Programs & Examples On #Embedded server

Pytorch tensor to numpy array

You can use this syntax if some grads are attached with your variables.


Getting list of parameter names inside python function

If you also want the values you can use the inspect module

import inspect

def func(a, b, c):
    frame = inspect.currentframe()
    args, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(frame)
    print 'function name "%s"' % inspect.getframeinfo(frame)[2]
    for i in args:
        print "    %s = %s" % (i, values[i])
    return [(i, values[i]) for i in args]

>>> func(1, 2, 3)
function name "func"
    a = 1
    b = 2
    c = 3
[('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3)]

How to implement the Java comparable interface?

You would need to implement the interface and define the compareTo() method. For a good tutorial go to - Tutorials point link or MyKongLink

Escape double quotes in Java

For a String constant you have no choice other than escaping via backslash.

Maybe you find the MyBatis project interesting. It is a thin layer over JDBC where you can externalize your SQL queries in XML configuration files without the need to escape double quotes.

python NameError: name 'file' is not defined

file() is not supported in Python 3

Use open() instead; see Built-in Functions - open().

Why doesn't Java offer operator overloading?

Sometimes it would be nice to have operator overloading, friend classes and multiple inheritance.

However I still think it was a good decision. If Java would have had operator overloading then we could never be sure of operator meanings without looking through source code. At present that's not necessary. And I think your example of using methods instead of operator overloading is also quite readable. If you want to make things more clear you could always add a comment above hairy statements.

// a = b + c
Complex a, b, c; a = b.add(c);

Vue.js img src concatenate variable and text

For me, it said Module did not found and not worked. Finally, I found this solution and worked.

<img v-bind:src="require('@' + baseUrl + 'path/path' + obj.key +'.png')"/>

Needed to add '@' at the beginning of the local path.

How do I enable the column selection mode in Eclipse?

A different approach:

The vrapper plugin emulates vim inside the Eclipse editor. One of its features is visual block mode which works fine inside Eclipse.

It is by default mapped to Ctrl-V which interferes with the paste command in Eclipse. You can either remap the visual block mode to a different shortcut, or remap the paste command to a different key. I chose the latter: remapped the paste command to Ctrl-Shift-V to match my terminal's behavior.

how to define ssh private key for servers fetched by dynamic inventory in files

You can simply define the key to use directly when running the command:

ansible-playbook \
        \ # Super verbose output incl. SSH-Details:
    -vvvv \
        \ # The Server to target: (Keep the trailing comma!)
    -i "," \
        \ # Define the key to use:
    --private-key=~/.ssh/id_rsa_ansible \
        \ # The `env` var is needed if `python` is not available:
    -e 'ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3' \ # Needed if `python` is not available
        \ # Dry–Run:
    --check \

Copy/ Paste:

ansible-playbook -vvvv --private-key=/Users/you/.ssh/your_key deploy.yml

Go test string contains substring

Use the function Contains from the strings package.

import (
strings.Contains("something", "some") // true

How to break line in JavaScript?

I was facing the same problem. For my solution, I added br enclosed between 2 brackets < > enclosed in double quotation marks, and preceded and followed by the + sign:


Try this in your browser and see, it certainly works in my Internet Explorer.

How to add property to a class dynamically?

I suppose I should expand this answer, now that I'm older and wiser and know what's going on. Better late than never.

You can add a property to a class dynamically. But that's the catch: you have to add it to the class.

>>> class Foo(object):
...     pass
>>> foo = Foo()
>>> foo.a = 3
>>> Foo.b = property(lambda self: self.a + 1)
>>> foo.b

A property is actually a simple implementation of a thing called a descriptor. It's an object that provides custom handling for a given attribute, on a given class. Kinda like a way to factor a huge if tree out of __getattribute__.

When I ask for foo.b in the example above, Python sees that the b defined on the class implements the descriptor protocol—which just means it's an object with a __get__, __set__, or __delete__ method. The descriptor claims responsibility for handling that attribute, so Python calls Foo.b.__get__(foo, Foo), and the return value is passed back to you as the value of the attribute. In the case of property, each of these methods just calls the fget, fset, or fdel you passed to the property constructor.

Descriptors are really Python's way of exposing the plumbing of its entire OO implementation. In fact, there's another type of descriptor even more common than property.

>>> class Foo(object):
...     def bar(self):
...         pass
>>> Foo().bar
<bound method of <__main__.Foo object at 0x7f2a439d5dd0>>
>>> Foo().bar.__get__
<method-wrapper '__get__' of instancemethod object at 0x7f2a43a8a5a0>

The humble method is just another kind of descriptor. Its __get__ tacks on the calling instance as the first argument; in effect, it does this:

def __get__(self, instance, owner):
    return functools.partial(self.function, instance)

Anyway, I suspect this is why descriptors only work on classes: they're a formalization of the stuff that powers classes in the first place. They're even the exception to the rule: you can obviously assign descriptors to a class, and classes are themselves instances of type! In fact, trying to read still calls property.__get__; it's just idiomatic for descriptors to return themselves when accessed as class attributes.

I think it's pretty cool that virtually all of Python's OO system can be expressed in Python. :)

Oh, and I wrote a wordy blog post about descriptors a while back if you're interested.

Max length UITextField

With Swift 5 and iOS 12, try the following implementation of textField(_:shouldChangeCharactersIn:replacementString:) method that is part of the UITextFieldDelegate protocol:

func textField(_ textField: UITextField, shouldChangeCharactersIn range: NSRange, replacementString string: String) -> Bool {
    guard let textFieldText = textField.text,
        let rangeOfTextToReplace = Range(range, in: textFieldText) else {
            return false
    let substringToReplace = textFieldText[rangeOfTextToReplace]
    let count = textFieldText.count - substringToReplace.count + string.count
    return count <= 10
  • The most important part of this code is the conversion from range (NSRange) to rangeOfTextToReplace (Range<String.Index>). See this video tutorial to understand why this conversion is important.
  • To make this code work properly, you should also set the textField's smartInsertDeleteType value to This will prevent the possible insertion of an (unwanted) extra space when performing a paste operation.

The complete sample code below shows how to implement textField(_:shouldChangeCharactersIn:replacementString:) in a UIViewController:

import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController, UITextFieldDelegate {

    @IBOutlet var textField: UITextField! // Link this to a UITextField in Storyboard

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        textField.smartInsertDeleteType =
        textField.delegate = self

    func textField(_ textField: UITextField, shouldChangeCharactersIn range: NSRange, replacementString string: String) -> Bool {
        guard let textFieldText = textField.text,
            let rangeOfTextToReplace = Range(range, in: textFieldText) else {
                return false
        let substringToReplace = textFieldText[rangeOfTextToReplace]
        let count = textFieldText.count - substringToReplace.count + string.count
        return count <= 10


npm start error with create-react-app

incase you happened to be so unlucky like me that spent three(3) days in a row trying to solve this problem every solution proposed here failed me ... create a .env file in your project root and add this code SKIP_PREFLIGHT_CHECK=true. Good luck

`IF` statement with 3 possible answers each based on 3 different ranges

You need to use the AND function for the multiple conditions:

=IF(AND(A2>=75, A2<=79),0.255,IF(AND(A2>=80, X2<=84),0.327,IF(A2>=85,0.559,0)))

EF LINQ include multiple and nested entities

In Entity Framework Core (EF.core) you can use .ThenInclude for including next levels.

var blogs = context.Blogs
    .Include(blog => blog.Posts)
        .ThenInclude(post => post.Author)

More information:

Note: Say you need multiple ThenInclude() on blog.Posts, just repeat the Include(blog => blog.Posts) and do another ThenInclude(post => post.Other).

var blogs = context.Blogs
    .Include(blog => blog.Posts)
        .ThenInclude(post => post.Author)
    .Include(blog => blog.Posts)
        .ThenInclude(post => post.Other)

Is embedding background image data into CSS as Base64 good or bad practice?

You can encode it in PHP :)

<img src="data:image/gif;base64,<?php echo base64_encode(file_get_contents("feed-icon.gif")); ?>">

Or display in our dynamic CSS.php file:

background: url("data:image/gif;base64,<?php echo base64_encode(file_get_contents("feed-icon.gif")); ?>");

1 That’s sort of a “quick-n-dirty” technique but it works. Here is another encoding method using fopen() instead of file_get_contents():

<?php // convert image to dataURL
$img_source = "feed-icon.gif"; // image path/name
$img_binary = fread(fopen($img_source, "r"), filesize($img_source));
$img_string = base64_encode($img_binary);


Make a simple fade in animation in Swift?

If you want repeatable fade animation you can do that by using CABasicAnimation like below :

First create handy UIView extension :

extension UIView {

    enum AnimationKeyPath: String {
        case opacity = "opacity"

    func flash(animation: AnimationKeyPath ,withDuration duration: TimeInterval = 0.5, repeatCount: Float = 5){
        let flash = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: animation.rawValue)
        flash.duration = duration
        flash.fromValue = 1 // alpha
        flash.toValue = 0 // alpha
        flash.timingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction(name: kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseInEaseOut)
        flash.autoreverses = true
        flash.repeatCount = repeatCount

        layer.add(flash, forKey: nil)

How to use it:

    // You can use it with all kind of UIViews e.g. UIButton, UILabel, UIImage, UIImageView, ...
    imageView.flash(animation: .opacity, withDuration: 1, repeatCount: 5)
    titleLabel.flash(animation: .opacity, withDuration: 1, repeatCount: 5)

Selenium 2.53 not working on Firefox 47

I eventually installed an additional old version of Firefox (used for testing only) to resolve this, besides my regular (secure, up to date) latest Firefox installation.

This requires webdriver to know where it can find the Firefox binary, which can be set through the webdriver.firefox.bin property.

What worked for me (mac, maven, /tmp/ff46 as installation folder) is:

mvn -Dwebdriver.firefox.bin=/tmp/ff46/ verify

To install an old version of Firefox in a dedicated folder, create the folder, open Finder in that folder, download the Firefox dmg, and drag it to that Finder.

How to show hidden divs on mouseover?

Option 1 Each div is specifically identified, so any other div (without the specific IDs) on the page will not obey the :hover pseudo-class.

<style type="text/css">
  #div1, #div2, #div3{  
  #div1:hover, #div2:hover, #div3:hover{  

Option 2 All divs on the page, regardless of IDs, have the hover effect.

<style type="text/css">

Ruby on Rails - Import Data from a CSV file

This can help. It has code examples too:

Or for a rake task for doing the same:

How can I change image source on click with jQuery?

 $('div#imageContainer').click(function () {
      $('div#imageContainerimg').attr('src', 'YOUR NEW IMAGE URL HERE'); 

How to create a toggle button in Bootstrap

You can use the CSS Toggle Switch library. Just include the CSS and program the JS yourself:

Solving Quadratic Equation

# syntaxis:2.7
# solution for quadratic equation
# a*x**2 + b*x + c = 0

d = b**2-4*a*c # discriminant

if d < 0:
    print 'No solutions'
elif d == 0:
    x1 = -b / (2*a)
    print 'The sole solution is',x1
else: # if d > 0
    x1 = (-b + math.sqrt(d)) / (2*a)
    x2 = (-b - math.sqrt(d)) / (2*a)
    print 'Solutions are',x1,'and',x2

How to change a string into uppercase

For questions on simple string manipulation the dir built-in function comes in handy. It gives you, among others, a list of methods of the argument, e.g., dir(s) returns a list containing upper.

Escape dot in a regex range

Because the dot is inside character class (square brackets []).

Take a look at, it says (under char class section):

Any character except ^-]\ add that character to the possible matches for the character class.

Backporting Python 3 open(encoding="utf-8") to Python 2

This may do the trick:

import sys
if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
    # py3k
    # py2
    import codecs
    import warnings
    def open(file, mode='r', buffering=-1, encoding=None,
             errors=None, newline=None, closefd=True, opener=None):
        if newline is not None:
            warnings.warn('newline is not supported in py2')
        if not closefd:
            warnings.warn('closefd is not supported in py2')
        if opener is not None:
            warnings.warn('opener is not supported in py2')
        return, mode=mode, encoding=encoding,
                    errors=errors, buffering=buffering)

Then you can keep you code in the python3 way.

Note that some APIs like newline, closefd, opener do not work

Is it possible to make a Tree View with Angular?

If you are using Bootstrap CSS...

I have created a simple re-usable tree control (directive) for AngularJS based on a Bootstrap "nav" list. I added extra indentation, icons, and animation. HTML attributes are used for configuration.

It does not use recursion.

I called it angular-bootstrap-nav-tree ( catchy name, don't you think? )

There is an example here, and the source is here.

Filter rows which contain a certain string

The answer to the question was already posted by the @latemail in the comments above. You can use regular expressions for the second and subsequent arguments of filter like this:

dplyr::filter(df, !grepl("RTB",TrackingPixel))

Since you have not provided the original data, I will add a toy example using the mtcars data set. Imagine you are only interested in cars produced by Mazda or Toyota.

mtcars$type <- rownames(mtcars)
dplyr::filter(mtcars, grepl('Toyota|Mazda', type))

   mpg cyl  disp  hp drat    wt  qsec vs am gear carb           type
1 21.0   6 160.0 110 3.90 2.620 16.46  0  1    4    4      Mazda RX4
2 21.0   6 160.0 110 3.90 2.875 17.02  0  1    4    4  Mazda RX4 Wag
3 33.9   4  71.1  65 4.22 1.835 19.90  1  1    4    1 Toyota Corolla
4 21.5   4 120.1  97 3.70 2.465 20.01  1  0    3    1  Toyota Corona

If you would like to do it the other way round, namely excluding Toyota and Mazda cars, the filter command looks like this:

dplyr::filter(mtcars, !grepl('Toyota|Mazda', type))

AngularJS: How to set a variable inside of a template?

It's not the best answer, but its also an option: since you can concatenate multiple expressions, but just the last one is rendered, you can finish your expression with "" and your variable will be hidden.

So, you could define the variable with:

{{f = forecast[day.iso]; ""}}

int object is not iterable?

One possible answer to OP-s question ("I wanted to find out the total by adding each digit, for eg, 110. 1 + 1 + 0 = 2. How do I do that?") is to use built-in function divmod()

num = int(input('Enter a number: ')
nums_sum = 0

while num:
    num, reminder = divmod(num, 10)
    nums_sum += reminder

How do I do a Date comparison in Javascript?

You can use the getTime() method on a Date object to get the timestamp (in milliseconds) relative to January 1, 1970. If you convert your two dates into integer timestamps, you can then compare the difference by subtracting them. The result will be in milliseconds so you just divide by 1000 for seconds, then 60 for minutes, etc.

Best way to check if a URL is valid

Using filter_var() will fail for urls with non-ascii chars, e.g. (ães). The following function encode all non-ascii chars (e.g. before calling filter_var().

Hope this helps someone.


function validate_url($url) {
    $path = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH);
    $encoded_path = array_map('urlencode', explode('/', $path));
    $url = str_replace($path, implode('/', $encoded_path), $url);

    return filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) ? true : false;

// example
if(!validate_url("")) {
    echo "NOT A URL";
else {
    echo "IS A URL";

Freemarker iterating over hashmap keys

Iterating Objects

If your map keys is an object and not an string, you can iterate it using Freemarker.

1) Convert the map into a list in the controller:

List<Map.Entry<myObjectKey, myObjectValue>> convertedMap  = new ArrayList(originalMap.entrySet());

2) Iterate the map in the Freemarker template, accessing to the object in the Key and the Object in the Value:

<#list convertedMap as item>
    <#assign myObjectKey = item.getKey()/>
    <#assign myObjectValue = item.getValue()/>

How to resize array in C++?

You cannot do that, see this question's answers. You may use std:vector instead.

How to install SQL Server 2005 Express in Windows 8

I had a different experience loading SQL Server 2005 Express on Windows 8. I was using the installer that already had SP4 applied so maybe that explains the difference. The first error I received was when Setup tried to start the SQL VSS Writer. I just told it to Ignore and it continued. I then ran into the same error Sohail had where the SQL Server service failed to start. There was no point in following the rest of Sohail's method since I already was using a SP4 version of SQLServr.exe and SQLOS.dll. Instead, I just canceled the install rebooted the machine and ran the install again. Everything ran fine the second time around.

The place I found Sohail's technique invaluable was when I needed to install SQL Server 2005 Standard on Windows Server 2012. We have a few new servers we're looking to roll out with Windows 2012 but we didn't feel the need to upgrade SQL Server since the 2005 version has all the functionality we need and the cost to license SQL 2012 on these boxes would have been a 5-figure sum.

I wound up tweaking Sohail's technique a bit by adding steps to revert the SQLServr.exe and SQLOS.dll files so that I could then apply SP4 fully. Below are all the steps I took starting from a scratch install of Windows Server 2012 Standard. I hope this helps anyone else looking to get a fully updated install of SQL Server 2005 x64 on this OS.

  1. Use Server Manger Add roles and features wizard to satisfy all of SQL's prerequisites:
    • Select the Web Server (IIS) Role
    • Add the following additional Web Server Role Services (note that some of these will automatically pull in others, just accept and move on):
      • HTTP Redirection
      • Windows Authentication
      • ASP.NET 3.5 (note that you'll need to tell the wizard to look in the \Sources\SxS folder of the Windows 2012 installation media for this to install properly; just click the link to "Specify an alternate source path" before clicking Install)
      • IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility
      • IIS 6 WMI Compatibility
  2. Start SQL Server 2005 Install, ignoring any compatibility warnings
    • If SQL Server service fails to start during setup, leave dialog up and do the following:
      • Backup SQLServr.exe and SQLOS.dll from C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Binn
      • Replace those two files from a working copy of SQL Server 2005 that already has had SP4 applied
      • Return to setup, hit Retry and setup will now run to completion.
      • Stop SQL Service and restore orignal versions of SQLServr.exe and SQLOS.dll (or else SP4 doesn't think it is needed in the next step)
  3. Install SQL Server 2005 SP4
  4. Install SQL Server 2005 SP4 Cumulative Hotfix 5069 (Windows Update wasn't offering this for some reason so I had to download and install manually)
  5. If you want the latest documentation, install the latest version of SQL Server 2005 Books Online.

Installing cmake with home-brew

  1. Download the latest CMake Mac binary distribution here: (current latest is:

  2. Double click the downloaded .dmg file to install it. In the window that pops up, drag the CMake icon into the Application folder.

  3. Add this line to your .bashrc file: PATH="/Applications/":"$PATH"

  4. Reload your .bashrc file: source ~/.bashrc

  5. Verify the latest cmake version is installed: cmake --version

  6. You can launch the CMake GUI by clicking on LaunchPad and typing cmake. Click on the CMake icon that appears.

Xcode 10.2.1 Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code

Xcode -> File -> Workspace Setting -> change Build System to Legacy Build System.

Thats it. Have Fun

Python 3.4.0 with MySQL database

for fedora and python3 use: dnf install mysql-connector-python3

Dialog to pick image from gallery or from camera

The code below can be used for taking a photo and for picking a photo. Just show a dialog with two options and upon selection, use the appropriate code.

To take picture from camera:

Intent takePicture = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);
startActivityForResult(takePicture, 0);//zero can be replaced with any action code (called requestCode)

To pick photo from gallery:

Intent pickPhoto = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK,
startActivityForResult(pickPhoto , 1);//one can be replaced with any action code

onActivityResult code:

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent imageReturnedIntent) { 
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, imageReturnedIntent); 
    switch(requestCode) {
    case 0:
        if(resultCode == RESULT_OK){  
            Uri selectedImage = imageReturnedIntent.getData();

    case 1:
        if(resultCode == RESULT_OK){  
            Uri selectedImage = imageReturnedIntent.getData();

Finally add this permission in the manifest file:

 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

Send POST parameters with MultipartFormData using Alamofire, in iOS Swift

In Alamofire 4 it is important to add the body data before you add the file data!

let parameters = [String: String]()
    multipartFormData: { multipartFormData in
        for (key, value) in parameters {
            multipartFormData.append( .utf8)!, withName: key)
        multipartFormData.append(imageData, withName: "user", fileName: "user.jpg", mimeType: "image/jpeg")
    to: path,

How do I run a shell script without using "sh" or "bash" commands?

You can type sudo install (name of script) /usr/local/bin/(what you want to type to execute said script)

ex: sudo install /usr/local/bin/quickcommit enter password

now can run without .sh and in any directory

Reading a UTF8 CSV file with Python

Also checkout the answer in this post:

It suggests use of library called Short and simple replacement for CSV written to address the encoding problem(utf-8) for Python 2.7. Also provides support for csv.DictReader

Edit: Adding sample code that I used:

import ucsv as csv

#Read CSV file containing the right tags to produce
fileObj = open('awol_title_strings.csv', 'rb')
dictReader = csv.DictReader(fileObj, fieldnames = ['titles', 'tags'], delimiter = ',', quotechar = '"')
#Build a dictionary from the CSV file-> {<string>:<tags to produce>}
titleStringsDict = dict()
for row in dictReader:

What is the simplest way to convert array to vector?

Personally, I quite like the C++2011 approach because it neither requires you to use sizeof() nor to remember adjusting the array bounds if you ever change the array bounds (and you can define the relevant function in C++2003 if you want, too):

#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
int x[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
std::vector<int> v(std::begin(x), std::end(x));

Obviously, with C++2011 you might want to use initializer lists anyway:

std::vector<int> v({ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 });

How to use continue in jQuery each() loop?

$('.submit').filter(':checked').each(function() {
    //This is same as 'continue'
        return true;
    //This is same as 'break'
        return false;

Python [Errno 98] Address already in use

First of all find the python process ID using this command

ps -fA | grep python

You will get a pid number by naming of your python process on second column

Then kill the process using this command

kill -9 pid

Where does Android emulator store SQLite database?

The databases are stored as SQLite files in /data/data/PACKAGE/databases/DATABASEFILE where:

You can see (copy from/to filesystem) the database file in the emulator selecting DDMS perspective, in the File Explorer tab.

How to specify a local file within html using the file: scheme?

the "file://" url protocol can only be used to locate files in the file system of the local machine. since this html code is interpreted by a browser, the "local machine" is the machine that is running the browser.

if you are getting file not found errors, i suspect it is because the file is not found. however, it could also be a security limitation of the browser. some browsers will not let you reference a filesystem file from a non-filesystem html page. you could try using the file path from the command line on the machine running the browser to confirm that this is a browser limitation and not a legitimate missing file.

ERROR 403 in loading resources like CSS and JS in my index.php

You need to change permissions on the folder bootstrap/css. Your super user may be able to access it but it doesn't mean apache or nginx have access to it, that's why you still need to change the permissions.

Tip: I usually make the apache/nginx's user group owner of that kind of folders and give 775 permission to it.

Show animated GIF

//Class Name
public class ClassName {
//Make it runnable
public static void main(String args[]) throws MalformedURLException{
//Get the URL
URL img = this.getClass().getResource("src/Name.gif");
//Make it to a Icon
Icon icon = new ImageIcon(img);
//Make a new JLabel that shows "icon"
JLabel Gif = new JLabel(icon);

//Make a new Window
JFrame main = new JFrame("gif");
//adds the JLabel to the Window
//Shows where and how big the Window is
main.setBounds(x, y, H, W);
//set the Default Close Operation to Exit everything on Close
//Open the Window

sed with literal string--not input file

You have a single quotes conflict, so use:

 echo "A,B,C" | sed "s/,/','/g"

If using , you can do too (<<< is a here-string):

sed "s/,/','/g" <<< "A,B,C"

but not

sed "s/,/','/g"  "A,B,C"

because sed expect file(s) as argument(s)


if you use or any other ones :

echo string | sed ...

Oracle query execution time

select LAST_LOAD_TIME, ELAPSED_TIME, MODULE, SQL_TEXT elapsed from v$sql
  order by LAST_LOAD_TIME desc

More complicated example (don't forget to delete or to substitute PATTERN):

select * from (
  select LAST_LOAD_TIME, to_char(ELAPSED_TIME/1000, '999,999,999.000') || ' ms' as TIME,
         MODULE, SQL_TEXT from SYS."V_\$SQL"
    where SQL_TEXT like '%PATTERN%'
    order by LAST_LOAD_TIME desc
  ) where ROWNUM <= 5;

General guidelines to avoid memory leaks in C++

Bah, you young kids and your new-fangled garbage collectors...

Very strong rules on "ownership" - what object or part of the software has the right to delete the object. Clear comments and wise variable names to make it obvious if a pointer "owns" or is "just look, don't touch". To help decide who owns what, follow as much as possible the "sandwich" pattern within every subroutine or method.

create a thing
use that thing
destroy that thing

Sometimes it's necessary to create and destroy in widely different places; i think hard to avoid that.

In any program requiring complex data structures, i create a strict clear-cut tree of objects containing other objects - using "owner" pointers. This tree models the basic hierarchy of application domain concepts. Example a 3D scene owns objects, lights, textures. At the end of the rendering when the program quits, there's a clear way to destroy everything.

Many other pointers are defined as needed whenever one entity needs access another, to scan over arays or whatever; these are the "just looking". For the 3D scene example - an object uses a texture but does not own; other objects may use that same texture. The destruction of an object does not invoke destruction of any textures.

Yes it's time consuming but that's what i do. I rarely have memory leaks or other problems. But then i work in the limited arena of high-performance scientific, data acquisition and graphics software. I don't often deal transactions like in banking and ecommerce, event-driven GUIs or high networked asynchronous chaos. Maybe the new-fangled ways have an advantage there!

When to choose mouseover() and hover() function?

From the official jQuery documentation

  • .mouseover()
    Bind an event handler to the "mouseover" JavaScript event, or trigger that event on an element.

  • .hover() Bind one or two handlers to the matched elements, to be executed when the mouse pointer enters and leaves the elements.

    Calling $(selector).hover(handlerIn, handlerOut) is shorthand for: $(selector).mouseenter(handlerIn).mouseleave(handlerOut);

  • .mouseenter()

    Bind an event handler to be fired when the mouse enters an element, or trigger that handler on an element.

    mouseover fires when the pointer moves into the child element as well, while mouseenter fires only when the pointer moves into the bound element.

What this means

Because of this, .mouseover() is not the same as .hover(), for the same reason .mouseover() is not the same as .mouseenter().

$('selector').mouseover(over_function) // may fire multiple times

// enter and exit functions only called once per element per entry and exit
$('selector').hover(enter_function, exit_function) 

Difference between agile and iterative and incremental development

Iterative development implies revisiting usual waterfall model steps over the course of product lifetime. The stages can even overlap, i.e. while doing end-to-end testing you could already start preparing new requirements.

Incremental development means you roadmap your features and implement them incrementally.

Agile aims at creating "potentially shippable product" after every sprint. How you achieve it is a different story. Agile tries to employ "best" techniques from various fields (e.g. extreme programming). Agile does not exclude running neither incremental nor iterative development.

Which comes first in a 2D array, rows or columns?

Java is considered "row major", meaning that it does rows first. This is because a 2D array is an "array of arrays".

For example:

int[ ][ ] a = new int[2][4];  // Two rows and four columns.

a[0][0] a[0][1] a[0][2] a[0][3]

a[1][0] a[1][1] a[1][2] a[1][3]

It can also be visualized more like this:

a[0] ->  [0] [1] [2] [3]
a[1] ->  [0] [1] [2] [3]

The second illustration shows the "array of arrays" aspect. The first array contains {a[0] and a[1]}, and each of those is an array containing four elements, {[0][1][2][3]}.

TL;DR summary:

Array[number of arrays][how many elements in each of those arrays]

For more explanations, see also Arrays - 2-dimensional.

merge two object arrays with Angular 2 and TypeScript?

I think that you should use rather the following:

data => {
  this.results = this.results.concat(data.results);
  this._next =;

From the concat doc:

The concat() method returns a new array comprised of the array on which it is called joined with the array(s) and/or value(s) provided as arguments.

Windows-1252 to UTF-8 encoding

Found this documentation for the TYPE command:

Convert an ASCII (Windows1252) file into a Unicode (UCS-2 le) text file:

For /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %%G in ('CHCP') do Set _codepage=%%G    
CHCP 1252 >NUL    
CMD.EXE /D /A /C (SET/P=ÿþ)<NUL > unicode.txt 2>NUL    
CMD.EXE /D /U /C TYPE ascii_file.txt >> unicode.txt    
CHCP %_codepage%    

The technique above (based on a script by Carlos M.) first creates a file with a Byte Order Mark (BOM) and then appends the content of the original file. CHCP is used to ensure the session is running with the Windows1252 code page so that the characters 0xFF and 0xFE (ÿþ) are interpreted correctly.

Using WGET to run a cronjob PHP

If you want get output only when php fail:

php -r 'echo file_get_contents(;'

This way you receive an email from cronjob only when the script fails and not whenever the php is called.

How to find out what the date was 5 days ago?

5 days ago from a particular date:

$date = new DateTime('2008-12-02');
$date->sub(new DateInterval('P5D'));
echo $date->format('Y-m-d') . "\n";

How to use java.Set

Did you override equals and hashCode in the Block class?


I assumed you mean it doesn't work at runtime... did you mean that or at compile time? If compile time what is the error message? If it crashes at runtime what is the stack trace? If it compiles and runs but doesn't work right then the equals and hashCode are the likely issue.

Flutter: Setting the height of the AppBar

If you are in Visual Code, Ctrl + Click on AppBar function.

Widget demoPage() {
  AppBar appBar = AppBar(
    title: Text('Demo'),
  return Scaffold(
    appBar: appBar,
    body: /*
    page body

And edit this piece.

app_bar.dart will open and you can find 
    preferredSize = new Size.fromHeight(kToolbarHeight + (bottom?.preferredSize?.height ?? 0.0)),

Difference of height!

sample image

sample image

How to convert DATE to UNIX TIMESTAMP in shell script on MacOS

date -j -f "%Y-%m-%d" "2010-10-02" "+%s"

java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name 'property_file name', locale en_US

With Eclipse and Windows:

you have to copy 2 files - - here : C:\Eclipse\CONTENER\TOMCAT\apache-tomcat-7\lib

Clicking HTML 5 Video element to play, pause video, breaks play button

Not to bring up an old post but I landed on this question in my search for the same solution. I ended up coming up with something of my own. Figured I'd contribute.


<video class="video"><source src=""></video>



How to sort two lists (which reference each other) in the exact same way

If you are using numpy you can use np.argsort to get the sorted indices and apply those indices to the list. This works for any number of list that you would want to sort.

import numpy as np

arr1 = np.array([4,3,1,32,21])
arr2 = arr1 * 10
sorted_idxs = np.argsort(arr1)

>>> array([2, 1, 0, 4, 3])

>>> array([ 1,  3,  4, 21, 32])

>>> array([ 10,  30,  40, 210, 320])

Auto-expanding layout with Qt-Designer

I've tried to find a "fit to screen" property but there is no such.

But setting widget's "maximumSize" to a "some big number" ( like 2000 x 2000 ) will automatically fit the widget to the parent widget space.

convert ArrayList<MyCustomClass> to JSONArray

Use Gson library to convert ArrayList to JsonArray.

Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create();
JsonArray myCustomArray = gson.toJsonTree(myCustomList).getAsJsonArray();

HTML5 Pre-resize images before uploading

The accepted answer works great, but the resize logic ignores the case in which the image is larger than the maximum in only one of the axes (for example, height > maxHeight but width <= maxWidth).

I think the following code takes care of all cases in a more straight-forward and functional way (ignore the typescript type annotations if using plain javascript):

private scaleDownSize(width: number, height: number, maxWidth: number, maxHeight: number): {width: number, height: number} {
    if (width <= maxWidth && height <= maxHeight)
      return { width, height };
    else if (width / maxWidth > height / maxHeight)
      return { width: maxWidth, height: height * maxWidth / width};
      return { width: width * maxHeight / height, height: maxHeight };

How to convert time milliseconds to hours, min, sec format in JavaScript?

Based on @Chand answer. This is the implementation in Typescript. A bit safer than coercing types in JS. If you remove the type annotation should be valid JS. Also using new string functions to normalise the time.

function displayTime(millisec: number) {
 const normalizeTime = (time: string): string => (time.length === 1) ? time.padStart(2, '0') : time;

 let seconds: string = (millisec / 1000).toFixed(0);
 let minutes: string = Math.floor(parseInt(seconds) / 60).toString();
 let hours: string = '';

 if (parseInt(minutes) > 59) {
   hours = normalizeTime(Math.floor(parseInt(minutes) / 60).toString());
   minutes = normalizeTime((parseInt(minutes) - (parseInt(hours) * 60)).toString());
 seconds = normalizeTime(Math.floor(parseInt(seconds) % 60).toString());

 if (hours !== '') {
    return `${hours}:${minutes}:${seconds}`;
   return `${minutes}:${seconds}`;

RestTemplate: How to send URL and query parameters together

String url = "{id}/Identifier";
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
params.put("id", "1234");
URI uri = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString(url)
uri = UriComponentsBuilder
        .queryParam("name", "myName")
        .toUri(); , HttpMethod.PUT, requestEntity, class_p);

The safe way is to expand the path variables first, and then add the query parameters:

For me this resulted in duplicated encoding, e.g. a space was decoded to %2520 (space -> %20 -> %25).

I solved it by:

String url = "{id}/Identifier";
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
params.put("id", "1234");
UriComponentsBuilder uriComponentsBuilder = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString(url);
Uri uri = uriComponentsBuilder.queryParam("name", "myName");
        .toUri(); , HttpMethod.PUT, requestEntity, class_p);

Essentially I am using uriComponentsBuilder.uriVariables(params); to add path parameters. The documentation says:

... In contrast to UriComponents.expand(Map) or buildAndExpand(Map), this method is useful when you need to supply URI variables without building the UriComponents instance just yet, or perhaps pre-expand some shared default values such as host and port. ...


Difference between private, public, and protected inheritance

Limiting the visibility of inheritance will make code not able to see that some class inherits another class: Implicit conversions from the derived to the base won't work, and static_cast from the base to the derived won't work either.

Only members/friends of a class can see private inheritance, and only members/friends and derived classes can see protected inheritance.

public inheritance

  1. IS-A inheritance. A button is-a window, and anywhere where a window is needed, a button can be passed too.

    class button : public window { };

protected inheritance

  1. Protected implemented-in-terms-of. Rarely useful. Used in boost::compressed_pair to derive from empty classes and save memory using empty base class optimization (example below doesn't use template to keep being at the point):

    struct empty_pair_impl : protected empty_class_1 
    { non_empty_class_2 second; };
    struct pair : private empty_pair_impl {
      non_empty_class_2 &second() {
        return this->second;
      empty_class_1 &first() {
        return *this; // notice we return *this!

private inheritance

  1. Implemented-in-terms-of. The usage of the base class is only for implementing the derived class. Useful with traits and if size matters (empty traits that only contain functions will make use of the empty base class optimization). Often containment is the better solution, though. The size for strings is critical, so it's an often seen usage here

    template<typename StorageModel>
    struct string : private StorageModel {
      void realloc() {
        // uses inherited function

public member

  1. Aggregate

    class pair {
      First first;
      Second second;
  2. Accessors

    class window {
        int getWidth() const;

protected member

  1. Providing enhanced access for derived classes

    class stack {
      vector<element> c;
    class window {
      void registerClass(window_descriptor w);

private member

  1. Keep implementation details

    class window {
      int width;

Note that C-style casts purposely allows casting a derived class to a protected or private base class in a defined and safe manner and to cast into the other direction too. This should be avoided at all costs, because it can make code dependent on implementation details - but if necessary, you can make use of this technique.

How to restart ADB manually from Android Studio

I do not find a perfect way in Android Studio, get the process id and kill it from terminal:

ps -e | grep adb
kill -9 pid_adb

Check if element found in array c++

In C++ you would use std::find, and check if the resultant pointer points to the end of the range, like this:

Foo array[10];
... // Init the array here
Foo *foo = std::find(std::begin(array), std::end(array), someObject);
// When the element is not found, std::find returns the end of the range
if (foo != std::end(array)) {
    cerr << "Found at position " << std::distance(array, foo) << endl;
} else {
    cerr << "Not found" << endl;

Convert a string representation of a hex dump to a byte array using Java?

public static byte[] hex2ba(String sHex) throws Hex2baException {
    if (1==sHex.length()%2) {
        throw(new Hex2baException("Hex string need even number of chars"));

    byte[] ba = new byte[sHex.length()/2];
    for (int i=0;i<sHex.length()/2;i++) {
        ba[i] = (Integer.decode(
                "0x"+sHex.substring(i*2, (i+1)*2))).byteValue();
    return ba;

In c# what does 'where T : class' mean?

That restricts T to reference types. You won't be able to put value types (structs and primitive types except string) there.

How to scroll to bottom in a ScrollView on activity startup

 scrollView.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {

How can I print literal curly-brace characters in a string and also use .format on it?

Python 3.6+ (2017)

In the recent versions of Python one would use f-strings (see also PEP498).

With f-strings one should use double {{ or }}

n = 42  
print(f" {{Hello}} {n} ")

produces the desired

 {Hello} 42

If you need to resolve an expression in the brackets instead of using literal text you'll need three sets of brackets:

hello = "HELLO"



Correct use of flush() in JPA/Hibernate

Probably the exact details of em.flush() are implementation-dependent. In general anyway, JPA providers like Hibernate can cache the SQL instructions they are supposed to send to the database, often until you actually commit the transaction. For example, you call em.persist(), Hibernate remembers it has to make a database INSERT, but does not actually execute the instruction until you commit the transaction. Afaik, this is mainly done for performance reasons.

In some cases anyway you want the SQL instructions to be executed immediately; generally when you need the result of some side effects, like an autogenerated key, or a database trigger.

What em.flush() does is to empty the internal SQL instructions cache, and execute it immediately to the database.

Bottom line: no harm is done, only you could have a (minor) performance hit since you are overriding the JPA provider decisions as regards the best timing to send SQL instructions to the database.

Capture keyboardinterrupt in Python without try-except

Yes, you can install an interrupt handler using the module signal, and wait forever using a threading.Event:

import signal
import sys
import time
import threading

def signal_handler(signal, frame):
    print('You pressed Ctrl+C!')

signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
print('Press Ctrl+C')
forever = threading.Event()

Java difference between FileWriter and BufferedWriter

You are right. Here is how write() method of BufferedWriter looks:

public void write(int c) throws IOException {
    synchronized (lock) {
        if (nextChar >= nChars)
        cb[nextChar++] = (char) c;

As you can see it indeed checks whether the buffer is full (if (nextChar >= nChars)) and flushes the buffer. Then it adds new character to buffer (cb[nextChar++] = (char) c;).

Validate phone number using angular js

<div ng-class="{'has-error': userForm.mobileno.$error.pattern ,'has-success': userForm.mobileno.$valid}">

              <input type="text" name="mobileno" ng-model="mobileno" ng-pattern="/^[7-9][0-9]{9}$/"  required>

Here "userForm" is my form name.

Jenkins fails when running "service start jenkins"

In my case, the issue was of unsupported java version

Check the file /etc/init.d/jenkins to find out which java versions are supported.

To find which java versions are supported, run

grep -m 1 "JAVA_ALLOWED_VERSIONS" /etc/init.d/jenkins

The output will be like this(your's might be different)


In my case version 1.8 and 11 are supported. I will be going with version 11.

Install the supported version of jre using command

For ubuntu/debian

sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre 

For centOS use

sudo yum install java-11-openjdk-devel

Find the path to newly installed jre

For ubuntu/debian path is


You can find the path on centOS under /usr/lib/jvm/

Modify the file /etc/init.d/jenkins At line number 28, replace the JAVA=`type -p java` with JAVA='/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/java'

Now run command to reload the systemctl daemon

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Start the jenkins service

sudo systemctl start jenkins

Going from MM/DD/YYYY to DD-MMM-YYYY in java

formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yy");

Output (echo/print) everything from a PHP Array

For nice & readable results, use this:

function printVar($var) {
    echo '<pre>';
    echo '</pre>';

The above function will preserve the original formatting, making it (more)readable in a web browser.

Updating Anaconda fails: Environment Not Writable Error

Open this folder "C:\ProgramData\" and right-click on "\Anaconda3". go to properties -> security and check all the boxes for each user. This worked for me.

Checkout subdirectories in Git?

Sparse checkouts are now in Git 1.7.

Also see the question “Is it possible to do a sparse checkout without checking out the whole repository first?”.

Note that sparse checkouts still require you to download the whole repository, even though some of the files Git downloads won't end up in your working tree.

Deserialize json object into dynamic object using

Yes you can do it using the JsonConvert.DeserializeObject. To do that, just simple do:

dynamic jsonResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);

In c++ what does a tilde "~" before a function name signify?

It's the destructor. This method is called when the instance of your class is destroyed:

Stack<int> *stack= new Stack<int>;
//do something
delete stack; //<- destructor is called here;

Is there a cross-domain iframe height auto-resizer that works?

Here is an alternative implementation.

enter image description here

Basically if you able to edit page at other domain you can place another iframe page that belongs to your server which saving height to cookies. With an interval read cookies when it is updated, update the height of the iframe. That is all.

Edit: 2019 December

The solution above basically uses another iframe inside of an iframe 3rd iframe is belongs to the top page domain, which you call this page with a query string that saves size value to a cookie, outer page checks this query with some interval. But it is not a good solution so you should follow this one:

In Top page :

window.addEventListener("message", (m)=>{iframeResizingFunction(m)});

Here you can check m.origin to see where is it comes from.

In frame page:

window.parent.postMessage({ width: 640, height:480 }, "*")

Although, please don't forget this is not so secure way. To make it secure update * value (targetOrigin) with your desired value. Please follow documentation:

Limit Get-ChildItem recursion depth

Try this function:

Function Get-ChildItemToDepth {
        [String]$Path = $PWD,
        [String]$Filter = "*",
        [Byte]$ToDepth = 255,
        [Byte]$CurrentDepth = 0,

    If ($DebugMode) {
        $DebugPreference = "Continue"

    Get-ChildItem $Path | %{
        $_ | ?{ $_.Name -Like $Filter }

        If ($_.PsIsContainer) {
            If ($CurrentDepth -le $ToDepth) {

                # Callback to this function
                Get-ChildItemToDepth -Path $_.FullName -Filter $Filter `
                  -ToDepth $ToDepth -CurrentDepth $CurrentDepth
            Else {
                Write-Debug $("Skipping GCI for Folder: $($_.FullName) " + `
                  "(Why: Current depth $CurrentDepth vs limit depth $ToDepth)")


Loading all images using imread from a given folder

Why not just try loading all the files in the folder? If OpenCV can't open it, oh well. Move on to the next. cv2.imread() returns None if the image can't be opened. Kind of weird that it doesn't raise an exception.

import cv2
import os

def load_images_from_folder(folder):
    images = []
    for filename in os.listdir(folder):
        img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(folder,filename))
        if img is not None:
    return images

How to create a service running a .exe file on Windows 2012 Server?

You can use PowerShell.

New-Service -Name "TestService" -BinaryPathName "C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs"

Refer -

Updating a date in Oracle SQL table

Just to add to Alex Poole's answer, here is how you do the date and time:

    TO_DATE('31/DEC/2017 12:59:59', 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')

How to run a jar file in a linux commandline

Running a from class inside your JAR file load.jar is possible via

java -jar load.jar

When doing so, you have to define the application entry point. Usually this is done by providing a manifest file that contains the Main-Class tag. For documentation and examples have a look at this page. The argument load=2 can be supplied like in a normal Java applications:

java -jar load.jar load=2

Having also the current directory contained in the classpath, required to also make use of the Class-Path tag. See here for more information.

Clear text from textarea with selenium

In the most recent Selenium version, use:


Setting selection to Nothing when programming Excel

Select any cell and turn off cutcopymode.

Application.CutCopyMode = False

psql: FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "postgres"

I found that I had to install an identity server, that listens on port 113.

sudo apt-get install pidentd
sudo service postgresql restart

And then ident worked.

How to call javascript function from code-behind

There is a very simple way in which you can do this. It involves injecting a javascript code to a label control from code behind. here is sample code:

<head runat="server"> 
    <title>Calling javascript function from code behind example</title> 
        <script type="text/javascript"> 
            function showDialogue() { 
                alert("this dialogue has been invoked through codebehind."); 


lblJavaScript.Text = "<script type='text/javascript'>showDialogue();</script>";

Check out the full code here: (dead)
Link from Internet Archive:

Java: Retrieving an element from a HashSet

If you know what element you want to retrieve, then you already have the element. The only question for a Set to answer, given an element, is whether it contains() it or not.

If you want to iterator over the elements, just use a Set.iterator().

It sounds like what you're trying to do is designate a canonical element for an equivalence class of elements. You can use a Map<MyObject,MyObject> to do this. See this SO question or this one for a discussion.

If you are really determined to find an element that .equals() your original element with the constraint that you MUST use the HashSet, I think you're stuck with iterating over it and checking equals() yourself. The API doesn't let you grab something by its hash code. So you could do:

MyObject findIfPresent(MyObject source, HashSet<MyObject> set)
   if (set.contains(source)) {
      for (MyObject obj : set) {
        if (obj.equals(source)) 
          return obj;

  return null;

Brute force and O(n) ugly, but if that's what you need to do...


This is an issue distinct to Chrome, but there are two paths you can take to fix it.

I noticed the error once I added this specific header to my PHP script.

header('Content-Type: application/json');

The error appears to be related to PHP sessions when sending response headers. So according to chromium bug report 424599, this was fixed and you can just update to a newer version of Chrome. But if for some reason you can't or don't want to update, the workaround would be to remove these response headers from your PHP script if possible (that's what I did because it wasn't required).

Executing a batch script on Windows shutdown

For the above code to function; you need to make sure the following directories exist (mine didn't). Just add the following to a bat and run it:

mkdir C:\Windows\System32\GroupPolicy\Machine\Scripts\Startup
mkdir C:\Windows\System32\GroupPolicy\Machine\Scripts\Shutdown
mkdir C:\Windows\System32\GroupPolicy\User\Scripts\Startup
mkdir C:\Windows\System32\GroupPolicy\User\Scripts\Shutdown

It's just that GP needs those directories to exist for:

Group Policy\Local Computer Policy\Windows Settings\Scripts (Startup/Shutdown)

to function properly.

ImportError: DLL load failed: %1 is not a valid Win32 application

I just hit this and the problem was that the package had at one point been installed in the per-user packages directory. (On Windows.) aka %AppData%\Python. So Python was looking there first, finding an old 32-bit version of the .pyd file, and failing with the listed error. Unfortunately pip uninstall by itself wasn't enough to clean this, and at this time pip 10.0.1 doesn't seem to have a --user parameter for uninstall, only for install.

tl;dr Deleting the old .pyd from %AppData%\python\python27\site-packages resolved this problem for me.

Proper way to assert type of variable in Python

Doing type('') is effectively equivalent to str and types.StringType

so type('') == str == types.StringType will evaluate to "True"

Note that Unicode strings which only contain ASCII will fail if checking types in this way, so you may want to do something like assert type(s) in (str, unicode) or assert isinstance(obj, basestring), the latter of which was suggested in the comments by 007Brendan and is probably preferred.

isinstance() is useful if you want to ask whether an object is an instance of a class, e.g:

class MyClass: pass

print isinstance(MyClass(), MyClass) # -> True
print isinstance(MyClass, MyClass()) # -> TypeError exception

But for basic types, e.g. str, unicode, int, float, long etc asking type(var) == TYPE will work OK.

Find and replace Android studio

I think the previous answers missed the most important (non-trivial) aspect of the OP's question, i.e., how to perform the search/replace in a "time saving" manner, meaning once, not three times, and "maintain case" originally present.

On the pane, check "[X] Preserve Case" before clicking the Replace All button

This performs a case-aware "smart" replacement in one pass:

apple -> orange
Apple -> Orange

Also, for peace of mind, don't forget to check the code into the VCS before performing sweeping project-wide replacements.

python: how to send mail with TO, CC and BCC?

It did not worked for me until i created:

#created cc string
cc = ""[email protected];
#added cc to header
msg['Cc'] = cc

and than added cc in recipient [list] like:

s.sendmail(me, [you,cc], msg.as_string())

Reverse / invert a dictionary mapping

  def reverse_dictionary(input_dict):
      out = {}
      for v in input_dict.values():  
          for value in v:
              if value not in out:
                  out[value.lower()] = []

      for i in input_dict:
          for j in out:
              if j in map (lambda x : x.lower(),input_dict[i]):
      return out

this code do like this:

r = reverse_dictionary({'Accurate': ['exact', 'precise'], 'exact': ['precise'], 'astute': ['Smart', 'clever'], 'smart': ['clever', 'bright', 'talented']})


{'precise': ['accurate', 'exact'], 'clever': ['astute', 'smart'], 'talented': ['smart'], 'bright': ['smart'], 'exact': ['accurate'], 'smart': ['astute']}

ImportError: No module named 'selenium'

I had the same problem. Using 'sudo python3 -m pip install selenium' may work.

HTML/Javascript: how to access JSON data loaded in a script tag with src set

I agree with Ben. You cannot load/import the simple JSON file.

But if you absolutely want to do that and have flexibility to update json file, you can


   var myJSON = {
      id: "12ws",
      name: "smith"


  <script src="my-json.js"></script>
<body onload="document.getElementById('json-holder').innerHTML = JSON.stringify(myJSON);">
  <div id="json-holder"></div>

How can I run a html file from terminal?

python -mhtmllib test.html or curl|python -mhtmllib -

Calling a javascript function in another js file

This is actually coming very late, but I thought I should share,

in index.html

<script type="text/javascript" src="1.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="2.js"></script>

in 1.js

fn1 = function() {
    alert("external fn clicked");

in 2.js


How to pass macro definition from "make" command line arguments (-D) to C source code?

Find the C file and Makefile implementation in below to meet your requirements


 main ()
        int a = MAKE_DEFINE;
        printf ("MAKE_DEFINE value:%d\n", a);


    gcc -DMAKE_DEFINE=11 foo.c

Using mysql concat() in WHERE clause?

To Luc:

I agree with your answer, although I would like to add that UPPER only works on non-binary elements. If you are working with say an AGE column (or anything numeric) you will need to perform a CAST conversion to make the UPPER function work correctly.

SELECT * FROM table WHERE UPPER(CONCAT_WS(' ', first_name, last_name, CAST(age AS CHAR)) LIKE UPPER('%$search_term%');

Forgive me for not responding to Luc's answer directly but for the life of me I could not figure out how to do that. If an admin can move my post, please do so.

How to uninstall a windows service and delete its files without rebooting

(so Windows releases it's hold on the file)

Instead, do Ctrl+Alt+Del right after the Stop of the service and kill the .exe of the service. Than, you can uninstall the service without rebooting. This happened to me in the past and it solves the part that you need to reboot.

Sorting Values of Set

If you sort the strings "12", "15" and "5" then "5" comes last because "5" > "1". i.e. the natural ordering of Strings doesn't work the way you expect.

If you want to store strings in your list but sort them numerically then you will need to use a comparator that handles this. e.g.

Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<String>() {
    public int compare(String o1, String o2) {
        Integer i1 = Integer.parseInt(o1);
        Integer i2 = Integer.parseInt(o2);
        return (i1 > i2 ? -1 : (i1 == i2 ? 0 : 1));

Also, I think you are getting slightly mixed up between Collection types. A HashSet and a HashMap are different things.

Linux Shell Script For Each File in a Directory Grab the filename and execute a program

find . -type f -name "*.xls" -printf "xls2csv %p %p.csv\n" | bash

bash 4 (recursive)

shopt -s globstar
for xls in /path/**/*.xls
  xls2csv "$xls" "${xls%.xls}.csv"

How to erase the file contents of text file in Python?

Since text files are sequential, you can't directly erase data on them. Your options are:

  • The most common way is to create a new file. Read from the original file and write everything on the new file, except the part you want to erase. When all the file has been written, delete the old file and rename the new file so it has the original name.
  • You can also truncate and rewrite the entire file from the point you want to change onwards. Seek to point you want to change, and read the rest of file to memory. Seek back to the same point, truncate the file, and write back the contents without the part you want to erase.
  • Another simple option is to overwrite the data with another data of same length. For that, seek to the exact position and write the new data. The limitation is that it must have exact same length.

Look at the seek/truncate function/method to implement any of the ideas above. Both Python and C have those functions.

Use of Application.DoEvents()

The DoEvents does allow the user to click around or type and trigger other events, and background threads are a better approach.

However, there are still cases where you may run into issues that require flushing event messages. I ran into a problem where the RichTextBox control was ignoring the ScrollToCaret() method when the control had messages in queue to process.

The following code blocks all user input while executing DoEvents:

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Integrative.Desktop.Common
    static class NativeMethods
        #region Block input

        [DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint = "BlockInput")]
        [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
        private static extern bool BlockInput([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool fBlockIt);

        public static void HoldUser()

        public static void ReleaseUser()

        public static void DoEventsBlockingInput()


Laravel 5 - How to access image uploaded in storage within View?

If you are using php then just please use the php symlink function, like following:

symlink('/home/username/projectname/storage/app/public', '/home/username/public_html/storage')

change the username and project name to the right names.

Docker compose, running containers in net:host

Those documents are outdated. I'm guessing the 1.6 in the URL is for Docker 1.6, not Compose 1.6. Check out the correct syntax here: You are looking for network_mode when using the v2 YAML format.

CSS background image URL failing to load

Source location should be the URL (relative to the css file or full web location), not a file system full path, for example:

background: url("http://localhost/media/css/static/img/sprites/buttons-v3-10.png");
background: url("static/img/sprites/buttons-v3-10.png");

Alternatively, you can try to use file:/// protocol prefix.

How to validate an e-mail address in swift?

I prefer use an extension for that. Besides, this url can help you to test if regex is correct. In fact, the site offers differents implementations for some programming languages. I share my implementation for Swift 3.

extension String {
    func validateEmail() -> Bool {
        let emailRegex = "[A-Z0-9a-z._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,6}"
        return NSPredicate(format: "SELF MATCHES %@", emailRegex).evaluate(with: self)

Consider marking event handler as 'passive' to make the page more responsive

For those stuck with legacy issues, find the line throwing the error and add {passive: true} - eg:

this.element.addEventListener(t, e, !1)


this.element.addEventListener(t, e, { passive: true} )

How can I create a self-signed cert for localhost?

Yes and no. Self signed certificates result in that warning message because the certificate was not signed by a trusted Certificate Authority. There are a few options that you can consider to remove this warning on your local machine. See the highest ranked answers to this question for details:

What do I need to do to get Internet Explorer 8 to accept a self signed certificate?

Hope this helps!


Sorry, I wasn't initially aware that you were constrained to localhost. You can attempt to follow the directions on the the link below to "Generate a Self Signed Certificate with the Correct Common Name."

Extract file name from path, no matter what the os/path format

import os
file_location = '/srv/volume1/data/eds/eds_report.csv'
file_name = os.path.basename(file_location )  #eds_report.csv
location = os.path.dirname(file_location )    #/srv/volume1/data/eds

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:compileDebugKotlin'. > Compilation error. See log for more details

I had a same problem. To solve this problem just open your all files(recent working files) in Which you made the changes and check did you forget to delete some which should be deleted.

In my case the problem was with the Unreferenced code which I was using in one of my file and that code is present in that file which should not be present in that file because I was using an interface which I have deleted from my project but I forget to deleted from one of my file).

Increase days to php current Date()

If you need this code in several places then I'd suggest that you add a short function to keep your code simpler and easier to test.

function add_days( $days, $from_date = null ) {
    if ( is_numeric( $from_date ) ) { 
        $new_date = $from_date; 
    } else { 
        $new_date = time();

    // Timestamp is the number of seconds since an event in the past
    // To increate the value by one day we have to add 86400 seconds to the value
    // 86400 = 24h * 60m * 60s
    $new_date += $days * 86400;

    return $new_date;

Then you can use it anywhere like this:

$today       = add_days( 0 );
$tomorrow    = add_days( 1 );
$yesterday   = add_days( -1 );
$in_36_hours = add_days( 1.5 );

$first_reminder  = add_days( 10 );
$second_reminder = add_days( 5, $first_reminder );
$last_reminder   = add_days( 3, $second_reminder );

Link to add to Google calendar

Here's an example link you can use to see the format:,+link+here:+,+301+Park+Ave+,+New+York,+NY+10022&sf=true&output=xml

Note the key query parameters:


Here's another example (taken from

<a href="
&dates=[start-custom format='Ymd\\THi00\\Z']/[end-custom format='Ymd\\THi00\\Z']
target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Add to my calendar</a>

Here's a form which will help you construct such a link if you want (mentioned in earlier answers): Edit: This link no longer gives you a form you can use

Pycharm does not show plot

I was facing above error when i am trying to plot histogram and below points worked for me.

OS : Mac Catalina 10.15.5

Pycharm Version : Community version 2019.2.3

Python version : 3.7

  1. I changed import statement as below (from - to)

from :

import matplotlib.pylab as plt


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

  1. and plot statement to below (changed my command form pyplot to plt)



# set x/y labels and plot title
plt.pyplot.title("horsepower bins") 

to :


# set x/y labels and plot title
plt.title("horsepower bins")
  1. use to display histogram

Relative frequencies / proportions with dplyr

This answer is based upon Matifou's answer.

First I modified it to ensure that I don't get the freq column returned as a scientific notation column by using the scipen option.

Then I multiple the answer by 100 to get a percent rather than decimal to make the freq column easier to read as a percentage.

mtcars %>%
count(am, gear) %>% 
mutate(freq = (n / sum(n)) * 100)

String index out of range: 4

You are using the wrong iteration counter, replace inp.charAt(i) with inp.charAt(j).

How to iterate over a std::map full of strings in C++

iter->first and iter->second are variables, you are attempting to call them as methods.

Getting text from td cells with jQuery

You can use .map:

// array of text of each td

var texts = $("td").map(function() {
    return $(this).text();

How to limit file upload type file size in PHP?

Hope This useful...


<form action="check.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<label>Upload An Image</label>
<input type="file" name="file_upload" />
<input type="submit" name="upload"/>


        $error_1='File Size too large';
        echo '<script>alert("'.$error_1.'")</script>';
        $error_2='Invalid File';
        echo '<script>alert("'.$error_2.'")</script>';
        $error_3='Format Not Supported.Only .jpeg files are accepted';
        echo '<script>alert("'.$error_3.'")</script>';

            $target_dir = "uploads/";
            $target_file = $target_dir . basename($_FILES["file_upload"]["name"]);
            if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file_upload"]["tmp_name"], $target_file)){ 
            echo "The file ". basename($_FILES["file_upload"]["name"]). " has been uploaded.";
                echo "sorry";

Loading a properties file from Java package

The following two cases relate to loading a properties file from an example class named TestLoadProperties.

Case 1: Loading the properties file using ClassLoader

InputStream inputStream = TestLoadProperties.class.getClassLoader()

In this case the properties file must be in the root/src directory for successful loading.

Case 2: Loading the properties file without using ClassLoader

InputStream inputStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream("A.config");

In this case the properties file must be in the same directory as the TestLoadProperties.class file for successful loading.

Note: and TestLoadProperties.class are two different files. The former, .java file, is usually found in a project's src/ directory, while the latter, .class file, is usually found in its bin/ directory.

How to insert pandas dataframe via mysqldb into database?

You can do it by using pymysql:

For example, let's suppose you have a MySQL database with the next user, password, host and port and you want to write in the database 'data_2', if it is already there or not.

import pymysql
user = 'root'
passw = 'my-secret-pw-for-mysql-12ud'
host =  ''
port = 3306
database = 'data_2'

If you already have the database created:

conn = pymysql.connect(host=host,

data.to_sql(name=database, con=conn, if_exists = 'replace', index=False, flavor = 'mysql')

If you do NOT have the database created, also valid when the database is already there:

conn = pymysql.connect(host=host, port=port, user=user, passwd=passw)

conn.cursor().execute("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS {0} ".format(database))
conn = pymysql.connect(host=host,

data.to_sql(name=database, con=conn, if_exists = 'replace', index=False, flavor = 'mysql')

Similar threads:

  1. Writing to MySQL database with pandas using SQLAlchemy, to_sql
  2. Writing a Pandas Dataframe to MySQL

Create a file from a ByteArrayOutputStream

You can do it with using a FileOutputStream and the writeTo method.

ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = getByteStreamMethod();
try(OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream("thefilename")) {

Source: "Creating a file from ByteArrayOutputStream in Java." on Code Inventions

Fetching data from MySQL database to html dropdown list

To do this you want to loop through each row of your query results and use this info for each of your drop down's options. You should be able to adjust the code below fairly easily to meet your needs.

// Assume $db is a PDO object
$query = $db->query("YOUR QUERY HERE"); // Run your query

echo '<select name="DROP DOWN NAME">'; // Open your drop down box

// Loop through the query results, outputing the options one by one
while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
   echo '<option value="'.$row['something'].'">'.$row['something'].'</option>';

echo '</select>';// Close your drop down box

Display an image into windows forms

Here ( there 3 ways to do this:

  • Like you are doing.
  • Using ImageLocation property of the PictureBox like:

    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        PictureBox pb1 = new PictureBox();            
        pb1.ImageLocation = "../SamuderaJayaMotor.png";
        pb1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.AutoSize;
  • Using an image from the web like:

    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        PictureBox pb1 = new PictureBox();            
        pb1.ImageLocation = "";
        pb1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.AutoSize;

And please, be sure that "../SamuderaJayaMotor.png" is the correct path of the image that you are using.

How to change column width in DataGridView?

You could set the width of the abbrev column to a fixed pixel width, then set the width of the description column to the width of the DataGridView, minus the sum of the widths of the other columns and some extra margin (if you want to prevent a horizontal scrollbar from appearing on the DataGridView):

dataGridView1.Columns[1].Width = 108;  // or whatever width works well for abbrev
dataGridView1.Columns[2].Width = 
    - dataGridView1.Columns[0].Width 
    - dataGridView1.Columns[1].Width 
    - 72;  // this is an extra "margin" number of pixels

If you wanted the description column to always take up the "remainder" of the width of the DataGridView, you could put something like the above code in a Resize event handler of the DataGridView.

What are "res" and "req" parameters in Express functions?

I noticed one error in Dave Ward's answer (perhaps a recent change?): The query string paramaters are in request.query, not request.params. (See )

request.params by default is filled with the value of any "component matches" in routes, i.e.

app.get('/user/:id', function(request, response){
  response.send('user ' +;

and, if you have configured express to use its bodyparser (app.use(express.bodyParser());) also with POST'ed formdata. (See How to retrieve POST query parameters? )

Rails: How can I rename a database column in a Ruby on Rails migration?

For Ruby on Rails 4:

def change
    rename_column :table_name, :column_name_old, :column_name_new

Best way to add Activity to an Android project in Eclipse?

An easy method suggested by Google Android Developer Community.

enter image description here

How to store values from foreach loop into an array?

$items = array();
$count = 0;
foreach($group_membership as $i => $username) { 
 $items[$count++] = $username; 

How to round up with excel VBA round()?

If you want to round up, use half adjusting. Add 0.5 to the number to be rounded up and use the INT() function.

answer = INT(x + 0.5)

R define dimensions of empty data frame

seq_along may help to find out how many rows in your data file and create a data.frame with the desired number of rows

    listdf <- data.frame(ID=seq_along(df),
                              var1=seq_along(df), var2=seq_along(df))

What is the difference between Release and Debug modes in Visual Studio?

Well, it depends on what language you are using, but in general they are 2 separate configurations, each with its own settings. By default, Debug includes debug information in the compiled files (allowing easy debugging) while Release usually has optimizations enabled.

As far as conditional compilation goes, they each define different symbols that can be checked in your program, but they are language-specific macros.

Get a list of distinct values in List

mcilist = (from mci in mcilist select mci).Distinct().ToList();

The difference between the 'Local System' account and the 'Network Service' account?

Since there is so much confusion about functionality of standard service accounts, I'll try to give a quick run down.

First the actual accounts:

  • LocalService account (preferred)

    A limited service account that is very similar to Network Service and meant to run standard least-privileged services. However, unlike Network Service it accesses the network as an Anonymous user.

    • Name: NT AUTHORITY\LocalService
    • the account has no password (any password information you provide is ignored)
    • HKCU represents the LocalService user account
    • has minimal privileges on the local computer
    • presents anonymous credentials on the network
    • SID: S-1-5-19
    • has its own profile under the HKEY_USERS registry key (HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19)


  • NetworkService account

    Limited service account that is meant to run standard privileged services. This account is far more limited than Local System (or even Administrator) but still has the right to access the network as the machine (see caveat above).

    • NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService
    • the account has no password (any password information you provide is ignored)
    • HKCU represents the NetworkService user account
    • has minimal privileges on the local computer
    • presents the computer's credentials (e.g. MANGO$) to remote servers
    • SID: S-1-5-20
    • has its own profile under the HKEY_USERS registry key (HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20)
    • If trying to schedule a task using it, enter NETWORK SERVICE into the Select User or Group dialog


  • LocalSystem account (dangerous, don't use!)

    Completely trusted account, more so than the administrator account. There is nothing on a single box that this account cannot do, and it has the right to access the network as the machine (this requires Active Directory and granting the machine account permissions to something)

    • Name: .\LocalSystem (can also use LocalSystem or ComputerName\LocalSystem)
    • the account has no password (any password information you provide is ignored)
    • SID: S-1-5-18
    • does not have any profile of its own (HKCU represents the default user)
    • has extensive privileges on the local computer
    • presents the computer's credentials (e.g. MANGO$) to remote servers


Above when talking about accessing the network, this refers solely to SPNEGO (Negotiate), NTLM and Kerberos and not to any other authentication mechanism. For example, processing running as LocalService can still access the internet.

The general issue with running as a standard out of the box account is that if you modify any of the default permissions you're expanding the set of things everything running as that account can do. So if you grant DBO to a database, not only can your service running as Local Service or Network Service access that database but everything else running as those accounts can too. If every developer does this the computer will have a service account that has permissions to do practically anything (more specifically the superset of all of the different additional privileges granted to that account).

It is always preferable from a security perspective to run as your own service account that has precisely the permissions you need to do what your service does and nothing else. However, the cost of this approach is setting up your service account, and managing the password. It's a balancing act that each application needs to manage.

In your specific case, the issue that you are probably seeing is that the the DCOM or COM+ activation is limited to a given set of accounts. In Windows XP SP2, Windows Server 2003, and above the Activation permission was restricted significantly. You should use the Component Services MMC snapin to examine your specific COM object and see the activation permissions. If you're not accessing anything on the network as the machine account you should seriously consider using Local Service (not Local System which is basically the operating system).

In Windows Server 2003 you cannot run a scheduled task as

  • NT_AUTHORITY\LocalService (aka the Local Service account), or
  • NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService (aka the Network Service account).

That capability only was added with Task Scheduler 2.0, which only exists in Windows Vista/Windows Server 2008 and newer.

A service running as NetworkService presents the machine credentials on the network. This means that if your computer was called mango, it would present as the machine account MANGO$:

enter image description here

String array initialization in Java

First up, this has got nothing to do with String, it is about arrays.. and that too specifically about declarative initialization of arrays.

As discussed by everyone in almost every answer here, you can, while declaring a variable, use:

String names[] = {"x","y","z"};

However, post declaration, if you want to assign an instance of an Array:

names = new String[] {"a","b","c"};

AFAIK, the declaration syntax is just a syntactic sugar and it is not applicable anymore when assigning values to variables because when values are assigned you need to create an instance properly.

However, if you ask us why it is so? Well... good luck getting an answer to that. Unless someone from the Java committee answers that or there is explicit documentation citing the said syntactic sugar.

php function mail() isn't working

I think you are not configured properly,

if you are using XAMPP then you can easily send mail from localhost.

for example you can configure C:\xampp\php\php.ini and c:\xampp\sendmail\sendmail.ini for gmail to send mail.

in C:\xampp\php\php.ini find extension=php_openssl.dll and remove the semicolon from the beginning of that line to make SSL working for gmail for localhost.

in php.ini file find [mail function] and change
sendmail_from = [email protected]
sendmail_path = "C:\xampp\sendmail\sendmail.exe -t"

(use the above send mail path only and it will work)

Now Open C:\xampp\sendmail\sendmail.ini. Replace all the existing code in sendmail.ini with following code

[email protected]
[email protected]

Now you have done!! create php file with mail function and send mail from localhost.


First, make sure you PHP installation has SSL support (look for an "openssl" section in the output from phpinfo()).

You can set the following settings in your PHP.ini:


Open the terminal in visual studio?

Not sure if this will help, but I usually pull the command prompt up by going into "Synchronization" tab in Team Explorer and clicking on "Actions"

When the command prompt opens it is in the directory of the project.

Should I use `import os.path` or `import os`?

os.path works in a funny way. It looks like os should be a package with a submodule path, but in reality os is a normal module that does magic with sys.modules to inject os.path. Here's what happens:

  • When Python starts up, it loads a bunch of modules into sys.modules. They aren't bound to any names in your script, but you can access the already-created modules when you import them in some way.

    • sys.modules is a dict in which modules are cached. When you import a module, if it already has been imported somewhere, it gets the instance stored in sys.modules.
  • os is among the modules that are loaded when Python starts up. It assigns its path attribute to an os-specific path module.

  • It injects sys.modules['os.path'] = path so that you're able to do "import os.path" as though it was a submodule.

I tend to think of os.path as a module I want to use rather than a thing in the os module, so even though it's not really a submodule of a package called os, I import it sort of like it is one and I always do import os.path. This is consistent with how os.path is documented.

Incidentally, this sort of structure leads to a lot of Python programmers' early confusion about modules and packages and code organization, I think. This is really for two reasons

  1. If you think of os as a package and know that you can do import os and have access to the submodule os.path, you may be surprised later when you can't do import twisted and automatically access twisted.spread without importing it.

  2. It is confusing that is a normal thing, a string, and os.path is a module. I always structure my packages with empty files so that at the same level I always have one type of thing: a module/package or other stuff. Several big Python projects take this approach, which tends to make more structured code.

GCC dump preprocessor defines

A portable approach that works equally well on Linux or Windows (where there is no /dev/null):

echo | gcc -dM -E -

For c++ you may use (replace c++11 with whatever version you use):

echo | gcc -x c++ -std=c++11 -dM -E -

It works by telling gcc to preprocess stdin (which is produced by echo) and print all preprocessor defines (search for -dletters). If you want to know what defines are added when you include a header file you can use -dD option which is similar to -dM but does not include predefined macros:

echo "#include <stdlib.h>" | gcc -x c++ -std=c++11 -dD -E -

Note, however, that empty input still produces lots of defines with -dD option.

How to check if any flags of a flag combination are set?

If you want to know if letter has any of the letters in AB you must use the AND & operator. Something like:

if ((letter & Letters.AB) != 0)
    // Some flag (A,B or both) is enabled
    // None of them are enabled

Is there a Python equivalent of the C# null-coalescing operator?

The two functions below I have found to be very useful when dealing with many variable testing cases.

def nz(value, none_value, strict=True):
    ''' This function is named after an old VBA function. It returns a default
        value if the passed in value is None. If strict is False it will
        treat an empty string as None as well.

        x = None
        --> "hello"
        --> ""
        y = ""   
        --> ""
        nz(y,"hello", False)
        --> "hello" '''

    if value is None and strict:
        return_val = none_value
    elif strict and value is not None:
        return_val = value
    elif not strict and not is_not_null(value):
        return_val = none_value
        return_val = value
    return return_val 

def is_not_null(value):
    ''' test for None and empty string '''
    return value is not None and len(str(value)) > 0

JavaScript displaying a float to 2 decimal places

number.parseFloat(2) works but it returns a string.

If you'd like to preserve it as a number type you can use:

Math.round(number * 100) / 100

How to specify the bottom border of a <tr>?

tr td 
    border-bottom: 2px solid silver;

or if you want the border inside the TR tag, you can do this:

tr td {
    box-shadow: inset 0px -2px 0px silver;

Android Fragments and animation

To animate the transition between fragments, or to animate the process of showing or hiding a fragment you use the Fragment Manager to create a Fragment Transaction.

Within each Fragment Transaction you can specify in and out animations that will be used for show and hide respectively (or both when replace is used).

The following code shows how you would replace a fragment by sliding out one fragment and sliding the other one in it's place.

FragmentTransaction ft = getFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
ft.setCustomAnimations(R.anim.slide_in_left, R.anim.slide_out_right);

DetailsFragment newFragment = DetailsFragment.newInstance();

ft.replace(, newFragment, "detailFragment");

// Start the animated transition.

To achieve the same thing with hiding or showing a fragment you'd simply call or ft.hide, passing in the Fragment you wish to show or hide respectively.

For reference, the XML animation definitions would use the objectAnimator tag. An example of slide_in_left might look something like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <objectAnimator xmlns:android=""

Excel 2007 - Compare 2 columns, find matching values

You could fill the C Column with variations on the following formula:


Then C would only contain values that were in A and C.

Location of hibernate.cfg.xml in project?

For anyone interested: if you are using Intellj, just simply put hibernate.cfg.xml under src/main/resources.

Most efficient way to reverse a numpy array

Expanding on what others have said I will give a short example.

If you have a 1D array ...

>>> import numpy as np
>>> x = np.arange(4) # array([0, 1, 2, 3])
>>> x[::-1] # returns a view
array([3, 2, 1, 0])

But if you are working with a 2D array ...

>>> x = np.arange(10).reshape(2, 5)
>>> x
array([[0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
       [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]])

>>> x[::-1] # returns a view:
Out[3]: array([[5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
               [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]])

This does not actually reverse the Matrix.

Should use np.flip to actually reverse the elements

>>> np.flip(x)
Out[4]: array([[9, 8, 7, 6, 5],
               [4, 3, 2, 1, 0]])

If you want to print the elements of a matrix one-by-one use flat along with flip

>>> for el in np.flip(x).flat:
>>>     print(el, end = ' ')
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

SQL WHERE ID IN (id1, id2, ..., idn)

I think you mean SqlServer but on Oracle you have a hard limit how many IN elements you can specify: 1000.

What is the meaning of the term "thread-safe"?

Don't confuse thread safety with determinism. Thread-safe code can also be non-deterministic. Given the difficulty of debugging problems with threaded code, this is probably the normal case. :-)

Thread safety simply ensures that when a thread is modifying or reading shared data, no other thread can access it in a way that changes the data. If your code depends on a certain order for execution for correctness, then you need other synchronization mechanisms beyond those required for thread safety to ensure this.

Get only the date in timestamp in mysql

You can use date(t_stamp) to get only the date part from a timestamp.

You can check the date() function in the docs


Extracts the date part of the date or datetime expression expr.

mysql> SELECT DATE('2003-12-31 01:02:03'); -> '2003-12-31'

How to parse a CSV in a Bash script?

CSV isn't quite that simple. Depending on the limits of the data you have, you might have to worry about quoted values (which may contain commas and newlines) and escaping quotes.

So if your data are restricted enough can get away with simple comma-splitting fine, shell script can do that easily. If, on the other hand, you need to parse CSV ‘properly’, bash would not be my first choice. Instead I'd look at a higher-level scripting language, for example Python with a csv.reader.

DataGridView - Focus a specific cell

 private void dataGridView1_CellValidating(object sender, DataGridViewCellValidatingEventArgs e)
        int row = e.RowIndex;
        int col = e.ColumnIndex;
        if (row < 0 || col != 3)
        if (e.FormattedValue.ToString().Equals(String.Empty))

            double quantity = 0;
                quantity = Convert.ToDouble(e.FormattedValue.ToString());
                if (quantity == 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("The quantity can not be Zero", "Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    e.Cancel = true;
                MessageBox.Show("The quantity should be decimal value.", "Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                e.Cancel = true;

Response Buffer Limit Exceeded

Here is what a Microsoft support page says about this:

But it’s easier in the GUI:

  • In Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, click on ASP.
  • Change Behavior > Limits Properties > Response Buffering Limit from 4 MB to 64 MB.
  • Apply and restart.

What does a bitwise shift (left or right) do and what is it used for?

Left Shift

x = x * 2^value (normal operation)

x << value (bit-wise operation)

x = x * 16 (which is the same as 2^4)

The left shift equivalent would be x = x << 4

Right Shift

x = x / 2^value (normal arithmetic operation)

x >> value (bit-wise operation)

x = x / 8 (which is the same as 2^3)

The right shift equivalent would be x = x >> 3

How to set default value to the input[type="date"]

Use Microsoft Visual Studio

Date separator '-'

@{string dateValue = request.Date.ToString("yyyy'-'MM'-'ddTHH:mm:ss");}

< input type="datetime-local" class="form-control" name="date1" value="@dateValue" >

Using member variable in lambda capture list inside a member function

Summary of the alternatives:

capture this:

auto lambda = [this](){};

use a local reference to the member:

auto& tmp = grid;
auto lambda = [ tmp](){}; // capture grid by (a single) copy
auto lambda = [&tmp](){}; // capture grid by ref


auto lambda = [ grid = grid](){}; // capture grid by copy
auto lambda = [&grid = grid](){}; // capture grid by ref


How to perform an SQLite query within an Android application?

This will return you the required cursor

Cursor cursor = db.query(TABLE_NAME, new String[] {"_id", "title", "title_raw"}, 
                "title_raw like " + "'%Smith%'", null, null, null, null);

How to install Android Studio on Ubuntu?

add a repository,

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:maarten-fonville/android-studio
sudo apt-get update

Then install using the command below:

sudo apt-get install android-studio

How to stop/terminate a python script from running?

If you are working with Spyder, use CTRL + . (DOT) and you will restart the kernel, also you will stop the program.

How to set the margin or padding as percentage of height of parent container?

To make the child element positioned absolutely from its parent element you need to set relative position on the parent element AND absolute position on the child element.

Then on the child element 'top' is relative to the height of the parent. So you also need to 'translate' upward the child 50% of its own height.

    background-color: green;_x000D_
    width: 200px;_x000D_
    height: 200px;_x000D_
    overflow: auto;_x000D_
    position: relative;_x000D_
.vert-align {_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    top: 50%;_x000D_
    transform: translate(0, -50%);_x000D_
    <div class="base">_x000D_
        <div class="vert-align">_x000D_
            Content Here_x000D_

There is another a solution using flex box.

    width: 200px;_x000D_
    height: 200px;_x000D_
    overflow: auto;_x000D_
    display: flex;_x000D_
    align-items: center;_x000D_
<div class="base">_x000D_
    <div class="vert-align">_x000D_
        Content Here_x000D_

You will find advantages/disavantages for both.

TypeError: unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray'

Your variable energies probably has the wrong shape:

>>> from numpy import array
>>> set([1,2,3]) & set(range(2, 10))
set([2, 3])
>>> set(array([1,2,3])) & set(range(2,10))
set([2, 3])
>>> set(array([[1,2,3],])) & set(range(2,10))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray'

And that's what happens if you read columnar data using your approach:

>>> data
array([[  1.,   2.,   3.],
       [  3.,   4.,   5.],
       [  5.,   6.,   7.],
       [  8.,   9.,  10.]])
>>> hsplit(data,3)[0]
array([[ 1.],
       [ 3.],
       [ 5.],
       [ 8.]])

Probably you can simply use

>>> data[:,0]
array([ 1.,  3.,  5.,  8.])


(P.S. Your code looks like it's undecided about whether it's data or elementdata. I've assumed it's simply a typo.)

How do I print to the debug output window in a Win32 app?

If you want to print decimal variables:

wchar_t text_buffer[20] = { 0 }; //temporary buffer
swprintf(text_buffer, _countof(text_buffer), L"%d", your.variable); // convert
OutputDebugString(text_buffer); // print

How do I find out my python path using python?

If using conda, you can get the env prefix using os.environ["CONDA_PREFIX"].

"Insufficient Storage Available" even there is lot of free space in device memory

The memory may be in reserve by the OS to be used for running what you normally run (kind of like a swap file). You may be able to squeeze in another app or two by

  • Trying to install them right after a restart, or
  • By force closing some apps that are running (but that second option may not be a good idea -- see the first link),

But the only very good fix might be to

  • Repartition your SD card so that apps can be installed directly to it (see the second link).

Take a look at forum post It was bound to happen: low memory warning!.

The important part is:

The OS knows how much memory it needs to run the apps you already have. This is a perfect example.

Now you may be able to "fool" the OS by force closing some apps that are sitting in RAM. This will increase your "bucket" of memory which may let you install an app, but remember if you do these types of things you will only cause issues down the road.. lagg, error messages, etc. (because you are fooling the OS in thinking you have given it additional memory which in fact you did.. you only force closed).

Another good explanation of what is happening is in forum post Low Internal Memory.

The important part is:

The reason why your internal space is filling up is 3-fold. First, when an app is "moved" to the SD card, it isn't completely moved. Only portions of it actually go. Second, the Dalvik cache of the app is still stored on the internal memory (which takes up a substantial amount of space). Three, the data for apps and all your system settings are stored in the internal memory (yes, some apps use the SD card for portions of their data, but every app has data stored on the internal memory).

And the thread includes suggestions on what partitioning you can do to your SD card to allow 'moar apps'!

Obtain smallest value from array in Javascript?

function tinyFriends() {
    let myFriends = ["Mukit", "Ali", "Umor", "sabbir"]
    let smallestFridend = myFriends[0];
    for (i = 0; i < myFriends.length; i++) {
        if (myFriends[i] < smallestFridend) {
            smallestFridend = myFriends[i];
    return smallestFridend   

How to change a nullable column to not nullable in a Rails migration?

Per the Strong Migrations gem, using change_column_null in production is a bad idea because it blocks reads and writes while all records are checked.

The recommended way to handle these migrations (Postgres specific) is to separate this process into two migrations.

One to alter the table with the constraint:

class SetSomeColumnNotNull < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
  def change
    safety_assured do
      execute 'ALTER TABLE "users" ADD CONSTRAINT "users_some_column_null" CHECK ("some_column" IS NOT NULL) NOT VALID'

And a separate migration to validate it:

class ValidateSomeColumnNotNull < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
  def change
    safety_assured do
      execute 'ALTER TABLE "users" VALIDATE CONSTRAINT "users_some_column_null"'

The above examples are pulled (and slightly altered) from the linked documentation. Apparently for Postgres 12+ you can also add NOT NULL to the schema and then drop the constraint after the validation has been run:

class ValidateSomeColumnNotNull < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
  def change
    safety_assured do
      execute 'ALTER TABLE "users" VALIDATE CONSTRAINT "users_some_column_null"'

    # in Postgres 12+, you can then safely set NOT NULL on the column
    change_column_null :users, :some_column, false
    safety_assured do
      execute 'ALTER TABLE "users" DROP CONSTRAINT "users_some_column_null"'

Naturally, this means your schema will not show that the column is NOT NULL for earlier versions of Postgres, so I'd also advise setting a model level validation to require the value to be present (though I'd suggest the same even for versions of PG that do allow this step).

Further, before running these migrations you'll want to update all existing records with a value other than null, and make sure any production code that writes to the table is not writing null for the value(s).

Getting the difference between two repositories

See, section "How to compare two local repositories" in "General".

In short you are using GIT_ALTERNATE_OBJECT_DIRECTORIES environment variable to have access to object database of the other repository, and using git rev-parse with --git-dir / GIT_DIR to convert symbolic name in other repository to SHA-1 identifier.

Modern version would look something like this (assuming that you are in 'repo_a'):

   git diff $(git --git-dir=../repo_b/.git rev-parse --verify HEAD) HEAD

where ../repo_b/.git is path to object database in repo_b (it would be repo_b.git if it were bare repository). Of course you can compare arbitrary versions, not only HEADs.

Note that if repo_a and repo_b are the same repository, it might make more sense to put both of them in the same repository, either using "git remote add -f ..." to create nickname(s) for repository for repeated updates, or obe off "git fetch ..."; as described in other responses.

Writing image to local server

A few things happening here:

  1. I assume you required fs/http, and set the dir variable :)
  2. redirects to, so you're saving the redirect response's body, not the image
  3. the response is streamed. that means the 'data' event fires many times, not once. you have to save and join all the chunks together to get the full response body
  4. since you're getting binary data, you have to set the encoding accordingly on response and writeFile (default is utf8)

This should work:

var http = require('http')
  , fs = require('fs')
  , options

options = {
    host: ''
  , port: 80
  , path: '/images/logos/ps_logo2.png'

var request = http.get(options, function(res){
    var imagedata = ''

    res.on('data', function(chunk){
        imagedata += chunk

    res.on('end', function(){
        fs.writeFile('logo.png', imagedata, 'binary', function(err){
            if (err) throw err
            console.log('File saved.')


Angular 6: saving data to local storage

First you should understand how localStorage works. you are doing wrong way to set/get values in local storage. Please read this for more information : How to Use Local Storage with JavaScript

How correctly produce JSON by RESTful web service?

You could use a package like org.json

Because you will need to use JSONObjects more often.

There you can easily create JSONObjects and put some values in it:

 JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
 JSONArray array=new JSONArray();
    json.put("friends", array);


    {"friends": [

edit This has the advantage that you can build your responses in different layers and return them as an object

Replace all double quotes within String

The following regex will work for both:

  text = text.replaceAll("('|\")", "\\\\$1");

IntelliJ IDEA "The selected directory is not a valid home for JDK"

I had the same issue. But I figured it out by choosing this path:

First at all, you need to select the C:\ folder. Then, you select Program Files. After it, you select java, and finally the jdk you downloaded. In my case, I downloaded the JDK1.8.0_60 version.

To resume the path:

C:\Program Files\java\jdk1.8.0_60

After you are done with it, you can click on the button next. Then you select the create project from templates. This will create a java application with a main() method. After it, you click next to create the name of you project.

I hope this helps you.

PostgreSQL: how to convert from Unix epoch to date?

On Postgres 10:

SELECT to_timestamp(CAST(epoch_ms as bigint)/1000)

Converting a PDF to PNG

One can also use the command line utilities included in poppler-utils package:

sudo apt-get install poppler-utils
pdftoppm --help
pdftocairo --help


pdftocairo -png mypage.pdf mypage.png

Error Code: 1005. Can't create table '...' (errno: 150)

I had the very same error message. Finally I figured out I misspelled the name of the table in the command:

ALTER TABLE `users` ADD FOREIGN KEY (country_id) REFERENCES country (id);


ALTER TABLE `users` ADD FOREIGN KEY (country_id) REFERENCES countries (id);

I wonder why on earth MySQL cannot tell such a table does not exist...

How to change Label Value using javascript

very simple

$('#label-ID').text("label value which you want to set");

IntelliJ and Tomcat.. Howto..?

NOTE: Community Edition doesn't support JEE.

First, you will need to install a local Tomcat server. It sounds like you may have already done this.

Next, on the toolbar at the top of IntelliJ, click the down arrow just to the left of the Run and Debug icons. There will be an option to Edit Configurations. In the resulting popup, click the Add icon, then click Tomcat and Local.

From that dialog, you will need to click the Configure... button next to Application Server to tell IntelliJ where Tomcat is installed.

Event when window.location.href changes

popstate event:

The popstate event is fired when the active history entry changes. [...] The popstate event is only triggered by doing a browser action such as a click on the back button (or calling history.back() in JavaScript)

So, listening to popstate event and sending a popstate event when using history.pushState() should be enough to take action on href change:

window.addEventListener('popstate', listener);

const pushUrl = (href) => {
  history.pushState({}, '', href);
  window.dispatchEvent(new Event('popstate'));

CSS height 100% percent not working

I believe you need to make sure that all the container div tags above the 100% height div also has 100% height set on them including the body tag and html.

Makefiles with source files in different directories

You can add rules to your root Makefile in order to compile the necessary cpp files in other directories. The Makefile example below should be a good start in getting you to where you want to be.


SOURCE = cppTest.cpp
SOURCE = $(OTHERDIR)/file.cpp

## End sources definition
## end more includes

OBJ=$(join $(addsuffix ../obj/, $(dir $(SOURCE))), $(notdir $(SOURCE:.cpp=.o))) 

## Fix dependency destination to be ../.dep relative to the src dir
DEPENDS=$(join $(addsuffix ../.dep/, $(dir $(SOURCE))), $(notdir $(SOURCE:.cpp=.d)))

## Default rule executed
all: $(TARGET)

## Clean Rule
        @-rm -f $(TARGET) $(OBJ) $(DEPENDS)

## Rule for making the actual target
        @echo "============="
        @echo "Linking the target $@"
        @echo "============="
        @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS)
        @echo -- Link finished --

## Generic compilation rule
%.o : %.cpp
        @mkdir -p $(dir $@)
        @echo "============="
        @echo "Compiling $<"
        @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@

## Rules for object files from cpp files
## Object file for each file is put in obj directory
## one level up from the actual source directory.
../obj/%.o : %.cpp
        @mkdir -p $(dir $@)
        @echo "============="
        @echo "Compiling $<"
        @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@

# Rule for "other directory"  You will need one per "other" dir
$(OTHERDIR)/../obj/%.o : %.cpp
        @mkdir -p $(dir $@)
        @echo "============="
        @echo "Compiling $<"
        @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@

## Make dependancy rules
../.dep/%.d: %.cpp
        @mkdir -p $(dir $@)
        @echo "============="
        @echo Building dependencies file for $*.o
        @$(SHELL) -ec '$(CC) -M $(CFLAGS) $< | sed "s^$*.o^../obj/$*.o^" > $@'

## Dependency rule for "other" directory
$(OTHERDIR)/../.dep/%.d: %.cpp
        @mkdir -p $(dir $@)
        @echo "============="
        @echo Building dependencies file for $*.o
        @$(SHELL) -ec '$(CC) -M $(CFLAGS) $< | sed "s^$*.o^$(OTHERDIR)/../obj/$*.o^" > $@'

## Include the dependency files
-include $(DEPENDS)

how to write procedure to insert data in to the table in phpmyadmin?

This method work for me:
