Programs & Examples On #Dynamic image generation

How to select only date from a DATETIME field in MySQL?

Simply You can do

SELECT DATE(date_field) AS date_field FROM table_name

Forbidden You don't have permission to access /wp-login.php on this server

The solution is to add this to the beginning of your .htaccess

<Files wp-login.php>
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from all

It's because many hosts were under attack, using the wordpress from their clients.

Linq : select value in a datatable column

If the return value is string and you need to search by Id you can use:

string name = datatable.AsEnumerable().Where(row => Convert.ToInt32(row["Id"]) == Id).Select(row => row.Field<string>("name")).ToString();

or using generic variable:

var name = datatable.AsEnumerable().Where(row => Convert.ToInt32(row["Id"]) == Id).Select(row => row.Field<string>("name"));

Long Press in JavaScript?

For cross platform developers (Note All answers given so far will not work on iOS):

Mouseup/down seemed to work okay on android - but not all devices ie (samsung tab4). Did not work at all on iOS.

Further research its seems that this is due to the element having selection and the native magnification interupts the listener.

This event listener enables a thumbnail image to be opened in a bootstrap modal, if the user holds the image for 500ms.

It uses a responsive image class therefore showing a larger version of the image. This piece of code has been fully tested upon (iPad/Tab4/TabA/Galaxy4):

var pressTimer;  
$(".thumbnail").on('touchend', function (e) {
}).on('touchstart', function (e) {
   var target = $(e.currentTarget);
   var imagePath = target.find('img').attr('src');
   var title = target.find('.myCaption:visible').first().text();
   $('#dds-modal-img').attr('src', imagePath);
   // Set timeout
   pressTimer = window.setTimeout(function () {
   }, 500)

What is the maximum length of a String in PHP?

To properly answer this qustion you need to consider PHP internals or the target that PHP is built for.

To answer this from a typical Linux perspective on x86...

Sizes of types in C:

Types used in PHP for variables:

Strings are always 2GB as the length is always 32bits and a bit is wasted because it uses int rather than uint. int is impractical for lengths over 2GB as it requires a cast to avoid breaking arithmetic or "than" comparisons. The extra bit is likely being used for overflow checks.

Strangely, hash keys might internally support 4GB as uint is used although I have never put this to the test. PHP hash keys have a +1 to the length for a trailing null byte which to my knowledge gets ignored so it may need to be unsigned for that edge case rather than to allow longer keys.

A 32bit system may impose more external limits.

How to handle ListView click in Android

This solution is really minimalistic and doesn't mess up your code.

In your list_item.xml (NOT listView!) assign the attribute android:onClick like this:

<RelativeLayout android:onClick="onClickDoSomething">

and then in your activity call this method:

public void onClickDoSomething(View view) {
   // the view is the line you have clicked on

Custom CSS for <audio> tag?

There is not currently any way to style HTML5 <audio> players using CSS. Instead, you can leave off the control attribute, and implement your own controls using Javascript. If you don't want to implement them all on your own, I'd recommend using an existing themeable HTML5 audio player, such as jPlayer.

Java HTML Parsing

Several years ago I used JTidy for the same purpose:

"JTidy is a Java port of HTML Tidy, a HTML syntax checker and pretty printer. Like its non-Java cousin, JTidy can be used as a tool for cleaning up malformed and faulty HTML. In addition, JTidy provides a DOM interface to the document that is being processed, which effectively makes you able to use JTidy as a DOM parser for real-world HTML.

JTidy was written by Andy Quick, who later stepped down from the maintainer position. Now JTidy is maintained by a group of volunteers.

More information on JTidy can be found on the JTidy SourceForge project page ."

How to enable native resolution for apps on iPhone 6 and 6 Plus?

You can add a launch screen file that appears to work for multiple screen sizes. I just added the MainStoryboard as a launch screen file and that stopped the app from scaling. I think I will need to add a permanent launch screen later, but that got the native resolution up and working quickly. In Xcode, go to your target, general and add the launch screen file there.

Launch Screen File

How can I loop through a List<T> and grab each item?


foreach (var money in myMoney) {
    Console.WriteLine("Amount is {0} and type is {1}", money.amount, money.type);


Alternatively, because it is a List<T>.. which implements an indexer method [], you can use a normal for loop as well.. although its less readble (IMO):

for (var i = 0; i < myMoney.Count; i++) {
    Console.WriteLine("Amount is {0} and type is {1}", myMoney[i].amount, myMoney[i].type);

How do I concatenate strings and variables in PowerShell?

One way is:

Write-Host "$($assoc.Id)  -  $($assoc.Name)  -  $($assoc.Owner)"

Another one is:

Write-Host  ("{0}  -  {1}  -  {2}" -f $assoc.Id,$assoc.Name,$assoc.Owner )

Or just (but I don't like it ;) ):

Write-Host $assoc.Id  "  -  "   $assoc.Name  "  -  "  $assoc.Owner

How to solve error: "Clock skew detected"?

please try to do

make clean

(instead of make), then



Display progress bar while doing some work in C#?

BackgroundWorker is not the answer because it may be that I don't get the progress notification...

What on earth does the fact that you're not getting progress notification have to do with the use of BackgroundWorker? If your long-running task doesn't have a reliable mechanism for reporting its progress, there's no way to reliably report its progress.

The simplest possible way to report progress of a long-running method is to run the method on the UI thread and have it report progress by updating the progress bar and then calling Application.DoEvents(). This will, technically, work. But the UI will be unresponsive between calls to Application.DoEvents(). This is the quick and dirty solution, and as Steve McConnell observes, the problem with quick and dirty solutions is that the bitterness of the dirty remains long after the sweetness of the quick is forgotten.

The next simplest way, as alluded to by another poster, is to implement a modal form that uses a BackgroundWorker to execute the long-running method. This provides a generally better user experience, and it frees you from having to solve the potentially complicated problem of what parts of your UI to leave functional while the long-running task is executing - while the modal form is open, none of the rest of your UI will respond to user actions. This is the quick and clean solution.

But it's still pretty user-hostile. It still locks up the UI while the long-running task is executing; it just does it in a pretty way. To make a user-friendly solution, you need to execute the task on another thread. The easiest way to do that is with a BackgroundWorker.

This approach opens the door to a lot of problems. It won't "leak," whatever that is supposed to mean. But whatever the long-running method is doing, it now has to do it in complete isolation from the pieces of the UI that remain enabled while it's running. And by complete, I mean complete. If the user can click anywhere with a mouse and cause some update to be made to some object that your long-running method ever looks at, you'll have problems. Any object that your long-running method uses which can raise an event is a potential road to misery.

It's that, and not getting BackgroundWorker to work properly, that's going to be the source of all of the pain.

Get source jar files attached to Eclipse for Maven-managed dependencies

For Indigo (and probably Helios) the checkboxes mentioned above are located here:

Window -> Preferences -> Maven

How to implement a binary search tree in Python?

Here is a compact, object oriented, recursive implementation:

    class BTreeNode(object):
        def __init__(self, data):
   = data
            self.rChild = None
            self.lChild = None

    def __str__(self):
        return (self.lChild.__str__() + '<-' if self.lChild != None else '') + + ('->' + self.rChild.__str__() if self.rChild != None else '')

    def insert(self, btreeNode):
        if > #insert left
            if self.lChild == None:
                self.lChild = btreeNode
        else: #insert right
            if self.rChild == None:
                self.rChild = btreeNode

def main():
    btreeRoot = BTreeNode(5)
    print 'inserted %s:' %5, btreeRoot

    print 'inserted %s:' %7, btreeRoot

    print 'inserted %s:' %3, btreeRoot

    print 'inserted %s:' %1, btreeRoot

    print 'inserted %s:' %2, btreeRoot

    print 'inserted %s:' %4, btreeRoot

    print 'inserted %s:' %6, btreeRoot

The output of the above main() is:

inserted 5: 5
inserted 7: 5->7
inserted 3: 3<-5->7
inserted 1: 1<-3<-5->7
inserted 2: 1->2<-3<-5->7
inserted 4: 1->2<-3->4<-5->7
inserted 6: 1->2<-3->4<-5->6<-7

How can I display a tooltip on an HTML "option" tag?

At least on firefox, you can set a "title" attribute on the option tag:

<option value="" title="Tooltip">Some option</option>

Bootstrap - floating navbar button right

Create a separate ul.nav for just that list item and float that ul right.


How to enable core dump in my Linux C++ program

By default many profiles are defaulted to 0 core file size because the average user doesn't know what to do with them.

Try ulimit -c unlimited before running your program.

Set transparent background using ImageMagick and commandline prompt

If you want to control the level of transparency you can use rgba. where a is the alpha. 0 for transparent and 1 for opaque. Make sure that final output file must have .png extension for transparency.

    -channel rgba 
    -fuzz 40% 
    -fill "rgba(255,255,255,0.5)" 
    -opaque "rgb(255,255,255)" 

How to use an environment variable inside a quoted string in Bash

The following script works for me for multiple values of $COLUMNS. I wonder if you are not setting COLUMNS prior to this call?

svn diff $@ --diff-cmd /usr/bin/diff -x "-y -w -p -W $COLUMNS"

Can you echo $COLUMNS inside your script to see if it set correctly?

Splitting a continuous variable into equal sized groups

try this:

split(das, cut(das$anim, 3))

if you want to split based on the value of wt, then

library(Hmisc) # cut2
split(das, cut2(das$wt, g=3))

anyway, you can do that by combining cut, cut2 and split.


if you want a group index as an additional column, then

das$group <- cut(das$anim, 3)

if the column should be index like 1, 2, ..., then

das$group <- as.numeric(cut(das$anim, 3))


try this:

> das$wt2 <- as.numeric(cut2(das$wt, g=3))
> das
   anim    wt wt2
1     1 181.0   1
2     2 179.0   1
3     3 180.5   1
4     4 201.0   2
5     5 201.5   2
6     6 245.0   2
7     7 246.4   3
8     8 189.3   1
9     9 301.0   3
10   10 354.0   3
11   11 369.0   3
12   12 205.0   2
13   13 199.0   1
14   14 394.0   3
15   15 231.3   2

The difference between "require(x)" and "import x"

Let me give an example for Including express module with require & import


var express = require('express');


import * as  express from 'express';

So after using any of the above statement we will have a variable called as 'express' with us. Now we can define 'app' variable as,

var app = express(); 

So we use 'require' with 'CommonJS' and 'import' with 'ES6'.

For more info on 'require' & 'import', read through below links.

require - Requiring modules in Node.js: Everything you need to know

import - An Update on ES6 Modules in Node.js

importing go files in same folder

Any number of files in a directory are a single package; symbols declared in one file are available to the others without any imports or qualifiers. All of the files do need the same package foo declaration at the top (or you'll get an error from go build).

You do need GOPATH set to the directory where your pkg, src, and bin directories reside. This is just a matter of preference, but it's common to have a single workspace for all your apps (sometimes $HOME), not one per app.

Normally a Github path would be (not just So if you want to have main and another package, you may end up doing something under workspace/src like
      main.go   // package main, importing ""
        b.go    // package b

Note you always import with the full path: relative imports aren't allowed in a workspace. If you get tired of typing paths, use goimports. If you were getting by with go run, it's time to switch to go build: run deals poorly with multiple-file mains and I didn't bother to test but heard (from Dave Cheney here) go run doesn't rebuild dirty dependencies.

Sounds like you've at least tried to set GOPATH to the right thing, so if you're still stuck, maybe include exactly how you set the environment variable (the command, etc.) and what command you ran and what error happened. Here are instructions on how to set it (and make the setting persistent) under Linux/UNIX and here is the Go team's advice on workspace setup. Maybe neither helps, but take a look and at least point to which part confuses you if you're confused.

JavaScript backslash (\) in variables is causing an error

The backslash \ is reserved for use as an escape character in Javascript.

To use a backslash literally you need to use two backslashes


sql query to get earliest date

Using "limit" and "top" will not work with all SQL servers (for example with Oracle). You can try a more complex query in pure sql:

select, mt1."name", mt1.score, mt1."date" from mytable mt1
and mt1."date"= (select min(mt2."date") from mytable mt2 where

How to convert a pymongo.cursor.Cursor into a dict?

The find method returns a Cursor instance, which allows you to iterate over all matching documents.

To get the first document that matches the given criteria you need to use find_one. The result of find_one is a dictionary.

You can always use the list constructor to return a list of all the documents in the collection but bear in mind that this will load all the data in memory and may not be what you want.

You should do that if you need to reuse the cursor and have a good reason not to use rewind()

Demo using find:

>>> import pymongo
>>> conn = pymongo.MongoClient()
>>> db = conn.test #test is my database
>>> col = db.spam #Here spam is my collection
>>> cur = col.find()  
>>> cur
<pymongo.cursor.Cursor object at 0xb6d447ec>
>>> for doc in cur:
...     print(doc)  # or do something with the document
{'a': 1, '_id': ObjectId('54ff30faadd8f30feb90268f'), 'b': 2}
{'a': 1, 'c': 3, '_id': ObjectId('54ff32a2add8f30feb902690'), 'b': 2}

Demo using find_one:

>>> col.find_one()
{'a': 1, '_id': ObjectId('54ff30faadd8f30feb90268f'), 'b': 2}

Checking if form has been submitted - PHP


if(isset($_POST['submit'])) // name of your submit button

python error: no module named pylab

What you've done by following those directions is created an entirely new Python installation, separate from the system Python that is managed by Ubuntu packages.

Modules you had installed in the system Python (e.g. installed via packages, or by manual installation using the system Python to run the setup process) will not be available, since your /usr/local-based python is configured to look in its own module directories, not the system Python's.

You can re-add missing modules now by building them and installing them using your new /usr/local-based Python.

How to find index of list item in Swift?

If you are still working in Swift 1.x

then try,

let testArray = ["A","B","C"]

let indexOfA = find(testArray, "A") 
let indexOfB = find(testArray, "B")
let indexOfC = find(testArray, "C")

Java: How to read a text file

This example code shows you how to read file in Java.


 * This example code shows you how to read file in Java

 public class ReadFileExample 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
       System.out.println("Reading File from Java code");
       //Name of the file
       String fileName="RAILWAY.txt";

          //Create object of FileReader
          FileReader inputFile = new FileReader(fileName);

          //Instantiate the BufferedReader Class
          BufferedReader bufferReader = new BufferedReader(inputFile);

          //Variable to hold the one line data
          String line;

          // Read file line by line and print on the console
          while ((line = bufferReader.readLine()) != null)   {
          //Close the buffer reader
       }catch(Exception e){
          System.out.println("Error while reading file line by line:" + e.getMessage());                      


How to read data from java properties file using Spring Boot

You can use @PropertySource to externalize your configuration to a properties file. There is number of way to do get properties:

1. Assign the property values to fields by using @Value with PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer to resolve ${} in @Value:

public class ApplicationConfiguration {

    private String gMapReportUrl;

    public static PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer propertyConfigInDev() {
        return new PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer();


2. Get the property values by using Environment:

public class ApplicationConfiguration {

    private Environment env;

    public void foo() {


Hope this can help

How to save data file into .RData?

There are three ways to save objects from your R session:

Saving all objects in your R session:

The save.image() function will save all objects currently in your R session:


These objects can then be loaded back into a new R session using the load() function:


Saving some objects in your R session:

If you want to save some, but not all objects, you can use the save() function:

save(city, country, file="1.RData")

Again, these can be reloaded into another R session using the load() function:


Saving a single object

If you want to save a single object you can use the saveRDS() function:

saveRDS(city, file="city.rds")
saveRDS(country, file="country.rds") 

You can load these into your R session using the readRDS() function, but you will need to assign the result into a the desired variable:

city <- readRDS("city.rds")
country <- readRDS("country.rds")

But this also means you can give these objects new variable names if needed (i.e. if those variables already exist in your new R session but contain different objects):

city_list <- readRDS("city.rds")
country_vector <- readRDS("country.rds")

How to convert unix timestamp to calendar date moment.js

$(document).ready(function() {
    var value = $("#unixtime").val(); //this retrieves the unix timestamp
    var dateString = moment(value, 'MM/DD/YYYY', false).calendar(); 

There is a strict mode and a Forgiving mode.

While strict mode works better in most situations, forgiving mode can be very useful when the format of the string being passed to moment may vary.

In a later release, the parser will default to using strict mode. Strict mode requires the input to the moment to exactly match the specified format, including separators. Strict mode is set by passing true as the third parameter to the moment function.

A common scenario where forgiving mode is useful is in situations where a third party API is providing the date, and the date format for that API could change. Suppose that an API starts by sending dates in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format, and then later changes to 'MM/DD/YYYY' format.

In strict mode, the following code results in 'Invalid Date' being displayed:

moment('01/12/2016', 'YYYY-MM-DD', true).format()
"Invalid date"

In forgiving mode using a format string, you get a wrong date:

moment('01/12/2016', 'YYYY-MM-DD').format()

another way would be

$(document).ready(function() {
    var value = $("#unixtime").val(); //this retrieves the unix timestamp
    var dateString = moment.unix(value).calendar(); 
}); mvc3 return raw html to view

That looks fine, unless you want to pass it as Model string

public class HomeController : Controller
    public ActionResult Index()
        string model = "<HTML></HTML>";
        return View(model);

@model string
    ViewBag.Title = "Index";


How do I upgrade to Python 3.6 with conda?

Only solution that works was create a new conda env with the name you want (you will, unfortunately, delete the old one to keep the name). Then create a new env with a new python version and re-run your script with the conda/pip installs (or the yaml file or whatever you use to keep your requirements):

conda remove --name original_name --all
conda create --name original_name python=3.8
sh  # or whatever you usually do to install dependencies

doing conda install python=3.8 doesn't work for me. Also, why do you want 3.6? Move forward with the word ;)

Note bellow doesn't work:

If you want to update the conda version of your previous env what you can also do is the following (more complicated than it should be because you cannot rename envs in conda):

  1. create a temporary new location for your current env:
conda create --name temporary_env_name --clone original_env_name
  1. delete the original env (so that the new env can have that name):
conda deactivate
conda remove --name original_env_name --all # or its alias: `conda env remove --name original_env_name`
  1. then create the new empty env with the python version you want and clone the original env:
conda create --name original_env_name python=3.8 --clone temporary_env_name

SQL Server : check if variable is Empty or NULL for WHERE clause

WHERE p.[Type] = isnull(@SearchType, p.[Type])

how to stop a running script in Matlab

If ctrl+c doesn't respond right away because your script is too long/complex, hold it.

The break command doesn't run when matlab is executing some of its deeper scripts, and either it won't log a ctrl sequence in the buffer, or it clears the buffer just before or just after it completes those pieces of code. In either case, when matlab returns to execute more of your script, it will recognize that you are holding ctrl+c and terminate.

For longer running programs, I usually try to find a good place to provide a status update and I always accompany that with some measure of time using tic and toc. Depending on what I am doing, I might use run time, segment time, some kind of average, etc...

For really long running programs, I found this to be exceptionally useful

but it looks like they have some newer functions for this too.

Setting Inheritance and Propagation flags with set-acl and powershell

Just because you're in PowerShell don't forgot about good ol' exes. Sometimes they can provide the easiest solution e.g.:

icacls.exe $folder /grant 'domain\user:(OI)(CI)(M)'

Update a dataframe in pandas while iterating row by row

You can assign values in the loop using df.set_value:

for i, row in df.iterrows():
    ifor_val = something
    if <condition>:
        ifor_val = something_else

If you don't need the row values you could simply iterate over the indices of df, but I kept the original for-loop in case you need the row value for something not shown here.


df.set_value() has been deprecated since version 0.21.0 you can use instead:

for i, row in df.iterrows():
    ifor_val = something
    if <condition>:
        ifor_val = something_else[i,'ifor'] = ifor_val

I/O error(socket error): [Errno 111] Connection refused

I'm not exactly sure what's causing this. You can try looking in your (mine is a different version, so line numbers from the trace don't match, and I'm afraid some other details might not match as well).

Anyway, it seems like a good practice to put your url fetching code in a try: ... except: ... block, and handle this with a short pause and a retry. The URL you're trying to fetch may be down, or too loaded, and that's stuff you'll only be able to handle in with a retry anyway.

Python: Differentiating between row and column vectors

I think you can use ndmin option of numpy.array. Keeping it to 2 says that it will be a (4,1) and transpose will be (1,4).

>>> a = np.array([12, 3, 4, 5], ndmin=2)
>>> print a.shape
>>> (1,4)
>>> print a.T.shape
>>> (4,1)

Alter and Assign Object Without Side Effects

You will have the same object two times in your array, because object values are passed by reference. You have to create a new object like this = 244;
myElement.value = 3556;
myArray[0] = $.extend({}, myElement); //for shallow copy or
myArray[0] = $.extend(true, {}, myElement); // for deep copy


myArray.push({ id: 24, value: 246 });

How do I remove a comma off the end of a string?

i guess you're concatenating something in the loop, like

foreach($a as $b)
  $string .= $b . ',';

much better is to collect items in an array and then join it with a delimiter you need

foreach($a as $b)
  $result[] = $b;

$result = implode(',', $result);

this solves trailing and double delimiter problems that usually occur with concatenation

Calculate row means on subset of columns

rowMeans is nice, but if you are still trying to wrap your head around the apply family of functions, this is a good opprotunity to begin understanding it.

DF['Mean'] <- apply(DF[,2:4], 1, mean)

Notice I'm doing a slightly different assignment than the first example. This approach makes it easier to incorporate it into for loops.

How can I remove the gloss on a select element in Safari on Mac?

Check out -webkit-appearance: none and its derivatives. Originally described by Chris Coyer here:

Cast Object to Generic Type for returning

You have to use a Class instance because of the generic type erasure during compilation.

public static <T> T convertInstanceOfObject(Object o, Class<T> clazz) {
    try {
        return clazz.cast(o);
    } catch(ClassCastException e) {
        return null;

The declaration of that method is:

public T cast(Object o)

This can also be used for array types. It would look like this:

final Class<int[]> intArrayType = int[].class;
final Object someObject = new int[]{1,2,3};
final int[] instance = convertInstanceOfObject(someObject, intArrayType);

Note that when someObject is passed to convertToInstanceOfObject it has the compile time type Object.

How to sort by two fields in Java?

Or you can exploit the fact that Collections.sort() (or Arrays.sort()) is stable (it doesn't reorder elements that are equal) and use a Comparator to sort by age first and then another one to sort by name.

In this specific case this isn't a very good idea but if you have to be able to change the sort order in runtime, it might be useful.

How do you use subprocess.check_output() in Python?

The right answer (using Python 2.7 and later, since check_output() was introduced then) is:

py2output = subprocess.check_output(['python','','-i', 'test.txt'])

To demonstrate, here are my two programs:

import sys
print sys.argv

import subprocess
py2output = subprocess.check_output(['python', '', '-i', 'test.txt'])
print('py2 said:', py2output)

Running it:

$ python3
py2 said: b"['', '-i', 'test.txt']\n"

Here's what's wrong with each of your versions:

py2output = subprocess.check_output([str('python '),'-i', 'test.txt'])

First, str('python') is exactly the same thing as 'python'—you're taking a str, and calling str to convert it to an str. This makes the code harder to read, longer, and even slower, without adding any benefit.

More seriously, python can't be a single argument, unless you're actually trying to run a program named, say, /usr/bin/python\ Which you're not; you're trying to run, say, /usr/bin/python with first argument So, you need to make them separate elements in the list.

Your second version fixes that, but you're missing the ' before test.txt'. This should give you a SyntaxError, probably saying EOL while scanning string literal.

Meanwhile, I'm not sure how you found documentation but couldn't find any examples with arguments. The very first example is:

>>> subprocess.check_output(["echo", "Hello World!"])
b'Hello World!\n'

That calls the "echo" command with an additional argument, "Hello World!".


-i is a positional argument for argparse, test.txt is what the -i is

I'm pretty sure -i is not a positional argument, but an optional argument. Otherwise, the second half of the sentence makes no sense.

How to use auto-layout to move other views when a view is hidden?

the proper way to do it is to disable constraints with isActive = false. note however that deactivating a constraint removes and releases it, so you have to have strong outlets for them.

Difficulty with ng-model, ng-repeat, and inputs

I tried the solution above for my problem at it worked like a charm. Thanks!

Here is my version of that:

var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
function MyCtrl($scope) {
    $scope.models = [{
        name: 'Device1',
        checked: true
    }, {
        name: 'Device1',
        checked: true
    }, {
        name: 'Device1',
        checked: true


and my HTML

<div ng-app="myApp">
    <div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
         <h1>Fun with Fields and ngModel</h1>
        <p>names: {{models}}</p>
        <table class="table table-striped">
                    <th>Feature 1</td>
                    <th>Feature 2</th>
                    <th>Feature 3</th>
                   <td ng-repeat="modelCheck in models" class=""> <span>

                        <label class="control-label">Which devices?</label>
                    <td ng-repeat="model in models">{{}}
                        <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox inline" ng-model="model.checked" />

adb connection over tcp not working now

Try to do port forwarding,

adb forward tcp:<PC port> tcp:<device port>.


adb forward tcp:5555 tcp:5555.

sounds like 5555 port is captured so use other one. As I know 7612 is empty


C:\Users\m>adb forward tcp:7612 tcp:7612

C:\Users\m>adb tcpip 7612
restarting in TCP mode port: 7612

C:\Users\m>adb connect
connected to

Be sure that you connect to the right IP address. (You can download Network Info 2 to check your IP)

Bootstrap 3 only for mobile

I found a solution wich is to do:

<span class="visible-sm"> your code without col </span>
<span class="visible-xs"> your code with col </span>

It's not very optimized but it works. Did you find something better? It really miss a class like col-sm-0 to apply colons just to the xs size...

How to compare different branches in Visual Studio Code

If you just want to view the changes to a particular file between the working copy and a particular commit using GitLens, the currently accepted answer can make it difficult to find the file you're interested in if many files have changed between the versions.

Instead, go to the file explorer in the side bar and right click on the file, go to Open Changes > Open Changes with Revision... (or Open Changes with Branch or Tag...).

enable/disable zoom in Android WebView

Improved Lukas Knuth's version:

public class TweakedWebView extends WebView {

    private ZoomButtonsController zoomButtons;

    public TweakedWebView(Context context) {

    public TweakedWebView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);

    public TweakedWebView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyle);

    private void init() {
        } else {
            try {
                Method method = getClass()
                zoomButtons = (ZoomButtonsController) method.invoke(this);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // pass

    public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
        boolean result = super.onTouchEvent(ev);
        if (zoomButtons != null) {
        return result;


Delete files or folder recursively on Windows CMD

You can use this in the bat script:

rd /s /q "c:\folder a"

Now, just change c:\folder a to your folder's location. Quotation is only needed when your folder name contains spaces.

Compare dates in MySQL

That is SQL Server syntax for converting a date to a string. In MySQL you can use the DATE function to extract the date from a datetime:

FROM players
WHERE DATE(us_reg_date) BETWEEN '2000-07-05' AND '2011-11-10'

But if you want to take advantage of an index on the column us_reg_date you might want to try this instead:

FROM players
WHERE us_reg_date >= '2000-07-05'
  AND us_reg_date < '2011-11-10' + interval 1 day

How to convert an entire MySQL database characterset and collation to UTF-8?

You can create the sql to update all tables with:

    AS alter_sql
FROM information_schema.TABLES
WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = "your_database_name";

Capture the output and run it.

Arnold Daniels' answer above is more elegant.

Find all zero-byte files in directory and subdirectories

As addition to the answers above:

If you would like to delete those files

find $dir -size 0 -type f -delete

Didn't find class ""?

I had the same problem in my (YouTube player project)... and the following solved the problem for me:

  1. Add this code into your build.gradle (module: app) inside defaultConfing:

    defaultConfig {
        multiDexEnabled = true
  2. Add this code into your build.gradle (module: app) inside dependencies:

    dependencies {
        compile ''
  3. Open AndroidManifest.xml and within application:


    or if you have your App class, extend it from MultiDexApplication like:

    public class MyApp extends MultiDexApplication {

And finally, I think you should have Android Support Repository downloaded, in the Extras in SDK Manager.


Try with:

select TO_CHAR(dates,'dd/MM/yyy hh24:mi') from (  SELECT min  (TO_DATE(a.PAYM_DATE)) as dates from user_payment a )

Represent space and tab in XML tag

If you are talking about the issue where multiple and non-space whitespace characters are stripped specifically from attribute values, then yes, encoding them as character references such as &#9; will fix it.

What does the "map" method do in Ruby?

Map is a part of the enumerable module. Very similar to "collect" For Example:

  Class Car

    attr_accessor :name, :model, :year

    Def initialize (make, model, year)
      @make, @model, @year = make, model, year


  list = []
  list <<"Honda", "Accord", 2016)
  list <<"Toyota", "Camry", 2015)
  list <<"Nissan", "Altima", 2014)

  p {|p| p.model}

Map provides values iterating through an array that are returned by the block parameters.

How do I get the path and name of the file that is currently executing?

It's not entirely clear what you mean by "the filepath of the file that is currently running within the process". sys.argv[0] usually contains the location of the script that was invoked by the Python interpreter. Check the sys documentation for more details.

As @Tim and @Pat Notz have pointed out, the __file__ attribute provides access to

the file from which the module was loaded, if it was loaded from a file

Using Thymeleaf when the value is null

   <p data-th-text ="${#strings.defaultString(yourNullable,'defaultValueIfYourValueIsNull')}"></p>

jQuery form validation on button click

$(document).ready(function() {
        rules: {
            field1: "required"
        messages: {
            field1: "Please specify your name"

<form id="form1" name="form1">
     Field 1: <input id="field1" type="text" class="required">
    <input id="btn" type="submit" value="Validate">

You are also you using type="button". And I'm not sure why you ought to separate the submit button, place it within the form. It's more proper to do it that way. This should work.

Show dialog from fragment?

Here is a full example of a yes/no DialogFragment:

The class:

public class SomeDialog extends DialogFragment {

    public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        return new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity())
            .setMessage("Sure you wanna do this!")
            .setNegativeButton(, new OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
                    // do nothing (will close dialog)
            .setPositiveButton(android.R.string.yes,  new OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
                    // do something

To start dialog:

        FragmentTransaction ft = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
        // Create and show the dialog.
        SomeDialog newFragment = new SomeDialog ();, "dialog");

You could also let the class implement onClickListener and use that instead of embedded listeners.

Callback to Activity

If you want to implement callback this is how it is done In your activity:

YourActivity extends Activity implements OnFragmentClickListener


public void onFragmentClick(int action, Object object) {
    switch(action) {
        case SOME_ACTION:
        //Do your action here

The callback class:

public interface OnFragmentClickListener {
    public void onFragmentClick(int action, Object object);

Then to perform a callback from a fragment you need to make sure the listener is attached like this:

public void onAttach(Activity activity) {
    try {
        mListener = (OnFragmentClickListener) activity;
    } catch (ClassCastException e) {
        throw new ClassCastException(activity.toString() + " must implement listeners!");

And a callback is performed like this:

mListener.onFragmentClick(SOME_ACTION, null); // null or some important object as second parameter.

Duplicate keys in .NET dictionaries?

If you are using strings as both the keys and the values, you can use System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection, which will return an array of string values via the GetValues(string key) method.

Python 101: Can't open file: No such file or directory

Prior to running python, type cd in the commmand line, and it will tell you the directory you are currently in. When python runs, it can only access files in this directory. needs to be in this directory, so you can move from its existing location to this folder as you would move any other file in Windows or you can change directories and run python in the directory is.

Edit: Python cannot access the files in the subdirectory unless a path to it provided. You can access files in any directory by providing the path. python C:\Python27\Projects\hello.p

Type of expression is ambiguous without more context Swift

This might not be very applicable to others, but my problem was that the changes I made was NOT saved yet! Press CMD + S and save your work before building on top of it.

how to get session id of client in Client

Try from your code socket.socket.sessionid ie.

    var socket = io.connect('http://localhost');
  var sendBtn= document.getElementById('btnSend');
  sendBtn.onclick= function(){
var userId=document.getElementById('txt1').value;
var userMsg = document.getElementById('txt2').value;
socket.emit('sendto',{username: userId, message: userMsg});

  socket.on('news', function (data) {
    socket.emit('my other event', { my: 'data' });
  socket.on('message',function(data){ console.log(data);});

How to show progress bar while loading, using ajax

$(function() {
    $("#client").on("change", function() {
      var clientid=$("#client").val();
     //show the loading div here
          //hide the loading div here

Or you can also do this:

$(document).ajaxStart(function() {
        // show loader on start
    }).ajaxSuccess(function() {
        // hide loader on success

Cannot lower case button text in android studio

<style name="AppTheme" parent="AppBaseTheme">
    <item name="android:buttonStyle">@style/Button</item>

<style name="Button" parent="Widget.AppCompat.Button">
    <item name="android:textAllCaps">false</item>

RuntimeError: module compiled against API version a but this version of numpy is 9

I got the same issue with quaternion module. When updating modules with conda, the numpy version is not up^dated to the last one. If forcing update with pip command pip install --upgrade numpy + install quaternion module by pip install --user numpy numpy-quaternion, the issue is fixed. May be the issue is coming from the numpy version. Here the execution result:

Python 2.7.14 |Anaconda custom (64-bit)| (default, Oct 15 2017, 03:34:40) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> print np.__version__

(base) C:\Users\jc>pip install --user numpy numpy-quaternion
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in d:\programdata\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (1.14.3)
Collecting numpy-quaternion
  Downloading (49kB)
    100% |################################| 51kB 581kB/s
Installing collected packages: numpy-quaternion
Successfully installed numpy-quaternion-2018.

(base) C:\Users\jc>python
Python 2.7.14 |Anaconda custom (64-bit)| (default, Oct 15 2017, 03:34:40) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> import quaternion

How to extract HTTP response body from a Python requests call?

Your code is correct. I tested:

r = requests.get("")

And it returned plenty of content. Check the url, try "". Cheers!

Using R to download zipped data file, extract, and import data

Here is an example that works for files which cannot be read in with the read.table function. This example reads a .xls file.

url <-""

temp <- tempfile()
temp2 <- tempfile()

download.file(url, temp)
unzip(zipfile = temp, exdir = temp2)
data <- read_xls(file.path(temp2, "fire station x_y.xls"))

unlink(c(temp, temp2))

Zookeeper connection error

Just now I solved the same question and post a blog.

In brief, if xx's zoo.cfg like:


then xx's myid=1 is must

Using Excel VBA to export data to MS Access table

is it possible to export without looping through all records

For a range in Excel with a large number of rows you may see some performance improvement if you create an Access.Application object in Excel and then use it to import the Excel data into Access. The code below is in a VBA module in the same Excel document that contains the following test data


Option Explicit

Sub AccImport()
    Dim acc As New Access.Application
    acc.OpenCurrentDatabase "C:\Users\Public\Database1.accdb"
    acc.DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet _
            TransferType:=acImport, _
            SpreadSheetType:=acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12Xml, _
            TableName:="tblExcelImport", _
            Filename:=Application.ActiveWorkbook.FullName, _
            HasFieldNames:=True, _
    Set acc = Nothing
End Sub

Python loop counter in a for loop

Use enumerate() like so:

def draw_menu(options, selected_index):
    for counter, option in enumerate(options):
        if counter == selected_index:
            print " [*] %s" % option
            print " [ ] %s" % option    

options = ['Option 0', 'Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3']
draw_menu(options, 2)

Note: You can optionally put parenthesis around counter, option, like (counter, option), if you want, but they're extraneous and not normally included.

Scatter plots in Pandas/Pyplot: How to plot by category

This is simple to do with Seaborn (pip install seaborn) as a oneliner

sns.scatterplot(x_vars="one", y_vars="two", data=df, hue="key1") :

import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df = pd.DataFrame(
    np.random.normal(10, 1, 30).reshape(10, 3),
    index=pd.date_range('2010-01-01', freq='M', periods=10),
    columns=('one', 'two', 'three'))
df['key1'] = (4, 4, 4, 6, 6, 6, 8, 8, 8, 8)

sns.scatterplot(x="one", y="two", data=df, hue="key1")

enter image description here

Here is the dataframe for reference:

enter image description here

Since you have three variable columns in your data, you may want to plot all pairwise dimensions with:

sns.pairplot(vars=["one","two","three"], data=df, hue="key1")

enter image description here is another option.

How to make a SIMPLE C++ Makefile

Why does everyone like to list out source files? A simple find command can take care of that easily.

Here's an example of a dirt simple C++ Makefile. Just drop it in a directory containing .C files and then type make...

appname := myapp

CXX := clang++
CXXFLAGS := -std=c++11

srcfiles := $(shell find . -name "*.C")
objects  := $(patsubst %.C, %.o, $(srcfiles))

all: $(appname)

$(appname): $(objects)
    $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $(appname) $(objects) $(LDLIBS)

depend: .depend

.depend: $(srcfiles)
    rm -f ./.depend
    $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -MM $^>>./.depend;

    rm -f $(objects)

dist-clean: clean
    rm -f *~ .depend

include .depend

how to fix groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method:

You can also get this error if the objects you're passing to the method are out of order. In other words say your method takes, in order, a string, an integer, and a date. If you pass a date, then a string, then an integer you will get the same error message.

Remove all the elements that occur in one list from another

Performance Comparisons

Comparing the performance of all the answers mentioned here on Python 3.9.1 and Python 2.7.16.

Python 3.9.1

Answers are mentioned in order of performance:

  1. Arkku's set difference using subtraction "-" operation - (91.3 nsec per loop)

    mquadri$ python3 -m timeit -s "l1 = set([1,2,6,8]); l2 = set([2,3,5,8]);" "l1 - l2"
    5000000 loops, best of 5: 91.3 nsec per loop
  2. Moinuddin Quadri's using set().difference()- (133 nsec per loop)

    mquadri$ python3 -m timeit -s "l1 = set([1,2,6,8]); l2 = set([2,3,5,8]);" "l1.difference(l2)"
    2000000 loops, best of 5: 133 nsec per loop
  3. Moinuddin Quadri's list comprehension with set based lookup- (366 nsec per loop)

     mquadri$ python3 -m timeit -s "l1 = [1,2,6,8]; l2 = set([2,3,5,8]);" "[x for x in l1 if x not in l2]"
     1000000 loops, best of 5: 366 nsec per loop
  4. Donut's list comprehension on plain list - (489 nsec per loop)

     mquadri$ python3 -m timeit -s "l1 = [1,2,6,8]; l2 = [2,3,5,8];" "[x for x in l1 if x not in l2]"
     500000 loops, best of 5: 489 nsec per loop
  5. Daniel Pryden's generator expression with set based lookup and type-casting to list - (583 nsec per loop) : Explicitly type-casting to list to get the final object as list, as requested by OP. If generator expression is replaced with list comprehension, it'll become same as Moinuddin Quadri's list comprehension with set based lookup.

     mquadri$ mquadri$ python3 -m timeit -s "l1 = [1,2,6,8]; l2 = set([2,3,5,8]);" "list(x for x in l1 if x not in l2)"
     500000 loops, best of 5: 583 nsec per loop
  6. Moinuddin Quadri's using filter() and explicitly type-casting to list (need to explicitly type-cast as in Python 3.x, it returns iterator) - (681 nsec per loop)

     mquadri$ python3 -m timeit -s "l1 = [1,2,6,8]; l2 = set([2,3,5,8]);" "list(filter(lambda x: x not in l2, l1))"
     500000 loops, best of 5: 681 nsec per loop
  7. Akshay Hazari's using combination of functools.reduce + filter -(3.36 usec per loop) : Explicitly type-casting to list as from Python 3.x it started returned returning iterator. Also we need to import functools to use reduce in Python 3.x

     mquadri$ python3 -m timeit "from functools import reduce; l1 = [1,2,6,8]; l2 = [2,3,5,8];" "list(reduce(lambda x,y : filter(lambda z: z!=y,x) ,l1,l2))"
     100000 loops, best of 5: 3.36 usec per loop

Python 2.7.16

Answers are mentioned in order of performance:

  1. Arkku's set difference using subtraction "-" operation - (0.0783 usec per loop)

    mquadri$ python -m timeit -s "l1 = set([1,2,6,8]); l2 = set([2,3,5,8]);" "l1 - l2"
    10000000 loops, best of 3: 0.0783 usec per loop
  2. Moinuddin Quadri's using set().difference()- (0.117 usec per loop)

    mquadri$ mquadri$ python -m timeit -s "l1 = set([1,2,6,8]); l2 = set([2,3,5,8]);" "l1.difference(l2)"
    10000000 loops, best of 3: 0.117 usec per loop
  3. Moinuddin Quadri's list comprehension with set based lookup- (0.246 usec per loop)

     mquadri$ python -m timeit -s "l1 = [1,2,6,8]; l2 = set([2,3,5,8]);" "[x for x in l1 if x not in l2]"
     1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.246 usec per loop
  4. Donut's list comprehension on plain list - (0.372 usec per loop)

     mquadri$ python -m timeit -s "l1 = [1,2,6,8]; l2 = [2,3,5,8];" "[x for x in l1 if x not in l2]"
     1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.372 usec per loop
  5. Moinuddin Quadri's using filter() - (0.593 usec per loop)

     mquadri$ python -m timeit -s "l1 = [1,2,6,8]; l2 = set([2,3,5,8]);" "filter(lambda x: x not in l2, l1)"
     1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.593 usec per loop
  6. Daniel Pryden's generator expression with set based lookup and type-casting to list - (0.964 per loop) : Explicitly type-casting to list to get the final object as list, as requested by OP. If generator expression is replaced with list comprehension, it'll become same as Moinuddin Quadri's list comprehension with set based lookup.

     mquadri$ python -m timeit -s "l1 = [1,2,6,8]; l2 = set([2,3,5,8]);" "list(x for x in l1 if x not in l2)"
     1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.964 usec per loop
  7. Akshay Hazari's using combination of functools.reduce + filter -(2.78 usec per loop)

     mquadri$ python -m timeit "l1 = [1,2,6,8]; l2 = [2,3,5,8];" "reduce(lambda x,y : filter(lambda z: z!=y,x) ,l1,l2)"
     100000 loops, best of 3: 2.78 usec per loop

Convert Difference between 2 times into Milliseconds?

You have to convert textbox's values to DateTime (t1,t2), then:

DateTime t1,t2;
t1 = DateTime.Parse(textbox1.Text);
t2 = DateTime.Parse(textbox2.Text);
int diff = ((TimeSpan)(t2 - t1)).TotalMilliseconds;

Or use DateTime.TryParse(textbox1, out t1); Error handling is up to you.

Default settings Raspberry Pi /etc/network/interfaces

For my Raspberry Pi 3B model it was

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet manual

allow-hotplug wlan0
iface wlan0 inet manual
    wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

allow-hotplug wlan1
iface wlan1 inet manual
    wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

change type of input field with jQuery

I received the same error message while attempting to do this in Firefox 5.

I solved it using the code below:

<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">

    var passfield = document.getElementById('password_field_id');
    passfield.type = 'text';

function focusCheckDefaultValue(field, type, defaultValue)
    if (field.value == defaultValue)
        field.value = '';
    if (type == 'pass')
        field.type = 'password';
function blurCheckDefaultValue(field, type, defaultValue)
    if (field.value == '')
        field.value = defaultValue;
    if (type == 'pass' && field.value == defaultValue)
        field.type = 'text';
    else if (type == 'pass' && field.value != defaultValue)
        field.type = 'password';


And to use it, just set the onFocus and onBlur attributes of your fields to something like the following:

<input type="text" value="Username" name="username" id="username" 
    onFocus="javascript:focusCheckDefaultValue(this, '', 'Username -OR- Email Address');"
    onBlur="javascript:blurCheckDefaultValue(this, '', 'Username -OR- Email Address');">

<input type="password" value="Password" name="pass" id="pass"
    onFocus="javascript:focusCheckDefaultValue(this, 'pass', 'Password');"
    onBlur="javascript:blurCheckDefaultValue(this, 'pass', 'Password');">

I use this for a username field as well, so it toggles a default value. Just set the second parameter of the function to '' when you call it.

Also it might be worth noting that the default type of my password field is actually password, just in case a user doesn't have javascript enabled or if something goes wrong, that way their password is still protected.

The $(document).ready function is jQuery, and loads when the document has finished loading. This then changes the password field to a text field. Obviously you'll have to change 'password_field_id' to your password field's id.

Feel free to use and modify the code!

Hope this helps everyone who had the same problem I did :)

-- CJ Kent

EDIT: Good solution but not absolute. Works on on FF8 and IE8 BUT not fully on Chrome(16.0.912.75 ver). Chrome does not display the Password text when the page loads. Also - FF will display your password when autofill is switched on.

Replace or delete certain characters from filenames of all files in a folder

A one-liner command in Windows PowerShell to delete or rename certain characters will be as below. (here the whitespace is being replaced with underscore)

Dir | Rename-Item –NewName { $ –replace " ","_" }

Difference between and logger.debug

It depends on which level you selected in your log4j configuration file.

        <Root level="info">

If your level is "info" (by default), logger.debug(...) will not be printed in your console. However, if your level is "debug", it will.

Depending on the criticality level of your code, you should use the most accurate level among the following ones :


How can I get date and time formats based on Culture Info?

Try setting a custom CultureInfo for CurrentCulture and CurrentUICulture:

Globalization.CultureInfo customCulture = new Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US", true);

customCulture.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern = "yyyy-MM-dd h:mm tt";

System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = customCulture;
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = customCulture;

DateTime newDate = System.Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd h:mm tt"));

How To Save Canvas As An Image With canvas.toDataURL()?

Instead of imageElement.src = myImage; you should use window.location = myImage;

And even after that the browser will display the image itself. You can right click and use "Save Link" for downloading the image.

Check this link for more information.

Is it possible to change a UIButtons background color?

Per @EthanB suggestion and @karim making a back filled rectangle, I just created a category for the UIButton to achieve this.

Just drop in the Category code:


[button setBackgroundColor:uiTextColor forState:UIControlStateDisabled];

Optional forStates to use:


Are iframes considered 'bad practice'?

There are definitely uses for iframes folks. How else would you put the weather networks widget on your page? The only other way is to grab their XML and parse it, but then of course you need conditions to throw up the pertenant weather graphics... not really worth it, but way cleaner if you have the time.

PostgreSQL Autoincrement

Yes, SERIAL is the equivalent function.

bar varchar);

INSERT INTO foo (bar) values ('blah');
INSERT INTO foo (bar) values ('blah');



SERIAL is just a create table time macro around sequences. You can not alter SERIAL onto an existing column.

How to loop over directories in Linux?

All answers so far use find, so here's one with just the shell. No need for external tools in your case:

for dir in /tmp/*/     # list directories in the form "/tmp/dirname/"
    dir=${dir%*/}      # remove the trailing "/"
    echo "${dir##*/}"    # print everything after the final "/"

How do I tell if a regular file does not exist in Bash?

The simplest way

[ ! -e "${FILE}" ] && echo "does not exist" || echo "exists"

How do I sort a VARCHAR column in SQL server that contains numbers?

This seems to work:

select your_column  
from your_table  
order by   
case when isnumeric(your_column) = 1 then your_column else 999999999 end,  

Is there possibility of sum of ArrayList without looping

Then write it yourself:

public int sum(List<Integer> list) {
     int sum = 0; 

     for (int i : list)
         sum = sum + i;

     return sum;

How to create a dynamic array of integers

#include <stdio.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()

    float arr[2095879];
    long k,i;
    char ch[100];


    cout<<"Array output"<<endl;

    return 0;

The above code works, the maximum float or int array size that could be defined was with size 2095879, and exit condition would be non zero beginning input number

AngularJS - Attribute directive input value change

To watch out the runtime changes in value of a custom directive, use $observe method of attrs object, instead of putting $watch inside a custom directive. Here is the documentation for the same ... $observe docs

Excel Define a range based on a cell value

Here is an option. It works by using making an INDIRECT(ADDRESS(...)) from the ROW and COLUMN of the start cell, A1, down to the initial row + the number of rows held in B1.


A1: is the start of data in a the "A" column

B1: is the number of rows to sum

How to add line break for UILabel?

Just do it like this

NSString * strCheck = @"A\nB";

strCheck = [strCheck stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"\\n" withString:@"\n"];  //This is to prevent for fetching string from plist or data structure

label.numberOfLines = 0;

label.lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakByWordWrapping;

label.text = strCheck;

How to execute a file within the python interpreter?

For python3 use either with xxxx = name of yourfile.


How to access component methods from “outside” in ReactJS?

If you want to call functions on components from outside React, you can call them on the return value of renderComponent:

var Child = React.createClass({…});
var myChild = React.renderComponent(Child);

The only way to get a handle to a React Component instance outside of React is by storing the return value of React.renderComponent. Source.

Moment js date time comparison


 function compare(dateTimeA, dateTimeB) {
    var momentA = moment(dateTimeA,"DD/MM/YYYY");
    var momentB = moment(dateTimeB,"DD/MM/YYYY");
    if (momentA > momentB) return 1;
    else if (momentA < momentB) return -1;
    else return 0;

alert(compare("11/07/2015", "10/07/2015"));

The method returns 1 if dateTimeA is greater than dateTimeB

The method returns 0 if dateTimeA equals dateTimeB

The method returns -1 if dateTimeA is less than dateTimeB

How to add an element to Array and shift indexes?

I smell homework, so probably an ArrayList won't be allowed (?)

Instead of looking for a way to "shift indexes", maybe just build a new array:

int[] b = new int[a.length +1];


  1. copy indexes form array a counting from zero up to insert position
  2. ...
  3. ...

//edit: copy values of course, not indexes

How to post ASP.NET MVC Ajax form using JavaScript rather than submit button

A simple example, where a change on a dropdown list triggers an ajax form-submit to reload a datagrid:

<div id="pnlSearch">

    <% using (Ajax.BeginForm("UserSearch", "Home", new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "pnlSearchResults" }, new { id="UserSearchForm" }))
    { %>

        UserType: <%: Html.DropDownList("FilterUserType", Model.UserTypes, "--", new { onchange = "$('#UserSearchForm').trigger('submit');" })%>

    <% } %>


The trigger('onsubmit') is the key thing: it calls the onsubmit function that MVC has grafted onto the form.

NB. The UserSearchResults controller returns a PartialView that renders a table using the supplied Model

<div id="pnlSearchResults">
    <% Html.RenderPartial("UserSearchResults", Model); %>

ArrayList insertion and retrieval order

Yes it remains the same. but why not easily test it? Make an ArrayList, fill it and then retrieve the elements!

Div table-cell vertical align not working

You can vertically align a floated element in a way which works on IE 6+. It doesn't need full table markup either. This method isn't perfectly clean - includes wrappers and there are a few things to be aware of e.g. if you have too much text outspilling the container - but it's pretty good.

Short answer: You just need to apply display: table-cell to an element inside the floated element (table cells don't float), and use a fallback with position: absolute and top for old IE.

Long answer: Here's a jsfiddle showing the basics. The important stuff summarized (with a conditional comment adding an .old-ie class):

    .wrap {
        float: left;
        height: 100px; /* any fixed amount */
    .wrap2 {
        height: inherit;
    .content {
        display: table-cell;
        height: inherit;
        vertical-align: middle;

    .old-ie .wrap{
        position: relative;
    .old-ie .wrap2 {
        position: absolute;
        top: 50%;
    .old-ie .content {
        position: relative;
        top: -50%;
        display: block;

Here's a jsfiddle that deliberately highlight the minor faults with this method. Note how:

  • In standards browsers, content that exceeds the height of the wrapper element stops centering and starts going down the page. This isn't a big problem (probably looks better than creeping up the page), and can be avoided by avoiding content that is too big (note that unless I've overlooked something, overflow methods like overflow: auto; don't seem to work)
  • In old IE, the content element doesn't stretch to fill the available space - the height is the height of the content, not of the container.

Those are pretty minor limitations, but worth being aware of.

Code and idea adapted from here

What's the best CRLF (carriage return, line feed) handling strategy with Git?

Almost four years after asking this question, I have finally found an answer that completely satisfies me!

See the details in github:help's guide to Dealing with line endings.

Git allows you to set the line ending properties for a repo directly using the text attribute in the .gitattributes file. This file is committed into the repo and overrides the core.autocrlf setting, allowing you to ensure consistent behaviour for all users regardless of their git settings.

And thus

The advantage of this is that your end of line configuration now travels with your repository and you don't need to worry about whether or not collaborators have the proper global settings.

Here's an example of a .gitattributes file

# Auto detect text files and perform LF normalization
*        text=auto

*.cs     text diff=csharp
*.java   text diff=java
*.html   text diff=html
*.css    text
*.js     text
*.sql    text

*.csproj text merge=union
*.sln    text merge=union eol=crlf

*.docx   diff=astextplain
*.DOCX   diff=astextplain

# absolute paths are ok, as are globs
/**/postinst* text eol=lf

# paths that don't start with / are treated relative to the .gitattributes folder
relative/path/*.txt text eol=lf

There is a convenient collection of ready to use .gitattributes files for the most popular programming languages. It's useful to get you started.

Once you've created or adjusted your .gitattributes, you should perform a once-and-for-all line endings re-normalization.

Note that the GitHub Desktop app can suggest and create a .gitattributes file after you open your project's Git repo in the app. To try that, click the gear icon (in the upper right corner) > Repository settings ... > Line endings and attributes. You will be asked to add the recommended .gitattributes and if you agree, the app will also perform a normalization of all the files in your repository.

Finally, the Mind the End of Your Line article provides more background and explains how Git has evolved on the matters at hand. I consider this required reading.

You've probably got users in your team who use EGit or JGit (tools like Eclipse and TeamCity use them) to commit their changes. Then you're out of luck, as @gatinueta explained in this answer's comments:

This setting will not satisfy you completely if you have people working with Egit or JGit in your team, since those tools will just ignore .gitattributes and happily check in CRLF files

One trick might be to have them commit their changes in another client, say SourceTree. Our team back then preferred that tool to Eclipse's EGit for many use cases.

Who said software is easy? :-/

Remove all multiple spaces in Javascript and replace with single space

You can also replace without a regular expression.

while(str.indexOf('  ')!=-1)str.replace('  ',' ');

AngularJS event on window innerWidth size change

We could do it with jQuery:


       //do something to update current scope based on the new innerWidth and let angular update the view.

Be aware that when you bind an event handler inside scopes that could be recreated (like ng-repeat scopes, directive scopes,..), you should unbind your event handler when the scope is destroyed. If you don't do this, everytime when the scope is recreated (the controller is rerun), there will be 1 more handler added causing unexpected behavior and leaking.

In this case, you may need to identify your attached handler:

  $(window).on("resize.doResize", function (){

          //do something to update current scope based on the new innerWidth and let angular update the view.

  $scope.$on("$destroy",function (){
      $(window).off("resize.doResize"); //remove the handler added earlier

In this example, I'm using event namespace from jQuery. You could do it differently according to your requirements.

Improvement: If your event handler takes a bit long time to process, to avoid the problem that the user may keep resizing the window, causing the event handlers to be run many times, we could consider throttling the function. If you use underscore, you can try:

$(window).on("resize.doResize", _.throttle(function (){

        //do something to update current scope based on the new innerWidth and let angular update the view.

or debouncing the function:

$(window).on("resize.doResize", _.debounce(function (){

         //do something to update current scope based on the new innerWidth and let angular update the view.

Difference Between throttling and debouncing a function

foreach for JSON array , syntax

Sure, you can use JS's foreach.

for (var k in result) {

How to open existing project in Eclipse

Try File > New > Project... > Android Project From Existing Code. Don't copy your project from pc into workspace, copy it elsewhere and let the eclipse copy it into workspace by menu commands above and checking copy in existing workspace.

Should I learn C before learning C++?

I'm going to disagree with the majority here. I think you should learn C before learning C++. It's definitely not necessary, but I think it makes learning C++ a lot easier. C is at the heart of C++. Anything you learn about C is applicable to C++, but C is a lot smaller and easier to learn.

Pick up K&R and read through that. It is short and will give you a sufficient sense of the language. Once you have the basics of pointers and function calls down, you can move on to C++ a little easier.

Can I set subject/content of email using mailto:?

You can add subject added to the mailto command using either one of the following ways. Add ?subject out mailto to the mailto tag.

<a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=testing out mailto">First Example</a>

We can also add text into the body of the message by adding &body to the end of the tag as shown in the below example.

 <a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=testing out mailto&body=Just testing">Second Example</a>

In addition to body, a user may also type &cc or &bcc to fill out the CC and BCC fields.

<a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=testing out mailto&body=Just testing&[email protected]&[email protected]">Third

How to add subject to mailto tag

Selecting default item from Combobox C#

private void comboBox_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
 Combobox.selectedIndex= your index;

OR if you want to display some value after comparing into combobox

 foreach (var item in comboBox.Items)
                if (item.ToString().ToLower().Equals("your item in lower"))
                    comboBox.SelectedValue = item;

I hope it will help, it works for me.

SVN repository backup strategies

Basically it's safe to copy the repository folder if the svn server is stopped. (source:!topic/visualsvn/i_55khUBrys%5B1-25%5D )

So if you're allowed to stop the server, do it and just copy the repository, either with some script or a backup tool. Cobian Backup fits here nicely as it can stop and start services automatically, and it can do incremental backups so you're only backing up parts of repository that have changed recently (useful if the repository is large and you're backing up to remote location).


  1. Install Cobian Backup
  2. Add a backup task:

    • Set source to repository folder (e.g. C:\Repositories\),

    • Add pre-backup event "STOP_SERVICE" VisualSVN,

    • Add post-backup event, "START_SERVICE" VisualSVN,

    • Set other options as needed. We've set up incremental backups including removal of old ones, backup schedule, destination, compression incl. archive splitting etc.

  3. Profit!

Remove Array Value By index in jquery

  1. Find the element in array and get its position
  2. Remove using the position

var array = new Array();_x000D_
var _searchedIndex = $.inArray('456',array);_x000D_
alert(_searchedIndex );_x000D_
if(_searchedIndex >= 0){_x000D_
  alert(array );_x000D_
<script src=""></script>

  • inArray() - helps you to find the position.
  • splice() - helps you to remove the element in that position.

Twitter Bootstrap dropdown menu

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <!-- core CSS -->
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
    <!--[if lt IE 9]>
    <script src="js/html5shiv.js"></script>
    <script src="js/respond.min.js"></script>
<body class="homepage">
    <header id="header">
        <nav class="navbar navbar-inverse" role="banner">
            <div class="container">
                <div class="navbar-header">
                    <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-collapse">
                        <span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>
                        <span class="icon-bar"></span>
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                        <span class="icon-bar"></span>
                    <a class="navbar-brand" title="Web Design Company in Mumbai" href="index.php"><img src="images/logo.png" alt="The Best Web Design Company in Mumbai" /></a>
                <div class="collapse navbar-collapse navbar-right">
                    <ul class="nav navbar-nav">
                        <li class="active"><a href="index.php">Home</a></li>
                        <li><a href="about.php">About Us</a></li>
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                        <li><a href="contact.php">Contact</a></li>                        
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>

Disable a Button

If you want the button to stay static without the "pressed" appearance:

// Swift 2
editButton.userInteractionEnabled = false 

// Swift 3
editButton.isUserInteractionEnabled = false 


1) Your IBOutlet is --> @IBOutlet weak var editButton: UIButton!

2) Code above goes in viewWillAppear

Check if table exists and if it doesn't exist, create it in SQL Server 2008

Try the following statement to check for existence of a table in the database:

If not exists (select name from sysobjects where name = 'tablename')

You may create the table inside the if block.

Github: error cloning my private repository

I've seen this on my Github for Windows.

I recommend uninstalling Github for Windows and installing it again.

Before this, I tried several ways with no success, but this solution worked for me!

Can I create a One-Time-Use Function in a Script or Stored Procedure?

You can call CREATE Function near the beginning of your script and DROP Function near the end.

Sun JSTL taglib declaration fails with "Can not find the tag library descriptor"

Just check our own JSTL wiki page for the proper download links and crystal clear installation instructions.

Put your mouse above the [jstl] tag which you put on the question yourself until a black box shows up and click therein the info link.

enter image description here

Then scroll a bit down to JSTL versions information until you find download link to JSTL 1.2 (or 1.2.1).

enter image description here

Finally just drop exactly that file in webapp's /WEB-INF/lib.

enter image description here

This way the taglib declaration must not give any errors anymore and the JSTL tags and functions should just work.

What's the difference between Docker Compose vs. Dockerfile

"better" is relative. It all depends on what your needs are. Docker compose is for orchestrating multiple containers. If these images already exist in the docker registry, then it's better to list them in the compose file. If these images or some other images have to be built from files on your computer, then you can describe the processes of building those images in a Dockerfile.

I understand that Dockerfiles are used in Docker Compose, but I am not sure if it is good practice to put everything in one large Dockerfile with multiple FROM commands for the different images?

Using multiple FROM in a single dockerfile is not a very good idea because there is a proposal to remove the feature. 13026

If for instance, you want to dockerize an application which uses a database and have the application files on your computer, you can use a compose file together with a dockerfile as follows


  image: mysql:5.7
    - ./db-data:/var/lib/mysql
    - "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret"
    - "MYSQL_DATABASE=homestead"
    - "MYSQL_USER=homestead"
    - "3307:3306"
    context: ./path/to/Dockerfile
    dockerfile: Dockerfile
    - ./:/app
  working_dir: /app


FROM php:7.1-fpm 
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y libmcrypt-dev \
  mysql-client libmagickwand-dev --no-install-recommends \
  && pecl install imagick \
  && docker-php-ext-enable imagick \
  && docker-php-ext-install pdo_mysql \
  && curl -sS | php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer

How do I find the current machine's full hostname in C (hostname and domain information)?

I believe you are looking for:


Just pass it the localhost IP.

There is also a gethostbyname function, that is also usefull.

<div> cannot appear as a descendant of <p>

Based on the warning message, the component ReactTooltip renders an HTML that might look like this:


According to this document, a <p></p> tag can only contain inline elements. That means putting a <div></div> tag inside it should be improper, since the div tag is a block element. Improper nesting might cause glitches like rendering extra tags, which can affect your javascript and css.

If you want to get rid of this warning, you might want to customize the ReactTooltip component, or wait for the creator to fix this warning.

Changing element style attribute dynamically using JavaScript


would also do the job.

C++ template constructor

There is no way to explicitly specify the template arguments when calling a constructor template, so they have to be deduced through argument deduction. This is because if you say:

Foo<int> f = Foo<int>();

The <int> is the template argument list for the type Foo, not for its constructor. There's nowhere for the constructor template's argument list to go.

Even with your workaround you still have to pass an argument in order to call that constructor template. It's not at all clear what you are trying to achieve.

How to implement static class member functions in *.cpp file?


class helper
   static void fn1 () 
   { /* defined in header itself */ }

   /* fn2 defined in src file helper.cxx */
   static void fn2(); 


#include "helper.hxx"
void helper::fn2()
  /* fn2 defined in helper.cxx */
  /* do something */


#include "helper.hxx"
A::foo() {

To know more about how c++ handles static functions visit: Are static member functions in c++ copied in multiple translation units?

Error when trying to inject a service into an angular component "EXCEPTION: Can't resolve all parameters for component", why?

It happens when referring an interface as well.

Changing interface for class fixed it, working with and without @Inject.

Elegant way to check for missing packages and install them?

I use following function to install package if require("<package>") exits with package not found error. It will query both - CRAN and Bioconductor repositories for missing package.

Adapted from the original work by Joshua Wiley, <- function(x) { 
  x <- as.character(substitute(x)) 
  if(isTRUE(x %in% .packages(all.available=TRUE))) { 
    eval(parse(text = sprintf("require(\"%s\")", x)))
  } else { 
    #update.packages(ask= FALSE) #update installed packages.
    eval(parse(text = sprintf("install.packages(\"%s\", dependencies = TRUE)", x)))
  if(isTRUE(x %in% .packages(all.available=TRUE))) { 
    eval(parse(text = sprintf("require(\"%s\")", x)))
  } else {
    #biocLite(character(), ask=FALSE) #update installed packages.
    eval(parse(text = sprintf("biocLite(\"%s\")", x)))
    eval(parse(text = sprintf("require(\"%s\")", x)))

Example: # from bioconductor # from CRAN

PS: update.packages(ask = FALSE) & biocLite(character(), ask=FALSE) will update all installed packages on the system. This can take a long time and consider it as a full R upgrade which may not be warranted all the time!

How to force R to use a specified factor level as reference in a regression?

The relevel() command is a shorthand method to your question. What it does is reorder the factor so that whatever is the ref level is first. Therefore, reordering your factor levels will also have the same effect but gives you more control. Perhaps you wanted to have levels 3,4,0,1,2. In that case...

bFactor <- factor(b, levels = c(3,4,0,1,2))

I prefer this method because it's easier for me to see in my code not only what the reference was but the position of the other values as well (rather than having to look at the results for that).

NOTE: DO NOT make it an ordered factor. A factor with a specified order and an ordered factor are not the same thing. lm() may start to think you want polynomial contrasts if you do that.

Skip over a value in the range function in python

It depends on what you want to do. For example you could stick in some conditionals like this in your comprehensions:

# get the squares of each number from 1 to 9, excluding 2
myList = [i**2 for i in range(10) if i != 2]

# --> [0, 1, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]

is there any PHP function for open page in new tab

Use the target attribute on your anchor tag with the _blank value.


<a href="" target="_blank">Click Me!</a>

Convert time in HH:MM:SS format to seconds only?

Try this:

$time = "21:30:10";
$timeArr = array_reverse(explode(":", $time));
$seconds = 0;
foreach ($timeArr as $key => $value)
    if ($key > 2) break;
    $seconds += pow(60, $key) * $value;
echo $seconds;

Constructor overloading in Java - best practice

While there are no "official guidelines" I follow the principle of KISS and DRY. Make the overloaded constructors as simple as possible, and the simplest way is that they only call this(...). That way you only need to check and handle the parameters once and only once.

public class Simple {

    public Simple() {

    public Simple(Resource r) {
        this(r, null);

    public Simple(Resource r1, Resource r2) {
        // Guard statements, initialize resources or throw exceptions if
        // the resources are wrong
        if (r1 == null) {
            r1 = new Resource();
        if (r2 == null) {
            r2 = new Resource();

        // do whatever with resources


From a unit testing standpoint, it'll become easy to test the class since you can put in the resources into it. If the class has many resources (or collaborators as some OO-geeks call it), consider one of these two things:

Make a parameter class

public class SimpleParams {
    Resource r1;
    Resource r2;
    // Imagine there are setters and getters here but I'm too lazy 
    // to write it out. you can make it the parameter class 
    // "immutable" if you don't have setters and only set the 
    // resources through the SimpleParams constructor

The constructor in Simple only either needs to split the SimpleParams parameter:

public Simple(SimpleParams params) {
    this(params.getR1(), params.getR2());

…or make SimpleParams an attribute:

public Simple(Resource r1, Resource r2) {
    this(new SimpleParams(r1, r2));

public Simple(SimpleParams params) {
    this.params = params;

Make a factory class

Make a factory class that initializes the resources for you, which is favorable if initializing the resources is a bit difficult:

public interface ResourceFactory {
    public Resource createR1();
    public Resource createR2();

The constructor is then done in the same manner as with the parameter class:

public Simple(ResourceFactory factory) {
    this(factory.createR1(), factory.createR2());

Make a combination of both

Yeah... you can mix and match both ways depending on what is easier for you at the time. Parameter classes and simple factory classes are pretty much the same thing considering the Simple class that they're used the same way.

Kubernetes how to make Deployment to update image

It seems that k8s expects us to provide a different image tag for every deployment. My default strategy would be to make the CI system generate and push the docker images, tagging them with the build number: xpmatteo/foobar:456.

For local development it can be convenient to use a script or a makefile, like this:

# create a unique tag    
VERSION:=$(shell date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)

    npm run-script build
    docker build -t $(TAG) . 
    docker push $(TAG)
    sed s%IMAGE_TAG_PLACEHOLDER%$(TAG)% foobar-deployment.yaml | kubectl apply -f - --record

The sed command replaces a placeholder in the deployment document with the actual generated image tag.

How do I restart a service on a remote machine in Windows?

Well, if you have Visual Studio (I know it's in 2005, not sure about earlier versions though), you can add the remote machine to your "Server Explorer" tag. At that point, you'll have access to the SERVICES that are running, or can be ran, from that machine (as well as event logs, and queues, and a couple other interesting things).

Linker Command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation), Xcode 8, Swift 3

A lot of solutions are mentioned above. No one worked for me(but please try above first).

Select Project -> Select Target -> Linked Framework and Libraries -> Add all pod libraries . (remove if they exist in embedded binaries)

Now remove these from Framework Folder in left file explorer of xcode.

This solved my issue.

Using AngularJS date filter with UTC date

If you do use moment.js you would use the moment().utc() function to convert a moment object to UTC. You can also handle a nice format inside the controller instead of the view by using the moment().format() function. For example:


SQLAlchemy equivalent to SQL "LIKE" statement

try this code

output = dbsession.query(<model_class>).filter(<model_calss>.email.ilike('%' + < email > + '%'))

How to Pass data from child to parent component Angular

Hello you can make use of input and output. Input let you to pass variable form parent to child. Output the same but from child to parent.

The easiest way is to pass "startdate" and "endDate" as input

<calendar [startDateInCalendar]="startDateInSearch" [endDateInCalendar]="endDateInSearch" ></calendar>

In this way you have your startdate and enddate directly in search page. Let me know if it works, or think another way. Thanks

Performance of Arrays vs. Lists

In some brief tests I have found a combination of the two to be better in what I would call reasonably intensive Math:

Type: List<double[]>

Time: 00:00:05.1861300

Type: List<List<double>>

Time: 00:00:05.7941351

Type: double[rows * columns]

Time: 00:00:06.0547118

Running the Code:

int rows = 10000;
int columns = 10000;

IMatrix Matrix = new IMatrix(rows, columns);

Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

for (int r = 0; r < Matrix.Rows; r++)
    for (int c = 0; c < Matrix.Columns; c++)
        Matrix[r, c] = Math.E;

for (int r = 0; r < Matrix.Rows; r++)
    for (int c = 0; c < Matrix.Columns; c++)
        Matrix[r, c] *= -Math.Log(Math.E);

TimeSpan ts = stopwatch.Elapsed;


I do wish we had some top notch Hardware Accelerated Matrix Classes like the .NET Team have done with the System.Numerics.Vectors Class!

C# could be the best ML Language with a bit more work in this area!

How to disable Compatibility View in IE

All you need is to force disable C.M. in IE - Just paste This code (in IE9 and under c.m. will be disabled):

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9; IE=8; IE=7; IE=EDGE" />


405 method not allowed Web API

I was getting the 405 on my GET call, and the problem turned out that I named the parameter in the GET server-side method Get(int formId), and I needed to change the route, or rename it Get(int id).

How to calculate 1st and 3rd quartiles?

Coincidentally, this information is captured with the describe method:


count    5.000000
mean     0.496667
std      0.032059
min      0.450000
25%      0.483333
50%      0.500000
75%      0.516667
max      0.533333
Name: time_diff, dtype: float64

How do I fix "Expected to return a value at the end of arrow function" warning?

class Blog extends Component{_x000D_
  const posts1 = this.props.posts;_x000D_
  const sidebar = (_x000D_
    { => {_x000D_
     //Must use return to avoid this error._x000D_
      <li key={}>_x000D_
       {post.title} - {post.content}_x000D_
  const maincontent = => {_x000D_
    <div key={}>_x000D_
const posts = [_x000D_
  {id: 1, title: 'Hello World', content: 'Welcome to learning React!'},_x000D_
  {id: 2, title: 'Installation', content: 'You can install React from npm.'}_x000D_
  <Blog posts={posts} />,_x000D_

Can you delete data from influxdb?

Because InfluxDB is a bit painful about deletes, we use a schema that has a boolean field called "ForUse", which looks like this when posting via the line protocol (v0.9):

your_measurement,your_tag=foo ForUse=TRUE,value=123.5 1262304000000000000

You can overwrite the same measurement, tag key, and time with whatever field keys you send, so we do "deletes" by setting "ForUse" to false, and letting retention policy keep the database size under control.

Since the overwrite happens seamlessly, you can retroactively add the schema too. Noice.

Performing SQL queries on an Excel Table within a Workbook with VBA Macro

Building on Joan-Diego Rodriguez's routine with Jordi's approach and some of Jacek Kotowski's code - This function converts any table name for the active workbook into a usable address for SQL queries.

Note to MikeL: Addition of "[#All]" includes headings avoiding problems you reported.

Function getAddress(byVal sTableName as String) as String 

    With Range(sTableName & "[#All]")
        getAddress= "[" & .Parent.Name & "$" & .Address(False, False) & "]"
    End With

End Function

Developing for Android in Eclipse: not regenerating

One reason the R.class can go missing suddenly is when there are errors in you XML files. For instance, when you add an XML file with uppercase letters in the name like myCoolLayout.xml which is not allowed. Or when you have references that don't point to existing files, etc.

ASP.NET Web API application gives 404 when deployed at IIS 7

For me, this issue was slightly different than other answers, as I was only receiving 404s on OPTIONS, yet I already had OPTIONS specifically stated in my Integrated Extensionless URL Handler options. Very confusing.

  1. As others have stated, runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true" in the modules node is an easy way to blanket-fix most Web API 404 issues - although I prefer @DavidAndroidDev 's answer which is much less intrusive. But there was something additional in my case.
  2. Unfortunately, I had this set in IIS under Request Filtering in the site:

OPTIONS Issue with Request Filtering

By adding the following security node to the web.config was necessary to knock that out - full system.webserver included for context:

    <modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true">
      <remove name="WebDAVModule" />
      <remove name="ExtensionlessUrlHandler-Integrated-4.0" />
      <remove name="OPTIONSVerbHandler" />
      <remove name="TRACEVerbHandler" />
      <remove name="WebDAV" />
      <add name="ExtensionlessUrlHandler-Integrated-4.0" path="*." verb="*" type="System.Web.Handlers.TransferRequestHandler" preCondition="integratedMode,runtimeVersionv4.0" />
          <remove verb="OPTIONS" />

Although it's not the perfect answer for this question, it is the first result for "IIS OPTIONS 404" on Google, so I hope this helps someone out; cost me an hour today.

Jquery Ajax Posting json to webservice

I have encountered this one too and this is my solution.

If you are encountering an invalid json object exception when parsing data, even though you know that your json string is correct, stringify the data you received in your ajax code before parsing it to JSON:

        yesTransactionId : yesTransactionId, 
        productOfferId : productOfferId
                var trimData = $.trim(JSON.stringify(data));
                var obj      = $.parseJSON(trimData);
                if(obj.success == 'true'){ 
                    //some codes ...

How to use jQuery in chrome extension?

And it works fine, but I am having the concern whether the scripts added to be executed in this manner are being executed asynchronously. If yes then it can happen that work.js runs even before jQuery (or other libraries which I may add in future).

That shouldn't really be a concern: you queue up scripts to be executed in a certain JS context, and that context can't have a race condition as it's single-threaded.

However, the proper way to eliminate this concern is to chain the calls:

chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function (tab) {
        file: 'thirdParty/jquery-2.0.3.js'
    }, function() {
        // Guaranteed to execute only after the previous script returns
            file: 'work.js'

Or, generalized:

function injectScripts(scripts, callback) {
  if(scripts.length) {
    var script = scripts.shift();
    chrome.tabs.executeScript({file: script}, function() {
      if(chrome.runtime.lastError && typeof callback === "function") {
        callback(false); // Injection failed
      injectScripts(scripts, callback);
  } else {
    if(typeof callback === "function") {

injectScripts(["thirdParty/jquery-2.0.3.js", "work.js"], doSomethingElse);

Or, promisified (and brought more in line with the proper signature):

function injectScript(tabId, injectDetails) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    chrome.tabs.executeScript(tabId, injectDetails, (data) => {
      if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
      } else {

injectScript(null, {file: "thirdParty/jquery-2.0.3.js"}).then(
  () => injectScript(null, {file: "work.js"})
  () => doSomethingElse
  (error) => console.error(error)

Or, why the heck not, async/await-ed for even clearer syntax:

function injectScript(tabId, injectDetails) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    chrome.tabs.executeScript(tabId, injectDetails, (data) => {
      if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
      } else {

try {
  await injectScript(null, {file: "thirdParty/jquery-2.0.3.js"});
  await injectScript(null, {file: "work.js"});
} catch (err) {

Note, in Firefox you can just use browser.tabs.executeScript as it will return a Promise.

Open two instances of a file in a single Visual Studio session

For file types, where the same file can't be opened in a vertical tab group (for example .vb files) you can

  • Open 2 different instances of Visual Studio
  • Open the same file in each instance
  • Resize the IDE windows & place them side by side to achieve your layout.

If you save to disk in one instance though, you'll have to reload the file when you switch to the other. Also if you make edits in both instances, you'll have to resolve on the second save. Visual Studio prompts you in both cases with various options. You'll simplify your life a bit if you edit in only the one instance.

Random word generator- Python

Solution for Python 3

For Python3 the following code grabs the word list from the web and returns a list. Answer based on accepted answer above by Kyle Kelley.

import urllib.request

word_url = ""
response = urllib.request.urlopen(word_url)
long_txt =
words = long_txt.splitlines()


>>> words
['a', 'AAA', 'AAAS', 'aardvark', 'Aarhus', 'Aaron', 'ABA', 'Ababa',
 'aback', 'abacus', 'abalone', 'abandon', 'abase', 'abash', 'abate',
 'abbas', 'abbe', 'abbey', 'abbot', 'Abbott', 'abbreviate', ... ]

And to generate (because it was my objective) a list of 1) upper case only words, 2) only "name like" words, and 3) a sort-of-realistic-but-fun sounding random name:

import random
upper_words = [word for word in words if word[0].isupper()]
name_words  = [word for word in upper_words if not word.isupper()]
rand_name   = ' '.join([name_words[random.randint(0, len(name_words))] for i in range(2)])

And some random names:

>>> for n in range(10):
        ' '.join([name_words[random.randint(0,len(name_words))] for i in range(2)])

    'Semiramis Sicilian'
    'Julius Genevieve'
    'Rwanda Cohn'
    'Quito Sutherland'
    'Eocene Wheller'
    'Olav Jove'
    'Weldon Pappas'
    'Vienna Leyden'
    'Io Dave'
    'Schwartz Stromberg'

Picasso v/s Imageloader v/s Fresco vs Glide

I want to share with you a benchmark I have done among Picasso, Universal Image Loader and Glide:

Fresco was out of the benchmark because for the project I was running the test, we didn't want to refactor our layouts (because of the Drawee view).

What I recommend is Universal Image Loader because of its customization, memory consumption and balance between size and methods.

If you have a small project, I would go for Glide (or give Fresco a try).

Windows service with timer

First approach with Windows Service is not easy..

A long time ago, I wrote a C# service.

This is the logic of the Service class (tested, works fine):

namespace MyServiceApp
    public class MyService : ServiceBase
        private System.Timers.Timer timer;

        protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
            this.timer = new System.Timers.Timer(30000D);  // 30000 milliseconds = 30 seconds
            this.timer.AutoReset = true;
            this.timer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(this.timer_Elapsed);

        protected override void OnStop()
            this.timer = null;

        private void timer_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
            MyServiceApp.ServiceWork.Main(); // my separate static method for do work

        public MyService()
            this.ServiceName = "MyService";

        // service entry point
        static void Main()
            System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase.Run(new MyService());

I recommend you write your real service work in a separate static method (why not, in a console application...just add reference to it), to simplify debugging and clean service code.

Make sure the interval is enough, and write in log ONLY in OnStart and OnStop overrides.

Hope this helps!

MySQL Error 1153 - Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes

Use a max_allowed_packet variable issuing a command like

mysql --max_allowed_packet=32M -u root -p database < dump.sql

How to install a .ipa file into my iPhone?

You need to install the provisioning profile (drag and drop it into iTunes). Then drag and drop the .ipa. Ensure you device is set to sync apps, and try again.

Android "elevation" not showing a shadow

I had some luck with setting clipChildren="false" on the parent layout.

Oracle Add 1 hour in SQL

To add/subtract from a DATE, you have 2 options :

Method #1 : The easiest way is to use + and - to add/subtract days, hours, minutes, seconds, etc.. from a DATE, and ADD_MONTHS() function to add/subtract months and years from a DATE. Why ? That's because from days, you can get hours and any smaller unit (1 hour = 1/24 days), (1 minute = 1/1440 days), etc... But you cannot get months and years, as that depends on the month and year themselves, hence ADD_MONTHS() and no add_years(), because from months, you can get years (1 year = 12 months).

Let's try them :

SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')             FROM dual;        -- prints current date:    19-OCT-2019 20:42:02 
SELECT TO_CHAR((SYSDATE + 1/24), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')    FROM dual;        -- prints date + 1 hour:   19-OCT-2019 21:42:02
SELECT TO_CHAR((SYSDATE + 1/1440), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')  FROM dual;        -- prints date + 1 minute: 19-OCT-2019 20:43:02 
SELECT TO_CHAR((SYSDATE + 1/86400), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') FROM dual;        -- prints date + 1 second: 19-OCT-2019 20:42:03 
-- Same goes for subtraction.

SELECT SYSDATE                  FROM dual;       -- prints current date:     19-OCT-19
SELECT ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE, 1)   FROM dual;       -- prints date + 1 month:   19-NOV-19
SELECT ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE, 12)  FROM dual;       -- prints date + 1 year:    19-OCT-20
SELECT ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE, -3)  FROM dual;       -- prints date - 3 months:  19-JUL-19

Method #2 : Using INTERVALs, you can or subtract an interval (duration) from a date easily. More than that, you can combine to add or subtract multiple units at once (e.g 5 hours and 6 minutes, etc..) Examples :

SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')                                        FROM dual;        -- prints current date:                 19-OCT-2019 21:34:15
SELECT TO_CHAR((SYSDATE + INTERVAL '1' HOUR), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')                  FROM dual;        -- prints date + 1 hour:                19-OCT-2019 22:34:15
SELECT TO_CHAR((SYSDATE + INTERVAL '1' MINUTE), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')                FROM dual;        -- prints date + 1 minute:              19-OCT-2019 21:35:15
SELECT TO_CHAR((SYSDATE + INTERVAL '1' SECOND), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')                FROM dual;        -- prints date + 1 second:              19-OCT-2019 21:34:16
SELECT TO_CHAR((SYSDATE + INTERVAL '01:05:00' HOUR TO SECOND), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') FROM dual;        -- prints date + 1 hour and 5 minutes:  19-OCT-2019 22:39:15
SELECT TO_CHAR((SYSDATE + INTERVAL '3 01' DAY TO HOUR), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')        FROM dual;        -- prints date + 3 days and 1 hour:     22-OCT-2019 22:34:15
SELECT TO_CHAR((SYSDATE - INTERVAL '10-3' YEAR TO MONTH), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')      FROM dual;        -- prints date - 10 years and 3 months: 19-JUL-2009 21:34:15

What port is a given program using?

"netstat -natp" is what I always use.

Running javascript in Selenium using Python

Use execute_script, here's a python example:

from selenium import webdriver
driver = webdriver.Firefox()

Check if Internet Connection Exists with jQuery?

I wrote a jQuery plugin for doing this. By default it checks the current URL (because that's already loaded once from the Web) or you can specify a URL to use as an argument. Always doing a request to Google isn't the best idea because it's blocked in different countries at different times. Also you might be at the mercy of what the connection across a particular ocean/weather front/political climate might be like that day.

forEach is not a function error with JavaScript array

parent.children will return a node list list, technically a html Collection. That is an array like object, but not an array, so you cannot call array functions over it directly. At this context you can use Array.from() to convert that into a real array,

Array.from(parent.children).forEach(child => {

Set Colorbar Range in matplotlib

Not sure if this is the most elegant solution (this is what I used), but you could scale your data to the range between 0 to 1 and then modify the colorbar:

import matplotlib as mpl
ax, _ = mpl.colorbar.make_axes(plt.gca(), shrink=0.5)
cbar = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(ax, cmap=cm,
                       norm=mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=-0.5, vmax=1.5))
cbar.set_clim(-2.0, 2.0)

With the two different limits you can control the range and legend of the colorbar. In this example only the range between -0.5 to 1.5 is show in the bar, while the colormap covers -2 to 2 (so this could be your data range, which you record before the scaling).

So instead of scaling the colormap you scale your data and fit the colorbar to that.

Python : List of dict, if exists increment a dict value, if not append a new dict

Except for the first time, each time a word is seen the if statement's test fails. If you are counting a large number of words, many will probably occur multiple times. In a situation where the initialization of a value is only going to occur once and the augmentation of that value will occur many times it is cheaper to use a try statement:

urls_d = {}
for url in list_of_urls:
        urls_d[url] += 1
    except KeyError:
        urls_d[url] = 1

you can read more about this:

Why are you not able to declare a class as static in Java?

if the benefit of using a static-class was not to instantiate an object and using a method then just declare the class as public and this method as static.

What does it mean when a PostgreSQL process is "idle in transaction"?

As mentioned here: Re: BUG #4243: Idle in transaction it is probably best to check your pg_locks table to see what is being locked and that might give you a better clue where the problem lies.

Setting an image button in CSS - image:active

This is what worked for me.

<!DOCTYPE html> 
<form action="desired Link">
  <button>  <img src="desired image URL"/>


How to programmatically set the Image source

{yourImageName.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/LOGO.png"));}

LOGO refers to your image

Hoping to help anyone. :)

What is the difference between active and passive FTP?

I recently run into this question in my work place so I think I should say something more here. I will use image to explain how the FTP works as an additional source for previous answer.

Active mode:

active mode

Passive mode:

enter image description here

In an active mode configuration, the server will attempt to connect to a random client-side port. So chances are, that port wouldn't be one of those predefined ports. As a result, an attempt to connect to it will be blocked by the firewall and no connection will be established.

enter image description here

A passive configuration will not have this problem since the client will be the one initiating the connection. Of course, it's possible for the server side to have a firewall too. However, since the server is expected to receive a greater number of connection requests compared to a client, then it would be but logical for the server admin to adapt to the situation and open up a selection of ports to satisfy passive mode configurations.

So it would be best for you to configure server to support passive mode FTP. However, passive mode would make your system vulnerable to attacks because clients are supposed to connect to random server ports. Thus, to support this mode, not only should your server have to have multiple ports available, your firewall should also allow connections to all those ports to pass through!

To mitigate the risks, a good solution would be to specify a range of ports on your server and then to allow only that range of ports on your firewall.

For more information, please read the official document.

mysql datatype for telephone number and address

i would use a varchar for telephone numbers. that way you can also store + and (), which is sometimes seen in tel numbers (as you mentioned yourself). and you don't have to worry about using up all bits in integers.

Rails: FATAL - Peer authentication failed for user (PG::Error)

I was facing same problem on Ubuntu machine so I removed this error by following some steps. Switch to postgres user

$ sudo su - postgres

it will ask for password and by default password is postgres

After switch the user to postgres, open psql console

$ psql

so check the version of postgres if multiple versions are available

psql=# select VERSION();

PostgreSQL 9.1.13 on x86_64-unk....         # so version is 9.1

Now Open postgres user

vim /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf

9.1 is version return form upper command

and replace

local   all             postgres                                peer


local   all             postgres                                md5

Restart the service

sudo service postgresql restart

I write steps on my blog also

SQL: Two select statements in one query

Using union will help in this case.

You can also use join on a condition that always returns true and is not related to data in these tables.See below

select tmd .name,tbc.goals from tblMadrid tmd join tblBarcelona tbc on 1=1;

Multiple dex files define Landroid/support/v4/accessibilityservice/AccessibilityServiceInfoCompat

I started getting this error when upgrading to ButterKnife 8.5.1. None of the other answers here worked for me.

I used gradle -q :app:dependencies to see the tree, and then looked through jar files until I found the conflict. The conflict was that butterknife's dependency on contains a version of the accessibility class, and also contains the class.

I solved it by changing my dependency from this:

compile 'com.jakewharton:butterknife:8.5.1'

to this:

compile('com.jakewharton:butterknife:8.5.1') {
    exclude module: 'support-compat'

It doesn't seem to affect ButterKnife's operation so far.

Edit: There is a better solution, which was to upgrade my android support libraries to match ButterKnife's:

compile 'com.jakewharton:butterknife:8.5.1'

XML Schema Validation : Cannot find the declaration of element

The targetNamespace of your XML Schema does not match the namespace of the Root element (dot in Test.Namespace vs. comma in Test,Namespace)

Once you make the above agree, you have to consider that your element2 has an attribute order that is not in your XSD.

Why is width: 100% not working on div {display: table-cell}?

Putting display:table; inside .outer-wrapper seemed to work...

JSFiddle Link

EDIT: Two Wrappers Using Display Table Cell

I would comment on your answer but i have too little rep :( anyways...

Going off your answer, seems like all you need to do is add display:table; inside .outer-wrapper (Dejavu?), and you can get rid of table-wrapper whole-heartedly.


But yeah, the position:absolute lets you place the div over the img, I read too quickly and thought that you couldn't use position:absolute at all, but seems like you figured it out already. Props!

I'm not going to post the source code, after all its 99% timshutes's work, so please refer to his answer, or just use my jsfiddle link

Update: One Wrapper Using Flexbox

It's been a while, and all the cool kids are using flexbox:

<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; align-items: center;">
    stuff to be centered

Full JSFiddle Solution

Browser Support (source): IE 11+, FireFox 42+, Chrome 46+, Safari 8+, iOS 8.4+ (-webkit- prefix), Android 4.1+ (-webkit- prefix)

CSS Tricks: a Guide to Flexbox

How to Center in CSS: input how you want your content to be centered, and it outputs how to do it in html and css. The future is here!

Generate ER Diagram from existing MySQL database, created for CakePHP

CakePHP was intended to be used as Ruby on Rails framework clone, done in PHP, so any reverse-engineering of underlying database is pointless. EER diagrams should be reverse-engineered from Model layer.

Such tools do exist for Ruby Here you can see Redmine database EER diagrams reverse-engineered from Models. Not from database.

With following tools:

How to check if a date is greater than another in Java?

You need to use a SimpleDateFormat (dd-MM-yyyy will be the format) to parse the 2 input strings to Date objects and then use the Date#before(otherDate) (or) Date#after(otherDate) to compare them.

Try to implement the code yourself.

How can I make git accept a self signed certificate?

This answer is excerpted from this article authored by Michael Kauffman.

Use Git for Windows with a corporate SSL certificate


If you have a corporate SSL certificate and want to clone your repo from the console or VSCode you get the following error:

fatal: unable to access ‘https://myserver/tfs/DefaultCollection/_git/Proj/’: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate


  1. Export the root self-signed Certificate to a file. You can do this from within your browser.

  2. Locate the “ca-bundle.crt” file in your git folder (current version C:\Program Files\Git\usr\ssl\certs but is has changed in the past). Copy the file to your user profile. Open it with a text editor like VSCode and add the content of your exported certificate to the end of the file.

Now we have to configure git to use the new file:

git config --global http.sslCAInfo C:/Users/<yourname>/ca-bundle.crt

This will add the following entry to your .gitconfig file in the root of your user profile.

[http] sslCAInfo = C:/Users/<yourname>/ca-bundle.crt

jQuery - Dynamically Create Button and Attach Event Handler

Quick fix. Create whole structure tr > td > button; then find button inside; attach event on it; end filtering of chain and at the and insert it into dom.

$("#myButton").click(function () {
    var test = $('<tr><td><button>Test</button></td></tr>').find('button').click(function () {

    $("#nodeAttributeHeader").attr('style', 'display: table-row;');
    $("#addNodeTable tr:last").before(test);

Tkinter understanding mainloop

I'm using an MVC / MVA design pattern, with multiple types of "views". One type is a "GuiView", which is a Tk window. I pass a view reference to my window object which does things like link buttons back to view functions (which the adapter / controller class also calls).

In order to do that, the view object constructor needed to be completed prior to creating the window object. After creating and displaying the window, I wanted to do some initial tasks with the view automatically. At first I tried doing them post mainloop(), but that didn't work because mainloop() blocked!

As such, I created the window object and used tk.update() to draw it. Then, I kicked off my initial tasks, and finally started the mainloop.

import Tkinter as tk

class Window(tk.Frame):
    def __init__(self, master=None, view=None ):
        tk.Frame.__init__( self, master )
        self.view_ = view       
        """ Setup window linking it to the view... """

class GuiView( MyViewSuperClass ):

    def open( self ):
        self.tkRoot_ = tk.Tk()
        self.window_ = Window( master=None, view=self )

    def onOpen( self ):        
        """ Do some initial tasks... """

    def refresh( self ):        

What is w3wp.exe?

w3wp.exe is a process associated with the application pool in IIS. If you have more than one application pool, you will have more than one instance of w3wp.exe running. This process usually allocates large amounts of resources. It is important for the stable and secure running of your computer and should not be terminated.

You can get more information on w3wp.exe here

Absolute positioning ignoring padding of parent

Could have easily done using an extra level of Div.

<div style="background-color: blue; padding: 10px; position: relative; height: 100px;">
  <div style="position: absolute; left: 0px; right: 0px; bottom: 10px; padding:0px 10px;">
    <div style="background-color: gray;">css sux</div>


Assign variable in if condition statement, good practice or not?

You can do assignments within if statements in Java as well. A good example would be reading something in and writing it out:

The code:

// Copies src file to dst file.
// If the dst file does not exist, it is created
void copy(File src, File dst) throws IOException 
    InputStream in = new FileInputStream(src);
    OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(dst);

    // Transfer bytes from in to out
    byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
    int len;
    while ((len = > 0) {
        out.write(buf, 0, len);

C++ Calling a function from another class

What you should do, is put CallFunction into *.cpp file, where you include B.h.

After edit, files will look like:


#pragma once //or other specific to compiler...
using namespace std;

class A 
    void CallFunction ();

class B: public A
    virtual void bFunction()
            //stuff done here


#include "B.h"
void A::CallFunction(){
//use B object here...

Referencing to your explanation, that you have tried to change B b; into pointer- it would be okay, if you wouldn't use it in that same place. You can use pointer of undefined class(but declared), because ALL pointers have fixed byte size(4), so compiler doesn't have problems with that. But it knows nothing about the object they are pointing to(simply: knows the size/boundary, not the content).

So as long as you are using the knowledge, that all pointers are same size, you can use them anywhere. But if you want to use the object, they are pointing to, the class of this object must be already defined and known by compiler.

And last clarification: objects may differ in size, unlike pointers. Pointer is a number/index, which indicates the place in RAM, where something is stored(for example index: 0xf6a7b1).

MSSQL Select statement with incremental integer column... not from a table

For SQL 2005 and up

SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER( ORDER BY SomeColumn ) AS 'rownumber',*
    FROM YourTable

for 2000 you need to do something like this

INTO #Ranks FROM YourTable WHERE 1=0

SELECT SomeColumn  FROM YourTable
ORDER BY SomeColumn 

Order By Ranks

see also here Row Number

Fully custom validation error message with Rails

One solution might be to change the i18n default error format:

    format: "%{message}"

Default is format: %{attribute} %{message}

How often should Oracle database statistics be run?

What Oracle version are you using? Check this page which refers to Oracle 10:

It says:

The recommended approach to gathering statistics is to allow Oracle to automatically gather the statistics. Oracle gathers statistics on all database objects automatically and maintains those statistics in a regularly-scheduled maintenance job.

How to make the window full screen with Javascript (stretching all over the screen)

Try screenfull.js. It's a nice cross-browser solution that should work for Opera browser as well.

Simple wrapper for cross-browser usage of the JavaScript Fullscreen API, which lets you bring the page or any element into fullscreen. Smoothens out the browser implementation differences, so you don't have to.


Day Name from Date in JS

Try using this code:

var event = new Date();
var options = { weekday: 'long' };
console.log(event.toLocaleDateString('en-US', options));

this will give you the day name in string format.

Maven build failed: "Unable to locate the Javac Compiler in: jre or jdk issue"

You can also make sure that Eclipse has all of the updated changes. To do this, right-click your project and then press the "Refresh" menu item.

Add Insecure Registry to Docker

Anyone looking to add insecure registry on amazon linux 2: You will have to change the setting under /etc/sysconfig/docker and then restart docker daemon: here's how my /etc/sysconfig/docker looks like

# The max number of open files for the daemon itself, and all
# running containers.  The default value of 1048576 mirrors the value
# used by the systemd service unit.

# Additional startup options for the Docker daemon, for example:
# OPTIONS="--ip-forward=true --iptables=true"
# By default we limit the number of open files per container
OPTIONS="--default-ulimit nofile=1024:4096 --insecure-registry yourinsecureregistryhostname:port"

# How many seconds the sysvinit script waits for the pidfile to appear
# when starting the daemon.