Programs & Examples On #Enterprise library

Microsoft Enterprise Library is a collection of application blocks and core infrastructure designed to assist developers with common enterprise development challenges such as logging, validation, data access, etc.

How to resolve "Could not find schema information for the element/attribute <xxx>"?

I configured the app.config with the tool for EntLib configuration and set up my LoggingConfiguration block. Then I copied this into the DotNetConfig.xsd. Of course, it does not cover all attributes, only the ones I added but it does not display those annoying info messages anymore.

<xs:element name="loggingConfiguration">
      <xs:element name="listeners">
            <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="add">
                <xs:attribute name="fileName" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="footer" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="formatter" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="header" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="rollFileExistsBehavior" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="rollInterval" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="rollSizeKB" type="xs:unsignedByte" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="timeStampPattern" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="listenerDataType" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="traceOutputOptions" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="filter" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="type" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required" />
      <xs:element name="formatters">
            <xs:element name="add">
                <xs:attribute name="template" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="type" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required" />
      <xs:element name="logFilters">
            <xs:element name="add">
                <xs:attribute name="enabled" type="xs:boolean" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="type" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required" />
      <xs:element name="categorySources">
            <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="add">
                  <xs:element name="listeners">
                        <xs:element name="add">
                            <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="switchValue" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required" />
      <xs:element name="specialSources">
            <xs:element name="allEvents">
                <xs:attribute name="switchValue" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required" />
            <xs:element name="notProcessed">
                <xs:attribute name="switchValue" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required" />
            <xs:element name="errors">
                  <xs:element name="listeners">
                        <xs:element name="add">
                            <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="switchValue" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required" />
    <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required" />
    <xs:attribute name="tracingEnabled" type="xs:boolean" use="required" />
    <xs:attribute name="defaultCategory" type="xs:string" use="required" />
    <xs:attribute name="logWarningsWhenNoCategoriesMatch" type="xs:boolean" use="required" />

Finding length of char array

By convention C strings are 'null-terminated'. That means that there's an extra byte at the end with the value of zero (0x00). Any function that does something with a string (like printf) will consider a string to end when it finds null. This also means that if your string is not null terminated, it will keep going until it finds a null character, which can produce some interesting results!

As the first item in your array is 0x00, it will be considered to be length zero (no characters).

If you defined your string to be:

char a[7]={0xdc,0x01,0x04,0x00};

e.g. null-terminated

then you can use strlen to measure the length of the string stored in the array.

sizeof measures the size of a type. It is not what you want. Also remember that the string in an array may be shorter than the size of the array.

How to detect my browser version and operating system using JavaScript?

Code to detect the operating system of an user

let os = navigator.userAgent.slice(13).split(';')
os = os[0]
Windows NT 10.0

how to list all sub directories in a directory

Easy as this:

string[] folders = System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(@"C:\My Sample Path\","*", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories);

Visual Studio Code: Auto-refresh file changes

SUPER-SHIFT-p > File: Revert File is the only way

(where SUPER is Command on Mac and Ctrl on PC)

Using momentjs to convert date to epoch then back to date

You get the number of unix seconds, not milliseconds!

You you need to multiply it with 1000 or using valueOf() and don't forget to use a formatter, since you are using a non ISO 8601 format. And if you forget to pass the formatter, the date will be parsed in the UTC timezone or as an invalid date.

moment("10/15/2014 9:00", "MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm").valueOf()

Why do we always prefer using parameters in SQL statements?

Using parameters helps prevent SQL Injection attacks when the database is used in conjunction with a program interface such as a desktop program or web site.

In your example, a user can directly run SQL code on your database by crafting statements in txtSalary.

For example, if they were to write 0 OR 1=1, the executed SQL would be

 SELECT empSalary from employee where salary = 0 or 1=1

whereby all empSalaries would be returned.

Further, a user could perform far worse commands against your database, including deleting it If they wrote 0; Drop Table employee:

SELECT empSalary from employee where salary = 0; Drop Table employee

The table employee would then be deleted.

In your case, it looks like you're using .NET. Using parameters is as easy as:

    string sql = "SELECT empSalary from employee where salary = @salary";

    using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(/* connection info */))
    using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, connection))
        var salaryParam = new SqlParameter("salary", SqlDbType.Money);
        salaryParam.Value = txtMoney.Text;
        var results = command.ExecuteReader();

    Dim sql As String = "SELECT empSalary from employee where salary = @salary"
    Using connection As New SqlConnection("connectionString")
        Using command As New SqlCommand(sql, connection)
            Dim salaryParam = New SqlParameter("salary", SqlDbType.Money)
            salaryParam.Value = txtMoney.Text

            Dim results = command.ExecuteReader()
        End Using
    End Using

Edit 2016-4-25:

As per George Stocker's comment, I changed the sample code to not use AddWithValue. Also, it is generally recommended that you wrap IDisposables in using statements.

PHP server on local machine?

If you have a local machine with the right software: web server with support for PHP, there's no reason why you can't do as you describe.

I'm doing it at the moment with XAMPP on a Windows XP machine, and (at home) with Kubuntu and a LAMP stack.

Javascript .querySelector find <div> by innerTEXT

You best see if you have a parent element of the div you are querying. If so get the parent element and perform an element.querySelectorAll("div"). Once you get the nodeList apply a filter on it over the innerText property. Assume that a parent element of the div that we are querying has an id of container. You can normally access container directly from the id but let's do it the proper way.

var conty = document.getElementById("container"),
     divs = conty.querySelectorAll("div"),
    myDiv = [...divs].filter(e => e.innerText == "SomeText");

So that's it.

Using an index to get an item, Python

You can use pop():


output is 4

Simplest way to have a configuration file in a Windows Forms C# application

The default name for a configuration file is [yourexe].exe.config. So notepad.exe will have a configuration file named notepad.exe.config, in the same folder as the program. This is a general configuration file for all aspects of the CLR and Framework, but it can contain your own settings under an <appSettings> node.

The <appSettings> element creates a collection of name-value pairs which can be accessed as System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings. There is no way to save changes back to the configuration file, however.

It is also possible to add your own custom elements to a configuration file - for example, to define a structured setting - by creating a class that implements IConfigurationSectionHandler and adding it to the <configSections> element of the configuration file. You can then access it by calling ConfigurationSettings.GetConfig.

.NET 2.0 adds a new class, System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager, which supports multiple files, with per-user overrides of per-system data. It also supports saving modified configurations back to settings files.

Visual Studio creates a file called App.config, which it copies to the EXE folder, with the correct name, when the project is built.

What's the best way to share data between activities?

Sharing data between activites example passing an email after login

"email" is the name that can be used to reference the value on the activity that's being requested

1 Code on the login page

Intent openLoginActivity = new Intent(getBaseContext(), Home.class);
    openLoginActivity.putExtra("email", getEmail);

2 code on the home page

Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras();
    accountEmail = extras.getString("email");

What is a "slug" in Django?

It's a descriptive part of the URL that is there to make it more human descriptive, but without necessarily being required by the web server - in What is a "slug" in Django? the slug is 'in-django-what-is-a-slug', but the slug is not used to determine the page served (on this site at least)

How do I find the data directory for a SQL Server instance?

Expanding on "splattered bits" answer, here is a complete script that does it:

@ECHO off

SET _baseDirQuery=SELECT SUBSTRING(physical_name, 1, CHARINDEX(N'master.mdf', LOWER(physical_name)) - 1) ^
 FROM master.sys.master_files WHERE database_id = 1 AND file_id = 1;
SQLCMD.EXE -b -E -S localhost -d master -Q "%_baseDirQuery%" -W >data_dir.tmp
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO Error with automatically determining SQL data directory by querying your server&ECHO using Windows authentication.
CALL :getBaseDir data_dir.tmp _baseDir

IF "%_baseDir:~-1%"=="\" SET "_baseDir=%_baseDir:~0,-1%"
DEL /Q data_dir.tmp
echo DataDir: %_baseDir%

:: Functions 

:simplePrompt 1-question 2-Return-var 3-default-Val
SET input=%~3
IF "%~3" NEQ "" (
  SET /p "input=%~1 [%~3]:"
  IF "!input!" EQU "" (
    GOTO :askAgain
) else (
  SET /p "input=%~1 [null]: "
SET "%~2=%input%"

:getBaseDir fileName var
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i IN (%~1) DO (
  SET "_line=%%i"
  IF "!_line:~0,2!" == "c:" (
    SET "_baseDir=!_line!"
    EXIT /B 0


How to capture UIView to UIImage without loss of quality on retina display

UIGraphicsImageRenderer is a relatively new API, introduced in iOS 10. You construct a UIGraphicsImageRenderer by specifying a point size. The image method takes a closure argument and returns a bitmap that results from executing the passed closure. In this case, the result is the original image scaled down to draw within the specified bounds.

So be sure the size you are passing into UIGraphicsImageRenderer is points, not pixels.

If your images are larger than you are expecting, you need to divide your size by the scale factor.

Get top most UIViewController

extension UIWindow {

    func visibleViewController() -> UIViewController? {
        if let rootViewController: UIViewController = self.rootViewController {
            return UIWindow.getVisibleViewControllerFrom(vc: rootViewController)
        return nil

    static func getVisibleViewControllerFrom(vc:UIViewController) -> UIViewController {
        if let navigationController = vc as? UINavigationController,
            let visibleController = navigationController.visibleViewController  {
            return UIWindow.getVisibleViewControllerFrom( vc: visibleController )
        } else if let tabBarController = vc as? UITabBarController,
            let selectedTabController = tabBarController.selectedViewController {
            return UIWindow.getVisibleViewControllerFrom(vc: selectedTabController )
        } else {
            if let presentedViewController = vc.presentedViewController {
                return UIWindow.getVisibleViewControllerFrom(vc: presentedViewController)
            } else {
                return vc


if let topController = window.visibleViewController() {

Set the default value in dropdownlist using jQuery

if your wanting to use jQuery for this, try the following code.

$('select option[value="1"]').attr("selected",true);


Following a comment from Vivek, correctly pointed out steven spielberg wanted to select the option via its Text value.

Here below is the updated code.

$('select option:contains("it\'s me")').prop('selected',true);

You need to use the :contains(text) selector to find via the containing text.

Also jQuery prop offeres better support for Internet Explorer when getting and setting attributes.

A working example on JSFiddle

Laravel redirect back to original destination after login

Change your LoginControllers constructor to:

public function __construct()
        session(['url.intended' => url()->previous()]);
        $this->redirectTo = session()->get('url.intended');


It will redirect you back to the page BEFORE the login page (2 pages back).

SQLite table constraint - unique on multiple columns

Be careful how you define the table for you will get different results on insert. Consider the following

    ('Alice', 'Some title'),
    ('Bob', 'Palindromic guy'),
    ('Charles', 'chucky cheese'),
    ('Alice', 'Some other title') 
    ON CONFLICT(a) DO UPDATE SET b=excluded.b;
    ('Alice', 'Some title'),
    ('Bob', 'Palindromic guy'),
    ('Charles', 'chucky cheese'),
    ('Alice', 'Some other title');

$ sqlite3 test.sqlite
SQLite version 3.28.0 2019-04-16 19:49:53
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> INSERT INTO t1 (a, b) VALUES
   ...>     ('Alice', 'Some title'),
   ...>     ('Bob', 'Palindromic guy'),
   ...>     ('Charles', 'chucky cheese'),
   ...>     ('Alice', 'Some other title') 
   ...>     ON CONFLICT(a) DO UPDATE SET b=excluded.b;
sqlite> INSERT INTO t2 (a, b) VALUES
   ...>     ('Alice', 'Some title'),
   ...>     ('Bob', 'Palindromic guy'),
   ...>     ('Charles', 'chucky cheese'),
   ...>     ('Alice', 'Some other title');
sqlite> .mode col
sqlite> .headers on
sqlite> select * from t1;
id          a           b               
----------  ----------  ----------------
1           Alice       Some other title
2           Bob         Palindromic guy 
3           Charles     chucky cheese   
sqlite> select * from t2;
id          a           b              
----------  ----------  ---------------
2           Bob         Palindromic guy
3           Charles     chucky cheese  
4           Alice       Some other titl

While the insert/update effect is the same, the id changes based on the table definition type (see the second table where 'Alice' now has id = 4; the first table is doing more of what I expect it to do, keep the PRIMARY KEY the same). Be aware of this effect.

Parse HTML table to Python list?

You should use some HTML parsing library like lxml:

from lxml import etree
s = """<table>
  <tr><th>Event</th><th>Start Date</th><th>End Date</th></tr>
table = etree.HTML(s).find("body/table")
rows = iter(table)
headers = [col.text for col in next(rows)]
for row in rows:
    values = [col.text for col in row]
    print dict(zip(headers, values))


{'End Date': 'c', 'Start Date': 'b', 'Event': 'a'}
{'End Date': 'f', 'Start Date': 'e', 'Event': 'd'}
{'End Date': 'i', 'Start Date': 'h', 'Event': 'g'}

how to use getSharedPreferences in android

After reading around alot, only this worked: In class to set Shared preferences:

 SharedPreferences userDetails = getApplicationContext().getSharedPreferences("test", MODE_PRIVATE);
                    SharedPreferences.Editor edit = userDetails.edit();
                    edit.putString("test1", "1");
                    edit.putString("test2", "2");

In AlarmReciever:

SharedPreferences userDetails = context.getSharedPreferences("test", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
    String test1 = userDetails.getString("test1", "");
    String test2 = userDetails.getString("test2", "");

How to get JSON Key and Value?

First, I see you're using an explicit $.parseJSON(). If that's because you're manually serializing JSON on the server-side, don't. ASP.NET will automatically JSON-serialize your method's return value and jQuery will automatically deserialize it for you too.

To iterate through the first item in the array you've got there, use code like this:

var firstItem = response.d[0];

for(key in firstItem) {
  console.log(key + ':' + firstItem[key]);

If there's more than one item (it's hard to tell from that screenshot), then you can loop over response.d and then use this code inside that outer loop.

How do I remove all .pyc files from a project?

If you want to delete all the .pyc files from the project folder.

First, you have

cd <path/to/the/folder>

then find all the .pyc file and delete.

find . -name \*.pyc -delete

Using 'make' on OS X

@Daniel's suggestion worked perfectly for me. To install

, open Xcode, go to Preferences -> Downloads -> Components -> Command Line Tools.You can then test with
gcc -v

SQL Server 2005 Using CHARINDEX() To split a string

Try the following query:

DECLARE @item VARCHAR(MAX) = 'LD-23DSP-1430'

SUBSTRING( @item, 0, CHARINDEX('-', @item)) ,
               SUBSTRING( @item, CHARINDEX('-', @item)+1,LEN(@ITEM)) ,
               0 ,
               CHARINDEX('-', SUBSTRING( @item, CHARINDEX('-', @item)+1,LEN(@ITEM)))

XPath - Difference between node() and text()

text() and node() are node tests, in XPath terminology (compare).

Node tests operate on a set (on an axis, to be exact) of nodes and return the ones that are of a certain type. When no axis is mentioned, the child axis is assumed by default.

There are all kinds of node tests:

  • node() matches any node (the least specific node test of them all)
  • text() matches text nodes only
  • comment() matches comment nodes
  • * matches any element node
  • foo matches any element node named "foo"
  • processing-instruction() matches PI nodes (they look like <?name value?>).
  • Side note: The * also matches attribute nodes, but only along the attribute axis. @* is a shorthand for attribute::*. Attributes are not part of the child axis, that's why a normal * does not select them.

This XML document:


represents the following DOM (simplified):

root node
   element node (name="produce")
      text node (value="\n    ")
      element node (name="item")
         text node (value="apple")
      text node (value="\n    ")
      element node (name="item")
         text node (value="banana")
      text node (value="\n    ")
      element node (name="item")
         text node (value="pepper")
      text node (value="\n")

So with XPath:

  • / selects the root node
  • /produce selects a child element of the root node if it has the name "produce" (This is called the document element; it represents the document itself. Document element and root node are often confused, but they are not the same thing.)
  • /produce/node() selects any type of child node beneath /produce/ (i.e. all 7 children)
  • /produce/text() selects the 4 (!) whitespace-only text nodes
  • /produce/item[1] selects the first child element named "item"
  • /produce/item[1]/text() selects all child text nodes (there's only one - "apple" - in this case)

And so on.

So, your questions

  • "Select the text of all items under produce" /produce/item/text() (3 nodes selected)
  • "Select all the manager nodes in all departments" //department/manager (1 node selected)


  • The default axis in XPath is the child axis. You can change the axis by prefixing a different axis name. For example: //item/ancestor::produce
  • Element nodes have text values. When you evaluate an element node, its textual contents will be returned. In case of this example, /produce/item[1]/text() and string(/produce/item[1]) will be the same.
  • Also see this answer where I outline the individual parts of an XPath expression graphically.

How to install OpenSSL in windows 10?

I also wanted to create OPEN SSL for Windows 10. An easy way of getting it done without running into a risk of installing unknown software from 3rd party websites and risking entries of viruses, is by using the openssl.exe that comes inside your Git for Windows installation. In my case, I found the open SSL in the following location of Git for Windows Installation.

C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\openssl.exe

If you also want instructions on how to use OPENSSL to generate and use Certificates. Here is a write-up on my blog. The step by step instructions first explains how to use Microsoft Windows Default Tool and also OPEN SSL and explains the difference between them.

document.getElementById replacement in angular4 / typescript?

You can tag your DOM element using #someTag, then get it with @ViewChild('someTag').

See complete example:

import {AfterViewInit, Component, ElementRef, ViewChild} from '@angular/core';

    selector: 'app',
    template: `
        <div #myDiv>Some text</div>
export class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit {
    @ViewChild('myDiv') myDiv: ElementRef;

    ngAfterViewInit() {

console.log will print Some text.

SQL-Server: Is there a SQL script that I can use to determine the progress of a SQL Server backup or restore process?

Yes. If you have installed sp_who2k5 into your master database, you can simply run:

sp_who2k5 1,1

The resultset will include all the active transactions. The currently running backup(s) will contain the string "BACKUP" in the requestCommand field. The aptly named percentComplete field will give you the progress of the backup.

Note: sp_who2k5 should be a part of everyone's toolkit, it does a lot more than just this.

$(window).height() vs $(document).height

$(document).height:if your device height was bigger. Your page has Not any scroll;

$(document).height: assume you have not scroll and return this height;

$(window).height: return your page height on your device.

Java 8 Distinct by property

Set<YourPropertyType> set = new HashSet<>();
        .filter(it -> set.add(it.getYourProperty()))
        .forEach(it -> ...);

Java 8 NullPointerException in Collectors.toMap

Retaining all questions ids with small tweak

Map<Integer, Boolean> answerMap =
            .collect(Collectors.toMap(Answer::getId, a -> 

Tooltip on image

Using javascript, you can set tooltips for all the images on the page.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <img src="" alt="Food">
    <img src="" alt="Pizza">
     //image objects
     var imageEls = document.getElementsByTagName("img");
     for(var i=0;i<imageEls.length;i++){
        //imageEls[i].title="Title of your choice";

Should 'using' directives be inside or outside the namespace?

The technical reasons are discussed in the answers and I think that it comes to the personal preferences in the end since the difference is not that big and there are tradeoffs for both of them. Visual Studio's default template for creating .cs files use using directives outside of namespaces e.g.

One can adjust stylecop to check using directives outside of namespaces through adding stylecop.json file in the root of the project file with the following:

  "$schema": "",
    "orderingRules": {
      "usingDirectivesPlacement": "outsideNamespace"

You can create this config file in solution level and add it to your projects as 'Existing Link File' to share the config across all of your projects too.

How to use Typescript with native ES6 Promises

If you use node.js 0.12 or above / typescript 1.4 or above, just add compiler options like:

tsc a.ts --target es6 --module commonjs

More info:

If you use tsconfig.json, then like this:

    "compilerOptions": {
        "module": "commonjs",
        "target": "es6"

More info:

Call PHP function from jQuery?

Thanks all. I took bits of each of your solutions and made my own.

The final working solution is:

<script type="text/javascript">
            url: '<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/functions/twitter.php',
            data: "tweets=<?php echo $ct_tweets; ?>&account=<?php echo $ct_twitter; ?>",
            success: function(data) {

jQuery position DIV fixed at top on scroll

instead of doing it like that, why not just make the flyout position:fixed, top:0; left:0; once your window has scrolled pass a certain height:


      if ($(this).scrollTop() > 135) {
      } else {


.fixed {position:fixed; top:0; left:0;}


Read only the first line of a file?

Lots of other answers here, but to answer precisely the question you asked (before @MarkAmery went and edited the original question and changed the meaning):

>>> f = open('myfile.txt')
>>> data =
>>> # I'm assuming you had the above before asking the question
>>> first_line = data.split('\n', 1)[0]

In other words, if you've already read in the file (as you said), and have a big block of data in memory, then to get the first line from it efficiently, do a split() on the newline character, once only, and take the first element from the resulting list.

Note that this does not include the \n character at the end of the line, but I'm assuming you don't want it anyway (and a single-line file may not even have one). Also note that although it's pretty short and quick, it does make a copy of the data, so for a really large blob of memory you may not consider it "efficient". As always, it depends...

Getting the IP address of the current machine using Java

You can use API. Try this :


How do I check if a Sql server string is null or empty

    COALESCE(listing.OfferText, 'company.OfferText') AS Offer_Text,         
    tbl_directorylisting listing  
    INNER JOIN tbl_companymaster company ON listing.company_id= company.company_id Trust anchor for certification path not found

Fix for Android N & above: I had similar issue and mange to solve it by following steps described in

But the config changes, without any complicated code logic, would only work on Android version 24 & above.

Fix for all version, including version < N: So for android lower then N (version 24) the solution is to via code changes as mentioned above. If you are using OkHttp, then follow the customTrust:

Is Python strongly typed?

The term "strong typing" does not have a definite definition.

Therefore, the use of the term depends on with whom you're speaking.

I do not consider any language, in which the type of a variable is not either explicitly declared, or statically typed to be strongly typed.

Strong typing doesn't just preclude conversion (for example, "automatically" converting from an integer to a string). It precludes assignment (i.e., changing the type of a variable).

If the following code compiles (interprets), the language is not strong-typed:

Foo = 1 Foo = "1"

In a strongly typed language, a programmer can "count on" a type.

For example, if a programmer sees the declaration,

UINT64 kZarkCount;

and he or she knows that 20 lines later, kZarkCount is still a UINT64 (as long as it occurs in the same block) - without having to examine intervening code.

list all files in the folder and also sub folders

Using you current code, make this tweak:

public void listf(String directoryName, List<File> files) {
    File directory = new File(directoryName);

    // Get all files from a directory.
    File[] fList = directory.listFiles();
    if(fList != null)
        for (File file : fList) {      
            if (file.isFile()) {
            } else if (file.isDirectory()) {
                listf(file.getAbsolutePath(), files);

SQL: sum 3 columns when one column has a null value?

If the column has a 0 value, you are fine, my guess is that you have a problem with a Null value, in that case you would need to use IsNull(Column, 0) to ensure it is always 0 at minimum.

How to prevent form from submitting multiple times from client side?

Most simple solutions is that disable the button on click, enable it after the operation completes. To check similar solution on jsfiddle :

[click here][1]

And you can find some other solution on this answer.

How to check if a Unix .tar.gz file is a valid file without uncompressing?

you could probably use the gzip -t option to test the files integrity


To test the gzip file is not corrupt:

gunzip -t file.tar.gz

To test the tar file inside is not corrupt:

gunzip -c file.tar.gz | tar -t > /dev/null

As part of the backup you could probably just run the latter command and check the value of $? afterwards for a 0 (success) value. If either the tar or the gzip has an issue, $? will have a non zero value.

What does it mean if a Python object is "subscriptable" or not?

A scriptable object is an object that records the operations done to it and it can store them as a "script" which can be replayed.

For example, see: Application Scripting Framework

Now, if Alistair didn't know what he asked and really meant "subscriptable" objects (as edited by others), then (as mipadi also answered) this is the correct one:

A subscriptable object is any object that implements the __getitem__ special method (think lists, dictionaries).

Spring Bean Scopes

In Spring, bean scope is used to decide which type of bean instance should be returned from Spring container back to the caller.

5 types of bean scopes are supported :

  1. Singleton : It returns a single bean instance per Spring IoC container.This single instance is stored in a cache of such singleton beans, and all subsequent requests and references for that named bean return the cached object.If no bean scope is specified in bean configuration file, default to singleton. enter image description here

  2. Prototype : It returns a new bean instance each time when requested. It does not store any cache version like singleton. enter image description here

  3. Request : It returns a single bean instance per HTTP request.

    enter image description here

  4. Session : It returns a single bean instance per HTTP session (User level session).

  5. GlobalSession : It returns a single bean instance per global HTTP session. It is only valid in the context of a web-aware Spring ApplicationContext (Application level session).

In most cases, you may only deal with the Spring’s core scope – singleton and prototype, and the default scope is singleton.

Pass a string parameter in an onclick function

You can use this:

'<input id="test" type="button" value="' + + '" />'

$(document)..on('click', "#test", function () {

It worked for me.

How to group by month from Date field using sql

You can do this by using Year(), Month() Day() and datepart().

In you example this would be:

select  Closing_Date, Category,  COUNT(Status)TotalCount from  MyTable
where Closing_Date >= '2012-02-01' and Closing_Date <= '2012-12-31' 
and Defect_Status1 is not null 
group by Year(Closing_Date), Month(Closing_Date), Category

How does one convert a grayscale image to RGB in OpenCV (Python)?

Alternatively, cv2.merge() can be used to turn a single channel binary mask layer into a three channel color image by merging the same layer together as the blue, green, and red layers of the new image. We pass in a list of the three color channel layers - all the same in this case - and the function returns a single image with those color channels. This effectively transforms a grayscale image of shape (height, width, 1) into (height, width, 3)

To address your problem

I did some thresholding on an image and want to label the contours in green, but they aren't showing up in green because my image is in black and white.

This is because you're trying to display three channels on a single channel image. To fix this, you can simply merge the three single channels

image = cv2.imread('image.png')
gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
gray_three = cv2.merge([gray,gray,gray])


We create a color image with dimensions (200,200,3)

enter image description here

image = (np.random.standard_normal([200,200,3]) * 255).astype(np.uint8)

Next we convert it to grayscale and create another image using cv2.merge() with three gray channels

gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
gray_three = cv2.merge([gray,gray,gray])

We now draw a filled contour onto the single channel grayscale image (left) with shape (200,200,1) and the three channel grayscale image with shape (200,200,3) (right). The left image showcases the problem you're experiencing since you're trying to display three channels on a single channel image. After merging the grayscale image into three channels, we can now apply color onto the image

enter image description here enter image description here

contour = np.array([[10,10], [190, 10], [190, 80], [10, 80]])
cv2.fillPoly(gray, [contour], [36,255,12])
cv2.fillPoly(gray_three, [contour], [36,255,12])

Full code

import cv2
import numpy as np

# Create random color image
image = (np.random.standard_normal([200,200,3]) * 255).astype(np.uint8)

# Convert to grayscale (1 channel)
gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

# Merge channels to create color image (3 channels)
gray_three = cv2.merge([gray,gray,gray])

# Fill a contour on both the single channel and three channel image
contour = np.array([[10,10], [190, 10], [190, 80], [10, 80]])
cv2.fillPoly(gray, [contour], [36,255,12])
cv2.fillPoly(gray_three, [contour], [36,255,12])

cv2.imshow('image', image)
cv2.imshow('gray', gray)
cv2.imshow('gray_three', gray_three)

Get position/offset of element relative to a parent container?

in pure js just use offsetLeft and offsetTop properties.
Example fiddle:

var elm = document.querySelector('span');_x000D_
console.log(elm.offsetLeft, elm.offsetTop);
p   { position:relative; left:10px; top:85px; border:1px solid blue; }_x000D_
span{ position:relative; left:30px; top:35px; border:1px solid red; }

Efficiently getting all divisors of a given number

Here's my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

#define pii pair<int, int>

#define MAX 46656
#define LMT 216
#define LEN 4830
#define RNG 100032

unsigned base[MAX / 64], segment[RNG / 64], primes[LEN];

#define sq(x) ((x)*(x))
#define mset(x,v) memset(x,v,sizeof(x))
#define chkC(x,n) (x[n>>6]&(1<<((n>>1)&31)))
#define setC(x,n) (x[n>>6]|=(1<<((n>>1)&31)))

void sieve()
    unsigned i, j, k;
    for (i = 3; i<LMT; i += 2)
        if (!chkC(base, i))
            for (j = i*i, k = i << 1; j<MAX; j += k)
                setC(base, j);
    primes[0] = 2;
    for (i = 3, j = 1; i<MAX; i += 2)
        if (!chkC(base, i))
            primes[j++] = i;

vector <pii> factors;
void primeFactors(int num)
    int expo = 0;   
    for (int i = 0; primes[i] <= sqrt(num); i++)
        expo = 0;
        int prime = primes[i];
        while (num % prime == 0){
            num = num / prime;
        if (expo>0)
            factors.push_back(make_pair(prime, expo));

    if ( num >= 2)
        factors.push_back(make_pair(num, 1));


vector <int> divisors;
void setDivisors(int n, int i) {
    int j, x, k;
    for (j = i; j<factors.size(); j++) {
        x = factors[j].first * n;
        for (k = 0; k<factors[j].second; k++) {
            setDivisors(x, j + 1);
            x *= factors[j].first;

int main() {

    int n, x, i; 
    cin >> n;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        cin >> x;
        setDivisors(1, 0);
        sort(divisors.begin(), divisors.end());
        cout << divisors.size() << "\n";
        for (int j = 0; j < divisors.size(); j++) {
            cout << divisors[j] << " "; 
        cout << "\n";

The first part, sieve() is used to find the prime numbers and put them in primes[] array. Follow the link to find more about that code (bitwise sieve).

The second part primeFactors(x) takes an integer (x) as input and finds out its prime factors and corresponding exponent, and puts them in vector factors[]. For example, primeFactors(12) will populate factors[] in this way:

factors[0].first=2, factors[0].second=2
factors[1].first=3, factors[1].second=1

as 12 = 2^2 * 3^1

The third part setDivisors() recursively calls itself to calculate all the divisors of x, using the vector factors[] and puts them in vector divisors[].

It can calculate divisors of any number which fits in int. Also it is quite fast.

SVG fill color transparency / alpha?

You use an addtional attribute; fill-opacity: This attribute takes a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive; where 0.0 is completely transparent.

For example:

<rect ... fill="#044B94" fill-opacity="0.4"/>

Additionally you have the following:

  • stroke-opacity attribute for the stroke
  • opacity for the entire object

I have filtered my Excel data and now I want to number the rows. How do I do that?

Try this function:

=SUBTOTAL(3, B$2:B2)

You can find more details in this blog entry.

Static methods - How to call a method from another method?

class.method should work.

class SomeClass:
  def some_class_method(cls):

  def some_static_method():


Java's L number (long) specification

These are literals and are described in section 3.10 of the Java language spec.

What, why or when it is better to choose cshtml vs aspx?

Razor is a view engine for ASP.NET MVC, and also a template engine. Razor code and ASP.NET inline code (code mixed with markup) both get compiled first and get turned into a temporary assembly before being executed. Thus, just like C# and VB.NET both compile to IL which makes them interchangable, Razor and Inline code are both interchangable.

Therefore, it's more a matter of style and interest. I'm more comfortable with razor, rather than ASP.NET inline code, that is, I prefer Razor (cshtml) pages to .aspx pages.

Imagine that you want to get a Human class, and render it. In cshtml files you write:

<div>Name is @Model.Name</div>

While in aspx files you write:

<div>Name is <%= Human.Name %></div>

As you can see, @ sign of razor makes mixing code and markup much easier.

Windows XP or later Windows: How can I run a batch file in the background with no window displayed?

You can run your .bat file through a .vbs file
Copy the following code into your .vbs file :

Dim WshShell
Dim obj
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 
obj = WshShell.Run("C:\Users\file1.bat", 0) 
obj = WshShell.Run("C:\Users\file2.bat", 0)  and so on
set WshShell = Nothing 

Laravel where on relationship object

@Cermbo's answer is not related to this question. In their answer, Laravel will give you all Events if each Event has 'participants' with IdUser of 1.

But if you want to get all Events with all 'participants' provided that all 'participants' have a IdUser of 1, then you should do something like this :

Event::with(["participants" => function($q){
    $q->where('participants.IdUser', '=', 1);


in where use your table name, not Model name.

How to display special characters in PHP

So I try htmlspecialchars() or htmlentities() which outputs <p>Résumé<p> and the browser renders <p>Résumé<p>.

If you've got it working where it displays Résumé with <p></p> tags around it, then just don't convert the paragraph, only your string. Then the paragraph will be rendered as HTML and your string will be displayed within.

how to convert JSONArray to List of Object using camel-jackson

The problem is not in your code but in your json:

{"Compemployes":[{"id":1001,"name":"jhon"}, {"id":1002,"name":"jhon"}]}

this represents an object which contains a property Compemployes which is a list of Employee. In that case you should create that object like:

class EmployeList{
    private List<Employe> compemployes;
    (with getter an setter)

and to deserialize the json simply do:

EmployeList employeList = mapper.readValue(jsonString,EmployeList.class);

If your json should directly represent a list of employees it should look like:

[{"id":1001,"name":"jhon"}, {"id":1002,"name":"jhon"}]

Last remark:

List<Employee> list2 = mapper.readValue(jsonString, 
TypeFactory.collectionType(List.class, Employee.class));

TypeFactory.collectionType is deprecated you should now use something like:

List<Employee> list = mapper.readValue(jsonString,

How to ping multiple servers and return IP address and Hostnames using batch script?

Try this

$servers = Get-Content test.txt


foreach ($server in $servers) 


$reg=$reg+$server+"`t"+([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses($server) | foreach {echo $_.IPAddressToString})+"`n"

$reg >reg.csv

How can I transform string to UTF-8 in C#?

Your code is reading a sequence of UTF8-encoded bytes, and decoding them using an 8-bit encoding.

You need to fix that code to decode the bytes as UTF8.

Alternatively (not ideal), you could convert the bad string back to the original byte array—by encoding it using the incorrect encoding—then re-decode the bytes as UTF8.

Powershell script to check if service is started, if not then start it

Given $arrService = Get-Service -Name $ServiceName, $arrService.Status is a static property, corresponding to the value at the time of the call. Use $arrService.Refresh() when needed to renew the properties to current values.

MSDN ~ ServiceController.Refresh()

Refreshes property values by resetting the properties to their current values.

Is module __file__ attribute absolute or relative?

Late simple example:

from os import path, getcwd, chdir

def print_my_path():
    print('cwd:     {}'.format(getcwd()))
    print('abspath: {}'.format(path.abspath(__file__)))




Under Python-2.*, the second call incorrectly determines the path.abspath(__file__) based on the current directory:

cwd:     C:\codes\py
abspath: C:\codes\py\
cwd:     C:\codes
abspath: C:\codes\

As noted by @techtonik, in Python 3.4+, this will work fine since __file__ returns an absolute path.

How can I return two values from a function in Python?

you can try this

class select_choice():
    return x, y

a, b = test()

Difference between Mutable objects and Immutable objects

Mutable objects can have their fields changed after construction. Immutable objects cannot.

public class MutableClass {

 private int value;

 public MutableClass(int aValue) {
  value = aValue;

 public void setValue(int aValue) {
  value = aValue;

 public getValue() {
  return value;


public class ImmutableClass {

 private final int value;
 // changed the constructor to say Immutable instead of mutable
 public ImmutableClass (final int aValue) {
  //The value is set. Now, and forever.
  value = aValue;

 public final getValue() {
  return value;


Difference between links and depends_on in docker_compose.yml

The post needs an update after the links option is deprecated.

Basically, links is no longer needed because its main purpose, making container reachable by another by adding environment variable, is included implicitly with network. When containers are placed in the same network, they are reachable by each other using their container name and other alias as host.

For docker run, --link is also deprecated and should be replaced by a custom network.

docker network create mynet
docker run -d --net mynet --name container1 my_image
docker run -it --net mynet --name container1 another_image

depends_on expresses start order (and implicitly image pulling order), which was a good side effect of links.

Full path from file input using jQuery

You can't: It's a security feature in all modern browsers.

For IE8, it's off by default, but can be reactivated using a security setting:

When a file is selected by using the input type=file object, the value of the value property depends on the value of the "Include local directory path when uploading files to a server" security setting for the security zone used to display the Web page containing the input object.

The fully qualified filename of the selected file is returned only when this setting is enabled. When the setting is disabled, Internet Explorer 8 replaces the local drive and directory path with the string C:\fakepath\ in order to prevent inappropriate information disclosure.

In all other current mainstream browsers I know of, it is also turned off. The file name is the best you can get.

More detailed info and good links in this question. It refers to getting the value server-side, but the issue is the same in JavaScript before the form's submission.

When must we use NVARCHAR/NCHAR instead of VARCHAR/CHAR in SQL Server?

If anyone is facing this issue in Mysql there is no need to change varchar to nvarchar you can just change the collation of the column to utf8

Select2 doesn't work when embedded in a bootstrap modal

Based on @pymarco answer I wrote this solution, it's not perfect but solves the select2 focus problem and maintain tab sequence working inside modal

    $.fn.modal.Constructor.prototype.enforceFocus = function () {
        .off('') // guard against infinite focus loop
        .on('', $.proxy(function (e) {
            if (this.$element[0] !== && !this.$element.has( && !$('.select2-dropdown').length) {
        }, this))

Getting attribute using XPath

If you are using PostgreSQL, this is the right way to get it. This is just an assumption where as you have a book table TITLE and PRICE column with populated data. Here's the query

SELECT xpath('/bookstore/book/title/@lang', xmlforest(book.title AS title, book.price AS price), ARRAY[ARRAY[]::TEXT[]]) FROM book LIMIT 1;

Check with jquery if div has overflowing elements

One method is to check scrollTop against itself. Give the content a scroll value larger than its size and then check to see if its scrollTop is 0 or not (if it is not 0, it has overflow.)

What is process.env.PORT in Node.js?

  • if you run node index.js ,Node will use 3000

  • If you run PORT=4444 node index.js, Node will use process.env.PORT which equals to 4444 in this example. Run with sudo for ports below 1024.

What’s the best way to check if a file exists in C++? (cross platform)

Another possibility consists in using the good() function in the stream:

#include <fstream>     
bool checkExistence(const char* filename)
     ifstream Infield(filename);
     return Infield.good();

Detect click inside/outside of element with single event handler

In vanilla javaScript - in ES6

(() => {_x000D_
    document.querySelector('.parent').addEventListener('click', event => {_x000D_
        alert('child') ? 'Child element.' : 'Parent element.');_x000D_
.parent {_x000D_
    display: inline-block;_x000D_
    padding: 45px;_x000D_
    background: lightgreen;_x000D_
.child {_x000D_
    width: 120px;_x000D_
    background: teal;_x000D_
<div class="parent">_x000D_
    <div class="child"></div>_x000D_

Detecting user leaving page with react-router

In react-router v2.4.0 or above and before v4 there are several options

  1. Add function onLeave for Route
      onEnter={ auth }
      onLeave={ showConfirm }
      component={ Home }
  1. Use function setRouteLeaveHook for componentDidMount

You can prevent a transition from happening or prompt the user before leaving a route with a leave hook.

const Home = withRouter(

    componentDidMount() {
      this.props.router.setRouteLeaveHook(this.props.route, this.routerWillLeave)

    routerWillLeave(nextLocation) {
      // return false to prevent a transition w/o prompting the user,
      // or return a string to allow the user to decide:
      // return `null` or nothing to let other hooks to be executed
      // NOTE: if you return true, other hooks will not be executed!
      if (!this.state.isSaved)
        return 'Your work is not saved! Are you sure you want to leave?'

    // ...


Note that this example makes use of the withRouter higher-order component introduced in v2.4.0.

However these solution doesn't quite work perfectly when changing the route in URL manually

In the sense that

  • we see the Confirmation - ok
  • contain of page doesn't reload - ok
  • URL doesn't changes - not okay

For react-router v4 using Prompt or custom history:

However in react-router v4 , its rather easier to implement with the help of Prompt from'react-router

According to the documentation


Used to prompt the user before navigating away from a page. When your application enters a state that should prevent the user from navigating away (like a form is half-filled out), render a <Prompt>.

import { Prompt } from 'react-router'

  message="Are you sure you want to leave?"

message: string

The message to prompt the user with when they try to navigate away.

<Prompt message="Are you sure you want to leave?"/>

message: func

Will be called with the next location and action the user is attempting to navigate to. Return a string to show a prompt to the user or true to allow the transition.

<Prompt message={location => (
  `Are you sure you want to go to ${location.pathname}?`

when: bool

Instead of conditionally rendering a <Prompt> behind a guard, you can always render it but pass when={true} or when={false} to prevent or allow navigation accordingly.

In your render method you simply need to add this as mentioned in the documentation according to your need.


In case you would want to have a custom action to take when user is leaving page, you can make use of custom history and configure your Router like


import createBrowserHistory from 'history/createBrowserHistory'
export const history = createBrowserHistory()

import { history } from 'path/to/history';
<Router history={history}>

and then in your component you can make use of history.block like

import { history } from 'path/to/history';
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
   componentDidMount() {
      this.unblock = history.block(targetLocation => {
           // take your action here     
           return false;
   componentWillUnmount() {
   render() {
      //component render here

SCRIPT438: Object doesn't support property or method IE

After some days searching the Internet I found that this error usually occurs when an html element id has the same id as some variable in the javascript function. After changing the name of one of them my code was working fine.

How to "z-index" to make a menu always on top of the content

#right { 
  background-color: red;
  height: 300px;
  width: 300px;
  z-index: 9999;
  margin-top: 0px;
  position: absolute;

position: absolute; top:0; right:0; do the work here! :) Also remove the floating!

Finding what branch a Git commit came from

For example, to find that c0118fa commit came from redesign_interactions:

* ccfd449 (HEAD -> develop) Require to return undef if no digits found
*   93dd5ff Merge pull request #4 from KES777/clean_api
| * 39d82d1 Fix tc0118faests for debugging debugger internals
| * ed67179 Move &push_frame out of core
| * 2fd84b5 Do not lose info about call point
| * 3ab09a2 Improve debugger output: Show info about emitted events
| *   a435005 Merge branch 'redesign_interactions' into clean_api
| |\
| | * a06cc29 Code comments
| | * d5d6266 Remove copy/paste code
| | * c0118fa Allow command to choose how continue interaction
| | * 19cb534 Emit &interact event

You should run:

git log c0118fa..HEAD --ancestry-path --merges

And scroll down to find last merge commit. Which is:

commit a435005445a6752dfe788b8d994e155b3cd9778f
Merge: 0953cac a06cc29
Author: Eugen Konkov
Date:   Sat Oct 1 00:54:18 2016 +0300

    Merge branch 'redesign_interactions' into clean_api


Or just one command:

git log c0118fa..HEAD --ancestry-path --merges --oneline --color | tail -n 1

ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN failed because one or more objects access this column

In addition to accepted answer, if you're using Entity Migrations for updating database, you should add this line at the beggining of the Up() function in your migration file:

Sql("alter table dbo.CompanyTransactions drop constraint [df__CompanyTr__Creat__0cdae408];");

You can find the constraint name in the error at nuget packet manager console which starts with FK_dbo.

What is the difference between "mvn deploy" to a local repo and "mvn install"?

Ken, good question. I should be more explicit in the The Definitive Guide about the difference. "install" and "deploy" serve two different purposes in a build. "install" refers to the process of installing an artifact in your local repository. "deploy" refers to the process of deploying an artifact to a remote repository.


  1. When I run a large multi-module project on a my machine, I'm going to usually run "mvn install". This is going to install all of the generated binary software artifacts (usually JARs) in my local repository. Then when I build individual modules in the build, Maven is going to retrieve the dependencies from the local repository.

  2. When it comes time to deploy snapshots or releases, I'm going to run "mvn deploy". Running this is going to attempt to deploy the files to a remote repository or server. Usually I'm going to be deploying to a repository manager such as Nexus

It is true that running "deploy" is going to require some extra configuration, you are going to have to supply a distributionManagement section in your POM.

Disable same origin policy in Chrome

Try this command on Mac terminal-

open -n -a "Google Chrome" --args --user-data-dir=/tmp/temp_chrome_user_data_dir http://localhost:8100/ --disable-web-security 

It opens another instance of chrome with disabled security and there is no CORS issue anymore. Also, you don't need to close other chrome instances anymore. Change localhost URL to your's one.

The difference between fork(), vfork(), exec() and clone()

The fork(),vfork() and clone() all call the do_fork() to do the real work, but with different parameters.

asmlinkage int sys_fork(struct pt_regs regs)
    return do_fork(SIGCHLD, regs.esp, &regs, 0);

asmlinkage int sys_clone(struct pt_regs regs)
    unsigned long clone_flags;
    unsigned long newsp;

    clone_flags = regs.ebx;
    newsp = regs.ecx;
    if (!newsp)
        newsp = regs.esp;
    return do_fork(clone_flags, newsp, &regs, 0);
asmlinkage int sys_vfork(struct pt_regs regs)
    return do_fork(CLONE_VFORK | CLONE_VM | SIGCHLD, regs.esp, &regs, 0);
#define CLONE_VFORK 0x00004000  /* set if the parent wants the child to wake it up on mm_release */
#define CLONE_VM    0x00000100  /* set if VM shared between processes */

SIGCHLD means the child should send this signal to its father when exit.

For fork, the child and father has the independent VM page table, but since the efficiency, fork will not really copy any pages, it just set all the writeable pages to readonly for child process. So when child process want to write something on that page, an page exception happen and kernel will alloc a new page cloned from the old page with write permission. That's called "copy on write".

For vfork, the virtual memory is exactly by child and father---just because of that, father and child can't be awake concurrently since they will influence each other. So the father will sleep at the end of "do_fork()" and awake when child call exit() or execve() since then it will own new page table. Here is the code(in do_fork()) that the father sleep.

if ((clone_flags & CLONE_VFORK) && (retval > 0))
return retval;

Here is the code(in mm_release() called by exit() and execve()) which awake the father.


For sys_clone(), it is more flexible since you can input any clone_flags to it. So pthread_create() call this system call with many clone_flags:


Summary: the fork(),vfork() and clone() will create child processes with different mount of sharing resource with the father process. We also can say the vfork() and clone() can create threads(actually they are processes since they have independent task_struct) since they share the VM page table with father process.

jQuery UI Accordion Expand/Collapse All

Using an example about for Taifun, I modified to allow expand and collapse.

... // hook up the expand/collapse all

var expandLink = $('.accordion-expand-all'); () {


How to merge 2 JSON objects from 2 files using jq?

Use jq -s add:

$ echo '{"a":"foo","b":"bar"} {"c":"baz","a":0}' | jq -s add
  "a": 0,
  "b": "bar",
  "c": "baz"

This reads all JSON texts from stdin into an array (jq -s does that) then it "reduces" them.

(add is defined as def add: reduce .[] as $x (null; . + $x);, which iterates over the input array's/object's values and adds them. Object addition == merge.)

Select random lines from a file

Use shuf with the -n option as shown below, to get N random lines:

shuf -n N input > output

Difference between using gradlew and gradle

The difference lies in the fact that ./gradlew indicates you are using a gradle wrapper. The wrapper is generally part of a project and it facilitates installation of gradle. If you were using gradle without the wrapper you would have to manually install it - for example, on a mac brew install gradle and then invoke gradle using the gradle command. In both cases you are using gradle, but the former is more convenient and ensures version consistency across different machines.

Each Wrapper is tied to a specific version of Gradle, so when you first run one of the commands above for a given Gradle version, it will download the corresponding Gradle distribution and use it to execute the build.

Not only does this mean that you don’t have to manually install Gradle yourself, but you are also sure to use the version of Gradle that the build is designed for. This makes your historical builds more reliable

Read more here -

Also, Udacity has a neat, high level video explaining the concept of the gradle wrapper -

Android Whatsapp/Chat Examples

Check out yowsup

Yowsup is a python library that allows you to do all the previous in your own app. Yowsup allows you to login and use the Whatsapp service and provides you with all capabilities of an official Whatsapp client, allowing you to create a full-fledged custom Whatsapp client.

A solid example of Yowsup's usage is Wazapp. Wazapp is full featured Whatsapp client that is being used by hundreds of thousands of people around the world. Yowsup is born out of the Wazapp project. Before becoming a separate project, it was only the engine powering Wazapp. Now that it matured enough, it was separated into a separate project, allowing anyone to build their own Whatsapp client on top of it. Having such a popular client as Wazapp, built on Yowsup, helped bring the project into a much advanced, stable and mature level, and ensures its continuous development and maintaince.

Yowsup also comes with a cross platform command-line frontend called yowsup-cli. yowsup-cli allows you to jump into connecting and using Whatsapp service directly from command line.

How to get the day of week and the month of the year?

One thing you can also do is Extend date object to return Weekday by:

Date.prototype.getWeekDay = function() {
    var weekday = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"];
    return weekday[this.getDay()];

so, you can only call date.getWeekDay();

HTML5 - mp4 video does not play in IE9

Dan has one of the best answers up there and I'd suggest you use on your target browsers to see the video formats that are supported.

As stated above, no single format works and what I use is MP4 encoded to H.264, WebM, and a flash fallback. This let's me show video on the following:

Win 7 - IE9, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera

Win XP - IE7, IE8, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera

MacBook OS X - Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera

iPad 2, iPad 3

Linux - Android 2.3, Android 3

<video width="980" height="540" controls>
        <source src="images/placeholdername.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
        <source src="images/placeholdername.webm" type="video/webm" />
        <embed src="images/placeholdername.mp4" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="980" height="570" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" autoplay="false"></embed>  <!--IE 8 - add 25-30 pixels to vid height to allow QT player controls-->    

Note: The .mp4 video should be coded in h264 basic profile, so that it plays on all mobile devices.

Update: added autoplay="false" to the Flash fallback. This prevents the MP4 from starting to play right away when the page loads on IE8, it will start to play once the play button is pushed.

Combining two sorted lists in Python

Long story short, unless len(l1 + l2) ~ 1000000 use:

L = l1 + l2

merge vs. sort comparison

Description of the figure and source code can be found here.

The figure was generated by the following command:

$ python --nsublists 2 --maxn=0x100000 -s merge_funcs.merge_26 -s merge_funcs.sort_builtin

Set cellpadding and cellspacing in CSS?

Also, if you want cellspacing="0", don't forget to add border-collapse: collapse in your table's stylesheet.

identifier "string" undefined?

#include <string> would be the correct c++ include, also you need to specify the namespace with std::string or more generally with using namespace std;

Java parsing XML document gives "Content not allowed in prolog." error

Make sure there's no hidden whitespace at the start of your XML file. Also maybe include encoding="UTF-8" (or 16? No clue) in the node.

The term 'ng' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet

The problem is NOT the install of the NPM nor the path ! If you want to use the "ng" command you need to install the angular-cli. by running the following command

npm install -g @angular/cli

How to get GMT date in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss in PHP

Use below date function to get current time in MySQL format/(As requested on question also)

echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());

Add new field to every document in a MongoDB collection

Pymongo 3.9+

update() is now deprecated and you should use replace_one(), update_one(), or update_many() instead.

In my case I used update_many() and it solved my issue:

db.your_collection.update_many({}, {"$set": {"new_field": "value"}}, upsert=False, array_filters=None)

From documents

update_many(filter, update, upsert=False, array_filters=None, bypass_document_validation=False, collation=None, session=None)

filter: A query that matches the documents to update.

update: The modifications to apply.

upsert (optional): If True, perform an insert if no documents match the filter.

bypass_document_validation (optional): If True, allows the write to opt-out of document level validation. Default is False.

collation (optional): An instance of Collation. This option is only supported on MongoDB 3.4 and above.

array_filters (optional): A list of filters specifying which array elements an update should apply. Requires MongoDB 3.6+.

session (optional): a ClientSession.

Get only filename from url in php without any variable values which exist in the url

You can use,

$directoryURI =basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);

echo $directoryURI;

How to position the form in the center screen?

Simply set location relative to null after calling pack on the JFrame, that's it.


  JFrame frame = new JFrame("FooRendererTest");
  frame.getContentPane().add(mainPanel); // or whatever...
  frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null);  // *** this will center your app ***

Create a file from a ByteArrayOutputStream

You can do it with using a FileOutputStream and the writeTo method.

ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = getByteStreamMethod();
try(OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream("thefilename")) {

Source: "Creating a file from ByteArrayOutputStream in Java." on Code Inventions

Using JSON POST Request

Modern browsers do not currently implement JSONRequest (as far as I know) since it is only a draft right now. I have found someone who has implemented it as a library that you can include in your page: (please note that it has a few dependencies).

Otherwise, you might want to go with another JS library like jQuery or Mootools.

How can I use an array of function pointers?

This simple example for multidimensional array with function pointers":

void one( int a, int b){    printf(" \n[ ONE ]  a =  %d   b = %d",a,b);}
void two( int a, int b){    printf(" \n[ TWO ]  a =  %d   b = %d",a,b);}
void three( int a, int b){    printf("\n [ THREE ]  a =  %d   b = %d",a,b);}
void four( int a, int b){    printf(" \n[ FOUR ]  a =  %d   b = %d",a,b);}
void five( int a, int b){    printf(" \n [ FIVE ]  a =  %d   b = %d",a,b);}
void(*p[2][2])(int,int)   ;
int main()
    int i,j;
    printf("multidimensional array with function pointers\n");

    p[0][0] = one;    p[0][1] = two;    p[1][0] = three;    p[1][1] = four;
    for (  i  = 1 ; i >=0; i--)
        for (  j  = 0 ; j <2; j++)
            (*p[i][j])( (i, i*j);
    return 0;

Checking if a folder exists (and creating folders) in Qt, C++

To check if a directory named "Folder" exists use:


To create a new folder named "MyFolder" use:


PHP error: Notice: Undefined index:

Obviously $_POST['month'] is not set. Maybe there's a mistake in your HTML form definition, or maybe something else is causing this. Whatever the cause, you should always check if a variable exists before using it, so

if(isset($_POST['month'])) {
   $month = $_POST['month'];
} else {
   //month is not set, do something about it, raise an error, throw an exception, orwahtever

Table Naming Dilemma: Singular vs. Plural Names

Singular. I'd call an array containing a bunch of user row representation objects 'users', but the table is 'the user table'. Thinking of the table as being nothing but the set of the rows it contains is wrong, IMO; the table is the metadata, and the set of rows is hierarchically attached to the table, it is not the table itself.

I use ORMs all the time, of course, and it helps that ORM code written with plural table names looks stupid.

get path for my .exe


How can I post an array of string to ASP.NET MVC Controller without a form?

As I discussed here ,

if you want to pass custom JSON object to MVC action then you can use this solution, it works like a charm.

public string GetData() {
  // InputStream contains the JSON object you've sent
  String jsonString = new StreamReader(this.Request.InputStream).ReadToEnd();

  // Deserialize it to a dictionary
  var dic =
    Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject < Dictionary < String,
    dynamic >> (jsonString);

  string result = "";

  result += dic["firstname"] + dic["lastname"];

  // You can even cast your object to their original type because of 'dynamic' keyword
  result += ", Age: " + (int) dic["age"];

  if ((bool) dic["married"])
    result += ", Married";

  return result;

The real benefit of this solution is that you don't require to define a new class for each combination of arguments and beside that, you can cast your objects to their original types easily.

You can use a helper method like this to facilitate your job:

public static Dictionary < string, dynamic > GetDic(HttpRequestBase request) {
  String jsonString = new StreamReader(request.InputStream).ReadToEnd();
  return Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject < Dictionary < string, dynamic >> (jsonString);

How to output an Excel *.xls file from classic ASP

You must specify the file to be downloaded (attachment) by the client in the http header:

Response.ContentType = "application/"
Response.AppendHeader "content-disposition", "attachment: filename=excelTest.xls"

Razor view engine - How can I add Partial Views

If you don't want to duplicate code, and like me you just want to show stats, in your view model, you could just pass in the models you want to get data from like so:

public class GameViewModel
    public virtual Ship Ship { get; set; }
    public virtual GamePlayer GamePlayer { get; set; }     

Then, in your controller just run your queries on the respective models, pass them to the view model and return it, example:

GameViewModel PlayerStats = new GameViewModel();

GamePlayer currentPlayer = (from c in db.GamePlayer [more queries]).FirstOrDefault();

[code to check if results]

//pass current player into custom view model
PlayerStats.GamePlayer = currentPlayer;

Like I said, you should only really do this if you want to display stats from the relevant tables, and there's no other part of the CRUD process happening, for security reasons other people have mentioned above.

How do I change the hover over color for a hover over table in Bootstrap?

For me @pvskisteak5 answer has caused a "flicker-effect". To fix this, add the following:

            .table-hover tbody tr:hover,
            .table-hover tbody tr:hover td,
            .table-hover tbody tr:hover th{
                background:#22313F !important;
                color:#fff !important;

How to extract a string between two delimiters

If you have just a pair of brackets ( [] ) in your string, you can use indexOf():

String str = "ABC[ This is the text to be extracted ]";    
String result = str.substring(str.indexOf("[") + 1, str.indexOf("]"));

javascript - replace dash (hyphen) with a space

I think the problem you are facing is almost this: -

str = str.replace("-", ' ');

You need to re-assign the result of the replacement to str, to see the reflected change.

From MSDN Javascript reference: -

The result of the replace method is a copy of stringObj after the specified replacements have been made.

To replace all the -, you would need to use /g modifier with a regex parameter: -

str = str.replace(/-/g, ' ');

Hex-encoded String to Byte Array

That should do the trick :

byte[] bytes = toByteArray(Str.toCharArray());

public static byte[] toByteArray(char[] array) {
    return toByteArray(array, Charset.defaultCharset());

public static byte[] toByteArray(char[] array, Charset charset) {
    CharBuffer cbuf = CharBuffer.wrap(array);
    ByteBuffer bbuf = charset.encode(cbuf);
    return bbuf.array();

jquery change style of a div on click

$(document).ready(function() {
  $('#div_one').bind('click', function() {

If I understood your question.

Or you can modify css directly:

var $speech = $('div.speech');
var currentSize = $speech.css('fontSize');
$speech.css('fontSize', '10px'); local class incompatible:

I believe this happens because you use the different versions of the same class on client and server. It can be different data fields or methods

Display Adobe pdf inside a div

Here is another way to display PDF inside Div by using Iframe like below.

  <iframe src="/pdf/test.pdf" style="width:100%;height:700px;"></iframe>_x000D_
  <!-- I agree button -->_x000D_

What exactly does the .join() method do?

To append a string, just concatenate it with the + sign.


>>> a = "Hello, "
>>> b = "world"
>>> str = a + b
>>> print str
Hello, world

join connects strings together with a separator. The separator is what you place right before the join. E.g.

>>> "-".join([a,b])
'Hello, -world'

Join takes a list of strings as a parameter.

Android RecyclerView addition & removal of items

if still item not removed use this magic method :)

private void deleteItem(int position) {
        notifyItemRangeChanged(position, mDataSet.size());

Kotlin version

private fun deleteItem(position: Int) {
    notifyItemRangeChanged(position, mDataSet.size)
    holder.itemView.visibility = View.GONE

How do I set up the database.yml file in Rails?

At first I would use

And database.yml is place where you put setup for database your application use - username, password, host - for each database. With new application you dont need to change anything - simply use default sqlite setup.

The EntityManager is closed

I had the same error using Symfony 5 / Doctrine 2. One of my fields was named using a MySQL reserved word "order", causing a DBALException. When you want to use a reserved word, you have to escape it's name using back-ticks. In annotation form :

@ORM\Column(name="`order`", type="integer", nullable=false)

Click events on Pie Charts in Chart.js

Using Chart.JS version 2.1.3, answers older than this one aren't valid anymore. Using getSegmentsAtEvent(event) method will output on console this message:

getSegmentsAtEvent is not a function

So i think it must be removed. I didn't read any changelog to be honest. To resolve that, just use getElementsAtEvent(event) method, as it can be found on the Docs.

Below it can be found the script to obtain effectively clicked slice label and value. Note that also retrieving label and value is slightly different.

var ctx = document.getElementById("chart-area").getContext("2d");
var chart = new Chart(ctx, config);

document.getElementById("chart-area").onclick = function(evt)
    var activePoints = chart.getElementsAtEvent(evt);

    if(activePoints.length > 0)
      //get the internal index of slice in pie chart
      var clickedElementindex = activePoints[0]["_index"];

      //get specific label by index 
      var label =[clickedElementindex];

      //get value by index      
      var value =[0].data[clickedElementindex];

      /* other stuff that requires slice's label and value */

Hope it helps.

fatal: The current branch master has no upstream branch

Also you can use the following command:

git push -u origin master

This creates (-u) another branch in your remote repo. Once the authentication using ssh is done that is.

vertical-align: middle doesn't work

The answer given by Matt K works perfectly fine.

However it is important to note one thing - If the div you are applying it to has absolute positioning, it wont work. For it to work, do this -

<div style="position:absolute; hei...">
   <div style="position:relative; display: table-cell; vertical-align:middle; hei..."> 
      <!-- here position MUST be relative, this div acts as a wrapper-->

MySql: is it possible to 'SUM IF' or to 'COUNT IF'?

There is a slight difference between the top answers, namely SUM(case when kind = 1 then 1 else 0 end) and SUM(kind=1).

When all values in column kind happen to be NULL, the result of SUM(case when kind = 1 then 1 else 0 end) is 0, whereas the result of SUM(kind=1) is NULL.

An example (!9/b23807/2):


(`first_col` int, `second_col` int)

    (`first_col`, `second_col`)
       (1, NULL),
       (1, NULL),
       (NULL, NULL)

Query results:

SELECT SUM(first_col=1) FROM Table1;
-- Result: 2
SELECT SUM(first_col=2) FROM Table1;
-- Result: 0
SELECT SUM(second_col=1) FROM Table1;
-- Result: NULL
-- Result: 0

Adding text to a cell in Excel using VBA

You can also use the cell property.

Cells(1, 1).Value = "Hey, what's up?"

Make sure to use a . before Cells(1,1).Value as in .Cells(1,1).Value, if you are using it within With function. If you are selecting some sheet.


I was trying to use CURL to do some https API calls with php and ran into this problem. I noticed a recommendation on the php site which got me up and running:

Please everyone, stop setting CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER to false or 0. If your PHP installation doesn't have an up-to-date CA root certificate bundle, download the one at the curl website and save it on your server:

Then set a path to it in your php.ini file, e.g. on Windows:


Turning off CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER allows man in the middle (MITM) attacks, which you don't want!

How to verify Facebook access token?

Simply request (HTTP GET):

That's it.

How to format a Date in MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss format in JavaScript?

var d = new Date();

// calling the function

function formatDate(dateObj,format)
    var monthNames = [ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ];
    var curr_date = dateObj.getDate();
    var curr_month = dateObj.getMonth();
    curr_month = curr_month + 1;
    var curr_year = dateObj.getFullYear();
    var curr_min = dateObj.getMinutes();
    var curr_hr= dateObj.getHours();
    var curr_sc= dateObj.getSeconds();
    if(curr_month.toString().length == 1)
    curr_month = '0' + curr_month;      
    if(curr_date.toString().length == 1)
    curr_date = '0' + curr_date;
    if(curr_hr.toString().length == 1)
    curr_hr = '0' + curr_hr;
    if(curr_min.toString().length == 1)
    curr_min = '0' + curr_min;

    if(format ==1)//dd-mm-yyyy
        return curr_date + "-"+curr_month+ "-"+curr_year;       
    else if(format ==2)//yyyy-mm-dd
        return curr_year + "-"+curr_month+ "-"+curr_date;       
    else if(format ==3)//dd/mm/yyyy
        return curr_date + "/"+curr_month+ "/"+curr_year;       
    else if(format ==4)// MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss
        return curr_month+"/"+curr_date +"/"+curr_year+ " "+curr_hr+":"+curr_min+":"+curr_sc;       

how to get the last part of a string before a certain character?

You are looking for str.rsplit(), with a limit:

print x.rsplit('-', 1)[0]

.rsplit() searches for the splitting string from the end of input string, and the second argument limits how many times it'll split to just once.

Another option is to use str.rpartition(), which will only ever split just once:

print x.rpartition('-')[0]

For splitting just once, str.rpartition() is the faster method as well; if you need to split more than once you can only use str.rsplit().


>>> x = ''
>>> print x.rsplit('-', 1)[0]
>>> 'something-with-a-lot-of-dashes'.rsplit('-', 1)[0]

and the same with str.rpartition()

>>> print x.rpartition('-')[0]
>>> 'something-with-a-lot-of-dashes'.rpartition('-')[0]

ADB error: cannot connect to daemon

Go to windows task manager and end process tree of adb. It will make attempts to start adb.

Sometimes on Windows adb kill-server and adb start-server fail to start adb.

How do I import a .sql file in mysql database using PHP?

Warning: mysql_* extension is deprecated as of PHP 5.5.0, and has been removed as of PHP 7.0.0. Instead, either the mysqli or PDO_MySQL extension should be used. See also the MySQL API Overview for further help while choosing a MySQL API.
Whenever possible, importing a file to MySQL should be delegated to MySQL client.

I have got another way to do this, try this


// Name of the file
$filename = 'churc.sql';
// MySQL host
$mysql_host = 'localhost';
// MySQL username
$mysql_username = 'root';
// MySQL password
$mysql_password = '';
// Database name
$mysql_database = 'dump';

// Connect to MySQL server
mysql_connect($mysql_host, $mysql_username, $mysql_password) or die('Error connecting to MySQL server: ' . mysql_error());
// Select database
mysql_select_db($mysql_database) or die('Error selecting MySQL database: ' . mysql_error());

// Temporary variable, used to store current query
$templine = '';
// Read in entire file
$lines = file($filename);
// Loop through each line
foreach ($lines as $line)
// Skip it if it's a comment
if (substr($line, 0, 2) == '--' || $line == '')

// Add this line to the current segment
$templine .= $line;
// If it has a semicolon at the end, it's the end of the query
if (substr(trim($line), -1, 1) == ';')
    // Perform the query
    mysql_query($templine) or print('Error performing query \'<strong>' . $templine . '\': ' . mysql_error() . '<br /><br />');
    // Reset temp variable to empty
    $templine = '';
 echo "Tables imported successfully";

This is working for me

How to simulate a button click using code?

Just write this simple line of code :-


where button is the reference variable of Button class and defined as follows:-

private Button buttonToday ;
buttonToday = (Button) findViewById(;

That's it.

How do I make an attributed string using Swift?

Swift 2.0

Here is a sample:

let newsString: NSMutableAttributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: "Tap here to read the latest Football News.")
newsString.addAttributes([NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName: NSUnderlineStyle.StyleDouble.rawValue], range: NSMakeRange(4, 4))
sampleLabel.attributedText = newsString.copy() as? NSAttributedString

Swift 5.x

let newsString: NSMutableAttributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: "Tap here to read the latest Football News.")
newsString.addAttributes([NSAttributedString.Key.underlineStyle: NSUnderlineStyle.double.rawValue], range: NSMakeRange(4, 4))
sampleLabel.attributedText = newsString.copy() as? NSAttributedString


let stringAttributes = [
    NSFontAttributeName : UIFont(name: "Helvetica Neue", size: 17.0)!,
    NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName : 1,
    NSForegroundColorAttributeName : UIColor.orangeColor(),
    NSTextEffectAttributeName : NSTextEffectLetterpressStyle,
    NSStrokeWidthAttributeName : 2.0]
let atrributedString = NSAttributedString(string: "Sample String: Attributed", attributes: stringAttributes)
sampleLabel.attributedText = atrributedString

Example of Named Pipes

Linux dotnet core doesn't support namedpipes!

Try TcpListener if you deploy to Linux

This NamedPipe Client/Server code round trips a byte to a server.

  • Client writes byte
  • Server reads byte
  • Server writes byte
  • Client reads byte

DotNet Core 2.0 Server ConsoleApp

using System;
using System.IO.Pipes;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Server
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var server = new NamedPipeServerStream("A", PipeDirection.InOut);

            for (int i =0; i < 10000; i++)
                var b = new byte[1];
                server.Read(b, 0, 1); 
                Console.WriteLine("Read Byte:" + b[0]);
                server.Write(b, 0, 1);

DotNet Core 2.0 Client ConsoleApp

using System;
using System.IO.Pipes;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Client
    class Program
        public static int threadcounter = 1;
        public static NamedPipeClientStream client;

        static void Main(string[] args)
            client = new NamedPipeClientStream(".", "A", PipeDirection.InOut, PipeOptions.Asynchronous);

            var t1 = new System.Threading.Thread(StartSend);
            var t2 = new System.Threading.Thread(StartSend);


        public static void StartSend()
            int thisThread = threadcounter;


            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
                var buf = new byte[1];
                buf[0] = (byte)i;
                client.WriteAsync(buf, 0, 1);

                Console.WriteLine($@"Thread{thisThread} Wrote: {buf[0]}");

        public static async Task StartReadingAsync(NamedPipeClientStream pipe)
            var bufferLength = 1; 
            byte[] pBuffer = new byte[bufferLength];

            await pipe.ReadAsync(pBuffer, 0, bufferLength).ContinueWith(async c =>
                Console.WriteLine($@"read data {pBuffer[0]}");
                await StartReadingAsync(pipe); // read the next data <-- 

How to check if a variable is set in Bash?

After skimming all the answers, this also works:

if [[ -z $SOME_VAR ]]; then read -p "Enter a value for SOME_VAR: " SOME_VAR; fi

if you don't put SOME_VAR instead of what I have $SOME_VAR, it will set it to an empty value; $ is necessary for this to work.

Operand type clash: int is incompatible with date + The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint

Try wrapping your dates in single quotes, like this:


It should be able to parse the date this way.

Function for Factorial in Python

def factorial(n):
    if n < 2:
        return 1
    return n * factorial(n - 1)

Undo scaffolding in Rails

Case 1: If you run only this command to generate scaffold -

rails generate scaffold MODEL_NAME FIELD_NAME:DATATYPE

Ex - rails generate scaffold User name:string address:text

but till now you did not run any command for migration like

rake db:migrate

then you should need to run only this command like -

rails destroy scaffold User name:string address:text

Case 2: If you already run(Scaffold and Migration) by below commands like -

rails generate scaffold User name:string address:text

rake db:migrate 

Then you should need to run first rollback migration command then destroy scaffold like below -

rake db:rollback

rails destroy scaffold User name:string address:text

So In this manner, we can undo scaffolding. Also we can use d for destroy and g for generate as a shortcut.

How can I reload .emacs after changing it?

Keyboard shortcut:

(defun reload-init-file ()
  (load-file user-init-file))

(global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-l") 'reload-init-file)    ; Reload .emacs file

How to put a UserControl into Visual Studio toolBox

I found that the user control must have a parameterless constructor or it won't show up in the list. at least that was true in vs2005.

how to use sqltransaction in c#

Well, I don't understand why are you used transaction in case when you make a select.

Transaction is useful when you make changes (add, edit or delete) data from database.

Remove transaction unless you use insert, update or delete statements

How to post JSON to PHP with curl

I believe you are getting an empty array because PHP is expecting the posted data to be in a Querystring format (key=value&key1=value1).

Try changing your curl request to:

curl -i -X POST -d 'json={"screencast":{"subject":"tools"}}'  \

and see if that helps any.

Why is Python running my module when I import it, and how do I stop it?

Although you cannot use import without running the code; there is quite a swift way in which you can input your variables; by using numpy.savez, which stores variables as numpy arrays in a .npz file. Afterwards you can load the variables using numpy.load.

See a full description in the scipy documentation

Please note this is only the case for variables and arrays of variable, and not for methods, etc.

Using filesystem in node.js with async / await

Recommend using an npm package such as, as compared to custom functions. For example:

import * as fs from 'async-file';

await fs.rename('/tmp/hello', '/tmp/world');
await fs.appendFile('message.txt', 'data to append');
await fs.access('/etc/passd', fs.constants.R_OK | fs.constants.W_OK);

var stats = await fs.stat('/tmp/hello', '/tmp/world');

Other answers are outdated

PhoneGap Eclipse Issue - eglCodecCommon glUtilsParamSize: unknow param errors

It's very annoying. I'm not sure why Google places it there - no one needs these trash from emulator at all; we know what we are doing. I'm using pidcat and I modified it a bit
BUG_LINE = re.compile(r'.*nativeGetEnabledTags.*') BUG_LINE2 = re.compile(r'.*glUtilsParamSize.*') BUG_LINE3 = re.compile(r'.*glSizeof.*')

bug_line = BUG_LINE.match(line) if bug_line is not None: continue bug_line2 = BUG_LINE2.match(line) if bug_line2 is not None: continue bug_line3 = BUG_LINE3.match(line) if bug_line3 is not None: continue

It's an ugly fix and if you're using the real device you may need those OpenGL errors, but you got the idea.

Calculating text width

I had trouble with solutions like @rune-kaagaard's for large amounts of text. I discovered this:

$.fn.textWidth = function() {_x000D_
 var width = 0;_x000D_
 var calc = '<span style="display: block; width: 100%; overflow-y: scroll; white-space: nowrap;" class="textwidth"><span>' + $(this).html() + '</span></span>';_x000D_
 var last = $('body').find('span.textwidth:last');_x000D_
 if (last) {_x000D_
   var lastcontent = last.find('span');_x000D_
   width = lastcontent.width();_x000D_
 return width;_x000D_

JSFiddle GitHub

How to create Select List for Country and States/province in MVC

Best way to make drop down list:

grid.Column("PriceType",canSort:true,header: "PriceType",format: @<span>
    <span id="[email protected]">@item.PriceTypeDescription</span>
    @Html.DropDownList("PriceType"+(int)item.ShoppingCartID,new SelectList(MvcApplication1.Services.ExigoApiContext.CreateODataContext().PriceTypes.Select(s => new { s.PriceTypeID, s.PriceTypeDescription }).AsEnumerable(),"PriceTypeID", "PriceTypeDescription",Convert.ToInt32(item.PriceTypeId)), new { @class = "PriceType",@style="width:120px;display:none",@selectedvalue="selected"})

What are the RGB codes for the Conditional Formatting 'Styles' in Excel?

Light red fill with dark red text.

{'bg_color':   '#FFC7CE', 'font_color': '#9C0006'})

Light yellow fill with dark yellow text.

{'bg_color':   '#FFEB9C', 'font_color': '#9C6500'})

Green fill with dark green text.

{'bg_color':   '#C6EFCE', 'font_color': '#006100'})

List an Array of Strings in alphabetical order

Here is code that works:

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;

public class Test
    public static void main(String[] args)
        orderedGuests1(new String[] { "c", "a", "b" });
        orderedGuests2(new String[] { "c", "a", "b" });

    public static void orderedGuests1(String[] hotel)

    public static void orderedGuests2(String[] hotel)


How can I detect browser type using jQuery?

The best solution is probably: use Modernizr.

However, if you necessarily want to use $.browser property, you can do it using jQuery Migrate plugin (for JQuery >= 1.9 - in earlier versions you can just use it) and then do something like:

if($ {
} else if ($.browser.mozilla) {
} else if ($.browser.msie) {

And if you need for some reason to use navigator.userAgent, then it would be:

$.browser.msie = /msie/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()); 
$.browser.mozilla = /firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()); 

Android disable screen timeout while app is running

This can be done by acquiring a Wake Lock.

I didn't tested it myself, but here is a small tutorial on this.

How to set image in imageview in android?

you can directly give the Image name in your setimage as iv.setImageResource(; that should be it.

How do format a phone number as a String in Java?

I'd have thought you need to use a MessageFormat rather than DecimalFormat. That should be more flexible.

How do I get JSON data from RESTful service using Python?

I would give the requests library a try for this. Essentially just a much easier to use wrapper around the standard library modules (i.e. urllib2, httplib2, etc.) you would use for the same thing. For example, to fetch json data from a url that requires basic authentication would look like this:

import requests

response = requests.get('',
                         auth=('user', 'password'))
data = response.json()

For kerberos authentication the requests project has the reqests-kerberos library which provides a kerberos authentication class that you can use with requests:

import requests
from requests_kerberos import HTTPKerberosAuth

response = requests.get('',
data = response.json()

How to change default timezone for Active Record in Rails?

I had to add this block to my environment.rb file and all was well :)

Rails.application.configure do
    config.time_zone = "Pacific Time (US & Canada)"
    config.active_record.default_timezone = :local
  • I added it before the line Rails.application.initialize!

ld.exe: cannot open output file ... : Permission denied

i experienced a similar issue. Bitdefender automatically quarantined each exe-file i created by MinGW g++. Instead of the full exe-file i found a file with a weird extension 'qzquar' testAutoPtr1.exe.48352.gzquar

When i opened quarantined items in Bitdefender i found my exe-file quarantined there.

Use SELECT inside an UPDATE query

Does this work? Untested but should get the point across.

SET Func_TaxRef = 
  SELECT Min(TAX.Tax_Code) AS MinOfTax_Code
  WHERE F1.Func_Pure <= [Tax_ToPrice]
    AND F1.Func_Year=[Tax_Year]
    AND F1.Func_ID = FUNCTIONS.Func_ID
  GROUP BY F1.Func_ID;

Basically for each row in FUNCTIONS, the subquery determines the minimum current tax code and sets FUNCTIONS.Func_TaxRef to that value. This is assuming that FUNCTIONS.Func_ID is a Primary or Unique key.

MySQL > Table doesn't exist. But it does (or it should)

In my case, i had defined a trigger on the table and then was trying to insert the row in table. seems like, somehow trigger was erroneous, and hence insert was giving error, table doesn't exist.

Different color for each bar in a bar chart; ChartJS

You can generate easily with livegap charts
Select Mulicolors from Bar menu


** chart library used is chartnew.js modified version of chart.js library
with chartnew.js code will be something like this

var barChartData = {
        labels: ["001", "002", "003", "004", "005", "006", "007"],
        datasets: [
                label: "My First dataset",
                fillColor: ["rgba(0,10,220,0.5)","rgba(220,0,10,0.5)","rgba(220,0,0,0.5)","rgba(120,250,120,0.5)" ],
                strokeColor: "rgba(220,220,220,0.8)", 
                highlightFill: "rgba(220,220,220,0.75)",
                highlightStroke: "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
                data: [20, 59, 80, 81, 56, 55, 40]

MySQL show status - active or total connections?

This is the total number of connections to the server till now. To find current conection status you can use

mysqladmin -u -p extended-status | grep -wi 'threads_connected\|threads_running' | awk '{ print $2,$4}'

This will show you:

Threads_connected 12

Threads_running 1  

Threads_connected: Number of connections

Threads_running: connections currently running some sql

C# naming convention for constants?

First, Hungarian Notation is the practice of using a prefix to display a parameter's data type or intended use. Microsoft's naming conventions for says no to Hungarian Notation

Using UPPERCASE is not encouraged as stated here: Pascal Case is the acceptable convention and SCREAMING CAPS.

Microsoft also states here that UPPERCASE can be used if it is done to match the the existed scheme.

This pretty much sums it up.

SQL Server loop - how do I loop through a set of records

Just another approach if you are fine using temp tables.I have personally tested this and it will not cause any exception (even if temp table does not have any data.)

    ROWID int identity(1,1) primary key,

--create some testing data



    FROM #TempTable AS PT


IF (OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TempTable') IS NOT NULL)
    DROP TABLE #TempTable

Freemarker iterating over hashmap keys

You can use a single quote to access the key that you set in your Java program.

If you set a Map in Java like this

Map<String,Object> hash = new HashMap<String,Object>();
hash.put("firstname", "a");
hash.put("lastname", "b");

Map<String,Object> map = new HashMap<String,Object>();
map.put("hash", hash);

Then you can access the members of 'hash' in Freemarker like this -


Output :


Find the directory part (minus the filename) of a full path in access 97

I always used the FileSystemObject for this sort of thing. Here's a little wrapper function I used. Be sure to reference the Microsoft Scripting Runtime.

Function StripFilename(sPathFile As String) As String

'given a full path and file, strip the filename off the end and return the path

Dim filesystem As New FileSystemObject

StripFilename = filesystem.GetParentFolderName(sPathFile) & "\"

Exit Function

End Function

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

You are using a relative path, which means that the program looks for the file in the working directory. The error is telling you that there is no file of that name in the working directory.

Try using the exact, or absolute, path.

get and set in TypeScript

Here's a working example that should point you in the right direction:

class Foo {

    get Name() {
        return this._name;

    set Name(val) {
        this._name = val;

Getters and setters in JavaScript are just normal functions. The setter is a function that takes a parameter whose value is the value being set.

How can I show a message box with two buttons?

Remember - if you set the buttons to vbOkOnly - it will always return 1.

So you can't decide if a user clicked on the close or the OK button. You just have to add a vbOk option.

Failed to resolve: in IntelliJ Idea with gradle

I had the same problem and it resolved by disabling Gradle's offline mode although I could not remember when I did disable it!

Here's the solution:

How to disable Gradle 'offline mode' in android studio? [duplicate]

How do I set the figure title and axes labels font size in Matplotlib?

An alternative solution to changing the font size is to change the padding. When Python saves your PNG, you can change the layout using the dialogue box that opens. The spacing between the axes, padding if you like can be altered at this stage.

How to position the Button exactly in CSS

It seems some what center of the screen. So I would like to do like this

body { 
     background: url('') no-repeat center center fixed;    
     text-align: 0 auto; // Make the play button horizontal center

#play_button {
    position:absolute;  // absolutely positioned
    transition: .5s ease;
    top: 50%;  // Makes vertical center

Redirect from a view to another view

It's because your statement does not produce output.

Besides all the warnings of Darin and lazy (they are right); the question still offerst something to learn.

If you want to execute methods that don't directly produce output, you do:

@{ Response.Redirect("~/Account/LogIn?returnUrl=Products");}

This is also true for rendering partials like:

@{ Html.RenderPartial("_MyPartial"); }

Remove characters before character "."

string input = "America.USA"
string output = input.Substring(input.IndexOf('.') + 1);

Pip freeze vs. pip list

pip list shows ALL installed packages.

pip freeze shows packages YOU installed via pip (or pipenv if using that tool) command in a requirements format.

Remark below that setuptools, pip, wheel are installed when pipenv shell creates my virtual envelope. These packages were NOT installed by me using pip:

test1 % pipenv shell
Creating a virtualenv for this project…
Pipfile: /Users/terrence/Development/Python/Projects/test1/Pipfile
Using /usr/local/Cellar/pipenv/2018.11.26_3/libexec/bin/python3.8 (3.8.1) to create virtualenv…
? Creating virtual environment...
Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...
? Successfully created virtual environment! 

Now review & compare the output of the respective commands where I've only installed cool-lib and sampleproject (of which peppercorn is a dependency):

test1 % pip freeze       <== Packages I'VE installed w/ pip

-e git+<snip>71#egg=cool_lib

test1 % pip list         <== All packages, incl. ones I've NOT installed w/ pip

Package       Version Location                                                                    
------------- ------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
cool-lib      0.1  /Users/terrence/.local/share/virtualenvs/test1-y2Zgz1D2/src/cool-lib           <== Installed w/ `pip` command
peppercorn    0.6       <== Dependency of "sampleproject"
pip           20.0.2  
sampleproject 1.3.1     <== Installed w/ `pip` command
setuptools    45.1.0  
wheel         0.34.2

Passing string to a function in C - with or without pointers?

The accepted convention of passing C-strings to functions is to use a pointer:

void function(char* name)

When the function modifies the string you should also pass in the length:

void function(char* name, size_t name_length)

Your first example:

char *functionname(char *string name[256])

passes an array of pointers to strings which is not what you need at all.

Your second example:

char functionname(char string[256])

passes an array of chars. The size of the array here doesn't matter and the parameter will decay to a pointer anyway, so this is equivalent to:

char functionname(char *string)

See also this question for more details on array arguments in C.

Configuring diff tool with .gitconfig

almost all the solutions above doesn't work with git version 2

mine : git version = 2.28.0

solution of the difftool : git config --global diff.tool vimdiff

after it you can use it without any problems

How to decompile an APK or DEX file on Android platform?

This website will decompile the code embedded in APK files and extract all the other assets in the file.

NoClassDefFoundError - Eclipse and Android

If you change your order and export in your project build path, this error will not occur. The other way of achieving it is through .classpath in your project folder.

A method to count occurrences in a list

How about something like this ...

var l1 = new List<int>() { 1,2,3,4,5,2,2,2,4,4,4,1 };

var g = l1.GroupBy( i => i );

foreach( var grp in g )
  Console.WriteLine( "{0} {1}", grp.Key, grp.Count() );

Edit per comment: I will try and do this justice. :)

In my example, it's a Func<int, TKey> because my list is ints. So, I'm telling GroupBy how to group my items. The Func takes a int and returns the the key for my grouping. In this case, I will get an IGrouping<int,int> (a grouping of ints keyed by an int). If I changed it to (i => i.ToString() ) for example, I would be keying my grouping by a string. You can imagine a less trivial example than keying by "1", "2", "3" ... maybe I make a function that returns "one", "two", "three" to be my keys ...

private string SampleMethod( int i )
  // magically return "One" if i == 1, "Two" if i == 2, etc.

So, that's a Func that would take an int and return a string, just like ...

i =>  // magically return "One" if i == 1, "Two" if i == 2, etc. 

But, since the original question called for knowing the original list value and it's count, I just used an integer to key my integer grouping to make my example simpler.

How can I strip HTML tags from a string in ASP.NET?

Go download HTMLAgilityPack, now! ;) Download LInk

This allows you to load and parse HTML. Then you can navigate the DOM and extract the inner values of all attributes. Seriously, it will take you about 10 lines of code at the maximum. It is one of the greatest free .net libraries out there.

Here is a sample:

            string htmlContents = new System.IO.StreamReader(resultsStream,Encoding.UTF8,true).ReadToEnd();

            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
            if (doc == null) return null;

            string output = "";
            foreach (var node in doc.DocumentNode.ChildNodes)
                output += node.InnerText;

How can I get nth element from a list?

You can use !!, but if you want to do it recursively then below is one way to do it:

dataAt :: Int -> [a] -> a
dataAt _ [] = error "Empty List!"
dataAt y (x:xs)  | y <= 0 = x
                 | otherwise = dataAt (y-1) xs

How to initialize array to 0 in C?

Global variables and static variables are automatically initialized to zero. If you have simply

char ZEROARRAY[1024];

at global scope it will be all zeros at runtime. But actually there is a shorthand syntax if you had a local array. If an array is partially initialized, elements that are not initialized receive the value 0 of the appropriate type. You could write:

char ZEROARRAY[1024] = {0};

The compiler would fill the unwritten entries with zeros. Alternatively you could use memset to initialize the array at program startup:

memset(ZEROARRAY, 0, 1024);

That would be useful if you had changed it and wanted to reset it back to all zeros.

How is a CSS "display: table-column" supposed to work?

The CSS table model is based on the HTML table model

A table is divided into ROWS, and each row contains one or more cells. Cells are children of ROWS, they are NEVER children of columns.

"display: table-column" does NOT provide a mechanism for making columnar layouts (e.g. newspaper pages with multiple columns, where content can flow from one column to the next).

Rather, "table-column" ONLY sets attributes that apply to corresponding cells within the rows of a table. E.g. "The background color of the first cell in each row is green" can be described.

The table itself is always structured the same way it is in HTML.

In HTML (observe that "td"s are inside "tr"s, NOT inside "col"s):

<table ..>
  <col .. />
  <col .. />
  <tr ..>
    <td ..></td>
    <td ..></td>
  <tr ..>
    <td ..></td>
    <td ..></td>

Corresponding HTML using CSS table properties (Note that the "column" divs do not contain any contents -- the standard does not allow for contents directly in columns):

.mytable {_x000D_
  display: table;_x000D_
.myrow {_x000D_
  display: table-row;_x000D_
.mycell {_x000D_
  display: table-cell;_x000D_
.column1 {_x000D_
  display: table-column;_x000D_
  background-color: green;_x000D_
.column2 {_x000D_
  display: table-column;_x000D_
<div class="mytable">_x000D_
  <div class="column1"></div>_x000D_
  <div class="column2"></div>_x000D_
  <div class="myrow">_x000D_
    <div class="mycell">contents of first cell in row 1</div>_x000D_
    <div class="mycell">contents of second cell in row 1</div>_x000D_
  <div class="myrow">_x000D_
    <div class="mycell">contents of first cell in row 2</div>_x000D_
    <div class="mycell">contents of second cell in row 2</div>_x000D_

OPTIONAL: both "rows" and "columns" can be styled by assigning multiple classes to each row and cell as follows. This approach gives maximum flexibility in specifying various sets of cells, or individual cells, to be styled:

//Useful css declarations, depending on what you want to affect, include:_x000D_
/* all cells (that have "class=mycell") */_x000D_
.mycell {_x000D_
/* class row1, wherever it is used */_x000D_
.row1 {_x000D_
/* all the cells of row1 (if you've put "class=mycell" on each cell) */_x000D_
.row1 .mycell {_x000D_
/* cell1 of row1 */_x000D_
.row1 .cell1 {_x000D_
/* cell1 of all rows */_x000D_
.cell1 {_x000D_
/* row1 inside class mytable (so can have different tables with different styles) */_x000D_
.mytable .row1 {_x000D_
/* all the cells of row1 of a mytable */_x000D_
.mytable .row1 .mycell {_x000D_
/* cell1 of row1 of a mytable */_x000D_
.mytable .row1 .cell1 {_x000D_
/* cell1 of all rows of a mytable */_x000D_
.mytable .cell1 {_x000D_
<div class="mytable">_x000D_
  <div class="column1"></div>_x000D_
  <div class="column2"></div>_x000D_
  <div class="myrow row1">_x000D_
    <div class="mycell cell1">contents of first cell in row 1</div>_x000D_
    <div class="mycell cell2">contents of second cell in row 1</div>_x000D_
  <div class="myrow row2">_x000D_
    <div class="mycell cell1">contents of first cell in row 2</div>_x000D_
    <div class="mycell cell2">contents of second cell in row 2</div>_x000D_

In today's flexible designs, which use <div> for multiple purposes, it is wise to put some class on each div, to help refer to it. Here, what used to be <tr> in HTML became class myrow, and <td> became class mycell. This convention is what makes the above CSS selectors useful.

PERFORMANCE NOTE: putting class names on each cell, and using the above multi-class selectors, is better performance than using selectors ending with *, such as .row1 * or even .row1 > *. The reason is that selectors are matched last first, so when matching elements are being sought, .row1 * first does *, which matches all elements, and then checks all the ancestors of each element, to find if any ancestor has class row1. This might be slow in a complex document on a slow device. .row1 > * is better, because only the immediate parent is examined. But it is much better still to immediately eliminate most elements, via .row1 .cell1. (.row1 > .cell1 is an even tighter spec, but it is the first step of the search that makes the biggest difference, so it usually isn't worth the clutter, and the extra thought process as to whether it will always be a direct child, of adding the child selector >.)

The key point to take away re performance is that the last item in a selector should be as specific as possible, and should never be *.

Fit image into ImageView, keep aspect ratio and then resize ImageView to image dimensions?

This did it for my case.


Get characters after last / in url

Two one liners - I suspect the first one is faster but second one is prettier and unlike end() and array_pop(), you can pass the result of a function directly to current() without generating any notice or warning since it doesn't move the pointer or alter the array.

$var = '';

// VERSION 1 - one liner simmilar to DisgruntledGoat's answer above
echo substr($a,(strrpos($var,'/') !== false ? strrpos($var,'/') + 1 : 0));

// VERSION 2 - explode, reverse the array, get the first index.
echo current(array_reverse(explode('/',$var)));

Initialising mock objects - MockIto

There is a neat way of doing this.

  • If it's an Unit Test you can do this:

    public class MyUnitTest {
        private MyFirstMock myFirstMock;
        private MySecondMock mySecondMock;
        private MySpiedClass mySpiedClass = new MySpiedClass();
        // It's gonna inject the 2 mocks and the spied object per reflection to this object
        // The java doc of @InjectMocks explains it really well how and when it does the injection
        private MyClassToTest myClassToTest;
        public void testSomething() {
  • EDIT: If it's an Integration test you can do this(not intended to be used that way with Spring. Just showcase that you can initialize mocks with diferent Runners):

    public class MyIntegrationTest {
        private MyFirstMock myFirstMock;
        private MySecondMock mySecondMock;
        private MySpiedClass mySpiedClass = new MySpiedClass();
        // It's gonna inject the 2 mocks and the spied object per reflection to this object
        // The java doc of @InjectMocks explains it really well how and when it does the injection
        private MyClassToTest myClassToTest;
        public void setUp() throws Exception {
        public void testSomething() {

How do I convert struct System.Byte byte[] to a System.IO.Stream object in C#?

If you are getting an error with the other MemoryStream examples here, then you need to set the Position to 0.

public static Stream ToStream(this bytes[] bytes) 
    return new MemoryStream(bytes) 
        Position = 0

Using python's mock patch.object to change the return value of a method called within another method

To add to Silfheed's answer, which was useful, I needed to patch multiple methods of the object in question. I found it more elegant to do it this way:

Given the following function to test, located in

from some_other.module import SomeOtherClass

def add_results():
    my_object = SomeOtherClass('some_contextual_parameters')
    result_a = my_object.method_a()
    result_b = my_object.method_b()
    return result_a + result_b

To test this function (or class method, it doesn't matter), one can patch multiple methods of the class SomeOtherClass by using patch.object() in combination with sys.modules:

@patch.object(sys.modules['module.a_function.to_test'], 'SomeOtherClass')
def test__should_add_results(self, mocked_other_class):
  mocked_other_class().method_a.return_value = 4
  mocked_other_class().method_b.return_value = 7

  self.assertEqual(add_results(), 11)

This works no matter the number of methods of SomeOtherClass you need to patch, with independent results.

Also, using the same patching method, an actual instance of SomeOtherClass can be returned if need be:

@patch.object(sys.modules['module.a_function.to_test'], 'SomeOtherClass')
def test__should_add_results(self, mocked_other_class):
  other_class_instance = SomeOtherClass('some_controlled_parameters')
  mocked_other_class.return_value = other_class_instance 

Entity Framework rollback and remove bad migration

As of .NET Core 2.2, TargetMigration seems to be gone:

get-help Update-Database


    Updates the database to a specified migration.

    Update-Database [[-Migration] <String>] [-Context <String>] [-Project <String>] [-StartupProject <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

    Updates the database to a specified migration.


    To see the examples, type: "get-help Update-Database -examples".
    For more information, type: "get-help Update-Database -detailed".
    For technical information, type: "get-help Update-Database -full".
    For online help, type: "get-help Update-Database -online"

So this works for me now:

Update-Database -Migration 20180906131107_xxxx_xxxx

As well as (no -Migration switch):

Update-Database 20180906131107_xxxx_xxxx

On an added note, you can no longer cleanly delete migration folders without putting your Model Snapshot out of sync. So if you learn this the hard way and wind up with an empty migration where you know there should be changes, you can run (no switches needed for the last migration):


It will clean up the mess and put you back where you need to be, even though the last migration folder was deleted manually.

Difference between Ctrl+Shift+F and Ctrl+I in Eclipse

Ctrl+Shift+F formats the selected line(s) or the whole source code if you haven't selected any line(s) as per the formatter specified in your Eclipse, while Ctrl+I gives proper indent to the selected line(s) or the current line if you haven't selected any line(s).

Change bar plot colour in geom_bar with ggplot2 in r

If you want all the bars to get the same color (fill), you can easily add it inside geom_bar.

ggplot(data=df, aes(x=c1+c2/2, y=c3)) + 
geom_bar(stat="identity", width=c2, fill = "#FF6666")

enter image description here

Add fill = the_name_of_your_var inside aes to change the colors depending of the variable :

c4 = c("A", "B", "C")
df = cbind(df, c4)
ggplot(data=df, aes(x=c1+c2/2, y=c3, fill = c4)) + 
geom_bar(stat="identity", width=c2)

enter image description here

Use scale_fill_manual() if you want to manually the change of colors.

ggplot(data=df, aes(x=c1+c2/2, y=c3, fill = c4)) + 
geom_bar(stat="identity", width=c2) + 
scale_fill_manual("legend", values = c("A" = "black", "B" = "orange", "C" = "blue"))

enter image description here

Strip first and last character from C string

Further to @pmg's answer, note that you can do both operations in one statement:

char mystr[] = "Nmy stringP";
char *p = mystr;
p++[strlen(p)-1] = 0;

This will likely work as expected but behavior is undefined in C standard.

How to disable Google asking permission to regularly check installed apps on my phone?

On Android prior to 4.2, go to Google Settings, tap Verify apps and uncheck the option Verify apps.

On Android 4.2+, uncheck the option Settings > Security > Verify apps and/or Settings > Developer options > Verify apps over USB.

Node.js - use of module.exports as a constructor

The example code is:

in main

square(width,function (data)

using the following may works

exports.square = function(width,callback)
     var aa = new Object();
     callback(aa.squareVal = width * width);    

IIS Config Error - This configuration section cannot be used at this path

I had an applicationhost.config inside my project folder. It seems IISExpress uses this folder, even though it displays a different file in my c:\users folder
