Programs & Examples On #Expression trees

Expression Trees are an abstract representation of code in a tree structure where each node of the tree represents a programming construct (conditional, assignment, method call, etc.)

Retrieving Property name from lambda expression

I"m using an extension method for pre C# 6 projects and the nameof() for those targeting C# 6.

public static class MiscExtentions
    public static string NameOf<TModel, TProperty>(this object @object, Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>> propertyExpression)
        var expression = propertyExpression.Body as MemberExpression;
        if (expression == null)
            throw new ArgumentException("Expression is not a property.");

        return expression.Member.Name;

And i call it like:

public class MyClass 
    public int Property1 { get; set; }
    public string Property2 { get; set; }
    public int[] Property3 { get; set; }
    public Subclass Property4 { get; set; }
    public Subclass[] Property5 { get; set; }

public class Subclass
    public int PropertyA { get; set; }
    public string PropertyB { get; set; }

// result is Property1
this.NameOf((MyClass o) => o.Property1);
// result is Property2
this.NameOf((MyClass o) => o.Property2);
// result is Property3
this.NameOf((MyClass o) => o.Property3);
// result is Property4
this.NameOf((MyClass o) => o.Property4);
// result is PropertyB
this.NameOf((MyClass o) => o.Property4.PropertyB);
// result is Property5
this.NameOf((MyClass o) => o.Property5);

It works fine with both fields and properties.

Why would you use Expression<Func<T>> rather than Func<T>?

When you want to treat lambda expressions as expression trees and look inside them instead of executing them. For example, LINQ to SQL gets the expression and converts it to the equivalent SQL statement and submits it to server (rather than executing the lambda).

Conceptually, Expression<Func<T>> is completely different from Func<T>. Func<T> denotes a delegate which is pretty much a pointer to a method and Expression<Func<T>> denotes a tree data structure for a lambda expression. This tree structure describes what a lambda expression does rather than doing the actual thing. It basically holds data about the composition of expressions, variables, method calls, ... (for example it holds information such as this lambda is some constant + some parameter). You can use this description to convert it to an actual method (with Expression.Compile) or do other stuff (like the LINQ to SQL example) with it. The act of treating lambdas as anonymous methods and expression trees is purely a compile time thing.

Func<int> myFunc = () => 10; // similar to: int myAnonMethod() { return 10; }

will effectively compile to an IL method that gets nothing and returns 10.

Expression<Func<int>> myExpression = () => 10;

will be converted to a data structure that describes an expression that gets no parameters and returns the value 10:

Expression vs Func larger image

While they both look the same at compile time, what the compiler generates is totally different.

Is it possible to hide the cursor in a webpage using CSS or Javascript?

For whole html document try this

html * {cursor:none}

Or if some css overwrite your cursor: none use !important

html * {cursor:none!important}

Clearing my form inputs after submission

Try this:

$('#contact-form input[type="text"]').val('');
$('#contact-form textarea').val('');

SQL Server Convert Varchar to Datetime

As has been said, datetime has no format/string representational format.

You can change the string output with some formatting.

To convert your string to a datetime:

declare @date nvarchar(25) 
set @date = '2011-09-28 18:01:00' 

-- To datetime datatype
SELECT CONVERT(datetime, @date)


2011-09-28 18:01:00.000

(1 row(s) affected)

To convert that to the string you want:

-- To VARCHAR of your desired format
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), CONVERT(datetime, @date), 105) +' '+ CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), CONVERT(datetime, @date), 108)


28-09-2011 18:01:00

(1 row(s) affected)

Init array of structs in Go

It looks like you are trying to use (almost) straight up C code here. Go has a few differences.

  • First off, you can't initialize arrays and slices as const. The term const has a different meaning in Go, as it does in C. The list should be defined as var instead.
  • Secondly, as a style rule, Go prefers basenameOpts as opposed to basename_opts.
  • There is no char type in Go. You probably want byte (or rune if you intend to allow unicode codepoints).
  • The declaration of the list must have the assignment operator in this case. E.g.: var x = foo.
  • Go's parser requires that each element in a list declaration ends with a comma. This includes the last element. The reason for this is because Go automatically inserts semi-colons where needed. And this requires somewhat stricter syntax in order to work.

For example:

type opt struct {
    shortnm      byte
    longnm, help string
    needArg      bool

var basenameOpts = []opt { 
    opt {
        shortnm: 'a', 
        longnm: "multiple", 
        needArg: false, 
        help: "Usage for a",
    opt {
        shortnm: 'b', 
        longnm: "b-option", 
        needArg: false, 
        help: "Usage for b",

An alternative is to declare the list with its type and then use an init function to fill it up. This is mostly useful if you intend to use values returned by functions in the data structure. init functions are run when the program is being initialized and are guaranteed to finish before main is executed. You can have multiple init functions in a package, or even in the same source file.

    type opt struct {
        shortnm      byte
        longnm, help string
        needArg      bool

    var basenameOpts []opt

    func init() { 
        basenameOpts = []opt{
            opt {
                shortnm: 'a', 
                longnm: "multiple", 
                needArg: false, 
                help: "Usage for a",
            opt {
                shortnm: 'b', 
                longnm: "b-option", 
                needArg: false, 
               help: "Usage for b",

Since you are new to Go, I strongly recommend reading through the language specification. It is pretty short and very clearly written. It will clear a lot of these little idiosyncrasies up for you.

ng: command not found while creating new project using angular-cli

For me (on MacOSX) I had to do:

nvm install stable
npm install -g angular-cli

This installed ng into:


But npm did not put a link to ng into


Which was why it was not part of the %PATH and therefore available from the command line except via an absolute address.

So I used the following the create a link to ng:

sudo ln -sf /usr/local/lib/node_modules/\@angular/cli/bin/ng /usr/local/bin/ng

Send values from one form to another form

You can make use of a different approach if you like.

  1. Using System.Action (Here you simply pass the main forms function as the parameter to the child form like a callback function)
  2. OpenForms Method ( You directly call one of your open forms)

Using System.Action

You can think of it as a callback function passed to the child form.

// -------- IN THE MAIN FORM --------

Options frmOptions = new Options(UpdateSettings);

public void UpdateSettings(string data)

// -------- IN THE CHILD FORM --------

Action<string> UpdateSettings = null;

public Options(Action<string> UpdateSettings)
    this.UpdateSettings = UpdateSettings;

private void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (UpdateSettings != null)
        UpdateSettings("some data");

OpenForms Method

This method is easy (2 lines). But only works with forms that are open. All you need to do is add these two lines where ever you want to pass some data.

Main frmMain = (Main)Application.OpenForms["Main"];
frmMain.UpdateSettings("Some data");

I provided my answer to a similar question here

Jenkins Git Plugin: How to build specific tag?

You can build even a tag type, for example 1.2.3-alpha43, using wildcards:

Refspec: +refs/tags/*:refs/remotes/origin/tags/*

Branch specifier: origin/tags/1.2.3-alpha*

You can also tick "Build when a change is pushed to GitHub" to trigger the push, but you have to add "create" action to the webhook

jQuery selector regular expressions

$("input[name='option[colour]'] :checked ")

How to configure log4j to only keep log files for the last seven days?

I had set:

# Archive log files (Keep one year of daily files)

Like others before me, the DEBUG option showed me the error:

log4j:WARN No such property [maxBackupIndex] in org.apache.log4j.DailyRollingFileAppender.

Here is an idea I have not tried yet, suppose I set the DatePattern such that the files overwrite each other after the required time period. To retain a year's worth I could try setting:


Would it work or would it cause an error ? Like that it will take a year to find out, I could try:


but it will still take a month to find out.

How to fetch all Git branches

For Windows users using PowerShell:

git branch -r | ForEach-Object {
    # Skip default branch, this script assumes
    # you already checked-out that branch when cloned the repo
    if (-not ($_ -match " -> ")) {
        $localBranch = ($_ -replace "^.*?/", "")
        $remoteBranch = $_.Trim()
        git branch --track "$localBranch" "$remoteBranch"
git fetch --all
git pull --all

Auto margins don't center image in page

Whenever we don't add width and add margin:auto, I guess it will not work. It's from my experience. Width gives the idea where exactly it needs to provide equal margins.

Partition Function COUNT() OVER possible using DISTINCT


It's relativiely simple to emulate a COUNT DISTINCT over PARTITION BY with MAX via DENSE_RANK:

;WITH baseTable AS
    FROM baseTable

    -- Not supported

This assumes the fields in question are NON-nullable fields.
If there is one or more NULL-entries in the fields, you need to subtract 1.

SQL Server Text type vs. varchar data type

There has been some major changes in ms 2008 -> Might be worth considering the following article when making a decisions on what data type to use.

Bytes per

  1. varchar(max), varbinary(max), xml, text, or image column 2^31-1 2^31-1
  2. nvarchar(max) column 2^30-1 2^30-1

What does "#include <iostream>" do?

# indicates that the following line is a preprocessor directive and should be processed by the preprocessor before compilation by the compiler.

So, #include is a preprocessor directive that tells the preprocessor to include header files in the program.

< > indicate the start and end of the file name to be included.

iostream is a header file that contains functions for input/output operations (cin and cout).

Now to sum it up C++ to English translation of the command, #include <iostream> is:

Dear preprocessor, please include all the contents of the header file iostream at the very beginning of this program before compiler starts the actual compilation of the code.

Create unique constraint with null columns

Create two partial indexes:

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX favo_3col_uni_idx ON favorites (user_id, menu_id, recipe_id)

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX favo_2col_uni_idx ON favorites (user_id, recipe_id)
WHERE menu_id IS NULL;

This way, there can only be one combination of (user_id, recipe_id) where menu_id IS NULL, effectively implementing the desired constraint.

Possible drawbacks: you cannot have a foreign key referencing (user_id, menu_id, recipe_id), you cannot base CLUSTER on a partial index, and queries without a matching WHERE condition cannot use the partial index. (It seems unlikely you'd want a FK reference three columns wide - use the PK column instead).

If you need a complete index, you can alternatively drop the WHERE condition from favo_3col_uni_idx and your requirements are still enforced.
The index, now comprising the whole table, overlaps with the other one and gets bigger. Depending on typical queries and the percentage of NULL values, this may or may not be useful. In extreme situations it might even help to maintain all three indexes (the two partial ones and a total on top).

Aside: I advise not to use mixed case identifiers in PostgreSQL.

Adding whitespace in Java

There's a few approaches for this:

  1. Create a char array then use Arrays.fill, and finally convert to a String
  2. Iterate through a loop adding a space each time
  3. Use String.format

How to resolve "git did not exit cleanly (exit code 128)" error on TortoiseGit?

on win7 64:

git-gui gives a good answer: a previous git has crashed and left a lock file. Manually remove. In my case, this was in .git/ref/heads/branchname.lock.

delete, and error 128 goes away. It surprises that tortoisegit doesn't give such an easy explanation.

How can I query a value in SQL Server XML column

I came up with a simple work around below which is easy to remember too :-)

select * from  
(select cast (xmlCol as varchar(max)) texty
 from myTable (NOLOCK) 
) a 
where texty like '%MySearchText%'

jQuery hyperlinks - href value?

you shoud use <a href="javascript:void(0)" ></a> instead of <a href="#" ></a>

How to retrieve field names from temporary table (SQL Server 2008)

The temporary tables are defined in "tempdb", and the table names are "mangled".

This query should do the trick:

select c.*
from tempdb.sys.columns c
inner join tempdb.sys.tables t ON c.object_id = t.object_id
where like '#MyTempTable%'


Get size of all tables in database

After some searching, I could not find an easy way to get information on all of the tables. There is a handy stored procedure named sp_spaceused that will return all of the space used by the database. If provided with a table name, it returns the space used by that table. However, the results returned by the stored procedure are not sortable, since the columns are character values.

The following script will generate the information I'm looking for.

create table #TableSize (
    Name varchar(255),
    [rows] int,
    reserved varchar(255),
    data varchar(255),
    index_size varchar(255),
    unused varchar(255))
create table #ConvertedSizes (
    Name varchar(255),
    [rows] int,
    reservedKb int,
    dataKb int,
    reservedIndexSize int,
    reservedUnused int)

EXEC sp_MSforeachtable @command1="insert into #TableSize
EXEC sp_spaceused '?'"
insert into #ConvertedSizes (Name, [rows], reservedKb, dataKb, reservedIndexSize, reservedUnused)
select name, [rows], 
SUBSTRING(reserved, 0, LEN(reserved)-2), 
SUBSTRING(data, 0, LEN(data)-2), 
SUBSTRING(index_size, 0, LEN(index_size)-2), 
SUBSTRING(unused, 0, LEN(unused)-2)
from #TableSize

select * from #ConvertedSizes
order by reservedKb desc

drop table #TableSize
drop table #ConvertedSizes

How do I clear my local working directory in Git?


git clean -df

It's not well advertised, but git clean is really handy. Git Ready has a nice introduction to git clean.

SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known

Another reason this can sometimes come up is due to a misconfiguration in your docker-compose (if you're using it) whereby the mysql container is not on the same network that your app servers are on.

If the network flag is forgotten or incorrect docker won't add the mysql to the DNS for the app server and therefore throw an error like this.

Event handlers for Twitter Bootstrap dropdowns?

Here is a working example of how you could implement custom functions for your anchors.

You can attach an id to your anchor:

<li><a id="alertMe" href="#">Action</a></li>

And then use jQuery's click event listener to listen for the click action and fire you function:

$('#alertMe').click(function(e) {
    e.preventDefault();// prevent the default anchor functionality

Initializing IEnumerable<string> In C#

As string[] implements IEnumerable

IEnumerable<string> m_oEnum = new string[] {"1","2","3"}

Handling a Menu Item Click Event - Android

This is how it looks like in Kotlin


<menu xmlns:android=""
    app:showAsAction="never" />
    app:showAsAction="never" />

Then in MainActivity

override fun onCreateOptionsMenu(menu: Menu): Boolean {
    // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
    menuInflater.inflate(, menu)
    return true

This is onOptionsItemSelected function

override fun onOptionsItemSelected(item: MenuItem): Boolean {
    return when(item.itemId){ -> {
        } -> {
        else -> return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item)

For starting new activity

private fun signOut(){

private fun startSplashScreenActivity(){
    val intent = Intent(GrepToDo.applicationContext(),

How to convert Django Model object to dict with its fields and values?

@Zags solution was gorgeous!

I would add, though, a condition for datefields in order to make it JSON friendly.

Bonus Round

If you want a django model that has a better python command-line display, have your models child class the following:

from django.db import models
from django.db.models.fields.related import ManyToManyField

class PrintableModel(models.Model):
    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self.to_dict())

    def to_dict(self):
        opts = self._meta
        data = {}
        for f in opts.concrete_fields + opts.many_to_many:
            if isinstance(f, ManyToManyField):
                if is None:
                    data[] = []
                    data[] = list(f.value_from_object(self).values_list('pk', flat=True))
            elif isinstance(f, DateTimeField):
                if f.value_from_object(self) is not None:
                    data[] = f.value_from_object(self).timestamp()
                data[] = None
                data[] = f.value_from_object(self)
        return data

    class Meta:
        abstract = True

So, for example, if we define our models as such:

class OtherModel(PrintableModel): pass

class SomeModel(PrintableModel):
    value = models.IntegerField()
    value2 = models.IntegerField(editable=False)
    created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
    reference1 = models.ForeignKey(OtherModel, related_name="ref1")
    reference2 = models.ManyToManyField(OtherModel, related_name="ref2")

Calling SomeModel.objects.first() now gives output like this:

{'created': 1426552454.926738,
'value': 1, 'value2': 2, 'reference1': 1, u'id': 1, 'reference2': [1]}

C# Ignore certificate errors?

The reason it's failing is not because it isn't signed but because the root certificate isn't trusted by your client. Rather than switch off SSL validation, an alternative approach would be to add the root CA cert to the list of CAs your app trusts.

This is the root CA cert that your app currently doesn't trust:



You can decode and view this certificate using

this certificate decoder or another certificate decoder

ssh: The authenticity of host 'hostname' can't be established

Run this in host server it's premonition issue

chmod -R 700 ~/.ssh

MySQL: Curdate() vs Now()

Actually MySQL provide a lot of easy to use function in daily life without more effort from user side-

NOW() it produce date and time both in current scenario whereas CURDATE() produce date only, CURTIME() display time only, we can use one of them according to our need with CAST or merge other calculation it, MySQL rich in these type of function.

NOTE:- You can see the difference using query select NOW() as NOWDATETIME, CURDATE() as NOWDATE, CURTIME() as NOWTIME ;

How do I check if I'm running on Windows in Python?

import platform
is_windows = any(platform.win32_ver())


import sys
is_windows = hasattr(sys, 'getwindowsversion')

iTerm 2: How to set keyboard shortcuts to jump to beginning/end of line?

Just to help out anyone that is having the same issue but specifically using Zsh shell with iTerm 2. It turns out that Zsh doesn't read /etc/inputrc properly, and so fails to understand any key bindings you set up through the preferences!

To fix this, you need to add some key bindings to your .zshrc file, such as:

# key bindings
bindkey "\e[1~" beginning-of-line
bindkey "\e[4~" end-of-line

Note the backslashes in the example above before the "e", the linked article does not show them, so add them into your .zshrc file when adding bindings.

Get unicode value of a character

I found this nice code on web.


public class Unicode {

public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Use CTRL+C to quite to program.");

// Create the reader for reading in the text typed in the console. 
InputStreamReader inputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(;
BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(inputStreamReader);

try {
  String line = null;
  while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()).length() > 0) {
    for (int index = 0; index < line.length(); index++) {

      // Convert the integer to a hexadecimal code.
      String hexCode = Integer.toHexString(line.codePointAt(index)).toUpperCase();

      // but the it must be a four number value.
      String hexCodeWithAllLeadingZeros = "0000" + hexCode;
      String hexCodeWithLeadingZeros = hexCodeWithAllLeadingZeros.substring(hexCodeWithAllLeadingZeros.length()-4);

      System.out.println("\\u" + hexCodeWithLeadingZeros);

} catch (IOException ioException) {

Original Article

What is an IndexOutOfRangeException / ArgumentOutOfRangeException and how do I fix it?

A side from the very long complete accepted answer there is an important point to make about IndexOutOfRangeException compared with many other exception types, and that is:

Often there is complex program state that maybe difficult to have control over at a particular point in code e.g a DB connection goes down so data for an input cannot be retrieved etc... This kind of issue often results in an Exception of some kind that has to bubble up to a higher level because where it occurs has no way of dealing with it at that point.

IndexOutOfRangeException is generally different in that it in most cases it is pretty trivial to check for at the point where the exception is being raised. Generally this kind of exception get thrown by some code that could very easily deal with the issue at the place it is occurring - just by checking the actual length of the array. You don't want to 'fix' this by handling this exception higher up - but instead by ensuring its not thrown in the first instance - which in most cases is easy to do by checking the array length.

Another way of putting this is that other exceptions can arise due to genuine lack of control over input or program state BUT IndexOutOfRangeException more often than not is simply just pilot (programmer) error.

Show how many characters remaining in a HTML text box using JavaScript

Try the following code for instance:

working code in

For textArea, use this:

<textarea id="txtBox"></textarea>

For textBox, use this:

<input type="text" id="txtBox"/>
<input type="text" id="counterBox"/>
 var txtBoxRef = document.querySelector("#txtBox");
 var counterRef = document.querySelector("#counterBox");
  var remLength = 0;
  remLength = 160 - parseInt(txtBoxRef.value.length);
  if(remLength < 0)
    txtBoxRef.value = txtBoxRef.value.substring(0, 160);
    return false;
  counterRef.value = remLength + " characters remaining...";

Hope this Helps!

How to get all Windows service names starting with a common word?

Using PowerShell, you can use the following

Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.displayName.StartsWith("NATION-")} | Select name

This will show a list off all services which displayname starts with "NATION-".

You can also directly stop or start the services;

Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.displayName.StartsWith("NATION-")} | Stop-Service
Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.displayName.StartsWith("NATION-")} | Start-Service

or simply

Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.displayName.StartsWith("NATION-")} | Restart-Service

Detect if range is empty

Found a solution from the comments I got.

Sub TestIsEmpty()
    If WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A38:P38")) = 0 Then
        MsgBox "Empty"
        MsgBox "Not Empty"
    End If
End Sub

How do I access my webcam in Python?

OpenCV has support for getting data from a webcam, and it comes with Python wrappers by default, you also need to install numpy for the OpenCV Python extension (called cv2) to work. As of 2019, you can install both of these libraries with pip: pip install numpy pip install opencv-python

More information on using OpenCV with Python.

An example copied from Displaying webcam feed using opencv and python:

import cv2

vc = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

if vc.isOpened(): # try to get the first frame
    rval, frame =
    rval = False

while rval:
    cv2.imshow("preview", frame)
    rval, frame =
    key = cv2.waitKey(20)
    if key == 27: # exit on ESC

Undoing a git rebase

If you mess something up within a git rebase, e.g. git rebase --abort, while you have uncommitted files, they will be lost and git reflog will not help. This happened to me and you will need to think outside the box here. If you are lucky like me and use IntelliJ Webstorm then you can right-click->local history and can revert to a previous state of your file/folders no matter what mistakes you have done with versioning software. It is always good to have another failsafe running.

Parsing a CSV file using NodeJS

  • This solution uses csv-parser instead of csv-parse used in some of the answers above.
  • csv-parser came around 2 years after csv-parse.
  • Both of them solve the same purpose, but personally I have found csv-parser better, as it is easy to handle headers through it.

Install the csv-parser first:

npm install csv-parser

So suppose you have a csv-file like this:

Lionel Messi, 31
Andres Iniesta, 34

You can perform the required operation as:

const fs = require('fs'); 
const csv = require('csv-parser');

.on('data', function(data){
    try {
        console.log("Name is: "+data.NAME);
        console.log("Age is: "+data.AGE);

        //perform the operation
    catch(err) {
        //error handler
    //some final operation

For further reading refer

What is the <leader> in a .vimrc file?

Vim's <leader> key is a way of creating a namespace for commands you want to define. Vim already maps most keys and combinations of Ctrl + (some key), so <leader>(some key) is where you (or plugins) can add custom behavior.

For example, if you find yourself frequently deleting exactly 3 words and 7 characters, you might find it convenient to map a command via nmap <leader>d 3dw7x so that pressing the leader key followed by d will delete 3 words and 7 characters. Because it uses the leader key as a prefix, you can be (relatively) assured that you're not stomping on any pre-existing behavior.

The default key for <leader> is \, but you can use the command :let mapleader = "," to remap it to another key (, in this case).

Usevim's page on the leader key has more information.

SQL Server: Maximum character length of object names

You can also use this script to figure out more info:

EXEC sp_server_info

The result will be something like that:

attribute_id | attribute_name        | attribute_value
           1 | DBMS_NAME             | Microsoft SQL Server
           2 | DBMS_VER              | Microsoft SQL Server 2012 - 11.0.6020.0
          10 | OWNER_TERM            | owner
          11 | TABLE_TERM            | table
          12 | MAX_OWNER_NAME_LENGTH | 128
          13 | TABLE_LENGTH          | 128
          14 | MAX_QUAL_LENGTH       | 128
          15 | COLUMN_LENGTH         | 128
          16 | IDENTIFIER_CASE       | MIXED
           ?  ?                       ?
           ?  ?                       ?
           ?  ?                       ?

How do I export an Android Studio project?


First Open Command Window and set location of your android studio project folder like:


then type below command in it:

gradlew clean

then wait for complete clean process. after complete it now zip your project like below:

  • right click on your project folder
  • then select send to option now
  • select compressed via zip

How to search for string in an array

Another option that enforces exact matching (i.e. no partial matching) would be:

Function IsInArray(stringToBeFound As String, arr As Variant) As Boolean
  IsInArray = Not IsError(Application.Match(stringToBeFound, arr, 0))
End Function

You can read more about the Match method and its arguments at

in a "using" block is a SqlConnection closed on return or exception?

Dispose simply gets called when you leave the scope of using. The intention of "using" is to give developers a guaranteed way to make sure that resources get disposed.

From MSDN:

A using statement can be exited either when the end of the using statement is reached or if an exception is thrown and control leaves the statement block before the end of the statement.

What are the best PHP input sanitizing functions?

function sanitize($string,$dbmin,$dbmax){
$string = preg_replace('#[^a-z0-9]#i', '', $string); //useful for strict cleanse, alphanumeric here
$string = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $string); //get ready for db
if(strlen($string) > $dbmax || strlen($string) < $dbmin){
    echo "reject_this"; exit();
return $string;

Anaconda version with Python 3.5

Anacoda3-4.2.0 Uses python 3.5 You can find the same in the link given below :

I faced the same problem and found the correct version by checking the available Anaconda 4.2.0 distributions in installer archive here

Download file from web in Python 3


Sometimes, we are want to get the picture but not need to download it to real files,

i.e., download the data and keep it on memory.

For example, If I use the machine learning method, train a model that can recognize an image with the number (bar code).

When I spider some websites and that have those images so I can use the model to recognize it,

and I don't want to save those pictures on my disk drive,

then you can try the below method to help you keep download data on memory.


import requests
from io import BytesIO
response = requests.get(url)
with BytesIO as io_obj:
    for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=4096):

basically, is like to @Ranvijay Kumar

An Example

import requests
from typing import NewType, TypeVar
from io import StringIO, BytesIO
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import imageio

URL = NewType('URL', str)
T_IO = TypeVar('T_IO', StringIO, BytesIO)

def download_and_keep_on_memory(url: URL, headers=None, timeout=None, **option) -> T_IO:
    chunk_size = option.get('chunk_size', 4096)  # default 4KB
    max_size = 1024 ** 2 * option.get('max_size', -1)  # MB, default will ignore.
    response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, timeout=timeout)
    if response.status_code != 200:
        raise requests.ConnectionError(f'{response.status_code}')

    instance_io = StringIO if isinstance(next(response.iter_content(chunk_size=1)), str) else BytesIO
    io_obj = instance_io()
    cur_size = 0
    for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size):
        cur_size += chunk_size
        if 0 < max_size < cur_size:
    """ save it to real file.
    with open('temp.png', mode='wb') as out_f:
    return io_obj

def main():
    headers = {
        'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3',
        'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate',
        'Accept-Language': 'zh-TW,zh;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7',
        'Cache-Control': 'max-age=0',
        'Connection': 'keep-alive',
        'Host': '',
        'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1',
        'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.87 Safari/537.36'
    io_img = download_and_keep_on_memory(URL(''),
                                         headers,  # You may need this. Otherwise, some websites will send the 404 error to you.
                                         max_size=4)  # max loading < 4MB
    with io_img:
        plt.rc('axes.spines', top=False, bottom=False, left=False, right=False)
        plt.rc(('xtick', 'ytick'), color=(1, 1, 1, 0))  # same of plt.axis('off')
        plt.imshow(imageio.imread(io_img, as_gray=False, pilmode="RGB"))

if __name__ == '__main__':

How to SELECT a dropdown list item by value programmatically

If you know that the dropdownlist contains the value you're looking to select, use:

ddl.SelectedValue = "2";

If you're not sure if the value exists, use (or you'll get a null reference exception):

ListItem selectedListItem = ddl.Items.FindByValue("2");

if (selectedListItem != null)
    selectedListItem.Selected = true;

How to deploy a React App on Apache web server

As well described in React's official docs, If you use routers that use the HTML5 pushState history API under the hood, you just need to below content to .htaccess file in public directory of your react-app.

Options -MultiViews
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteRule ^ index.html [QSA,L]

And if using relative path update the package.json like this:

"homepage": ".",

Note: If you are using react-router@^4, you can root <Link> using the basename prop on any <Router>.

import React from 'react';
import BrowserRouter as Router from 'react-router-dom';
<Router basename="/calendar"/>
<Link to="/today"/>

Is string in array?

Just use the already built-in Contains() method:

using System.Linq;


string[] array = { "foo", "bar" };
if (array.Contains("foo")) {

xxxxxx.exe is not a valid Win32 application

There are at least two solutions:

  1. You need Visual Studio 2010 installed, then from Visual Studio 2010, View -> Solution Explorer -> Right Click on your project -> Choose Properties from the context menu, you'll get the windows "your project name" Property Pages -> Configuration Properties -> General -> Platform toolset, choose "Visual Studio 2010 (v100)".
  2. You need the Visual Studio 2012 Update 1 described in Windows XP Targeting with C++ in Visual Studio 2012

How can I append a string to an existing field in MySQL?

You need to use the CONCAT() function in MySQL for string concatenation:

UPDATE categories SET code = CONCAT(code, '_standard') WHERE id = 1;

How to detect when keyboard is shown and hidden

There is a CocoaPods to facilitate the observation on NSNotificationCentr for the keyboard's visibility here:

pod 'Keyhi'

Convert row to column header for Pandas DataFrame,

In [21]: df = pd.DataFrame([(1,2,3), ('foo','bar','baz'), (4,5,6)])

In [22]: df
     0    1    2
0    1    2    3
1  foo  bar  baz
2    4    5    6

Set the column labels to equal the values in the 2nd row (index location 1):

In [23]: df.columns = df.iloc[1]

If the index has unique labels, you can drop the 2nd row using:

In [24]: df.drop(df.index[1])
1 foo bar baz
0   1   2   3
2   4   5   6

If the index is not unique, you could use:

In [133]: df.iloc[pd.RangeIndex(len(df)).drop(1)]
1 foo bar baz
0   1   2   3
2   4   5   6

Using df.drop(df.index[1]) removes all rows with the same label as the second row. Because non-unique indexes can lead to stumbling blocks (or potential bugs) like this, it's often better to take care that the index is unique (even though Pandas does not require it).

Base64 decode snippet in C++

I use this:

class BinaryVector {
    std::vector<char> bytes;

    uint64_t bit_count = 0;

    /* Add a bit to the end */
    void push_back(bool bit);

    /* Return false if character is unrecognized */
    bool pushBase64Char(char b64_c);

void BinaryVector::push_back(bool bit)
    if (!bit_count || bit_count % 8 == 0) {
        bytes.push_back(bit << 7);
    else {
        uint8_t next_bit = 8 - (bit_count % 8) - 1;
        bytes[bit_count / 8] |= bit << next_bit;

/* Converts one Base64 character to 6 bits */
bool BinaryVector::pushBase64Char(char c)
    uint8_t d;

    // A to Z
    if (c > 0x40 && c < 0x5b) {
        d = c - 65;  // Base64 A is 0
    // a to z
    else if (c > 0x60 && c < 0x7b) {
        d = c - 97 + 26;  // Base64 a is 26
    // 0 to 9
    else if (c > 0x2F && c < 0x3a) {
        d = c - 48 + 52;  // Base64 0 is 52
    else if (c == '+') {
        d = 0b111110;
    else if (c == '/') {
        d = 0b111111;
    else if (c == '=') {
        d = 0;
    else {
        return false;

    push_back(d & 0b100000);
    push_back(d & 0b010000);
    push_back(d & 0b001000);
    push_back(d & 0b000100);
    push_back(d & 0b000010);
    push_back(d & 0b000001);

    return true;

bool loadBase64(std::vector<char>& b64_bin, BinaryVector& vec)
    for (char& c : b64_bin) {
        if (!vec.pushBase64Char(c)) {
            return false;
    return true;

Use vec.bytes to access converted data.

What does "exited with code 9009" mean during this build?

The problem in my case occurred when I tried to use a command on the command-line for the Post-build event in my Test Class Library. When you use quotation marks like so:

"$(SolutionDir)\packages\NUnit.Runners.2.6.2\tools\nunit" "$(TargetPath)" 

or if you're using the console:

"$(SolutionDir)\packages\NUnit.Runners.2.6.2\tools\nunit-console" "$(TargetPath)"

This fixed the issue for me.

Select max value of each group

  MAX(b.value) as MaxValue,
  MAX(b.Anothercolumn) as AnotherColumn
FROM out_pumptabl
              MAX(value) as MaxValue
            FROM out_pumptabl
            GROUP BY Name) a ON = AND a.maxValue = b.value

Note this would be far easier if you had a primary key. Here is an Example

SELECT * FROM out_pumptabl c
      MAX(PK) as MaxPK
    FROM out_pumptabl b
                  MAX(value) as MaxValue
                FROM out_pumptabl
                GROUP BY Name) a ON = AND a.maxValue = b.value) 

Java Generate Random Number Between Two Given Values

You could use e.g. r.nextInt(101)

For a more generic "in between two numbers" use:

Random r = new Random();
int low = 10;
int high = 100;
int result = r.nextInt(high-low) + low;

This gives you a random number in between 10 (inclusive) and 100 (exclusive)

Get text of the selected option with jQuery

Change your selector to

val = j$("#select_2 option:selected").text();

You're selecting the <select> instead of the <option>

Changing the image source using jQuery

For more information. I try setting src attribute with attr method in jquery for ad image using the syntax for example: $("#myid").attr('src', '/images/sample.gif');

This solution is useful and it works but if changing the path change also the path for image and not working.

I've searching for resolve this issue but not found nothing.

The solution is putting the '\' at the beginning the path: $("#myid").attr('src', '\images/sample.gif');

This trick is very useful for me and I hope it is useful for other.

How do I create a constant in Python?

You can emulate constant variables with help of the next class. An example of usage:

# Const
const = Const().add(two=2, three=3)

print 'const.two: ', const.two
print 'const.three: ', const.three


print 'const.four: ', const.four

#const.four = 5 # a error here: four is a constant


print 'const.six: ', const.six

const2 = Const().add(five=5) # creating a new namespace with Const()
print 'const2.five: ', const2.five
#print 'const2.four: ', const2.four # a error here: four does not exist in const2 namespace


Call the constructor when you want to start a new constant namespace. Note that the class is under protection from unexpected modifying sequence type constants when Martelli's const class is not.

The source is below.

from copy import copy

class Const(object):
"A class to create objects with constant fields."

def __init__(self):
    object.__setattr__(self, '_names', [])

def add(self, **nameVals):
    for name, val in nameVals.iteritems():          
        if hasattr(self, name):
            raise ConstError('A field with a name \'%s\' is already exist in Const class.' % name)

        setattr(self, name, copy(val)) # set up getter


    return self

def __setattr__(self, name, val):
    if name in self._names:
        raise ConstError('You cannot change a value of a stored constant.')

    object.__setattr__(self, name, val)

How do you log content of a JSON object in Node.js?

To have an output more similar to the raw console.log(obj) I usually do use console.log('Status: ' + util.inspect(obj)) (JSON is slightly different).

How can I edit a .jar file?

Here's what I did:

  • Extracted the files using WinRAR
  • Made my changes to the extracted files
  • Opened the original JAR file with WinRAR
  • Used the ADD button to replace the files that I modified

That's it. I have tested it with my Nokia and it's working for me.

SQL Server 2008 - Help writing simple INSERT Trigger

check this code:

CREATE TRIGGER trig_Update_Employee ON [EmployeeResult] FOR INSERT AS Begin   
    Insert into Employee (Name, Department)  
    Select Distinct i.Name, i.Department   
        from Inserted i
        Left Join Employee e on i.Name = e.Name and i.Department = e.Department
        where e.Name is null

A url resource that is a dot (%2E)

It is not possible. §2.3 says that "." is an unreserved character and that "URIs that differ in the replacement of an unreserved character with its corresponding percent-encoded US-ASCII octet are equivalent". Therefore, /%2E%2E/ is the same as /../, and that will get normalized away.

(This is a combination of an answer by bobince and a comment by slowpoison.)

Reset CSS display property to default value

No, it is generally not possible. Once some CSS (or HTML) code sets a value for a property on an element, there is no way to undo it and tell the browser to use its default value.

It is of course possible to set a property a value that you expect to be the default value. This may work rather widely if you check the Rendering section of HTML5 CR, mostly reflecting what browsers actually do.

Still, the answer is “No”, because browsers may have whatever default values they like. You should analyze what was the reason for wanting to reset to defaults; the original problem may still be solvable.

adding onclick event to dynamically added button?

try this:

but.onclick = callJavascriptFunction;

or create the button by wrapping it with another element and use innerHTML:

var span = document.createElement('span');
span.innerHTML = '<button id="but' + inc +'" onclick="callJavascriptFunction()" />';

gzip: stdin: not in gzip format tar: Child returned status 1 tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

Add "-O file.tgz" or "-O file.tar.gz" at the end wget command and extract "file.tgz" or "file.tar.gz"

Here is the sample code for google colab-

!wget -q  --trust-server-names  -O file.tgz 
print("Download completed successfully !!!")
!tar zxvf  file.tgz 

Note- Please ensure that http path for tgz is valid and file is not corrupted

What is http multipart request?

A HTTP multipart request is a HTTP request that HTTP clients construct to send files and data over to a HTTP Server. It is commonly used by browsers and HTTP clients to upload files to the server.

pip install - locale.Error: unsupported locale setting

Run the following command (it will work):

export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"
export LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8"
sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales

How to detect if a browser is Chrome using jQuery?

This question was already discussed here: JavaScript: How to find out if the user browser is Chrome?

Please try this:

var isChromium =;
    // is Google chrome 
} else {
    // not Google chrome 

But a more complete and accurate answer would be this since IE11, IE Edge, and Opera will also return true for

So use the below:

// please note, 
// that IE11 now returns undefined again for
// and new Opera 30 outputs true for
// but needs to check if window.opr is not undefined
// and new IE Edge outputs to true now for
// and if not iOS Chrome check
// so use the below updated condition
var isChromium =;
var winNav = window.navigator;
var vendorName = winNav.vendor;
var isOpera = typeof window.opr !== "undefined";
var isIEedge = winNav.userAgent.indexOf("Edge") > -1;
var isIOSChrome = winNav.userAgent.match("CriOS");

if (isIOSChrome) {
   // is Google Chrome on IOS
} else if(
  isChromium !== null &&
  typeof isChromium !== "undefined" &&
  vendorName === "Google Inc." &&
  isOpera === false &&
  isIEedge === false
) {
   // is Google Chrome
} else { 
   // not Google Chrome 

Above posts advise to use jQuery.browser. But the jQuery API recommends against using this method.. (see DOCS in API). And states its functionality may be moved to a team-supported plugin in a future release of jQuery.

The jQuery API recommends to use

The reason being is that 'jQuery.browser' uses the user agent which can be spoofed and it is actually deprecated in later versions of jQuery. If you really want to use $.browser.. Here is the link to the standalone jQuery plugin, since it has been removed from jQuery version 1.9.1.

It's better to use feature object detection instead of browser detection.

Also if you use the Google Chrome inspector and go to the console tab. Type 'window' and press enter. Then you be able to view the DOM properties for the 'window object'. When you collapse the object you can view all the properties, including the 'chrome' property.

I hope this helps, even though the question was how to do with with jQuery. But sometimes straight javascript is more simple!

Mean filter for smoothing images in Matlab


h=fspecial('average', [3 3]);
g= imfilter(f, h);

Open Bootstrap Modal from code-behind

Finally I found out the problem preventing me from showing the modal from code-behind. One must think that it was as easy as register a clientscript that made the opening, like:

ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(),"none",
    "<script>$('#mymodal').modal('show');</script>", false);

But this never worked for me.

The problem is that Twitter Bootstrap Modals scripts don't work at all when the modal is inside an asp:Updatepanel, period. The behaviour of the modals fail from each side, codebehind to client and client to codebehind (postback). It even prevents postbacks when any js of the modal has executed, like a close button that you also need to do some sever objects disposing (for a dirty example)

I've notified the bootstrap staff, but they replied a convenient "please give us a fail scenario with only plain html and not asp." In my town, that's called... well, Bootstrap not supporting anything more that plain html. Nevermind, using it on asp.

I thought them to at least looking what they're doing different at the backdrop management, that I found causes the major part of the problems, but... (justa hint there)

So anyone that has the problem, drop the updatepanel for a try.

Proper MIME type for .woff2 fonts


For nginx add the following to the mime.types file:

font/woff2 woff2;

Old Answer

The mime type (sometime written as mimetype) for WOFF2 fonts has been proposed as application/font-woff2.

Also, if you refer to the spec ( you will see that font/woff2 is being discussed. I suspect that the filal mime type for all fonts will eventually be the more logical font/* (font/ttf, font/woff2 etc)...

N.B. WOFF2 is still in 'Working Draft' status -- not yet adopted officially.

Inserting an item in a Tuple

t = (1,2,3,4,5)

t= t + (6,7)

output :


Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 3.4

Visual Studio Community 2015 suffices to build extensions for Python 3.5. It's free but a 6 GB download (overkill). On my computer it installed vcvarsall at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat

For Python 3.4 you'd need Visual Studio 2010. I don't think there's any free edition. See

invalid use of non-static data member

You try to access private member of one class from another. The fact that bar-class is declared within foo-class means that bar in visible only inside foo class, but that is still other class.

And what is p->param?

Actually, it isn't clear what do you want to do

How to create/make rounded corner buttons in WPF?

You have to create your own ControlTemplate for the Button. just have a look at the sample

created a style called RoundCorner and inside that i changed rather created my own new Control Template with Border (CornerRadius=8) for round corner and some background and other trigger effect. If you have or know Expression Blend it can be done very easily.

<Style x:Key="RoundCorner" TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
    <Setter Property="HorizontalContentAlignment" Value="Center"/>
    <Setter Property="VerticalContentAlignment" Value="Center"/>
    <Setter Property="Padding" Value="1"/>
    <Setter Property="Template">
            <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
                <Grid x:Name="grid">
                    <Border x:Name="border" CornerRadius="8" BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="2">
                            <RadialGradientBrush GradientOrigin="0.496,1.052">
                                        <ScaleTransform CenterX="0.5" CenterY="0.5" 
                                                        ScaleX="1.5" ScaleY="1.5"/>
                                        <TranslateTransform X="0.02" Y="0.3"/>
                                <GradientStop Offset="1" Color="#00000000"/>
                                <GradientStop Offset="0.3" Color="#FFFFFFFF"/>
                        <ContentPresenter HorizontalAlignment="Center"

                    <Trigger Property="IsPressed" Value="True">
                        <Setter Property="Background" TargetName="border">
                                <RadialGradientBrush GradientOrigin="0.496,1.052">
                                            <ScaleTransform CenterX="0.5" CenterY="0.5" ScaleX="1.5" ScaleY="1.5"/>
                                            <TranslateTransform X="0.02" Y="0.3"/>
                                    <GradientStop Color="#00000000" Offset="1"/>
                                    <GradientStop Color="#FF303030" Offset="0.3"/>
                    <Trigger Property="IsMouseOver" Value="True">
                        <Setter Property="BorderBrush" TargetName="border" Value="#FF33962B"/>
                    <Trigger Property="IsEnabled" Value="False">
                        <Setter Property="Opacity" TargetName="grid" Value="0.25"/>



<Button Style="{DynamicResource RoundCorner}" 
        Margin="5" />

Customize UITableView header section

@samwize's solution in Swift (so upvote him!). Brilliant using same recycling mechanism also for header/footer sections:

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, viewForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> UIView? {
    let settingsHeaderSectionCell:SettingsHeaderSectionCell = self.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "SettingsHeaderSectionCell") as! SettingsHeaderSectionCell

    return settingsHeaderSectionCell

Pointer-to-pointer dynamic two-dimensional array

In both cases your inner dimension may be dynamically specified (i.e. taken from a variable), but the difference is in the outer dimension.

This question is basically equivalent to the following:

Is int* x = new int[4]; "better" than int x[4]?

The answer is: "no, unless you need to choose that array dimension dynamically."

how to pass parameters to query in SQL (Excel)

This post is old enough that this answer will probably be little use to the OP, but I spent forever trying to answer this same question, so I thought I would update it with my findings.

This answer assumes that you already have a working SQL query in place in your Excel document. There are plenty of tutorials to show you how to accomplish this on the web, and plenty that explain how to add a parameterized query to one, except that none seem to work for an existing, OLE DB query.

So, if you, like me, got handed a legacy Excel document with a working query, but the user wants to be able to filter the results based on one of the database fields, and if you, like me, are neither an Excel nor a SQL guru, this might be able to help you out.

Most web responses to this question seem to say that you should add a “?” in your query to get Excel to prompt you for a custom parameter, or place the prompt or the cell reference in [brackets] where the parameter should be. This may work for an ODBC query, but it does not seem to work for an OLE DB, returning “No value given for one or more required parameters” in the former instance, and “Invalid column name ‘xxxx’” or “Unknown object ‘xxxx’” in the latter two. Similarly, using the mythical “Parameters…” or “Edit Query…” buttons is also not an option as they seem to be permanently greyed out in this instance. (For reference, I am using Excel 2010, but with an Excel 97-2003 Workbook (*.xls))

What we can do, however, is add a parameter cell and a button with a simple routine to programmatically update our query text.

First, add a row above your external data table (or wherever) where you can put a parameter prompt next to an empty cell and a button (Developer->Insert->Button (Form Control) – You may need to enable the Developer tab, but you can find out how to do that elsewhere), like so:

[Picture of a cell of prompt (label) text, an empty cell, then a button.]

Next, select a cell in the External Data (blue) area, then open Data->Refresh All (dropdown)->Connection Properties… to look at your query. The code in the next section assumes that you already have a parameter in your query (Connection Properties->Definition->Command Text) in the form “WHERE (DB_TABLE_NAME.Field_Name = ‘Default Query Parameter')” (including the parentheses). Clearly “DB_TABLE_NAME.Field_Name” and “Default Query Parameter” will need to be different in your code, based on the database table name, database value field (column) name, and some default value to search for when the document is opened (if you have auto-refresh set). Make note of the “DB_TABLE_NAME.Field_Name” value as you will need it in the next section, along with the “Connection name” of your query, which can be found at the top of the dialog.

Close the Connection Properties, and hit Alt+F11 to open the VBA editor. If you are not on it already, right click on the name of the sheet containing your button in the “Project” window, and select “View Code”. Paste the following code into the code window (copying is recommended, as the single/double quotes are dicey and necessary).

Sub RefreshQuery()
 Dim queryPreText As String
 Dim queryPostText As String
 Dim valueToFilter As String
 Dim paramPosition As Integer
 valueToFilter = "DB_TABLE_NAME.Field_Name ="

 With ActiveWorkbook.Connections("Connection name").OLEDBConnection
     queryPreText = .CommandText
     paramPosition = InStr(queryPreText, valueToFilter) + Len(valueToFilter) - 1
     queryPreText = Left(queryPreText, paramPosition)
     queryPostText = .CommandText
     queryPostText = Right(queryPostText, Len(queryPostText) - paramPosition)
     queryPostText = Right(queryPostText, Len(queryPostText) - InStr(queryPostText, ")") + 1)
     .CommandText = queryPreText & " '" & Range("Cell reference").Value & "'" & queryPostText
 End With
 ActiveWorkbook.Connections("Connection name").Refresh
End Sub

Replace “DB_TABLE_NAME.Field_Name” and "Connection name" (in two locations) with your values (the double quotes and the space and equals sign need to be included).

Replace "Cell reference" with the cell where your parameter will go (the empty cell from the beginning) - mine was the second cell in the first row, so I put “B1” (again, the double quotes are necessary).

Save and close the VBA editor.

Enter your parameter in the appropriate cell.

Right click your button to assign the RefreshQuery sub as the macro, then click your button. The query should update and display the right data!

Notes: Using the entire filter parameter name ("DB_TABLE_NAME.Field_Name =") is only necessary if you have joins or other occurrences of equals signs in your query, otherwise just an equals sign would be sufficient, and the Len() calculation would be superfluous. If your parameter is contained in a field that is also being used to join tables, you will need to change the "paramPosition = InStr(queryPreText, valueToFilter) + Len(valueToFilter) - 1" line in the code to "paramPosition = InStr(Right(.CommandText, Len(.CommandText) - InStrRev(.CommandText, "WHERE")), valueToFilter) + Len(valueToFilter) - 1 + InStr(.CommandText, "WHERE")" so that it only looks for the valueToFilter after the "WHERE".

This answer was created with the aid of datapig’s “BaconBits” where I found the base code for the query update.

What is the effect of encoding an image in base64?

It will definitely cost you more space & bandwidth if you want to use base64 encoded images. However if your site has a lot of small images you can decrease the page loading time by encoding your images to base64 and placing them into html. In this way, the client browser wont need to make a lot of connections to the images, but will have them in html.

how to call a method in another Activity from Activity

If you need to call the same method from both Activities why not then use a third object?

public class FirstActivity extends Activity 

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


    // Utility.method() used somewhere in FirstActivity

public class Utility {

    public static void method()



public class SecondActivity extends Activity 

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {



Of course making it static depends on the use case.

doGet and doPost in Servlets


You should use doGet() when you want to intercept on HTTP GET requests. You should use doPost() when you want to intercept on HTTP POST requests. That's all. Do not port the one to the other or vice versa (such as in Netbeans' unfortunate auto-generated processRequest() method). This makes no utter sense.


Usually, HTTP GET requests are idempotent. I.e. you get exactly the same result everytime you execute the request (leaving authorization/authentication and the time-sensitive nature of the page —search results, last news, etc— outside consideration). We can talk about a bookmarkable request. Clicking a link, clicking a bookmark, entering raw URL in browser address bar, etcetera will all fire a HTTP GET request. If a Servlet is listening on the URL in question, then its doGet() method will be called. It's usually used to preprocess a request. I.e. doing some business stuff before presenting the HTML output from a JSP, such as gathering data for display in a table.

public class ProductsServlet extends HttpServlet {

    private ProductService productService;

    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
        List<Product> products = productService.list();
        request.setAttribute("products", products); // Will be available as ${products} in JSP
        request.getRequestDispatcher("/WEB-INF/products.jsp").forward(request, response);


Note that the JSP file is explicitly placed in /WEB-INF folder in order to prevent endusers being able to access it directly without invoking the preprocessing servlet (and thus end up getting confused by seeing an empty table).

    <c:forEach items="${products}" var="product">
            <td><a href="product?id=${}">detail</a></td>

Also view/edit detail links as shown in last column above are usually idempotent.

public class ProductServlet extends HttpServlet {

    private ProductService productService;

    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
        Product product = productService.find(request.getParameter("id"));
        request.setAttribute("product", product); // Will be available as ${product} in JSP
        request.getRequestDispatcher("/WEB-INF/product.jsp").forward(request, response);

    <dd><img src="productImage?id=${}" /></dd>


HTTP POST requests are not idempotent. If the enduser has submitted a POST form on an URL beforehand, which hasn't performed a redirect, then the URL is not necessarily bookmarkable. The submitted form data is not reflected in the URL. Copypasting the URL into a new browser window/tab may not necessarily yield exactly the same result as after the form submit. Such an URL is then not bookmarkable. If a Servlet is listening on the URL in question, then its doPost() will be called. It's usually used to postprocess a request. I.e. gathering data from a submitted HTML form and doing some business stuff with it (conversion, validation, saving in DB, etcetera). Finally usually the result is presented as HTML from the forwarded JSP page.

<form action="login" method="post">
    <input type="text" name="username">
    <input type="password" name="password">
    <input type="submit" value="login">
    <span class="error">${error}</span>

...which can be used in combination with this piece of Servlet:

public class LoginServlet extends HttpServlet {

    private UserService userService;

    protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
        String username = request.getParameter("username");
        String password = request.getParameter("password");
        User user = userService.find(username, password);

        if (user != null) {
            request.getSession().setAttribute("user", user);
        else {
            request.setAttribute("error", "Unknown user, please try again");
            request.getRequestDispatcher("/login.jsp").forward(request, response);


You see, if the User is found in DB (i.e. username and password are valid), then the User will be put in session scope (i.e. "logged in") and the servlet will redirect to some main page (this example goes to, else it will set an error message and forward the request back to the same JSP page so that the message get displayed by ${error}.

You can if necessary also "hide" the login.jsp in /WEB-INF/login.jsp so that the users can only access it by the servlet. This keeps the URL clean All you need to do is to add a doGet() to the servlet like this:

protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    request.getRequestDispatcher("/WEB-INF/login.jsp").forward(request, response);

(and update the same line in doPost() accordingly)

That said, I am not sure if it is just playing around and shooting in the dark, but the code which you posted doesn't look good (such as using compareTo() instead of equals() and digging in the parameternames instead of just using getParameter() and the id and password seems to be declared as servlet instance variables — which is NOT threadsafe). So I would strongly recommend to learn a bit more about basic Java SE API using the Oracle tutorials (check the chapter "Trails Covering the Basics") and how to use JSP/Servlets the right way using those tutorials.

See also:

Update: as per the update of your question (which is pretty major, you should not remove parts of your original question, this would make the answers worthless .. rather add the information in a new block) , it turns out that you're unnecessarily setting form's encoding type to multipart/form-data. This will send the request parameters in a different composition than the (default) application/x-www-form-urlencoded which sends the request parameters as a query string (e.g. name1=value1&name2=value2&name3=value3). You only need multipart/form-data whenever you have a <input type="file"> element in the form to upload files which may be non-character data (binary data). This is not the case in your case, so just remove it and it will work as expected. If you ever need to upload files, then you'll have to set the encoding type so and parse the request body yourself. Usually you use the Apache Commons FileUpload there for, but if you're already on fresh new Servlet 3.0 API, then you can just use builtin facilities starting with HttpServletRequest#getPart(). See also this answer for a concrete example: How to upload files to server using JSP/Servlet?

How to remove all the occurrences of a char in c++ string

string RemoveChar(string str, char c) 
   string result;
   for (size_t i = 0; i < str.size(); i++) 
          char currentChar = str[i];
          if (currentChar != c)
              result += currentChar;
       return result;

This is how I did it.

Or you could do as Antoine mentioned:

See this question which answers the same problem. In your case:

#include <algorithm>
str.erase(std::remove(str.begin(), str.end(), 'a'), str.end());

Converting of Uri to String

Uri to String

Uri uri;
String stringUri;
stringUri = uri.toString();

String to Uri

Uri uri;
String stringUri;
uri = Uri.parse(stringUri);

how to remove new lines and returns from php string?

You need to place the \n in double quotes.
Inside single quotes it is treated as 2 characters '\' followed by 'n'

You need:

$str = str_replace("\n", '', $str);

A better alternative is to use PHP_EOL as:

$str = str_replace(PHP_EOL, '', $str);

How to hash some string with sha256 in Java?

If you are using Java 8 you can encode the byte[] by doing

MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
byte[] hash = digest.digest(text.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
String encoded = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(hash);

Get program execution time in the shell

For a line-by-line delta measurement, try gnomon.

A command line utility, a bit like moreutils's ts, to prepend timestamp information to the standard output of another command. Useful for long-running processes where you'd like a historical record of what's taking so long.

You can also use the --high and/or --medium options to specify a length threshold in seconds, over which gnomon will highlight the timestamp in red or yellow. And you can do a few other things, too.


Can I avoid the native fullscreen video player with HTML5 on iPhone or android?

In iOS 10+

Apple enabled the attribute playsinline in all browsers on iOS 10, so this works seamlessly:

<video src="file.mp4" playsinline>

In iOS 8 and iOS 9

Short answer: use iphone-inline-video, it enables inline playback and syncs the audio.

Long answer: You can work around this issue by simulating the playback by skimming the video instead of actually .play()'ing it.

TypeError: document.getElementbyId is not a function

Case sensitive: document.getElementById (notice the capital B).

How to get request URL in Spring Boot RestController

You may try adding an additional argument of type HttpServletRequest to the getUrlValue() method:

@RequestMapping(value ="/",produces = "application/json")
public String getURLValue(HttpServletRequest request){
    String test = request.getRequestURI();
    return test;

jQuery get textarea text

you can get textarea data by name and id

// by name
<textarea name="comment"></textarea>
let text_area_data = $('textarea[name="comment"]').val();

// by id
<textarea id="comment" name="comment"></textarea>
let text_area_data = $('textarea#comment').val();

Access files in /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application without jailbreaking iPhone

If this is your app, if you connect the device to your computer, you can use the "Devices" option on Xcode's "Window" menu and then download the app's data container to your computer. Just select your app from the list of installed apps, and click on the "gear" icon and choose "Download Container".

enter image description here

Once you've downloaded it, right click on the file in the Finder and choose "Show Package Contents".

#ifdef in C#

I would recommend you using the Conditional Attribute!

Update: 3.5 years later

You can use #if like this (example copied from MSDN):

// preprocessor_if.cs
#define DEBUG
#define VC_V7
using System;
public class MyClass 
    static void Main() 
#if (DEBUG && !VC_V7)
        Console.WriteLine("DEBUG is defined");
#elif (!DEBUG && VC_V7)
        Console.WriteLine("VC_V7 is defined");
#elif (DEBUG && VC_V7)
        Console.WriteLine("DEBUG and VC_V7 are defined");
        Console.WriteLine("DEBUG and VC_V7 are not defined");

Only useful for excluding parts of methods.

If you use #if to exclude some method from compilation then you will have to exclude from compilation all pieces of code which call that method as well (sometimes you may load some classes at runtime and you cannot find the caller with "Find all references"). Otherwise there will be errors.

If you use conditional compilation on the other hand you can still leave all pieces of code that call the method. All parameters will still be validated by the compiler. The method just won't be called at runtime. I think that it is way better to hide the method just once and not have to remove all the code that calls it as well. You are not allowed to use the conditional attribute on methods which return value - only on void methods. But I don't think this is a big limitation because if you use #if with a method that returns a value you have to hide all pieces of code that call it too.

Here is an example:

    // calling Class1.ConditionalMethod() will be ignored at runtime 
    // unless the DEBUG constant is defined

    using System.Diagnostics;
    class Class1 
       public static void ConditionalMethod() {
          Console.WriteLine("Executed Class1.ConditionalMethod");


I would use #ifdef in C++ but with C#/VB I would use Conditional attribute. This way you hide the method definition without having to hide the pieces of code that call it. The calling code is still compiled and validated by the compiler, the method is not called at runtime though. You may want to use #if to avoid dependencies because with Conditional attribute your code is still compiled.

Set a form's action attribute when submitting?

You can also set onSubmit attribute's value in form tag. You can set its value using Javascript.

Something like this:

<form id="whatever" name="whatever" onSubmit="return xyz();">
    Here is your entire form
    <input type="submit">

<script type=text/javascript>
function xyz() {
  document.getElementById('whatever').action = 'whatever you want'

Remember that onSubmit has higher priority than action attribute. So whenever you specify onSubmit value, that operation will be performed first and then the form will move to action.

Java. Implicit super constructor Employee() is undefined. Must explicitly invoke another constructor

This problem can also come up when you don't have your constructor immediately call super.

So this will work:

  public Employee(String name, String number, Date date)

But this won't:

  public Employee(String name, String number, Date date)
    // an example of *any* code running before you call super.
    if (number < 5)


The reason the 2nd example fails is because java is trying to implicitely call


as the first line in your constructor.... So java doesn't see that you've got a call to super going on later in the constructor. It essentially tries to do this:

  public Employee(String name, String number, Date date)
    super(name, number, date);

    if (number < 5)


So the solution is pretty easy... Just don't put code before your super call ;-) If you need to initialize something before the call to super, do it in another constructor, and then call the old constructor... Like in this example pulled from this StackOverflow post:

public class Foo
    private int x;

    public Foo()

    public Foo(int x)
        this.x = x;

Calling a javascript function recursively

Here's one very simple example:

var counter = 0;

function getSlug(tokens) {
    var slug = '';

    if (!!tokens.length) {
        slug = tokens.shift();
        slug = slug.toLowerCase();
        slug += getSlug(tokens);

        counter += 1;
        console.log('THE SLUG ELEMENT IS: %s, counter is: %s', slug, counter);

    return slug;

var mySlug = getSlug(['This', 'Is', 'My', 'Slug']);
console.log('THE SLUG IS: %s', mySlug);

Notice that the counter counts "backwards" in regards to what slug's value is. This is because of the position at which we are logging these values, as the function recurs before logging -- so, we essentially keep nesting deeper and deeper into the call-stack before logging takes place.

Once the recursion meets the final call-stack item, it trampolines "out" of the function calls, whereas, the first increment of counter occurs inside of the last nested call.

I know this is not a "fix" on the Questioner's code, but given the title I thought I'd generically exemplify Recursion for a better understanding of recursion, outright.

What is the "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests" HTTP header?

Short answer: it's closely related to the Content-Security-Policy: upgrade-insecure-requests response header, indicating that the browser supports it (and in fact prefers it).

It took me 30mins of Googling, but I finally found it buried in the W3 spec.

The confusion comes because the header in the spec was HTTPS: 1, and this is how Chromium implemented it, but after this broke lots of websites that were poorly coded (particularly WordPress and WooCommerce) the Chromium team apologized:

"I apologize for the breakage; I apparently underestimated the impact based on the feedback during dev and beta."
— Mike West, in Chrome Issue 501842

Their fix was to rename it to Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1, and the spec has since been updated to match.

Anyway, here is the explanation from the W3 spec (as it appeared at the time)...

The HTTPS HTTP request header field sends a signal to the server expressing the client’s preference for an encrypted and authenticated response, and that it can successfully handle the upgrade-insecure-requests directive in order to make that preference as seamless as possible to provide.


When a server encounters this preference in an HTTP request’s headers, it SHOULD redirect the user to a potentially secure representation of the resource being requested.

When a server encounters this preference in an HTTPS request’s headers, it SHOULD include a Strict-Transport-Security header in the response if the request’s host is HSTS-safe or conditionally HSTS-safe [RFC6797].

No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource error

Just FYI, I noticed this information from the jQuery documentation which I believe applies to this issue:

Due to browser security restrictions, most "Ajax" requests are subject to the same origin policy; the request can not successfully retrieve data from a different domain, subdomain, port, or protocol.

Changing the hosts file like @thanix didn't work for me, but the extension mentioned by @dkruchok did solve the problem.

Practical uses for AtomicInteger

The primary use of AtomicInteger is when you are in a multithreaded context and you need to perform thread safe operations on an integer without using synchronized. The assignation and retrieval on the primitive type int are already atomic but AtomicInteger comes with many operations which are not atomic on int.

The simplest are the getAndXXX or xXXAndGet. For instance getAndIncrement() is an atomic equivalent to i++ which is not atomic because it is actually a short cut for three operations: retrieval, addition and assignation. compareAndSet is very useful to implements semaphores, locks, latches, etc.

Using the AtomicInteger is faster and more readable than performing the same using synchronization.

A simple test:

public synchronized int incrementNotAtomic() {
    return notAtomic++;

public void performTestNotAtomic() {
    final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    for (int i = 0 ; i < NUM ; i++) {
    System.out.println("Not atomic: "+(System.currentTimeMillis() - start));

public void performTestAtomic() {
    final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    for (int i = 0 ; i < NUM ; i++) {
    System.out.println("Atomic: "+(System.currentTimeMillis() - start));

On my PC with Java 1.6 the atomic test runs in 3 seconds while the synchronized one runs in about 5.5 seconds. The problem here is that the operation to synchronize (notAtomic++) is really short. So the cost of the synchronization is really important compared to the operation.

Beside atomicity AtomicInteger can be use as a mutable version of Integer for instance in Maps as values.

How do I modify the URL without reloading the page?

In modern browsers and HTML5, there is a method called pushState on window history. That will change the URL and push it to the history without loading the page.

You can use it like this, it will take 3 parameters, 1) state object 2) title and a URL):

window.history.pushState({page: "another"}, "another page", "example.html");

This will change the URL, but not reload the page. Also, it doesn't check if the page exist, so if you do some JavaScript code which be reacting to the URL, you can work with them like this.

Also there is history.replaceState() which does exactly the same thing, except it will modify the current history instead of creating a new one!

Also you can create a function to check if history.pushState exist, then carry on with the rest like this:

function goTo(page, title, url) {
  if ("undefined" !== typeof history.pushState) {
    history.pushState({page: page}, title, url);
  } else {

goTo("another page", "example", 'example.html');

Also you can change the # for <HTML5 browsers, which won't reload the page. That's the way Angular uses to do SPA according to hashtag...

Changing # is quite easy, doing like:

window.location.hash = "example";

And you can detect it like this:

window.onhashchange = function () {
  console.log("#changed", window.location.hash);

Border in shape xml

If you want make a border in a shape xml. You need to use:

For the external border,you need to use:


For the internal background,you need to use:


If you want to set corners,you need to use:


If you want a padding betwen border and the internal elements,you need to use:


Here is a shape xml example using the above items. It works for me

<shape xmlns:android=""> 
  <stroke android:width="2dp" android:color="#D0CFCC" /> 
  <solid android:color="#F8F7F5" /> 
  <corners android:radius="10dp" />
  <padding android:left="2dp" android:top="2dp" android:right="2dp" android:bottom="2dp" />

How do I import/include MATLAB functions?

You should be able to put them in your ~/matlab on unix.

I'm not sure which directory matlab looks in for windows, but you should be able to figure it out by executing userpath from the matlab command line.

top -c command in linux to filter processes listed based on processname

Using pgrep to get pid's of matching command lines:

top -c -p $(pgrep -d',' -f string_to_match_in_cmd_line)

top -p expects a comma separated list of pids so we use -d',' in pgrep. The -f flag in pgrep makes it match the command line instead of program name.

Take the content of a list and append it to another list

If we have list like below:

list  = [2,2,3,4]

two ways to copy it into another list.


x = [list]  # x =[] x.append(list) same 
print("length is {}".format(len(x)))
for i in x:
length is 1
[2, 2, 3, 4]


x = [l for l in list]
print("length is {}".format(len(x)))
for i in x:
length is 4

Why is there no SortedList in Java?

Think of it like this: the List interface has methods like add(int index, E element), set(int index, E element). The contract is that once you added an element at position X you will find it there unless you add or remove elements before it.

If any list implementation would store elements in some order other than based on the index, the above list methods would make no sense.

How to activate JMX on my JVM for access with jconsole?

Step 1: Run the application using following parameters.

Above arguments bind the application to the port 9999.

Step 2: Launch jconsole by executing the command jconsole in command prompt or terminal.

Select ‘Remote Process:’ and enter the url as {IP_Address}:9999 and click on Connect button to connect to the remote application.

You can refer this link for complete application.

RSA: Get exponent and modulus given a public key

I manage to find the answer for this solution, have to do javascript injection for this to install atob

const atob:any = require('atob');
asn1(pem: any){
      asn1parser.Enc.base64ToBuf = function (b64:any) {
    return asn1parser.Enc.binToBuf(atob(b64));
  const dertest = asn1parser.PEM.parseBlock(pem).der;
   var hex = asn1parser.Enc.bufToHex(asn1parser.PEM.parseBlock(pem).der)
   var buf = asn1parser.ASN1.parse(dertest);
  var asn1 = JSON.stringify(asn1parser.ASN1.parse(dertest), asn1parser.ASN1._replacer, 2 );

<select> HTML element with height

I've used a few CSS hacks and targeted Chrome/Safari/Firefox/IE individually, as each browser renders selects a bit differently. I've tested on all browsers except IE.

For Safari/Chrome, set the height and line-height you want for your <select />.

For Firefox, we're going to kill Firefox's default padding and border, then set our own. Set padding to whatever you like.

For IE 8+, just like Chrome, we've set the height and line-height properties. These two media queries can be combined. But I kept it separate for demo purposes. So you can see what I'm doing.

Please note, for the height/line-height property to work in Chrome/Safari OSX, you must set the background to a custom value. I changed the color in my example.

Here's a jsFiddle of the below:

For the non-hack route, why not use a custom select plug-in via jQuery? Check out this:


    <option>Here's one option</option>
    <option>here's another option</option>


@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) {  /*safari and chrome*/
    select {
select::-moz-focus-inner { /*Remove button padding in FF*/ 
    border: 0;
    padding: 0;
@-moz-document url-prefix() { /* targets Firefox only */
    select {
        padding: 15px 0!important;
@media screen\0 { /* IE Hacks: targets IE 8, 9 and 10 */        
    select {

What is JavaScript's highest integer value that a number can go to without losing precision?

In JavaScript, there is a number called Infinity.


=> true

// Also worth noting
Infinity - 1 == Infinity
=> true

Math.pow(2,1024) === Infinity
=> true

This may be sufficient for some questions regarding this topic.

What does the arrow operator, '->', do in Java?

New Operator for lambda expression added in java 8

Lambda expression is the short way of method writing.
It is indirectly used to implement functional interface

Primary Syntax : (parameters) -> { statements; }

There are some basic rules for effective lambda expressions writting which you should konw.

Use nginx to serve static files from subdirectories of a given directory

It should work, however says:

When location matches the last part of the directive’s value: it is better to use the root directive instead:

which would yield:

server {
  listen        8080;
  error_log     /home/www-data/logs/nginx_www.error.log;
  error_page    404    /404.html;

  location /public/doc/ {
    autoindex on;
    root  /home/www-data/mysite;

  location = /404.html {
    root /home/www-data/mysite/static/html;

How do I get sed to read from standard input?

To make sed catch from stdin , instead of from a file, you should use -e.

Like this:

curl -k -u admin:admin https://$HOSTNAME:9070/api/tm/3.8/status/$HOSTNAME/statistics/traffic_ips/trafc_ip/ | sed -e 's/["{}]//g' |sed -e 's/[]]//g' |sed -e 's/[\[]//g' |awk  'BEGIN{FS=":"} {print $4}'

Best approach to converting Boolean object to string in java

public class Sandbox {

     * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Boolean b = true;
        boolean z = false;
        echo (b);
        echo (z);
        echo ("Value of b= " + b +"\nValue of z= " + z);

    public static void echo(Object obj){

Value of b= true
Value of z= false

Commenting out code blocks in Atom

with all my respect with the comments above, no need to use a package :

1) click on Atom 
1.2) then ATL => the menu bar appear 
1.3) File > Settings  => settings appear
1.4) Keybindings > Search keybinding input => fill "comment"
1.5) you will see :

keybindings panel in atom editor

if you want to change the configuration, you just have to parameter your keymap file

About .bash_profile, .bashrc, and where should alias be written in?

.bash_profile is loaded for a "login shell". I am not sure what that would be on OS X, but on Linux that is either X11 or a virtual terminal.

.bashrc is loaded every time you run Bash. That is where you should put stuff you want loaded whenever you open a new window.

I personally put everything in .bashrc so that I don't have to restart the application for changes to take effect.

Laravel 5.1 - Checking a Database Connection

You can use this query for checking database connection in laravel:

$pdo = DB::connection()->getPdo();

     echo "Connected successfully to database ".DB::connection()->getDatabaseName();
   } else {
     echo "You are not connected to database";

For more information you can checkout this page

How can I send large messages with Kafka (over 15MB)?

The answer from @laughing_man is quite accurate. But still, I wanted to give a recommendation which I learned from Kafka expert Stephane Maarek.

Kafka isn’t meant to handle large messages.

Your API should use cloud storage (Ex AWS S3), and just push to Kafka or any message broker a reference of S3. You must find somewhere to persist your data, maybe it’s a network drive, maybe it’s whatever, but it shouldn't be message broker.

Now, if you don’t want to go with the above solution

The message max size is 1MB (the setting in your brokers is called message.max.bytes) Apache Kafka. If you really needed it badly, you could increase that size and make sure to increase the network buffers for your producers and consumers.

And if you really care about splitting your message, make sure each message split has the exact same key so that it gets pushed to the same partition, and your message content should report a “part id” so that your consumer can fully reconstruct the message.

You can also explore compression, if your message is text-based (gzip, snappy, lz4 compression) which may reduce the data size, but not magically.

Again, you have to use an external system to store that data and just push an external reference to Kafka. That is a very common architecture and one you should go with and widely accepted.

Keep that in mind Kafka works best only if the messages are huge in amount but not in size.


Postgres user does not exist?

OS X tends to prefix the system account names with "_"; you don't say what version of OS X you're using, but at least in 10.8 and 10.9 the _postgres user exists in a default install. Note that you won't be able to su to this account (except as root), since it doesn't have a password. sudo -u _postgres, on the other hand, should work fine.

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'str' and 'str'

By turning them into integers instead:

percent = (int(pyc) / int(tpy)) * 100;

In python 3, the input() function returns a string. Always. This is a change from Python 2; the raw_input() function was renamed to input().

Insert HTML with React Variable Statements (JSX)

Note that dangerouslySetInnerHTML can be dangerous if you do not know what is in the HTML string you are injecting. This is because malicious client side code can be injected via script tags.

It is probably a good idea to sanitize the HTML string via a utility such as DOMPurify if you are not 100% sure the HTML you are rendering is XSS (cross-site scripting) safe.


import DOMPurify from 'dompurify'

const thisIsMyCopy = '<p>copy copy copy <strong>strong copy</strong></p>';

render: function() {
    return (
        <div className="content" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: DOMPurify.sanitize(thisIsMyCopy)}}></div>

element with the max height from a set of elements

Use .map() and Math.max.

var maxHeight = Math.max.apply(null, $("div.panel").map(function ()
    return $(this).height();

If that's confusing to read, this might be clearer:

var heights = $("div.panel").map(function ()
        return $(this).height();

maxHeight = Math.max.apply(null, heights);

Convert a tensor to numpy array in Tensorflow?

If you see there is a method _numpy(), e.g for an EagerTensor simply call the above method and you will get an ndarray. ) .done( ) and success:

The reason to prefer Promises over callback functions is to have multiple callbacks and to avoid the problems like Callback Hell.

Callback hell (for more details, refer Asynchronous javascript, or javascript that uses callbacks, is hard to get right intuitively. A lot of code ends up looking like this:

asyncCall(function(err, data1){
    if(err) return callback(err);       
    anotherAsyncCall(function(err2, data2){
        if(err2) return calllback(err2);
        oneMoreAsyncCall(function(err3, data3){
            if(err3) return callback(err3);
            // are we done yet?

With Promises above code can be rewritten as below:

    // do something...
    return anotherAsyncCall();
    // do something...  
    return oneMoreAsyncCall();    
    // the third and final async response
.fail(function(err) {
    // handle any error resulting from any of the above calls    

Call PHP function from jQuery?

Yes, this is definitely possible. You'll need to have the php function in a separate php file. Here's an example using $.post:

    'yourphpscript.php', // location of your php script
    { name: "bob", user_id: 1234 }, // any data you want to send to the script
    function( data ){  // a function to deal with the returned information

        $( 'body ').append( data );


And then, in your php script, just echo the html you want. This is a simple example, but a good place to get started:

    echo '<div id="test">Hello, World!</div>';

Change url query string value using jQuery

If you only need to modify the page num you can replace it:

var newUrl = location.href.replace("page="+currentPageNum, "page="+newPageNum);

Replace part of a string in Python?

>>> stuff = "Big and small"
>>> stuff.replace(" and ","/")

Convert negative data into positive data in SQL Server

An easy and straightforward solution using the CASE function:

SELECT CASE WHEN ( a > 0 ) THEN (a*-1) ELSE (a*-1) END AS NegativeA,
       CASE WHEN ( b > 0 ) THEN (b*-1) ELSE (b*-1) END AS PositiveB
FROM YourTableName

How to read an external local JSON file in JavaScript?

You could use D3 to handle the callback, and load the local JSON file data.json, as follows:

<script src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

  d3.json("data.json", function(error, data) {
    if (error)
      throw error;

Mailx send html message

If you use AIX try this This will attach a text file and include a HTML body If this does not work catch the output in the /var/spool/mqueue

if (( $# < 1 ))
  echo "\n\tSyntax: $(basename) MAILTO SUBJECT BODY.html ATTACH.txt "
  echo "\tmailzatt"
export MAILTO=${[email protected]}
export BODY=${3-/apps/bin/attch.txt}
export ATTACH=${4-/apps/bin/attch.txt}
export HST=$(hostname)
#export BODY="/wrk/stocksum/report.html"
#export ATTACH="/wrk/stocksum/Report.txt"
#export MAILPART=`uuidgen` ## Generates Unique ID
#export MAILPART_BODY=`uuidgen` ## Generates Unique ID
export MAILPART="==".$(date +%d%S)."===" ## Generates Unique ID
export MAILPART_BODY="==".$(date +%d%Sbody)."===" ## Generates Unique ID
echo "To: $MAILTO"
 echo "From: mailmate@$HST "
 echo "Subject: $SUBJECT"
 echo "MIME-Version: 1.0"
 echo "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"$MAILPART\""
 echo ""
 echo "--$MAILPART"
 echo "Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=\"$MAILPART_BODY\""
 echo ""
 echo ""
 echo "--$MAILPART_BODY"
 echo "Content-Type: text/html"
 echo "Content-Disposition: inline"
 cat $BODY
 echo ""
 echo "--$MAILPART_BODY--"
 echo ""
 echo "--$MAILPART"
 echo "Content-Type: text/plain"
 echo "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$(basename $ATTACH)\""
 echo ""
 cat $ATTACH
 echo ""
 echo "--${MAILPART}--"
  ) | /usr/sbin/sendmail -t

How to get file creation & modification date/times in Python?

There are two methods to get the mod time, os.path.getmtime() or os.stat(), but the ctime is not reliable cross-platform (see below).


Return the time of last modification of path. The return value is a number giving the number of seconds since the epoch (see the time module). Raise os.error if the file does not exist or is inaccessible. New in version 1.5.2. Changed in version 2.3: If os.stat_float_times() returns True, the result is a floating point number.


Perform a stat() system call on the given path. The return value is an object whose attributes correspond to the members of the stat structure, namely: st_mode (protection bits), st_ino (inode number), st_dev (device), st_nlink (number of hard links), st_uid (user ID of owner), st_gid (group ID of owner), st_size (size of file, in bytes), st_atime (time of most recent access), st_mtime (time of most recent content modification), st_ctime (platform dependent; time of most recent metadata change on Unix, or the time of creation on Windows):

>>> import os
>>> statinfo = os.stat('somefile.txt')
>>> statinfo
(33188, 422511L, 769L, 1, 1032, 100, 926L, 1105022698,1105022732, 1105022732)
>>> statinfo.st_size

In the above example you would use statinfo.st_mtime or statinfo.st_ctime to get the mtime and ctime, respectively.

How to convert int to QString?

Use QString::number():

int i = 42;
QString s = QString::number(i);

Sequel Pro Alternative for Windows

You can try DBVisualizer some features are not free, but you can get an evaluate license...

SQL Server : login success but "The database [dbName] is not accessible. (ObjectExplorer)"

I performed the below steps and it worked for me:

1) connect to SQL Server->Security->logins->search for the particular user->Properties->server Roles-> enable "sys admin" check box

How do I clear all options in a dropdown box?

Probably, not the cleanest solution, but it is definitely simpler than removing one-by-one:

document.getElementById("DropList").innerHTML = "";

Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Python33\python.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python33\pip.exe""

For me this problem appeared when I changed the environment path to point to v2.7 which was initially pointing to v3.6. After that, to run pip or virtualenv commands, I had to python -m pip install XXX as mentioned in the answers below.

So, in order to get rid of this, I ran the v2.7 installer again, chose change option and made sure that, add to path option was enabled, and let the installer run. After that everything works as it should.

How do I calculate power-of in C#?

Do not use Math.Pow

When i use

for (int i = 0; i < 10e7; i++)
    var x3 = x * x * x;
    var y3 = y * y * y;

It only takes 230 ms whereas the following takes incredible 7050 ms:

for (int i = 0; i < 10e7; i++)
    var x3 = Math.Pow(x, 3);
    var y3 = Math.Pow(x, 3);

SQL Server - An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near 'RETURN'

Your problem might be here:

                            SELECT m.ResourceNo FROM JobMember m
                            JOIN JobTask t ON t.JobTaskNo = m.JobTaskNo
                            WHERE t.TaskManagerNo = @UserResourceNo
                            t.AlternateTaskManagerNo = @UserResourceNo

try changing to

OR r.ResourceNo IN
                            SELECT m.ResourceNo FROM JobMember m
                            JOIN JobTask t ON t.JobTaskNo = m.JobTaskNo
                            WHERE t.TaskManagerNo = @UserResourceNo
                            t.AlternateTaskManagerNo = @UserResourceNo

How to recover just deleted rows in mysql?

I'm sorry, bu it's not posible, unless you made a backup file earlier.

EDIT: Actually it is possible, but it gets very tricky and you shouldn't think about it if data wasn't really, really important. You see: when data get's deleted from a computer it still remains in the same place on the disk, only its sectors are marked as empty. So data remains intact, except if it gets overwritten by new data. There are several programs designed for this purpose and there are companies who specialize in data recovery, though they are rather expensive.

Can an int be null in Java?

I'm no expert, but I do believe that the null equivalent for an int is 0.

For example, if you make an int[], each slot contains 0 as opposed to null, unless you set it to something else.

In some situations, this may be of use.

An Authentication object was not found in the SecurityContext - Spring 3.2.2

There is similar issue. I added listener as given here

It worked for me adding below lines to web.xml. Posting it very late, should help someone looking for answer.


How to show the text on a ImageButton?

You can use a LinearLayout instead of using Button it's an arrangement i used in my app


            android:textSize="20dp" />

            android:textSize="25dp" />


Best way to do a split pane in HTML

Simplest HTML + CSS accordion, with just CSS resize.

div {
  resize: vertical;
  overflow: auto;
  border: 1px solid
.menu {
  display: grid
  /* Try height: 100% or height: 100vh */
<div class="menu">
    Hello, World!
    Hello, World!
    Hello, World!

Simplest HTML + CSS vertical resizable panes:

div {
  resize: horizontal;
  overflow: auto;
  border: 1px solid;
  display: inline-flex;
  height: 90vh
  Hello, World!
  Hello, World!

The plain HTML, details element!.

  <p>Hello, World!</p>
  <p>How sweat?</p>

Simplest HTML + CSS topbar foldable menu

 display: flex
 margin: 0px 0 -1px 0px;
 padding: 0 0 0 0.5rem;
 border: 1px black solid
summary {
  padding: 0 1rem 0 0.5rem
    <p>Save as</p>
    <p>How sweat?</p>
    <p>Powered by HTML</p>

Fixed bottom menu bar, unfolding upward.

 display: flex;
 position: fixed;
 bottom: 0;
 transform: rotate(180deg)
 margin: 0px 0 -1px 0px;
 padding: 0 0 0 0.5rem;
 border: 1px black solid;
 transform: rotate(180deg)
summary {
  padding: 0 1rem 0 0.5rem;
    <p>Save as</p>

Simplest resizable pane, using JavaScript.

let ismdwn = 0
rpanrResize.addEventListener('mousedown', mD)

function mD(event) {
  ismdwn = 1
  document.body.addEventListener('mousemove', mV)
  document.body.addEventListener('mouseup', end)

function mV(event) {
  if (ismdwn === 1) { = event.clientX + "px"
  } else {
const end = (e) => {
  ismdwn = 0
  document.body.removeEventListener('mouseup', end)
  rpanrResize.removeEventListener('mousemove', mV)
div {
  display: flex;
  border: 1px black solid;
  width: 100%;
  height: 200px;

#pan1 {
  flex-grow: 1;
  flex-shrink: 0;
  flex-basis: 50%; // initial status

#pan2 {
  flex-grow: 0;
  flex-shrink: 1;
  overflow-x: auto;

#rpanrResize {
  flex-grow: 0;
  flex-shrink: 0;
  background: #1b1b51;
  width: 0.2rem;
  cursor: col-resize;
  margin: 0 0 0 auto;
  <div id="pan1">MENU</div>
  <div id="rpanrResize">&nbsp;</div>
  <div id="pan2">BODY</div>

What is the cleanest way to disable CSS transition effects temporarily?


$('#elem').css('-webkit-transition','none !important'); 

in your js kill it?

obviously repeat for each.

How to calculate percentage when old value is ZERO

When both values are zero, then the change is zero.

If one of the values is zero, it's infinite (ambiguous), but I would set it to 100%.

Here is a C++ code (where v1 is the previous value (old), and v2 is new):

double result = 0;
if (v1 != 0 && v2 != 0) {
  // If values are non-zero, use the standard formula.
  result = (v2 / v1) - 1;
} else if (v1 == 0 || v2 == 0) {
  // Change is zero when both values are zeros, otherwise it's 100%.
  result = v1 == 0 && v2 == 0 ? 0 : 1;
result = v2 > v1 ? abs(result) : -abs(result);
// Note: To have format in hundreds, multiply the result by 100.

open() in Python does not create a file if it doesn't exist

My answer:

file_path = 'myfile.dat'
    fp = open(file_path)
except IOError:
    # If not exists, create the file
    fp = open(file_path, 'w+')

No matching client found for package name (Google Analytics) - multiple productFlavors & buildTypes

This error occurs when you have a Google Services Json file downloaded in your project whose Package name doesn't match with your Project's package name.

Recently renamed the project's package name?

It does update all the classes but not the Gradle File. So check if your package name is correct in your Gradle, and also maybe Manifest too.

How to call shell commands from Ruby

Using the answers here and linked in Mihai's answer, I put together a function that meets these requirements:

  1. Neatly captures STDOUT and STDERR so they don't "leak" when my script is run from the console.
  2. Allows arguments to be passed to the shell as an array, so there's no need to worry about escaping.
  3. Captures the exit status of the command so it is clear when an error has occurred.

As a bonus, this one will also return STDOUT in cases where the shell command exits successfully (0) and puts anything on STDOUT. In this manner, it differs from system, which simply returns true in such cases.

Code follows. The specific function is system_quietly:

require 'open3'

class ShellError < StandardError; end

#actual function:
def system_quietly(*cmd)
  Open3.popen3(*cmd) do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thread|
    err = stderr.gets(nil)
    out = stdout.gets(nil)
    [stdin, stdout, stderr].each{|stream| stream.send('close')}
    exit_status = wait_thread.value
  if exit_status.to_i > 0
    err = err.chomp if err
    raise ShellError, err
  elsif out
    return out.chomp
    return true

#calling it:
  puts system_quietly('which', 'ruby')
rescue ShellError
  abort "Looks like you don't have the `ruby` command. Odd."

#output: => "/Users/me/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p136/bin/ruby"

compression and decompression of string data in java

If you ever need to transfer the zipped content via network or store it as text, you have to use Base64 encoder(such as apache commons codec Base64) to convert the byte array to a Base64 String, and decode the string back to byte array at remote client. Found an example at Use Zip Stream and Base64 Encoder to Compress Large String Data!

How to resolve 'unrecognized selector sent to instance'?

You should note that this is not necessarily the best design pattern. From the looks of it, you are essentially using your App Delegate to store what amounts to a global variable.

Matt Gallagher covered the issue of globals well in his Cocoa with Love article at In all likelyhood, your ClassA should be a singleton rather than a global in the AppDelegate, although its possible you intent ClassA to be more general purpose and not simply a singleton. In that case, you'd probably be better off with either a class method to return a pre-configured instance of Class A, something like:

+ (ClassA*) applicationClassA
    static ClassA* appClassA = nil;
    if ( !appClassA ) {
        appClassA = [[ClassA alloc] init];
        appClassA.downloadURL = @"";
    return appClassA;

Or alternatively (since that would add application specific stuff to what is possibly a general purpose class), create a new class whose sole purpose is to contain that class method.

The point is that application globals do not need to be part of the AppDelegate. Just because the AppDelegate is a known singleton, does not mean every other app global should be mixed in with it even if they have nothing conceptually to do with handling the NSApplication delegate methods.

Setting onClickListener for the Drawable right of an EditText

public class CustomEditText extends androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatEditText {

    private Drawable drawableRight;
    private Drawable drawableLeft;
    private Drawable drawableTop;
    private Drawable drawableBottom;

    int actionX, actionY;

    private DrawableClickListener clickListener;

    public CustomEditText (Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);
        // this Contructure required when you are using this view in xml

    public CustomEditText(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyle);        

    protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {


    protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {
        super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh);

    public void setCompoundDrawables(Drawable left, Drawable top,
            Drawable right, Drawable bottom) {
        if (left != null) {
            drawableLeft = left;
        if (right != null) {
            drawableRight = right;
        if (top != null) {
            drawableTop = top;
        if (bottom != null) {
            drawableBottom = bottom;
        super.setCompoundDrawables(left, top, right, bottom);

    public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
        Rect bounds;
        if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
            actionX = (int) event.getX();
            actionY = (int) event.getY();
            if (drawableBottom != null
                    && drawableBottom.getBounds().contains(actionX, actionY)) {
                return super.onTouchEvent(event);

            if (drawableTop != null
                    && drawableTop.getBounds().contains(actionX, actionY)) {
                return super.onTouchEvent(event);

            // this works for left since container shares 0,0 origin with bounds
            if (drawableLeft != null) {
                bounds = null;
                bounds = drawableLeft.getBounds();

                int x, y;
                int extraTapArea = (int) (13 * getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density  + 0.5);

                x = actionX;
                y = actionY;

                if (!bounds.contains(actionX, actionY)) {
                    /** Gives the +20 area for tapping. */
                    x = (int) (actionX - extraTapArea);
                    y = (int) (actionY - extraTapArea);

                    if (x <= 0)
                        x = actionX;
                    if (y <= 0)
                        y = actionY;

                    /** Creates square from the smallest value */
                    if (x < y) {
                        y = x;

                if (bounds.contains(x, y) && clickListener != null) {
                    return false;


            if (drawableRight != null) {

                bounds = null;
                bounds = drawableRight.getBounds();

                int x, y;
                int extraTapArea = 13;

                 * BOUND. - this process help to increase the tappable area of
                 * the rectangle.
                x = (int) (actionX + extraTapArea);
                y = (int) (actionY - extraTapArea);

                /**Since this is right drawable subtract the value of x from the width 
                * of view. so that width - tappedarea will result in x co-ordinate in drawable bound. 
                x = getWidth() - x;
                 /*x can be negative if user taps at x co-ordinate just near the width.
                 * e.g views width = 300 and user taps 290. Then as per previous calculation
                 * 290 + 13 = 303. So subtract X from getWidth() will result in negative value.
                 * So to avoid this add the value previous added when x goes negative.
                if(x <= 0){
                    x += extraTapArea;
                 /* If result after calculating for extra tappable area is negative.
                 * assign the original value so that after subtracting
                 * extratapping area value doesn't go into negative value.
                if (y <= 0)
                    y = actionY;                

                /**If drawble bounds contains the x and y points then move ahead.*/
                if (bounds.contains(x, y) && clickListener != null) {
                    return false;
                return super.onTouchEvent(event);

        return super.onTouchEvent(event);

    protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
        drawableRight = null;
        drawableBottom = null;
        drawableLeft = null;
        drawableTop = null;

    public void setDrawableClickListener(DrawableClickListener listener) {
        this.clickListener = listener;


Also Create an Interface with

public interface DrawableClickListener {

    public static enum DrawablePosition { TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT, RIGHT };
    public void onClick(DrawablePosition target); 

Still if u need any help, comment

Also set the drawableClickListener on the view in activity file.

editText.setDrawableClickListener(new DrawableClickListener() {
        public void onClick(DrawablePosition target) {
            switch (target) {
            case LEFT:
                //Do something here


Finding the layers and layer sizes for each Docker image

They have a very good answer here:

Just run below images:

docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock nate/dockviz images -t

Deleting all pending tasks in celery / rabbitmq

celery 4+ celery purge command to purge all configured task queues

celery -A *APPNAME* purge


from proj.celery import app

all pending task will be purged. Reference: celerydoc

Reading *.wav files in Python

I needed to read a 1-channel 24-bit WAV file. The post above by Nak was very useful. However, as mentioned above by basj 24-bit is not straightforward. I finally got it working using the following snippet:

from import wavfile
TheFile = 'example24bit1channelFile.wav'
[fs, x] =

# convert the loaded data into a 24bit signal

nx = len(x)
ny = nx/3*4    # four 3-byte samples are contained in three int32 words

y = np.zeros((ny,), dtype=np.int32)    # initialise array

# build the data left aligned in order to keep the sign bit operational.
# result will be factor 256 too high

y[0:ny:4] = ((x[0:nx:3] & 0x000000FF) << 8) | \
  ((x[0:nx:3] & 0x0000FF00) << 8) | ((x[0:nx:3] & 0x00FF0000) << 8)
y[1:ny:4] = ((x[0:nx:3] & 0xFF000000) >> 16) | \
  ((x[1:nx:3] & 0x000000FF) << 16) | ((x[1:nx:3] & 0x0000FF00) << 16)
y[2:ny:4] = ((x[1:nx:3] & 0x00FF0000) >> 8) | \
  ((x[1:nx:3] & 0xFF000000) >> 8) | ((x[2:nx:3] & 0x000000FF) << 24)
y[3:ny:4] = (x[2:nx:3] & 0x0000FF00) | \
  (x[2:nx:3] & 0x00FF0000) | (x[2:nx:3] & 0xFF000000)

y = y/256   # correct for building 24 bit data left aligned in 32bit words

Some additional scaling is required if you need results between -1 and +1. Maybe some of you out there might find this useful

Array or List in Java. Which is faster?

I don't think it makes a real difference for Strings. What is contiguous in an array of strings is the references to the strings, the strings themselves are stored at random places in memory.

Arrays vs. Lists can make a difference for primitive types, not for objects. IF you know in advance the number of elements, and don't need flexibility, an array of millions of integers or doubles will be more efficient in memory and marginally in speed than a list, because indeed they will be stored contiguously and accessed instantly. That's why Java still uses arrays of chars for strings, arrays of ints for image data, etc.

UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc2

You need to decode data from input string into unicode, before using it, to avoid encoding problems.

field.text = data.decode("utf8")

Why plt.imshow() doesn't display the image?

If you want to print the picture using imshow() you also execute

How to set different colors in HTML in one statement?

How about using FONT tag?


H<font color="red">E</font>LLO.

Can't show example here, because this site doesn't allow font tag use.

Span style is fast and easy too.

How to make a JSONP request from Javascript without JQuery?

the way I use jsonp like below:

function jsonp(uri) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        var id = '_' + Math.round(10000 * Math.random());
        var callbackName = 'jsonp_callback_' + id;
        window[callbackName] = function(data) {
            delete window[callbackName];
            var ele = document.getElementById(id);

        var src = uri + '&callback=' + callbackName;
        var script = document.createElement('script');
        script.src = src; = id;
        script.addEventListener('error', reject);
        (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.body || document.documentElement).appendChild(script)

then use 'jsonp' method like this:



JavaScript XMLHttpRequest using JsonP (talk about the way of use Promise)

Creating a JSON response using Django and Python

I use this, it works fine.

from django.utils import simplejson
from django.http import HttpResponse

def some_view(request):
    to_json = {
        "key1": "value1",
        "key2": "value2"
    return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(to_json), mimetype='application/json')


from django.utils import simplejson

class JsonResponse(HttpResponse):
        JSON response
    def __init__(self, content, mimetype='application/json', status=None, content_type=None):
        super(JsonResponse, self).__init__(

In Django 1.7 JsonResponse objects have been added to the Django framework itself which makes this task even easier:

from django.http import JsonResponse
def some_view(request):
    return JsonResponse({"key": "value"})

100% Min Height CSS layout

I agree with Levik as the parent container is set to 100% if you have sidebars and want them to fill the space to meet up with the footer you cannot set them to 100% because they will be 100 percent of the parent height as well which means that the footer ends up getting pushed down when using the clear function.

Think of it this way if your header is say 50px height and your footer is 50px height and the content is just autofitted to the remaining space say 100px for example and the page container is 100% of this value its height will be 200px. Then when you set the sidebar height to 100% it is then 200px even though it is supposed to fit snug in between the header and footer. Instead it ends up being 50px + 200px + 50px so the page is now 300px because the sidebars are set to the same height as the page container. There will be a big white space in the contents of the page.

I am using internet Explorer 9 and this is what I am getting as the effect when using this 100% method. I havent tried it in other browsers and I assume that it may work in some of the other options. but it will not be universal.

How to set Java classpath in Linux?

export CLASSPATH=/home/appnetix/LOG4J_HOME/log4j-1.2.16.jar

or, if you already have some classpath set

export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/home/appnetix/LOG4J_HOME/log4j-1.2.16.jar

and, if also you want to include current directory

export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/home/appnetix/LOG4J_HOME/log4j-1.2.16.jar:.

Match line break with regular expression

By default . (any character) does not match newline characters.

This means you can simply match zero or more of any character then append the end tag.

Find: <li><a href="#">.* Replace: $0</a>

Java socket API: How to tell if a connection has been closed?

On Linux when write()ing into a socket which the other side, unknown to you, closed will provoke a SIGPIPE signal/exception however you want to call it. However if you don't want to be caught out by the SIGPIPE you can use send() with the flag MSG_NOSIGNAL. The send() call will return with -1 and in this case you can check errno which will tell you that you tried to write a broken pipe (in this case a socket) with the value EPIPE which according to errno.h is equivalent to 32. As a reaction to the EPIPE you could double back and try to reopen the socket and try to send your information again.

What is the best way to know if all the variables in a Class are null?

Field[] field = model.getClass().getDeclaredFields();     

for(int j=0 ; j<field.length ; j++){    
            String name = field[j].getName();                
            name = name.substring(0,1).toUpperCase()+name.substring(1); 
            String type = field[j].getGenericType().toString();    
            if(type.equals("class java.lang.String")){   
                Method m = model.getClass().getMethod("get"+name);
                String value = (String) m.invoke(model);    
                if(value == null){
                   ... something to do...

SQLAlchemy default DateTime

Calculate timestamps within your DB, not your client

For sanity, you probably want to have all datetimes calculated by your DB server, rather than the application server. Calculating the timestamp in the application can lead to problems because network latency is variable, clients experience slightly different clock drift, and different programming languages occasionally calculate time slightly differently.

SQLAlchemy allows you to do this by passing or func.current_timestamp() (they are aliases of each other) which tells the DB to calculate the timestamp itself.

Use SQLALchemy's server_default

Additionally, for a default where you're already telling the DB to calculate the value, it's generally better to use server_default instead of default. This tells SQLAlchemy to pass the default value as part of the CREATE TABLE statement.

For example, if you write an ad hoc script against this table, using server_default means you won't need to worry about manually adding a timestamp call to your script--the database will set it automatically.

Understanding SQLAlchemy's onupdate/server_onupdate

SQLAlchemy also supports onupdate so that anytime the row is updated it inserts a new timestamp. Again, best to tell the DB to calculate the timestamp itself:

from sqlalchemy.sql import func

time_created = Column(DateTime(timezone=True),
time_updated = Column(DateTime(timezone=True),

There is a server_onupdate parameter, but unlike server_default, it doesn't actually set anything serverside. It just tells SQLalchemy that your database will change the column when an update happens (perhaps you created a trigger on the column ), so SQLAlchemy will ask for the return value so it can update the corresponding object.

One other potential gotcha:

You might be surprised to notice that if you make a bunch of changes within a single transaction, they all have the same timestamp. That's because the SQL standard specifies that CURRENT_TIMESTAMP returns values based on the start of the transaction.

PostgreSQL provides the non-SQL-standard statement_timestamp() and clock_timestamp() which do change within a transaction. Docs here:

UTC timestamp

If you want to use UTC timestamps, a stub of implementation for func.utcnow() is provided in SQLAlchemy documentation. You need to provide appropriate driver-specific functions on your own though.

Does C have a "foreach" loop construct?

Here is what I use when I'm stuck with C. You can't use the same item name twice in the same scope, but that's not really an issue since not all of us get to use nice new compilers :(

#define FOREACH(type, item, array, size) \
    size_t X(keep), X(i); \
    type item; \
    for (X(keep) = 1, X(i) = 0 ; X(i) < (size); X(keep) = !X(keep), X(i)++) \
        for (item = (array)[X(i)]; X(keep); X(keep) = 0)

#define _foreach(item, array) FOREACH(__typeof__(array[0]), item, array, length(array))
#define foreach(item_in_array) _foreach(item_in_array)

#define in ,
#define length(array) (sizeof(array) / sizeof((array)[0]))
#define CAT(a, b) CAT_HELPER(a, b) /* Concatenate two symbols for macros! */
#define CAT_HELPER(a, b) a ## b
#define X(name) CAT(__##name, __LINE__) /* unique variable */


int ints[] = {1, 2, 0, 3, 4};
foreach (i in ints) printf("%i", i);
/* can't use the same name in this scope anymore! */
foreach (x in ints) printf("%i", x);

EDIT: Here is an alternative for FOREACH using the c99 syntax to avoid namespace pollution:

#define FOREACH(type, item, array, size) \
    for (size_t X(keep) = 1, X(i) = 0; X(i) < (size); X(keep) = 1, X(i)++) \
    for (type item = (array)[X(i)]; X(keep); X(keep) = 0)

git recover deleted file where no commit was made after the delete

If you want to restore all of the files at once

Remember to use the period because it tells git to grab all of the files.

This command will reset the head and unstage all of the changes:

$ git reset HEAD . 

Then run this to restore all of the files:

$ git checkout .

Then doing a git status, you'll get:

$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.

"call to undefined function" error when calling class method

you need to call the function like this


instead of just assign()

How to set URL query params in Vue with Vue-Router

I normally use the history object for this. It also does not reload the page.


history.pushState({}, '', 

Does "git fetch --tags" include "git fetch"?

git fetch upstream --tags

works just fine, it will only get new tags and will not get any other code base.

What's the fastest way in Python to calculate cosine similarity given sparse matrix data?

The following method is about 30 times faster than scipy.spatial.distance.pdist. It works pretty quickly on large matrices (assuming you have enough RAM)

See below for a discussion of how to optimize for sparsity.

# base similarity matrix (all dot products)
# replace this with for sparse representation
similarity =, A.T)

# squared magnitude of preference vectors (number of occurrences)
square_mag = numpy.diag(similarity)

# inverse squared magnitude
inv_square_mag = 1 / square_mag

# if it doesn't occur, set it's inverse magnitude to zero (instead of inf)
inv_square_mag[numpy.isinf(inv_square_mag)] = 0

# inverse of the magnitude
inv_mag = numpy.sqrt(inv_square_mag)

# cosine similarity (elementwise multiply by inverse magnitudes)
cosine = similarity * inv_mag
cosine = cosine.T * inv_mag

If your problem is typical for large scale binary preference problems, you have a lot more entries in one dimension than the other. Also, the short dimension is the one whose entries you want to calculate similarities between. Let's call this dimension the 'item' dimension.

If this is the case, list your 'items' in rows and create A using scipy.sparse. Then replace the first line as indicated.

If your problem is atypical you'll need more modifications. Those should be pretty straightforward replacements of basic numpy operations with their scipy.sparse equivalents.

SQL Server 2000: How to exit a stored procedure?

i figured out why RETURN is not unconditionally returning from the stored procedure. The error i'm seeing is while the stored procedure is being compiled - not when it's being executed.

Consider an imaginary stored procedure:


INSERT INTO ExistingTable
EXECUTE LinkedServer.Database.dbo.SomeProcedure

Even though this stord proedure contains an error (maybe it's because the objects have a differnet number of columns, maybe there is a timestamp column in the table, maybe the stored procedure doesn't exist), you can still save it. You can save it because you're referencing a linked server.

But when you actually execute the stored procedure, SQL Server then compiles it, and generates a query plan.

My error is not happening on line 114, it is on line 114. SQL Server cannot compile the stored procedure, that's why it's failing.

And that's why RETURN does not return, because it hasn't even started yet.

How to redirect cin and cout to files?

Here is a short code snippet for shadowing cin/cout useful for programming contests:

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

int main() {
    ifstream cin("input.txt");
    ofstream cout("output.txt");

    int a, b;   
    cin >> a >> b;
    cout << a + b << endl;

This gives additional benefit that plain fstreams are faster than synced stdio streams. But this works only for the scope of single function.

Global cin/cout redirect can be written as:

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

void func() {
    int a, b;
    std::cin >> a >> b;
    std::cout << a + b << endl;

int main() {
    ifstream cin("input.txt");
    ofstream cout("output.txt");

    // optional performance optimizations    



Note that ios_base::sync_with_stdio also resets std::cin.rdbuf. So the order matters.

See also Significance of ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(NULL);

Std io streams can also be easily shadowed for the scope of single file, which is useful for competitive programming:

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using std::endl;

std::ifstream cin("input.txt");
std::ofstream cout("output.txt");

int a, b;

void read() {
    cin >> a >> b;

void write() {
    cout << a + b << endl;

int main() {

But in this case we have to pick std declarations one by one and avoid using namespace std; as it would give ambiguity error:

error: reference to 'cin' is ambiguous
     cin >> a >> b;
note: candidates are: 
std::ifstream cin
    ifstream cin("input.txt");
    In file test.cpp
std::istream std::cin
    extern istream cin;  /// Linked to standard input

See also How do you properly use namespaces in C++?, Why is "using namespace std" considered bad practice? and How to resolve a name collision between a C++ namespace and a global function?

tsc throws `TS2307: Cannot find module` for a local file

In VS2019, the project property page, TypeScript Build tab has a setting (dropdown) for "Module System". When I changed that from "ES2015" to CommonJS, then VS2019 IDE stopped complaining that it could find neither axios nor redux-thunk (TS2307).


  "compilerOptions": {
    "allowJs": true,
    "baseUrl": "src",
    "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
    "jsx": "react",
    "lib": [
    "module": "esnext",
    "moduleResolution": "node",
    "noImplicitAny": true,
    "noImplicitReturns": true,
    "noImplicitThis": true,
    "noUnusedLocals": true,
    "outDir": "build/dist",
    "rootDir": "src",
    "sourceMap": true,
    "strictNullChecks": true,
    "suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors": true,
    "esModuleInterop": true,
    "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
    "target": "es5",
    "skipLibCheck": true,
    "strict": true,
    "resolveJsonModule": true,
    "isolatedModules": true,
    "noEmit": true
  "exclude": [
  "include": [

how does int main() and void main() work

If you really want to understand ANSI C 89, I need to correct you in one thing; In ANSI C 89 the difference between the following functions:

int main()
int main(void)
int main(int argc, char* argv[])


int main()

  • a function that expects unknown number of arguments of unknown types. Returns an integer representing the application software status.

int main(void)

  • a function that expects no arguments. Returns an integer representing the application software status.

int main(int argc, char * argv[])

  • a function that expects argc number of arguments and argv[] arguments. Returns an integer representing the application software status.

About when using each of the functions

int main(void)

  • you need to use this function when your program needs no initial parameters to run/ load (parameters received from the OS - out of the program it self).

int main(int argc, char * argv[])

  • you need to use this function when your program needs initial parameters to load (parameters received from the OS - out of the program it self).

About void main()

In ANSI C 89, when using void main and compiling the project AS -ansi -pedantic (in Ubuntu, e.g) you will receive a warning indicating that your main function is of type void and not of type int, but you will be able to run the project. Most C developers tend to use int main() on all of its variants, though void main() will also compile.

Easiest way to convert month name to month number in JS ? (Jan = 01)

Another way;

alert( "JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec".indexOf("Jun") / 3 + 1 );

How to create a TextArea in Android

Try this:


javascript date to string

Relying on JQuery Datepicker, but it could be done easily:

var mydate = new Date();
$.datepicker.formatDate('yy-mm-dd', mydate);

Change class on mouseover in directive

In general I fully agree with Jason's use of css selector, but in some cases you may not want to change the css, e.g. when using a 3rd party css-template, and rather prefer to add/remove a class on the element.

The following sample shows a simple way of adding/removing a class on ng-mouseenter/mouseleave:

<div ng-app>
    ng-class="{red: hover}"
    ng-init="hover = false"
    ng-mouseenter="hover = true"
    ng-mouseleave="hover = false">
      Test 1 2 3.

with some styling:

.red {
  background-color: red;

.italic {
  font-style: italic;
  color: black;

See running example here: jsfiddle sample

Styling on hovering is a view concern. Although the solution above sets a "hover" property in the current scope, the controller does not need to be concerned about this.

The server principal is not able to access the database under the current security context in SQL Server MS 2012

We had the same error deploying a report to SSRS in our PROD environment. It was found the problem could even be reproduced with a “use ” statement. The solution was to re-sync the user's GUID account reference with the database in question (i.e., using "sp_change_users_login" like you would after restoring a db). A stock (cursor driven) script to re-sync all accounts is attached:

USE <your database>

-------- Reset SQL user account guids ---------------------
DECLARE @UserName nvarchar(255) 
DECLARE orphanuser_cur cursor for 
      SELECT UserName = 
      FROM sysusers su
      JOIN sys.server_principals sp ON =
      WHERE issqluser = 1 AND
            (su.sid IS NOT NULL AND su.sid <> 0x0) AND
            suser_sname(su.sid) is null 
      ORDER BY 

OPEN orphanuser_cur 
FETCH NEXT FROM orphanuser_cur INTO @UserName 

WHILE (@@fetch_status = 0)
--PRINT @UserName + ' user name being resynced' 
exec sp_change_users_login 'Update_one', @UserName, @UserName 
FETCH NEXT FROM orphanuser_cur INTO @UserName 

CLOSE orphanuser_cur 
DEALLOCATE orphanuser_cur

Where can I find the .apk file on my device, when I download any app and install?

You can do that I believe. It needs root permission. If you want to know where your apk files are stored, open a emulator and then go to

DDMS>File Explorer-> you can see a directory by name "data" -> Click on it and you will see a "app" folder.

Your apks are stored there. In fact just copying a apk directly to the folder works for me with emulators.

How to define servlet filter order of execution using annotations in WAR

  1. Make the servlet filter implement the spring Ordered interface.
  2. Declare the servlet filter bean manually in configuration class.
    import org.springframework.core.Ordered;
    public class MyFilter implements Filter, Ordered {

        public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) {
            // do something

        public void doFilter(ServletRequest servletRequest, ServletResponse servletResponse, FilterChain filterChain) throws IOException, ServletException {
            // do something

        public void destroy() {
            // do something

        public int getOrder() {
            return -100;

    import org.springframework.context.annotation.ComponentScan;
    import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;

    public class MyAutoConfiguration {

        public MyFilter myFilter() {
            return new MyFilter();

How to replace item in array?

To replace the second element in the array

arr = [1, 7, 9]

with the value 8

arr[1] = 8

Using SHA1 and RSA with vs. MessageDigest and Cipher

I have a similar problem, I tested adding code and found some interesting results. With this code I add, I can deduce that depending on the "provider" to use, the firm can be different? (because the data included in the encryption is not always equal in all providers).

Results of my test.

Conclusion.- Signature Decipher= ???(trash) + DigestInfo (if we know the value of "trash", the digital signatures will be equal)

IDE Eclipse OUTPUT...

Input data: This is the message being signed

Digest: 62b0a9ef15461c82766fb5bdaae9edbe4ac2e067

DigestInfo: 3021300906052b0e03021a0500041462b0a9ef15461c82766fb5bdaae9edbe4ac2e067

Signature Decipher: 1ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff003021300906052b0e03021a0500041462b0a9ef15461c82766fb5bdaae9edbe4ac2e067


import javax.crypto.BadPaddingException;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException;
import javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.DigestInfo;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERObjectIdentifier;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.AlgorithmIdentifier;
public class prueba {
* @param args
* @throws NoSuchProviderException 
* @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException 
* @throws InvalidKeyException 
* @throws SignatureException 
* @throws NoSuchPaddingException 
* @throws BadPaddingException 
* @throws IllegalBlockSizeException 
public static void main(String[] args) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException, InvalidKeyException, SignatureException, NoSuchPaddingException, IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
KeyPair keyPair = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA","BC").generateKeyPair();
PrivateKey privateKey = keyPair.getPrivate();
PublicKey puKey = keyPair.getPublic();
String plaintext = "This is the message being signed";
// Hacer la firma
Signature instance = Signature.getInstance("SHA1withRSA","BC");
byte[] signature = instance.sign();
// En dos partes primero hago un Hash
MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1", "BC");
byte[] hash = digest.digest((plaintext).getBytes());
// El digest es identico a  openssl dgst -sha1 texto.txt
//MessageDigest sha1 = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1","BC");
//byte[] digest = sha1.digest((plaintext).getBytes());
AlgorithmIdentifier digestAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier(new
DERObjectIdentifier(""), null);
// create the digest info
DigestInfo di = new DigestInfo(digestAlgorithm, hash);
byte[] digestInfo = di.getDEREncoded();
//Luego cifro el hash
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA","BC");
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, privateKey);
byte[] cipherText = cipher.doFinal(digestInfo);
//byte[] cipherText = cipher.doFinal(digest2);
Cipher cipher2 = Cipher.getInstance("RSA","BC");
cipher2.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, puKey);
byte[] cipherText2 = cipher2.doFinal(signature);
System.out.println("Input data: " + plaintext);
System.out.println("Digest: " + bytes2String(hash));
System.out.println("Signature: " + bytes2String(signature));
System.out.println("Signature2: " + bytes2String(cipherText));
System.out.println("DigestInfo: " + bytes2String(digestInfo));
System.out.println("Signature Decipher: " + bytes2String(cipherText2));

Converting NSString to NSDictionary / JSON

Swift 3:

if let jsonString = styleDictionary as? String {
    let objectData = String.Encoding.utf8)
    do {
        let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: objectData!, options: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions.mutableContainers) 
        print(String(describing: json)) 

    } catch {
        // Handle error

gem install: Failed to build gem native extension (can't find header files)

My initial solution was to resolve the above errors by installing ruby-devel, patch and rubygems.

My issue was a bit different as bcrypt 3.1.11 still had issues compiling and installing on Fedora 23. I needed additional packages. So after ensuring I had the above installed, I was still having issues:

gcc: error: conftest.c: No such file or directory

gcc: error: /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1: No such file or directory

From here I had to do the following:

  • I ensured that I wasn't lacking any C compiler tools sudo dnf group install "C Development Tools and Libraries"

  • Then I ran sudo dnf install redhat-rpm-config to resolve the gcc issue listed above.

You can find a write up here on Fedore Project. You may also find answers to other needs as well.

git returns http error 407 from proxy after CONNECT

This issue occured a few days ago with my Bitbucket repositories. I was able to fix it by setting the remote url to http rather than https.

I also tried setting https proxies in the command line and git config but this didn't work.

$ git pull
fatal: unable to access 'https://[email protected]/sacgf/x.git/': Received HTTP code 407 from proxy after CONNECT

Note that we are using https:

$ git remote -v
origin  https://[email protected]/sacgf/x.git (fetch)
origin  https://[email protected]/sacgf/x.git (push)

Replace https url with http url:

$ git remote set-url origin http://[email protected]/sacgf/x.git
$ git pull
Username for '': username
Password for 'https://[email protected]': 
remote: Counting objects: 43, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42), done.
remote: Total 43 (delta 31), reused 0 (delta 0)
Unpacking objects: 100% (43/43), done.
   a41eb87..ead1a92  master     -> origin/master
First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...
Fast-forwarded master to ead1a920caf60dd11e4d1a021157d3b9854a9374.

How to remove \n from a list element?

new_list = ['Name1', '7.3', '6.9', '6.6', '6.6', '6.1', '6.4', '7.3\n']
for i in range(len(new_list)):

Output Will be like this

['Name1', '7.3', '6.9', '6.6', '6.6', '6.1', '6.4', '7.3']

Using multiple arguments for string formatting in Python (e.g., '%s ... %s')

There is a significant problem with some of the answers posted so far: unicode() decodes from the default encoding, which is often ASCII; in fact, unicode() tries to make "sense" of the bytes it is given by converting them into characters. Thus, the following code, which is essentially what is recommended by previous answers, fails on my machine:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
author = 'éric'
print '{0}'.format(unicode(author))


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 3, in <module>
    print '{0}'.format(unicode(author))
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)

The failure comes from the fact that author does not contain only ASCII bytes (i.e. with values in [0; 127]), and unicode() decodes from ASCII by default (on many machines).

A robust solution is to explicitly give the encoding used in your fields; taking UTF-8 as an example:

u'{0} in {1}'.format(unicode(, 'utf-8'), unicode(self.publication, 'utf-8'))

(or without the initial u, depending on whether you want a Unicode result or a byte string).

At this point, one might want to consider having the author and publication fields be Unicode strings, instead of decoding them during formatting. Certificates does not conform to algorithm constraints


I have faced with this trouble during a development of automation tests for our REST API. JDK 7_80 was installed at my machine only. Before I installed JDK 8, everything worked just fine and I had a possibility to obtain OAuth 2.0 tokens with a JMeter. After I installed JDK 8, the nightmare with Certificates does not conform to algorithm constraints began.

Both JMeter and Serenity did not have a possibility to obtain a token. JMeter uses the JDK library to make the request. The library just raises an exception when the library call is made to connect to endpoints that use it, ignoring the request.

The next thing was to comment all the lines dedicated to disabledAlgorithms in ALL files.


Then it started to work at last. I know, that's a brute force approach, but it was the most simple way to fix it.

# jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=SSLv3, RC4, MD5withRSA, DH keySize < 768
# jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms=MD2, MD5, RSA keySize < 1024

In HTML5, should the main navigation be inside or outside the <header> element?

@IanDevlin is correct. MDN's rules say the following:

"The HTML Header Element "" defines a page header — typically containing the logo and name of the site and possibly a horizontal menu..."

The word "possibly" there is key. It goes on to say that the header doesn't necessarily need to be a site header. For instance you could include a "header" on a pop-up modal or on other modular parts of the document where there is a header and it would be helpful for a user on a screen reader to know about it.

It terms of the implicit use of NAV you can use it anywhere there is grouped site navigation, although it's usually omitted from the "footer" section for mini-navs / important site links.

Really it comes down to personal / team choice. Decide what you and your team feel is more semantic and more important and the try to be consistent. For me, if the nav is inline with the logo and the main site's "h1" then it makes sense to put it in the "header" but if you have a different design choice then decide on a case by case basis.

Most importantly check out the docs and be sure if you choose to omit or include you understand why you are making that particular decision.

Group by multiple field names in java 8

Here look at the code:

You can simply create a Function and let it do the work for you, kind of functional Style!

Function<Person, List<Object>> compositeKey = personRecord ->
    Arrays.<Object>asList(personRecord.getName(), personRecord.getAge());

Now you can use it as a map:

Map<Object, List<Person>> map =
people.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(compositeKey, Collectors.toList()));


How to extract request http headers from a request using NodeJS connect

Check output of console.log(req) or console.log(req.headers);