Programs & Examples On #Endianness

Endianness refers to how multi-byte values are stored in memory, sent between devices or stored on disk. "Big-Endian" values are stored with their most-significant byte first, and "Little-Endian" values are stored with their least-significant byte first. Other byte-orders are possible but very uncommon, and cannot be described this way.

Detecting endianness programmatically in a C++ program

I would do something like this:

bool isBigEndian() {
    static unsigned long x(1);
    static bool result(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&x)[0] == 0);
    return result;

Along these lines, you would get a time efficient function that only does the calculation once.

convert big endian to little endian in C [without using provided func]

If you need macros (e.g. embedded system):

#define SWAP_UINT16(x) (((x) >> 8) | ((x) << 8))
#define SWAP_UINT32(x) (((x) >> 24) | (((x) & 0x00FF0000) >> 8) | (((x) & 0x0000FF00) << 8) | ((x) << 24))

Convert Little Endian to Big Endian

OP's sample code is incorrect.

Endian conversion works at the bit and 8-bit byte level. Most endian issues deal with the byte level. OP code is doing a endian change at the 4-bit nibble level. Recommend instead:

// Swap endian (big to little) or (little to big)
uint32_t num = 9;
uint32_t b0,b1,b2,b3;
uint32_t res;

b0 = (num & 0x000000ff) << 24u;
b1 = (num & 0x0000ff00) << 8u;
b2 = (num & 0x00ff0000) >> 8u;
b3 = (num & 0xff000000) >> 24u;

res = b0 | b1 | b2 | b3;

printf("%" PRIX32 "\n", res);

If performance is truly important, the particular processor would need to be known. Otherwise, leave it to the compiler.

[Edit] OP added a comment that changes things.
"32bit numerical value represented by the hexadecimal representation (st uv wx yz) shall be recorded in a four-byte field as (st uv wx yz)."

It appears in this case, the endian of the 32-bit number is unknown and the result needs to be store in memory in little endian order.

uint32_t num = 9;
uint8_t b[4];
b[0] = (uint8_t) (num >>  0u);
b[1] = (uint8_t) (num >>  8u);
b[2] = (uint8_t) (num >> 16u);
b[3] = (uint8_t) (num >> 24u);

[2016 Edit] Simplification

... The type of the result is that of the promoted left operand.... Bitwise shift operators C11 §6.5.7 3

Using a u after the shift constants (right operands) results in the same as without it.

b3 = (num & 0xff000000) >> 24u;
b[3] = (uint8_t) (num >> 24u);
// same as 
b3 = (num & 0xff000000) >> 24;
b[3] = (uint8_t) (num >> 24);

Does Java read integers in little endian or big endian?

If it fits the protocol you use, consider using a DataInputStream, where the behavior is very well defined.

C Macro definition to determine big endian or little endian machine?

Macro to find endiannes

#define ENDIANNES() ((1 && 1 == 0) ? printf("Big-Endian"):printf("Little-Endian"))


#include <stdio.h>

#define ENDIAN() { \
volatile unsigned long ul = 1;\
volatile unsigned char *p;\
p = (volatile unsigned char *)&ul;\
if (*p == 1)\
puts("Little endian.");\
else if (*(p+(sizeof(unsigned long)-1)) == 1)\
puts("Big endian.");\
else puts("Unknown endian.");\

int main(void) 
       return 0;

How do I convert between big-endian and little-endian values in C++?

Seriously... I don't understand why all solutions are that complicated! How about the simplest, most general template function that swaps any type of any size under any circumstances in any operating system????

template <typename T>
void SwapEnd(T& var)
    static_assert(std::is_pod<T>::value, "Type must be POD type for safety");
    std::array<char, sizeof(T)> varArray;
    std::memcpy(, &var, sizeof(T));
    for(int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(sizeof(var)/2); i++)
        std::swap(varArray[sizeof(var) - 1 - i],varArray[i]);
    std::memcpy(&var,, sizeof(T));

It's the magic power of C and C++ together! Simply swap the original variable character by character.

Point 1: No operators: Remember that I didn't use the simple assignment operator "=" because some objects will be messed up when the endianness is flipped and the copy constructor (or assignment operator) won't work. Therefore, it's more reliable to copy them char by char.

Point 2: Be aware of alignment issues: Notice that we're copying to and from an array, which is the right thing to do because the C++ compiler doesn't guarantee that we can access unaligned memory (this answer was updated from its original form for this). For example, if you allocate uint64_t, your compiler cannot guarantee that you can access the 3rd byte of that as a uint8_t. Therefore, the right thing to do is to copy this to a char array, swap it, then copy it back (so no reinterpret_cast). Notice that compilers are mostly smart enough to convert what you did back to a reinterpret_cast if they're capable of accessing individual bytes regardless of alignment.

To use this function:

double x = 5;

and now x is different in endianness.

Convert a byte array to integer in Java and vice versa

You can also use BigInteger for variable length bytes. You can convert it to long, int or short, whichever suits your needs.

new BigInteger(bytes).intValue();

or to denote polarity:

new BigInteger(1, bytes).intValue();

To get bytes back just:

new BigInteger(bytes).toByteArray()

C program to check little vs. big endian

Thought I knew I had read about that in the standard; but can't find it. Keeps looking. Old; answering heading; not Q-tex ;P:

The following program would determine that:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>

int is_big_endian(void)
    union {
        uint32_t i;
        char c[4];
    } e = { 0x01000000 };

    return e.c[0];

int main(void)
    printf("System is %s-endian.\n",
        is_big_endian() ? "big" : "little");

    return 0;

You also have this approach; from Quake II:

byte    swaptest[2] = {1,0};
if ( *(short *)swaptest == 1) {
    bigendien = false;

And !is_big_endian() is not 100% to be little as it can be mixed/middle.

Believe this can be checked using same approach only change value from 0x01000000 to i.e. 0x01020304 giving:

switch(e.c[0]) {
case 0x01: BIG
case 0x02: MIX
default: LITTLE

But not entirely sure about that one ...

Android - SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length

I ran into this problem too when I copied some text from the Internet. My solution is to trim the text/remove formatting before doing any further processing.

How to get the difference between two arrays in JavaScript?

There's a lot of problems with the answers I'm reading here that make them of limited value in practical programming applications.

First and foremost, you're going to want to have a way to control what it means for two items in the array to be "equal". The === comparison is not going to cut it if you're trying to figure out whether to update an array of objects based on an ID or something like that, which frankly is probably one of the most likely scenarios in which you will want a diff function. It also limits you to arrays of things that can be compared with the === operator, i.e. strings, ints, etc, and that's pretty much unacceptable for grown-ups.

Secondly, there are three state outcomes of a diff operation:

  1. elements that are in the first array but not in the second
  2. elements that are common to both arrays
  3. elements that are in the second array but not in the first

I think this means you need no less than 2 loops, but am open to dirty tricks if anybody knows a way to reduce it to one.

Here's something I cobbled together, and I want to stress that I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT CARE that it doesn't work in old versions of Microshaft browsers. If you work in an inferior coding environment like IE, it's up to you to modify it to work within the unsatisfactory limitations you're stuck with.

Array.defaultValueComparison = function(a, b) {
    return (a === b);

Array.prototype.diff = function(arr, fnCompare) {

    // validate params

    if (!(arr instanceof Array))
        arr = [arr];

    fnCompare = fnCompare || Array.defaultValueComparison;

    var original = this, exists, storage, 
        result = { common: [], removed: [], inserted: [] };

    original.forEach(function(existingItem) {

        // Finds common elements and elements that 
        // do not exist in the original array

        exists = arr.some(function(newItem) {
            return fnCompare(existingItem, newItem);

        storage = (exists) ? result.common : result.removed;


    arr.forEach(function(newItem) {

        exists = original.some(function(existingItem) {
            return fnCompare(existingItem, newItem);

        if (!exists)


    return result;


What is a good way to handle exceptions when trying to read a file in python?

I guess I misunderstood what was being asked. Re-re-reading, it looks like Tim's answer is what you want. Let me just add this, however: if you want to catch an exception from open, then open has to be wrapped in a try. If the call to open is in the header of a with, then the with has to be in a try to catch the exception. There's no way around that.

So the answer is either: "Tim's way" or "No, you're doing it correctly.".

Previous unhelpful answer to which all the comments refer:

import os

if os.path.exists(fName):
   with open(fName, 'rb') as f:
           # do stuff
       except : # whatever reader errors you care about
           # handle error

contenteditable change events

I'd suggest attaching listeners to key events fired by the editable element, though you need to be aware that keydown and keypress events are fired before the content itself is changed. This won't cover every possible means of changing the content: the user can also use cut, copy and paste from the Edit or context browser menus, so you may want to handle the cut copy and paste events too. Also, the user can drop text or other content, so there are more events there (mouseup, for example). You may want to poll the element's contents as a fallback.

UPDATE 29 October 2014

The HTML5 input event is the answer in the long term. At the time of writing, it is supported for contenteditable elements in current Mozilla (from Firefox 14) and WebKit/Blink browsers, but not IE.


document.getElementById("editor").addEventListener("input", function() {_x000D_
    console.log("input event fired");_x000D_
}, false);
<div contenteditable="true" id="editor">Please type something in here</div>


Python: Converting from ISO-8859-1/latin1 to UTF-8

Decode to Unicode, encode the results to UTF8.


Build .NET Core console application to output an EXE

The following will produce, in the output directory,

  • all the package references
  • the output assembly
  • the bootstrapping exe

But it does not contain all .NET Core runtime assemblies.


  <BootStrapFiles Include="$(Temp)hostpolicy.dll;$(Temp)$(ProjectName).exe;$(Temp)hostfxr.dll;"/>

<Target Name="GenerateNetcoreExe"
        Condition="'$(IsNestedBuild)' != 'true'">
  <RemoveDir Directories="$(Temp)" />
    Command="dotnet build $(ProjectPath) -r win-x64 /p:CopyLocalLockFileAssemblies=false;IsNestedBuild=true --output $(Temp)" >
    <Output TaskParameter="ConsoleOutput" PropertyName="OutputOfExec" />


I wrapped it up in a sample here:

Adding and removing extensionattribute to AD object

I have struggled a long time to modify the extension attributes in our domain. Then I wrote a powershell script and created an editor with a GUI to set and remove extAttributes from an account.

If you like, you can take a look at it at

I'm sorry, that the description in the text is in German. The GUI itself is in English.

I use this script on a regular basis in our domain and it never deleted anything or did any other harm. I provide no guarantee, that this script works as expected in your domain. But as I provide the source, you can (and should) have a look at it, before you run it.

Using a .php file to generate a MySQL dump

As long as you are allowed to use exec(), you can execute shell commands through your PHP code.

So assuming you know how to write the mysqldump in the command line, i.e.

mysqldump -u [username] -p [database] > [database].sql

then you can use this as the parameter to exec() function.

exec("mysqldump -u mysqluser -p my_database > my_database_dump.sql");

Getting byte array through input type = file


As noted in comments above, while still on some UA implementations, readAsBinaryString method didn't made its way to the specs and should not be used in production. Instead, use readAsArrayBuffer and loop through it's buffer to get back the binary string :

document.querySelector('input').addEventListener('change', function() {_x000D_
  var reader = new FileReader();_x000D_
  reader.onload = function() {_x000D_
    var arrayBuffer = this.result,_x000D_
      array = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer),_x000D_
      binaryString = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, array);_x000D_
}, false);
<input type="file" />_x000D_
<div id="result"></div>

For a more robust way to convert your arrayBuffer in binary string, you can refer to this answer.

[old answer] (modified)

Yes, the file API does provide a way to convert your File, in the <input type="file"/> to a binary string, thanks to the FileReader Object and its method readAsBinaryString.
[But don't use it in production !]

document.querySelector('input').addEventListener('change', function(){_x000D_
    var reader = new FileReader();_x000D_
    reader.onload = function(){_x000D_
        var binaryString = this.result;_x000D_
        document.querySelector('#result').innerHTML = binaryString;_x000D_
  }, false);
<input type="file"/>_x000D_
<div id="result"></div>

If you want an array buffer, then you can use the readAsArrayBuffer() method :

document.querySelector('input').addEventListener('change', function(){_x000D_
    var reader = new FileReader();_x000D_
    reader.onload = function(){_x000D_
        var arrayBuffer = this.result;_x000D_
        document.querySelector('#result').innerHTML = arrayBuffer + '  '+arrayBuffer.byteLength;_x000D_
  }, false);
<input type="file"/>_x000D_
<div id="result"></div>

Setting width/height as percentage minus pixels

Try box-sizing. For the list:

height: 100%;
/* Presuming 10px header height */
padding-top: 10px;
/* Firefox */
-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
/* WebKit */
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
/* Standard */
box-sizing: border-box;

For the header:

position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0;
height: 10px;

Of course, the parent container should has something like:

position: relative;

How to pass a value from one jsp to another jsp page?

Using Query parameter

<a href="edit.jsp?userId=${}" />  

Using Hidden variable .

<form method="post" action="update.jsp">  
   <input type="hidden" name="userId" value="${}">  

you can send Using Session object.

   session.setAttribute("userId", userid);

These values will now be available from any jsp as long as your session is still active.

   int userid = session.getAttribute("userId"); 

Sending images using Http Post

I usually do this in the thread handling the json response:

try {
  Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream((InputStream)new URL(imageUrl).getContent());
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {

If you need to do transformations on the image, you'll want to create a Drawable instead of a Bitmap.

INFO: No Spring WebApplicationInitializer types detected on classpath

For eclipse users: solution is simple just change the nature of project Spring Tools->add spring project nature


How to use router.navigateByUrl and router.navigate in Angular


routerLink directive as used like this:

<a [routerLink]="/inbox/33/messages/44">Open Message 44</a>

is just a wrapper around imperative navigation using router and its navigateByUrl method:


as can be seen from the sources:

export class RouterLink {

  onClick(): boolean {
    this.router.navigateByUrl(this.urlTree, extras);
    return true;

So wherever you need to navigate a user to another route, just inject the router and use navigateByUrl method:

class MyComponent {
   constructor(router: Router) {


There's another method on the router that you can use - navigate:


difference between the two

Using router.navigateByUrl is similar to changing the location bar directly–we are providing the “whole” new URL. Whereas router.navigate creates a new URL by applying an array of passed-in commands, a patch, to the current URL.

To see the difference clearly, imagine that the current URL is '/inbox/11/messages/22(popup:compose)'.

With this URL, calling router.navigateByUrl('/inbox/33/messages/44') will result in '/inbox/33/messages/44'. But calling it with router.navigate(['/inbox/33/messages/44']) will result in '/inbox/33/messages/44(popup:compose)'.

Read more in the official docs.

Seeking useful Eclipse Java code templates

A little tip on sysout -- I like to renamed it to "sop". Nothing else in the java libs starts with "sop" so you can quickly type "sop" and boom, it inserts.

javascript, is there an isObject function like isArray?

In jQuery there is $.isPlainObject() method for that:

Description: Check to see if an object is a plain object (created using "{}" or "new Object").

Is it possible to get the current spark context settings in PySpark?

Yes: sc.getConf().getAll()

Which uses the method:


as accessed by

Note the Underscore: that makes this tricky. I had to look at the spark source code to figure it out ;)

But it does work:

In [4]: sc.getConf().getAll()
[(u'spark.master', u'local'),
 (u'spark.rdd.compress', u'True'),
 (u'spark.serializer.objectStreamReset', u'100'),
 (u'', u'PySparkShell')]

postgresql sequence nextval in schema

The quoting rules are painful. I think you want:

SELECT nextval('foo."SQ_ID"');

to prevent case-folding of SQ_ID.

Working Soap client example

Yes, if you can acquire any WSDL file, then you can use SoapUI to create mock service of that service complete with unit test requests. I created an example of this (using Maven) that you can try out.

How to install xgboost in Anaconda Python (Windows platform)?

You can install it using pip:

pip3 install --default-timeout=100 xgboost

Need a row count after SELECT statement: what's the optimal SQL approach?

If you're concerned the number of rows that meet the condition may change in the few milliseconds since execution of the query and retrieval of results, you could/should execute the queries inside a transaction:


SELECT COUNT( my_table.my_col ) AS row_count
FROM my_table
WHERE = 'bar'

SELECT my_table.my_col
FROM my_table
WHERE = 'bar'

This would return the correct values, always.

Furthermore, if you're using SQL Server, you can use @@ROWCOUNT to get the number of rows affected by last statement, and redirect the output of real query to a temp table or table variable, so you can return everything altogether, and no need of a transaction:


SELECT my_table.my_col
INTO #temp_table
FROM my_table
WHERE = 'bar'

SELECT @dummy, * FROM #temp_table

What is the difference between Scala's case class and class?

According to Scala's documentation:

Case classes are just regular classes that are:

  • Immutable by default
  • Decomposable through pattern matching
  • Compared by structural equality instead of by reference
  • Succinct to instantiate and operate on

Another feature of the case keyword is the compiler automatically generates several methods for us, including the familiar toString, equals, and hashCode methods in Java.

multiple axis in matplotlib with different scales

If I understand the question, you may interested in this example in the Matplotlib gallery.

enter image description here

Yann's comment above provides a similar example.

Edit - Link above fixed. Corresponding code copied from the Matplotlib gallery:

from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import host_subplot
import mpl_toolkits.axisartist as AA
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

host = host_subplot(111, axes_class=AA.Axes)

par1 = host.twinx()
par2 = host.twinx()

offset = 60
new_fixed_axis = par2.get_grid_helper().new_fixed_axis
par2.axis["right"] = new_fixed_axis(loc="right", axes=par2,
                                        offset=(offset, 0))


host.set_xlim(0, 2)
host.set_ylim(0, 2)


p1, = host.plot([0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2], label="Density")
p2, = par1.plot([0, 1, 2], [0, 3, 2], label="Temperature")
p3, = par2.plot([0, 1, 2], [50, 30, 15], label="Velocity")

par1.set_ylim(0, 4)
par2.set_ylim(1, 65)





Logcat not displaying my log calls

I have this problems and fixed, String TAG without space:

"my tag" // noting show
"my_tag" // is ok

Unable to load Private Key. (PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:pem_lib.c:648:Expecting: ANY PRIVATE KEY)

In our case what caused the issue is that the private key we were trying to use was encrypted with a passphrase.

We had to decrypt the private key using ssh-keygen -p before we could use the private key with the openssl command line tool.

npm install Error: rollbackFailedOptional

If you have access to the registry but the error is still occurred nothing mentioned above wouldn't work. I noted that this problem is only applicable for local project's installation (i.e. if you use -g to global install everything is working fine).

What's resolved the problem for me: just remove an entry regarding a package you're going to install from a project's package.json file. After that next call to npm will work and install the package successfully.

What is the string length of a GUID?

The correct thing to do here is to store it as uniqueidentifier - this is then fully indexable, etc. at the database. The next-best option would be a binary(16) column: standard GUIDs are exactly 16 bytes in length.

If you must store it as a string, the length really comes down to how you choose to encode it. As hex (AKA base-16 encoding) without hyphens it would be 32 characters (two hex digits per byte), so char(32).

However, you might want to store the hyphens. If you are short on space, but your database doesn't support blobs / guids natively, you could use Base64 encoding and remove the == padding suffix; that gives you 22 characters, so char(22). There is no need to use Unicode, and no need for variable-length - so nvarchar(max) would be a bad choice, for example.

How to create a notification with NotificationCompat.Builder?

Use this code

            Intent intent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), SomeActvity.class);
            PendingIntent pIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(getApplicationContext(),
                    (int) System.currentTimeMillis(), intent, 0);

            NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder =
                    new NotificationCompat.Builder(getApplicationContext())
                            .setContentTitle("Notification title")
                            .setContentText("Notification message!")

            NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);

How can I delete using INNER JOIN with SQL Server?

You don't specify the tables for Company and Date, and you might want to fix that.

Standard SQL using MERGE:

MERGE WorkRecord2 T
   USING Employee S
      ON T.EmployeeRun = S.EmployeeNo
         AND Company = '1'
         AND Date = '2013-05-06'

The answer from Devart is also standard SQL, though incomplete. It should look more like this:

  FROM WorkRecord2
                   FROM Employee S
                  WHERE S.EmployeeNo = WorkRecord2.EmployeeRun
                        AND Company = '1'
                        AND Date = '2013-05-06' );

The important thing to note about the above is it is clear the delete is targeting a single table, as enforced in the second example by requiring a scalar subquery.

For me, the various proprietary syntax answers are harder to read and understand. I guess the mindset for is best described in the answer by frans eilering, i.e. the person writing the code doesn't necessarily care about the person who will read and maintain the code.

How to print pthread_t

A lookup table (pthread_t : int) could become a memory leak in programs that start a lot of short-lived threads.

Creating a hash of the bytes of the pthread_t (whether it be structure or pointer or long integer or whatever) may be a usable solution that doesn't require lookup tables. As with any hash there is a risk of collisions, but you could tune the length of the hash to suit your requirements.

"Incorrect string value" when trying to insert UTF-8 into MySQL via JDBC?

I had this problem with my PLAY Java application. This is my stack trace for that exception:

javax.persistence.PersistenceException: Error[Incorrect string value: '\xE0\xA6\xAC\xE0\xA6\xBE...' for column 'product_name' at row 1]
  at io.ebean.config.dbplatform.SqlCodeTranslator.translate(
  at io.ebean.config.dbplatform.DatabasePlatform.translate(
  at io.ebeaninternal.server.persist.dml.DmlBeanPersister.execute(
  at io.ebeaninternal.server.persist.dml.DmlBeanPersister.insert(
  at io.ebeaninternal.server.core.PersistRequestBean.executeInsert(
  at io.ebeaninternal.server.core.PersistRequestBean.executeNow(
  at io.ebeaninternal.server.core.PersistRequestBean.executeNoBatch(
  at io.ebeaninternal.server.core.PersistRequestBean.executeOrQueue(
  at io.ebeaninternal.server.persist.DefaultPersister.insert(
  at io.ebeaninternal.server.persist.DefaultPersister.insert(
  at models.Product.create(
  at controllers.PushData.xlsupload(
  at router.Routes$$anonfun$routes$1.$anonfun$applyOrElse$40(Routes.scala:690)
  at play.core.routing.HandlerInvokerFactory$$anon$3.resultCall(HandlerInvoker.scala:134)
  at play.core.routing.HandlerInvokerFactory$$anon$3.resultCall(HandlerInvoker.scala:133)
  at play.core.routing.HandlerInvokerFactory$JavaActionInvokerFactory$$anon$8$$anon$2$$anon$1.invocation(HandlerInvoker.scala:108)
  at play.core.j.JavaAction$$anon$
  at play.http.DefaultActionCreator$
  at play.core.j.JavaAction.$anonfun$apply$8(JavaAction.scala:138)
  at scala.concurrent.Future$.$anonfun$apply$1(Future.scala:655)
  at scala.util.Success.$anonfun$map$1(Try.scala:251)
  at scala.concurrent.Future.$anonfun$map$1(Future.scala:289)
  at scala.concurrent.impl.Promise.liftedTree1$1(Promise.scala:29)
  at scala.concurrent.impl.Promise.$anonfun$transform$1(Promise.scala:29)
  at play.core.j.HttpExecutionContext$$anon$
  at play.api.libs.streams.Execution$trampoline$.execute(Execution.scala:70)
  at play.core.j.HttpExecutionContext.execute(HttpExecutionContext.scala:48)
  at scala.concurrent.impl.CallbackRunnable.executeWithValue(Promise.scala:68)
  at scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$KeptPromise$Kept.onComplete(Promise.scala:368)
  at scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$KeptPromise$Kept.onComplete$(Promise.scala:367)
  at scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$KeptPromise$Successful.onComplete(Promise.scala:375)
  at scala.concurrent.impl.Promise.transform(Promise.scala:29)
  at scala.concurrent.impl.Promise.transform$(Promise.scala:27)
  at scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$KeptPromise$Successful.transform(Promise.scala:375)
  at scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$KeptPromise$
  at scala.concurrent.Future$.apply(Future.scala:655)
  at play.core.j.JavaAction.apply(JavaAction.scala:138)
  at play.api.mvc.Action.$anonfun$apply$2(Action.scala:96)
  at scala.concurrent.Future.$anonfun$flatMap$1(Future.scala:304)
  at scala.concurrent.impl.Promise.$anonfun$transformWith$1(Promise.scala:37)
  at akka.dispatch.BatchingExecutor$AbstractBatch.processBatch(BatchingExecutor.scala:55)
  at akka.dispatch.BatchingExecutor$BlockableBatch.$anonfun$run$1(BatchingExecutor.scala:91)
  at scala.runtime.java8.JFunction0$mcV$sp.apply(JFunction0$mcV$
  at scala.concurrent.BlockContext$.withBlockContext(BlockContext.scala:81)
  at akka.dispatch.BatchingExecutor$
  at akka.dispatch.ForkJoinExecutorConfigurator$AkkaForkJoinTask.exec(ForkJoinExecutorConfigurator.scala:43)
  at akka.dispatch.forkjoin.ForkJoinTask.doExec(
  at akka.dispatch.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool$WorkQueue.runTask(
  at akka.dispatch.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool.runWorker(
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Incorrect string value: '\xE0\xA6\xAC\xE0\xA6\xBE...' for column 'product_name' at row 1
  at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
  at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(
  at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(
  at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sendCommand(
  at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sqlQueryDirect(
  at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.execSQL(
  at com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement.executeInternal(
  at com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement.executeUpdate(
  at com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement.executeUpdate(
  at com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement.executeUpdate(
  at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.ProxyPreparedStatement.executeUpdate(
  at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariProxyPreparedStatement.executeUpdate(
  at io.ebeaninternal.server.type.DataBind.executeUpdate(
  at io.ebeaninternal.server.persist.dml.InsertHandler.execute(
  at io.ebeaninternal.server.persist.dml.DmlBeanPersister.execute(
  ... 59 more

I was trying to save a record using io.Ebean. I fixed it by re creating my database with utf8mb4 collation, and applied play evolution to re create all tables so that all tables should be recreated with utf-8 collation.

CREATE DATABASE inventory CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;

How do I increase the capacity of the Eclipse output console?

Under Window > Preferences, go to the Run/Debug > Console section, then you should see an option "Limit console output." You can unchecked this or change the number in the "Console buffer size (characters)" text box below. Do Unchecked.

This is for the Eclipse like Galileo, Kepler, Juno, Luna, Mars and Helios.

Entity Framework code-first: migration fails with update-database, forces unneccessary(?) add-migration

Entity Framework does have some issues around identity fields.

You can't add GUID identity on existing table

Migrations: does not detect changes to DatabaseGeneratedOption

Reverse engineering does not mark GUID keys with default NEWSEQUENTIALID() as store generated identities

None of these describes your issue exactly and the Down() method in your extra migration is interesting because it appears to be attempting to remove IDENTITY from the column when your CREATE TABLE in the initial migration appears to set it!

Furthermore, if you use Update-Database -Script or Update-Database -Verbose to view the sql that is run from these AlterColumn methods you will see that the sql is identical in Up and Down, and actually does nothing. IDENTITY remains unchanged (for the current version - EF 6.0.2 and below) - as described in the first 2 issues I linked to.

I think you should delete the redundant code in your extra migration and live with an empty migration for now. And you could subscribe to/vote for the issues to be addressed.


Change IDENTITY option does diddly squat

Switch Identity On/Off With A Custom Migration Operation

What does ON [PRIMARY] mean?

To add a very important note on what Mark S. has mentioned in his post. In the specific SQL Script that has been mentioned in the question you can NEVER mention two different file groups for storing your data rows and the index data structure.

The reason why is due to the fact that the index being created in this case is a clustered Index on your primary key column. The clustered index data and the data rows of your table can NEVER be on different file groups.

So in case you have two file groups on your database e.g. PRIMARY and SECONDARY then below mentioned script will store your row data and clustered index data both on PRIMARY file group itself even though I've mentioned a different file group ([SECONDARY]) for the table data. More interestingly the script runs successfully as well (when I was expecting it to give an error as I had given two different file groups :P). SQL Server does the trick behind the scene silently and smartly.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[be_Categories](
    [CategoryID] [uniqueidentifier] ROWGUIDCOL  NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_be_Categories_CategoryID]  DEFAULT (newid()),
    [CategoryName] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
    [Description] [nvarchar](200) NULL,
    [ParentID] [uniqueidentifier] NULL,
    [CategoryID] ASC

NOTE: Your index can reside on a different file group ONLY if the index being created is non-clustered in nature.

The below script which creates a non-clustered index will get created on [SECONDARY] file group instead when the table data already resides on [PRIMARY] file group:

CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_Categories] ON [dbo].[be_Categories]
    [CategoryName] ASC

You can get more information on how storing non-clustered indexes on a different file group can help your queries perform better. Here is one such link.

rawQuery(query, selectionArgs)

String mQuery = "SELECT Name,Family From tblName";
Cursor mCur = db.rawQuery(mQuery, new String[]{});
while ( !mCur.isAfterLast()) {
        String name= mCur.getString(mCur.getColumnIndex("Name"));
        String family= mCur.getString(mCur.getColumnIndex("Family"));

Name and family are your result

TypeError: 'float' object is not subscriptable

PriceList[0] is a float. PriceList[0][1] is trying to access the first element of a float. Instead, do

PriceList[0] = PriceList[1] = ...code omitted... = PriceList[6] = PizzaChange


PriceList[0:7] = [PizzaChange]*7

How to insert element as a first child?

$(".child-div div:first").before("Your div code or some text");

Tomcat manager/html is not available?

After entering the roles and users in tomcat-users still if does not work make sure your tomact server location point to the right server location

Display an array in a readable/hierarchical format

I have a basic function:

function prettyPrint($a) {
    echo "<pre>";
    echo "</pre>";


EDIT: Optimised function

function prettyPrint($a) {
    echo '<pre>'.print_r($a,1).'</pre>';

EDIT: Moar Optimised function with custom tag support

function prettyPrint($a, $t='pre') {echo "<$t>".print_r($a,1)."</$t>";}

Reactjs setState() with a dynamic key name?

when the given element is a object:

handleNewObj = e => {
        const data = e[Object.keys(e)[0]];
            anykeyofyourstate: {
                [Object.keys(e)[0]]: data

hope it helps someone

Android device is not connected to USB for debugging (Android studio)

After you put your phone on developer mode, restart it. That worked for me, maybe it will work for you also. After restarting it, the phone was recognized, drivers were automatically installed. Note - I'm running on Windows 7.

Iterate through every file in one directory

This is my favorite method for being easy to read:

Dir.glob("*/*.txt") do |my_text_file|
  puts "working on: #{my_text_file}..."

And you can even extend this to work on all files in subdirs:

Dir.glob("**/*.txt") do |my_text_file| # note one extra "*"
  puts "working on: #{my_text_file}..."

Vertical dividers on horizontal UL menu

I do it as Pekka says. Put an inline style on each <li>:

style="border-right: solid 1px #555; border-left: solid 1px #111;"

Take off first and last as appropriate.

The model backing the <Database> context has changed since the database was created

I use the Database.CompatibleWithModel method (available in EF5) to test if the model and DB match before I use it. I call this method just after creating the context...

        // test the context to see if the model is out of sync with the db...
        if (!MyContext.Database.CompatibleWithModel(true))
            // delete the old version of the database...
            if (File.Exists(databaseFileName))

            // re-populate database


error_log per Virtual Host?

To set the Apache (not the PHP) log, the easiest way to do this would be to do:

<VirtualHost IP:Port>
   # Stuff,
   # More Stuff,
   ErrorLog /path/where/you/want/the/error.log

If there is no leading "/" it is assumed to be relative.

Apache Error Log Page

How to use cURL in Java?

Some people have already mentioned HttpURLConnection, URL and URLConnection. If you need all the control and extra features that the curl library provides you (and more), I'd recommend Apache's httpclient.

Blade if(isset) is not working Laravel

You can use the ternary operator easily:

{{ $usersType ? $usersType : '' }}

Scanner vs. BufferedReader

  1. BufferedReader will probably give you better performance (because Scanner is based on InputStreamReader, look sources). ups, for reading from files it uses nio. When I tested nio performance against BufferedReader performance for big files nio shows a bit better performance.
  2. For reading from file try Apache Commons IO.

Good examples of python-memcache (memcached) being used in Python?

I would advise you to use pylibmc instead.

It can act as a drop-in replacement of python-memcache, but a lot faster(as it's written in C). And you can find handy documentation for it here.

And to the question, as pylibmc just acts as a drop-in replacement, you can still refer to documentations of pylibmc for your python-memcache programming.

AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'append'

Use numpy.concatenate(list1 , list2) or numpy.append() Look into the thread at Append a NumPy array to a NumPy array.

Passing capturing lambda as function pointer

As it was mentioned by the others you can substitute Lambda function instead of function pointer. I am using this method in my C++ interface to F77 ODE solver RKSUITE.

//C interface to Fortran subroutine UT
extern "C"  void UT(void(*)(double*,double*,double*),double*,double*,double*,

// C++ wrapper which calls extern "C" void UT routine
static  void   rk_ut(void(*)(double*,double*,double*),double*,double*,double*,

//  Call of rk_ut with lambda passed instead of function pointer to derivative
//  routine
mathlib::RungeKuttaSolver::rk_ut([](double* T,double* Y,double* YP)->void{YP[0]=Y[1]; YP[1]= -Y[0];}, TWANT,T,Y,YP,YMAX,WORK,UFLAG);

How do I find an element position in std::vector?

You probably should not use your own function here. Use find() from STL.


list L;

list::iterator result = find(L.begin(), L.end(), 7); assert(result == L.end() || *result == 7);

Getting individual colors from a color map in matplotlib

I had precisely this problem, but I needed sequential plots to have highly contrasting color. I was also doing plots with a common sub-plot containing reference data, so I wanted the color sequence to be consistently repeatable.

I initially tried simply generating colors randomly, reseeding the RNG before each plot. This worked OK (commented-out in code below), but could generate nearly indistinguishable colors. I wanted highly contrasting colors, ideally sampled from a colormap containing all colors.

I could have as many as 31 data series in a single plot, so I chopped the colormap into that many steps. Then I walked the steps in an order that ensured I wouldn't return to the neighborhood of a given color very soon.

My data is in a highly irregular time series, so I wanted to see the points and the lines, with the point having the 'opposite' color of the line.

Given all the above, it was easiest to generate a dictionary with the relevant parameters for plotting the individual series, then expand it as part of the call.

Here's my code. Perhaps not pretty, but functional.

from matplotlib import cm
cmap = cm.get_cmap('gist_rainbow')  #('hsv') #('nipy_spectral')

max_colors = 31   # Constant, max mumber of series in any plot.  Ideally prime.
color_number = 0  # Variable, incremented for each series.

def restart_colors():
    global color_number
    color_number = 0

def next_color():
    global color_number
    color_number += 1
    #color = tuple(np.random.uniform(0.0, 0.5, 3))
    color = cmap( ((5 * color_number) % max_colors) / max_colors )
    return color

def plot_args():  # Invoked for each plot in a series as: '**(plot_args())'
    mkr = next_color()
    clr = (1 - mkr[0], 1 - mkr[1], 1 - mkr[2], mkr[3])  # Give line inverse of marker color
    return {
        "marker": "o",
        "color": clr,
        "mfc": mkr,
        "mec": mkr,
        "markersize": 0.5,
        "linewidth": 1,

My context is JupyterLab and Pandas, so here's sample plot code:

restart_colors()  # Repeatable color sequence for every plot

fig, axs = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 8))
plt.title("%s + T-meter"%name)

# Plot reference temperatures:
axs.set_ylabel("°C", rotation=0)
for s in ["T1", "T2", "T3", "T4"]:
    df_tmeter.plot(ax=axs, x="Timestamp", y=s, label="T-meter:%s" % s, **(plot_args()))

# Other series gets their own axis labels
ax2 = axs.twinx()

for c in df_uptime_sensors:
    df_uptime[df_uptime["UUID"] == c].plot(
        ax=ax2, x="Timestamp", y=units, label="%s - %s" % (units, c), **(plot_args())


The resulting plot may not be the best example, but it becomes more relevant when interactively zoomed in. uptime + T-meter

CSS table layout: why does table-row not accept a margin?

Have you tried setting the bottom margin to .row div, i.e. to your "cells"? When you work with actual HTML tables, you cannot set margins to rows, too - only to cells.

How can a windows service programmatically restart itself?

Set the service to restart after failure (double click the service in the control panel and have a look around on those tabs - I forget the name of it). Then, anytime you want the service to restart, just call Environment.Exit(1) (or any non-zero return) and the OS will restart it for you.

make *** no targets specified and no makefile found. stop

If you create Makefile in the VSCode, your makefile doesnt run. I don't know the cause of this issue. Maybe the configuration of the file is not added to system. But I solved this way. delete created makefile, then go to project directory and right click mouse later create a file and named Makefile. After fill the Makefile and run it. It will work.

ASP.NET MVC 5 - Identity. How to get current ApplicationUser

You should not need to query the database directly for the current ApplicationUser.

That introduces a new dependency of having an extra context for starters, but going forward the user database tables change (3 times in the past 2 years) but the API is consistent. For example the users table is now called AspNetUsers in Identity Framework, and the names of several primary key fields kept changing, so the code in several answers will no longer work as-is.

Another problem is that the underlying OWIN access to the database will use a separate context, so changes from separate SQL access can produce invalid results (e.g. not seeing changes made to the database). Again the solution is to work with the supplied API and not try to work-around it.

The correct way to access the current user object in ASP.Net identity (as at this date) is:

var user = UserManager.FindById(User.Identity.GetUserId());

or, if you have an async action, something like:

var user = await UserManager.FindByIdAsync(User.Identity.GetUserId());

FindById requires you have the following using statement so that the non-async UserManager methods are available (they are extension methods for UserManager, so if you do not include this you will only see FindByIdAsync):

using Microsoft.AspNet.Identity;

If you are not in a controller at all (e.g. you are using IOC injection), then the user id is retrieved in full from:


If you are not in the standard Account controller you will need to add the following (as an example) to your controller:

1. Add these two properties:

    /// <summary>
    /// Application DB context
    /// </summary>
    protected ApplicationDbContext ApplicationDbContext { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// User manager - attached to application DB context
    /// </summary>
    protected UserManager<ApplicationUser> UserManager { get; set; }

2. Add this in the Controller's constructor:

    this.ApplicationDbContext = new ApplicationDbContext();
    this.UserManager = new UserManager<ApplicationUser>(new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(this.ApplicationDbContext));

Update March 2015

Note: The most recent update to Identity framework changes one of the underlying classes used for authentication. You can now access it from the Owin Context of the current HttpContent.

ApplicationUser user = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager<ApplicationUserManager>().FindById(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId());


When using EF and Identity Framework with Azure, over a remote database connection (e.g. local host testing to Azure database), you can randomly hit the dreaded “error: 19 - Physical connection is not usable”. As the cause is buried away inside Identity Framework, where you cannot add retries (or what appears to be a missing .Include(x->someTable)), you need to implement a custom SqlAzureExecutionStrategy in your project.

How to combine two strings together in PHP?

combine two strings together in PHP?

$result = $data1 . ' ' . $data2;

how to check if the input is a number or not in C?

The sscanf() solution is better in terms of code lines. My answer here is a user-build function that does almost the same as sscanf(). Stores the converted number in a pointer and returns a value called "val". If val comes out as zero, then the input is in unsupported format, hence conversion failed. Hence, use the pointer value only when val is non-zero.

It works only if the input is in base-10 form.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int CONVERT_3(double* Amt){

    char number[100];

    // Input the Data
    printf("\nPlease enter the amount (integer only)...");

    // Detection-Conversion begins
    int iters = strlen(number)-2;
    int val = 1;
    int pos;
    double Amount = 0;
    *Amt = 0;
    for(int i = 0 ; i <= iters ; i++ ){
            case 0:
                if(number[i]=='-'){val = 2; break;}
                if(number[i]=='.'){val = val + 10; pos = 0; break;}
                if(number[i]=='0'){Amount = 0; break;}
                if(number[i]=='1'){Amount = 1; break;}
                if(number[i]=='2'){Amount = 2; break;}
                if(number[i]=='3'){Amount = 3; break;}
                if(number[i]=='4'){Amount = 4; break;}
                if(number[i]=='5'){Amount = 5; break;}
                if(number[i]=='6'){Amount = 6; break;}
                if(number[i]=='7'){Amount = 7; break;}
                if(number[i]=='8'){Amount = 8; break;}
                if(number[i]=='9'){Amount = 9; break;}
                    case '.':
                        val = val + 10;
                        pos = i;
                    case '0':
                        Amount = (Amount)*10;
                    case '1':
                        Amount = (Amount)*10 + 1;
                    case '2':
                        Amount = (Amount)*10 + 2;
                    case '3':
                        Amount = (Amount)*10 + 3;
                    case '4':
                        Amount = (Amount)*10 + 4;
                    case '5':
                        Amount = (Amount)*10 + 5;
                    case '6':
                        Amount = (Amount)*10 + 6;
                    case '7':
                        Amount = (Amount)*10 + 7;
                    case '8':
                        Amount = (Amount)*10 + 8;
                    case '9':
                        Amount = (Amount)*10 + 9;
                        val = 0;
        if( (!val) | (val>20) ){val = 0; break;}// val == 0

    if(val==1){*Amt = Amount;}
    if(val==2){*Amt = 0 - Amount;}
        int exp = iters - pos;
        long den = 1;
        for( ; exp-- ; ){
            den = den*10;
        *Amt = Amount/den;
        int exp = iters - pos;
        long den = 1;
        for( ; exp-- ; ){
            den = den*10;
        *Amt = 0 - (Amount/den);

    return val;

int main(void) {
    double AM = 0;
    int c = CONVERT_3(&AM);
    printf("\n\n%d    %lf\n",c,AM);


How to customize the configuration file of the official PostgreSQL Docker image?

You can put your custom postgresql.conf in a temporary file inside the container, and overwrite the default configuration at runtime.

To do that :

  • Copy your custom postgresql.conf inside your container
  • Copy the file in /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/


FROM postgres:9.6

COPY postgresql.conf      /tmp/postgresql.conf
COPY      /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/

#!/usr/bin/env bash

cat /tmp/postgresql.conf > /var/lib/postgresql/data/postgresql.conf

At runtime, the container will execute the script inside /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/ and overwrite the default configuration with yout custom one.

Set angular scope variable in markup

If you not in a loop, you can use ng-init else you can use


the "" alows not display your var

Saving images in Python at a very high quality

You can save to a figure that is 1920x1080 (or 1080p) using:

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(19.20,10.80))

You can also go much higher or lower. The above solutions work well for printing, but these days you want the created image to go into a PNG/JPG or appear in a wide screen format.

Multiple returns from a function

Its not possible have two return statement. However it doesn't throw error but when function is called you will receive only first return statement value. We can use return of array to get multiple values in return. For Example:

function test($testvar)
  // do something
  //just assigning a string for example, we can assign any operation result
  $var1 = "result1";
  $var2 = "result2";
  return array('value1' => $var1, 'value2' => $var2);

Open page in new window without popup blocking

For the Submit button, add this code and then set your form target="newwin""about:blank","newwin") 

HTTP 404 when accessing .svc file in IIS

Verifies that you directory has been converted into an Application is your IIS.


For anyone looking for a UI option using IIS Manager.

  1. Open the Website in IIS Manager
  2. Go To Request Filtering and open the Request Filtering Window.
  3. Go to Verbs Tab and Add HTTP Verbs to "Allow Verb..." or "Deny Verb...". This allow to add the HTTP Verbs in the "Deny Verb.." Collection.

Request Filtering Window in IIS Manager Request Filtering Window in IIS Manager

Add Verb... or Deny Verb... enter image description here

Forcing label to flow inline with input that they label

What I did so that input didn't take up the whole line, and be able to place the input in a paragraph, I used a span tag and display to inline-block


        <input class="short-input" type="text" name="cluster">


span{display: inline-block;}

Hiding user input on terminal in Linux script

Here's a variation on @SiegeX's excellent *-printing solution for bash with support for backspace added; this allows the user to correct their entry with the backspace key (delete key on a Mac), as is typically supported by password prompts:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

while IFS= read -r -s -n1 char; do
  [[ -z $char ]] && { printf '\n'; break; } # ENTER pressed; output \n and break.
  if [[ $char == $'\x7f' ]]; then # backspace was pressed
      # Remove last char from output variable.
      [[ -n $password ]] && password=${password%?}
      # Erase '*' to the left.
      printf '\b \b' 
    # Add typed char to output variable.
    # Print '*' in its stead.
    printf '*'


  • As for why pressing backspace records character code 0x7f: "In modern systems, the backspace key is often mapped to the delete character (0x7f in ASCII or Unicode)"
  • \b \b is needed to give the appearance of deleting the character to the left; just using \b moves the cursor to the left, but leaves the character intact (nondestructive backspace). By printing a space and moving back again, the character appears to have been erased (thanks, The "backspace" escape character '\b' in C, unexpected behavior?).

In a POSIX-only shell (e.g., sh on Debian and Ubuntu, where sh is dash), use the stty -echo approach (which is suboptimal, because it prints nothing), because the read builtin will not support the -s and -n options.

Python Brute Force algorithm

import string, itertools

    #password = input("Enter password: ")

    password = "abc"

    characters = string.printable

    def iter_all_strings():
        length = 1
        while True:
            for s in itertools.product(characters, repeat=length):
                yield "".join(s)
            length +=1

    for s in iter_all_strings():
        if s == password:
            print('Password is {}'.format(s))

Pythonic way to return list of every nth item in a larger list

existing_list = range(0, 1001)
filtered_list = [i for i in existing_list if i % 10 == 0]

ERROR 1130 (HY000): Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server

Go to PhpMyAdmin, click on desired database, go to Privilages tab and create new user "remote", and give him all privilages and in host field set "Any host" option(%).

Get combobox value in Java swing

If the string is empty, comboBox.getSelectedItem().toString() will give a NullPointerException. So better to typecast by (String).

Remove border radius from Select tag in bootstrap 3

In addition to border-radius: 0, add -webkit-appearance: none;.

Virtual network interface in Mac OS X

ifconfig interfacename create will create a virtual interface,

How to clear a textbox once a button is clicked in WPF?

You can use Any of the statement given below to clear the text of the text box on button click:

  1. textBoxName.Text = string.Empty;
  2. textBoxName.Clear();
  3. textBoxName.Text = "";

php Replacing multiple spaces with a single space

$output = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ',$input);

\s is shorthand for [ \t\n\r]. Multiple spaces will be replaced with single space.

Make a number a percentage

var percent = Math.floor(100 * number1 / number2 - 100) + ' %';

How to create JNDI context in Spring Boot with Embedded Tomcat Container

After all i got the answer thanks to wikisona, first the beans:

public TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory tomcatFactory() {
    return new TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory() {

        protected TomcatEmbeddedServletContainer getTomcatEmbeddedServletContainer(
                Tomcat tomcat) {
            return super.getTomcatEmbeddedServletContainer(tomcat);

        protected void postProcessContext(Context context) {
            ContextResource resource = new ContextResource();
            resource.setProperty("driverClassName", "your.db.Driver");
            resource.setProperty("url", "jdbc:yourDb");


public DataSource jndiDataSource() throws IllegalArgumentException, NamingException {
    JndiObjectFactoryBean bean = new JndiObjectFactoryBean();
    return (DataSource)bean.getObject();

the full code it's here:

Removing a Fragment from the back stack

you show fragment in a container (with id= fragmentcontainer) so you remove fragment with:

 Fragment fragment = getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;

Javascript Thousand Separator / string format

var number = 35002343;


for the reference you can check here

ComboBox- SelectionChanged event has old value, not new value

This should work for you ...

int myInt= ((data)(((object[])(e.AddedItems))[0])).kid;

How to use a link to call JavaScript?

<a href="javascript:alert('Hello!');">Clicky</a>

EDIT, years later: NO! Don't ever do this! I was young and stupid!

Edit, again: A couple people have asked why you shouldn't do this. There's a couple reasons:

  1. Presentation: HTML should focus on presentation. Putting JS in an HREF means that your HTML is now, kinda, dealing with business logic.

  2. Security: Javascript in your HTML like that violates Content Security Policy (CSP). Content Security Policy (CSP) is an added layer of security that helps to detect and mitigate certain types of attacks, including Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and data injection attacks. These attacks are used for everything from data theft to site defacement or distribution of malware. Read more here.

  3. Accessibility: Anchor tags are for linking to other documents/pages/resources. If your link doesn't go anywhere, it should be a button. This makes it a lot easier for screen readers, braille terminals, etc, to determine what's going on, and give visually impaired users useful information.

How to choose an AWS profile when using boto3 to connect to CloudFront

Do this to use a profile with name 'dev':

session = boto3.session.Session(profile_name='dev')
s3 = session.resource('s3')
for bucket in s3.buckets.all():

How to sort a dataframe by multiple column(s)

The arrange() in dplyr is my favorite option. Use the pipe operator and go from least important to most important aspect

dd1 <- dd %>%
    arrange(z) %>%

Best way to store a key=>value array in JavaScript?

If I understood you correctly:

var hash = {};
hash['bob'] = 123;
hash['joe'] = 456;

var sum = 0;
for (var name in hash) {
    sum += hash[name];
alert(sum); // 579

How to disable a link using only CSS?

CSS can't do that. CSS is for presentation only. Your options are:

  • Don't include the href attribute in your <a> tags.
  • Use JavaScript, to find the anchor elements with that class, and remove their href or onclick attributes accordingly. jQuery would help you with that (NickF showed how to do something similar but better).

Select a random sample of results from a query result

The SAMPLE clause will give you a random sample percentage of all rows in a table.

For example, here we obtain 25% of the rows:


The following SQL (using one of the analytical functions) will give you a random sample of a specific number of each occurrence of a particular value (similar to a GROUP BY) in a table.

Here we sample 10 of each:

) SampleCount FROM emp
WHERE SampleCount <= 10

Moq, SetupGet, Mocking a property

ColumnNames is a property of type List<String> so when you are setting up you need to pass a List<String> in the Returns call as an argument (or a func which return a List<String>)

But with this line you are trying to return just a string

input.SetupGet(x => x.ColumnNames).Returns(temp[0]);

which is causing the exception.

Change it to return whole list:

input.SetupGet(x => x.ColumnNames).Returns(temp);

Windows equivalent of OS X Keychain?

The "traditional" Windows equivalent would be the Protected Storage subsystem, used by IE (pre IE 7), Outlook Express, and a few other programs. I believe it's encrypted with your login password, which prevents some offline attacks, but once you're logged in, any program that wants to can read it. (See, for example, NirSoft's Protected Storage PassView.)

Windows also provides the CryptoAPI and Data Protection API that might help. Again, though, I don't think that Windows does anything to prevent processes running under the same account from seeing each other's passwords.

It looks like the book Mechanics of User Identification and Authentication provides more details on all of these.

Eclipse (via its Secure Storage feature) implements something like this, if you're interested in seeing how other software does it.

How do I fix the Visual Studio compile error, "mismatch between processor architecture"?

For my project, I have a requirement to be able to build to both x86 and x64. The problem with this is that whenever you add references while using one, then it complains when you build the other.

My solution is to manually edit the *.csproj files so that lines like these:

<Reference Include="MyLibrary.MyNamespace, Version=, Culture=neutral, processorArchitecture=x86"/>

<Reference Include="MyLibrary.MyNamespace, Version=, Culture=neutral, processorArchitecture=AMD64"/>

<Reference Include="MyLibrary.MyNamespace, Version=, Culture=neutral, processorArchitecture=MSIL"/>

get changed to this:

<Reference Include="MyLibrary.MyNamespace, Version=, Culture=neutral"/>

Save PHP array to MySQL?

Serialize/Unserialize array for storage in a DB


From the PHP Manual:

Look under "Return" on the page

Returns a string containing a byte-stream representation of value that can be stored anywhere.

Note that this is a binary string which may include null bytes, and needs to be stored and handled as such. For example, serialize() output should generally be stored in a BLOB field in a database, rather than a CHAR or TEXT field.

Note: If you want to store html into a blob, be sure to base64 encode it or it could break the serialize function.

Example encoding:

$YourSerializedData = base64_encode(serialize($theHTML));

$YourSerializedData is now ready to be stored in blob.

After getting data from blob you need to base64_decode then unserialize Example decoding:

$theHTML = unserialize(base64_decode($YourSerializedData));

CSS two div width 50% in one line with line break in file

<div id="wrapper" style="width: 400px">
    <div id="left" style="float: left; width: 200px;">Left</div>
    <div id="right" style="float: right; width: 200px;">Left</div>
    <div style="clear: both;"></div>

I know this question wanted inline block, but try to view in IE 7 (the oldest browser supported where I work). The divs are not side by side.

OP said he did not want to use floats because he did not like them. my opinion, making good webpages that does not look weird in any browsers should be the maingoal, and you do this by using floats.

Honestly, I can see the problem. Floats are fantastic.

Is there a null-coalescing (Elvis) operator or safe navigation operator in javascript?

For the former, you can use ||. The Javascript "logical or" operator, rather than simply returning canned true and false values, follows the rule of returning its left argument if it is true, and otherwise evaluating and returning its right argument. When you're only interested in the truth value it works out the same, but it also means that foo || bar || baz returns the leftmost one of foo, bar, or baz that contains a true value.

You won't find one that can distinguish false from null, though, and 0 and empty string are false values, so avoid using the value || default construct where value can legitimately be 0 or "".

http://localhost:50070 does not work HADOOP

There is a similar question and answer at: Start Hadoop 50075 Port is not resolved

Take a look at your core-site.xml file to determine which port it is set to. If 0, it will randomly pick a port, so be sure to set one.

Event for Handling the Focus of the EditText

when in kotlin it will look like this :

editText.setOnFocusChangeListener { view, hasFocus ->
        if (hasFocus) toast("focused") else toast("focuse lose")

Subtract minute from DateTime in SQL Server 2005

You want to use DATEADD, using a negative duration. e.g.

DATEADD(minute, -15, '2000-01-01 08:30:00') 

MySQL Incorrect datetime value: '0000-00-00 00:00:00'

According to MySQL 5.7 Reference Manual:


Since 0000-00-00 00:00:00 is not a valid DATETIME value, your database is broken. That is why MySQL 5.7 – which comes with NO_ZERO_DATE mode enabled by default – outputs an error when you try to perform a write operation.

You can fix your table updating all invalid values to any other valid one, like NULL:

UPDATE users SET created = NULL WHERE created < '0000-01-01 00:00:00'

Also, to avoid this problem, I recomend you always set current time as default value for your created-like fields, so they get automatically filled on INSERT. Just do:


Clear text in EditText when entered

I am not sure if your searching for this one

     android:hint="Please enter your name here">

How to export MySQL database with triggers and procedures?

mysqldump will backup by default all the triggers but NOT the stored procedures/functions. There are 2 mysqldump parameters that control this behavior:

  • --routines – FALSE by default
  • --triggers – TRUE by default

so in mysqldump command , add --routines like :

mysqldump <other mysqldump options> --routines > outputfile.sql

See the MySQL documentation about mysqldump arguments.

WebAPI Multiple Put/Post parameters

You can allow multiple POST parameters by using the MultiPostParameterBinding class from

To use it:

1) Download the code in the Source folder and add it to your Web API project or any other project in the solution.

2) Use attribute [MultiPostParameters] on the action methods that need to support multiple POST parameters.

public string DoSomething(CustomType param1, CustomType param2, string param3) { ... }

3) Add this line in Global.asax.cs to the Application_Start method anywhere before the call to GlobalConfiguration.Configure(WebApiConfig.Register):

GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.ParameterBindingRules.Insert(0, MultiPostParameterBinding.CreateBindingForMarkedParameters);

4) Have your clients pass the parameters as properties of an object. An example JSON object for the DoSomething(param1, param2, param3) method is:

{ param1:{ Text:"" }, param2:{ Text:"" }, param3:"" }

Example JQuery:

    data: JSON.stringify({ param1:{ Text:"" }, param2:{ Text:"" }, param3:"" }),
    url: '/MyService/DoSomething',
    contentType: "application/json", method: "POST", processData: false
.success(function (result) { ... });

Visit the link for more details.

Disclaimer: I am directly associated with the linked resource.

Remove warning messages in PHP

You can put an @ in front of your function call to suppress all error messages.


Oracle SQL: Use sequence in insert with Select Statement

I tested and the script run ok!

    WHERE YEAR = '2010' AND MONTH = '12'

you can read this article to understand more!

How to get an absolute file path in Python

if you are on a mac

import os
upload_folder = os.path.abspath("static/img/users")

this will give you a full path:


will show the following path:


Check if something is (not) in a list in Python

The bug is probably somewhere else in your code, because it should work fine:

>>> 3 not in [2, 3, 4]
>>> 3 not in [4, 5, 6]

Or with tuples:

>>> (2, 3) not in [(2, 3), (5, 6), (9, 1)]
>>> (2, 3) not in [(2, 7), (7, 3), "hi"]

How to bind Close command to a button

For .NET 4.5 SystemCommands class will do the trick (.NET 4.0 users can use WPF Shell Extension google - Microsoft.Windows.Shell or Nicholas Solution).

        <CommandBinding Command="{x:Static SystemCommands.CloseWindowCommand}" 
                        Executed="CloseWindow_Exec" />
    <!-- Binding Close Command to the button control -->
    <Button ToolTip="Close Window" Content="Close" Command="{x:Static SystemCommands.CloseWindowCommand}"/>

In the Code Behind you can implement the handlers like this:

    private void CloseWindow_CanExec(object sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e)
        e.CanExecute = true;

    private void CloseWindow_Exec(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)

Fastest way of finding differences between two files in unix?

You could also try to include md5-hash-sums or similar do determine whether there are any differences at all. Then, only compare files which have different hashes...

Getting the filenames of all files in a folder

Here's how to look in the documentation.

First, you're dealing with IO, so look in the package.

There are two classes that look interesting: FileFilter and FileNameFilter. When I clicked on the first, it showed me that there was a a listFiles() method in the File class. And the documentation for that method says:

Returns an array of abstract pathnames denoting the files in the directory denoted by this abstract pathname.

Scrolling up in the File JavaDoc, I see the constructors. And that's really all I need to be able to create a File instance and call listFiles() on it. Scrolling still further, I can see some information about how files are named in different operating systems.

Spring Boot REST service exception handling

By default Spring Boot gives json with error details.

curl -v localhost:8080/greet | json_pp
< HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
   "timestamp" : 1413313361387,
   "exception" : "org.springframework.web.bind.MissingServletRequestParameterException",
   "status" : 400,
   "error" : "Bad Request",
   "path" : "/greet",
   "message" : "Required String parameter 'name' is not present"

It also works for all kind of request mapping errors. Check this article

If you want to create log it to NoSQL. You can create @ControllerAdvice where you would log it and then re-throw the exception. There is example in documentation

Is it possible to change the content HTML5 alert messages?

You can use customValidity

$(function(){     var elements = document.getElementsByTagName("input");     for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {         elements[i].oninvalid = function(e) {   "This can't be left blank!");         };     } }); 

I think that will work on at least Chrome and FF, I'm not sure about other browsers

Dockerfile copy keep subdirectory structure

Alternatively you can use a "." instead of *, as this will take all the files in the working directory, include the folders and subfolders:

FROM ubuntu
COPY . /
RUN ls -la /

storing user input in array

You have at least these 3 issues:

  1. you are not getting the element's value properly
  2. The div that you are trying to use to display whether the values have been saved or not has id display yet in your javascript you attempt to get element myDiv which is not even defined in your markup.
  3. Never name variables with reserved keywords in javascript. using "string" as a variable name is NOT a good thing to do on most of the languages I can think of. I renamed your string variable to "content" instead. See below.

You can save all three values at once by doing:

var title=new Array();
var names=new Array();//renamed to names -added an S- 
                      //to avoid conflicts with the input named "name"
var tickets=new Array();

function insert(){
    var titleValue = document.getElementById('title').value;
    var actorValue = document.getElementById('name').value;
    var ticketsValue = document.getElementById('tickets').value;

And then change the show function to:

function show() {
  var content="<b>All Elements of the Arrays :</b><br>";
  for(var i = 0; i < title.length; i++) {
     content +=title[i]+"<br>";
  for(var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
     content +=names[i]+"<br>";
  for(var i = 0; i < tickets.length; i++) {
     content +=tickets[i]+"<br>";
  document.getElementById('display').innerHTML = content; //note that I changed 
                                                    //to 'display' because that's
                                              //what you have in your markup

Here's a jsfiddle for you to play around.

Delete all local git branches

The 'git branch -d' subcommand can delete more than one branch. So, simplifying @sblom's answer but adding a critical xargs:

git branch -D `git branch --merged | grep -v \* | xargs`

or, further simplified to:

git branch --merged | grep -v \* | xargs git branch -D 

Importantly, as noted by @AndrewC, using git branch for scripting is discouraged. To avoid it use something like:

git for-each-ref --format '%(refname:short)' refs/heads | grep -v master | xargs git branch -D

Caution warranted on deletes!

$ mkdir br
$ cd br; git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/ebg/test/br/.git/
$ touch README; git add README; git commit -m 'First commit'
[master (root-commit) 1d738b5] First commit
 0 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 README
$ git branch Story-123-a
$ git branch Story-123-b
$ git branch Story-123-c
$ git branch --merged
* master
$ git branch --merged | grep -v \* | xargs
Story-123-a Story-123-b Story-123-c
$ git branch --merged | grep -v \* | xargs git branch -D
Deleted branch Story-123-a (was 1d738b5).
Deleted branch Story-123-b (was 1d738b5).
Deleted branch Story-123-c (was 1d738b5).

Delete the last two characters of the String

You may also try the following code with exception handling. Here you have a method removeLast(String s, int n) (it is actually an modified version of masud.m's answer). You have to provide the String s and how many char you want to remove from the last to this removeLast(String s, int n) function. If the number of chars have to remove from the last is greater than the given String length then it throws a StringIndexOutOfBoundException with a custom message -

public String removeLast(String s, int n) throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException{

        int strLength = s.length();

            throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException("Number of character to remove from end is greater than the length of the string");

        else if(null!=s && !s.isEmpty()){

            s = s.substring(0, s.length()-n);

        return s;


How to delete all data from solr and hbase

From the command line use:

 bin/post -c core_name -type text/xml -out yes -d $'<delete><query>*:*</query></delete>'

How to check for an empty object in an AngularJS view

Create a function that checks whether the object is empty:

$scope.isEmpty = function(obj) {
  for(var prop in obj) {
          return false;
  return true;

Then, you can check like so in your html:


How can I execute Shell script in Jenkinsfile?

Previous answers are correct but here is one more way of doing this and some tips:

Option #1 Go to you Jenkins job and search for "add build step" and then just copy and paste your script there

Option #2 Go to Jenkins and do the same again "add build step" but this time put the fully qualified path for your script in there example : ./usr/somewhere/

enter image description here enter image description here

things to watch for /tips:

  • Environment variables, if your job is running at the same time then you need to worry about concurrency issues. One job may be setting the value of environment variables and the next may use the value or take some action based on that incorrectly.
  • Make sure all paths are fully qualified
  • Think about logging /var/log or somewhere so you would also have something to go to on the server (optional)
  • thing about space issue and permissions, running out of space and permission issues are very common in linux environment
  • Alerting and make sure your script/job fails the jenkin jobs when your script fails

Eclipse error: "Editor does not contain a main type"

Did you import the packages for the file reading stuff.


also here

cfiltering(numberOfUsers, numberOfMovies);

Are you trying to create an object or calling a method?

also another thing:


you are assigning a value to a member of an instance as if it was a static variable also remove the Th in

private int user_movie_matrix[][];Th

Hope this helps.

Color a table row with style="color:#fff" for displaying in an email

Rather than using direct tags, you can edit the css attribute for the color so that any tables you make will have the same color header text.

thead {
    color: #FFFFFF;

Get Selected Item Using Checkbox in Listview

You have to add an OnItemClickListener to the listview to determine which item was clicked, then find the checkbox.

mListView.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener()
    public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View v, int position, long id)
        CheckBox cb = (CheckBox) v.findViewById(;

upgade python version using pip

pip is designed to upgrade python packages and not to upgrade python itself. pip shouldn't try to upgrade python when you ask it to do so.

Don't type pip install python but use an installer instead.

Javascript counting number of objects in object

Try Demo Here

var list ={}; var count= Object.keys(list).length;

-XX:MaxPermSize with or without -XX:PermSize

By playing with parameters as -XX:PermSize and -Xms you can tune the performance of - for example - the startup of your application. I haven't looked at it recently, but a few years back the default value of -Xms was something like 32MB (I think), if your application required a lot more than that it would trigger a number of cycles of fill memory - full garbage collect - increase memory etc until it had loaded everything it needed. This cycle can be detrimental for startup performance, so immediately assigning the number required could improve startup.

A similar cycle is applied to the permanent generation. So tuning these parameters can improve startup (amongst others).

WARNING The JVM has a lot of optimization and intelligence when it comes to allocating memory, dividing eden space and older generations etc, so don't do things like making -Xms equal to -Xmx or -XX:PermSize equal to -XX:MaxPermSize as it will remove some of the optimizations the JVM can apply to its allocation strategies and therefor reduce your application performance instead of improving it.

As always: make non-trivial measurements to prove your changes actually improve performance overall (for example improving startup time could be disastrous for performance during use of the application)

Add column with constant value to pandas dataframe

Here is another one liner using lambdas (create column with constant value = 10)

df['newCol'] = df.apply(lambda x: 10, axis=1)


    A           B           C
1   1.764052    0.400157    0.978738
2   2.240893    1.867558    -0.977278
3   0.950088    -0.151357   -0.103219


        A           B           C           newCol
    1   1.764052    0.400157    0.978738    10
    2   2.240893    1.867558    -0.977278   10
    3   0.950088    -0.151357   -0.103219   10

Finding all objects that have a given property inside a collection

You could write a method that takes an instance of an interface which defines a check(Cat) method, where that method can be implemented with whatever property-checking you want.

Better yet, make it generic:

public interface Checker<T> {
    public boolean check(T obj);

public class CatChecker implements Checker<Cat> {
    public boolean check(Cat cat) {
        return (cat.age == 3); // or whatever, implement your comparison here

// put this in some class
public static <T> Collection<T> findAll(Collection<T> coll, Checker<T> chk) {
    LinkedList<T> l = new LinkedList<T>();
    for (T obj : coll) {
         if (chk.check(obj))
    return l;

Of course, like other people are saying, this is what relational databases were made for...

Difference between 2 dates in seconds

$timeFirst  = strtotime('2011-05-12 18:20:20');
$timeSecond = strtotime('2011-05-13 18:20:20');
$differenceInSeconds = $timeSecond - $timeFirst;

You will then be able to use the seconds to find minutes, hours, days, etc.

How to install Android SDK on Ubuntu?

I can tell you the steps for installing purely via command line from scratch. I tested it on Ubuntu on 22 Feb 2021.

create sdk folder

export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=/usr/lib/android-sdk
sudo mkdir -p $ANDROID_SDK_ROOT

install openjdk

sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk

download android sdk

Go to Then down to Command line tools only Click on Linux link, accept the agreement and instead of downloading right click and copy link address

sudo wget
sudo unzip

move folders

Rename the unpacked directory from cmdline-tools to tools, and place it under $ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/cmdline-tools, so now it should look like: $ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/cmdline-tools/tools. And inside it, you should have: NOTICE.txt bin lib

set path


This had no effect for me, hence the next step

browse to sdkmanager

cd $ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/cmdline-tools/tools/bin

accept licenses

yes | sudo sdkmanager --licenses

create build

Finally, run this inside your project

sudo ./gradlew assembleDebug

This creates an APK named -debug.apk at //build/outputs/apk/debug The file is already signed with the debug key and aligned with zipalign, so you can immediately install it on a device.


Android Command line tools sdkmanager always shows: Warning: Could not create settings

"Failed to install the following Android SDK packages as some licences have not been accepted" error

How to check the function's return value if true or false

false != 'false'

For good measures, put the result of validate into a variable to avoid double validation and use that in the IF statement. Like this:

var result = ValidateForm();
if(result == false) {

What does "-ne" mean in bash?

"not equal" So in this case, $RESULT is tested to not be equal to zero.

However, the test is done numerically, not alphabetically:

n1 -ne n2     True if the integers n1 and n2 are not algebraically equal.

compared to:

s1 != s2      True if the strings s1 and s2 are not identical.

How do I make a JSON object with multiple arrays?

On the outermost level, a JSON object starts with a { and end with a }.

Sample data:

    "cars": {
        "Nissan": [
            {"model":"Sentra", "doors":4},
            {"model":"Maxima", "doors":4},
            {"model":"Skyline", "doors":2}
        "Ford": [
            {"model":"Taurus", "doors":4},
            {"model":"Escort", "doors":4}

If the JSON is assigned to a variable called data, then accessing it would be like the following:['Nissan'][0].model   // Sentra['Nissan'][1].model   // Maxima['Nissan'][2].doors   // 2

for (var make in {
    for (var i = 0; i <[make].length; i++) {
        var model =[make][i].model;
        var doors =[make][i].doors;
        alert(make + ', ' + model + ', ' + doors);

Another approach (using an associative array for car models rather than an indexed array):

    "cars": {
        "Nissan": {
            "Sentra": {"doors":4, "transmission":"automatic"},
            "Maxima": {"doors":4, "transmission":"automatic"}
        "Ford": {
            "Taurus": {"doors":4, "transmission":"automatic"},
            "Escort": {"doors":4, "transmission":"automatic"}
}['Nissan']['Sentra'].doors   // 4['Nissan']['Maxima'].doors   // 4['Nissan']['Maxima'].transmission   // automatic

for (var make in {
    for (var model in[make]) {
        var doors =[make][model].doors;
        alert(make + ', ' + model + ', ' + doors);


Correction: A JSON object starts with { and ends with }, but it's also valid to have a JSON array (on the outermost level), that starts with [ and ends with ].

Also, significant syntax errors in the original JSON data have been corrected: All key names in a JSON object must be in double quotes, and all string values in a JSON object or a JSON array must be in double quotes as well.


Reading/parsing Excel (xls) files with Python

Python Excelerator handles this task as well.

It's also available in Debian and Ubuntu:

 sudo apt-get install python-excelerator

how to configure apache server to talk to HTTPS backend server?

Your server tells you exactly what you need : [Hint: SSLProxyEngine]

You need to add that directive to your VirtualHost before the Proxy directives :

SSLProxyEngine on
ProxyPass /primary/store https://localhost:9763/store/
ProxyPassReverse /primary/store https://localhost:9763/store/

See the doc for more detail.

How can I create a keystore?

I'd like to suggest automatic way with gradle only

** Define also at least one additional param for keystore in last command e.g. country '-dname', 'c=RU' **

apply plugin: ''

// define here sign properties
def sPassword = 'storePassword_here'
def kAlias = 'keyAlias_here'
def kPassword = 'keyPassword_here'

android {
    signingConfigs {
        release {
            storeFile file("keystore/release.jks")
            storePassword sPassword
            keyAlias kAlias
            keyPassword kPassword
    buildTypes {
        debug {
            signingConfig signingConfigs.release
        release {
            shrinkResources true
            minifyEnabled true
            useProguard true
            signingConfig signingConfigs.release
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), ''


task generateKeystore() {
    exec {
        workingDir projectDir
        commandLine 'mkdir', '-p', 'keystore'
    exec {
        workingDir projectDir
        commandLine 'rm', '-f', 'keystore/release.jks'
    exec {
        workingDir projectDir
        commandLine 'keytool', '-genkey', '-noprompt', '-keystore', 'keystore/release.jks',
            '-alias', kAlias, '-storepass', sPassword, '-keypass', kPassword, '-dname', 'c=RU',
            '-keyalg', 'RSA', '-keysize', '2048', '-validity', '10000'

project.afterEvaluate {
    preBuild.dependsOn generateKeystore

This will generate keystore on project sync and build

> Task :app:generateKeystore UP-TO-DATE
> Task :app:preBuild UP-TO-DATE

How to implement endless list with RecyclerView?

For those who only want to get notified when the last item is totally shown, you can use View.canScrollVertically().

Here is my implementation:

public abstract class OnVerticalScrollListener
        extends RecyclerView.OnScrollListener {

    public final void onScrolled(RecyclerView recyclerView, int dx, int dy) {
        if (!recyclerView.canScrollVertically(-1)) {
        } else if (!recyclerView.canScrollVertically(1)) {
        } else if (dy < 0) {
        } else if (dy > 0) {

    public void onScrolledUp() {}

    public void onScrolledDown() {}

    public void onScrolledToTop() {}

    public void onScrolledToBottom() {}

Note: You can use recyclerView.getLayoutManager().canScrollVertically() if you want to support API < 14.

How to delete an app from iTunesConnect / App Store Connect

Edit December 2018: Apple seem to have finally added a button for removing the app in certain situations, including apps that never went on sale (thanks to @iwill for pointing that out), basically making the below answer irrelevant.

Edit: turns out the deleted apps still appear in Xcode -> Organizer -> Archives and there is no way to delete them from there even if there are no archives! So more looks like a fake delete of sorts.

Currently (Edit: as of July 2016) there is no way of deleting your app if it never went on sale.

However, all information except for SKU can be edited and thus reused for a new app, including the app name, Bundle ID, icon, etc etc. Because SKU can be anything (some people say they use numbers 1, 2, 3 for example) then it shouldn't be a big deal to use something unrelated for your new app.

(Honestly though I'm hoping Apple will fix this soon. I almost hear some Apple devs finding excuses for not implementing it (you know, it will break the database and will kill innocent pandas) and some managers telling the devs to just frigging do it regardless.)

What is python's site-packages directory?

site-packages is the target directory of manually built Python packages. When you build and install Python packages from source (using distutils, probably by executing python install), you will find the installed modules in site-packages by default.

There are standard locations:

  • Unix (pure)1: prefix/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages
  • Unix (non-pure): exec-prefix/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages
  • Windows: prefix\Lib\site-packages

1 Pure means that the module uses only Python code. Non-pure can contain C/C++ code as well.

site-packages is by default part of the Python search path, so modules installed there can be imported easily afterwards.

Useful reading

Retrieve CPU usage and memory usage of a single process on Linux?

Based on @caf's answer, this working nicely for me.

Calculate average for given PID:

for i in $(seq 1 $times)
   OUTPUT=$(top -b -n 1 -d 0.1 -p $1 | tail -1 | awk '{print $9}')
   echo -n "$i time: ${OUTPUT}"\\r
   total=`echo "$total + $OUTPUT" | bc -l`
#echo "Average: $total / $times" | bc

average=`echo "scale=2; $total / $times" | bc`
echo "Average: $average"


# send PID as argument
sh 3282

PHP header(Location: ...): Force URL change in address bar

Are you sure the page you are redirecting too doesn't have a redirection within that if no session data is found? That could be your problem

Also yes always add whitespace like @Peter O suggested.

What is the iOS 5.0 user agent string?

This site seems to keep a complete list that's still maintained

iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad from iOS 2.0 - 5.1.1 (to date).

You do need to assemble the full user-agent string out of the information listed in the page's columns.

In Java, how to append a string more efficiently?

java.lang.StringBuilder. Use int constructor to create an initial size.

Android ListView not refreshing after notifyDataSetChanged

You are assigning reloaded items to global variable items in onResume(), but this will not reflect in ItemAdapter class, because it has its own instance variable called 'items'.

For refreshing ListView, add a refresh() in ItemAdapter class which accepts list data i.e items

class ItemAdapter

    public void refresh(List<Item> items)
        this.items = items;

update onResume() with following code

public void onResume()
    items = dbHelper.getItems(); //reload the items from database

Access is denied when attaching a database

For those who could not fix the problem with the other solutions here, the following fix worked for me:

Go to your "DATA" folder in your SQL Server installation, right click, properties, security tab, and add full control permissions for the "NETWORK SERVICE" user.

(The above link is for SQL 2005, but this fixed a SQL 2008 R2 installation for me).

Some additional info: This problem showed up for me after replacing a secondary hard drive (which the SQL installation was on). I copied all the files, and restored the original drive letter to the new hard disk. However, the security permissions were not copied over. I think next time I will use a better method of copying data.

How to insert a SQLite record with a datetime set to 'now' in Android application?

Method 1

CURRENT_TIME – Inserts only time
CURRENT_DATE – Inserts only date
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP – Inserts both time and date

    username TEXT,

Method 2

db.execSQL("INSERT INTO users(username, created_at) 
            VALUES('ravitamada', 'datetime()'");

Method 3 Using java Date functions

private String getDateTime() {
        SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(
                "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", Locale.getDefault());
        Date date = new Date();
        return dateFormat.format(date);

ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put('username', 'ravitamada');
values.put('created_at', getDateTime());
// insert the row
long id = db.insert('users', null, values);

Download text/csv content as files from server in Angular

Most of the references on the web about this issue point out to the fact that you cannot download files via ajax call 'out of the box'. I have seen (hackish) solutions that involve iframes and also solutions like @dcodesmith's that work and are perfectly viable.

Here's another solution I found that works in Angular and is very straighforward.

In the view, wrap the csv download button with <a> tag the following way :

<a target="_self" ng-href="{{csv_link}}">
  <button>download csv</button>

(Notice the target="_self there, it's crucial to disable Angular's routing inside the ng-app more about it here)

Inside youre controller you can define csv_link the following way :

$scope.csv_link = '/orders' + $;

(the $ is optional and onlt if you want to pass additionaly search query to your server)

Now everytime you click the button, it should start downloading.

Excel - extracting data based on another list

I have been hasseling with that as other folks have.

I used the criteria;


where matchingList is the list that i am using as a filter.

have a look at this

The trick i found is that normally you would have the column heading in the criteria matching the data column heading. this will not work for criteria that is a formula.

What I found was if I left the column heading blank for only the criteria that has the countif formula in the advanced filter works. If I have the column heading i.e. the column heading for column C2 in my formula example then the filter return no output.

Hope this helps

How do I make an html link look like a button?

The CSS3 appearance property provides a simple way to style any element (including an anchor) with a browser's built-in <button> styles:

a.btn {_x000D_
  -webkit-appearance: button;_x000D_
  -moz-appearance: button;_x000D_
  appearance: button;_x000D_
  <a class="btn">CSS Button</a>_x000D_

CSS Tricks has a nice outline with more details on this. Keep in mind that no version of Internet Explorer currently supports this according to

Where to put default parameter value in C++?

Default parameter values must appear on the declaration, since that is the only thing that the caller sees.

EDIT: As others point out, you can have the argument on the definition, but I would advise writing all code as if that wasn't true.

How can I pop-up a print dialog box using Javascript?

If you just have a link without a click event handler:

<a href="javascript:window.print();">Print Page</a>

How to parse a date?

How about getSelectedDate? Anyway, specifically on your code question, the problem is with this line:

new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");

The string that goes in the constructor has to match the format of the date. The documentation for how to do that is here. Looks like you need something close to "EEE MMM d HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy"

blur() vs. onblur()

I guess it's just because the onblur event is called as a result of the input losing focus, there isn't a blur action associated with an input, like there is a click action associated with a button

How to convert String to Date value in SAS?


You can specify any date format at display time, like set char_val=date9.;

in querySelector: how to get the first and get the last elements? what traversal order is used in the dom?

To access the first and last elements, try.

var nodes = div.querySelectorAll('[move_id]');
var first = nodes[0];
var last = nodes[nodes.length- 1];

For robustness, add index checks.

Yes, the order of nodes is pre-order depth-first. DOM's document order is defined as,

There is an ordering, document order, defined on all the nodes in the document corresponding to the order in which the first character of the XML representation of each node occurs in the XML representation of the document after expansion of general entities. Thus, the document element node will be the first node. Element nodes occur before their children. Thus, document order orders element nodes in order of the occurrence of their start-tag in the XML (after expansion of entities). The attribute nodes of an element occur after the element and before its children. The relative order of attribute nodes is implementation-dependent.

Best practices for styling HTML emails

The resource I always end up going back to about HTML emails is CampaignMonitor's CSS guide.

As their business is geared solely around email delivery, they know their stuff as well as anyone is going to

SQL Server - Adding a string to a text column (concat equivalent)

Stop using the TEXT data type in SQL Server!

It's been deprecated since the 2005 version. Use VARCHAR(MAX) instead, if you need more than 8000 characters.

The TEXT data type doesn't support the normal string functions, while VARCHAR(MAX) does - your statement would work just fine, if you'd be using just VARCHAR types.

Change GitHub Account username

Yes, this is an old question. But it's misleading, as this was the first result in my search, and both the answers aren't correct anymore.

You can change your Github account name at any time.

To do this, click your profile picture > Settings > Account Settings > Change Username.

Links to your repositories will redirect to the new URLs, but they should be updated on other sites because someone who chooses your abandoned username can override the links. Links to your profile page will be 404'd.

For more information, see the official help page.

And furthermore, if you want to change your username to something else, but that specific username is being taken up by someone else who has been completely inactive for the entire time their account has existed, you can report their account for name squatting.

Running Java Program from Command Line Linux

If your Main class is in a package called FileManagement, then try:

java -cp . FileManagement.Main

in the parent folder of the FileManagement folder.

If your Main class is not in a package (the default package) then cd to the FileManagement folder and try:

java -cp . Main

More info about the CLASSPATH and how the JRE find classes:

How do I position a div relative to the mouse pointer using jQuery?

<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">

  var cX = 0;
  var cY = 0;
  var rX = 0;
  var rY = 0;

  function UpdateCursorPosition(e) {
    cX = e.pageX;
    cY = e.pageY;

  function UpdateCursorPositionDocAll(e) {
    cX = event.clientX;
    cY = event.clientY;
  if (document.all) {
    document.onmousemove = UpdateCursorPositionDocAll;
  } else {
    document.onmousemove = UpdateCursorPosition;

  function AssignPosition(d) {
    if (self.pageYOffset) {
      rX = self.pageXOffset;
      rY = self.pageYOffset;
    } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) {
      rX = document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
      rY = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
    } else if (document.body) {
      rX = document.body.scrollLeft;
      rY = document.body.scrollTop;
    if (document.all) {
      cX += rX;
      cY += rY;
    } = (cX + 10) + "px"; = (cY + 10) + "px";

  function HideContent(d) {
    if (d.length < 1) {
    document.getElementById(d).style.display = "none";

  function ShowContent(d) {
    if (d.length < 1) {
    var dd = document.getElementById(d);
    AssignPosition(dd); = "block";

  function ReverseContentDisplay(d) {
    if (d.length < 1) {
    var dd = document.getElementById(d);
    if ( == "none") { = "block";
    } else { = "none";

<a onmouseover="ShowContent('uniquename3'); return true;" onmouseout="HideContent('uniquename3'); return true;" href="javascript:ShowContent('uniquename3')">
[show on mouseover, hide on mouseout]
<div id="uniquename3" style="display:none;
border-style: solid;
background-color: white;
padding: 5px;">
  Content goes here.

Local package.json exists, but node_modules missing

This issue can also raise when you change your system password but not the same updated on your .npmrc file that exist on path C:\Users\user_name, so update your password there too.

please check on it and run npm install first and then npm start.

Reloading submodules in IPython

IPython offers dreload() to recursively reload all submodules. Personally, I prefer to use the %run() magic command (though it does not perform a deep reload, as pointed out by John Salvatier in the comments).

How do I log a Python error with debug information?

Using exc_info options may be better, to allow you to choose the error level (if you use exception, it will always be at the error level):

    # do something here
except Exception as e:
    logging.critical(e, exc_info=True)  # log exception info at CRITICAL log level

Origin http://localhost is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin

a thorough reading of jQuery AJAX cross domain seems to indicate that the server you are querying is returning a header string that prohibits cross-domain json requests. Check the headers of the response you are receiving to see if the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header is set, and whether its value restricts cross-domain requests to the local host.

Equivalent function for DATEADD() in Oracle

Not my answer :

I wasn't too happy with the answers above and some additional searching yielded this :

SELECT SYSDATE AS current_date,

       SYSDATE + 1 AS plus_1_day,

       SYSDATE + 1/24 AS plus_1_hours,

       SYSDATE + 1/24/60 AS plus_1_minutes,

       SYSDATE + 1/24/60/60 AS plus_1_seconds

FROM   dual;

which I found very helpful. From

How to round down to nearest integer in MySQL?

SUBSTR will be better than FLOOR in some cases because FLOOR has a "bug" as follow:

SELECT 25 * 9.54 + 0.5 -> 239.00

SELECT FLOOR(25 * 9.54 + 0.5) -> 238  (oops!)

SELECT SUBSTR((25*9.54+0.5),1,LOCATE('.',(25*9.54+0.5)) - 1) -> 239

Efficiently test if a port is open on Linux?

You can use netcat command as well

[location of netcat]/netcat -zv [ip] [port]


nc -zv [ip] [port]

-z – sets nc to simply scan for listening daemons, without actually sending any data to them.
-v – enables verbose mode.

nginx: send all requests to a single html page

This worked for me:

location / {
    try_files $uri $uri/ /base.html;

Convert array of strings into a string in Java

You could do this, given an array a of primitive type:

StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
   result.append( a[i] );
   //result.append( optional separator );
String mynewstring = result.toString();

How do I add all new files to SVN

This will add all unknown (except ignored) files under the specified directory tree:

svn add --force path/to/dir

This will add all unknown (except ignored) files in the current directory and below:

svn add --force .

How to connect from windows command prompt to mysql command line

syntax to open mysql on window terminal as:

mysql -u -p

e.g. mysql -uroot -proot

where: -u followed by username of your database , which you provided at the time of installatin and -p followed by password

Assumption: Assuming that mysql bin already included in path environment variable. if not included in path you can go till mysql bin folder and then run above command. if you want to know how to set path environment variable

Fit cell width to content

I'm not sure if I understand your question, but I'll take a stab at it:

td {
    border: 1px solid #000;

tr td:last-child {
    width: 1%;
    white-space: nowrap;
<table style="width: 100%;">
        <td class="block">this should stretch</td>
        <td class="block">this should stretch</td>
        <td class="block">this should be the content width</td>

What is the syntax for adding an element to a scala.collection.mutable.Map?

As always, you should question whether you truly need a mutable map.

Immutable maps are trivial to build:

val map = Map(
  "mykey" -> "myval",
  "myotherkey" -> "otherval"

Mutable maps are no different when first being built:

val map = collection.mutable.Map(
  "mykey" -> "myval",
  "myotherkey" -> "otherval"

map += "nextkey" -> "nextval"

In both of these cases, inference will be used to determine the correct type parameters for the Map instance.

You can also hold an immutable map in a var, the variable will then be updated with a new immutable map instance every time you perform an "update"

var map = Map(
  "mykey" -> "myval",
  "myotherkey" -> "otherval"

map += "nextkey" -> "nextval"

If you don't have any initial values, you can use Map.empty:

val map : Map[String, String] = Map.empty //immutable
val map = Map.empty[String,String] //immutable
val map = collection.mutable.Map.empty[String,String] //mutable

Redis: Show database size/size for keys

How about redis-cli get KEYNAME | wc -c

android image button

just use a Button with android:drawableRight properties like this:

<Button android:id="@+id/btnNovaCompra" android:layout_width="wrap_content"

JSON parsing using Gson for Java

You can create corresponding java classes for the json objects. The integer, string values can be mapped as is. Json can be parsed like this-

Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create(); 
Response r = gson.fromJson(jsonString, Response.class);

Here is an example-

'Static readonly' vs. 'const'

I would use static readonly if the Consumer is in a different assembly. Having the const and the Consumer in two different assemblies is a nice way to shoot yourself in the foot.

on change event for file input element

The OnChange event is a good choice. But if a user select the same image, the event will not be triggered because the current value is the same as the previous.

The image is the same with a width changed, for example, and it should be uploaded to the server.

To prevent this problem you could to use the following code:



How do I get the day of week given a date?

If you'd like to have the date in English:

from datetime import date
import calendar
my_date =
calendar.day_name[my_date.weekday()]  #'Wednesday'

Keyboard shortcuts are not active in Visual Studio with Resharper installed

You can look at the Visual Studio Integration options for ReSharper by...

  1. Select ReSharper > Options... from the Visual Studio menu
  2. Select the Visual Studio Integration item on the Options window

The bottom of the page gives instructions on how to reset the keyboard scheme.

If that doesn't work, I would re-install ReSharper.

Keep getting No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' error with XMLHttpRequest


httpRequest.setRequestHeader( 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');

... and add:

httpRequest.withCredentials = false;

onMeasure custom view explanation

actually, your answer is not complete as the values also depend on the wrapping container. In case of relative or linear layouts, the values behave like this:

  • EXACTLY match_parent is EXACTLY + size of the parent
  • AT_MOST wrap_content results in an AT_MOST MeasureSpec
  • UNSPECIFIED never triggered

In case of an horizontal scroll view, your code will work.

Are one-line 'if'/'for'-statements good Python style?

Python lets you put the indented clause on the same line if it's only one line:

if "exam" in example: print "yes!"

def squared(x): return x * x

class MyException(Exception): pass

How add unique key to existing table (with non uniques rows)

I had to solve a similar problem. I inherited a large source table from MS Access with nearly 15000 records that did not have a primary key, which I had to normalize and make CakePHP compatible. One convention of CakePHP is that every table has a the primary key, that it is first column and that it is called 'id'. The following simple statement did the trick for me under MySQL 5.5:

ALTER TABLE `database_name`.`table_name` 

This added a new column 'id' of type integer in front of the existing data ("FIRST" keyword). The AUTO_INCREMENT keyword increments the ids starting with 1. Now every dataset has a unique numerical id. (Without the AUTO_INCREMENT statement all rows are populated with id = 0).

How to write MySQL query where A contains ( "a" or "b" )

Two options:

  1. Use the LIKE keyword, along with percent signs in the string

    select * from table where field like '%a%' or field like '%b%'.

    (note: If your search string contains percent signs, you'll need to escape them)

  2. If you're looking for more a complex combination of strings than you've specified in your example, you could regular expressions (regex):

    See the MySQL manual for more on how to use them:

Of these, using LIKE is the most usual solution -- it's standard SQL, and in common use. Regex is less commonly used but much more powerful.

Note that whichever option you go with, you need to be aware of possible performance implications. Searching for sub-strings like this will mean that the query will have to scan the entire table. If you have a large table, this could make for a very slow query, and no amount of indexing is going to help.

If this is an issue for you, and you'r going to need to search for the same things over and over, you may prefer to do something like adding a flag field to the table which specifies that the string field contains the relevant sub-strings. If you keep this flag field up-to-date when you insert of update a record, you could simply query the flag when you want to search. This can be indexed, and would make your query much much quicker. Whether it's worth the effort to do that is up to you, it'll depend on how bad the performance is using LIKE.

Git merge master into feature branch

You should be able to rebase your branch on master:

git checkout feature1
git rebase master

Manage all conflicts that arise. When you get to the commits with the bugfixes (already in master), Git will say that there were no changes and that maybe they were already applied. You then continue the rebase (while skipping the commits already in master) with

git rebase --skip

If you perform a git log on your feature branch, you'll see the bugfix commit appear only once, and in the master portion.

For a more detailed discussion, take a look at the Git book documentation on git rebase ( which cover this exact use case.

================ Edit for additional context ====================

This answer was provided specifically for the question asked by @theomega, taking his particular situation into account. Note this part:

I want to prevent [...] commits on my feature branch which have no relation to the feature implementation.

Rebasing his private branch on master is exactly what will yield that result. In contrast, merging master into his branch would precisely do what he specifically does not want to happen: adding a commit that is not related to the feature implementation he is working on via his branch.

To address the users that read the question title, skip over the actual content and context of the question, and then only read the top answer blindly assuming it will always apply to their (different) use case, allow me to elaborate:

  • only rebase private branches (i.e. that only exist in your local repository and haven't been shared with others). Rebasing shared branches would "break" the copies other people may have.
  • if you want to integrate changes from a branch (whether it's master or another branch) into a branch that is public (e.g. you've pushed the branch to open a pull request, but there are now conflicts with master, and you need to update your branch to resolve those conflicts) you'll need to merge them in (e.g. with git merge master as in @Sven's answer).
  • you can also merge branches into your local private branches if that's your preference, but be aware that it will result in "foreign" commits in your branch.

Finally, if you're unhappy with the fact that this answer is not the best fit for your situation even though it was for @theomega, adding a comment below won't be particularly helpful: I don't control which answer is selected, only @theomega does.

Simple mediaplayer play mp3 from file path?

I use this class for Audio play. If your audio location is raw folder.

Call method for play:

new AudioPlayer().play(mContext, getResources().getIdentifier(alphabetItemList.get(mPosition)
                        .getDetail().get(0).getAudio(),"raw", getPackageName())); class:

public class AudioPlayer {

    private MediaPlayer mMediaPlayer;

    public void stop() {
        if (mMediaPlayer != null) {
            mMediaPlayer = null;
    // mothod for raw folder (R.raw.fileName)
    public void play(Context context, int rid){

        mMediaPlayer = MediaPlayer.create(context, rid);
        mMediaPlayer.setOnCompletionListener(new MediaPlayer.OnCompletionListener() {
            public void onCompletion(MediaPlayer mediaPlayer) {


    // mothod for other folder 
    public void play(Context context, String name) {

        //mMediaPlayer = MediaPlayer.create(c, rid);
        mMediaPlayer = MediaPlayer.create(context, Uri.parse("android.resource://"+ context.getPackageName()+"/your_file/"+name+".mp3"));
        mMediaPlayer.setOnCompletionListener(new MediaPlayer.OnCompletionListener() {
            public void onCompletion(MediaPlayer mediaPlayer) {



Get request URL in JSP which is forwarded by Servlet

Try this instead:

String scheme = req.getScheme();             
String serverName = req.getServerName(); 
int serverPort = req.getServerPort();    
String uri = (String) req.getAttribute("javax.servlet.forward.request_uri");
String prmstr = (String) req.getAttribute("javax.servlet.forward.query_string");
String url = scheme + "://" +serverName + ":" + serverPort + uri + "?" + prmstr;

Note: You can't get HREF anchor from your url. Example, if you have url "toc.html#top" then you can get only "toc.html"

Note: req.getAttribute("javax.servlet.forward.request_uri") work only in JSP. if you run this in controller before JSP then result is null

You can use code for both variant:

public static String getCurrentUrl(HttpServletRequest req) {
    String url = getCurrentUrlWithoutParams(req);
    String prmstr = getCurrentUrlParams(req);
    url += "?" + prmstr;
    return url;

public static String getCurrentUrlParams(HttpServletRequest request) {
    return StringUtil.safeString(request.getQueryString());

public static String getCurrentUrlWithoutParams(HttpServletRequest request) {
    String uri = (String) request.getAttribute("javax.servlet.forward.request_uri");
    if (uri == null) {
        return request.getRequestURL().toString();
    String scheme = request.getScheme();
    String serverName = request.getServerName();
    int serverPort = request.getServerPort();
    String url = scheme + "://" + serverName + ":" + serverPort + uri;
    return url;

Where is the itoa function in Linux?

direct copy to buffer : 64 bit integer itoa hex :

    char* itoah(long num, char* s, int len)
            long n, m = 16;
            int i = 16+2;
            int shift = 'a'- ('9'+1);

            if(!s || len < 1)
                    return 0;

            n = num < 0 ? -1 : 1;
            n = n * num;

            len = len > i ? i : len;
            i = len < i ? len : i;

            s[i-1] = 0;

                    if(len < 2)
                            return &s[i];

                    return &s[i-1];

            while(i && n)
                    s[i-1] = n % m + '0';

                    if (s[i-1] > '9')
                            s[i-1] += shift ;

                    n = n/m;

            if(num < 0)
                            s[i-1] = '-';

            return &s[i];

note: change long to long long for 32 bit machine. long to int in case for 32 bit integer. m is the radix. When decreasing radix, increase number of characters (variable i). When increasing radix, decrease number of characters (better). In case of unsigned data type, i just becomes 16 + 1.

Tomcat view catalina.out log file

locate catalina.out and find out where is your catalina out. Because it depends.

If there is several, look at their sizes: that with size 0 are not what you want.

MySQL - force not to use cache for testing speed of query

Any reference to current date/time will disable the query cache for that selection:


See "Prerequisites and Notes for MySQL Query Cache Use" @

How can I get the actual video URL of a YouTube live stream?

Yes this is possible Since the question is update, this solution can only gives you the embed url not the HLS url, check @JAL answer. with the ressource search.list and the parameters:

* part: id
* channelId: UCURGpU4lj3dat246rysrWsw
* eventType: live
* type: video

Request :



 "items": [
   "kind": "youtube#searchResult",
   "etag": "\"DsOZ7qVJA4mxdTxZeNzis6uE6ck/enc3-yCp8APGcoiU_KH-mSKr4Yo\"",
   "id": {
    "kind": "youtube#video",
    "videoId": "WVZpCdHq3Qg"

Then get the videoID value WVZpCdHq3Qg for example and add the value to this url: + videoID + videoID

How to use If Statement in Where Clause in SQL?

You have to use CASE Statement/Expression

Select * from Customer
WHERE  (I.IsClose=@ISClose OR @ISClose is NULL)  
    (C.FirstName like '%'+@ClientName+'%' or @ClientName is NULL )    
     CASE @Value
         WHEN 2 THEN (CASE I.RecurringCharge WHEN @Total or @Total is NULL) 
         WHEN 3 THEN (CASE WHEN I.RecurringCharge like 
                               '%'+cast(@Total as varchar(50))+'%' 
                     or @Total is NULL )

How can I check if character in a string is a letter? (Python)

data = "abcdefg hi j 12345"

digits_count = 0
letters_count = 0
others_count = 0

for i in userinput:

    if i.isdigit():
        digits_count += 1 
    elif i.isalpha():
        letters_count += 1
        others_count += 1

print("Letters=", letters_count)
print("Digits=", digits_count)


Please Enter Letters with Numbers:
abcdefg hi j 12345
Letters = 10
Digits = 5

By using str.isalpha() you can check if it is a letter.

How to automatically start a service when running a docker container?

docker export -o <nameOfContainer>.tar <nameOfContainer>

Might need to prune the existing container using docker prune ...

Import with required modifications:

cat <nameOfContainer>.tar | docker import -c "ENTRYPOINT service mysql start && /bin/bash" - <nameOfContainer>

Run the container for example with always restart option to make sure it will auto resume after host/daemon recycle:

docker run -d -t -i --restart always --name <nameOfContainer> <nameOfContainer> /bin/bash

Side note: In my opinion reasonable is to start only cron service leaving container as clean as possible then just modify crontab or cron.hourly, .daily etc... with corresponding checkup/monitoring scripts. Reason is You rely only on one daemon and in case of changes it is easier with ansible or puppet to redistribute cron scripts instead of track services that start at boot.

Close pre-existing figures in matplotlib when running from eclipse

It will kill not only all plot windows, but all processes that are called python3, except the current script you run. It works for python3. So, if you are running any other python3 script it will be terminated. As I only run one script at once, it does the job for me.

import os
import subprocess["bash","-c",'pyIDs=($(pgrep python3));for x in "${pyIDs[@]}"; do if [ "$x" -ne '+str(os.getpid())+' ];then  kill -9 "$x"; fi done'])

Daemon not running. Starting it now on port 5037

This worked for me: Open task manager (of your OS) and kill adb.exe process. Now start adb again, now adb should start normally.

How to convert a normal Git repository to a bare one?

Here's what I think is safest and simplest. There is nothing here not stated above. I just want to see an answer that shows a safe step-by-step procedure. You start one folder up from the repository (repo) you want to make bare. I've adopted the convention implied above that bare repository folders have a .git extension.

(1) Backup, just in case.
    (a) > mkdir backup
    (b) > cd backup
    (c) > git clone ../repo
(2) Make it bare, then move it
    (a) > cd ../repo
    (b) > git config --bool core.bare true
    (c) > mv .git ../repo.git
(3) Confirm the bare repository works (optional, since we have a backup)
    (a) > cd ..
    (b) > mkdir test
    (c) > cd test
    (d) > git clone ../repo.git
(4) Clean up
    (a) > rm -Rf repo
    (b) (optional) > rm -Rf backup/repo
    (c) (optional) > rm -Rf test/repo

Tab Escape Character?

For someone who needs quick reference of C# Escape Sequences that can be used in string literals:

\t     Horizontal tab (ASCII code value: 9)

\n     Line feed (ASCII code value: 10)

\r     Carriage return (ASCII code value: 13)

\'     Single quotation mark

\"     Double quotation mark

\\     Backslash

\?     Literal question mark

\x12     ASCII character in hexadecimal notation (e.g. for 0x12)

\x1234     Unicode character in hexadecimal notation (e.g. for 0x1234)

It's worth mentioning that these (in most cases) are universal codes. So \t is 9 and \n is 10 char value on Windows and Linux. But newline sequence is not universal. On Windows it's \n\r and on Linux it's just \n. That's why it's best to use Environment.Newline which gets adjusted to current OS settings. With .Net Core it gets really important.

MATLAB error: Undefined function or method X for input arguments of type 'double'

As others have pointed out, this is very probably a problem with the path of the function file not being in Matlab's 'path'.

One easy way to verify this is to open your function in the Editor and press the F5 key. This would make the Editor try to run the file, and in case the file is not in path, it will prompt you with a message box. Choose Add to Path in that, and you must be fine to go.

One side note: at the end of the above process, Matlab command window will give an error saying arguments missing: obviously, we didn't provide any arguments when we tried to run from the editor. But from now on you can use the function from the command line giving the correct arguments.

How to trap on UIViewAlertForUnsatisfiableConstraints?

You'll want to add a Symbolic Breakpoint. Apple provides an excellent guide on how to do this.

  1. Open the Breakpoint Navigator cmd+7 (cmd+8 in Xcode 9)
  2. Click the Add button in the lower left
  3. Select Add Symbolic Breakpoint...
  4. Where it says Symbol just type in UIViewAlertForUnsatisfiableConstraints

You can also treat it like any other breakpoint, turning it on and off, adding actions, or log messages.

Nginx 403 forbidden for all files

I've got this error and I finally solved it with the command below.

restorecon -r /var/www/html

The issue is caused when you mv something from one place to another. It preserves the selinux context of the original when you move it, so if you untar something in /home or /tmp it gets given an selinux context that matches its location. Now you mv that to /var/www/html and it takes the context saying it belongs in /tmp or /home with it and httpd is not allowed by policy to access those files.

If you cp the files instead of mv them, the selinux context gets assigned according to the location you're copying to, not where it's coming from. Running restorecon puts the context back to its default and fixes it too.

How do you create optional arguments in php?

Some notes that I also found useful:

  • Keep your default values on the right side.

    function whatever($var1, $var2, $var3="constant", $var4="another")
  • The default value of the argument must be a constant expression. It can't be a variable or a function call.