Programs & Examples On #Dwscript

DWScript is an object-oriented scripting engine for Delphi based on the Delphi language, with extensions borrowed from other Pascal languages (FreePascal, Prism, etc.).

A url resource that is a dot (%2E)

It's actually not really clearly stated in the standard (RFC 3986) whether a percent-encoded version of . or .. is supposed to have the same this-folder/up-a-folder meaning as the unescaped version. Section 3.3 only talks about “The path segments . and ..”, without clarifying whether they match . and .. before or after pct-encoding.

Personally I find Firefox's interpretation that %2E does not mean . most practical, but unfortunately all the other browsers disagree. This would mean that you can't have a path component containing only . or ...

I think the only possible suggestion is “don't do that”! There are other path components that are troublesome too, typically due to server limitations: %2F, %00 and %5C sequences in paths may also be blocked by some web servers, and the empty path segment can also cause problems. So in general it's not possible to fit all possible byte sequences into a path component.

What's the PowerShell syntax for multiple values in a switch statement?

I found that this works and seems more readable:

    { @("y", "yes") -contains $_ } { "You entered Yes." }
    default { "You entered No." }

The "-contains" operator performs a non-case sensitive search, so you don't need to use "ToLower()". If you do want it to be case sensitive, you can use "-ccontains" instead.

Docker error : no space left on device

you can also use:

docker system prune

or for just volumes:

docker volume prune

Python:Efficient way to check if dictionary is empty or not

As far as I know the for loop uses the iter function and you should not mess with a structure while iterating over it.

Does it have to be a dictionary? If you use a list something like this might work:

while len(my_list) > 0:
    #get last item from list
    key, value = my_list.pop()
    #do something with key and value
    my_list.append((key, value))

Note that my_list is a list of the tuple (key, value). The only disadvantage is that you cannot access by key.

EDIT: Nevermind, the answer above is mostly the same.

Java: Check the date format of current string is according to required format or not

For example, if you want the date format to be "03.11.2017"

 if (String.valueOf(DateEdit.getText()).matches("([1-9]{1}|[0]{1}[1-9]{1}|[1]{1}[0-9]{1}|[2]{1}[0-9]{1}|[3]{1}[0-1]{1})" +
           "([.]{1})" +
           "([0]{1}[1-9]{1}|[1]{1}[0-2]{1}|[1-9]{1})" +
           "([.]{1})" +

 if (!checkFormat) {
 Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "incorrect date format! Ex.23.06.2016", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

How to create .ipa file using Xcode?

In addition to kus answer.

There are some changes in Xcode 8.0

Step 1: Change scheme destination to Generic IOS device.

Step 2: Click Product > Archive > once this is complete open up the Organiser and click the latest version.

Step 3: Click on Export... option from right side of organiser window.

Step 4: Select a method for export > Choose correct signing > Save to Destination.

Xcode 10.0

Step 3: From Right Side Panel Click on Distribute App.

Step 4: Select Method of distribution and click next.

Step 5: It Opens up distribution option window. Select All compatible device variants and click next.

Step 6: Choose signing certificate.

Step 7: It will open up Preparing archive for distribution window. it takes few min.

Step 8: It will open up Archives window. Click on export and save it.

Date Format in Swift

swift 3

let date : Date = Date()
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "MMM dd, yyyy"
let todaysDate = dateFormatter.string(from: date)

How to install mod_ssl for Apache httpd?

I found I needed to enable the SSL module in Apache (obviously prefix commands with sudo if you are not running as root):

a2enmod ssl

then restart Apache:

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

More details of SSL in Apache for Ubuntu / Debian here.

Get absolute path to workspace directory in Jenkins Pipeline plugin

"WORKSPACE" environment variable works for the latest version of Jenkins Pipeline. You can use this in your Jenkins file: "${env.WORKSPACE}"

Sample use below:

def files = findFiles glob: '**/reports/*.json'
for (def i=0; i<files.length; i++) {
jsonFilePath = "${files[i].path}"       
jsonPath = "${env.WORKSPACE}" + "/" + jsonFilePath
echo jsonPath

hope that helps!!

Cannot import the keyfile 'blah.pfx' - error 'The keyfile may be password protected'

As a workaround, I tried running the Visual Studio 2010 as an administrator, and it worked for me.

I hope this helps.

When to use: Java 8+ interface default method, vs. abstract method

Default methods in Java Interface are to be used more for providing dummy implementation of a function thus saving any implementing class of that interface from the pain of declaring all the abstract methods even if they want to deal with only one. Default methods in interface are thus in a way more a replacement for the concept of adapter classes.

The methods in abstract class are however supposed to give a meaningful implementation which any child class should override only if needed to override a common functionality.

How do I Set Background image in Flutter?

You can use Stack to make the image stretch to the full screen.

        children: <Widget>
          Positioned.fill(  //
            child: Image(
              image: AssetImage('assets/placeholder.png'),
              fit : BoxFit.fill,
          ...... // other children widgets of Stack

Note: Optionally if are using a Scaffold, you can put the Stack inside the Scaffold with or without AppBar according to your needs.

Change multiple files

Another more versatile way is to use find:

sed -i 's/asd/dsg/g' $(find . -type f -name 'xa*')

Copy text from nano editor to shell

For whoever still looking for a copy + paste solution in nano editor

To select text

  • ctrl+6
  • Use arrow to move the cursor to where you want the mark to end

Note: If you want to copy the whole line, no need to mark just move the cursor to the line

To copy:

  • Press alt + 6

To paste:

  • Press ctrl + U


excel formula to subtract number of days from a date

Assuming the original date is in cell A1:


Works in at least Excel 2003 and 2010.

Android Center text on canvas

I create a method to simplify this:

    public static void drawCenterText(String text, RectF rectF, Canvas canvas, Paint paint) {
    Paint.Align align = paint.getTextAlign();
    float x;
    float y;
    if (align == Paint.Align.LEFT) {
        x = rectF.centerX() - paint.measureText(text) / 2;
    } else if (align == Paint.Align.CENTER) {
        x = rectF.centerX();
    } else {
        x = rectF.centerX() + paint.measureText(text) / 2;
    metrics = paint.getFontMetrics();
    float acent = Math.abs(metrics.ascent);
    float descent = Math.abs(metrics.descent);
    y = rectF.centerY() + (acent - descent) / 2f;
    canvas.drawText(text, x, y, paint);

    Log.e("ghui", "top:" + + ",ascent:" + metrics.ascent
            + ",dscent:" + metrics.descent + ",leading:" + metrics.leading + ",bottom" + metrics.bottom);

rectF is the area you want draw the text,That's it. Details

convert datetime to date format dd/mm/yyyy

It's simple--tostring() accepts a parameter with this format...


Can't open file 'svn/repo/db/txn-current-lock': Permission denied

3 Steps you can follow

  1. chmod -R 775 <repo path>  
    ---> change permissions of repository
  2. chown -R apache:apache <repo path>  
    ---> change owner of svn repository
  3. chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_t <repo path>  
    ----> change SELinux security context of the svn repository

How to know if a DateTime is between a DateRange in C#

Following on from Sergey's answer, I think this more generic version is more in line with Fowler's Range idea, and resolves some of the issues with that answer such as being able to have the Includes methods within a generic class by constraining T as IComparable<T>. It's also immutable like what you would expect with types that extend the functionality of other value types like DateTime.

public struct Range<T> where T : IComparable<T>
    public Range(T start, T end)
        Start = start;
        End = end;

    public T Start { get; }

    public T End { get; }

    public bool Includes(T value) => Start.CompareTo(value) <= 0 && End.CompareTo(value) >= 0;

    public bool Includes(Range<T> range) => Start.CompareTo(range.Start) <= 0 && End.CompareTo(range.End) >= 0;

Setting different color for each series in scatter plot on matplotlib

You can always use the plot() function like so:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import numpy as np

x = np.arange(10)
ys = [i+x+(i*x)**2 for i in range(10)]
for y in ys:
    plt.plot(x, y, 'o')

plot as scatter but changes colors

Pandas DataFrame to List of Lists

If you wish to convert a Pandas DataFrame to a table (list of lists) and include the header column this should work:

import pandas as pd
def dfToTable(df:pd.DataFrame) -> list:
    return [list(df.columns)] + df.values.tolist()

Usage (in REPL):

>>> df = pd.DataFrame(
             , columns=["c1", "c2", "c3"])
>>> df
     c1    c2    c3
0  r1c1  r1c2  r1c3
1  r2c1  r2c2  r3c3
>>> dfToTable(df)
[['c1', 'c2', 'c3'], ['r1c1', 'r1c2', 'r1c3'], ['r2c1', 'r2c2', 'r3c3']]

Sleep function in ORACLE

Create a procedure which just does your lock and install it into a different user, who is "trusted" with dbms_lock ( USERA ), grant USERA access to dbms_lock.

Then just grant USERB access to this function. They then wont need to be able to access DBMS_LOCK

( make sure you don't have usera and userb in your system before running this )

Connect as a user with grant privs for dbms_lock, and can create users

drop user usera cascade;
drop user userb cascade;
create user usera default tablespace users identified by abc123;
grant create session to usera;
grant resource to usera;
grant execute on dbms_lock to usera;

create user userb default tablespace users identified by abc123;
grant create session to userb;
grant resource to useb

connect usera/abc123;

create or replace function usera.f_sleep( in_time number ) return number is
 return 1;

grant execute on usera.f_sleep to userb;

connect userb/abc123;

/* About to sleep as userb */
select usera.f_sleep(5) from dual;
/* Finished sleeping as userb */

/* Attempt to access dbms_lock as userb.. Should fail */


/* Finished */

ASP.NET Identity's default Password Hasher - How does it work and is it secure?

I understand the accepted answer, and have up-voted it but thought I'd dump my laymen's answer here...

Creating a hash

  1. The salt is randomly generated using the function Rfc2898DeriveBytes which generates a hash and a salt. Inputs to Rfc2898DeriveBytes are the password, the size of the salt to generate and the number of hashing iterations to perform.
  2. The salt and the hash are then mashed together(salt first followed by the hash) and encoded as a string (so the salt is encoded in the hash). This encoded hash (which contains the salt and hash) is then stored (typically) in the database against the user.

Checking a password against a hash

To check a password that a user inputs.

  1. The salt is extracted from the stored hashed password.
  2. The salt is used to hash the users input password using an overload of Rfc2898DeriveBytes which takes a salt instead of generating one.
  3. The stored hash and the test hash are then compared.

The Hash

Under the covers the hash is generated using the SHA1 hash function ( This function is iteratively called 1000 times (In the default Identity implementation)

Why is this secure

  • Random salts means that an attacker can’t use a pre-generated table of hashs to try and break passwords. They would need to generate a hash table for every salt. (Assuming here that the hacker has also compromised your salt)
  • If 2 passwords are identical they will have different hashes. (meaning attackers can’t infer ‘common’ passwords)
  • Iteratively calling SHA1 1000 times means that the attacker also needs to do this. The idea being that unless they have time on a supercomputer they won’t have enough resource to brute force the password from the hash. It would massively slow down the time to generate a hash table for a given salt.

Static link of shared library function in gcc

If you have the .a file of your shared library (.so) you can simply include it with its full path as if it was an object file, like this:

This generates main.o by just compiling:

gcc -c main.c

This links that object file with the corresponding static library and creates the executable (named "main"):

gcc main.o mylibrary.a -o main

Or in a single command:

gcc main.c mylibrary.a -o main

It could also be an absolute or relative path:

gcc main.c /usr/local/mylibs/mylibrary.a -o main

Formatting a field using ToText in a Crystal Reports formula field

if(isnull({uspRptMonthlyGasRevenueByGas;1.YearTotal})) = true then

The above logic should be what you are looking for.

Ruby on Rails: Clear a cached page

rake tmp:cache:clear might be what you're looking for.

File Not Found when running PHP with Nginx

When getting "File not found", my problem was that there was no symlink in the folder where was pointing this line in ngix config:

root /var/www/claims/web;

Radio button validation in javascript

In addition to the Javascript solutions above, you can also use an HTML 5 solution by marking the radio buttons as required in the markup. This will eliminate the need for any Javascript and let the browser do the work for you.

See HTML5: How to use the "required" attribute with a "radio" input field for more information on how to do this well.

R: += (plus equals) and ++ (plus plus) equivalent from c++/c#/java, etc.?

R doesn't have these operations because (most) objects in R are immutable. They do not change. Typically, when it looks like you're modifying an object, you're actually modifying a copy.

Difference between uint32 and uint32_t

uint32_t is defined in the standard, in

18.4.1 Header <cstdint> synopsis [cstdint.syn]

namespace std {
typedef unsigned integer type uint32_t; // optional

uint32 is not, it's a shortcut provided by some compilers (probably as typedef uint32_t uint32) for ease of use.

What are database constraints?

A database is the computerized logical representation of a conceptual (or business) model, consisting of a set of informal business rules. These rules are the user-understood meaning of the data. Because computers comprehend only formal representations, business rules cannot be represented directly in a database. They must be mapped to a formal representation, a logical model, which consists of a set of integrity constraints. These constraints — the database schema — are the logical representation in the database of the business rules and, therefore, are the DBMS-understood meaning of the data. It follows that if the DBMS is unaware of and/or does not enforce the full set of constraints representing the business rules, it has an incomplete understanding of what the data means and, therefore, cannot guarantee (a) its integrity by preventing corruption, (b) the integrity of inferences it makes from it (that is, query results) — this is another way of saying that the DBMS is, at best, incomplete.

Note: The DBMS-“understood” meaning — integrity constraints — is not identical to the user-understood meaning — business rules — but, the loss of some meaning notwithstanding, we gain the ability to mechanize logical inferences from the data.

"An Old Class of Errors" by Fabian Pascal

Convert ASCII number to ASCII Character in C

If the number is stored in a string (which it would be if typed by a user), you can use atoi() to convert it to an integer.

An integer can be assigned directly to a character. A character is different mostly just because how it is interpreted and used.

char c = atoi("61");

SSIS Convert Between Unicode and Non-Unicode Error

  1. First, add a data conversion block into your data flow diagram.

  2. Open the data conversion block and tick the column for which the error is showing. Below change its data type to unicode string(DT_WSTR) or whatever datatype is expected and save.

  3. Go to the destination block. Go to mapping in it and map the newly created element to its corresponding address and save.

  4. Right click your project in the solution properties. Select configuration properties and select debugging in it. In this, set the Run64BitRunTime option to false (as excel does not handle the 64 bit application very well).

Xcode/Simulator: How to run older iOS version?

Choosing older simulator versions is not obvious in Xcode 3.2.5. Older Xcodes had separate lists of "iOS Device SDKs" and "iOS Simulator SDKs" in the "Base SDK" build setting popup menu, but in Xcode 3.2.5 these have been replaced with a single "iOS SDKs" list that only offers 4.2 and "latest".

If you create a new default iOS project, it defaults to 4.2 for both Base SDK and Deployment Target, and in the "Overview" popup in the project's top-left corner, only the 4.2 Simulator is available.

To run an older iOS simulator, you must choose an older iOS version in the "iOS Deployment Target" build setting popup. Only then will the "Overview" popup offer older Simulators: back to 4.0 for iPhone and to 3.2 for iPad.

How To limit the number of characters in JTextField?

Great question, and it's odd that the Swing toolkit doesn't include this functionality natively for JTextFields. But, here's a great answer from my course "Learn Java Like a Kid":

txtGuess = new JTextField();
txtGuess.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() {
    public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { 
        if (txtGuess.getText().length() >= 3 ) // limit textfield to 3 characters

This limits the number of characters in a guessing game text field to 3 characters, by overriding the keyTyped event and checking to see if the textfield already has 3 characters - if so, you're "consuming" the key event (e) so that it doesn't get processed like normal.

Check if a given key already exists in a dictionary and increment it

You need the key in dict idiom for that.

if key in my_dict and not (my_dict[key] is None):
  # do something
  # do something else

However, you should probably consider using defaultdict (as dF suggested).

Android center view in FrameLayout doesn't work

Just follow this order

You can center any number of child in a FrameLayout.


So the key is

adding android:layout_gravity="center"in the child views.

For example:

I centered a CustomView and a TextView on a FrameLayout like this


        app:lottie_loop="true" />
        android:text="Networks Available: 1\n click to see all"
        android:gravity="center" />


enter image description here

HowTo Generate List of SQL Server Jobs and their owners

If you don't have access to sysjobs table (someone elses server etc) you might be have or be allowed access to sysjobs_view

 from  msdb..sysjobs_view s 
 left join master.sys.syslogins l on s.owner_sid = l.sid


SELECT *, SUSER_SNAME(s.owner_sid) AS owner
 from  msdb..sysjobs_view s 

Simulating Slow Internet Connection

Also, for simulating a slow connection on some *nixes, you can try using ipfw. More information is provided by Ben Newman's answer on this Quora question

How to remove the first Item from a list?

You can use list.reverse() to reverse the list, then list.pop() to remove the last element, for example:

l = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
print l
[4, 3, 2, 1, 0]


What is the difference between 'my' and 'our' in Perl?

An example:

use strict;

for (1 .. 2){
    # Both variables are lexically scoped to the block.
    our ($o);  # Belongs to 'main' package.
    my  ($m);  # Does not belong to a package.

    # The variables differ with respect to newness.
    $o ++;
    $m ++;
    print __PACKAGE__, " >> o=$o m=$m\n";  # $m is always 1.

    # The package has changed, but we still have direct,
    # unqualified access to both variables, because the
    # lexical scope has not changed.
    package Fubb;
    print __PACKAGE__, " >> o=$o m=$m\n";

# The our() and my() variables differ with respect to privacy.
# We can still access the variable declared with our(), provided
# that we fully qualify its name, but the variable declared
# with my() is unavailable.
print __PACKAGE__, " >> main::o=$main::o\n";  # 2
print __PACKAGE__, " >> main::m=$main::m\n";  # Undefined.

# Attempts to access the variables directly won't compile.
# print __PACKAGE__, " >> o=$o\n";
# print __PACKAGE__, " >> m=$m\n";

# Variables declared with use vars() are like those declared
# with our(): belong to a package; not private; and not new.
# However, their scoping is package-based rather than lexical.
for (1 .. 9){
    use vars qw($uv);
    $uv ++;

# Even though we are outside the lexical scope where the
# use vars() variable was declared, we have direct access
# because the package has not changed.
print __PACKAGE__, " >> uv=$uv\n";

# And we can access it from another package.
package Bubb;
print __PACKAGE__, " >> main::uv=$main::uv\n";

How do I search an SQL Server database for a string?

If I want to find where anything I want to search is, I use this:

DECLARE @search_string    varchar(200)
    SET @search_string = '%myString%'

  AS Object_Name,
      FROM sys.sql_modules m
           INNER JOIN
           sys.objects o
             ON m.object_id = o.object_id
     WHERE m.definition Like @search_string;

SQL Server Insert Example

I hope this will help you

Create table :

create table users (id int,first_name varchar(10),last_name varchar(10));

Insert values into the table :

insert into users (id,first_name,last_name) values(1,'Abhishek','Anand');

How to get all key in JSON object (javascript)

var input = {"document":
    {"name":["Harry Potter"],"age":["18"],"gender":["Male"]},
    {"name":["hermione granger"],"age":["18"],"gender":["Female"]},

var keys = [];
for(var i = 0;i<input.document.people.length;i++)
        if(keys.indexOf(key) == -1)

How to display div after click the button in Javascript?


<div id="myDiv" style="display:none;" class="answer_list" >WELCOME</div>
<input type="button" name="answer" onclick="ShowDiv()" />


function ShowDiv() {
    document.getElementById("myDiv").style.display = "";

Or if you wanted to use jQuery with a nice little animation:

<input id="myButton" type="button" name="answer" />

$('#myButton').click(function() {
  $('#myDiv').toggle('slow', function() {
    // Animation complete.

Detect if PHP session exists

Which method is used to check if SESSION exists or not? Answer:




How do I bind Twitter Bootstrap tooltips to dynamically created elements?

Try this one:

    selector: '[rel=tooltip]'

What jsf component can render a div tag?

In JSF 2.2 it's possible to use passthrough elements:

<html xmlns=""
    <div jsf:id="id1" />

The requirement is to have at least one attribute in the element using jsf namespace.

How to document a method with parameter(s)?

python doc strings are free-form, you can document it in any way you like.


def mymethod(self, foo, bars):
    Does neat stuff!
      foo - a foo of type FooType to bar with.
      bars - The list of bars

Now, there are some conventions, but python doesn't enforce any of them. Some projects have their own conventions. Some tools to work with docstrings also follow specific conventions.

What does \0 stand for?

In C \0 is a character literal constant store into an int data type that represent the character with value of 0.

Since Objective-C is a strict superset of C this constant is retained.

Convert integer to hex and hex to integer

Convert INT to hex:


Convert hex to INT:


Update 2015-03-16

The above example has the limitation that it only works when the HEX value is given as an integer literal. For completeness, if the value to convert is a hexadecimal string (such as found in a varchar column) use:

-- If the '0x' marker is present:

-- If the '0x' marker is NOT present:

Note: The string must contain an even number of hex digits. An odd number of digits will yield an error.

More details can be found in the "Binary Styles" section of CAST and CONVERT (Transact-SQL). I believe SQL Server 2008 or later is required.

check all socket opened in linux OS

Also you can use ss utility to dump sockets statistics.

To dump summary:

ss -s

Total: 91 (kernel 0)
TCP:   18 (estab 11, closed 0, orphaned 0, synrecv 0, timewait 0/0), ports 0

Transport Total     IP        IPv6
*         0         -         -        
RAW       0         0         0        
UDP       4         2         2        
TCP       18        16        2        
INET      22        18        4        
FRAG      0         0         0

To display all sockets:

ss -a

To display UDP sockets:

ss -u -a

To display TCP sockets:

ss -t -a

Here you can read ss man: ss

Identify duplicate values in a list in Python

You should sort the list:


After this, iterate through it like this:

doubles = []
for i, elem in enumerate(mylist):
    if i != 0:
        if elem == old:
            old = None
    old = elem

SSL Error: CERT_UNTRUSTED while using npm command

I think I got the reason for the above error. It is the corporate proxy(virtual private network) provided in order to work in the client network. Without that connection I frequently faced the same problem be it maven build or npm install.

How do I create a unique constraint that also allows nulls?

You can't do this with a UNIQUE constraint, but you can do this in a trigger.

    CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[OnInsertMyTableTrigger]
   ON  [dbo].[MyTable]

    DECLARE @Column1 INT;
    DECLARE @Column2 INT; -- allow nulls on this column

    SELECT @Column1=Column1, @Column2=Column2 FROM inserted;

    -- Check if an existing record already exists, if not allow the insert.
    IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM dbo.MyTable WHERE Column1=@Column1 AND Column2=@Column2 @Column2 IS NOT NULL)
        INSERT INTO dbo.MyTable (Column1, Column2)
            SELECT @Column2, @Column2;
        RAISERROR('The unique constraint applies on Column1 %d, AND Column2 %d, unless Column2 is NULL.', 16, 1, @Column1, @Column2);


How to delete node from XML file using C#

Deleting nodes from XML

            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
            XmlNodeList nodes = doc.SelectNodes("//Setting[@name='File1']");
            for (int i = nodes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)

Adding attribute to Nodes in XML

    XmlDocument originalXml = new XmlDocument();
    XmlNode menu = originalXml.SelectSingleNode("//Settings");
    XmlNode newSub = originalXml.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Setting", null);
    XmlAttribute xa = originalXml.CreateAttribute("name");
    xa.Value = "qwerty";
    XmlAttribute xb = originalXml.CreateAttribute("value");
    xb.Value = "555";

How to get array keys in Javascript?

I wrote a function what works fine with every instance of Objects (Arrays are those).

Object.prototype.toArray = function()
      return null;

    var c = [];

    for (var key in this) 
        if ( ( this instanceof Array && this.constructor === Array && key === 'length' ) || !this.hasOwnProperty(key) ) 


    return c;


var a   = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
a[11]   = 4;
a["js"] = 5;


var b = { one: 1, two: 2, three: 3, f: function() { return 4; }, five: 5 };
b[7] = 7;



> [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
> [ 7, 1, 2, 3, function () { return 4; }, 5 ]

It may be useful for anyone.

Errno 10061 : No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it ( client - server )

Hint: actively refused sounds like somewhat deeper technical trouble, but...

...actually, this response (and also specifically errno:10061) is also given, if one calls the bin/mongo executable and the mongodb service is simply not running on the target machine. This even applies to local machine instances (all happening on localhost).

? Always rule out for this trivial possibility first, i.e. simply by using the command line client to access your db.

See here.

Android - Using Custom Font

The best way to do it From Android O preview release is this way:

It works only if you have android studio-2.4 or above

  1. Right-click the res folder and go to New > Android resource directory. The New
    Resource Directory window appears.
  2. In the Resource type list, select font, and then click OK.
  3. Add your font files in the font folder.The folder structure below generates R.font.dancing_script, R.font.la_la, and R.font.ba_ba.
  4. Double-click a font file to preview the file's fonts in the editor.

Next we must create a font family:

  1. Right-click the font folder and go to New > Font resource file. The New Resource File window appears.
  2. Enter the File Name, and then click OK. The new font resource XML opens in the editor.
  3. Enclose each font file, style, and weight attribute in the font tag element. The following XML illustrates adding font-related attributes in the font resource XML:

Adding fonts to a TextView:


As from the documentation

Working With Fonts

All the steps are correct.

How can I extract a good quality JPEG image from a video file with ffmpeg?

Output the images in a lossless format such as PNG:

ffmpeg.exe -i 10fps.h264 -r 10 -f image2 10fps.h264_%03d.png

Edit/Update: Not quite sure why I originally gave a strange filename example (with a possibly made-up extension).

I have since found that -vsync 0 is simpler than -r 10 because it avoids needing to know the frame rate.

This is something like what I currently use:

mkdir stills
ffmpeg -i my-film.mp4 -vsync 0 -f image2 stills/my-film-%06d.png

To extract only the key frames (which are likely to be of higher quality post-edit):

ffmpeg -skip_frame nokey -i my-film.mp4 -vsync 0 -f image2 stills/my-film-%06d.png

Then use another program (where you can more precisely specify quality, subsampling and DCT method – e.g. GIMP) to convert the PNGs you want to JPEG.

It is possible to obtain slightly sharper images in JPEG format this way than is possible with -qmin 1 -q:v 1 and outputting as JPEG directly from ffmpeg.

JQUERY: Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression



your solution is passing the double quotes as part of the string.

Set the intervals of x-axis using r

You can use axis:

> axis(side=1, at=c(0:23))

That is, something like this:

plot(0:23, d, type='b', axes=FALSE)
axis(side=1, at=c(0:23))
axis(side=2, at=seq(0, 600, by=100))

What is the best open-source java charting library? (other than jfreechart)

There is charts4j which is a charts and graphs API. It enables developers to programmatically create the charts available in the Google Chart API through a straightforward and intuitive Java API.

Disclaimer: I wrote charts4j. We will be doing another major release in the next few weeks.

How do I make a WPF TextBlock show my text on multiple lines?

Use the property TextWrapping of the TextBlock element:

<TextBlock Text="StackOverflow Forum"

Copy every nth line from one sheet to another

Add new column and fill it with ascending numbers. Then filter by ([column] mod 7 = 0) or something like that (don't have Excel in front of me to actually try this);

If you can't filter by formula, add one more column and use the formula =MOD([column; 7]) in it then filter zeros and you'll get all seventh rows.

How to catch an Exception from a thread

Also from Java 8 you can write Dan Cruz answer as:

Thread t = new Thread(()->{
            System.out.println("Sleeping ...");
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            System.out.println("Throwing exception ...");
            throw new RuntimeException(); });

t.setUncaughtExceptionHandler((th, ex)-> log(String.format("Exception in thread %d id: %s", th.getId(), ex)));

Android: Is it possible to display video thumbnails?

I am answering this question late but hope it will help the other candidate facing same problem.

I have used two methods to load thumbnail for videos list the first was

    Bitmap bmThumbnail;
    bmThumbnail = ThumbnailUtils.createVideoThumbnail(FILE_PATH
                    + videoList.get(position),

    if (bmThumbnail != null) {
        Log.d("VideoAdapter","video thumbnail found");
    } else {
        Log.d("VideoAdapter","video thumbnail not found");

its look good but there was a problem with this solution because when i scroll video list it will freeze some time due to its large processing.

so after this i found another solution which works perfectly by using Glide Library.

            .with( mContext )
            .load( Uri.fromFile( new File( FILE_PATH+videoList.get(position) ) ) )
            .into( holder.imgVideo );

I recommended the later solution for showing thumbnail with video list . thanks

Unstage a deleted file in git

If it has been staged and committed, then the following will reset the file:

git reset COMMIT_HASH file_path
git checkout COMMIT_HASH file_path
git add file_path

This will work for a deletion that occurred several commits previous.

Transpose/Unzip Function (inverse of zip)?

You could also do

result = ([ a for a,b in original ], [ b for a,b in original ])

It should scale better. Especially if Python makes good on not expanding the list comprehensions unless needed.

(Incidentally, it makes a 2-tuple (pair) of lists, rather than a list of tuples, like zip does.)

If generators instead of actual lists are ok, this would do that:

result = (( a for a,b in original ), ( b for a,b in original ))

The generators don't munch through the list until you ask for each element, but on the other hand, they do keep references to the original list.

SignalR - Sending a message to a specific user using (IUserIdProvider) *NEW 2.0.0*

Look at SignalR Tests for the feature.

Test "SendToUser" takes automatically the user identity passed by using a regular owin authentication library.

The scenario is you have a user who has connected from multiple devices/browsers and you want to push a message to all his active connections.

Python datetime - setting fixed hour and minute after using strptime to get day,month,year

If you have date as a datetime.datetime (or a instance and want to combine it via a time from a datetime.time instance, then you can use the classmethod datetime.datetime.combine:

import datetime
dt = datetime.datetime(2020, 7, 1)
t = datetime.time(12, 34)
combined = datetime.datetime.combine(, t)

Update value of a nested dictionary of varying depth

Here's an Immutable version of recursive dictionary merge in case anybody needs it.

Based upon @Alex Martelli's answer.

Python 3.x:

import collections
from copy import deepcopy

def merge(dict1, dict2):
    ''' Return a new dictionary by merging two dictionaries recursively. '''

    result = deepcopy(dict1)

    for key, value in dict2.items():
        if isinstance(value, collections.Mapping):
            result[key] = merge(result.get(key, {}), value)
            result[key] = deepcopy(dict2[key])

    return result

Python 2.x:

import collections
from copy import deepcopy

def merge(dict1, dict2):
    ''' Return a new dictionary by merging two dictionaries recursively. '''

    result = deepcopy(dict1)

    for key, value in dict2.iteritems():
        if isinstance(value, collections.Mapping):
            result[key] = merge(result.get(key, {}), value)
            result[key] = deepcopy(dict2[key])

    return result

Show current assembly instruction in GDB

You can do

display/i $pc

and every time GDB stops, it will display the disassembly of the next instruction.

GDB-7.0 also supports set disassemble-next-line on, which will disassemble the entire next line, and give you more of the disassembly context.

The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b)

You can have this if you are trying to manifest your application that it has a dependancy on the Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls assembly. You do this when you want to load Version 6 of the common controls library - so that visual styles are applied to common controls.

You probably followed Microsoft's original documentation way back from Windows XP days, and added the following to your application's manifest:

<!-- Dependancy on Common Controls version 6 -->

Windows XP is no longer the OS, and you're no longer a 32-bit application. In the intervening 17 years Microsoft updated their documentation; now it's time for you to update your manifest:

<!-- Dependancy on Common Controls version 6 -->

Raymond Chen has a lovely history of the Common Controls:

Errno 10060] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time

As ping works, but telnetto port 80 does not, the HTTP port 80 is closed on your machine. I assume that your browser's HTTP connection goes through a proxy (as browsing works, how else would you read stackoverflow?). You need to add some code to your python program, that handles the proxy, like described here:

Using an HTTP PROXY - Python

How to create a popup windows in javafx

You can either create a new Stage, add your controls into it or if you require the POPUP as Dialog box, then you may consider using DialogsFX or ControlsFX(Requires JavaFX8)

For creating a new Stage, you can use the following snippet

public void start(final Stage primaryStage) {
    Button btn = new Button();
    btn.setText("Open Dialog");
        new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
            public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
                final Stage dialog = new Stage();
                VBox dialogVbox = new VBox(20);
                dialogVbox.getChildren().add(new Text("This is a Dialog"));
                Scene dialogScene = new Scene(dialogVbox, 300, 200);

If you don't want it to be modal (block other windows), use:


Get number of digits with JavaScript

`You can do it by simple loop using Math.trunc() function. if in interview interviewer ask to do it without converting it into string`
    let num = 555194154234 ;
    let len = 0 ;
    const numLen = (num) => {
     for(let i = 0; i < num ||  num == 1 ; i++){
        num = Math.trunc(num/10);
        len++ ;
      return len + 1 ;

Why do I get java.lang.AbstractMethodError when trying to load a blob in the db?

As described in the API of java.sql.PreparedStatement.setBinaryStream() it is available since 1.6 so it is a JDBC 4.0 API! You use a JDBC 3 Driver so this method is not available!

Change the bullet color of list

You have to use image

.listStyle {
    list-style: none;
    background: url(bullet.jpg) no-repeat left center;
    padding-left: 40px;

How to remove leading and trailing spaces from a string

 static void Main()
        // A.
        // Example strings with multiple whitespaces.
        string s1 = "He saw   a cute\tdog.";
        string s2 = "There\n\twas another sentence.";

        // B.
        // Create the Regex.
        Regex r = new Regex(@"\s+");

        // C.
        // Strip multiple spaces.
        string s3 = r.Replace(s1, @" ");

        // D.
        // Strip multiple spaces.
        string s4 = r.Replace(s2, @" ");


He saw a cute dog. There was another sentence. He saw a cute dog.

What's the difference between a proxy server and a reverse proxy server?

Some diagrams might help:

Forward proxy

Forward proxy

Reverse proxy

Reverse proxy

Unix command-line JSON parser?

Anyone mentioned Jshon or

pipe json to it, and it traverses the json objects and prints out the path to the current object (as a JSON array) and then the object, without whitespace.
Jshon loads json text from stdin, performs actions, then displays the last action on stdout and also was made to be part of the usual text processing pipeline.

OnItemCLickListener not working in listview

Use android:descendantFocusability

<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:descendantFocusability="blocksDescendants" >

Add above in root layout

How to export table data in MySql Workbench to csv?

MySQL Workbench 6.3.6

Export the SELECT result

  • After you run a SELECT: Query > Export Results...

    Query Export Results

Export table data

  • In the Navigator, right click on the table > Table Data Export Wizard

    Table Data Export

  • All columns and rows are included by default, so click on Next.

  • Select File Path, type, Field Separator (by default it is ;, not ,!!!) and click on Next.


  • Click Next > Next > Finish and the file is created in the specified location

How to delete an SVN project from SVN repository

In the case where you simply want to delete a project from the head revision, so that it no longer shows up in your repo when you run svn list file:///path/to/repo/ just run:

svn delete file:///path/to/repo/project 

However, if you need to delete all record of it in the repo, use another method.

ComboBox SelectedItem vs SelectedValue

I suspect that the SelectedItem property of the ComboBox does not change until the control has been validated (which occurs when the control loses focus), whereas the SelectedValue property changes whenever the user selects an item.

Here is a reference to the focus events that occur on controls:

I keep getting "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token o"

The problem is very simple

jQuery.get('wokab.json', function(data) {
    var glacier = JSON.parse(data);

You're parsing it twice. get uses the dataType='json', so data is already in json format. Use $.ajax({ dataType: 'json' ... to specifically set the returned data type!

Iterate over each line in a string in PHP

Potential memory issues with strtok:

Since one of the suggested solutions uses strtok, unfortunately it doesn't point out a potential memory issue (though it claims to be memory efficient). When using strtok according to the manual, the:

Note that only the first call to strtok uses the string argument. Every subsequent call to strtok only needs the token to use, as it keeps track of where it is in the current string.

It does this by loading the file into memory. If you're using large files, you need to flush them if you're done looping through the file.

function process($str) {
    $line = strtok($str, PHP_EOL);

    /*do something with the first line here...*/

    while ($line !== FALSE) {
        // get the next line
        $line = strtok(PHP_EOL);

        /*do something with the rest of the lines here...*/

    //the bit that frees up memory
    strtok('', '');

If you're only concerned with physical files (eg. datamining):

According to the manual, for the file upload part you can use the file command:

 //Create the array
 $lines = file( $some_file );

 foreach ( $lines as $line ) {
   //do something here.

CSS transition shorthand with multiple properties?

If you have several specific properties that you want to transition in the same way (because you also have some properties you specifically don't want to transition, say opacity), another option is to do something like this (prefixes omitted for brevity):

.myclass {
    transition: all 200ms ease;
    transition-property: box-shadow, height, width, background, font-size;

The second declaration overrides the all in the shorthand declaration above it and makes for (occasionally) more concise code.

/* prefixes omitted for brevity */_x000D_
.box {_x000D_
    height: 100px;_x000D_
    width: 100px;_x000D_
    background: red;_x000D_
    box-shadow: red 0 0 5px 1px;_x000D_
    transition: all 500ms ease;_x000D_
    /*note: not transitioning width */_x000D_
    transition-property: height, background, box-shadow;_x000D_
.box:hover {_x000D_
  height: 50px;_x000D_
  width: 50px;_x000D_
  box-shadow: blue 0 0 10px 3px;_x000D_
  background: blue;_x000D_
<p>Hover box for demo</p>_x000D_
<div class="box"></div>


Round up value to nearest whole number in SQL UPDATE

You could use the ceiling function; this portion of SQL code :

select ceiling(45.01), ceiling(45.49), ceiling(45.99);

will get you "46" each time.

For your update, so, I'd say :

Update product SET price = ceiling(45.01)

BTW : On MySQL, ceil is an alias to ceiling ; not sure about other DB systems, so you might have to use one or the other, depending on the DB you are using...

Quoting the documentation :


Returns the smallest integer value not less than X.

And the given example :

mysql> SELECT CEILING(1.23);
        -> 2
mysql> SELECT CEILING(-1.23);
        -> -1

Add column to SQL Server

Add new column to Table

ADD Column1 Datatype



If User wants to make it auto incremented then


what does this mean ? image/png;base64?

That is, you are referencing an image, but instead of providing an external url, the png image data is in the url itself, embedded in the style sheet. data:image/png;base64 tells the browser that the data is inline, is a png image and is in this case base64 encoded. The encoding is needed because png images can contain bytes that are invalid inside a HTML document (or within the HTTP protocol even).

How can a add a row to a data frame in R?

Let's make it simple:

df[nrow(df) + 1,] = c("v1","v2")

"Cannot update paths and switch to branch at the same time"

You can get this error in the context of, e.g. a Travis build that, by default, checks code out with git clone --depth=50 --branch=master. To the best of my knowledge, you can control --depth via .travis.yml but not the --branch. Since that results in only a single branch being tracked by the remote, you need to independently update the remote to track the desired remote's refs.


$ git branch -a
* master
remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master

The fix:

$ git remote set-branches --add origin branch-1
$ git remote set-branches --add origin branch-2
$ git fetch


$ git branch -a
* master
remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master

nginx - client_max_body_size has no effect

Had the same issue that the client_max_body_size directive was ignored.

My silly error was, that I put a file inside /etc/nginx/conf.d which did not end with .conf. Nginx will not load these by default.

Difference between malloc and calloc?

malloc() and calloc() are functions from the C standard library that allow dynamic memory allocation, meaning that they both allow memory allocation during runtime.

Their prototypes are as follows:

void *malloc( size_t n);
void *calloc( size_t n, size_t t)

There are mainly two differences between the two:

  • Behavior: malloc() allocates a memory block, without initializing it, and reading the contents from this block will result in garbage values. calloc(), on the other hand, allocates a memory block and initializes it to zeros, and obviously reading the content of this block will result in zeros.

  • Syntax: malloc() takes 1 argument (the size to be allocated), and calloc() takes two arguments (number of blocks to be allocated and size of each block).

The return value from both is a pointer to the allocated block of memory, if successful. Otherwise, NULL will be returned indicating the memory allocation failure.


int *arr;

// allocate memory for 10 integers with garbage values
arr = (int *)malloc(10 * sizeof(int)); 

// allocate memory for 10 integers and sets all of them to 0
arr = (int *)calloc(10, sizeof(int));

The same functionality as calloc() can be achieved using malloc() and memset():

// allocate memory for 10 integers with garbage values   
arr= (int *)malloc(10 * sizeof(int));
// set all of them to 0
memset(arr, 0, 10 * sizeof(int)); 

Note that malloc() is preferably used over calloc() since it's faster. If zero-initializing the values is wanted, use calloc() instead.

Merge PDF files with PHP

i suggest PDFMerger from, so easy like ::

include 'PDFMerger.php';

$pdf = new PDFMerger;

$pdf->addPDF('samplepdfs/one.pdf', '1, 3, 4')
    ->addPDF('samplepdfs/two.pdf', '1-2')
    ->addPDF('samplepdfs/three.pdf', 'all')
    ->merge('file', 'samplepdfs/TEST2.pdf'); // REPLACE 'file' WITH 'browser', 'download', 'string', or 'file' for output options

MySQL Query GROUP BY day / month / year

If your search is over several years, and you still want to group monthly, I suggest:

version #1:

SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE YEAR(record_date), MONTH(record_date), COUNT(*)
FROM stats
GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(record_date, '%Y%m')

version #2 (more efficient):

SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE YEAR(record_date), MONTH(record_date), COUNT(*)
FROM stats
GROUP BY YEAR(record_date)*100 + MONTH(record_date)

I compared these versions on a big table with 1,357,918 rows (), and the 2nd version appears to have better results.

version1 (average of 10 executes): 1.404 seconds
version2 (average of 10 executes): 0.780 seconds

(SQL_NO_CACHE key added to prevent MySQL from CACHING to queries.)

How to hide Table Row Overflow?

Need to specify two attributes, table-layout:fixed on table and white-space:nowrap; on the cells. You also need to move the overflow:hidden; to the cells too

table { width:250px;table-layout:fixed; }
table tr { height:1em;  }
td { overflow:hidden;white-space:nowrap;  } 

Here's a Demo . Tested in Firefox 3.5.3 and IE 7

Error 1022 - Can't write; duplicate key in table

I just spent the last 4 hours with the same issue. What I did was to simply make sure the constraints had unique names.

You can rename the constraints. I appended a number to mine so I could easily trace the number of occurrences.


If a constraint in a table is named boy with a foreign key X The next constraint with the foreign key X can be called boy1

I'm sure you'd figure out better names than I did.

laravel Unable to prepare route ... for serialization. Uses Closure

the solustion when we use routes like this:

Route::get('/', function () {
    return view('welcome');

laravel call them Closure so you cant optimize routes uses as Closures you must route to controller to use php artisan optimize

Is ncurses available for windows?

Such a thing probably does not exist "as-is". It doesn't really exist on Linux or other UNIX-like operating systems either though.

ncurses is only a library that helps you manage interactions with the underlying terminal environment. But it doesn't provide a terminal emulator itself.

The thing that actually displays stuff on the screen (which in your requirement is listed as "native resizable win32 windows") is usually called a Terminal Emulator. If you don't like the one that comes with Windows (you aren't alone; no person on Earth does) there are a few alternatives. There is Console, which in my experience works sometimes and appears to just wrap an underlying Windows terminal emulator (I don't know for sure, but I'm guessing, since there is a menu option to actually get access to that underlying terminal emulator, and sure enough an old crusty Windows/DOS box appears which mirrors everything in the Console window).

A better option

Another option, which may be more appealing is puttycyg. It hooks in to Putty (which, coming from a Linux background, is pretty close to what I'm used to, and free) but actually accesses an underlying cygwin instead of the Windows command interpreter (CMD.EXE). So you get all the benefits of Putty's awesome terminal emulator, as well as nice ncurses (and many other) libraries provided by cygwin. Add a couple command line arguments to the Shortcut that launches Putty (or the Batch file) and your app can be automatically launched without going through Putty's UI.

UTF-8 output from PowerShell

Set the [Console]::OuputEncoding as encoding whatever you want, and print out with [Console]::WriteLine.

If powershell ouput method has a problem, then don't use it. It feels bit bad, but works like a charm :)

substring index range

Both are 0-based, but the start is inclusive and the end is exclusive. This ensures the resulting string is of length start - end.

To make life easier for substring operation, imagine that characters are between indexes.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10  <- available indexes for substring 
 u n i v E R S i t y
        ?     ?
      start  end --> range of "E R S"

Quoting the docs:

The substring begins at the specified beginIndex and extends to the character at index endIndex - 1. Thus the length of the substring is endIndex-beginIndex.

Google Maps V3 marker with label

If you just want to show label below the marker, then you can extend google maps Marker to add a setter method for label and you can define the label object by extending google maps overlayView like this..

<script type="text/javascript">
    var point = { lat: 22.5667, lng: 88.3667 };
    var markerSize = { x: 22, y: 40 };

    google.maps.Marker.prototype.setLabel = function(label){
        this.label = new MarkerLabel({
          marker: this,
          text: label
        this.label.bindTo('position', this, 'position');

    var MarkerLabel = function(options) {
        this.span = document.createElement('span');
        this.span.className = 'map-marker-label';

    MarkerLabel.prototype = $.extend(new google.maps.OverlayView(), {
        onAdd: function() {
            var self = this;
            this.listeners = [
            google.maps.event.addListener(this, 'position_changed', function() { self.draw();    })];
        draw: function() {
            var text = String(this.get('text'));
            var position = this.getProjection().fromLatLngToDivPixel(this.get('position'));
            this.span.innerHTML = text;
   = (position.x - (markerSize.x / 2)) - (text.length * 3) + 10 + 'px';
   = (position.y - markerSize.y + 40) + 'px';
    function initialize(){
        var myLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(, point.lng);
        var gmap = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map_canvas'), {
            zoom: 5,
            center: myLatLng,
            mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
        var myMarker = new google.maps.Marker({
            map: gmap,
            position: myLatLng,
            label: 'Hello World!',
            draggable: true
        position: absolute;
    color: blue;
    font-size: 16px;
    font-weight: bold;

This will work.

Is the NOLOCK (Sql Server hint) bad practice?

In real life where you encounter systems already written and adding indexes to tables then drastically slows down the data loading of a 14gig data table, you are sometime forced to used WITH NOLOCK on your reports and end of month proessing so that the aggregate funtions (sum, count etc) do not do row, page, table locking and deteriate the overall performance. Easy to say in a new system never use WITH NOLOCK and use indexes - but adding indexes severly downgrades data loading, and when I'm then told, well, alter the code base to delete indexes, then bulk load then recreate the indexes - which is all well and good, if you are developing a new system. But Not when you have a system already in place.

ImportError: DLL load failed: %1 is not a valid Win32 application. But the DLL's are there

Please check if the python version you are using is also 64 bit. If not then that could be the issue. You would be using a 32 bit python version and would have installed a 64 bit binaries for the OPENCV library.

Django: ImproperlyConfigured: The SECRET_KEY setting must not be empty

In my case, after a long search I found that PyCharm in your Django settings (Settings > Languages & Frameworks > Django) had the configuration file field undefined. You should make this field point to your project's settings file. Then, you must open the Run / Debug settings and remove the environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE = existing path.

This happens because the Django plugin in PyCharm forces the configuration of the framework. So there is no point in configuring any os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'myapp.settings')

get dictionary key by value

You could do that:

  1. By looping through all the KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>'s in the dictionary (which will be a sizable performance hit if you have a number of entries in the dictionary)
  2. Use two dictionaries, one for value-to-key mapping and one for key-to-value mapping (which would take up twice as much space in memory).

Use Method 1 if performance is not a consideration, use Method 2 if memory is not a consideration.

Also, all keys must be unique, but the values are not required to be unique. You may have more than one key with the specified value.

Is there any reason you can't reverse the key-value relationship?

How to concatenate text from multiple rows into a single text string in SQL server?

One way you could do it in SQL Server would be to return the table content as XML (for XML raw), convert the result to a string and then replace the tags with ", ".

ip address validation in python using regex

    parts = ip.split('.')
    return len(parts) == 4 and all(0 <= int(part) < 256 for part in parts)
except ValueError:
    return False # one of the 'parts' not convertible to integer
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
    return False # `ip` isn't even a string

Is JavaScript object-oriented?

This is of course subjective and an academic question. Some people argue whether an OO language has to implement classes and inheritance, others write programs that change your life. ;-)

(But really, why should an OO language have to implement classes? I'd think objects were the key components. How you create and then use them is another matter.)

What's the main difference between int.Parse() and Convert.ToInt32

The difference is this:

Int32.Parse() and Int32.TryParse() can only convert strings. Convert.ToInt32() can take any class that implements IConvertible. If you pass it a string, then they are equivalent, except that you get extra overhead for type comparisons, etc. If you are converting strings, then TryParse() is probably the better option.

Using sed, how do you print the first 'N' characters of a line?

How about head ?

echo alonglineoftext | head -c 9

Recommended way to save uploaded files in a servlet application

Store it anywhere in an accessible location except of the IDE's project folder aka the server's deploy folder, for reasons mentioned in the answer to Uploaded image only available after refreshing the page:

  1. Changes in the IDE's project folder does not immediately get reflected in the server's work folder. There's kind of a background job in the IDE which takes care that the server's work folder get synced with last updates (this is in IDE terms called "publishing"). This is the main cause of the problem you're seeing.

  2. In real world code there are circumstances where storing uploaded files in the webapp's deploy folder will not work at all. Some servers do (either by default or by configuration) not expand the deployed WAR file into the local disk file system, but instead fully in the memory. You can't create new files in the memory without basically editing the deployed WAR file and redeploying it.

  3. Even when the server expands the deployed WAR file into the local disk file system, all newly created files will get lost on a redeploy or even a simple restart, simply because those new files are not part of the original WAR file.

It really doesn't matter to me or anyone else where exactly on the local disk file system it will be saved, as long as you do not ever use getRealPath() method. Using that method is in any case alarming.

The path to the storage location can in turn be definied in many ways. You have to do it all by yourself. Perhaps this is where your confusion is caused because you somehow expected that the server does that all automagically. Please note that @MultipartConfig(location) does not specify the final upload destination, but the temporary storage location for the case file size exceeds memory storage threshold.

So, the path to the final storage location can be definied in either of the following ways:

  • Hardcoded:

      File uploads = new File("/path/to/uploads");
  • Environment variable via SET UPLOAD_LOCATION=/path/to/uploads:

      File uploads = new File(System.getenv("UPLOAD_LOCATION"));
  • VM argument during server startup via -Dupload.location="/path/to/uploads":

      File uploads = new File(System.getProperty("upload.location"));
  • *.properties file entry as upload.location=/path/to/uploads:

      File uploads = new File(properties.getProperty("upload.location"));
  • web.xml <context-param> with name upload.location and value /path/to/uploads:

      File uploads = new File(getServletContext().getInitParameter("upload.location"));
  • If any, use the server-provided location, e.g. in JBoss AS/WildFly:

      File uploads = new File(System.getProperty(""), "uploads");

Either way, you can easily reference and save the file as follows:

File file = new File(uploads, "somefilename.ext");

try (InputStream input = part.getInputStream()) {
    Files.copy(input, file.toPath());

Or, when you want to autogenerate an unique file name to prevent users from overwriting existing files with coincidentally the same name:

File file = File.createTempFile("somefilename-", ".ext", uploads);

try (InputStream input = part.getInputStream()) {
    Files.copy(input, file.toPath(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);

How to obtain part in JSP/Servlet is answered in How to upload files to server using JSP/Servlet? and how to obtain part in JSF is answered in How to upload file using JSF 2.2 <h:inputFile>? Where is the saved File?

Note: do not use Part#write() as it interprets the path relative to the temporary storage location defined in @MultipartConfig(location).

See also:

Group By Multiple Columns

For VB and anonymous/lambda:

query.GroupBy(Function(x) New With {Key x.Field1, Key x.Field2, Key x.FieldN })

Angular ngClass and click event for toggling class

If you want to toggle text with a toggle button.

HTMLfile which is using bootstrap:

<input class="btn" (click)="muteStream()"  type="button"
          [ngClass]="status ? 'btn-success' : 'btn-danger'" 
          [value]="status ? 'unmute' : 'mute'"/>

TS file:

muteStream() {
   this.status = !this.status;

Java, Shifting Elements in an Array

public class Test1 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        int[] x = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
        Test1 test = new Test1();
        x = test.shiftArray(x, 2);
        for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
            System.out.print(x[i] + " ");

    public int[] pushFirstElementToLast(int[] x, int position) {
        int temp = x[0];
        for (int i = 0; i < x.length - 1; i++) {
            x[i] = x[i + 1];
        x[x.length - 1] = temp;
        return x;

    public int[] shiftArray(int[] x, int position) {
        for (int i = position - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            x = pushFirstElementToLast(x, position);
        return x;

How to make a whole 'div' clickable in html and css without JavaScript?

Well you could either add <a></a> tags and place the div inside it, adding an href if you want the div to act as a link. Or else just use Javascript and define an 'OnClick' function. But from the limited information provided, it's a bit hard to determine what the context of your problem is.

Java double comparison epsilon

Cents? If you're calculationg money values you really shouldn't use float values. Money is actually countable values. The cents or pennys etc. could be considered the two (or whatever) least significant digits of an integer. You could store, and calculate money values as integers and divide by 100 (e.g. place dot or comma two before the two last digits). Using float's can lead to strange rounding errors...

Anyway, if your epsilon is supposed to define the accuracy, it looks a bit too small (too accurate)...

The 'json' native gem requires installed build tools

I believe those installers make changes to the path. Did you try closing and re-opening the CMD window after running them and before the last attempt to install the gem that wants devkit present?

Also, be sure you are using the right devkit installer for your version of Ruby. The documentation at devkit wiki page has a requirements note saying:

For RubyInstaller versions 1.8.7, 1.9.2, and 1.9.3 use the DevKit 4.5.2

How do you remove duplicates from a list whilst preserving order?

5 x faster reduce variant but more sophisticated

>>> l = [5, 6, 6, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4]
>>> reduce(lambda r, v: v in r[1] and r or (r[0].append(v) or r[1].add(v)) or r, l, ([], set()))[0]
[5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4]


default = (list(), set())
# use list to keep order
# use set to make lookup faster

def reducer(result, item):
    if item not in result[1]:
    return result

>>> reduce(reducer, l, default)[0]
[5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4]

Can git undo a checkout of unstaged files

Technically yes. But only on certain instances. If for example you have the code page up and you hit git checkout, and you realize that you accidently checked out the wrong page or something. Go to the page and click undo. (for me, command + z), and it will go back to exactly where you were before you hit the good old git checkout.

This will not work if your page has been closed, and then you hit git checkout. It only works if the actual code page is open

how to insert a new line character in a string to PrintStream then use a scanner to re-read the file

The linefeed character \n is not the line separator in certain operating systems (such as windows, where it's "\r\n") - my suggestion is that you use \r\n instead, then it'll both see the line-break with only \n and \r\n, I've never had any problems using it.

Also, you should look into using a StringBuilder instead of concatenating the String in the while-loop at BookCatalog.toString(), it is a lot more effective. For instance:

public String toString() {
        BookNode current = front;
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        while (current!=null){
            sb.append(current.getData().toString()+"\r\n ");
            current = current.getNext();
        return sb.toString();

Linq Syntax - Selecting multiple columns

You can use anonymous types for example:

  var empData = from res in _db.EMPLOYEEs
                where res.EMAIL == givenInfo || res.USER_NAME == givenInfo
                select new { res.EMAIL, res.USER_NAME };

Auto margins don't center image in page

img{display: flex; max-width: 80%; margin: auto;}

This is working for me. You can also use display: table in this case. Moreover, if you don't want to stick to this approach you can use the following:

img{position: relative; left: 50%;}

How to write to Console.Out during execution of an MSTest test

I found a solution of my own. I know that Andras answer is probably the most consistent with MSTEST, but I didn't feel like refactoring my code.

public void OneIsOne()
    using (ConsoleRedirector cr = new ConsoleRedirector())
        Assert.IsFalse(cr.ToString().Contains("New text"));
        /* call some method that writes "New text" to stdout */
        Assert.IsTrue(cr.ToString().Contains("New text"));

The disposable ConsoleRedirector is defined as:

internal class ConsoleRedirector : IDisposable
    private StringWriter _consoleOutput = new StringWriter();
    private TextWriter _originalConsoleOutput;
    public ConsoleRedirector()
        this._originalConsoleOutput = Console.Out;
    public void Dispose()
    public override string ToString()
        return this._consoleOutput.ToString();

css h1 - only as wide as the text

This is because your <h1> is the width of the centercol. Specify a width on the <h1> and use margin: 0 auto; if you want it centered.

Or, alternatively, you could float the <h1>, which would make it only exactly as wide as the text.

Laravel: Using try...catch with DB::transaction()

If you use PHP7, use Throwable in catch for catching user exceptions and fatal errors.

For example:


try {
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
    throw $e;

If your code must be compartable with PHP5, use Exception and Throwable:


try {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    throw $e;
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
    throw $e;

Detect Safari using jQuery

Apparently the only reliable and accepted solution would be to do feature detection like this:

browser_treats_urls_like_safari_does = false;
var last_location_hash = location.hash;
location.hash = '"blah"';
if (location.hash == '#%22blah%22')
    browser_treats_urls_like_safari_does = true;
location.hash = last_location_hash;

Can you autoplay HTML5 videos on the iPad?

Just set

webView.mediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction = NO;

The autoplay works for me on iOS.

How do browser cookie domains work?

I was surprised to read section 3.3.2 about rejecting cookies:

That says that a browser should reject a cookie from with domain, because 'x.y' contains a dot. So, unless I am misinterpreting the RFC and/or the questions above, there could be questions added:

Will a cookie for be available for No.

Will a cookie set by origin server, with domain, have it's value sent by the user agent to No.

New xampp security concept: Access Forbidden Error 403 - Windows 7 - phpMyAdmin

Update for XAMPP 7.3.*

If you get into same problem for phpmyadmin in the newest XAMPP, as I had.

The solution is written inside the official documentation located in [XAMPP IP]/dashboard/docs/access-phpmyadmin-remotely.html

To enable remote access to phpMyAdmin from other hosts, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the stack manager by double-clicking the XAMPP icon in the mounted disk image.
  1. Ensure that Apache and MySQL services are running in the "Services" tab of the stack manager (or start them as needed).
  1. Open a new terminal from the "General" tab of the stack manager.
  1. Edit the /opt/lampp/etc/extra/httpd-xampp.conf file.
  1. Within this file, find the block <Directory "/opt/lampp/phpmyadmin">

Update this block and replace Require local with Require all granted,

  1. Save the file and restart the Apache service using the stack manager.

Note for section (4) To edit this file make sure you have vim installed.

Note for section (5) Instead of allowing access to all, which is highly insecure, if your computer is connected to a network. A safer approach is to limit the access to only set of IPs as suggested by @Gunnar Bernstein.

In my case I did:

<Directory "/opt/lampp/phpmyadmin">
  AllowOverride AuthConfig Limit
  Require local
  Require ip 192.168
  ErrorDocument 403 /error/XAMPP_FORBIDDEN.html.var

What does "var" mean in C#?

"var" means the compiler will determine the explicit type of the variable, based on usage. For example,

var myVar = new Connection();

would give you a variable of type Connection.

Why does sed not replace all occurrences?

You have to put a g at the end, it stands for "global":

echo dog dog dos | sed -r 's:dog:log:g'

Webdriver findElements By xpath

Your questions:

Q 1.) I would like to know why it returns all the texts that following the div?
It should not and I think in will not. It returns all div with 'id' attribute value equal 'containter' (and all children of this). But you are printing the results with ele.getText() Where getText will return all text content of all children of your result.

Get the visible (i.e. not hidden by CSS) innerText of this element, including sub-elements, without any leading or trailing whitespace.
The innerText of this element.

Q 2.) how should I modify the code so it just return first or first few nodes that follow the parent note
This is not really clear what you are looking for. Example:

<p1> <div/> </p1 <p2/> 

The following to parent of the div is p2. This would be:


or shorter


If you are only looking for the first one extent the expression with an "predicate" (e.g [1] - for the first one. or [position() &lt; 4]for the first three)

If your are looking for the first child of the first div:


If there is only one div with id an you are looking for the first child:


and so on.

Is there any WinSCP equivalent for linux?

Just use gnome, just type in the address and away you go!

VB.NET Inputbox - How to identify when the Cancel Button is pressed?

Why not check if for nothing?

if not inputbox("bleh") = nothing then
' Error
end if

This is what i typically use, because its a little easier to read.

Suppress/ print without b' prefix for bytes in Python 3

If the data is in an UTF-8 compatible format, you can convert the bytes to a string.

>>> import curses
>>> print(str(curses.version, "utf-8"))

Optionally convert to hex first, if the data is not already UTF-8 compatible. E.g. when the data are actual raw bytes.

from binascii import hexlify
from codecs import encode  # alternative
>>> print(hexlify(b"\x13\x37"))
>>> print(str(hexlify(b"\x13\x37"), "utf-8"))
>>>> print(str(encode(b"\x13\x37", "hex"), "utf-8"))

ASP.NET MVC3 - textarea with @Html.EditorFor

Someone asked about adding attributes (specifically, 'rows' and 'cols'). If you're using Razor, you could just do this:

@Html.TextAreaFor(model => model.Text, new { cols = 35, @rows = 3 })

That works for me. The '@' is used to escape keywords so they are treated as variables/properties.

Best way to parse RSS/Atom feeds with PHP

I use SimplePie to parse a Google Reader feed and it works pretty well and has a decent feature set.

Of course, I haven't tested it with non-well-formed RSS / Atom feeds so I don't know how it copes with those, I'm assuming Google's are fairly standards compliant! :)

How to get HttpContext.Current in ASP.NET Core?

As a general rule, converting a Web Forms or MVC5 application to ASP.NET Core will require a significant amount of refactoring.

HttpContext.Current was removed in ASP.NET Core. Accessing the current HTTP context from a separate class library is the type of messy architecture that ASP.NET Core tries to avoid. There are a few ways to re-architect this in ASP.NET Core.

HttpContext property

You can access the current HTTP context via the HttpContext property on any controller. The closest thing to your original code sample would be to pass HttpContext into the method you are calling:

public class HomeController : Controller
    public IActionResult Index()

        // Other code

public void MyMethod(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext context)
    var host = $"{context.Request.Scheme}://{context.Request.Host}";

    // Other code

HttpContext parameter in middleware

If you're writing custom middleware for the ASP.NET Core pipeline, the current request's HttpContext is passed into your Invoke method automatically:

public Task Invoke(HttpContext context)
    // Do something with the current HTTP context...

HTTP context accessor

Finally, you can use the IHttpContextAccessor helper service to get the HTTP context in any class that is managed by the ASP.NET Core dependency injection system. This is useful when you have a common service that is used by your controllers.

Request this interface in your constructor:

public MyMiddleware(IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor)
    _httpContextAccessor = httpContextAccessor;

You can then access the current HTTP context in a safe way:

var context = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext;
// Do something with the current HTTP context...

IHttpContextAccessor isn't always added to the service container by default, so register it in ConfigureServices just to be safe:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    // if < .NET Core 2.2 use this
    //services.TryAddSingleton<IHttpContextAccessor, HttpContextAccessor>();

    // Other code...

Compile c++14-code with g++

The -std=c++14 flag is not supported on GCC 4.8. If you want to use C++14 features you need to compile with -std=c++1y. Using it appears that the earilest version to support -std=c++14 is GCC 4.9.0 or Clang 3.5.0

How to make script execution wait until jquery is loaded

I don't think that's your problem. Script loading is synchronous by default, so unless you're using the defer attribute or loading jQuery itself via another AJAX request, your problem is probably something more like a 404. Can you show your markup, and let us know if you see anything suspicious in firebug or web inspector?

How to completely uninstall python 2.7.13 on Ubuntu 16.04

caution : It is not recommended to remove the default Python from Ubuntu, it may cause GDM(Graphical Display Manager, that provide graphical login capabilities) failed.

To completely uninstall Python2.x.x and everything depends on it. use this command:

sudo apt purge python2.x-minimal

As there are still a lot of packages that depend on Python2.x.x. So you should have a close look at the packages that apt wants to remove before you let it proceed.

Thanks, I hope it will be helpful for you.

How do I detect when someone shakes an iPhone?

In 3.0, there's now an easier way - hook into the new motion events.

The main trick is that you need to have some UIView (not UIViewController) that you want as firstResponder to receive the shake event messages. Here's the code that you can use in any UIView to get shake events:

@implementation ShakingView

- (void)motionEnded:(UIEventSubtype)motion withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
    if ( event.subtype == UIEventSubtypeMotionShake )
        // Put in code here to handle shake

    if ( [super respondsToSelector:@selector(motionEnded:withEvent:)] )
        [super motionEnded:motion withEvent:event];

- (BOOL)canBecomeFirstResponder
{ return YES; }


You can easily transform any UIView (even system views) into a view that can get the shake event simply by subclassing the view with only these methods (and then selecting this new type instead of the base type in IB, or using it when allocating a view).

In the view controller, you want to set this view to become first responder:

- (void) viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated
    [shakeView becomeFirstResponder];
    [super viewWillAppear:animated];
- (void) viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)animated
    [shakeView resignFirstResponder];
    [super viewWillDisappear:animated];

Don't forget that if you have other views that become first responder from user actions (like a search bar or text entry field) you'll also need to restore the shaking view first responder status when the other view resigns!

This method works even if you set applicationSupportsShakeToEdit to NO.

async await return Task

You need to use the await keyword when use async and your function return type should be generic Here is an example with return value:

public async Task<object> MethodName()
    return await Task.FromResult<object>(null);

Here is an example with no return value:

public async Task MethodName()
    await Task.CompletedTask;

Read these:

TPL: and Tasks:

Async: Await:

MySQL the right syntax to use near '' at line 1 error

the problem is because you have got the query over multiple lines using the " " that PHP is actually sending all the white spaces in to MySQL which is causing it to error out.

Either put it on one line or append on each line :o)

Sqlyog must be trimming white spaces on each line which explains why its working.


$qr2="INSERT INTO wp_bp_activity
 (this stuff)component,
     (is)      `type`,
    (a)        `action`,
  (problem)  content,

How to submit an HTML form without redirection

You need Ajax to make it happen. Something like this:

    $("#myform").on('submit', function(){
        var name = $("#name").val();
        var email = $("#email").val();
        var password = $("#password").val();
        var contact = $("#contact").val();

        var dataString = 'name1=' + name + '&email1=' + email + '&password1=' + password + '&contact1=' + contact;
        if(name=='' || email=='' || password=='' || contact=='')
            alert("Please fill in all fields");
            // Ajax code to submit form.
                type: "POST",
                url: "ajaxsubmit.php",
                data: dataString,
                cache: false,
                success: function(result){
        return false;

Skipping error in for-loop

Here's a simple way

for (i in 1:10) {
  skip_to_next <- FALSE
  # Note that print(b) fails since b doesn't exist
  tryCatch(print(b), error = function(e) { skip_to_next <<- TRUE})
  if(skip_to_next) { next }     

Note that the loop completes all 10 iterations, despite errors. You can obviously replace print(b) with any code you want. You can also wrap many lines of code in { and } if you have more than one line of code inside the tryCatch

Heroku deployment error H10 (App crashed)

I had the same issue (same error on heroku, working on local machine) and I tried all the solutions listed here including heroku run rails console which ran without error messages. I tried heroku run rake db:migrate and heroku run rake db:migrate:reset a few times. None of this solved the problem. On going through some files that are used in production but not in dev environment, I found some whitespace in the puma.rb file to be the culprit. Hope this helps someone who has the same issue. Changing this made it work




Test file upload using HTTP PUT method

curl -X PUT -T "/path/to/file" ""

How to find good looking font color if background color is known?

If you need an algorithm, try this: Convert the color from RGB space to HSV space (Hue, Saturation, Value). If your UI framework can't do it, check this article:

Hue is in [0,360). To find the "opposite" color (think colorwheel), just add 180 degrees:

h = (h + 180) % 360;

For saturation and value, invert them:

l = 1.0 - l;
v = 1.0 - v;

Convert back to RGB. This should always give you a high contrast even though most combinations will look ugly.

If you want to avoid the "ugly" part, build a table with several "good" combinations, find the one with the least difference

def q(x):
    return x*x
def diff(col1, col2):
    return math.sqrt(q(col1.r-col2.r) + q(col1.g-col2.g) + q(col1.b-col2.b))

and use that.

How to display Oracle schema size with SQL query?

SELECT table_name as Table_Name, row_cnt as Row_Count, SUM(mb) as Size_MB
  (SELECT in_tbl.table_name,   to_number(extractvalue(xmltype(dbms_xmlgen.getxml('select count(*) c from ' ||ut.table_name)),'/ROWSET/ROW/C')) AS row_cnt , mb
(SELECT CASE WHEN lob_tables IS NULL THEN table_name WHEN lob_tables IS NOT NULL THEN lob_tables END AS table_name , mb
FROM (SELECT ul.table_name AS lob_tables, us.segment_name AS table_name , us.bytes/1024/1024 MB FROM user_segments us
LEFT JOIN user_lobs ul ON us.segment_name = ul.segment_name ) ) in_tbl INNER JOIN user_tables ut ON in_tbl.table_name = ut.table_name ) GROUP BY table_name, row_cnt ORDER BY 3 DESC;``

Above query will give, Table_name, Row_count, Size_in_MB(includes lob column size) of specific user.

Set content of iframe

I managed to do it with

var html_string= "content";
document.getElementById('output_iframe1').src = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8," + escape(html_string);

Line Break in XML?

  <title>Song Tigle</title>
    <line>The is the very first line</line>
    <line>Number two and I'm still feeling fine</line>
    <line>Number three and a pattern begins</line>
    <line>Add lines like this and everyone wins!</line>

(Sung to the tune of Home on the Range)

If it was mine I'd wrap the choruses and verses in XML elements as well.

What is a reasonable code coverage % for unit tests (and why)?

I think the best symptom of correct code coverage is that amount of concrete problems unit tests help to fix is reasonably corresponds to size of unit tests code you created.

What is the use of <<<EOD in PHP?

there are four types of strings available in php. They are single quotes ('), double quotes (") and Nowdoc (<<<'EOD') and heredoc(<<<EOD) strings

you can use both single quotes and double quotes inside heredoc string. Variables will be expanded just as double quotes.

nowdoc strings will not expand variables just like single quotes.


QLabel: set color of text and background

The best and recommended way is to use Qt Style Sheet.

To change the text color and background color of a QLabel, here is what I would do :

QLabel* pLabel = new QLabel;
pLabel->setStyleSheet("QLabel { background-color : red; color : blue; }");

You could also avoid using Qt Style Sheets and change the QPalette colors of your QLabel, but you might get different results on different platforms and/or styles.

As Qt documentation states :

Using a QPalette isn't guaranteed to work for all styles, because style authors are restricted by the different platforms' guidelines and by the native theme engine.

But you could do something like this :

 QPalette palette = ui->pLabel->palette();
 palette.setColor(ui->pLabel->backgroundRole(), Qt::yellow);
 palette.setColor(ui->pLabel->foregroundRole(), Qt::yellow);

But as I said, I strongly suggest not to use the palette and go for Qt Style Sheet.

How to Set JPanel's Width and Height?

Board.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(x, y));
//Main.add(Board, BorderLayout.CENTER);
Main.add(Board, BorderLayout.CENTER);
Main.setLocations(x, y);

How to convert array to a string using methods other than JSON?

You are looking for serialize(). Here is an example:

$array = array('foo', 'bar');

//Array to String
$string = serialize($array);

//String to array
$array = unserialize($string);

POST request with a simple string in body with Alamofire

I modified @Silmaril's answer to extend Alamofire's Manager. This solution uses EVReflection to serialize an object directly:

//Extend Alamofire so it can do POSTs with a JSON body from passed object
extension Alamofire.Manager {
    public class func request(
        method: Alamofire.Method,
        _ URLString: URLStringConvertible,
          bodyObject: EVObject)
        -> Request
        return Manager.sharedInstance.request(
            parameters: [:],
            encoding: .Custom({ (convertible, params) in
                let mutableRequest = convertible.URLRequest.copy() as! NSMutableURLRequest
                mutableRequest.HTTPBody = bodyObject.toJsonString().dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding, allowLossyConversion: false)
                return (mutableRequest, nil)

Then you can use it like this:

Alamofire.Manager.request(.POST, endpointUrlString, bodyObject: myObjectToPost)

Wait .5 seconds before continuing code 4.0 framework Code :


The integer is in miliseconds ( 1 sec = 1000 miliseconds)

I did test it and it works

Using unset vs. setting a variable to empty

Mostly you don't see a difference, unless you are using set -u:

/home/user1> var=""
/home/user1> echo $var

/home/user1> set -u
/home/user1> echo $var

/home/user1> unset var
/home/user1> echo $var
-bash: var: unbound variable

So really, it depends on how you are going to test the variable.

I will add that my preferred way of testing if it is set is:

[[ -n $var ]]  # True if the length of $var is non-zero


[[ -z $var ]]  # True if zero length

Select default option value from typescript angular 6


<select [(ngModel)]='nrSelect' class='form-control'>
  <option value='47'>47</option>
  <option value='46'>46</option>
  <option value='45'>45</option>


import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'my-app',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: [ './app.component.css' ]
export class AppComponent  {
  nrSelect = 47

How to run html file using node js

This is a simple html file "demo.htm" stored in the same folder as the node.js file.

<!DOCTYPE html>

Below is the node.js file to call this html file.

var http = require('http');
var fs = require('fs');

var server = http.createServer(function(req, resp){
  // Print the name of the file for which request is made.
  console.log("Request for demo file received.");
  fs.readFile("Documents/nodejs/demo.html",function(error, data){
    if (error) {
      resp.write('Contents you are looking for-not found');
    }  else {
      resp.writeHead(200, {
        'Content-Type': 'text/html'

server.listen(8081, '');

console.log('Server running at');

Intiate the above nodejs file in command prompt and the message "Server running at" is displayed.Now in your browser type "".

MySql Proccesslist filled with "Sleep" Entries leading to "Too many Connections"?

Basically, you get connections in the Sleep state when :

  • a PHP script connects to MySQL
  • some queries are executed
  • then, the PHP script does some stuff that takes time
    • without disconnecting from the DB
  • and, finally, the PHP script ends
    • which means it disconnects from the MySQL server

So, you generally end up with many processes in a Sleep state when you have a lot of PHP processes that stay connected, without actually doing anything on the database-side.

A basic idea, so : make sure you don't have PHP processes that run for too long -- or force them to disconnect as soon as they don't need to access the database anymore.

Another thing, that I often see when there is some load on the server :

  • There are more and more requests coming to Apache
    • which means many pages to generate
  • Each PHP script, in order to generate a page, connects to the DB and does some queries
  • These queries take more and more time, as the load on the DB server increases
  • Which means more processes keep stacking up

A solution that can help is to reduce the time your queries take -- optimizing the longest ones.

Eclipse error, "The selection cannot be launched, and there are no recent launches"

Follow these steps to run your application on the device connected. 1. Change directories to the root of your Android project and execute: ant debug 2. Make sure the Android SDK platform-tools/ directory is included in your PATH environment variable, then execute: adb install bin/<*your app name*>-debug.apk On your device, locate <*your app name*> and open it.

Refer Running App

How do you find out the type of an object (in Swift)?

If you simply need to check whether the variable is of type X, or that it conforms to some protocol, then you can use is, or as? as in the following:

var unknownTypeVariable = …

if unknownTypeVariable is <ClassName> {
    //the variable is of type <ClassName>
} else {
    //variable is not of type <ClassName>

This is equivalent of isKindOfClass in Obj-C.

And this is equivalent of conformsToProtocol, or isMemberOfClass

var unknownTypeVariable = …

if let myClass = unknownTypeVariable as? <ClassName or ProtocolName> {
    //unknownTypeVarible is of type <ClassName or ProtocolName>
} else {
    //unknownTypeVariable is not of type <ClassName or ProtocolName>

Modifying list while iterating

I guess this is what you want:

l  = range(100)  
index = 0                       
for i in l:                         
    print i,              
        print l.pop(index+1),                  
        print l.pop(index+1)
    index += 1

It is quite handy to code when the number of item to be popped is a run time decision. But it runs with very a bad efficiency and the code is hard to maintain.

Horizontal Scroll Table in Bootstrap/CSS

You can also check for bootstrap datatable plugin as well for above issue.

It will have a large column table scrollable feature with lot of other options

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#example').dataTable( {
        "scrollX": true
    } );
} );

for more info with example please check out this link

RuntimeWarning: DateTimeField received a naive datetime

One can both fix the warning and use the timezone specified in, which might be different from UTC.

For example in my I have:

USE_TZ = True
TIME_ZONE = 'Europe/Paris'

Here is a solution; the advantage is that str(mydate) gives the correct time:

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> from django.utils.timezone import get_current_timezone
>>> mydate =
>>> mydate
datetime.datetime(2019, 3, 10, 11, 16, 9, 184106, 
    tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Paris' CET+1:00:00 STD>)
>>> str(mydate)
'2019-03-10 11:16:09.184106+01:00'

Another equivalent method is using make_aware, see dmrz post.

MySQLi count(*) always returns 1

You have to fetch that one record, it will contain the result of Count()

$result = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `table`");
$row = $result->fetch_row();
echo '#: ', $row[0];

Can you put two conditions in an xslt test attribute?

Not quite, the AND has to be lower-case.

<xsl:when test="4 &lt; 5 and 1 &lt; 2">
<!-- do something -->

matplotlib does not show my drawings although I call

For me the problem happens if I simply create an empty matplotlibrc file under ~/.matplotlib on macOS. Adding "backend: macosx" in it fixes the problem.

I think it is a bug: if backend is not specified in my matplotlibrc it should take the default value.

Can't escape the backslash with regex?

The backslash \ is the escape character for regular expressions. Therefore a double backslash would indeed mean a single, literal backslash.

\ (backslash) followed by any of [\^$.|?*+(){} escapes the special character to suppress its special meaning.

ref :

.m2 , settings.xml in Ubuntu

As per Where is Maven Installed on Ubuntu it will first create your settings.xml on /usr/share/maven2/, then you can copy to your home folder as jens mentioned

$ cp /usr/share/maven3/conf/settings.xml ~/.m2/settings.xml

xpath find if node exists

<xsl:if test="xpath-expression">...</xsl:if>

so for example

<xsl:if test="/html/body">body node exists</xsl:if>
<xsl:if test="not(/html/body)">body node missing</xsl:if>

'const string' vs. 'static readonly string' in C#

OQ asked about static string vs const. Both have different use cases (although both are treated as static).

Use const only for truly constant values (e.g. speed of light - but even this varies depending on medium). The reason for this strict guideline is that the const value is substituted into the uses of the const in assemblies that reference it, meaning you can have versioning issues should the const change in its place of definition (i.e. it shouldn't have been a constant after all). Note this even affects private const fields because you might have base and subclass in different assemblies and private fields are inherited.

Static fields are tied to the type they are declared within. They are used for representing values that need to be the same for all instances of a given type. These fields can be written to as many times as you like (unless specified readonly).

If you meant static readonly vs const, then I'd recommend static readonly for almost all cases because it is more future proof.

Multiple Order By with LINQ

You can use the ThenBy and ThenByDescending extension methods:

foobarList.OrderBy(x => x.Foo).ThenBy( x => x.Bar)

format a Date column in a Data Frame

try this package, works wonders, and was made for date/time...

Portfolio$Date2 <- mdy(Portfolio.all$Date2)

using wildcards in LDAP search filters/queries

A filter argument with a trailing * can be evaluated almost instantaneously via an index lookup. A leading * implies a sequential search through the index, so it is O(N). It will take ages.

I suggest you reconsider the requirement.

How to add constraints programmatically using Swift

The error is caused by constrains automatically created from autoresizing mask, they are created because UIView property translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints is true by default.

Consider using BoxView to get rid of all manual constraint creation boilerplate, and make your code concize and readable. To make layout in question with BoxView is very easy:

boxView.items = [

How do I make a JAR from a .java file?

Although it is not recommended method but still it works
[7-Zip Software is needed]
Procedure to get jar from java files:

  • place all java files in one folder

  • right click on the folder enter image description here

  • now click on Add to archive you will get something like shown below enter image description here

  • now just change zip to jar and click on ok

How to run travis-ci locally

It is possible to SSH to Travis CI environment via a bounce host. The feature isn't built in Travis CI, but it can be achieved by the following steps.

  1. On the bounce host, create travis user and ensure that you can SSH to it.
  2. Put these lines in the script: section of your .travis.yml (e.g. at the end).

    - echo travis:$sshpassword | sudo chpasswd
    - sudo sed -i 's/ChallengeResponseAuthentication no/ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    - sudo service ssh restart
    - sudo apt-get install sshpass
    - sshpass -p $sshpassword ssh -R 9999:localhost:22 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no travis@$bouncehostip

    Where $bouncehostip is the IP/host of your bounce host, and $sshpassword is your defined SSH password. These variables can be added as encrypted variables.

  3. Push the changes. You should be able to make an SSH connection to your bounce host.

Source: Shell into Travis CI Build Environment.

Here is the full example:

# use the new container infrastructure
sudo: required
dist: trusty

language: python
python: "2.7"

- echo travis:$sshpassword | sudo chpasswd
- sudo sed -i 's/ChallengeResponseAuthentication no/ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- sudo service ssh restart
- sudo apt-get install sshpass
- sshpass -p $sshpassword ssh -R 9999:localhost:22 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no travisci@$bouncehostip

See: c-mart/travis-shell at GitHub.

See also: How to reproduce a travis-ci build environment for debugging

How to check if BigDecimal variable == 0 in java?

Alternatively, signum() can be used:

if (price.signum() == 0) {
    return true;

Convert a row of a data frame to vector

Here is a dplyr based option:

newV = df %>% slice(1) %>% unlist(use.names = FALSE)

# or slightly different:
newV = df %>% slice(1) %>% unlist() %>% unname()

AngularJS: How to set a variable inside of a template?

It's not the best answer, but its also an option: since you can concatenate multiple expressions, but just the last one is rendered, you can finish your expression with "" and your variable will be hidden.

So, you could define the variable with:

{{f = forecast[day.iso]; ""}}

Eclipse - debugger doesn't stop at breakpoint

One additional comment regarding Vineet Reynolds answer.

I found out that I had to set -XX:+UseParallelGC in eclipse.ini

I setup the virtual machine (vm) arguments as follows


that solved the issue.

How to use bootstrap-theme.css with bootstrap 3?

Bootstrap-theme.css is the additional CSS file, which is optional for you to use. It gives 3D effects on the buttons and some other elements.

Tree implementation in Java (root, parents and children)

In the accepted answer

public Node(T data, Node<T> parent) { = data;
    this.parent = parent;

should be

public Node(T data, Node<T> parent) { = data;

otherwise the parent does not have the child in its children list

How to loop through a HashMap in JSP?

Just the same way as you would do in normal Java code.

for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : countries.entrySet()) {
    String key = entry.getKey();
    String value = entry.getValue();
    // ...

However, scriptlets (raw Java code in JSP files, those <% %> things) are considered a poor practice. I recommend to install JSTL (just drop the JAR file in /WEB-INF/lib and declare the needed taglibs in top of JSP). It has a <c:forEach> tag which can iterate over among others Maps. Every iteration will give you a Map.Entry back which in turn has getKey() and getValue() methods.

Here's a basic example:

<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>

<c:forEach items="${map}" var="entry">
    Key = ${entry.key}, value = ${entry.value}<br>

Thus your particular issue can be solved as follows:

<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>

<select name="country">
    <c:forEach items="${countries}" var="country">
        <option value="${country.key}">${country.value}</option>

You need a Servlet or a ServletContextListener to place the ${countries} in the desired scope. If this list is supposed to be request-based, then use the Servlet's doGet():

protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
    Map<String, String> countries = MainUtils.getCountries();
    request.setAttribute("countries", countries);
    request.getRequestDispatcher("/WEB-INF/page.jsp").forward(request, response);

Or if this list is supposed to be an application-wide constant, then use ServletContextListener's contextInitialized() so that it will be loaded only once and kept in memory:

public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent event) {
    Map<String, String> countries = MainUtils.getCountries();
    event.getServletContext().setAttribute("countries", countries);

In both cases the countries will be available in EL by ${countries}.

Hope this helps.

See also:

CSS: Change image src on img:hover

Heres a pure CSS solution. Put the visible image in the img tag, put the second image as a background in the css, then hide the image on hover.

.buttons ul{}   
.buttons ul li{
.buttons ul li a p{
background:url('scales.jpg') center no-repeat;
.but1 a:hover img{
background:url('scales.jpg') center no-repeat;
.but2 a:hover img{
background:url('scales.jpg') center no-repeat;
.but3 a:hover img{
background:url('scales.jpg') center no-repeat;
.but4 a:hover img{

<div class='buttons'>
<li class='but1'><a href='#'><img src='scalesb.jpg' height='300' width='300' alt='' /><p>Blog</p></a></li>
<li class='but2'><a href='#'><img src='scalesb.jpg' height='300' width='300' alt='' /> <p>Herrero</p></a></li>
<li class='but3'><a href='#'><img src='scalesb.jpg' height='300' width='300' alt='' /><p>Loftin</p></a></li>
<li class='but4'><a href='#'><img src='scalesb.jpg' height='300' width='300' alt='' /><p>Contact</p></a></li>