Programs & Examples On #Freetexttable

How can I run an external command asynchronously from Python?

I have the same problem trying to connect to an 3270 terminal using the s3270 scripting software in Python. Now I'm solving the problem with an subclass of Process that I found here:

And here is the sample taken from file:

def recv_some(p, t=.1, e=1, tr=5, stderr=0):
    if tr < 1:
        tr = 1
    x = time.time()+t
    y = []
    r = ''
    pr = p.recv
    if stderr:
        pr = p.recv_err
    while time.time() < x or r:
        r = pr()
        if r is None:
            if e:
                raise Exception(message)
        elif r:
            time.sleep(max((x-time.time())/tr, 0))
    return ''.join(y)

def send_all(p, data):
    while len(data):
        sent = p.send(data)
        if sent is None:
            raise Exception(message)
        data = buffer(data, sent)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if sys.platform == 'win32':
        shell, commands, tail = ('cmd', ('dir /w', 'echo HELLO WORLD'), '\r\n')
        shell, commands, tail = ('sh', ('ls', 'echo HELLO WORLD'), '\n')

    a = Popen(shell, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
    print recv_some(a),
    for cmd in commands:
        send_all(a, cmd + tail)
        print recv_some(a),
    send_all(a, 'exit' + tail)
    print recv_some(a, e=0)

Reset Windows Activation/Remove license key

  1. Open a command prompt as an Administrator.

  2. Enter slmgr /upk and wait for this to complete. This will uninstall the current product key from Windows and put it into an unlicensed state.

  3. Enter slmgr /cpky and wait for this to complete. This will remove the product key from the registry if it's still there.

  4. Enter slmgr /rearm and wait for this to complete. This is to reset the Windows activation timers so the new users will be prompted to activate Windows when they put in the key.

This should put the system back to a pre-key state.

Hope this helps you out!

How do you get a string from a MemoryStream?

I need to integrate with a class that need a Stream to Write on it:

XmlSchema schema;
// ... Use "schema" ...

var ret = "";

using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
    ret = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(ms.ToArray());
//here you can use "ret"
// 6 Lines of code

I create a simple class that can help to reduce lines of code for multiples use:

public static class MemoryStreamStringWrapper
    public static string Write(Action<MemoryStream> action)
        var ret = "";
        using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
            ret = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(ms.ToArray());

        return ret;

then you can replace the sample with a single line of code

var ret = MemoryStreamStringWrapper.Write(schema.Write);

Create a new cmd.exe window from within another cmd.exe prompt

Simply type start in the command prompt:


This will open up new cmd windows.

Simplest way to serve static data from outside the application server in a Java web application

I've seen some suggestions like having the image directory being a symbolic link pointing to a directory outside the web container, but will this approach work both on Windows and *nix environments?

If you adhere the *nix filesystem path rules (i.e. you use exclusively forward slashes as in /path/to/files), then it will work on Windows as well without the need to fiddle around with ugly File.separator string-concatenations. It would however only be scanned on the same working disk as from where this command is been invoked. So if Tomcat is for example installed on C: then the /path/to/files would actually point to C:\path\to\files.

If the files are all located outside the webapp, and you want to have Tomcat's DefaultServlet to handle them, then all you basically need to do in Tomcat is to add the following Context element to /conf/server.xml inside <Host> tag:

<Context docBase="/path/to/files" path="/files" />

This way they'll be accessible through For Tomcat-based servers such as JBoss EAP 6.x or older, the approach is basically the same, see also here. GlassFish/Payara configuration example can be found here and WildFly configuration example can be found here.

If you want to have control over reading/writing files yourself, then you need to create a Servlet for this which basically just gets an InputStream of the file in flavor of for example FileInputStream and writes it to the OutputStream of the HttpServletResponse.

On the response, you should set the Content-Type header so that the client knows which application to associate with the provided file. And, you should set the Content-Length header so that the client can calculate the download progress, otherwise it will be unknown. And, you should set the Content-Disposition header to attachment if you want a Save As dialog, otherwise the client will attempt to display it inline. Finally just write the file content to the response output stream.

Here's a basic example of such a servlet:

public class FileServlet extends HttpServlet {

    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException
        String filename = URLDecoder.decode(request.getPathInfo().substring(1), "UTF-8");
        File file = new File("/path/to/files", filename);
        response.setHeader("Content-Type", getServletContext().getMimeType(filename));
        response.setHeader("Content-Length", String.valueOf(file.length()));
        response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=\"" + file.getName() + "\"");
        Files.copy(file.toPath(), response.getOutputStream());


When mapped on an url-pattern of for example /files/*, then you can call it by This way you can have more control over the requests than the DefaultServlet does, such as providing a default image (i.e. if (!file.exists()) file = new File("/path/to/files", "404.gif") or so). Also using the request.getPathInfo() is preferred above request.getParameter() because it is more SEO friendly and otherwise IE won't pick the correct filename during Save As.

You can reuse the same logic for serving files from database. Simply replace new FileInputStream() by ResultSet#getInputStream().

Hope this helps.

See also:

How do I import CSV file into a MySQL table?

I know that the question is old, But I would like to share this

I Used this method to import more than 100K records (~5MB) in 0.046sec

Here's how you do it:

INTO TABLE your_awesome_table  
(field_1,field_2 , field_3);

It is very important to include the last line , if you have more than one field i.e normally it skips the last field (MySQL 5.6.17)

(field_1,field_2 , field_3);

Then, assuming you have the first row as the title for your fields, you might want to include this line also


This is what it looks like if your file has a header row.

INTO TABLE your_awesome_table  
(field_1,field_2 , field_3);

AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute

To get all the counts for all the columns in a dataframe, it's just df.count()

Create table in SQLite only if it doesn't exist already

Am going to try and add value to this very good question and to build on @BrittonKerin's question in one of the comments under @David Wolever's fantastic answer. Wanted to share here because I had the same challenge as @BrittonKerin and I got something working (i.e. just want to run a piece of code only IF the table doesn't exist).

        # for completeness lets do the routine thing of connections and cursors
        conn = sqlite3.connect(db_file, timeout=1000) 

        cursor = conn.cursor() 

        # get the count of tables with the name  
        tablename = 'KABOOM' 
        cursor.execute("SELECT count(name) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name=? ", (tablename, ))

        print(cursor.fetchone()) # this SHOULD BE in a tuple containing count(name) integer.

        # check if the db has existing table named KABOOM
        # if the count is 1, then table exists 
        if cursor.fetchone()[0] ==1 : 
            print('Table exists. I can do my custom stuff here now.... ')
           # then table doesn't exist. 
           custRET = myCustFunc(foo,bar) # replace this with your custom logic

Apply multiple functions to multiple groupby columns

For the first part you can pass a dict of column names for keys and a list of functions for the values:

In [28]: df
          A         B         C         D         E  GRP
0  0.395670  0.219560  0.600644  0.613445  0.242893    0
1  0.323911  0.464584  0.107215  0.204072  0.927325    0
2  0.321358  0.076037  0.166946  0.439661  0.914612    1
3  0.133466  0.447946  0.014815  0.130781  0.268290    1

In [26]: f = {'A':['sum','mean'], 'B':['prod']}

In [27]: df.groupby('GRP').agg(f)
            A                   B
          sum      mean      prod
0    0.719580  0.359790  0.102004
1    0.454824  0.227412  0.034060


Because the aggregate function works on Series, references to the other column names are lost. To get around this, you can reference the full dataframe and index it using the group indices within the lambda function.

Here's a hacky workaround:

In [67]: f = {'A':['sum','mean'], 'B':['prod'], 'D': lambda g: df.loc[g.index].E.sum()}

In [69]: df.groupby('GRP').agg(f)
            A                   B         D
          sum      mean      prod  <lambda>
0    0.719580  0.359790  0.102004  1.170219
1    0.454824  0.227412  0.034060  1.182901

Here, the resultant 'D' column is made up of the summed 'E' values.


Here's a method that I think will do everything you ask. First make a custom lambda function. Below, g references the group. When aggregating, g will be a Series. Passing g.index to df.ix[] selects the current group from df. I then test if column C is less than 0.5. The returned boolean series is passed to g[] which selects only those rows meeting the criteria.

In [95]: cust = lambda g: g[df.loc[g.index]['C'] < 0.5].sum()

In [96]: f = {'A':['sum','mean'], 'B':['prod'], 'D': {'my name': cust}}

In [97]: df.groupby('GRP').agg(f)
            A                   B         D
          sum      mean      prod   my name
0    0.719580  0.359790  0.102004  0.204072
1    0.454824  0.227412  0.034060  0.570441

rails bundle clean

I assume you install gems into vendor/bundle? If so, why not just delete all the gems and do a clean bundle install?

How to efficiently build a tree from a flat structure?

one elegant way to do this is to represent items in the list as string holding a dot separated list of parents, and finally a value:


When assembling a tree, you would end up with something like:

  port: 90
  hostname: localhost
    port: 1234
    host: localhost

I have a configuration library that implements this override configuration (tree) from command line arguments (list). The algorithm to add a single item to the list to a tree is here.

Setting log level of message at runtime in slf4j

I have just encountered a similar need. In my case, slf4j is configured with the java logging adapter (the jdk14 one). Using the following code snippet I have managed to change the debug level at runtime:

Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("testing");
java.util.logging.Logger julLogger = java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("testing");
logger.debug("hello world");

Java JSON serialization - best practice

Well, when writing it out to file, you do know what class T is, so you can store that in dump. Then, when reading it back in, you can dynamically call it using reflection.

public JSONObject dump() throws JSONException {
    JSONObject result = new JSONObject();
    JSONArray a = new JSONArray();
    for(T i : items){
        // inside this i.dump(), store "class-name"
    result.put("items", a);
    return result;

public void load(JSONObject obj) throws JSONException {
    JSONArray arrayItems = obj.getJSONArray("items");
    for (int i = 0; i < arrayItems.length(); i++) {
        JSONObject item = arrayItems.getJSONObject(i);
        String className = item.getString("class-name");
        try {
            Class<?> clazzy = Class.forName(className);
            T newItem = (T) clazzy.newInstance();
        } catch (InstantiationException e) {
            // whatever
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            // whatever
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            // whatever

How to import a csv file using python with headers intact, where first column is a non-numerical

You can use pandas library and reference the rows and columns like this:

import pandas as pd

input = pd.read_csv("path_to_file");

#for accessing ith row:

#for accessing column named X

#for accessing ith row and column named X

Java HashMap: How to get a key and value by index?

You can do:

for(String key: hashMap.keySet()){
    for(String value: hashMap.get(key)) {
        // use the value here

This will iterate over every key, and then every value of the list associated with each key.

How to change angular port from 4200 to any other

Although there are already numerous valid solutions in the above answers, here is a visual guide and specific solution for Angular 7 projects (possibly earlier versions as well, no guarantees though) using Visual Studio Code. Locate the schema.json in the directories as shown in the image tree and alter the integer under port --> default for a permanent change of port in the browser.

enter image description here

Accessing localhost of PC from USB connected Android mobile device

I finally solved this problem. I used Samsung Galaxy S with Froyo. The "port" below is the same port what you use for the emulator ( What I did:

  1. first connect your real device with the USB cable (make sure you can upload the app on your device)
  2. get the IP address from the device you connect, which starts with 192.168.x.x:port
  3. open the "Network and Sharing Center"
  4. click on the "Local Area Connection" from the device and choose "Details"
  5. copy the "IPv4 address" to your app and replace it like: http://192.168.x.x:port/test.php
  6. upload your app (again) to your real device
  7. go to properties and turn "USB tethering" on
  8. run your application on the device

It should now work.

I get exception when using Thread.sleep(x) or wait()

Have a look at this excellent brief post on how to do this properly.

Essentially: catch the InterruptedException. Remember that you must add this catch-block. The post explains this a bit further.

How do I read a date in Excel format in Python?

When converting an excel file to CSV the date/time cell looks like this:

foo, 3/16/2016 10:38, bar,

To convert the datetime text value to datetime python object do this:

from datetime import datetime

date_object = datetime.strptime('3/16/2016 10:38', '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M')    # excel format (CSV file)

print date_object will return 2005-06-01 13:33:00

How to Display blob (.pdf) in an AngularJS app

Adding responseType to the request that is made from angular is indeed the solution, but for me it didn't work until I've set responseType to blob, not to arrayBuffer. The code is self explanatory:

            method : 'GET',
            url : 'api/paperAttachments/download/' + id,
            responseType: "blob"
        }).then(function successCallback(response) {
             var blob = new Blob([]);
             FileSaver.saveAs(blob, getFileNameFromHttpResponse(response));
        }, function errorCallback(response) {   

Interfaces — What's the point?

Simple Explanation with analogy

The Problem to Solve: What is the purpose of polymorphism?

Analogy: So I'm a foreperson on a construction site.

Tradesmen walk on the construction site all the time. I don't know who's going to walk through those doors. But I basically tell them what to do.

  1. If it's a carpenter I say: build wooden scaffolding.
  2. If it's a plumber, I say: "Set up the pipes"
  3. If it's an electrician, I say, "Pull out the cables, and replace them with fibre optic ones".

The problem with the above approach is that I have to: (i) know who's walking in that door, and depending on who it is, I have to tell them what to do. That means I have to know everything about a particular trade. There are costs/benefits associated with this approach:

The implications of knowing what to do:

  • This means if the carpenter's code changes from: BuildScaffolding() to BuildScaffold() (i.e. a slight name change) then I will have to also change the calling class (i.e. the Foreperson class) as well - you'll have to make two changes to the code instead of (basically) just one. With polymorphism you (basically) only need to make one change to achieve the same result.

  • Secondly you won't have to constantly ask: who are you? ok do this...who are you? ok do that.....polymorphism - it DRYs that code, and is very effective in certain situations:

  • with polymorphism you can easily add additional classes of tradespeople without changing any existing code. (i.e. the second of the SOLID design principles: Open-close principle).

The solution

Imagine a scenario where, no matter who walks in the door, I can say: "Work()" and they do their respect jobs that they specialise in: the plumber would deal with pipes, and the electrician would deal with wires.

The benefit of this approach is that: (i) I don't need to know exactly who is walking in through that door - all i need to know is that they will be a type of tradie and that they can do work, and secondly, (ii) i don't need to know anything about that particular trade. The tradie will take care of that.

So instead of this:

If(electrician) then  electrician.FixCablesAndElectricity() 

if(plumber) then plumber.IncreaseWaterPressureAndFixLeaks() 

I can do something like this:

ITradesman tradie = Tradesman.Factory(); // in reality i know it's a plumber, but in the real world you won't know who's on the other side of the tradie assignment.

tradie.Work(); // and then tradie will do the work of a plumber, or electrician etc. depending on what type of tradesman he is. The foreman doesn't need to know anything, apart from telling the anonymous tradie to get to Work()!!

What's the benefit?

The benefit is that if the specific job requirements of the carpenter etc change, then the foreperson won't need to change his code - he doesn't need to know or care. All that matters is that the carpenter knows what is meant by Work(). Secondly, if a new type of construction worker comes onto the job site, then the foreman doesn't need to know anything about the trade - all the foreman cares is if the construction worker (.e.g Welder, Glazier, Tiler etc.) can get some Work() done.

Illustrated Problem and Solution (With and Without Interfaces):

No interface (Example 1):

Example 1: without an interface

No interface (Example 2):

Example 2: without an interface

With an interface:

Example 3: The benefits of Using an Interface


An interface allows you to get the person to do the work they are assigned to, without you having the knowledge of exactly who they are or the specifics of what they can do. This allows you to easily add new types (of trade) without changing your existing code (well technically you do change it a tiny tiny bit), and that's the real benefit of an OOP approach vs. a more functional programming methodology.

If you don't understand any of the above or if it isn't clear ask in a comment and i'll try to make the answer better.

AngularJS + JQuery : How to get dynamic content working in angularjs

You need to call $compile on the HTML string before inserting it into the DOM so that angular gets a chance to perform the binding.

In your fiddle, it would look something like this.

    "<button ng-click='count = count + 1' ng-init='count=0'>Increment</button><span>count: {{count}} </span>"

Obviously, $compile must be injected into your controller for this to work.

Read more in the $compile documentation.

Is it possible to change javascript variable values while debugging in Google Chrome?

Yes! Finally! I just tried it with Chrome, Version 66.0.3359.170 (Official Build) (64-bit) on Mac.

You can change the values in the scopes as in the first picture, or with the console as in the second picture.

Chrome debugger change values

enter image description here

AngularJS Multiple ng-app within a page

Only one app is automatically initialized. Others have to manually initialized as follows:


angular.bootstrap(element, [modules]);


<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
  <script src="" data-semver="1.5.8" data-require="[email protected]"></script>_x000D_
  <script data-require="[email protected]" data-semver="0.2.18" src="//"></script>_x000D_
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />_x000D_
    var parentApp = angular.module('parentApp', [])_x000D_
  .controller('MainParentCtrl', function($scope) {_x000D_
    $ = 'universe';_x000D_
var childApp = angular.module('childApp', ['parentApp'])_x000D_
  .controller('MainChildCtrl', function($scope) {_x000D_
    $ = 'world';_x000D_
angular.element(document).ready(function() {_x000D_
  angular.bootstrap(document.getElementById('childApp'), ['childApp']);_x000D_
  <div id="childApp">_x000D_
    <div ng-controller="MainParentCtrl">_x000D_
      Hello {{name}} !_x000D_
        <div ng-controller="MainChildCtrl">_x000D_
          Hello {{name}} !_x000D_

AngularJS API

Angular2 - Http POST request parameters

I think that the body isn't correct for an application/x-www-form-urlencoded content type. You could try to use this:

var body = 'username=myusername&password=mypassword';

Hope it helps you, Thierry

How to export plots from matplotlib with transparent background?

Png files can handle transparency. So you could use this question Save plot to image file instead of displaying it using Matplotlib so as to save you graph as a png file.

And if you want to turn all white pixel transparent, there's this other question : Using PIL to make all white pixels transparent?

If you want to turn an entire area to transparent, then there's this question: And then use the PIL library like in this question Python PIL: how to make area transparent in PNG? so as to make your graph transparent.

Can a variable number of arguments be passed to a function?

Adding to unwinds post:

You can send multiple key-value args too.

def myfunc(**kwargs):
    # kwargs is a dictionary.
    for k,v in kwargs.iteritems():
         print "%s = %s" % (k, v)

myfunc(abc=123, efh=456)
# abc = 123
# efh = 456

And you can mix the two:

def myfunc2(*args, **kwargs):
   for a in args:
       print a
   for k,v in kwargs.iteritems():
       print "%s = %s" % (k, v)

myfunc2(1, 2, 3, banan=123)
# 1
# 2
# 3
# banan = 123

They must be both declared and called in that order, that is the function signature needs to be *args, **kwargs, and called in that order.

How to access ssis package variables inside script component

  • On the front properties page of the variable script, amend the ReadOnlyVariables (or ReadWriteVariables) property and select the variables you are interested in. This will enable the selected variables within the script task
  • Within code you will now have access to read the variable as

    string myString = Variables.MyVariableName.ToString();

How do I make an attributed string using Swift?

func decorateText(sub:String, des:String)->NSAttributedString{
    let textAttributesOne = [NSAttributedStringKey.foregroundColor: UIColor.darkText, NSAttributedStringKey.font: UIFont(name: "PTSans-Bold", size: 17.0)!]
    let textAttributesTwo = [NSAttributedStringKey.foregroundColor:, NSAttributedStringKey.font: UIFont(name: "PTSans-Regular", size: 14.0)!]

    let textPartOne = NSMutableAttributedString(string: sub, attributes: textAttributesOne)
    let textPartTwo = NSMutableAttributedString(string: des, attributes: textAttributesTwo)

    let textCombination = NSMutableAttributedString()
    return textCombination


cell.lblFrom.attributedText = decorateText(sub: sender!, des: " - \(convertDateFormatShort3(myDateString: datetime!))")

Find index of last occurrence of a sub-string using T-SQL


worked better for me

Sorting Values of Set

Use a SortedSet (TreeSet is the default one):

SortedSet<String> set=new TreeSet<String>();
List<String> list=new ArrayList<String>(set);

No extra sorting code needed.

Oh, I see you want a different sort order. Supply a Comparator to the TreeSet:

new TreeSet<String>(Comparator.comparing(Integer::valueOf));

Now your TreeSet will sort Strings in numeric order (which implies that it will throw exceptions if you supply non-numeric strings)


How do you round a float to 2 decimal places in JRuby?

to truncate a decimal I've used the follow code:

<th><%#= sprintf("%0.01f",prom/total) %><!--1dec,aprox-->
    <% if prom == 0 or total == 0 %>
    <% else %>
        <%= Integer((prom/total).to_d*10)*0.1 %><!--1decimal,truncado-->
    <% end %>
        <%#= prom/total %>

If you want to truncate to 2 decimals, you should use Integr(a*100)*0.01

postgresql return 0 if returned value is null

use coalesce

COALESCE(value [, ...])
The COALESCE function returns the first of its arguments that is not null.  
Null is returned only if all arguments are null. It is often
used to substitute a default value for null values when data is
retrieved for display.


Here's an example of COALESCE with your query:

SELECT AVG( price )
      SELECT *, cume_dist() OVER ( ORDER BY price DESC ) FROM web_price_scan
      WHERE listing_Type = 'AARM'
        AND u_kbalikepartnumbers_id = 1000307
        AND ( EXTRACT( DAY FROM ( NOW() - dateEnded ) ) ) * 24 < 48
        AND COALESCE( price, 0 ) > ( SELECT AVG( COALESCE( price, 0 ) )* 0.50
                                     FROM ( SELECT *, cume_dist() OVER ( ORDER BY price DESC )
                                           FROM web_price_scan
                                           WHERE listing_Type='AARM'
                                             AND u_kbalikepartnumbers_id = 1000307
                                             AND ( EXTRACT( DAY FROM ( NOW() - dateEnded ) ) ) * 24 < 48
                                         ) g
                                    WHERE cume_dist < 0.50
        AND COALESCE( price, 0 ) < ( SELECT AVG( COALESCE( price, 0 ) ) *2
                                     FROM( SELECT *, cume_dist() OVER ( ORDER BY price desc )
                                           FROM web_price_scan
                                           WHERE listing_Type='AARM'
                                             AND u_kbalikepartnumbers_id = 1000307
                                             AND ( EXTRACT( DAY FROM ( NOW() - dateEnded ) ) ) * 24 < 48
                                         ) d
                                     WHERE cume_dist < 0.50)

IMHO COALESCE should not be use with AVG because it modifies the value. NULL means unknown and nothing else. It's not like using it in SUM. In this example, if we replace AVG by SUM, the result is not distorted. Adding 0 to a sum doesn't hurt anyone but calculating an average with 0 for the unknown values, you don't get the real average.

In that case, I would add price IS NOT NULL in WHERE clause to avoid these unknown values.


You can do a LEFT JOIN and assert the joined column is NULL.


SELECT * FROM employees a LEFT JOIN eotm_dyn b on (a.joinfield=b.joinfield) WHERE IS NULL

How to import Swagger APIs into Postman?

  • Click on the orange button ("choose files")
  • Browse to the Swagger doc (swagger.yaml)
  • After selecting the file, a new collection gets created in POSTMAN. It will contain folders based on your endpoints.

You can also get some sample swagger files online to verify this(if you have errors in your swagger doc).

"string could not resolved" error in Eclipse for C++ (Eclipse can't resolve standard library)

I had the same problem. Adding include path does work for all except std::string.

I noticed in the mingw-Toolchain many system header files *.tcc

I added filetype *.tcc as "C++ Header File" in Preferences > C/C++/ File Types. Now std::string can be resolved from the internal index and Code Analyzer. Perhaps this is added to Eclipse CDT by default in feature.

I hope this helps to someone...

PS: I'm using Eclipse Mars, mingw gcc 4.8.1, Own Makefile, no Eclipse Makefilebuilder.

How to use Collections.sort() in Java?

Use this method Collections.sort(List,Comparator) . Implement a Comparator and pass it to Collections.sort().

class RecipeCompare implements Comparator<Recipe> {

    public int compare(Recipe o1, Recipe o2) {
        // write comparison logic here like below , it's just a sample
        return o1.getID().compareTo(o2.getID());

Then use the Comparator as

Collections.sort(recipes,new RecipeCompare());

how to loop through each row of dataFrame in pyspark

You simply cannot. DataFrames, same as other distributed data structures, are not iterable and can be accessed using only dedicated higher order function and / or SQL methods.

You can of course collect

for row in df.rdd.collect():

or convert toLocalIterator

for row in df.rdd.toLocalIterator():

and iterate locally as shown above, but it beats all purpose of using Spark.

Error when deploying an artifact in Nexus

Cause of problem for me was -source.jars was getting uploaded twice (with maven-source-plugin) as mentioned as one of the cause in accepted answer. Redirecting to answer that I referred: Maven release plugin fails : source artifacts getting deployed twice

Uploading a file in Rails

Sept 2018

For anyone checking this question recently, Rails 5.2+ now has ActiveStorage by default & I highly recommend checking it out.

Since it is part of the core Rails 5.2+ now, it is very well integrated & has excellent capabilities out of the box (still all other well-known gems like Carrierwave, Shrine, paperclip,... are great but this one offers very good features that we can consider for any new Rails project)

Paperclip team deprecated the gem in favor of the Rails ActiveStorage.

Here is the github page for the ActiveStorage & plenty of resources are available everywhere

Also I found this video to be very helpful to understand the features of Activestorage

Resizable table columns with jQuery

Although very late, hope it still helps someone:

Many of comments here and in other posts are concerned about setting initial size.

I used jqueryUi.Resizable. Initial widths shall be defined within each "< td >" tag at first line (< TR >). This is unlike what colResizable recommends; colResizable prohibits defining widths at first line, there I had to define widths in "< col>" tag which wasn't consikstent with jqueryresizable.

the following snippet is very neat and easier to read than usual samples:

$("#Content td").resizable({
    handles: "e, s",
    resize: function (event, ui) {
        var sizerID = "#" + $("id");

Content is id of my table. Handles (e, s) define in which directions the plugin can change the size. You must have a link to css of jquery-ui, otherwise it won't work.

In HTML5, can the <header> and <footer> tags appear outside of the <body> tag?

Well, the <head> tag has nothing to do with the <header> tag. In the head comes all the metadata and stuff, while the header is just a layout component.
And layout comes into body. So I disagree with you.

Removing Duplicate Values from ArrayList

public static List<String> removeDuplicateElements(List<String> array){
    List<String> temp = new ArrayList<String>();
    List<Integer> count = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    for (int i=0; i<array.size()-2; i++){
        for (int j=i+1;j<array.size()-1;j++)
                if (array.get(i).compareTo(array.get(j))==0) {
                    int kk = i;
        for (int i = count.size()+1;i>0;i--) {
        return array;

Open Url in default web browser

In React 16.8+, using functional components, you would do

import React from 'react';
import { Button, Linking } from 'react-native';

const ExternalLinkBtn = (props) => {
  return <Button
            onPress={() => {
                .catch(err => {
                    console.error("Failed opening page because: ", err)
                    alert('Failed to open page')

export default function exampleUse() {
  return (
      <ExternalLinkBtn title="Example Link" url="" />

Oracle date difference to get number of years

Need to find difference in year, if leap year the a year is of 366 days.

I dont work in oracle much, please make this better. Here is how I did:

          WHEN    ( (fromisleapyear = 'Y') AND (frommonth < 3))
               OR ( (toisleapyear = 'Y') AND (tomonth > 2)) THEN
             datedif / 366
             datedif / 365
  FROM (SELECT datedif,
                  WHEN (       (MOD (fromyear, 4) = 0)
                           AND (MOD (fromyear, 100) <> 0)
                        OR (MOD (fromyear, 400) = 0)) THEN
                  WHEN (   (MOD (toyear, 4) = 0) AND (MOD (toyear, 100) <> 0)
                        OR (MOD (toyear, 400) = 0)) THEN
          FROM (SELECT (:todate - :fromdate) AS datedif,
                       TO_CHAR (:fromdate, 'YYYY') AS fromyear,
                       TO_CHAR (:fromdate, 'MM') AS frommonth,
                       TO_CHAR (:todate, 'YYYY') AS toyear,
                       TO_CHAR (:todate, 'MM') AS tomonth
                  FROM DUAL))

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined

ogdate is itself a string, why are you trying to access it's value property that it doesn't have ?



Get the Selected value from the Drop down box in PHP

Couldn't you just pass the a name attribute and wrap it in a form?

<form id="form" action="do_stuff.php" method="post">
    <select id="select_catalog" name="select_catalog_query">

And then look for $_POST['select_catalog_query'] ?

Can not deserialize instance of java.util.ArrayList out of START_OBJECT token

I had this issue on a REST API that was created using Spring framework. Adding a @ResponseBody annotation (to make the response JSON) resolved it.

Generating a UUID in Postgres for Insert statement?

The answer by Craig Ringer is correct. Here's a little more info for Postgres 9.1 and later…

Is Extension Available?

You can only install an extension if it has already been built for your Postgres installation (your cluster in Postgres lingo). For example, I found the uuid-ossp extension included as part of the installer for Mac OS X kindly provided by Any of a few dozen extensions may be available.

To see if the uuid-ossp extension is available in your Postgres cluster, run this SQL to query the pg_available_extensions system catalog:

SELECT * FROM pg_available_extensions;

Install Extension

To install that UUID-related extension, use the CREATE EXTENSION command as seen in this this SQL:


Beware: I found the QUOTATION MARK characters around extension name to be required, despite documentation to the contrary.

The SQL standards committee or Postgres team chose an odd name for that command. To my mind, they should have chosen something like "INSTALL EXTENSION" or "USE EXTENSION".

Verify Installation

You can verify the extension was successfully installed in the desired database by running this SQL to query the pg_extension system catalog:

SELECT * FROM pg_extension;

UUID as default value

For more info, see the Question: Default value for UUID column in Postgres

The Old Way

The information above uses the new Extensions feature added to Postgres 9.1. In previous versions, we had to find and run a script in a .sql file. The Extensions feature was added to make installation easier, trading a bit more work for the creator of an extension for less work on the part of the user/consumer of the extension. See my blog post for more discussion.

Types of UUIDs

By the way, the code in the Question calls the function uuid_generate_v4(). This generates a type known as Version 4 where nearly all of the 128 bits are randomly generated. While this is fine for limited use on smaller set of rows, if you want to virtually eliminate any possibility of collision, use another "version" of UUID.

For example, the original Version 1 combines the MAC address of the host computer with the current date-time and an arbitrary number, the chance of collisions is practically nil.

For more discussion, see my Answer on related Question.

YouTube iframe API: how do I control an iframe player that's already in the HTML?

Fiddle Links: Source code - Preview - Small version
Update: This small function will only execute code in a single direction. If you want full support (eg event listeners / getters), have a look at Listening for Youtube Event in jQuery

As a result of a deep code analysis, I've created a function: function callPlayer requests a function call on any framed YouTube video. See the YouTube Api reference to get a full list of possible function calls. Read the comments at the source code for an explanation.

On 17 may 2012, the code size was doubled in order to take care of the player's ready state. If you need a compact function which does not deal with the player's ready state, see

 * @author       Rob W <[email protected]>
 * @website
 * @version      20190409
 * @description  Executes function on a framed YouTube video (see website link)
 *               For a full list of possible functions, see:
 * @param String frame_id The id of (the div containing) the frame
 * @param String func     Desired function to call, eg. "playVideo"
 *        (Function)      Function to call when the player is ready.
 * @param Array  args     (optional) List of arguments to pass to function func*/
function callPlayer(frame_id, func, args) {
    if (window.jQuery && frame_id instanceof jQuery) frame_id = frame_id.get(0).id;
    var iframe = document.getElementById(frame_id);
    if (iframe && iframe.tagName.toUpperCase() != 'IFRAME') {
        iframe = iframe.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0];

    // When the player is not ready yet, add the event to a queue
    // Each frame_id is associated with an own queue.
    // Each queue has three possible states:
    //  undefined = uninitialised / array = queue / .ready=true = ready
    if (!callPlayer.queue) callPlayer.queue = {};
    var queue = callPlayer.queue[frame_id],
        domReady = document.readyState == 'complete';

    if (domReady && !iframe) {
        // DOM is ready and iframe does not exist. Log a message
        window.console && console.log('callPlayer: Frame not found; id=' + frame_id);
        if (queue) clearInterval(queue.poller);
    } else if (func === 'listening') {
        // Sending the "listener" message to the frame, to request status updates
        if (iframe && iframe.contentWindow) {
            func = '{"event":"listening","id":' + JSON.stringify(''+frame_id) + '}';
            iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(func, '*');
    } else if ((!queue || !queue.ready) && (
               !domReady ||
               iframe && !iframe.contentWindow ||
               typeof func === 'function')) {
        if (!queue) queue = callPlayer.queue[frame_id] = [];
        queue.push([func, args]);
        if (!('poller' in queue)) {
            // keep polling until the document and frame is ready
            queue.poller = setInterval(function() {
                callPlayer(frame_id, 'listening');
            }, 250);
            // Add a global "message" event listener, to catch status updates:
            messageEvent(1, function runOnceReady(e) {
                if (!iframe) {
                    iframe = document.getElementById(frame_id);
                    if (!iframe) return;
                    if (iframe.tagName.toUpperCase() != 'IFRAME') {
                        iframe = iframe.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0];
                        if (!iframe) return;
                if (e.source === iframe.contentWindow) {
                    // Assume that the player is ready if we receive a
                    // message from the iframe
                    queue.ready = true;
                    messageEvent(0, runOnceReady);
                    // .. and release the queue:
                    while (tmp = queue.shift()) {
                        callPlayer(frame_id, tmp[0], tmp[1]);
            }, false);
    } else if (iframe && iframe.contentWindow) {
        // When a function is supplied, just call it (like "onYouTubePlayerReady")
        if ( return func();
        // Frame exists, send message
            "event": "command",
            "func": func,
            "args": args || [],
            "id": frame_id
        }), "*");
    /* IE8 does not support addEventListener... */
    function messageEvent(add, listener) {
        var w3 = add ? window.addEventListener : window.removeEventListener;
        w3 ?
            w3('message', listener, !1)
            (add ? window.attachEvent : window.detachEvent)('onmessage', listener);


callPlayer("whateverID", function() {
    // This function runs once the player is ready ("onYouTubePlayerReady")
    callPlayer("whateverID", "playVideo");
// When the player is not ready yet, the function will be queued.
// When the iframe cannot be found, a message is logged in the console.
callPlayer("whateverID", "playVideo");

Possible questions (& answers):

Q: It doesn't work!
A: "Doesn't work" is not a clear description. Do you get any error messages? Please show the relevant code.

Q: playVideo does not play the video.
A: Playback requires user interaction, and the presence of allow="autoplay" on the iframe. See and

Q: I have embedded a YouTube video using <iframe src="" />but the function doesn't execute any function!
A: You have to add ?enablejsapi=1 at the end of your URL: /embed/vid_id?enablejsapi=1.

Q: I get error message "An invalid or illegal string was specified". Why?
A: The API doesn't function properly at a local host (file://). Host your (test) page online, or use JSFiddle. Examples: See the links at the top of this answer.

Q: How did you know this?
A: I have spent some time to manually interpret the API's source. I concluded that I had to use the postMessage method. To know which arguments to pass, I created a Chrome extension which intercepts messages. The source code for the extension can be downloaded here.

Q: What browsers are supported?
A: Every browser which supports JSON and postMessage.

  • IE 8+
  • Firefox 3.6+ (actually 3.5, but document.readyState was implemented in 3.6)
  • Opera 10.50+
  • Safari 4+
  • Chrome 3+

Related answer / implementation: Fade-in a framed video using jQuery
Full API support: Listening for Youtube Event in jQuery
Official API:

Revision history

  • 17 may 2012
    Implemented onYouTubePlayerReady: callPlayer('frame_id', function() { ... }).
    Functions are automatically queued when the player is not ready yet.
  • 24 july 2012
    Updated and successully tested in the supported browsers (look ahead).
  • 10 october 2013 When a function is passed as an argument, callPlayer forces a check of readiness. This is needed, because when callPlayer is called right after the insertion of the iframe while the document is ready, it can't know for sure that the iframe is fully ready. In Internet Explorer and Firefox, this scenario resulted in a too early invocation of postMessage, which was ignored.
  • 12 Dec 2013, recommended to add &origin=* in the URL.
  • 2 Mar 2014, retracted recommendation to remove &origin=* to the URL.
  • 9 april 2019, fix bug that resulted in infinite recursion when YouTube loads before the page was ready. Add note about autoplay.

Deleting all files from a folder using PHP?

Another solution: This Class delete all files, subdirectories and files in the sub directories.

class Your_Class_Name {
     * @see
     * @see 
     * @see
     * @see
     * @param string $path
    public function delete($path) {
        if (is_dir($path)) {
            array_map(function($value) {
            },glob($path . '/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR));
            array_map('unlink', glob($path."/*"));

Conversion hex string into ascii in bash command line

The values you provided are UTF-8 values. When set, the array of:

declare -a ARR=(0xA7 0x9B 0x46 0x8D 0x1E 0x52 0xA7 0x9B 0x7B 0x31 0xD2)

Will be parsed to print the plaintext characters of each value.

for ((n=0; n < ${#ARR[*]}; n++)); do echo -e "\u${ARR[$n]//0x/}"; done

And the output will yield a few printable characters and some non-printable characters as shown here:

enter image description here

For converting hex values to plaintext using the echo command:

echo -e "\x<hex value here>"

And for converting UTF-8 values to plaintext using the echo command:

echo -e "\u<UTF-8 value here>"

And then for converting octal to plaintext using the echo command:

echo -e "\0<octal value here>"

When you have encoding values you aren't familiar with, take the time to check out the ranges in the common encoding schemes to determine what encoding a value belongs to. Then conversion from there is a snap.

How to change Maven local repository in eclipse

In Eclipse Photon navigate to Windows > Preferences > Maven > User Settings > User Setting

For "User settings" Browse to the settings.xml of the maven. ex. in my case maven it is located on the path C:\Program Files\Apache Software Distribution\apache-maven-3.5.4\conf\Settings.xml

Depending on the Settings.xml the Local Repository gets automatically configured to the specified location. Click here for screenshot

How do you get the length of a list in the JSF expression language?

You can get the length using the following EL:


Python executable not finding libpython shared library

I installed using the command:

./configure --prefix=/usr       \
            --enable-shared     \
            --with-system-expat \
            --with-system-ffi   \
            --enable-unicode=ucs4 &&


Now, as the root user:

make install &&
chmod -v 755 /usr/lib/

Then I tried to execute python and got the error:

/usr/local/bin/python: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Then, I logged out from root user and again tried to execute the Python and it worked successfully.

Extract digits from string - StringUtils Java

Extending the best answer for finding floating point numbers

       String str="2.53GHz";
       String decimal_values= str.replaceAll("[^0-9\\.]", "");

Leap year calculation

This is the most efficient way, I think.


def leap(n):
    if n % 100 == 0:
        n = n / 100
    return n % 4 == 0

How to use protractor to check if an element is visible?

This should do it:


Remember protractor's $ isn't jQuery and :visible is not yet a part of available CSS selectors + pseudo-selectors

More info at

How to get current SIM card number in Android?

You have everything right, but the problem is with getLine1Number() function.

getLine1Number()- this method returns the phone number string for line 1, i.e the MSISDN for a GSM phone. Return null if it is unavailable.

this method works only for few cell phone but not all phones.

So, if you need to perform operations according to the sim(other than calling), then you should use getSimSerialNumber(). It is always unique, valid and it always exists.

What is the best method to merge two PHP objects?

foreach($objectA as $k => $v) $objectB->$k = $v;

Why do we use $rootScope.$broadcast in AngularJS?

$rootScope.$broadcast is a convenient way to raise a "global" event which all child scopes can listen for. You only need to use $rootScope to broadcast the message, since all the descendant scopes can listen for it.

The root scope broadcasts the event:


Any child Scope can listen for the event:

$scope.$on("myEvent",function () {console.log('my event occurred');} );

Why we use $rootScope.$broadcast? You can use $watch to listen for variable changes and execute functions when the variable state changes. However, in some cases, you simply want to raise an event that other parts of the application can listen for, regardless of any change in scope variable state. This is when $broadcast is helpful.

Java 8 Stream and operation on arrays

There are new methods added to java.util.Arrays to convert an array into a Java 8 stream which can then be used for summing etc.

int sum =

Multiplying two arrays is a little more difficult because I can't think of a way to get the value AND the index at the same time as a Stream operation. This means you probably have to stream over the indexes of the array.

//in this example a[] and b[] are same length
int[] a = ...
int[] b = ...

int[] result = new int[a.length];

IntStream.range(0, a.length)
         .forEach(i -> result[i] = a[i] * b[i]);


Commenter @Holger points out you can use the map method instead of forEach like this:

int[] result = IntStream.range(0, a.length).map(i -> a[i] * b[i]).toArray();

How to reverse a singly linked list using only two pointers?

Here's the code to reverse a singly linked list in C.

And here it is pasted below:

// reverse.c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>

typedef struct node Node;
struct node {
    int data;
    Node *next;

void spec_reverse();
Node *reverse(Node *head);

int main()
    return 0;

void print(Node *head) {
    while (head) {
        printf("[%d]->", head->data);
        head = head->next;

void spec_reverse() {
    // Create a linked list.
    // [0]->[1]->[2]->NULL
    Node node2 = {2, NULL};
    Node node1 = {1, &node2};
    Node node0 = {0, &node1};
    Node *head = &node0;

    head = reverse(head);

    assert(head == &node2);
    assert(head->next == &node1);
    assert(head->next->next == &node0);


// Step 1:
// prev head  next
//   |    |    |
//   v    v    v
// NULL  [0]->[1]->[2]->NULL
// Step 2:
//      prev head  next
//        |    |    |
//        v    v    v
// NULL<-[0]  [1]->[2]->NULL
Node *reverse(Node *head)
    Node *prev = NULL;
    Node *next;

    while (head) {
        next = head->next;
        head->next = prev;
        prev = head;
        head = next;

    return prev;

Join vs. sub-query

The difference is only seen when the second joining table has significantly more data than the primary table. I had an experience like below...

We had a users table of one hundred thousand entries and their membership data (friendship) about 3 hundred thousand entries. It was a join statement in order to take friends and their data, but with a great delay. But it was working fine where there was only a small amount of data in the membership table. Once we changed it to use a sub-query it worked fine.

But in the mean time the join queries are working with other tables that have fewer entries than the primary table.

So I think the join and sub query statements are working fine and it depends on the data and the situation.

Invalid Host Header when ngrok tries to connect to React dev server

Option 1

If you do not need to use Authentication you can add configs to ngrok commands

ngrok http 9000 --host-header=rewrite


ngrok http 9000 --host-header="localhost:9000"

But in this case Authentication will not work on your website because ngrok rewriting headers and session is not valid for your ngrok domain

Option 2

If you are using webpack you can add the following configuration

devServer: {
    disableHostCheck: true

In that case Authentication header will be valid for your ngrok domain

How do I commit only some files?

I suppose you want to commit the changes to one branch and then make those changes visible in the other branch. In git you should have no changes on top of HEAD when changing branches.

You commit only the changed files by:

git commit [some files]

Or if you are sure that you have a clean staging area you can

git add [some files]       # add [some files] to staging area
git add [some more files]  # add [some more files] to staging area
git commit                 # commit [some files] and [some more files]

If you want to make that commit available on both branches you do

git stash                     # remove all changes from HEAD and save them somewhere else
git checkout <other-project>  # change branches
git cherry-pick <commit-id>   # pick a commit from ANY branch and apply it to the current
git checkout <first-project>  # change to the other branch
git stash pop                 # restore all changes again

Git command to display HEAD commit id?

You can specify git log options to show only the last commit, -1, and a format that includes only the commit ID, like this:

git log -1 --format=%H

If you prefer the shortened commit ID:

git log -1 --format=%h

Order by in Inner Join

Avoid SELECT * in your main query.

Avoid duplicate columns: the JOIN condition ensures One.One_Name and two.One_Name will be equal therefore you don't need to return both in the SELECT clause.

Avoid duplicate column names: rename One.ID and Two.ID using 'aliases'.

Add an ORDER BY clause using the column names ('alises' where applicable) from the SELECT clause.

Suggested re-write:

SELECT T1.ID AS One_ID, T1.One_Name, 
       T2.ID AS Two_ID, T2.Two_name
  FROM One AS T1
       INNER JOIN two AS T2
          ON T1.One_Name = T2.One_Name
    BY One_ID;

Handling NULL values in Hive

I use below sql to exclude the null string and empty string lines.

select * from table where length(nvl(column1,0))>0

Because, the length of empty string is 0.

select length('');
| length()  |
| 0         |

Setting Curl's Timeout in PHP

There is a quirk with this that might be relevant for some people... From the PHP docs comments.

If you want cURL to timeout in less than one second, you can use CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS, although there is a bug/"feature" on "Unix-like systems" that causes libcurl to timeout immediately if the value is < 1000 ms with the error "cURL Error (28): Timeout was reached". The explanation for this behavior is:

"If libcurl is built to use the standard system name resolver, that portion of the transfer will still use full-second resolution for timeouts with a minimum timeout allowed of one second."

What this means to PHP developers is "You can't use this function without testing it first, because you can't tell if libcurl is using the standard system name resolver (but you can be pretty sure it is)"

The problem is that on (Li|U)nix, when libcurl uses the standard name resolver, a SIGALRM is raised during name resolution which libcurl thinks is the timeout alarm.

The solution is to disable signals using CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL. Here's an example script that requests itself causing a 10-second delay so you can test timeouts:

if (!isset($_GET['foo'])) {
    // Client
    $ch = curl_init('http://localhost/test/test_timeout.php?foo=bar');
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS, 200);
    $data = curl_exec($ch);
    $curl_errno = curl_errno($ch);
    $curl_error = curl_error($ch);

    if ($curl_errno > 0) {
        echo "cURL Error ($curl_errno): $curl_error\n";
    } else {
        echo "Data received: $data\n";
} else {
    // Server
    echo "Done.";


How to pass a type as a method parameter in Java

If you want to pass the type, than the equivalent in Java would be


If you want to use a weakly typed method, then you would simply use


and the corresponding operator



private void foo(Object o) {

  if(o instanceof String) {



However, in Java there are primitive types, which are not classes (i.e. int from your example), so you need to be careful.

The real question is what you actually want to achieve here, otherwise it is difficult to answer:

Or is there a better way?

Limiting double to 3 decimal places

Multiply by 1000 then use Truncate then divide by 1000.

jQuery: Slide left and slide right

You can always just use jQuery to add a class, .addClass or .toggleClass. Then you can keep all your styles in your CSS and out of your scripts.

How do implement a breadth first traversal?

Breadth first is a queue, depth first is a stack.

For breadth first, add all children to the queue, then pull the head and do a breadth first search on it, using the same queue.

For depth first, add all children to the stack, then pop and do a depth first on that node, using the same stack.

Prevent Caching in ASP.NET MVC for specific actions using an attribute

Correct attribute value for Asp.Net MVC Core to prevent browser caching (including Internet Explorer 11) is:

[ResponseCache(Location = ResponseCacheLocation.None, NoStore = true)]

as described in Microsoft documentation:

Response caching in ASP.NET Core - NoStore and Location.None

jQuery get text as number

myInteger = parseInt(myString);

It's a standard javascript function.

Print the data in ResultSet along with column names

Have a look at the documentation. You made the following mistakes. Firstly, ps.executeQuery() doesn't have any parameters. Instead you passed the SQL query into it.

Secondly, regarding the prepared statement, you have to use the ? symbol if want to pass any parameters. And later bind it using

setXXX(index, value) 

Here xxx stands for the data type.

How to remove tab indent from several lines in IDLE?

If you're using IDLE, and the Norwegian keyboard makes Ctrl-[ a problem, you can change the key.

  1. Go Options->Configure IDLE.
  2. Click the Keys tab.
  3. If necessary, click Save as New Custom Key Set.
  4. With your custom key set, find "dedent-region" in the list.
  5. Click Get New Keys for Selection.
  6. etc

I tried putting in shift-Tab and that worked nicely.

Typescript sleep

This works: (thanks to the comments)

setTimeout(() => 

How to calculate the intersection of two sets?

Use the retainAll() method of Set:

Set<String> s1;
Set<String> s2;
s1.retainAll(s2); // s1 now contains only elements in both sets

If you want to preserve the sets, create a new set to hold the intersection:

Set<String> intersection = new HashSet<String>(s1); // use the copy constructor

The javadoc of retainAll() says it's exactly what you want:

Retains only the elements in this set that are contained in the specified collection (optional operation). In other words, removes from this set all of its elements that are not contained in the specified collection. If the specified collection is also a set, this operation effectively modifies this set so that its value is the intersection of the two sets.

Add a new column to existing table in a migration

To create a migration, you may use the migrate:make command on the Artisan CLI. Use a specific name to avoid clashing with existing models

for Laravel 3:

php artisan migrate:make add_paid_to_users

for Laravel 5+:

php artisan make:migration add_paid_to_users_table --table=users

You then need to use the Schema::table() method (as you're accessing an existing table, not creating a new one). And you can add a column like this:

public function up()
    Schema::table('users', function($table) {

and don't forget to add the rollback option:

public function down()
    Schema::table('users', function($table) {

Then you can run your migrations:

php artisan migrate

This is all well covered in the documentation for both Laravel 3:

And for Laravel 4 / Laravel 5:


use $table->integer('paid')->after('whichever_column'); to add this field after specific column.

Streaming a video file to an html5 video player with Node.js so that the video controls continue to work?

Firstly create app.js file in the directory you want to publish.

var http = require('http');
var fs = require('fs');
var mime = require('mime');
    if (req.url != '/app.js') {
    var url = __dirname + req.url;
            if (err) {
            res.end('Your requested URI('+req.url+') wasn\'t found on our server');
            } else {
            var type = mime.getType(url);
            var fileSize = stat.size;
            var range = req.headers.range;
                if (range) {
                    var parts = range.replace(/bytes=/, "").split("-");
                var start = parseInt(parts[0], 10);
                    var end = parts[1] ? parseInt(parts[1], 10) : fileSize-1;
                    var chunksize = (end-start)+1;
                    var file = fs.createReadStream(url, {start, end});
                    var head = {
                'Content-Range': `bytes ${start}-${end}/${fileSize}`,
                'Accept-Ranges': 'bytes',
                'Content-Length': chunksize,
                'Content-Type': type
                    res.writeHead(206, head);
                    } else {    
                    var head = {
                'Content-Length': fileSize,
                'Content-Type': type
                res.writeHead(200, head);
    } else {
    res.end('Sorry, access to that file is Forbidden');

Simply run node app.js and your server shall be running on port 8080. Besides video it can stream all kinds of files.

Batch file to move files to another directory


move "C:\files\*.txt" "C:\txt"

Select query to get data from SQL Server

you can use ExecuteScalar() in place of ExecuteNonQuery() to get a single result use it like this

Int32 result= (Int32) command.ExecuteScalar();
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}", result));

It will execute the query, and returns the first column of the first row in the result set returned by the query. Additional columns or rows are ignored.

As you want only one row in return, remove this use of SqlDataReader from your code

using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
    // iterate your results here

because it will again execute your command and effect your page performance.

get path for my .exe

In addition:


Python string to unicode

>>> a="Hello\u2026"
>>> print a.decode('unicode-escape')

Using OR operator in a jquery if statement

Update: using .indexOf() to detect if stat value is one of arr elements

Pure JavaScript

var arr = [20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100];_x000D_
//or detect equal to all_x000D_
//var arr = [10,10,10,10,10,10,10];_x000D_
    var stat = 10;_x000D_
if(arr.indexOf(stat)==-1)alert("stat is not equal to one more elements of array");

Compare objects in Angular

Assuming that the order is the same in both objects, just stringify them both and compare!

JSON.stringify(obj1) == JSON.stringify(obj2);

SQL to find the number of distinct values in a column

After MS SQL Server 2012, you can use window function too.

   SELECT column_name, 
   COUNT(column_name) OVER (Partition by column_name) 
   FROM table_name group by column_name ; 

How to vertically align text with icon font?

Adding to the spans


Didn't work for me but


did work (tested on Chrome)

Difference between Java SE/EE/ME?

I guess Java SE (Standard Edition) is the one I should install on my Windows 7 desktop

Yes, of course. Java SE is the best one to start with. BTW you must learn Java basics. That means you must learn some of the libraries and APIs in Java SE.

Difference between Java Platform Editions:

Java Micro Edition (Java ME):

  • Highly optimized runtime environment.
  • Target consumer products (Pagers, cell phones).
  • Java ME was formerly known as Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition or J2ME.

Java Standard Edition (Java SE):

Java tools, runtimes, and APIs for developers writing, deploying, and running applets and applications. Java SE was formerly known as Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition or J2SE. (everyone/beginners starting from this)

Java Enterprise Edition(Java EE):

Targets enterprise-class server-side applications. Java EE was formerly known as Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition or J2EE.

Another duplicated question for this question.

Lastly, about J.. confusion

JVM (Java Virtual Machine):

JVM is a part of both the JDK and JRE that translates Java byte codes and executes them as native code on the client machine.

JRE (Java Runtime Environment):

It is the environment provided for the java programs to get executed. It contains a JVM, class libraries, and other supporting files. It does not contain any development tools such as compiler, debugger and so on.

JDK (Java Development Kit):

JDK contains tools needed to develop the java programs (javac, java, javadoc, appletviewer, jdb, javap, rmic,...) and JRE to run the program.

Java SDK (Java Software Development Kit):

SDK comprises a JDK and extra software, such as application servers, debuggers, and documentation.

Java SE:

Java platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) lets you develop and deploy Java applications on desktops and servers (same as SDK).


Any Java edition from 1.2 to 1.5

Read more about these topics:

How to create a laravel hashed password

Laravel 5 uses bcrypt. So, you can do this as well.

$hashedpassword = bcrypt('plaintextpassword');

output of which you can save to your database table's password field.

Fn Ref: bcrypt

Plotting categorical data with pandas and matplotlib

You might find useful mosaic plot from statsmodels. Which can also give statistical highlighting for the variances.

from import mosaic
plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 16.0
mosaic(df, ['direction', 'colour']);

enter image description here

But beware of the 0 sized cell - they will cause problems with labels.

See this answer for details

Git Ignores and Maven targets

As already pointed out in comments by Abhijeet you can just add line like:


to exclude file in \.git\info\ folder.

Then if you want to get rid of that target folder in your remote repo you will need to first manually delete this folder from your local repository, commit and then push it. Thats because git will show you content of a target folder as modified at first.

How to clear text area with a button in html using javascript?

Change in your html with adding the function on the button click

 <input type="button" value="Clear" onclick="javascript:eraseText();"> 
    <textarea id='output' rows=20 cols=90></textarea>

Try this in your js file:

function eraseText() {
    document.getElementById("output").value = "";

How do I get the current username in Windows PowerShell?

I thought it would be valuable to summarize and compare the given answers.

If you want to access the environment variable:

(easier/shorter/memorable option)

  • [Environment]::UserName -- @ThomasBratt
  • $env:username -- @Eoin
  • whoami -- @galaktor

If you want to access the Windows access token:

(more dependable option)

  • [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name -- @MarkSeemann

If you want the name of the logged in user

(rather than the name of the user running the PowerShell instance)

  • $(Get-WMIObject -class Win32_ComputerSystem | select username).username -- @TwonOfAn on this other forum


@Kevin Panko's comment on @Mark Seemann's answer deals with choosing one of the categories over the other:

[The Windows access token approach] is the most secure answer, because $env:USERNAME can be altered by the user, but this will not be fooled by doing that.

In short, the environment variable option is more succinct, and the Windows access token option is more dependable.

I've had to use @Mark Seemann's Windows access token approach in a PowerShell script that I was running from a C# application with impersonation.

The C# application is run with my user account, and it runs the PowerShell script as a service account. Because of a limitation of the way I'm running the PowerShell script from C#, the PowerShell instance uses my user account's environment variables, even though it is run as the service account user.

In this setup, the environment variable options return my account name, and the Windows access token option returns the service account name (which is what I wanted), and the logged in user option returns my account name.


Also, if you want to compare the options yourself, here is a script you can use to run a script as another user. You need to use the Get-Credential cmdlet to get a credential object, and then run this script with the script to run as another user as argument 1, and the credential object as argument 2.


$cred = Get-Credential UserTo.RunAs
Run-AsUser.ps1 "whoami; pause" $cred
Run-AsUser.ps1 "[System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name; pause" $cred

Contents of Run-AsUser.ps1 script:


Start-Process -Credential $cred -FilePath 'powershell.exe' -ArgumentList 'noprofile','-Command',"$script"

Pass Arraylist as argument to function

public void AnalyseArray(ArrayList<Integer> array) {
  // Do something
ArrayList<Integer> A = new ArrayList<Integer>();

What does 'stale file handle' in Linux mean?

When the directory is deleted, the inode for that directory (and the inodes for its contents) are recycled. The pointer your shell has to that directory's inode (and its contents's inodes) are now no longer valid. When the directory is restored from backup, the old inodes are not (necessarily) reused; the directory and its contents are stored on random inodes. The only thing that stays the same is that the parent directory reuses the same name for the restored directory (because you told it to).

Now if you attempt to access the contents of the directory that your original shell is still pointing to, it communicates that request to the file system as a request for the original inode, which has since been recycled (and may even be in use for something entirely different now). So you get a stale file handle message because you asked for some nonexistent data.

When you perform a cd operation, the shell reevaluates the inode location of whatever destination you give it. Now that your shell knows the new inode for the directory (and the new inodes for its contents), future requests for its contents will be valid.

#1025 - Error on rename of './database/#sql-2e0f_1254ba7' to './database/table' (errno: 150)

If you are adding a foreign key and faced this error, it could be the value in the child table is not present in the parent table.

Let's say for the column to which the foreign key has to be added has all values set to 0 and the value is not available in the table you are referencing it.

You can set some value which is present in the parent table and then adding foreign key worked for me.

How to make the first option of <select> selected with jQuery

When you use

$("#target").val($("#target option:first").val());

this will not work in Chrome and Safari if the first option value is null.

I prefer

$("#target option:first").attr('selected','selected');

because it can work in all browsers.

How do I make UITableViewCell's ImageView a fixed size even when the image is smaller

I had the same problem. Thank you to everyone else who answered - I was able to get a solution together using parts of several of these answers.

My solution is using swift 5

The problem that we are trying to solve is that we may have images with different aspect ratios in our TableViewCells but we want them to render with consistent widths. The images should, of course, render with no distortion and fill the entire space. In my case, I was fine with some "cropping" of tall, skinny images, so I used the content mode .scaleAspectFill

To do this, I created a custom subclass of UITableViewCell. In my case, I named it StoryTableViewCell. The entire class is pasted below, with comments inline.

This approach worked for me when also using a custom Accessory View and long text labels. Here's an image of the final result:

Rendered Table View with consistent image width

class StoryTableViewCell: UITableViewCell {

    override func layoutSubviews() {

        // ==== Step 1 ====
        // ensure we have an image
        guard let imageView = self.imageView else {return}

        // create a variable for the desired image width
        let desiredWidth:CGFloat = 70;

        // get the width of the image currently rendered in the cell
        let currentImageWidth = imageView.frame.size.width;

        // grab the width of the entire cell's contents, to be used later
        let contentWidth = self.contentView.bounds.width

        // ==== Step 2 ====
        // only update the image's width if the current image width isn't what we want it to be
        if (currentImageWidth != desiredWidth) {
            //calculate the difference in width
            let widthDifference = currentImageWidth - desiredWidth;

            // ==== Step 3 ====
            // Update the image's frame,
            // maintaining it's original x and y values, but with a new width
            self.imageView?.frame = CGRect(imageView.frame.origin.x,

            // ==== Step 4 ====
            // If there is a texst label, we want to move it's x position to
            // ensure it isn't overlapping with the image, and that it has proper spacing with the image
            if let textLabel = self.textLabel
                let originalFrame = self.textLabel?.frame

                // the new X position for the label is just the original position,
                // minus the difference in the image's width
                let newX = textLabel.frame.origin.x - widthDifference
                self.textLabel?.frame = CGRect(newX,
                                               contentWidth - newX,
                print("textLabel info: Original =\(originalFrame!)", "updated=\(self.textLabel!.frame)")

            // ==== Step 4 ====
            // If there is a detail text label, do the same as step 3
            if let detailTextLabel = self.detailTextLabel {
                let originalFrame = self.detailTextLabel?.frame
                let newX = detailTextLabel.frame.origin.x-widthDifference
                self.detailTextLabel?.frame = CGRect(x: newX,
                                                     y: detailTextLabel.frame.origin.y,
                                                     width: contentWidth - newX,
                                                     height: detailTextLabel.frame.size.height);
                print("detailLabel info: Original =\(originalFrame!)", "updated=\(self.detailTextLabel!.frame)")

            // ==== Step 5 ====
            // Set the image's content modoe to scaleAspectFill so it takes up the entire view, but doesn't get distorted
            self.imageView?.contentMode = .scaleAspectFill;

Error: unmappable character for encoding UTF8 during maven compilation

I too faced a similar issue and my resolution was different. I went to the line of code mentioned and traversed to the character (For[31, 81], go to 31st line and 81th character including spaces). I observed an apostrophe in comment which was causing the issue. Though not a mistake, the maven compiler reports issue and in my case it was possible to remove maven's 'illegal' character.. lol.

Regular expression: zero or more occurrences of optional character /


If your delimiters are slash-based, escape it:


* means "0 or more of the previous repeatable pattern", which can be a single character, a character class or a group.

Substitute multiple whitespace with single whitespace in Python

A simple possibility (if you'd rather avoid REs) is

' '.join(mystring.split())

The split and join perform the task you're explicitly asking about -- plus, they also do the extra one that you don't talk about but is seen in your example, removing trailing spaces;-).

How to merge a specific commit in Git

If you have committed changes to master branch. Now you want to move that same commit to release-branch. Check the commit id(Eg:xyzabc123) for the commit.

Now try following commands

git checkout release-branch
git cherry-pick xyzabc123
git push origin release-branch

Set up Python simpleHTTPserver on Windows

From Stack Overflow question What is the Python 3 equivalent of "python -m SimpleHTTPServer":

The following works for me:

python -m http.server [<portNo>]

Because I am using Python 3 the module SimpleHTTPServer has been replaced by http.server, at least in Windows.

BarCode Image Generator in Java

There is a free library called barcode4j

Add Items to ListView - Android

ListView myListView = (ListView) rootView.findViewById(;
ArrayList<String> myStringArray1 = new ArrayList<String>();
adapter = new CustomAdapter(getActivity(), R.layout.row, myStringArray1);

Try it like this

public OnClickListener moreListener = new OnClickListener() {

    public void onClick(View v) {
        adapter = null;
        adapter = new CustomAdapter(getActivity(), R.layout.row, myStringArray1);

Installing Apple's Network Link Conditioner Tool

You can also install any of the Hardware IO Tools without installing XCode itself. Simply visit Apple's Download Center and search for "Hardware IO".

no overload for matches delegate 'system.eventhandler'

Yes there is a problem with Click event handler (klik) - First argument must be an object type and second must be EventArgs.

public void klik(object sender, EventArgs e) {

If you want to paint on a form or control then use CreateGraphics method.

public void klik(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    Bitmap c = this.DrawMandel();
    Graphics gr = CreateGraphics();  // Graphics gr=(sender as Button).CreateGraphics();
    gr.DrawImage(b, 150, 200);

Laravel: PDOException: could not find driver

In Linux Download Mysql and Php

sudo apt install php-mysql

Then the problem will be solved.

How to determine when Fragment becomes visible in ViewPager

I support SectionsPagerAdapter with child fragments so after a lot of headache I finally got working version based on solutions from this topic:

public abstract class BaseFragment extends Fragment {

    private boolean visible;
    private boolean visibilityHintChanged;

     * Called when the visibility of the fragment changed
    protected void onVisibilityChanged(View view, boolean visible) {


    private void triggerVisibilityChangedIfNeeded(boolean visible) {
        if (this.visible == visible || getActivity() == null || getView() == null) {
        this.visible = visible;
        onVisibilityChanged(getView(), visible);

    public void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        if (!visibilityHintChanged) {

    public void onResume() {
        if (getUserVisibleHint() && !isHidden()) {

    public void onHiddenChanged(boolean hidden) {

    public void setUserVisibleHint(boolean isVisibleToUser) {
        visibilityHintChanged = true;
        if (isVisibleToUser && isResumed() && !isHidden()) {
        } else if (!isVisibleToUser) {

    public void onPause() {

    public void onStop() {

    protected boolean isReallyVisible() {
        return visible;

DIV height set as percentage of screen?

If you want it based on the screen height, and not the window height:

const height = 0.7 * screen.height

// jQuery

// Vanilla JS
document.querySelector('.header').style.height = height + 'px'

// If you have multiple <div class="header"> elements
document.querySelectorAll('.header').forEach(function(node) { = height + 'px'

How to create an array of object literals in a loop?

In the same idea of Nick Riggs but I create a constructor, and a push a new object in the array by using it. It avoid the repetition of the keys of the class:

var arr = [];
var columnDefs = function(key, sortable, resizeable){
    this.key = key; 
    this.sortable = sortable; 
    this.resizeable = resizeable;

for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    arr.push((new columnDefs(oFullResponse.results[i].label,true,true)));

With Spring can I make an optional path variable?

Simplified example of Nicolai Ehmann's comment and wildloop's answer (works with Spring 4.3.3+), basically you can use required = false now:

  @RequestMapping(value = {"/json/{type}", "/json" }, method = RequestMethod.GET)
  public @ResponseBody TestBean testAjax(@PathVariable(required = false) String type) {
    if (type != null) {
      // ...
    return new TestBean();

How can a add a row to a data frame in R?

Not terribly elegant, but:

data.frame(rbind(as.matrix(df), as.matrix(de)))

From documentation of the rbind function:

For rbind column names are taken from the first argument with appropriate names: colnames for a matrix...

WordPress is giving me 404 page not found for all pages except the homepage

IF all this dont work, your .htaccess is correct, and permalinks trick didnt work, you may have not enabled your apache2 rewite mod.

I ran this and my issue was solved:

 sudo a2enmod rewrite 

What are the differences between 'call-template' and 'apply-templates' in XSL?

xsl:apply-templates is usually (but not necessarily) used to process all or a subset of children of the current node with all applicable templates. This supports the recursiveness of XSLT application which is matching the (possible) recursiveness of the processed XML.

xsl:call-template on the other hand is much more like a normal function call. You execute exactly one (named) template, usually with one or more parameters.

So I use xsl:apply-templates if I want to intercept the processing of an interesting node and (usually) inject something into the output stream. A typical (simplified) example would be

<xsl:template match="foo">

whereas with xsl:call-template I typically solve problems like adding the text of some subnodes together, transforming select nodesets into text or other nodesets and the like - anything you would write a specialized, reusable function for.


As an additional remark to your specific question text:

<xsl:call-template name="nodes"/> 

This calls a template which is named 'nodes':

    <xsl:template name="nodes">...</xsl:template>

This is a different semantic than:

<xsl:apply-templates select="nodes"/>

...which applies all templates to all children of your current XML node whose name is 'nodes'.

How to configure slf4j-simple

You can programatically change it by setting the system property:

public class App {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        System.setProperty(org.slf4j.impl.SimpleLogger.DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL_KEY, "TRACE");

        final org.slf4j.Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(App.class);



The log levels are ERROR > WARN > INFO > DEBUG > TRACE.

Please note that once the logger is created the log level can't be changed. If you need to dynamically change the logging level you might want to use log4j with SLF4J.

org.springframework.beans.factory.CannotLoadBeanClassException: Cannot find class

i recently experienced this issue when i was trying to build and suddenly the laptop battery ran out of charge. I just removed all the servers from eclipse and then restore it. after doing that, i re-built the war file and it worked.

Spring can you autowire inside an abstract class?

I have that kind of spring setup working

an abstract class with an autowired field

public abstract class AbstractJobRoute extends RouteBuilder {

    private GlobalSettingsService settingsService;

and several children defined with @Component annotation.

Android - Using Custom Font

You can use PixlUI at

import their .jar and use it in XML

    pixlui:typeface="GearedSlab.ttf" />

Rock, Paper, Scissors Game Java

I would recommend making Rock, Paper and Scissors objects. The objects would have the logic of both translating to/from Strings and also "knowing" what beats what. The Java enum is perfect for this.

public enum Type{


  public static Type parseType(String value){
     //if /else logic here to return either ROCK, PAPER or SCISSOR

     //if value is not either, you can return null

The parseType method can return null if the String is not a valid type. And you code can check if the value is null and if so, print "invalid try again" and loop back to re-read the Scanner.

Type person=null;

      System.out.println("Enter your play: "); 
      person= Type.parseType(;
      if(person ==null){
         System.out.println("invalid try again");

Furthermore, your type enum can determine what beats what by having each Type object know:

public enum Type{


    //each type will implement this method differently
    public abstract boolean beats(Type other);


each type will implement this method differently to see what beats what:


   public boolean beats(Type other){            
        return other ==  SCISSOR;



Then in your code

 Type person, computer;
   if (person.equals(computer)) 
   System.out.println("It's a tie!");
  }else if({
     System.out.println(person+ " beats " + computer + "You win!!"); 
     System.out.println(computer + " beats " + person+ "You lose!!");

In a URL, should spaces be encoded using %20 or +?

Form data (for GET or POST) is usually encoded as application/x-www-form-urlencoded: this specifies + for spaces.

URLs are encoded as RFC 1738 which specifies %20.

In theory I think you should have %20 before the ? and + after:

Anaconda-Navigator - Ubuntu16.04

Simply create a new text document called "anaconda-navigator.desktop" in your home directory by the terminal command:

gedit anaconda-navigator.desktop

Then enter the following in your text document:

#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Open Anaconda Navigator

Save the file, then move it to your local applications folder:

mv anaconda-navigator.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/

Once this is done, you will be able to search for "Anaconda" on your applications screen, right click, and add to favorites. This way you don't have to go through the terminal every time!

Finished Product

SQL Inner-join with 3 tables?

SELECT table1.col,table2.col,table3.col 
FROM table1 
(table2 INNER JOIN table3 
AND //add any additional filters HERE

How to find the files that are created in the last hour in unix

check out this link and then help yourself out.

the basic code is

#create a temp. file
echo "hi " >  t.tmp
# set the file time to 2 hours ago
touch -t 200405121120  t.tmp 
# then check for files
find /admin//dump -type f  -newer t.tmp -print -exec ls -lt {} \; | pg

Ruby replace string with captured regex pattern

\1 in double quotes needs to be escaped. So you want either

"Z_sdsd: sdsd".gsub(/^(Z_.*): .*/, "\\1")


"Z_sdsd: sdsd".gsub(/^(Z_.*): .*/, '\1')

see the docs on gsub where it says "If it is a double-quoted string, both back-references must be preceded by an additional backslash."

That being said, if you just want the result of the match you can do:

"Z_sdsd: sdsd".scan(/^Z_.*(?=:)/)


"Z_sdsd: sdsd"[/^Z_.*(?=:)/]

Note that the (?=:) is a non-capturing group so that the : doesn't show up in your match.

How to change XML Attribute

Mike; Everytime I need to modify an XML document I work it this way:

//Here is the variable with which you assign a new value to the attribute
string newValue = string.Empty;
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();


XmlNode node = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("Root/Node/Element");
node.Attributes[0].Value = newValue;


//xmlFile is the path of your file to be modified

I hope you find it useful

How to log out user from web site using BASIC authentication?

Have the user click on a link to https://log:[email protected]/. That will overwrite existing credentials with invalid ones; logging them out.

How to read file with async/await properly?

To keep it succint and retain all functionality of fs:

const fs = require('fs');
const fsPromises = fs.promises;

async function loadMonoCounter() {
    const data = await fsPromises.readFile('monolitic.txt', 'binary');
    return new Buffer(data);

Importing fs and fs.promises separately will give access to the entire fs API while also keeping it more readable... So that something like the next example is easily accomplished.

// the 'next example'
fsPromises.access('monolitic.txt', fs.constants.R_OK | fs.constants.W_OK)
    .then(() => console.log('can access'))
    .catch(() => console.error('cannot access'));

Adding and removing extensionattribute to AD object

Extension attributes are added by Exchange. According to this Technet article something like this should work:

Set-Mailbox -Identity "anyUser" -ExtensionCustomAttribute4 @{Remove="myString"}

PowerShell: Comparing dates

As Get-Date returns a DateTime object you are able to compare them directly. An example:

(get-date 2010-01-02) -lt (get-date 2010-01-01)

will return false.

Get most recent row for given ID


How do I create a MessageBox in C#?

MessageBox.Show also returns a DialogResult, which if you put some buttons on there, means you can have it returned what the user clicked. Most of the time I write something like

if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to continue?", "Question", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == MessageBoxResult.Yes) {
     //some interesting behaviour here

which I guess is a bit unwieldy but it gets the job done.

See for additional enum options you can use here.

Algorithm to find all Latitude Longitude locations within a certain distance from a given Lat Lng location

Based on the current user's latitude, longitude and the distance you wants to find,the sql query is given below.

    SELECT *,(((acos(sin((@latitude*pi()/180)) * sin((Latitude*pi()/180))+cos((@latitude*pi()/180)) * cos((Latitude*pi()/180)) * cos(((@longitude - Longitude)*pi()/180))))*180/pi())*60*1.1515*1.609344) as distance FROM Distances) t
WHERE distance <= @distance

@latitude and @longitude are the latitude and longitude of the point. Latitude and longitude are the columns of distances table. Value of pi is 22/7

What's the fastest way in Python to calculate cosine similarity given sparse matrix data?

def norm(vector):
    return sqrt(sum(x * x for x in vector))    

def cosine_similarity(vec_a, vec_b):
        norm_a = norm(vec_a)
        norm_b = norm(vec_b)
        dot = sum(a * b for a, b in zip(vec_a, vec_b))
        return dot / (norm_a * norm_b)

This method seems to be somewhat faster than using sklearn's implementation if you pass in one pair of vectors at a time.

Github Windows 'Failed to sync this branch'

I had the same problem when I tried from inside Visual Studio and "git status" in shell showed no problem. But I managed to push the local changes with "git push" via shell.

jQuery.css() - marginLeft vs. margin-left?

Late to answer, but no-one has specified that css property with dash won't work in object declaration in jquery:

.css({margin-left:'200px'});//won't work

So, do not forget to use quotes if you prefer to use dash style property in jquery code.


PYODBC--Data source name not found and no default driver specified

The below code works magic.

 SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = "mssql+pyodbc://<servername>/<dbname>?driver=SQL Server Native Client 11.0?trusted_connection=yes?UID" \

How to programmatically empty browser cache?

Here is a single-liner of how you can delete ALL browser network cache using Cache.delete()

caches.keys().then((keyList) => Promise.all( => caches.delete(key))))

Works on Chrome 40+, Firefox 39+, Opera 27+ and Edge.

How to center the content inside a linear layout?

I tried solutions mentioned here but It didn't help me. I mind the solution is layout_width have to use wrap_content as value.

    android:layout_weight="1" >

Java method to sum any number of ints

You could do, assuming you have an array with value and array length: arrayVal[i], arrayLength:

int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
    sum += arrayVal[i];

System.out.println("the sum is" + sum);

I hope this helps.

Why is vertical-align:text-top; not working in CSS

You can use contextual selectors and move the vertical-align there. This would work with the p tag, then. Take this snippet below as an example. Any p tags within your class will respect the vertical-align control:

#header_selecttxt {
    font-family: Arial;
    font-size: 12px;
    font-weight: bold;

#header_selecttxt p {
    vertical-align: text-top;

You could also keep the vertical-align in both sections so that other, inline elements would use this.

How do I watch a file for changes?

  1 : "Created",
  2 : "Deleted",
  3 : "Updated",
  4 : "Renamed from something",
  5 : "Renamed to something"

class myThread (threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, threadID, fileName, directory, origin):
        self.threadID = threadID
        self.fileName = fileName
        self.daemon = True
        self.dir = directory
        self.originalFile = origin
    def run(self):
        startMonitor(self.fileName, self.dir, self.originalFile)

def startMonitor(fileMonitoring,dirPath,originalFile):
    hDir = win32file.CreateFile (
        win32con.FILE_SHARE_READ | win32con.FILE_SHARE_WRITE,
    # Wait for new data and call ProcessNewData for each new chunk that's
    # written
    while 1:
        # Wait for a change to occur
        results = win32file.ReadDirectoryChangesW (
        # For each change, check to see if it's updating the file we're
        # interested in
        for action, file_M in results:
            full_filename = os.path.join (dirPath, file_M)
            #print file, ACTIONS.get (action, "Unknown")
            if len(full_filename) == len(fileMonitoring) and action == 3:
                #copy to main file

python - checking odd/even numbers and changing outputs on number size

there are a lot of ways to check if an int value is odd or even. I'll show you the two main ways:

number = 5

def best_way(number):
    if number%2==0:
        print "even"
        print "odd"

def binary_way(number):
    if str(bin(number))[len(bin(number))-1]=='0':
        print "even"
        print "odd"

hope it helps

"UnboundLocalError: local variable referenced before assignment" after an if statement

Your if statement is always false and T gets initialized only if a condition is met, so the code doesn't reach the point where T gets a value (and by that, gets defined/bound). You should introduce the variable in a place that always gets executed.


def temp_sky(lreq, breq):
    T = <some_default_value> # None is often a good pick
    for line in tfile:
        data = line.split()
        if abs(float(data[0])-lreq) <= 0.1 and abs(float(data[1])-breq) <= 0.1:            
            T = data[2]
    return T

What does "both" mean in <div style="clear:both">

Both means "every item in a set of two things". The two things being "left" and "right"

Page scroll up or down in Selenium WebDriver (Selenium 2) using java

  1. If you want to scroll the page vertically to perform some action, you can do it using the following JavaScript. ((JavascriptExecutor)driver).executeScript(“window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight)”);

        Where ‘JavascriptExecutor’ is an interface, which helps executing JavaScript through Selenium WebDriver. You can use the following code to import.

import org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptExecutor;

2.If you want to scroll at a particular element, you need to use the following JavaScript.

WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.xpath(“//input [@id=’email’]”));((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript(“arguments[0].scrollIntoView();”, element);

Where ‘element’ is the locator where you want to scroll.

3.If you want to scroll at a particular coordinate, use the following JavaScript.
((JavascriptExecutor)driver).executeScript(“window.scrollBy(200,300)”); Where ‘200,300’ are the coordinates.

4.If you want to scroll up in a vertical direction, you can use the following JavaScript. ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript(“window.scrollTo(document.body.scrollHeight,0)”);

  1. If you want to scroll horizontally in the right direction, use the following JavaScript. ((JavascriptExecutor)driver).executeScript(“window.scrollBy(2000,0)”);

  2. If you want to scroll horizontally in the left direction, use the following JavaScript. ((JavascriptExecutor)driver).executeScript(“window.scrollBy(-2000,0)”);

Directly assigning values to C Pointers

The problem is that you're not initializing the pointer. You've created a pointer to "anywhere you want"—which could be the address of some other variable, or the middle of your code, or some memory that isn't mapped at all.

You need to create an int variable somewhere in memory for the int * variable to point at.

Your second example does this, but it does other things that aren't relevant here. Here's the simplest thing you need to do:

int main(){
    int variable;
    int *ptr = &variable;
    *ptr = 20;
    printf("%d", *ptr);
    return 0;

Here, the int variable isn't initialized—but that's fine, because you're just going to replace whatever value was there with 20. The key is that the pointer is initialized to point to the variable. In fact, you could just allocate some raw memory to point to, if you want:

int main(){
    void *memory = malloc(sizeof(int));
    int *ptr = (int *)memory;
    *ptr = 20;
    printf("%d", *ptr);
    return 0;

Clone Object without reference javascript

A and B reference the same object, so A.a and B.a reference the same property of the same object.


Here's a "copy" function that may do the job, it can do both shallow and deep clones. Note the caveats. It copies all enumerable properties of an object (not inherited properties), including those with falsey values (I don't understand why other approaches ignore them), it also doesn't copy non–existent properties of sparse arrays.

There is no general copy or clone function because there are many different ideas on what a copy or clone should do in every case. Most rule out host objects, or anything other than Objects or Arrays. This one also copies primitives. What should happen with functions?

So have a look at the following, it's a slightly different approach to others.

/* Only works for native objects, host objects are not
** included. Copies Objects, Arrays, Functions and primitives.
** Any other type of object (Number, String, etc.) will likely give 
** unexpected results, e.g. copy(new Number(5)) ==> 0 since the value
** is stored in a non-enumerable property.
** Expects that objects have a properly set *constructor* property.
function copy(source, deep) {
   var o, prop, type;

  if (typeof source != 'object' || source === null) {
    // What do to with functions, throw an error?
    o = source;
    return o;

  o = new source.constructor();

  for (prop in source) {

    if (source.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
      type = typeof source[prop];

      if (deep && type == 'object' && source[prop] !== null) {
        o[prop] = copy(source[prop]);

      } else {
        o[prop] = source[prop];
  return o;

Load RSA public key from file

This program is doing almost everything with Public and private keys. The der format can be obtained but saving raw data ( without encoding base64). I hope this helps programmers.


import sun.misc.BASE64Decoder;
import sun.misc.BASE64Encoder;


 * @author Desphilboy
 * DorOd bar shomA barobach
public class csrgenerator {

    private static PublicKey publickey= null;
    private static PrivateKey privateKey=null;
    //private static PKCS8Key privateKey=null;
    private static KeyPairGenerator kpg= null;
    private static ByteArrayOutputStream bs =null;
    private static csrgenerator thisinstance;
    private KeyPair keypair;
    private static PKCS10 pkcs10;
    private String signaturealgorithm= "MD5WithRSA";

    public String getSignaturealgorithm() {
        return signaturealgorithm;

    public void setSignaturealgorithm(String signaturealgorithm) {
        this.signaturealgorithm = signaturealgorithm;

    private csrgenerator() {
        try {
           kpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA");
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
            System.out.print("No such algorithm RSA in constructor csrgenerator\n");
        keypair = kpg.generateKeyPair();
        publickey = keypair.getPublic();
        privateKey = keypair.getPrivate();

    /** Generates a new key pair 
    * @param int bits 
    *   this is the number of bits in modulus must be 512, 1024, 2048  or so on 
    public KeyPair generateRSAkys(int bits)
            keypair = kpg.generateKeyPair();
            publickey = keypair.getPublic();
            privateKey = keypair.getPrivate();
            KeyPair dup= keypair;
     return dup;

     public static csrgenerator getInstance() {
            if (thisinstance == null)
                thisinstance = new csrgenerator();
            return thisinstance;

      *  Returns a CSR as string  
      * @param cn  Common Name
      * @param OU  Organizational Unit 
      * @param Org  Organization
      * @param LocName Location name
      * @param Statename  State/Territory/Province/Region
      * @param Country    Country
      * @return     returns  csr as string.
      * @throws Exception
     public String getCSR(String commonname, String organizationunit, String organization,String localname, String statename, String country ) throws Exception {
            byte[] csr = generatePKCS10(commonname, organizationunit, organization, localname, statename, country,signaturealgorithm);
            return new String(csr);

     /** This function generates a new Certificate 
      * Signing Request. 
     * @param CN
     *            Common Name, is X.509 speak for the name that distinguishes
     *            the Certificate best, and ties it to your Organization
     * @param OU
     *            Organizational unit
     * @param O
     *            Organization NAME
     * @param L
     *            Location
     * @param S
     *            State
     * @param C
     *            Country
     * @return    byte stream of generated request
     * @throws Exception
    private static byte[] generatePKCS10(String CN, String OU, String O,String L, String S, String C,String sigAlg) throws Exception {
        // generate PKCS10 certificate request

        pkcs10 = new PKCS10(publickey);
       Signature   signature = Signature.getInstance(sigAlg);
        // common, orgUnit, org, locality, state, country
        //X500Name(String commonName, String organizationUnit,String organizationName,Local,State, String country)
        X500Name x500Name = new X500Name(CN, OU, O, L, S, C);
        bs = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(bs);
        byte[] c = bs.toByteArray();
        try {
            if (ps != null)
            if (bs != null)
        } catch (Throwable th) {
        return c;

    public  PublicKey getPublicKey() {
        return publickey;

     * @return
    public PrivateKey getPrivateKey() {
        return privateKey;

     * saves private key to a file
     * @param filename
    public  void SavePrivateKey(String filename)
        PKCS8EncodedKeySpec pemcontents=null;
        pemcontents= new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec( privateKey.getEncoded());
        PKCS8Key pemprivatekey= new  PKCS8Key( );
        try {
        } catch (InvalidKeyException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        File file=new File(filename);
        try {

            FileOutputStream fos=new FileOutputStream(file);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block


     * Saves Certificate Signing Request to a file;
     * @param filename  is a String containing full path to the file which will be created containing the CSR.
    public void SaveCSR(String filename)
        FileOutputStream fos=null;
        PrintStream ps=null;
        File file;
        try {

            file = new File(filename);
            fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
            ps= new PrintStream(fos);
        }catch (IOException e)
            System.out.print("\n could not open the file "+ filename);

        try {
            try {
            } catch (SignatureException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            System.out.print("\n cannot write to the file "+ filename);



     * Saves both public key and private  key to file names specified
     * @param fnpub  file name of public key
     * @param fnpri  file name of private key
     * @throws IOException
    public static void SaveKeyPair(String fnpub,String fnpri) throws IOException { 

// Store Public Key.
X509EncodedKeySpec x509EncodedKeySpec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(fnpub);

// Store Private Key.
PKCS8EncodedKeySpec pkcs8EncodedKeySpec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(privateKey.getEncoded());
fos = new FileOutputStream(fnpri);

     * Reads a Private Key from a pem base64 encoded file.
     * @param filename name of the file to read.
     * @param algorithm Algorithm is usually "RSA"
     * @return returns the privatekey which is read from the file;
     * @throws Exception
    public  PrivateKey getPemPrivateKey(String filename, String algorithm) throws Exception {
          File f = new File(filename);
          FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f);
          DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(fis);
          byte[] keyBytes = new byte[(int) f.length()];

          String temp = new String(keyBytes);
          String privKeyPEM = temp.replace("-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----", "");
          privKeyPEM = privKeyPEM.replace("-----END PRIVATE KEY-----", "");
          //System.out.println("Private key\n"+privKeyPEM);

          BASE64Decoder b64=new BASE64Decoder();
          byte[] decoded = b64.decodeBuffer(privKeyPEM);

          PKCS8EncodedKeySpec spec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(decoded);
          KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance(algorithm);
          return kf.generatePrivate(spec);

     * Saves the private key to a pem file.
     * @param filename  name of the file to write the key into 
     * @param key the Private key to save.
     * @return  String representation of the pkcs8 object.
     * @throws Exception
    public  String  SavePemPrivateKey(String filename) throws Exception {
        PrivateKey key=this.privateKey;
          File f = new File(filename);
          FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(f);
          DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(fos);

          byte[] keyBytes = key.getEncoded();
          PKCS8Key pkcs8= new PKCS8Key();
          byte[] b=pkcs8.encode();

          BASE64Encoder b64=new BASE64Encoder();
          String  encoded = b64.encodeBuffer(b);

          encoded= "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\r\n" + encoded + "-----END PRIVATE KEY-----";


          //System.out.println("Private key\n"+privKeyPEM);
        return pkcs8.toString();


     * Saves a public key to a base64 encoded pem file
     * @param filename  name of the file 
     * @param key public key to be saved 
     * @return string representation of the pkcs8 object.
     * @throws Exception
    public  String  SavePemPublicKey(String filename) throws Exception {
        PublicKey key=this.publickey;  
        File f = new File(filename);
          FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(f);
          DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(fos);

          byte[] keyBytes = key.getEncoded();
          BASE64Encoder b64=new BASE64Encoder();
          String  encoded = b64.encodeBuffer(keyBytes);

          encoded= "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\r\n" + encoded + "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----";


          //System.out.println("Private key\n"+privKeyPEM);
      return  encoded.toString();


     * reads a public key from a file
     * @param filename name of the file to read
     * @param algorithm is usually RSA
     * @return the read public key
     * @throws Exception
    public  PublicKey getPemPublicKey(String filename, String algorithm) throws Exception {
          File f = new File(filename);
          FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f);
          DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(fis);
          byte[] keyBytes = new byte[(int) f.length()];

          String temp = new String(keyBytes);
          String publicKeyPEM = temp.replace("-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n", "");
          publicKeyPEM = publicKeyPEM.replace("-----END PUBLIC KEY-----", "");

          BASE64Decoder b64=new BASE64Decoder();
          byte[] decoded = b64.decodeBuffer(publicKeyPEM);

          X509EncodedKeySpec spec =
                new X509EncodedKeySpec(decoded);
          KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance(algorithm);
          return kf.generatePublic(spec);

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        csrgenerator gcsr = csrgenerator.getInstance();
        System.out.println("Public Key:\n"+gcsr.getPublicKey().toString());

        System.out.println("Private Key:\nAlgorithm: "+gcsr.getPrivateKey().getAlgorithm().toString());
        System.out.println("To String :"+gcsr.getPrivateKey().toString());
        System.out.println("GetEncoded :"+gcsr.getPrivateKey().getEncoded().toString());
        BASE64Encoder encoder= new BASE64Encoder();
        String s=encoder.encodeBuffer(gcsr.getPrivateKey().getEncoded());

        String csr = gcsr.getCSR( "[email protected]","baxshi az xodam", "Xodam","PointCook","VIC" ,"AU");
        System.out.println("CSR Request Generated!!");
        String p=gcsr.SavePemPrivateKey("c:\\testdir\\java_private.pem");
        privateKey= gcsr.getPemPrivateKey("c:\\testdir\\java_private.pem", "RSA");
        BASE64Encoder encoder1= new BASE64Encoder();
        String s1=encoder1.encodeBuffer(gcsr.getPrivateKey().getEncoded());
        System.out.println("Private Key in Base64:"+s1+"\n");



The request was rejected because no multipart boundary was found in springboot

The "Postman - REST Client" is not suitable for doing post action with setting content-type.You can try to use "Advanced REST client" or others.

Additionally, headers was replace by consumes and produces since Spring 3.1 M2, see And you can directly use produces = MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_VALUE.

how to get the selected index of a drop down

<select name="CCards" id="ccards">
    <option value="0">Select Saved Payment Method:</option>
    <option value="1846">test  xxxx1234</option>
    <option value="1962">test2  xxxx3456</option>

<script type="text/javascript">

    /** Jquery **/
    var selectedValue = $('#ccards').val();

    //** Regular Javascript **/
    var selectedValue2 = document.getElementById('ccards').value;


Is it better to use NOT or <> when comparing values?

The latter (<>), because the meaning of the former isn't clear unless you have a perfect understanding of the order of operations as it applies to the Not and = operators: a subtlety which is easy to miss.

Convert int to a bit array in .NET

I would achieve it in a one-liner as shown below:

using System;
using System.Collections;

namespace stackoverflowQuestions
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //get bit Array for number 20
            var myBitArray = new BitArray(BitConverter.GetBytes(20));

Please note that every element of a BitArray is stored as bool as shown in below snapshot:

enter image description here

So below code works:

if (myBitArray[0] == false)
    //this code block will execute

but below code doesn't compile at all:

if (myBitArray[0] == 0)
    //some code

CSS: How can I set image size relative to parent height?

Original Answer:

If you are ready to opt for CSS3, you can use css3 translate property. Resize based on whatever is bigger. If your height is bigger and width is smaller than container, width will be stretch to 100% and height will be trimmed from both side. Same goes for larger width as well.

Your need, HTML:

<div class="img-wrap">
  <img src="" />
<div class="img-wrap">
  <img src="" />
<div class="img-wrap">
  <img src="" />

And CSS:

.img-wrap {
  width: 200px;
  height: 150px;
  position: relative;
  display: inline-block;
  overflow: hidden;
  margin: 0;

div > img {
  display: block;
  position: absolute;
  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;
  min-height: 100%;
  min-width: 100%;
  transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

Voila! Working:


DIV is set to the relative position. This means all the child elements will get the starting coordinates (origins) from where this DIV starts.

The image is set as a BLOCK element, min-width/height both set to 100% means to resize the image no matter of its size to be the minimum of 100% of it's parent. min is the key. If by min-height, the image height exceeded the parent's height, no problem. It will look for if min-width and try to set the minimum height to be 100% of parents. Both goes vice-versa. This ensures there are no gaps around the div but image is always bit bigger and gets trimmed by overflow:hidden;

Now image, this is set to an absolute position with left:50% and top:50%. Means push the image 50% from the top and left making sure the origin is taken from DIV. Left/Top units are measured from the parent.

Magic moment:

transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

Now, this translate function of CSS3 transform property moves/repositions an element in question. This property deals with the applied element hence the values (x, y) OR (-50%, -50%) means to move the image negative left by 50% of image size and move to the negative top by 50% of image size.

Eg. if Image size was 200px × 150px, transform:translate(-50%, -50%) will calculated to translate(-100px, -75px). % unit helps when we have various size of image.

This is just a tricky way to figure out centroid of the image and the parent DIV and match them.

Apologies for taking too long to explain!

Resources to read more:

Solving "adb server version doesn't match this client" error

For those of you that have HTC Sync installed, uninstalling the application fixed this problem for me.

Sort a list of lists with a custom compare function

>>> l = [list(range(i, i+4)) for i in range(10,1,-1)]
>>> l
[[10, 11, 12, 13], [9, 10, 11, 12], [8, 9, 10, 11], [7, 8, 9, 10], [6, 7, 8, 9], [5, 6, 7, 8], [4, 5, 6, 7], [3, 4, 5, 6], [2, 3, 4, 5]]
>>> sorted(l, key=sum)
[[2, 3, 4, 5], [3, 4, 5, 6], [4, 5, 6, 7], [5, 6, 7, 8], [6, 7, 8, 9], [7, 8, 9, 10], [8, 9, 10, 11], [9, 10, 11, 12], [10, 11, 12, 13]]

The above works. Are you doing something different?

Notice that your key function is just sum; there's no need to write it explicitly.

How to populate/instantiate a C# array with a single value?

Make a private class inside where you make the array and the have a getter and setter for it. Unless you need each position in the array to be something unique, like random, then use int? as an array and then on get if the position is equal null fill that position and return the new random value.


  private bool[] b = new bool[10000];

  public bool GetIsVisible(int x)
  return !b[x]

  public void SetIsVisibleTrueAt(int x)
  b[x] = false //!true

Or use

public void SetIsVisibleAt(int x, bool isTrue)
b[x] = !isTrue;

As setter.

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/juli/logging/LogFactory

On Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

/usr/share# mv /opt/tomcat/apache-tomcat-7.0.56/ tomcat7

fixed the issue for me. There was a symbolic link there to /opt. Inside that opt directory there where ../../java links that would not point to /usr/share/java since the files physically were in /opt

Initialize empty vector in structure - c++

Both std::string and std::vector<T> have constructors initializing the object to be empty. You could use std::vector<unsigned char>() but I'd remove the initializer.

How do I enter a multi-line comment in Perl?

I found it. Perl has multi-line comments:


use strict;

use warnings;

=for comment

Example of multiline comment.

Example of multiline comment.


print "Multi Line Comment Example \n";

undefined reference to 'std::cout'

Assuming code.cpp is the source code, the following will not throw errors:

make code

Here the first command compiles the code and creates an executable with the same name, and the second command runs it. There is no need to specify g++ keyword in this case.

Check if MySQL table exists or not

Updated mysqli version:

if ($result = $mysqli->query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '".$table."'")) {
    if($result->num_rows == 1) {
        echo "Table exists";
else {
    echo "Table does not exist";

Original mysql version:

if(mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '".$table."'"))==1) 
    echo "Table exists";
else echo "Table does not exist";

Referenced from the PHP docs.

How do I limit the number of results returned from grep?

For 2 use cases:

  1. I only want n overall results, not n results per file, the grep -m 2 is per file max occurrence.
  2. I often use git grep which doesn't take -m

A good alternative in these scenarios is grep | sed 2q to grep first 2 occurrences across all files. sed documentation:

process.waitFor() never returns

There are many reasons that waitFor() doesn't return.

But it usually boils down to the fact that the executed command doesn't quit.

This, again, can have many reasons.

One common reason is that the process produces some output and you don't read from the appropriate streams. This means that the process is blocked as soon as the buffer is full and waits for your process to continue reading. Your process in turn waits for the other process to finish (which it won't because it waits for your process, ...). This is a classical deadlock situation.

You need to continually read from the processes input stream to ensure that it doesn't block.

There's a nice article that explains all the pitfalls of Runtime.exec() and shows ways around them called "When Runtime.exec() won't" (yes, the article is from 2000, but the content still applies!)

How do I exit the results of 'git diff' in Git Bash on windows?

Using WIN + Q worked for me. Just q alone gave me "command not found" and eventually it jumped back into the git diff insanity.

Uncaught TypeError: (intermediate value)(...) is not a function

To make semicolon rules simple

Every line that begins with a (, [, `, or any operator (/, +, - are the only valid ones), must begin with a semicolon.


This prevents a



Additional Note

To mention what will happen: brackets will index, parentheses will be treated as function parameters. The backtick would transform into a tagged template, and regex or explicitly signed integers will turn into operators. Of course, you can just add a semicolon to the end of every line. It's good to keep mind though when you're quickly prototyping and are dropping your semicolons.

Also, adding semicolons to the end of every line won't help you with the following, so keep in mind statements like

return // Will automatically insert semicolon, and return undefined.
i // Adds a semicolon
   ++ // But, if you really intended i++ here, your codebase needs help.

The above case will happen to return/continue/break/++/--. Any linter will catch this with dead-code or ++/-- syntax error (++/-- will never realistically happen).

Finally, if you want file concatenation to work, make sure each file ends with a semicolon. If you're using a bundler program (recommended), it should do this automatically.

Tools: replace not replacing in Android manifest

The missing piece for me was this:


for example:

<manifest xmlns:android=""

Validate phone number using javascript

Here's how I do it.

function validate(phone) {_x000D_
  const regex = /^\(?([0-9]{3})\)?[-. ]?([0-9]{3})[-. ]?([0-9]{4})$/;_x000D_
validate('1234567890')     // true_x000D_
validate(1234567890)       // true_x000D_
validate('(078)789-8908')  // true_x000D_
validate('123-345-3456')   // true

How to add a WiX custom action that happens only on uninstall (via MSI)?

Here's a set of properties i made that feel more intuitive to use than the built in stuff. The conditions are based off of the truth table supplied above by ahmd0.

<!-- truth table for installer varables (install vs uninstall vs repair vs upgrade) -->
 <SetProperty Id="_INSTALL"   After="FindRelatedProducts" Value="1"><![CDATA[Installed="" AND PREVIOUSVERSIONSINSTALLED=""]]></SetProperty>
 <SetProperty Id="_UNINSTALL" After="FindRelatedProducts" Value="1"><![CDATA[PREVIOUSVERSIONSINSTALLED="" AND REMOVE="ALL"]]></SetProperty>
 <SetProperty Id="_CHANGE"    After="FindRelatedProducts" Value="1"><![CDATA[Installed<>"" AND REINSTALL="" AND PREVIOUSVERSIONSINSTALLED<>"" AND REMOVE=""]]></SetProperty>
 <SetProperty Id="_REPAIR"    After="FindRelatedProducts" Value="1"><![CDATA[REINSTALL<>""]]></SetProperty>
 <SetProperty Id="_UPGRADE"   After="FindRelatedProducts" Value="1"><![CDATA[PREVIOUSVERSIONSINSTALLED<>"" ]]></SetProperty>

Here's some sample usage:

  <Custom Action="CaptureExistingLocalSettingsValues" After="InstallInitialize">NOT _UNINSTALL</Custom>
  <Custom Action="GetConfigXmlToPersistFromCmdLineArgs" After="InstallInitialize">_INSTALL OR _UPGRADE</Custom>
  <Custom Action="ForgetProperties" Before="InstallFinalize">_UNINSTALL OR _UPGRADE</Custom>
  <Custom Action="SetInstallCustomConfigSettingsArgs" Before="InstallCustomConfigSettings">NOT _UNINSTALL</Custom>
  <Custom Action="InstallCustomConfigSettings" Before="InstallFinalize">NOT _UNINSTALL</Custom>


CSS background image URL failing to load

I know this is really old, but I'm posting my solution anyways since google finds this thread.

background-image: url('./imagefolder/image.jpg');

That is what I do. Two dots means drill back one directory closer to root ".." while one "." should mean start where you are at as if it were root. I was having similar issues but adding that fixed it for me. You can even leave the "." in it when uploading to your host because it should work fine so long as your directory setup is exactly the same.

iOS 8 UITableView separator inset 0 not working

Let's take a moment to understand the problem before blindly charging in to attempt to fix it.

A quick poke around in the debugger will tell you that separator lines are subviews of UITableViewCell. It seems that the cell itself takes a fair amount of responsibility for the layout of these lines.

iOS 8 introduces the concept of layout margins. By default, a view's layout margins are 8pt on all sides, and they're inherited from ancestor views.

As best we can tell, when laying out out its separator line, UITableViewCell chooses to respect the left-hand layout margin, using it to constrain the left inset.

Putting all that together, to achieve the desired inset of truly zero, we need to:

  • Set the left layout margin to 0
  • Stop any inherited margins overriding that

Put like that, it's a pretty simple task to achieve:

cell.layoutMargins = UIEdgeInsetsZero;
cell.preservesSuperviewLayoutMargins = NO;

Things to note:

  • This code only needs to be run once per cell (you're just configuring the cell's properties after all), and there's nothing special about when you choose to execute it. Do what seems cleanest to you.
  • Sadly neither property is available to configure in Interface Builder, but you can specify a user-defined runtime attribute for preservesSuperviewLayoutMargins if desired.
  • Clearly, if your app targets earlier OS releases too, you'll need to avoid executing the above code until running on iOS 8 and above.
  • Rather than setting preservesSuperviewLayoutMargins, you can configure ancestor views (such as the table) to have 0 left margin too, but this seems inherently more error-prone as you don't control that entire hierarchy.
  • It would probably be slightly cleaner to set only the left margin to 0 and leave the others be.
  • If you want to have a 0 inset on the "extra" separators that UITableView draws at the bottom of plain style tables, I'm guessing that will require specifying the same settings at the table level too (haven't tried this one!)

Export to CSV using MVC, C# and jQuery

yan.kun was on the right track but this is much much easier.

    public FileContentResult DownloadCSV()
        string csv = "Charlie, Chaplin, Chuckles";
        return File(new System.Text.UTF8Encoding().GetBytes(csv), "text/csv", "Report123.csv");

How to compare strings in C conditional preprocessor-directives

If your strings are compile time constants (as in your case) you can use the following trick:

#define USER_JACK strcmp(USER, "jack")
#define USER_QUEEN strcmp(USER, "queen")
#if $USER_JACK == 0
#elif USER_QUEEN == 0

The compiler can tell the result of the strcmp in advance and will replace the strcmp with its result, thus giving you a #define that can be compared with preprocessor directives. I don't know if there's any variance between compilers/dependance on compiler options, but it worked for me on GCC 4.7.2.

EDIT: upon further investigation, it look like this is a toolchain extension, not GCC extension, so take that into consideration...

How can I read input from the console using the Scanner class in Java?

A simple example to illustrate how java.util.Scanner works would be reading a single integer from It's really quite simple.

Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
int i = sc.nextInt();

To retrieve a username I would probably use sc.nextLine().

System.out.println("Enter your username: ");
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
String username = scanner.nextLine();
System.out.println("Your username is " + username);

You could also use next(String pattern) if you want more control over the input, or just validate the username variable.

You'll find more information on their implementation in the API Documentation for java.util.Scanner

"for loop" with two variables?

If you want the effect of a nested for loop, use:

import itertools
for i, j in itertools.product(range(x), range(y)):
    # Stuff...

If you just want to loop simultaneously, use:

for i, j in zip(range(x), range(y)):
    # Stuff...

Note that if x and y are not the same length, zip will truncate to the shortest list. As @abarnert pointed out, if you don't want to truncate to the shortest list, you could use itertools.zip_longest.


Based on the request for "a function that will read lists "t1" and "t2" and return all elements that are identical", I don't think the OP wants zip or product. I think they want a set:

def equal_elements(t1, t2):
    return list(set(t1).intersection(set(t2)))
    # You could also do
    # return list(set(t1) & set(t2))

The intersection method of a set will return all the elements common to it and another set (Note that if your lists contains other lists, you might want to convert the inner lists to tuples first so that they are hashable; otherwise the call to set will fail.). The list function then turns the set back into a list.


OR, the OP might want elements that are identical in the same position in the lists. In this case, zip would be most appropriate, and the fact that it truncates to the shortest list is what you would want (since it is impossible for there to be the same element at index 9 when one of the lists is only 5 elements long). If that is what you want, go with this:

def equal_elements(t1, t2):
    return [x for x, y in zip(t1, t2) if x == y]

This will return a list containing only the elements that are the same and in the same position in the lists.

How can I present a file for download from an MVC controller?

Although standard action results FileContentResult or FileStreamResult may be used for downloading files, for reusability, creating a custom action result might be the best solution.

As an example let's create a custom action result for exporting data to Excel files on the fly for download.

ExcelResult class inherits abstract ActionResult class and overrides the ExecuteResult method.

We are using FastMember package for creating DataTable from IEnumerable object and ClosedXML package for creating Excel file from the DataTable.

public class ExcelResult<T> : ActionResult
    private DataTable dataTable;
    private string fileName;

    public ExcelResult(IEnumerable<T> data, string filename, string[] columns)
        this.dataTable = new DataTable();
        using (var reader = ObjectReader.Create(data, columns))
        this.fileName = filename;

    public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context)
        if (context != null)
            var response = context.HttpContext.Response;
            response.ContentType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet";
            response.AddHeader("content-disposition", string.Format(@"attachment;filename=""{0}""", fileName));
            using (XLWorkbook wb = new XLWorkbook())
                wb.Worksheets.Add(dataTable, "Sheet1");
                using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())

In the Controller use the custom ExcelResult action result as follows

public async Task<ExcelResult<MyViewModel>> ExportToExcel()
    var model = new Models.MyDataModel();
    var items = await model.GetItems();
    string[] columns = new string[] { "Column1", "Column2", "Column3" };
    string filename = "mydata.xlsx";
    return new ExcelResult<MyViewModel>(items, filename, columns);

Since we are downloading the file using HttpGet, create an empty View without model and empty layout.

Blog post about custom action result for downloading files that are created on the fly:

Compare integer in bash, unary operator expected

I need to add my 5 cents. I see everybody use [ or [[, but it worth to mention that they are not part of if syntax.

For arithmetic comparisons, use ((...)) instead.

((...)) is an arithmetic command, which returns an exit status of 0 if the expression is nonzero, or 1 if the expression is zero. Also used as a synonym for "let", if side effects (assignments) are needed.

See: ArithmeticExpression

No value accessor for form control with name: 'recipient'

Make sure you import MaterialModule as well since you are using md-input which does not belong to FormsModule

How can I calculate the difference between two dates?

NSDate *date1 = [NSDate dateWithString:@"2010-01-01 00:00:00 +0000"];
NSDate *date2 = [NSDate dateWithString:@"2010-02-03 00:00:00 +0000"];

NSTimeInterval secondsBetween = [date2 timeIntervalSinceDate:date1];

int numberOfDays = secondsBetween / 86400;

NSLog(@"There are %d days in between the two dates.", numberOfDays);


Remember, NSDate objects represent exact moments of time, they do not have any associated time-zone information. When you convert a string to a date using e.g. an NSDateFormatter, the NSDateFormatter converts the time from the configured timezone. Therefore, the number of seconds between two NSDate objects will always be time-zone-agnostic.

Furthermore, this documentation specifies that Cocoa's implementation of time does not account for leap seconds, so if you require such accuracy, you will need to roll your own implementation.

What is the MySQL VARCHAR max size?

From MySQL documentation:

The effective maximum length of a VARCHAR in MySQL 5.0.3 and later is subject to the maximum row size (65,535 bytes, which is shared among all columns) and the character set used. For example, utf8 characters can require up to three bytes per character, so a VARCHAR column that uses the utf8 character set can be declared to be a maximum of 21,844 characters.

Limits for the VARCHAR varies depending on charset used. Using ASCII would use 1 byte per character. Meaning you could store 65,535 characters. Using utf8 will use 3 bytes per character resulting in character limit of 21,844. BUT if you are using the modern multibyte charset utf8mb4 which you should use! It supports emojis and other special characters. It will be using 4 bytes per character. This will limit the number of characters per table to 16,383. Note that other fields such as INT will also be counted to these limits.


utf8 maximum of 21,844 characters

utf8mb4 maximum of 16,383 characters

Label python data points on plot

I had a similar issue and ended up with this:

enter image description here

For me this has the advantage that data and annotation are not overlapping.

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

A = -0.75, -0.25, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0
B = 0.73, 0.97, 1.0, 0.97, 0.88, 0.73, 0.54


# annotations at the side (ordered by B values)
for ii, ind in enumerate(np.argsort(B)):
    x = A[ind]
    y = B[ind]
    xPos = x1 + .02 * (x1 - x0)
    yPos = y0 + ii * (y1 - y0)/(len(B) - 1)
          xy=(x, y), xycoords='data',
          xytext=(xPos, yPos), textcoords='data',
                          shrinkA=0, shrinkB=10,
                          arrowstyle= '-|>', ls= '-', linewidth=2
          va='bottom', ha='left', zorder=19
    ax.text(xPos + .01 * (x1 - x0), yPos,
            '({:.2f}, {:.2f})'.format(x,y),
            transform=ax.transData, va='center')


Using the text argument in .annotate ended up with unfavorable text positions. Drawing lines between a legend and the data points is a mess, as the location of the legend is hard to address.

heroku - how to see all the logs

You need to use -t or --tail option and you need to define your heroku app name.

heroku logs -t --app app_name

Using if(isset($_POST['submit'])) to not display echo when script is open is not working

You must give a name to your submit button

<input type="submit" value"Submit" name="login">

Then you can call the button with $_POST['login']

Installing MySQL Python on Mac OS X

Here's what I would install, especially if you want to use homebrew:

  • XCode and the command line tools (as suggested by @7stud, @kjti)
  • Install homebrew
  • brew install mysql-connector-c
  • pip install mysql-python

How to check if a table is locked in sql server

If you are verifying if a lock is applied on a table or not, try the below query.

SELECT resource_type, resource_associated_entity_id,
    request_status, request_mode,request_session_id,
    resource_description, o.object_id,, o.type_desc 
FROM sys.dm_tran_locks l, sys.objects o
WHERE l.resource_associated_entity_id = o.object_id
    and resource_database_id = DB_ID()

Best way to load module/class from lib folder in Rails 3?

config.autoload_paths does not work for me. I solve it in other way

Ruby on rails 3 do not automatic reload (autoload) code from /lib folder. I solve it by putting inside ApplicationController

Dir["lib/**/*.rb"].each do |path|
  require_dependency path

Can we install Android OS on any Windows Phone and vice versa, and same with iPhone and vice versa?

Ok, For installing Android on Windows phone, I think you can..(But your window phone has required configuration to run Android) (For other I don't know If I will then surely post here)

Just go through these links,

Run Android on Your Windows Mobile Phone

full tutorial on how to put android on windows mobile touch pro 2

How to install Android on most Windows Mobile phones


For Windows 7 to Android device, this also possible, (You need to do some hack for this)

Just go through these links,

Install Windows Phone 7 Mango on HTC HD2 [How-To Guide]

HTC HD2: How To Install WP7 (Windows Phone 7) & MAGLDR 1.13 To NAND

Install windows phone 7 on android and iphones | Tips and Tricks

How to install Windows Phone 7 on HTC HD2? (Video)

To Install Android on your iOS Devices (This also possible...)

Look at How To Install Android on your iOS Devices

Android 2.2 Froyo running on Iphone

No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource error

cors unblock works great for chrome 78 [COrs unb] [1]

it's a plugin for google chrome called "cors unblock"

Summary: No more CORS error by appending 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *' header to local and remote web requests when enabled

This extension provides control over XMLHttpRequest and fetch methods by providing custom "access-control-allow-origin" and "access-control-allow-methods" headers to every requests that the browser receives. A user can toggle the extension on and off from the toolbar button. To modify how these headers are altered, use the right-click context menu items. You can customize what method are allowed. The default option is to allow 'GET', 'PUT', 'POST', 'DELETE', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'PATCH' methods. You can also ask the extension not to overwrite these headers when the server already fills them.

Set margins in a LinearLayout programmatically

To add margins directly to items (some items allow direct editing of margins), you can do:

LayoutParams lp = ((ViewGroup) something).getLayoutParams();
if( lp instanceof MarginLayoutParams )
    ((MarginLayoutParams) lp).topMargin = ...;
    ((MarginLayoutParams) lp).leftMargin = ...;
    //... etc
    Log.e("MyApp", "Attempted to set the margins on a class that doesn't support margins: "+something.getClass().getName() );

...this works without needing to know about / edit the surrounding layout. Note the "instanceof" check in case you try and run this against something that doesn't support margins.

Maximum length for MySQL type text

TEXT is a string data type that can store up to 65,535 characters. But still if you want to store more data then change its data type to LONGTEXT

ALTER TABLE name_tabel CHANGE text_field LONGTEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL;

Why does modern Perl avoid UTF-8 by default?


  1. Set your PERL_UNICODE envariable to AS. This makes all Perl scripts decode @ARGV as UTF-8 strings, and sets the encoding of all three of stdin, stdout, and stderr to UTF-8. Both these are global effects, not lexical ones.

  2. At the top of your source file (program, module, library, dohickey), prominently assert that you are running perl version 5.12 or better via:

    use v5.12;  # minimal for unicode string feature
    use v5.14;  # optimal for unicode string feature
  3. Enable warnings, since the previous declaration only enables strictures and features, not warnings. I also suggest promoting Unicode warnings into exceptions, so use both these lines, not just one of them. Note however that under v5.14, the utf8 warning class comprises three other subwarnings which can all be separately enabled: nonchar, surrogate, and non_unicode. These you may wish to exert greater control over.

    use warnings;
    use warnings qw( FATAL utf8 );
  4. Declare that this source unit is encoded as UTF-8. Although once upon a time this pragma did other things, it now serves this one singular purpose alone and no other:

    use utf8;
  5. Declare that anything that opens a filehandle within this lexical scope but not elsewhere is to assume that that stream is encoded in UTF-8 unless you tell it otherwise. That way you do not affect other module’s or other program’s code.

    use open qw( :encoding(UTF-8) :std );
  6. Enable named characters via \N{CHARNAME}.

    use charnames qw( :full :short );
  7. If you have a DATA handle, you must explicitly set its encoding. If you want this to be UTF-8, then say:

    binmode(DATA, ":encoding(UTF-8)");

There is of course no end of other matters with which you may eventually find yourself concerned, but these will suffice to approximate the state goal to “make everything just work with UTF-8”, albeit for a somewhat weakened sense of those terms.

One other pragma, although it is not Unicode related, is:

      use autodie;

It is strongly recommended.

? ?

My own boilerplate these days tends to look like this:

use 5.014;

use utf8;
use strict;
use autodie;
use warnings; 
use warnings    qw< FATAL  utf8     >;
use open        qw< :std  :utf8     >;
use charnames   qw< :full >;
use feature     qw< unicode_strings >;

use File::Basename      qw< basename >;
use Carp                qw< carp croak confess cluck >;
use Encode              qw< encode decode >;
use Unicode::Normalize  qw< NFD NFC >;

END { close STDOUT }

if (grep /\P{ASCII}/ => @ARGV) { 
   @ARGV = map { decode("UTF-8", $_) } @ARGV;

$0 = basename($0);  # shorter messages
$| = 1;

binmode(DATA, ":utf8");

# give a full stack dump on any untrapped exceptions
local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
    confess "Uncaught exception: @_" unless $^S;

# now promote run-time warnings into stack-dumped
#   exceptions *unless* we're in an try block, in
#   which case just cluck the stack dump instead
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
    if ($^S) { cluck   "Trapped warning: @_" } 
    else     { confess "Deadly warning: @_"  }

while (<>)  {
    $_ = NFD($_);
} continue {
    say NFC($_);


Saying that “Perl should [somehow!] enable Unicode by default” doesn’t even start to begin to think about getting around to saying enough to be even marginally useful in some sort of rare and isolated case. Unicode is much much more than just a larger character repertoire; it’s also how those characters all interact in many, many ways.

Even the simple-minded minimal measures that (some) people seem to think they want are guaranteed to miserably break millions of lines of code, code that has no chance to “upgrade” to your spiffy new Brave New World modernity.

It is way way way more complicated than people pretend. I’ve thought about this a huge, whole lot over the past few years. I would love to be shown that I am wrong. But I don’t think I am. Unicode is fundamentally more complex than the model that you would like to impose on it, and there is complexity here that you can never sweep under the carpet. If you try, you’ll break either your own code or somebody else’s. At some point, you simply have to break down and learn what Unicode is about. You cannot pretend it is something it is not.

goes out of its way to make Unicode easy, far more than anything else I’ve ever used. If you think this is bad, try something else for a while. Then come back to : either you will have returned to a better world, or else you will bring knowledge of the same with you so that we can make use of your new knowledge to make better at these things.


At a minimum, here are some things that would appear to be required for to “enable Unicode by default”, as you put it:

  1. All source code should be in UTF-8 by default. You can get that with use utf8 or export PERL5OPTS=-Mutf8.

  2. The DATA handle should be UTF-8. You will have to do this on a per-package basis, as in binmode(DATA, ":encoding(UTF-8)").

  3. Program arguments to scripts should be understood to be UTF-8 by default. export PERL_UNICODE=A, or perl -CA, or export PERL5OPTS=-CA.

  4. The standard input, output, and error streams should default to UTF-8. export PERL_UNICODE=S for all of them, or I, O, and/or E for just some of them. This is like perl -CS.

  5. Any other handles opened by should be considered UTF-8 unless declared otherwise; export PERL_UNICODE=D or with i and o for particular ones of these; export PERL5OPTS=-CD would work. That makes -CSAD for all of them.

  6. Cover both bases plus all the streams you open with export PERL5OPTS=-Mopen=:utf8,:std. See uniquote.

  7. You don’t want to miss UTF-8 encoding errors. Try export PERL5OPTS=-Mwarnings=FATAL,utf8. And make sure your input streams are always binmoded to :encoding(UTF-8), not just to :utf8.

  8. Code points between 128–255 should be understood by to be the corresponding Unicode code points, not just unpropertied binary values. use feature "unicode_strings" or export PERL5OPTS=-Mfeature=unicode_strings. That will make uc("\xDF") eq "SS" and "\xE9" =~ /\w/. A simple export PERL5OPTS=-Mv5.12 or better will also get that.

  9. Named Unicode characters are not by default enabled, so add export PERL5OPTS=-Mcharnames=:full,:short,latin,greek or some such. See uninames and tcgrep.

  10. You almost always need access to the functions from the standard Unicode::Normalize module various types of decompositions. export PERL5OPTS=-MUnicode::Normalize=NFD,NFKD,NFC,NFKD, and then always run incoming stuff through NFD and outbound stuff from NFC. There’s no I/O layer for these yet that I’m aware of, but see nfc, nfd, nfkd, and nfkc.

  11. String comparisons in using eq, ne, lc, cmp, sort, &c&cc are always wrong. So instead of @a = sort @b, you need @a = Unicode::Collate->new->sort(@b). Might as well add that to your export PERL5OPTS=-MUnicode::Collate. You can cache the key for binary comparisons.

  12. built-ins like printf and write do the wrong thing with Unicode data. You need to use the Unicode::GCString module for the former, and both that and also the Unicode::LineBreak module as well for the latter. See uwc and unifmt.

  13. If you want them to count as integers, then you are going to have to run your \d+ captures through the Unicode::UCD::num function because ’s built-in atoi(3) isn’t currently clever enough.

  14. You are going to have filesystem issues on filesystems. Some filesystems silently enforce a conversion to NFC; others silently enforce a conversion to NFD. And others do something else still. Some even ignore the matter altogether, which leads to even greater problems. So you have to do your own NFC/NFD handling to keep sane.

  15. All your code involving a-z or A-Z and such MUST BE CHANGED, including m//, s///, and tr///. It’s should stand out as a screaming red flag that your code is broken. But it is not clear how it must change. Getting the right properties, and understanding their casefolds, is harder than you might think. I use unichars and uniprops every single day.

  16. Code that uses \p{Lu} is almost as wrong as code that uses [A-Za-z]. You need to use \p{Upper} instead, and know the reason why. Yes, \p{Lowercase} and \p{Lower} are different from \p{Ll} and \p{Lowercase_Letter}.

  17. Code that uses [a-zA-Z] is even worse. And it can’t use \pL or \p{Letter}; it needs to use \p{Alphabetic}. Not all alphabetics are letters, you know!

  18. If you are looking for variables with /[\$\@\%]\w+/, then you have a problem. You need to look for /[\$\@\%]\p{IDS}\p{IDC}*/, and even that isn’t thinking about the punctuation variables or package variables.

  19. If you are checking for whitespace, then you should choose between \h and \v, depending. And you should never use \s, since it DOES NOT MEAN [\h\v], contrary to popular belief.

  20. If you are using \n for a line boundary, or even \r\n, then you are doing it wrong. You have to use \R, which is not the same!

  21. If you don’t know when and whether to call Unicode::Stringprep, then you had better learn.

  22. Case-insensitive comparisons need to check for whether two things are the same letters no matter their diacritics and such. The easiest way to do that is with the standard Unicode::Collate module. Unicode::Collate->new(level => 1)->cmp($a, $b). There are also eq methods and such, and you should probably learn about the match and substr methods, too. These are have distinct advantages over the built-ins.

  23. Sometimes that’s still not enough, and you need the Unicode::Collate::Locale module instead, as in Unicode::Collate::Locale->new(locale => "de__phonebook", level => 1)->cmp($a, $b) instead. Consider that Unicode::Collate::->new(level => 1)->eq("d", "ð") is true, but Unicode::Collate::Locale->new(locale=>"is",level => 1)->eq("d", " ð") is false. Similarly, "ae" and "æ" are eq if you don’t use locales, or if you use the English one, but they are different in the Icelandic locale. Now what? It’s tough, I tell you. You can play with ucsort to test some of these things out.

  24. Consider how to match the pattern CVCV (consonsant, vowel, consonant, vowel) in the string “niño”. Its NFD form — which you had darned well better have remembered to put it in — becomes “nin\x{303}o”. Now what are you going to do? Even pretending that a vowel is [aeiou] (which is wrong, by the way), you won’t be able to do something like (?=[aeiou])\X) either, because even in NFD a code point like ‘ø’ does not decompose! However, it will test equal to an ‘o’ using the UCA comparison I just showed you. You can’t rely on NFD, you have to rely on UCA.

And that’s not all. There are a million broken assumptions that people make about Unicode. Until they understand these things, their code will be broken.

  1. Code that assumes it can open a text file without specifying the encoding is broken.

  2. Code that assumes the default encoding is some sort of native platform encoding is broken.

  3. Code that assumes that web pages in Japanese or Chinese take up less space in UTF-16 than in UTF-8 is wrong.

  4. Code that assumes Perl uses UTF-8 internally is wrong.

  5. Code that assumes that encoding errors will always raise an exception is wrong.

  6. Code that assumes Perl code points are limited to 0x10_FFFF is wrong.

  7. Code that assumes you can set $/ to something that will work with any valid line separator is wrong.

  8. Code that assumes roundtrip equality on casefolding, like lc(uc($s)) eq $s or uc(lc($s)) eq $s, is completely broken and wrong. Consider that the uc("s") and uc("?") are both "S", but lc("S") cannot possibly return both of those.

  9. Code that assumes every lowercase code point has a distinct uppercase one, or vice versa, is broken. For example, "ª" is a lowercase letter with no uppercase; whereas both "?" and "?" are letters, but they are not lowercase letters; however, they are both lowercase code points without corresponding uppercase versions. Got that? They are not \p{Lowercase_Letter}, despite being both \p{Letter} and \p{Lowercase}.

  10. Code that assumes changing the case doesn’t change the length of the string is broken.

  11. Code that assumes there are only two cases is broken. There’s also titlecase.

  12. Code that assumes only letters have case is broken. Beyond just letters, it turns out that numbers, symbols, and even marks have case. In fact, changing the case can even make something change its main general category, like a \p{Mark} turning into a \p{Letter}. It can also make it switch from one script to another.

  13. Code that assumes that case is never locale-dependent is broken.

  14. Code that assumes Unicode gives a fig about POSIX locales is broken.

  15. Code that assumes you can remove diacritics to get at base ASCII letters is evil, still, broken, brain-damaged, wrong, and justification for capital punishment.

  16. Code that assumes that diacritics \p{Diacritic} and marks \p{Mark} are the same thing is broken.

  17. Code that assumes \p{GC=Dash_Punctuation} covers as much as \p{Dash} is broken.

  18. Code that assumes dash, hyphens, and minuses are the same thing as each other, or that there is only one of each, is broken and wrong.

  19. Code that assumes every code point takes up no more than one print column is broken.

  20. Code that assumes that all \p{Mark} characters take up zero print columns is broken.

  21. Code that assumes that characters which look alike are alike is broken.

  22. Code that assumes that characters which do not look alike are not alike is broken.

  23. Code that assumes there is a limit to the number of code points in a row that just one \X can match is wrong.

  24. Code that assumes \X can never start with a \p{Mark} character is wrong.

  25. Code that assumes that \X can never hold two non-\p{Mark} characters is wrong.

  26. Code that assumes that it cannot use "\x{FFFF}" is wrong.

  27. Code that assumes a non-BMP code point that requires two UTF-16 (surrogate) code units will encode to two separate UTF-8 characters, one per code unit, is wrong. It doesn’t: it encodes to single code point.

  28. Code that transcodes from UTF-16 or UTF-32 with leading BOMs into UTF-8 is broken if it puts a BOM at the start of the resulting UTF-8. This is so stupid the engineer should have their eyelids removed.

  29. Code that assumes the CESU-8 is a valid UTF encoding is wrong. Likewise, code that thinks encoding U+0000 as "\xC0\x80" is UTF-8 is broken and wrong. These guys also deserve the eyelid treatment.

  30. Code that assumes characters like > always points to the right and < always points to the left are wrong — because they in fact do not.

  31. Code that assumes if you first output character X and then character Y, that those will show up as XY is wrong. Sometimes they don’t.

  32. Code that assumes that ASCII is good enough for writing English properly is stupid, shortsighted, illiterate, broken, evil, and wrong. Off with their heads! If that seems too extreme, we can compromise: henceforth they may type only with their big toe from one foot. (The rest will be duct taped.)

  33. Code that assumes that all \p{Math} code points are visible characters is wrong.

  34. Code that assumes \w contains only letters, digits, and underscores is wrong.

  35. Code that assumes that ^ and ~ are punctuation marks is wrong.

  36. Code that assumes that ü has an umlaut is wrong.

  37. Code that believes things like ? contain any letters in them is wrong.

  38. Code that believes \p{InLatin} is the same as \p{Latin} is heinously broken.

  39. Code that believe that \p{InLatin} is almost ever useful is almost certainly wrong.

  40. Code that believes that given $FIRST_LETTER as the first letter in some alphabet and $LAST_LETTER as the last letter in that same alphabet, that [${FIRST_LETTER}-${LAST_LETTER}] has any meaning whatsoever is almost always complete broken and wrong and meaningless.

  41. Code that believes someone’s name can only contain certain characters is stupid, offensive, and wrong.

  42. Code that tries to reduce Unicode to ASCII is not merely wrong, its perpetrator should never be allowed to work in programming again. Period. I’m not even positive they should even be allowed to see again, since it obviously hasn’t done them much good so far.

  43. Code that believes there’s some way to pretend textfile encodings don’t exist is broken and dangerous. Might as well poke the other eye out, too.

  44. Code that converts unknown characters to ? is broken, stupid, braindead, and runs contrary to the standard recommendation, which says NOT TO DO THAT! RTFM for why not.

  45. Code that believes it can reliably guess the encoding of an unmarked textfile is guilty of a fatal mélange of hubris and naïveté that only a lightning bolt from Zeus will fix.

  46. Code that believes you can use printf widths to pad and justify Unicode data is broken and wrong.

  47. Code that believes once you successfully create a file by a given name, that when you run ls or readdir on its enclosing directory, you’ll actually find that file with the name you created it under is buggy, broken, and wrong. Stop being surprised by this!

  48. Code that believes UTF-16 is a fixed-width encoding is stupid, broken, and wrong. Revoke their programming licence.

  49. Code that treats code points from one plane one whit differently than those from any other plane is ipso facto broken and wrong. Go back to school.

  50. Code that believes that stuff like /s/i can only match "S" or "s" is broken and wrong. You’d be surprised.

  51. Code that uses \PM\pM* to find grapheme clusters instead of using \X is broken and wrong.

  52. People who want to go back to the ASCII world should be whole-heartedly encouraged to do so, and in honor of their glorious upgrade they should be provided gratis with a pre-electric manual typewriter for all their data-entry needs. Messages sent to them should be sent via an ??????s telegraph at 40 characters per line and hand-delivered by a courier. STOP.

I don’t know how much more “default Unicode in ” you can get than what I’ve written. Well, yes I do: you should be using Unicode::Collate and Unicode::LineBreak, too. And probably more.

As you see, there are far too many Unicode things that you really do have to worry about for there to ever exist any such thing as “default to Unicode”.

What you’re going to discover, just as we did back in 5.8, that it is simply impossible to impose all these things on code that hasn’t been designed right from the beginning to account for them. Your well-meaning selfishness just broke the entire world.

And even once you do, there are still critical issues that require a great deal of thought to get right. There is no switch you can flip. Nothing but brain, and I mean real brain, will suffice here. There’s a heck of a lot of stuff you have to learn. Modulo the retreat to the manual typewriter, you simply cannot hope to sneak by in ignorance. This is the 21?? century, and you cannot wish Unicode away by willful ignorance.

You have to learn it. Period. It will never be so easy that “everything just works,” because that will guarantee that a lot of things don’t work — which invalidates the assumption that there can ever be a way to “make it all work.”

You may be able to get a few reasonable defaults for a very few and very limited operations, but not without thinking about things a whole lot more than I think you have.

As just one example, canonical ordering is going to cause some real headaches. "\x{F5}" ‘õ’, "o\x{303}" ‘õ’, "o\x{303}\x{304}" ‘?’, and "o\x{304}\x{303}" ‘o~’ should all match ‘õ’, but how in the world are you going to do that? This is harder than it looks, but it’s something you need to account for.

If there’s one thing I know about Perl, it is what its Unicode bits do and do not do, and this thing I promise you: “ _?_?_?_?_?_ _?_s_ _?_?_ _U_?_?_?_?_?_?_ _?_?_?_?_?_ _?_?_?_?_?_?_ _ ”

You cannot just change some defaults and get smooth sailing. It’s true that I run with PERL_UNICODE set to "SA", but that’s all, and even that is mostly for command-line stuff. For real work, I go through all the many steps outlined above, and I do it very, ** very** carefully.

¡?dl?? ???? ?do? pu? ???p ???u ? ???? ???nl poo?

Need to get a string after a "word" in a string in c#

string founded = FindStringTakeX("UID:   994zxfa6q", "UID:", 9);

string FindStringTakeX(string strValue,string findKey,int take,bool ignoreWhiteSpace = true)
        int index = strValue.IndexOf(findKey) + findKey.Length;

        if (index >= 0)
            if (ignoreWhiteSpace)
                while (strValue[index].ToString() == " ")

            if(strValue.Length >= index + take)
                string result = strValue.Substring(index, take);

                return result;


        return string.Empty;

What is the difference between null and System.DBNull.Value?

DataRow has a method that is called IsNull() that you can use to test the column if it has a null value - regarding to the null as it's seen by the database.

DataRow["col"]==null will allways be false.


DataRow r;
if (r.IsNull("col")) ...


Position of a string within a string using Linux shell script?

I used awk for this

a="The cat sat on the mat"
awk -v a="$a" -v b="$test" 'BEGIN{print index(a,b)}'

How to serialize an object into a string

Today the most obvious approach is to save the object(s) to JSON.

  1. JSON is readable
  2. JSON is more readable and easier to work with than XML.
  3. A lot of Non-SQL databases that allow storing JSON directly.
  4. Your client already communicates with the server using JSON. (If it doesn't, it is very likely a mistake.)

Example using Gson.

Gson gson = new Gson();
Person[] persons = getArrayOfPersons();
String json = gson.toJson(persons);
//output: [{"name":"Tom","age":11},{"name":"Jack","age":12}]
Person[] personsFromJson = gson.fromJson(json, Person[].class);
class Person {
     public String name;
     public int age;

Gson allows converting List directly. Examples can be easily googled. I prefer to convert lists to arrays first.