Programs & Examples On #Dtmf

Related to transmitting or receiving Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) signaling, a technology used in analog telephony.

Fetch: POST json data

With ES2017 async/await support, this is how to POST a JSON payload:

(async () => {_x000D_
  const rawResponse = await fetch('', {_x000D_
    method: 'POST',_x000D_
    headers: {_x000D_
      'Accept': 'application/json',_x000D_
      'Content-Type': 'application/json'_x000D_
    body: JSON.stringify({a: 1, b: 'Textual content'})_x000D_
  const content = await rawResponse.json();_x000D_

Can't use ES2017? See @vp_art's answer using promises

The question however is asking for an issue caused by a long since fixed chrome bug.
Original answer follows.

chrome devtools doesn't even show the JSON as part of the request

This is the real issue here, and it's a bug with chrome devtools, fixed in Chrome 46.

That code works fine - it is POSTing the JSON correctly, it just cannot be seen.

I'd expect to see the object I've sent back

that's not working because that is not the correct format for JSfiddle's echo.

The correct code is:

var payload = {
    a: 1,
    b: 2

var data = new FormData();
data.append( "json", JSON.stringify( payload ) );

    method: "POST",
    body: data
.then(function(res){ return res.json(); })
.then(function(data){ alert( JSON.stringify( data ) ) })

For endpoints accepting JSON payloads, the original code is correct

How to call VS Code Editor from terminal / command line

In linux terminal you can just type:

$ code run

Angular 2 filter/search list


names = ['Prashobh','Abraham','Anil','Sam','Natasha','Marry','Zian','karan']

You can achieve this by creating a simple pipe

<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="queryString" id="search" placeholder="Search to type">


import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';

    name: 'FilterPipe',
export class FilterPipe implements PipeTransform {
    transform(value: any, input: string) {
        if (input) {
            input = input.toLowerCase();
            return value.filter(function (el: any) {
                return el.toLowerCase().indexOf(input) > -1;
        return value;

This will filter the result based on the search term

More Info

Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_strlen()

On Centos, RedHat, Fedora and other yum-my systems it is much simpler than the PHP manual suggests:

yum install php-mbstring
service httpd restart

To draw an Underline below the TextView in Android

underline a textview in android

5 Amazing Ways To Underline A TextView In Android - Kotlin/Java & XML

  1. String html = "<u>Underline using Html.fromHtml()</u>"; textview.setText(Html.fromHtml(html));

But Html.fromHtml(String resource) was deprecated in API 24.

So you can use the latest android support library androidx.core.text.HtmlCompat. Before that, you need to include the dependency in your project.

`implementation 'androidx.core:core:1.0.1'`
  1. String html = "<u> 1.1 Underline using HtmlCompat.fromHtml()</u>"; //underline textview using HtmlCompat.fromHtml() method textview11.setText(HtmlCompat.fromHtml(html, HtmlCompat.FROM_HTML_MODE_LEGACY));

Using strings.xml,

  1. <string name="underline_text">1.3 &lt;u>Underline using HtmlCompat.fromHtml() and string resource&lt;/u></string>

textview13.setText(HtmlCompat.fromHtml(getString(R.string.underline_text), HtmlCompat.FROM_HTML_MODE_LEGACY));

using PaintFlags

  1. textview2.setPaintFlags(textview2.getPaintFlags() | Paint.UNDERLINE_TEXT_FLAG); textview2.setText("2. Underline using setPaintFlags()");

using SpannableString

`String content1 = "3.1 Underline using SpannableString";
        SpannableString spannableString1 = new SpannableString(content1);
        spannableString1.setSpan(new UnderlineSpan(), 0, content1.length(), 0);

How to get Tensorflow tensor dimensions (shape) as int values?

Another simple solution is to use map() as follows:

tensor_shape = map(int, my_tensor.shape)

This converts all the Dimension objects to int

How to send email from Terminal?

Probably the simplest way is to use curl for this, there is no need to install any additional packages and it can be configured directly in a request.

Here is an example using gmail smtp server:

curl --url 'smtps://' --ssl-reqd \
  --mail-from '[email protected]' \
  --mail-rcpt '[email protected]' \
  --user '[email protected]:YourPassword' \
  -T <(echo -e 'From: [email protected]\nTo: [email protected]\nSubject: Curl Test\n\nHello')

C program to check little vs. big endian

Thought I knew I had read about that in the standard; but can't find it. Keeps looking. Old; answering heading; not Q-tex ;P:

The following program would determine that:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>

int is_big_endian(void)
    union {
        uint32_t i;
        char c[4];
    } e = { 0x01000000 };

    return e.c[0];

int main(void)
    printf("System is %s-endian.\n",
        is_big_endian() ? "big" : "little");

    return 0;

You also have this approach; from Quake II:

byte    swaptest[2] = {1,0};
if ( *(short *)swaptest == 1) {
    bigendien = false;

And !is_big_endian() is not 100% to be little as it can be mixed/middle.

Believe this can be checked using same approach only change value from 0x01000000 to i.e. 0x01020304 giving:

switch(e.c[0]) {
case 0x01: BIG
case 0x02: MIX
default: LITTLE

But not entirely sure about that one ...


Try this

UPDATE `table` SET `uid` = CASE
    WHEN id = 1 THEN 2952
    WHEN id = 2 THEN 4925
    WHEN id = 3 THEN 1592
    ELSE `uid`
WHERE id  in (1,2,3)

Expression must be a modifiable lvalue

Remember that a single = is always an assignment in C or C++.

Your test should be if ( match == 0 && k == M )you made a typo on the k == M test.

If you really mean k=M (i.e. a side-effecting assignment inside a test) you should for readability reasons code if (match == 0 && (k=m) != 0) but most coding rules advise not writing that.

BTW, your mistake suggests to ask for all warnings (e.g. -Wall option to g++), and to upgrade to recent compilers. The next GCC 4.8 will give you:

 % g++-trunk -Wall -c In function ‘void foo()’: error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment
          if ( match == 0 && k = M )

and Clang 3.1 also tells you error: expression is not assignable

So use recent versions of free compilers and enable all the warnings when using them.

Threads vs Processes in Linux

Linux (and indeed Unix) gives you a third option.

Option 1 - processes

Create a standalone executable which handles some part (or all parts) of your application, and invoke it separately for each process, e.g. the program runs copies of itself to delegate tasks to.

Option 2 - threads

Create a standalone executable which starts up with a single thread and create additional threads to do some tasks

Option 3 - fork

Only available under Linux/Unix, this is a bit different. A forked process really is its own process with its own address space - there is nothing that the child can do (normally) to affect its parent's or siblings address space (unlike a thread) - so you get added robustness.

However, the memory pages are not copied, they are copy-on-write, so less memory is usually used than you might imagine.

Consider a web server program which consists of two steps:

  1. Read configuration and runtime data
  2. Serve page requests

If you used threads, step 1 would be done once, and step 2 done in multiple threads. If you used "traditional" processes, steps 1 and 2 would need to be repeated for each process, and the memory to store the configuration and runtime data duplicated. If you used fork(), then you can do step 1 once, and then fork(), leaving the runtime data and configuration in memory, untouched, not copied.

So there are really three choices.

Pandas create empty DataFrame with only column names

Creating colnames with iterating

df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['colname_' + str(i) for i in range(5)])

# Empty DataFrame
# Columns: [colname_0, colname_1, colname_2, colname_3, colname_4]
# Index: []

to_html() operations


# <table border="1" class="dataframe">
#   <thead>
#     <tr style="text-align: right;">
#       <th></th>
#       <th>colname_0</th>
#       <th>colname_1</th>
#       <th>colname_2</th>
#       <th>colname_3</th>
#       <th>colname_4</th>
#     </tr>
#   </thead>
#   <tbody>
#   </tbody>
# </table>

this seems working

# <class 'str'>

The problem is caused by

when you create df like this

df = pd.DataFrame(columns=COLUMN_NAMES)

it has 0 rows × n columns, you need to create at least one row index by

df = pd.DataFrame(columns=COLUMN_NAMES, index=[0])

now it has 1 rows × n columns. You are be able to add data. Otherwise its df that only consist colnames object(like a string list).

Word-wrap in an HTML table

i have same issue this work fine for me

            word-break: break-word;
    <table style="width: 100%;">
<td>Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong word</td>
        <td><span style="display: inline;">Short word</span></td>

LINQ Where with AND OR condition

from item in db.vw_Dropship_OrderItems
    where (listStatus != null ? listStatus.Contains(item.StatusCode) : true) &&
    (listMerchants != null ? listMerchants.Contains(item.MerchantId) : true)
    select item;

Might give strange behavior if both listMerchants and listStatus are both null.

How is using "<%=request.getContextPath()%>" better than "../"

request.getContextPath()- returns root path of your application, while ../ - returns parent directory of a file.

You use request.getContextPath(), as it will always points to root of your application. If you were to move your jsp file from one directory to another, nothing needs to be changed. Now, consider the second approach. If you were to move your jsp files from one folder to another, you'd have to make changes at every location where you are referring your files.

Also, better approach of using request.getContextPath() will be to set 'request.getContextPath()' in a variable and use that variable for referring your path.

<c:set var="context" value="${pageContext.request.contextPath}" />
<script src="${context}/themes/js/jquery.js"></script>

PS- This is the one reason I can figure out. Don't know if there is any more significance to it.

Multi-gradient shapes

I don't think you can do this in XML (at least not in Android), but I've found a good solution posted here that looks like it'd be a great help!

ShapeDrawable.ShaderFactory sf = new ShapeDrawable.ShaderFactory() {
    public Shader resize(int width, int height) {
        LinearGradient lg = new LinearGradient(0, 0, width, height,
            new int[]{Color.GREEN, Color.GREEN, Color.WHITE, Color.WHITE},
            new float[]{0,0.5f,.55f,1}, Shader.TileMode.REPEAT);
        return lg;

PaintDrawable p=new PaintDrawable();
p.setShape(new RectShape());

Basically, the int array allows you to select multiple color stops, and the following float array defines where those stops are positioned (from 0 to 1). You can then, as stated, just use this as a standard Drawable.

Edit: Here's how you could use this in your scenario. Let's say you have a Button defined in XML like so:

    android:text="Press Me!"

You'd then put something like this in your onCreate() method:

Button theButton = (Button)findViewById(;
ShapeDrawable.ShaderFactory sf = new ShapeDrawable.ShaderFactory() {
    public Shader resize(int width, int height) {
        LinearGradient lg = new LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, theButton.getHeight(),
            new int[] { 
                Color.DARK_GREEN }, //substitute the correct colors for these
            new float[] {
                0, 0.45f, 0.55f, 1 },
         return lg;
PaintDrawable p = new PaintDrawable();
p.setShape(new RectShape());

I cannot test this at the moment, this is code from my head, but basically just replace, or add stops for the colors that you need. Basically, in my example, you would start with a light green, fade to white slightly before the center (to give a fade, rather than a harsh transition), fade from white to mid green between 45% and 55%, then fade from mid green to dark green from 55% to the end. This may not look exactly like your shape (Right now, I have no way of testing these colors), but you can modify this to replicate your example.

Edit: Also, the 0, 0, 0, theButton.getHeight() refers to the x0, y0, x1, y1 coordinates of the gradient. So basically, it starts at x = 0 (left side), y = 0 (top), and stretches to x = 0 (we're wanting a vertical gradient, so no left to right angle is necessary), y = the height of the button. So the gradient goes at a 90 degree angle from the top of the button to the bottom of the button.

Edit: Okay, so I have one more idea that works, haha. Right now it works in XML, but should be doable for shapes in Java as well. It's kind of complex, and I imagine there's a way to simplify it into a single shape, but this is what I've got for now:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        android:text="Layer List Drawable!"

Okay, so basically I've created a shape gradient in XML for the horizontal green gradient, set at a 0 degree angle, going from the top area's left green color, to the right green color. Next, I made a shape rectangle with a half transparent gray. I'm pretty sure that could be inlined into the layer-list XML, obviating this extra file, but I'm not sure how. But okay, then the kind of hacky part comes in on the layer_list XML file. I put the green gradient as the bottom layer, then put the half overlay as the second layer, offset from the top by 50dp. Obviously you'd want this number to always be half of whatever your view size is, though, and not a fixed 50dp. I don't think you can use percentages, though. From there, I just inserted a TextView into my test.xml layout, using the layer_list.xml file as my background. I set the height to 100dp (twice the size of the offset of the overlay), resulting in the following:

alt text


One more edit: I've realized you can just embed the shapes into the layer list drawable as items, meaning you don't need 3 separate XML files any more! You can achieve the same result combining them like so:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

You can layer as many items as you like this way! I may try to play around and see if I can get a more versatile result through Java.

I think this is the last edit...: Okay, so you can definitely fix the positioning through Java, like the following:

    TextView tv = (TextView)findViewById(;
    LayerDrawable ld = (LayerDrawable)tv.getBackground();
    int topInset = tv.getHeight() / 2 ; //does not work!
    ld.setLayerInset(1, 0, topInset, 0, 0);

However! This leads to yet another annoying problem in that you cannot measure the TextView until after it has been drawn. I'm not quite sure yet how you can accomplish this...but manually inserting a number for topInset does work.

I lied, one more edit

Okay, found out how to manually update this layer drawable to match the height of the container, full description can be found here. This code should go in your onCreate() method:

final TextView tv = (TextView)findViewById(;
        ViewTreeObserver vto = tv.getViewTreeObserver();
        vto.addOnGlobalLayoutListener(new OnGlobalLayoutListener() {
            public void onGlobalLayout() {
                LayerDrawable ld = (LayerDrawable)tv.getBackground();
                ld.setLayerInset(1, 0, tv.getHeight() / 2, 0, 0);

And I'm done! Whew! :)

PHP display current server path

here is a test script to run on your server to see what is reliabel.

$host = gethostname();
$ip = gethostbyname($host);
echo "gethostname and gethostbyname: $host at $ip<br>";
$server = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'];
echo "_SERVER[SERVER_ADDR]: $server<br>";
$my_current_ip=exec("ifconfig | grep -Eo 'inet (addr:)?([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*' | grep -Eo '([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*' | grep -v ''");
echo "exec ifconfig ... : $my_current_ip<br>";
$external_ip = file_get_contents("");
echo "get contents $external_ip<br>";

The only different option in there is using fiel_get_contents rather than curl for the extrernal website lookup.

This is the result of hitting the web page on a shared hosting, free account. (actual server name and IP changed)

gethostname and gethostbyname: at 345.27.413.51
exec ifconfig ... :
get contents 345.27.413.51

Why needed this? Decided to point A record at server to see if it opens the web page. Later ran script to save ip and update on ghost site on same server to lookup IP and alert if changed.

In this case, good results optained by:

gethostname() & 

Difference between agile and iterative and incremental development

  • Iterative - you don't finish a feature in one go. You are in a code >> get feedback >> code >> ... cycle. You keep iterating till done.
  • Incremental - you build as much as you need right now. You don't over-engineer or add flexibility unless the need is proven. When the need arises, you build on top of whatever already exists. (Note: differs from iterative in that you're adding new things.. vs refining something).
  • Agile - you are agile if you value the same things as listed in the agile manifesto. It also means that there is no standard template or checklist or procedure to "do agile". It doesn't overspecify.. it just states that you can use whatever practices you need to "be agile". Scrum, XP, Kanban are some of the more prescriptive 'agile' methodologies because they share the same set of values. Continuous and early feedback, frequent releases/demos, evolve design, etc.. hence they can be iterative and incremental.

How to simulate key presses or a click with JavaScript?

Or even shorter, with only standard modern Javascript:

var first_link = document.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
first_link.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click'));

The new MouseEvent constructor takes a required event type name, then an optional object (at least in Chrome). So you could, for example, set some properties of the event:

first_link.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click', {bubbles: true, cancelable: true}));

Lombok added but getters and setters not recognized in Intellij IDEA

  1. Go to File > Settings > Plugins.
    1. Click on Browse repositories...
    2. Search for Lombok Plugin.
    3. Click on Install plugin.
    4. Restart Android Studio.

How do I convert a float number to a whole number in JavaScript?

I just want to point out that monetarily you want to round, and not trunc. Being off by a penny is much less likely, since 4.999452 * 100 rounded will give you 5, a more representative answer.

And on top of that, don't forget about banker's rounding, which is a way to counter the slightly positive bias that straight rounding gives -- your financial application may require it.

Gaussian/banker's rounding in JavaScript

Does MySQL ignore null values on unique constraints?

Avoid nullable unique constraints. You can always put the column in a new table, make it non-null and unique and then populate that table only when you have a value for it. This ensures that any key dependency on the column can be correctly enforced and avoids any problems that could be caused by nulls.

Using jQuery Fancybox or Lightbox to display a contact form

Have a look at: Greybox

It's an awesome version of lightbox that supports forms, external web pages as well as the traditional images and slideshows. It works perfectly from a link on a webpage.

You will find many information on how to use Greybox and also some great examples. Cheers Kara

jQuery to loop through elements with the same class

Without jQuery updated

document.querySelectorAll('.testimonial').forEach(function (element, index) {_x000D_
    element.innerHTML = 'Testimonial ' + (index + 1);_x000D_
<div class="testimonial"></div>_x000D_
<div class="testimonial"></div>

Run php function on button click

No Problem You can use onClick() function easily without using any other interference of language,

echo '<br><Button onclick="document.getElementById(';?>'modal-wrapper2'<?php echo ').style.display=';?>'block'<?php echo '" name="comment" style="width:100px; color: white;background-color: black;border-radius: 10px; padding: 4px;">Show</button>';

Is there a way to collapse all code blocks in Eclipse?

Just to sum up:

  1. anycode:
    • ctrl + shift + NUMPAD_divide = collapse all
    • NUMPAD_multiply = exand all
  2. pydev:
    • -ctrl + 0 = collapse all
    • -ctrl + 9 = exand all

How to compare a local git branch with its remote branch?

I understand much better the output of:

git diff <remote-tracking branch> <local branch>

that shows me what is going to be dropped and what is going to be added if I push the local branch. Of course it is the same, just the inverse, but for me is more readable and I'm more confortable looking at what is going to happen.

VBA test if cell is in a range

@mywolfe02 gives a static range code so his inRange works fine but if you want to add dynamic range then use this one with inRange function of him.this works better with when you want to populate data to fix starting cell and last column is also fixed.

Sub DynamicRange()

Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim StartCell As Range
Dim rng As Range

Set sht = Worksheets("xyz")
LastRow = sht.Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).row
Set rng = Workbooks("Record.xlsm").Worksheets("xyz").Range(Cells(12, 2), Cells(LastRow, 12))

Debug.Print LastRow

If InRange(ActiveCell, rng) Then
'        MsgBox "Active Cell In Range!"
      MsgBox "Please select the cell within the range!"
  End If

End Sub 

Programmatically go back to previous ViewController in Swift

This one works for me (Swift UI)

struct DetailView: View {
@Environment(\.presentationMode) var presentationMode: Binding<PresentationMode>

  var body: some View {
      VStack {
        Text("This is the detail view")
        Button(action: {
        }) {

What is a web service endpoint?

Simply put, an endpoint is one end of a communication channel. When an API interacts with another system, the touch-points of this communication are considered endpoints. For APIs, an endpoint can include a URL of a server or service. Each endpoint is the location from which APIs can access the resources they need to carry out their function.

APIs work using ‘requests’ and ‘responses.’ When an API requests information from a web application or web server, it will receive a response. The place that APIs send requests and where the resource lives, is called an endpoint.


How to change row color in datagridview?

Some people like to use the Paint, CellPainting or CellFormatting events, but note that changing a style in these events causes recursive calls. If you use DataBindingComplete it will execute only once. The argument for CellFormatting is that it is called only on visible cells, so you don't have to format non-visible cells, but you format them multiple times.

open the file upload dialogue box onclick the image

Include input type="file" element on your HTML page and on the click event of your button trigger the click event of input type file element using trigger function of jQuery

The code will look like:

<input type="file" id="imgupload" style="display:none"/> 
<button id="OpenImgUpload">Image Upload</button>

And on the button's click event write the jQuery code like :

$('#OpenImgUpload').click(function(){ $('#imgupload').trigger('click'); });

This will open File Upload Dialog box on your button click event..

Selecting with complex criteria from pandas.DataFrame

You can use pandas it has some built in functions for comparison. So if you want to select values of "A" that are met by the conditions of "B" and "C" (assuming you want back a DataFrame pandas object)

df[['A']][ &]

df[['A']] will give you back column A in DataFrame format.

pandas 'gt' function will return the positions of column B that are greater than 50 and 'ne' will return the positions not equal to 900.

Set order of columns in pandas dataframe

You can also use OrderedDict:

In [183]: from collections import OrderedDict

In [184]: data = OrderedDict()

In [185]: data['one thing'] = [1,2,3,4]

In [186]: data['second thing'] = [0.1,0.2,1,2]

In [187]: data['other thing'] = ['a','e','i','o']

In [188]: frame = pd.DataFrame(data)

In [189]: frame
   one thing  second thing other thing
0          1           0.1           a
1          2           0.2           e
2          3           1.0           i
3          4           2.0           o

Why Anaconda does not recognize conda command?

Faced the same problem running on Windows 10 and using the Windows cmd.

Solved it by running the following command in the Anaconda Prompt which comes with Anaconda3 (as administrator):

conda install -c menpo opencv3=3.1.0

Command found on the official website:

How to pause javascript code execution for 2 seconds

You can use setTimeout to do this

function myFunction() {
    // your code to run after the timeout

// stop for sometime if needed
setTimeout(myFunction, 5000);

Convert JS date time to MySQL datetime

Using toJSON() date function as below:

var sqlDatetime = new Date(new Date().getTime() - new Date().getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000).toJSON().slice(0, 19).replace('T', ' ');

Select statement to find duplicates on certain fields

You mention "the first one", so I assume that you have some kind of ordering on your data. Let's assume that your data is ordered by some field ID.

This SQL should get you the duplicate entries except for the first one. It basically selects all rows for which another row with (a) the same fields and (b) a lower ID exists. Performance won't be great, but it might solve your problem.

SELECT A.ID, A.field1, A.field2, A.field3
  FROM myTable A
                 FROM myTable B
                WHERE B.field1 = A.field1
                  AND B.field2 = A.field2
                  AND B.field3 = A.field3
                  AND B.ID < A.ID)

Server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0 in

Use this code in your php script (first lines)


height style property doesn't work in div elements

You cannot set height and width for elements with display:inline;. Use display:inline-block; instead.

From the CSS2 spec:

10.6.1 Inline, non-replaced elements

The height property does not apply. The height of the content area should be based on the font, but this specification does not specify how. A UA may, e.g., use the em-box or the maximum ascender and descender of the font. (The latter would ensure that glyphs with parts above or below the em-box still fall within the content area, but leads to differently sized boxes for different fonts; the former would ensure authors can control background styling relative to the 'line-height', but leads to glyphs painting outside their content area.)

EDIT — You're also missing a ; terminator for the height property:

<div style="display:inline; height:20px width: 70px">My Text Here</div>
<!--                                  ^^ here                       -->

Working example:

Why does ASP.NET webforms need the Runat="Server" attribute?

When submitting the data to ASP.NET Web server the controls mentioned as Runat = “server” will be represented as Dot Net objects in Server Application. You can manually type the code in HTML controls or else can use Run As Server option by right clicking in design view. ASP.NET controls will automatically get this attribute once you drag it from toolbox where usually HTML controls don't.

Error: cannot open display: localhost:0.0 - trying to open Firefox from CentOS 6.2 64bit and display on Win7

before start make sure of installation:

yum install -y xorg-x11-server-Xorg xorg-x11-xauth xorg-x11-apps
  1. start xming or cygwin
  2. make connection with X11 forwarding (in putty don't forget to set localhost:0.0 for X display location)
  3. edit sshd.cong and restart
     cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep X
                             X11Forwarding yes
                             X11DisplayOffset 10
AddressFamily inet
  1. Without the X11 forwarding, you are subjected to the X11 SECURITY and then you must: authorize the remote server to make a connection with the local X Server using a method (for instance, the xhost command) set the display environment variable to redirect the output to the X server of your local computer. In this example: is the IP of the server is the IP of the local computer where the x server is installed. localhost can also be used.
blablaco@blablaco01 ~
$ xhost being added to access control list

blablaco@blablaco01 ~
$ ssh -l root
[email protected] password:
Last login: Sat May 22 18:59:04 2010 from etcetc
[root@oel5u5 ~]# export DISPLAY=
[root@oel5u5 ~]# echo $DISPLAY
[root@oel5u5 ~]# xclock&

Then the xclock application must launch.

Check it on putty or mobaxterm and don't check in remote desktop Manager software. Be careful for user that sudo in.

How do I open a second window from the first window in WPF?

This helped me: The Owner method basically ties the window to another window in case you want extra windows with the same ones.

LoadingScreen lc = new LoadingScreen();
lc.Owner = this;

Consider this as well.

this.WindowState = WindowState.Normal;

How to read embedded resource text file

For users that are using VB.Net

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Reflection

Dim reader As StreamReader
Dim ass As Assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()
Dim sFileName = "MyApplicationName.JavaScript.js" 
Dim reader = New StreamReader(ass.GetManifestResourceStream(sFileName))
Dim sScriptText = reader.ReadToEnd()

where MyApplicationName is namespace of my application. It is not the assembly name. This name is define in project's properties (Application tab).

If you don't find correct resource name, you can use GetManifestResourceNames() function

Dim resourceName() As String = ass.GetManifestResourceNames()


Dim sName As String 
    = ass.GetManifestResourceNames()
        .Single(Function(x) x.EndsWith("JavaScript.js"))


Dim sNameList 
    = ass.GetManifestResourceNames()
        .Where(Function(x As String) x.EndsWith(".js"))

Filtering array of objects with lodash based on property value

Lodash has a "map" function that works just like jQuerys:

var myArr =  [{ name: "john", age:23 },_x000D_
              { name: "john", age:43 },_x000D_
              { name: "jimi", age:10 },_x000D_
              { name: "bobi", age:67 }];_x000D_
var johns =, function(o) {_x000D_
    if ( == "john") return o;_x000D_
// Remove undefines from the array_x000D_
johns = _.without(johns, undefined)

VBA check if object is set

The (un)safe way to do this - if you are ok with not using option explicit - is...

Not TypeName(myObj) = "Empty"

This also handles the case if the object has not been declared. This is useful if you want to just comment out a declaration to switch off some behaviour...

Dim myObj as Object
Not TypeName(myObj) = "Empty"  '/ true, the object exists - TypeName is Object

'Dim myObj as Object
Not TypeName(myObj) = "Empty"  '/ false, the object has not been declared

This works because VBA will auto-instantiate an undeclared variable as an Empty Variant type. It eliminates the need for an auxiliary Boolean to manage the behaviour.

Git: copy all files in a directory from another branch

As you are not trying to move the files around in the tree, you should be able to just checkout the directory:

git checkout master -- dirname

what do <form action="#"> and <form method="post" action="#"> do?

action="" will resolve to the page's address. action="#" will resolve to the page's address + #, which will mean an empty fragment identifier.

Doing the latter might prevent a navigation (new load) to the same page and instead try to jump to the element with the id in the fragment identifier. But, since it's empty, it won't jump anywhere.

Usually, authors just put # in href-like attributes when they're not going to use the attribute where they're using scripting instead. In these cases, they could just use action="" (or omit it if validation allows).

React Native Change Default iOS Simulator Device

You can create an alias at your ~/.bash_profile file:

alias rn-ios="react-native run-ios --simulator \"iPhone 5s (10.0)\""

And then run react-native using the created alias:

$ rn-ios

Correct use of transactions in SQL Server

At the beginning of stored procedure one should put SET XACT_ABORT ON to instruct Sql Server to automatically rollback transaction in case of error. If ommited or set to OFF one needs to test @@ERROR after each statement or use TRY ... CATCH rollback block.

Warning: comparison with string literals results in unspecified behaviour

  1. clang has advantages in error reporting & recovery.

    $ clang errors.c
    errors.c:36:21: warning: result of comparison against a string literal is unspecified (use strcmp instead)
            if (args[i] == "&") //WARNING HERE
                        ^~ ~~~
                strcmp( ,     ) == 0
    errors.c:38:26: warning: result of comparison against a string literal is unspecified (use strcmp instead)
            else if (args[i] == "<") //WARNING HERE
                             ^~ ~~~
                     strcmp( ,     ) == 0
    errors.c:44:26: warning: result of comparison against a string literal is unspecified (use strcmp instead)
            else if (args[i] == ">") //WARNING HERE
                             ^~ ~~~
                     strcmp( ,     ) == 0

    It suggests to replace x == y by strcmp(x,y) == 0.

  2. gengetopt writes command-line option parser for you.

How to remove a variable from a PHP session array

Is the $_SESSION['name'] variable an array? If you want to delete a specific key from within an array, you have to refer to that exact key in the unset() call, otherwise you delete the entire array, e.g.

$name = array(0 => 'a', 1 => 'b', 2 => 'c');
unset($name); // deletes the entire array
unset($name[1]); // deletes only the 'b' entry

Another minor problem with your snippet: You're mixing GET query parameters in with a POST form. Is there any reason why you can't do the forms with 'name' being passed in a hidden field? It's best to not mix get and post variables, especially if you use $_REQUEST elsewhere. You can run into all kinds of fun trying to figure out why $_GET['name'] isn't showing up the same as $_POST['name'], because the server's got a differnt EGPCS order set in the 'variables_order' .ini setting.

<form blah blah blah method="post">
  <input type="hidden" name="name" value="<?= htmlspecialchars($list1) ?>" />
  <input type="submit" name="add" value="Add />

And note the htmlspecialchars() call. If either $list1 or $list2 contain a double quote ("), it'll break your HTML

Removing address bar from browser (to view on Android)

Finally I Try with this. Its worked for me..

  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


    //webview use to call own site
    webview =(WebView)findViewById(;

    webview.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient());       
    webview .getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(true);
    webview .getSettings().setDomStorageEnabled(true);     

and your entire main.xml(res/layout) look should like this:

<WebView  xmlns:android=""

don't go to add layouts.

getting "No column was specified for column 2 of 'd'" in sql server cte?

Quite an intuitive error message - just need to give the columns in d names

Change to either this

d as 
     [duration] = month(clothdeliverydate),                 
     [bkdqty] = SUM(CONVERT(INT, deliveredqty))             
     month(clothdeliverydate) is not null                
  group by month(clothdeliverydate)           

Or you can explicitly declare the fields in the definition of the cte:

d ([duration], [bkdqty]) as 
     SUM(CONVERT(INT, deliveredqty))             
     month(clothdeliverydate) is not null                
  group by month(clothdeliverydate)           

SSL certificate rejected trying to access GitHub over HTTPS behind firewall

Improve RouMao's solution by temporarily disabling GIT/curl ssl verification in Windows cmd:

git config --global http.proxy http://<your-proxy>:443

The good thing about this solution is that it only takes effect in the current cmd window.

VBA Excel 2-Dimensional Arrays

In fact I would not use any REDIM, nor a loop for transferring data from sheet to array:

dim arOne()
arOne = range("A2:F1000")

or even

arOne = range("A2").CurrentRegion

and that's it, your array is filled much faster then with a loop, no redim.

Turning Sonar off for certain code

I recommend you try to suppress specific warnings by using @SuppressWarnings("squid:S2078").

For suppressing multiple warnings you can do it like this @SuppressWarnings({"squid:S2078", "squid:S2076"})

There is also the //NOSONAR comment that tells SonarQube to ignore all errors for a specific line.

Finally if you have the proper rights for the user interface you can issue a flag as a false positive directly from the interface.

The reason why I recommend suppression of specific warnings is that it's a better practice to block a specific issue instead of using //NOSONAR and risk a Sonar issue creeping in your code by accident.

You can read more about this in the FAQ

Edit: 6/30/16 SonarQube is now called SonarLint

In case you are wondering how to find the squid number. Just click on the Sonar message (ex. Remove this method to simply inherit it.) and the Sonar issue will expand.

On the bottom left it will have the squid number (ex. squid:S1185 Maintainability > Understandability)

So then you can suppress it by @SuppressWarnings("squid:S1185")

NGINX to reverse proxy websockets AND enable SSL (wss://)?

This worked for me:

location / {
    # redirect all HTTP traffic to localhost:8080
    proxy_pass http://localhost:8080;
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header Host $host;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

    # WebSocket support
    proxy_http_version 1.1;
    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
    proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";

-- borrowed from:

What is a callback in java

A callback is some code that you pass to a given method, so that it can be called at a later time.

In Java one obvious example is java.util.Comparator. You do not usually use a Comparator directly; rather, you pass it to some code that calls the Comparator at a later time:


class CodedString implements Comparable<CodedString> {
    private int code;
    private String text;


    public boolean equals() {
        // member-wise equality

    public int hashCode() {
        // member-wise equality 

    public boolean compareTo(CodedString cs) {
        // Compare using "code" first, then
        // "text" if both codes are equal.


public void sortCodedStringsByText(List<CodedString> codedStrings) {
    Comparator<CodedString> comparatorByText = new Comparator<CodedString>() {
        public int compare(CodedString cs1, CodedString cs2) {
            // Compare cs1 and cs2 using just the "text" field

    // Here we pass the comparatorByText callback to Collections.sort(...)
    // Collections.sort(...) will then call this callback whenever it
    // needs to compare two items from the list being sorted.
    // As a result, we will get the list sorted by just the "text" field.
    // If we do not pass a callback, Collections.sort will use the default
    // comparison for the class (first by "code", then by "text").
    Collections.sort(codedStrings, comparatorByText);

remove double quotes from Json return data using Jquery

I also had this question, but in my case I didn't want to use a regex, because my JSON value may contain quotation marks. Hopefully my answer will help others in the future.

I solved this issue by using a standard string slice to remove the first and last characters. This works for me, because I used JSON.stringify() on the textarea that produced it and as a result, I know that I'm always going to have the "s at each end of the string.

In this generalized example, response is the JSON object my AJAX returns, and key is the name of my JSON key.

response.key.slice(1, response.key.length-1)

I used it like this with a regex replace to preserve the line breaks and write the content of that key to a paragraph block in my HTML:

$('#description').html(studyData.description.slice(1, studyData.description.length-1).replace(/\\n/g, '<br/>'));

In this case, $('#description') is the paragraph tag I'm writing to. studyData is my JSON object, and description is my key with a multi-line value.

How can I get the current directory name in Javascript?

In Node.js, you could use:

console.log('Current directory: ' + process.cwd());

How can I introduce multiple conditions in LIKE operator?

Oracle 10g has functions that allow the use of POSIX-compliant regular expressions in SQL:


See the Oracle Database SQL Reference for syntax details on this functions.

Take a look at Regular expressions in Perl with examples.

Code :

    select * from tbl where regexp_like(col, '^(ABC|XYZ|PQR)');

Getting execute permission to xp_cmdshell

tchester said :

(2) Create a login for the non-sysadmin user that has public access to the master database

I went to my user's database list (server/security/connections/my user name/properties/user mapping, and wanted to check the box for master database. I got an error message telling that the user already exists in the master database. Went to master database, dropped the user, went back to "user mapping" and checked the box for master. Check the "public" box below.

After that, you need to re-issue the grant execute on xp_cmdshell to "my user name"


With jQuery, how do I capitalize the first letter of a text field while the user is still editing that field?

With Javascript you can use:


If by chance you're generating your web page with PHP you can also use:


How to get Maven project version to the bash command line

This is the cleanest solution there is:

mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-help-plugin:3.2.0:evaluate \
-Dexpression=project.version -q -DforceStdout


  • This works fine on all operating systems and all shells.
  • No need for any external tools!
  • [important] This works even if project version is inherited from parent pom.xml


  • maven-help-plugin version 3.2.0 (and above) has forceStdout option. You may replace 3.2.0 in above command with a newer version from the list of available versions of mvn-help-plugin from artifactory, if available.
  • Option -q suppresses verbose messages ([INFO], [WARN] etc.)

Alternatively, you can add this entry in your pom.xml, under plugins section:


and then run above command compactly as follows:

mvn help:evaluate -Dexpression=project.groupId -q -DforceStdout

If you want to fetch groupId and artifactId as well, check this answer.

nginx missing sites-available directory

If you'd prefer a more direct approach, one that does NOT mess with symlinking between /etc/nginx/sites-available and /etc/nginx/sites-enabled, do the following:

  1. Locate your nginx.conf file. Likely at /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
  2. Find the http block.
  3. Somewhere in the http block, write include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf; This tells nginx to pull in any files in the conf.d directory that end in .conf. (I know: it's weird that a directory can have a . in it.)
  4. Create the conf.d directory if it doesn't already exist (per the path in step 3). Be sure to give it the right permissions/ownership. Likely root or www-data.
  5. Move or copy your separate config files (just like you have in /etc/nginx/sites-available) into the directory conf.d.
  6. Reload or restart nginx.
  7. Eat an ice cream cone.

Any .conf files that you put into the conf.d directory from here on out will become active as long as you reload/restart nginx after.

Note: You can use the conf.d and sites-enabled + sites-available method concurrently if you wish. I like to test on my dev box using conf.d. Feels faster than symlinking and unsymlinking.

How to calculate the difference between two dates using PHP?

Some time ago I wrote a format_date function as this gives many options on how you want your date:

function format_date($date, $type, $seperator="-")
        $day = date("j", strtotime($date));
        $month = date("n", strtotime($date));
        $year = date("Y", strtotime($date));
        $hour = date("H", strtotime($date));
        $min = date("i", strtotime($date));
        $sec = date("s", strtotime($date));

            case 0:  $date = date("Y".$seperator."m".$seperator."d",mktime($hour, $min, $sec, $month, $day, $year)); break;
            case 1:  $date = date("D, F j, Y",mktime($hour, $min, $sec, $month, $day, $year)); break;
            case 2:  $date = date("d".$seperator."m".$seperator."Y",mktime($hour, $min, $sec, $month, $day, $year)); break;
            case 3:  $date = date("d".$seperator."M".$seperator."Y",mktime($hour, $min, $sec, $month, $day, $year)); break;
            case 4:  $date = date("d".$seperator."M".$seperator."Y h:i A",mktime($hour, $min, $sec, $month, $day, $year)); break;
            case 5:  $date = date("m".$seperator."d".$seperator."Y",mktime($hour, $min, $sec, $month, $day, $year)); break;
            case 6:  $date = date("M",mktime($hour, $min, $sec, $month, $day, $year)); break;
            case 7:  $date = date("Y",mktime($hour, $min, $sec, $month, $day, $year)); break;
            case 8:  $date = date("j",mktime($hour, $min, $sec, $month, $day, $year)); break;
            case 9:  $date = date("n",mktime($hour, $min, $sec, $month, $day, $year)); break;
            case 10: 
                     $diff = abs(strtotime($date) - strtotime(date("Y-m-d h:i:s"))); 
                     $years = floor($diff / (365*60*60*24));
                     $months = floor(($diff - $years * 365*60*60*24) / (30*60*60*24));
                     $days = floor(($diff - $years * 365*60*60*24 - $months*30*60*60*24)/ (60*60*24));
                     $date = $years . " years, " . $months . " months, " . $days . "days";

How to split a delimited string in Ruby and convert it to an array?

For String Integer without space as String

arr = "12345"


output: ["1","2","3","4","5"]

For String Integer with space as String

arr = "1 2 3 4 5"

arr.split(' ')

output: ["1","2","3","4","5"]

For String Integer without space as Integer

arr = "12345"


output: [1,2,3,4,5]

For String

arr = "abc"


output: ["a","b","c"]


  1. arr -> string which you're going to perform any action.
  2. split() -> is an method, which split the input and store it as array.
  3. '' or ' ' or ',' -> is an value, which is needed to be removed from given string.

Select rows of a matrix that meet a condition

I will choose a simple approach using the dplyr package.

If the dataframe is data.

result <- filter(data, three == 11)

How to pass parameters or arguments into a gradle task

I would suggest the method presented on the Gradle forum:

def createMinifyCssTask(def brand, def sourceFile, def destFile) {
    return tasks.create("minify${brand}Css", com.eriwen.gradle.css.tasks.MinifyCssTask) {
        source = sourceFile
        dest = destFile

I have used this method myself to create custom tasks, and it works very well.

Python function to convert seconds into minutes, hours, and days

seconds_in_day = 86400
seconds_in_hour = 3600
seconds_in_minute = 60

seconds = int(input("Enter a number of seconds: "))

days = seconds // seconds_in_day
seconds = seconds - (days * seconds_in_day)

hours = seconds // seconds_in_hour
seconds = seconds - (hours * seconds_in_hour)

minutes = seconds // seconds_in_minute
seconds = seconds - (minutes * seconds_in_minute)

print("{0:.0f} days, {1:.0f} hours, {2:.0f} minutes, {3:.0f} seconds.".format(
    days, hours, minutes, seconds))

How to deep merge instead of shallow merge?

If you want to have a one liner without requiring a huge library like lodash, I suggest you to use deepmerge. (npm install deepmerge)

Then, you can do

deepmerge({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }, { a: 2, d: 3 });

to get

{ a: 2, b: 2, c: 3, d: 3 }

This works nicely with complex objects and arrays. The nice thing is it comes with typings for TypeScript right away. A real all-rounder solution this is.

CommandError: You must set settings.ALLOWED_HOSTS if DEBUG is False



Less secure if you're not firewalled off or on a public LAN, but it's what I use and it works.

EDIT: Interestingly enough I've been needing to add this to a few of my 1.8 projects even when DEBUG = True. Very unsure why.

EDIT: This is due to a Django security update as mentioned in my comment.

How to take MySQL database backup using MySQL Workbench?

In workbench 6.0 Connect to any of the database. You will see two tabs.

1.Management 2. Schemas

By default Schemas tab is selected. Select Management tab then select Data Export . You will get list of all databases. select the desired database and and the file name and ther options you wish and start export. You are done with backup.

What does the symbol \0 mean in a string-literal?

Banging my usual drum solo of JUST TRY IT, here's how you can answer questions like that in the future:

$ cat junk.c
#include <stdio.h>

char* string = "Hello\0";

int main(int argv, char** argc)
    printf("-->%s<--\n", string);
$ gcc -S junk.c
$ cat junk.s

... eliding the unnecessary parts ...

    .string "Hello"
    .string ""


    .string "-->%s<--\n"


Note here how the string I used for printf is just "-->%s<---\n" while the global string is in two parts: "Hello" and "". The GNU assembler also terminates strings with an implicit NUL character, so the fact that the first string (.LC0) is in those two parts indicates that there are two NULs. The string is thus 7 bytes long. Generally if you really want to know what your compiler is doing with a certain hunk of code, isolate it in a dummy example like this and see what it's doing using -S (for GNU -- MSVC has a flag too for assembler output but I don't know it off-hand). You'll learn a lot about how your code works (or fails to work as the case may be) and you'll get an answer quickly that is 100% guaranteed to match the tools and environment you're working in.

Select unique or distinct values from a list in UNIX shell script

With zsh you can do this:

% cat infile 
more than one word
zsh-5.0.0[t]% print -l "${(fu)$(<infile)}"
more than one word

Or you can use AWK:

% awk '!_[$0]++' infile    
more than one word

How can I make a CSS table fit the screen width?

Put the table in a container element that has

overflow:scroll; max-width:95vw;

or make the table fit to the screen and overflow:scroll all table cells.

How to jquery alert confirm box "yes" & "no"

I won't write your code but what you looking for is something like a jquery dialog

take a look here

jQuery modal-confirmation

$(function() {
    $( "#dialog-confirm" ).dialog({
      resizable: false,
      modal: true,
      buttons: {
        "Delete all items": function() {
          $( this ).dialog( "close" );
        Cancel: function() {
          $( this ).dialog( "close" );

<div id="dialog-confirm" title="Empty the recycle bin?">
    <span class="ui-icon ui-icon-alert" style="float:left; margin:0 7px 20px 0;"></span>
    These items will be permanently deleted and cannot be recovered. Are you sure?

Is there a way to access an iteration-counter in Java's for-each loop?

If you need a counter in an for-each loop you have to count yourself. There is no built in counter as far as I know.

Submit form using AJAX and jQuery

First give your form an id attribute, then use code like this:

$(document).ready( function() {
  var form = $('#my_awesome_form');

  form.find('select:first').change( function() {
    $.ajax( {
      type: "POST",
      url: form.attr( 'action' ),
      data: form.serialize(),
      success: function( response ) {
        console.log( response );
    } );
  } );

} );

So this code uses .serialize() to pull out the relevant data from the form. It also assumes the select you care about is the first one in the form.

For future reference, the jQuery docs are very, very good.

How to run code after some delay in Flutter?

Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 3) , your_function)

How can I print out just the index of a pandas dataframe?

You can use lamba function:

index = df.index[lambda x : for x in df.index() ]

WPF binding to Listbox selectedItem

For me, I usually use DataContext together in order to bind two-depth property such as this question.

<TextBlock DataContext="{Binding SelectedRule}" Text="{Binding Name}" />

Or, I prefer to use ElementName because it achieves bindings only with view controls.

<TextBlock DataContext="{Binding ElementName=lbRules, Path=SelectedItem}" Text="{Binding Name}" />

Python list iterator behavior and next(iterator)

Something is wrong with your Python/Computer.

a = iter(list(range(10)))
for i in a:


Works like expected.

Tested in Python 2.7 and in Python 3+ . Works properly in both

ASP.NET MVC 3 Razor - Adding class to EditorFor

I used another solution using CSS attribute selectors to get what you need.

Indicate the HTML attribute you know and put in the relative style you want.

Like below:

     width: 150px;

Java - JPA - @Version annotation

But still I am not sure how it works?

Let's say an entity MyEntity has an annotated version property:

public class MyEntity implements Serializable {    

    private Long id;

    private String name;

    private Long version;


On update, the field annotated with @Version will be incremented and added to the WHERE clause, something like this:


If the WHERE clause fails to match a record (because the same entity has already been updated by another thread), then the persistence provider will throw an OptimisticLockException.

Does it mean that we should declare our version field as final

No but you could consider making the setter protected as you're not supposed to call it.

How to extract text from a string using sed?

Try using rextract. It will let you extract text using a regular expression and reformat it.


$ echo "This is 02G05 a test string 20-Jul-2012" | ./rextract '([\d]+G[\d]+)' '${1}'


What is the difference between :focus and :active?

Focus can only be given by keyboard input, but an Element can be activated by both, a mouse or a keyboard.

If one would use :focus on a link, the style rule would only apply with pressing a botton on the keyboard.

create multiple tag docker image

docker build  -t name1:tag1 -t name2:tag2 -f Dockerfile.ui .

how to set mongod --dbpath

mongod  --port portnumber --dbpath /path_to_your_folder

By default portnumber is 27017 and path is /var/lib/mongodb

You can set your own port number and path where you want to keep all your database.

How to compare two JSON have the same properties without order?

I adapted and modified the code from this tutorial to write a function that does a deep comparison of two JS objects.

const isEqual = function(obj1, obj2) {
    const obj1Keys = Object.keys(obj1);
    const obj2Keys = Object.keys(obj2);

    if(obj1Keys.length !== obj2Keys.length) {
        return false;

    for (let objKey of obj1Keys) {
        if (obj1[objKey] !== obj2[objKey]) {
            if(typeof obj1[objKey] == "object" && typeof obj2[objKey] == "object") {
                if(!isEqual(obj1[objKey], obj2[objKey])) {
                    return false;
            else {
                return false;

    return true;

The function compares the respective values of the same keys for the two objects. Further, if the two values are objects, it uses recursion to execute deep comparison on them as well.

Hope this helps.

How to set-up a favicon?

With the introduction of (i|android|windows)phones, things have changed, and to get a correct and complete solution that works on any device is really time-consuming.

You can have a peek at or to get an idea on the best way to get something that works on any device.

You should have a look at to automate a large part of this work, and probably at to understand how it works (even if this latter resource hasn't been updated in a loooong time).

One complete solution requires to add to you header the following (with the corresponding pictures and files, of course) :

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="57x57" href="apple-touch-icon-57x57.png">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="114x114" href="apple-touch-icon-114x114.png">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="72x72" href="apple-touch-icon-72x72.png">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="144x144" href="apple-touch-icon-144x144.png">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="60x60" href="apple-touch-icon-60x60.png">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="120x120" href="apple-touch-icon-120x120.png">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="76x76" href="apple-touch-icon-76x76.png">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="152x152" href="apple-touch-icon-152x152.png">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="apple-touch-icon-180x180.png">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="favicon-192x192.png" sizes="192x192">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="favicon-160x160.png" sizes="160x160">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="favicon-96x96.png" sizes="96x96">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="favicon-16x16.png" sizes="16x16">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="favicon-32x32.png" sizes="32x32">
<meta name="msapplication-TileColor" content="#ffffff">
<meta name="msapplication-TileImage" content="mstile-144x144.png">
<meta name="msapplication-config" content="browserconfig.xml">

In June 2016, RealFaviconGenerator claimed that the following 5 lines of code were supporting as many devices as the previous 18 lines:

<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="/apple-touch-icon.png">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/favicon-32x32.png" sizes="32x32">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/favicon-16x16.png" sizes="16x16">
<link rel="manifest" href="/manifest.json">
<link rel="mask-icon" href="/safari-pinned-tab.svg" color="#5bbad5">
<meta name="theme-color" content="#ffffff">

How to change the order of DataFrame columns?

Moving any column to any position:

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({"A": [1,2,3], 
                   "B": [2,4,8], 
                   "C": [5,5,5]})

cols = df.columns.tolist()
column_to_move = "C"
new_position = 1

cols.insert(new_position, cols.pop(cols.index(column_to_move)))
df = df[cols]

postgresql return 0 if returned value is null

(this answer was added to provide shorter and more generic examples to the question - without including all the case-specific details in the original question).

There are two distinct "problems" here, the first is if a table or subquery has no rows, the second is if there are NULL values in the query.

For all versions I've tested, postgres and mysql will ignore all NULL values when averaging, and it will return NULL if there is nothing to average over. This generally makes sense, as NULL is to be considered "unknown". If you want to override this you can use coalesce (as suggested by Luc M).

$ create table foo (bar int);

$ select avg(bar) from foo;

(1 row)

$ select coalesce(avg(bar), 0) from foo;
(1 row)

$ insert into foo values (3);
$ insert into foo values (9);
$ insert into foo values (NULL);
$ select coalesce(avg(bar), 0) from foo;
(1 row)

of course, "from foo" can be replaced by "from (... any complicated logic here ...) as foo"

Now, should the NULL row in the table be counted as 0? Then coalesce has to be used inside the avg call.

$ select coalesce(avg(coalesce(bar, 0)), 0) from foo;
(1 row)

Namenode not getting started

If you facing this issue after rebooting the system, Then below steps will work fine

For workaround.

1) format the namenode: bin/hadoop namenode -format

2) start all processes again:bin/

For Perm fix: -

1) go to /conf/core-site.xml change to your custom one.

2) format the namenode: bin/hadoop namenode -format

3) start all processes again:bin/

ClassNotFoundException: org.slf4j.LoggerFactory

Add the following JARs to the build path or lib folder of the project:

  1. slf4j-api-1.7.2.jar
  2. slf4j-jdk14-1.7.2.jar

Regular Expression for password validation

Pattern satisfy, these below criteria

  1. Password Length 8 and Maximum 15 character
  2. Require Unique Chars
  3. Require Digit
  4. Require Lower Case
  5. Require Upper Case

Using .text() to retrieve only text not nested in child tags

Using plain JavaScript in IE 9+ compatible syntax in just a few lines:

let children = document.querySelector('#listItem').childNodes;

if (children.length > 0) {
    for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
        //only target text nodes (nodeType of 3)
        if (children[i].nodeType === 3) {
            //do not target any whitespace in the HTML
            if (children[i].nodeValue.trim().length > 0) {
                children[i].nodeValue = 'Replacement text';
                //optimized to break out of the loop once primary text node found
                break childrenLoop;

Auto detect mobile browser (via user-agent?)

You can detect mobile clients simply through navigator.userAgent , and load alternate scripts based on the detected client type as:

 $(document).ready(function(e) {

          || navigator.userAgent.match(/webOS/i)
          || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i)
          || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i)
          || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i)
          || navigator.userAgent.match(/BlackBerry/i)
          || navigator.userAgent.match(/Windows Phone/i)) {

         //write code for your mobile clients here.

          var jsScript = document.createElement("script");
          jsScript.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
          jsScript.setAttribute("src", "js/alternate_js_file.js");
          document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(jsScript );

          var cssScript = document.createElement("link");
          cssScript.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");
          cssScript.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
          cssScript.setAttribute("href", "css/alternate_css_file.css");

         // write code for your desktop clients here


Proper way to assert type of variable in Python

You might want to try this example for version 2.6 of Python.

def my_print(text, begin, end):
    "Print text in UPPER between 'begin' and 'end' in lower."
    for obj in (text, begin, end):
        assert isinstance(obj, str), 'Argument of wrong type!'
    print begin.lower() + text.upper() + end.lower()

However, have you considered letting the function fail naturally instead?

Excel VBA - How to Redim a 2D array?

Here ya go.

Public Function ReDimPreserve(ByRef Arr, ByVal idx1 As Integer, ByVal idx2 As Integer)

    Dim newArr()
    Dim x As Integer
    Dim y As Integer

    ReDim newArr(idx1, idx2)

    For x = 0 To UBound(Arr, 1)
        For y = 0 To UBound(Arr, 2)
            newArr(x, y) = Arr(x, y)

    Arr = newArr

End Function

Apache Tomcat Not Showing in Eclipse Server Runtime Environments

You may get more success if you do a "search" for the runtime env from the preferences screen instead of hitting "add" - see this demo on youtube. - When you hit search, you are prompted to point to the tomcat directory and then it SHOULD add it as a server runtime environment. Unfortunately for me, that is not the case (I get "no new server runtime environments were found") But you might have more success.

logout and redirecting session in php

Only this is necessary

unset($_SESSION["nome"]);  // where $_SESSION["nome"] is your own variable. if you do not have one use only this as follow **session_unset();**
header("Location: home.php");

How to use Utilities.sleep() function

Serge is right - my workaround:

function mySleep (sec)

Flutter position stack widget in center

The Problem is the Container that gets the smallest possible size.

Just give a width: to the Container (in red) and you are done.

width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width

enter image description here

  new Positioned(
  bottom: 0.0,
  child: new Container(
    width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width,
    margin: const EdgeInsets.all(0.0),
    child: new Column(
      children: <Widget>[
        new Align(
          alignment: Alignment.bottomCenter,
          child: new ButtonBar(
            children: <Widget>[
              new OutlineButton(
                onPressed: null,
                child: new Text(
                  style: new TextStyle(color: Colors.white),
              new RaisedButton(
                color: Colors.white,
                onPressed: null,
                child: new Text(
                  style: new TextStyle(color:,

Phonegap + jQuery Mobile, real world sample or tutorial

These may not solve exactly your "real-world problems", but perhaps something useful ...

Our web site includes PhoneGap and jQuery Mobile tutorials for a media player, barcode scanner, google maps, and OAuth.

Also, my github page has code, but no tutorial, for two apps:

  • AppLaudApp - a run-control, debugging enabling, download complementary app to a cloud IDE
  • NameTrendz - an app developed in at Android Dev Camp to do a bunch of queries about popular name data. The PhoneGap and jQuery Mobile versions are from March 2011.

What killed my process and why?

In an lsf environment (interactive or otherwise) if the application exceeds memory utilization beyond some preset threshold by the admins on the queue or the resource request in submit to the queue the processes will be killed so other users don't fall victim to a potential run away. It doesn't always send an email when it does so, depending on how its set up.

One solution in this case is to find a queue with larger resources or define larger resource requirements in the submission.

You may also want to review man ulimit

Although I don't remember ulimit resulting in Killed its been a while since I needed that.


The new ASP.NET Web API is a continuation of the previous WCF Web API project (although some of the concepts have changed).

WCF was originally created to enable SOAP-based services. For simpler RESTful or RPCish services (think clients like jQuery) ASP.NET Web API should be good choice.

For us, WCF is used for SOAP and Web API for REST. I wish Web API supported SOAP too. We are not using advanced features of WCF. Here is comparison from MSDN:

enter image description here Web API is all about HTTP and REST based GET,POST,PUT,DELETE with well know MVC style of programming and JSON returnable; web API is for all the light weight process and pure HTTP based components. For one to go ahead with WCF even for simple or simplest single web service it will bring all the extra baggage. For light weight simple service for ajax or dynamic calls always WebApi just solves the need. This neatly complements or helps in parallel to the MVC.

Check out the podcast : Hanselminutes Podcast 264 - This is not your father's WCF - All about the WebAPI with Glenn Block by Scott Hanselman for more information.

In the scenarios listed below you should go for WCF:

  1. If you need to send data on protocols like TCP, MSMQ or MIME
  2. If the consuming client just knows how to consume SOAP messages

WEB API is a framework for developing RESTful/HTTP services.

There are so many clients that do not understand SOAP like Browsers, HTML5, in those cases WEB APIs are a good choice.

HTTP services header specifies how to secure service, how to cache the information, type of the message body and HTTP body can specify any type of content like HTML not just XML as SOAP services.

Create list or arrays in Windows Batch

I like this way:

set list=a;^

for %%a in (%list%) do ( 
 echo %%a

Why am I getting a FileNotFoundError?

Difficult to give code examples in the comments.

To read the words in the file, you can read the contents of the file, which gets you a string - this is what you were doing before, with the read() method - and then use split() to get the individual words. Split breaks up a String on the delimiter provided, or on whitespace by default. For example,

"the quick brown fox".split()


['the', 'quick', 'brown', 'fox']


will give you an array of Strings. Hope that helps!

ERROR 1698 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'

I would suggest to remove the Mysql connection -

UPDATE-This is for Mysql version 5.5,if your version is different ,please change the first line accordingly

sudo apt-get purge mysql-server mysql-client mysql-common mysql-server-core-5.5 mysql-client-core-5.5
sudo rm -rf /etc/mysql /var/lib/mysql
sudo apt-get autoremove
sudo apt-get autoclean

And Install Again But this time set a root password yourself. This will save a lot of effort.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mysql-server

Select specific row from mysql table

SQL tables are not ordered by default, and asking for the n-th row from a non ordered set of rows has no meaning as it could potentially return a different row each time unless you specify an ORDER BY:

select * from customer order by id where row_number() = 3

(sometimes MySQL tables are shown with an internal order but you cannot rely on this behaviour). Then you can use LIMIT offset, row_count, with a 0-based offset so row number 3 becomes offset 2:

select * from customer order by id
limit 2, 1

or you can use LIMIT row_count OFFSET offset:

select * from customer order by id
limit 1 offset 2

how to import csv data into django models

You can give a try to django-import-export. It has nice admin integration, changes preview, can create, update, delete objects.

Redirect pages in JSP?

Extending @oopbase's answer with return; statement.

Let's consider a use case of traditional authentication system where we store login information into the session. On each page we check for active session like,

/* Some Import Statements here. */

if(null == session || !session.getAttribute("is_login").equals("1")) {

// ....


// ....
/* Some More JSP+Java+HTML code here */

It looks fine at first glance however; It has one issue. If your server has expired session due to time limit and user is trying to access the page he might get error if you have not written your code in try..catch block or handled if(null != session.getAttribute("attr_name")) everytime.

So by putting a return; statement I stopped further execution and forced to redirect page to certain location.

if(null == session || !session.getAttribute("is_login").equals("1")) {

Note that Use of redirection may vary based on the requirements. Nowadays people don't use such authentication system. (Modern approach - Token Based Authentication) It's just an simple example to understand where and how to place redirection(s).

run program in Python shell

Use execfile for Python 2:

>>> execfile('C:\\')

Use exec for Python 3

>>> exec(open("C:\\").read())

How to calculate Average Waiting Time and average Turn-around time in SJF Scheduling?

SJF are two type - i) non preemptive SJF ii)pre-emptive SJF

I have re-arranged the processes according to Arrival time. here is the non preemptive SJF

A.T= Arrival Time

B.T= Burst Time

C.T= Completion Time

T.T = Turn around Time = C.T - A.T

W.T = Waiting Time = T.T - B.T

enter image description here

Here is the preemptive SJF Note: each process will preempt at time a new process arrives.Then it will compare the burst times and will allocate the process which have shortest burst time. But if two process have same burst time then the process which came first that will be allocated first just like FCFS.

enter image description here

Install tkinter for Python

If you're using RHEL, CentOS, Oracle Linux, etc. You can use yum to install tkinter module

yum install tkinter

Example on ToggleButton

public void onClick(View v) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    editString = ed.getText().toString();

        toggle.setTextOff("TOGGLE ON");

    else if(editString.equals("0")){

        toggle.setTextOn("TOGGLE OFF");


How to check if internet connection is present in Java?

URL url=new URL("http://[any domain]");
URLConnection con=url.openConnection();

/*now errors WILL arise here, i hav tried myself and it always shows "connected" so we'll open an InputStream on the connection, this way we know for sure that we're connected to d internet */

/* Get input stream */

Put the above statements in try catch blocks and if an exception in caught means that there's no internet connection established. :-)

DIV height set as percentage of screen?

By using absolute positioning, you can make <body> or <form> or <div>, fit to your browser page. For example:

<body style="position: absolute; bottom: 0px; top: 0px; left: 0px; right: 0px;">

and then simply put a <div> inside it and use whatever percentage of either height or width you wish

<div id="divContainer" style="height: 100%;">

Function to close the window in Tkinter

class App():
    def __init__(self):
        self.root = Tkinter.Tk()
        button = Tkinter.Button(self.root, text = 'root quit', command=self.quit)

    def quit(self):

app = App()

git: How to ignore all present untracked files?

I came here trying to solve a slightly different problem. Maybe this will be useful to someone else:

I create a new branch feature-a. as part of this branch I create new directories and need to modify .gitignore to suppress some of them. This happens a lot when adding new tools to a project that create various cache folders. .serverless, .terraform, etc.

Before I'm ready to merge that back to master I have something else come up, so I checkout master again, but now git status picks up those suppressed folders again, since the .gitignore hasn't been merged yet.

The answer here is actually simple, though I had to find this blog to figure it out:

Just checkout the .gitignore file from feature-a branch

git checkout feature-a -- feature-a/.gitignore
git add .
git commit -m "update .gitignore from feature-a branch"

Unable to read repository at

That URL works fine. The message you report is normal when you look at it in a browser. My copy of Eclipse has no problems talking to it. If yours does, I suspect a proxy configuration error in your copy of eclipse.

Can I send a ctrl-C (SIGINT) to an application on Windows?

A solution that I have found from here is pretty simple if you have python 3.x available in your command line. First, save a file ( with the contents:

import ctypes
import sys

kernel = ctypes.windll.kernel32

pid = int(sys.argv[1])
kernel.SetConsoleCtrlHandler(None, 1)
kernel.GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent(0, 0)

Then call:

python 12345

If that doesn't work, I recommend trying out the windows-kill project:

Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_UPDATE_INCOMPATIBLE] even if app appears to not be installed

Ok uninstall the app, but we admit that the data not must be lost? This can be resolve, upgrading versionCode and versionName and try the application in "Release" mode.

For example, this is important when we want to try the migration of our Database. We can compare the our application on play store with actual application not release yet.

Java compiler level does not match the version of the installed Java project facet

If your project is not a Maven project, right-click on your project and choose Properties to open the Project Properties dialog.

There is a Project Facets item on the left, select it, look for the Java facet on the list, choose which version you want to use for the project and apply.

Project Factes - Java version

Jquery how to find an Object by attribute in an Array

One more solution:

function firstOrNull(array, expr) {
  for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
    if (expr(array[i]))
      return array[i];
  return null;

Using: firstOrNull([{ a: 1, b: 2 }, { a: 3, b: 3 }], function(item) { return item.a === 3; });

This function don't executes for each element from the array (it's valuable for large arrays)

Unable to set default python version to python3 in ubuntu

Set priority for default python in Linux terminal by adding this:

sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3 10
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python2 1

Here, we set python3 to have priority 10 and python2 to priority 1. This will make python3 the default python. If you want Python2 as default then make a priority of python2 higher then python3

Slide div left/right using jQuery

The easiest way to do so is using jQuery and animate.css animation library.


/* --- Show DIV --- */
$( '.example' ).removeClass( 'fadeOutRight' ).show().addClass( 'fadeInRight' );

/* --- Hide DIV --- */
$( '.example' ).removeClass( 'fadeInRight' ).addClass( 'fadeOutRight' );


<div class="example">Some text over here.</div>

Easy enough to implement. Just don't forget to include the animate.css file in the header :)

How can I use a Python script in the command line without cd-ing to its directory? Is it the PYTHONPATH?

PYTHONPATH only affects import statements, not the top-level Python interpreter's lookup of python files given as arguments.

Needing PYTHONPATH to be set is not a great idea - as with anything dependent on environment variables, replicating things consistently across different machines gets tricky. Better is to use Python 'packages' which can be installed (using 'pip', or distutils) in system-dependent paths which Python already knows about.

Have a read of - 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to Packaging', and also - which explains PYTHONPATH and packages at a lower level.

Right align text in android TextView

android:layout_gravity is used to align the text view with respect to the parent layout. android:gravity is used to align the text inside the text view.

Are you sure you are trying to align the text inside the text view to the right or do you want to move the text view itself to the right with respect to the parent layout or are you trying to acheive both

Long press on UITableView

Just add UILongPressGestureRecognizer to the given prototype cell in storyboard, then pull the gesture to the viewController's .m file to create an action method. I made it as I said.

How do you add a Dictionary of items into another Dictionary

My needs were different, I needed to merge incomplete nested data sets without clobbering.

    ["b": [1, 2], "s": Set([5, 6]), "a": 1, "d": ["x": 2]]
    ["b": [3, 4], "s": Set([6, 7]), "a": 2, "d": ["y": 4]]
    ["b": [1, 2, 3, 4], "s": Set([5, 6, 7]), "a": 2, "d": ["y": 4, "x": 2]]

This was harder than I wanted it to be. The challenge was in mapping from dynamic typing to static typing, and I used protocols to solve this.

Also worthy of note is that when you use the dictionary literal syntax, you actually get the foundation types, which do not pick up the protocol extensions. I aborted my efforts to support those as I couldn't find an easy to to validate the uniformity of the collection elements.

import UIKit

private protocol Mergable {
    func mergeWithSame<T>(right: T) -> T?

public extension Dictionary {

    Merge Dictionaries

    - Parameter left: Dictionary to update
    - Parameter right:  Source dictionary with values to be merged

    - Returns: Merged dictionay

    func merge(right:Dictionary) -> Dictionary {
        var merged = self
        for (k, rv) in right {

            // case of existing left value
            if let lv = self[k] {

                if let lv = lv as? Mergable where lv.dynamicType == rv.dynamicType {
                    let m = lv.mergeWithSame(rv)
                    merged[k] = m

                else if lv is Mergable {
                    assert(false, "Expected common type for matching keys!")

                else if !(lv is Mergable), let _ = lv as? NSArray {
                    assert(false, "Dictionary literals use incompatible Foundation Types")

                else if !(lv is Mergable), let _ = lv as? NSDictionary {
                    assert(false, "Dictionary literals use incompatible Foundation Types")

                else {
                    merged[k] = rv

                // case of no existing value
            else {
                merged[k] = rv

        return merged

extension Array: Mergable {

    func mergeWithSame<T>(right: T) -> T? {

        if let right = right as? Array {
            return (self + right) as? T

        return nil

extension Dictionary: Mergable {

    func mergeWithSame<T>(right: T) -> T? {

        if let right = right as? Dictionary {
            return self.merge(right) as? T

        return nil

extension Set: Mergable {

    func mergeWithSame<T>(right: T) -> T? {

        if let right = right as? Set {
            return self.union(right) as? T

        return nil

var dsa12 = Dictionary<String, Any>()
dsa12["a"] = 1
dsa12["b"] = [1, 2]
dsa12["s"] = Set([5, 6])
dsa12["d"] = ["c":5, "x": 2]

var dsa34 = Dictionary<String, Any>()
dsa34["a"] = 2
dsa34["b"] = [3, 4]
dsa34["s"] = Set([6, 7])
dsa34["d"] = ["c":-5, "y": 4]

//let dsa2 = ["a": 1, "b":a34]
let mdsa3 = dsa12.merge(dsa34)
print("merging:\n\t\(dsa12)\nwith\n\t\(dsa34) \nyields: \n\t\(mdsa3)")

Android Endless List

The key of this problem is to detect the load-more event, start an async request for data and then update the list. Also an adapter with loading indicator and other decorators is needed. In fact, the problem is very complicated in some corner cases. Just a OnScrollListener implementation is not enough, because sometimes the items do not fill the screen.

I have written a personal package which support endless list for RecyclerView, and also provide a async loader implementation AutoPagerFragment which makes it very easy to get data from a multi-page source. It can load any page you want into a RecyclerView on a custom event, not only the next page.

Here is the address:

Access to the path 'c:\inetpub\wwwroot\myapp\App_Data' is denied

Please Run Visual Studio with Administrator privilege..This Issue is solved for me..

Access to the path is denied C:\inetpub\wwwroot is denied indicates that the Self Service web site can’t access a specific folder on the server where it is installed. This could be either because the location doesn’t exist, or because the Authenticating User does not have any permissions applied to Write to this location.

What is an uber jar?

A self-contained, executable Java archive. In the case of WildFly Swarm uberjars, it is a single .jar file containing your application, the portions of WildFly required to support it, an internal Maven repository of dependencies, plus a shim to bootstrap it all. see this

How do I format currencies in a Vue component?

You can format currency writing your own code but it is just solution for the moment - when your app will grow you can need other currencies.

There is another issue with this:

  1. For EN-us - dolar sign is always before currency - $2.00,
  2. For selected PL you return sign after amount like 2,00 zl.

I think the best option is use complex solution for internationalization e.g. library vue-i18n(

I use this plugin and I don't have to worry about such a things. Please look at documentation - it is really simple:

so you just use:

<div id="app">
  <p>{{ $n(100, 'currency') }}</p>

and set EN-us to get $100.00:

<div id="app">

or set PL to get 100,00 zl:

<div id="app">
  <p>100,00 zl</p>

This plugin also provide different features like translations and date formatting.

how to read value from string.xml in android?

You must reference Context name before using getResources() in Android.

String user=getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.muser);


Context mcontext=getApplicationContext();

String user=mcontext.getResources().getString(R.string.muser);

How to get the current user in ASP.NET MVC

For what it's worth, in ASP.NET MVC 3 you can just use User which returns the user for the current request.

Convert a JSON String to a HashMap

I just used Gson

HashMap<String, Object> map = new Gson().fromJson(json.toString(), HashMap.class);

Ship an application with a database

Android already provides a version-aware approach of database management. This approach has been leveraged in the BARACUS framework for Android applications.

It enables you to manage the database along the entire version lifecycle of an app, beeing able to update the sqlite database from any prior version to the current one.

Also, it allows you to run hot-backups and hot-recovery of the SQLite.

I am not 100% sure, but a hot-recovery for a specific device may enable you to ship a prepared database in your app. But I am not sure about the database binary format which might be specific to certain devices, vendors or device generations.

Since the stuff is Apache License 2, feel free to reuse any part of the code, which can be found on github


If you only want to ship data, you might consider instantiating and persisting POJOs at the applications first start. BARACUS got a built-in support to this (Built-in key value store for configuration infos, e.g. "APP_FIRST_RUN" plus a after-context-bootstrap hook in order to run post-launch operations on the context). This enables you to have tight coupled data shipped with your app; in most cases this fitted to my use cases.

Jmeter - get current date and time

JMeter is using java SimpleDateFormat

For UTC with timezone use this


Error With Port 8080 already in use

I faced a similar problem , here's the solution.

Step 1 : Double click on the server listed in Eclipse. Here It will display Server Configuration.

Step 2 : Just change the port Number like from 8080 to 8085.

Step 3 : Save the changes.

Step 4 : re-start your server.

The server will start .Hope it'll help you.

How to specify a local file within html using the file: scheme?

I had similar issue before and in my case the file was in another machine so i have mapped network drive z to the folder location where my file is then i created a context in tomcat so in my web project i could access the HTML file via context

Print new output on same line

From help(print):

Help on built-in function print in module builtins:

    print(value, ..., sep=' ', end='\n', file=sys.stdout)

    Prints the values to a stream, or to sys.stdout by default.
    Optional keyword arguments:
    file: a file-like object (stream); defaults to the current sys.stdout.
    sep:  string inserted between values, default a space.
    end:  string appended after the last value, default a newline.

You can use the end keyword:

>>> for i in range(1, 11):
...     print(i, end='')

Note that you'll have to print() the final newline yourself. BTW, you won't get "12345678910" in Python 2 with the trailing comma, you'll get 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 instead.

open existing java project in eclipse

  1. File -> Import -> Existing Project into Workspace
  2. Browse for that directory.

Alternative: Check out the code in SVN to some folder

  1. Create a new folder in windows
  2. In eclipse File -> switchWorkspace -> newFolderName
  3. close the welcome window in eclipse
  4. In eclipse File -> Import -> Existing project into workspce-> select root dir -> browse and show the svn checkout folder

How do I escape a reserved word in Oracle?

double quotes worked in oracle when I had the keyword as one of the column name.


select t."size" from table t 

How do I convert a IPython Notebook into a Python file via commandline?

Following the previous example but with the new nbformat lib version :

import nbformat
from nbconvert import PythonExporter

def convertNotebook(notebookPath, modulePath):

  with open(notebookPath) as fh:
    nb = nbformat.reads(, nbformat.NO_CONVERT)

  exporter = PythonExporter()
  source, meta = exporter.from_notebook_node(nb)

  with open(modulePath, 'w+') as fh:

Deciding between HttpClient and WebClient

Perhaps you could think about the problem in a different way. WebClient and HttpClient are essentially different implementations of the same thing. What I recommend is implementing the Dependency Injection pattern with an IoC Container throughout your application. You should construct a client interface with a higher level of abstraction than the low level HTTP transfer. You can write concrete classes that use both WebClient and HttpClient, and then use the IoC container to inject the implementation via config.

What this would allow you to do would be to switch between HttpClient and WebClient easily so that you are able to objectively test in the production environment.

So questions like:

Will HttpClient be a better design choice if we upgrade to .Net 4.5?

Can actually be objectively answered by switching between the two client implementations using the IoC container. Here is an example interface that you might depend on that doesn't include any details about HttpClient or WebClient.

/// <summary>
/// Dependency Injection abstraction for rest clients. 
/// </summary>
public interface IClient
    /// <summary>
    /// Adapter for serialization/deserialization of http body data
    /// </summary>
    ISerializationAdapter SerializationAdapter { get; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Sends a strongly typed request to the server and waits for a strongly typed response
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="TResponseBody">The expected type of the response body</typeparam>
    /// <typeparam name="TRequestBody">The type of the request body if specified</typeparam>
    /// <param name="request">The request that will be translated to a http request</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    Task<Response<TResponseBody>> SendAsync<TResponseBody, TRequestBody>(Request<TRequestBody> request);

    /// <summary>
    /// Default headers to be sent with http requests
    /// </summary>
    IHeadersCollection DefaultRequestHeaders { get; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Default timeout for http requests
    /// </summary>
    TimeSpan Timeout { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Base Uri for the client. Any resources specified on requests will be relative to this.
    /// </summary>
    Uri BaseUri { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Name of the client
    /// </summary>
    string Name { get; }

public class Request<TRequestBody>
    #region Public Properties
    public IHeadersCollection Headers { get; }
    public Uri Resource { get; set; }
    public HttpRequestMethod HttpRequestMethod { get; set; }
    public TRequestBody Body { get; set; }
    public CancellationToken CancellationToken { get; set; }
    public string CustomHttpRequestMethod { get; set; }

    public Request(Uri resource,
        TRequestBody body,
        IHeadersCollection headers,
        HttpRequestMethod httpRequestMethod,
        IClient client,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        Body = body;
        Headers = headers;
        Resource = resource;
        HttpRequestMethod = httpRequestMethod;
        CancellationToken = cancellationToken;

        if (Headers == null) Headers = new RequestHeadersCollection();

        var defaultRequestHeaders = client?.DefaultRequestHeaders;
        if (defaultRequestHeaders == null) return;

        foreach (var kvp in defaultRequestHeaders)

public abstract class Response<TResponseBody> : Response
    #region Public Properties
    public virtual TResponseBody Body { get; }


    #region Constructors
    /// <summary>
    /// Only used for mocking or other inheritance
    /// </summary>
    protected Response() : base()

    protected Response(
    IHeadersCollection headersCollection,
    int statusCode,
    HttpRequestMethod httpRequestMethod,
    byte[] responseData,
    TResponseBody body,
    Uri requestUri
    ) : base(
        Body = body;

    public static implicit operator TResponseBody(Response<TResponseBody> readResult)
        return readResult.Body;

public abstract class Response
    #region Fields
    private readonly byte[] _responseData;

    #region Public Properties
    public virtual int StatusCode { get; }
    public virtual IHeadersCollection Headers { get; }
    public virtual HttpRequestMethod HttpRequestMethod { get; }
    public abstract bool IsSuccess { get; }
    public virtual Uri RequestUri { get; }

    #region Constructor
    /// <summary>
    /// Only used for mocking or other inheritance
    /// </summary>
    protected Response()

    protected Response
    IHeadersCollection headersCollection,
    int statusCode,
    HttpRequestMethod httpRequestMethod,
    byte[] responseData,
    Uri requestUri
        StatusCode = statusCode;
        Headers = headersCollection;
        HttpRequestMethod = httpRequestMethod;
        RequestUri = requestUri;
        _responseData = responseData;

    #region Public Methods
    public virtual byte[] GetResponseData()
        return _responseData;

Full code

HttpClient Implementation

You can use Task.Run to make WebClient run asynchronously in its implementation.

Dependency Injection, when done well helps alleviate the problem of having to make low level decisions upfront. Ultimately, the only way to know the true answer is try both in a live environment and see which one works the best. It's quite possible that WebClient may work better for some customers, and HttpClient may work better for others. This is why abstraction is important. It means that code can quickly be swapped in, or changed with configuration without changing the fundamental design of the app.

BTW: there are numerous other reasons that you should use an abstraction instead of directly calling one of these low-level APIs. One huge one being unit-testability.

Is there a difference between "==" and "is"?

They are completely different. is checks for object identity, while == checks for equality (a notion that depends on the two operands' types).

It is only a lucky coincidence that "is" seems to work correctly with small integers (e.g. 5 == 4+1). That is because CPython optimizes the storage of integers in the range (-5 to 256) by making them singletons. This behavior is totally implementation-dependent and not guaranteed to be preserved under all manner of minor transformative operations.

For example, Python 3.5 also makes short strings singletons, but slicing them disrupts this behavior:

>>> "foo" + "bar" == "foobar"
>>> "foo" + "bar" is "foobar"
>>> "foo"[:] + "bar" == "foobar"
>>> "foo"[:] + "bar" is "foobar"

In .NET, which loop runs faster, 'for' or 'foreach'?

It probably depends on the type of collection you are enumerating and the implementation of its indexer. In general though, using foreach is likely to be a better approach.

Also, it'll work with any IEnumerable - not just things with indexers.

How can I convert a string with dot and comma into a float in Python

What about this?

 my_string = "123,456.908"
 commas_removed = my_string.replace(',', '') # remove comma separation
 my_float = float(commas_removed) # turn from string to float.

In short:

my_float = float(my_string.replace(',', ''))

SessionTimeout: web.xml vs session.maxInactiveInterval()

Now, i'm being told that this will terminate the session (or is it all sessions?) in the 15th minute of use, regardless their activity.

This is wrong. It will just kill the session when the associated client (webbrowser) has not accessed the website for more than 15 minutes. The activity certainly counts, exactly as you initially expected, seeing your attempt to solve this.

The HttpSession#setMaxInactiveInterval() doesn't change much here by the way. It does exactly the same as <session-timeout> in web.xml, with the only difference that you can change/set it programmatically during runtime. The change by the way only affects the current session instance, not globally (else it would have been a static method).

To play around and experience this yourself, try to set <session-timeout> to 1 minute and create a HttpSessionListener like follows:

public class HttpSessionChecker implements HttpSessionListener {

    public void sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent event) {
        System.out.printf("Session ID %s created at %s%n", event.getSession().getId(), new Date());

    public void sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent event) {
        System.out.printf("Session ID %s destroyed at %s%n", event.getSession().getId(), new Date());


(if you're not on Servlet 3.0 yet and thus can't use @WebListener, then register in web.xml as follows):


Note that the servletcontainer won't immediately destroy sessions after exactly the timeout value. It's a background job which runs at certain intervals (e.g. 5~15 minutes depending on load and the servletcontainer make/type). So don't be surprised when you don't see destroyed line in the console immediately after exactly one minute of inactivity. However, when you fire a HTTP request on a timed-out-but-not-destroyed-yet session, it will be destroyed immediately.

See also:

How to print jquery object/array

I was having similar problem and

var dataObj = JSON.parse(data);

console.log(dataObj[0].category); //will return Damskie
console.log(dataObj[1].category); //will return Meskie

This solved my problem. Thanks Selvakumar Arumugam

Update elements in a JSONObject

Use the put method:

JSONObject person =  jsonArray.getJSONObject(0).getJSONObject("person");
person.put("name", "Sammie");

Subversion stuck due to "previous operation has not finished"?

Running console svn cleanup has solved the same problem for me.

Java: Detect duplicates in ArrayList?

Simplest: dump the whole collection into a Set (using the Set(Collection) constructor or Set.addAll), then see if the Set has the same size as the ArrayList.

List<Integer> list = ...;
Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<Integer>(list);

if(set.size() < list.size()){
    /* There are duplicates */

Update: If I'm understanding your question correctly, you have a 2d array of Block, as in

Block table[][];

and you want to detect if any row of them has duplicates?

In that case, I could do the following, assuming that Block implements "equals" and "hashCode" correctly:

for (Block[] row : table) {
   Set set = new HashSet<Block>(); 
   for (Block cell : row) {
   if (set.size() < 6) { //has duplicate

I'm not 100% sure of that for syntax, so it might be safer to write it as

for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
   Set set = new HashSet<Block>(); 
   for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)

Set.add returns a boolean false if the item being added is already in the set, so you could even short circuit and bale out on any add that returns false if all you want to know is whether there are any duplicates.

How do you round a number to two decimal places in C#?

If you'd like a string

> (1.7289).ToString("#.##")

Or a decimal

> Math.Round((Decimal)x, 2)

But remember! Rounding is not distributive, ie. round(x*y) != round(x) * round(y). So don't do any rounding until the very end of a calculation, else you'll lose accuracy.

moment.js - UTC gives wrong date

By default, MomentJS parses in local time. If only a date string (with no time) is provided, the time defaults to midnight.

In your code, you create a local date and then convert it to the UTC timezone (in fact, it makes the moment instance switch to UTC mode), so when it is formatted, it is shifted (depending on your local time) forward or backwards.

If the local timezone is UTC+N (N being a positive number), and you parse a date-only string, you will get the previous date.

Here are some examples to illustrate it (my local time offset is UTC+3 during DST):

>>> moment('07-18-2013', 'MM-DD-YYYY').utc().format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm")
"2013-07-17 21:00"
>>> moment('07-18-2013 12:00', 'MM-DD-YYYY HH:mm').utc().format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm")
"2013-07-18 09:00"
>>> Date()
"Thu Jul 25 2013 14:28:45 GMT+0300 (Jerusalem Daylight Time)"

If you want the date-time string interpreted as UTC, you should be explicit about it:

>>> moment(new Date('07-18-2013 UTC')).utc().format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm")
"2013-07-18 00:00"

or, as Matt Johnson mentions in his answer, you can (and probably should) parse it as a UTC date in the first place using moment.utc() and include the format string as a second argument to prevent ambiguity.

>>> moment.utc('07-18-2013', 'MM-DD-YYYY').format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm")
"2013-07-18 00:00"

To go the other way around and convert a UTC date to a local date, you can use the local() method, as follows:

>>> moment.utc('07-18-2013', 'MM-DD-YYYY').local().format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm")
"2013-07-18 03:00"

Convert double to Int, rounded down

Another option either using Double or double is use Double.valueOf(double d).intValue();. Simple and clean

Plotting power spectrum in python

Since FFT is symmetric over it's centre, half the values are just enough.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fs = 30.0
t = np.arange(0,10,1/fs)
x = np.cos(2*np.pi*10*t)

xF = np.fft.fft(x)
N = len(xF)
xF = xF[0:N/2]
fr = np.linspace(0,fs/2,N/2)


header location not working in my php code

for me just add ob_start(); at the start of the file.

How to run only one task in ansible playbook?

I would love the ability to use a role as a collection of tasks such that, in my playbook, I can choose which subset of tasks to run. Unfortunately, the playbook can only load them all in and then you have to use the --tags option on the cmdline to choose which tasks to run. The problem with this is that all of the tasks will run unless you remember to set --tags or --skip-tags.

I have set up some tasks, however, with a when: clause that will only fire if a var is set.


# role/stuff/tasks/main.yml
- name: do stuff
  when: stuff|default(false)

Now, this task will not fire by default, but only if I set the stuff=true

$ ansible-playbook -e '{"stuff":true}'

or in a playbook:

- {"role":"stuff", "stuff":true}

CS0120: An object reference is required for the nonstatic field, method, or property 'foo'

You start a thread which runs the static method SumData. However, SumData calls SetTextboxText which isn't static. Thus you need an instance of your form to call SetTextboxText.

Turning off hibernate logging console output

For disabling Hibernate:select message in log, it is possible to set the property into HibernateJpaVendorAdapter:

<bean id="jpaVendorAdapter"
    <property name="showSql" value="false"/>

Uploading an Excel sheet and importing the data into SQL Server database

Not sure why the file path is not working, I have some similar code that works fine. But if with two "\" it works, you can always do path = path.Replace(@"\", @"\\");

How to install a Notepad++ plugin offline?

In v7.7, I had to go to Plugins menu and select "Open Plugins Folder..." (which goes to C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins).

I had to create a folder for the plugin and extract the .dll into the folder. For example, create a folder called "JSMinNPP" and place the "JSMinNPP.dll" in that folder. It doesn't work if you put the dll into the plugins folder.

Finally go to Settings --> Import --> Import plugin(s) and import that dll and restart Notepad++.

CSS :selected pseudo class similar to :checked, but for <select> elements

Actually you can only style few CSS properties on :modified option elements. color does not work, background-color either, but you can set a background-image.

You can couple this with gradients to do the trick.

option:checked {_x000D_
  background: linear-gradient(#5A2569, #5A2569);_x000D_

Works on gecko/webkit.

Mocking Logger and LoggerFactory with PowerMock and Mockito

The following is a test class that mocks private static final Logger named log in class LogUtil.

In addition to mocking the getLogger factory call, it is necessary to explicitly set the field using reflection, in @BeforeClass

public class LogUtilTest {

    private static Logger logger;

    private static MockedStatic<LoggerFactory> loggerFactoryMockedStatic;

     * Since {@link LogUtil#log} being a static final variable it is only initialized once at the class load time
     * So assertions are also performed against the same mock {@link LogUtilTest#logger}
    public static void beforeClass() {
        logger = mock(Logger.class);
        loggerFactoryMockedStatic = mockStatic(LoggerFactory.class);
        loggerFactoryMockedStatic.when(() -> LoggerFactory.getLogger(anyString())).thenReturn(logger);
        Whitebox.setInternalState(LogUtil.class, "log", logger);

    public static void after() {

What's better at freeing memory with PHP: unset() or $var = null

It makes a difference with array elements.

Consider this example

$a = array('test' => 1);
$a['test'] = NULL;
echo "Key test ", array_key_exists('test', $a)? "exists": "does not exist";

Here, the key 'test' still exists. However, in this example

$a = array('test' => 1);
echo "Key test ", array_key_exists('test', $a)? "exists": "does not exist";

the key no longer exists.

postgresql duplicate key violates unique constraint

This article explains that your sequence might be out of sync and that you have to manually bring it back in sync.

An excerpt from the article in case the URL changes:

If you get this message when trying to insert data into a PostgreSQL database:

ERROR:  duplicate key violates unique constraint

That likely means that the primary key sequence in the table you're working with has somehow become out of sync, likely because of a mass import process (or something along those lines). Call it a "bug by design", but it seems that you have to manually reset the a primary key index after restoring from a dump file. At any rate, to see if your values are out of sync, run these two commands:

SELECT MAX(the_primary_key) FROM the_table;   
SELECT nextval('the_primary_key_sequence');

If the first value is higher than the second value, your sequence is out of sync. Back up your PG database (just in case), then run thisL

SELECT setval('the_primary_key_sequence', (SELECT MAX(the_primary_key) FROM the_table)+1);

That will set the sequence to the next available value that's higher than any existing primary key in the sequence.

vim line numbers - how to have them on by default?

I did not have a .vimrc file in my home directory. I created one, added this line:

set number

and that solved the problem.

Using an image caption in Markdown Jekyll

You can try to use pandoc as your converter. Here's a jekyll plugin to implement this. Pandoc will be able to add a figure caption the same as your alt attribute automatically.

But you have to push the compiled site because github doesn't allow plugins in Github pages for security.

How can I provide multiple conditions for data trigger in WPF?

Use MultiDataTrigger type

<Style TargetType="ListBoxItem">
      <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding Path=State}" Value="WA">
        <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="Red" />
          <Condition Binding="{Binding Path=Name}" Value="Portland" />
          <Condition Binding="{Binding Path=State}" Value="OR" />
        <Setter Property="Background" Value="Cyan" />

How do I fix the "You don't have write permissions into the /usr/bin directory" error when installing Rails?

Using the -n /usr/local/bin flag does work, BUT I had to come back to this page every time I wanted to update a package again. So I figured out a permanent fix for this.

For those interested in fixing this permanently:

Create a ~/.gemrc file

vim .gemrc

With the following content:

   - ~/.gem/ruby
install: -n /usr/local/bin

Now you can run your command normally without the -n flag.


Autoreload of modules in IPython

If you add file into the ~/.ipython/profile_default directory with lines like below, then the autoreload functionality will be loaded on IPython startup (tested on 2.0.0):

print "--------->>>>>>>> ENABLE AUTORELOAD <<<<<<<<<------------"

c = get_config()
c.InteractiveShellApp.exec_lines = []
c.InteractiveShellApp.exec_lines.append('%load_ext autoreload')
c.InteractiveShellApp.exec_lines.append('%autoreload 2')

jQuery javascript regex Replace <br> with \n

Not really anything to do with jQuery, but if you want to trim a pattern from a string, then use a regular expression:

<textarea id="ta0"></textarea>
<button onclick="
  var ta = document.getElementById('ta0');
  var text = 'some<br>text<br />to<br/>replace';
  var re = /<br *\/?>/gi;
  ta.value = text.replace(re, '\n');
">Add stuff to text area</button>

Getting the first character of a string with $str[0]

It'll vary depending on resources, but you could run the script bellow and see for yourself ;)

$tests = 100000;

for ($i = 0; $i < $tests; $i++)
    $string = md5(rand());
    $position = rand(0, 31);

    $start1 = microtime(true);
    $char1 = $string[$position];
    $end1 = microtime(true);
    $time1[$i] = $end1 - $start1;

    $start2 = microtime(true);
    $char2 = substr($string, $position, 1);
    $end2 = microtime(true);
    $time2[$i] = $end2 - $start2;

    $start3 = microtime(true);
    $char3 = $string{$position};
    $end3 = microtime(true);
    $time3[$i] = $end3 - $start3;

$avg1 = array_sum($time1) / $tests;
echo 'the average float microtime using "array[]" is '. $avg1 . PHP_EOL;

$avg2 = array_sum($time2) / $tests;
echo 'the average float microtime using "substr()" is '. $avg2 . PHP_EOL;

$avg3 = array_sum($time3) / $tests;
echo 'the average float microtime using "array{}" is '. $avg3 . PHP_EOL;

Some reference numbers (on an old CoreDuo machine)

$ php 1.php 
the average float microtime using "array[]" is 1.914701461792E-6
the average float microtime using "substr()" is 2.2536706924438E-6
the average float microtime using "array{}" is 1.821768283844E-6

$ php 1.php 
the average float microtime using "array[]" is 1.7251944541931E-6
the average float microtime using "substr()" is 2.0931363105774E-6
the average float microtime using "array{}" is 1.7225742340088E-6

$ php 1.php 
the average float microtime using "array[]" is 1.7293763160706E-6
the average float microtime using "substr()" is 2.1037721633911E-6
the average float microtime using "array{}" is 1.7249774932861E-6

It seems that using the [] or {} operators is more or less the same.

Selecting multiple items in ListView

It's very simple,

listViewRequests.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {
                public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> adapterView, View view, int i, long l) {
                    **AppCompatCheckedTextView checkBox = (AppCompatCheckedTextView) view;**


'if' in prolog?

You should read Learn Prolog Now! Chapter 10.2 Using Cut. This provides an example:

max(X,Y,Z) :- X =< Y,!, Y = Z.

to be said,

Z is equal to Y IF ! is true (which it always is) AND X is <= Y.

Removing index column in pandas when reading a csv

If your problem is same as mine where you just want to reset the column headers from 0 to column size. Do

df = pd.DataFrame(df.values);


Not a good idea if you have heterogenous data types. Better just use

df.columns = range(len(df.columns))

How to embed images in html email

I would strongly recommend using a library like PHPMailer to send emails.
It's easier and handles most of the issues automatically for you.

Regarding displaying embedded (inline) images, here's what's on their documentation:

Inline Attachments

There is an additional way to add an attachment. If you want to make a HTML e-mail with images incorporated into the desk, it's necessary to attach the image and then link the tag to it. For example, if you add an image as inline attachment with the CID my-photo, you would access it within the HTML e-mail with <img src="cid:my-photo" alt="my-photo" />.

In detail, here is the function to add an inline attachment:

$mail->AddEmbeddedImage(filename, cid, name);
//By using this function with this example's value above, results in this code:
$mail->AddEmbeddedImage('my-photo.jpg', 'my-photo', 'my-photo.jpg ');

To give you a more complete example of how it would work:

$mail = new PHPMailer(true); // the true param means it will throw exceptions on     errors, which we need to catch

$mail->IsSMTP(); // telling the class to use SMTP

try {
  $mail->Host       = ""; // SMTP server
  $mail->Port       = 25;                    // set the SMTP port
  $mail->SetFrom('[email protected]', 'First Last');
  $mail->AddAddress('[email protected]', 'John Doe');
  $mail->Subject = 'PHPMailer Test';

  $mail->AddEmbeddedImage("rocks.png", "my-attach", "rocks.png");
  $mail->Body = 'Your <b>HTML</b> with an embedded Image: <img src="cid:my-attach"> Here is an image!';

  $mail->AddAttachment(''); // this is a regular attachment (Not inline)
  echo "Message Sent OK<p></p>\n";
} catch (phpmailerException $e) {
  echo $e->errorMessage(); //Pretty error messages from PHPMailer
} catch (Exception $e) {
  echo $e->getMessage(); //Boring error messages from anything else!


Regarding your comment, you asked how to send HTML email with embedded images, so I gave you an example of how to do that.
The library I told you about can send emails using a lot of methods other than SMTP.
Take a look at the PHPMailer Example page for other examples.

One way or the other, if you don't want to send the email in the ways supported by the library, you can (should) still use the library to build the message, then you send it the way you want.

For example:

You can replace the line that send the email:


With this:

$mime_message = $mail->CreateBody(); //Retrieve the message content
echo $mime_message; // Echo it to the screen or send it using whatever method you want

Hope that helps. Let me know if you run into trouble using it.

ADB not recognising Nexus 4 under Windows 7

I had the same problem and none of the above worked, but the following solution worked for me:

On my Nexus 4:

  • Go to Settings

  • Choose Developer options (from the end of the list after pressing seven times on "About phone")

  • Check the "USB debugging" and press OK.

How do I print out the value of this boolean? (Java)

There are a couple of ways to address your problem, however this is probably the most straightforward:

Your main method is static, so it does not have access to instance members (isLeapYear field and isLeapYear method. One approach to rectify this is to make both the field and the method static as well:

static boolean isLeapYear;
/* (snip) */
public static boolean isLeapYear(int year)
  /* (snip) */

Lastly, you're not actually calling your isLeapYear method (which is why you're not seeing any results). Add this line after int year = kboard.nextInt();:


That should be a start. There are some other best practices you could follow but for now just focus on getting your code to work; you can refactor later.

Is there a better way to do optional function parameters in JavaScript?

The test for undefined is unnecessary and isn't as robust as it could be because, as user568458 pointed out, the solution provided fails if null or false is passed. Users of your API might think false or null would force the method to avoid that parameter.

function PaulDixonSolution(required, optionalArg){
   optionalArg = (typeof optionalArg === "undefined") ? "defaultValue" : optionalArg;
PaulDixonSolution("required", "provided");
PaulDixonSolution("required", null);
PaulDixonSolution("required", false);

The result is:


Those last two are potentially bad. Instead try:

function bulletproof(required, optionalArg){
   optionalArg = optionalArg ? optionalArg : "defaultValue";;
bulletproof("required", "provided");
bulletproof("required", null);
bulletproof("required", false);

Which results in:


The only scenario where this isn't optimal is when you actually have optional parameters that are meant to be booleans or intentional null.

Convert String array to ArrayList

Using Collections#addAll()

String[] words = {"ace","boom","crew","dog","eon"};
List<String> arrayList = new ArrayList<>(); 
Collections.addAll(arrayList, words); 

How do I remove all HTML tags from a string without knowing which tags are in it?

You can parse the string using Html Agility pack and get the InnerText.

    HtmlDocument htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument();
    htmlDoc.LoadHtml(@"<b> Hulk Hogan's Celebrity Championship Wrestling &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color=\"#228b22\">[Proj # 206010]</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (Reality Series, &nbsp;)");
    string result = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.InnerText;

Execution sequence of Group By, Having and Where clause in SQL Server?

Having Clause may come prior/before the group by clause.

Example: select * FROM test_std; ROLL_NO SNAME DOB TEACH

     1 John       27-AUG-18 Wills     
     2 Knit       27-AUG-18 Prestion  
     3 Perl       27-AUG-18 Wills     
     4 Ohrm       27-AUG-18 Woods     
     5 Smith      27-AUG-18 Charmy    
     6 Jony       27-AUG-18 Wills     
       Warner     20-NOV-18 Wills     
       Marsh      12-NOV-18 Langer    
       FINCH      18-OCT-18 Langer    

9 rows selected.

select teach, count() count from test_std having count() > 1 group by TEACH ;


Langer 2 Wills 4

How to define the basic HTTP authentication using cURL correctly?

curl -u username:password http://
curl -u username http://

From the documentation page:

-u, --user <user:password>

Specify the user name and password to use for server authentication. Overrides -n, --netrc and --netrc-optional.

If you simply specify the user name, curl will prompt for a password.

The user name and passwords are split up on the first colon, which makes it impossible to use a colon in the user name with this option. The password can, still.

When using Kerberos V5 with a Windows based server you should include the Windows domain name in the user name, in order for the server to succesfully obtain a Kerberos Ticket. If you don't then the initial authentication handshake may fail.

When using NTLM, the user name can be specified simply as the user name, without the domain, if there is a single domain and forest in your setup for example.

To specify the domain name use either Down-Level Logon Name or UPN (User Principal Name) formats. For example, EXAMPLE\user and [email protected] respectively.

If you use a Windows SSPI-enabled curl binary and perform Kerberos V5, Negotiate, NTLM or Digest authentication then you can tell curl to select the user name and password from your environment by specifying a single colon with this option: "-u :".

If this option is used several times, the last one will be used.

Note that you do not need --basic flag as it is the default.

In Windows cmd, how do I prompt for user input and use the result in another command?

You can try also with userInput.bat which uses the html input element.

enter image description here

This will assign the input to the value jstackId:

call userInput.bat jstackId
echo %jstackId%

This will just print the input value which eventually you can capture with FOR /F :

call userInput.bat

get path for my .exe


How to change onClick handler dynamically?


$('#foo').click(function() { alert('foo'); });

Or if you don't want it to follow the link href:

$('#foo').click(function() { alert('foo'); return false; });

PHP executable not found. Install PHP 7 and add it to your PATH or set the php.executablePath setting

For me it was important to delete the "php.executablePath" path from the VS code settings and leave only the path to PHP in the Path variable.

When I had the Path variable together with php.executablePath, an irritating error still occurred (despite the fact that the path to php was correct).

How to reenable event.preventDefault?

$('form').submit( function(e){


     //later you decide you want to submit
     $(this).trigger('submit');     or     $(this).trigger('anyEvent');

How to delete an object by id with entity framework

I am using the following code in one of my projects:

    using (var _context = new DBContext(new DbContextOptions<DBContext>()))
            _context.MyItems.Remove(new MyItem() { MyItemId = id });
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
        catch (Exception ex)
            if (!_context.MyItems.Any(i => i.MyItemId == id))
                return NotFound();
                throw ex;

This way, it will query the database twice only if an exception occurs when trying to remove the item with the specified ID. Then if the item is not found, it returns a meaningful message; otherwise, it just throws the exception back (you can handle this in a way more fit to your case using different catch blocks for different exception types, add more custom checks using if blocks etc.).

[I am using this code in a MVC .Net Core/.Net Core project with Entity Framework Core.]

How to run wget inside Ubuntu Docker image?

You need to install it first. Create a new Dockerfile, and install wget in it:

FROM ubuntu:14.04
RUN  apt-get update \
  && apt-get install -y wget \
  && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

Then, build that image:

docker build -t my-ubuntu .

Finally, run it:

docker run my-ubuntu wget

Remove git mapping in Visual Studio 2015

I spent some time to remove the git integration from my visual studio 2015 project. any time i remove git from visual studio, and add TFS by following this -- Tools -> option -> sourceControl -> plugin selection -> Visual Studio Team foundation server, it used to come back.

My solution was -

making the physical location of my project- Show all hidden files. you can do this by show hidden files and folder option of windows. then i realize, there was a hidden folder called .git something. I kept a full back up of my project folder and also the git folder any other back up that necessary (I kept this back up incase my project breaks, so that i can go back to previous condition).

then i have deleted the hidden .git folder and any other .git related files.

then i try to Tools -> option -> sourceControl -> plugin selection -> Visual Studio Team foundation server. then i open the project by visual studio- File -> open -> project/solution..

after that i noiticed in solution explorer , right clicking the solution namei see "Source control" option , and also in project - right click i see "Add soution to source control".. and this time it didn't add solution to git..

also it is good to remove any git connection from your source control exploerer..if there is any..

so the main thing is that make sure there is no hidden git file in your project file and any other git extension.. hope this will be helpful to someone..