregation more clearly. Hyperlink control equivalent to <a href="#"></a>

I agree with SLaks, but here you go

   <asp:HyperLink id="hyperlink1" 

or you can alter the href using

hyperlink1.NavigateUrl = "#"; 
hyperlink1.Text = string.empty;

Add multiple items to a list

Thanks to AddRange:


public class Person
    private string Name;
    private string FirstName;

    public Person(string name, string firstname) => (Name, FirstName) = (name, firstname);

To add multiple Person to a List<>:

List<Person> listofPersons = new List<Person>();
listofPersons.AddRange(new List<Person>
    new Person("John1", "Doe" ),
    new Person("John2", "Doe" ),
    new Person("John3", "Doe" ),

Appending a list to a list of lists in R

Just a note on Brian's answer below, the first assignment to outlist can also be an append statement so you could also do something like this:

resultsa <- list(1,2,3,4,5)
resultsb <- list(6,7,8,9,10)
resultsc <- list(11,12,13,14,15)

outlist <- list()
outlist <- append(outlist,list(resultsa))
outlist <- append(outlist, list(resultsb))
outlist <- append(outlist, list(resultsc))

This is sometimes helpful if you want to build a list from scratch in a loop.

jquery, domain, get URL

Similar to the answer before there there is

The location global has more fun facts about the current url as well. ( protocol, host, port, pathname, search, hash )

How to simulate a touch event in Android?

When using Monkey Script I noticed that DispatchPress(KEYCODE_BACK) is doing nothing which really suck. In many cases this is due to the fact that the Activity doesn't consume the Key event. The solution to this problem is to use a mix of monkey script and adb shell input command in a sequence.

1 Using monkey script gave some great timing control. Wait a certain amount of second for the activity and is a blocking adb call.
2 Finally sending adb shell input keyevent 4 will end the running APK.


adb shell monkey -p -v -v -v -f /sdcard/monkey_script.txt 1
adb shell input keyevent 4

Create the perfect JPA entity

My 2 cents addition to the answers here are:

  1. With reference to Field or Property access (away from performance considerations) both are legitimately accessed by means of getters and setters, thus, my model logic can set/get them in the same manner. The difference comes to play when the persistence runtime provider (Hibernate, EclipseLink or else) needs to persist/set some record in Table A which has a foreign key referring to some column in Table B. In case of a Property access type, the persistence runtime system uses my coded setter method to assign the cell in Table B column a new value. In case of a Field access type, the persistence runtime system sets the cell in Table B column directly. This difference is not of importance in the context of a uni-directional relationship, yet it is a MUST to use my own coded setter method (Property access type) for a bi-directional relationship provided the setter method is well designed to account for consistency. Consistency is a critical issue for bi-directional relationships refer to this link for a simple example for a well-designed setter.

  2. With reference to Equals/hashCode: It is impossible to use the Eclipse auto-generated Equals/hashCode methods for entities participating in a bi-directional relationship, otherwise they will have a circular reference resulting in a stackoverflow Exception. Once you try a bidirectional relationship (say OneToOne) and auto-generate Equals() or hashCode() or even toString() you will get caught in this stackoverflow exception.

Logging levels - Logback - rule-of-thumb to assign log levels

This may also tangentially help, to understand if a logging request (from the code) at a certain level will result in it actually being logged given the effective logging level that a deployment is configured with. Decide what effective level you want to configure you deployment with from the other Answers here, and then refer to this to see if a particular logging request from your code will actually be logged then...

For examples:

  • "Will a logging code line that logs at WARN actually get logged on my deployment configured with ERROR?" The table says, NO.
  • "Will a logging code line that logs at WARN actually get logged on my deployment configured with DEBUG?" The table says, YES.

from logback documentation:

In a more graphic way, here is how the selection rule works. In the following table, the vertical header shows the level of the logging request, designated by p, while the horizontal header shows effective level of the logger, designated by q. The intersection of the rows (level request) and columns (effective level) is the boolean resulting from the basic selection rule. enter image description here

So a code line that requests logging will only actually get logged if the effective logging level of its deployment is less than or equal to that code line's requested level of severity.

Email Address Validation in Android on EditText


public static boolean isValidEmail(CharSequence target) {
    return (!TextUtils.isEmpty(target) && Patterns.EMAIL_ADDRESS.matcher(target).matches());


fun CharSequence?.isValidEmail() = !isNullOrEmpty() && Patterns.EMAIL_ADDRESS.matcher(this).matches()

Edit: It will work On Android 2.2+ onwards !!

Edit: Added missing ;

import module from string variable

I developed these 3 useful functions:

def loadModule(moduleName):
    module = None
        import sys
        del sys.modules[moduleName]
    except BaseException as err:
        import importlib
        module = importlib.import_module(moduleName)
    except BaseException as err:
        serr = str(err)
        print("Error to load the module '" + moduleName + "': " + serr)
    return module

def reloadModule(moduleName):
    module = loadModule(moduleName)
    moduleName, modulePath = str(module).replace("' from '", "||").replace("<module '", '').replace("'>", '').split("||")
    if (modulePath.endswith(".pyc")):
        import os
        module = loadModule(moduleName)
    return module

def getInstance(moduleName, param1, param2, param3):
    module = reloadModule(moduleName)
    instance = eval("module." + moduleName + "(param1, param2, param3)")
    return instance

And everytime I want to reload a new instance I just have to call getInstance() like this:

myInstance = getInstance("MyModule", myParam1, myParam2, myParam3)

Finally I can call all the functions inside the new Instance:


The only specificity here is to customize the params list (param1, param2, param3) of your instance.

How can I check if a scrollbar is visible?

You need element.scrollHeight. Compare it with $(element).height().

how to determine size of tablespace oracle 11g

The following query can be used to detemine tablespace and other params:

select df.tablespace_name "Tablespace",
       totalusedspace "Used MB",
       (df.totalspace - tu.totalusedspace) "Free MB",
       df.totalspace "Total MB",
       round(100 * ( (df.totalspace - tu.totalusedspace)/ df.totalspace)) "Pct. Free"
  from (select tablespace_name,
               round(sum(bytes) / 1048576) TotalSpace
          from dba_data_files 
         group by tablespace_name) df,
       (select round(sum(bytes)/(1024*1024)) totalusedspace,
          from dba_segments 
         group by tablespace_name) tu
 where df.tablespace_name = tu.tablespace_name 
   and df.totalspace <> 0;


For your case if you want to know the partition name and it's size just run this query:

select owner,
       bytes / 1024/1024 "MB" 
  from dba_segments 
 where owner = <owner_name>;

How to determine the installed webpack version

webpack 4 now offers a version property that can be used!

Detect key input in Python

Key input is a predefined event. You can catch events by attaching event_sequence(s) to event_handle(s) by using one or multiple of the existing binding methods(bind, bind_class, tag_bind, bind_all). In order to do that:

  1. define an event_handle method
  2. pick an event(event_sequence) that fits your case from an events list

When an event happens, all of those binding methods implicitly calls the event_handle method while passing an Event object, which includes information about specifics of the event that happened, as the argument.

In order to detect the key input, one could first catch all the '<KeyPress>' or '<KeyRelease>' events and then find out the particular key used by making use of event.keysym attribute.

Below is an example using bind to catch both '<KeyPress>' and '<KeyRelease>' events on a particular widget(root):

try:                        # In order to be able to import tkinter for
    import tkinter as tk    # either in python 2 or in python 3
except ImportError:
    import Tkinter as tk

def event_handle(event):
    # Replace the window's title with event.type: input key
    root.title("{}: {}".format(str(event.type), event.keysym))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    root = tk.Tk()
    event_sequence = '<KeyPress>'
    root.bind(event_sequence, event_handle)
    root.bind('<KeyRelease>', event_handle)

Call to undefined function mysql_query() with Login

I would recommend that start using mysqli_() and stop using mysql_()

Check the following page: LINK

Warning This extension was deprecated in PHP 5.5.0, and it was removed in PHP 7.0.0. Instead, the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extension should be used. See also MySQL: choosing an API guide and related FAQ for more information. Alternatives to this function include: mysqli_affected_rows() PDOStatement::rowCount()

Try and use mysqli_() Or PDO

Add a fragment to the URL without causing a redirect?

Try this

var URL = "";
var mainURL = window.location.pathname;

if (mainURL == URL) {
    mainURL += ( mainURL.match( /[\?]/g ) ? '&' : '#' ) + '_bypasssharerestrictions_';

How to style components using makeStyles and still have lifecycle methods in Material UI?

Hi instead of using hook API, you should use Higher-order component API as mentioned here

I'll modify the example in the documentation to suit your need for class component

import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { withStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
import Button from '@material-ui/core/Button';

const styles = theme => ({
  root: {
    background: 'linear-gradient(45deg, #FE6B8B 30%, #FF8E53 90%)',
    border: 0,
    borderRadius: 3,
    boxShadow: '0 3px 5px 2px rgba(255, 105, 135, .3)',
    color: 'white',
    height: 48,
    padding: '0 30px',

class HigherOrderComponentUsageExample extends React.Component {
    const { classes } = this.props;
    return (
      <Button className={classes.root}>This component is passed to an HOC</Button>

HigherOrderComponentUsageExample.propTypes = {
  classes: PropTypes.object.isRequired,

export default withStyles(styles)(HigherOrderComponentUsageExample);

Java 8: merge lists with stream API

I think flatMap() is what you're looking for.

For example:

 List<AClass> allTheObjects = map.values()
         .flatMap(listContainer ->

Vue.js redirection to another page

can try this too ...

router.push({ name: 'myRoute' })

How do I align views at the bottom of the screen?

1. Use ConstraintLayout in your root Layout

And set app:layout_constraintBottom_toBottomOf="parent" to let the Layout on the bottom of the screen:


2. Use FrameLayout in your root Layout

Just set android:layout_gravity="bottom" in your layout


3. Use LinearLayout in your root Layout (android:orientation="vertical")

(1) Set a layout android:layout_weight="1" on the top of the your Layout

    android:text="welcome" />

(2) Set the child LinearLayout for android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:gravity="bottom"

The main attribute is ndroid:gravity="bottom", let the child View on the bottom of Layout.


4. Use RelativeLayout in the root Layout

And set android:layout_alignParentBottom="true" to let the Layout on the bottom of the screen



Enter image description here

Most recent previous business day in Python

Use pandas!

import datetime
# BDay is business day, not birthday...
from pandas.tseries.offsets import BDay

today =
print(today - BDay(4))

Since today is Thursday, Sept 26, that will give you an output of:

datetime.datetime(2013, 9, 20, 14, 8, 4, 89761)

JSON Structure for List of Objects

As others mentioned, Justin's answer was close, but not quite right. I tested this using Visual Studio's "Paste JSON as C# Classes"

    "foos" : [

Static Final Variable in Java

In first statement you define variable, which common for all of the objects (class static field).

In the second statement you define variable, which belongs to each created object (a lot of copies).

In your case you should use the first one.

Hide div by default and show it on click with bootstrap

Try this one:

<button class="button" onclick="$('#target').toggle();">
<div id="target" style="display: none">
    Hide show.....

Angular 6: saving data to local storage

First you should understand how localStorage works. you are doing wrong way to set/get values in local storage. Please read this for more information : How to Use Local Storage with JavaScript

Jenkins - passing variables between jobs?

I faced the same issue when I had to pass a pom version to a downstream Rundeck job.

What I did, was using parameters injection via a properties file as such:

1) Creating properties in properties file via shell :

Build actions:

  • Execute a shell script
  • Inject environment variables

E.g : properties definition

2) Passing defined properties to the downstream job : Post Build Actions :

  • Trigger parameterized build on other project
  • Add parameters : Current build parameters
  • Add parameters : predefined parameters

E.g : properties sending

3) It was then possible to use $POM_VERSION as such in the downstream Rundeck job.

/!\ Jenkins Version : 1.636

/!\ For some reason when creating the triggered build, it was necessary to add the option 'Current build parameters' to pass the properties.

Using the Jersey client to do a POST operation

It is now the first example in the Jersey Client documentation

Example 5.1. POST request with form parameters

Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
WebTarget target ="http://localhost:9998").path("resource");

Form form = new Form();
form.param("x", "foo");
form.param("y", "bar");

MyJAXBBean bean =

Inline <style> tags vs. inline css properties

Whenever is possible is preferable to use class .myclass{} and identifier #myclass{}, so use a dedicated css file or tag <style></style> within an html. Inline style is good to change css option dynamically with javascript.

Two div blocks on same line


#bloc1, #bloc2


<div id="block_container">

    <div id="bloc1"><?php echo " version ".$version." Copyright &copy; All Rights Reserved."; ?></div>  
    <div id="bloc2"><img src="..."></div>


Also, you shouldn't put raw content into <div>'s, use an appropriate tag such as <p> or <span>.

Edit: Here is a jsFiddle demo.

How to make Sonar ignore some classes for codeCoverage metric?

Sometimes, Clover is configured to provide code coverage reports for all non-test code. If you wish to override these preferences, you may use configuration elements to exclude and include source files from being instrumented:


Also, you can include the following Sonar configuration:


How to handle the `onKeyPress` event in ReactJS?

I am working with React 0.14.7, use onKeyPress and event.key works well.

handleKeyPress = (event) => {
  if(event.key === 'Enter'){
    console.log('enter press here! ')
render: function(){
           <input type="text" id="one" onKeyPress={this.handleKeyPress} />

Add new column with foreign key constraint in one command


With user defined foreign key name

ADD columnName dataType,
   REFERENCES pkTableName(pkTableColumnName);

Without user defined foreign key name

ADD columnName dataType,
FOREIGN KEY(fkColumnName) REFERENCES pkTableName(pkTableColumnName);

Add days Oracle SQL

If you want to add N days to your days. You can use the plus operator as follows -


What is the difference between Double.parseDouble(String) and Double.valueOf(String)?

They both convert a String to a double value but wherease the parseDouble() method returns the primitive double value, the valueOf() method further converts the primitive double to a Double wrapper class object which contains the primitive double value.

The conversion from String to primitive double may throw NFE(NumberFormatException) if the value in String is not convertible into a primitive double.

Case insensitive access for generic dictionary

There is much simpler way:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
var caseInsensitiveDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

Is there any way to install Composer globally on Windows?

I use Composer-Setup.exe and it works fine. Just in case you need to know where is the composer.phar (to use with PhpStorm) :


How do I get column datatype in Oracle with PL-SQL with low privileges?

You can try this.

  FROM (SELECT column_name,
               || CASE
                     WHEN data_precision IS NOT NULL
                          AND NVL (data_scale, 0) > 0
                        '(' || data_precision || ',' || data_scale || ')'
                     WHEN data_precision IS NOT NULL
                          AND NVL (data_scale, 0) = 0
                        '(' || data_precision || ')'
                     WHEN data_precision IS NULL AND data_scale IS NOT NULL
                        '(*,' || data_scale || ')'
                     WHEN char_length > 0
                        '(' || char_length
                        || CASE char_used
                              WHEN 'B' THEN ' Byte'
                              WHEN 'C' THEN ' Char'
                              ELSE NULL
                        || ')'
               || DECODE (nullable, 'N', ' NOT NULL')
          FROM user_tab_columns
         WHERE table_name = 'CONTRACT')
 WHERE DataTypeWithLength = 'CHAR(1 Byte)';

How to execute a stored procedure within C# program

By using

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Configuration;

namespace PBDataAccess
    public class AddContact
        // for preparing connection to sql server database   

        private SqlConnection conn; 

        // for preparing sql statement or stored procedure that 
        // we want to execute on database server

        private SqlCommand cmd; 

        // used for storing the result in datatable, basically 
        // dataset is collection of datatable

        private DataSet ds; 

        // datatable just for storing single table

        private DataTable dt; 

        // data adapter we use it to manage the flow of data
        // from sql server to dataset and after fill the data 
        // inside dataset using fill() method   

        private SqlDataAdapter da; 

        // created a method, which will return the dataset

        public DataSet GetAllContactType() 

    // retrieving the connection string from web.config, which will 
    // tell where our database is located and on which database we want
    // to perform opearation, in this case we are working on stored 
    // procedure so you might have created it somewhere in your database. 
    // connection string will include the name of the datasource, your 
    // database name, user name and password.

        using (conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionString["conn"]

                    // Addcontact is the name of the stored procedure
                    using (cmd = new SqlCommand("Addcontact", conn)) 

                        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

                    // here we are passing the parameters that 
                    // Addcontact stored procedure expect.
                     SqlDbType.VarChar, 50).Value = "GetAllContactType"; 

                        // here created the instance of SqlDataAdapter
                        // class and passed cmd object in it
                        da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); 

                        // created the dataset object
                        ds = new DataSet(); 

                        // fill the dataset and your result will be
                        stored in dataset
            return ds;

****** Stored Procedure ******

@CommandType VARCHAR(MAX) = NULL
  IF (@CommandType = 'GetAllContactType')
    SELECT * FROM Contacts

System not declared in scope?

Chances are that you've not included the header file that declares system().

In order to be able to compile C++ code that uses functions which you don't (manually) declare yourself, you have to pull in the declarations. These declarations are normally stored in so-called header files that you pull into the current translation unit using the #include preprocessor directive. As the code does not #include the header file in which system() is declared, the compilation fails.

To fix this issue, find out which header file provides you with the declaration of system() and include that. As mentioned in several other answers, you most likely want to add #include <cstdlib>

adb shell command to make Android package uninstall dialog appear

Running the @neverever415 answer I got:


In this case check that you wrote a right package name, maybe it is a debug version like com.package_name.debug:

adb shell pm uninstall com.package_name.debug

Or see

<code> vs <pre> vs <samp> for inline and block code snippets

Consider Prism.js:

It makes <pre><code> work and is attractive.

What is the difference between XAMPP or WAMP Server & IIS?

XAMPP is more powerful and resource taking than WAMP.
WAMP provides support for MySQL and PHP.
XAMPP provides support for MYSQL, PHP and PERL

XAMPP also has SSL feature while WAMP doesnt.
If your applications need to deal with native web apps only, Go for WAMP. If you need advanced features as stated above, go for XAMPP.

As of priority, you cant run both together with default installation as XAMPP gets a higher priority and it takes up ports. So WAMP cant be run in parallel with XAMPP.

How do I parse a URL into hostname and path in javascript?

today I meet this problem and I found: URL - MDN Web APIs

var url = new URL("");

This return:

{ hash:"#hash", host:"", hostname:"", href:"", origin:"", password:"", pathname:"/dir/subdir/file.html", port:"", protocol:"http:", search: "", username: "" }

Hoping my first contribution helps you !

How to match all occurrences of a regex

Using scan should do the trick:


What is the difference between git clone and checkout?

One thing to notice is the lack of any "Copyout" within git. That's because you already have a full copy in your local repo - your local repo being a clone of your chosen upstream repo. So you have effectively a personal checkout of everything, without putting some 'lock' on those files in the reference repo.

Git provides the SHA1 hash values as the mechanism for verifying that the copy you have of a file / directory tree / commit / repo is exactly the same as that used by whoever is able to declare things as "Master" within the hierarchy of trust. This avoids all those 'locks' that cause most SCM systems to choke (with the usual problems of private copies, big merges, and no real control or management of source code ;-) !

Markdown open a new window link

You can edit the generated markup and add

target = "_blank"

org.springframework.beans.factory.CannotLoadBeanClassException: Cannot find class

The problem is that there is no class called com.service.SempediaSearchManager on your webapp's classpath. The most likely root causes are:

  • the fully qualified classname is incorrect in /WEB-INF/Sempedia-service.xml; i.e. the class name is something else,

  • the class is not in your webapp's /WEB-INF/classes directory tree or a JAR file in the /WEB-INF/lib directory.

EDIT : The only other thing that I can think of is that the ClassDefNotFoundException may actually be a result of an earlier class loading / static initialization problem. Check your log files for the first stack trace, and look the nested exceptions, i.e. the "caused by" chain. [If a class load fails one time and you or Spring call Class.forName() again for some reason, then Java won't actually try to load a second time. Instead you will get a ClassDefNotFoundException stack trace that does not explain the real cause of the original failure.]

If you are still stumped, you should take Eclipse out of the picture. Create the WAR file in the form that you are eventually going to deploy it, then from the command line:

  1. manually shutdown Tomcat

  2. clean out your Tomcat webapp directory,

  3. copy the WAR file into the webapp directory,

  4. start Tomcat.

If that doesn't solve the problem directly, look at the deployed webapp directory on Tomcat to verify that the "missing" class is in the right place.

Calling javascript function in iframe

For even more robustness:

function getIframeWindow(iframe_object) {
  var doc;

  if (iframe_object.contentWindow) {
    return iframe_object.contentWindow;

  if (iframe_object.window) {
    return iframe_object.window;

  if (!doc && iframe_object.contentDocument) {
    doc = iframe_object.contentDocument;

  if (!doc && iframe_object.document) {
    doc = iframe_object.document;

  if (doc && doc.defaultView) {
   return doc.defaultView;

  if (doc && doc.parentWindow) {
    return doc.parentWindow;

  return undefined;


var el = document.getElementById('targetFrame');

var frame_win = getIframeWindow(el);

if (frame_win) {

SQL Server after update trigger

Try this script to create a temporary table TESTTEST and watch the order of precedence as the triggers are called in this order: 1) INSTEAD OF, 2) FOR, 3) AFTER

All of the logic is placed in INSTEAD OF trigger and I have 2 examples of how you might code some scenarios...

Good luck...

    ID  INT,
    Modified0 DATETIME,
    Modified1 DATETIME
    SELECT 'TT0.0'

    SELECT *, 'I' Mode
    INTO #work

    INSERT INTO #work (ID, Modified0, Modified1, Mode)
    SELECT ID, Modified0, Modified1, 'D'

    --Check Security or any other logic to add and remove from #work before processing
    DELETE FROM #work WHERE ID=9 -- because you don't want anyone to edit this id?!?!
    DELETE FROM #work WHERE Mode='D' -- because you don't want anyone to delete any records

    SELECT * FROM #work

    IF(EXISTS(SELECT TOP 1 * FROM #work WHERE Mode='I'))
        SELECT 'I0.0'
        INSERT INTO dbo.TESTTEST (ID, Modified0, Modified1)
        SELECT ID, Modified0, Modified1
        FROM #work
        WHERE Mode='I'
        SELECT 'Cool stuff would happen here if you had FOR INSERT or AFTER INSERT triggers.'
        SELECT 'I0.1'

    IF(EXISTS(SELECT TOP 1 * FROM #work WHERE Mode='D'))
        SELECT 'D0.0'
        SELECT 'Cool stuff would happen here if you had FOR DELETE or AFTER DELETE triggers.'
        SELECT 'D0.1'

    IF(EXISTS(SELECT TOP 1 * FROM #work WHERE Mode='U'))
        SELECT 'U0.0'
        UPDATE t SET t.Modified0=e.Modified0, t.Modified1=e.Modified1
        FROM dbo.TESTTEST t
        INNER JOIN #work e ON e.ID = t.ID
        WHERE e.Mode='U'
        SELECT 'U0.1'
    DROP TABLE #work

    SELECT 'TT0.1'

    SELECT 'TT1.0'

    SELECT 'I1'

    SELECT 'D1'

    SELECT 'TT1.1'

    SELECT 'TT2.0'

    SELECT 'I2'

    SELECT 'D2'

    SELECT 'TT2.1'

SELECT 'Start'
INSERT INTO TESTTEST (ID, Modified0) VALUES (9, GETDATE())-- not going to insert
INSERT INTO TESTTEST (ID, Modified0) VALUES (10, GETDATE())--going to insert
UPDATE TESTTEST SET Modified1=GETDATE() WHERE ID=10-- gointo to update


Redirect all to index.php using htaccess

Silly answer but if you can't figure out why its not redirecting check that the following is enabled for the web folder ..

AllowOverride All

This will enable you to run htaccess which must be running! (there are alternatives but not on will cause problems

Difference between Groovy Binary and Source release?

The source release is the raw, uncompiled code. You could read it yourself. To use it, it must be compiled on your machine. Binary means the code was compiled into a machine language format that the computer can read, then execute. No human can understand the binary file unless its been dissected, or opened with some program that let's you read the executable as code.

How to uninstall Anaconda completely from macOS

After performing the very helpful suggestions from both spicyramen & jkysam without immediate success, a simple restart of my Mac was needed to make the system recognize the changes. Hope this helps someone!

Determine command line working directory when running node bin script

path.resolve('.') is also a reliable and clean option, because we almost always require('path'). It will give you absolute path of the directory from where it is called.

In C can a long printf statement be broken up into multiple lines?

The C compiler can glue adjacent string literals into one, like

printf("foo: %s "
       "bar: %d", foo, bar);

The preprocessor can use a backslash as a last character of the line, not counting CR (or CR/LF, if you are from Windowsland):

printf("foo %s \
bar: %d", foo, bar);

Compute elapsed time

write java program that enter elapsed time in seconds for any cycling event & the output format should be like (hour : minute : seconds ) for EX : elapsed time in 4150 seconds= 1:09:10

Remove last character from C++ string

That's all you need:

#include <string>  //string::pop_back & string::empty

if (!st.empty())

Repeat String - Javascript

This may be the smallest recursive one:-

String.prototype.repeat = function(n,s) {
s = s || ""
if(n>0) {
   s += this
   s = this.repeat(--n,s)
return s}

Get the full URL in PHP

Examples for: https://(www.)

// ======= PATHINFO ====== //
$x = pathinfo($url);
$x['basename']                                    myfile.php?var=blabla#555 // Unsecure! 
$x['extension']                                          php?var=blabla#555 // Unsecure! 
$x['filename']                                    myfile

// ======= PARSE_URL ====== //
$x = parse_url($url);
$x['scheme']        https
$x['path']                             /subFolder/myfile.php
$x['query']                                                  var=blabla
$x['fragment']                                                          555

//=================================================== //
//========== self-defined SERVER variables ========== //
//=================================================== //
$_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]   /home/user/public_html
$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]     80(or 443 etc..)
$_SERVER["REQUEST_SCHEME"]  https                                         //similar: $_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] 
$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']      (or with WWW)             //similar: $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]
$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]                           /subFolder/myfile.php?var=blabla
$_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]                                                var=blabla
__FILE__                    /home/user/public_html/subFolder/myfile.php
__DIR__                     /home/user/public_html/subFolder              //same: dirname(__FILE__)
$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]                           /subFolder/myfile.php?var=blabla
parse_url($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], PHP_URL_PATH)  /subFolder/myfile.php 
$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]                              /subFolder/myfile.php

// ==================================================================//
//if "myfile.php" is included in "PARENTFILE.php" , and you visit  "PARENTFILE.PHP?abc":
$_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"] /home/user/public_html/parentfile.php
$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]                              /parentfile.php
$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]                           /parentfile.php?var=blabla
__FILE__                    /home/user/public_html/subFolder/myfile.php

// =================================================== //
// ================= handy variables ================= //
// =================================================== //
//If site uses HTTPS:
$HTTP_or_HTTPS = ((!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS']!=='off') || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']==443) ? 'https://':'http://' );            //in some cases, you need to add this condition too: if ('https'==$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'])  ...

//To trim values to filename, i.e. 
basename($url)              myfile.php

//excellent solution to find origin
$debug_files = debug_backtrace();       
$caller_file = count($debug_files) ? $debug_files[count($debug_files) - 1]['file'] : __FILE__;

Notice ! ! !

  • hashtag # parts were manually used in the above example just for illustration purposes, however, server-side languages (including php) can't natively detect them (Only Javascript can do that, as hashtag is only browser/client side functionality ).
  • DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR returns \ for Windows-type hosting, instead of /.

For WordPress

//(let's say, if wordpress is installed in subdirectory:
home_url()                     //if is_ssl() is true, then it will be "https"
get_stylesheet_directory_uri()  [same: get_bloginfo('template_url') ]
get_stylesheet_directory()       /home/user/public_html/wpdir/wp-content/themes/THEME_NAME
plugin_dir_path(__FILE__)        /home/user/public_html/wpdir/wp-content/plugins/PLUGIN_NAME/  

How to animate CSS Translate

You need set the keyframes animation in you CSS. And use the keyframe with jQuery:

$('#myTest').css({"animation":"my-animation 2s infinite"});
#myTest {_x000D_
  width: 50px;_x000D_
  height: 50px;_x000D_
  background: black;_x000D_
@keyframes my-animation {_x000D_
  0% {_x000D_
    background: red;  _x000D_
  50% {_x000D_
    background: blue;  _x000D_
  100% {_x000D_
    background: green;  _x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="myTest"></div>

Difference between 'cls' and 'self' in Python classes?

It's used in case of a class method. Check this reference for further details.

EDIT: As clarified by Adrien, it's a convention. You can actually use anything but cls and self are used (PEP8).

Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. The statement has been terminated


  1. Rebooting both application and DB servers is the quickest fix where data volume, network settings and code haven't changed. We always do so as a rule
  2. May be indicator of failing hard-drive that needs replacement - check system notifications

I have often encountered this error for various reasons and have had various solutions, including:

  1. refactoring my code to use SqlBulkCopy
  2. increasing Timeout values, as stated in various answers or checking for underlying causes (may not be data related)
  3. Connection Timeout (Default 15s) - How long it takes to wait for a connection to be established with the SQL server before terminating - TCP/PORT related - can go through a troubleshooting checklist (very handy MSDN article)
  4. Command Timeout (Default 30s) - How long it takes to wait for the execution of a query - Query execution/network traffic related - also has a troubleshooting process (another very handy MSDN article)
  5. Rebooting of the server(s) - both application & DB Server (if separate) - where code and data haven't changed, environment must have changed - First thing you must do. Typically caused by patches (operating system, .Net Framework or SQL Server patches or updates). Particularly if timeout exception appears as below (even if we do not use Azure):
    • System.Data.Entity.Core.EntityException: An exception has been raised that is likely due to a transient failure. If you are connecting to a SQL Azure database consider using SqlAzureExecutionStrategy. ---> System.Data.Entity.Core.EntityCommandExecutionException: An error occurred while executing the command definition. See the inner exception for details. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: A transport-level error has occurred when receiving results from the server. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - The semaphore timeout period has expired.) ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The semaphore timeout period has expired

Linking a qtDesigner .ui file to python/pyqt?

The cleaner way in my opinion is to first export to .py as aforementioned:

pyuic4 foo.ui >

And then use it inside your code (e.g, like:

from foo import Ui_MyWindow

class MyWindow(QtGui.QDialog):
    def __init__(self):
        super(MyWindow, self).__init__()

        self.ui = Ui_MyWindow()

        # go on setting up your handlers like:
        # self.ui.okButton.clicked.connect(function_name)
        # etc...

def main():
    app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
    w = MyWindow()

if __name__ == "__main__":

This way gives the ability to other people who don't use qt-designer to read the code, and also keeps your functionality code outside that could be overwritten by designer. You just reference ui through MyWindow class as seen above.

convert iso date to milliseconds in javascript

Yes, you can do this in a single line

let ms = Date.parse('2019-05-15 07:11:10.673Z');

Direct method from SQL command text to DataSet

public DataSet GetDataSet(string ConnectionString, string SQL)
    SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString);
    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter();
    SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
    cmd.CommandText = SQL;
    da.SelectCommand = cmd;
    DataSet ds = new DataSet();


    return ds;

Space between border and content? / Border distance from content?

You usually use padding to add distance between a border and a content.However, background are spread on padding.

You can still do it with nested element.

html :

<div id="outter">
    <div id="inner">

outter div :

border-style: ridge;
border-color: #567498;
min-width: 100px;
min-height: 100px;

inner div :

width: 100px;
min-height: 100px;
margin: 10px;
background-image: -webkit-gradient(
    left bottom,
    left top,
    color-stop(0, rgb(39,54,73)),
    color-stop(1, rgb(30,42,54))
background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(
    center bottom,
    rgb(39,54,73) 0%,
    rgb(30,42,54) 100%