Programs & Examples On #Diffie hellman

Diffie-Hellman, commonly abbreviated DH, refers to a public key cryptographic protocol used by two parties to produce a common shared secret.

Why does SSL handshake give 'Could not generate DH keypair' exception?

You can disable DHE completely in your jdk, edit jre/lib/security/ and make sure DHE is disabled, eg. like

jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=SSLv3, DHE.

Convert python long/int to fixed size byte array

I haven't done any benchmarks, but this recipe "works for me".

The short version: use '%x' % val, then unhexlify the result. The devil is in the details, though, as unhexlify requires an even number of hex digits, which %x doesn't guarantee. See the docstring, and the liberal inline comments for details.

from binascii import unhexlify

def long_to_bytes (val, endianness='big'):
    Use :ref:`string formatting` and :func:`~binascii.unhexlify` to
    convert ``val``, a :func:`long`, to a byte :func:`str`.

    :param long val: The value to pack

    :param str endianness: The endianness of the result. ``'big'`` for
      big-endian, ``'little'`` for little-endian.

    If you want byte- and word-ordering to differ, you're on your own.

    Using :ref:`string formatting` lets us use Python's C innards.

    # one (1) hex digit per four (4) bits
    width = val.bit_length()

    # unhexlify wants an even multiple of eight (8) bits, but we don't
    # want more digits than we need (hence the ternary-ish 'or')
    width += 8 - ((width % 8) or 8)

    # format width specifier: four (4) bits per hex digit
    fmt = '%%0%dx' % (width // 4)

    # prepend zero (0) to the width, to zero-pad the output
    s = unhexlify(fmt % val)

    if endianness == 'little':
        # see
        s = s[::-1]

    return s

...and my nosetest unit tests ;-)

class TestHelpers (object):
    def test_long_to_bytes_big_endian_small_even (self):
        s = long_to_bytes(0x42)
        assert s == '\x42'

        s = long_to_bytes(0xFF)
        assert s == '\xff'

    def test_long_to_bytes_big_endian_small_odd (self):
        s = long_to_bytes(0x1FF)
        assert s == '\x01\xff'

        s = long_to_bytes(0x201FF)
        assert s == '\x02\x01\xff'

    def test_long_to_bytes_big_endian_large_even (self):
        s = long_to_bytes(0xab23456c8901234567)
        assert s == '\xab\x23\x45\x6c\x89\x01\x23\x45\x67'

    def test_long_to_bytes_big_endian_large_odd (self):
        s = long_to_bytes(0x12345678901234567)
        assert s == '\x01\x23\x45\x67\x89\x01\x23\x45\x67'

    def test_long_to_bytes_little_endian_small_even (self):
        s = long_to_bytes(0x42, 'little')
        assert s == '\x42'

        s = long_to_bytes(0xFF, 'little')
        assert s == '\xff'

    def test_long_to_bytes_little_endian_small_odd (self):
        s = long_to_bytes(0x1FF, 'little')
        assert s == '\xff\x01'

        s = long_to_bytes(0x201FF, 'little')
        assert s == '\xff\x01\x02'

    def test_long_to_bytes_little_endian_large_even (self):
        s = long_to_bytes(0xab23456c8901234567, 'little')
        assert s == '\x67\x45\x23\x01\x89\x6c\x45\x23\xab'

    def test_long_to_bytes_little_endian_large_odd (self):
        s = long_to_bytes(0x12345678901234567, 'little')
        assert s == '\x67\x45\x23\x01\x89\x67\x45\x23\x01'

C# int to enum conversion

Casting should be enough. If you're using C# 3.0 you can make a handy extension method to parse enum values:

public static TEnum ToEnum<TInput, TEnum>(this TInput value)
    Type type = typeof(TEnum);

    if (value == default(TInput))
        throw new ArgumentException("Value is null or empty.", "value");

    if (!type.IsEnum)
        throw new ArgumentException("Enum expected.", "TEnum");

    return (TEnum)Enum.Parse(type, value.ToString(), true);

Java error: Comparison method violates its general contract

It also has something to do with the version of JDK. If it does well in JDK6, maybe it will have the problem in JDK 7 described by you, because the implementation method in jdk 7 has been changed.

Look at this:

Description: The sorting algorithm used by java.util.Arrays.sort and (indirectly) by java.util.Collections.sort has been replaced. The new sort implementation may throw an IllegalArgumentException if it detects a Comparable that violates the Comparable contract. The previous implementation silently ignored such a situation. If the previous behavior is desired, you can use the new system property, java.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort, to restore previous mergesort behaviour.

I don't know the exact reason. However, if you add the code before you use sort. It will be OK.

System.setProperty("java.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort", "true");

Is Safari on iOS 6 caching $.ajax results?

While adding cache-buster parameters to make the request look different seems like a solid solution, I would advise against it, as it would hurt any application that relies on actual caching taking place. Making the APIs output the correct headers is the best possible solution, even if that's slightly more difficult than adding cache busters to the callers.

SQL left join vs multiple tables on FROM line?

To the database, they end up being the same. For you, though, you'll have to use that second syntax in some situations. For the sake of editing queries that end up having to use it (finding out you needed a left join where you had a straight join), and for consistency, I'd pattern only on the 2nd method. It'll make reading queries easier.

java.lang.RuntimeException: Failure delivering result ResultInfo{who=null, request=1888, result=0, data=null} to activity

AsyncTask<CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider, Integer, Void> task = new 
AsyncTask<CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider, Integer, Void>() {

protected Void doInBackground(CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider... params) {
    AWSSessionCredentials creds = credentialsProvider.getCredentials();
    String id = credentialsProvider.getCachedIdentityId();
    Log.d("wooohoo", String.format("id=%s, token=%s", id, creds.getSessionToken()));
    return null;


Check Answer Key 2018

Base64 length calculation?

Simple implementantion in javascript

function sizeOfBase64String(base64String) {
    if (!base64String) return 0;
    const padding = (base64String.match(/(=*)$/) || [])[1].length;
    return 4 * Math.ceil((base64String.length / 3)) - padding;

How to return a list of keys from a Hash Map?

 for(int i=0;i<ytFiles.size();i++){

                    int key = ytFiles.keyAt(i);
                    Log.e("key", String.valueOf(key));
                    String format = ytFiles.get(key).getFormat().toString();
                    String url = ytFiles.get(key).getUrl();

you can get key by method keyat and you have to pass the index then it will return key at that particular index. this loop will get all the key

How to enable scrolling of content inside a modal?

.modal-body {
    max-height: 80vh;
    overflow-y: scroll;

it's works for me

How do I "commit" changes in a git submodule?

A submodule is its own repo/work-area, with its own .git directory.

So, first commit/push your submodule's changes:

$ cd path/to/submodule
$ git add <stuff>
$ git commit -m "comment"
$ git push

Then, update your main project to track the updated version of the submodule:

$ cd /main/project
$ git add path/to/submodule
$ git commit -m "updated my submodule"
$ git push

What's wrong with overridable method calls in constructors?

In the specific case of Wicket: This is the very reason why I asked the Wicket devs to add support for an explicit two phase component initialization process in the framework's lifecycle of constructing a component i.e.

  1. Construction - via constructor
  2. Initialization - via onInitilize (after construction when virtual methods work!)

There was quite an active debate about whether it was necessary or not (it fully is necessary IMHO) as this link demonstrates

The good news is that the excellent devs at Wicket did end up introducing two phase initialization (to make the most aweseome Java UI framework even more awesome!) so with Wicket you can do all your post construction initialization in the onInitialize method that is called by the framework automatically if you override it - at this point in the lifecycle of your component its constructor has completed its work so virtual methods work as expected.

What's the best way to build a string of delimited items in Java?

Java 8", "));

How do I crop an image in Java?

I'm giving this example because this actually work for my use case.

I was trying to use the AWS Rekognition API. The API returns a BoundingBox object:

BoundingBox boundingBox = faceDetail.getBoundingBox();

The code below uses it to crop the image:


private BufferedImage cropImage(BufferedImage image, BoundingBox box) {
        Rectangle goal = new Rectangle(Math.round(box.getLeft()* image.getWidth()),Math.round(box.getTop()* image.getHeight()),Math.round(box.getWidth() * image.getWidth()), Math.round(box.getHeight() * image.getHeight()));

        Rectangle clip = goal.intersection(new Rectangle(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight()));

        BufferedImage clippedImg = image.getSubimage(clip.x, clip.y , clip.width, clip.height);

        return clippedImg;

What's the source of Error: getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN?

@xerq pointed correctly, here's some more reference

i got the same error, i solved it by updating "hosts" file present under this location in windows os


Hope it helps!!

MySQL: @variable vs. variable. What's the difference?

In MySQL, @variable indicates a user-defined variable. You can define your own.

SET @a = 'test';

Outside of stored programs, a variable, without @, is a system variable, which you cannot define yourself.

The scope of this variable is the entire session. That means that while your connection with the database exists, the variable can still be used.

This is in contrast with MSSQL, where the variable will only be available in the current batch of queries (stored procedure, script, or otherwise). It will not be available in a different batch in the same session.

How to concat a string to xsl:value-of select="...?

Not the most readable solution, but you can mix the result from a value-of with plain text:

  <xsl:attribute name="href"> 
    Text<xsl:value-of select="/*/properties/property[@name='report']/@value"/>Text

String replacement in batch file

I was able to use Joey's Answer to create a function:

Use it as:

@echo off

SET "MYTEXT=jump over the chair"
echo !MYTEXT!
call:ReplaceText "!MYTEXT!" chair table RESULT
echo !RESULT!


And these Functions to the bottom of your Batch File.


::Replace Text In String
:: CALL:ReplaceText "!OrginalText!" OldWordToReplace NewWordToUse  Result
::SET "MYTEXT=jump over the chair"
::  echo !MYTEXT!
::  call:ReplaceText "!MYTEXT!" chair table RESULT
::  echo !RESULT!
:: Remember to use the "! on the input text, but NOT on the Output text.
:: The Following is Wrong: "!MYTEXT!" !chair! !table! !RESULT!
:: ^^Because it has a ! around the chair table and RESULT
:: Remember to add quotes "" around the MYTEXT Variable when calling.
:: If you don't add quotes, it won't treat it as a single string
set "OrginalText=%~1"
set "OldWord=%~2"
set "NewWord=%~3"
call set OrginalText=%%OrginalText:!OldWord!=!NewWord!%%
SET %4=!OrginalText!

And remember you MUST add "SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION" to the top of your batch file or else none of this will work properly.

@REM # Remember to add this to the top of your batch file.

SQL DATEPART(dw,date) need monday = 1 and sunday = 7

Try this:

          @addDate AS DATE, 
          @numDays AS INT

    WHILE @numDays > 0 BEGIN
        SET @addDate = DATEADD(day, 1, @addDate)    
        IF DATENAME(DW, @addDate) <> 'sunday' BEGIN
            SET @numDays = @numDays - 1 


Style disabled button with CSS

To apply grey button CSS for a disabled button.

button[disabled]:active, button[disabled],
input[type="submit"][disabled] ,
  border: 2px outset ButtonFace;
  color: GrayText;
  cursor: inherit;
  background-color: #ddd;
  background: #ddd;

Quantile-Quantile Plot using SciPy

Using qqplot of statsmodels.api is another option:

Very basic example:

import numpy as np
import statsmodels.api as sm
import pylab

test = np.random.normal(0,1, 1000)

sm.qqplot(test, line='45')


enter image description here

Documentation and more example are here

How do I test which class an object is in Objective-C?

What means about isKindOfClass in Apple Documentation

Be careful when using this method on objects represented by a class cluster. Because of the nature of class clusters, the object you get back may not always be the type you expected. If you call a method that returns a class cluster, the exact type returned by the method is the best indicator of what you can do with that object. For example, if a method returns a pointer to an NSArray object, you should not use this method to see if the array is mutable, as shown in the following code:

if ([myArray isKindOfClass:[NSMutableArray class]])
    // Modify the object

If you use such constructs in your code, you might think it is alright to modify an object that in reality should not be modified. Doing so might then create problems for other code that expected the object to remain unchanged.

Mixing C# & VB In The Same Project

You can not mix vb and c# within the same project - if you notice in visual studio the project files are either .vbproj or .csproj. You can within a solution - have 1 proj in vb and 1 in c#.

Looks like according to this you can potentially use them both in a web project in the App_Code directory:

Tkinter module not found on Ubuntu

requirement for tkinter:

python 3.6+

and go to shell write the test code like :

from tkinter import *

root = Tk()


enter image description here

Django - makemigrations - No changes detected

Well, I'm sure that you didn't set the models yet, so what dose it migrate now ??

So the solution is setting all variables and set Charfield, Textfield....... and migrate them and it will work.

Bootstrap 3.0 Sliding Menu from left

Probably late but here is a plugin that can do the job :

Also v2 can use mobile gesture such as swipe ;)

What does void mean in C, C++, and C#?

void mean that you won't be returning any value form the function or method

Reading column names alone in a csv file

I literally just wanted the first row of my data which are the headers I need and didn't want to iterate over all my data to get them, so I just did this:

with open(data, 'r', newline='') as csvfile:
t = 0
for i in csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='|'):
    if t > 0:
        dbh = i
        t += 1

jquery change class name

In the event that you already have a class and need to alternate between classes as oppose to add a class, you can chain toggle events:

$('li.multi').click(function(e) {

How to create an Array, ArrayList, Stack and Queue in Java?

I am guessing you're confused with the parameterization of the types:

// This works, because there is one class/type definition in the parameterized <> field
ArrayList<String> myArrayList = new ArrayList<String>(); 

// This doesn't work, as you cannot use primitive types here
ArrayList<char> myArrayList = new ArrayList<char>();

How to iterate object keys using *ngFor

If you are using a map() operator on your response,you could maybe chain a toArray() operator to it...then you should be able to iterate through newly created least that worked for me :)


If no table with such name exists, DROP fails with error while DROP IF EXISTS just does nothing.

This is useful if you create/modifi your database with a script; this way you do not have to ensure manually that previous versions of the table are deleted. You just do a DROP IF EXISTS and forget about it.

Of course, your current DB engine may not support this option, it is hard to tell more about the error with the information you provide.

PHPExcel how to set cell value dynamically

I asume you have connected to your database already.

$sql = "SELECT * FROM my_table";
$result = mysql_query($sql);

$row = 1; // 1-based index
while($row_data = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    $col = 0;
    foreach($row_data as $key=>$value) {
        $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($col, $row, $value);

How to call a function within class?

That doesn't work because distToPoint is inside your class, so you need to prefix it with the classname if you want to refer to it, like this: classname.distToPoint(self, p). You shouldn't do it like that, though. A better way to do it is to refer to the method directly through the class instance (which is the first argument of a class method), like so: self.distToPoint(p).

Unioning two tables with different number of columns

if only 1 row, you can use join

Select t1.Col1, t1.Col2, t1.Col3, t2.Col4, t2.Col5 from Table1 t1 join Table2 t2;

Combining multiple condition in single case statement in Sql Server

select ROUND(CASE 

WHEN  CONVERT( float, REPLACE( isnull( value1,''),',',''))='' AND CONVERT( float, REPLACE( isnull( value2,''),',',''))='' then  CONVERT( float, REPLACE( isnull( value3,''),',',''))

WHEN  CONVERT( float, REPLACE( isnull( value1,''),',',''))='' AND CONVERT( float, REPLACE( isnull( value2,''),',',''))!='' then  CONVERT( float, REPLACE( isnull( value3,''),',',''))

WHEN  CONVERT( float, REPLACE( isnull( value1,''),',',''))!='' AND CONVERT( float, REPLACE( isnull( value2,''),',',''))='' then  CONVERT( float, REPLACE( isnull( value3,''),',',''))

else CONVERT( float, REPLACE(isnull( value1,''),',','')) end,0)  from Tablename where    ID="123" 

How do I stop/start a scheduled task on a remote computer programmatically?

Note: "schtasks" (see the other, accepted response) has replaced "at". However, "at" may be of use if the situation calls for compatibility with older versions of Windows that don't have schtasks.

Command-line help for "at":

C:\>at /?
The AT command schedules commands and programs to run on a computer at
a specified time and date. The Schedule service must be running to use
the AT command.

AT [\\computername] [ [id] [/DELETE] | /DELETE [/YES]]
AT [\\computername] time [/INTERACTIVE]
    [ /EVERY:date[,...] | /NEXT:date[,...]] "command"

\\computername     Specifies a remote computer. Commands are scheduled on the
                   local computer if this parameter is omitted.
id                 Is an identification number assigned to a scheduled
/delete            Cancels a scheduled command. If id is omitted, all the
                   scheduled commands on the computer are canceled.
/yes               Used with cancel all jobs command when no further
                   confirmation is desired.
time               Specifies the time when command is to run.
/interactive       Allows the job to interact with the desktop of the user
                   who is logged on at the time the job runs.
/every:date[,...]  Runs the command on each specified day(s) of the week or
                   month. If date is omitted, the current day of the month
                   is assumed.
/next:date[,...]   Runs the specified command on the next occurrence of the
                   day (for example, next Thursday).  If date is omitted, the
                   current day of the month is assumed.
"command"          Is the Windows NT command, or batch program to be run.

Using a cursor with dynamic SQL in a stored procedure

This code is a very good example for a dynamic column with a cursor, since you cannot use '+' in @STATEMENT:

    DECLARE @query NVARCHAR(4000) = N'' --DATA FILTER
    DECLARE @inputList NVARCHAR(4000) = ''
    DECLARE @field sysname = '' --COLUMN NAME
    DECLARE @my_cur CURSOR
                CASE @field
                    WHEN ''fn'' then fn
                    WHEN ''n_family_name'' then n_family_name
                CASE @field
                    WHEN ''fn'' then fn
                    WHEN ''n_family_name'' then n_family_name
                LIKE ''%''+@query+''%'';
            OPEN @my_cur;',
        N'@field sysname, @query NVARCHAR(4000), @my_cur CURSOR OUTPUT',
        @field = @field,
        @query = @query,
        @my_cur = @my_cur OUTPUT
    FETCH NEXT FROM @my_cur INTO @inputList
        PRINT @inputList
        FETCH NEXT FROM @my_cur INTO @inputList

VBA check if object is set

The (un)safe way to do this - if you are ok with not using option explicit - is...

Not TypeName(myObj) = "Empty"

This also handles the case if the object has not been declared. This is useful if you want to just comment out a declaration to switch off some behaviour...

Dim myObj as Object
Not TypeName(myObj) = "Empty"  '/ true, the object exists - TypeName is Object

'Dim myObj as Object
Not TypeName(myObj) = "Empty"  '/ false, the object has not been declared

This works because VBA will auto-instantiate an undeclared variable as an Empty Variant type. It eliminates the need for an auxiliary Boolean to manage the behaviour.

Assert that a method was called in a Python unit test

I use Mock (which is now unittest.mock on py3.3+) for this:

from mock import patch
from PyQt4 import Qt

@patch.object(Qt.QMessageBox, 'aboutQt')
def testShowAboutQt(self, mock):

For your case, it could look like this:

import mock
from mock import patch

def testClearWasCalled(self):
   aw = aps.Request("nv1")
   with patch.object(aw, 'Clear') as mock:
       aw2 = aps.Request("nv2", aw)

   mock.assert_called_with(42) # or mock.assert_called_once_with(42)

Mock supports quite a few useful features, including ways to patch an object or module, as well as checking that the right thing was called, etc etc.

Caveat emptor! (Buyer beware!)

If you mistype assert_called_with (to assert_called_once or assert_called_wiht) your test may still run, as Mock will think this is a mocked function and happily go along, unless you use autospec=true. For more info read assert_called_once: Threat or Menace.

How do I print the full value of a long string in gdb?

set print elements 0

From the GDB manual:

set print elements number-of-elements
Set a limit on how many elements of an array GDB will print. If GDB is printing a large array, it stops printing after it has printed the number of elements set by the set print elements command. This limit also applies to the display of strings. When GDB starts, this limit is set to 200. Setting number-of-elements to zero means that the printing is unlimited.

How to check whether an object has certain method/property?

Wouldn't it be better to not use any dynamic types for this, and let your class implement an interface. Then, you can check at runtime wether an object implements that interface, and thus, has the expected method (or property).

public interface IMyInterface
   void Somemethod();

IMyInterface x = anyObject as IMyInterface;
if( x != null )

I think this is the only correct way.

The thing you're referring to is duck-typing, which is useful in scenarios where you already know that the object has the method, but the compiler cannot check for that. This is useful in COM interop scenarios for instance. (check this article)

If you want to combine duck-typing with reflection for instance, then I think you're missing the goal of duck-typing.

linux/videodev.h : no such file or directory - OpenCV on ubuntu 11.04

sudo apt-get install libv4l-dev

Editing for RH based systems :

On a Fedora 16 to install pygame 1.9.1 (in a virtualenv):

sudo yum install libv4l-devel
sudo ln -s /usr/include/libv4l1-videodev.h   /usr/include/linux/videodev.h 

Adding attributes to an XML node

The latest and supposedly greatest way to construct the XML is by using LINQ to XML:

using System.Xml.Linq

       var xmlNode =
            new XElement("Login",
                         new XElement("id",
                             new XAttribute("userName", "Tushar"),
                             new XAttribute("password", "Tushar"),
                             new XElement("Name", "Tushar"),
                             new XElement("Age", "24")

Supposedly this way of coding should be easier, as the code closely resembles the output (which Jon's example above does not). However, I found that while coding this relatively easy example I was prone to lose my way between the cartload of comma's that you have to navigate among. Visual studio's auto spacing of code does not help either.

..The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a receive

None of the solutions out there worked for me. What I eventually discovered was the following combination:

  • Client system: Windows XP Pro SP3
  • Client system has .NET Framework 2 SP1, 3, 3.5 installed
  • Software targeting .NET 2 using classic web services (.asmx)
  • Server: IIS6
  • Web site "Secure Communications" set to:
    • Require Secure Channel
    • Accept client certificates

enter image description here

Apparently, it was this last option that was causing the issue. I discovered this by trying to open the web service URL directly in Internet Explorer. It just hung indefinitely trying to load the page. Disabling "Accept client certificates" allowed the page to load normally. I am not sure if it was a problem with this specific system (maybe a glitched client certificate?) Since I wasn't using client certificates this option worked for me.

Referring to a Column Alias in a WHERE Clause

For me, the simplest way to use ALIAS in WHERE class is to create a subquery and select from it instead.


    SELECT LENGTH(name) AS name_length,
    FROM any_table

SELECT id, name, name_length form Q1 where name_length > 0

Cheers, Kel

What's the meaning of System.out.println in Java?

Check following link:

You will clearly see that:

System is a class in the java.lang package.

out is a static member of the System class, and is an instance of

println is a method of This method is overloaded to print message to output destination, which is typically a console or file.

Running powershell script within python script, how to make python print the powershell output while it is running

  1. Make sure you can run powershell scripts (it is disabled by default). Likely you have already done this.

    Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
  2. Run this python script on your powershell script

    # -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
    import subprocess, sys
    p = subprocess.Popen(["powershell.exe", 

This code is based on python3.4 (or any 3.x series interpreter), though it should work on python2.x series as well.

Hello World

Laravel Migration table already exists, but I want to add new not the older

  1. Drop all table database
  2. Update two file in folder database/migrations/: 2014_10_12_000000_create_users_table.php, 2014_10_12_100000_create_password_resets_table.php


Schema::create('password_resets', function (Blueprint $table) {


Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) {

How to split a string at the first `/` (slash) and surround part of it in a `<span>`?


date.innerHTML= date.innerHTML.replace(/^(..)\//,'<span>$1</span></br>')
<div id="date">23/05/2013</div>

How do you get a directory listing sorted by creation date in python?

this is a basic step for learn:

import os, stat, sys
import time

dirpath = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) == 2 else r'.'

listdir = os.listdir(dirpath)

for i in listdir:
    data_001 = os.path.realpath(i)
    listdir_stat1 = os.stat(data_001)
    listdir_stat2 = ((os.stat(data_001), data_001))
    print time.ctime(listdir_stat1.st_ctime), data_001

KnockoutJs v2.3.0 : Error You cannot apply bindings multiple times to the same element

If you are reusing an element over and over (A bootstrap modal dialog in my case), then calling ko.applyBindings(el) multiple times will cause this problem.

Instead just do it once like this:

if (!applied) {
    applied = true;

Or like this:

var apply = function (viewModel, containerElement) {
    ko.applyBindings(viewModel, containerElement);
    apply = function() {}; // only allow this function to be called once.

PS: This might happen more often to you if you use the mapping plugin and convert your JSON data to observables.

How do I remove diacritics (accents) from a string in .NET?


Imports System.Text

Imports System.Globalization

Public Function RemoveDiacritics(ByVal s As String)
    Dim normalizedString As String
    Dim stringBuilder As New StringBuilder
    normalizedString = s.Normalize(NormalizationForm.FormD)
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim c As Char
    For i = 0 To normalizedString.Length - 1
        c = normalizedString(i)
        If CharUnicodeInfo.GetUnicodeCategory(c) <> UnicodeCategory.NonSpacingMark Then
        End If
    Return stringBuilder.ToString()
End Function

How to print a number with commas as thousands separators in JavaScript

function addCommas(nStr) {
    nStr += '';
    var x = nStr.split('.');
    var x1 = x[0];
    var x2 = x.length > 1 ? '.' + x[1] : '';
    var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;
    while (rgx.test(x1)) {
            x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + ',' + '$2');
    return x1 + x2;

addCommas(parseFloat("1099920.23232").toFixed(2)); //Output  1,099,920.23

How do I kill a VMware virtual machine that won't die?

In some cases you may not be able to suspend, or for that matter take any of the "Power" actions on the VM. You may also already have multiple VMs up and running. Use this process to identify the correct PID to kill.

On Windows 7 - Open Task Manager - Look for processes with the name, "vmware-vmx.exe", note the PIDs.

Switch to the Performance tab and start the "Resource Monitor". Expand the "Disk Activity" panel. Sort the "File" column. Look for the appropriate vmdk file for the VM you want to kill. The "Image" column will have the "vmware-vmx" process listed. Note the PID.

Switch back to the "Processes" tab and kill the PID.

Connect HTML page with SQL server using javascript

JavaScript is a client-side language and your MySQL database is going to be running on a server.

So you have to rename your file to index.php for example (.php is important) so you can use php code for that. It is not very difficult, but not directly possible with html.

(Somehow you can tell your server to let the html files behave like php files, but this is not the best solution.)

So after you renamed your file, go to the very top, before <html> or <!DOCTYPE html> and type:

    if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {
        /*Creating variables*/
        $name = $_POST["name"];
        $address = $_POST["address"];
        $age = $_POST["age"];

        $dbhost = "localhost"; /*most of the time it's localhost*/
        $username = "yourusername";
        $password = "yourpassword";
        $dbname = "mydatabase";

        $mysql = mysqli_connect($dbhost, $username, $password, $dbname); //It connects
        $query = "INSERT INTO yourtable (name,address,age) VALUES $name, $address, $age";
        mysqli_query($mysql, $query);
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <form method="post">
        <input name="name" type="text"/>
        <input name="address" type="text"/>
        <input name="age" type="text"/>

How to calculate the width of a text string of a specific font and font-size?

You can do exactly that via the various sizeWithFont: methods in NSString UIKit Additions. In your case the simplest variant should suffice (since you don't have multi-line labels):

NSString *someString = @"Hello World";
UIFont *yourFont = // [UIFont ...]
CGSize stringBoundingBox = [someString sizeWithFont:yourFont];

There are several variations of this method, eg. some consider line break modes or maximum sizes.

cannot import name patterns

from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path

urlpatterns = [

Change default date time format on a single database in SQL Server

Although you can not set the default date format for a single database, you can change the default language for a login which is used to access this database:


In some cases it helps.

How can I get terminal output in python?

The easiest way is to use the library commands

import commands
print commands.getstatusoutput('echo "test" | wc')

Recursive search and replace in text files on Mac and Linux

OS X uses a mix of BSD and GNU tools, so best always check the documentation (although I had it that less didn't even conform to the OS X manpage):

sed takes the argument after -i as the extension for backups. Provide an empty string (-i '') for no backups.

The following should do:

LC_ALL=C find . -type f -name '*.txt' -exec sed -i '' s/this/that/ {} +

The -type f is just good practice; sed will complain if you give it a directory or so. -exec is preferred over xargs; you needn't bother with -print0 or anything. The {} + at the end means that find will append all results as arguments to one instance of the called command, instead of re-running it for each result. (One exception is when the maximal number of command-line arguments allowed by the OS is breached; in that case find will run more than one instance.)

$(document).ready(function(){ Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined

It seems you don't import jquery. Those $ functions come with this non standard (but very useful) library.

Read the tutorial there : It starts with how to import the library.

Understanding the results of Execute Explain Plan in Oracle SQL Developer

The output of EXPLAIN PLAN is a debug output from Oracle's query optimiser. The COST is the final output of the Cost-based optimiser (CBO), the purpose of which is to select which of the many different possible plans should be used to run the query. The CBO calculates a relative Cost for each plan, then picks the plan with the lowest cost.

(Note: in some cases the CBO does not have enough time to evaluate every possible plan; in these cases it just picks the plan with the lowest cost found so far)

In general, one of the biggest contributors to a slow query is the number of rows read to service the query (blocks, to be more precise), so the cost will be based in part on the number of rows the optimiser estimates will need to be read.

For example, lets say you have the following query:

SELECT emp_id FROM employees WHERE months_of_service = 6;

(The months_of_service column has a NOT NULL constraint on it and an ordinary index on it.)

There are two basic plans the optimiser might choose here:

  • Plan 1: Read all the rows from the "employees" table, for each, check if the predicate is true (months_of_service=6).
  • Plan 2: Read the index where months_of_service=6 (this results in a set of ROWIDs), then access the table based on the ROWIDs returned.

Let's imagine the "employees" table has 1,000,000 (1 million) rows. Let's further imagine that the values for months_of_service range from 1 to 12 and are fairly evenly distributed for some reason.

The cost of Plan 1, which involves a FULL SCAN, will be the cost of reading all the rows in the employees table, which is approximately equal to 1,000,000; but since Oracle will often be able to read the blocks using multi-block reads, the actual cost will be lower (depending on how your database is set up) - e.g. let's imagine the multi-block read count is 10 - the calculated cost of the full scan will be 1,000,000 / 10; Overal cost = 100,000.

The cost of Plan 2, which involves an INDEX RANGE SCAN and a table lookup by ROWID, will be the cost of scanning the index, plus the cost of accessing the table by ROWID. I won't go into how index range scans are costed but let's imagine the cost of the index range scan is 1 per row; we expect to find a match in 1 out of 12 cases, so the cost of the index scan is 1,000,000 / 12 = 83,333; plus the cost of accessing the table (assume 1 block read per access, we can't use multi-block reads here) = 83,333; Overall cost = 166,666.

As you can see, the cost of Plan 1 (full scan) is LESS than the cost of Plan 2 (index scan + access by rowid) - which means the CBO would choose the FULL scan.

If the assumptions made here by the optimiser are true, then in fact Plan 1 will be preferable and much more efficient than Plan 2 - which disproves the myth that FULL scans are "always bad".

The results would be quite different if the optimiser goal was FIRST_ROWS(n) instead of ALL_ROWS - in which case the optimiser would favour Plan 2 because it will often return the first few rows quicker, at the cost of being less efficient for the entire query.

Getting A File's Mime Type In Java


mimeType = file.toURL().openConnection().getContentType();

does not work, since this use of URL leaves a file locked, so that, for example, it is undeletable.

However, you have this:

mimeType= URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromName(file.getName());

and also the following, which has the advantage of going beyond mere use of file extension, and takes a peek at content

InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
mimeType = URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromStream(is);
 //...close stream

However, as suggested by the comment above, the built-in table of mime-types is quite limited, not including, for example, MSWord and PDF. So, if you want to generalize, you'll need to go beyond the built-in libraries, using, e.g., Mime-Util (which is a great library, using both file extension and content).

How to run composer from anywhere?

composer.phar can be ran on its own, no need to prefix it with php. This should solve your problem (being in the difference of bash's $PATH and php's include_path).

JPQL SELECT between date statement

public List<Student> findStudentByReports(Date startDate, Date endDate) {
    System.out.println("call findStudentMethd******************with this pattern"
                    + startDate
                    + endDate
                    + "*********************************************");

    return em
                    "' select attendence from Attendence attendence where attendence.admissionDate BETWEEN : startDate '' AND endDate ''"
                            + "'")
            .setParameter("startDate", startDate, TemporalType.DATE)
            .setParameter("endDate", endDate, TemporalType.DATE)


How to remove \xa0 from string in Python?

In Beautiful Soup, you can pass get_text() the strip parameter, which strips white space from the beginning and end of the text. This will remove \xa0 or any other white space if it occurs at the start or end of the string. Beautiful Soup replaced an empty string with \xa0 and this solved the problem for me.

mytext = soup.get_text(strip=True)

List of Stored Procedures/Functions Mysql Command Line

If you want to list Store Procedure for Current Selected Database,


it will list Routines based on current selected Database

UPDATED to list out functions in your database

select * from information_schema.ROUTINES where ROUTINE_SCHEMA="YOUR DATABASE NAME" and ROUTINE_TYPE="FUNCTION";

to list out routines/store procedures in your database,


to list tables in your database,


to list views in your database,

method 1:


method 2:

select * from information_schema.VIEWS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA="YOUR DATABASE NAME";

How to find the serial port number on Mac OS X?

mac os x don't use com numbers. you have to use something like 'ser:devicename' , 9600

Skip Git commit hooks

From man githooks:

This hook is invoked by git commit, and can be bypassed with --no-verify option. It takes no parameter, and is invoked before obtaining the proposed commit log message and making a commit. Exiting with non-zero status from this script causes the git commit to abort.

SQL query for getting data for last 3 months


Mureinik's suggested method will return the same results, but doing it this way your query can benefit from any indexes on Date_Column.

or you can check against last 90 days.

WHERE Date_Column >= DATEADD(DAY, -90, GETDATE()) 

How to split one string into multiple variables in bash shell?

read with IFS are perfect for this:

$ IFS=- read var1 var2 <<< ABCDE-123456
$ echo "$var1"
$ echo "$var2"


Here is how you can read each individual character into array elements:

$ read -a foo <<<"$(echo "ABCDE-123456" | sed 's/./& /g')"

Dump the array:

$ declare -p foo
declare -a foo='([0]="A" [1]="B" [2]="C" [3]="D" [4]="E" [5]="-" [6]="1" [7]="2" [8]="3" [9]="4" [10]="5" [11]="6")'

If there are spaces in the string:

$ IFS=$'\v' read -a foo <<<"$(echo "ABCDE 123456" | sed 's/./&\v/g')"
$ declare -p foo
declare -a foo='([0]="A" [1]="B" [2]="C" [3]="D" [4]="E" [5]=" " [6]="1" [7]="2" [8]="3" [9]="4" [10]="5" [11]="6")'

"Untrusted App Developer" message when installing enterprise iOS Application

For iOS 13.6

Go to settings -> General -> Device Management -> Click on Trust « Apple Development » -> Click on the red trust button and you’re all set! Enjoy

Do I need to convert .CER to .CRT for Apache SSL certificates? If so, how?

Basically there are two CER certificate encoding types, DER and Base64. When type DER returns an error loading certificate (asn1 encoding routines), try the PEM and it shall work.

openssl x509 -inform DER -in certificate.cer -out certificate.crt

openssl x509 -inform PEM -in certificate.cer -out certificate.crt

Render HTML to PDF in Django site

You can use iReport editor to define the layout, and publish the report in jasper reports server. After publish you can invoke the rest api to get the results.

Here is the test of the functionality:

from django.test import TestCase
from x_reports_jasper.models import JasperServerClient

    to try integraction with jasper server through rest
class TestJasperServerClient(TestCase):

    # define required objects for tests
    def setUp(self):

        # load the connection to remote server

            self.j_url = ""
            self.j_user = "jasperadmin"
            self.j_pass = "jasperadmin"

            self.client = JasperServerClient.create_client(self.j_url,self.j_user,self.j_pass)

        except Exception, e:
            # if errors could not execute test given prerrequisites

    # test exception when server data is invalid
    def test_login_to_invalid_address_should_raise(self):
        self.assertRaises(Exception,JasperServerClient.create_client, "",self.j_user,self.j_pass)

    # test execute existent report in server
    def test_get_report(self):

        r_resource_path = "/reports/<PathToPublishedReport>"
        r_format = "pdf"
        r_params = {'PARAM_TO_REPORT':"1",}

        #resource_meta = client.load_resource_metadata( rep_resource_path )

        [uuid,out_mime,out_data] = self.client.generate_report(r_resource_path,r_format,r_params)

And here is an example of the invocation implementation:

from django.db import models
import requests
import sys
from xml.etree import ElementTree
import logging 

# module logger definition
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Create your models here.
class JasperServerClient(models.Manager):

    def __handle_exception(self, exception_root, exception_id, exec_info ):
        type, value, traceback = exec_info
        raise JasperServerClientError(exception_root, exception_id), None, traceback

    #   get resource description to generate the report
    def __handle_report_metadata(self, rep_resourcepath):

        l_path_base_resource = "/rest/resource"
        l_path = self.j_url + l_path_base_resource "metadata (begin) [path=%s%s]"  %( l_path ,rep_resourcepath) )

        resource_response = None
            resource_response = requests.get( "%s%s" %( l_path ,rep_resourcepath) , cookies = self.login_response.cookies)

        except Exception, e:
            self.__handle_exception(e, "REPORT_METADATA:CALL_ERROR", sys.exc_info())

        resource_response_dom = None
            # parse to dom and set parameters
            logger.debug( " - response [data=%s]"  %( resource_response.text) )
            resource_response_dom = ElementTree.fromstring(resource_response.text)

            datum = "" 
            for node in resource_response_dom.getiterator():
                datum = "%s<br />%s - %s" % (datum, node.tag, node.text)
            logger.debug( " - response [xml=%s]"  %( datum ) )

            self.resource_response_payload= resource_response.text
   "metadata (end) ")
        except Exception, e:
            logger.error( "metadata (error) [%s]" % (e))
            self.__handle_exception(e, "REPORT_METADATA:PARSE_ERROR", sys.exc_info())

    # 02: REPORT-PARAMS 
    def __add_report_params(self, metadata_text, params ):
        if(type(params) != dict):
            raise TypeError("Invalid parameters to report")
   "add-params (begin) []" )
            #copy parameters
            l_params = {}
            for k,v in params.items():
            # get the payload metadata
            metadata_dom = ElementTree.fromstring(metadata_text)
            # add attributes to payload metadata
            root = metadata_dom #('report'):

            for k,v in l_params.items():
                param_dom_element = ElementTree.Element('parameter')
                param_dom_element.attrib["name"] = k
                param_dom_element.text = v

            metadata_modified_text =ElementTree.tostring(metadata_dom, encoding='utf8', method='xml')
   "add-params (end) [payload-xml=%s]" %( metadata_modified_text )  )
            return metadata_modified_text

    #   call to generate the report
    def __handle_report_request(self, rep_resourcepath, rep_format, rep_params):

        # add parameters
        self.resource_response_payload = self.__add_report_params(self.resource_response_payload,rep_params)

        # send report request

        l_path_base_genreport = "/rest/report"
        l_path = self.j_url + l_path_base_genreport "report-request (begin) [path=%s%s]"  %( l_path ,rep_resourcepath) )

        genreport_response = None
            genreport_response = requests.put( "%s%s?RUN_OUTPUT_FORMAT=%s" %(l_path,rep_resourcepath,rep_format),data=self.resource_response_payload, cookies = self.login_response.cookies )
   " - send-operation-result [value=%s]"  %( genreport_response.text) )
        except Exception,e:
            self.__handle_exception(e, "REPORT_REQUEST:CALL_ERROR", sys.exc_info())

        # parse the uuid of the requested report
        genreport_response_dom = None

            genreport_response_dom = ElementTree.fromstring(genreport_response.text)

            for node in genreport_response_dom.findall("uuid"):
                datum = "%s" % (node.text)

            genreport_uuid = datum      

            for node in genreport_response_dom.findall("file/[@type]"):
                datum = "%s" % (node.text)
            genreport_mime = datum

   "report-request (end) [uuid=%s,mime=%s]"  %( genreport_uuid, genreport_mime) )

            return [genreport_uuid,genreport_mime]
        except Exception,e:
            self.__handle_exception(e, "REPORT_REQUEST:PARSE_ERROR", sys.exc_info())

    def __handle_report_reply(self, genreport_uuid ):

        l_path_base_getresult = "/rest/report"
        l_path = self.j_url + l_path_base_getresult "report-reply (begin) [uuid=%s,path=%s]"  %( genreport_uuid,l_path) )

        getresult_response = requests.get( "%s%s/%s?file=report" %(self.j_url,l_path_base_getresult,genreport_uuid),data=self.resource_response_payload, cookies = self.login_response.cookies )
        l_result_header_mime =getresult_response.headers['Content-Type'] "report-reply (end) [uuid=%s,mime=%s]"  %( genreport_uuid, l_result_header_mime) )
        return [l_result_header_mime, getresult_response.content]

    # public methods ---------------------------------------    

    # tries the authentication with jasperserver throug rest
    def login(self, j_url, j_user,j_pass):
        self.j_url= j_url

        l_path_base_auth = "/rest/login"
        l_path = self.j_url + l_path_base_auth "login (begin) [path=%s]"  %( l_path) )

            self.login_response = , params = {

            if( != self.login_response.status_code ):

   "login (end)" )
            return True
            # see

        except Exception, e:
            logger.error("login (error) [e=%s]" % e )
            self.__handle_exception(e, "LOGIN:CALL_ERROR",sys.exc_info())

    def generate_report(self, rep_resourcepath,rep_format,rep_params):
        [uuid,mime] = self.__handle_report_request(rep_resourcepath, rep_format,rep_params)
        # TODO: how to handle async?
        [out_mime,out_data] = self.__handle_report_reply(uuid)
        return [uuid,out_mime,out_data]

    def create_client(j_url, j_user, j_pass):
        client = JasperServerClient()
        login_res = client.login( j_url, j_user, j_pass )
        return client

class JasperServerClientError(Exception):

    def __init__(self,exception_root,reason_id,reason_message=None):
        super(JasperServerClientError, self).__init__(str(reason_message))
        self.code = reason_id 
        self.description = str(exception_root) + " " + str(reason_message)
    def __str__(self):
        return self.code + " " + self.description

Sleep function in ORACLE

From Oracle 18c you could use DBMS_SESSION.SLEEP procedure:

This procedure suspends the session for a specified period of time.


DBMS_SESSION.sleep is available to all sessions with no additional grants needed. Please note that DBMS_LOCK.sleep is deprecated.

If you need simple query sleep you could use WITH FUNCTION:

    RETURN i;
SELECT my_sleep(3) FROM dual;

Can I change the color of Font Awesome's icon color?

To hit only cog-icons in that kind of button, you can give the button a class, and set the color for the icon only when inside the button.


<a class="my-nice-button" href="/users/edit">
    <i class="icon-cog"></i>
    Edit profile


.my-nice-button>i { color: black; }

This will make any icon that is a direct descendant of your button black.

Execute Insert command and return inserted Id in Sql

using(SqlCommand cmd=new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Mem_Basic(Mem_Na,Mem_Occ) " +
    "VALUES(@na,@occ);SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY();",con))
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@na", Mem_NA);
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@occ", Mem_Occ);

    int modified = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();

    if (con.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) con.Close();
        return modified;

SCOPE_IDENTITY : Returns the last identity value inserted into an identity column in the same scope. for more details

How to remove MySQL root password

You need to set the password for root@localhost to be blank. There are two ways:

  1. The MySQL SET PASSWORD command:

    SET PASSWORD FOR root@localhost=PASSWORD('');
  2. Using the command-line mysqladmin tool:

    mysqladmin -u root -pType_in_your_current_password_here password ''

How to have image and text side by side

It's always worth grouping elements into sections that are relevant. In your case, a parent element that contains two columns;

  1. icon
  2. text.


<div class='container2'>
    <img src='' class='iconDetails' />

    <div class="text">
            fine location, GPS, coarse location
            <span>0 mins ago</span>


* {
.iconDetails {
    margin:0 2%;
.container2 {
.text {
.text h4, .text p {
.text p span {

How to comment in Vim's config files: ".vimrc"?

A double quote to the left of the text you want to comment.

Example: " this is how a comment looks like in ~/.vimrc

Error - trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty

This fixed the problem for me on Ubuntu:

sudo /var/lib/dpkg/info/ca-certificates-java.postinst configure

(found here:

ca-certificates-java is not a dependency in the Oracle JDK/JRE so this must be explicitly installed.

Normal arguments vs. keyword arguments

I'm surprised that no one seems to have pointed out that one can pass a dictionary of keyed argument parameters, that satisfy the formal parameters, like so.

>>> def func(a='a', b='b', c='c', **kwargs):
...    print 'a:%s, b:%s, c:%s' % (a, b, c)
>>> func()
a:a, b:b, c:c
>>> func(**{'a' : 'z', 'b':'q', 'c':'v'})
a:z, b:q, c:v

A SQL Query to select a string between two known strings

An example is this: You have a string and the character $

String :



SELECT SUBSTRING('aaaaa$bbbbb$ccccc',CHARINDEX('$','aaaaa$bbbbb$ccccc')+1, CHARINDEX('$','aaaaa$bbbbb$ccccc',CHARINDEX('$','aaaaa$bbbbb$ccccc')+1) -CHARINDEX('$','aaaaa$bbbbb$ccccc')-1) as My_String



What does [object Object] mean? (JavaScript)

Another option is to use JSON.stringify(obj)

For example:

exampleObj = {'a':1,'b':2,'c':3};

Embed image in a <button> element

try this

   <input type="button" style="background-image:url('your_url')"/>

Cannot assign requested address - possible causes?

this is just a shot in the dark : when you call connect without a bind first, the system allocates your local port, and if you have multiple threads connecting and disconnecting it could possibly try to allocate a port already in use. the kernel source file inet_connection_sock.c hints at this condition. just as an experiment try doing a bind to a local port first, making sure each bind/connect uses a different local port number.

How to add leading zeros?

For a general solution that works regardless of how many digits are in data$anim, use the sprintf function. It works like this:

sprintf("%04d", 1)
# [1] "0001"
sprintf("%04d", 104)
# [1] "0104"
sprintf("%010d", 104)
# [1] "0000000104"

In your case, you probably want: data$anim <- sprintf("%06d", data$anim)

WPF What is the correct way of using SVG files as icons in WPF

Windows 10 build 15063 "Creators Update" natively supports SVG images (though with some gotchas) to UWP/UAP applications targeting Windows 10.

If your application is a WPF app rather than a UWP/UAP, you can still use this API (after jumping through quite a number of hoops): Windows 10 build 17763 "October 2018 Update" introduced the concept of XAML islands (as a "preview" technology but I believe allowed in the app store; in all cases, with Windows 10 build 18362 "May 2019 Update" XAML islands are no longer a preview feature and are fully supported) allowing you to use UWP APIs and controls in your WPF applications.

You need to first add the references to the WinRT APIs, and to use certain Windows 10 APIs that interact with user data or the system (e.g. loading images from disk in a Windows 10 UWP webview or using the toast notification API to show toasts), you also need to associate your WPF application with a package identity, as shown here (immensely easier in Visual Studio 2019). This shouldn't be necessary to use the Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Imaging.SvgImageSource class, though.

Usage (if you're on UWP or you've followed the directions above and added XAML island support under WPF) is as simple as setting the Source for an <Image /> to the path to the SVG. That is equivalent to using SvgImageSource, as follows:

        <SvgImageSource UriSource="Assets/svg/icon.svg" />

However, SVG images loaded in this way (via XAML) may load jagged/aliased. One workaround is to specify a RasterizePixelHeight or RasterizePixelWidth value that is double+ your actual height/width:

<SvgImageSource RasterizePixelHeight="300" RasterizePixelWidth="300" UriSource="Assets/svg/icon.svg" /> <!-- presuming actual height or width is under 150 -->

This can be worked around dynamically by creating a new SvgImageSource in the ImageOpened event for the base image:

var svgSource = new SvgImageSource(new Uri("ms-appx://" + Icon));
PrayerIcon.ImageOpened += (s, e) =>
    var newSource = new SvgImageSource(svgSource.UriSource);
    newSource.RasterizePixelHeight = PrayerIcon.DesiredSize.Height * 2;
    newSource.RasterizePixelWidth = PrayerIcon.DesiredSize.Width * 2;
    PrayerIcon2.Source = newSource;
PrayerIcon.Source = svgSource;

The aliasing may be hard to see on non high-dpi screens, but here's an attempt to illustrate it.

This is the result of the code above: an Image that uses the initial SvgImageSource, and a second Image below it that uses the SvgImageSource created in the ImageOpened event:

enter image description here

This is a blown up view of the top image:

enter image description here

Whereas this is a blown-up view of the bottom (antialiased, correct) image:

enter image description here

(you'll need to open the images in a new tab and view at full size to appreciate the difference)

Failed to decode downloaded font, OTS parsing error: invalid version tag + rails 4

I was having the same issue., OTS parsing error: Failed to convert WOFF 2.0 font to SFNT (index):1 Failed to decode downloaded font:

If you got this error message while trying to commit your font then it is an issue with .gitattributes "warning: CRLF will be replaced by LF"

The solution for this is adding whichever font you are getting the issue with in .gitattributes

*.ttf     -text diff
*.eot     -text diff
*.woff    -text diff
*.woff2   -text diff

Then I deleted corrupt font files and reapplied the new font files and is working great.

How do I print uint32_t and uint16_t variables value?

The macros defined in <inttypes.h> are the most correct way to print values of types uint32_t, uint16_t, and so forth -- but they're not the only way.

Personally, I find those macros difficult to remember and awkward to use. (Given the syntax of a printf format string, that's probably unavoidable; I'm not claiming I could have come up with a better system.)

An alternative is to cast the values to a predefined type and use the format for that type.

Types int and unsigned int are guaranteed by the language to be at least 16 bits wide, and therefore to be able to hold any converted value of type int16_t or uint16_t, respectively. Similarly, long and unsigned long are at least 32 bits wide, and long long and unsigned long long are at least 64 bits wide.

For example, I might write your program like this (with a few additional tweaks):

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>  

int main(void)
    uint32_t a=12, a1;
    uint16_t b=1, b1;
    a1 = htonl(a);
    printf("%lu---------%lu\n", (unsigned long)a, (unsigned long)a1);
    b1 = htons(b);
    printf("%u-----%u\n", (unsigned)b, (unsigned)b1);
    return 0;

One advantage of this approach is that it can work even with pre-C99 implementations that don't support <inttypes.h>. Such an implementation most likely wouldn't have <stdint.h> either, but the technique is useful for other integer types.

Switch statement for greater-than/less-than

This is another option:

     switch (true) {
         case (value > 100):
             //do stuff
         case (value <= 100)&&(value > 75):
             //do stuff
         case (value < 50):
            //do stuff

No submodule mapping found in .gitmodule for a path that's not a submodule

After looking at my .gitmodules, it turned out I did have an uppercase letter where I should not have. So keep in mind, the .gitmodules directories are case sensitive

How to check if a double is null?

A double primitive in Java can never be null. It will be initialized to 0.0 if no value has been given for it (except when declaring a local double variable and not assigning a value, but this will produce a compile-time error).

More info on default primitive values here.

Remove an item from an IEnumerable<T> collection

You can not remove an item from an IEnumerable; it can only be enumerated, as described here:

You have to use an ICollection if you want to add and remove items. Maybe you can try and casting your IEnumerable; this will off course only work if the underlying object implements ICollection`.

See here for more on ICollection:

You can, of course, just create a new list from your IEnumerable, as pointed out by lante, but this might be "sub optimal", depending on your actual use case, of course.

ICollection is probably the way to go.

Can you pass parameters to an AngularJS controller on creation?

This also works.


var app = angular.module('angularApp', []);

app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, name, id) {
    $ = id;
    $ = name;
    // and more init


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="angularApp">
  <head lang="en">
    <script src="//"></script>
    <script src="app.js"></script>
       app.value("name", "James").value("id", "007");
  <body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
    <h1>I am  {{name}} {{id}}</h1>

Highlight Bash/shell code in Markdown files

Using the knitr package:

```{r, engine='bash', code_block_name} ...


```{r, engine='bash', count_lines}
wc -l en_US.twitter.txt

You can also use:

  • engine='sh' for shell
  • engine='python' for Python
  • engine='perl', engine='haskell' and a bunch of other C-like languages and even gawk, AWK, etc.

How to show hidden divs on mouseover?

You could wrap the hidden div in another div that will toggle the visibility with onMouseOver and onMouseOut event handlers in JavaScript:

<style type="text/css">
  #div1, #div2, #div3 {  
    visibility: hidden;  
  function show(id) {
    document.getElementById(id).style.visibility = "visible";
  function hide(id) {
    document.getElementById(id).style.visibility = "hidden";

<div onMouseOver="show('div1')" onMouseOut="hide('div1')">
  <div id="div1">Div 1 Content</div>
<div onMouseOver="show('div2')" onMouseOut="hide('div2')">
  <div id="div2">Div 2 Content</div>
<div onMouseOver="show('div3')" onMouseOut="hide('div3')">
  <div id="div3">Div 3 Content</div>

ImportError: No module named psycopg2

You need to install the psycopg2 module.

On CentOS: Make sure Python 2.7+ is installed. If not, follow these instructions:

# Python 2.7.6:
$ wget
$ tar xf Python-2.7.6.tar.xz
$ cd Python-2.7.6
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-unicode=ucs4 --enable-shared LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath /usr/local/lib"
$ make && make altinstall
$ yum install postgresql-libs

# First get the setup script for Setuptools:
$ wget

# Then install it for Python 2.7 and/or Python 3.3:
$ python2.7

$ easy_install-2.7 psycopg2

Even though this is a CentOS question, here are the instructions for Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt-get install python3-pip python-distribute python-dev
$ easy_install psycopg2


Throw HttpResponseException or return Request.CreateErrorResponse?

I like Oppositional answer

Anyway, I needed a way to catch the inherited Exception and that solution doesn't satisfy all my needs.

So I ended up changing how he handles OnException and this is my version

public override void OnException(HttpActionExecutedContext actionExecutedContext) {
   if (actionExecutedContext == null || actionExecutedContext.Exception == null) {

   var type = actionExecutedContext.Exception.GetType();

   Tuple<HttpStatusCode?, Func<Exception, HttpRequestMessage, HttpResponseMessage>> registration = null;

   if (!this.Handlers.TryGetValue(type, out registration)) {
      //tento di vedere se ho registrato qualche eccezione che eredita dal tipo di eccezione sollevata (in ordine di registrazione)
      foreach (var item in this.Handlers.Keys) {
         if (type.IsSubclassOf(item)) {
            registration = this.Handlers[item];

   //se ho trovato un tipo compatibile, uso la sua gestione
   if (registration != null) {
      var statusCode = registration.Item1;
      var handler = registration.Item2;

      var response = handler(

      // Use registered status code if available
      if (statusCode.HasValue) {
         response.StatusCode = statusCode.Value;

      actionExecutedContext.Response = response;
   else {
      // If no exception handler registered for the exception type, fallback to default handler
      actionExecutedContext.Response = DefaultHandler(actionExecutedContext.Exception.GetBaseException(), actionExecutedContext.Request

The core is this loop where I check if the exception type is a subclass of a registered type.

foreach (var item in this.Handlers.Keys) {
    if (type.IsSubclassOf(item)) {
        registration = this.Handlers[item];


Giving multiple conditions in for loop in Java

You can also replace complicated condition with single method call to make it less evil in maintain.

How to install and run phpize

Ohk.. I got it running by typing /usr/bin/phpize instead of only phpize.

How to style components using makeStyles and still have lifecycle methods in Material UI?

Instead of converting the class to a function, an easy step would be to create a function to include the jsx for the component which uses the 'classes', in your case the <container></container> and then call this function inside the return of the class render() as a tag. This way you are moving out the hook to a function from the class. It worked perfectly for me. In my case it was a <table> which i moved to a function- TableStmt outside and called this function inside the render as <TableStmt/>

Is it possible to remove the focus from a text input when a page loads?

A jQuery solution would be something like:

$(function () {

Running shell command and capturing the output

According to @senderle, if you use python3.6 like me:

def sh(cmd, input=""):
    rst =, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, input=input.encode("utf-8"))
    assert rst.returncode == 0, rst.stderr.decode("utf-8")
    return rst.stdout.decode("utf-8")
sh("ls -a")

Will act exactly like you run the command in bash

How do you use NSAttributedString?

The question is already answered... but I wanted to show how to add shadow and change the font with NSAttributedString as well, so that when people search for this topic they won't have to keep looking.

#define FONT_SIZE 20
#define FONT_HELVETICA @"Helvetica-Light"
#define BLACK_SHADOW [UIColor colorWithRed:40.0f/255.0f green:40.0f/255.0f blue:40.0f/255.0f alpha:0.4f]

NSString*myNSString = @"This is my string.\nIt goes to a second line.";                

NSMutableParagraphStyle *paragraphStyle = [[NSMutableParagraphStyle alloc] init];
               paragraphStyle.alignment = NSTextAlignmentCenter;
             paragraphStyle.lineSpacing = FONT_SIZE/2;
                     UIFont * labelFont = [UIFont fontWithName:FONT_HELVETICA size:FONT_SIZE];
                   UIColor * labelColor = [UIColor colorWithWhite:1 alpha:1];
                       NSShadow *shadow = [[NSShadow alloc] init];
                 [shadow setShadowColor : BLACK_SHADOW];
                [shadow setShadowOffset : CGSizeMake (1.0, 1.0)];
            [shadow setShadowBlurRadius : 1];

NSAttributedString *labelText = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString : myNSString
                      attributes : @{
   NSParagraphStyleAttributeName : paragraphStyle,
             NSKernAttributeName : @2.0,
             NSFontAttributeName : labelFont,
  NSForegroundColorAttributeName : labelColor,
           NSShadowAttributeName : shadow }];

Here is a Swift version...

Warning! This works for 4s.

For 5s you have to change all of the the Float values to Double values (because the compiler isn't working correctly yet)

Swift enum for font choice:

enum FontValue: Int {
    case FVBold = 1 , FVCondensedBlack, FVMedium, FVHelveticaNeue, FVLight, FVCondensedBold, FVLightItalic, FVUltraLightItalic, FVUltraLight, FVBoldItalic, FVItalic

Swift array for enum access (needed because enum can't use '-'):

func helveticaFont (index:Int) -> (String) {
    let fontArray = [
    return fontArray[index]

Swift attributed text function:

func myAttributedText (myString:String, mySize: Float, myFont:FontValue) -> (NSMutableAttributedString) {

    let shadow = NSShadow()
    shadow.shadowColor = UIColor.textShadowColor()
    shadow.shadowOffset = CGSizeMake (1.0, 1.0)
    shadow.shadowBlurRadius = 1

    let paragraphStyle = NSMutableParagraphStyle.alloc()
    paragraphStyle.lineHeightMultiple = 1
    paragraphStyle.lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakMode.ByWordWrapping
    paragraphStyle.alignment = NSTextAlignment.Center

    let labelFont = UIFont(name: helveticaFont(myFont.toRaw()), size: mySize)
    let labelColor = UIColor.whiteColor()

    let myAttributes :Dictionary = [NSParagraphStyleAttributeName : paragraphStyle,
                                              NSKernAttributeName : 3, // (-1,5)
                                              NSFontAttributeName : labelFont,
                                   NSForegroundColorAttributeName : labelColor,
                                            NSShadowAttributeName : shadow]

    let myAttributedString = NSMutableAttributedString (string: myString, attributes:myAttributes)

    // add new color 
    let secondColor = UIColor.blackColor()
    let stringArray = myString.componentsSeparatedByString(" ")
    let firstString: String? = stringArray.first
    let letterCount = countElements(firstString!)
    if firstString {
        myAttributedString.addAttributes([NSForegroundColorAttributeName:secondColor], range:NSMakeRange(0,letterCount))

    return  myAttributedString

first and last extension used for finding ranges in a string array:

extension Array {
    var last: T? {
        if self.isEmpty {
            NSLog("array crash error - please fix")
            return self [0]
        } else {
            return self[self.endIndex - 1]

extension Array {
    var first: T? {
        if self.isEmpty {
            NSLog("array crash error - please fix")
            return self [0]
        } else {
            return self [0]

new colors:

extension UIColor {
    class func shadowColor() -> UIColor {
        return UIColor(red: 0.0/255.0, green: 0.0/255.0, blue: 0.0/255.0, alpha: 0.3)
    class func textShadowColor() -> UIColor {
        return UIColor(red: 50.0/255.0, green: 50.0/255.0, blue: 50.0/255.0, alpha: 0.5)
    class func pastelBlueColor() -> UIColor {
        return UIColor(red: 176.0/255.0, green: 186.0/255.0, blue: 255.0/255.0, alpha: 1)
    class func pastelYellowColor() -> UIColor {
        return UIColor(red: 255.0/255.0, green: 238.0/255.0, blue: 140.0/255.0, alpha: 1)

my macro replacement:

enum MyConstants: Float {
    case CornerRadius = 5.0

my button maker w/attributed text:

func myButtonMaker (myView:UIView) -> UIButton {

    let myButton = UIButton.buttonWithType(.System) as UIButton
    myButton.backgroundColor = UIColor.pastelBlueColor()
    myButton.showsTouchWhenHighlighted = true;
    let myCGSize:CGSize = CGSizeMake(100.0, 50.0)
    let myFrame = CGRectMake(myView.frame.midX - myCGSize.height,myView.frame.midY - 2 * myCGSize.height,myCGSize.width,myCGSize.height)
    myButton.frame = myFrame
    let myTitle = myAttributedText("Button",20.0,FontValue.FVLight)
    myButton.setAttributedTitle(myTitle, forState:.Normal)

    myButton.layer.cornerRadius = myButton.bounds.size.width / MyConstants.CornerRadius.toRaw()
    myButton.setTitleColor(UIColor.whiteColor(), forState: .Normal)
    myButton.tag = 100


    return  myButton

my UIView/UILabel maker w/attributed text, shadow, and round corners:

func myLabelMaker (myView:UIView) -> UIView {

    let myFrame = CGRectMake(myView.frame.midX / 2 , myView.frame.midY / 2, myView.frame.width/2, myView.frame.height/2)
    let mylabelFrame = CGRectMake(0, 0, myView.frame.width/2, myView.frame.height/2)

    let myBaseView = UIView()
    myBaseView.frame = myFrame
    myBaseView.backgroundColor = UIColor.clearColor()

    let myLabel = UILabel()
    myLabel.frame = mylabelFrame

    myLabel.attributedText = myAttributedText("This is my String",20.0,FontValue.FVLight)
    myLabel.numberOfLines = 5
    myLabel.tag = 100
    myLabel.layer.cornerRadius = myLabel.bounds.size.width / MyConstants.CornerRadius.toRaw()
    myLabel.clipsToBounds = true




    return myLabel

generic shadow add:

func viewshadow<T where T: UIView> (shadowObject: T)
    let layer = shadowObject.layer
    let radius = shadowObject.frame.size.width / MyConstants.CornerRadius.toRaw();
    layer.borderColor = UIColor.whiteColor().CGColor
    layer.borderWidth = 0.8
    layer.cornerRadius = radius
    layer.shadowOpacity = 1
    layer.shadowRadius = 3
    layer.shadowOffset = CGSizeMake(2.0,2.0)
    layer.shadowColor = UIColor.shadowColor().CGColor

view extension for view style:

extension UIView {
    func layerborders() {
        let layer = self.layer
        let frame = self.frame
        let myColor = self.backgroundColor
        layer.borderColor = myColor.CGColor
        layer.borderWidth = 10.8
        layer.cornerRadius = layer.borderWidth / MyConstants.CornerRadius.toRaw()

    func layerShadow() {
        let layer = self.layer
        let frame = self.frame
        layer.cornerRadius = layer.borderWidth / MyConstants.CornerRadius.toRaw()
        layer.shadowOpacity = 1
        layer.shadowRadius = 3
        layer.shadowOffset = CGSizeMake(2.0,2.0)
        layer.shadowColor = UIColor.shadowColor().CGColor

    func layerGradient() {
        let layer = CAGradientLayer()
        let size = self.frame.size
        layer.frame.size = size
        layer.frame.origin = CGPointMake(0.0,0.0)
        layer.cornerRadius = layer.bounds.size.width / MyConstants.CornerRadius.toRaw();

        var color0 = CGColorCreateGenericRGB(250.0/255, 250.0/255, 250.0/255, 0.5)
        var color1 = CGColorCreateGenericRGB(200.0/255, 200.0/255, 200.0/255, 0.1)
        var color2 = CGColorCreateGenericRGB(150.0/255, 150.0/255, 150.0/255, 0.1)
        var color3 = CGColorCreateGenericRGB(100.0/255, 100.0/255, 100.0/255, 0.1)
        var color4 = CGColorCreateGenericRGB(50.0/255, 50.0/255, 50.0/255, 0.1)
        var color5 = CGColorCreateGenericRGB(0.0/255, 0.0/255, 0.0/255, 0.1)
        var color6 = CGColorCreateGenericRGB(150.0/255, 150.0/255, 150.0/255, 0.1)

        layer.colors = [color0,color1,color2,color3,color4,color5,color6]
        self.layer.insertSublayer(layer, atIndex: 2)

the actual view did load function:

func buttonPress (sender:UIButton!) {
    NSLog("%@", "ButtonPressed")

override func viewDidLoad() {

    let myLabel = myLabelMaker(myView)
    let myButton = myButtonMaker(myView)

    myButton.addTarget(self, action: "buttonPress:", forControlEvents:UIControlEvents.TouchUpInside)



Resource from src/main/resources not found after building with maven

Once after we build the jar will have the resource files under BOOT-INF/classes or target/classes folder, which is in classpath, use the below method and pass the file under the src/main/resources as method call getAbsolutePath("certs/uat_staging_private.ppk"), even we can place this method in Utility class and the calling Thread instance will be taken to load the ClassLoader to get the resource from class path.

 public String getAbsolutePath(String fileName) throws IOException {
      return Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource(fileName).getFile();

enter image description here enter image description here

we can add the below tag to tag in pom.xml to include these resource files to build target/classes folder


Best way to define private methods for a class in Objective-C

There isn't really a "private method" in Objective-C, if the runtime can work out which implementation to use it will do it. But that's not to say that there aren't methods which aren't part of the documented interface. For those methods I think that a category is fine. Rather than putting the @interface at the top of the .m file like your point 2, I'd put it into its own .h file. A convention I follow (and have seen elsewhere, I think it's an Apple convention as Xcode now gives automatic support for it) is to name such a file after its class and category with a + separating them, so @interface GLObject (PrivateMethods) can be found in GLObject+PrivateMethods.h. The reason for providing the header file is so that you can import it in your unit test classes :-).

By the way, as far as implementing/defining methods near the end of the .m file is concerned, you can do that with a category by implementing the category at the bottom of the .m file:

@implementation GLObject(PrivateMethods)
- (void)secretFeature;

or with a class extension (the thing you call an "empty category"), just define those methods last. Objective-C methods can be defined and used in any order in the implementation, so there's nothing to stop you putting the "private" methods at the end of the file.

Even with class extensions I will often create a separate header (GLObject+Extension.h) so that I can use those methods if required, mimicking "friend" or "protected" visibility.

Since this answer was originally written, the clang compiler has started doing two passes for Objective-C methods. This means you can avoid declaring your "private" methods completely, and whether they're above or below the calling site they'll be found by the compiler.

PHP Composer update "cannot allocate memory" error (using Laravel 4)

In my case I tried everything that was listed above. I was using Laravel and Vagrant with 4GB of memory and a swap, with memory limit set to -1. I deleted the vendor/ and tried other PHP-versions. Finally, I managed it to work by running

vagrant halt
vagrant up

And then composer install worked again as usual.

"Submit is not a function" error in JavaScript

Possible solutions -
1.Make sure that you don't have any other element with name/id as submit.
2.Try to call the function as onClick = "return submitAction();"

How do I force "git pull" to overwrite local files?

Instead of doing:

git fetch --all
git reset --hard origin/master

I'd advise doing the following:

git fetch origin master
git reset --hard origin/master

No need to fetch all remotes and branches if you're going to reset to the origin/master branch right?

Meaning of .Cells(.Rows.Count,"A").End(xlUp).row


is the VBA equivalent of being in Cell A1 and pressing Ctrl + Any arrow key. It will continue to travel in that direction until it hits the last cell of data, or if you use this command to move from a cell that is the last cell of data it will travel until it hits the next cell containing data.

If you wanted to find that last "used" cell in Column A, you could go to A65536 (for example, in an XL93-97 workbook) and press Ctrl + Up to "snap" to the last used cell. Or in VBA you would write:

Range("A65536").End(xlUp) which again can be re-written as Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp) for compatibility reasons across workbooks with different numbers of rows.

How to allow <input type="file"> to accept only image files?

If you want to upload multiple images at once you can add multiple attribute to input.

upload multiple files: <input type="file" multiple accept='image/*'>

Undefined Reference to

I had this issue when I forgot to add the new .h/.c file I created to the meson recipe so this is just a friendly reminder.

Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error: Cannot match any routes Angular 2

I had the same problem and later I realised that my app-routing.module.ts was inside a sub folder called app-routing. I moved this file directly under src and now it is working. (Now app-routing file has access to all the components)

How can I get Docker Linux container information from within the container itself?

To make it simple,

  1. Container ID is your host name inside docker
  2. Container information is available inside /proc/self/cgroup

To get host name,



uname -n


cat /etc/host

Output can be redirected to any file & read back from application E.g.: # hostname > /usr/src//hostname.txt

Convert bytes to bits in python

input_str = "ABC"
[bin(byte) for byte in bytes(input_str, "utf-8")]

Will give:

['0b1000001', '0b1000010', '0b1000011']

SQL Server: SELECT only the rows with MAX(DATE)

This worked for me perfectly fine.

    select name, orderno from (
         select name, orderno, row_number() over(partition by 
           orderno order by created_date desc) as rn from orders
    ) O where rn =1;

Insecure content in iframe on secure page

Based on generality of this question, I think, that you'll need to setup your own HTTPS proxy on some server online. Do the following steps:

  • Prepare your proxy server - install IIS, Apache
  • Get valid SSL certificate to avoid security errors (free from for example)
  • Write a wrapper, which will download insecure content (how to below)
  • From your site/app get

If you simply download remote site content via file_get_contents or similiar, you can still have insecure links to content. You'll have to find them with regex and also replace. Images are hard to solve, but Ï found workaround here:

Note: While this solution may have worked in some browsers when it was written in 2014, it no longer works. Navigating or redirecting to an HTTP URL in an iframe embedded in an HTTPS page is not permitted by modern browsers, even if the frame started out with an HTTPS URL.

The best solution I created is to simply use google as the ssl proxy...

Tested and works in firefox.

Other Methods:

  • Use a Third party such as (but it it really only good for well known http APIs).

  • Create your own redirect script on an https page you control (a simple javascript redirect on a relative linked page should do the trick. Something like: (you can use any langauge/method) That has a iframe linking to... Which has a simple js redirect script like...

    document.location.href ="";

  • Alternatively, you could add an RSS feed or write some reader/parser to read the http site and display it within your https site.

  • You could/should also recommend to the http site owner that they create an ssl connection. If for no other reason than it increases seo.

Unless you can get the http site owner to create an ssl certificate, the most secure and permanent solution would be to create an RSS feed grabing the content you need (presumably you are not actually 'doing' anything on the http site -that is to say not logging in to any system).

The real issue is that having http elements inside a https site represents a security issue. There are no completely kosher ways around this security risk so the above are just current work arounds.

Note, that you can disable this security measure in most browsers (yourself, not for others). Also note that these 'hacks' may become obsolete over time.

Best way to structure a tkinter application?

I advocate an object oriented approach. This is the template that I start out with:

# Use Tkinter for python 2, tkinter for python 3
import tkinter as tk

class MainApplication(tk.Frame):
    def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs):
        tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs)
        self.parent = parent

        <create the rest of your GUI here>

if __name__ == "__main__":
    root = tk.Tk()
    MainApplication(root).pack(side="top", fill="both", expand=True)

The important things to notice are:

  • I don't use a wildcard import. I import the package as "tk", which requires that I prefix all commands with tk.. This prevents global namespace pollution, plus it makes the code completely obvious when you are using Tkinter classes, ttk classes, or some of your own.

  • The main application is a class. This gives you a private namespace for all of your callbacks and private functions, and just generally makes it easier to organize your code. In a procedural style you have to code top-down, defining functions before using them, etc. With this method you don't since you don't actually create the main window until the very last step. I prefer inheriting from tk.Frame just because I typically start by creating a frame, but it is by no means necessary.

If your app has additional toplevel windows, I recommend making each of those a separate class, inheriting from tk.Toplevel. This gives you all of the same advantages mentioned above -- the windows are atomic, they have their own namespace, and the code is well organized. Plus, it makes it easy to put each into its own module once the code starts to get large.

Finally, you might want to consider using classes for every major portion of your interface. For example, if you're creating an app with a toolbar, a navigation pane, a statusbar, and a main area, you could make each one of those classes. This makes your main code quite small and easy to understand:

class Navbar(tk.Frame): ...
class Toolbar(tk.Frame): ...
class Statusbar(tk.Frame): ...
class Main(tk.Frame): ...

class MainApplication(tk.Frame):
    def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs):
        tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs)
        self.statusbar = Statusbar(self, ...)
        self.toolbar = Toolbar(self, ...)
        self.navbar = Navbar(self, ...)
        self.main = Main(self, ...)

        self.statusbar.pack(side="bottom", fill="x")
        self.toolbar.pack(side="top", fill="x")
        self.navbar.pack(side="left", fill="y")
        self.main.pack(side="right", fill="both", expand=True)

Since all of those instances share a common parent, the parent effectively becomes the "controller" part of a model-view-controller architecture. So, for example, the main window could place something on the statusbar by calling self.parent.statusbar.set("Hello, world"). This allows you to define a simple interface between the components, helping to keep coupling to a minimun.

What techniques can be used to define a class in JavaScript, and what are their trade-offs?

A base

function Base(kind) {
    this.kind = kind;

A class

// Shared var
var _greeting;

(function _init() {
    Class.prototype = new Base();
    Class.prototype.constructor = Class;
    Class.prototype.log = function() { _log.apply(this, arguments); }
    _greeting = "Good afternoon!";

function Class(name, kind) {, kind); = name;

// Shared function
function _log() {
    console.log(_greeting + " Me name is " + + " and I'm a " + this.kind);


var c = new Class("Joe", "Object");
c.log(); // "Good afternoon! Me name is Joe and I'm a Object"

What equivalents are there to TortoiseSVN, on Mac OSX?

Have a look at this archived question: TortoiseSVN for Mac? at superuser. (Original question was removed, so only archive remains.)

Have a look at this page for more likely up to date alternatives to TortoiseSVN for Mac: Alternative to: TortoiseSVN

Using the HTML5 "required" attribute for a group of checkboxes?

HTML5 does not directly support requiring only one/at least one checkbox be checked in a checkbox group. Here is my solution using Javascript:


<input class='acb' type='checkbox' name='acheckbox[]' value='1' onclick='deRequire("acb")' required> One
<input class='acb' type='checkbox' name='acheckbox[]' value='2' onclick='deRequire("acb")' required> Two


       function deRequireCb(elClass) {

            var atLeastOneChecked=false;//at least one cb is checked
            for (i=0; i<el.length; i++) {
                if (el[i].checked === true) {

            if (atLeastOneChecked === true) {
                for (i=0; i<el.length; i++) {
                    el[i].required = false;
            } else {
                for (i=0; i<el.length; i++) {
                    el[i].required = true;

The javascript will ensure at least one checkbox is checked, then de-require the entire checkbox group. If the one checkbox that is checked becomes un-checked, then it will require all checkboxes, again!

What bitrate is used for each of the youtube video qualities (360p - 1080p), in regards to flowplayer?

Looking at this official google link: Youtube Live encoder settings, bitrates and resolutions they have this table:

                   240p       360p        480p        720p        1080p
Resolution      426 x 240   640 x 360   854x480     1280x720    1920x1080
Video Bitrates                   
Maximum         700 Kbps    1000 Kbps   2000 Kbps   4000 Kbps   6000 Kbps
Recommended     400 Kbps    750 Kbps    1000 Kbps   2500 Kbps   4500 Kbps
Minimum         300 Kbps    400 Kbps    500 Kbps    1500 Kbps   3000 Kbps

It would appear as though this is the case, although the numbers dont sync up to the google table above:

// the bitrates, video width and file names for this clip
      bitrates: [
        { url: "bbb-800.mp4", width: 480, bitrate: 800 }, //360p video
        { url: "bbb-1200.mp4", width: 720, bitrate: 1200 }, //480p video
        { url: "bbb-1600.mp4", width: 1080, bitrate: 1600 } //720p video

Can't connect Nexus 4 to adb: unauthorized

I had similar situation. Here is what I did:

Try to check and uncheck the USB Debugging option in the device. (if not working, try to unplug/plug the USB)

At some point, the device should show up a messagebox to ask you if you authorize the computer. After you click yes, the device is then authorized and the connection is hooked.

How to compute precision, recall, accuracy and f1-score for the multiclass case with scikit learn?

I think there is a lot of confusion about which weights are used for what. I am not sure I know precisely what bothers you so I am going to cover different topics, bear with me ;).

Class weights

The weights from the class_weight parameter are used to train the classifier. They are not used in the calculation of any of the metrics you are using: with different class weights, the numbers will be different simply because the classifier is different.

Basically in every scikit-learn classifier, the class weights are used to tell your model how important a class is. That means that during the training, the classifier will make extra efforts to classify properly the classes with high weights.
How they do that is algorithm-specific. If you want details about how it works for SVC and the doc does not make sense to you, feel free to mention it.

The metrics

Once you have a classifier, you want to know how well it is performing. Here you can use the metrics you mentioned: accuracy, recall_score, f1_score...

Usually when the class distribution is unbalanced, accuracy is considered a poor choice as it gives high scores to models which just predict the most frequent class.

I will not detail all these metrics but note that, with the exception of accuracy, they are naturally applied at the class level: as you can see in this print of a classification report they are defined for each class. They rely on concepts such as true positives or false negative that require defining which class is the positive one.

             precision    recall  f1-score   support

          0       0.65      1.00      0.79        17
          1       0.57      0.75      0.65        16
          2       0.33      0.06      0.10        17
avg / total       0.52      0.60      0.51        50

The warning

F1 score:/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/metrics/ DeprecationWarning: The 
default `weighted` averaging is deprecated, and from version 0.18, 
use of precision, recall or F-score with multiclass or multilabel data  
or pos_label=None will result in an exception. Please set an explicit 
value for `average`, one of (None, 'micro', 'macro', 'weighted', 
'samples'). In cross validation use, for instance, 
scoring="f1_weighted" instead of scoring="f1".

You get this warning because you are using the f1-score, recall and precision without defining how they should be computed! The question could be rephrased: from the above classification report, how do you output one global number for the f1-score? You could:

  1. Take the average of the f1-score for each class: that's the avg / total result above. It's also called macro averaging.
  2. Compute the f1-score using the global count of true positives / false negatives, etc. (you sum the number of true positives / false negatives for each class). Aka micro averaging.
  3. Compute a weighted average of the f1-score. Using 'weighted' in scikit-learn will weigh the f1-score by the support of the class: the more elements a class has, the more important the f1-score for this class in the computation.

These are 3 of the options in scikit-learn, the warning is there to say you have to pick one. So you have to specify an average argument for the score method.

Which one you choose is up to how you want to measure the performance of the classifier: for instance macro-averaging does not take class imbalance into account and the f1-score of class 1 will be just as important as the f1-score of class 5. If you use weighted averaging however you'll get more importance for the class 5.

The whole argument specification in these metrics is not super-clear in scikit-learn right now, it will get better in version 0.18 according to the docs. They are removing some non-obvious standard behavior and they are issuing warnings so that developers notice it.

Computing scores

Last thing I want to mention (feel free to skip it if you're aware of it) is that scores are only meaningful if they are computed on data that the classifier has never seen. This is extremely important as any score you get on data that was used in fitting the classifier is completely irrelevant.

Here's a way to do it using StratifiedShuffleSplit, which gives you a random splits of your data (after shuffling) that preserve the label distribution.

from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
from sklearn.cross_validation import StratifiedShuffleSplit
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, f1_score, precision_score, recall_score, classification_report, confusion_matrix

# We use a utility to generate artificial classification data.
X, y = make_classification(n_samples=100, n_informative=10, n_classes=3)
sss = StratifiedShuffleSplit(y, n_iter=1, test_size=0.5, random_state=0)
for train_idx, test_idx in sss:
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = X[train_idx], X[test_idx], y[train_idx], y[test_idx], y_train)
    y_pred = svc.predict(X_test)
    print(f1_score(y_test, y_pred, average="macro"))
    print(precision_score(y_test, y_pred, average="macro"))
    print(recall_score(y_test, y_pred, average="macro"))    

Hope this helps.

AssertNull should be used or AssertNotNull

Use assertNotNull(obj). assert means must be.

How can I open a .db file generated by eclipse(android) form DDMS-->File explorer-->data--->data-->packagename-->database?

Depending on your platform you can use: sqlite3 file_name.db from the terminal. .tables will list the tables, .schema is full layout. SQLite commands like: select * from table_name; and such will print out the full contents. Type: ".exit" to exit. No need to download a GUI application.Use a semi-colon if you want it to execute a single command. Decent SQLite usage tutorial

Query to select data between two dates with the format m/d/yyyy

SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE STR_TO_DATE(columnname, '%d/%m/%Y')
  BETWEEN STR_TO_DATE('29/05/2017', '%d/%m/%Y')
    AND STR_TO_DATE('30/05/2017', '%d/%m/%Y')

It works perfectly :)

How do you check what version of SQL Server for a database using TSQL?

Here's a bit of script I use for testing if a server is 2005 or later

declare @isSqlServer2005 bit
select @isSqlServer2005 = case when CONVERT(int, SUBSTRING(CONVERT(varchar(15), SERVERPROPERTY('productversion')), 0, CHARINDEX('.', CONVERT(varchar(15), SERVERPROPERTY('productversion'))))) < 9 then 0 else 1 end
select @isSqlServer2005

Note : updated from original answer (see comment)

The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden

This probably won't help too many people, but this was my case: I was using the Jira Rest Api and was using my personal credentials (the ones I use to log into Jira). I had updated my Jira password but forgot to update them in my code. I got the 403 error, I tried updating my password in the code but still got the error.

The solution: I tried logging into Jira (from their login page) and I had to enter the text to prove I wasn't a bot. After that I tried again from the code and it worked. Takeaway: The server may have locked you out.

Tkinter understanding mainloop

I'm using an MVC / MVA design pattern, with multiple types of "views". One type is a "GuiView", which is a Tk window. I pass a view reference to my window object which does things like link buttons back to view functions (which the adapter / controller class also calls).

In order to do that, the view object constructor needed to be completed prior to creating the window object. After creating and displaying the window, I wanted to do some initial tasks with the view automatically. At first I tried doing them post mainloop(), but that didn't work because mainloop() blocked!

As such, I created the window object and used tk.update() to draw it. Then, I kicked off my initial tasks, and finally started the mainloop.

import Tkinter as tk

class Window(tk.Frame):
    def __init__(self, master=None, view=None ):
        tk.Frame.__init__( self, master )
        self.view_ = view       
        """ Setup window linking it to the view... """

class GuiView( MyViewSuperClass ):

    def open( self ):
        self.tkRoot_ = tk.Tk()
        self.window_ = Window( master=None, view=self )

    def onOpen( self ):        
        """ Do some initial tasks... """

    def refresh( self ):        

How can I print out C++ map values?

for(map<string, pair<string,string> >::const_iterator it = myMap.begin();
    it != myMap.end(); ++it)
    std::cout << it->first << " " << it->second.first << " " << it->second.second << "\n";

In C++11, you don't need to spell out map<string, pair<string,string> >::const_iterator. You can use auto

for(auto it = myMap.cbegin(); it != myMap.cend(); ++it)
    std::cout << it->first << " " << it->second.first << " " << it->second.second << "\n";

Note the use of cbegin() and cend() functions.

Easier still, you can use the range-based for loop:

for(auto elem : myMap)
   std::cout << elem.first << " " << elem.second.first << " " << elem.second.second << "\n";

Count the number of occurrences of each letter in string

One simple possibility would be to make an array of 26 ints, each is a count for a letter a-z:

int alphacount[26] = {0}; //[0] = 'a', [1] = 'b', etc

Then loop through the string and increment the count for each letter:

for(int i = 0; i<strlen(mystring); i++)      //for the whole length of the string
        alphacount[tolower(mystring[i])-'a']++;  //make the letter lower case (if it's not)
                                                 //then use it as an offset into the array
                                                 //and increment

It's a simple idea that works for A-Z, a-z. If you want to separate by capitals you just need to make the count 52 instead and subtract the correct ASCII offset

Is it a bad practice to use break in a for loop?

In your example you do not know the number of iterations for the for loop. Why not use while loop instead, which allows the number of iterations to be indeterminate at the beginning?

It is hence not necessary to use break statemement in general, as the loop can be better stated as a while loop.

receiving json and deserializing as List of object at spring mvc controller

For me below code worked, first sending json string with proper headers

        type: "POST",
        url : 'save',
        data : JSON.stringify(valObject),
        contentType:"application/json; charset=utf-8",
        success : function(resp){
        error : function(resp){

And then on Spring side -

@RequestMapping(value = "/save", 
                method = RequestMethod.POST,
public @ResponseBody String  save(@RequestBody ArrayList<KeyValue> keyValList) {
    //Saving call goes here
    return "";

Here KeyValue is simple pojo that corresponds to your JSON structure also you can add produces as you wish, I am simply returning string.

My json object is like this -


Android SQLite Example

The DBHelper class is what handles the opening and closing of sqlite databases as well sa creation and updating, and a decent article on how it all works is here. When I started android it was very useful (however I've been objective-c lately, and forgotten most of it to be any use.

Displaying the build date

Jeff Atwood had a few things to say about this issue in Determining Build Date the hard way.

The most reliable method turns out to be retrieving the linker timestamp from the PE header embedded in the executable file -- some C# code (by Joe Spivey) for that from the comments to Jeff's article:

public static DateTime GetLinkerTime(this Assembly assembly, TimeZoneInfo target = null)
    var filePath = assembly.Location;
    const int c_PeHeaderOffset = 60;
    const int c_LinkerTimestampOffset = 8;

    var buffer = new byte[2048];

    using (var stream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
        stream.Read(buffer, 0, 2048);

    var offset = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, c_PeHeaderOffset);
    var secondsSince1970 = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, offset + c_LinkerTimestampOffset);
    var epoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);

    var linkTimeUtc = epoch.AddSeconds(secondsSince1970);

    var tz = target ?? TimeZoneInfo.Local;
    var localTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(linkTimeUtc, tz);

    return localTime;

Usage example:

var linkTimeLocal = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetLinkerTime();

UPDATE: The method was working for .Net Core 1.0, but stopped working after .Net Core 1.1 release(gives random years in 1900-2020 range)

Volatile vs Static in Java

In addition to other answers, I would like to add one image for it(pic makes easy to understand)

enter image description here

static variables may be cached for individual threads. In multi-threaded environment if one thread modifies its cached data, that may not reflect for other threads as they have a copy of it.

volatile declaration makes sure that threads won't cache the data and uses the shared copy only.

image source

Can you target an elements parent element using

var _RemoveBtn = document.getElementsByClassName("remove");
for(var i=0 ;  i<_RemoveBtn.length ; i++){
function sample(event){

What is difference between png8 and png24

The main difference is that a 8-bit PNG comprises a max. of 256 colours, like GIFs. PNG-24 is a lossless format and can contain up to 16 million colours.

Is there StartsWith or Contains in t sql with variables?

It seems like what you want is

In your example it would be (starts with):

set @isExpress = (CharIndex('Express Edition', @edition) = 1)

Or contains

set @isExpress = (CharIndex('Express Edition', @edition) >= 1)

Creating a config file in PHP

I use a slight evolution of @hugo_leonardo 's solution:


return (object) array(
    'host' => 'localhost',
    'username' => 'root',
    'pass' => 'password',
    'database' => 'db'


This allows you to use the object syntax when you include the php : $configs->host instead of $configs['host'].

Also, if your app has configs you need on the client side (like for an Angular app), you can have this config.php file contain all your configs (centralized in one file instead of one for JavaScript and one for PHP). The trick would then be to have another PHP file that would echo only the client side info (to avoid showing info you don't want to show like database connection string). Call it say get_app_info.php :


    $configs = include('config.php');
    echo json_encode($configs->app_info);


The above assuming your config.php contains an app_info parameter:


return (object) array(
    'host' => 'localhost',
    'username' => 'root',
    'pass' => 'password',
    'database' => 'db',
    'app_info' => array(
        'appName'=>"App Name",
        'appURL'=> "http://yourURL/#/"


So your database's info stays on the server side, but your app info is accessible from your JavaScript, with for example a $http.get('get_app_info.php').then(...); type of call.

How to find rows in one table that have no corresponding row in another table

I can't tell you which of these methods will be best on H2 (or even if all of them will work), but I did write an article detailing all of the (good) methods available in TSQL. You can give them a shot and see if any of them works for you:

Set a div width, align div center and text align left

All of these answers should suffice. However if you don't have a defined width, auto margins will not work.

I have found this nifty little trick to centre some of the more stubborn elements (Particularly images).

.div {
   position: absolute;
   left: 0;
   right: 0;
   margin-left: 0;
   margin-right: 0;

How do you add UI inside cells in a google spreadsheet using app script?

The apps UI only works for panels.

The best you can do is to draw a button yourself and put that into your spreadsheet. Than you can add a macro to it.

Go into "Insert > Drawing...", Draw a button and add it to the spreadsheet. Than click it and click "assign Macro...", then insert the name of the function you wish to execute there. The function must be defined in a script in the spreadsheet.

Alternatively you can also draw the button somewhere else and insert it as an image.

More info:

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

In nodeJs is there a way to loop through an array without using array size?

Use the built-in Javascript function called map. .map() will do the exact thing you're looking for!

HTML&CSS + Twitter Bootstrap: full page layout or height 100% - Npx

I've found a post here on Stackoverflow and implemented your design:

Here's the original post:

Is that what you're looking for?


<div class="container-fluid wrapper">

  <div class="row-fluid columns content"> 

    <div class="span2 article-tree">
      navigation column

    <div class="span10 content-area">
      content column 

  <div class="footer">
     footer content


html, body {
    height: 100%;
.container-fluid {
    margin: 0 auto;
    height: 100%;
    padding: 20px 0;

    -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
    -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
    box-sizing: border-box;

.columns {
    background-color: #C9E6FF;
    height: 100%;   

.content-area, .article-tree{
    background: #bada55;
    height: 100%;

.footer {
    background: red;
    height: 20px;

How do I enable TODO/FIXME/XXX task tags in Eclipse?

I'm using Eclipse Classic 3.7.1.

The solution is: Window > Preferences > General > Editors > Sctructured Text Editors > Task Tags and checking "Enable searching for Task Tags" checkbox.

Using Javascript can you get the value from a session attribute set by servlet in the HTML page

    $sessionDetails = $this->Session->read('Auth.User');

    if (!empty($sessionDetails)) {

        $loginFlag = 1;
        # code...
        $loginFlag =  0;


<script type="text/javascript">

    var sessionValue = '<?php echo $loginFlag; ?>';
    if (sessionValue = 0) {

        //model show

What is the best way to seed a database in Rails?

Using seeds.rb file or FactoryBot is great, but these are respectively great for fixed data structures and testing.

The seedbank gem might give you more control and modularity to your seeds. It inserts rake tasks and you can also define dependencies between your seeds. Your rake task list will have these additions (e.g.):

rake db:seed                    # Load the seed data from db/seeds.rb, db/seeds/*.seeds.rb and db/seeds/ENVIRONMENT/*.seeds.rb. ENVIRONMENT is the current environment in Rails.env.
rake db:seed:bar                # Load the seed data from db/seeds/bar.seeds.rb
rake db:seed:common             # Load the seed data from db/seeds.rb and db/seeds/*.seeds.rb.
rake db:seed:development        # Load the seed data from db/seeds.rb, db/seeds/*.seeds.rb and db/seeds/development/*.seeds.rb.
rake db:seed:development:users  # Load the seed data from db/seeds/development/users.seeds.rb
rake db:seed:foo                # Load the seed data from db/seeds/foo.seeds.rb
rake db:seed:original           # Load the seed data from db/seeds.rb

PHP PDO with foreach and fetch

This is because you are reading a cursor, not an array. This means that you are reading sequentially through the results and when you get to the end you would need to reset the cursor to the beginning of the results to read them again.

If you did want to read over the results multiple times, you could use fetchAll to read the results into a true array and then it would work as you are expecting.

How to make inline plots in Jupyter Notebook larger?

A small but important detail for adjusting figure size on a one-off basis (as several commenters above reported "this doesn't work for me"):

You should do plt.figure(figsize=(,)) PRIOR to defining your actual plot. For example:

This should correctly size the plot according to your specified figsize:

values = [1,1,1,2,2,3]
_ = plt.figure(figsize=(10,6))
_ = plt.hist(values,bins=3)

Whereas this will show the plot with the default settings, seeming to "ignore" figsize:

values = [1,1,1,2,2,3]
_ = plt.hist(values,bins=3)
_ = plt.figure(figsize=(10,6))

Visual Studio Code how to resolve merge conflicts with git?

  1. Click "Source Control" button on left.
  2. See MERGE CHANGES in sidebar.
  3. Those files have merge conflicts.

VS Code > Source Control > Merge Changes (Example)

How to output an Excel *.xls file from classic ASP

You must specify the file to be downloaded (attachment) by the client in the http header:

Response.ContentType = "application/"
Response.AppendHeader "content-disposition", "attachment: filename=excelTest.xls"

Android : How to read file in bytes?

here it's a simple:

File file = new File(path);
int size = (int) file.length();
byte[] bytes = new byte[size];
try {
    BufferedInputStream buf = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));, 0, bytes.length);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (IOException e) {
    // TODO Auto-generated catch block

Add permission in manifest.xml:

 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

Round float to x decimals?

Use the built-in function round():

In [23]: round(66.66666666666,4)
Out[23]: 66.6667

In [24]: round(1.29578293,6)
Out[24]: 1.295783

help on round():

round(number[, ndigits]) -> floating point number

Round a number to a given precision in decimal digits (default 0 digits). This always returns a floating point number. Precision may be negative.

Are complex expressions possible in ng-hide / ng-show?

Some of these above answers didn't work for me but this did. Just in case someone else has the same issue.

ng-show="column != 'vendorid' && column !='billingMonth'"

Multi column forms with fieldsets

There are a couple of things that need to be adjusted in your layout:

  1. You are nesting col elements within form-group elements. This should be the other way around (the form-group should be within the col-sm-xx element).

  2. You should always use a row div for each new "row" in your design. In your case, you would need at least 5 rows (Username, Password and co, Title/First/Last name, email, Language). Otherwise, your problematic .col-sm-12 is still on the same row with the above 3 .col-sm-4 resulting in a total of columns greater than 12, and causing the overlap problem.

Here is a fixed demo.

And an excerpt of what the problematic section HTML should become:

    <legend>Personal Information</legend>
    <div class='row'>
        <div class='col-sm-4'>    
            <div class='form-group'>
                <label for="user_title">Title</label>
                <input class="form-control" id="user_title" name="user[title]" size="30" type="text" />
        <div class='col-sm-4'>
            <div class='form-group'>
                <label for="user_firstname">First name</label>
                <input class="form-control" id="user_firstname" name="user[firstname]" required="true" size="30" type="text" />
        <div class='col-sm-4'>
            <div class='form-group'>
                <label for="user_lastname">Last name</label>
                <input class="form-control" id="user_lastname" name="user[lastname]" required="true" size="30" type="text" />
    <div class='row'>
        <div class='col-sm-12'>
            <div class='form-group'>

                <label for="user_email">Email</label>
                <input class="form-control required email" id="user_email" name="user[email]" required="true" size="30" type="text" />

Difference between Key, Primary Key, Unique Key and Index in MySQL

KEY and INDEX are synonyms.

You should add an index when performance measurements and EXPLAIN shows you that the query is inefficient because of a missing index. Adding an index can improve the performance of queries (but it can slow down modifications to the table).

You should use UNIQUE when you want to contrain the values in that column (or columns) to be unique, so that attempts to insert duplicate values result in an error.

A PRIMARY KEY is both a unique constraint and it also implies that the column is NOT NULL. It is used to give an identity to each row. This can be useful for joining with another table via a foreign key constraint. While it is not required for a table to have a PRIMARY KEY it is usually a good idea.

Return Type for jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql, object, classType)

List<Map<String, Object>> List = getJdbcTemplate().queryForList(SELECT_ALL_CONVERSATIONS_SQL_FULL, new Object[] {userId, dateFrom, dateTo});
for (Map<String, Object> rowMap : resultList) {
    DTO dTO = new DTO();
    dTO.setrarchyID((Long) (rowMap.get("ID")));

How to create an array of object literals in a loop?

If you want to go even further than @tetra with ES6 you can use the Object spread syntax and do something like this:

let john = {
    firstName: "John",
    lastName: "Doe",

let people = new Array(10).fill().map((e, i) => {(...john, id: i});

Should I put input elements inside a label element?

A notable 'gotcha' dictates that you should never include more than one input element inside of a <label> element with an explicit "for" attribute, e.g:

<label for="child-input-1">
  <input type="radio" id="child-input-1"/>
  <span> Associate the following text with the selected radio button: </span>
  <input type="text" id="child-input-2"/>

While this may be tempting for form features in which a custom text value is secondary to a radio button or checkbox, the click-focus functionality of the label element will immediately throw focus to the element whose id is explicitly defined in its 'for' attribute, making it nearly impossible for the user to click into the contained text field to enter a value.

Personally, I try to avoid label elements with input children. It seems semantically improper for a label element to encompass more than the label itself. If you're nesting inputs in labels in order to achieve a certain aesthetic, you should be using CSS instead.

Windows 7 SDK installation failure

You should really check the log. It seems that quite a few components can cause the Windows SDK installer to fail to install with this useless error message. For instance it could be the Visual C++ Redistributable Package as mentioned there.

How to store printStackTrace into a string

You can use the ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(Throwable t); from Apache Commons 3 class org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils.

ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(Throwable t)

Code example:

try {

  // your code here

} catch(Exception e) {
  String s = ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e);

Remove all spaces from a string in SQL Server

If it is an update on a table all you have to do is run this update multiple times until it is affecting 0 rows.

update tableName
set colName = REPLACE(LTRIM(RTRIM(colName)), '  ', ' ')
where colName like '%  %'

How to sign in kubernetes dashboard?

The skip login has been disabled by default due to security issues.

in your dashboard yaml add this arg

- --enable-skip-login

to get it back

Find first element by predicate

return dataSource.getParkingLots()
                 .filter(parkingLot -> Objects.equals(parkingLot.getId(), id))

I had to filter out only one object from a list of objects. So i used this, hope it helps.

Listing files in a directory matching a pattern in Java

The following code will create a list of files based on the accept method of the FileNameFilter.

List<File> list = Arrays.asList(dir.listFiles(new FilenameFilter(){
        public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
            return name.endsWith(".exe"); // or something else

Why is PHP session_destroy() not working?

Well, this seems a new problem for me, using a new php server. In the past never had an issue with sessions not ending.

In a test of sessions, I setup a session, ran a session count++ and closed the session. Reloaded the page and to my surprise the variable remained.

I tried the following suggestion posted by mc10

$_SESSION = array(); // Clears the $_SESSION variable

However, that did not work. I did not think it could work as the session was not active after destroying it, so I reversed it.

$_SESSION = array();

That worked, reloading the page starting sessios and reviewing the set variables all showed them empty/not-set.

Really not sure why session_destroy() does not work on this PHP Version 5.3.14 server.

Don't really care as long as I know how to clear the sessions.

Python: Converting string into decimal number

If you want the result as the nearest binary floating point number use float:

result = [float(x.strip(' "')) for x in A1]

If you want the result stored exactly use Decimal instead of float:

from decimal import Decimal
result = [Decimal(x.strip(' "')) for x in A1]

What is git fast-forwarding?

In Git, to "fast forward" means to update the HEAD pointer in such a way that its new value is a direct descendant of the prior value. In other words, the prior value is a parent, or grandparent, or grandgrandparent, ...

Fast forwarding is not possible when the new HEAD is in a diverged state relative to the stream you want to integrate. For instance, you are on master and have local commits, and git fetch has brought new upstream commits into origin/master. The branch now diverges from its upstream and cannot be fast forwarded: your master HEAD commit is not an ancestor of origin/master HEAD. To simply reset master to the value of origin/master would discard your local commits. The situation requires a rebase or merge.

If your local master has no changes, then it can be fast-forwarded: simply updated to point to the same commit as the latestorigin/master. Usually, no special steps are needed to do fast-forwarding; it is done by merge or rebase in the situation when there are no local commits.

Is it ok to assume that fast-forward means all commits are replayed on the target branch and the HEAD is set to the last commit on that branch?

No, that is called rebasing, of which fast-forwarding is a special case when there are no commits to be replayed (and the target branch has new commits, and the history of the target branch has not been rewritten, so that all the commits on the target branch have the current one as their ancestor.)

R Apply() function on specific dataframe columns

Using an example data.frame and example function (just +1 to all values)

A <- function(x) x + 1
wifi <- data.frame(replicate(9,1:4))

#  X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9
#1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
#2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2
#3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3
#4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4

data.frame(wifi[1:3], apply(wifi[4:9],2, A) )
cbind(wifi[1:3], apply(wifi[4:9],2, A) )

#  X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9
#1  1  1  1  2  2  2  2  2  2
#2  2  2  2  3  3  3  3  3  3
#3  3  3  3  4  4  4  4  4  4
#4  4  4  4  5  5  5  5  5  5

Or even:

data.frame(wifi[1:3], lapply(wifi[4:9], A) )
cbind(wifi[1:3], lapply(wifi[4:9], A) )

#  X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9
#1  1  1  1  2  2  2  2  2  2
#2  2  2  2  3  3  3  3  3  3
#3  3  3  3  4  4  4  4  4  4
#4  4  4  4  5  5  5  5  5  5

Android offline documentation and sample codes

This thread is a little old, and I am brand new to this, but I think I found the preferred solution.

First, I assume that you are using Eclipse and the Android ADT plugin.

In Eclipse, choose Window/Android SDK Manager. In the display, expand the entry for the MOST RECENT PLATFORM, even if that is not the platform that your are developing for. As of Jan 2012, it is "Android 4.0.3 (API 15)". When expanded, the first entry is "Documentation for Android SDK" Click the checkbox next to it, and then click the "Install" button.

When done, you should have a new directory in your "android-sdks" called "doc". Look for "offline.html" in there. Since this is packaged with the most recent version, it will document the most recent platform, but it should also show the APIs for previous versions.

Regex for remove everything after | (with | )

The pipe, |, is a special-character in regex (meaning "or") and you'll have to escape it with a \.

Using your current regex:


I've tried this in Notepad++, as you've mentioned, and it appears to work well.

Java generics - why is "extends T" allowed but not "implements T"?

Probably because for both sides (B and C) only the type is relevant, not the implementation. In your example

public class A<B extends C>{}

B can be an interface as well. "extends" is used to define sub-interfaces as well as sub-classes.

interface IntfSub extends IntfSuper {}
class ClzSub extends ClzSuper {}

I usually think of 'Sub extends Super' as 'Sub is like Super, but with additional capabilities', and 'Clz implements Intf' as 'Clz is a realization of Intf'. In your example, this would match: B is like C, but with additional capabilities. The capabilities are relevant here, not the realization.

Creating a Custom Event

Yes, provided you have access to the object definition and can modify it to declare the custom event

public event EventHandler<EventArgs> ModelChanged;

And normally you'd back this up with a private method used internally to invoke the event:

private void OnModelChanged(EventArgs e)
    if (ModelChanged != null)
        ModelChanged(this, e);

Your code simply declares a handler for the declared myMethod event (you can also remove the constructor), which would get invoked every time the object triggers the event.

myObject.myMethod += myNameEvent;

Similarly, you can detach a handler using

myObject.myMethod -= myNameEvent;

Also, you can write your own subclass of EventArgs to provide specific data when your event fires.

How to clear all data in a listBox?

If your listbox is connected to a LIST as the data source, listbox.Items.Clear() will not work.

I typically create a file named "DataAccess.cs" containing a separate class for code that uses or changes data pertaining to my form. The following is a code snippet from the DataAccess class that clears or removes all items in the list "exampleItems"

public List<ExampleItem> ClearExampleItems()
           List<ExampleItem> exampleItems = new List<ExampleItem>();
           return examplelistItems;

ExampleItem is also in a separate class named "ExampleItem.cs"

using System;

namespace        // The namespace is automatically added by Visual Studio
    public class ExampleItem
        public int ItemId { get; set; }
        public string ItemType { get; set; }
        public int ItemNumber { get; set; }
        public string ItemDescription { get; set; }

        public string FullExampleItem 
                return $"{ItemId} {ItemType} {ItemNumber} {ItemDescription}";

In the code for your Window Form, the following code fragments reference your listbox:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace        // The namespace is automatically added by Visual Studio
    public partial class YourFormName : Form
        List<ExampleItem> exampleItems = new List<ExampleItem>();

        public YourFormName()

            // Connect listbox to LIST

        private void UpdateUpdateItemsBinding()
            ExampleItemsListBox.DataSource = exampleItems;
            ExampleItemsListBox.DisplayMember = "FullExampleItem";

        private void buttonClearListBox_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataAccess db = new DataAccess();
            exampleItems = db.ClearExampleItems();

This solution specifically addresses a Windows Form listbox with the datasource connected to a list.

HTML5 placeholder css padding

Remove line-height or set using's working in all browser

How to check if mod_rewrite is enabled in php?

This is my current method of checking if Mod_rewrite enabled for both Apache and IIS

 * --------------------------------------------------------------
 * --------------------------------------------------------------
 *                                        - By A H Abid
 * Define Constant for MOD REWRITE
 * Check if server allows MOD REWRITE. Checks for both 
 * Apache and IIS.
if( function_exists('apache_get_modules') && in_array('mod_rewrite',apache_get_modules()) )
    $mod_rewrite = TRUE;
elseif( isset($_SERVER['IIS_UrlRewriteModule']) )
    $mod_rewrite = TRUE;
    $mod_rewrite = FALSE;
define('MOD_REWRITE', $mod_rewrite);

It works in my local machine and also worked in my IIS based webhost. However, on a particular apache server, it didn't worked for Apache as the apache_get_modules() was disabled but the mod_rewrite was enable in that server.

Android error: Failed to install *.apk on device *: timeout

I get this a lot. I'm on a Galaxy S too. I unplug the cable from the phone, plug it back in and try launching the app again from Eclipse, and it usually does the trick. Eclipse seems to lose the connection to the phone occasionally but this seems to kick it back to life.

Given a URL to a text file, what is the simplest way to read the contents of the text file?

requests package works really well for simple ui as @Andrew Mao suggested

import requests
response = requests.get('')
data = response.text
for i, line in enumerate(data.split('\n')):
    print(f'{i}   {line}')


0    The Boston house-price data of Harrison, D. and Rubinfeld, D.L. 'Hedonic
1    prices and the demand for clean air', J. Environ. Economics & Management,
2    vol.5, 81-102, 1978.   Used in Belsley, Kuh & Welsch, 'Regression diagnostics
3    ...', Wiley, 1980.   N.B. Various transformations are used in the table on
4    pages 244-261 of the latter.
6    Variables in order:

Checkout kaggle notebook on how to extract dataset/dataframe from URL

Android - get children inside a View?

As an update for those who come across this question after 2018, if you are using Kotlin, you can simply use the Android KTX extension property ViewGroup.children to get a sequence of the View's immediate children.

Can anyone explain IEnumerable and IEnumerator to me?

Implementing IEnumerable means your class returns an IEnumerator object:

public class People : IEnumerable
    IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
        // return a PeopleEnumerator

Implementing IEnumerator means your class returns the methods and properties for iteration:

public class PeopleEnumerator : IEnumerator
    public void Reset()...

    public bool MoveNext()...

    public object Current...

That's the difference anyway.

cocoapods - 'pod install' takes forever

I fixed this issue like that:

rm -fr ~/Library/Caches/CocoaPods && \
gem update --system && \
gem update && \
gem cleanup && \
pod setup


Read file content from S3 bucket with boto3

When you want to read a file with a different configuration than the default one, feel free to use either directly or the copy-pasted code:

def s3_read(source, profile_name=None):
    Read a file from an S3 source.

    source : str
        Path starting with s3://, e.g. 's3://bucket-name/key/'
    profile_name : str, optional
        AWS profile

    content : bytes

        Botocore is not able to find your credentials. Either specify
        profile_name or add the environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
    session = boto3.Session(profile_name=profile_name)
    s3 = session.client('s3')
    bucket_name, key =
    s3_object = s3.get_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=key)
    body = s3_object['Body']

nodejs - first argument must be a string or Buffer - when using response.write with http.request

I get this error message and it mentions options.body

I had this originally{
    url: apiServerBaseUrl + '/v1/verify',
    body: {

I changed it to this:{
    url: apiServerBaseUrl + '/v1/verify',
    body: JSON.stringify({

and it seems to work now without the error message...seems like bug though.

I think this is the more official way to do it:{
        url: apiServerBaseUrl + '/v1/verify',
        json: true,
        body: {

How to add elements of a Java8 stream into an existing List

I would concatenate the old list and new list as streams and save the results to destination list. Works well in parallel, too.

I will use the example of accepted answer given by Stuart Marks:

List<String> destList = Arrays.asList("foo");
List<String> newList = Arrays.asList("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5");

destList = Stream.concat(,

//output: [foo, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Hope it helps.

How can I get a Dialog style activity window to fill the screen?

I just want to fill only 80% of the screen for that I did like this below

        DisplayMetrics metrics = getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
        int screenWidth = (int) (metrics.widthPixels * 0.80);


        getWindow().setLayout(screenWidth, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); //set below the setContentview

it works only when I put the getwindow().setLayout... line below the setContentView(..)

thanks @Matthias

No module named pkg_resources

None of the posted answers worked for me, so I reinstalled pip and it worked!

sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-dev build-essential 

sudo easy_install pip 

pip install --upgrade setuptools


How to stop Python closing immediately when executed in Microsoft Windows

Depending on what I'm using it for, or if I'm doing something that others will use, I typically just input("Do eighteen backflips to continue") if it's just for me, if others will be using I just create a batch file and pause it after

cd '/file/path/here'

I use the above if there is going to be files renamed, moved, copied, etc. and my cmd needs to be in the particular folder for things to fall where I want them, otherwise - just

python '/path/to/file/'

Convert java.util.Date to java.time.LocalDate

public static LocalDate Date2LocalDate(Date date) {
        return LocalDate.parse(date.toString(), DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy"))

this format is from Date#tostring

    public String toString() {
        // "EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy";
        BaseCalendar.Date date = normalize();
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(28);
        int index = date.getDayOfWeek();
        if (index == BaseCalendar.SUNDAY) {
            index = 8;
        convertToAbbr(sb, wtb[index]).append(' ');                        // EEE
        convertToAbbr(sb, wtb[date.getMonth() - 1 + 2 + 7]).append(' ');  // MMM
        CalendarUtils.sprintf0d(sb, date.getDayOfMonth(), 2).append(' '); // dd

        CalendarUtils.sprintf0d(sb, date.getHours(), 2).append(':');   // HH
        CalendarUtils.sprintf0d(sb, date.getMinutes(), 2).append(':'); // mm
        CalendarUtils.sprintf0d(sb, date.getSeconds(), 2).append(' '); // ss
        TimeZone zi = date.getZone();
        if (zi != null) {
            sb.append(zi.getDisplayName(date.isDaylightTime(), TimeZone.SHORT, Locale.US)); // zzz
        } else {
        sb.append(' ').append(date.getYear());  // yyyy
        return sb.toString();

Android layout replacing a view with another view on run time

And if you do that very often, you could use a ViewSwitcher or a ViewFlipper to ease view substitution.

How to restrict UITextField to take only numbers in Swift?

An approach that solves both decimal and Int:

 func textField(_ textField: UITextField, shouldChangeCharactersIn range: NSRange, replacementString string: String) -> Bool {
    let currentText = textField.text
    let futureString = currentText.substring(toIndex: range.location) + string + currentText.substring(fromIndex: range.location + range.length)
    if futureString.count == 0 {
        return true
    if isDecimal {
        if let numberAsDouble = Double(futureString), numberAsDouble.asPrice.count >= futureString.count {
            return true
    } else if let numberAsInt = Int(futureString), "\(numberAsInt)".count == futureString.count {
        return true
    return false

Property 'value' does not exist on type 'EventTarget'

consider $any()

<textarea (keyup)="emitWordCount($any($event))"></textarea>

Sorting list based on values from another list

list1 = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i']
list2 = [0,1,1,0,1,2,2,0,1]

cur_loclist = []

To get unique values present in list2

list_set = set(list2)

To find the loc of the index in list2

list_str = ''.join(str(s) for s in list2)

Location of index in list2 is tracked using cur_loclist

[0, 3, 7, 1, 2, 4, 8, 5, 6]

for i in list_set:
cur_loc = list_str.find(str(i))

while cur_loc >= 0:
    cur_loc = list_str.find(str(i),cur_loc+1)


for i in range(0,len(cur_loclist)):

How to solve privileges issues when restore PostgreSQL Database

To solve the issue you must assign the proper ownership permissions. Try the below which should resolve all permission related issues for specific users but as stated in the comments this should not be used in production:

root@server:/var/log/postgresql# sudo -u postgres psql
psql (8.4.4)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \du
               List of roles
    Role name    | Attributes  | Member of
 <user-name>    | Superuser   | {}
                 : Create DB
 postgres       | Superuser   | {}
                 : Create role
                 : Create DB

postgres=# alter role <user-name> superuser;

So connect to the database under a Superuser account sudo -u postgres psql and execute a ALTER ROLE <user-name> Superuser; statement.

Keep in mind this is not the best solution on multi-site hosting server so take a look at assigning individual roles instead: and

How to fix "Incorrect string value" errors?

I solved this problem today by altering the column to 'LONGBLOB' type which stores raw bytes instead of UTF-8 characters.

The only disadvantage of doing this is that you have to take care of the encoding yourself. If one client of your application uses UTF-8 encoding and another uses CP1252, you may have your emails sent with incorrect characters. To avoid this, always use the same encoding (e.g. UTF-8) across all your applications.

Refer to this page for more details of the differences between TEXT/LONGTEXT and BLOB/LONGBLOB. There are also many other arguments on the web discussing these two.

Under which circumstances textAlign property works in Flutter?

You can align text anywhere in the scaffold or container except center:-

Its works for me anywhere in my application:-

new Text(


//i have setted in center.


//when i want it left.

 //textAlign: TextAlign.left,

//when i want it right.

 //textAlign: TextAlign.right,

                style: TextStyle(

                    fontSize: 16,


                    fontWeight: FontWeight.w500),


How to override !important?

Override using JavaScript

$('.mytable td').attr('style', 'display: none !important');

Worked for me.

jquery get height of iframe content when loaded

simple one-liner starts with a default min-height and increases to contents size.

<iframe src="http://url.html" onload='javascript:(function(o){"px";}(this));' style="height:200px;width:100%;border:none;overflow:hidden;"></iframe>