Programs & Examples On #Enable if

std::enable_if to conditionally compile a member function

Here is my minimalist example, using a macro. Use double brackets enable_if((...)) when using more complex expressions.

template<bool b, std::enable_if_t<b, int> = 0>
using helper_enable_if = int;

#define enable_if(value) typename = helper_enable_if<value>

struct Test
     void run();

Localhost : 404 not found

you need to stop that service running on this port .check service running on specific port by "netstat -ano".then in window search type services.exe and search that process and stop that process .to change port of that process check this

Your project path contains non-ASCII characters android studio

The best solution to your problem is to move your project folder to other directory with no non-ASCII characters and blank spaces.

For example ?:\Android\PROJECT-FOLDER.

You can create the directory in C:\ using the name that you want.

Python:Efficient way to check if dictionary is empty or not

As far as I know the for loop uses the iter function and you should not mess with a structure while iterating over it.

Does it have to be a dictionary? If you use a list something like this might work:

while len(my_list) > 0:
    #get last item from list
    key, value = my_list.pop()
    #do something with key and value
    my_list.append((key, value))

Note that my_list is a list of the tuple (key, value). The only disadvantage is that you cannot access by key.

EDIT: Nevermind, the answer above is mostly the same.

Performance differences between ArrayList and LinkedList

Even they seem to identical(same implemented inteface List - non thread-safe),they give different results in terms of performance in add/delete and searching time and consuming memory (LinkedList consumes more).

LinkedLists can be used if you use highly insertion/deletion with performance O(1). ArrayLists can be used if you use direct access operations with performance O(1)

This code may make clear of these comments and you can try to understand performance results. (Sorry for boiler plate code)

public class Test {

    private static Random rnd;

    static {
        rnd = new Random();

    static List<String> testArrayList;
    static List<String> testLinkedList;
    public static final int COUNT_OBJ = 2000000;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        testArrayList = new ArrayList<>();
        testLinkedList = new LinkedList<>();


        checkInsertionPerformance(testLinkedList);  //O(1)
        checkInsertionPerformance(testArrayList);   //O(1) -> O(n)

        checkPerformanceForFinding(testArrayList);  // O(1)
        checkPerformanceForFinding(testLinkedList); // O(n)


    public static void insertSomeDummyData(List<String> list) {
        for (int i = COUNT_OBJ; i-- > 0; ) {
            list.add(new String("" + i));

    public static void checkInsertionPerformance(List<String> list) {

        long startTime, finishedTime;
        startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        int rndIndex;
        for (int i = 200; i-- > 0; ) {
            rndIndex = rnd.nextInt(100000);
            list.add(rndIndex, "test");
        finishedTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        System.out.println(String.format("%s time passed at insertion:%d", list.getClass().getSimpleName(), (finishedTime - startTime)));

    public static void checkPerformanceForFinding(List<String> list) {

        long startTime, finishedTime;
        startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        int rndIndex;
        for (int i = 200; i-- > 0; ) {
            rndIndex = rnd.nextInt(100000);
        finishedTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        System.out.println(String.format("%s time passed at searching:%d", list.getClass().getSimpleName(), (finishedTime - startTime)));



How to convert from Hex to ASCII in JavaScript?

function hex2a(hexx) {
    var hex = hexx.toString();//force conversion
    var str = '';
    for (var i = 0; (i < hex.length && hex.substr(i, 2) !== '00'); i += 2)
        str += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(hex.substr(i, 2), 16));
    return str;
hex2a('32343630'); // returns '2460'

How to randomize two ArrayLists in the same fashion?

You can create an array containing the numbers 0 to 5 and shuffle those. Then use the result as a mapping of "oldIndex -> newIndex" and apply this mapping to both your original arrays.

'mat-form-field' is not a known element - Angular 5 & Material2

You're only exporting it in your NgModule, you need to import it too

  imports: [
  exports: [
  declarations: [
})export class MaterialModule {};

better yet

const modules = [

  imports: [...modules],
  exports: [...modules]
})export class MaterialModule {};


You're declaring component (SearchComponent) depending on Angular Material before all Angular dependency are imported

Like BrowserAnimationsModule

Try moving it to MaterialModule, or before it

Jquery DatePicker Set default date

To create the datepicker and set the date.

$('.next_date').datepicker({ dateFormat: 'dd-mm-yy'}).datepicker("setDate", new Date());

www-data permissions?

As stated in an article by Slicehost:

User setup

So let's start by adding the main user to the Apache user group:

sudo usermod -a -G www-data demo

That adds the user 'demo' to the 'www-data' group. Do ensure you use both the -a and the -G options with the usermod command shown above.

You will need to log out and log back in again to enable the group change.

Check the groups now:

# demo www-data

So now I am a member of two groups: My own (demo) and the Apache group (www-data).

Folder setup

Now we need to ensure the public_html folder is owned by the main user (demo) and is part of the Apache group (www-data).

Let's set that up:

sudo chgrp -R www-data /home/demo/public_html

As we are talking about permissions I'll add a quick note regarding the sudo command: It's a good habit to use absolute paths (/home/demo/public_html) as shown above rather than relative paths (~/public_html). It ensures sudo is being used in the correct location.

If you have a public_html folder with symlinks in place then be careful with that command as it will follow the symlinks. In those cases of a working public_html folder, change each folder by hand.


Good so far, but remember the command we just gave only affects existing folders. What about anything new?

We can set the ownership so anything new is also in the 'www-data' group.

The first command will change the permissions for the public_html directory to include the "setgid" bit:

sudo chmod 2750 /home/demo/public_html

That will ensure that any new files are given the group 'www-data'. If you have subdirectories, you'll want to run that command for each subdirectory (this type of permission doesn't work with '-R'). Fortunately new subdirectories will be created with the 'setgid' bit set automatically.

If we need to allow write access to Apache, to an uploads directory for example, then set the permissions for that directory like so:

sudo chmod 2770 /home/demo/public_html/

The permissions only need to be set once as new files will automatically be assigned the correct ownership.

How to prevent ENTER keypress to submit a web form?

This worked for me.
onkeydown="return !(event.keyCode==13)"

    <form id="form1" runat="server" onkeydown="return !(event.keyCode==13)">


Test if object implements interface

This Post is a good answer.

public interface IMyInterface {}

public class MyType : IMyInterface {}

This is a simple sample:




How do emulators work and how are they written?

Emulation is a multi-faceted area. Here are the basic ideas and functional components. I'm going to break it into pieces and then fill in the details via edits. Many of the things I'm going to describe will require knowledge of the inner workings of processors -- assembly knowledge is necessary. If I'm a bit too vague on certain things, please ask questions so I can continue to improve this answer.

Basic idea:

Emulation works by handling the behavior of the processor and the individual components. You build each individual piece of the system and then connect the pieces much like wires do in hardware.

Processor emulation:

There are three ways of handling processor emulation:

  • Interpretation
  • Dynamic recompilation
  • Static recompilation

With all of these paths, you have the same overall goal: execute a piece of code to modify processor state and interact with 'hardware'. Processor state is a conglomeration of the processor registers, interrupt handlers, etc for a given processor target. For the 6502, you'd have a number of 8-bit integers representing registers: A, X, Y, P, and S; you'd also have a 16-bit PC register.

With interpretation, you start at the IP (instruction pointer -- also called PC, program counter) and read the instruction from memory. Your code parses this instruction and uses this information to alter processor state as specified by your processor. The core problem with interpretation is that it's very slow; each time you handle a given instruction, you have to decode it and perform the requisite operation.

With dynamic recompilation, you iterate over the code much like interpretation, but instead of just executing opcodes, you build up a list of operations. Once you reach a branch instruction, you compile this list of operations to machine code for your host platform, then you cache this compiled code and execute it. Then when you hit a given instruction group again, you only have to execute the code from the cache. (BTW, most people don't actually make a list of instructions but compile them to machine code on the fly -- this makes it more difficult to optimize, but that's out of the scope of this answer, unless enough people are interested)

With static recompilation, you do the same as in dynamic recompilation, but you follow branches. You end up building a chunk of code that represents all of the code in the program, which can then be executed with no further interference. This would be a great mechanism if it weren't for the following problems:

  • Code that isn't in the program to begin with (e.g. compressed, encrypted, generated/modified at runtime, etc) won't be recompiled, so it won't run
  • It's been proven that finding all the code in a given binary is equivalent to the Halting problem

These combine to make static recompilation completely infeasible in 99% of cases. For more information, Michael Steil has done some great research into static recompilation -- the best I've seen.

The other side to processor emulation is the way in which you interact with hardware. This really has two sides:

  • Processor timing
  • Interrupt handling

Processor timing:

Certain platforms -- especially older consoles like the NES, SNES, etc -- require your emulator to have strict timing to be completely compatible. With the NES, you have the PPU (pixel processing unit) which requires that the CPU put pixels into its memory at precise moments. If you use interpretation, you can easily count cycles and emulate proper timing; with dynamic/static recompilation, things are a /lot/ more complex.

Interrupt handling:

Interrupts are the primary mechanism that the CPU communicates with hardware. Generally, your hardware components will tell the CPU what interrupts it cares about. This is pretty straightforward -- when your code throws a given interrupt, you look at the interrupt handler table and call the proper callback.

Hardware emulation:

There are two sides to emulating a given hardware device:

  • Emulating the functionality of the device
  • Emulating the actual device interfaces

Take the case of a hard-drive. The functionality is emulated by creating the backing storage, read/write/format routines, etc. This part is generally very straightforward.

The actual interface of the device is a bit more complex. This is generally some combination of memory mapped registers (e.g. parts of memory that the device watches for changes to do signaling) and interrupts. For a hard-drive, you may have a memory mapped area where you place read commands, writes, etc, then read this data back.

I'd go into more detail, but there are a million ways you can go with it. If you have any specific questions here, feel free to ask and I'll add the info.


I think I've given a pretty good intro here, but there are a ton of additional areas. I'm more than happy to help with any questions; I've been very vague in most of this simply due to the immense complexity.

Obligatory Wikipedia links:

General emulation resources:

  • Zophar -- This is where I got my start with emulation, first downloading emulators and eventually plundering their immense archives of documentation. This is the absolute best resource you can possibly have.
  • NGEmu -- Not many direct resources, but their forums are unbeatable.
  • -- The documents section contains resources regarding machine architecture for popular consoles

Emulator projects to reference:

  • IronBabel -- This is an emulation platform for .NET, written in Nemerle and recompiles code to C# on the fly. Disclaimer: This is my project, so pardon the shameless plug.
  • BSnes -- An awesome SNES emulator with the goal of cycle-perfect accuracy.
  • MAME -- The arcade emulator. Great reference.
  • -- This is a JavaScript 6502 emulator with a cool little forum.
  • dynarec'd 6502asm -- This is a little hack I did over a day or two. I took the existing emulator from and changed it to dynamically recompile the code to JavaScript for massive speed increases.

Processor recompilation references:

  • The research into static recompilation done by Michael Steil (referenced above) culminated in this paper and you can find source and such here.


It's been well over a year since this answer was submitted and with all the attention it's been getting, I figured it's time to update some things.

Perhaps the most exciting thing in emulation right now is libcpu, started by the aforementioned Michael Steil. It's a library intended to support a large number of CPU cores, which use LLVM for recompilation (static and dynamic!). It's got huge potential, and I think it'll do great things for emulation.

emu-docs has also been brought to my attention, which houses a great repository of system documentation, which is very useful for emulation purposes. I haven't spent much time there, but it looks like they have a lot of great resources.

I'm glad this post has been helpful, and I'm hoping I can get off my arse and finish up my book on the subject by the end of the year/early next year.

How can I convert radians to degrees with Python?

-fix- because you want to change from radians to degrees, it is actually rad=deg * math.pi /180 and not deg*180/math.pi

import math
x=1                # in deg
x = x*math.pi/180  # convert to rad
y = math.cos(x)    # calculate in rad

print y

in 1 line it can be like this


Deleting all files from a folder using PHP?

public static function recursiveDelete($dir)
    foreach (new \DirectoryIterator($dir) as $fileInfo) {
        if (!$fileInfo->isDot()) {
            if ($fileInfo->isDir()) {
            } else {

Change action bar color in android

Maybe this can help you also. It's from the website:

First things first you need to have a custom theme declared for your application (or activity, depending on your needs). Something like…

<!-- Somewhere in AndroidManifest.xml -->
<application ... android:theme="@style/ThemeSelector">

Then, declare your custom theme for two cases, API versions with and without the Holo Themes. For the old themes we’ll customize the windowTitleBackgroundStyle attribute, and for the newer ones the ActionBarStyle.

<!-- res/values/styles.xml -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <style name="ThemeSelector" parent="android:Theme.Light">
        <item name="android:windowTitleBackgroundStyle">@style/WindowTitleBackground</item>

    <style name="WindowTitleBackground">     
        <item name="android:background">@color/title_background</item>


<!-- res/values-v11/styles.xml -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <style name="ThemeSelector" parent="android:Theme.Holo.Light">
        <item name="android:actionBarStyle">@style/ActionBar</item>

    <style name="ActionBar" parent="android:style/Widget.Holo.ActionBar">     
        <item name="android:background">@color/title_background</item>


That’s it!

Check if a class is derived from a generic class

JaredPar's code works but only for one level of inheritance. For unlimited levels of inheritance, use the following code

public bool IsTypeDerivedFromGenericType(Type typeToCheck, Type genericType)
    if (typeToCheck == typeof(object))
        return false;
    else if (typeToCheck == null)
        return false;
    else if (typeToCheck.IsGenericType && typeToCheck.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == genericType)
        return true;
        return IsTypeDerivedFromGenericType(typeToCheck.BaseType, genericType);

How to calculate date difference in JavaScript?

var DateDiff = {

    inDays: function(d1, d2) {
        var t2 = d2.getTime();
        var t1 = d1.getTime();

        return parseInt((t2-t1)/(24*3600*1000));

    inWeeks: function(d1, d2) {
        var t2 = d2.getTime();
        var t1 = d1.getTime();

        return parseInt((t2-t1)/(24*3600*1000*7));

    inMonths: function(d1, d2) {
        var d1Y = d1.getFullYear();
        var d2Y = d2.getFullYear();
        var d1M = d1.getMonth();
        var d2M = d2.getMonth();

        return (d2M+12*d2Y)-(d1M+12*d1Y);

    inYears: function(d1, d2) {
        return d2.getFullYear()-d1.getFullYear();

var dString = "May, 20, 1984";

var d1 = new Date(dString);
var d2 = new Date();

document.write("<br />Number of <b>days</b> since "+dString+": "+DateDiff.inDays(d1, d2));
document.write("<br />Number of <b>weeks</b> since "+dString+": "+DateDiff.inWeeks(d1, d2));
document.write("<br />Number of <b>months</b> since "+dString+": "+DateDiff.inMonths(d1, d2));
document.write("<br />Number of <b>years</b> since "+dString+": "+DateDiff.inYears(d1, d2));

Code sample taken from here.

Get all mysql selected rows into an array

I would suggest the use of MySQLi or MySQL PDO for performance and security purposes, but to answer the question:

while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
     $json[] = $row;

echo json_encode($json);

If you switched to MySQLi you could do:

$query = "SELECT * FROM table";
$result = mysqli_query($db, $query);

$json = mysqli_fetch_all ($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
echo json_encode($json );

How to add images in select list?

This is using ms-Dropdown :

Data resource is json. But you dont need to use json. If you want you can use with css.

Css example :

Json Example :


<div id="byjson"></div>


        var jsonData = [
            {description:'Choos your payment gateway', value:'', text:'Payment Gateway'},
            {image:'', description:'My life. My card...', value:'amex', text:'Amex'},
            {image:'', description:'It pays to Discover...', value:'Discover', text:'Discover'},
            {image:'', title:'For everything else...', description:'For everything else...', value:'Mastercard', text:'Mastercard'},
            {image:'', description:'Sorry not available...', value:'cash', text:'Cash on devlivery', disabled:true},
            {image:'', description:'All you need...', value:'Visa', text:'Visa'},
            {image:'', description:'Pay and get paid...', value:'Paypal', text:'Paypal'}
        $("#byjson").msDropDown({byJson:{data:jsonData, name:'payments2'}}).data("dd");

How do I convert Int/Decimal to float in C#?

The same as an int:

float f = 6;

Also here's how to programmatically convert from an int to a float, and a single in C# is the same as a float:

int i = 8;
float f = Convert.ToSingle(i);

Or you can just cast an int to a float:

float f = (float)i;

how to get last insert id after insert query in codeigniter active record

Using the mysqli PHP driver, you can't get the insert_id after you commit.

The real solution is this:

function add_post($post_data){

  $item_id = $this->db->insert_id();

  if( $this->db->trans_status() === FALSE )
    return( 0 );
    return( $item_id );

Source for code structure:

await vs Task.Wait - Deadlock?

Based on what I read from different sources:

An await expression does not block the thread on which it is executing. Instead, it causes the compiler to sign up the rest of the async method as a continuation on the awaited task. Control then returns to the caller of the async method. When the task completes, it invokes its continuation, and execution of the async method resumes where it left off.

To wait for a single task to complete, you can call its Task.Wait method. A call to the Wait method blocks the calling thread until the single class instance has completed execution. The parameterless Wait() method is used to wait unconditionally until a task completes. The task simulates work by calling the Thread.Sleep method to sleep for two seconds.

This article is also a good read.

PHP: how can I get file creation date?

Use filectime. For Windows it will return the creation time, and for Unix the change time which is the best you can get because on Unix there is no creation time (in most filesystems).

Note also that in some Unix texts the ctime of a file is referred to as being the creation time of the file. This is wrong. There is no creation time for Unix files in most Unix filesystems.

Create file path from variables

You want the path.join() function from os.path.

>>> from os import path
>>> path.join('foo', 'bar')

This builds your path with os.sep (instead of the less portable '/') and does it more efficiently (in general) than using +.

However, this won't actually create the path. For that, you have to do something like what you do in your question. You could write something like:

start_path = '/my/root/directory'
final_path = os.join(start_path, *list_of_vars)
if not os.path.isdir(final_path):
    os.makedirs (final_path)

DataGridView - Focus a specific cell

in event form_load (object sender, EventArgs e) try this

dataGridView1.CurrentCell = dataGridView1.Rows[dataGridView1.Rows.Count1].Cells[0];

this code make focus on last row and 1st cell

Google Maps v3 - limit viewable area and zoom level

As of middle 2016, there is no official way to restrict viewable area. Most of ad-hoc solutions to restrict the bounds have a flaw though, because they don't restrict the bounds exactly to fit the map view, they only restrict it if the center of the map is out of the specified bounds. If you want to restrict the bounds to overlaying image like me, this can result in a behavior like illustrated below, where the underlaying map is visible under our image overlay:

enter image description here

To tackle this issue, I have created a library, which successfully restrict the bounds so you cannot pan out of the overlay.

However, as other existing solutions, it has a "vibrating" issue. When the user pans the map aggressively enough, after they release the left mouse button, the map still continues panning by itself, gradually slowing. I always return the map back to the bounds, but that results in kind of vibrating. This panning effect cannot be stopped with any means provided by the Js API at the moment. It seems that until google adds support for something like map.stopPanningAnimation() we won't be able to create a smooth experience.

Example using the mentioned library, the smoothest strict bounds experience I was able to get:

function initialise(){_x000D_
  var myOptions = {_x000D_
     zoom: 5,_x000D_
     center: new google.maps.LatLng(0,0),_x000D_
     mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,_x000D_
  var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), myOptions);_x000D_
function addStrictBoundsImage(map){_x000D_
 var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(_x000D_
  new google.maps.LatLng(62.281819, -150.287132),_x000D_
  new google.maps.LatLng(62.400471, -150.005608));_x000D_
 var image_src = '' +_x000D_
 var strict_bounds_image = new StrictBoundsImage(bounds, image_src, map);_x000D_
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>_x000D_
      <script type="text/javascript">_x000D_
        google.load("maps", "3",{other_params:"sensor=false"});_x000D_
<body style="margin:0px; padding:0px;" onload="initialise()">_x000D_
  <div id="map" style="height:400px; width:500px;"></div>_x000D_
     <script  type="text/javascript"src=""></script>_x000D_

The library is also able to calculate the minimum zoom restriction automatically. It then restricts the zoom level using minZoom map's attribute.

Hopefully this helps someone who wants a solution which fully respect the given boundaries and doesn't want to allow panning out of them.

How to change the background color of the options menu?

 <style name="AppThemeLight" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">
    <item name="android:itemBackground">#000000</item>

this works fine for me

jQuery disable a link

For others who came here via google like me - here's another approach:

.disabled {
  color: grey; // ...whatever

$('#myLink').click(function (e) {
  if ($(this).hasClass('disabled'))
    return false; // Do something else in here if required
    window.location.href = $(this).attr('href');

// Elsewhere in your code
if (disabledCondition == true)

Remember: not only this is a css class


but also these two

class="buttonstyle disabled"

so you can easily add and remove further classes with jQuery. No need to touch href...

I love jQuery! ;-)

How to make Python script run as service?

My non pythonic approach would be using & suffix. That is:

python &

To stop the script


also piping & suffix with disown would put the process under superparent (upper):

python flashpolicyd.pi & disown

IsNull function in DB2 SQL?

Select Product.ID, VALUE(product.Name, "Internal") AS ProductName from Product

Creating an XmlNode/XmlElement in C# without an XmlDocument?

XmlNodes come with an OwnerDocument property.

Perhaps you can just do:

//Node is an XmlNode pulled from an XmlDocument
XmlElement e = node.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("MyNewElement");
e.InnerText = "Some value";

Add up a column of numbers at the Unix shell

You can use the following script if you just want to use shell scripting without awk or other interpreters:



for number in `cat files.txt | xargs ls -l | cut -c 23-30`; do
   let total=$total+$number

echo $total

Python dict how to create key or append an element to key?

You can use defaultdict in collections.

An example from doc:

s = [('yellow', 1), ('blue', 2), ('yellow', 3), ('blue', 4), ('red', 1)]
d = defaultdict(list)
for k, v in s:

How to open a new file in vim in a new window

Check out gVim. You can launch that in its own window.

gVim makes it really easy to manage multiple open buffers graphically.

You can also do the usual :e to open a new file, CTRL+^ to toggle between buffers, etc...

Another cool feature lets you open a popup window that lists all the buffers you've worked on.

This allows you to switch between open buffers with a single click.

To do this, click on the Buffers menu at the top and click the dotted line with the scissors.

enter image description here

Otherwise you can just open a new tab from your terminal session and launch vi from there.

You can usually open a new tab from terminal with CTRL+T or CTRL+ALT+T

Once vi is launched, it's easy to open new files and switch between them.

Can I use Objective-C blocks as properties?


This is not intended to be "the good answer", as this question ask explicitly for ObjectiveC. As Apple introduced Swift at the WWDC14, I'd like to share the different ways to use block (or closures) in Swift.

Hello, Swift

You have many ways offered to pass a block equivalent to function in Swift.

I found three.

To understand this I suggest you to test in playground this little piece of code.

func test(function:String -> String) -> String
    return function("test")

func funcStyle(s:String) -> String
    return "FUNC__" + s + "__FUNC"
let resultFunc = test(funcStyle)

let blockStyle:(String) -> String = {s in return "BLOCK__" + s + "__BLOCK"}
let resultBlock = test(blockStyle)

let resultAnon = test({(s:String) -> String in return "ANON_" + s + "__ANON" })


Swift, optimized for closures

As Swift is optimized for asynchronous development, Apple worked more on closures. The first is that function signature can be inferred so you don't have to rewrite it.

Access params by numbers

let resultShortAnon = test({return "ANON_" + $0 + "__ANON" })

Params inference with naming

let resultShortAnon2 = test({myParam in return "ANON_" + myParam + "__ANON" })

Trailing Closure

This special case works only if the block is the last argument, it's called trailing closure

Here is an example (merged with inferred signature to show Swift power)

let resultTrailingClosure = test { return "TRAILCLOS_" + $0 + "__TRAILCLOS" }


Using all this power what I'd do is mixing trailing closure and type inference (with naming for readability)

PFFacebookUtils.logInWithPermissions(permissions) {
    user, error in
    if (!user) {
        println("Uh oh. The user cancelled the Facebook login.")
    } else if (user.isNew) {
        println("User signed up and logged in through Facebook!")
    } else {
        println("User logged in through Facebook!")


Here's an example that only uses a Left join and I believe is more efficient than any group by method out there: ExchangeCore Blog

FROM TrainTable t1 LEFT JOIN TrainTable t2
ON (t1.Train = t2.Train AND t1.Time < t2.Time)

How to write subquery inside the OUTER JOIN Statement

You need the "correlation id" (the "AS SS" thingy) on the sub-select to reference the fields in the "ON" condition. The id's assigned inside the sub select are not usable in the join.

    CUSTMR cs
                    dp.DEPADDRESS = 'TOKYO'
        ) ss
            ON (
                ss.DEPID = cs.CUSID
                AND ss.DEPNAME = cs.CUSTNAME
    cs.CUSID != '' 

What's the u prefix in a Python string?

It's Unicode.

Just put the variable between str(), and it will work fine.

But in case you have two lists like the following:

a = ['co32','co36']
b = [u'co32',u'co36']

If you check set(a)==set(b), it will come as False, but if you do as follows:

b = str(b)

Now, the result will be True.

Docker Error bind: address already in use

I ran into the same issue several times. Restarting docker seems to do the trick

Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object, when I select a dropdown list

This can happen if you call


on an IEnumerable with 2 or more elements.

How can I check if mysql is installed on ubuntu?

With this command:

 dpkg -s mysql-server | grep Status

PHP header(Location: ...): Force URL change in address bar


header("Location: index.php"); //this work in my site

read more on header() at php documentation.

Gradle: Execution failed for task ':processDebugManifest'

Maybe you have some duplicated Activities

Like this:

<activity android:name=".register.RegisterStepsActivity" />


<activity android:name=".register.RegisterStepsActivity" />

just comment one of them

How to loop through a checkboxlist and to find what's checked and not checked?

This will give a list of selected

List<ListItem> items =  checkboxlist.Items.Cast<ListItem>().Where(n => n.Selected).ToList();

This will give a list of the selected boxes' values (change Value for Text if that is wanted):

var values =  checkboxlist.Items.Cast<ListItem>().Where(n => n.Selected).Select(n => n.Value ).ToList()

Spring Boot application can't resolve the org.springframework.boot package

change the version of spring boot parent


How can I unstage my files again after making a local commit?

Lets say you want to unstage changes upto n commits,

Where commit hashes are as follows:

  • h1
  • h2 ...
  • hn
  • hn+1

Then run the following command:
git reset hn

Now the HEAD will be at hn+1. Changes from h1 to hn will be unstaged.

how to get all markers on google-maps-v3

If you mean "how can I get a reference to all markers on a given map" - then I think the answer is "Sorry, you have to do it yourself". I don't think there is any handy "maps.getMarkers()" type function: you have to keep your own references as the points are created:

var allMarkers = [];
// Create some markers
for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    var marker = new google.maps.Marker({...});

Then you can loop over the allMarkers array to and do whatever you need to do.

What is the functionality of setSoTimeout and how it works?

Does it mean that I'm blocking reading any input from the Server/Client for this socket for 2000 millisecond and after this time the socket is ready to read data?

No, it means that if no data arrives within 2000ms a SocketTimeoutException will be thrown.

What does it mean timeout expire?

It means the 2000ms (in your case) elapses without any data arriving.

What is the option which must be enabled prior to blocking operation?

There isn't one that 'must be' enabled. If you mean 'may be enabled', this is one of them.

Infinite Timeout menas that the socket does't read anymore?

What a strange suggestion. It means that if no data ever arrives you will block in the read forever.

How to encode a URL in Swift

Adding to Bryan Chen's answer above:

Just incase anyone else is getting something similar with Alamofire:

error: Alamofire was compiled with optimization - stepping may behave oddly; variables may not be available.

It's not a very descriptive error. I was getting that error when constructing a URL for google geo services. I was appending a street address to the end of the URL WITHOUT encoding the street address itself first. I was able to fix it using Bryan Chen's solution:

var streetAdress = "123 fake street, new york, ny"
var escapedStreetAddress = streetAddress.stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters(.URLHostAllowedCharacterSet())
let url = "\(self.baseUrl)&address=\(escapedAddress!)"

That fixed it for me! It didnt like that the address had spaces and commas, etc.

Hope this helps someone else!

jQuery Call to WebService returns "No Transport" error

I too got this problem and all solutions given above either failed or were not applicable due to client webservice restrictions.

For this, I added an iframe in my page which resided in the client;s server. So when we post our data to the iframe and the iframe then posts it to the webservice. Hence the cross-domain referencing is eliminated.

We added a 2-way origin check to confirm only authorized page posts data to and from the iframe.

Hope it helps

<iframe style="display:none;" id='receiver' name="receiver" src="https://iframe-address-at-client-server">

//send data to iframe
var hiddenFrame = document.getElementById('receiver').contentWindow;
hiddenFrame.postMessage(JSON.stringify(message), 'https://client-server-url');

//The iframe receives the data using the code:
window.onload = function () {
    var eventMethod = window.addEventListener ? "addEventListener" : "attachEvent";
    var eventer = window[eventMethod];
    var messageEvent = eventMethod == "attachEvent" ? "onmessage" : "message";
    eventer(messageEvent, function (e) {
        var origin = e.origin;
        //if origin not in pre-defined list, break and return
        var messageFromParent = JSON.parse(;
        var json =;

        //send json to web service using AJAX   
        //return the response back to source
        e.source.postMessage(JSON.stringify(aJAXResponse), e.origin);
    }, false);

Read input numbers separated by spaces

I would recommend reading in the line into a string, then splitting it based on the spaces. For this, you can use the getline(...) function. The trick is having a dynamic sized data structure to hold the strings once it's split. Probably the easiest to use would be a vector.

#include <string>
#include <vector>
  string rawInput;
  vector<String> numbers;
  while( getline( cin, rawInput, ' ' ) )

So say the input looks like this:

Enter a number, or numbers separated by a space, between 1 and 1000.
10 5 20 1 200 7

You will now have a vector, numbers, that contains the elements: {"10","5","20","1","200","7"}.

Note that these are still strings, so not useful in arithmetic. To convert them to integers, we use a combination of the STL function, atoi(...), and because atoi requires a c-string instead of a c++ style string, we use the string class' c_str() member function.

  string temp = numbers.pop_back();//removes the last element from the string
  num = atoi( temp.c_str() ); //re-used your 'num' variable from your code

  ...//do stuff

Now there's some problems with this code. Yes, it runs, but it is kind of clunky, and it puts the numbers out in reverse order. Lets re-write it so that it is a little more compact:

#include <string>
string rawInput;
cout << "Enter a number, or numbers separated by a space, between 1 and 1000." << endl;
while( getline( cin, rawInput, ' ') )
  num = atoi( rawInput.c_str() );
  ...//do your stuff

There's still lots of room for improvement with error handling (right now if you enter a non-number the program will crash), and there's infinitely more ways to actually handle the input to get it in a usable number form (the joys of programming!), but that should give you a comprehensive start. :)

Note: I had the reference pages as links, but I cannot post more than two since I have less than 15 posts :/

Edit: I was a little bit wrong about the atoi behavior; I confused it with Java's string->Integer conversions which throw a Not-A-Number exception when given a string that isn't a number, and then crashes the program if the exception isn't handled. atoi(), on the other hand, returns 0, which is not as helpful because what if 0 is the number they entered? Let's make use of the isdigit(...) function. An important thing to note here is that c++ style strings can be accessed like an array, meaning rawInput[0] is the first character in the string all the way up to rawInput[length - 1].

#include <string>
#include <ctype.h>
string rawInput;
cout << "Enter a number, or numbers separated by a space, between 1 and 1000." << endl;
while( getline( cin, rawInput, ' ') )
  bool isNum = true;
  for(int i = 0; i < rawInput.length() && isNum; ++i)
    isNum = isdigit( rawInput[i]);

    num = atoi( rawInput.c_str() );
    ...//do your stuff
    cout << rawInput << " is not a number!" << endl;

The boolean (true/false or 1/0 respectively) is used as a flag for the for-loop, which steps through each character in the string and checks to see if it is a 0-9 digit. If any character in the string is not a digit, the loop will break during it's next execution when it gets to the condition "&& isNum" (assuming you've covered loops already). Then after the loop, isNum is used to determine whether to do your stuff, or to print the error message.

NullInjectorError: No provider for AngularFirestore

For AngularFire2 Latest version

Install AngularFire2

$ npm install --save firebase @angular/fire

Then update app.module.ts file

    import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
    import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';

    import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
    import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';

    import { AngularFireModule } from '@angular/fire';
    import { AngularFireDatabaseModule } from '@angular/fire/database';
    import { environment } from '../environments/environment';
    import { AngularFirestoreModule } from '@angular/fire/firestore';

      declarations: [
      imports: [

      providers: [],
      bootstrap: [AppComponent]
    export class AppModule { }

Check FireStore CRUD operation tutorial here

enter image description here

Declare global variables in Visual Studio 2010 and VB.NET

Okay. I finally found what actually works to answer the question that seems to be asked;

"When needing many modules and forms, how can I declare a variable to be public to all of them such that they each reference the same variable?"

Amazingly to me, I spent considerable time searching the web for that seemingly simple question, finding nothing but vagueness that left me still getting errors.

But thanks to Cody Gray's link to an example, I was able to discern a proper answer;

Situation; You have multiple Modules and/or Forms and want to reference a particular variable from each or all.

"A" way that works; On one module place the following code (wherein "DefineGlobals" is an arbitrarily chosen name);

Public Module DefineGlobals

Public Parts As Integer                 'Assembled-particle count
Public FirstPrtAff As Long              'Addr into Link List 
End Module

And then in each Module/Form in need of addressing that variable "Parts", place the following code (as an example of the "InitForm2" form);

Public Class InitForm2
Private Sub InitForm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

    Parts = Parts + 3

End Sub

End Class

And perhaps another Form; Public Class FormX

Sub CreateAff()

   Parts = 1000

End Sub 

 End Class

That type of coding seems to have worked on my VB2008 Express and seems to be all needed at the moment (void of any unknown files being loaded in the background) even though I have found no end to the "Oh btw..." surprise details. And I'm certain a greater degree of standardization would be preferred, but the first task is simply to get something working at all, with or without standards.

Nothing beats exact and well worded, explicit examples.

Thanks again, Cody

C# - How to add an Excel Worksheet programmatically - Office XP / 2003

Do not forget to include Reference to Microsoft Excel 12.0/11.0 object Library

using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;
// Include this Namespace

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application xlApp = null;
Excel.Workbook xlWorkbook = null;
Excel.Sheets xlSheets = null;
Excel.Worksheet xlNewSheet = null;
string worksheetName ="Sheet_Name";
object readOnly1 = false;

object isVisible = true;

object missing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;

    xlApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();

    if (xlApp == null)

    // Uncomment the line below if you want to see what's happening in Excel
    // xlApp.Visible = true;

    xlWorkbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(@"C:\Book1.xls", missing, readOnly1, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, isVisible, missing, missing, missing);

    xlSheets = (Excel.Sheets)xlWorkbook.Sheets;

    // The first argument below inserts the new worksheet as the first one
    xlNewSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)xlSheets.Add(xlSheets[1], Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
    xlNewSheet.Name = worksheetName;

    xlWorkbook.Close(Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
    //xlApp = null;

HttpClient 4.0.1 - how to release connection?

Since version 4.2, they introduced a much more convenience method that simplifies connection release: HttpRequestBase.releaseConnection()

Making href (anchor tag) request POST instead of GET?

To do POST you'll need to have a form.

<form action="employee.action" method="post">
    <input type="submit" value="Employee1" />

There are some ways to post data with hyperlinks, but you'll need some javascript, and a form.

Some tricks: Make a link use POST instead of GET and How do you post data with a link

Edit: to load response on a frame you can target your form to your frame:

<form action="employee.action" method="post" target="myFrame">

groovy: safely find a key in a map and return its value

The whole point of using Maps is direct access. If you know for sure that the value in a map will never be Groovy-false, then you can do this:

def mymap = [name:"Gromit", likes:"cheese", id:1234]
def key = "likes"

if(mymap[key]) {
    println mymap[key]

However, if the value could potentially be Groovy-false, you should use:

if(mymap.containsKey(key)) {
    println mymap[key]

The easiest solution, though, if you know the value isn't going to be Groovy-false (or you can ignore that), and want a default value, is like this:

def value = mymap[key] ?: "default"

All three of these solutions are significantly faster than your examples, because they don't scan the entire map for keys. They take advantage of the HashMap (or LinkedHashMap) design that makes direct key access nearly instantaneous.

Resync git repo with new .gitignore file

I know this is an old question, but gracchus's solution doesn't work if file names contain spaces. VonC's solution to file names with spaces is to not remove them utilizing --ignore-unmatch, then remove them manually, but this will not work well if there are a lot.

Here is a solution that utilizes bash arrays to capture all files.

# Build bash array of the file names
while read -r file; do 
    rmlist+=( "$file" )
done < <(git ls-files -i --exclude-standard)

git rm –-cached "${rmlist[@]}"

git commit -m 'ignore update'

(change) vs (ngModelChange) in angular

1 - (change) is bound to the HTML onchange event. The documentation about HTML onchange says the following :

Execute a JavaScript when a user changes the selected option of a <select> element

Source :

2 - As stated before, (ngModelChange) is bound to the model variable binded to your input.

So, my interpretation is :

  • (change) triggers when the user changes the input
  • (ngModelChange) triggers when the model changes, whether it's consecutive to a user action or not

How is __eq__ handled in Python and in what order?

When Python2.x sees a == b, it tries the following.

  • If type(b) is a new-style class, and type(b) is a subclass of type(a), and type(b) has overridden __eq__, then the result is b.__eq__(a).
  • If type(a) has overridden __eq__ (that is, type(a).__eq__ isn't object.__eq__), then the result is a.__eq__(b).
  • If type(b) has overridden __eq__, then the result is b.__eq__(a).
  • If none of the above are the case, Python repeats the process looking for __cmp__. If it exists, the objects are equal iff it returns zero.
  • As a final fallback, Python calls object.__eq__(a, b), which is True iff a and b are the same object.

If any of the special methods return NotImplemented, Python acts as though the method didn't exist.

Note that last step carefully: if neither a nor b overloads ==, then a == b is the same as a is b.


"No such file or directory" but it exists

I faced this error when I was trying to build Selenium source on Ubuntu. The simple shell script with correct shebang was not able to run even after I had all pre-requisites covered.

file file-name # helped me in understanding that CRLF ending were present in the file.

I opened the file in Vim and I could see that just because I once edited this file on a Windows machine, it was in DOS format. I converted the file to Unix format with below command:

dos2unix filename # actually helped me and things were fine.

I hope that we should take care whenever we edit files across platforms we should take care for the file formats as well.

Qt jpg image display

You could attach the image (as a pixmap) to a label then add that to your layout...


QPixmap image("blah.jpg");

QLabel *imageLabel = new QLabel();



Apologies, this is using Jambi (Qt for Java) so the syntax is different, but the theory is the same.

Simple Java Client/Server Program

Instead of using the IP address from, what if you just get the IP address directly from the machine and plug that in? will give you the address of your router (I'm assuming you're on a home network). I don't think port forwarding will work since your request will come from within the network, not outside.

Limiting the output of PHP's echo to 200 characters

It gives out a string of max 200 characters OR 200 normal characters OR 200 characters followed by '...'

$ur_str= (strlen($ur_str) > 200) ? substr($ur_str,0,200).'...' :$ur_str;

What does "javax.naming.NoInitialContextException" mean?

It basically means that the application wants to perform some "naming operations" (e.g. JNDI or LDAP lookups), and it didn't have sufficient information available to be able to create a connection to the directory server. As the docs for the exception state,

This exception is thrown when no initial context implementation can be created. The policy of how an initial context implementation is selected is described in the documentation of the InitialContext class.

And if you dutifully have a look at the javadocs for InitialContext, they describe quite well how the initial context is constructed, and what your options are for supplying the address/credentials/etc.

If you have a go at creating the context and get stuck somewhere else, please post back explaining what you've done so far and where you're running aground.

$(document).ready(function(){ Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined

many other people answered your question above. This problen arises when your script don't find the jQuery script and if you are using other framework or cms then maybe there is a conflict between jQuery and other libraries. In my case i used as following- `

<script src="js_directory/jquery.1.7.min.js"></script>
    //your other code here


here might be some syntax error. Please forgive me because i'm writing from my cell phone. Thanks

Difference between Interceptor and Filter in Spring MVC

A HandlerInterceptor gives you more fine-grained control than a filter, because you have access to the actual target "handler" - this means that whatever action you perform can vary depending on what the request is actually doing (whereas the servlet filter is generically applied to all requests - only able to take into account the parameters of each request). The handlerInterceptor also provides 3 different methods, so that you can apply behavior prior to calling a handler, after the handler has completed but prior to view rendering (where you may even bypass view rendering altogether), or after the view itself has been rendered. Also, you can set up different interceptors for different groups of handlers - the interceptors are configured on the handlerMapping, and there may be multiple handlerMappings.

Therefore, if you have a need to do something completely generic (e.g. log all requests), then a filter is sufficient - but if the behavior depends on the target handler or you want to do something between the request handling and view rendering, then the HandlerInterceptor provides that flexibility.


ORDER BY using Criteria API

It's hard to know for sure without seeing the mappings (see @Juha's comment), but I think you want something like the following:

Criteria c = session.createCriteria(Cat.class);
Criteria c2 = c.createCriteria("mother");
Criteria c3 = c2.createCriteria("kind");
return c.list();

php $_GET and undefined index

The real answer to this is to put a @ At symbol before the variable which will suppress the error


It will work some slower, but will keep the code clean.

When something saves time for the programmer, and costs time for the website users (or requires more hardware), it depends on how much people will use it.

Remove a prefix from a string

I don't know about "standard way".

def remove_prefix(text, prefix):
    if text.startswith(prefix):
        return text[len(prefix):]
    return text  # or whatever

As noted by @Boris and @Stefan, on Python 3.9+ you can use


with the same behavior.

LINQ query to return a Dictionary<string, string>

Use the ToDictionary method directly.

var result = 
  // as Jon Skeet pointed out, OrderBy is useless here, I just leave it 
  // show how to use OrderBy in a LINQ query
  myClassCollection.OrderBy(mc => mc.SomePropToSortOn)
                   .ToDictionary(mc => mc.KeyProp.ToString(), 
                                 mc => mc.ValueProp.ToString(), 

Check for internet connection with Swift

iOS12 Swift 4 and Swift 5

If you just want to check the connection, and your lowest target is iOS12, then you can use NWPathMonitor

import Network

It needs a little setup with some properties.

let internetMonitor = NWPathMonitor()
let internetQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "InternetMonitor")
private var hasConnectionPath = false

I created a function to get it going. You can do this on view did load or anywhere else. I put a guard in so you can call it all you want to get it going.

func startInternetTracking() {
    // only fires once
    guard internetMonitor.pathUpdateHandler == nil else {
    internetMonitor.pathUpdateHandler = { update in
        if update.status == .satisfied {
            print("Internet connection on.")
            self.hasConnectionPath = true
        } else {
            print("no internet connection.")
            self.hasConnectionPath = false
    internetMonitor.start(queue: internetQueue)

/// will tell you if the device has an Internet connection
/// - Returns: true if there is some kind of connection
func hasInternet() -> Bool {
    return hasConnectionPath

Now you can just call the helper function hasInternet() to see if you have one. It updates in real time. See Apple documentation for NWPathMonitor. It has lots more functionality like cancel() if you need to stop tracking the connection, type of internet you are looking for, etc.

How to put an image next to each other

You don't need the div's.


<div class="nav3" style="height:705px;">
    <a href="" class="icons"><img src="images/facebook.png"></a>
    <a href="" class="icons"><img src="images/twitter.png"></a>


.nav3 {
    background-color: #E9E8C7;
    height: auto;
    width: 150px;
    float: left;
    padding-left: 20px;
    font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-size: 12px;
    color: #333333;
    padding-top: 20px;
    padding-right: 20px;

    width: 64px; 
    height: 64px; 

 a.icons:hover {
     background: #C93;

See this fiddle

Text on image mouseover?

And if you come from even further in the future you can use the title property on div tags now to provide tooltips:

<div title="Tooltip text">Hover over me</div>

Let's just hope you're not using a browser from the past.

<div title="Tooltip text">Hover over me</div>

ASP.NET MVC How to pass JSON object from View to Controller as Parameter

You say "I am not using a forms to manipulate the data." But you are doing a POST. Therefore, you are, in fact, using a form, even if it's empty.

$.ajax's dataType tells jQuery what type the server will return, not what you are passing. POST can only pass a form. jQuery will convert data to key/value pairs and pass it as a query string. From the docs:

Data to be sent to the server. It is converted to a query string, if not already a string. It's appended to the url for GET-requests. See processData option to prevent this automatic processing. Object must be Key/Value pairs. If value is an Array, jQuery serializes multiple values with same key i.e. {foo:["bar1", "bar2"]} becomes '&foo=bar1&foo=bar2'.


  1. You aren't passing JSON to the server. You're passing JSON to jQuery.
  2. Model binding happens in the same way it happens in any other case.

Entity Framework Queryable async

There is a massive difference in the example you have posted, the first version:

var urls = await context.Urls.ToListAsync();

This is bad, it basically does select * from table, returns all results into memory and then applies the where against that in memory collection rather than doing select * from table where... against the database.

The second method will not actually hit the database until a query is applied to the IQueryable (probably via a linq .Where().Select() style operation which will only return the db values which match the query.

If your examples were comparable, the async version will usually be slightly slower per request as there is more overhead in the state machine which the compiler generates to allow the async functionality.

However the major difference (and benefit) is that the async version allows more concurrent requests as it doesn't block the processing thread whilst it is waiting for IO to complete (db query, file access, web request etc).

How does PHP 'foreach' actually work?

PHP foreach loop can be used with Indexed arrays, Associative arrays and Object public variables.

In foreach loop, the first thing php does is that it creates a copy of the array which is to be iterated over. PHP then iterates over this new copy of the array rather than the original one. This is demonstrated in the below example:

$numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]; # initial values for our array
echo '<pre>', print_r($numbers, true), '</pre>', '<hr />';
foreach($numbers as $index => $number){
    $numbers[$index] = $number + 1; # this is making changes to the origial array
    echo 'Inside of the array = ', $index, ': ', $number, '<br />'; # showing data from the copied array
echo '<hr />', '<pre>', print_r($numbers, true), '</pre>'; # shows the original values (also includes the newly added values).

Besides this, php does allow to use iterated values as a reference to the original array value as well. This is demonstrated below:

$numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];
echo '<pre>', print_r($numbers, true), '</pre>';
foreach($numbers as $index => &$number){
    ++$number; # we are incrementing the original value
    echo 'Inside of the array = ', $index, ': ', $number, '<br />'; # this is showing the original value
echo '<hr />';
echo '<pre>', print_r($numbers, true), '</pre>'; # we are again showing the original value

Note: It does not allow original array indexes to be used as references.


Adding n hours to a date in Java?

This is another piece of code when your Date object is in Datetime format. The beauty of this code is, If you give more number of hours the date will also update accordingly.

    String myString =  "09:00 12/12/2014";
    SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm dd/MM/yyyy");
    Date myDateTime = null;

    //Parse your string to SimpleDateFormat
        myDateTime = simpleDateFormat.parse(myString);
    catch (ParseException e)
    System.out.println("This is the Actual Date:"+myDateTime);
    Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();

    //Adding 21 Hours to your Date
    cal.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 21);
    System.out.println("This is Hours Added Date:"+cal.getTime());

Here is the Output:

    This is the Actual Date:Fri Dec 12 09:00:00 EST 2014
    This is Hours Added Date:Sat Dec 13 06:00:00 EST 2014

The Network Adapter could not establish the connection when connecting with Oracle DB

If it is on a Linux box, I would suggest you add the database IP name and IP resolution to the /etc/hosts.

I have the same error and when we do the above, it works fine.

I need to get all the cookies from the browser

Modern approach.

let c = document.cookie.split(";").reduce( (ac, cv, i) => Object.assign(ac, {[cv.split('=')[0]]: cv.split('=')[1]}), {});



How to check the first character in a string in Bash or UNIX shell?

Consider the case statement as well which is compatible with most sh-based shells:

case $str in
    echo 1
    echo 0

What's the point of the X-Requested-With header?

Some frameworks are using this header to detect xhr requests e.g. grails spring security is using this header to identify xhr request and give either a json response or html response as response.

Most Ajax libraries (Prototype, JQuery, and Dojo as of v2.1) include an X-Requested-With header that indicates that the request was made by XMLHttpRequest instead of being triggered by clicking a regular hyperlink or form submit button.


JavaScript: How to find out if the user browser is Chrome?

If you're feeling brave, you can experiment with browser sniffing and get a version:

var ua = navigator.userAgent;
if(/chrome/i.test(ua)) {
    var uaArray = ua.split(' ')
    ,   version = uaArray[uaArray.length - 2].substr(7);

This detected version might be a Chrome version, or a Edge version, or something else. Browser plugins can easily change userAgent and platform and other things though, so this is not recommended.

Apologies to The Big Lebowski for using his answer within mine.

How to increase timeout for a single test case in mocha

Here you go:

it('accesses the network', function(done){
  [Put network code here, with done() in the callback]

For arrow function use as follows:

it('accesses the network', (done) => {
  [Put network code here, with done() in the callback]

Extract the last substring from a cell

The answer provided by @Jean provides a working but obscure solution (although it doesn't handle trailing spaces)

As an alternative consider a vba user defined function (UDF)

Function RightWord(r As Range) As Variant
    Dim s As String
    s = Trim(r.Value)
    RightWord = Mid(s, InStrRev(s, " ") + 1)
End Function

Use in sheet as

Spring MVC: Error 400 The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect

My problem was the lack of BindingResult parameter after my model attribute.

 @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "/sign-up", consumes = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
    public ModelAndView registerUser(@Valid @ModelAttribute UserRegistrationInfo userRegistrationInfo
                                HttpServletRequest httpRequest,
                                HttpSession httpSession) { ... } 

After I added BindingResult my controller became

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "/sign-up", consumes = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
    public ModelAndView registerUser(@Valid @ModelAttribute  UserRegistrationInfo userRegistrationInfo, BindingResult bindingResult,
                                HttpServletRequest httpRequest,
                                HttpSession httpSession) { ..}

Check answer @sashok_bg @sashko_bg Mersi mnogo

Remote debugging Tomcat with Eclipse

Modify catalina.bat to add

set JPDA_OPTS="-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n" 


CATALINA_OPTS=-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n

Optional: Add below line to run the debug mode by default when you run startup.bat

call "%EXECUTABLE%" jpda start %CMD_LINE_ARGS%

Eclipse or STS select debug configuration right click -> new

connection type -> Standard socket Attach
Port -> 8000 (as given in the CATALINA_OPTS)
Host -> localhost or IP address

Easy way to print Perl array? (with a little formatting)

You can use Data::Dump:

use Data::Dump qw(dump);
my @a = (1, [2, 3], {4 => 5});


"(1, [2, 3], { 4 => 5 })"

How to calculate UILabel height dynamically?

To summarize, you can calculate the height of a label by using its string and calling boundingRectWithSize. You must provide the font as an attribute, and include .usesLineFragmentOrigin for multi-line labels.

let labelWidth = label.frame.width
let maxLabelSize = CGSize(width: labelWidth, height: CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude)
let actualLabelSize = label.text!.boundingRect(with: maxLabelSize, options: [.usesLineFragmentOrigin], attributes: [.font: label.font], context: nil)
let labelHeight = actualLabelSize.height(withWidth:labelWidth)

Some extensions to do just that:

Swift Version:

extension UILabel {
    func textHeight(withWidth width: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
        guard let text = text else {
            return 0
        return text.height(withWidth: width, font: font)

    func attributedTextHeight(withWidth width: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
        guard let attributedText = attributedText else {
            return 0
        return attributedText.height(withWidth: width)

extension String {
    func height(withWidth width: CGFloat, font: UIFont) -> CGFloat {
        let maxSize = CGSize(width: width, height: CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude)
        let actualSize = self.boundingRect(with: maxSize, options: [.usesLineFragmentOrigin], attributes: [.font : font], context: nil)
        return actualSize.height

extension NSAttributedString {
    func height(withWidth width: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
        let maxSize = CGSize(width: width, height: CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude)
        let actualSize = boundingRect(with: maxSize, options: [.usesLineFragmentOrigin], context: nil)
        return actualSize.height

Objective-C Version:


#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@interface UILabel (Utility)
- (CGFloat)textHeightForWidth:(CGFloat)width;
- (CGFloat)attributedTextHeightForWidth:(CGFloat)width;


@implementation NSString (Utility)
- (CGFloat)heightForWidth:(CGFloat)width font:(UIFont *)font {
    CGSize maxSize = CGSizeMake(width, CGFLOAT_MAX);
    CGSize actualSize = [self boundingRectWithSize:maxSize options:NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin attributes:@{NSFontAttributeName : font} context:nil].size;
    return actualSize.height;

@implementation NSAttributedString (Utility)
- (CGFloat)heightForWidth:(CGFloat)width {
    CGSize maxSize = CGSizeMake(width, CGFLOAT_MAX);
    CGSize actualSize = [self boundingRectWithSize:maxSize options:NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin context:nil].size;
    return actualSize.height;

@implementation UILabel (Utility)
- (CGFloat)textHeightForWidth:(CGFloat)width {
    return [self.text heightForWidth:width font:self.font];
- (CGFloat)attributedTextHeightForWidth:(CGFloat)width {
    return [self.attributedText heightForWidth:width];

In LaTeX, how can one add a header/footer in the document class Letter?

This code works to insert both header and footer on the first page with header center aligned and footer left aligned

  % for the first page

  5$^{th}$  IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering - ICRAIE 2020 (IEEE Record\#51050) %EDIT HERE

  {\footnotesize XXX-1-7281-8867-6/20/\$31.00~\copyright~2020 IEEE\hfill} % EDIT HERE



\def\BibTeX{{\rm B\kern-.05em{\sc i\kern-.025em b}\kern-.08em
\newcommand{\ma}[1]{\mbox{\boldmath$#1$}} ```

Changing image size in Markdown

For future reference:

Markdown implementation for Joplin allows controlling the size of imported images in the following manner:

<img src=":/7653a812439451eb1803236687a70ca" width="450"/>

This feature was requested here and as promised by Laurent this has been implemented.

It took me a while to figure the Joplin specific answer.

How to create NSIndexPath for TableView

For Swift 3 it's now: IndexPath(row: rowIndex, section: sectionIndex)

Found shared references to a collection org.hibernate.HibernateException

Hibernate shows this error when you attempt to persist more than one entity instance sharing the same collection reference (i.e. the collection identity in contrast with collection equality).

Note that it means the same collection, not collection element - in other words relatedPersons on both person and anotherPerson must be the same. Perhaps you're resetting that collection after entities are loaded? Or you've initialized both references with the same collection instance?

How to wait for all threads to finish, using ExecutorService?

The CyclicBarrier class in Java 5 and later is designed for this sort of thing.

Difference between .on('click') vs .click()

They appear to be the same... Documentation from the click() function:

This method is a shortcut for .bind('click', handler)

Documentation from the on() function:

As of jQuery 1.7, the .on() method provides all functionality required for attaching event handlers. For help in converting from older jQuery event methods, see .bind(), .delegate(), and .live(). To remove events bound with .on(), see .off().

Spring JSON request getting 406 (not Acceptable)

I had the same problem unfortunately non of the solution here solved my problem as my problem was something in a different class.

I first checked that all dependencies are in place as suggested by @bekur then I checked the request/response that travels from clients to the server all headers was in place an properly set by Jquery. I then checked the RequestMappingHandlerAdapter MessageConverters and all 7 of them were in place, I really started to hate Spring ! I then updated to from Spring 4.0.6.RELEASE to 4.2.0.RELEASE I have got another response rather than the above. It was Request processing failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No converter found for return value of type

Here is my controller method

  @RequestMapping(value = "/upload", method = RequestMethod.POST,produces = "application/json")
    public ResponseEntity<UploadPictureResult> pictureUpload(FirewalledRequest initialRequest) {

        DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest request = (DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) initialRequest.getRequest();

        try {
            Iterator<String> iterator = request.getFileNames();

            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                MultipartFile file = request.getFile(;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return new ResponseEntity<UploadPictureResult>(new UploadPictureResult(),HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
        return new ResponseEntity<UploadPictureResult>(new UploadPictureResult(), HttpStatus.OK);

    public class UploadPictureResult extends WebResponse{

    private List<Image> images;

    public void setImages(List<Image> images) {
        this.images = images;

    public class WebResponse implements Serializable {

    protected String message;

    public WebResponse() {

    public WebResponse(String message) {

        this.message = message;

    public void setMessage(String message) {
        this.message = message;

The solution was to make UploadPictureResult not to extend WebResponse

For some reason spring was not able to determine the how to convert UploadPictureReslt when it extended WebResponse

Get single listView SelectedItem

None of the answers above, at least to me, show how to actually handle determining whether you have 1 item or multiple, and how to actually get the values out of your items in a generic way that doesn't depend on there actually only being one item, or multiple, so I'm throwing my hat in the ring.

This is quite easily and generically done by checking your count to see that you have at least one item, then doing a foreach loop on the .SelectedItems, casting each item as a DataRowView:

if (listView1.SelectedItems.Count > 0)
     foreach (DataRowView drv in listView1.SelectedItems)
         string firstColumn = drv.Row[0] != null ? drv.Row[0].ToString() : String.Empty;
         string secondColumn = drv.Row[1] != null ? drv.Row[1].ToString() : String.Empty;
         // ... do something with these values before they are replaced
         // by the next run of the loop that will get the next row

This will work, whether you have 1 item or many. It's funny that MSDN says to use ListView.SelectedListViewItemCollection to capture listView1.SelectedItems and iterate through that, but I found that this gave an error in my WPF app: The type name 'SelectedListViewItemCollection' does not exist in type 'ListView'.

what is the difference between json and xml

They are two formats of representation of information. While JSON was designed to be more compact, XML was design to be more readable.

javascript functions to show and hide divs

Rename the closing function as 'hide', for example and it will work.

function hide() {
    if(document.getElementById('benefits').style.display=='block') {

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException Error

NullPointerExceptions are among the easier exceptions to diagnose, frequently. Whenever you get an exception in Java and you see the stack trace ( that's what your second quote-block is called, by the way ), you read from top to bottom. Often, you will see exceptions that start in Java library code or in native implementations methods, for diagnosis you can just skip past those until you see a code file that you wrote.

Then you like at the line indicated and look at each of the objects ( instantiated classes ) on that line -- one of them was not created and you tried to use it. You can start by looking up in your code to see if you called the constructor on that object. If you didn't, then that's your problem, you need to instantiate that object by calling new Classname( arguments ). Another frequent cause of NullPointerExceptions is accidentally declaring an object with local scope when there is an instance variable with the same name.

In your case, the exception occurred in your constructor for Workshop on line 75. <init> means the constructor for a class. If you look on that line in your code, you'll see the line


There are fairly clearly two objects on this line: denimjeansButton and this. this is synonymous with the class instance you are currently in and you're in the constructor, so it can't be this. denimjeansButton is your culprit. You never instantiated that object. Either remove the reference to the instance variable denimjeansButton or instantiate it.

maxReceivedMessageSize and maxBufferSize in app.config

Easy solution: Check if it works for you..

Goto web.config

Find binding used by client.

change as,

maxBufferSize="2147483647" maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647"


How can I mock requests and the response?

Try using the responses library. Here is an example from their documentation:

import responses
import requests

def test_simple():
    responses.add(responses.GET, '',
                  json={'error': 'not found'}, status=404)

    resp = requests.get('')

    assert resp.json() == {"error": "not found"}

    assert len(responses.calls) == 1
    assert responses.calls[0].request.url == ''
    assert responses.calls[0].response.text == '{"error": "not found"}'

It provides quite a nice convenience over setting up all the mocking yourself.

There's also HTTPretty:

It's not specific to requests library, more powerful in some ways though I found it doesn't lend itself so well to inspecting the requests that it intercepted, which responses does quite easily

There's also httmock.

Check difference in seconds between two times

Assuming dateTime1 and dateTime2 are DateTime values:

var diffInSeconds = (dateTime1 - dateTime2).TotalSeconds;

In your case, you 'd use DateTime.Now as one of the values and the time in the list as the other. Be careful of the order, as the result can be negative if dateTime1 is earlier than dateTime2.

Equal height rows in a flex container

In your case height will be calculated automatically, so you have to provide the height
use this

  width: 100%;

Apache redirect to another port

I solved this issue with the following code:

LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/
<VirtualHost *:80>
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8080/

I also used:

a2enmod proxy_http

How to get request url in a jQuery $.get/ajax request

Since jQuery.get is just a shorthand for jQuery.ajax, another way would be to use the latter one's context option, as stated in the documentation:

The this reference within all callbacks is the object in the context option passed to $.ajax in the settings; if context is not specified, this is a reference to the Ajax settings themselves.

So you would use

$.ajax('', {
  dataType: 'xml',
  data: {'a':1,'b':2,'c':3},
  context: {
    url: ''
}).done(function(xml) {alert(this.url});

Compare every item to every other item in ArrayList

This code helped me get this behaviour: With a list a,b,c, I should get compared ab, ac and bc, but any other pair would be excess / not needed.

import java.util.*;
import static java.lang.System.out;

// rl = rawList; lr = listReversed
ArrayList<String> rl = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<String> lr = new ArrayList<String>();


for (String itemA : rl) {
        for (String itemZ : lr) {
        System.out.println(itemA + itemZ);

The loop goes as like in this picture: Triangular comparison visual example

or as this:

   |   f    e    d    c    b   a
a  |  af   ae   ad   ac   ab   ·
b  |  bf   be   bd   bc   ·   
c  |  cf   ce   cd   ·      
d  |  df   de   ·         
e  |  ef   ·            
f  |  ·               

total comparisons is a triangular number (n * n-1)/2

Run a command shell in jenkins

Error shows that script does not exists

The file does not exists. check your full path

The system cannot find the file specified

Moreover, to launch .sh scripts into windows, you need to have CYGWIN installed and well configured into your path

Confirm that script exists.

Into jenkins script, do the following to confirm that you do have the file

cd C:\Windows\TEMP\
ls -rtl
sh -xe

How to name variables on the fly?

It seems to me that you might be better off with a list rather than using orca1, orca2, etc, ... then it would be orca[1], orca[2], ...

Usually you're making a list of variables differentiated by nothing but a number because that number would be a convenient way to access them later.

orca <- list()
orca[1] <- "Hi"
orca[2] <- 59

Otherwise, assign is just what you want.

Is it possible to use the SELECT INTO clause with UNION [ALL]?

You don't need a derived table at all for this.

Just put the INTO after the first SELECT

SELECT top(100)* 
INTO tmpFerdeen
FROM Customers
SELECT top(100)* 
FROM CustomerEurope
SELECT top(100)* 
FROM CustomerAsia
SELECT top(100)* 
FROM CustomerAmericas

Logical operators for boolean indexing in Pandas

Logical operators for boolean indexing in Pandas

It's important to realize that you cannot use any of the Python logical operators (and, or or not) on pandas.Series or pandas.DataFrames (similarly you cannot use them on numpy.arrays with more than one element). The reason why you cannot use those is because they implicitly call bool on their operands which throws an Exception because these data structures decided that the boolean of an array is ambiguous:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> arr = np.array([1,2,3])
>>> s = pd.Series([1,2,3])
>>> df = pd.DataFrame([1,2,3])
>>> bool(arr)
ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
>>> bool(s)
ValueError: The truth value of a Series is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all().
>>> bool(df)
ValueError: The truth value of a DataFrame is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all().

I did cover this more extensively in my answer to the "Truth value of a Series is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all()" Q+A.

NumPys logical functions

However NumPy provides element-wise operating equivalents to these operators as functions that can be used on numpy.array, pandas.Series, pandas.DataFrame, or any other (conforming) numpy.array subclass:

So, essentially, one should use (assuming df1 and df2 are pandas DataFrames):

np.logical_and(df1, df2)
np.logical_or(df1, df2)
np.logical_xor(df1, df2)

Bitwise functions and bitwise operators for booleans

However in case you have boolean NumPy array, pandas Series, or pandas DataFrames you could also use the element-wise bitwise functions (for booleans they are - or at least should be - indistinguishable from the logical functions):

Typically the operators are used. However when combined with comparison operators one has to remember to wrap the comparison in parenthesis because the bitwise operators have a higher precedence than the comparison operators:

(df1 < 10) | (df2 > 10)  # instead of the wrong df1 < 10 | df2 > 10

This may be irritating because the Python logical operators have a lower precendence than the comparison operators so you normally write a < 10 and b > 10 (where a and b are for example simple integers) and don't need the parenthesis.

Differences between logical and bitwise operations (on non-booleans)

It is really important to stress that bit and logical operations are only equivalent for boolean NumPy arrays (and boolean Series & DataFrames). If these don't contain booleans then the operations will give different results. I'll include examples using NumPy arrays but the results will be similar for the pandas data structures:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> a1 = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1])
>>> a2 = np.array([0, 1, 0, 1])

>>> np.logical_and(a1, a2)
array([False, False, False,  True])
>>> np.bitwise_and(a1, a2)
array([0, 0, 0, 1], dtype=int32)

And since NumPy (and similarly pandas) does different things for boolean (Boolean or “mask” index arrays) and integer (Index arrays) indices the results of indexing will be also be different:

>>> a3 = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])

>>> a3[np.logical_and(a1, a2)]
>>> a3[np.bitwise_and(a1, a2)]
array([1, 1, 1, 2])

Summary table

Logical operator | NumPy logical function | NumPy bitwise function | Bitwise operator
       and       |  np.logical_and        | np.bitwise_and         |        &
       or        |  np.logical_or         | np.bitwise_or          |        |
                 |  np.logical_xor        | np.bitwise_xor         |        ^
       not       |  np.logical_not        | np.invert              |        ~

Where the logical operator does not work for NumPy arrays, pandas Series, and pandas DataFrames. The others work on these data structures (and plain Python objects) and work element-wise. However be careful with the bitwise invert on plain Python bools because the bool will be interpreted as integers in this context (for example ~False returns -1 and ~True returns -2).

Fix height of a table row in HTML Table

This works, as long as you remove the height attribute from the table.

<table id="content" border="0px" cellspacing="0px" cellpadding="0px">
  <tr><td height='9px' bgcolor="#990000">Upper</td></tr>
  <tr><td height='100px' bgcolor="#990099">Lower</td></tr>

Checking if a folder exists using a .bat file

I think the answer is here (possibly duplicate):

How to test if a file is a directory in a batch script?

IF EXIST %VAR%\NUL ECHO It's a directory

Replace %VAR% with your directory. Please read the original answer because includes details about handling white spaces in the folder name.

As foxidrive said, this might not be reliable on NT class windows. It works for me, but I know it has some limitations (which you can find in the referenced question)

if exist "c:\folder\" echo folder exists 

should be enough for modern windows.

How do I loop through rows with a data reader in C#?

That's the way the DataReader works, it's designed to read the database rows one at a time.

  var value1 = reader.GetValue(0); // On first iteration will be hello
  var value2 = reader.GetValue(1); // On first iteration will be hello2
  var value3 = reader.GetValue(2); // On first iteration will be hello3

How to check if a function exists on a SQL database

Why not just:

IF object_id('YourFunctionName', 'FN') IS NOT NULL
    DROP FUNCTION [dbo].[YourFunctionName]

The second argument of object_id is optional, but can help to identify the correct object. There are numerous possible values for this type argument, particularly:

  • FN : Scalar function
  • IF : Inline table-valued function
  • TF : Table-valued-function
  • FS : Assembly (CLR) scalar-function
  • FT : Assembly (CLR) table-valued function

How to format html table with inline styles to look like a rendered Excel table?

Add cellpadding and cellspacing to solve it. Edit: Also removed double pixel border.

{border-left:1px solid black;
border-top:1px solid black;}
{border-right:1px solid black;
border-bottom:1px solid black;}
        <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                <td width="350" >
                <td width="80" >
                <td width="65" >
            <tr >

How can I add "href" attribute to a link dynamically using JavaScript?

var a = document.getElementById('yourlinkId'); //or grab it by tagname etc
a.href = "somelink url"

How can I use a C++ library from node.js?

You can use a node.js extension to provide bindings for your C++ code. Here is one tutorial that covers that:

How to do a Jquery Callback after form submit?

You'll have to do things manually with an AJAX call to the server. This will require you to override the form as well.

But don't worry, it's a piece of cake. Here's an overview on how you'll go about working with your form:

  • override the default submit action (thanks to the passed in event object, that has a preventDefault method)
  • grab all necessary values from the form
  • fire off an HTTP request
  • handle the response to the request

First, you'll have to cancel the form submit action like so:

$("#myform").submit(function(event) {
    // Cancels the form's submit action.

And then, grab the value of the data. Let's just assume you have one text box.

$("#myform").submit(function(event) {
    var val = $(this).find('input[type="text"]').val();

And then fire off a request. Let's just assume it's a POST request.

$("#myform").submit(function(event) {
    var val = $(this).find('input[type="text"]').val();

    // I like to use defers :)
    deferred = $.post("", { val: val });

    deferred.success(function () {
        // Do your stuff.

    deferred.error(function () {
        // Handle any errors here.

And this should about do it.

Note 2: For parsing the form's data, it's preferable that you use a plugin. It will make your life really easy, as well as provide a nice semantic that mimics an actual form submit action.

Note 2: You don't have to use defers. It's just a personal preference. You can equally do the following, and it should work, too.

$.post("", { val: val }, function () {
    // Start partying here.
}, function () {
    // Handle the bad news here.

How to change a TextView's style at runtime

try this line of code.

textview.setTypeface(textview.getTypeface(), Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD);

here , it will get current Typeface from this textview and replace it using new Typeface. New typeface here is DEFAULT_BOLD but you can apply many more.

What is a NoReverseMatch error, and how do I fix it?

It may be that it's not loading the template you expect. I added a new class that inherited from UpdateView - I thought it would automatically pick the template from what I named my class, but it actually loaded it based on the model property on the class, which resulted in another (wrong) template being loaded. Once I explicitly set template_name for the new class, it worked fine.

Html.HiddenFor value property not getting set

Have you tried using a view model instead of ViewData? Strongly typed helpers that end with For and take a lambda expression cannot work with weakly typed structures such as ViewData.

Personally I don't use ViewData/ViewBag. I define view models and have my controller actions pass those view models to my views.

For example in your case I would define a view model:

public class MyViewModel
    [HiddenInput(DisplayValue = false)]
    public string CRN { get; set; }

have my controller action populate this view model:

public ActionResult Index()
    var model = new MyViewModel
        CRN = "foo bar"
    return View(model);

and then have my strongly typed view simply use an EditorFor helper:

@model MyViewModel
@Html.EditorFor(x => x.CRN)

which would generate me:

<input id="CRN" name="CRN" type="hidden" value="foo bar" />

in the resulting HTML.

How to calculate a Mod b in Casio fx-991ES calculator

mod formula Note: Math error means a mod m = 0

catch specific HTTP error in python

Tims answer seems to me as misleading. Especially when urllib2 does not return expected code. For example this Error will be fatal (believe or not - it is not uncommon one when downloading urls):

AttributeError: 'URLError' object has no attribute 'code'

Fast, but maybe not the best solution would be code using nested try/except block:

import urllib2
    urllib2.urlopen("some url")
except urllib2.HTTPError, err:
        if err.code == 404:
            # Handle the error

More information to the topic of nested try/except blocks Are nested try/except blocks in python a good programming practice?

Why do I get a SyntaxError for a Unicode escape in my file path?

I had the same error. Basically, I suspect that the path cannot start either with "U" or "User" after "C:\". I changed my directory to "c:\file_name.png" by putting the file that I want to access from python right under the 'c:\' path.

In your case, if you have to access the "python" folder, perhaps reinstall the python, and change the installation path to something like "c:\python". Otherwise, just avoid the "...\User..." in your path, and put your project under C:.

Remove duplicates from a dataframe in PySpark

if you have a data frame and want to remove all duplicates -- with reference to duplicates in a specific column (called 'colName'):

count before dedupe:


do the de-dupe (convert the column you are de-duping to string type):

from pyspark.sql.functions import col
df = df.withColumn('colName',col('colName').cast('string'))


can use a sorted groupby to check to see that duplicates have been removed:


Difference between res.send and res.json in Express.js

res.json eventually calls res.send, but before that it:

  • respects the json spaces and json replacer app settings
  • ensures the response will have utf8 charset and application/json content-type

Why am I seeing net::ERR_CLEARTEXT_NOT_PERMITTED errors after upgrading to Cordova Android 8?

After reading the whole discussion looking for a way to authorize communication to all IP addresses as in my case the IP address to where the request will be sent is defined by the user in an input text and can not be defined in the configuration file. Here is how I resolved the issue

here are the configuration


<platform name="android">
        <edit-config file="app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml" mode="merge" target="/manifest/application" xmlns:android="">
            <application android:networkSecurityConfig="@xml/network_security_config" />
        <resource-file src="resources/android/xml/network_security_config.xml" target="app/src/main/res/xml/network_security_config.xml" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <base-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true" />

The most important piece of code is <base-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true" /> in <network-security-config> instead of domain-config

Creating runnable JAR with Gradle

As others have noted, in order for a jar file to be executable, the application's entry point must be set in the Main-Class attribute of the manifest file. If the dependency class files are not collocated, then they need to be set in the Class-Path entry of the manifest file.

I have tried all kinds of plugin combinations and what not for the simple task of creating an executable jar and somehow someway, include the dependencies. All plugins seem to be lacking one way or another, but finally I got it like I wanted. No mysterious scripts, not a million different mini files polluting the build directory, a pretty clean build script file, and above all: not a million foreign third party class files merged into my jar archive.

The following is a copy-paste from here for your convenience..

[How-to] create a distribution zip file with dependency jars in subdirectory /lib and add all dependencies to Class-Path entry in the manifest file:

apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'java-library-distribution'

repositories {

dependencies {
    compile 'org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.3.2'

// Task "distZip" added by plugin "java-library-distribution":

jar {
    // Keep jar clean:
    exclude 'META-INF/*.SF', 'META-INF/*.DSA', 'META-INF/*.RSA', 'META-INF/*.MF'

    manifest {
        attributes 'Main-Class': 'com.somepackage.MainClass',
                   'Class-Path': configurations.runtime.files.collect { "lib/$" }.join(' ')
    // How-to add class path:

Hosted as a gist here.

The result can be found in build/distributions and the unzipped contents look like this:


Contents of MyJarFile.jar#META-INF/

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Main-Class: com.somepackage.MainClass
Class-Path: lib/commons-lang3-3.3.2.jar

How to set Grid row and column positions programmatically

Try this:

                Grid grid = new Grid(); //Define the grid
                for (int i = 0; i < 36; i++) //Add 36 rows
                    ColumnDefinition columna = new ColumnDefinition()
                        Name = "Col_" + i,
                        Width = new GridLength(32.5),

                for (int i = 0; i < 36; i++) //Add 36 columns
                    RowDefinition row = new RowDefinition();
                    row.Height = new GridLength(40, GridUnitType.Pixel);

                for (int i = 0; i < 36; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 36; j++)
                        Label t1 = new Label()
                            FontSize = 10,
                            FontFamily = new FontFamily("consolas"),
                            FontWeight = FontWeights.SemiBold,
                            BorderBrush = Brushes.LightGray,
                            BorderThickness = new Thickness(2),
                            HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,
                            VerticalContentAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center,
                        Grid.SetRow(t1, i);
                        Grid.SetColumn(t1, j);
                        grid.Children.Add(t1); //Add the Label Control to the Grid created

Open soft keyboard programmatically

Based on above answers like this it works in KOTLIN as long as you have the context.

fun Context.showKeyboard(editText: EditText) {


    GlobalScope.launch {

        val inputMethodManager: InputMethodManager =
            getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE) as InputMethodManager
            InputMethodManager.SHOW_IMPLICIT, 0

Then you can call it in your fragment for example as follows


Delete first character of a string in Javascript

You can remove the first character of a string using substring:

var s1 = "foobar";
var s2 = s1.substring(1);
alert(s2); // shows "oobar"

To remove all 0's at the start of the string:

var s = "0000test";
while(s.charAt(0) === '0')
 s = s.substring(1);

Open a file with Notepad in C#

You need System.Diagnostics.Process.Start().

The simplest example:

Process.Start("notepad.exe", fileName);

More Generic Approach:


The second approach is probably a better practice as this will cause the windows Shell to open up your file with it's associated editor. Additionally, if the file specified does not have an association, it'll use the Open With... dialog from windows.

Note to those in the comments, thankyou for your input. My quick n' dirty answer was slightly off, i've updated the answer to reflect the correct way.

Swift how to sort array of custom objects by property value

You return a sorted array from the fileID property by following way:

Swift 2

let sortedArray = images.sorted({ $0.fileID > $1.fileID })

Swift 3 OR 4

let sortedArray = images.sorted(by: { $0.fileID > $1.fileID })

Swift 5.0

let sortedArray = images.sorted {
    $0.fileID < $1.fileID

Unable to resolve dependency for ':app@debug/compileClasspath': Could not resolve

@shizhen answer not worked my case.

Spend more than one day and finally got a working solution. I Was in office environment so by trying different methods my gradle file get corrupted. So I removed all proxy and port info form from following file and things got worked.

User -> .gradle ->

Additionally I enabled "Auto-detect proxy settings" under Android studio -> preferences -> HTTP proxy for network and studio will auto detect network config.

Special credit

Is there a way to run Bash scripts on Windows?

If your looking for something a little more native, you can use getGnuWin32 to install all of the unix command line tools that have been ported. That plus winBash gives you most of a working unix environment. Add console2 for a better terminal emulator and you almost can't tell your on windows!

Cygwin is a better toolkit overall, but I have found myself running into suprise problems because of the divide between it and windows. None of these solutions are as good as a native linux system though.

You may want to look into using virtualbox to create a linux VM with your distro of choice. Set it up to share a folder with the host os, and you can use a true linux development environment, and share with windows. Just watch out for those EOL markers, they get ya every time.

Which is the fastest algorithm to find prime numbers?

    long long unsigned x,y,b,z,e,r,c;
    if(x<2)return 0;
    if(y<x)return 0;
    printf("|\n%llu outputs...\n",r);

Remove CSS class from element with JavaScript (no jQuery)

I use this JS snippet code :

First of all, I reach all the classes then according to index of my target class, I set className = "".

Target = document.getElementsByClassName("yourClass")[1];

How to export table as CSV with headings on Postgresql?

copy (anysql query datawanttoexport) to 'fileablsoutepathwihname' delimiter ',' csv header;

Using this u can export data also.

Show div #id on click with jQuery

You can use jQuery toggle to show and hide the div. The script will be like this

  <script type="text/javascript">
      jQuery("#music").click(function () {

No MediaTypeFormatter is available to read an object of type 'String' from content with media type 'text/plain'

Try using ReadAsStringAsync() instead.

 var foo = resp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;

The reason why it ReadAsAsync<string>() doesn't work is because ReadAsAsync<> will try to use one of the default MediaTypeFormatter (i.e. JsonMediaTypeFormatter, XmlMediaTypeFormatter, ...) to read the content with content-type of text/plain. However, none of the default formatter can read the text/plain (they can only read application/json, application/xml, etc).

By using ReadAsStringAsync(), the content will be read as string regardless of the content-type.

Style disabled button with CSS

For all of us using bootstrap, you can change the style by adding the "disabled" class and using the following:


<button type="button"class="btn disabled">Text</button>


  border-color: #a0a0a0;
  background-color: #a0a0a0;
.btn.disabled:focus {
  border-color: #a0a0a0;
  background-color: #a0a0a0;

Remember that adding the "disabled" class doesn't necessarily disable the button, for example in a submit form. To disable its behaviour use the disabled property:

<button type="button"class="btn disabled" disabled="disabled">Text</button>

A working fiddle with some examples is available here.

How to change Windows 10 interface language on Single Language version

1) Upgrade using windows update or using "media creation tool"

  • if you are using "media creation tool" select "Upgrade this PC now"

When Windows 10 installed check that it is activated.

2) Now as you have activated Windows 10 using "media creation tool" select second option "Create installation media for another PC" here you can select Windows version and its language. Make sure that Windows version is also "Single Language"

3) Boot from you device, USB in my case and install clean Windows in English or any other language you selected.


html select option SELECTED

foreach ($array as $value => $name) {
     echo '<option value="' . htmlentities($value) . '"' . (($_GET['sel'] === $value) ? ' selected="selected"') . '>' . htmlentities($name) . '</option>';

This is fairly neat, and, I think, self-explanatory.

Java GC (Allocation Failure)

"Allocation Failure" is a cause of GC cycle to kick in.

"Allocation Failure" means that no more space left in Eden to allocate object. So, it is normal cause of young GC.

Older JVM were not printing GC cause for minor GC cycles.

"Allocation Failure" is almost only possible cause for minor GC. Another reason for minor GC to kick could be CMS remark phase (if +XX:+ScavengeBeforeRemark is enabled).

How to add and get Header values in WebApi

On the Web API side, simply use Request object instead of creating new HttpRequestMessage

     var re = Request;
    var headers = re.Headers;

    if (headers.Contains("Custom"))
        string token = headers.GetValues("Custom").First();

    return null;

Output -

enter image description here

How to auto-scroll to end of div when data is added?

If you don't know when data will be added to #data, you could set an interval to update the element's scrollTop to its scrollHeight every couple of seconds. If you are controlling when data is added, just call the internal of the following function after the data has been added.

window.setInterval(function() {
  var elem = document.getElementById('data');
  elem.scrollTop = elem.scrollHeight;
}, 5000);

Write to file, but overwrite it if it exists

If you have output that can have errors, you may want to use an ampersand and a greater than, as follows:

my_task &> 'Users/Name/Desktop/task_output.log' this will redirect both stderr and stdout to the log file (instead of stdout only).

How to set a CheckBox by default Checked in ASP.Net MVC

In your controller action rendering the view you could set the As property of your model to true:

model.As = true;
return View(model);

and in your view simply:

@Html.CheckBoxFor(model => model.As);

Now since the As property of the model is set to true, the CheckBoxFor helper will generate a checked checkbox.

Setting mime type for excel document

For .xls use the following content-type


For Excel 2007 version and above .xlsx files format


Function overloading in Javascript - Best practices

You can user the 'addMethod' from John Resig. With this method you can "overload" methods based on arguments count.

// addMethod - By John Resig (MIT Licensed)
function addMethod(object, name, fn){
    var old = object[ name ];
    object[ name ] = function(){
        if ( fn.length == arguments.length )
            return fn.apply( this, arguments );
        else if ( typeof old == 'function' )
            return old.apply( this, arguments );

I have also created an alternative to this method that uses caching to hold the variations of the function. The differencies are described here

// addMethod - By Stavros Ioannidis
function addMethod(obj, name, fn) {
  obj[name] = obj[name] || function() {
    // get the cached method with arguments.length arguments
    var method = obj[name].cache[arguments.length];

    // if method exists call it 
    if ( !! method)
      return method.apply(this, arguments);
    else throw new Error("Wrong number of arguments");

  // initialize obj[name].cache
  obj[name].cache = obj[name].cache || {};

  // Check if a method with the same number of arguments exists  
  if ( !! obj[name].cache[fn.length])
    throw new Error("Cannot define multiple '" + name +
      "' methods with the same number of arguments!");

  // cache the method with fn.length arguments
  obj[name].cache[fn.length] = function() {
    return fn.apply(this, arguments);

MySQL stored procedure vs function, which would I use when?

You can't mix in stored procedures with ordinary SQL, whilst with stored function you can.

e.g. SELECT get_foo(myColumn) FROM mytable is not valid if get_foo() is a procedure, but you can do that if get_foo() is a function. The price is that functions have more limitations than a procedure.

OWIN Security - How to Implement OAuth2 Refresh Tokens

You need to implement RefreshTokenProvider. First create class for RefreshTokenProvider ie.

public class ApplicationRefreshTokenProvider : AuthenticationTokenProvider
    public override void Create(AuthenticationTokenCreateContext context)
        // Expiration time in seconds
        int expire = 5*60;
        context.Ticket.Properties.ExpiresUtc = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(expire));

    public override void Receive(AuthenticationTokenReceiveContext context)

Then add instance to OAuthOptions.

OAuthOptions = new OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions
    TokenEndpointPath = new PathString("/authenticate"),
    Provider = new ApplicationOAuthProvider(),
    AccessTokenExpireTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(expire),
    RefreshTokenProvider = new ApplicationRefreshTokenProvider()

Class constants in python

Expanding on betabandido's answer, you could write a function to inject the attributes as constants into the module:

def module_register_class_constants(klass, attr_prefix):
        (name, getattr(klass, name)) for name in dir(klass) if name.startswith(attr_prefix)

class Animal(object):
    SIZE_HUGE = "Huge"
    SIZE_BIG = "Big"

module_register_class_constants(Animal, "SIZE_")

class Horse(Animal):
    def printSize(self):
        print SIZE_BIG

what does Error "Thread 1:EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (code=EXC_I386_INVOP, subcode=0x0)" mean?

In my case this was caused by an integer overflow. I had a UInt16, and was doubling the value to put into an Int. The faulty code was

let result = Int(myUInt16 * 2)

However, this multiplies as a UInt16, then converts to Int. So if myUInt16 contains a value over 32767 then an overflow occurs.

All was well once I corrected the code to

let result = Int(myUint16) * 2

Pair/tuple data type in Go

There is no tuple type in Go, and you are correct, the multiple values returned by functions do not represent a first-class object.

Nick's answer shows how you can do something similar that handles arbitrary types using interface{}. (I might have used an array rather than a struct to make it indexable like a tuple, but the key idea is the interface{} type)

My other answer shows how you can do something similar that avoids creating a type using anonymous structs.

These techniques have some properties of tuples, but no, they are not tuples.

Number format in excel: Showing % value without multiplying with 100

You just have to change to a Custom format - right click and select format and at the bottom of the list is custom.


The first part of custom format is your defined format you posted. Everything after the semicolon is for negative numbers. [RED] tells Excel to make the negative numbers red and the () make sure that negative number is in parentheses.

Node.js: Gzip compression?

Generally speaking, for a production web application, you will want to put your node.js app behind a lightweight reverse proxy such as nginx or lighttpd. Among the many benefits of this setup, you can configure the reverse proxy to do http compression or even tls compression, without having to change your application source code.

how to convert a string to a bool

Ignoring the specific needs of this question, and while its never a good idea to cast a string to a bool, one way would be to use the ToBoolean() method on the Convert class:

bool val = Convert.ToBoolean("true");

or an extension method to do whatever weird mapping you're doing:

public static class StringExtensions
    public static bool ToBoolean(this string value)
        switch (value.ToLower())
            case  "true":
                return true;
            case "t":
                return true;
            case "1":
                return true;
            case "0":
                return false;
            case "false":
                return false;
            case "f":
                return false;
                throw new InvalidCastException("You can't cast that value to a bool!");

What determines the monitor my app runs on?

So I had this issue with Adobe Reader 9.0. Somehow the program forgot to open on my right monitor and was consistently opening on my left monitor. Most programs allow you to drag it over, maximize the screen, and then close it out and it will remember. Well, with Adobe, I had to drag it over and then close it before maximizing it, in order for Windows to remember which screen to open it in next time. Once you set it to the correct monitor, then you can maximize it. I think this is stupid, since almost all windows programs remember it automatically without try to rig a way for XP to remember.

How to check if a float value is a whole number

You can use a modulo operation for that.

if (n ** (1.0/3)) % 1 != 0:
    print("We have a decimal number here!")

Difference between the System.Array.CopyTo() and System.Array.Clone()

Both perform shallow copies as @PatrickDesjardins said (despite the many misled souls who think that CopyTo does a deep copy).

However, CopyTo allows you to copy one array to a specified index in the destination array, giving it significantly more flexibility.

Cheap way to search a large text file for a string

The following function works for textfiles and binary files (returns only position in byte-count though), it does have the benefit to find strings even if they would overlap a line or buffer and would not be found when searching line- or buffer-wise.

def fnd(fname, s, start=0):
    with open(fname, 'rb') as f:
        fsize = os.path.getsize(fname)
        bsize = 4096
        buffer = None
        if start > 0:
        overlap = len(s) - 1
        while True:
            if (f.tell() >= overlap and f.tell() < fsize):
       - overlap)
            buffer =
            if buffer:
                pos = buffer.find(s)
                if pos >= 0:
                    return f.tell() - (len(buffer) - pos)
                return -1

The idea behind this is:

  • seek to a start position in file
  • read from file to buffer (the search strings has to be smaller than the buffer size) but if not at the beginning, drop back the - 1 bytes, to catch the string if started at the end of the last read buffer and continued on the next one.
  • return position or -1 if not found

I used something like this to find signatures of files inside larger ISO9660 files, which was quite fast and did not use much memory, you can also use a larger buffer to speed things up.

How to properly express JPQL "join fetch" with "where" clause as JPA 2 CriteriaQuery?

In JPQL the same is actually true in the spec. The JPA spec does not allow an alias to be given to a fetch join. The issue is that you can easily shoot yourself in the foot with this by restricting the context of the join fetch. It is safer to join twice.

This is normally more an issue with ToMany than ToOnes. For example,

Select e from Employee e 
join fetch e.phones p 
where p.areaCode = '613'

This will incorrectly return all Employees that contain numbers in the '613' area code but will left out phone numbers of other areas in the returned list. This means that an employee that had a phone in the 613 and 416 area codes will loose the 416 phone number, so the object will be corrupted.

Granted, if you know what you are doing, the extra join is not desirable, some JPA providers may allow aliasing the join fetch, and may allow casting the Criteria Fetch to a Join.

How to use custom font in a project written in Android Studio

I could not load fonts because I had named my font file Poppins-Medium.tff, renaming it to poppins_medium.tff worked for me. Rest of the steps remained the same:

  • Create the font resource directory under res folder
  • Copy and paste your tff file in that directory
  • Then use in TextView in XML using fontFamily attribute.
  • If above steps dont work, you can create a FontFamily of that font using this link

Forcing to download a file using PHP

Or you can do this using HTML5. Simply with

<a href="example.csv" download>download not open it</a>

Generate class from database table

Visual Studio Magazine published this:

Generating .NET POCO Classes for SQL Query Results

It has a downloadable project that you can build, give it your SQL info, and it will crank out the class for you.

Now if that tool just created the SQL Commands for SELECT, INSERT, and UPDATE....

Linux command to translate DomainName to IP

Use this

$ dig +short

or this

$ host has address mail is handled by 30 mail is handled by 40 mail is handled by 50 mail is handled by 10 mail is handled by 20

rebase in progress. Cannot commit. How to proceed or stop (abort)?

I got into this state recently. After resolving conflicts during a rebase, I committed my changes, rather than running git rebase --continue. This yields the same messages you saw when you ran your git status and git rebase --continue commands. I resolved the issue by running git rebase --abort, and then re-running the rebase. One could likely also skip the rebase, but I wasn't sure what state that would leave me in.

$ git rebase --continue
Applying: <commit message>
No changes - did you forget to use 'git add'?
If there is nothing left to stage, chances are that something else
already introduced the same changes; you might want to skip this patch.

When you have resolved this problem, run "git rebase --continue".
If you prefer to skip this patch, run "git rebase --skip" instead.
To check out the original branch and stop rebasing, run "git rebase --abort".

$ git status
rebase in progress; onto 4df0775
You are currently rebasing branch '<local-branch-name>' on '4df0775'.
  (all conflicts fixed: run "git rebase --continue")

nothing to commit, working directory clean

jQuery: selecting each td in a tr

expanding on the answer above the 'each' function will return you the table-cell html object. wrapping that in $() will then allow you to perform jquery actions on it.

$(this).find('td').each (function( column, td) {

How to set the maxAllowedContentLength to 500MB while running on IIS7?

According to MSDN maxAllowedContentLength has type uint, its maximum value is 4,294,967,295 bytes = 3,99 gb

So it should work fine.

See also Request Limits article. Does IIS return one of these errors when the appropriate section is not configured at all?

See also: Maximum request length exceeded

How can I scroll a div to be visible in ReactJS?

I assume that you have some sort of List component and some sort of Item component. The way I did it in one project was to let the item know if it was active or not; the item would ask the list to scroll it into view if necessary. Consider the following pseudocode:

class List extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <div>{}</div>;

  renderItem(item) {
    return <Item key={} item={item}
                 active={ === this.props.activeId}
                 scrollIntoView={this.scrollElementIntoViewIfNeeded} />

  scrollElementIntoViewIfNeeded(domNode) {
    var containerDomNode = React.findDOMNode(this);
    // Determine if `domNode` fully fits inside `containerDomNode`.
    // If not, set the container's scrollTop appropriately.

class Item extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <div>something...</div>;

  componentDidMount() {

  componentDidUpdate() {

  ensureVisible() {
    if ( {

A better solution is probably to make the list responsible for scrolling the item into view (without the item being aware that it's even in a list). To do so, you could add a ref attribute to a certain item and find it with that:

class List extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <div>{}</div>;

  renderItem(item) {
    var active = === this.props.activeId;
    var props = {
      item: item,
      active: active
    if (active) {
      props.ref = "activeItem";
    return <Item {...props} />

  componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
    // only scroll into view if the active item changed last render
    if (this.props.activeId !== prevProps.activeId) {

  ensureActiveItemVisible() {
    var itemComponent = this.refs.activeItem;
    if (itemComponent) {
      var domNode = React.findDOMNode(itemComponent);

  scrollElementIntoViewIfNeeded(domNode) {
    var containerDomNode = React.findDOMNode(this);
    // Determine if `domNode` fully fits inside `containerDomNode`.
    // If not, set the container's scrollTop appropriately.

If you don't want to do the math to determine if the item is visible inside the list node, you could use the DOM method scrollIntoView() or the Webkit-specific scrollIntoViewIfNeeded, which has a polyfill available so you can use it in non-Webkit browsers.

how to install apk application from my pc to my mobile android

1) Put the apk on your SDKCard and install file browsers like "Estrongs File Explorer", "Easy Installer", etc...

2) Go to your mobile settings - applications- debuging - and thick "USB debugging" enter image description here

OPTION (RECOMPILE) is Always Faster; Why?

To add to the excellent list (given by @CodeCowboyOrg) of situations where OPTION(RECOMPILE) can be very helpful,

  1. Table Variables. When you are using table variables, there will not be any pre-built statistics for the table variable, often leading to large differences between estimated and actual rows in the query plan. Using OPTION(RECOMPILE) on queries with table variables allows generation of a query plan that has a much better estimate of the row numbers involved. I had a particularly critical use of a table variable that was unusable, and which I was going to abandon, until I added OPTION(RECOMPILE). The run time went from hours to just a few minutes. That is probably unusual, but in any case, if you are using table variables and working on optimizing, it's well worth seeing whether OPTION(RECOMPILE) makes a difference.

Best IDE for HTML5, Javascript, CSS, Jquery support with GUI building tools

Update for 2016

A lot of great editors have come out since my original answer. I currently use the following text editors: Sublime Text 3 (Mac/Windows), Visual Studio Code (Mac/Windows) and Atom (Mac/Windows). I also use the following IDEs: Visual Studio 2015 (Windows/Paid & Free Versions) and Jetrbrains WebStorm (Windows/Paid, tried the demo and liked it).

My preference is using Sublime Text 3.

Original Answer

Microsoft Web Matrix and Dreamweaver are great.

Visual Studio and Expression Web are also great but may be overkill for you.

For just plain text editors, Sublime Text 2 is really cool

Eclipse 3.5 Unable to install plugins

I had a similar problem setting up eclipse in the office. I had set up the for HTTP, HTTPS and SOCKS in:

Window>pref>general>network connections

Clearing the proxy settings for SOCKS fixed the problem for me.

Difference between del, remove, and pop on lists

Use del to remove an element by index, pop() to remove it by index if you need the returned value, and remove() to delete an element by value. The last requires searching the list, and raises ValueError if no such value occurs in the list.

When deleting index i from a list of n elements, the computational complexities of these methods are

del     O(n - i)
pop     O(n - i)
remove  O(n)

Command Line Tools not working - OS X El Capitan, Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave

I upgraded mac os to macOS High Sierra - 10.13.3 and faced a similar issue while trying to install watchman (with command - brew install watchman).

ran the command: xcode-select --install, then ran "brew install watchman" - Everything works fine!

How do you represent a JSON array of strings?

String strJson="{\"Employee\":

This is an example of a JSON string with Employee as object, then multiple strings and values in an array as a reference to @cregox...

A bit complicated but can explain a lot in a single JSON string.

Sorting a list using Lambda/Linq to objects

This is how I solved my problem:

List<User> list = GetAllUsers();  //Private Method

if (!sortAscending)
    list = list
           .OrderBy(r => r.GetType().GetProperty(sortBy).GetValue(r,null))
    list = list
           .OrderByDescending(r => r.GetType().GetProperty(sortBy).GetValue(r,null))

android fragment- How to save states of views in a fragment when another fragment is pushed on top of it

i donot think onSaveInstanceState is a good solution. it just use for activity which had been destoryed.

From android 3.0 the Fragmen has been manager by FragmentManager, the condition is: one activity mapping manny fragments, when the fragment is added(not replace: it will recreated) in backStack, the view will be destored. when back to the last one, it will display as before.

So i think the fragmentManger and transaction is good enough to handle it.

How to create custom spinner like border around the spinner with down triangle on the right side?

It's super easy you can just add this to your Adapter -> getDropDownView




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android=""
    <solid android:color="@color/white" />
        android:bottomLeftRadius=enter code here"25dp"
        android:topRightRadius="25dp" />

Login to website, via C#

You can continue using WebClient to POST (instead of GET, which is the HTTP verb you're currently using with DownloadString), but I think you'll find it easier to work with the (slightly) lower-level classes WebRequest and WebResponse.

There are two parts to this - the first is to post the login form, the second is recovering the "Set-cookie" header and sending that back to the server as "Cookie" along with your GET request. The server will use this cookie to identify you from now on (assuming it's using cookie-based authentication which I'm fairly confident it is as that page returns a Set-cookie header which includes "PHPSESSID").

POSTing to the login form

Form posts are easy to simulate, it's just a case of formatting your post data as follows:


Using WebRequest and code I adapted from Scott Hanselman, here's how you'd POST form data to your login form:

string formUrl = ""; // NOTE: This is the URL the form POSTs to, not the URL of the form (you can find this in the "action" attribute of the HTML's form tag
string formParams = string.Format("email_address={0}&password={1}", "your email", "your password");
string cookieHeader;
WebRequest req = WebRequest.Create(formUrl);
req.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
req.Method = "POST";
byte[] bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(formParams);
req.ContentLength = bytes.Length;
using (Stream os = req.GetRequestStream())
    os.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
WebResponse resp = req.GetResponse();
cookieHeader = resp.Headers["Set-cookie"];

Here's an example of what you should see in the Set-cookie header for your login form:

PHPSESSID=c4812cffcf2c45e0357a5a93c137642e; path=/;,wowmine_referer=directenter; path=/;,lang=en; path=/;,adt_usertype=other,adt_host=-

GETting the page behind the login form

Now you can perform your GET request to a page that you need to be logged in for.

string pageSource;
string getUrl = "the url of the page behind the login";
WebRequest getRequest = WebRequest.Create(getUrl);
getRequest.Headers.Add("Cookie", cookieHeader);
WebResponse getResponse = getRequest.GetResponse();
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(getResponse.GetResponseStream()))
    pageSource = sr.ReadToEnd();


If you need to view the results of the first POST, you can recover the HTML it returned with:

using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream()))
    pageSource = sr.ReadToEnd();

Place this directly below cookieHeader = resp.Headers["Set-cookie"]; and then inspect the string held in pageSource.

Difference between onStart() and onResume()

onResume() is called:

  1. after onStart()
  2. when the Activity comes to the foreground.

From alt text

Using SQL LOADER in Oracle to import CSV file

I hade a csv file named FAR_T_SNSA.csv that i wanted to import in oracle database directly. For this i have done the following steps and it worked absolutely fine. Here are the steps that u vand follow out:


  1. Get a .csv format file that is to be imported in oracle database. Here this is named “FAR_T_SNSA.csv”
  2. Create a table in sql with same column name as there were in .csv file. create table Billing ( iocl_id char(10), iocl_consumer_id char(10));

  3. Create a Control file that contains sql*loder script. In notepad type the script as below and save this with .ctl extension, in selecting file type as All Types(*). Here control file is named as Billing. And the Script is as Follows:

  4. Now in Command prompt run command:

    Sqlldr UserId/Password
    Control = “ControlFileName” 
    Here ControlFileName is Billing.

'adb' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

I did this on Windows 7, by going to:

Start > Control Panel > System > Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables...

In this Environment Variables window, in the User variables for (your-username) highlight Path and click Edit...

You then need to append a ; if there isn't already one at the end of the Variable value field, and then append C:\Users\<your-username>\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\platform-tools; to that same field.

Then click the three OK buttons to get out.

If you already have a Command Prompt window open, close it then re-open and the adb devices command should then work.

How to set Apache Spark Executor memory

Since you are running Spark in local mode, setting spark.executor.memory won't have any effect, as you have noticed. The reason for this is that the Worker "lives" within the driver JVM process that you start when you start spark-shell and the default memory used for that is 512M. You can increase that by setting spark.driver.memory to something higher, for example 5g. You can do that by either:

  • setting it in the properties file (default is $SPARK_HOME/conf/spark-defaults.conf),

    spark.driver.memory              5g
  • or by supplying configuration setting at runtime

    $ ./bin/spark-shell --driver-memory 5g

Note that this cannot be achieved by setting it in the application, because it is already too late by then, the process has already started with some amount of memory.

The reason for 265.4 MB is that Spark dedicates * to the total amount of storage memory and by default they are 0.6 and 0.9.

512 MB * 0.6 * 0.9 ~ 265.4 MB

So be aware that not the whole amount of driver memory will be available for RDD storage.

But when you'll start running this on a cluster, the spark.executor.memory setting will take over when calculating the amount to dedicate to Spark's memory cache.

Where are $_SESSION variables stored?

As mentioned already, the contents are stored at the server. However the session is identified by a session-id, which is stored at the client and send with each request. Usually the session-id is stored in a cookie, but it can also be appended to urls. (That's the PHPSESSID query-parameter you some times see)

Changing WPF title bar background color

You can also create a borderless window, and make the borders and title bar yourself

How to convert a DataFrame back to normal RDD in pyspark?

@dapangmao's answer works, but it doesn't give the regular spark RDD, it returns a Row object. If you want to have the regular RDD format.

Try this:

rdd =


rdd =

How do I get the total Json record count using JQuery?

If you have something like this:

var json = [ {a:b, c:d}, {e:f, g:h, ...}, {..}, ... ]

then, you can do:


Which MySQL datatype to use for an IP address?

For IPv4 addresses, you can use VARCHAR to store them as strings, but also look into storing them as long integesrs INT(11) UNSIGNED. You can use MySQL's INET_ATON() function to convert them to integer representation. The benefit of this is it allows you to do easy comparisons on them, like BETWEEN queries

INET_ATON() MySQL function

How to convert between bytes and strings in Python 3?

This is a Python 101 type question,

It's a simple question but one where the answer is not so simple.

In python3, a "bytes" object represents a sequence of bytes, a "string" object represents a sequence of unicode code points.

To convert between from "bytes" to "string" and from "string" back to "bytes" you use the bytes.decode and string.encode functions. These functions take two parameters, an encoding and an error handling policy.

Sadly there are an awful lot of cases where sequences of bytes are used to represent text, but it is not necessarily well-defined what encoding is being used. Take for example filenames on unix-like systems, as far as the kernel is concerned they are a sequence of bytes with a handful of special values, on most modern distros most filenames will be UTF-8 but there is no gaurantee that all filenames will be.

If you want to write robust software then you need to think carefully about those parameters. You need to think carefully about what encoding the bytes are supposed to be in and how you will handle the case where they turn out not to be a valid sequence of bytes for the encoding you thought they should be in. Python defaults to UTF-8 and erroring out on any byte sequence that is not valid UTF-8.


Python uses "repr" as a fallback conversion to string. repr attempts to produce python code that will recreate the object. In the case of a bytes object this means among other things escaping bytes outside the printable ascii range.

How to concatenate string and int in C?

Strings are hard work in C.

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
   int i;
   char buf[12];

   for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
      snprintf(buf, 12, "pre_%d_suff", i); // puts string into buffer
      printf("%s\n", buf); // outputs so you can see it

The 12 is enough bytes to store the text "pre_", the text "_suff", a string of up to two characters ("99") and the NULL terminator that goes on the end of C string buffers.

This will tell you how to use snprintf, but I suggest a good C book!

Loop through files in a folder in matlab

At first, you must specify your path, the path that your *.csv files are in there

path = 'f:\project\dataset'

You can change it based on your system.


use dir function :

files = dir (strcat(path,'\*.csv'))

L = length (files);

for i=1:L
   % process the image in here

pwd also can be used.

Using getline() in C++

I know I'm late but I hope this is useful. Logic is for taking one line at a time if the user wants to enter many lines

int main() 
int t;                    // no of lines user wants to enter
string str;
cin.ignore();            // for clearing newline in cin
    getline(cin,str);    // accepting one line, getline is teminated when newline is found 
return 0; 

input :


Government collage Berhampore

Serampore textile collage

Berhampore Serampore

output :

Government collage Berhampore

Serampore textile collage

Berhampore Serampore

How to fix apt-get: command not found on AWS EC2?

please, be sure your connected to a ubuntu server, I Had the same problem but I was connected to other distro, check the AMI value in your details instance, it should be something like

AMI: ubuntu/images/ebs/ubuntu-precise-12.04-amd64-server-20130411.1 

hope it helps