Programs & Examples On #External sorting

open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)

First give or check permissions like

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>

If these two permissions are OK, then check your output streams are in correct format.


FileOutputStream fos=new FileOutputStream(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()+"/rahul1.jpg");

Kafka consumer list

I realize that this question is nearly 4 years old now. Much has changed in Kafka since then. This is mentioned above, but only in small print, so I write this for users who stumble over this question as late as I did.

  1. Offsets by default are now stored in a Kafka Topic (not in Zookeeper any more), see Offsets stored in Zookeeper or Kafka?
  2. There's a kafka-consumer-groups utility which returns all the information, including the offset of the topic and partition, of the consumer, and even the lag (Remark: When you ask for the topic's offset, I assume that you mean the offsets of the partitions of the topic). In my Kafka 2.0 test cluster:
kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-server kafka:9092 --describe
    --group console-consumer-69763 Consumer group 'console-consumer-69763' has no active members.

pytest          0          5               6               1               -               -               -

How to remove unused dependencies from composer?

Just run composer install - it will make your vendor directory reflect dependencies in composer.lock file.

In other words - it will delete any vendor which is missing in composer.lock.

Please update the composer itself before running this.

Converting between datetime and Pandas Timestamp objects

>>> pd.Timestamp('2014-01-23 00:00:00', tz=None).to_datetime()
datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 23, 0, 0)
>>> pd.Timestamp(, 3, 26))
Timestamp('2014-03-26 00:00:00')

Remove first 4 characters of a string with PHP

$num = "+918883967576";

$str = substr($num, 3);

echo $str;


Network tools that simulate slow network connection

You can use dummynet ofcourse, There is extension of dummynet called KauNet. which can provide even more precise control of network conditions. It can drop/delay/re-order specific packets (that way you can perform more in-depth analysis of dropping key packets like TCP handshake to see how your web pages digest it). It also works in time domain. Usually most the emulators are tuned to work in data domain. In time domain you can specify from what time to what time you can alter the network conditions.

"The specified Android SDK Build Tools version (26.0.0) is ignored..."

Solution to this problem is simple

Go to build.gradle ( file

Change the Build Version for app as shown in the photo link

It will help us to rebuild gradle for the project, to make it sync again.

Firebase: how to generate a unique numeric ID for key?

Adding to the @htafoya answer. The code snippet will be

const getTimeEpoch = () => {
    return new Date().getTime().toString();                             

How to refresh page on back button click?

I found two ways to handle this. Choose the best for your case. Solutions tested on Firefox 53 and Safari 10.1

1. Detect if user is using the back/foreward button, then reload whole page

if (!!window.performance && window.performance.navigation.type === 2) {
            // value 2 means "The page was accessed by navigating into the history"
            window.location.reload(); // reload whole page


2. reload whole page if page is cached

window.onpageshow = function (event) {
        if (event.persisted) {

How to read a CSV file from a URL with Python?

what you were trying to do with the curl command was to download the file to your local hard drive(HD). You however need to specify a path on HD

curl -o ./example.csv
cr = csv.reader(open('./example.csv',"r"))
for row in cr:
    print row

Bootstrap 3 Gutter Size

I don't think Bass's answer is correct. Why touch the row margins? They have a negative margin to offset the column padding for the columns on the edge of the row. Messing with this will break any nested rows.

The answer is simple, just make the container padding equal to the gutter size:

e.g for default bootstrap:

.container {

How to use a link to call JavaScript?

I think you can use the onclick event, something like this:

<a onclick="jsFunction();">

Print raw string from variable? (not getting the answers)

I know i'm too late for the answer but for people reading this I found a much easier way for doing it

myVariable = 'This string is supposed to be raw \'
print(r'%s' %myVariable)

Count number of 1's in binary representation

Please note the fact that: n&(n-1) always eliminates the least significant 1.

Hence we can write the code for calculating the number of 1's as follows:

  n = n&(n-1);
cout<<"Number of 1's in n is: "<<count;

The complexity of the program would be: number of 1's in n (which is constantly < 32).

How to copy data from one HDFS to another HDFS?

Hadoop comes with a useful program called distcp for copying large amounts of data to and from Hadoop Filesystems in parallel. The canonical use case for distcp is for transferring data between two HDFS clusters. If the clusters are running identical versions of hadoop, then the hdfs scheme is appropriate to use.

$ hadoop distcp hdfs://namenode1/foo hdfs://namenode2/bar

The data in /foo directory of namenode1 will be copied to /bar directory of namenode2. If the /bar directory does not exist, it will create it. Also we can mention multiple source paths.

Similar to rsync command, distcp command by default will skip the files that already exist. We can also use -overwrite option to overwrite the existing files in destination directory. The option -update will only update the files that have changed.

$ hadoop distcp -update hdfs://namenode1/foo hdfs://namenode2/bar/foo

distcp can also be implemented as a MapReduce job where the work of copying is done by the maps that run in parallel across the cluster. There will be no reducers.

If trying to copy data between two HDFS clusters that are running different versions, the copy will process will fail, since the RPC systems are incompatible. In that case we need to use the read-only HTTP based HFTP filesystems to read from the source. Here the job has to run on destination cluster.

$ hadoop distcp hftp://namenode1:50070/foo hdfs://namenode2/bar

50070 is the default port number for namenode's embedded web server.

Stop MySQL service windows

On windows 10

If you wanna close it open command prompt with work with admin. Write NET STOP MySQL80. Its done. If you wanna open again so you must write NET START MySQL80

If you do not want it to be turned on automatically when not in use, it automatically runs when the computer is turned on and consumes some ram.

Open services.msc find Mysql80 , look at properties and turn start type manuel or otomaticly again as you wish.


You could have used DISTINCT or just remove the PARTITION BY portions and use GROUP BY:

       ,TotalICount = SUM(ICount) OVER ()    
       ,Percentage = SUM(ICount) OVER ()*1.0 / SUM(ICount) 
FROM Table 
WHERE DateId  = 20130618

Not sure why you are dividing the total by the count per BrandID, if that's a mistake and you want percent of total then reverse those bits above to:

           ,TotalICount = SUM(ICount) OVER ()    
           ,Percentage = SUM(ICount)*1.0 / SUM(ICount) OVER () 
    FROM Table 
    WHERE DateId  = 20130618
    GROUP BY BrandID

forEach loop Java 8 for Map entry set

Maybe the best way to answer the questions like "which version is faster and which one shall I use?" is to look to the source code:

map.forEach() - from

default void forEach(BiConsumer<? super K, ? super V> action) {
    for (Map.Entry<K, V> entry : entrySet()) {
        K k;
        V v;
        try {
            k = entry.getKey();
            v = entry.getValue();
        } catch(IllegalStateException ise) {
            // this usually means the entry is no longer in the map.
            throw new ConcurrentModificationException(ise);
        action.accept(k, v);


map.entrySet().forEach() - from

default void forEach(Consumer<? super T> action) {
    for (T t : this) {


This immediately reveals that map.forEach() is also using Map.Entry internally. So I would not expect any performance benefit in using map.forEach() over the map.entrySet().forEach(). So in your case the answer really depends on your personal taste :)

For the complete list of differences please refer to the provided javadoc links. Happy coding!

How to use bitmask?

Bitmasks are used when you want to encode multiple layers of information in a single number.

So (assuming unix file permissions) if you want to store 3 levels of access restriction (read, write, execute) you could check for each level by checking the corresponding bit.


110 in base 2 translates to 6 in base 10.

So you can easily check if someone is allowed to e.g. read the file by and'ing the permission field with the wanted permission.



user_permissions = 6

if (user_permissions & PERM_READ == TRUE) then
  // this will be reached, as 6 & 4 is true

You need a working understanding of binary representation of numbers and logical operators to understand bit fields.

Getting a browser's name client-side

This code will return "browser" and "browserVersion"
Works on 95% of 80+ browsers

var geckobrowsers;
var browser = "";
var browserVersion = 0;
var agent = navigator.userAgent + " ";
if(agent.substring(agent.indexOf("Mozilla/")+8, agent.indexOf(" ")) == "5.0" && agent.indexOf("like Gecko") != -1){
    geckobrowsers = agent.substring(agent.indexOf("like Gecko")+10).substring(agent.substring(agent.indexOf("like Gecko")+10).indexOf(") ")+2).replace("LG Browser", "LGBrowser").replace("360SE", "360SE/");
    for(i = 0; i < 1; i++){
        geckobrowsers = geckobrowsers.replace(geckobrowsers.substring(geckobrowsers.indexOf("("), geckobrowsers.indexOf(")")+1), "");
    geckobrowsers = geckobrowsers.split(" ");
    for(i = 0; i < geckobrowsers.length; i++){
        if(geckobrowsers[i].indexOf("/") == -1)geckobrowsers[i] = "Chrome";
        if(geckobrowsers[i].indexOf("/") != -1)geckobrowsers[i] = geckobrowsers[i].substring(0, geckobrowsers[i].indexOf("/"));
    if(geckobrowsers.length < 4){
        browser = geckobrowsers[0];
    } else {
        for(i = 0; i < geckobrowsers.length; i++){
            if(geckobrowsers[i].indexOf("Chrome") == -1 && geckobrowsers[i].indexOf("Safari") == -1 && geckobrowsers[i].indexOf("Mobile") == -1 && geckobrowsers[i].indexOf("Version") == -1)browser = geckobrowsers[i];
    browserVersion = agent.substring(agent.indexOf(browser)+browser.length+1, agent.indexOf(browser)+browser.length+1+agent.substring(agent.indexOf(browser)+browser.length+1).indexOf(" "));
} else if(agent.substring(agent.indexOf("Mozilla/")+8, agent.indexOf(" ")) == "5.0" && agent.indexOf("Gecko/") != -1){
    browser = agent.substring(agent.substring(agent.indexOf("Gecko/")+6).indexOf(" ") + agent.indexOf("Gecko/")+6).substring(0, agent.substring(agent.substring(agent.indexOf("Gecko/")+6).indexOf(" ") + agent.indexOf("Gecko/")+6).indexOf("/"));
    browserVersion = agent.substring(agent.indexOf(browser)+browser.length+1, agent.indexOf(browser)+browser.length+1+agent.substring(agent.indexOf(browser)+browser.length+1).indexOf(" "));
} else if(agent.substring(agent.indexOf("Mozilla/")+8, agent.indexOf(" ")) == "5.0" && agent.indexOf("Clecko/") != -1){
    browser = agent.substring(agent.substring(agent.indexOf("Clecko/")+7).indexOf(" ") + agent.indexOf("Clecko/")+7).substring(0, agent.substring(agent.substring(agent.indexOf("Clecko/")+7).indexOf(" ") + agent.indexOf("Clecko/")+7).indexOf("/"));
    browserVersion = agent.substring(agent.indexOf(browser)+browser.length+1, agent.indexOf(browser)+browser.length+1+agent.substring(agent.indexOf(browser)+browser.length+1).indexOf(" "));
} else if(agent.substring(agent.indexOf("Mozilla/")+8, agent.indexOf(" ")) == "5.0"){
    browser = agent.substring(agent.indexOf("(")+1, agent.indexOf(";"));
    browserVersion = agent.substring(agent.indexOf(browser)+browser.length+1, agent.indexOf(browser)+browser.length+1+agent.substring(agent.indexOf(browser)+browser.length+1).indexOf(" "));
} else if(agent.substring(agent.indexOf("Mozilla/")+8, agent.indexOf(" ")) == "4.0" && agent.indexOf(")")+1 == agent.length-1){
    browser = agent.substring(agent.indexOf("(")+1, agent.indexOf(")")).split("; ")[agent.substring(agent.indexOf("(")+1, agent.indexOf(")")).split("; ").length-1];
} else if(agent.substring(agent.indexOf("Mozilla/")+8, agent.indexOf(" ")) == "4.0" && agent.indexOf(")")+1 != agent.length-1){
    if(agent.substring(agent.indexOf(") ")+2).indexOf("/") != -1)browser = agent.substring(agent.indexOf(") ")+2, agent.indexOf(") ")+2+agent.substring(agent.indexOf(") ")+2).indexOf("/"));
    if(agent.substring(agent.indexOf(") ")+2).indexOf("/") == -1)browser = agent.substring(agent.indexOf(") ")+2, agent.indexOf(") ")+2+agent.substring(agent.indexOf(") ")+2).indexOf(" "));
    browserVersion = agent.substring(agent.indexOf(browser)+browser.length+1, agent.indexOf(browser)+browser.length+1+agent.substring(agent.indexOf(browser)+browser.length+1).indexOf(" "));
} else if(agent.substring(0, 6) == "Opera/"){
    browser = "Opera";
    browserVersion = agent.substring(agent.indexOf(browser)+browser.length+1, agent.indexOf(browser)+browser.length+1+agent.substring(agent.indexOf(browser)+browser.length+1).indexOf(" "));
    if(agent.substring(agent.indexOf("(")+1).indexOf(";") != -1)os = agent.substring(agent.indexOf("(")+1, agent.indexOf("(")+1+agent.substring(agent.indexOf("(")+1).indexOf(";"));
    if(agent.substring(agent.indexOf("(")+1).indexOf(";") == -1)os = agent.substring(agent.indexOf("(")+1, agent.indexOf("(")+1+agent.substring(agent.indexOf("(")+1).indexOf(")"));
} else if(agent.substring(0, agent.indexOf("/")) != "Mozilla" && agent.substring(0, agent.indexOf("/")) != "Opera"){
    browser = agent.substring(0, agent.indexOf("/"));
    browserVersion = agent.substring(agent.indexOf(browser)+browser.length+1, agent.indexOf(browser)+browser.length+1+agent.substring(agent.indexOf(browser)+browser.length+1).indexOf(" "));
} else {
    browser = agent;
alert(browser + " v" + browserVersion);

mysqld_safe Directory '/var/run/mysqld' for UNIX socket file don't exists

You may try the following if your database does not have any data OR you have another away to restore that data. You will need to know the Ubuntu server root password but not the mysql root password.

It is highly probably that many of us have installed "mysql_secure_installation" as this is a best practice. Navigate to bin directory where mysql_secure_installation exist. It can be found in the /bin directory on Ubuntu systems. By rerunning the installer, you will be prompted about whether to change root database password.

jQuery "blinking highlight" effect on div?

If you are not already using the Jquery UI library and you want to mimic the effect what you can do is very simple


you can also play around with the numbers to get a faster or slower one to fit your design better.

This can also be a global jquery function so you can use the same effect across the site. Also note that if you put this code in a for loop you can have 1 milion pulses so therefore you are not restricted to the default 6 or how much the default is.

EDIT: Adding this as a global jQuery function

$.fn.Blink = function (interval = 100, iterate = 1) {
    for (i = 1; i <= iterate; i++)

Blink any element easily from your site using the following

$('#myElement').Blink(); // Will Blink once

$('#myElement').Blink(500); // Will Blink once, but slowly

$('#myElement').Blink(100, 50); // Will Blink 50 times once

Python: "Indentation Error: unindent does not match any outer indentation level"

IDLE TO VISUAL STUDIO USERS: I ran into this problem as well when moving code directly from IDLE to Visual Studio. When you press tab IDLE adds 4 spaces instead of a tab. In IDLE, hit Ctl+A to select all of the code and go to Format>Tabify Region. Now move the code to visual studio and most errors should be fixed. Every so often there will be code that is off-tab, just fix it manually.

What does "fatal: bad revision" mean?

If you want to delete any commit then you might need to use git rebase command

git rebase -i HEAD~2

it will show you last 2 commit messages, if you delete the commit message and save that file deleted commit will automatically disappear...

How to find the mysql data directory from command line in windows

if you want to find datadir in linux or windows you can do following command

mysql -uUSER -p -e 'SHOW VARIABLES WHERE Variable_Name = "datadir"'

if you are interested to find datadir you can use grep & awk command

mysql -uUSER -p -e 'SHOW VARIABLES WHERE Variable_Name = "datadir"' | grep 'datadir' | awk '{print $2}'

Why should Java 8's Optional not be used in arguments

Check out the JavaDoc in JDK10,, an API note is added:

API Note: Optional is primarily intended for use as a method return type where there is a clear need to represent "no result," and where using null is likely to cause errors.

Copy all the lines to clipboard

on Mac

  • copy selected part: visually select text(type v or V in normal mode) and type :w !pbcopy

  • copy the whole file :%w !pbcopy

  • past from the clipboard :r !pbpaste

Check if starting characters of a string are alphabetical in T-SQL

You don't need to use regex, LIKE is sufficient:

WHERE my_field LIKE '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]%'

Assuming that by "alphabetical" you mean only latin characters, not anything classified as alphabetical in Unicode.

Note - if your collation is case sensitive, it's important to specify the range as [a-zA-Z]. [a-z] may exclude A or Z. [A-Z] may exclude a or z.

How to get the Android device's primary e-mail address

Working In MarshMallow Operating System

    btn_click=(Button) findViewById(;

    btn_click.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

        public void onClick(View arg0)
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M)
                int permissionCheck = ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(PermissionActivity.this,
                if (permissionCheck == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED)
                    //showing dialog to select image
                    String possibleEmail=null;

                     Pattern emailPattern = Patterns.EMAIL_ADDRESS; // API level 8+
                     Account[] accounts = AccountManager.get(PermissionActivity.this).getAccounts();
                     for (Account account : accounts) {
                         if (emailPattern.matcher( {
                             possibleEmail =;

                    Log.e("keshav","possibleEmail gjhh->"+possibleEmail);
                    Log.e("permission", "granted Marshmallow O/S");

                } else {                        ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(PermissionActivity.this,
                            new String[]{android.Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE,
                                    android.Manifest.permission.CAMERA}, 1);
            } else {
// Lower then Marshmallow

                    String possibleEmail=null;

                     Pattern emailPattern = Patterns.EMAIL_ADDRESS; // API level 8+
                     Account[] accounts = AccountManager.get(PermissionActivity.this).getAccounts();
                     for (Account account : accounts) {
                         if (emailPattern.matcher( {
                             possibleEmail =;

                    Log.e("keshav","possibleEmail gjhh->"+possibleEmail);


How to do a HTTP HEAD request from the windows command line?

I'd download PuTTY and run a telnet session on port 80 to the webserver you want

HEAD /resource HTTP/1.1

You could alternatively download Perl and try LWP's HEAD command. Or write your own script.

'heroku' does not appear to be a git repository

First, make sure you're logged into heroku:

heroku login 

Enter your credentials.

It's common to get this error when using a cloned git repo onto a new machine. Even if your heroku credentials are already on the machine, there is no link between the cloned repo and heroku locally yet. To do this, cd into the root dir of the cloned repo and run

heroku git:remote -a yourapp

:touch CSS pseudo-class or something similar?

Since mobile doesn't give hover feedback, I want, as a user, to see instant feedback when a link is tapped. I noticed that -webkit-tap-highlight-color is the fastest to respond (subjective).

Add the following to your body and your links will have a tap effect.

body {
    -webkit-tap-highlight-color: #ccc;

Python regex to match dates

I use something like this

>>> import datetime
>>> regex = datetime.datetime.strptime
>>> # TEST
>>> assert regex('2020-08-03', '%Y-%m-%d')

>>> assert regex('2020-08', '%Y-%m-%d')
ValueError: time data '2020-08' does not match format '%Y-%m-%d'

>>> assert regex('08/03/20', '%m/%d/%y')

>>> assert regex('08-03-2020', '%m/%d/%y')
ValueError: time data '08-03-2020' does not match format '%m/%d/%y'

Hive load CSV with commas in quoted fields

The problem is that Hive doesn't handle quoted texts. You either need to pre-process the data by changing the delimiter between the fields (e.g: with a Hadoop-streaming job) or you can also give a try to use a custom CSV SerDe which uses OpenCSV to parse the files.

Hide keyboard in react-native

The problem with keyboard not dismissing gets more severe if you have keyboardType='numeric', as there is no way to dismiss it.

Replacing View with ScrollView is not a correct solution, as if you have multiple textInputs or buttons, tapping on them while the keyboard is up will only dismiss the keyboard.

Correct way is to encapsulate View with TouchableWithoutFeedback and calling Keyboard.dismiss()

EDIT: You can now use ScrollView with keyboardShouldPersistTaps='handled' to only dismiss the keyboard when the tap is not handled by the children (ie. tapping on other textInputs or buttons)

If you have

<View style={{flex: 1}}>
    <TextInput keyboardType='numeric'/>

Change it to

<ScrollView contentContainerStyle={{flexGrow: 1}}
  <TextInput keyboardType='numeric'/>


import {Keyboard} from 'react-native'

<TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={Keyboard.dismiss} accessible={false}>
    <View style={{flex: 1}}>
        <TextInput keyboardType='numeric'/>

EDIT: You can also create a Higher Order Component to dismiss the keyboard.

import React from 'react';
import { TouchableWithoutFeedback, Keyboard, View } from 'react-native';

const DismissKeyboardHOC = (Comp) => {
  return ({ children, ...props }) => (
    <TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={Keyboard.dismiss} accessible={false}>
      <Comp {...props}>
const DismissKeyboardView = DismissKeyboardHOC(View)

Simply use it like this

render() {
        <TextInput keyboardType='numeric'/>

NOTE: the accessible={false} is required to make the input form continue to be accessible through VoiceOver. Visually impaired people will thank you!

Colors in JavaScript console

This library is fantastic:

Use Markdown for log messages.

Purpose of returning by const value?

It's pretty pointless to return a const value from a function.

It's difficult to get it to have any effect on your code:

const int foo() {
   return 3;

int main() {
   int x = foo();  // copies happily
   x = 4;


const int foo() {
   return 3;

int main() {
   foo() = 4;  // not valid anyway for built-in types

// error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment

Though you can notice if the return type is a user-defined type:

struct T {};

const T foo() {
   return T();

int main() {
   foo() = T();

// error: passing ‘const T’ as ‘this’ argument of ‘T& T::operator=(const T&)’ discards qualifiers

it's questionable whether this is of any benefit to anyone.

Returning a reference is different, but unless Object is some template parameter, you're not doing that.

npm install won't install devDependencies

I had a package-lock.json file from an old version of my package.json, I deleted that and then everything installed correctly.

Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin

If you get this in Angular.js, then make sure you escape your port number like this:

var Project = $resource(
    'http://localhost\\:5648/api/...', {'a':'b'}, {
        update: { method: 'PUT' }

See here for more info on it.

Why do Sublime Text 3 Themes not affect the sidebar?

The best way to enhance your experience and change the sidebar and theme of the sublime text UI is to install two packages to control it:

  1. Install a theme that has UI inside its package (I use Agila Theme [dracula] )
  2. Install Themes Menu Switcher package

After you've installed those two, just change the color scheme (text editor) and then with the Theme Menu Switcher you'll switch to whatever UI you use.

Remember: It's required that the theme you install to have UI inside the package.

How can I check that two objects have the same set of property names?

2 Here a short ES6 variadic version:

function objectsHaveSameKeys(...objects) {
   const allKeys = objects.reduce((keys, object) => keys.concat(Object.keys(object)), []);
   const union = new Set(allKeys);
   return objects.every(object => union.size === Object.keys(object).length);

A little performance test (MacBook Pro - 2,8 GHz Intel Core i7, Node 5.5.0):

var x = {};
var y = {};

for (var i = 0; i < 5000000; ++i) {
    x[i] = i;
    y[i] = i;


objectsHaveSameKeys(x, y) // took  4996 milliseconds
compareKeys(x, y)               // took 14880 milliseconds
hasSameProps(x,y)               // after 10 minutes I stopped execution

How is the default submit button on an HTML form determined?

I think this post would help if someone wants to do it with jQuery:

The basic solution is:

$(function() {
    $("form input").keypress(function (e) {
    if ((e.which && e.which == 13) || (e.keyCode && e.keyCode == 13)) {
        return false;
    } else {
        return true;

and another I liked was:

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
$("form input, form select").live('keypress', function (e) {
if ($(this).parents('form').find('button[type=submit].default, input[type=submit].default').length <= 0)
return true;

if ((e.which && e.which == 13) || (e.keyCode && e.keyCode == 13)) {
$(this).parents('form').find('button[type=submit].default, input[type=submit].default').click();
return false;
} else {
return true;

Background image jumps when address bar hides iOS/Android/Mobile Chrome

This is the best solution (simplest) above everything I have tried.

...And this does not keep the native experience of the address bar!

You could set the height with CSS to 100% for example, and then set the height to 0.9 * of the window height in px with javascript, when the document is loaded.

For example with jQuery:

$("#element").css("height", 0.9*$(window).height());


Unfortunately there isn't anything that works with pure CSS :P but also be minfull that vh and vw are buggy on iPhones - use percentages.

Invalid syntax when using "print"?

You need parentheses:


Is there a better way to iterate over two lists, getting one element from each list for each iteration?

in case your Latitude and Longitude lists are large and lazily loaded:

from itertools import izip
for lat, lon in izip(latitudes, longitudes):
    process(lat, lon)

or if you want to avoid the for-loop

from itertools import izip, imap
out = imap(process, izip(latitudes, longitudes))

How to use adb pull command?

I don't think adb pull handles wildcards for multiple files. I ran into the same problem and did this by moving the files to a folder and then pulling the folder.

I found a link doing the same thing. Try following these steps.

How to copy selected files from Android with adb pull

PHP: if !empty & empty

Here's a compact way to do something different in all four cases:

if(empty($youtube)) {
    if(empty($link)) {
        # both empty
    } else {
        # only $youtube not empty
} else {
    if(empty($link)) {
        # only $link empty
    } else {
        # both not empty

If you want to use an expression instead, you can use ?: instead:

echo empty($youtube) ? ( empty($link) ? 'both empty' : 'only $youtube not empty' )
                     : ( empty($link) ? 'only $link empty' : 'both not empty' );

How stable is the git plugin for eclipse?

There is also gitclipse(based on JavaGit), but seems dead.

Favicon: .ico or .png / correct tags?

I know this is an old question.

Here's another option - attending to different platform requirements - Source

<link rel='shortcut icon' type='image/' href='/favicon.ico'> <!-- IE -->
<link rel='apple-touch-icon' type='image/png' href='/icon.57.png'> <!-- iPhone -->
<link rel='apple-touch-icon' type='image/png' sizes='72x72' href='/icon.72.png'> <!-- iPad -->
<link rel='apple-touch-icon' type='image/png' sizes='114x114' href='/icon.114.png'> <!-- iPhone4 -->
<link rel='icon' type='image/png' href='/icon.114.png'> <!-- Opera Speed Dial, at least 144×114 px -->

This is the broadest approach I have found so far.

Ultimately the decision depends on your own needs. Ask yourself, who is your target audience?

UPDATE May 27, 2018: As expected, time goes by and things change. But there's good news too. I found a tool called Real Favicon Generator that generates all the required lines for the icon to work on all modern browsers and platforms. It doesn't handle backwards compatibility though.

TypeScript sorting an array

Great answer Sohnee. Would like to add that if you have an array of objects and you wish to sort by key then its almost the same, this is an example of one that can sort by both date(number) or title(string):

    if (sortBy === 'date') {
        return -
    } else {
        if (n1.title > n2.title) {
           return 1;
        if (n1.title < n2.title) {
            return -1;
        return 0;

Could also make the values inside as variables n1[field] vs n2[field] if its more dynamic, just keep the diff between strings and numbers.

How do you replace double quotes with a blank space in Java?

You don't need regex for this. Just a character-by-character replace is sufficient. You can use String#replace() for this.

String replaced = original.replace("\"", " ");

Note that you can also use an empty string "" instead to replace with. Else the spaces would double up.

String replaced = original.replace("\"", "");

"while :" vs. "while true"

The colon is a built-in command that does nothing, but returns 0 (success). Thus, it's shorter (and faster) than calling an actual command to do the same thing.

Put request with simple string as request body

this worked for me.

let content = 'Hello world';

static apicall(content) {
return axios({
  url: `url`,
  method: "put",
  data: content

.then((response) => {
.error( () => console.log('error'));

Create a remote branch on GitHub

It looks like github has a simple UI for creating branches. I opened the branch drop-down and it prompts me to "Find or create a branch ...". Type the name of your new branch, then click the "create" button that appears.

To retrieve your new branch from github, use the standard git fetch command.

create branch github ui

I'm not sure this will help your underlying problem, though, since the underlying data being pushed to the server (the commit objects) is the same no matter what branch it's being pushed to.

std::cin input with spaces?

Use :

getline(cin, input);

the function can be found in

#include <string>

Relation between CommonJS, AMD and RequireJS?



  • One browser-first approach
  • Opting for asynchronous behavior and simplified backwards compatibility
  • It doesn't have any concept of File I/O.
  • It supports objects, functions, constructors, strings, JSON and many other types of modules.


  • One server-first approach
  • Assuming synchronous behavior
  • Cover a broader set of concerns such as I/O, File system, Promises and more.
  • Supports unwrapped modules, it can feel a little more close to the specifications, freeing you of the define() wrapper that AMD enforces.
  • Only support objects as modules.

How to add a 'or' condition in #ifdef

I am really OCD about maintaining strict column limits, and not a fan of "\" line continuation because you can't put a comment after it, so here is my method.

#ifdef  CONDITION_01             //|       |//
#define             TEMP_MACRO   //|       |//
#endif                           //|       |//
#ifdef  CONDITION_02             //|       |//
#define             TEMP_MACRO   //|       |//
#endif                           //|       |//
#ifdef  CONDITION_03             //|       |//
#define             TEMP_MACRO   //|       |//
#endif                           //|       |//
#ifdef              TEMP_MACRO   //|       |//
//|-  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  -|//


//|-  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  -|//
#endif                           //|       |//
#undef              TEMP_MACRO   //|       |//

Break or return from Java 8 stream forEach?

I would suggest using anyMatch. Example:-

return -> 

You can refer this post for understanding anyMatch:-

Unsuccessful append to an empty NumPy array

This error arise from the fact that you are trying to define an object of shape (0,) as an object of shape (2,). If you append what you want without forcing it to be equal to result[0] there is no any issue:

b = np.append([result[0]], [1,2])

But when you define result[0] = b you are equating objects of different shapes, and you can not do this. What are you trying to do?

Xcode - How to fix 'NSUnknownKeyException', reason: … this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key X" error?

In my case,

[[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:@"NameOfTheSubviewNibFile" owner:self options:nil]

was the reason.

replacing this with initWithNibName, resolved.

Getting a HeadlessException: No X11 DISPLAY variable was set

Your system does not have a GUI manager. Happens mostly in Solaris/Linux boxes. If you are using GUI in them make sure that you have a GUI manager installed and you may also want to google through the DISPLAY variable.

Fill Combobox from database

Out side the loop, set following.

cmbTripName.ValueMember = "FleetID"
cmbTripName.DisplayMember = "FleetName"

angularjs getting previous route path

This alternative also provides a back function.

The template:

<a ng-click='back()'>Back</a>

The module: ($rootScope, $location) {

    var history = [];

    $rootScope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess', function() {

    $rootScope.back = function () {
        var prevUrl = history.length > 1 ? history.splice(-2)[0] : "/";


Ansible date variable

The filter option filters only the first level subkey below ansible_facts

How to add a fragment to a programmatically generated layout?

Below is a working code to add a fragment e.g 3 times to a vertical LinearLayout (xNumberLinear). You can change number 3 with any other number or take a number from a spinner!

for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            LinearLayout linearDummy = new LinearLayout(getActivity());
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR1) {

                Toast.makeText(getActivity(), "This function works on newer versions of android", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

            } else {
            fragmentManager.beginTransaction().add(linearDummy.getId(), new SomeFragment(),"someTag1").commit();


Display MessageBox in ASP

If you want to do it from code behind, try this:

System.Web.UI.ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "AlertBox", "alert('Message');", true);

How to flip background image using CSS?

I found I way to flip only the background not whole element after seeing a clue to flip in Alex's answer. Thanks alex for your answer


<div class="prev"><a href="">Previous</a></div>
<div class="next"><a href="">Next</a></div>


.next a, .prev a {
 .next {
 .prev {
 .prev a:before, .next a:before {
    margin:0 5px 0 0;
    background:url( no-repeat 0 0;
 .next a:before {
    margin:0 0 0 5px;

See example here

'if' in prolog?

(  A == B ->

The else part is required

What is the difference between user and kernel modes in operating systems?


Basically the difference between kernel and user modes is not OS dependent and is achieved only by restricting some instructions to be run only in kernel mode by means of hardware design. All other purposes like memory protection can be done only by that restriction.


It means that the processor lives in either the kernel mode or in the user mode. Using some mechanisms the architecture can guarantee that whenever it is switched to the kernel mode the OS code is fetched to be run.


Having this hardware infrastructure these could be achieved in common OSes:

  • Protecting user programs from accessing whole the memory, to not let programs overwrite the OS for example,
  • preventing user programs from performing sensitive instructions such as those that change CPU memory pointer bounds, to not let programs break their memory bounds for example.

Convert string to boolean in C#

I know this is not an ideal question to answer but as the OP seems to be a beginner, I'd love to share some basic knowledge with him... Hope everybody understands

OP, you can convert a string to type Boolean by using any of the methods stated below:

 string sample = "True";
 bool myBool = bool.Parse(sample);


 bool myBool = Convert.ToBoolean(sample);

bool.Parse expects one parameter which in this case is sample, .ToBoolean also expects one parameter.

You can use TryParse which is the same as Parse but it doesn't throw any exception :)

  string sample = "false";
  Boolean myBool;

  if (Boolean.TryParse(sample , out myBool))

Please note that you cannot convert any type of string to type Boolean because the value of a Boolean can only be True or False

Hope you understand :)

Color Tint UIButton Image

If you want to manually mask your image, here is updated code that works with retina screens

- (UIImage *)maskWithColor:(UIColor *)color
    CGImageRef maskImage = self.CGImage;
    CGFloat width = self.size.width * self.scale;
    CGFloat height = self.size.height * self.scale;
    CGRect bounds = CGRectMake(0,0,width,height);

    CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
    CGContextRef bitmapContext = CGBitmapContextCreate(NULL, width, height, 8, 0, colorSpace, kCGBitmapAlphaInfoMask & kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedLast);
    CGContextClipToMask(bitmapContext, bounds, maskImage);
    CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(bitmapContext, color.CGColor);
    CGContextFillRect(bitmapContext, bounds);

    CGImageRef cImage = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(bitmapContext);
    UIImage *coloredImage = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:cImage scale:self.scale orientation:self.imageOrientation];


    return coloredImage;

How to always show scrollbar

Setting this will do the trick. Change the @drwable for own style.


Install NuGet via PowerShell script

  1. Run Powershell with Admin rights
  2. Type the below PowerShell security protocol command for TLS12:
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

How to Apply global font to whole HTML document

Use the following css:

* {
    font: Verdana, Arial, 'sans-serif' !important;/* <-- fonts */

The *-selector means any/all elements, but will obviously be on the bottom of the food chain when it comes to overriding more specific selectors.

Note that the !important-flag will render the font-style for * to be absolute, even if other selectors have been used to set the text (for example, the body or maybe a p).

PostgreSQL: Resetting password of PostgreSQL on Ubuntu

Assuming you're the administrator of the machine, Ubuntu has granted you the right to sudo to run any command as any user.
Also assuming you did not restrict the rights in the pg_hba.conf file (in the /etc/postgresql/9.1/main directory), it should contain this line as the first rule:

# Database administrative login by Unix domain socket  
local   all             postgres                                peer

(About the file location: 9.1 is the major postgres version and main the name of your "cluster". It will differ if using a newer version of postgres or non-default names. Use the pg_lsclusters command to obtain this information for your version/system).

Anyway, if the pg_hba.conf file does not have that line, edit the file, add it, and reload the service with sudo service postgresql reload.

Then you should be able to log in with psql as the postgres superuser with this shell command:

sudo -u postgres psql

Once inside psql, issue the SQL command:

ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'newpassword';

In this command, postgres is the name of a superuser. If the user whose password is forgotten was ritesh, the command would be:

ALTER USER ritesh PASSWORD 'newpassword';

References: PostgreSQL 9.1.13 Documentation, Chapter 19. Client Authentication

Keep in mind that you need to type postgres with a single S at the end

If leaving the password in clear text in the history of commands or the server log is a problem, psql provides an interactive meta-command to avoid that, as an alternative to ALTER USER ... PASSWORD:

\password username

It asks for the password with a double blind input, then hashes it according to the password_encryption setting and issue the ALTER USER command to the server with the hashed version of the password, instead of the clear text version.

Generating Fibonacci Sequence

There is no need for slow loops, generators or recursive functions (with or without caching). Here is a fast one-liner using Array and reduce.

ECMAScript 6:

var fibonacci=(n)=>Array(n).fill().reduce((a,b,c)=>a.concat(c<2?c:a[c-1]+a[c-2]),[])

ECMAScript 5:

function fibonacci(n){
    return Array.apply(null,{length:n}).reduce(function(a,b,c){return a.concat((c<2)?c:a[c-1]+a[c-2]);},[]);

Tested in Chrome 59 (Windows 10):

fibonacci(10); // 0 ms -> (10) [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34]

JavaScript can handle numbers up to 1476 before reaching Infinity.

fibonacci(1476); // 11ms -> (1476) [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ...]

Compiling LaTex bib source

Just in case it helps someone, since these questions (and answers) helped me really much; I decided to create an alias that runs these 4 commands in a row:

Just add the following line to your ~/.bashrc file (modify the main keyword accordingly to the name of your .tex and .bib files)

alias texbib = 'pdflatex main.tex && bibtex main && pdflatex main.tex && pdflatex main.tex'

And now, by just executing the texbib command (alias), all these commands will be executed sequentially.

How to Convert Datetime to Date in dd/MM/yyyy format

You need to use convert in order by as well:

SELECT  Convert(varchar,A.InsertDate,103) as Tran_Date
order by Convert(varchar,A.InsertDate,103)

What are the differences between if, else, and else if?

If and else if both are used to test the conditions.

I take case of If and else..

In the if case compiler check all cases Wether it is true or false. if no one block execute then else part will be executed.

in the case of else if compiler stop the flow of program when it got false value. it does not read whole program.So better performance we use else if.

But both have their importance according to situation

i take example of foor ordering menu if i use else if then it will suit well because user can check only one also. and it will give error so i use if here..

 StringBuilder result=new StringBuilder();  
            result.append("Selected Items:");  
                result.append("\nPizza 100Rs");  
                result.append("\nCoffe 50Rs");  
                result.append("\nBurger 120Rs");  
            result.append("\nTotal: "+totalamount+"Rs");  
            //Displaying the message on the toast  
            Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), result.toString(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();  

now else if case

if (time < 12) {
    greeting = "Good morning";
} else if (time < 22) {
    greeting = "Good day";
} else {
    greeting = "Good evening";

here only satisfy one condition.. and in case of if multiple conditions can be satisfied...

JSON to TypeScript class instance?

Why could you not just do something like this?

class Foo {
     Object.assign(this, myObj);
  get name() { return this._name; }
  set name(v) { this._name = v; }

let foo = new Foo({ name: "bat" });
foo.toJSON() //=> your json ...

GC overhead limit exceeded

From Java SE 6 HotSpot[tm] Virtual Machine Garbage Collection Tuning

the following

Excessive GC Time and OutOfMemoryError

The concurrent collector will throw an OutOfMemoryError if too much time is being spent in garbage collection: if more than 98% of the total time is spent in garbage collection and less than 2% of the heap is recovered, an OutOfMemoryError will be thrown. This feature is designed to prevent applications from running for an extended period of time while making little or no progress because the heap is too small. If necessary, this feature can be disabled by adding the option -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit to the command line.

The policy is the same as that in the parallel collector, except that time spent performing concurrent collections is not counted toward the 98% time limit. In other words, only collections performed while the application is stopped count toward excessive GC time. Such collections are typically due to a concurrent mode failure or an explicit collection request (e.g., a call to System.gc()).

in conjunction with a passage further down

One of the most commonly encountered uses of explicit garbage collection occurs with RMIs distributed garbage collection (DGC). Applications using RMI refer to objects in other virtual machines. Garbage cannot be collected in these distributed applications without occasionally collection the local heap, so RMI forces full collections periodically. The frequency of these collections can be controlled with properties. For example,

java -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000

-Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000 specifies explicit collection once per hour instead of the default rate of once per minute. However, this may also cause some objects to take much longer to be reclaimed. These properties can be set as high as Long.MAX_VALUE to make the time between explicit collections effectively infinite, if there is no desire for an upper bound on the timeliness of DGC activity.

Seems to imply that the evaluation period for determining the 98% is one minute long, but it might be configurable on Sun's JVM with the correct define.

Of course, other interpretations are possible.

How can I link a photo in a Facebook album to a URL

Unfortunately, no. This feature is not available for facebook albums.

How do I do multiple CASE WHEN conditions using SQL Server 2008?

There are two formats of case expression. You can do CASE with many WHEN as;

CASE  WHEN Col1 = 1 OR Col3 = 1  THEN 1 
      WHEN Col1 = 2 THEN 2
      ELSE 0 END as Qty

Or a Simple CASE expression


Or CASE within CASE as;

CASE  WHEN Col1 < 2 THEN  
                    CASE Col2 WHEN 'X' THEN 10 ELSE 11 END
      WHEN Col1 = 2 THEN 2
      ELSE 0 END as Qty

Can't Load URL: The domain of this URL isn't included in the app's domains

Adding my localhost on Valid OAuth redirect URIs at solved the problem!

And pay attention for one detail here:

In this case http://localhost:3000 is not the same of or

Make sure you are using exactly the running url of you sandbox server. I spend some time to discover that...

enter image description here


You can solve it be running on Google API emulator.

To run on Google API emulator, open your Android SDK & AVD Manager > Available packages > Google Repos > select those Google API levels that you need to test on.

After installing them, add them as virtual device and run.

In C#, what's the difference between \n and \r\n?

It's about how the operating system recognizes line ends.

  • Windows user \r\n
  • Mac user \r
  • Linux uses \n

Morale: if you are developing for Windows, stick to \r\n. Or even better, use C# string functions to deal with strings which already consider line endings (WriteLine, and such).

Eclipse JUnit - possible causes of seeing "initializationError" in Eclipse window

Also make sure you have all @Before-, @After- and whatever-JUnit-annotated methods declared as public. I had mine declared as private which caused the issue.

How to Execute SQL Server Stored Procedure in SQL Developer?

    EXECUTE [or EXEC] procedure_name
  @parameter_1_Name = 'parameter_1_Value', 
    @parameter_2_name = 'parameter_2_value',
    @parameter_z_name = 'parameter_z_value'

Input jQuery get old value before onchange and get value after on change

The upvoted solution works for some situations but is not the ideal solution. The solution Bhojendra Rauniyar provided will only work in certain scenarios. The var inputVal will always remain the same, so changing the input multiple times would break the function.

The function may also break when using focus, because of the ?? (up/down) spinner on html number input. That is why J.T. Taylor has the best solution. By adding a data attribute you can avoid these problems:

<input id="my-textbox" type="text" data-initial-value="6" value="6" />

How do I find out which computer is the domain controller in Windows programmatically?

To retrieve the information when the DomainController exists in a Domain in which your machine doesn't belong, you need something more.

  DirectoryContext domainContext =  new DirectoryContext(DirectoryContextType.Domain, "targetDomainName", "validUserInDomain", "validUserPassword");

  var domain = System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain.GetDomain(domainContext);
  var controller = domain.FindDomainController();

Execute write on doc: It isn't possible to write into a document from an asynchronously-loaded external script unless it is explicitly opened.

A bit late to the party, but Krux has created a script for this, called Postscribe. We were able to use this to get past this issue.

Developing for Android in Eclipse: not regenerating

As a generalization of Glaux's answer, if you have any errors in the res directory, then may not generate - even if you clean and rebuild. Resolve those errors first.

As an example: when you add an image file of say, "myimage-2.jpg", the system will consider this an error, since file names are limited to alphanumeric values. Do a refresh on your 'res' directory after adding any files and watch the output in your console window for any file name warnings.

LINQ: When to use SingleOrDefault vs. FirstOrDefault() with filtering criteria

Both are the element operators and they are used to select a single element from a sequence. But there is a minor difference between them. SingleOrDefault() operator would throw an exception if more than one elements are satisfied the condition where as FirstOrDefault() will not throw any exception for the same. Here is the example.

List<int> items = new List<int>() {9,10,9};
//Returns the first element of a sequence after satisfied the condition more than one elements
int result1 = items.Where(item => item == 9).FirstOrDefault();
//Throw the exception after satisfied the condition more than one elements
int result3 = items.Where(item => item == 9).SingleOrDefault();

Counting DISTINCT over multiple columns

There's nothing wrong with your query, but you could also do it this way:

WITH internalQuery (Amount)
    SELECT (0)
      FROM DocumentOutputItems
  GROUP BY DocumentId, DocumentSessionId
SELECT COUNT(*) AS NumberOfDistinctRows
  FROM internalQuery

RuntimeError: module compiled against API version a but this version of numpy is 9

This worked for me:

sudo pip install numpy --upgrade --ignore-installed

HTML Tags in Javascript Alert() method

You can add HTML into an alert string, but it will not render as HTML. It will just be displayed as a plain string. Simple answer: no.

In Angular, how to pass JSON object/array into directive?

What you need is properly a service:

.factory('DataLayer', ['$http',

    function($http) {

        var factory = {};
        var locations;

        factory.getLocations = function(success) {
            $http.get('locations/locations.json').success(function(data) {
                locations = data;

        return factory;

The locations would be cached in the service which worked as singleton model. This is the right way to fetch data.

Use this service DataLayer in your controller and directive is ok as following:

appControllers.controller('dummyCtrl', function ($scope, DataLayer) {
        $scope.locations = data;

.directive('map', function(DataLayer) {
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        replace: true,
        template: '<div></div>',
        link: function(scope, element, attrs) {

            DataLayer.getLocations(function(data) {
                angular.forEach(data, function(location, key){
                    //do something

Why aren't Xcode breakpoints functioning?

Another reason

Set DeploymentPostprocessing to NO in BuildSettings - details here

In short -

Activating this setting indicates that binaries should be stripped and file mode, owner, and group information should be set to standard values. [DEPLOYMENT_POSTPROCESSING]

enter image description here

Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page including the primary key in an unpivot

I solved this problem by ORDERING my source data (xls, csv, whatever) such that the longest text values on at the top of the file. Excel is great. use the LEN() function on your challenging column. Order by that length value with the longest value on top of your dataset. Save. Try the import again.

Get client IP address via third party web service

This pulls back client info as well.

var get = function(u){
    var x = new XMLHttpRequest;'GET', u, false);
    return x.responseText;


Fixing Segmentation faults in C++

Sometimes the crash itself isn't the real cause of the problem-- perhaps the memory got smashed at an earlier point but it took a while for the corruption to show itself. Check out valgrind, which has lots of checks for pointer problems (including array bounds checking). It'll tell you where the problem starts, not just the line where the crash occurs.

Python int to binary string?

Somewhat similar solution

def to_bin(dec):
    flag = True
    bin_str = ''
    while flag:
        remainder = dec % 2
        quotient = dec / 2
        if quotient == 0:
            flag = False
        bin_str += str(remainder)
        dec = quotient
    bin_str = bin_str[::-1] # reverse the string
    return bin_str 

Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement <package>

Same error in slightly different circumstances, on MacOs. Apparently setuptools versions past 45 can expose some issues and this command got me past it: pip3 install setuptools==45

Angular 2 change event - model changes

That's a known issue. Currently you have to use a workaround like shown in your question.

This is working as intended. When the change event is emitted ngModelChange (the (...) part of [(ngModel)] hasn't updated the bound model yet:

<input type="checkbox"  (ngModelChange)="myModel=$event" [ngModel]="mymodel">

See also

Get UTC time and local time from NSDate object

In addition to other answers, you can write an extension for Date class to get formatted Data in specific TimeZone to make it as utility function for future use. Like

 extension Date {

 func dateInTimeZone(timeZoneIdentifier: String, dateFormat: String) -> String  {
 let dtf = DateFormatter()
 dtf.timeZone = TimeZone(identifier: timeZoneIdentifier)
 dtf.dateFormat = dateFormat

 return dtf.string(from: self)

Now you can call it like

 Date().dateInTimeZone(timeZoneIdentifier: "UTC", dateFormat: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

Temporarily disable all foreign key constraints

In case you use a different database schemas than ".dbo" or your db is containing Pk´s, which are composed by several fields, please don´t use the the solution of Carter Medlin, otherwise you will damage your db!!!

When you are working with different schemas try this (don´t forget to make a backup of your database before!):

select @sql = @sql +
    'ALTER INDEX ALL ON ' + SCHEMA_NAME( t.schema_id) +'.'+ '['+ t.[name] + '] DISABLE;'+CHAR(13)
    sys.tables t
where type='u'

select @sql = @sql +
    'ALTER INDEX ' + i.[name] + ' ON ' + SCHEMA_NAME( t.schema_id) +'.'+'[' + t.[name] + '] REBUILD;'+CHAR(13)
    sys.key_constraints i
    sys.tables t on i.parent_object_id=t.object_id
where     i.type='PK'

exec dbo.sp_executesql @sql;

After doing some Fk-free actions, you can switch back with

select @sql = @sql +
    'ALTER INDEX ALL ON ' + SCHEMA_NAME( t.schema_id) +'.'+'[' +  t.[name] + '] REBUILD;'+CHAR(13)
    sys.tables t
where type='u'
print @sql

exec dbo.sp_executesql @sql;

What is the correct way to create a single-instance WPF application?

Look at the folllowing code. It is a great and simple solution to prevent multiple instances of a WPF application.

private void Application_Startup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e)
    Process thisProc = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
    if (Process.GetProcessesByName(thisProc.ProcessName).Length > 1)
        MessageBox.Show("Application running");

    var wLogin = new LoginWindow();

    if (wLogin.ShowDialog() == true)
        var wMain = new Main();
        wMain.WindowState = WindowState.Maximized;

HTML5 event handling(onfocus and onfocusout) using angular 2

If you want to catch the focus event dynamiclly on every input on your component :

import { AfterViewInit, Component, ElementRef } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'my-app',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: [ './app.component.css' ]
export class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit {

  constructor(private el: ElementRef) {

  ngAfterViewInit() {
       // document.getElementsByTagName('input') : to gell all Docuement imputs
       const inputList = []<HTMLElement>this.el.nativeElement).getElementsByTagName('input'));
        inputList.forEach((input: HTMLElement) => {
            input.addEventListener('focus', () => {
                input.setAttribute('placeholder', 'focused');
            input.addEventListener('blur', () => {

Checkout the full code here :

regular expression to validate datetime format (MM/DD/YYYY)

Try your regex with a tool like (There is many) or better, a unit test.

For a naive validation:

function validateDate(testdate) {
    var date_regex = /^\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4}$/ ;
    return date_regex.test(testdate);

In your case, to validate (MM/DD/YYYY), with a year between 1900 and 2099, I'll write it like that:

function validateDate(testdate) {
    var date_regex = /^(0[1-9]|1[0-2])\/(0[1-9]|1\d|2\d|3[01])\/(19|20)\d{2}$/ ;
    return date_regex.test(testdate);

How to change the URL from "localhost" to something else, on a local system using wampserver?

Copy the hosts file and add and name which you want to show or run at the browser link. For example:   abc

Then run abc/ as a local host in the browser.


Random / noise functions for GLSL

A straight, jagged version of 1d Perlin, essentially a random lfo zigzag.

half  rn(float xx){         
    half x0=floor(xx);
    half x1=x0+1;
    half v0 = frac(sin (x0*.014686)*31718.927+x0);
    half v1 = frac(sin (x1*.014686)*31718.927+x1);          

    return (v0*(1-frac(xx))+v1*(frac(xx)))*2-1*sin(xx);

I also have found 1-2-3-4d perlin noise on shadertoy owner inigo quilez perlin tutorial website, and voronoi and so forth, he has full fast implementations and codes for them.

React PropTypes : Allow different types of PropTypes for one prop

This might work for you:

height: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.number]),

PHP prepend leading zero before single digit number, on-the-fly

You can use str_pad for adding 0's

str_pad($month, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); 

string str_pad ( string $input , int $pad_length [, string $pad_string = " " [, int $pad_type = STR_PAD_RIGHT ]] )

How to switch between python 2.7 to python 3 from command line?

In case you have both python 2 and 3 in your path, you can move up the Python27 folder in your path, so it search and executes python 2 first.

How to use JavaScript variables in jQuery selectors?


As you're using an ID, this would perform better


I highly recommend being more specific with your approach to hiding elements via button clicks. I would opt for using data-attributes instead. For example

<input id="bx" type="text">
<button type="button" data-target="#bx" data-method="hide">Hide some input</button>

Then, in your JavaScript

// using event delegation so no need to wrap it in .ready()
$(document).on('click', 'button[data-target]', function() {
    var $this = $(this),
        target = $($'target')),
        method = $'method') || 'hide';

Now you can completely control which element you're targeting and what happens to it via the HTML. For example, you could use data-target=".some-class" and data-method="fadeOut" to fade-out a collection of elements.

How to add custom html attributes in JSX

Consider you want to pass a custom attribute named myAttr with value myValue, this will work:

<MyComponent data-myAttr={myValue} />

How to add hamburger menu in bootstrap

CSS only (no icon sets) Codepen

.nav-link #navBars {_x000D_
margin-top: -3px;_x000D_
padding: 8px 15px 3px;_x000D_
border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.125);_x000D_
border-radius: .25rem;_x000D_
.nav-link #navBars input {_x000D_
display: none;_x000D_
.nav-link #navBars span {_x000D_
position: relative;_x000D_
z-index: 1;_x000D_
display: block;_x000D_
margin-bottom: 6px;_x000D_
width: 24px;_x000D_
height: 2px;_x000D_
background-color: rgba(125, 125, 126, 1);_x000D_
border-radius: .25rem;_x000D_
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-light bg-light">_x000D_
   <!-- <a class="navbar-brand" href="#">_x000D_
      <img src="" width="30" height="30" class="d-inline-block align-top" alt="">_x000D_
      </a> -->_x000D_
   <!-- -->_x000D_
   <a class="nav-link" href="#">_x000D_
      <div id="navBars">_x000D_
         <input type="checkbox" /><span></span>_x000D_
   <!-- /26317679 -->_x000D_
   <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbarNav">_x000D_
      <ul class="navbar-nav">_x000D_
         <li class="nav-item active"><a class="nav-link" href="#">Home <span class="sr-only">(current)</span></a></li>_x000D_
         <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" href="#">Features</a></li>_x000D_
         <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" href="#">Pricing</a></li>_x000D_
         <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link disabled" href="#">Disabled</a></li>_x000D_

Enable vertical scrolling on textarea

Simply, change

<textarea rows="15" cols="50" id="aboutDescription"
style="resize: none;"></textarea>


<textarea rows="15" cols="50" id="aboutDescription"
style="resize: none;" data-role="none"></textarea>

ie, add:


JavaScript: What are .extend and .prototype used for?

.extend() is added by many third-party libraries to make it easy to create objects from other objects. See or for some examples.

.prototype refers to the "template" (if you want to call it that) of an object, so by adding methods to an object's prototype (you see this a lot in libraries to add to String, Date, Math, or even Function) those methods are added to every new instance of that object.

Add resources, config files to your jar using gradle

Move the config files from src/main/java to src/main/resources.

Single TextView with multiple colored text

Try this:

mBox = new TextView(context);
mBox.setText(Html.fromHtml("<b>" + title + "</b>" +  "<br />" + 
      "<small>" + description + "</small>" + "<br />" + 
      "<small>" + DateAdded + "</small>"));

Total memory used by Python process?

Below is my function decorator which allows to track how much memory this process consumed before the function call, how much memory it uses after the function call, and how long the function is executed.

import time
import os
import psutil

def elapsed_since(start):
    return time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(time.time() - start))

def get_process_memory():
    process = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
    return process.memory_info().rss

def track(func):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        mem_before = get_process_memory()
        start = time.time()
        result = func(*args, **kwargs)
        elapsed_time = elapsed_since(start)
        mem_after = get_process_memory()
        print("{}: memory before: {:,}, after: {:,}, consumed: {:,}; exec time: {}".format(
            mem_before, mem_after, mem_after - mem_before,
        return result
    return wrapper

So, when you have some function decorated with it

from utils import track

def list_create(n):
    print("inside list create")
    return [1] * n

You will be able to see this output:

inside list create
list_create: memory before: 45,928,448, after: 46,211,072, consumed: 282,624; exec time: 00:00:00

What are and

DEVELOPER runs autoconf and automake:

  1. autoconf -- creates shippable configure script
    (which the installer will later run to make the Makefile)
  1. automake - creates shippable data file
    (which configure will later read to make the Makefile)

INSTALLER runs configure, make and sudo make install:

./configure       # Creates  Makefile        (from  
make              # Creates  the application (from the Makefile just created).  

sudo make install # Installs the application 
                  #   Often, by default its files are installed into /usr/local


Notation below is roughly: inputs --> programs --> outputs

DEVELOPER runs these: -> autoconf -> configure (script) --- (*.ac = autoconf) --> autoconf -> configure (script) --- ( depreciated. Use -> automake -> ----------- (*.am = automake)

INSTALLER runs these: -> configure -> Makefile (*.in = input file)

Makefile -> make ----------> (puts new software in your downloads or temporary directory)
Makefile -> make install -> (puts new software in system directories)

"autoconf is an extensible package of M4 macros that produce shell scripts to automatically configure software source code packages. These scripts can adapt the packages to many kinds of UNIX-like systems without manual user intervention. Autoconf creates a configuration script for a package from a template file that lists the operating system features that the package can use, in the form of M4 macro calls."

"automake is a tool for automatically generating files compliant with the GNU Coding Standards. Automake requires the use of Autoconf."


Free online tutorials:


The main used to build LibreOffice is over 12k lines of code, (but there are also 57 other files in subfolders.)

From this my generated configure is over 41k lines of code.

And while the and Makefile are both only 493 lines of code. (But, there are also 768 more's in subfolders.)

Command line to remove an environment variable from the OS level configuration

To remove the variable from the current environment (not permanently):


To permanently remove the variable from the user environment (which is the default place setx puts it):

REG delete HKCU\Environment /F /V FOOBAR

If the variable is set in the system environment (e.g. if you originally set it with setx /M), as an administrator run:

REG delete "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /F /V FOOBAR

Note: The REG commands above won't affect any existing processes (and some new processes that are forked from existing processes), so if it's important for the change to take effect immediately, the easiest and surest thing to do is log out and back in or reboot. If this isn't an option or you want to dig deeper, some of the other answers here have some great suggestions that may suit your use case.

if (boolean condition) in Java

ABoolean (with a uppercase 'B') is a Boolean object, which if not assigned a value, will default to null. boolean (with a lowercase 'b') is a boolean primitive, which if not assigned a value, will default to false.

Boolean objectBoolean;
boolean primitiveBoolean;

System.out.println(objectBoolean); // will print 'null'
System.out.println(primitiveBoolean); // will print 'false'


so in your code because boolean with small 'b' is declared it will set to false hence

boolean turnedOn;
    if(turnedOn) **meaning true**
    //do stuff when the condition is false or true?
    //do else of if ** itwill do this part bechae it is false

the if(turnedon) tests a value if true, you didnt assign a value for turned on making it false, making it do the else statement :)

How to import popper.js?

add popper**.js** as dependency instead of popper (only): see the difference in bold.

yarn add popper.js , instead of yarn add popper

it makes the difference.

and include the script according your needs:

as html or the library access as a dependency in SPA applications like react or angular

C++ Returning reference to local variable

A good thing to remember are these simple rules, and they apply to both parameters and return types...

  • Value - makes a copy of the item in question.
  • Pointer - refers to the address of the item in question.
  • Reference - is literally the item in question.

There is a time and place for each, so make sure you get to know them. Local variables, as you've shown here, are just that, limited to the time they are locally alive in the function scope. In your example having a return type of int* and returning &i would have been equally incorrect. You would be better off in that case doing this...

void func1(int& oValue)
    oValue = 1;

Doing so would directly change the value of your passed in parameter. Whereas this code...

void func1(int oValue)
    oValue = 1;

would not. It would just change the value of oValue local to the function call. The reason for this is because you'd actually be changing just a "local" copy of oValue, and not oValue itself.

break out of if and foreach

A safer way to approach breaking a foreach or while loop in PHP is to nest an incrementing counter variable and if conditional inside of the original loop. This gives you tighter control than break; which can cause havoc elsewhere on a complicated page.


// Setup a counter
$ImageCounter = 0;

// Increment through repeater fields
while ( condition ):

   // Only print the first while instance
   if ($ImageCounter == 1) {
    echo 'It worked just once';

// Close while statement

jquery fill dropdown with json data

Here is an example of code, that attempts to featch AJAX data from /Ajax/_AjaxGetItemListHelp/ URL. Upon success, it removes all items from dropdown list with id = OfferTransModel_ItemID and then it fills it with new items based on AJAX call's result:

if (productgrpid != 0) {    
        type: "POST",
        url: "/Ajax/_AjaxGetItemListHelp/",
        contentType: "application/json",              
        dataType: "json",
        success: function (data) {

            $.each(data, function () {

Returned AJAX result is expected to return data encoded as AJAX array, where each item contains ITEMID and ITEMDESC elements. For example:


The OfferTransModel_ItemID listbox is populated with above data and its code should look like:

<select id="OfferTransModel_ItemID" name="OfferTransModel[ItemID]">
    <option value="13">About</option>
    <option value="21">Contact</option>

When user selects About, form submits 13 as value for this field and 21 when user selects Contact and so on.

Fell free to modify above code if your server returns URL in a different format.

Oracle error : ORA-00905: Missing keyword

Unless there is a single row in the ASSIGNMENT table and ASSIGNMENT_20081120 is a local PL/SQL variable of type ASSIGNMENT%ROWTYPE, this is not what you want.

Assuming you are trying to create a new table and copy the existing data to that new table

CREATE TABLE assignment_20081120
  FROM assignment

How can I get System variable value in Java?

Use the System.getenv(String) method, passing the name of the variable to read.

Is Java RegEx case-insensitive?

You also can lead your initial string, which you are going to check for pattern matching, to lower case. And use in your pattern lower case symbols respectively.

How to downgrade tensorflow, multiple versions possible?

Pay attention: you cannot install arbitrary versions of tensorflow, they have to correspond to your python installation, which isn't conveyed by most of the answers here. This is also true for the current wheels like (from this answer above). For this example, the cp35-cp35m hints that it is for Python 3.5.x

A huge list of different wheels/compatibilities can be found here on github. By using this, you can downgrade to almost every availale version in combination with the respective for python. For example:

pip install tensorflow==2.0.0

(note that previous to installing Python 3.7.8 alongside version 3.8.3 in my case, you would get

ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow==2.0.0 (from versions: 2.2.0rc1, 2.2.0rc2, 2.2.0rc3, 2.2.0rc4, 2.2.0, 2.3.0rc0, 2.3.0rc1)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for tensorflow==2.0.0

this also holds true for other non-compatible combinations.)

This should also be useful for legacy CPU without AVX support or GPUs with a compute capability that's too low.

If you only need the most recent releases (which it doesn't sound like in your question) a list of urls for the current wheel packages is available on this tensorflow page. That's from this SO-answer.

Note: This link to a list of different versions didn't work for me.

How to place the "table" at the middle of the webpage?

Try this :

<style type="text/css">

            /*Alternatively you could use: */
              position: fixed;
               bottom: 50%;
               right: 50%;


Write HTML string in JSON

One way is to replace the double quotes in the HTML with single quotes but using double quotes has become the standard convention for attribute values in HTML.

The better option is to escape the double quotes in json and other characters that need to be escaped.

You can get some more details about escaping here: Where can I find a list of escape characters required for my JSON ajax return type?

Compiler error: "class, interface, or enum expected"

class, interface, or enum expected

The above error is even possible when import statement is miss spelled. A proper statement is "import;"

If by mistake while code writing/editing it is miss written like "t;"

compiler will show "class, interface, or enum expected"

Getting multiple values with scanf()


int minx, miny, maxx,maxy;
do {
   printf("enter four integers: ");
} while (scanf("%d %d %d %d", &minx, &miny, &maxx, &maxy)!=4);

The loop is just to demonstrate that scanf returns the number of fields succesfully read (or EOF).

How to show Page Loading div until the page has finished loading?

I have another below simple solution for this which perfectly worked for me.

First of all, create a CSS with name Lockon class which is transparent overlay along with loading GIF as shown below

.LockOn {
    display: block;
    visibility: visible;
    position: absolute;
    z-index: 999;
    top: 0px;
    left: 0px;
    width: 105%;
    height: 105%;
    padding-top: 20%; 
    filter: alpha(opacity=75); 
    opacity: 0.75; 
    background-image: url("../Common/loadingGIF.gif");
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-attachment: fixed;
    background-position: center;

Now we need to create our div with this class which cover entire page as an overlay whenever the page is getting loaded

<div id="coverScreen"  class="LockOn">

Now we need to hide this cover screen whenever the page is ready and so that we can restrict the user from clicking/firing any event until the page is ready

$(window).on('load', function () {

Above solution will be fine whenever the page is loading.

Now the question is after the page is loaded, whenever we click a button or an event which will take a long time, we need to show this in the client click event as shown below

$("#ucNoteGrid_grdViewNotes_ctl01_btnPrint").click(function () {

That means when we click this print button (which will take a long time to give the report) it will show our cover screen with GIF which gives this result and once the page is ready above windows on load function will fire and which hide the cover screen once the screen is fully loaded.

Convert String To date in PHP

Use the strtotime function:


 $date = "25 december 2009";
 $my_date = date('m/d/y', strtotime($date));
 echo $my_date;

Error in data frame undefined columns selected

Are you meaning?

data2 <- data1[good,]



you're selecting columns in a wrong way (using a logical vector of complete rows).

Consider that parameter pollutant is not used; is it a column name that you want to extract? if so it should be something like

data2 <- data1[good, pollutant]

Furthermore consider that you have to rbind the data.frames inside the for loop, otherwise you get only the last data.frame (its completed.cases)

And last but not least, i'd prefer generating filenames eg with

id <- 1:322
paste0( directory, "/", gsub(" ", "0", sprintf("%3d",id)), ".csv")

A little modified chunk of ?sprintf

The string fmt (in our case "%3d") contains normal characters, which are passed through to the output string, and also conversion specifications which operate on the arguments provided through .... The allowed conversion specifications start with a % and end with one of the letters in the set aAdifeEgGosxX%. These letters denote the following types:

  • d: integer

Eg a more general example

    sprintf("I am %10d years old", 25)
[1] "I am         25 years old"
          |        |
          1       10

Correct modification of state arrays in React.js

Option one is using

this.setState(prevState => ({
  arrayvar: [...prevState.arrayvar, newelement]

Option 2:

  arrayvar: this.state.arrayvar.concat([newelement])

How to use double or single brackets, parentheses, curly braces

In Bash, test and [ are shell builtins.

The double bracket, which is a shell keyword, enables additional functionality. For example, you can use && and || instead of -a and -o and there's a regular expression matching operator =~.

Also, in a simple test, double square brackets seem to evaluate quite a lot quicker than single ones.

$ time for ((i=0; i<10000000; i++)); do [[ "$i" = 1000 ]]; done

real    0m24.548s
user    0m24.337s
sys 0m0.036s
$ time for ((i=0; i<10000000; i++)); do [ "$i" = 1000 ]; done

real    0m33.478s
user    0m33.478s
sys 0m0.000s

The braces, in addition to delimiting a variable name are used for parameter expansion so you can do things like:

  • Truncate the contents of a variable

    $ var="abcde"; echo ${var%d*}
  • Make substitutions similar to sed

    $ var="abcde"; echo ${var/de/12}
  • Use a default value

    $ default="hello"; unset var; echo ${var:-$default}
  • and several more

Also, brace expansions create lists of strings which are typically iterated over in loops:

$ echo f{oo,ee,a}d
food feed fad

$ mv error.log{,.OLD}
(error.log is renamed to error.log.OLD because the brace expression
expands to "mv error.log error.log.OLD")

$ for num in {000..2}; do echo "$num"; done

$ echo {00..8..2}
00 02 04 06 08

$ echo {D..T..4}

Note that the leading zero and increment features weren't available before Bash 4.

Thanks to gboffi for reminding me about brace expansions.

Double parentheses are used for arithmetic operations:


((meaning = 42))

for ((i=0; i<10; i++))

echo $((a + b + (14 * c)))

and they enable you to omit the dollar signs on integer and array variables and include spaces around operators for readability.

Single brackets are also used for array indices:



Curly brace are required for (most/all?) array references on the right hand side.

ephemient's comment reminded me that parentheses are also used for subshells. And that they are used to create arrays.

array=(1 2 3)
echo ${array[1]}

How can I read SMS messages from the device programmatically in Android?

Kotlin Code to read SMS :

1- Add this permission to AndroidManifest.xml :

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS"/>

2-Create a BroadCastreceiver Class :

package utils.broadcastreceivers

import android.content.BroadcastReceiver
import android.content.Context
import android.content.Intent
import android.telephony.SmsMessage
import android.util.Log

class MySMSBroadCastReceiver : BroadcastReceiver() {
override fun onReceive(context: Context?, intent: Intent?) {
    var body = ""
    val bundle = intent?.extras
    val pdusArr = bundle!!.get("pdus") as Array<Any>
    var messages: Array<SmsMessage?>  = arrayOfNulls(pdusArr.size)

 // if SMSis Long and contain more than 1 Message we'll read all of them
    for (i in pdusArr.indices) {
        messages[i] = SmsMessage.createFromPdu(pdusArr[i] as ByteArray)
      var MobileNumber: String? = messages[0]?.originatingAddress
       Log.i(TAG, "MobileNumber =$MobileNumber")         
       val bodyText = StringBuilder()
        for (i in messages.indices) {
        body = bodyText.toString()
        if (body.isNotEmpty()){
       // Do something, save SMS in DB or variable , static object or .... 
                       Log.i("Inside Receiver :" , "body =$body")

3-Get SMS Permission if Android 6 and above:

   if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M && 
        ) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED
    ) { // Needs permission


    } else { // Permission has already been granted


4- Add this request code to Activity or fragment :

 companion object {

5- Override Check permisstion Request result fun :

 override fun onRequestPermissionsResult(
    requestCode: Int, permissions: Array<out String>,
    grantResults: IntArray
) {
    when (requestCode) {

            if (grantResults[0] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
                Log.i("BroadCastReceiver", "PERMISSIONS_REQUEST_READ_SMS Granted")
            } else {
                //  toast("Permission must be granted  ")

How to set the authorization header using curl

(for those who are looking for php-curl answer)

$service_url = '';
$curl = curl_init($service_url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "username:password"); //Your credentials goes here
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $curl_post_data);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); //IMP if the url has https and you don't want to verify source certificate

$curl_response = curl_exec($curl);
$response = json_decode($curl_response);


How change List<T> data to IQueryable<T> data

var list = new List<string>();
var queryable = list.AsQueryable();

Add a reference to: System.Linq

Constructor overloading in Java - best practice

I think the best practice is to have single primary constructor to which the overloaded constructors refer to by calling this() with the relevant parameter defaults. The reason for this is that it makes it much clearer what is the constructed state of the object is - really you can think of the primary constructor as the only real constructor, the others just delegate to it

One example of this might be JTable - the primary constructor takes a TableModel (plus column and selection models) and the other constructors call this primary constructor.

For subclasses where the superclass already has overloaded constructors, I would tend to assume that it is reasonable to treat any of the parent class's constructors as primary and think it is perfectly legitimate not to have a single primary constructor. For example,when extending Exception, I often provide 3 constructors, one taking just a String message, one taking a Throwable cause and the other taking both. Each of these constructors calls super directly.

Set Response Status Code

I had the same issue with CakePHP 2.0.1

I tried using

header( 'HTTP/1.1 400 BAD REQUEST' );


$this->header( 'HTTP/1.1 400 BAD REQUEST' );

However, neither of these solved my issue.

I did eventually resolve it by using

$this->header( 'HTTP/1.1 400: BAD REQUEST' );

After that, no errors or warning from php / CakePHP.

*edit: In the last $this->header function call, I put a colon (:) between the 400 and the description text of the error.

Difference between DOM parentNode and parentElement

In Internet Explorer, parentElement is undefined for SVG elements, whereas parentNode is defined.

How to navigate to a section of a page

Use hypertext reference and the ID tag,

Target Text Title

Some paragraph text

Target Text

<h1><a href="#target">Target Text Title</a></h1>
<p id="target">Target Text</p>

How to get last key in an array?

Just use : echo $array[count($array) - 1];

How to show disable HTML select option in by default?

I know you ask how to disable the option, but I figure the end users visual outcome is the same with this solution, although it is probably marginally less resource demanding.

Use the optgroup tag, like so :

<select name="tagging">
    <optgroup label="Choose Tagging">
        <option value="Option A">Option A</option>
        <option value="Option B">Option B</option>
        <option value="Option C">Option C</option>

ORA-01034: ORACLE not available ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist

This same error occurred to me even though the ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID seemed to be correctly set up.

The problem was in ORACLE_HOME, which is not supposed to end with a slash character. When I removed the ending slash, it started to work properly.

export ORACLE_HOME=/usr/local/oracle/11gR2/

export ORACLE_HOME=/usr/local/oracle/11gR2

So, even if it seems everything is configured fine, check your variables for this.

Simplest/cleanest way to implement a singleton in JavaScript

I like to use a combination of the singleton pattern with the module pattern, and init-time branching with a Global NS check, wrapped within a closure.

In a case where the environment isn't going to change after the initialization of the singleton, the use of an immediately invoked object-literal to return a module full of utilities that will persist for some duration should be fine.

I'm not passing any dependencies, just invoking the singletons within their own little world - the only goal being to: create a utilities module for event binding / unbinding (device orientation / orientation changes could also work in this case).

window.onload = ( function( _w ) {
    console.log.apply( console, ['it', 'is', 'on'] );
    ( {
        globalNS : function() {
            var nameSpaces = ["utils", "eventUtils"],
                nsLength = nameSpaces.length,
                possibleNS = null;

            for ( var i = 0; i < nsLength; i++ ) {
                if ( !window[nameSpaces[i]] ) {
                    window[nameSpaces[i]] = this.utils;
                    break outerLoop;
        utils : {
            addListener : null,
            removeListener : null
        listenerTypes : {
            addEvent : function( el, type, fn ) {
                el.addEventListener( type, fn, false );
            removeEvent : function( el, type, fn ) {
                el.removeEventListener( type, fn, false );
            attachEvent : function( el, type, fn ) {
                el.attachEvent( 'on'+type, fn );
            detatchEvent : function( el, type, fn ) {
                el.detachEvent( 'on'+type, fn );
        buildUtils : function() {
            if ( typeof window.addEventListener === 'function' ) {
                this.utils.addListener = this.listenerTypes.addEvent;
                this.utils.removeListener = this.listenerTypes.removeEvent;
            } else {
                this.utils.attachEvent = this.listenerTypes.attachEvent;
                this.utils.removeListener = this.listenerTypes.detatchEvent;
        init : function() {
    } ).init();
} ( window ) );

Check existence of directory and create if doesn't exist

Here's the simple check, and creates the dir if doesn't exists:

## Provide the dir name(i.e sub dir) that you want to create under main dir:
output_dir <- file.path(main_dir, sub_dir)

if (!dir.exists(output_dir)){
} else {
    print("Dir already exists!")

laravel 5.3 new Auth::routes()

if you are in laravel 5.7 and above Auth::routes(['register' => false]); in web.php

more possible options are as:

  'register' => false, // Routes of Registration
  'reset' => false,    // Routes of Password Reset
  'verify' => false,   // Routes of Email Verification

Test if a vector contains a given element

Both the match() (returns the first appearance) and %in% (returns a Boolean) functions are designed for this.

v <- c('a','b','c','e')

'b' %in% v
## returns TRUE

## returns the first location of 'b', in this case: 2

Threading pool similar to the multiprocessing Pool?

Yes, there is a threading pool similar to the multiprocessing Pool, however, it is hidden somewhat and not properly documented. You can import it by following way:-

from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool

Just I show you simple example

def test_multithread_stringio_read_csv(self):
        # see gh-11786
        max_row_range = 10000
        num_files = 100

        bytes_to_df = [
                ['%d,%d,%d' % (i, i, i) for i in range(max_row_range)]
            ).encode() for j in range(num_files)]
        files = [BytesIO(b) for b in bytes_to_df]

        # read all files in many threads
        pool = ThreadPool(8)
        results =, files)
        first_result = results[0]

        for result in results:
            tm.assert_frame_equal(first_result, result) 

Sending mail from Python using SMTP

The script I use is quite similar; I post it here as an example of how to use the email.* modules to generate MIME messages; so this script can be easily modified to attach pictures, etc.

I rely on my ISP to add the date time header.

My ISP requires me to use a secure smtp connection to send mail, I rely on the smtplib module (downloadable at

As in your script, the username and password, (given dummy values below), used to authenticate on the SMTP server, are in plain text in the source. This is a security weakness; but the best alternative depends on how careful you need (want?) to be about protecting these.


#! /usr/local/bin/python

SMTPserver = ''
sender =     ''
destination = ['']


# typical values for text_subtype are plain, html, xml
text_subtype = 'plain'

Test message

subject="Sent from Python"

import sys
import os
import re

from smtplib import SMTP_SSL as SMTP       # this invokes the secure SMTP protocol (port 465, uses SSL)
# from smtplib import SMTP                  # use this for standard SMTP protocol   (port 25, no encryption)

# old version
# from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
from email.mime.text import MIMEText

    msg = MIMEText(content, text_subtype)
    msg['Subject']=       subject
    msg['From']   = sender # some SMTP servers will do this automatically, not all

    conn = SMTP(SMTPserver)
    conn.login(USERNAME, PASSWORD)
        conn.sendmail(sender, destination, msg.as_string())

    sys.exit( "mail failed; %s" % "CUSTOM_ERROR" ) # give an error message

How to validate an Email in PHP?

This is old post but I will share one my solution because noone mention here one problem before.

New email address can contain UTF-8 characters or special domain names like .live, .news etc.

Also I find that some email address can be on Cyrilic and on all cases standard regex or filter_var() will fail.

That's why I made an solution for it:

function valid_email($email) 
    if(is_array($email) || is_numeric($email) || is_bool($email) || is_float($email) || is_file($email) || is_dir($email) || is_int($email))
        return false;
        if(filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)!==false) return $email;
            $pattern = '/^(?!(?:(?:\\x22?\\x5C[\\x00-\\x7E]\\x22?)|(?:\\x22?[^\\x5C\\x22]\\x22?)){255,})(?!(?:(?:\\x22?\\x5C[\\x00-\\x7E]\\x22?)|(?:\\x22?[^\\x5C\\x22]\\x22?)){65,}@)(?:(?:[\\x21\\x23-\\x27\\x2A\\x2B\\x2D\\x2F-\\x39\\x3D\\x3F\\x5E-\\x7E]+)|(?:\\x22(?:[\\x01-\\x08\\x0B\\x0C\\x0E-\\x1F\\x21\\x23-\\x5B\\x5D-\\x7F]|(?:\\x5C[\\x00-\\x7F]))*\\x22))(?:\\.(?:(?:[\\x21\\x23-\\x27\\x2A\\x2B\\x2D\\x2F-\\x39\\x3D\\x3F\\x5E-\\x7E]+)|(?:\\x22(?:[\\x01-\\x08\\x0B\\x0C\\x0E-\\x1F\\x21\\x23-\\x5B\\x5D-\\x7F]|(?:\\x5C[\\x00-\\x7F]))*\\x22)))*@(?:(?:(?!.*[^.]{64,})(?:(?:(?:xn--)?[a-z0-9]+(?:-+[a-z0-9]+)*\\.){1,126}){1,}(?:(?:[a-z][a-z0-9]*)|(?:(?:xn--)[a-z0-9]+))(?:-+[a-z0-9]+)*)|(?:\\[(?:(?:IPv6:(?:(?:[a-f0-9]{1,4}(?::[a-f0-9]{1,4}){7})|(?:(?!(?:.*[a-f0-9][:\\]]){7,})(?:[a-f0-9]{1,4}(?::[a-f0-9]{1,4}){0,5})?::(?:[a-f0-9]{1,4}(?::[a-f0-9]{1,4}){0,5})?)))|(?:(?:IPv6:(?:(?:[a-f0-9]{1,4}(?::[a-f0-9]{1,4}){5}:)|(?:(?!(?:.*[a-f0-9]:){5,})(?:[a-f0-9]{1,4}(?::[a-f0-9]{1,4}){0,3})?::(?:[a-f0-9]{1,4}(?::[a-f0-9]{1,4}){0,3}:)?)))?(?:(?:25[0-5])|(?:2[0-4][0-9])|(?:1[0-9]{2})|(?:[1-9]?[0-9]))(?:\\.(?:(?:25[0-5])|(?:2[0-4][0-9])|(?:1[0-9]{2})|(?:[1-9]?[0-9]))){3}))\\]))$/iD';
            return (preg_match($pattern, $email) === 1) ? $email : false;

This function work perfectly for all cases and email formats.

Vue template or render function not defined yet I am using neither?

The reason you're receiving that error is that you're using the runtime build which doesn't support templates in HTML files as seen here

In essence what happens with vue loaded files is that their templates are compile time converted into render functions where as your base function was trying to compile from your html element.

For-loop vs while loop in R

And about timing:

fn1 <- function (N) {
    for(i in as.numeric(1:N)) { y <- i*i }
fn2 <- function (N) {
    while (i <= N) {
        y <- i*i
        i <- i + 1

# user  system elapsed 
# 0.06    0.00    0.07 
# user  system elapsed 
# 0.12    0.00    0.13

And now we know that for-loop is faster than while-loop. You cannot ignore warnings during timing.

HTML <input type='file'> File Selection Event

When you have to reload the file, you can erase the value of input. Next time you add a file, 'on change' event will trigger.

document.getElementById('my_input').value = null;
// ^ that just erase the file path but do the trick

How to convert a multipart file to File?

The answer by Alex78191 has worked for me.

public File getTempFile(MultipartFile multipartFile)

CommonsMultipartFile commonsMultipartFile = (CommonsMultipartFile) multipartFile;
FileItem fileItem = commonsMultipartFile.getFileItem();
DiskFileItem diskFileItem = (DiskFileItem) fileItem;
String absPath = diskFileItem.getStoreLocation().getAbsolutePath();
File file = new File(absPath);

//trick to implicitly save on disk small files (<10240 bytes by default)

if (!file.exists()) {

return file;

For uploading files having size greater than 10240 bytes please change the maxInMemorySize in multipartResolver to 1MB.

<bean id="multipartResolver"
<!-- setting maximum upload size t 20MB -->
<property name="maxUploadSize" value="20971520" />
<!-- max size of file in memory (in bytes) -->
<property name="maxInMemorySize" value="1048576" />
<!-- 1MB --> </bean>

Import Excel Data into PostgreSQL 9.3

You can do that easily by DataGrip .

  1. First save your excel file as csv formate . Open the excel file then SaveAs as csv format
  2. Go to datagrip then create the table structure according to the csv file . Suggested create the column name as the column name as Excel column
  3. right click on the table name from the list of table name of your database then click of the import data from file . Then select the converted csv file . enter image description here


Mock a constructor with parameter

With mockito you can use withSettings(), for example if the CounterService required 2 dependencies, you can pass them as a mock:

UserService userService = Mockito.mock(UserService.class); SearchService searchService = Mockito.mock(SearchService.class); CounterService counterService = Mockito.mock(CounterService.class, withSettings().useConstructor(userService, searchService));

Adding a directory to the PATH environment variable in Windows

  1. I have installed PHP that time. Extracted php-7***.zip into C:\php\
  2. Backup my current PATH environment variable: run cmd, and execute command: path >C:\path-backup.txt

  3. Get my current path value into C:\path.txt file (same way)

  4. Modify path.txt (sure, my path length is more than 1024 chars, windows is running few years)
    • I have removed duplicates paths in there, like 'C:\Windows; or C:\Windows\System32; or C:\Windows\System32\Wbem; - I've got twice.
    • Remove uninstalled programs paths as well. Example: C:\Program Files\NonExistSoftware;
    • This way, my path string length < 1024 :)))
    • at the end of path string add ;C:\php\
    • Copy path value only into buffer with framed double quotes! Example: "C:\Windows;****;C:\php\" No PATH= should be there!!!
  5. Open Windows PowerShell as Administrator.
  6. Run command:

setx path "Here you should insert string from buffer (new path value)"

  1. Re-run your terminal (I use "Far manager") and check: php -v

Django 1.7 - makemigrations not detecting changes

I have encountered this issue, the command

python makemigrations

worked with me once I saved the changes that I made on the files.

Moving Panel in Visual Studio Code to right side

As of October 2018 (version 1.29) the button in @mvvijesh's answer no longer exists.

You now have 2 options. Right click the panel's toolbar (nowhere else on the panel will work) and choose "move panel right/bottom":

Or choose "View: Toggle Panel Position" from the command palette.

Source: VSCode update notes:

What are carriage return, linefeed, and form feed?

Carriage return and line feed are also references to typewriters, in that the with a small push on the handle on the left side of the carriage (the place where the paper goes), the paper would rotate a small amount around the cylinder, advancing the document one line. If you had finished typing one line, and wanted to continue on to the next, you pushed harder, both advancing a line and sliding the carriage all the way to the right, then resuming typing left to right again as the carriage traveled with each keystroke. Needless to say, word-wrap was the default setting for all word processing of the era. P:D

How to modify a text file?

If you know some unix you could try the following:

Notes: $ means the command prompt

Say you have a file my_data.txt with content as such:

$ cat my_data.txt
This is a data file
with all of my data in it.

Then using the os module you can use the usual sed commands

import os

# Identifiers used are:
my_data_file = "my_data.txt"
command = "sed -i 's/all/none/' my_data.txt"

# Execute the command

If you aren't aware of sed, check it out, it is extremely useful.

how to make pop up Modal?

Modal Window using ExtJS approach.

In Main Window

<link rel="stylesheet" href="ext.css" type="text/css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="ext-all.js"></script>

function openModalDialog() {
    Ext.onReady(function() {
        Ext.create('Ext.window.Window', {
        title: 'Hello',
        height: Ext.getBody().getViewSize().height*0.8,
        width: Ext.getBody().getViewSize().width*0.8,
        layout: 'fit',
        itemId : 'popUpWin',        
        items: [{
            xtype: 'box',
            autoEl: {
                     tag: 'iframe',
                     src: '2.html',
function closeExtWin(isSubmit) {
     if (isSubmit) {
          document.forms[0].userAction.value = "refresh";
   <form action="abc.jsp">
   <a href="javascript:openModalDialog()"> Click to open dialog </a>

In popupWindow 2.html

<script type="text\javascript">
function doSubmit(action) {
     if (action == 'save') {
     } else {
    <a href="javascript:doSubmit('save');" title="Save">Save</a>
    <a href="javascript:doSubmit('cancel');" title="Cancel">Cancel</a>

Why is it string.join(list) instead of list.join(string)?

It's because any iterable can be joined (e.g, list, tuple, dict, set), but its contents and the "joiner" must be strings.

For example:

'_'.join(['welcome', 'to', 'stack', 'overflow'])
'_'.join(('welcome', 'to', 'stack', 'overflow'))

Using something other than strings will raise the following error:

TypeError: sequence item 0: expected str instance, int found

jQuery: more than one handler for same event

There is a workaround to guarantee that one handler happens after another: attach the second handler to a containing element and let the event bubble up. In the handler attached to the container, you can look at and do something if it's the one you're interested in.

Crude, maybe, but it definitely should work.

remove / reset inherited css from an element

One simple approach would be to use the !important modifier in css, but this can be overridden in the same way from users.

Maybe a solution can be achieved with jquery by traversing the entire DOM to find your (re)defined classes and removing / forcing css styles.

String.equals() with multiple conditions (and one action on result)

No,its check like if string is "john" OR "mary" OR "peter" OR "etc."

you should check using ||

Like.,,if(str.equals("john") || str.equals("mary") || str.equals("peter"))

Determining the current foreground application from a background task or service

In order to determine the foreground application, you can use for detecting the foreground app, you can use It uses different methods depending on the android version of the device.

As for the service, the repo also provides the code you need for it. Essentially, let android studio create the service for you, and then onCreate add the snippet that uses the appChecker. You will need to request permission however.

Android getResources().getDrawable() deprecated API 22

You can use


that's work for me

Difference between classification and clustering in data mining?

Classification: Predict results in a discrete output => map input variables into discrete categories

enter image description here

Popular use cases:

  1. Email classification : Spam or non-Spam

  2. Sanction loan to customer : Yes if he is capable of paying EMI for the sanctioned loan amount. No if he can't

  3. Cancer tumour cells identification : Is it critical or non-critical?

  4. Sentiment analysis of tweets : Is the tweet positive or negative or neutral

  5. Classification of news : Classify the news into one of predefined classes - Politics, Sports, Health etc

Clustering: is the task of grouping a set of objects in such a way that objects in the same group (called a cluster) are more similar (in some sense) to each other than to those in other groups (clusters)

enter image description here

enter image description here

Popular use cases:

  1. Marketing : Discover customer segments for marketing purposes

  2. Biology : Classification among different species of plants and animals

  3. Libraries : Clustering different books on the basis of topics and information

  4. Insurance : Acknowledge the customers, their policies and identifying the frauds

  5. City Planning : Make groups of houses and to study their values based on their geographical locations and other factors.

  6. Earthquake studies : Identify dangerous zones

  7. Recommendation system :





Multiple conditions in if statement shell script

if using /bin/sh you can use:

if [ <condition> ] && [ <condition> ]; then

if using /bin/bash you can use:

if [[ <condition> && <condition> ]]; then

Is there a combination of "LIKE" and "IN" in SQL?

No answer like this:

SELECT * FROM table WHERE something LIKE ('bla% %foo% batz%')

In oracle no problem.

Jquery: how to trigger click event on pressing enter key

Try This

<button class="click_on_enterkey" type="button" onclick="return false;">
  if(event.keyCode == 13){

Creating a button in Android Toolbar

I was able to achieve that by wrapping Button with ConstraintLayout:

<androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout xmlns:android=""




                    app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />

                    tools:layout_editor_absoluteY="0dp" />





You may create a drawable resourcebutton_publish_rounded, define the button properties and assign this file to button's android:background property:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android="">
    <solid android:color="@color/green" />
    <corners android:radius="100dp" />

How to delete and update a record in Hive

Recently I was looking to resolve a similar issue, Apache Hive, Hadoop do not support Update/Delete operations. So ? So you have two ways:

  1. Use a backup table: Save the whole table in a backup_table, then truncate your input table, then re-write only the data you are intrested to mantain.
  2. Use Uber Hudi: It's a framework created by Uber to resolve the HDFS limitations including Deletion and Update. You can give a look in this link:

an example for point 1:

Create table bck_table like input_table;
Insert overwrite table bck_table 
    select * from input_table;
Truncate table input_table;
Insert overwrite table input_table
    select * from bck_table where id <> 1;

NB: If the input_table is an external table you must follow the following link: How to truncate a partitioned external table in hive?

select dept names who have more than 2 employees whose salary is greater than 1000

hope this helps

select DeptName from DEPARTMENT inner join EMPLOYEE using (DeptId) where Salary>1000 group by DeptName having count(*)>2

Get the selected option id with jQuery

Th easiest way to this is var id = $(this).val(); from inside an event like on change.

JCheckbox - ActionListener and ItemListener?

I use addActionListener for JButtons while addItemListener is more convenient for a JToggleButton. Together with if(event.getStateChange()==ItemEvent.SELECTED), in the latter case, I add Events for whenever the JToggleButton is checked/unchecked.

Rearrange columns using cut

Using sed

Use sed with basic regular expression's nested subexpressions to capture and reorder the column content. This approach is best suited when there are a limited number of cuts to reorder columns, as in this case.

The basic idea is to surround interesting portions of the search pattern with \( and \), which can be played back in the replacement pattern with \# where # represents the sequential position of the subexpression in the search pattern.

For example:

$ echo "foo bar" | sed "s/\(foo\) \(bar\)/\2 \1/"


bar foo

Text outside a subexpression is scanned but not retained for playback in the replacement string.

Although the question did not discuss fixed width columns, we will discuss here as this is a worthy measure of any solution posed. For simplicity let's assume the file is space delimited although the solution can be extended for other delimiters.

Collapsing Spaces

To illustrate the simplest usage, let's assume that multiple spaces can be collapsed into single spaces, and the the second column values are terminated with EOL (and not space padded).


bash-3.2$ cat f
Column1    Column2
str1       1
str2       2
str3       3
bash-3.2$ od -a f
0000000    C   o   l   u   m   n   1  sp  sp  sp  sp   C   o   l   u   m
0000020    n   2  nl   s   t   r   1  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp   1  nl
0000040    s   t   r   2  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp   2  nl   s   t   r
0000060    3  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp   3  nl 


bash-3.2$ sed "s/\([^ ]*\)[ ]*\([^ ]*\)[ ]*/\2 \1/" f
Column2 Column1
1 str1
2 str2
3 str3
bash-3.2$ sed "s/\([^ ]*\)[ ]*\([^ ]*\)[ ]*/\2 \1/" f | od -a
0000000    C   o   l   u   m   n   2  sp   C   o   l   u   m   n   1  nl
0000020    1  sp   s   t   r   1  nl   2  sp   s   t   r   2  nl   3  sp
0000040    s   t   r   3  nl

Preserving Column Widths

Let's now extend the method to a file with constant width columns, while allowing columns to be of differing widths.


bash-3.2$ cat f2
Column1    Column2
str1       1
str2       2
str3       3
bash-3.2$ od -a f2
0000000    C   o   l   u   m   n   1  sp  sp  sp  sp   C   o   l   u   m
0000020    n   2  nl   s   t   r   1  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp   1  sp
0000040   sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  nl   s   t   r   2  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp
0000060   sp   2  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  nl   s   t   r   3  sp  sp  sp
0000100   sp  sp  sp  sp   3  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  nl


bash-3.2$ sed "s/\([^ ]*\)\([ ]*\) \([^ ]*\)\([ ]*\)/\3\4 \1\2/" f2
Column2 Column1
1       str1      
2       str2      
3       str3      
bash-3.2$ sed "s/\([^ ]*\)\([ ]*\) \([^ ]*\)\([ ]*\)/\3\4 \1\2/" f2 | od -a
0000000    C   o   l   u   m   n   2  sp   C   o   l   u   m   n   1  sp
0000020   sp  sp  nl   1  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp   s   t   r   1  sp
0000040   sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  nl   2  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp   s   t
0000060    r   2  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  nl   3  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp
0000100   sp   s   t   r   3  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  nl 

Lastly although the question's example does not have strings of unequal length, this sed expression support this case.


bash-3.2$ cat f3
Column1    Column2
str1       1      
string2    2      
str3       3      


bash-3.2$ sed "s/\([^ ]*\)\([ ]*\) \([^ ]*\)\([ ]*\)/\3\4 \1\2/" f3
Column2 Column1   
1       str1      
2       string2   
3       str3    
bash-3.2$ sed "s/\([^ ]*\)\([ ]*\) \([^ ]*\)\([ ]*\)/\3\4 \1\2/" f3 | od -a
0000000    C   o   l   u   m   n   2  sp   C   o   l   u   m   n   1  sp
0000020   sp  sp  nl   1  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp   s   t   r   1  sp
0000040   sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  nl   2  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp   s   t
0000060    r   i   n   g   2  sp  sp  sp  nl   3  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp
0000100   sp   s   t   r   3  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  nl 

Comparison to other methods of column reordering under shell

  • Surprisingly for a file manipulation tool, awk is not well-suited for cutting from a field to end of record. In sed this can be accomplished using regular expressions, e.g. \(xxx.*$\) where xxx is the expression to match the column.

  • Using paste and cut subshells gets tricky when implementing inside shell scripts. Code that works from the commandline fails to parse when brought inside a shell script. At least this was my experience (which drove me to this approach).

C# Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute

As others have pointed out, you are modifying a collection that you are iterating over and that's what's causing the error. The offending code is below:

foreach (KeyValuePair<int, int> kvp in rankings)

        rankings[kvp.Key] = rankings[kvp.Key] + 4;  // <--- This line is the problem

What may not be obvious from the code above is where the Enumerator comes from. In a blog post from a few years back about Eric Lippert provides an example of what a foreach loop gets expanded to by the compiler. The generated code will look something like:

    IEnumerator<int> e = ((IEnumerable<int>)values).GetEnumerator(); // <-- This
                                                       // is where the Enumerator
                                                       // comes from.
        int m; // OUTSIDE THE ACTUAL LOOP in C# 4 and before, inside the loop in 5
            // loop code goes here
      if (e != null) ((IDisposable)e).Dispose();

If you look up the MSDN documentation for IEnumerable (which is what GetEnumerator() returns) you will see:

Enumerators can be used to read the data in the collection, but they cannot be used to modify the underlying collection.

Which brings us back to what the error message states and the other answers re-state, you're modifying the underlying collection.

How do you create a hidden div that doesn't create a line break or horizontal space?

Show / hide by mouse click:

<script language="javascript">

    function toggle() {

        var ele = document.getElementById("toggleText");
        var text = document.getElementById("displayText");

        if ( == "block") {

   = "none";
            text.innerHTML = "show";
        else {

   = "block";
            text.innerHTML = "hide";

<a id="displayText" href="javascript:toggle();">show</a> <== click Here

<div id="toggleText" style="display: none"><h1>peek-a-boo</h1></div>

Source: Here

How to disable margin-collapsing?

overflow:hidden prevents collapsing margins but it's not free of side effects - namely it... hides overflow.

Apart form this and what you've mentioned you just have to learn live with it and learn for this day when they are actually useful (comes every 3 to 5 years).

How to run a Python script in the background even after I logout SSH?

If what you need is that the process should run forever no matter whether you are logged in or not, consider running the process as a daemon.

supervisord is a great out of the box solution that can be used to daemonize any process. It has another controlling utility supervisorctl that can be used to monitor processes that are being run by supervisor.

You don't have to write any extra code or modify existing scripts to make this work. Moreover, verbose documentation makes this process much simpler.

After scratching my head for hours around python-daemon, supervisor is the solution that worked for me in minutes.

Hope this helps someone trying to make python-daemon work

How to remove a field completely from a MongoDB document?

Try this: If your collection was 'example'

db.example.update({}, {$unset: {words:1}}, false, true);

Refer this:


The above link no longer covers '$unset'ing. Be sure to add {multi: true} if you want to remove this field from all of the documents in the collection; otherwise, it will only remove it from the first document it finds that matches. See this for updated documentation:


db.example.update({}, {$unset: {words:1}} , {multi: true});

PHP: Count a stdClass object

The count function is meant to be used on

  1. Arrays
  2. Objects that are derived from classes that implement the countable interface

A stdClass is neither of these. The easier/quickest way to accomplish what you're after is

$count = count(get_object_vars($some_std_class_object));

This uses PHP's get_object_vars function, which will return the properties of an object as an array. You can then use this array with PHP's count function.

master branch and 'origin/master' have diverged, how to 'undiverge' branches'?

git pull --rebase origin/master 

is a single command that can help you most of the time.

Edit: Pulls the commits from the origin/master and applies your changes upon the newly pulled branch history.

How to do INSERT into a table records extracted from another table

Well I think the best way would be (will be?) to define 2 recordsets and use them as an intermediate between the 2 tables.

  1. Open both recordsets
  2. Extract the data from the first table (SELECT blablabla)
  3. Update 2nd recordset with data available in the first recordset (either by adding new records or updating existing records
  4. Close both recordsets

This method is particularly interesting if you plan to update tables from different databases (ie each recordset can have its own connection ...)

How to compare DateTime without time via LINQ?

It happens that LINQ doesn't like properties such as DateTime.Date. It just can't convert to SQL queries. So I figured out a way of comparing dates using Jon's answer, but without that naughty DateTime.Date. Something like this:

var q = db.Games.Where(t => t.StartDate.CompareTo(DateTime.Today) >= 0).OrderBy(d => d.StartDate);

This way, we're comparing a full database DateTime, with all that date and time stuff, like 2015-03-04 11:49:45.000 or something like this, with a DateTime that represents the actual first millisecond of that day, like 2015-03-04 00:00:00.0000.

Any DateTime we compare to that DateTime.Today will return us safely if that date is later or the same. Unless you want to compare literally the same day, in which case I think you should go for Caesar's answer.

The method DateTime.CompareTo() is just fancy Object-Oriented stuff. It returns -1 if the parameter is earlier than the DateTime you referenced, 0 if it is LITERALLY EQUAL (with all that timey stuff) and 1 if it is later.