Programs & Examples On #Denial of service

Denial-of-service (or DoS) is the intentional attack of a machine or resource, aiming to make unavailable to its intended users, often by overloading it with artificially crafted requests.

How to download/checkout a project from Google Code in Windows?

If you install TortoiseSVN you can use SVN under windows. It also gives you the SVN binaries. You needn't do the checkout from the command-line though as it integrates into Windows Explorer for you.

CSS hover vs. JavaScript mouseover

One additional benefit to doing it in javascript is you can add / remove the hover effect at different points in time - e.g. hover over table rows changes color, click disables the hover effect and starts edit in place mode.

sudo: port: command not found

If you have just installed macports just run and it should work

source ~/.bash_profile

JS search in object values

This is a cool solution that works perfectly

const array = [{"title":"tile hgfgfgfh"},{"title":"Wise cool"},{"title":"titlr DEytfd ftgftgfgtgtf gtftftft"},{"title":"This is the title"},{"title":"yeah this is cool"},{"title":"tile hfyf"},{"title":"tile ehey"}];

var item = array.filter(item=>item.title.toLowerCase().includes('this'));



const array = [{"title":"tile hgfgfgfh"},{"title":"Wise cool"},{"title":"titlr DEytfd ftgftgfgtgtf gtftftft"},{"title":"This is the title"},{"title":"yeah this is cool"},{"title":"tile hfyf"},{"title":"tile ehey"}];_x000D_
// array.filter loops through your array and create a new array returned as Boolean value given out "true" from eachIndex(item) function _x000D_
var item = array.filter((item)=>eachIndex(item));_x000D_
//var item = array.filter();_x000D_
function eachIndex(e){_x000D_
console.log("Looping each index element ", e)_x000D_
return e.title.toLowerCase().includes("this".toLowerCase())_x000D_
console.log("New created array that returns \"true\" value by eachIndex ", item)

How to remove jar file from local maven repository which was added with install:install-file?

  1. cd ~/.m2
  2. git init
  3. git commit -am "some comments"
  4. cd /path/to/your/project
  5. mvn install
  6. cd ~/.m2
  7. git reset --hard

How to restart ADB manually from Android Studio

open cmd and type the following command

netstat -aon|findstr 5037

and press enter.

you will get a reply like this :

  TCP              LISTENING       3372
  TCP        TIME_WAIT       0
  TCP        TIME_WAIT       0
  TCP         TIME_WAIT       0

this shows the pid which is occupying the adb. in this 3372 is the value. it will not be same for anyone. so you need to do this every time you face this problem.

now type this :

taskkill /pid 3372(the pid you get in the previous step) /f

Voila! now adb runs perfectly.

Formatting Numbers by padding with leading zeros in SQL Server

I am posting all at one place, all works for me to pad with 4 leading zero :)

declare @number int =  1;
print right('0000' + cast(@number as varchar(4)) , 4)
print right('0000' + convert(varchar(4), @number) , 4)
print right(replicate('0',4) + convert(varchar(4), @number) , 4)
print  cast(replace(str(@number,4),' ','0')as char(4))
print format(@number,'0000')

fatal: ambiguous argument 'origin': unknown revision or path not in the working tree

Sometimes things might be simpler. I came here with the exact issue and tried all the suggestions. But later found that the problem was just the local file path was different and I was on a different folder. :-)

eg -

~/myproject/mygitrepo/app/$ git diff app/TestFile.txt

should have been

~/myproject/mygitrepo/app/$ git diff TestFile.txt

Restarting cron after changing crontab file?

I had a similar issue on 16.04 VPS Digital Ocean. If you are changing crontabs, make sure to run

sudo service cron restart 

How to remove " from my Json in javascript?

i used replace feature in Notepad++ and replaced " (without quotes) with " and result was valid json

Computed / calculated / virtual / derived columns in PostgreSQL

A lightweight solution with Check constraint:

CREATE TABLE example (
    discriminator INTEGER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL CHECK (discriminator = 0)

How do I get ASP.NET Web API to return JSON instead of XML using Chrome?

You just change the App_Start/WebApiConfig.cs like this:

public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
        // Web API configuration and services

        // Web API routes
        //Below formatter is used for returning the Json result.
        var appXmlType = config.Formatters.XmlFormatter.SupportedMediaTypes.FirstOrDefault(t => t.MediaType == "application/xml");
        //Default route
           name: "ApiControllerOnly",
           routeTemplate: "api/{controller}"

IE11 meta element Breaks SVG

I ran into this issue and resolved it by removing the width styling I had used on the SVG:

.svg-div img {
    width: 200px; /* removed this */
    height: auto;

Check if number is prime number

I've implemented a different method to check for primes because:

  • Most of these solutions keep iterating through the same multiple unnecessarily (for example, they check 5, 10, and then 15, something that a single % by 5 will test for).
  • A % by 2 will handle all even numbers (all integers ending in 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8).
  • A % by 5 will handle all multiples of 5 (all integers ending in 5).
  • What's left is to test for even divisions by integers ending in 1, 3, 7, or 9. But the beauty is that we can increment by 10 at a time, instead of going up by 2, and I will demonstrate a solution that is threaded out.
  • The other algorithms are not threaded out, so they don't take advantage of your cores as much as I would have hoped.
  • I also needed support for really large primes, so I needed to use the BigInteger data-type instead of int, long, etc.

Here is my implementation:

public static BigInteger IntegerSquareRoot(BigInteger value)
    if (value > 0)
        int bitLength = value.ToByteArray().Length * 8;
        BigInteger root = BigInteger.One << (bitLength / 2);
        while (!IsSquareRoot(value, root))
            root += value / root;
            root /= 2;
        return root;
    else return 0;

private static Boolean IsSquareRoot(BigInteger n, BigInteger root)
    BigInteger lowerBound = root * root;
    BigInteger upperBound = (root + 1) * (root + 1);
    return (n >= lowerBound && n < upperBound);

static bool IsPrime(BigInteger value)
    Console.WriteLine("Checking if {0} is a prime number.", value);
    if (value < 3)
        if (value == 2)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} is a prime number.", value);
            return true;
            Console.WriteLine("{0} is not a prime number because it is below 2.", value);
            return false;
        if (value % 2 == 0)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} is not a prime number because it is divisible by 2.", value);
            return false;
        else if (value == 5)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} is a prime number.", value);
            return true;
        else if (value % 5 == 0)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} is not a prime number because it is divisible by 5.", value);
            return false;
            // The only way this number is a prime number at this point is if it is divisible by numbers ending with 1, 3, 7, and 9.
            AutoResetEvent success = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            AutoResetEvent failure = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            AutoResetEvent onesSucceeded = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            AutoResetEvent threesSucceeded = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            AutoResetEvent sevensSucceeded = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            AutoResetEvent ninesSucceeded = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            BigInteger squareRootedValue = IntegerSquareRoot(value);
            Thread ones = new Thread(() =>
                for (BigInteger i = 11; i <= squareRootedValue; i += 10)
                    if (value % i == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} is not a prime number because it is divisible by {1}.", value, i);
            Thread threes = new Thread(() =>
                for (BigInteger i = 3; i <= squareRootedValue; i += 10)
                    if (value % i == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} is not a prime number because it is divisible by {1}.", value, i);
            Thread sevens = new Thread(() =>
                for (BigInteger i = 7; i <= squareRootedValue; i += 10)
                    if (value % i == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} is not a prime number because it is divisible by {1}.", value, i);
            Thread nines = new Thread(() =>
                for (BigInteger i = 9; i <= squareRootedValue; i += 10)
                    if (value % i == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} is not a prime number because it is divisible by {1}.", value, i);
            Thread successWaiter = new Thread(() =>
                AutoResetEvent.WaitAll(new WaitHandle[] { onesSucceeded, threesSucceeded, sevensSucceeded, ninesSucceeded });
            int result = AutoResetEvent.WaitAny(new WaitHandle[] { success, failure });
            catch { }
            catch { }
            catch { }
            catch { }
            catch { }
            if (result == 1)
                return false;
                Console.WriteLine("{0} is a prime number.", value);
                return true;

Update: If you want to implement a solution with trial division more rapidly, you might consider having a cache of prime numbers. A number is only prime if it is not divisible by other prime numbers that are up to the value of its square root. Other than that, you might consider using the probabilistic version of the Miller-Rabin primality test to check for a number's primality if you are dealing with large enough values (taken from Rosetta Code in case the site ever goes down):

// Miller-Rabin primality test as an extension method on the BigInteger type.
// Based on the Ruby implementation on this page.
public static class BigIntegerExtensions
  public static bool IsProbablePrime(this BigInteger source, int certainty)
    if(source == 2 || source == 3)
      return true;
    if(source < 2 || source % 2 == 0)
      return false;

    BigInteger d = source - 1;
    int s = 0;

    while(d % 2 == 0)
      d /= 2;
      s += 1;

    // There is no built-in method for generating random BigInteger values.
    // Instead, random BigIntegers are constructed from randomly generated
    // byte arrays of the same length as the source.
    RandomNumberGenerator rng = RandomNumberGenerator.Create();
    byte[] bytes = new byte[source.ToByteArray().LongLength];
    BigInteger a;

    for(int i = 0; i < certainty; i++)
        // This may raise an exception in Mono 2.10.8 and earlier.
        a = new BigInteger(bytes);
      while(a < 2 || a >= source - 2);

      BigInteger x = BigInteger.ModPow(a, d, source);
      if(x == 1 || x == source - 1)

      for(int r = 1; r < s; r++)
        x = BigInteger.ModPow(x, 2, source);
        if(x == 1)
          return false;
        if(x == source - 1)

      if(x != source - 1)
        return false;

    return true;

How to close <img> tag properly?

Both the right answer. HTML5 follows strict rules and in HTML5 we can close all the tags. So, it depends on you to use HTML5 or HTML and follow an appropriate answer.

<img src='stackoverflow.png'>
<img src='stackoverflow.png' />

The second property is more appropriate.

How to remove carriage return and newline from a variable in shell script

yet another solution uses tr:

echo $testVar | tr -d '\r'
cat myscript | tr -d '\r'

the option -d stands for delete.

Access to Image from origin 'null' has been blocked by CORS policy

For local development you could serve the files with a simple web server.

With Python installed, go into the folder where your project is served, like cd my-project/. And then use python -m SimpleHTTPServer which would make index.html and it's JavaScript files available at localhost:8000.

How to enable PHP's openssl extension to install Composer?

After editting the "right" files (all php.ini's). i had still the issue. My solution was:

  1. Adding a System variable: OPENSSL_CONF

    the value of OPENSSL_CONF should be the openssl.cnf file of your current php version.

for me it was:

  • C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.6.12\extras\ssl\openssl.cnf

-> Restart WAMP -> should work now


Set UIButton title UILabel font size programmatically

Swift 4

button.titleLabel?.font = UIFont(name: "Font_Name_Here", size: Font_Size_Here)


[button.titleLabel setFont:[UIFont fontWithName:@“Font_Name_Here” size: Font_Size_Here]];


Font_Name = "Helvetica"

Font_Size = 16.0

Hope it helps.

Maven: Failed to read artifact descriptor

I had the same problem for a while and despite doing mvn -U clean install the problem was not getting solved!

I finally solved the problem by deleting the whole .m2 folder and then restarted my IDE and the problem was gone!

So sometimes the problem would rise because of some incompatibilities or problems in your local maven repository.

jQuery UI Dialog individual CSS styling

Try these:

#dialog_style1 .ui-dialog-titlebar { display:none; }
#dialog_style2 .ui-dialog-titlebar { color:#aaa; }

The best recommendation I can give for you is to load the page in Firefox, open the dialog and inspect it with Firebug, then try different selectors in the console, and see what works. You may need to use some of the other descendant selectors.

Different CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and SYSDATE in oracle

Note: SYSDATE - returns only date, i.e., "yyyy-mm-dd" is not correct. SYSDATE returns the system date of the database server including hours, minutes, and seconds. For example:

SELECT SYSDATE FROM DUAL; will return output similar to the following: 12/15/2017 12:42:39 PM

Code for printf function in C

Here's the GNU version of printf... you can see it passing in stdout to vfprintf:

__printf (const char *format, ...)
   va_list arg;
   int done;

   va_start (arg, format);
   done = vfprintf (stdout, format, arg);
   va_end (arg);

   return done;

See here.

Here's a link to vfprintf... all the formatting 'magic' happens here.

The only thing that's truly 'different' about these functions is that they use varargs to get at arguments in a variable length argument list. Other than that, they're just traditional C. (This is in contrast to Pascal's printf equivalent, which is implemented with specific support in the compiler... at least it was back in the day.)

Root element is missing

Hi this is odd way but try it once

  1. Read the file content into a string
  2. print the string and check whether you are getting proper XML or not
  3. you can use XMLDocument.LoadXML(xmlstring)

I try with your code and same XML without adding any XML declaration it works for me

XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
        XmlNodeList nodes = doc.GetElementsByTagName("Product");
        XmlNode node = null;
        foreach (XmlNode n in nodes)

Its working perfectly fine

AngularJs ReferenceError: $http is not defined

I have gone through the same problem when I was using

    myApp.controller('mainController', ['$scope', function($scope,) {
        //$http was not working in this

I have changed the above code to given below. Remember to include $http(2 times) as given below.

 myApp.controller('mainController', ['$scope','$http', function($scope,$http) {
      //$http is working in this

and It has worked well.

Why does the JFrame setSize() method not set the size correctly?

The top border of frame is of size 30.You can write code for printing the coordinate of any point on the frame using MouseInputAdapter.You will find when the cursor is just below the top border of the frame the y coordinate is not zero , its close to 30.Hence if you give size to frame 300 * 300 , the size available for putting the components on the frame is only 300 * 270.So if you need to have size 300 * 300 ,give 300 * 330 size of the frame.

Multiple conditions in ngClass - Angular 4

you need object notation

<section [ngClass]="{'class1':condition1, 'class2': condition2, 'class3':condition3}" > 

ref: NgClass

Difference between HashSet and HashMap?

It's really a shame that both their names start with Hash. That's the least important part of them. The important parts come after the Hash - the Set and Map, as others have pointed out. What they are, respectively, are a Set - an unordered collection - and a Map - a collection with keyed access. They happen to be implemented with hashes - that's where the names come from - but their essence is hidden behind that part of their names.

Don't be confused by their names; they are deeply different things.

How do I address unchecked cast warnings?

Just typecheck it before you cast it.

Object someObject = session.getAttribute("attributeKey");
if(someObject instanceof HashMap)
HashMap<String, String> theHash = (HashMap<String, String>)someObject;  

And for anyone asking, it's quite common to receive objects where you aren't sure of the type. Plenty of legacy "SOA" implementations pass around various objects that you shouldn't always trust. (The horrors!)

EDIT Changed the example code once to match the poster's updates, and following some comments I see that instanceof doesn't play nicely with generics. However changing the check to validate the outer object seems to play well with the commandline compiler. Revised example now posted.

CardView Corner Radius

I wrote a drawable lib to custom round corner position, it looks like this:


You can get this lib at here:

IIS7 folder permissions for web application

Worked for me in 30 seconds, short and sweet:

  1. In IIS Manager (run inetmgr)
  2. Go to ApplicationPool -> Advanced Settings
  3. Set ApplicationPoolIdentity to NetworkService
  4. Go to the file, right click properties, go to security, click edit, click add, enter Network Service (with space, then click 'check names'), and give full control (or just whatever permissions you need)

Verifying a specific parameter with Moq

I've been verifying calls in the same manner - I believe it is the right way to do it.

mockSomething.Verify(ms => ms.Method(
    It.Is<MyObject>(mo => mo.Id == 5 && mo.description == "test")
  ), Times.Once());

If your lambda expression becomes unwieldy, you could create a function that takes MyObject as input and outputs true/false...

mockSomething.Verify(ms => ms.Method(
    It.Is<MyObject>(mo => MyObjectFunc(mo))
  ), Times.Once());

private bool MyObjectFunc(MyObject myObject)
  return myObject.Id == 5 && myObject.description == "test";

Also, be aware of a bug with Mock where the error message states that the method was called multiple times when it wasn't called at all. They might have fixed it by now - but if you see that message you might consider verifying that the method was actually called.

EDIT: Here is an example of calling verify multiple times for those scenarios where you want to verify that you call a function for each object in a list (for example).

foreach (var item in myList)
  mockRepository.Verify(mr => mr.Update(
    It.Is<MyObject>(i => i.Id == item.Id && i.LastUpdated == item.LastUpdated),

Same approach for setup...

foreach (var item in myList) {
  var stuff = ... // some result specific to the item
    .Setup(mr => mr.GetStuff(item.itemId))

So each time GetStuff is called for that itemId, it will return stuff specific to that item. Alternatively, you could use a function that takes itemId as input and returns stuff.

    .Setup(mr => mr.GetStuff(It.IsAny<int>()))
    .Returns((int id) => SomeFunctionThatReturnsStuff(id));

One other method I saw on a blog some time back (Phil Haack perhaps?) had setup returning from some kind of dequeue object - each time the function was called it would pull an item from a queue.

How do I run a node.js app as a background service?

If you simply want to run the script uninterrupted until it completes you can use nohup as already mentioned in the answers here. However, none of the answers provide a full command that also logs stdin and stdout.

nohup node index.js >> app.log 2>&1 &
  • The >> means append to app.log.
  • 2>&1 makes sure that errors are also send to stdout and added to the app.log.
  • The ending & makes sure your current terminal is disconnected from command so you can continue working.

If you want to run a node server (or something that should start back up when the server restarts) you should use systemd / systemctl.

how to set radio button checked in edit mode in MVC razor view

Here is the code for get value of checked radio button and set radio button checked according to it's value in edit form:


public ActionResult Create(FormCollection collection)
        CommonServiceReference.tbl_user user = new CommonServiceReference.tbl_user();
        user.user_gender = collection["rdbtnGender"];
        return RedirectToAction("Index");
    catch(Exception e)
        throw e;

public ActionResult Edit(int id)
    CommonServiceReference.ViewUserGroup user = clientObj.getUserById(id);
    ViewBag.UserObj = user;
    return View();



<input type="radio" id="rdbtnGender1" name="rdbtnGender" value="Male" required>
<label for="rdbtnGender1">MALE</label>
<input type="radio" id="rdbtnGender2" name="rdbtnGender" value="Female" required>
<label  for="rdbtnGender2">FEMALE</label>


<input type="radio" id="rdbtnGender1" name="rdbtnGender" value="Male" @(ViewBag.UserObj.user_gender == "Male" ? "checked='true'" : "") required>
<label for="rdbtnGender1">MALE</label>

<input type="radio" id="rdbtnGender2" name="rdbtnGender" value="Female" @(ViewBag.UserObj.user_gender == "Female" ? "checked='true'" : "") required>
<label for="rdbtnGender2">FEMALE</label>

C# Return Different Types?

To build on the answer by @RQDQ using generics, you can combine this with Func<TResult> (or some variation) and delegate responsibility to the caller:

public T GetAnything<T>(Func<T> createInstanceOfT)
    //do whatever

    return createInstanceOfT();

Then you can do something like:

Computer comp = GetAnything(() => new Computer());
Radio rad = GetAnything(() => new Radio());

How to check if Location Services are enabled?

If you are using AndroidX, use below code to check Location Service is enabled or not:

fun isNetworkServiceEnabled(context: Context) = LocationManagerCompat.isLocationEnabled(context.getSystemService(

sed command with -i option failing on Mac, but works on Linux

Here's how to apply environment variables to template file (no backup need).

1. Create template with {{FOO}} for later replace.

echo "Hello {{FOO}}" > foo.conf.tmpl

2. Replace {{FOO}} with FOO variable and output to new foo.conf file

FOO="world" && sed -e "s/{{FOO}}/$FOO/g" foo.conf.tmpl > foo.conf

Working both macOS 10.12.4 and Ubuntu 14.04.5

How to trigger SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2?

They are signals that application developers use. The kernel shouldn't ever send these to a process. You can send them using kill(2) or using the utility kill(1).

If you intend to use signals for synchronization you might want to check real-time signals (there's more of them, they are queued, their delivery order is guaranteed etc).

Can I run CUDA on Intel's integrated graphics processor?

Intel HD Graphics is usually the on-CPU graphics chip in newer Core i3/i5/i7 processors.

As far as I know it doesn't support CUDA (which is a proprietary NVidia technology), but OpenCL is supported by NVidia, ATi and Intel.

How to view the contents of an Android APK file?

You have several tools available:

  • Aapt (which is part of the Android SDK)

    $ aapt dump badging MyApk.apk
    $ aapt dump permissions MyApk.apk
    $ aapt dump xmltree MyApk.apk
  • Apktool

    $ java -jar apktool.jar -q decode -f MyApk.apk -o myOutputDir
  • Android Multitool

  • Apk Viewer

  • ApkShellext

  • Dex2Jar

    $ dex2jar/ -f MyApk.apk -o myOutputDir/MyApk.jar
  • NinjaDroid

    $ ninjadroid MyApk.apk
    $ ninjadroid MyApk.apk --all --extract myOutputDir/
  • AXMLParser

    $ apkinfo MyApk.apk

How to manage startActivityForResult on Android?

Very common problem in android
It can be broken down into 3 Pieces
1 ) start Activity B (Happens in Activity A)
2 ) Set requested data (Happens in activity B)
3 ) Receive requested data (Happens in activity A)

1) startActivity B

Intent i = new Intent(A.this, B.class);

2) Set requested data

In this part, you decide whether you want to send data back or not when a particular event occurs.
Eg: In activity B there is an EditText and two buttons b1, b2.
Clicking on Button b1 sends data back to activity A
Clicking on Button b2 does not send any data.

Sending data

   Intent resultIntent = new Intent();

Not sending data

       setResult(RES_CODE_B,new Intent());

user clicks back button
By default, the result is set with Activity.RESULT_CANCEL response code

3) Retrieve result

For that override onActivityResult method

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

if (resultCode == RES_CODE_A) {

     // b1 was clicked 
   String x = data.getStringExtra("RES_CODE_A");

else if(resultCode == RES_CODE_B){

   // b2 was clicked

   // back button clicked 

mysqli_select_db() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, string given

// 2. Select a database to use 
$db_select = mysqli_select_db($connection, DB_NAME);
if (!$db_select) {
    die("Database selection failed: " . mysqli_error($connection));

You got the order of the arguments to mysqli_select_db() backwards. And mysqli_error() requires you to provide a connection argument. mysqli_XXX is not like mysql_XXX, these arguments are no longer optional.

Note also that with mysqli you can specify the DB in mysqli_connect():

$connection = mysqli_connect(DB_SERVER, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_NAME);
if (!$connection) {
  die("Database connection failed: " . mysqli_connect_error();

You must use mysqli_connect_error(), not mysqli_error(), to get the error from mysqli_connect(), since the latter requires you to supply a valid connection.

Finding all possible permutations of a given string in python

This is a recursive solution with n! which accepts duplicate elements in the string

import math

def getFactors(root,num):
    sol = []
    # return condition
    if len(num) == 1:
            return [root+num]
    # looping in next iteration
    for i in range(len(num)):  
        # Creating a substring with all remaining char but the taken in this iteration
        if i > 0:
            rem = num[:i]+num[i+1:]
            rem = num[i+1:]
        # Concatenating existing solutions with the solution of this iteration
        sol = sol + getFactors(root + num[i], rem)
    return sol

I validated the solution taking into account two elements, the number of combinations is n! and the result can not contain duplicates. So:

inpt = "1234"
results = getFactors("",inpt)

if len(results) == math.factorial(len(inpt)) | len(results) != len(set(results)):
    print("Wrong approach")
    print("Correct Approach")

Fundamental difference between Hashing and Encryption algorithms

Use hashes when you don't want to be able to get back the original input, use encryption when you do.

Hashes take some input and turn it into some bits (usually thought of as a number, like a 32 bit integer, 64 bit integer, etc). The same input will always produce the same hash, but you PRINCIPALLY lose information in the process so you can't reliably reproduce the original input (there are a few caveats to that however).

Encryption principally preserves all of the information you put into the encryption function, just makes it hard (ideally impossible) for anyone to reverse back to the original input without possessing a specific key.

Simple Example of Hashing

Here's a trivial example to help you understand why hashing can't (in the general case) get back the original input. Say I'm creating a 1-bit hash. My hash function takes a bit string as input and sets the hash to 1 if there are an even number of bits set in the input string, else 0 if there were an odd number.


Input    Hash
0010     0
0011     1
0110     1
1000     0

Note that there are many input values that result in a hash of 0, and many that result in a hash of 1. If you know the hash is 0, you can't know for sure what the original input was.

By the way, this 1-bit hash isn't exactly contrived... have a look at parity bit.

Simple Example of Encryption

You might encrypt text by using a simple letter substitution, say if the input is A, you write B. If the input is B, you write C. All the way to the end of the alphabet, where if the input is Z, you write A again.

Input   Encrypted

Just like the simple hash example, this type of encryption has been used historically.

In Objective-C, how do I test the object type?

You can make use of the following code incase you want to check the types of primitive data types.

// Returns 0 if the object type is equal to double
strcmp([myNumber objCType], @encode(double)) 

Android WebView style background-color:transparent ignored on android 2.2

This didn't work,


Setting the webview background color as worked


Additionally, I set window background drawable as transparent

Firebase cloud messaging notification not received by device

If you have just added FCM to an existing app, onTokenRefresh() will NOT be called. I got it to run by uninstalling the app and installing it again.

How can I switch to a tag/branch in hg?

Once you have cloned the repo, you have everything: you can then hg up branchname or hg up tagname to update your working copy.

UP: hg up is a shortcut of hg update, which also has hg checkout alias for people with git habits.

Django: Display Choice Value

Others have pointed out that a get_FOO_display method is what you need. I'm using this:

def get_type(self):
    return [i[1] for i in Item._meta.get_field('type').choices if i[0] == self.type][0]

which iterates over all of the choices that a particular item has until it finds the one that matches the items type

How to match any non white space character except a particular one?

You can use a character class:


matches anything that is not a whitespace character nor a \. Here's another example:

[abc] means "match a, b or c"; [^abc] means "match any character except a, b or c".

Expansion of variables inside single quotes in a command in Bash

Below is what worked for me -

hive -e "alter table TBL_NAME set location $QUOTE$TBL_HDFS_DIR_PATH$QUOTE"

LINQ to Entities how to update a record

//for update

(from x in dataBase.Customers
         where x.Name == "Test"
         select x).ToList().ForEach(xx => xx.Name="New Name");

//for delete


Download and open PDF file using Ajax

Here is how I got this working

  url: '<URL_TO_FILE>',
  success: function(data) {
    var blob=new Blob([data]);
    var link=document.createElement('a');
<script src=""></script>

Updated answer using download.js

  url: '<URL_TO_FILE>',
  success: download.bind(true, "<FILENAME_TO_SAVE_WITH_EXTENSION>", "<FILE_MIME_TYPE>")

How to compile a c++ program in Linux?

  1. To Compile your C++ code use:-

g++ file_name.cpp -o executable_file_name

(i) -o option is used to show error in the code (ii) if there is no error in the code_file, then it will generate an executable file.

  1. Now execute the generated executable file:


Why are only final variables accessible in anonymous class?

Java anonymous class is very similar to Javascript closure, but Java implement that in different way. (check Andersen's answer)

So in order not to confuse the Java Developer with the strange behavior that might occur for those coming from Javascript background. I guess that's why they force us to use final, this is not the JVM limitation.

Let's look at the Javascript example below:

var add = (function () {
  var counter = 0;

  var func = function () {
    console.log("counter now = " + counter);
    counter += 1; 

  counter = 100; // line 1, this one need to be final in Java

  return func;


add(); // this will print out 100 in Javascript but 0 in Java

In Javascript, the counter value will be 100, because there is only one counter variable from the beginning to end.

But in Java, if there is no final, it will print out 0, because while the inner object is being created, the 0 value is copied to the inner class object's hidden properties. (there are two integer variable here, one in the local method, another one in inner class hidden properties)

So any changes after the inner object creation (like line 1), it will not affect the inner object. So it will make confusion between two different outcome and behaviour (between Java and Javascript).

I believe that's why, Java decide to force it to be final, so the data is 'consistent' from the beginning to end.

Bootstrap 3.0 Popovers and tooltips

You have a syntax error in your script and, as noted by xXPhenom22Xx, you must instantiate the tooltip.

<script type="text/javascript">

    $(document).ready(function() {


    }); //END $(document).ready()


Note that I used your class "btn-danger". You can create a different class, or use an id="someidthatimakeup".

When to use StringBuilder in Java

The problem with String concatenation is that it leads to copying of the String object with all the associated cost. StringBuilder is not threadsafe and is therefore faster than StringBuffer, which used to be the preferred choice before Java 5. As a rule of thumb, you should not do String concatenation in a loop, which will be called often. I guess doing a few concatenations here and there will not hurt you as long as you are not talking about hundreds and this of course depends on your performance requirements. If you are doing real time stuff, you should be very careful.

SQL - Rounding off to 2 decimal places

you can use

select cast((630/60.0) as  decimal(16,2))

HTML page disable copy/paste

You cannot prevent people from copying text from your page. If you are trying to satisfy a "requirement" this may work for you:

<body oncopy="return false" oncut="return false" onpaste="return false">

How to disable Ctrl C/V using javascript for both internet explorer and firefox browsers

A more advanced aproach:

How to detect Ctrl+V, Ctrl+C using JavaScript?

Edit: I just want to emphasise that disabling copy/paste is annoying, won't prevent copying and is 99% likely a bad idea.

SQL Server - Create a copy of a database table and place it in the same database?

You need to write SSIS to copy the table and its data, constraints and triggers. We have in our organization a software called Kal Admin by kalrom Systems that has a free version for downloading (I think that the copy tables feature is optional)

Combine GET and POST request methods in Spring

Below is one of the way by which you can achieve that, may not be an ideal way to do.

Have one method accepting both types of request, then check what type of request you received, is it of type "GET" or "POST", once you come to know that, do respective actions and the call one method which does common task for both request Methods ie GET and POST.

@RequestMapping(value = "/books")
public ModelAndView listBooks(HttpServletRequest request){
     //handle both get and post request here
     // first check request type and do respective actions needed for get and post.

    if(GET REQUEST){


    }else if(POST REQUEST){



    commonMethod(param1, param2....);

Trim to remove white space

or just use $.trim(str)

What browsers support HTML5 WebSocket API?

Client side

  • Hixie-75:
    • Chrome 4.0 + 5.0
    • Safari 5.0.0
  • HyBi-00/Hixie-76:
  • HyBi-07+:
  • HyBi-10:
    • Chrome 14.0 + 15.0
    • Firefox 7.0 + 8.0 + 9.0 + 10.0 - prefixed: MozWebSocket
    • IE 10 (from Windows 8 developer preview)
  • HyBi-17/RFC 6455
    • Chrome 16
    • Firefox 11
    • Opera 12.10 / Opera Mobile 12.1

Any browser with Flash can support WebSocket using the web-socket-js shim/polyfill.

See caniuse for the current status of WebSockets support in desktop and mobile browsers.

See the test reports from the WS testsuite included in Autobahn WebSockets for feature/protocol conformance tests.

Server side

It depends on which language you use.

In Java/Java EE:

Some other Java implementations:

In C#:


In Python:

In C:

In Node.js:

  • : also has serverside ports for Python, Java, Google GO, Rack
  • sockjs : sockjs also has serverside ports for Python, Java, Erlang and Lua
  • WebSocket-Node - Pure JavaScript Client & Server implementation of HyBi-10.

Vert.x (also known as Node.x) : A node like polyglot implementation running on a Java 7 JVM and based on Netty with :

  • Support for Ruby(JRuby), Java, Groovy, Javascript(Rhino/Nashorn), Scala, ...
  • True threading. (unlike Node.js)
  • Understands multiple network protocols out of the box including: TCP, SSL, UDP, HTTP, HTTPS, Websockets, SockJS as fallback for WebSockets is a Websocket cloud service accessible through a REST API.

DotCloud cloud platform supports Websockets, and Java (Jetty Servlet Container), NodeJS, Python, Ruby, PHP and Perl programming languages.

Openshift cloud platform supports websockets, and Java (Jboss, Spring, Tomcat & Vertx), PHP (ZendServer & CodeIgniter), Ruby (ROR), Node.js, Python (Django & Flask) plateforms.

For other language implementations, see the Wikipedia article for more information.

The RFC for Websockets : RFC6455

PHP Fatal error: Cannot access empty property

This way you can create a new object with a custom property name.

$my_property = 'foo';
$value = 'bar';
$a = (object) array($my_property => $value);

Now you can reach it like:

echo $a->foo;  //returns bar

How to adjust gutter in Bootstrap 3 grid system?

(Posted on behalf of the OP).

I believe I figured it out.

In my case, I added [class*="col-"] {padding: 0 7.5px;};.

Then added .row {margin: 0 -7.5px;}.

This works pretty well, except there is 1px margin on both sides. So I just make .row {margin: 0 -7.5px;} to .row {margin: 0 -8.5px;}, then it works perfectly.

I have no idea why there is a 1px margin. Maybe someone can explain it?

See the sample I created:


C/C++ include header file order

I don't think there's a recommended order, as long as it compiles! What's annoying is when some headers require other headers to be included first... That's a problem with the headers themselves, not with the order of includes.

My personal preference is to go from local to global, each subsection in alphabetical order, i.e.:

  1. h file corresponding to this cpp file (if applicable)
  2. headers from the same component,
  3. headers from other components,
  4. system headers.

My rationale for 1. is that it should prove that each header (for which there is a cpp) can be #included without prerequisites (terminus technicus: header is "self-contained"). And the rest just seems to flow logically from there.

Google drive limit number of download

Sorry, you can't view or download this file at this time is an error message that you may get when you try to download files on Google Drive.

Bandwidth limits

Limit                          Per hour            Per day
Download via web client        750 MB              1250 MB
Upload via web client          300 MB              500 MB

The explanation for the error message is simple: while users are free to share files publicly, or with a large number of users, quotas are in effect that limit availability.

If too many users view or download a file, it may be locked for a 24 hour period before the quota is reset. The period that a file is locked may be shorter according to Google.

If a file is particularly popular, it may take days or even longer before you manage to download it to your computer or place it on your Drive storage.

It could be a solution:

  1. Locate the "uc" part of the address, and replace it with "open", so that the beginning of the URL reads * https://*

  2. Load the address again once you have replaced uc with open in the address.

  3. This loads a new screen with controls at the top.

  4. Click on the "add to my drive" icon at the top right.

  5. Click on "add to my drive" again to open your Google Drive storage in a new tab in the browser.

  6. You should see the locked file on your drive now.

  7. Select it with a right-click, and then the "make a copy" option from the menu.

    8.Select the copy of the file with a right-click, and there download to download the file to your local system.

Basically, what this does is create a copy of the file on your own Drive account. Since you are the owner of the copied file, you may download it to your local system this way.

Please note that this works only if you are signed in to a Google Account. Also note that you are the owner of the copied file and will be held responsible for policy violations or other issues linked to the file.

Another option is: Any public folder in Drive can host files and provide direct links to the files.

How to create the hosting URL: https:// (your id file)

This will provide a folder that will give direct links to files inside the folder. Note: hosting view will not display files created in Google Docs.

My solution:

I had the same problem, so I made a JSON file in Google Drive but the URL file (.mp3) is in Dropbox. It is working fantastic even though I have 40,000 active user. I used this solution because I did not have time to search too much! I wrote you the Dropbox Limits anyway but I did not get problems with it

Traffic limits DROPBOX

Links and file requests are automatically banned if they generate unusually large amounts of traffic.

Dropbox Basic (free) accounts:

20 GB per day: The total amount of traffic that all of your links and file requests combined can generate without getting banned 100,000 downloads per day: The total number of downloads that all of your links combined can generate

Dropbox Plus and Business accounts: About 200 GB per day: The total amount of traffic that all of your links and file requests combined can generate without getting banned There's no daily limit to the number of downloads that your links can generate If your account hits our limit, we'll send a message to the email address registered to your account. Your links will be temporarily disabled, and anyone who tries to access them will see an error page instead of your files.

P.S. If you need more information about my files and how did it and How to make the URL File from Dropbox, I hope help to the people is reading this! (I posted it before but Someone deleted my last post)!

How to sort with lambda in Python


a = sorted(a, key=lambda x: x.modified, reverse=True)
#             ^^^^

On Python 2.x, the sorted function takes its arguments in this order:

sorted(iterable, cmp=None, key=None, reverse=False)

so without the key=, the function you pass in will be considered a cmp function which takes 2 arguments.

How to set image on QPushButton?

Just use this code

QPixmap pixmap("path_to_icon");
QIcon iconBack(pixmap);

Note that:"path_to_icon" is the path of image icon in file .qrc of your project You can find how to add .qrc file here

How to add a downloaded .box file to Vagrant?

Just to add description for another one case. I've got to install similar Vagrant Ubuntu 18.04 based configurations to multiple Ubuntu machines. Downloaded bionic64 box to one using vagrant up with Vagrantfile where this box was specified, then copied folder .vagrant.d/boxes/ubuntu-VAGRANTSLASH-bionic64 to others.

How can I add the sqlite3 module to Python?

You don't need to install sqlite3 module. It is included in the standard library (since Python 2.5).

Measuring Query Performance : "Execution Plan Query Cost" vs "Time Taken"

The results of the execution time directly contradict the results of the Query Cost, but I'm having difficulty determining what "Query Cost" actually means.

Query cost is what optimizer thinks of how long your query will take (relative to total batch time).

The optimizer tries to choose the optimal query plan by looking at your query and statistics of your data, trying several execution plans and selecting the least costly of them.

Here you may read in more detail about how does it try to do this.

As you can see, this may differ significantly of what you actually get.

The only real query perfomance metric is, of course, how long does the query actually take.

How to convert webpage into PDF by using Python

If you use selenium and chromium, you do not need to manage cookies by you self, and you can generate pdf page from chromium's print as pdf. You can refer this project to realize it.

modified base >

import sys
import json, base64

def send_devtools(driver, cmd, params={}):
    resource = "/session/%s/chromium/send_command_and_get_result" % driver.session_id
    url = driver.command_executor._url + resource
    body = json.dumps({'cmd': cmd, 'params': params})
    response = driver.command_executor._request('POST', url, body)
    return response.get('value')

def get_pdf_from_html(driver, url, print_options={}, output_file_path="example.pdf"):

    calculated_print_options = {
        'landscape': False,
        'displayHeaderFooter': False,
        'printBackground': True,
        'preferCSSPageSize': True,
    result = send_devtools(driver, "Page.printToPDF", calculated_print_options)
    data = base64.b64decode(result['data'])
    with open(output_file_path, "wb") as f:

# example
from selenium import webdriver
from import Options

url = ""
webdriver_options = Options()
driver = webdriver.Chrome(chromedriver, options=webdriver_options)
get_pdf_from_html(driver, url)

Angular2 @Input to a property with get/set

You could set the @Input on the setter directly, as described below:

_allowDay: boolean;
get allowDay(): boolean {
    return this._allowDay;
@Input() set allowDay(value: boolean) {
    this._allowDay = value;

See this Plunkr:

Remote debugging Tomcat with Eclipse

Modifying the startup.bat with the CATALINA_OPTS AND JPDA_OPTS didn't work for me but adding them to catalina.bat did

  1. Modify catalina.bat

CATALINA_OPTS="-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n"


  1. Modify startup.bat to include jpda

change call "%EXECUTABLE%" start %CMD_LINE_ARGS% to

call "%EXECUTABLE%" jpda start %CMD_LINE_ARGS%

Then configure remote java application in your debug configurations in Eclipse.

The easiest way to transform collection to array?

If you use it more than once or in a loop, you could define a constant

public static final Foo[] FOO = new Foo[]{};

and do the conversion it like

Foo[] foos = fooCollection.toArray(FOO);

The toArray method will take the empty array to determine the correct type of the target array and create a new array for you.

Here's my proposal for the update:

Collection<Foo> foos = new ArrayList<Foo>();
Collection<Bar> temp = new ArrayList<Bar>();
for (Foo foo:foos) 
    temp.add(new Bar(foo));
Bar[] bars = temp.toArray(new Bar[]{});

Can I add and remove elements of enumeration at runtime in Java

No, enums are supposed to be a complete static enumeration.

At compile time, you might want to generate your enum .java file from another source file of some sort. You could even create a .class file like this.

In some cases you might want a set of standard values but allow extension. The usual way to do this is have an interface for the interface and an enum that implements that interface for the standard values. Of course, you lose the ability to switch when you only have a reference to the interface.

Set iframe content height to auto resize dynamically

Simple solution:

<iframe onload=" + 'px';" ...></iframe>

This works when the iframe and parent window are in the same domain. It does not work when the two are in different domains.

How do I turn a C# object into a JSON string in .NET?

Use the below code for converting XML to JSON.

var json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(obj);

Is it possible to select the last n items with nth-child?

nth-last-child sounds like it was specifically designed to solve this problem, so I doubt whether there is a more compatible alternative. Support looks pretty decent, though.

Android 6.0 Marshmallow. Cannot write to SD Card

Right. So I've finally got to the bottom of the problem: it was a botched in-place OTA upgrade.

My suspicions intensified after my Garmin Fenix 2 wasn't able to connect via bluetooth and after googling "Marshmallow upgrade issues". Anyway, a "Factory reset" fixed the issue.

Surprisingly, the reset did not return the phone to the original Kitkat; instead, the wipe process picked up the OTA downloaded 6.0 upgrade package and ran with it, resulting (I guess) in a "cleaner" upgrade.

Of course, this meant that the phone lost all the apps that I'd installed. But, freshly installed apps, including mine, work without any changes (i.e. there is backward compatibility). Whew!

Changing a specific column name in pandas DataFrame

pandas version 0.23.4


For the record:

omitting index=str will give error replace has an unexpected argument 'columns'

SASS :not selector

I tried re-creating this, and .someclass.notip was being generated for me but .someclass:not(.notip) was not, for as long as I did not have the @mixin tip() defined. Once I had that, it all worked.

$dropdown-width: 100px;
$comp-tip: true;

@mixin tip($pos:right) {


@mixin dropdown-pos($pos:right) {
  &:not(.notip) {
    @if $comp-tip == true{
      @if $pos == right {
        top:$dropdown-width * -0.6;
        background-color: #f00;
        @include tip($pos:$pos);
  &.notip {
    @if $pos == right {
      top: 0;
      left:$dropdown-width * 0.8;
      background-color: #00f;

.someclass { @include dropdown-pos(); }

EDIT: is a good place to debug your SASS because it gives you error messages. Undefined mixin 'tip'. it what I get when I remove @mixin tip($pos:right) { }

Java 8 Streams: multiple filters vs. complex condition

This is the result of the 6 different combinations of the sample test shared by @Hank D It's evident that predicate of form u -> exp1 && exp2 is highly performant in all the cases.

one filter with predicate of form u -> exp1 && exp2, list size 10000000, averaged over 100 runs: LongSummaryStatistics{count=100, sum=3372, min=31, average=33.720000, max=47}
two filters with predicates of form u -> exp1, list size 10000000, averaged over 100 runs: LongSummaryStatistics{count=100, sum=9150, min=85, average=91.500000, max=118}
one filter with predicate of form predOne.and(pred2), list size 10000000, averaged over 100 runs: LongSummaryStatistics{count=100, sum=9046, min=81, average=90.460000, max=150}

one filter with predicate of form u -> exp1 && exp2, list size 10000000, averaged over 100 runs: LongSummaryStatistics{count=100, sum=8336, min=77, average=83.360000, max=189}
one filter with predicate of form predOne.and(pred2), list size 10000000, averaged over 100 runs: LongSummaryStatistics{count=100, sum=9094, min=84, average=90.940000, max=176}
two filters with predicates of form u -> exp1, list size 10000000, averaged over 100 runs: LongSummaryStatistics{count=100, sum=10501, min=99, average=105.010000, max=136}

two filters with predicates of form u -> exp1, list size 10000000, averaged over 100 runs: LongSummaryStatistics{count=100, sum=11117, min=98, average=111.170000, max=238}
one filter with predicate of form u -> exp1 && exp2, list size 10000000, averaged over 100 runs: LongSummaryStatistics{count=100, sum=8346, min=77, average=83.460000, max=113}
one filter with predicate of form predOne.and(pred2), list size 10000000, averaged over 100 runs: LongSummaryStatistics{count=100, sum=9089, min=81, average=90.890000, max=137}

two filters with predicates of form u -> exp1, list size 10000000, averaged over 100 runs: LongSummaryStatistics{count=100, sum=10434, min=98, average=104.340000, max=132}
one filter with predicate of form predOne.and(pred2), list size 10000000, averaged over 100 runs: LongSummaryStatistics{count=100, sum=9113, min=81, average=91.130000, max=179}
one filter with predicate of form u -> exp1 && exp2, list size 10000000, averaged over 100 runs: LongSummaryStatistics{count=100, sum=8258, min=77, average=82.580000, max=100}

one filter with predicate of form predOne.and(pred2), list size 10000000, averaged over 100 runs: LongSummaryStatistics{count=100, sum=9131, min=81, average=91.310000, max=139}
two filters with predicates of form u -> exp1, list size 10000000, averaged over 100 runs: LongSummaryStatistics{count=100, sum=10265, min=97, average=102.650000, max=131}
one filter with predicate of form u -> exp1 && exp2, list size 10000000, averaged over 100 runs: LongSummaryStatistics{count=100, sum=8442, min=77, average=84.420000, max=156}

one filter with predicate of form predOne.and(pred2), list size 10000000, averaged over 100 runs: LongSummaryStatistics{count=100, sum=8553, min=81, average=85.530000, max=125}
one filter with predicate of form u -> exp1 && exp2, list size 10000000, averaged over 100 runs: LongSummaryStatistics{count=100, sum=8219, min=77, average=82.190000, max=142}
two filters with predicates of form u -> exp1, list size 10000000, averaged over 100 runs: LongSummaryStatistics{count=100, sum=10305, min=97, average=103.050000, max=132}

How to include scripts located inside the node_modules folder?

If you are linking to many files, create a whitelist, and then use sendFile():

app.get('/npm/:pkg/:file', (req, res) => {
    const ok = ['jquery','bootstrap','interactjs'];
    if (!ok.includes(req.params.pkg)) res.status(503).send("Not Permitted.");
    res.sendFile(__dirname + `/node_modules/${req.params.pkg}/dist/${req.params.file}`);

For example, You can then safely link to /npm/bootstrap/bootsrap.js, /npm/bootstrap/bootsrap.css, etc.

As an aside, I would love to know if there was a way to whitelist using express.static

What is the use of printStackTrace() method in Java?

printStackTrace() helps the programmer to understand where the actual problem occurred. printStacktrace() is a method of the class Throwable of java.lang package. It prints several lines in the output console. The first line consists of several strings. It contains the name of the Throwable sub-class & the package information. From second line onwards, it describes the error position/line number beginning with at.

The last line always describes the destination affected by the error/exception. The second last line informs us about the next line in the stack where the control goes after getting transfer from the line number described in the last line. The errors/exceptions represents the output in the form a stack, which were fed into the stack by fillInStackTrace() method of Throwable class, which itself fills in the program control transfer details into the execution stack. The lines starting with at, are nothing but the values of the execution stack. In this way the programmer can understand where in code the actual problem is.

Along with the printStackTrace() method, it's a good idea to use e.getmessage().

Printing list elements on separated lines in Python

Another good option for handling this kind of option is the pprint module, which (among other things) pretty prints long lists with one element per line:

>>> import sys
>>> import pprint
>>> pprint.pprint(sys.path)

Is it possible to deserialize XML into List<T>?

How about

XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(user[]));
using (Stream ins = File.Open(@"c:\some.xml", FileMode.Open))
foreach (user o in (user[])xs.Deserialize(ins))

Not particularly fancy but it should work.

How to read embedded resource text file

This is a class which you might find very convenient for reading embedded resource files from the current Assembly:

using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

public static class EmbeddedResourceUtils
    public static string ReadFromResourceFile(string endingFileName)
        var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
        var manifestResourceNames = assembly.GetManifestResourceNames();

        foreach (var resourceName in manifestResourceNames)
            var fileNameFromResourceName = _GetFileNameFromResourceName(resourceName);
            if (!fileNameFromResourceName.EndsWith(endingFileName))

            using (var manifestResourceStream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName))
                if (manifestResourceStream == null)

                using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(manifestResourceStream))
                    return streamReader.ReadToEnd();

        return null;
    private static string _GetFileNameFromResourceName(string resourceName)
        var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        var escapeDot = false;
        var haveExtension = false;

        for (var resourceNameIndex = resourceName.Length - 1;
            resourceNameIndex >= 0;
            if (resourceName[resourceNameIndex] == '_')
                escapeDot = true;

            if (resourceName[resourceNameIndex] == '.')
                if (!escapeDot)
                    if (haveExtension)

                    haveExtension = true;
                escapeDot = false;


        var fileName = Path.GetDirectoryName(stringBuilder.ToString());
        return fileName == null ? null : new string(fileName.Reverse().ToArray());

How to remove commits from a pull request

If you're removing a commit and don't want to keep its changes @ferit has a good solution.

If you want to add that commit to the current branch, but doesn't make sense to be part of the current pr, you can do the following instead:

  1. use git rebase -i HEAD~n
  2. Swap the commit you want to remove to the bottom (most recent) position
  3. Save and exit
  4. use git reset HEAD^ --soft to uncommit the changes and get them back in a staged state.
  5. use git push --force to update the remote branch without your removed commit.

Now you'll have removed the commit from your remote, but will still have the changes locally.

Visualizing branch topology in Git

Gitk sometime painful for me to read.

enter image description here

Motivate me to write GitVersionTree.

enter image description here

Why does find -exec mv {} ./target/ + not work?

The manual page (or the online GNU manual) pretty much explains everything.

find -exec command {} \;

For each result, command {} is executed. All occurences of {} are replaced by the filename. ; is prefixed with a slash to prevent the shell from interpreting it.

find -exec command {} +

Each result is appended to command and executed afterwards. Taking the command length limitations into account, I guess that this command may be executed more times, with the manual page supporting me:

the total number of invocations of the command will be much less than the number of matched files.

Note this quote from the manual page:

The command line is built in much the same way that xargs builds its command lines

That's why no characters are allowed between {} and + except for whitespace. + makes find detect that the arguments should be appended to the command just like xargs.

The solution

Luckily, the GNU implementation of mv can accept the target directory as an argument, with either -t or the longer parameter --target. It's usage will be:

mv -t target file1 file2 ...

Your find command becomes:

find . -type f -iname '*.cpp' -exec mv -t ./test/ {} \+

From the manual page:

-exec command ;

Execute command; true if 0 status is returned. All following arguments to find are taken to be arguments to the command until an argument consisting of `;' is encountered. The string `{}' is replaced by the current file name being processed everywhere it occurs in the arguments to the command, not just in arguments where it is alone, as in some versions of find. Both of these constructions might need to be escaped (with a `\') or quoted to protect them from expansion by the shell. See the EXAMPLES section for examples of the use of the -exec option. The specified command is run once for each matched file. The command is executed in the starting directory. There are unavoidable security problems surrounding use of the -exec action; you should use the -execdir option instead.

-exec command {} +

This variant of the -exec action runs the specified command on the selected files, but the command line is built by appending each selected file name at the end; the total number of invocations of the command will be much less than the number of matched files. The command line is built in much the same way that xargs builds its command lines. Only one instance of `{}' is allowed within the command. The command is executed in the starting directory.

HTML/CSS Making a textbox with text that is grayed out, and disappears when I click to enter info, how?

You can use Floern's solution. You may also want to disable the input while you set the color to gray.

Convert columns to string in Pandas

One way to convert to string is to use astype:

total_rows['ColumnID'] = total_rows['ColumnID'].astype(str)

However, perhaps you are looking for the to_json function, which will convert keys to valid json (and therefore your keys to strings):

In [11]: df = pd.DataFrame([['A', 2], ['A', 4], ['B', 6]])

In [12]: df.to_json()
Out[12]: '{"0":{"0":"A","1":"A","2":"B"},"1":{"0":2,"1":4,"2":6}}'

In [13]: df[0].to_json()
Out[13]: '{"0":"A","1":"A","2":"B"}'

Note: you can pass in a buffer/file to save this to, along with some other options...

how to set cursor style to pointer for links without hrefs

Use CSS cursor: pointer if I remember correctly.

Either in your CSS file:

    cursor: pointer;

Then just add the following HTML to any elements you want to have the link cursor: class="link_cursor" (the preferred method.)

Or use inline CSS:

<a style="cursor: pointer;">

How can I pair socks from a pile efficiently?

I came out with another solution which would not promise fewer operations, neither less time consumption, but it should be tried to see if it can be a good-enough heuristic to provide less time consumption in huge series of sock pairing.

Preconditions: There is no guarantee that there are the same socks. If they are of the same color it doesn't mean they have the same size or pattern. Socks are randomly shuffled. There can be odd number of socks (some are missing, we don't know how many). Prepare to remember a variable "index" and set it to 0.

The result will have one or two piles: 1. "matched" and 2. "missing"


  1. Find most distinctive sock.
  2. Find its match.
  3. If there is no match, put it on the "missing" pile.
  4. Repeat from 1. until there are no more most distinctive socks.
  5. If there are less then 6 socks, go to 11.
  6. Pair blindly all socks to its neighbor (do not pack it)
  7. Find all matched pairs, pack it and move packed pairs to "matched" pile; If there were no new matches - increment "index" by 1
  8. If "index" is greater then 2 (this could be value dependent on sock number because with greater number of socks there are less chance to pair them blindly) go to 11
  9. Shuffle the rest
  10. Go to 1
  11. Forget "index"
  12. Pick a sock
  13. Find its pair
  14. If there is no pair for the sock, move it to the "missing" pile
  15. If match found pair it, pack pair and move it to the "matched" pile
  16. If there are still more then one socks go to 12
  17. If there is just one left go to 14
  18. Smile satisfied :)

Also, there could be added check for damaged socks also, as if the removal of those. It could be inserted between 2 and 3, and between 13 and 14.

I'm looking forward to hear about any experiences or corrections.

Make JQuery UI Dialog automatically grow or shrink to fit its contents

I used the following property which works fine for me:

     minHeight: 'auto'

Getting hold of the outer class object from the inner class object

Here's the example:

// Test
public void foo() {
    C c = new C();
    A s;
    s = ((A.B)c).get();

// classes
class C {}

class A {
   public class B extends C{
     A get() {return A.this;}
   public String getR() {
     return "This is string";

numpy division with RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars

You can't solve it. Simply answer1.sum()==0, and you can't perform a division by zero.

This happens because answer1 is the exponential of 2 very large, negative numbers, so that the result is rounded to zero.

nan is returned in this case because of the division by zero.

Now to solve your problem you could:

  • go for a library for high-precision mathematics, like mpmath. But that's less fun.
  • as an alternative to a bigger weapon, do some math manipulation, as detailed below.
  • go for a tailored scipy/numpy function that does exactly what you want! Check out @Warren Weckesser answer.

Here I explain how to do some math manipulation that helps on this problem. We have that for the numerator:

exp(-x)+exp(-y) = exp(log(exp(-x)+exp(-y)))
                = exp(log(exp(-x)*[1+exp(-y+x)]))
                = exp(log(exp(-x) + log(1+exp(-y+x)))
                = exp(-x + log(1+exp(-y+x)))

where above x=3* 1089 and y=3* 1093. Now, the argument of this exponential is

-x + log(1+exp(-y+x)) = -x + 6.1441934777474324e-06

For the denominator you could proceed similarly but obtain that log(1+exp(-z+k)) is already rounded to 0, so that the argument of the exponential function at the denominator is simply rounded to -z=-3000. You then have that your result is

exp(-x + log(1+exp(-y+x)))/exp(-z) = exp(-x+z+log(1+exp(-y+x)) 
                                   = exp(-266.99999385580668)

which is already extremely close to the result that you would get if you were to keep only the 2 leading terms (i.e. the first number 1089 in the numerator and the first number 1000 at the denominator):


For the sake of it, let's see how close we are from the solution of Wolfram alpha (link):

Log[(exp[-3*1089]+exp[-3*1093])/([exp[-3*1000]+exp[-3*4443])] -> -266.999993855806522267194565420933791813296828742310997510523

The difference between this number and the exponent above is +1.7053025658242404e-13, so the approximation we made at the denominator was fine.

The final result is

'exp(-266.99999385580668) = 1.1050349147204485e-116

From wolfram alpha is (link)

1.105034914720621496.. × 10^-116 # Wolfram alpha.

and again, it is safe to use numpy here too.

groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: jenkins for class: groovy.lang.Binding

As pointed out by @Jayan in another post, the solution was to do the following

import jenkins.model.*
jenkins = Jenkins.instance

Then I was able to do the rest of my scripting the way it was.

What is the right way to POST multipart/form-data using curl?

The following syntax fixes it for you:

curl -v -F key1=value1 -F upload=@localfilename URL

AES Encryption for an NSString on the iPhone

I have put together a collection of categories for NSData and NSString which uses solutions found on Jeff LaMarche's blog and some hints by Quinn Taylor here on Stack Overflow.

It uses categories to extend NSData to provide AES256 encryption and also offers an extension of NSString to BASE64-encode encrypted data safely to strings.

Here's an example to show the usage for encrypting strings:

NSString *plainString = @"This string will be encrypted";
NSString *key = @"YourEncryptionKey"; // should be provided by a user

NSLog( @"Original String: %@", plainString );

NSString *encryptedString = [plainString AES256EncryptWithKey:key];
NSLog( @"Encrypted String: %@", encryptedString );

NSLog( @"Decrypted String: %@", [encryptedString AES256DecryptWithKey:key] );

Get the full source code here:

Thanks for all the helpful hints!

-- Michael

How to extract text from an existing docx file using python-docx

you can try this also

from docx import Document

document = Document('demo.docx')
for para in document.paragraphs:

Find if current time falls in a time range

The TimeOfDay property returns a TimeSpan value.

Try the following code:

TimeSpan time = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay;

if (time > new TimeSpan(11, 59, 00)        //Hours, Minutes, Seconds
 && time < new TimeSpan(13, 01, 00)) {
    //match found

Also, new DateTime() is the same as DateTime.MinValue and will always be equal to 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM. (Value types cannot have non-empty default values) You want to use DateTime.Now.

Adding images to an HTML document with javascript

Things to ponder:

  1. Use jquery
  2. Which this is your code refering to
  3. Isnt getElementById usually document.getElementById?
  4. If the image is not found, are you sure your browser would tell you?

What are the differences between "=" and "<-" assignment operators in R?

The operators <- and = assign into the environment in which they are evaluated. The operator <- can be used anywhere, whereas the operator = is only allowed at the top level (e.g., in the complete expression typed at the command prompt) or as one of the subexpressions in a braced list of expressions.

C++11 thread-safe queue

I would rewrite your dequeue function as:

std::string FileQueue::dequeue(const std::chrono::milliseconds& timeout)
    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(qMutex);
    while(q.empty()) {
        if (populatedNotifier.wait_for(lock, timeout) == std::cv_status::timeout ) 
           return std::string();
    std::string ret = q.front();
    return ret;

It is shorter and does not have duplicate code like your did. Only issue it may wait longer that timeout. To prevent that you would need to remember start time before loop, check for timeout and adjust wait time accordingly. Or specify absolute time on wait condition.

Use the auto keyword in C++ STL

The auto keyword gets the type from the expression on the right of =. Therefore it will work with any type, the only requirement is to initialize the auto variable when declaring it so that the compiler can deduce the type.


auto a = 0.0f;  // a is float
auto b = std::vector<int>();  // b is std::vector<int>()

MyType foo()  { return MyType(); }

auto c = foo();  // c is MyType

Return list using select new in LINQ

You cannot return anonymous types from a class... (Well, you can, but you have to cast them to object first and then use reflection at the other side to get the data out again) so you have to create a small class for the data to be contained within.

class ProjectNameAndId
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Id { get; set; }

Then in your LINQ statement:

select new ProjectNameAndId { Name = pro.ProjectName, Id = pro.ProjectId };

Using CSS to align a button bottom of the screen using relative positions

This will work for any resolution,

    bottom: 5%;

Need to install urllib2 for Python 3.5.1

WARNING: Security researches have found several poisoned packages on PyPI, including a package named urllib, which will 'phone home' when installed. If you used pip install urllib some time after June 2017, remove that package as soon as possible.

You can't, and you don't need to.

urllib2 is the name of the library included in Python 2. You can use the urllib.request library included with Python 3, instead. The urllib.request library works the same way urllib2 works in Python 2. Because it is already included you don't need to install it.

If you are following a tutorial that tells you to use urllib2 then you'll find you'll run into more issues. Your tutorial was written for Python 2, not Python 3. Find a different tutorial, or install Python 2.7 and continue your tutorial on that version. You'll find urllib2 comes with that version.

Alternatively, install the requests library for a higher-level and easier to use API. It'll work on both Python 2 and 3.

MIPS: Integer Multiplication and Division

To multiply, use mult for signed multiplication and multu for unsigned multiplication. Note that the result of the multiplication of two 32-bit numbers yields a 64-number. If you want the result back in $v0 that means that you assume the result will fit in 32 bits.

The 32 most significant bits will be held in the HI special register (accessible by mfhi instruction) and the 32 least significant bits will be held in the LO special register (accessible by the mflo instruction):


li $a0, 5
li $a1, 3
mult $a0, $a1
mfhi $a2 # 32 most significant bits of multiplication to $a2
mflo $v0 # 32 least significant bits of multiplication to $v0

To divide, use div for signed division and divu for unsigned division. In this case, the HI special register will hold the remainder and the LO special register will hold the quotient of the division.


div $a0, $a1
mfhi $a2 # remainder to $a2
mflo $v0 # quotient to $v0

How to convert string to long

This is a common way to do it:

long l = Long.parseLong(str);

There is also this method: Long.valueOf(str); Difference is that parseLong returns a primitive long while valueOf returns a new Long() object.

How can I pass a member function where a free function is expected?

I asked a similar question (C++ openframeworks passing void from other classes) but the answer I found was clearer so here the explanation for future records:

it’s easier to use std::function as in:

 void draw(int grid, std::function<void()> element)

and then call as:

 grid.draw(12, std::bind(&BarrettaClass::draw, a, std::placeholders::_1));

or even easier:

  grid.draw(12, [&]{a.draw()});

where you create a lambda that calls the object capturing it by reference

Django model "doesn't declare an explicit app_label"

In my case I was getting this error when trying to run python runserver when not connected to my project's virtual environment.

SMTP error 554

Just had this issue with an Outlook client going through a Exchange server to an external address on Windows XP. Clearing the temp files seemed to do the trick.

Execute specified function every X seconds


    /// <summary>
    /// Usage: var timer = SetIntervalThread(DoThis, 1000);
    /// UI Usage: BeginInvoke((Action)(() =>{ SetIntervalThread(DoThis, 1000); }));
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>Returns a timer object which can be disposed.</returns>
    public static System.Threading.Timer SetIntervalThread(Action Act, int Interval)
        TimerStateManager state = new TimerStateManager();
        System.Threading.Timer tmr = new System.Threading.Timer(new TimerCallback(_ => Act()), state, Interval, Interval);
        state.TimerObject = tmr;
        return tmr;


    /// <summary>
    /// Usage: var timer = SetInterval(DoThis, 1000);
    /// UI Usage: BeginInvoke((Action)(() =>{ SetInterval(DoThis, 1000); }));
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>Returns a timer object which can be stopped and disposed.</returns>
    public static System.Timers.Timer SetInterval(Action Act, int Interval)
        System.Timers.Timer tmr = new System.Timers.Timer();
        tmr.Elapsed += (sender, args) => Act();
        tmr.AutoReset = true;
        tmr.Interval = Interval;

        return tmr;

Return row of Data Frame based on value in a column - R

Use which.min:

df <- data.frame(Name=c('A','B','C','D'), Amount=c(150,120,175,160))

> df[which.min(df$Amount),]
  Name Amount
2    B    120

From the help docs:

Determines the location, i.e., index of the (first) minimum or maximum of a numeric (or logical) vector.

Minimum and maximum value of z-index?

Out of experience, I think the correct maximum z-index is 2147483638.

Must issue a STARTTLS command first

You are probably attempting to use Gmail's servers on port 25 to deliver mail to a third party over an unauthenticated connection. Gmail doesn't let you do this, because then anybody could use Gmail's servers to send mail to anybody else. This is called an open relay and was a common enabler of spam in the early days. Open relays are no longer acceptable on the Internet.

You will need to ask your SMTP client to connect to Gmail using an authenticated connection, probably on port 587.

Creating a node class in Java

Welcome to Java! This Nodes are like a blocks, they must be assembled to do amazing things! In this particular case, your nodes can represent a list, a linked list, You can see an example here:

public class ItemLinkedList {
    private ItemInfoNode head;
    private ItemInfoNode tail;
    private int size = 0;

    public int getSize() {
        return size;

    public void addBack(ItemInfo info) {
        if (head == null) {
            head = new ItemInfoNode(info, null, null);
            tail = head;
        } else {
            ItemInfoNode node = new ItemInfoNode(info, null, tail);
            this.tail = node;

    public void addFront(ItemInfo info) {
        if (head == null) {
            head = new ItemInfoNode(info, null, null);
            tail = head;
        } else {
            ItemInfoNode node = new ItemInfoNode(info, head, null);
            this.head.prev = node;
            this.head = node;

    public ItemInfo removeBack() {
        ItemInfo result = null;
        if (head != null) {
            result =;
            if (tail.prev != null) {
       = null;
                tail = tail.prev;
            } else {
                head = null;
                tail = null;
        return result;

    public ItemInfo removeFront() {
        ItemInfo result = null;
        if (head != null) {
            result =;
            if ( != null) {
       = null;
                head =;
            } else {
                head = null;
                tail = null;
        return result;

    public class ItemInfoNode {

        private ItemInfoNode next;
        private ItemInfoNode prev;
        private ItemInfo info;

        public ItemInfoNode(ItemInfo info, ItemInfoNode next, ItemInfoNode prev) {
   = info;
   = next;
            this.prev = prev;

        public void setInfo(ItemInfo info) {
   = info;

        public void setNext(ItemInfoNode node) {
            next = node;

        public void setPrev(ItemInfoNode node) {
            prev = node;

        public ItemInfo getInfo() {
            return info;

        public ItemInfoNode getNext() {
            return next;

        public ItemInfoNode getPrev() {
            return prev;


Declare ItemInfo as this:

public class ItemInfo {
    private String name;
    private String rfdNumber;
    private double price;
    private String originalPosition;

    public ItemInfo(){

    public ItemInfo(String name, String rfdNumber, double price, String originalPosition) { = name;
        this.rfdNumber = rfdNumber;
        this.price = price;
        this.originalPosition = originalPosition;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

    public String getRfdNumber() {
        return rfdNumber;

    public void setRfdNumber(String rfdNumber) {
        this.rfdNumber = rfdNumber;

    public double getPrice() {
        return price;

    public void setPrice(double price) {
        this.price = price;

    public String getOriginalPosition() {
        return originalPosition;

    public void setOriginalPosition(String originalPosition) {
        this.originalPosition = originalPosition;

Then, You can use your nodes inside the linked list like this:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    ItemLinkedList list = new ItemLinkedList();
    for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
        list.addBack(new ItemInfo("name-"+i, "rfd"+i, i, String.valueOf(i)));

    while (list.size() > 0){

MySQL query to get column names?

i no expert, but this works for me..

$sql = "desc MyTable";
$result = @mysql_query($sql);
while($row = @mysql_fetch_array($result)){
    echo $row[0]."<br>"; // returns the first column of array. in this case Field

      // the below code will return a full array-> Field,Type,Null,Key,Default,Extra    
      // for ($c=0;$c<sizeof($row);$c++){echo @$row[$c]."<br>";}    


Making a UITableView scroll when text field is selected

Look at my version :)

    - (void)keyboardWasShown:(NSNotification *)aNotification
    NSDictionary* info = [aNotification userInfo];
    CGSize kbSize = [[info objectForKey:UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey] CGRectValue].size;
    CGRect bkgndRect = cellSelected.superview.frame;
    bkgndRect.size.height += kbSize.height;
    [cellSelected.superview setFrame:bkgndRect];
    [tableView setContentOffset:CGPointMake(0.0, cellSelected.frame.origin.y-kbSize.height) animated:YES];

- (void)keyboardWasHidden:(NSNotification *)aNotification
    [tableView setContentOffset:CGPointMake(0.0, 0.0) animated:YES];

Is it possible to preview stash contents in git?

To view all the changes in an un-popped stash:

git stash show -p stash@{0}

To view the changes of one particular file in an un-popped stash:

git diff HEAD stash@{0} -- path/to/filename.php

Remove URL parameters without refreshing page

None of these solutions really worked for me, here is a IE11-compatible function that can also remove multiple parameters:

* Removes URL parameters
* @param removeParams - param array
function removeURLParameters(removeParams) {
  const deleteRegex = new RegExp(removeParams.join('=|') + '=')

  const params ='&')
  let search = []
  for (let i = 0; i < params.length; i++) if (deleteRegex.test(params[i]) === false) search.push(params[i])

  window.history.replaceState({}, document.title, location.pathname + (search.length ? '?' + search.join('&') : '') + location.hash)

removeURLParameters(['param1', 'param2'])

Extract specific columns from delimited file using Awk

Not using awk but the simplest way I was able to get this done was to just use csvtool. I had other use cases as well to use csvtool and it can handle the quotes or delimiters appropriately if they appear within the column data itself.

csvtool format '%(2)\n' input.csv
csvtool format '%(2),%(3),%(4)\n' input.csv

Replacing 2 with the column number will effectively extract the column data you are looking for.

Difference between /res and /assets directories

If you need to refer them somewhere in the Java Code, you'd rahter put your files into the "res" directory.

And all files in the res folder will be indexed in the R file, which makes it much faster (and much easier!) to load them.

Adding asterisk to required fields in Bootstrap 3

This works for me:


   content: "*";
   color: red;


   content: "*";
   color: red;

Basic HTML

<div class="form-group required control-label">
  <input class="form-control" />

Application.WorksheetFunction.Match method

You are getting this error because the value cannot be found in the range. String or integer doesn't matter. Best thing to do in my experience is to do a check first to see if the value exists.

I used CountIf below, but there is lots of different ways to check existence of a value in a range.

Public Sub test()

Dim rng As Range
Dim aNumber As Long

aNumber = 666

Set rng = Sheet5.Range("B16:B615")

    If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rng, aNumber) > 0 Then

        rowNum = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(aNumber, rng, 0)

        MsgBox aNumber & " does not exist in range " & rng.Address
    End If

End Sub


Public Sub test()
    Dim rng As Range
    Dim aNumber As Variant
    Dim rowNum As Long

    aNumber = "2gg"

    Set rng = Sheet5.Range("B1:B20")

    If Not IsError(Application.Match(aNumber, rng, 0)) Then
        rowNum = Application.Match(aNumber, rng, 0)
        MsgBox rowNum
        MsgBox "error"
    End If
End Sub


Public Sub test()
    Dim rng As Range
    Dim aNumber As Variant
    Dim rowNum As Variant

    aNumber = "2gg"

    Set rng = Sheet5.Range("B1:B20")

    rowNum = Application.Match(aNumber, rng, 0)

    If Not IsError(rowNum) Then
        MsgBox rowNum
        MsgBox "error"
    End If
End Sub

NoSQL Use Case Scenarios or WHEN to use NoSQL

It really is an "it depends" kinda question. Some general points:

  • NoSQL is typically good for unstructured/"schemaless" data - usually, you don't need to explicitly define your schema up front and can just include new fields without any ceremony
  • NoSQL typically favours a denormalised schema due to no support for JOINs per the RDBMS world. So you would usually have a flattened, denormalized representation of your data.
  • Using NoSQL doesn't mean you could lose data. Different DBs have different strategies. e.g. MongoDB - you can essentially choose what level to trade off performance vs potential for data loss - best performance = greater scope for data loss.
  • It's often very easy to scale out NoSQL solutions. Adding more nodes to replicate data to is one way to a) offer more scalability and b) offer more protection against data loss if one node goes down. But again, depends on the NoSQL DB/configuration. NoSQL does not necessarily mean "data loss" like you infer.
  • IMHO, complex/dynamic queries/reporting are best served from an RDBMS. Often the query functionality for a NoSQL DB is limited.
  • It doesn't have to be a 1 or the other choice. My experience has been using RDBMS in conjunction with NoSQL for certain use cases.
  • NoSQL DBs often lack the ability to perform atomic operations across multiple "tables".

You really need to look at and understand what the various types of NoSQL stores are, and how they go about providing scalability/data security etc. It's difficult to give an across-the-board answer as they really are all different and tackle things differently.

For MongoDb as an example, check out their Use Cases to see what they suggest as being "well suited" and "less well suited" uses of MongoDb.

How to add a new row to an empty numpy array

In this case you might want to use the functions np.hstack and np.vstack

arr = np.array([])
arr = np.hstack((arr, np.array([1,2,3])))
# arr is now [1,2,3]

arr = np.vstack((arr, np.array([4,5,6])))
# arr is now [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]

You also can use the np.concatenate function.


How to set up gradle and android studio to do release build?

To activate the installRelease task, you simply need a signingConfig. That is all.


Finally, the plugin creates install/uninstall tasks for all build types (debug, release, test), as long as they can be installed (which requires signing).

Here is what you want:

Install tasks
installDebug - Installs the Debug build
installDebugTest - Installs the Test build for the Debug build
installRelease - Installs the Release build
uninstallAll - Uninstall all applications.
uninstallDebug - Uninstalls the Debug build
uninstallDebugTest - Uninstalls the Test build for the Debug build
uninstallRelease - Uninstalls the Release build   <--- release

Here is how to obtain the installRelease task:

Example build.gradle:

buildscript {
    repositories {

    dependencies {
        classpath ''

apply plugin: ''

android {
  compileSdkVersion 22
  buildToolsVersion '22.0.1'

  defaultConfig {
    applicationId 'demo'
    minSdkVersion 15
    targetSdkVersion 22
    versionCode 1
    versionName '1.0'

  signingConfigs {
      release {
          storeFile <file>
          storePassword <password>
          keyAlias <alias>
          keyPassword <password>

  buildTypes {
    release {
        signingConfig signingConfigs.release

Why would you use String.Equals over ==?

String.Equals does offer overloads to handle casing and culture-aware comparison. If your code doesn't make use of these, the devs may just be used to Java, where (as Matthew says), you must use the .Equals method to do content comparisons.


I think that parse_str is what you're looking for, something like this should do the trick for you:

parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $vars);

Then the $vars array will hold all the passed arguments.

How do I create a round cornered UILabel on the iPhone?

For Swift IOS8 onwards based on OScarsWyck answer:

yourUILabel.layer.masksToBounds = true
yourUILabel.layer.cornerRadius = 8.0

How to get the first 2 letters of a string in Python?

For completeness: Instead of using def you could give a name to a lambda function:

first2 = lambda s: s[:2]

Auto refresh page every 30 seconds

Use setInterval instead of setTimeout. Though in this case either will be fine but setTimeout inherently triggers only once setInterval continues indefinitely.

<script language="javascript">
}, 30000);

Java ArrayList clear() function

After data.clear() it will definitely start again from the zero index.

How can I remove time from date with Moment.js?

Whenever I use the moment.js library I specify the desired format this way:

moment(<your Date goes here>).format("DD-MMM-YYYY")


moment(<your Date goes here>).format("DD/MMM/YYYY")

... etc I hope you get the idea

Inside the format function, you put the desired format. The example above will get rid of all unwanted elements from the date such as minutes and seconds

Query comparing dates in SQL

You put <= and it will catch the given date too. You can replace it with < only.

Find and extract a number from a string

Here's a Linq version:

string s = "123iuow45ss";
var getNumbers = (from t in s
                  where char.IsDigit(t)
                  select t).ToArray();
Console.WriteLine(new string(getNumbers));

How to tag an older commit in Git?


git tag -a v1.2 9fceb02 -m "Message here"

Where 9fceb02 is the beginning part of the commit id.

You can then push the tag using git push origin v1.2.

You can do git log to show all the commit id's in your current branch.

There is also a good chapter on tagging in the Pro Git book.

Warning: This creates tags with the current date (and that value is what will show on a GitHub releases page, for example). If you want the tag to be dated with the commit date, please look at another answer.

Convert string to float?

Try this:

String numberStr = "3.5";
Float number = null;
try {
   number = Float.parseFloat(numberStr);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
    System.out.println("numberStr is not a number");

TNS-12505: TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor

in Windows in the search option Go to administrative tools>component services>OracleServiceXE(start this service)

Export data from Chrome developer tool

You can use fiddler web debugger to import the HAR and then it is very easy from their on... Ctrl+A (select all) then Ctrl+c (copy summary) then paste in excel and have fun

SQL query, if value is null then return 1

a) If you want 0 when value is null

SELECT isnull(PartNum,0) AS PartNumber, PartID

b) If you want 0 when value is null and otherwise 1

    ELSE 1
  END) AS PartNumber,

Bitbucket git credentials if signed up with Google


  • Went on the log-in screen and clicked forgot my password.
  • I entered my Google account email and I received a reset link.
  • As you enter there a new password you'll have bitbucket id and password to use.


git clone https://<bitbucket_id><repo>

How can I avoid Java code in JSP files, using JSP 2?

In the MVC architectural pattern, JSPs represent the view layer. Embedding Java code in JSPs is considered a bad practice.

You can use JSTL, freeMarker, and velocity with JSP as a "template engine".

The data provider to those tags depends on frameworks that you are dealing with. Struts 2 and WebWork as an implementation for the MVC pattern uses OGNL "very interesting technique to expose Beans properties to JSP".

plain count up timer in javascript

I had to create a timer for teachers grading students' work. Here's one I used which is entirely based on elapsed time since the grading begun by storing the system time at the point that the page is loaded, and then comparing it every half second to the system time at that point:

var startTime = Math.floor( / 1000); //Get the starting time (right now) in seconds
localStorage.setItem("startTime", startTime); // Store it if I want to restart the timer on the next page

function startTimeCounter() {
    var now = Math.floor( / 1000); // get the time now
    var diff = now - startTime; // diff in seconds between now and start
    var m = Math.floor(diff / 60); // get minutes value (quotient of diff)
    var s = Math.floor(diff % 60); // get seconds value (remainder of diff)
    m = checkTime(m); // add a leading zero if it's single digit
    s = checkTime(s); // add a leading zero if it's single digit
    document.getElementById("idName").innerHTML = m + ":" + s; // update the element where the timer will appear
    var t = setTimeout(startTimeCounter, 500); // set a timeout to update the timer

function checkTime(i) {
    if (i < 10) {i = "0" + i};  // add zero in front of numbers < 10
    return i;


This way, it really doesn't matter if the 'setTimeout' is subject to execution delays, the elapsed time is always relative the system time when it first began, and the system time at the time of update.

how to replace an entire column on Pandas.DataFrame

If you don't mind getting a new data frame object returned as opposed to updating the original Pandas .assign() will avoid SettingWithCopyWarning. Your example:

df = df.assign(B=df1['E'])

Set padding for UITextField with UITextBorderStyleNone

Set padding for UITextField with UITextBorderStyleNone: Swift

Based on @Evil Trout's most voted answer I created a custom method in my ViewController class, like shown bellow:

- (void) modifyTextField:(UITextField *)textField
    UIView *paddingView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 5, 20)];
    textField.leftView = paddingView;
    textField.leftViewMode = UITextFieldViewModeAlways;
    textField.rightView = paddingView;
    textField.rightViewMode = UITextFieldViewModeAlways;

    [textField setBackgroundColor:[UIColor whiteColor]];
    [textField setTextColor:[UIColor blackColor]];

Now I can call that method inside (viewDidLoad method) and send any of my TextFields to that method and add padding for both right and left, and give text and background colors by writing just one line of code, as follows:

[self modifyTextField:self.firstNameTxtFld];

This Worked perfectly on iOS 7! I know that adding too much Views might make this a bit heavier class to be loaded. But when concerned about the difficulty in other solutions, I found myself more biased to this method and more flexible with using this way. ;)

Thanks for the Hack "Evil Trout"! (bow)

I thought I should update this answer's code snippet with Swift:

Since Swift allow us to write extensions for the existing classes, let's write it in that way.

extension UITextField {
    func addPaddingToTextField() {
        let paddingView: UIView = UIView.init(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, 8, 20))
        self.leftView = paddingView;
        self.leftViewMode = .Always;
        self.rightView = paddingView;
        self.rightViewMode = .Always;

        self.backgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
        self.textColor = UIColor.blackColor()



Hope this would be helpful to somebody else out there!

plot a circle with pyplot

You need to add it to an axes. A Circle is a subclass of an Patch, and an axes has an add_patch method. (You can also use add_artist but it's not recommended.)

Here's an example of doing this:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

circle1 = plt.Circle((0, 0), 0.2, color='r')
circle2 = plt.Circle((0.5, 0.5), 0.2, color='blue')
circle3 = plt.Circle((1, 1), 0.2, color='g', clip_on=False)

fig, ax = plt.subplots() # note we must use plt.subplots, not plt.subplot
# (or if you have an existing figure)
# fig = plt.gcf()
# ax = fig.gca()



This results in the following figure:

The first circle is at the origin, but by default clip_on is True, so the circle is clipped when ever it extends beyond the axes. The third (green) circle shows what happens when you don't clip the Artist. It extends beyond the axes (but not beyond the figure, ie the figure size is not automatically adjusted to plot all of your artists).

The units for x, y and radius correspond to data units by default. In this case, I didn't plot anything on my axes (fig.gca() returns the current axes), and since the limits have never been set, they defaults to an x and y range from 0 to 1.

Here's a continuation of the example, showing how units matter:

circle1 = plt.Circle((0, 0), 2, color='r')
# now make a circle with no fill, which is good for hi-lighting key results
circle2 = plt.Circle((5, 5), 0.5, color='b', fill=False)
circle3 = plt.Circle((10, 10), 2, color='g', clip_on=False)
ax = plt.gca()
ax.cla() # clear things for fresh plot

# change default range so that new circles will work
ax.set_xlim((0, 10))
ax.set_ylim((0, 10))
# some data
ax.plot(range(11), 'o', color='black')
# key data point that we are encircling
ax.plot((5), (5), 'o', color='y')

which results in:

You can see how I set the fill of the 2nd circle to False, which is useful for encircling key results (like my yellow data point).

Do I need to compile the header files in a C program?

I think we do need preprocess(maybe NOT call the compile) the head file. Because from my understanding, during the compile stage, the head file should be included in c file. For example, in test.h we have

typedef enum{

and in test.c we have

void foo()
    test_t test;

during the compile, i think the compiler will put the code in head file and c file together and code in head file will be pre-processed and substitute the code in c file. Meanwhile, we'd better to define the include path in makefile.

Remove composer

Uninstall composer

To remove just composer package itself from Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) execute on terminal:

sudo apt-get remove composer

Uninstall composer and it's dependent packages

To remove the composer package and any other dependant package which are no longer needed from Ubuntu Xenial.

sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove composer

Purging composer

If you also want to delete configuration and/or data files of composer from Ubuntu Xenial then this will work:

sudo apt-get purge composer

To delete configuration and/or data files of composer and it's dependencies from Ubuntu Xenial then execute:

sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove composer

How to replicate vector in c?

They would start by hiding the defining a structure that would hold members necessary for the implementation. Then providing a group of functions that would manipulate the contents of the structure.

Something like this:

typedef struct vec
    unsigned char* _mem;
    unsigned long _elems;
    unsigned long _elemsize;
    unsigned long _capelems;
    unsigned long _reserve;

vec* vec_new(unsigned long elemsize)
    vec* pvec = (vec*)malloc(sizeof(vec));
    pvec->_reserve = 10;
    pvec->_capelems = pvec->_reserve;
    pvec->_elemsize = elemsize;
    pvec->_elems = 0;
    pvec->_mem = (unsigned char*)malloc(pvec->_capelems * pvec->_elemsize);
    return pvec;

void vec_delete(vec* pvec)

void vec_grow(vec* pvec)
    unsigned char* mem = (unsigned char*)malloc((pvec->_capelems + pvec->_reserve) * pvec->_elemsize);
    memcpy(mem, pvec->_mem, pvec->_elems * pvec->_elemsize);
    pvec->_mem = mem;
    pvec->_capelems += pvec->_reserve;

void vec_push_back(vec* pvec, void* data, unsigned long elemsize)
    assert(elemsize == pvec->_elemsize);
    if (pvec->_elems == pvec->_capelems) {
    memcpy(pvec->_mem + (pvec->_elems * pvec->_elemsize), (unsigned char*)data, pvec->_elemsize);

unsigned long vec_length(vec* pvec)
    return pvec->_elems;

void* vec_get(vec* pvec, unsigned long index)
    assert(index < pvec->_elems);
    return (void*)(pvec->_mem + (index * pvec->_elemsize));

void vec_copy_item(vec* pvec, void* dest, unsigned long index)
    memcpy(dest, vec_get(pvec, index), pvec->_elemsize);

void playwithvec()
    vec* pvec = vec_new(sizeof(int));

    for (int val = 0; val < 1000; val += 10) {
        vec_push_back(pvec, &val, sizeof(val));

    for (unsigned long index = (int)vec_length(pvec) - 1; (int)index >= 0; index--) {
        int val;
        vec_copy_item(pvec, &val, index);
        printf("vec(%d) = %d\n", index, val);


Further to this they would achieve encapsulation by using void* in the place of vec* for the function group, and actually hide the structure definition from the user by defining it within the C module containing the group of functions rather than the header. Also they would hide the functions that you would consider to be private, by leaving them out from the header and simply prototyping them only in the C module.

XML element with attribute and content using JAXB

Here is working solution:


public class XmlTest {

    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(XmlTest.class);

    public void createDefaultBook() throws JAXBException {
        JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(Book.class);
        Marshaller marshaller = jaxbContext.createMarshaller();

        StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
        marshaller.marshal(new Book(), writer);

        log.debug("Book xml:\n {}", writer.toString());

    @XmlRootElement(name = "book")
    public static class Book {

        @XmlElementRef(name = "price")
        private Price price = new Price();


    @XmlRootElement(name = "price")
    public static class Price {
        @XmlAttribute(name = "drawable")
        private Boolean drawable = true; //you may want to set default value here

        private int priceValue = 1234;

        public Boolean getDrawable() {
            return drawable;

        public void setDrawable(Boolean drawable) {
            this.drawable = drawable;

        public int getPriceValue() {
            return priceValue;

        public void setPriceValue(int priceValue) {
            this.priceValue = priceValue;


22:00:18.471 [main] DEBUG com.grebski.stack.XmlTest - Book xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <price drawable="true">1234</price>

Use Robocopy to copy only changed files?

Looks like /e option is what you need, it'll skip same files/directories.

robocopy c:\data c:\backup /e

If you run the command twice, you'll see the second round is much faster since it skips a lot of things.

How to populate/instantiate a C# array with a single value?

Create a new array with a thousand true values:

var items = Enumerable.Repeat<bool>(true, 1000).ToArray();  // Or ToList(), etc.

Similarly, you can generate integer sequences:

var items = Enumerable.Range(0, 1000).ToArray();  // 0..999

Shared-memory objects in multiprocessing

Like Robert Nishihara mentioned, Apache Arrow makes this easy, specifically with the Plasma in-memory object store, which is what Ray is built on.

I made brain-plasma specifically for this reason - fast loading and reloading of big objects in a Flask app. It's a shared-memory object namespace for Apache Arrow-serializable objects, including pickle'd bytestrings generated by pickle.dumps(...).

The key difference with Apache Ray and Plasma is that it keeps track of object IDs for you. Any processes or threads or programs that are running on locally can share the variables' values by calling the name from any Brain object.

$ pip install brain-plasma
$ plasma_store -m 10000000 -s /tmp/plasma

from brain_plasma import Brain
brain = Brain(path='/tmp/plasma/)

brain['a'] = [1]*10000

# >>> [1,1,1,1,...]

Editing legend (text) labels in ggplot

The legend titles can be labeled by specific aesthetic.

This can be achieved using the guides() or labs() functions from ggplot2 (more here and here). It allows you to add guide/legend properties using the aesthetic mapping.

Here's an example using the mtcars data set and labs():

ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=mpg, y=disp, size=hp, col=as.factor(cyl), shape=as.factor(gear))) +
  geom_point() +
  labs(x="miles per gallon", y="displacement", size="horsepower", 
       col="# of cylinders", shape="# of gears")

enter image description here

Answering the OP's question using guides():

# transforming the data from wide to long
dfm <- melt(df, id="TY")

# creating a scatterplot
ggplot(data = dfm, aes(x=TY, y=value, color=variable)) + 
  geom_point(size=5) +
  labs(title="Temperatures\n", x="TY [°C]", y="Txxx") +
  scale_color_manual(labels = c("T999", "T888"), values = c("blue", "red")) +
  theme_bw() +
  guides(color=guide_legend("my title"))  # add guide properties by aesthetic

enter image description here

ORA-00972 identifier is too long alias column name

The error is also caused by quirky handling of quotes and single qutoes. To include single quotes inside the query, use doubled single quotes.

This won't work

select dbms_xmlgen.getxml("Select ....") XML from dual;

or this either

select dbms_xmlgen.getxml('Select .. where something='red'..') XML from dual;

but this DOES work

select dbms_xmlgen.getxml('Select .. where something=''red''..') XML from dual;

While, Do While, For loops in Assembly Language (emu8086)


For-loop in C:

for(int x = 0; x<=3; x++)
    //Do something!

The same loop in 8086 assembler:

        xor cx,cx   ; cx-register is the counter, set to 0
loop1   nop         ; Whatever you wanna do goes here, should not change cx
        inc cx      ; Increment
        cmp cx,3    ; Compare cx to the limit
        jle loop1   ; Loop while less or equal

That is the loop if you need to access your index (cx). If you just wanna to something 0-3=4 times but you do not need the index, this would be easier:

        mov cx,4    ; 4 iterations
loop1   nop         ; Whatever you wanna do goes here, should not change cx
        loop loop1  ; loop instruction decrements cx and jumps to label if not 0

If you just want to perform a very simple instruction a constant amount of times, you could also use an assembler-directive which will just hardcore that instruction

times 4 nop


Do-while-loop in C:

int x=1;
    //Do something!

The same loop in assembler:

        mov ax,1
loop1   nop         ; Whatever you wanna do goes here
        cmp ax,1    ; Check wether cx is 1
        je loop1    ; And loop if equal


While-loop in C:

    //Do something

The same loop in assembler:

        jmp loop1   ; Jump to condition first
cloop1  nop         ; Execute the content of the loop
loop1   cmp ax,1    ; Check the condition
        je cloop1   ; Jump to content of the loop if met

For the for-loops you should take the cx-register because it is pretty much standard. For the other loop conditions you can take a register of your liking. Of course replace the no-operation instruction with all the instructions you wanna perform in the loop.

Batch - Echo or Variable Not Working

Try the following (note that there should not be a space between the VAR, =, and GREG).


Can attributes be added dynamically in C#?

Attributes are static metadata. Assemblies, modules, types, members, parameters, and return values aren't first-class objects in C# (e.g., the System.Type class is merely a reflected representation of a type). You can get an instance of an attribute for a type and change the properties if they're writable but that won't affect the attribute as it is applied to the type.

Remove HTML Tags in Javascript with Regex

Try this, noting that the grammar of HTML is too complex for regular expressions to be correct 100% of the time:

var regex = /(<([^>]+)>)/ig
,   body = "<p>test</p>"
,   result = body.replace(regex, "");


If you're willing to use a library such as jQuery, you could simply do this:


Java: Get month Integer from Date

If you use Java 8 date api, you can directly get it in one line!

LocalDate today =;
int month = today.getMonthValue();

How to make several plots on a single page using matplotlib?

@doug & FS.'s answer are very good solutions. I want to share the solution for iteration on pandas.dataframe.

import pandas as pd
df=pd.DataFrame([[1, 2], [3, 4], [4, 3], [2, 3]])
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,8))
for i in df.columns:

What is the difference between origin and upstream on GitHub?

This should be understood in the context of GitHub forks (where you fork a GitHub repo on GitHub before cloning that fork locally).

From the GitHub page:

When a repo is cloned, it has a default remote called origin that points to your fork on GitHub, not the original repo it was forked from.
To keep track of the original repo, you need to add another remote named upstream

git remote add upstream git://<aUser>/<aRepo.git>

(with aUser/aRepo the reference for the original creator and repository, that you have forked)

You will use upstream to fetch from the original repo (in order to keep your local copy in sync with the project you want to contribute to).

git fetch upstream

(git fetch alone would fetch from origin by default, which is not what is needed here)

You will use origin to pull and push since you can contribute to your own repository.

git pull
git push

(again, without parameters, 'origin' is used by default)

You will contribute back to the upstream repo by making a pull request.

fork and upstream

SQL Server : GROUP BY clause to get comma-separated values

SELECT  [ReportId], 
        SUBSTRING(d.EmailList,1, LEN(d.EmailList) - 1) EmailList
            SELECT DISTINCT [ReportId]
            FROM Table1
        ) a
            SELECT [Email] + ', ' 
            FROM Table1 AS B 
            WHERE A.[ReportId] = B.[ReportId]
            FOR XML PATH('')
        ) D (EmailList) 

SQLFiddle Demo

Is Eclipse the best IDE for Java?

There is no best IDE. You make it as good as you get used using it.

Receiver not registered exception error?

Be careful, when you register by


you can't unregister by


you must use


or app will crash, log as follow:

09-30 14:00:55.458 19064-19064/com.jialan.guangdian.view E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main Process: com.jialan.guangdian.view, PID: 19064 java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to stop service java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Receiver not registered:$PlayStatusReceiver@19538584 at at$2200( at$H.handleMessage( at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( at android.os.Looper.loop( at at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at$ at Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Receiver not registered:$PlayStatusReceiver@19538584 at at at android.content.ContextWrapper.unregisterReceiver( at at at$2200(  at$H.handleMessage(  at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(  at android.os.Looper.loop(  at  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(  at$  at 

matplotlib has no attribute 'pyplot'

pyplot is a sub-module of matplotlib which doesn't get imported with a simple import matplotlib.

>>> import matplotlib
>>> print matplotlib.pyplot
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'pyplot'
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot

It seems customary to do: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt at which time you can use the various functions and classes it contains:

p = plt.plot(...)

Regex date validation for yyyy-mm-dd

This will match yyyy-mm-dd and also yyyy-m-d:


Regular expression visualization

If you're looking for an exact match for yyyy-mm-dd then try this


or use this one if you need to find a date inside a string like The date is 2017-11-30


Foreach loop in C++ equivalent of C#

using C++ 14:

#include <string>
#include <vector>

std::vector<std::string> listbox;
std::vector<std::string> strarr {"ram","mohan","sita"};    
for (const auto &str : strarr)

Have a reloadData for a UITableView animate when changing

I can't comment on the top answer, but a swift implementation would be:

self.tableView.reloadSections([0], with: UITableViewRowAnimation.fade)

you could include as many sections as you want to update in the first argument for reloadSections.

Other animations available from the docs:

fade The inserted or deleted row or rows fade into or out of the table view.

right The inserted row or rows slide in from the right; the deleted row or rows slide out to the right.

left The inserted row or rows slide in from the left; the deleted row or rows slide out to the left.

top The inserted row or rows slide in from the top; the deleted row or rows slide out toward the top.

bottom The inserted row or rows slide in from the bottom; the deleted row or rows slide out toward the bottom.

case none The inserted or deleted rows use the default animations.

middle The table view attempts to keep the old and new cells centered in the space they did or will occupy. Available in iPhone 3.2.

automatic The table view chooses an appropriate animation style for you. (Introduced in iOS 5.0.)

What does this GCC error "... relocation truncated to fit..." mean?

I ran into the exact same issue. After compiling without the -fexceptions build flag, the file compiled with no issue

Step-by-step debugging with IPython

You can use IPython's %pdb magic. Just call %pdb in IPython and when an error occurs, you're automatically dropped to ipdb. While you don't have the stepping immediately, you're in ipdb afterwards.

This makes debugging individual functions easy, as you can just load a file with %load and then run a function. You could force an error with an assert at the right position.

%pdb is a line magic. Call it as %pdb on, %pdb 1, %pdb off or %pdb 0. If called without argument it works as a toggle.

How much overhead does SSL impose?

I second @erickson: The pure data-transfer speed penalty is negligible. Modern CPUs reach a crypto/AES throughput of several hundred MBit/s. So unless you are on resource constrained system (mobile phone) TLS/SSL is fast enough for slinging data around.

But keep in mind that encryption makes caching and load balancing much harder. This might result in a huge performance penalty.

But connection setup is really a show stopper for many application. On low bandwidth, high packet loss, high latency connections (mobile device in the countryside) the additional roundtrips required by TLS might render something slow into something unusable.

For example we had to drop the encryption requirement for access to some of our internal web apps - they where next to unusable if used from china.

Node.js check if path is file or directory

The following should tell you. From the docs:


Objects returned from fs.stat() and fs.lstat() are of this type.

stats.isSymbolicLink() (only valid with fs.lstat())


The above solution will throw an Error if; for ex, the file or directory doesn't exist.

If you want a true or false approach, try fs.existsSync(dirPath) && fs.lstatSync(dirPath).isDirectory(); as mentioned by Joseph in the comments below.

Merging Cells in Excel using C#

You can use NPOI to do it.

Workbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
Sheet sheet = wb.createSheet("new sheet");

Row row = sheet.createRow((short) 1);
Cell cell = row.createCell((short) 1);
cell.setCellValue("This is a test of merging");

sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(
        1, //first row (0-based)
        1, //last row  (0-based)
        1, //first column (0-based)
        2  //last column  (0-based)

// Write the output to a file
FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream("workbook.xls");

Refresh (reload) a page once using jQuery?



This is the correct syntax.

$('#div-id').html(newContent); //This doesnt work

Java properties UTF-8 encoding in Eclipse

You can define UTF-8 .properties files to store your translations and use ResourceBundle, to get values. To avoid problems you can change encoding:

String value = RESOURCE_BUNDLE.getString(key); 
return new String(value.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"), "UTF-8");

unix - count of columns in file

Perl solution similar to Mat's awk solution:

perl -F'\|' -lane 'print $#F+1; exit' stores.dat

I've tested this on a file with 1000000 columns.

If the field separator is whitespace (one or more spaces or tabs) instead of a pipe:

perl -lane 'print $#F+1; exit' stores.dat

Can I specify multiple users for myself in .gitconfig?

After getting some inspiration from Orr Sella's blog post I wrote a pre-commit hook (resides in ~/.git/templates/hooks) which would set specific usernames and e-mail addresses based on the information inside a local repositorie's ./.git/config:

You have to place the path to the template directory into your ~/.gitconfig:

    templatedir = ~/.git/templates

Then each git init or git clone will pick up that hook and will apply the user data during the next git commit. If you want to apply the hook to already exisiting repos then just run a git init inside the repo in order to reinitialize it.

Here is the hook I came up with (it still needs some polishing - suggestions are welcome). Save it either as




and make sure it is executable: chmod +x ./post-checkout || chmod +x ./pre_commit

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# -------- USER CONFIG
# Patterns to match a repo's "remote.origin.url" - beginning portion of the hostname

# Adjust names and e-mail addresses



# -------- FUNCTIONS
    local current_id local_id

    current_id[0]="$(git config --get --local"
    current_id[1]="$(git config --get --local"


    if [[ "${current_id[0]}" == "${local_id[0]}" &&
          "${current_id[1]}" == "${local_id[1]}" ]]; then
        printf " Local identity is:\n"
        printf "»  User: %s\n»  Mail: %s\n\n" "${current_id[@]}"
        printf "»  User: %s\n»  Mail: %s\n\n" "${local_id[@]}"
        git config --local "${local_id[0]}"
        git config --local "${local_id[1]}"

    return 0

current_remote_url="$(git config --get --local remote.origin.url)"

if [[ "$current_remote_url" ]]; then

    for service in "${git_remotes[@]}"; do

        # Disable case sensitivity for regex matching
        shopt -s nocasematch

        if [[ "$current_remote_url" =~ $service ]]; then
            case "$service" in

                "${git_remotes[0]}" )
                    printf "\n»» An Intermission\n»  %s repository found." "${git_remotes[0]}"
                    setIdentity "${local_id_0[@]}"
                    exit 0

                "${git_remotes[1]}" )
                    printf "\n»» An Intermission\n»  %s repository found." "${git_remotes[1]}"
                    setIdentity "${local_id_1[@]}"
                    exit 0

                * )
                    printf "\n»  pre-commit hook: unknown error\n» Quitting.\n"
                    exit 1

    printf "\n»» An Intermission\n»  No remote repository set. Using local fallback identity:\n"
    printf "»  User: %s\n»  Mail: %s\n\n" "${local_fallback_id[@]}"

    # Get the user's attention for a second
    sleep 1

    git config --local "${local_fallback_id[0]}"
    git config --local "${local_fallback_id[1]}"

exit 0


So I rewrote the hook as a hook and command in Python. Additionally it's possible to call the script as a Git command (git passport), too. Also it's possible to define an arbitrary number of IDs inside a configfile (~/.gitpassport) which are selectable on a prompt. You can find the project at git-passport - A Git command and hook written in Python to manage multiple Git accounts / user identities.

How to create an integer array in Python?

two ways:

x = [0] * 10
x = [0 for i in xrange(10)]

Edit: replaced range by xrange to avoid creating another list.

Also: as many others have noted including Pi and Ben James, this creates a list, not a Python array. While a list is in many cases sufficient and easy enough, for performance critical uses (e.g. when duplicated in thousands of objects) you could look into python arrays. Look up the array module, as explained in the other answers in this thread.

Facebook API error 191

Something I'd like to add, since this is error 191 first question on google:

When redirecting to facebook instead of your own site for a signed request, you might experience this error if the user has secure browsing on and your app does redirect to facebook without SSL.

Directory Chooser in HTML page

Scripting is inevitable.

This isn't provided because of the security risk. <input type='file' /> is closest, but not what you are looking for.

Checkout this example that uses Javascript to achieve what you want.

If the OS is windows, you can use VB scripts to access the core control files to browse for a folder.


Do you use the ob_start(ob_gzhandler) function? If so and If you output any content above the ob_start(ob_gzhandler) function, you'll get this error. You can don't use this function or don't output content above this function. The ob_gzhandler callback function will determine what type of content encoding the browser will accept and will return its output accordingly. So if you output content above this function, the content's encoding maybe different from the output content of ob_gzhandler and that cause this error.

java.lang.RuntimeException: Failure delivering result ResultInfo{who=null, request=1888, result=0, data=null} to activity

For Kotlin Users

You just need to add ? with Intent in onActivityResult as the data can be null if user cancels the transaction or anything goes wrong. So we need to define data as nullable in onActivityResult

Just replace onActivityResult signature of SampleActivity with below:

override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?)

Counting array elements in Perl

It sounds like you want a sparse array. A normal array would have 24 items in it, but a sparse array would have 3. In Perl we emulate sparse arrays with hashes:


use strict;
use warnings;

my %sparse;

@sparse{0, 5, 23} = (1 .. 3);

print "there are ", scalar keys %sparse, " items in the sparse array\n",
    map { "\t$sparse{$_}\n" } sort { $a <=> $b } keys %sparse;

The keys function in scalar context will return the number of items in the sparse array. The only downside to using a hash to emulate a sparse array is that you must sort the keys before iterating over them if their order is important.

You must also remember to use the delete function to remove items from the sparse array (just setting their value to undef is not enough).

Password Strength Meter

Password Strength Algorithm:

Password Length:
    5 Points: Less than 4 characters
    10 Points: 5 to 7 characters
    25 Points: 8 or more

    0 Points: No letters
    10 Points: Letters are all lower case
    20 Points: Letters are upper case and lower case

    0 Points: No numbers
    10 Points: 1 number
    20 Points: 3 or more numbers

    0 Points: No characters
    10 Points: 1 character
    25 Points: More than 1 character

    2 Points: Letters and numbers
    3 Points: Letters, numbers, and characters
    5 Points: Mixed case letters, numbers, and characters

Password Text Range:

    >= 90: Very Secure
    >= 80: Secure
    >= 70: Very Strong
    >= 60: Strong
    >= 50: Average
    >= 25: Weak
    >= 0: Very Weak

Settings Toggle to true or false, if you want to change what is checked in the password

var m_strLowerCase = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
var m_strNumber = "0123456789";
var m_strCharacters = "!@#$%^&*?_~"

Check password

function checkPassword(strPassword)
    // Reset combination count
    var nScore = 0;

    // Password length
    // -- Less than 4 characters
    if (strPassword.length < 5)
        nScore += 5;
    // -- 5 to 7 characters
    else if (strPassword.length > 4 && strPassword.length < 8)
        nScore += 10;
    // -- 8 or more
    else if (strPassword.length > 7)
        nScore += 25;

    // Letters
    var nUpperCount = countContain(strPassword, m_strUpperCase);
    var nLowerCount = countContain(strPassword, m_strLowerCase);
    var nLowerUpperCount = nUpperCount + nLowerCount;
    // -- Letters are all lower case
    if (nUpperCount == 0 && nLowerCount != 0) 
        nScore += 10; 
    // -- Letters are upper case and lower case
    else if (nUpperCount != 0 && nLowerCount != 0) 
        nScore += 20; 

    // Numbers
    var nNumberCount = countContain(strPassword, m_strNumber);
    // -- 1 number
    if (nNumberCount == 1)
        nScore += 10;
    // -- 3 or more numbers
    if (nNumberCount >= 3)
        nScore += 20;

    // Characters
    var nCharacterCount = countContain(strPassword, m_strCharacters);
    // -- 1 character
    if (nCharacterCount == 1)
        nScore += 10;
    // -- More than 1 character
    if (nCharacterCount > 1)
        nScore += 25;

    // Bonus
    // -- Letters and numbers
    if (nNumberCount != 0 && nLowerUpperCount != 0)
        nScore += 2;
    // -- Letters, numbers, and characters
    if (nNumberCount != 0 && nLowerUpperCount != 0 && nCharacterCount != 0)
        nScore += 3;
    // -- Mixed case letters, numbers, and characters
    if (nNumberCount != 0 && nUpperCount != 0 && nLowerCount != 0 && nCharacterCount != 0)
        nScore += 5;

    return nScore;

// Runs password through check and then updates GUI 

function runPassword(strPassword, strFieldID) 
    // Check password
    var nScore = checkPassword(strPassword);

     // Get controls
        var ctlBar = document.getElementById(strFieldID + "_bar"); 
        var ctlText = document.getElementById(strFieldID + "_text");
        if (!ctlBar || !ctlText)

        // Set new width = (nScore*1.25>100)?100:nScore*1.25 + "%";

    // Color and text
    // -- Very Secure
    /*if (nScore >= 90)
        var strText = "Very Secure";
        var strColor = "#0ca908";
    // -- Secure
    else if (nScore >= 80)
        var strText = "Secure";
        vstrColor = "#7ff67c";
    // -- Very Strong
    if (nScore >= 80)
        var strText = "Very Strong";
        var strColor = "#008000";
    // -- Strong
    else if (nScore >= 60)
        var strText = "Strong";
        var strColor = "#006000";
    // -- Average
    else if (nScore >= 40)
        var strText = "Average";
        var strColor = "#e3cb00";
    // -- Weak
    else if (nScore >= 20)
        var strText = "Weak";
        var strColor = "#Fe3d1a";
    // -- Very Weak
        var strText = "Very Weak";
        var strColor = "#e71a1a";

    if(strPassword.length == 0)
    { = "";
    ctlText.innerHTML =  "";
    { = strColor;
    ctlText.innerHTML =  strText;

// Checks a string for a list of characters
function countContain(strPassword, strCheck)
    // Declare variables
    var nCount = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < strPassword.length; i++) 
        if (strCheck.indexOf(strPassword.charAt(i)) > -1) 

    return nCount; 

You can customize by yourself according to your requirement.

jQuery each loop in table row

Just a recommendation:

I'd recommend using the DOM table implementation, it's very straight forward and easy to use, you really don't need jQuery for this task.

var table = document.getElementById('tblOne');

var rowLength = table.rows.length;

for(var i=0; i<rowLength; i+=1){
  var row = table.rows[i];

  //your code goes here, looping over every row.
  //cells are accessed as easy

  var cellLength = row.cells.length;
  for(var y=0; y<cellLength; y+=1){
    var cell = row.cells[y];

    //do something with every cell here

Insert current date/time using now() in a field using MySQL/PHP

What about SYSDATE() ?

  $db = mysql_connect('localhost','user','pass');

  $stmt = "INSERT INTO `test` (`first`,`last`,`whenadded`) VALUES ".
  $rslt = mysql_query($stmt);

Look at Difference between NOW(), SYSDATE() & CURRENT_DATE() in MySQL for more info about NOW() and SYSDATE().

Execute SQLite script

For those using PowerShell

PS C:\> Get-Content create.sql -Raw | sqlite3 auction.db

How to set UITextField height?

  1. Choose the border style as not rounded

enter image description here

  1. Set your height

enter image description here

in your viewWillAppear set the corners as round

yourUITextField.borderStyle = UITextBorderStyleRoundedRect;

enter image description here

  1. Enjoy your round and tall UITextField

What is the PostgreSQL equivalent for ISNULL()

SELECT CASE WHEN field IS NULL THEN 'Empty' ELSE field END AS field_alias

Or more idiomatic:

SELECT coalesce(field, 'Empty') AS field_alias

Can't find android device using "adb devices" command

Are you by any chance also using the app EasyTether while connected to your Mac? If you happen to use this app, you're in luck, because the solution is to call:

sudo kextunload -v /System/Library/Extensions/EasyTetherUSBEthernet.kext

from a terminal. I forget if you have to reboot or not.

This will disable tethering, but you can now see your device via adb.

To renable tethering once you're done debugging, use

sudo kextload -v /System/Library/Extensions/EasyTetherUSBEthernet.kext

Of course, if you're not using EasyTether, then hopefully someone else has an idea....