Programs & Examples On #Dsss

'negative' pattern matching in python

See it in action:

matchObj ="^(?!OK|\\.).*", item)

Don't forget to put .* after negative look-ahead, otherwise you couldn't get any match ;-)

Drop primary key using script in SQL Server database

The answer I got is that variables and subqueries will not work and we have to user dynamic SQL script. The following works:

SET @SQL = 'ALTER TABLE dbo.Student DROP CONSTRAINT |ConstraintName| '

SET @SQL = REPLACE(@SQL, '|ConstraintName|', ( SELECT   name
                                               FROM     sysobjects
                                               WHERE    xtype = 'PK'
                                                        AND parent_obj =        OBJECT_ID('Student')))


What is the "right" way to iterate through an array in Ruby?

Use each_with_index when you need both.

ary.each_with_index { |val, idx| # ...

mysql Foreign key constraint is incorrectly formed error

I had the same issue with Symfony 2.8.

I didn't get it at first, because there were no similar problems with int length of foreign keys etc.

Finally I had to do the following in the project folder. (A server restart didn't help!)

app/console doctrine:cache:clear-metadata app/console doctrine:cache:clear-query app/console doctrine:cache:clear-result

Testing Private method using mockito

Not possible through mockito. From their wiki

Why Mockito doesn't mock private methods?

Firstly, we are not dogmatic about mocking private methods. We just don't care about private methods because from the standpoint of testing private methods don't exist. Here are a couple of reasons Mockito doesn't mock private methods:

It requires hacking of classloaders that is never bullet proof and it changes the api (you must use custom test runner, annotate the class, etc.).

It is very easy to work around - just change the visibility of method from private to package-protected (or protected).

It requires me to spend time implementing & maintaining it. And it does not make sense given point #2 and a fact that it is already implemented in different tool (powermock).

Finally... Mocking private methods is a hint that there is something wrong with OO understanding. In OO you want objects (or roles) to collaborate, not methods. Forget about pascal & procedural code. Think in objects.

Java, Check if integer is multiple of a number

Use modulo

whenever a number x is a multiple of some number y, then always x % y equal to 0, which can be used as a check. So use

if (j % 4 == 0) 

Fatal error: Class 'SoapClient' not found

I had to run

php-config --configure-options --enable-soap 

as root and restart apache.

That worked! Now my phpinfo() call shows the SOAP section.

How can I capitalize the first letter of each word in a string using JavaScript?

/* 1. Transform your string into lower case
   2. Split your string into an array. Notice the white space I'm using for the separator
   3. Iterate the new array, and assign the current iteration value (array[c]) a new formatted string:
      - With the sentence: array[c][0].toUpperCase() the first letter of the string converts to upper case.
      - With the sentence: array[c].substring(1) we get the rest of the string (from the second letter index to the last one).
      - The "add" (+) character is for concatenate both strings.
   4. return array.join(' ') // Returns the formatted array like a new string. */

function titleCase(str){
    str = str.toLowerCase();
    var array = str.split(' ');
    for(var c = 0; c < array.length; c++){
        array[c] = array[c][0].toUpperCase() + array[c].substring(1);
    return array.join(' ');

titleCase("I'm a little tea pot");

C# Equivalent of SQL Server DataTypes

SQL Server and the .NET Framework are based on different type systems. For example, the .NET Framework Decimal structure has a maximum scale of 28, whereas the SQL Server decimal and numeric data types have a maximum scale of 38. Click Here's a link! for detail

Reshaping data.frame from wide to long format

reshape() takes a while to get used to, just as melt/cast. Here is a solution with reshape, assuming your data frame is called d:

        direction = "long",
        varying = list(names(d)[3:7]),
        v.names = "Value",
        idvar = c("Code", "Country"),
        timevar = "Year",
        times = 1950:1954)

WordPress Get the Page ID outside the loop

If you're on a page and this does not work:

$page_object = get_queried_object();
$page_id     = get_queried_object_id();

you can try to build the permalink manually with PHP so you can lookup the post ID:

// get or make permalink
$url = !empty(get_the_permalink()) ? get_the_permalink() : (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? "https" : "http") . "://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]";
$permalink = strtok($url, '?');

// get post_id using url/permalink
$post_id = url_to_postid($url);

// want the post or postmeta? use get_post() or get_post_meta()
$post = get_post($post_id);
$postmeta = get_post_meta($post_id);

It may not catch every possible permalink (especially since I'm stripping out the query string), but you can modify it to fit your use case.

T-SQL CASE Clause: How to specify WHEN NULL

NULL does not equal anything. The case statement is basically saying when the value = NULL .. it will never hit.
There are also several system stored procedures that are written incorrectly with your syntax. See sp_addpullsubscription_agent and sp_who2.
Wish I knew how to notify Microsoft of those mistakes as I'm not able to change the system stored procs.

How do I create a simple 'Hello World' module in Magento?

I was trying to make my module from magaplaza hello world tutorial, but something went wrong. I imported code of this module from github and it worked. from that module, i created it a categories subcategories ajax select drop downs Module. After installing it in aap/code directory of your magento2 installation follow this URL.. You can download its code from here and place it in your aap/code folder. than run these commands...

php bin/magento setup:update
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
php bin/magento c:c

Now you can check module functionality with following URL http://{{}}/hello_mvvm/hello/world

How do I zip two arrays in JavaScript?

Zip Arrays of same length:


const zip = (a, b) =>, i) => [k, b[i]]);

console.log(zip([1,2,3], ["a","b","c"]));
// [[1, "a"], [2, "b"], [3, "c"]]

Zip Arrays of different length:

Using Array.from()

const zip = (a, b) => Array.from(Array(Math.max(b.length, a.length)), (_, i) => [a[i], b[i]]);

console.log( zip([1,2,3], ["a","b","c","d"]) );
// [[1, "a"], [2, "b"], [3, "c"], [undefined, "d"]]

Using Array.prototype.fill() and

const zip = (a, b) => Array(Math.max(b.length, a.length)).fill().map((_,i) => [a[i], b[i]]);

console.log(zip([1,2,3], ["a","b","c","d"]));
// [[1, "a"], [2, "b"], [3, "c"], [undefined, 'd']]

Complex JSON nesting of objects and arrays

Make sure you follow the language definition for JSON. In your second example, the section:


Is invalid since an object must be composed of zero or more key-value pairs "a" : "b", where "b" may be any valid value. Some parsers may automatically interpret { "" } to be { "" : null }, but this is not a clearly defined case.

Also, you are using a nested array of objects [{}] quite a bit. I would only do this if:

  1. There is no good "identifier" string for each object in the array.
  2. There is some clear reason for having an array over a key-value for that entry.

Find child element in AngularJS directive

jQlite (angular's "jQuery" port) doesn't support lookup by classes.

One solution would be to include jQuery in your app.

Another is using QuerySelector or QuerySelectorAll:

link: function(scope, element, attrs) {

We use the first item in the element array, which is the HTML element. element.eq(0) would yield the same.


Detect changed input text box

try keyup instead of change.

<script type="text/javascript">
   $(document).ready(function () {
       $('#inputDatabaseName').keyup(function () { alert('test'); });

Here's the official jQuery documentation for .keyup().

Delete file from internal storage

String dir = getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath();
File f0 = new File(dir, "myFile");
boolean d0 = f0.delete(); 
Log.w("Delete Check", "File deleted: " + dir + "/myFile " + d0);

The code File dir = getFilesDir(); doesn't work because this is a request for a File object. You're trying to retrieve the String that declares the path to your directory, so you need to declare 'dir' as a String, and then request that the directory's absolute path in String form be returned by the constructor that has access to that information.

How to verify Facebook access token?

The officially supported method for this is:


See the check token docs for more information.

An example response is:

    "data": {
        "app_id": 138483919580948, 
        "application": "Social Cafe", 
        "expires_at": 1352419328, 
        "is_valid": true, 
        "issued_at": 1347235328, 
        "metadata": {
            "sso": "iphone-safari"
        "scopes": [
        "user_id": 1207059

How do I parse JSON with Ruby on Rails?

RUBY is case sensitive.

require 'json' # json must be lower case

JSON.parse(<json object>)  

for example

JSON.parse(response.body) # JSON must be all upper-case

How to easily map c++ enums to strings

Auto-generate one form from another.


enum {
  VALUE1, /* value 1 */
  VALUE2, /* value 2 */


const char* enum2str[] = {
  "value 1", /* VALUE1 */
  "value 2", /* VALUE2 */

If enum values are large then a generated form could use unordered_map<> or templates as suggested by Constantin.


enum State{
  state0 = 0, /* state 0 */
  state1 = 1, /* state 1 */
  state2 = 2, /* state 2 */
  state3 = 4, /* state 3 */

  state16 = 0x10000, /* state 16 */


template <State n> struct enum2str { static const char * const value; };
template <State n> const char * const enum2str<n>::value = "error";

template <> struct enum2str<state0> { static const char * const value; };
const char * const enum2str<state0>::value = "state 0";


#include <iostream>

int main()
  std::cout << enum2str<state16>::value << std::endl;
  return 0;

Default nginx client_max_body_size

You can increase body size in nginx configuration file as

sudo nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

client_max_body_size 100M;

Restart nginx to apply the changes.

sudo service nginx restart

How to retrieve a single file from a specific revision in Git?

Get the file from a previous commit through checking-out previous commit and copying file.

  • Note which branch you are on: git branch
  • Checkout the previous commit you want: git checkout 27cf8e84bb88e24ae4b4b3df2b77aab91a3735d8
  • Copy the file you want to a temporary location
  • Checkout the branch you started from: git checkout theBranchYouNoted
  • Copy in the file you placed in a temporary location
  • Commit your change to git: git commit -m "added file ?? from previous commit"

Send cookies with curl

Very annoying, no cookie file exmpale on the official website

Finnaly, I find it does not work, if your file content is just copyied like this


I gusess the format must looks the style said by @Agustí Sánchez . You can test it by -c to create a cookie file on a website.

So try this way, it works

curl -H "Cookie:`cat ./my.cookie`"

You can just copy the cookie from chrome console network tab.

jackson deserialization json to java-objects

It looks like you are trying to read an object from JSON that actually describes an array. Java objects are mapped to JSON objects with curly braces {} but your JSON actually starts with square brackets [] designating an array.

What you actually have is a List<product> To describe generic types, due to Java's type erasure, you must use a TypeReference. Your deserialization could read: myProduct = objectMapper.readValue(productJson, new TypeReference<List<product>>() {});

A couple of other notes: your classes should always be PascalCased. Your main method can just be public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception which saves you all the useless catch blocks.

Filter an array using a formula (without VBA)

This will do it if you only want the first "B" value, you can sub a cell address for "B" if you want to make it more generic.


To use this based on two columns, just concatenate inside the match:


How do you loop in a Windows batch file?

Try this code:

@echo off
color 02
set num1=0
set num2=1 
set terminator=5
set /a num1= %num1% + %num2%
if %num1%==%terminator% goto close
goto open
echo %num1%
echo %num1%
goto loop

num1 is the number to be incremented and num2 is the value added to num1 and terminator is the value where the num1 will end. You can indicate different value for terminator in this statement (if %num1%==%terminator% goto close). This is the boolean expression goto close is the process if the boolean is true and goto open is the process if the boolean is false.

Show git diff on file in staging area

You can show changes that have been staged with the --cached flag:

$ git diff --cached

In more recent versions of git, you can also use the --staged flag (--staged is a synonym for --cached):

$ git diff --staged

Are there any free Xml Diff/Merge tools available?

KDiff3 is not XML specific, but it is free. It does a nice job of comparing and merging text files.

How to change the pop-up position of the jQuery DatePicker control

This works for me:

beforeShow: function(input, inst) {
    var $this = $(this);
    var cal = inst.dpDiv;
    var top = $this.offset().top + $this.outerHeight();
    var left = $this.offset().left;

    setTimeout(function() {
            'top': top,
            'left': left
    }, 10);

Formatting Numbers by padding with leading zeros in SQL Server

In my version of SQL I can't use REPLICATE. SO I did this:

    CONCAT(REPEAT('0', 6-LENGTH(emplyeeID)), emplyeeID) AS emplyeeID 

SSH Port forwarding in a ~/.ssh/config file?

You can use the LocalForward directive in your host yam section of ~/.ssh/config:

LocalForward 5901

Why does sed not replace all occurrences?

You should add the g modifier so that sed performs a global substitution of the contents of the pattern buffer:

echo dog dog dos | sed -e 's:dog:log:g'

For a fantastic documentation on sed, check This global flag is explained here:

The official documentation for GNU sed is available at

How to trap on UIViewAlertForUnsatisfiableConstraints?

Followed Stephen's advice and tried to debug the code and whoa! it worked. The answer lies in the debug message itself.

Will attempt to recover by breaking constraint NSLayoutConstraint:0x191f0920 H:[MPKnockoutButton:0x17a876b0]-(34)-[MPDetailSlider:0x17a8bc50](LTR)>

The line above tells you that the runtime worked by removing this constraint. May be you don't need Horizontal Spacing on your button (MPKnockoutButton). Once you clear this constraint, it won't complain at runtime & you would get the desired behaviour.

When should you NOT use a Rules Engine?

I don't really understand some points such as :
a) business people needs to understand business very well, or;
b) disagreement on business people don't need to know the rule.

For me, as a people just touching BRE, the benefit of BRE is so called to let system adapt to business change, hence it's focused on adaptive of change.
Does it matter if the rule set up at time x is different from the rule set up at time y because of:
a) business people don't understand business, or;
b) business people don't understand rules?

How to position a table at the center of div horizontally & vertically

Centering is one of the biggest issues in CSS. However, some tricks exist:

To center your table horizontally, you can set left and right margin to auto:

  #test {
  table {
    margin: 0 auto; /* or margin: 0 auto 0 auto */

To center it vertically, the only way is to use javascript:

var tableMarginTop = Math.round( (testHeight - tableHeight) / 2 );
$('table').css('margin-top', tableMarginTop) # with jQuery
$$('table')[0].setStyle('margin-top', tableMarginTop) # with Mootools

No vertical-align:middle is possible as a table is a block and not an inline element.


Here is a website that sums up CSS centering solutions:

SVN 405 Method Not Allowed

My guess is that the folder you are trying to add already exists in SVN. You can confirm by checking out the files to a different folder and see if trunk already has the required folder.

Center the content inside a column in Bootstrap 4

2020 : Similar Issue

If your content is a set of buttons that you want to center on a page, then wrap them in a row and use justify-content-center.

Sample code below:

<div class="row justify-content-center">

    <button>Action A</button>
    <button>Action B</button>
    <button>Action C</button> 


How to detect the screen resolution with JavaScript?

Using jQuery you can do:


Change Git repository directory location.

I use Visual Studio git plugin, and I have some websites running on IIS I wanted to move. A simple way that worked for me:

  1. Close Visual Studio.

  2. Move the code (including git folder, etc)

  3. Click on the solution file from the new location

This refreshes the mapping to the new location, using the existing local git files that were moved. Once i was back in Visual Studio, my Team Explorer window showed the repos in the new location.

ERROR 1067 (42000): Invalid default value for 'created_at'

As mentioned in @Bernd Buffen's answer. This is issue with MariaDB 5.5, I simple upgrade MariaDB 5.5 to MariaDB 10.1 and issue resolved.

Here Steps to upgrade MariaDB 5.5 into MariaDB 10.1 at CentOS 7 (64-Bit)

  1. Add following lines to MariaDB repo.

    nano /etc/yum.repos.d/mariadb.repo and paste the following lines.

name = MariaDB
baseurl =

  1. Stop MariaDB, if already running service mariadb stop
  2. Perform update

    yum update

  3. Starting MariaDB & Performing Upgrade

    service mariadb start


Everything Done.

Check MariaDB version: mysql -V

NOTE: Please always take backup of Database(s) before performing upgrades. Data can be lost if upgrade failed or something went wrong.

Trying to check if username already exists in MySQL database using PHP



$query = "SELECT username FROM Users WHERE username='".$username."'";


   if (mysql_num_rows($query) != 0)
     echo "Username already exists";


jquery function setInterval

// simple example using the concept of setInterval

var g = $('.jumping');
function blink(){
  g.animate({ 'left':'50px' 

How to install gem from GitHub source?

Try the specific_install gem it allows you you to install a gem from its github repository (like 'edge'), or from an arbitrary URL. Very usefull for forking gems and hacking on them on multiple machines and such.

gem install specific_install
gem specific_install -l <url to a github gem>


gem specific_install 

How do you install and run Mocha, the Node.js testing module? Getting "mocha: command not found" after install

After further reading, and confirmation from Linus G Thiel above, I found I simply had to,

  • Downgrade to Node.js 0.6.12
  • And either,
    • Install Mocha as global
    • Add ./node_modules/.bin to my PATH

How to use execvp()

In cpp, you need to pay special attention to string types when using execvp:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
using namespace std;

const size_t MAX_ARGC = 15; // 1 command + # of arguments
char* argv[MAX_ARGC + 1]; // Needs +1 because of the null terminator at the end
// c_str() converts string to const char*, strdup converts const char* to char*
argv[0] = strdup(command.c_str());

// start filling up the arguments after the first command
size_t arg_i = 1;
while (cin && arg_i < MAX_ARGC) {
    string arg;
    cin >> arg;
    if (arg.empty()) {
        argv[arg_i] = nullptr;
    } else {
        argv[arg_i] = strdup(arg.c_str());

// Run the command with arguments
if (execvp(command.c_str(), argv) == -1) {
    // Print error if command not found
    cerr << "command '" << command << "' not found\n";

Reference: execlp?execvp?????

Angular2 If ngModel is used within a form tag, either the name attribute must be set or the form

<select name="country" formControlName="country" id="country" 
       class="formcontrol form-control-element" [(ngModel)]="country">
   <option value="90">Turkey</option>
   <option value="1">USA</option>
   <option value="30">Greece</option>

Those are the three things need to use ngModel inside a formGroup directive.

Note that same name should be used.

Form Submission without page refresh

The problem is the Method 'POST' your form is submitting by using the "post" method, and in the AJAX you are using "GET".

Get column value length, not column max length of value

LENGTH() does return the string length (just verified). I suppose that your data is padded with blanks - try

SELECT typ, LENGTH(TRIM(t1.typ))


As OraNob mentioned, another cause could be that CHAR is used in which case LENGTH() would also return the column width, not the string length. However, the TRIM() approach also works in this case.

Using JQuery to check if no radio button in a group has been checked

if ($("input[name='html_elements']:checked").size()==0) {
   alert('Nothing is checked!');
else {
  alert('One of the radio buttons is checked!');

How to document Python code using Doxygen

An other very good documentation tool is sphinx. It will be used for the upcoming python 2.6 documentation and is used by django and a lot of other python projects.

From the sphinx website:

  • Output formats: HTML (including Windows HTML Help) and LaTeX, for printable PDF versions
  • Extensive cross-references: semantic markup and automatic links for functions, classes, glossary terms and similar pieces of information
  • Hierarchical structure: easy definition of a document tree, with automatic links to siblings, parents and children
  • Automatic indices: general index as well as a module index
  • Code handling: automatic highlighting using the Pygments highlighter
  • Extensions: automatic testing of code snippets, inclusion of docstrings from Python modules, and more

Connect to docker container as user other than root

This solved my use case that is: "Compile webpack stuff in nodejs container on Windows running Docker Desktop with WSL2 and have the built assets under your currently logged in user."

docker run -u 1000 -v "$PWD":/build -w /build node:10.23 /bin/sh -c 'npm install && npm run build'

Based on the answer by eigenfield. Thank you!

Also this material helped me understand what is going on.

How does HTTP file upload work?

I have this sample Java Code:

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;

public class TestClass {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        ServerSocket socket = new ServerSocket(8081);
        Socket accept = socket.accept();
        InputStream inputStream = accept.getInputStream();

        InputStreamReader inputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(inputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
        char readChar;
        while ((readChar = (char) != -1) {


and I have this test.html file:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>File Upload!</title>
<form method="post" action="http://localhost:8081" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input type="file" name="file" id="file">
    <input type="submit">

and finally the file I will be using for testing purposes, named a.dat has the following content:

0x39 0x69 0x65

if you interpret the bytes above as ASCII or UTF-8 characters, they will actually will be representing:


So let 's run our Java Code, open up test.html in our favorite browser, upload a.dat and submit the form and see what our server receives:

Host: localhost:8081
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 196
Cache-Control: max-age=0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8
Origin: null
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/48.0.2564.97 Safari/537.36
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary06f6g54NVbSieT6y
DNT: 1
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: en,en-US;q=0.8,tr;q=0.6
Cookie: JSESSIONID=27D0A0637A0449CF65B3CB20F40048AF

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="a.dat"
Content-Type: application/octet-stream


Well I am not surprised to see the characters 9ie because we told Java to print them treating them as UTF-8 characters. You may as well choose to read them as raw bytes..

Cookie: JSESSIONID=27D0A0637A0449CF65B3CB20F40048AF 

is actually the last HTTP Header here. After that comes the HTTP Body, where meta and contents of the file we uploaded actually can be seen.

How to change the ROOT application?

Ultimate way to change tomcat root application. Tested on Tomcat 7 and 8.

  1. Move to the tomcat webapps directory:

    Example on my machine: ~/stack/apache-tomcat/webapps

  2. Rename, replace or delete ROOT folder. My advice is renaming or create a copy for backup. Example rename ROOT to RENAMED_ROOT:


  3. Move war file with your application to tomcat webapps directory (its a directory where was old ROOT folder, on my machine: ~/stack/apache-tomcat/webapps)

War file must have a name ROOT.war. Rename your aplication if it's need: yourApplicationName.war -> ROOT.war

  1. Restart tomcat. After restart your application will be a root.

IEnumerable vs List - What to Use? How do they work?

There are many cases (such as an infinite list or a very large list) where IEnumerable cannot be transformed to a List. The most obvious examples are all the prime numbers, all the users of facebook with their details, or all the items on ebay.

The difference is that "List" objects are stored "right here and right now", whereas "IEnumerable" objects work "just one at a time". So if I am going through all the items on ebay, one at a time would be something even a small computer can handle, but ".ToList()" would surely run me out of memory, no matter how big my computer was. No computer can by itself contain and handle such a huge amount of data.

[Edit] - Needless to say - it's not "either this or that". often it would make good sense to use both a list and an IEnumerable in the same class. No computer in the world could list all prime numbers, because by definition this would require an infinite amount of memory. But you could easily think of a class PrimeContainer which contains an IEnumerable<long> primes, which for obvious reasons also contains a SortedList<long> _primes. all the primes calculated so far. the next prime to be checked would only be run against the existing primes (up to the square root). That way you gain both - primes one at a time (IEnumerable) and a good list of "primes so far", which is a pretty good approximation of the entire (infinite) list.

What is the difference between up-casting and down-casting with respect to class variable

I know this question asked quite long time ago but for the new users of this question. Please read this article where contains complete description on upcasting, downcasting and use of instanceof operator

  • There's no need to upcast manually, it happens on its own:

    Mammal m = (Mammal)new Cat(); equals to Mammal m = new Cat();

  • But downcasting must always be done manually:

    Cat c1 = new Cat();      
    Animal a = c1;      //automatic upcasting to Animal
    Cat c2 = (Cat) a;    //manual downcasting back to a Cat

Why is that so, that upcasting is automatical, but downcasting must be manual? Well, you see, upcasting can never fail. But if you have a group of different Animals and want to downcast them all to a Cat, then there's a chance, that some of these Animals are actually Dogs, and process fails, by throwing ClassCastException. This is where is should introduce an useful feature called "instanceof", which tests if an object is instance of some Class.

 Cat c1 = new Cat();         
    Animal a = c1;       //upcasting to Animal
    if(a instanceof Cat){ // testing if the Animal is a Cat
        System.out.println("It's a Cat! Now i can safely downcast it to a Cat, without a fear of failure.");        
        Cat c2 = (Cat)a;

For more information please read this article

PowerShell - Start-Process and Cmdline Switches

I've found using cmd works well as an alternative, especially when you need to pipe the output from the called application (espeically when it doesn't have built in logging, unlike msbuild)

cmd /C "$msbuild $args" >> $outputfile

Tensorflow installation error: not a supported wheel on this platform

After activating the virtualenv, be sure to upgrade pip to the latest version.

(your_virtual_env)$  pip install --upgrade pip

And now you'll be able to install tensor-flow correctly (for linux):

(your_virtual_env)$  pip install --upgrade

Script to Change Row Color when a cell changes text

user2532030's answer is the correct and most simple answer.

I just want to add, that in the case, where the value of the determining cell is not suitable for a RegEx-match, I found the following syntax to work the same, only with numerical values, relations et.c.:

[Custom formula is]
=$B$2:$B = "Complete"
Range: A2:Z1000

If column 2 of any row (row 2 in script, but the leading $ means, this could be any row) textually equals "Complete", do X for the Range of the entire sheet (excluding header row (i.e. starting from A2 instead of A1)).

But obviously, this method allows also for numerical operations (even though this does not apply for op's question), like:

=$B$2:$B > $C$2:$C

So, do stuff, if the value of col B in any row is higher than col C value.

One last thing: Most likely, this applies only to me, but I was stupid enough to repeatedly forget to choose Custom formula is in the drop-down, leaving it at Text contains. Obviously, this won't float...

How do I get my Maven Integration tests to run

The Maven build lifecycle now includes the "integration-test" phase for running integration tests, which are run separately from the unit tests run during the "test" phase. It runs after "package", so if you run "mvn verify", "mvn install", or "mvn deploy", integration tests will be run along the way.

By default, integration-test runs test classes named **/IT*.java, **/*, and **/*, but this can be configured.

For details on how to wire this all up, see the Failsafe plugin, the Failsafe usage page (not correctly linked from the previous page as I write this), and also check out this Sonatype blog post.

Changing the "tick frequency" on x or y axis in matplotlib?

if you just want to set the spacing a simple one liner with minimal boilerplate:


also works easily for minor ticks:


a bit of a mouthfull, but pretty compact

get everything between <tag> and </tag> with php

You can also try:

function getTagValue($string, $tag)
    $pattern = "/<{$tag}>(.*?)<\/{$tag}>/s";
    preg_match($pattern, $string, $matches);
    return isset($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : '';

It returns empty string in case of no match.

WebSockets and Apache proxy : how to configure mod_proxy_wstunnel?

Instead of filtering by URL, you can also filter by HTTP header. This configuration will work for any web applications that use websockets, also if they are not using

<VirtualHost *:80>

  RewriteEngine On
  RewriteCond %{HTTP:Upgrade} =websocket [NC]
  RewriteRule /(.*)           ws://localhost:3001/$1 [P,L]
  RewriteCond %{HTTP:Upgrade} !=websocket [NC]
  RewriteRule /(.*)           http://localhost:3001/$1 [P,L]

  ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:3001/

Using "label for" on radio buttons

You almost got it. It should be this:

<input type="radio" name="group1" id="r1" value="1" />_x000D_
<label for="r1"> button one</label>

The value in for should be the id of the element you are labeling.

Get JavaScript object from array of objects by value of property

Try Array filter method for filter the array of objects with property.

var jsObjects = [
   {a: 1, b: 2}, 
   {a: 3, b: 4}, 
   {a: 5, b: 6}, 
   {a: 7, b: 8}

using array filter method:

var filterObj = jsObjects.filter(function(e) {
  return e.b == 6;

using for in loop :

for (var i in jsObjects) {
  if (jsObjects[i].b == 6) {
    console.log(jsObjects[i]); // {a: 5, b: 6}

Working fiddle :

Is it possible to open developer tools console in Chrome on Android phone?

When you don't have a PC on hand, you could use Eruda, which is devtools for mobile browsers
It is provided as embeddable javascript and also a bookmarklet (pasting bookmarklet in chrome removes the javascript: prefix, so you have to type it yourself)

CodeIgniter 404 Page Not Found, but why?

In my case I was using it on localhost and forgot to change RewriteBase in .htaccess.

Get selected option from select element

To know number of selected elements use

$("select option:selected").length

To Get the value of all selected elements use

    var str = "";
  $("select option:selected").each(function () {
        str += $(this).text() + " ";

How do I set a cookie on HttpClient's HttpRequestMessage

Here's how you could set a custom cookie value for the request:

var baseAddress = new Uri("");
var cookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
using (var handler = new HttpClientHandler() { CookieContainer = cookieContainer })
using (var client = new HttpClient(handler) { BaseAddress = baseAddress })
    var content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new[]
        new KeyValuePair<string, string>("foo", "bar"),
        new KeyValuePair<string, string>("baz", "bazinga"),
    cookieContainer.Add(baseAddress, new Cookie("CookieName", "cookie_value"));
    var result = await client.PostAsync("/test", content);

How can I check which version of Angular I'm using?

There are many way, you check angular version Just pent the comand prompt(for windows) and type

1. ng version
2. ng v
3. ng -v

check the angular version using comand line

4. You can pakage.json file

check the angular version on pakage.json file

5.You can check in browser by presing F12 then goto elements tab

check the angular version on your browser

Full understanding of subversion about(x.x.x) please see angular documentation angularJS and angular 2+

If statement in aspx page


  if (condition)

  If [Condition] Then
  End If

If else examples with source code... If..else in Asp.Net


How to display my application's errors in JSF?

I tried this as a best guess, but no luck:

It looks right to me. Have you tried setting a message severity explicitly? Also I believe the ID needs to be the same as that of a component (i.e., you'd need to use newPassword1 or newPassword2, if those are your IDs, and not newPassword as you had in the example).

                    new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "Error Message"));

Then use <h:message for="newPassword1" /> to display the error message on the JSF page.

Wipe data/Factory reset through ADB

After a lot of digging around I finally ended up downloading the source code of the recovery section of Android. Turns out you can actually send commands to the recovery.

 * The arguments which may be supplied in the recovery.command file:
 *   --send_intent=anystring - write the text out to recovery.intent
 *   --update_package=path - verify install an OTA package file
 *   --wipe_data - erase user data (and cache), then reboot
 *   --wipe_cache - wipe cache (but not user data), then reboot
 *   --set_encrypted_filesystem=on|off - enables / diasables encrypted fs

Those are the commands you can use according to the one I found but that might be different for modded files. So using adb you can do this:

adb shell
recovery --wipe_data

Using --wipe_data seemed to do what I was looking for which was handy although I have not fully tested this as of yet.


For anyone still using this topic, these commands may change based on which recovery you are using. If you are using Clockword recovery, these commands should still work. You can find other commands in /cache/recovery/command

For more information please see here:

Change input value onclick button - pure javascript or jQuery

And here is the non jQuery answer.


function changeText(value) {
     document.getElementById('count').value = 500 * value;   

HTML slight modification:

Product price: $500
Total price: $500
<input type="button" onclick="changeText(2)" value="2&#x00A;Qty">
<input type="button" class="mnozstvi_sleva" value="4&#x00A;Qty" onClick="changeText(4)">
Total <input type="text" id="count" value="1"/>

EDIT: It is very clear that this is a non-desired way as pointed out below (I had it coming). So in essence, this is how you would do it in plain old javascript. Most people would suggest you to use jQuery (other answer has the jQuery version) for good reason.

Parse large JSON file in Nodejs

I solved this problem using the split npm module. Pipe your stream into split, and it will "Break up a stream and reassemble it so that each line is a chunk".

Sample code:

var fs = require('fs')
  , split = require('split')

var stream = fs.createReadStream(filePath, {flags: 'r', encoding: 'utf-8'});
var lineStream = stream.pipe(split());
linestream.on('data', function(chunk) {
    var json = JSON.parse(chunk);           
    // ...

How to check if there exists a process with a given pid in Python?

The answers involving sending 'signal 0' to the process will work only if the process in question is owned by the user running the test. Otherwise you will get an OSError due to permissions, even if the pid exists in the system.

In order to bypass this limitation you can check if /proc/<pid> exists:

import os

def is_running(pid):
    if os.path.isdir('/proc/{}'.format(pid)):
        return True
    return False

This applies to linux based systems only, obviously.

how to save and read array of array in NSUserdefaults in swift?

Here is an example of reading and writing a list of objects of type SNStock that implements NSCoding - we have an accessor for the entire list, watchlist, and two methods to add and remove objects, that is addStock(stock: SNStock) and removeStock(stock: SNStock).

import Foundation

class DWWatchlistController {

  private let kNSUserDefaultsWatchlistKey: String = "dw_watchlist_key"

  private let userDefaults: NSUserDefaults

  private(set) var watchlist:[SNStock] {

    get {
      if let watchlistData : AnyObject = userDefaults.objectForKey(kNSUserDefaultsWatchlistKey) {
        if let watchlist : AnyObject = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData(watchlistData as! NSData) {
          return watchlist as! [SNStock]
      return []

    set(watchlist) {
      let watchlistData = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedDataWithRootObject(watchlist)
      userDefaults.setObject(watchlistData, forKey: kNSUserDefaultsWatchlistKey)

  init() {
    userDefaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()

  func addStock(stock: SNStock) {
    var watchlist = self.watchlist
    self.watchlist = watchlist

  func removeStock(stock: SNStock) {
    var watchlist = self.watchlist
    if let index = find(watchlist, stock) {
      self.watchlist = watchlist


Remember that your object needs to implement NSCoding or else the encoding won't work. Here is what SNStock looks like:

import Foundation

class SNStock: NSObject, NSCoding
  let ticker: NSString
  let name: NSString

  init(ticker: NSString, name: NSString)
    self.ticker = ticker = name

  //MARK: NSCoding

  required init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
    self.ticker = aDecoder.decodeObjectForKey("ticker") as! NSString = aDecoder.decodeObjectForKey("name") as! NSString

  func encodeWithCoder(aCoder: NSCoder) {
    aCoder.encodeObject(ticker, forKey: "ticker")
    aCoder.encodeObject(name, forKey: "name")

  //MARK: NSObjectProtocol

  override func isEqual(object: AnyObject?) -> Bool {
    if let object = object as? SNStock {
      return self.ticker == object.ticker && ==
    } else {
      return false

  override var hash: Int {
    return ticker.hashValue

Hope this helps!

Save and retrieve image (binary) from SQL Server using Entity Framework 6

Convert the image to a byte[] and store that in the database.

Add this column to your model:

public byte[] Content { get; set; }

Then convert your image to a byte array and store that like you would any other data:

public byte[] ImageToByteArray(System.Drawing.Image imageIn)
    using(var ms = new MemoryStream())
        imageIn.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Gif);

        return ms.ToArray();

public Image ByteArrayToImage(byte[] byteArrayIn)
     using(var ms = new MemoryStream(byteArrayIn))
         var returnImage = Image.FromStream(ms);

         return returnImage;

Source: Fastest way to convert Image to Byte array

var image = new ImageEntity()
   Content = ImageToByteArray(image)


When you want to get the image back, get the byte array from the database and use the ByteArrayToImage and do what you wish with the Image

This stops working when the byte[] gets to big. It will work for files under 100Mb

Why does fatal error "LNK1104: cannot open file 'C:\Program.obj'" occur when I compile a C++ project in Visual Studio?

I'm answering because I don't see this particular solution listed by anyone else.

Apparently my antivirus (Ad-Aware) was flagging a DLL one of my projects depends on, and deleting it. Even after excluding the directory where the DLL lives, the same behaviour continued until I restarted my computer.

Number of occurrences of a character in a string

The most straight forward, and most efficient, would be to simply loop through the characters in the string:

int cnt = 0;
foreach (char c in test) {
  if (c == '&') cnt++;

You can use Linq extensions to make a simpler, and almost as efficient version. There is a bit more overhead, but it's still surprisingly close to the loop in performance:

int cnt = test.Count(c => c == '&');

Then there is the old Replace trick, however that is better suited for languages where looping is awkward (SQL) or slow (VBScript):

int cnt = test.Length - test.Replace("&", "").Length;

How to create a temporary directory and get the path / file name in Python

In Python 3, TemporaryDirectory in the tempfile module can be used.

This is straight from the examples:

import tempfile
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname:
     print('created temporary directory', tmpdirname)
# directory and contents have been removed

If you would like to keep the directory a bit longer, you could do something like this:

import tempfile

temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
# use temp_dir, and when done:

The documentation also says that "On completion of the context or destruction of the temporary directory object the newly created temporary directory and all its contents are removed from the filesystem." So at the end of the program, for example, Python will clean up the directory if it wasn't explicitly removed. Python's unittest may complain of ResourceWarning: Implicitly cleaning up <TemporaryDirectory... if you rely on this, though.

How to set image to UIImage

You can set an Image in UIImage object eiter of the following way:

  1. UIImage *imageObject = [UIImage imageNamed:@"imageFileName"]; but by initializing UIImage Object like this, the image is always stored in cache memory even you make it nil like imageObject=nil;

Its better to follow this:

  1. NSString *imageFilePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"imageFilename" ofType:@"imageFile_Extension"];

    UIImage *imageObject = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:imageFilePath];

EXAMPLE: NSString *imageFilePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"abc" ofType:@"png"];

UIImage *imageObject = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:imageFilePath];

How to get a list of current open windows/process with Java?

There is no platform-neutral way of doing this. In the 1.6 release of Java, a "Desktop" class was added the allows portable ways of browsing, editing, mailing, opening, and printing URI's. It is possible this class may someday be extended to support processes, but I doubt it.

If you are only curious in Java processes, you can use the api for getting thread/memory information on the JVM.

How to delete mysql database through shell command

MySQL has discontinued drop database command from mysql client shell. Need to use mysqladmin to drop a database.

How to send UTF-8 email?

You can add header "Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8" to your message body.

$headers = "Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8";

If you use native mail() function $headers array will be the 4th parameter mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers)

If you user PEAR Mail::factory() code will be:

$smtp = Mail::factory('smtp', $params);

$mail = $smtp->send($to, $headers, $body);

Using onBlur with JSX and React

There are a few problems here.

1: onBlur expects a callback, and you are calling renderPasswordConfirmError and using the return value, which is null.

2: you need a place to render the error.

3: you need a flag to track "and I validating", which you would set to true on blur. You can set this to false on focus if you want, depending on your desired behavior.

handleBlur: function () {
  this.setState({validating: true});
render: function () {
  return <div>
        placeholder="Password (confirm)"
renderPasswordConfirmError: function() {
  if (this.state.validating && this.state.password !== this.state.password2) {
    return (
        <label className="error">Please enter the same password again.</label>
  return null;

How can I test a PDF document if it is PDF/A compliant?

The 3-Heights™ PDF Validator Online Tool provides good feedback for different PDF/A conformance levels and versions.

  • PDF/A1-a
  • PDF/A2-a
  • PDF/A2-b
  • PDF/A1-b
  • PDF/A2-u

%matplotlib line magic causes SyntaxError in Python script

The syntax '%' in %matplotlib inline is recognized by iPython (where it is set up to handle the magic methods), but not Python itself, which gives a SyntaxError. Here is given one solution.

How to read HDF5 files in Python

Reading the file

import h5py

f = h5py.File(file_name, mode)

Studying the structure of the file by printing what HDF5 groups are present

for key in f.keys():
    print(key) #Names of the groups in HDF5 file.

Extracting the data

#Get the HDF5 group
group = f[key]

#Checkout what keys are inside that group.
for key in group.keys():

data = group[some_key_inside_the_group].value
#Do whatever you want with data

#After you are done

Split string based on regex

You could use a lookahead:

re.split(r'[ ](?=[A-Z]+\b)', input)

This will split at every space that is followed by a string of upper-case letters which end in a word-boundary.

Note that the square brackets are only for readability and could as well be omitted.

If it is enough that the first letter of a word is upper case (so if you would want to split in front of Hello as well) it gets even easier:

re.split(r'[ ](?=[A-Z])', input)

Now this splits at every space followed by any upper-case letter.

Detect if a browser in a mobile device (iOS/Android phone/tablet) is used

I know this is an old thread but I thought this might help someone:

Mobile devices have greater height than width, in contrary, computers have greater width than height. For example:

@media all and (max-width: 320px) and (min-height: 320px)

so that would have to be done for every width i guess.

How to add a custom Ribbon tab using VBA?

Another approach to this would be to download Jan Karel Pieterse's free Open XML class module from this page: Editing elements in an OpenXML file using VBA

With this added to your VBA project, you can unzip the Excel file, use VBA to modify the XML, then use the class to rezip the files.

How do I configure the proxy settings so that Eclipse can download new plugins?

I had the same problem. I installed Eclipse 3.7 into a new folder, and created a new workspace. I launch Eclipse with a -data argument to reference the new workspace.

When I attempt to connect to the marketplace to get the SVN and Maven plugins, I get the same issues described in OP.

After a few more tries, I cleared the proxy settings for SOCKS protocol, and I was able to connect to the marketplace.

So the solution for me was to configure the manual settings for HTTP and HTTPS proxy, clear the settings for SOCKS, and restart Eclipse.

Returning unique_ptr from functions

This is in no way specific to std::unique_ptr, but applies to any class that is movable. It's guaranteed by the language rules since you are returning by value. The compiler tries to elide copies, invokes a move constructor if it can't remove copies, calls a copy constructor if it can't move, and fails to compile if it can't copy.

If you had a function that accepts std::unique_ptr as an argument you wouldn't be able to pass p to it. You would have to explicitly invoke move constructor, but in this case you shouldn't use variable p after the call to bar().

void bar(std::unique_ptr<int> p)
    // ...

int main()
    unique_ptr<int> p = foo();
    bar(p); // error, can't implicitly invoke move constructor on lvalue
    bar(std::move(p)); // OK but don't use p afterwards
    return 0;

What does the NS prefix mean?

From Cocoa_(API) Wikipedia:

(emphasis added)

Cocoa classes begin with the acronym "NS" (standing either for the NeXT-Sun creation of OpenStep, or for the original proprietary term for the OpenStep framework, NeXTSTEP): NSString, NSArray, etc.

Foundation Kit, or more commonly simply Foundation, first appeared in OpenStep. On Mac OS X, it is based on Core Foundation. Foundation is a generic object-oriented library providing string and value manipulation, containers and iteration, distributed computing, run loops, and other functions that are not directly tied to the graphical user interface. The "NS" prefix, used for all classes and constants in the framework, comes from Cocoa's OPENSTEP heritage, which was jointly developed by NeXT and Sun.

Use of True, False, and None as return values in Python functions

In the case of your fictional getattr function, if the requested attribute always should be available but isn't then throw an error. If the attribute is optional then return None.

Git commit -a "untracked files"?

As the name suggests 'untracked files' are the files which are not being tracked by git. They are not in your staging area, and were not part of any previous commits. If you want them to be versioned (or to be managed by git) you can do so by telling 'git' by using 'git add'. Check this chapter Recording Changes to the Repository in the Progit book which uses a nice visual to provide a good explanation about recording changes to git repo and also explaining the terms 'tracked' and 'untracked'.

What does ** (double star/asterisk) and * (star/asterisk) do for parameters?


  • python 3.x
  • unpacking with **
  • use with string formatting

Use with string formatting

In addition to the answers in this thread, here is another detail that was not mentioned elsewhere. This expands on the answer by Brad Solomon

Unpacking with ** is also useful when using python str.format.

This is somewhat similar to what you can do with python f-strings f-string but with the added overhead of declaring a dict to hold the variables (f-string does not require a dict).

Quick Example

  ## init vars
  ddvars = dict()
  ddcalc = dict()
  ddvars['fname']     = 'Huomer'
  ddvars['lname']     = 'Huimpson'
  ddvars['motto']     = 'I love donuts!'
  ddvars['age']       = 33
  ddcalc['ydiff']     = 5
  ddcalc['ycalc']     = ddvars['age'] + ddcalc['ydiff']
  vdemo = []

  ## ********************
  ## single unpack supported in py 2.7
  Hello {fname} {lname}!

  Today you are {age} years old!

  We love your motto "{motto}" and we agree with you!

  ## ********************
  ## multiple unpack supported in py 3.x
  Hello {fname} {lname}!

  In {ydiff} years you will be {ycalc} years old!

  ## ********************

How to create an array containing 1...N

A little bit simpler than the string variant:

// create range by N

// create a range starting with 0 as the value
Array(7).join(0).split(0).map((v, i) => i + 1) // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

Update (1/4/2018): Updated to address the exact OP question. Thanks @lessless for calling this out!

How to parse JSON and access results

The main problem with your example code is that the $result variable you use to store the output of curl_exec() does not contain the body of the HTTP response - it contains the value true. If you try to print_r() that, it will just say "1".

The curl_exec() reference explains:

Return Values

Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. However, if the CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER option is set, it will return the result on success, FALSE on failure.

So if you want to get the HTTP response body in your $result variable, you must first run

curl_setopt($cURL, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

After that, you can call json_decode() on $result, as other answers have noted.

On a general note - the curl library for PHP is useful and has a lot of features to handle the minutia of HTTP protocol (and others), but if all you want is to GET some resource or even POST to some URL, and read the response - then file_get_contents() is all you'll ever need: it is much simpler to use and have much less surprising behavior to worry about.

Log all queries in mysql

Besides what I came across here, running the following was the simplest way to dump queries to a log file without restarting

SET global log_output = 'FILE';
SET global general_log_file='/Applications/MAMP/logs/mysql_general.log';
SET global general_log = 1;

can be turned off with

SET global general_log = 0;

C++ string to double conversion

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main()
    cout << stod("  99.999  ") << endl;

Output: 99.999 (which is double, whitespace was automatically stripped)

Since C++11 converting string to floating-point values (like double) is available with functions:
stof - convert str to a float
stod - convert str to a double
stold - convert str to a long double

As conversion of string to int was also mentioned in the question, there are the following functions in C++11:
stoi - convert str to an int
stol - convert str to a long
stoul - convert str to an unsigned long
stoll - convert str to a long long
stoull - convert str to an unsigned long long

Assign an initial value to radio button as checked

You can use the checked attribute for this:

<input type="radio" checked="checked">

HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name is Empty

In addition to "answered Mar 28 '11 at 12:27Bryan Bedard"

In case that the solution doesn't work, you have to enable Windows Authentication in iss manager. How to do that:

1.To start IIS Manager from the Run dialog box: On the Start menu, click All Programs, click Accessories, and then click Run. In the Open box, type inetmgr and then click OK.

2.In the Connections pane, expand the server name, expand Sites, and go to the level in the hierarchy pane that you want to configure, and then click the Web site or Web application. 3. Scroll to the IIS section in the Home pane, and then double-click Authentication.

4.In the Authentication pane, select Anonymous Authentication, and then click Disable. enter image description here

  1. In the Authentication pane, select Windows Authentication, and then click Enable.


How to make a phone call programmatically?

Take a look there :

DO you have update your manifest file in order to give call rights ?

How to give a delay in loop execution using Qt

So this question is nearly 10 years old, but it popped up on one of my searches, and I think that there are better solutions when programming in Qt: Signals & slots, timers, and finite state machines. The delays that are required can be implemented without sleeping the application in a way that interrupts other functions, and without concurrent programming and without spinning the processor - the Qt application will sleep when there are no events to process.

A hack for this is to have a sequence of timers with their timeout() signal connected to the slot for the event, which then kicks off the second timer. This is nice because it is simple. It's not so nice because it quickly becomes difficult to troubleshoot and maintain if there are logical branches, which there generally will be outside of any toy example.


A better, more flexible option is the State Machine infrastructure within Qt. There you can configure an framework for an arbitrary sequence of events with multiple states and branches. An FSM is much easier to define, expand and maintain over time.

Qt State Machine

Convert Python dict into a dataframe

When converting a dictionary into a pandas dataframe where you want the keys to be the columns of said dataframe and the values to be the row values, you can do simply put brackets around the dictionary like this:

>>> dict_ = {'key 1': 'value 1', 'key 2': 'value 2', 'key 3': 'value 3'}
>>> pd.DataFrame([dict_])

    key 1     key 2     key 3
0   value 1   value 2   value 3

It's saved me some headaches so I hope it helps someone out there!

EDIT: In the pandas docs one option for the data parameter in the DataFrame constructor is a list of dictionaries. Here we're passing a list with one dictionary in it.

How can I get onclick event on webview in android?

Hamidreza's solution almost worked for me.

I noticed from experimentation that a simple tap usually has 2-5 action move events. Checking the time between action down and up was simpler and behaved more like what I expected.

private class CheckForClickTouchLister implements View.OnTouchListener {
    private final static long MAX_TOUCH_DURATION = 100;

    public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {

        switch (event.getAction()) {

            case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
                m_DownTime = event.getEventTime(); //init time


            case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
                if(event.getEventTime() - m_DownTime <= MAX_TOUCH_DURATION)
                    //On click action


                break; //No-Op

        return false;

How can I use jQuery to make an input readonly?

There are two attributes, namely readonly and disabled, that can make a semi-read-only input. But there is a tiny difference between them.

<input type="text" readonly />
<input type="text" disabled />
  • The readonly attribute makes your input text disabled, and users are not able to change it anymore.
  • Not only will the disabled attribute make your input-text disabled(unchangeable) but also cannot it be submitted.

jQuery approach (1):

$("#inputID").prop("readonly", true);
$("#inputID").prop("disabled", true);

jQuery approach (2):

$("#inputID").attr("disabled", "disabled");

JavaScript approach:

document.getElementById("inputID").readOnly = true;
document.getElementById("inputID").disabled = true;

PS prop introduced with jQuery 1.6.

Python: import cx_Oracle ImportError: No module named cx_Oracle error is thown

To access Oracle from python you need (additionally) the cx_Oracle module. The module must be located either in the system python path or you have to set the PYTHONPATH appropriate.

Searching a string in eclipse workspace

Press Ctrl + H, should bring up the search that will include options to search via project, directory, etc.

Ctrl + Alt + G can be used to find selected text across a workspace in eclipse.

Capturing count from an SQL query

Use SqlCommand.ExecuteScalar() and cast it to an int:

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_name";
Int32 count = (Int32) cmd.ExecuteScalar();

How to set width of a div in percent in JavaScript?

Also you can use .prop() and it should be better because

Since jQuery 1.6, these properties can no longer be set with the .attr() method. They do not have corresponding attributes and are only properties.

$(elem).prop('width', '100%');
$(elem).prop('height', '100%');

How to navigate through textfields (Next / Done Buttons)

A safer and more direct way, assuming:

  • the text field delegates are set to your view controller
  • all of the text fields are subviews of the same view
  • the text fields have tags in the order you want to progress (e.g., textField2.tag = 2, textField3.tag = 3, etc.)
  • moving to the next text field will happen when you tap the return button on the keyboard (you can change this to next, done, etc.)
  • you want the keyboard to dismiss after the last text field

Swift 4.1:

extension ViewController: UITextFieldDelegate {
    func textFieldShouldReturn(_ textField: UITextField) -> Bool {
        let nextTag = textField.tag + 1
        guard let nextTextField = textField.superview?.viewWithTag(nextTag) else {
            return false


    return false


How to watch and reload ts-node when TypeScript files change

Add "watch": "nodemon --exec ts-node -- ./src/index.ts" to scripts section of your package.json.

base 64 encode and decode a string in angular (2+)

For encoding to base64 in Angular2, you can use btoa() function.


// Output:- c3RyaW5nQW5ndWxhcjI=

For decoding from base64 in Angular2, you can use atob() function.


// Output:- stringAngular2

Extend contigency table with proportions (percentages)

I am not 100% certain, but I think this does what you want using prop.table. See mostly the last 3 lines. The rest of the code is just creating fake data.


total_bill <- rnorm(50, 25, 3)
tip <- 0.15 * total_bill + rnorm(50, 0, 1)
sex <- rbinom(50, 1, 0.5)
smoker <- rbinom(50, 1, 0.3)
day <- ceiling(runif(50, 0,7))
time <- ceiling(runif(50, 0,3))
size <- 1 + rpois(50, 2) <-, tip, sex, smoker, day, time, size))

my.table <- table($smoker)

my.prop <- prop.table(my.table)

cbind(my.table, my.prop)

How do I hide the bullets on my list for the sidebar?

its on you ul in the file on line 252

add this to your css


Pass variables from servlet to jsp

You could set all the values into the response object before forwaring the request to the jsp. Or you can put your values into a session bean and access it in the jsp.

How does the Java 'for each' loop work?

It would look something like this. Very crufty.

for (Iterator<String> i = someList.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )

There is a good writeup on for each in the Sun documentation.

How do I find the distance between two points?

Let's not forget math.hypot:

dist = math.hypot(x2-x1, y2-y1)

Here's hypot as part of a snippet to compute the length of a path defined by a list of (x, y) tuples:

from math import hypot

pts = [

# Py2 syntax - no longer allowed in Py3
# ptdiff = lambda (p1,p2): (p1[0]-p2[0], p1[1]-p2[1])
ptdiff = lambda p1, p2: (p1[0]-p2[0], p1[1]-p2[1])

diffs = (ptdiff(p1, p2) for p1, p2 in zip (pts, pts[1:]))
path = sum(hypot(*d) for d in  diffs)

Is try-catch like error handling possible in ASP Classic?

For anytone who has worked in ASP as well as more modern languages, the question will provoke a chuckle. In my experience using a custom error handler (set up in IIS to handle the 500;100 errors) is the best option for ASP error handling. This article describes the approach and even gives you some sample code / database table definition.

Here is a link to's version

Null or empty check for a string variable

You can try this.....

DECLARE @value Varchar(100)=NULL
IF(@value = '' OR @value IS NULL)
    select 1
    select 0

Why should I use the keyword "final" on a method parameter in Java?

Follow up by Michel's post. I made myself another example to explain it. I hope it could help.

public static void main(String[] args){
    MyParam myParam = thisIsWhy(new MyObj());


public static MyParam thisIsWhy(final MyObj obj){
    MyParam myParam = new MyParam() {
        public void setArgNewName() {
   = "afterSet";

        public String showObjName(){

    return myParam;

public static class MyObj{
    String name = "beforeSet";
    public MyObj() {

public abstract static class MyParam{
    public abstract void setArgNewName();
    public abstract String showObjName();

From the code above, in the method thisIsWhy(), we actually didn't assign the [argument MyObj obj] to a real reference in MyParam. In instead, we just use the [argument MyObj obj] in the method inside MyParam.

But after we finish the method thisIsWhy(), should the argument(object) MyObj still exist?

Seems like it should, because we can see in main we still call the method showObjName() and it needs to reach obj. MyParam will still use/reaches the method argument even the method already returned!

How Java really achieve this is to generate a copy also is a hidden reference of the argument MyObj obj inside the MyParam object ( but it's not a formal field in MyParam so that we can't see it )

As we call "showObjName", it will use that reference to get the corresponding value.

But if we didn't put the argument final, which leads a situation we can reassign a new memory(object) to the argument MyObj obj.

Technically there's no clash at all! If we are allowed to do that, below will be the situation:

  1. We now have a hidden [MyObj obj] point to a [Memory A in heap] now live in MyParam object.
  2. We also have another [MyObj obj] which is the argument point to a [Memory B in heap] now live in thisIsWhy method.

No clash, but "CONFUSING!!" Because they are all using the same "reference name" which is "obj".

To avoid this, set it as "final" to avoid programmer do the "mistake-prone" code.

How to get the last day of the month?

import datetime

now =
start_month = datetime.datetime(now.year, now.month, 1)
date_on_next_month = start_month + datetime.timedelta(35)
start_next_month = datetime.datetime(date_on_next_month.year, date_on_next_month.month, 1)
last_day_month = start_next_month - datetime.timedelta(1)

How to remove default mouse-over effect on WPF buttons?

An extension on dodgy_coder's answer which adds support for..

  • Maintaining WPF button style
  • Adds support for IsSelected and hover, i.e. a toggled button

        <Style x:Key="Button.Hoverless" TargetType="{x:Type ButtonBase}">
            <Setter Property="Template">
                    <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type ButtonBase}">
                        <Border Name="border"
                                BorderThickness="{TemplateBinding BorderThickness}"
                                Padding="{TemplateBinding Padding}"
                                BorderBrush="{TemplateBinding BorderBrush}"
                                Background="{TemplateBinding Background}">
                            <ContentPresenter HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
                                    <Condition Property="IsMouseOver" Value="True" />
                                    <Condition Property="Selector.IsSelected" Value="False" />
                                <Setter Property="Background" Value="#FFBEE6FD" />
                                    <Condition Property="IsMouseOver" Value="True" />
                                    <Condition Property="Selector.IsSelected" Value="True" />
                                <Setter Property="Background" Value="#BB90EE90" />
                                    <Condition Property="IsMouseOver" Value="False" />
                                    <Condition Property="Selector.IsSelected" Value="True" />
                                <Setter Property="Background" Value="LightGreen" />
                            <Trigger Property="IsPressed" Value="True">
                                <Setter TargetName="border" Property="Opacity" Value="0.95" />


<Button Content="Wipe On" Selector.IsSelected="True" /> <Button Content="Wipe Off" Selector.IsSelected="False" />

What's NSLocalizedString equivalent in Swift?

Swift 3 version :)...

import Foundation

extension String {
    var localized: String {
        return NSLocalizedString(self, tableName: nil, bundle: Bundle.main, value: "", comment: "")

How to monitor SQL Server table changes by using c#?

Be careful using SqlDependency class - it has problems with memory leaks.

Just use a cross-platform, .NET 3.5, .NET Core compatible and open source solution - SqlDependencyEx. You can get notifications as well as data that was changed (you can access it through properties in notification event object). You can also tack DELETE\UPDATE\INSERT operations separately or together.

Here is an example of how easy it is to use SqlDependencyEx:

int changesReceived = 0;
using (SqlDependencyEx sqlDependency = new SqlDependencyEx(
    sqlDependency.TableChanged += (o, e) => changesReceived++;

    // Make table changes.

    // Wait a little bit to receive all changes.

Assert.AreEqual(changesCount, changesReceived);

Please follow the links for details. This component was tested in many enterprise-level applications and proven to be reliable. Hope this helps.

How to change the type of a field?

demo change type of field mid from string to mongo objectId using mongoose

 Post.find({}, {mid: 1,_id:1}).exec(function (err, doc) {
   , key) => {
                Post.findByIdAndUpdate({_id:item._id},{$set:{mid: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(item.mid)}}).exec((err,res)=>{
                    if(err) throw err;

Mongo ObjectId is just another example of such styles as

Number, string, boolean that hope the answer will help someone else.

python 2 instead of python 3 as the (temporary) default python?

If you have some problems with virtualenv,

You can use it:

sudo ln -sf python2 /usr/bin/python


sudo ln -sf python3 /usr/bin/python

ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption export compliance while internal testing?

Apple has changed the rules on this. I read through all the Apple docs and as many of the US export regs as I could find.

My view on this was until recently even using HTTPS for most apps meant Apple would require the export certificate. Some apps such as banking would be OK but for many apps they did not fall into the excempt category which is very, very broad.

However Apple has now introduced a getout under the exempt category for apps that JUST use https. I do not know when they did this but I think it was either Dec 2016 or Jan 2017. We are now submitting our apps without the certificate from the US Govt.

the MySQL service on local computer started and then stopped

If you came across this while installing WAMP64 on Windows 10. Check if data folder in MySQL folder is missing. My WAMP 3.2.3 version installation failed to create such a folder. So wamp icon was orange (1 of 2 services running).

A quick fix was to run this command from MySQL location.

mysqld --initialize-insecure

Facebook how to check if user has liked page and show content?

UPDATE 21/11/2012 @ALL : I have updated the example so that it works better and takes into accounts remarks from Chris Jacob and FB Best practices, have a look of working example here

Hi So as promised here is my answer using only javascript :

The content of the BODY of the page :

<div id="fb-root"></div>
<script src=""></script>
    appId  : 'YOUR APP ID',
    status : true, 
    cookie : true, 
    xfbml  : true  

<div id="container_notlike">

<div id="container_like">

The CSS :

body {
margin:0; padding:0; border:0;
font-family: verdana;
background:url(repeat.png) repeat;
p, h1 {width:450px; margin-left:50px; color:#FFF;}
p {font-size:11px;}

#container_notlike, #container_like {

And finally the javascript :


    FB.login(function(response) {
      if (response.session) {

          var user_id = response.session.uid;
          var page_id = "40796308305"; //coca cola
          var fql_query = "SELECT uid FROM page_fan WHERE page_id = "+page_id+"and uid="+user_id;
          var the_query = FB.Data.query(fql_query);

          the_query.wait(function(rows) {

              if (rows.length == 1 && rows[0].uid == user_id) {

                  //here you could also do some ajax and get the content for a "liker" instead of simply showing a hidden div in the page.

              } else {
                  //and here you could get the content for a non liker in ajax...

      } else {
        // user is not logged in


So what what does it do ?

First it logins to FB (if you already have the USER ID, and you are sure your user is already logged in facebook, you can bypass the login stuff and replace response.session.uid with YOUR_USER_ID (from your rails app for example)

After that it makes a FQL query on the page_fan table, and the meaning is that if the user is a fan of the page, it returns the user id and otherwise it returns an empty array, after that and depending on the results its show a div or the other.

Also there is a working demo here :

It's using the coca-cola page as an example, try it go and like/unlike the coca cola page and run it again ...

Finally some related docs :

FQL page_fan table

FBJS FB.Data.query

Don't hesitate if you have any question ..



As stated by somebody, jQuery is required for the javascript version to work BUT you could easily remove it (it's only used for the document.ready and show/hide).

For the document.ready, you could wrap your code in a function and use body onload="your_function" or something more complicated like here : Javascript - How to detect if document has loaded (IE 7/Firefox 3) so that we replace document ready.

And for the show and hide stuff you could use something like : document.getElementById("container_like").style.display = "none" or "block" and for more reliable cross browser techniques see here :

But jQuery is so easy :)


Relatively to the comment I posted here below here is some ruby code to decode the "signed_request" that facebook POST to your CANVAS URL when it fetches it for display inside facebook.

In your action controller :

decoded_request = Canvas.parse_signed_request(params[:signed_request])

And then its a matter of checking the decoded request and display one page or another .. (Not sure about this one, I'm not comfortable with ruby)


And here is the related Canvas Class (from fbgraph ruby library) :

 class Canvas

    class << self
      def parse_signed_request(secret_id,request)
        encoded_sig, payload = request.split('.', 2)
        sig = ""
        urldecode64(encoded_sig).each_byte { |b|
          sig << "%02x" % b
        data = JSON.parse(urldecode64(payload))
          if data['algorithm'].to_s.upcase != 'HMAC-SHA256'
          raise "Bad signature algorithm: %s" % data['algorithm']
        expected_sig = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest('sha256', secret_id, payload)
        if expected_sig != sig
          raise "Bad signature"


      def urldecode64(str)
        encoded_str = str.gsub('-','+').gsub('_','/')
        encoded_str += '=' while !(encoded_str.size % 4).zero?


How can I keep Bootstrap popovers alive while being hovered?

This solution worked out fine for me: (now its bulletproof) ;-)

function enableThumbPopover() {
    var counter;

        trigger: 'manual',
        animation: false,
        html: true,
        title: function () {
            return $(this).parent().find('.thumbPopover > .title').html();
        content: function () {
            return $(this).parent().find('.thumbPopover > .body').html();
        container: 'body',
        placement: 'auto'
    }).on("mouseenter",function () {
        var _this = this; // thumbcontainer

        console.log('thumbcontainer mouseenter')
        // clear the counter
        // Close all other Popovers

        // start new timeout to show popover
        counter = setTimeout(function(){
            $(".popover").on("mouseleave", function () {
        }, 400);

    }).on("mouseleave", function () {
        var _this = this;

        setTimeout(function () {
            if (!$(".popover:hover").length) {
        }, 200);

VSCode single to double quote automatic replace

What worked for me was setting up the .prettierrc.json config file. Put it to the root of your project with a sample config like this:

  "singleQuote": true,
  "trailingComma": "all",
  "tabWidth": 2,
  "semi": true,
  "arrowParens": "always"

After triggering the Format Document command, all works just as expected.

Side note: What comes as a bonus with this solution is that each team member gets the same formatting outputs thanks to the present config file.

How to remove non-alphanumeric characters?

here's a really simple regex for that:


and used as you need it (with a forward / slash delimiter).

preg_replace("/\W|_/", '', $string);

Test it here with this great tool that explains what the regex is doing:

Convert Word doc, docx and Excel xls, xlsx to PDF with PHP

I successfully put a portable version of libreoffice on my host's webserver, which I call with PHP to do a commandline conversion from .docx, etc. to pdf. on the fly. I do not have admin rights on my host's webserver. Here is my blog post of what I did:

Yay! Convert directly from .docx or .odt to .pdf using PHP with LibreOffice (OpenOffice's successor)!

Error handling with PHPMailer

PHPMailer uses Exceptions. Try to adopt the following code:

require_once '../class.phpmailer.php';

$mail = new PHPMailer(true); //defaults to using php "mail()"; the true param means it will throw exceptions on errors, which we need to catch

try {
  $mail->AddReplyTo('[email protected]', 'First Last');
  $mail->AddAddress('[email protected]', 'John Doe');
  $mail->SetFrom('[email protected]', 'First Last');
  $mail->AddReplyTo('[email protected]', 'First Last');
  $mail->Subject = 'PHPMailer Test Subject via mail(), advanced';
  $mail->AltBody = 'To view the message, please use an HTML compatible email viewer!'; // optional - MsgHTML will create an alternate automatically
  $mail->AddAttachment('images/phpmailer.gif');      // attachment
  $mail->AddAttachment('images/phpmailer_mini.gif'); // attachment
  echo "Message Sent OK\n";
} catch (phpmailerException $e) {
  echo $e->errorMessage(); //Pretty error messages from PHPMailer
} catch (Exception $e) {
  echo $e->getMessage(); //Boring error messages from anything else!

How do I get into a non-password protected Java keystore or change the password?

The password of keystore by default is: "changeit". I functioned to my commands you entered here, for the import of the certificate. I hope you have already solved your problem.

Postman - How to see request with headers and body data with variables substituted

Update 2018-12-12 - Chrome App v Chrome Plugin - Most recent updates at top

With the deprecation of the Postman Chrome App, assuming that you are now using the Postman Native App, the options are now:

  1. Hover over variables with mouse
  2. Generate "Code" button/link
  3. Postman Console

See below for full details on each option.

Personally, I still go for 2) Generate "Code" button/link as it allows me to see the variables without actually having to send.

Demo Request Demo Request

Demo Environment Demo Environment

1) Hover over variables with mouse Hover over variables with mouse

2) Generate "Code" button/link Generate "Code" button/link

3) Postman Console enter image description here

Update: 2016-06-03

Whilst the method described above does work, in practice, I now normally use the "Generate Code" link on the Postman Request screen. The generated code, no matter what code language you choose, contains the substituted variables. Hitting the "Generate Code" link is just faster, additionally, you can see the substituted variables without actually making the request.

Original Answer below

To see the substituted variables in the Headers and Body, you need to use Chrome Developer tools. To enable Chrome Developer Tools from within Postman do the following, as per

I have copied the instructions from the link above in case the link gets broken in the future:

  1. Type chrome://flags inside your Chrome URL window

  2. Search for “packed” or try to find the “Enable debugging for packed apps”

  3. Enable the setting

  4. Restart Chrome

You can access the Developer Tools window by right clicking anywhere inside Postman and selecting “inspect element”. You can also go to chrome://inspect/#apps and then click “inspect” just below requester.html under the Postman heading.

Once enabled, you can use the Network Tools tab for even more information on your requests or the console while writing test scripts. If something goes wrong with your test scripts, it’ll show up here.

Converting a double to an int in C#

Because Convert.ToInt32 rounds:

Return Value: rounded to the nearest 32-bit signed integer. If value is halfway between two whole numbers, the even number is returned; that is, 4.5 is converted to 4, and 5.5 is converted to 6.

...while the cast truncates:

When you convert from a double or float value to an integral type, the value is truncated.

Update: See Jeppe Stig Nielsen's comment below for additional differences (which however do not come into play if score is a real number as is the case here).

Inline style to act as :hover in CSS

A simple solution:

   <a href="#" onmouseover="'orange';" onmouseout="'';">My Link</a>


 /** Change the style **/
 function overStyle(object){ = 'orange';
    // Change some other properties ...

 /** Restores the style **/
 function outStyle(object){ = 'orange';
    // Restore the rest ...

<a href="#" onmouseover="overStyle(this)" onmouseout="outStyle(this)">My Link</a>

List of strings to one string

My vote is string.Join

No need for lambda evaluations and temporary functions to be created, fewer function calls, less stack pushing and popping.

How to reject in async/await syntax?

I know this is an old question, but I just stumbled across the thread and there seems to be a conflation here between errors and rejection that runs afoul (in many cases, at least) of the oft-repeated advice not to use exception handling to deal with anticipated cases. To illustrate: if an async method is trying to authenticate a user and the authentication fails, that's a rejection (one of two anticipated cases) and not an error (e.g., if the authentication API was unavailable.)

To make sure I wasn't just splitting hairs, I ran a performance test of three different approaches to that, using this code:

const iterations = 100000;

function getSwitch() {
  return Math.round(Math.random()) === 1;

function doSomething(value) {
  return 'something done to ' + value.toString();

let processWithThrow = function () {
  if (getSwitch()) {
    throw new Error('foo');

let processWithReturn = function () {
  if (getSwitch()) {
    return new Error('bar');
  } else {
    return {}

let processWithCustomObject = function () {
  if (getSwitch()) {
    return {type: 'rejection', message: 'quux'};
  } else {
    return {type: 'usable response', value: 'fnord'};

function testTryCatch(limit) {
  for (let i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
    try {
    } catch (e) {
      const dummyValue = doSomething(e);

function testReturnError(limit) {
  for (let i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
    const returnValue = processWithReturn();
    if (returnValue instanceof Error) {
      const dummyValue = doSomething(returnValue);

function testCustomObject(limit) {
  for (let i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
    const returnValue = processWithCustomObject();
    if (returnValue.type === 'rejection') {
      const dummyValue = doSomething(returnValue);

let start, end;
start = new Date();
end = new Date();
const interval_1 = end - start;
start = new Date();
end = new Date();
const interval_2 = end - start;
start = new Date();
end = new Date();
const interval_3 = end - start;

console.log(`with try/catch: ${interval_1}ms; with returned Error: ${interval_2}ms; with custom object: ${interval_3}ms`);

Some of the stuff that's in there is included because of my uncertainty regarding the Javascript interpreter (I only like to go down one rabbit hole at a time); for instance, I included the doSomething function and assigned its return to dummyValue to ensure that the conditional blocks wouldn't get optimized out.

My results were:

with try/catch: 507ms; with returned Error: 260ms; with custom object: 5ms

I know that there are plenty of cases where it's not worth the trouble to hunt down small optimizations, but in larger-scale systems these things can make a big cumulative difference, and that's a pretty stark comparison.

SO… while I think the accepted answer's approach is sound in cases where you're expecting to have to handle unpredictable errors within an async function, in cases where a rejection simply means "you're going to have to go with Plan B (or C, or D…)" I think my preference would be to reject using a custom response object.

Convert Little Endian to Big Endian

Below is an other approach that was useful for me

convertLittleEndianByteArrayToBigEndianByteArray (byte littlendianByte[], byte bigEndianByte[], int ArraySize){
    int i =0;

    for(i =0;i<ArraySize;i++){
      bigEndianByte[i] = (littlendianByte[ArraySize-i-1] << 7 & 0x80) | (littlendianByte[ArraySize-i-1] << 5 & 0x40) |
                            (littlendianByte[ArraySize-i-1] << 3 & 0x20) | (littlendianByte[ArraySize-i-1] << 1 & 0x10) |
                            (littlendianByte[ArraySize-i-1] >>1 & 0x08) | (littlendianByte[ArraySize-i-1] >> 3 & 0x04) |
                            (littlendianByte[ArraySize-i-1] >>5 & 0x02) | (littlendianByte[ArraySize-i-1] >> 7 & 0x01) ;

Authentication failed to bitbucket

If you got authentication issues with the GIT console, you can try to switch your configuration to HTTPS and specify user & password with the following command :


BUT CAREFUL: Coming back to this answer that I made a very long time ago, I want to give credits to @ChristopherPickslay for pointing out that the password is stored as clear text in the .git/config file.

If you want to roll with HTTPS, you can securely store your password with Git credential manager

But personnally, I now always use SSH authentification, as it seems to be a better practice, because you use a personal pair of public/private keys that will prevent your password to be stored outside. Apart from the fact you can put a passphrase on your key, and then you also need to store the password on a credential manager or ssh-agent.

Detect enter press in JTextField

Just use this code:


Getting android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: exception even when the resource is present in android

I have fixed the by this way:

Create a folder in your resource directory name "drawable-nodpi" and then move yours all resources in this directory from others drawable directory.

Now clean your project and then rebuilt. Run again hopefully it will work this time without any resource not found exception.

Javascript pass values using POST

The code helped me to fulfill my requirement.

I have made some modifications and using a form I completed this. Here is my code-

Need a 'target' attribute for 'form' -- that's it!


<form id="view_form" name="view_form" method="post" action="view_report.php"  target="Map" >
  <input type="text" value="<?php echo $sale->myvalue1; ?>" name="my_value1"/>
  <input type="text" value="<?php echo $sale->myvalue2; ?>" name="my_value2"/>
  <input type="button" id="download" name="download" value="View report" onclick="view_my_report();"   /> 


function view_my_report() {     
   var mapForm = document.getElementById("view_form");"","Map","status=0,title=0,height=600,width=800,scrollbars=1");

   if (map) {
   } else {
      alert('You must allow popups for this map to work.');

Full code is explained showing normal form and form elements.

How do a LDAP search/authenticate against this LDAP in Java

try {
    LdapContext ctx = new InitialLdapContext(env, null);
    NamingEnumeration<?> namingEnum ="ou=people,dc=example,dc=com", "(objectclass=user)", getSimpleSearchControls());
    while (namingEnum.hasMore ()) {
        SearchResult result = (SearchResult) ();    
        Attributes attrs = result.getAttributes ();

} catch (Exception e) {

private SearchControls getSimpleSearchControls() {
    SearchControls searchControls = new SearchControls();
    //String[] attrIDs = {"objectGUID"};
    return searchControls;

Format the date using Ruby on Rails

Have a look at localize, or l



How do you implement a good profanity filter?

If you can do something like Digg/Stackoverflow where the users can downvote/mark obscene content... do so.

Then all you need to do is review the "naughty" users, and block them if they break the rules.

How do I pass environment variables to Docker containers?

Using docker-compose, you can inherit env variables in docker-compose.yml and subsequently any Dockerfile(s) called by docker-compose to build images. This is useful when the Dockerfile RUN command should execute commands specific to the environment.

(your shell has RAILS_ENV=development already existing in the environment)


version: '3.1'
      #$RAILS_ENV is referencing the shell environment RAILS_ENV variable
      #and passing it to the Dockerfile ARG RAILS_ENV
      #the syntax below ensures that the RAILS_ENV arg will default to 
      #production if empty.
      #note that is dockerfile: is not specified it assumes file name: Dockerfile
      context: .
        - RAILS_ENV=${RAILS_ENV:-production}
      - RAILS_ENV=${RAILS_ENV:-production}


FROM ruby:2.3.4

#give ARG RAILS_ENV a default value = production
ARG RAILS_ENV=production

#assign the $RAILS_ENV arg to the RAILS_ENV ENV so that it can be accessed
#by the subsequent RUN call within the container

#the subsequent RUN call accesses the RAILS_ENV ENV variable within the container
RUN if [ "$RAILS_ENV" = "production" ] ; then echo "production env"; else echo "non-production env: $RAILS_ENV"; fi

This way, I don't need to specify environment variables in files or docker-compose build/up commands:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

multiple axis in matplotlib with different scales

Since Steve Tjoa's answer always pops up first and mostly lonely when I search for multiple y-axes at Google, I decided to add a slightly modified version of his answer. This is the approach from this matplotlib example.


  • His modules sometimes fail for me in unknown circumstances and cryptic intern errors.
  • I don't like to load exotic modules I don't know (mpl_toolkits.axisartist, mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1).
  • The code below contains more explicit commands of problems people often stumble over (like single legend for multiple axes, using viridis, ...) rather than implicit behavior.


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 

# Create figure and subplot manually
# fig = plt.figure()
# host = fig.add_subplot(111)

# More versatile wrapper
fig, host = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,5)) # (width, height) in inches
# (see
par1 = host.twinx()
par2 = host.twinx()
host.set_xlim(0, 2)
host.set_ylim(0, 2)
par1.set_ylim(0, 4)
par2.set_ylim(1, 65)

color1 =
color2 =
color3 =

p1, = host.plot([0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2],    color=color1, label="Density")
p2, = par1.plot([0, 1, 2], [0, 3, 2],    color=color2, label="Temperature")
p3, = par2.plot([0, 1, 2], [50, 30, 15], color=color3, label="Velocity")

lns = [p1, p2, p3]
host.legend(handles=lns, loc='best')

# right, left, top, bottom
par2.spines['right'].set_position(('outward', 60))

# no x-ticks                 

# Sometimes handy, same for xaxis

# Move "Velocity"-axis to the left
# par2.spines['left'].set_position(('outward', 60))
# par2.spines['left'].set_visible(True)
# par2.yaxis.set_label_position('left')
# par2.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left')


# Adjust spacings w.r.t. figsize
# Alternatively: bbox_inches='tight' within the plt.savefig function 
#                (overwrites figsize)

# Best for professional typesetting, e.g. LaTeX
# For raster graphics use the dpi argument. E.g. '[...].png", dpi=200)'

Horizontal scroll on overflow of table

A solution that nobody mentioned is use white-space: nowrap for the table and add overflow-x to the wrapper.



.wrapper { overflow-x: auto; }
.wrapper table { white-space: nowrap }


<div class="wrapper">

This is an ideal scenario if you don't want rows with multiple lines.
To add break lines you need to use <br/>

ORA-01830: date format picture ends before converting entire input string / Select sum where date query

I think you should not rely on the implicit conversion. It is a bad practice.

Instead you should try like this:

datenum >= to_date('11/26/2013','mm/dd/yyyy')

or like

datenum >= date '2013-09-01'

Converting string to date in mongodb

Using MongoDB 4.0 and newer

The $toDate operator will convert the value to a date. If the value cannot be converted to a date, $toDate errors. If the value is null or missing, $toDate returns null:

You can use it within an aggregate pipeline as follows:

    { "$addFields": {
        "created_at": {
            "$toDate": "$created_at"
    } }

The above is equivalent to using the $convert operator as follows:

    { "$addFields": {
        "created_at": { 
            "$convert": { 
                "input": "$created_at", 
                "to": "date" 
    } }

Using MongoDB 3.6 and newer

You cab also use the $dateFromString operator which converts the date/time string to a date object and has options for specifying the date format as well as the timezone:

    { "$addFields": {
        "created_at": { 
            "$dateFromString": { 
                "dateString": "$created_at",
                "format": "%m-%d-%Y" /* <-- option available only in version 4.0. and newer */
    } }

Using MongoDB versions >= 2.6 and < 3.2

If MongoDB version does not have the native operators that do the conversion, you would need to manually iterate the cursor returned by the find() method by either using the forEach() method or the cursor method next() to access the documents. Withing the loop, convert the field to an ISODate object and then update the field using the $set operator, as in the following example where the field is called created_at and currently holds the date in string format:

var cursor = db.collection.find({"created_at": {"$exists": true, "$type": 2 }}); 
while (cursor.hasNext()) { 
    var doc =; 
        {"_id" : doc._id}, 
        {"$set" : {"created_at" : new ISODate(doc.created_at)}}

For improved performance especially when dealing with large collections, take advantage of using the Bulk API for bulk updates as you will be sending the operations to the server in batches of say 1000 which gives you a better performance as you are not sending every request to the server, just once in every 1000 requests.

The following demonstrates this approach, the first example uses the Bulk API available in MongoDB versions >= 2.6 and < 3.2. It updates all the documents in the collection by changing the created_at fields to date fields:

var bulk = db.collection.initializeUnorderedBulkOp(),
    counter = 0;

db.collection.find({"created_at": {"$exists": true, "$type": 2 }}).forEach(function (doc) {
    var newDate = new ISODate(doc.created_at);
    bulk.find({ "_id": doc._id }).updateOne({ 
        "$set": { "created_at": newDate}

    if (counter % 1000 == 0) {
        bulk.execute(); // Execute per 1000 operations and re-initialize every 1000 update statements
        bulk = db.collection.initializeUnorderedBulkOp();
// Clean up remaining operations in queue
if (counter % 1000 != 0) { bulk.execute(); }

Using MongoDB 3.2

The next example applies to the new MongoDB version 3.2 which has since deprecated the Bulk API and provided a newer set of apis using bulkWrite():

var bulkOps = [],
    cursor = db.collection.find({"created_at": {"$exists": true, "$type": 2 }});

cursor.forEach(function (doc) { 
    var newDate = new ISODate(doc.created_at);
            "updateOne": { 
                "filter": { "_id": doc._id } ,              
                "update": { "$set": { "created_at": newDate } } 

    if (bulkOps.length === 500) {
        bulkOps = [];

if (bulkOps.length > 0) db.collection.bulkWrite(bulkOps);

How to add a line to a multiline TextBox?

If you know how many lines you want, create an array of String with that many members (e.g. myStringArray). Then use myListBox.Lines = myStringArray;

PHP Deprecated: Methods with the same name

As mentioned in the error, the official manual and the comments:


public function TSStatus($host, $queryPort)


public function __construct($host, $queryPort)

Can IntelliJ IDEA encapsulate all of the functionality of WebStorm and PHPStorm through plugins?

I regularly use IntelliJ, PHPStorm and WebStorm. Would love to only use IntelliJ. As pointed out by the vendor the "Open Directory" functionality not being in IntelliJ is painful.

Now for the rub part; I have tried using IntelliJ as my single IDE and have found performance to be terrible compared to the lighter weight versions. Intellisense is almost useless in IntelliJ compared to WebStorm.

How to set fake GPS location on IOS real device

I had a similar issue, but with no source code to run on Xcode.

So if you want to test an application on a real device with a fake location you should use a VPN application.

There are plenty in the App Store to choose from - free ones without the option to choose a specific country/city and free ones which assign you a random location or asks you to choose from a limited set of default options.

Downcasting in Java

I believe this applies to all statically typed languages:

String s = "some string";
Object o = s; // ok
String x = o; // gives compile-time error, o is not neccessarily a string
String x = (String)o; // ok compile-time, but might give a runtime exception if o is not infact a String

The typecast effectively says: assume this is a reference to the cast class and use it as such. Now, lets say o is really an Integer, assuming this is a String makes no sense and will give unexpected results, thus there needs to be a runtime check and an exception to notify the runtime environment that something is wrong.

In practical use, you can write code working on a more general class, but cast it to a subclass if you know what subclass it is and need to treat it as such. A typical example is overriding Object.equals(). Assume we have a class for Car:

boolean equals(Object o) {
    if(!(o instanceof Car)) return false;
    Car other = (Car)o;
    // compare this to other and return

What is the difference between angular-route and angular-ui-router?

ngRoute is a module built by the Angular team that provides basic client-side routing functionality. This module provides a fairly powerful base for routing, and can be built upon pretty easily to give solid routing functionality, as exemplified in this blog post (be sure to read the comment trail between Ward Bell and Ben Nadel, the author - they are a couple of Angular pros)

ui-router shifts the focus from url-centric routes to application "states", which may or may not be reflected in the url.

The primary features added by ui-router are nested states and named views.

Nested states allow you to separate controller logic for the various pieces of the application. A very simple example of this would be an app with primary navigation across the top, a secondary navigation list along the left, and content on the right. Without nested states, a single controller would typically have to handle the display logic for the secondary navigation as well as the content. Nested routing allows you to separate these concerns.

Named views are another additional feature of ui-router. With ngRoute, you can only have a single ngView directive on a page, whereas with named views in ui-router you can specify multiple ui-view directives, and then each state is able to affect the template and controller of the names views. A super simple example of this would be to have the main content of your app be the primary view, and then to also have a footer bar that would be a separate ui-view. In this scenario, the footer's controller no longer has to listen for state/route changes.

A good comparison of ngRoute and ui-router can be found on this podcast episode.

Just to make things more confusing, keep an eye on the new "official" routing module that the Angular team is expecting to release for versions 1.5 and 2.0 of Angular. This will be replacing the ngRoute module. Here is the current documentation for the new Router module - it is fairly sparse as of this posting since the implementation has not yet been finalized. Watch here for more news on when this module will actually be released.

jQuery counter to count up to a target number

You can use the jQuery animate function

// Enter num from and to
$({countNum: 99}).animate({countNum: 1000}, {
  duration: 8000,
  step: function() {
    // What todo on every count
  complete: function() {

creating list of objects in Javascript

dynamically build list of objects

var listOfObjects = [];
var a = ["car", "bike", "scooter"];
a.forEach(function(entry) {
    var singleObj = {};
    singleObj['type'] = 'vehicle';
    singleObj['value'] = entry;

here's a working example see console for output

"detached entity passed to persist error" with JPA/EJB code

I got the answer, I was using:


I used merge in place of persist:


But no idea, why persist didn't work. :(

Can you write nested functions in JavaScript?

Not only can you return a function which you have passed into another function as a variable, you can also use it for calculation inside but defining it outside. See this example:

    function calculate(a,b,fn) {
      var c = a * 3 + b + fn(a,b);
      return  c;

    function sum(a,b) {
      return a+b;

    function product(a,b) {
      return a*b;

    document.write(calculate (10,20,sum)); //80
    document.write(calculate (10,20,product)); //250

IndentationError expected an indented block

If you are using a mac and sublime text 3, this is what you do.

Go to your /Packages/User/ and create a file called Python.sublime-settings.

Typically /Packages/User is inside your ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/Python.sublime-settings if you are using mac os x.

Then you put this in the Python.sublime-settings.

    "tab_size": 4,
    "translate_tabs_to_spaces": false

Credit goes to Mark Byer's answer, sublime text 3 docs and python style guide.

This answer is mostly for readers who had the same issue and stumble upon this and are using sublime text 3 on Mac OS X.

Using Mockito, how do I verify a method was a called with a certain argument?

First you need to create a mock m_contractsDao and set it up. Assuming that the class is ContractsDao:

ContractsDao mock_contractsDao = mock(ContractsDao.class);
when("Some result");

Then inject the mock into m_orderSvc and call your method.

m_orderSvc.m_contractsDao = mock_contractsDao;
m_prog = new ProcessOrdersWorker(m_orderSvc, m_opportunitySvc, m_myprojectOrgSvc);; 

Finally, verify that the mock was called properly:

verify(mock_contractsDao, times(1)).save("Parameter I'm expecting");

Android YouTube app Play Video Intent

Intent videoClient = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
startActivityForResult(videoClient, 1234);

Where videoId is the video id of the youtube video that has to be played. This code works fine on Motorola Milestone.

But basically what we can do is to check for what activity is loaded when you start the Youtube app and accordingly substitute for the packageName and the className.

How can I uninstall Ruby on ubuntu?

On Lubuntu, I just tried apt-get purge ruby* and as well as removing ruby, it looks like this command tried to remove various things to do with GRUB, which is a bit worrying for next time I want to reboot my computer. I can't yet say if any damage has really been done.

Convert UIImage to NSData and convert back to UIImage in Swift?

For safe execution of code, use if-let block with Data to prevent app crash & , as function UIImagePNGRepresentation returns an optional value.

if let img = UIImage(named: "TestImage.png") {
    if let data:Data = UIImagePNGRepresentation(img) {
       // Handle operations with data here...         

Note: Data is Swift 3+ class. Use Data instead of NSData with Swift 3+

Generic image operations (like png & jpg both):

if let img = UIImage(named: "TestImage.png") {  //UIImage(named: "TestImage.jpg")
        if let data:Data = UIImagePNGRepresentation(img) {
               handleOperationWithData(data: data)     
        } else if let data:Data = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(img, 1.0) {
               handleOperationWithData(data: data)     

func handleOperationWithData(data: Data) {
     // Handle operations with data here...
     if let image = UIImage(data: data) {
        // Use image...

By using extension:

extension UIImage {

    var pngRepresentationData: Data? {
        return UIImagePNGRepresentation(self)

    var jpegRepresentationData: Data? {
        return UIImageJPEGRepresentation(self, 1.0)

if let img = UIImage(named: "TestImage.png") {  //UIImage(named: "TestImage.jpg")
      if let data = img.pngRepresentationData {
              handleOperationWithData(data: data)     
      } else if let data = img.jpegRepresentationData {
              handleOperationWithData(data: data)     

func handleOperationWithData(data: Data) {
     // Handle operations with data here...
     if let image = UIImage(data: data) {
        // Use image...

How to refresh Gridview after pressed a button in

All you have to do is In your bLoanButton_Click , add a line to rebind the Grid to the SqlDataSource :

protected void bLoanButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

//your same code




Is there a way to make AngularJS load partials in the beginning and not at when needed?

Another method is to use HTML5's Application Cache to download all files once and keep them in the browser's cache. The above link contains much more information. The following information is from the article:

Change your <html> tag to include a manifest attribute:

<html manifest="">

A manifest file must be served with the mime-type text/cache-manifest.

A simple manifest looks something like this:


Once an application is offline it remains cached until one of the following happens:

  1. The user clears their browser's data storage for your site.
  2. The manifest file is modified. Note: updating a file listed in the manifest doesn't mean the browser will re-cache that resource. The manifest file itself must be altered.

What are your favorite extension methods for C#? (

The extension method:

public static void AddRange<T, S>(this ICollection<T> list, params S[] values)
    where S : T
    foreach (S value in values)

The method applies for all types and lets you add a range of items to a list as parameters.


var list = new List<Int32>();
list.AddRange(5, 4, 8, 4, 2);

Using C++ base class constructors?

Yes, Since C++11:

struct B2 {
    B2(int = 13, int = 42);
struct D2 : B2 {
    using B2::B2;
// The set of inherited constructors is
// 1. B2(const B2&)
// 2. B2(B2&&)
// 3. B2(int = 13, int = 42)
// 4. B2(int = 13)
// 5. B2()

// D2 has the following constructors:
// 1. D2()
// 2. D2(const D2&)
// 3. D2(D2&&)
// 4. D2(int, int) <- inherited
// 5. D2(int) <- inherited

For additional information see

Select the values of one property on all objects of an array in PowerShell

As an even easier solution, you could just use:

$results = $objects.Name

Which should fill $results with an array of all the 'Name' property values of the elements in $objects.

Flutter: RenderBox was not laid out

The problem is that you are placing the ListView inside a Column/Row. The text in the exception gives a good explanation of the error.

To avoid the error you need to provide a size to the ListView inside.

I propose you this code that uses an Expanded to inform the horizontal size (maximum available) and the SizedBox (Could be a Container) for the height:

    new Row(
      children: <Widget>[
          child: SizedBox(
            height: 200.0,
            child: new ListView.builder(
              scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal,
              itemCount: products.length,
              itemBuilder: (BuildContext ctxt, int index) {
                return new Text(products[index]);
        new IconButton(
          icon: Icon(Icons.remove_circle),
          onPressed: () {},
      mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,


Multiple commands in an alias for bash


alias lock='gnome-screensaver; gnome-screensaver-command --lock'


lock() {
    gnome-screensaver-command --lock

in your .bashrc

The second solution allows you to use arguments.

Update Multiple Rows in Entity Framework from a list of ids

I think you are looking for below method:

var idList=new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4};
using (var db=new SomeDatabaseContext())
    var friends= db.Friends.Where(f=>idList.Contains(f.ID));
    await db.SaveChangesAsync();

This should be the efficient way of handling this.

Notepad++ incrementally replace

i had the same problem with more than 250 lines and here is how i did it:

for example :

<row id="1" />
<row id="1" />
<row id="1" />
<row id="1" />
<row id="1" />

you put the cursor just after the "1" and you click on alt + shift and start descending with down arrow until your reach the bottom line now you see a group of selections click on erase to erase the number 1 on each line simultaneously and go to Edit -> Column Editor and select Number to Insert then put 1 in initial number field and 1 in incremented by field and check zero numbers and click ok

Congratulations you did it :)

How to empty a list in C#?

you can do that

var list = new List<string>();

Select first 10 distinct rows in mysql

Try this SELECT DISTINCT 10 * ...

How to enter special characters like "&" in oracle database?

Also you can use concat like this :D

Insert into Table Value(CONCAT('JAVA ',CONCAT('& ', 'Oracle'));

Iterate through object properties

Here I am iterating each node and creating meaningful node names. If you notice, instanceOf Array and instanceOf Object pretty much does the same thing (in my application, i am giving different logic though)

function iterate(obj,parent_node) {
    parent_node = parent_node || '';
    for (var property in obj) {
        if (obj.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
            var node = parent_node + "/" + property;
            if(obj[property] instanceof Array) {
                //console.log('array: ' + node + ":" + obj[property]);
            } else if(obj[property] instanceof Object){
                //console.log('Object: ' + node + ":" + obj[property]);
            else {
                console.log(node + ":" + obj[property]);

note - I am inspired by Ondrej Svejdar's answer. But this solution has better performance and less ambiguous

Upload a file to Amazon S3 with NodeJS

var express = require('express')

app = module.exports = express();
var secureServer = require('http').createServer(app);

var aws = require('aws-sdk')
var multer = require('multer')
var multerS3 = require('multer-s3')

    region: 'us-east-1'
    s3 = new aws.S3();

   var upload = multer({
   storage: multerS3({
    s3: s3,
    dirname: "uploads",
    bucket: "Your bucket name",
    key: function (req, file, cb) {
        cb(null, "uploads/profile_images/u_" + + ".jpg"); //use for unique file keys
   });'/upload', upload.single('photos'), function(req, res, next) {

 console.log('Successfully uploaded ', req.file)

 res.send('Successfully uploaded ' + req.file.length + ' files!')


A regular expression to exclude a word/string


re.findall(r'/(?!ignoreme)(\w+)',  "/hello /ignoreme and /ignoreme2 /ignoreme2M.")

you will get:


How to run Linux commands in Java?

if the opening in windows

try {
        //chm file address
        String chmFile = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/chm/sample.chm";
        Desktop.getDesktop().open(new File(chmFile));
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(Frame.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Terjadi Kesalahan", "Error", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);

How do I move files in node.js?

According to seppo0010 comment, I used the rename function to do that.

fs.rename(oldPath, newPath, callback)

Added in: v0.0.2

oldPath <String> | <Buffer>
newPath <String> | <Buffer>
callback <Function>

Asynchronous rename(2). No arguments other than a possible exception are given to the completion callback.

How do I print to the debug output window in a Win32 app?

To print to the real console, you need to make it visible by using the linker flag /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE. The extra console window is annoying, but for debugging purposes it's very valuable.

OutputDebugString prints to the debugger output when running inside the debugger.

How to read until EOF from cin in C++

The only way you can read a variable amount of data from stdin is using loops. I've always found that the std::getline() function works very well:

std::string line;
while (std::getline(std::cin, line))
    std::cout << line << std::endl;

By default getline() reads until a newline. You can specify an alternative termination character, but EOF is not itself a character so you cannot simply make one call to getline().

How can I overwrite file contents with new content in PHP?

$fname = "database.php";
$fhandle = fopen($fname,"r");
$content = fread($fhandle,filesize($fname));
$content = str_replace("", "localhost", $content);

$fhandle = fopen($fname,"w");