Programs & Examples On #Entity framework designer

Java synchronized method lock on object, or method?

In java synchronization,if a thread want to enter into synchronization method it will acquire lock on all synchronized methods of that object not just on one synchronized method that thread is using. So a thread executing addA() will acquire lock on addA() and addB() as both are synchronized.So other threads with same object cannot execute addB().

How to output in CLI during execution of PHP Unit tests?

You should really think about your intentions: If you need the information now when debugging to fix the test, you will need it next week again when the tests break.

This means that you will need the information always when the test fails - and adding a var_dump to find the cause is just too much work. Rather put the data into your assertions.

If your code is too complex for that, split it up until you reach a level where one assertion (with a custom message) tells you enough to know where it broke, why and how to fix the code.

Mvn install or Mvn package

Also you should note that if your project is consist of several modules which are dependent on each other, you should use "install" instead of "package", otherwise your build will fail, cause when you use install command, module A will be packaged and deployed to local repository and then if module B needs module A as a dependency, it can access it from local repository.

Where is the kibana error log? Is there a kibana error log?

It seems that you need to pass a flag "-l, --log-file"

Usage: kibana [options]

Kibana is an open source (Apache Licensed), browser based analytics and search dashboard for Elasticsearch.


    -h, --help                 output usage information
    -V, --version              output the version number
    -e, --elasticsearch <uri>  Elasticsearch instance
    -c, --config <path>        Path to the config file
    -p, --port <port>          The port to bind to
    -q, --quiet                Turns off logging
    -H, --host <host>          The host to bind to
    -l, --log-file <path>      The file to log to
    --plugins <path>           Path to scan for plugins

If you use the init script to run as a service, maybe you will need to customize it.

How can I get a list of locally installed Python modules?

There are many way to skin a cat.

  • The most simple way is to use the pydoc function directly from the shell with:
    pydoc modules

  • But for more information use the tool called pip-date that also tell you the installation dates.
    pip install pip-date

enter image description here

Case insensitive regular expression without re.compile?

The case-insensitive marker, (?i) can be incorporated directly into the regex pattern:

>>> import re
>>> s = 'This is one Test, another TEST, and another test.'
>>> re.findall('(?i)test', s)
['Test', 'TEST', 'test']

'Framework not found' in Xcode

I got the error 'AdBrixRM framework not found'. I checked the AdBrixRM.framework. I noticed that 'AdBrixRM' excution file is missed. I copied this file into the framework folder and the issue was gone.

Format numbers to strings in Python

You can use C style string formatting:

"%d:%d:d" % (hours, minutes, seconds)

See here, especially:

Compile error: "g++: error trying to exec 'cc1plus': execvp: No such file or directory"

I had the same issue with gcc "gnat1" and it was due to the path being wrong. Gnat1 was on version 4.6 but I was executing version 4.8.1, which I had installed. As a temporary solution, I copied gnat1 from 4.6 and pasted under the 4.8.1 folder.

The path to gcc on my computer is /usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/

You can find the path by using the find command:

find /usr -name "gnat1"

In your case you would look for cc1plus:

find /usr -name "cc1plus"

Of course, this is a quick solution and a more solid answer would be fixing the broken path.

Attach IntelliJ IDEA debugger to a running Java process

It's possible, but you have to add some JVM flags when you start your application.

You have to add remote debug configuration: Edit configuration -> Remote.

Then you'lll find in displayed dialog window parametrs that you have to add to program execution, like:


Then when your application is launched you can attach your debugger. If you want your application to wait until debugger is connected just change suspend flag to y (suspend=y)

How to detect a textbox's content has changed

Use the textchange event via customized jQuery shim for cross-browser input compatibility. (most recently forked github:

This handles all input tags including <textarea>content</textarea>, which does not always work with change keyup etc. (!) Only jQuery on("input propertychange") handles <textarea> tags consistently, and the above is a shim for all browsers that don't understand input event.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script class="jsbin" src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<meta charset=utf-8 />
<title>splendid textchange test</title>

<script> // this is all you have to do. using splendid.textchange.js

  yourFunctionHere($(this).val());    });  

  <textarea style="height:3em;width:90%"></textarea>

JS Bin test

This also handles paste, delete, and doesn't duplicate effort on keyup.

If not using a shim, use jQuery on("input propertychange") events.

// works with most recent browsers (use this if not using src="...splendid.textchange.js")

$('textarea').on("input propertychange",function(){ 

ASP.NET Identity's default Password Hasher - How does it work and is it secure?

Because these days ASP.NET is open source, you can find it on GitHub: AspNet.Identity 3.0 and AspNet.Identity 2.0.

From the comments:

/* =======================
 * =======================
 * Version 2:
 * PBKDF2 with HMAC-SHA1, 128-bit salt, 256-bit subkey, 1000 iterations.
 * (See also: SDL crypto guidelines v5.1, Part III)
 * Format: { 0x00, salt, subkey }
 * Version 3:
 * PBKDF2 with HMAC-SHA256, 128-bit salt, 256-bit subkey, 10000 iterations.
 * Format: { 0x01, prf (UInt32), iter count (UInt32), salt length (UInt32), salt, subkey }
 * (All UInt32s are stored big-endian.)

How to Install gcc 5.3 with yum on CentOS 7.2?

Command to install GCC and Development Tools on a CentOS / RHEL 7 server

Type the following yum command as root user:

yum group install "Development Tools"


sudo yum group install "Development Tools"

If above command failed, try:

yum groupinstall "Development Tools"

What is the difference between . (dot) and $ (dollar sign)?

The most important part about $ is that it has the lowest operator precedence.

If you type info you'll see this:

?> :info ($)
($) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
    -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
infixr 0 $

This tells us it is an infix operator with right-associativity that has the lowest possible precedence. Normal function application is left-associative and has highest precedence (10). So $ is something of the opposite.

So then we use it where normal function application or using () doesn't work.

So, for example, this works:

?> head . sort $ "example"
?> e

but this does not:

?> head . sort "example"

because . has lower precedence than sort and the type of (sort "example") is [Char]

?> :type (sort "example")
(sort "example") :: [Char]

But . expects two functions and there isn't a nice short way to do this because of the order of operations of sort and .

.htaccess rewrite to redirect root URL to subdirectory

Two ways out of possible solutions to achieve this are: 1. Create a .htaccess file in root folder as under (just replace and my_dir with your corresponding values):

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www.)?$
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/my_dir/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /my_dir/$1
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www.)?$
RewriteRule ^(/)?$ my_dir/index.php [L] 
  1. Use RedirectMatch to only redirect the root URL “/” to another folder or URL,

    RedirectMatch ^/$

Append to the end of a file in C

Following the documentation of fopen:

``a'' Open for writing. The file is created if it does not exist. The stream is positioned at the end of the file. Subsequent writes to the file will always end up at the then cur- rent end of file, irrespective of any intervening fseek(3) or similar.

So if you pFile2=fopen("myfile2.txt", "a"); the stream is positioned at the end to append automatically. just do:

FILE *pFile;
FILE *pFile2;
char buffer[256];

pFile=fopen("myfile.txt", "r");
pFile2=fopen("myfile2.txt", "a");
if(pFile==NULL) {
    perror("Error opening file.");
else {
    while(fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), pFile)) {
        fprintf(pFile2, "%s", buffer);

Run Executable from Powershell script with parameters

Here is an alternative method for doing multiple args. I use it when the arguments are too long for a one liner.

$app = 'C:\Program Files\MSBuild\test.exe'
$arg1 = '/genmsi'
$arg2 = '/f'
$arg3 = '$MySourceDirectory\src\Deployment\Installations.xml'

& $app $arg1 $arg2 $arg3

Arraylist swap elements

In Java, you cannot set a value in ArrayList by assigning to it, there's a set() method to call:

String a = words.get(0);
words.set(0, words.get(words.size() - 1));
words.set(words.size() - 1, a)

Load resources from relative path using local html in uiwebview

@sdbrain's answer in Swift 3:

    let url = URL.init(fileURLWithPath: Bundle.main.path(forResource: "index", ofType: "html", inDirectory: "www")!)
    webView.loadRequest(NSURLRequest.init(url: url) as URLRequest)

Show datalist labels but submit the actual value

I realize this may be a bit late, but I stumbled upon this and was wondering how to handle situations with multiple identical values, but different keys (as per bigbearzhu's comment).

So I modified Stephan Muller's answer slightly:

A datalist with non-unique values:

<input list="answers" name="answer" id="answerInput">
<datalist id="answers">
  <option value="42">The answer</option>
  <option value="43">The answer</option>
  <option value="44">Another Answer</option>
<input type="hidden" name="answer" id="answerInput-hidden">

When the user selects an option, the browser replaces input.value with the value of the datalist option instead of the innerText.

The following code then checks for an option with that value, pushes that into the hidden field and replaces the input.value with the innerText.

document.querySelector('#answerInput').addEventListener('input', function(e) {
    var input =,   
        list = input.getAttribute('list'),
        options = document.querySelectorAll('#' + list + ' option[value="'+input.value+'"]'),
        hiddenInput = document.getElementById(input.getAttribute('id') + '-hidden');

    if (options.length > 0) {
      hiddenInput.value = input.value;
      input.value = options[0].innerText;


As a consequence the user sees whatever the option's innerText says, but the unique id from option.value is available upon form submit. Demo jsFiddle

Python convert csv to xlsx

Simple two line code solution using pandas

  import pandas as pd

  read_file = pd.read_csv ('File name.csv')
  read_file.to_excel ('File name.xlsx', index = None, header=True)

How to "EXPIRE" the "HSET" child key in redis?

This is possible in KeyDB which is a Fork of Redis. Because it's a Fork its fully compatible with Redis and works as a drop in replacement.

Just use the EXPIREMEMBER command. It works with sets, hashes, and sorted sets.

EXPIREMEMBER keyname subkey [time]

You can also use TTL and PTTL to see the expiration

TTL keyname subkey

More documentation is available here:

jQuery - replace all instances of a character in a string

You need to use a regular expression, so that you can specify the global (g) flag:

var s = 'some+multi+word+string'.replace(/\+/g, ' ');

(I removed the $() around the string, as replace is not a jQuery method, so that won't work at all.)

What is default color for text in textview?

You can save old color and then use it to restore the original value. Here is an example:

ColorStateList oldColors =  textView.getTextColors(); //save original colors
textView.setTextColor(oldColors);//restore original colors

But in general default TextView text color is determined from current Theme applied to your Activity.

Add a dependency in Maven

I'll assume that you're asking how to push a dependency out to a "well-known repository," and not simply asking how to update your POM.

If yes, then this is what you want to read.

And for anyone looking to set up an internal repository server, look here (half of the problem with using Maven 2 is finding the docs)

What is the `data-target` attribute in Bootstrap 3?

data-target is used by bootstrap to make your life easier. You (mostly) do not need to write a single line of Javascript to use their pre-made JavaScript components.

The data-target attribute should contain a CSS selector that points to the HTML Element that will be changed.

Modal Example Code from BS3:

<!-- Button trigger modal -->
<button class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal">
  Launch demo modal

<!-- Modal -->
<div class="modal fade" id="myModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">

In this example, the button has data-target="#myModal", if you click on it, <div id="myModal">...</div> will be modified (in this case faded in). This happens because #myModal in CSS selectors points to elements that have an id attribute with the myModal value.

Further information about the HTML5 "data-" attribute:

How to copy a directory structure but only include certain files (using windows batch files)

XCOPY /S folder1\ copy_of_folder1  
XCOPY /S folder1\info.txt copy_of_folder1

EDIT: If you want to preserve the empty folders (which, on rereading your post, you seem to) use /E instead of /S.

Import .bak file to a database in SQL server

Instead of choosing Restore Database..., select Restore Files and Filegroups...

Then enter a database name, select your .bak file path as the source, check the restore checkbox, and click Ok. If the .bak file is valid, it will work.

(The SQL Server restore option names are not intuitive for what should a very simple task.)

XAMPP on Windows - Apache not starting

I had my Apache service not start same as MySQL one. Please follow these steps if none of above tips works :

  1. Open regedit.exe on any windows this available . Run as administrator. (Only on windows 7 and later editions )
    1. Go to local machine/system/controlset001/services
    2. Find and delete folders of services apache and mysql .
    3. Uninstall xampp . Delete folder of xampp.
    4. Restart computer and reinstall Xampp . After that your Xampp apache and Mysql should work.

Note: Ports 80 and 443 must be unused by any program. 
      If it is in use . Just edit ports. There is a lot of tutorials about that .

Update .NET web service to use TLS 1.2

We actually just upgraded a .NET web service to 4.6 to allow TLS 1.2.

What Artem is saying were the first steps we've done. We recompiled the framework of the web service to 4.6 and we tried change the registry key to enable TLS 1.2, although this didn't work: the connection was still in TLS 1.0. Also, we didn't want to disallow SLL 3.0, TLS 1.0 or TLS 1.1 on the machine: other web services could be using this; we rolled-back our changes on the registry.

We actually changed the Web.Config files to tell IIS: "hey, run me in 4.6 please".

Here's the changes we added in the web.config + recompilation in .NET 4.6:

    <compilation targetFramework="4.6"/> <!-- Changed framework 4.0 to 4.6 -->

    <!--Added this httpRuntime -->
    <httpRuntime targetFramework="4.6" />

    <authentication mode="Windows"/>
    <pages controlRenderingCompatibilityVersion="4.0"/>

And the connection changed to TLS 1.2, because IIS is now running the web service in 4.6 (told explicitly) and 4.6 is using TLS 1.2 by default.

How to insert programmatically a new line in an Excel cell in C#?

You need to insert the character code that Excel uses, which IIRC is 10 (ten).

EDIT: OK, here's some code. Note that I was able to confirm that the character-code used is indeed 10, by creating a cell containing:



...and then selecting it and executing this in the VBA immediate window:


So, the code you need to insert that value into another cell in VBA would be:

ActiveCell.Value = "A" & vbLf & "B"

(since vbLf is character code 10).

I know you're using C# but I find it's much easier to figure out what to do if you first do it in VBA, since you can try it out "interactively" without having to compile anything. Whatever you do in C# is just replicating what you do in VBA so there's rarely any difference. (Remember that the C# interop stuff is just using the same underlying COM libraries as VBA).

Anyway, the C# for this would be:

oCell.Value = "A\nB";

Spot the difference :-)

EDIT 2: Aaaargh! I just re-read the post and saw that you're using the Aspose library. Sorry, in that case I've no idea.

Prevent Caching in ASP.NET MVC for specific actions using an attribute

Here's the NoCache attribute proposed by mattytommo, simplified by using the information from Chris Moschini's answer:

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method)]
public sealed class NoCacheAttribute : OutputCacheAttribute
    public NoCacheAttribute()
        this.Duration = 0;

How to enter a series of numbers automatically in Excel

Use formula =row(b2)-x, where x will adjust the entries so that the first S/No is marked as 1 and will increment with the rows.

Implementing autocomplete

I'd like to add something that no one has yet mentioned: ng2-input-autocomplete



Angularjs on page load call function

You should call this function from the controller.

angular.module('App', [])
  .controller('CinemaCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope) {

Even with normal javascript/html your function won't run on page load as all your are doing is defining the function, you never call it. This is really nothing to do with angular, but since you're using angular the above would be the "angular way" to invoke the function.

Obviously better still declare the function in the controller too.

Edit: Actually I see your "onload" - that won't get called as angular injects the HTML into the DOM. The html is never "loaded" (or the page is only loaded once).

How do I add images in laravel view?

If Image folder location is public/assets/img/default.jpg. You can try in view

   <img src="{{ URL::to('/assets/img/default.jpg') }}">

System.BadImageFormatException An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format

i have same problem what i did i just downloaded 32-bit dll and added it to my bin folder this is solved my problem

Change the mouse cursor on mouse over to anchor-like style

I think :hover was missing in above answers. So following would do the needful.(if css was required)

    cursor: pointer;

Show Current Location and Nearby Places and Route between two places using Google Maps API in Android

  1. First go through this tutorial for getting familiar with Android Google Maps and this for API 2.

  2. To retrive the current location of device see this answer or this another answer and for API 2

  3. Then you can get places near by your location using Google Place API and for use of Place Api see this blog.

  4. After getting Placemarks of near by location use this blog with source code to show markers on map with balloon overlay with API 2.

  5. You also have great sample to draw route between two points on map look here in these links Link1 and Link2 and this Great Answer.

After following these steps you will be easily able to do your application. The only condition is, you will have to read it and understand it, because like magic its not going to be complete in a click.

Difference between "Complete binary tree", "strict binary tree","full binary Tree"?

Concluding from above answers, Here is the exact difference between full/strictly, complete and perfect binary trees

  1. Full/Strictly binary tree :- Every node except the leaf nodes have two children

  2. Complete binary tree :- Every level except the last level is completely filled and all the nodes are left justified.

  3. Perfect binary tree :- Every node except the leaf nodes have two children and every level (last level too) is completely filled.

Response Content type as CSV

MIME type of the CSV is text/csv according to RFC 4180.

Add day(s) to a Date object

Note : Use it if calculating / adding days from current date.

Be aware: this answer has issues (see comments)

var myDate = new Date();
myDate.setDate(myDate.getDate() + AddDaysHere);

It should be like

var newDate = new Date(date.setTime( date.getTime() + days * 86400000 ));

Maven Java EE Configuration Marker with Java Server Faces 1.2

I have encountered this with Maven projects too. This is what I had to do to get around the problem:

First update your web.xml

<web-app xmlns="" 
<display-name>Servlet 3.0 Web Application</display-name>

Then right click on your project and select Properties -> Project Facets In there you will see the version of your Dynamic Web Module. This needs to change from version 2.3 or whatever to version 2.5 or above (I chose 3.0).

However to do this I had to uncheck the tick box for Dynamic Web Module -> Apply, then do a Maven Update on the project. Go back into the Project Facets window and it should already match your web.xml configuration - 3.0 in my case. You should be able to change it if not.

If this does not work for you then try right-clicking on the Dynamic Web Module Facet and select change version (and ensure it is not locked).

Or you can follow this steps:

  1. Window > Show View > Other > General > navigator
  2. There is a .settings folder under your project directory
  3. Change the dynamic web module version in this line to 3.0
  4. Change the Java version in this line to 1.5 or higher

don't forget to update your project

Hope that works!

How to get input text length and validate user in javascript

JavaScript validation is not secure as anybody can change what your script does in the browser. Using it for enhancing the visual experience is ok though.

var textBox = document.getElementById("myTextBox");
var textLength = textBox.value.length;
if(textLength > 5)
    //red = "#FF0000";
    //green = "#00FF00";

Injecting @Autowired private field during testing

Sometimes you can refactor your @Component to use constructor or setter based injection to setup your testcase (you can and still rely on @Autowired). Now, you can create your test entirely without a mocking framework by implementing test stubs instead (e.g. Martin Fowler's MailServiceStub):

public class MyLauncher {

    private MyService myService;

    MyLauncher(MyService myService) {
        this.myService = myService;

    // other methods

public class MyServiceStub implements MyService {
    // ...

public class MyLauncherTest
    private MyLauncher myLauncher;
    private MyServiceStub myServiceStub;

    public void setUp() {
        myServiceStub = new MyServiceStub();
        myLauncher = new MyLauncher(myServiceStub);

    public void someTest() {


This technique especially useful if the test and the class under test is located in the same package because then you can use the default, package-private access modifier to prevent other classes from accessing it. Note that you can still have your production code in src/main/java but your tests in src/main/test directories.

If you like Mockito then you will appreciate the MockitoJUnitRunner. It allows you to do "magic" things like @Manuel showed you:

public class MyLauncherTest
    private MyLauncher myLauncher; // no need to call the constructor

    private MyService myService;

    public void someTest() {


Alternatively, you can use the default JUnit runner and call the MockitoAnnotations.initMocks() in a setUp() method to let Mockito initialize the annotated values. You can find more information in the javadoc of @InjectMocks and in a blog post that I have written.

What is the difference between required and ng-required?

AngularJS form elements look for the required attribute to perform validation functions. ng-required allows you to set the required attribute depending on a boolean test (for instance, only require field B - say, a student number - if the field A has a certain value - if you selected "student" as a choice)

As an example, <input required> and <input ng-required="true"> are essentially the same thing

If you are wondering why this is this way, (and not just make <input required="true"> or <input required="false">), it is due to the limitations of HTML - the required attribute has no associated value - its mere presence means (as per HTML standards) that the element is required - so angular needs a way to set/unset required value (required="false" would be invalid HTML)

How do I replace a double-quote with an escape-char double-quote in a string using JavaScript?

Try this:

str.replace("\"", "\\\""); // (Escape backslashes and embedded double-quotes)

Or, use single-quotes to quote your search and replace strings:

str.replace('"', '\\"');   // (Still need to escape the backslash)

As pointed out by helmus, if the first parameter passed to .replace() is a string it will only replace the first occurrence. To replace globally, you have to pass a regex with the g (global) flag:

str.replace(/"/g, "\\\"");
// or
str.replace(/"/g, '\\"');

But why are you even doing this in JavaScript? It's OK to use these escape characters if you have a string literal like:

var str = "Dude, he totally said that \"You Rock!\"";

But this is necessary only in a string literal. That is, if your JavaScript variable is set to a value that a user typed in a form field you don't need to this escaping.

Regarding your question about storing such a string in an SQL database, again you only need to escape the characters if you're embedding a string literal in your SQL statement - and remember that the escape characters that apply in SQL aren't (usually) the same as for JavaScript. You'd do any SQL-related escaping server-side.

What is the difference between Cygwin and MinGW?

Read these answered questions to understand the difference between Cygwin and MinGW.

Question #1: I want to create an application that I write source code once, compile it once and run it in any platforms (e.g. Windows, Linux and Mac OS X…).

Answer #1: Write your source code in JAVA. Compile the source code once and run it anywhere.

Question #2: I want to create an application that I write source code once but there is no problem that I compile the source code for any platforms separately (e.g. Windows, Linux and Mac OS X …).

Answer #2: Write your source code in C or C++. Use standard header files only. Use a suitable compiler for any platform (e.g. Visual Studio for Windows, GCC for Linux and XCode for Mac). Note that you should not use any advanced programming features to compile your source code in all platforms successfully. If you use none C or C++ standard classes or functions, your source code does not compile in other platforms.

Question #3: In answer of question #2, it is difficult using different compiler for each platform, is there any cross platform compiler?

Answer #3: Yes, Use GCC compiler. It is a cross platform compiler. To compile your source code in Windows use MinGW that provides GCC compiler for Windows and compiles your source code to native Windows program. Do not use any advanced programming features (like Windows API) to compile your source code in all platforms successfully. If you use Windows API functions, your source code does not compile in other platforms.

Question #4: C or C++ standard header files do not provide any advanced programming features like multi-threading. What can I do?

Answer #4: You should use POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface [for UNIX]) standard. It provides many advanced programming features and tools. Many operating systems fully or partly POSIX compatible (like Mac OS X, Solaris, BSD/OS and ...). Some operating systems while not officially certified as POSIX compatible, conform in large part (like Linux, FreeBSD, OpenSolaris and ...). Cygwin provides a largely POSIX-compliant development and run-time environment for Microsoft Windows.


To use advantage of GCC cross platform compiler in Windows, use MinGW.

To use advantage of POSIX standard advanced programming features and tools in Windows, use Cygwin.

How to configure "Shorten command line" method for whole project in IntelliJ

If you use JDK version from 9+, you should select

Run > Edit Configurations... > Select JUnit template.

Then, select @argfile (Java 9+) as in the image below. Please try it. Good luck friends.

enter image description here

LINQ: Distinct values

I'm a bit late to the answer, but you may want to do this if you want the whole element, not only the values you want to group by:

var query = doc.Elements("whatever")
               .GroupBy(element => new {
                             id = (int) element.Attribute("id"),
                             category = (int) element.Attribute("cat") })
               .Select(e => e.First());

This will give you the first whole element matching your group by selection, much like Jon Skeets second example using DistinctBy, but without implementing IEqualityComparer comparer. DistinctBy will most likely be faster, but the solution above will involve less code if performance is not an issue.

Remove an entire column from a data.frame in R

You can set it to NULL.

> Data$genome <- NULL
> head(Data)
   chr region
1 chr1    CDS
2 chr1   exon
3 chr1    CDS
4 chr1   exon
5 chr1    CDS
6 chr1   exon

As pointed out in the comments, here are some other possibilities:

Data[2] <- NULL    # Wojciech Sobala
Data[[2]] <- NULL  # same as above
Data <- Data[,-2]  # Ian Fellows
Data <- Data[-2]   # same as above

You can remove multiple columns via:

Data[1:2] <- list(NULL)  # Marek
Data[1:2] <- NULL        # does not work!

Be careful with matrix-subsetting though, as you can end up with a vector:

Data <- Data[,-(2:3)]             # vector
Data <- Data[,-(2:3),drop=FALSE]  # still a data.frame

"Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent"

"Headers already sent" means that your PHP script already sent the HTTP headers, and as such it can't make modifications to them now.

Check that you don't send ANY content before calling session_start. Better yet, just make session_start the first thing you do in your PHP file (so put it at the absolute beginning, before all HTML etc).

What is the mouse down selector in CSS?

I recently found out that :active:focus does the same thing in css as :active:hover if you need to override a custom css library, they might use both.

How to Set Selected value in Multi-Value Select in Jquery-Select2.?

Use multiselect function as below.

$("#drp_Books_Ill_Illustrations").val(["val1", "val2"]).trigger("change");

Close popup window

Your web_window variable must have gone out of scope when you tried to close the window. Add this line into your _openpageview function to test:


Extract number from string with Oracle function

You can use regular expressions for extracting the number from string. Lets check it. Suppose this is the string mixing text and numbers 'stack12345overflow569'. This one should work:

select regexp_replace('stack12345overflow569', '[[:alpha:]]|_') as numbers from dual;

which will return "12345569".

also you can use this one:

select regexp_replace('stack12345overflow569', '[^0-9]', '') as numbers,
       regexp_replace('Stack12345OverFlow569', '[^a-z and ^A-Z]', '') as characters
from dual

which will return "12345569" for numbers and "StackOverFlow" for characters.

1067 error on attempt to start MySQL

Before messing with too much things, please check the user the service is trying to run as. In my case it was NETWORK this one did not have write permissions to some locations where it was needed. Changing the user to Local System Account did the trick.

If the event viewer shows any error like "Can't create test file C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\data\XXX.lower-test", there is a high probability for this solution to work. Good luck!

How to list the tables in a SQLite database file that was opened with ATTACH?

I use this query to get it:

SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'

And to use in iOS:

NSString *aStrQuery=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'"];

Forcing to download a file using PHP

.htaccess Solution

To brute force all CSV files on your server to download, add in your .htaccess file:

AddType application/octet-stream csv

PHP Solution

header('Content-Type: application/csv');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=example.csv');
header('Pragma: no-cache');

Adding devices to team provisioning profile

Note that testers are no longer added via UUID in the new Apple TestFlight.

Test Flight builds now require an App Store Distribution Provisioning Profile. The portal does not allow UUIDs to be added to this type of provisioning profile.

Instead, add "Internal Testers" via iTunes Connect:

Internal testers are iTunes Connect users with the Admin or Technical role. They can be added in Users and Roles.

After adding a user, be sure to click on their name and flip the "Internal Tester" switch.

Internal Tester Toggle Switch

Then, go to App > Prerelease > Internal Testers and invite them to the build.

How to stop a JavaScript for loop?

I know this is a bit old, but instead of looping through the array with a for loop, it would be much easier to use the method <array>.indexOf(<element>[, fromIndex])

It loops through an array, finding and returning the first index of a value. If the value is not contained in the array, it returns -1.

<array> is the array to look through, <element> is the value you are looking for, and [fromIndex] is the index to start from (defaults to 0).

I hope this helps reduce the size of your code!

How to fill in form field, and submit, using javascript?


Server.Transfer Vs. Response.Redirect

In addition to ScarletGarden's comment, you also need to consider the impact of search engines and your redirect. Has this page moved permanently? Temporarily? It makes a difference.

see: Response.Redirect vs. "301 Moved Permanently":

We've all used Response.Redirect at one time or another. It's the quick and easy way to get visitors pointed in the right direction if they somehow end up in the wrong place. But did you know that Response.Redirect sends an HTTP response status code of "302 Found" when you might really want to send "301 Moved Permanently"?

The distinction seems small, but in certain cases it can actually make a big difference. For example, if you use a "301 Moved Permanently" response code, most search engines will remove the outdated link from their index and replace it with the new one. If you use "302 Found", they'll continue returning to the old page...

Create ul and li elements in javascript.

Use the CSS property list-style-position to position the bullet:

list-style-position:inside /* or outside */;

ASP.NET MVC - Find Absolute Path to the App_Data folder from Controller

I try to get in the habit of using HostingEnvironment instead of Server as it works within the context of WCF services too.


What's the u prefix in a Python string?

My guess is that it indicates "Unicode", is it correct?


If so, since when is it available?

Python 2.x.

In Python 3.x the strings use Unicode by default and there's no need for the u prefix. Note: in Python 3.0-3.2, the u is a syntax error. In Python 3.3+ it's legal again to make it easier to write 2/3 compatible apps.

How to run a stored procedure in oracle sql developer?

-- If no parameters need to be passed to a procedure, simply:


How do I set the figure title and axes labels font size in Matplotlib?

To only modify the title's font (and not the font of the axis) I used this:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.Figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.set_title('My Title', fontdict={'fontsize': 8, 'fontweight': 'medium'})

The fontdict accepts all kwargs from matplotlib.text.Text.

Eclipse "this compilation unit is not on the build path of a java project"

If you're a beginner (like me), the solution may be as simple as making sure the parent folder that the file you're working in is a Java project.

I made the mistake of simply creating a Java folder, then creating a file in the folder and expecting it to work. The file needs to live in a project if you want to avoid this error.

"Integer number too large" error message for 600851475143

600851475143 cannot be represented as a 32-bit integer (type int). It can be represented as a 64-bit integer (type long). long literals in Java end with an "L": 600851475143L

How to run SQL script in MySQL?

Give the path of .sql file as:

source c:/dump/SQL/file_name.sql;

See In The Image:

Route [login] not defined

If someone getting this from a rest client (ex. Postman) - You need to set the Header to Accept application/json.

To do this on postman, click on the Headers tab, and add a new key 'Accept' and type the value 'application/json'.

Node.js create folder or use existing

The node.js docs for fs.mkdir basically defer to the Linux man page for mkdir(2). That indicates that EEXIST will also be indicated if the path exists but isn't a directory which creates an awkward corner case if you go this route.

You may be better off calling fs.stat which will tell you whether the path exists and if it's a directory in a single call. For (what I'm assuming is) the normal case where the directory already exists, it's only a single filesystem hit.

These fs module methods are thin wrappers around the native C APIs so you've got to check the man pages referenced in the node.js docs for the details.

How do I monitor the computer's CPU, memory, and disk usage in Java?

The following code is Linux (maybe Unix) only, but it works in a real project.

    private double getAverageValueByLinux() throws InterruptedException {
    try {

        long delay = 50;
        List<Double> listValues = new ArrayList<Double>();
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            long cput1 = getCpuT();
            long cput2 = getCpuT();
            double cpuproc = (1000d * (cput2 - cput1)) / (double) delay;
        listValues.remove(listValues.size() - 1);
        double sum = 0.0;
        for (Double double1 : listValues) {
            sum += double1;
        return sum / listValues.size();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return 0;


private long getCpuT throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
    BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("/proc/stat"));
    String line = reader.readLine();
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\D+(\\d+)\\D+(\\d+)\\D+(\\d+)\\D+(\\d+)")
    Matcher m = pattern.matcher(line);

    long cpuUser = 0;
    long cpuSystem = 0;
    if (m.find()) {
        cpuUser = Long.parseLong(;
        cpuSystem = Long.parseLong(;
    return cpuUser + cpuSystem;

powershell - list local users and their groups

Update as an alternative to the excellent answer from 2010:

You can now use the Get-LocalGroupMember, Get-LocalGroup, Get-LocalUser etc. to get and map users and groups


PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-LocalGroupMember -name users

ObjectClass Name                             PrincipalSource 
----------- ----                             --------------- 
User        DESKTOP-R05QDNL\someUser1        Local           
User        DESKTOP-R05QDNL\someUser2        MicrosoftAccount
Group       NT AUTHORITY\INTERACTIVE         Unknown  

You could combine that with Get-LocalUser. Alias glu can also be used instead. Aliases exists for the majority of the new cmndlets.

In case some are wondering (I know you didn't ask about this) Adding users could be for example done like so:

$description = "Netshare user"
$userName = "Test User"
$user = "test.user"
$pwd = "pwd123"

New-LocalUser $user -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString $pwd -AsPlainText -Force) -FullName $userName -Description $description

PHP Composer behind http proxy

iconoclast's answer did not work for me.

I upgraded my php from 5.3.* (xampp 1.7.4) to 5.5.* (xampp 1.8.3) and the problem was solved.

Try iconoclast's answer first, if it doesn't work then upgrading might solve the problem.

Can't get Gulp to run: cannot find module 'gulp-util'

In most of the cases, deleting all the node packages and then installing them again, solve the problem.

But In my case node_modules folder has not write permission.

How do I find the stack trace in Visual Studio?

The default shortcut key is Ctrl-Alt-C.

ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

The answer may sound silly, but after wasting hours of time, this is how I got it to work

mysql -u root -p

I got the error message

ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

Even though I was typing the correct password(the temporary password you get when you first install mysql)

I got it right when I typed in the password when the password prompt was blinking

What is a classpath and how do I set it?

The classpath is the path where the Java Virtual Machine look for user-defined classes, packages and resources in Java programs.

In this context, the format() method load a template file from this path.

Resolving a Git conflict with binary files

I've come across two strategies for managing diff/merge of binary files with Git on windows.

  1. Tortoise git lets you configure diff/merge tools for different file types based on their file extensions. See Diff/Merge Advanced Settings This strategy of course relys on suitable diff/merge tools being available.

  2. Using git attributes you can specify a tool/command to convert your binary file to text and then let your default diff/merge tool do it's thing. See The article even gives an example of using meta data to diff images.

I got both strategies to work with binary files of software models, but we went with tortoise git as the configuration was easy.

Passive Link in Angular 2 - <a href=""> equivalent

Updated for Angular 5

import { Directive, HostListener, Input } from '@angular/core';

  // tslint:disable-next-line:directive-selector
  selector : '[href]'
export class HrefDirective {
  @Input() public href: string | undefined;

  @HostListener('click', ['$event']) public onClick(event: Event): void {
    if (!this.href || this.href === '#' || (this.href && this.href.length === 0)) {

Bash script error [: !=: unary operator expected

Or for what seems like rampant overkill, but is actually simplistic ... Pretty much covers all of your cases, and no empty string or unary concerns.

In the case the first arg is '-v', then do your conditional ps -ef, else in all other cases throw the usage.

case $1 in
  '-v') if [ "$1" = -v ]; then
         echo "`ps -ef | grep -v '\['`"
         echo "`ps -ef | grep '\[' | grep root`"
     *) echo "usage: $0 [-v]"
        exit 1;; #It is good practice to throw a code, hence allowing $? check

If one cares not where the '-v' arg is, then simply drop the case inside a loop. The would allow walking all the args and finding '-v' anywhere (provided it exists). This means command line argument order is not important. Be forewarned, as presented, the variable arg_match is set, thus it is merely a flag. It allows for multiple occurrences of the '-v' arg. One could ignore all other occurrences of '-v' easy enough.


usage ()
  echo "usage: $0 [-v]"
  exit 1

unset arg_match

for arg in $*
  case $arg in
    '-v') if [ "$arg" = -v ]; then
           echo "`ps -ef | grep -v '\['`"
           echo "`ps -ef | grep '\[' | grep root`"
          arg_match=1;; # this is set, but could increment.
       *) ;;

if [ ! $arg_match ]

But, allow multiple occurrences of an argument is convenient to use in situations such as:

$ adduser -u:sam -s -f -u:bob -trace -verbose

We care not about the order of the arguments, and even allow multiple -u arguments. Yes, it is a simple matter to also allow:

$ adduser -u sam -s -f -u bob -trace -verbose

How do I write to the console from a Laravel Controller?

It's very simple.

You can call it from anywhere in APP.

$out = new \Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput();
$out->writeln("Hello from Terminal");

Update a dataframe in pandas while iterating row by row

Well, if you are going to iterate anyhow, why don't use the simplest method of all, df['Column'].values[i]

df['Column'] = ''

for i in range(len(df)):
    df['Column'].values[i] = something/update/new_value

Or if you want to compare the new values with old or anything like that, why not store it in a list and then append in the end.

mylist, df['Column'] = [], ''

for <condition>:

df['Column'] = mylist

Tips for debugging .htaccess rewrite rules

Here are a few additional tips on testing rules that may ease the debugging for users on shared hosting

1. Use a Fake-user agent

When testing a new rule, add a condition to only execute it with a fake user-agent that you will use for your requests. This way it will not affect anyone else on your site.


#protect with a fake user agent
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT}  ^my-fake-user-agent$
#Here is the actual rule I am testing
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.domain\.com$ [NC] 
RewriteRule ^{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=302] 

If you are using Firefox, you can use the User Agent Switcher to create the fake user agent string and test.

2. Do not use 301 until you are done testing

I have seen so many posts where people are still testing their rules and they are using 301's. DON'T.

If you are not using suggestion 1 on your site, not only you, but anyone visiting your site at the time will be affected by the 301.

Remember that they are permanent, and aggressively cached by your browser. Use a 302 instead till you are sure, then change it to a 301.

3. Remember that 301's are aggressively cached in your browser

If your rule does not work and it looks right to you, and you were not using suggestions 1 and 2, then re-test after clearing your browser cache or while in private browsing.

4. Use a HTTP Capture tool

Use a HTTP capture tool like Fiddler to see the actual HTTP traffic between your browser and the server.

While others might say that your site does not look right, you could instead see and report that all of the images, css and js are returning 404 errors, quickly narrowing down the problem.

While others will report that you started at URL A and ended at URL C, you will be able to see that they started at URL A, were 302 redirected to URL B and 301 redirected to URL C. Even if URL C was the ultimate goal, you will know that this is bad for SEO and needs to be fixed.

You will be able to see cache headers that were set on the server side, replay requests, modify request headers to test ....

How to split a dataframe string column into two columns?

If you don't want to create a new dataframe, or if your dataframe has more columns than just the ones you want to split, you could:

df["flips"], df["row_name"] = zip(*df["row"].str.split().tolist())
del df["row"]  

How do I check if an object's type is a particular subclass in C++?

You can do it with dynamic_cast (at least for polymorphic types).

Actually, on second thought--you can't tell if it is SPECIFICALLY a particular type with dynamic_cast--but you can tell if it is that type or any subclass thereof.

template <class DstType, class SrcType>
bool IsType(const SrcType* src)
  return dynamic_cast<const DstType*>(src) != nullptr;

how to implement regions/code collapse in javascript

Thanks to 0A0D for a great answer. I've had good luck with it. Darin Dimitrov also makes a good argument about limiting the complexity of your JS files. Still, I do find occasions where collapsing functions to their definitions makes browsing through a file much easier.

Regarding #region in general, this SO Question covers it quite well.

I have made a few modifications to the Macro to support more advanced code collapse. This method allows you to put a description after the //#region keyword ala C# and shows it in the code as shown:

Example code:

//#region InputHandler
var InputHandler = {
    inputMode: 'simple', //simple or advanced

    //#region filterKeys
    filterKeys: function(e) {
        var doSomething = true;
        if (doSomething) {
    //#endregion filterKeys

    //#region handleInput
    handleInput: function(input, specialKeys) {
        //blah blah blah
    //#endregion handleInput

//#endregion InputHandler

Updated Macro:

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On

Imports System
Imports EnvDTE
Imports EnvDTE80
Imports EnvDTE90
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Collections.Generic

Public Module JsMacros

    Sub OutlineRegions()
        Dim selection As EnvDTE.TextSelection = CType(DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection, EnvDTE.TextSelection)

        Const REGION_START As String = "//#region"
        Const REGION_END As String = "//#endregion"

        Dim text As String = selection.Text

        Dim startIndex As Integer
        Dim endIndex As Integer
        Dim lastIndex As Integer = 0
        Dim startRegions As New Stack(Of Integer)

            startIndex = text.IndexOf(REGION_START, lastIndex)
            endIndex = text.IndexOf(REGION_END, lastIndex)

            If startIndex = -1 AndAlso endIndex = -1 Then
                Exit Do
            End If

            If startIndex <> -1 AndAlso startIndex < endIndex Then
                lastIndex = startIndex + 1
                ' Outline region ...
                Dim tempStartIndex As Integer = CInt(startRegions.Pop())
                selection.MoveToLineAndOffset(CalcLineNumber(text, tempStartIndex), CalcLineOffset(text, tempStartIndex))
                selection.MoveToLineAndOffset(CalcLineNumber(text, endIndex) + 1, 1, True)

                lastIndex = endIndex + 1
            End If

    End Sub

    Private Function CalcLineNumber(ByVal text As String, ByVal index As Integer) As Integer
        Dim lineNumber As Integer = 1
        Dim i As Integer = 0

        While i < index
            If text.Chars(i) = vbLf Then
                lineNumber += 1
                i += 1
            End If

            If text.Chars(i) = vbCr Then
                lineNumber += 1
                i += 1
                If text.Chars(i) = vbLf Then
                    i += 1 'Swallow the next vbLf
                End If
            End If

            i += 1
        End While

        Return lineNumber
    End Function

    Private Function CalcLineOffset(ByVal text As String, ByVal index As Integer) As Integer
        Dim offset As Integer = 1
        Dim i As Integer = index - 1

        'Count backwards from //#region to the previous line counting the white spaces
        Dim whiteSpaces = 1
        While i >= 0
            Dim chr As Char = text.Chars(i)
            If chr = vbCr Or chr = vbLf Then
                whiteSpaces = offset
                Exit While
            End If
            i -= 1
            offset += 1
        End While

        'Count forwards from //#region to the end of the region line
        i = index
        offset = 0
            Dim chr As Char = text.Chars(i)
            If chr = vbCr Or chr = vbLf Then
                Return whiteSpaces + offset
            End If
            offset += 1
            i += 1

        Return whiteSpaces
    End Function

End Module

Passing a Bundle on startActivity()?

Passing data from one Activity to Activity in android

An intent contains the action and optionally additional data. The data can be passed to other activity using intent putExtra() method. Data is passed as extras and are key/value pairs. The key is always a String. As value you can use the primitive data types int, float, chars, etc. We can also pass Parceable and Serializable objects from one activity to other.

Intent intent = new Intent(context, YourActivity.class);
intent.putExtra(KEY, <your value here>);

Retrieving bundle data from android activity

You can retrieve the information using getData() methods on the Intent object. The Intent object can be retrieved via the getIntent() method.

 Intent intent = getIntent();
  if (null != intent) { //Null Checking
    String StrData= intent.getStringExtra(KEY);
    int NoOfData = intent.getIntExtra(KEY, defaultValue);
    boolean booleanData = intent.getBooleanExtra(KEY, defaultValue);
    char charData = intent.getCharExtra(KEY, defaultValue); 

How to set HttpResponse timeout for Android in Java

HttpParams httpParameters = new BasicHttpParams();
            HttpProtocolParams.setVersion(httpParameters, HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1);
            HttpProtocolParams.setUseExpectContinue(httpParameters, true);

            // Set the timeout in milliseconds until a connection is
            // established.
            // The default value is zero, that means the timeout is not used.
            int timeoutConnection = 35 * 1000;
            // Set the default socket timeout (SO_TIMEOUT)
            // in milliseconds which is the timeout for waiting for data.
            int timeoutSocket = 30 * 1000;
            HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout(httpParameters, timeoutSocket);

Using SELECT result in another SELECT

NewScores is an alias to Scores table - it looks like you can combine the queries as follows:

        Members.FirstName + ' ' + Members.LastName AS Name, 
            WHEN MenuCountry.ImgURL IS NULL THEN 
        END AS FlagImg, 
        AVG(CAST(NewScores.NetScore AS DECIMAL(18, 4))) AS Nett, 
        COUNT(Score.ScoreID) AS Rounds 
        INNER JOIN 
        Score NewScores
            ON Members.MemberID = NewScores.MemberID 
        LEFT OUTER JOIN MenuCountry 
            ON Members.Country = MenuCountry.ID 
        Members.Status = 1 
        AND NewScores.InsertedDate >= DATEADD(mm, -3, GETDATE())
        Members.FirstName + ' ' + Members.LastName, 
    ) AS Dertbl 

pycharm running way slow

In my case, it was very slow and i needed to change inspections settings, i tried everything, the only thing that worked was going from 2018.2 version to 2016.2, sometimes is better to be some updates behind...

VERR_VMX_MSR_VMXON_DISABLED when starting an image from Oracle virtual box

I believe VirtualBox is throwing this error for a number of reasons. Very annoying that it's one error for so many things but, I guess it's the same requirement it's just that the root cause is different.

Potential gotchas:

  1. You haven't enabled VT-x in VirtualBox and it's required for the VM.
    • To enable: open vbox, click the VM, click Settings..., System->Acceleration->VT-x check box.
  2. You haven't enabled VT-x in BIOS and it's required.
    • Check your motherboard manual but you basically want to enter your BIOS just after the machine turns on (usually DEL key, F2, F12 etc) and find "Advanced" tag, enter "CPU configuration", then enable "Intel Virtualization Technology".
  3. Your processor doesn't support VT-x (eg a Core i3).
    • In this case your BIOS and VirtualBox shouldn't allow you to try and enable VT-x (but if they do, you'll likely get a crash in the VM).
  4. Your trying to install or boot a 64 bit guest OS.
    • I think 64 bit OS requires true CPU pass-through which requires VT-x. (A VM expert can comment on this point).
  5. You are trying to allocate >3GB of RAM to the VM.
    • Similar to the previous point, this requires: (a) a 64 bit host system; and (b) true hardware pass-through ie VT-x.

So for my little mess around machine that I'm resurrecting that has 8GB RAM but only a ye-olde Core i3, I'm having success if I install: 32 bit version of linux, allocating 2.5GB RAM.

Oh, and wherever I say "VT-x" above, that obviously applies equally to AMD's "AMD-V" virtualization tech.

I hope that helps.

Generating random strings with T-SQL

I realize that this is an old question with many fine answers. However when I found this I also found a more recent article on TechNet by Saeid Hasani

T-SQL: How to Generate Random Passwords

While the solution focuses on passwords it applies to the general case. Saeid works through various considerations to arrive at a solution. It is very instructive.

A script containing all the code blocks form the article is separately available via the TechNet Gallery, but I would definitely start at the article.

How to exit when back button is pressed?

First of all, Android does not recommend you to do that within the back button, but rather using the lifecycle methods provided. The back button should not destroy the Activity.

Activities are being added to the stack, accessible from the Overview (square button since they introduced the Material design in 5.0) when the back button is pressed on the last remaining Activity from the UI stack. If the user wants to close down your app, they should swipe it off (close it) from the Overview menu.

Your app is responsible to stop any background tasks and jobs you don't want to run, on onPause(), onStop() and onDestroy() lifecycle methods. Please read more about the lifecycles and their proper implementation here:

But to answer your question, you can do hacks to implement the exact behaviour you want, but as I said, it is not recommended:

 public void onBackPressed() {

// make sure you have this outcommented
// super.onBackPressed();
 Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN);

How to remove specific session in

you can use Session.Remove() method; Session.Remove


How does jQuery work when there are multiple elements with the same ID value?

There should only be one element with a given id. If you're stuck with that situation, see the 2nd half of my answer for options.

How a browser behaves when you have multiple elements with the same id (illegal HTML) is not defined by specification. You could test all the browsers and find out how they behave, but it's unwise to use this configuration or rely on any particular behavior.

Use classes if you want multiple objects to have the same identifier.

    <span class="a">1</span>
    <span class="a">2</span>

$(function() {
    var w = $("div");
    console.log($(".a").length);            // 2
    console.log($("body .a").length);       // 2
    console.log($(".a", w).length);         // 2

If you want to reliably look at elements with IDs that are the same because you can't fix the document, then you will have to do your own iteration as you cannot rely on any of the built in DOM functions.

You could do so like this:

function findMultiID(id) {
    var results = [];
    var children = $("div").get(0).children;
    for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
        if (children[i].id == id) {

Or, using jQuery:

$("div *").filter(function() {return( == "a");});

jQuery working example:

As to Why you get different results, that would have to do with the internal implementation of whatever piece of code was carrying out the actual selector operation. In jQuery, you could study the code to find out what any given version was doing, but since this is illegal HTML, there is no guarantee that it will stay the same over time. From what I've seen in jQuery, it first checks to see if the selector is a simple id like #a and if so, just used document.getElementById("a"). If the selector is more complex than that and querySelectorAll() exists, jQuery will often pass the selector off to the built in browser function which will have an implementation specific to that browser. If querySelectorAll() does not exist, then it will use the Sizzle selector engine to manually find the selector which will have it's own implementation. So, you can have at least three different implementations all in the same browser family depending upon the exact selector and how new the browser is. Then, individual browsers will all have their own querySelectorAll() implementations. If you want to reliably deal with this situation, you will probably have to use your own iteration code as I've illustrated above.

How to set DialogFragment's width and height?

One of the earlier solutions almost worked. I tried something slightly different and it ended up working for me.

(Make sure you look at his solution) This was his solution.. Click Here It worked except for: builder.getContext().getTheme().applyStyle(, true);

I changed it to

    public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        // Use the Builder class for convenient dialog construction
        AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity());

        // Get layout inflater
        LayoutInflater layoutInflater = getActivity().getLayoutInflater();

        // Set layout by setting view that is returned from inflating the XML layout
        builder.setView(layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.dialog_window_layout, null));

        AlertDialog dialog = builder.create();


The last line is whats different really.

Can I use Class.newInstance() with constructor arguments?

You can use the getDeclaredConstructor method of Class. It expects an array of classes. Here is a tested and working example:

public static JFrame createJFrame(Class c, String name, Component parentComponent)
        JFrame frame = (JFrame)c.getDeclaredConstructor(new Class[] {String.class}).newInstance("name");
        if (parentComponent != null)
    catch (InstantiationException instantiationException)
        ExceptionHandler.handleException(instantiationException, parentComponent, Language.messages.get(Language.InstantiationExceptionKey), c.getName());
    catch(NoSuchMethodException noSuchMethodException)
        //ExceptionHandler.handleException(noSuchMethodException, parentComponent, Language.NoSuchMethodExceptionKey, "NamedConstructor");
        ExceptionHandler.handleException(noSuchMethodException, parentComponent, Language.messages.get(Language.NoSuchMethodExceptionKey), "(Constructor or a JFrame method)");
    catch (IllegalAccessException illegalAccessException)
        ExceptionHandler.handleException(illegalAccessException, parentComponent, Language.messages.get(Language.IllegalAccessExceptionKey));
    catch (InvocationTargetException invocationTargetException)
        ExceptionHandler.handleException(invocationTargetException, parentComponent, Language.messages.get(Language.InvocationTargetExceptionKey));
        return null;

Return string without trailing slash

function stripTrailingSlash(str) {
    if(str.substr(-1) === '/') {
        return str.substr(0, str.length - 1);
    return str;

Note: IE8 and older do not support negative substr offsets. Use str.length - 1 instead if you need to support those ancient browsers.

Android SDK folder taking a lot of disk space. Do we need to keep all of the System Images?

I had 20.8 GB in the C:\Users\ggo\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\system-images folder (6 android images: - android-10 - android-15 - android-21 - android-23 - android-25 - android-26 ).

I have compressed the C:\Users\ggo\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\system-images folder.

Now it takes only 4.65 GB.


I did not encountered any problem up to now...

Compression seems to vary from 2/3 to 6, sometimes much more:





Smart way to truncate long strings

c_harm's answer is in my opinion the best. Please note that if you want to use

"My string".truncate(n)

you will have to use a regexp object constructor rather than a literal. Also you'll have to escape the \S when converting it.

String.prototype.truncate =
        var p  = new RegExp("^.{0," + n + "}[\\S]*", 'g');
        var re = this.match(p);
        var l  = re[0].length;
        var re = re[0].replace(/\s$/,'');

        if (l < this.length) return re + '&hellip;';

Iterate over object in Angular

try to use this pipe

import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';

@Pipe({ name: 'values',  pure: false })
export class ValuesPipe implements PipeTransform {
  transform(value: any, args: any[] = null): any {
    return Object.keys(value).map(key => value[key]);

<div *ngFor="#value of object | values"> </div>

Set the space between Elements in Row Flutter

You can use Spacers if all you want is a little bit of spacing between items in a row. The example below centers 2 Text widgets within a row with some spacing between them.

Spacer creates an adjustable, empty spacer that can be used to tune the spacing between widgets in a Flex container, like Row or Column.

In a row, if we want to put space between two widgets such that it occupies all remaining space.

    widget = Row (
    children: <Widget>[
      Spacer(flex: 20),
        "Item #1",
      Spacer(),  // Defaults to flex: 1
        "Item #2",
      Spacer(flex: 20),

shell init issue when click tab, what's wrong with getcwd?

This usually occurs when your current directory does not exist anymore. Most likely, from another terminal you remove that directory (from within a script or whatever). To get rid of this, in case your current directory was recreated in the meantime, just cd to another (existing) directory and then cd back; the simplest would be: cd; cd -.

Can constructors be async?

In this particular case, a viewModel is required to launch the task and notify the view upon its completion. An "async property", not an "async constructor", is in order.

I just released AsyncMVVM, which solves exactly this problem (among others). Should you use it, your ViewModel would become:

public class ViewModel : AsyncBindableBase
    public ObservableCollection<TData> Data
        get { return Property.Get(GetDataAsync); }

    private Task<ObservableCollection<TData>> GetDataAsync()
        //Get the data asynchronously

Strangely enough, Silverlight is supported. :)

What is the difference between match_parent and fill_parent?

Just to give it a name closer to it's actual action. "fill_parent" does not fill the remaining space as the name would imply (for that you use the weight attribute). Instead, it takes up as much space as its layout parent. That's why the new name is "match_parent"

How can I get the current user directory?

Also very helpful, while investigating the Environment.SpecialFolder enum. Use LINQPad or create a solution and execute this code:

    .Select(specialFolder => new
        Name = specialFolder.ToString(),
        Path = Environment.GetFolderPath(specialFolder)
    .OrderBy(item => item.Path.ToLower())

Folder Paths

This is the result on my machine:

ProgramFiles            C:\Program Files (x86) 
ProgramFilesX86         C:\Program Files (x86) 
CommonProgramFiles      C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files 
CommonProgramFilesX86   C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files 
CommonApplicationData   C:\ProgramData 
CommonStartMenu         C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu 
CommonPrograms          C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs 
CommonAdminTools        C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools 
CommonStartup           C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup 
CommonTemplates         C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Templates 
UserProfile             C:\Users\fisch 
LocalApplicationData    C:\Users\fisch\AppData\Local 
CDBurning               C:\Users\fisch\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Burn\Burn 
History                 C:\Users\fisch\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\History 
InternetCache           C:\Users\fisch\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache 
Cookies                 C:\Users\fisch\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCookies 
ApplicationData         C:\Users\fisch\AppData\Roaming 
NetworkShortcuts        C:\Users\fisch\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Network Shortcuts 
PrinterShortcuts        C:\Users\fisch\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Printer Shortcuts 
Recent                  C:\Users\fisch\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent 
SendTo                  C:\Users\fisch\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo 
StartMenu               C:\Users\fisch\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu 
Programs                C:\Users\fisch\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs 
AdminTools              C:\Users\fisch\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools 
Startup                 C:\Users\fisch\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup 
Templates               C:\Users\fisch\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Templates 
Desktop                 C:\Users\fisch\Desktop 
DesktopDirectory        C:\Users\fisch\Desktop 
Favorites               C:\Users\fisch\Favorites 
MyMusic                 C:\Users\fisch\Music 
MyDocuments             C:\Users\fisch\OneDrive\Documents 
MyDocuments             C:\Users\fisch\OneDrive\Documents 
MyPictures              C:\Users\fisch\OneDrive\Pictures 
MyVideos                C:\Users\fisch\Videos 
CommonDesktopDirectory  C:\Users\Public\Desktop 
CommonDocuments         C:\Users\Public\Documents 
CommonMusic             C:\Users\Public\Music 
CommonPictures          C:\Users\Public\Pictures 
CommonVideos            C:\Users\Public\Videos 
Windows                 C:\Windows 
Fonts                   C:\Windows\Fonts 
Resources               C:\Windows\resources 
System                  C:\Windows\system32 
SystemX86               C:\Windows\SysWoW64 

("fisch" is the first 5 letters of my last name. This is the user name assigned when signing in with a Microsoft Account.)

Key value pairs using JSON

var object = {
    key1 : {
        name : 'xxxxxx',
        value : '100.0'
    key2 : {
        name : 'yyyyyyy',
        value : '200.0'
    key3 : {
        name : 'zzzzzz',
        value : '500.0'

If thats how your object looks and you want to loop each name and value then I would try and do something like.

        key would be key1,key2,key3
        innerjson would be the name and value **

    //Alerts and logging of the variable.
    console.log(innerjson); //should show you the value    
    alert(; //Should say xxxxxx,yyyyyy,zzzzzzz

How do I center a Bootstrap div with a 'spanX' class?

If anyone wants the true solution for centering BOTH images and text within a span using bootstrap row-fluid, here it is (how to implement this and explanation follows my example):


div.row-fluid [class*="span"] .center-in-span { 
   float: none; 
   margin: 0 auto; 
   text-align: center; 
   display: block; 
   width: auto; 
   height: auto;


<div class="row-fluid">
   <div class="span12">
      <img class="center-in-span" alt="MyExample" src="/path/to/example.jpg"/>

<div class="row-fluid">
   <div class="span12">
      <p class="center-in-span">this is text</p>

USAGE: To use this css to center an image within a span, simply apply the .center-in-span class to the img element, as shown above.

To use this css to center text within a span, simply apply the .center-in-span class to the p element, as shown above.

EXPLANATION: This css works because we are overriding specific bootstrap styling. The notable differences from the other answers that were posted are that the width and height are set to auto, so you don't have to used a fixed with (good for a dynamic webpage). also, the combination of setting the margin to auto, text-align:center and display:block, takes care of both images and paragraphs.

Let me know if this is thorough enough for easy implementation.

Data binding to SelectedItem in a WPF Treeview

All to complicated... Go with Caliburn Micro (


<TreeView Micro:Message.Attach="[Event SelectedItemChanged] = [Action SetSelectedItem($this.SelectedItem)]" />


public void SetSelectedItem(YourNodeViewModel item) {}; 

AngularJS sorting rows by table header

Use a third-party JavaScript library. It will give you that and much more. A good example is datatables (if you are also using jQuery):

Or just order your bound array in $scope.results when the header is clicked.

How can building a heap be O(n) time complexity?

As we know the height of a heap is log(n), where n is the total number of elements.Lets represent it as h
   When we perform heapify operation, then the elements at last level(h) won't move even a single step.
   The number of elements at second last level(h-1) is 2h-1 and they can move at max 1 level(during heapify).
   Similarly, for the ith, level we have 2i elements which can move h-i positions.

Therefore total number of moves=S= 2h*0+2h-1*1+2h-2*2+...20*h

                                               S=2h {1/2 + 2/22 + 3/23+ ... h/2h} -------------------------------------------------1
this is AGP series, to solve this divide both sides by 2
                                               S/2=2h {1/22 + 2/23+ ... h/2h+1} -------------------------------------------------2
subtracting equation 2 from 1 gives
                                               S/2=2h {1/2+1/22 + 1/23+ ...+1/2h+ h/2h+1}
                                               S=2h+1 {1/2+1/22 + 1/23+ ...+1/2h+ h/2h+1}
now 1/2+1/22 + 1/23+ ...+1/2h is decreasing GP whose sum is less than 1 (when h tends to infinity, the sum tends to 1). In further analysis, let's take an upper bound on the sum which is 1.
This gives S=2h+1{1+h/2h+1}
as h=log(n), 2h=n

Therefore S=n+log(n)

How can I print the contents of a hash in Perl?

Here how you can print without using Data::Dumper

print "@{[%hash]}";

Bulk create model objects in django

Using create will cause one query per new item. If you want to reduce the number of INSERT queries, you'll need to use something else.

I've had some success using the Bulk Insert snippet, even though the snippet is quite old. Perhaps there are some changes required to get it working again.

How to center an element horizontally and vertically

In order to vertically and horizontally center an element we can also use below mentioned properties.

This CSS property aligns-items vertically and accepts the following values:

flex-start: Items align to the top of the container.

flex-end: Items align to the bottom of the container.

center: Items align at the vertical center of the container.

baseline: Items display at the baseline of the container.

stretch: Items are stretched to fit the container.

This CSS property justify-content , which aligns items horizontally and accepts the following values:

flex-start: Items align to the left side of the container.

flex-end: Items align to the right side of the container.

center: Items align at the center of the container.

space-between: Items display with equal spacing between them.

space-around: Items display with equal spacing around them.

CSS position absolute full width problem

You could set both left and right property to 0. This will make the div stretch to the document width, but requires that no parent element is positioned (which is not the case, seeing as #header is position: relative;)

#site_nav_global_primary {    
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;

Demo at:, where I removed position:relative; from #header

Can anyone explain what JSONP is, in layman terms?

I have found a useful article that also explains the topic quite clearly and easy language. Link is JSONP

Some of the worth noting points are:

  1. JSONP pre-dates CORS.
  2. It is a pseudo-standard way to retreive data from a different domain,
  3. It has limited CORS features (only GET method)

Working is as follows:

  1. <script src="url?callback=function_name"> is included in the html code
  2. When step 1 gets executed it sens a function with the same function name (as given in the url parameter) as a response.
  3. If the function with the given name exists in the code, it will be executed with the data, if any, returned as an argument to that function.

How to represent matrices in python


Using tuples instead of lists makes it marginally harder to change the data structure in unwanted ways.

If you are going to do extensive use of those, you are best off wrapping a true number array in a class, so you can define methods and properties on them. (Or, you could NumPy, SciPy, ... if you are going to do your processing with those libraries.)

SQL Query Multiple Columns Using Distinct on One Column Only

select * from 
ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY tblFruit_FruitType ORDER BY tblFruit_FruitType DESC) as tt
from tblFruit
) a

How to filter an array/object by checking multiple values

You can use .filter() with boolean operators ie &&:

     var find = my_array.filter(function(result) {
       return result.param1 === "srting1" && result.param2 === 'string2';
     return find[0];

jQuery: Can I call delay() between addClass() and such?

AFAIK the delay method only works for numeric CSS modifications.

For other purposes JavaScript comes with a setTimeout method:

window.setTimeout(function(){$("#div").removeClass("error");}, 1000);

Suppress output of a function

invisible(cat("Dataset: ", dataset, fill = TRUE))
invisible(cat(" Width: " ,width, fill = TRUE))
invisible(cat(" Bin1:  " ,bin1interval, fill = TRUE))
invisible(cat(" Bin2:  " ,bin2interval, fill = TRUE))
invisible(cat(" Bin3:  " ,bin3interval, fill = TRUE))

produces output without NULL at the end of the line or on the next line

Dataset:  17 19 26 29 31 32 34 45 47 51 52 59 60 62 63
Width:  15.33333

Bin1:   17 32.33333
Bin2:   32.33333 47.66667
Bin3:   47.66667 63

C# equivalent of C++ map<string,double>

While we are talking about STL, maps and dictionary, I'd recommend taking a look at the C5 library. It offers several types of dictionaries and maps that I've frequently found useful (along with many other interesting and useful data structures).

If you are a C++ programmer moving to C# as I did, you'll find this library a great resource (and a data structure for this dictionary).


JDBC connection to MSSQL server in windows authentication mode

After struggling a lot, I finally found a solution, here we go -

Download the file jtds-1.3.1.jar and ntlmauth.dll and save it in Program File -> Java -> JDK -> jre -> bin.

Then use the following code -

String pPSSDBDriverName = "";
conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://<ur_server:port>;UseNTLMv2=true;Domain=AD;Trusted_Connection=yes");
stmt = conn.createStatement();
String sql = " DELETE FROM <data> where <condition>;

How to upgrade glibc from version 2.13 to 2.15 on Debian?

Your script contains errors as well, for example if you have dos2unix installed your install works but if you don't like I did then it will fail with dependency issues.

I found this by accident as I was making a script file of this to give to my friend who is new to Linux and because I made the scripts on windows I directed him to install it, at the time I did not have dos2unix installed thus I got errors.

here is a copy of the script I made for your solution but have dos2unix installed.

echo "deb sid main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update
apt-get -t sid install libc6 libc6-dev libc6-dbg
echo "Please remember to hash out sid main from your sources list. /etc/apt/sources.list"

this script has been tested on 3 machines with no errors.

What are the alternatives now that the Google web search API has been deprecated?

Yes, Google Custom Search has now replaced the old Search API, but you can still use Google Custom Search to search the entire web, although the steps are not obvious from the Custom Search setup.

To create a Google Custom Search engine that searches the entire web:

  1. From the Google Custom Search homepage ( ), click Create a Custom Search Engine.
  2. Type a name and description for your search engine.
  3. Under Define your search engine, in the Sites to Search box, enter at least one valid URL (For now, just put to get past this screen. More on this later ).
  4. Select the CSE edition you want and accept the Terms of Service, then click Next. Select the layout option you want, and then click Next.
  5. Click any of the links under the Next steps section to navigate to your Control panel.
  6. In the left-hand menu, under Control Panel, click Basics.
  7. In the Search Preferences section, select Search the entire web but emphasize included sites.
  8. Click Save Changes.
  9. In the left-hand menu, under Control Panel, click Sites.
  10. Delete the site you entered during the initial setup process.

Now your custom search engine will search the entire web.


  • Google Custom Search gives you 100 queries per day for free.
  • After that you pay $5 per 1000 queries.
  • There is a maximum of 10,000 queries per day.


  • The search quality is much lower than normal Google search (no synonyms, "intelligence" etc.)
  • It seems that Google is even planning to shut down this service completely.

What special characters must be escaped in regular expressions? and

In the official documentation, such characters are called metacharacters. Example of quoting:

my $regex = quotemeta($string)

How do I calculate a point on a circle’s circumference?

Calculating point around circumference of circle given distance travelled.
For comparison... This may be useful in Game AI when moving around a solid object in a direct path.

enter image description here

public static Point DestinationCoordinatesArc(Int32 startingPointX, Int32 startingPointY,
    Int32 circleOriginX, Int32 circleOriginY, float distanceToMove,
    ClockDirection clockDirection, float radius)
    // Note: distanceToMove and radius parameters are float type to avoid integer division
    // which will discard remainder

    var theta = (distanceToMove / radius) * (clockDirection == ClockDirection.Clockwise ? 1 : -1);
    var destinationX = circleOriginX + (startingPointX - circleOriginX) * Math.Cos(theta) - (startingPointY - circleOriginY) * Math.Sin(theta);
    var destinationY = circleOriginY + (startingPointX - circleOriginX) * Math.Sin(theta) + (startingPointY - circleOriginY) * Math.Cos(theta);

    // Round to avoid integer conversion truncation
    return new Point((Int32)Math.Round(destinationX), (Int32)Math.Round(destinationY));

/// <summary>
/// Possible clock directions.
/// </summary>
public enum ClockDirection
    [Description("Time moving forwards.")]
    [Description("Time moving moving backwards.")]

private void ButtonArcDemo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Brush aBrush = (Brush)Brushes.Black;
    Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics();

    var startingPointX = 125;
    var startingPointY = 75;
    for (var count = 0; count < 62; count++)
        var point = DestinationCoordinatesArc(
            startingPointX: startingPointX, startingPointY: startingPointY,
            circleOriginX: 75, circleOriginY: 75,
            distanceToMove: 5,
            clockDirection: ClockDirection.Clockwise, radius: 50);
        g.FillRectangle(aBrush, point.X, point.Y, 1, 1);

        startingPointX = point.X;
        startingPointY = point.Y;

        // Pause to visually observe/confirm clock direction

        Debug.WriteLine($"DestinationCoordinatesArc({point.X}, {point.Y}");

How does one use the onerror attribute of an img element

very simple

  <img onload="loaded(this, 'success')" onerror="error(this, 
 'error')"  src="someurl"  alt="" />

 function loaded(_this, status){
   console.log(_this, status)
  // do your work in load
 function error(_this, status){
  console.log(_this, status)
  // do your work in error

How to get the correct range to set the value to a cell?

The following code does what is required

function doTest() {

Set the intervals of x-axis using r

You can use axis:

> axis(side=1, at=c(0:23))

That is, something like this:

plot(0:23, d, type='b', axes=FALSE)
axis(side=1, at=c(0:23))
axis(side=2, at=seq(0, 600, by=100))

Simpler way to create dictionary of separate variables?

Python3. Use inspect to capture the calling local namespace then use ideas presented here. Can return more than one answer as has been pointed out.

def varname(var):
  import inspect
  frame = inspect.currentframe()
  var_id = id(var)
  for name in frame.f_back.f_locals.keys():
      if id(eval(name)) == var_id:

How to tell PowerShell to wait for each command to end before starting the next?

Besides using Start-Process -Wait, piping the output of an executable will make Powershell wait. Depending on the need, I will typically pipe to Out-Null, Out-Default, Out-String or Out-String -Stream. Here is a long list of some other output options.

# Saving output as a string to a variable.
$output = ping.exe | Out-String

# Filtering the output.
ping | where { $_ -match '^reply' }

# Using Start-Process affords the most control.
Start-Process -Wait

I do miss the CMD/Bash style operators that you referenced (&, &&, ||). It seems we have to be more verbose with Powershell.

Query to search all packages for table and/or column

By the way, if you need to add other characters such as "(" or ")" because the column may be used as "UPPER(bqr)", then those options can be added to the lists of before and after characters.


Callback function for JSONP with jQuery AJAX

delete this line:

jsonp: 'jsonp_callback',

Or replace this line:

url: '',

because currently you are asking jQuery to create a random callback function name with callback=? and then telling jQuery that you want to use jsonp_callback instead.

Difference Between One-to-Many, Many-to-One and Many-to-Many?

this would probably call for a many-to-many relation ship as follows

public class Person{

    private Long personId;

    private Set skills;
    //Getters and setters

public class Skill{
    private Long skillId;
    private String skillName;
    private Set persons; // (people would not be a good convenion)
    //Getters and setters

you may need to define a joinTable + JoinColumn but it will possible work also without...

Groovy executing shell commands

"ls".execute() returns a Process object which is why "ls".execute().text works. You should be able to just read the error stream to determine if there were any errors.

There is a extra method on Process that allow you to pass a StringBuffer to retrieve the text: consumeProcessErrorStream(StringBuffer error).


def proc = "ls".execute()
def b = new StringBuffer()

println proc.text
println b.toString()

How to get File Created Date and Modified Date

You can do that using FileInfo class:

FileInfo fi = new FileInfo("path");
var created = fi.CreationTime;
var lastmodified = fi.LastWriteTime;

How to print the ld(linker) search path

I'm not sure that there is any option for simply printing the full effective search path.

But: the search path consists of directories specified by -L options on the command line, followed by directories added to the search path by SEARCH_DIR("...") directives in the linker script(s). So you can work it out if you can see both of those, which you can do as follows:

If you're invoking ld directly:

  • The -L options are whatever you've said they are.
  • To see the linker script, add the --verbose option. Look for the SEARCH_DIR("...") directives, usually near the top of the output. (Note that these are not necessarily the same for every invocation of ld -- the linker has a number of different built-in default linker scripts, and chooses between them based on various other linker options.)

If you're linking via gcc:

  • You can pass the -v option to gcc so that it shows you how it invokes the linker. In fact, it normally does not invoke ld directly, but indirectly via a tool called collect2 (which lives in one of its internal directories), which in turn invokes ld. That will show you what -L options are being used.
  • You can add -Wl,--verbose to the gcc options to make it pass --verbose through to the linker, to see the linker script as described above.

Difference between @Mock and @InjectMocks

@Mock creates a mock. @InjectMocks creates an instance of the class and injects the mocks that are created with the @Mock (or @Spy) annotations into this instance.

Note you must use @RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) or Mockito.initMocks(this) to initialize these mocks and inject them (JUnit 4).

With JUnit 5, you must use @ExtendWith(MockitoExtension.class).

@RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) // JUnit 4
// @ExtendWith(MockitoExtension.class) for JUnit 5
public class SomeManagerTest {

    private SomeManager someManager;

    private SomeDependency someDependency; // this will be injected into someManager
     // tests...


How to create a date object from string in javascript

You definitely want to use the second expression since months in JS are enumerated from 0.

Also you may use Date.parse method, but it uses different date format:

var timestamp = Date.parse("11/30/2011");
var dateObject = new Date(timestamp);

Generating sql insert into for Oracle

You might execute something like this in the database:

select "insert into targettable(field1, field2, ...) values(" || field1 || ", " || field2 || ... || ");"
from targettable;

Something more sophisticated is here.

Could not find main class HelloWorld

JAVA_HOME is not necessary if you start java and javac from the command line. But JAVA_HOME should point to the real jdk directory, C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0 in your case.

I'd never use the CLASSPATH environment variable outside of build scripts, especially not global defined. The -cp flag is better. But in your case, as you do not need additional libraries (rt.jardoesn't count), you won't need a classpath declaration. A missing -cp is equivalent to a -cp . and that's what you need here)

The HelloWorld class needs to be declared as public. This actually may be the cause for your problems. (I was pretty sure, that a source file needs one public class... or was it one public class at most ?)

HTTP Status 405 - HTTP method POST is not supported by this URL java servlet

If you're still facing the issue even after replacing doGet() with doPost() and changing the form method="post". Try clearing the cache of the browser or hit the URL in another browser or incognito/private mode. It may works!

For best practices, please follow this link.

printf format specifiers for uint32_t and size_t

Sounds like you're expecting size_t to be the same as unsigned long (possibly 64 bits) when it's actually an unsigned int (32 bits). Try using %zu in both cases.

I'm not entirely certain though.

Import existing source code to GitHub

Here are some instructions on how to initiate a GitHub repository and then push code you've already created to it. The first set of instructions are directly from GitHub.


  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click, and then click New repository.

  2. Create a short, memorable name for your repository. For example, "hello-world".

  3. Optionally, add a description of your repository. For example, "My first repository on GitHub."

  4. Choose between creating a public or private repository.

  5. Initialize this repository with a README.

  6. Create repository.

Congratulations! You've successfully created your first repository, and initialized it with a README file.

Now after these steps you will want to push the code on your local computer up to the repository you just created and you do this following these steps:

  1. git init (in the root folder where your code is located)

  2. git add -A (this will add all the files and folders in your directory to be committed)

  3. git commit -am "First Project commit"

  4. git remote add origin [email protected]:YourGithubName/your-repo-name.git (you'll find this address on the GitHub repository you just created under "ssh clone URL" on the main page)

  5. git push -u origin master

That's it. Your code will now be pushed up to GitHub. Now every time you want to keep pushing code that has changed just do.

  1. git commit -m "New changes"

  2. git push origin master (if master is the branch you are working on)

SQL/mysql - Select distinct/UNIQUE but return all columns?

If I understood your problem correctly, it's similar to one I just had. You want to be able limit the usability of DISTINCT to a specified field, rather than applying it to all the data.

If you use GROUP BY without an aggregate function, which ever field you GROUP BY will be your DISTINCT filed.

If you make your query:

SELECT * from table GROUP BY field1;

It will show all your results based on a single instance of field1.

For example, if you have a table with name, address and city. A single person has multiple addresses recorded, but you just want a single address for the person, you can query as follows:

SELECT * FROM persons GROUP BY name;

The result will be that only one instance of that name will appear with its address, and the other one will be omitted from the resulting table. Caution: if your fileds have atomic values such as firstName, lastName you want to group by both.

SELECT * FROM persons GROUP BY lastName, firstName;

because if two people have the same last name and you only group by lastName, one of those persons will be omitted from the results. You need to keep those things into consideration. Hope this helps.

Syntax for a single-line Bash infinite while loop

You can try this too WARNING: this you should not do but since the question is asking for infinite loop with no end...this is how you could do it.

while [[ 0 -ne 1 ]]; do echo "it's looping";   sleep 2; done

SqlDataAdapter vs SqlDataReader

The answer to that can be quite broad.

Essentially, the major difference for me that usually influences my decisions on which to use is that with a SQLDataReader, you are "streaming" data from the database. With a SQLDataAdapter, you are extracting the data from the database into an object that can itself be queried further, as well as performing CRUD operations on.

Obviously with a stream of data SQLDataReader is MUCH faster, but you can only process one record at a time. With a SQLDataAdapter, you have a complete collection of the matching rows to your query from the database to work with/pass through your code.

WARNING: If you are using a SQLDataReader, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS make sure that you write proper code to close the connection since you are keeping the connection open with the SQLDataReader. Failure to do this, or proper error handling to close the connection in case of an error in processing the results will CRIPPLE your application with connection leaks.

Pardon my VB, but this is the minimum amount of code you should have when using a SqlDataReader:

Using cn As New SqlConnection("..."), _
      cmd As New SqlCommand("...", cn)

    Using rdr As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
        While rdr.Read()
            ''# ...
        End While
    End Using
End Using     

equivalent C#:

using (var cn = new SqlConnection("..."))
using (var cmd = new SqlCommand("..."))
    using(var rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())

jquery animate background position

Using Firefox:
specifying two values: Doesn't work with any combination of syntax -- as several pointed out above. Using Firebug, I get "Error in parsing value for 'background-position'. Declaration dropped." until the animation ends.

'backgroundPosition': '17.5em' -- specifiying 1 value: works in FF and CHrome OPera, SF(Safari) and IE, with a caveat that the 2nd value or y position (vertical) gets set to "center". From Firebug, the element's style gets set to:
style="background-position: 17.5em center;"

Combining (concatenating) date and time into a datetime

Assuming the underlying data types are date/time/datetime types:

  + ' ' + CONVERT(CHAR(8), CollectionTime, 108))
  FROM dbo.whatever;

This will convert CollectionDate and CollectionTime to char sequences, combine them, and then convert them to a datetime.

The parameters to CONVERT are data_type, expression and the optional style (see syntax documentation).

The date and time style value 112 converts to an ISO yyyymmdd format. The style value 108 converts to hh:mi:ss format. Evidently both are 8 characters long which is why the data_type is CHAR(8) for both.

The resulting combined char sequence is in format yyyymmdd hh:mi:ss and then converted to a datetime.

Current user in Magento?

The following way you can access all the information from logged user.


echo "<pre>" print_r($customer_data);

Using Excel as front end to Access database (with VBA)

Given the ease of use of Access, I don't see a compelling reason to use Excel at all other than to export data for number crunching. Access is designed to easily build data forms and, in my opinion, will be orders of magnitude easier and less time-consuming than using Excel. A few hours to learn the Access object model will pay for itself many times over in terms of time and effort.

Routing with Multiple Parameters using ASP.NET MVC

Parameters are directly supported in MVC by simply adding parameters onto your action methods. Given an action like the following:

public ActionResult GetImages(string artistName, string apiKey)

MVC will auto-populate the parameters when given a URL like:


One additional special case is parameters named "id". Any parameter named ID can be put into the path rather than the querystring, so something like:

public ActionResult GetImages(string id, string apiKey)

would be populated correctly with a URL like the following:


In addition, if you have more complicated scenarios, you can customize the routing rules that MVC uses to locate an action. Your global.asax file contains routing rules that can be customized. By default the rule looks like this:

            "Default",                                              // Route name
            "{controller}/{action}/{id}",                           // URL with parameters
            new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = "" }  // Parameter defaults

If you wanted to support a url like


you could add a route like:

            "ArtistImages",                                              // Route name
            "{controller}/{action}/{artistName}/{apikey}",                           // URL with parameters
            new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", artistName = "", apikey = "" }  // Parameter defaults

and a method like the first example above.

Any reason to prefer getClass() over instanceof when generating .equals()?

Josh Bloch favors your approach:

The reason that I favor the instanceof approach is that when you use the getClass approach, you have the restriction that objects are only equal to other objects of the same class, the same run time type. If you extend a class and add a couple of innocuous methods to it, then check to see whether some object of the subclass is equal to an object of the super class, even if the objects are equal in all important aspects, you will get the surprising answer that they aren't equal. In fact, this violates a strict interpretation of the Liskov substitution principle, and can lead to very surprising behavior. In Java, it's particularly important because most of the collections (HashTable, etc.) are based on the equals method. If you put a member of the super class in a hash table as the key and then look it up using a subclass instance, you won't find it, because they are not equal.

See also this SO answer.

Effective Java chapter 3 also covers this.

How to access parameters in a RESTful POST method

Your @POST method should be accepting a JSON object instead of a string. Jersey uses JAXB to support marshaling and unmarshaling JSON objects (see the jersey docs for details). Create a class like:

public class MyJaxBean {
    @XmlElement public String param1;
    @XmlElement public String param2;

Then your @POST method would look like the following:

@POST @Consumes("application/json")
public void create(final MyJaxBean input) {
    System.out.println("param1 = " + input.param1);
    System.out.println("param2 = " + input.param2);

This method expects to receive JSON object as the body of the HTTP POST. JAX-RS passes the content body of the HTTP message as an unannotated parameter -- input in this case. The actual message would look something like:

POST /create HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 35


Using JSON in this way is quite common for obvious reasons. However, if you are generating or consuming it in something other than JavaScript, then you do have to be careful to properly escape the data. In JAX-RS, you would use a MessageBodyReader and MessageBodyWriter to implement this. I believe that Jersey already has implementations for the required types (e.g., Java primitives and JAXB wrapped classes) as well as for JSON. JAX-RS supports a number of other methods for passing data. These don't require the creation of a new class since the data is passed using simple argument passing.


The parameters would be annotated using @FormParam:

public void create(@FormParam("param1") String param1,
                   @FormParam("param2") String param2) {

The browser will encode the form using "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". The JAX-RS runtime will take care of decoding the body and passing it to the method. Here's what you should see on the wire:

POST /create HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 25


The content is URL encoded in this case.

If you do not know the names of the FormParam's you can do the following:

@POST @Consumes("application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
public void create(final MultivaluedMap<String, String> formParams) {

HTTP Headers

You can using the @HeaderParam annotation if you want to pass parameters via HTTP headers:

public void create(@HeaderParam("param1") String param1,
                   @HeaderParam("param2") String param2) {

Here's what the HTTP message would look like. Note that this POST does not have a body.

POST /create HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 0
param1: hello
param2: world

I wouldn't use this method for generalized parameter passing. It is really handy if you need to access the value of a particular HTTP header though.

HTTP Query Parameters

This method is primarily used with HTTP GETs but it is equally applicable to POSTs. It uses the @QueryParam annotation.

public void create(@QueryParam("param1") String param1,
                   @QueryParam("param2") String param2) {

Like the previous technique, passing parameters via the query string does not require a message body. Here's the HTTP message:

POST /create?param1=hello&param2=world HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 0

You do have to be particularly careful to properly encode query parameters on the client side. Using query parameters can be problematic due to URL length restrictions enforced by some proxies as well as problems associated with encoding them.

HTTP Path Parameters

Path parameters are similar to query parameters except that they are embedded in the HTTP resource path. This method seems to be in favor today. There are impacts with respect to HTTP caching since the path is what really defines the HTTP resource. The code looks a little different than the others since the @Path annotation is modified and it uses @PathParam:

public void create(@PathParam("param1") String param1,
                   @PathParam("param2") String param2) {

The message is similar to the query parameter version except that the names of the parameters are not included anywhere in the message.

POST /create/hello/world HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 0

This method shares the same encoding woes that the query parameter version. Path segments are encoded differently so you do have to be careful there as well.

As you can see, there are pros and cons to each method. The choice is usually decided by your clients. If you are serving FORM-based HTML pages, then use @FormParam. If your clients are JavaScript+HTML5-based, then you will probably want to use JAXB-based serialization and JSON objects. The MessageBodyReader/Writer implementations should take care of the necessary escaping for you so that is one fewer thing that can go wrong. If your client is Java based but does not have a good XML processor (e.g., Android), then I would probably use FORM encoding since a content body is easier to generate and encode properly than URLs are. Hopefully this mini-wiki entry sheds some light on the various methods that JAX-RS supports.

Note: in the interest of full disclosure, I haven't actually used this feature of Jersey yet. We were tinkering with it since we have a number of JAXB+JAX-RS applications deployed and are moving into the mobile client space. JSON is a much better fit that XML on HTML5 or jQuery-based solutions.

How to send json data in the Http request using NSURLRequest

I struggled with this for a while. Running PHP on the server. This code will post a json and get the json reply from the server

NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
NSMutableURLRequest *rq = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:url];
[rq setHTTPMethod:@"POST"];
NSString *post = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"command1=c1&command2=c2"];
NSData *postData = [post dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
[rq setHTTPBody:postData];
[rq setValue:@"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" forHTTPHeaderField:@"Content-Type"];
NSOperationQueue *queue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init];

[NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest:rq queue:queue completionHandler:^(NSURLResponse *response, NSData *data, NSError *error)
     if ([data length] > 0 && error == nil){
         NSError *parseError = nil;
         NSDictionary *dictionary = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:data options:0 error:&parseError];
         NSLog(@"Server Response (we want to see a 200 return code) %@",response);
         NSLog(@"dictionary %@",dictionary);
     else if ([data length] == 0 && error == nil){
         NSLog(@"no data returned");
         //no data, but tried
     else if (error != nil)
         NSLog(@"there was a download error");
         //couldn't download


How to comment and uncomment blocks of code in the Office VBA Editor

In the VBA editor, go to View, Toolbars, Customise... or right click on the tool bar and select Customise...

Under the Commands tab, select the Edit menu on the left.

Then approximately two thirds of the way down there's two icons, Comment Block and Uncomment Block.

Drag and drop these onto your toolbar and then you have easy access to highlight a block of code, and comment it out and uncomment with the click of a button!

See GauravSingh's answer if you want to assign keyboard shortcuts.

What online brokers offer APIs?

Only related with currency trading (Forex), but many Forex brokers are offering MetaTrader which let you code in MQL. The main problem with it (aside that it's limited to Forex) is that you've to code in MQL which might not be your preferred language.

Pass a PHP array to a JavaScript function

Data transfer between two platform requires a common data format. JSON is a common global format to send cross platform data.

drawChart(600/50, JSON.parse('<?php echo json_encode($day); ?>'), JSON.parse('<?php echo json_encode($week); ?>'), JSON.parse('<?php echo json_encode($month); ?>'), JSON.parse('<?php echo json_encode(createDatesArray(cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date('m',strtotime('-1 day')), date('Y',strtotime('-1 day'))))); ?>'))

This is the answer to your question. The answer may look very complex. You can see a simple example describing the communication between server side and client side here

$employee = array(
 "employee_id" => 10011,
   "Name" => "Nathan",
   "Skills" =>
           "documentation" =>

Conversion to JSON format is required to send the data back to client application ie, JavaScript. PHP has a built in function json_encode(), which can convert any data to JSON format. The output of the json_encode function will be a string like this.

    "employee_id": 10011,
    "Name": "Nathan",
    "Skills": {
        "0": "analyzing",
        "documentation": [

On the client side, success function will get the JSON string. Javascript also have JSON parsing function JSON.parse() which can convert the string back to JSON object.

        type: 'POST',
        headers: {
            "cache-control": "no-cache"
        url: "employee.php",
        async: false,
        cache: false,
        data: {
            employee_id: 10011
        success: function (jsonString) {
            var employeeData = JSON.parse(jsonString); // employeeData variable contains employee array.

Lock, mutex, semaphore... what's the difference?

Most problems can be solved using (i) just locks, (ii) just semaphores, ..., or (iii) a combination of both! As you may have discovered, they're very similar: both prevent race conditions, both have acquire()/release() operations, both cause zero or more threads to become blocked/suspected... Really, the crucial difference lies solely on how they lock and unlock.

  • A lock (or mutex) has two states (0 or 1). It can be either unlocked or locked. They're often used to ensure only one thread enters a critical section at a time.
  • A semaphore has many states (0, 1, 2, ...). It can be locked (state 0) or unlocked (states 1, 2, 3, ...). One or more semaphores are often used together to ensure that only one thread enters a critical section precisely when the number of units of some resource has/hasn't reached a particular value (either via counting down to that value or counting up to that value).

For both locks/semaphores, trying to call acquire() while the primitive is in state 0 causes the invoking thread to be suspended. For locks - attempts to acquire the lock is in state 1 are successful. For semaphores - attempts to acquire the lock in states {1, 2, 3, ...} are successful.

For locks in state state 0, if same thread that had previously called acquire(), now calls release, then the release is successful. If a different thread tried this -- it is down to the implementation/library as to what happens (usually the attempt ignored or an error is thrown). For semaphores in state 0, any thread can call release and it will be successful (regardless of which thread previous used acquire to put the semaphore in state 0).

From the preceding discussion, we can see that locks have a notion of an owner (the sole thread that can call release is the owner), whereas semaphores do not have an owner (any thread can call release on a semaphore).

What causes a lot of confusion is that, in practice they are many variations of this high-level definition.

Important variations to consider:

  • What should the acquire()/release() be called? -- [Varies massively]
  • Does your lock/semaphore use a "queue" or a "set" to remember the threads waiting?
  • Can your lock/semaphore be shared with threads of other processes?
  • Is your lock "reentrant"? -- [Usually yes].
  • Is your lock "blocking/non-blocking"? -- [Normally non-blocking are used as blocking locks (aka spin-locks) cause busy waiting].
  • How do you ensure the operations are "atomic"?

These depends on your book / lecturer / language / library / environment.
Here's a quick tour noting how some languages answer these details.

C, C++ (pthreads)

  • A mutex is implemented via pthread_mutex_t. By default, they can't be shared with any other processes (PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE), however mutex's have an attribute called pshared. When set, so the mutex is shared between processes (PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED).
  • A lock is the same thing as a mutex.
  • A semaphore is implemented via sem_t. Similar to mutexes, semaphores can be shared between threasds of many processes or kept private to the threads of one single process. This depends on the pshared argument provided to sem_init.

python (

  • A lock (threading.RLock) is mostly the same as C/C++ pthread_mutex_ts. Both are both reentrant. This means they may only be unlocked by the same thread that locked it. It is the case that sem_t semaphores, threading.Semaphore semaphores and theading.Lock locks are not reentrant -- for it is the case any thread can perform unlock the lock / down the semaphore.
  • A mutex is the same as a lock (the term is not used often in python).
  • A semaphore (threading.Semaphore) is mostly the same as sem_t. Although with sem_t, a queue of thread ids is used to remember the order in which threads became blocked when attempting to lock it while it is locked. When a thread unlocks a semaphore, the first thread in the queue (if there is one) is chosen to be the new owner. The thread identifier is taken off the queue and the semaphore becomes locked again. However, with threading.Semaphore, a set is used instead of a queue, so the order in which threads became blocked is not stored -- any thread in the set may be chosen to be the next owner.

Java (java.util.concurrent)

  • A lock (java.util.concurrent.ReentrantLock) is mostly the same as C/C++ pthread_mutex_t's, and Python's threading.RLock in that it also implements a reentrant lock. Sharing locks between processes is harder in Java because of the JVM acting as an intermediary. If a thread tries to unlock a lock it doesn't own, an IllegalMonitorStateException is thrown.
  • A mutex is the same as a lock (the term is not used often in Java).
  • A semaphore (java.util.concurrent.Semaphore) is mostly the same as sem_t and threading.Semaphore. The constructor for Java semaphores accept a fairness boolean parameter that control whether to use a set (false) or a queue (true) for storing the waiting threads.

In theory, semaphores are often discussed, but in practice, semaphores aren't used so much. A semaphore only hold the state of one integer, so often it's rather inflexible and many are needed at once -- causing difficulty in understanding code. Also, the fact that any thread can release a semaphore is sometimes undesired. More object-oriented / higher-level synchronization primitives / abstractions such as "condition variables" and "monitors" are used instead.

Define css class in django Forms

Here is another solution for adding class definitions to the widgets after declaring the fields in the class.

def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    super(SampleClass, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    self.fields['name'].widget.attrs['class'] = 'my_class'

Authenticated HTTP proxy with Java

Try this runner I wrote. It could be helpful.

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class ProxyAuthHelper {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        String tmp = System.getProperty("http.proxyUser", System.getProperty("https.proxyUser"));
        if (tmp == null) {
            System.out.println("Proxy username: ");
            tmp = new Scanner(;
        final String userName = tmp;

        tmp = System.getProperty("http.proxyPassword", System.getProperty("https.proxyPassword"));
        if (tmp == null) {
            System.out.println("Proxy password: ");
            tmp = new Scanner(;
        final char[] password = tmp.toCharArray();

        Authenticator.setDefault(new Authenticator() {
            protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
                System.out.println("\n--------------\nProxy auth: " + userName);
                return new PasswordAuthentication (userName, password);


        Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(args[0]);
        Method method = clazz.getMethod("main", String[].class);
        String[] newArgs = new String[args.length - 1];
        System.arraycopy(args, 1, newArgs, 0, newArgs.length);
        method.invoke(null, new Object[]{newArgs});


How to find substring from string?

As user1511510 has identified, there's an unusual case when abc is at the end of the file name. We need to look for either /abc/ or /abc followed by a string-terminator '\0'. A naive way to do this would be to check if either /abc/ or /abc\0 are substrings:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main() {
    const char *str = "/user/desktop/abc";
    const int exists = strstr(str, "/abc/") || strstr(str, "/abc\0");
    return 0;

but exists will be 1 even if abc is not followed by a null-terminator. This is because the string literal "/abc\0" is equivalent to "/abc". A better approach is to test if /abc is a substring, and then see if the character after this substring (indexed using the pointer returned by strstr()) is either a / or a '\0':

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main() {
    const char *str = "/user/desktop/abc", *substr;
    const int exists = (substr = strstr(str, "/abc")) && (substr[4] == '\0' || substr[4] == '/');
    return 0;

This should work in all cases.

Bind a function to Twitter Bootstrap Modal Close

$(document.body).on('', function () {

How to include *.so library in Android Studio?

Android NDK official hello-libs CMake example

Just worked for me on Ubuntu 17.10 host, Android Studio 3, Android SDK 26, so I strongly recommend that you base your project on it.

The shared library is called libgperf, the key code parts are:

  • hello-libs/app/src/main/cpp/CMakeLists.txt:

    // -L
    add_library(lib_gperf SHARED IMPORTED)
    set_target_properties(lib_gperf PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION
    // -I
    target_include_directories(hello-libs PRIVATE
    // -lgperf
  • app/build.gradle:

    android {
        sourceSets {
            main {
                // let gradle pack the shared library into apk
                jniLibs.srcDirs = ['../distribution/gperf/lib']

    Then, if you look under /data/app on the device, will be there as well.

  • on C++ code, use: #include <gperf.h>

  • header location: hello-libs/distribution/gperf/include/gperf.h

  • lib location: distribution/gperf/lib/arm64-v8a/

  • If you only support some architectures, see: Gradle Build NDK target only ARM

The example git tracks the prebuilt shared libraries, but it also contains the build system to actually build them as well:

How to call MVC Action using Jquery AJAX and then submit form in MVC?

Assuming that your button is in a form, you are not preventing the default behaviour of the button click from happening i.e. Your AJAX call is made in addition to the form submission; what you're very likely seeing is one of

  1. the form submission happens faster than the AJAX call returns
  2. the form submission causes the browser to abort the AJAX request and continues with submitting the form.

So you should prevent the default behaviour of the button click

$('#btnSave').click(function (e) {

    // prevent the default event behaviour    

        url: "/Home/SaveDetailedInfo",
        type: "POST",
        data: JSON.stringify({ 'Options': someData}),
        dataType: "json",
        traditional: true,
        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        success: function (data) {

            // perform your save call here

            if (data.status == "Success") {
            } else {
                alert("Error occurs on the Database level!");
        error: function () {
            alert("An error has occured!!!");

Passing command line arguments in Visual Studio 2010?

  1. Right click on Project Name.
  2. Select Properties and click.
  3. Then, select Debugging and provide your enough argument into Command Arguments box.


  • Also, check Configuration type and Platform.


After that, Click Apply and OK.

Allow anonymous authentication for a single folder in web.config?

Use <location> configuration tag, and <allow users="?"/> to allow anonymous only or <allow users="*"/> for all:

   <location path="Path/To/Public/Folder">
            <allow users="?"/>

Fill DataTable from SQL Server database

If the variable table contains invalid characters (like a space) you should add square brackets around the variable.

public DataTable fillDataTable(string table)
    string query = "SELECT * FROM dstut.dbo.[" + table + "]";

    using(SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection(conSTR))
    using(SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, sqlConn))
        DataTable dt = new DataTable();
        return dt;

By the way, be very careful with this kind of code because is open to Sql Injection. I hope for you that the table name doesn't come from user input

CSS Input field text color of inputted text

If you want the placeholder text to be red you need to target it specifically in CSS.


  color: #f00;

How to configure encoding in Maven?

It seems people mix a content encoding with a built files/resources encoding. Having only maven properties is not enough. Having -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 not effective. To avoid having issues with encoding you should follow the following simple rules

  1. Set maven encoding, as described above:
  1. Always set encoding explicitly, when work with files, strings, IO in your code. If you do not follow this rule, your application depend on the environment. The -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 exactly is responsible for run-time environment configuration, but we should not depend on it. If you have thousands of clients, it takes more effort to configure systems and to find issues because of it. You just have an additional dependency on it which you can avoid by setting it explicitly. Most methods in Java that use a default encoding are marked as deprecated because of it.

  2. Make sure the content, you are working with, also is in the same encoding, that you expect. If it is not, the previous steps do not matter! For instance a file will not be processed correctly, if its encoding is not UTF8 but you expect it. To check file encoding on Linux:

$ file --mime F_PRDAUFT.dsv

  1. Force clients/server set encoding explicitly in requests/responses, here are examples:
@Produces("application/json; charset=UTF-8")
@Consumes("application/json; charset=UTF-8")

Hope this will be useful to someone.

Excel VBA, How to select rows based on data in a column?

Yes using Option Explicit is a good habit. Using .Select however is not :) it reduces the speed of the code. Also fully justify sheet names else the code will always run for the Activesheet which might not be what you actually wanted.

Is this what you are trying?

Option Explicit

Sub Sample()
    Dim lastRow As Long, i As Long
    Dim CopyRange As Range

    '~~> Change Sheet1 to relevant sheet name
    With Sheets("Sheet1")
        lastRow = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

        For i = 2 To lastRow
            If Len(Trim(.Range("A" & i).Value)) <> 0 Then
                If CopyRange Is Nothing Then
                    Set CopyRange = .Rows(i)
                    Set CopyRange = Union(CopyRange, .Rows(i))
                End If
                Exit For
            End If

        If Not CopyRange Is Nothing Then
            '~~> Change Sheet2 to relevant sheet name
            CopyRange.Copy Sheets("Sheet2").Rows(1)
        End If
    End With
End Sub


If if you have data from Row 2 till Row 10 and row 11 is blank and then you have data again from Row 12 then the above code will only copy data from Row 2 till Row 10

If you want to copy all rows which have data then use this code.

Option Explicit

Sub Sample()
    Dim lastRow As Long, i As Long
    Dim CopyRange As Range

    '~~> Change Sheet1 to relevant sheet name
    With Sheets("Sheet1")
        lastRow = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

        For i = 2 To lastRow
            If Len(Trim(.Range("A" & i).Value)) <> 0 Then
                If CopyRange Is Nothing Then
                    Set CopyRange = .Rows(i)
                    Set CopyRange = Union(CopyRange, .Rows(i))
                End If
            End If

        If Not CopyRange Is Nothing Then
            '~~> Change Sheet2 to relevant sheet name
            CopyRange.Copy Sheets("Sheet2").Rows(1)
        End If
    End With
End Sub

Hope this is what you wanted?


How to make audio autoplay on chrome

Google changed their policies last month regarding auto-play inside Chrome. Please see this announcement.

They do, however, allow auto-play if you are embedding a video and it is muted. You can add the muted property and it should allow the video to start playing.

<video autoplay controls muted>
  <source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4">
  <source src="movie.ogg" type="video/ogg">
  Your browser does not support the video tag.

col align right

Use float-right for block elements, or text-right for inline elements:

<div class="row">
     <div class="col">left</div>
     <div class="col text-right">inline content needs to be right aligned</div>
<div class="row">
      <div class="col">left</div>
      <div class="col">
          <div class="float-right">element needs to be right aligned</div>

If float-right is not working, remember that Bootstrap 4 is now flexbox, and many elements are display:flex which can prevent float-right from working.

In some cases, the utility classes like align-self-end or ml-auto work to right align elements that are inside a flexbox container like the Bootstrap 4 .row, Card or Nav. The ml-auto (margin-left:auto) is used in a flexbox element to push elements to the right.

Bootstrap 4 align right examples

SSH to AWS Instance without key pairs

AWS added a new feature to connect to instance without any open port, the AWS SSM Session Manager.

I've created a neat SSH ProxyCommand script that temporary adds your public ssh key to target instance during connection to target instance. The nice thing about this is you will connect without the need to add the ssh(22) port to your security groups, because the ssh connection is tunneled through ssm session manager.

AWS SSM SSH ProxyComand ->

django import error - No module named

Be sure you're running the right instance of Python with the right directories on the path. In my case, this error resulted from running the python executable by accident - I had actually installed Django under the python2.7 framework & libraries. The same could happen as a result of virtualenv as well.

Truncate a SQLite table if it exists?

SELECT name FROM sqlite_master where name = '<TABLE_NAME_HERE>'

If the table name does not exist then there would not be any records returned!

You can as well use

SELECT count(name) FROM sqlite_master where name = '<TABLE_NAME_HERE>' 

if the count is 1, means table exists, otherwise, it would return 0

Where can I find the Tomcat 7 installation folder on Linux AMI in Elastic Beanstalk?

As of October 3, 2012, a new "Elastic Beanstalk for Java with Apache Tomcat 7" Linux x64 AMI deployed with the Sample Application has the install here:


The /etc/tomcat7/tomcat7.conf file has the following settings:

# Where your java installation lives

# Where your tomcat installation lives

instanceof Vs getClass( )

Do you want to match a class exactly, e.g. only matching FileInputStream instead of any subclass of FileInputStream? If so, use getClass() and ==. I would typically do this in an equals, so that an instance of X isn't deemed equal to an instance of a subclass of X - otherwise you can get into tricky symmetry problems. On the other hand, that's more usually useful for comparing that two objects are of the same class than of one specific class.

Otherwise, use instanceof. Note that with getClass() you will need to ensure you have a non-null reference to start with, or you'll get a NullPointerException, whereas instanceof will just return false if the first operand is null.

Personally I'd say instanceof is more idiomatic - but using either of them extensively is a design smell in most cases.

Authentication issues with WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate

Putting this information here for future readers' benefit.

  • 401 (Unauthorized) response header -> Request authentication header

  • Here are several WWW-Authenticate response headers. (The full list is at IANA: HTTP Authentication Schemes.)

    • WWW-Authenticate: Basic-> Authorization: Basic + token - Use for basic authentication
    • WWW-Authenticate: NTLM-> Authorization: NTLM + token (2 challenges)
    • WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate -> Authorization: Negotiate + token - used for Kerberos authentication
      • By the way: IANA has this angry remark about Negotiate: This authentication scheme violates both HTTP semantics (being connection-oriented) and syntax (use of syntax incompatible with the WWW-Authenticate and Authorization header field syntax).

You can set the Authorization: Basic header only when you also have the WWW-Authenticate: Basic header on your 401 challenge.

But since you have WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate this should be the case for Kerberos based authentication.

How to gettext() of an element in Selenium Webdriver

You need to print the result of the getText(). You're currently printing the object TxtBoxContent.

getText() will only get the inner text of an element. To get the value, you need to use getAttribute().

WebElement TxtBoxContent = driver.findElement(;
System.out.println("Printing " + TxtBoxContent.getAttribute("value"));

How to measure time elapsed on Javascript?

The Date documentation states that :

The JavaScript date is based on a time value that is milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970, UTC

Click on start button then on end button. It will show you the number of seconds between the 2 clicks.

The milliseconds diff is in variable timeDiff. Play with it to find seconds/minutes/hours/ or what you need

var startTime, endTime;_x000D_
function start() {_x000D_
  startTime = new Date();_x000D_
function end() {_x000D_
  endTime = new Date();_x000D_
  var timeDiff = endTime - startTime; //in ms_x000D_
  // strip the ms_x000D_
  timeDiff /= 1000;_x000D_
  // get seconds _x000D_
  var seconds = Math.round(timeDiff);_x000D_
  console.log(seconds + " seconds");_x000D_
<button onclick="start()">Start</button>_x000D_
<button onclick="end()">End</button>

OR another way of doing it for modern browser

Using which returns a value representing the time elapsed since the time origin. This value is a double with microseconds in the fractional.

The time origin is a standard time which is considered to be the beginning of the current document's lifetime.

var startTime, endTime;_x000D_
function start() {_x000D_
  startTime =;_x000D_
function end() {_x000D_
  endTime =;_x000D_
  var timeDiff = endTime - startTime; //in ms _x000D_
  // strip the ms _x000D_
  timeDiff /= 1000; _x000D_
  // get seconds _x000D_
  var seconds = Math.round(timeDiff);_x000D_
  console.log(seconds + " seconds");_x000D_
<button onclick="start()">Start</button>_x000D_
<button onclick="end()">End</button>

Are PDO prepared statements sufficient to prevent SQL injection?

No this is not enough (in some specific cases)! By default PDO uses emulated prepared statements when using MySQL as a database driver. You should always disable emulated prepared statements when using MySQL and PDO:

$dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);

Another thing that always should be done it set the correct encoding of the database:

$dbh = new PDO('mysql:dbname=dbtest;host=;charset=utf8', 'user', 'pass');

Also see this related question: How can I prevent SQL injection in PHP?

Also note that that only is about the database side of the things you would still have to watch yourself when displaying the data. E.g. by using htmlspecialchars() again with the correct encoding and quoting style.

Change name of folder when cloning from GitHub?

Arrived here because my source repo had %20 in it which was creating local folders with %20 in them when using simplistic git clone <url>.

Easy solution:

git clone "Repo Name"

How to "grep" out specific line ranges of a file

Put this in a file and make it executable:

start=`grep -n $1 < $3 | head -n1 | cut -d: -f1; exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]}`
if [ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -ne 0 ]; then
    echo "couldn't find start pattern!" 1>&2
    exit 1
stop=`tail -n +$start < $3 | grep -n $2 | head -n1 | cut -d: -f1; exit ${PIPESTATUS[1]}`
if [ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -ne 0 ]; then
    echo "couldn't find end pattern!" 1>&2
    exit 1

stop=$(( $stop + $start - 1))

sed "$start,$stop!d" < $3

Execute the file with arguments (NOTE that the script does not handle spaces in arguments!):

  1. Starting grep pattern
  2. Stopping grep pattern
  3. File path

To use with your example, use arguments: 1234 5555 myfile.txt

Includes lines with starting and stopping pattern.

Remove Android App Title Bar

Use this to remove title from android app in your Androidmainfest.xml


or you can use this in your activity


Common sources of unterminated string literal

Maybe it's because you have a line break in your PHP code. If you need line breaks in your alert window message, include it as an escaped syntax at the end of each line in your PHP code. I usually do it the following way:

$message = 'line 1.\\n';
$message .= 'line 2.';

How to make MySQL table primary key auto increment with some prefix

If you really need this you can achieve your goal with help of separate table for sequencing (if you don't mind) and a trigger.


CREATE TABLE table1_seq

Now the trigger

CREATE TRIGGER tg_table1_insert

Then you just insert rows to table1

INSERT INTO Table1 (name) 
VALUES ('Jhon'), ('Mark');

And you'll have

|      ID | NAME |
| LHPL001 | Jhon |
| LHPL002 | Mark |

Here is SQLFiddle demo

Check if list is empty in C#

Why not...

bool isEmpty = !list.Any();
    // error message
    // show grid

The GridView has also an EmptyDataTemplate which is shown if the datasource is empty. This is an approach in ASP.NET:

<emptydatarowstyle backcolor="LightBlue" forecolor="Red"/>


  <asp:image id="NoDataErrorImg"
    imageurl="~/images/NoDataError.jpg" runat="server"/>

    No Data Found!  


Python syntax for "if a or b or c but not all of them"

This question already had many highly upvoted answers and an accepted answer, but all of them so far were distracted by various ways to express the boolean problem and missed a crucial point:

I have a python script that can receive either zero or three command line arguments. (Either it runs on default behavior or needs all three values specified)

This logic should not be the responsibility of your code in the first place, rather it should be handled by argparse module. Don't bother writing a complex if statement, instead prefer to setup your argument parser something like this:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import argparse as ap
parser = ap.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--foo', nargs=3, default=['x', 'y', 'z'])
args = parser.parse_args()

And yes, it should be an option not a positional argument, because it is after all optional.

edited: To address the concern of LarsH in the comments, below is an example of how you could write it if you were certain you wanted the interface with either 3 or 0 positional args. I am of the opinion that the previous interface is better style, because optional arguments should be options, but here's an alternative approach for the sake of completeness. Note the overriding kwarg usage when creating your parser, because argparse will auto-generate a misleading usage message otherwise!

#!/usr/bin/env python
import argparse as ap
parser = ap.ArgumentParser(usage='%(prog)s [-h] [a b c]\n')
parser.add_argument('abc', nargs='*', help='specify 3 or 0 items', default=['x', 'y', 'z'])
args = parser.parse_args()
if len( != 3:
  parser.error('expected 3 arguments')

Here are some usage examples:

# default case
wim@wim-zenbook:/tmp$ ./ 
['x', 'y', 'z']

# explicit case
wim@wim-zenbook:/tmp$ ./ 1 2 3
['1', '2', '3']

# example failure mode
wim@wim-zenbook:/tmp$ ./ 1 2 
usage: [-h] [a b c] error: expected 3 arguments

Execute function after Ajax call is complete

You should set async = false in head. Use post/get instead of ajax.

jQuery.ajaxSetup({ async: false });

        url: 'api.php',
        data: 'id1=' + q + '',
        dataType: 'json',
        success: function (data) {

            id = data[0];
            vname = data[1];


How to call Stored Procedure in Entity Framework 6 (Code-First)?

I found that calling of stored procedures in code-first approach is not convenient.

I prefer to use Dapper instead.

The following code was written with Entity Framework:

var clientIdParameter = new SqlParameter("@ClientId", 4);

var result = context.Database
.SqlQuery<ResultForCampaign>("GetResultsForCampaign @ClientId", clientIdParameter)

The following code was written with Dapper:

return Database.Connection.Query<ResultForCampaign>(
            "GetResultsForCampaign ",
                ClientId = 4
            commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure);

I believe the second piece of code is simpler to understand.

postgresql duplicate key violates unique constraint

Referrence -

I had the same problem try this: python sqlsequencereset table_name


python sqlsequencereset auth

you need to run this in production settings(if you have) and you need Postgres installed to run this on the server

What is the simplest C# function to parse a JSON string into an object?

DataContractJsonSerializer serializer = 
    new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(YourObjectType));

YourObjectType yourObject = (YourObjectType)serializer.ReadObject(jsonStream);

You could also use the JavaScriptSerializer, but DataContractJsonSerializer is supposedly better able to handle complex types.

Oddly enough JavaScriptSerializer was once deprecated (in 3.5) and then resurrected because of ASP.NET MVC (in 3.5 SP1). That would definitely be enough to shake my confidence and lead me to use DataContractJsonSerializer since it is hard baked for WCF.

Auto populate columns in one sheet from another sheet

I have used in Google Sheets



  1. ={sheet1!A:A}
  2. ={sheet2!A4:A20}