Programs & Examples On #Eclipse rap

The Eclipse Remote Application Platform lets you build rich, Ajax-enabled Web applications by using the Eclipse development model/ Use this tag for questions which are specific to RAP rather than general SWT questions.

Add one year in current date PYTHON

You can use Python-dateutil's relativedelta to increment a datetime object while remaining sensitive to things like leap years and month lengths. Python-dateutil comes packaged with matplotlib if you already have that. You can do the following:

from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta

new_date = old_date + relativedelta(years=1)

(This answer was given by @Max to a similar question).

But if your date is a string (i.e. not already a datetime object) you can convert it using datetime:

from datetime import datetime
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta

your_date_string = "April 1, 2012"
format_string = "%B %d, %Y"

datetime_object = datetime.strptime(your_date_string, format_string).date()
new_date = datetime_object + relativedelta(years=1)
new_date_string = datetime.strftime(new_date, format_string).replace(' 0', ' ')

new_date_string will contain "April 1, 2013".

NB: Unfortunately, datetime only outputs day values as "decimal numbers" - i.e. with leading zeros if they're single digit numbers. The .replace() at the end is a workaround to deal with this issue copied from @Alex Martelli (see this question for his and other approaches to this problem).

How can I calculate divide and modulo for integers in C#?

Fun fact!

The 'modulus' operation is defined as:

a % n ==> a - (a/n) * n

Ref:Modular Arithmetic

So you could roll your own, although it will be FAR slower than the built in % operator:

public static int Mod(int a, int n)
    return a - (int)((double)a / n) * n;

Edit: wow, misspoke rather badly here originally, thanks @joren for catching me

Now here I'm relying on the fact that division + cast-to-int in C# is equivalent to Math.Floor (i.e., it drops the fraction), but a "true" implementation would instead be something like:

public static int Mod(int a, int n)
    return a - (int)Math.Floor((double)a / n) * n;

In fact, you can see the differences between % and "true modulus" with the following:

var modTest =
    from a in Enumerable.Range(-3, 6)
    from b in Enumerable.Range(-3, 6)
    where b != 0
    let op = (a % b)
    let mod = Mod(a,b)
    let areSame = op == mod
    select new 
        A = a,
        B = b,
        Operator = op, 
        Mod = mod, 
        Same = areSame
Console.WriteLine("A      B     A%B   Mod(A,B)   Equal?");
foreach (var result in modTest)
        "{0,-3} | {1,-3} | {2,-5} | {3,-10} | {4,-6}", 


A      B     A%B   Mod(A,B)   Equal?
-3  | -3  | 0     | 0          | True  
-3  | -2  | -1    | -1         | True  
-3  | -1  | 0     | 0          | True  
-3  | 1   | 0     | 0          | True  
-3  | 2   | -1    | 1          | False 
-2  | -3  | -2    | -2         | True  
-2  | -2  | 0     | 0          | True  
-2  | -1  | 0     | 0          | True  
-2  | 1   | 0     | 0          | True  
-2  | 2   | 0     | 0          | True  
-1  | -3  | -1    | -1         | True  
-1  | -2  | -1    | -1         | True  
-1  | -1  | 0     | 0          | True  
-1  | 1   | 0     | 0          | True  
-1  | 2   | -1    | 1          | False 
0   | -3  | 0     | 0          | True  
0   | -2  | 0     | 0          | True  
0   | -1  | 0     | 0          | True  
0   | 1   | 0     | 0          | True  
0   | 2   | 0     | 0          | True  
1   | -3  | 1     | -2         | False 
1   | -2  | 1     | -1         | False 
1   | -1  | 0     | 0          | True  
1   | 1   | 0     | 0          | True  
1   | 2   | 1     | 1          | True  
2   | -3  | 2     | -1         | False 
2   | -2  | 0     | 0          | True  
2   | -1  | 0     | 0          | True  
2   | 1   | 0     | 0          | True  
2   | 2   | 0     | 0          | True  

Spring 3 RequestMapping: Get path value

This has been here quite a while but posting this. Might be useful for someone.

@RequestMapping( "/{id}/**" )
public void foo( @PathVariable String id, HttpServletRequest request ) {
    String urlTail = new AntPathMatcher()
            .extractPathWithinPattern( "/{id}/**", request.getRequestURI() );

How to maintain a Unique List in Java?

You could just use a HashSet<String> to maintain a collection of unique objects. If the Integer values in your map are important, then you can instead use the containsKey method of maps to test whether your key is already in the map.

How to download videos from youtube on java?

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.logging.Formatter;
import java.util.logging.Handler;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.LogRecord;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.NameValuePair;
import org.apache.http.client.CookieStore;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
import org.apache.http.client.protocol.ClientContext;
import org.apache.http.client.utils.URIUtils;
import org.apache.http.client.utils.URLEncodedUtils;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicCookieStore;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair;
import org.apache.http.protocol.BasicHttpContext;
import org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext;

public class JavaYoutubeDownloader {

 public static String newline = System.getProperty("line.separator");
 private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(JavaYoutubeDownloader.class.getCanonicalName());
 private static final Level defaultLogLevelSelf = Level.FINER;
 private static final Level defaultLogLevel = Level.WARNING;
 private static final Logger rootlog = Logger.getLogger("");
 private static final String scheme = "http";
 private static final String host = "";
 private static final Pattern commaPattern = Pattern.compile(",");
 private static final Pattern pipePattern = Pattern.compile("\\|");
 private static final char[] ILLEGAL_FILENAME_CHARACTERS = { '/', '\n', '\r', '\t', '\0', '\f', '`', '?', '*', '\\', '<', '>', '|', '\"', ':' };

 private static void usage(String error) {
  if (error != null) {
   System.err.println("Error: " + error);
  System.err.println("usage: JavaYoutubeDownload VIDEO_ID DESTINATION_DIRECTORY");

 public static void main(String[] args) {
  if (args == null || args.length == 0) {
   usage("Missing video id. Extract from");
  try {

   String videoId = null;
   String outdir = ".";
   // TODO Ghetto command line parsing
   if (args.length == 1) {
    videoId = args[0];
   } else if (args.length == 2) {
    videoId = args[0];
    outdir = args[1];

   int format = 18; //
   String encoding = "UTF-8";
   String userAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.13";
   File outputDir = new File(outdir);
   String extension = getExtension(format);

   play(videoId, format, encoding, userAgent, outputDir, extension);

  } catch (Throwable t) {

 private static String getExtension(int format) {
  // TODO
  return "mp4";

 private static void play(String videoId, int format, String encoding, String userAgent, File outputdir, String extension) throws Throwable {
  log.fine("Retrieving " + videoId);
  List<NameValuePair> qparams = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
  qparams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("video_id", videoId));
  qparams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("fmt", "" + format));
  URI uri = getUri("get_video_info", qparams);

  CookieStore cookieStore = new BasicCookieStore();
  HttpContext localContext = new BasicHttpContext();
  localContext.setAttribute(ClientContext.COOKIE_STORE, cookieStore);

  HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
  HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet(uri);
  httpget.setHeader("User-Agent", userAgent);

  log.finer("Executing " + uri);
  HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httpget, localContext);
  HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
  if (entity != null && response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200) {
   InputStream instream = entity.getContent();
   String videoInfo = getStringFromInputStream(encoding, instream);
   if (videoInfo != null && videoInfo.length() > 0) {
    List<NameValuePair> infoMap = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
    URLEncodedUtils.parse(infoMap, new Scanner(videoInfo), encoding);
    String token = null;
    String downloadUrl = null;
    String filename = videoId;

    for (NameValuePair pair : infoMap) {
     String key = pair.getName();
     String val = pair.getValue();
     log.finest(key + "=" + val);
     if (key.equals("token")) {
      token = val;
     } else if (key.equals("title")) {
      filename = val;
     } else if (key.equals("fmt_url_map")) {
      String[] formats = commaPattern.split(val);
      for (String fmt : formats) {
       String[] fmtPieces = pipePattern.split(fmt);
       if (fmtPieces.length == 2) {
        // in the end, download somethin!
        downloadUrl = fmtPieces[1];
        int pieceFormat = Integer.parseInt(fmtPieces[0]);
        if (pieceFormat == format) {
         // found what we want
         downloadUrl = fmtPieces[1];

    filename = cleanFilename(filename);
    if (filename.length() == 0) {
     filename = videoId;
    } else {
     filename += "_" + videoId;
    filename += "." + extension;
    File outputfile = new File(outputdir, filename);

    if (downloadUrl != null) {
     downloadWithHttpClient(userAgent, downloadUrl, outputfile);

 private static void downloadWithHttpClient(String userAgent, String downloadUrl, File outputfile) throws Throwable {
  HttpGet httpget2 = new HttpGet(downloadUrl);
  httpget2.setHeader("User-Agent", userAgent);

  log.finer("Executing " + httpget2.getURI());
  HttpClient httpclient2 = new DefaultHttpClient();
  HttpResponse response2 = httpclient2.execute(httpget2);
  HttpEntity entity2 = response2.getEntity();
  if (entity2 != null && response2.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200) {
   long length = entity2.getContentLength();
   InputStream instream2 = entity2.getContent();
   log.finer("Writing " + length + " bytes to " + outputfile);
   if (outputfile.exists()) {
   FileOutputStream outstream = new FileOutputStream(outputfile);
   try {
    byte[] buffer = new byte[2048];
    int count = -1;
    while ((count = != -1) {
     outstream.write(buffer, 0, count);
   } finally {

 private static String cleanFilename(String filename) {
   filename = filename.replace(c, '_');
  return filename;

 private static URI getUri(String path, List<NameValuePair> qparams) throws URISyntaxException {
  URI uri = URIUtils.createURI(scheme, host, -1, "/" + path, URLEncodedUtils.format(qparams, "UTF-8"), null);
  return uri;

 private static void setupLogging() {
  changeFormatter(new Formatter() {
   public String format(LogRecord arg0) {
    return arg0.getMessage() + newline;

 private static void changeFormatter(Formatter formatter) {
  Handler[] handlers = rootlog.getHandlers();
  for (Handler handler : handlers) {

 private static void explicitlySetAllLogging(Level level) {
  for (Handler handler : rootlog.getHandlers()) {

 private static String getStringFromInputStream(String encoding, InputStream instream) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException {
  Writer writer = new StringWriter();

  char[] buffer = new char[1024];
  try {
   Reader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(instream, encoding));
   int n;
   while ((n = != -1) {
    writer.write(buffer, 0, n);
  } finally {
  String result = writer.toString();
  return result;

 * <pre>
 * Exploded results from get_video_info:
 * fexp=90...
 * allow_embed=1
 * fmt_stream_map=35|http://v9.lscache8...
 * fmt_url_map=35|http://v9.lscache8...
 * allow_ratings=1
 * keywords=Stefan Molyneux,Luke Bessey,anarchy,stateless society,giant stone cow,the story of our unenslavement,market anarchy,voluntaryism,anarcho capitalism
 * track_embed=0
 * fmt_list=35/854x480/9/0/115,34/640x360/9/0/115,18/640x360/9/0/115,5/320x240/7/0/0
 * author=lukebessey
 * muted=0
 * length_seconds=390
 * plid=AA...
 * ftoken=null
 * status=ok
 * watermark=,
 * timestamp=12...
 * has_cc=False
 * fmt_map=35/854x480/9/0/115,34/640x360/9/0/115,18/640x360/9/0/115,5/320x240/7/0/0
 * leanback_module=
 * hl=en_US
 * endscreen_module=
 * vq=auto
 * avg_rating=5.0
 * video_id=S6IZP3yRJ9I
 * token=vPpcFNh...
 * thumbnail_url=
 * title=The Story of Our Unenslavement - Animated
 * </pre>

Should I declare Jackson's ObjectMapper as a static field?

Yes, that is safe and recommended.

The only caveat from the page you referred is that you can't be modifying configuration of the mapper once it is shared; but you are not changing configuration so that is fine. If you did need to change configuration, you would do that from the static block and it would be fine as well.

EDIT: (2013/10)

With 2.0 and above, above can be augmented by noting that there is an even better way: use ObjectWriter and ObjectReader objects, which can be constructed by ObjectMapper. They are fully immutable, thread-safe, meaning that it is not even theoretically possible to cause thread-safety issues (which can occur with ObjectMapper if code tries to re-configure instance).

How to stretch a fixed number of horizontal navigation items evenly and fully across a specified container

Instead of defining the width, you could just put a margin-left on your li, so that the spacing is consistent, and just make sure the margin(s)+li fit within 900px.

nav li {
  line-height: 87px;
  float: left;
  text-align: center;
  margin-left: 35px;

Hope this helps.

Run local java applet in browser (chrome/firefox) "Your security settings have blocked a local application from running"

Go to java control tab>java control pannel>click security tab>down the security level to medium. Then applet progrramme after 2to 3 security promt it will run.

Get response from PHP file using AJAX

<?php echo 'apple'; ?> is pretty much literally all you need on the server.

as for the JS side, the output of the server-side script is passed as a parameter to the success handler function, so you'd have

success: function(data) {
   alert(data); // apple

The simplest way to comma-delimit a list?

StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

for (int i = 0; i < myList.size(); i++)
    if (i > 0) 
        sb.append(", ");


What are the undocumented features and limitations of the Windows FINDSTR command?

findstr sometimes hangs unexpectedly when searching large files.

I haven't confirmed the exact conditions or boundary sizes. I suspect any file larger 2GB may be at risk.

I have had mixed experiences with this, so it is more than just file size. This looks like it may be a variation on FINDSTR hangs on XP and Windows 7 if redirected input does not end with LF, but as demonstrated this particular problem manifests when input is not redirected.

The following command line session (Windows 7) demonstrates how findstr can hang when searching a 3GB file.

C:\Data\Temp\2014-04>echo 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890> T100B.txt

C:\Data\Temp\2014-04>for /L %i in (1,1,10) do @type T100B.txt >> T1KB.txt

C:\Data\Temp\2014-04>for /L %i in (1,1,1000) do @type T1KB.txt >> T1MB.txt

C:\Data\Temp\2014-04>for /L %i in (1,1,1000) do @type T1MB.txt >> T1GB.txt

C:\Data\Temp\2014-04>echo find this line>> T1GB.txt

C:\Data\Temp\2014-04>copy T1GB.txt + T1GB.txt + T1GB.txt T3GB.txt
        1 file(s) copied.

 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is D2B2-FFDF

 Directory of C:\Data\Temp\2014-04

2014/04/08  04:28 PM    <DIR>          .
2014/04/08  04:28 PM    <DIR>          ..
2014/04/08  04:22 PM               102 T100B.txt
2014/04/08  04:28 PM     1 020 000 016 T1GB.txt
2014/04/08  04:23 PM             1 020 T1KB.txt
2014/04/08  04:23 PM         1 020 000 T1MB.txt
2014/04/08  04:29 PM     3 060 000 049 T3GB.txt
               5 File(s)  4 081 021 187 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  51 881 050 112 bytes free
C:\Data\Temp\2014-04>rem Findstr on the 1GB file does not hang

C:\Data\Temp\2014-04>findstr "this" T1GB.txt
find this line

C:\Data\Temp\2014-04>rem On the 3GB file, findstr hangs and must be aborted... even though it clearly reaches end of file

C:\Data\Temp\2014-04>findstr "this" T3GB.txt
find this line
find this line
find this line

Note, I've verified in a hex editor that all lines are terminated with CRLF. The only anomaly is that the file is terminated with 0x1A due to the way copy works. Note however, that this anomaly doesn't cause a problem on "small" files.

With additional testing I have confirmed the following:

  • Using copy with the /b option for binary files prevents the addition of the 0x1A character, and findstr doesn't hang on the 3GB file.
  • Terminating the 3GB file with a different character also causes a findstr to hang.
  • The 0x1A character doesn't cause any problems on a "small" file. (Similarly for other terminating characters.)
  • Adding CRLF after 0x1A resolves the problem. (LF by itself would probably suffice.)
  • Using type to pipe the file into findstr works without hanging. (This might be due to a side effect of either type or | that inserts an additional End Of Line.)
  • Use redirected input < also causes findstr to hang. But this is expected; as explained in dbenham's post: "redirected input must end in LF".

Using Chrome, how to find to which events are bound to an element

Using Chrome 15.0.865.0 dev. There's an "Event Listeners" section on the Elements panel:

enter image description here

And an "Event Listeners Breakpoints" on the Scripts panel. Use a Mouse -> click breakpoint and then "step into next function call" while keeping an eye on the call stack to see what userland function handles the event. Ideally, you'd replace the minified version of jQuery with an unminified one so that you don't have to step in all the time, and use step over when possible.

enter image description here

String.format() to format double in java

String.format("%1$,.2f", myDouble);

String.format automatically uses the default locale.

Java Array, Finding Duplicates

You can also work with Set, which doesn't allow duplicates in Java..

    for (String name : names)
      if (set.add(name) == false) 
         { // your duplicate element }

using add() method and check return value. If add() returns false it means that element is not allowed in the Set and that is your duplicate.

Select elements by attribute in CSS

You can combine multiple selectors and this is so cool knowing that you can select every attribute and attribute based on their value like href based on their values with CSS only..

Attributes selectors allows you play around some extra with id and class attributes

Here is an awesome read on Attribute Selectors


a[href=""][title="Aamir"] {_x000D_
  color: green;_x000D_
  text-decoration: none;_x000D_
a[id*="google"] {_x000D_
  color: red;_x000D_
a[class*="stack"] {_x000D_
  color: yellow;_x000D_
<a href="" title="Aamir">Aamir</a>_x000D_
<a href="" id="google-link" title="Google">Google</a>_x000D_
<a href="" class="stack-link" title="stack">stack</a>

Browser support:
IE6+, Chrome, Firefox & Safari

You can check detail here.

jQuery CSS Opacity

jQuery('#main').css('opacity') = '0.6';

should be

jQuery('#main').css('opacity', '0.6');

Update: if you type in the text box. Click away, the opacity changes.

nginx missing sites-available directory

If you'd prefer a more direct approach, one that does NOT mess with symlinking between /etc/nginx/sites-available and /etc/nginx/sites-enabled, do the following:

  1. Locate your nginx.conf file. Likely at /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
  2. Find the http block.
  3. Somewhere in the http block, write include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf; This tells nginx to pull in any files in the conf.d directory that end in .conf. (I know: it's weird that a directory can have a . in it.)
  4. Create the conf.d directory if it doesn't already exist (per the path in step 3). Be sure to give it the right permissions/ownership. Likely root or www-data.
  5. Move or copy your separate config files (just like you have in /etc/nginx/sites-available) into the directory conf.d.
  6. Reload or restart nginx.
  7. Eat an ice cream cone.

Any .conf files that you put into the conf.d directory from here on out will become active as long as you reload/restart nginx after.

Note: You can use the conf.d and sites-enabled + sites-available method concurrently if you wish. I like to test on my dev box using conf.d. Feels faster than symlinking and unsymlinking.

How to install "ifconfig" command in my ubuntu docker image?

You could also consider:

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y iputils-ping

(as Contango comments: you must first run apt-get update, to avoid error with missing repository).

See "Replacing ifconfig with ip"

it is most often recommended to move forward with the command that has replaced ifconfig. That command is ip, and it does a great job of stepping in for the out-of-date ifconfig.

But as seen in "Getting a Docker container's IP address from the host", using docker inspect can be more useful depending on your use case.

Node.js getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND

I got this error when going from development environment to production environment. I was obsessed with putting https:// on all links. This is not necessary, so it may be a solution for some.

ImportError: No module named six

In my case, six was installed for python 2.7 and for 3.7 too, and both pip install six and pip3 install six reported it as already installed, while I still had apps (particularly, the apt program itself) complaining about missing six.

The solution was to install it for python3.6 specifically:

/usr/bin/python3.6 -m pip install six

mongoError: Topology was destroyed

It seems to mean your node server's connection to your MongoDB instance was interrupted while it was trying to write to it.

Take a look at the Mongo source code that generates that error

Mongos.prototype.insert = function(ns, ops, options, callback) {
    if(typeof options == 'function') callback = options, options = {};
    if(this.s.state == DESTROYED) return callback(new MongoError(f('topology was destroyed')));
    // Topology is not connected, save the call in the provided store to be
    // Executed at some point when the handler deems it's reconnected
    if(!this.isConnected() && this.s.disconnectHandler != null) {
      callback = bindToCurrentDomain(callback);
      return this.s.disconnectHandler.add('insert', ns, ops, options, callback);

    executeWriteOperation(this.s, 'insert', ns, ops, options, callback);

This does not appear to be related to the Sails issue cited in the comments, as no upgrades were installed to precipitate the crash or the "fix"

System.Security.SecurityException when writing to Event Log

I hit similar issue - in my case Source contained <, > characters. 64 bit machines are using new even log - xml base I would say and these characters (set from string) create invalid xml which causes exception. Arguably this should be consider Microsoft issue - not handling the Source (name/string) correctly.

Excel: Use a cell value as a parameter for a SQL query

The SQL is somewhat like the syntax of MS SQL.

SELECT * FROM [table$] WHERE *;

It is important that the table name is ended with a $ sign and the whole thing is put into brackets. As conditions you can use any value, but so far Excel didn't allow me to use what I call "SQL Apostrophes" (´), so a column title in one word is recommended.

If you have users listed in a table called "Users", and the id is in a column titled "id" and the name in a column titled "Name", your query will look like this:

SELECT Name FROM [Users$] WHERE id = 1;

Hope this helps.

How to set a Header field on POST a form?

Set a cookie value on the page, and then read it back server side.

You won't be able to set a specific header, but the value will be accessible in the headers section and not the content body.

Preprocessor check if multiple defines are not defined

FWIW, @SergeyL's answer is great, but here is a slight variant for testing. Note the change in logical or to logical and.

main.c has a main wrapper like this:

#if !defined(TEST_SPI) && !defined(TEST_SERIAL) && !defined(TEST_USB)
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  // the true main() routine.

spi.c, serial.c and usb.c have main wrappers for their respective test code like this:

#ifdef TEST_USB
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  // the  main() routine for testing the usb code.

config.h Which is included by all the c files has an entry like this:

// Uncomment below to test the serial
//#define TEST_SERIAL

// Uncomment below to test the spi code
//#define TEST_SPI

// Uncomment below to test the usb code
#define TEST_USB

How can I set multiple CSS styles in JavaScript?

Don't think it is possible as such.

But you could create an object out of the style definitions and just loop through them.

var allMyStyle = {
  fontsize: '12px',
  left: '200px',
  top: '100px'

for (i in allMyStyle)
  document.getElementById("myElement").style[i] = allMyStyle[i];

To develop further, make a function for it:

function setStyles(element, styles) {
  for (i in styles)[i] = styles[i];

setStyles(document.getElementById("myElement"), allMyStyle);

MySQL: How to copy rows, but change a few fields?

Let's say your table has two other columns: foo and bar

INSERT INTO Table (foo, bar, Event_ID)
SELECT foo, bar, "155"
  FROM Table
 WHERE Event_ID = "120"

Linking to a specific part of a web page

Create a "jump link" using the following format:

Where anchor is the id of the element you wish to link to on that page. Use browser development tools / view source to find the id of the element you wish to link to.

If the element doesnt have an id and you dont control that site then you cant do it.

JavaScript seconds to time string with format hh:mm:ss

Non-prototype version of toHHMMSS:

    function toHHMMSS(seconds) {
        var sec_num = parseInt(seconds);
        var hours   = Math.floor(sec_num / 3600);
        var minutes = Math.floor((sec_num - (hours * 3600)) / 60);
        var seconds = sec_num - (hours * 3600) - (minutes * 60);        
        if (hours   < 10) {hours   = "0"+hours;}
        if (minutes < 10) {minutes = "0"+minutes;}
        if (seconds < 10) {seconds = "0"+seconds;}
        var time    = hours+':'+minutes+':'+seconds;
        return time;

Install a module using pip for specific python version

Have tried this on a Windows machine and it works

If you wanna install opencv for python version 3.7, heres how you do it!

py -3.7 -m pip install opencv-python

How to declare a constant map in Golang?

As stated above to define a map as constant is not possible. But you can declare a global variable which is a struct that contains a map.

The Initialization would look like this:

var romanNumeralDict = struct {
    m map[int]string
}{m: map[int]string {
    1000: "M",
    900: "CM",

func main() {
    d := 1000
    fmt.Printf("Value of Key (%d): %s", d, romanNumeralDict.m[1000])

How do I fetch multiple columns for use in a cursor loop?

Here is slightly modified version. Changes are noted as code commentary.


declare @cnt int
declare @test nvarchar(128)
-- variable to hold table name
declare @tableName nvarchar(255)
declare @cmd nvarchar(500) 
-- local means the cursor name is private to this code
-- fast_forward enables some speed optimizations
declare Tests cursor local fast_forward for

open Tests
-- Instead of fetching twice, I rather set up no-exit loop
while 1 = 1
  -- And then fetch
  fetch next from Tests into @test, @tableName
  -- And then, if no row is fetched, exit the loop
  if @@fetch_status <> 0
  -- Quotename is needed if you ever use special characters
  -- in table/column names. Spaces, reserved words etc.
  -- Other changes add apostrophes at right places.
  set @cmd = N'exec sp_rename ''' 
           + quotename(@tableName) 
           + '.' 
           + quotename(@test) 
           + N''',''' 
           + RIGHT(@test,LEN(@test)-3) 
           + '_Pct''' 
           + N', ''column''' 

  print @cmd

  EXEC sp_executeSQL @cmd

close Tests 
deallocate Tests


How to find when a web page was last updated

There is another way to find the page update which could be useful for some occasions (if works:).

If the page has been indexed by Google, or by Wayback Machine you can try to find out what date(s) was(were) saved by them (these methods do not work for any page, and have some limitations, which are extensively investigated in this webmasters.stackexchange question's answers. But in many cases they can help you to find out the page update date(s):

  1. Google way: Go by link
    • You can change text in search field by any page URL you want.
    • For example, the current stackoverflow question page search gives us as a result May 14, 2014 - which is the question creation date: enter image description here
  2. Wayback machine way: Go by link*/
    • for this stackoverflow page wayback machine gives us more results: Saved 6 times between June 7, 2014 and November 23, 2016., and you can view all saved copies for each date

How can I use JavaScript in Java?

Java includes a scripting language extension package starting with version 6.

See the Rhino project documentation for embedding a JavaScript interpreter in Java.


Here is a small example of how you can expose Java objects to your interpreted script:

public class JS {
  public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
    ScriptEngine js = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("javascript");
    Bindings bindings = js.getBindings(ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
    bindings.put("stdout", System.out);
    // Prints "-1.0" to the standard output stream.

How do I output lists as a table in Jupyter notebook?

I recently used prettytable for rendering a nice ASCII table. It's similar to the postgres CLI output.

import pandas as pd
from prettytable import PrettyTable

data = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['one', 'two', 'three'])

def generate_ascii_table(df):
    x = PrettyTable()
    x.field_names = df.columns.tolist()
    for row in df.values:
    return x



| one | two | three |
|  1  |  2  |   3   |
|  4  |  5  |   6   |
|  7  |  8  |   9   |

C/C++ maximum stack size of program

(Added 26 Sept. 2020)

On 24 Oct. 2009, as @pixelbeat first pointed out here, Bruno Haible empirically discovered the following default thread stack sizes for several systems. He said that in a multithreaded program, "the default thread stack size is:"

- glibc i386, x86_64    7.4 MB
- Tru64 5.1             5.2 MB
- Cygwin                1.8 MB
- Solaris 7..10           1 MB
- MacOS X 10.5          460 KB
- AIX 5                  98 KB
- OpenBSD 4.0            64 KB
- HP-UX 11               16 KB

Note that the above units are all in MB and KB (base 1000 numbers), NOT MiB and KiB (base 1024 numbers). I've proven this to myself by verifying the 7.4 MB case.

He also stated that:

32 KB is more than you can safely allocate on the stack in a multithreaded program

And he said:

And the default stack size for sigaltstack, SIGSTKSZ, is

  • only 16 KB on some platforms: IRIX, OSF/1, Haiku.
  • only 8 KB on some platforms: glibc, NetBSD, OpenBSD, HP-UX, Solaris.
  • only 4 KB on some platforms: AIX.


He wrote the following simple Linux C program to empirically determine the above values. You can run it on your system today to quickly see what your maximum thread stack size is, or you can run it online on GDBOnline here:

Explanation: It simply creates a single new thread, so as to check the thread stack size and NOT the program stack size, in case they differ, then it has that thread repeatedly allocate 128 bytes of memory on the stack (NOT the heap), using the Linux alloca() call, after which it writes a 0 to the first byte of this new memory block, and then it prints out how many total bytes it has allocated. It repeats this process, allocating 128 more bytes on the stack each time, until the program crashes with a Segmentation fault (core dumped) error. The last value printed is the estimated maximum thread stack size allowed for your system.

Important note: alloca() allocates on the stack: even though this looks like dynamic memory allocation onto the heap, similar to a malloc() call, alloca() does NOT dynamically allocate onto the heap. Rather, alloca() is a specialized Linux function to "pseudo-dynamically" (I'm not sure what I'd call this, so that's the term I chose) allocate directly onto the stack as though it was statically-allocated memory. Stack memory used and returned by alloca() is scoped at the function-level, and is therefore "automatically freed when the function that called alloca() returns to its caller." That's why its static scope isn't exited and memory allocated by alloca() is NOT freed each time a for loop iteration is completed and the end of the for loop scope is reached. See man 3 alloca for details. Here's the pertinent quote (emphasis added):

The alloca() function allocates size bytes of space in the stack frame of the caller. This temporary space is automatically freed when the function that called alloca() returns to its caller.

The alloca() function returns a pointer to the beginning of the allocated space. If the allocation causes stack overflow, program behavior is undefined.

Here is Bruno Haible's program from 24 Oct. 2009, copied directly from the GNU mailing list here:

Again, you can run it live online here.

// By Bruno Haible
// 24 Oct. 2009
// Source:

// =============== Program for determining the default thread stack size =========

#include <alloca.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void* threadfunc (void*p) {
  int n = 0;
  for (;;) {
    printf("Allocated %d bytes\n", n);
    n += 128;
    *((volatile char *) alloca(128)) = 0;

int main()
  pthread_t thread;
  pthread_create(&thread, NULL, threadfunc, NULL);
  for (;;) {}

When I run it on GDBOnline using the link above, I get the exact same results each time I run it, as both a C and a C++17 program. It takes about 10 seconds or so to run. Here are the last several lines of the output:

Allocated 7449856 bytes
Allocated 7449984 bytes
Allocated 7450112 bytes
Allocated 7450240 bytes
Allocated 7450368 bytes
Allocated 7450496 bytes
Allocated 7450624 bytes
Allocated 7450752 bytes
Allocated 7450880 bytes
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

So, the thread stack size is ~7.45 MB for this system, as Bruno mentioned above (7.4 MB).

I've made a few changes to the program, mostly just for clarity, but also for efficiency, and a bit for learning.

Summary of my changes:

  1. [learning] I passed in BYTES_TO_ALLOCATE_EACH_LOOP as an argument to the threadfunc() just for practice passing in and using generic void* arguments in C.

  2. [efficiency] I made the main thread sleep instead of wastefully spinning.

  3. [clarity] I added more-verbose variable names, such as BYTES_TO_ALLOCATE_EACH_LOOP and bytes_allocated.

  4. [clarity] I changed this:

     *((volatile char *) alloca(128)) = 0;

    to this:

     volatile uint8_t * byte_buff = 
             (volatile uint8_t *)alloca(BYTES_TO_ALLOCATE_EACH_LOOP);
     byte_buff[0] = 0;

Here is my modified test program, which does exactly the same thing as Bruno's, and even has the same results:

You can run it online here, or download it from my repo here. If you choose to run it locally from my repo, here's the build and run commands I used for testing:

  1. Build and run it as a C program:

     mkdir -p bin && \
     gcc -Wall -Werror -g3 -O3 -std=c11 -pthread -o bin/tmp \
     onlinegdb--empirically_determine_max_thread_stack_size_GS_version.c && \
     time bin/tmp
  2. Build and run it as a C++ program:

     mkdir -p bin && \
     g++ -Wall -Werror -g3 -O3 -std=c++17 -pthread -o bin/tmp \
     onlinegdb--empirically_determine_max_thread_stack_size_GS_version.c && \
     time bin/tmp

It takes < 0.5 seconds to run locally on a fast computer with a thread stack size of ~7.4 MB.

Here's the program:

// =============== Program for determining the default thread stack size =========

// Modified by Gabriel Staples, 26 Sept. 2020

// Originally by Bruno Haible
// 24 Oct. 2009
// Source:

#include <alloca.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h> // sleep

/// Thread function to repeatedly allocate memory within a thread, printing
/// the total memory allocated each time, until the program crashes. The last
/// value printed before the crash indicates how big a thread's stack size is.
void* threadfunc(void* bytes_to_allocate_each_loop)
    const uint32_t BYTES_TO_ALLOCATE_EACH_LOOP =

    uint32_t bytes_allocated = 0;
    while (true)
        printf("bytes_allocated = %u\n", bytes_allocated);
        // NB: it appears that you don't necessarily need `volatile` here,
        // but you DO definitely need to actually use (ex: write to) the
        // memory allocated by `alloca()`, as we do below, or else the
        // `alloca()` call does seem to get optimized out on some systems,
        // making this whole program just run infinitely forever without
        // ever hitting the expected segmentation fault.
        volatile uint8_t * byte_buff =
                (volatile uint8_t *)alloca(BYTES_TO_ALLOCATE_EACH_LOOP);
        byte_buff[0] = 0;
        bytes_allocated += BYTES_TO_ALLOCATE_EACH_LOOP;

int main()
    const uint32_t BYTES_TO_ALLOCATE_EACH_LOOP = 128;

    pthread_t thread;
    pthread_create(&thread, NULL, threadfunc,
    while (true)
        const unsigned int SLEEP_SEC = 10000;

    return 0;

Sample output (same results as Bruno Haible's original program):

bytes_allocated = 7450240                                                                                                                                                        
bytes_allocated = 7450368                                                                                                                                                        
bytes_allocated = 7450496                                                                                                                                                        
bytes_allocated = 7450624                                                                                                                                                        
bytes_allocated = 7450752                                                                                                                                                        
bytes_allocated = 7450880                                                                                                                                                        
Segmentation fault (core dumped) 

Create Table from View

If you want to create a new A you can use INTO;

select * into A from dbo.myView

undefined reference to `WinMain@16'

I was encountering this error while compiling my application with SDL. This was caused by SDL defining it's own main function in SDL_main.h. To prevent SDL define the main function an SDL_MAIN_HANDLED macro has to be defined before the SDL.h header is included.

How to keep the header static, always on top while scrolling?

In modern, supported browsers, you can simply do that in CSS with -

  position: sticky;
  top: 0;

Note: The HTML structure is important while using position: sticky, since it's make the element sticky relative to the parent. And the sticky positioning might not work with a single element made sticky within a parent.

Run the snippet below to check a sample implementation.

padding: 0;_x000D_
position: sticky;_x000D_
background: lightblue;_x000D_
text-align: center;_x000D_
content > div {_x000D_
height: 50px;_x000D_
This is my header_x000D_
<div>Some content 1</div>_x000D_
<div>Some content 2</div>_x000D_
<div>Some content 3</div>_x000D_
<div>Some content 4</div>_x000D_
<div>Some content 5</div>_x000D_
<div>Some content 6</div>_x000D_
<div>Some content 7</div>_x000D_
<div>Some content 8</div>_x000D_

Removing underline with href attribute

Add a style with the attribute text-decoration:none;:

There are a number of different ways of doing this.

Inline style:

<a href="xxx.html" style="text-decoration:none;">goto this link</a>

Inline stylesheet:

<style type="text/css">
   a {
<a href="xxx.html">goto this link</a>

External stylesheet:

<link rel="Stylesheet" href="stylesheet.css" />
<a href="xxx.html">goto this link</a>


a {

Apache - MySQL Service detected with wrong path. / Ports already in use

Ok so i found out the problem :)

ctrl+alt+delete to start task manager, once you get to task manager go to services. find MySQL and right click on it. Then click stop process. That worked for me and i hope it works for you :D

MySQL: Cloning a MySQL database on the same MySql instance

Best and easy way is to enter these commands in your terminal and set permissions to the root user. Works for me..!

:~$> mysqldump -u root -p db1 > dump.sql
:~$> mysqladmin -u root -p create db2
:~$> mysql -u root -p db2 < dump.sql

Switching between GCC and Clang/LLVM using CMake

You can use the syntax: $ENV{environment-variable} in your CMakeLists.txt to access environment variables. You could create scripts which initialize a set of environment variables appropriately and just have references to those variables in your CMakeLists.txt files.

Add CSS to <head> with JavaScript?

As you are trying to add a string of CSS to <head> with JavaScript? injecting a string of CSS into a page it is easier to do this with the <link> element than the <style> element.

The following adds p { color: green; } rule to the page.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="data:text/css;charset=UTF-8,p%20%7B%20color%3A%20green%3B%20%7D" />

You can create this in JavaScript simply by URL encoding your string of CSS and adding it the HREF attribute. Much simpler than all the quirks of <style> elements or directly accessing stylesheets.

var linkElement = this.document.createElement('link');
linkElement.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');
linkElement.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
linkElement.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/css;charset=UTF-8,' + encodeURIComponent(myStringOfstyles));

This will work in IE 5.5 upwards

The solution you have marked will work but this solution requires fewer dom operations and only a single element.

How can I count the rows with data in an Excel sheet?

Try this scenario:

Array = A1:C7. A1-A3 have values, B2-B6 have value and C1, C3 and C6 have values.

To get a count of the number of rows add a column D (you can hide it after formulas are set up) and in D1 put formula =If(Sum(A1:C1)>0,1,0). Copy the formula from D1 through D7 (for others searching who are not excel literate, the numbers in the sum formula will change to the row you are on and this is fine).

Now in C8 make a sum formula that adds up the D column and the answer should be 6. For visually pleasing purposes hide column D.

Git diff between current branch and master but not including unmerged master commits

According to Documentation

git diff Shows changes between the working tree and the index or a tree, changes between the index and a tree, changes between two trees, changes resulting from a merge, changes between two blob objects, or changes between two files on disk.

In git diff - There's a significant difference between two dots .. and 3 dots ... in the way we compare branches or pull requests in our repository. I'll give you an easy example which demonstrates it easily.

Example: Let's assume we're checking out new branch from master and pushing some code in.

  G---H---I feature (Branch)
A---B---C---D master (Branch)
  • Two dots - If we want to show the diffs between all changes happened in the current time on both sides, We would use the git diff origin/master..feature or just git diff origin/master
    ,output: ( H, I against A, B, C, D )

  • Three dots - If we want to show the diffs between the last common ancestor (A), aka the check point we started our new branch ,we use git diff origin/master...feature,output: (H, I against A ).

  • I'd rather use the 3 dots in most circumstances.

How do I lowercase a string in C?

If we're going to be as sloppy as to use tolower(), do this:

char blah[] = "blah blah Blah BLAH blAH\0"; int i=0; while(blah[i]|=' ', blah[++i]) {}

But, well, it kinda explodes if you feed it some symbols/numerals, and in general it's evil. Good interview question, though.

How to select current date in Hive SQL

select from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(current_date, 'yyyyMMdd'),'yyyy-MM-dd');

current_date - current date

yyyyMMdd - my systems current date format;

yyyy-MM-dd - if you wish to change the format to a diff one.

How to find encoding of a file via script on Linux?

I am using the following script to

  1. Find all files that match FILTER with SRC_ENCODING
  2. Create a backup of them
  3. Convert them to DST_ENCODING
  4. (optional) Remove the backups


#!/bin/bash -xe


echo "Find all files that match the encoding $SRC_ENCODING and filter $FILTER"
FOUND_FILES=$(find . -iname "$FILTER" -exec file -i {} \; | grep "$SRC_ENCODING" | grep -Eo '^.*\.java')

for FILE in $FOUND_FILES ; do
    echo "Backup original file to $ORIGINAL_FILE"

    echo "converting $FILE from $SRC_ENCODING to $DST_ENCODING"

echo "Deleting backups"
find . -iname "*.$SRC_ENCODING.bkp" -exec rm {} \;

How to write a JSON file in C#?

Update 2020: It's been 7 years since I wrote this answer. It still seems to be getting a lot of attention. In 2013 Newtonsoft Json.Net was THE answer to this problem. Now it's still a good answer to this problem but it's no longer the the only viable option. To add some up-to-date caveats to this answer:

  • .Net Core now has the spookily similar System.Text.Json serialiser (see below)
  • The days of the JavaScriptSerializer have thankfully passed and this class isn't even in .Net Core. This invalidates a lot of the comparisons ran by Newtonsoft.
  • It's also recently come to my attention, via some vulnerability scanning software we use in work that Json.Net hasn't had an update in some time. Updates in 2020 have dried up and the latest version, 12.0.3, is over a year old.
  • The speed tests quoted below are comparing an older version of Json.Nt (version 6.0 and like I said the latest is 12.0.3) with an outdated .Net Framework serialiser.

Are Json.Net's days numbered? It's still used a LOT and it's still used by MS librarties. So probably not. But this does feel like the beginning of the end for this library that may well of just run it's course.

Update since .Net Core 3.0

A new kid on the block since writing this is System.Text.Json which has been added to .Net Core 3.0. Microsoft makes several claims to how this is, now, better than Newtonsoft. Including that it is faster than Newtonsoft. as below, I'd advise you to test this yourself .

I would recommend Json.Net, see example below:

List<data> _data = new List<data>();
_data.Add(new data()
    Id = 1,
    SSN = 2,
    Message = "A Message"

string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_data.ToArray());

//write string to file
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"D:\path.txt", json);

Or the slightly more efficient version of the above code (doesn't use a string as a buffer):

//open file stream
using (StreamWriter file = File.CreateText(@"D:\path.txt"))
     JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer();
     //serialize object directly into file stream
     serializer.Serialize(file, _data);

Documentation: Serialize JSON to a file

Why? Here's a feature comparison between common serialisers as well as benchmark tests .

Below is a graph of performance taken from the linked article:

enter image description here

This separate post, states that:

Json.NET has always been memory efficient, streaming the reading and writing large documents rather than loading them entirely into memory, but I was able to find a couple of key places where object allocations could be reduced...... (now) Json.Net (6.0) allocates 8 times less memory than JavaScriptSerializer

Benchmarks appear to be Json.Net 5, the current version (on writing) is 10. What version of standard .Net serialisers used is not mentioned

These tests are obviously from the developers who maintain the library. I have not verified their claims. If in doubt test them yourself.

PHP cURL custom headers

$subscription_key  ='';
    $host = '';    
    $request_headers = array(
                    "X-Mashape-Key:" . $subscription_key,
                    "X-Mashape-Host:" . $host

    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $request_headers);

    $season_data = curl_exec($ch);

    if (curl_errno($ch)) {
        print "Error: " . curl_error($ch);

    // Show me the result
    $json= json_decode($season_data, true);

How do I format date value as yyyy-mm-dd using SSIS expression builder?

Correct expression is

"source " + (DT_STR,4,1252)DATEPART( "yyyy" , getdate() ) + "-" +
RIGHT("0" + (DT_STR,4,1252)DATEPART( "mm" , getdate() ), 2) + "-" +
RIGHT("0" + (DT_STR,4,1252)DATEPART( "dd" , getdate() ), 2) +".CSV"

How to pass prepareForSegue: an object

Sometimes it is helpful to avoid creating a compile-time dependency between two view controllers. Here's how you can do it without caring about the type of the destination view controller:

- (void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender
    if ([segue.destinationViewController respondsToSelector:@selector(setMyData:)]) {
        [segue.destinationViewController performSelector:@selector(setMyData:) 

So as long as your destination view controller declares a public property, e.g.:

@property (nonatomic, strong) MyData *myData;

you can set this property in the previous view controller as I described above.

Hide axis values but keep axis tick labels in matplotlib

to remove tickmarks entirely use:


otherwise ax.set_yticklabels([]) and ax.set_xticklabels([]) will keep tickmarks.

Windows service with timer

You need to put your main code on the OnStart method.

This other SO answer of mine might help.

You will need to put some code to enable debugging within visual-studio while maintaining your application valid as a windows-service. This other SO thread cover the issue of debugging a windows-service.


Please see also the documentation available here for the OnStart method at the MSDN where one can read this:

Do not use the constructor to perform processing that should be in OnStart. Use OnStart to handle all initialization of your service. The constructor is called when the application's executable runs, not when the service runs. The executable runs before OnStart. When you continue, for example, the constructor is not called again because the SCM already holds the object in memory. If OnStop releases resources allocated in the constructor rather than in OnStart, the needed resources would not be created again the second time the service is called.

If '<selector>' is an Angular component, then verify that it is part of this module

This might be late ,but i got the same issue but I rebuild(ng serve) the project and the error was gone

DateTime and CultureInfo

InvariantCulture is similar to en-US, so i would use the correct CultureInfo instead:

var dutchCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("nl-NL");
var date1 = DateTime.ParseExact(date, "dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss", dutchCulture);


And what about when the culture is en-us? Will I have to code for every single language there is out there?

If you want to know how to display the date in another culture like "en-us", you can use date1.ToString(CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US")).

Display Two <div>s Side-by-Side

I removed the float from the second div to make it work.

Uncaught TypeError : cannot read property 'replace' of undefined In Grid

It is important to define an id in the model

.DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
        .Model(model => model.Id(p =>

Serving static web resources in Spring Boot & Spring Security application

If you are using webjars. You need to add this in your configure method: http.authorizeRequests().antMatchers("/webjars/**").permitAll();

Make sure this is the first statement. For example:

public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

You will also need to have this in order to have webjars enabled:

    public class MvcConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
        public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {

Getting byte array through input type = file

document.querySelector('input').addEventListener('change', function(){_x000D_
    var reader = new FileReader();_x000D_
    reader.onload = function(){_x000D_
        var arrayBuffer = this.result,_x000D_
array = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer),_x000D_
  binaryString = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, array);_x000D_
        document.querySelector('#result').innerHTML = arrayBuffer + '  '+arrayBuffer.byteLength;_x000D_
  }, false);
<input type="file"/>_x000D_
<div id="result"></div>

ASP.NET MVC: What is the correct way to redirect to pages/actions in MVC?

RedirectToAction("actionName", "controllerName");

It has other overloads as well, please check up!

Also, If you are new and you are not using T4MVC, then I would recommend you to use it!

It gives you intellisence for actions,Controllers,views etc (no more magic strings)

Spring Data JPA findOne() change to Optional how to use this?

The method has been renamed to findById(…) returning an Optional so that you have to handle absence yourself:

Optional<Foo> result = repository.findById(…);

result.ifPresent(it -> …); // do something with the value if present -> …); // map the value if present
Foo foo = result.orElse(null); // if you want to continue just like before

How to detect running app using ADB command

You can use

adb shell ps | grep apps | awk '{print $9}'

to produce an output like:

adb shell ps returns a list of all running processes on the android device, grep apps searches for any row with contains "apps", as you can see above they are all or GAPPS, awk extracts the 9th column which in this case is the package name.

To search for a particular package use

adb shell ps | grep PACKAGE.NAME.HERE | awk '{print $9}'

i.e adb shell ps | grep com.we7.player | awk '{print $9}'

If it is running the name will appear, if not there will be no result returned.

Manifest Merger failed with multiple errors in Android Studio

In my case it happened for leaving some empty intent-filter inside the Activity tag





So just removing them solved the problem.


How can I disable mod_security in .htaccess file?

On some servers and web hosts, it's possible to disable ModSecurity via .htaccess, but be aware that you can only switch it on or off, you can't disable individual rules.

But a good practice that still keeps your site secure is to disable it only on specific URLs, rather than your entire site. You can specify which URLs to match via the regex in the <If> statement below...

### DISABLE mod_security firewall
### Some rules are currently too strict and are blocking legitimate users
### We only disable it for URLs that contain the regex below
### The regex below should be placed between "m#" and "#" 
### (this syntax is required when the string contains forward slashes)
<IfModule mod_security.c>
  <If "%{REQUEST_URI} =~ m#/admin/#">
    SecFilterEngine Off
    SecFilterScanPOST Off

How to cache Google map tiles for offline usage?

On there is a "Mobile" section containing :

Similar to our online terms, if you use our APIs or a mobile device’s native Google Maps implementation (such as on an Android-powered phone or iPhone), no special permission is required, but you must always keep the Google name visible. Offline caching of our content is never allowed.

Visual Studio 2017 does not have Business Intelligence Integration Services/Projects

Information on this will probably get outdated fast because Microsoft is running to complete its work on this, but as today, June 9th 2017, support to create SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) projects on Visual Studio 2017 is not available. So, you can't see this option because so far it doesn't exist yet.

Beyond that, even installing what is being called SSDT (SQL Server Data Tools) in VS 2017 installer (what seems very confusing from Microsoft's part, using a known name for a different thing, breaking the behavior we expect as users), you won't see SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) and SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) project templates as well.

Actually, the Business Intelligence group under the Installed templates on the New Project dialog won't be present at all.

You need to go to this page ( and install two separate installers, one for SSAS and one for SSRS.

Once you install at least one of these components, the Business Intelligence group will be created and the correspondent template(s) will be available. But as today, there is no installer for SSIS, so if you need to work with SSIS projects, you need to keep using SSDT 2015, for now.

Sass Variable in CSS calc() function

Try this:

@mixin heightBox($body_padding){
   height: calc(100% - $body_padding);

   @include heightBox(100% - 25%);
   box-sizing: border-box

Difference between fprintf, printf and sprintf?

printf(...) is equivalent to fprintf(stdout,...).

fprintf is used to output to stream.

sprintf(buffer,...) is used to format a string to a buffer.

Note there is also vsprintf, vfprintf and vprintf

Getting String value from enum in Java

You can use values() method:

For instance Status.values()[0] will return PAUSE in your case, if you print it, toString() will be called and "PAUSE" will be printed.

How do you install GLUT and OpenGL in Visual Studio 2012?

This is GLUT installation instruction. Not free glut

First download this 118 KB GLUT package from Here

Extract the downloaded ZIP file and make sure you find the following




If you have a 32 bits operating system, place glut32.dll to C:\Windows\System32\, if your operating system is 64 bits, place it to 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\' (to your system directory)

Place glut.h C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 12\VC\include\GL\ (NOTE: 12 here refers to your VS version it may be 8 or 10)

If you do not find VC and following directories.. go on create it.

Place glut32.lib to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 12\VC\lib\

Now, open visual Studio and

  1. Under Visual C++, select Empty Project(or your already existing project)
  2. Go to Project -> Properties. Select 'All Configuration' from Configuration dropdown menu on top left corner
  3. Select Linker -> Input
  4. Now right click on "Additional Dependence" found on Right panel and click Edit

now type




(NOTE: Each .lib in new line)

That's it... You have successfully installed OpenGL.. Go on and run your program.

Same installation instructions aplies to freeglut files with the header files in the GL folder, lib in the lib folder, and dll in the System32 folder.

MYSQL: How to copy an entire row from one table to another in mysql with the second table having one extra column?

INSERT INTO dues_storage
SELECT field1, field2, ..., fieldN, CURRENT_DATE()
FROM dues
WHERE id = 5;

Property 'catch' does not exist on type 'Observable<any>'

With RxJS 5.5+, the catch operator is now deprecated. You should now use the catchError operator in conjunction with pipe.

RxJS v5.5.2 is the default dependency version for Angular 5.

For each RxJS Operator you import, including catchError you should now import from 'rxjs/operators' and use the pipe operator.

Example of catching error for an Http request Observable

import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { catchError } from 'rxjs/operators';

export class ExampleClass {
  constructor(private http: HttpClient) {
    this.http.request(method, url, options).pipe(
      catchError((err: HttpErrorResponse) => {

Notice here that catch is replaced with catchError and the pipe operator is used to compose the operators in similar manner to what you're used to with dot-chaining.

See the rxjs documentation on pipable (previously known as lettable) operators for more info.

Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails

If you want to drop a table you should execute the following query in a single step


Differences between C++ string == and compare()?

This is what the standard has to say about operator== operator==

template<class charT, class traits, class Allocator>
bool operator==(const basic_string<charT,traits,Allocator>& lhs,
                const basic_string<charT,traits,Allocator>& rhs) noexcept;

Returns: == 0.

Seems like there isn't much of a difference!

Creating and playing a sound in swift

Swift code example:

import UIKit
import AudioToolbox

class ViewController: UIViewController {  

override func viewDidLoad() {

@IBAction func notePressed(_ sender: UIButton) {

    // Load "mysoundname.wav"

    if let soundURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "note1", withExtension: "wav") {
        var mySound: SystemSoundID = 0
        AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID(soundURL as CFURL, &mySound)
    // Play


remove script tag from HTML content

A simple way by manipulating string.

$str = stripStr($str, '<script', '</script>');

function stripStr($str, $ini, $fin)
    while(($pos = mb_stripos($str, $ini)) !== false)
        $aux = mb_substr($str, $pos + mb_strlen($ini));
        $str = mb_substr($str, 0, $pos).mb_substr($aux, mb_stripos($aux, $fin) + mb_strlen($fin));

    return $str;

Is there an easy way to attach source in Eclipse?

Short answer would be yes.

You can attach source using the properties for a project.

Go to Properties (for the Project) -> Java Build Path -> Libraries

Select the Library you want to attach source/javadoc for and then expand it, you'll see a list like so:

Source Attachment: (none)
Javadoc location: (none)
Native library location: (none)
Access rules: (No restrictions)

Select Javadoc location and then click Edit on the right hahnd side. It should be quite straight forward from there.

Good luck :)

How to search JSON tree with jQuery

You don't have to use jQuery. Plain JavaScript will do. I wouldn't recommend any library that ports XML standards onto JavaScript, and I was frustrated that no other solution existed for this so I wrote my own library.

I adapted regex to work with JSON.

First, stringify the JSON object. Then, you need to store the starts and lengths of the matched substrings. For example:

"matched".search("ch") // yields 3

For a JSON string, this works exactly the same (unless you are searching explicitly for commas and curly brackets in which case I'd recommend some prior transform of your JSON object before performing regex (i.e. think :, {, }).

Next, you need to reconstruct the JSON object. The algorithm I authored does this by detecting JSON syntax by recursively going backwards from the match index. For instance, the pseudo code might look as follows:

find the next key preceding the match index, call this theKey
then find the number of all occurrences of this key preceding theKey, call this theNumber
using the number of occurrences of all keys with same name as theKey up to position of theKey, traverse the object until keys named theKey has been discovered theNumber times
return this object called parentChain

With this information, it is possible to use regex to filter a JSON object to return the key, the value, and the parent object chain.

You can see the library and code I authored at

How do I hide an element when printing a web page?

If you have Javascript that interferes with the style property of individual elements, thus overriding !important, I suggest handling the events onbeforeprint and onafterprint.

Setting up and using environment variables in IntelliJ Idea

Path Variables dialog has nothing to do with the environment variables.

Environment variables can be specified in your OS or customized in the Run configuration:


Single Page Application: advantages and disadvantages

Disadvantages: Technically, design and initial development of SPA is complex and can be avoided. Other reasons for not using this SPA can be:

  • a) Security: Single Page Application is less secure as compared to traditional pages due to cross site scripting(XSS).
  • b) Memory Leak: Memory leak in JavaScript can even cause powerful Computer to slow down. As traditional websites encourage to navigate among pages, thus any memory leak caused by previous page is almost cleansed leaving less residue behind.
  • c) Client must enable JavaScript to run SPA, but in multi-page application JavaScript can be completely avoided.
  • d) SPA grows to optimal size, cause long waiting time. Eg: Working on Gmail with slower connection.

Apart from above, other architectural limitations are Navigational Data loss, No log of Navigational History in browser and difficulty in Automated Functional Testing with selenium.

This link explain Single Page Application's Advantages and Disadvantages.

How to remove spaces from a string using JavaScript?

  var output = '/var/www/site/Brand new document.docx'.replace(/ /g, ""); 
  var output = '/var/www/site/Brand new document.docx'.replace(/ /gi,"");

Note: Though you use 'g' or 'gi' for removing spaces both behaves the same.

If we use 'g' in the replace function, it will check for the exact match. but if we use 'gi', it ignores the case sensitivity.

for reference click here.

How to get rid of "Unnamed: 0" column in a pandas DataFrame?

Simple do this:

df = df.loc[:, ~df.columns.str.contains('^Unnamed')]

how to concatenate two dictionaries to create a new one in Python?

Here's a one-liner (imports don't count :) that can easily be generalized to concatenate N dictionaries:

Python 3

from itertools import chain
dict(chain.from_iterable(d.items() for d in (d1, d2, d3)))


from itertools import chain
def dict_union(*args):
    return dict(chain.from_iterable(d.items() for d in args))

Python 2.6 & 2.7

from itertools import chain
dict(chain.from_iterable(d.iteritems() for d in (d1, d2, d3))


>>> from itertools import chain
>>> d1={1:2,3:4}
>>> d2={5:6,7:9}
>>> d3={10:8,13:22}
>>> dict(chain.from_iterable(d.iteritems() for d in (d1, d2, d3)))
{1: 2, 3: 4, 5: 6, 7: 9, 10: 8, 13: 22}

Generalized to concatenate N dicts:

from itertools import chain
def dict_union(*args):
    return dict(chain.from_iterable(d.iteritems() for d in args))

I'm a little late to this party, I know, but I hope this helps someone.

How can I do DNS lookups in Python, including referring to /etc/hosts?

The answer above was meant for Python 2. If you're using Python 3, here is the code.

>>> import socket
>>> print(socket.gethostbyname(''))

TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str' when writing to a file in Python3

why not try opening your file as text?

with open(fname, 'rt') as f:
    lines = [x.strip() for x in f.readlines()]

Additionally here is a link for python 3.x on the official page: And this is the open function:

If you are really trying to handle it as a binary then consider encoding your string.

How to escape % in String.Format?

To complement the previous stated solution, use:

str = str.replace("%", "%%");

Convert NVARCHAR to DATETIME in SQL Server 2008

what about this

DECLARE @date DATETIME = (SELECT convert(DATETIME, '2013-08-29 13:55:48', 120))
--// Convert DATETIME to custom NVARCHAR FORMAT
RIGHT('00'+ CAST(DAY(@date) AS NVARCHAR),2) + '-' +
RIGHT('00'+ CAST(MONTH(@date) AS NVARCHAR),2) + '-' + 
CAST(YEAR(@date) AS NVARCHAR) + ' ' + 

result: '29-08-2013 13:55:48.0000000'

Get exception description and stack trace which caused an exception, all as a string

See the traceback module, specifically the format_exc() function. Here.

import traceback

    raise ValueError
except ValueError:
    tb = traceback.format_exc()
    tb = "No error"
    print tb

Why am I getting 'Assembly '*.dll' must be strong signed in order to be marked as a prerequisite.'?

I also bump into kind of problem, all I just had to do is delete the .dll (can be found in reference) that causing the error and add it again.

Works like a charm.

Bootstrap date time picker

You don't need to give local path. just give cdn link of bootstrap datetimepicker. and it works.

<html lang="en">_x000D_
  <meta charset="utf-8">_x000D_
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">_x000D_
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="">_x000D_
  <script src=""></script>_x000D_
  <script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
   <div class="container">_x000D_
      <div class="row">_x000D_
        <div class='col-sm-6'>_x000D_
            <div class="form-group">_x000D_
                <div class='input-group date' id='datetimepicker'>_x000D_
                    <input type='text' class="form-control" />_x000D_
                    <span class="input-group-addon">_x000D_
                        <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></span>_x000D_
        <script type="text/javascript">_x000D_
            $(function () {_x000D_

Which terminal command to get just IP address and nothing else?

I wanted something simple that worked as a Bash alias. I found that hostname -I works best for me (hostname v3.15). hostname -i returns the loopback IP, for some reason, but hostname -I gives me the correct IP for wlan0, and without having to pipe output through grep or awk. A drawback is that hostname -I will output all IPs, if you have more than one.

Create a variable name with "paste" in R?

You can use assign (doc) to change the value of perf.a1:

> assign(paste("perf.a", "1", sep=""),5)
> perf.a1
[1] 5

How can I output a UTF-8 CSV in PHP that Excel will read properly?

I use this and it works

header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
header('Content-Type: text/csv; charset=UTF-16LE');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=file.csv');
header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
header('Expires: 0');
header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
header('Pragma: public');
// output headers so that the file is downloaded rather than displayed
// create a file pointer connected to the output stream
$output = fopen('php://output', 'w');
fputs( $output, "\xEF\xBB\xBF" );
// output the column headings
fputcsv($output, array('Thông tin khách hàng dang ký'));
// fetch the data
$setutf8 = "SET NAMES utf8";
$q = $conn->query($setutf8);
$setutf8c = "SET character_set_results = 'utf8', character_set_client =
'utf8', character_set_connection = 'utf8', character_set_database = 'utf8',
character_set_server = 'utf8'";
$qc = $conn->query($setutf8c);
$setutf9 = "SET CHARACTER SET utf8";
$q1 = $conn->query($setutf9);
$setutf7 = "SET COLLATION_CONNECTION = 'utf8_general_ci'";
$q2 = $conn->query($setutf7);
$sql = "SELECT id, name, email FROM myguests";
$rows = $conn->query($sql);
$arr1= array();
if ($rows->num_rows > 0) {
// output data of each row
while($row = $rows->fetch_assoc()) {
    $rcontent = " Name: " . $row["name"]. " - Email: " . $row["email"];  
    $arr1[]["title"] =  $rcontent;
} else {
     echo "0 results";
// loop over the rows, outputting them
foreach($arr1 as $result1):
   fputcsv($output, $result1);

How can I load storyboard programmatically from class?

For swift 3 and 4, you can do this. Good practice is set name of Storyboard equal to StoryboardID.

enum StoryBoardName{
   case second = "SecondViewController"
extension UIStoryBoard{
   class func load(_ storyboard: StoryBoardName) -> UIViewController{
      return UIStoryboard(name: storyboard.rawValue, bundle: nil).instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: storyboard.rawValue)

and then you can load your Storyboard in your ViewController like this:

class MyViewController: UIViewController{
     override func viewDidLoad() {
        guard let vc = UIStoryboard.load(.second) as? SecondViewController else {return}
        self.present(vc, animated: true, completion: nil)


When you create a new Storyboard just set the same name on StoryboardID and add Storyboard name in your enum "StoryBoardName"

How to draw lines in Java

To give you some idea:

public void paint(Graphics g) {

private void drawCoordinates(Graphics g) {

  // get width & height here (w,h)

  // define grid width (dh, dv)

  for (int x = 0; i < w; i += dh) {
    g.drawLine(x, 0, x, h);
  for (int y = 0; j < h; j += dv) {
      g.drawLine(0, y, w, y);

Contains case insensitive

Example for any language:

'My name is ??????'.toLocaleLowerCase().includes('??????'.toLocaleLowerCase())

How can I make a menubar fixed on the top while scrolling

 #header {

    #content {

View's SELECT contains a subquery in the FROM clause

Looks to me as MySQL 3.6 gives the following error while MySQL 3.7 no longer errors out. I am yet to find anything in the documentation regarding this fix.

SSRS chart does not show all labels on Horizontal axis

Go to Horizontal axis properties,choose 'Category' in AXIS type,choose "Disabled" in SIDE Margin option

How to set a bitmap from resource

If the resource is showing and is a view, you can also capture it. Like a screenshot:

View rootView = ((View) findViewById(;
rootView.layout(0, 0, rootView.getWidth(), rootView.getHeight());

Bitmap bm = Bitmap.createBitmap(rootView.getDrawingCache());


This actually grabs the whole layout but you can alter as you wish.

Case Function Equivalent in Excel

If you don't have a SWITCH statement in your Excel version (pre-Excel-2016), here's a VBA implementation for it:

Public Function SWITCH(ParamArray args() As Variant) As Variant
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim val As Variant
    Dim tmp As Variant

    If ((UBound(args) - LBound(args)) = 0) Or (((UBound(args) - LBound(args)) Mod 2 = 0)) Then
        Error 450       'Invalid arguments
        val = args(LBound(args))
        i = LBound(args) + 1
        tmp = args(UBound(args))

        While (i < UBound(args))
            If val = args(i) Then
                tmp = args(i + 1)
            End If
            i = i + 2
    End If

    SWITCH = tmp
End Function

It works exactly like expected, a drop-in replacement for example for Google Spreadsheet's SWITCH function.


=SWITCH(selector; [keyN; valueN;] ...  defaultvalue)


  • selector is any expression that is compared to keys
  • key1, key2, ... are expressions that are compared to the selector
  • value1, value2, ... are values that are selected if the selector equals to the corresponding key (only)
  • defaultvalue is used if no key matches the selector


=SWITCH("a";"?")                       returns "?"
=SWITCH("a";"a";"1";"?")               returns "1"
=SWITCH("x";"a";"1";"?")               returns "?"
=SWITCH("b";"a";"1";"b";TRUE;"?")      returns TRUE
=SWITCH(7;7;1;7;2;0)                   returns 2
=SWITCH("a";"a";"1")                   returns #VALUE!

To use it, open your Excel, go to Develpment tools tab, click Visual Basic, rightclick on ThisWorkbook, choose Insert, then Module, finally copy the code into the editor. You have to save as a macro-friendly Excel workbook (xlsm).

Java, How to add values to Array List used as value in HashMap

Java 8+ has computeIfAbsent

examList.computeIfAbsent(map.get(id), k -> new ArrayList<>());

How to use dashes in HTML-5 data-* attributes in ASP.NET MVC

You can use it like this:

In Mvc:


In Html:

<input type="text" name="Id" data_val_number="10"/>

Using varchar(MAX) vs TEXT on SQL Server

  • Basic Definition

TEXT and VarChar(MAX) are Non-Unicode large Variable Length character data type, which can store maximum of 2147483647 Non-Unicode characters (i.e. maximum storage capacity is: 2GB).

  • Which one to Use?

As per MSDN link Microsoft is suggesting to avoid using the Text datatype and it will be removed in a future versions of Sql Server. Varchar(Max) is the suggested data type for storing the large string values instead of Text data type.

  • In-Row or Out-of-Row Storage

Data of a Text type column is stored out-of-row in a separate LOB data pages. The row in the table data page will only have a 16 byte pointer to the LOB data page where the actual data is present. While Data of a Varchar(max) type column is stored in-row if it is less than or equal to 8000 byte. If Varchar(max) column value is crossing the 8000 bytes then the Varchar(max) column value is stored in a separate LOB data pages and row will only have a 16 byte pointer to the LOB data page where the actual data is present. So In-Row Varchar(Max) is good for searches and retrieval.

  • Supported/Unsupported Functionalities

Some of the string functions, operators or the constructs which doesn’t work on the Text type column, but they do work on VarChar(Max) type column.

  1. = Equal to Operator on VarChar(Max) type column
  2. Group by clause on VarChar(Max) type column

    • System IO Considerations

As we know that the VarChar(Max) type column values are stored out-of-row only if the length of the value to be stored in it is greater than 8000 bytes or there is not enough space in the row, otherwise it will store it in-row. So if most of the values stored in the VarChar(Max) column are large and stored out-of-row, the data retrieval behavior will almost similar to the one that of the Text type column.

But if most of the values stored in VarChar(Max) type columns are small enough to store in-row. Then retrieval of the data where LOB columns are not included requires the more number of data pages to read as the LOB column value is stored in-row in the same data page where the non-LOB column values are stored. But if the select query includes LOB column then it requires less number of pages to read for the data retrieval compared to the Text type columns.


Use VarChar(MAX) data type rather than TEXT for good performance.


Error: Module not specified (IntelliJ IDEA)

this is how I fix this issue my project structure module enter image description here plus button enter image description here import module,and find the module's pom enter image description here
5.make sure you select the module you want to import,then next next finish:) enter image description here

MySQL Query to select data from last week?

WHERE yourDateColumn > DATEADD(DAY, -7, GETDATE()) ;

Access: Move to next record until EOF

To loop from current record to the end:

While Me.CurrentRecord < Me.Recordset.RecordCount
    ' ... do something to current record
    ' ...

    DoCmd.GoToRecord Record:=acNext

To check if it is possible to go to next record:

If Me.CurrentRecord < Me.Recordset.RecordCount Then
    ' ...
End If

Set up a scheduled job?

Interesting new pluggable Django app: django-chronograph

You only have to add one cron entry which acts as a timer, and you have a very nice Django admin interface into the scripts to run.

How to check edittext's text is email address or not?

With android.util.Patterns and Kotlin it's very simple. One line function which return Boolean value.

fun validateEmail(email: String) = Patterns.EMAIL_ADDRESS.matcher(email)

Modulo operator in Python

same as a normal modulo 3.14 % 6.28 = 3.14, just like 3.14%4 =3.14 3.14%2 = 1.14 (the remainder...)

Java random number with given length

To generate a 6-digit number:

Use Random and nextInt as follows:

Random rnd = new Random();
int n = 100000 + rnd.nextInt(900000);

Note that n will never be 7 digits (1000000) since nextInt(900000) can at most return 899999.

So how do I randomize the last 5 chars that can be either A-Z or 0-9?

Here's a simple solution:

// Generate random id, for example 283952-V8M32
char[] chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789".toCharArray();
Random rnd = new Random();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder((100000 + rnd.nextInt(900000)) + "-");
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)

return sb.toString();

How does strcmp() work?

It uses the byte values of the characters, returning a negative value if the first string appears before the second (ordered by byte values), zero if they are equal, and a positive value if the first appears after the second. Since it operates on bytes, it is not encoding-aware.

For example:

strcmp("abc", "def") < 0
strcmp("abc", "abcd") < 0 // null character is less than 'd'
strcmp("abc", "ABC") > 0 // 'a' > 'A' in ASCII
strcmp("abc", "abc") == 0

More precisely, as described in the strcmp Open Group specification:

The sign of a non-zero return value shall be determined by the sign of the difference between the values of the first pair of bytes (both interpreted as type unsigned char) that differ in the strings being compared.

Note that the return value may not be equal to this difference, but it will carry the same sign.

Percentage width in a RelativeLayout

You cannot use percentages to define the dimensions of a View inside a RelativeLayout. The best ways to do it is to use LinearLayout and weights, or a custom Layout.

OpenSSL and error in reading openssl.conf file

If you installed OpenSSL on Windows together with Git, then add this to your command:

-config "C:\Program Files\Git\usr\ssl\openssl.cnf"

jQuery Datepicker onchange event issue

if you are using wdcalendar this going to help you

        picker: "<button class='calpick'></button>",
          var today = new Date();
          var birthDate = d;
          var age = today.getFullYear() - birthDate.getFullYear();
          var m = today.getMonth() - birthDate.getMonth();
          if (m < 0 || (m === 0 && today.getDate() < birthDate.getDate())) {

          $('#ageshow')[0].innerHTML="Age: "+age;
          $("#PatientBirthday").val((d.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + d.getDate() + '/' +  d.getFullYear());

the event onReturn works for me

hope this help

About "*.d.ts" in TypeScript

The "d.ts" file is used to provide typescript type information about an API that's written in JavaScript. The idea is that you're using something like jQuery or underscore, an existing javascript library. You want to consume those from your typescript code.

Rather than rewriting jquery or underscore or whatever in typescript, you can instead write the d.ts file, which contains only the type annotations. Then from your typescript code you get the typescript benefits of static type checking while still using a pure JS library.

A good Sorted List for Java

To test the efficiancy of earlier awnser by Konrad Holl, I did a quick comparison with what I thought would be the slow way of doing it:

package util.collections;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;

 * @author Earl Bosch
 * @param <E> Comparable Element
public class SortedList<E extends Comparable> implements List<E> {

     * The list of elements
    private final List<E> list = new ArrayList();

    public E first() {
        return list.get(0);

    public E last() {
        return list.get(list.size() - 1);

    public E mid() {
        return list.get(list.size() >>> 1);

    public void clear() {

    public boolean add(E e) {
        return true;

    public int size() {
        return list.size();

    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return list.isEmpty();

    public boolean contains(Object obj) {
        return list.contains((E) obj);

    public Iterator<E> iterator() {
        return list.iterator();

    public Object[] toArray() {
        return list.toArray();

    public <T> T[] toArray(T[] arg0) {
        return list.toArray(arg0);

    public boolean remove(Object obj) {
        return list.remove((E) obj);

    public boolean containsAll(Collection<?> c) {
        return list.containsAll(c);

    public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c) {

        return true;

    public boolean addAll(int index, Collection<? extends E> c) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported.");

    public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c) {
        return list.removeAll(c);

    public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c) {
        return list.retainAll(c);

    public E get(int index) {
        return list.get(index);

    public E set(int index, E element) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported.");

    public void add(int index, E element) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported.");

    public E remove(int index) {
        return list.remove(index);

    public int indexOf(Object obj) {
        return list.indexOf((E) obj);

    public int lastIndexOf(Object obj) {
        return list.lastIndexOf((E) obj);

    public ListIterator<E> listIterator() {
        return list.listIterator();

    public ListIterator<E> listIterator(int index) {
        return list.listIterator(index);

    public List<E> subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported.");


Turns out its about twice as fast! I think its because of SortedLinkList slow get - which make's it not a good choice for a list.

Compared times for same random list:

  • SortedLinkList : 15731.460
  • SortedList : 6895.494
  • ca.odell.glazedlists.SortedList : 712.460
  • org.apache.commons.collections4.TreeList : 3226.546

Seems glazedlists.SortedList is really fast...

View a specific Git commit

git show <revhash>

Documentation here. Or if that doesn't work, try Google Code's GIT Documentation

Remove all of x axis labels in ggplot

You have to set to element_blank() in theme() elements you need to remove

ggplot(data = diamonds, mapping = aes(x = clarity)) + geom_bar(aes(fill = cut))+

git commit error: pathspec 'commit' did not match any file(s) known to git

Had this happen to me when committing from Xcode 6, after I had added a directory of files and subdirectories to the project folder. The problem was that, in the Commit sheet, in the left sidebar, I had checkmarked not only the root directory that I had added, but all of its descendants too. To solve the problem, I checkmarked only the root directory. This also committed all of the descendants, as desired, with no error.

Jquery - How to get the style display attribute "none / block"

You could try:


What does asterisk * mean in Python?

I find * useful when writing a function that takes another callback function as a parameter:

def some_function(parm1, parm2, callback, *callback_args):
    a = 1
    b = 2
    callback(a, b, *callback_args)

That way, callers can pass in arbitrary extra parameters that will be passed through to their callback function. The nice thing is that the callback function can use normal function parameters. That is, it doesn't need to use the * syntax at all. Here's an example:

def my_callback_function(a, b, x, y, z):

x = 5
y = 6
z = 7

some_function('parm1', 'parm2', my_callback_function, x, y, z)

Of course, closures provide another way of doing the same thing without requiring you to pass x, y, and z through some_function() and into my_callback_function().

tslint / codelyzer / ng lint error: "for (... in ...) statements must be filtered with an if statement"

To explain the actual problem that tslint is pointing out, a quote from the JavaScript documentation of the statement:

The loop will iterate over all enumerable properties of the object itself and those the object inherits from its constructor's prototype (properties closer to the object in the prototype chain override prototypes' properties).

So, basically this means you'll get properties you might not expect to get (from the object's prototype chain).

To solve this we need to iterate only over the objects own properties. We can do this in two different ways (as suggested by @Maxxx and @Qwertiy).

First solution

for (const field of Object.keys(this.formErrors)) {

Here we utilize the Object.Keys() method which returns an array of a given object's own enumerable properties, in the same order as that provided by a loop (the difference being that a for-in loop enumerates properties in the prototype chain as well).

Second solution

for (var field in this.formErrors) {
    if (this.formErrors.hasOwnProperty(field)) {

In this solution we iterate all of the object's properties including those in it's prototype chain but use the Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty() method, which returns a boolean indicating whether the object has the specified property as own (not inherited) property, to filter the inherited properties out.

Mount current directory as a volume in Docker on Windows 10

docker run --rm -v /c/Users/Christian/manager/bin:/app --workdir=/app  php:7.2-cli php  app.php

Git bash

 cd /c/Users/Christian/manager
    docker run --rm -v  ${PWD}:/app  --workdir=/app  php:7.2-cli php  bin/app.php

echo ${PWD} result:


cmd or PowerShell

  cd C:\Users\Christian\manager

echo ${PWD} result:

Path ---- C:\Users\Christian\manager

as we see in cmd or PowerShell $ {PWD} will not work

How to make an empty div take space

  works but that is not right way I think the w min-height: 1px;

Is it possible to change the location of packages for NuGet?

Just updating with Nuget 2.8.3. To change the location of installed packages , I enabled package restore from right clicking solution. Edited NuGet.Config and added these lines :

    <add key="repositorypath" value="..\Core\Packages" />

Then rebuilt the solution, it downloaded all packages to my desired folder and updated references automatically.

What is the best way to calculate a checksum for a file that is on my machine?

Just use win32 Checksum api. MD5 is native in Win32.

setTimeout in React Native

Classic javascript mistake.

setTimeout(function(){this.setState({timePassed: true})}, 1000)

When setTimeout runs this.setState, this is no longer CowtanApp, but window. If you define the function with the => notation, es6 will auto-bind this.

setTimeout(() => {this.setState({timePassed: true})}, 1000)

Alternatively, you could use a let that = this; at the top of your render, then switch your references to use the local variable.

render() {
  let that = this;
  setTimeout(function(){that.setState({timePassed: true})}, 1000);

If not working, use bind.

  function() {
      this.setState({timePassed: true});

Caused by: Cannot recover key

In order to not have the Cannot recover key exception, I had to apply the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files to the installation of Java that was running my application. Version 8 of those files can be found here or the latest version should be listed on this page. The download includes a file that explains how to apply the policy files.

Since JDK 8u151 it isn't necessary to add policy files. Instead the JCE jurisdiction policy files are controlled by a Security property called crypto.policy. Setting that to unlimited with allow unlimited cryptography to be used by the JDK. As the release notes linked to above state, it can be set by Security.setProperty() or via the file. The file could also be appended to by adding to the command to start the program as detailed here.

Since JDK 8u161 unlimited cryptography is enabled by default.

How do you get the length of a list in the JSF expression language?

Note: This solution is better for older versions of JSTL. For versions greater then 1.1 I recommend using fn:length(MyBean.somelist) as suggested by Bill James.

This article has some more detailed information, including another possible solution;

The problem is that we are trying to invoke the list's size method (which is a valid LinkedList method), but it's not a JavaBeans-compliant getter method, so the expression list.size-1 cannot be evaluated.

There are two ways to address this dilemma. First, you can use the RT Core library, like this:

<c_rt:out value='<%= list[list.size()-1] %>'/>

Second, if you want to avoid Java code in your JSP pages, you can implement a simple wrapper class that contains a list and provides access to the list's size property with a JavaBeans-compliant getter method. That bean is listed in Listing 2.25.

The problem with c_rt method is that you need to get the variable from request manually, because it doesn't recognize it otherwise. At this point you are putting in a lot of code for what should be built in functionality. This is a GIANT flaw in the EL.

I ended up using the "wrapper" method, here is the class for it;

public class CollectionWrapper {

    Collection collection;

    public CollectionWrapper(Collection collection) {
        this.collection = collection;

    public Collection getCollection() {
        return collection;

    public int getSize() {
        return collection.size();

A third option that no one has mentioned yet is to put your list size into the model (assuming you are using MVC) as a separate attribute. So in your model you would have "someList" and then "someListSize". That may be simplest way to solve this issue.

Session 'app' error while installing APK

You can clean your project with gradle wrapper of your project. In linux:

$./gradlew clean

In windows:

>gradlew.bat clean

Expected BEGIN_ARRAY but was BEGIN_OBJECT at line 1 column 2

Response you are getting is in object form i.e.

  "dstOffset" : 3600, 
  "rawOffset" : 36000, 
  "status" : "OK", 
  "timeZoneId" : "Australia/Hobart", 
  "timeZoneName" : "Australian Eastern Daylight Time" 

Replace below line of code :

List<Post> postsList = Arrays.asList(gson.fromJson(reader,Post.class))


Post post = gson.fromJson(reader, Post.class);

is it possible to update UIButton title/text programmatically?

Do you have the button specified as an IBOutlet in your view controller class, and is it connected properly as an outlet in Interface Builder (ctrl drag from new referencing outlet to file owner and select your UIButton object)? That's usually the problem I have when I see these symptoms.

Edit: While it's not the case here, something like this can also happen if you set an attributed title to the button, then you try to change the title and not the attributed title.

How to make Python speak

Just use this simple code in python.

Works only for windows OS.

from win32com.client import Dispatch

def speak(text):
    speak = Dispatch("SAPI.Spvoice")

speak("How are you dugres?")

I personally use this.

SQL datetime format to date only

After perusing your previous questions I eventually determined you are probably on SQL Server 2005. For US format you would use style 101

select Subject, 
       CONVERT(varchar,DeliveryDate,101) as DeliveryDate
from Email_Administration 
where MerchantId =@MerchantID 

How can I get dict from sqlite query?

You could use row_factory, as in the example in the docs:

import sqlite3

def dict_factory(cursor, row):
    d = {}
    for idx, col in enumerate(cursor.description):
        d[col[0]] = row[idx]
    return d

con = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
con.row_factory = dict_factory
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute("select 1 as a")
print cur.fetchone()["a"]

or follow the advice that's given right after this example in the docs:

If returning a tuple doesn’t suffice and you want name-based access to columns, you should consider setting row_factory to the highly-optimized sqlite3.Row type. Row provides both index-based and case-insensitive name-based access to columns with almost no memory overhead. It will probably be better than your own custom dictionary-based approach or even a db_row based solution.

How can I get the baseurl of site?

This works for me.

Request.Url.OriginalString.Replace(Request.Url.PathAndQuery, "") + Request.ApplicationPath;
  • Request.Url.OriginalString: return the complete path same as browser showing.
  • Request.Url.PathAndQuery: return the (complete path) - (domain name + PORT).
  • Request.ApplicationPath: return "/" on hosted server and "application name" on local IIS deploy.

So if you want to access your domain name do consider to include the application name in case of:

  1. IIS deployment
  2. If your application deployed on the sub-domain.


For the

it return this strong text

Python one-line "for" expression

If you really only need to add the items in one array to another, the '+' operator is already overloaded to do that, incidentally:

a1 = [1,2,3,4,5]
a2 = [6,7,8,9]
a1 + a2
--> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

Object of class mysqli_result could not be converted to string in

The query() function returns an object, you'll want fetch a record from what's returned from that function. Look at the examples on this page to learn how to print data from mysql

Save current directory in variable using Bash?

On a BASH shell, you can very simply run:

export PATH=$PATH:`pwd`/somethingelse

No need to save the current working directory into a variable...

Removing all line breaks and adding them after certain text

You need to that in two steps, at least.

First, click on the ¶ symbol in the toolbar: you can see if you have CRLF line endings or just LF.

Click on the Replace button, and put \r\n or \n, depending on the kind of line ending. In the Search Mode section of the dialog, check Extended radio button (interpret \n and such). Then replace all occurrences with nothing (empty string).

You end with a big line...

Next, in the same Replace dialog, put your delimiter (</Row>) for example and in the Replace With field, put the same with a line ending (</Row>\r\n). Replace All, and you are done.

How to force addition instead of concatenation in javascript

The following statement appends the value to the element with the id of response


This makes it look like you are concatenating the strings, but you aren't, you're actually appending them to the element

change that to


You need to change the drop event so that it replaces the value of the element with the total, you also need to keep track of what the total is, I suggest something like the following

$(function() {
    var data = [];
    var total = 0;

    $( "#draggable1" ).draggable();
    $( "#draggable2" ).draggable();
    $( "#draggable3" ).draggable();

        drop: function(event, ui) {
        var currentId = $(ui.draggable).attr('id');

        if(currentId == "draggable1"){
            var myInt1 = parseFloat($('#MealplanCalsPerServing1').val());
        if(currentId == "draggable2"){
            var myInt2 = parseFloat($('#MealplanCalsPerServing2').val());
        if(currentId == "draggable3"){
            var myInt3 = parseFloat($('#MealplanCalsPerServing3').val());
        if ( typeof myInt1 === 'undefined' || !myInt1 ) {
            myInt1 = parseInt(0);
        if ( typeof myInt2 === 'undefined' || !myInt2){
            myInt2 = parseInt(0);
        if ( typeof myInt3 === 'undefined' || !myInt3){
        myInt3 = parseInt(0);
        total += parseFloat(myInt1 + myInt2 + myInt3);

    $('#myId').click(function(event) {
        $.post("process.php", ({ id: data }), function(return_data, status) {

I moved the var total = 0; statement out of the drop event and changed the assignment statment from this

total = parseFloat(myInt1 + myInt2 + myInt3);

to this

total += parseFloat(myInt1 + myInt2 + myInt3);

Here is a working example

HTML/CSS: Making two floating divs the same height

Using JS, use data-same-height="group_name" in all the elements you want to have the same height.

The example:

The code:

$(document).ready(function() {
    var equalize = function () {
        var disableOnMaxWidth = 0; // 767 for bootstrap

        var grouped = {};
        var elements = $('*[data-same-height]');

        elements.each(function () {
            var el = $(this);
            var id = el.attr('data-same-height');

            if (!grouped[id]) {
                grouped[id] = [];


        $.each(grouped, function (key) {
            var elements = $('*[data-same-height="' + key + '"]');

            elements.css('height', '');

            var winWidth = $(window).width();

            if (winWidth <= disableOnMaxWidth) {

            var maxHeight = 0;

            elements.each(function () {
                var eleq = $(this);
                maxHeight = Math.max(eleq.height(), maxHeight);

            elements.css('height', maxHeight + "px");

    var timeout = null;

    $(window).resize(function () {
        if (timeout) {
            timeout = null;

        timeout = setTimeout(equalize, 250);

How do I install and use curl on Windows?

I have successfully used Windows curl-installer:

by using cURL for Windows direct download link with msi-installer. Remember to reboot your system after installing.

JQuery DatePicker ReadOnly

<sj:datepicker id="datepickerid" name="datepickername" displayFormat="%{formatDateJsp}" readonly="true"/>

Works for me.

Read input numbers separated by spaces

You'll want to:

  • Read in an entire line from the console
  • Tokenize the line, splitting along spaces.
  • Place those split pieces into an array or list
  • Step through that array/list, performing your prime/perfect/etc tests.

What has your class covered along these lines so far?

Is there a "previous sibling" selector?

Another flexbox solution

You can use inverse the order of elements in HTML. Then besides using order as in Michael_B's answer you can use flex-direction: row-reverse; or flex-direction: column-reverse; depending on your layout.

Working sample:

.flex {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  flex-direction: row-reverse;_x000D_
   /* Align content at the "reversed" end i.e. beginning */_x000D_
  justify-content: flex-end;_x000D_
/* On hover target its "previous" elements */_x000D_
.flex-item:hover ~ .flex-item {_x000D_
  background-color: lime;_x000D_
/* styles just for demo */_x000D_
.flex-item {_x000D_
  background-color: orange;_x000D_
  color: white;_x000D_
  padding: 20px;_x000D_
  font-size: 3rem;_x000D_
  border-radius: 50%;_x000D_
<div class="flex">_x000D_
  <div class="flex-item">5</div>_x000D_
  <div class="flex-item">4</div>_x000D_
  <div class="flex-item">3</div>_x000D_
  <div class="flex-item">2</div>_x000D_
  <div class="flex-item">1</div>_x000D_

Fully change package name including company domain

I also faced same problem & here is how I solved :-

I want to change package name to

I selected shivakrstha and I pressed Shift + F6 for Rename Refract and renamed to khec.

Finally, use the same package name in AndroidManifest.xml, applicationId in build.gradle and don't forget to Rebuild Your Project.

Note:- I tried to change np to jp, so I selected np and I pressed Shift + F6 for Rename Refract and renamed to jp, it's ok to change others too.

How to detect if a string contains special characters?

SELECT * FROM tableName WHERE columnName LIKE "%#%" OR columnName LIKE "%$%" OR (etc.)

How to check for empty value in Javascript?

Comment as an answer:

if (timetime[0].value)

This works because any variable in JS can be evaluated as a boolean, so this will generally catch things that are empty, null, or undefined.

jQuery and AJAX response header

The underlying XMLHttpRequest object used by jQuery will always silently follow redirects rather than return a 302 status code. Therefore, you can't use jQuery's AJAX request functionality to get the returned URL. Instead, you need to put all the data into a form and submit the form with the target attribute set to the value of the name attribute of the iframe:

$('#myIframe').attr('name', 'myIframe');

var form = $('<form method="POST" action=""></form>').attr('target', 'myIframe');
$('<input type="hidden" />').attr({name: 'search', value: 'test'}).appendTo(form);


The server's page will be loaded in the iframe, but when its 302 status arrives, the iframe will be redirected to the final destination.

Get my phone number in android

Robi Code is work for me, just put if !null so that if phone number is null, user can fill the phone number by him/her self.

editTextPhoneNumber = (EditText) findViewById(;
TelephonyManager tMgr;
tMgr= (TelephonyManager)getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
String mPhoneNumber = tMgr.getLine1Number();
if (mPhoneNumber != null){

Sorting a vector in descending order

According to my machine, sorting a long long vector of [1..3000000] using the first method takes around 4 seconds, while using the second takes about twice the time. That says something, obviously, but I don't understand why either. Just think this would be helpful.

Same thing reported here.

As said by Xeo, with -O3 they use about the same time to finish.

How can I find script's directory?

This is a pretty old thread but I've been having this problem when trying to save files into the current directory the script is in when running a python script from a cron job. getcwd() and a lot of the other path come up with your home directory.

to get an absolute path to the script i used

directory = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))

How to show full object in Chrome console?

I made a function of the Trident D'Gao answer.

function print(obj) {
  console.log(JSON.stringify(obj, null, 4));

How to use it


PHP Pass by reference in foreach

First loop

$v = $a[0];
$v = $a[1];
$v = $a[2];
$v = $a[3];

Yes! Current $v = $a[3] position.

Second loop

$a[3] = $v = $a[0], echo $v; // same as $a[3] and $a[0] == 'zero'
$a[3] = $v = $a[1], echo $v; // same as $a[3] and $a[1] == 'one'
$a[3] = $v = $a[2], echo $v; // same as $a[3] and $a[2] == 'two'
$a[3] = $v = $a[3], echo $v; // same as $a[3] and $a[3] == 'two'

because $a[3] is assigned by before processing.

What's the difference between equal?, eql?, ===, and ==?

I wrote a simple test for all the above.

def eq(a, b)
  puts "#{[a, '==',  b]} : #{a == b}"
  puts "#{[a, '===', b]} : #{a === b}"
  puts "#{[a, '.eql?', b]} : #{a.eql?(b)}"
  puts "#{[a, '.equal?', b]} : #{a.equal?(b)}"

eq("all", "all")
eq(:all, :all)
eq(3, 3)
eq(1, 1.0)

Convert Set to List without creating new List

We can use following one liner in Java 8:

List<String> list =;

Here is one small example:

public static void main(String[] args) {
        Set<String> set = new TreeSet<>();
        List<String> list =;

What do pty and tty mean?

"tty" originally meant "teletype" and "pty" means "pseudo-teletype".

In UNIX, /dev/tty* is any device that acts like a "teletype", ie, a terminal. (Called teletype because that's what we had for terminals in those benighted days.)

A pty is a pseudotty, a device entry that acts like a terminal to the process reading and writing there, but is managed by something else. They first appeared (as I recall) for X Window and screen and the like, where you needed something that acted like a terminal but could be used from another program.

Find indices of elements equal to zero in a NumPy array

You can search for any scalar condition with:

>>> a = np.asarray([0,1,2,3,4])
>>> a == 0 # or whatver
array([ True, False, False, False, False], dtype=bool)

Which will give back the array as an boolean mask of the condition.

Version of Apache installed on a Debian machine

  1. You can use apachectl -V or apachectl -v. Both of them will return the Apache version information!

        xgqfrms:~/workspace $ apachectl -v_x000D_
        Server version: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu)_x000D_
        Server built:   Jul 15 2016 15:34:04_x000D_
        xgqfrms:~/workspace $ apachectl -V_x000D_
        Server version: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu)_x000D_
        Server built:   Jul 15 2016 15:34:04_x000D_
        Server's Module Magic Number: 20120211:27_x000D_
        Server loaded:  APR 1.5.1-dev, APR-UTIL 1.5.3_x000D_
        Compiled using: APR 1.5.1-dev, APR-UTIL 1.5.3_x000D_
        Architecture:   64-bit_x000D_
        Server MPM:     prefork_x000D_
          threaded:     no_x000D_
            forked:     yes (variable process count)_x000D_
        Server compiled with...._x000D_
         -D APR_HAS_SENDFILE_x000D_
         -D APR_HAS_MMAP_x000D_
         -D APR_HAVE_IPV6 (IPv4-mapped addresses enabled)_x000D_
         -D APR_HAS_OTHER_CHILD_x000D_
         -D DYNAMIC_MODULE_LIMIT=256_x000D_
         -D HTTPD_ROOT="/etc/apache2"_x000D_
         -D SUEXEC_BIN="/usr/lib/apache2/suexec"_x000D_
         -D DEFAULT_PIDLOG="/var/run/"_x000D_
         -D DEFAULT_SCOREBOARD="logs/apache_runtime_status"_x000D_
         -D DEFAULT_ERRORLOG="logs/error_log"_x000D_
         -D AP_TYPES_CONFIG_FILE="mime.types"_x000D_
         -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="apache2.conf"

  2. You may be more like using apache2 -V or apache2 -v. It seems easier to remember!

        xgqfrms:~/workspace $ apache2 -v_x000D_
        Server version: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu)_x000D_
        Server built:   Jul 15 2016 15:34:04_x000D_
        xgqfrms:~/workspace $ apache2 -V_x000D_
        Server version: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu)_x000D_
        Server built:   Jul 15 2016 15:34:04_x000D_
        Server's Module Magic Number: 20120211:27_x000D_
        Server loaded:  APR 1.5.1-dev, APR-UTIL 1.5.3_x000D_
        Compiled using: APR 1.5.1-dev, APR-UTIL 1.5.3_x000D_
        Architecture:   64-bit_x000D_
        Server MPM:     prefork_x000D_
          threaded:     no_x000D_
            forked:     yes (variable process count)_x000D_
        Server compiled with...._x000D_
         -D APR_HAS_SENDFILE_x000D_
         -D APR_HAS_MMAP_x000D_
         -D APR_HAVE_IPV6 (IPv4-mapped addresses enabled)_x000D_
         -D APR_HAS_OTHER_CHILD_x000D_
         -D DYNAMIC_MODULE_LIMIT=256_x000D_
         -D HTTPD_ROOT="/etc/apache2"_x000D_
         -D SUEXEC_BIN="/usr/lib/apache2/suexec"_x000D_
         -D DEFAULT_PIDLOG="/var/run/"_x000D_
         -D DEFAULT_SCOREBOARD="logs/apache_runtime_status"_x000D_
         -D DEFAULT_ERRORLOG="logs/error_log"_x000D_
         -D AP_TYPES_CONFIG_FILE="mime.types"_x000D_
         -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="apache2.conf"

Android offline documentation and sample codes

If you install the SDK, the offline documentation can be found in $ANDROID_SDK/docs/.

Disable mouse scroll wheel zoom on embedded Google Maps

In Google Maps v3 you can now disable scroll to zoom, which leads to a much better user experience. Other map functions will still work and you don't need extra divs. I also thought there should be some feedback for the user so they can see when scrolling is enabled, so I added a map border.

// map is the google maps object, '#map' is the jquery selector
preventAccidentalZoom(map, '#map'); 

// Disables and enables scroll to zoom as appropriate. Also
// gives the user a UI cue as to when scrolling is enabled.
function preventAccidentalZoom(map, mapSelector){
  var mapElement = $(mapSelector);

  // Disable the scroll wheel by default
  map.setOptions({ scrollwheel: false })

  // Enable scroll to zoom when there is a mouse down on the map.
  // This allows for a click and drag to also enable the map
  mapElement.on('mousedown', function () {
    map.setOptions({ scrollwheel: true });
    mapElement.css('border', '1px solid blue')

  // Disable scroll to zoom when the mouse leaves the map.
  mapElement.mouseleave(function () {
    map.setOptions({ scrollwheel: false })
    mapElement.css('border', 'none')

How to add LocalDB to Visual Studio 2015 Community's SQL Server Object Explorer?

If you are not sure if local db is installed, or not sure which database name you should use to connect to it - try running 'sqllocaldb info' command - it will show you existing localdb databases.

Now, as far as I know, local db should be installed together with Visual Studio 2015. But probably it is not required feature, and if something goes wrong or it cannot be installed for some reason - Visual Studio installation continues still (note that is just my guess). So to be on the safe side don't rely on it will always be installed together with VS.

What's the Android ADB shell "dumpsys" tool and what are its benefits?

What's dumpsys and what are its benefit

dumpsys is an android tool that runs on the device and dumps interesting information about the status of system services.

Obvious benefits:

  1. Possibility to easily get system information in a simple string representation.
  2. Possibility to use dumped CPU, RAM, Battery, storage stats for a pretty charts, which will allow you to check how your application affects the overall device!

What information can we retrieve from dumpsys shell command and how we can use it

If you run dumpsys you would see a ton of system information. But you can use only separate parts of this big dump.

to see all of the "subcommands" of dumpsys do:

dumpsys | grep "DUMP OF SERVICE"


DUMP OF SERVICE SurfaceFlinger:
DUMP OF SERVICE accessibility:
DUMP OF SERVICE appwidget:
DUMP OF SERVICE batteryinfo:
DUMP OF SERVICE clipboard:
DUMP OF SERVICE connectivity:
DUMP OF SERVICE device_policy:
DUMP OF SERVICE devicestoragemonitor:
DUMP OF SERVICE diskstats:
DUMP OF SERVICE input_method:
DUMP OF SERVICE iphonesubinfo:
DUMP OF SERVICE media.audio_flinger:
DUMP OF SERVICE media.audio_policy:
DUMP OF SERVICE media.player:
DUMP OF SERVICE network_management:
DUMP OF SERVICE notification:
DUMP OF SERVICE permission:
DUMP OF SERVICE screenshot:
DUMP OF SERVICE simphonebook:
DUMP OF SERVICE statusbar:
DUMP OF SERVICE telephony.registry:
DUMP OF SERVICE usagestats:
DUMP OF SERVICE wallpaper:

Some Dumping examples and output

1) Getting all possible battery statistic:

$~ adb shell dumpsys battery

You will get output:

Current Battery Service state:
AC powered: false
AC capacity: 500000
USB powered: true
status: 5
health: 2
present: true
level: 100
scale: 100
temperature: 271 <---------- Battery temperature! %)
technology: Li-poly <---------- Battery technology! %)

2)Getting wifi informations

~$ adb shell dumpsys wifi


Wi-Fi is enabled
Stay-awake conditions: 3

Internal state:
interface tiwlan0 runState=Running
SSID: XXXXXXX BSSID: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx, MAC: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx, Supplicant state: COMPLETED, RSSI: -60, Link speed: 54, Net ID: 2, security: 0, idStr: null
ipaddr gateway 192.168.x.x netmask dns1 192.168.x.x dns2 DHCP server 192.168.x.x lease 604800 seconds
haveIpAddress=true, obtainingIpAddress=false, scanModeActive=false
lastSignalLevel=2, explicitlyDisabled=false

Latest scan results:

Locks acquired: 28 full, 0 scan
Locks released: 28 full, 0 scan

Locks held:

3) Getting CPU info

~$ adb shell dumpsys cpuinfo


Load: 0.08 / 0.4 / 0.64
CPU usage from 42816ms to 34683ms ago:
system_server: 1% = 1% user + 0% kernel / faults: 16 minor 0% = 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 160 minor
tiwlan_wq: 0% = 0% user + 0% kernel
usb_mass_storag: 0% = 0% user + 0% kernel
pvr_workqueue: 0% = 0% user + 0% kernel
+sleep: 0% = 0% user + 0% kernel
+sleep: 0% = 0% user + 0% kernel
TOTAL: 6% = 1% user + 3% kernel + 0% irq

4)Getting memory usage informations

~$ adb shell dumpsys meminfo 'your apps package name'


** MEMINFO in pid 5527 [] **
                    native   dalvik    other    total
            size:     2868     5767      N/A     8635
       allocated:     2861     2891      N/A     5752
            free:        6     2876      N/A     2882
           (Pss):      532       80     2479     3091
  (shared dirty):      932     2004     6060     8996
    (priv dirty):      512       36     1872     2420

           Views:        0        ViewRoots:        0
     AppContexts:        0       Activities:        0
          Assets:        3    AssetManagers:        3
   Local Binders:        2    Proxy Binders:        8
Death Recipients:        0
 OpenSSL Sockets:        0

               heap:        0         MEMORY_USED:        0
 PAGECACHE_OVERFLOW:        0         MALLOC_SIZE:        0

If you want see the info for all processes, use ~$ adb shell dumpsys meminfo

enter image description here

dumpsys is ultimately flexible and useful tool!

If you want to use this tool do not forget to add permission into your android manifest automatically android.permission.DUMP

Try to test all commands to learn more about dumpsys. Happy dumping!

Why doesn't document.addEventListener('load', function) work in a greasemonkey script?

Apparently, document.addEventListener() is unreliable, and hence, my error. Use window.addEventListener() with the same parameters, instead.

Dropdown select with images

You don't even need javascript to do this!

I hope this got you intrigued so here it goes. First, the html structure:

<div id="image-dropdown">
    <input type="radio" id="line1" name="line-style" value="1" checked="checked" />
    <label for="line1"></label>
    <input type="radio" id="line2" name="line-style" value="2" />
    <label for="line2"></label>

Whaaat? Radio buttons? Correct. We'll style them to look like a dropdown list with images, because that's what you're after! The trick is in knowing that when labels are correctly linked to inputs (that "for" attribute and target element id), the input will implicitly become active; click on a label = click on a radio button. Here comes comes slightly abbreviated css with comments inline:

#image-dropdown {
    /*style the "box" in its minimzed state*/
    border:1px solid black; width:200px; height:50px; overflow:hidden;
    /*animate the dropdown collapsing*/
    transition: height 0.1s;
#image-dropdown:hover {
    /*when expanded, the dropdown will get native means of scrolling*/
    height:200px; overflow-y:scroll;
    /*animate the dropdown expanding*/
    transition: height 0.5s;
#image-dropdown input {
    /*hide the nasty default radio buttons!*/
#image-dropdown label {
    /*style the labels to look like dropdown options*/
    display:none; margin:2px; height:46px; opacity:0.2; 
    background:url("") 50% 50%;}
#image-dropdown:hover label{
    /*this is how labels render in the "expanded" state.
     we want to see only the selected radio button in the collapsed menu,
     and all of them when expanded*/
#image-dropdown input:checked + label {
    /*tricky! labels immediately following a checked radio button
      (with our markup they are semantically related) should be fully opaque
      and visible even in the collapsed menu*/
    opacity:1 !important; display:block;

Full example here:

NB1: you'll probably need to use it with position:absolute inside a container with position:relative +high z-index.

NB2: when adding more backgrounds for individual line styles, consider having the selectors based on the "for" attribute of the label like so:

label[for=linestyle2] {background-image:url(...);}

Java null check why use == instead of .equals()

In addition to the accepted answer (

Since Java 1.7, if you want to compare two Objects which might be null, I recommend this function:

Objects.equals(onePossibleNull, twoPossibleNull)


This class consists of static utility methods for operating on objects. These utilities include null-safe or null-tolerant methods for computing the hash code of an object, returning a string for an object, and comparing two objects.

Since: 1.7

Is there an eval() function in Java?

As there are many answers, I'm adding my implementation on top of eval() method with some additional features like support for factorial, evaluating complex expressions etc.

package evaluation;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.EmptyStackException;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Stack;
import javax.script.ScriptEngine;
import javax.script.ScriptEngineManager;
import javax.script.ScriptException;

public class EvalPlus {
    private static Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("This Evaluation is based on BODMAS rule\n");

    private static void evaluate() {
        StringBuilder finalStr = new StringBuilder();
        System.out.println("Enter an expression to evaluate:");
        String expr = scanner.nextLine(); 
        if(isProperExpression(expr)) {
            expr = replaceBefore(expr);
            char[] temp = expr.toCharArray();
            String operators = "(+-*/%)";
            for(int i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) {
                if((i == 0 && temp[i] != '*') || (i == temp.length-1 && temp[i] != '*' && temp[i] != '!')) {
                } else if((i > 0 && i < temp.length -1) || (i==temp.length-1 && temp[i] == '!')) {
                    if(temp[i] == '!') {
                        StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
                        for(int k = i-1; k >= 0; k--) {
                            if(Character.isDigit(temp[k])) {
                                str.insert(0, temp[k] );
                            } else {
                        Long prev = Long.valueOf(str.toString());
                        BigInteger val = new BigInteger("1");
                        for(Long j = prev; j > 1; j--) {
                            val = val.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(j));
                        finalStr.setLength(finalStr.length() - str.length());
                        finalStr.append("(" + val + ")");
                        if(temp.length > i+1) {
                            char next = temp[i+1];
                            if(operators.indexOf(next) == -1) { 
                    } else {
            expr = finalStr.toString();
            if(expr != null && !expr.isEmpty()) {
                ScriptEngineManager mgr = new ScriptEngineManager();
                ScriptEngine engine = mgr.getEngineByName("JavaScript");
                try {
                    System.out.println("Result: " + engine.eval(expr));
                } catch (ScriptException e) {
            } else {
                System.out.println("Please give an expression");
        } else {
            System.out.println("Not a valid expression");

    private static String replaceBefore(String expr) {
        expr = expr.replace("(", "*(");
        expr = expr.replace("+*", "+").replace("-*", "-").replace("**", "*").replace("/*", "/").replace("%*", "%");
        return expr;

    private static boolean isProperExpression(String expr) {
        expr = expr.replaceAll("[^()]", "");
        char[] arr = expr.toCharArray();
        Stack<Character> stack = new Stack<Character>();
        int i =0;
        while(i < arr.length) {
            try {
                if(arr[i] == '(') {
                } else {
            } catch (EmptyStackException e) {
        return stack.isEmpty();

Please find the updated gist anytime here. Also comment if any issues are there. Thanks.

How to perform string interpolation in TypeScript?

Just use special `

var lyrics = 'Never gonna give you up';
var html = `<div>${lyrics}</div>`;

You can see more examples here.

Generating a list of pages (not posts) without the index file

I can offer you a jquery solution

add this in your <head></head> tag

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

add this after </ul>

 <script> $('ul li:first').remove(); </script> 

SHA-1 fingerprint of keystore certificate

Open Command Prompt in Windows and go to the following folder .

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_05\bin

Use commands cd <next directory name> to change directory to next. Use command cd .. to change directory to the Prev

Now type the following command as it is :

keytool -list -v -keystore "%USERPROFILE%\.android\debug.keystore" -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android

Converting a sentence string to a string array of words in Java

Most of the answers here convert String to String Array as the question asked. But Generally we use List , so more useful will be -

String dummy = "This is a sample sentence.";
List<String> wordList= Arrays.asList(dummy.split(" "));

Command to run a .bat file

There are many possibilities to solve this task.

1. RUN the batch file with full path

The easiest solution is running the batch file with full path.

"F:\- Big Packets -\kitterengine\Common\Template.bat"

Once end of batch file Template.bat is reached, there is no return to previous script in case of the command line above is within a *.bat or *.cmd file.

The current directory for the batch file Template.bat is the current directory of the current process. In case of Template.bat requires that the directory of this batch file is the current directory, the batch file Template.bat should contain after @echo off as second line the following command line:

cd /D "%~dp0"

Run in a command prompt window cd /? for getting displayed the help of this command explaining parameter /D ... change to specified directory also on a different drive.

Run in a command prompt window call /? for getting displayed the help of this command used also in 2., 4. and 5. solution and explaining also %~dp0 ... drive and path of argument 0 which is the name of the batch file.

2. CALL the batch file with full path

Another solution is calling the batch file with full path.

call "F:\- Big Packets -\kitterengine\Common\Template.bat"

The difference to first solution is that after end of batch file Template.bat is reached the batch processing continues in batch script containing this command line.

For the current directory read above.

3. Change directory and RUN batch file with one command line

There are 3 operators for running multiple commands on one command line: &, && and ||.
For details see answer on Single line with multiple commands using Windows batch file

I suggest for this task the && operator.

cd /D "F:\- Big Packets -\kitterengine\Common" && Template.bat

As on first solution there is no return to current script if this is a *.bat or *.cmd file and changing the directory and continuation of batch processing on Template.bat is successful.

4. Change directory and CALL batch file with one command line

This command line changes the directory and on success calls the batch file.

cd /D "F:\- Big Packets -\kitterengine\Common" && call Template.bat

The difference to third solution is the return to current batch script on exiting processing of Template.bat.

5. Change directory and CALL batch file with keeping current environment with one command line

The four solutions above change the current directory and it is unknown what Template.bat does regarding

  1. current directory
  2. environment variables
  3. command extensions state
  4. delayed expansion state

In case of it is important to keep the environment of current *.bat or *.cmd script unmodified by whatever Template.bat changes on environment for itself, it is advisable to use setlocal and endlocal.

Run in a command prompt window setlocal /? and endlocal /? for getting displayed the help of these two commands. And read answer on change directory command cd ..not working in batch file after npm install explaining more detailed what these two commands do.

setlocal & cd /D "F:\- Big Packets -\kitterengine\Common" & call Template.bat & endlocal

Now there is only & instead of && used as it is important here that after setlocal is executed the command endlocal is finally also executed.


If batch file Template.bat contains the command exit without parameter /B and this command is really executed, the command process is always exited independent on calling hierarchy. So make sure Template.bat contains exit /B or goto :EOF instead of just exit if there is exit used at all in this batch file.

How to remove leading and trailing zeros in a string? Python

Remove leading + trailing '0':

list = [i.strip('0') for i in listOfNum ]

Remove leading '0':

list = [ i.lstrip('0') for i in listOfNum ]

Remove trailing '0':

list = [ i.rstrip('0') for i in listOfNum ]

Git merge two local branches

If I understood your question, you want to merge branchB into branchA. To do so, first checkout branchA like below,

git checkout branchA

Then execute the below command to merge branchB into branchA:

git merge branchB

Connecting an input stream to an outputstream

Just because you use a buffer doesn't mean the stream has to fill that buffer. In other words, this should be okay:

public static void copyStream(InputStream input, OutputStream output)
    throws IOException
    byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; // Adjust if you want
    int bytesRead;
    while ((bytesRead = != -1)
        output.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);

That should work fine - basically the read call will block until there's some data available, but it won't wait until it's all available to fill the buffer. (I suppose it could, and I believe FileInputStream usually will fill the buffer, but a stream attached to a socket is more likely to give you the data immediately.)

I think it's worth at least trying this simple solution first.

How to get instance variables in Python?


>>> print vars.__doc__
vars([object]) -> dictionary

Without arguments, equivalent to locals().
With an argument, equivalent to object.__dict__.

In otherwords, it essentially just wraps __dict__

Is there a way since (iOS 7's release) to get the UDID without using iTunes on a PC/Mac? has worked for me, no need for connecting iPhone with cable or etc.: just follow their "My Device" tab that will lead you to install their provision profile and then display the UDID and add option to send it by Email.

How to access Session variables and set them in javascript?

You could also set the variable in a property and call it from js:

On the Server side :

Protected ReadOnly Property wasFieldEditedStatus() As Boolean
        Return If((wasFieldEdited), "true", "false")
    End Get
End Property

And then in the javascript:

alert("The wasFieldEdited Value: <%= wasFieldEditedStatus %>" );

Log4Net configuring log level

If you would like to perform it dynamically try this:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using log4net;
using log4net.Config;
using NUnit.Framework;

namespace ExampleConsoleApplication
  enum DebugLevel : int
    Fatal_Msgs = 0 , 
    Fatal_Error_Msgs = 1 , 
    Fatal_Error_Warn_Msgs = 2 , 
    Fatal_Error_Warn_Info_Msgs = 3 ,
    Fatal_Error_Warn_Info_Debug_Msgs = 4 

  class TestClass
    private static readonly ILog logger = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(TestClass));

    static void Main ( string[] args )
      TestClass objTestClass = new TestClass ();

      Console.WriteLine ( " START " );

      int shouldLog = 4; //CHANGE THIS FROM 0 TO 4 integer to check the functionality of the example
      //0 -- prints only FATAL messages 
      //1 -- prints FATAL and ERROR messages 
      //2 -- prints FATAL , ERROR and WARN messages 
      //3 -- prints FATAL  , ERROR , WARN and INFO messages 
      //4 -- prints FATAL  , ERROR , WARN , INFO and DEBUG messages 

      string srtLogLevel = String.Empty; 
      switch (shouldLog)
        case (int)DebugLevel.Fatal_Msgs :
          srtLogLevel = "FATAL";
        case (int)DebugLevel.Fatal_Error_Msgs:
          srtLogLevel = "ERROR";
        case (int)DebugLevel.Fatal_Error_Warn_Msgs :
          srtLogLevel = "WARN";
        case (int)DebugLevel.Fatal_Error_Warn_Info_Msgs :
          srtLogLevel = "INFO"; 
        case (int)DebugLevel.Fatal_Error_Warn_Info_Debug_Msgs :
          srtLogLevel = "DEBUG" ;
          break ;
          srtLogLevel = "FATAL";

      objTestClass.SetLogingLevel ( srtLogLevel );

      objTestClass.LogSomething ();

      Console.WriteLine ( " END HIT A KEY TO EXIT " );
      Console.ReadLine ();
    } //eof method 

    /// <summary>
    /// Activates debug level 
    /// </summary>
    /// <sourceurl></sourceurl>
    private void SetLogingLevel ( string strLogLevel )
     string strChecker = "WARN_INFO_DEBUG_ERROR_FATAL" ;

      if (String.IsNullOrEmpty ( strLogLevel ) == true || strChecker.Contains ( strLogLevel ) == false)
        throw new Exception ( " The strLogLevel should be set to WARN , INFO , DEBUG ," );

      log4net.Repository.ILoggerRepository[] repositories = log4net.LogManager.GetAllRepositories ();

      //Configure all loggers to be at the debug level.
      foreach (log4net.Repository.ILoggerRepository repository in repositories)
        repository.Threshold = repository.LevelMap[ strLogLevel ];
        log4net.Repository.Hierarchy.Hierarchy hier = (log4net.Repository.Hierarchy.Hierarchy)repository;
        log4net.Core.ILogger[] loggers = hier.GetCurrentLoggers ();
        foreach (log4net.Core.ILogger logger in loggers)
          ( (log4net.Repository.Hierarchy.Logger)logger ).Level = hier.LevelMap[ strLogLevel ];

      //Configure the root logger.
      log4net.Repository.Hierarchy.Hierarchy h = (log4net.Repository.Hierarchy.Hierarchy)log4net.LogManager.GetRepository ();
      log4net.Repository.Hierarchy.Logger rootLogger = h.Root;
      rootLogger.Level = h.LevelMap[ strLogLevel ];

    private void LogSomething ()
      #region LoggerUsage
      DOMConfigurator.Configure (); //tis configures the logger 
      logger.Debug ( "Here is a debug log." );
      logger.Info ( "... and an Info log." );
      logger.Warn ( "... and a warning." );
      logger.Error ( "... and an error." );
      logger.Fatal ( "... and a fatal error." );
      #endregion LoggerUsage

  } //eof class 
} //eof namespace 

The app config:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
        <section name="log4net"
                 type="log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler, log4net" />
        <appender name="LogFileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.FileAppender">
            <param name="File" value="LogTest2.txt" />
            <param name="AppendToFile" value="true" />
            <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
                <param name="Header" value="[Header] \r\n" />
                <param name="Footer" value="[Footer] \r\n" />
                <param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d [%t] %-5p %c %m%n" />

        <appender name="ColoredConsoleAppender" type="log4net.Appender.ColoredConsoleAppender">
                <level value="ERROR" />
                <foreColor value="White" />
                <backColor value="Red, HighIntensity" />
            <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
                <conversionPattern value="%date [%thread] %-5level %logger [%property{NDC}] - %message%newline" />

        <appender name="AdoNetAppender" type="log4net.Appender.AdoNetAppender">
            <connectionType value="System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" />
            <connectionString value="data source=ysg;initial catalog=DBGA_DEV;integrated security=true;persist security info=True;" />
            <commandText value="INSERT INTO [DBGA_DEV].[ga].[tb_Data_Log] ([Date],[Thread],[Level],[Logger],[Message]) VALUES (@log_date, @thread, @log_level, @logger, @message)" />

                <parameterName value="@log_date" />
                <dbType value="DateTime" />
                <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout" value="%date{yyyy'-'MM'-'dd HH':'mm':'ss'.'fff}" />
                <parameterName value="@thread" />
                <dbType value="String" />
                <size value="255" />
                <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout" value="%thread" />
                <parameterName value="@log_level" />
                <dbType value="String" />
                <size value="50" />
                <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout" value="%level" />
                <parameterName value="@logger" />
                <dbType value="String" />
                <size value="255" />
                <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout" value="%logger" />
                <parameterName value="@message" />
                <dbType value="String" />
                <size value="4000" />
                <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout" value="%messag2e" />
            <level value="INFO" />
            <appender-ref ref="LogFileAppender" />
            <appender-ref ref="AdoNetAppender" />
            <appender-ref ref="ColoredConsoleAppender" />

The references in the csproj file:

<Reference Include="log4net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1b44e1d426115821, processorArchitecture=MSIL">
<Reference Include="nunit.framework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=96d09a1eb7f44a77, processorArchitecture=MSIL" />

How do you decrease navbar height in Bootstrap 3?

The answer above worked fine (MVC5 + Bootstrap 3.0), but the height returned to the default once the navbar button showed up (very small screen). Had to add the below in my .css to fix that as well.

.navbar-header .navbar-toggle {

Is there a short contains function for lists?

I came up with this one liner recently for getting True if a list contains any number of occurrences of an item, or False if it contains no occurrences or nothing at all. Using next(...) gives this a default return value (False) and means it should run significantly faster than running the whole list comprehension.

list_does_contain = next((True for item in list_to_test if item == test_item), False)

Is List<Dog> a subclass of List<Animal>? Why are Java generics not implicitly polymorphic?

Lets take the example from JavaSE tutorial

public abstract class Shape {
    public abstract void draw(Canvas c);

public class Circle extends Shape {
    private int x, y, radius;
    public void draw(Canvas c) {

public class Rectangle extends Shape {
    private int x, y, width, height;
    public void draw(Canvas c) {

So why a list of dogs (circles) should not be considered implicitly a list of animals (shapes) is because of this situation:

// drawAll method call

public void drawAll(List<Shape> shapes) {
   shapes.add(new Rectangle());    

So Java "architects" had 2 options which address this problem:

  1. do not consider that a subtype is implicitly it's supertype, and give a compile error, like it happens now

  2. consider the subtype to be it's supertype and restrict at compile the "add" method (so in the drawAll method, if a list of circles, subtype of shape, would be passed, the compiler should detected that and restrict you with compile error into doing that).

For obvious reasons, that chose the first way.

What is the correct way to write HTML using Javascript?

You can change the innerHTML or outerHTML of an element on the page instead.

if (boolean condition) in Java

In your example, the IF statement will run when it is state = true meaning the else part will run when state = false.

if(turnedOn == true) is the same as if(turnedOn)

if(turnedOn == false) is the same as if(!turnedOn)

If you have:

boolean turnedOn = false;


boolean turnedOn;



    // This would run!

What is the difference between SQL Server 2012 Express versions?

This link goes to the best comparison chart around, directly from the Microsoft. It compares ALL aspects of all MS SQL server editions. To compare three editions you are asking about, just focus on the last three columns of every table in there.

Summary compiled from the above document:

    * = contains the feature
                                           SQLEXPR    SQLEXPRWT   SQLEXPRADV
    > SQL Server Core                         *           *           *
    > SQL Server Management Studio            -           *           *
    > Distributed Replay – Admin Tool         -           *           *
    > LocalDB                                 -           *           *
    > SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT)            -           -           *
    > Full-text and semantic search           -           -           *
    > Specification of language in query      -           -           *
    > some of Reporting services features     -           -           *

getFilesDir() vs Environment.getDataDirectory()

Try this


Update MySQL using HTML Form and PHP

Update query may have some issues

$query = "UPDATE anstalld SET mandag = '$mandag', tisdag = '$tisdag', onsdag = '$onsdag', torsdag = '$torsdag', fredag = '$fredag' WHERE namn = '$namn' ";
echo $query;

Please make sure that, your variable not having values with qoutes ( ' ), May be the query is breaking somewhere.

echo the query and try to execute in phpmyadmin itself. Then you can find the issues.

Use of var keyword in C#

I don't understand why people start debates like this. It really serves no purpose than to start flame wars at then end of which nothing is gained. Now if the C# team was trying to phase out one style in favor of the other, I can see the reason to argue over the merits of each style. But since both are going to remain in the language, why not use the one you prefer and let everybody do the same. It's like the use of everybody's favorite ternary operator: some like it and some don't. At the end of the day, it makes no difference to the compiler.

This is like arguing with your siblings over which is your favorite parent: it doesn't matter unless they are divorcing!

Rename Excel Sheet with VBA Macro

The "no frills" options are as follows:

ActiveSheet.Name = "New Name"


Sheets("Sheet2").Name = "New Name"

You can also check out recording macros and seeing what code it gives you, it's a great way to start learning some of the more vanilla functions.

Using Font Awesome icon for bullet points, with a single list item element

I'd like to build upon some of the answers above and given elsewhere and suggest using absolute positioning along with the :before pseudo class. A lot of the examples above (and in similar questions) are utilizing custom HTML markup, including Font Awesome's method of handling. This goes against the original question, and isn't strictly necessary.


ul {
  list-style-type: none;
  padding-left: 20px;

li {
  position: relative;
  padding-left: 20px;
  margin-bottom: 10px

li:before {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  font-family: FontAwesome;
  content: "\f058";
  color: green;

That's basically it. You can get the ISO value for use in CSS content on the Font Awesome cheatsheet. Simply use the last 4 alphanumerics prefixed with a backslash. So [&#xf058;] becomes \f058

How to increase timeout for a single test case in mocha

If you wish to use es6 arrow functions you can add a .timeout(ms) to the end of your it definition:

it('should not timeout', (done) => {
    doLongThing().then(() => {

At least this works in Typescript.