Programs & Examples On #Enterframeevent

EnterFrame event is used in ActionScript programming. The main purpose of this event is to generate animations pro-grammatically. This event is triggered based on FPS (i.e Frames Per Second) a term used in animation. e.g. Say FPS=30 fps, then this event will be triggered 30 times per second thus simulating frames.

How to add "class" to host element?

This way you don't need to add the CSS outside of the component:

   selector: 'body',
   template: 'app-element',
   // prefer decorators (see below)
   // host:     {'[class.someClass]':'someField'}
export class App implements OnInit {
  constructor(private cdRef:ChangeDetectorRef) {}
  someField: boolean = false;
  // alternatively also the host parameter in the @Component()` decorator can be used
  @HostBinding('class.someClass') someField: boolean = false;

  ngOnInit() {
    this.someField = true; // set class `someClass` on `<body>`

Plunker example

This CSS is defined inside the component and the selector is only applied if the class someClass is set on the host element (from outside):

:host(.someClass) {
  background-color: red;

How can I get a list of all functions stored in the database of a particular schema in PostgreSQL?

There's a handy function, oidvectortypes, that makes this a lot easier.

SELECT format('%I.%I(%s)', ns.nspname, p.proname, oidvectortypes(p.proargtypes)) 
FROM pg_proc p INNER JOIN pg_namespace ns ON (p.pronamespace = ns.oid)
WHERE ns.nspname = 'my_namespace';

Credit to Leo Hsu and Regina Obe at Postgres Online for pointing out oidvectortypes. I wrote similar functions before, but used complex nested expressions that this function gets rid of the need for.

See related answer.

(edit in 2016)

Summarizing typical report options:

-- Compact:
SELECT format('%I.%I(%s)', ns.nspname, p.proname, oidvectortypes(p.proargtypes))

-- With result data type: 
SELECT format(
       ns.nspname, p.proname, oidvectortypes(p.proargtypes),

-- With complete argument description: 
SELECT format('%I.%I(%s)', ns.nspname, p.proname, pg_get_function_arguments(p.oid))

-- ... and mixing it.

-- All with the same FROM clause:
FROM pg_proc p INNER JOIN pg_namespace ns ON (p.pronamespace = ns.oid)
WHERE ns.nspname = 'my_namespace';

NOTICE: use p.proname||'_'||p.oid AS specific_name to obtain unique names, or to JOIN with information_schema tables — see routines and parameters at @RuddZwolinski's answer.

The function's OID (see pg_catalog.pg_proc) and the function's specific_name (see information_schema.routines) are the main reference options to functions. Below, some useful functions in reporting and other contexts.

--- --- --- --- ---
--- Useful overloads: 

CREATE FUNCTION oidvectortypes(p_oid int) RETURNS text AS $$
    SELECT oidvectortypes(proargtypes) FROM pg_proc WHERE oid=$1;

CREATE FUNCTION oidvectortypes(p_specific_name text) RETURNS text AS $$
    -- Extract OID from specific_name and use it in oidvectortypes(oid).
    SELECT oidvectortypes(proargtypes) 
    FROM pg_proc WHERE oid=regexp_replace($1, '^.+?([^_]+)$', '\1')::int;

CREATE FUNCTION pg_get_function_arguments(p_specific_name text) RETURNS text AS $$
    -- Extract OID from specific_name and use it in pg_get_function_arguments.
    SELECT pg_get_function_arguments(regexp_replace($1, '^.+?([^_]+)$', '\1')::int)

--- --- --- --- ---
--- User customization: 

CREATE FUNCTION pg_get_function_arguments2(p_specific_name text) RETURNS text AS $$
    -- Example of "special layout" version.
    SELECT trim(array_agg( op||'-'||dt )::text,'{}') 
    FROM (
        SELECT data_type::text as dt, ordinal_position as op
        FROM information_schema.parameters 
        WHERE specific_name = p_specific_name 
        ORDER BY ordinal_position
    ) t

What is parsing in terms that a new programmer would understand?

Parsing is the process of analyzing text made of a sequence of tokens to determine its grammatical structure with respect to a given (more or less) formal grammar.

The parser then builds a data structure based on the tokens. This data structure can then be used by a compiler, interpreter or translator to create an executable program or library.

alt text

If I gave you an english sentence, and asked you to break down the sentence into its parts of speech (nouns, verbs, etc.), you would be parsing the sentence.

That's the simplest explanation of parsing I can think of.

That said, parsing is a non-trivial computational problem. You have to start with simple examples, and work your way up to the more complex.

How do I declare an array with a custom class?

you just need to add a default constructor to your class to look like this:

class name {
    string first;
    string last;

  name() {

  name(string a, string b){
    first = a;
    last = b;

Docker "ERROR: could not find an available, non-overlapping IPv4 address pool among the defaults to assign to the network"

If you want lots of networks then you can control how much IP space docker hands out to each network via the default-address-pools deamon setting, so you could add this to your /etc/docker/daemon.json:

  "bip": "",

Here I've reserved (254 IP addresses) for the bridge network.

For any other network I create, docker will partition up the space (65k hosts), giving out 16 hosts at a time ("size":28 refers to the CIDR mask, for 16 hosts).

If I create a few networks and then run docker network inspect <name> on them, it might display something like this:

        "Subnet": "",
        "Gateway": ""

The means this network can use 16 ip addresses from -

how to get the cookies from a php curl into a variable

My understanding is that cookies from curl must be written out to a file (curl -c cookie_file). If you're running curl through PHP's exec or system functions (or anything in that family), you should be able to save the cookies to a file, then open the file and read them in.

Modify XML existing content in C#

The XmlTextWriter is usually used for generating (not updating) XML content. When you load the xml file into an XmlDocument, you don't need a separate writer.

Just update the node you have selected and .Save() that XmlDocument.

Convert MySql DateTime stamp into JavaScript's Date format

To add even further to Marco's solution. I prototyped directly to the String object.

String.prototype.mysqlToDate = String.prototype.mysqlToDate || function() {
    var t = this.split(/[- :]/);
    return new Date(t[0], t[1]-1, t[2], t[3]||0, t[4]||0, t[5]||0);

This way you can go directly to:

var mySqlTimestamp = "2011-02-20 17:16:00";
var pickupDate = mySqlTimestamp.mysqlToDate();

Regex using javascript to return just numbers

As per @Syntle's answer, if you have only non numeric characters you'll get an Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'join' of null.

This will prevent errors if no matches are found and return an empty string:

('something'.match( /\d+/g )||[]).join('')

Why are unnamed namespaces used and what are their benefits?

Having something in an anonymous namespace means it's local to this translation unit (.cpp file and all its includes) this means that if another symbol with the same name is defined elsewhere there will not be a violation of the One Definition Rule (ODR).

This is the same as the C way of having a static global variable or static function but it can be used for class definitions as well (and should be used rather than static in C++).

All anonymous namespaces in the same file are treated as the same namespace and all anonymous namespaces in different files are distinct. An anonymous namespace is the equivalent of:

namespace __unique_compiler_generated_identifer0x42 {
using namespace __unique_compiler_generated_identifer0x42;

Permission denied on CopyFile in VBS

I have read your problem, And i had the same problem. But af ter i changed some, my problem "Permission Denied" is solved.

Private Sub Addi_Click()
'On Error Resume Next
'call ds
browsers ("false")
Call makeAdir
ffgg = "C:\Users\Backups\user\" & User & "1\data\"
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set f = fs.Getfolder("c:\users\Backups\user\" & User & "1\data")
    f.Attributes = 0
Set fso = VBA.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Call fso.Copyfile(filetarget, ffgg, True)

Look at ffgg = "C:\Users\Backups\user\" & User & "1\data\", Before I changed it was ffgg = "C:\Users\Backups\user\" & User & "1\data" When i add backslash after "\data\", my problem is solved. Try to add back slash. Maybe solved your problem. Good luck.

How to check if an NSDictionary or NSMutableDictionary contains a key?

if ([mydict objectForKey:@"mykey"]) {
    // key exists.
    // ...

Get device information (such as product, model) from adb command

The correct way to do it would be:

adb -s 123abc12 shell getprop

Which will give you a list of all available properties and their values. Once you know which property you want, you can give the name as an argument to getprop to access its value directly, like this:

adb -s 123abc12 shell getprop ro.product.model

The details in adb devices -l consist of the following three properties:, ro.product.model and ro.product.device.

Note that ADB shell ends lines with \r\n, which depending on your platform might or might not make it more difficult to access the exact value (e.g. instead of Nexus 7 you might get Nexus 7\r).

vuetify center items into v-flex

wrap button inside <div class="text-xs-center">

<div class="text-xs-center">
  <v-btn primary>

Dev uses it in his examples.

For centering buttons in v-card-actions we can add class="justify-center" (note in v2 class is text-center (so without xs):

<v-card-actions class="justify-center">


For more examples with regards to centering see here

First Heroku deploy failed `error code=H10`

Password contained a % broke it for me.

How do I print part of a rendered HTML page in JavaScript?

You could use a print stylesheet, but this will affect all print functions.

You could try having a print stylesheet externalally, and it is included via JavaScript when a button is pressed, and then call window.print(), then after that remove it.

How can I delete all cookies with JavaScript?

There is no 100% solution to delete browser cookies.

The problem is that cookies are uniquely identified by not just by their key "name" but also their "domain" and "path".

Without knowing the "domain" and "path" of a cookie, you cannot reliably delete it. This information is not available through JavaScript's document.cookie. It's not available through the HTTP Cookie header either!

However, if you know the name, path and domain of a cookie, then you can clear it by setting an empty cookie with an expiry date in the past, for example:

function clearCookie(name, domain, path){
    var domain = domain || document.domain;
    var path = path || "/";
    document.cookie = name + "=; expires=" + +new Date + "; domain=" + domain + "; path=" + path;

Generating a Random Number between 1 and 10 Java

As the documentation says, this method call returns "a pseudorandom, uniformly distributed int value between 0 (inclusive) and the specified value (exclusive)". This means that you will get numbers from 0 to 9 in your case. So you've done everything correctly by adding one to that number.

Generally speaking, if you need to generate numbers from min to max (including both), you write

random.nextInt(max - min + 1) + min

how to access downloads folder in android?

If you're using a shell, the filepath to the Download (no "s") folder is


Run a single migration file

If you're having trouble with paths you can use

require Rails.root + 'db/migrate/20090408054532_add_foos.rb'

Determine the path of the executing BASH script

Contributed by Stephane CHAZELAS on c.u.s. Assuming POSIX shell:

if [ ! -e "$prg" ]; then
  case $prg in
    (*/*) exit 1;;
    (*) prg=$(command -v -- "$prg") || exit;;
  cd -P -- "$(dirname -- "$prg")" && pwd -P
) || exit
prg=$dir/$(basename -- "$prg") || exit 

printf '%s\n' "$prg"

Android: upgrading DB version and adding new table

You can use SQLiteOpenHelper's onUpgrade method. In the onUpgrade method, you get the oldVersion as one of the parameters.

In the onUpgrade use a switch and in each of the cases use the version number to keep track of the current version of database.

It's best that you loop over from oldVersion to newVersion, incrementing version by 1 at a time and then upgrade the database step by step. This is very helpful when someone with database version 1 upgrades the app after a long time, to a version using database version 7 and the app starts crashing because of certain incompatible changes.

Then the updates in the database will be done step-wise, covering all possible cases, i.e. incorporating the changes in the database done for each new version and thereby preventing your application from crashing.

For example:

public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
    switch (oldVersion) {
    case 1:
        String sql = "ALTER TABLE " + TABLE_SECRET + " ADD COLUMN " + "name_of_column_to_be_added" + " INTEGER";

    case 2:
        String sql = "SOME_QUERY";


how to Call super constructor in Lombok

Lombok does not support that also indicated by making any @Value annotated class final (as you know by using @NonFinal).

The only workaround I found is to declare all members final yourself and use the @Data annotation instead. Those subclasses need to be annotated by @EqualsAndHashCode and need an explicit all args constructor as Lombok doesn't know how to create one using the all args one of the super class:

public class A {
    private final int x;
    private final int y;

@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = true)
public class B extends A {
    private final int z;

    public B(int x, int y, int z) {
        super(x, y);
        this.z = z;

Especially the constructors of the subclasses make the solution a little untidy for superclasses with many members, sorry.

Selenium WebDriver.get(url) does not open the URL

Please have a look at this HowTo: Have a close look at section "Instantiating WebDriver"

I think you are missing the following code line:

wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 30);

Put it between

driver = webdriver.Firefox();



Haven't tested it, because I'm not using Selenium at the moment. I'm familiar with Selenium 1.x.

What is use of c_str function In c++

In C/C++ programming there are two types of strings: the C strings and the standard strings. With the <string> header, we can use the standard strings. On the other hand, the C strings are just an array of normal chars. So, in order to convert a standard string to a C string, we use the c_str() function.

for example

// a string to a C-style string conversion//

const char *cstr1 = str1.c_str();
cout<<"Operation: *cstr1 = str1.c_str()"<<endl;
cout<<"The C-style string c_str1 is: "<<cstr1<<endl;
cout<<"\nOperation: strlen(cstr1)"<<endl;
cout<<"The length of C-style string str1 = "<<strlen(cstr1)<<endl;

And the output will be,

Operation: *cstr1 = str1.c_str()
The C-style string c_str1 is: Testing the c_str 
Operation: strlen(cstr1)
The length of C-style string str1 = 17

PHP Adding 15 minutes to Time value

strtotime returns the current timestamp and date is to format timestamp

  $date=strtotime(date("h:i:sa"))+900;//15*60=900 seconds

This will add 15 mins to the current time

Quickly reading very large tables as dataframes

An alternative is to use the vroom package. Now on CRAN. vroom doesn't load the entire file, it indexes where each record is located, and is read later when you use it.

Only pay for what you use.

See Introduction to vroom, Get started with vroom and the vroom benchmarks.

The basic overview is that the initial read of a huge file, will be much faster, and subsequent modifications to the data may be slightly slower. So depending on what your use is, it could be the best option.

See a simplified example from vroom benchmarks below, the key parts to see is the super fast read times, but slightly sower operations like aggregate etc..

package                 read    print   sample   filter  aggregate   total
read.delim              1m      21.5s   1ms      315ms   764ms       1m 22.6s
readr                   33.1s   90ms    2ms      202ms   825ms       34.2s
data.table              15.7s   13ms    1ms      129ms   394ms       16.3s
vroom (altrep) dplyr    1.7s    89ms    1.7s     1.3s    1.9s        6.7s

jQuery duplicate DIV into another DIV

$(document).ready(function(){  _x000D_
    $("#btn_clone").click(function(){  _x000D_
        $("#a_clone").clone().appendTo("#b_clone");  _x000D_
    });  _x000D_
    padding: 15px;_x000D_
    border: 12px solid #23384E;_x000D_
    background: #28BAA2;_x000D_
    margin-top: 10px;_x000D_
<!DOCTYPE html>  _x000D_
<html>  _x000D_
<head>  _x000D_
<title>jQuery Clone Method</title> _x000D_
<script src=""></script> _x000D_
</head>  _x000D_
<body> _x000D_
<div class="container">_x000D_
<p id="a_clone"><b> This is simple example of clone method.</b></p>  _x000D_
<p id="b_clone"><b>Note:</b>Click The Below button Click Me</p>  _x000D_
<button id="btn_clone">Click Me!</button>  _x000D_
</div> _x000D_
</body>  _x000D_

For more detail and demo

How to get URL parameters with Javascript?

function getURLParameter(name) {
  return decodeURIComponent((new RegExp('[?|&]' + name + '=' + '([^&;]+?)(&|#|;|$)').exec( || [null, ''])[1].replace(/\+/g, '%20')) || null;

So you can use:

myvar = getURLParameter('myvar');

Completely remove MariaDB or MySQL from CentOS 7 or RHEL 7

To update and answer the question without breaking mail servers. Later versions of CentOS 7 have MariaDB included as the base along with PostFix which relies on MariaDB. Removing using yum will also remove postfix and perl-DBD-MySQL. To get around this and keep postfix in place, first make a copy of /usr/lib64/ (which is what postfix depends on) and then use:

rpm -qa | grep mariadb

then remove the mariadb packages using (changing to your versions):

rpm -e --nodeps "mariadb-libs-5.5.56-2.el7.x86_64"
rpm -e --nodeps "mariadb-server-5.5.56-2.el7.x86_64"
rpm -e --nodeps "mariadb-5.5.56-2.el7.x86_64"

Delete left over files and folders (which also removes any databases):

rm -f /var/log/mariadb
rm -f /var/log/mariadb/mariadb.log.rpmsave
rm -rf /var/lib/mysql
rm -rf /usr/lib64/mysql
rm -rf /usr/share/mysql

Put back the copy of /usr/lib64/ you made at the start and you can restart postfix.

There is more detail at which describes how to replace mariaDB with MySQL

Alert after page load

Another option is to use the defer attribute on the script, but it's only appropriate for external scripts with a src attribute:

<script src = "exampleJsFile.js" defer> </script>

How can I check if a file exists in Perl?

if(-e $base_path){print "Something";}

would do the trick

PHP calculate age

 $date = new DateTime($bithdayDate);
 $now = new DateTime();
 $interval = $now->diff($date);
 return $interval->y;

How to specify a port to run a create-react-app based project?

you can find default port configuration at start your app


scroll down and change the port to whatever you want

const DEFAULT_PORT = parseInt(process.env.PORT, 10) || 4000;

hope this may help you ;)

SQLPLUS error:ORA-12504: TNS:listener was not given the SERVICE_NAME in CONNECT_DATA

Just a small observation: you keep mentioning conn usr\pass, and this is a typo, right? Cos it should be conn usr/pass. Or is it different on a Unix based OS?

Furthermore, just to be sure: if you use tnsnames, your login string will look different from when you use the login method you started this topic out with.

tnsnames.ora should be in $ORACLE_HOME$\network\admin. That is the Oracle home on the machine from which you are trying to connect, so in your case your PC. If you have multiple oracle_homes and wish to use only one tnsnames.ora, you can set environment variable tns_admin (e.g. set TNS_ADMIN=c:\oracle\tns), and place tnsnames.ora in that directory.

Your original method of logging on (usr/[email protected]:port/servicename) should always work. So far I think you have all the info, except for the port number, which I am sure your DBA will be able to give you. If this method still doesn't work, either the server's IP address is not available from your client, or it is a firewall issue (blocking a certain port), or something else not (directly) related to Oracle or SQL*Plus.

hth! Regards, Remco

auto create database in Entity Framework Core

If you get the context via the parameter list of Configure in Startup.cs, You can instead do this:

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env,  LoggerFactory loggerFactory,
    ApplicationDbContext context)

where to place CASE WHEN column IS NULL in this query

Thanks for all your help! @Svetoslav Tsolov had it very close, but I was still getting an error, until I figured out the closing parenthesis was in the wrong place. Here's the final query that works:

SELECT dbo.AdminID.CountryID, dbo.AdminID.CountryName, dbo.AdminID.RegionID, 
dbo.AdminID.[Region name], dbo.AdminID.DistrictID, dbo.AdminID.DistrictName,
dbo.AdminID.ADMIN3_ID, dbo.AdminID.ADMIN3,
FROM dbo.AdminID 

ON dbo.AdminID.DistrictID = dbo.EU_Admin2.DistrictID

ON dbo.AdminID.ADMIN3_ID = dbo.EU_Admin3.ADMIN3_ID

jQuery exclude elements with certain class in selector

To add some info that helped me today, a jQuery object/this can also be passed in to the .not() selector.

    width: 100px;_x000D_
    background: red;_x000D_
    color: white;_x000D_
    display: inline-block;_x000D_
    position: relative;_x000D_
    text-align: center;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div class="navitem">Home</div>_x000D_
<div class="navitem">About</div>_x000D_
<div class="navitem">Pricing</div>

The above example can be simplified, but wanted to show the usage of this in the not() selector.

What's the difference between tilde(~) and caret(^) in package.json?

You probably have seen the tilde (~) and caret (^) in the package.json. What is the difference between them?

When you do npm install moment --save, It saves the entry in the package.json with the caret (^) prefix.

The tilde (~)

In the simplest terms, the tilde (~) matches the most recent minor version (the middle number). ~1.2.3 will match all 1.2.x versions but will miss 1.3.0.

The caret (^)

The caret (^), on the other hand, is more relaxed. It will update you to the most recent major version (the first number). ^1.2.3 will match any 1.x.x release including 1.3.0, but will hold off on 2.0.0.


Using "&times" word in html changes to ×

You need to escape the ampersand:

<div class="test">&amp;times</div>

&times means a multiplication sign. (Technically it should be &times; but lenient browsers let you omit the ;.)

How do I set up Eclipse/EGit with GitHub?

Install Mylyn connector for GitHub from this update site, it provides great integration: you can directly import your repositories using Import > Projects from Git > GitHub. You can set the default repository folder in Preferences > Git.

Convert all strings in a list to int

If your list contains pure integer strings, the accepted awnswer is the way to go. This solution will crash if you give it things that are not integers.

So: if you have data that may contain ints, possibly floats or other things as well - you can leverage your own function with errorhandling:

def maybeMakeNumber(s):
    """Returns a string 's' into a integer if possible, a float if needed or
    returns it as is."""

    # handle None, "", 0
    if not s:
        return s
        f = float(s)
        i = int(f)
        return i if f == i else f
    except ValueError:
        return s

data = ["unkind", "data", "42", 98, "47.11", "of mixed", "types"]

converted = list(map(maybeMakeNumber, data))


['unkind', 'data', 42, 98, 47.11, 'of mixed', 'types']

To also handle iterables inside iterables you can use this helper:

from import Iterable, Mapping

def convertEr(iterab):
    """Tries to convert an iterable to list of floats, ints or the original thing
    from the iterable. Converts any iterable (tuple,set, ...) to itself in output.
    Does not work for Mappings  - you would need to check abc.Mapping and handle 
    things like {1:42, "1":84} when converting them - so they come out as is."""

    if isinstance(iterab, str):
        return maybeMakeNumber(iterab)

    if isinstance(iterab, Mapping):
        return iterab

    if isinstance(iterab, Iterable):
        return  iterab.__class__(convertEr(p) for p in iterab)

data = ["unkind", {1: 3,"1":42}, "data", "42", 98, "47.11", "of mixed", 
        ("0", "8", {"15", "things"}, "3.141"), "types"]

converted = convertEr(data)


['unkind', {1: 3, '1': 42}, 'data', 42, 98, 47.11, 'of mixed', 
 (0, 8, {'things', 15}, 3.141), 'types'] # sets are unordered, hence diffrent order

Setting width and height

This helped in my case:

options: {
    responsive: true,
    scales: {
        yAxes: [{
            display: true,
            ticks: {

how to add key value pair in the JSON object already declared

you can do try lodash

Example code for json object:

    var user = {'user':'barney','age':36};
    user["newKey"] = true;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="lodash.js"></script>

for json array elements

Example code:

var users = [
  { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36 },
  { 'user': 'fred',   'age': 40 }
];>{i["newKey"] = true});

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="lodash.js"></script>

Getting only Month and Year from SQL DATE


How change default SVN username and password to commit changes?

To use alternate credentials for a single operation, use the --username and --password switches for svn.

To clear previously-saved credentials, delete ~/.subversion/auth. You'll be prompted for credentials the next time they're needed.

These settings are saved in the user's home directory, so if you're using a shared account on "this laptop", be careful - if you allow the client to save your credentials, someone can impersonate you. The first option I provided is the better way to go in this case. At least until you stop using shared accounts on computers, which you shouldn't be doing.

To change credentials you need to do:

  • rm -rf ~/.subversion/auth
  • svn up ( it'll ask you for new username & password )

The term 'ng' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet

I resolved by following the below steps

1.Right click on command Prompt 2.Run as administrator 3.type npm install -g @angular/cli

How to encode URL to avoid special characters in Java?

If you don't want to do it manually use Apache Commons - Codec library. The class you are looking at is:

String final url = ""
String final urlSafe =;

How to apply CSS to iframe?

Incase if you have access to iframe page and want a different CSS to apply on it only when you load it via iframe on your page, here I found a solution for these kind of things

this works even if iframe is loading a different domain

check about postMessage()

plan is, send the css to iframe as a message like


* is to send this message irrespective of what domain it is in iframe

and receive the message in iframe and add the received message(CSS) to that document head.

code to add in iframe page


    if( == 'send_user_details')


Dealing with commas in a CSV file

First, let's ask ourselves, "Why do we feel the need to handle commas differently for CSV files?"

For me, the answer is, "Because when I export data into a CSV file, the commas in a field disappear and my field gets separated into multiple fields where the commas appear in the original data." (That it because the comma is the CSV field separator character.)

Depending on your situation, semi colons may also be used as CSV field separators.

Given my requirements, I can use a character, e.g., single low-9 quotation mark, that looks like a comma.

So, here's how you can do it in Go:

// Replace special CSV characters with single low-9 quotation mark
func Scrub(a interface{}) string {
    s := fmt.Sprint(a)
    s = strings.Replace(s, ",", "‚", -1)
    s = strings.Replace(s, ";", "‚", -1)
    return s

The second comma looking character in the Replace function is decimal 8218.

Be aware that if you have clients that may have ascii-only text readers that this decima 8218 character will not look like a comma. If this is your case, then I'd recommend surrounding the field with the comma (or semicolon) with double quotes per RFC 4128:

How do I append one string to another in Python?


That is, for most cases you are better off generating the whole string in one go rather then appending to an existing string.

For example, don't do: + ":" + str(obj1.count)

Instead: use "%s:%d" % (, obj1.count)

That will be easier to read and more efficient.

How to create a hidden <img> in JavaScript?

This question is vague, but if you want to make the image with Javascript. It is simple.

function loadImages(src) {
  if (document.images) {
    img1 = new Image();
    img1.src = src;

The image will be requested but until you show it it will never be displayed. great for pre loading images you expect to be requests but delaying it until the document is loaded.


Compare 2 JSON objects

Simply parsing the JSON and comparing the two objects is not enough because it wouldn't be the exact same object references (but might be the same values).

You need to do a deep equals.

From - which seems the use jQuery.

Object.extend(Object, {
   deepEquals: function(o1, o2) {
     var k1 = Object.keys(o1).sort();
     var k2 = Object.keys(o2).sort();
     if (k1.length != k2.length) return false;
     return, function(keyPair) {
       if(typeof o1[keyPair[0]] == typeof o2[keyPair[1]] == "object"){
         return deepEquals(o1[keyPair[0]], o2[keyPair[1]])
       } else {
         return o1[keyPair[0]] == o2[keyPair[1]];


var anObj = JSON.parse(jsonString1);
var anotherObj= JSON.parse(jsonString2);

if (Object.deepEquals(anObj, anotherObj))

Is true == 1 and false == 0 in JavaScript?

It's true that true and false don't represent any numerical values in Javascript.

In some languages (e.g. C, VB), the boolean values are defined as actual numerical values, so they are just different names for 1 and 0 (or -1 and 0).

In some other languages (e.g. Pascal, C#), there is a distinct boolean type that is not numerical. It's possible to convert between boolean values and numerical values, but it doesn't happen automatically.

Javascript falls in the category that has a distinct boolean type, but on the other hand Javascript is quite keen to convert values between different data types.

For example, eventhough a number is not a boolean, you can use a numeric value where a boolean value is expected. Using if (1) {...} works just as well as if (true) {...}.

When comparing values, like in your example, there is a difference between the == operator and the === operator. The == equality operator happily converts between types to find a match, so 1 == true evaluates to true because true is converted to 1. The === type equality operator doesn't do type conversions, so 1 === true evaluates to false because the values are of different types.

How do I ignore files in a directory in Git?

It would be:


or possibly even:


in case that filter and form are the only directories in lib that do have a basesubdirectory that needs to be ignored (see it as an example of what you can do with the asterics).

An internal error occurred during: "Updating Maven Project". Unsupported IClasspathEntry kind=4

This is all you need:

  1. Right-click on your project, select Maven -> Remove Maven Nature.

  2. Open you terminal, navgate to your project folder and run mvn eclipse:clean

  3. Right click on your Project and select Configure -> Convert into Maven Project

  4. Right click on your Project and select Maven -> Update Project

Call jQuery Ajax Request Each X Minutes

You have a couple options, you could setTimeout() or setInterval(). Here's a great article that elaborates on how to use them.

The magic is that they're built in to JavaScript, you can use them with any library.

Android Studio: Can't start Git

For the one using mac who installed Xcode7, you have to start Xcode and accept the license agreement for the android studio error to go away.

JavaScript: remove event listener

You could use a named function expression (in this case the function is named abc), like so:

let click = 0;
canvas.addEventListener('click', function abc(event) {
    if (click >= 50) {
        // remove event listener function `abc`
        canvas.removeEventListener('click', abc);
    // More code here ...

Quick and dirty working example:

More information about named function expressions:

How to install node.js as windows service? service helper good for create windows service by batch file i use from nssm & good working for any app & any file

Node.js global proxy setting

Unfortunately, it seems that proxy information must be set on each call to http.request. Node does not include a mechanism for global proxy settings.

The global-tunnel-ng module on NPM appears to handle this, however:

var globalTunnel = require('global-tunnel-ng');

  host: '',
  port: 8080,
  proxyAuth: 'userId:password', // optional authentication
  sockets: 50 // optional pool size for each http and https

After the global settings are establish with a call to initialize, both http.request and the request library will use the proxy information.

The module can also use the http_proxy environment variable:

process.env.http_proxy = '';

What is the difference between MOV and LEA?

The instruction MOV reg,addr means read a variable stored at address addr into register reg. The instruction LEA reg,addr means read the address (not the variable stored at the address) into register reg.

Another form of the MOV instruction is MOV reg,immdata which means read the immediate data (i.e. constant) immdata into register reg. Note that if the addr in LEA reg,addr is just a constant (i.e. a fixed offset) then that LEA instruction is essentially exactly the same as an equivalent MOV reg,immdata instruction that loads the same constant as immediate data.

What does "ulimit -s unlimited" do?

ulimit -s unlimited lets the stack grow unlimited.

This may prevent your program from crashing if you write programs by recursion, especially if your programs are not tail recursive (compilers can "optimize" those), and the depth of recursion is large.

Sorting rows in a data table

It turns out there is a special case where this can be achieved. The trick is when building the DataTable, collect all the rows in a list, sort them, then add them. This case just came up here.

Why did I get the compile error "Use of unassigned local variable"?

IEnumerable<DateTime?> _getCurrentHolidayList; //this will not initailize

Assign value(_getCurrentHolidayList) inside the loop

foreach (HolidaySummaryList _holidayItem in _holidayDetailsList)
                            if (_holidayItem.CountryId == Countryid)
                                _getCurrentHolidayList = _holidayItem.Holiday;                                                   

After your are passing the local varibale to another method like below. It throw error(use of unassigned variable). eventhough nullable mentioned in time of decalration.

var cancelRescheduleCondition = GetHolidayDays(_item.ServiceDateFrom, _getCurrentHolidayList);

if you mentioned like below, It will not throw any error.

IEnumerable<DateTime?> _getCurrentHolidayList =null;

How to check that Request.QueryString has a specific value or not in ASP.NET?

What about a more direct approach?

if (Request.QueryString.AllKeys.Contains("mykey")

How to list files and folder in a dir (PHP)

I've found in a function that returns an array containing a list of a directory's contents.

Also look at where you'll find additional functions for working with files in php.

Create a shortcut on Desktop

With additional options such as hotkey, description etc.

At first, Project > Add Reference > COM > Windows Script Host Object Model.

using IWshRuntimeLibrary;

private void CreateShortcut()
  object shDesktop = (object)"Desktop";
  WshShell shell = new WshShell();
  string shortcutAddress = (string)shell.SpecialFolders.Item(ref shDesktop) + @"\Notepad.lnk";
  IWshShortcut shortcut = (IWshShortcut)shell.CreateShortcut(shortcutAddress);
  shortcut.Description = "New shortcut for a Notepad";
  shortcut.Hotkey = "Ctrl+Shift+N";
  shortcut.TargetPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.System) + @"\notepad.exe";

How to pass in password to pg_dump?

If you want to do it in one command:

PGPASSWORD="mypass" pg_dump mydb > mydb.dump

Adding images or videos to iPhone Simulator

The simplest way to get images, videos, etc onto the simulator is to drag and drop them from your computer onto the simulator. This will cause the Simulator to open the Photos app and start populating the library.

If you want a scriptable method, read on.

Note - while this is valid, and works, I think Koen's solution below is now a better one, since it does not require rebooting the simulator.

Identify your simulator by going to xCode->Devices, selecting your simulator, and checking the Identifier value. Or you can ensure the simulator is running and run the following to get the device ID xcrun simctl list | grep Booted

Go to

~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/[Simulator Identifier]/data/Media/DCIM/100APPLE

and add IMG_nnnn.THM and IMG_nnnn.JPG. You will then need to reset your simulator (Hardware->Reboot) to allow it to notice the new changes. It doesn't matter if they are not JPEGs - they can both be PNGs, but it appears that both of them must be present for it to work. You may need to create DCIM if it doesn't already exist, and in that case you should start nnnn from 0001. The JPG files are the fullsize version, while the THM files are the thumbnail, and are 75x75 pixels in size. I wrote a script to do this, but there's a better documented one over here(-link no longer work).

You can also add photos from safari in the simulator, by Tapping and Holding on the image. If you drag an image (or any other file, like a PDF) to the simulator, it will immediately open Safari and display the image, so this is quite an easy way of getting images to it.

Convert numpy array to tuple

>>> arr = numpy.array(((2,2),(2,-2)))
>>> tuple(map(tuple, arr))
((2, 2), (2, -2))

Converting year and month ("yyyy-mm" format) to a date?

Using anytime package:


# [1] "2009-01-01"

How to show the last queries executed on MySQL?

Maybe you could find that out by looking at the query log.

Shrink a YouTube video to responsive width

With credits to previous answer

Boostrap compatible, adust your container width (300px in this example) and you're good to go:

<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9" style="height: 100 %; width: 300px; ">
<iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0"></iframe>

How to add additional fields to form before submit?

Try this:

$('#form').submit(function(eventObj) {
    $(this).append('<input type="hidden" name="field_name" value="value" /> ');
    return true;

How can I disable all views inside the layout?

If you're interested in disabling views in a specific ViewGroup then you can use the interesting, perhaps slightly obscure duplicateParentState. A view state is a set of boolean attributes such as pressed, enabled, activated, and others. Just use this on each child you want to sync to parent ViewGroup:


Note that it duplicates the entire state and not just the enabled state. This may be what you want! Of course, this approach is best if you're loading layout XML.

Javascript to convert UTC to local time

This should work

var date = new Date('2012-11-29 17:00:34 UTC');

Is it possible to save HTML page as PDF using JavaScript or jquery?

$('#cmd2').click(function() {_x000D_
   var options = {_x000D_
  //'width': 800,_x000D_
   var pdf = new jsPDF('p', 'pt', 'a4');_x000D_
   pdf.addHTML($("#content2"), -1, 220, options, function() {_x000D_'admit_card.pdf');_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="content2" style="background: #fff;border-bottom: 1px solid #ffffff;">_x000D_
                     <div class="tokenDet" style="padding: 15px;border: 1px solid #000;width: 80%;margin: 0 auto;position: relative;overflow: hidden;">_x000D_
                         <div class="title" style="text-align: center;border-bottom: 1px solid #000;margin-bottom: 15px;">_x000D_
                             <h2>Entrance Exam Hall Ticket</h2>_x000D_
                            <div class="parentdiv" style="display: inline-block;width: 100%;position: relative;">_x000D_
                             <div class="innerdiv" style="width: 80%;float: left;">_x000D_
                              <div class="restDet">_x000D_
                                        <div class="div">_x000D_
                                            <div class="label" style="width: 30%;float: left;">_x000D_
                                            <div class="data" style="width: 70%;display: inline-block;">_x000D_
                                                <span>Santanu Patra</span>_x000D_
                                            <div class="label" style="width: 30%;float: left;">_x000D_
                                            <div class="data" style="width: 70%;display: inline-block;">_x000D_
                                                <span>17th April, 1995</span>_x000D_
                                            <div class="label" style="width: 30%;float: left;">_x000D_
                                            <div class="data" style="width: 70%;display: inline-block;">_x000D_
                                                <span>P.S. Srijan Corporate Park, Saltlake, Sector 5, Kolkata-91</span>_x000D_
                                            <div class="label" style="width: 30%;float: left;">_x000D_
                                                <strong>Contact Number</strong>_x000D_
                                            <div class="data" style="width: 70%;display: inline-block;">_x000D_
                                            <div class="label" style="width: 30%;float: left;">_x000D_
                                                <strong>Email Id</strong>_x000D_
                                            <div class="data" style="width: 70%;display: inline-block;">_x000D_
                                                <span>[email protected]</span>_x000D_
                                            <div class="label" style="width: 30%;float: left;">_x000D_
                                                <strong>Parent(s) Name</strong>_x000D_
                                            <div class="data" style="width: 70%;display: inline-block;">_x000D_
                                                <span>S. Patra</span><br /><span>7896541230</span>_x000D_
                                            <div class="label" style="width: 30%;float: left;">_x000D_
                                                <strong>Exam Center</strong>_x000D_
                                            <div class="data" style="width: 70%;display: inline-block;">_x000D_
                                                <span>Institute of Engineering & Management</span>_x000D_
                                            <div class="label" style="width: 30%;float: left;">_x000D_
                                                <strong>Hall Number</strong>_x000D_
                                            <div class="data" style="width: 70%;display: inline-block;">_x000D_
                                <div class="sideDiv" style="width: 20%;float: left;">_x000D_
                                 <div class="atts" style="float: left;width: 100%;">_x000D_
                                     <div class="photo" style="width: 115px;height: 150px;float: right;">_x000D_
                                         <img src="images/candidateImg.gif" style="width: 100%;"/>_x000D_
                                        <div class="sign" style="position: absolute;bottom: 0;right: 0;border-top: 1px dashed #000;left: 80%;text-align: right;">_x000D_
                                         <small>Self Attested</small>_x000D_
                    <button class="btn btn-info" id="cmd2">Download Token</button>

Open Source Alternatives to Reflector?

Updated 13th December 2011

The following open source tools are available:

The data-toggle attributes in Twitter Bootstrap

Bootstrap leverages HTML5 standards in order to access DOM element attributes easily within javascript.


Forms a class of attributes, called custom data attributes, that allow proprietary information to be exchanged between the HTML and its DOM representation that may be used by scripts. All such custom data are available via the HTMLElement interface of the element the attribute is set on. The HTMLElement.dataset property gives access to them.


How to extract code of .apk file which is not working?

Click here this is a good tutorial for both window/ubuntu.

  1. apktool1.5.1.jar download from here.

  2. apktool-install-linux-r05-ibot download from here.

  3. download from here.

  4. jd-gui-0.3.3.linux.i686.tar.gz (java de-complier) download from here.

  5. framework-res.apk ( Located at your android device /system/framework/)


  1. Rename the .apk file and change the extension to .zip ,

it will become .zip.

  1. Then extract .zip.

  2. Unzip downloaded file , copy the contents and paste it to unzip folder.

  3. Open terminal and change directory to unzip “dex2jar- “

– cd – sh classes.dex (result of this command “classes.dex.dex2jar.jar” will be in your extracted folder itself).

  1. Now, create new folder and copy “classes.dex.dex2jar.jar” into it.

  2. Unzip ““ and open up the “Java Decompiler” in full screen mode.

  3. Click on open file and select “classes.dex.dex2jar.jar” into the window.

  4. “Java Decompiler” and go to file > save and save the source in a .zip file.

  5. Create “source_code” folder.

  6. Extract the saved .zip and copy the contents to “source_code” folder.

  7. This will be where we keep your source code.

  8. Extract apktool1.5.1.tar.bz2 , you get apktool.jar

  9. Now, unzip “”

  10. Copy “framework-res.apk” , “.apk” and apktool.jar

  11. Paste it to the unzip “apktool-install-linux-r05-ibot” folder (line no 13).

  12. Then open terminal and type:

    – cd

    – chown -R : ‘apktool.jar’

    – chown -R : ‘apktool’

    – chown -R : ‘aapt’

    – sudo chmod +x ‘apktool.jar’

    – sudo chmod +x ‘apktool’

    – sudo chmod +x ‘aapt’

    – sudo mv apktool.jar /usr/local/bin

    – sudo mv apktool /usr/local/bin

    – sudo mv aapt /usr/local/bin

    – apktool if framework-res.apk – apktool d .apk

Fastest way to check a string contain another substring in JavaScript?

I've found that using a simple for loop, iterating over all elements in the string and comparing using charAt performs faster than indexOf or Regex. The code and proof is available at JSPerf.

ETA: indexOf and charAt both perform similarly terrible on Chrome Mobile according to Browser Scope data listed on

How to calculate 1st and 3rd quartiles?

You can use np.percentile to calculate quartiles (including the median):

>>> np.percentile(df.time_diff, 25)  # Q1

>>> np.percentile(df.time_diff, 50)  # median

>>> np.percentile(df.time_diff, 75)  # Q3

Or all at once:

>>> np.percentile(df.time_diff, [25, 50, 75])
array([ 0.483333,  0.5     ,  0.516667])

overlay a smaller image on a larger image python OpenCv

Here it is:

def put4ChannelImageOn4ChannelImage(back, fore, x, y):
    rows, cols, channels = fore.shape    
    trans_indices = fore[...,3] != 0 # Where not transparent
    overlay_copy = back[y:y+rows, x:x+cols] 
    overlay_copy[trans_indices] = fore[trans_indices]
    back[y:y+rows, x:x+cols] = overlay_copy

background = np.zeros((1000, 1000, 4), np.uint8)
background[:] = (127, 127, 127, 1)
overlay = cv2.imread('imagee.png', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
put4ChannelImageOn4ChannelImage(background, overlay, 5, 5)

Java - using System.getProperty("user.dir") to get the home directory

"user.dir" is the current working directory, not the home directory It is all described here.

Also, by using \\ instead of File.separator, you will lose portability with *nix system which uses / for file separator.

How to fix "unable to open stdio.h in Turbo C" error?

Check if you have anything like those stdio.h file and other header files under INCLUDE folder and LIB folder. LIB contains some files. In my case, I had the same issue but both of these folder were blank.. good to know. Steps:

  1. Press: ALT + O + D (i.e. press ATL (keep pressed) and then O english character) and then D).
  2. You'll see a popup window.
  3. This window will have values for INCLUDE and LIB directories. The by default value for these two boxes in the popup window are: Drive leter where you installed TC... i.e. C:\ or D:\ or whatever followed by the path for INCLUDE and LIB folder. So, in my case,

    INCLUDE box was set to: "C:\TC\INCLUDE" and LIB directory value box was set to: "C:\TC\LIB" (without quotes). Steps to resolve:

  4. Press ALT + C.

  5. Set your current directory as C:\TC\BGI
  6. Press ALT + O + D, and put ../INCLUDE and ../LIB in Include/Lib directory values.
  7. and now... when you'll run your progress, you'll say thanks to me. I like the archduchess C fractal graphics that I'm running on DOS Turbo C right now. Lol.

VBA Go to last empty row

try this:

Sub test()

With Application.WorksheetFunction
    Cells(.CountA(Columns("A:A")) + 1, 1).Select
End With

End Sub

Hope this works for you.

"for line in..." results in UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte

If you are using Python 2, the following will be the solution:

import io
for line in"u.item", encoding="ISO-8859-1"):
    # Do something

Because the encoding parameter doesn't work with open(), you will be getting the following error:

TypeError: 'encoding' is an invalid keyword argument for this function

How do I use System.getProperty("line.separator").toString()?


rows = tabDelimitedTable.split("[" + newLine + "]");

This should solve the regex problem.

Also not that important but return type of


is String so no need to call toString().

CSS hover vs. JavaScript mouseover

If you don't need 100% support for IE6 with javascript disabled you could use something like ie7-js with IE conditional comments. Then you just use css rules to apply hover effects. I don't know exactly how it works but it uses javascript to make a lot of css rules work that don't normally in IE7 and 8.

How to check if a character is upper-case in Python?

Maybe you want str.istitle

>>> help(str.istitle)
Help on method_descriptor:

    S.istitle() -> bool

    Return True if S is a titlecased string and there is at least one
    character in S, i.e. uppercase characters may only follow uncased
    characters and lowercase characters only cased ones. Return False

>>> "Alpha_beta_Gamma".istitle()
>>> "Alpha_Beta_Gamma".istitle()
>>> "Alpha_Beta_GAmma".istitle()

Unable to install gem - Failed to build gem native extension - cannot load such file -- mkmf (LoadError)

It also helps to ensure libmysqlclient-dev is installed (Ubuntu 14.04)

No server in windows>preferences

You did not install the correct Eclipse distribution. Try install the one labeled "Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers".

How to get Javascript Select box's selected text

In order to get the value of the selected item you can do the following:


Here the different options of the select are accessed, and the SelectedIndex is used to choose the selected one, then its text is being accessed.

Read more about the select DOM here.

What is the default initialization of an array in Java?

Java says that the default length of a JAVA array at the time of initialization will be 10.

private static final int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 10;

But the size() method returns the number of inserted elements in the array, and since at the time of initialization, if you have not inserted any element in the array, it will return zero.

private int size;

public boolean add(E e) {
    ensureCapacityInternal(size + 1);  // Increments modCount!!
    elementData[size++] = e;
    return true;

public void add(int index, E element) {
    ensureCapacityInternal(size + 1);  // Increments modCount!!
    System.arraycopy(elementData, index, elementData, index + 1,size - index);
    elementData[index] = element;

How do I run a command on an already existing Docker container?

I had to use bash -c to run my command: docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID bash -c "mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo | mysql mysql"

How does the 'binding' attribute work in JSF? When and how should it be used?

How does it work?

When a JSF view (Facelets/JSP file) get built/restored, a JSF component tree will be produced. At that moment, the view build time, all binding attributes are evaluated (along with id attribtues and taghandlers like JSTL). When the JSF component needs to be created before being added to the component tree, JSF will check if the binding attribute returns a precreated component (i.e. non-null) and if so, then use it. If it's not precreated, then JSF will autocreate the component "the usual way" and invoke the setter behind binding attribute with the autocreated component instance as argument.

In effects, it binds a reference of the component instance in the component tree to a scoped variable. This information is in no way visible in the generated HTML representation of the component itself. This information is in no means relevant to the generated HTML output anyway. When the form is submitted and the view is restored, the JSF component tree is just rebuilt from scratch and all binding attributes will just be re-evaluated like described in above paragraph. After the component tree is recreated, JSF will restore the JSF view state into the component tree.

Component instances are request scoped!

Important to know and understand is that the concrete component instances are effectively request scoped. They're newly created on every request and their properties are filled with values from JSF view state during restore view phase. So, if you bind the component to a property of a backing bean, then the backing bean should absolutely not be in a broader scope than the request scope. See also JSF 2.0 specitication chapter 3.1.5:

3.1.5 Component Bindings


Component bindings are often used in conjunction with JavaBeans that are dynamically instantiated via the Managed Bean Creation facility (see Section 5.8.1 “VariableResolver and the Default VariableResolver”). It is strongly recommend that application developers place managed beans that are pointed at by component binding expressions in “request” scope. This is because placing it in session or application scope would require thread-safety, since UIComponent instances depends on running inside of a single thread. There are also potentially negative impacts on memory management when placing a component binding in “session” scope.

Otherwise, component instances are shared among multiple requests, possibly resulting in "duplicate component ID" errors and "weird" behaviors because validators, converters and listeners declared in the view are re-attached to the existing component instance from previous request(s). The symptoms are clear: they are executed multiple times, one time more with each request within the same scope as the component is been bound to.

And, under heavy load (i.e. when multiple different HTTP requests (threads) access and manipulate the very same component instance at the same time), you may face sooner or later an application crash with e.g. Stuck thread at UIComponent.popComponentFromEL, or Java Threads at 100% CPU utilization using richfaces UIDataAdaptorBase and its internal HashMap, or even some "strange" IndexOutOfBoundsException or ConcurrentModificationException coming straight from JSF implementation source code while JSF is busy saving or restoring the view state (i.e. the stack trace indicates saveState() or restoreState() methods and like).

Using binding on a bean property is bad practice

Regardless, using binding this way, binding a whole component instance to a bean property, even on a request scoped bean, is in JSF 2.x a rather rare use case and generally not the best practice. It indicates a design smell. You normally declare components in the view side and bind their runtime attributes like value, and perhaps others like styleClass, disabled, rendered, etc, to normal bean properties. Then, you just manipulate exactly that bean property you want instead of grabbing the whole component and calling the setter method associated with the attribute.

In cases when a component needs to be "dynamically built" based on a static model, better is to use view build time tags like JSTL, if necessary in a tag file, instead of createComponent(), new SomeComponent(), getChildren().add() and what not. See also How to refactor snippet of old JSP to some JSF equivalent?

Or, if a component needs to be "dynamically rendered" based on a dynamic model, then just use an iterator component (<ui:repeat>, <h:dataTable>, etc). See also How to dynamically add JSF components.

Composite components is a completely different story. It's completely legit to bind components inside a <cc:implementation> to the backing component (i.e. the component identified by <cc:interface componentType>. See also a.o. Split java.util.Date over two h:inputText fields representing hour and minute with f:convertDateTime and How to implement a dynamic list with a JSF 2.0 Composite Component?

Only use binding in local scope

However, sometimes you'd like to know about the state of a different component from inside a particular component, more than often in use cases related to action/value dependent validation. For that, the binding attribute can be used, but not in combination with a bean property. You can just specify an in the local EL scope unique variable name in the binding attribute like so binding="#{foo}" and the component is during render response elsewhere in the same view directly as UIComponent reference available by #{foo}. Here are several related questions where such a solution is been used in the answer:

See also:

Randomize numbers with jQuery?

You don't need jQuery, just use javascript's Math.random function.

edit: If you want to have a number from 1 to 6 show randomly every second, you can do something like this:

<span id="number"></span>

<script language="javascript">
  function generate() {
    $('#number').text(Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1);
  setInterval(generate, 1000);

Where to place JavaScript in an HTML file?

Using cuzillion you can test the affect on page load of different placement of script tags using different methods: inline, external, "HTML tags", "document.write", "JS DOM element", "iframe", and "XHR eval". See the help for an explanation of the differences. It can also test stylesheets, images and iframes.

How do I parse command line arguments in Bash?

I'd like to offer my version of option parsing, that allows for the following:

-s p1
--stage p1
-w somefolder
--workfolder somefolder
-sw p1 somefolder

Also allows for this (could be unwanted):

-s--workfolder p1 somefolder
-se=hello p1
-swe=hello p1 somefolder

You have to decide before use if = is to be used on an option or not. This is to keep the code clean(ish).

while [[ $# > 0 ]]
    while [[ ${key+x} ]]
        case $key in
                shift # option has parameter
                shift # option has parameter
                break # option has been fully handled
                # unknown option
                echo Unknown option: $key #1>&2
                exit 10 # either this: my preferred way to handle unknown options
                break # or this: do this to signal the option has been handled (if exit isn't used)
        # prepare for next option in this key, if any
        [[ "$key" = -? || "$key" == --* ]] && unset key || key="${key/#-?/-}"
    shift # option(s) fully processed, proceed to next input argument

Regular Expression to match string starting with a specific word

If you want to match anything after a word stop an not only at the start of the line you may use : \bstop.*\b - word followed by line

Word till the end of string

Or if you want to match the word in the string use \bstop[a-zA-Z]* - only the words starting with stop

Only the words starting with stop

Or the start of lines with stop ^stop[a-zA-Z]* for the word only - first word only
The whole line ^stop.* - first line of the string only

And if you want to match every string starting with stop including newlines use : /^stop.*/s - multiline string starting with stop

Android Studio says "cannot resolve symbol" but project compiles

If nothing else helped, you could do as Android Studio suddenly cannot resolve symbols recommends:

  • Exit Android Studio
  • Back up your project
  • Delete all the .iml files and the .idea folder
  • Relaunch Android Studio and reimport your project

Add a link to an image in a css style sheet

You don't add links to style sheets. They are for describing the style of the page. You would change your mark-up or add JavaScript to navigate when the image is clicked.

Based only on your style you would have:

<a href="" id="logo"></a>

phpexcel to download

posible you already solved your problem, any way i hope this help you.

all files downloaded starts with empty line, in my case where four empty lines, and it make a problem. No matter if you work with readfile(); or save('php://output');, This can be fixed with adding ob_start(); at the beginning of the script and ob_end_clean(); just before the readfile(); or save('php://output');.

Selenium WebDriver How to Resolve Stale Element Reference Exception?

When a Stale Element Exception occurs!!

Stale element exception can happen when the libraries supporting those textboxes/ buttons/ links has changed which means the elements are same but the reference has now changed in the website without affecting the locators. Thus the reference which we stored in our cache including the library reference has now become old or stale because the page has been refreshed with updated libraries.

for(int j=0; j<5;j++)
try {
    WebElement elementName=driver.findElement(“createForm:dateInput_input”));
} catch(StaleElementReferenceException e){
System.out.println(“Stale element error, trying ::  ” + e.getMessage());

Recursive directory listing in DOS

You can get the parameters you are asking for by typing:

dir /?

For the full list, try:

dir /s /b /a:d

Pycharm and sys.argv arguments

I believe it's included even in Edu version. Just right click the solid green arrow button (Run) and choose "Add parameters".

How to use placeholder as default value in select2 framework

You have to add an empty option (i.e. <option></option>) as a first element to see a placeholder.

From Select2 official documentation :

"Note that because browsers assume the first option element is selected in non-multi-value select boxes an empty first option element must be provided (<option></option>) for the placeholder to work."

Hope this helps.


<select id="countries">
    <option value="1">Germany</option>
    <option value="2">France</option>
    <option value="3">Spain</option>

and the Javascript would be:

    placeholder: "Please select a country"

How to test that a registered variable is not empty?

You can check for empty string (when stderr is empty)

- name: Check script
  shell: . {{ venv_name }}/bin/activate &&
    chdir: "{{ home }}"
  sudo_user: "{{ user }}"
  register: test_myscript

- debug: msg='myscritp is Ok'
  when: test_myscript.stderr == ""

If you want to check for fail:

- debug: msg='myscritp has error: {{test_myscript.stderr}}'
  when: test_myscript.stderr != ""

Also look at this stackoverflow question

How do you log all events fired by an element in jQuery?

Old thread, I know. I needed also something to monitor events and wrote this very handy (excellent) solution. You can monitor all events with this hook (in windows programming this is called a hook). This hook does not affects the operation of your software/program.

In the console log you can see something like this:

console log

Explanation of what you see:

In the console log you will see all events you select (see below "how to use") and shows the object-type, classname(s), id, <:name of function>, <:eventname>. The formatting of the objects is css-like.

When you click a button or whatever binded event, you will see it in the console log.

The code I wrote:

function setJQueryEventHandlersDebugHooks(bMonTrigger, bMonOn, bMonOff)
   jQuery.fn.___getHookName___ = function()    
          // First, get object name
         var sName = new String( this[0].constructor ),
         i = sName.indexOf(' ');
         sName = sName.substr( i, sName.indexOf('(')-i );    

         // Classname can be more than one, add class points to all
         if( typeof this[0].className === 'string' )
           var sClasses = this[0].className.split(' ');
           sClasses = sClasses.join('.');
         // Get id if there is one
         return sName;

   var bTrigger        = (typeof bMonTrigger !== "undefined")?bMonTrigger:true,
       bOn             = (typeof bMonOn !== "undefined")?bMonOn:true,
       bOff            = (typeof bMonOff !== "undefined")?bMonOff:true,
       fTriggerInherited = jQuery.fn.trigger,
       fOnInherited    = jQuery.fn.on,
       fOffInherited   =;

   if( bTrigger )
    jQuery.fn.trigger = function()
     console.log( this.___getHookName___()+':trigger('+arguments[0]+')' );
     return fTriggerInherited.apply(this,arguments);

   if( bOn )
    jQuery.fn.on = function()
     if( !this[0].__hooked__ ) 
       this[0].__hooked__ = true; // avoids infinite loop!
       console.log( this.___getHookName___()+':on('+arguments[0]+') - binded' );
       $(this).on( arguments[0], function(e)
         console.log( $(this).___getHookName___()+':'+e.type );
     var uResult = fOnInherited.apply(this,arguments);
     this[0].__hooked__ = false; // reset for another event
     return uResult;

   if( bOff )
   { = function()
     if( !this[0].__unhooked__ ) 
       this[0].__unhooked__ = true; // avoids infinite loop!
       console.log( this.___getHookName___()+':off('+arguments[0]+') - unbinded' );
       $(this).off( arguments[0] );

     var uResult = fOffInherited.apply(this,arguments);
     this[0].__unhooked__ = false; // reset for another event
     return uResult;

Examples how to use it:

Monitor all events:


Monitor all triggers only:


Monitor all ON events only:


Monitor all OFF unbinds only:



  • Use this for debugging only, turn it off when using in product final version
  • If you want to see all events, you have to call this function directly after jQuery is loaded
  • If you want to see only less events, you can call the function on the time you need it
  • If you want to auto execute it, place ( )(); around function

Hope it helps! ;-)

JQuery wait for page to finish loading before starting the slideshow?

you can try


$(window).bind('load', function()



i had the same problem and this code worked for me. how it works for you too!

Array.Add vs +=

If you want a dynamically sized array, then you should make a list. Not only will you get the .Add() functionality, but as @frode-f explains, dynamic arrays are more memory efficient and a better practice anyway.

And it's so easy to use.

Instead of your array declaration, try this:

$outItems = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]

Adding items is simple.


And if you really want an array when you're done, there's a function for that too.


member names cannot be the same as their enclosing type C#

Method names which are same as the class name are called constructors. Constructors do not have a return type. So correct as:

private Flow()
   X = x;
   Y = y;

Or rename the function as:

private void DoFlow()
   X = x;
   Y = y;

Though the whole code does not make any sense to me.

Visual Studio 2010 - recommended extensions

What about the HelpViewerKeywordIndex... helps (a bit) with what is as I see it 2010's greatest flaw, the new help viewer.

How to set thousands separator in Java?

DecimalFormatSymbols formatSymbols = new DecimalFormatSymbols();
formatSymbols.setGroupingSeparator(' ');

String strange = "#,##0.###";
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat(strange, formatSymbols);

String out = df.format(new BigDecimal(300000).doubleValue());


How to specify the port an ASP.NET Core application is hosted on?

Alternative solution is to use a hosting.json in the root of the project.

  "urls": "http://localhost:60000"

And then in Program.cs

public static void Main(string[] args)
    var config = new ConfigurationBuilder()
        .AddJsonFile("hosting.json", true)

    var host = new WebHostBuilder()
        .UseKestrel(options => options.AddServerHeader = false)


Colouring plot by factor in R

Like Maiasaura, I prefer ggplot2. The transparent reference manual is one of the reasons. However, this is one quick way to get it done.

qplot(carat, price, data = diamonds, colour = color)
# example taken from Hadley's ggplot2 book

And cause someone famous said, plot related posts are not complete without the plot, here's the result:

enter image description here

Here's a couple of references: qplot.R example, note basically this uses the same diamond dataset I use, but crops the data before to get better performance. the manual:

How do I make the return type of a method generic?

There are many ways of doing this(listed by priority, specific to the OP's problem)

  1. Option 1: Straight approach - Create multiple functions for each type you expect rather than having one generic function.

    public static bool ConfigSettingInt(string settingName)
         return Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[settingName]);
  2. Option 2: When you don't want to use fancy methods of conversion - Cast the value to object and then to generic type.

    public static T ConfigSetting<T>(string settingName)
         return (T)(object)ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[settingName];

    Note - This will throw an error if the cast is not valid(your case). I would not recommend doing this if you are not sure about the type casting, rather go for option 3.

  3. Option 3: Generic with type safety - Create a generic function to handle type conversion.

    public static T ConvertValue<T,U>(U value) where U : IConvertible
        return (T)Convert.ChangeType(value, typeof(T));

    Note - T is the expected type, note the where constraint here(type of U must be IConvertible to save us from the errors)

what exactly is device pixel ratio?

Device Pixel Ratio == CSS Pixel Ratio

In the world of web development, the device pixel ratio (also called CSS Pixel Ratio) is what determines how a device's screen resolution is interpreted by the CSS.

A browser's CSS calculates a device's logical (or interpreted) resolution by the formula:


For example:

Apple iPhone 6s

  • Actual Resolution: 750 x 1334
  • CSS Pixel Ratio: 2
  • Logical Resolution:


When viewing a web page, the CSS will think the device has a 375x667 resolution screen and Media Queries will respond as if the screen is 375x667. But the rendered elements on the screen will be twice as sharp as an actual 375x667 screen because there are twice as many physical pixels in the physical screen.

Some other examples:

Samsung Galaxy S4

  • Actual Resolution: 1080 x 1920
  • CSS Pixel Ratio: 3
  • Logical Resolution:


iPhone 5s

  • Actual Resolution: 640 x 1136
  • CSS Pixel Ratio: 2
  • Logical Resolution:


Why does the Device Pixel Ratio exist?

The reason that CSS pixel ratio was created is because as phones screens get higher resolutions, if every device still had a CSS pixel ratio of 1 then webpages would render too small to see.

A typical full screen desktop monitor is a roughly 24" at 1920x1080 resolution. Imagine if that monitor was shrunk down to about 5" but had the same resolution. Viewing things on the screen would be impossible because they would be so small. But manufactures are coming out with 1920x1080 resolution phone screens consistently now.

So the device pixel ratio was invented by phone makers so that they could continue to push the resolution, sharpness and quality of phone screens, without making elements on the screen too small to see or read.

Here is a tool that also tells you your current device's pixel density:

Counting repeated elements in an integer array


 * Created by AnandG on 3/14/2016.
public final class NumberMath {
    public static boolean isContainDistinct(int[] arr) {

        boolean isDistinct = true;
        for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)


            for (int j = 0; j < arr.length; j++) {
                if (arr[i] == arr[j] && i!=j) {
                    isDistinct = false;

        return isDistinct;
    public static boolean isContainDistinct(float[] arr) {

        boolean isDistinct = true;
        for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)


            for (int j = 0; j < arr.length; j++) {
                if (arr[i] == arr[j] && i!=j) {
                    isDistinct = false;

        return isDistinct;
    public static boolean isContainDistinct(char[] arr) {

        boolean isDistinct = true;
        for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)


            for (int j = 0; j < arr.length; j++) {
                if (arr[i] == arr[j] && i!=j) {
                    isDistinct = false;

        return isDistinct;
    public static boolean isContainDistinct(String[] arr) {

        boolean isDistinct = true;
        for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)


            for (int j = 0; j < arr.length; j++) {
                if (arr[i] == arr[j] && i!=j) {
                    isDistinct = false;

        return isDistinct;
    public static int[] NumberofRepeat(int[] arr) {

        int[] repCount= new int[arr.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)


            for (int j = 0; j < arr.length; j++) {
                if (arr[i] == arr[j] ) {

        return repCount;

call  by NumberMath.isContainDistinct(array) for find is it contains repeat or not

call by int[] repeat=NumberMath.NumberofRepeat(array) for find repeat count. Each location contains how many repeat corresponding value of array...

Access an arbitrary element in a dictionary in Python

As others mentioned, there is no "first item", since dictionaries have no guaranteed order (they're implemented as hash tables). If you want, for example, the value corresponding to the smallest key, thedict[min(thedict)] will do that. If you care about the order in which the keys were inserted, i.e., by "first" you mean "inserted earliest", then in Python 3.1 you can use collections.OrderedDict, which is also in the forthcoming Python 2.7; for older versions of Python, download, install, and use the ordered dict backport (2.4 and later) which you can find here.

Python 3.7 Now dicts are insertion ordered.

jQuery DataTable overflow and text-wrapping issues

Try adding td {word-wrap: break-word;} to the css and see if it fixes it.

How can I set my Cygwin PATH to find javac?

Java binaries may be under "Program Files" or "Program Files (x86)": those white spaces will likely affect the behaviour.

In order to set up env variables correctly, I suggest gathering some info before starting:

  • Open DOS shell (type cmd into 'RUN' box) go to C:\
  • type "dir /x" and take note of DOS names (with ~) for "Program Files *" folders

Cygwin configuration:

go under C:\cygwin\home\, then open .bash_profile and add the following two lines (conveniently customized in order to match you actual JDK path)

export JAVA_HOME="/cygdrive/c/PROGRA~1/Java/jdk1.8.0_65"
export PATH="$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH"

Now from Cygwin launch

javac -version

to check if the configuration is successful.

Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture

For users who facing this isssue in .NET Core 3.0, this could be related to a breaking change that made in .NET Core 3.0, to resolve it just set EmbeddedResourceUseDependentUponConvention to false in your project csproj:


JavaScript - populate drop down list with array

You can also do it with jQuery:

var options = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"];
$.each(options, function(i, p) {

Can't get ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript in WebControl nested in UpdatePanel to work

Sometimes it doesnt fire when the script has some syntax error, make sure the script and javascript syntax is correct.

Run a php app using tomcat?

If anyone's still looking - Quercus has a war that allows to run PHP scripts in apache tomcat or glassfish. For a step by step guide look at this article

Upload files with FTP using PowerShell

You can use this function :

function SendByFTP {
    param (
        $userFTP = "anonymous",
        $passFTP = "anonymous",
    if(Test-Path $localFile){
        $remoteFile = $localFile.Split("\")[-1]
        $remotePath = Join-Path -Path $remotePath -ChildPath $remoteFile
        $ftpAddr = "ftp://${userFTP}:${passFTP}@${serverFTP}/$remotePath"
        $browser = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
        $url = New-Object System.Uri($ftpAddr)
        $browser.UploadFile($url, $localFile)    
        Return "Unable to find $localFile"

This function send specified file by FTP. You must call the function with these parameters :

  • userFTP = "anonymous" by default or your username
  • passFTP = "anonymous" by default or your password
  • serverFTP = IP address of the FTP server
  • localFile = File to send
  • remotePath = the path on the FTP server

For example :

SendByFTP -userFTP "USERNAME" -passFTP "PASSWORD" -serverFTP "MYSERVER" -localFile "" -remotePath "path/on/the/FTP/"

DateTime.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss.fff") resulted in something like "09/14/2013"

: has special meaning: it is The time separator. (Custom Date and Time Format Strings).

Use \ to escape it:

DateTime.ToString(@"MM/dd/yyyy HH\:mm\:ss.fff")

Or use CultureInfo.InvariantCulture:

DateTime.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss.fff", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)

I would suggest going with the second one, because / has special meaning as well (it is The date separator.), so you can have problems with that too.

System.Collections.Generic.List does not contain a definition for 'Select'

I had this issue , When calling Generic.List like:

mylist.Select( selectFunc )

Where selectFunc is defined as Expression<Func<T, List<string>>>. Simply changed "mylist" to be a IQuerable instead of List then it allowed me to use .Select.

Visual Studio 6 Windows Common Controls 6.0 (sp6) Windows 7, 64 bit

Just today I had the (questionable) pleasure to get VB6 code running on Windows / 64 Bit. I did come across this thread, but none of the proposed solutions worked for me. Neither worked adding references using the "Project -> References..." menu.

To get it running, I had to manually modify the VB6 project file (*.vbp). For all the libraries I had load issue with I had to use the following notation to define as reference: Object={Registry Key}#Version#0; LIBRARY.OCX Example: Object={FAEEE763-117E-101B-8933-08002B2F4F5A}#1.1#0; DBLIST32.OCX

I had not to register any of the libraries (using regsvr32), these were all already correctly registered. I guess why my solution works is that if the "object={[...]" notation is used (instead of the "Reference=*\G{[...]" notation) VB Studio is using the Registry Key only and gets rooted to C:\Windows\SysWOW64 while as the other way ends up looking in C:\Windows\System32

By the way, IE11 is installed. Whether or not this matters, only Bill G might know. My guess is that my solution works regardless which IE is installed. You just might have to unregister and register the missing libraries as mentioned in this thread.

Hope that helps anyone who faces similar issues.

batch to copy files with xcopy

Based on xcopy help, I tried and found that following works perfectly for me (tried on Win 7)

xcopy C:\folder1 C:\folder2\folder1 /E /C /I /Q /G /H /R /K /Y /Z /J

Find nearest value in numpy array

I think the most pythonic way would be:

 num = 65 # Input number
 array = n.random.random((10))*100 # Given array 
 nearest_idx = n.where(abs(array-num)==abs(array-num).min())[0] # If you want the index of the element of array (array) nearest to the the given number (num)
 nearest_val = array[abs(array-num)==abs(array-num).min()] # If you directly want the element of array (array) nearest to the given number (num)

This is the basic code. You can use it as a function if you want

How can I update the current line in a C# Windows Console App?

This works if you want to make generating files look cool .

                int num = 1;
                var spin = new ConsoleSpinner();
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
                while (true)
                    Console.Write("\r{0} Generating Files ", num);

And this is the method that i got from some answer below and modified it

public class ConsoleSpinner
        int counter;

        public void Turn()
            switch (counter % 4)
                case 0: Console.Write("."); counter = 0; break;
                case 1: Console.Write(".."); break;
                case 2: Console.Write("..."); break;
                case 3: Console.Write("...."); break;
                case 4: Console.Write("\r"); break;
            Console.SetCursorPosition(23, Console.CursorTop);

How to check that a string is parseable to a double?

Apache, as usual, has a good answer from Apache Commons-Lang in the form of NumberUtils.isCreatable(String).

Handles nulls, no try/catch block required.

Xcode 4: How do you view the console?

Here's an alternative.

  1. In XCode4 double-click your Project (Blueprint Icon).
  2. Select the Target (Gray Icon)
  3. Select the Build Phases (Top Center)
  4. Add Build Phase "Run Script" (Green Plus Button, bottom right)
  5. In the textbox below the Shell textfield replace "Type a script or drag a script file from your workspace" with "open ${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/${TARGET_NAME}"

This will open a terminal window with your command-line app running in it.

This is not a great solution because XCode 4 still runs and debugs the app independently of what you're doing in the terminal window that pops up.

How to set level logging to DEBUG in Tomcat?

Firstly, the level name to use is FINE, not DEBUG. Let's assume for a minute that DEBUG is actually valid, as it makes the following explanation make a bit more sense...

In the Handler specific properties section, you're setting the logging level for those handlers to DEBUG. This means the handlers will handle any log messages with the DEBUG level or higher. It doesn't necessarily mean any DEBUG messages are actually getting passed to the handlers.

In the Facility specific properties section, you're setting the logging level for a few explicitly-named loggers to DEBUG. For those loggers, anything at level DEBUG or above will get passed to the handlers.

The default logging level is INFO, and apart from the loggers mentioned in the Facility specific properties section, all loggers will have that level.

If you want to see all FINE messages, add this:

.level = FINE

However, this will generate a vast quantity of log messages. It's probably more useful to set the logging level for your code:

your.package.level = FINE

See the Tomcat 6/Tomcat 7 logging documentation for more information. The example file shown there uses FINE instead of DEBUG:

... = FINE

and also gives you examples of setting additional logging levels:

# For example, set the logger to only log SEVERE
# messages:
#org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig.level = FINE
#org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.level = FINE
#org.apache.catalina.session.ManagerBase.level = FINE

In php, is 0 treated as empty?

From a linguistic point of view empty has a meaning of without value. Like the others said you'll have to use isset() in order to check if a variable has been defined, which is what you do.

Python Loop: List Index Out of Range

When you call for i in a:, you are getting the actual elements, not the indexes. When we reach the last element, that is 3, b.append(a[i+1]-a[i]) looks for a[4], doesn't find one and then fails. Instead, try iterating over the indexes while stopping just short of the last one, like

for i in range(0, len(a)-1): Do something

Your current code won't work yet for the do something part though ;)

Creating Roles in Identity MVC 5

Here we go:

var roleManager = new RoleManager<Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework.IdentityRole>(new RoleStore<IdentityRole>(new ApplicationDbContext()));

   if(!roleManager.RoleExists("ROLE NAME"))
      var role = new Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework.IdentityRole();
      role.Name = "ROLE NAME";


Error with multiple definitions of function

The problem is that if you include fun.cpp in two places in your program, you will end up defining it twice, which isn't valid.

You don't want to include cpp files. You want to include header files.

The header file should just have the class definition. The corresponding cpp file, which you will compile separately, will have the function definition.


#include <iostream>

class classA {
    friend void funct();
    classA(int a=1,int b=2):propa(a),propb(b){std::cout<<"constructor\n";}
    int propa;
    int propb;
    void outfun(){
        std::cout<<"propa="<<propa<<endl<<"propb="<<propb<< std::endl;


#include "fun.hpp"

using namespace std;

void funct(){
    cout<<"enter funct"<<endl;
    classA tmp(1,2);
    cout<<"exit funct"<<endl;


#include <iostream>
#include "fun.hpp"
using namespace std;

int main(int nargin,char* varargin[]) {
    cout<<"call funct"<<endl;
    cout<<"exit main"<<endl;
    return 0;

Note that it is generally recommended to avoid using namespace std in header files.

Is there a way to use PhantomJS in Python?

In case you are using Buildout, you can easily automate the installation processes that Pykler describes using the gp.recipe.node recipe.

recipe = gp.recipe.node
version = 0.10.32
npms = phantomjs
scripts = phantomjs

That part installs node.js as binary (at least on my system) and then uses npm to install PhantomJS. Finally it creates an entry point bin/phantomjs, which you can call the PhantomJS webdriver with. (To install Selenium, you need to specify it in your egg requirements or in the Buildout configuration.)

driver = webdriver.PhantomJS('bin/phantomjs')

Is there a timeout for idle PostgreSQL connections?

Another option is set this value "tcp_keepalives_idle". Check more in documentation

Cannot load 64-bit SWT libraries on 32-bit JVM ( replacing SWT file )

I removed C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath from my path, and it worked for me.

But make sure you include x64 JDK and JRE addresses in your path.

Passing arguments forward to another javascript function

Spread operator

The spread operator allows an expression to be expanded in places where multiple arguments (for function calls) or multiple elements (for array literals) are expected.

ECMAScript ES6 added a new operator that lets you do this in a more practical way: ...Spread Operator.

Example without using the apply method:

function a(...args){_x000D_
  b(6, ...args, 8) // You can even add more elements_x000D_
function b(){_x000D_
a(1, 2, 3)

Note This snippet returns a syntax error if your browser still uses ES5.

Editor's note: Since the snippet uses console.log(), you must open your browser's JS console to see the result - there will be no in-page result.

It will display this result:

Image of Spread operator arguments example

In short, the spread operator can be used for different purposes if you're using arrays, so it can also be used for function arguments, you can see a similar example explained in the official docs: Rest parameters

How to Determine the Screen Height and Width in Flutter

Getting width is easy but height can be tricky, following are the ways to deal with height

// Full screen width and height
double width = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width;
double height = MediaQuery.of(context).size.height;

// Height (without SafeArea)
var padding = MediaQuery.of(context).padding;
double height1 = height - - padding.bottom;

// Height (without status bar)
double height2 = height -;

// Height (without status and toolbar)
double height3 = height - - kToolbarHeight;

Is ncurses available for windows?

Such a thing probably does not exist "as-is". It doesn't really exist on Linux or other UNIX-like operating systems either though.

ncurses is only a library that helps you manage interactions with the underlying terminal environment. But it doesn't provide a terminal emulator itself.

The thing that actually displays stuff on the screen (which in your requirement is listed as "native resizable win32 windows") is usually called a Terminal Emulator. If you don't like the one that comes with Windows (you aren't alone; no person on Earth does) there are a few alternatives. There is Console, which in my experience works sometimes and appears to just wrap an underlying Windows terminal emulator (I don't know for sure, but I'm guessing, since there is a menu option to actually get access to that underlying terminal emulator, and sure enough an old crusty Windows/DOS box appears which mirrors everything in the Console window).

A better option

Another option, which may be more appealing is puttycyg. It hooks in to Putty (which, coming from a Linux background, is pretty close to what I'm used to, and free) but actually accesses an underlying cygwin instead of the Windows command interpreter (CMD.EXE). So you get all the benefits of Putty's awesome terminal emulator, as well as nice ncurses (and many other) libraries provided by cygwin. Add a couple command line arguments to the Shortcut that launches Putty (or the Batch file) and your app can be automatically launched without going through Putty's UI.

Display DateTime value in dd/mm/yyyy format in Asp.NET MVC

It might be too late to answer this in 2019. but I tried all the answers and none worked for me. So I solved it simply this way:

@Html.EditorFor(m => m.SellDateForInstallment, "{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", 
               new {htmlAttributes = new { @class = "form-control", @type = "date" } })

EditorFor is what worked for me.

Note that SellDateForInstallment is a Nullable datetime object.

public DateTime? SellDateForInstallment { get; set; } // Model property

How to specify an alternate location for the .m2 folder or settings.xml permanently?

You can change the default location of .m2 directory in m2.conf file. It resides in your maven installation directory.

add modify this line in


set maven.home C:\Users\me\.m2

How to add leading zeros?

Expanding on @goodside's repsonse:

In some cases you may want to pad a string with zeros (e.g. fips codes or other numeric-like factors). In OSX/Linux:

> sprintf("%05s", "104")
[1] "00104"

But because sprintf() calls the OS's C sprintf() command, discussed here, in Windows 7 you get a different result:

> sprintf("%05s", "104")
[1] "  104"

So on Windows machines the work around is:

> sprintf("%05d", as.numeric("104"))
[1] "00104"

get all the images from a folder in php

Check if exist, put all files in array, preg grep all JPG files, echo new array For all images could try this:

$images=preg_grep('/\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)(?:[\?\#].*)?$/i', $files);

if ($handle = opendir('/path/to/folder')) {

    while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
        $files[] = $entry;
    $images=preg_grep('/\.jpg$/i', $files);

    foreach($images as $image)
    echo $image;

HTML 5 Geo Location Prompt in Chrome

if you're hosting behind a server, and still facing issues: try changing localhost to e.g. http://localhost:8080/ to

The issue I was facing was that I was serving a site using apache tomcat within an eclipse IDE (eclipse luna).

For my sanity check I was using Remy Sharp's demo:

and was getting the error after making minor tweaks to the error function despite hosting the code on the server (was only working on firefox and failing on chrome and safari):

"User denied Geolocation"

I made the following change to get more detailed error message:

function error(msg) {
  var s = document.querySelector('#status');
  msg = msg.message ? msg.message : msg; //add this line
  s.innerHTML = typeof msg == 'string' ? msg : "failed";
  s.className = 'fail';

  // console.log(arguments);

failing on internet explorer behind virtualbox IE10 on :

"The current location cannot be determined"

How do I set the default value for an optional argument in Javascript?

If str is null, undefined or 0, this code will set it to "hai"

function(nodeBox, str) {
  str = str || "hai";

If you also need to pass 0, you can use:

function(nodeBox, str) {
  if (typeof str === "undefined" || str === null) { 
    str = "hai"; 

How to use an arraylist as a prepared statement parameter

@JulienD Best way is to break above process into two steps.

Step 1 : Lets say 'rawList' as your list that you want to add as parameters in prepared statement.

Create another list :

ArrayList<String> listWithQuotes = new ArrayList<String>();

for(String element : rawList){

Step 2 : Make 'listWithQuotes' comma separated.

String finalString = StringUtils.join(listWithQuotes.iterator(),",");

'finalString' will be string parameters with each element as single quoted and comma separated.

Spring Boot REST API - request timeout?

You need to return a Callable<> if you want spring.mvc.async.request-timeout=5000 to work.

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public Callable<String> getFoobar() throws InterruptedException {
    return new Callable<String>() {
        public String call() throws Exception {
            Thread.sleep(8000); //this will cause a timeout
            return "foobar";

Nginx: Permission denied for nginx on Ubuntu

Make sure you are running the test as a superuser.

sudo nginx -t

Or the test wont have all the permissions needed to complete the test properly.

How to add Apache HTTP API (legacy) as compile-time dependency to build.grade for Android M?

As the answers are a bit old, I will put my solution (what worked for me), it can be helpful for somebody else... I took my solution from the official documentation of Apache, no work-around.

1/ in gradle:

dependencies {
// This is the maintained version from apache.
compile group: '', name: 'httpclient', version: ''

2/ in the rest of the app replace the org.apache.http by and all your imports (dependencies) will be fixed. you can just do ctrl+shift+R and replace it in the whole project.

How does the Spring @ResponseBody annotation work?

Further to this, the return type is determined by

  1. What the HTTP Request says it wants - in its Accept header. Try looking at the initial request as see what Accept is set to.

  2. What HttpMessageConverters Spring sets up. Spring MVC will setup converters for XML (using JAXB) and JSON if Jackson libraries are on he classpath.

If there is a choice it picks one - in this example, it happens to be JSON.

This is covered in the course notes. Look for the notes on Message Convertors and Content Negotiation.

How to deserialize JS date using Jackson?

This works for me - i am using jackson 2.0.4

ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
final DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss");

wget ssl alert handshake failure

I was having this problem on Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS (well beyond EOL, I know...) and got around it with:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ca-certificates

Make the image go behind the text and keep it in center using CSS

Try this code:

body {z-index:0} {z-index:-1; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto}

Setting the left & right margins to auto should center your image.

SQLite Reset Primary Key Field

You can reset by update sequence after deleted rows in your-table


How do I convert the date from one format to another date object in another format without using any deprecated classes?

Use SimpleDateFormat#format:

DateFormat originalFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM dd, yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH);
DateFormat targetFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");
Date date = originalFormat.parse("August 21, 2012");
String formattedDate = targetFormat.format(date);  // 20120821

Also note that parse takes a String, not a Date object, which is already parsed.

How to update value of a key in dictionary in c#?

Try this simple function to add an dictionary item if it does not exist or update when it exists:

    public void AddOrUpdateDictionaryEntry(string key, int value)
        if (dict.ContainsKey(key))
            dict[key] = value;
            dict.Add(key, value);

This is the same as dict[key] = value.

Best way to store passwords in MYSQL database

Store a unique salt for the user (generated from username + email for example), and store a password. On login, get the salt from database and hash salt + password.
Use bcrypt to hash the passwords.

How to sum data.frame column values?

To sum values in data.frame you first need to extract them as a vector.

There are several way to do it:

# $ operatior
x <- people$Weight
# [1] 65 70 64

Or using [, ] similar to matrix:

x <- people[, 'Weight']
# [1] 65 70 64

Once you have the vector you can use any vector-to-scalar function to aggregate the result:

sum(people[, 'Weight'])
# [1] 199

If you have NA values in your data, you should specify na.rm parameter:

sum(people[, 'Weight'], na.rm = TRUE)

How to get base64 encoded data from html image

You can try following sample

<img id="preview" src="">
<canvas id="myCanvas" />

var c = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
var img = document.getElementById("preview");
ctx.drawImage(img, 10, 10);

How do I run a simple bit of code in a new thread?

The ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem is pretty ideal for something simple. The only caveat is accessing a control from the other thread.

System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate {
}, null);

Run local python script on remote server

ssh user@machine python < - arg1 arg2

Because cat | is usually not necessary

How to draw circle in html page?

There is not technically a way to draw a circle with HTML (there isn’t a <circle> HTML tag), but a circle can be drawn.

The best way to draw one is to add border-radius: 50% to a tag such as div. Here’s an example:

<div style="width: 50px; height: 50px; border-radius: 50%;">You can put text in here.....</div>

Ruby/Rails: converting a Date to a UNIX timestamp, 1, 15).to_time.to_i

Changing CSS Values with Javascript

Gathering the code in the answers, I wrote this function that seems running well on my FF 25.

function CCSStylesheetRuleStyle(stylesheet, selectorText, style, value){
  /* returns the value of the element style of the rule in the stylesheet
  *  If no value is given, reads the value
  *  If value is given, the value is changed and returned
  *  If '' (empty string) is given, erases the value.
  *  The browser will apply the default one
  * string stylesheet: part of the .css name to be recognized, e.g. 'default'
  * string selectorText: css selector, e.g. '#myId', '.myClass', 'thead td'
  * string style: camelCase element style, e.g. 'fontSize'
  * string value optionnal : the new value
  var CCSstyle = undefined, rules;
  for(var m in document.styleSheets){
    if(document.styleSheets[m].href.indexOf(stylesheet) != -1){
     rules = document.styleSheets[m][document.all ? 'rules' : 'cssRules'];
     for(var n in rules){
       if(rules[n].selectorText == selectorText){
         CCSstyle = rules[n].style;
  if(value == undefined)
    return CCSstyle[style]
    return CCSstyle[style] = value

This is a way to put values in the css that will be used in JS even if not understood by the browser. e.g. maxHeight for a tbody in a scrolled table.

Call :

CCSStylesheetRuleStyle('default', "#mydiv", "height");

CCSStylesheetRuleStyle('default', "#mydiv", "color", "#EEE");

'ls' in CMD on Windows is not recognized

enter image description here


Make a dir c:\command

Second Make a ll.bat



Third Add to Path C:/commands enter image description here

fatal error: iostream.h no such file or directory

That header doesn't exist in standard C++. It was part of some pre-1990s compilers, but it is certainly not part of C++.

Use #include <iostream> instead. And all the library classes are in the std:: namespace, for ex­am­ple std::cout.

Also, throw away any book or notes that mention the thing you said.

What is cURL in PHP?

The cURL extension to PHP is designed to allow you to use a variety of web resources from within your PHP script.

Bootstrap Carousel : Remove auto slide


Add this to the corresponding div ...

Error 5 : Access Denied when starting windows service

In my case following was not checked.

enter image description here

How can I get the current time in C#?

try this:

 string.Format("{0:HH:mm:ss tt}", DateTime.Now);

for further details you can check it out : How do you get the current time of day?

How to substitute shell variables in complex text files

while IFS='=' read -r name value ; do
    # Print line if found variable
    sed -n '/${'"${name}"'}/p' docker-compose.yml
    # Replace variable with value. 
    sed -i 's|${'"${name}"'}|'"${value}"'|' docker-compose.yml
done < <(env)

Note: Variable name or value should not contain "|", because it is used as a delimiter.

How do I access the $scope variable in browser's console using AngularJS?

in angular we get jquery element by angular.element().... lets c...



<div id=""></div>

Consistency of hashCode() on a Java string

Just to answer your question and not to continue any discussions. The Apache Harmony JDK implementation seems to use a different algorithm, at least it looks totally different:


public int hashCode() {
    int h = hash;
    if (h == 0) {
        int off = offset;
        char val[] = value;
        int len = count;

        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            h = 31*h + val[off++];
        hash = h;
    return h;

Apache Harmony

public int hashCode() {
    if (hashCode == 0) {
        int hash = 0, multiplier = 1;
        for (int i = offset + count - 1; i >= offset; i--) {
            hash += value[i] * multiplier;
            int shifted = multiplier << 5;
            multiplier = shifted - multiplier;
        hashCode = hash;
    return hashCode;

Feel free to check it yourself...

Resetting a form in Angular 2 after submit

I don't know if I'm on the right path, but I got it working on ng 2.4.8 with the following form/submit tags:

<form #heroForm="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="add(newHero); heroForm.reset()">
<!-- place your input stuff here -->
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" [disabled]="!heroForm.valid">Add hero</button>

Seems to do the trick and sets the form's fields to "pristine" again.

CSS endless rotation animation

Rotation on add class .active {
                -webkit-animation: spin 4s linear infinite;
                -moz-animation: spin 4s linear infinite;
                animation: spin 4s linear infinite;

@-moz-keyframes spin {
       100% {
        -moz-transform: rotate(360deg);
     @-webkit-keyframes spin {
      100% {
         -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);
     @keyframes spin {
       100% {
         -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);
         transform: rotate(360deg);

Execute a stored procedure in another stored procedure in SQL server

Your sp_test: Return fullname


IF (OBJECT_ID('[dbo].[sp_test]', 'P') IS NOT NULL)
DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].sp_test;

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].sp_test 
@name VARCHAR(20),
@last_name VARCHAR(30),
@full_name VARCHAR(50) OUTPUT

SET @full_name = @name + @last_name;


In your sp_main

DECLARE @my_name VARCHAR(20);
DECLARE @my_last_name VARCHAR(30);
DECLARE @my_full_name VARCHAR(50);

EXEC sp_test @my_name, @my_last_name, @my_full_name OUTPUT;

jQuery DatePicker with today as maxDate

In recent version, The following works fine:

        maxDate: new Date()

maxDate accepts a Date object as parameter.

The following found in documentation:

Multiple types supported:

  • Date: A date object containing the minimum date.

  • Number: A number of days from today. For example 2 represents two days from today and -1 represents yesterday.

  • String: A string in the format defined by the dateFormat option, or a relative date. Relative dates must contain value and period pairs; valid periods are "y" for years, "m" for months, "w" for weeks, and "d" for days. For example, "+1m +7d" represents one month and seven days from today.

Entity Framework Join 3 Tables

I think it will be easier using syntax-based query:

var entryPoint = (from ep in dbContext.tbl_EntryPoint
                 join e in dbContext.tbl_Entry on ep.EID equals e.EID
                 join t in dbContext.tbl_Title on e.TID equals t.TID
                 where e.OwnerID == user.UID
                 select new {
                     UID = e.OwnerID,
                     TID = e.TID,
                     Title = t.Title,
                     EID = e.EID

And you should probably add orderby clause, to make sure Top(10) returns correct top ten items.

Java - ignore exception and continue

You are already doing it in your code. Run this example below. The catch will "handle" the exception, and you can move forward, assuming whatever you caught and handled did not break code down the road which you did not anticipate.

      throw new Exception();
 }catch (Exception ex){
 System.out.println("Made it!");

However, you should always handle an exception properly. You can get yourself into some pretty messy situations and write difficult to maintain code by "ignoring" exceptions. You should only do this if you are actually handling whatever went wrong with the exception to the point that it really does not affect the rest of the program.

exception.getMessage() output with class name

I think you are wrapping your exception in another exception (which isn't in your code above). If you try out this code:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
        throw new RuntimeException("Cannot move file");
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Error: " + ex.getMessage());
} will see a popup that says exactly what you want.

However, to solve your problem (the wrapped exception) you need get to the "root" exception with the "correct" message. To do this you need to create a own recursive method getRootCause:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
        throw new Exception(new RuntimeException("Cannot move file"));
    } catch (Exception ex) {
                                      "Error: " + getRootCause(ex).getMessage());

public static Throwable getRootCause(Throwable throwable) {
    if (throwable.getCause() != null)
        return getRootCause(throwable.getCause());

    return throwable;

Note: Unwrapping exceptions like this however, sort of breaks the abstractions. I encourage you to find out why the exception is wrapped and ask yourself if it makes sense.

Convert JSON array to Python list

data will return you a string representation of a list, but it is actually still a string. Just check the type of data with type(data). That means if you try using indexing on this string representation of a list as such data['fruits'][0], it will return you "[" as it is the first character of data['fruits']

You can do json.loads(data['fruits']) to convert it back to a Python list so that you can interact with regular list indexing. There are 2 other ways you can convert it back to a Python list suggested here

clear cache of browser by command line

You can run Rundll32.exe for IE Options control panel applet and achieve following tasks.

Deletes ALL History - RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 255

Deletes History Only - RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 1

Deletes Cookies Only - RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 2

Deletes Temporary Internet Files Only - RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 8

Deletes Form Data Only - RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 16

Deletes Password History Only - RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 32

JQuery - Set Attribute value

$("#chk0") is refering to an element with the id chk0. You might try adding id's to the elements. Ids are unique even though the names are the same so that in jQuery you can access a single element by it's id.

Find position of a node using xpath

I do a lot of Novell Identity Manager stuff, and XPATH in that context looks a little different.

Assume the value you are looking for is in a string variable, called TARGET, then the XPATH would be:


Additionally it was pointed out that to save a few characters of space, the following would work as well:

count(attr/value[.='$TARGET']/preceding::*) + 1

I also posted a prettier version of this at Novell's Cool Solutions: Using XPATH to get the position node

Set initial focus in an Android application

I found this worked best for me.

In AndroidManifest.xml <activity> element add android:windowSoftInputMode="stateHidden"

This always hides the keyboard when entering the activity.

What underlies this JavaScript idiom: var self = this?

As others have explained, var self = this; allows code in a closure to refer back to the parent scope.

However, it's now 2018 and ES6 is widely supported by all major web browsers. The var self = this; idiom isn't quite as essential as it once was.

It's now possible to avoid var self = this; through the use of arrow functions.

In instances where we would have used var self = this:

function test() {
    var self = this;
    this.hello = "world";
    document.getElementById("test_btn").addEventListener("click", function() {
        console.log(self.hello); // logs "world"

We can now use an arrow function without var self = this:

function test() {
    this.hello = "world";
    document.getElementById("test_btn").addEventListener("click", () => {
        console.log(this.hello); // logs "world"

Arrow functions do not have their own this and simply assume the enclosing scope.

is it possible to get the MAC address for machine using nmap

Use snmp-interfaces.nse nmap script (written in lua) to get the MAC address of remote machine like this:

nmap -sU -p 161 -T4 -d -v -n -Pn --script snmp-interfaces

Completed NSE at 13:25, 2.69s elapsed
Nmap scan report for
Host is up, received user-set (0.078s latency).
Scanned at 2014-08-22 13:25:29 ???????? ????? (????) for 3s
161/udp open  snmp    udp-response
| snmp-interfaces: 
|   eth
|     MAC address: 00:50:60:03:81:c9 (Tandberg Telecom AS)
|     Type: ethernetCsmacd  Speed: 10 Mbps
|     Status: up
|     Traffic stats: 1.27 Gb sent, 53.91 Mb received
|   lo
|     Type: softwareLoopback  Speed: 0 Kbps
|     Status: up
|_    Traffic stats: 4.10 Kb sent, 4.10 Kb received

How do I limit the number of results returned from grep?

For 2 use cases:

  1. I only want n overall results, not n results per file, the grep -m 2 is per file max occurrence.
  2. I often use git grep which doesn't take -m

A good alternative in these scenarios is grep | sed 2q to grep first 2 occurrences across all files. sed documentation: