Programs & Examples On #Elpa

ELPA stands for Emacs Lisp Package Archive a simple package manager for Emacs, and a repository of pre-packed Emacs Lisp code.

My eclipse won't open, i download the bundle pack it keeps saying error log

Make sure you have the prerequisite, a JVM ( installed.

This will be a JRE and JDK package.

There are a number of sources which includes:

EPPlus - Read Excel Table

This is my working version. Note that the resolvers code is not shown but are a spin on my implementation which allows columns to be resolved even though they are named slightly differently in each worksheet.

public static IEnumerable<T> ToArray<T>(this ExcelWorksheet worksheet, List<PropertyNameResolver> resolvers) where T : new()

  // List of all the column names
  var header = worksheet.Cells.GroupBy(cell => cell.Start.Row).First();

  // Get the properties from the type your are populating
  var properties = typeof(T).GetProperties().ToList();

  var start = worksheet.Dimension.Start;
  var end = worksheet.Dimension.End;

  // Resulting list
  var list = new List<T>();

  // Iterate the rows starting at row 2 (ie start.Row + 1)
  for (int row = start.Row + 1; row <= end.Row; row++)
    var instance = new T();
    for (int col = start.Column; col <= end.Column; col++)
      object value = worksheet.Cells[row, col].Text;

      // Get the column name zero based (ie col -1)
      var column = (string)header.Skip(col - 1).First().Value;

      // Gets the corresponding property to set
      var property = properties.Property(resolvers, column);

        var propertyName = property.PropertyType.IsGenericType
          ? property.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments().First().FullName
          : property.PropertyType.FullName;

        // Implement setter code as needed. 
        switch (propertyName)
          case "System.String":
            property.SetValue(instance, Convert.ToString(value));
          case "System.Int32":
            property.SetValue(instance, Convert.ToInt32(value));
          case "System.DateTime":
            if (DateTime.TryParse((string) value, out var date))
              property.SetValue(instance, date);
            property.SetValue(instance, FromExcelSerialDate(Convert.ToInt32(value)));
          case "System.Boolean":
            property.SetValue(instance, (int)value == 1);
      catch (Exception e)
        // instance property is empty because there was a problem.

  return list;

// Utility function taken from the above post's inline function.
public static DateTime FromExcelSerialDate(int excelDate)
  if (excelDate < 1)
    throw new ArgumentException("Excel dates cannot be smaller than 0.");

  var dateOfReference = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);

  if (excelDate > 60d)
    excelDate = excelDate - 2;
    excelDate = excelDate - 1;
  return dateOfReference.AddDays(excelDate);

hadoop No FileSystem for scheme: file

It took me sometime to figure out fix from given answers, due to my newbieness. This is what I came up with, if anyone else needs help from the very beginning:

import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf

object MyObject {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {

    val mySparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName("SparkApp").setMaster("local[*]").set("spark.executor.memory","5g");
    val sc = new SparkContext(mySparkConf)

    val conf = sc.hadoopConfiguration

    conf.set("fs.hdfs.impl", classOf[org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DistributedFileSystem].getName)
    conf.set("fs.file.impl", classOf[org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalFileSystem].getName)

I am using Spark 2.1

And I have this part in my build.sbt

assemblyMergeStrategy in assembly := {
  case PathList("META-INF", xs @ _*) => MergeStrategy.discard
  case x => MergeStrategy.first

Writing an Excel file in EPPlus

Have you looked at the samples provided with EPPlus?

This one shows you how to create a file

This one shows you how to use it to stream back a file

This is how we use the package to generate a file.

var newFile = new FileInfo(ExportFileName);
using (ExcelPackage xlPackage = new ExcelPackage(newFile))
    // do work here                            

header location not working in my php code


should be added in the line 1 itself. like in below example

ob_start(); // needs to be added here
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
// your code goes here
//code to save data in db goes here

adding it below html also doesnt work. like below

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
// your code goes here
ob_start(); // it doesnt work even if you add here
//code to save data in db goes here

Python: Best way to add to sys.path relative to the current running script

This one works best for me. Use:


On mac it should print something like:

'/Users/<your username>/<path_to_where_you_at>'

To get the abs path to the current wd, this one is better because now you can go up if you want, like this:


And now:

 '/Users/<your username>/'

So if you wanna import utils from here '/Users/<your username>/'
All you've got left to do is:

import sys

Error: Could not find or load main class

I was using Java 1.8, and this error suddenly occurred when I pressed "Build and clean" in NetBeans. I switched for a brief moment to 1.7 again, clicked OK, re-opened properties and switched back to 1.8, and everything worked perfectly.

I hope I can help someone out with this, as these errors can be quite time-consuming.

How to send a model in jQuery $.ajax() post request to MVC controller method

I think you need to explicitly pass the data attribute. One way to do this is to use the data = $('#your-form-id').serialize();

This post may be helpful. Post with jquery and ajax

Have a look at the doc here.. Ajax serialize

How to convert DateTime? to DateTime

Consider using the following which its far better than the accepted answer

DateTime UpdatedTime = _objHotelPackageOrder.UpdatedDate == null 
    ? DateTime.Now : (DateTime)_objHotelPackageOrder.UpdatedDate;

Google Play error "Error while retrieving information from server [DF-DFERH-01]"

Issue resolved after installing Google Play Services (NEVER needed them until now, removed because used too many resources on my Android 2.3), and do the following steps:

From Ryan Lestage on Google+:

  1. Clear data for the following apps:

    • Play Store
    • Download Manager
    • Google Services Framework
  2. Restart your phone.

  3. Fire up the Play Store app.
  4. Wait for the device to show again on the web Play Store. It will appear under Settings > Devices. It may take a half-hour to several hours to appear.

When your phone has shown up in the Play Store with the date registered as today's date, proceed with the next steps, but not before.

  1. Open Google Settings from your device's apps menu.
  2. Touch Android Device Manager.
  3. Uncheck Allow remote factory reset.
  4. Go to your device's main Settings menu, then touch Apps > All > Google Play services.
  5. Touch Clear Data. Note that this action doesn't remove personal data.
  6. Go back to Google Settings and select Allow remote factory reset.
  7. Restart your device.

How can I get a resource "Folder" from inside my jar File?

Another solution, you can do it using ResourceLoader like this:


private ResourceLoader resourceLoader;


Resource resource = resourceLoader.getResource("classpath:/path/to/you/dir");
File file = resource.getFile();
Iterator<File> fi = FileUtils.iterateFiles(file, null, true);
while(fi.hasNext()) {

strange error in my Animation Drawable

Looks like whatever is in your Animation Drawable definition is too much memory to decode and sequence. The idea is that it loads up all the items and make them in an array and swaps them in and out of the scene according to the timing specified for each frame.

If this all can't fit into memory, it's probably better to either do this on your own with some sort of handler or better yet just encode a movie with the specified frames at the corresponding images and play the animation through a video codec.

How to place two divs next to each other?

My approach:

<div class="left">Left</div>
<div class="right">Right</div>


.left {
    float: left;
    width: calc(100% - 200px);
    background: green;

.right {
    float: right;
    width: 200px;
    background: yellow;

OwinStartup not firing

I had same problem when I added Owin to an existing web project. I eventually found the problem was due to the following in the web.config file.

  <remove assembly="*" />
  <add assembly="System.Web.Mvc" />
  <add assembly="System.Web.WebPages" />



The remove assembly="*" was causing the problem. When I remove this line the Owin startup code ran. I eventually change it to the following and it worked perfectly

  <remove assembly="*" />
  <add assembly="Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb" />
  <add assembly="System.Web.Mvc" />
  <add assembly="System.Web.WebPages" />
  <add assembly="System.Web.Helpers" />

XML Error: Extra content at the end of the document

I've found that this error is also generated if the document is empty. In this case it's also because there is no root element - but the error message "Extra content and the end of the document" is misleading in this situation.

SASS - use variables across multiple files

This answer shows how I ended up using this and the additional pitfalls I hit.

I made a master SCSS file. This file must have an underscore at the beginning for it to be imported:

// assets/_master.scss 
$accent: #6D87A7;           
$error: #811702;

Then, in the header of all of my other .SCSS files, I import the master:

// When importing the master, you leave out the underscore, and it
// will look for a file with the underscore. This prevents the SCSS
// compiler from generating a CSS file from it.
@import "assets/master";

// Then do the rest of my CSS afterwards:
.text { color: $accent; }


Do not include anything but variables, function declarations and other SASS features in your _master.scss file. If you include actual CSS, it will duplicate this CSS across every file you import the master into.

Using PHP Replace SPACES in URLS with %20

I think you must use rawurlencode() instead urlencode() for your purpose.


$image = 'some images.jpg';
$url   = ''

With urlencode($str) will result

echo $url.urlencode($image); //

its not change to %20 at all

but with rawurlencode($image) will produce

echo $url.rawurlencode(basename($image)); //

How do I clear all options in a dropdown box?

If you are using JQuery and your select control has ID "DropList" you can remove its options doing this way:

$('#DropList option').remove();

Actually it works for me with any option list, like datalist.

Hope it helps.

Checking the form field values before submitting that page

While you have a return value in checkform, it isn't being used anywhere - try using onclick="return checkform()" instead.

You may want to considering replacing this method with onsubmit="return checkform()" in the form tag instead, though both will work for clicking the button.

What is the difference between "expose" and "publish" in Docker?

EXPOSE is used to map local port container port ie : if you specify expose in docker file like


What will does it will map localhost port 8090 to container port 8090

Why is `input` in Python 3 throwing NameError: name... is not defined

sdas is being read as a variable. To input a string you need " "

If statement within Where clause

CASE might help you out:

SELECT t.first_name,
  FROM employeetable t
 WHERE t.status = (CASE WHEN status_flag = STATUS_ACTIVE THEN 'A'
                        WHEN status_flag = STATUS_INACTIVE THEN 'T'
                        ELSE null END)
   AND t.business_unit = (CASE WHEN source_flag = SOURCE_FUNCTION THEN 'production'
                               WHEN source_flag = SOURCE_USER THEN 'users'
                               ELSE null END)
   AND t.first_name LIKE firstname
   AND t.last_name LIKE lastname
   AND t.employid LIKE employeeid;

The CASE statement evaluates multiple conditions to produce a single value. So, in the first usage, I check the value of status_flag, returning 'A', 'T' or null depending on what it's value is, and compare that to t.status. I do the same for the business_unit column with a second CASE statement.

XMLHttpRequest cannot load an URL with jQuery

Fiddle with 3 working solutions in action.

Given an external JSON:

myurl = '|zh-hant|fr&props=sitelinks|labels|aliases|descriptions&format=json'

Solution 1: $.ajax() + jsonp:

  dataType: "jsonp",
  url: myurl ,
  }).done(function ( data ) {
  // do my stuff

Solution 2: $.ajax()+json+&calback=?:

  dataType: "json",
  url: myurl + '&callback=?',
  }).done(function ( data ) {
  // do my stuff

Solution 3: $.getJSON()+calback=?:

$.getJSON( myurl + '&callback=?', function(data) {
  // do my stuff

Documentations: ,

"This assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime and cannot be loaded"

Interestingly, I kept getting that error. What fixed it for me was creating a config called gacutil.exe.config in the same directory as gacutil.exe. The config content (a text file) were:

<?xml version ="1.0"?> <configuration>
    <startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true">
        <requiredRuntime safemode="true" imageVersion="v4.0.30319" version="v4.0.30319"/>
    </startup> </configuration>

I'm posting this here for reference and ask if anyone knows what's actually happening under the hood. I'm not claiming this is the "proper" way of doing it

How do I change the default library path for R packages

See help(Startup) and help(.libPaths) as you have several possibilities where this may have gotten set. Among them are

  • setting R_LIBS_USER
  • assigning .libPaths() in .Rprofile or

and more.

In this particular case you need to go backwards and unset whereever \\\\The library/path/I/don't/want is set.

To otherwise ignore it you need to override it use explicitly i.e. via

library("somePackage", lib.loc=.libPaths()[-1])

when loading a package.

UNION with WHERE clause

SELECT colA, colB FROM tableA  WHERE colA > 1
SELECT colX, colA FROM tableB

c# foreach (property in object)... Is there a simple way of doing this?

A copy-paste solution (extension methods) mostly based on earlier responses to this question.

Also properly handles IDicitonary (ExpandoObject/dynamic) which is often needed when dealing with this reflected stuff.

Not recommended for use in tight loops and other hot paths. In those cases you're gonna need some caching/IL emit/expression tree compilation.

    public static IEnumerable<(string Name, object Value)> GetProperties(this object src)
        if (src is IDictionary<string, object> dictionary)
            return dictionary.Select(x => (x.Key, x.Value));
        return src.GetObjectProperties().Select(x => (x.Name, x.GetValue(src)));

    public static IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> GetObjectProperties(this object src)
        return src.GetType()
            .GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)
            .Where(p => !p.GetGetMethod().GetParameters().Any());

Where does Visual Studio look for C++ header files?

There exists a newer question what is hitting the problem better asking How do include paths work in Visual Studio?

There is getting revealed the way to do it in the newer versions of VisualStudio

  • in the current project only (as the question is set here too) as well as
  • for every new project as default

The second is the what the answer of Steve Wilkinson above explains, what is, as he supposed himself, not the what Microsoft would recommend.

To say it the shortway here: do it, but do it in the User-Directory at


in the XML-file




and not in the C:\program files - directory, where the unmodified Factory-File of Microsoft is expected to reside.

Then you do it the way as VisualStudio is doing it too and everything is regular.

For more info why to do it alike, see my answer there.

Callback after all asynchronous forEach callbacks are completed

Hope this will fix your problem, i usually work with this when i need to execute forEach with asynchronous tasks inside.

foo = [a,b,c,d];
waiting = foo.length;
      doAsynchronousFunction(entry,finish) //call finish after each entry
function finish(){
      if (waiting==0) {
          //do your Job intended to be done after forEach is completed


function doAsynchronousFunction(entry,callback){
       //asynchronousjob with entry

Finding the layers and layer sizes for each Docker image

  1.* shows all the images in the entire Docker hub, it's not possible to get this via the search command as it doesnt accept wildcards.

  2. As of v1.10 you can find all the layers in an image by pulling it and using these commands:

    docker pull ubuntu
    ID=$(sudo docker inspect -f {{.Id}} ubuntu)
    jq .rootfs.diff_ids /var/lib/docker/image/aufs/imagedb/content/$(echo $ID|tr ':' '/')

3) The size can be found in /var/lib/docker/image/aufs/layerdb/sha256/{LAYERID}/size although LAYERID != the diff_ids found with the previous command. For this you need to look at /var/lib/docker/image/aufs/layerdb/sha256/{LAYERID}/diff and compare with the previous command output to properly match the correct diff_id and size.

Assign a variable inside a Block to a variable outside a Block

You need to use this line of code to resolve your problem:

__block Person *aPerson = nil;

For more details, please refer to this tutorial: Blocks and Variables

String.equals versus ==

I know this is an old question but here's how I look at it (I find very useful):

Technical explanations

In Java, all variables are either primitive types or references.

(If you need to know what a reference is: "Object variables" are just pointers to objects. So with Object something = ..., something is really an address in memory (a number).)

== compares the exact values. So it compares if the primitive values are the same, or if the references (addresses) are the same. That's why == often doesn't work on Strings; Strings are objects, and doing == on two string variables just compares if the address is same in memory, as others have pointed out. .equals() calls the comparison method of objects, which will compare the actual objects pointed by the references. In the case of Strings, it compares each character to see if they're equal.

The interesting part:

So why does == sometimes return true for Strings? Note that Strings are immutable. In your code, if you do

String foo = "hi";
String bar = "hi";

Since strings are immutable (when you call .trim() or something, it produces a new string, not modifying the original object pointed to in memory), you don't really need two different String("hi") objects. If the compiler is smart, the bytecode will read to only generate one String("hi") object. So if you do

if (foo == bar) ...

right after, they're pointing to the same object, and will return true. But you rarely intend this. Instead, you're asking for user input, which is creating new strings at different parts of memory, etc. etc.

Note: If you do something like baz = new String(bar) the compiler may still figure out they're the same thing. But the main point is when the compiler sees literal strings, it can easily optimize same strings.

I don't know how it works in runtime, but I assume the JVM doesn't keep a list of "live strings" and check if a same string exists. (eg if you read a line of input twice, and the user enters the same input twice, it won't check if the second input string is the same as the first, and point them to the same memory). It'd save a bit of heap memory, but it's so negligible the overhead isn't worth it. Again, the point is it's easy for the compiler to optimize literal strings.

There you have it... a gritty explanation for == vs. .equals() and why it seems random.

How to convert column with dtype as object to string in Pandas Dataframe

Not answering the question directly, but it might help someone else.

I have a column called Volume, having both - (invalid/NaN) and numbers formatted with ,

df['Volume'] = df['Volume'].astype('str')
df['Volume'] = df['Volume'].str.replace(',', '')
df['Volume'] = pd.to_numeric(df['Volume'], errors='coerce')

Casting to string is required for it to apply to str.replace


How do I list all remote branches in Git 1.7+?

You also may do git fetch followed by a git branch -r. Without fetch you will not see the most current branches.

What "wmic bios get serialnumber" actually retrieves?

wmic bios get serialnumber     

if run from a command line (start-run should also do the trick) prints out on screen the Serial Number of the product,
(for example in a toshiba laptop it would print out the serial number of the laptop.
with this serial number you can then identify your laptop model if you need ,from the makers service website-usually..:):)

I had to do exactly that.:):)

How to manually reload Google Map with JavaScript

You can refresh with this:

map.panBy(0, 0);

What are the Ruby modes and options?

opt is new for ruby 1.9. The various options are documented in :

How can I apply a function to every row/column of a matrix in MATLAB?

I can't comment on how efficient this is, but here's a solution:

applyToGivenRow = @(func, matrix) @(row) func(matrix(row, :))
applyToRows = @(func, matrix) arrayfun(applyToGivenRow(func, matrix), 1:size(matrix,1))'

% Example
myMx = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9];
myFunc = @sum;

applyToRows(myFunc, myMx)

Eclipse: Java was started but returned error code=13

I also faced the error code when i upgraded my java version to 1.8. The problem was with my eclipse.

My jdk which was installed on my system is of 32 - bit and my eclipse was of 64 - bit.

So solve this problem i downloaded the 32 - bit eclipse.

IMO this Architecture miss match problem

Plese match your architecture type of JDK and eclipse.

Running a single test from unittest.TestCase via the command line

In case you want to run only tests from a specific class:

if __name__ == "__main__":

It works for me in Python 3.6.

How can I override Bootstrap CSS styles?

Use jquery css instead of css . . . jquery have priority than bootstrap css...


        $(".mnu").css({"color" : "#CCFF00" , "font-size": "16px" , "text-decoration" : "overline"});    


 instead of




WPF: Grid with column/row margin/padding?

I had similar problem recently in two column grid, I needed a margin on elements in right column only. All elements in both columns were of type TextBlock.

    <Style TargetType="{x:Type TextBlock}" BasedOn="{StaticResource OurLabelStyle}">
            <Trigger Property="Grid.Column" Value="1">
                <Setter Property="Margin" Value="20,0" />

angularjs: allows only numbers to be typed into a text box

I have done at




<input type="text" name="rollNo" ng-model="stud.rollNo" ng-pattern="numberOnly" ng-maxlength="10" maxlength="10" md-maxlength="10" ng-required="true" >

Jquery submit form

If you have only 1 form in you page, use this. You do not need to know id or name of the form. I just used this code - working:


How to uninstall/upgrade Angular CLI?

I tried all the above things, and still ng as sticking around globally. So in powershell I ran Get-Command ng, and then it became clear what my problem was. I was using yarn heavily in the past, and all the old angular cli packages were also installed globally in the yarn cache location. I deleted my yarn cache for good measure, but probably could have just updated the global angular cli via yarn. In any case, I hope this helps remind some of you that if you use yarn, then global commands like ng can also live in another path than where npm puts them.

Read response body in JAX-RS client from a post request

Acording with the documentation, the method getEntity in Jax rs 2.0 return a InputStream. If you need to convert to InputStream to String with JSON format, you need to cast the two formats. For example in my case, I implemented the next method:

    private String processResponse(Response response) {
    if (response.getEntity() != null) {
        try {
            InputStream salida = (InputStream) response.getEntity();
            StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
            IOUtils.copy(salida, writer, "UTF-8");
            return writer.toString();
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    return null;

why I implemented this method. Because a read in differets blogs that many developers they have the same problem whit the version in jaxrs using the next methods

String output = response.readEntity(String.class)


String output = response.getEntity(String.class)

The first works using jersey-client from com.sun.jersey library and the second found using the jersey-client from org.glassfish.jersey.core.

This is the error that was being presented to me: org.glassfish.jersey.client.internal.HttpUrlConnector$2 cannot be cast to java.lang.String

I use the following maven dependency:


What I do not know is why the readEntity method does not work.I hope you can use the solution.

Carlos Cepeda

Difference between partition key, composite key and clustering key in Cassandra?

In database design, a compound key is a set of superkeys that is not minimal.

A composite key is a set that contains a compound key and at least one attribute that is not a superkey

Given table: EMPLOYEES {employee_id, firstname, surname}

Possible superkeys are:

{employee_id, firstname}
{employee_id, firstname, surname}

{employee_id} is the only minimal superkey, which also makes it the only candidate key--given that {firstname} and {surname} do not guarantee uniqueness. Since a primary key is defined as a chosen candidate key, and only one candidate key exists in this example, {employee_id} is the minimal superkey, the only candidate key, and the only possible primary key.

The exhaustive list of compound keys is:

{employee_id, firstname}
{employee_id, surname}
{employee_id, firstname, surname}

The only composite key is {employee_id, firstname, surname} since that key contains a compound key ({employee_id,firstname}) and an attribute that is not a superkey ({surname}).

Class extending more than one class Java?

java can not support multiple inheritence.but u can do this in this way

class X
class Y extends X
class Z extends Y{

Android Split string

     String s = "having Community Portal|Help Desk|Local Embassy|Reference Desk|Site News";
     StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s, "|");
        String community = st.nextToken();
        String helpDesk = st.nextToken(); 
        String localEmbassy = st.nextToken();
        String referenceDesk = st.nextToken();
        String siteNews = st.nextToken();

How do I specify the JDK for a GlassFish domain?

I'm working on a Mac, OSX 10.9. I recently had to update my JDK to 1.7 for some VPN software. The application I'm working runs on JDK 1.6, so a GlassFish had to run with JDK 1.6. It took a minute to iron this out, but here's how it went for me. I work with the NetBeans IDE by the way.

  1. My GlssFish configuration file


  2. Path to JDK 1.6


  3. I added the following line to the bottom of my asenv.conf file


How to mark-up phone numbers?

this worked for me:

1.make a standards compliant link:

        <a href="tel:1500100900">

2.replace it when mobile browser is not detected, for skype:

  this.href = this.href.replace(/^tel/, 

Selecting link to replace via class seems more efficient. Of course it works only on anchors with .phone class.

I have put it in function if( !isMobile() ) { ... so it triggers only when detects desktop browser. But this one is problably obsolete...

function isMobile() {
    return (
        ( navigator.userAgent.indexOf( "iPhone" ) > -1 ) ||
        ( navigator.userAgent.indexOf( "iPod" ) > -1 ) ||
        ( navigator.userAgent.indexOf( "iPad" ) > -1 ) ||
        ( navigator.userAgent.indexOf( "Android" ) > -1 ) ||
        ( navigator.userAgent.indexOf( "webOS" ) > -1 )

no default constructor exists for class

A default constructor is a constructor that either has no parameters, or if it has parameters, all the parameters have default values.

Static array vs. dynamic array in C++

static arrary meens with giving on elements in side the array

dynamic arrary meens without giving on elements in side the array


     char a[10]; //static array
       char a[];  //dynamic array

How to check if dropdown is disabled?

There are two options:


You can also use like is()



Using == true by checking if the attributes value is disabled. attr()


whatever you feel fits better , you can use :)


The type List is not generic; it cannot be parameterized with arguments [HTTPClient]

Try to import


instead of


DataRow: Select cell value by a given column name


DataTable table = new DataTable();
table.Columns.Add("Column#1", typeof(int));
table.Columns.Add("Column#2", typeof(string));
table.Rows.Add(5, "Cell1-1");
table.Rows.Add(130, "Cell2-2");

EDIT: Added more

string cellValue = table.Rows[0].GetCellValueByName<string>("Column#2");

public static class DataRowExtensions
    public static T GetCellValueByName<T>(this DataRow row, string columnName)
        int index = row.Table.Columns.IndexOf(columnName);
        return (index < 0 || index > row.ItemArray.Count()) 
                  ? default(T) 
                  : (T) row[index];        

Calling multiple JavaScript functions on a button click

That's because, it gets returned after validateView();;

Use this:

OnClientClick="var ret = validateView();ShowDiv1(); return ret;"

SQL Bulk Insert with FIRSTROW parameter skips the following line

Maybe check that the header has the same line-ending as the actual data rows (as specified in ROWTERMINATOR)?

Update: from MSDN:

The FIRSTROW attribute is not intended to skip column headers. Skipping headers is not supported by the BULK INSERT statement. When skipping rows, the SQL Server Database Engine looks only at the field terminators, and does not validate the data in the fields of skipped rows.


See (search the page for "BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY") (archive link for posterity, just in case).

BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY is PKCS#1 and is just an RSA key. It is essentially just the key object from PKCS#8, but without the version or algorithm identifier in front. BEGIN PRIVATE KEY is PKCS#8 and indicates that the key type is included in the key data itself. From the link:

The unencrypted PKCS#8 encoded data starts and ends with the tags:


Within the base64 encoded data the following DER structure is present:

PrivateKeyInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
  version         Version,
  algorithm       AlgorithmIdentifier,
  PrivateKey      BIT STRING

AlgorithmIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE {
  algorithm       OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
  parameters      ANY DEFINED BY algorithm OPTIONAL

So for an RSA private key, the OID is 1.2.840.113549.1.1.1 and there is a RSAPrivateKey as the PrivateKey key data bitstring.

As opposed to BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY, which always specifies an RSA key and therefore doesn't include a key type OID. BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY is PKCS#1:

RSA Private Key file (PKCS#1)

The RSA private key PEM file is specific for RSA keys.

It starts and ends with the tags:


Within the base64 encoded data the following DER structure is present:

RSAPrivateKey ::= SEQUENCE {
  version           Version,
  modulus           INTEGER,  -- n
  publicExponent    INTEGER,  -- e
  privateExponent   INTEGER,  -- d
  prime1            INTEGER,  -- p
  prime2            INTEGER,  -- q
  exponent1         INTEGER,  -- d mod (p-1)
  exponent2         INTEGER,  -- d mod (q-1)
  coefficient       INTEGER,  -- (inverse of q) mod p
  otherPrimeInfos   OtherPrimeInfos OPTIONAL

What is Options +FollowSymLinks?

Parameter Options FollowSymLinks enables you to have a symlink in your webroot pointing to some other file/dir. With this disabled, Apache will refuse to follow such symlink. More secure Options SymLinksIfOwnerMatch can be used instead - this will allow you to link only to other files which you do own.

If you use Options directive in .htaccess with parameter which has been forbidden in main Apache config, server will return HTTP 500 error code.

Allowed .htaccess options are defined by directive AllowOverride in the main Apache config file. To allow symlinks, this directive need to be set to All or Options.

Besides allowing use of symlinks, this directive is also needed to enable mod_rewrite in .htaccess context. But for this, also the more secure SymLinksIfOwnerMatch option can be used.

How to call javascript function on page load in

<script type="text/javascript">
function GetTimeZoneOffset() {
    var d = new Date()
    var gmtOffSet = -d.getTimezoneOffset();
    var gmtHours = Math.floor(gmtOffSet / 60);
    var GMTMin = Math.abs(gmtOffSet % 60);
    var dot = ".";
    var retVal = "" + gmtHours + dot + GMTMin;
    document.getElementById('<%= offSet.ClientID%>').value = retVal;

<body onload="GetTimeZoneOffset()">
    <asp:HiddenField ID="clientDateTime" runat="server" />
    <asp:HiddenField ID="offSet" runat="server" />
    <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>

key point to notice here is,body has an attribute onload. Just give it a function name and that function will be called on page load.

Alternatively, you can also call the function on page load event like this

<script type="text/javascript">

window.onload = load();

function load() {
    var d = new Date()
    var gmtOffSet = -d.getTimezoneOffset();
    var gmtHours = Math.floor(gmtOffSet / 60);
    var GMTMin = Math.abs(gmtOffSet % 60);
    var dot = ".";
    var retVal = "" + gmtHours + dot + GMTMin;
    document.getElementById('<%= offSet.ClientID%>').value = retVal;

<body >
    <asp:HiddenField ID="clientDateTime" runat="server" />
    <asp:HiddenField ID="offSet" runat="server" />
    <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox></body>

Pass Hidden parameters using response.sendRedirect()

To send a variable value through URL in response.sendRedirect(). I have used it for one variable, you can also use it for two variable by proper concatenation.

String value="xyz";


Algorithm/Data Structure Design Interview Questions

Asking them to write a recursive algorithm for a well known iterative solution (i.e. Fibonacci etc. -- we give them an iterative function, if needed) and then have them compute the run time for it.

Many times the recursive function involves a tree data structure. The number of times the person has failed to recognize that baffles me. It becomes slightly difficult to calculate the run time until you can see that it's a tree structure...

I find that this problem covers many areas. Namely, their code-reading ability (if they are given an iterative function), code-writing ability (since they write a recursive function), algorithm, data-structure (for run-time)...

How to copy data from one HDFS to another HDFS?

DistCp (distributed copy) is a tool used for copying data between clusters. It uses MapReduce to effect its distribution, error handling and recovery, and reporting. It expands a list of files and directories into input to map tasks, each of which will copy a partition of the files specified in the source list.

Usage: $ hadoop distcp <src> <dst>

example: $ hadoop distcp hdfs://nn1:8020/file1 hdfs://nn2:8020/file2

file1 from nn1 is copied to nn2 with filename file2

Distcp is the best tool as of now. Sqoop is used to copy data from relational database to HDFS and vice versa, but not between HDFS to HDFS.

More info:

There are two versions available - runtime performance in distcp2 is more compared to distcp

How to read connection string in .NET Core?

i have a data access library which works with both .net core and .net framework.

the trick was in .net core projects to keep the connection strings in a xml file named "app.config" (also for web projects), and mark it as 'copy to output directory',

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <add name="conn1" connectionString="...." providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings - will read the connection string.

    var conn1 = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["conn1"].ConnectionString;

Load a WPF BitmapImage from a System.Drawing.Bitmap

It took me some time to get the conversion working both ways, so here are the two extension methods I came up with:

using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;

public static class BitmapConversion {

    public static Bitmap ToWinFormsBitmap(this BitmapSource bitmapsource) {
        using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream()) {
            BitmapEncoder enc = new BmpBitmapEncoder();

            using (var tempBitmap = new Bitmap(stream)) {
                // According to MSDN, one "must keep the stream open for the lifetime of the Bitmap."
                // So we return a copy of the new bitmap, allowing us to dispose both the bitmap and the stream.
                return new Bitmap(tempBitmap);

    public static BitmapSource ToWpfBitmap(this Bitmap bitmap) {
        using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream()) {
            bitmap.Save(stream, ImageFormat.Bmp);

            stream.Position = 0;
            BitmapImage result = new BitmapImage();
            // According to MSDN, "The default OnDemand cache option retains access to the stream until the image is needed."
            // Force the bitmap to load right now so we can dispose the stream.
            result.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad;
            result.StreamSource = stream;
            return result;

Eclipse+Maven src/main/java not visible in src folder in Package Explorer

I have solved this issue by below steps:

  1. Right click the Maven Project -> Build Path -> Configure Build Path
  2. In Order and Export tab, you can see the message like '2 build path entries are missing'
  3. Now select 'JRE System Library' and 'Maven Dependencies' checkbox
  4. Click OK

Now you can see below in all type of Explorers (Package or Project or Navigator)




SQL server ignore case in a where expression

The top 2 answers (from Adam Robinson and Andrejs Cainikovs) are kinda, sorta correct, in that they do technically work, but their explanations are wrong and so could be misleading in many cases. For example, while the SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS collation will work in many cases, it should not be assumed to be the appropriate case-insensitive collation. In fact, given that the O.P. is working in a database with a case-sensitive (or possibly binary) collation, we know that the O.P. isn't using the collation that is the default for so many installations (especially any installed on an OS using US English as the language): SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS. Sure, the O.P. could be using SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS, but when working with VARCHAR data, it is important to not change the code page as it could lead to data loss, and that is controlled by the locale / culture of the collation (i.e. Latin1_General vs French vs Hebrew etc). Please see point # 9 below.

The other four answers are wrong to varying degrees.

I will clarify all of the misunderstandings here so that readers can hopefully make the most appropriate / efficient choices.

  1. Do not use UPPER(). That is completely unnecessary extra work. Use a COLLATE clause. A string comparison needs to be done in either case, but using UPPER() also has to check, character by character, to see if there is an upper-case mapping, and then change it. And you need to do this on both sides. Adding COLLATE simply directs the processing to generate the sort keys using a different set of rules than it was going to by default. Using COLLATE is definitely more efficient (or "performant", if you like that word :) than using UPPER(), as proven in this test script (on PasteBin).

    There is also the issue noted by @Ceisc on @Danny's answer:

    In some languages case conversions do not round-trip. i.e. LOWER(x) != LOWER(UPPER(x)).

    The Turkish upper-case "I" is the common example.

  2. No, collation is not a database-wide setting, at least not in this context. There is a database-level default collation, and it is used as the default for altered and newly created columns that do not specify the COLLATE clause (which is likely where this common misconception comes from), but it does not impact queries directly unless you are comparing string literals and variables to other string literals and variables, or you are referencing database-level meta-data.

  3. No, collation is not per query.

  4. Collations are per predicate (i.e. something operand something) or expression, not per query. And this is true for the entire query, not just the WHERE clause. This covers JOINs, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, PARTITION BY, etc.

  5. No, do not convert to VARBINARY (e.g.convert(varbinary, myField) = convert(varbinary, 'sOmeVal')) for the following reasons:

    1. that is a binary comparison, which is not case-insensitive (which is what this question is asking for)
    2. if you do want a binary comparison, use a binary collation. Use one that ends with _BIN2 if you are using SQL Server 2008 or newer, else you have no choice but to use one that ends with _BIN. If the data is NVARCHAR then it doesn't matter which locale you use as they are all the same in that case, hence Latin1_General_100_BIN2 always works. If the data is VARCHAR, you must use the same locale that the data is currently in (e.g. Latin1_General, French, Japanese_XJIS, etc) because the locale determines the code page that is used, and changing code pages can alter the data (i.e. data loss).
    3. using a variable-length datatype without specifying the size will rely on the default size, and there are two different defaults depending on the context where the datatype is being used. It is either 1 or 30 for string types. When used with CONVERT() it will use the 30 default value. The danger is, if the string can be over 30 bytes, it will get silently truncated and you will likely get incorrect results from this predicate.
    4. Even if you want a case-sensitive comparison, binary collations are not case-sensitive (another very common misconception).
  6. No, LIKE is not always case-sensitive. It uses the collation of the column being referenced, or the collation of the database if a variable is compared to a string literal, or the collation specified via the optional COLLATE clause.

  7. LCASE is not a SQL Server function. It appears to be either Oracle or MySQL. Or possibly Visual Basic?

  8. Since the context of the question is comparing a column to a string literal, neither the collation of the instance (often referred to as "server") nor the collation of the database have any direct impact here. Collations are stored per each column, and each column can have a different collation, and those collations don't need to be the same as the database's default collation or the instance's collation. Sure, the instance collation is the default for what a newly created database will use as its default collation if the COLLATE clause wasn't specified when creating the database. And likewise, the database's default collation is what an altered or newly created column will use if the COLLATE clause wasn't specified.

  9. You should use the case-insensitive collation that is otherwise the same as the collation of the column. Use the following query to find the column's collation (change the table's name and schema name):

    SELECT col.*
    FROM   sys.columns col
    WHERE  col.[object_id] = OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.TableName')
    AND    col.[collation_name] IS NOT NULL;

    Then just change the _CS to be _CI. So, Latin1_General_100_CS_AS would become Latin1_General_100_CI_AS.

    If the column is using a binary collation (ending in _BIN or _BIN2), then find a similar collation using the following query:

    SELECT *
    FROM   sys.fn_helpcollations() col
    WHERE  col.[name] LIKE N'{CurrentCollationMinus"_BIN"}[_]CI[_]%';

    For example, assuming the column is using Japanese_XJIS_100_BIN2, do this:

    SELECT *
    FROM   sys.fn_helpcollations() col
    WHERE  col.[name] LIKE N'Japanese_XJIS_100[_]CI[_]%';

For more info on collations, encodings, etc, please visit: Collations Info

Use getElementById on HTMLElement instead of HTMLDocument

Sub Scrape()
    Dim Browser As InternetExplorer
    Dim Document As htmlDocument
    Dim Elements As IHTMLElementCollection
    Dim Element As IHTMLElement

    Set Browser = New InternetExplorer
    Browser.Visible = True
    Browser.navigate ""

    Do While Browser.Busy And Not Browser.readyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE

    Set Document = Browser.Document

    Set Elements = Document.getElementById("hmenus").getElementsByTagName("li")
    For Each Element In Elements
        Debug.Print Element.innerText
        'Ask Question
    Next Element

    Set Document = Nothing
    Set Browser = Nothing
End Sub

How to declare an array inside MS SQL Server Stored Procedure?

You could declare a table variable (Declaring a variable of type table):

declare @MonthsSale table(monthnr int)
insert into @MonthsSale (monthnr) values (1)
insert into @MonthsSale (monthnr) values (2)

You can add extra columns as you like:

declare @MonthsSale table(monthnr int, totalsales tinyint)

You can update the table variable like any other table:

update m
set m.TotalSales = sum(s.SalesValue)
from @MonthsSale m
left join Sales s on month(s.SalesDt) = m.MonthNr

How can I programmatically determine if my app is running in the iphone simulator?

Has anyone considered the answer provided here?

I suppose the objective-c equivalent would be

+ (BOOL)isSimulator {
    NSOperatingSystemVersion ios9 = {9, 0, 0};
    NSProcessInfo *processInfo = [NSProcessInfo processInfo];
    if ([processInfo isOperatingSystemAtLeastVersion:ios9]) {
        NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString *> *environment = [processInfo environment];
        NSString *simulator = [environment objectForKey:@"SIMULATOR_DEVICE_NAME"];
        return simulator != nil;
    } else {
        UIDevice *currentDevice = [UIDevice currentDevice];
        return ([currentDevice.model rangeOfString:@"Simulator"].location != NSNotFound);

Upload Image using POST form data in Python-requests

From wechat api doc:

curl -F [email protected] ""

Translate the command above to python:

import requests
url = ''
files = {'media': open('test.jpg', 'rb')}, files=files)

Counting number of occurrences in column?

Just adding some extra sorting if needed

=QUERY(A2:A,"select A, count(A) where A is not null group by A order by count(A) DESC label A 'Name', count(A) 'Count'",-1)

enter image description here

How to get current time in python and break up into year, month, day, hour, minute?

For python 3

import datetime
now =
print(now.year, now.month,, now.hour, now.minute, now.second)

How to compute the similarity between two text documents?

Identical to @larsman, but with some preprocessing

import nltk, string
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer'punkt') # if necessary...

stemmer = nltk.stem.porter.PorterStemmer()
remove_punctuation_map = dict((ord(char), None) for char in string.punctuation)

def stem_tokens(tokens):
    return [stemmer.stem(item) for item in tokens]

'''remove punctuation, lowercase, stem'''
def normalize(text):
    return stem_tokens(nltk.word_tokenize(text.lower().translate(remove_punctuation_map)))

vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(tokenizer=normalize, stop_words='english')

def cosine_sim(text1, text2):
    tfidf = vectorizer.fit_transform([text1, text2])
    return ((tfidf * tfidf.T).A)[0,1]

print cosine_sim('a little bird', 'a little bird')
print cosine_sim('a little bird', 'a little bird chirps')
print cosine_sim('a little bird', 'a big dog barks')

How to format a QString?

Use QString::arg() for the same effect.

How to launch a Google Chrome Tab with specific URL using C#

If the user doesn't have Chrome, it will throw an exception like this:

    //chrome.exe --incognito
    //chrome.exe -incognito
    //chrome.exe --incognito
    //chrome.exe -incognito
    private static void Chrome(string link)
        string url = "";

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(link)) //if empty just run the browser
            if (link.Contains('.')) //check if it's an url or a google search
                url = link;
                url = "" + link.Replace(" ", "+");

            Process.Start("chrome.exe", url + " --incognito");
        catch (System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception e)
            MessageBox.Show("Unable to find Google Chrome...",
                "chrome.exe not found!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

webpack: Module not found: Error: Can't resolve (with relative path)

I met this problem with typescript but forgot to add ts and tsx suffix to resolve entry.

module.exports = {
  resolve: {
    extensions: ['.js', '.jsx', '.ts', '.tsx'],

This does the job for me

Escape string Python for MySQL

install sqlescapy package:

pip install sqlescapy

then you can escape variables in you raw query

from sqlescapy import sqlescape

query = """
    SELECT * FROM "bar_table" WHERE id='%s'
""" % sqlescape(user_input)

How do I split a string in Rust?

There is a special method split for struct String:

fn split<'a, P>(&'a self, pat: P) -> Split<'a, P> where P: Pattern<'a>

Split by char:

let v: Vec<&str> = "Mary had a little lamb".split(' ').collect();
assert_eq!(v, ["Mary", "had", "a", "little", "lamb"]);

Split by string:

let v: Vec<&str> = "lion::tiger::leopard".split("::").collect();
assert_eq!(v, ["lion", "tiger", "leopard"]);

Split by closure:

let v: Vec<&str> = "abc1def2ghi".split(|c: char| c.is_numeric()).collect();
assert_eq!(v, ["abc", "def", "ghi"]);

Web-scraping JavaScript page with Python

This seems to be a good solution also, taken from a great blog post

import sys  
from PyQt4.QtGui import *  
from PyQt4.QtCore import *  
from PyQt4.QtWebKit import *  
from lxml import html 

#Take this class for granted.Just use result of rendering.
class Render(QWebPage):  
  def __init__(self, url): = QApplication(sys.argv)  

  def _loadFinished(self, result):  
    self.frame = self.mainFrame()  

url = ''  
r = Render(url)  
result = r.frame.toHtml()
# This step is important.Converting QString to Ascii for lxml to process

# The following returns an lxml element tree
archive_links = html.fromstring(str(result.toAscii()))
print archive_links

# The following returns an array containing the URLs
raw_links = archive_links.xpath('//div[@class="campaign"]/a/@href')
print raw_links

undefined reference to 'vtable for class' constructor

You're declaring a virtual function and not defining it:

virtual void calculateCredits();

Either define it or declare it as:

virtual void calculateCredits() = 0;

Or simply:

virtual void calculateCredits() { };

Read more about vftable:

'LIKE ('%this%' OR '%that%') and something=else' not working

Do you have something against splitting it up?

...FROM <blah> 
     (fieldA LIKE '%THIS%' OR fieldA LIKE '%THAT%') 
     AND something = else

Running conda with proxy

The best way I settled with is to set proxy environment variables right before using conda or pip install/update commands. Simply run:

set HTTP_PROXY=http://username:password@proxy_url:port

For example, your actual command could be like

set HTTP_PROXY=http://yourname:[email protected]

If your company uses https proxy, then also

set HTTPS_PROXY=https://username:password@proxy_url:port

Once you exit Anaconda prompt then this setting is gone, so your username/password won't be saved after the session.

I didn't choose other methods mentioned in Anaconda documentation or some other sources, because they all require hardcoding of username/password into

  • Windows environment variables (also this requires restart of Anaconda prompt for the first time)
  • Conda .condarc or .netrc configuration files (also this won't work for PIP)
  • A batch/script file loaded while starting Anaconda prompt (also this might require configuring the path)

All of these are unsafe and will require constant update later. And if you forget where to update? More troubleshooting will come your way...

Angular 4 img src is not found

Well, the problem was that, somehow, the path was not recognized when was inserted in src by a variable. I had to create a variable like this:

path:any = require("../../img/myImage.png");

and then I can use it in src. Thanks everyone!

JPA eager fetch does not join

The fetchType attribute controls whether the annotated field is fetched immediately when the primary entity is fetched. It does not necessarily dictate how the fetch statement is constructed, the actual sql implementation depends on the provider you are using toplink/hibernate etc.

If you set fetchType=EAGER This means that the annotated field is populated with its values at the same time as the other fields in the entity. So if you open an entitymanager retrieve your person objects and then close the entitymanager, subsequently doing a person.address will not result in a lazy load exception being thrown.

If you set fetchType=LAZY the field is only populated when it is accessed. If you have closed the entitymanager by then a lazy load exception will be thrown if you do a person.address. To load the field you need to put the entity back into an entitymangers context with em.merge(), then do the field access and then close the entitymanager.

You might want lazy loading when constructing a customer class with a collection for customer orders. If you retrieved every order for a customer when you wanted to get a customer list this may be a expensive database operation when you only looking for customer name and contact details. Best to leave the db access till later.

For the second part of the question - how to get hibernate to generate optimised SQL?

Hibernate should allow you to provide hints as to how to construct the most efficient query but I suspect there is something wrong with your table construction. Is the relationship established in the tables? Hibernate may have decided that a simple query will be quicker than a join especially if indexes etc are missing.

How to insert a column in a specific position in oracle without dropping and recreating the table?

In 12c you can make use of the fact that columns which are set from invisible to visible are displayed as the last column of the table: Tips and Tricks: Invisible Columns in Oracle Database 12c

Maybe that is the 'trick' @jeffrey-kemp was talking about in his comment, but the link there does not work anymore.


ALTER TABLE my_tab ADD (col_3 NUMBER(10));
  col_1 invisible,
  col_2 invisible
  col_1 visible,
  col_2 visible

Now col_3 would be displayed first in a SELECT * FROM my_tab statement.

Note: This does not change the physical order of the columns on disk, but in most cases that is not what you want to do anyway. If you really want to change the physical order, you can use the DBMS_REDEFINITION package.

Signed versus Unsigned Integers

Unsigned can hold a larger positive value and no negative value.


Unsigned uses the leading bit as a part of the value, while the signed version uses the left-most-bit to identify if the number is positive or negative.

There are different ways of representing signed integers. The easiest to visualise is to use the leftmost bit as a flag (sign and magnitude), but more common is two's complement. Both are in use in most modern microprocessors — floating point uses sign and magnitude, while integer arithmetic uses two's complement.

Signed integers can hold both positive and negative numbers.


Quick way to clear all selections on a multiselect enabled <select> with jQuery?

In javascript,

You can use the list of all options of multiselect dropdown which will be an Array.Then loop through it to make Selected attributes as false in each Objects.

for(var i=0;i<list.length;i++)

HTML5 Audio Looping

While loop is specified, it is not implemented in any browser I am aware of Firefox [thanks Anurag for pointing this out]. Here is an alternate way of looping that should work in HTML5 capable browsers:

var myAudio = new Audio('someSound.ogg'); 
myAudio.addEventListener('ended', function() {
    this.currentTime = 0;;
}, false);;

Vertically align text to top within a UILabel

If you are using autolayout, set the vertical contentHuggingPriority to 1000, either in code or IB. In IB you may then have to remove a height constraint by setting it's priority to 1 and then deleting it.


Just create the database using createdb CLI tool:

createdb -h $PGHOST -p $PGPORT -U $PGUSER $PGDB

If the database exists, it will return an error:

createdb: database creation failed: ERROR:  database "mydb" already exists

How to move child element from one parent to another using jQuery

Detach is unnecessary.

The answer (as of 2013) is simple:


According to

You can also select an element on the page and insert it into another:


If an element selected this way is inserted into a single location elsewhere in the DOM, it will be moved into the target (not cloned).

Difference between DOM parentNode and parentElement

Just like with nextSibling and nextElementSibling, just remember that, properties with "element" in their name always returns Element or null. Properties without can return any other kind of node.

console.log(document.body.parentNode, "is body's parent node");    // returns <html>
console.log(document.body.parentElement, "is body's parent element"); // returns <html>

var html = document.body.parentElement;
console.log(html.parentNode, "is html's parent node"); // returns document
console.log(html.parentElement, "is html's parent element"); // returns null

Select current element in jQuery

I think by combining .children() with $(this) will return the children of the selected item only

consider the following:

$("div li").click(function() {

this will change the background of the clicked li only

angular2: how to copy object into another object

You can do in this in Angular with ECMAScript6 by using the spread operator:

let copy = {...myObject};

Creating a simple XML file using python

For such a simple XML structure, you may not want to involve a full blown XML module. Consider a string template for the simplest structures, or Jinja for something a little more complex. Jinja can handle looping over a list of data to produce the inner xml of your document list. That is a bit trickier with raw python string templates

For a Jinja example, see my answer to a similar question.

Here is an example of generating your xml with string templates.

import string
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape

inner_template = string.Template('    <field${id} name="${name}">${value}</field${id}>')

outer_template = string.Template("""<root>

data = [
    (1, 'foo', 'The value for the foo document'),
    (2, 'bar', 'The <value> for the <bar> document'),

inner_contents = [inner_template.substitute(id=id, name=name, value=escape(value)) for (id, name, value) in data]
result = outer_template.substitute(document_list='\n'.join(inner_contents))
print result


    <field1 name="foo">The value for the foo document</field1>
    <field2 name="bar">The &lt;value&gt; for the &lt;bar&gt; document</field2>

The downer of the template approach is that you won't get escaping of < and > for free. I danced around that problem by pulling in a util from xml.sax

How to create a JSON object

$post_data = [
  "item" => [
    'item_type_id' => $item_type,
    'string_key' => $string_key,
    'string_value' => $string_value,
    'string_extra' => $string_extra,
    'is_public' => $public,
    'is_public_for_contacts' => $public_contacts

$post_data = json_encode(post_data);
$post_data = json_decode(post_data);
return $post_data;

Cannot read property 'style' of undefined -- Uncaught Type Error

Add your <script> to the bottom of your <body>, or add an event listener for DOMContentLoaded following this StackOverflow question.

If that script executes in the <head> section of the code, document.getElementsByClassName(...) will return an empty array because the DOM is not loaded yet.

You're getting the Type Error because you're referencing search_span[0], but search_span[0] is undefined.

This works when you execute it in Dev Tools because the DOM is already loaded.

What causes "Unable to access jarfile" error?

This is permission issue, see if the directory is under your User. That's why is working in another folder!

Evaluate if list is empty JSTL

There's also the function tags, a bit more flexible:

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fn" %>
<c:if test="${fn:length(list) > 0}">

And here's the tag documentation.

Non-numeric Argument to Binary Operator Error in R

Because your question is phrased regarding your error message and not whatever your function is trying to accomplish, I will address the error.

- is the 'binary operator' your error is referencing, and either CurrentDay or MA (or both) are non-numeric.

A binary operation is a calculation that takes two values (operands) and produces another value (see wikipedia for more). + is one such operator: "1 + 1" takes two operands (1 and 1) and produces another value (2). Note that the produced value isn't necessarily different from the operands (e.g., 1 + 0 = 1).

R only knows how to apply + (and other binary operators, such as -) to numeric arguments:

> 1 + 1
[1] 2
> 1 + 'one'
Error in 1 + "one" : non-numeric argument to binary operator

When you see that error message, it means that you are (or the function you're calling is) trying to perform a binary operation with something that isn't a number.


Your error lies in the use of [ instead of [[. Because Day is a list, subsetting with [ will return a list, not a numeric vector. [[, however, returns an object of the class of the item contained in the list:

> Day <- Transaction(1, 2)["b"]
> class(Day)
[1] "list"
> Day + 1
Error in Day + 1 : non-numeric argument to binary operator

> Day2 <- Transaction(1, 2)[["b"]]
> class(Day2)
[1] "numeric"
> Day2 + 1
[1] 3

Transaction, as you've defined it, returns a list of two vectors. Above, Day is a list contain one vector. Day2, however, is simply a vector.

How to get all the AD groups for a particular user?

Here is the code that worked for me:

public ArrayList GetBBGroups(WindowsIdentity identity)
    ArrayList groups = new ArrayList();

        String userName = identity.Name;
        int pos = userName.IndexOf(@"\");
        if (pos > 0) userName = userName.Substring(pos + 1);

        PrincipalContext domain = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, "");
        UserPrincipal user = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(domain, IdentityType.SamAccountName, userName);

        DirectoryEntry de = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://");
        DirectorySearcher search = new DirectorySearcher(de);
        search.Filter = "(&(objectClass=group)(member=" + user.DistinguishedName + "))";

        String name;
        SearchResultCollection results = search.FindAll();
        foreach (SearchResult result in results)
            name = (String)result.Properties["samaccountname"][0];
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                name = (String)result.Properties["cn"][0];
            GetGroupsRecursive(groups, de, name);
        // return an empty list...

    return groups;

public void GetGroupsRecursive(ArrayList groups, DirectoryEntry de, String dn)
    DirectorySearcher search = new DirectorySearcher(de);
    search.Filter = "(&(objectClass=group)(|(samaccountname=" + dn + ")(cn=" + dn + ")))";

    String group, name;
    SearchResult result = search.FindOne();
    if (result == null) return;

    group = @"RIOMC\" + dn;
    if (!groups.Contains(group))
    if (result.Properties["memberof"].Count == 0) return;
    int equalsIndex, commaIndex;
    foreach (String dn1 in result.Properties["memberof"])
        equalsIndex = dn1.IndexOf("=", 1);
        if (equalsIndex > 0)
            commaIndex = dn1.IndexOf(",", equalsIndex + 1);
            name = dn1.Substring(equalsIndex + 1, commaIndex - equalsIndex - 1);
            GetGroupsRecursive(groups, de, name);

I measured it's performance in a loop of 200 runs against the code that uses the AttributeValuesMultiString recursive method; and it worked 1.3 times faster. It might be so because of our AD settings. Both snippets gave the same result though.

Iterating through a variable length array

Arrays have an implicit member variable holding the length:

for(int i=0; i<myArray.length; i++) {

Alternatively if using >=java5, use a for each loop:

for(Object o : myArray) {

In AVD emulator how to see sdcard folder? and Install apk to AVD?

I have used the following procedure.

Procedure to install the apk files in Android Emulator(AVD):

Check your installed directory(ex: C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools), whether it has the adb.exe or not). If not present in this folder, then download the attachment here, extract the zip files. You will get adb files, copy and paste those three files inside tools folder

Run AVD manager from C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk and start the Android Emulator.

Copy and paste the apk file inside the C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools

  • Go to Start -> Run -> cmd

  • Type cd “C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools”

  • Type adb install example.apk

  • After getting success command

  • Go to Application icon in Android emulator, we can see the your application

Difference between window.location.href and top.location.href

top object makes more sense inside frames. Inside a frame, window refers to current frame's window while top refers to the outermost window that contains the frame(s). So:

window.location.href = 'somepage.html'; means loading somepage.html inside the frame.

top.location.href = 'somepage.html'; means loading somepage.html in the main browser window.

Two other interesting objects are self and parent.

How can I convert tabs to spaces in every file of a directory?

How can I convert tabs to spaces in every file of a directory (possibly recursively)?

This is usually not what you want.

Do you want to do this for png images? PDF files? The .git directory? Your Makefile (which requires tabs)? A 5GB SQL dump?

You could, in theory, pass a whole lot of exlude options to find or whatever else you're using; but this is fragile, and will break as soon as you add other binary files.

What you want, is at least:

  1. Skip files over a certain size.
  2. Detect if a file is binary by checking for the presence of a NULL byte.
  3. Only replace tabs at the start of a file (expand does this, sed doesn't).

As far as I know, there is no "standard" Unix utility that can do this, and it's not very easy to do with a shell one-liner, so a script is needed.

A while ago I created a little script called sanitize_files which does exactly that. It also fixes some other common stuff like replacing \r\n with \n, adding a trailing \n, etc.

You can find a simplified script without the extra features and command-line arguments below, but I recommend you use the above script as it's more likely to receive bugfixes and other updated than this post.

I would also like to point out, in response to some of the other answers here, that using shell globbing is not a robust way of doing this, because sooner or later you'll end up with more files than will fit in ARG_MAX (on modern Linux systems it's 128k, which may seem a lot, but sooner or later it's not enough).

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os, re, sys

def is_binary(data):
    return data.find(b'\000') >= 0

def should_ignore(path):
    keep = [
        # VCS systems
        '.git/', '.hg/' '.svn/' 'CVS/',

        # These files have significant whitespace/tabs, and cannot be edited
        # safely
        # TODO: there are probably more of these files..
        'Makefile', 'BSDmakefile', 'GNUmakefile', 'Gemfile.lock'

    for k in keep:
        if '/%s' % k in path:
            return True
    return False

def run(files):
    indent_find = b'\t'
    indent_replace = b'    ' * indent_width

    for f in files:
        if should_ignore(f):
            print('Ignoring %s' % f)

            size = os.stat(f).st_size
        # Unresolvable symlink, just ignore those
        except FileNotFoundError as exc:
            print('%s is unresolvable, skipping (%s)' % (f, exc))

        if size == 0: continue
        if size > 1024 ** 2:
            print("Skipping `%s' because it's over 1MiB" % f)

            data = open(f, 'rb').read()
        except (OSError, PermissionError) as exc:
            print("Error: Unable to read `%s': %s" % (f, exc))

        if is_binary(data):
            print("Skipping `%s' because it looks binary" % f)

        data = data.split(b'\n')

        fixed_indent = False
        for i, line in enumerate(data):
            # Fix indentation
            repl_count = 0
            while line.startswith(indent_find):
                fixed_indent = True
                repl_count += 1
                line = line.replace(indent_find, b'', 1)

            if repl_count > 0:
                line = indent_replace * repl_count + line

        data = list(filter(lambda x: x is not None, data))

            open(f, 'wb').write(b'\n'.join(data))
        except (OSError, PermissionError) as exc:
            print("Error: Unable to write to `%s': %s" % (f, exc))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    allfiles = []
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.getcwd()):
        for f in files:
            p = '%s/%s' % (root, f)
            if do_add:


How to use setprecision in C++

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

You can enter the line using namespace std; for your convenience. Otherwise, you'll have to explicitly add std:: every time you wish to use cout, fixed, showpoint, setprecision(2) and endl

int main()
    double num1 = 3.12345678;
    cout << fixed << showpoint;
    cout << setprecision(2);
    cout << num1 << endl;
return 0;

How to get current location in Android

I'm using this tutorial and it works nicely for my application.

In my activity I put this code:

GPSTracker tracker = new GPSTracker(this);
    if (!tracker.canGetLocation()) {
    } else {
        latitude = tracker.getLatitude();
        longitude = tracker.getLongitude();

also check if your emulator runs with Google API

Convert SVG to PNG in Python

Try this:

The site says:

CairoSVG is written in pure python and only depends on Pycairo. It is known to work on Python 2.6 and 2.7.

Update November 25, 2016:

2.0.0 is a new major version, its changelog includes:

  • Drop Python 2 support

Error: Cannot access file bin/Debug/... because it is being used by another process

Pre build command

(if exist "$(TargetDir)*old.pdb" del "$(TargetDir)*old.pdb") & (if exist "$(TargetDir)*.pdb" ren "$(TargetDir)*.pdb" *.old.pdb)


How to check if a list is empty in Python?

if not myList:
  print "Nothing here"

Export pictures from excel file into jpg using VBA

''' Set Range you want to export to the folder

Workbooks("your workbook name").Sheets("yoursheet name").Select

Dim rgExp As Range: Set rgExp = Range("A1:H31")
''' Copy range as picture onto Clipboard
rgExp.CopyPicture Appearance:=xlScreen, Format:=xlBitmap
''' Create an empty chart with exact size of range copied
With ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(Left:=rgExp.Left, Top:=rgExp.Top, _
Width:=rgExp.Width, Height:=rgExp.Height)
.Name = "ChartVolumeMetricsDevEXPORT"
End With
''' Paste into chart area, export to file, delete chart.
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("ChartVolumeMetricsDevEXPORT").Chart.Export "C:\ExportmyChart.jpg"

Check synchronously if file/directory exists in Node.js

Some answers here says that fs.exists and fs.existsSync are both deprecated. According to the docs this is no more true. Only fs.exists is deprected now:

Note that fs.exists() is deprecated, but fs.existsSync() is not. (The callback parameter to fs.exists() accepts parameters that are inconsistent with other Node.js callbacks. fs.existsSync() does not use a callback.)

So you can safely use fs.existsSync() to synchronously check if a file exists.

Using Page_Load and Page_PreRender in ASP.Net

Processing the ASP.NET web-form takes place in stages. At each state various events are raised. If you are interested to plug your code into the processing flow (on server side) then you have to handle appropriate page event.

PHP: How to remove specific element from an array?

I was looking for the answer to the same question and came across this topic. I see two main ways: the combination of array_search & unset and the use of array_diff. At first glance, it seemed to me that the first method would be faster, since does not require the creation of an additional array (as when using array_diff). But I wrote a small benchmark and made sure that the second method is not only more concise, but also faster! Glad to share this with you. :)

How to implement a material design circular progress bar in android

Nice implementation for material design circular progress bar (from rahatarmanahmed/CircularProgressView),


enter image description here

Make element fixed on scroll

You can go to LESS CSS website

Their dockable menu is light and performs well. The only caveat is that the effect takes place after the scroll is complete. Just do a view source to see the js.

Re-ordering columns in pandas dataframe based on column name

If you need an arbitrary sequence instead of sorted sequence, you could do:

sequence = ['Q1.1','Q1.2','Q1.3',.....'Q6.1',......]
your_dataframe = your_dataframe.reindex(columns=sequence)

I tested this in 2.7.10 and it worked for me.

XPath contains(text(),'some string') doesn't work when used with node with more than one Text subnode

[contains(text(),'')] only returns true or false. It won't return any element results.

Oracle: how to UPSERT (update or insert into a table?)

The dual example above which is in PL/SQL was great becuase I wanted to do something similar, but I wanted it client here is the SQL I used to send a similar statement direct from some C#

MERGE INTO Employee USING dual ON ( "id"=2097153 )
WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET "last"="smith" , "name"="john"
WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT ("id","last","name") 
    VALUES ( 2097153,"smith", "john" )

However from a C# perspective this provide to be slower than doing the update and seeing if the rows affected was 0 and doing the insert if it was.

How to blur background images in Android

The simplest way to achieve this is given below,


                        .load(Your Path)   
                        .override(15, 15) // (change according to your wish)

else you can follow the code below..


1.Create a class.(Code is given below)

public class BlurTransformation extends BitmapTransformation {

    private RenderScript rs;

    public BlurTransformation(Context context) {
        super( context );

        rs = RenderScript.create( context );

    protected Bitmap transform(BitmapPool pool, Bitmap toTransform, int outWidth, int outHeight) {
        Bitmap blurredBitmap = toTransform.copy( Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, true );

        // Allocate memory for Renderscript to work with
        Allocation input = Allocation.createFromBitmap(
        Allocation output = Allocation.createTyped(rs, input.getType());

        // Load up an instance of the specific script that we want to use.
        ScriptIntrinsicBlur script = ScriptIntrinsicBlur.create(rs, Element.U8_4(rs));

        // Set the blur radius

        // Start the ScriptIntrinisicBlur

        // Copy the output to the blurred bitmap


        return blurredBitmap;

    public String getId() {
        return "blur";

2.Set image to ImageView using Glide.


     .transform(new BlurTransformation(this))

How to use Monitor (DDMS) tool to debug application

Go to

Tools > Android > Android Device Monitor

in v0.8.6. That will pull up the DDMS eclipse perspective.

how to open

ASP.NET MVC Html.DropDownList SelectedValue

You can still name the DropDown as "UserId" and still have model binding working correctly for you.

The only requirement for this to work is that the ViewData key that contains the SelectList does not have the same name as the Model property that you want to bind. In your specific case this would be:

// in my controller
ViewData["Users"] = new SelectList(
    selectedUserId.Value); // this has a value

// in my view
<%=Html.DropDownList("UserId", (SelectList)ViewData["Users"])%>

This will produce a select element that is named UserId, which has the same name as the UserId property in your model and therefore the model binder will set it with the value selected in the html's select element generated by the Html.DropDownList helper.

I'm not sure why that particular Html.DropDownList constructor won't select the value specified in the SelectList when you put the select list in the ViewData with a key equal to the property name. I suspect it has something to do with how the DropDownList helper is used in other scenarios, where the convention is that you do have a SelectList in the ViewData with the same name as the property in your model. This will work correctly:

// in my controller
ViewData["UserId"] = new SelectList(
    selectedUserId.Value); // this has a value

// in my view

Angular2 : Can't bind to 'formGroup' since it isn't a known property of 'form'

import the ReactiveForms Module to your components module

Best way to format if statement with multiple conditions

The second one is a classic example of the Arrow Anti-pattern So I'd avoid it...

If your conditions are too long extract them into methods/properties.

How do I change the background color of a plot made with ggplot2

To change the panel's background color, use the following code:

myplot + theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = 'green', colour = 'red'))

To change the color of the plot (but not the color of the panel), you can do:

myplot + theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = 'green', colour = 'red'))

See here for more theme details Quick reference sheet for legends, axes and themes.

Get changes from master into branch in Git

Scenario :

  • I created a branch from master say branch-1 and pulled it to my local.
  • My Friend created a branch from master say branch-2.
  • He committed some code changes to master.
  • Now I want to take those changes from master branch to my local branch.


git stash // to save all existing changes in local branch
git checkout master // Switch to master branch from branch-1
git pull // take changes from the master
git checkout branch-1 // switchback to your own branch
git rebase master // merge all the changes and move you git head  forward
git stash apply // reapply all you saved changes 

You can find conflicts on your file after executing "git stash apply". You need to fix it manually and now you are ready to push.

What is the size of an enum in C?

While the previous answers are correct, some compilers have options to break the standard and use the smallest type that will contain all values.

Example with GCC (documentation in the GCC Manual):

enum ord {
    FIRST = 1,
} __attribute__ ((__packed__));
STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof(enum ord) == 1 )

How to code a BAT file to always run as admin mode?

You can use nircmd.exe's elevate command

NirCmd Command Reference - elevate

elevate [Program] {Command-Line Parameters}

For Windows Vista/7/2008 only: Run a program with administrator rights. When the [Program] contains one or more space characters, you must put it in quotes.


elevate notepad.exe 
elevate notepad.exe C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\HOSTS 
elevate "c:\program files\my software\abc.exe"

PS: I use it on win 10 and it works

Iterating through a golang map

You can make it by one line:

mymap := map[string]interface{}{"foo": map[string]interface{}{"first": 1}, "boo": map[string]interface{}{"second": 2}}
for k, v := range mymap {
    fmt.Println("k:", k, "v:", v)

Output is:

k: foo v: map[first:1]
k: boo v: map[second:2]

Changing datagridview cell color based on condition

I may suggest NOT looping over each rows EACH time CellFormating is called, because it is called everytime A SINGLE ROW need to be refreshed.

Private Sub dgv_DisplayData_Vertical_CellFormatting(sender As Object, e As DataGridViewCellFormattingEventArgs) Handles dgv_DisplayData_Vertical.CellFormatting

            If dgv_DisplayData_Vertical.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells("LevelID").Value.ToString() = "6" Then

                e.CellStyle.BackColor = Color.DimGray
            End If
            If dgv_DisplayData_Vertical.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells("LevelID").Value.ToString() = "5" Then
                e.CellStyle.BackColor = Color.DarkSlateGray
            End If
            If dgv_DisplayData_Vertical.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells("LevelID").Value.ToString() = "4" Then
                e.CellStyle.BackColor = Color.SlateGray
            End If
            If dgv_DisplayData_Vertical.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells("LevelID").Value.ToString() = "3" Then
                e.CellStyle.BackColor = Color.LightGray
            End If
            If dgv_DisplayData_Vertical.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells("LevelID").Value.ToString() = "0" Then
                e.CellStyle.BackColor = Color.White
            End If

        Catch ex As Exception

        End Try

    End Sub

How to open an existing project in Eclipse?

In Eclipse, try Project > Open Project and select the projects to be opened.

Pass parameter from a batch file to a PowerShell script

Let's say you would like to pass the string Dev as a parameter, from your batch file:

powershell -command "G:\Karan\PowerShell_Scripts\START_DEV.ps1 Dev"

put inside your powershell script head:

$w = $args[0]       # $w would be set to "Dev"

This if you want to use the built-in variable $args. Otherwise:

 powershell -command "G:\Karan\PowerShell_Scripts\START_DEV.ps1 -Environment \"Dev\""

and inside your powershell script head:


This if you want a named parameter.

You might also be interested in returning the error level:

powershell -command "G:\Karan\PowerShell_Scripts\START_DEV.ps1 Dev; exit $LASTEXITCODE"

The error level will be available inside the batch file as %errorlevel%.

How to convert POJO to JSON and vice versa?

We can also make use of below given dependency and plugin in your pom file - I make use of maven. With the use of these you can generate POJO's as per your JSON Schema and then make use of code given below to populate request JSON object via src object specified as parameter to gson.toJson(Object src) or vice-versa. Look at the code below:

Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create();
String payloadStr = gson.toJson(data.getMerchant().getStakeholder_list());

Gson gson2 = new Gson();
Error expectederr = gson2.fromJson(payloadStr, Error.class);

And the Maven settings:



How does Tomcat locate the webapps directory?

Find server.xml at $CATALINA_BASE/conf/server.xml

Find appBase attribute in <Host> element

by default it will be something like : <Host name="localhost" appBase="webapps ...>

Change appBase to your required path. There are different way people put it, but I use


Remember, no slash at the end, but at start. Also note it's direction as well.

Read Content from Files which are inside Zip file

Sample code you can use to let Tika take care of container files for you.

Form what I can tell, the accepted solution will not work for cases where there are nested zip files. Tika, however will take care of such situations as well.

Android: How to detect double-tap?

boolean nonDoubleClick = true, singleClick = false;
        private long firstClickTime = 0L;
        private final int DOUBLE_CLICK_TIMEOUT = 200;

        listview.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {
            public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View v, int pos, long id) {
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                Handler handler = new Handler();
                handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {

                    public void run() {
                        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                        if (singleClick) {
                            Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Single Tap Detected", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
                        firstClickTime = 0L;
                        nonDoubleClick = true;
                        singleClick = false;
                }, 200);
                if (firstClickTime == 0) {
                    firstClickTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
                    nonDoubleClick = true;
                    singleClick = true;
                } else {
                    long deltaTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - firstClickTime;
                    firstClickTime = 0;
                    if (deltaTime < DOUBLE_CLICK_TIMEOUT) {
                        nonDoubleClick = false;
                        singleClick = false;
                        Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Double Tap Detected", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();


Handling ExecuteScalar() when no results are returned

Try this

sql = "select username from usermst where userid=2"

string getusername = Convert.ToString(command.ExecuteScalar());

Are strongly-typed functions as parameters possible in TypeScript?

Because you can't easily union a function definition and another data type, I find having these types around useful to strongly type them. Based on Drew's answer.

type Func<TArgs extends any[], TResult> = (...args: TArgs) => TResult; 
//Syntax sugar
type Action<TArgs extends any[]> = Func<TArgs, undefined>; 

Now you can strongly type every parameter and the return type! Here's an example with more parameters than what is above.

save(callback: Func<[string, Object, boolean], number>): number
    let str = "";
    let obj = {};
    let bool = true;
    let result: number = callback(str, obj, bool);
    return result;

Now you can write a union type, like an object or a function returning an object, without creating a brand new type that may need to be exported or consumed.

let myVar1: boolean | (parameters: object) => boolean;

//This works, but requires a type be defined each time
type myBoolFunc = (parameters: object) => boolean;
let myVar1: boolean | myBoolFunc;

//This works, with a generic type that can be used anywhere
let myVar2: boolean | Func<[object], boolean>;

Where to find 64 bit version of chromedriver.exe for Selenium WebDriver?

There is no separate chromedriver binary for Windows 64 bit. Chromedriver 32 bit binary works for both 32 as well as 64 bit versions of Windows. As of today, you can find the latest version of chromedriver Windows binary at

Easy way to add drop down menu with 1 - 100 without doing 100 different options?

I see this is old but... I dont know if you are looking for code to generate the numbers/options every time its loaded or not. But I use an excel or open office calc page and place use the auto numbering all the time. It may look like this...

| <option> | 1 | </option> |

Then I highlight the cells in the row and drag them down until there are 100 or the number that I need. I now have code snippets that I just refer back to.

What's the best three-way merge tool?

Source Gear Diff Merge:

Cross-platform, true three-way merges and it's completely free for commercial or personal usage.

enter image description here

error C2220: warning treated as error - no 'object' file generated

As a side-note, you can enable/disable individual warnings using #pragma. You can have a look at the documentation here

From the documentation:

// pragma_warning.cpp
// compile with: /W1
#pragma warning(disable:4700)
void Test() {
   int x;
   int y = x;   // no C4700 here
   #pragma warning(default:4700)   // C4700 enabled after Test ends

int main() {
   int x;
   int y = x;   // C4700

Accessing a resource via codebehind in WPF

You can use a resource key like this:

    <SolidColorBrush x:Key="{x:Static local:Foo.MyKey}">Blue</SolidColorBrush>
<Grid Background="{StaticResource {x:Static local:Foo.MyKey}}" />

public partial class Foo : UserControl
    public Foo()
        var brush = (SolidColorBrush)FindResource(MyKey);

    public static ResourceKey MyKey { get; } = CreateResourceKey();

    private static ComponentResourceKey CreateResourceKey([CallerMemberName] string caller = null)
        return new ComponentResourceKey(typeof(Foo), caller); ;

How do I delete a local repository in git?

Delete the .git directory in the root-directory of your repository if you only want to delete the git-related information (branches, versions).

If you want to delete everything (git-data, code, etc), just delete the whole directory.

.git directories are hidden by default, so you'll need to be able to view hidden files to delete it.

How to solve the “failed to lazily initialize a collection of role” Hibernate exception

@Transactional annotation on controller is missing

public class UserController {

Migrating from VMWARE to VirtualBox

QEMU has a fantastic utility called qmeu-img that will translate between all manner of disk image formats. An article on this process is at

I recall in my head that I used qemu-img to roll multiple VMDKs into one, but I don't have that computer with me to retest the process. Even if I'm wrong, the article above includes a section that describes how to convert them with your VMWare tools.

Convert web page to image

You could use imagemagick and write a script that fires everytime you load a webpage.

PostgreSQL: export resulting data from SQL query to Excel/CSV

Example with Unix-style file name:

COPY (SELECT * FROM tbl) TO '/var/lib/postgres/myfile1.csv' format csv;

Read the manual about COPY (link to version 8.2).
You have to use an absolute path for the target file. Be sure to double quote file names with spaces. Example for MS Windows:

TO E'"C:\\Documents and Settings\\Tech\Desktop\\myfile1.csv"' format csv;

In PostgreSQL 8.2, with standard_conforming_strings = off per default, you need to double backslashes, because \ is a special character and interpreted by PostgreSQL. Works in any version. It's all in the fine manual:


 The absolute path name of the input or output file. Windows users might need to use an E'' string and double backslashes used as path separators.

Or the modern syntax with standard_conforming_strings = on (default since Postgres 9.1):

COPY tbl  -- short for (SELECT * FROM tbl)
TO '"C:\Documents and Settings\Tech\Desktop\myfile1.csv"' (format csv);

Or you can also use forward slashes for filenames under Windows.

An alternative is to use the meta-command \copy of the default terminal client psql.

You can also use a GUI like pgadmin and copy / paste from the result grid to Excel for small queries.

Closely related answer:

Similar solution for MySQL:

Center content in responsive bootstrap navbar

it because it apply flex. you can use this code

@media (min-width: 992px){
.navbar-expand-lg .navbar-collapse {
    display: -ms-flexbox!important;
    display: flex!important;
    -ms-flex-preferred-size: auto;
    flex-basis: auto;
    justify-content: center;

in my case it workded correctly.

OraOLEDB.Oracle provider is not registered on the local machine

  1. Right Click on My Computer
  2. Click on properties
  3. Click on Advanced System Settings
  4. Click on "Environment Variables" button.
  5. In the system Variable section find the "PATH" variable
  6. Edit the "PATH" variable and add Oracle installation path to it (from your local machine) like ;C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_1\bin

Support for the experimental syntax 'classProperties' isn't currently enabled

yarn add --dev @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties


npm install @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties --save-dev .babelrc

Check if a process is running or not on Windows with Python

Psutil suggested by Mark, is really the best solution, its only drawback is the GPL compatible license. If that's a problem, then you can invoke Windows' process info commands: wmic process where WMI is available (XP pro, vista, win7) or tasklist. Here is a description to do it: How to call an external program in python and retrieve the output and return code? (not the only possible way...)

How to know user has clicked "X" or the "Close" button?

namespace Test
    public partial class Member : Form
        public Member()

        private bool xClicked = true;

        private void btnClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            xClicked = false;

        private void Member_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
            if (xClicked)
                // user click the X
                // user click the close button

Are table names in MySQL case sensitive?

In general:

Database and table names are not case sensitive in Windows, and case sensitive in most varieties of Unix.

In MySQL, databases correspond to directories within the data directory. Each table within a database corresponds to at least one file within the database directory. Consequently, the case sensitivity of the underlying operating system plays a part in the case sensitivity of database and table names.

One can configure how tables names are stored on the disk using the system variable lower_case_table_names (in the my.cnf configuration file under [mysqld]).

Read the section: 10.2.2 Identifier Case Sensitivity for more information.

JOptionPane Yes or No window

You can do this a whole simpler:

int test = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "Would you like green eggs and ham?", "An insane question!");
switch(test) {
    case 0: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "HELLO!"); //Yes option
    case 1: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "GOODBYE!"); //No option
    case 2: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "GOODBYE!"); //Cancel option

Android: remove notification from notification bar

this will help:

NotificationManager mNotificationManager = (NotificationManager)

this should remove all notifications made by the app

and if you create a notification by calling


inside a may have to call


first,then cancel the notification.

JPA Criteria API - How to add JOIN clause (as general sentence as possible)

Maybe the following extract from the Chapter 23 - Using the Criteria API to Create Queries of the Java EE 6 tutorial will throw some light (actually, I suggest reading the whole Chapter 23):

Querying Relationships Using Joins

For queries that navigate to related entity classes, the query must define a join to the related entity by calling one of the From.join methods on the query root object, or another join object. The join methods are similar to the JOIN keyword in JPQL.

The target of the join uses the Metamodel class of type EntityType<T> to specify the persistent field or property of the joined entity.

The join methods return an object of type Join<X, Y>, where X is the source entity and Y is the target of the join.

Example 23-10 Joining a Query

CriteriaQuery<Pet> cq = cb.createQuery(Pet.class);
Metamodel m = em.getMetamodel();
EntityType<Pet> Pet_ = m.entity(Pet.class);

Root<Pet> pet = cq.from(Pet.class);
Join<Pet, Owner> owner = pet.join(Pet_.owners);

Joins can be chained together to navigate to related entities of the target entity without having to create a Join<X, Y> instance for each join.

Example 23-11 Chaining Joins Together in a Query

CriteriaQuery<Pet> cq = cb.createQuery(Pet.class);
Metamodel m = em.getMetamodel();
EntityType<Pet> Pet_ = m.entity(Pet.class);
EntityType<Owner> Owner_ = m.entity(Owner.class);

Root<Pet> pet = cq.from(Pet.class);
Join<Owner, Address> address = cq.join(Pet_.owners).join(Owner_.addresses);

That being said, I have some additional remarks:

First, the following line in your code:

Root entity_ = cq.from(this.baseClass);

Makes me think that you somehow missed the Static Metamodel Classes part. Metamodel classes such as Pet_ in the quoted example are used to describe the meta information of a persistent class. They are typically generated using an annotation processor (canonical metamodel classes) or can be written by the developer (non-canonical metamodel). But your syntax looks weird, I think you are trying to mimic something that you missed.

Second, I really think you should forget this assay_id foreign key, you're on the wrong path here. You really need to start to think object and association, not tables and columns.

Third, I'm not really sure to understand what you mean exactly by adding a JOIN clause as generical as possible and what your object model looks like, since you didn't provide it (see previous point). It's thus just impossible to answer your question more precisely.

To sum up, I think you need to read a bit more about JPA 2.0 Criteria and Metamodel API and I warmly recommend the resources below as a starting point.

See also

Related question

Read large files in Java

Does it have to be done in Java? I.e. does it need to be platform independent? If not, I'd suggest using the 'split' command in *nix. If you really wanted, you could execute this command via your java program. While I haven't tested, I imagine it perform faster than whatever Java IO implementation you could come up with.

Cross browser method to fit a child div to its parent's width

If you put position:relative; on the outer element, the inner element will place itself according to this one. Then a width:auto; on the inner element will be the same as the width of the outer.

How to pass a value from one jsp to another jsp page?

Use sessions

On your search.jsp

Put your scard in sessions using session.setAttribute("scard","scard")

//the 1st variable is the string name that you will retrieve in ur next page,and the 2nd variable is the its value,i.e the scard value.

And in your next page you retrieve it using session.getAttribute("scard")


<input type="text" value="<%=session.getAttribute("scard")%>"/>

What is an IndexOutOfRangeException / ArgumentOutOfRangeException and how do I fix it?

To easily understand the problem, imagine we wrote this code:

static void Main(string[] args)
    string[] test = new string[3];
    test[0]= "hello1";
    test[1]= "hello2";
    test[2]= "hello3";

    for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++)

Result will be:


Unhandled Exception: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.

Size of array is 3 (indices 0, 1 and 2), but the for-loop loops 4 times (0, 1, 2 and 3).
So when it tries to access outside the bounds with (3) it throws the exception.

ant warning: "'includeantruntime' was not set"

As @Daniel Kutik mentioned, presetdef is a good option. Especially if one is working on a project with many build.xml files which one cannot, or prefers not to, edit (e.g., those from third-parties.)

To use presetdef, add these lines in your top-level build.xml file:

  <presetdef name="javac">
    <javac includeantruntime="false" />

Now all subsequent javac tasks will essentially inherit includeantruntime="false". If your projects do actually need ant runtime libraries, you can either add them explicitly to your build files OR set includeantruntime="true". The latter will also get rid of warnings.

Subsequent javac tasks can still explicitly change this if desired, for example:

<javac destdir="out" includeantruntime="true">
  <src path="" />
  <src path="" />

I'd recommend against using ANT_OPTS. It works, but it defeats the purpose of the warning. The warning tells one that one's build might behave differently on another system. Using ANT_OPTS makes this even more likely because now every system needs to use ANT_OPTS in the same way. Also, ANT_OPTS will apply globally, suppressing warnings willy-nilly in all your projects

How to center the text in a JLabel?

The following constructor, JLabel(String, int), allow you to specify the horizontal alignment of the label.

JLabel label = new JLabel("The Label", SwingConstants.CENTER);

Conda command not found

Make sure that you are installing the Anaconda binary that is compatible with your kernel. I was in the same situation.Turned out I have an x64_86 CPU and was trying to install a 64 bit Power 8 installer.You can find out the same for your CPU by using the following command.It gives you a basic information about a computer's software and hardware.-

$ uname -a

The page in the link above, displays 2 different types of 64-Bit installers -

  • 64-Bit (x86) installer and
  • 64-Bit (Power 8) installer.

Docker Repository Does Not Have a Release File on Running apt-get update on Ubuntu

Warning: Use the below steps at your own risk. You may receive different results as indicated in the comments. Please exercise caution and have a full backup prior to doing this.

Below is a list of steps used to solve the issue:

  1. Remove Docker (this won't delete images, containers, volumes, or customized configuration files):

    sudo apt-get purge docker-engine

  2. Remove the Docker apt key:

    sudo apt-key del 58118E89F3A912897C070ADBF76221572C52609D

  3. Delete the docker.list file:

    sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list

  4. Manually delete apt cache files:

    sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/apt.dockerproject.org_repo_dists_ubuntu-xenial_*

  5. Delete apt-transport-https and ca-certificates:

    sudo apt-get purge apt-transport-https ca-certificates

  6. Clean apt and perform autoremove:

    sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get autoremove

  7. Reboot Ubuntu:

    sudo reboot

  8. Run apt-get update:

    sudo apt-get update

  9. Install apt-transport-https and ca-certificates again:

    sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates

  10. Add the apt key:

> sudo apt-key adv \
       --keyserver hkp:// \
       --recv-keys 58118E89F3A912897C070ADBF76221572C52609D
  1. Add the docker.list file again:
> echo "deb ubuntu-xenial main" |
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list
  1. Run apt-get update:
> sudo apt-get update
  1. Install Docker:
> sudo apt-get install docker-engine

Granted, there are plenty of variables and your results may vary. However, these steps cover as many areas as possible to ensure potential problem spots are scrubbed so that the likelihood of success is higher.

Update 7/6/2017

It appears newer versions of Docker are using a different installation process which should eliminate many of these problems. Be sure to check out

Changing position of the Dialog on screen android

I used this code to show the dialog at the bottom of the screen:

Dialog dlg = <code to create custom dialog>;

Window window = dlg.getWindow();
WindowManager.LayoutParams wlp = window.getAttributes();

wlp.gravity = Gravity.BOTTOM;
wlp.flags &= ~WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_DIM_BEHIND;

This code also prevents android from dimming the background of the dialog, if you need it. You should be able to change the gravity parameter to move the dialog about

private void showPictureialog() {
    final Dialog dialog = new Dialog(this,

    // Setting dialogview
    Window window = dialog.getWindow();

    window.setLayout(LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT);

you can customize you dialog based on gravity and layout parameters change gravity and layout parameter on the basis of your requirenment

Hex to ascii string conversion

you need to take 2 (hex) chars at the same time... then calculate the int value and after that make the char conversion like...

char d = (char)intValue;

do this for every 2chars in the hex string

this works if the string chars are only 0-9A-F:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int hex_to_int(char c){
        int first = c / 16 - 3;
        int second = c % 16;
        int result = first*10 + second;
        if(result > 9) result--;
        return result;

int hex_to_ascii(char c, char d){
        int high = hex_to_int(c) * 16;
        int low = hex_to_int(d);
        return high+low;

int main(){
        const char* st = "48656C6C6F3B";
        int length = strlen(st);
        int i;
        char buf = 0;
        for(i = 0; i < length; i++){
                if(i % 2 != 0){
                        printf("%c", hex_to_ascii(buf, st[i]));
                        buf = st[i];

Yahoo Finance All Currencies quote API Documentation

As NT3RP told us that:

... we (Yahoo!) don't have a Finance API. It appears some have reverse engineered an API that they use to pull Finance data, but they are breaking our Terms of Service...

So I just thought of sharing this site with you:
[update: site has moved to -]

This site says:

No access fees, no rate limits, no ugly XML - just free, hourly updated exchange rates in JSON format
[update: Free for personal use, a bargain for your business.]

I hope I've helped and this is of some use to you (and others too). : )

What is the difference between utf8mb4 and utf8 charsets in MySQL?

The utf8mb4 character set is useful because nowadays we need support for storing not only language characters but also symbols, newly introduced emojis, and so on.

A nice read on How to support full Unicode in MySQL databases by Mathias Bynens can also shed some light on this.

Importing variables from another file?

In Python you can access the contents of other files like as if they
are some kind of a library, compared to other languages like java or any oop base languages , This is really cool ;

This makes accessing the contents of the file or import it to to process it or to do anything with it ; And that is the Main reason why Python is highly preferred Language for Data Science and Machine Learning etc. ;

And this is the picture of project structure This

Where I am accessing variables from .env file where the API links and Secret keys reside .

General Structure:

from <File-Name> import *

What's the difference between "end" and "exit sub" in VBA?

This is a bit outside the scope of your question, but to avoid any potential confusion for readers who are new to VBA: End and End Sub are not the same. They don't perform the same task.

End puts a stop to ALL code execution and you should almost always use Exit Sub (or Exit Function, respectively).

End halts ALL exectution. While this sounds tempting to do it also clears all global and static variables. (source)

See also the MSDN dox for the End Statement

When executed, the End statement resets allmodule-level variables and all static local variables in allmodules. To preserve the value of these variables, use the Stop statement instead. You can then resume execution while preserving the value of those variables.

Note The End statement stops code execution abruptly, without invoking the Unload, QueryUnload, or Terminate event, or any other Visual Basic code. Code you have placed in the Unload, QueryUnload, and Terminate events offorms andclass modules is not executed. Objects created from class modules are destroyed, files opened using the Open statement are closed, and memory used by your program is freed. Object references held by other programs are invalidated.

Nor is End Sub and Exit Sub the same. End Sub can't be called in the same way Exit Sub can be, because the compiler doesn't allow it.

enter image description here

This again means you have to Exit Sub, which is a perfectly legal operation:

Exit Sub
Immediately exits the Sub procedure in which it appears. Execution continues with the statement following the statement that called the Sub procedure. Exit Sub can be used only inside a Sub procedure.

Additionally, and once you get the feel for how procedures work, obviously, End Sub does not clear any global variables. But it does clear local (Dim'd) variables:

End Sub
Terminates the definition of this procedure.

'readline/readline.h' file not found

You reference a Linux distribution, so you need to install the readline development libraries

On Debian based platforms, like Ubuntu, you can run:

sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev 

and that should install the correct headers in the correct places,.

If you use a platform with yum, like SUSE, then the command should be:

yum install readline-devel

Move to next item using Java 8 foreach loop in stream

The lambda you are passing to forEach() is evaluated for each element received from the stream. The iteration itself is not visible from within the scope of the lambda, so you cannot continue it as if forEach() were a C preprocessor macro. Instead, you can conditionally skip the rest of the statements in it.

How to read a file in Groovy into a string?

Here you can Find some other way to do the same.

Read file.

File file1 = new File("C:\Build\myfolder\myTestfile.txt");
def String yourData = file1.readLines();

Read Full file.

File file1 = new File("C:\Build\myfolder\myfile.txt");
def String yourData= file1.getText();

Read file Line Bye Line.

File file1 = new File("C:\Build\myfolder\myTestfile.txt");
for (def i=0;i<=30;i++) // specify how many line need to read eg.. 30
{ file1.readLines().get(i)


Create a new file.

new File("C:\Temp\FileName.txt").createNewFile();

How does the class_weight parameter in scikit-learn work?

The first answer is good for understanding how it works. But I wanted to understand how I should be using it in practice.


  • for moderately imbalanced data WITHOUT noise, there is not much of a difference in applying class weights
  • for moderately imbalanced data WITH noise and strongly imbalanced, it is better to apply class weights
  • param class_weight="balanced" works decent in the absence of you wanting to optimize manually
  • with class_weight="balanced" you capture more true events (higher TRUE recall) but also you are more likely to get false alerts (lower TRUE precision)
    • as a result, the total % TRUE might be higher than actual because of all the false positives
    • AUC might misguide you here if the false alarms are an issue
  • no need to change decision threshold to the imbalance %, even for strong imbalance, ok to keep 0.5 (or somewhere around that depending on what you need)


The result might differ when using RF or GBM. sklearn does not have class_weight="balanced" for GBM but lightgbm has LGBMClassifier(is_unbalance=False)


# scikit-learn==0.21.3
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score, classification_report
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# case: moderate imbalance
X, y = datasets.make_classification(n_samples=50*15, n_features=5, n_informative=2, n_redundant=0, random_state=1, weights=[0.8]) #,flip_y=0.1,class_sep=0.5)
np.mean(y) # 0.2

LogisticRegression(C=1e9).fit(X,y).predict(X).mean() # 0.184
(LogisticRegression(C=1e9).fit(X,y).predict_proba(X)[:,1]>0.5).mean() # 0.184 => same as first
LogisticRegression(C=1e9,class_weight={0:0.5,1:0.5}).fit(X,y).predict(X).mean() # 0.184 => same as first
LogisticRegression(C=1e9,class_weight={0:2,1:8}).fit(X,y).predict(X).mean() # 0.296 => seems to make things worse?
LogisticRegression(C=1e9,class_weight="balanced").fit(X,y).predict(X).mean() # 0.292 => seems to make things worse?

roc_auc_score(y,LogisticRegression(C=1e9).fit(X,y).predict(X)) # 0.83
roc_auc_score(y,LogisticRegression(C=1e9,class_weight={0:2,1:8}).fit(X,y).predict(X)) # 0.86 => about the same
roc_auc_score(y,LogisticRegression(C=1e9,class_weight="balanced").fit(X,y).predict(X)) # 0.86 => about the same

# case: strong imbalance
X, y = datasets.make_classification(n_samples=50*15, n_features=5, n_informative=2, n_redundant=0, random_state=1, weights=[0.95])
np.mean(y) # 0.06

LogisticRegression(C=1e9).fit(X,y).predict(X).mean() # 0.02
(LogisticRegression(C=1e9).fit(X,y).predict_proba(X)[:,1]>0.5).mean() # 0.02 => same as first
LogisticRegression(C=1e9,class_weight={0:0.5,1:0.5}).fit(X,y).predict(X).mean() # 0.02 => same as first
LogisticRegression(C=1e9,class_weight={0:1,1:20}).fit(X,y).predict(X).mean() # 0.25 => huh??
LogisticRegression(C=1e9,class_weight="balanced").fit(X,y).predict(X).mean() # 0.22 => huh??
(LogisticRegression(C=1e9,class_weight="balanced").fit(X,y).predict_proba(X)[:,1]>0.5).mean() # same as last

roc_auc_score(y,LogisticRegression(C=1e9).fit(X,y).predict(X)) # 0.64
roc_auc_score(y,LogisticRegression(C=1e9,class_weight={0:1,1:20}).fit(X,y).predict(X)) # 0.84 => much better
roc_auc_score(y,LogisticRegression(C=1e9,class_weight="balanced").fit(X,y).predict(X)) # 0.85 => similar to manual
roc_auc_score(y,(LogisticRegression(C=1e9,class_weight="balanced").fit(X,y).predict_proba(X)[:,1]>0.5).astype(int)) # same as last

pd.crosstab(y,LogisticRegression(C=1e9).fit(X,y).predict(X),margins=True,normalize='index') # few prediced TRUE with only 28% TRUE recall and 86% TRUE precision so 6%*28%~=2%

pd.crosstab(y,LogisticRegression(C=1e9,class_weight="balanced").fit(X,y).predict(X),margins=True,normalize='index') # 88% TRUE recall but also lot of false positives with only 23% TRUE precision, making total predicted % TRUE > actual % TRUE

How to have multiple conditions for one if statement in python

Assuming you're passing in strings rather than integers, try casting the arguments to integers:

def example(arg1, arg2, arg3):
     if int(arg1) == 1 and int(arg2) == 2 and int(arg3) == 3:
          print("Example Text")

(Edited to emphasize I'm not asking for clarification; I was trying to be diplomatic in my answer. )

Oracle Convert Seconds to Hours:Minutes:Seconds

The following code is less complex and gives the same result. Note that 'X' is the number of seconds to be converted to hours.

In Oracle use:

               ) hr

In SqlServer use:

SELECT CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD(s, X, 0), 108);

How to run mvim (MacVim) from Terminal?

If you already have macVim installed: /Applications/ -g will give you macVim GUI.

just add an alias.

i use gvim because that is what i use on linux for gnome-vim.

alias gvim='/Applications/ -g'

Promise.all().then() resolve?

Your return data approach is correct, that's an example of promise chaining. If you return a promise from your .then() callback, JavaScript will resolve that promise and pass the data to the next then() callback.

Just be careful and make sure you handle errors with .catch(). Promise.all() rejects as soon as one of the promises in the array rejects.

Parsing ISO 8601 date in Javascript

According to MSDN, the JavaScript Date object does not provide any specific date formatting methods (as you may see with other programming languages). However, you can use a few of the Date methods and formatting to accomplish your goal:

function dateToString (date) {
  // Use an array to format the month numbers
  var months = [

  // Use an object to format the timezone identifiers
  var timeZones = {
    "360": "EST",

  var month = months[date.getMonth()];
  var day = date.getDate();
  var year = date.getFullYear();

  var hours = date.getHours();
  var minutes = date.getMinutes();
  var time = (hours > 11 ? (hours - 11) : (hours + 1)) + ":" + minutes + (hours > 11 ? "PM" : "AM");
  var timezone = timeZones[date.getTimezoneOffset()];

  // Returns formatted date as string (e.g. January 28, 2011 - 7:30PM EST)
  return month + " " + day + ", " + year + " - " + time + " " + timezone;

var date = new Date("2011-01-28T19:30:00-05:00");


You could even take it one step further and override the Date.toString() method:

function dateToString () { // No date argument this time
  // Use an array to format the month numbers
  var months = [

  // Use an object to format the timezone identifiers
  var timeZones = {
    "360": "EST",

  var month = months[*this*.getMonth()];
  var day = *this*.getDate();
  var year = *this*.getFullYear();

  var hours = *this*.getHours();
  var minutes = *this*.getMinutes();
  var time = (hours > 11 ? (hours - 11) : (hours + 1)) + ":" + minutes + (hours > 11 ? "PM" : "AM");
  var timezone = timeZones[*this*.getTimezoneOffset()];

  // Returns formatted date as string (e.g. January 28, 2011 - 7:30PM EST)
  return month + " " + day + ", " + year + " - " + time + " " + timezone;

var date = new Date("2011-01-28T19:30:00-05:00");
Date.prototype.toString = dateToString;


@Autowired - No qualifying bean of type found for dependency at least 1 bean

I believe for @Service you have to add qualifier name like below :

@Service("employeeService") should solve your issue

or after @Service you should add @Qualifier annontion like below :


OR operator in switch-case?

Switch is not same as if-else-if.

Switch is used when there is one expression that gets evaluated to a value and that value can be one of predefined set of values. If you need to perform multiple boolean / comparions operations run-time then if-else-if needs to be used.

Local file access with JavaScript

If the user selects a file via <input type="file">, you can read and process that file using the File API.

Reading or writing arbitrary files is not allowed by design. It's a violation of the sandbox. From Wikipedia -> Javascript -> Security:

JavaScript and the DOM provide the potential for malicious authors to deliver scripts to run on a client computer via the web. Browser authors contain this risk using two restrictions. First, scripts run in a sandbox in which they can only perform web-related actions, not general-purpose programming tasks like creating files.

2016 UPDATE: Accessing the filesystem directly is possible via the Filesystem API, which is only supported by Chrome and Opera and may end up not being implemented by other browsers (with the exception of Edge). For details see Kevin's answer.

A SELECT statement that assigns a value to a variable must not be combined with data-retrieval operations

You cannot use a select statement that assigns values to variables to also return data to the user The below code will work fine, because i have declared 1 local variable and that variable is used in select statement.

    DECLARE @name nvarchar(max)
    select @name=PolicyHolderName from Table
    select @name

The below code will throw error "A SELECT statement that assigns a value to a variable must not be combined with data-retrieval operations" Because we are retriving data(PolicyHolderAddress) from table, but error says data-retrieval operation is not allowed when you use some local variable as part of select statement.

    DECLARE @name nvarchar(max)
       @name = PolicyHolderName,
    from Table

The the above code can be corrected like below,

    DECLARE @name nvarchar(max)
    DECLARE @address varchar(100)
       @name = PolicyHolderName,
       @address = PolicyHolderAddress 
    from Table

So either remove the data-retrieval operation or add extra local variable. This will resolve the error.

Alter column, add default constraint

You're specifying the table name twice. The ALTER TABLE part names the table. Try: Alter table TableName alter column [Date] default getutcdate()

How to set a header in an HTTP response?

In my Controller, I merely added an HttpServletResponse parameter and manually added the headers, no filter or intercept required and it works fine:

httpServletResponse.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
httpServletResponse.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, OPTIONS");
httpServletResponse.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers","Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, X-Auth-Token, X-Csrf-Token, WWW-Authenticate, Authorization");
httpServletResponse.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "false");
httpServletResponse.setHeader("Access-Control-Max-Age", "3600");

NSDictionary - Need to check whether dictionary contains key-value pair or not

With literal syntax you can check as follows

static const NSString* kKeyToCheck = @"yourKey"
if (xyz[kKeyToCheck])
  NSLog(@"Key: %@, has Value: %@", kKeyToCheck, xyz[kKeyToCheck]);
 NSLog(@"Key pair do not exits for key: %@", kKeyToCheck); 

On Duplicate Key Update same as insert

Here is a solution to your problem:

I've tried to solve problem like yours & I want to suggest to test from simple aspect.

Follow these steps: Learn from simple solution.

Step 1: Create a table schema using this SQL Query:

  `username` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
  `password` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
  `status` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `no_duplicate` (`username`,`password`)

A table <code>user</code> with data

Step 2: Create an index of two columns to prevent duplicate data using following SQL Query:

ALTER TABLE `user` ADD INDEX no_duplicate (`username`, `password`);

or, Create an index of two column from GUI as follows: Create index from GUI Select columns to create index Indexes of table <code>user</code>

Step 3: Update if exist, insert if not using following queries:

INSERT INTO `user`(`username`, `password`) VALUES ('ersks','Nepal') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `username`='master',`password`='Nepal';

INSERT INTO `user`(`username`, `password`) VALUES ('master','Nepal') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `username`='ersks',`password`='Nepal';

Table <code>user</code> after running above query

Rails has_many with alias name

You could do this two different ways. One is by using "as"

has_many :tasks, :as => :jobs


def jobs

Obviously the first one would be the best way to handle it.

Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: Yes) after password reset LINUX

I had the same problem. You have to write mysql -u root -p

NOT mysql or mysql -u root -p root_password

how to detect search engine bots with php?

If you really need to detect GOOGLE engine bots you should never rely on "user_agent" or "IP" address because "user_agent" can be changed and acording to what google said in: Verifying Googlebot

To verify Googlebot as the caller:

1.Run a reverse DNS lookup on the accessing IP address from your logs, using the host command.

2.Verify that the domain name is in either or

3.Run a forward DNS lookup on the domain name retrieved in step 1 using the host command on the retrieved domain name. Verify that it is the same as the original accessing IP address from your logs.

Here is my tested code :

$hostname = gethostbyaddr($remote_add);
$googlebot = '';
$google = '';
if (stripos(strrev($hostname), strrev($googlebot)) === 0 or stripos(strrev($hostname),strrev($google)) === 0 ) 
//add your code


In this code we check "hostname" which should contain "" or "" at the end of "hostname" which is really important to check exact domain not subdomain. I hope you enjoy ;)

Java Returning method which returns arraylist?

You can use on another class

public ArrayList<Integer> myNumbers = new Foo().myNumbers();


Foo myClass = new Foo();
 public ArrayList<Integer> myNumbers = myclass.myNumbers();

Inserting line breaks into PDF

Maybe it´s too late but I solved this issue in a very simple way, I am using the Multicell option and the text come from a form, if I use an input field to get the text I can´t insert line breaks in any way, but if use a textarea field, the line breaks in the text area are line breaks in the multicell ... and that´s it, it works even if I use utf8_encode($text) option to preserve accents

Generating random integer from a range

Notice that in most suggestions the initial random value that you have got from rand() function, which is typically from 0 to RAND_MAX, is simply wasted. You are creating only one random number out of it, while there is a sound procedure that can give you more.

Assume that you want [min,max] region of integer random numbers. We start from [0, max-min]

Take base b=max-min+1

Start from representing a number you got from rand() in base b.

That way you have got floor(log(b,RAND_MAX)) because each digit in base b, except possibly the last one, represents a random number in the range [0, max-min].

Of course the final shift to [min,max] is simple for each random number r+min.

int n = NUM_DIGIT-1;
while(n >= 0)
    r[n] = res % b;
    res -= r[n];
    res /= b;

If NUM_DIGIT is the number of digit in base b that you can extract and that is

NUM_DIGIT = floor(log(b,RAND_MAX))

then the above is as a simple implementation of extracting NUM_DIGIT random numbers from 0 to b-1 out of one RAND_MAX random number providing b < RAND_MAX.

How to submit a form using Enter key in react.js?

I've built up on @user1032613's answer and on this answer and created a "on press enter click element with querystring" hook. enjoy!

const { useEffect } = require("react");

const useEnterKeyListener = ({ querySelectorToExecuteClick }) => {
    useEffect(() => {
        const listener = (event) => {
            if (event.code === "Enter" || event.code === "NumpadEnter") {

        document.addEventListener("keydown", listener);

        return () => {
            document.removeEventListener("keydown", listener);
    }, []);

    const handlePressEnter = () => {
        const mouseClickEvents = ["mousedown", "click", "mouseup"];
        function simulateMouseClick(element) {
            mouseClickEvents.forEach((mouseEventType) =>
                    new MouseEvent(mouseEventType, {
                        view: window,
                        bubbles: true,
                        cancelable: true,
                        buttons: 1,

        var element = document.querySelector(querySelectorToExecuteClick);

export default useEnterKeyListener;

This is how you use it:

    querySelectorToExecuteClick: "#submitButton",

can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float'

for i in growthRates:  
    fund = fund * (1 + 0.01 * growthRates) + depositPerYear

should be:

for i in growthRates:  
    fund = fund * (1 + 0.01 * i) + depositPerYear

You are multiplying 0.01 with the growthRates list object. Multiplying a list by an integer is valid (it's overloaded syntactic sugar that allows you to create an extended a list with copies of its element references).


>>> 2 * [1,2]
[1, 2, 1, 2]

Git push requires username and password

I just came across the same problem, and the simplest solution I found was to use SSH URL instead of HTTPS one:

ssh://[email protected]/username/repo.git

And not this:

You can now validate with just the SSH key instead of the username and password.

Best way to Format a Double value to 2 Decimal places

No, there is no better way.

Actually you have an error in your pattern. What you want is:

DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.00"); 

Note the "00", meaning exactly two decimal places.

If you use "#.##" (# means "optional" digit), it will drop trailing zeroes - ie new DecimalFormat("#.##").format(3.0d); prints just "3", not "3.00".

Printing Even and Odd using two Threads in Java

Use this following very simple JAVA 8 Runnable Class feature

public class MultiThreadExample {

static AtomicInteger atomicNumber = new AtomicInteger(1);

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Runnable print = () -> {
        while (atomicNumber.get() < 10) {
            synchronized (atomicNumber) {
                if ((atomicNumber.get() % 2 == 0) && "Even".equals(Thread.currentThread().getName())) {
                    System.out.println("Even" + ":" + atomicNumber.getAndIncrement());
                } else if ((atomicNumber.get() % 2 != 0) && "Odd".equals(Thread.currentThread().getName())) {
                    System.out.println("Odd" + ":" + atomicNumber.getAndIncrement());

    Thread t1 = new Thread(print);
    Thread t2 = new Thread(print);


Get only specific attributes with from Laravel Collection

This avoid to load unised attributes, directly from db:

DB::table('roles')->pluck('title', 'name');

References: (search for pluck)

Maybe next you can apply toArray() if you need such format

Test for multiple cases in a switch, like an OR (||)

You can use fall-through:

switch (pageid)
    case "listing-page":
    case "home-page":
    case "details-page":

Android - java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: starting Intent

I was facing this issue on a react-native project and it came after adding a splash screen activity and making it the launcher activity.

This is the change i made in my android manifest XML file on the MainActivity configuration.

      <activity android:name="com.facebook.react.devsupport.DevSettingsActivity" />

I added the android:exported=true and the activity configuration looked like this.

      <activity android:name="com.facebook.react.devsupport.DevSettingsActivity" />_x000D_

How to write connection string in web.config file and read from it?

Try to use WebConfigurationManager instead of ConfigurationManager

Createuser: could not connect to database postgres: FATAL: role "tom" does not exist

I had the same issue, i just do this

sudo su - postgres

createuser odoo -U postgres -dRSP #P for password (odoo or user name that you want o give the postgres access)

How to get IntPtr from byte[] in C#

IntPtr GetIntPtr(Byte[] byteBuf)
    IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(byteBuf.Length);
    for (int i = 0; i < byteBuf.Length; i++)
       Marshal.WriteByte(ptr, i, byteBuf[i]);
    return ptr;