Programs & Examples On #Face recognition

Face recognition is the process of matching faces to determine if the person shown in one image is the same as the person shown in another image. This is distinct from face detection which only determines where in an image exists a face. Face recognition has broad use in security technology, social networking, cameras, etc.

Open source face recognition for Android

You use class media.FaceDetector in android to detect face for free.

This is an example of face detection:

Face recognition Library

You should look at

It's fairly new, but it provides a free open source high level API for face detection.

(...and, I dare say, is pretty damn amazing)

Edit: Worth noting also, that this is one of the few libs that does NOT depend on opencv, and just for kicks, here's a copy of the code for face detection off the documentation page, to give you an idea of whats involved:

#include <ccv.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    ccv_dense_matrix_t* image = 0;
    ccv_read(argv[1], &image, CCV_IO_GRAY | CCV_IO_ANY_FILE);
    ccv_bbf_classifier_cascade_t* cascade = ccv_load_bbf_classifier_cascade(argv[2]);         ccv_bbf_params_t params = { .interval = 8, .min_neighbors = 2, .accurate = 1, .flags = 0, .size = ccv_size(24, 24) };
    ccv_array_t* faces = ccv_bbf_detect_objects(image, &cascade, 1, params);
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < faces->rnum; i++)
        ccv_comp_t* face = (ccv_comp_t*)ccv_array_get(faces, i);
        printf("%d %d %d %d\n", face->rect.x, face->rect.y, face->rect.width, face->rect.y);
    return 0;

CS1617: Invalid option ‘6’ for /langversion; must be ISO-1, ISO-2, 3, 4, 5 or Default

In my case, I was downloading a library with sample code of keycloak implementation by mattorg from GITHUB:

The solution was quite easy, as I used .Net Framework 4.6.1, but the project begged me in the beginning to use 4.6.2. Although I downloaded it, it was first actively chosen, when restartet all instances of Visual Studion (or better close all instances). The project was manipulated to 4.6.1 (although I wished not and chose so).

So after I chose the configuration again to choose .Net Framework 4.6.1 the error vanished immediately.

How to get base url with jquery or javascript?

This is an extremely old question, but here are the approaches I personally use ...

Get Standard/Base URL

As many have already stated, this works for most situations.

var url = window.location.origin;

Get Absolute Base URL

However, this simple approach can be used to strip off any port numbers.

var url = "http://" +":")[0];

Edit: To address the concern, posed by Jason Rice, the following can be used to automatically insert the correct protocol type ...

var url = window.location.protocol + "//" +":")[0];

Set Base URL

As a bonus -- the base URL can then be redefined globally.

document.head.innerHTML = document.head.innerHTML + "<base href='" + url + "' />";

What is the meaning of git reset --hard origin/master?

In newer version of git (2.23+) you can use:

git switch -C master origin/master

-C is same as --force-create. Related Reference Docs

Excel formula to reference 'CELL TO THE LEFT'

The shortest most compatible version is:


"RC[-1]" means one column to the left. "R[1]C[-1]" is bottom-left.

The second parameter 0 means that the first parameter is interpreted using R1C1 notation.

The other options:


Too long in my opinion. But useful if the relative value is dynamic/derived from another cell. e.g.:


The most simple option:

= RC[-1]

has the disadvantage that you need to turn on R1C1 notation using options, which is a no-go when other people have to use the excel.

What is copy-on-write?

I shall not repeat the same answer on Copy-on-Write. I think Andrew's answer and Charlie's answer have already made it very clear. I will give you an example from OS world, just to mention how widely this concept is used.

We can use fork() or vfork() to create a new process. vfork follows the concept of copy-on-write. For example, the child process created by vfork will share the data and code segment with the parent process. This speeds up the forking time. It is expected to use vfork if you are performing exec followed by vfork. So vfork will create the child process which will share data and code segment with its parent but when we call exec, it will load up the image of a new executable in the address space of the child process.

Angular/RxJs When should I unsubscribe from `Subscription`

You can use latest Subscription class to unsubscribe for the Observable with not so messy code.

We can do this with normal variable but it will be override the last subscription on every new subscribe so avoid that, and this approach is very much useful when you are dealing with more number of Obseravables, and type of Obeservables like BehavoiurSubject and Subject


Represents a disposable resource, such as the execution of an Observable. A Subscription has one important method, unsubscribe, that takes no argument and just disposes the resource held by the subscription.

you can use this in two ways,

  • you can directly push the subscription to Subscription Array

     subscriptions:Subscription[] = [];
     ngOnInit(): void {
       this.subscription.push(this.dataService.getMessageTracker().subscribe((param: any) => {
       this.subscription.push(this.dataService.getFileTracker().subscribe((param: any) => {
        // prevent memory leak when component destroyed
        this.subscriptions.forEach(s => s.unsubscribe());
  • using add() of Subscription

    subscriptions = new Subscription();
    ngOnDestroy() {

A Subscription can hold child subscriptions and safely unsubscribe them all. This method handles possible errors (e.g. if any child subscriptions are null).

Hope this helps.. :)

Using a list as a data source for DataGridView

First, I don't understand why you are adding all the keys and values count times, Index is never used.

I tried this example :

        var source = new BindingSource();
        List<MyStruct> list = new List<MyStruct> { new MyStruct("fff", "b"),  new MyStruct("c","d") };
        source.DataSource = list;
        grid.DataSource = source;

and that work pretty well, I get two columns with the correct names. MyStruct type exposes properties that the binding mechanism can use.

    class MyStruct
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Adres { get; set; }

    public MyStruct(string name, string adress)
        Name = name;
        Adres = adress;

Try to build a type that takes one key and value, and add it one by one. Hope this helps.

What's the difference between the Window.Loaded and Window.ContentRendered events

This is not about the difference between Window.ContentRendered and Window.Loaded but about what how the Window.Loaded event can be used:

I use it to avoid splash screens in all applications which need a long time to come up.

    // initializing my main window
    public MyAppMainWindow()

        // Set the event
        this.ContentRendered += MyAppMainWindow_ContentRendered;

    private void MyAppMainWindow_ContentRendered(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // ... comes up quick when the controls are loaded and rendered

        // unset the event
        this.ContentRendered -= MyAppMainWindow_ContentRendered;

        // ... make the time comsuming init stuff here

How to get href value using jQuery?

It's worth mentioning that

$('a').attr('href'); // gets the actual value
$('a').prop('href'); // gets the full URL always

Android Button click go to another xml page

Write below code in your file instead of your code.

public class MainActivity extends Activity implements OnClickListener {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        Button mBtn1 = (Button) findViewById(;

    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
        // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
        getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);
        return true;

    public void onClick(View v) {
        Log.i("clicks","You Clicked B1");
        Intent i=new Intent(MainActivity.this, MainActivity2.class);

And Declare MainActivity2 into your Androidmanifest.xml file using below code.


Gradle Sync failed could not find constraint-layout:1.0.0-alpha2

Update your constraint layout dependency to the relevant version from '1.0.0-alpha2'. In my case, I changed to the following. compile ''

ASP.NET Bundles how to disable minification

There is also some simple way to control minification (and other features) manually. It's new CssMinify() transformer using, like this:

// this is in case when BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = false;
var myBundle = new StyleBundle("~/Content/themes/base/css")
    .Include("~/Content/themes/base/jquery.ui.core.css" /* , ... and so on */);
myBundle.Transforms.Add(new CssMinify());

// or you can remove that transformer in opposite situation

That's convenient when you want to have some bundles special part only to be minified. Let's say, you are using some standard (jQuery) styles, which are getting under your feet (taking lots of excessive browser requests to them), but you want to keep unminified your own stylesheet. (The same - with javascript).

Finding length of char array

You can do len = sizeof(a)/sizeof(*a) for any kind of array. But, you have initialized it as a[7] = {...} meaning its length is 7...

Creating temporary files in Android

For temporary internal files their are 2 options


File file; 
file = File.createTempFile(filename, null, this.getCacheDir());


File file
file = new File(this.getCacheDir(), filename);

Both options adds files in the applications cache directory and thus can be cleared to make space as required but option 1 will add a random number on the end of the filename to keep files unique. It will also add a file extension which is .tmp by default, but it can be set to anything via the use of the 2nd parameter. The use of the random number means despite specifying a filename it doesn't stay the same as the number is added along with the suffix/file extension (.tmp by default) e.g you specify your filename as internal_file and comes out as internal_file1456345.tmp. Whereas you can specify the extension you can't specify the number that is added. You can however find the filename it generates via file.getName();, but you would need to store it somewhere so you can use it whenever you wanted for example to delete or read the file. Therefore for this reason I prefer the 2nd option as the filename you specify is the filename that is created.

How do I set environment variables from Java?

A version in Kotlin, in this algorithm I created a decorator that allows you to set and get variables from the environment.

import java.util.Collections
import kotlin.reflect.KProperty
class EnvironmentDelegate {
    operator fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): String {
        return System.getenv( ?: "-"
    operator fun setValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>, value: String) {
        val key =
        val classes: Array<Class<*>> =
        val env = System.getenv()
        val cl = classes.first { "java.util.Collections\$UnmodifiableMap" == }
        val field = cl.getDeclaredField("m")
        field.isAccessible = true
        val obj = field[env]
        val map = obj as MutableMap<String, String>
        map.putAll(mapOf(key to value))
class KnownProperties {
    var JAVA_HOME: String by EnvironmentDelegate()
    var sample: String by EnvironmentDelegate()
fun main() {
    val knowProps = KnownProperties()
    knowProps.sample = "2"
    println("Java Home: ${knowProps.JAVA_HOME}")
    println("Sample: ${knowProps.sample}")

Reading/parsing Excel (xls) files with Python

For older .xls files, you can use xlrd

either you can use xlrd directly by importing it. Like below

import xlrd
wb = xlrd.open_workbook(file_name)

Or you can also use pandas pd.read_excel() method, but do not forget to specify the engine, though the default is xlrd, it has to be specified.

pd.read_excel(file_name, engine = xlrd)

Both of them work for older .xls file formats. Infact I came across this when I used OpenPyXL, i got the below error

InvalidFileException: openpyxl does not support the old .xls file format, please use xlrd to read this file, or convert it to the more recent .xlsx file format.

Node.js server that accepts POST requests

The following code shows how to read values from an HTML form. As @pimvdb said you need to use the request.on('data'...) to capture the contents of the body.

const http = require('http')

const server = http.createServer(function(request, response) {

  if (request.method == 'POST') {
    var body = ''
    request.on('data', function(data) {
      body += data
      console.log('Partial body: ' + body)
    request.on('end', function() {
      console.log('Body: ' + body)
      response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'})
      response.end('post received')
  } else {
    var html = `
                    <form method="post" action="http://localhost:3000">Name: 
                        <input type="text" name="name" />
                        <input type="submit" value="Submit" />
    response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'})

const port = 3000
const host = ''
server.listen(port, host)
console.log(`Listening at http://${host}:${port}`)

If you use something like Express.js and Bodyparser then it would look like this since Express will handle the request.body concatenation

var express = require('express')
var fs = require('fs')
var app = express()


app.get('/', function(request, response) {
  console.log('GET /')
  var html = `
            <form method="post" action="http://localhost:3000">Name: 
                <input type="text" name="name" />
                <input type="submit" value="Submit" />
  response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'})
})'/', function(request, response) {
  console.log('POST /')
  response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'})

port = 3000
console.log(`Listening at http://localhost:${port}`)

How to link to specific line number on github

Many editors (but also see the Commands section below) support linking to a file's line number or range on GitHub or BitBucket (or others). Here's a short list:


Open on GitHub



Sublime Text





  • git-link - Git subcommand for getting a repo-browser link to a git object
  • ghwd - Open the github URL that matches your shell's current branch and working directory

(13: Permission denied) while connecting to upstream:[nginx]

I’ve run into this problem too. I'm using Nginx with HHVM, below solution fixed my issue:

sudo semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t "/etc/nginx/fastcgi_temp(/.*)?"

sudo restorecon -R -v /etc/nginx/fastcgi_temp

Why Is Subtracting These Two Times (in 1927) Giving A Strange Result?

IMHO the pervasive, implicit localization in Java is its single largest design flaw. It may be intended for user interfaces, but frankly, who really uses Java for user interfaces today except for some IDEs where you can basically ignore localization because programmers aren't exactly the target audience for it. You can fix it (especially on Linux servers) by:

  • export LC_ALL=C TZ=UTC
  • set your system clock to UTC
  • never use localized implementations unless absolutely necessary (ie for display only)

To the Java Community Process members I recommend:

  • make localized methods, not the default, but require the user to explicitly request localization.
  • use UTF-8/UTC as the FIXED default instead because that's simply the default today. There is no reason to do something else, except if you want to produce threads like this.

I mean, come on, aren't global static variables an anti-OO pattern? Nothing else is those pervasive defaults given by some rudimentary environment variables.......

Why doesn't JavaScript support multithreading?

As far as I have heared Google Chrome will have multithreaded javascript, so it is a "current implementations" problem.

Custom CSS for <audio> tag?

There is not currently any way to style HTML5 <audio> players using CSS. Instead, you can leave off the control attribute, and implement your own controls using Javascript. If you don't want to implement them all on your own, I'd recommend using an existing themeable HTML5 audio player, such as jPlayer.

How to post ASP.NET MVC Ajax form using JavaScript rather than submit button

I'm going to assume that your lack of quotes around the selector is just a transcription error, but you should check it anyway. Also, I don't see where you are actually giving the form an id. Usually you do this with the htmlAttributes parameter. I don't see you using the signature that has it. Again, though, if the form is submitting at all, this could be a transcription error.

If the selector and the id aren't the problem I'm suspicious that it might be because the click handler is added via markup when you use the Ajax BeginForm extension. You might try using $('form').trigger('submit') or in the worst case, have the click handler on the anchor create a hidden submit button in the form and click it. Or even create your own ajax submission using pure jQuery (which is probably what I would do).

Lastly, you should realize that by replacing the submit button, you're going to totally break this for people who don't have javascript enabled. The way around this is to also have a button hidden using a noscript tag and handle both AJAX and non-AJAX posts on the server.

BTW, it's consider standard practice, Microsoft not withstanding, to add the handlers via javascript not via markup. This keeps your javascript organized in one place so you can more easily see what's going on on the form. Here's an example of how I would use the trigger mechanism.

  $(function() {
      $('form#ajaxForm').find('a.submit-link').click( function() {

<% using (Ajax.BeginForm("Update", "Description", new { id = Model.Id },
     new AjaxOptions
       UpdateTargetId = "DescriptionDiv",
       HttpMethod = "post"
     }, new { id = "ajaxForm" } )) {%>
   <%= Html.TextBox("Description", Model.Description) %><br />
   <a href="#" class="submit-link" style="display: none;">Save</a>
       <input type="submit" value="Save" />
<% } %>

Cannot read configuration file due to insufficient permissions

I had what appeared to be the same permissions issue on the web.config file.
However, my problem was caused by IIS failing to load the config file because it contained URL rewrite rules and I hadn't installed the IIS URL rewrite module on the new server.

Solution: Install the rewrite module.
Hope that saves somebody a few hours.

Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture

For me the problem was copying .resx files and associated .cs files from one project to another. Both projects had the same namespace so that wasn't the problem.

Finally solved it when I noticed in Solution Explorer that in the original project the .resx files were dependent on the .cs files:

|_ MyResource.resx

While in the copied project the .cs files was dependent on the .resx files:

|_ MyResource.cs

It turned out that in the second project somehow the .resx files had been set to auto-generate the .cs files. The auto-generated .cs files were overwriting the .cs files copied from the original project.

To fix the problem edit the properties of each .resx file in the copied project. The Custom Tool property will be set to something like ResXFileCodeGenerator. Clear the Custom Tool property of the .resx file. You will need to re-copy the .cs file from the original project as it will have been overwritten by the auto-generated file.

UIButton: how to center an image and a text using imageEdgeInsets and titleEdgeInsets?

Using button.titleLabel.frame.size.width works fine only as long the label is short enough not to be truncated. When the label text gets truncated positioning doesn't work though. Taking

CGSize titleSize = [[[button titleLabel] text] sizeWithFont:[[button titleLabel] font]];

works for me even when the label text is truncated.

nginx error "conflicting server name" ignored

There should be only one localhost defined, check sites-enabled or nginx.conf.

Capitalize the first letter of string in AngularJs

If you are after performance, try to avoid using AngularJS filters as they are applied twice per each expression to check for their stability.

A better way would be to use CSS ::first-letter pseudo-element with text-transform: uppercase;. That can't be used on inline elements such as span, though, so the next best thing would be to use text-transform: capitalize; on the whole block, which capitalizes every word.


var app = angular.module('app', []);_x000D_
app.controller('Ctrl', function ($scope) {_x000D_
   $scope.msg = 'hello, world.';_x000D_
.capitalize {_x000D_
  display: inline-block;  _x000D_
.capitalize::first-letter {_x000D_
  text-transform: uppercase;_x000D_
.capitalize2 {_x000D_
  text-transform: capitalize;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div ng-app="app">_x000D_
    <div ng-controller="Ctrl">_x000D_
        <b>My text:</b> <div class="capitalize">{{msg}}</div>_x000D_
        <p><b>My text:</b> <span class="capitalize2">{{msg}}</span></p>_x000D_

Creating a new empty branch for a new project

Make an empty new branch like this:

true | git mktree | xargs git commit-tree | xargs git branch proj-doc

If your proj-doc files are already in a commit under a single subdir you can make the new branch this way:

git commit-tree thatcommit:path/to/dir | xargs git branch proj-doc

which might be more convenient than git branch --orphan if that would leave you with a lot of git rm and git mving to do.


git branch --set-upstream proj-doc origin/proj-doc

and see if that helps with your fetching-too-much problem. Also if you really only want to fetch a single branch it's safest to just specify it on the commandline.

Select from one table where not in another

You can LEFT JOIN the two tables. If there is no corresponding row in the second table, the values will be NULL.

SELECT id FROM partmaster LEFT JOIN product_details ON (...) WHERE product_details.part_num IS NULL

How to copy a dictionary and only edit the copy

the following code, which is on dicts which follows json syntax more than 3 times faster than deepcopy

def CopyDict(dSrc):
        return json.loads(json.dumps(dSrc))
    except Exception as e:
        Logger.warning("Can't copy dict the preferred way:"+str(dSrc))
        return deepcopy(dSrc)

MySQL date format DD/MM/YYYY select query?

Guessing you probably just want to format the output date? then this is what you are after

SELECT *, DATE_FORMAT(date,'%d/%m/%Y') AS niceDate 
FROM table 
LIMIT 0,14

Or do you actually want to sort by Day before Month before Year?

Move to another EditText when Soft Keyboard Next is clicked on Android

In some cases you may need to move the focus to the next field manually :


You might need this if, for example, you have a text field that opens a date picker on click, and you want the focus to automatically move to the next input field once a date is selected by the user and the picker closes. There's no way to handle this in XML, it has to be done programmatically.

Explicit Return Type of Lambda

You can have more than one statement when still return:

[]() -> your_type {return (
        even_more_statement = just_add_comma,

How do I parse command line arguments in Bash?

I give you The Function parse_params that will parse params from the command line.

  1. It is a pure Bash solution, no additional utilities.
  2. Does not pollute global scope.
  3. Effortlessly returns you simple to use variables, that you could build further logic on.
  4. Amount of dashes before params does not matter (--all equals -all equals all=all)

The script below is a copy-paste working demonstration. See show_use function to understand how to use parse_params.


  1. Does not support space delimited params (-d 1)
  2. Param names will lose dashes so --any-param and -anyparam are equivalent
  3. eval $(parse_params "$@") must be used inside bash function (it will not work in the global scope)


# Universal Bash parameter parsing
# Parse equal sign separated params into named local variables
# Standalone named parameter value will equal its param name (--force creates variable $force=="force")
# Parses multi-valued named params into an array (--path=path1 --path=path2 creates ${path[*]} array)
# Puts un-named params as-is into ${ARGV[*]} array
# Additionally puts all named params as-is into ${ARGN[*]} array
# Additionally puts all standalone "option" params as-is into ${ARGO[*]} array
# @author Oleksii Chekulaiev
# @version v1.4.1 (Jul-27-2018)
parse_params ()
    local existing_named
    local ARGV=() # un-named params
    local ARGN=() # named params
    local ARGO=() # options (--params)
    echo "local ARGV=(); local ARGN=(); local ARGO=();"
    while [[ "$1" != "" ]]; do
        # Escape asterisk to prevent bash asterisk expansion, and quotes to prevent string breakage
        # If equals delimited named parameter
        if [[ "$1" =~ ^${nonspace}${nonspace}*=..* ]]; then
            # Add to named parameters array
            echo "ARGN+=('$_escaped');"
            # key is part before first =
            local _key=$(echo "$1" | cut -d = -f 1)
            # Just add as non-named when key is empty or contains space
            if [[ "$_key" == "" || "$_key" =~ " " ]]; then
                echo "ARGV+=('$_escaped');"
            # val is everything after key and = (protect from param==value error)
            local _val="${1/$_key=}"
            # remove dashes from key name
            # skip when key is empty
            # search for existing parameter name
            if (echo "$existing_named" | grep "\b$_key\b" >/dev/null); then
                # if name already exists then it's a multi-value named parameter
                # re-declare it as an array if needed
                if ! (declare -p _key 2> /dev/null | grep -q 'declare \-a'); then
                    echo "$_key=(\"\$$_key\");"
                # append new value
                echo "$_key+=('$_val');"
                # single-value named parameter
                echo "local $_key='$_val';"
                existing_named=" $_key"
        # If standalone named parameter
        elif [[ "$1" =~ ^\-${nonspace}+ ]]; then
            # remove dashes
            local _key=${1//\-}
            # Just add as non-named when key is empty or contains space
            if [[ "$_key" == "" || "$_key" =~ " " ]]; then
                echo "ARGV+=('$_escaped');"
            # Add to options array
            echo "ARGO+=('$_escaped');"
            echo "local $_key=\"$_key\";"
        # non-named parameter
            # Escape asterisk to prevent bash asterisk expansion
            echo "ARGV+=('$_escaped');"

#--------------------------- DEMO OF THE USAGE -------------------------------

show_use ()
    eval $(parse_params "$@")
    # --
    echo "${ARGV[0]}" # print first unnamed param
    echo "${ARGV[1]}" # print second unnamed param
    echo "${ARGN[0]}" # print first named param
    echo "${ARG0[0]}" # print first option param (--force)
    echo "$anyparam"  # print --anyparam value
    echo "$k"         # print k=5 value
    echo "${multivalue[0]}" # print first value of multi-value
    echo "${multivalue[1]}" # print second value of multi-value
    [[ "$force" == "force" ]] && echo "\$force is set so let the force be with you"

show_use "param 1" --anyparam="my value" param2 k=5 --force --multi-value=test1 --multi-value=test2

Prevent flicker on webkit-transition of webkit-transform

The rule:

-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;

will not work for sprites or image backgrounds.

body {-webkit-transform:translate3d(0,0,0);}

screws up backgrounds that are tiled.

I prefer to make a class called no-flick and do this:


Target Unreachable, identifier resolved to null in JSF 2.2

I solved this problem.

My Java version was the 1.6 and I found that was using 1.7 with CDI however after that I changed the Java version to 1.7 and import the package javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean and everything worked.

Thanks @PM77-1

Java getting the Enum name given the Enum Value

Here is the below code, it will return the Enum name from Enum value.

public enum Test {

    PLUS("Plus One"), MINUS("MinusTwo"), TIMES("MultiplyByFour"), DIVIDE(
    private String operationName;

    private Test(final String operationName) {

    public String getOperationName() {
        return operationName;

    public void setOperationName(final String operationName) {
        this.operationName = operationName;

    public static Test getOperationName(final String operationName) {

        for (Test oprname : Test.values()) {
            if (operationName.equals(oprname.toString())) {
                return oprname;
        return null;

    public String toString() {
        return operationName;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Test test = Test.getOperationName("Plus One");
        switch (test) {
        case PLUS:
        case MINUS:


Reverse HashMap keys and values in Java

I wrote a simpler loop that works too (note that all my values are unique):

HashMap<Character, String> myHashMap = new HashMap<Character, String>();
HashMap<String, Character> reversedHashMap = new HashMap<String, Character>();

for (char i : myHashMap.keySet()) {
    reversedHashMap.put(myHashMap.get(i), i);

Get user location by IP address

Using the Request of following web site

Following is C# code for returning Country and Country Code

public  string GetCountryByIP(string ipAddress)
        string strReturnVal;
        string ipResponse = IPRequestHelper("" + ipAddress);

        //return ipResponse;
        XmlDocument ipInfoXML = new XmlDocument();
        XmlNodeList responseXML = ipInfoXML.GetElementsByTagName("query");

        NameValueCollection dataXML = new NameValueCollection();

        dataXML.Add(responseXML.Item(0).ChildNodes[2].InnerText, responseXML.Item(0).ChildNodes[2].Value);

        strReturnVal = responseXML.Item(0).ChildNodes[1].InnerText.ToString(); // Contry
        strReturnVal += "(" + 

responseXML.Item(0).ChildNodes[2].InnerText.ToString() + ")";  // Contry Code 
 return strReturnVal;

And following is Helper for requesting url.

public string IPRequestHelper(string url) {

      HttpWebRequest objRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
      HttpWebResponse objResponse = (HttpWebResponse)objRequest.GetResponse();

      StreamReader responseStream = new StreamReader(objResponse.GetResponseStream());
      string responseRead = responseStream.ReadToEnd();


  return responseRead;

Call Javascript onchange event by programmatically changing textbox value

The "onchange" is only fired when the attribute is programmatically changed or when the user makes a change and then focuses away from the field.

Have you looked at using YUI's calendar object? I've coded up a solution that puts the yui calendar inside a yui panel and hides the panel until an associated image is clicked. I'm able to see changes from either.

The term 'Get-ADUser' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet

Open Turn On/Off Windows Features.

Make sure you have Active Directory Domain Services selected. If not, install it. enter image description here

How to use HttpWebRequest (.NET) asynchronously?

I ended up using BackgroundWorker, it is definitely asynchronous unlike some of the above solutions, it handles returning to the GUI thread for you, and it is very easy to understand.

It is also very easy to handle exceptions, as they end up in the RunWorkerCompleted method, but make sure you read this: Unhandled exceptions in BackgroundWorker

I used WebClient but obviously you could use HttpWebRequest.GetResponse if you wanted.

var worker = new BackgroundWorker();

worker.DoWork += (sender, args) => {
    args.Result = new WebClient().DownloadString(settings.test_url);

worker.RunWorkerCompleted += (sender, e) => {
    if (e.Error != null) {
        connectivityLabel.Text = "Error: " + e.Error.Message;
    } else {
        connectivityLabel.Text = "Connectivity OK";
        Log.d("result:" + e.Result);

connectivityLabel.Text = "Testing Connectivity";

Git push won't do anything (everything up-to-date)

This happened to me once I tried to push from a new branch and I used git push origin master instead. You should either:

  • Use: git push origin your_new_branch if you want that this branch occurs too in the remote repo.
  • Else check out to your master branch merge things then push to from master to git repo with git merge origin master.

Recap: the point here is that you should check out where you offer on the second parameter for git merge. So if you are in the master use master as the second parameter if you are in the new_branch use this as the second parameter if you want to keep this branch in the remote repo else opt for the second option above instead.

Linux Command History with date and time

It depends on the shell (and its configuration) in standard bash only the command is stored without the date and time (check .bash_history if there is any timestamp there).

To have bash store the timestamp you need to set HISTTIMEFORMAT before executing the commands, e.g. in .bashrc or .bash_profile. This will cause bash to store the timestamps in .bash_history (see the entries starting with #).

jquery - disable click

Raw Javascript can accomplish the same thing pretty quickly also:

document.getElementById("myElement").onclick = function() { return false; } 

How to get the list of all installed color schemes in Vim?

You can see the list of color schemes under /usr/share/vim/vimNN/colors (with NN being the version, e.g. vim74 for vim 7.4).

This is explained here.

On the linux servers I use via ssh, TAB prints ^I and CTRLd prints ^D.

phantomjs not waiting for "full" page load

Do Mouse move while page is loading should work.

 page.sendEvent('click',200, 660);

do {'mousemove'); } while (page.loading);


When submitting the form, nothing was returned, so the program stopped. The program did not wait for the page to load as it took a few seconds for the redirect to begin.

telling it to move the mouse until the URL changes to the home page gave the browser as much time as it needed to change. then telling it to wait for the page to finish loading allowed the page to full load before the content was grabbed.

page.evaluate(function () {
document.getElementsByClassName('btn btn-primary btn-block')[0].click();
do {'mousemove'); } while (page.evaluate(function()
return document.location != "";
do {'mousemove'); } while (page.loading);

sql query to return differences between two tables

(   SELECT * FROM table1
    SELECT * FROM table2)  
(   SELECT * FROM table2
    SELECT * FROM table1) 

How to concatenate int values in java?

This worked for me.

int i = 14;
int j = 26;
int k = Integer.valueOf(String.valueOf(i) + String.valueOf(j));

It turned out as 1426

How do I print bytes as hexadecimal?

If you want to use C++ streams rather than C functions, you can do the following:

int ar[] = { 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 };
const int siz_ar = sizeof(ar) / sizeof(int);

for (int i = 0; i < siz_ar; ++i)
    cout << ar[i] << " ";
cout << endl;

for (int i = 0; i < siz_ar; ++i)
    cout << hex << setfill('0') << setw(2) << ar[i] << " ";
cout << endl;

Very simple.


20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
14 1e 28 32 3c 46 50 5a 

How do I encrypt and decrypt a string in python?

You may use Fernet as follows:

from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
key = Fernet.generate_key()
f = Fernet(key)
encrypt_value = f.encrypt(b"YourString")

Format Date/Time in XAML in Silverlight

<TextBlock Text="{Binding Date, StringFormat='{}{0:MM/dd/yyyy a\\t h:mm tt}'}" />

will return you

04/07/2011 at 1:28 PM (-04)

Parse JSON String into List<string>

Wanted to post this as a comment as a side note to the accepted answer, but that got a bit unclear. So purely as a side note:

If you have no need for the objects themselves and you want to have your project clear of further unused classes, you can parse with something like:

var list = JObject.Parse(json)["People"].Select(el => new { FirstName = (string)el["FirstName"], LastName = (string)el["LastName"] }).ToList();

var firstNames = list.Select(p => p.FirstName).ToList();
var lastNames = list.Select(p => p.LastName).ToList();

Even when using a strongly typed person class, you can still skip the root object by creating a list with JObject.Parse(json)["People"].ToObject<List<Person>>() Of course, if you do need to reuse the objects, it's better to create them from the start. Just wanted to point out the alternative ;)

How can I send cookies using PHP curl in addition to CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE?

I think the only cookie you need is JSESSIONID=xxx..

Also NEVER share your cookies, becasuse someone may access your personal data that way. Specially when the cookies are session. These cookies will stop working once you logout the site.

Set a form's action attribute when submitting?

You can try this:

<form action="/home">_x000D_
  <input type="submit" value="cancel">_x000D_
  <input type="submit" value="login" formaction="/login">_x000D_
  <input type="submit" value="signup" formaction="/signup">_x000D_

Why is semicolon allowed in this python snippet?

I realize I am biased as an old C programmer, but there are times when the various Python conventions make things hard to follow. I find the indent convention a bit of an annoyance at times.

Sometimes, clarity of when a statement or block ends is very useful. Standard C code will often read something like this:

for(i=0; i<100; i++) {
    do something here;
    do another thing here;

continue doing things;

where you use the whitespace for a lot of clarity - and it is easy to see where the loop ends.

Python does let you terminate with an (optional) semicolon. As noted above, that does NOT mean that there is a statement to execute followed by a 'null' statement. SO, for example,


Is the same as


If you believe that the first one has a null statement at the end of each line, try - as suggested - doing this:


It will throw a syntax error.

Personally, I find the semicolon to make code more readable when you have lots of nesting and functions with many arguments and/or long-named args. So, to my eye, this is a lot clearer than other choices:

if some_boolean_is_true:

since, to me, it lets you know that last ')' ends some 'block' that ran over many lines.

I personally think there is much to much made of PEP style guidelines, IDEs that enforce them, and the belief there is 'only one Pythonic way to do things'. If you believe the latter, go look at how to format numbers: as of now, Python supports four different ways to do it.

I am sure I will be flamed by some diehards, but the compiler/interpreter doesn't care if the arguments have long or short names, and - but for the indentation convention in Python - doesn't care about whitespace. The biggest problem with code is giving clarity to another human (and even yourself after months of work) to understand what is going on, where things start and end, etc.

return SQL table as JSON in python

More information about how you'll be working with your data before transferring it would help a ton. The json module provides dump(s) and load(s) methods that'll help if you're using 2.6 or newer:

-- EDITED --

Without knowing which libraries you're using I can't tell you for sure if you'll find a method like that. Normally, I'll process query results like this (examples with kinterbasdb because it's what we're currently working with):

qry = "Select Id, Name, Artist, Album From MP3s Order By Name, Artist"
# Assumes conn is a database connection.
cursor = conn.cursor()
rows = [x for x in cursor]
cols = [x[0] for x in cursor.description]
songs = []
for row in rows:
  song = {}
  for prop, val in zip(cols, row):
    song[prop] = val
# Create a string representation of your array of songs.
songsJSON = json.dumps(songs)

There are undoubtedly better experts out there who'll have list comprehensions to eliminate the need for written out loops, but this works and should be something you could adapt to whatever library you're retrieving records with.

Add an object to an Array of a custom class

If you want to create a garage and fill it up with new cars that can be accessed later, use this code:

for (int i = 0; i < garage.length; i++)
     garage[i] = new Car("argument");

Also, the cars are later accessed using:


What's "P=NP?", and why is it such a famous question?

To give the simplest answer I can think of:

Suppose we have a problem that takes a certain number of inputs, and has various potential solutions, which may or may not solve the problem for given inputs. A logic puzzle in a puzzle magazine would be a good example: the inputs are the conditions ("George doesn't live in the blue or green house"), and the potential solution is a list of statements ("George lives in the yellow house, grows peas, and owns the dog"). A famous example is the Traveling Salesman problem: given a list of cities, and the times to get from any city to any other, and a time limit, a potential solution would be a list of cities in the order the salesman visits them, and it would work if the sum of the travel times was less than the time limit.

Such a problem is in NP if we can efficiently check a potential solution to see if it works. For example, given a list of cities for the salesman to visit in order, we can add up the times for each trip between cities, and easily see if it's under the time limit. A problem is in P if we can efficiently find a solution if one exists.

(Efficiently, here, has a precise mathematical meaning. Practically, it means that large problems aren't unreasonably difficult to solve. When searching for a possible solution, an inefficient way would be to list all possible potential solutions, or something close to that, while an efficient way would require searching a much more limited set.)

Therefore, the P=NP problem can be expressed this way: If you can verify a solution for a problem of the sort described above efficiently, can you find a solution (or prove there is none) efficiently? The obvious answer is "Why should you be able to?", and that's pretty much where the matter stands today. Nobody has been able to prove it one way or another, and that bothers a lot of mathematicians and computer scientists. That's why anybody who can prove the solution is up for a million dollars from the Claypool Foundation.

We generally assume that P does not equal NP, that there is no general way to find solutions. If it turned out that P=NP, a lot of things would change. For example, cryptography would become impossible, and with it any sort of privacy or verifiability on the Internet. After all, we can efficiently take the encrypted text and the key and produce the original text, so if P=NP we could efficiently find the key without knowing it beforehand. Password cracking would become trivial. On the other hand, there's whole classes of planning problems and resource allocation problems that we could solve effectively.

You may have heard the description NP-complete. An NP-complete problem is one that is NP (of course), and has this interesting property: if it is in P, every NP problem is, and so P=NP. If you could find a way to efficiently solve the Traveling Salesman problem, or logic puzzles from puzzle magazines, you could efficiently solve anything in NP. An NP-complete problem is, in a way, the hardest sort of NP problem.

So, if you can find an efficient general solution technique for any NP-complete problem, or prove that no such exists, fame and fortune are yours.

How can I split a string with a string delimiter?

Read C# Split String Examples - Dot Net Pearls and the solution can be something like:

var results = yourString.Split(new string[] { "is Marco and" }, StringSplitOptions.None);

Find Nth occurrence of a character in a string

    public static int FindOccuranceOf(this string str,char @char, int occurance)
       var result = str.Select((x, y) => new { Letter = x, Index = y })
            .Where(letter => letter.Letter == @char).ToList();
       if (occurence > result.Count || occurance <= 0)
           throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("occurance");
       return result[occurance-1].Index ;

What is the difference between range and xrange functions in Python 2.X?

xrange uses an iterator (generates values on the fly), range returns a list.

Division of integers in Java

If you don't explicitly cast one of the two values to a float before doing the division then an integer division will be used (so that's why you get 0). You just need one of the two operands to be a floating point value, so that the normal division is used (and other integer value is automatically turned into a float).

Just try with

float completed = 50000.0f;

and it will be fine.

Extract data from XML Clob using SQL from Oracle Database

This should work

SELECT EXTRACTVALUE(column_name, '/DCResponse/ContextData/Decision') FROM traptabclob;

I have assumed the ** were just for highlighting?

Eclipse: All my projects disappeared from Project Explorer

I was having the same problem for Android projects in Eclipse. This link was very helpful in restoring the missing projects.

  1. Go to 'File->Import->General->From Existing Project'.
  2. Select the root folder to the Workspace.
  3. Click on the 'Refresh' button.
  4. Select the required projects and click 'Finish' button.

Sequelize OR condition object

Seems there is another format now

where: {
    LastName: "Doe",
    $or: [
                $eq: "John"
                $eq: "Jane"
                $gt: 18

Will generate

WHERE LastName='Doe' AND (FirstName = 'John' OR FirstName = 'Jane' OR Age > 18)

See the doc:

nano error: Error opening terminal: xterm-256color

somehow and sometimes "terminfo" folder comes corrupted after a fresh installation. i don't know why, but the problem can be solved in this way:

1. Download Lion Installer from the App Store
2. Download unpkg:
3. Open Lion Installer app in Finder (Right click -> Show Package
4. Open InstallESD.dmg (under SharedSupport)
5. Unpack BSD.pkg with unpkg (Located under Packages)   Term info
will be located in the new BSD folder in /usr/share/terminfo

hope it helps.

Left align block of equations

Try to use the fleqn document class option.


(See also for a list of other options.)

How to convert a 3D point into 2D perspective projection?

To obtain the perspective-corrected co-ordinates, just divide by the z co-ordinate:

xc = x / z
yc = y / z

The above works assuming that the camera is at (0, 0, 0) and you are projecting onto the plane at z = 1 -- you need to translate the co-ords relative to the camera otherwise.

There are some complications for curves, insofar as projecting the points of a 3D Bezier curve will not in general give you the same points as drawing a 2D Bezier curve through the projected points.

Retrieve column values of the selected row of a multicolumn Access listbox

For multicolumn listbox extract data from any column of selected row by


where col_num is required column ( 0 for first column)

Detect if range is empty

If you find yourself in a situation where you can’t use CountA then it's much faster to first store your range as an array and loop on the array data than it is to loop on range/cell data.

Function IsRangeEmpty(ByVal rng As Range) As Boolean
    'Converts a range to an array and returns true if a value is found in said array
    Dim area As Range
    For Each area In rng.Areas
        If area.Cells.Count > 1 Then
            'save range as array
            Dim arr As Variant
            arr = area.value
            'loop through array
            Dim cel As Variant
            For Each cel In arr
                'if cell is not empty then
                If Len(Trim(cel)) > 0 Then
                    IsRangeEmpty = False
                    Exit Function
                End If

            Next cel
        Else    'cannot loop on array with one value
            'if cell is not empty then
            If Len(Trim(area.Value2)) > 0 Then
                IsRangeEmpty = False
                Exit Function
            End If
        End If

    Next area

    IsRangeEmpty = True

End Function

Example of how to use it:

Sub Test()
    Debug.Print IsRangeEmpty(Range("A38:P38"))
End Sub

If Range("A38:P38") is empty, it would print True in the Immediate Window; otherwise it'd print False.

Getting JSONObject from JSONArray

JSONArray deletedtrs_array = sync_reponse.getJSONArray("deletedtrs");

for(int i = 0; deletedtrs_array.length(); i++){

            JSONObject myObj = deletedtrs_array.getJSONObject(i);

Is it possible to send a variable number of arguments to a JavaScript function?

It's called the splat operator. You can do it in JavaScript using apply:

var arr = ['a','b','c','d'];
var func = function() {
    // debug 
func('a','b','c','d'); // prints 4 which is what I want, then 'a','b','c','d'
func(arr); // prints 1, then 'Array'
func.apply(null, arr); 

Storing images in SQL Server?

While performance issues are valid the real reasons in practice that you should avoid storing images in a database are for database management reasons. Your database will grow very rapidly and databases cost much more than simple file storage. Database backups and restores are much more expensive and time-consuming than file backup restores. In a pinch, you can restore a smaller database much more quickly than one bloated with images. Compare 1 TB of file storage on Azure to a 1 TB database and you'll see the vast difference in cost.

Error: Cannot access file bin/Debug/... because it is being used by another process

Worked for me. Task Manager -> Name of project -> End task. (i had 3 same processes with my project name);

VS 2013; Win 8;

How to get pandas.DataFrame columns containing specific dtype

To get the column names from pandas dataframe in python3- Here I am creating a data frame from a fileName.csv file

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.read_csv('fileName.csv')
>>> columnNames = list(df.head(0)) 
>>> print(columnNames)

Use stored procedure to insert some data into a table

If you have the table definition to have an IDENTITY column e.g. IDENTITY(1,1) then don't include MyId in your INSERT INTO statement. The point of IDENTITY is it gives it the next unused value as the primary key value.

insert into MYDB.dbo.MainTable (MyFirstName, MyLastName, MyAddress, MyPort)
values(@myFirstName, @myLastName, @myAddress, @myPort)

There is then no need to pass the @MyId parameter into your stored procedure either. So change it to:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_Test]
@myFirstName nvarchar(50)
,@myLastName nvarchar(50)
,@myAddress nvarchar(MAX)
,@myPort int


If you want to know what the ID of the newly inserted record is add


to the end of your procedure. e.g.

You will then be able to pick this up in which ever way you are calling it be it SQL or .NET.

P.s. a better way to show you table definision would have been to script the table and paste the text into your stackoverflow browser window because your screen shot is missing the column properties part where IDENTITY is set via the GUI. To do that right click the table 'Script Table as' --> 'CREATE to' --> Clipboard. You can also do File or New Query Editor Window (all self explanitory) experient and see what you get.

How to get base url in CodeIgniter 2.*

Just load helper class


thats it.

How can I remove 3 characters at the end of a string in php?

<?php echo substr($string, 0, strlen($string) - 3); ?>

Reloading .env variables without restarting server (Laravel 5, shared hosting)

A short solution:

use Dotenv;

with(new Dotenv(app()->environmentPath(), app()->environmentFile()))->overload();
with(new LoadConfiguration())->bootstrap(app());

In my case I needed to re-establish database connection after altering .env programmatically, but it didn't work , If you get into this trouble try this


after reloading .env , that's because Laravel App could have accessed the default connection before and the \Illuminate\Database\DatabaseManager needs to re-read config parameters.

Should I test private methods or only public ones?

I think it's best to just test the public interface of an object. From the point of view of the outside world, only the behavior of the public interface matters and this is what your unit tests should be directed towards.

Once you have some solid unit tests written for an object you do not want to have to go back and change those tests just because the implementation behind the interface changed. In this situation, you've ruined the consistency of your unit testing.

Securing a password in a properties file

enter image description here

Jasypt provides the class for loading, managing and transparently decrypting encrypted values in .properties files, allowing the mix of both encrypted and not-encrypted values in the same file.

By using an object, an application would be able to correctly read and use a .properties file like this:


Note that the database password is encrypted (in fact, any other property could also be encrypted, be it related with database configuration or not).

How do we read this value? like this:

* First, create (or ask some other component for) the adequate encryptor for   
* decrypting the values in our .properties file.   
StandardPBEStringEncryptor encryptor = new StandardPBEStringEncryptor();     
encryptor.setPassword("jasypt"); // could be got from web, env variable...    
* Create our EncryptableProperties object and load it the usual way.   
Properties props = new EncryptableProperties(encryptor);  
props.load(new FileInputStream("/path/to/my/"));

* To get a non-encrypted value, we just get it with getProperty...   
String datasourceUsername = props.getProperty("datasource.username");

* ...and to get an encrypted value, we do exactly the same. Decryption will   
* be transparently performed behind the scenes.   
String datasourcePassword = props.getProperty("datasource.password");

 // From now on, datasourcePassword equals "reports_passwd"...

How to add url parameter to the current url?

If you wish to use "like" as a parameter your link needs to be:

<a href="/topic.php?like=like">Like</a>

More likely though is that you want:

<a href="/topic.php?id=14&like=like">Like</a>

Change marker size in Google maps V3

The size arguments are in pixels. So, to double your example's marker size the fifth argument to the MarkerImage constructor would be:

new google.maps.Size(42,68)

I find it easiest to let the map API figure out the other arguments, unless I need something other than the bottom/center of the image as the anchor. In your case you could do:

var pinIcon = new google.maps.MarkerImage(
    "|" + pinColor,
    null, /* size is determined at runtime */
    null, /* origin is 0,0 */
    null, /* anchor is bottom center of the scaled image */
    new google.maps.Size(42, 68)

<embed> vs. <object>

Embed is not a standard tag, though object is. Here's an article that looks like it will help you, since it seems the situation is not so simple. An example for PDF is included.

MySQL - Using If Then Else in MySQL UPDATE or SELECT Queries

UPDATE table
SET A = IF(A > 0 AND A < 1, 1, IF(A > 1 AND A < 2, 2, A))

you might want to use CEIL() if A is always a floating point value > 0 and <= 2

Abstraction VS Information Hiding VS Encapsulation

Just adding on more details around InformationHiding, found This link is really good source with examples

InformationHiding is the idea that a design decision should be hidden from the rest of the system to prevent unintended coupling. InformationHiding is a design principle. InformationHiding should inform the way you encapsulate things, but of course it doesn't have to.

Encapsulation is a programming language feature.

Factory Pattern. When to use factory methods?

Consider a scenario when you have to design an Order and Customer class. For simplicity and initial requirements you do not feel need of factory for Order class and fill your application with many 'new Order()' statements. Things are working well.

Now a new requirement comes into picture that Order object cannot be instantiated without Customer association (new dependency). Now You have following considerations.

1- You create constructor overload which will work only for new implementations. (Not acceptable). 2- You change Order() signatures and change each and every invokation. (Not a good practice and real pain).

Instead If you have created a factory for Order Class you only have to change one line of code and you are good to go. I suggest Factory class for almost every aggregate association. Hope that helps.

Why I'm getting 'Non-static method should not be called statically' when invoking a method in a Eloquent model?

Why not try adding Scope? Scope is a very good feature of Eloquent.

class User extends Eloquent {

    public function scopePopular($query)
        return $query->where('votes', '>', 100);

    public function scopeWomen($query)
        return $query->whereGender('W');


$users = User::popular()->women()->orderBy('created_at')->get();

Eloquent #scopes in Laravel Docs

Set QLineEdit to accept only numbers

Why don't you use a QSpinBox for this purpose ? You can set the up/down buttons invisible with the following line of codes:

// ...
QSpinBox* spinBox = new QSpinBox( this );
spinBox->setButtonSymbols( QAbstractSpinBox::NoButtons ); // After this it looks just like a QLineEdit.

unix - count of columns in file

Perl solution similar to Mat's awk solution:

perl -F'\|' -lane 'print $#F+1; exit' stores.dat

I've tested this on a file with 1000000 columns.

If the field separator is whitespace (one or more spaces or tabs) instead of a pipe:

perl -lane 'print $#F+1; exit' stores.dat

Rails and PostgreSQL: Role postgres does not exist

I ended up here after attempting to follow Ryan Bate's tutorial on deploying to AWS EC2 with rubber. Here is what happened for me: We created a new app using "

rails new blog -d postgresql

Obviosuly this creates a new app with pg as the database, but the database was not made yet. With sqlite, you just run rake db:migrate, however with pg you need to create the pg database first. Ryan did not do this step. The command is rake db:create:all, then we can run rake db:migrate

The second part is changing the database.yml file. The default for the username when the file is generated is 'appname'. However, chances are your role for postgresql admin is something different (at least it was for me). I changed it to my name (see above advice about creating a role name) and I was good to go.

Hope this helps.

Difference between Ctrl+Shift+F and Ctrl+I in Eclipse

Ctrl+Shift+F formats the selected line(s) or the whole source code if you haven't selected any line(s) as per the format specified in your Eclipse, while Ctrl+I gives proper indent to the selected line(s) or the current line if you haven't selected any line(s). try this. or more precisely

The Ant editor that ships with Eclipse can be used to reformat

XML/XHTML/HTML code (with a few configuration options in Window > Preferences > Ant > Editor).

You can right-click a file then

Open With... > Other... > Internal Editors > Ant Editor

Or add a file association between .html (or .xhtml) and that editor with

Window > Preferences > General > Editors > File Associations

Once open in the editor, hit ESC then CTRL-F to reformat.

Google Maps API OVER QUERY LIMIT per second limit

Instead of client-side geocoding

    'address': your_address
  }, function (results, status) {
     if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
       var geo_data = results[0];
       // your code ...

I would go to server-side geocoding API

var apikey = YOUR_API_KEY;
var query = '' + address + '&key=' + apikey;
$.getJSON(query, function (data) {
  if (data.status === 'OK') { 
    var geo_data = data.results[0];

Add Keypair to existing EC2 instance

For Elasticbeanstalk environments, you can apply a key-value pair to a running instance like this:

  • Create a key-value pair from EC2 -> Key Pairs (Under NETWORK & SECURITY tab)
  • Go to Elasticbeanstalk and click on your application
  • Go to configuration page and modify security settings
  • Choose your EC2 key pair and click Apply
  • Click confirm to confirm the update. It will terminate the environment and apply the key value to your environment.

Implementing multiple interfaces with Java - is there a way to delegate?

There's no pretty way. You might be able to use a proxy with the handler having the target methods and delegating everything else to them. Of course you'll have to use a factory because there'll be no constructor.

How to pass a form input value into a JavaScript function

Well ya you can do that in this way.

    <input type="text" name="address" id="address">
        <div id="map_canvas" style="width: 500px; height: 300px"></div>
    <input type="button" onclick="showAddress(address.value)" value="ShowMap"/>

Java Script

function showAddress(address){

    alert("This is address :"+address)


That is one example for the same. and that will run.

JS strings "+" vs concat method

  • We can't concatenate a string variable to an integer variable using concat() function because this function only applies to a string, not on a integer. but we can concatenate a string to a number(integer) using + operator.
  • As we know, functions are pretty slower than operators. functions needs to pass values to the predefined functions and need to gather the results of the functions. which is slower than doing operations using operators because operators performs operations in-line but, functions used to jump to appropriate memory locations... So, As mentioned in previous answers the other difference is obviously the speed of operation.

<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
<p>The concat() method joins two or more strings</p>_x000D_
<p id="demo"></p>_x000D_
<p id="demo1"></p>_x000D_
var text1 = 4;_x000D_
var text2 = "World!";_x000D_
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = text1 + text2;_x000D_
//Below Line can't produce result_x000D_
document.getElementById("demo1").innerHTML = text1.concat(text2);_x000D_
<p><strong>The Concat() method can't concatenate a string with a integer </strong></p>_x000D_

How to know Hive and Hadoop versions from command prompt?

/usr/bin/hive --version worked for me.

[qa@ip-10-241-1-222 ~]$ /usr/bin/hive --version
Hive 0.13.1-cdh5.3.1
Subversion file:///data/1/jenkins/workspace/generic-package-rhel64-6-0/topdir/BUILD/hive-0.13.1-cdh5.3.1 -r Unknown
Compiled by jenkins on Tue Jan 27 16:38:55 PST 2015
From source with checksum 1bb86e4899928ce29cbcaec8cf43c9b6
[qa@ip-10-241-1-222 ~]$

how to call an ASP.NET c# method using javascript

There are several options. You can use the WebMethod attribute, for your purpose.

What is the difference between new/delete and malloc/free?


the global new and delete can be overridden, malloc/free cannot.

further more new and delete can be overridden per type.

Difference between java HH:mm and hh:mm on SimpleDateFormat

Actually the last one is not weird. Code is setting the timezone for working instead of working2.

SimpleDateFormat working2 = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm:ss"); working.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("Etc/UTC"));

kk goes from 1 to 24, HH from 0 to 23 and hh from 1 to 12 (AM/PM).

Fixing this error gives:


CSS set li indent

Also try:

ul {
  list-style-position: inside;

Dependency Injection vs Factory Pattern

i believe that DI is a way of configurings or instantianting a bean. The DI can be done in many ways like constructor, setter-getter etc.

Factory pattern is just another way of instantiating beans. this pattern will be used mainly when you have to create objects using factory design pattern,because while using this pattern you dont configure the properties of a bean, only instantiate the object.

Check this link :Dependency Injection

How to retrieve absolute path given relative

#! /bin/sh
echo "$(cd "$(dirname "$1")"; pwd)/$(basename "$1")"

UPD Some explanations

  1. This script get relative path as argument "$1"
  2. Then we get dirname part of that path (you can pass either dir or file to this script): dirname "$1"
  3. Then we cd "$(dirname "$1") into this relative dir and get absolute path for it by running pwd shell command
  4. After that we append basename to absolute path: $(basename "$1")
  5. As final step we echo it

Encoding Javascript Object to Json string

You can use JSON.stringify like:


JavaScript alert box with timer

May be it's too late but the following code works fine

document.getElementById('alrt').innerHTML='<b>Please wait, Your download will start soon!!!</b>'; 
setTimeout(function() {document.getElementById('alrt').innerHTML='';},5000);

<div id='alrt' style="fontWeight = 'bold'"></div>

How to make graphics with transparent background in R using ggplot2?

As for someone don't like gray background like academic editor, try this:

p <- p + theme_bw()

How can I make my custom objects Parcelable?

Now you can use Parceler library to convert your any custom class in parcelable. Just annotate your POJO class with @Parcel. e.g.

    public class Example {
    String name;
    int id;

    public Example() {}

    public Example(int id, String name) { = id; = name;

    public String getName() { return name; }

    public int getId() { return id; }

you can create an object of Example class and wrap through Parcels and send as a bundle through intent. e.g

Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putParcelable("example", Parcels.wrap(example));

Now to get Custom Class object just use

Example example = Parcels.unwrap(getIntent().getParcelableExtra("example"));

passing several arguments to FUN of lapply (and others *apply)

You can do it in the following way:

 myfxn <- function(var1,var2,var3){



and you will get the answer:

[[1]] [1] 200

[[2]] [1] 400

[[3]] [1] 600

Built in Python hash() function

Use hashlib as hash() was designed to be used to:

quickly compare dictionary keys during a dictionary lookup

and therefore does not guarantee that it will be the same across Python implementations.

How do I install Python packages on Windows?

Upgrade the pip via command prompt ( Python Directory )

D:\Python 3.7.2>python -m pip install --upgrade pip

Now you can install the required Module

D:\Python 3.7.2>python -m pip install <<yourModuleName>>

How to add a progress bar to a shell script?

Using suggestions listed above, I decided to implement my own progress bar.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

main() {
  for (( i = 0; i <= 100; i=$i + 1)); do
    progress_bar "$i"
    sleep 0.1;
  progress_bar "done"
  exit 0

progress_bar() {
  if [ "$1" == "done" ]; then
    progress_message="$percent_done %"

  percent_none="$(( 100 - $percent_done ))"
  [ "$percent_done" -gt 0 ] && local done_bar="$(printf '#%.0s' $(seq -s ' ' 1 $percent_done))"
  [ "$percent_none" -gt 0 ] && local none_bar="$(printf '~%.0s' $(seq -s ' ' 1 $percent_none))"

  # print the progress bar to the screen
  printf "\r Progress: [%s%s] %s %s${new_line}" \
    "$done_bar" \
    "$none_bar" \
    "${spinner:x++%${#spinner}:1}" \

main "$@"

Get div to take up 100% body height, minus fixed-height header and footer

This question has been pretty well answered, but I'm taking the liberty of adding a javascript solution. Just give the element that you want to 'expand' the id footerspacerdiv, and this javascript snippet will expand that div until the page takes up the full height of the browser window.

It works based on the observation that, when a page is less than the full height of the browser window, document.body.scrollHeight is equal to document.body.clientHeight. The while loop increases the height of footerspacerdiv until document.body.scrollHeight is greater than document.body.clientHeight. At this point, footerspacerdiv will actually be 1 pixel too tall, and the browser will show a vertical scroll bar. So, the last line of the script reduces the height of footerspacerdiv by one pixel to make the page height exactly the height of the browser window.

By placing footerspacerdiv just above the 'footer' of the page, this script can be used to 'push the footer down' to the bottom of the page, so that on short pages, the footer is flush with the bottom of the browser window.

//expand footerspacer div so that footer goes to bottom of page on short pages        
  var objSpacerDiv=document.getElementById('footerspacer');          
  var bresize=0;   

  while(document.body.scrollHeight<=document.body.clientHeight) {"px";
  if(bresize) {"px"; }               

Edit existing excel workbooks and sheets with xlrd and xlwt

As I wrote in the edits of the op, to edit existing excel documents you must use the xlutils module (Thanks Oliver)

Here is the proper way to do it:

#xlrd, xlutils and xlwt modules need to be installed.  
#Can be done via pip install <module>
from xlrd import open_workbook
from xlutils.copy import copy

rb = open_workbook("names.xls")
wb = copy(rb)

s = wb.get_sheet(0)

This replaces the contents of the cell located at a1 in the first sheet of "names.xls" with the text "a1", and then saves the document.

How to downgrade Node version

You can use n for node's version management. There is a simple intro for n.

$ npm install -g n
$ n 6.10.3

this is very easy to use.

then you can show your node version:

$ node -v

For windows nvm is a well-received tool.

Why do this() and super() have to be the first statement in a constructor?

The parent class' constructor needs to be called before the subclass' constructor. This will ensure that if you call any methods on the parent class in your constructor, the parent class has already been set up correctly.

What you are trying to do, pass args to the super constructor is perfectly legal, you just need to construct those args inline as you are doing, or pass them in to your constructor and then pass them to super:

public MySubClassB extends MyClass {
        public MySubClassB(Object[] myArray) {

If the compiler did not enforce this you could do this:

public MySubClassB extends MyClass {
        public MySubClassB(Object[] myArray) {
                someMethodOnSuper(); //ERROR super not yet constructed

In cases where a parent class has a default constructor the call to super is inserted for you automatically by the compiler. Since every class in Java inherits from Object, objects constructor must be called somehow and it must be executed first. The automatic insertion of super() by the compiler allows this. Enforcing super to appear first, enforces that constructor bodies are executed in the correct order which would be: Object -> Parent -> Child -> ChildOfChild -> SoOnSoForth

How can I change default dialog button text color in android 5

The color of the buttons and other text can also be changed via theme:


<style name="AppTheme" parent="...">
  <item name="android:timePickerDialogTheme">@style/AlertDialogCustom</item>
  <item name="android:datePickerDialogTheme">@style/AlertDialogCustom</item>
  <item name="android:alertDialogTheme">@style/AlertDialogCustom</item>

<style name="AlertDialogCustom" parent="android:Theme.Material.Light.Dialog.Alert">
  <item name="android:colorPrimary">#00397F</item>
  <item name="android:colorAccent">#0AAEEF</item>

The result:

Dialog Date picker

Could not load file or assembly version

Just want to share my experience on this.

I, too, encountered this error. I'm using MS Visual Studio 2013 and I have an MS SQL Server 2008, though I have had MS SQL Server 2012 Installed before.

I was banging my head on this error for a day. I tried installing SharedManagementObject, SQLSysClrTypes and Native Client, but it didn't work. Why? Well I finally figured that I was installing 2008 or 2012 version of the said files, while I'm using Visual Studio 2013!! My idea is since it is a database issue, the version of the files should be the same with the MS SQL Server installed on the laptop, but apparently, I should have installed the 2013 version because the error is from the Visual Studio and not from the SQL Server.

Why is “while ( !feof (file) )” always wrong?

I'd like to provide an abstract, high-level perspective.

Concurrency and simultaneity

I/O operations interact with the environment. The environment is not part of your program, and not under your control. The environment truly exists "concurrently" with your program. As with all things concurrent, questions about the "current state" don't make sense: There is no concept of "simultaneity" across concurrent events. Many properties of state simply don't exist concurrently.

Let me make this more precise: Suppose you want to ask, "do you have more data". You could ask this of a concurrent container, or of your I/O system. But the answer is generally unactionable, and thus meaningless. So what if the container says "yes" – by the time you try reading, it may no longer have data. Similarly, if the answer is "no", by the time you try reading, data may have arrived. The conclusion is that there simply is no property like "I have data", since you cannot act meaningfully in response to any possible answer. (The situation is slightly better with buffered input, where you might conceivably get a "yes, I have data" that constitutes some kind of guarantee, but you would still have to be able to deal with the opposite case. And with output the situation is certainly just as bad as I described: you never know if that disk or that network buffer is full.)

So we conclude that it is impossible, and in fact unreasonable, to ask an I/O system whether it will be able to perform an I/O operation. The only possible way we can interact with it (just as with a concurrent container) is to attempt the operation and check whether it succeeded or failed. At that moment where you interact with the environment, then and only then can you know whether the interaction was actually possible, and at that point you must commit to performing the interaction. (This is a "synchronisation point", if you will.)


Now we get to EOF. EOF is the response you get from an attempted I/O operation. It means that you were trying to read or write something, but when doing so you failed to read or write any data, and instead the end of the input or output was encountered. This is true for essentially all the I/O APIs, whether it be the C standard library, C++ iostreams, or other libraries. As long as the I/O operations succeed, you simply cannot know whether further, future operations will succeed. You must always first try the operation and then respond to success or failure.


In each of the examples, note carefully that we first attempt the I/O operation and then consume the result if it is valid. Note further that we always must use the result of the I/O operation, though the result takes different shapes and forms in each example.

  • C stdio, read from a file:

      for (;;) {
          size_t n = fread(buf, 1, bufsize, infile);
          consume(buf, n);
          if (n == 0) { break; }

The result we must use is n, the number of elements that were read (which may be as little as zero).

  • C stdio, scanf:

      for (int a, b, c; scanf("%d %d %d", &a, &b, &c) == 3; ) {
          consume(a, b, c);

The result we must use is the return value of scanf, the number of elements converted.

  • C++, iostreams formatted extraction:

      for (int n; std::cin >> n; ) {

The result we must use is std::cin itself, which can be evaluated in a boolean context and tells us whether the stream is still in the good() state.

  • C++, iostreams getline:

      for (std::string line; std::getline(std::cin, line); ) {

The result we must use is again std::cin, just as before.

  • POSIX, write(2) to flush a buffer:

      char const * p = buf;
      ssize_t n = bufsize;
      for (ssize_t k = bufsize; (k = write(fd, p, n)) > 0; p += k, n -= k) {}
      if (n != 0) { /* error, failed to write complete buffer */ }

The result we use here is k, the number of bytes written. The point here is that we can only know how many bytes were written after the write operation.

  • POSIX getline()

      char *buffer = NULL;
      size_t bufsiz = 0;
      ssize_t nbytes;
      while ((nbytes = getline(&buffer, &bufsiz, fp)) != -1)
          /* Use nbytes of data in buffer */

    The result we must use is nbytes, the number of bytes up to and including the newline (or EOF if the file did not end with a newline).

    Note that the function explicitly returns -1 (and not EOF!) when an error occurs or it reaches EOF.

You may notice that we very rarely spell out the actual word "EOF". We usually detect the error condition in some other way that is more immediately interesting to us (e.g. failure to perform as much I/O as we had desired). In every example there is some API feature that could tell us explicitly that the EOF state has been encountered, but this is in fact not a terribly useful piece of information. It is much more of a detail than we often care about. What matters is whether the I/O succeeded, more-so than how it failed.

  • A final example that actually queries the EOF state: Suppose you have a string and want to test that it represents an integer in its entirety, with no extra bits at the end except whitespace. Using C++ iostreams, it goes like this:

      std::string input = "   123   ";   // example
      std::istringstream iss(input);
      int value;
      if (iss >> value >> std::ws && iss.get() == EOF) {
      } else {
          // error, "input" is not parsable as an integer

We use two results here. The first is iss, the stream object itself, to check that the formatted extraction to value succeeded. But then, after also consuming whitespace, we perform another I/O/ operation, iss.get(), and expect it to fail as EOF, which is the case if the entire string has already been consumed by the formatted extraction.

In the C standard library you can achieve something similar with the strto*l functions by checking that the end pointer has reached the end of the input string.

The answer

while(!feof) is wrong because it tests for something that is irrelevant and fails to test for something that you need to know. The result is that you are erroneously executing code that assumes that it is accessing data that was read successfully, when in fact this never happened.

How to convert current date into string in java?

Faster :

String date = FastDateFormat.getInstance("dd-MM-yyyy").format(System.currentTimeMillis( ));

Start an external application from a Google Chrome Extension?

I go for hypothesys since I can't verify now.

With Apache, if you make a php script on your local machine calling your executable, and then call this script via POST or GET via html/javascript?

would it function?

let me know.

How to remove outliers from a dataset

Outliers are quite similar to peaks, so a peak detector can be useful for identifying outliers. The method described here has quite good performance using z-scores. The animation part way down the page illustrates the method signaling on outliers, or peaks.

Peaks are not always the same as outliers, but they're similar frequently.

An example is shown here: This dataset is read from a sensor via serial communications. Occasional serial communication errors, sensor error or both lead to repeated, clearly erroneous data points. There is no statistical value in these point. They are arguably not outliers, they are errors. The z-score peak detector was able to signal on spurious data points and generated a clean resulting dataset: enter image description here

How to capitalize the first letter of a String in Java?

Use Apache's common library. Free your brain from these stuffs and avoid Null Pointer & Index Out Of Bound Exceptions

Step 1:

Import apache's common lang library by putting this in build.gradle dependencies

compile 'org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.6'

Step 2:

If you are sure that your string is all lower case, or all you need is to initialize the first letter, directly call


If you want to make sure that only the first letter is capitalized, like doing this for an enum, call toLowerCase() first and keep in mind that it will throw NullPointerException if the input string is null.


Here are more samples provided by apache. it's exception free

StringUtils.capitalize(null)  = null
StringUtils.capitalize("")    = ""
StringUtils.capitalize("cat") = "Cat"
StringUtils.capitalize("cAt") = "CAt"
StringUtils.capitalize("'cat'") = "'cat'"


WordUtils is also included in this library, but is deprecated. Please do not use that.

Angular bootstrap datepicker date format does not format ng-model value

Steps to change the default date format of ng-model

For different date formats check the jqueryui datepicker date format values here for example I have used dd/mm/yy

Create angularjs directive

angular.module('app', ['ui.bootstrap']).directive('dt', function () {
return {
    restrict: 'EAC',
    require: 'ngModel',
    link: function (scope, element, attr, ngModel) {
        ngModel.$parsers.push(function (viewValue) {
           return dateFilter(viewValue, 'dd/mm/yy');

Write dateFilter function

function dateFilter(val,format) {
    return $.datepicker.formatDate(format,val);

In html page write the ng-modal attribute

<input type="text" class="form-control" date-type="string"  uib-datepicker-popup="{{format}}" ng-model="src.pTO_DATE" is-open="popup2.opened" datepicker-options="dateOptions" ng-required="true" close-text="Close" show-button-bar="false" show-weeks="false" dt />

Self Join to get employee manager name

TableName :Manager

EmpId   EmpName     ManagerId
1       Monib       4

2       zahir       1

3       Sarfudding  NULL

4       Aslam       3

select e.EmpId as EmployeeId,e.EmpName as EmployeeName,e.ManagerId as ManagerId,e1.EmpName as Managername from Manager e
  join manager e1 on e.ManagerId=e1.empId

Inner join with count() on three tables

It makes more sense to join the item with the orders than with the people !

    COUNT(distinct orders.ord_id) AS num_orders,
    COUNT(items.item_id) AS num_items
    INNER JOIN orders ON orders.pe_id = people.pe_id
         INNER JOIN items ON items.ord_id = orders.ord_id

Joining the items with the people provokes a lot of doublons. For example, the cake items in order 3 will be linked with the order 2 via the join between the people, and you don't want this to happen !!

So :

1- You need a good understanding of your schema. Items are link to orders, and not to people.

2- You need to count distinct orders for one person, else you will count as many items as orders.

linux: kill background task

The following command gives you a list of all background processes in your session, along with the pid. You can then use it to kill the process.

jobs -l

Example usage:

$ sleep 300 &
$ jobs -l
[1]+ 31139 Running                 sleep 300 &
$ kill 31139

How to display div after click the button in Javascript?

<script type="text/javascript">
function showDiv(toggle){
document.getElementById(toggle).style.display = 'block';

<input type="button" name="answer" onclick="showDiv('toggle')">Show</input>

<div id="toggle" style="display:none">Hello</div>

How to replace innerHTML of a div using jQuery?

$("#regTitle")[0].innerHTML = 'Hello World';

unable to start mongodb local server

Andreas Jung:

"Sat Jun 25 09:38:51 [initandlisten] listen(): bind() failed errno:98 Address already in use for socket:

is self-speaking.

Another instance of mongod is already running and allocating the MongoDB default port which is 27017.

Either kill the other process or use a different port."

In this case, type the following command

ps wuax | grep mongo

You should see something that looks like this

User           31936   0.5 0.4 2719784 35624   ?? S     7:34pm   0:09.98 mongod
User           31945   0.0 0.0 2423368   184 s000 R+   8:24pm   0:00.00 grep mongo

Now enter the kill command for the mongod instance (31936 in this case):

kill 31936

Reading file using relative path in python project

I was thundered when the following code worked.

import os

for file in os.listdir("../FutureBookList"):
    if file.endswith(".adoc"):
        filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(file)

So, I checked the documentation and it says:

Changed in version 3.6: Accepts a path-like object.

path-like object:

An object representing a file system path. A path-like object is either a str or...

I did a little more digging and the following also works:

with open("../FutureBookList/file.txt") as file:
   data =

What is the path that Django uses for locating and loading templates?

For Django 1.6.6:

BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
TEMPLATE_DIRS = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates')

Also static and media for debug and production mode:

STATIC_URL = '/static/'
MEDIA_URL = '/media/'
    STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static')
    MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'media')

Into you must add:

from django.conf.urls import patterns, include, url
from django.contrib import admin
from django.conf.urls.static import static
from django.conf import settings

from news.views import Index


urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'^admin/', include(,

urlpatterns += static(settings.STATIC_URL, document_root=settings.STATIC_ROOT)

In Django 1.8 you can set template paths, backend and other parameters for templates in one dictionary (

        'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
        'DIRS': [
            path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates')
        'APP_DIRS': True,
        'OPTIONS': {
            'context_processors': [

Official docs.

python 3.2 UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode character '\u2013' in position 9629: character maps to <undefined>

While Python 3 deals in Unicode, the Windows console or POSIX tty that you're running inside does not. So, whenever you print, or otherwise send Unicode strings to stdout, and it's attached to a console/tty, Python has to encode it.

The error message indirectly tells you what character set Python was trying to use:

  File "C:\Python32\lib\encodings\", line 19, in encode

This means the charset is cp850.

You can test or yourself that this charset doesn't have the appropriate character just by doing '\u2013'.encode('cp850'). Or you can look up cp850 online (e.g., at Wikipedia).

It's possible that Python is guessing wrong, and your console is really set for, say UTF-8. (In that case, just manually set sys.stdout.encoding='utf-8'.) It's also possible that you intended your console to be set for UTF-8 but did something wrong. (In that case, you probably want to follow up at

But if nothing is wrong, you just can't print that character. You will have to manually encode it with one of the non-strict error-handlers. For example:

>>> '\u2013'.encode('cp850')
UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode character '\u2013' in position 0: character maps to <undefined>
>>> '\u2013'.encode('cp850', errors='replace')

So, how do you print a string that won't print on your console?

You can replace every print function with something like this:

>>> print(r['body'].encode('cp850', errors='replace').decode('cp850'))

… but that's going to get pretty tedious pretty fast.

The simple thing to do is to just set the error handler on sys.stdout:

>>> sys.stdout.errors = 'replace'
>>> print(r['body'])

For printing to a file, things are pretty much the same, except that you don't have to set f.errors after the fact, you can set it at construction time. Instead of this:

with open('path', 'w', encoding='cp850') as f:

Do this:

with open('path', 'w', encoding='cp850', errors='replace') as f:

… Or, of course, if you can use UTF-8 files, just do that, as Mark Ransom's answer shows:

with open('path', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:

In SQL, how can you "group by" in ranges?

select t.blah as [score range], count(*) as [number of occurences]
from (
  select case 
    when score between  0 and  9 then ' 0-9 '
    when score between 10 and 19 then '10-19'
    when score between 20 and 29 then '20-29'
    else '90-99' end as blah
  from scores) t
group by t.blah

Make sure you use a word other than 'range' if you are in MySQL, or you will get an error for running the above example.

What is a .NET developer?

I'd say the minimum would be to

  • know one of the .Net Languages (C#, VB.NET, etc.)
  • know the basic working of the .Net runtime
  • know and understand the core parts of the .Net class libraries
  • have an understanding about what additional classes and functions are available as part of the .Net class libraries

Callback when DOM is loaded in react.js

In modern browsers, it should be like

try() {
     if (!$("#element").size()) {
     } else {
       // do your stuff


How to set the max size of upload file

For me nothing of previous works (maybe use application with yaml is an issue here), but get ride of that issue using that:

import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.web.servlet.MultipartConfigFactory;
import org.springframework.boot.web.servlet.ServletComponentScan;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.util.unit.DataSize;

import javax.servlet.MultipartConfigElement;

public class App {
    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

    MultipartConfigElement multipartConfigElement() {
        MultipartConfigFactory factory = new MultipartConfigFactory();
        return factory.createMultipartConfig();

Decoding and verifying JWT token using System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt

Within the package there is a class called JwtSecurityTokenHandler which derives from System.IdentityModel.Tokens.SecurityTokenHandler. In WIF this is the core class for deserialising and serialising security tokens.

The class has a ReadToken(String) method that will take your base64 encoded JWT string and returns a SecurityToken which represents the JWT.

The SecurityTokenHandler also has a ValidateToken(SecurityToken) method which takes your SecurityToken and creates a ReadOnlyCollection<ClaimsIdentity>. Usually for JWT, this will contain a single ClaimsIdentity object that has a set of claims representing the properties of the original JWT.

JwtSecurityTokenHandler defines some additional overloads for ValidateToken, in particular, it has a ClaimsPrincipal ValidateToken(JwtSecurityToken, TokenValidationParameters) overload. The TokenValidationParameters argument allows you to specify the token signing certificate (as a list of X509SecurityTokens). It also has an overload that takes the JWT as a string rather than a SecurityToken.

The code to do this is rather complicated, but can be found in the code (TokenValidationHandler class) in the developer sample called "ADAL - Native App to REST service - Authentication with ACS via Browser Dialog", located at

Alternatively, the JwtSecurityToken class has additional methods that are not on the base SecurityToken class, such as a Claims property that gets the contained claims without going via the ClaimsIdentity collection. It also has a Payload property that returns a JwtPayload object that lets you get at the raw JSON of the token. It depends on your scenario which approach it most appropriate.

The general (i.e. non JWT specific) documentation for the SecurityTokenHandler class is at

Depending on your application, you can configure the JWT handler into the WIF pipeline exactly like any other handler.

There are 3 samples of it in use in different types of application at

Probably, one will suite your needs or at least be adaptable to them.

How do I concatenate text in a query in sql server?

Another option is the CONCAT command:

SELECT CONCAT(MyTable.TextColumn, 'Text') FROM MyTable

Enable remote MySQL connection: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user

In my case I was trying to connect to a remote mysql server on cent OS. After going through a lot of solutions (granting all privileges, removing ip bindings,enabling networking) problem was still not getting solved.

As it turned out, while looking into various solutions,I came across iptables, which made me realize mysql port 3306 was not accepting connections.

Here is a small note on how I checked and resolved this issue.

  • Checking if port is accepting connections:

    telnet (mysql server ip) [portNo]

  • Adding ip table rule to allow connections on the port:

    iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT

  • Would not recommend this for production environment, but if your iptables are not configured properly, adding the rules might not still solve the issue. In that case following should be done:

    service iptables stop

Hope this helps.

create unique id with javascript

I think if you really want to have a unique ID then the best approach is to use a library like:
uuid or uniqueid

Note: Unique ID is not the same as Random ID

To use only date time milliseconds approach is wrong.
Nowadays computers are fast enough and able to run more than one iteration of a loop in a single millisecond.

npm install uuid

Importing the library:

If you are using ES modules

import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid';

And for CommonJS:

const { v4: uuidv4 } = require('uuid');



// This will output something like: 9b1deb4d-3b7d-4bad-9bdd-2b0d7b3dcb6d

How to keep one variable constant with other one changing with row in excel

There are two kinds of cell reference, and it's really valuable to understand them well.

One is relative reference, which is what you get when you just type the cell: A5. This reference will be adjusted when you paste or fill the formula into other cells.

The other is absolute reference, and you get this by adding dollar signs to the cell reference: $A$5. This cell reference will not change when pasted or filled.

A cool but rarely used feature is that row and column within a single cell reference may be independent: $A5 and A$5. This comes in handy for producing things like multiplication tables from a single formula.

Calculating frames per second in a game

Good answers here. Just how you implement it is dependent on what you need it for. I prefer the running average one myself "time = time * 0.9 + last_frame * 0.1" by the guy above.

however I personally like to weight my average more heavily towards newer data because in a game it is SPIKES that are the hardest to squash and thus of most interest to me. So I would use something more like a .7 \ .3 split will make a spike show up much faster (though it's effect will drop off-screen faster as well.. see below)

If your focus is on RENDERING time, then the .9.1 split works pretty nicely b/c it tend to be more smooth. THough for gameplay/AI/physics spikes are much more of a concern as THAT will usually what makes your game look choppy (which is often worse than a low frame rate assuming we're not dipping below 20 fps)

So, what I would do is also add something like this:

#define ONE_OVER_FPS (1.0f/60.0f)
static float g_SpikeGuardBreakpoint = 3.0f * ONE_OVER_FPS;
if(time > g_SpikeGuardBreakpoint)

(fill in 3.0f with whatever magnitude you find to be an unacceptable spike) This will let you find and thus solve FPS issues the end of the frame they happen.

What does OpenCV's cvWaitKey( ) function do?

cvWaitKey(x) / cv::waitKey(x) does two things:

  1. It waits for x milliseconds for a key press on a OpenCV window (i.e. created from cv::imshow()). Note that it does not listen on stdin for console input. If a key was pressed during that time, it returns the key's ASCII code. Otherwise, it returns -1. (If x is zero, it waits indefinitely for the key press.)
  2. It handles any windowing events, such as creating windows with cv::namedWindow(), or showing images with cv::imshow().

A common mistake for opencv newcomers is to call cv::imshow() in a loop through video frames, without following up each draw with cv::waitKey(30). In this case, nothing appears on screen, because highgui is never given time to process the draw requests from cv::imshow().

How do you do natural logs (e.g. "ln()") with numpy in Python?

You could simple just do the reverse by making the base of log to e.

import math

e = 2.718281

math.log(e, 10) = 2.302585093
ln(10) = 2.30258093

Combining CSS Pseudo-elements, ":after" the ":last-child"

Adding another answer to this question because I needed precisely what @derek was asking for and I'd already gotten a bit further before seeing the answers here. Specifically, I needed CSS that could also account for the case with exactly two list items, where the comma is NOT desired. As an example, some authorship bylines I wanted to produce would look like the following:

One author: By Adam Smith.

Two authors: By Adam Smith and Jane Doe.

Three authors: By Adam Smith, Jane Doe, and Frank Underwood.

The solutions already given here work for one author and for 3 or more authors, but neglect to account for the two author case—where the "Oxford Comma" style (also known as "Harvard Comma" style in some parts) doesn't apply - ie, there should be no comma before the conjunction.

After an afternoon of tinkering, I had come up with the following:

  <style type="text/css">
    .byline-list {
      list-style: none;
      padding: 0;
      margin: 0;
    .byline-list > li {
      display: inline;
      padding: 0;
      margin: 0;
    .byline-list > li::before {
      content: ", ";
    .byline-list > li:last-child::before {
      content: ", and ";
    .byline-list > li:first-child + li:last-child::before {
      content: " and ";
    .byline-list > li:first-child::before {
      content: "By ";
    .byline-list > li:last-child::after {
      content: ".";
  <ul class="byline-list">
   <li>Adam Smith</li>
  <ul class="byline-list">
   <li>Adam Smith</li><li>Jane Doe</li>
  <ul class="byline-list">
   <li>Adam Smith</li><li>Jane Doe</li><li>Frank Underwood</li>

It displays the bylines as I've got them above.

In the end, I also had to get rid of any whitespace between li elements, in order to get around an annoyance: the inline-block property would otherwise leave a space before each comma. There's probably an alternative decent hack for it but that isn't the subject of this question so I'll leave that for someone else to answer.

Fiddle here:

How to make audio autoplay on chrome

The video tag can play audio as well. Given the audio tag doesn't seem to be behaving as it should be, you can just use the video tag for audio:

<video autoplay muted id="audio1" src="your.mp3" type="audio/mp3">
    Your browser does not support the <code>video</code> element.
    unmuteButton.addEventListener('click', function() 
            if ( unmuteButton.innerHTML == "unmute" )
                unmuteButton.innerHTML = "mute";
                audio1.muted = false; 
            } else {
                unmuteButton.innerHTML = "unmute";
                audio1.muted = true; 

MySQL Select last 7 days

The WHERE clause is misplaced, it has to follow the table references and JOIN operations.

Something like this:

 FROM tartikel p1 
 JOIN tartikelpict p2 
   ON p1.kArtikel = p2.kArtikel 
  AND p2.nNr = 1
WHERE p1.dErstellt >= DATE(NOW()) - INTERVAL 7 DAY
ORDER BY p1.kArtikel DESC

EDIT (three plus years later)

The above essentially answers the question "I tried to add a WHERE clause to my query and now the query is returning an error, how do I fix it?"

As to a question about writing a condition that checks a date range of "last 7 days"...

That really depends on interpreting the specification, what the datatype of the column in the table is (DATE or DATETIME) and what data is available... what should be returned.

To summarize: the general approach is to identify a "start" for the date/datetime range, and "end" of that range, and reference those in a query. Let's consider something easier... all rows for "yesterday".

If our column is DATE type. Before we incorporate an expression into a query, we can test it in a simple SELECT


and verify the result returned is what we expect. Then we can use that same expression in a WHERE clause, comparing it to a DATE column like this:

 WHERE datecol = DATE(NOW()) + INTERVAL -1 DAY

For a DATETIME or TIMESTAMP column, we can use >= and < inequality comparisons to specify a range

 WHERE datetimecol >= DATE(NOW()) + INTERVAL -1 DAY
   AND datetimecol <  DATE(NOW()) + INTERVAL  0 DAY

For "last 7 days" we need to know if that mean from this point right now, back 7 days ... e.g. the last 7*24 hours , including the time component in the comparison, ...

 WHERE datetimecol >= NOW() + INTERVAL -7 DAY
   AND datetimecol <  NOW() + INTERVAL  0 DAY

the last seven complete days, not including today

 WHERE datetimecol >= DATE(NOW()) + INTERVAL -7 DAY
   AND datetimecol <  DATE(NOW()) + INTERVAL  0 DAY

or past six complete days plus so far today ...

 WHERE datetimecol >= DATE(NOW()) + INTERVAL -6 DAY
   AND datetimecol <  NOW()       + INTERVAL  0 DAY

I recommend testing the expressions on the right side in a SELECT statement, we can use a user-defined variable in place of NOW() for testing, not being tied to what NOW() returns so we can test borders, across week/month/year boundaries, and so on.

SET @clock = '2017-11-17 11:47:47' ;

     , DATE(@clock) + INTERVAL -7 DAY 
     , @clock + INTERVAL -6 DAY 

Once we have expressions that return values that work for "start" and "end" for our particular use case, what we mean by "last 7 days", we can use those expressions in range comparisons in the WHERE clause.

(Some developers prefer to use the DATE_ADD and DATE_SUB functions in place of the + INTERVAL val DAY/HOUR/MINUTE/MONTH/YEAR syntax.

And MySQL provides some convenient functions for working with DATE, DATETIME and TIMESTAMP datatypes... DATE, LAST_DAY,

Some developers prefer to calculate the start and end in other code, and supply string literals in the SQL query, such that the query submitted to the database is

  WHERE datetimecol >= '2017-11-10 00:00'
    AND datetimecol <  '2017-11-17 00:00'

And that approach works too. (My preference would be to explicitly cast those string literals into DATETIME, either with CAST, CONVERT or just the + INTERVAL trick...

  WHERE datetimecol >= '2017-11-10 00:00' + INTERVAL 0 SECOND
    AND datetimecol <  '2017-11-17 00:00' + INTERVAL 0 SECOND

The above all assumes we are storing "dates" in appropriate DATE, DATETIME and/or TIMESTAMP datatypes, and not storing them as strings in variety of formats e.g. 'dd/mm/yyyy', m/d/yyyy, julian dates, or in sporadically non-canonical formats, or as a number of seconds since the beginning of the epoch, this answer would need to be much longer.

"elseif" syntax in JavaScript

You could use this syntax which is functionally equivalent:

switch (true) {
  case condition1:
     //e.g. if (condition1 === true)
  case condition2:
     //e.g. elseif (condition2 === true)
     //e.g. else

This works because each condition is fully evaluated before comparison with the switch value, so the first one that evaluates to true will match and its branch will execute. Subsequent branches will not execute, provided you remember to use break.

Note that strict comparison is used, so a branch whose condition is merely "truthy" will not be executed. You can cast a truthy value to true with double negation: !!condition.

Convert a list to a string in C#

You have a List<string> - so if you want them concatenated, something like

string s = string.Join("", list);

would work (in .NET 4.0 at least). The first parameter is the delimiter. So you could also comma-delimit etc.

You might also want to look at using StringBuilder to do running concatenations, rather than forming a list.

How do I automatically set the $DISPLAY variable for my current session?

Here's something I've just knocked up. It inspects the environment of the last-launched "gnome-session" process (DISPLAY is set correctly when VNC launches a session/window manager). Replace "gnome-session" with the name of whatever process your VNC server launches on startup.

PID=`pgrep -n -u $USER gnome-session`
if [ -n "$PID" ]; then
    export DISPLAY=`awk 'BEGIN{FS="="; RS="\0"}  $1=="DISPLAY" {print $2; exit}' /proc/$PID/environ`
    echo "DISPLAY set to $DISPLAY"
    echo "Could not set DISPLAY"
unset PID

You should just be able to drop that in your .bashrc file.

How to add CORS request in header in Angular 5

If you are like me and you are using a local SMS Gateway server and you make a GET request to an IP like 192.168.0.xx you will get for sure CORS error.

Unfortunately I could not find an Angular solution, but with the help of a previous replay I got my solution and I am posting an updated version for Angular 7 8 9

import {from} from 'rxjs';

getData(): Observable<any> {
    return from(
        'http://xxxxx', // the url you are trying to access
          headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
          method: 'GET', // GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
          mode: 'no-cors' // the most important option

Just .subscribe like the usual.

no matching function for call to ' '

You are passing pointers (Complex*) when your function takes references (const Complex&). A reference and a pointer are entirely different things. When a function expects a reference argument, you need to pass it the object directly. The reference only means that the object is not copied.

To get an object to pass to your function, you would need to dereference your pointers:

Complex::distanta(*firstComplexNumber, *secondComplexNumber);

Or get your function to take pointer arguments.

However, I wouldn't really suggest either of the above solutions. Since you don't need dynamic allocation here (and you are leaking memory because you don't delete what you have newed), you're better off not using pointers in the first place:

Complex firstComplexNumber(81, 93);
Complex secondComplexNumber(31, 19);
Complex::distanta(firstComplexNumber, secondComplexNumber);

Android Studio: Default project directory

This worked for me Android Studio 4.0.1:

  1. Close Android Studio.

  2. Navigate to C:\Users[Username].AndroidStudio4.0\config\options

  3. Locate recentProjects.xml and open it.

  4. Scroll down the page you will notice: <option name="lastProjectLocation" value="$USER_HOME$/AndroidStudioProjects" />

  5. Change $USER_HOME$/AndroidStudioProjects to your desired location: /home/USER/AndroidStudioProjects/

  6. Reopen Android studio.

How to protect Excel workbook using VBA?

To lock whole workbook from opening, Thisworkbook.password option can be used in VBA.

If you want to Protect Worksheets, then you have to first Lock the cells with option Thisworkbook.sheets.cells.locked = True and then use the option Thisworkbook.sheets.protect password:="pwd".

Primarily search for these keywords: Thisworkbook.password or Thisworkbook.Sheets.Cells.Locked

How do you uninstall a python package that was installed using distutils?

ERROR: flake8 3.7.9 has requirement pycodestyle<2.6.0,>=2.5.0, but you'll have pycodestyle 2.3.1 which is incompatible. ERROR: nuscenes-devkit 1.0.8 has requirement motmetrics<=1.1.3, but you'll have motmetrics 1.2.0 which is incompatible. Installing collected packages: descartes, future, torch, cachetools, torchvision, flake8-import-order, xmltodict, entrypoints, flake8, motmetrics, nuscenes-devkit Attempting uninstall: torch Found existing installation: torch 1.0.0 Uninstalling torch-1.0.0: Successfully uninstalled torch-1.0.0 Attempting uninstall: torchvision Found existing installation: torchvision 0.2.1 Uninstalling torchvision-0.2.1: Successfully uninstalled torchvision-0.2.1 Attempting uninstall: entrypoints Found existing installation: entrypoints 0.2.3 ERROR: Cannot uninstall 'entrypoints'. It is a distutils installed project and thus we cannot accurately determine which files belong to it which would lead to only a partial uninstall.

Then I type:

conda uninstall entrypoints pip install --upgrade pycodestyle pip install nuscenes-devkit


how to load CSS file into jsp

css href link is incorrect. Use relative path instead:

<link href="../css/loginstyle.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

How to copy static files to build directory with Webpack?

The webpack config file (in webpack 2) allows you to export a promise chain, so long as the last step returns a webpack config object. See promise configuration docs. From there:

webpack now supports returning a Promise from the configuration file. This allows to do async processing in you configuration file.

You could create a simple recursive copy function that copies your file, and only after that triggers webpack. E.g.:

module.exports = function(){
    return copyTheFiles( inpath, outpath).then( result => {
        return { entry: "..." } // Etc etc
    } )

Using arrays or std::vectors in C++, what's the performance gap?

Go with STL. There's no performance penalty. The algorithms are very efficient and they do a good job of handling the kinds of details that most of us would not think about.

What is the difference between document.location.href and document.location?

The document.location is an object that contains properties for the current location.

The href property is one of these properties, containing the complete URL, i.e. all the other properties put together.

Some browsers allow you to assign an URL to the location object and acts as if you assigned it to the href property. Some other browsers are more picky, and requires you to use the href property. Thus, to make the code work in all browsers, you have to use the href property.

Both the window and document objects has a location object. You can set the URL using either window.location.href or document.location.href. However, logically the document.location object should be read-only (as you can't change the URL of a document; changing the URL loads a new document), so to be on the safe side you should rather use window.location.href when you want to set the URL.

How to SELECT a dropdown list item by value programmatically

combobox1.SelectedValue = x;

I suspect you may want yo hear something else, but this is what you asked for.

Formatting Decimal places in R

if you just want to round a number or a list, simply use

round(data, 2)

Then, data will be round to 2 decimal place.

How do I get the value of a textbox using jQuery?

Noticed your comment about using it for email validation and needing a plugin, the validation plugin may help you, its located at, it comes with a e-mail rule as well.

How can I check whether a variable is defined in Node.js?

For me, an expression like

if (typeof query !== 'undefined' && query !== null){
   // do stuff

is more complicated than I want for how often I want to use it. That is, testing if a variable is defined/null is something I do frequently. I want such a test to be simple. To resolve this, I first tried to define the above code as a function, but node just gives me a syntax error, telling me the parameter to the function call is undefined. Not useful! So, searching about and working on this bit, I found a solution. Not for everyone perhaps. My solution involves using Sweet.js to define a macro. Here's how I did it:

Here's the macro (filename: macro.sjs):

// I had to install sweet using:
// npm install --save-dev
// See:
// Followed instructions from

// Initially I just had "($x)" in the macro below. But this failed to match with 
// expressions such as "self.x. Adding the :expr qualifier cures things. See

macro isDefined {
  rule {
  } => {
    (( typeof ($x) === 'undefined' || ($x) === null) ? false : true)

// Seems the macros have to be exported

export isDefined;

Here's an example of usage of the macro (in example.sjs):

function Foobar() {
    var self = this;

    self.x = 10;

    console.log(isDefined(y)); // false
    console.log(isDefined(self.x)); // true

module.exports = Foobar;

And here's the main node file:

var sweet = require('sweet.js');

// load all exported macros in `macros.sjs`

// example.sjs uses macros that have been defined and exported in `macros.sjs`
var Foobar = require('./example.sjs');

var x = new Foobar();

A downside of this, aside from having to install Sweet, setup the macro, and load Sweet in your code, is that it can complicate error reporting in Node. It adds a second layer of parsing. Haven't worked with this much yet, so shall see how it goes first hand. I like Sweet though and I miss macros so will try to stick with it!

add column to mysql table if it does not exist

Procedure from Jake is very simple and good solution for adding new columns, but with one additional line:


you can add new columns later there, and it will work next time too:

delimiter ;;
create procedure foo ()
    declare continue handler for 1060 begin end;
    alter table atable add subscriber_surname varchar(64);
    alter table atable add subscriber_address varchar(254);
call foo();;

Can't find file executable in your configured search path for gnc gcc compiler

I'm guessing you've installed Code::Blocks but not installed or set up GCC yet. I'm assuming you're on Windows, based on your comments about Visual Studio; if you're on a different platform, the steps for setting up GCC should be similar but not identical.

First you'll need to download GCC. There are lots and lots of different builds; personally, I use the 64-bit build of TDM-GCC. The setup for this might be a bit more complex than you'd care for, so you can go for the 32-bit version or just grab a preconfigured Code::Blocks/TDM-GCC setup here.

Once your setup is done, go ahead and launch Code::Blocks. You don't need to create a project or write any code yet; we're just here to set stuff up or double-check your setup, depending on how you opted to install GCC.

Go into the Settings menu, then select Global compiler settings in the sidebar, and select the Toolchain executables tab. Make sure the Compiler's installation directory textbox matches the folder you installed GCC into. For me, this is C:\TDM-GCC-64. Your path will vary, and this is completely fine; just make sure the path in the textbox is the same as the path you installed to. Pay careful attention to the warning note Code::Blocks shows: this folder must have a bin subfolder which will contain all the relevant GCC executables. If you look into the folder the textbox shows and there isn't a bin subfolder there, you probably have the wrong installation folder specified.

Now, in that same Toolchain executables screen, go through the individual Program Files boxes one by one and verify that the filenames shown in each are correct. You'll want some variation of the following:

  • C compiler: gcc.exe (mine shows x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc.exe)
  • C++ compiler: g++.exe (mine shows x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++.exe)
  • Linker for dynamic libs: g++.exe (mine shows x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++.exe)
  • Linker for static libs: gcc-ar.exe (mine shows x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc-ar.exe)
  • Debugger: GDB/CDB debugger: Default
  • Resource compiler: windres.exe (mine shows windres.exe)
  • Make program: make.exe (mine shows mingw32-make.exe)

Again, note that all of these files are in the bin subfolder of the folder shown in the Compiler installation folder box - if you can't find these files, you probably have the wrong folder specified. It's okay if the filenames aren't a perfect match, though; different GCC builds might have differently prefixed filenames, as you can see from my setup.

Once you're done with all that, go ahead and click OK. You can restart Code::Blocks if you'd like, just to confirm the changes will stick even if there's a crash (I've had occasional glitches where Code::Blocks will crash and forget any settings changed since the last launch).

Now, you should be all set. Go ahead and try your little section of code again. You'll want int main(void) to be int main(), but everything else looks good. Try building and running it and see what happens. It should run successfully.

Reverting single file in SVN to a particular revision

If you just want the old file in your working copy:

svn up -r 147

If you want to rollback, see this "How to return to an older version of our code in subversion?".

Getting Current date, time , day in laravel

Php has a date function which works very well. With laravel and blade you can use this without ugly <?php echo tags. For example, I use the following in a .blade.php file...

Copyright © {{ date('Y') }}

... and Laravel/blade translates that to the current year. If you want date time and day, you'll use something like this:

{{ date('Y-m-d H:i:s') }}

C - function inside struct

It can't be done directly, but you can emulate the same thing using function pointers and explicitly passing the "this" parameter:

typedef struct client_t client_t, *pno;
struct client_t
        pid_t pid;
        char password[TAM_MAX]; // -> 50 chars
        pno next;

        pno (*AddClient)(client_t *);    

pno client_t_AddClient(client_t *self) { /* code */ }

int main()

    client_t client;
    client.AddClient = client_t_AddClient; // probably really done in some init fn

    //code ..



It turns out that doing this, however, doesn't really buy you an awful lot. As such, you won't see many C APIs implemented in this style, since you may as well just call your external function and pass the instance.

How do I check CPU and Memory Usage in Java?

If you use the runtime/totalMemory solution that has been posted in many answers here (I've done that a lot), be sure to force two garbage collections first if you want fairly accurate/consistent results.

For effiency Java usually allows garbage to fill up all of memory before forcing a GC, and even then it's not usually a complete GC, so your results for runtime.freeMemory() always be somewhere between the "real" amount of free memory and 0.

The first GC doesn't get everything, it gets most of it.

The upswing is that if you just do the freeMemory() call you will get a number that is absolutely useless and varies widely, but if do 2 gc's first it is a very reliable gauge. It also makes the routine MUCH slower (seconds, possibly).

Split a string by a delimiter in python

You may be interested in the csv module, which is designed for comma-separated files but can be easily modified to use a custom delimiter.

import csv
csv.register_dialect( "myDialect", delimiter = "__", <other-options> )
lines = [ "MATCHES__STRING" ]

for row in csv.reader( lines ):

MongoDB: Is it possible to make a case-insensitive query?

The aggregation framework was introduced in mongodb 2.2 . You can use the string operator "$strcasecmp" to make a case-insensitive comparison between strings. It's more recommended and easier than using regex.

Here's the official document on the aggregation command operator: .

How to get Toolbar from fragment?

In case fragments should have custom view of ToolBar you can implement ToolBar for each fragment separately.

add ToolBar into fragment_layout:


find it in fragment:

    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
                             Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment, container, false);
        Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) view.findViewById(;

        //set toolbar appearance

        //for crate home button
        AppCompatActivity activity = (AppCompatActivity) getActivity();

menu listener could be created two ways: override onOptionsItemSelected in your fragment:

public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
    return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);

or set listener for toolbar when create it in onCreateView():

toolbar.setOnMenuItemClickListener(new Toolbar.OnMenuItemClickListener() {
            public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem menuItem) {
                return false;

How to get the PYTHONPATH in shell?

Adding to @zzzzzzz answer, I ran the command:python3 -c "import sys; print(sys.path)" and it provided me with different paths comparing to the same command with python. The paths that were displayed with python3 were "python3 oriented".

See the output of the two different commands:

python -c "import sys; print(sys.path)"

['', '/usr/lib/python2.7', '/usr/lib/python2.7/plat-x86_64-linux-gnu', '/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk', '/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-old', '/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload', '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages', '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/setuptools-39.1.0-py2.7.egg', '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages']

python3 -c "import sys; print(sys.path)"

['', '/usr/lib/', '/usr/lib/python3.6', '/usr/lib/python3.6/lib-dynload', '/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages', '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages']

Both commands were executed on my Ubuntu 18.04 machine.

How can I exclude multiple folders using Get-ChildItem -exclude?

Based on @NN_ comment on @Guillem answer, I came up with the below code. This allows you to exclude folders and files:

Get-ChildItem -Exclude 'folder-to-exclude','second-folder-exclude' |
foreach {
    Get-ChildItem -Path $_ -Exclude 'files-to-exclude','*.zip','*.mdmp','*.out*','*.log' -Recurse |
    Select-String -Pattern 'string-to-look-for' -List

what's the default value of char?

The default char is the character with an int value of 0 (zero).

char NULLCHAR = (char) 0;

char NULLCHAR = '\0';

Only mkdir if it does not exist

Use mkdir's -p option, but note that it has another effect as well.

 -p      Create intermediate directories as required.  If this option is not specified, the full path prefix of each oper-
         and must already exist.  On the other hand, with this option specified, no error will be reported if a directory
         given as an operand already exists.  Intermediate directories are created with permission bits of rwxrwxrwx
         (0777) as modified by the current umask, plus write and search permission for the owner.

Hibernate dialect for Oracle Database 11g?

We had a problem with the (deprecated) dialect org.hibernate.dialect.Oracledialect and Oracle 11g database using = validate mode.

With this dialect Hibernate was unable to found the sequences (because the implementation of the getQuerySequencesString() method, that returns this query:

"select sequence_name from user_sequences;"

for which the execution returns an empty result from database).

Using the dialect org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle9iDialect , or greater, solves the problem, due to a different implementation of getQuerySequencesString() method:

"select sequence_name from all_sequences union select synonym_name from all_synonyms us, all_sequences asq where asq.sequence_name = us.table_name and asq.sequence_owner = us.table_owner;"

that returns all the sequences if executed, instead.

File opens instead of downloading in internet explorer in a href link

Zip your file (.zip) and IE will give the user the option to open or download the file.

How to resolve TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str

Problem is you are doing the following

str(chr(char + 7429146))

where char is a string. You cannot add a int with a string. this will cause that error

maybe if you want to get the ascii code and add it with a constant number. if so , you can just do ord(char) and add it to a number. but again, chr can take values between 0 and 1114112

How can I calculate the difference between two dates?

With Swift 5 and iOS 12, according to your needs, you may use one of the two following ways to find the difference between two dates in days.

#1. Using Calendar's dateComponents(_:from:to:) method

import Foundation

let calendar = Calendar.current

let startDate = DateComponents(year: 2010, month: 11, day: 22))!
let endDate = DateComponents(year: 2015, month: 5, day: 1))!

let dateComponents = calendar.dateComponents([], from: startDate, to: endDate)

print(dateComponents) // prints: day: 1621 isLeapMonth: false
print(String(describing: // prints: Optional(1621)

#2. Using DateComponentsFormatter's string(from:to:) method

import Foundation

let calendar = Calendar.current

let startDate = DateComponents(year: 2010, month: 11, day: 22))!
let endDate = DateComponents(year: 2015, month: 5, day: 1))!

let formatter = DateComponentsFormatter()
formatter.unitsStyle = .full
formatter.allowedUnits = []

let elapsedTime = formatter.string(from: startDate, to: endDate)
print(String(describing: elapsedTime)) // prints: Optional("1,621 days")

How do I Validate the File Type of a File Upload?

I think there are different ways to do this. Since im not familiar with asp i can only give you some hints to check for a specific filetype:

1) the safe way: get more informations about the header of the filetype you wish to pass. parse the uploaded file and compare the headers

2) the quick way: split the name of the file into two pieces -> name of the file and the ending of the file. check out the ending of the file and compare it to the filetype you want to allow to be uploaded

hope it helps :)

Use jQuery to change an HTML tag?

Is there a specific reason that you need to change the tag? If you just want to make the text bigger, changing the p tag's CSS class would be a better way to go about that.

Something like this:


How to play a notification sound on websites?

Play cross browser compatible notifications

As adviced by @Tim Tisdall from this post , Check Howler.js Plugin.

Browsers like chrome disables javascript execution when minimized or inactive for performance improvements. But This plays notification sounds even if browser is inactive or minimized by the user.

  var sound =new Howl({
                     src: ['../sounds/rings.mp3','../sounds/rings.wav','../sounds/rings.ogg',
                     autoplay: true,
                     loop: true


Hope helps someone.

Concatenate multiple result rows of one column into one, group by another column

You can use array_agg function for that:

SELECT "Movie",
array_to_string(array_agg(distinct "Actor"),',') AS Actor
FROM Table1
GROUP BY "Movie";


A 1,2,3
B 4

See this SQLFiddle

For more See 9.18. Aggregate Functions

Fragment Inside Fragment

I solved this problem. You can use Support library and ViewPager. If you don't need swiping by gesture you can disable swiping. So here is some code to improve my solution:

public class TestFragment extends Fragment{
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    View v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.frag, container, false);
    final ArrayList<Fragment> list = new ArrayList<Fragment>();

    list.add(new TrFrag());
    list.add(new TrFrag());
    list.add(new TrFrag());

    ViewPager pager = (ViewPager) v.findViewById(;
    pager.setAdapter(new FragmentPagerAdapter(getChildFragmentManager()) {
        public Fragment getItem(int i) {
            return list.get(i);

        public int getCount() {
            return list.size();
    return v;

P.S.It is ugly code for test, but it improves that it is possible.

P.P.S Inside fragment ChildFragmentManager should be passed to ViewPagerAdapter

How to use hex() without 0x in Python?

>>> format(3735928559, 'x')

PHP class not found but it's included

Double check your autoloader's requirements & namespaces.

  • For example, does your autoloader require your namespace to match the folder structure of where the file is located? If so, make sure they match.
  • Another example, does your autoloader require your filenames to follow a certain pattern/is it case sensitive? If so, make sure the filename follows the correct pattern.
  • And of course if the class is in a namespace make sure to include it properly with a fully qualified class name (/Path/ClassName) or with a use statement at the top of your file.

What does "if (" mean?

The next() method (offcial doc here) simply move the pointer of the result rows set to the next row (if it can). Anyway you can read this from the offcial doc as well:

Moves the cursor down one row from its current position.

This method return true if there's another row or false otherwise.

What does "Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK]" mean in Android Studio?

After I changed

defaultConfig {
    applicationId "com.example.bocheng.myapplication"
    minSdkVersion 15
    targetSdkVersion 'L' #change this to 19
    versionCode 1
    versionName "1.0"

in build.gradle file.

it works

HTML input file selection event not firing upon selecting the same file

Clearing the value of 0th index of input worked for me. Please try the below code, hope this will work (AngularJs).

          scope.onClick = function() {
            input[0].value = "";

How to connect PHP with Microsoft Access database

The problem is a simple typo. You named your variable 'conc' on line 2 but then referenced 'conn' on line 4.

How can I know which radio button is selected via jQuery?

How about this?

Using change and get the value of radio type is checked...

$('#my-radio-form').on('change', function() {_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<form id="my-radio-form">_x000D_
  <input type="radio" name="input-radio" value="a" />a_x000D_
  <input type="radio" name="input-radio" value="b" />b_x000D_
  <input type="radio" name="input-radio" value="c" />c_x000D_
  <input type="radio" name="input-radio" value="d" />d_x000D_

How can I specify system properties in Tomcat configuration on startup?

(Update: If I could delete this answer I would, although since it's accepted, I can't. I'm updating the description to provide better guidance and discourage folks from using the poor practice I outlined in the original answer).

You can specify these parameters via context or environment parameters, such as in context.xml. See the sections titled "Context Parameters" and "Environment Entries" on this page:

As @netjeff points out, these values will be available via the Context.lookup(String) method and not as System parameters.

Another way to do specify these values is to define variables inside of the web.xml file of the web application you're deploying (see below). As @Roberto Lo Giacco points out, this is generally considered a poor practice since a deployed artifact should not be environment specific. However, below is the configuration snippet if you really want to do this:


Inserting HTML into a div

Using JQuery would take care of that browser inconsistency. With the jquery library included in your project simply write:


You may also consider using:


This will add your gallery as the last item in the selected div. Or:


This will add it as the first item in the selected div.

See the JQuery docs for these functions:

Add vertical whitespace using Twitter Bootstrap?

Wrapping works but when you just want a space, I like:

<div class="col-xs-12" style="height:50px;"></div>