Programs & Examples On #Django wsgi

django-wsgi refers to the WSGI deployment platform for Django

How to convert timestamp to datetime in MySQL?

SELECT from_unixtime( UNIX_TIMESTAMP(fild_with_timestamp) ) from "your_table"
This work for me

ModelState.AddModelError - How can I add an error that isn't for a property?

Putting the model dot property in strings worked for me: ModelState.AddModelError("Item1.Month", "This is not a valid date");

How to download a file with Node.js (without using third-party libraries)?

Without library it could be buggy just to point out. Here are a few:

Here my suggestion:

  • Call system tool like wget or curl
  • use some tool like node-wget-promise which also very simple to use. var wget = require('node-wget-promise'); wget('');

JavaScript hashmap equivalent

Adding yet another solution: HashMap is pretty much the first class I ported from Java to JavaScript. You could say there is a lot of overhead, but the implementation is almost 100% equal to Java's implementation and includes all interfaces and subclasses.

The project can be found here: I'll also attach the (current) source code for the HashMap class, but as stated it also depends on the super class, etc. The OOP framework used is qooxdoo.

Please note that this code is already out-dated and refer to the GitHub project for the current work. As of writing this, there is also an ArrayList implementation.

qx.Class.define( 'jsava.util.HashMap', {
    extend: jsava.util.AbstractMap,
    implement: [jsava.util.Map,, jsava.lang.Cloneable],

    construct: function () {
        var args = arguments ),
            initialCapacity = this.self( arguments ).DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY,
            loadFactor = this.self( arguments ).DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR;

        switch( args.length ) {
            case 1:
                if( qx.Class.implementsInterface( args[0], jsava.util.Map ) ) {
                    initialCapacity = Math.max( ((args[0].size() / this.self( arguments ).DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR) | 0) + 1,
                        this.self( arguments ).DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY );
                    loadFactor = this.self( arguments ).DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR;
                } else {
                    initialCapacity = args[0];
            case 2:
                initialCapacity = args[0];
                loadFactor = args[1];

        if( initialCapacity < 0 ) {
            throw new jsava.lang.IllegalArgumentException( 'Illegal initial capacity: ' + initialCapacity );
        if( initialCapacity > this.self( arguments ).MAXIMUM_CAPACITY ) {
            initialCapacity = this.self( arguments ).MAXIMUM_CAPACITY;
        if( loadFactor <= 0 || isNaN( loadFactor ) ) {
            throw new jsava.lang.IllegalArgumentException( 'Illegal load factor: ' + loadFactor );

        var capacity = 1;
        while( capacity < initialCapacity ) {
            capacity <<= 1;

        this._loadFactor = loadFactor;
        this._threshold = (capacity * loadFactor) | 0;
        this._table = jsava.JsavaUtils.emptyArrayOfGivenSize( capacity, null );

    statics: {
        serialVersionUID: 1,

        MAXIMUM_CAPACITY: 1 << 30,
        DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR: 0.75,

        _hash: function (hash) {
            hash ^= (hash >>> 20) ^ (hash >>> 12);
            return hash ^ (hash >>> 7) ^ (hash >>> 4);

        _indexFor: function (hashCode, length) {
            return hashCode & (length - 1);

        Entry: qx.Class.define( 'jsava.util.HashMap.Entry', {
            extend: jsava.lang.Object,
            implement: [jsava.util.Map.Entry],

            construct: function (hash, key, value, nextEntry) {
                this._value = value;
                this._next = nextEntry;
                this._key = key;
                this._hash = hash;

            members: {
                _key: null,
                _value: null,
                /** @type jsava.util.HashMap.Entry */
                _next: null,
                /** @type Number */
                _hash: 0,

                getKey: function () {
                    return this._key;

                getValue: function () {
                    return this._value;

                setValue: function (newValue) {
                    var oldValue = this._value;
                    this._value = newValue;
                    return oldValue;

                equals: function (obj) {
                    if( obj === null || !qx.Class.implementsInterface( obj, jsava.util.HashMap.Entry ) ) {
                        return false;

                    /** @type jsava.util.HashMap.Entry */
                    var entry = obj,
                        key1 = this.getKey(),
                        key2 = entry.getKey();
                    if( key1 === key2 || (key1 !== null && key1.equals( key2 )) ) {
                        var value1 = this.getValue(),
                            value2 = entry.getValue();
                        if( value1 === value2 || (value1 !== null && value1.equals( value2 )) ) {
                            return true;

                    return false;

                hashCode: function () {
                    return (this._key === null ? 0 : this._key.hashCode()) ^
                        (this._value === null ? 0 : this._value.hashCode());

                toString: function () {
                    return this.getKey() + '=' + this.getValue();

                 * This method is invoked whenever the value in an entry is
                 * overwritten by an invocation of put(k,v) for a key k that's already
                 * in the HashMap.
                _recordAccess: function (map) {

                 * This method is invoked whenever the entry is
                 * removed from the table.
                _recordRemoval: function (map) {
        } )

    members: {
        /** @type jsava.util.HashMap.Entry[] */
        _table: null,
        /** @type Number */
        _size: 0,
        /** @type Number */
        _threshold: 0,
        /** @type Number */
        _loadFactor: 0,
        /** @type Number */
        _modCount: 0,
        /** @implements jsava.util.Set */
        __entrySet: null,

         * Initialization hook for subclasses. This method is called
         * in all constructors and pseudo-constructors (clone, readObject)
         * after HashMap has been initialized but before any entries have
         * been inserted.  (In the absence of this method, readObject would
         * require explicit knowledge of subclasses.)
        _init: function () {

        size: function () {
            return this._size;

        isEmpty: function () {
            return this._size === 0;

        get: function (key) {
            if( key === null ) {
                return this.__getForNullKey();

            var hash = this.self( arguments )._hash( key.hashCode() );
            for( var entry = this._table[this.self( arguments )._indexFor( hash, this._table.length )];
                 entry !== null; entry = entry._next ) {
                /** @type jsava.lang.Object */
                var k;
                if( entry._hash === hash && ((k = entry._key) === key || key.equals( k )) ) {
                    return entry._value;

            return null;

        __getForNullKey: function () {
            for( var entry = this._table[0]; entry !== null; entry = entry._next ) {
                if( entry._key === null ) {
                    return entry._value;

            return null;

        containsKey: function (key) {
            return this._getEntry( key ) !== null;

        _getEntry: function (key) {
            var hash = (key === null) ? 0 : this.self( arguments )._hash( key.hashCode() );
            for( var entry = this._table[this.self( arguments )._indexFor( hash, this._table.length )];
                 entry !== null; entry = entry._next ) {
                /** @type jsava.lang.Object */
                var k;
                if( entry._hash === hash
                    && ( ( k = entry._key ) === key || ( key !== null && key.equals( k ) ) ) ) {
                    return entry;

            return null;

        put: function (key, value) {
            if( key === null ) {
                return this.__putForNullKey( value );

            var hash = this.self( arguments )._hash( key.hashCode() ),
                i = this.self( arguments )._indexFor( hash, this._table.length );
            for( var entry = this._table[i]; entry !== null; entry = entry._next ) {
                /** @type jsava.lang.Object */
                var k;
                if( entry._hash === hash && ( (k = entry._key) === key || key.equals( k ) ) ) {
                    var oldValue = entry._value;
                    entry._value = value;
                    entry._recordAccess( this );
                    return oldValue;

            this._addEntry( hash, key, value, i );
            return null;

        __putForNullKey: function (value) {
            for( var entry = this._table[0]; entry !== null; entry = entry._next ) {
                if( entry._key === null ) {
                    var oldValue = entry._value;
                    entry._value = value;
                    entry._recordAccess( this );
                    return oldValue;

            this._addEntry( 0, null, value, 0 );
            return null;

        __putForCreate: function (key, value) {
            var hash = (key === null) ? 0 : this.self( arguments )._hash( key.hashCode() ),
                i = this.self( arguments )._indexFor( hash, this._table.length );
            for( var entry = this._table[i]; entry !== null; entry = entry._next ) {
                /** @type jsava.lang.Object */
                var k;
                if( entry._hash === hash
                    && ( (k = entry._key) === key || ( key !== null && key.equals( k ) ) ) ) {
                    entry._value = value;

            this._createEntry( hash, key, value, i );

        __putAllForCreate: function (map) {
            var iterator = map.entrySet().iterator();
            while( iterator.hasNext() ) {
                var entry =;
                this.__putForCreate( entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() );

        _resize: function (newCapacity) {
            var oldTable = this._table,
                oldCapacity = oldTable.length;
            if( oldCapacity === this.self( arguments ).MAXIMUM_CAPACITY ) {
                this._threshold = Number.MAX_VALUE;

            var newTable = jsava.JsavaUtils.emptyArrayOfGivenSize( newCapacity, null );
            this._transfer( newTable );
            this._table = newTable;
            this._threshold = (newCapacity * this._loadFactor) | 0;

        _transfer: function (newTable) {
            var src = this._table,
                newCapacity = newTable.length;
            for( var j = 0; j < src.length; j++ ) {
                var entry = src[j];
                if( entry !== null ) {
                    src[j] = null;
                    do {
                        var next = entry._next,
                            i = this.self( arguments )._indexFor( entry._hash, newCapacity );
                        entry._next = newTable[i];
                        newTable[i] = entry;
                        entry = next;
                    } while( entry !== null );

        putAll: function (map) {
            var numKeyToBeAdded = map.size();
            if( numKeyToBeAdded === 0 ) {

            if( numKeyToBeAdded > this._threshold ) {
                var targetCapacity = (numKeyToBeAdded / this._loadFactor + 1) | 0;
                if( targetCapacity > this.self( arguments ).MAXIMUM_CAPACITY ) {
                    targetCapacity = this.self( arguments ).MAXIMUM_CAPACITY;

                var newCapacity = this._table.length;
                while( newCapacity < targetCapacity ) {
                    newCapacity <<= 1;
                if( newCapacity > this._table.length ) {
                    this._resize( newCapacity );

            var iterator = map.entrySet().iterator();
            while( iterator.hasNext() ) {
                var entry =;
                this.put( entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() );

        remove: function (key) {
            var entry = this._removeEntryForKey( key );
            return entry === null ? null : entry._value;

        _removeEntryForKey: function (key) {
            var hash = (key === null) ? 0 : this.self( arguments )._hash( key.hashCode() ),
                i = this.self( arguments )._indexFor( hash, this._table.length ),
                prev = this._table[i],
                entry = prev;

            while( entry !== null ) {
                var next = entry._next,
                    /** @type jsava.lang.Object */
                if( entry._hash === hash
                    && ( (k = entry._key) === key || ( key !== null && key.equals( k ) ) ) ) {
                    if( prev === entry ) {
                        this._table[i] = next;
                    } else {
                        prev._next = next;
                    entry._recordRemoval( this );
                    return entry;
                prev = entry;
                entry = next;

            return entry;

        _removeMapping: function (obj) {
            if( obj === null || !qx.Class.implementsInterface( obj, jsava.util.Map.Entry ) ) {
                return null;

            /** @implements jsava.util.Map.Entry */
            var entry = obj,
                key = entry.getKey(),
                hash = (key === null) ? 0 : this.self( arguments )._hash( key.hashCode() ),
                i = this.self( arguments )._indexFor( hash, this._table.length ),
                prev = this._table[i],
                e = prev;

            while( e !== null ) {
                var next = e._next;
                if( e._hash === hash && e.equals( entry ) ) {
                    if( prev === e ) {
                        this._table[i] = next;
                    } else {
                        prev._next = next;
                    e._recordRemoval( this );
                    return e;
                prev = e;
                e = next;

            return e;

        clear: function () {
            var table = this._table;
            for( var i = 0; i < table.length; i++ ) {
                table[i] = null;
            this._size = 0;

        containsValue: function (value) {
            if( value === null ) {
                return this.__containsNullValue();

            var table = this._table;
            for( var i = 0; i < table.length; i++ ) {
                for( var entry = table[i]; entry !== null; entry = entry._next ) {
                    if( value.equals( entry._value ) ) {
                        return true;

            return false;

        __containsNullValue: function () {
            var table = this._table;
            for( var i = 0; i < table.length; i++ ) {
                for( var entry = table[i]; entry !== null; entry = entry._next ) {
                    if( entry._value === null ) {
                        return true;

            return false;

        clone: function () {
            /** @type jsava.util.HashMap */
            var result = null;
            try {
                result = this.base( arguments );
            } catch( e ) {
                if( !qx.Class.isSubClassOf( e.constructor, jsava.lang.CloneNotSupportedException ) ) {
                    throw e;

            result._table = jsava.JsavaUtils.emptyArrayOfGivenSize( this._table.length, null );
            result.__entrySet = null;
            result._modCount = 0;
            result._size = 0;
            result.__putAllForCreate( this );

            return result;

        _addEntry: function (hash, key, value, bucketIndex) {
            var entry = this._table[bucketIndex];
            this._table[bucketIndex] = new (this.self( arguments ).Entry)( hash, key, value, entry );
            if( this._size++ >= this._threshold ) {
                this._resize( 2 * this._table.length );

        _createEntry: function (hash, key, value, bucketIndex) {
            var entry = this._table[bucketIndex];
            this._table[bucketIndex] = new (this.self( arguments ).Entry)( hash, key, value, entry );

        keySet: function () {
            var keySet = this._keySet;
            return keySet !== null ? keySet : ( this._keySet = new this.KeySet( this ) );

        values: function () {
            var values = this._values;
            return values !== null ? values : ( this._values = new this.Values( this ) );

        entrySet: function () {
            return this.__entrySet0();

        __entrySet0: function () {
            var entrySet = this.__entrySet;
            return entrySet !== null ? entrySet : ( this.__entrySet = new this.EntrySet( this ) );

        /** @private */
        HashIterator: qx.Class.define( 'jsava.util.HashMap.HashIterator', {
            extend: jsava.lang.Object,
            implement: [jsava.util.Iterator],

            type: 'abstract',

            /** @protected */
            construct: function (thisHashMap) {
                this.__thisHashMap = thisHashMap;
                this._expectedModCount = this.__thisHashMap._modCount;
                if( this.__thisHashMap._size > 0 ) {
                    var table = this.__thisHashMap._table;
                    while( this._index < table.length && ( this._next = table[this._index++] ) === null ) {
                        // do nothing

            members: {
                __thisHashMap: null,

                /** @type jsava.util.HashMap.Entry */
                _next: null,
                /** @type Number */
                _expectedModCount: 0,
                /** @type Number */
                _index: 0,
                /** @type jsava.util.HashMap.Entry */
                _current: null,

                hasNext: function () {
                    return this._next !== null;

                _nextEntry: function () {
                    if( this.__thisHashMap._modCount !== this._expectedModCount ) {
                        throw new jsava.lang.ConcurrentModificationException();

                    var entry = this._next;
                    if( entry === null ) {
                        throw new jsava.lang.NoSuchElementException();

                    if( (this._next = entry._next) === null ) {
                        var table = this.__thisHashMap._table;
                        while( this._index < table.length && ( this._next = table[this._index++] ) === null ) {
                            // do nothing

                    this._current = entry;
                    return entry;

                remove: function () {
                    if( this._current === null ) {
                        throw new jsava.lang.IllegalStateException();

                    if( this.__thisHashMap._modCount !== this._expectedModCount ) {
                        throw new jsava.lang.ConcurrentModificationException();

                    var key = this._current._key;
                    this._current = null;
                    this.__thisHashMap._removeEntryForKey( key );
                    this._expectedModCount = this.__thisHashMap._modCount;
        } ),

        _newKeyIterator: function () {
            return new this.KeyIterator( this );

        _newValueIterator: function () {
            return new this.ValueIterator( this );

        _newEntryIterator: function () {
            return new this.EntryIterator( this );

        /** @private */
        ValueIterator: qx.Class.define( 'jsava.util.HashMap.ValueIterator', {
            extend: jsava.util.HashMap.HashIterator,

            construct: function (thisHashMap) {
                this.base( arguments, thisHashMap );

            members: {
                next: function () {
                    return this._nextEntry()._value;
        } ),

        /** @private */
        KeyIterator: qx.Class.define( 'jsava.util.HashMap.KeyIterator', {
            extend: jsava.util.HashMap.HashIterator,

            construct: function (thisHashMap) {
                this.base( arguments, thisHashMap );

            members: {
                next: function () {
                    return this._nextEntry().getKey();
        } ),

        /** @private */
        EntryIterator: qx.Class.define( 'jsava.util.HashMap.EntryIterator', {
            extend: jsava.util.HashMap.HashIterator,

            construct: function (thisHashMap) {
                this.base( arguments, thisHashMap );

            members: {
                next: function () {
                    return this._nextEntry();
        } ),

        /** @private */
        KeySet: qx.Class.define( 'jsava.util.HashMap.KeySet', {
            extend: jsava.util.AbstractSet,

            construct: function (thisHashMap) {
                this.base( arguments );
                this.__thisHashMap = thisHashMap;

            members: {
                __thisHashMap: null,

                iterator: function () {
                    return this.__thisHashMap._newKeyIterator();

                size: function () {
                    return this.__thisHashMap._size;

                contains: function (obj) {
                    return this.__thisHashMap.containsKey( obj );

                remove: function (obj) {
                    return this.__thisHashMap._removeEntryForKey( obj ) !== null;

                clear: function () {
        } ),

        /** @private */
        Values: qx.Class.define( 'jsava.util.HashMap.Values', {
            extend: jsava.util.AbstractCollection,

            construct: function (thisHashMap) {
                this.base( arguments );
                this.__thisHashMap = thisHashMap;

            members: {
                __thisHashMap: null,

                iterator: function () {
                    return this.__thisHashMap._newValueIterator();

                size: function () {
                    return this.__thisHashMap._size;

                contains: function (obj) {
                    return this.__thisHashMap.containsValue( obj );

                clear: function () {
        } ),

        /** @private */
        EntrySet: qx.Class.define( 'jsava.util.HashMap.EntrySet', {
            extend: jsava.util.AbstractSet,

            construct: function (thisHashMap) {
                this.base( arguments );
                this.__thisHashMap = thisHashMap;

            members: {
                __thisHashMap: null,

                iterator: function () {
                    return this.__thisHashMap._newEntryIterator();

                size: function () {
                    return this.__thisHashMap._size;

                contains: function (obj) {
                    if( obj === null || !qx.Class.implementsInterface( obj, jsava.util.Map.Entry ) ) {
                        return false;

                    /** @implements jsava.util.Map.Entry */
                    var entry = obj,
                        candidate = this.__thisHashMap._getEntry( entry.getKey() );
                    return candidate !== null && candidate.equals( entry );

                remove: function (obj) {
                    return this.__thisHashMap._removeMapping( obj ) !== null;

                clear: function () {
        } )
} );

Finding even or odd ID values

ID % 2 reduces all integer (monetary and numeric are allowed, too) numbers to 0 and 1 effectively.
Read about the modulo operator in the manual.

Cannot serve WCF services in IIS on Windows 8

For Windows Server 2012, the solution is very similar to faester's (see above). From the Server Manager, click on Add roles and features, select the appropriate server, then select Features. Under .NET Framework 4.5 Features, you'll see WCF Services, and under that, you'll find HTTP Activation.

Package doesn't exist error in intelliJ

If you are trying the suggested ways and still no chance, be sure about your order:

  1. Delete your .idea/
  2. Invalidate and Restart Cache afterwards
  3. Import maven projects from your maven tool

If you did not invalidate and restart cache just after deleting your .idea/, Intellij keeps generating it and that was keeping error in my case.

Debugging Spring configuration

If you use Spring Boot, you can also enable a “debug” mode by starting your application with a --debug flag.

java -jar myapp.jar --debug

You can also specify debug=true in your

When the debug mode is enabled, a selection of core loggers (embedded container, Hibernate, and Spring Boot) are configured to output more information. Enabling the debug mode does not configure your application to log all messages with DEBUG level.

Alternatively, you can enable a “trace” mode by starting your application with a --trace flag (or trace=true in your Doing so enables trace logging for a selection of core loggers (embedded container, Hibernate schema generation, and the whole Spring portfolio).

Add onclick event to newly added element in JavaScript

Short answer: you want to set the handler to a function:

elemm.onclick = function() { alert('blah'); };

Slightly longer answer: you'll have to write a few more lines of code to get that to work consistently across browsers.

The fact is that even the sligthly-longer-code that might solve that particular problem across a set of common browsers will still come with problems of its own. So if you don't care about cross-browser support, go with the totally short one. If you care about it and absolutely only want to get this one single thing working, go with a combination of addEventListener and attachEvent. If you want to be able to extensively create objects and add and remove event listeners throughout your code, and want that to work across browsers, you definitely want to delegate that responsibility to a library such as jQuery.

Hexadecimal To Decimal in Shell Script

Shortest way yet:

$ echo $[0x3F]

Git Push ERROR: Repository not found

I'm using Mac and I struggled to find the solution. My remote address was right and as said, it was a credentials problem. Apparently, in the past I used another Git Account on my computer and the mac's Keychain remembered the credentials of the previous account, so I really wasn't authorised to push.

How to fix? Open Keychain Access on your mac, choose "All Items" category and search for git. Delete all results found.

Now go to the terminal and try to push again. The terminal will ask for username and password. Enter the new relevant credentials and that's it!

Hope it'll help someone. I struggled it for few hours.

How do I center text horizontally and vertically in a TextView?

Easiest way (which is surprisingly only mentioned in comments, hence why I am posting as an answer) is:


WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value php

This error means that the value indexed by the key "l_messages" is not of type hash, but rather something else. You've probably set it to that other value earlier in your code. Try various other value-getter commands, starting with GET, to see which one works and you'll know what type is actually here.

Export HTML table to pdf using jspdf

Use get(0) instead of html(). In other words, replace

doc.fromHTML($('#htmlTableId').html(), 15, 15, {
    'width': 170,'elementHandlers': specialElementHandlers


doc.fromHTML($('#htmlTableId').get(0), 15, 15, {
    'width': 170,'elementHandlers': specialElementHandlers

Converting to upper and lower case in Java

I consider this simpler than any prior correct answer. I'll also throw in javadoc. :-)

 * Converts the given string to title case, where the first
 * letter is capitalized and the rest of the string is in
 * lower case.
 * @param s a string with unknown capitalization
 * @return a title-case version of the string
public static String toTitleCase(String s)
    if (s.isEmpty())
        return s;
    return s.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + s.substring(1).toLowerCase();

Strings of length 1 do not needed to be treated as a special case because s.substring(1) returns the empty string when s has length 1.

Angular.js directive dynamic templateURL

Thanks to @pgregory, I could resolve my problem using this directive for inline editing

.directive("superEdit", function($compile){
        link: function(scope, element, attrs){
            var colName = attrs["superEdit"];

            scope.getContentUrl = function() {
                if (colName == 'Something') {
                    return 'app/correction/templates/lov-edit.html';
                }else {
                    return 'app/correction/templates/simple-edit.html';

            var template = '<div ng-include="getContentUrl()"></div>';

            var linkFn = $compile(template);
            var content = linkFn(scope);

Why is String immutable in Java?

I read this post Why String is Immutable or Final in Java and suppose that following may be the most important reason:

String is Immutable in Java because String objects are cached in String pool. Since cached String literals are shared between multiple clients there is always a risk, where one client's action would affect all another client.

Is there a MessageBox equivalent in WPF?

WPF contains the following MessageBox:

if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to Save?", "Confirm", 
    MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question) == MessageBoxResult.Yes)


Laravel Eloquent update just if changes have been made

I like to add this method, if you are using an edit form, you can use this code to save the changes in your update(Request $request, $id) function:

$post = Post::find($id);    

keep in mind that you have to name your inputs with the same column name. The fill() function will do all the work for you :)

docker-compose up for only certain containers

You can use the run command and specify your services to run. Be careful, the run command does not expose ports to the host. You should use the flag --service-ports to do that if needed.

docker-compose run --service-ports client server database

HTML 5 Video "autoplay" not automatically starting in CHROME

This question are greatly described here

TL;DR You are still always able to autoplay muted videos

Also, if you're want to autoplay videos on iOS add playsInline attribute, because by default iOS tries to fullscreen videos

Name [jdbc/mydb] is not bound in this Context

You need a ResourceLink in your META-INF/context.xml file to make the global resource available to the web application.

 <ResourceLink name="jdbc/mydb"
              type="javax.sql.DataSource" />

Get current clipboard content?

window.clipboardData.getData('Text') will work in some browsers. However, many browsers where it does work will prompt the user as to whether or not they wish the web page to have access to the clipboard.

How do I print a list of "Build Settings" in Xcode project?

UPDATE: This list is getting a little out dated (it was generated with Xcode 4.1). You should run the command suggested by dunedin15.

dunedin15's answer can give inaccurate results for some edge-cases, such as when debugging build settings of a static lib for an Archive build, see Slipp D. Thompson's answer for a more robust output.

Original Answer

Variable                                  Example
PATH                                      "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin:/Developer/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
LANG                                      en_US.US-ASCII
ACTION                                    build
ALTERNATE_GROUP                           staff
ALTERNATE_MODE                            u+w,go-w,a+rX
ALTERNATE_OWNER                           username
APPLE_INTERNAL_DEVELOPER_DIR              /AppleInternal/Developer
APPLE_INTERNAL_DIR                        /AppleInternal
APPLE_INTERNAL_DOCUMENTATION_DIR          /AppleInternal/Documentation
APPLE_INTERNAL_LIBRARY_DIR                /AppleInternal/Library
APPLE_INTERNAL_TOOLS                      /AppleInternal/Developer/Tools
ARCHS                                     "armv6 armv7"
ARCHS_STANDARD_32_64_BIT                  "armv6 armv7"
ARCHS_STANDARD_32_BIT                     "armv6 armv7"
ARCHS_UNIVERSAL_IPHONE_OS                 armv7
AVAILABLE_PLATFORMS                       "iphonesimulator macosx iphoneos"
BUILD_COMPONENTS                          "headers build"
BUILD_DIR                                 "/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/BuildProductsPath"
BUILD_ROOT                                "/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/BuildProductsPath"
BUILD_VARIANTS                             normal
BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR                         "/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/BuildProductsPath/Distribution-iphoneos"
CACHE_ROOT                                 /var/folders/2x/rvb2r9s16mq6r318zxvn0lk80000gn/C/
CCHROOT                                    /var/folders/2x/rvb2r9s16mq6r318zxvn0lk80000gn/C/
CHMOD                                      /bin/chmod
CHOWN                                      /usr/sbin/chown
CLASS_FILE_DIR                             "/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/"
CLEAN_PRECOMPS                             YES
CLONE_HEADERS                              NO
CODESIGNING_FOLDER_PATH                    "/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/"
CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED                       YES
CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED                      YES
CODE_SIGN_CONTEXT_CLASS                    XCiPhoneOSCodeSignContext
CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY                         "iPhone Distribution"
COMBINE_HIDPI_IMAGES                       NO
COMPOSITE_SDK_DIRS                         /var/folders/2x/rvb2r9s16mq6r318zxvn0lk80000gn/C/
COMPRESS_PNG_FILES                         YES
CONFIGURATION                              Distribution
CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR                    "/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/BuildProductsPath/Distribution-iphoneos"
CONFIGURATION_TEMP_DIR                     "/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/"
COPY_PHASE_STRIP                           YES
CP                                         /bin/cp
CURRENT_ARCH                               armv7
CURRENT_VARIANT                            normal
DEAD_CODE_STRIPPING                        YES
DEBUGGING_SYMBOLS                          YES
DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT                   dwarf-with-dsym
DEPLOYMENT_LOCATION                        YES
DERIVED_FILES_DIR                          "/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/"
DERIVED_FILE_DIR                           "/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/"
DERIVED_SOURCES_DIR                        "/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/"
DEVELOPER_APPLICATIONS_DIR                 /Developer/Applications
DEVELOPER_BIN_DIR                          /Developer/usr/bin
DEVELOPER_DIR                              /Developer
DEVELOPER_FRAMEWORKS_DIR                   /Developer/Library/Frameworks
DEVELOPER_FRAMEWORKS_DIR_QUOTED            "\"/Developer/Library/Frameworks\""
DEVELOPER_LIBRARY_DIR                      /Developer/Library
DEVELOPER_SDK_DIR                          /Developer/SDKs
DEVELOPER_TOOLS_DIR                        /Developer/Tools
DEVELOPER_USR_DIR                          /Developer/usr
DEVELOPMENT_LANGUAGE                       English
DSTROOT                                    "/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/InstallationBuildProductsLocation"
DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH                    "/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/BuildProductsPath/Distribution-iphoneos"
EFFECTIVE_PLATFORM_NAME                    -iphoneos
EMBEDDED_PROFILE_NAME                      embedded.mobileprovision
ENABLE_OPENMP_SUPPORT                      NO
ENTITLEMENTS_ALLOWED                       YES
ENTITLEMENTS_REQUIRED                      YES
EXECUTABLE_NAME                            project
FILE_LIST                                  "/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/"
FIXED_FILES_DIR                            "/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/"
FRAMEWORK_FLAG_PREFIX                      -framework
FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS                     "\"/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/BuildProductsPath/Distribution-iphoneos\" "
FRAMEWORK_VERSION                          A
GCC3_VERSION                               3.3
GCC_C_LANGUAGE_STANDARD                    gnu99
GCC_PFE_FILE_C_DIALECTS                    "c objective-c c++ objective-c++"
GCC_PREFIX_HEADER                          project/Prefix.pch
GCC_THUMB_SUPPORT                          YES
GCC_VERSION_IDENTIFIER                     com_apple_compilers_llvm_clang_1_0
GENERATE_PKGINFO_FILE                      YES
GID                                        20
GROUP                                      staff
INPUT_FILE_BASE             Default
INPUT_FILE_DIR              "/Volumes/Development/Project Game/Project-v1/images"
INPUT_FILE_NAME             Default.png
INPUT_FILE_PATH             "/Volumes/Development/Project Game/Project-v1/images/Default.png"
SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE           "/Volumes/Development/Project Game/Project-v1/images/Default.png"
SCRIPT_OUTPUT_FILE_0        "/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/"

EXCLUDED_RECURSIVE_SEARCH_PATH_SUBDIRECTORIES              "*.nib *.lproj *.framework *.gch (*) CVS .svn .git *.xcodeproj *.xcode *.pbproj *.pbxproj"
HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS                  "\"/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/BuildProductsPath/Distribution-iphoneos/include\" "
ICONV                                /usr/bin/iconv
INFOPLIST_FILE                       project/Resources/Info.plist
INFOPLIST_OUTPUT_FORMAT              binary
INPUT_FILE_SUFFIX                    .png
INSTALL_DIR                          "/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications"
INSTALL_GROUP                        staff
INSTALL_MODE_FLAG                    u+w,go-w,a+rX
INSTALL_OWNER                        username
INSTALL_PATH                         /Applications
INSTALL_ROOT                         "/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/InstallationBuildProductsLocation"
JAVAC_DEFAULT_FLAGS                  "-J-Xms64m -J-XX:NewSize=4M -J-Dfile.encoding=UTF8"
JAVA_APP_STUB                        /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Resources/MacOS/JavaApplicationStub
JAVA_ARCHIVE_TYPE                    JAR
JAVA_COMPILER                        /usr/bin/javac
JAVA_JAR_FLAGS                       cv
JAVA_SOURCE_SUBDIR                   .
JAVA_ZIP_FLAGS                       -urg
JIKES_DEFAULT_FLAGS                  "+E +OLDCSO"
LD_GENERATE_MAP_FILE                 NO
LD_MAP_FILE_PATH                     "/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/"
LD_NO_PIE                            NO
LD_OPENMP_FLAGS                      -fopenmp
LEGACY_DEVELOPER_DIR                 /Developer/Library/Xcode/PrivatePlugIns/Xcode3Core.ideplugin/Contents/SharedSupport/Developer
LEX                                  /Developer/usr/bin/lex
LIBRARY_FLAG_PREFIX                  -l
LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS                 "\"/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/BuildProductsPath/Distribution-iphoneos\"  \"/Volumes/Development/Project Game/Project-v1/FlurryLib\""
LINK_FILE_LIST_normal_armv6          "/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/"
LINK_FILE_LIST_normal_armv7          "/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/"
LOCAL_ADMIN_APPS_DIR                 /Applications/Utilities
LOCAL_APPS_DIR                       /Applications
LOCAL_DEVELOPER_DIR                  /Library/Developer
LOCAL_LIBRARY_DIR                    /Library
MACH_O_TYPE                          mh_execute
MAC_OS_X_VERSION_ACTUAL              1070
MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAJOR               1070
MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MINOR               0700
NATIVE_ARCH                          armv6
NATIVE_ARCH_32_BIT                   i386
NATIVE_ARCH_64_BIT                   x86_64
NATIVE_ARCH_ACTUAL                   x86_64
NO_COMMON                            YES
OBJECT_FILE_DIR                      "/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/"
OBJECT_FILE_DIR_normal               "/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/"
OBJROOT                              "/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/IntermediateBuildFilesPath"
ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH                     NO
OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL                   0
OS                                   MACOS
OSAC                                 /usr/bin/osacompile
OTHER_CFLAGS                         -DNS_BLOCK_ASSERTIONS=1
OTHER_LDFLAGS                        -lz
PASCAL_STRINGS                       YES
PATH_PREFIXES_EXCLUDED_FROM_HEADER_DEPENDENCIES  "/usr/include /usr/local/include /System/Library/Frameworks /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks /Developer/Headers /Developer/SDKs /Developer/Platforms"
PFE_FILE_C_DIALECTS                  "c objective-c c++ objective-c++"
PKGINFO_FILE_PATH                    "/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/"
PLATFORM_DEVELOPER_APPLICATIONS_DIR  /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Applications
PLATFORM_DEVELOPER_BIN_DIR           /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin
PLATFORM_DEVELOPER_LIBRARY_DIR       /Developer/Library/Xcode/PrivatePlugIns/Xcode3Core.ideplugin/Contents/SharedSupport/Developer/Library
PLATFORM_DEVELOPER_SDK_DIR           /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs
PLATFORM_DEVELOPER_TOOLS_DIR         /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Tools
PLATFORM_DEVELOPER_USR_DIR           /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr
PLATFORM_DIR                         /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform
PLATFORM_NAME                        iphoneos
PLIST_FILE_OUTPUT_FORMAT             binary
PRECOMP_DESTINATION_DIR              "/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/"
PRODUCT_NAME                         project
PRODUCT_SETTINGS_PATH                "/Volumes/Development/Project Game/Project-v1/project/Resources/Info.plist"
PROFILING_CODE                       NO
PROJECT                              project
PROJECT_DERIVED_FILE_DIR             "/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/"
PROJECT_DIR                          "/Volumes/Development/Project Game/Project-v1"
PROJECT_FILE_PATH                    "/Volumes/Development/Project Game/Project-v1/project.xcodeproj"
PROJECT_NAME                         project
PROJECT_TEMP_DIR                     "/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/"
REZ_COLLECTOR_DIR                    "/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/"
REZ_OBJECTS_DIR                      "/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/"
REZ_SEARCH_PATHS                     "\"/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/BuildProductsPath/Distribution-iphoneos\" "
SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE                    "/Volumes/Development/Project Game/Project-v1/fonts/helvetica-black-hd.png"
SCRIPT_OUTPUT_FILE_0                 "/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/"
SDKROOT                              /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS4.3.sdk
SDK_DIR                              /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS4.3.sdk
SDK_NAME                             iphoneos4.3
SED                                  /usr/bin/sed
SEPARATE_STRIP                       NO
SHALLOW_BUNDLE                      YES
SHARED_DERIVED_FILE_DIR             "/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/BuildProductsPath/Distribution-iphoneos/DerivedSources"
SHARED_PRECOMPS_DIR                 /Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/Build/PrecompiledHeaders
SKIP_INSTALL                        NO
SOURCE_ROOT                         "/Volumes/Development/Project Game/Project-v1"
SRCROOT                             "/Volumes/Development/Project Game/Project-v1"
STRIP_STYLE                         all
SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS                 "iphonesimulator iphoneos"
SYMROOT                             "/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/BuildProductsPath"
SYSTEM_ADMIN_APPS_DIR               /Applications/Utilities
SYSTEM_APPS_DIR                     /Applications
SYSTEM_CORE_SERVICES_DIR            /System/Library/CoreServices
SYSTEM_DEMOS_DIR                    /Applications/Extras
SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_APPS_DIR           /Developer/Applications
SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_BIN_DIR            /Developer/usr/bin
SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_DEMOS_DIR          "/Developer/Applications/Utilities/Built Examples"
SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_DIR                /Developer
SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_DOC_DIR            "/Developer/ADC Reference Library"
SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_GRAPHICS_TOOLS_DIR "/Developer/Applications/Graphics Tools"
SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_JAVA_TOOLS_DIR     "/Developer/Applications/Java Tools"
SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_PERFORMANCE_TOOLS_DIR   "/Developer/Applications/Performance Tools"
SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_RELEASENOTES_DIR   "/Developer/ADC Reference Library/releasenotes"
SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_TOOLS              /Developer/Tools
SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_TOOLS_DOC_DIR      "/Developer/ADC Reference Library/documentation/DeveloperTools"
SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_TOOLS_RELEASENOTES_DIR   "/Developer/ADC Reference Library/releasenotes/DeveloperTools"
SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_USR_DIR            /Developer/usr
SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_UTILITIES_DIR      /Developer/Applications/Utilities
SYSTEM_DOCUMENTATION_DIR            /Library/Documentation
SYSTEM_LIBRARY_DIR                  /System/Library
TARGETNAME                          Project
TARGET_BUILD_DIR                    "/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications"
TARGET_NAME                         Project
TARGET_TEMP_DIR                     "/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/"
TEMP_DIR                            "/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/"
TEMP_FILES_DIR                      "/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/"
TEMP_FILE_DIR                       "/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/"
TEMP_ROOT                           "/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dxdgjvgsvvbhowgjqouevhmvgxgf/ArchiveIntermediates/Project Distribution/IntermediateBuildFilesPath"
TEST_AFTER_BUILD                    NO
UID                                 501
USER                         username
USER_APPS_DIR                /Users/username/Applications
USER_LIBRARY_DIR             /Users/username/Library
USE_HEADERMAP                YES
VALID_ARCHS                  "armv6 armv7"
VERBOSE_PBXCP                NO
VERSION_INFO_BUILDER         username
VERSION_INFO_FILE            project_vers.c
VERSION_INFO_STRING          "\"@(#)PROGRAM:project  PROJECT:project-\""
WRAPPER_EXTENSION            app
WRAPPER_SUFFIX               .app
XCODE_APP_SUPPORT_DIR        /Developer/Library/Xcode
YACC                        /Developer/usr/bin/yacc

Find non-ASCII characters in varchar columns using SQL Server

Here is a UDF I built to detectc columns with extended ascii charaters. It is quick and you can extended the character set you want to check. The second parameter allows you to switch between checking anything outside the standard character set or allowing an extended set:

create function [dbo].[udf_ContainsNonASCIIChars]
@string nvarchar(4000),
@checkExtendedCharset bit
returns bit

    declare @pos int = 0;
    declare @char varchar(1);
    declare @return bit = 0;

    while @pos < len(@string)
        select @char = substring(@string, @pos, 1)
        if ascii(@char) < 32 or ascii(@char) > 126 
                if @checkExtendedCharset = 1
                        if ascii(@char) not in (9,124,130,138,142,146,150,154,158,160,170,176,180,181,183,184,185,186,192,193,194,195,196,197,199,200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,209,210,211,212,213,214,216,217,218,219,220,221,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,233,234,235,236,237,238,239,240,241,242,243,244,245,246,248,249,250,251,252,253,254,255)
                                select @return = 1;
                                select @pos = (len(@string) + 1)
                                select @pos = @pos + 1
                        select @return = 1;
                        select @pos = (len(@string) + 1)    
                select @pos = @pos + 1

    return @return;



select Address1 
from PropertyFile_English
where udf_ContainsNonASCIIChars(Address1, 1) = 1

Get variable from PHP to JavaScript

You can pass PHP Variables to your JavaScript by generating it with PHP:

$someVar = 1;

<script type="text/javascript">
    var javaScriptVar = "<?php echo $someVar; ?>";

Getting input values from text box

You will notice you have no value attr in the input tags.
Also, although not shown, make sure the Javascript is run after the html is in place.

Configuring ObjectMapper in Spring

I am using Spring 4.1.6 and Jackson FasterXML 2.1.4.

            <bean class="org.springframework.http.converter.json.MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter">
                <property name="objectMapper">
                    <bean class="com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper">
                        <!-- ?????null??-->
                        <property name="serializationInclusion" value="NON_NULL"/>

this works at my applicationContext.xml configration

how to output every line in a file python

Did you try

for line in open("masters", "r").readlines(): print line



only reads "a line", on the other hand


reads whole lines and gives you a list of all lines.

How to Programmatically Add Views to Views

This is late but this may help someone :) :) For adding the view programmatically try like

LinearLayout rlmain = new LinearLayout(this);      
LinearLayout.LayoutParams llp = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT,LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT);          
LinearLayout   ll1 = new LinearLayout (this);

ImageView iv = new ImageView(this);
LinearLayout .LayoutParams lp = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT);

setContentView(rlmain, llp);

This will create your entire view programmatcally. You can add any number of view as same. Hope this may help. :)

std::thread calling method of class

Not so hard:

#include <thread>

void Test::runMultiThread()
    std::thread t1(&Test::calculate, this,  0, 10);
    std::thread t2(&Test::calculate, this, 11, 20);

If the result of the computation is still needed, use a future instead:

#include <future>

void Test::runMultiThread()
     auto f1 = std::async(&Test::calculate, this,  0, 10);
     auto f2 = std::async(&Test::calculate, this, 11, 20);

     auto res1 = f1.get();
     auto res2 = f2.get();

Writing MemoryStream to Response Object

Assuming you can get a Stream, FileStream or MemoryStream for instance, you can do this:

Stream file = [Some Code that Gets you a stream];
var filename = [The name of the file you want to user to download/see];

if (file != null && file.CanRead)
    context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + filename + "\"");
    context.Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream";

Thats a copy and paste from some of my working code, so the content type might not be what youre looking for, but writing the stream to the response is the trick on the last line.

MySQL Select Date Equal to Today

SELECT, DATE_FORMAT(users.signup_date, '%Y-%m-%d') 
FROM users 
WHERE DATE(signup_date) = CURDATE()

How to select a value in dropdown javascript?

Use the selectedIndex property:

document.getElementById("Mobility").selectedIndex = 12; //Option 10

Alternate method:

Loop through each value:

//Get select object
var objSelect = document.getElementById("Mobility");

//Set selected
setSelectedValue(objSelect, "10");

function setSelectedValue(selectObj, valueToSet) {
    for (var i = 0; i < selectObj.options.length; i++) {
        if (selectObj.options[i].text== valueToSet) {
            selectObj.options[i].selected = true;

Eclipse: Syntax Error, parameterized types are only if source level is 1.5

Single answer couldn't solve my problem so I used both :

  • First right click on the error in problems tab
  • click Quick fix
  • ok
  • right click on the project
  • build path
  • configure build path
  • remove JRE library
  • add JRE library

.... tada...done... :)

How do I add images in laravel view?

If Image folder location is public/assets/img/default.jpg. You can try in view

   <img src="{{ URL::to('/assets/img/default.jpg') }}">

Does calling clone() on an array also clone its contents?

The clone is a shallow copy of the array.

This test code prints:

[1, 2] / [1, 2]
[100, 200] / [100, 2]

because the MutableInteger is shared in both arrays as objects[0] and objects2[0], but you can change the reference objects[1] independently from objects2[1].

import java.util.Arrays;                                                                                                                                 

public class CloneTest {                                                                                                                                 
    static class MutableInteger {                                                                                                                        
        int value;                                                                                                                                       
        MutableInteger(int value) {                                                                                                                      
            this.value = value;                                                                                                                          
        public String toString() {                                                                                                                       
            return Integer.toString(value);                                                                                                              
    public static void main(String[] args) {                                                                                                             
        MutableInteger[] objects = new MutableInteger[] {
                new MutableInteger(1), new MutableInteger(2) };                                                
        MutableInteger[] objects2 = objects.clone();                                                                                                     
        System.out.println(Arrays.toString(objects) + " / " + 
        objects[0].value = 100;                                                                                                                          
        objects[1] = new MutableInteger(200);                                                                                                            
        System.out.println(Arrays.toString(objects) + " / " + 

How to stretch in width a WPF user control to its window?

This worked for me. don't assign any width or height to the UserControl and define row and column definition in the parent window.

<UserControl x:Class="MySampleApp.myUC"


 <Window xmlns:MySampleApp="clr-namespace:MySampleApp"  x:Class="MySampleApp.MainWindow"
    Title="MainWindow" Height="auto" Width="auto" MinWidth="1000" >
        <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />           
        <ColumnDefinition Width="*" />            
    <MySampleApp:myUC Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="0" />       

How to catch and print the full exception traceback without halting/exiting the program?

This is my solution to write the error in a log file and also on console:

import logging, sys
import traceback
logging.basicConfig(filename='error.log', level=logging.DEBUG)

def handle_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback):
    import sys
    if issubclass(exc_type, KeyboardInterrupt):
        sys.__excepthook__(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)
    exc_info=(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)
    logging.critical("\nDate:" + str(, exc_info=(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback))
    print("An error occured, check error.log to see the error details")

sys.excepthook = handle_exception

Convert AM/PM time to 24 hours format?

Go through following code to convert the DateTime from 12 hrs to 24 hours.

string currentDateString = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy h:mm tt");
DateTime currentDate = Convert.ToDateTime(currentDateString);
Console.WriteLine("String Current Date: " + currentDateString);
Console.WriteLine("Converted Date: " + currentDate.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm"));

Whenever you want the time should be displayed in24 hours use format "HH"

You can refer following link for further details: Custom Date and Time Format Strings

pip install fails with "connection error: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:598)"

You can specify a cert with this param:

pip --cert /etc/ssl/certs/FOO_Root_CA.pem install linkchecker

See: Docs » Reference Guide » pip

If specifying your company's root cert doesn't work maybe the cURL one will work:

You must use a PEM file and not a CRT file. If you have a CRT file you will need to convert the file to PEM There are reports in the comments that this now works with a CRT file but I have not verified.

Also check: SSL Cert Verification.

Token Authentication vs. Cookies

I believe that there is some confusion here. The significant difference between cookie based authentication and what is now possible with HTML5 Web Storage is that browsers are built to send cookie data whenever they are requesting resources from the domain that set them. You can't prevent that without turning off cookies. Browsers do not send data from Web Storage unless code in the page sends it. And pages can only access data that they stored, not data stored by other pages.

So, a user worried about the way that their cookie data might be used by Google or Facebook might turn off cookies. But, they have less reason to turn off Web Storage (until the advertisers figure a way to use that as well).

So, that's the difference between cookie based and token based, the latter uses Web Storage.

Unit Testing: DateTime.Now

Here is my anwer of this question. I combine the 'Ambient Context' pattern with IDisposable. So you can use the DateTimeProvider.Current in your normal program code and in the test you override the scope with a using statement.

using System;
using System.Collections.Immutable;

namespace ambientcontext {

public abstract class DateTimeProvider : IDisposable
    private static ImmutableStack<DateTimeProvider> stack = ImmutableStack<DateTimeProvider>.Empty.Push(new DefaultDateTimeProvider());

    protected DateTimeProvider()
        if (this.GetType() != typeof(DefaultDateTimeProvider))
            stack = stack.Push(this);

    public static DateTimeProvider Current => stack.Peek();
    public abstract DateTime Today { get; }
    public abstract DateTime Now {get; }

    public void Dispose()
        if (this.GetType() != typeof(DefaultDateTimeProvider))
            stack = stack.Pop();

    // Not visible Default Implementation 
    private class DefaultDateTimeProvider : DateTimeProvider {
        public override DateTime Today => DateTime.Today; 
        public override DateTime Now => DateTime.Now; 

Here is how to use the above DateTimeProvider inside a Unit-Test

using System;
using Xunit;

namespace ambientcontext
    public class TestDateTimeProvider
        public void TestDateTime()
            var actual = DateTimeProvider.Current.Today;
            var expected = DateTime.Today;

            Assert.Equal<DateTime>(expected, actual);

            using (new MyDateTimeProvider(new DateTime(2012,12,21)))
                Assert.Equal(2012, DateTimeProvider.Current.Today.Year);

                using (new MyDateTimeProvider(new DateTime(1984,4,4)))
                    Assert.Equal(1984, DateTimeProvider.Current.Today.Year);    

                Assert.Equal(2012, DateTimeProvider.Current.Today.Year);

            // Fall-Back to Default DateTimeProvider 
            Assert.Equal<int>(expected.Year,  DateTimeProvider.Current.Today.Year);

        private class MyDateTimeProvider : DateTimeProvider 
            private readonly DateTime dateTime; 

            public MyDateTimeProvider(DateTime dateTime):base()
                this.dateTime = dateTime; 

            public override DateTime Today => this.dateTime.Date;

            public override DateTime Now => this.dateTime;

How to get the version of ionic framework?

$ ionic -v

CLI 4.12.0

you will be able to know your framework version

$ ionic info

all details

asp:TextBox ReadOnly=true or Enabled=false?

I have a child aspx form that does an address lookup server side. The values from the child aspx page are then passed back to the parent textboxes via javascript client side.

Although you can see the textboxes have been changed neither ReadOnly or Enabled would allow the values to be posted back in the parent form.

ASP.NET MVC ActionLink and post method

If you're using ASP MVC3 you could use an Ajax.ActionLink(), that allows you to specify a HTTP Method which you could set to "POST".

How to hide reference counts in VS2013?


In VS 2015 Professional (and probably other versions). Go to Tools / Options / Environment / Fonts and Colours. In the "Show Settings For" drop-down, select "CodeLens" Choose the smallest font you can find e.g. Calibri 6. Change the foreground colour to your editor foreground colour (say "White") Click OK.

ASP.NET Core return JSON with status code

What I do in my Asp Net Core Api applications it is to create a class that extends from ObjectResult and provide many constructors to customize the content and the status code. Then all my Controller actions use one of the costructors as appropiate. You can take a look at my implementation at:


here is how the class looks like(go to my repo for full code):

public class StatusCodeAndDtoWrapper : ObjectResult

    public StatusCodeAndDtoWrapper(AppResponse dto, int statusCode = 200) : base(dto)
        StatusCode = statusCode;

    private StatusCodeAndDtoWrapper(AppResponse dto, int statusCode, string message) : base(dto)
        StatusCode = statusCode;
        if (dto.FullMessages == null)
            dto.FullMessages = new List<string>(1);

    private StatusCodeAndDtoWrapper(AppResponse dto, int statusCode, ICollection<string> messages) : base(dto)
        StatusCode = statusCode;
        dto.FullMessages = messages;

Notice the base(dto) you replace dto by your object and you should be good to go.

Determine if running on a rooted device

Update 2017

You can do it now with Google Safetynet API. The SafetyNet API provides Attestation API which helps you assess the security and compatibility of the Android environments in which your apps run.

This attestation can helps to determine whether or not the particular device has been tampered with or otherwise modified.

The Attestation API returns a JWS response like this

  "nonce": "R2Rra24fVm5xa2Mg",
  "timestampMs": 9860437986543,
  "apkPackageName": "",
  "apkCertificateDigestSha256": ["base64 encoded, SHA-256 hash of the
                                  certificate used to sign requesting app"],
  "apkDigestSha256": "base64 encoded, SHA-256 hash of the app's APK",
  "ctsProfileMatch": true,
  "basicIntegrity": true,

Parsing this response can help you determine if device is rooted or not

Rooted devices seem to cause ctsProfileMatch=false.

You can do it on client side but parsing response on server side is recommend. A basic client server archtecture with safety net API will look like this:-

enter image description here

What to do with branch after merge

After the merge, it's safe to delete the branch:

git branch -d branch1

Additionally, git will warn you (and refuse to delete the branch) if it thinks you didn't fully merge it yet. If you forcefully delete a branch (with git branch -D) which is not completely merged yet, you have to do some tricks to get the unmerged commits back though (see below).

There are some reasons to keep a branch around though. For example, if it's a feature branch, you may want to be able to do bugfixes on that feature still inside that branch.

If you also want to delete the branch on a remote host, you can do:

git push origin :branch1

This will forcefully delete the branch on the remote (this will not affect already checked-out repositiories though and won't prevent anyone with push access to re-push/create it).

git reflog shows the recently checked out revisions. Any branch you've had checked out in the recent repository history will also show up there. Aside from that, git fsck will be the tool of choice at any case of commit-loss in git.

Change image onmouseover

here's a native javascript inline code to change image onmouseover & onmouseout:

<a href="#" id="name">
    <img title="Hello" src="/ico/view.png" onmouseover="this.src='/ico/view.hover.png'" onmouseout="this.src='/ico/view.png'" />

Send response to all clients except sender

Here is a more complete answer about what has changed from 0.9.x to 1.x.

 // send to current request socket client
 socket.emit('message', "this is a test");// Hasn't changed

 // sending to all clients, include sender
 io.sockets.emit('message', "this is a test"); // Old way, still compatible
 io.emit('message', 'this is a test');// New way, works only in 1.x

 // sending to all clients except sender
 socket.broadcast.emit('message', "this is a test");// Hasn't changed

 // sending to all clients in 'game' room(channel) except sender'game').emit('message', 'nice game');// Hasn't changed

 // sending to all clients in 'game' room(channel), include sender'game').emit('message', 'cool game');// Old way, DOES NOT WORK ANYMORE'game').emit('message', 'cool game');// New way'game').emit('message', 'cool game');// New way, "in" or "to" are the exact same: "And then simply use to or in (they are the same) when broadcasting or emitting:" from

 // sending to individual socketid, socketid is like a room
 io.sockets.socket(socketid).emit('message', 'for your eyes only');// Old way, DOES NOT WORK ANYMORE'message', 'for your eyes only');// New way

I wanted to edit the post of @soyuka but my edit was rejected by peer-review.

Node.js version on the command line? (not the REPL)

By default node package is nodejs, so use

$ nodejs -v


$ nodejs --version 

You can make a link using

$ sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node

then u can use

$ node --version


$ node -v

Viewing all defined variables

keep in mind dir() will return all current imports, AND variables.

if you just want your variables, I would suggest a naming scheme that is easy to extract from dir, such as varScore, varNames, etc.

that way, you can simply do this:

for vars in dir():
 if vars.startswith("var"):
   print vars


if you want to list all variables, but exclude imported modules and variables such as:


you can use something like so:

import os
import re

x = 11
imports = "os","re"

for vars in dir():
    if vars.startswith("__") == 0 and vars not in imports:
        print vars

as you can see, it will show the variable "imports" though, because it is a variable (well, a tuple). A quick workaround is to add the word "imports" into the imports tuple itself!

How to detect READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT is enabled?

Neither on SQL2005 nor 2012 does DBCC USEROPTIONS show is_read_committed_snapshot_on:

Set Option  Value
textsize    2147483647
language    us_english
dateformat  mdy
datefirst   7
lock_timeout    -1
quoted_identifier   SET
arithabort  SET
ansi_null_dflt_on   SET
ansi_warnings   SET
ansi_padding    SET
ansi_nulls  SET
concat_null_yields_null SET
isolation level read committed

ListBox with ItemTemplate (and ScrollBar!)

I pasted your code into test project, added about 20 items and I get usable scroll bars, no problem, and they work as expected. When I only add a couple items (such that scrolling is unnecessary) I get no usable scrollbar. Could this be the case? that you are not adding enough items?

If you remove the ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Visible" then the scroll bars only appear when you have need of them.

Image library for Python 3

You can use my package mahotas on Python 3. It is numpy-based rather than PIL based.

How much does it cost to develop an iPhone application?

Appsamuck iPhone tutorials is aiming for 31 days of tutorials ending in 31 small apps developed for the iPhone all the source code for which is available to download. They also provide a commercial service to build apps!

If you want to know if you can do the coding, well at least you can download the code and see if anything there is helpful for your needs. On the flip side you can also get a quote from them for developing the app for you, so you can try both sides of the coin, outsource and in-house. Of course it all depends on how much time you have too! It's certainly worth a look!

(OK, after my last disastrous attempt to try and post a useful piece of help, I went off hunting around!)

Why does the C++ STL not provide any "tree" containers?

Reading through the answers here the common named reasons are that one cannot iterate through the tree or that the tree does not assume the similar interface to other STL containers and one could not use STL algorithms with such tree structure.

Having that in mind I tried to design my own tree data structure which will provide STL-like interface and will be usable with existing STL algorthims as much as possible.

My idea was that the tree must be based on the existing STL containers and that it must not hide the container, so that it will be accessible to use with STL algorithms.

The other important feature the tree must provide is the traversing iterators.

Here is what I was able to come up with:

And here are the tests:

Finding the path of the program that will execute from the command line in Windows

Use the where command. The first result in the list is the one that will execute.

C:\> where notepad

According to this blog post, where.exe is included with Windows Server 2003 and later, so this should just work with Vista, Win 7, et al.

On Linux, the equivalent is the which command, e.g. which ssh.

How to get complete month name from DateTime

You can do as mservidio suggested, or even better, keep track of your culture using this overload:

DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMM", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

Jquery to open Bootstrap v3 modal of remote url'load-url'); won't work
use dataset.loadUrl

$('#myModal').on('', function (e) {
    var loadurl = e.relatedTarget.dataset.loadUrl;

How do I generate a list with a specified increment step?

The following example shows benchmarks for a few alternatives.

library(rbenchmark) # Note spelling: "rbenchmark", not "benchmark"
##                     test replications elapsed  relative user.self sys.self
## 2          (0:5e+05) * 2          100   0.587  3.536145     0.344    0.244
## 1     seq(0, 1e6, by = 2)         100   2.760 16.626506     1.832    0.900
## 3, 1e6, by = 2)         100   0.166  1.000000     0.056    0.096

In this case, is the fastest method and seq the slowest. If performance of this step isn't that important (it still takes < 3 seconds to generate a sequence of 500,000 values), I might still use seq as the most readable solution.

Convert object string to JSON

Maybe you have to try this:

str = jQuery.parseJSON(str)

TypeError: worker() takes 0 positional arguments but 1 was given

I get this error whenever I mistakenly create a Python class using def instead of class:

def Foo():
    def __init__(self, x):
        self.x = x
# python thinks we're calling a function Foo which takes 0 args   
a = Foo(x) 

TypeError: Foo() takes 0 positional arguments but 1 was given


How to redirect to Index from another controller?

You can use local redirect. Following codes are jumping the HomeController's Index page:

public class SharedController : Controller
        // GET: /<controller>/
        public IActionResult _Layout(string btnLogout)
            if (btnLogout != null)
                return LocalRedirect("~/Index");

            return View();

How to run the Python program forever?

I have a small script that runs the code at an interval (default 1sec), it pumps out a message to the screen while it's running, and traps an interrupt signal that you can send with CTL-C:

from interruptableLoop import InterruptableLoop

loop=InterruptableLoop(intervalSecs=1) # redundant argument
while loop.ShouldContinue():
   # some python code that I want 
   # to keep on running

When you run the script and then interrupt it you see this output, (the periods pump out on every pass of the loop):

[py36]$ ./
CTL-C to stop   (or $kill -s SIGINT pid)
Exiting at  2018-07-28 14:58:40.359331

    Use to create a permanent loop that can be stopped ...

    ... from same terminal where process was started and is running in foreground: 

    ... from same user account but through a different terminal 
        $ kill -2 <pid> 
        or $ kill -s SIGINT <pid>

import signal
import time
from datetime import datetime as dtt
class InterruptableLoop:
    def __init__(self,intervalSecs=1,printStatus=True):
        if self.printStatus:
            print ("CTL-C to stop\t(or $kill -s SIGINT pid)")
        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self._StopRunning)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, self._Abort)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self._Abort)

    def _StopRunning(self, signal, frame):
        self.shouldContinue = False

    def _Abort(self, signal, frame):

    def ShouldContinue(self):
        if self.shouldContinue and self.printStatus: 
            print( ".",end="",flush=True)
        elif not self.shouldContinue and self.printStatus:
            print ("Exiting at ",
        return self.shouldContinue

Why do I have ORA-00904 even when the column is present?

Have you compared the table definitions in Prod and Dev?

And when you are running it in SQL Developer, are you running the query in Prod (same database as the application) and with the same user?

If there are some additional columns that you are adding (using an alter command) and these changes are not yet promoted to prod, this issue is possible.

Can you post the definition of the table and your actual Query?

How to change the application launcher icon on Flutter?

Follow these steps:-

1. Add dependencies of flutter_luncher_icons in pubspec.yaml file.You can find this plugin from here.

2. Add your required images in asstes folder and pubspec.yaml file as below .


description: A new Flutter application.

# The following line prevents the package from being accidentally published to
# using `pub publish`. This is preferred for private packages.
publish_to: 'none' # Remove this line if you wish to publish to
version: 1.0.0+1

  sdk: ">=2.7.0 <3.0.0"

      sdk: flutter

  # The following adds the Cupertino Icons font to your application.
  # Use with the CupertinoIcons class for iOS style icons.
  cupertino_icons: ^1.0.1
  fluttertoast: ^7.1.6
  toast: ^0.1.5
  flutter_launcher_icons: ^0.8.0

    sdk: flutter

  image_path: "assets/icon/newsicon.png"
  android: true
  ios: false

# The following section is specific to Flutter.

  # The following line ensures that the Material Icons font is
  # included with your application, so that you can use the icons in
  # the material Icons class.
  uses-material-design: true
    - assets/images/dropbox.png

    - family: LangerReguler
        - asset: assets/langer_reguler.ttf

  # fonts:
  #   - family: Schyler
  #     fonts:
  #       - asset: fonts/Schyler-Regular.ttf
  #       - asset: fonts/Schyler-Italic.ttf
  #         style: italic
  #   - family: Trajan Pro
  #     fonts:
  #       - asset: fonts/TrajanPro.ttf
  #       - asset: fonts/TrajanPro_Bold.ttf
  #         weight: 700
  # For details regarding fonts from package dependencies,
  # see

3. Then run the command in terminal flutter pub get and then flutter_luncher_icon.This is what I get the result after the successfully run the command . And luncher icon is also generated successfully.

My Terminal

[E:\AndroidStudioProjects\FlutterProject\NewsFlutter\news_flutter>flutter pub get
Running "flutter pub get" in news_flutter...                       881ms

E:\AndroidStudioProjects\FlutterProject\NewsFlutter\news_flutter>flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main

• Creating default icons Android
• Overwriting the default Android launcher icon with a new icon

? Successfully generated launcher icons

Android ImageView Animation

imgDics = (ImageView) v.findViewById(;
    anim = new RotateAnimation(0f, 360f,
            Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 0.5f, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF,
    anim.setInterpolator(new LinearInterpolator());

    // Start animating the image

How would I create a UIAlertView in Swift?

SWIFT 4 : Simply create a extension to UIViewController as follows:

extension  UIViewController {        
    func showSuccessAlert(withTitle title: String, andMessage message:String) {
        let alert = UIAlertController(title: title, message: message,
                                  preferredStyle: UIAlertController.Style.alert)
        alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "OK".localized, style:
        UIAlertAction.Style.default, handler: nil))
        self.present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)

Now in your ViewController, directly call above function as if they are provided by UIViewController.

      "YourTitle", andMessage: "YourCustomTitle")

Best way to list files in Java, sorted by Date Modified?

You might also look at apache commons IO, it has a built in last modified comparator and many other nice utilities for working with files.

Assign output of os.system to a variable and prevent it from being displayed on the screen

from os import system, remove
from uuid import uuid4

def bash_(shell_command: str) -> tuple:

    :param shell_command: your shell command
    :return: ( 1 | 0, stdout)

    logfile: str = '/tmp/%s' % uuid4().hex
    err: int = system('%s &> %s' % (shell_command, logfile))
    out: str = open(logfile, 'r').read()
    return err, out

# Example: 
print(bash_('cat /usr/bin/vi | wc -l'))
>>> (0, '3296\n')```

Labeling file upload button

much easier use it

<input type="button" id="loadFileXml" value="Custom Button Name"onclick="document.getElementById('file').click();" />
<input type="file" style="display:none;" id="file" name="file"/>

Printing a 2D array in C

First you need to input the two numbers say num_rows and num_columns perhaps using argc and argv then do a for loop to print the dots.

int j=0;
int k=0;
for (k=0;k<num_columns;k++){
   for (j=0;j<num_rows;j++){

you'd have to replace the dot with something else later.

Cookies on localhost with explicit domain

localhost: You can use: domain: ".app.localhost" and it will work. The 'domain' parameter needs 1 or more dots in the domain name for setting cookies. Then you can have sessions working across localhost subdomains such as:

Cast Object to Generic Type for returning

You have to use a Class instance because of the generic type erasure during compilation.

public static <T> T convertInstanceOfObject(Object o, Class<T> clazz) {
    try {
        return clazz.cast(o);
    } catch(ClassCastException e) {
        return null;

The declaration of that method is:

public T cast(Object o)

This can also be used for array types. It would look like this:

final Class<int[]> intArrayType = int[].class;
final Object someObject = new int[]{1,2,3};
final int[] instance = convertInstanceOfObject(someObject, intArrayType);

Note that when someObject is passed to convertToInstanceOfObject it has the compile time type Object.

GET URL parameter in PHP

Please post your code,

    echo $_GET['link'];


    echo $_REQUEST['link'];

do work...

What are the valid Style Format Strings for a Reporting Services [SSRS] Expression?

You can set TextBox properties for setting negative number display and decimal places settings.

  1. Right-click the cell and then click Text Box Properties.
  2. Select Number, and in the Category field, click Currency.

enter image description here

Convert textbox text to integer

If your SQL database allows Null values for that field try using int? value like that :

if (this.txtboxname.Text == "" || this.txtboxname.text == null)
     value = null;
     value = Convert.ToInt32(this.txtboxname.Text);

Take care that Convert.ToInt32 of a null value returns 0 !

Convert.ToInt32(null) returns 0

How to add/update an attribute to an HTML element using JavaScript?

Obligatory jQuery solution. Finds and sets the title attribute to foo. Note this selects a single element since I'm doing it by id, but you could easily set the same attribute on a collection by changing the selector.

$('#element').attr( 'title', 'foo' );

Run jar file in command prompt

If you dont have an entry point defined in your manifest invoking java -jar foo.jar will not work.

Use this command if you dont have a manifest or to run a different main class than the one specified in the manifest:

java -cp foo.jar

See also instructions on how to create a manifest with an entry point:

R color scatter plot points based on values

Also it'd work to just specify ifelse() twice:

plot(pos,cn, col= ifelse(cn >= 3, "red", ifelse(cn <= 1,"blue", "black")), ylim = c(0, 10))

Why doesn't height: 100% work to expand divs to the screen height?

In order for a percentage value to work for height, the parent's height must be determined. The only exception is the root element <html>, which can be a percentage height. .

So, you've given all of your elements height, except for the <html>, so what you should do is add this:

html {
    height: 100%;

And your code should work fine.

* { padding: 0; margin: 0; }_x000D_
html, body, #fullheight {_x000D_
    min-height: 100% !important;_x000D_
    height: 100%;_x000D_
#fullheight {_x000D_
    width: 250px;_x000D_
    background: blue;_x000D_
<div id=fullheight>_x000D_
  Lorem Ipsum        _x000D_

JsFiddle example.

How do I check that multiple keys are in a dict in a single pass?

In the case of determining whether only some keys match, this works:

any_keys_i_seek = ["key1", "key2", "key3"]

if set(my_dict).intersection(any_keys_i_seek):
    # code_here

Yet another option to find if only some keys match:

any_keys_i_seek = ["key1", "key2", "key3"]

if any_keys_i_seek & my_dict.keys():
    # code_here

Why am I getting "(304) Not Modified" error on some links when using HttpWebRequest?

This is intended behavior.

When you make an HTTP request, the server normally returns code 200 OK. If you set If-Modified-Since, the server may return 304 Not modified (and the response will not have the content). This is supposed to be your cue that the page has not been modified.

The authors of the class have foolishly decided that 304 should be treated as an error and throw an exception. Now you have to clean up after them by catching the exception every time you try to use If-Modified-Since.

Is it possible to set a number to NaN or infinity?

Yes, you can use numpy for that.

import numpy as np
a = arange(3,dtype=float)

a[0] = np.nan
a[1] = np.inf
a[2] = -np.inf

a # is now [nan,inf,-inf]

np.isnan(a[0]) # True
np.isinf(a[1]) # True
np.isinf(a[2]) # True

How to call two methods on button's onclick method in HTML or JavaScript?

<input type="button" onclick="functionA();functionB();" />

function functionA()


function functionB()


How to get Printer Info in .NET?

Please notice that the article that dowski and Panos was reffering to (MSDN Win32_Printer) can be a little misleading.

I'm referring the first value of most of the arrays. some begins with 1 and some begins with 0. for example, "ExtendedPrinterStatus" first value in table is 1, therefore, your array should be something like this:

string[] arrExtendedPrinterStatus = { 
    "","Other", "Unknown", "Idle", "Printing", "Warming Up",
    "Stopped Printing", "Offline", "Paused", "Error", "Busy",
    "Not Available", "Waiting", "Processing", "Initialization",
    "Power Save", "Pending Deletion", "I/O Active", "Manual Feed"

and on the other hand, "ErrorState" first value in table is 0, therefore, your array should be something like this:

string[] arrErrorState = {
    "Unknown", "Other", "No Error", "Low Paper", "No Paper", "Low Toner",
    "No Toner", "Door Open", "Jammed", "Offline", "Service Requested",
    "Output Bin Full"

BTW, "PrinterState" is obsolete, but you can use "PrinterStatus".

How to place Text and an Image next to each other in HTML?

img {
h3 {

jsFiddle example

Note that you will probably want to use the style clear:both on whatever elements comes after the code you provided so that it doesn't slide up directly beneath the floated elements.

Login to Microsoft SQL Server Error: 18456

18456 Error State List


  • State 2 and State 5 Invalid userid
  • State 6 Attempt to use a Windows login name with SQL Authentication
  • State 7 Login disabled and password mismatch
  • State 8 Password mismatch
  • State 9 Invalid password
  • State 11 and State 12 Valid login but server access failure
  • State 13 SQL Server service paused
  • State 18 Change password required

Potential causes Below is a list of reasons and some brief explanation what to do:

SQL Authentication not enabled: If you use SQL Login for the first time on SQL Server instance than very often error 18456 occurs because server might be set in Windows Authentication mode (only).

How to fix? Check this SQL Server and Windows Authentication Mode page.

Invalid userID: SQL Server is not able to find the specified UserID on the server you are trying to get. The most common cause is that this userID hasn’t been granted access on the server but this could be also a simple typo or you accidentally are trying to connect to different server (Typical if you use more than one server)

Invalid password: Wrong password or just a typo. Remember that this username can have different passwords on different servers.

less common errors: The userID might be disabled on the server. Windows login was provided for SQL Authentication (change to Windows Authentication. If you use SSMS you might have to run as different user to use this option). Password might have expired and probably several other reasons…. If you know of any other ones let me know.

18456 state 1 explanations: Usually Microsoft SQL Server will give you error state 1 which actually does not mean anything apart from that you have 18456 error. State 1 is used to hide actual state in order to protect the system, which to me makes sense. Below is a list with all different states and for more information about retrieving accurate states visit Understanding "login failed" (Error 18456) error messages in SQL Server 2005

Hope that helps

Jquery open popup on button click for bootstrap

Give an ID to uniquely identify the button, lets say myBtn

// when DOM is ready
$(document).ready(function () {

     // Attach Button click event listener 

         // show Modal


Getting value of HTML text input

Yes, you can use jQuery to make this done, the idea is

Use a hidden value in your form, and copy the value from external text box to this hidden value just before submitting the form.

<form name="input" action="handle_email.php" method="post">
  <input type="hidden" name="email" id="email" />
  <input type="submit" value="Submit" />

   $("form").submit(function() {
     var emailFromOtherTextBox = $("#email_textbox").val();
     $("#email").val(emailFromOtherTextBox ); 
     return true;

also see

java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.LinkedHashMap cannot be cast to com.testing.models.Account

I had a similar exception (but different problem) - java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.LinkedHashMap cannot be cast to org.bson.Document , and fortunately it's solved easier:

Instead of

List<Document> docs = obj.get("documents");
Document doc = docs.get(0)

which gives error on second line, One can use

List<Document> docs = obj.get("documents");
Document doc = new Document(docs.get(0));

GCM with PHP (Google Cloud Messaging)


function sendMessageToPhone($deviceToken, $collapseKey, $messageText, $yourKey) {    
    echo "DeviceToken:".$deviceToken."Key:".$collapseKey."Message:".$messageText
            ."API Key:".$yourKey."Response"."<br/>";

    $headers = array('Authorization:key=' . $yourKey);    
    $data = array(    
        'registration_id' => $deviceToken,          
        'collapse_key' => $collapseKey,
        'data.message' => $messageText);  
    $ch = curl_init();    

    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "");    
    if ($headers)    
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);    
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);    
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);    
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);    
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);    

    $response = curl_exec($ch);    
    $httpCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);    
    if (curl_errno($ch)) {
        return false;
    if ($httpCode != 200) {
        return false;
    return $response;    

$yourKey = "YOURKEY";
$deviceToken = "REGISTERED_ID";
$collapseKey = "COLLAPSE_KEY";
$messageText = "MESSAGE";
echo sendMessageToPhone($deviceToken, $collapseKey, $messageText, $yourKey);

In above script just change :

"YOURKEY" to API key to Server Key of API console.
"REGISTERED_ID" with your device's registration ID
"COLLAPSE_KEY" with key which you required
"MESSAGE" with message which you want to send

Let me know if you are getting any problem in this I am able to get notification successfully using the same script.

How to Migrate to WKWebView?

WkWebView is much faster and reliable than UIWebview according to the Apple docs. Here, I posted my WkWebViewController.

import UIKit
import WebKit

class WebPageViewController: UIViewController,UINavigationControllerDelegate,UINavigationBarDelegate,WKNavigationDelegate{

    var webView: WKWebView?
    var webUrl=""

    override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool){
        navigationController!.navigationBar.hidden = false

    override func viewDidLoad()
        /* Create our preferences on how the web page should be loaded */
        let preferences = WKPreferences()
        preferences.javaScriptEnabled = false

        /* Create a configuration for our preferences */
        let configuration = WKWebViewConfiguration()
        configuration.preferences = preferences

        /* Now instantiate the web view */
        webView = WKWebView(frame: view.bounds, configuration: configuration)

        if let theWebView = webView{
            /* Load a web page into our web view */
            let url = NSURL(string: self.webUrl)
            let urlRequest = NSURLRequest(URL: url!)
            theWebView.navigationDelegate = self


    /* Start the network activity indicator when the web view is loading */
    func webView(webView: WKWebView,didStartProvisionalNavigation navigation: WKNavigation){
            UIApplication.sharedApplication().networkActivityIndicatorVisible = true

    /* Stop the network activity indicator when the loading finishes */
    func webView(webView: WKWebView,didFinishNavigation navigation: WKNavigation){
            UIApplication.sharedApplication().networkActivityIndicatorVisible = false

    func webView(webView: WKWebView,
        decidePolicyForNavigationResponse navigationResponse: WKNavigationResponse,decisionHandler: ((WKNavigationResponsePolicy) -> Void)){

    override func didReceiveMemoryWarning(){


Update date + one year in mysql

This post helped me today, but I had to experiment to do what I needed. Here is what I found.

Should you want to add more complex time periods, for example 1 year and 15 days, you can use

UPDATE tablename SET datefieldname = curdate() + INTERVAL 15 DAY + INTERVAL 1 YEAR;

I found that using DATE_ADD doesn't allow for adding more than one interval. And there is no YEAR_DAYS interval keyword, though there are others that combine time periods. If you are adding times, use now() rather than curdate().

laravel collection to array

Try collect function in array like:

$comments_collection = collect($post->comments()->get()->toArray());

this methods can help you

toArray() with collect()

How do I delete everything below row X in VBA/Excel?

It sounds like something like the below will suit your needs:

With Sheets("Sheet1")
    .Rows( X & ":" & .Rows.Count).Delete
End With

Where X is a variable that = the row number ( 415 )

Align button at the bottom of div using CSS

You can use position:absolute; to absolutely position an element within a parent div. When using position:absolute; the element will be positioned absolutely from the first positioned parent div, if it can't find one it will position absolutely from the window so you will need to make sure the content div is positioned.

To make the content div positioned, all position values that aren't static will work, but relative is the easiest since it doesn't change the divs positioning by itself.

So add position:relative; to the content div, remove the float from the button and add the following css to the button:

position: absolute;
right:    0;
bottom:   0;

How to pause in C?

I assume you are on Windows. Instead of trying to run your program by double clicking on it's icon or clicking a button in your IDE, open up a command prompt, cd to the directory your program is in, and run it by typing its name on the command line.

release Selenium chromedriver.exe from memory

browser.close() will close only the current chrome window.

browser.quit() should close all of the open windows, then exit webdriver.

Compiling simple Hello World program on OS X via command line

Also, you can use an IDE like CLion (JetBrains) or a text editor like Atom, with the gpp-compiler plugin, works like a charm (F5 to compile & execute).

How to catch segmentation fault in Linux?

On Linux we can have these as exceptions, too.

Normally, when your program performs a segmentation fault, it is sent a SIGSEGV signal. You can set up your own handler for this signal and mitigate the consequences. Of course you should really be sure that you can recover from the situation. In your case, I think, you should debug your code instead.

Back to the topic. I recently encountered a library (short manual) that transforms such signals to exceptions, so you can write code like this:

    *(int*) 0 = 0;
catch (std::exception& e)
    std::cerr << "Exception caught : " << e.what() << std::endl;

Didn't check it, though. Works on my x86-64 Gentoo box. It has a platform-specific backend (borrowed from gcc's java implementation), so it can work on many platforms. It just supports x86 and x86-64 out of the box, but you can get backends from libjava, which resides in gcc sources.

Printing Lists as Tabular Data

To create a simple table using terminaltables

Open the terminal or your command prompt and run pip install terminaltables You can print and python list as the following

from terminaltables import AsciiTable

l = [
  ['Head', 'Head'],
  ['R1 C1', 'R1 C2'],
  ['R2 C1', 'R2 C2'],
  ['R3 C1', 'R3 C2']

table = AsciiTable(l)


They have other cool tables don't forget to check them out. Just google their library.

Hope that helps :100:!

How to see the actual Oracle SQL statement that is being executed

-- i use something like this, with concepts and some code stolen from asktom.
-- suggestions for improvements are welcome

sess AS
AND sess.SID = si.SID

) rollback_remaining,

PIECE < 30
FROM sess si;

Pass a PHP string to a JavaScript variable (and escape newlines)

Don't run it though addslashes(); if you're in the context of the HTML page, the HTML parser can still see the </script> tag, even mid-string, and assume it's the end of the JavaScript:

    $value = 'XXX</script><script>alert(document.cookie);</script>';

<script type="text/javascript">
    var foo = <?= json_encode($value) ?>; // Use this
    var foo = '<?= addslashes($value) ?>'; // Avoid, allows XSS!

What is the dual table in Oracle?

I think this wikipedia article may help clarify.

The DUAL table is a special one-row table present by default in all Oracle database installations. It is suitable for use in selecting a pseudocolumn such as SYSDATE or USER The table has a single VARCHAR2(1) column called DUMMY that has a value of "X"

Using XAMPP, how do I swap out PHP 5.3 for PHP 5.2?

I know this doesn't help you, but I have to say that this is one of the reasons I jumped from XAMPP to WampServer. WampServer lets you install multiple versions of PHP, Apache and/or MySQL, and switch between them all via a menu option.

Find and copy files

You need to use cp -t /home/shantanu/tosend in order to tell it that the argument is the target directory and not a source. You can then change it to -exec ... + in order to get cp to copy as many files as possible at once.

How do I set default value of select box in angularjs

You can simple use ng-init like this

<select ng-init="somethingHere = options[0]" ng-model="somethingHere" ng-options=" for option in options"></select>

Is there a Python equivalent to Ruby's string interpolation?

Python's string interpolation is similar to C's printf()

If you try:

name = "SpongeBob Squarepants"
print "Who lives in a Pineapple under the sea? %s" % name

The tag %s will be replaced with the name variable. You should take a look to the print function tags:

My kubernetes pods keep crashing with "CrashLoopBackOff" but I can't find any log

Whilst troubleshooting the same issue I found no logs when using kubeclt logs <pod_id>. Therefore I ssh:ed in to the node instance to try to run the container using plain docker. To my surprise this failed also.

When entering the container with:

docker exec -it faulty:latest /bin/sh

and poking around I found that it wasn't the latest version.

A faulty version of the docker image was already available on the instance.

When I removed the faulty:latest instance with:

docker rmi faulty:latest

everything started to work.

Pass command parameter to method in ViewModel in WPF?

Just using Data Binding syntax. For example,

<Button x:Name="btn" 
         Command="{Binding ClickCmd}" 
         CommandParameter="{Binding ElementName=btn,Path=Content}" /> 

Not only can we use Data Binding to get some data from View Models, but also pass data back to View Models. In CommandParameter, must use ElementName to declare binding source explicitly.

How to add display:inline-block in a jQuery show() function?

actually jQuery simply clears the value of the 'display' property, and doesn't set it to 'block' (see internal implementation of jQuery.showHide()) -

   function showHide(elements, show) {
    var display, elem, hidden,


         if (show) {
            // Reset the inline display of this element to learn if it is
            // being hidden by cascaded rules or not
            if (!values[index] && display === "none") {
       = "";


        if (!show || === "none" || === "") {
   = show ? values[index] || "" : "none";

Please note that you can override $$.fn.hide(); storing original display in element itself when hiding (e.g. as an attribute or in the $.data()); and then applying it back again when showing.

Also, using css important! will probably not work here - since setting a style inline is usually stronger than any other rule

How to remove unused imports from Eclipse

I just found the way. Right click on the desired package then Source -> Organize Imports.

Shortcut keys:

  • Windows: Ctrl + Shift + O
  • Mac: Cmd + Shift + O

jquery (or pure js) simulate enter key pressed for testing

For those who want to do this in pure javascript, look at:

Using standard KeyboardEvent

As Joe comment it, KeyboardEvent is now the standard.

Same example to fire an enter (keyCode 13):

const ke = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {
    bubbles: true, cancelable: true, keyCode: 13

You can use this page help you to find the right keyboard event.

Outdated answer:

You can do something like (here for Firefox)

var ev = document.createEvent('KeyboardEvent');
// Send key '13' (= enter)
    'keydown', true, true, window, false, false, false, false, 13, 0);

Laravel 5.2 - Use a String as a Custom Primary Key for Eloquent Table becomes 0

This was added to the upgrade documentation on Dec 29, 2015, so if you upgraded before then you probably missed it.

When fetching any attribute from the model it checks if that column should be cast as an integer, string, etc.

By default, for auto-incrementing tables, the ID is assumed to be an integer in this method:

So the solution is:

class UserVerification extends Model
    protected $primaryKey = 'your_key_name'; // or null

    public $incrementing = false;

    // In Laravel 6.0+ make sure to also set $keyType
    protected $keyType = 'string';

WCF Error - Could not find default endpoint element that references contract 'UserService.UserService'

Do you have an Interface that your "UserService" class implements.

Your endpoints should specify an interface for the contract attribute:


HTTP get with headers using RestTemplate

The RestTemplate getForObject() method does not support setting headers. The solution is to use the exchange() method.

So instead of restTemplate.getForObject(url, String.class, param) (which has no headers), use

HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.set("Header", "value");
headers.set("Other-Header", "othervalue");

HttpEntity entity = new HttpEntity(headers);

ResponseEntity<String> response =
    url, HttpMethod.GET, entity, String.class, param);

Finally, use response.getBody() to get your result.

This question is similar to this question.

MySQL JDBC Driver 5.1.33 - Time Zone Issue

The connection string should be set like this:


If you are defining the connection in an xml file (such as persistence.xml, standalone-full.xml, etc..), instead of & you should use &amp; or use a CDATA block.

Stash only one file out of multiple files that have changed with Git?

Save the following code to a file, for example, named stash. Usage is stash <filename_regex>. The argument is the regular expression for the full path of the file. For example, to stash a/b/c.txt, stash a/b/c.txt or stash .*/c.txt, etc.

$ chmod +x stash
$ stash .*.xml
$ stash xyz.xml

Code to copy into the file:

#! /usr/bin/expect --
log_user 0
set filename_regexp [lindex $argv 0]

spawn git stash -p

for {} 1 {} {
  expect {
    -re "diff --git a/($filename_regexp) " {
      set filename $expect_out(1,string)
    "diff --git a/" {
      set filename ""
    "Stash this hunk " {
      if {$filename == ""} {
        send "n\n"
      } else {
        send "a\n"
        send_user "$filename\n"
    "Stash deletion " {
      send "n\n"
    eof {

Windows batch script to move files

You can try this:

:backup move C:\FilesToBeBackedUp\*.* E:\BackupPlace\ timeout 36000 goto backup

If that doesn't work try to replace "timeout" with sleep. Ik this post is over a year old, just helping anyone with the same problem.

A field initializer cannot reference the nonstatic field, method, or property

you can use like this

private dynamic defaultReminder => reminder.TimeSpanText[TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15)]; 

How do I do a not equal in Django queryset filtering?

What you are looking for are all objects that have either a=false or x=5. In Django, | serves as OR operator between querysets:

results = Model.objects.filter(a=false)|Model.objects.filter(x=5)

How can I close a browser window without receiving the "Do you want to close this window" prompt?

Place the following code in the ASPX.

<script language=javascript>
function CloseWindow() 
{'', '_self', '');

Place the following code in the code behind button click event.

string myclosescript = "<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>CloseWindow();</script>";

Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "myclosescript", myclosescript);

If you dont have any processing before close then you can directly put the following code in the ASPX itself in the button click tag.


Hope this helps.

A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the pre-login handshake

Had the same problem from many days. I had to explicitly add TLS1.2 support in my core project to address this error and it worked fine. ( ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;)

See below link for more details (thanks to author Usman Khurshid)

Bootstrap 3 - Set Container Width to 940px Maximum for Desktops?

There is a far easier solution (IMO) in Bootstrap 3 that does not require you to compile any custom LESS. You just have to leverage the cascade in "Cascading Style Sheets."

Set up your CSS loading like so...

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/css/bootstrap.css" />
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/css/custom.css" />

Where /css/custom.css is your unique style definitions. Inside that file, add the following definition...

@media (min-width: 1200px) {
  .container {
    width: 970px;

This will override Bootstrap's default width: 1170px setting when the viewport is 1200px or bigger.

Tested in Bootstrap 3.0.2

Find column whose name contains a specific string

This answer uses the DataFrame.filter method to do this without list comprehension:

import pandas as pd

data = {'spike-2': [1,2,3], 'hey spke': [4,5,6]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)


Will output just 'spike-2'. You can also use regex, as some people suggested in comments above:


Will output both columns: ['spike-2', 'hey spke']

How do I iterate over a JSON structure?

Use for...of:

var mycars = [{name:'Susita'}, {name:'BMW'}];

for (var car of mycars) 
  document.write( + "<br />");



C# How to change font of a label

I noticed there was not an actual full code answer, so as i come across this, i have created a function, that does change the font, which can be easily modified. I have tested this in

- XP SP3 and Win 10 Pro 64

private void SetFont(Form f, string name, int size, FontStyle style)
    Font replacementFont = new Font(name, size, style);
    f.Font = replacementFont;

Hint: replace Form to either Label, RichTextBox, TextBox, or any other relative control that uses fonts to change the font on them. By using the above function thus making it completely dynamic.

    /// To call the function do this.
    /// e.g in the form load event etc.

public Form1()
      SetFont(this, "Arial", 8, FontStyle.Bold);  
      // This sets the whole form and 
      // everything below it.
      // Shaun Cassidy.

You can also, if you want a full libary so you dont have to code all the back end bits, you can download my dll from Github.

Github DLL

/// and then import the namespace
using Droitech.TextFont;

/// Then call it using:
TextFontClass fClass = new TextFontClass();
fClass.SetFont(this, "Arial", 8, FontStyle.Bold);


How to use new PasswordEncoder from Spring Security

If you haven't actually registered any users with your existing format then you would be best to switch to using the BCrypt password encoder instead.

It's a lot less hassle, as you don't have to worry about salt at all - the details are completely encapsulated within the encoder. Using BCrypt is stronger than using a plain hash algorithm and it's also a standard which is compatible with applications using other languages.

There's really no reason to choose any of the other options for a new application.

Thymeleaf: how to use conditionals to dynamically add/remove a CSS class

Another very similar answer is to use "equals" instead of "contains".

<li th:class="${#strings.equals(pageTitle,'How It Works')} ? active : ''">

Calculate the date yesterday in JavaScript

You can use momentjs it is very helpful you can achieve a lot of things with this library.

Get yesterday date with current timing moment().subtract(1, 'days').toString()

Get yesterday date with a start of the date moment().subtract(1, 'days').startOf('day').toString()

Reading specific columns from a text file in python

You have a space delimited file, so use the module designed for reading delimited values files, csv.

import csv

with open('path/to/file.txt') as inf:
    reader = csv.reader(inf, delimiter=" ")
    second_col = list(zip(*reader))[1]
    # In Python2, you can omit the `list(...)` cast

The zip(*iterable) pattern is useful for converting rows to columns or vice versa. If you're reading a file row-wise...

>>> testdata = [[1, 2, 3],
                [4, 5, 6],
                [7, 8, 9]]

>>> for line in testdata:
...     print(line)

[1, 2, 3]
[4, 5, 6]
[7, 8, 9]

...but need columns, you can pass each row to the zip function

>>> testdata_columns = zip(*testdata)
# this is equivalent to zip([1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9])

>>> for line in testdata_columns:
...     print(line)

[1, 4, 7]
[2, 5, 8]
[3, 6, 9]

Checking if type == list in python

Your issue is that you have re-defined list as a variable previously in your code. This means that when you do type(tmpDict[key])==list if will return False because they aren't equal.

That being said, you should instead use isinstance(tmpDict[key], list) when testing the type of something, this won't avoid the problem of overwriting list but is a more Pythonic way of checking the type.

Test if executable exists in Python?

I know that I'm being a bit of a necromancer here, but I stumbled across this question and the accepted solution didn't work for me for all cases Thought it might be useful to submit anyway. In particular, the "executable" mode detection, and the requirement of supplying the file extension. Furthermore, both python3.3's shutil.which (uses PATHEXT) and python2.4+'s distutils.spawn.find_executable (just tries adding '.exe') only work in a subset of cases.

So I wrote a "super" version (based on the accepted answer, and the PATHEXT suggestion from Suraj). This version of which does the task a bit more thoroughly, and tries a series of "broadphase" breadth-first techniques first, and eventually tries more fine-grained searches over the PATH space:

import os
import sys
import stat
import tempfile

def is_case_sensitive_filesystem():
    tmphandle, tmppath = tempfile.mkstemp()
    is_insensitive = os.path.exists(tmppath.upper())
    return not is_insensitive

_IS_CASE_SENSITIVE_FILESYSTEM = is_case_sensitive_filesystem()

def which(program, case_sensitive=_IS_CASE_SENSITIVE_FILESYSTEM):
    """ Simulates unix `which` command. Returns absolute path if program found """
    def is_exe(fpath):
        """ Return true if fpath is a file we have access to that is executable """
        accessmode = os.F_OK | os.X_OK
        if os.path.exists(fpath) and os.access(fpath, accessmode) and not os.path.isdir(fpath):
            filemode = os.stat(fpath).st_mode
            ret = bool(filemode & stat.S_IXUSR or filemode & stat.S_IXGRP or filemode & stat.S_IXOTH)
            return ret

    def list_file_exts(directory, search_filename=None, ignore_case=True):
        """ Return list of (filename, extension) tuples which match the search_filename"""
        if ignore_case:
            search_filename = search_filename.lower()
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
            for f in files:
                filename, extension = os.path.splitext(f)
                if ignore_case:
                    filename = filename.lower()
                if not search_filename or filename == search_filename:
                    yield (filename, extension)

    fpath, fname = os.path.split(program)

    # is a path: try direct program path
    if fpath:
        if is_exe(program):
            return program
    elif "win" in sys.platform:
        # isnt a path: try fname in current directory on windows
        if is_exe(fname):
            return program

    paths = [path.strip('"') for path in os.environ.get("PATH", "").split(os.pathsep)]
    exe_exts = [ext for ext in os.environ.get("PATHEXT", "").split(os.pathsep)]
    if not case_sensitive:
        exe_exts = map(str.lower, exe_exts)

    # try append program path per directory
    for path in paths:
        exe_file = os.path.join(path, program)
        if is_exe(exe_file):
            return exe_file

    # try with known executable extensions per program path per directory
    for path in paths:
        filepath = os.path.join(path, program)
        for extension in exe_exts:
            exe_file = filepath+extension
            if is_exe(exe_file):
                return exe_file

    # try search program name with "soft" extension search
    if len(os.path.splitext(fname)[1]) == 0:
        for path in paths:
            file_exts = list_file_exts(path, fname, not case_sensitive)
            for file_ext in file_exts:
                filename = "".join(file_ext)
                exe_file = os.path.join(path, filename)
                if is_exe(exe_file):
                    return exe_file

    return None

Usage looks like this:

>>> which.which("meld")
'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Meld\\meld\\meld.exe'

The accepted solution did not work for me in this case, since there were files like meld.1, meld.ico, meld.doap, etc also in the directory, one of which were returned instead (presumably since lexicographically first) because the executable test in the accepted answer was incomplete and giving false positives.

How do I install the ext-curl extension with PHP 7?

Well I was able to install it by :

sudo apt-get install php-curl

on my system. This will install a dependency package, which depends on the default php version.

After that restart apache

sudo service apache2 restart

Remove last character of a StringBuilder?

Others have pointed out the deleteCharAt method, but here's another alternative approach:

String prefix = "";
for (String serverId : serverIds) {
  prefix = ",";

Alternatively, use the Joiner class from Guava :)

As of Java 8, StringJoiner is part of the standard JRE.

Recording video feed from an IP camera over a network

about 3 years ago i needed cctv. I found zoneminder, tried to edit it to my liking, but found i was fixing it more than editing it.

Not to mention mp4 recording feature isn't actually part of the master branch (which is kind of lol, since its a cctv program and its already been about 3 years or more since it was suggested). Its literally just adapting the ffmpeg command lol.

So i found the solution!

If you want something done right, do it yourself.

I present to you Shinobi! Shinobi : The Open Source CCTV Platform

enter image description here

Set object property using reflection

Yes, using System.Reflection:

using System.Reflection;


    string prop = "name";
    PropertyInfo pi = myObject.GetType().GetProperty(prop);
    pi.SetValue(myObject, "Bob", null);

File path for project files?

I was facing a similar issue, I had a file on my project, and wanted to test a class which had to deal with loading files from the FS and process them some way. What I did was:

  • added the file test.txt to my test project
  • on the solution explorer hit alt-enter (file properties)
  • there I set BuildAction to Content and Copy to Output Directory to Copy if newer, I guess Copy always would have done it as well

then on my tests I just had to Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "test.txt") and that's it. Whenever the project is compiled it will copy the file (and all it's parent path, in case it was in, say, a folder) to the bin\Debug (or whatever configuration you are using) folder.

Hopes this helps someone

An internal error occurred during: "Updating Maven Project". Unsupported IClasspathEntry kind=4

I imported the project as general project from git repository.

  • Deleted .settings, .project and .classpath in project's folder
  • Configure -> Convert to Maven Project. Only this solved the problem in my case.

Setting "checked" for a checkbox with jQuery

Plain JavaScript is very simple and much less overhead:

var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('myCheckBox');
for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++)
    elements[i].checked = true;

Example here

Java random number with given length

To generate a 6-digit number:

Use Random and nextInt as follows:

Random rnd = new Random();
int n = 100000 + rnd.nextInt(900000);

Note that n will never be 7 digits (1000000) since nextInt(900000) can at most return 899999.

So how do I randomize the last 5 chars that can be either A-Z or 0-9?

Here's a simple solution:

// Generate random id, for example 283952-V8M32
char[] chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789".toCharArray();
Random rnd = new Random();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder((100000 + rnd.nextInt(900000)) + "-");
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)

return sb.toString();

iterating through Enumeration of hastable keys throws NoSuchElementException error

Each time you do e.nextElement() you skip one. So you skip two elements in each iteration of your loop.

Excel 2010 VBA - Close file No Save without prompt

If you're not wanting to save changes set savechanges to false

    Sub CloseBook2()
        ActiveWorkbook.Close savechanges:=False
    End Sub

for more examples, and i believe in the past I've just used

    ActiveWorkbook.Close False

JavaScript Form Submit - Confirm or Cancel Submission Dialog Box

Simple and easy :

<form onSubmit="return confirm('Do you want to submit?') ">_x000D_
  <input type="submit" />_x000D_

Dynamically generating a QR code with PHP

The endroid/QrCode library is easy to use, well maintained, and can be installed using composer. There is also a bundle to use directly with Symfony.

Installing :

$ composer require endroid/qrcode

Usage :


use Endroid\QrCode\QrCode;

$qrCode = new QrCode();
    ->setText('Life is too short to be generating QR codes')
    ->setForegroundColor(array('r' => 0, 'g' => 0, 'b' => 0, 'a' => 0))
    ->setBackgroundColor(array('r' => 255, 'g' => 255, 'b' => 255, 'a' => 0))
    ->setLabel('Scan the code')

// now we can directly output the qrcode
header('Content-Type: '.$qrCode->getContentType());

// or create a response object
$response = new Response($qrCode->get(), 200, array('Content-Type' => $qrCode->getContentType()));

The generated QRCode

How to wait in bash for several subprocesses to finish and return exit code !=0 when any subprocess ends with code !=0?

To parallelize this...

for i in $(whatever_list) ; do
   do_something $i

Translate it to this...

for i in $(whatever_list) ; do echo $i ; done | ## execute in parallel...
   export -f do_something ## export functions (if needed)
   export PATH ## export any variables that are required
   xargs -I{} --max-procs 0 bash -c ' ## process in batches...
      echo "processing {}" ## optional
      do_something {}
  • If an error occurs in one process, it won't interrupt the other processes, but it will result in a non-zero exit code from the sequence as a whole.
  • Exporting functions and variables may or may not be necessary, in any particular case.
  • You can set --max-procs based on how much parallelism you want (0 means "all at once").
  • GNU Parallel offers some additional features when used in place of xargs -- but it isn't always installed by default.
  • The for loop isn't strictly necessary in this example since echo $i is basically just regenerating the output of $(whatever_list). I just think the use of the for keyword makes it a little easier to see what is going on.
  • Bash string handling can be confusing -- I have found that using single quotes works best for wrapping non-trivial scripts.
  • You can easily interrupt the entire operation (using ^C or similar), unlike the the more direct approach to Bash parallelism.

Here's a simplified working example...

for i in {0..5} ; do echo $i ; done |xargs -I{} --max-procs 2 bash -c '
   echo sleep {}
   sleep 2s

Search a whole table in mySQL for a string

Try something like this:

SELECT * FROM clients WHERE CONCAT(field1, '', field2, '', fieldn) LIKE "%Mary%"

You may want to see SQL docs for additional information on string operators and regular expressions.

Edit: There may be some issues with NULL fields, so just in case you may want to use IFNULL(field_i, '') instead of just field_i

Case sensitivity: You can use case insensitive collation or something like this:


Just search all field: I believe there is no way to make an SQL-query that will search through all field without explicitly declaring field to search in. The reason is there is a theory of relational databases and strict rules for manipulating relational data (something like relational algebra or codd algebra; these are what SQL is from), and theory doesn't allow things such as "just search all fields". Of course actual behaviour depends on vendor's concrete realisation. But in common case it is not possible. To make sure, check SELECT operator syntax (WHERE section, to be precise).

Getting the docstring from a function

On ipython or jupyter notebook, you can use all the above mentioned ways, but i go with




for quick summary of both method signature and docstring.

I avoid using


(as commented by @rohan) for docstring and use it only to check the source code

URLEncoder not able to translate space character

A space is encoded to %20 in URLs, and to + in forms submitted data (content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded). You need the former.

Using Guava:

dependencies {
     compile ''
     // or, for Android:
     compile ''

You can use UrlEscapers:

String encodedString = UrlEscapers.urlFragmentEscaper().escape(inputString);

Don't use String.replace, this would only encode the space. Use a library instead.

SQL Not Like Statement not working


Should work, do you get more rows if you run the same SQL with the "NOT LIKE" line commented out? If not, check the data. I know you mentioned in your question, but check that the actual SQL statement is using that clause. The other answers with NULL are also a good idea.


Looks like you need to modify your AndroidManifest.xml
Change android:testOnly="true" to android:testOnly="false" or remove this attribute.

If you want to keep the attribute android:testOnly as true you can use pm install command with -t option, but you may need to push the apk to device first.

$ adb push bin/hello.apk /tmp/
5210 KB/s (825660 bytes in 0.154s)

$ adb shell pm install /tmp/hello.apk 
    pkg: /tmp/hello.apk

$ adb shell pm install -t /tmp/hello.apk 
    pkg: /tmp/hello.apk

I was able to reproduce the same issue and the above solved it.

If your APK is outside the device (on your desktop), then below command would do it:

$ adb install -t hello.apk

ng-change get new value and original value

Just keep a currentValue variable in your controller that you update on every change. You can then compare that to the new value every time before you update it.'

The idea of using a watch is good as well, but I think a simple variable is the simplest and most logical solution.

Auto-size dynamic text to fill fixed size container

I didn't find any of the previous solutions to be adequate enough due to bad performance, so I made my own that uses simple math instead of looping. Should work fine in all browsers as well.

According to this performance test case it is much faster then the other solutions found here.

(function($) {
    $.fn.textfill = function(maxFontSize) {
        maxFontSize = parseInt(maxFontSize, 10);
        return this.each(function(){
            var ourText = $("span", this),
                parent = ourText.parent(),
                maxHeight = parent.height(),
                maxWidth = parent.width(),
                fontSize = parseInt(ourText.css("fontSize"), 10),
                multiplier = maxWidth/ourText.width(),
                newSize = (fontSize*(multiplier-0.1));
                (maxFontSize > 0 && newSize > maxFontSize) ? 
                    maxFontSize : 

If you want to contribute I've added this to Gist.

How to resume Fragment from BackStack if exists

I think this method my solve your problem:

public static void attachFragment ( int fragmentHolderLayoutId, Fragment fragment, Context context, String tag ) {

    FragmentManager manager = ( (AppCompatActivity) context ).getSupportFragmentManager ();
    FragmentTransaction ft = manager.beginTransaction ();

    if (manager.findFragmentByTag ( tag ) == null) { // No fragment in backStack with same tag..
        ft.add ( fragmentHolderLayoutId, fragment, tag );
        ft.addToBackStack ( tag );
        ft.commit ();
    else { ( manager.findFragmentByTag ( tag ) ).commit ();

which was originally posted in This Question

Find which commit is currently checked out in Git

$ git rev-parse HEAD


Alternatively (if you have tags):

(Good for naming a version, not very good for passing back to git.)

$ git describe

Or (as Mark suggested, listing here for completeness):

$ git show --oneline -s
c0235b7 Autorotate uploaded images based on EXIF orientation

How can I read command line parameters from an R script?

Try library(getopt) ... if you want things to be nicer. For example:

spec <- matrix(c(
        'in'     , 'i', 1, "character", "file from fastq-stats -x (required)",
        'gc'     , 'g', 1, "character", "input gc content file (optional)",
        'out'    , 'o', 1, "character", "output filename (optional)",
        'help'   , 'h', 0, "logical",   "this help"

opt = getopt(spec);

if (!is.null(opt$help) || is.null(opt$in)) {
    cat(paste(getopt(spec, usage=T),"\n"));

How to show PIL Image in ipython notebook

much simpler in jupyter using pillow.

from PIL import Image'image.png')

VBA code to set date format for a specific column as "yyyy-mm-dd"

It works, when you use both lines:

Application.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("data").Range("C1", "C20000") = Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd")
Application.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("data").Range("C1", "C20000").NumberFormat = "yyyy-mm-dd"

Which method performs better: .Any() vs .Count() > 0?

It depends, how big is the data set and what are your performance requirements?

If it's nothing gigantic use the most readable form, which for myself is any, because it's shorter and readable rather than an equation.

How to get the file ID so I can perform a download of a file from Google Drive API on Android?

In my opinion the easiest and fastest way to get a Google Drive file ID is from Google Drive on the web. Right-click the file name and select Get shareable link. The last part of the link is the file ID. Then you can cancel the sharing.

How to make type="number" to positive numbers only

(function ($) {
  $.fn.inputFilter = function (inputFilter) {
    return this.on('input keydown keyup mousedown mouseup select contextmenu drop', function () {
      if (inputFilter(this.value)) {
        this.oldValue = this.value;
        this.oldSelectionStart = this.selectionStart;
        this.oldSelectionEnd = this.selectionEnd;
      } else if (this.hasOwnProperty('oldValue')) {
        this.value = this.oldValue;
        //this.setSelectionRange(this.oldSelectionStart, this.oldSelectionEnd);
      } else {
        this.value = '';

$('.positive_int').inputFilter(function (value) {
  return /^\d*[.]?\d{0,2}$/.test(value);
<script src=""></script>
<input type="number" class="positive_int"/>

Above code works fine for all !!! And it will also prevent inserting more than 2 decimal points. And if you don't need this just remove\d{0,2} or if need more limited decimal point just change number 2

sudo service mongodb restart gives "unrecognized service error" in ubuntu 14.0.4

You need to make sure the file (ex. /etc/init.d/mongodb) has execute permissions.

chmod +x /etc/init.d/mongodb

Go / golang time.Now().UnixNano() convert to milliseconds?

At randall77 suggested


which exploits the fact that Go's time.Duration already have Milliseconds method.

Get the current date in java.sql.Date format


myPreparedStatement.setObject(   // Directly exchange java.time objects with database without the troublesome old java.sql.* classes.
    … ,                                   
    LocalDate.parse(             // Parse string as a `LocalDate` date-only value.
        "2018-01-23"             // Input string that complies with standard ISO 8601 formatting.


The modern approach uses the java.time classes that supplant the troublesome old legacy classes such as java.util.Date and java.sql.Date.

For a date-only value, use LocalDate. The LocalDate class represents a date-only value without time-of-day and without time zone.

The java.time classes use standard formats when parsing/generating strings. So no need to specify a formatting pattern.

LocalDate ld = LocalDate.parse( input ) ;

You can directly exchange java.time objects with your database using a JDBC driver compliant with JDBC 4.2 or later. You can forget about transforming in and out of java.sql.* classes.

myPreparedStatement.setObject( … , ld ) ;


LocalDate ld = myResultSet.getObject( … , LocalDate.class ) ;

About java.time

The java.time framework is built into Java 8 and later. These classes supplant the troublesome old legacy date-time classes such as java.util.Date, Calendar, & SimpleDateFormat.

The Joda-Time project, now in maintenance mode, advises migration to the java.time classes.

To learn more, see the Oracle Tutorial. And search Stack Overflow for many examples and explanations. Specification is JSR 310.

Where to obtain the java.time classes?

The ThreeTen-Extra project extends java.time with additional classes. This project is a proving ground for possible future additions to java.time. You may find some useful classes here such as Interval, YearWeek, YearQuarter, and more.

How do I concatenate strings with variables in PowerShell?

You could use the PowerShell equivalent of String.Format - it's usually the easiest way to build up a string. Place {0}, {1}, etc. where you want the variables in the string, put a -f immediately after the string and then the list of variables separated by commas.

Get-ChildItem c:\code|%{'{0}\{1}\{2}.dll' -f $_.fullname,$buildconfig,$}

(I've also taken the dash out of the $buildconfig variable name as I have seen that causes issues before too.)

Spring Boot not serving static content

In my case I have a spring boot application which is kind of mixing spring and jaxrs. So I have a java class which inherits from the class org.glassfish.jersey.server.ResourceConfig. I had to add this line to the constructor of that class so that the spring endpoints are still called: property(ServletProperties.FILTER_FORWARD_ON_404, true).

Where does the .gitignore file belong?

Root directory is fine for placing the .gitignore file.

Don't forget to use git rm --cached FILENAME to add files to .gitignore if you have created the gitignore file after you committed the repo with a file you want ignored. See github docs. I found this out when I created a .env file, then committed it, then tried it to ignore it by creating a .gitignore file.

FtpWebRequest Download File

Easiest way

The most trivial way to download a binary file from an FTP server using .NET framework is using WebClient.DownloadFile:

WebClient client = new WebClient();
client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("username", "password");
    "", @"C:\local\path\");

Advanced options

Use FtpWebRequest, only if you need a greater control, that WebClient does not offer (like TLS/SSL encryption, progress monitoring, ascii/text transfer mode, resuming transfers, etc). Easy way is to just copy an FTP response stream to FileStream using Stream.CopyTo:

FtpWebRequest request =
request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("username", "password");
request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.DownloadFile;

using (Stream ftpStream = request.GetResponse().GetResponseStream())
using (Stream fileStream = File.Create(@"C:\local\path\"))

Progress monitoring

If you need to monitor a download progress, you have to copy the contents by chunks yourself:

FtpWebRequest request =
request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("username", "password");
request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.DownloadFile;

using (Stream ftpStream = request.GetResponse().GetResponseStream())
using (Stream fileStream = File.Create(@"C:\local\path\"))
    byte[] buffer = new byte[10240];
    int read;
    while ((read = ftpStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
        fileStream.Write(buffer, 0, read);
        Console.WriteLine("Downloaded {0} bytes", fileStream.Position);

For GUI progress (WinForms ProgressBar), see:
FtpWebRequest FTP download with ProgressBar

Downloading folder

If you want to download all files from a remote folder, see
C# Download all files and subdirectories through FTP.

How to hide code from cells in ipython notebook visualized with nbviewer?

jupyter nbconvert testing.ipynb --to html --no-input

Shortcut for echo "<pre>";print_r($myarray);echo "</pre>";

Probably not helpful, but if the array is the only thing that you'll be displaying, you could always set

header('Content-type: text/plain');

How to pass data in the ajax DELETE request other than headers

I was able to successfully pass through the data attribute in the ajax method. Here is my code

     url: "/api/Gigs/Cancel",
     type: "DELETE",
     data: {
             "GigId": link.attr('data-gig-id')


The link.attr method simply returned the value of 'data-gig-id' .

Is there a way to include commas in CSV columns without breaking the formatting?

I found that some applications like Numbers in Mac ignore the double quote if there is space before it.

a, "b,c" doesn't work while a,"b,c" works.

Android 5.0 - Add header/footer to a RecyclerView

recyclerview:1.2.0 introduces ConcatAdapter class which concatenates multiple adapters into a single one. So it allows to create separate header/footer adapters and reuse them across multiple lists.

myRecyclerView.adapter = ConcatAdapter(headerAdapter, listAdapter, footerAdapter)

Take a look at the announcement article. It contains a sample how to display a loading progress in header and footer using ConcatAdapter.

For the moment when I post this answer the version 1.2.0 of the library is in alpha stage, so the api might change. You can check the status here.

Push an associative item into an array in JavaScript

To make something like associative array in JavaScript you have to use objects. ?

var obj = {}; // {} will create an object
var name = "name";
var val = 2;
obj[name] = val;


How do you create a custom AuthorizeAttribute in ASP.NET Core?

The modern way is AuthenticationHandlers

in startup.cs add

services.AddAuthentication("BasicAuthentication").AddScheme<AuthenticationSchemeOptions, BasicAuthenticationHandler>("BasicAuthentication", null);

public class BasicAuthenticationHandler : AuthenticationHandler<AuthenticationSchemeOptions>
        private readonly IUserService _userService;

        public BasicAuthenticationHandler(
            IOptionsMonitor<AuthenticationSchemeOptions> options,
            ILoggerFactory logger,
            UrlEncoder encoder,
            ISystemClock clock,
            IUserService userService)
            : base(options, logger, encoder, clock)
            _userService = userService;

        protected override async Task<AuthenticateResult> HandleAuthenticateAsync()
            if (!Request.Headers.ContainsKey("Authorization"))
                return AuthenticateResult.Fail("Missing Authorization Header");

            User user = null;
                var authHeader = AuthenticationHeaderValue.Parse(Request.Headers["Authorization"]);
                var credentialBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(authHeader.Parameter);
                var credentials = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(credentialBytes).Split(new[] { ':' }, 2);
                var username = credentials[0];
                var password = credentials[1];
                user = await _userService.Authenticate(username, password);
                return AuthenticateResult.Fail("Invalid Authorization Header");

            if (user == null)
                return AuthenticateResult.Fail("Invalid User-name or Password");

            var claims = new[] {
                new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, user.Id.ToString()),
                new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, user.Username),
            var identity = new ClaimsIdentity(claims, Scheme.Name);
            var principal = new ClaimsPrincipal(identity);
            var ticket = new AuthenticationTicket(principal, Scheme.Name);

            return AuthenticateResult.Success(ticket);

IUserService is a service that you make where you have user name and password. basically it returns a user class that you use to map your claims on.

var claims = new[] {
                new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, user.Id.ToString()),
                new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, user.Username),

Then you can query these claims and her any data you mapped, ther are quite a few, have a look at ClaimTypes class

you can use this in an extension method an get any of the mappings

public int? GetUserId()
   if (context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
       var id=context.User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier);
       if (!(id is null) && int.TryParse(id.Value, out var userId))
            return userId;
      return new Nullable<int>();

This new way, i think is better than the old way as shown here, both work

public class BasicAuthenticationAttribute : AuthorizationFilterAttribute
    public override void OnAuthorization(HttpActionContext actionContext)
        if (actionContext.Request.Headers.Authorization != null)
            var authToken = actionContext.Request.Headers.Authorization.Parameter;
            // decoding authToken we get decode value in 'Username:Password' format
            var decodeauthToken = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(authToken));
            // spliting decodeauthToken using ':'
            var arrUserNameandPassword = decodeauthToken.Split(':');
            // at 0th postion of array we get username and at 1st we get password
            if (IsAuthorizedUser(arrUserNameandPassword[0], arrUserNameandPassword[1]))
                // setting current principle
                Thread.CurrentPrincipal = new GenericPrincipal(new GenericIdentity(arrUserNameandPassword[0]), null);
                actionContext.Response = actionContext.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized);
            actionContext.Response = actionContext.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized);

    public static bool IsAuthorizedUser(string Username, string Password)
        // In this method we can handle our database logic here...
        return Username.Equals("test") && Password == "test";

Using DISTINCT and COUNT together in a MySQL Query

You were close :-)

select count(distinct productId) from table_name where keyword='$keyword'

How to query GROUP BY Month in a Year

I am doing like this in MSSQL

Getting Monthly Data:

     DATENAME(MONTH,DATE_CREATED) [Month Name], SUM(Num_of_Pictures) [Pictures Count]
    FROM pictures_table
    ORDER BY 1,2

Getting Monthly Data using PIVOT:

       SUM(Num_of_Pictures) [Pictures Count]
      FROM pictures_table
PIVOT( SUM([Pictures Count])   
    FOR Month IN ([January],[February],[March],[April],[May],
    [December])) AS MNamePivot

Bootstrap control with multiple "data-toggle"

There is a nice solution using class .stretched-link. Button must have a class .position-relative. Here is a full working example:

Tooltip must be added to the button otherwise its position will be incorrect.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">_x000D_
<button class="btn btn-primary position-relative" data-toggle="tooltip" data-trigger="hover" data-placement="left" title="Tooltip text">_x000D_
    <span class="stretched-link" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#exampleModal"></span>_x000D_
    Click Me!_x000D_
<!--DEMO MODAL-->_x000D_
<div class="modal fade" id="exampleModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="exampleModalLabel" aria-hidden="true"><div class="modal-dialog" role="document"><div class="modal-content"><div class="modal-header"><h5 class="modal-title" id="exampleModalLabel">Modal title</h5><button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button></div><div class="modal-body">Modal body</div></div></div></div>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>

Undefined symbols for architecture armv7

I didn't find this suggestion here so here it goes: if your project has more than one target (ie one for OSX and one for iOS) then you must link the relevant libraries for each target.. so for example in my case I needed AudioToolbox.. I had to add it once for OSX and once for iOS (under the frameworks folder, you must have a duplicate of each library for each target.. if you see only one.. then that's a red flag)

How to connect wireless network adapter to VMWare workstation?

Since there is only one WiFi hardware on the computer its not possible to connect one WiFi hardware to multiple WiFi networks, if you want to that I think you have to map WiFi hardware to guest OS and how host you'll have to use some other hardware (may be Ethernet) but I'm sure that it will work in that way as no VM software allow us to allocate Hardware to Guest except for USB, you can also get USB WiFI and allocate that to VM only.

Passing arguments to JavaScript function from code-behind

<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
    <title>Call java script function on Code behind</title>
    <script  type="text/javascript">
    function abc()
        var a=20;
        var b=30;
        alert("you enter"+a+":"+b);

cs code

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    TextBox2.Attributes.Add("onkeypress", "return abc();");

try this

python multithreading wait till all threads finished

You need to use join method of Thread object in the end of the script.

t1 = Thread(target=call_script, args=(scriptA + argumentsA))
t2 = Thread(target=call_script, args=(scriptA + argumentsB))
t3 = Thread(target=call_script, args=(scriptA + argumentsC))



Thus the main thread will wait till t1, t2 and t3 finish execution.

In Swift how to call method with parameters on GCD main thread?

Here's the nicer (IMO) Swifty/Cocoa style syntax to achieve the same result as the other answers:

    // Your code here

Or you could grab the popular Async Swift library for even less code and more functionality:

Async.main {
    // Your code here

Unable to launch the IIS Express Web server

I had the exact same problem.
The reason - bad IIS config file.

Try deleting the automatically-created IISExpress folder, which is usually located at %userprofile%/Documents, e.g. C:\Users\[you]\Documents\IISExpress.

Don't worry, VS should create it again - correctly, this time - once you run your solution again.

EDIT: Command line for deleting the folder:

rmdir /s /q "%userprofile%\Documents\IISExpress"

python .replace() regex

You can use the re module for regexes, but regexes are probably overkill for what you want. I might try something like

z.write(article[:article.index("</html>") + 7]

This is much cleaner, and should be much faster than a regex based solution.

How to enumerate an enum

I think this is more efficient than other suggestions because GetValues() is not called each time you have a loop. It is also more concise. And you get a compile-time error, not a runtime exception if Suit is not an enum.

EnumLoop<Suit>.ForEach((suit) => {

EnumLoop has this completely generic definition:

class EnumLoop<Key> where Key : struct, IConvertible {
    static readonly Key[] arr = (Key[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Key));
    static internal void ForEach(Action<Key> act) {
        for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) {

Using Transactions or SaveChanges(false) and AcceptAllChanges()?

With the Entity Framework most of the time SaveChanges() is sufficient. This creates a transaction, or enlists in any ambient transaction, and does all the necessary work in that transaction.

Sometimes though the SaveChanges(false) + AcceptAllChanges() pairing is useful.

The most useful place for this is in situations where you want to do a distributed transaction across two different Contexts.

I.e. something like this (bad):

using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope())
    //Do something with context1
    //Do something with context2

    //Save and discard changes

    //Save and discard changes

    //if we get here things are looking good.

If context1.SaveChanges() succeeds but context2.SaveChanges() fails the whole distributed transaction is aborted. But unfortunately the Entity Framework has already discarded the changes on context1, so you can't replay or effectively log the failure.

But if you change your code to look like this:

using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope())
    //Do something with context1
    //Do something with context2

    //Save Changes but don't discard yet

    //Save Changes but don't discard yet

    //if we get here things are looking good.


While the call to SaveChanges(false) sends the necessary commands to the database, the context itself is not changed, so you can do it again if necessary, or you can interrogate the ObjectStateManager if you want.

This means if the transaction actually throws an exception you can compensate, by either re-trying or logging state of each contexts ObjectStateManager somewhere.

See my blog post for more.

Drag and drop menuitems

jQuery UI draggable and droppable are the two plugins I would use to achieve this effect. As for the insertion marker, I would investigate modifying the div (or container) element that was about to have content dropped into it. It should be possible to modify the border in some way or add a JavaScript/jQuery listener that listens for the hover (element about to be dropped) event and modifies the border or adds an image of the insertion marker in the right place.

In Gradle, is there a better way to get Environment Variables?

In android gradle 0.4.0 you can just do:

println System.env.HOME


How to execute Ant build in command line

Go to the Ant website and download. This way, you have a copy of Ant outside of Eclipse. I recommend to put it under the C:\ant directory. This way, it doesn't have any spaces in the directory names. In your System Control Panel, set the Environment Variable ANT_HOME to this directory, then pre-pend to the System PATHvariable, %ANT_HOME%\bin. This way, you don't have to put in the whole directory name.

Assuming you did the above, try this:

C:\> cd \Silk4J\Automation\iControlSilk4J
C:\Silk4J\Automation\iControlSilk4J> ant -d build

This will do several things:

  • It will eliminate the possibility that the problem is with Eclipe's version of Ant.
  • It is way easier to type
  • Since you're executing the build.xml in the directory where it exists, you don't end up with the possibility that your Ant build can't locate a particular directory.

The -d will print out a lot of output, so you might want to capture it, or set your terminal buffer to something like 99999, and run cls first to clear out the buffer. This way, you'll capture all of the output from the beginning in the terminal buffer.

Let's see how Ant should be executing. You didn't specify any targets to execute, so Ant should be taking the default build target. Here it is:

<target depends="build-subprojects,build-project" name="build"/>

The build target does nothing itself. However, it depends upon two other targets, so these will be called first:

The first target is build-subprojects:

<target name="build-subprojects"/>

This does nothing at all. It doesn't even have a dependency.

The next target specified is build-project does have code:

<target depends="init" name="build-project">

This target does contain tasks, and some dependent targets. Before build-project executes, it will first run the init target:

<target name="init">
    <mkdir dir="bin"/>
    <copy includeemptydirs="false" todir="bin">
        <fileset dir="src">
            <exclude name="**/*.java"/>

This target creates a directory called bin, then copies all files under the src tree with the suffix *.java over to the bin directory. The includeemptydirs mean that directories without non-java code will not be created.

Ant uses a scheme to do minimal work. For example, if the bin directory is created, the <mkdir/> task is not executed. Also, if a file was previously copied, or there are no non-Java files in your src directory tree, the <copy/> task won't run. However, the init target will still be executed.

Next, we go back to our previous build-project target:

<target depends="init" name="build-project">
    <echo message="${}: ${ant.file}"/>
    <javac debug="true" debuglevel="${debuglevel}" destdir="bin" source="${source}" target="${target}">
        <src path="src"/>
        <classpath refid="iControlSilk4J.classpath"/>

Look at this line:

<echo message="${}: ${ant.file}"/>

That should have always executed. Did your output print:

[echo] iControlSilk4J: C:\Silk4J\Automation\iControlSilk4J\build.xml

Maybe you didn't realize that was from your build.

After that, it runs the <javac/> task. That is, if there's any files to actually compile. Again, Ant tries to avoid work it doesn't have to do. If all of the *.java files have previously been compiled, the <javac/> task won't execute.

And, that's the end of the build. Your build might not have done anything simply because there was nothing to do. You can try running the clean task, and then build:

C:\Silk4J\Automation\iControlSilk4J> ant -d clean build

However, Ant usually prints the target being executed. You should have seen this:




    [echo] iControlSilk4J: C:\Silk4J\Automation\iControlSilk4J\build.xml


Build Successful

Note that the targets are all printed out in order they're executed, and the tasks are printed out as they are executed. However, if there's nothing to compile, or nothing to copy, then you won't see these tasks being executed. Does this look like your output? If so, it could be there's nothing to do.

  • If the bin directory already exists, <mkdir/> isn't going to execute.
  • If there are no non-Java files in src, or they have already been copied into bin, the <copy/> task won't execute.
  • If there are no Java file in your src directory, or they have already been compiled, the <java/> task won't run.

If you look at the output from the -d debug, you'll see Ant looking at a task, then explaining why a particular task wasn't executed. Plus, the debug option will explain how Ant decides what tasks to execute.

See if that helps.

Create a new cmd.exe window from within another cmd.exe prompt

You can just type these 3 commands from command prompt:

  1. start

  2. start cmd

  3. start cmd.exe

Val and Var in Kotlin

In Kotlin, we have two types of variables: var or val. The first one, var, is a mutable reference (read-write) that can be updated after initialization. The var keyword is used to define a variable in Kotlin. It is equivalent to a normal (nonfinal) Java variable. If our variable needs to change at some time, we should declare it using the var keyword. Let's look at an example of a variable declaration:

 fun main(args: Array<String>) {
     var fruit:String = "orange"  // 1
     fruit = "banana"             // 2