Programs & Examples On #Default value

A default, in computer science, refers to a setting or value automatically assigned to a software application, computer program or device, outside of user intervention.

How to set a default value in react-select

I'm using frequently something like this.

Default value from props in this example

if(Defaultvalue ===item.value) {
    return <option key={item.key} defaultValue value={item.value}>{plantel.value} </option>   
} else {
    return <option key={item.key} value={item.value}>{plantel.value} </option> 

Why can't a text column have a default value in MySQL?

As the main question:

Anybody know why this is not allowed?

is still not answered, I did a quick search and found a relatively new addition from a MySQL developer at MySQL Bugs:

[17 Mar 2017 15:11] Ståle Deraas

Posted by developer:

This is indeed a valid feature request, and at first glance it might seem trivial to add. But TEXT/BLOBS values are not stored directly in the record buffer used for reading/updating tables. So it is a bit more complex to assign default values for them.

This is no definite answer, but at least a starting point for the why question.

In the mean time, I'll just code around it and either make the column nullable or explicitly assign a (default '') value for each insert from the application code...

How does collections.defaultdict work?

The standard dictionary includes the method setdefault() for retrieving a value and establishing a default if the value does not exist. By contrast, defaultdict lets the caller specify the default up front when the container is initialized.

import collections

def default_factory():
    return 'default value'

d = collections.defaultdict(default_factory, foo='bar')
print 'd:', d
print 'foo =>', d['foo']
print 'bar =>', d['bar']

This works well as long as it is appropriate for all keys to have the same default. It can be especially useful if the default is a type used for aggregating or accumulating values, such as a list, set, or even int. The standard library documentation includes several examples of using defaultdict this way.

$ python

d: defaultdict(<function default_factory at 0x100468c80>, {'foo': 'bar'})
foo => bar
bar => default value

How to set a Postgresql default value datestamp like 'YYYYMM'?

Just in case Milen A. Radev doesn't get around to posting his solution, this is it:

    key     int PRIMARY KEY,

How to set a default value for an existing column


Python constructor and default value

Let's illustrate what's happening here:

Python 3.1.2 (r312:79147, Sep 27 2010, 09:45:41) 
[GCC 4.4.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> class Foo:
...     def __init__(self, x=[]):
...         x.append(1)
>>> Foo.__init__.__defaults__
>>> f = Foo()
>>> Foo.__init__.__defaults__
>>> f2 = Foo()
>>> Foo.__init__.__defaults__
([1, 1],)

You can see that the default arguments are stored in a tuple which is an attribute of the function in question. This actually has nothing to do with the class in question and goes for any function. In python 2, the attribute will be func.func_defaults.

As other posters have pointed out, you probably want to use None as a sentinel value and give each instance it's own list.

How to set a default entity property value with Hibernate

If you want to set default value in terms of database, just set @Column( columnDefinition = "int default 1")

But if what you intend is to set a default value in your java app you can set it on your class attribute like this: private Integer attribute = 1;

SQL Column definition : default value and not null redundant?

Even with a default value, you can always override the column data with null.

The NOT NULL restriction won't let you update that row after it was created with null value

Named tuple and default values for optional keyword arguments

I subclassed namedtuple and overrode the __new__ method:

from collections import namedtuple

class Node(namedtuple('Node', ['value', 'left', 'right'])):
    __slots__ = ()
    def __new__(cls, value, left=None, right=None):
        return super(Node, cls).__new__(cls, value, left, right)

This preserves an intuitive type hierarchy, which the creation of a factory function disguised as a class does not.

JQuery ajax call default timeout value

There doesn't seem to be a standardized default value. I have the feeling the default is 0, and the timeout event left totally dependent on browser and network settings.

For IE, there is a timeout property for XMLHTTPRequests here. It defaults to null, and it says the network stack is likely to be the first to time out (which will not generate an ontimeout event by the way).

Entity Framework 6 Code first Default value

Set the default value for the column in table in MSSQL Server, and in class code add attribute, like this:


for the same property.

Initialization of all elements of an array to one default value in C++?

1) When you use an initializer, for a struct or an array like that, the unspecified values are essentially default constructed. In the case of a primitive type like ints, that means they will be zeroed. Note that this applies recursively: you could have an array of structs containing arrays and if you specify just the first field of the first struct, then all the rest will be initialized with zeros and default constructors.

2) The compiler will probably generate initializer code that is at least as good as you could do by hand. I tend to prefer to let the compiler do the initialization for me, when possible.

How to set default values in Go structs

  1. Force a method to get the struct (the constructor way).

    From this post:

    A good design is to make your type unexported, but provide an exported constructor function like NewMyType() in which you can properly initialize your struct / type. Also return an interface type and not a concrete type, and the interface should contain everything others want to do with your value. And your concrete type must implement that interface of course.

    This can be done by simply making the type itself unexported. You can export the function NewSomething and even the fields Text and DefaultText, but just don't export the struct type something.

  2. Another way to customize it for you own module is by using a Config struct to set default values (Option 5 in the link). Not a good way though.

Change default text in input type="file"?

Update 2017:

I have done research on how this could be achieved. And the best explanation/tutorial is here:

I'll write summary here just in case it becomes unavailable. So you should have HTML:

<input type="file" name="file" id="file" class="inputfile" />
<label for="file">Choose a file</label>

Then hide the input with CSS:

.inputfile {
width: 0.1px;
height: 0.1px;
opacity: 0;
overflow: hidden;
position: absolute;
z-index: -1;}

Then style the label:

.inputfile + label {
font-size: 1.25em;
font-weight: 700;
color: white;
background-color: black;
display: inline-block;

Then optionally you can add JS to display the name of the file:

var inputs = document.querySelectorAll( '.inputfile' ); inputs, function( input )
var label    = input.nextElementSibling,
    labelVal = label.innerHTML;

input.addEventListener( 'change', function( e )
    var fileName = '';
    if( this.files && this.files.length > 1 )
        fileName = ( this.getAttribute( 'data-multiple-caption' ) || '' ).replace( '{count}', this.files.length );
        fileName = '\\' ).pop();

    if( fileName )
        label.querySelector( 'span' ).innerHTML = fileName;
        label.innerHTML = labelVal;

But really just read the tutorial and download the demo, it's really good.

Is it possible to declare a public variable in vba and assign a default value?

It's been quite a while, but this may satisfy you :

Public MyVariable as Integer: MyVariable = 123

It's a bit ugly since you have to retype the variable name, but it's on one line.

CURRENT_DATE/CURDATE() not working as default DATE value

----- 2016-07-04 MariaDB 10.2.1 -- Release Note -- -----

Support for DEFAULT with expressions (MDEV-10134).

----- 2018-10-22 8.0.13 General Availability -- -- -----

MySQL now supports use of expressions as default values in data type specifications. This includes the use of expressions as default values for the BLOB, TEXT, GEOMETRY, and JSON data types, which previously could not be assigned default values at all. For details, see Data Type Default Values.

Python argparse: default value or specified value

The difference between:

parser.add_argument("--debug", help="Debug", nargs='?', type=int, const=1, default=7)


parser.add_argument("--debug", help="Debug", nargs='?', type=int, const=1)

is thus: => debug is 7 (from default) in the first case and "None" in the second --debug => debug is 1 in each case --debug 2 => debug is 2 in each case

Why is the default value of the string type null instead of an empty string?

Nullable types did not come in until 2.0.

If nullable types had been made in the beginning of the language then string would have been non-nullable and string? would have been nullable. But they could not do this du to backward compatibility.

A lot of people talk about ref-type or not ref type, but string is an out of the ordinary class and solutions would have been found to make it possible.

Default value to a parameter while passing by reference in C++

It has been said in one of the direct comments to your answer already, but just to state it officially. What you want to use is an overload:

virtual const ULONG Write(ULONG &State, bool sequence);
inline const ULONG Write()
  ULONG state;
  bool sequence = true;
  Write (state, sequence);

Using function overloads also have additional benefits. Firstly you can default any argument you wish:

class A {}; 
class B {}; 
class C {};

void foo (A const &, B const &, C const &);
void foo (B const &, C const &); // A defaulted
void foo (A const &, C const &); // B defaulted
void foo (C const &); // A & B defaulted etc...

It is also possible to redefine default arguments to virtual functions in derived class, which overloading avoids:

class Base {
  virtual void f1 (int i = 0);  // default '0'

  virtual void f2 (int);
  inline void f2 () {
    f2(0);                      // equivalent to default of '0'

class Derived : public Base{
  virtual void f1 (int i = 10);  // default '10'

  using Base::f2;
  virtual void f2 (int);

void bar ()
  Derived d;
  Base & b (d);
  d.f1 ();   // '10' used
  b.f1 ();   // '0' used

  d.f2 ();   // f1(int) called with '0' 
  b.f2 ();   // f1(int) called with '0

There is only one situation where a default really needs to be used, and that is on a constructor. It is not possible to call one constructor from another, and so this technique does not work in that case.

Is it possible to have a default parameter for a mysql stored procedure?

No, this is not supported in MySQL stored routine syntax.

Feel free to submit a feature request at

Javascript Get Element by Id and set the value

I think the problem is the way you call your javascript function. Your code is like so:

<input type="button" onclick="javascript: myFunc(myID)" value="button"/>

myID should be wrapped in quotes.

Default value of 'boolean' and 'Boolean' in Java

Can be true or false.
Default value is false.

(Source: Java Primitive Variables)

Can be a Boolean object representing true or false, or can be null.
Default value is null.

how to set default method argument values?

You can accomplish this via method overloading.

public int doSomething(int arg1, int arg2)
        return 0;

public int doSomething()
        return doSomething(defaultValue0, defaultValue1);

By creating this parameterless method you are allowing the user to call the parameterfull method with the default arguments you supply within the implementation of the parameterless method. This is known as overloading the method.

How to populate/instantiate a C# array with a single value?

If your array is so large you should use BitArray. It uses 1 bit for every bool instead of a byte (like in an array of bools) also you can set the all the bits to true with bit operators. Or just initialize on true. If you only need to do it once, it will only cost more though.

System.Collections.BitArray falses = new System.Collections.BitArray(100000, false);
System.Collections.BitArray trues = new System.Collections.BitArray(100000, true);

// Now both contain only true values.

Delete default value of an input text on click

EDIT: Although, this solution works, I would recommend you try MvanGeest's solution below which uses the placeholder-attribute and a javascript fallback for browsers which don't support it yet.

If you are looking for a Mootools equivalent to the JQuery fallback in MvanGeest's reply, here is one.


You should probably use onfocus and onblur events in order to support keyboard users who tab through forms.

Here's an example:

<input type="text" value="[email protected]" name="Email" id="Email"
 onblur="if (this.value == '') {this.value = '[email protected]';}"
 onfocus="if (this.value == '[email protected]') {this.value = '';}" />

Default values and initialization in Java

In the first code sample, a is a main method local variable. Method local variables need to be initialized before using them.

In the second code sample, a is class member variable, hence it will be initialized to the default value.

What is the default value for Guid?

You can use these methods to get an empty guid. The result will be a guid with all it's digits being 0's - "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000".

new Guid()



Angular directives - when and how to use compile, controller, pre-link and post-link

Controller function

Each directive's controller function is called whenever a new related element is instantiated.

Officially, the controller function is where one:

  • Defines controller logic (methods) that may be shared between controllers.
  • Initiates scope variables.

Again, it is important to remember that if the directive involves an isolated scope, any properties within it that inherit from the parent scope are not yet available.


  • Define controller logic
  • Initiate scope variables

Do not:

  • Inspect child elements (they may not be rendered yet, bound to scope, etc.).

Cassandra "no viable alternative at input"

Wrong syntax. Here you are:

insert into user_by_category (game_category,customer_id) VALUES ('Goku','12');


insert into user_by_category ("game_category","customer_id") VALUES ('Kakarot','12');

The second one is normally used for case-sensitive column names.

Showing the same file in both columns of a Sublime Text window

I regularly work on the same file in 2 different positions. I solved this in Sublime Text 3 using origami and chain with some additional config.

My workflow is Ctrl + k + 2 splits the view of the file in two (horizontal) panes with the lower one active. Use Ctrl + k + o to toggle between the panes. When done ensure the lower pane is the active and press Ctrl + F4 to close the duplicated view and the pane.

In sublime global settings (not origami settings!) add

"origami_auto_close_empty_panes": true,

Add the following shortcuts

  { "keys": ["ctrl+k", "2"], 
    "command": "chain", 
    "args": {
      "commands": [
        ["create_pane", {"direction": "down"}],
        ["clone_file_to_pane", {"direction": "down"}],

  { "keys": ["ctrl+k", "o"], "command": "focus_neighboring_group" },

How to access Spring context in jUnit tests annotated with @RunWith and @ContextConfiguration?

Since the tests will be instantiated like a Spring bean too, you just need to implement the ApplicationContextAware interface:

@ContextConfiguration(locations = {"/services-test-config.xml"})
public class MySericeTest implements ApplicationContextAware

  MyService service;
    public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext context)
            throws BeansException
        // Do something with the context here

How to get IP address of the device from code?

in Kotlin, without Formatter

private fun getIPAddress(useIPv4 : Boolean): String {
    try {
        var interfaces = Collections.list(NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces())
        for (intf in interfaces) {
            var addrs = Collections.list(intf.getInetAddresses());
            for (addr in addrs) {
                if (!addr.isLoopbackAddress()) {
                    var sAddr = addr.getHostAddress();
                    var isIPv4: Boolean
                    isIPv4 = sAddr.indexOf(':')<0
                    if (useIPv4) {
                        if (isIPv4)
                            return sAddr;
                    } else {
                        if (!isIPv4) {
                            var delim = sAddr.indexOf('%') // drop ip6 zone suffix
                            if (delim < 0) {
                                return sAddr.toUpperCase()
                            else {
                                return sAddr.substring(0, delim).toUpperCase()
    } catch (e: java.lang.Exception) { }
    return ""

Aliases in Windows command prompt

Console Aliases in Windows 10

To define a console alias, use Doskey.exe to create a macro, or use the AddConsoleAlias function.


doskey test=cd \a_very_long_path\test

To also pass parameters add $* at the end: doskey short=longname $*


AddConsoleAlias( TEXT("test"), 
                 TEXT("cd \\<a_very_long_path>\\test"), 

More information here Console Aliases, Doskey, Parameters

Amazon Interview Question: Design an OO parking lot

Models don't exist in isolation. The structures you'd define for a simulation of cars entering a car park, an embedded system which guides you to a free space, a car parking billing system or for the automated gates/ticket machines usual in car parks are all different.

Align Div at bottom on main Div

Give your parent div position: relative, then give your child div position: absolute, this will absolute position the div inside of its parent, then you can give the child bottom: 0px;

See example here:

How to show progress bar while loading, using ajax

try this it may help you

  beforeSend: function(  ) {
    // load your loading fiel here
  .done(function( data ) {
    //hide your loading file here

How do I install Composer on a shared hosting?

This tutorial worked for me, resolving my issues with /usr/local/bin permission issues and php-cli (which composer requires, and may aliased differently on shared hosting).

First run these commands to download and install composer:

cd ~
mkdir bin
mkdir bin/composer
curl -sS | php
mv composer.phar bin/composer

Determine the location of your php-cli (needed later on):

which php-cli

(If the above fails, use which php)

It should return the path, such as /usr/bin/php-cli, /usr/php/54/usr/bin/php-cli, etc.

edit ~/.bashrc and make sure this line is at the top, adding it if it is not:

[ -z "$PS1" ] && return

and then add this alias to the bottom (using the php-cli path that you determined earlier):

alias composer="/usr/bin/php-cli ~/bin/composer/composer.phar"

Finish with these commands:

source ~/.bashrc
composer --version

Facebook Access Token for Pages

The documentation for this is good if not a little difficult to find.

Facebook Graph API - Page Tokens

After initializing node's fbgraph, you can run:

var facebookAccountID = yourAccountIdHere 

.get(facebookAccountId + "/accounts", function(err, res) {

and receive a JSON response with the token you want to grab, located at:[0].access_token

What does the @Valid annotation indicate in Spring?

Another handy aspect of @Valid not mentioned above is that (ie: using Postman to test an endpoint) @Valid will format the output of an incorrect REST call into formatted JSON instead of a blob of barely readable text. This is very useful if you are creating a commercially consumable API for your users.

Using .text() to retrieve only text not nested in child tags

Just like the question, I was trying to extract text in order to do some regex substitution of the text but was getting problems where my inner elements (ie: <i>, <div>, <span>, etc.) were getting also removed.

The following code seems to work well and solved all my problems.

It uses some of the answers provided here but in particular, will only substitute the text when the element is of nodeType === 3.

$(el).contents().each(function() { 
  console.log(" > Content: %s [%s]", this, (this.nodeType === 3));

  if (this.nodeType === 3) {
    var text = this.textContent;
    console.log(" > Old   : '%s'", text);

    regex = new RegExp("\\[\\[" + rule + "\\.val\\]\\]", "g");
    text = text.replace(regex, value);

    regex = new RegExp("\\[\\[" + rule + "\\.act\\]\\]", "g");
    text = text.replace(regex, actual);

    console.log(" > New   : '%s'", text);
    this.textContent = text;

What the above does is loop through all the elements of the given el (which was simply obtained with $("[name='some-name']");. For each inner element, it basically ignores them. For each portion of text (as determined by if (this.nodeType === 3)) it will apply the regex substitution only to those elements.

The this.textContent = text portion simply replaces the substituted text, which in my case, I was looking for tokens like [[min.val]], [[max.val]], etc.

This short code excerpt will help anyone trying to do what the question was asking ... and a bit more.

TCP: can two different sockets share a port?

No. It is not possible to share the same port at a particular instant. But you can make your application such a way that it will make the port access at different instant.

Check if a given key already exists in a dictionary and increment it

The way you are trying to do it is called LBYL (look before you leap), since you are checking conditions before trying to increment your value.

The other approach is called EAFP (easier to ask forgiveness then permission). In that case, you would just try the operation (increment the value). If it fails, you catch the exception and set the value to 1. This is a slightly more Pythonic way to do it (IMO).

querySelectorAll with multiple conditions

According to the documentation, just like with any css selector, you can specify as many conditions as you want, and they are treated as logical 'OR'.

This example returns a list of all div elements within the document with a class of either "note" or "alert":

var matches = document.querySelectorAll("div.note, div.alert");


Meanwhile to get the 'AND' functionality you can for example simply use a multiattribute selector, as jquery says:

ex. "input[id][name$='man']" specifies both id and name of the element and both conditions must be met. For classes it's as obvious as ".class1.class2" to require object of 2 classes.

All possible combinations of both are valid, so you can easily get equivalent of more sophisticated 'OR' and 'AND' expressions.

Can I use if (pointer) instead of if (pointer != NULL)?

Yes, you can. The ability to compare values to zeros implicitly has been inherited from C, and is there in all versions of C++. You can also use if (!pointer) to check pointers for NULL.

Send PHP variable to javascript function

You can do the following:

<script type='text/javascript'>
        var myVariable = <?php echo(json_encode($myVariable)); ?>;

Java: print contents of text file to screen

Why hasn't anyone thought it was worth mentioning Scanner?

Scanner input = new Scanner(new File("foo.txt"));

while (input.hasNextLine())

How to pass values across the pages in without using Session

You can use query string to pass value from one page to another..

1.pass the value using querystring

 Response.Redirect("Default3.aspx?value=" + txt.Text + "& number="+n);

2.Retrive the value in the page u want by using any of these methods..


    string v = Request.QueryString["value"];
    string n=Request.QueryString["number"];


      NameValueCollection v = Request.QueryString;
    if (v.HasKeys())
        string k = v.GetKey(0);
        string n = v.Get(0);
        if (k == "value")
            lbltext.Text = n.ToString();
        if (k == "value1")
            lbltext.Text = "error occured";

NOTE:Method 2 is the fastest method.

getting "No column was specified for column 2 of 'd'" in sql server cte?

evidently, as stated in the parser response, a column name is needed for both cases. In either versions the columns of "d" are not named.

in case 1: your column 2 of d is sum(totalitems) which is not named. duration will retain the name "duration"

in case 2: both month(clothdeliverydate) and SUM(CONVERT(INT, deliveredqty)) have to be named

How can I get the status code from an http error in Axios?

With TypeScript, it is easy to find what you want with the right type.

import { AxiosResponse, AxiosError } from 'axios'

  .then(response: AxiosResponse => {
    // Handle response
  .catch((reason: AxiosError) => {
    if (reason.response!.status === 400) {
      // Handle 400
    } else {
      // Handle else

Fastest way to update 120 Million records

I break the task up into smaller units. Test with different batch size intervals for your table, until you find an interval that performs optimally. Here is a sample that I have used in the past.

declare @counter int 
declare @numOfRecords int
declare @batchsize int

set @numOfRecords = (SELECT COUNT(*) AS NumberOfRecords FROM <TABLE> with(nolock))
set @counter = 0 
set @batchsize = 2500

set rowcount @batchsize
while @counter < (@numOfRecords/@batchsize) +1
set @counter = @counter + 1 
Update table set int_field = -1 where int_field <> -1;
set rowcount 0

Fit image to table cell [Pure HTML]

It's all about display: block :)


Ok so you have the table, tr and td tags:

      <!-- your image goes here -->

Lets say your table or td (whatever define your width) has property width: 360px;. Now, when you try to replace the html comment with the actual image and set that image property for example width: 100%; which should fully fill out the td cell you will face the problem.

The problem is that your table cell (td) isn't properly filled with the image. You'll notice the space at the bottom of the cell which your image doesn't cover (it's like 5px of padding).

How to solve this in a simpliest way?

You are working with the tables, right? You just need to add the display property to your image so that it has the following:

img {
  width: 100%;
  display: block;

Concatenate multiple result rows of one column into one, group by another column

You can use array_agg function for that:

SELECT "Movie",
array_to_string(array_agg(distinct "Actor"),',') AS Actor
FROM Table1
GROUP BY "Movie";


A 1,2,3
B 4

See this SQLFiddle

For more See 9.18. Aggregate Functions

Maven Install on Mac OS X

If using MacPorts on OS X 10.9 Mavericks, you can simply do:

sudo port install maven3
sudo port select --set maven maven3

Insert image after each list item

ul li + li:before

Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration (JBossas 7 EAR archetype)

Even though the question is too old, but I would like to share the solution that worked for me because I already checked everything when it comes to this error. It was a pain, I spent two days trying and at the end the solution was:

update the M2e plugin in eclipse

clean and build again

How to make an AJAX call without jQuery?

in plain JavaScript in the browser:

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();

xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
  if (xhr.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE ) {
    if(xhr.status == 200){
    } else if(xhr.status == 400) {
      console.log('There was an error 400');
    } else {
      console.log('something else other than 200 was returned');
}"GET", "mock_data.json", true);


Or if you want to use Browserify to bundle your modules up using node.js. You can use superagent:

var request = require('superagent');
var url = '/mock_data.json';

   .end(function(err, res){
     if (res.ok) {
       console.log('yay got ' + JSON.stringify(res.body));
     } else {
       console.log('Oh no! error ' + res.text);

Running a CMD or BAT in silent mode

Try SilentCMD. This is a small freeware program that executes a batch file without displaying the command prompt window.

Is there a difference between PhoneGap and Cordova commands?

I think this url explains what you need. Phonegap is built on Apache Cordova nothing else. You can think of Apache Cordova as the engine that powers PhoneGap. Over time, the PhoneGap distribution may contain additional tools and thats why they differ in command But they do same thing.

EDIT: Extra info added as its about command difference and what phonegap can do while apache cordova can't or viceversa

First of command line option of PhoneGap

Apache Cordova Options

  1. As almost most of commands are similar. There are few differences (Note: No difference in Codebase)

  2. Adobe can add additional features to PhoneGap so that will not be in Cordova ,Eg: Building applications remotely for that you need to have account on

  3. Though For local builds phonegap cli uses cordova cli (Link to check:

    Platform Environment Names. Mapping:

    'local' => cordova-cli

    'remote' => PhoneGap/Build

Also from following repository: Modules which requires cordova are:

local install
local plugin add , list , remove
platform update

Which dont include cordova:

remote build
remote install
remote login,logout
remote run

Removing multiple keys from a dictionary safely

If you also need to retrieve the values for the keys you are removing, this would be a pretty good way to do it:

values_removed = [d.pop(k, None) for k in entities_to_remove]

You could of course still do this just for the removal of the keys from d, but you would be unnecessarily creating the list of values with the list comprehension. It is also a little unclear to use a list comprehension just for the function's side effect.

How to set selected value from Combobox?

Try this one.

cmbEmployeeStatus.SelectedIndex = cmbEmployeeStatus.FindString(employee.employmentstatus);

Hope that helps. :)

Recursively list files in Java

just write it yourself using simple recursion:

public List<File> addFiles(List<File> files, File dir)
    if (files == null)
        files = new LinkedList<File>();

    if (!dir.isDirectory())
        return files;

    for (File file : dir.listFiles())
        addFiles(files, file);
    return files;

How to get first N elements of a list in C#?

        dataGridView1.DataSource = (from S in EE.Stagaire
                                    join F in EE.Filiere on
                                    S.IdFiliere equals F.IdFiliere
                                    where S.Nom.StartsWith("A")
                                    select new
                                        Name = S.Nom,
                                        Prénon= S.Prenon,
                                        Filiere = F.Filiere1

Sort & uniq in Linux shell

Beware! While it's true that "sort -u" and "sort|uniq" are equivalent, any additional options to sort can break the equivalence. Here's an example from the coreutils manual:

For example, 'sort -n -u' inspects only the value of the initial numeric string when checking for uniqueness, whereas 'sort -n | uniq' inspects the entire line.

Similarly, if you sort on key fields, the uniqueness test used by sort won't necessarily look at the entire line anymore. After being bitten by that bug in the past, these days I tend to use "sort|uniq" when writing Bash scripts. I'd rather have higher I/O overhead than run the risk that someone else in the shop won't know about that particular pitfall when they modify my code to add additional sort parameters.

What characters can be used for up/down triangle (arrow without stem) for display in HTML?

Unicode arrows heads:


For ? and ? use &#x25B2; and &#x25BC; respectively if you cannot include Unicode characters directly (use UTF-8!).

Note that the font support for the smaller versions is not as good. Better to use the large versions in smaller font.

More Unicode arrows are at:

Lastly, these arrows are not ASCII, including ? and ?: they are Unicode.

package javax.mail and javax.mail.internet do not exist

Had the same issue. Obviously these .jars were included with Java <= v8.x out of the box, but are not anymore. Thus one has to separately download them and place them in the appropriate classpath as highlighted by several folks above. I understand that the new Java is modularized and thus potentially more light-weight (which is certainly a good thing, since the old setup was a monster). On the other hand this - as we can see - breaks lots of old build setups. Since the time to fix these isn't chargeable to Oracle I guess this made their decision easy...

Generating all permutations of a given string

Based on Mark Byers' answer i came up with this solution:


public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        myPerm("ABCD", 0);

    private static void myPerm(String str, int index)
        if (index == str.length()) System.out.println(str);

        for (int i = index; i < str.length(); i++)
            char prefix = str.charAt(i);
            String suffix = str.substring(0,i) + str.substring(i+1);

            myPerm(prefix + suffix, index + 1);


I also wrote the function in C# using the new C# 8.0 range operator

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            myPerm("ABCD", 0);

        private static void myPerm(string str, int index)
            if (index == str.Length) Console.WriteLine(str);

            for (int i = index; i < str.Length; i++)
                char prefix = str[i];
                string suffix = str[0..i] + str[(i + 1)..];

                myPerm(prefix + suffix, index + 1);

We just put every letter at the beginning and then permute.
The first iteration looks like this:

  prefix = "A"  
  suffix = "BCD"  
    prefix = "B"  
    suffix = "ACD"  
      prefix = "C"  
      suffix = "BAD"  
        prefix = "D"  
        suffix = "CBA"  

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

with open(fpath, 'rb') as myfile:
    fstr =

I encounter this error because the file is empty. This answer may not a correct answer for this question but should give developers a hint like me.

Create a root password for PHPMyAdmin

If you tried mysqladmin -u root password 'your_password' and MySQL says denied access, you need to change the my.ini so that the value password is blank. then try mysqladmin -u root password 'your_password' again. It should change your password and open my.ini again and change the value password to the previous one.

Check if a PHP cookie exists and if not set its value

Cookies are only sent at the time of the request, and therefore cannot be retrieved as soon as it is assigned (only available after reloading).

Once the cookies have been set, they can be accessed on the next page load with the $_COOKIE or $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS arrays.

If output exists prior to calling this function, setcookie() will fail and return FALSE. If setcookie() successfully runs, it will return TRUE. This does not indicate whether the user accepted the cookie.

Cookies will not become visible until the next loading of a page that the cookie should be visible for. To test if a cookie was successfully set, check for the cookie on a next loading page before the cookie expires. Expire time is set via the expire parameter. A nice way to debug the existence of cookies is by simply calling print_r($_COOKIE);.


Setting the User-Agent header for a WebClient request

You can also use that:

client.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.UserAgent, "My app.");

Hibernate Error: a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session

just commit current transaction.


now you can begin another Transaction and do anything on entity

Convert row names into first column

Or you can use dplyr's add_rownames which does the same thing as David's answer:

df <- tibble::rownames_to_column(df, "VALUE")

UPDATE (mid-2016): (incorporated to the above)

old function called add_rownames() has been deprecated and is being replaced by tibble::rownames_to_column() (same functions, but Hadley refactored dplyr a bit).

Change :hover CSS properties with JavaScript

This is not actually adding the CSS to the cell, but gives the same effect. While providing the same result as others above, this version is a little more intuitive to me, but I'm a novice, so take it for what it's worth:

$(".hoverCell").bind('mouseover', function() {
    var old_color = $(this).css("background-color");
    $(this)[0].style.backgroundColor = '#ffff00';

    $(".hoverCell").bind('mouseout', function () {
        $(this)[0].style.backgroundColor = old_color;

This requires setting the Class for each of the cells you want to highlight to "hoverCell".

How to create a folder with name as current date in batch (.bat) files

the expression %date:~p,n% returns n number of characters from position p in the date string.

if my system date string is Mon23/11/2015

the command %date:~1,3% returns the value Mon

the command %date:~10,4% returns the value 2015

and in conjunction with the md (or mkdir) command

the command md %date:~10,4%%date:~7,2%%date:~4,2% makes a directory named 20151123

likewise if your date string in in the format Monday, 23/Nov/2015

the command md %date:~16,4%%date:~12,3%%date:~9,2% makes a directory named 2015Nov23

If you accidentally return characters from the date string that are not allowed in folder names or use invalid values for p and n you will get an error. Additionally if you return values that include \ this may create a folder within a folder.

Accessing MP3 metadata with Python

I've used mutagen to edit tags in media files before. The nice thing about mutagen is that it can handle other formats, such as mp4, FLAC etc. I've written several scripts with a lot of success using this API.

Android ListView with Checkbox and all clickable

Below code will help you:

public class DeckListAdapter extends BaseAdapter{

      private LayoutInflater mInflater;
        ArrayList<String> teams=new ArrayList<String>();
        ArrayList<Integer> teamcolor=new ArrayList<Integer>();

        public DeckListAdapter(Context context) {
            // Cache the LayoutInflate to avoid asking for a new one each time.
            mInflater = LayoutInflater.from(context);

            teams.add("Device Browser");
            teams.add("FTP Browser");



        public int getCount() {
            return teams.size();

        public Object getItem(int position) {
            return position;

        public long getItemId(int position) {
            return position;

        public View getView(final int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
            final ViewHolder holder;

            if (convertView == null) {
                convertView = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.decklist, null);

                holder = new ViewHolder();
                holder.icon = (ImageView) convertView.findViewById(;
                holder.text = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(;

    you can use holder.text.setonclicklistner(new View.onclick.

                        for each textview


            } else {

                holder = (ViewHolder) convertView.getTag();




            return convertView;

        class ViewHolder {
            ImageView icon;
            TextView text;


Hope this helps.

Copying an array of objects into another array in javascript

If you want to keep reference:

Array.prototype.push.apply(destinationArray, sourceArray);

How to display Woocommerce Category image?

From the WooCommerce page:

// WooCommerce – display category image on category archive

add_action( 'woocommerce_archive_description', 'woocommerce_category_image', 2 );
function woocommerce_category_image() {
    if ( is_product_category() ){
      global $wp_query;
      $cat = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
      $thumbnail_id = get_woocommerce_term_meta( $cat->term_id, 'thumbnail_id', true );
      $image = wp_get_attachment_url( $thumbnail_id );
      if ( $image ) {
          echo '<img src="' . $image . '" alt="" />';

python: iterate a specific range in a list

A more memory efficient way to iterate over a slice of a list would be to use islice() from the itertools module:

from itertools import islice

listOfStuff = (['a','b'], ['c','d'], ['e','f'], ['g','h'])

for item in islice(listOfStuff, 1, 3):
    print item

# ['c', 'd']
# ['e', 'f']

However, this can be relatively inefficient in terms of performance if the start value of the range is a large value sinceislicewould have to iterate over the first start value-1 items before returning items.

How to remove focus from single editText

Just find another view and give it focus instead.

var refresher = FindViewById<MvxSwipeRefreshLayout>(Resource.Id.refresher);


Catch error if iframe src fails to load . Error :-"Refused to display '' in a frame.."

I faced similar problem. I solved it without using onload handler.I was working on AngularJs project so i used $interval and $ timeout. U can also use setTimeout and setInterval.Here's the code:

 var stopPolling;
 var doIframePolling;
 $scope.showIframe = true;
 doIframePolling = $interval(function () {
    if(document.getElementById('UrlIframe') && document.getElementById('UrlIframe').contentDocument.head && document.getElementById('UrlIframe').contentDocument.head.innerHTML != ''){
        doIframePolling = undefined;
        stopPolling = undefined;
        $scope.showIframe = true;

stopPolling = $timeout(function () {
        doIframePolling = undefined;
        stopPolling = undefined;
        $scope.showIframe = false;     

 $scope.$on("$destroy",function() {

Every 0.4 Seconds keep checking the head of iFrame Document. I somthing is present.Loading was not stopped by CORS as CORS error shows blank page. If nothing is present after 5 seconds there was some error (Cors policy) etc.. Show suitable message.Thanks. I hope it solves your problem.

Get the last non-empty cell in a column in Google Sheets

If the column expanded only by contiguously added dates as in my case - I used just MAX function to get last date.

The final formula will be:

=DAYS360(A2; MAX(A2:A)) 

Can I create view with parameter in MySQL?

   SELECT Column, Value FROM Table;

SELECT Column FROM MyView WHERE Value = 1;

Is the proper solution in MySQL, some other SQLs let you define Views more exactly.

Note: Unless the View is very complicated, MySQL will optimize this just fine.

In Python, how do I split a string and keep the separators?

You can also split a string with an array of strings instead of a regular expression, like this:

def tokenizeString(aString, separators):
    #separators is an array of strings that are being used to split the string.
    #sort separators in order of descending length
    listToReturn = []
    i = 0
    while i < len(aString):
        theSeparator = ""
        for current in separators:
            if current == aString[i:i+len(current)]:
                theSeparator = current
        if theSeparator != "":
            listToReturn += [theSeparator]
            i = i + len(theSeparator)
            if listToReturn == []:
                listToReturn = [""]
            if(listToReturn[-1] in separators):
                listToReturn += [""]
            listToReturn[-1] += aString[i]
            i += 1
    return listToReturn

print(tokenizeString(aString = "\"\"\"hi\"\"\" hello + world += (1*2+3/5) '''hi'''", separators = ["'''", '+=', '+', "/", "*", "\\'", '\\"', "-=", "-", " ", '"""', "(", ")"]))

Return a 2d array from a function

#include <iostream>
using namespace std ;

typedef int (*Type)[3][3] ;

Type Demo_function( Type ); //prototype

int main (){
    cout << "\t\t!!!!!Passing and returning 2D array from function!!!!!\n"

    int array[3][3] ;
    Type recieve , ptr = &array;
    recieve = Demo_function( ptr ) ;

    for ( int i = 0 ;  i < 3 ; i ++ ){
        for ( int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j ++ ){
            cout <<  (*recieve)[i][j] << " " ;
    cout << endl ; 

return 0 ;

Type Demo_function( Type array ){/*function definition */

    cout << "Enter values : \n" ;
    for (int i =0 ;  i < 3 ; i ++)
        for ( int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j ++ )
            cin >> (*array)[i][j] ;

    return array ; 

How to Convert date into MM/DD/YY format in C#

Look into using the ToString() method with a specified format.

Making Maven run all tests, even when some fail

Try to add the following configuration for surefire plugin in your pom.xml of root project:


Subtracting 1 day from a timestamp date

Use the INTERVAL type to it. E.g:


--Unrelated to the question, but PostgreSQL also supports some shortcuts:
SELECT 'yesterday'::TIMESTAMP, 'tomorrow'::TIMESTAMP, 'allballs'::TIME;

Then you can do the following on your query:

    count(accounts) AS COUNT,
    ((date_at) - INTERVAL '1 DAY') AS dateat
    date_at <= now() - INTERVAL '130 DAYS'


Tip 1

You can append multiple operands. E.g.: how to get last day of current month?


Tip 2

You can also create an interval using make_interval function, useful when you need to create it at runtime (not using literals):

SELECT make_interval(days => 10 + 2);
SELECT make_interval(days => 1, hours => 2);
SELECT make_interval(0, 1, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0.0);

More info:

Date/Time Functions and Operators

datatype-datetime (Especial values).

Install windows service without InstallUtil.exe

This is a base service class (ServiceBase subclass) that can be subclassed to build a windows service that can be easily installed from the command line, without installutil.exe. This solution is derived from How to make a .NET Windows Service start right after the installation?, adding some code to get the service Type using the calling StackFrame

public abstract class InstallableServiceBase:ServiceBase

    /// <summary>
    /// returns Type of the calling service (subclass of InstallableServiceBase)
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    protected static Type getMyType()
        Type t = typeof(InstallableServiceBase);
        MethodBase ret = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod();
        Type retType = null;
            StackFrame[] frames = new StackTrace().GetFrames();
            foreach (StackFrame x in frames)
                ret = x.GetMethod();

                Type t1 = ret.DeclaringType;

                if (t1 != null && !t1.Equals(t) &&   !t1.IsSubclassOf(t))

                retType = t1;

        return retType;
    /// <summary>
    /// returns AssemblyInstaller for the calling service (subclass of InstallableServiceBase)
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    protected static AssemblyInstaller GetInstaller()
        Type t = getMyType();
        AssemblyInstaller installer = new AssemblyInstaller(
            t.Assembly, null);
        installer.UseNewContext = true;
        return installer;

    private bool IsInstalled()
        using (ServiceController controller =
            new ServiceController(this.ServiceName))
                ServiceControllerStatus status = controller.Status;
                return false;
            return true;

    private bool IsRunning()
        using (ServiceController controller =
            new ServiceController(this.ServiceName))
            if (!this.IsInstalled()) return false;
            return (controller.Status == ServiceControllerStatus.Running);
    /// <summary>
    /// protected method to be called by a public method within the real service
    /// ie: in the real service
    ///    new internal  void InstallService()
    ///    {
    ///        base.InstallService();
    ///    }
    /// </summary>
    protected void InstallService()
        if (this.IsInstalled()) return;

            using (AssemblyInstaller installer = GetInstaller())

                IDictionary state = new Hashtable();
                    catch { }
    /// <summary>
    /// protected method to be called by a public method within the real service
    /// ie: in the real service
    ///    new internal  void UninstallService()
    ///    {
    ///        base.UninstallService();
    ///    }
    /// </summary>
    protected void UninstallService()
        if (!this.IsInstalled()) return;

        if (this.IsRunning()) {
            using (AssemblyInstaller installer = GetInstaller())
                IDictionary state = new Hashtable();

    private void StartService()
        if (!this.IsInstalled()) return;

        using (ServiceController controller =
            new ServiceController(this.ServiceName))
                if (controller.Status != ServiceControllerStatus.Running)

    private void StopService()
        if (!this.IsInstalled()) return;
        using (ServiceController controller =
            new ServiceController(this.ServiceName))
                if (controller.Status != ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped)

All you have to do is to implement two public/internal methods in your real service:

    new internal  void InstallService()
    new internal void UninstallService()

and then call them when you want to install the service:

    static void Main(string[] args)
        if (Environment.UserInteractive)
            MyService s1 = new MyService();
            if (args.Length == 1)
                switch (args[0])
                    case "-install":

                    case "-uninstall":

                        throw new NotImplementedException();

        else {
            ServiceBase[] ServicesToRun;
            ServicesToRun = new ServiceBase[] 
                new MyService() 


How to search if dictionary value contains certain string with Python

>>> myDict
{'lastName': ['Stone', 'Lee'], 'age': ['12'], 'firstName': ['Alan', 'Mary-Ann'],
 'address': ['34 Main Street, 212 First Avenue']}

>>> Set = set()

>>> not ['' for Key, Values in myDict.items() for Value in Values if 'Mary' in Value and Set.add(Key)] and list(Set)

Best practice for Django project working directory structure

I don't like to create a new settings/ directory. I simply add files named and so I don't have to edit the BASE_DIR. The approach below increase the default structure instead of changing it.

mysite/                   # Project
            css/           # Custom back end styles
        css/               # Project front end styles
    templates/             # Project templates
    myapp/                 # Application
        templates/         # Application templates
    templatetags/          # Application with custom context processors and template tags

I think this:

is better than this:


This concept applies to other files as well.

I usually place node_modules/ and bower_components/ in the project directory within the default static/ folder.

Sometime a vendor/ directory for Git Submodules but usually I place them in the static/ folder.

How to properly URL encode a string in PHP?

Here is my use case, which requires an exceptional amount of encoding. Maybe you think it contrived, but we run this on production. Coincidently, this covers every type of encoding, so I'm posting as a tutorial.

Use case description

Somebody just bought a prepaid gift card ("token") on our website. Tokens have corresponding URLs to redeem them. This customer wants to email the URL to someone else. Our web page includes a mailto link that lets them do that.

PHP code

// The order system generates some opaque token
$token = 'w%a&!e#"^2(^@azW';

// Here is a URL to redeem that token
$redeemUrl = '' . urlencode($token);

// Actual contents we want for the email
$subject = 'I just bought this for you';
$body = 'Please enter your shipping details here: ' . $redeemUrl;

// A URI for the email as prescribed
$mailToUri = 'mailto:?subject=' . rawurlencode($subject) . '&body=' . rawurlencode($body);

// Print an HTML element with that mailto link
echo '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($mailToUri) . '">Email your friend</a>';

Note: the above assumes you are outputting to a text/html document. If your output media type is text/json then simply use $retval['url'] = $mailToUri; because output encoding is handled by json_encode().

Test case

  1. Run the code on a PHP test site (is there a canonical one I should mention here?)
  2. Click the link
  3. Send the email
  4. Get the email
  5. Click that link

You should see:

"args": {
  "token": "w%a&!e#\"^2(^@azW"

And of course this is the JSON representation of $token above.

Removing whitespace between HTML elements when using line breaks

Is there anything I can do other than break in the middle of the tags rather than between them?

Not really. Since <img>s are inline elements, spaces between these elements are considered by the HTML renderer as true spaces in text – redundant spaces (and line breaks) will be truncated but single spaces will be inserted into the character data of the text element.

Positioning the <img> tags absolutely can prevent this but I'd advise against this since this would mean positioning each of the images manually to some pixel measure which can be a lot of work.

How to develop or migrate apps for iPhone 5 screen resolution?

Here you can find a nice tutorial (for MonoTouch, but you can use the information for Non-MonoTouch-projects, too):

  1. Create a new image for your splash/default screen (640 x 1136 pixel) with the name "[email protected]"

  2. In the iOS Simulator, go to the Hardware -> Device menu, and select "iPhone (Retina 4-inch)"

  3. Create other images, e.g. background images

  4. Detect iPhone 5 to load your new images:

public static bool IsTall
    get {
        return UIDevice.currentDevice.userInterfaceIdiom
                    == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone
                && UIScreen.mainScreen.bounds.size.height
                    * UIScreen.mainScreen.scale >= 1136;

private static string tallMagic = "-568h@2x";
public static UIImage FromBundle16x9(string path)
    //adopt the -568h@2x naming convention
        var imagePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(path.ToString());
        var imageFile = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path.ToString());
        var imageExt = Path.GetExtension(path.ToString());
        imageFile = imageFile + tallMagic + imageExt;
        return UIImage.FromFile(Path.Combine(imagePath,imageFile));
        return UIImage.FromBundle(path.ToString());

CORS - How do 'preflight' an httprequest?

During the preflight request, you should see the following two headers: Access-Control-Request-Method and Access-Control-Request-Headers. These request headers are asking the server for permissions to make the actual request. Your preflight response needs to acknowledge these headers in order for the actual request to work.

For example, suppose the browser makes a request with the following headers:

Access-Control-Request-Method: POST
Access-Control-Request-Headers: X-Custom-Header

Your server should then respond with the following headers:

Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: X-Custom-Header

Pay special attention to the Access-Control-Allow-Headers response header. The value of this header should be the same headers in the Access-Control-Request-Headers request header, and it can not be '*'.

Once you send this response to the preflight request, the browser will make the actual request. You can learn more about CORS here:

Docker - Ubuntu - bash: ping: command not found

I have used the statement below on debian 10

apt-get install iputils-ping

python pip: force install ignoring dependencies

When I were trying install librosa package with pip (pip install librosa), this error were appeared:

ERROR: Cannot uninstall 'llvmlite'. It is a distutils installed project and thus we cannot accurately determine which files belong to it which would lead to only a partial uninstall.

I tried to remove llvmlite, but pip uninstall could not remove it. So, I used capability of ignore of pip by this code:

pip install librosa --ignore-installed llvmlite

Indeed, you can use this rule for ignoring a package you don't want to consider:

pip install {package you want to install} --ignore-installed {installed package you don't want to consider}

System.Collections.Generic.List does not contain a definition for 'Select'

This question's bit old, but, there's a tricky scenario which also leads to this error:

In controller: = //id from querystring
List<string> = GrabDataFromDBByID(>a.ToString());

The above code will lead to an error in this part: .Select(a=>a.ToString()) because of the below reason: You're passing a to a method which in compiler, it doesn't know the type, so there might be several methods with the same name and different parameters let's say:


So to prevent this case, either explicitly cast the ViewBag or create another variable storing it.

error: package javax.servlet does not exist

I needed to import javaee-api as well.


Unless I got following error:

package javax.servlet.http does not exist
javax.servlet.annotation does not exist
javax.servlet.http does not exist

How do I replace NA values with zeros in an R dataframe?

in data.frame it is not necessary to create a new column by mutate.

k <- c(1,2,80,NA,NA,51)
j <- c(NA,NA,3,31,12,NA)
df <- data.frame(k,j)%>%
   replace_na(list(j=0))#convert only column j, for example


k   j
1   0           
2   0           
80  3           
NA  31          
NA  12          
51  0   

BATCH file asks for file or folder

Well, for the task as asked by just me the perhaps best solution would be the following command according to the incomplete advice of Andy Morris:

xcopy "J:\My Name\FILES IN TRANSIT\JOHN20101126\Missing file\Shapes.atc" "C:\Documents and Settings\His name\Application Data\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2010\R18.0\enu\Support\" /Q /R /S /Y

This works for this simple file copying task because of

  • specifying just the destination directory instead of destination file and
  • ending destination directory with a backslash which is very important as otherwise XCOPY would even with /I prompt for file or directory on copying just a single file.

The other parameters not related to the question are:

  • /Q ... quiet
  • /Y ... yes (OS language independent) on overwrite existing file
  • /R ... overwrite also read-only, hidden and system file
  • /S ... from specified directory and all subdirectories.

Well, I don't know if /S is really needed here because it is unclear if just J:\My Name\FILES IN TRANSIT\JOHN20101126\Missing file\Shapes.atc should be copied or all Shapes.atc found anywhere in directory tree of J:\My Name\FILES IN TRANSIT\JOHN20101126\Missing file.

The explanation for the parameters can be read by opening a command prompt window and running from within this window xcopy /? to get output the help for XCOPY.

But none of the provided solutions worked for a file copying task on which a single file should be copied into same directory as source file, but with a different file name because of current date and time is inserted in file name before file extension.

The source file can have hidden or system attribute set which excludes the usage of COPY command.

The batch file for creating the time stamped file should work also on Windows XP which excludes ROBOCOPY because by default not available on Windows XP.

The batch file should work with any file including non typical files like .gitconfig or .htaccess which are files without a file extension starting with a point to hide them on *nix systems. Windows command processor interprets such files as files with no file name and having just a file extension because of the rule that everything after last point is the extension of the file and everything before last point is the file name.

For a complete task description and the final, fully commented solution see the post Create a backup copy of files in UltraEdit forum.

Patrick's, Tirtha R's, Interociter Operator's and CharlesB's solutions do not work because using /Y does not avoid the file or directory prompt if the destination file does not already exist.

Andy Morris' and grenix's solutions can't be used for the single file copying task as destination must be the name of destination file and not the name of destination directory. The destination directory is the same as the source directory, but name of destination file is different to name of source file.

DosMan's and Govert's solutions simply don't work for files starting with a point and not having a file extension.

For example the command

xcopy C:\Temp\.gitconfig C:\Temp\.gitconfig_2016-03-07_15-30-00* /C /H /K /Q /R /V /Y

results in following error message on execution:

English:  Could not expand second file name so as to match first.
German: Zweiter Dateiname konnte nicht so erweitert werden, dass er zum ersten passt.

And finally Denis Ivin's solution has the restriction that the operating system language dependent character for an automatic answering of the file OR directory prompt must be known.

So I thought about methods to get F for File on English Windows or D for Datei on German Windows or ? for ... on ... Windows automatically.

And it is indeed possible to determine the language dependent character for an automatic answering of the prompt.

A hack is used to get the language dependent letter from prompt text without really copying any file.

Command XCOPY is used to start copying the batch file itself to folder for temporary files with file extension being TMP for destination file. This results in a prompt by XCOPY if there is not already a file with that name in temporary files folder which is very unlikely.

The handler of device NUL is used as an input handler for XCOPY resulting in breaking the copying process after the prompt was output by XCOPY two times.

This output is processed in a FOR loop which is exited on first line starting with an opening parenthesis. This is the line on which second character defines the letter to use for specifying that destination is a file.

Here is a batch file using XCOPY with the code to determine the required letter for an automatic answering of the file or directory prompt to create a time stamped copy of a single file in same directory as the source file even if source file is a hidden or system file and even if the source file starts with a point and does not have a file extension.

@echo off
rem Batch file must be started or called with name of a single file.

if "%~1" == "" exit /B
for /F "delims=*?" %%I in ("#%~1#") do if not "%%I" == "#%~1#" exit /B
if not exist "%~1" exit /B
if exist "%~1\" exit /B
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

rem Determine the character needed for answering prompt of
rem XCOPY for destination being a file and not a directory.

del /F "%TEMP%\%~n0.tmp" 2>nul
for /F %%I in ('%SystemRoot%\System32\xcopy.exe "%~f0" "%TEMP%\%~n0.tmp" ^<nul') do (
    set "PromptAnswer=%%I"
    if "!PromptAnswer:~0,1!" == "(" (
        set "PromptAnswer=!PromptAnswer:~1,1!"
        goto CopyFile
echo ERROR: Failed to determine letter for answering prompt of XCOPY.
exit /B

rem This is a workaround for files starting with a point and having no
rem file extension like many hidden files on *nix copied to Windows.

if "%~n1" == "" (
    set "FileNameWithPath=%~dpx1"
    set "FileExtension="
) else (
    set "FileNameWithPath=%~dpn1"
    set "FileExtension=%~x1"

rem Get local date and time in region and language independent format YYYYMMDDHHmmss
rem and reformat the local date and time to format YYYY-MM-DD_HH-mm-ss.

for /F "tokens=2 delims==." %%I in ('%SystemRoot%\System32\wbem\wmic.exe OS get LocalDateTime /format:value') do set "LocalDateTime=%%I"
set "LocalDateTime=%LocalDateTime:~0,4%-%LocalDateTime:~4,2%-%LocalDateTime:~6,2%_%LocalDateTime:~8,2%-%LocalDateTime:~10,2%-%LocalDateTime:~12,2%"

rem Do the copy with showing what is copied and with printing success or
rem an error message if copying fails for example on sharing violation.

echo Copy "%~f1" to "%FileNameWithPath%_%LocalDateTime%%FileExtension%"

for /F %%I in ('echo %PromptAnswer% ^| %SystemRoot%\System32\xcopy.exe "%~f1" "%FileNameWithPath%_%LocalDateTime%%FileExtension%" /C /H /K /Q /R /V /Y') do set "FilesCopied=%%I"

if "%FilesCopied%" == "1" (
    echo Success
) else (
    echo ERROR: Copying failed, see error message above.

This batch code was tested on German Windows XP SP3 x86 and English Windows 7 SP1 x64.

See the post Create a backup copy of files in UltraEdit forum for a similar, fully commented batch file explaining all parts of the batch code.

For understanding the used commands and how they work, open a command prompt window, execute there the following commands, and read entirely all help pages displayed for each command very carefully.

  • del /?
  • echo /?
  • exit /?
  • for /?
  • goto /?
  • if /?
  • rem /?
  • set /?
  • setlocal /?
  • wmic OS get /?
  • xcopy /?

Further the Microsoft article about Using command redirection operators should be read, too.

Convert pyQt UI to python

You don't have to install PyQt4 with all its side features, you just need the PyQt4 package itself. Inside the package you could use the module ("C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\PyQt4\uic") to convert your Ui file.

C:\test>python C:\Python27x64\Lib\site-packages\PyQt4\uic\ -help

update python3: use pyuic5 -help # add filepath if needed. pyuic version = 4 or 5.

You will get all options listed:

Usage: pyuic4 [options] <ui-file>

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p, --preview         show a preview of the UI instead of generating code
  -o FILE, --output=FILE
                        write generated code to FILE instead of stdout
  -x, --execute         generate extra code to test and display the class
  -d, --debug           show debug output
  -i N, --indent=N      set indent width to N spaces, tab if N is 0 [default:
  -w, --pyqt3-wrapper   generate a PyQt v3 style wrapper

  Code generation options:
    --from-imports      generate imports relative to '.'
                        append SUFFIX to the basename of resource files
                        [default: _rc]

So your command will look like this:

C:\test>python C:\Python27x64\Lib\site-packages\PyQt4\uic\ test_dialog.ui -o -x

You could also use full file paths to your file to convert it.

Why do you want to convert it anyway? I prefer creating widgets in the designer and implement them with via the *.ui file. That makes it much more comfortable to edit it later. You could also write your own widget plugins and load them into the Qt Designer with full access. Having your ui hard coded doesn't makes it very flexible.

I reuse a lot of my ui's not only in Maya, also for Max, Nuke, etc.. If you have to change something software specific, you should try to inherit the class (with the parented ui file) from a more global point of view and patch or override the methods you have to adjust. That saves a lot of work time. Let me know if you have more questions about it.

.rar, .zip files MIME Type

For upload:

An official list of mime types can be found at The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) . According to their list Content-Type header for zip is application/zip.

The media type for rar files is not officially registered at IANA but the unofficial commonly used mime-type value is application/x-rar-compressed.

application/octet-stream means as much as: "I send you a file stream and the content of this stream is not specified" (so it is true that it can be a zip or rar file as well). The server is supposed to detect what the actual content of the stream is.

Note: For upload it is not safe to rely on the mime type set in the Content-Type header. The header is set on the client and can be set to any random value. Instead you can use the php file info functions to detect the file mime-type on the server.

For download:

If you want to download a zip file and nothing else you should only set one single Accept header value. Any additional values set will be used as a fallback in case the server cannot satisfy your in the Accept header requested mime-type.

According to the WC3 specifications this:

application/zip, application/octet-stream 

will be intrepreted as: "I prefer a application/zip mime-type, but if you cannot deliver this an application/octet-stream (a file stream) is also fine".

So only a single:


Will guarantee you a zip file (or a 406 - Not Acceptable response in case the server is unable to satisfy your request).

how to create a login page when username and password is equal in html

Doing password checks on client side is unsafe especially when the password is hard coded.

The safest way is password checking on server side, but even then the password should not be transmitted plain text.

Checking the password client side is possible in a "secure way":

  • The password needs to be hashed
  • The hashed password is used as part of a new url

Say "abc" is your password so your md5 would be "900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72" (consider salting!). Now build a url containing the hash (like

Showing percentages above bars on Excel column graph

You can do this with a pivot table and add a line with the pourcentage for each category like brettdj showed in his answer. But if you want to keep your data as it is, there is a solution by using some javascript.

Javascript is a powerful language offering a lot of useful data visualization libraries like plotly.js.

Here is a working code I have written for you:

In this example, I use a Json file to get the data from the embedded spreadsheet, so I can use it in my javascript code and create a bar chart.

I calculate the percentage by adding the values of all the category present in the table and using this formula (you can see it in the script.js file): Percentage (%) = 100 x partial value / total value

It automatically calculates the total and pourcentage even if you add more categories.

I used plotly.js to create my chart, it has a good documentation and lots of examples for beginners, this code gets all the option you want to use:

var trace1 = {
    x: xValue, 
    y: data,
    type: 'bar',
    text: yValue,
    textposition: 'auto',
    hoverinfo: 'none',
    marker: {
    color: 'yellow',
    opacity: 0.6,
    line: {
      color: 'yellow',
      width: 1.5

It is rather self explanatory, the text is where you put the percentage.

Once you've made your chart you can load it in excel by passing the URL in the Funfun add-in. Here is how it looks like with my example:


I know it is an old post but I hope it helps people with the same problem !

Disclosure : I’m a developer of funfun

How to search for a string in text files?

If user wants to search for the word in given text file.

 fopen = open('logfile.txt',mode='r+')

  fread = fopen.readlines()

  x = input("Enter the search string: ")

  for line in fread:

      if x in line:


PHP CSV string to array

Try this, it's working for me:

$delimiter = ",";
  $enclosure = '"';
  $escape = "\\" ;
  $rows = array_filter(explode(PHP_EOL, $content));
  $header = NULL;
  $data = [];

  foreach($rows as $row)
    $row = str_getcsv ($row, $delimiter, $enclosure , $escape);

    if(!$header) {
      $header = $row;
    } else {
      $data[] = array_combine($header, $row);

Detect if HTML5 Video element is playing

My answer at How to tell if a <video> element is currently playing?:

MediaElement does not have a property that tells about if its playing or not. But you could define a custom property for it.

Object.defineProperty(HTMLMediaElement.prototype, 'playing', {
    get: function(){
        return !!(this.currentTime > 0 && !this.paused && !this.ended && this.readyState > 2);

Now you can use it on video or audio elements like this:

    // Do anything you want to

Convert UTF-8 to base64 string

It's a little difficult to tell what you're trying to achieve, but assuming you're trying to get a Base64 string that when decoded is abcdef==, the following should work:

byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("abcdef==");
string base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);

This will output: YWJjZGVmPT0= which is abcdef== encoded in Base64.


To decode a Base64 string, simply use Convert.FromBase64String(). E.g.

string base64 = "YWJjZGVmPT0=";
byte[] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(base64);

At this point, bytes will be a byte[] (not a string). If we know that the byte array represents a string in UTF8, then it can be converted back to the string form using:

string str = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);

This will output the original input string, abcdef== in this case.

How to add users to Docker container?


Try the following lines in Dockerfile:

RUN useradd -rm -d /home/ubuntu -s /bin/bash -g root -G sudo -u 1001 ubuntu
USER ubuntu
WORKDIR /home/ubuntu

useradd options (see: man useradd):

  • -r, --system Create a system account. see: Implications creating system accounts
  • -m, --create-home Create the user's home directory.
  • -d, --home-dir HOME_DIR Home directory of the new account.
  • -s, --shell SHELL Login shell of the new account.
  • -g, --gid GROUP Name or ID of the primary group.
  • -G, --groups GROUPS List of supplementary groups.
  • -u, --uid UID Specify user ID. see: Understanding how uid and gid work in Docker containers
  • -p, --password PASSWORD Encrypted password of the new account (e.g. ubuntu).

Setting default user's password

To set the user password, add -p "$(openssl passwd -1 ubuntu)" to useradd command.

Alternatively add the following lines to your Dockerfile:

SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "pipefail", "-c"]
RUN echo 'ubuntu:ubuntu' | chpasswd

The first shell instruction is to make sure that -o pipefail option is enabled before RUN with a pipe in it. Read more: Hadolint: Linting your Dockerfile.

pass JSON to HTTP POST Request

I worked on this for too long. The answer that helped me was at: send Content-Type: application/json post with node.js

Which uses the following format:

    url: url,
    method: "POST",
    headers: {
        "content-type": "application/json",
    json: requestData
//  body: JSON.stringify(requestData)
    }, function (error, resp, body) { ...

Load image from resources area of project in C#

In my case -- I was using Icons in my resource, but I needed to add them dynamically as Images to some ToolStripMenuItem(s). So in the method that I created (which is where the code snippet below comes from), I had to convert the icon resources to bitmaps before I could return them for addition to my MenuItem.

string imageName = myImageNameStr;
imageName = imageName.Replace(" ", "_");
Icon myIcon = (Icon)Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(imageName);
return myIcon.ToBitmap();

Something else to be aware of, if your image/icon has spaces (" ") in its name when you add them to your resource, VS will automatically replace those spaces with "_"(s). Because, spaces are not a valid character when naming your resource. Which is why I'm using the Replace() method in my referenced code. You can likely just ignore that line.

Completely remove MariaDB or MySQL from CentOS 7 or RHEL 7


sudo systemctl stop mysqld.service && sudo yum remove -y mariadb mariadb-server && sudo rm -rf /var/lib/mysql /etc/my.cnf


sudo service mysql stop && sudo apt-get remove mariadb mariadb-server && sudo rm -rf /var/lib/mysql /etc/my.cnf

How to make a <button> in Bootstrap look like a normal link in nav-tabs?

In bootstrap 3, this works well for me:

.btn-link.btn-anchor {
    outline: none !important;
    padding: 0;
    border: 0;
    vertical-align: baseline;

Used like:

<button type="button" class="btn-link btn-anchor">My Button</button>


Is it a bad practice to use an if-statement without curly braces?

From my experience the only (very) slight advantage of the first form is code readability, the second form adds "noise".

But with modern IDEs and code autogeneration (or autocompletion) I strongly recommend using the second form, you won't spend extra time typing curly braces and you'll avoid some of the most frequent bugs.

There are enough energy consuming bugs, people just shoudn't open doors for big wastes of time.

One of the most important rule to remember when writing code is consistency. Every line of code should be written the same way, no matter who wrote it. Being rigorous prevents bugs from "happening" ;)

This is the same with naming clearly & explicitly your variables, methods, files or with correctly indenting them...

When my students accept this fact, they stop fighting against their own sourcecode and they start to see coding as a really interesting, stimulating and creative activity. They challenge their minds, not their nerves !

How to initialise memory with new operator in C++?

If the memory you are allocating is a class with a constructor that does something useful, the operator new will call that constructor and leave your object initialized.

But if you're allocating a POD or something that doesn't have a constructor that initializes the object's state, then you cannot allocate memory and initialize that memory with operator new in one operation. However, you have several options:

  1. Use a stack variable instead. You can allocate and default-initialize in one step, like this:

     int vals[100] = {0}; // first element is a matter of style
  2. use memset(). Note that if the object you are allocating is not a POD, memsetting it is a bad idea. One specific example is if you memset a class that has virtual functions, you will blow away the vtable and leave your object in an unusable state.

  3. Many operating systems have calls that do what you want - allocate on a heap and initialize the data to something. A Windows example would be VirtualAlloc().

  4. This is usually the best option. Avoid having to manage the memory yourself at all. You can use STL containers to do just about anything you would do with raw memory, including allocating and initializing all in one fell swoop:

     std::vector<int> myInts(100, 0); // creates a vector of 100 ints, all set to zero

Is there a way to get a <button> element to link to a location without wrapping it in an <a href ... tag?

Here it is using jQuery. See it in action at

<button id="x">test</button>


How to make a simple collection view with Swift

For swift 4.2 --

//MARK: UICollectionViewDataSource

func numberOfSectionsInCollectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView) -> Int {
    return 1     //return number of sections in collection view

func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
    return 10    //return number of rows in section

func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
    let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: "collectionCell", for: indexPath as IndexPath)
    configureCell(cell: cell, forItemAtIndexPath: indexPath)
    return cell      //return your cell

func configureCell(cell: UICollectionViewCell, forItemAtIndexPath: NSIndexPath) {
    cell.backgroundColor =

    //Customise your cell


func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, viewForSupplementaryElementOfKind kind: String, atIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UICollectionReusableView {
    let view =  collectionView.dequeueReusableSupplementaryView(ofKind: UICollectionElementKindSectionHeader, withReuseIdentifier: "collectionCell", for: indexPath as IndexPath) as UICollectionReusableView
    return view

//MARK: UICollectionViewDelegate
func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, didSelectItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) {
    // When user selects the cell

func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, didDeselectItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) {
    // When user deselects the cell

What are type hints in Python 3.5?

Type hints are for maintainability and don't get interpreted by Python. In the code below, the line def add(self, ic:int) doesn't result in an error until the next return... line:

class C1:
    def __init__(self):
        self.idn = 1
    def add(self, ic: int):
        return self.idn + ic

c1 = C1()

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<input>", line 5, in add
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'C1'

Is it possible to have a custom facebook like button?

It's possible with a lot of work.

Basically, you have to post likes action via the Open Graph API. Then, you can add a custom design to your like button.

But then, you''ll need to keep track yourself of the likes so a returning user will be able to unlike content he liked previously.

Plus, you'll need to ask user to log into your app and ask them the publish_action permission.

All in all, if you're doing this for an application, it may worth it. For a website where you basically want user to like articles, then this is really to much.

Also, consider that you increase your drop-off rate each time you ask user a permission via a Facebook login.

If you want to see an example, I've recently made an app using the open graph like button, just hover on some photos in the mosaique to see it

Convert pandas.Series from dtype object to float, and errors to nans

Use pd.to_numeric with errors='coerce'

# Setup
s = pd.Series(['1', '2', '3', '4', '.'])

0    1
1    2
2    3
3    4
4    .
dtype: object

pd.to_numeric(s, errors='coerce')

0    1.0
1    2.0
2    3.0
3    4.0
4    NaN
dtype: float64

If you need the NaNs filled in, use Series.fillna.

pd.to_numeric(s, errors='coerce').fillna(0, downcast='infer')

0    1
1    2
2    3
3    4
4    0
dtype: float64

Note, downcast='infer' will attempt to downcast floats to integers where possible. Remove the argument if you don't want that.

From v0.24+, pandas introduces a Nullable Integer type, which allows integers to coexist with NaNs. If you have integers in your column, you can use

# '0.24.1'

pd.to_numeric(s, errors='coerce').astype('Int32')

0      1
1      2
2      3
3      4
4    NaN
dtype: Int32

There are other options to choose from as well, read the docs for more.

Extension for DataFrames

If you need to extend this to DataFrames, you will need to apply it to each row. You can do this using DataFrame.apply.

# Setup.
df = pd.DataFrame({
    'A' : np.random.choice(10, 5), 
    'C' : np.random.choice(10, 5), 
    'B' : ['1', '###', '...', 50, '234'], 
    'D' : ['23', '1', '...', '268', '$$']}

   A    B  C    D
0  5    1  9   23
1  0  ###  3    1
2  3  ...  5  ...
3  3   50  2  268
4  7  234  4   $$


A     int64
B    object
C     int64
D    object
dtype: object

df2 = df.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')

   A      B  C      D
0  5    1.0  9   23.0
1  0    NaN  3    1.0
2  3    NaN  5    NaN
3  3   50.0  2  268.0
4  7  234.0  4    NaN


A      int64
B    float64
C      int64
D    float64
dtype: object

You can also do this with DataFrame.transform; although my tests indicate this is marginally slower:

df.transform(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')

   A      B  C      D
0  5    1.0  9   23.0
1  0    NaN  3    1.0
2  3    NaN  5    NaN
3  3   50.0  2  268.0
4  7  234.0  4    NaN

If you have many columns (numeric; non-numeric), you can make this a little more performant by applying pd.to_numeric on the non-numeric columns only.


A    False
B     True
C    False
D     True
dtype: bool

cols = df.columns[df.dtypes.eq(object)]
# Actually, `cols` can be any list of columns you need to convert.
# Index(['B', 'D'], dtype='object')

df[cols] = df[cols].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')
# Alternatively,
# for c in cols:
#     df[c] = pd.to_numeric(df[c], errors='coerce')


   A      B  C      D
0  5    1.0  9   23.0
1  0    NaN  3    1.0
2  3    NaN  5    NaN
3  3   50.0  2  268.0
4  7  234.0  4    NaN

Applying pd.to_numeric along the columns (i.e., axis=0, the default) should be slightly faster for long DataFrames.

Get list of JSON objects with Spring RestTemplate

After multiple tests, this is the best way I found :)

Set<User> test = httpService.get(url).toResponseSet(User[].class);

All you need there

public <T> Set<T> toResponseSet(Class<T[]> setType) {
    HttpEntity<?> body = new HttpEntity<>(objectBody, headers);
    ResponseEntity<T[]> response =, method, body, setType);
    return Sets.newHashSet(response.getBody());

Generate list of all possible permutations of a string

permute (ABC) -> A.perm(BC) -> A.perm[B.perm(C)] -> A.perm[(*BC), (CB*)] -> [(*ABC), (BAC), (BCA*), (*ACB), (CAB), (CBA*)] To remove duplicates when inserting each alphabet check to see if previous string ends with the same alphabet (why? -exercise)

public static void main(String[] args) {

    for (String str : permStr("ABBB")){

static Vector<String> permStr(String str){

    if (str.length() == 1){
        Vector<String> ret = new Vector<String>();
        return ret;

    char start = str.charAt(0);
    Vector<String> endStrs = permStr(str.substring(1));
    Vector<String> newEndStrs = new Vector<String>();
    for (String endStr : endStrs){
        for (int j = 0; j <= endStr.length(); j++){
            if (endStr.substring(0, j).endsWith(String.valueOf(start)))
            newEndStrs.add(endStr.substring(0, j) + String.valueOf(start) + endStr.substring(j));
    return newEndStrs;

Prints all permutations sans duplicates

Header and footer in CodeIgniter

Redefine the CI_Loader::view function by adding a file named as 'MY_Loader.php' in your application/core folder and adding the following content

* /application/core/MY_Loader.php

class MY_Loader extends CI_Loader 
        public function view($view, $vars = array(), $return = FALSE, $include_template=TRUE)


            $content=parent::view($view, $vars,$return);


                    return "$header$content$footer";

            return $this;

encapsulation vs abstraction real world example


We use many abstractions in our day-to-day lives.Consider a car.Most of us have an abstract view of how a car works.We know how to interact with it to get it to do what we want it to do: we put in gas, turn a key, press some pedals, and so on. But we don't necessarily understand what is going on inside the car to make it move and we don't need to. Millions of us use cars everyday without understanding the details of how they work.Abstraction helps us get to school or work!

A program can be designed as a set of interacting abstractions. In Java, these abstractions are captured in classes. The creator of a class obviusly has to know its interface, just as the driver of a car can use the vehicle without knowing how the engine works.


Consider a Banking system.Banking system have properties like account no,account type,balance ..etc. If someone is trying to change the balance of the account,attempt can be successful if there is no encapsulation. Therefore encapsulation allows class to have complete control over their properties.

ionic 2 - Error Could not find an installed version of Gradle either in Android Studio

There is a problem with cordova version 6.4.0 and android 6.2.1 .so,please try with below compatible versions

cordova version must be 6.4.0

sudo npm install -g [email protected]

Install android in your project

sudo cordova platform add [email protected]


sudo ionic platform add [email protected]

How to create a sticky navigation bar that becomes fixed to the top after scrolling

For Bootstrap 4, a new class was released for this. According to the utilties docs:

Apply the class sticky-top.

<div class="sticky-top">...</div>

For further navbar position options, visit here. Also, keep in mind that position: sticky; is not supported in every browser so this may not be the best solution for you if you need to support older browsers.

Failed to find Build Tools revision 23.0.1

As the error says Failed to find build Tools revision 23.0.1 This means that in your project you have used buildToolsVersion "23.0.3" So,You need to download the exact same version this makes the error disappear

**Step 1:**
GO to Tools and click SDK Manager
**Step 2:**
you can see SDK Platforms ,SDK Tools and SDK update Sites
Click SDK Tools and click show package details
**Step 4:**
Select the version that you have mentioned in your Project 

These Steps has solved my issue.

How to turn off caching on Firefox?

After 2 hours of browsing for various alternatives, this is something that worked for me.

My requirement was disabling caching of js and css files in my spring secured web application. But at the same time caching these files "within" a particular session.

Passing a unique id with every request is one of the advised approaches.

And this is what I did :- Instead of

<script language="javascript" src="js/home.js"></script>

I used

<script language="javascript" src="js/home.js?id=${}"></script>

Any cons to the above approach are welcome. Security Issues ?

What is "String args[]"? parameter in main method Java

Explanation in simple layman's language.

The main method expects us to provide some arguments when we direct our JVM to the class name. That means, suppose your file name is, now to execute this in command prompt you write "javac" to compile followed by "java Try" to execute. Now suppose instead of writing simply "java Try" you write "java Try 1". Here you have passed an argument "1". This will be taken by your main method even if you don't use it in your code.

If you want to check whether your main method has actually taken the argument "1" or not. Simply, inside your main method type the following:

for(int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
        System.out.println("Argument is: "+args[i]);

1064 error in CREATE TABLE ... TYPE=MYISAM

CREATE TABLE `admnih` (
  `id` int(255) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `asim` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `brid` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `rwtbah` int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  `esmmwkeh` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `mrwr` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `tid` int(255) NOT NULL default '0',
  `alksmfialdlil` int(255) NOT NULL default '0',
  `tariktsjil` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `aimwke` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `twkie` text NOT NULL,
  `rwtbahkasah` int(255) NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)

Convert Time DataType into AM PM Format:

Here are the various ways you may pull this (depending on your needs).

Using the Time DataType:

DECLARE @Time Time = '15:04:46.217'
SELECT --'3:04PM'
       CONVERT(VarChar(7), @Time, 0),

       --' 3:04PM' --Leading Space.
       RIGHT(' ' + CONVERT(VarChar(7), @Time, 0), 7),

       --' 3:04 PM' --Space before AM/PM.
       STUFF(RIGHT(' ' + CONVERT(VarChar(7), @Time, 0), 7), 6, 0, ' '),

       --'03:04 PM' --Leading Zero.  This answers the question above.
       STUFF(RIGHT('0' + CONVERT(VarChar(7), @Time, 0), 7), 6, 0, ' ')

       --'03:04 PM' --This only works in SQL Server 2012 and above.  :)
       ,FORMAT(CAST(@Time as DateTime), 'hh:mm tt')--Comment out for SS08 or less.

Using the DateTime DataType:

DECLARE @Date DateTime = '2016-03-17 15:04:46.217'
SELECT --' 3:04PM' --No space before AM/PM.
       RIGHT(CONVERT(VarChar(19), @Date, 0), 7),

       --' 3:04 PM' --Space before AM/PM.
       STUFF(RIGHT(CONVERT(VarChar(19), @Date, 0), 7), 6, 0, ' '),

       --'3:04 PM' --No Leading Space.
       LTRIM(STUFF(RIGHT(CONVERT(VarChar(19), @Date, 0), 7), 6, 0, ' ')),

       --'03:04 PM' --Leading Zero.
       STUFF(REPLACE(RIGHT(CONVERT(VarChar(19), @Date, 0), 7), ' ', '0'), 6, 0, ' ')

       --'03:04 PM' --This only works in SQL Server 2012 and above.  :)
       ,FORMAT(@Date, 'hh:mm tt')--Comment line out for SS08 or less.

Passing multiple values for same variable in stored procedure

Your stored procedure is designed to accept a single parameter, Arg1List. You can't pass 4 parameters to a procedure that only accepts one.

To make it work, the code that calls your procedure will need to concatenate your parameters into a single string of no more than 3000 characters and pass it in as a single parameter.

Return value from exec(@sql)

Was playing with this today... I beleive you can also use @@ROWCOUNT, like this:

SET @Rowcount = @@ROWCOUNT
SELECT @Rowcount

Then replace the 'SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2' with your actual select without the count. I'd suggest just putting 1 in your select, like this:

FROM dbo.Comm_Services

(as opposed to putting SELECT *)

Hope that helps.

Making a DateTime field in a database automatic?

You need to set the "default value" for the date field to getdate(). Any records inserted into the table will automatically have the insertion date as their value for this field.

The location of the "default value" property is dependent on the version of SQL Server Express you are running, but it should be visible if you select the date field of your table when editing the table.

Date formatting in WPF datagrid

first select datagrid and then go to properties find Datagrid_AutoGeneratingColumn and the double click And then use this code

   Datagrid_AutoGeneratingColumn(object sender, DataGridAutoGeneratingColumnEventArgs e)
                if (e.PropertyName == "Your column name")
                    (e.Column as DataGridTextColumn).Binding.StringFormat = "dd/MMMMMMMMM/yyyy";
                if (e.PropertyName == "Your column name")
                    (e.Column as DataGridTextColumn).Binding.StringFormat = "dd/MMMMMMMMM/yyyy";

I try it it works on WPF

Split string into array of character strings

If the original string contains supplementary Unicode characters, then split() would not work, as it splits these characters into surrogate pairs. To correctly handle these special characters, a code like this works:

String[] chars = new String[stringToSplit.codePointCount(0, stringToSplit.length())];
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < stringToSplit.length(); j++) {
    int cp = stringToSplit.codePointAt(i);
    char c[] = Character.toChars(cp);
    chars[j] = new String(c);
    i += Character.charCount(cp);

How do you perform wireless debugging in Xcode 9 with iOS 11, Apple TV 4K, etc?

Try this:

1) Plug your iOS device into your Mac using a lightning cable. You may need to select to Trust This Computer on your device.

2) Open Xcode and go to Window > Devices and Simulators.

3) Select your device and then select the Connect via network checkbox to pair your device.

4) Run your project after removing your lighting cable.

What is a "method" in Python?

Usually, a method is called right after it is bound:


In the MyClass example, this will return the string 'hello world'. However, it is not necessary to call a method right away: x.f is a method object, and can be stored away and called at a later time. For example:

xf = x.f
while True:
    print xf()

will continue to print hello world until the end of time.

What exactly happens when a method is called? You may have noticed that x.f() was called without an argument above, even though the function definition for f() specified an argument. What happened to the argument? Surely Python raises an exception when a function that requires an argument is called without any — even if the argument isn’t actually used...

Actually, you may have guessed the answer: the special thing about methods is that the object is passed as the first argument of the function. In our example, the call x.f() is exactly equivalent to MyClass.f(x). In general, calling a method with a list of n arguments is equivalent to calling the corresponding function with an argument list that is created by inserting the method’s object before the first argument.

If you still don’t understand how methods work, a look at the implementation can perhaps clarify matters. When an instance attribute is referenced that isn’t a data attribute, its class is searched. If the name denotes a valid class attribute that is a function object, a method object is created by packing (pointers to) the instance object and the function object just found together in an abstract object: this is the method object. When the method object is called with an argument list, a new argument list is constructed from the instance object and the argument list, and the function object is called with this new argument list.

What does Maven do, in theory and in practice? When is it worth to use it?

What it does

Maven is a "build management tool", it is for defining how your .java files get compiled to .class, packaged into .jar (or .war or .ear) files, (pre/post)processed with tools, managing your CLASSPATH, and all others sorts of tasks that are required to build your project. It is similar to Apache Ant or Gradle or Makefiles in C/C++, but it attempts to be completely self-contained in it that you shouldn't need any additional tools or scripts by incorporating other common tasks like downloading & installing necessary libraries etc.

It is also designed around the "build portability" theme, so that you don't get issues as having the same code with the same buildscript working on one computer but not on another one (this is a known issue, we have VMs of Windows 98 machines since we couldn't get some of our Delphi applications compiling anywhere else). Because of this, it is also the best way to work on a project between people who use different IDEs since IDE-generated Ant scripts are hard to import into other IDEs, but all IDEs nowadays understand and support Maven (IntelliJ, Eclipse, and NetBeans). Even if you don't end up liking Maven, it ends up being the point of reference for all other modern builds tools.

Why you should use it

There are three things about Maven that are very nice.

  1. Maven will (after you declare which ones you are using) download all the libraries that you use and the libraries that they use for you automatically. This is very nice, and makes dealing with lots of libraries ridiculously easy. This lets you avoid "dependency hell". It is similar to Apache Ant's Ivy.

  2. It uses "Convention over Configuration" so that by default you don't need to define the tasks you want to do. You don't need to write a "compile", "test", "package", or "clean" step like you would have to do in Ant or a Makefile. Just put the files in the places in which Maven expects them and it should work off of the bat.

  3. Maven also has lots of nice plug-ins that you can install that will handle many routine tasks from generating Java classes from an XSD schema using JAXB to measuring test coverage with Cobertura. Just add them to your pom.xml and they will integrate with everything else you want to do.

The initial learning curve is steep, but (nearly) every professional Java developer uses Maven or wishes they did. You should use Maven on every project although don't be surprised if it takes you a while to get used to it and that sometimes you wish you could just do things manually, since learning something new sometimes hurts. However, once you truly get used to Maven you will find that build management takes almost no time at all.

How to Start

The best place to start is "Maven in 5 Minutes". It will get you start with a project ready for you to code in with all the necessary files and folders set-up (yes, I recommend using the quickstart archetype, at least at first).

After you get started you'll want a better understanding over how the tool is intended to be used. For that "Better Builds with Maven" is the most thorough place to understand the guts of how it works, however, "Maven: The Complete Reference" is more up-to-date. Read the first one for understanding, but then use the second one for reference.

How to use Git Revert

Use git revert like so:

git revert <insert bad commit hash here>

git revert creates a new commit with the changes that are rolled back. git reset erases your git history instead of making a new commit.

The steps after are the same as any other commit.

how to get curl to output only http response body (json) and no other headers etc

You are specifying the -i option:

-i, --include

(HTTP) Include the HTTP-header in the output. The HTTP-header includes things like server-name, date of the document, HTTP-version and more...

Simply remove that option from your command line:

response=$(curl -sb -H "Accept: application/json" "http://host:8080/some/resource")

how to change a selections options based on another select option selected?

you can use data-tag in html5 and do this using this code:

 $('#mainCat').on('change', function() {_x000D_
  var selected = $(this).val();_x000D_
  $("#expertCat option").each(function(item){_x000D_
   console.log(selected) ;  _x000D_
   var element =  $(this) ; _x000D_
   console.log("tag")) ; _x000D_
   if ("tag") != selected){_x000D_
    element.hide() ; _x000D_
  }) ; _x000D_
  $("#expertCat").val($("#expertCat option:visible:first").val());_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<select id="mainCat">_x000D_
   <option value = '1'>navid</option>_x000D_
   <option value = '2'>javad</option>_x000D_
   <option value = '3'>mamal</option>_x000D_
  <select id="expertCat">_x000D_
   <option  value = '1' data-tag='2'>UI</option>_x000D_
   <option  value = '2' data-tag='2'>Java Android</option>_x000D_
   <option  value = '3' data-tag='1'>Web</option>_x000D_
   <option  value = '3' data-tag='1'>Server</option>_x000D_
   <option  value = '3' data-tag='3'>Back End</option>_x000D_
   <option  value = '3' data-tag='3'>.net</option>_x000D_

Thread pooling in C++11

This is copied from my answer to another very similar post, hope it can help:

1) Start with maximum number of threads a system can support:

int Num_Threads =  thread::hardware_concurrency();

2) For an efficient threadpool implementation, once threads are created according to Num_Threads, it's better not to create new ones, or destroy old ones (by joining). There will be performance penalty, might even make your application goes slower than the serial version.

Each C++11 thread should be running in their function with an infinite loop, constantly waiting for new tasks to grab and run.

Here is how to attach such function to the thread pool:

int Num_Threads = thread::hardware_concurrency();
vector<thread> Pool;
for(int ii = 0; ii < Num_Threads; ii++)
{  Pool.push_back(thread(Infinite_loop_function));}

3) The Infinite_loop_function

This is a "while(true)" loop waiting for the task queue

void The_Pool:: Infinite_loop_function()
            unique_lock<mutex> lock(Queue_Mutex);

            condition.wait(lock, []{return !Queue.empty() || terminate_pool});
            Job = Queue.front();
        Job(); // function<void()> type

4) Make a function to add job to your Queue

void The_Pool:: Add_Job(function<void()> New_Job)
        unique_lock<mutex> lock(Queue_Mutex);

5) Bind an arbitrary function to your Queue

Pool_Obj.Add_Job(std::bind(&Some_Class::Some_Method, &Some_object));

Once you integrate these ingredients, you have your own dynamic threading pool. These threads always run, waiting for job to do.

I apologize if there are some syntax errors, I typed these code and and I have a bad memory. Sorry that I cannot provide you the complete thread pool code, that would violate my job integrity.

Edit: to terminate the pool, call the shutdown() method:

    unique_lock<mutex> lock(threadpool_mutex);
    terminate_pool = true;} // use this flag in condition.wait

    condition.notify_all(); // wake up all threads.

    // Join all threads.
    for(std::thread &every_thread : thread_vector)
    {   every_thread.join();}

    stopped = true; // use this flag in destructor, if not set, call shutdown() 

Use space as a delimiter with cut command

You can't do it easily with cut if the data has for example multiple spaces. I have found it useful to normalize input for easier processing. One trick is to use sed for normalization as below.

echo -e "foor\t \t bar" | sed 's:\s\+:\t:g' | cut -f2  #bar

Hibernate - Batch update returned unexpected row count from update: 0 actual row count: 0 expected: 1

This can happen when trigger(s) execute additional DML (data modification) queries which affect the row counts. My solution was to add the following at the top of my trigger:


Everytime I run gulp anything, I get a assertion error. - Task function must be specified

Lower your gulp version in package.json file to 3.9.1-

"gulp": "^3.9.1",

MySQL set current date in a DATETIME field on insert

Your best bet is to change that column to a timestamp. MySQL will automatically use the first timestamp in a row as a 'last modified' value and update it for you. This is configurable if you just want to save creation time.

See doc

Link a photo with the cell in excel

There is a much simpler way. Put your picture in a comment box within the description cell. That way you only have one column and when you sort the picture will always stay with the description. Okay... Right click the cell containing the description... Insert comment...right click the outer border... Format comment...colours and lines tab... Colour drop down...Fill effects...Picture picture...browse for your picture (it might be best to keep all pictures in one folder for ease of placement)...ok... you will probably need to go to the size tab and frig around with the height and width. Done... You now only need to mouse over the red in the top right corner of the cell and the picture will magic.

This method means that the row height can be kept to a minimum and the pictures can be as big as you like.

GCC C++ Linker errors: Undefined reference to 'vtable for XXX', Undefined reference to 'ClassName::ClassName()'

The problem for me turned out to be pretty obscure. My class looked like this:

// libbase.h
class base {
   base() { }
   virtual ~base() { }

   virtual int foo() { return 0; }

// libbase.cpp
#include "libbase.h"

// main.h
class derived : public base {
    virtual int foo() ;

// main.cpp
int main () {
    derived d;

The problem is in the linker. My header file went in a library somewhere, but all the virtual functions were declared 'inline' in the class declaration. Since there was no code using the virtual functions (yet), the compiler or linker neglected to put actual function bodies in place. It also failed to create the vtable.

In my main code where I derived from this class, the linker tried to connect my class to the base class and his vtable. But the vtable had been discarded.

The solution was to declare at least one of the virtual functions' bodies outside the class declaration, like this:

// libbase.h
class base {
   base() { }
   virtual ~base() ;   //-- No longer declared 'inline'

   virtual int foo() { return 0; }

// libbase.cpp
#include "libbase.h"

How do I sort a two-dimensional (rectangular) array in C#?

This is an old question, but here's a class I just built based on the article from Jim Mischel at InformIt linked by Doug L.

class Array2DSort : IComparer<int>
    // maintain a reference to the 2-dimensional array being sorted
    string[,] _sortArray;
    int[] _tagArray;
    int _sortIndex;

    protected string[,] SortArray { get { return _sortArray; } }

    // constructor initializes the sortArray reference
    public Array2DSort(string[,] theArray, int sortIndex)
        _sortArray = theArray;
        _tagArray = new int[_sortArray.GetLength(0)];
        for (int i = 0; i < _sortArray.GetLength(0); ++i) _tagArray[i] = i;
        _sortIndex = sortIndex;

    public string[,] ToSortedArray()
        Array.Sort(_tagArray, this);
        string[,] result = new string[
            _sortArray.GetLength(0), _sortArray.GetLength(1)];
        for (int i = 0; i < _sortArray.GetLength(0); i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < _sortArray.GetLength(1); j++)
                result[i, j] = _sortArray[_tagArray[i], j];
        return result;

    // x and y are integer row numbers into the sortArray
    public virtual int Compare(int x, int y)
        if (_sortIndex < 0) return 0;
        return CompareStrings(x, y, _sortIndex);

    protected int CompareStrings(int x, int y, int col)
        return _sortArray[x, col].CompareTo(_sortArray[y, col]);

Given an unsorted 2D array data of arbitrary size that you want to sort on column 5 you just do this:

        Array2DSort comparer = new Array2DSort(data, 5);
        string[,] sortedData = comparer.ToSortedArray();

Note the virtual Compare method and protected SortArray so you can create specialized subclasses that always sort on a particular column or do specialized sorting on multiple columns or whatever you want to do. That's also why CompareStrings is broken out and protected - any subclasses can use it for simple comparisons instead of typing out the full SortArray[x, col].CompareTo(SortArray[y, col]) syntax.

python NameError: global name '__file__' is not defined

I've run into cases where __file__ doesn't work as expected. But the following hasn't failed me so far:

import inspect
src_file_path = inspect.getfile(lambda: None)

This is the closest thing to a Python analog to C's __FILE__.

The behavior of Python's __file__ is much different than C's __FILE__. The C version will give you the original path of the source file. This is useful in logging errors and knowing which source file has the bug.

Python's __file__ only gives you the name of the currently executing file, which may not be very useful in log output.

Get current location of user in Android without using GPS or internet

Here possible to get the User current location Without the use of GPS and Network Provider.

1 . Convert cellLocation to real location (Latitude and Longitude), using ""

2.Click Here For Your Reference

Regular expressions inside SQL Server

SQL Wildcards are enough for this purpose. Follow this link:

you need to use a query like this:

select * from mytable where msisdn like '%7%'


select * from mytable where msisdn like '56655%'

PHP: How to remove all non printable characters in a string?

preg_replace('/(?!\n)[\p{Cc}]/', '', $response);

This will remove all the control characters ( leaving the \n newline characters. From my experience, the control characters are the ones that most often cause the printing issues.

Standard Android menu icons, for example refresh

You can get the icons from the android sdk they are in this folder


What is the difference between null=True and blank=True in Django?

Here is an example of the field with blank= True and null=True

description = models.TextField(blank=True, null= True)

In this case: blank = True: tells our form that it is ok to leave the description field blank


null = True: tells our database that it is ok to record a null value in our db field and not give an error.

Check that an email address is valid on iOS

to validate the email string you will need to write a regular expression to check it is in the correct form. there are plenty out on the web but be carefull as some can exclude what are actually legal addresses.

essentially it will look something like this


Actually checking if the email exists and doesn't bounce would mean sending an email and seeing what the result was. i.e. it bounced or it didn't. However it might not bounce for several hours or not at all and still not be a "real" email address. There are a number of services out there which purport to do this for you and would probably be paid for by you and quite frankly why bother to see if it is real?

It is good to check the user has not misspelt their email else they could enter it incorrectly, not realise it and then get hacked of with you for not replying. However if someone wants to add a bum email address there would be nothing to stop them creating it on hotmail or yahoo (or many other places) to gain the same end.

So do the regular expression and validate the structure but forget about validating against a service.

How to get the stream key for

This may be an old thread but I came across it and figured that I would give a final answer.

The twitch api is json based and to recieve your stream key you need to authorize your app for use with the api. You do so under the connections tab within your profile on itself.. Down the bottom of said tab there is "register your app" or something similar. Register it and you'll get a client-id header for your get requests.

Now you need to attach your Oauthv2 key to your headers or as a param during the query to the following get request.

curl -H 'Accept: application/vnd.twitchtv.v3+json' -H 'Authorization: OAuth ' \ -X GET

documentataion here

As you can see in the documentation above, if you've done these two things, your stream key will be made available to you.

As I said - Sorry for the bump but some people do find it hard to read the twitch* api.

Hope that helps somebody in the future.

How to compare oldValues and newValues on React Hooks useEffect?

I just published react-delta which solves this exact sort of scenario. In my opinion, useEffect has too many responsibilities.


  1. It compares all values in its dependency array using
  2. It runs effect/cleanup callbacks based on the result of #1

Breaking Up Responsibilities

react-delta breaks useEffect's responsibilities into several smaller hooks.

Responsibility #1

Responsibility #2

In my experience, this approach is more flexible, clean, and concise than useEffect/useRef solutions.

How to test code dependent on environment variables using JUnit?

One slow, dependable, old-school method that always works in every operating system with every language (and even between languages) is to write the "system/environment" data you need to a temporary text file, read it when you need it, and then erase it. Of course, if you're running in parallel, then you need unique names for the file, and if you're putting sensitive information in it, then you need to encrypt it.

Auto-increment primary key in SQL tables

Right-click on the table in SSMS, 'Design' it, and click on the id column. In the properties, set the identity to be seeded @ e.g. 1 and to have increment of 1 - save and you're done.

How to map an array of objects in React

I think you want to print the name of the person or both the name and email :

const renObjData =, idx) {
    return <p key={idx}>{}</p>;

or :

const renObjData =, idx) {
   return ([
       <p key={idx}>{}</p>,
       <p key={idx}>{}</p>,

How can I change the class of an element with jQuery>

      $('button').attr('class','btn btn-primary');
}); </script>

How to create a user in Django?

If you creat user normally, you will not be able to login as password creation method may b different You can use default signup form for that

from django.contrib.auth.forms import UserCreationForm

You can extend that also

from django.contrib.auth.forms import UserCreationForm

class UserForm(UserCreationForm):
    mobile = forms.CharField(max_length=15, min_length=10)
    email = forms.EmailField(required=True)
    class Meta:
        model = User
        fields = ['username', 'password', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'mobile' ]

Then in view use this class

class UserCreate(CreateView):
    form_class = UserForm
    template_name = 'registration/signup.html'
    success_url = reverse_lazy('list')

    def form_valid(self, form):
        user =

How to make `setInterval` behave more in sync, or how to use `setTimeout` instead?

According to your requirement

just show me a basic example of using setTimeout to loop something

we have following example which can help you

var itr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];_x000D_
var  interval = 1000; //one second_x000D_
itr.forEach((itr, index) => {_x000D_
  setTimeout(() => {_x000D_
  }, index * interval)_x000D_

top -c command in linux to filter processes listed based on processname

In htop, you can simply search with


An implementation of the fast Fourier transform (FFT) in C# is a free (open-source) library with Fast Fourier Transform support. (See Sources/Imaging/ComplexImage.cs for usage, Sources/Math/FourierTransform.cs for implemenation)

How to make a form close when pressing the escape key?

Paste this code into the "On Key Down" Property of your form, also make sure you set "Key Preview" Property to "Yes".

If KeyCode = vbKeyEscape Then DoCmd.Close acForm, "YOUR FORM NAME"

Bash ignoring error for a particular command

output=$(*command* 2>&1) && exit_status=$? || exit_status=$?
echo $output
echo $exit_status

Example of using this to create a log file

timestamp=$(date '+%D %T') #mm/dd/yy HH:MM:SS
echo -e "($timestamp) $event" >> "$log_file"

output=$(*command* 2>&1) && exit_status=$? || exit_status=$?

if [ "$exit_status" = 0 ]
        event="ERROR $output"

How to completely DISABLE any MOUSE CLICK

To disable all mouse click

var event = $(document).click(function(e) {
    return false;

// disable right click
$(document).bind('contextmenu', function(e) {
    return false;

to enable it again:


How to symbolicate crash log Xcode?

The easiest process to symbolicate crash logs:

  1. preserve the xcarchive file from the organizer during IPA building process for future use.
  2. When the crash occurs, collect the crash logs from affected device. The extension should be .crash. If the crash log is in .ips format, just rename it to .crash.
  3. Double click the xcarchive from the stored path to make it appear in organizer(if not present already).
  4. open in xcode window->devices and simulators -> view device logs -> all logs -> drag and drop the .crash file.

Wait for 5secs. Bang! the application calls in stack trace will be symbolicated! You may still see a lot of symbols though! those are internal library and framework calls.

This is the easiest one, tried and tested!

MySQL Calculate Percentage

try this

   SELECT group_name, employees, surveys, COUNT( surveys ) AS test1, 
        concat(round(( surveys/employees * 100 ),2),'%') AS percentage
    FROM a_test
    GROUP BY employees


Inserting created_at data with Laravel

$data = array();
$data['created_at'] =new \DateTime();

Check the current number of connections to MongoDb

You can just use


Also, this function can help you spot the IP addresses connected to your Mongo DB

db.currentOp(true).inprog.forEach(function(x) { print(x.client) })

How do I convert a IPython Notebook into a Python file via commandline?

You can do this from the IPython API.

from IPython.nbformat import current as nbformat
from IPython.nbconvert import PythonExporter

filepath = 'path/to/my_notebook.ipynb'
export_path = 'path/to/'

with open(filepath) as fh:
    nb = nbformat.reads_json(

exporter = PythonExporter()

# source is a tuple of python source code
# meta contains metadata
source, meta = exporter.from_notebook_node(nb)

with open(export_path, 'w+') as fh:

How to add onload event to a div element

Try this! And never use trigger twice on div!

You can define function to call before the div tag.


DEMO: jsfiddle

How to move files from one git repo to another (not a clone), preserving history

In my case, I didn't need to preserve the repo I was migrating from or preserve any previous history. I had a patch of the same branch, from a different remote

#Source directory
git remote rm origin
#Target directory
git remote add branch-name-from-old-repo ../source_directory

In those two steps, I was able to get the other repo's branch to appear in the same repo.

Finally, I set this branch (that I imported from the other repo) to follow the target repo's mainline (so I could diff them accurately)

git br --set-upstream-to=origin/mainline

Now it behaved as-if it was just another branch I had pushed against that same repo.

What does "javax.naming.NoInitialContextException" mean?

Just read the docs:

This exception is thrown when no initial context implementation can be created. The policy of how an initial context implementation is selected is described in the documentation of the InitialContext class.

This exception can be thrown during any interaction with the InitialContext, not only when the InitialContext is constructed. For example, the implementation of the initial context might lazily retrieve the context only when actual methods are invoked on it. The application should not have any dependency on when the existence of an initial context is determined.

But this is explained much better in the docs for InitialContext

Get unique values from a list in python

I am surprised that nobody so far has given a direct order-preserving answer:

def unique(sequence):
    """Generate unique items from sequence in the order of first occurrence."""
    seen = set()
    for value in sequence:
        if value in seen:


        yield value

It will generate the values so it works with more than just lists, e.g. unique(range(10)). To get a list, just call list(unique(sequence)), like this:

>>> list(unique([u'nowplaying', u'PBS', u'PBS', u'nowplaying', u'job', u'debate', u'thenandnow']))
[u'nowplaying', u'PBS', u'job', u'debate', u'thenandnow']

It has the requirement that each item is hashable and not just comparable, but most stuff in Python is and it is O(n) and not O(n^2), so will work just fine with a long list.

How to set an iframe src attribute from a variable in AngularJS

this way i follow and its work for me fine, may it will works for you,

<iframe class="img-responsive" src="{{pdfLoc| trustThisUrl }}" ng-style="{
                height: iframeHeight * 0.75 + 'px'
            }" style="width:100%"></iframe>

here trustThisUrl is just filter,

angular.module("app").filter('trustThisUrl', ["$sce", function ($sce) {
        return function (val) {
            return $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(val);

How to retrieve value from elements in array using jQuery?

to read an array, you can also utilize "each" method of jQuery:

$.each($("input[name^='card']"), function(index, val){
    console.log(index + " : " + val);

bonus: you can also read objects through this method.


How do I grep for all non-ASCII characters?

Searching for non-printable chars. TLDR; Executive Summary

  1. search for control chars AND extended unicode
  2. locale setting e.g. LC_ALL=C needed to make grep do what you might expect with extended unicode

SO the preferred non-ascii char finders:

$ perl -ne 'print "$. $_" if m/[\x00-\x08\x0E-\x1F\x80-\xFF]/' notes_unicode_emoji_test

as in top answer, the inverse grep:

$ grep --color='auto' -P -n "[^\x00-\x7F]" notes_unicode_emoji_test

as in top answer but WITH LC_ALL=C:

$ LC_ALL=C grep --color='auto' -P -n "[\x80-\xFF]" notes_unicode_emoji_test

. . more . . excruciating detail on this: . . .

I agree with Harvey above buried in the comments, it is often more useful to search for non-printable characters OR it is easy to think non-ASCII when you really should be thinking non-printable. Harvey suggests "use this: "[^\n -~]". Add \r for DOS text files. That translates to "[^\x0A\x020-\x07E]" and add \x0D for CR"

Also, adding -c (show count of patterns matched) to grep is useful when searching for non-printable chars as the strings matched can mess up terminal.

I found adding range 0-8 and 0x0e-0x1f (to the 0x80-0xff range) is a useful pattern. This excludes the TAB, CR and LF and one or two more uncommon printable chars. So IMHO a quite a useful (albeit crude) grep pattern is THIS one:

grep -c -P -n "[\x00-\x08\x0E-\x1F\x80-\xFF]" *

ACTUALLY, generally you will need to do this:

LC_ALL=C grep -c -P -n "[\x00-\x08\x0E-\x1F\x80-\xFF]" *


LC_ALL=C - set locale to C, otherwise many extended chars will not match (even though they look like they are encoded > 0x80)
\x00-\x08 - non-printable control chars 0 - 7 decimal
\x0E-\x1F - more non-printable control chars 14 - 31 decimal
\x80-1xFF - non-printable chars > 128 decimal
-c - print count of matching lines instead of lines
-P - perl style regexps

Instead of -c you may prefer to use -n (and optionally -b) or -l
-n, --line-number
-b, --byte-offset
-l, --files-with-matches

E.g. practical example of use find to grep all files under current directory:

LC_ALL=C find . -type f -exec grep -c -P -n "[\x00-\x08\x0E-\x1F\x80-\xFF]" {} + 

You may wish to adjust the grep at times. e.g. BS(0x08 - backspace) char used in some printable files or to exclude VT(0x0B - vertical tab). The BEL(0x07) and ESC(0x1B) chars can also be deemed printable in some cases.

Non-Printable ASCII Chars
** marks PRINTABLE but CONTROL chars that is useful to exclude sometimes
Dec   Hex Ctrl Char description           Dec Hex Ctrl Char description
0     00  ^@  NULL                        16  10  ^P  DATA LINK ESCAPE (DLE)
1     01  ^A  START OF HEADING (SOH)      17  11  ^Q  DEVICE CONTROL 1 (DC1)
2     02  ^B  START OF TEXT (STX)         18  12  ^R  DEVICE CONTROL 2 (DC2)
3     03  ^C  END OF TEXT (ETX)           19  13  ^S  DEVICE CONTROL 3 (DC3)
4     04  ^D  END OF TRANSMISSION (EOT)   20  14  ^T  DEVICE CONTROL 4 (DC4)
5     05  ^E  END OF QUERY (ENQ)          21  15  ^U  NEGATIVE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (NAK)
6     06  ^F  ACKNOWLEDGE (ACK)           22  16  ^V  SYNCHRONIZE (SYN)
7     07  ^G  BEEP (BEL)                  23  17  ^W  END OF TRANSMISSION BLOCK (ETB)
8     08  ^H  BACKSPACE (BS)**            24  18  ^X  CANCEL (CAN)
9     09  ^I  HORIZONTAL TAB (HT)**       25  19  ^Y  END OF MEDIUM (EM)
10    0A  ^J  LINE FEED (LF)**            26  1A  ^Z  SUBSTITUTE (SUB)
11    0B  ^K  VERTICAL TAB (VT)**         27  1B  ^[  ESCAPE (ESC)
12    0C  ^L  FF (FORM FEED)**            28  1C  ^\  FILE SEPARATOR (FS) RIGHT ARROW
14    0E  ^N  SO (SHIFT OUT)              30  1E  ^^  RECORD SEPARATOR (RS) UP ARROW
15    0F  ^O  SI (SHIFT IN)               31  1F  ^_  UNIT SEPARATOR (US) DOWN ARROW

UPDATE: I had to revisit this recently. And, YYMV depending on terminal settings/solar weather forecast BUT . . I noticed that grep was not finding many unicode or extended characters. Even though intuitively they should match the range 0x80 to 0xff, 3 and 4 byte unicode characters were not matched. ??? Can anyone explain this? YES. @frabjous asked and @calandoa explained that LC_ALL=C should be used to set locale for the command to make grep match.

e.g. my locale LC_ALL= empty

$ locale

grep with LC_ALL= empty matches 2 byte encoded chars but not 3 and 4 byte encoded:

$ grep -P -n "[\x00-\x08\x0E-\x1F\x80-\xFF]" notes_unicode_emoji_test
5:© copyright c2a9
7:call  underscore c2a0
31:5 © copyright
32:7 call  underscore

grep with LC_ALL=C does seem to match all extended characters that you would want:

$ LC_ALL=C grep --color='auto' -P -n "[\x80-\xFF]" notes_unicode_emoji_test  
1:???? unicode dashes e28090
3:??? Heart With Arrow Emoji - Emojipedia == UTF8? f09f9298
5:? copyright c2a9
7:call? underscore c2a0
11:LIVE??E! ?????????? ???? ?????????? ???? ?? ?? ???? ????  YEOW, mix of japanese and chars from other e38182 e38184 . . e0a487
29:1 ???? unicode dashes
30:3 ??? Heart With Arrow Emoji - Emojipedia == UTF8 e28090
31:5 ? copyright
32:7 call? underscore
33:11 LIVE??E! ?????????? ???? ?????????? ???? ?? ?? ???? ????  YEOW, mix of japanese and chars from other
34:52 LIVE??E! ?????????? ???? ?????????? ???? ?? ?? ???? ????  YEOW, mix of japanese and chars from other
81:LIVE??E! ?????????? ???? ?????????? ???? ?? ?? ???? ????  YEOW, mix of japanese and chars from other

THIS perl match (partially found elsewhere on stackoverflow) OR the inverse grep on the top answer DO seem to find ALL the ~weird~ and ~wonderful~ "non-ascii" characters without setting locale:

$ grep --color='auto' -P -n "[^\x00-\x7F]" notes_unicode_emoji_test

$ perl -ne 'print "$. $_" if m/[\x00-\x08\x0E-\x1F\x80-\xFF]/' notes_unicode_emoji_test  

1 -- unicode dashes e28090
3  Heart With Arrow Emoji - Emojipedia == UTF8? f09f9298
5 © copyright c2a9
7 call  underscore c2a0
11 LIVE-E! ????? ?? ????? ?? ? ? ?? ??  YEOW, mix of japanese and chars from other e38182 e38184 . . e0a487
29 1 -- unicode dashes
30 3  Heart With Arrow Emoji - Emojipedia == UTF8 e28090
31 5 © copyright
32 7 call  underscore
33 11 LIVE-E! ????? ?? ????? ?? ? ? ?? ??  YEOW, mix of japanese and chars from other
34 52 LIVE-E! ????? ?? ????? ?? ? ? ?? ??  YEOW, mix of japanese and chars from other
73 LIVE-E! ????? ?? ????? ?? ? ? ?? ??  YEOW, mix of japanese and chars from other

SO the preferred non-ascii char finders:

$ perl -ne 'print "$. $_" if m/[\x00-\x08\x0E-\x1F\x80-\xFF]/' notes_unicode_emoji_test

as in top answer, the inverse grep:

$ grep --color='auto' -P -n "[^\x00-\x7F]" notes_unicode_emoji_test

as in top answer but WITH LC_ALL=C:

$ LC_ALL=C grep --color='auto' -P -n "[\x80-\xFF]" notes_unicode_emoji_test

ORDER BY date and time BEFORE GROUP BY name in mysql

This worked for me:

FROM your_table
    SELECT MAX(id)
    FROM your_table
    GROUP BY name

Trying to fire the onload event on script tag

You should set the src attribute after the onload event, f.ex:

el.onload = function() { //...
el.src = script;

You should also append the script to the DOM before attaching the onload event:

el.onload = function() { //...
el.src = script;

Remember that you need to check readystate for IE support. If you are using jQuery, you can also try the getScript() method:

Convert Long into Integer

try this:

Int i = Long.valueOf(L)// L: Long Value

How to check syslog in Bash on Linux?

On Fedora 19, it looks like the answer is /var/log/messages. Although check /etc/rsyslog.conf if it has been changed.

jQuery multiple conditions within if statement


if (!(i == 'InvKey' || i == 'PostDate')) {


if (i != 'InvKey' || i != 'PostDate') {

that says if i does not equals InvKey OR PostDate

Is there a Max function in SQL Server that takes two values like Math.Max in .NET?

For SQL Server 2012:

    IIF( o.NegotiatedPrice >= o.SuggestedPrice,
         ISNULL(o.SuggestedPrice, o.NegiatedPrice) 
    Order o

How to print a query string with parameter values when using Hibernate

All of the answers here are helpful, but if you're using a Spring application context XML to setup your session factory, setting the log4j SQL level variable only gets you part of the way there, you also have to set the hibernate.show_sql variable in the app context itself to get Hibernate to start actually showing the values.

ApplicationContext.xml has:

<property name="hibernateProperties">
            ... <!-- Other parameter values here -->

And your log4j file needs

Best Practice: Initialize JUnit class fields in setUp() or at declaration?

I prefer readability first which most often does not use the setup method. I make an exception when a basic setup operation takes a long time and is repeated within each test.
At that point I move that functionality into a setup method using the @BeforeClass annotation (optimize later).

Example of optimization using the @BeforeClass setup method: I use dbunit for some database functional tests. The setup method is responsible for putting the database in a known state (very slow... 30 seconds - 2 minutes depending on amount of data). I load this data in the setup method annotated with @BeforeClass and then run 10-20 tests against the same set of data as opposed to re-loading/initializing the database inside each test.

Using Junit 3.8 (extending TestCase as shown in your example) requires writing a little more code than just adding an annotation, but the "run once before class setup" is still possible.

What is the purpose of Node.js module.exports and how do you use it?

the refer link is like this:

exports = module.exports = function(){

the properties of exports or module.exports ,such as functions or variables , will be exposed outside

there is something you must pay more attention : don't override exports .

why ?

because exports just the reference of module.exports , you can add the properties onto the exports ,but if you override the exports , the reference link will be broken .

good example : = 'william';

exports.getName = function(){

bad example :

exports = 'william';

exports = function(){

If you just want to exposed only one function or variable , like this:

// test.js
var name = 'william';

module.exports = function(){

// index.js
var test = require('./test');

this module only exposed one function and the property of name is private for the outside .

How to get streaming url from online streaming radio station

not that hard,

if you take a look at the page source, you'll see that it uses to stream the audio via shoutcast.

this is the stream url

"StreamUrl": "",

which returns a JSON like that:

    "Streams": [
            "StreamId": 3244651,
            "Reliability": 92,
            "Bandwidth": 64,
            "HasPlaylist": false,
            "MediaType": "MP3",
            "Url": "",
            "Type": "Live"

i believe that's the url you need:

this is the station WebSite

One or more types required to compile a dynamic expression cannot be found. Are you missing references to Microsoft.CSharp.dll and System.Core.dll?

I had the same issue except removing and adding the reference back did not fix the error, so I changed .Net version from 4.5 to 4.5.1.

To achieve this go to your web.config file and change the following lines

<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.5" />
<httpRuntime targetFramework="4.5" />

to this

<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.5.1" />
<httpRuntime targetFramework="4.5.1" />

and rebuild.

Customize UITableView header section

Try this......

override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, willDisplayHeaderView view: UIView, forSection section: Int) 
    // Background view is at index 0, content view at index 1
    if let bgView = view.subviews[0] as? UIView
        // do your stuff

    view.layer.borderColor = UIColor.magentaColor().CGColor
    view.layer.borderWidth = 1

Simple Digit Recognition OCR in OpenCV-Python

OCR which stands for Optical Character Recognition is a computer vision technique used to identify the different types of handwritten digits that are used in common mathematics. To perform OCR in OpenCV we will use the KNN algorithm which detects the nearest k neighbors of a particular data point and then classifies that data point based on the class type detected for n neighbors.

Data Used

This data contains 5000 handwritten digits where there are 500 digits for every type of digit. Each digit is of 20×20 pixel dimensions. We will split the data such that 250 digits are for training and 250 digits are for testing for every class.

Below is the implementation.

import numpy as np
import cv2
# Read the image
image = cv2.imread('digits.png')
# gray scale conversion
gray_img = cv2.cvtColor(image,
# We will divide the image
# into 5000 small dimensions 
# of size 20x20
divisions = list(np.hsplit(i,100) for i in np.vsplit(gray_img,50))
# Convert into Numpy array
# of size (50,100,20,20)
NP_array = np.array(divisions)
# Preparing train_data
# and test_data.
# Size will be (2500,20x20)
train_data = NP_array[:,:50].reshape(-1,400).astype(np.float32)
# Size will be (2500,20x20)
test_data = NP_array[:,50:100].reshape(-1,400).astype(np.float32)
# Create 10 different labels 
# for each type of digit
k = np.arange(10)
train_labels = np.repeat(k,250)[:,np.newaxis]
test_labels = np.repeat(k,250)[:,np.newaxis]
# Initiate kNN classifier
knn =
# perform training of data
# obtain the output from the
# classifier by specifying the
# number of neighbors.
ret, output ,neighbours,
distance = knn.findNearest(test_data, k = 3)
# Check the performance and
# accuracy of the classifier.
# Compare the output with test_labels
# to find out how many are wrong.
matched = output==test_labels
correct_OP = np.count_nonzero(matched)
#Calculate the accuracy.
accuracy = (correct_OP*100.0)/(output.size)
# Display accuracy.



Well, I decided to workout myself on my question to solve the above problem. What I wanted is to implement a simple OCR using KNearest or SVM features in OpenCV. And below is what I did and how. (it is just for learning how to use KNearest for simple OCR purposes).

1) My first question was about file that comes with OpenCV samples. I wanted to know what is inside that file.

It contains a letter, along with 16 features of that letter.

And this SOF helped me to find it. These 16 features are explained in the paper Letter Recognition Using Holland-Style Adaptive Classifiers. (Although I didn't understand some of the features at the end)

2) Since I knew, without understanding all those features, it is difficult to do that method. I tried some other papers, but all were a little difficult for a beginner.

So I just decided to take all the pixel values as my features. (I was not worried about accuracy or performance, I just wanted it to work, at least with the least accuracy)

I took the below image for my training data:

enter image description here

(I know the amount of training data is less. But, since all letters are of the same font and size, I decided to try on this).

To prepare the data for training, I made a small code in OpenCV. It does the following things:

  1. It loads the image.
  2. Selects the digits (obviously by contour finding and applying constraints on area and height of letters to avoid false detections).
  3. Draws the bounding rectangle around one letter and wait for key press manually. This time we press the digit key ourselves corresponding to the letter in the box.
  4. Once the corresponding digit key is pressed, it resizes this box to 10x10 and saves all 100 pixel values in an array (here, samples) and corresponding manually entered digit in another array(here, responses).
  5. Then save both the arrays in separate .txt files.

At the end of the manual classification of digits, all the digits in the training data (train.png) are labeled manually by ourselves, image will look like below:

enter image description here

Below is the code I used for the above purpose (of course, not so clean):

import sys

import numpy as np
import cv2

im = cv2.imread('pitrain.png')
im3 = im.copy()

gray = cv2.cvtColor(im,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray,(5,5),0)
thresh = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(blur,255,1,1,11,2)

#################      Now finding Contours         ###################

contours,hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh,cv2.RETR_LIST,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)

samples =  np.empty((0,100))
responses = []
keys = [i for i in range(48,58)]

for cnt in contours:
    if cv2.contourArea(cnt)>50:
        [x,y,w,h] = cv2.boundingRect(cnt)
        if  h>28:
            roi = thresh[y:y+h,x:x+w]
            roismall = cv2.resize(roi,(10,10))
            key = cv2.waitKey(0)

            if key == 27:  # (escape to quit)
            elif key in keys:
                sample = roismall.reshape((1,100))
                samples = np.append(samples,sample,0)

responses = np.array(responses,np.float32)
responses = responses.reshape((responses.size,1))
print "training complete"


Now we enter in to training and testing part.

For the testing part, I used the below image, which has the same type of letters I used for the training phase.

enter image description here

For training we do as follows:

  1. Load the .txt files we already saved earlier
  2. create an instance of the classifier we are using (it is KNearest in this case)
  3. Then we use KNearest.train function to train the data

For testing purposes, we do as follows:

  1. We load the image used for testing
  2. process the image as earlier and extract each digit using contour methods
  3. Draw a bounding box for it, then resize it to 10x10, and store its pixel values in an array as done earlier.
  4. Then we use KNearest.find_nearest() function to find the nearest item to the one we gave. ( If lucky, it recognizes the correct digit.)

I included last two steps (training and testing) in single code below:

import cv2
import numpy as np

#######   training part    ############### 
samples = np.loadtxt('',np.float32)
responses = np.loadtxt('',np.float32)
responses = responses.reshape((responses.size,1))

model = cv2.KNearest()

############################# testing part  #########################

im = cv2.imread('pi.png')
out = np.zeros(im.shape,np.uint8)
gray = cv2.cvtColor(im,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
thresh = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(gray,255,1,1,11,2)

contours,hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh,cv2.RETR_LIST,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)

for cnt in contours:
    if cv2.contourArea(cnt)>50:
        [x,y,w,h] = cv2.boundingRect(cnt)
        if  h>28:
            roi = thresh[y:y+h,x:x+w]
            roismall = cv2.resize(roi,(10,10))
            roismall = roismall.reshape((1,100))
            roismall = np.float32(roismall)
            retval, results, neigh_resp, dists = model.find_nearest(roismall, k = 1)
            string = str(int((results[0][0])))


And it worked, below is the result I got:

enter image description here

Here it worked with 100% accuracy. I assume this is because all the digits are of the same kind and the same size.

But anyway, this is a good start to go for beginners (I hope so).

Python can't find module in the same folder

Change your import in to:

from .hello import hello1

How do I check if a number is a palindrome?

checkPalindrome(int number)
    int lsd, msd,len;
    len = log10(number);
        msd = (number/pow(10,len)); // "most significant digit"
        lsd = number%10; // "least significant digit"
            number/=10; // change of LSD
            number-=msd*pow(10,--len); // change of MSD, due to change of MSD
            len-=1; // due to change in LSD
            } else {return 1;}
    return 0;

How do I create a transparent Activity on Android?

Note 1:In Drawable folder create test.xml and copy the following code

   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android=""
    android:shape="rectangle" >

    <stroke android:width="2dp" />

        android:startColor="#29000000" />

        android:topRightRadius="7dp" />


// Note: Corners and shape is as per your requirement.

// Note 2:Create xml:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
        android:orientation="vertical" >

            android:orientation="vertical" >

How to display the function, procedure, triggers source code in postgresql?

Here are few examples from PostgreSQL-9.5

Display list:

  1. Functions: \df+
  2. Triggers : \dy+

Display Definition:

postgres=# \sf
function name is required

postgres=# \sf pg_reload_conf()
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_catalog.pg_reload_conf()
 RETURNS boolean
 LANGUAGE internal
AS $function$pg_reload_conf$function$

postgres=# \sf pg_encoding_to_char
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_catalog.pg_encoding_to_char(integer)
 LANGUAGE internal
AS $function$PG_encoding_to_char$function$

String concatenation in Ruby

Concatenation you say? How about #concat method then?

a = 'foo'
a.object_id #=> some number
a.concat 'bar' #=> foobar
a.object_id #=> same as before -- string a remains the same object

In all fairness, concat is aliased as <<.

Jersey client: How to add a list as query parameter

One could use the queryParam method, passing it parameter name and an array of values:

    public WebTarget queryParam(String name, Object... values);

Example (jersey-client 2.23.2):

    WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient().target(URI.create("http://localhost"));
            .queryParam("param_name", Arrays.asList("paramVal1", "paramVal2").toArray())

This will issue request to following URL:


Print a list in reverse order with range()?

You don't necessarily need to use the range function, you can simply do list[::-1] which should return the list in reversed order swiftly, without using any additions.

How to replace a character from a String in SQL?

UPDATE databaseName.tableName
SET columnName = replace(columnName, '?', '''')
WHERE columnName LIKE '%?%'

How to add 20 minutes to a current date?

you have a lot of answers in the post

var d1 = new Date (),
d2 = new Date ( d1 );
d2.setMinutes ( d1.getMinutes() + 20 );
alert ( d2 );

Does C have a "foreach" loop construct?

C doesn't have a foreach, but macros are frequently used to emulate that:

#define for_each_item(item, list) \
    for(T * item = list->head; item != NULL; item = item->next)

And can be used like

for_each_item(i, processes) {

Iteration over an array is also possible:

#define foreach(item, array) \
    for(int keep = 1, \
            count = 0,\
            size = sizeof (array) / sizeof *(array); \
        keep && count != size; \
        keep = !keep, count++) \
      for(item = (array) + count; keep; keep = !keep)

And can be used like

int values[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
foreach(int *v, values) {
    printf("value: %d\n", *v);

Edit: In case you are also interested in C++ solutions, C++ has a native for-each syntax called "range based for"

Can't find/install

Your problem comes from the 32/64 bit version of your JDK/JRE... Your shared lib is searched for a 32 bit version.

Your default JDK is a 32 bit version. Try to install a 64 bit one by default and relaunch your `.sh file.

How to call URL action in MVC with javascript function?


var url = '/Home/Index/' + e.value;
 window.location = + url; 

That should get you where you want.

Passing an integer by reference in Python

The correct answer, is to use a class and put the value inside the class, this lets you pass by reference exactly as you desire.

class Thing:
  def __init__(self,a):
    self.a = a
def dosomething(ref)
  ref.a += 1

t = Thing(3)
print("T is now",t.a)

How to detect control+click in Javascript from an onclick div attribute?

You cannot detect if a key is down after it's been pressed. You can only monitor key events in js. In your case I'd suggest changing onclick with a key press event and then detecting if it's the control key by event keycode, and then you can add your click event.

How to get parameters from the URL with JSP

request.getParameter("accountID") is what you're looking for. This is part of the Java Servlet API. See for more information.

Extract elements of list at odd positions

I like List comprehensions because of their Math (Set) syntax. So how about this:

L = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
odd_numbers = [y for x,y in enumerate(L) if x%2 != 0]
even_numbers = [y for x,y in enumerate(L) if x%2 == 0]

Basically, if you enumerate over a list, you'll get the index x and the value y. What I'm doing here is putting the value y into the output list (even or odd) and using the index x to find out if that point is odd (x%2 != 0).

Default visibility for C# classes and members (fields, methods, etc.)?

By default is private. Unless they're nested, classes are internal.

two divs the same line, one dynamic width, one fixed


<div id="parent">
  <div class="right"></div>
  <div class="left"></div>

(div.right needs to be before div.left in the HTML markup)


.right {

CSS text-overflow in a table cell?

If you just want the table to auto-layout

Without using max-width, or percentage column widths, or table-layout: fixed etc.

How it works:

Step 1: Just let the table auto-layout do its thing.

When there's one or more columns with a lot of text, it will shrink the other columns as much as possible, then wrap the text of the long columns:

enter image description here

Step 2: Wrap cell contents in a div, then set that div to max-height: 1.1em

(the extra 0.1em is for characters which render a bit below the text base, like the tail of 'g' and 'y')

enter image description here

Step 3: Set title on the divs

This is good for accessibility, and is necessary for the little trick we'll use in a moment.

enter image description here

Step 4: Add a CSS ::after on the div

This is the tricky bit. We set a CSS ::after, with content: attr(title), then position that on top of the div and set text-overflow: ellipsis. I've coloured it red here to make it clear.

(Note how the long column now has a tailing ellipsis)

enter image description here

Step 5: Set the colour of the div text to transparent

And we're done!

enter image description here

How do I stop a web page from scrolling to the top when a link is clicked that triggers JavaScript?

Link to something more sensible than the top of the page in the first place. Then cancel the default event.

See rule 2 of pragmatic progressive enhancement.

What are the "standard unambiguous date" formats for string-to-date conversion in R?

Converting the date without specifying the current format can bring this error to you easily.

Here is an example:

sdate <- "2015.10.10"

Convert without specifying the Format:

date <- as.Date(sdate4) # ==> This will generate the same error"""Error in charToDate(x): character string is not in a standard unambiguous format""".

Convert with specified Format:

date <- as.Date(sdate4, format = "%Y.%m.%d") # ==> Error Free Date Conversion.

How do I put all required JAR files in a library folder inside the final JAR file with Maven?



How can I listen for a click-and-hold in jQuery?

I wrote some code to make it easy

//Add custom event listener_x000D_
$(':root').on('mousedown', '*', function() {_x000D_
    var el = $(this),_x000D_
        events = $._data(this, 'events');_x000D_
    if (events && events.clickHold) {_x000D_
                function() {_x000D_
}).on('mouseup mouseleave mousemove', '*', function() {_x000D_
//Attach it to the element_x000D_
$('#HoldListener').data('clickHoldTimeout', 2000); //Time to hold_x000D_
$('#HoldListener').on('clickHold', function() {_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<img src="" id="HoldListener">

See on JSFiddle

Now you need just to set the time of holding and add clickHold event on your element

What is code coverage and how do YOU measure it?

Code coverage is a measurement of how many lines/blocks/arcs of your code are executed while the automated tests are running.

Code coverage is collected by using a specialized tool to instrument the binaries to add tracing calls and run a full set of automated tests against the instrumented product. A good tool will give you not only the percentage of the code that is executed, but also will allow you to drill into the data and see exactly which lines of code were executed during a particular test.

Our team uses Magellan - an in-house set of code coverage tools. If you are a .NET shop, Visual Studio has integrated tools to collect code coverage. You can also roll some custom tools, like this article describes.

If you are a C++ shop, Intel has some tools that run for Windows and Linux, though I haven't used them. I've also heard there's the gcov tool for GCC, but I don't know anything about it and can't give you a link.

As to how we use it - code coverage is one of our exit criteria for each milestone. We have actually three code coverage metrics - coverage from unit tests (from the development team), scenario tests (from the test team) and combined coverage.

BTW, while code coverage is a good metric of how much testing you are doing, it is not necessarily a good metric of how well you are testing your product. There are other metrics you should use along with code coverage to ensure the quality.

Onclick function based on element id

Make sure your code is in DOM Ready as pointed by rocket-hazmat


  //do something

document.getElementById("RootNode").onclick = function(){//do something}


Use event Delegation/

$(document).on("click", "#RootNode", function(){
   //do something


Wrap Code in Dom Ready

     //do something

When do we need curly braces around shell variables?

The end of the variable name is usually signified by a space or newline. But what if we don't want a space or newline after printing the variable value? The curly braces tell the shell interpreter where the end of the variable name is.

Classic Example 1) - shell variable without trailing whitespace


# WRONG: no such variable called 'TIMEsecs'
echo "Time taken = $TIMEsecs"

# What we want is $TIME followed by "secs" with no whitespace between the two.
echo "Time taken = ${TIME}secs"

Example 2) Java classpath with versioned jars

# WRONG - no such variable LATESTVERSION_src


(Fred's answer already states this but his example is a bit too abstract)

Open URL in same window and in same tab

You can do


and it worked successfully on my website.

CSS: Position text in the middle of the page

Try this CSS:

h1 {
    left: 0;
    line-height: 200px;
    margin-top: -100px;
    position: absolute;
    text-align: center;
    top: 50%;
    width: 100%;
