Programs & Examples On #Facebook social plugins

dedicated to implementation of Facebook social plugins like fb:like in both XFBML and iframe.

How to add facebook share button on my website?

You can do this by using asynchronous Javascript SDK provided by facebook

Have a look at the following code

FB Javascript SDK initialization

<div id="fb-root"></div>
window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
FB.init({appId: 'YOUR APP ID', status: true, cookie: true,
xfbml: true});
(function() {
var e = document.createElement('script'); e.async = true;
e.src = document.location.protocol +

Note: Remember to replace YOUR APP ID with your facebook AppId. If you don't have facebook AppId and you don't know how to create please check this

Add JQuery Library, I would preferred Google Library

<script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>

Add share dialog box (You can customize this dialog box by setting up parameters

<script type="text/javascript">
method: 'feed',
name: 'This is the content of the "name" field.',
link: '',
picture: '',
caption: 'Top 3 reasons why you should care about your finance',
description: "What happens when you don't take care of your finances? Just look at our country -- you spend irresponsibly, get in debt up to your eyeballs, and stress about how you're going to make ends meet. The difference is that you don't have a glut of taxpayers…",
message: ""

Now finally add image button

<img src = "share_button.png" id = "share_button">

For more detailed kind of information. please click here

Responsive width Facebook Page Plugin

To make the new Facebook Page Plugin responsive on initial page load, you'll want to remove the data-width attribute and instead add


This will make the Facebook Page Plugin responsive, but only on the initial page render, with a minimum width of 180px.

I'm still trying to figure out how to make it truly dynamically responsive, in spite of Facebook's caveat (I'll post an update if I ever find the answer).

No Dynamic Resizing

The Page plugin works with responsive, fluid and static layouts. You can use media queries or other methods to set the width of the parent element, yet:

The plugin will determine its width on page load. It will not react changes to the box model after page load. If you want to adjust the plugin's width on window resize, you manually need to rerender the plugin.


You could make it dynamically responsive by reinitializing the widget on browser resize, as Io Ctaptceb suggested, but by doing that you run the risk of eating up memory very quickly.

Yugal Jindle had a good answer, but I wanted to clarify that I have yet to find a way to make the plugin truly dynamically responsive.

Given URL is not permitted by the application configuration

An update to munsellj's update..

I got this working in development just by adding localhost:3000 to the 'Website URL' option and leaving the App Domains box blank. As munsellj mentioned, make sure you've added a website platform.

Launch Image does not show up in my iOS App

  • Make sure your images are accurate size according to Apple guidelines.
  • Make sure, You will select only one option , either launch screen file or Launch Image Source. You can find these two options in Project build settings -> General

My suggestion to you is to select Launch Image Source as Image.Assets. Create splash image assets there in Image.assests folder.

Reference image for right configuration: enter image description here

List of all index & index columns in SQL Server DB

Since your profile states that you are using .NET you could use Server Managed Objects (SMO) programmatically... otherwise any of the above answers are fantastic.

Are PHP short tags acceptable to use?

<? is disabled by default in newer versions. You can enable this like described Enabling Short Tags in PHP.

When increasing the size of VARCHAR column on a large table could there be any problems?

Changing to Varchar(1200) from Varchar(200) should cause you no issue as it is only a metadata change and as SQL server 2008 truncates excesive blank spaces you should see no performance differences either so in short there should be no issues with making the change.

Having issues with a MySQL Join that needs to meet multiple conditions

You can group conditions with parentheses. When you are checking if a field is equal to another, you want to use OR. For example WHERE a='1' AND (b='123' OR b='234').

FROM rooms AS u
JOIN facilities_r AS fu
ON fu.id_uc = u.id_uc AND (fu.id_fu='4' OR fu.id_fu='3')
WHERE vizibility='1'
GROUP BY id_uc
ORDER BY u_premium desc, id_uc desc

Sorted collection in Java

What you want is a binary search tree. It maintains sorted order while offering logarithmic access for searches, removals and insertions (unless you have a degenerated tree - then it's linear). It is quite easy to implement and you even can make it implement the List interface, but then the index-access gets complicated.

Second approach is to have an ArrayList and then a bubble sort implementation. Because you are inserting or removing one element at a time, the access times for insertions and removals are linear. Searches are logarithmic and index access constant (times can get different for LinkedList). The only code you need is 5, maybe 6 lines of bubble sort.

How can I implement a tree in Python?

If you are already using the networkx library, then you can implement a tree using that. Otherwise, you can try one of the other answers.

NetworkX is a Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks.

As 'tree' is another term for a (normally rooted) connected acyclic graph, and these are called 'arborescences' in NetworkX.

You may want to implement a plane tree (aka ordered tree) where each sibling has a unique rank and this is normally done via labelling the nodes.

However, graph language looks different from tree language, and the means of 'rooting' an arborescence is normally done by using a directed graph so, while there are some really cool functions and corresponding visualisations available, it would probably not be an ideal choice if you are not already using networkx.

An example of building a tree:

import networkx as nx
G = nx.Graph()
G.add_edge('A', 'B')
G.add_edge('B', 'C')
G.add_edge('B', 'D')
G.add_edge('A', 'E')
G.add_edge('E', 'F')

The library enables each node to be any hashable object, and there is no constraint on the number of children each node has.

The library also provides graph algorithms related to trees and visualization capabilities.

Scikit-learn train_test_split with indices

You can use pandas dataframes or series as Julien said but if you want to restrict your-self to numpy you can pass an additional array of indices:

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
import numpy as np
n_samples, n_features, n_classes = 10, 2, 2
data = np.random.randn(n_samples, n_features)  # 10 training examples
labels = np.random.randint(n_classes, size=n_samples)  # 10 labels
indices = np.arange(n_samples)
x1, x2, y1, y2, idx1, idx2 = train_test_split(
    data, labels, indices, test_size=0.2)

LaTeX Optional Arguments

All of the above show hard it can be to make a nice, flexible (or forbid an overloaded) function in LaTeX!!! (that TeX code looks like greek to me)

well, just to add my recent (albeit not as flexible) development, here's what I've recently used in my thesis doc, with

\usepackage{ifthen}  % provides conditonals...

Start the command, with the "optional" command set blank by default:

\newcommand {\figHoriz} [4] []  {

I then have the macro set a temporary variable, \temp{}, differently depending on whether or not the optional argument is blank. This could be extended to any passed argument.

\ifthenelse { \equal {#1} {} }  %if short caption not specified, use long caption (no slant)
    { \def\temp {\caption[#4]{\textsl{#4}}} }   % if #1 == blank
    { \def\temp {\caption[#1]{\textsl{#4}}} }   % else (not blank)

Then I run the macro using the \temp{} variable for the two cases. (Here it just sets the short-caption to equal the long caption if it wasn't specified by the user).

        \includegraphics[width=350 pt]{#3}
        \temp   %see above for caption etc.

In this case I only check for the single, "optional" argument that \newcommand{} provides. If you were to set it up for, say, 3 "optional" args, you'd still have to send the 3 blank args... eg.

\MyCommand {first arg} {} {} {}

which is pretty silly, I know, but that's about as far as I'm going to go with LaTeX - it's just not that sensical once I start looking at TeX code... I do like Mr. Robertson's xparse method though, perhaps I'll try it...

How to iterate over array of objects in Handlebars?

You can pass this to each block. See here:

{{#each this}}
    <div class="row"></div>

convert big endian to little endian in C [without using provided func]

here's a way using the SSSE3 instruction pshufb using its Intel intrinsic, assuming you have a multiple of 4 ints:

unsigned int *bswap(unsigned int *destination, unsigned int *source, int length) {
    int i;
    __m128i mask = _mm_set_epi8(12, 13, 14, 15, 8, 9, 10, 11, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3);
    for (i = 0; i < length; i += 4) {
        _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)&destination[i],
        _mm_shuffle_epi8(_mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)&source[i]), mask));
    return destination;

how to display employee names starting with a and then b in sql

To get employee names starting with A or B listed in order...

select employee_name 
from employees
where employee_name LIKE 'A%' OR employee_name LIKE 'B%'
order by employee_name

If you are using Microsoft SQL Server you could use

where employee_name  LIKE '[A-B]%'
order by employee_name

This is not standard SQL though it just gets translated to the following which is.

WHERE  employee_name >= 'A'
       AND employee_name < 'C' 

For all variants you would need to consider whether you want to include accented variants such as Á and test whether the queries above do what you want with these on your RDBMS and collation options.

Google Play on Android 4.0 emulator

It is simple for me i downloaded the apk file in my computer and drag that file to emulator it install the google play for me Hope it help some one

how to remove key+value from hash in javascript

You say you don't necessarily know that 'key2' is in position [1]. Well, it's not. Position 1 would be occupied by myHash[1].

You're abusing JavaScript arrays, which (like functions) allow key/value hashes. Even though JavaScript allows it, it does not give you facilities to deal with it, as a language designed for associative arrays would. JavaScript's array methods work with the numbered properties only.

The first thing you should do is switch to objects rather than arrays. You don't have a good reason to use an array here rather than an object, so don't do it. If you want to use an array, just number the elements and give up on the idea of hashes. The intent of an array is to hold information which can be indexed into numerically.

You can, of course, put a hash (object) into an array if you like.


Why should I use a pointer rather than the object itself?

Another good reason to use pointers would be for forward declarations. In a large enough project they can really speed up compile time.

How to solve SyntaxError on autogenerated

The solution is straightforward. the exception from is because when running the command with python, Django is unable to predict the exact python version, say you may have 3.6, 3.5, 3.8 and maybe just one of this versions pip module was used to install Django to resolve this either use:

./ `enter code here`<command>

or using the exact python version(x.x) stands:

pythonx.x <command>

else the use of virtual environments can come in handy because its relates any pip django module easily to python version

  • create env with pyenv or virtualenv
  • activate (e.g in virtualenv => virtualenv env)
  • run using python command

Passing multiple variables to another page in url


Warning The superglobals $_GET and $_REQUEST are already decoded. Using urldecode() on an element in $_GET or $_REQUEST could have unexpected and dangerous results.


be careful.

Bash script to cd to directory with spaces in pathname

A single backslash works for me:

ry4an@ry4an-mini:~$ mkdir "My Code"

ry4an@ry4an-mini:~$ vi

ry4an@ry4an-mini:~$ . 

ry4an@ry4an-mini:My Code$ cat ../ 
cd ~/My\ Code

Are you sure the problem isn't that your shell script is changing directory in its subshell, but then you're back in the main shell (and original dir) when done? I avoided that by using . to run the script in the current shell, though most folks would just use an alias for this. The spaces could be a red herring.

Is it possible to validate the size and type of input=file in html5

    <form  class="upload-form">
        <input class="upload-file" data-max-size="2048" type="file" >
        <input type=submit>
    var fileInput = $('.upload-file');
    var maxSize ='max-size');
            var fileSize = fileInput.get(0).files[0].size; // in bytes
                alert('file size is more then' + maxSize + ' bytes');
                return false;
                alert('file size is correct- '+fileSize+' bytes');
            alert('choose file, please');
            return false;


Excel Formula to SUMIF date falls in particular month

Try this instead:


It's an array formula, so you will need to enter it with the Control-Shift-Enter key combination.

Here's how the formula works.

  1. MONTH($A$2:$A$6) creates an array of numeric values of the month for the dates in A2:A6, that is,
    {1, 1, 1, 2, 2}.
  2. Then the comparison {1, 1, 1, 2, 2}= 1 produces the array {TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE}, which comprises the condition for the IF statement.
  3. The IF statement then returns an array of values, with {430, 96, 400.. for the values of the sum ranges where the month value equals 1 and ..0,0} where the month value does not equal 1.
  4. That array {430, 96, 400, 0, 0} is then summed to get the answer you are looking for.

This is essentially equivalent to what the SUMIF and SUMIFs functions do. However, neither of those functions support the kind of calculation you tried to include in the conditional.

It's also possible to drop the IF completely. Since TRUE and FALSE can also be treated as 1 and 0, this formula--=SUM((MONTH($A$2:$A$6)=1)*$B$2:$B$6)--also works.

Heads up: This does not work in Google Spreadsheets

"Specified argument was out of the range of valid values"

try this.

if (ViewState["CurrentTable"] != null)
                DataTable dtCurrentTable = (DataTable)ViewState["CurrentTable"];
                DataRow drCurrentRow = null;
                if (dtCurrentTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = 1; i <= dtCurrentTable.Rows.Count; i++)
                        //extract the TextBox values
                        TextBox box1 = (TextBox)Gridview1.Rows[i].Cells[1].FindControl("txt_type");
                        TextBox box2 = (TextBox)Gridview1.Rows[i].Cells[2].FindControl("txt_total");
                        TextBox box3 = (TextBox)Gridview1.Rows[i].Cells[3].FindControl("txt_max");
                        TextBox box4 = (TextBox)Gridview1.Rows[i].Cells[4].FindControl("txt_min");
                        TextBox box5 = (TextBox)Gridview1.Rows[i].Cells[5].FindControl("txt_rate");

                        drCurrentRow = dtCurrentTable.NewRow();
                        drCurrentRow["RowNumber"] = i + 1;

                        dtCurrentTable.Rows[i - 1]["Column1"] = box1.Text;
                        dtCurrentTable.Rows[i - 1]["Column2"] = box2.Text;
                        dtCurrentTable.Rows[i - 1]["Column3"] = box3.Text;
                        dtCurrentTable.Rows[i - 1]["Column4"] = box4.Text;
                        dtCurrentTable.Rows[i - 1]["Column5"] = box5.Text;

                    ViewState["CurrentTable"] = dtCurrentTable;

                    Gridview1.DataSource = dtCurrentTable;
                Response.Write("ViewState is null");

How to keep keys/values in same order as declared?

if you would like to have a dictionary in a specific order, you can also create a list of lists, where the first item will be the key, and the second item will be the value and will look like this example

>>> list =[[1,2],[2,3]]
>>> for i in list:
...     print i[0]
...     print i[1]


How to force an entire layout View refresh?

Calling invalidate() or postInvalidate() on the root layout apparently does NOT guarantee that children views will be redrawn. In my specific case, my root layout was a TableLayout and had several children of class TableRow and TextView. Calling postInvalidate(), or requestLayout() or even forceLayout() on the root TableLayout object did not cause any TextViews in the layout to be redrawn.

So, what I ended up doing was recursively parsing the layout looking for those TextViews and then calling postInvalidate() on each of those TextView objects.

The code can be found on GitHub:

How do I parse a string into a number with Dart?

You can parse a string into an integer with int.parse(). For example:

var myInt = int.parse('12345');
assert(myInt is int);
print(myInt); // 12345

Note that int.parse() accepts 0x prefixed strings. Otherwise the input is treated as base-10.

You can parse a string into a double with double.parse(). For example:

var myDouble = double.parse('123.45');
assert(myDouble is double);
print(myDouble); // 123.45

parse() will throw FormatException if it cannot parse the input.

How to monitor Java memory usage?

The problem with system.gc, is that the JVM already automatically allocates time to the garbage collector based on memory usage.

However, if you are, for instance, working in a very memory limited condition, like a mobile device, System.gc allows you to manually allocate more time towards this garbage collection, but at the cost of cpu time (but, as you said, you aren't that concerned about performance issues of gc).

Best practice would probably be to only use it where you might be doing large amounts of deallocation (like flushing a large array).

All considered, since you are simply concerned about memory usage, feel free to call gc, or, better yet, see if it makes much of a memory difference in your case, and then decide.

Format LocalDateTime with Timezone in Java8

The prefix "Local" in JSR-310 (aka java.time-package in Java-8) does not indicate that there is a timezone information in internal state of that class (here: LocalDateTime). Despite the often misleading name such classes like LocalDateTime or LocalTime have NO timezone information or offset.

You tried to format such a temporal type (which does not contain any offset) with offset information (indicated by pattern symbol Z). So the formatter tries to access an unavailable information and has to throw the exception you observed.


Use a type which has such an offset or timezone information. In JSR-310 this is either OffsetDateTime (which contains an offset but not a timezone including DST-rules) or ZonedDateTime. You can watch out all supported fields of such a type by look-up on the method isSupported(TemporalField).. The field OffsetSeconds is supported in OffsetDateTime and ZonedDateTime, but not in LocalDateTime.

DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS Z");
String s =;

How to set time to 24 hour format in Calendar

I am using fullcalendar on my project recently, I don't know what exact view effect you want to achieve, in my project I want to change the event time view from 12h format from

enter image description here

to 24h format.

enter image description here

If this is the effect you want to achieve, the solution below might help:

set timeFormat: 'H:mm'

Git: How to remove remote origin from Git repo

Another method

Cancel local git repository

rm -rf .git

Then; Create git repostory again

git init

Then; Repeat the remote repo connect

git remote add origin REPO_URL

How to use radio buttons in ReactJS?

Bootstrap guys, we do it like this:

export default function RadioButton({ onChange, option }) {
    const handleChange = event => {

    return (
            <div className="custom-control custom-radio">
                    id={ option.option }
                    onChange={ handleChange }
                    value = { }
                        htmlFor={ option.option }
                        { option.option }

How to remove special characters from a string?

This will replace all the characters except alphanumeric


ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected - got CLOB

The same error occurs also when doing SELECT DISTINCT ..., <CLOB_column>, ....

If this CLOB column contains values shorter than limit for VARCHAR2 in all the applicable rows you may use to_char(<CLOB_column>) or concatenate results of multiple calls to DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR(<CLOB_column>, ...).

Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function

Something else you can use is isnull:

isnull( SUBSTRING(PostCode, 1 , CHARINDEX(' ', PostCode ) -1), PostCode)

How to move Jenkins from one PC to another

In case your JENKINS_HOME directory is too large to copy, and all you need is to set up same jobs, Jenkins Plugins and Jenkins configurations (and don't need old Job artifacts and reports), then you can use the ThinBackup Plugin:

  1. Install ThinBackup on both the source and the target Jenkins servers

  2. Configure the backup directory on both (in Manage Jenkins ? ThinBackup ? Settings)

  3. On the source Jenkins, go to ThinBackup ? Backup Now

  4. Copy from Jenkins source backup directory to the Jenkins target backup directory

  5. On the target Jenkins, go to ThinBackup ? Restore, and then restart the Jenkins service.

  6. If some plugins or jobs are missing, copy the backup content directly to the target JENKINS_HOME.

  7. If you had user authentication on the source Jenkins, and now locked out on the target Jenkins, then edit Jenkins config.xml, set <useSecurity> to false, and restart Jenkins.

is vs typeof

They don't do the same thing. The first one works if obj is of type ClassA or of some subclass of ClassA. The second one will only match objects of type ClassA. The second one will be faster since it doesn't have to check the class hierarchy.

For those who want to know the reason, but don't want to read the article referenced in is vs typeof.

jQuery get content between <div> tags

Use the text method [text()] to get text in the div element, by identifing the element by class or id.

How to check if an object is defined?

You check if it's null in C# like this:

if(MyObject != null) {
  //do something

If you want to check against default (tough to understand the question on the info given) check:

if(MyObject != default(MyObject)) {
 //do something

Cloudfront custom-origin distribution returns 502 "ERROR The request could not be satisfied." for some URLs

I ran into this problem, which resolved itself after I stopped using a proxy. Maybe CloudFront is blacklisting some IPs.

Convert Json string to Json object in Swift 4

I tried the solutions here, and as? [String:AnyObject] worked for me:

    if let json = String.Encoding.utf8){
        if let jsonData = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: json, options: .allowFragments) as? [String:AnyObject]{
            let id = jsonData["id"] as! String
}catch {


What are the differences between stateless and stateful systems, and how do they impact parallelism?

A stateful server keeps state between connections. A stateless server does not.

So, when you send a request to a stateful server, it may create some kind of connection object that tracks what information you request. When you send another request, that request operates on the state from the previous request. So you can send a request to "open" something. And then you can send a request to "close" it later. In-between the two requests, that thing is "open" on the server.

When you send a request to a stateless server, it does not create any objects that track information regarding your requests. If you "open" something on the server, the server retains no information at all that you have something open. A "close" operation would make no sense, since there would be nothing to close.

HTTP and NFS are stateless protocols. Each request stands on its own.

Sometimes cookies are used to add some state to a stateless protocol. In HTTP (web pages), the server sends you a cookie and then the browser holds the state, only to send it back to the server on a subsequent request.

SMB is a stateful protocol. A client can open a file on the server, and the server may deny other clients access to that file until the client closes it.

How can one develop iPhone apps in Java?

Build a hybrid app. Anyways Java is not enough for a software engineer , you need to learn JS,HTML5,CSS as well for becoming a full stack mobile/app developer. Build the complete backend using Java & frontend using Cordova/Phonegap.

I'm assuming you dont need the last drop of juice from the hardware even hybind app should suffice your needs.

Build a responsive webapp using Bootstrap 4 + React JS. Use to quickly build up the frontend. Now the web app becomes an app in the browser.

You could also take the same app and build it using cordova to publish a app on ios/android platform.

How to convert dd/mm/yyyy string into JavaScript Date object?

I found the default JS date formatting didn't work.

So I used toLocaleString with options

const event = new Date();
const options = { dateStyle: 'short' };
const date = event.toLocaleString('en', options);

to get: DD/MM/YYYY format

See docs for more formatting options:

Check if event exists on element

I ended up doing this

typeof ($('#mySelector').data('events').click) == "object"

What are all the user accounts for IIS/ASP.NET and how do they differ?

This is a very good question and sadly many developers don't ask enough questions about IIS/ASP.NET security in the context of being a web developer and setting up IIS. So here goes....

To cover the identities listed:


This is analogous to the old IIS6 IIS_WPG group. It's a built-in group with it's security configured such that any member of this group can act as an application pool identity.


This account is analogous to the old IUSR_<MACHINE_NAME> local account that was the default anonymous user for IIS5 and IIS6 websites (i.e. the one configured via the Directory Security tab of a site's properties).

For more information about IIS_IUSRS and IUSR see:

Understanding Built-In User and Group Accounts in IIS 7


If an application pool is configured to run using the Application Pool Identity feature then a "synthesised" account called IIS AppPool\<pool name> will be created on the fly to used as the pool identity. In this case there will be a synthesised account called IIS AppPool\DefaultAppPool created for the life time of the pool. If you delete the pool then this account will no longer exist. When applying permissions to files and folders these must be added using IIS AppPool\<pool name>. You also won't see these pool accounts in your computers User Manager. See the following for more information:

Application Pool Identities

ASP.NET v4.0: -

This will be the Application Pool Identity for the ASP.NET v4.0 Application Pool. See DefaultAppPool above.


The NETWORK SERVICE account is a built-in identity introduced on Windows 2003. NETWORK SERVICE is a low privileged account under which you can run your application pools and websites. A website running in a Windows 2003 pool can still impersonate the site's anonymous account (IUSR_ or whatever you configured as the anonymous identity).

In ASP.NET prior to Windows 2008 you could have ASP.NET execute requests under the Application Pool account (usually NETWORK SERVICE). Alternatively you could configure ASP.NET to impersonate the site's anonymous account via the <identity impersonate="true" /> setting in web.config file locally (if that setting is locked then it would need to be done by an admin in the machine.config file).

Setting <identity impersonate="true"> is common in shared hosting environments where shared application pools are used (in conjunction with partial trust settings to prevent unwinding of the impersonated account).

In IIS7.x/ASP.NET impersonation control is now configured via the Authentication configuration feature of a site. So you can configure to run as the pool identity, IUSR or a specific custom anonymous account.


The LOCAL SERVICE account is a built-in account used by the service control manager. It has a minimum set of privileges on the local computer. It has a fairly limited scope of use:

LocalService Account


You didn't ask about this one but I'm adding for completeness. This is a local built-in account. It has fairly extensive privileges and trust. You should never configure a website or application pool to run under this identity.

LocalSystem Account

In Practice:

In practice the preferred approach to securing a website (if the site gets its own application pool - which is the default for a new site in IIS7's MMC) is to run under Application Pool Identity. This means setting the site's Identity in its Application Pool's Advanced Settings to Application Pool Identity:

enter image description here

In the website you should then configure the Authentication feature:

enter image description here

Right click and edit the Anonymous Authentication entry:

enter image description here

Ensure that "Application pool identity" is selected:

enter image description here

When you come to apply file and folder permissions you grant the Application Pool identity whatever rights are required. For example if you are granting the application pool identity for the ASP.NET v4.0 pool permissions then you can either do this via Explorer:

enter image description here

Click the "Check Names" button:

enter image description here

Or you can do this using the ICACLS.EXE utility:

icacls c:\wwwroot\mysite /grant "IIS AppPool\ASP.NET v4.0":(CI)(OI)(M)

...or...if you site's application pool is called BobsCatPicBlogthen:

icacls c:\wwwroot\mysite /grant "IIS AppPool\BobsCatPicBlog":(CI)(OI)(M)

I hope this helps clear things up.


I just bumped into this excellent answer from 2009 which contains a bunch of useful information, well worth a read:

The difference between the 'Local System' account and the 'Network Service' account?

Store output of subprocess.Popen call in a string

import subprocess
output = str(subprocess.Popen("ntpq -p",shell = True,stdout = subprocess.PIPE, 
stderr = subprocess.STDOUT).communicate()[0])

This is one line solution

Find kth smallest element in a binary search tree in Optimum way

this would work too. just call the function with maxNode in the tree

def k_largest(self, node , k): if k < 0 : return None
if k == 0: return node else: k -=1 return self.k_largest(self.predecessor(node), k)

How do I disable a Pylint warning?

As per Pylint documentation, the easiest is to use this chart:

  • C convention-related checks
  • R refactoring-related checks
  • W various warnings
  • E errors, for probable bugs in the code
  • F fatal, if an error occurred which prevented Pylint from doing further processing.

So one can use:

pylint -j 0 --disable=I,E,R,W,C,F YOUR_FILES_LOC

Tar archiving that takes input from a list of files


tar -cvf allfiles.tar -T mylist.txt

git pull aborted with error filename too long

On windows run "cmd " as administrator and execute command.

"C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\etc>"
"git config --system core.longpaths true"

or you have to chmod for the folder whereever git is installed.

or manullay update your file manually by going to path "Git\mingw64\etc"

    sslBackend = schannel
[diff "astextplain"]
    textconv = astextplain
[filter "lfs"]
    clean = git-lfs clean -- %f
    smudge = git-lfs smudge -- %f
    process = git-lfs filter-process
    required = true
    helper = manager
    longpaths = true**

How to check that an element is in a std::set?

You can also check whether an element is in set or not while inserting the element. The single element version return a pair, with its member pair::first set to an iterator pointing to either the newly inserted element or to the equivalent element already in the set. The pair::second element in the pair is set to true if a new element was inserted or false if an equivalent element already existed.

For example: Suppose the set already has 20 as an element.

 std::set<int> myset;
 std::set<int>::iterator it;
 std::pair<std::set<int>::iterator,bool> ret;

     //do nothing

    //do something

 it=ret.first //points to element 20 already in set.

If the element is newly inserted than pair::first will point to the position of new element in set.

Django - after login, redirect user to his custom page -->

When using Class based views, another option is to use the dispatch method.

Example Code:

LOGIN_URL = 'login'

from django.urls import path
from django.contrib.auth import views as auth_views
urlpatterns = [
path('', HomeView.as_view(), name='home'),
path('login/', auth_views.LoginView.as_view(),name='login'),
path('logout/', auth_views.LogoutView.as_view(), name='logout'),

from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.views.generic import View
from django.shortcuts import redirect

@method_decorator([login_required], name='dispatch')
class HomeView(View):
    model = models.User

    def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        if not request.user.is_authenticated:
            return redirect('login')
        elif some-logic:
            return redirect('some-page') #needs defined as valid url
        return super(HomeView, self).dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)

Why write <script type="text/javascript"> when the mime type is set by the server?

Boris Zbarsky (Mozilla), who probably knows more about the innards of Gecko than anyone else, provided at the pseudocode repeated below to describe what Gecko based browsers do:

if (@type not set or empty) {
   if (@language not set or empty) {
     // Treat as default script language; what this is depends on the
     // content-script-type HTTP header or equivalent META tag
   } else {
     if (@language is one of "javascript", "livescript", "mocha",
                             "javascript1.0", "javascript1.1",
                             "javascript1.2", "javascript1.3",
                             "javascript1.4", "javascript1.5",
                             "javascript1.6", "javascript1.7",
                             "javascript1.8") {
       // Treat as javascript
     } else {
       // Treat as unknown script language; do not execute
} else {
   if (@type is one of "text/javascript", "text/ecmascript",
                       "application/x-javascript") {
     // Treat as javascript
   } else {
     // Treat as specified (e.g. if pyxpcom is installed and
     // python script is allowed in this context and the type
     // is one that the python runtime claims to handle, use that).
     // If we don't have a runtime for this type, do not execute.

Regex Until But Not Including

Try this


How can I view the shared preferences file using Android Studio?

Android Studio -> Device File Explorer (right bottom corner) -> data -> data -> {} -> shared-prefs

Note: You need to connect mobile device to android studio and selected application should be in debug mode

How to cast from List<Double> to double[] in Java?

High performance - every Double object wraps a single double value. If you want to store all these values into a double[] array, then you have to iterate over the collection of Double instances. A O(1) mapping is not possible, this should be the fastest you can get:

 double[] target = new double[doubles.size()];
 for (int i = 0; i < target.length; i++) {
    target[i] = doubles.get(i).doubleValue();  // java 1.4 style
    // or:
    target[i] = doubles.get(i);                // java 1.5+ style (outboxing)

Thanks for the additional question in the comments ;) Here's the sourcecode of the fitting ArrayUtils#toPrimitive method:

public static double[] toPrimitive(Double[] array) {
  if (array == null) {
    return null;
  } else if (array.length == 0) {
  final double[] result = new double[array.length];
  for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
    result[i] = array[i].doubleValue();
  return result;

(And trust me, I didn't use it for my first answer - even though it looks ... pretty similiar :-D )

By the way, the complexity of Marcelos answer is O(2n), because it iterates twice (behind the scenes): first to make a Double[] from the list, then to unwrap the double values.

How to play .mp4 video in videoview in android?

I'm not sure that is the problem but what worked for me is calling mVideoView.start(); inside the mVideoView.setOnPreparedListener event callback.

For example:

Uri uriVideo = Uri.parse(<your link here>);

MediaController mediaController = new MediaController(mContext);

mVideoView.setOnPreparedListener(new MediaPlayer.OnPreparedListener()
     public void onPrepared(MediaPlayer mp)

Creating a JSON Array in node js

Build up a JavaScript data structure with the required information, then turn it into the json string at the end.

Based on what I think you're doing, try something like this:

var result = [];
for (var name in goals) {
  if (goals.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
    result.push({name: name, goals: goals[name]});


or something along those lines.

How do I return clean JSON from a WCF Service?

If you want nice json without hardcoding attributes into your service classes,

use <webHttp defaultOutgoingResponseFormat="Json"/> in your behavior config

Check if a string matches a regex in Bash script

Where the usage of a regex can be helpful to determine if the character sequence of a date is correct, it cannot be used easily to determine if the date is valid. The following examples will pass the regular expression, but are all invalid dates: 20180231, 20190229, 20190431

So if you want to validate if your date string (let's call it datestr) is in the correct format, it is best to parse it with date and ask date to convert the string to the correct format. If both strings are identical, you have a valid format and valid date.

if [[ "$datestr" == $(date -d "$datestr" "+%Y%m%d" 2>/dev/null) ]]; then
     echo "Valid date"
     echo "Invalid date"

Has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version 57.0)

You need to double check the PATH environment setting. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-13 you currently have there is not correct. Please make sure you have the bin subdirectory for the latest JDK version at the top of the PATH list.

java.exe executable is in C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-13\bin directory, so that is what you need to have in PATH.

Use this tool to quickly verify or edit the environment variables on Windows. It allows to reorder PATH entries. It will also highlight invalid paths in red.

If you want your code to run on lower JDK versions as well, change the target bytecode version in the IDE. See this answer for the relevant screenshots.

See also this answer for the Java class file versions. What happens is that you build the code with Java 13 and 13 language level bytecode (target) and try to run it with Java 8 which is the first (default) Java version according to the PATH variable configuration.

The solution is to have Java 13 bin directory in PATH above or instead of Java 8. On Windows you may have C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath added to PATH automatically which points to Java 8 now:


If it's the case, remove the highlighted part from PATH and then logout/login or reboot for the changes to have effect. You need to Restart as administrator first to be able to edit the System variables (see the button on the top right of the system variables column).

How do I migrate an SVN repository with history to a new Git repository?

There are different methods to achieve this goal. I've tried some of them and found really working one with just git and svn installed on Windows OS.


  1. git on windows (I've used this one)
  2. svn with console tools installed (I've used tortoise svn)
  3. Dump file of your SVN repository. svnadmin dump /path/to/repository > repo_name.svn_dump

Steps to achieve final goal (move all repository with history to a git, firstly local git, then remote)

  1. Create empty repository (using console tools or tortoiseSVN) in directory REPO_NAME_FOLDER cd REPO_NAME_PARENT_FOLDER, put dumpfile.dump into REPO_NAME_PARENT_FOLDER

  2. svnadmin load REPO_NAME_FOLDER < dumpfile.dump Wait for this operation, it may be long

  3. This command is silent, so open second cmd window : svnserve -d -R --root REPO_NAME_FOLDER Why not just use file:///...... ? Cause next command will fail with Unable to open ... to URL:, thanks to the answer

  4. Create new folder SOURCE_GIT_FOLDER

  6. git svn clone svn://localhost/ Wait for this operation.

Finally, what do we got?

Lets check our Local repository :

git log

See your previous commits? If yes - okay

So now you have fully functional local git repository with your sources and old svn history. Now, if you want to move it to some server, use the following commands :

git remote add origin https://fullurlpathtoyourrepo/reponame.git
git push -u origin --all # pushes up the repo and its refs for the first time
git push -u origin --tags # pushes up any tags

In my case, I've dont need tags command cause my repo dont have tags.

Good luck!

How to install Laravel's Artisan?

Use the project's root folder

Artisan comes with Laravel by default, if your php command works fine, then the only thing you need to do is to navigate to the project's root folder. The root folder is the parent folder of the app folder. For example:

cd c:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\your-project-name

Now the php artisan list command should work fine, because PHP runs the file called artisan in the project's folder.

Install the framework

Keep in mind that Artisan runs scripts stored in the vendor folder, so if you installed Laravel without Composer, like downloading and extracting the Laravel GitHub repo, then you don't have the framework itself and you may get the following error when you try to use Artisan:

Could not open input file: artisan

To solve this you have to install the framework itself by running composer install in your project's root folder.

How to create an android app using HTML 5

you can use webview in android that will use chrome browser Or you can try Phonegap or sencha Touch

Laravel Unknown Column 'updated_at'

In the model, write the below code;

public $timestamps = false;

This would work.

Explanation : By default laravel will expect created_at & updated_at column in your table. By making it to false it will override the default setting.

Sequence contains more than one element

As @Mehmet is pointing out, if your result is returning more then 1 elerment then you need to look into you data as i suspect that its not by design that you have customers sharing a customernumber.

But to the point i wanted to give you a quick overview.

//success on 0 or 1 in the list, returns dafault() of whats in the list if 0
//success on 1 and only 1 in the list

//success on 0-n, returns first element in the list or default() if 0 
//success 1-n, returns the first element in the list

//success on 0-n, returns first element in the list or default() if 0 
//success 1-n, returns the last element in the list

for more Linq expressions have a look at System.Linq.Expressions

Using helpers in model: how do I include helper dependencies?

To access helpers from your own controllers, just use:


When should I use git pull --rebase?

I think you should use git pull --rebase when collaborating with others on the same branch. You are in your work ? commit ? work ? commit cycle, and when you decide to push your work your push is rejected, because there's been parallel work on the same branch. At this point I always do a pull --rebase. I do not use squash (to flatten commits), but I rebase to avoid the extra merge commits.

As your Git knowledge increases you find yourself looking a lot more at history than with any other version control systems I've used. If you have a ton of small merge commits, it's easy to lose focus of the bigger picture that's happening in your history.

This is actually the only time I do rebasing(*), and the rest of my workflow is merge based. But as long as your most frequent committers do this, history looks a whole lot better in the end.

(*) While teaching a Git course, I had a student arrest me on this, since I also advocated rebasing feature branches in certain circumstances. And he had read this answer ;) Such rebasing is also possible, but it always has to be according to a pre-arranged/agreed system, and as such should not "always" be applied. And at that time I usually don't do pull --rebase either, which is what the question is about ;)

TypeScript error: Type 'void' is not assignable to type 'boolean'

Your code is passing a function as an argument to find. That function takes an element argument (of type Conversation) and returns void (meaning there is no return value). TypeScript describes this as (element: Conversation) => void'

What TypeScript is saying is that the find function doesn't expect to receive a function that takes a Conversation and returns void. It expects a function that takes a Conversations, a number and a Conversation array, and that this function should return a boolean.

So bottom line is that you either need to change your code to pass in the values to find correctly, or else you need to provide an overload to the definition of find in your definition file that accepts a Conversation and returns void.

How to resolve Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source in linq?

Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source

Above error comes in situation when you are querying the collection which is null.

For demonstration below code will result in such an exception.

Console.WriteLine("Hello World");
IEnumerable<int> list = null;
list.Where(d => d ==4).FirstOrDefault();

Here is the output of the above code.

Hello World Run-time exception (line 11): Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source

Stack Trace:

[System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source] at Program.Main(): line 11

In your case ListMetadataKor is null. Here is the fiddle if you want to play around.

Where is Maven Installed on Ubuntu

$ mvn --version

and look for Maven home: in the output , mine is: Maven home: /usr/share/maven

How to export iTerm2 Profiles

It isn't the most obvious workflow. You first have to click "Load preferences from a custom folder or URL". Select the folder you want them saved in; I keep an appsync folder in Dropbox for these sorts of things. Once you have selected the folder, you can click "Save settings to Folder". On a new machine / fresh install of your OS, you can now load these settings from the folder. At first I was sure that loading preferences would wipe out my previous settings, but it didn't.

Does a "Find in project..." feature exist in Eclipse IDE?

1. Ctrl + H
2. Choose File Search for plain text search in workspace/selected projects

For specific expression searches, choose the relevant tab (such as Java Search which allows you to search for specific identifiers)

For whole project search:

3. Scope (in the form section) > Enclosing project (Radio button selection).

Show row number in row header of a DataGridView

This worked for me.

Private Sub GridView1_CellFormatting(sender As Object, e As DataGridViewCellFormattingEventArgs) Handles GridView1.CellFormatting
    Dim idx As Integer = e.RowIndex
    Dim row As DataGridViewRow = VDataGridView1.Rows(idx)
    Dim newNo As Long = idx
    If Not _RowNumberStartFromZero Then
        newNo += 1
    End If

    Dim oldNo As Long = -1
    If row.HeaderCell.Value IsNot Nothing Then
        If IsNumeric(row.HeaderCell.Value) Then
            oldNo = CLng(row.HeaderCell.Value)
        End If
    End If

    If newNo <> oldNo Then 'only change if it's wrong or not set
        row.HeaderCell.Value = newNo.ToString()
        row.HeaderCell.Style.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight
    End If
End Sub

Printing object properties in Powershell

Some general notes.

$obj | Select-Object ? $obj | Select-Object -Property *

The latter will show all non-intrinsic, non-compiler-generated properties. The former does not appear to (always) show all Property types (in my tests, it does appear to show the CodeProperty MemberType consistently though -- no guarantees here).

Some switches to be aware of for Get-Member

  • Get-Member does not get static members by default. You also cannot (directly) get them along with the non-static members. That is, using the switch causes only static members to be returned:

    PS Y:\Power> $obj | Get-Member -Static
       TypeName: System.IsFire.TurnUpProtocol
    Name        MemberType Definition
    ----        ---------- ----------
    Equals      Method     static bool Equals(System.Object objA, System.Object objB)
  • Use the -Force.

    The Get-Member command uses the Force parameter to add the intrinsic members and compiler-generated members of the objects to the display. Get-Member gets these members, but it hides them by default.

    PS Y:\Power> $obj | Get-Member -Static
       TypeName: System.IsFire.TurnUpProtocol
    Name          MemberType     Definition
    ----          ----------     ----------
    pstypenames   CodeProperty   System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection...
    psadapted     MemberSet      psadapted {AccessRightType, AccessRuleType,...

Use ConvertTo-Json for depth and readable "serialization"

I do not necessary recommend saving objects using JSON (use Export-Clixml instead). However, you can get a more or less readable output from ConvertTo-Json, which also allows you to specify depth.

Note that not specifying Depth implies -Depth 2

PS Y:\Power> ConvertTo-Json $obj -Depth 1
    "AllowSystemOverload":  true,
    "AllowLifeToGetInTheWay":  false,
    "CantAnyMore": true,
    "LastResortOnly": true,

And if you aren't planning to read it you can -Compress it (i.e. strip whitespace)

PS Y:\Power> ConvertTo-Json $obj -Depth 420 -Compress

Use -InputObject if you can (and are willing)

99.9% of the time when using PowerShell: either the performance won't matter, or you don't care about the performance. However, it should be noted that avoiding the pipe when you don't need it can save some overhead and add some speed (piping, in general, is not super-efficient).

That is, if you all you have is a single $obj handy for printing (and aren't too lazy like me sometimes to type out -InputObject):

# select is aliased (hardcoded) to Select-Object
PS Y:\Power> select -Property * -InputObject $obj
# gm is aliased (hardcoded) to Get-Member
PS Y:\Power> gm -Force -InputObject $obj

Caveat for Get-Member -InputObject: If $obj is a collection (e.g. System.Object[]), You end up getting information about the collection object itself:

PS Y:\Power> gm -InputObject $obj,$obj2
   TypeName: System.Object[]

Name        MemberType            Definition
----        ----------            ----------
Count       AliasProperty         Count = Length

If you want to Get-Member for each TypeName in the collection (N.B. for each TypeName, not for each object--a collection of N objects with all the same TypeName will only print 1 table for that TypeName, not N tables for each object)......just stick with piping it in directly.

Can I use jQuery to check whether at least one checkbox is checked?

$("#show").click(function() {
    var count_checked = $("[name='chk[]']:checked").length; // count the checked rows
        if(count_checked == 0) 
            alert("Please select any record to delete.");
            return false;
        if(count_checked == 1) {
            alert("Record Selected:"+count_checked);

        } else {
            alert("Record Selected:"+count_checked);

Granting Rights on Stored Procedure to another user of Oracle

Packages and stored procedures in Oracle execute by default using the rights of the package/procedure OWNER, not the currently logged on user.

So if you call a package that creates a user for example, its the package owner, not the calling user that needs create user privilege. The caller just needs to have execute permission on the package.

If you would prefer that the package should be run using the calling user's permissions, then when creating the package you need to specify AUTHID CURRENT_USER

Oracle documentation "Invoker Rights vs Definer Rights" has more information

Hope this helps.

How to change collation of database, table, column?

To change collation for tables individually you can use,


To set default collation for the whole database,


or else,

Goto PhpMyAdmin->Operations->Collation.

There you an find the select box which contains all the exsiting collations. So that here you can change your collation. So here after database table will follows this collation while you are creating new column . No need of select collation while creating new columns.

What is the difference between ( for... in ) and ( for... of ) statements?

I found a complete answer at Iterators and Generators (Although it is for TypeScript, this is the same for JavaScript too)

Both for..of and statements iterate over lists; the values iterated on are different though, returns a list of keys on the object being iterated, whereas for..of returns a list of values of the numeric properties of the object being iterated.

Here is an example that demonstrates this distinction:

let list = [4, 5, 6];

for (let i in list) {
   console.log(i); // "0", "1", "2",

for (let i of list) {
   console.log(i); // "4", "5", "6"

Another distinction is that operates on any object; it serves as a way to inspect properties on this object. for..of on the other hand, is mainly interested in values of iterable objects. Built-in objects like Map and Set implement Symbol.iterator property allowing access to stored values.

let pets = new Set(["Cat", "Dog", "Hamster"]);
pets["species"] = "mammals";

for (let pet in pets) {
   console.log(pet); // "species"

for (let pet of pets) {
    console.log(pet); // "Cat", "Dog", "Hamster"

Where is SQL Profiler in my SQL Server 2008?

Also ensure that "client tools" are selected in the install options. However if SQL Managment Studio 2008 exists then it is likely that you installed the express edition.

Numpy isnan() fails on an array of floats (from pandas dataframe apply)

np.isnan can be applied to NumPy arrays of native dtype (such as np.float64):

In [99]: np.isnan(np.array([np.nan, 0], dtype=np.float64))
Out[99]: array([ True, False], dtype=bool)

but raises TypeError when applied to object arrays:

In [96]: np.isnan(np.array([np.nan, 0], dtype=object))
TypeError: ufunc 'isnan' not supported for the input types, and the inputs could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting rule ''safe''

Since you have Pandas, you could use pd.isnull instead -- it can accept NumPy arrays of object or native dtypes:

In [97]: pd.isnull(np.array([np.nan, 0], dtype=float))
Out[97]: array([ True, False], dtype=bool)

In [98]: pd.isnull(np.array([np.nan, 0], dtype=object))
Out[98]: array([ True, False], dtype=bool)

Note that None is also considered a null value in object arrays.

C program to check little vs. big endian

This is big endian test from a configure script:

#include <inttypes.h>
int main(int argc, char ** argv){
    volatile uint32_t i=0x01234567;
    // return 0 for big endian, 1 for little endian.
    return (*((uint8_t*)(&i))) == 0x67;

How to get a list of all valid IP addresses in a local network?

Install nmap,

sudo apt-get install nmap


nmap -sP 192.168.1.*

or more commonly

nmap -sn

will scan the entire .1 to .254 range

This does a simple ping scan in the entire subnet to see which hosts are online.

Is it not possible to stringify an Error using JSON.stringify?

You can solve this with a one-liner( errStringified ) in plain javascript:

var error = new Error('simple error message');
var errStringified = (err => JSON.stringify(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Object.getPrototypeOf(err)).reduce(function(accumulator, currentValue) { return accumulator[currentValue] = err[currentValue], accumulator}, {})))(error);

It works with DOMExceptions as well.

How to give color to each class in scatter plot in R?

Here is an example that I built based on this page.

library(e1071); library(ggplot2)

mysvm      <- svm(Species ~ ., iris)
Predicted  <- predict(mysvm, iris)

mydf = cbind(iris, Predicted)
qplot(Petal.Length, Petal.Width, colour = Species, shape = Predicted, 
   data = iris)

This gives you the output. You can easily spot the misclassified species from this figure.

enter image description here

Display more Text in fullcalendar

I would recommend the use of the eventAfterRender callback instead of eventRender. Indeed if you use eventRender you might jeopardize the correct display of the events, in coffee script, it something like :

    eventAfterRender: (event, element) ->

Playing Sound In Hidden Tag

I agree with the sentiment in the comments above — this can be pretty annoying. We can only hope you give the user the option to turn the music off.


audio { display:none;}
<audio autoplay="true" src="">

The css hides the audio element, and the autoplay="true" plays it automatically.

Getting the source of a specific image element with jQuery

If you do not specifically need the alt text of an image, then you can just target the class/id of the image.

     enter code here

I know it’s not quite answering the question, though I’d spent ages trying to figure this out and this question gave me the solution :). In my case I needed to hide any image tags with a specific src.

$('img.propImg').each(function(){ //for each loop that gets all the images. 
        if($(this).attr('src') == "img/{{images}}") { // if the src matches this
        $(this).css("display", "none") // hide the image.

Convert Mongoose docs to json

You may also try mongoosejs's lean() :

UserModel.find().lean().exec(function (err, users) {
    return res.end(JSON.stringify(users));

select data up to a space?

If the first column is always the same size (including the spaces), then you can just take those characters (via LEFT) and clean up the spaces (with RTRIM):

SELECT RTRIM(LEFT(YourColumn, YourColumnSize))

Alternatively, you can extract the second (or third, etc.) column (using SUBSTRING):

SELECT RTRIM(SUBSTRING(YourColumn, PreviousColumnSizes, YourColumnSize))

One benefit of this approach (especially if YourColumn is the result of a computation) is that YourColumn is only specified once.

How to order results with findBy() in Doctrine

$cRepo = $em->getRepository('KaleLocationBundle:Country');

// Leave the first array blank
$countries = $cRepo->findBy(array(), array('name'=>'asc'));

Stop and Start a service via batch or cmd file?

Manual service restart is ok - services.msc has "Restart" button, but in command line both sc and net commands lacks a "restart" switch and if restart is scheduled in cmd/bat file, service is stopped and started immediately, sometimes it gets an error because service is not stopped yet, it needs some time to shut things down.

This may generate an error: sc stop sc start

It is a good idea to insert timeout, I use ping (it pings every 1 second): sc stop ping localhost -n 60 sc start

Convert string to JSON array

If having following JSON from web service, Json Array as a response :

 0:  {
 id: 2
 name: "a561137"
 password: "test"
 firstName: "abhishek"
 lastName: "ringsia"
 organization: "bbb"
1:  {
 id: 3
 name: "a561023"
 password: "hello"
 firstName: "hello"
  lastName: "hello"
  organization: "hello"
 2:  {
  id: 4
  name: "a541234"
  password: "hello"
  firstName: "hello"
  lastName: "hello"
  organization: "hello"

have To Accept it first as a Json Array ,then while reading its Object have to use Object Mapper.readValue ,because Json Object Still in String .

      List<User> list = new ArrayList<User>();
      JSONArray jsonArr = new JSONArray(response);

      for (int i = 0; i < jsonArr.length(); i++) {
        JSONObject jsonObj = jsonArr.getJSONObject(i);
         ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
        User usr = mapper.readValue(jsonObj.toString(), User.class);      

    } is correct function ,if u use mapper.convert(param,param) . It will give u error .

Concatenating two std::vectors

Or you could use:

std::copy(source.begin(), source.end(), std::back_inserter(destination));

This pattern is useful if the two vectors don't contain exactly the same type of thing, because you can use something instead of std::back_inserter to convert from one type to the other.

Creating new database from a backup of another Database on the same server?

It's even possible to restore without creating a blank database at all.

In Sql Server Management Studio, right click on Databases and select Restore Database... enter image description here

In the Restore Database dialog, select the Source Database or Device as normal. Once the source database is selected, SSMS will populate the destination database name based on the original name of the database.

It's then possible to change the name of the database and enter a new destination database name.

enter image description here

With this approach, you don't even need to go to the Options tab and click the "Overwrite the existing database" option.

Also, the database files will be named consistently with your new database name and you still have the option to change file names if you want.

User Get-ADUser to list all properties and export to .csv

This can be simplified by completely skipping the where object and the $users declaration. All you need is:


get-content c:\scripts\users.txt | get-aduser -properties * | select displayname, office | export-csv c:\path\to\your.csv

What is the difference between using constructor vs getInitialState in React / React Native?

OK, the big difference is start from where they are coming from, so constructor is the constructor of your class in JavaScript, on the other side, getInitialState is part of the lifecycle of React.

constructor is where your class get initialised...


The constructor method is a special method for creating and initializing an object created with a class. There can only be one special method with the name "constructor" in a class. A SyntaxError will be thrown if the class contains more than one occurrence of a constructor method.

A constructor can use the super keyword to call the constructor of a parent class.

In the React v16 document, they didn't mentioned any preference, but you need to getInitialState if you using createReactClass()...

Setting the Initial State

In ES6 classes, you can define the initial state by assigning this.state in the constructor:

class Counter extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {count: props.initialCount};
  // ...

With createReactClass(), you have to provide a separate getInitialState method that returns the initial state:

var Counter = createReactClass({
  getInitialState: function() {
    return {count: this.props.initialCount};
  // ...

Visit here for more information.

Also created the image below to show few lifecycles of React Compoenents:

React lifecycle

Prevent content from expanding grid items

The previous answer is pretty good, but I also wanted to mention that there is a fixed layout equivalent for grids, you just need to write minmax(0, 1fr) instead of 1fr as your track size.

How to add a progress bar to a shell script?

for me easiest to use and best looking so far is command pv or bar like some guy already wrote

for example: need to make a backup of entire drive with dd

normally you use dd if="$input_drive_path" of="$output_file_path"

with pv you can make it like this :

dd if="$input_drive_path" | pv | dd of="$output_file_path"

and the progress goes directly to STDOUT as this:

    7.46GB 0:33:40 [3.78MB/s] [  <=>                                            ]

after it is done summary comes up

    15654912+0 records in
    15654912+0 records out
    8015314944 bytes (8.0 GB) copied, 2020.49 s, 4.0 MB/s

java.util.Date vs java.sql.Date

I had the same issue, the easiest way i found to insert the current date into a prepared statement is this one:

preparedStatement.setDate(1, new java.sql.Date(new java.util.Date().getTime()));

HTML table with fixed headers?

I wish I had found @Mark's solution earlier, but I went and wrote my own before I saw this SO question...

Mine is a very lightweight jQuery plugin that supports fixed header, footer, column spanning (colspan), resizing, horizontal scrolling, and an optional number of rows to display before scrolling starts.

jQuery.scrollTableBody (GitHub)

As long as you have a table with proper <thead>, <tbody>, and (optional) <tfoot>, all you need to do is this:


What is logits, softmax and softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits?

tf.nn.softmax computes the forward propagation through a softmax layer. You use it during evaluation of the model when you compute the probabilities that the model outputs.

tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits computes the cost for a softmax layer. It is only used during training.

The logits are the unnormalized log probabilities output the model (the values output before the softmax normalization is applied to them).

iOS Detection of Screenshot?

Swift 4 Examples

Example #1 using closure

NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: .UIApplicationUserDidTakeScreenshot, 
                                       object: nil, 
                                       queue: OperationQueue.main) { notification in
    print("\(notification) that a screenshot was taken!")

Example #2 with selector

                                       selector: #selector(screenshotTaken), 
                                       name: .UIApplicationUserDidTakeScreenshot, 
                                       object: nil)

@objc func screenshotTaken() {
    print("Screenshot taken!")

eloquent laravel: How to get a row count from a ->get()

Its better to access the count with the laravels count method

$count = Model::where('status','=','1')->count();


$count = Model::count();

jquery get height of iframe content when loaded

ok I finally found a good solution:

$('iframe').load(function() { =
    this.contentWindow.document.body.offsetHeight + 'px';

Because some browsers (older Safari and Opera) report onload completed before CSS renders you need to set a micro Timeout and blank out and reassign the iframe's src.

$('iframe').load(function() {
    setTimeout(iResize, 50);
    // Safari and Opera need a kick-start.
    var iSource = document.getElementById('your-iframe-id').src;
    document.getElementById('your-iframe-id').src = '';
    document.getElementById('your-iframe-id').src = iSource;
function iResize() {
    document.getElementById('your-iframe-id').style.height = 
    document.getElementById('your-iframe-id').contentWindow.document.body.offsetHeight + 'px';

Error :Request header field Content-Type is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers

It is most likely due to a cross-origin request, but it may not be. For me, I had been debugging an API and had set the Access-Control-Allow-Origin to *, but it appears that recent versions of Chrome are requiring an extra header. Try prepending the following to your file if you are using PHP:

header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept");

Make sure that you haven't already used header in another file, or you will get a nasty error. See the docs for more.

The correct way to read a data file into an array

I like...

@data = `cat /var/tmp/somefile`;

It's not as glamorous as others, but, it works all the same. And...

$todays_data = '/var/tmp/somefile' ;
open INFILE, "$todays_data" ; 
@data = <INFILE> ; 
close INFILE ;


How to push local changes to a remote git repository on bitbucket

Use git push origin master instead.

You have a repository locally and the initial git push is "pushing" to it. It's not necessary to do so (as it is local) and it shows everything as up-to-date. git push origin master specifies a a remote repository (origin) and the branch located there (master).

For more information, check out this resource.

Maven does not find JUnit tests to run

Another thing that can cause Maven to not find the tests if if the module's packaging is not declared correctly.

In a recent case, someone had <packaging>pom</packaging> and my tests never ran. I changed it to <packaging>jar</packaging> and now it works fine.

ip address validation in python using regex

Use anchors instead:


These make sure that the start and end of the string are matched at the start and end of the regex. (well, technically, you don't need the starting ^ anchor because it's implicit in the .match() method).

Then, check if the regex did in fact match before trying to access its results:

if aa:
    ip =

Of course, this is not a good approach for validating IP addresses (check out gnibbler's answer for a proper method). However, regexes can be useful for detecting IP addresses in a larger string:

ip_candidates = re.findall(r"\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\b", ip)

Here, the \b word boundary anchors make sure that the digits don't exceed 3 for each segment.

How can I do GUI programming in C?

Windows API and Windows SDK if you want to build everything yourself (or) Windows API and Visual C Express. Get the 2008 edition. This is a full blown IDE and a remarkable piece of software by Microsoft for Windows development.

All operating systems are written in C. So, any application, console/GUI you write in C is the standard way of writing for the operating system.

Python variables as keys to dict

a = "something"
randround = {}
randround['A'] = "%s" % a


No Main class found in NetBeans

I also experienced Netbeans complaining to me about "No main classes found". The issue was on a project I knew worked in the past, but failed when I tried it on another pc.

My specific failure reasons probably differ from the OP, but I'll still share what I learnt on the debugging journey, in-case these insights help anybody figure out their own unique issues relating to this topic.

What I learnt is that upon starting NetBeans, it should perform a step called "Scanning projects..." Scanning projects...

Prior to this phase, you should notice that any .java file you have with a main() method within it will show up in the 'Projects' pane with its icon looking like this (no arrow):

icon before scanning

After this scanning phase finishes, if a main() method was discovered within the file, that file's icon will change to this (with arrow):

icon after scanning

So on my system, it appeared this "Scanning projects..." step was failing, and instead would be stuck on an "Opening Projects" step.

I also noticed a little red icon in the bottom-right corner which hinted at the issue ailing me:

Unexpected exception

Unexpected Exception

Clicking on that link showed me more details of the error: MD5 MessageDigest not available
Caused: java.lang.RuntimeException
Caused: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
    at org.netbeans.modules.parsing.lucene.LuceneIndex$DirCache.createFSDirectory(

That mention of "" reminded me that I had fiddled with this machine's "" file (to be specific, I was performing Salvador Valencia's steps from this thread, but did it incorrectly and broke "" in the process :))

Once I repaired the damage I caused to my "" file, NetBeans' "Scanning projects..." step started to work again, the little green arrows appeared on my files once more and I no longer got that "No main classes found" issue.

How to drop a table if it exists?

Do like this, it is the easiest way.

qry will be your own query, whatever you want in the select list.

set @qry = ' select * into TempData from (' + @qry + ')Tmp  '

exec (@qry)

select * from TempData 

drop table TempData

How to prevent default event handling in an onclick method?

This worked for me

<a href="javascript:;" onclick="callmymethod(24); return false;">Call</a>

Should I use Vagrant or Docker for creating an isolated environment?

I preface my reply by admitting I have no experience with Docker, other than as an avid observer of what looks to be a really neat solution that's gaining a lot of traction.

I do have a decent amount of experience with Vagrant and can highly recommend it. It's certainly a more heavyweight solution in terms of it being VM based instead of LXC based. However, I've found a decent laptop (8 GB RAM, i5/i7 CPU) has no trouble running a VM using Vagrant/VirtualBox alongside development tooling.

One of the really great things with Vagrant is the integration with Puppet/Chef/shell scripts for automating configuration. If you're using one of these options to configure your production environment, you can create a development environment which is as close to identical as you're going to get, and this is exactly what you want.

The other great thing with Vagrant is that you can version your Vagrantfile along with your application code. This means that everyone else on your team can share this file and you're guaranteed that everyone is working with the same environment configuration.

Interestingly, Vagrant and Docker may actually be complimentary. Vagrant can be extended to support different virtualization providers, and it may be possible that Docker is one such provider which gets support in the near future. See for recent discussion on the topic.

Run MySQLDump without Locking Tables

Does the --lock-tables=false option work?

According to the man page, if you are dumping InnoDB tables you can use the --single-transaction option:

--lock-tables, -l

Lock all tables before dumping them. The tables are locked with READ
LOCAL to allow concurrent inserts in the case of MyISAM tables. For
transactional tables such as InnoDB and BDB, --single-transaction is
a much better option, because it does not need to lock the tables at

For innodb DB:

mysqldump --single-transaction=TRUE -u username -p DB

How to write lists inside a markdown table?

Yes, you can merge them using HTML. When I create tables in .md files from Github, I always like to use HTML code instead of markdown.

Github Flavored Markdown supports basic HTML in .md file. So this would be the answer:

Markdown mixed with HTML:

| Tables        | Are           | Cool  |
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
| col 3 is      | right-aligned | $1600 |
| col 2 is      | centered      |   $12 |
| zebra stripes | are neat      |    $1 |
| <ul><li>item1</li><li>item2</li></ul>| See the list | from the first column|

Or pure HTML:

      <th align="center">Are</th>
      <th align="right">Cool</th>
      <td>col 3 is</td>
      <td align="center">right-aligned</td>
      <td align="right">$1600</td>
      <td>col 2 is</td>
      <td align="center">centered</td>
      <td align="right">$12</td>
      <td>zebra stripes</td>
      <td align="center">are neat</td>
      <td align="right">$1</td>
      <td align="center">See the list</td>
      <td align="right">from the first column</td>

This is how it looks on Github:

Ansible date variable

The lookup module of ansible works fine for me. The yml is:

- hosts: test
    time: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date -d \"1 day ago\" +\"%Y%m%d\"') }}"

You can replace any command with date to get result of the command.

Java Strings: "String s = new String("silly");"

In most versions of the JDK the two versions will be the same:

String s = new String("silly");

String s = "No longer silly";

Because strings are immutable the compiler maintains a list of string constants and if you try to make a new one will first check to see if the string is already defined. If it is then a reference to the existing immutable string is returned.

To clarify - when you say "String s = " you are defining a new variable which takes up space on the stack - then whether you say "No longer silly" or new String("silly") exactly the same thing happens - a new constant string is compiled into your application and the reference points to that.

I dont see the distinction here. However for your own class, which is not immutable, this behaviour is irrelevant and you must call your constructor.

UPDATE: I was wrong! Based on a down vote and comment attached I tested this and realise that my understanding is wrong - new String("Silly") does indeed create a new string rather than reuse the existing one. I am unclear why this would be (what is the benefit?) but code speaks louder than words!

Why does git say "Pull is not possible because you have unmerged files"?

You are attempting to add one more new commits into your local branch while your working directory is not clean. As a result, Git is refusing to do the pull. Consider the following diagrams to better visualize the scenario:

remote: A <- B <- C <- D
local: A <- B*
(*indicates that you have several files which have been modified but not committed.)

There are two options for dealing with this situation. You can either discard the changes in your files, or retain them.

Option one: Throw away the changes
You can either use git checkout for each unmerged file, or you can use git reset --hard HEAD to reset all files in your branch to HEAD. By the way, HEAD in your local branch is B, without an asterisk. If you choose this option, the diagram becomes:

remote: A <- B <- C <- D
local: A <- B

Now when you pull, you can fast-forward your branch with the changes from master. After pulling, you branch would look like master:

local: A <- B <- C <- D

Option two: Retain the changes
If you want to keep the changes, you will first want to resolve any merge conflicts in each of the files. You can open each file in your IDE and look for the following symbols:

<<<<<<< HEAD
// your version of the code
// the remote's version of the code

Git is presenting you with two versions of code. The code contained within the HEAD markers is the version from your current local branch. The other version is what is coming from the remote. Once you have chosen a version of the code (and removed the other code along with the markers), you can add each file to your staging area by typing git add. The final step is to commit your result by typing git commit -m with an appropriate message. At this point, our diagram looks like this:

remote: A <- B <- C <- D
local: A <- B <- C'

Here I have labelled the commit we just made as C' because it is different from the commit C on the remote. Now, if you try to pull you will get a non-fast forward error. Git cannot play the changes in remote on your branch, because both your branch and the remote have diverged from the common ancestor commit B. At this point, if you want to pull you can either do another git merge, or git rebase your branch on the remote.

Getting a mastery of Git requires being able to understand and manipulate uni-directional linked lists. I hope this explanation will get you thinking in the right direction about using Git.

How to beautifully update a JPA entity in Spring Data?

I have encountered this issue!
Luckily, I determine 2 ways and understand some things but the rest is not clear.
Hope someone discuss or support if you know.

  1. Use
    List<Person> person = this.PersonRepository.findById(0) person.setName("Neo");;
    this block code updated new name for record which has id = 0;
  2. Use @Transactional from javax or spring framework.
    Let put @Transactional upon your class or specified function, both are ok.
    I read at somewhere that this annotation do a "commit" action at the end your function flow. So, every things you modified at entity would be updated to database.

Java Desktop application: SWT vs. Swing

One thing to consider: Screenreaders

For some reasons, some Swing components do not work well when using a screenreader (and the Java AccessBridge for Windows). Know that different screenreaders result in different behaviour. And in my experience the SWT-Tree performs a lot better than the Swing-Tree in combination with a screenreader. Thus our application ended up in using both SWT and Swing components.

For distributing and loading the proper SWT-library, you might find this link usefull:

Get value from text area

Use .val() to get value of textarea and use $.trim() to empty spaces.

$(document).ready(function () {
    if ($.trim($("textarea").val()) != "") {

Or, Here's what I would do for clean code,

$(document).ready(function () {
    var val = $.trim($("textarea").val());
    if (val != "") {


How to make flutter app responsive according to different screen size?

My approach to the problem is similar to the way datayeah did it. I had a lot of hardcoded width and height values and the app looked fine on a specific device. So I got the screen height of the device and just created a factor to scale the hardcoded values.

double heightFactor = MediaQuery.of(context).size.height/708

where 708 is the height of the specific device.

docker error: /var/run/docker.sock: no such file or directory

docker pull will fail if docker service is not running. Make sure it is running by

:~$ ps aux | grep docker
root     18745  1.7  0.9 284104 13976 ?   Ssl  21:19   0:01 /usr/bin/docker -d

If it is not running, you can start it by

sudo service docker start

For Ubuntu 15 and above use

sudo systemctl start docker

Difference between attr_accessor and attr_accessible

A quick & concise difference overview :

attr_accessor is an easy way to create read and write accessors in your class. It is used when you do not have a column in your database, but still want to show a field in your forms. This field is a “virtual attribute” in a Rails model.

virtual attribute – an attribute not corresponding to a column in the database.

attr_accessible is used to identify attributes that are accessible by your controller methods makes a property available for mass-assignment.. It will only allow access to the attributes that you specify, denying the rest.

mongodb how to get max value from collections

db.collection.findOne().sort({age:-1}) //get Max without need for limit(1)

How can I backup a remote SQL Server database to a local drive?

I know this is late answer but I have to make a comment about most voted answer that says to use generate scripts option in SSMS.

Problem with that is this option doesn’t necessarily generate script in correct execution order because it doesn't take dependencies into account.

For small databases this is not an issue but for larger ones it certainly is because it requires to manually re-order that script. Try that on 500 object database ;)

Unfortunately in this case the only solution are third party tools.

I successfully used comparison tools from ApexSQL (Diff and Data Diff) for similar tasks but you can’t go wrong with any other already mentioned here, especially Red Gate.

Javascript Array Alert

If you want to see the array as an array, you can say


instead of all those document.writes.

However, if you want to display them cleanly, one per line, in your popup, do this:


Visual Studio 2015 doesn't have cl.exe

For me that have Visual Studio 2015 this works:
Search this in the start menu: Developer Command Prompt for VS2015 and run the program in the search result.
You can now execute your command in it, for example: cl /?

Deleting all pending tasks in celery / rabbitmq

For Celery 2.x and 3.x:

When using worker with -Q parameter to define queues, for example

celery worker -Q queue1,queue2,queue3

then celery purge will not work, because you cannot pass the queue params to it. It will only delete the default queue. The solution is to start your workers with --purge parameter like this:

celery worker -Q queue1,queue2,queue3 --purge

This will however run the worker.

Other option is to use the amqp subcommand of celery

celery amqp queue.delete queue1
celery amqp queue.delete queue2
celery amqp queue.delete queue3

Responsive font size in CSS

I can say my method has the best approach to solve your problem

  font-size : clamp(2rem, 10vw, 5rem);

here clamp has 3 arguments.

  • first one is the minimum allowed font-size.

  • third one is the maximum allowed font-size.

  • second argument is font-size that you wish to always have. Its unit must be relative(vw, vh, ch) and not absolute(i.e not px, mm, pt). relative unit will make it change its size w.r.t the changing screen sizes.

Consider an example : consider there is a large fontawesome icon that you want to resize dynamically (responsive icon)

   font-size: clamp( 15rem, 80vw, 80vh)   

  • Here 80vw is the preferred font-size.
  • 15 rem is the minimum font size .
  • 80vh is the max font size.


  • if in a particular mobile screen size if 80vw < 15rem then font-size is 15rem.

  • if screen is too wide then if 80vw > 80vh then font-size is 80vh.

Those methods above suggested by people always have a bit uncertain result... like when we use vw only, the font size might sometimes be too big or too small (unbounded).

using media queries are too old school.

Vertically centering a div inside another div

Instead of tying myself in a knot with hard-to-write and hard-to-maintain CSS (that also needs careful cross-browser validation!) I find it far better to give up on CSS and use instead wonderfully simple HTML 1.0:

<table id="outerDiv" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
        <td valign="middle" id="innerDiv">

This accomplishes everything the original poster wanted, and is robust and maintainable.

Convert a string to datetime in PowerShell

Hope below helps!

PS C:\Users\aameer>$invoice = $object.'Invoice Month'
$invoice = "01-" + $invoice
[datetime]$Format_date =$invoice

Now type is converted. You can use method or can access any property.

Example :$Format_date.AddDays(5)

C# adding a character in a string

I had to do something similar, trying to convert a string of numbers into a timespan by adding in : and .. Basically I was taking 235959999 and needing to convert it to 23:59:59.999. For me it was easy because I knew where I needed to "insert" said characters.

ts = ts.Insert(6,".");
ts = ts.Insert(4,":");
ts = ts.Insert(2,":");

Basically reassigning ts to itself with the inserted character. I worked my way from the back to front, because I was lazy and didn't want to do additional math for the other inserted characters.

You could try something similar by doing:

alpha = alpha.Insert(5,"-");
alpha = alpha.Insert(11,"-"); //add 1 to account for 1 -
alpha = alpha.Insert(17,"-"); //add 2 to account for 2 -

Batch file: Find if substring is in string (not in a file)

Better answer was here:

set "i=hello " world"
set i|find """" >nul && echo contains || echo not_contains

How do you follow an HTTP Redirect in Node.js?

In case of PUT or POST Request. if you receive statusCode 405 or method not allowed. Try this implementation with "request" library, and add mentioned properties.
followAllRedirects: true,
followOriginalHttpMethod: true

       const options = {
           headers: {
               Authorization: TOKEN,
               'Content-Type': 'application/json',
               'Accept': 'application/json'
           url: `https://${url}`,
           json: true,
           body: payload,
           followAllRedirects: true,
           followOriginalHttpMethod: true

       console.log('DEBUG: API call', JSON.stringify(options));
       request(options, function (error, response, body) {
       if (!error) {

JPanel vs JFrame in Java

JFrame is the window; it can have one or more JPanel instances inside it. JPanel is not the window.

You need a Swing tutorial:

How to expand a list to function arguments in Python

That can be done with:


What is a lambda (function)?

For a person without a comp-sci background, what is a lambda in the world of Computer Science?

I will illustrate it intuitively step by step in simple and readable python codes.

In short, a lambda is just an anonymous and inline function.

Let's start from assignment to understand lambdas as a freshman with background of basic arithmetic.

The blueprint of assignment is 'the name = value', see:

In [1]: x = 1
   ...: y = 'value'
In [2]: x
Out[2]: 1
In [3]: y
Out[3]: 'value'

'x', 'y' are names and 1, 'value' are values. Try a function in mathematics

In [4]: m = n**2 + 2*n + 1
NameError: name 'n' is not defined

Error reports,
you cannot write a mathematic directly as code,'n' should be defined or be assigned to a value.

In [8]: n = 3.14
In [9]: m = n**2 + 2*n + 1
In [10]: m
Out[10]: 17.1396

It works now,what if you insist on combining the two seperarte lines to one. There comes lambda

In [13]: j = lambda i: i**2 + 2*i + 1
In [14]: j
Out[14]: <function __main__.<lambda>>

No errors reported.

This is a glance at lambda, it enables you to write a function in a single line as you do in mathematic into the computer directly.

We will see it later.

Let's continue on digging deeper on 'assignment'.

As illustrated above, the equals symbol = works for simple data(1 and 'value') type and simple expression(n**2 + 2*n + 1).

Try this:

In [15]: x = print('This is a x')
This is a x
In [16]: x
In [17]: x = input('Enter a x: ')
Enter a x: x

It works for simple statements,there's 11 types of them in python 7. Simple statements — Python 3.6.3 documentation

How about compound statement,

In [18]: m = n**2 + 2*n + 1 if n > 0
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
In [19]: m = n**2 + 2*n + 1, if n > 0
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

There comes def enable it working

In [23]: def m(n):
    ...:     if n > 0:
    ...:         return n**2 + 2*n + 1
In [24]: m(2)
Out[24]: 9

Tada, analyse it, 'm' is name, 'n**2 + 2*n + 1' is value.: is a variant of '='.
Find it, if just for understanding, everything starts from assignment and everything is assignment.

Now return to lambda, we have a function named 'm'


In [28]: m = m(3)
In [29]: m
Out[29]: 16

There are two names of 'm' here, function m already has a name, duplicated.

It's formatting like:

In [27]: m = def m(n):
    ...:         if n > 0:
    ...:             return n**2 + 2*n + 1
    SyntaxError: invalid syntax

It's not a smart strategy, so error reports

We have to delete one of them,set a function without a name.

m = lambda n:n**2 + 2*n + 1

It's called 'anonymous function'

In conclusion,

  1. lambda in an inline function which enable you to write a function in one straight line as does in mathematics
  2. lambda is anonymous

Hope, this helps.

How to get year and month from a date - PHP

Use strtotime():


Can Mockito capture arguments of a method called multiple times?

If you don't want to validate all the calls to doSomething(), only the last one, you can just use ArgumentCaptor.getValue(). According to the Mockito javadoc:

If the method was called multiple times then it returns the latest captured value

So this would work (assumes Foo has a method getName()):

ArgumentCaptor<Foo> fooCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Foo.class);
verify(mockBar, times(2)).doSomething(fooCaptor.capture());
//getValue() contains value set in second call to doSomething()
assertEquals("2nd one", fooCaptor.getValue().getName());

MySQL Data Source not appearing in Visual Studio

i install mysql for visual studio and the problem simply solved.although version of my visual studio is 2012!

Textarea that can do syntax highlighting on the fly?

Here is the response I've done to a similar question (Online Code Editor) on programmers:

First, you can take a look to this article:
Wikipedia - Comparison of JavaScript-based source code editors.

For more, here is some tools that seem to fit with your request:

  • EditArea - Demo as FileEditor who is a Yii Extension - (Apache Software License, BSD, LGPL)

    Here is EditArea, a free javascript editor for source code. It allow to write well formated source code with line numerotation, tab support, search & replace (with regexp) and live syntax highlighting (customizable).

  • CodePress - Demo of Joomla! CodePress Plugin - (LGPL) - It doesn't work in Chrome and it looks like development has ceased.

    CodePress is web-based source code editor with syntax highlighting written in JavaScript that colors text in real time while it's being typed in the browser.

  • CodeMirror - One of the many demo - (MIT-style license + optional commercial support)

    CodeMirror is a JavaScript library that can be used to create a relatively pleasant editor interface for code-like content - computer programs, HTML markup, and similar. If a mode has been written for the language you are editing, the code will be coloured, and the editor will optionally help you with indentation

  • Ace Cloud9 Editor - Demo - (Mozilla tri-license (MPL/GPL/LGPL))

    Ace is a standalone code editor written in JavaScript. Our goal is to create a web based code editor that matches and extends the features, usability and performance of existing native editors such as TextMate, Vim or Eclipse. It can be easily embedded in any web page and JavaScript application. Ace is developed as the primary editor for Cloud9 IDE and the successor of the Mozilla Skywriter (Bespin) Project.

Delete all duplicate rows Excel vba

There's a RemoveDuplicates method that you could use:

Sub DeleteRows()

    With ActiveSheet
        Set Rng = Range("A1", Range("B1").End(xlDown))
        Rng.RemoveDuplicates Columns:=Array(1, 2), Header:=xlYes
    End With

End Sub

How do I implement __getattribute__ without an infinite recursion error?

How is the __getattribute__ method used?

It is called before the normal dotted lookup. If it raises AttributeError, then we call __getattr__.

Use of this method is rather rare. There are only two definitions in the standard library:

$ grep -Erl  "def __getattribute__\(self" cpython/Lib | grep -v "/test/"

Best Practice

The proper way to programmatically control access to a single attribute is with property. Class D should be written as follows (with the setter and deleter optionally to replicate apparent intended behavior):

class D(object):
    def __init__(self):

    def test(self):
        return 0.

    def test(self, value):
        '''dummy function to avoid AttributeError on setting property'''

    def test(self):
        '''dummy function to avoid AttributeError on deleting property'''

And usage:

>>> o = D()
>>> o.test
>>> o.test = 'foo'
>>> o.test
>>> del o.test
>>> o.test

A property is a data descriptor, thus it is the first thing looked for in the normal dotted lookup algorithm.

Options for __getattribute__

You several options if you absolutely need to implement lookup for every attribute via __getattribute__.

  • raise AttributeError, causing __getattr__ to be called (if implemented)
  • return something from it by
    • using super to call the parent (probably object's) implementation
    • calling __getattr__
    • implementing your own dotted lookup algorithm somehow

For example:

class NoisyAttributes(object):
    def __init__(self):
    def __getattribute__(self, name):
        print('getting: ' + name)
            return super(NoisyAttributes, self).__getattribute__(name)
        except AttributeError:
            print('oh no, AttributeError caught and reraising')
    def __getattr__(self, name):
        """Called if __getattribute__ raises AttributeError"""
        return 'close but no ' + name    

>>> n = NoisyAttributes()
>>> nfoo =
getting: foo
oh no, AttributeError caught and reraising
>>> nfoo
'close but no foo'
>>> n.test
getting: test

What you originally wanted.

And this example shows how you might do what you originally wanted:

class D(object):
    def __init__(self):
    def __getattribute__(self,name):
        if name=='test':
            return 0.
            return super(D, self).__getattribute__(name)

And will behave like this:

>>> o = D()
>>> o.test = 'foo'
>>> o.test
>>> del o.test
>>> o.test
>>> del o.test

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#216>", line 1, in <module>
    del o.test
AttributeError: test

Code review

Your code with comments. You have a dotted lookup on self in __getattribute__. This is why you get a recursion error. You could check if name is "__dict__" and use super to workaround, but that doesn't cover __slots__. I'll leave that as an exercise to the reader.

class D(object):
    def __init__(self):
    def __getattribute__(self,name):
        if name=='test':
            return 0.
        else:      #   v--- Dotted lookup on self in __getattribute__
            return self.__dict__[name]

>>> print D().test
>>> print D().test2
RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in cmp

connecting to MySQL from the command line

After you run MySQL Shell and you have seen following:


Firstly, you should:



 mysql-sql>\connect username@servername (root@localhost)

And finally:

Enter password:*********

Want to upgrade project from Angular v5 to Angular v6

Just use the official upgrade guide which will tell you what you need to do for your own particular needs:

Upgrade angular

How to index an element of a list object in R

Indexing a list is done using double bracket, i.e. hypo_list[[1]] (e.g. have a look here: BTW: read.table does not return a table but a dataframe (see value section in ?read.table). So you will have a list of dataframes, rather than a list of table objects. The principal mechanism is identical for tables and dataframes though.

Note: In R, the index for the first entry is a 1 (not 0 like in some other languages).


l <- list(anscombe, iris)   # put dfs in list
l[[1]]             # returns anscombe dataframe

anscombe[1:2, 2]   # access first two rows and second column of dataset
[1] 10  8

l[[1]][1:2, 2]     # the same but selecting the dataframe from the list first
[1] 10  8

Table objects

tbl1 <- table(sample(1:5, 50, rep=T))
tbl2 <- table(sample(1:5, 50, rep=T))
l <- list(tbl1, tbl2)  # put tables in a list

tbl1[1:2]              # access first two elements of table 1 

Now with the list

l[[1]]                 # access first table from the list

1  2  3  4  5 
9 11 12  9  9 

l[[1]][1:2]            # access first two elements in first table

1  2 
9 11 

Binding IIS Express to an IP Address

Change bindingInformation=":8080:"

And remember to turn off the firewall for IISExpress

Change text from "Submit" on input tag

<input name="submitBnt" type="submit" value="like"/>

name is useful when using $_POST in php and also in javascript as document.getElementByName('submitBnt'). Also you can use name as a CS selector like input[name="submitBnt"]; Hope this helps

Storing and displaying unicode string (??????) using PHP and MySQL

Did you set proper charset in the HTML Head section?

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">

or you can set content type in your php script using -

   header( 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8' ); 

There are already some discussions here on StackOverflow - please have a look

How to make MySQL handle UTF-8 properly setting utf8 with mysql through php

PHP/MySQL with encoding problems

So what i want to know is how can i directly store ???????? into my database and fetch it and display in my webpage using PHP.

I am not sure what you mean by "directly storing in the database" .. did you mean entering data using PhpMyAdmin or any other similar tool? If yes, I have tried using PhpMyAdmin to input unicode data, so it has worked fine for me - You could try inputting data using phpmyadmin and retrieve it using a php script to confirm. If you need to submit data via a Php script just set the NAMES and CHARACTER SET when you create mysql connection, before execute insert queries, and when you select data. Have a look at the above posts to find the syntax. Hope it helps.

** UPDATE ** Just fixed some typos etc

How to align center the text in html table row?

The following worked for me to vertically align content (multi-line) in a list-table

.. list-table::
   :class: longtable
   :header-rows: 1
   :stub-columns: 1
   :align: left
   :widths: 20, 20, 20, 20, 20

   * - Classification
     - Restricted
     - Company |br| Confidential
     - Internal Use Only
     - Public
   * - Row1 col1
     - Row1 col2
     - Row1 col3 
     - Row1 col4
     - Row1 col5

Using theme overrides .css option I defined:

.stub {
       text-align: left;
       vertical-align: top;

In the theme that I use 'python-docs-theme', the cell entry is defined as 'stub' class. Use your browser development menu to inspect what your theme class is for cell content and update that accordingly.

How to horizontally align ul to center of div?

ul {
      text-align: center;
      list-style: inside;

Why is MySQL InnoDB insert so slow?

I've needed to do testing of an insert-heavy application in both MyISAM and InnoDB simultaneously. There was a single setting that resolved the speed issues I was having. Try setting the following:

innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 2

Make sure you understand the risks by reading about the setting here.

Also see and

Android: How can I pass parameters to AsyncTask's onPreExecute()?

You can either pass the parameter in the task constructor or when you call execute:

AsyncTask<Object, Void, MyTaskResult>

The first parameter (Object) is passed in doInBackground. The third parameter (MyTaskResult) is returned by doInBackground. You can change them to the types you want. The three dots mean that zero or more objects (or an array of them) may be passed as the argument(s).

public class MyActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    TextView textView1;
    TextView textView2;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        textView1 = (TextView) findViewById(;
        textView2 = (TextView) findViewById(;

        String input1 = "test";
        boolean input2 = true;
        int input3 = 100;
        long input4 = 100000000;

        new MyTask(input3, input4).execute(input1, input2);

    private class MyTaskResult {
        String text1;
        String text2;

    private class MyTask extends AsyncTask<Object, Void, MyTaskResult> {
        private String val1;
        private boolean val2;
        private int val3;
        private long val4;

        public MyTask(int in3, long in4) {
            this.val3 = in3;
            this.val4 = in4;

            // Do something ...

        protected void onPreExecute() {
            // Do something ...

        protected MyTaskResult doInBackground(Object... params) {
            MyTaskResult res = new MyTaskResult();
            val1 = (String) params[0];
            val2 = (boolean) params[1];

            //Do some lengthy operation    
            res.text1 = RunProc1(val1);
            res.text2 = RunProc2(val2);

            return res;

        protected void onPostExecute(MyTaskResult res) {



How to force a list to be vertical using html css


li {
   display: inline-block;

Works for me also.

Genymotion error at start 'Unable to load virtualbox'

Don't ask what this has to do with that , but by right clicking the genymotion application file and changing to compatibility to Vista solved the problem!

How to open some ports on Ubuntu?

Ubuntu these days comes with ufw - Uncomplicated Firewall. ufw is an easy-to-use method of handling iptables rules.

Try using this command to allow a port

sudo ufw allow 1701

To test connectivity, you could try shutting down the VPN software (freeing up the ports) and using netcat to listen, like this:

nc -l 1701

Then use telnet from your Windows host and see what shows up on your Ubuntu terminal. This can be repeated for each port you'd like to test.

How to get current route in Symfony 2?

From something that is ContainerAware (like a controller):

$request = $this->container->get('request');
$routeName = $request->get('_route');

Google Maps Api v3 - find nearest markers

I'd like to expand on Leor's suggestion for anyone confused on how to compute the nearest location and actually provide a working solution:

I'm using markers in a markers array e.g. var markers = [];.

Then let's have our position as something like var location = new google.maps.LatLng(51.99, -0.74);

Then we simply reduce our markers against the location we have like so:

markers.reduce(function (prev, curr) {

    var cpos = google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeDistanceBetween(location.position, curr.position);
    var ppos = google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeDistanceBetween(location.position, prev.position);

    return cpos < ppos ? curr : prev;


What pops out is your closest marker LatLng object.

gzip: stdin: not in gzip format tar: Child returned status 1 tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

Initially, check the type of compression with the below command: file <file_name> If the output is a Posix compressed file, use the below command to uncompress: tar xvf <file_name>

Consistency of hashCode() on a Java string

You should not rely on a hash code being equal to a specific value. Just that it will return consistent results within the same execution. The API docs say the following :

The general contract of hashCode is:

  • Whenever it is invoked on the same object more than once during an execution of a Java application, the hashCode method must consistently return the same integer, provided no information used in equals comparisons on the object is modified. This integer need not remain consistent from one execution of an application to another execution of the same application.

EDIT Since the javadoc for String.hashCode() specifies how a String's hash code is computed, any violation of this would violate the public API specification.

How do I parse an ISO 8601-formatted date?

Thanks to great Mark Amery's answer I devised function to account for all possible ISO formats of datetime:

class FixedOffset(tzinfo):
    """Fixed offset in minutes: `time = utc_time + utc_offset`."""
    def __init__(self, offset):
        self.__offset = timedelta(minutes=offset)
        hours, minutes = divmod(offset, 60)
        #NOTE: the last part is to remind about deprecated POSIX GMT+h timezones
        #  that have the opposite sign in the name;
        #  the corresponding numeric value is not used e.g., no minutes
        self.__name = '<%+03d%02d>%+d' % (hours, minutes, -hours)
    def utcoffset(self, dt=None):
        return self.__offset
    def tzname(self, dt=None):
        return self.__name
    def dst(self, dt=None):
        return timedelta(0)
    def __repr__(self):
        return 'FixedOffset(%d)' % (self.utcoffset().total_seconds() / 60)
    def __getinitargs__(self):
        return (self.__offset.total_seconds()/60,)

def parse_isoformat_datetime(isodatetime):
        return datetime.strptime(isodatetime, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f')
    except ValueError:
        return datetime.strptime(isodatetime, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
    except ValueError:
    pat = r'(.*?[+-]\d{2}):(\d{2})'
    temp = re.sub(pat, r'\1\2', isodatetime)
    naive_date_str = temp[:-5]
    offset_str = temp[-5:]
    naive_dt = datetime.strptime(naive_date_str, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f')
    offset = int(offset_str[-4:-2])*60 + int(offset_str[-2:])
    if offset_str[0] == "-":
        offset = -offset
    return naive_dt.replace(tzinfo=FixedOffset(offset))

ADB server version (36) doesn't match this client (39) {Not using Genymotion}

This works for me...

  • go to GenyMotion settings -> ADB tab
  • instead of Use Genymotion Android tools, choose custom Android SDK Tools and then browse your installed SDK.

The target principal name is incorrect. Cannot generate SSPI context

I was logging into Windows 10 with a PIN instead of a password. I logged out and logged back in with my password instead and was able to get in to SQL Server via Management Studio.

What is Python Whitespace and how does it work?

Whitespace just means characters which are used for spacing, and have an "empty" representation. In the context of python, it means tabs and spaces (it probably also includes exotic unicode spaces, but don't use them). The definitive reference is here:

I'm not sure exactly how to use it.

Put it at the front of the line you want to indent. If you mix spaces and tabs, you'll likely see funky results, so stick with one or the other. (The python community usually follows PEP8 style, which prescribes indentation of four spaces).

You need to create a new indent level after each colon:

for x in range(0, 50):
    print x
    print 2*x

print x

In this code, the first two print statements are "inside" the body of the for statement because they are indented more than the line containing the for. The third print is outside because it is indented less than the previous (nonblank) line.

If you don't indent/unindent consistently, you will get indentation errors. In addition, all compound statements (i.e. those with a colon) can have the body supplied on the same line, so no indentation is required, but the body must be composed of a single statement.

Finally, certain statements, like lambda feature a colon, but cannot have a multiline block as the body.

org.apache.tomcat.util.bcel.classfile.ClassFormatException: Invalid byte tag in constant pool: 15

I've had the same problem when running my spring boot application with tomcat7:run

It gives error with the following dependency in maven pom.xml:

SEVERE: Unable to process Jar entry [module-info.class] from Jar [jar:file:/.m2/repository/org/apiguardian/apiguardian-api/1.1.0/apiguardian-api-1.1.0.jar!/] for annotations
org.apache.tomcat.util.bcel.classfile.ClassFormatException: Invalid byte tag in constant pool: 19

Jul 09, 2020 1:28:09 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig processAnnotationsJar
SEVERE: Unable to process Jar entry [module-info.class] from Jar [jar:file:/.m2/repository/org/apiguardian/apiguardian-api/1.1.0/apiguardian-api-1.1.0.jar!/] for annotations
org.apache.tomcat.util.bcel.classfile.ClassFormatException: Invalid byte tag in constant pool: 19

But when I correctly specify it in test scope, it does not give error:


How to test if a list contains another list?

a=[[1,2] , [3,4] , [0,5,4]]

It provides true output.

a=[[1,2] , [3,4] , [0,5,4]]

It provides false output.

How to plot a very simple bar chart (Python, Matplotlib) using input *.txt file?

This code will do what you're looking for. It's based on examples found here and here.

The autofmt_xdate() call is particularly useful for making the x-axis labels readable.

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

fig = plt.figure()

width = .35
ind = np.arange(len(OY)), OY, width=width)
plt.xticks(ind + width / 2, OX)



enter image description here

Difference in days between two dates in Java?

You should use Joda Time library because Java Util Date returns wrong values sometimes.

Joda vs Java Util Date

For example days between yesterday (dd-mm-yyyy, 12-07-2016) and first day of year in 1957 (dd-mm-yyyy, 01-01-1957):

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {
    SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");

    Date date = null;
    try {
        date = format.parse("12-07-2016");
    } catch (ParseException e) {

    //Try with Joda - prints 21742
    System.out.println("This is correct: " + getDaysBetweenDatesWithJodaFromYear1957(date));
    //Try with Java util - prints 21741
    System.out.println("This is not correct: " + getDaysBetweenDatesWithJavaUtilFromYear1957(date));    

private static int getDaysBetweenDatesWithJodaFromYear1957(Date date) {
    DateTime jodaDateTime = new DateTime(date);
    DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("dd-MM-yyyy");
    DateTime y1957 = formatter.parseDateTime("01-01-1957");

    return Days.daysBetween(y1957 , jodaDateTime).getDays();

private static long getDaysBetweenDatesWithJavaUtilFromYear1957(Date date) {
    SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");

    Date y1957 = null;
    try {
        y1957 = format.parse("01-01-1957");
    } catch (ParseException e) {

    return TimeUnit.DAYS.convert(date.getTime() - y1957.getTime(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

So I really advice you to use Joda Time library.

Is it possible to install iOS 6 SDK on Xcode 5?

Linking the 6.1 SDK into Xcode 5 as described in the other answers is one step. However this still doesn't solve the problem that running on iOS 7 new UI elements are taken, view controllers are made full-size etc.

As described in this answer it is also required to switch the UI into legacy mode on iOS 7:

[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:YES forKey:@"UIUseLegacyUI"];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize];

Beware: This is an undocumented key and not recommended for App Store builds!

Also, in my experience while testing on the device I found that it only works the second time I launch the app even though I'm running the code fairly early in the app launch, in +[AppDelegate initialize]. Also there are subtle differences to a version built using Xcode 4.6. For instance, transparent navigation bars behave differently (causing the view to be full-size).

However, since Xcode 4.6.3 crashes on Mavericks (at least for me, see rdar://15318883), this is at least a solution to continue using Xcode 5 for debugging.

Java 8 lambdas, Function.identity() or t->t

As of the current JRE implementation, Function.identity() will always return the same instance while each occurrence of identifier -> identifier will not only create its own instance but even have a distinct implementation class. For more details, see here.

The reason is that the compiler generates a synthetic method holding the trivial body of that lambda expression (in the case of x->x, equivalent to return identifier;) and tell the runtime to create an implementation of the functional interface calling this method. So the runtime sees only different target methods and the current implementation does not analyze the methods to find out whether certain methods are equivalent.

So using Function.identity() instead of x -> x might save some memory but that shouldn’t drive your decision if you really think that x -> x is more readable than Function.identity().

You may also consider that when compiling with debug information enabled, the synthetic method will have a line debug attribute pointing to the source code line(s) holding the lambda expression, therefore you have a chance of finding the source of a particular Function instance while debugging. In contrast, when encountering the instance returned by Function.identity() during debugging an operation, you won’t know who has called that method and passed the instance to the operation.

node.js require all files in a folder?

One module that I have been using for this exact use case is require-all.

It recursively requires all files in a given directory and its sub directories as long they don't match the excludeDirs property.

It also allows specifying a file filter and how to derive the keys of the returned hash from the filenames.

Shell Scripting: Using a variable to define a path

To add to the above correct answer :- For my case in shell, this code worked (working on sqoop)

--options-file  $ROOT_PATH/query.txt

Python Requests package: Handling xml response

requests does not handle parsing XML responses, no. XML responses are much more complex in nature than JSON responses, how you'd serialize XML data into Python structures is not nearly as straightforward.

Python comes with built-in XML parsers. I recommend you use the ElementTree API:

import requests
from xml.etree import ElementTree

response = requests.get(url)

tree = ElementTree.fromstring(response.content)

or, if the response is particularly large, use an incremental approach:

    response = requests.get(url, stream=True)
    # if the server sent a Gzip or Deflate compressed response, decompress
    # as we read the raw stream:
    response.raw.decode_content = True

    events = ElementTree.iterparse(response.raw)
    for event, elem in events:
        # do something with `elem`

The external lxml project builds on the same API to give you more features and power still.

How to return more than one value from a function in Python?

You separate the values you want to return by commas:

def get_name():
   # you code
   return first_name, last_name

The commas indicate it's a tuple, so you could wrap your values by parentheses:

return (first_name, last_name)

Then when you call the function you a) save all values to one variable as a tuple, or b) separate your variable names by commas

name = get_name() # this is a tuple
first_name, last_name = get_name()
(first_name, last_name) = get_name() # You can put parentheses, but I find it ugly

Send form data using ajax

I have written myself a function that converts most of the stuff one may want to send via AJAX to GET of POST query.
Following part of the function might be of interest:

  if(data.tagName!=null&&data.tagName.toUpperCase()=="FORM") {
    //Get all the input elements in form
    var elem = data.elements;
    //Loop through the element array
    for(var i = 0; i < elem.length; i++) {
      //Ignore elements that are not supposed to be sent
      //Add & to any subsequent entries (that means every iteration except the first one) 
      //Get data for selectbox
      if (elem[i].tagName.toUpperCase() == "SELECT")
        data_string += elem[i].name + "=" + encodeURIComponent(elem[i].options[elem[i].selectedIndex].value) ;
      //Get data from checkbox
      else if(elem[i].type=="checkbox")
        data_string += elem[i].name + "="+(elem[i].value==null?"on":elem[i].value);
      //Get data from textfield
        data_string += elem[i].name + (elem[i].value!=""?"=" + encodeURIComponent(elem[i].value):"=");
    return data_string; 

It does not need jQuery since I don't use it. But I'm sure jquery's $.post accepts string as seconf argument.

Here is the whole function, other parts are not commented though. I can't promise there are no bugs in it:

function ajax_create_request_string(data, recursion) {
  var data_string = '';
  //Zpracovani formulare
  if(data.tagName!=null&&data.tagName.toUpperCase()=="FORM") {
    //Get all the input elements in form
    var elem = data.elements;
    //Loop through the element array
    for(var i = 0; i < elem.length; i++) {
      //Ignore elements that are not supposed to be sent
      //Add & to any subsequent entries (that means every iteration except the first one) 
      //Get data for selectbox
      if (elem[i].tagName.toUpperCase() == "SELECT")
        data_string += elem[i].name + "=" + encodeURIComponent(elem[i].options[elem[i].selectedIndex].value) ;
      //Get data from checkbox
      else if(elem[i].type=="checkbox")
        data_string += elem[i].name + "="+(elem[i].value==null?"on":elem[i].value);
      //Get data from textfield
        if(elem[i].className.indexOf("autoempty")!=-1) {
          data_string += elem[i].name+"=";
          data_string += elem[i].name + (elem[i].value!=""?"=" + encodeURIComponent(elem[i].value):"=");
    return data_string; 
  //Loop through array
  if(data instanceof Array) {
    for(var i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
    return data_string;
  //Loop through object (like foreach)
  for(var i in data) {
    if(typeof data[i]=="object") {
        data_string+= ajax_create_request_string(data[i], i);
        data_string+= ajax_create_request_string(data[i], recursion+"["+i+"]");
    else if(recursion==null)
  return data_string;

MSSQL Error 'The underlying provider failed on Open'

In IIS set the App Pool Identity As Service Account user or Administrator Account or ant account which has permission to do the operation on that DataBase.

CentOS 7 and Puppet unable to install nc

Nc is a link to nmap-ncat.

It would be nice to use nmap-ncat in your puppet, because NC is a virtual name of nmap-ncat.

Puppet cannot understand the links/virtualnames

your puppet should be:

package {
    ensure => installed;

CSS selectors ul li a {...} vs ul > li > a {...}

1) for example HTML code:

        <a href="#">firstlink</a>
        <span><a href="#">second link&lt;/a>

and css rules:

1) ul li a {color:red;} 
2) ul > li > a {color:blue;}

">" - symbol mean that that will be searching only child selector (parentTag > childTag)

so first css rule will apply to all links (first and second) and second rule will apply anly to first link

2) As for efficiency - I think second will be more fast - as in case with JavaScript selectors. This rule read from right to left, this mean that when rule will parse by browser, it get all links on page: - in first case it will find all parent elements for each link on page and filter all links where exist parent tags "ul" and "li" - in second case it will check only parent node of link if it is "li" tag then -> check if parent tag of "li" is "ul"

some thing like this. Hope I describe all properly for you

WP -- Get posts by category?

You can use 'category_name' in parameters.

Note: The category_name parameter needs to be a string, in this case, the category name.

Removing items from a ListBox in

   Dim ca As Integer = ListBox1.Items.Count().ToString
    While Not ca = 0
        ca = ca - 1
    End While

How to return a boolean method in java?

public boolean verifyPwd(){
        if (!(pword.equals(pwdRetypePwd.getText()))){
                  txtaError.setText("*Password didn't match!");
                  return false;
        else {
            return true;

convert xml to java object using jaxb (unmarshal)


On the Tests class we will add an @XmlRootElement annotation. Doing this will let your JAXB implementation know that when a document starts with this element that it should instantiate this class. JAXB is configuration by exception, this means you only need to add annotations where your mapping differs from the default. Since the testData property differs from the default mapping we will use the @XmlElement annotation. You may find the following tutorial helpful:

package forum11221136;

import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*;

public class Tests {

    TestData testData;

    public TestData getTestData() {
        return testData;

    public void setTestData(TestData testData) {
        this.testData = testData;



On this class I used the @XmlType annotation to specify the order in which the elements should be ordered in. I added a testData property that appeared to be missing. I also used an @XmlElement annotation for the same reason as in the Tests class.

package forum11221136;

import java.util.List;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*;

@XmlType(propOrder={"title", "book", "count", "testData"})
public class TestData {
    String title;
    String book;
    String count;
    List<TestData> testData;

    public String getTitle() {
        return title;
    public void setTitle(String title) {
        this.title = title;
    public String getBook() {
        return book;
    public void setBook(String book) { = book;
    public String getCount() {
        return count;
    public void setCount(String count) {
        this.count = count;
    public List<TestData> getTestData() {
        return testData;
    public void setTestData(List<TestData> testData) {
        this.testData = testData;


Below is an example of how to use the JAXB APIs to read (unmarshal) the XML and populate your domain model and then write (marshal) the result back to XML.

package forum11221136;

import javax.xml.bind.*;

public class Demo {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(Tests.class);

        Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jc.createUnmarshaller();
        File xml = new File("src/forum11221136/input.xml");
        Tests tests = (Tests) unmarshaller.unmarshal(xml);

        Marshaller marshaller = jc.createMarshaller();
        marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true);
        marshaller.marshal(tests, System.out);


Android:java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 23970828 byte allocation with 2097152 free bytes and 2MB until OOM

Soluton try this in your Manifest File and use Glide Library

compile 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:3.7.0'

    **Use Glide Library and Override size to less size;**

 if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(message.getPicture())) {
                    .transform(new CircleTransform(mContext))




Use this library

  compile 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:3.7.0'   

Its Working Happy Coding

import android.content.Context;

import com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.BitmapPool;
import com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.BitmapTransformation;

public class CircleTransform extends BitmapTransformation {
    public CircleTransform(Context context) {

    protected Bitmap transform(BitmapPool pool, Bitmap toTransform, int outWidth, int outHeight) {
        return circleCrop(pool, toTransform);

    private static Bitmap circleCrop(BitmapPool pool, Bitmap source) {
        if (source == null) return null;

        int size = Math.min(source.getWidth(), source.getHeight());
        int x = (source.getWidth() - size) / 2;
        int y = (source.getHeight() - size) / 2;

        // TODO this could be acquired from the pool too
        Bitmap squared = Bitmap.createBitmap(source, x, y, size, size);

        Bitmap result = pool.get(size, size, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        if (result == null) {
            result = Bitmap.createBitmap(size, size, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);

        Canvas canvas = new Canvas(result);
        Paint paint = new Paint();
        paint.setShader(new BitmapShader(squared, BitmapShader.TileMode.CLAMP, BitmapShader.TileMode.CLAMP));
        float r = size / 2f;
        canvas.drawCircle(r, r, r, paint);
        return result;

    public String getId() {
        return getClass().getName();

Getting the HTTP Referrer in ASP.NET



The Request.UrlReferer property will throw a System.UriFormatException if the referer HTTP header is malformed (which can happen since it is not usually under your control).

Therefore, the Request.UrlReferer property is not 100% reliable - it may contain data that cannot be parsed into a Uri class. To ensure the value is always readable, use Request.Headers["Referrer"] instead.

As for using Request.ServerVariables as others here have suggested, per MSDN:

Request.ServerVariables Collection

The ServerVariables collection retrieves the values of predetermined environment variables and request header information.

Request.Headers Property

Gets a collection of HTTP headers.

Request.Headers is a better choice than Request.ServerVariables, since Request.ServerVariables contains all of the environment variables as well as the headers, where Request.Headers is a much shorter list that only contains the headers.

So the most reliable solution is to use the Request.Headers collection to read the value directly. Do heed Microsoft's warnings about HTML encoding the value if you are going to display it on a form, though.

Alter table to modify default value of column

For Sql Azure the following query works :

ALTER TABLE [TableName] ADD  DEFAULT 'DefaultValue' FOR ColumnName

Good ways to sort a queryset? - Django

What about

import operator

auths = Author.objects.order_by('-score')[:30]
ordered = sorted(auths, key=operator.attrgetter('last_name'))

In Django 1.4 and newer you can order by providing multiple fields.


By default, results returned by a QuerySet are ordered by the ordering tuple given by the ordering option in the model’s Meta. You can override this on a per-QuerySet basis by using the order_by method.


ordered_authors = Author.objects.order_by('-score', 'last_name')[:30]

The result above will be ordered by score descending, then by last_name ascending. The negative sign in front of "-score" indicates descending order. Ascending order is implied.

Trying to use fetch and pass in mode: no-cors

Solution for me was to just do it server side

I used the C# WebClient library to get the data (in my case it was image data) and send it back to the client. There's probably something very similar in your chosen server-side language.

//Server side, api controller

public IActionResult GetItemImageFromURL([FromQuery] string url)
    ItemImage image = new ItemImage();

    using(WebClient client = new WebClient()){

        image.Bytes = client.DownloadData(url);

        return Ok(image);

You can tweak it to whatever your own use case is. The main point is client.DownloadData() worked without any CORS errors. Typically CORS issues are only between websites, hence it being okay to make 'cross-site' requests from your server.

Then the React fetch call is as simple as:

//React component

fetch(`api/ItemImage/GetItemImageFromURL?url=${imageURL}`, {            
        method: 'GET',
    .then(resp => resp.json() as Promise<ItemImage>)
    .then(imgResponse => {

       // Do more stuff....

How To Raise Property Changed events on a Dependency Property?

  1. Implement INotifyPropertyChanged in your class.

  2. Specify a callback in the property metadata when you register the dependency property.

  3. In the callback, raise the PropertyChanged event.

Adding the callback:

public static DependencyProperty FirstProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
  new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
     new PropertyChangedCallback(OnFirstPropertyChanged)));

Raising PropertyChanged in the callback:

private static void OnFirstPropertyChanged(
   DependencyObject sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
   PropertyChangedEventHandler h = PropertyChanged;
   if (h != null)
      h(sender, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Second"));

ssh-copy-id no identities found error

The simplest way is to:


cd ~/.ssh


Its very very simple.

In manual of "ss-keygen" explains:

"DESCRIPTION ssh-keygen generates, manages and converts authentication keys for ssh(1). ssh-keygen can create RSA keys for use by SSH protocol version 1 and DSA, ECDSA or RSA keys for use by SSH protocol version 2. The type of key to be generated is specified with the -t option. If invoked without any arguments, ssh-keygen will generate an RSA key for use in SSH protocol 2 connections."

Get Image Height and Width as integer values?

PHP's getimagesize() returns an array of data. The first two items in the array are the two items you're interested in: the width and height. To get these, you would simply request the first two indexes in the returned array:

var $imagedata = getimagesize("someimage.jpg");

print "Image width  is: " . $imagedata[0];
print "Image height is: " . $imagedata[1];

For further information, see the documentation.

Call a method of a controller from another controller using 'scope' in AngularJS

The best approach for you to communicate between the two controllers is to use events.

Scope Documentation

In this check out $on, $broadcast and $emit.

In general use case the usage of angular.element(catapp).scope() was designed for use outside the angular controllers, like within jquery events.

Ideally in your usage you would write an event in controller 1 as:

$scope.$on("myEvent", function (event, args) {
   $scope.rest_id = args.username;

And in the second controller you'd just do

$scope.initRestId = function(){
   $scope.$broadcast("myEvent", {username: $scope.user.username });

Edit: Realised it was communication between two modules

Can you try including the firstApp module as a dependency to the secondApp where you declare the angular.module. That way you can communicate to the other app.

Link a .css on another folder

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
.tree-view-com ul li {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  list-style: none;_x000D_
.tree-view-com .tree-view-child > li{_x000D_
  padding-bottom: 30px;_x000D_
.tree-view-com .tree-view-child > li:last-of-type{_x000D_
  padding-bottom: 0px;_x000D_
.tree-view-com ul li a .c-icon {_x000D_
  margin-right: 10px;_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  top: 2px;_x000D_
.tree-view-com ul > li > ul {_x000D_
  margin-top: 20px;_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
.tree-view-com > ul > li:before {_x000D_
  content: "";_x000D_
  border-left: 1px dashed #ccc;_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  height: calc(100% - 30px - 5px);_x000D_
  z-index: 1;_x000D_
  left: 8px;_x000D_
  top: 30px;_x000D_
.tree-view-com > ul > li > ul > li:before {_x000D_
  content: "";_x000D_
  border-top: 1px dashed #ccc;_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  width: 25px;_x000D_
  left: -32px;_x000D_
  top: 12px;_x000D_
<div class="tree-view-com">_x000D_
    <ul class="tree-view-parent">_x000D_
            <a href=""><i class="fa fa-folder c-icon c-icon-list" aria-hidden="true"></i> folder</a>_x000D_
            <ul class="tree-view-child">_x000D_
                    <a href="" class="document-title">_x000D_
                        <i class="fa fa-folder c-icon" aria-hidden="true"></i>_x000D_
                        sub folder 1_x000D_
                    <a href="" class="document-title">_x000D_
                        <i class="fa fa-folder c-icon" aria-hidden="true"></i>_x000D_
                        sub folder 2_x000D_
                    <a href="" class="document-title">_x000D_
                        <i class="fa fa-folder c-icon" aria-hidden="true"></i>_x000D_
                        sub folder 3_x000D_

div hover background-color change?
