Programs & Examples On #Flartoolkit

Checking on a thread / remove from list

As TokenMacGuy says, you should use thread.is_alive() to check if a thread is still running. To remove no longer running threads from your list you can use a list comprehension:

for t in my_threads:
    if not t.is_alive():
        # get results from thread
        t.handled = True
my_threads = [t for t in my_threads if not t.handled]

This avoids the problem of removing items from a list while iterating over it.

Casting to string in JavaScript

Real world example: I've got a log function that can be called with an arbitrary number of parameters: log("foo is {} and bar is {}", param1, param2). If a DEBUG flag is set to true, the brackets get replaced by the given parameters and the string is passed to console.log(msg). Parameters can and will be Strings, Numbers and whatever may be returned by JSON / AJAX calls, maybe even null.

  • arguments[i].toString() is not an option, because of possible null values (see Connell Watkins answer)
  • JSLint will complain about arguments[i] + "". This may or may not influence a decision on what to use. Some folks strictly adhere to JSLint.
  • In some browsers, concatenating empty strings is a little faster than using string function or string constructor (see JSPerf test in Sammys S. answer). In Opera 12 and Firefox 19, concatenating empty strings is rediculously faster (95% in Firefox 19) - or at least JSPerf says so.

Bulk insert with SQLAlchemy ORM

As far as I know, there is no way to get the ORM to issue bulk inserts. I believe the underlying reason is that SQLAlchemy needs to keep track of each object's identity (i.e., new primary keys), and bulk inserts interfere with that. For example, assuming your foo table contains an id column and is mapped to a Foo class:

x = Foo(bar=1)
# None
# INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES(1)
# 1

Since SQLAlchemy picked up the value for without issuing another query, we can infer that it got the value directly from the INSERT statement. If you don't need subsequent access to the created objects via the same instances, you can skip the ORM layer for your insert:

Foo.__table__.insert().execute([{'bar': 1}, {'bar': 2}, {'bar': 3}])
# INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES ((1,), (2,), (3,))

SQLAlchemy can't match these new rows with any existing objects, so you'll have to query them anew for any subsequent operations.

As far as stale data is concerned, it's helpful to remember that the session has no built-in way to know when the database is changed outside of the session. In order to access externally modified data through existing instances, the instances must be marked as expired. This happens by default on session.commit(), but can be done manually by calling session.expire_all() or session.expire(instance). An example (SQL omitted):

x = Foo(bar=1)
# 1
# 1
# 42

session.commit() expires x, so the first print statement implicitly opens a new transaction and re-queries x's attributes. If you comment out the first print statement, you'll notice that the second one now picks up the correct value, because the new query isn't emitted until after the update.

This makes sense from the point of view of transactional isolation - you should only pick up external modifications between transactions. If this is causing you trouble, I'd suggest clarifying or re-thinking your application's transaction boundaries instead of immediately reaching for session.expire_all().

How do I remove all HTML tags from a string without knowing which tags are in it?

You can parse the string using Html Agility pack and get the InnerText.

    HtmlDocument htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument();
    htmlDoc.LoadHtml(@"<b> Hulk Hogan's Celebrity Championship Wrestling &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color=\"#228b22\">[Proj # 206010]</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (Reality Series, &nbsp;)");
    string result = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.InnerText;

Post form data using HttpWebRequest

Try this:

var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");

var postData = "thing1=hello";
    postData += "&thing2=world";
var data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(postData);

request.Method = "POST";
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
request.ContentLength = data.Length;

using (var stream = request.GetRequestStream())
    stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);

var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();

var responseString = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();

How do I check in SQLite whether a table exists?

If you are getting a "table already exists" error, make changes in the SQL string as below:

CREATE table IF NOT EXISTS table_name (para1,para2);

This way you can avoid the exceptions.

StringUtils.isBlank() vs String.isEmpty()

Instead of using third party lib, use Java 11 isBlank()

    String str1 = "";
    String str2 = "   ";
    Character ch = '\u0020';
    String str3 =ch+" "+ch;

    System.out.println(str1.isEmpty()); //true
    System.out.println(str2.isEmpty()); //false
    System.out.println(str3.isEmpty()); //false            

    System.out.println(str1.isBlank()); //true
    System.out.println(str2.isBlank()); //true
    System.out.println(str3.isBlank()); //true

Creating a directory in /sdcard fails

There are three things to consider here:

  1. Don't assume that the sd card is mounted at /sdcard (May be true in the default case, but better not to hard code.). You can get the location of sdcard by querying the system:

  2. You have to inform Android that your application needs to write to external storage by adding a uses-permission entry in the AndroidManifest.xml file:

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
  3. If this directory already exists, then mkdir is going to return false. So check for the existence of the directory, and then try creating it if it does not exist. In your component, use something like:

    File folder = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/map");
    boolean success = true;
    if (!folder.exists()) {
        success = folder.mkdir();
    if (success) {
        // Do something on success
    } else {
        // Do something else on failure 

Addition for BigDecimal

BigDecimal demo = new BigDecimal(15);

It is immutable beacuse it internally store you input i.e (15) as final private final BigInteger intVal; and same concept use at the time of string creation every input finally store in private final char value[];.So there is no implmented bug.

Groovy - Convert object to JSON string

Do you mean like:

import groovy.json.*

class Me {
    String name

def o = new Me( name: 'tim' )

println new JsonBuilder( o ).toPrettyString()

How do I detect if software keyboard is visible on Android Device or not?

In Android you can detect through ADB shell. I wrote and use this method:

        JSch jsch = new JSch();
        try {
            Session session = jsch.getSession("<userName>", "<IP>", 22);
            Properties config = new Properties();
            config.put("StrictHostKeyChecking", "no");

            ChannelExec channel = (ChannelExec)session.openChannel("exec");
            BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new    
            channel.setCommand("C:/Android/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb shell dumpsys window 
            InputMethod | findstr \"mHasSurface\"");

            String msg = null;
            String msg2 = " mHasSurface=true";

            while ((msg = in.readLine()) != null) {
                Boolean isContain = msg.contains(msg2);
                if (isContain){
          "Hiding keyboard...");
                else {
          "No need to hide keyboard.");


        } catch (JSchException | IOException | InterruptedException e) {

How to iterate over arguments in a Bash script

You can also access them as an array elements, for example if you don't want to iterate through all of them


for (( j=0; j<argc; j++ )); do
    echo "${argv[j]}"

Multidimensional arrays in Swift

Using as a start, I added generics to mine:

class Array2DTyped<T>{

var cols:Int, rows:Int
var matrix:[T]

init(cols:Int, rows:Int, defaultValue:T){
    self.cols = cols
    self.rows = rows
    matrix = Array(count:cols*rows,repeatedValue:defaultValue)

subscript(col:Int, row:Int) -> T {
        return matrix[cols * row + col]
        matrix[cols * row + col] = newValue

func colCount() -> Int {
    return self.cols

func rowCount() -> Int {
    return self.rows

Cast Int to enum in Java

This is the same answer as the doctors but it shows how to eliminate the problem with mutable arrays. If you use this kind of approach because of branch prediction first if will have very little to zero effect and whole code only calls mutable array values() function only once. As both variables are static they will not consume n * memory for every usage of this enumeration too.

private static boolean arrayCreated = false;
private static RFMsgType[] ArrayOfValues;

public static RFMsgType GetMsgTypeFromValue(int MessageID) {
    if (arrayCreated == false) {
        ArrayOfValues = RFMsgType.values();

    for (int i = 0; i < ArrayOfValues.length; i++) {
        if (ArrayOfValues[i].MessageIDValue == MessageID) {
            return ArrayOfValues[i];
    return RFMsgType.UNKNOWN;

Select data from date range between two dates

Just my 2 cents, I find using the "dd-MMM-yyyy" format safest as the db server will know what you want regardless of the regional settings on the server. Otherwise you could potentially run into issues on a server that has its date regional settings as yyyy-dd-mm (for whatsoever reason)


SELECT * FROM Product_sales 
WHERE From_date >= '03-Jan-2013'
AND To_date <= '09-Jan-2013'

It's always worked well for me ;-)

Handling very large numbers in Python

Python supports a "bignum" integer type which can work with arbitrarily large numbers. In Python 2.5+, this type is called long and is separate from the int type, but the interpreter will automatically use whichever is more appropriate. In Python 3.0+, the int type has been dropped completely.

That's just an implementation detail, though — as long as you have version 2.5 or better, just perform standard math operations and any number which exceeds the boundaries of 32-bit math will be automatically (and transparently) converted to a bignum.

You can find all the gory details in PEP 0237.

How To Get The Current Year Using Vba

Try =Year(Now()) and format the cell as General.

Check if event exists on element

You may use:


to make sure all click events are unbinded, then attach your event

Convert column classes in data.table

Try this

DT <- data.table(X1 = c("a", "b"), X2 = c(1,2), X3 = c("hello", "you"))
changeCols <- colnames(DT)[which(as.vector(DT[,lapply(.SD, class)]) == "character")]

DT[,(changeCols):= lapply(.SD, as.factor), .SDcols = changeCols]

Sending data from HTML form to a Python script in Flask

You need a Flask view that will receive POST data and an HTML form that will send it.

from flask import request

@app.route('/addRegion', methods=['POST'])
def addRegion():
    return (request.form['projectFilePath'])
<form action="{{ url_for('addRegion') }}" method="post">
    Project file path: <input type="text" name="projectFilePath"><br>
    <input type="submit" value="Submit">

Fake "click" to activate an onclick method

just call "onclick"!

here's an example html:

<div id="c" onclick="alert('hello')">Click me!</div>
<div onclick="document.getElementById('c').onclick()">Fake click the previous link!</div>

.net Core 2.0 - Package was restored using .NetFramework 4.6.1 instead of target framework .netCore 2.0. The package may not be fully compatible

The package is not fully compatible with dotnetcore 2.0 for now.

eg, for 'Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client' it maybe supported in version (5.2.4). See Consume new Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client.5.2.4 package for details.

You could try the standard Client package as Federico mentioned.

If that still not work, then as a workaround you can only create a Console App (.Net Framework) instead of the .net core 2.0 console app.

Reference this thread: Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client supported in .NET Core or not?

Powershell script to see currently logged in users (domain and machine) + status (active, idle, away)

If you want to find interactively logged on users, I found a great tip here : (Win32_ComputerSystem did not help me)

$explorerprocesses = @(Get-WmiObject -Query "Select * FROM Win32_Process WHERE Name='explorer.exe'" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
If ($explorerprocesses.Count -eq 0)
    "No explorer process found / Nobody interactively logged on"
    ForEach ($i in $explorerprocesses)
        $Username = $i.GetOwner().User
        $Domain = $i.GetOwner().Domain
        Write-Host "$Domain\$Username logged on since: $($i.ConvertToDateTime($i.CreationDate))"

Extract Data from PDF and Add to Worksheet

Since I do not prefer to rely on external libraries and/or other programs, I have extended your solution so that it works. The actual change here is using the GetFromClipboard function instead of Paste which is mainly used to paste a range of cells. Of course, the downside is that the user must not change focus or intervene during the whole process.

Dim pathPDF As String, textPDF As String
Dim openPDF As Object
Dim objPDF As MsForms.DataObject

pathPDF = "C:\some\path\data.pdf"
Set openPDF = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
openPDF.Open (pathPDF)
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:2")
SendKeys "^a"
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:2")
SendKeys "^c"
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:1")

AppActivate ActiveWorkbook.Windows(1).Caption
textPDF = objPDF.GetText(1)
MsgBox textPDF

If you're interested see my project in github.

Linq Syntax - Selecting multiple columns

As the other answers have indicated, you need to use an anonymous type.

As far as syntax is concerned, I personally far prefer method chaining. The method chaining equivalent would be:-

var employee = _db.EMPLOYEEs
    .Where(x => x.EMAIL == givenInfo || x.USER_NAME == givenInfo)
    .Select(x => new { x.EMAIL, x.ID });

AFAIK, the declarative LINQ syntax is converted to a method call chain similar to this when it is compiled.


If you want the entire object, then you just have to omit the call to Select(), i.e.

var employee = _db.EMPLOYEEs
    .Where(x => x.EMAIL == givenInfo || x.USER_NAME == givenInfo);

Install opencv for Python 3.3

A full instruction relating to James Fletcher's answer can be found here

Particularly for Anaconda distribution I had to modify it this way:

    -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local \
    -D PYTHON3_PACKAGES_PATH=/anaconda/lib/python3.4/site-packages/ \
    -D PYTHON3_LIBRARY=/anaconda/lib/libpython3.4m.dylib \
    -D PYTHON3_INCLUDE_DIR=/anaconda/include/python3.4m \
    -D BUILD_opencv_python3=ON \
    -D OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=../opencv_contrib/modules ..

Last line can be ommited (see link above)

Adding values to an array in java

put x=0 outside the for loop that is the problem

CSS3 equivalent to jQuery slideUp and slideDown?

I changed your solution, so that it works in all modern browsers:

css snippet:

-webkit-transition: height 1s ease-in-out;
-moz-transition: height 1s ease-in-out;
-ms-transition: height 1s ease-in-out;
-o-transition: height 1s ease-in-out;
transition: height 1s ease-in-out;

js snippet:

    var clone = $('#this').clone()

    var newHeight = $(".slideClone").height();
    $('#this').css('height',newHeight + 'px');

here's the full example

Get current value when change select option - Angular2

For me, passing ($ as suggested by @microniks did not work. What worked was ($event.value) instead. I am using Angular 4.2.x and Angular Material 2

<select (change)="onItemChange($event.value)">
    <option *ngFor="#value of values" [value]="value.key">

When should I use File.separator and when File.pathSeparator? class contains four static separator variables. For better understanding, Let's understand with the help of some code

  1. separator: Platform dependent default name-separator character as String. For windows, it’s ‘\’ and for unix it’s ‘/’
  2. separatorChar: Same as separator but it’s char
  3. pathSeparator: Platform dependent variable for path-separator. For example PATH or CLASSPATH variable list of paths separated by ‘:’ in Unix systems and ‘;’ in Windows system
  4. pathSeparatorChar: Same as pathSeparator but it’s char

Note that all of these are final variables and system dependent.

Here is the java program to print these separator variables.


public class FileSeparator {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("File.separator = "+File.separator);
        System.out.println("File.separatorChar = "+File.separatorChar);
        System.out.println("File.pathSeparator = "+File.pathSeparator);
        System.out.println("File.pathSeparatorChar = "+File.pathSeparatorChar);


Output of above program on Unix system:

File.separator = /
File.separatorChar = /
File.pathSeparator = :
File.pathSeparatorChar = :

Output of the program on Windows system:

File.separator = \
File.separatorChar = \
File.pathSeparator = ;
File.pathSeparatorChar = ;

To make our program platform independent, we should always use these separators to create file path or read any system variables like PATH, CLASSPATH.

Here is the code snippet showing how to use separators correctly.

//no platform independence, good for Unix systems
File fileUnsafe = new File("tmp/abc.txt");
//platform independent and safe to use across Unix and Windows
File fileSafe = new File("tmp"+File.separator+"abc.txt");

How can I troubleshoot Python "Could not find platform independent libraries <prefix>"

If you made a virtual env, then deleted that python installation, you'll get the same error. Just rm -r your venv folder, then recreate it with a valid python location and do pip install -r requirements.txt and you'll be all set (assuming you got your requirements.txt right).

How to default to other directory instead of home directory

Another solution for Windows users will be to copy the Git Bash.lnk file to the directory you need to start from and launch it from there.

How to sort Map values by key in Java?

Just in case you don't wanna use a TreeMap

public static Map<Integer, Integer> sortByKey(Map<Integer, Integer> map) {
        List<Map.Entry<Integer, Integer>> list = new ArrayList<>(map.entrySet());
        Map<Integer, Integer> sortedMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        list.forEach(e -> sortedMap.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue()));
        return sortedMap;

Also, in-case you wanted to sort your map on the basis of values just change Map.Entry::getKey to Map.Entry::getValue

Composer require runs out of memory. PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 1610612736 bytes exhausted

Just in case you get a composer error with:

Could not open input file: composer


php -d memory_limit=-1 /usr/local/bin/composer require ...

How Long Does it Take to Learn Java for a Complete Newbie?

The best advice for learning to program is basically: write a lot of programs.

Project Euler contains lots of problems well suited for this purpose, as the resulting programs are manageable in size while actually allowing you to solve an explicit problem.

websocket closing connection automatically

I think this timeout you are experiencing is actually part of TCP/IP and the solution is to just send empty messages once in a while.

How to detect online/offline event cross-browser?

Please find the require.js module that I wrote for Offline.

define(['offline'], function (Offline) {
    //Tested with Chrome and IE11 Latest Versions as of 20140412
    //Offline.js - 
    //Offline.js is a library to automatically alert your users 
    //when they've lost internet connectivity, like Gmail.
    //It captures AJAX requests which were made while the connection 
    //was down, and remakes them when it's back up, so your app 
    //reacts perfectly.

    //It has a number of beautiful themes and requires no configuration.
    //Object that will be exposed to the outside world. (Revealing Module Pattern)

    var OfflineDetector = {};

    //Flag indicating current network status.
    var isOffline = false;

    //Configuration Options for Offline.js
    Offline.options = {
        checks: {
            xhr: {
                //By default Offline.js queries favicon.ico.
                //Change this to hit a service that simply returns a 204.
                url: 'favicon.ico'

        checkOnLoad: true,
        interceptRequests: true,
        reconnect: true,
        requests: true,
        game: false

    //Offline.js raises the 'up' event when it is able to reach
    //the server indicating that connection is up.
    Offline.on('up', function () {
        isOffline = false;

    //Offline.js raises the 'down' event when it is unable to reach
    //the server indicating that connection is down.
    Offline.on('down', function () {
        isOffline = true;

    //Expose Offline.js instance for outside world!
    OfflineDetector.Offline = Offline;

    //OfflineDetector.isOffline() method returns the current status.
    OfflineDetector.isOffline = function () {
        return isOffline;

    //start() method contains functionality to repeatedly
    //invoke check() method of Offline.js.
    //This repeated call helps in detecting the status.
    OfflineDetector.start = function () {
        var checkOfflineStatus = function () {
        setInterval(checkOfflineStatus, 3000);

    //Start OfflineDetector
    return OfflineDetector;

Please read this blog post and let me know your thoughts. It contains a code sample using offline.js to detect when the client is offline.

Server is already running in Rails

TL;DR Just Run this command to Kill it

sudo kill -9 $(lsof -i :3000 -t)

Root Cause: Because PID is locked in a file and web server thinks that if that file exists then it means it is already running. Normally when a web server is closed that file is deleted, but in some cases, proper deletion doesn't happen so you have to remove the file manually New Solutions

when you run rails s

=> Booting WEBrick

=> Rails 4.0.4 application starting in development on

=> Run rails server -h for more startup options

=> Ctrl-C to shutdown server

A server is already running. Check /your_project_path/tmp/pids/ Exiting

So place your path shown here /your_project_path/tmp/pids/

and remove this file:

rm /your_project_path/tmp/pids/

OR Incase you're server was detached then follow below guidelines:

If you detached you rails server by using command "rails -d" then,

Remove rails detached server by using command

ps -aef | grep rails

OR by this command

sudo lsof -wni tcp:3000


kill -9 pID

OR use this command

To find and kill process by port name on which that program is running. For 3000 replace port on which your program is running.

sudo kill -9 $(lsof -i :3000 -t)

Old Solution:

rails s -p 4000 -P tmp/pids/

Also you can find this post for more options Rails Update to 3.2.11 breaks running multiple servers

Can you use a trailing comma in a JSON object?

I usually loop over the array and attach a comma after every entry in the string. After the loop I delete the last comma again.

Maybe not the best way, but less expensive than checking every time if it's the last object in the loop I guess.

PostgreSQL function for last inserted ID

I had this issue with Java and Postgres. I fixed it by updating a new Connector-J version.

postgresql-9.2-1002.jdbc4.jar Version 42.2.12

How to use clock() in C++

An alternative solution, which is portable and with higher precision, available since C++11, is to use std::chrono.

Here is an example:

#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
typedef std::chrono::high_resolution_clock Clock;

int main()
    auto t1 = Clock::now();
    auto t2 = Clock::now();
    std::cout << "Delta t2-t1: " 
              << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(t2 - t1).count()
              << " nanoseconds" << std::endl;

Running this on gave me:

Delta t2-t1: 282 nanoseconds

C++ alignment when printing cout <<

Another way to make column aligned is as follows:

using namespace std;

cout.width(20); cout << left << "Artist";
cout.width(20); cout << left << "Title";
cout.width(10); cout << left << "Price";
cout.width(20); cout << left << artist;
cout.width(20); cout << left << title;
cout.width(10); cout << left << price;

We should estimate maximum length of values for each column. In this case, values of "Artist" column should not exceed 20 characters and so on.

How to split csv whose columns may contain ,

It is a tricky matter to parse .csv files when the .csv file could be either comma separated strings, comma separated quoted strings, or a chaotic combination of the two. The solution I came up with allows for any of the three possibilities.

I created a method, ParseCsvRow() which returns an array from a csv string. I first deal with double quotes in the string by splitting the string on double quotes into an array called quotesArray. Quoted string .csv files are only valid if there is an even number of double quotes. Double quotes in a column value should be replaced with a pair of double quotes (This is Excel's approach). As long as the .csv file meets these requirements, you can expect the delimiter commas to appear only outside of pairs of double quotes. Commas inside of pairs of double quotes are part of the column value and should be ignored when splitting the .csv into an array.

My method will test for commas outside of double quote pairs by looking only at even indexes of the quotesArray. It also removes double quotes from the start and end of column values.

    public static string[] ParseCsvRow(string csvrow)
        const string obscureCharacter = "?";
        if (csvrow.Contains(obscureCharacter)) throw new Exception("Error: csv row may not contain the " + obscureCharacter + " character");

        var unicodeSeparatedString = "";

        var quotesArray = csvrow.Split('"');  // Split string on double quote character
        if (quotesArray.Length > 1)
            for (var i = 0; i < quotesArray.Length; i++)
                // CSV must use double quotes to represent a quote inside a quoted cell
                // Quotes must be paired up
                // Test if a comma lays outside a pair of quotes.  If so, replace the comma with an obscure unicode character
                if (Math.Round(Math.Round((decimal) i/2)*2) == i)
                    var s = quotesArray[i].Trim();
                    switch (s)
                        case ",":
                            quotesArray[i] = obscureCharacter;  // Change quoted comma seperated string to quoted "obscure character" seperated string
                // Build string and Replace quotes where quotes were expected.
                unicodeSeparatedString += (i > 0 ? "\"" : "") + quotesArray[i].Trim();
            // String does not have any pairs of double quotes.  It should be safe to just replace the commas with the obscure character
            unicodeSeparatedString = csvrow.Replace(",", obscureCharacter);

        var csvRowArray = unicodeSeparatedString.Split(obscureCharacter[0]); 

        for (var i = 0; i < csvRowArray.Length; i++)
            var s = csvRowArray[i].Trim();
            if (s.StartsWith("\"") && s.EndsWith("\""))
                csvRowArray[i] = s.Length > 2 ? s.Substring(1, s.Length - 2) : "";  // Remove start and end quotes.

        return csvRowArray;

One downside of my approach is the way I temporarily replace delimiter commas with an obscure unicode character. This character needs to be so obscure, it would never show up in your .csv file. You may want to put more handling around this.

WooCommerce - get category for product page

Thanks Box. I'm using MyStile Theme and I needed to display the product category name in my search result page. I added this function to my child theme functions.php

Hope it helps others.

/* Post Meta */

if (!function_exists( 'woo_post_meta')) {
    function woo_post_meta( ) {
        global $woo_options;
        global $post;

        $terms = get_the_terms( $post->ID, 'product_cat' );
        foreach ($terms as $term) {
            $product_cat = $term->name;

<aside class="post-meta">
        <li class="post-category">
            <?php the_category( ', ', $post->ID) ?>
                        <?php echo $product_cat; ?>

        <?php the_tags( '<li class="tags">', ', ', '</li>' ); ?>
        <?php if ( isset( $woo_options['woo_post_content'] ) && $woo_options['woo_post_content'] == 'excerpt' ) { ?>
            <li class="comments"><?php comments_popup_link( __( 'Leave a comment', 'woothemes' ), __( '1 Comment', 'woothemes' ), __( '% Comments', 'woothemes' ) ); ?></li>
        <?php } ?>
        <?php edit_post_link( __( 'Edit', 'woothemes' ), '<li class="edit">', '</li>' ); ?>


Responsive font size in CSS

After many conclusions I ended up with this combination:

@media only screen and (max-width: 730px) {

    h2 {
        font-size: 4.3vw;

What is the difference between ( for... in ) and ( for... of ) statements?

Here is a useful mnemonic for remembering the difference between Loop and for...of Loop.

"index in, object of" Loop => iterates over the index in the array.

for...of Loop => iterates over the object of objects.

How To Include CSS and jQuery in my WordPress plugin?



function my_init_method() {
    wp_deregister_script( 'jquery' );
    wp_register_script( 'jquery', '');

add_action('init', 'my_init_method');

How can I change image source on click with jQuery?

You should consider using a button for this. Links generally should be use for linking. Buttons can be used for other functionality you wish to add. Neals solution works, but its a workaround.

If you use a <button> instead of a <a>, your original code should work as expected.

Why is division in Ruby returning an integer instead of decimal value?

It’s doing integer division. You can use to_f to force things into floating-point mode:

9.to_f / 5  #=> 1.8
9 / 5.to_f  #=> 1.8

This also works if your values are variables instead of literals. Converting one value to a float is sufficient to coerce the whole expression to floating point arithmetic.

How to create a link for all mobile devices that opens google maps with a route starting at the current location, destinating a given place?

Well no, from an iOS developer prospective, there are two links that I know of that will open the Maps app on the iPhone

On iOS 5 and lower:

On iOS 6 and up:

And that's only on Safari. Chrome will direct you to Google Maps webpage.

Other than that you'll need to use a URL scheme that basically beats the purpose because no android will know that protocol.

You might want to know, Why Safari opens the Maps app and Chrome directs me to a webpage?

Well, because safari is the build in browser made by apple and can detect the URL above. Chrome is "just another app" and must comply to the iOS Ecosystem. Therefor the only way for it to communicate with other apps is by using URL schemes.

How to get current html page title with javascript


returns all the title

but if you just want the page title then use


Biggest advantage to using ASP.Net MVC vs web forms

MVC lets you have more than one form on a page, A small feature I know but it is handy!

Also the MVC pattern I feel make the code easier to maintain, esp. when you revisiting it after a few months.

how to delete default values in text field using selenium?

You can use the code below. It selects the pre-existing value in the field and overwrites it with the new value.

driver.findElement(By.xpath("*enter your xpath here*")).sendKeys(Keys.chord(Keys.CONTROL, "a"),*enter the new value here*);

How to configure ChromeDriver to initiate Chrome browser in Headless mode through Selenium?

ChromeOptions chromeOptions = new ChromeOptions();
ChromeDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(chromeOptions);

No Exception while type casting with a null in java

As others have written, you can cast null to everything. Normally, you wouldn't need that, you can write:

String nullString = null;

without putting the cast there.

But there are occasions where such casts make sense:

a) if you want to make sure that a specific method is called, like:

void foo(String bar) {  ... }
void foo(Object bar) {  ... }

then it would make a difference if you type

foo((String) null) vs. foo(null)

b) if you intend to use your IDE to generate code; for example I am typically writing unit tests like:

public testCtorWithNullWhatever() {
    new MyClassUnderTest((Whatever) null);

I am doing TDD; this means that the class "MyClassUnderTest" probably doesn't exist yet. By writing down that code, I can then use my IDE to first generate the new class; and to then generate a constructor accepting a "Whatever" argument "out of the box" - the IDE can figure from my test that the constructor should take exactly one argument of type Whatever.

How can I get the SQL of a PreparedStatement?

Using PostgreSQL 9.6.x with official Java driver 42.2.4:


Will show the SQL with the ? already replaced, which is what I was looking for. Just added this answer to cover the postgres case.

I would never have thought it could be so simple.

Deleting a pointer in C++

int value, *ptr;

value = 8;
ptr = &value;
// ptr points to value, which lives on a stack frame.
// you are not responsible for managing its lifetime.

ptr = new int;
delete ptr;
// yes this is the normal way to manage the lifetime of
// dynamically allocated memory, you new'ed it, you delete it.

ptr = nullptr;
delete ptr;
// this is illogical, essentially you are saying delete nothing.

Find everything between two XML tags with RegEx

It is not a good idea to use regex for HTML/XML parsing...

However, if you want to do it anyway, search for regex pattern


and replace it with empty string...

How to generate an MD5 file hash in JavaScript?

Simplified and minified version (about 3.5k) of this nice implementation

will be (stripped utf-8 conversion, upper/lowercase change the array). This is the smallest size I could get, still perfect for embedded web servers.

function md5(d){return rstr2hex(binl2rstr(binl_md5(rstr2binl(d),8*d.length)))}function rstr2hex(d){for(var _,m="0123456789ABCDEF",f="",r=0;r<d.length;r++)_=d.charCodeAt(r),f+=m.charAt(_>>>4&15)+m.charAt(15&_);return f}function rstr2binl(d){for(var _=Array(d.length>>2),m=0;m<_.length;m++)_[m]=0;for(m=0;m<8*d.length;m+=8)_[m>>5]|=(255&d.charCodeAt(m/8))<<m%32;return _}function binl2rstr(d){for(var _="",m=0;m<32*d.length;m+=8)_+=String.fromCharCode(d[m>>5]>>>m%32&255);return _}function binl_md5(d,_){d[_>>5]|=128<<_%32,d[14+(_+64>>>9<<4)]=_;for(var m=1732584193,f=-271733879,r=-1732584194,i=271733878,n=0;n<d.length;n+=16){var h=m,t=f,g=r,e=i;f=md5_ii(f=md5_ii(f=md5_ii(f=md5_ii(f=md5_hh(f=md5_hh(f=md5_hh(f=md5_hh(f=md5_gg(f=md5_gg(f=md5_gg(f=md5_gg(f=md5_ff(f=md5_ff(f=md5_ff(f=md5_ff(f,r=md5_ff(r,i=md5_ff(i,m=md5_ff(m,f,r,i,d[n+0],7,-680876936),f,r,d[n+1],12,-389564586),m,f,d[n+2],17,606105819),i,m,d[n+3],22,-1044525330),r=md5_ff(r,i=md5_ff(i,m=md5_ff(m,f,r,i,d[n+4],7,-176418897),f,r,d[n+5],12,1200080426),m,f,d[n+6],17,-1473231341),i,m,d[n+7],22,-45705983),r=md5_ff(r,i=md5_ff(i,m=md5_ff(m,f,r,i,d[n+8],7,1770035416),f,r,d[n+9],12,-1958414417),m,f,d[n+10],17,-42063),i,m,d[n+11],22,-1990404162),r=md5_ff(r,i=md5_ff(i,m=md5_ff(m,f,r,i,d[n+12],7,1804603682),f,r,d[n+13],12,-40341101),m,f,d[n+14],17,-1502002290),i,m,d[n+15],22,1236535329),r=md5_gg(r,i=md5_gg(i,m=md5_gg(m,f,r,i,d[n+1],5,-165796510),f,r,d[n+6],9,-1069501632),m,f,d[n+11],14,643717713),i,m,d[n+0],20,-373897302),r=md5_gg(r,i=md5_gg(i,m=md5_gg(m,f,r,i,d[n+5],5,-701558691),f,r,d[n+10],9,38016083),m,f,d[n+15],14,-660478335),i,m,d[n+4],20,-405537848),r=md5_gg(r,i=md5_gg(i,m=md5_gg(m,f,r,i,d[n+9],5,568446438),f,r,d[n+14],9,-1019803690),m,f,d[n+3],14,-187363961),i,m,d[n+8],20,1163531501),r=md5_gg(r,i=md5_gg(i,m=md5_gg(m,f,r,i,d[n+13],5,-1444681467),f,r,d[n+2],9,-51403784),m,f,d[n+7],14,1735328473),i,m,d[n+12],20,-1926607734),r=md5_hh(r,i=md5_hh(i,m=md5_hh(m,f,r,i,d[n+5],4,-378558),f,r,d[n+8],11,-2022574463),m,f,d[n+11],16,1839030562),i,m,d[n+14],23,-35309556),r=md5_hh(r,i=md5_hh(i,m=md5_hh(m,f,r,i,d[n+1],4,-1530992060),f,r,d[n+4],11,1272893353),m,f,d[n+7],16,-155497632),i,m,d[n+10],23,-1094730640),r=md5_hh(r,i=md5_hh(i,m=md5_hh(m,f,r,i,d[n+13],4,681279174),f,r,d[n+0],11,-358537222),m,f,d[n+3],16,-722521979),i,m,d[n+6],23,76029189),r=md5_hh(r,i=md5_hh(i,m=md5_hh(m,f,r,i,d[n+9],4,-640364487),f,r,d[n+12],11,-421815835),m,f,d[n+15],16,530742520),i,m,d[n+2],23,-995338651),r=md5_ii(r,i=md5_ii(i,m=md5_ii(m,f,r,i,d[n+0],6,-198630844),f,r,d[n+7],10,1126891415),m,f,d[n+14],15,-1416354905),i,m,d[n+5],21,-57434055),r=md5_ii(r,i=md5_ii(i,m=md5_ii(m,f,r,i,d[n+12],6,1700485571),f,r,d[n+3],10,-1894986606),m,f,d[n+10],15,-1051523),i,m,d[n+1],21,-2054922799),r=md5_ii(r,i=md5_ii(i,m=md5_ii(m,f,r,i,d[n+8],6,1873313359),f,r,d[n+15],10,-30611744),m,f,d[n+6],15,-1560198380),i,m,d[n+13],21,1309151649),r=md5_ii(r,i=md5_ii(i,m=md5_ii(m,f,r,i,d[n+4],6,-145523070),f,r,d[n+11],10,-1120210379),m,f,d[n+2],15,718787259),i,m,d[n+9],21,-343485551),m=safe_add(m,h),f=safe_add(f,t),r=safe_add(r,g),i=safe_add(i,e)}return Array(m,f,r,i)}function md5_cmn(d,_,m,f,r,i){return safe_add(bit_rol(safe_add(safe_add(_,d),safe_add(f,i)),r),m)}function md5_ff(d,_,m,f,r,i,n){return md5_cmn(_&m|~_&f,d,_,r,i,n)}function md5_gg(d,_,m,f,r,i,n){return md5_cmn(_&f|m&~f,d,_,r,i,n)}function md5_hh(d,_,m,f,r,i,n){return md5_cmn(_^m^f,d,_,r,i,n)}function md5_ii(d,_,m,f,r,i,n){return md5_cmn(m^(_|~f),d,_,r,i,n)}function safe_add(d,_){var m=(65535&d)+(65535&_);return(d>>16)+(_>>16)+(m>>16)<<16|65535&m}function bit_rol(d,_){return d<<_|d>>>32-_}

"Correct" way to specifiy optional arguments in R functions

I would tend to prefer using NULL for the clarity of what is required and what is optional. One word of warning about using default values that depend on other arguments, as suggested by Jthorpe. The value is not set when the function is called, but when the argument is first referenced! For instance:

foo <- function(x,y=length(x)){
    x <- x[1:10]
#[1] 10

On the other hand, if you reference y before changing x:

foo <- function(x,y=length(x)){
    x <- x[1:10]
#[1] 20

This is a bit dangerous, because it makes it hard to keep track of what "y" is being initialized as if it's not called early on in the function.

A column-vector y was passed when a 1d array was expected

With neuraxle, you can easily solve this :

p = Pipeline([
   # expected outputs shape: (n, 1)
   # expected outputs shape: (n, )

p, outputs = p.fit_transform(data_inputs, expected_outputs)

Neuraxle is a sklearn-like framework for hyperparameter tuning and AutoML in deep learning projects !

Convert date from String to Date format in Dataframes

you can also do this query...!

select from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('08/26/2016', 'MM/dd/yyyy'), 'yyyy:MM:dd') as new_format

enter image description here

How do browser cookie domains work?

The RFCs are known not to reflect reality.

Better check draft-ietf-httpstate-cookie, work in progress.

Struct Constructor in C++?

In C++ the only difference between a class and a struct is that members and base classes are private by default in classes, whereas they are public by default in structs.

So structs can have constructors, and the syntax is the same as for classes.

Less than or equal to

In batch, the > is a redirection sign used to output data into a text file. The compare op's available (And recommended) for cmd are below (quoted from the if /? help):

where compare-op may be one of:

    EQU - equal
    NEQ - not equal
    LSS - less than
    LEQ - less than or equal
    GTR - greater than
    GEQ - greater than or equal

That should explain what you want. The only other compare-op is == which can be switched with the if not parameter. Other then that rely on these three letter ones.

Setting user agent of a java URLConnection

Off hand, setting the http.agent system property to "" might do the trick (I don't have the code in front of me).

You might get away with:

 System.setProperty("http.agent", "");

but that might require a race between you and initialisation of the URL protocol handler, if it caches the value at startup (actually, I don't think it does).

The property can also be set through JNLP files (available to applets from 6u10) and on the command line:


Or for wrapper commands:


All ASP.NET Web API controllers return 404

I have solved similar problem by attaching with debugger to application init. Just start webserver (for example, access localhost), attach to w3wp and see, if app initialization finished correctly. In my case there was exception, and controllers was not registered.

Getting activity from context in android

This method should be helpful..!

public Activity getActivityByContext(Context context){

if(context == null){
    return null;

else if((context instanceof ContextWrapper) && (context instanceof Activity)){
        return (Activity) context;

else if(context instanceof ContextWrapper){
        return getActivity(((ContextWrapper) context).getBaseContext());

return null;


I hope this helps.. Merry coding!

How to plot time series in python

Convert your x-axis data from text to datetime.datetime, use datetime.strptime:

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> datetime.strptime("2012-may-31 19:00", "%Y-%b-%d %H:%M")
 datetime.datetime(2012, 5, 31, 19, 0)

This is an example of how to plot data once you have an array of datetimes:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime
import numpy as np

x = np.array([datetime.datetime(2013, 9, 28, i, 0) for i in range(24)])
y = np.random.randint(100, size=x.shape)


enter image description here

Equation for testing if a point is inside a circle

You can use Pythagoras to measure the distance between your point and the centre and see if it's lower than the radius:

def in_circle(center_x, center_y, radius, x, y):
    dist = math.sqrt((center_x - x) ** 2 + (center_y - y) ** 2)
    return dist <= radius

EDIT (hat tip to Paul)

In practice, squaring is often much cheaper than taking the square root and since we're only interested in an ordering, we can of course forego taking the square root:

def in_circle(center_x, center_y, radius, x, y):
    square_dist = (center_x - x) ** 2 + (center_y - y) ** 2
    return square_dist <= radius ** 2

Also, Jason noted that <= should be replaced by < and depending on usage this may actually make sense even though I believe that it's not true in the strict mathematical sense. I stand corrected.

Using the AND and NOT Operator in Python

It's called and and or in Python.

Date ticks and rotation in matplotlib

If you prefer a non-object-oriented approach, move plt.xticks(rotation=70) to right before the two avail_plot calls, eg

avail_plot(axs[0], dates, s1, 'testing', 'green')
avail_plot(axs[1], dates, s1, 'testing2', 'red')

This sets the rotation property before setting up the labels. Since you have two axes here, plt.xticks gets confused after you've made the two plots. At the point when plt.xticks doesn't do anything, plt.gca() does not give you the axes you want to modify, and so plt.xticks, which acts on the current axes, is not going to work.

For an object-oriented approach not using plt.xticks, you can use

plt.setp( axs[1].xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=70 )

after the two avail_plot calls. This sets the rotation on the correct axes specifically.

Get list of all input objects using JavaScript, without accessing a form object

querySelectorAll returns a NodeList which has its own forEach method:

document.querySelectorAll('input').forEach( input => {
  // ...

getElementsByTagName now returns an HTMLCollection instead of a NodeList. So you would first need to convert it to an array to have access to methods like map and forEach:

Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName('input')).forEach( input => {
  // ...

What is the difference between map and flatMap and a good use case for each?

If you are asking the difference between and RDD.flatMap in Spark, map transforms an RDD of size N to another one of size N . eg. => x*2)

for example, if myRDD is composed of Doubles .

While flatMap can transform the RDD into anther one of a different size: eg.:

myRDD.flatMap(x =>new Seq(2*x,3*x))

which will return an RDD of size 2*N or

myRDD.flatMap(x =>if x<10 new Seq(2*x,3*x) else new Seq(x) )

How to change the color of winform DataGridview header?

If you want to change a color to single column try this:

 dataGridView1.EnableHeadersVisualStyles = false;
 dataGridView1.Columns[0].HeaderCell.Style.BackColor = Color.Magenta;
 dataGridView1.Columns[1].HeaderCell.Style.BackColor = Color.Yellow;

SQL Server Restore Error - Access is Denied

In my case - I had to double check the Backup path of the database from where I was restoring. I had previously restored it from a different path when I did it the first time. I fixed the Backup path to use the backup path I used the first time and it worked!

How to set textColor of UILabel in Swift

The text field placeholder and the "is really" label is hard to see at night. So i change their color depending one what time of day it is.

Also make sure you connect the new IBOutlet isReallyLabel. To do so open Main.storybaord and control-drag from "Convert" view controller to the "is really" text field and select the isReallyLabel under Outlets.

WARNING: I have not tested to see if the application is open while the time of day swaps.

@IBOutlet var isReallyLabel: UILabel! _x000D_
override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {_x000D_
 let calendar = NSCalendar.currentCalendar()_x000D_
 let hour = calendar.component(.Hour, fromDate: NSDate())_x000D_
 let lightColor = UIColor.init(red: 0.961, green: 0.957, blue: 0945, alpha: 1)_x000D_
 let darkColor = UIColor.init(red: 0.184, green: 0.184 , blue: 0.188, alpha: 1)_x000D_
 switch hour {_x000D_
 case 8...18:_x000D_
  isReallyLabel.textColor = UIColor.blackColor()_x000D_
  view.backgroundColor = lightColor_x000D_
  let string = NSAttributedString(string: "Value", attributes: [NSForegroundColorAttributeName: UIColor.whiteColor()])_x000D_
  textField.attributedPlaceholder = string_x000D_
  isReallyLabel.textColor = UIColor.whiteColor()_x000D_
  view.backgroundColor = darkColor_x000D_

Remove characters from NSString?

if the string is mutable, then you can transform it in place using this form:

[string replaceOccurrencesOfString:@" "
                             range:NSMakeRange(0, string.length)];

this is also useful if you would like the result to be a mutable instance of an input string:

NSMutableString * string = [concreteString mutableCopy];
[string replaceOccurrencesOfString:@" "
                             range:NSMakeRange(0, string.length)];

How do I log errors and warnings into a file?

add this code in .htaccess (as an alternative of php.ini / ini_set function):

<IfModule mod_php5.c>
php_flag log_errors on 
php_value error_log ./path_to_MY_PHP_ERRORS.log
# php_flag display_errors on 

* as commented: this is for Apache-type servers, and not for Nginx or others.

Calculating how many minutes there are between two times

You just need to query the TotalMinutes property like this varTime.TotalMinutes

Undefined Reference to

I had this issue when I forgot to add the new .h/.c file I created to the meson recipe so this is just a friendly reminder.

Difference between setTimeout with and without quotes and parentheses

Totally agree with Joseph.

Here is a fiddle to test this:

In the context of the fiddle, the string argument do not work, in my opinion because the function is not defined in the global scope.

How to stop a looping thread in Python?

My solution is:

import threading, time

def a():
    t = threading.currentThread()
    while getattr(t, "do_run", True):
    print('Do something')

def getThreadByName(name):
    threads = threading.enumerate() #Threads list
    for thread in threads:
        if == name:
            return thread

threading.Thread(target=a, name='228').start() #Init thread
t = getThreadByName('228') #Get thread by name
t.do_run = False #Signal to stop thread

javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: unexpected element. Expected elements are (none)

One of the reasons for this error is the use of the jaxb implementation from the jdk. I am not sure why such a problem can appear in pretty simple xml parsing situations. You may use the latest version of the jaxb library from a public maven repository:


How to push object into an array using AngularJS

Push only work for array .

Make your arrayText object to Array Object.

Try Like this


this.arrayText = [{
  text1: 'Hello',
  text2: 'world',

this.addText = function(text) {
this.form = {
  text1: '',
  text2: ''


<div ng-controller="TestController as testCtrl">
  <form ng-submit="addText(form)">
    <input type="text" ng-model="form.text1" value="Lets go">
    <input type="text" ng-model="form.text2" value="Lets go again">
    <input type="submit" value="add">

How to make a shape with left-top round rounded corner and left-bottom rounded corner?

It looks like a bug

Finally I have to write something like this:

 <stroke android:width="3dp"

 <padding android:left="1dp"

 <corners android:radius="1dp"
  android:bottomRightRadius="2dp" android:bottomLeftRadius="0dp" 
  android:topLeftRadius="2dp" android:topRightRadius="0dp"/> 

I have to specify android:bottomRightRadius="2dp" for left-bottom rounded corner (another bug here).

How to change icon on Google map marker

try this

var locations = [
        ['San Francisco: Power Outage', 37.7749295, -122.4194155,''],
        ['Sausalito', 37.8590937, -122.4852507,''],
        ['Sacramento', 38.5815719, -121.4943996,''],
        ['Soledad', 36.424687, -121.3263187,''],
        ['Shingletown', 40.4923784, -121.8891586,'']

//inside the loop
marker = new google.maps.Marker({
                position: new google.maps.LatLng(locations[i][1], locations[i][2]),
                map: map,
                icon: locations[i][3]

android fragment- How to save states of views in a fragment when another fragment is pushed on top of it

The Best Solution I found is below:

onSavedInstanceState(): always called inside fragment when activity is going to shut down(Move activity from one to another or config changes). So if we are calling multiple fragments on same activity then We have to use the following approach:

Use OnDestroyView() of the fragment and save the whole object inside that method. Then OnActivityCreated(): Check that if object is null or not(Because this method calls every time). Now restore state of an object here.

Its works always!

ESLint - "window" is not defined. How to allow global variables in package.json

Your .eslintrc.json should contain the text below.
This way ESLint knows about your global variables.

  "env": {
    "browser": true,
    "node": true

A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the pre-login handshake

In my case, i was getting the error when i wanted to access a remote database. However, i solved it by starting SQL Server Browser service.

enter image description here

How to install pandas from pip on windows cmd?

If you are a windows user:
make sure you added the script(dir) path to environment variables
for more how to set path vist

Clear icon inside input text

EDIT: I found this link. Hope it helps.

You have mentioned you want it on the right of the input text. So, the best way would be to create an image next to the input box. If you are looking something inside the box, you can use background image but you may not be able to write a script to clear the box.

So, insert and image and write a JavaScript code to clear the textbox.

jQuery - Call ajax every 10 seconds

You could try setInterval() instead:

var i = setInterval(function(){
   //Call ajax here

Python Prime number checker

The two main problems with your code are:

  1. After designating a number not prime, you continue to check the rest of the divisors even though you already know it is not prime, which can lead to it printing "prime" after printing "not prime". Hint: use the `break' statement.
  2. You designate a number prime before you have checked all the divisors you need to check, because you are printing "prime" inside the loop. So you get "prime" multiple times, once for each divisor that doesn't go evenly into the number being tested. Hint: use an else clause with the loop to print "prime" only if the loop exits without breaking.

A couple pretty significant inefficiencies:

  1. You should keep track of the numbers you have already found that are prime and only divide by those. Why divide by 4 when you have already divided by 2? If a number is divisible by 4 it is also divisible by 2, so you would have already caught it and there is no need to divide by 4.
  2. You need only to test up to the square root of the number being tested because any factor larger than that would need to be multiplied with a number smaller than that, and that would already have been tested by the time you get to the larger one.

Disable/enable an input with jQuery?

In jQuery Mobile:

For disable

$('#someselectElement').selectmenu().selectmenu('disable').selectmenu('refresh', true);

For enable

$('#someselectElement').selectmenu().selectmenu('enable').selectmenu('refresh', true);

tsc is not recognized as internal or external command

There might be a reason that Typescript is not installed globally, so install it

npm install -g typescript // installs typescript globally

If you want to convert .ts files into .js, do this as per your need

tsc file.ts // file.ts will be converted to file.js file
tsc         // all .ts files will be converted to .js files in the directory
tsc --watch // converts all .ts files to .js, and watch changes in .ts files

How to delete files recursively from an S3 bucket

This used to require a dedicated API call per key (file), but has been greatly simplified due to the introduction of Amazon S3 - Multi-Object Delete in December 2011:

Amazon S3's new Multi-Object Delete gives you the ability to delete up to 1000 objects from an S3 bucket with a single request.

See my answer to the related question delete from S3 using api php using wildcard for more on this and respective examples in PHP (the AWS SDK for PHP supports this since version 1.4.8).

Most AWS client libraries have meanwhile introduced dedicated support for this functionality one way or another, e.g.:


You can achieve this with the excellent boto Python interface to AWS roughly as follows (untested, from the top of my head):

import boto
s3 = boto.connect_s3()
bucket = s3.get_bucket("bucketname")
bucketListResultSet = bucket.list(prefix="foo/bar")
result = bucket.delete_keys([ for key in bucketListResultSet])


This is available since version 1.24 of the AWS SDK for Ruby and the release notes provide an example as well:

bucket =['mybucket']

# delete a list of objects by keys, objects are deleted in batches of 1k per
# request.  Accepts strings, AWS::S3::S3Object, AWS::S3::ObectVersion and 
# hashes with :key and :version_id
bucket.objects.delete('key1', 'key2', 'key3', ...)

# delete all of the objects in a bucket (optionally with a common prefix as shown)

# conditional delete, loads and deletes objects in batches of 1k, only
# deleting those that return true from the block
bucket.objects.delete_if{|object| object.key =~ /\.pdf$/ }

# empty the bucket and then delete the bucket, objects are deleted in batches of 1k


AWS::S3::Bucket.delete('your_bucket', :force => true)

How can I URL encode a string in Excel VBA?

Same as WorksheetFunction.EncodeUrl with UTF-8 support:

Public Function EncodeURL(url As String) As String
  Dim buffer As String, i As Long, c As Long, n As Long
  buffer = String$(Len(url) * 12, "%")

  For i = 1 To Len(url)
    c = AscW(Mid$(url, i, 1)) And 65535

    Select Case c
      Case 48 To 57, 65 To 90, 97 To 122, 45, 46, 95  ' Unescaped 0-9A-Za-z-._ '
        n = n + 1
        Mid$(buffer, n) = ChrW(c)
      Case Is <= 127            ' Escaped UTF-8 1 bytes U+0000 to U+007F '
        n = n + 3
        Mid$(buffer, n - 1) = Right$(Hex$(256 + c), 2)
      Case Is <= 2047           ' Escaped UTF-8 2 bytes U+0080 to U+07FF '
        n = n + 6
        Mid$(buffer, n - 4) = Hex$(192 + (c \ 64))
        Mid$(buffer, n - 1) = Hex$(128 + (c Mod 64))
      Case 55296 To 57343       ' Escaped UTF-8 4 bytes U+010000 to U+10FFFF '
        i = i + 1
        c = 65536 + (c Mod 1024) * 1024 + (AscW(Mid$(url, i, 1)) And 1023)
        n = n + 12
        Mid$(buffer, n - 10) = Hex$(240 + (c \ 262144))
        Mid$(buffer, n - 7) = Hex$(128 + ((c \ 4096) Mod 64))
        Mid$(buffer, n - 4) = Hex$(128 + ((c \ 64) Mod 64))
        Mid$(buffer, n - 1) = Hex$(128 + (c Mod 64))
      Case Else                 ' Escaped UTF-8 3 bytes U+0800 to U+FFFF '
        n = n + 9
        Mid$(buffer, n - 7) = Hex$(224 + (c \ 4096))
        Mid$(buffer, n - 4) = Hex$(128 + ((c \ 64) Mod 64))
        Mid$(buffer, n - 1) = Hex$(128 + (c Mod 64))
    End Select

  EncodeURL = Left$(buffer, n)
End Function

Are strongly-typed functions as parameters possible in TypeScript?

Besides what other said, a common problem is to declare the types of the same function that is overloaded. Typical case is EventEmitter on() method which will accept multiple kind of listeners. Similar could happen When working with redux actions - and there you use the action type as literal to mark the overloading, In case of EventEmitters, you use the event name literal type:

interface MyEmitter extends EventEmitter {
  on(name:'click', l: ClickListener):void
  on(name:'move', l: MoveListener):void
  on(name:'die', l: DieListener):void
  //and a generic one
  on(name:string, l:(...a:any[])=>any):void

type ClickListener = (e:ClickEvent)=>void
type MoveListener = (e:MoveEvent)=>void
... etc

// will type check the correct listener when writing something like:
myEmitter.on('click', e=>...<--- autocompletion

Does a finally block always get executed in Java?

Because the final is always be called in whatever cases you have. You don't have exception, it is still called, catch exception, it is still called

How to truncate milliseconds off of a .NET DateTime

In my case, I was aiming to save TimeSpan from datetimePicker tool without saving the seconds and the milliseconds, and here is the solution.

First convert the datetimePicker.value to your desired format, which mine is "HH:mm" then convert it back to TimeSpan.

var datetime = datetimepicker1.Value.ToString("HH:mm");
TimeSpan timeSpan = Convert.ToDateTime(datetime).TimeOfDay;

'Field required a bean of type that could not be found.' error spring restful API using mongodb

Using all @ Annotations fixed my problem. (Yes, I'm new into Spring) If you are using a service class add @Service, and same for @Controller and @Repository.

Then this annotations on the fixed the issue (I'm using JPA + Hibernate)

@EnableAutoConfiguration(exclude = { ErrorMvcAutoConfiguration.class })
@ComponentScan(basePackages = {"es.unileon.inso2"})

Package tree:

+-- main/
¦   +-- java/
|       +-- es.unileon.inso2/
|       |   +--
|       +-- es.unileon.inso2.model/
|       |   +--
|       +-- es.unileon.inso2.controller/
|       |   +--
|       |   +--
|       +-- es.unileon.inso2.service/
|       |    +--
|       +-- es.unileon.inso2.repository/
|            +--
+-- resources/

pandas loc vs. iloc vs. at vs. iat?

df = pd.DataFrame({'A':['a', 'b', 'c'], 'B':[54, 67, 89]}, index=[100, 200, 300])


                        A   B
                100     a   54
                200     b   67
                300     c   89
In [19]:    

A     a
B    54
Name: 100, dtype: object

In [20]:    

A     a
B    54
Name: 100, dtype: object

In [24]:    
df2 = df.set_index([df.index,'A'])

100 a   54
200 b   67
300 c   89

In [25]:    
df2.ix[100, 'a']

B    54
Name: (100, a), dtype: int64

Unix command to find lines common in two files

perl -ne 'print if ($seen{$_} .= @ARGV) =~ /10$/'  file1 file2

Unable to install pyodbc on Linux

On Ubuntu, you'll need to install unixodbc-dev:

sudo apt-get install unixodbc-dev

Install pip by using this command:

sudo apt-get install python-pip

once that is installed, you should be able to install pyodbc successfully:

pip install pyodbc

How to create a Java cron job

If you are using unix, you need to write a shellscript to run you java batch first.

After that, in unix, you run this command "crontab -e" to edit crontab script. In order to configure crontab, please refer to this article

Save your crontab setting. Then wait for the time to come, program will run automatically.

C++ vector's insert & push_back difference

The biggest difference is their functionality. push_back always puts a new element at the end of the vector and insert allows you to select new element's position. This impacts the performance. vector elements are moved in the memory only when it's necessary to increase it's length because too little memory was allocated for it. On the other hand insert forces to move all elements after the selected position of a new element. You simply have to make a place for it. This is why insert might often be less efficient than push_back.

Converting string to title case

This is what I use and it works for most cases unless the user decides to override it by pressing shift or caps lock. Like on Android and iOS keyboards.

Private Class ProperCaseHandler
    Private Const wordbreak As String = " ,.1234567890;/\-()#$%^&*€!~+=@"
    Private txtProperCase As TextBox

    Sub New(txt As TextBox)
        txtProperCase = txt
        AddHandler txt.KeyPress, AddressOf txtTextKeyDownProperCase
    End Sub

    Private Sub txtTextKeyDownProperCase(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs)
            If Control.IsKeyLocked(Keys.CapsLock) Or Control.ModifierKeys = Keys.Shift Then
                Exit Sub
                If txtProperCase.TextLength = 0 Then
                    e.KeyChar = e.KeyChar.ToString.ToUpper()
                    e.Handled = False
                    Dim lastChar As String = txtProperCase.Text.Substring(txtProperCase.SelectionStart - 1, 1)

                    If wordbreak.Contains(lastChar) = True Then
                        e.KeyChar = e.KeyChar.ToString.ToUpper()
                        e.Handled = False
                    End If
                End If

            End If

        Catch ex As Exception
            Exit Sub
        End Try
    End Sub
End Class

Better way to set distance between flexbox items

#box {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  width: 100px;_x000D_
.item {_x000D_
  background: gray;_x000D_
  width: 50px;_x000D_
  height: 50px;_x000D_
/* u mean utility */_x000D_
.u-gap-10 > *:not(:last-child) {_x000D_
  margin-right: 10px;_x000D_
<div id='box' class="u-gap-10">_x000D_
  <div class='item'></div>_x000D_
  <div class='item'></div>_x000D_
  <div class='item'></div>_x000D_
  <div class='item'></div>_x000D_

Truncate Two decimal places without rounding

Use the modulus operator:

var fourPlaces = 0.5485M;
var twoPlaces = fourPlaces - (fourPlaces % 0.01M);

result: 0.54

ASP.NET MVC: No parameterless constructor defined for this object

While this may be obvious to some, the culprit of this error for me was my MVC method was binding to a model that contained a property of type Tuple<>. Tuple<> has no parameterless constructor.

Android: long click on a button -> perform actions

Change return false; to return true; in longClickListener

You long click the button, if it returns true then it does the work. If it returns false then it does it's work and also calls the short click and then the onClick also works.

How to enable CORS on Firefox?

just type in your browser CORS add in firefox Then download this and install on browser finally you found top right side one Core spell to toggle that green for enable and red for not enable

How can I limit possible inputs in a HTML5 "number" element?

Ugh. It's like someone gave up half way through implementing it and thought no one would notice.

For whatever reason, the answers above don't use the min and max attributes. This jQuery finishes it up:

    $('input[type="number"]').on('input change keyup paste', function () {
      if (this.min) this.value = Math.max(parseInt(this.min), parseInt(this.value) || 0);
      if (this.max) this.value = Math.min(parseInt(this.max), parseInt(this.value) || 0);

It would probably also work as a named function "oninput" w/o jQuery if your one of those "jQuery-is-the-devil" types.

How to unpack pkl file?

Handy one-liner

pkl() (
  python -c 'import pickle,sys;d=pickle.load(open(sys.argv[1],"rb"));print(d)' "$1"
pkl my.pkl

Will print __str__ for the pickled object.

The generic problem of visualizing an object is of course undefined, so if __str__ is not enough, you will need a custom script.

Calling C++ class methods via a function pointer

A function pointer to a class member is a problem that is really suited to using boost::function. Small example:

#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <iostream>

class Dog 
   Dog (int i) : tmp(i) {}
   void bark ()
      std::cout << "woof: " << tmp << std::endl;
   int tmp;

int main()
   Dog* pDog1 = new Dog (1);
   Dog* pDog2 = new Dog (2);

   //BarkFunction pBark = &Dog::bark;
   boost::function<void (Dog*)> f1 = &Dog::bark;


Inverse of matrix in R

You can use the function ginv() (Moore-Penrose generalized inverse) in the MASS package

Assigning a variable NaN in python without numpy

A more consistent (and less opaque) way to generate inf and -inf is to again use float():

>> positive_inf = float('inf')
>> positive_inf
>> negative_inf = float('-inf')
>> negative_inf

Note that the size of a float varies depending on the architecture, so it probably best to avoid using magic numbers like 9e999, even if that is likely to work.

import sys
               max_exp=1024, max_10_exp=308,
               min=2.2250738585072014e-308, min_exp=-1021,
               min_10_exp=-307, dig=15, mant_dig=53,
               epsilon=2.220446049250313e-16, radix=2, rounds=1)

What does "#pragma comment" mean?

Pragma directives specify operating system or machine specific (x86 or x64 etc) compiler options. There are several options available. Details can be found in

#pragma comment( comment-type [,"commentstring"] ) has this format.

Refer for details about different comment-type.

#pragma comment(lib, "kernel32") #pragma comment(lib, "user32")

The above lines of code includes the library names (or path) that need to be searched by the linker. These details are included as part of the library-search record in the object file.

So, in this case kernel.lib and user32.lib are searched by the linker and included in the final executable.

Add ArrayList to another ArrayList in java

The problem you have is caused that you use the same ArrayList NodeList over all iterations in main for loop. Each iterations NodeList is enlarged by new elements.

  1. After first loop, NodeList has 5 elements (PropertyStart,a,b,c,PropertyEnd) and list has 1 element (NodeList: (PropertyStart,a,b,c,PropertyEnd))

  2. After second loop NodeList has 10 elements (PropertyStart,a,b,c,PropertyEnd,PropertyStart,d,e,f,PropertyEnd) and list has 2 elements (NodeList (with 10 elements), NodeList (with 10 elements))

To get you expectations you must replace



List childrenList = new ArrayList(nodes);

PS. Your code is not readable, keep Java code conventions to have readble code. For example is hard to recognize if NodeList is a class or object

ResourceDictionary in a separate assembly

For UWP:

<ResourceDictionary Source="ms-appx:///##Namespace.External.Assembly##/##FOLDER##/##FILE##.xaml" />

How to integrate SAP Crystal Reports in Visual Studio 2017

This error occurs because at the end of the installation of Crystal Reports SP21 for Visual Studio 2017, the following screen appears:

enter image description here

Do not check to install in runtime, this default to come marked to me is wrong. Install only Crystal Reports SP21 for Visual Studio 2017.

Find nearest latitude/longitude with an SQL query

In extreme cases this approach fails, but for performance, I've skipped the trigonometry and simply calculated the diagonal squared.

WARNING: Can't verify CSRF token authenticity rails

I'm using Rails 4.2.4 and couldn't work out why I was getting:

Can't verify CSRF token authenticity

I have in the layout:

<%= csrf_meta_tags %>

In the controller:

protect_from_forgery with: :exception

Invoking tcpdump -A -s 999 -i lo port 3000 was showing the header being set ( despite not needing to set the headers with ajaxSetup - it was done already):

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8
X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
DNT: 1
Content-Length: 125

In the end it was failing because I had cookies switched off. CSRF doesn't work without cookies being enabled, so this is another possible cause if you're seeing this error.

Vendor code 17002 to connect to SQLDeveloper

In your case the "Vendor code 17002" is the equivalent of the ORA-12541 error: It's most likely that your listener is down, or has an improper port or service name. From the docs:

ORA-12541: TNS no listener

Cause: Listener for the source repository has not been started.

Action: Start the Listener on the machine where the source repository resides.

How do I hide javascript code in a webpage?

Use Html Encrypter The part of the Head which has

<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/css.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="script/js.js" language="javascript"></script>

copy and paste it to HTML Encrypter and the Result will goes like this
and paste it the location where you cut the above sample

<Script Language='Javascript'>
<!-- HTML Encryption provided by -->

HTML ENCRYPTER Note: if you have a java script in your page try to export to .js file and make it like as the example above.

And Also this Encrypter is not always working in some code that will make ur website messed up... Select the best part you want to hide like for example in <form> </form>

This can be reverse by advance user but not all noob like me knows it.

Hope this will help

How to get process ID of background process?

An even simpler way to kill all child process of a bash script:

pkill -P $$

The -P flag works the same way with pkill and pgrep - it gets child processes, only with pkill the child processes get killed and with pgrep child PIDs are printed to stdout.

SVN change username

You could ask your colleague to create a patch, which will collapse all the changes that have been made into a single file that you can apply to your own check out. This will update all of your files appropriately and then you can revert the changes on his side and check yours in.

Is there a way to define a min and max value for EditText in Android?

You can do this with an an InputFilter. Apparently ther is just this Input Filter Interface you can use. Before you do it the annoying way an create a new Class that extends Input filter, u can use this shortcut with a innerclass Interface instantiation.

Therefore you just do this:

EditText subTargetTime = (EditText) findViewById(;
subTargetTime.setFilters( new InputFilter[] {
                new InputFilter() {
                    public CharSequence filter(CharSequence source, int start, int end, Spanned dest, int dstart, int dend) {
                        int t = Integer.parseInt(source.toString());
                        if(t <8) { t = 8; }
                        return t+"";


In this example I check if the value of the EditText is greater than 8. If not it shall be set to 8. So apaprently you need to com up with the min max or whatever filter logic by yourself. But at least u can write the filter logic pretty neat and short directly into the EditText.

Hope this helps

Fastest method of screen capturing on Windows

With Windows 8, Microsoft introduced the Windows Desktop Duplication API. That is the officially recommended way of doing it. One nice feature it has for screencasting is that it detects window movement, so you can transmit block deltas when windows get moved around, instead of raw pixels. Also, it tells you which rectangles have changed, from one frame to the next.

The Microsoft example code is pretty complex, but the API is actually simple and easy to use. I've put together an example project which is much simpler than the official example:


Microsoft official example code:

How to get year and month from a date - PHP

Using date() and strtotime() from the docs.

$date = "2012-01-05";

$year = date('Y', strtotime($date));

$month = date('F', strtotime($date));

echo $month

Vue is not defined

I needed to add the script below to index.html inside the HEAD tag.

<script src=""></script>

But in your case, since you don't have index.html, just add it to your HEAD tag instead.

So it's like:

<!doctype html>
   <script src=""></script>

java: run a function after a specific number of seconds

All other unswers require to run your code inside a new thread. In some simple use cases you may just want to wait a bit and continue execution within the same thread/flow.

Code below demonstrates that technique. Keep in mind this is similar to what java.util.Timer does under the hood but more lightweight.

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
public class DelaySample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
       DelayUtil d = new DelayUtil();
       System.out.println("started:"+ new Date());
       System.out.println("half second after:"+ new Date());
       d.delay(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES); 
       System.out.println("1 minute after:"+ new Date());

DelayUtil Implementation

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;

public class DelayUtil {
    *  Delays the current thread execution. 
    *  The thread loses ownership of any monitors. 
    *  Quits immediately if the thread is interrupted
    * @param duration the time duration in milliseconds
   public void delay(final long durationInMillis) {
      delay(durationInMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

    * @param duration the time duration in the given {@code sourceUnit}
    * @param unit
    public void delay(final long duration, final TimeUnit unit) {
        long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long deadline = currentTime+unit.toMillis(duration);
        ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock();
        Condition waitCondition = lock.newCondition();

        while ((deadline-currentTime)>0) {
            try {
                waitCondition.await(deadline-currentTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            } finally {
            currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

How do I delete everything in Redis?

There are different approaches. If you want to do this from remote, issue flushall to that instance, through command line tool redis-cli or whatever tools i.e. telnet, a programming language SDK. Or just log in that server, kill the process, delete its dump.rdb file and appendonly.aof(backup them before deletion).

How to make rpm auto install dependencies

For me worked just with

# yum install ffmpeg-2.6.4-1.fc22.x86_64.rpm

And automatically asked authorization to dowload the depedencies. Below the example, i am using fedora 22

[root@localhost lukas]# yum install ffmpeg-2.6.4-1.fc22.x86_64.rpm
Yum command has been deprecated, redirecting to '/usr/bin/dnf install  ffmpeg-2.6.4-1.fc22.x86_64.rpm'.
See 'man dnf' and 'man yum2dnf' for more information.
To transfer transaction metadata from yum to DNF, run:
'dnf install python-dnf-plugins-extras-migrate && dnf-2 migrate'

Last metadata expiration check performed 0:28:24 ago on Fri Sep 25 12:43:44 2015.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package               Arch           Version                                  Repository                      Size
 SDL                   x86_64         1.2.15-17.fc22                           fedora                         214 k
 ffmpeg                x86_64         2.6.4-1.fc22                             @commandline                   1.5 M
 ffmpeg-libs           x86_64         2.6.4-1.fc22                             rpmfusion-free-updates         5.0 M
 fribidi               x86_64         0.19.6-3.fc22                            fedora                          69 k
 lame-libs             x86_64         3.99.5-5.fc22                            rpmfusion-free                 345 k
 libass                x86_64         0.12.1-1.fc22                            updates                         85 k
 libavdevice           x86_64         2.6.4-1.fc22                             rpmfusion-free-updates          75 k
 libdc1394             x86_64         2.2.2-3.fc22                             fedora                         124 k
 libva                 x86_64         1.5.1-1.fc22                             fedora                          79 k
 openal-soft           x86_64         1.16.0-5.fc22                            fedora                         292 k
 opencv-core           x86_64         2.4.11-5.fc22                            updates                        1.9 M
 openjpeg-libs         x86_64         1.5.1-14.fc22                            fedora                          89 k
 schroedinger          x86_64         1.0.11-7.fc22                            fedora                         315 k
 soxr                  x86_64         0.1.2-1.fc22                             updates                         83 k
 x264-libs             x86_64         0.142-12.20141221git6a301b6.fc22         rpmfusion-free                 587 k
 x265-libs             x86_64         1.6-1.fc22                               rpmfusion-free                 486 k
 xvidcore              x86_64         1.3.2-6.fc22                             rpmfusion-free                 264 k

Transaction Summary
Install  17 Packages

Total size: 11 M
Total download size: 9.9 M
Installed size: 35 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y

java.sql.SQLException: Fail to convert to internal representation

I had the same problem and this is my solution. I had the following code:

se.GiftDescription = rs.getString(1);
se.GiftAmount = rs.getInt(2);

And I changed it to:

se.GiftDescription = rs.getString("DESCRIPTION");
se.GiftAmount = rs.getInt("AMOUNT");

And the problem was, after I restarted my PC, the column positions changed. That's why I got this error.

The intel x86 emulator accelerator (HAXM installer) revision 6.0.5 is showing not compatible with windows

Try the following

  1. download HAXM from Intel

  2. Unzip the file and Run intelhaxm-android.exe.

  3. Run silent_install.bat.

In my computer Win10 x64 - VS2015 it worked

flutter run: No connected devices

While using in windows 7, I had received an error: unable to install device drivers. And the device wasn't recognised.

You need to also install Android OEM device driver for the particular device, just like mentioned here.

I downloaded driver for device from the manufacturer's website and installed driver from device manager.

Basic text editor in command prompt?

As said by Morne you can use the vi editor for windows
Also you can get CodeBlocks for windows from here
Install it and direct your PATH environment variable of your windows installation to gcc or other binaries in bin folder of codeblocks installation folder.
Now you can use gcc or other compilers from cmd like linux.

How do I 'svn add' all unversioned files to SVN?

What works is this:

c:\work\repo1>svn add . --force

Adds the contents of subdirectories.

Does not add ignored files.

Lists what files were added.

The dot in the command indicates the current directory, this can replaced by a specific directory name or path if you want to add a different directory than the current one.

Problems when trying to load a package in R due to rJava

An alternative package that you can use is readxl. This package don't require external dependencies.

How to change credentials for SVN repository in Eclipse?

Usernames and passwords

Subclipse does not collect or store username and password credentials when defining a repository. This is because the JavaHL and SVNKit client adapters are intelligent enough to prompt you for this information when they need to -- including when your password has changed.

You can also allow the adapter to cache this information and a common question is how do you delete this cached information so that you can be prompted again? We have an open request to have an API added to JavaHL so that we could provide a UI to do this. Currently, you have to manually delete the cache. The location of the cache varies based on the client adapter used.

JavaHL caches the information in the same location as the command line client -- in the Subversion runtime configuration area. On Windows this is located in %APPDATA%\Subversion\auth. On Linux and OSX it is located in ~/.subversion/auth. Just find and delete the file with the cached information.

SVNKit caches information in the Eclipse keyring. By default this is a file named .keyring that is stored in the root of the Eclipse configuration folder. Both of these values can be overriden with command line options. To clear the cache, you have to delete the file. Eclipse will create a new empty keyring when you restart

How to tell if browser/tab is active

All of the examples here (with the exception of rockacola's) require that the user physically click on the window to define focus. This isn't ideal, so .hover() is the better choice:

$(window).hover(function(event) {
    if (event.fromElement) {
    } else {

This'll tell you when the user has their mouse on the screen, though it still won't tell you if it's in the foreground with the user's mouse elsewhere.

How to stop mongo DB in one command

If the server is running as the foreground process in a terminal, this can be done by pressing


Another way to cleanly shut down a running server is to use the shutdown command,

> use admin
> db.shutdownServer();

Otherwise, a command like kill can be used to send the signal. If mongod has 10014 as its PID, the command would be

kill -2 10014

How to hide close button in WPF window?

This doesn't hide the button but will prevent the user from moving forward by shutting down the window.

protected override void OnClosing(System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
    if (e.Cancel == false)

Creating new database from a backup of another Database on the same server?

Checking the Options Over Write Database worked for me :)

enter image description here

How to execute INSERT statement using JdbcTemplate class from Spring Framework

You'll need a datasource for working with JdbcTemplate.

JdbcTemplate template = new JdbcTemplate(yourDataSource);

    new PreparedStatementCreator() {
        public PreparedStatement createPreparedStatement(Connection connection)
            throws SQLException {

            PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(ourInsertQuery);
            //statement.setLong(1, beginning); set parameters you need in your insert

            return statement;

Open file with associated application

This is an old thread but just in case anyone comes across it like I did. pi.FileName needs to be set to the file name (and possibly full path to file ) of the executable you want to use to open your file. The below code works for me to open a video file with VLC.

var path = files[currentIndex].fileName;
var pi = new ProcessStartInfo(path)
    Arguments = Path.GetFileName(path),
    UseShellExecute = true,
    WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(path),
    FileName = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\VideoLAN\\VLC\\vlc.exe",
    Verb = "OPEN"

Tigran's answer works but will use windows' default application to open your file, so using ProcessStartInfo may be useful if you want to open the file with an application that is not the default.

Asp.Net MVC with Drop Down List, and SelectListItem Assistance

You have a view model to which your view is strongly typed => use strongly typed helpers:

<%= Html.DropDownListFor(
    x => x.SelectedAccountId, 
    new SelectList(Model.Accounts, "Value", "Text")
) %>

Also notice that I use a SelectList for the second argument.

And in your controller action you were returning the view model passed as argument and not the one you constructed inside the action which had the Accounts property correctly setup so this could be problematic. I've cleaned it a bit:

public ActionResult AccountTransaction()
    var accounts = Services.AccountServices.GetAccounts(false);
    var viewModel = new AccountTransactionView
        Accounts = accounts.Select(a => new SelectListItem
            Text = a.Description,
            Value = a.AccountId.ToString()
    return View(viewModel);

How to count number of records per day?

You could also try this:

SELECT DISTINCT (DATE(dateadded)) AS unique_date, COUNT(*) AS amount
FROM table
GROUP BY unique_date
ORDER BY unique_date ASC

AngularJS $location not changing the path

Instead of $location.path(...) to change or refresh the page, I used the service $window. In Angular this service is used as interface to the window object, and the window object contains a property location which enables you to handle operations related to the location or URL stuff.

For example, with window.location you can assign a new page, like this:


Or refresh it, like this:


It worked for me. It's a little bit different from you expect but works for the given goal.

Conda command not found

I had the same issue. I just closed and reopened the terminal, and it worked. That was because I installed anaconda with the terminal open.

The transaction manager has disabled its support for remote/network transactions

I had the same error message. For me changing pooling=False to ;pooling=true;Max Pool Size=200 in the connection string fixed the problem.

Select rows where column is null

Use Is Null

select * from tblName where clmnName is null    

How can I change from SQL Server Windows mode to mixed mode (SQL Server 2008)?

From MSDN:

To change security authentication mode:

In SQL Server Management Studio Object Explorer, right-click the server, and then click Properties.

On the Security page, under Server authentication, select the new server authentication mode, and then click OK.

In the SQL Server Management Studio dialog box, click OK to acknowledge the requirement to restart SQL Server.

In Object Explorer, right-click your server, and then click Restart. If SQL Server Agent is running, it must also be restarted.

To enable the SA login:

In Object Explorer, expand Security, expand Logins, right-click SA, and then click Properties.

On the General page, you might have to create and confirm a password for the login.

On the Status page, in the Login section, click Enabled, and then click OK.

GLYPHICONS - bootstrap icon font hex value

We can find these by looking at Bootstrap's stylesheet, Bootstrap.css. Each \{number} represents a hexadecimal value, so \2a is equal to 0x2a or &#x2a;.

As for the font, that can be downloaded from

.glyphicon-asterisk:before {
  content: "\2a";

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  content: "\2b";

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  content: "\20ac";

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  content: "\2212";

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error: use of deleted function

Switching from gcc 4.6 to gcc 4.8 resolved this for me.

Android: how do I check if activity is running?

If you want to check if the activity is in the back stack just follow next steps. 1. Declared an ArrayList in your Application class [Application class is defined in your mainfest file in application tag]

private ArrayList<Class> runningActivities = new ArrayList<>();
  1. And add the following public methods to access and modify this list.

    public void addActivityToRunningActivityies (Class cls) {
    if (!runningActivities.contains(cls)) runningActivities.add(cls);
    public void removeActivityFromRunningActivities (Class cls) {
    if (runningActivities.contains(cls)) runningActivities.remove(cls);
    public boolean isActivityInBackStack (Class cls) {
    return runningActivities.contains(cls);
  2. In your BaseActivity, where all activities extend it, override onCreate and onDestroy methods so you can add and remove activities from back stack as the following.

    protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    protected void onDestroy() {
  3. Finally if you want to check whether the activity is in the back stack or not just call this function isActivityInBackStack.

Ex: I want to check if the HomeActivityis in the back stack or not:

if (((MyApplicationClass) 
getApplication()).isActivityInBackStack(HomeActivity.class)) {
       // Activity is in the back stack
    } else {
       // Activity is not in the back stack

jQuery Upload Progress and AJAX file upload

Uploading files is actually possible with AJAX these days. Yes, AJAX, not some crappy AJAX wannabes like swf or java.

This example might help you out:

(It also includes the drag/drop interface but that's easily ignored.)

Basically what it comes down to is this:

<input id="files" type="file" />

document.getElementById('files').addEventListener('change', function(e) {
    var file = this.files[0];
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    (xhr.upload || xhr).addEventListener('progress', function(e) {
        var done = e.position || e.loaded
        var total = e.totalSize ||;
        console.log('xhr progress: ' + Math.round(done/total*100) + '%');
    xhr.addEventListener('load', function(e) {
        console.log('xhr upload complete', e, this.responseText);
    });'post', '/URL-HERE', true);


So basically what it comes down to is this =)


Where file is typeof Blob:

Another (better IMO) way is to use FormData. This allows you to 1) name a file, like in a form and 2) send other stuff (files too), like in a form.

var fd = new FormData;
fd.append('photo1', file);
fd.append('photo2', file2);
fd.append('other_data', 'foo bar');

FormData makes the server code cleaner and more backward compatible (since the request now has the exact same format as normal forms).

All of it is not experimental, but very modern. Chrome 8+ and Firefox 4+ know what to do, but I don't know about any others.

This is how I handled the request (1 image per request) in PHP:

if ( isset($_FILES['file']) ) {
    $filename = basename($_FILES['file']['name']);
    $error = true;

    // Only upload if on my home win dev machine
    if ( isset($_SERVER['WINDIR']) ) {
        $path = 'uploads/'.$filename;
        $error = !move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $path);

    $rsp = array(
        'error' => $error, // Used in JS
        'filename' => $filename,
        'filepath' => '/tests/uploads/' . $filename, // Web accessible
    echo json_encode($rsp);

Can I stop 100% Width Text Boxes from extending beyond their containers?

Just came across this problem myself, and the only solution I could find that worked in all my test browsers (IE6, IE7, Firefox) was the following:

  1. Wrap the input field in two separate DIVs
  2. Set the outer DIV to width 100%, this prevents our container from overflowing the document
  3. Put padding in the inner DIV of the exact amount to compensate for the horizontal overflow of the input.
  4. Set custom padding on the input so it overflows by the same amount as I allowed for in the inner DIV

The code:

<div style="width: 100%">
    <div style="padding-right: 6px;">
        <input type="text" style="width: 100%; padding: 2px; margin: 0;
                                  border : solid 1px #999" />

Here, the total horizontal overflow for the input element is 6px - 2x(padding + border) - so we set a padding-right for the inner DIV of 6px.

How to call a method after a delay in Android

Note: This answer was given when the question didn't specify Android as the context. For an answer specific to the Android UI thread look here.

It looks like the Mac OS API lets the current thread continue, and schedules the task to run asynchronously. In the Java, the equivalent function is provided by the java.util.concurrent package. I'm not sure what limitations Android might impose.

private static final ScheduledExecutorService worker = 

void someMethod() {
  Runnable task = new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
      /* Do something… */
  worker.schedule(task, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

latex large division sign in a math formula

Another option is to use \dfrac instead of \frac, which makes the whole fraction larger and hence more readable.

And no, I don't know if there is an option to get something in between \frac and \dfrac, sorry.

Java 8 - Difference between Optional.flatMap and

They both take a function from the type of the optional to something.

map() applies the function "as is" on the optional you have:

if (optional.isEmpty()) return Optional.empty();
else return Optional.of(f(optional.get()));

What happens if your function is a function from T -> Optional<U>?
Your result is now an Optional<Optional<U>>!

That's what flatMap() is about: if your function already returns an Optional, flatMap() is a bit smarter and doesn't double wrap it, returning Optional<U>.

It's the composition of two functional idioms: map and flatten.

Python JSON dump / append to .txt with each variable on new line

Your question is a little unclear. If you're generating hostDict in a loop:

with open('data.txt', 'a') as outfile:
    for hostDict in ....:
        json.dump(hostDict, outfile)

If you mean you want each variable within hostDict to be on a new line:

with open('data.txt', 'a') as outfile:
    json.dump(hostDict, outfile, indent=2)

When the indent keyword argument is set it automatically adds newlines.

What is the meaning of the term "thread-safe"?

I would like to add some more info on top of other good answers.

Thread safety implies multiple threads can write/read data in same object without memory inconsistency errors. In highly multi threaded program, a thread safe program does not cause side effects to shared data.

Have a look at this SE question for more details:

What does threadsafe mean?

Thread safe program guarantees memory consistency.

From oracle documentation page on advanced concurrent API :

Memory Consistency Properties:

Chapter 17 of The Java™ Language Specification defines the happens-before relation on memory operations such as reads and writes of shared variables. The results of a write by one thread are guaranteed to be visible to a read by another thread only if the write operation happens-before the read operation.

The synchronized and volatile constructs, as well as the Thread.start() and Thread.join() methods, can form happens-before relationships.

The methods of all classes in java.util.concurrent and its subpackages extend these guarantees to higher-level synchronization. In particular:

  1. Actions in a thread prior to placing an object into any concurrent collection happen-before actions subsequent to the access or removal of that element from the collection in another thread.
  2. Actions in a thread prior to the submission of a Runnable to an Executor happen-before its execution begins. Similarly for Callables submitted to an ExecutorService.
  3. Actions taken by the asynchronous computation represented by a Future happen-before actions subsequent to the retrieval of the result via Future.get() in another thread.
  4. Actions prior to "releasing" synchronizer methods such as Lock.unlock, Semaphore.release, and CountDownLatch.countDown happen-before actions subsequent to a successful "acquiring" method such as Lock.lock, Semaphore.acquire, Condition.await, and CountDownLatch.await on the same synchronizer object in another thread.
  5. For each pair of threads that successfully exchange objects via an Exchanger, actions prior to the exchange() in each thread happen-before those subsequent to the corresponding exchange() in another thread.
  6. Actions prior to calling CyclicBarrier.await and Phaser.awaitAdvance (as well as its variants) happen-before actions performed by the barrier action, and actions performed by the barrier action happen-before actions subsequent to a successful return from the corresponding await in other threads.

selecting an entire row based on a variable excel vba

I solved the problem for me by addressing also the worksheet first:

ws.rows(x & ":" & y).Select

without the reference to the worksheet (ws) I got an error.

.crx file install in chrome

I had a similar issue where I was not able to either install a CRX file into Chrome.

It turns out that since I had my Downloads folder set to a network mapped drive, it would not allow Chrome to install any extensions and would either do nothing (drag and drop on Chrome) or ask me to download the extension (if I clicked a link from the Web Store).

Setting the Downloads folder to a local disk directory instead of a network directory allowed extensions to be installed.

Running: 20.0.1132.57 m

Concatenate two JSON objects

if using TypeScript, you can use the spread operator (...)

var json = {...json1,...json2} 

Rails: How can I rename a database column in a Ruby on Rails migration?

$:  rails g migration RenameHashedPasswordColumn
invoke  active_record
      create    db/migrate/20160323054656_rename_hashed_password_column.rb

Open that migration file and modify that file as below(Do enter your original table_name)

class  RenameHashedPasswordColumn < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    rename_column :table_name, :hased_password, :hashed_password

How to simplify a null-safe compareTo() implementation?

I would implement a null safe comparator. There may be an implementation out there, but this is so straightforward to implement that I've always rolled my own.

Note: Your comparator above, if both names are null, won't even compare the value fields. I don't think this is what you want.

I would implement this with something like the following:

// primarily by name, secondarily by value; null-safe; case-insensitive
public int compareTo(final Metadata other) {

    if (other == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException();

    int result = nullSafeStringComparator(,;
    if (result != 0) {
        return result;

    return nullSafeStringComparator(this.value, other.value);

public static int nullSafeStringComparator(final String one, final String two) {
    if (one == null ^ two == null) {
        return (one == null) ? -1 : 1;

    if (one == null && two == null) {
        return 0;

    return one.compareToIgnoreCase(two);

EDIT: Fixed typos in code sample. That's what I get for not testing it first!

EDIT: Promoted nullSafeStringComparator to static.

Notification bar icon turns white in Android 5 Lollipop

remove the android:targetSdkVersion="21" from manifest.xml. it will work! and from this there is no prob at all in your apk it just a trick i apply this and i found colorful icon in notification

how to convert object to string in java

Solution 1: cast

String temp=(String)data.getParameterValue("request");

Solution 2: use typed map:

Map<String, String> param;

So you change Change the return type of your function

public String getParameterValue(String key)
        return params.get(key);
    return null;

and then no need for cast or toString

String temp=data.getParameterValue("request");

How to access PHP session variables from jQuery function in a .js file?

You can pass you session variables from your php script to JQUERY using JSON such as


    datatype: "json", 
    pager: '#prowed2', 
    sortname: 'id',
    height: 660,        
    viewrecords: true, 
    sortorder: 'desc',
    editurl: 'yourphp.php', 
    caption: 'Caption', 
    gridComplete: function() { 
        var ids = jQuery("#rowed2").jqGrid('getDataIDs'); 
        for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { 
            var cl = ids[i]; 
            be = "<input style='height:22px;width:50px;' `enter code here` type='button' value='Edit' onclick=\"jQuery('#rowed2').editRow('"+cl+"');\" />"; 
            se = "<input style='height:22px;width:50px;' type='button' value='Save' onclick=\"jQuery('#rowed2').saveRow('"+cl+"');\" />"; 
            ce = "<input style='height:22px;width:50px;' type='button' value='Cancel' onclick=\"jQuery('#rowed2').restoreRow('"+cl+"');\" />"; 
            jQuery("#rowed2").jqGrid('setRowData', ids[i], {Actions:be+se+ce}); 


// start your session

// get session from database or create you own
$session_username = $_SESSION['John'];
$session_email = $_SESSION['[email protected]'];

$response = new stdClass();
$response->session_username = $session_username;
$response->session_email = $session_email;

$i = 0;
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { 
    $response->rows[$i]['id'] = $row['ID']; 
    $response->rows[$i]['cell'] = array("", $row['rowvariable1'], $row['rowvariable2']); 

echo json_encode($response);
// this response (which contains your Session variables) is sent back to your JQUERY 

Encode a FileStream to base64 with c#

You may try something like that:

    public Stream ConvertToBase64(Stream stream)
        Byte[] inArray = new Byte[(int)stream.Length];
        Char[] outArray = new Char[(int)(stream.Length * 1.34)];
        stream.Read(inArray, 0, (int)stream.Length);
        Convert.ToBase64CharArray(inArray, 0, inArray.Length, outArray, 0);
        return new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(outArray));

Searching for Text within Oracle Stored Procedures

If you use UPPER(text), the like '%lah%' will always return zero results. Use '%LAH%'.

cursor.fetchall() vs list(cursor) in Python

cursor.fetchall() and list(cursor) are essentially the same. The different option is to not retrieve a list, and instead just loop over the bare cursor object:

for result in cursor:

This can be more efficient if the result set is large, as it doesn't have to fetch the entire result set and keep it all in memory; it can just incrementally get each item (or batch them in smaller batches).

ERROR Error: StaticInjectorError(AppModule)[UserformService -> HttpClient]:

There are two possible reasons 1. If you are using HttpClient in your service you need to import HttpClientModule in your module file and mention it in the imports array.

import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http';
  1. If you are using normal Http in your services you need to import HttpModule in your module file and mention it in the imports array.

    import { HttpModule } from '@angular/http'

By default, this is not available in the angular then you need to install @angular/http

If you wish you can use both HttpClientModule and HttpModule in your project.

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object error

@Balamanigandan your Original Post :- PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object error

Your are trying to access the Null Object. From AngularJS your are not passing any Objects instead you are passing the $_GET element. Try by using $_GET['uid'] instead of $objData->token

Clean up a fork and restart it from the upstream

Following @VonC great answer. Your GitHub company policy might not allow 'force push' on master.

remote: error: GH003: Sorry, force-pushing to master is not allowed.

If you get an error message like this one please try the following steps.

To effectively reset your fork you need to follow these steps :

git checkout master
git reset --hard upstream/master
git checkout -b tmp_master
git push origin

Open your fork on GitHub, in "Settings -> Branches -> Default branch" choose 'new_master' as the new default branch. Now you can force push on the 'master' branch :

git checkout master
git push --force origin

Then you must set back 'master' as the default branch in the GitHub settings. To delete 'tmp_master' :

git push origin --delete tmp_master
git branch -D tmp_master

Other answers warning about lossing your change still apply, be carreful.

Regex AND operator

It is impossible for both (?=foo) and (?=baz) to match at the same time. It would require the next character to be both f and b simultaneously which is impossible.

Perhaps you want this instead:


This says that foo must appear anywhere and baz must appear anywhere, not necessarily in that order and possibly overlapping (although overlapping is not possible in this specific case because the letters themselves don't overlap).

Is there a way to make Firefox ignore invalid ssl-certificates?

The MitM Me addon will do this - but I think self-signed certificates is probably a better solution.

Render Partial View Using jQuery in ASP.NET MVC

Using standard Ajax call to achieve same result

            url: '@Url.Action("_SearchStudents")?NationalId=' + $('#NationalId').val(),
            type: 'GET',
            error: function (xhr) {
                alert('Error: ' + xhr.statusText);

            success: function (result) {


public ActionResult _SearchStudents(string NationalId)


            return PartialView("_SearchStudents", model);

Android - Handle "Enter" in an EditText

working perfectly

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {  
TextView t;
Button b;
EditText e;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    b = (Button) findViewById(;
    e = (EditText) findViewById(;

    e.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() {

        public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) {

            if (before == 0 && count == 1 && s.charAt(start) == '\n') {

                e.getText().replace(start, start + 1, ""); //remove the <enter>

        public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) {}
        public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {}

    b.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {



working perfectly

Exception thrown inside catch block - will it be caught again?

The Java Language Specification says in section 14.19.1:

If execution of the try block completes abruptly because of a throw of a value V, then there is a choice:

  • If the run-time type of V is assignable to the Parameter of any catch clause of the try statement, then the first (leftmost) such catch clause is selected. The value V is assigned to the parameter of the selected catch clause, and the Block of that catch clause is executed. If that block completes normally, then the try statement completes normally; if that block completes abruptly for any reason, then the try statement completes abruptly for the same reason.


In other words, the first enclosing catch that can handle the exception does, and if an exception is thrown out of that catch, that's not in the scope of any other catch for the original try, so they will not try to handle it.

One related and confusing thing to know is that in a try-[catch]-finally structure, a finally block may throw an exception and if so, any exception thrown by the try or catch block is lost. That can be confusing the first time you see it.

How can I change a file's encoding with vim?

While using vim to do it is perfectly possible, why don't you simply use iconv? I mean - loading text editor just to do encoding conversion seems like using too big hammer for too small nail.


iconv -f utf-16 -t utf-8 file.xml > file.utf8.xml

And you're done.

PHP Warning: POST Content-Length of 8978294 bytes exceeds the limit of 8388608 bytes in Unknown on line 0

You will have to change the value of


both of which you will find in php.ini

Restarting your server will help it start working. On a local test server running XAMIP, i had to stop the Apache server and restart it. It worked fine after that.

Creating SVG elements dynamically with javascript inside HTML

Add this to html:

<svg id="mySVG" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""/>

Try this function and adapt for you program:

var svgNS = "";  

function createCircle()
    var myCircle = document.createElementNS(svgNS,"circle"); //to create a circle. for rectangle use "rectangle"


How to create a hash or dictionary object in JavaScript

if( a['desiredKey'] !== undefined )
   // it exists

Getting the Facebook like/share count for a given URL

You Can Show Facebook Share/Like Count Like This: ( Tested and Verified)

$url = // You can use inner pages

$rest_url = "".urlencode($url);

$json = json_decode(file_get_contents($rest_url),true);

echo Facebook Shares = '.$json[0][share_count];

echo Facebook Likes = '.$json[0][like_count];

echo Facebook Comments = '.$json[0][comment_count];

what does Error "Thread 1:EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (code=EXC_I386_INVOP, subcode=0x0)" mean?

Your secondNumber seems to be an ivar, so you have to use a local var to unwrap the optional. And careful. You don't test secondNumber for 0, which can lead into a division by zero. Technically you need another case to handle an impossible operation. For instance checkin if the number is 0 and do nothing in that case would at least not crash.

@IBAction func equals(sender: AnyObject) {

    guard let number = Screen.text?.toInt(), number > 0 else {

    secondNumber = number

    if operation == "+"{
        result = firstNumber + secondNumber
    else if operation == "-" {
        result = firstNumber - secondNumber
    else if operation == "x" {
        result = firstNumber * secondNumber
    else {
        result = firstNumber / secondNumber
    Screen.text = "\(result)"

Cannot download Docker images behind a proxy

As I am not allowed to comment yet:

For CentOS 7 I needed to activate the EnvironmentFile within "docker.service" like it is described here: Control and configure Docker with systemd.

Edit: I am adding my solution as stated out by Nilesh. I needed to open "/etc/systemd/system/docker.service" and I had to add within the section



Only then was the file "etc/sysconfig/docker" loaded on my system.

Is there a query language for JSON?

Update: XQuery 3.1 can query either XML or JSON - or both together. And XPath 3.1 can too.

The list is growing:

How to compare two dates along with time in java

Since Date implements Comparable<Date>, it is as easy as:


As the Comparable contract stipulates, it will return a negative integer/zero/positive integer if date1 is considered less than/the same as/greater than date2 respectively (ie, before/same/after in this case).

Note that Date has also .after() and .before() methods which will return booleans instead.

How to destroy a JavaScript object?

I was facing a problem like this, and had the idea of simply changing the innerHTML of the problematic object's children.

adiv.innerHTML = "<div...> the original html that js uses </div>";

Seems dirty, but it saved my life, as it works!

Concatenating two std::vectors

Or you could use:

std::copy(source.begin(), source.end(), std::back_inserter(destination));

This pattern is useful if the two vectors don't contain exactly the same type of thing, because you can use something instead of std::back_inserter to convert from one type to the other.

Commenting in a Bash script inside a multiline command

This will have some overhead, but technically it does answer your question:

echo abc `#Put your comment here` \
     def `#Another chance for a comment` \
     xyz, etc.

And for pipelines specifically, there is a clean solution with no overhead:

echo abc |        # Normal comment OK here
     tr a-z A-Z | # Another normal comment OK here
     sort |       # The pipelines are automatically continued
     uniq         # Final comment

See Stack Overflow question How to Put Line Comment for a Multi-line Command.